set theory Crossword Puzzles

Science Vocabulary Chapter 1 2024-08-28

Science Vocabulary Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A model that explains a related set of phenomena; can be used to predict unobserved aspects of the phenomena
  2. The study of nonliving matter and energy
  3. God's commandment that directs us to exercise wise dominion over His creation to God's glory for the benefit of humans
  4. A system of moral values; a theory of paper conduct
  5. The degree of exactness of a measurement; can indicate the closeness of a repeatability of measurements
  6. Data that is based on numbers or quantities; includes a number and a unit; also known as qualitative data
  1. The comparison of a measurement to an accepted or expected value
  2. The basis upon which a model is assessed, taking into account how well it explains a set of observations
  3. A standardized system of measurement units used for science. SI stands for International System of Units
  4. The systematic study of the universe that produces observation, inferences, and models
  5. An ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world
  6. The study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
  7. A model, often expressed as a mathematical equation, that describes phenomena under certain conditions
  8. An initial, testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides scientific investigation
  9. The study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter and the changes that take place in the matter
  10. A workable explanation or description of a phenomenon

16 Clues: The study of nonliving matter and energyA system of moral values; a theory of paper conductA workable explanation or description of a phenomenonThe comparison of a measurement to an accepted or expected valueThe study of matter and energy and the interactions between themAn ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world...

Personal Health Behaviors 2017-10-05

Personal Health Behaviors crossword puzzle
  1. Theory at a
  2. developed the HBM
  3. Sam's story linked behavior and
  4. Belief about getting a disease or condition
  5. developed transtheoretical model
  6. building blocks of a theory
  7. theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behavior is based on
  8. has a shape and boundaries
  9. taking initial steps to change behavior in the next 30 days
  10. sustaining behavior change that occurred in the last 6 months
  11. behavior has become a part of everyday life for at least 2 years
  12. An individual's perception of social norms or his/her peers' beliefs about a behavior
  13. Belief about the potential negative aspects of a particular health action
  1. type of theory
  2. actively engaged in behavior change in next 30 days but not 6 months
  3. to Action Factors which trigger action
  4. precaution adoption process
  5. decided not to act
  6. Belief that one can achieve the behavior required to execute the outcome
  7. unawareness or denial of problem.
  8. considering behavior change
  9. oldest theory used in health behavior
  10. Belief about the seriousness of the conditioned
  11. belief about the potential positive aspects of health action
  12. measures constructs
  13. combination of constructs, theories
  14. Belief about the potential positive aspects of a health action

27 Clues: Theory at atype of theorydeveloped the HBMdecided not to actmeasures constructshas a shape and boundariesprecaution adoption processbuilding blocks of a theoryconsidering behavior changeSam's story linked behavior anddeveloped transtheoretical modelunawareness or denial of problem.combination of constructs, theories...

Statistics 2015-12-03

Statistics crossword puzzle
  1. the most common value in a data set
  2. measurement scale with order, differences between values and no natural zero point
  3. a theory or belief about a population
  4. method of sampling where a group is selected by location
  5. the sum of the values divided by the number of values
  1. the middle value in a data set
  2. one fourth of the data values
  3. distribution that shows the number of successes over time
  4. type I error

9 Clues: type I errorone fourth of the data valuesthe middle value in a data setthe most common value in a data seta theory or belief about a populationthe sum of the values divided by the number of valuesmethod of sampling where a group is selected by locationdistribution that shows the number of successes over time...

Jill Cody - 5.1 Application 2023-09-20

Jill Cody - 5.1 Application crossword puzzle
  1. where Copernicus was from
  2. earth centered theory
  3. Newton's most famous publication
  4. supported Copernicus' theory
  5. step by step process for scientists to use
  6. when William Harvey discovered how blood circulates in the body
  7. sun centered theory
  1. developed microscope
  2. scientific method
  3. observing an apple falling from a tree
  4. when did the scientific revolution happen?
  5. theory of blood circulation
  6. laws of gravity
  7. developed telescope
  8. heliocentric theory

15 Clues: laws of gravityscientific methoddeveloped telescopeheliocentric theorysun centered theorydeveloped microscopeearth centered theorywhere Copernicus was fromtheory of blood circulationsupported Copernicus' theoryNewton's most famous publicationobserving an apple falling from a treewhen did the scientific revolution happen?...

Science Vocabulary Cross Word 2024-09-03

Science Vocabulary Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. The degreee of exactnes of a measurement; can indicate the closeness or repeatability of measuremnts
  2. God's command that directs us to exercise wise and good dominion over His creation to the glory of God and for the benefit of fellow humans
  3. The basis upon which a model is assessed, taking into account how well it explains or describes a set of observations and how well the model makes predictions
  4. Standardized system of measurement units used for science
  5. The comparison of a measurement to an accepted or expected value
  6. A model that explains a related set of phenomenon
  7. A workable explanation or description of a phenomenon
  8. The Study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter,and the changes that take place in matter.
  9. The systematic study of the universe hat produces observations, inferences, and models, including the products that it creates through this systematic temperature
  10. A system of moral values, a theory of proper conduct
  1. The study of nonliving matter and energy
  2. An ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world
  3. A model, often expressed as a mathematical equation, that describes phenomena under certain conditions
  4. Data that is based on numbers or quantities; includes a number a unit; also known as quantitative data
  5. An initial, testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides scientific investigation
  6. The study of matter and energy and the interactions between them

16 Clues: The study of nonliving matter and energyA model that explains a related set of phenomenonA system of moral values, a theory of proper conductA workable explanation or description of a phenomenonStandardized system of measurement units used for scienceThe comparison of a measurement to an accepted or expected value...

sociology puzzle 2022-01-29

sociology puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A framework for understanding our social reality within a broader context
  2. A set of assumptions about reality including questions with possible outcomes.
  3. The study of interactions within, and between societies
  4. arrangement human beings use to interact with each other.
  1. Convictions people hold to be true.
  2. The pioneer of Mexican-American studies.
  3. An influential black leader who preached a self help theory.
  4. Seeing past the social structures and instead questioning them.
  5. The inequalities that exists among all societies.
  6. Customs a particular set of people have.
  7. A society is functions with logic and reason.
  8. The study of human development, structure, and functioning within a society.

12 Clues: Convictions people hold to be true.The pioneer of Mexican-American studies.Customs a particular set of people have.A society is functions with logic and reason.The inequalities that exists among all societies.The study of interactions within, and between societiesarrangement human beings use to interact with each other....

industrial organization 2024-03-16

industrial organization crossword puzzle
  1. - process of deciding what to do and then getting it done through the effective use of resources.
  2. SCALE - requires a person to rate that one individual they would least want to work with
  3. – he states that every person has one of three main driving motivators the needs for achievement, affiliation, or power.,
  4. GOAL THEORY - Leaders define the path that should be followed by their team to achieve goals
  5. MANAGEMENT - the control and operations of various marketing activities and the people involved in those activities.
  6. - The top level usually consists of top executives, and each subsequent level represents lower levels of authority and responsibility.
  7. - is a group of people working together to achieve a common goals or set of goals.
  8. Level - Ensure team members have the necessary skills, including being able to handle various tasks.
  9. - Guiding and motivating team
  10. - is the process of making arrangements in the form of defined or understood responsibilities and relationships to enable those people to work cooperatively together.
  11. – Avoid overwhelm and unnecessary stress and frustration by making the goals
  12. - a set of parts that interact to form a complex whole
  13. - consists of a statement or an understanding of what the organization or a part of it wants to become, where it wants to go and, broadly, how it means to get there.
  14. THEORY - Leader`s effectiveness depends on leadership style and favorableness of situation
  15. - it describes a vision of what something will look like in a few years’ time
  16. – scientist who defines bureaucracy theory
  17. Goals - Make sure everyone understands what the team needs to achieve.
  18. Level - Relate specifically to the team's purpose and its contribution to broader goals.
  19. MODERN SCHOOL - dominates thinking about how organizations function
  20. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - field that focuses on the effective management of an organization's workforce.
  21. - scheduling and prioritizing the work required
  22. – something that has to be accomplished
  23. uncontrollable informal relations.
  24. THEORY – the focus shifted to the behavior of people in organization.
  25. Capability - the capacity to create an achievable vision for the envisage options, to select sound courses of action, and to challenge the status quo.
  26. management - is the process of developing, sharing and implementing a view of what needs to be done.
  27. LEADERSHIP - based on situation
  28. order, formality
  1. feedback - Regularly letting employees know how they're doing at their job.
  2. - Provide direction and support, even for self-managed teams.
  3. Drucker – he emphasized the need for systematic, purposeful, and organized discharge of tasks.
  4. THEORY - scientific management theory,
  5. - Making sure that everything is going according to plan.
  6. - on the idea of the business and its objectives, are the foundations for these activities to have excellence based on priorities and strategies.
  7. objectives- These focus on the results or contributions needed to achieve team, departmental, or corporate goals.
  8. - Leaders have complete power over people
  9. - This places individuals in boxes that denote their job and their position in the hierarchy and traces the direct lines of authority
  10. - leaders delegate decision making authority to their followers
  11. - it shows how it is expected that the vision will be realized
  12. Management - is what managers do when they look ahead at what they need to achieve in the middle or relatively distant future
  13. – be clear and specific so your goals are easier to achieve
  14. Level - Ensure team members have the necessary skills, including being able to handle various tasks.
  15. - managing performance throughout the year
  16. – a data helps us stay focused and motivated, inspiring us and providing something to work towards
  17. MANAGEMENT – about controlling the flow of money in and out of the organization.
  18. - can provide the ‘elusive bridge between the aims of the individual employee and the objectives of the organization, [they] provide the medium for linking employee performance targets to the factors critical to the success of the business’
  19. structures - refers to the way an organization is designed and arranged to achieve its goals.
  20. - Leaders involve followers in the decision making process
  21. - taking personal responsibility for delivering what they are there to do
  22. objectives - individual's personal development, growth, and improvement.
  24. Systems Theory - this theory views organizations as complex systems withinterrelated and interdependent parts.

52 Clues: order, formality- Guiding and motivating teamLEADERSHIP - based on situationuncontrollable informal relations.THEORY - scientific management theory,– something that has to be accomplished- Leaders have complete power over people- managing performance throughout the year– scientist who defines bureaucracy theory...


  1. In which city did Rosemarie Rizzo Parse develop her nursing theory?
  2. Madeleine Leininger's theory emphasizes providing nursing care that is culturally sensitive, also known as ______.
  3. Which nursing theorist developed the Health as Expanding Consciousness theory?
  4. Which nursing theorist is associated with the Health Promotion Model?
  5. Where was Madeleine Leininger, a pioneer in transcultural nursing, born?
  6. What nursing model emphasizes promoting health and preventing illness through personal, behavioral, and environmental factors?
  7. Margaret Newman served as the ______ of nursing at the University of Minnesota.
  8. What nursing theory, developed by Parse, focuses on the uniqueness of each individual's experience and the process of becoming?
  9. Who is the nursing theorist associated with the Human Becoming Theory?
  10. Which organization did Madeleine Leininger join during World War II, influencing her views on cultural care?
  11. What concept, emphasized by Leininger, involves understanding and applying the cultural specifics of a patient's care?
  12. According to Parse's Human Becoming Theory, individuals experience a pattern of living known as ______.
  13. In Pender's Health Promotion Model, what factors influence an individual's likelihood of adopting health-promoting behaviors?
  14. Parse's theory suggests that individuals have the capacity for ______, moving beyond their current state of being.
  15. What term represents the disorientation and anxiety individuals may experience when encountering a new culture? transcultural nursing, what term refers to universal principles and patterns in cultures?
  1. Who is the nursing theorist known for introducing the concept of transcultural nursing?
  2. What specialized area of nursing does the Parse's Human Becoming Theory encompass, focusing on mental health care?
  3. What key component of Leininger's theory involves educating nurses to be culturally competent?
  4. How people look at the world
  5. What theory, proposed by Newman, focuses on the process of becoming more aware of oneself and the environment?
  6. What concept in nursing relates to maintaining and preserving an individual's well-being through preventive measures?
  7. Madeleine Leininger is often referred to as the "________" of nursing, recognizing her significant contributions.
  8. Which theorist, associated with transcultural nursing, conducted studies in Jamaica, West Indies?
  9. In the context of nursing theories, which month represents a phase in Leininger's Sunrise Model, signifying the orientation to a new culture?
  10. In which month does the cultural shock model suggest individuals may experience a sense of crisis and disorientation?
  11. Which term describes the integration and blending of various cultures within nursing care?
  12. Where did Rosemarie Rizzo Parse develop the Human Becoming Theory?
  13. Madeleine Leininger's work extensively focused on cultural care and nursing practices, with research in countries like what Southeast Asian nation?
  14. Newman's theory emphasizes a nurse-patient ______ that facilitates the expansion of consciousness.
  15. In which state did Margaret Newman originate her theory, Health as Expanding Consciousness?

30 Clues: How people look at the worldWhere did Rosemarie Rizzo Parse develop the Human Becoming Theory?In which city did Rosemarie Rizzo Parse develop her nursing theory?Which nursing theorist is associated with the Health Promotion Model?Who is the nursing theorist associated with the Human Becoming Theory?...

Evolution Vocabulary Crossword 2016-02-25

Evolution Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. published the "The Origin of Species"
  2. proposed the theory of uniformitarianism
  3. early stages of vertebrate development
  4. long time scale events that create and destroy species
  5. Islands where Darwin discovered varying species of life
  6. selective breeding to enhance desired traits among stock of crops (2 words, no space)
  7. inherited characteristic that increases an organism's chance of survival
  8. his work in genetics helped fill in some missing information in Darwin's theory of evolution
  9. economist who influences Darwin's theory of Evolution
  10. one of the first scientists to understand that change occurs over time
  11. proposed theory of gradualism
  1. short time scale events that change genotypes and phenotypes of populations
  2. Structures that have different mature forms, but develop from the same embryonic tissues.
  3. each living species has descended with changes from other species over time (3 words, no spaces)
  4. theory that states species change over time
  5. name of the ship Darwin sailed on
  6. the driving force for evolution (2 words, no space)
  7. ability of an individual to survive and reproduce
  8. structures that have no use
  9. proposed theory of catastrophism

20 Clues: structures that have no useproposed theory of gradualismproposed theory of catastrophismname of the ship Darwin sailed onpublished the "The Origin of Species"early stages of vertebrate developmentproposed the theory of uniformitarianismtheory that states species change over timeability of an individual to survive and reproduce...

