solar system Crossword Puzzles

Space Crossword 2013-06-06

Space Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. first Canadian commander of the International Space Station
  2. eight planet in our solar system
  3. The robotic arm on the International Space Station
  4. first Canadian to board the International Space Station
  5. first planet in our solar system
  6. a mars rover that has recently reached mars
  7. third planet in our solar system
  8. a station in space built by many countries together
  9. ninth planet in our solar system
  10. second planet in our solar system
  11. first Canadian in space
  12. what makes all life possible
  1. fifth planet in our solar system
  2. first Canadian woman in space
  3. The group of people that run Canada's space program
  4. sixth planet in our solar system
  5. The first Canadian satellite
  6. president of the Canadian Space Agency
  7. seventh planet in our solar system
  8. fourth planet in our solar system

20 Clues: first Canadian in spaceThe first Canadian satellitewhat makes all life possiblefirst Canadian woman in spacefifth planet in our solar systemeight planet in our solar systemsixth planet in our solar systemfirst planet in our solar systemthird planet in our solar systemninth planet in our solar systemsecond planet in our solar system...

THE COSMOS 2020-02-25

THE COSMOS crossword puzzle
  1. the smallest things that creates everything
  2. Smallest planet in the solar system
  3. The core of a massive star that collapsed
  4. Our biggest neighboring galaxy
  5. Biggest planet in the solar system
  6. The biggest star known to man
  7. A giant cloud after a star's death
  8. Which moon orbits the planet backwards
  9. Total amount of planets in the solar system
  10. Hottest planet in the solar system
  1. What planet has a lot of rust
  2. The outer region of the solar system
  3. Where is the solar system located
  4. name of our galaxy
  5. The most abundant element in the universe
  6. Coldest planet in the solar system
  7. Name one of the gas giant planets
  8. The second biggest moon in the solar system
  9. Once a planet but not a planet
  10. The beginning of the universe

20 Clues: name of our galaxyWhat planet has a lot of rustThe biggest star known to manThe beginning of the universeOur biggest neighboring galaxyOnce a planet but not a planetWhere is the solar system locatedName one of the gas giant planetsColdest planet in the solar systemBiggest planet in the solar systemA giant cloud after a star's death...

6th grade astronomy 2025-02-19

6th grade astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. hottest season on earth
  2. the season before winter
  3. 7th planet from the solar system
  4. 2nd planet of the solar system
  5. the season before summer
  6. once considered a planet but its no more a planet
  7. when the moon casts a shadow
  8. home to dwarf planets like pluto
  9. 4th planet of the solar system
  10. the edge of our solar system
  11. 1st jovian planet of the solar system
  1. a measurement for space
  2. 1st planet of the solar system
  3. 2nd jovian planet of the solar system
  4. orbits the earth
  5. coldest season on earth
  6. the star of life
  7. we live on this planet
  8. final planet from the solar system
  9. a lot of astroids between Mars and jupiter
  10. when the sun is blocked by the moon
  11. first man on the moon

22 Clues: orbits the earththe star of lifefirst man on the moonwe live on this planeta measurement for spacehottest season on earthcoldest season on earththe season before winterthe season before summerwhen the moon casts a shadowthe edge of our solar system1st planet of the solar system2nd planet of the solar system4th planet of the solar system...

Astronomy 2023-03-10

Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. 4th Solar System planet
  2. A celestial body that orbits the sun, has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape, has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit and is not a moon
  3. The ____ is Earth's sole natural satellite and nearest large celestial body
  4. The ___ is the nearest star to Earth
  5. 8th Solar System planet
  6. An astronomical object comprising a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by self-gravity
  7. A system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, dark matter, bound together by gravity
  8. 7th Solar System planet
  9. 5th Solar System planet
  10. A planet outside the Solar System
  11. Small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun
  1. A region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape
  2. A large, rounded astronomical body that is neither a star nor its remnant
  3. 2nd Solar System planet
  4. 6th Solar System planet
  5. A giant cloud of dust and gas in space
  6. A large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen
  7. 3rd Solar System planet
  8. Well known dwarf planet in the Solar System
  9. 1st Solar System planet

20 Clues: 4th Solar System planet2nd Solar System planet6th Solar System planet8th Solar System planet7th Solar System planet5th Solar System planet3rd Solar System planet1st Solar System planetA planet outside the Solar SystemThe ___ is the nearest star to EarthA giant cloud of dust and gas in spaceSmall, rocky objects that orbit the Sun...


THE SOLAR SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  5. saturn´s largest moon
  6. fourth planet of the solar system
  11. spins tilted
  1. icy planet
  12. color caused by the interaccion of iron and O2



THE SOLAR SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  5. saturn´s largest moon
  6. fourth planet of the solar system
  11. spins tilted
  1. icy planet
  12. color caused by the interaccion of iron and O2


Our Solar System 2021-04-21

Our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. small objects mostly made of ice
  2. fifth planet in the solar system
  3. a object that orbits a larger object
  4. streak of light from meteoroid when enters earth atmosphere
  5. smaller than an asteroid or comet
  6. ninth planet in the solar system
  7. second planet in the solar system
  8. small, rocky or metallic objects
  9. eight planet in the solar system
  10. orbit the sun
  11. Biggest Star
  12. to circle around the sun
  1. smaller versions of planets
  2. first planet in the solar system
  3. a meteoroid that hit earth
  4. Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
  5. earth's average distance from the sun
  6. only planet with life
  7. sixth planet in the solar system
  8. fourth planet in the solar system

20 Clues: Biggest Starorbit the sunonly planet with lifeto circle around the suna meteoroid that hit earthsmaller versions of planetssmall objects mostly made of icefirst planet in the solar systemfifth planet in the solar systemninth planet in the solar systemsixth planet in the solar systemsmall, rocky or metallic objectseight planet in the solar system...

Universe 2023-10-18

Universe crossword puzzle
  1. a moon in our solar system larger than mercury
  2. the temperature can go up to 482' celsius
  3. the largest dwarf planet in our solar system
  4. the closest star to our solar system
  5. a kind of black hole that is emitting high energy in the form of a single ray
  6. the closest solar system to ours
  7. the belt of asteroids at the edge of our solar system
  8. a cloud surrounding our solar system
  9. a very dense celestial object formed when a star dies and has a singularity
  10. the largest unit of measurement in space
  11. the explosion which led to the formation of our solar system
  12. the largest black hole
  13. the only known planet to have life
  1. contains 99.98% mass of our solar system
  2. the force which keeps everything together
  3. the first satellite ever to cross the Solar System
  4. the largest planet in our solar system
  5. a star that is extremely dense and made when a star dies
  6. the largest star
  7. the closest galaxy to us
  8. a kind of a neutron star that is emitting high energy in the form of a single ray and rotates really fast
  9. largest planet discovered to have rings
  10. the galaxy in which we live
  11. a planet that is not in our solar system
  12. the brightest explosion in the universe
  13. the coldest planet in our solar system

26 Clues: the largest starthe largest black holethe closest galaxy to usthe galaxy in which we livethe closest solar system to oursthe only known planet to have lifethe closest star to our solar systema cloud surrounding our solar systemthe largest planet in our solar systemthe coldest planet in our solar systemlargest planet discovered to have rings...

Universe 2025-01-08

Universe crossword puzzle
  1. a moon in our solar system larger than mercury
  2. the temperature can go up to 482' celsius
  3. the largest dwarf planet in our solar system
  4. the closest star to our solar system
  5. a kind of black hole that is emitting high energy in the form of a single ray
  6. the closest solar system to ours
  7. the belt of asteroids at the edge of our solar system
  8. a cloud surrounding our solar system
  9. a very dense celestial object formed when a star dies and has a singularity
  10. the largest unit of measurement in space
  11. the explosion which led to the formation of our solar system
  12. the largest black hole
  13. the only known planet to have life
  1. contains 99.98% mass of our solar system
  2. the force which keeps everything together
  3. the first satellite ever to cross the Solar System
  4. the largest planet in our solar system
  5. a star that is extremely dense and made when a star dies
  6. the largest star
  7. the closest galaxy to us
  8. a kind of a neutron star that is emitting high energy in the form of a single ray and rotates really fast
  9. largest planet discovered to have rings
  10. the galaxy in which we live
  11. a planet that is not in our solar system
  12. the brightest explosion in the universe
  13. the coldest planet in our solar system

26 Clues: the largest starthe largest black holethe closest galaxy to usthe galaxy in which we livethe closest solar system to oursthe only known planet to have lifethe closest star to our solar systema cloud surrounding our solar systemthe largest planet in our solar systemthe coldest planet in our solar systemlargest planet discovered to have rings...

Universe 2024-05-15

Universe crossword puzzle
  1. a kind of black hole that is emitting high energy in the form of a single ray
  2. a star that is extremely dense and made up of neutrons
  3. the explosion which led to the formation of our
  4. the closest star to our solar system
  5. contains 99.98% mass of our solar system
  6. the belt of asteroids at the edge of our solar system
  7. the only known planet to have life
  8. a very dense celestial object formed when a star dies and has a singularity
  9. the largest black hole
  10. the closest galaxy to us
  11. largest planet discovered to have rings
  12. the force which keeps everything together
  13. the closest solar system to ours
  1. a cloud surrounding our solar system
  2. the largest planet in our solar system
  3. the largest unit of measurement in space
  4. the coldest planet in our solar system
  5. the brightest explosion in the universe
  6. a moon in our solar system larger than mercury
  7. the temperature can go up to 482' celsius
  8. the largest star
  9. the largest dwarf planet in our solar system
  10. the galaxy in which we live
  11. a planet that is not in our solar system
  12. the first satellite ever to cross the Solar System

25 Clues: the largest starthe largest black holethe closest galaxy to usthe galaxy in which we livethe closest solar system to oursthe only known planet to have lifea cloud surrounding our solar systemthe closest star to our solar systemthe largest planet in our solar systemthe coldest planet in our solar systemthe brightest explosion in the universe...

Solar System Crossword Puzzle 2023-04-18

Solar System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What caused the Solar System to form
  2. Type of planets in our solar system that are mostly gas
  3. First dwarf planet to be discovered
  4. Force that holds the solar system together
  5. Meteoroids that enter Earth's atmosphere are called_________
  6. Dwarf planet located past pluto
  7. Type of planet in our solar system that is solid
  8. Large chunks of ice, gas and dust that orbit the sun
  9. The amount of comets in the oort cloud
  10. Asteroids are made of __________ ___ ________
  1. Number of planets in our solar system
  2. Jupiter's moon that is larger than Mercury
  3. amount of planets we can see with our unaided eyes
  4. Confirmed number of moons that Jupiter has
  5. When a meteor crashes into Earth it is called__________
  6. Shows the boundary of our solar system
  7. Most asteroids are _______________ shaped
  8. third planet from the sun in our solar system
  9. Makes 99.8% of the mass our our solar system
  10. a natural satellite that orbits a planet

20 Clues: Dwarf planet located past plutoFirst dwarf planet to be discoveredWhat caused the Solar System to formNumber of planets in our solar systemShows the boundary of our solar systemThe amount of comets in the oort clouda natural satellite that orbits a planetMost asteroids are _______________ shapedJupiter's moon that is larger than Mercury...

Astronomy 2017-05-01

Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. Small,icy solar system body that gives off a tail when passing close to the sun
  2. Only planet in our solar system that has intelligent life
  3. Powerful explosion that occurs when a star dies
  4. Largest moon in our solar system
  5. Mons The largest volcano in our solar system
  6. Largest of Saturn's moons
  7. Hottest planet in our solar system
  8. An extended shell of icy objects that exists in the outer part of our solar system
  9. Interstellar cloud of dust,hydrogen,helium and other ionized gas
  10. First spacecraft to enter interstellar space
  1. Creator of the show Cosmos
  2. Planet with the longest rotation period in the solar system
  3. Body of matter from outer space that enters Earth's atmosphere and manages to strike the ground
  4. The biggest planet in our solar system
  5. Inner four planets
  6. belt Region of space beyond Neptune that contains many comets,asteroids,and other small bodies made mostly of ice
  7. a region of space with such an intense gravitational field that no type of matter or radiation can escape
  8. Coldest planet in our solar system
  9. Outer four planets
  10. Body of matter from outer space that enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up

20 Clues: Inner four planetsOuter four planetsLargest of Saturn's moonsCreator of the show CosmosLargest moon in our solar systemColdest planet in our solar systemHottest planet in our solar systemThe biggest planet in our solar systemMons The largest volcano in our solar systemFirst spacecraft to enter interstellar space...

Astronomy 2017-05-01

Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. belt Region of space beyond Neptune that contains many comets,asteroids,and other small bodies made mostly of ice
  2. Outer four planets
  3. Hottest planet in our solar system
  4. Largest of Saturn's moons
  5. An extended shell of icy objects that exists in the outer part of our solar system
  6. Inner four planets
  7. Body of matter from outer space that enters Earth's atmosphere and manages to strike the ground
  8. Creator of the show Cosmos
  9. Coldest planet in our solar system
  10. Mons The largest volcano in our solar system
  11. Planet with the longest rotation period in the solar system
  1. Small,icy solar system body that gives off a tail when passing close to the sun
  2. The biggest planet in our solar system
  3. Interstellar cloud of dust,hydrogen,helium and other ionized gas
  4. a region of space with such an intense gravitational field that no type of matter or radiation can escape
  5. First spacecraft to enter interstellar space
  6. Only planet in our solar system that has intelligent life
  7. Powerful explosion that occurs when a star dies
  8. Body of matter from outer space that enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up
  9. Largest moon in our solar system

20 Clues: Outer four planetsInner four planetsLargest of Saturn's moonsCreator of the show CosmosLargest moon in our solar systemHottest planet in our solar systemColdest planet in our solar systemThe biggest planet in our solar systemFirst spacecraft to enter interstellar spaceMons The largest volcano in our solar system...

Astronomy 2021-02-28

Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. Small,icy solar system body that gives off a tail when passing close to the sun
  2. Only planet in our solar system that has intelligent life
  3. Powerful explosion that occurs when a star dies
  4. Largest moon in our solar system
  5. Mons The largest volcano in our solar system
  6. Largest of Saturn's moons
  7. Hottest planet in our solar system
  8. An extended shell of icy objects that exists in the outer part of our solar system
  9. Interstellar cloud of dust,hydrogen,helium and other ionized gas
  10. First spacecraft to enter interstellar space
  1. Creator of the show Cosmos
  2. Planet with the longest rotation period in the solar system
  3. Body of matter from outer space that enters Earth's atmosphere and manages to strike the ground
  4. The biggest planet in our solar system
  5. Inner four planets
  6. belt Region of space beyond Neptune that contains many comets,asteroids,and other small bodies made mostly of ice
  7. a region of space with such an intense gravitational field that no type of matter or radiation can escape
  8. Coldest planet in our solar system
  9. Outer four planets
  10. Body of matter from outer space that enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up

20 Clues: Inner four planetsOuter four planetsLargest of Saturn's moonsCreator of the show CosmosLargest moon in our solar systemColdest planet in our solar systemHottest planet in our solar systemThe biggest planet in our solar systemMons The largest volcano in our solar systemFirst spacecraft to enter interstellar space...

Space 2018-06-14

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Has the largest rings in our solar system
  2. Their tails are never facing stars
  3. It is invisible
  4. Always keeps you down
  5. Inhabits a lot of solar systems
  6. What every planet has
  7. It's in every solar system
  8. What everything is made out of
  9. system Inhabits stars and planets
  1. Stars that connect to form a image
  2. Rocks that fly threw space
  3. Leftover of a supernova
  4. Our Galaxy
  5. Aftermath of a super giant
  6. Huge balls of rock
  7. Smallest planet in our solar system
  8. What we breath
  9. Largest planet in the solar system
  10. Comes from stars
  11. We live on it

20 Clues: Our GalaxyWe live on itWhat we breathIt is invisibleComes from starsHuge balls of rockAlways keeps you downWhat every planet hasLeftover of a supernovaRocks that fly threw spaceAftermath of a super giantIt's in every solar systemWhat everything is made out ofInhabits a lot of solar systemssystem Inhabits stars and planets...

science extra credit marking period 3. 2022-03-23

science extra credit marking period 3. crossword puzzle
  1. biggestplanet in the solar system
  2. where is the solar system located
  3. name of our galaxy
  4. a giant cloud after a star's death
  5. name one of the gas giant planets
  6. the biggest star known to man
  7. thesmallest things that creates everything
  8. once a planet but not a planet
  9. the second biggest moon in the solar system
  1. the most abundant element in the universe
  2. smallestplanet in the solar system
  3. total amount of planets in the solar system
  4. the beginning of the universe
  5. hottest planet in the solar system
  6. coldest planet in the solar system
  7. whatplanet has a lot of rust the outer region of the solar system
  8. which moon orbits the planet backwards

17 Clues: name of our galaxythe biggest star known to manthe beginning of the universeonce a planet but not a planetwhere is the solar system locatedname one of the gas giant planetsbiggestplanet in the solar systemsmallestplanet in the solar systemhottest planet in the solar systema giant cloud after a star's deathcoldest planet in the solar system...