The Enlightenment 2023-02-21

The Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. a person who rules with absolute power
  2. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  3. proved heliocentric theory using math, discovered elliptical orbits of planets
  4. introduced a vaccine for smallpox
  5. believed in separation of powers and checks and balances
  6. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  7. the theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  8. believed in criminal justice and no cruel unusual punishment
  9. had new idea of heliocentric theory
  10. developed laws of gravity and motion
  11. found craters on the moon and supported heliocentric theory
  1. looked at bacteria, discovered first living cell, made microscope better
  2. believed everyone is born with certain rights and that everyone is equal
  3. was the father of chemistry, helped discover atomic theory
  4. developed scientific method with descartes
  5. to know something one did not know before
  6. the theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  7. believed in freedom of speech and religion
  8. developed scientific method with bacon
  9. believed women should have an equal education ot men

20 Clues: introduced a vaccine for smallpoxhad new idea of heliocentric theorydeveloped laws of gravity and motiona person who rules with absolute powerdeveloped scientific method with baconto know something one did not know beforedeveloped scientific method with descartesbelieved in freedom of speech and religionparties where people met to discuss new ideas...

Rainimator Wiki Stuff (pass Azura2002 2020-10-01

Rainimator Wiki Stuff (pass Azura2002 crossword puzzle
  1. Fractures: A Minecraft Movie
  2. Wishing Dead
  3. Creepers
  4. List of Minor Fights
  5. Just So You Know
  6. Ender Wish
  7. Skeleton Horses
  8. Nether Civil War
  9. Theory/Frostbourne
  10. Naeus' Horse
  11. Theory/Ender Watchers
  12. Begin Again
  13. Rain’s Revenge
  14. Giant Skeletons
  15. Wither Skeletons
  16. Battle for Glacierford
  17. Humans
  18. Unknown Species
  19. Snow Golems
  20. End-Nether War
  21. Ender Dragon
  22. Wither Angels
  23. Fractures
  24. Cold as Ice
  25. Undead (Species)
  26. Magma Cubes
  27. Blazes
  28. Wither Heart
  29. The Struggle
  30. Zombies
  31. We Are The Danger
  32. 1 of a Kind
  33. Battle of the Tundra
  34. Wither Skeleton Horses
  1. Ender People
  2. Fall of the Undead
  3. Giant Withers
  4. Ghasts
  5. End-Frostbourne War
  6. Ancient Endermen
  7. Outbreak at Glacierford
  8. Horses
  9. Timeline
  10. List of Significant Lines
  11. Fall of the End
  12. Theory/Nether Horde
  13. Skeletons
  14. Goodbye
  15. Cold as Ice (REMIX)
  16. Falling
  17. Spiders
  18. Wings of Salvation
  19. Endermen
  20. Vexes
  21. Netherkin
  22. Hard Pill To Swallow
  23. Iron Golems
  24. Pigmen
  25. Villagers

59 Clues: VexesGhastsHorsesHumansPigmenBlazesGoodbyeFallingSpidersZombiesCreepersTimelineEndermenSkeletonsNetherkinFracturesVillagersEnder WishBegin AgainSnow GolemsIron GolemsCold as IceMagma Cubes1 of a KindEnder PeopleWishing DeadNaeus' HorseEnder DragonWither HeartThe StruggleGiant WithersWither AngelsRain’s RevengeEnd-Nether WarSkeleton Horses...

Unit 1 _ Reading 2 _ Vocab 2023-01-04

Unit 1 _ Reading 2 _ Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. (n)the smallest part of an animal or plant
  2. (v) have or hold something within
  3. (n) a scientific study
  4. (v) protect
  5. (v) happen
  1. (adj) popular
  2. (v)to join or connect to something
  3. (v) react by doing something
  4. (v) make or create
  5. (n) a set of ideas used to explain something

10 Clues: (v) happen(v) protect(adj) popular(v) make or create(n) a scientific study(v) react by doing something(v) have or hold something within(v)to join or connect to something(n)the smallest part of an animal or plant(n) a set of ideas used to explain something

Philosophy Project 2017-11-10

Philosophy Project crossword puzzle
  1. the scientific study of the human mind
  2. the state of being unaware.
  3. regarded consciousness as the basis of human life
  4. opposite to the id
  5. reservoir of basic biological needs
  1. perceived by
  2. a person's awareness or perception of something
  3. a person learned in philosophy
  4. accidental self injury
  5. a set of principles

10 Clues: perceived byopposite to the ida set of principlesaccidental self injurythe state of being unaware.a person learned in philosophyreservoir of basic biological needsthe scientific study of the human minda person's awareness or perception of somethingregarded consciousness as the basis of human life

Crossword #14 2023-12-10

Crossword #14 crossword puzzle
  1. extractive land settlements along mississippi river
  2. hurricane that devastated NOLA in 2005
  3. free-market capitalism theory
  1. epistomological framework of black movements
  2. current geological age
  3. upper emissions limit set between companies
  4. mutually constitutive racialized exploitation
  5. period of economic and social shift under FDR
  6. father of environmental justice
  7. town destroyed by SASOL

10 Clues: current geological agetown destroyed by SASOLfree-market capitalism theoryfather of environmental justicehurricane that devastated NOLA in 2005upper emissions limit set between companiesepistomological framework of black movementsmutually constitutive racialized exploitationperiod of economic and social shift under FDR...

Theory Terms 2023-08-03

Theory Terms crossword puzzle
  1. traditionally considered “scientific” knowledge
  2. idea or complex image of a phenomenon, often described as the building blocks of theory.
  3. a form of reasoning or thinking in which one moves from a particular or specific to general.
  4. a concept in philosophy that relates to the theory of knowledge or how people come to have knowledge
  5. theoretical dimension that could be represented in the real world by one or more variables
  6. refers to a particular group’s outlook and beliefs about it
  7. global perspective that subsumes more specific views and approaches to central concepts with which it is concerned
  8. an empiric way to measure a concept
  9. a set of statements that tentatively describes, explains or predicts relationships between concepts
  1. application of knowledge in practice through responsible and right actions.
  2. an organizing framework that contains the concepts, theories, assumptions, beliefs, values, and principles that inform a discipline or how to interpret subject matter of concern
  3. concerned with “being” rather than knowing
  4. a way of reasoning or thinking that which generally involves moving from the general to the specific

13 Clues: an empiric way to measure a conceptconcerned with “being” rather than knowingtraditionally considered “scientific” knowledgerefers to a particular group’s outlook and beliefs about itapplication of knowledge in practice through responsible and right actions.idea or complex image of a phenomenon, often described as the building blocks of theory....

My crossword 2016-10-26

My  crossword crossword puzzle
  1. construction and investigation of models
  2. plan an activity that covers a long period of time
  3. specialist with higher technical education
  4. construction load-bearing structure
  5. queen of the sciences
  6. The science of living nature, the laws of organic life.
  1. synonime of word outside
  2. assumption,theory
  3. the development process
  4. the set of rules of conduct

10 Clues: assumption,theoryqueen of the sciencesthe development processsynonime of word outsidethe set of rules of conductconstruction load-bearing structureconstruction and investigation of modelsspecialist with higher technical educationplan an activity that covers a long period of timeThe science of living nature, the laws of organic life.

Rainimator Wiki Stuff (pass 2020-10-01

Rainimator Wiki Stuff (pass crossword puzzle
  1. Fractures: A Minecraft Movie
  2. Wishing Dead
  3. Creepers
  4. List of Minor Fights
  5. Just So You Know
  6. Ender Wish
  7. Skeleton Horses
  8. Nether Civil War
  9. Theory/Frostbourne
  10. Naeus' Horse
  11. Theory/Ender Watchers
  12. Begin Again
  13. Rain’s Revenge
  14. Giant Skeletons
  15. Wither Skeletons
  16. Battle for Glacierford
  17. Humans
  18. Unknown Species
  19. Snow Golems
  20. End-Nether War
  21. Ender Dragon
  22. Wither Angels
  23. Fractures
  24. Cold as Ice
  25. Undead (Species)
  26. Magma Cubes
  27. Blazes
  28. Wither Heart
  29. The Struggle
  30. Zombies
  31. We Are The Danger
  32. 1 of a Kind
  33. Battle of the Tundra
  34. Wither Skeleton Horses
  1. Ender People
  2. Fall of the Undead
  3. Giant Withers
  4. Ghasts
  5. End-Frostbourne War
  6. Ancient Endermen
  7. Outbreak at Glacierford
  8. Horses
  9. Timeline
  10. List of Significant Lines
  11. Fall of the End
  12. Theory/Nether Horde
  13. Skeletons
  14. Goodbye
  15. Cold as Ice (REMIX)
  16. Falling
  17. Spiders
  18. Wings of Salvation
  19. Endermen
  20. Vexes
  21. Netherkin
  22. Hard Pill To Swallow
  23. Iron Golems
  24. Pigmen
  25. Villagers

59 Clues: VexesGhastsHorsesHumansPigmenBlazesGoodbyeFallingSpidersZombiesCreepersTimelineEndermenSkeletonsNetherkinFracturesVillagersEnder WishBegin AgainSnow GolemsIron GolemsCold as IceMagma Cubes1 of a KindEnder PeopleWishing DeadNaeus' HorseEnder DragonWither HeartThe StruggleGiant WithersWither AngelsRain’s RevengeEnd-Nether WarSkeleton Horses...

CROSSWORD 2023-03-18

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Facilitated by ensuring
  2. Consequences of individual actions
  3. PATTERN, Theory explain crimes committed
  4. Theory minimize other factors
  5. Formal, human, and security
  6. Theory visible of crime
  7. Have four major components
  8. Engage in crime
  9. Theories classified three types
  10. 36,8 Volumes published
  11. Father of Sociology
  12. Act law makes punishable
  13. Grandfather of Charles Darwin
  14. Father of Criminal Justice
  15. Defensible space theory
  16. Human cells 22 pairs
  17. Classical school began
  1. Act becomes morally right
  2. Greek word "physis" meaning
  3. Punishing who do offend
  4. Human behavior impact behavior
  5. Theory called " consequentialist"
  6. Laws enacted in 1926
  7. TRAITS, Theories determine person's character
  8. Theories external influences
  9. Mind and Logos meaning
  10. Heavy or obese
  11. Were antisocial and apathetic
  12. Link criminal behavior twins
  13. Somatotype thin and flat
  14. Deterrence from criminal act
  15. Were manic-depressive
  16. Personal location called
  17. Person's awareness space
  18. TOPINARD, French Anthropologist
  19. Incorporation of security hardware
  20. Theory relation criminal offending
  21. Basic security and behavioral
  22. "Structurally significant phenomenon"
  23. LANGE, Studied DZ,MZ twins

40 Clues: Heavy or obeseEngage in crimeFather of SociologyLaws enacted in 1926Human cells 22 pairsWere manic-depressiveMind and Logos meaning36,8 Volumes publishedClassical school beganPunishing who do offendTheory visible of crimeDefensible space theoryFacilitated by ensuringSomatotype thin and flatPersonal location calledPerson's awareness space...

1.1 crossword 2017-09-14

1.1 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an explanation of a natural observation
  2. which applies science to matter of legal interests
  3. process of natural changes
  4. something that has characteristics and thats living
  5. any inherited characteristics
  1. an addition to mass
  2. the reaction to a stimulus
  3. The production of offspring
  4. set of moral principles or values
  5. a group of organisms

10 Clues: an addition to massa group of organismsthe reaction to a stimulusprocess of natural changesThe production of offspringany inherited characteristicsset of moral principles or valuesan explanation of a natural observationwhich applies science to matter of legal interestssomething that has characteristics and thats living

My crossword 2016-10-26

My  crossword crossword puzzle
  1. construction and investigation of models
  2. plan an activity that covers a long period of time
  3. assumption,theory
  4. construction load-bearing structure
  5. specialist with higher technical education
  6. The science of living nature, the laws of organic life.
  1. the development process
  2. queen of the sciences
  3. synonime of word outside
  4. the set of rules of conduct

10 Clues: assumption,theoryqueen of the sciencesthe development processsynonime of word outsidethe set of rules of conductconstruction load-bearing structureconstruction and investigation of modelsspecialist with higher technical educationplan an activity that covers a long period of timeThe science of living nature, the laws of organic life.

Vocabulary 2018-12-03

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. rise and fall irregularly
  2. beforehand
  3. set, or unchanging
  4. responsible for
  5. combine
  6. form a theory or idea without real evidence
  1. tendency to change rapidly and unpredictably
  2. vacation that includes most of your needs such as transportation, food, and lodging
  3. a range of things from which a choice can be made
  4. gather

10 Clues: gathercombinebeforehandresponsible forset, or unchangingrise and fall irregularlyform a theory or idea without real evidencetendency to change rapidly and unpredictablya range of things from which a choice can be madevacation that includes most of your needs such as transportation, food, and lodging

Hydraulic power 2021-03-05

Hydraulic power crossword puzzle
  1. unit of the mass
  2. Theory explaining a set of phenomena by the movement of matter
  3. Strength
  4. Abbreviation for the formula of the potential energy
  5. his unit is meter
  6. Place where hydraulic power is created
  1. It's to accumulate and retain water
  2. Unit for potential energy
  3. Force that attracts body on earth
  4. Hydraulic power generation
  5. With which hydraulic power is produced

11 Clues: Strengthunit of the masshis unit is meterUnit for potential energyHydraulic power generationForce that attracts body on earthIt's to accumulate and retain waterWith which hydraulic power is producedPlace where hydraulic power is createdAbbreviation for the formula of the potential energyTheory explaining a set of phenomena by the movement of matter

Sociological Theories 2022-11-29

Sociological Theories crossword puzzle
  1. seek to end capitalism
  2. Who disagree with the Marxists because of the economic determinist
  3. Pioneer in developing the chaos Theory
  4. binary opposition to myths and folktales and showed hat narratives are constructed from simpler blocks
  5. Who started the social functionalism
  6. Critical theory what critized because of its passivity, sociology and modern society
  7. system characterized by a greater number of elements
  8. theory that helps to understand society
  9. Where the Critical Theory was developed since 1923
  1. Characteristic of the chaotic system
  2. Certain term used in complexity and is related to different nature of the parts of a system
  3. father of structural anthropology
  4. Has it origins on the ideas of Comte, explain how the conducts is relate to social processes
  5. Society based on agriculture and slavery for generation health
  6. who proposed the theory of the historical materialism
  7. Is developed from chaos theory and represents the body of research on systems
  8. Theory that suggest that it will never be possible to control some types of systems
  9. Who define culture as a pattern(organized system of a system that guide the individuals)

18 Clues: seek to end capitalismfather of structural anthropologyCharacteristic of the chaotic systemWho started the social functionalismPioneer in developing the chaos Theorytheory that helps to understand societyWhere the Critical Theory was developed since 1923system characterized by a greater number of elements...