Science crossword year 8 2022-02-18

Science crossword year 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Something that orbits.
  2. The closest planet to the sun.
  3. The star in our solar system.
  4. the number of planets in our solar system.
  5. The closest planet to earth in its orbit.
  6. This planet has many rings and moons.
  7. the hottest planet.
  8. the number of moons mars has.
  9. how long it takes for a planet to rotate once.
  10. how long it takes for a planet to orbit the sun
  11. A blue planet in our solar system.
  1. A large group of solar systems.
  2. A burning ball of gas in space.
  3. A red planet in our solar system.
  4. all of space and time.
  5. Our galaxy.
  6. No longer a planet in our solar system.
  7. The largest planet in our solar system.
  8. A rock that orbits a planet.
  9. A gas giant.
  10. Our planet.

21 Clues: Our galaxy.Our planet.A gas giant.the hottest planet.Something that orbits.all of space and time.A rock that orbits a planet.The star in our solar system.the number of moons mars has.The closest planet to the sun.A large group of solar systems.A burning ball of gas in space.A red planet in our solar system.A blue planet in our solar system....

Space 2024-11-27

Space crossword puzzle
  1. the second biggest moon in our solar system
  2. the closest planet to our solar system
  3. the biggest moon in our solar system
  4. what our moon is
  5. smallest gas giant in our solar system
  6. what protects the earth from the sun
  7. Has 79 moons
  8. a piece of asteroid that survives the earth's atmosphere
  9. a star
  10. the biggest space company
  1. has the most rings in our solar system
  2. spins in the opposite direction as other planets
  3. a planet mostly made of rock and metal
  4. has a huge temperature change
  5. a dwarf planet
  6. where moons come from
  7. Is a gas giant and ice giant
  8. a rock that enters the earth's atmosphere
  9. a natural satellite
  10. smallest moon in our solar system

20 Clues: a starHas 79 moonsa dwarf planetwhat our moon isa natural satellitewhere moons come fromthe biggest space companyIs a gas giant and ice gianthas a huge temperature changesmallest moon in our solar systemthe biggest moon in our solar systemwhat protects the earth from the sunhas the most rings in our solar system...

Space Quiz 2022-09-27

Space Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. 8th planet in the Solar System
  2. 7th planet in the Solar System
  3. 1st planet in the Solar System
  4. 6th planet in the Solar System
  5. not even light can escape
  6. Star...
  7. first moon mission
  1. When a star explodes...
  2. 2nd planet in the Solar System
  3. the answer to life, the universe, and everything
  4. First man on the moon
  5. 5th planet in the Solar System
  6. 3rd planet in the Solar System
  7. the American space agency
  8. 4th planet in the Solar System

15 Clues: Star...first moon missionFirst man on the moonWhen a star explodes...the American space agencynot even light can escape2nd planet in the Solar System8th planet in the Solar System7th planet in the Solar System5th planet in the Solar System1st planet in the Solar System3rd planet in the Solar System6th planet in the Solar System...

Planets and Space Crossword 2014-10-25

Planets and Space Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Yellow star in the middle of our Solar System
  2. This planet takes 365 days to orbit the sun
  3. Planet has rings you can see with a telescope
  4. How many moons does the Earth have?
  5. Color of Uranus and Neptune
  6. Moon controls these on Earth
  7. Metal body that orbits the Earth
  8. Man discovered that gravity keep the planets in orbit around the Sun
  9. Closest planet to the Sun
  10. Planet that is no longer a part of our Solar System
  11. Color of the spot on Jupiter
  1. This planet is known as the 'Red Planet'
  2. Hottest planet in our solar system
  3. This planet spins on its side
  4. Last planet in our Solar System
  5. Largest planet in our Solar system
  6. Abbreviation for the American space company
  7. Way Our Solar System is part of this Galaxy
  8. How many planets are there in our Solar System?
  9. The Earth takes 365 days to do this around the sun

20 Clues: Closest planet to the SunColor of Uranus and NeptuneMoon controls these on EarthColor of the spot on JupiterThis planet spins on its sideLast planet in our Solar SystemMetal body that orbits the EarthHottest planet in our solar systemLargest planet in our Solar systemHow many moons does the Earth have?This planet is known as the 'Red Planet'...

The Solar System 2024-04-24

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. objects made of ice, dust, and rock that have long orbits around the sun
  2. the planet in our solar system that rotates at about 90 degrees from vertical
  3. the planet closest in size to earth in our solar system
  4. a ball of hot gas, mostly hydrogen and helium
  5. consists of the sun, the planets, their moons, and a variety of smaller objects
  6. a round object in space that orbits a sun, but does not have a clear orbit
  7. the furthest planet in our solar system
  8. the unit used to measure distances in the solar system
  9. the smallest planet in our solar system
  10. the planet who's orbit takes about twice the amount of time as earth's
  11. very small chunks of rock and dust that form when asteroids or comets break apart
  12. an object that orbits a planet
  1. the first four planets in the solar system, also called the inner planets
  2. a round object in space that orbits a sun and has a clear orbit
  3. the planet with the most visible rings in our solar system
  4. the last four planets in the solar system, also called the outer planets
  5. a region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter that contains many small, rocky objects
  6. small, irregularly shaped, rocky objects that orbit the sun
  7. the largest planet in our solar system

19 Clues: an object that orbits a planetthe largest planet in our solar systemthe furthest planet in our solar systemthe smallest planet in our solar systema ball of hot gas, mostly hydrogen and heliumthe unit used to measure distances in the solar systemthe planet closest in size to earth in our solar system...

The Solar System 2017-04-10

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. rolls like a barrel rather than spinning like Earth
  2. a huge, bright ball of burning gas that is held together by gravity
  3. An object orbiting the Sun that is large enough to be rounded by its own gravity
  4. fifth largest planet in the Solar System
  5. spiral galaxy where our Solar System and Earth are located.
  6. the force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth
  7. a large group of stars, dust, gas and dark matter held together by gravity
  8. includes the Sun and all the objects that orbit around it
  9. a small rock or particle of debris in our solar system.
  10. the biggest object in the Solar System
  11. the largest planet in our solar system.
  1. the fourth planet from the Sun
  2. similar in size to Earth and features thick a thick and hot atmosphere
  3. features an impressive system of rings.
  4. someone trained to be a crew member of a spacecraft
  5. the closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System.
  6. the most well known comet in the Solar System.
  7. small solar system bodies that orbit the Sun made of rock and metal
  8. is nearly four times the size of Earth.
  9. a natural satellite which orbits the Earth

20 Clues: the fourth planet from the Sunthe biggest object in the Solar Systemfeatures an impressive system of nearly four times the size of Earth.the largest planet in our solar system.fifth largest planet in the Solar Systema natural satellite which orbits the Earththe most well known comet in the Solar System....

Science Vocab 2014-04-27

Science Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. make it
  2. a process
  3. the water going up into the sky from plants
  4. when the sun heats up water it goes up into the sky
  5. the closest planet to the sun
  6. the pushing away of north and south pole on a magnet
  7. the fifth planet in the solar system
  8. the forming of clouds by water
  9. this is a dwarf planet in the solar system
  10. a substance made of humus, crushed rock and dead animal pieces
  11. the only planet with living humans
  1. break it
  2. tool to measure science liquids
  3. the falling of a body of water
  4. the fourth planet in the solar system
  5. the seventh planet in the solar system
  6. a body of land
  7. the second planet in the solar system
  8. take it
  9. the sixth planet in the solar system

20 Clues: make ittake itbreak ita processa body of landthe closest planet to the sunthe falling of a body of waterthe forming of clouds by watertool to measure science liquidsthe only planet with living humansthe fifth planet in the solar systemthe sixth planet in the solar systemthe fourth planet in the solar systemthe second planet in the solar system...

astronomy 2023-05-14

astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. The largest planet in our solar system
  2. Reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006
  3. 1 of the two ice giants in our solar system
  4. The furthest planet away from our solar system
  5. Frozen leftovers from the formation of the solar system composed of dust, rock, and ices
  6. An artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication.
  7. More then 100 robots visited this place
  8. We are in 1 but there are still many others waiting for us to discover
  9. It has most extensive ring system in our solar system
  10. Second closest planet to the sun
  11. A space rock that survives the atmosphere and hits any type of surface
  1. How our Solar system was made
  2. What we use to launch things to space
  3. There are 8 of these in our solar system
  4. The smallest planet in our solar system
  5. What we orbit on
  6. The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.
  7. Where we live
  8. A space rock
  9. There are a lot of these in the sky and next to infinite in the galaxy
  10. The closest planet to the earth

21 Clues: A space rockWhere we liveWhat we orbit onHow our Solar system was madeThe closest planet to the earthSecond closest planet to the sunWhat we use to launch things to spaceThe largest planet in our solar systemReclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006The smallest planet in our solar systemMore then 100 robots visited this place...

Astronomy 101 Chapter 8 Crossword 2019-01-12

Astronomy 101 Chapter 8 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Asteroids look like this vegetable
  2. Hydrogen compound you can drink!
  3. A hydrogen compound abundant on Uranus and Neptune
  4. Home to the outer comets
  5. Theory of how our solar system formed
  6. This planet captured both of its moons
  7. Method we use to date rocks
  8. Hydrogen compound you do not drink
  9. Inner comet belt
  10. This could exist in the hot inner solar system, during formation
  11. Time for 1/2 of a parent nuclei to decay
  1. Stream of charged particles from the Sun
  2. This increased when the solar nebula collapsed
  3. How small seeds of matter grew into planets
  4. Cloud of gas and dust from which the solar system formed
  5. Conservation of ___________ means that the early solar system spun faster as it collapsed
  6. Early period in history of solar system that was very volatile
  7. Planet piece
  8. These cause the solar nebula to flatten
  9. Our Moon is was created in a ______________

20 Clues: Planet pieceInner comet beltHome to the outer cometsMethod we use to date rocksHydrogen compound you can drink!Asteroids look like this vegetableHydrogen compound you do not drinkTheory of how our solar system formedThis planet captured both of its moonsThese cause the solar nebula to flattenStream of charged particles from the Sun...

Astronomy 2021-05-11

Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. first variable that affects force of gravity
  2. earth is the center of the solar system
  3. solar system formed from
  4. best measurement for our solar system
  5. hottest star on the chart
  6. rocky dense planets
  7. life cycle of a star depends on
  8. variable that affects force of gravity
  9. name of our galaxy
  10. life cycle of a star depends on
  1. appears on surface of sun when active
  2. gas planets
  3. sun is the center of the solar system
  4. center of the solar system
  5. age of solar system in billions
  6. best measurement for a galaxy
  7. sun will eventually become
  8. most luminous star on the the chart
  9. white star

19 Clues: white stargas planetsname of our galaxyrocky dense planetssolar system formed fromhottest star on the chartcenter of the solar systemsun will eventually becomebest measurement for a galaxyage of solar system in billionslife cycle of a star depends onlife cycle of a star depends onmost luminous star on the the chart...

quiz 2023-04-07

quiz crossword puzzle
  1. president of Italy
  2. 65th president of Mexico
  3. led by joseph stalin
  4. 1st a planet in the solar system
  5. 8th a planet of the solar system
  6. largest country in the world
  7. 011
  8. 3rd planet in the solar system
  9. 001
  10. Polish people's country
  11. 4th planet in the solar system
  12. 1945-1953 presidential term USA
  13. led by Benito Mussolini
  1. 16th president of the USA
  2. 46th President of the USA
  3. 1797-1801 president of the USA
  4. founder of hawkins lab
  5. Swedish people country
  6. 5th a planet in the solar system
  7. Messis soccer team
  8. fastest animal in the world
  9. 008
  10. Ronaldo's soccer team

23 Clues: 011008001president of ItalyMessis soccer teamled by joseph stalinfounder of hawkins labSwedish people countryRonaldo's soccer teamPolish people's countryled by Benito Mussolini65th president of Mexico16th president of the USA46th President of the USAfastest animal in the worldlargest country in the world1797-1801 president of the USA...

The Planets 2014-09-08

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Nicknamed the Red Planet
  2. The second planet from the sun
  3. The galaxy our Solar System is in
  4. An object which moves around a star
  5. A person trained to travel in a spacecraft
  6. The planet we live on
  7. The seventh planet from the sun
  8. A vehicle that launches into space
  9. Revolves around the Earth
  10. The smallest planet in our Solar System
  1. Four planets in our Solar System are known as _ Planets
  2. Balls of gas held together by gravity
  3. Billions of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity
  4. Made up of the sun and the planets which orbit it
  5. The furthest planet from the sun
  6. Known for its rings
  7. The star in the centre of the Solar System
  8. No longer considered a planet in our Solar System
  9. The force that attracts people to the Earth
  10. The largest planet in our Solar System

20 Clues: Known for its ringsThe planet we live onNicknamed the Red PlanetRevolves around the EarthThe second planet from the sunThe seventh planet from the sunThe furthest planet from the sunThe galaxy our Solar System is inA vehicle that launches into spaceAn object which moves around a starBalls of gas held together by gravity...

The Planets of our Solar System 2014-10-21

The Planets of our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Reclassified as a Dwarf Planet in 2006.
  2. Formed when a supergiant star dies, explodes and collapses due to gravity.
  3. The Planet closest to the sun made of heavy elements.
  4. The scientific theory of the formation of the Universe.
  5. Caused when the Earth rotates through the tail of a Comet.
  6. The least dense Planet in our Solar System.
  7. The Gas Giant that spins on its side.
  8. Rock that is flying through space.
  9. The largest Planet in our Solar System.
  10. The Star at the centre of our Solar System.
  11. The Planet sometimes considered to be Earth's evil twin.
  12. The Planet home to the only known life in our Solar System.
  1. The Space Telescope launched in 1990 that orbits the Earth.
  2. Geologically incative mass that orbits Earth.
  3. Grouping of ice and dust that leaves a tail when it travels through the Inner Solar System.
  4. Groups of stars that form patterns in our night sky.
  5. Rock that lands on Earth from space as it does not completley burn as it enters Earth's atmosphere.
  6. Sometimes referred to as the Red Planet.
  7. Material left over from the formation of the Solar System that moves around the Solar System.
  8. The windiest Planet in our Solar System.
  9. Rock entering the Earth's atmosphere as a shooting star.

21 Clues: Rock that is flying through space.The Gas Giant that spins on its side.Reclassified as a Dwarf Planet in 2006.The largest Planet in our Solar System.Sometimes referred to as the Red Planet.The windiest Planet in our Solar System.The least dense Planet in our Solar System.The Star at the centre of our Solar System....

The Solar System 2014-02-23

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The asteroid belt may have formed a planet if it weren't for Jupiter's ________.
  2. The center of a comet is called the _____.
  3. Most of the asteroids in our solar system are located here.
  4. This is the most eye-catching of all of Jupiter's storms.
  5. The axis Uranus rotates on is nearly _________ to the line it orbits the sun on.
  6. Every planet has an ___________ above its surface that may or may not protect it from most incoming objects.
  7. The smallest moon in our solar system.
  8. Neptune's biggest moon.
  9. Planet with the most moons.
  10. This planet has the largest volcano in our solar system.
  1. Who created the first sun centered model of our solar system?
  2. Some planets' ______ may have been snatched or stolen from the asteroid belt.
  3. The first model of our solar system was an ______ centered model.
  4. The largest known moon in our solar system.
  5. The tail of a comet always points _____ from the sun.
  6. This dwarf planet used to be considered a planet.
  7. A meteoroid that strikes Earth.
  8. The center of our solar system.
  9. The number of planets in our solar system that have rings.

19 Clues: Neptune's biggest moon.Planet with the most moons.A meteoroid that strikes Earth.The center of our solar system.The smallest moon in our solar system.The center of a comet is called the _____.The largest known moon in our solar system.This dwarf planet used to be considered a planet.The tail of a comet always points _____ from the sun....

The Solar System Crossword Puzzle 2023-09-14

The Solar System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Vast collection of stars, like the Milky Way
  2. Known as Earth's "sister" planet
  3. Earth-centered solar system model
  4. Sun-centered solar system model
  5. - Gaseous planets further from the sun
  6. Italian astronomer and physicist
  7. Earth's natural satellite
  8. The center of our solar system
  9. Planet with a tilted axis
  10. Small rocky object in space
  1. Our home planet
  2. Largest planet in our solar system
  3. Closest planet to the Sun
  4. Former ninth planet in our solar system
  5. Eighth planet from the Sun
  6. Rocky planets closest to the sun
  7. The Red Planet
  8. Known for its beautiful rings
  9. Imaginary line around which Earth rotates

19 Clues: The Red PlanetOur home planetClosest planet to the SunEarth's natural satellitePlanet with a tilted axisEighth planet from the SunSmall rocky object in spaceKnown for its beautiful ringsThe center of our solar systemSun-centered solar system modelKnown as Earth's "sister" planetItalian astronomer and physicistRocky planets closest to the sun...

Stars & Planets 2025-02-25

Stars &  Planets crossword puzzle
  1. describes when there is not a lot of visible light; the opposite of bright
  2. a large, round object in outer space that orbits a star
  3. the second planet from the Sun in our solar system
  4. circling another object, like the Earth around the Sun
  5. the sixth planet from the Sun in our solar system
  6. the first planet from the Sun in our solar system
  7. a panel that can absorb the Sun's light to use as a source of energy
  8. the fourth planet from the Sun in our solar system
  9. the amount of space between two things
  10. describes when there is a lot of visible light; the opposite of dim
  1. the fifth planet from the Sun in our solar system
  2. the eighth planet from the Sun in our solar system
  3. all the planets and other objects that orbit around a star
  4. the third planet from the Sun in our solar system
  5. the seventh planet from the Sun in our solar system
  6. energy from the Sun that can warm things up and be made into electricity a renewable resource

16 Clues: the amount of space between two thingsthe fifth planet from the Sun in our solar systemthe sixth planet from the Sun in our solar systemthe first planet from the Sun in our solar systemthe third planet from the Sun in our solar systemthe eighth planet from the Sun in our solar systemthe second planet from the Sun in our solar system...

Solar System 2024-10-17

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. earths satelite
  2. galaxy where our solar system is
  3. first man on moon
  4. largest planet in solar system
  5. A streak of light in the sky when an asteroid hits Earth
  6. coldest planet in solar system
  1. largest satelite in solar system
  2. planet with rings that we can see from telescope
  3. center of our solar system
  4. smallest planet in solar system
  5. hottest planet in solar system
  6. only planet with live in solar system
  7. farthest planet from sun
  8. red planet

14 Clues: red planetearths satelitefirst man on moonfarthest planet from suncenter of our solar systemhottest planet in solar systemlargest planet in solar systemcoldest planet in solar systemsmallest planet in solar systemlargest satelite in solar systemgalaxy where our solar system isonly planet with live in solar system...

Our Solar System 2023-03-27

Our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Known for its rings
  2. Region of our solar system where Pluto can be found
  3. Planet with the strongest gravity
  4. Center of our solar system
  5. Farthest reaches of our solar system
  6. In size, Mercury is the _____ planet in our solar system.
  7. Mars aka "The _____ Planet"
  8. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
  9. Has an axial tilt of 98 degrees, meaning it rotates on its side
  10. Ice giant farthest from the sun
  1. Houses the largest volcano in our solar system
  2. Region separating Mars and Jupiter
  3. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  4. Only planet in our solar system known to support life
  5. Jupiter has a giant _____ on its surface called the Great Red Spot.
  6. Hottest planet in our solar system
  7. Has the fastest orbit and is closest to the sun

17 Clues: Known for its ringsCenter of our solar systemMars aka "The _____ Planet"Mercury, Venus, Earth, and MarsIce giant farthest from the sunPlanet with the strongest gravityRegion separating Mars and JupiterHottest planet in our solar systemFarthest reaches of our solar systemJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune...

Outer Space Crossword puzzle 2023-05-05

Outer Space Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Giant Jupiter
  2. moon Triton
  3. millions in the solar system
  4. On the edge of the solar system
  5. to Sun Mercury
  6. Coldest body in solar system
  7. Day Venus
  8. of our solar system Saturn
  1. Huge ring system
  2. smaller than earths moon
  3. known planets Dwarf planets
  4. Giant dust storms
  5. five percent water Earth
  6. rotation Mercury
  7. planets Havent cleared orbital path
  8. Moon has no atmosphere
  9. Known Rings Uranus
  10. Fastest are 26 miles per second

18 Clues: Day Venusmoon TritonGiant Jupiterto Sun MercuryHuge ring systemrotation MercuryGiant dust stormsKnown Rings UranusMoon has no atmospheresmaller than earths moonfive percent water Earthof our solar system Saturnknown planets Dwarf planetsmillions in the solar systemColdest body in solar systemOn the edge of the solar system...

Solar System 2020-05-29

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. named after the goddess of love
  2. a machine that is taking photos of far off planets
  3. cold, rocky, and close to the sun
  4. a yellow star at the center of our solar system
  5. first country in space
  6. stars, planets, moons, etc.
  7. name of a planet that supports life
  8. the brain of the rover
  9. rotates around the Earth
  10. what your hair does in space
  1. a job that uses math and creativity
  2. telescope orbiting our planet
  3. first country with a man on the moon
  4. a planet with a huge continuous storm
  5. a machine that is exploring Mars
  6. abreviation for the international space station
  7. a planet with large rings
  8. dwarf planet
  9. animal that orbited the Earth
  10. the red planet

20 Clues: dwarf planetthe red planetfirst country in spacethe brain of the roverrotates around the Eartha planet with large ringsstars, planets, moons, etc.what your hair does in spacetelescope orbiting our planetanimal that orbited the Earthnamed after the goddess of lovea machine that is exploring Marscold, rocky, and close to the sun...

solar system 2022-02-15

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. cosmic clumps of frozen gases, rocks or debris orbiting the sun
  2. closest planet to the sun
  3. named after a roman goddess meaning love and beauty
  4. our solar system
  5. known as the gas giant
  6. named after the greek god of the sky
  7. farthest planet from the sun
  8. next closest solar system
  9. a dwarf planet that used to be considered a main planet
  10. hottest star
  11. an envelope of gas surrounding a body in space
  12. minor planet of the inner Solar System
  13. the planet we are living on
  14. the path a satellite follows as it revolves
  1. referred as the red planet
  2. natural satellite
  3. the center of an object
  4. large bodies in space that orbit the sun
  5. areas on the sun that give off less energy
  6. an force attraction between to objects revolution the movement of one object in its orbit around another object in space
  7. every galaxy come together form this
  8. body of gas that shines by radiation in the sky also called the celestial sphere
  9. a whole because of impact from an object
  10. the distance light travels in one yearnebula a cloud of gas and dust in space
  11. has the largest mass by far

25 Clues: hottest starour solar systemnatural satelliteknown as the gas giantthe center of an objectclosest planet to the sunnext closest solar systemreferred as the red planethas the largest mass by farthe planet we are living onfarthest planet from the sunevery galaxy come together form thisnamed after the greek god of the sky...

solar system 2014-03-23

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. the distance in which a ray of light would travel in one year
  2. when the moon is more than half full but less than completley full
  3. dark spots on the sun
  4. darkening of the moon
  5. Meaning equal day and equal night
  6. when an object is spinning it is said to be rotating
  7. closest planet to the sun
  8. known as our twin
  9. farthest planet from the sun
  10. a group of stars given names by ancient astronomers
  11. an imaginary line on which an object rotates
  12. a group of stars, gas and dust that is held together by gravity
  13. a small,frozen cluster of dust which orbits the sun
  14. a self-luminous object
  15. a meteorite that is stoney
  16. a brief eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface
  1. our galaxy
  2. dwarf planet
  3. famous for its rings
  4. fifth planet from the sun
  5. a shooting star
  6. shortest days of the year (June22 and December22)
  7. beautiful lights seen over the polar regions
  8. center of solar system
  9. an object moving around a star
  10. known as the red planet
  11. when our view of an object is blocked by either another object or the Earths shadow
  12. the study of the universe
  13. when something is moving in a circle around another object
  14. takes about 365 days to orbit the sun
  15. a small rocky body orbiting the sun

31 Clues: our galaxydwarf planeta shooting starknown as our twinfamous for its ringsdark spots on the sundarkening of the mooncenter of solar systema self-luminous objectknown as the red planetfifth planet from the sunclosest planet to the sunthe study of the universea meteorite that is stoneyfarthest planet from the sunan object moving around a star...

Solar System 2012-02-04

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. imaginary line Earth turns on
  2. Planet closest to the Sun
  3. Uranus and Saturn have these
  4. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  5. huge ball of gas that gives off light, heat, and other energy
  6. System of stars, galaxies, planets, moons
  7. The Earth is between the Sun and Moon
  8. large body of rock or gas
  9. When the moon is between Sun and Earth
  10. Mercury,Venus, Earth, Mars
  11. the force that keeps planets in orbit
  1. Sun,9 planets, and other bodies that orbit the sun
  2. orbits around Earth
  3. A group of stars
  4. The path Earth follows are the Sun
  5. largest planet
  6. Earth's twin planet
  7. Earth's star
  8. huge group of stars held together by gravity
  9. dwarf planet
  10. One turn of Earth's axis
  11. Our planet

22 Clues: Our planetEarth's stardwarf planetlargest planetA group of starsorbits around EarthEarth's twin planetOne turn of Earth's axisPlanet closest to the Sunlarge body of rock or gasMercury,Venus, Earth, MarsUranus and Saturn have theseimaginary line Earth turns onJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, NeptuneThe path Earth follows are the Sun...

SOLAR SYSTEM 2021-04-06

SOLAR SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. The biggest natural satellite in Jupiter
  2. Solar eclipse where it's look like a ring
  3. Planet with great red spot
  4. Star with tail
  5. Gases that made up of Sun (make nuclear reaction)
  6. Morning or evening star / Earth's sister planet
  7. obscuration of light
  8. Planetary companion
  9. Dwarf planet
  10. Planet that rotate on its side
  11. Planet with biggest ring
  12. Planet with rusty iron
  1. Saturn's biggest satellite
  2. The first animal that go to space
  3. Lunar eclipse where it's look so red
  4. Meteroid when enter atmosphere
  5. Planets spin on their own axis
  6. Planet with slowest revolution time
  7. The biggest star in solar system
  8. Minor planet
  9. Blue planet that support living thing to live
  10. The smallest planet
  11. The path where planet turn around the Sun
  12. the closest neighbour of Earth

24 Clues: Minor planetDwarf planetStar with tailThe smallest planetPlanetary companionobscuration of lightPlanet with rusty ironPlanet with biggest ringSaturn's biggest satellitePlanet with great red spotMeteroid when enter atmospherePlanets spin on their own axisthe closest neighbour of EarthPlanet that rotate on its sideThe biggest star in solar system...

Solar System 2022-10-14

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The only mission to do a fly-by of all the outer planets
  2. Largest moon of our solar system
  3. space mission to saturn
  4. Only moon in solar system to have a thick atmosphere and a rock surface
  5. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas? Methane, water vapor, Helium and Carbon Dioxide
  6. The most abundant element in the molecular cloud
  7. Only planet in our solar system which was first discovered theoretically
  8. Long range comets originate from this cloud which is beyond Kuiper Belt Object
  9. This planet has a retrograde rotation similar to Venus
  10. Which of the following is not a Galilean moon? Phobos, Io, Ganymede and Callisto
  11. This space mission observed collision of a comet on planet Jupiter
  12. Closest space mission to planet Jupiter
  1. Water geyser on this moon
  2. The following is not a dwarf planet, Pluto, Ceres, UltimaThule, Makemake, Haumea, Eris
  3. This element gives the distinct red color to planet mars
  4. The most common unit of temperature used by astronomers
  5. This gas give the distinct blue color to planet Uranus and Neptune
  6. Pluto is not a planet because it has not cleared its ___________
  7. The only dwarf planet in the main asteroid belt
  8. Space mission to this Galilean moon
  9. Hottest planet in the solar system
  10. The hypothesis in the formation of the solar system
  11. This rocky planet has almost the same axial tilt as the earth

23 Clues: space mission to saturnWater geyser on this moonLargest moon of our solar systemHottest planet in the solar systemSpace mission to this Galilean moonClosest space mission to planet JupiterThe only dwarf planet in the main asteroid beltThe most abundant element in the molecular cloudThe hypothesis in the formation of the solar system...

Solar System 2018-01-31

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. planet with the brightest rings
  2. Earth does this as it revolves around the Sun
  3. furthest planet from the sun
  4. dwarf planet with two moons
  5. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune have these around them
  6. place where astronauts live and work in space
  7. Armstrong was the first person to walk on the...
  8. the force that pulls you towards the center of the planet
  9. planet closest to the sun
  10. an American space traveler
  11. the star closest to Earth
  12. number of stars in our solar system
  1. large planet known for the Great Red Spot
  2. instrument used for seeing stars and planets clearly
  3. our sun is in the center of it
  4. number of planets in our solar system
  5. third planet from the sun; only planet people have walked on
  6. planet that rotates on its side
  7. Warmest plant; cloudy planet
  8. the red planet; humans have sent robots here
  9. to turn on an axis

21 Clues: to turn on an axisplanet closest to the sunthe star closest to Earthan American space travelerdwarf planet with two moonsfurthest planet from the sunWarmest plant; cloudy planetour sun is in the center of itplanet with the brightest ringsplanet that rotates on its sidenumber of stars in our solar systemnumber of planets in our solar system...

Solar System 2019-08-20

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. This planet needs 3 earth months to revolve
  2. panets made of rocks, ice and a liquid mixture
  3. Solid planets
  4. _____is the only planet that sustains life
  5. Is the center of the solar system
  6. Gas and ice giants
  7. Is a planet associated with blood and war
  8. Planet's orbit around the sun
  9. is located in kuiper belt
  10. King of the gods
  11. Has extensive lava flows
  1. God of sky and heavens
  2. Planet's movement around it's axis
  3. Orbits the Jovian planets
  4. planets made of helium and hydrogen
  5. Flat of rocky objects
  6. God of farming and agriculture
  7. Dwarf planet as big as Texas
  8. Edge of the solar system
  9. Where the solar system is located
  10. God of the sea

21 Clues: Solid planetsGod of the seaKing of the godsGas and ice giantsFlat of rocky objectsGod of sky and heavensEdge of the solar systemHas extensive lava flowsOrbits the Jovian planetsis located in kuiper beltDwarf planet as big as TexasPlanet's orbit around the sunGod of farming and agricultureIs the center of the solar system...

Solar System 2023-11-06

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. number of days after new moon you will see a full moon
  2. tide when Earth, moon & sun are at a 90 degree angle
  3. eclipse occurs during full moon phase
  4. tide when Earth, moon & sun are in a line
  5. imaginary line connecting the poles of a planet
  6. darker shadow that does not allow light through
  7. name of the latest mission to the moon
  8. shape of the orbit of all planets
  9. object that makes up 99.8% of solar system's mass
  10. sun is directly over this line during equinox
  11. Earth's tilted axis gives us these
  12. a rock that descends through the Earth's atmosphere and lands on Earth
  13. rock that orbits the sun with a trailing tail of dust & gas
  14. gas that makes up 80-90% of the sun
  15. hours of day equal hours of night
  16. the water planet
  17. the difference between high & low tide
  18. classification of Pluto
  1. the lighter shadow cast during an eclipse; allows some light through
  2. only planet that would float in water
  3. phases of the moon with increasing light
  4. hottest planet with lots of volcanoes
  5. planet that is tilted on its side; also coldest planet
  6. the highest winds in the solar system are here
  7. has the big red spot storm
  8. phases of the moon with decreasing light
  9. eclipse occurs during new moon phase
  10. what is at the center of every galaxy
  11. rocks that are too small to be considered a planet
  12. shape of moon right before and after full moon
  13. outer band of icy rocks that orbit the sun
  14. the longest & shortest days of the year
  15. planet with the largest mountain in the solar system
  16. place with the biggest tidal range
  17. shape of the moon right before and after new moon
  18. planet with no atmosphere; most cratered
  19. the spinning of a object on its axis
  20. number of Americans that have walked on the moon
  21. path a planet follows around a star
  22. type of galaxy the Milky Way is
  23. the complete cycle of a planet on its orbit

41 Clues: the water planetclassification of Plutohas the big red spot stormtype of galaxy the Milky Way isshape of the orbit of all planetshours of day equal hours of nightplace with the biggest tidal rangeEarth's tilted axis gives us thesegas that makes up 80-90% of the sunpath a planet follows around a stareclipse occurs during new moon phase...