Chapter 2 2024-02-27

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. cell specialized to receive and transmit info
  2. organism’s observable physical characteristics
  3. created Natural selection theory
  4. organism’s genetic makeup
  5. complete set of genetic info within a cell
  1. carry messages between nerve cells
  2. enables reasoning, planning, creating
  3. science of hoe brain produces mental process
  4. involved in establishing long-term memories
  5. functional units of a chromosome

10 Clues: organism’s genetic makeupfunctional units of a chromosomecreated Natural selection theorycarry messages between nerve cellsenables reasoning, planning, creatingcomplete set of genetic info within a cellinvolved in establishing long-term memoriesscience of hoe brain produces mental processcell specialized to receive and transmit info...

Famous Psychologists 2021-07-23

Famous Psychologists crossword puzzle
  1. Wundt, he established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879.
  2. Stern, he introduced intelligence quotient (IQ).
  3. Adler, He found individual psychology (a school of psychology).
  4. Spearman, he developed Two-Factor theory.
  5. Erikson, he developed The 8 Stages of Human Development
  6. Das, he proposed PASS - theory of intelligence.
  7. Bandura, he conducted The Bobo doll experiment.
  8. Rorschach, the person who gave the Inkblot test.
  9. Piaget, he is known for his work on child development.
  1. Rogers, he is known for developing Client-Centered therapy.
  2. jung, he founded analytical psychology.
  3. Freud, he is the founder of Psychoanalysis.
  4. Ainsworth, she proposed the attachment theory.
  5. Freud, she established the field of child psychoanalysis.
  6. Horney, she developed theories of neurosis.
  7. J. Sternberg, he proposed the Triarchic theory of intelligence.
  8. Cattell, he created Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF).
  9. Festinger, he is best known for cognitive dissonance theory.
  10. Bleuler, he coined many psychiatric terms, such as schizophrenia, autism.
  11. B. Watson, he is known for the scientific theory of Behaviorism.

20 Clues: jung, he founded analytical psychology.Spearman, he developed Two-Factor theory.Freud, he is the founder of Psychoanalysis.Horney, she developed theories of neurosis.Ainsworth, she proposed the attachment theory.Das, he proposed PASS - theory of intelligence.Bandura, he conducted The Bobo doll experiment....

My fckng crossword 2016-10-26

My fckng crossword crossword puzzle
  1. specialist with higher technical education
  2. assumption,theory
  3. the set of rules of conduct
  4. queen of the sciences
  1. load-bearing structure
  2. The science of living nature, the laws of organic life.
  3. the development process
  4. construction and investigation of models
  5. plan an activity that covers a long period of time
  6. synonime of word outside

10 Clues: assumption,theoryqueen of the sciencesload-bearing structurethe development processsynonime of word outsidethe set of rules of conductconstruction and investigation of modelsspecialist with higher technical educationplan an activity that covers a long period of timeThe science of living nature, the laws of organic life.

My fckng crossword 2016-10-26

My fckng crossword crossword puzzle
  1. queen of the sciences
  2. specialist with higher technical education
  3. the development process
  4. the set of rules of conduct
  5. plan an activity that covers a long period of time
  1. construction load-bearing structure
  2. assumption,theory
  3. synonime of word outside
  4. construction and investigation of models
  5. The science of living nature, the laws of organic life.

10 Clues: assumption,theoryqueen of the sciencesthe development processsynonime of word outsidethe set of rules of conductconstruction load-bearing structureconstruction and investigation of modelsspecialist with higher technical educationplan an activity that covers a long period of timeThe science of living nature, the laws of organic life.

My crossword 2016-10-26

My  crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the development process
  2. construction and investigation of models
  3. queen of the sciences
  4. specialist with higher technical education
  1. construction load-bearing structure
  2. The science of living nature, the laws of organic life.
  3. synonime of word outside
  4. plan an activity that covers a long period of time
  5. assumption,theory
  6. the set of rules of conduct

10 Clues: assumption,theoryqueen of the sciencesthe development processsynonime of word outsidethe set of rules of conductconstruction load-bearing structureconstruction and investigation of modelsspecialist with higher technical educationplan an activity that covers a long period of timeThe science of living nature, the laws of organic life.

Crossword 2024-03-17

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Author of "The Great Gatsby"
  2. Study of the structure and properties of matter
  3. Unit of electrical resistance
  4. Largest planet in the solar system
  5. Chemical symbol for iron
  1. Famous theory of relativity creator
  2. Ancient Greek philosopher known for his paradoxes
  3. NATURE Term indicating "inherently" or "fundamentally"
  4. Shakespearean tragedy set in Denmark
  5. Longest river

10 Clues: Longest riverChemical symbol for ironAuthor of "The Great Gatsby"Unit of electrical resistanceLargest planet in the solar systemFamous theory of relativity creatorShakespearean tragedy set in DenmarkStudy of the structure and properties of matterAncient Greek philosopher known for his paradoxesNATURE Term indicating "inherently" or "fundamentally"

Human Development - Unit 4 Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-16

Human Development - Unit 4 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Withdrawal, crying and grieving
  2. Cognitive ______
  3. Developed a psychosocial theory of development
  4. Erikson's mentor
  5. Birth to 18 months
  6. a concept or category about the world
  7. A student in crisis deciding what to major in
  8. One part of the nature-nurture discussion
  1. Moral reasoning considers a child's___abilities
  2. Brain part studied in gay/straight men/women
  3. Serves as a turning point at each level
  4. Interpretation using existing schema
  5. A set of expectations about social position
  6. A homelike place for people who are dying

14 Clues: Cognitive ______Erikson's mentorBirth to 18 monthsWithdrawal, crying and grievingInterpretation using existing schemaa concept or category about the worldServes as a turning point at each levelA homelike place for people who are dyingOne part of the nature-nurture discussionA set of expectations about social position...

Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-03

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a way that is influenced by the mind
  2. something soaked in liquid
  3. in a deliberate way
  4. experiencing severe physical or mental
  5. a machine with a set of controls designed to provide a realistic imitation
  6. repeated over a particular period of deprivation basic necessities
  1. admiration through quality, or skill
  2. Very bright
  3. a complex brain structure
  4. mix or combined
  5. form of a theory
  6. income
  7. covering or affecting a large area
  8. a cloth hung at the back of a theater stage

14 Clues: incomeVery brightmix or combinedform of a theoryin a deliberate waya complex brain structuresomething soaked in liquidcovering or affecting a large areaa way that is influenced by the mindadmiration through quality, or skillexperiencing severe physical or mentala cloth hung at the back of a theater stage...

Chapter 1 2023-01-30

Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. first psychologist
  2. emphasizes unconscious processes
  3. medical specialty
  4. blend of language, beliefs, values, and customs
  5. reporting of own conscious experiences
  1. created the psychoanalytic theory
  2. assumptions set forth as scientific
  3. prejudice in favor of or against one thing
  4. number of psychologies main perspectives
  5. the study of the human mind and its functions
  6. field to understand the brains thoughts

11 Clues: medical specialtyfirst psychologistemphasizes unconscious processescreated the psychoanalytic theoryassumptions set forth as scientificreporting of own conscious experiencesfield to understand the brains thoughtsnumber of psychologies main perspectivesprejudice in favor of or against one thingthe study of the human mind and its functions...


SCIENTIFIC METHOD crossword puzzle


Exercise 1 2024-02-08

Exercise 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a person's child or children
  2. the gradual development of something
  3. Has a trunk
  4. supply or power
  5. (with reference to an animal) breed
  6. a chiefly nocturnal insect related to the butterflies.
  7. (of animals) mate and then produce offspring.
  1. an animal that naturally preys on others.
  2. Large marsupial
  3. a capsicum, especially a sweet pepper.
  4. the study of the nature of God
  5. the main woody stem of a tree
  6. a set of principles on which the practice
  7. intensify, increaseimprove the quality

14 Clues: Has a trunkLarge marsupialsupply or powera person's child or childrenthe main woody stem of a treethe study of the nature of God(with reference to an animal) breedthe gradual development of somethinga capsicum, especially a sweet pepper.intensify, increaseimprove the qualityan animal that naturally preys on others....

Scientific Discoveries Quest 2023-10-10

Scientific Discoveries Quest crossword puzzle
  1. - Antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming
  2. - Mathematical discipline by Newton and Leibniz
  3. - Fundamental force harnessed for power
  4. - Basis for understanding infectious diseases
  5. - Revolutionized transportation and industry
  6. - Splitting of atomic nuclei
  7. - Optical instrument for distant observation
  8. - Phenomenon explored by Marie Curie
  9. - Preventive medicine against diseases
  10. - Darwin's theory of species development
  1. - Physics theory of subatomic particles
  2. - Force of attraction between objects
  3. - Electromagnetic radiation for imaging
  4. - Sun-centered model of the solar system
  5. - Theory of the universe's origin
  6. - Einstein's theory of space and time
  7. - Fundamental in modern electronics
  8. - Wireless communication invention
  9. - Genetic material discovered by Watson and Crick
  10. - Arrangement of chemical elements

20 Clues: - Splitting of atomic nuclei- Theory of the universe's origin- Wireless communication invention- Arrangement of chemical elements- Fundamental in modern electronics- Phenomenon explored by Marie Curie- Force of attraction between objects- Einstein's theory of space and time- Preventive medicine against diseases...

Author names 2020-03-23

Author names crossword puzzle
  1. hypnosis
  2. Psychosocial theory
  3. Tell-show-do
  4. used N2O/O2 for inhalation sedation
  5. Classical conditioning
  6. Systematic Desensitization
  7. appreciated psychotropic effects of nitrous oxide
  8. Needle desensitization
  1. Cognitive theory
  2. Hand-over-mouth
  3. social learning theory
  4. Operant conditioning
  5. Used nitrous oxide for analgesia
  6. Psychosexual theory
  7. Heirarchy of needs

15 Clues: hypnosisTell-show-doHand-over-mouthCognitive theoryHeirarchy of needsPsychosocial theoryPsychosexual theoryOperant conditioningsocial learning theoryClassical conditioningNeedle desensitizationSystematic DesensitizationUsed nitrous oxide for analgesiaused N2O/O2 for inhalation sedationappreciated psychotropic effects of nitrous oxide

Electrical Theory 2022-10-19

Electrical Theory crossword puzzle
  1. scientific principle explaining the relationships among voltage, resistance and current in a conductor
  2. negatively charged subatomic particle which orbits the atom’s nucleus
  3. amount of current a conductor can handle before its temperature exceeds accepted limits causing it to deteriorate
  4. flow of electric charge
  5. physical property allowing a material to resist the flow of electricity
  6. unit of measurement for electromotive force
  7. unit of measurement for electric current; one coulomb per second equals one
  8. closed path in which electric current flows
  1. unit of measurement for electric power
  2. electricity which is not moving; caused by the triboelectric effect
  3. building of electric charge generated by friction
  4. movement of electrons carrying energy
  5. capacity to transmit something, for example electricity or heat
  6. unit of measurement for electrical resistance
  7. opposition to the flow of an electrical current
  8. quantity of electricity
  9. often abbreviated to ‘amp’

17 Clues: flow of electric chargequantity of electricityoften abbreviated to ‘amp’movement of electrons carrying energyunit of measurement for electric powerunit of measurement for electromotive forceclosed path in which electric current flowsunit of measurement for electrical resistanceopposition to the flow of an electrical current...

Color Theory 2019-07-21

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. the absence of or complete absorption of visible light
  2. groups of three colors next to each other on the color wheel
  3. the twelve pure cool and warm colors shown throughout the color wheel
  4. colors opposite each other on the color wheel
  5. fully reflects and scatters all visible wavelengths of light
  6. red and yellow mixed together
  7. any color with white added to it
  8. the "underneath" color of the skin; warm, cool, or neutral
  9. primary color
  1. adding lighter shades to draw attention to a feature
  2. primary color
  3. the surface color of the skin
  4. adding black to a color changes this
  5. an overall assessment of the skin
  6. yellow and green mixed together
  7. blue and red mixed together
  8. adding darker shades to recede a feature
  9. primary color
  10. adding gray to a color creates this

19 Clues: primary colorprimary colorprimary colorblue and red mixed togetherthe surface color of the skinred and yellow mixed togetheryellow and green mixed togetherany color with white added to itan overall assessment of the skinadding gray to a color creates thisadding black to a color changes thisadding darker shades to recede a feature...

Electrical Theory 2021-01-15

Electrical Theory crossword puzzle
  1. carries current to appliance
  2. measure of the rate of flow
  3. measure of the amount of energy or work that can be done by amps and volts (volts x amps)
  4. measure of electrical pressure
  5. source of electricity connected to a light, heater, or motor
  6. tendency of a material to prevent electrical flow
  7. carries current away from appliance and back to source
  8. form of energy that can produce light, heat, magnetism, and chemical changes
  9. an additional connection between equipment and the earth
  10. current cannot flow through
  11. material that provides great resistance to electricity flow
  1. electricity flow changes direction with armature(turning magnet)change
  2. electricity flows in one direction
  3. occurs when resistance is not high enough for flow of electricity; flows through circuit and back to source too quickly
  4. tubing that contains individual insulated wires
  5. flow of electricity through a conductor is directly proportional to the electrical force that produces it (R = E/I)
  6. a material that electricity flows freely through

17 Clues: measure of the rate of flowcurrent cannot flow throughcarries current to appliancemeasure of electrical pressureelectricity flows in one directiontubing that contains individual insulated wiresa material that electricity flows freely throughtendency of a material to prevent electrical flowcarries current away from appliance and back to source...

Hair Theory 2021-01-07

Hair Theory crossword puzzle
  1. when all cell division stops
  2. where cell division (mitosis) takes place
  3. is the technical name for the hair of the head
  4. the hair growth cycle starts again
  5. protofibrils then twist around each other
  6. soft, elastic layer of the hair-strand
  7. muscle that causes the hair to stand
  8. serves as protection from the sun’s damaging rays
  1. Sebum mixes with the body’s perspiration
  2. is the portion of hair under the skin’s surface
  3. total lack of pigmentation in the hair and skin
  4. form bundles of pigment called melanosomes
  5. which is a outer covering of transparent scales
  6. also called the pith or marrow
  7. produce sebum & send up through the follicle
  8. is the technical name for beard
  9. made of chains that take the shape of a helix/coil
  10. determine the growing stages of the hair

18 Clues: when all cell division stopsalso called the pith or marrowis the technical name for beardthe hair growth cycle starts againmuscle that causes the hair to standsoft, elastic layer of the hair-strandSebum mixes with the body’s perspirationdetermine the growing stages of the hairwhere cell division (mitosis) takes place...

April Theory 2016-04-12

April Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Sign of an Eye Injury
  2. Sign of a Dental Injury
  3. Treatment for a Strain (I__)
  4. Treatment for a Strain (C_____ P____)
  5. Treatment for a Strain (E____)
  6. Sign of Choking
  7. Scanning Technique
  8. Symptoms for Head Injuries
  9. Symptoms of a Dental Injury
  10. Treatment for a Strain (R___)
  1. NOP
  2. Where would you find the NOP and EAP?
  3. Casualty 20 seconds to?
  4. EAP
  5. 10 seconds to?
  6. Sign of a Head Injury
  7. Symptoms for an Eye Injury

17 Clues: NOPEAP10 seconds to?Sign of ChokingScanning TechniqueSign of an Eye InjurySign of a Head InjurySign of a Dental InjuryCasualty 20 seconds to?Symptoms for an Eye InjurySymptoms for Head InjuriesSymptoms of a Dental InjuryTreatment for a Strain (I__)Treatment for a Strain (R___)Treatment for a Strain (E____)Where would you find the NOP and EAP?...

Color Theory 2017-11-01

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. In color theory, white is the ________________ of color
  2. Intensity refers to the brightness or ____________________ of a color.
  3. Shades are dark values that are made by mixing a color with _________________.
  4. Neutral brown is made by mixing equal amounts of two _______________________ colors.
  5. Hue refers to the ________________ of a color.
  6. Neutral colors include black, ___________________, white, and grey
  7. A triadic color scheme uses three colors ____________________ (the same distance from one another) on the color wheel
  1. The primary colors are Red, Yellow, and Blue; these colors cannot be ________________ by any combination of other colors.
  2. Complementary colors are directly across from each other or _________________________ on the color wheel.
  3. A ________________________________ color scheme uses only one color, plus BLACK and WHITE.
  4. A ____________________ complementary color scheme takes the two colors on either side of a colors complement.
  5. Value refers to the __________________ or darkness of a color.
  6. Analogous colors are any three or more colors that are __________________ to each other on the color wheel and are closely related.
  7. The tertiary colors are mixed from an equal amount of a primary hue and a ___________________ hue.
  8. The secondary colors are Green, Orange, and Violet; these colors are formed by mixing equal amounts of two ______________ colors
  9. Tints are light values that are made by mixing a color with _______________.
  10. A ____________________ color scheme uses four complementary colors on the color wheel.

17 Clues: Hue refers to the ________________ of a color.In color theory, white is the ________________ of colorValue refers to the __________________ or darkness of a color.Neutral colors include black, ___________________, white, and greyIntensity refers to the brightness or ____________________ of a color....

Color Theory 2024-05-20

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. a color to which gray has been added to make it neutral
  2. associated with fire, sun and heat
  3. color combinations pleasing to eye
  4. colors next to each other on color wheel
  5. Element that is produced by reflected light
  6. all tints and shades of a color
  7. brightness and dullness of a color
  8. colors across from each other on color wheel
  9. associated with water, snow and ice
  1. made by mixing one primary and one secondary together
  2. 'One off' from the compliment
  3. refers to just one pure color
  4. a color to which black has been added to make it darker
  5. Colors that can not be made
  6. Made by mixing two primary colors together
  7. a color which white has been added to make it lighter
  8. browns, blacks, tans, and whites

17 Clues: Colors that can not be made'One off' from the complimentrefers to just one pure colorall tints and shades of a colorbrowns, blacks, tans, and whitesassociated with fire, sun and heatcolor combinations pleasing to eyebrightness and dullness of a colorassociated with water, snow and icecolors next to each other on color wheel...


  1. What term represents the disorientation and anxiety individuals may experience when encountering a new culture?
  2. Which nursing theorist developed the Health as Expanding Consciousness theory?
  3. In which state did Margaret Newman originate her theory, Health as Expanding Consciousness?
  4. Who is the nursing theorist associated with the Human Becoming Theory?
  5. What key component of Leininger's theory involves educating nurses to be culturally competent?
  6. In the context of nursing theories, which month represents a phase in Leininger's Sunrise Model, signifying the orientation to a new culture?
  7. What concept, emphasized by Leininger, involves understanding and applying the cultural specifics of a patient's care?
  8. Where was Madeleine Leininger, a pioneer in transcultural nursing, born?
  9. In transcultural nursing, what term refers to universal principles and patterns in cultures?
  10. In Pender's Health Promotion Model, what factors influence an individual's likelihood of adopting health-promoting behaviors?
  11. LEGEND Madeleine Leininger is often referred to as the "________" of nursing, recognizing her significant contributions.
  12. In which city did Rosemarie Rizzo Parse develop her nursing theory?
  13. What concept in nursing relates to maintaining and preserving an individual's well-being through preventive measures?
  14. What specialized area of nursing does the Parse's Human Becoming Theory encompass, focusing on mental health care?
  1. What nursing theory, developed by Parse, focuses on the uniqueness of each individual's experience and the process of becoming?
  2. What theory, proposed by Newman, focuses on the process of becoming more aware of oneself and the environment?
  3. Which term describes the integration and blending of various cultures within nursing care?
  4. Madeleine Leininger's work extensively focused on cultural care and nursing practices, with research in countries like what Southeast Asian nation?
  5. According to Parse's Human Becoming Theory, individuals experience a pattern of living known as ______.
  6. Which organization did Madeleine Leininger join during World War II, influencing her views on cultural care?
  7. Which theorist, associated with transcultural nursing, conducted studies in Jamaica, West Indies?
  8. Parse's theory suggests that individuals have the capacity for ______, moving beyond their current state of being.
  9. Newman's theory emphasizes a nurse-patient ______ that facilitates the expansion of consciousness.
  10. Who is the nursing theorist known for introducing the concept of transcultural nursing?
  11. Which nursing theorist is associated with the Health Promotion Model?
  12. Madeleine Leininger's theory emphasizes providing nursing care that is culturally sensitive, also known as ______.
  13. What nursing model emphasizes promoting health and preventing illness through personal, behavioral, and environmental factors?
  14. Where did Rosemarie Rizzo Parse develop the Human Becoming Theory?
  15. Margaret Newman served as the ______ of nursing at the University of Minnesota.
  16. In which month does the cultural shock model suggest individuals may experience a sense of crisis and disorientation?

30 Clues: Where did Rosemarie Rizzo Parse develop the Human Becoming Theory?In which city did Rosemarie Rizzo Parse develop her nursing theory?Which nursing theorist is associated with the Health Promotion Model?Who is the nursing theorist associated with the Human Becoming Theory?Where was Madeleine Leininger, a pioneer in transcultural nursing, born?...

Unit 3 Study Guide 2021-02-25

Unit 3 Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. Who developed sociocultural theory?
  2. What was the main thing in Pavlov's experiment?
  3. Who is the creator of classical conditioning?
  4. painting,writing, cutting, etc. Need good hand-eye coordination
  5. What was the first stage in Piaget's theory?
  6. what kind of doll was in Bandura's experiment?
  7. Who is the maker of social cognitive theory?
  8. How many motivation needs are there in the Hierarchy of Needs?
  9. Which theory has 4 stages?
  10. refers to physical changes, increasing in height or weight
  11. the ability to sort items by one or more characteristics they have in common
  1. running,jumping,kicking,skipping,etc. are what kind of skills
  2. Who is the creator of cognitive development?
  3. Who is the creator of psychosocial theory?
  4. Who was the maker of the hierarchy of needs?
  5. place objects in order by a characteristic such as smallest to largest
  6. something can remain the same even if the way it looks changes
  7. to achieve self-actualization one must have other needs met first
  8. Which stage was Trust vs. Mistrust in Erikson's theory?
  9. Who created operant conditioning?

20 Clues: Which theory has 4 stages?Who created operant conditioning?Who developed sociocultural theory?Who is the creator of psychosocial theory?Who is the creator of cognitive development?Who was the maker of the hierarchy of needs?What was the first stage in Piaget's theory?Who is the maker of social cognitive theory?...


  1. indirect method of measuring horizontal distances
  2. survey line method describes the usage of which method
  3. anallactic lens provided in tacheometry are of ____ type
  4. central position of curve can be set by
  1. points set by using method of tangent will lie on a
  2. theory of probability can be used in this error
  3. same working principle as traversing
  4. no. of horizontal crosswires

8 Clues: no. of horizontal crosswiressame working principle as traversingcentral position of curve can be set bytheory of probability can be used in this errorindirect method of measuring horizontal distancespoints set by using method of tangent will lie on asurvey line method describes the usage of which method...

2338898 B - Jessica Serrato 2022-06-07

2338898 B - Jessica Serrato crossword puzzle
  1. Using a compiler to translate a high-level language program into machine language.
  2. process of creating a set of instructions to tell a computer how to perform a task
  3. theory aimed at improving clarity, quality, and development time by using only subroutines or functions
  4. indicates the ability to access the Web and its contents by all people
  5. it is a property that can acquire different values ​​in a given set and whose variation is likely to be measured.
  6. quantity that has a fixed value
  7. Structured Query Language
  1. It consists of using technology to carry out tasks almost without the need for people
  2. set of data, already processed and ordered for understanding
  3. organized collection of information or structured data, usually stored electronically in a computer system
  4. code used to structure and display a web page and its contents.
  5. It is a way to communicate with a computer, tablet or cell phone and tell it what we want to do
  6. object-oriented programming language that allows the development of applications in an easy and simple way
  7. an ordered set of interrelated components
  8. is an acronym for the ways in which you can operate on stored information

15 Clues: Structured Query Languagequantity that has a fixed valuean ordered set of interrelated componentsset of data, already processed and ordered for understandingcode used to structure and display a web page and its contents.indicates the ability to access the Web and its contents by all people...

Reformation 2022-05-09

Reformation crossword puzzle
  1. capital of italy
  2. to be set free of something
  3. a statement of theory
  4. a country in Northern Europe
  5. an argument
  1. documents that freed you from your sins
  2. change in the church
  3. the son of God
  4. a person having a different opinion to the church

9 Clues: an argumentthe son of Godcapital of italychange in the churcha statement of theoryto be set free of somethinga country in Northern Europedocuments that freed you from your sinsa person having a different opinion to the church

2338898 B - Jessica Serrato 2022-06-07

2338898 B - Jessica Serrato crossword puzzle
  1. Using a compiler to translate a high-level language program into machine language.
  2. process of creating a set of instructions to tell a computer how to perform a task
  3. theory aimed at improving clarity, quality, and development time by using only subroutines or functions
  4. indicates the ability to access the Web and its contents by all people
  5. it is a property that can acquire different values ​​in a given set and whose variation is likely to be measured.
  6. quantity that has a fixed value
  7. Structured Query Language
  1. It consists of using technology to carry out tasks almost without the need for people
  2. set of data, already processed and ordered for understanding
  3. organized collection of information or structured data, usually stored electronically in a computer system
  4. code used to structure and display a web page and its contents.
  5. It is a way to communicate with a computer, tablet or cell phone and tell it what we want to do
  6. object-oriented programming language that allows the development of applications in an easy and simple way
  7. an ordered set of interrelated components
  8. is an acronym for the ways in which you can operate on stored information

15 Clues: Structured Query Languagequantity that has a fixed valuean ordered set of interrelated componentsset of data, already processed and ordered for understandingcode used to structure and display a web page and its contents.indicates the ability to access the Web and its contents by all people...

Reformation 2022-05-09

Reformation crossword puzzle
  1. capital of italy
  2. to be set free of something
  3. a statement of theory
  4. a country in Northern Europe
  5. an argument
  1. documents that freed you from your sins
  2. change in the church
  3. the son of God
  4. a person having a different opinion to the church

9 Clues: an argumentthe son of Godcapital of italychange in the churcha statement of theoryto be set free of somethinga country in Northern Europedocuments that freed you from your sinsa person having a different opinion to the church

Crossword Puzzle (Wildcard 2 Points Trevor Blackwelder) 2024-03-03

Crossword Puzzle (Wildcard 2 Points Trevor Blackwelder) crossword puzzle
  1. The theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope.
  2. The _______ in the Jolly Corner is a representation of modernity and capitalism that asserts control over the field of vision.
  3. Under close observation
  4. A subset of realism devoted to a particular geographic region or area
  5. A belief that things have a set of characteristics which make them what they are
  1. A place where something happens or is set, or that has particular events associated with it
  2. A term used to describe someone who walks or wanders about with the aim of observing people and society, first characterized by Charles Baudelaire
  3. Prison design featuring a central observation tower
  4. The item that C. Auguste Dupin finds in the "purloined letter"
  5. Time–space ______ is an idea referring to the altering of the qualities of space–time and the relationship between space and time that is a consequence of the expansion of capital
  6. An offshoot of realism. Sometimes referred to as an exaggerated version of realism
  7. The theory that proposes authority is rooted in individuals' personal knowledge and perspectives and the power that such authority exerts
  8. Major writer in Space and Place

13 Clues: Under close observationMajor writer in Space and PlacePrison design featuring a central observation towerThe item that C. Auguste Dupin finds in the "purloined letter"A subset of realism devoted to a particular geographic region or areaA belief that things have a set of characteristics which make them what they are...

Chapter 3: Motivation 2016-03-07

Chapter 3: Motivation crossword puzzle
  1. Those required to sustain life – the need for air, food, water, and shelter, etc. and physiological in nature.
  2. The emotional stimulus that causes you to act.
  3. Identified by Herzberg as building high levels of motivation, such as achievement, advancement, recognition responsibility, and the work itself.
  4. The final step of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, include the need for personal growth, freedom of creative expression, and using one’s abilities to the fullest extent.
  5. he said motivational theory was based on the belief that your needs are the result of your early personality development. Based on cultural exposure, people have three basic needs: achievement, power, and affiliation and these three needs are the primary motives for behavior.
  6. his hierarchy of needs theory is a motivation theory that recognizes five levels of needs. Individuals are motivated by needs within each specific level. When these needs are met, individuals are no longer motivated by that level and move upward.
  7. Identified by Herzberg as necessary to maintain a reasonable level of satisfaction, such as working conditions, job security, quality of supervision, and interpersonal relationships on the job.
  1. A level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, those primary needs required to sustain life at a very basic level--the desire for food, sleep, water, shelter, and other satisfiers of physiological drives.
  2. Psychological needs that fulfill the needs for affiliation, love, respect and are tied to our value systems.
  3. his expectancy theory views motivation as a process of choices and says people behave in certain ways based on their expectation of results.
  4. Believed to influence individual behavior and the sources of influence can outside, inside or early forces in our lives.
  5. The fourth level of Maslow’s motivational hierarchy, include the need the for respect from self and others that can be met by increased responsibility, recognition for work well done, and merit increases and awards.
  6. his two-factory theory of motivation says two sets of factors or conditions influence the behavior of individuals at work--one set to satisfy and the other to motivate.
  7. The third step of the hierarchy, center around the desire for meaningful affiliation with others such as love, affection, and acceptance.
  8. and security The second step of the Maslow hierarchy of needs,that reflect the desire for physical, economic, and emotional security, such as safe working conditions, job security, and periodic salary increases.