Solar System 2023-11-17

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Icy Small Solar System body
  2. Compound found in molecular clouds (Symbol + number)
  3. First Martian Period
  4. Soviet Venus Program
  5. Disk beyond Pluto
  6. Comet and Asteriod
  7. Cloud beyond Heliosphere
  8. System bound by gravity
  9. Sun's "gen" by mass
  10. Pluto Eris Gonggong
  11. Between Mars and Jupiter
  12. Abbreviation; Official Astronomy Body
  13. Abbreviation; Past Neptune
  14. Sulfuric acid on Venus Water on Earth
  15. Group that sent the Akatsuki to
  16. Belt 30 - 50 AU
  17. Martian Volcanic area
  18. Nasa Martian Program searches for life
  19. Maybe on Venus says Phosphine
  20. ESA and JSA Mission to Mercury
  21. Planet Criteria; __________ Shape
  22. zone that is unstable
  23. Martian Earthquake
  24. Type of Mercury atmosphere
  25. 2004 - 2015 Mercury studier
  26. Venus Photobombs the Sun by crossing in front of it
  27. The type of cloud where are solar system is from
  28. House effect on Venus
  29. A Roman Venus Name
  30. First to mercury
  31. Type of collapse that started the formation of the solar system
  32. Mercury's favorite element
  33. Boundary between us and interstellar space
  34. The line after which volatile chemicals can be found, in a picture
  35. planet criteria; _______ around the sun
  36. 3 letter abbreviation for theory of how the solar system was created
  37. Magnetic _________ protect earth from solar winds
  38. Plural Natural Satellites
  39. "There's a little black _______ on the Sun today" Feature on the sun
  40. Dark feautre on Mars, thought to be a sea
  41. Process that signals the birth of a star
  42. Phase of moon that we can't see
  43. Something Mars once had
  44. Smooth Mercury surfaces
  45. Failed Stars Giants Jupiter and Saturn
  46. zone where light travels slowly
  47. Neptune and Uranus
  48. Sun Cell
  49. Type of orbits planets move in
  1. Objects not affected by planet's gravity
  2. Where the sun's energy comes from
  3. Mar's first in 1840
  4. Type of "pre" star
  5. Eclipse; Sun Earth Moon
  6. Sun atmosphere; Color orb
  7. Type of planets that form in the middle of the solar system
  8. 300-600 million year old on Venus
  9. Past Lunar Missions
  10. Currently Roving Mars
  11. Eclipse; Sun Moon Earth
  12. Sun's protective Sphere
  13. Mercury Venus Earth Mars
  14. Found in the shadows on the moon
  15. Small Mars Moon
  16. Neither a star or its remnant
  17. Future Lunar Missions
  18. coldest sphere of the sun
  19. Moon pulls the ocean
  20. Hottest part of Sun
  21. abbreviation; Ejection of the Sun
  22. What prominences do
  23. NASA's Venus mapper
  24. Venus's Continent
  25. Damage shows up everywhere Moon Venus Mercury
  26. Greek Mercury Name
  27. Ancient Lunar Magma Oceans
  28. Grand Canyon got nothing on this Valles
  29. Center of System
  30. Not just the moon has these
  31. Planet Criteria; ___________ Orbit No Neighbors
  32. Planet forming process
  33. Late ______ Bombardment
  34. Covection __________ produce magnetic field on Earth
  35. Volatiles like water ammonia and methane
  36. Type of Core Mars has
  37. Largest Volcanoes in the Solar System
  38. Symbols for the 3 elements that primarily make up the 98% of the mass that formed the sun
  39. Heat source of earth
  40. Type of world Earth is, 71% water
  41. Erupting on Venus,
  42. Do not come closer than Kuiper
  43. Sun Geyser
  44. a volatile chemical
  45. Much Larger than Earth
  46. This super event caused the formation of our solar system
  47. Name of object that hit earth
  48. Protoplanetary __________
  49. Abbreviation; Theory that something hit the Earth to get the moon

98 Clues: Sun CellSun GeyserSmall Mars MoonBelt 30 - 50 AUCenter of SystemFirst to mercuryDisk beyond PlutoVenus's ContinentType of "pre" starComet and AsteriodMartian EarthquakeGreek Mercury NameA Roman Venus NameErupting on Venus,Neptune and UranusMar's first in 1840Past Lunar MissionsSun's "gen" by massPluto Eris GonggongHottest part of Sun...

Solar System 2023-12-21

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. the path of one object in space around another object
  2. Express mail service that ran from April 1860 to October 1861
  3. Fourth planet from the sun, known as the "Red Planet", has many volcanoes
  4. Grierson leader of the Buffalo soldiers
  5. Act of 1862 Gave any head of a household, widowed women, or any man over 21 the right to claim one 160-acre portion of land
  6. railroad act In 1862 President Abraham Lincoln signed the Pacific Railway Act. Two companies began building a transcontinental (across the continent) railroad, linking East with the West.
  7. Removal Act Law passed in 1830 to tive Andrew Jackson the power to move American Indians west of the Mississippi River
  8. The second planet from the sun and the hottest planet in the solar system, which has gasses that cause a "greenhouse like effect"
  9. planets Known as the "Gas Giants", these planets orbit the sun further away and include primarily planets with no rocky surface
  10. Black Kettle Southern Cheyenne Chief who moved his tribe twice in 1861 and in 1867 in accordance with treaties. Remembered for his efforts to make peace with settlers
  1. Soldiers African American soldiers who fought during the Civil War and after, keeping peace between American Indians and settlers, led by Benjamin Grierson
  2. Colonel George Armstrong Custer Led the battle of Washita River, in which Chief Black Kettle was killed.
  3. a large, round body that revolves around a star
  4. system a star and all the planets and other bodies that revolve around it
  5. A small planet closest to the sun with a dense rocky surface and no atmosphere
  6. small natural objects that revolve around other objects
  7. Expansion migration and settlement from the East to the West
  8. free roaming animal on the plains, important to the survival of Native Americans, threatened by western settlers
  9. and Clark Explorers who set out in 1804 to find a water route to the Pacific ocean. Covered 8,000 miles of land from St. Louis to the Oregon coast
  10. planets Known as "Terrestrial Planets", these planets orbit closest to the sun and feature hard rocky surface
  11. the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a massive, hot ball of plasma, inflated and heated by energy produced by nuclear fusion reactions at its core.
  12. Third planet from the sun with the only liquid water on the surface and one moon

22 Clues: Grierson leader of the Buffalo soldiersa large, round body that revolves around a starthe path of one object in space around another objectsmall natural objects that revolve around other objectsExpansion migration and settlement from the East to the WestExpress mail service that ran from April 1860 to October 1861...

Solar System 2024-04-11

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The outer planets are this.
  2. This planet has dark-colored storms, and many moons, and is the eighth/farthest planet from the sun.
  3. This planet has iron oxide, and polar ice caps, and is the fourth planet from the sun.
  4. This is when the Moon moves completely into Earth's umbra.
  5. This is the turning of Earth on its axis.
  6. This is the basic shape of every planet’s orbit.
  7. This is what causes the Earth's tides.
  8. Moon phase in which none of the lighted surfaces of the Moon can be seen from Earth is called this.
  9. This planet is the seventh planet from the sun.
  1. These are caused by the direction Earth’s rotational axis is pointed with respect to the Sun.
  2. This planet has no atmosphere and is also the first planet from the sun.
  3. This planet is the largest planet and the fifth planet from the sun.
  4. This used to be a planet but now is a dwarf planet.
  5. The inner planets are this.
  6. This planet has the most complex ring system and is the sixth planet from the sun.
  7. The yearly orbit of Earth around the Sun is called this.
  8. This is when the Sun's rays strike Earth directly at the equator.
  9. This planet is the second planet from the sun.
  10. The basic astronomical unit is the distance Earth, the planet the scientists live on is from this place.
  11. Moon phases are the changing appearances of the Moon from this place and this is the third planet from the sun.

20 Clues: The outer planets are this.The inner planets are this.This is what causes the Earth's tides.This is the turning of Earth on its axis.This planet is the second planet from the sun.This planet is the seventh planet from the sun.This is the basic shape of every planet’s orbit.This used to be a planet but now is a dwarf planet....

Solar system 2024-06-27

Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. latin word for solar system
  2. UV full form
  3. The small pieces of rocks which move around the sun
  4. farthest planet from the sun
  5. period when the shape of moon grows
  6. Largest asteroid
  7. celestial body that moves aroundthe planets in the sameway as the planets movearound the sun.
  8. fixed elongated path in which planet revolve around the sun
  9. Amavasya in English
  10. period when the shape of moon reduces
  1. various patterns formed by different groups of stars
  2. When a meteor reaches the earth surface and create large hollow in the ground
  3. Latin word for satellite
  4. comet comet famous comet
  5. The sun, the moon and all those objects shining in the night sky are called ______bodies.
  6. ice giant
  7. Poornima in English
  8. earth-like shape
  9. Earth's twin
  10. smallest particleS of elemental matter
  11. Our solar system is a part ofthis galaxy.

21 Clues: ice giantUV full formEarth's twinearth-like shapeLargest asteroidPoornima in EnglishAmavasya in EnglishLatin word for satellitelatin word for solar systemfarthest planet from the suncomet comet famous cometperiod when the shape of moon growsperiod when the shape of moon reducessmallest particleS of elemental matter...

Solar system 2024-05-03

Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Often called the "Red Planet."
  2. The smallest planet in our solar system.
  3. A small body of matter from outer space that enters the Earth's atmosphere.
  4. Small rocky bodies that orbit the sun.
  5. System: The collection of planets and other objects orbiting the sun.
  6. Known for its beautiful rings.
  7. The force that pulls objects towards each other.
  8. Known as the "Morning Star" or the "Evening Star."
  9. The farthest planet from the sun.
  1. The largest planet in our solar system.
  2. A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern.
  3. A small rocky or metallic body traveling through space.
  4. A small celestial object that orbits the sun and develops a tail when it passes close to the sun.
  5. The coldest planet in our solar system.
  6. Earth's natural satellite.
  7. The path that a planet takes around the sun.
  8. A system of stars, dust, and gas held together by gravity.
  9. The only planet known to have life.
  10. The star at the center of our solar system.
  11. The movement of one object around another in space.

20 Clues: Earth's natural satellite.Often called the "Red Planet."Known for its beautiful rings.The farthest planet from the sun.The only planet known to have life.Small rocky bodies that orbit the sun.The largest planet in our solar system.The coldest planet in our solar system.The smallest planet in our solar system....

Solar System 2024-05-07

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Ilmuwan yang menemukan hukum gerak planet
  2. Ilmuwan yang melakukan penemuan awal tentang Tata Surya
  3. asteroid Daerah di antara Mars dan Jupiter
  4. Dwarf planet yang pernah dianggap planet kesembilan
  5. Planet terdekat dengan Matahari
  6. Jalur yang dilalui benda langit saat mengelilingi Matahari
  7. Lapisan gas yang mengelilingi planet
  8. Wilayah medan magnetik yang melindungi planet
  9. Planet dengan cincin yang terlihat jelas
  10. Benda langit yang terbakar saat masuk ke atmosfer Bumi
  11. Gerakan berputar suatu benda langit pada porosnya sendiri
  12. Satelit alami yang mengelilingi planet
  13. Ilmu yang mempelajari Tata Surya dan alam semesta
  14. Benda langit kecil yang berada di sabuk asteroid
  15. Alat yang digunakan dalam pengamatan astronomi
  16. Teleskop yang digunakan untuk mengamati Tata Surya
  1. Wilayah pengaruh Matahari
  2. Planet yang berotasi miring
  3. Benda langit yang bergerak mengelilingi Matahari
  4. Planet terbesar di Tata Surya
  5. Planet merah
  6. Kuiper Daerah di luar orbit Neptunus
  7. Planet yang paling mirip dengan Bumi
  8. Cloud Wilayah yang berada di pinggiran Tata Surya
  9. Gerakan mengelilingi Matahari
  10. Bintang pusat
  11. Planet terjauh dari Matahari
  12. Profesi yang melakukan perjalanan antariksa
  13. Benda langit yang mengelilingi Matahari
  14. Planet tempat tinggal kita

30 Clues: Planet merahBintang pusatWilayah pengaruh MatahariPlanet tempat tinggal kitaPlanet yang berotasi miringPlanet terjauh dari MatahariPlanet terbesar di Tata SuryaGerakan mengelilingi MatahariPlanet terdekat dengan MatahariLapisan gas yang mengelilingi planetKuiper Daerah di luar orbit NeptunusPlanet yang paling mirip dengan Bumi...

Solar System 2025-02-03

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Discovery caused the demotion of Pluto
  2. Has the fastest winds in the Solar System
  3. Least dense major moon
  4. Has the smoothest known surface
  5. Planet with coldest average temperature
  6. Planet with the most eccentric orbit
  7. Most heavily cratered object
  8. Largest object with a retrograde orbit
  9. Largest irregular shaped moon
  10. Edge of solar system
  11. Potential dwarf planet with a highly elliptical orbit
  12. One of Saturn’s moons, it’s the smallest spherical body
  13. Creates ones of Saturn’s rings
  14. Square shaped moon
  15. Moon that is half the size of the object it orbits
  16. Comprised 92% of hydrogen
  17. Hypothetical planet beyond Neptune
  18. Planet with the largest magnetic field
  1. First object to be named an asteroid
  2. Closest star to the Sun
  3. Planet with the highest light reflectivity
  4. Object expected to spiral away from Mars
  5. Hypothetical moon of Venus
  6. Only moon with a thick atmosphere
  7. Least dense planet
  8. Object with an orbit that crosses paths with Neptune’s
  9. One of the moons most distant from it’s planet
  10. Only moon with a significant magnetosphere
  11. Object expected to be destroyed by Mars
  12. The most geologically active object
  13. Second largest moon of Uranus
  14. Object with wildly varying albedos
  15. Has four hour long days
  16. Most dense planet
  17. Largest moon in the inner solar system
  18. Hypothetical planet that impacted Earth
  19. Has the biggest volcano in the Solar System
  20. Third fastest object in the Solar System
  21. Also named the “Easter Bunny”

39 Clues: Most dense planetLeast dense planetSquare shaped moonEdge of solar systemLeast dense major moonClosest star to the SunHas four hour long daysComprised 92% of hydrogenHypothetical moon of VenusMost heavily cratered objectSecond largest moon of UranusLargest irregular shaped moonAlso named the “Easter Bunny”Creates ones of Saturn’s rings...

Solar System 2025-02-19

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Benda langit yang mengorbit di antara Mars dan Jupiter
  2. Yang menyebabkan terjadinya gerak semu harian matahari
  3. Planet yang gerakan orbitnya berlawan arah dengan planet lain
  4. Titik tetap atas termometer Celcius
  5. Pecahan meteoroid yang bertahan melewati atmosfer dan mendarat di bumi
  6. Planet paling jauh dari matahari
  7. Pusat tata surya
  8. Satelit alami Bumi
  9. Ciri khas planet Saturnus adalah memiliki…
  1. Memiliki ekor yang selalu menjauhi matahari
  2. Lapisan terluar matahari
  3. Bebatuan meteoroid yang terbakar
  4. Planet merah
  5. Perbedaan lamanya siang dan malam adalah dampak dari peristiwa ini
  6. Sebutan untuk planet-planet yang berukuran besar
  7. Nama lain fase bulan penuh
  8. Planet terbesar
  9. Urutan planet ketujuh
  10. bulan Bumi berada di antara matahari dan bulan
  11. Planet biru

20 Clues: Planet biruPlanet merahPlanet terbesarPusat tata suryaSatelit alami BumiUrutan planet ketujuhLapisan terluar matahariNama lain fase bulan penuhBebatuan meteoroid yang terbakarPlanet paling jauh dari matahariTitik tetap atas termometer CelciusCiri khas planet Saturnus adalah memiliki…Memiliki ekor yang selalu menjauhi matahari...

Solar System 2025-03-10

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. the name often given to the four inner planets.
  2. smallest planet
  3. a model of the universe in which Earth is at the center of the revolving planets and stars.
  4. The name often give to the outer planets
  5. an object that orbits the sun and has enough gravity to be spherical, but has not cleared the area of its orbit.
  6. a region where many small objects orbit the the sun and that stretches from beyond the orbit of Neptune
  7. hottest planet
  8. blue and has clouds
  9. region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter
  10. the system consisting of the Sun and the planets and other objects that revolve around it.
  1. called the red planet
  2. A thin disk of small ice and rock particles surrounding a planet.
  3. the average distance between Earth and the Sun.
  4. largest planet
  5. not quite a circle, but an oval shape; the shape of the planet’s orbit.
  6. an object that orbits a star and is large enough to have become rounded by it’s own gravity, and cleared the area of its orbit.
  7. known for its rings
  8. a model of the solar system in which Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun.
  9. coldest planet
  10. planet with one moon

20 Clues: largest planethottest planetcoldest planetsmallest planetknown for its ringsblue and has cloudsplanet with one mooncalled the red planetThe name often give to the outer planetsthe average distance between Earth and the Sun.the name often given to the four inner planets.region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter...

Solar System 2020-02-14

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. center of our solar system
  2. an object placed in Earth's orbit to collect info
  3. a space rock that reaches our atmo burning up in mesosphere
  4. planets with more gravity have more______
  5. another name for the closest rocky planets
  6. planets far away revolve around the sun ____(faster/slower)
  7. all the planets have different_______due to their spin
  8. farthest planet from the sun in our solar system
  9. model showing the sun in the center of the solar system
  10. the number of planets we have in the solar system
  11. another word for the giant gas planets
  12. another way of saying "revolution" or going around something
  1. Earth's twin planet; uninhabitable due to atmosphere
  2. what the word "solar" means
  3. all planets ______around the Sun
  4. model showing earth in the center of the solar system
  5. this belt of rocks separate rocky from gas planets
  6. our largest planet
  7. a celestial object revolving around the Earth
  8. the closest planet to the sun
  9. another belt of rocks beyond the farthest planet
  10. the reason why all planets go around the sun
  11. a planet reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006
  12. third planet from sun, rotation is 24 hours
  13. our solar system model changes with new info(true or false)

25 Clues: our largest planetcenter of our solar systemwhat the word "solar" meansthe closest planet to the sunall planets ______around the Sunanother word for the giant gas planetsplanets with more gravity have more______another name for the closest rocky planetsthird planet from sun, rotation is 24 hoursthe reason why all planets go around the sun...

Solar System 2020-09-30

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Saturn's largest moon
  2. fastest moving planet around the Sun
  3. large storm on Jupiter more than 400 years old is called the ____ ____ spot (two words)
  4. first dwarf planet ever discovered
  5. another name for a moon. Also could be artificial and used for GPS navigation
  6. planet who's orbit is crossed by Pluto
  7. giant storm that was detected on Neptune was the ___ ___ spot (two words)
  8. number of dwarf planets in the solar system
  9. largest crater on Mercury. (two words)
  10. planet with more mass than the rest combined
  11. name of the newest large rover on the surface of Mars
  12. this belt is located beyond Neptune (two words)
  13. largest canyon on Mars. (two words)
  14. largest volcano in the Solar System (two words)
  15. one of the moons of Mars
  16. planet most likely to be visited by humans
  17. only planet with liquid water on its surface
  1. this belt of objects is located between Mars and Jupiter (two words)
  2. moon of Saturn with tiger stripes and ice geysers
  3. dwarf planet with 2 moons
  4. number of planets with rings
  5. dwarf planet with a repetitive name
  6. he discovered Jupiter's four largest moons
  7. number of ice giant planets
  8. the average distance between the Earth and the Sun (two words)
  9. largest moon in the Solar System
  10. Neptune's largest moon
  11. moon of Uranus that looks like it shattered
  12. planet that is greatly tilted
  13. name of the helicopter on Mars
  14. most heavily cratered moon of Jupiter
  15. dwarf planet with 5 moons
  16. dwarf planet whose discovery led to Pluto's demotion
  17. source of light for the Solar system
  18. one of the moons of Mars
  19. name of the division in Saturn's rings
  20. hottest planet in the Solar System
  21. the most volcanically active moon in the solar system
  22. moon of Jupiter that might have life
  23. planet less dense than water

40 Clues: Saturn's largest moonNeptune's largest moonone of the moons of Marsone of the moons of Marsdwarf planet with 2 moonsdwarf planet with 5 moonsnumber of ice giant planetsnumber of planets with ringsplanet less dense than waterplanet that is greatly tiltedname of the helicopter on Marslargest moon in the Solar Systemfirst dwarf planet ever discovered...

Solar System 2020-11-24

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. A burst of brilliant light from a black hole
  2. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  3. the seventh planet from the sun
  4. A lump of ice, rock, frozen gas, and dust that orbits the sun
  5. The center of our solar system
  6. The planet on which we live
  7. Used to measure distance in space; equal to the distance light travels in one year
  8. A cloud of dust and gas that becomes a star
  9. A group of stars, gases, and dust held together by gravity and that travels through space
  10. Curved path of a satellite around another body in space
  11. Massive star that has collapsed and pulls everything in, even light.
  12. The planet closest to the sun
  13. Planet recently downgraded to a dwarf planet
  14. Dark area on the sun that is cooler than its surroundings
  1. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
  2. Usually the eighth planet from the sun
  3. A small meteroid that burns up in Earth’s atmosphere
  4. The sixth planet from the sun
  5. Our home in space
  6. A ball of gases that gives off light and heat
  7. The largest planet
  8. Nicknamed the “red planet”
  9. Between Mars and Jupiter, where most asteroids are found
  10. The second planet from the sun
  11. Groups of stars that form patterns in the sky

25 Clues: Our home in spaceThe largest planetNicknamed the “red planet”The planet on which we liveThe sixth planet from the sunThe planet closest to the sunThe center of our solar systemThe second planet from the sunMercury, Venus, Earth, and Marsthe seventh planet from the sunUsually the eighth planet from the sunJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto...

Solar System 2021-10-05

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The act of force between 2 objects
  2. Earth centered model
  3. Made up of ice, rock, and cosmic dust
  4. The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
  5. Beautiful rings
  6. The study of moon, stars, and other objects in space
  7. Meteoroid that has entered earth's atmosphere
  8. Largest planet in the solar system
  9. Rocky debris that revolves around the sun
  1. Any object that revolves around another object in space
  2. The Red Planet
  3. Space rock
  4. Meteoroid that hit the earth's surface
  5. A scientist that studies the universe beyond earth
  6. Sun centered model
  7. Changed to a dwarf planet in 2016
  8. Has small dark spots and many moons
  9. Hottest planet
  10. Only planet with life
  11. Orbits the sun on its side
  12. Closest planet to the sun

21 Clues: Space rockThe Red PlanetHottest planetBeautiful ringsSun centered modelEarth centered modelOnly planet with lifeClosest planet to the sunOrbits the sun on its sideChanged to a dwarf planet in 2016The act of force between 2 objectsLargest planet in the solar systemHas small dark spots and many moonsMade up of ice, rock, and cosmic dust...

Solar System 2022-03-25

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. a natural or artificial body that revolves around a planet
  2. a small, rocky object that orbits the sun, usually in a band between the orbit of Jupiter and Mars
  3. Any of the nine primary bodies that orbit the sun; a similar body that orbits another star
  4. an object so massive and dense that not even light can escape its gravity
  5. a accumulation of matter
  6. a model for the formation of the solar system in which the sun and planets condense from a cloud (or nebula) of gas and dust
  7. a collection of stars, dust and gas bound together by gravity
  8. a gigantic explosion in which a massive star collapses and throws its outer layers into space; plural supernovae
  9. a large celestial body that is composed of gas and emits light; the sun is a typical star
  10. one of the highly dense planets nearest to the sun; Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  11. the distance that light travels in one year; about 9.5 trillion kilometers
  1. a small, hot, dim star that us the leftover center of an old star
  2. the change in the illuminated area of one celestial body as seen from another celestial body;phases of the moon are caused by the position of Earth,the sun,and the moon
  3. a planet that has a deep, massive atmosphere, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune
  4. an event in which the shadow of one celestial body falls on another
  5. contains the sun and all of the planets and other bodies that travel around in it
  6. a large, reddish star late in it's life cycle
  7. a group of stars bound by gravity
  8. the portion of Earth that is water
  9. a small body of ice, rock, and cosmic dust loosely packed together that follows an elliptical orbit and that gives off gas and dust in the form of a tail as it passes close to the sun
  10. a large cloud of dust and gas in interstellar space; a region in space where stars are born or where stars explode at the end of their lives

21 Clues: a accumulation of mattera group of stars bound by gravitythe portion of Earth that is watera large, reddish star late in it's life cyclea natural or artificial body that revolves around a planeta collection of stars, dust and gas bound together by gravitya small, hot, dim star that us the leftover center of an old star...

solar system 2021-12-02

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. largest moon of mars
  2. on its side
  3. the earths only moon (english name)
  4. largest planet
  5. most distant dwarf planet currently
  6. shaped like an oval
  7. has very noticeable rings
  8. most famous eTNO
  9. volcanically active moon
  10. hottest planet
  11. jupiters moon that might have life
  12. known as the red planet
  1. first planet from the sun
  2. has a heart thing on its surface
  3. smallest moon of mars
  4. dwarf planet in the asteroid belt
  5. farthest spacecraft from the earth
  6. farthest planet
  7. planet we live on
  8. largest moon
  9. most cratered object
  10. red dwarf planet

22 Clues: on its sidelargest moonlargest planethottest planetfarthest planetmost famous eTNOred dwarf planetplanet we live onshaped like an ovallargest moon of marsmost cratered objectsmallest moon of marsknown as the red planetvolcanically active moonfirst planet from the sunhas very noticeable ringshas a heart thing on its surface...

Solar System 2022-02-28

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. : only natural satellite
  2. belt
  3. :all existing matter and space considered as a whole
  4. :the fourth planet from the sun
  5. :a minor planet of the inner Solar System
  6. :a planet whose orbit lies outside the
  7. :a celestial body resembling a small planet but lacking certain technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as such
  8. :A planet whose orbit lies within the
  9. :relating to the earth
  10. : the biggest star seen to the human eye
  11. :a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction
  1. :the sixth planet from the sun
  2. :the second planet from the sun
  3. :the fifth planet from the sun
  4. :a large planet of relatively low density consisting predominantly of hydrogen and helium
  5. :a cloud of comets and other objects.
  6. :the only known planet that can support
  7. :any of the large bodies that revolve around the sun in the solar system
  8. planets Jupiter and Mars
  9. belt
  10. : located roughly between the orbits of
  11. :the closet planet to the sun
  12. :the seventh planet from the sun

23 Clues: beltbelt:relating to the earth: only natural satelliteplanets Jupiter and Mars:the closet planet to the sun:the sixth planet from the sun:the fifth planet from the sun:the second planet from the sun:the fourth planet from the sun:the seventh planet from the sun:a cloud of comets and other objects.:A planet whose orbit lies within the...

solar system 2022-02-15

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. a dwarf planet that used to be considered a main planet
  2. named after a roman goddess meaning love and beauty
  3. an force attraction between to objects revolution the movement of one object in its orbit around another object in space
  4. an envelope of gas surrounding a body in space
  5. known as the gas giant
  6. natural satellite
  7. closest planet to the sun
  8. named after the greek god of the sky
  9. every galaxy come together form this
  10. the planet we are living on
  1. has the largest mass by far
  2. next closest solar system
  3. hottest star
  4. body of gas that shines by radiation in the sky also called the celestial sphere
  5. minor planet of the inner Solar System
  6. our solar system
  7. large bodies in space that orbit the sun
  8. cosmic clumps of frozen gases, rocks or debris orbiting the sun
  9. the path a satellite follows as it revolves
  10. referred as the red planet
  11. farthest planet from the sun

21 Clues: hottest starour solar systemnatural satelliteknown as the gas giantnext closest solar systemclosest planet to the sunreferred as the red planethas the largest mass by farthe planet we are living onfarthest planet from the sunnamed after the greek god of the skyevery galaxy come together form thisminor planet of the inner Solar System...

solar system 2022-02-15

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. next closest solar system
  2. the path a satellite follows as it revolves
  3. an envelope of gas surrounding a body in space
  4. referred as the red planet
  5. the planet we are living on
  6. has the largest mass by far
  7. named after a roman goddess meaning love and beauty
  8. areas on the sun that give off less energy
  9. the distance light travels in one yearnebula a cloud of gas and dust in space
  10. hottest star
  11. our solar system
  12. known as the gas giant
  1. farthest planet from the sun
  2. every galaxy come together form this
  3. cosmic clumps of frozen gases, rocks or debris orbiting the sun
  4. an force attraction between to objects revolution the movement of one object in its orbit around another object in space
  5. natural satellite
  6. large bodies in space that orbit the sun
  7. a dwarf planet that used to be considered a main planet
  8. closest planet to the sun
  9. minor planet of the inner Solar System
  10. body of gas that shines by radiation in the sky also called the celestial sphere
  11. named after the greek god of the sky

23 Clues: hottest starour solar systemnatural satelliteknown as the gas giantnext closest solar systemclosest planet to the sunreferred as the red planetthe planet we are living onhas the largest mass by farfarthest planet from the sunevery galaxy come together form thisnamed after the greek god of the skyminor planet of the inner Solar System...

Solar System 2022-02-24

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. no longer classified as a planet
  2. called “the red planet”
  3. one of mars’ moons
  4. god of water
  5. bright fire ball that planets revolve around
  6. has a red spot
  7. smallest planet
  8. Neptune’s most famous moon
  9. our solar system
  10. object that orbits a planet
  11. international space station
  1. a planet made out of gas
  2. the star in the middle of our solar system
  3. went between Neptune and Uranus in 1989
  4. only planet named after a female god
  5. second largest planet
  6. a type of planet that is made of rock
  7. discovered that the planets orbit the sun
  8. Saturn’s largest moon
  9. 8th planet from the sun
  10. the only planet that supports life

21 Clues: god of waterhas a red spotsmallest planetour solar systemone of mars’ moonssecond largest planetSaturn’s largest mooncalled “the red planet”8th planet from the suna planet made out of gasNeptune’s most famous moonobject that orbits a planetinternational space stationno longer classified as a planetthe only planet that supports life...

Solar System 2017-05-03

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Our solar system is part of this galaxy
  2. Planet named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty
  3. A planet with large rings around it that is sixth from the Sun.
  4. The Blue planet
  5. The Earth____ on its axis
  6. Closest star to Earth
  7. A single turn of something around an axis or a fixed point; spinning.
  8. Now called a dwarf planet
  9. A single journey along an orbital path. It takes Earth 365 1/4 days to do this around the sun.
  10. Layer of gas that surrounds a planet
  11. Distance traveled by light in a vacuum in one tropical year
  12. The Earth is the ______ planet from the Sun
  1. A small reddish planet that is fourth from the Sun; a terrestrial planet,
  2. A large blue-green planet that is seventh from the Sun
  3. must be round, orbit the sun, and have cleared the region of the solar system along its orbit
  4. Covers 70 percent of the Earth's surface
  5. Planet farthest from the sun
  6. Force that keeps a planet moving in orbit
  7. small bodies formed by rock and ice
  8. Smaller bodies in orbit around the Sun
  9. Caused by the Gravitational pull of the sun and moon on the Earth
  10. Largest planet in the Solar System
  11. Earth's only natural satellite
  12. This means to revolve around another object. Our Moon does this to Earth.

24 Clues: The Blue planetClosest star to EarthThe Earth____ on its axisNow called a dwarf planetPlanet farthest from the sunEarth's only natural satelliteLargest planet in the Solar Systemsmall bodies formed by rock and iceLayer of gas that surrounds a planetSmaller bodies in orbit around the SunOur solar system is part of this galaxy...

Solar System 2017-06-16

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Saturns rings are made of dust, rock, and _____
  2. has two moons called Phobos and Deimos
  3. a small dwarf planet found beyond Neptune's orbit
  4. _____ planets - four planets furthest from the sun
  5. One year on this planet lasts 88 days
  6. type of planet found outside our solar; not orbiting a sun
  7. The centre of our solar system
  8. _____ planets are also known as 'Gas Giants'
  9. small rocky bodies floating in space, smaller than Earth' moon
  10. Earth's natural satellite
  11. the biggest planet and has a big red eye
  12. Ceres Pluto Haumea and Eris are these small type of planets
  13. _____ planets - four planets found inside the asteroid belt
  1. a dwarf planet found in the asteroid belt
  2. Asteroid _____ a region of space between Mars and Jupiter
  3. Second largest planet. It has large rings.
  4. A dirty snowball made of ice, dust, dirt with a bright tail
  5. A US spacecraft visiting Jupiter and Saturn
  6. the coldest of all the planets
  7. _____ Comet - revisits our solar system every 75 years
  8. 10m wide, rocky body, traveling through outer space.
  9. ______ Moons are the 4 largest moons of Jupiter
  10. has 167 large volcanoes and is the hottest of all planets
  11. a planet with 13 moons and a icy atmosphere
  12. _______ Huygens is an orbiter that takes pictures of Saturn
  13. this planet is 70% water

26 Clues: this planet is 70% waterEarth's natural satellitethe coldest of all the planetsThe centre of our solar systemOne year on this planet lasts 88 dayshas two moons called Phobos and Deimosthe biggest planet and has a big red eyea dwarf planet found in the asteroid beltSecond largest planet. It has large rings.A US spacecraft visiting Jupiter and Saturn...

Solar System 2012-11-21

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. is a physical model,of an object that is larger or smaller than the actual size of the object, which seeks to maintain the relative proportions of the physical size of the original object.
  2. the clockwise spin of a planet or moon as seen from above the planet's North Pole
  3. a gigantic explosion in which a massive star collapses and throws its outer layers into space
  4. the average distance between the earth and the sun approximately 150 million km
  5. a large spherical celestial body that regularly rotates around a star
  6. the counterclockwise spin of a planet or moon as seen from above the planet's North Pole
  7. rough measurement using depth perception as how something far something far from the viewer looks small
  8. a small, rocky object that orbits the sun, usually in a band between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
  9. The distance that light travels in one year; 9.46 trillion km
  10. a natural or artificial body tht revolves around a planet
  11. area of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter filled with astroids.
  12. a relatively small,rocky body that travels through space
  1. a large,reddish star late in its life cycle
  2. a region in space where stars are born or where stars explode at the end of their lives
  3. The distance that light travels in one minute;18,000,000km
  4. a small,hot,dim star that is the leftover center of an old star
  5. a small body of ice, rock, and cosmic dust that follows an elliptical orbit around the sun and that gives off gas and dust in the form of a tail as it passes close to the sun
  6. one of highly dense planets nearest the sun:Mercury,Venus,Earth,and Mars
  7. a planet that has a deep,massive atmosphere,such as Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,or Neptune
  8. celestial body that is nearly spherical but doesn't meet requirement to be a planet
  9. a meteoroid that reaches the Earth's surface without burning up completely
  10. a bright streak of light that results when a meteoroid burns up in the Earth's atmosphere
  11. a collection of stars,dust,and gas bound together by gravity
  12. a mixture of gasses that surrounds a planet or moon
  13. the sun, the planets,and many more small objects
  14. width of a circle

26 Clues: width of a circlea large,reddish star late in its life cyclethe sun, the planets,and many more small objectsa mixture of gasses that surrounds a planet or moona relatively small,rocky body that travels through spacea natural or artificial body tht revolves around a planetThe distance that light travels in one minute;18,000,000km...

solar system 2014-03-23

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. when our view of an object is blocked by either another object or the Earths shadow
  2. when the moon is more than half full but less than completley full
  3. takes about 365 days to orbit the sun
  4. shortest days of the year (June22 and December22)
  5. beautiful lights seen over the polar regions
  6. an object moving around a star
  7. a meteorite that is stoney
  8. a small,frozen cluster of dust which orbits the sun
  9. known as the red planet
  10. a self-luminous object
  11. a shooting star
  12. the study of the universe
  13. farthest planet from the sun
  14. fifth planet from the sun
  15. Meaning equal day and equal night
  16. center of solar system
  1. an imaginary line on which an object rotates
  2. the distance in which a ray of light would travel in one year
  3. our galaxy
  4. famous for its rings
  5. a group of stars given names by ancient astronomers
  6. a small rocky body orbiting the sun
  7. when something is moving in a circle around another object
  8. darkening of the moon
  9. a brief eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface
  10. when an object is spinning it is said to be rotating
  11. closest planet to the sun
  12. dwarf planet
  13. dark spots on the sun
  14. a group of stars, gas and dust that is held together by gravity
  15. known as our twin

31 Clues: our galaxydwarf planeta shooting starknown as our twinfamous for its ringsdarkening of the moondark spots on the suna self-luminous objectcenter of solar systemknown as the red planetclosest planet to the sunthe study of the universefifth planet from the suna meteorite that is stoneyfarthest planet from the sunan object moving around a star...

Solar System 2023-03-12

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. made of ice rock and dust
  2. hottest planet due to its thick CO2 atmosphere
  3. the planet most like Earth
  4. robot explorers
  5. farthest planet from the sun
  6. closest planet to the sun
  7. large chunks of rock and metal mostly between Mars and Jupiter
  8. the only planet that can support life
  9. a meteoroid that enters Earth's atmosphere aka shooting star
  10. manned spacecraft that leaves for long time
  11. satellites that orbit sun
  1. manned spacecraft for shorter stays
  2. largest collection of telescopes found here
  3. the largest planet and has bands of blowing winds
  4. small pieces of rock and metal that break off comets or asteroids
  5. sideways tilted planet with unusual color of gases
  6. tool made by Galileo to look into space
  7. planet with rings of rock and ice
  8. best known dwarf planet
  9. unmanned spacecraft
  10. a meteor that reaches Earth's surface
  11. how planets stay in orbit
  12. tendency to keep moving in a straight line
  13. object that orbits around another object

24 Clues: robot explorersunmanned spacecraftbest known dwarf planetmade of ice rock and dustclosest planet to the sunhow planets stay in orbitsatellites that orbit sunthe planet most like Earthfarthest planet from the sunplanet with rings of rock and icemanned spacecraft for shorter staysa meteor that reaches Earth's surface...

Solar System 2024-02-29

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. A small reddish planet that is fourth from the Sun
  2. The smallest plane in our solar system and the closet to the Sun
  3. An irregulary shaped rock that orbits the Sun
  4. A large planet that is mainly made up of gases
  5. A single turn of something around an axis or a fixed point;spinning
  6. The center of an object
  7. Earth's only natural satellite
  8. A large blue planet that is eighth from the Sun
  9. The largest planet in our system and the fifth from the Sun
  10. The are in space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids orbit together
  11. An are of our solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune where a group of minor planets and other objects orbit the Sun
  12. The third planet from the Sun
  13. system A group of objects in space that orbit a Star
  14. A dwarf planet that was discovered in 1930 and was once considered a planet
  15. A single journey along an orbital path
  1. A nearly rounded object that orbits, a star, and not big enough to be a planet
  2. A space object made of ice and dust that orbits a star and develops a long, bright tail as it nears its star
  3. A large bluish-green planet that is seventh from the Sun
  4. A planet with large rings around it that is sixth from the Sun
  5. A layer of gases surrounding a planet star, or moon
  6. A body in outer space made of hot gasses
  7. The force that pulls all objects toward each other
  8. A hole in the ground caused by the impact of an object from space
  9. This means to revolve around another object
  10. planets Rocky Earth sized planets

25 Clues: The center of an objectThe third planet from the SunEarth's only natural satelliteplanets Rocky Earth sized planetsA single journey along an orbital pathA body in outer space made of hot gassesThis means to revolve around another objectAn irregulary shaped rock that orbits the SunA large planet that is mainly made up of gases...

Solar System 2023-04-20

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The ____________ ____________ _____________, is twice as wide as Earth with winds peaking at about 400 mph
  2. One year here lasts 682 Earth days and has two satellites
  3. The largest satellite of Saturn
  4. One year here last 248 Earth years
  5. Planets that are small and rocky—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  6. A cloud of gas and/or dust in space
  7. One day here lasts 243 Earth days because the planet spins backwards
  8. ___________ is the most obvious difference between the terrestrial and Jovian planets.
  9. One day here lasts 10 hours and 33 minutes on Earth, and one year here is 25 Earth years
  10. The substances that make up the planets are divided into three groups: gases, rocks, and __________.
  1. The Jovian planets have very thick __________ of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia.
  2. One year here lasts 88 Earth days and has no satellites
  3. According to the nebular________, the sun and planets formed from a rotating disk of dust and gases.
  4. One year here is 165 Earth years, and it has 14 satellites
  5. Small, irregularly shaped bodies formed by colliding matter
  6. Unlikely Saturn’s icy rings full of large icy and rock chunks, they are composed of small ____________ ____________.
  7. The planet that rotates on its sides
  8. Mercury has the greatest _____________ extremes of any planet.
  9. The huge gas giants—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
  10. __________ has a mass that is 2 1/2 times greater than the mass of all the other planets and moons combined.

20 Clues: The largest satellite of SaturnOne year here last 248 Earth yearsA cloud of gas and/or dust in spaceThe planet that rotates on its sidesOne year here lasts 88 Earth days and has no satellitesThe huge gas giants—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and NeptuneOne year here lasts 682 Earth days and has two satellites...

Solar System 2022-11-11

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. region of dust and comets and the end of the Solar System
  2. 8th planet
  3. the append of the Solar System
  4. 2nd planet
  5. 4th planet
  6. 2nd dwarf planet
  7. In the middle of Mars and Jupiter
  8. 3rd dwarf planet
  9. 5th dwarf planet
  10. 4th dwarf planet
  1. 7th planet
  2. the 1st dwarf planet
  3. 6th dwarf planet
  4. 7th dwarf planet
  5. 1st planet
  6. 3rd planet
  7. The centre and star of our Solar System
  8. region of comets and dwarf planets
  9. 5th planet
  10. the end of the Heliosphere
  11. 6th planet
  12. The largest celestial body in the asteroid belt

22 Clues: 7th planet8th planet1st planet3rd planet2nd planet5th planet4th planet6th planet6th dwarf planet7th dwarf planet2nd dwarf planet3rd dwarf planet5th dwarf planet4th dwarf planetthe 1st dwarf planetthe end of the Heliospherethe append of the Solar SystemIn the middle of Mars and Jupiterregion of comets and dwarf planets...

Solar system 2023-01-22

Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. … technology brings many benefits into our life in many aspects, such as new source of energy and engineering.
  2. … is a celestial body for which the nucleus is smaller than a planet.
  3. … are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
  4. When a comet comes close to the Sun, it produces a visible … .
  5. The second largest planet in the Solar system.
  6. Mercury and Venus don’t have moons or natural … .
  7. Only the four … planets have planetary rings surrounding them.
  8. Solar flares in huge amount of energy can increase the amount of … radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.
  9. Some planets have rings of rocks and ice which are called … rings.
  10. The … from the Sun is one related possibility of the period of planet’s revolution.
  1. … are made up of similar material as asteroids but are smaller than them.
  2. … planets are dominantly made up of gas and ice.
  3. … are believed as fragments of meteoroids that enter the Earth’s atmosphere and reach the ground.
  4. The planet known as the largest one in the Solar system is called ….
  5. Venus is the … planet due to its highest temperature.
  6. Scientists believe that asteroids contain traces of … acids and other organic compounds.
  7. … cars are one of space technology adaptations in transportation industry.
  8. … system puts the Sun as the core of the system.
  9. Meteorites that reach the Earth’s ground may create craters, known as …, which are cool and become solid.
  10. By studying space technology, climatologists can adapt the technique in forecasting the ... on the Earth.

20 Clues: The second largest planet in the Solar system.… planets are dominantly made up of gas and ice.… system puts the Sun as the core of the system.Mercury and Venus don’t have moons or natural … .… are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.Venus is the … planet due to its highest temperature....

Solar System 2022-10-14

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The only mission to do a fly-by of all the outer planets
  2. Largest moon of our solar system
  3. space mission to saturn
  4. Only moon in solar system to have a thick atmosphere and a rock surface
  5. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas? Methane, water vapor, Helium and Carbon Dioxide
  6. The most abundant element in the molecular cloud
  7. Only planet in our solar system which was first discovered theoretically
  8. Long range comets originate from this cloud which is beyond Kuiper Belt Object
  9. This planet has a retrograde rotation similar to Venus
  10. Which of the following is not a Galilean moon? Phobos, Io, Ganymede and Callisto
  11. This space mission observed collision of a comet on planet Jupiter
  12. Closest space mission to planet Jupiter
  1. Water geyser on this moon
  2. The following is not a dwarf planet, Pluto, Ceres, UltimaThule, Makemake, Haumea, Eris
  3. This element gives the distinct red color to planet mars
  4. The most common unit of temperature used by astronomers
  5. This gas give the distinct blue color to planet Uranus and Neptune
  6. Pluto is not a planet because it has not cleared its ___________
  7. The only dwarf planet in the main asteroid belt
  8. Future space mission to this Galilean moon
  9. Hottest planet in the solar system
  10. The hypothesis in the formation of the solar system
  11. This rocky planet has almost the same axial tilt as the earth

23 Clues: space mission to saturnWater geyser on this moonLargest moon of our solar systemHottest planet in the solar systemClosest space mission to planet JupiterFuture space mission to this Galilean moonThe only dwarf planet in the main asteroid beltThe most abundant element in the molecular cloudThe hypothesis in the formation of the solar system...

Solar System 2023-05-19

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. the process of a dying star
  2. brightest star in the night sky
  3. stellar core left of a star after it has died
  4. place in space where gravity pulls so much nothing can get out
  5. cloud of hydrogen gas
  6. group of stars that can create a shape
  7. nebula flattened disk of gas and dust
  8. measures radiation at regular intervals
  9. the force between objects and in space
  10. amount of matter in an object
  11. colossal explosion of a star
  12. objects in space that can be made of dust and small ateroids
  13. tool to show a stars temperature
  1. matter that does not change unless affected by external force
  2. how bright an object would be if seen from measured distance
  3. how bright and object appears in the sky from earth
  4. two stars that orbit around a center of mass
  5. the kind of galaxy the milky way is
  6. ball of ice and dust that orbits the sun
  7. rocky objects that orbit the sun
  8. displacement of an object caused by observers view

21 Clues: cloud of hydrogen gasthe process of a dying starcolossal explosion of a staramount of matter in an objectbrightest star in the night skyrocky objects that orbit the suntool to show a stars temperaturethe kind of galaxy the milky way isnebula flattened disk of gas and dustgroup of stars that can create a shapethe force between objects and in space...

Solar System 2023-05-05

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The windiest of the planets
  2. Second largest near-Earth object
  3. Saturn is what kind of planet
  4. Best known for its icy/rocky rings
  5. Dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
  6. Named after the Greek myth of son of the sun god Helios.
  7. This asteroid has been seen more than 4.5 billion years of history
  8. Called the RED PLANET
  9. Comet Arguably the most famous comets in history
  10. Most massive and second largest known dwarf planet
  11. Uranus takes how many years to orbit the sun
  12. Venus rotates what way?
  13. Saturn's largest moon/second-largest in the solar system
  14. Know as the king of planets
  1. Neptune is what kind of planet
  2. Smaller than Earths moon
  3. Known as the SIDEWAYS planet
  4. Pluto's surface is covered with
  5. 70% covered in water
  6. Mercury is closet to__?
  7. Jupiter is the first __ planet
  8. This object has the most elliptical orbit
  9. Discovered from the ground by the Australian astronomer Terry Lovejoy
  10. Like Earth it has weather and seasons
  11. Earth is the only known planet to host__?
  12. Hottest planet
  13. Largest meteorite found in Mexico and the third largest in the Americas
  14. First Neptunian moon discovered and orbits in the direction opposite to its planet

28 Clues: Hottest planet70% covered in waterCalled the RED PLANETMercury is closet to__?Venus rotates what way?Smaller than Earths moonThe windiest of the planetsKnow as the king of planetsKnown as the SIDEWAYS planetSaturn is what kind of planetNeptune is what kind of planetJupiter is the first __ planetPluto's surface is covered with...

Solar System 2023-05-04

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. 7th planet and has vertical rings
  2. 8th and last planet color blue
  3. how many moons does Saturn have?
  4. closest planet to the sun and the smallest planet
  5. center of the solar system
  6. home to human life and 3rd planet from the sun
  7. any massive self-luminous celestial body of gas that shines by radiation that comes from within the internal energy sources
  8. 4th planet from the sun and is red
  1. collection of solar
  2. Ray, a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays
  3. 5th planet in the solar system; largest planet and a gas giant
  4. sent into space for looking into deep space or close by planets in our solar system
  5. orbits Earth
  6. planet, what kinda planet is Pluto
  7. a force where a planet or body is pulled toward the center of the object.
  8. dust ice and rock orbiting a planet
  9. 6th planet in the solar system; second largest and a gas giant
  10. 2nd planet in our solar system
  11. Giant, large planet mostly made of hydrogen and helium
  12. belt, what orbits between Mars and Jupiter

20 Clues: orbits Earthcollection of solarcenter of the solar system8th and last planet color blue2nd planet in our solar systemhow many moons does Saturn have?7th planet and has vertical ringsplanet, what kinda planet is Pluto4th planet from the sun and is reddust ice and rock orbiting a planetbelt, what orbits between Mars and Jupiter...

Solar System 2013-06-02

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. the smallest planet
  2. 75% nitrogen,25% oxygen
  3. shuttle the only space vehicle
  4. red soft soil
  5. invisible to the naked eye
  6. the pattern in the sky created by stars
  7. produces light and heat
  8. Armstrong first man on the moon (2 words)
  9. comes out at night time
  1. years star distances are measured in _____ _____
  2. the nearest star to the sun ( 2 words)
  3. the moon goes over the sun when this happens
  4. star the north star (2 words)
  5. closest planet to the sun
  6. mars is known as the ___ planet
  7. the biggest planet
  8. 9 moons
  9. similar size to earth
  10. the planet with spectacular rings around it
  11. the amount of planets

20 Clues: 9 moonsred soft soilthe biggest planetthe smallest planetsimilar size to earththe amount of planets75% nitrogen,25% oxygenproduces light and heatcomes out at night timeinvisible to the naked eyeclosest planet to the sunshuttle the only space vehiclemars is known as the ___ planetstar the north star (2 words)...

Solar System 2013-06-02

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Red soft soil
  2. Similar size to earth
  3. Invisible to the naked eye
  4. Mars is known as the ___ planet
  5. Closest planet to the sun
  6. The nearest star to the sun ( 2 words)
  7. Produces light and heat
  8. The smallest planet
  9. The planet with spectacular rings around it
  10. Star the north star (2 words)
  1. Comes out at night time
  2. The moon goes over the sun when this happens
  3. The pattern in the sky created by stars
  4. _____ Armstrong first man on the moon
  5. 75% nitrogen,25% oxygen
  6. 9 moons
  7. The biggest planet
  8. The amount of planets
  9. Shuttle the only space vehicle
  10. star distances are measured in _____ years

20 Clues: 9 moonsRed soft soilThe biggest planetThe smallest planetSimilar size to earthThe amount of planetsComes out at night time75% nitrogen,25% oxygenProduces light and heatInvisible to the naked eyeClosest planet to the sunShuttle the only space vehicleMars is known as the ___ planetStar the north star (2 words)...

solar system 2013-09-01

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. A tinkling shine dot in the sky
  2. Name of a chocolate and a bunch of stars
  3. Belt In the middle of a gas giant and a normal plant and lots floating rocks
  4. an object the makes the distances further and closer.
  5. The 2rd last planet from the sun
  6. Newton I’ve discovered gravity!
  7. A man has been on this object
  8. What do the planets orbit ?
  9. The largest plant also a gas giant.
  10. We can live on this planet
  11. Giants More outer space and not made of rock.
  1. Not a real creatures it may be real
  2. The first planet from the sun and is the smallest planet ?
  3. Big ball of fire and rocks coming to earth
  4. What is the invisible line though the planets called ?
  5. A person going into space with a suite on
  6. Not really a planet a dwarf planet
  7. Also a chocolate and the 4th planet from the sun
  8. What fly into space?
  9. Earth sister planet

20 Clues: Earth sister planetWhat fly into space?We can live on this planetWhat do the planets orbit ?A man has been on this objectA tinkling shine dot in the skyNewton I’ve discovered gravity!The 2rd last planet from the sunNot really a planet a dwarf planetNot a real creatures it may be realThe largest plant also a gas giant....

Solar-System 2015-03-23

Solar-System crossword puzzle
  1. ................. dust is dust which exists in space.
  2. A ............ is a large rocky body orbiting the sun.
  3. The Earth has …………. moon.
  4. This dwarf planet was considered as a planet
  5. A celestial body that orbits the sun or a planet
  6. 24 hours make a ....... on the earth
  7. The solar-system is found in the …………. part of the Milky Way galaxy
  8. If half of the earth is day the other half would be …………
  9. The smallest planet in our solar-system and orbits the sun in 88 days
  10. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called the …………… planets because they have solid , rocky surfaces.
  11. A planet that is found between the orbit of Mercury and Earth
  12. An optical instrument with a lens for each eye, used for viewing distant objects.
  13. Our home planet is a called …………………………
  14. A rock that is floats in space is a .........
  15. Our solar system is the …………… one
  16. The sun is a …………..
  17. These fixed luminous points in the night sky are thought to be twinkling
  18. This planet is the sister ice giant to Uranus.
  19. This planet is known as the red planet.
  20. Puerto Rico has the largest .......... telescope.
  21. Uranus and Neptune are known as …… giants.
  1. A planet rotates on its .........
  2. belt A disc-shaped belt found beyond the orbit of Neptune.
  3. A well-known dwarf planet is called C……….
  4. A device that is used observe celestial bodies
  5. A well-known asteroid is ………
  6. the ………………. is made up of billions of galaxies.
  7. belt A belt made up of asteroids ad is found between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter
  8. A fine powder consisting of tiny particles found in Space.
  9. A celestial body that can be found in the Kuiper belt and is made up of dust and ice.
  10. The 7th planet from the sun.
  11. He is thought to be the first man on the moon.
  12. How many planets are there in the solar system
  13. The closest celestial body to the earth.
  14. Jupiter and Saturn are known as ………. giants.
  15. The earth ……………. around the sun that’s why we have day and night.
  16. The Sun is made up of …………..(About 70%) and helium (about 28%)
  17. A planet with a ring
  18. The largest celestial body in our solar-system
  19. probe A ………………… travels through space and collects information (MAN MADE SATELLITE)

40 Clues: The sun is a …………..A planet with a ringThe Earth has …………. moon.A well-known asteroid is ………The 7th planet from the sun.A planet rotates on its .........Our solar system is the …………… one24 hours make a ....... on the earthOur home planet is a called …………………………This planet is known as the red planet.The closest celestial body to the earth....

Solar System 2016-04-15

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Hottest planet.
  2. Pluto has __ moons.
  3. Inner planets are made of rock so they are
  4. Comets only have __ when they are close to the Sun.
  5. Causes the tides on Earth.
  6. Venus is covered in _ gases.
  7. Uranus and Neptune are believed to be made largely of __, not just gas.
  8. Planet with 60 moons.
  9. Our solar system's star.
  10. Only planet man has ever visited.
  11. Jupiter has a huge hurricane called the __ __.
  12. Fourth planet from the Sun.
  13. Planet with 14 moons.
  14. Largest planet.
  15. The outer planets are thought to be made of mostly _
  1. Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are all __
  2. Mars used to have a lot of __ on its surface. We can tell from the valleys.
  3. In the early 1900's, some people thought Mars was covered in __, proof of aliens.
  4. A "sphere" of objects surrounding the solar system.
  5. Element that makes up the majority of the Sun.
  6. It is believed that there may be a __ planet in the Oort Cloud.
  7. Planet with 27 moons.
  8. Thought to be the remnants of a planet or a planet that never finished forming.
  9. The Oort Cloud is where __ come from.
  10. One of the farthest known celestial bodies of the Solar System.
  11. Black magnetic storms on the Sun we can see from Earth.
  12. Smallest planet.
  13. Saturn has the largest known __ system.

28 Clues: Hottest planet.Largest planet.Smallest planet.Pluto has __ moons.Planet with 27 moons.Planet with 60 moons.Planet with 14 moons.Our solar system's star.Causes the tides on Earth.Fourth planet from the Sun.Venus is covered in _ gases.Only planet man has ever visited.The Oort Cloud is where __ come from.Saturn has the largest known __ system....

Solar System 2017-05-30

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. It’s the rotation of Venus
  2. celestial bodies or of the satellites that turn around a planet
  3. colore delle atmosfere di Urano e Nettuno
  4. is the ratio between mass and volume
  5. This part of the comet forms when the comet passes by the sun
  6. area circolare che si forma a causa di un impatto
  7. fino a qualche anno fa era consierato un pianeta
  8. fascia esterna delm sistema solare, formata da piccoli oggetti solidi
  9. acqua allo stato solido
  10. It’s the chemical compound most present in the atmosphere of Uranus and Neptune.
  11. parte della cometa osservate quando si avvicinano al Sole
  12. It’s the color of the atmosphere of Uranus and Neptune.
  13. a circular or an almost circular area having a depressed floor.
  14. A space flight technique that uses the severity of a planet to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft.
  1. Is a persistent high pressure zone.
  2. corpi celesti primordiali che scontrandosi danno origine ai pianeti
  3. Is made up of small bodies, is located in the outer edge of the solar system
  4. until a few years ago it was considered a planet
  5. It is the Earth plaque movement.
  6. Clouds that consist mostly of hydrogen and helium and other elements;
  7. made of rocks and ice they are a circle turn around the planet
  8. perturbazione molto grande nell'atmosfera di Giove
  9. celestial bodies that collide among them forming planets
  10. Water is in a solid state.
  11. Is the color of the Martian surface
  12. a layer of gases surrounding a planet .
  13. il gas più abbondante nell'atmosfera di Urano e Nettuno
  14. rocce e ghiaccio che orbitano attorno ai pianeti gioviani formano ......

28 Clues: acqua allo stato solidoIt’s the rotation of VenusWater is in a solid state.It is the Earth plaque movement.Is a persistent high pressure zone.Is the color of the Martian surfaceis the ratio between mass and volumea layer of gases surrounding a planet .colore delle atmosfere di Urano e Nettunountil a few years ago it was considered a planet...

SOLAR SYSTEM 2018-01-10

SOLAR SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. , warmest planet/cloudy planet
  2. , large planet known for the Great Red Spot
  3. , Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the...
  4. , it takes Earth 365 days to __ the sun.
  5. , planet with the brightest rings
  6. , our sun and the objects that orbit around it
  7. , turn on an axis
  8. , planet closest to the sun
  1. , an American space traveler
  2. , the force that pulls you towards the center of a planet or Star
  3. , farthest planet from the sun
  4. , Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune have ___ around them.
  5. , number of planets in our solar system
  6. , instrument used for seeing stars and planets clearly
  7. , dwarf planet with two moons
  8. , planet that rotates on its side
  9. , the star closest to earth
  10. , galaxy where the Solar System found
  11. , third planet from the sun; only planet people have walked on
  12. , the red planet

20 Clues: , turn on an axis, the red planet, an American space traveler, planet closest to the sun, farthest planet from the sun, dwarf planet with two moons, the star closest to earth, warmest planet/cloudy planet, planet that rotates on its side, planet with the brightest rings, galaxy where the Solar System found...

Solar system 2021-06-10

Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. a situation in which there is much destruction or confusion.
  2. a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants
  3. any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning
  4. come to pass
  5. to keep or stop from happening
  6. something a little different from others of the same type
  7. lacking in light; not bright or harsh
  8. existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind
  9. facts or information used usually to calculate, analyze, or plan something.
  10. a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
  11. a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow
  12. the physical magnitude of something (how big it is)
  13. a small amount of colour
  14. a relaxing of the sky
  1. look at with fixed eyes
  2. the line at which the sky and Earth appear to meet
  3. the part of the day between noon and evening
  4. the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate
  5. want something to happen or be the case
  6. absolutely essential
  7. water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere
  8. a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing
  9. of surpassing excellence
  10. not in a state of sleep; completely conscious
  11. the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation
  12. of or relating to an orbit, that is, he curved path that something (such as a moon or satellite) follows as it goes around something else (such as a planet)
  13. surveyed; created a map of.

27 Clues: come to passabsolutely essentiala relaxing of the skylook at with fixed eyesof surpassing excellencea small amount of coloursurveyed; created a map keep or stop from happeninglacking in light; not bright or harshwant something to happen or be the casethe part of the day between noon and eveningnot in a state of sleep; completely conscious...

Solar system 2021-06-10

Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. a situation in which there is much destruction or confusion.
  2. a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants
  3. any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning
  4. come to pass
  5. to keep or stop from happening
  6. something a little different from others of the same type
  7. lacking in light; not bright or harsh
  8. existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind
  9. facts or information used usually to calculate, analyze, or plan something.
  10. a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
  11. a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow
  12. the physical magnitude of something (how big it is)
  13. a small amount of colour
  14. a relaxing of the sky
  1. look at with fixed eyes
  2. the line at which the sky and Earth appear to meet
  3. the part of the day between noon and evening
  4. the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate
  5. want something to happen or be the case
  6. absolutely essential
  7. water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere
  8. a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing
  9. of surpassing excellence
  10. not in a state of sleep; completely conscious
  11. the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation
  12. of or relating to an orbit, that is, he curved path that something (such as a moon or satellite) follows as it goes around something else (such as a planet)
  13. surveyed; created a map of.

27 Clues: come to passabsolutely essentiala relaxing of the skylook at with fixed eyesof surpassing excellencea small amount of coloursurveyed; created a map keep or stop from happeninglacking in light; not bright or harshwant something to happen or be the casethe part of the day between noon and eveningnot in a state of sleep; completely conscious...

Solar System 2021-10-19

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. planet closest to the sun
  2. 2nd planet from the sun. Hottest planet in our solar system.
  3. 4th planet from the sun. Also called the red planet.
  4. A very heavy flow of water, which is greater than the normal flow of water and goes over the stream's normal channel.
  5. A long period of dry weather
  6. A bowl-shaped area on the surface of a planet or moon.
  7. A large body in space that orbits a star. Our solar system has 8, plus the dwarf planet.
  8. a round model of the Earth
  9. A giant ball of hot gas in space.
  10. 6th planet from the sun. Gas giant. Known for its rings.
  11. A streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in Earth's atmosphere.
  12. Occurs at a full moon when Earth is directly between the moon and the sun. SEM ( sun, Earth, moon)
  13. A natural body orbiting around a planet.
  14. 3rd planet from the sun. Only planet with water and living things.
  15. or moon.
  16. 8th planet from the sun
  17. a slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain
  18. a large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush, due to dry /drought land.
  19. A severe storm that develops over tropical oceans and whose strong winds of more than 120 km/h spiral in toward the intensely low-pressure storm center
  20. The study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space
  21. The sun and all of the planets and other bodies that orbit around it
  22. Earth has seasons because its axis is tilted as it moves around the sun.
  23. all objects seen in the sky (the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets)
  24. A meteoroid that has hit earth's surface.
  25. A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses.
  1. of axis 23.5 degrees
  2. half of the earth
  3. A ball of frozen dust and rock that orbits the sun and has a tail that glows
  4. An object that orbits the sun and is spherical, but has not cleared the area of its orbit.
  5. A collection of stars, dust, and gas bound together by gravity
  6. When the moon blocks the sun, happens during a new moon. SME ( sun, moon, earth)
  7. All of space and everything in it
  8. The partial or total blocking of one object in space by another
  9. The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
  10. The movement of an object as it turns or spins around an axis. 24 hours = 1 day
  11. 5th planet from the sun. Largest planet in our solar system. Gas Giant.
  12. 7th planet from the sun
  13. Point at which, everywhere on Earth, days and nights are nearly equal in length
  14. A rapidly whirling, funnel-shaped cloud that reaches down to touch Earth's surface.
  15. A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans
  16. The movement of one object around another central object. 365 Days/ 1 year to revolve around the sun.
  17. oval
  18. the striking of one object against another; the shock caused by a collision
  19. Main source of energy for life on earth.
  20. The star at the center of our solar system
  21. A chunk of rock or dust in space
  22. intense rainstorm with strong winds that forms over oceans in the tropics
  23. The imaginary line that passes through Earth's center and the North and South poles.
  24. An imaginary circle around the middle of the earth, halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole
  25. Point at which days are longest in one hemisphere and shortest in another
  26. a small rocky body orbiting the sun

51 Clues: ovalor moon.half of the earthof axis 23.5 degrees7th planet from the sun8th planet from the sunplanet closest to the suna round model of the EarthA long period of dry weatherA chunk of rock or dust in spaceAll of space and everything in itA giant ball of hot gas in space.a small rocky body orbiting the sunA natural body orbiting around a planet....

Solar System 2022-04-17

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Saturn's biggest satellite
  2. the smallest planet
  3. planetary companion
  4. Planet with slowest revolution time
  5. Planet spins on their own axis
  6. this planet has two satellites, phobos and deimos
  7. Meteoroid when enters the eatmosphere
  8. Solar eclipse when it looks like a ring
  9. The first animal's name landed on space
  10. planet with beautiful rings
  1. gas that made up the sun (make nuclear reaction)
  2. Planet with great red spot
  3. the path where the planets turn around the sun
  4. star with tail
  5. minor planet
  6. dwarf planet
  7. obscuration of light
  8. The biggest natural satellite in Jjupiter
  9. morning/evening star(earth sister planet)
  10. blue planet that supports living things to live
  11. Lunar eclipse when the moon looks so red
  12. of the the artificial satellite of the earth
  13. planet that rotates on its side
  14. the biggest star in the solar system

24 Clues: minor planetdwarf planetstar with tailthe smallest planetplanetary companionobscuration of lightSaturn's biggest satellitePlanet with great red spotplanet with beautiful ringsPlanet spins on their own axisplanet that rotates on its sidePlanet with slowest revolution timethe biggest star in the solar systemMeteoroid when enters the eatmosphere...

Solar System 2022-05-04

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. q23
  2. q12
  3. q10
  4. q24
  5. q6
  6. q21
  7. q13
  8. q1
  9. q5
  10. q25
  11. q17
  12. q22
  1. q18
  2. q14
  3. q15
  4. q7
  5. q26
  6. q9
  7. q20
  8. q3
  9. q11
  10. q16
  11. q2
  12. q4
  13. q27
  14. q19
  15. q8

27 Clues: q7q9q3q6q2q4q1q5q8q18q14q15q23q26q20q12q10q11q24q21q16q13q27q19q25q17q22

solar system 2023-02-09

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Day time is the_____in summer and the shortest in winter and spring and fall have the same number of daylight hours
  2. Stars shine by giving off ______ that spreads in different directions.
  3. We have weight depending on how much____of gravity is on us
  4. As the moon moves around the earth the sunlight and that's why we have different moon phases
  5. In the winter the sun is more______so the shadows point more north.
  6. What color are hot stars?
  7. The moon_____always has one side dark and one side light.
  8. The to sun from the earth is not the cause of the seasons.
  9. What color are cold stars
  1. As the earth rotates around on it's_____it takes 24 hours which makes the day and night.
  2. the sun is brighter than other stars because it's ____.
  3. The moon changes_______depending on how much light from the sun is blocked out from the earth.
  4. At______an object's shadow is shortest but as the sun moves the sun makes the shadows get longer.
  5. The sun has a gravity that gravity is keeps the earth in the ____ of the sun's.
  6. What is the GD mascot
  7. Gravity pulls us to the _____ of the earth's
  8. Seasons are by indirect or direct sunlight.
  9. Different parts of the earth are______to the sun during different when one side is closer it’s summer.
  10. Shawdos in the summer point to the east and .
  11. There are 6 time zones in the USA each time zone is based on the of the sun.

20 Clues: What is the GD mascotWhat color are hot stars?What color are cold starsGravity pulls us to the _____ of the earth'sSeasons are by indirect or direct sunlight.Shawdos in the summer point to the east and .the sun is brighter than other stars because it's ____.The moon_____always has one side dark and one side light....

Solar System 2023-03-07

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Gives off light in the sky.
  2. What we can use to look at space from Earth.
  3. takes people between space and Earth.
  4. The closest planet to the sun.
  5. The solar system's star.
  6. Someone that studies science.
  7. Someone that travels space.
  8. The Red Planet.
  9. We can see it at night in the sky.
  10. The Icy Giant planet.
  11. The only planet that has life.
  12. What keeps us on the ground and not floating into space.
  13. Word meaning small.
  1. The word for when we find something new.
  2. The planet that has the Red Spot.
  3. The path that the planets take around the sun.
  4. A group of stars that is found throughout space.
  5. There are 8 of these in our solar system.
  6. The 8th planet closest to the sun.
  7. The second planet.
  8. Robot that is sent to take pictures of planets.
  9. Hot or cold.
  10. The area beyond the Earth's sky.
  11. The planet that is known for its rings.

24 Clues: Hot or cold.The Red Planet.The second planet.Word meaning small.The Icy Giant planet.The solar system's star.Gives off light in the sky.Someone that travels space.Someone that studies science.The closest planet to the sun.The only planet that has life.The area beyond the Earth's sky.The planet that has the Red Spot....

Solar System 2023-04-03

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. This is an apparent motion of planets moving back and forth in the night sky.
  2. The coolest part and visible surface of the sun.
  3. The two types of meteors are ____ and _____.
  4. The only asteroid large enough to be considered a dwarf planet.
  5. This model of the solar system shows the sun at the center.
  6. Abbreviation for large eruptions of gasses that take a few days to reach Earth.
  7. The dwarf planet with a 17 degree tilted orbit.
  8. The shape of the planets orbits.
  9. The astronomer discovered 4 of Jupiter’s moons and that Venus has phases.
  10. The planet that rotates on its side.
  11. Irregularly shaped planetary bodies found between Mars and Jupiter.
  12. Planet often considered to be Earth’s twin.
  13. The layer of the sun that can only be seen during an eclipse.
  14. The planet that is sometimes further from the sun than Pluto.
  15. The stream of energized gases emitted by the sun that travels throughout the solar system. (2 words)
  16. The percent of the solar systems mass that is made up by the sun. (2 words)
  17. Another term for gas giant or Jovian planets.
  18. Space rocks that strike the Earth’s surface.
  19. This scientist was the first to publish the heliocentric model.
  20. The planet with the shortest day.
  21. This model of the solar system shows the Earth at the center.
  22. The largest of the dwarf planets.
  23. Dark areas on the sun that are caused by an increased magnetic field.
  24. A comets tail always points ______ from the sun.
  25. The point on an orbit farthest from the sun.
  26. The layer of the sun where energy travels out in waves.
  27. The only other planet to have had a water cycle and evidence of possible life.
  1. Venus is the _______ planet (temperature wise).
  2. Streams of gases that fall back to the sun, often along magnetic field lines.
  3. The planet with the widest temperature range.
  4. Another name for shooting stars – rocks that burn up in our atmosphere.
  5. The direction all planets orbit the sun.
  6. The unit of distance that represents the distance between the Earth and Sun. (2 words)
  7. The number of dwarf planets in our solar system.
  8. The layer of the sun where hot gases rise and cool gases sink.
  9. The point on an orbit closest to the sun.
  10. The center part of a comet that consists of solid rock and ice.
  11. Venus’s ____ is longer than its _____. (2 words)
  12. The number of major planets in our solar system.
  13. This astronomer discovered the orbits were elliptical with the sun off center.
  14. The solar system is five _______ years old.
  15. The trail of dust from a comet.
  16. The vapor cloud that surrounds the nucleus of a comet.
  17. Large eruptions that shoot charged particles into space at the speed of light (2 words).
  18. Rocks that float in space.
  19. The center layer of the sun.
  20. The planet with the most rings.
  21. Bodies of rock and ice that orbit the sun.
  22. The type of energy created in the sun.2 (2 words).
  23. Another term for inner planets.
  24. Are where many comets originate from. (2 words)
  25. Glowing gases in our atmosphere (also called the Northern Lights).

52 Clues: Rocks that float in space.The center layer of the sun.The trail of dust from a comet.The planet with the most rings.Another term for inner planets.The shape of the planets orbits.The planet with the shortest day.The largest of the dwarf planets.The planet that rotates on its side.The direction all planets orbit the sun....

Solar System 2023-05-02

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. A hot part of the Sun
  2. A person who goes to space
  3. A lot of stars held togather
  4. A curve that goes around a star, planet or moon
  5. Light of moon
  6. A vehicle that goes outer space
  7. A person who studies space
  8. Spiral galaxy
  9. The coldest planet
  1. Bodies of gas that shines and are visible
  2. Some people call them mirror planets
  3. A cloud of gas in space
  4. To see objects appear closer than they are.
  5. Has thousands of rings around it
  6. Eaths natural satellite
  7. Absorbs all light
  8. Has cold stripes and has 80 moons
  9. The hottest planet in Solar System
  10. A giant star that provides light to Earth
  11. A force that atracts mass or energy

20 Clues: Light of moonSpiral galaxyAbsorbs all lightThe coldest planetA hot part of the SunA cloud of gas in spaceEaths natural satelliteA person who goes to spaceA person who studies spaceA lot of stars held togatherA vehicle that goes outer spaceHas thousands of rings around itHas cold stripes and has 80 moonsThe hottest planet in Solar System...

Solar system 2023-05-04

Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Has the great red spot
  2. Makes up most of Venus surface
  3. Gas giant
  4. Most of Neptune is made of icy materials
  5. The beings on Earth
  6. Supports life
  7. Closest to the sun
  8. Very small planets
  9. Rotates on the other direction
  10. Uranus is made mostly of gas
  11. Distance from the sun changes
  12. Largest mountains in the solar system
  1. Burns up in the Earths atmosphere
  2. Titan is bigger than Mercury
  3. Visible every 75-76 years
  4. Some become moons
  5. Pluto is in this belt
  6. Ice Giant
  7. Saturn has some of the longest storms
  8. Biggest moon found at Jupiter

20 Clues: Gas giantIce GiantSupports lifeSome become moonsClosest to the sunVery small planetsThe beings on EarthPluto is in this beltHas the great red spotVisible every 75-76 yearsTitan is bigger than MercuryUranus is made mostly of gasBiggest moon found at JupiterDistance from the sun changesMakes up most of Venus surfaceRotates on the other direction...

Solar System 2023-05-05

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Has no moons
  2. Meteoroids are also called space _____
  3. Mars is a ___________ planet
  4. Dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt
  5. Saturn has _____ rings
  6. Dwarf planet that used to be in our solar system
  7. Asteroids are called _____ planets
  8. 3,871 in our solar system
  9. Has a year of 10,759 Earth days
  10. Moons Moon, Io, Triton, Titan
  11. 1st planet located through mathematical calculations
  12. Planets Ceres, Makemake, Eris, Haumea
  13. Ice giant planet
  14. Days Pluto's year is 90, 530 _____ ____
  15. Mars's moon that is slowly being torn apart by Mars
  16. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the ___
  1. 1,281, 490 in our solar system
  2. Gas giant planet
  3. Closest planet to the sun
  4. Mercury is the ________ planet
  5. Pluto's moon that is so big it makes Pluto wobble
  6. Venus is the hottest ______
  7. Shooting stars
  8. Comets are also called "cosmic _________"
  9. Neptune has __________ winds
  10. Uranus is the _______ planet from the sun
  11. Earth is the _____ largest planet
  12. 4th planet from the sun
  13. 3rd planet from the sun

29 Clues: Has no moonsShooting starsGas giant planetIce giant planetSaturn has _____ rings4th planet from the sun3rd planet from the sunClosest planet to the sun3,871 in our solar systemVenus is the hottest ______Mars is a ___________ planetNeptune has __________ windsMoons Moon, Io, Triton, Titan1,281, 490 in our solar systemMercury is the ________ planet...

Solar System 2023-05-31

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. a rocky or metallic object that orbits the sun
  2. a mixture of ice, gas, rock and dust that orbits the Sun
  3. a pattern formed by stars in the night sky
  4. the tendency of an object to move in a straight line
  5. an exploding star
  6. any object that orbits a larger object
  7. when high tide is lower than normal
  8. The farthest planet from the Sun.
  9. a meteor that strikes Earth's surface
  10. a sphere of hot gas that gives off light & heat
  1. the nearly circular path an object travels around a larger object
  2. a complete pass around the sun
  3. The closest planet to the sun
  4. the planet we live on
  5. an object with powerful gravity nothing can escape
  6. The distance light travels in a year
  7. the apparent shape of the moon in the sky
  8. a complete spin on Earth's axis
  9. when high tide is higher than normal
  10. The largest planet
  11. a regular rise and fall of water
  12. a huge cloud of gas and dust where a star forms

22 Clues: an exploding starThe largest planetthe planet we live onThe closest planet to the suna complete pass around the suna complete spin on Earth's axisa regular rise and fall of waterThe farthest planet from the Sun.when high tide is lower than normalThe distance light travels in a yearwhen high tide is higher than normal...

Solar System 2023-09-26

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Only planet capable to support life
  2. Fastest winds in the solar system
  3. A description of the solar system in which the planets revolve around Earth
  4. A scientist who studies the solar system
  5. A "dirty snowball"
  6. Has over 1000 visible rings
  7. The attractive force between 2 objects
  8. The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
  9. A description of the solar system in which the planets revolve around the Sun
  10. The largest planet in the solar system
  11. Nuclear Fusion happens inside
  12. The name given to the four outer planets (Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune) but mainly refers to Jupiter
  13. Name given to the four inner planets (Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars) but mainly refers to Earth
  14. Any object that revolves around another object in space
  1. Closest planet to the Sun
  2. Methane gives it a light blue color
  3. A meteoroid that hits Earth's surface
  4. A chunk of rock or dust in space
  5. Were once called planets but are too small to be called planets
  6. Has extinct volcanoes
  7. Earth's twin
  8. The study of the solar system
  9. A system of billions of stars held together by gravitational attraction
  10. A streak of light in the sky made by the burning of a meteoroid in Earth's atmosphere

24 Clues: Earth's twinA "dirty snowball"Has extinct volcanoesClosest planet to the SunHas over 1000 visible ringsThe study of the solar systemNuclear Fusion happens insideA chunk of rock or dust in spaceFastest winds in the solar systemMethane gives it a light blue colorOnly planet capable to support lifeA meteoroid that hits Earth's surface...

Solar System 2023-07-26

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Often called the "Red Planet," it may have once had liquid water
  2. A bowl-shaped depression on a planet or moon's surface caused by impacts
  3. A vast system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity
  4. Furthest planet from the Sun, blue in color with strong winds
  5. Formerly considered the ninth planet, now classified as a dwarf planet
  6. Small rocky objects that orbit the Sun, found mainly in the asteroid belt
  7. A luminous celestial body made of hot gases, like our Sun
  8. Largest planet in our solar system, known for its Great Red Spot
  9. Earth's natural satellite, the brightest object in our night sky
  1. A person trained to travel and work in space
  2. Smallest planet and closest to the Sun
  3. The center of our solar system, a massive ball of hot, glowing gas
  4. Flare A sudden and intense eruption of energy on the Sun's surface
  5. Our home planet, the only one known to support life
  6. Vehicles designed for travel or exploration in outer space
  7. Seventh planet from the Sun, known for its extreme axial tilt
  8. An icy celestial body that develops a glowing tail as it nears the Sun
  9. The path an object takes around another due to gravitational attraction
  10. This planet has a prominent system of rings made of ice and dust
  11. Second planet from the Sun, known for its thick atmosphere

20 Clues: Smallest planet and closest to the SunA person trained to travel and work in spaceOur home planet, the only one known to support lifeA luminous celestial body made of hot gases, like our SunVehicles designed for travel or exploration in outer spaceSecond planet from the Sun, known for its thick atmosphere...

Solar System 2023-12-08

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Any interaction with an object that, if unopposed, will change the motion of the object.
  2. A cloud of gas and dust in outer space.
  3. Cosmic snowballs of frozen gasses, rock, and dust that have an elongated orbit around the Sun.
  4. A system of millions or billions of stars held together by gravitational attraction.
  5. The amount of matter which an object contains, the measure of inertia that an object has.
  6. A meteor that has impacted the surface of Earth.
  7. A planet that is composed primarily of silicate rock and/or metals.
  8. A meteoroid that has entered Earth's atmosphere.
  9. Along with mass, this is a factor that determines gravitational force between two objects.
  10. Force in opposition to the motion of an object as it passes through the air.
  11. The tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged.
  1. A natural satellite of any planet.
  2. The most widely accepted theory of solar system formation.
  3. The collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around the Sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.
  4. The force that attracts an object having mass towards another object having mass.
  5. Force that resists the sliding or rolling of one object over another.
  6. The curved path of a celestial object around another object with more mass.
  7. Large planet consisting of low density gasses and ice. Examples include Jupiter and Saturn.
  8. A small body in space, often a chunk of an asteroid. Could become a meteor if it enters the Earth's atmosphere.
  9. The galaxy in which our solar system resides.
  10. Small rocky body that orbits the Sun.

21 Clues: A natural satellite of any planet.Small rocky body that orbits the Sun.A cloud of gas and dust in outer space.The galaxy in which our solar system resides.The tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged.A meteor that has impacted the surface of Earth.A meteoroid that has entered Earth's atmosphere....

Solar System 2024-09-16

Solar System crossword puzzle


Solar System 2024-11-10

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. a heavenly body other than a comet, asteroid, or satellite that travels in orbit around the sun
  2. the planet sixth in order from the sun
  3. the planet seventh in order from the sun
  4. a person whose profession is to travel beyond the earth's atmosphere
  5. the planet on which we live
  6. one of thousands of small rocky bodies between Mars and Jupiter with diameters from a fraction of a kilometer to nearly 800 kilometers
  7. the earth's natural satellite that shines by reflecting light from the sun and revolves about the earth in about 29½ days
  8. the planet second in order from the sun
  9. the planet nearest the sun
  10. a natural body visible in the sky especially at night that gives off light or shines by reflection
  1. the planet eighth in order from the sun
  2. the star around which the planets revolve, from which they receive heat and light
  3. the whole body of things observed or assumed
  4. the largest of the planets and fifth in order of distance from the sun
  5. the explosion of a very large star in which the star temporarily gives off up to one billion times more energy than the sun
  6. bright heavenly body that develops a cloudy tail as it moves closer to the sun in its orbit
  7. any of the very large groups of stars and associated matter that are found throughout the universe
  8. a person who is skilled in astronomy
  9. the planet fourth in order from the sun
  10. the region beyond the earth's atmosphere or the limitless three-dimensional extent in which all things exist and move
  11. the gravitational attraction of the mass of a heavenly body (as the earth) for bodies at or near its surface

21 Clues: the planet nearest the sunthe planet on which we livea person who is skilled in astronomythe planet sixth in order from the sunthe planet eighth in order from the sunthe planet fourth in order from the sunthe planet second in order from the sunthe planet seventh in order from the sunthe whole body of things observed or assumed...