15 Clues: The emotional stimulus that causes you to act.Psychological needs that fulfill the needs for affiliation, love, respect and are tied to our value systems.Those required to sustain life – the need for air, food, water, and shelter, etc. and physiological in nature....

Reformation 2022-05-09

Reformation crossword puzzle
  1. capital of italy
  2. to be set free of something
  3. a statement of theory
  4. a country in Northern Europe
  5. an argument
  1. documents that freed you from your sins
  2. change in the church
  3. the son of God
  4. a person having a different opinion to the church

9 Clues: an argumentthe son of Godcapital of italychange in the churcha statement of theoryto be set free of somethinga country in Northern Europedocuments that freed you from your sinsa person having a different opinion to the church

GCSE Media - Paper 1 Section A Terminology Crossword 2017-06-30

GCSE Media - Paper 1 Section A Terminology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A more 'gossip-led' newspaper aimed at lower reading ages such as The Sun
  2. The name of Edward Said's theory that Western media is racist and demonises the East and Middle East
  3. A shared belief or value in society
  4. The theory by Andy Medhurst titled ____________ Stereotypes
  5. A challenge to a stereotype
  6. The term used to categorise media by its style and format E.g. Horror, Romance, Sci-fi
  7. The categories we use to group media together, such as Print, Broadcast and E-Media are known as...
  8. A rule or expectation that audiences have of a particular product
  9. When two or more genres are fused together in one genre, for example a rom-com film
  1. A very formal newspaper that has large pages such as The Telegraph
  2. The piece of text at the very top of a magazine or newspaper, even above the masthead
  3. The surname of the media theorist who came up with the Male Gaze Theory
  4. A generalised way of describing a person or group of people (sometimes very offensive)
  5. The associated meaning of something E.g. A red rose as a symbol of love
  6. The text on a magazine front cover that gives hints to the stories inside
  7. The title of a product on a print product
  8. A __________ Style is a brand that has a set colour scheme and font style to make it recognisable

17 Clues: A challenge to a stereotypeA shared belief or value in societyThe title of a product on a print productThe theory by Andy Medhurst titled ____________ StereotypesA rule or expectation that audiences have of a particular productA very formal newspaper that has large pages such as The Telegraph...

Deviance: Norms & Theories 2023-05-04

Deviance: Norms & Theories crossword puzzle
  1. a violation of contextual, cultural, or social norms
  2. in strain theory, individuals experiencing this pursue goals they cannot reach through legitimate means by instead using criminal or deviant means
  3. in strain theory, this describes someone who lowers their goals until they can reach them through socially acceptable ways
  4. the regulation and enforcement of norms
  5. deviant behavior that does not have long-term consequences and does not result in the person committing the act being labeled as a deviant
  6. a deviant act, especially for those underage; the reason the same students use the restroom every class period
  7. recent studies show these are creating a generation of addicts who have difficulty functioning socially
  8. inequalities in wealth and power that arise from the economic system; not a formal theory on deviance
  9. in strain theory, individuals experiencing this have both the goal and the means to achieve success
  10. punishments for violating norms
  11. in strain theory, when people replace society's current goals and means with new goals and means
  12. the means of enforcing rules
  13. sanctions that occur in face-to-face interactions
  1. a symbolic interactionist theory that states individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance
  2. in strain theory, those who reject society's goals and means; drug addicts fall into this category
  3. an early founder of conflict theory; he stated that the working classes will always be at odds with the wealth classes; these groups will always be fighting for power
  4. a symbolic interactionist theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society
  5. a conflict theory which states that the rich and powerful have ways to manipulate the legal and political systems to their advantage
  6. a symbolic interactionist theory; the ascribing of a deviant behavior to another person by members of society
  7. deviant behavior that results from being publicly labeled as deviant and treated as an outsider
  8. sanctions that are officially recognized and enforced
  9. rewards given for conforming to norms
  10. an odd, but interesting teacher; a member of the hobbit species; sometimes grumpy from lack of sleep; known for wearing iconic flatcaps
  11. a functionalist approach which says deviance results when one lacks the ways to reach socially accepted goals by accepted methods
  12. a functionalist theory that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control

25 Clues: the means of enforcing rulespunishments for violating normsrewards given for conforming to normsthe regulation and enforcement of normssanctions that occur in face-to-face interactionsa violation of contextual, cultural, or social normssanctions that are officially recognized and enforced...

U3A5 Crossword Activity 2014-11-12

U3A5 Crossword Activity crossword puzzle
  1. An authorization granted to carry out specified commercial activities.
  2. A theory in psychology proposed by ___________ to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity.
  3. Non-Profit money cooperative where members can borrow from group deposits.
  4. A licensed institution as a receiver of deposits.
  5. Modifying a product or service that already exists.
  6. When a person’s financial liability has no maximum amount.
  7. Group of people authorized to act as a single entity.
  8. The act of creating a new product or service.
  9. The action or business of promoting and selling products or services
  1. One-third of the Canadian population, born between 1947 and 1966
  2. A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.
  3. A formal statement of set business goals
  4. A person who organizes and operates a business
  5. Investor who provides capital to small companies who do not have access to it.
  6. Unincorporated business with one owner.
  7. An establishment that deals with financial transactions
  8. When a person’s financial liability is limited to a set number.
  9. A legal entity controlled by its members.
  10. A business owned and run by two or more people.
  11. Process of banking money for profit or material result.

20 Clues: Unincorporated business with one owner.A formal statement of set business goalsA legal entity controlled by its members.The act of creating a new product or service.A person who organizes and operates a businessA business owned and run by two or more people.A licensed institution as a receiver of deposits....

Imperialism Review 2016-11-14

Imperialism Review crossword puzzle
  1. the hero in Manila Bay
  2. created in 1887 to ruin the tribal ownership of land
  3. US General defeated at Little Bighorn
  4. largest mass execution. how many?\
  5. opposite of the teller amendment
  6. the power behind Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick theory
  7. ally to Dewey; turned rebel in 1899
  8. inventor of barbed wire
  9. The spark of the Spanish American War
  10. passed by Congress that made Cuban rebels happy
  11. Set up the Great Sioux Reservation in SD
  12. "_____ little war"
  13. The Influence of Sea Power on History
  1. Sioux who uprised in 1862 due to no food rations
  2. admitting wrong was done in the past; making it right
  3. "The sun never set on the _______ empire"
  4. last queen of independent Hawaii
  5. President signed the homestead act in 1862
  6. owned panama canal area before the US staged revolt
  7. exaggerated news stories
  8. one of the founders of the Anti-Imperialist League
  9. The spanish general sent to stop the rebellion
  10. Last battle of Indian Resistance
  11. a cartoon and poem justifying imperialism
  12. gave the US Guam, Puerto Rico and philippines
  13. phase of treatment that goes with Carlisle School
  14. where yellow fever experiment set up
  15. Built the Transcontinental RR, then excluded in 1882

28 Clues: "_____ little war"the hero in Manila Bayinventor of barbed wireexaggerated news storieslast queen of independent Hawaiiopposite of the teller amendmentLast battle of Indian Resistancelargest mass execution. how many?\ally to Dewey; turned rebel in 1899where yellow fever experiment set upUS General defeated at Little Bighorn...

AP Psych 3 (theories, laws, & effects) 2024-05-06

AP Psych 3 (theories, laws, & effects) crossword puzzle
  1. theory that claims that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame
  2. theory that proposes that forgetting occurs because memory traces fade over time, through the amount of time is not as crucial
  3. is the finding that repeated observation of a stimulus promotes greater liking of the stimulus
  4. theory of motivation that suggests a desirable level of activity needed to successfully complete a task
  5. theory of motivation that stems from a need to return to homeostasis - a state of physiological equilibrium or stability
  6. theory that the spinal cord blocks or allows pain signals to pass the brain
  7. the rule that we should pay back in kind what we receive from others
  8. theory of emotion that states the conscious experience of emotion results from one's perception of autonomic arousal
  9. ____ the tendency for distributed study/practice to yield better long-term retention
  10. _____ effect is when subjects feel change despite receiving empty, fake, or ineffectual treatments
  11. ____ effect is overestimating others' noticing and evaluating our appearance, performance, and blunders
  12. occurs when members of a cohesive group emphasize concurrence at the expense of critical thinking in arriving at a decision
  13. the theory that people forget information because of a competition from other material
  14. ____ effect explains why IQ tests are periodically re-normed so the mean score remains 100
  1. effect when people are less likely ot provide needed help when they are in groups than when they are alone
  2. when there is a disagreement between what we do and what we believe, we change our attitudes to reduce feelings of discomfort
  3. states that the human eye holds specialized receptors associated with the absorbing the colors red, blue, and green
  4. illusion of movement created when two or more lights next to each other blink one and off
  5. social influence technique that suggests people who agree to a small request are more likely to agree to a larger one
  6. theory of hearing that states hair cells are triggered independently
  7. the theory of emotion that states the physical and psychological states happen simultaneously
  8. theory of hearling that states perception of pitch corresponds to the rate at which the whole basilar membrane vibrates
  9. theory that states that color perception depends on receptors that make opposite responses to three pairs of colors
  10. the improved performance of tasks when in the presence of others
  11. theory that neurons either send signals or they don't; there is no in between

25 Clues: the improved performance of tasks when in the presence of otherstheory of hearing that states hair cells are triggered independentlythe rule that we should pay back in kind what we receive from otherstheory that the spinal cord blocks or allows pain signals to pass the brain...

April Theory 2016-04-12

April Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Symptoms of a Dental Injury
  2. Treatment for a Strain (E____)
  3. Position Treatment for a Strain (C_____ P____)
  4. Twenty Scanning Technique
  5. Sign of Choking
  6. Treatment for a Strain (I__)
  7. Where would you find the NOP and EAP?
  8. Symptoms for Head Injuries
  1. 10 seconds to?
  2. Sign of a Head Injury
  3. Operating Procedure NOP
  4. Treatment for a Strain (R___)
  5. Symptoms for an Eye Injury
  6. Acton Plan EAP
  7. Sign of an Eye Injury
  8. Casualty 20 seconds to?
  9. Sign of a Dental Injury

17 Clues: 10 seconds to?Acton Plan EAPSign of ChokingSign of a Head InjurySign of an Eye InjuryOperating Procedure NOPCasualty 20 seconds to?Sign of a Dental InjuryTwenty Scanning TechniqueSymptoms for an Eye InjurySymptoms for Head InjuriesSymptoms of a Dental InjuryTreatment for a Strain (I__)Treatment for a Strain (R___)Treatment for a Strain (E____)...

Atomic Theory 2021-08-26

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. drop experiment to find charge and mass of the electron
  2. substance that cannot be broken down into a smaller substance
  3. the scientist who invented the "Billiard Ball Mode"
  4. a chemical bond of two elements
  5. means atom in greek
  6. a mathematical expression to find the wave function
  7. atom or molecule that gained or lost an electron
  8. the sum of protons and neutrons on the periodic table
  9. same element, different mass
  10. Subatomic particle with a negative charge
  11. subatomic particle with a positive charge
  1. chemist that discovered the orbital model
  2. who discovered the electron
  3. electrons at the out edge of the shell
  4. The scientist that discredited Leucippus and Democritus
  5. rejected the idea of only four elements
  6. Subatomic particle with a neutral charge

17 Clues: means atom in greekwho discovered the electronsame element, different massa chemical bond of two elementselectrons at the out edge of the shellrejected the idea of only four elementsSubatomic particle with a neutral chargechemist that discovered the orbital modelSubatomic particle with a negative chargesubatomic particle with a positive charge...

Color Theory 2021-10-29

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The intensity or strength of a color
  2. A color darkened by black
  3. A color scheme using values of only 1 color
  4. A scheme involving 3 adjacent colors
  5. Yellow is a complement of...
  6. This is a primary color
  7. A secondary color
  8. Red is what type of color? (feel)
  1. Blue and yellow make this color
  2. This is a neutral color
  3. Yellow is what kind of color
  4. A color lightened by white
  5. Orange, green, and purple are classified as these type of colors
  6. Colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel
  7. The lightness/darkness of a color
  8. The clearest form of any color
  9. Blue is what type of color? (feel)
  10. This is a primary color

18 Clues: A secondary colorThis is a neutral colorThis is a primary colorThis is a primary colorA color darkened by blackA color lightened by whiteYellow is what kind of colorYellow is a complement of...The clearest form of any colorBlue and yellow make this colorThe lightness/darkness of a colorRed is what type of color? (feel)...

Cs Theory 2022-03-23

Cs Theory crossword puzzle
  1. device drivers help OS interact with ____ware
  2. Alan Turing described what a __ would look like
  3. a type of malware that copys itself and can destroy or decrypt data
  4. ROM/BIOS chip stores ___ instructions
  5. the spine of the computer
  6. hard drives are cheap, slow and are ___ in storage
  7. registers store _ number or address
  1. The ___ executes what the control unit decoded
  2. when control unit breaks down instruction from register
  3. transports info on the highway
  4. name of when control unit gets instruction from register
  5. utility software assists OS or does ___ work
  6. the clock controls the speed with this mineral
  7. encodes characters based on their number value
  8. one of these are eight of those
  9. this is wayyyy better than the lame hard drive
  10. the cache is a ___ speed memory on CPU

17 Clues: the spine of the computertransports info on the highwayone of these are eight of thoseregisters store _ number or addressROM/BIOS chip stores ___ instructionsthe cache is a ___ speed memory on CPUutility software assists OS or does ___ workdevice drivers help OS interact with ____wareThe ___ executes what the control unit decoded...

Cell Theory 2022-06-10

Cell Theory crossword puzzle
  1. vesicle for temporary storage of materials within the cell
  2. cells with a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
  3. organelle containing chlorophyll where photosynthesis occurs
  4. specialized membrane-bound structures that carry out specific cell functions
  5. folded membrane where protein synthesis occurs
  6. protein that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction
  7. cells without a nucleus or membrane bound organelles
  8. the orderly structure shown by living things
  1. boundary that controls what enters and leaves the cell
  2. makes energy in the form of ATP
  3. contains genetic material for the cell
  4. inflexible barrier that provides support and protection for plant cells
  5. the basic unit of life
  6. stack of tubular membranes that modifies and packages proteins for distribution outside the cell
  7. organelle that makes proteins
  8. fluid that fills the cell
  9. contains digestive enzymes

17 Clues: the basic unit of lifefluid that fills the cellcontains digestive enzymesorganelle that makes proteinsmakes energy in the form of ATPcontains genetic material for the cellthe orderly structure shown by living thingsfolded membrane where protein synthesis occurscells with a nucleus and membrane bound organelles...

Theory 1 2020-06-17

Theory 1 crossword puzzle
  1. cultural studies tend to be?
  2. he put forth the idea of 'heresy of paraphrase'.
  3. he is the author of 'What is an Author'?
  4. this epic poem was analyzed from a Reader Response perspective by Stanley Fish.
  5. culture is?
  6. this critic is associated with the archetypal approach
  7. this theory explores the questions of the role of spatial setting in a poem.
  1. this is defined as the error of evaluating a poem by its effects upon the reader
  2. Aesthetic Ideology was a term applied by this theorist.
  3. the term New Historicism was coined by?
  4. this school of theory shows a particular interest for the role of testimony in literature.
  5. This term was coined by the feminist Showlater
  6. the term ecological Imperialism was coined by?
  7. Who called Chaucer the father of English poetry?
  8. this critic is not concerned with Queer theory.
  9. There is nothing outside the text, said by?
  10. what is the relation between texts that inflicted by means of quotations and allusions?

17 Clues: culture is?cultural studies tend to be?the term New Historicism was coined by?he is the author of 'What is an Author'?There is nothing outside the text, said by?This term was coined by the feminist Showlaterthe term ecological Imperialism was coined by?this critic is not concerned with Queer theory.he put forth the idea of 'heresy of paraphrase'....

Color Theory 2024-02-07

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. paintings having many tints
  2. blue, green, violet
  3. paintings having many shades
  4. red, yellow, blue
  5. adding white to a color
  6. element of art
  7. red, orange, yellow
  8. red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet
  9. one color dominates work
  1. colors opposite on the color wheel
  2. orange, violet, green
  3. one color with tints and shades
  4. when light passes through a prism and bends into bands of color
  5. spectrum bent into a circle
  6. brightness or dullness of a hue
  7. adding black to a color
  8. name of a color

17 Clues: element of artname of a colorred, yellow, blueblue, green, violetred, orange, yelloworange, violet, greenadding white to a coloradding black to a colorone color dominates workpaintings having many tintsspectrum bent into a circlepaintings having many shadesone color with tints and shadesbrightness or dullness of a hue...

Chapter 24 Part 2 2021-05-19

Chapter 24 Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. internal controls of a profession based on human values or moral principles
  2. belief that individual rights provide the vital protection of life, liberty, expression, and property
  3. ethical theory that emphasizes the agents who perform actions and make choices; character and virtue form the framework of this ethical theory
  4. publicly displayed ethical conduct of a profession, usually embedded in a code of ethics; affirms the professional as an independent, autonomous, responsible decision maker
  5. traits of character that are socially valued; such as courage
  6. AART's mandatory standards of minimally acceptable professional conduct. these are enforceable and can result in sanctions should the AART determine the certificate holder has violated any of the rules
  7. justified claims that an individual can make on individuals, groups, or society; divided into legal rights and moral rights
  8. ideals and customs of a society toward which the members of a group have an affective regard; a value may be a quality desirable as an end in itself
  9. collection or set of values that an individual or group has as each person's personal guide
  10. use of moral principles as basis for defending a chosen path of action in resolving an ethical dilemma
  11. ethical principle that places high value on avoiding harm to others
  1. belief that actions themselves, rather than consequences, determine the worth of actions; actions are right or wrong according to morality of the acts themselves
  2. duty to tell the truth and avoid deception
  3. manners and attitudes generally accepted by members of a profession
  4. practice behaviors that are defined by members of a profession
  5. relationship that exists when two mutually dependent groups in a society recognize certain expectations of each other and conduct their affairs accordingly
  6. standards set by individuals or groups of individuals
  7. belief system based on a set of moral principles that are embedded in a common morality

18 Clues: duty to tell the truth and avoid deceptionstandards set by individuals or groups of individualstraits of character that are socially valued; such as couragepractice behaviors that are defined by members of a professionmanners and attitudes generally accepted by members of a profession...

Geometry Extra Credit 2021-03-21

Geometry Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. When the elements have to be in both sets A and B it is known as the _____________ of sets
  2. First name of Meredith Grey's husband
  3. The Greek God of the Sea
  4. The largest animal in the world
  5. The type of probability based on theory
  6. This defensive lineman terrorized the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50
  7. When the elements can be in sets A or B it is known as the _________ of sets
  8. Scotland has 421 words for this word
  9. It was revealed that Jon Snow was actually a member of this House
  10. The midwest state I once lived in
  11. The most infamous Batman villain
  1. The famous Marvel Group that includes Ironman and the Black Widow
  2. The type of probability where a trial or experiment is performed multiple times
  3. The team that won the 2020 World Series
  4. The Norse god of Thunder
  5. When an element is in the universal set but not Set A this is known as the _______ of the set
  6. Dan and Serena were the main characters in this tv show
  7. A couple in the Marvel Universe, Vision and this person
  8. You are in this Math subject
  9. The last name of the brothers in The Vampire Diaries

20 Clues: The Greek God of the SeaThe Norse god of ThunderYou are in this Math subjectThe largest animal in the worldThe most infamous Batman villainThe midwest state I once lived inScotland has 421 words for this wordFirst name of Meredith Grey's husbandThe team that won the 2020 World SeriesThe type of probability based on theory...

Crossword Puzzle 2017-02-11

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. processed cotton more efficiently
  2. theory that microorganisms cause disease
  3. competition is key to this economic theory
  4. land operated/run by owner
  5. belief that everyone is equal
  6. neither rich or poor
  7. fight to gain political rights for working classes
  8. employees negotiate wages
  9. Marx's right hand man
  10. translates to "nowhere" from Greek
  11. workers against industrialization
  12. founder of Marxism
  13. higher-ups in communism
  14. process of people moving to cities to work
  15. doctors are equal to factory workers in this theory
  1. lone business operator
  2. capitalist's motto
  3. machinery took England by storm in this time period
  4. Susan B. Anthony is fighting for women's ______
  5. theory that actions are right if it's best for majority
  6. political theory where society > individual
  7. development of industry in countries
  8. world's first women's convention
  9. oppressed party in communism
  10. _____ market
  11. sole purpose is to protect its workers
  12. synonymous with business
  13. protest

28 Clues: protest_____ marketcapitalist's mottofounder of Marxismneither rich or poorMarx's right hand manlone business operatorhigher-ups in communismsynonymous with businessemployees negotiate wagesland operated/run by owneroppressed party in communismbelief that everyone is equalworld's first women's conventionprocessed cotton more efficiently...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. believed in freedom of speech
  2. to know something one did not know before
  3. created the first vaccine
  4. wrote about the seperation of powers
  5. proposed heliocentric theory
  6. discovered microscopic organisms
  7. parties where people meet to discuss new ideas
  8. fought for womens rights
  9. the theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed
  10. theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  1. studied laws of acceleration and perfected the telescope
  2. wrote "the social contract theory"
  3. discovered that the planets had elliptical orbits
  4. his book was on crime and punishment, he believed in no death penalty trials
  5. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  6. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the englightenment
  7. said "I think, therefore, I am"
  8. created the 3 laws of motion
  9. a person who rules with absolute power
  10. "life, liberty, and property"

20 Clues: fought for womens rightscreated the first vaccinecreated the 3 laws of motionproposed heliocentric theorybelieved in freedom of speech"life, liberty, and property"said "I think, therefore, I am"discovered microscopic organismswrote "the social contract theory"wrote about the seperation of powersa person who rules with absolute power...

Nursing Theorist 2023-11-30

Nursing Theorist crossword puzzle
  1. Known for the Neuman Systems Model, emphasizing prevention and interventions to maintain client stability.
  2. Known for the adaptation model, exploring how individuals and groups adapt to environmental changes for health.
  3. Emphasized basic human needs and the role of nurses in assisting individuals to meet these needs.
  4. Known for the Theory of Caritative Caring, emphasizing love and charity in nursing care.
  5. Created the Self-Care Deficit Theory, focusing on individuals' ability to perform self-care for well-being.
  6. Known for the Cultural Care Theory, emphasizing culturally competent care in nursing.
  7. Is a nursing theorist known for her esoteric model of nursing- the Cincervation Model.
  8. Developed the theory of human caring, emphasizing the importance of a caring relationship between the nurse and patient.
  9. Introduced the Novice to Expert theory, describing the stages of skill acquisition and expertise in nursing practice.
  10. Emphasized interpersonal relations in nursing, focusing on the nurse-patient relationship.
  11. Pioneer of the Science of Unitary Human Beings, focusing on individuals as irreducible wholes interacting with the environment.
  1. Contributed to the Modeling and Role-Modeling theory, emphasizing the importance of understanding the client's worldview for effective nursing care.
  2. Behavioral System Model
  3. Founder of modern nursing, emphasized hygiene, cleanliness, and environmental factors in patient care.
  4. Developed the Human Becoming Theory, emphasizing the freedom of choice and creating one's own meaning in life.
  5. Created the Systems Model, viewing individuals as open systems, with a focus on stress and stability.
  6. Developed the Theory of Goal Attainment, focusing on nurses and patients working together to achieve goals.
  7. Introduced the Health as Expanding Consciousness theory, exploring patterns of consciousness and how they relate to health.
  8. Developed the Human-to-Human Relationship Model, emphasizing the interpersonal relationship between the nurse and patient.
  9. Developed a patient-centered approach, emphasizing individual needs and concerns in nursing care.

20 Clues: Behavioral System ModelKnown for the Cultural Care Theory, emphasizing culturally competent care in nursing.Is a nursing theorist known for her esoteric model of nursing- the Cincervation Model.Known for the Theory of Caritative Caring, emphasizing love and charity in nursing care....

Perm Theory 2020-04-17

Perm Theory crossword puzzle
  1. heat is absorbed from surroundings
  2. bond broken by perm solution
  3. first heat permanent waving machine
  4. permanently changes the texture of hair
  5. most important phase of perming
  6. type of perm producing soft, wavy, loose curled texture
  7. method of perm wrapping created in 1926
  8. oxidizing agent in chemical phase
  9. used in heatless perming technique instead of electricity
  10. suitable hair length for heat permanent waving machine
  1. generates own heat through chemical reaction
  2. thioglycolic derivative contained in acid waves
  3. another name for croquignole method
  4. reducing agent in chemical phase
  5. how hair should be wrapped around perm rods
  6. second major phase in perms
  7. first major phase in perms

17 Clues: first major phase in permssecond major phase in permsbond broken by perm solutionmost important phase of permingreducing agent in chemical phaseoxidizing agent in chemical phaseheat is absorbed from surroundingsanother name for croquignole methodfirst heat permanent waving machinepermanently changes the texture of hair...

Cell Theory 2020-04-26

Cell Theory crossword puzzle
  1. carry out cellular respiration in all eukaryotic cells except mature red blood cells
  2. the general structure in inner membrane
  3. uses visible ligh and magnifies lenses to examine small objects
  4. protects the bacteria and it takes time for recovery
  5. helps store calcium ions for muscular contraction
  6. it extends its plasma membrane around the food particle so it is what moves the plasma membrane
  7. reinforce cell shape
  8. contain different color pigments that give red , yellow arrange colour to different parts of plant
  1. produced by endocytosis and found in amoeba
  2. single membrane that contains digestive enzymes for breaking down toxic materials in the cell
  3. stores water and maintains turgor pressure in a plant cell
  4. plays role in processing and packing secretory proteins and synthesizing complex polysaccharides
  5. is a fold in the inner membrane of a mitochondrion
  6. are the photosynthesizing organelles of all photosynthesizing eukaryotes
  7. produced by the help of ER ang golgi apparatus
  8. typically involved in making proteins that function within the cytoplasm
  9. hairlike structure that acts primarily as an organelle of locomotion in the cells of many living organisms.

17 Clues: reinforce cell shapethe general structure in inner membraneproduced by endocytosis and found in amoebaproduced by the help of ER ang golgi apparatushelps store calcium ions for muscular contractionis a fold in the inner membrane of a mitochondrionprotects the bacteria and it takes time for recovery...

Game Theory 2020-12-27

Game Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Two people might not cooperate even if it is in both their best interests to do so.
  2. Some businesses bring about their own downfall through their own successes.
  3. The more similar two choices are, the more time is spent on deciding.
  4. Hot water can, under certain conditions, freeze faster than cold water.
  5. A man travels back in time to discover the cause of something he started.
  6. If something 99% water is dried to 98%, loses half its weight.
  7. "This sentence is not known."
  1. Increased GPS precision may result in increased collision risk.
  2. Policies intending to reduce future CO2 emissions may lead to increased emissions in the present.
  3. Does the set of all those sets that do not contain themselves contain itself?
  4. If you shave everyone who doesn't shave. Would you shave yourself?
  5. Though most numbers are not squares, there are no more numbers than squares.
  6. Adding extra capacity to a network can reduce overall performance.
  7. Why one will wait longer for a bus than one should?.
  8. After flicking a lamp on and off infinitely often, is it on or off?
  9. Given more than two choices, no system can have all the attributes of an ideal voting system at once.
  10. "It's raining, but I don't believe that it is."

17 Clues: "This sentence is not known.""It's raining, but I don't believe that it is."Why one will wait longer for a bus than one should?.If something 99% water is dried to 98%, loses half its weight.Increased GPS precision may result in increased collision risk.If you shave everyone who doesn't shave. Would you shave yourself?...

Theory vocab 2017-08-15

Theory vocab crossword puzzle
  1. enlarging peoples freedom and oppotunities
  2. holdshe theory that human and animal behavior can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings
  3. childs emotional development
  4. the theory that human and animal behavior can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings
  5. a perception, sensation, or notion
  6. coordination in the body part movement
  7. traits passed down from generations
  8. Ethology stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by biology, is tied to evolution, and is characterized by critical or sensitive periods
  9. control over the body particularly musclesand physical coordination
  10. skills smaller movements in hands wrist and ankles
  1. actions performed by an organism that can be seen and measured
  2. development of a childś brain
  3. individual knowledge acquisition
  4. refers to learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus (e.g. food) is paired with a previously neutral stimulus
  5. it means roughly changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response.
  6. human development that consists of the 'scientific study of the progressive, mutual accommodation, throughout the life course,
  7. the surroundings or conditions a living thing lives

17 Clues: childs emotional developmentdevelopment of a childś brainindividual knowledge acquisitiona perception, sensation, or notiontraits passed down from generationscoordination in the body part movementenlarging peoples freedom and oppotunitiesskills smaller movements in hands wrist and anklesthe surroundings or conditions a living thing lives...

Color Theory 2017-11-01

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The primary colors are Red, Yellow, and Blue; these colors cannot be ________________ by any combination of other colors.
  2. A ____________________ complementary color scheme takes the two colors on either side of a colors complement.
  3. A ________________________________ color scheme uses only one color, plus BLACK and WHITE.
  4. A triadic color scheme uses three colors ____________________ (the same distance from one another) on the color wheel
  5. Intensity refers to the brightness or ____________________ of a color.
  6. Hue refers to the ________________ of a color.
  7. Analogous colors are any three or more colors that are __________________ to each other on the color wheel and are closely related.
  1. Neutral brown is made by mixing equal amounts of two _______________________ colors.
  2. Complementary colors are directly across from each other or _________________________ on the color wheel.
  3. Neutral colors include black, ___________________, white, and grey
  4. Value refers to the __________________ or darkness of a color.
  5. The tertiary colors are mixed from an equal amount of a primary hue and a ___________________ hue.
  6. Shades are dark values that are made by mixing a color with _________________.
  7. In color theory, white is the ________________ of color
  8. A ____________________ color scheme uses four complementary colors on the color wheel.
  9. The secondary colors are Green, Orange, and Violet; these colors are formed by mixing equal amounts of two ______________ colors
  10. Tints are light values that are made by mixing a color with _______________.

17 Clues: Hue refers to the ________________ of a color.In color theory, white is the ________________ of colorValue refers to the __________________ or darkness of a color.Neutral colors include black, ___________________, white, and greyIntensity refers to the brightness or ____________________ of a color....

Cell Theory 2020-11-17

Cell Theory crossword puzzle
  1. type of cells contained in tree bark
  2. the act of using one's senses to take in information
  3. an organism consisting of only one cell
  4. what the first observed living cells were referred to
  5. determined that all animals are made up of animal cells
  6. cell that is capable producing new cells
  7. type of images seen through a microscope
  8. coined the term "animacules"
  9. determined that all plants are made of cells
  1. how large an image is produced by a microscope
  2. number of times an image is magnified under a compound microscope with the objective lens set to 4
  3. more complex type of microscope
  4. possible answer to a scientific question
  5. clarity of the image you see through a microscope
  6. the parts of an object and how it is put together
  7. proposed that cells can only come from other cells
  8. number of cell theory principles

17 Clues: coined the term "animacules"more complex type of microscopenumber of cell theory principlestype of cells contained in tree barkan organism consisting of only one cellpossible answer to a scientific questioncell that is capable producing new cellstype of images seen through a microscopedetermined that all plants are made of cells...

Havighurst Theory 2021-11-18

Havighurst Theory crossword puzzle
  1. is primarily influenced by heredity
  2. It is a critical period in setting the pattern for personal and emotional adjustments.
  3. are modified by interactions with family, experiences at school, and acculturation.
  4. refers to the process of biological maturation inheritance and maturation.
  5. is typically viewed as a continual and cumulative process.
  6. implies personality traits present during infancy
  7. adulthood period adults are at the peak of physical health,strengthh and energy.
  8. view sees development as more abrupt-a succession of changes
  1. this stage of development has some predictable physical milestone
  2. has identified critical developmental tasks
  3. is a process that creates growth, progress, and positive change.
  4. refers to the impact of the environment, which involves the process of learning through experiences
  5. is transformed into a walking,talking toddler within a relatively short period of time.
  6. adulthood is the period of decline where the person thinks that he has done what he wanted to do and most of his life span is over.
  7. can be defined as the period that extends from conception to death.
  8. period that ranges from conception to birth.
  9. adulthood period people experience stress due to the double responsibility of caring for the aged parents and the growing children.

17 Clues: is primarily influenced by heredityhas identified critical developmental tasksperiod that ranges from conception to birth.implies personality traits present during infancyis typically viewed as a continual and cumulative process.view sees development as more abrupt-a succession of changes...

Atomic Theory 2021-08-25

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. same element,different mass
  2. a chemical bond of two elements
  3. Subatomic particle with negative charge
  4. Who descredited Leucippus and democritus
  5. Subatomic particle with neutral charge
  6. experiment to find charge and mass of electron
  7. who discovered the electron
  8. chemist that discovered orbital model
  9. the sum of protons and neutrons on perodic table
  1. electrons at the out edge of the shell
  2. rejected the idea of only four elements
  3. substance that cannot be broken down into a smaller substance
  4. subatomic particle with positive charge
  5. means atom in greek
  6. the scientist who in invented the "Billiard Ball Mode"
  7. a mathmatical expression to find wave functio
  8. atom or molecule that gained or lost electron

17 Clues: means atom in greeksame element,different masswho discovered the electrona chemical bond of two elementschemist that discovered orbital modelelectrons at the out edge of the shellSubatomic particle with neutral chargerejected the idea of only four elementssubatomic particle with positive chargeSubatomic particle with negative charge...

Kinetic Theory 2022-10-14

Kinetic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Variable shape, fixed volume
  2. the energy due to motion
  3. solid to liquid temperature
  4. changes as a result of independent var.
  5. measure of heat
  6. transfer of heat from one object to another
  7. the amount of kinetic energy the particles in an object have
  8. gas to liquid
  9. determined by the arrangement and motion of molecules
  10. Fixed shape, fixed volume
  1. liquid to a gas temperature
  2. the amount of force exerted over a certain area
  3. scientist changes it to see what happens
  4. liquid to gas
  5. Variable shape, variable volume
  6. Aspects of the experiment that are kept the same
  7. A basis for comparison

17 Clues: liquid to gasgas to liquidmeasure of heatA basis for comparisonthe energy due to motionFixed shape, fixed volumeliquid to a gas temperaturesolid to liquid temperatureVariable shape, fixed volumeVariable shape, variable volumechanges as a result of independent var.scientist changes it to see what happenstransfer of heat from one object to another...

electrical theory 2024-05-03

electrical theory crossword puzzle
  1. calculate energy used in residential home
  2. mechanical switch for control of one light
  3. steps us or steps down voltage
  4. breaker protects circuits and equipment from over current
  5. sends power out to circuits
  6. plastic conduit
  7. arc fault circuit interrupter
  8. electrical metallic tubing
  9. useful box for one device
  1. returns unused power back to the panel
  2. stores electrical charge
  3. feeder wire for all circuits
  4. conductor type used in romex
  5. mechanically bonds and grounds all devices
  6. underground feeder
  7. ground fault circuit interrupter
  8. receptacle an outlet of power

17 Clues: plastic conduitunderground feederstores electrical chargeuseful box for one deviceelectrical metallic tubingsends power out to circuitsfeeder wire for all circuitsconductor type used in romexreceptacle an outlet of powerarc fault circuit interruptersteps us or steps down voltageground fault circuit interrupterreturns unused power back to the panel...

Atomic Theory 2024-09-01

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. rutherford's model of the atom
  2. neutral/no charge particle
  3. negatively charged particle
  4. quantum model of the atom
  5. planetary model of the atom
  6. bohr called electron's orbits-
  7. all matter is made of-
  8. solid sphere model of the atom
  9. jj thomson's model of the atom
  1. jj thomson's experiment
  2. discovered the nucleus and protons
  3. discovered the electron
  4. discovered that electrons are negatively charged
  5. positively charged particle
  6. the experiment rutherford performed
  7. discovered the neutron
  8. millikan's experiment

17 Clues: millikan's experimentall matter is made of-discovered the neutronjj thomson's experimentdiscovered the electronquantum model of the atomneutral/no charge particlenegatively charged particleplanetary model of the atompositively charged particlerutherford's model of the atombohr called electron's orbits-solid sphere model of the atom...

Plate Tectonics 2023-03-15

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Result of Tectonic plates pushing together
  2. Type of scientists that study the earth
  3. Form along the edge of Tectonic plates
  4. The Tectonic plate theory was developed
  5. Mountain Building Process
  6. The theory preceding the tectonic plate theory
  7. What does the slipping of tectonic plates cause?
  8. Plates of earth that move over the liquid layer
  9. Region on earth with a lot of tectonic activity, located around the Pacific Ocean
  1. South America and Africa are a ___________
  2. What Tectonic Plate is Canada on?
  3. Two plates moving towards each other
  4. All the continents used to be a
  5. The ______ also has tectonic plates
  6. _______ found in the ground support the theory
  7. Layer under the tectonic plates
  8. Came up with the Theory of Continental Drift
  9. What is the zone between two tectonic plates called?
  10. Two plates moving away from each other
  11. Name of the supercontinent

20 Clues: Mountain Building ProcessName of the supercontinentAll the continents used to be aLayer under the tectonic platesWhat Tectonic Plate is Canada on?The ______ also has tectonic platesTwo plates moving towards each otherForm along the edge of Tectonic platesTwo plates moving away from each otherType of scientists that study the earth...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. believed in freedom of speech
  2. to know something one did not know before
  3. created the first vaccine
  4. wrote about the seperation of powers
  5. proposed heliocentric theory
  6. discovered microscopic organisms
  7. parties where people meet to discuss new ideas
  8. fought for womens rights
  9. the theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed
  10. theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  1. studied laws of acceleration and perfected the telescope
  2. wrote "the social contract theory"
  3. discovered that the planets had elliptical orbits
  4. his book was on crime and punishment, he believed in no death penalty trials
  5. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  6. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the englightenment
  7. said "I think, therefore, I am"
  8. created the 3 laws of motion
  9. a person who rules with absolute power
  10. "life, liberty, and property"

20 Clues: fought for womens rightscreated the first vaccinecreated the 3 laws of motionproposed heliocentric theorybelieved in freedom of speech"life, liberty, and property"said "I think, therefore, I am"discovered microscopic organismswrote "the social contract theory"wrote about the seperation of powersa person who rules with absolute power...

Cell Theory 2023-01-10

Cell Theory crossword puzzle
  1. chemical reactions inside the cell
  2. smallest structural and functional unit of an organism
  3. concluded that all animal tissues are composed of cells too
  4. proposed that all cells result from the division of previously existing living cells
  5. obtaining food to provide energy for growth
  6. perceiving and responding to changes in the environment
  7. contains cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane
  8. developed the microscope lens to see greater magnification
  9. observed bark of cork trees under a microscope
  10. producing offspring (sexually or asexually)
  1. keeping conditions inside the organism within tolerable limits (balanced)
  2. all organisms are composed of cells, cells are the basic unit of life, all cells come from the division of previous existing cells
  3. all organism are composed of cells and cells are the basic unit of life
  4. concluded all plant tissues are composed of cells
  5. increase in size
  6. contains cytoplasm in a membrane no nucleus
  7. protection against enemies

17 Clues: increase in sizeprotection against enemieschemical reactions inside the cellcontains cytoplasm in a membrane no nucleusobtaining food to provide energy for growthproducing offspring (sexually or asexually)observed bark of cork trees under a microscopeconcluded all plant tissues are composed of cells...

Color Theory 2022-11-18

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Precise shapes used in math
  2. Pure color
  3. Irregular shapes often found in nature
  4. Yellow, Orange, Red
  5. Colors next to each other on the color wheel
  6. Colors opposite on the color wheel
  7. Red and blue mixed together
  8. Lightness or darkness of a color
  9. Red and yellow mixed together
  10. Green, Purple, Orange
  11. Color mixed with white
  1. Using one color plus its tints and shades
  2. A range of values between black and white
  3. Blue, green purple
  4. Color mixed with black
  5. Red, Yellow, Blue
  6. Blue and yellow mixed together

17 Clues: Pure colorRed, Yellow, BlueBlue, green purpleYellow, Orange, RedGreen, Purple, OrangeColor mixed with blackColor mixed with whitePrecise shapes used in mathRed and blue mixed togetherRed and yellow mixed togetherBlue and yellow mixed togetherLightness or darkness of a colorColors opposite on the color wheelIrregular shapes often found in nature...

Kinetic Theory 2023-12-13

Kinetic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. When particles are a medium distance apart and can flow
  2. Each different kind of atom has a different number of protons
  3. The animal that pulls Santa's sleigh (Rudolph!)
  4. Chrismtas socks that hang on the fire place
  5. The smallest unit of matter we can obtain chemically
  6. What does Buddy the Elf say his favorite thing is?
  7. When particles are far apart and move randomly to fill whatever space they are in
  8. When particles have more energy we can measure it as ________
  9. What is hung on the Christmas tree
  1. When a substance changes from liquid to solid
  2. When particles move, they have ________ energy
  3. When particles are packed tightly together (rigid, strong)
  4. Everything around us can be modelled as being made up of _______
  5. When a substance changes from solid to liquid
  6. The name of Santa's wife
  7. When a group of atoms join together they form a _____
  8. The physical nature of a substance

17 Clues: The name of Santa's wifeThe physical nature of a substanceWhat is hung on the Christmas treeChrismtas socks that hang on the fire placeWhen a substance changes from liquid to solidWhen a substance changes from solid to liquidWhen particles move, they have ________ energyThe animal that pulls Santa's sleigh (Rudolph!)...

chemistry scientists 2022-12-12

chemistry scientists crossword puzzle
  1. cathode rays negatively charged
  2. theory of covalent bonding
  3. oil drop experiment
  4. cancer treatment and radium
  5. arranged elements by relative atomic mass
  6. wave length and atomic number
  7. discovered the electron
  8. elements were budling blocks of substances
  9. no 2 electronbs have same atomic numbers
  1. the Schrödinger equation
  2. theory of relativity E=MC^2
  3. known for the modern periodic table
  4. bohr model of a atom
  5. gasses at same temp & press = molecules
  6. proposed the nuclear structure of atomns
  7. introduced the atomic theory into chemistry
  8. quantum theory
  9. founder of modern chemistry
  10. proved neutrons existed

19 Clues: quantum theoryoil drop experimentbohr model of a atomproved neutrons existeddiscovered the electronthe Schrödinger equationtheory of covalent bondingtheory of relativity E=MC^2cancer treatment and radiumfounder of modern chemistrywave length and atomic numbercathode rays negatively chargedknown for the modern periodic table...

AP psychology, unit 4 vocab 2021-03-02

AP psychology, unit 4 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the brain's natural mode of information processing many things at once
  2. the theory that links pitch to the rate auditory signals race up nerves
  3. senses interacting and influencing one another
  4. the process of turning stimuli energies into neural impulses that our brain can interpret
  5. losing sensitivity in response to unchanging stimulus
  6. the tendency to organize stimuli into groups
  7. the process of organizing and representing stimulus information, and allowing us to make connections to objects
  8. the minimum amount of stimulus needed to sense that particular stimulus 50% of the time
  9. in hearing the theory that links pitch with the place where the cochlea is stimulated
  10. the theory predicting how and when we sense a particular stimulus among background noise
  11. the place where no receptor cells are located, creating a___
  12. the ability to adjust changed sensory input.
  13. the part of the sensory nerve that responds to stimuli
  14. the conscious awareness of a particular stimuli
  15. the retina contains 3 types of color receptors that when stimulated in combination can produce color vision
  1. the process where the brain receives and represents stimulus from our environment
  2. the brain's filtering of vision to focus on an object that stands out
  3. a laboratory device used for testing depth perception
  4. our movement sense for sensing the movement of individual body parts
  5. the analysis that works with sensory receptors, and works up to help the brain integrate sensory information
  6. the theory that opposing retinal processes enable color vision
  7. the minimum stimulus difference needed to be just noticeable 50% of the time
  8. the principle to be perceived different, two stimulus must differ by a constant minimum percentage
  9. the theory that there is a neurological gate that can block off or open up to pain
  10. psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition
  11. the influence of bodily sensations and cognitive preferences.
  12. depth cues that help us sense depth perception
  13. information processing that is guided by higher mental processes and draws off of experiences
  14. a binocular cue for perceiving depth, telling us how close something is
  15. perceiving objects as consistent coloration

30 Clues: perceiving objects as consistent colorationthe tendency to organize stimuli into groupsthe ability to adjust changed sensory input.senses interacting and influencing one anotherdepth cues that help us sense depth perceptionthe conscious awareness of a particular stimulipsychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition...

Science crossword 2022-10-25

Science crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tectonic
  2. volcano
  3. earth
  4. Microscope
  5. chemical
  6. magma
  7. Thermometer
  8. evidence
  9. Astronomy
  10. prediction
  1. accurate
  2. beaker
  3. Photosynthesis
  4. earthquake
  5. graph
  6. science
  7. measure
  8. Geology
  9. theory
  10. data

20 Clues: datagraphearthmagmabeakertheoryvolcanosciencemeasureGeologyaccuratetectonicchemicalevidenceAstronomyearthquakeMicroscopepredictionThermometerPhotosynthesis

Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle 2020-09-16

Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A smaller more manageable part of a larger group
  2. Information that is gathered in an orderly way
  3. Viewpoint that is personal rather than scientific
  4. A publication intended to further the progress of science
  5. The process of noticing and describing events in a careful orderly way
  6. A process used to test hypotheses
  7. A scientific explanation for a set of observations that can be tested
  8. A variable whose values are independent of changes in the values of other variables
  9. An observation that contradicts an accepted law or theory
  1. The part of the experiment that is either dependent or independent
  2. The act of ensuring an instrument will produce accurate results
  3. A well tested explanation that unifies a broad range of hypotheses
  4. A remark, statement, or comment based on something one has seen, heard, or noticed
  5. To influence or direct behavior or the course of events
  6. To confirm something
  7. What you do to find the dimensions of an object

16 Clues: To confirm somethingA process used to test hypothesesInformation that is gathered in an orderly wayWhat you do to find the dimensions of an objectA smaller more manageable part of a larger groupViewpoint that is personal rather than scientificTo influence or direct behavior or the course of events...

Chapter 1 Terms 2023-01-08

Chapter 1 Terms crossword puzzle
  1. compares a measurement to the accepted or expected value of a measurement
  2. the systematic study of the universe to produce observations, inferences, and models
  3. an initial, testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides the scientific investigation
  4. a system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct
  5. a model often expressed as a mathematical equation that describes phenomena under certain conditions
  6. International System of Units
  7. data that is quantitative(based on numbers or quantities)
  1. the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter as well as changes in matter
  2. the command to fill the earth and have dominion over it
  3. inquiry an ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world
  4. science the study of nonliving matter and energy
  5. the key to good models
  6. the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
  7. the degree of exactness of the measurments
  8. workable explanation or description of a phenomenon
  9. a model that explains a related set of phenomena

16 Clues: the key to good modelsInternational System of Unitsthe degree of exactness of the measurmentsscience the study of nonliving matter and energya model that explains a related set of phenomenaworkable explanation or description of a phenomenona system of moral values or a theory of proper conductthe command to fill the earth and have dominion over it...

Ch. 3 Crossword- Ed. Psych 2021-02-11

Ch. 3 Crossword- Ed. Psych crossword puzzle
  1. In which stage of Erik Erikson's theory do adolescents turn towards friends and peer groups and away from their parents?
  2. Which theorist has a six stage approach about moral reasoning?
  3. According to Erik Erikson's theory, in which stage numerically do students begin experiencing success and failure?
  4. What is the second stage of Piaget's moral reasoning theory?
  5. Kohlberg probed children's responses to a series of situations, otherwise known as what?
  6. Bronfenbrenner created what model to describe how family, school, community, and cultural factors affect child's development?
  7. How do children develop their personality and linguistic, cognitive, and social skills during preschool years?
  1. In what stage of Erik Erikson's theory do children develop a sense of independence?
  2. What are voluntary actions towards one another such as caring?
  3. How many stages are in Erik Erikson's theory on psychosocial development?
  4. Erikson's theory fails to explain how or why individuals _________ from one stage to another.
  5. In Piaget's theory of moral development, ____________ morality refers to inflexible rules made by others.
  6. Kohlberg's theory on moral development is criticized because he only studied _________ when doing his research.
  7. Kohlberg's theory on moral development is broken into how many categories?
  8. What is the first category of Kohlberg's theory on moral development?

15 Clues: What is the second stage of Piaget's moral reasoning theory?What are voluntary actions towards one another such as caring?Which theorist has a six stage approach about moral reasoning?What is the first category of Kohlberg's theory on moral development?How many stages are in Erik Erikson's theory on psychosocial development?...

Social Psychology 2014-04-09

Social Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. Taste aversion learning
  2. First practical intelligence test
  3. Psychology of judgement, decision-making, heuristics and biases
  4. Cognitive dissonance theory
  5. Classical conditioning
  6. Stanford prison experiment
  7. Hierarchy of needs
  8. Specialized in language development, humans inborn ability to develop language
  9. Psychoanalysis, use of free association, transference
  10. Maternal-seperation, monkey isolation
  11. Conformity
  12. Theory on learned helplessness, positive psychology
  13. Hypnosis
  14. Behaviorist, operant conditioning chamber
  1. Cognitive theory: schemas, adaptation processes, stages of development
  2. Specialized in sexual and marital problems, individual's power
  3. Psychosocial development on human beings
  4. Pioneers of developmental psychology, infant temperament stays same
  5. Expert on human memory
  6. Social learning theory/Observational learning
  7. Cognitive therapy, treatment of clinical depression
  8. Strange situation, attachment styles
  9. Behaviorism/Little Albert experiment
  10. Emotion and facial expressions
  11. Humanistic psychology, person-centered/client-centered therapy
  12. Parenting styles, authoritarian, permissive, authoritative
  13. Theory of moral development
  14. Shock experiment/Obedience Experiment

28 Clues: HypnosisConformityHierarchy of needsExpert on human memoryClassical conditioningTaste aversion learningStanford prison experimentCognitive dissonance theoryTheory of moral developmentEmotion and facial expressionsFirst practical intelligence testStrange situation, attachment stylesBehaviorism/Little Albert experiment...

Psychology People Crossword 2015-04-16

Psychology People Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Weber's law, just noticeable differences
  2. three types of parenting styles
  3. theory of specific, multiple intelligences (8)
  4. 3 multiple intelligences
  5. attachment theory, monkeys
  6. social psychology, electric shock experiment
  7. secure and insecure attachment
  8. stages of moral development
  9. stages of psychosocial development, 8 stages
  10. bobo doll experiment, social learning theory
  11. biological predisposition to learning, taste aversion
  12. neo-Freudian psychologist, believed in conscious and unconscious awareness
  13. language acquisition
  14. classical conditioning, dogs and food
  15. facial expressions are universal around the world
  1. operant conditioning, pigeon and rat experiment
  2. psychoanalytic theory, dream analysis
  3. false diagnosis experiment
  4. theory of cognitive dissonance
  5. impact of culture on cognitive development
  6. Rational emotive therapy
  7. one underlying intelligence 'g'
  8. behaviorism, little Albert experiment
  9. prison experiment
  10. father of psychology
  11. intelligence testing
  12. hierarchy of needs
  13. 4 stages of development

28 Clues: prison experimenthierarchy of needsfather of psychologyintelligence testinglanguage acquisition4 stages of developmentRational emotive therapy3 multiple intelligencesfalse diagnosis experimentattachment theory, monkeysstages of moral developmenttheory of cognitive dissonancesecure and insecure attachmentthree types of parenting styles...

study guide 3 quarter 2021-02-25

study guide 3 quarter crossword puzzle
  1. hierarchy of needs
  2. psychosocial theory
  3. gradual increase in skills and abilities that occurs over a lifetime
  4. development thinking skills
  5. processes involving thought and knowledge
  6. ability to understand that relationships between two objects can extend to a third object
  7. operant conditioning
  8. 4 stages of cognitive theory
  9. use large muscles like legs, arms
  10. something can remain the same even if the way it looks changes
  11. use small muscles like hands, wrists
  1. ability to sort items by one or more characteristic they have in common
  2. socialcultural theory
  3. social cognitive theory
  4. trust vs mistrust
  5. happen to teens that cause increase in hormones
  6. place objects in order by a characteristic such as smallest to largest
  7. classical conditioning
  8. relationships
  9. physical changes in size
  10. theory based on the belief that individuals' behavior is determined by forces in the environment beyond their control

21 Clues: relationshipstrust vs mistrusthierarchy of needspsychosocial theoryoperant conditioningsocialcultural theoryclassical conditioningsocial cognitive theoryphysical changes in sizedevelopment thinking skills4 stages of cognitive theoryuse large muscles like legs, armsuse small muscles like hands, wristsprocesses involving thought and knowledge...

tectctonic plates 2022-03-09

tectctonic plates crossword puzzle
  1. convection
  2. divergent
  3. subduction
  4. lithosphere
  5. fault
  6. convergent
  7. boundary
  8. floatingplates
  9. tectonicplates
  10. movingplates
  11. slabpull
  12. ridgerush
  1. volcanic
  2. asthenosphere
  3. earthquake
  4. transform
  5. continentialplates
  6. seafloorspread
  7. platebboundary
  8. theory

20 Clues: faulttheoryvolcanicboundaryslabpulldivergenttransformridgerushconvectionearthquakesubductionconvergentlithospheremovingplatesasthenosphereseafloorspreadplatebboundaryfloatingplatestectonicplatescontinentialplates

bio 2024-02-08

bio crossword puzzle
  1. GeologicalTimescale
  2. Microevolution
  3. Binomialnomenclature
  4. Adaptation
  5. Deuterostomes
  6. Theory
  7. Survivalofthefittest
  8. Macroevolution
  1. NaturalSelection
  2. Molecularclock
  3. EndosymbioticTheory
  4. Changesingenes
  5. Hoxgenes
  6. Speciation
  7. Protostomes
  8. Struggleforexistence
  9. CharlesDarwin
  10. Analogousstructure
  11. Paleontologist
  12. Fitness

20 Clues: TheoryFitnessHoxgenesSpeciationAdaptationProtostomesCharlesDarwinDeuterostomesMolecularclockChangesingenesMicroevolutionPaleontologistMacroevolutionNaturalSelectionAnalogousstructureEndosymbioticTheoryGeologicalTimescaleStruggleforexistenceBinomialnomenclatureSurvivalofthefittest

Vocabulary #7 and 8 2013-12-04

Vocabulary #7 and 8 crossword puzzle
  1. to keep above the ground
  2. to help or support
  3. you must do, or is very important
  4. to let something happen, to give your ok
  5. to pull apart
  6. the way something is done or organized
  7. happens very quickly
  8. to organize or set up
  1. something that is well known
  2. something difficult to complete
  3. to inspire someone
  4. make something known
  5. to announce or say it should be done
  6. a sharp difference between two things
  7. to place in a flat position
  8. to make a statement that you believe to be true
  9. to let go of something
  10. something that is necessary
  11. an educated idea
  12. to take something that is offered

20 Clues: to pull apartan educated ideato inspire someoneto help or supportmake something knownhappens very quicklyto organize or set upto let go of somethingto keep above the groundto place in a flat positionsomething that is necessarysomething that is well knownsomething difficult to completeyou must do, or is very important...

Industry and Immigration 2016-09-14

Industry and Immigration crossword puzzle
  1. / the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.
  2. / firm belief in someone or something.
  3. / the theory that wealthy people will survive and poor wont.
  4. / to buy all the companies that make the same stuff you do.
  5. / a duty imposed on imports to raise their price and make less people buy them.
  6. / to refuse to work as a form of organized protest.
  7. / a person who operates a business.
  8. / the theory that most land should be owned and ruassn by the government.
  9. / a room or set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments.
  1. / an organized association of workers formed to further their rights and interests.
  2. / when private businesses operate free of state control.
  3. / take in and understand fully.
  4. / a steel-making process.
  5. / to buy all of the companies that make stuff you need for your business.
  6. / to leave ones country in order to settle permanently in another.
  7. / to have control or power of the supply or trade in a commodity.

16 Clues: / a steel-making process./ take in and understand fully./ a person who operates a business./ firm belief in someone or something./ to refuse to work as a form of organized protest./ when private businesses operate free of state control./ to buy all the companies that make the same stuff you do....

Physical Science Vocabulary 2023-08-18

Physical Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The degree of exactness of the measurements
  2. The study of composition, structure, and properties of matter as well as changes in matter
  3. Directs us to fill the earth and have dominion over it
  4. The study of nonliving matter and energy
  5. The key of good models
  6. Based on numbers or quantities
  7. A model that explains a related set of phenomena
  8. the systematic study of the universe to produce observations, inferences, and models
  9. A model often expressed as a mathematical equation that describes phenomena under certain conditions
  1. Stands for the systeme international d'Unities
  2. AN ongoing, orderly, cyclical approah used to investigate the world
  3. The study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
  4. Compares a measurement to the accepted or expected value of a measurement
  5. AN inital, testable explaination of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides the scientific investigation
  6. A system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct
  7. A workable explaination or description of a phenomenon

16 Clues: The key of good modelsBased on numbers or quantitiesThe study of nonliving matter and energyThe degree of exactness of the measurementsStands for the systeme international d'UnitiesA model that explains a related set of phenomenaDirects us to fill the earth and have dominion over itA system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct...