art Crossword Puzzles
art 2021-02-09
- produce (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text, images, or designs to paper.
- the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively.
- relating to photography.
- a visible impression obtained by a camera, telescope, microscope, or other device, or displayed on a computer or video screen.
- a colored fluid used for writing, drawing, printing, or duplicating.
- a furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying, especially one for calcining lime or firing pottery.
- an instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or fixed in a metal or plastic case.
- a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
- material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material.
- the material or form used by an artist, composer, or writer.
- the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.
- a long, narrow mark or band.
- a soft and delicate shade of a color.
- a flaky covering or deposit.
- the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
- a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors.
- a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.
- a picture representing an area of countryside.
- a straight strip or cylinder of plastic, wood, metal, or other rigid material, typically marked at regular intervals, to draw straight lines or measure distances.
- explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.
- a great artist of former times, especially of the 13th–17th century in Europe.
- a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically applied in a decorative design.
- pots, dishes, and other articles made of earthenware or baked clay. Pottery can be broadly divided into earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware.
- able to move or be moved freely or easily.
- a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
25 Clues: relating to photography. • a long, narrow mark or band. • a flaky covering or deposit. • a soft and delicate shade of a color. • able to move or be moved freely or easily. • a picture representing an area of countryside. • the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue. • a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall. • ...
art 2021-02-09
- a picture representing an area of countryside.
- a colored fluid used for writing, drawing, printing, or duplicating.
- a soft and delicate shade of a color.
- explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.
- able to move or be moved freely or easily.
- relating to photography.
- a great artist of former times, especially of the 13th–17th century in Europe.
- a visible impression obtained by a camera, telescope, microscope, or other device, or displayed on a computer or video screen.
- an instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or fixed in a metal or plastic case.
- a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors.
- a long, narrow mark or band.
- the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.
- a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically applied in a decorative design.
- the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively.
- a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.
- a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
- the material or form used by an artist, composer, or writer.
- produce (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text, images, or designs to paper.
- a furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying, especially one for calcining lime or firing pottery.
- material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material.
- a straight strip or cylinder of plastic, wood, metal, or other rigid material, typically marked at regular intervals, to draw straight lines or measure distances.
- the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
- a flaky covering or deposit.
- a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
- an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder.
- pots, dishes, and other articles made of earthenware or baked clay. Pottery can be broadly divided into earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware.
26 Clues: relating to photography. • a flaky covering or deposit. • a long, narrow mark or band. • a soft and delicate shade of a color. • able to move or be moved freely or easily. • a picture representing an area of countryside. • the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue. • the material or form used by an artist, composer, or writer. • ...
Art 2021-05-06
29 Clues: ág • pad • ütem • kréta • fonal • kötni • járda • mintás • csíkos • szobor • dallam • ritmus • őskori • őrület • kortárs • befedni • színpad • csatolni • közönség • szökőkút • dalszöveg • ideiglenes • szabadtéri • nagy szobor • parkoló óra • fényes,élénk • trunk fatörzs • music népzene • szólóhangverseny
art 2022-10-18
- Music Department: Events and Publicity Manager?
- Graduate Program Coordinator(Music)?
- Art Studio: Photography and Digital Lab Technician?
- Cinema and Digital Media: Technical and Curricular Support?
- Sr. Graphic Designer?
- Theatre & Dance: Scene Technician?
- Academic Personnel Coordinator?
- Art Studio: Ceramics Lab Technician?
- Design: Continuing Lecturer, Design Collection Curator, Manager?
- California Lighting Technology Center: Finance Specialist?
- Design: Labs Manager & Building Safety Officer?
- Design & Cinema and Digital Media: Lab Technician & Key Control Manager?
- Music: Stage Manager?
- Business Assistant?
- Theatre & Dance: Facility Manager & Audio Supervisor?
- Theatre & Dance: Production Manager?
- Music: Head Audio Engineer?
- Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor(CDM)?
- Chief Administrative Officer?
- Student Marketing Assistant?
- Business Assistant?
- Music: Writer and Editor?
- I am an ESA dog and my dad is?
- Art Studio: Printmaking and Painting Lab Technician?
- Design: Shops and Museums Supervisor, Materials Lab Technician?
- Theatre & Dance: Cutter/draper, Tailor?
- Design: Design Museum Preparator?
- Arts Marketing Specialist?
- Music: Librarian?
- California Lighting Technology Center: Executive Assistant and Business Support?
- Theatre & Dance: Head Electrician?
- Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor(T&D)?
- Graduate Program Coordinator(Art History)?
- Purchasing Specialist?
- Undergraduate Program Supervisor and Advisor?
- Academic Personnel Assistant?
- Art & Art History: Assistant Librarian, Visual Resources Facility?
- Finance Manager?
- Theatre & Dance: Cutter/draper, Tailor?
- Undergraduate Advisor(Music)?
- Undergraduate Advisor(CDM)?
- Theatre & Dance: Asst. Technical Director?
- Music: Events and Production Manager?
- Art & Art History: Librarian, Visual Resources Facility?
- Theatre & Dance: Costume Shop Director?
45 Clues: Finance Manager? • Music: Librarian? • Business Assistant? • Business Assistant? • Sr. Graphic Designer? • Music: Stage Manager? • Purchasing Specialist? • Music: Writer and Editor? • Arts Marketing Specialist? • Undergraduate Advisor(CDM)? • Music: Head Audio Engineer? • Student Marketing Assistant? • Academic Personnel Assistant? • Undergraduate Advisor(Music)? • ...
ART 2018-10-17
22 Clues: savi • seaded • kuduma • käsitöö • tee ise • näidend • ballett • grafiti • eelistus • asi, ese • kudumine • õlivärvid • keraamika • akvarellid • portreemaal • maastikumaal • heegeldamine • kunstigalerii • voolima (nt looma) • hämmastav, imeline • ehete valmistamine • vaatamiseks välja pandud
art 2019-11-18
- an object made by pouring molten metal or other material into a mold.
- movies considered as an art or industry.
- charcoal used for drawing.
- decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.
- an instrument for drawing circles and arcs and measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a movable joint, one arm ending in a point and the other usually carrying a pencil or pen.
- An Artist's Bridge is a ruler like instrument used by artists to support and steady the hand movements.
- merge (a color) with another so that one is not clearly distinguishable from the othe
- cut (a hard material) in order to produce an object, design, or inscription.
- relating to abstract art.
- the art or action of conceiving of and producing a plan or drawing.
- a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine.
- an implement with a handle, consisting of bristles, hair, or wire set into a block, used for cleaning or scrubbing, applying a liquid or powder to a surface, arranging the hair, or other purposes.
- a person who practices any of the various creative arts, such as a sculptor, novelist, poet, or filmmaker.
- a long-bladed hand tool with a beveled cutting edge and a plain handle that is struck with a hammer or mallet, used to cut or shape wood, stone, metal, or other hard materials.
- having or revealing natural creative skill.
- a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.
- the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.
- the technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the movie is shown as a sequence
- paint a fast-drying paint made of pigment
- a work of art made by grouping found or unrelated objects.
- the quality of being vividly and boldly colored.
- a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing.
- the visible shape or configuration of something.
- an artist's device for spraying paint by means of compressed air.
- strong, coarse unbleached cloth made from hemp, flax, cotton, or a similar yarn, used to make items such as sails and tents and as a surface for oil painting.
- the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
- illustrations, photographs, or other nontextual material prepared for inclusion in a publication.
- spots and other articles made from clay hardened by heat.
28 Clues: relating to abstract art. • charcoal used for drawing. • movies considered as an art or industry. • paint a fast-drying paint made of pigment • having or revealing natural creative skill. • decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering. • the quality of being vividly and boldly colored. • the visible shape or configuration of something. • ...
Art 2019-12-01
- impenetrable to the passage of light.
- life,a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture.
- denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
- method by which information is included or excluded from a photograph, film, or video,painting.
- a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmansabsorb all the attention or interest of.
- an impervious material perforated with letters, shapes, or patterns through which a substance passes to a surface below.
- temporary structure, made usually of wooden planks, used by workers while building, repairing the building.
- cloth made from cotton, or a similar yarn, used as a surface for oil painting.
- range of colors used by an artist in making a work of art; 2. A thin wooden or plastic board on which an artist holds and mixes paint.
- decoratewith a recurring design.
- capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.
- guiding spirit that is thought to inspire artists; source of genius or inspiration (noun).
- Paint,a paint in which pigment is suspended in oil, which dries on exposure to air.
- area of an image—usually a photograph, drawing, or painting—that appears closest to the viewer.
- perception concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
- representation of an object, situation, or set of information as a chart or other image.
- sculpture sculpture that depends on motion.
- decorative handwriting or lettering.
- piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering.
- tending to remind one of something.
- manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush.
- versatility,extremely surprising or impressive range of something.
- make a prominent exhibition of (something) in a place where it can be easily seen.
- expressed,reflecting or reproducsing in a very bright manner of some subject.
- particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
- bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
- natural landforms of a region; also, an image that has natural scenery as its primary focus.
- painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
- treat (soil or water) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels.
- early sample built to test a concept or process.
- the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated.
- expressed in pictures; illustrated.
- stimulating careful consideration or attention.
- very similar to the person or thing represented.
- modern character or quality of thought, expression, or technique.
- arousing awe through being impressive, formidable, or magnificent.
- achieve or complete successfully.
- copy or reproduction.
- type of paint made from very fine pigments and resin that form a glossy surface.
- belonging to or occurring in the present.
- action or result of depicting something, especially in art.
- make a copy of something.
- style,artefacts, or traits considered characteristic of the peoples and cultures of Asia.
- calm depiction of something.
- rendering of the basic elements of a composition, often made in a loosely detailed or quick manner. Sketches can be both finished works of art or studies for another composition.
- a cleric or theologian.
- merit,is a term that is used in relation to cultural products when referring to the judgment of their perceived quality or value as works of art.
- distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
- arrange in a layer or layers.
49 Clues: copy or reproduction. • a cleric or theologian. • make a copy of something. • calm depiction of something. • arrange in a layer or layers. • decoratewith a recurring design. • achieve or complete successfully. • expressed in pictures; illustrated. • tending to remind one of something. • decorative handwriting or lettering. • impenetrable to the passage of light. • ...
Art 2019-12-01
- painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
- type of paint made from very fine pigments and resin that form a glossy surface.
- belonging to or occurring in the present.
- bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
- versatility,extremely surprising or impressive range of something.
- modern character or quality of thought, expression, or technique.
- a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmansabsorb all the attention or interest of.
- method by which information is included or excluded from a photograph, film, or video,painting.
- style,artefacts, or traits considered characteristic of the peoples and cultures of Asia.
- representation of an object, situation, or set of information as a chart or other image.
- piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering.
- sculpture sculpture that depends on motion.
- denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
- capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.
- temporary structure, made usually of wooden planks, used by workers while building, repairing the building.
- make a prominent exhibition of (something) in a place where it can be easily seen.
- the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated.
- a cleric or theologian.
- decorative handwriting or lettering.
- early sample built to test a concept or process.
- Paint,a paint in which pigment is suspended in oil, which dries on exposure to air.
- cloth made from cotton, or a similar yarn, used as a surface for oil painting.
- life,a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture.
- rendering of the basic elements of a composition, often made in a loosely detailed or quick manner. Sketches can be both finished works of art or studies for another composition.
- copy or reproduction.
- manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush.
- impenetrable to the passage of light.
- area of an image—usually a photograph, drawing, or painting—that appears closest to the viewer.
- stimulating careful consideration or attention.
- distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
- natural landforms of a region; also, an image that has natural scenery as its primary focus.
- perception concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
- arousing awe through being impressive, formidable, or magnificent.
- particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
- treat (soil or water) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels.
- action or result of depicting something, especially in art.
- guiding spirit that is thought to inspire artists; source of genius or inspiration (noun).
- achieve or complete successfully.
- expressed in pictures; illustrated.
- very similar to the person or thing represented.
- range of colors used by an artist in making a work of art; 2. A thin wooden or plastic board on which an artist holds and mixes paint.
- decoratewith a recurring design.
- an impervious material perforated with letters, shapes, or patterns through which a substance passes to a surface below.
- merit,is a term that is used in relation to cultural products when referring to the judgment of their perceived quality or value as works of art.
- tending to remind one of something.
- make a copy of something.
- expressed,reflecting or reproducsing in a very bright manner of some subject.
- arrange in a layer or layers.
- calm depiction of something.
49 Clues: copy or reproduction. • a cleric or theologian. • make a copy of something. • calm depiction of something. • arrange in a layer or layers. • decoratewith a recurring design. • achieve or complete successfully. • expressed in pictures; illustrated. • tending to remind one of something. • decorative handwriting or lettering. • impenetrable to the passage of light. • ...
art 2023-05-17
- 3 colors on the color wheel that make a triangle
- defines how light or dark a given color or hue can be.
- 1 color with different values
- An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.
- complementary creates a y shape on the color wheel
- It can also refer to the artist's use of the area within the picture
- the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space
- portrays the act or process of changing place or direction, orientation, and/or position through the visual illustration of starting or stopping points
- 2 colors opposite of each other on the color wheel
- repeating a single element many times in a design.
- object with volume of height, width and depth.
- colors next to each other on the color wheel
- no color
- the part of the design that catches the viewer's attention. The area could be different in size, color, texture, shape, etc
- an identifiable path created by a point moving in space
- refers to the different sizes of the individual parts that make up one object
- the state of being strikingly different from something else
- can be implied or real on surfaces,feelings
- An element of art made up of three properties: hue, value, and intensity.
- when multiple elements work together in a artwork
20 Clues: no color • 1 color with different values • can be implied or real on surfaces,feelings • colors next to each other on the color wheel • object with volume of height, width and depth. • 3 colors on the color wheel that make a triangle • when multiple elements work together in a artwork • complementary creates a y shape on the color wheel • ...
art 2017-02-28
- A lot of colors
- To make a picture
- Object of producing
- Wide view of an extensive area in all directions
- Instrument used for drawing
- Something erected in memory of a person
- Many photos
- Vailable for people to see
- Synthetic material used as a substitute for clay
- Person who drowing pictures
- Quality of color.
- Kazakh painter
- Picture of one person
- A room or building in which people look at paintings
- A technique of painting with watercolors
- Popular social network
- To put something
- It is a visual representation of a person, object
- Tool that is uses during painting
- Spanish painter
20 Clues: Many photos • Kazakh painter • A lot of colors • Spanish painter • To put something • To make a picture • Quality of color. • Object of producing • Picture of one person • Popular social network • Vailable for people to see • Instrument used for drawing • Person who drowing pictures • Tool that is uses during painting • Something erected in memory of a person • ...
ART 2024-04-12
- Not see through.
- An art movement that takes traditional subjects—nudes, landscapes, and still lifes—were reinvented as increasingly fragmented composition
- An artist's device for spraying paint by means of compressed air.
- Emphasizing ideas rather than objects.
- A work of art made up of two parts, usually hinged together\
- Objects, such as pots and vases, made of clay hardened by heat
- An image that has natural scenery as its primary focus.
- A person who draws plans or designs, often of structures to be built; a person who draws skillfully, especially an artist.
- A category of artistic practice having a particular form, content, or technique.
- Two or more things having a common center.
- An object, outline, or shape having sharp corners, or angles.
- A 19th-century art movement
- Any public-facing side of a building, often featuring decorative finishes.
- Los Angeles County Museum of Art
- A visual representation or design on a surface
- The area of an artwork that appears farthest away from the viewer; also, the area against which a figure or scene is placed.
- Expressing deep personal emotion or observations; highly enthusiastic, rhapsodic.
- A particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
- An act of placing things close together or side by side for comparison or contrast.
- A representation of a particular individual.
- An opaque watercolor paint; a painting produced with such paint.
- A rendering, usually a drawing, of a person or thing with exaggerated or distorted features, meant to satirize the subject.
- In painting a color plus white.
- The area of an image—usually a photograph, drawing, or painting—that appears closest to the viewer.
- In painting, a color plus black.
- The lightness or darkness of a color. In painting, a color plus gray.
- A work of art made up of three parts, usually hinged together
- The technique and resulting work of art in which fragments of paper and other materials are arranged and glued to a supporting surface.
- The materials used to create a work of art, and the categorization of art based on the materials used (for example, painting [or more specifically, watercolor], drawing, sculpture).
- An image with urban scenery as its primary focus; an urban environment.
- The ability to alter a material’s shape under compressive stress, such as hammering or rolling.
- A paint composed of pigment mixed into water; a work of art made with this paint.
- Touchable, or sensed by the touch.
- The arrangement of the individual elements within a work of art so as to form a unified whole
- A form, sign, or emblem that represents something else, often something immaterial, such as an idea or emotion.
- Cotton or linen woven cloth used as a surface for painting.
- A type of paint that is water based, not oil based.
- An artistic movement that was interested in how the irrational, unconscious mind could move beyond the constraints of the rational world.
- Colors located opposite one another on the color wheel.
- Having a single color. A work of art rendered in only one color.
- A large painting applied to a wall or ceiling, especially in a public space.
- A form of art, developed in the late 1950s, which involves the creation of an enveloping aesthetic or sensory experience in a particular environment, often inviting active engagement or immersion by the spectator.
- A term generally used to describe art that is not representational or based on external reality or nature.
- Representing a form or figure in art that retains clear ties to the real world.
- In art, a technique used to depict volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface, as in a painted scene that appears to extend into the distance.
- The position from which something is viewed or observed.
- A substance, usually finely powdered, that produces the color of any medium. When mixed with oil, water, or another fluid, it becomes paint.
- A person whose job it is to research and manage a collection and organize exhibitions.
- Relating to or characterized by a concern with beauty or good taste (
- Characterized by ugly, repulsive or distortion of appearance
- Museum of Contemporary Art
- The range of colors used by an artist in making a work of art;
- The shape or structure of an object.
- A soft and delicate shade of a color; a drawing medium of dried paste manufactured in crayon form made of ground pigments and a water-based binder; a picture or sketch drawn with this type of crayon.
54 Clues: Not see through. • Museum of Contemporary Art • A 19th-century art movement • In painting a color plus white. • Los Angeles County Museum of Art • In painting, a color plus black. • Touchable, or sensed by the touch. • The shape or structure of an object. • Emphasizing ideas rather than objects. • Two or more things having a common center. • ...
Art 2024-09-16
- - the principle that the form art takes should be based upon its intent and purpose.
- - The study of past events
- Reality - Is the process of creating a 360-degree explorable virtual environment using technology
- - Drawing with a pencil
- -the base for something
- - It's the height, width, and length with pieces that add depth to the mix, consuming more of the field of vision.
- - the actual coloring substance of paint.
- a specialized form of drawing that refers to using brushes to apply colored liquid to support.
- - sturdy fabric for painting or crafting.
- - art that moves or appears to move
- - interpreted as beauty
- - refers to the production, presentation, or interpretation of art through the use of robots or robotic technology.
- Using - digital technology
- - art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction
- - process or reproducing spatial object upon a plane or curved spaces
- A three-dimensional object in art or design also, the structure or arrangement of something.
- - It can be used to create mood, define form, and convey emotions.
- - It describes both a visual and an activity.
- - Make shapes and figures by carving or molding materials like clay, metal or stone.
- - Art in which artist's medium is action
- - only one color
- The external boundary or outline of an object.
- - an image by transferring pigment from a matrix to a final surface, often but not always paper.
- - A feeling of depth or three dimensions.
- A continuous mark made on a surface.
- - a form of art that, in comparison to traditional forms of art, involves the viewer's interaction.
- - Set up objects or materials in a room or space to create an experience that people can enjoy
- walls - ancient surfaces used for early drawings
- a black crumbly drawing material made of carbon.
- - thin material for writing or drawing
30 Clues: - only one color • - Drawing with a pencil • -the base for something • - interpreted as beauty • - The study of past events • Using - digital technology • - art that moves or appears to move • A continuous mark made on a surface. • - thin material for writing or drawing • - Art in which artist's medium is action • - the actual coloring substance of paint. • ...
Art 2024-11-14
- A brush made for painting.
- Someone who creates art.
- To blend a darker color into a lighter one to make shadows.
- A layout of an artwork.
- A pencil made with colors.
- A wooden stand for a canvas.
- A beautiful artwork, made by a professional artist.
- An item used for taking photos of things, like art and more.
- A sticky substance which is used to stick things together.
- A rectangle which needs a whiteboard marker to draw/write on.
- A knife used for crafting purposes.
- A sharp item used for cutting.
- The Mona Lisa is a _______ made by Leonardo da Vinci
- A 3D rectangle that rubs out pencil marks.
- A chalk-like item made with oil.
- A dusty item, formally used on blackboards, but know known for being used on concrete.
- A brightly colored marker which is used to highlight important stuff and more.
- A strong glue specially made for crafting.
- Wax covered in paper, usually used by toddlers, can come in many different colors.
- An artwork based on a scene, e.g. a sunset.
- A device used for games, but also digital art.
- A plastic rectangle with holes cut out in it to be traced, making an outline.
- A cotton ball used for making rouugh-looking circles.
- A marker used on whiteboards.
- A little bag with a zipper, can be many color/decorated which is used to store pencils, pens and more.
- An item applied as a liquid which comes in many colors and used with a paintbrush
- A popular item used to color.
- A large white object put on an easel which is used for painting.
- To softly press a pencil on your page, creating a base.
- A museum-like building used to frame famous artworks, like the Mona Lisa.
- A pencil that is made for sketching which can come in many shades of black/white/grey.
- A book used to sketch/draw in.
- A wooden item that is used for sketching, outlining, writing and more. Usually made with led.
- A sheet of paper with ready-made outlines to color in.
- A (usually) white rectangle-shaped object, which appears in books that you can use a pencil on to write or draw.
- A pencil-like item with ink and a lid, usually used by teachers when marking.
- An object used for sharpening pencils.
- Your creative mind which gives you ideas for art or really anything.
- Paint made with water.
- A hue - e.g. blue, green
- To make different shades of a color blend together.
- A clip animated frame-by-frame.
- To make lines over the base with a dark pencil/pen/marker.
43 Clues: Paint made with water. • A layout of an artwork. • Someone who creates art. • A hue - e.g. blue, green • A brush made for painting. • A pencil made with colors. • A wooden stand for a canvas. • A marker used on whiteboards. • A popular item used to color. • A book used to sketch/draw in. • A sharp item used for cutting. • A clip animated frame-by-frame. • ...
Art 2023-06-13
- - An artist who specializes in creating sculptures.
- - A stand used to hold a canvas or other artwork while it's being created.
- - An artwork made by arranging small colored pieces (tiles, glass, etc.) into a pattern or picture.
- - The process of creating artworks by transferring ink from a matrix onto paper or another surface.
- - The art of creating images using pencils, pens, or markers.
- - A quick, rough drawing used as a preliminary study for a finished artwork.
- - An artwork made by assembling various materials like paper, fabric, and photographs.
- - A malleable material used for sculpting and pottery.
- - The art of creating three-dimensional objects using materials like clay or stone.
- - The art of beautiful writing, often using special pens and brushes.
- - A soft, pastel-like drawing tool used on blackboards or sidewalks.
- - The art of creating objects from clay, often shaped on a pottery wheel.
- - An instrument used for applying paint to a surface.
- - A surface used for painting, typically made of woven fabric.
- - The art of creating images using brushes and paint.
- - Art that does not represent recognizable objects or figures.
- - A flat surface used for mixing and holding paint colors.
- - The art of creating three-dimensional objects using materials like clay or stone.
- - A painting or drawing that captures the likeness of a person.
- - Different hues used in art to create visual interest and convey emotions.
20 Clues: - An artist who specializes in creating sculptures. • - An instrument used for applying paint to a surface. • - The art of creating images using brushes and paint. • - A malleable material used for sculpting and pottery. • - A flat surface used for mixing and holding paint colors. • - The art of creating images using pencils, pens, or markers. • ...
Art 2021-12-01
- Who was the first superhero in comics?
- Artists use this type of drawing to make…
- Who is the Most Famous Portrait Artist?
- Who created portraits?
- Who is the oldest comic book hero?
- Who did the first self portrait?
- When did artists start drawing?
- What are the type of proportion in art?
- What was the 1st comic book?
- What is the second country who used it?
- In which country did comics create?
- Is drawing a talent or a skill?
- What was the first drawing ever?
- What art is popular today?
- What country used it?
- Who made starry nigh?
- Who invented comics?
- Who created proportions?
- What is the most famous portrait in history?
- Are comic books still made?
20 Clues: Who invented comics? • What country used it? • Who made starry nigh? • Who created portraits? • Who created proportions? • What art is popular today? • Are comic books still made? • What was the 1st comic book? • Is drawing a talent or a skill? • When did artists start drawing? • What was the first drawing ever? • Who did the first self portrait? • Who is the oldest comic book hero? • ...
Art 2016-08-23
- куратор; смотритель зала в музее
- натюрморт (2 words)
- череп
- кран
- покровитель, меценат
- шедевр
- состояние
- возмещающий, компенсирующий
- морской пейзаж
- фреска, настенная живопись
- бесценный
- бесполезный, никчёмный
- абстрактное (искусство)
- реалистичное (искусство)
- дилер, агент
- ценный, полезный
- инспектор дорожного движения
- пейзаж, ландшафт
- открывать торжественно
19 Clues: кран • череп • шедевр • состояние • бесценный • дилер, агент • морской пейзаж • ценный, полезный • пейзаж, ландшафт • натюрморт (2 words) • покровитель, меценат • бесполезный, никчёмный • открывать торжественно • абстрактное (искусство) • реалистичное (искусство) • фреска, настенная живопись • возмещающий, компенсирующий • инспектор дорожного движения • куратор; смотритель зала в музее
art 2023-05-17
- wetting the clay for attaching
- scratching the clay for attaching
- tool a ribbon shaped tool used to cut or shave off
- a knife shaped tool used to cut things
- a rib liked tool used to smooth corners and edges
- tools tools used to model or shape
- clay is firm,sturdy and able to carve
- a long snake like piece of clay
- room temperature, ready to fire, and breakable
- a pen like tool used to poke or scratch
- the machine used to fire clay
- color change, cold, and brittle
- to roll out clay to get air bubbles out of it
- a kidney shaped tool used to smooth clay
- blending or smearing the clay together
- a wire used to cut clay
- tool a loop shaped tool used to cut things
- soft and workable clay
- rolled, out flat sheet of clay
19 Clues: soft and workable clay • a wire used to cut clay • the machine used to fire clay • wetting the clay for attaching • rolled, out flat sheet of clay • color change, cold, and brittle • a long snake like piece of clay • scratching the clay for attaching • tools tools used to model or shape • clay is firm,sturdy and able to carve • a knife shaped tool used to cut things • ...
Art 2024-02-12
- The area above, around and within an object
- Special importance or attention given to one point of a work
- Three dimensional shapes
- A type of cross country where the artist will curve the lines to represent the volume of forms
- A visual element that has two dimensions
- The surface quality or feel how object looks
- All parts of an image or art piece work together
- Linear drawing techniques that can be used to create value, texture, illusion of form and light
- A shading achieved technique by over-lapping lots of little circles
- The properties of hue
- The lightness and darkness of color
- A juxtaposition of different elements of design
- How a flow is created using repeated elements.
- The darkening and coloring of drawing with lines or blocks of color
- How your eye moves through a work
- A drawing technique in which areas of light and shadows are created using nothing but dots.
- A continuous mark on a surface by a moving point until it reaches its end.
- A technique in shading smearing the graphite on paper
- A result of elements being arranged symmetrically or asymmetrically to create the impression of equality or weight.
19 Clues: The properties of hue • Three dimensional shapes • How your eye moves through a work • The lightness and darkness of color • A visual element that has two dimensions • The area above, around and within an object • The surface quality or feel how object looks • How a flow is created using repeated elements. • A juxtaposition of different elements of design • ...
Art 2021-01-15
19 Clues: сцена • шедевр • пейзаж • мелодия • публика • дирижер • рисунок • художник • выставка • набросок • натюрморт • автопортрет • очарованный • вдохновленный • слова к песне • представление • разочарованный • актерский состав • испытывать отвращение
Art 2020-04-28
- Also a type of art put on a screen that is made into a video
- The things you use to create art
- simple thing that you should have learned in kindergarten
- simple fun things that you can do in your spare time
- The art style that is very life like
- You use clay (or other things) to make a.....
- simple drawings for fun
- The person who created this (full name)
- A drawing wich should take up to 10sec.-5min. to finish
- Bob Ross made tutorials for this art style
- This is a simple quick figure of what you are drawing
- aesthetic or appealing to the eye (this one might be hard so the answer is artistic design)
- Art made on an electronic
- simple fun thing to do that should take no time
- The drawing of a human body
- Your way of drawing
- outlining
- Art that is mostly found on the side of buildings
- The shadow of the drawing
19 Clues: outlining • Your way of drawing • simple drawings for fun • Art made on an electronic • The shadow of the drawing • The drawing of a human body • The things you use to create art • The art style that is very life like • The person who created this (full name) • Bob Ross made tutorials for this art style • You use clay (or other things) to make a..... • ...
Art 2024-05-13
- noun,a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme
- noun,the art or process of applying paints to a surface such as canvas, to make a picture or other artistic composition
- verb,to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, especially to the accompaniment of music
- verb,to cut (a solid material) so as to form something, to form from a solid material by cutting
- noun, a sketch or drawing, usually humorous, as in a newspaper or periodical, symbolizing, satirizing, or caricaturing some action, subject, or person of popular interest. comic strip
- noun, words or pictures that are written or drawn in public places, for example on walls or posters
- noun, a person who writes poems
- noun, the art of carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works of art in three dimensions, as in relief, intaglio, or in the round. such works of art collectively.
- noun/masculine one who acts in a play, movie, television show, etc
- verb,produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper with a pencil, pen, etc
- noun,a picture or diagram made with a pencil, pen, or crayon rather than paint
- noun,a play with music in which all the words are sung
- adjective,something such as a picture, photograph, or piece of film used to give a particular effect or to explain something
- verb,the act of using movements of your hands and body, and expressions on your face, without speech, to communicate emotions and actions or to tell a story: The first scene was performed in mime
- noun/feminine one who acts in a play, movie, television show, etc
- noun, nvented prose narrative that is usually long and complex and deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of events
- verb,make musical sounds with the voice, especially words with a set tune
- verb,carry out, accomplish, or fulfil (an action,act,task, or function)
- noun,a theatrical art form using dancing, music, and scenery to convey a story, theme, or atmosphere. b. : dancing in which conventional poses and steps are combined with light flowing figures (such as leaps and turns)
19 Clues: noun, a person who writes poems • noun,a play with music in which all the words are sung • noun/feminine one who acts in a play, movie, television show, etc • noun/masculine one who acts in a play, movie, television show, etc • verb,carry out, accomplish, or fulfil (an action,act,task, or function) • ...
Art 2023-06-18
- Pissoir
- Søjleorden
- Udvisket tegning
- En ide
- Dødssymbol
- Broadwalk Boogie Wookie
- Fluxus performer
- Lyskunstner
- Rrose Sélavy
- Skulptur uden sokkel
- Monumentale værker udenfor
- Botticellis forår
- Et kunstnerisk indgreb
- Manieristiske kroppe
- Pop-Art Pappi
- Da Vinci Teknik
- Barok maleteknik
- Amerikansk Abstrakt Ekspressionist
- Jazz og malesprøjt
19 Clues: En ide • Pissoir • Søjleorden • Dødssymbol • Lyskunstner • Rrose Sélavy • Pop-Art Pappi • Da Vinci Teknik • Udvisket tegning • Barok maleteknik • Fluxus performer • Botticellis forår • Jazz og malesprøjt • Manieristiske kroppe • Skulptur uden sokkel • Et kunstnerisk indgreb • Broadwalk Boogie Wookie • Monumentale værker udenfor • Amerikansk Abstrakt Ekspressionist
art 2023-05-15
- watered down clay,acts as a paste
- cutting clay
- rolled out flat sheet of clay
- blending or smearing clay together for stability
- Firm clay,stiff and able to carve
- carving,has two ends
- smoothing or shaping,used on the wheel
- cuts through clay,has a wire
- for scraping,joining
- carving,texture,sharp end
- The act of kneading clay to remove air bubbles
- Oven used to fire the clay
- Feels cold to the touch,color changes ,brittle
- scratching the clay for attaching
- Room temperature, ready to fire,fradgley
- rubber,smoothing
- to remove controlled amounts of clay
- Soft workable clay,able to sculpt
- thin rope peace of clay
19 Clues: cutting clay • rubber,smoothing • carving,has two ends • for scraping,joining • thin rope peace of clay • carving,texture,sharp end • Oven used to fire the clay • cuts through clay,has a wire • rolled out flat sheet of clay • watered down clay,acts as a paste • scratching the clay for attaching • Firm clay,stiff and able to carve • Soft workable clay,able to sculpt • ...
art 2023-05-18
- a wire used to cut clay
- feels cold to touch, changing color
- a rolled out flat piece of clay
- a process to get air bubbles out of clay
- a ribbon like tool used to shave off clay
- soft, workable clay
- a knife used to cut clay
- the oven used to fire clay
- room temp, ready to fire
- a rib shaped tool used to smooth corners
- a loop shaped tool used to shave off clay
- a kidney bean shaped tool used to smooth
- a pin shaped tool used for poking or scratching
- a tool used to model clay
- watered down clay used for attaching
- firm, stiff, and holds shape
- smoothing clay together
- scratching the clay for attaching
- a thin snake like piece of clay
19 Clues: soft, workable clay • a wire used to cut clay • smoothing clay together • room temp, ready to fire • a knife used to cut clay • a tool used to model clay • the oven used to fire clay • firm, stiff, and holds shape • a rolled out flat piece of clay • a thin snake like piece of clay • scratching the clay for attaching • feels cold to touch, changing color • ...
Art 2021-01-15
19 Clues: сцена • шедевр • пейзаж • публика • дирижер • рисунок • мелодия • набросок • художник • выставка • натюрморт • автопортрет • очарованный • слова к песне • вдохновленный • представление • разочарованный • актерский состав • испытывать отвращение
Art 2015-06-06
- They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners’ agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
- This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.
- This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.
- They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
- This is a picture that presents some scenery.
- This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
- This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
- This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
- This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.
- The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
- This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
- This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
- If art is ..... it doesn’t show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
- These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
- This is a picture where the artist has painted his or her own face or figure.
- This is a picture that presents a person.
- This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.
- This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.
18 Clues: This is a picture that presents a person. • This is a picture that presents some scenery. • This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon. • This is the craft of taking high quality photographs. • The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting. • This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals. • ...
art 2021-12-06
18 Clues: art • form • line • artist • pencil • sketch • colour • texture • collage • gallery • pattern • painter • painting • portrait • sculpture • landscape • exhibition • watercolour
Art 2016-05-11
- Creates a focal point that is the center of interest in an artwork
- 2-dimensional (length and width)
- visual relation of one part of a work to another
- distribution of visual weight in an artwork
- Great differences in two elements of art in a work
- how something feels
- 3-dimensional (height, width, length) and viewed from all side like a sculpture
- to conceive and plan out a project in your mind
- repetition of movement using color, shape or lines
- how dark or light something is
- how elements are arranged in an artwork
- mark made by a pointed tool
- used to direct viewers through an artwork
- an illusion that creates the feeling of depth
- makes an artwork feel complete and finished
- planned or random repetitions in an artwork
- its when all elements have been arranged into a visually pleasing work
- another name for color
18 Clues: how something feels • another name for color • mark made by a pointed tool • how dark or light something is • 2-dimensional (length and width) • how elements are arranged in an artwork • used to direct viewers through an artwork • makes an artwork feel complete and finished • planned or random repetitions in an artwork • distribution of visual weight in an artwork • ...
ART 2023-04-17
- A measurement of something in a particular direction, especially height, length, width. Televisons were traditionally 2-D, but recently 3-D televisions have become available.
- A shape with four straight sides and four angles of 90 degrees.
- A painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of their face. For example, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.
- The distance from the bottom of something to the top.
- A regularly repeated arrangement or design.
- A line which stands or points straight up at an angle of 90 degrees to the horizontal.
- Exact and accurate
- Not the same in amount, number or size. In mathematics it is represented by the symbol =.
- A shape made of curves, with each one bigger than the one before. Sea shells often contain this shape.
- A picture of the countryside
- To separate into smaller parts. .... six by two and it equals three.
- A line which is parallel to the ground, flat or level.
- The distance from one end of something to the other.
- A pattern that is made up of shapes such as squares, triangles or rectangles
- Relating to things that you can see
- Existing everywhere or involving everyone. For example, Music is a ... language.
- In mathematics, a quantity of something that is a part of the whole. A large .... of students in this class will go to university.
- Cloth on which an artist paints, usually using oil paint.
18 Clues: Exact and accurate • A picture of the countryside • Relating to things that you can see • A regularly repeated arrangement or design. • The distance from one end of something to the other. • The distance from the bottom of something to the top. • A line which is parallel to the ground, flat or level. • Cloth on which an artist paints, usually using oil paint. • ...
Art 2019-04-21
- Type of sculpture, commonly but not always a portrait, that includes the chest or part of the chest, as well as the head.
- the front or face of a building, generally an area of the exterior that contains an entrance.
- Shallow pier or rectangular column projecting from a wall. They are distinct from engaged columns: they are not structural—at best they are quasi-structural—and are used either as decoration, sometimes with a carved face, or to make manifest an underlying architectonic order.
- The ... capital is more ornate than the Ionic. It is decorated with 3 superimposed rows of carved foliage (acanthus leaves) around the capital.
- a triangular space above a window or entrance. Originally the triangular space was formed by the end of a gable roof and later was used decoratively
- Decorative element that divides a column from the masonry which it supports.
- A cylindrical support, usually structural but often decorative.
- Term used in Western architecture for a covered area before the entrance to a building, of grander proportions than a simple porch and usually forming the central element in the façade.
- A curved structural member spanning an opening or recess.
- Flat horizontal beam which spans the space between two supports.
- Decorative architectural motif in the form of a coiled scroll, used especially on Classical capitals
- Term used to describe one of the first genuinely global styles of art and architecture in the Western canon from 16th century.
- Uppermost element of a capital on a column or pilaster
- Ornamental motif based on the leaves of an evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean area
- The basically semicircular area enclosed by the arch above the lintel of an arched entranceway. This area is often decorated with sculpture in the Romanesque and Gothic periods.
- Liturgical implement in which the eucharistic wine is offered
- a recess in the thickness of a wall.
- An ... capital has a volute, or a spiral scroll-like carving, on each side as its major decoration.
18 Clues: a recess in the thickness of a wall. • Uppermost element of a capital on a column or pilaster • A curved structural member spanning an opening or recess. • Liturgical implement in which the eucharistic wine is offered • A cylindrical support, usually structural but often decorative. • Flat horizontal beam which spans the space between two supports. • ...
Art 2023-10-04
18 Clues: savi • veski • detail • grafity • realism • eelistus • lummatud • asi, ese • keraamika • heegeldama • väljendama • tõepäraselt • seadistused • ehete valmistamine • imeline, hämmastav • milleski kaasa lööma • keskenduma millelegi • äärmus, ülim, äärmine
Art 2015-06-06
- This is a picture where the artist has painted his or her own face or figure.
- This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.
- These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
- They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners’ agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
- This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
- This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.
- This is a picture that presents a person.
- This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
- The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
- They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
- This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
- This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
- This is a picture that presents some scenery.
- If art is ..... it doesn’t show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
- This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
- This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.
- This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.
- This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.
18 Clues: This is a picture that presents a person. • This is a picture that presents some scenery. • This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon. • This is the craft of taking high quality photographs. • The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting. • This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals. • ...
Art 2021-10-06
- a hole or mark on the surface of something (hole)
- is a temporary non-traditional exhibition that runs for a day to a month, often held in a space like a store or an artist's studio.
- the ability to perform a difficult action quickly and skilfully with the hands (skill)
- to make or (especially of metal) become less bright or a different colour (to become dull, to discolor)
- (confused and uncertain)
- a style of art and design that is based on the art and buildings of ancient Greece and Rome, the revival of a classical style
- the process of improving something (improvement)
- a movement in painting that flourished in France and characterized by strong colors, free treatment of form, creating a vibrant and decorative effect
- invented and not true or not existing (false, fake)
- a movement in painting that flourished in New York artists shared an interest in using abstraction to convey strong emotional or expressive content (action painting)
- having a lot of small parts that are arranged in a complicated or delicate way (complicated)
- a style of medieval art that developed in the 12th century and is known for soaring lines, busy details, and crowded compositions ( large stained glass windows, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, and ornate decoration)
- to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it (to increase)
- a style of art characterized by the highly detailed depiction of ordinary life with the impersonality of a photograph
- a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art in which unusual or impossible things are shown happening
- to laugh at someone or something in an unkind way (to mock)
- the state of being overwhelmed with emotions.
- to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality ()
18 Clues: (confused and uncertain) • the state of being overwhelmed with emotions. • the process of improving something (improvement) • a hole or mark on the surface of something (hole) • invented and not true or not existing (false, fake) • to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality () • to laugh at someone or something in an unkind way (to mock) • ...
ART 2025-02-06
- Art created with pigments on a surface.
- Soft, colourful chalk for drawing.
- Quick, rough drawing.
- Mural painting on wet plaster.
- Tool for applying paint.
- Non-representational art.
- Material often used for sculptures.
- Tray for mixing paints.
- Paint that uses water as a medium.
- Art movement focusing on light and colour.
- Space for displaying art.
- Art made from small, colourful pieces.
- Public display of art.
- Artwork depicting a person.
- Three-dimensional artwork, often carved.
- Fabric used for painting.
- Structure to encase a picture.
- Paint made with oil as the binder.
18 Clues: Quick, rough drawing. • Public display of art. • Tray for mixing paints. • Tool for applying paint. • Space for displaying art. • Non-representational art. • Fabric used for painting. • Artwork depicting a person. • Mural painting on wet plaster. • Structure to encase a picture. • Soft, colourful chalk for drawing. • Paint that uses water as a medium. • ...
Art 2020-03-26
- magical story
- the actors is brilliant acting
- gives instuctions to the actors in a film or play
- he write the story of the films
- pasted on walls and buildings
- a novel, true story
- flawless, fantastic
- a rock floating in space
- scary movie atmosphere below
- write operas
- type of film
- concent of the film
- honors
- we know what's coming
- crime film's main subject
- sculptor make this
- spiritual, mental
- copy
18 Clues: copy • honors • write operas • type of film • magical story • spiritual, mental • sculptor make this • concent of the film • a novel, true story • flawless, fantastic • we know what's coming • a rock floating in space • crime film's main subject • scary movie atmosphere below • pasted on walls and buildings • the actors is brilliant acting • he write the story of the films • ...
Art 2015-06-06
- They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners’ agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
- The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
- This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.
- This is a picture where the artist has painted his or her own face or figure.
- These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
- If art is ..... it doesn’t show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
- This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
- This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.
- This is a picture that presents a person.
- This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
- This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.
- This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
- This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
- This is a picture that presents some scenery.
- They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
- This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
- This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.
- This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.
18 Clues: This is a picture that presents a person. • This is a picture that presents some scenery. • This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon. • This is the craft of taking high quality photographs. • The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting. • This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals. • ...
Art 2023-11-27
- sztuka sakralna
- miłośnik sztuki
- There was a lot of ..... about it. (Było dużo szumu wokół tego).
- pejzaż morski
- It was jaw-...... .
- osoba bardzo interesująca się sztuką (idiom z ptakiem)
- koneser sztuki
- impresjonizm
- osoba obyta w świecie
- I can't put my ..... on it.
- It took my ..... away.
- It wasn't much to ..... home about.
- martwa natura
- oryginalny (np. Picasso)
- It .... my mind.
- It left me ... (Nie zrobił na mnie wrażenia)
- ignorant sztuki
- portret
18 Clues: portret • impresjonizm • martwa natura • pejzaż morski • koneser sztuki • sztuka sakralna • miłośnik sztuki • ignorant sztuki • It .... my mind. • It was jaw-...... . • osoba obyta w świecie • It took my ..... away. • oryginalny (np. Picasso) • I can't put my ..... on it. • It wasn't much to ..... home about. • It left me ... (Nie zrobił na mnie wrażenia) • ...
Art 2023-05-26
- A printed or illustrated advertisement, often featuring artwork or graphics, used for promotional or decorative purposes.
- An institution that collects, preserves, and displays artworks and other objects of cultural, historical, or scientific importance for public viewing and study.
- An exceptionally outstanding or renowned work of art, often considered the artist's best or most significant creation.
- To emphasize or draw attention to a particular area or element within an artwork, often using brighter colors, stronger lines, or contrast.
- A genre of art that depicts inanimate objects, such as flowers, fruit, or everyday items, arranged in a composition.
- Visual images or designs created using computer software or other artistic techniques.
- A painting technique that uses water-soluble pigments, typically applied to paper, creating transparent or semi-transparent washes of color.
- A type of paint made by mixing pigments with oil, typically linseed oil. It is commonly used for painting on canvas.
- A period in European history, spanning roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, characterized by a revival of interest in the arts, literature, and sciences.
- The part of a painting, drawing, or photograph that appears farthest from the viewer, often providing context or setting.
- An exceptionally talented or gifted individual, often used to describe artists with exceptional creative abilities.
- A representation or likeness of a person, usually focusing on their face or figure.
- A rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often used as a preliminary study or plan for a more detailed artwork.
- A genre of art that depicts natural scenery, such as mountains, valleys, forests, or fields.
- A public display or showing of artworks, often organized by galleries, museums, or art institutions.
- A space, usually indoors, where artworks are displayed for public viewing and sale.
- The part of a painting, drawing, or photograph that appears closest to the viewer, often drawing attention to the main subject.
- A strong, woven fabric typically used as a surface for painting.
18 Clues: A strong, woven fabric typically used as a surface for painting. • A representation or likeness of a person, usually focusing on their face or figure. • A space, usually indoors, where artworks are displayed for public viewing and sale. • Visual images or designs created using computer software or other artistic techniques. • ...
Art 2015-06-06
- This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
- They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners’ agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
- These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
- This is a picture where the artist has painted his or her own face or figure.
- This is a picture that presents a person.
- The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
- This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.
- This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.
- This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
- This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
- This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.
- This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.
- They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
- This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
- If art is ..... it doesn’t show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
- This is a picture that presents some scenery.
- This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
- This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.
18 Clues: This is a picture that presents a person. • This is a picture that presents some scenery. • This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon. • This is the craft of taking high quality photographs. • The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting. • This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals. • ...
Art 2021-05-25
- Yellow is the complement of
- 3 colours equally spaced around the colour wheel
- Used to create the effect of hair, scales, or fur
- Colours that are next to each other on the colour wheel
- Pure colour
- colours that are across from each other on the colour wheel
- This colour mixed with Yellow makes Green
- Red,Orange,Yellow are this type of colour
- This element of art adds vibrance to a painting or drawing
- Colours that are in between Primary and Secondary Colours
- Shading from dark to light
- This colour mixed with Yellow Makes Orange
- Adding White to a colour
- Blue,Green,Violet are this type of colour
- Red is the complement of
- Orange,Green,Violet
- Adding Black to a colour
- Blue,Yellow,Red
18 Clues: Pure colour • Blue,Yellow,Red • Orange,Green,Violet • Adding White to a colour • Red is the complement of • Adding Black to a colour • Shading from dark to light • Yellow is the complement of • Blue,Green,Violet are this type of colour • This colour mixed with Yellow makes Green • Red,Orange,Yellow are this type of colour • This colour mixed with Yellow Makes Orange • ...
art 2023-07-13
- A hue, tint, or shade
- A three-dimensional object
- A picture created with lines
- The lightness or darkness of a color
- The arrangement of elements in a work of art
- The overall mood or atmosphere of a work of art
- To create a picture with colors
- A darker version of a color
- The illusion of depth in a work of art
- The three-dimensional structure of an object
- The area around and between objects
- A mark made by a moving point
- The outline of an object
- A picture created with colors
- To create a three-dimensional object
- The way light falls on an object
- The feel of a surface
- A dark area created by an object blocking light
- To create a picture with lines
19 Clues: A hue, tint, or shade • The feel of a surface • The outline of an object • A three-dimensional object • A darker version of a color • A picture created with lines • A mark made by a moving point • A picture created with colors • To create a picture with lines • To create a picture with colors • The way light falls on an object • The area around and between objects • ...
Art 2023-10-29
- A form of art that involves creating sculptures from clay or ceramics.
- The Spanish painter famous for "Guernica" and "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon."
- The French artist known for the "Water Lilies" series.
- The art movement that features distorted and dreamlike images.
- The technique of cutting and pasting different materials to create art.
- A famous Spanish surrealist painter known for "The Persistence of Memory."
- GoghA famous Dutch painter known for "Starry Night" and "Sunflowers."
- The Italian sculptor famous for his statue of David and "Pieta."
- The process of creating a design by cutting into a surface, often a woodblock.
- The art style that emerged in the 1960s, emphasizing everyday objects.
- The period in art history that emphasized emotional expression and nature.
- The technique of applying paint to wet plaster.
- A Japanese art form of folding paper into various shapes.
- A type of art made by arranging and gluing various material
- The Italian art period known for its focus on symmetry and balance.
- A famous Italian painter known for "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper."
- The art style characterized by flat, colorful shapes and bold outlines.
- The Italian artist known for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
- The Dutch artist famous for his realistic genre paintings
- The French art movement known for its use of pointillism and vibrant colors.
20 Clues: The technique of applying paint to wet plaster. • The French artist known for the "Water Lilies" series. • A Japanese art form of folding paper into various shapes. • The Dutch artist famous for his realistic genre paintings • A type of art made by arranging and gluing various material • The art movement that features distorted and dreamlike images. • ...
Art 2024-04-28
- In poor condition.
- Look intently; Stare at something.
- Backbone;
- Brightly illuminated; Shining brightly.
- To stay hidden, often with bad intentions.
- Like a warning
- Strange and frightening.
- Feeling uncomfortable;
- The edges of a city or town.
- Decorate
- A cloth covering a dead person.Covered or enveloped in a cloak of secrecy or intrigue.
- Not sacred
- Wishing harm
- Kingdom or area;
- Not very bright.
- A story that might not be true.
- A magical wish for harm.
- Feeling cold or scared;A shivery feeling.
18 Clues: Decorate • Backbone; • Not sacred • Wishing harm • Like a warning • Kingdom or area; • Not very bright. • In poor condition. • Feeling uncomfortable; • A magical wish for harm. • Strange and frightening. • The edges of a city or town. • A story that might not be true. • Look intently; Stare at something. • Brightly illuminated; Shining brightly. • Feeling cold or scared;A shivery feeling. • ...
Art 2016-03-24
- what you use to paint with
- what you paint on
- red pigment used to create sculptures
- what you create
- artwork
- another word for a piece of art
- picture going up and down
- another word for an art lesson
- a picture
- what some might use to draw with, waxy
- an exhibit of artwork
- a subject in school
- red, pink, green, yellow, etc.
- picture going across
- a word for different
- something you would find in a museum
- a border around the art
17 Clues: artwork • a picture • what you create • what you paint on • a subject in school • picture going across • a word for different • an exhibit of artwork • a border around the art • picture going up and down • what you use to paint with • red, pink, green, yellow, etc. • another word for an art lesson • another word for a piece of art • something you would find in a museum • ...
Art 2021-11-05
- Created with a brush
- Spanish painter
- A substrate
- Dutch Post-Impressionist painter
- The modern way
- A medium
- Red, yellow, blue
- Used to paint
- Prior to painting
- Vital for success
- A way of recording a scene
- Oscar-Claude, French painter
- Opposite colours on the colour wheel
- French sculptor
- Always dark and messy
- 3D art
- Used for drawing
17 Clues: 3D art • A medium • A substrate • Used to paint • The modern way • Spanish painter • French sculptor • Used for drawing • Prior to painting • Vital for success • Red, yellow, blue • Created with a brush • Always dark and messy • A way of recording a scene • Oscar-Claude, French painter • Dutch Post-Impressionist painter • Opposite colours on the colour wheel
art 2020-05-14
- a place to display and sell your art work
- an object you use to write with that contains ink
- an object you draw on made from wood
- a thing you put your canvas on
- brush you dip this into paint
- a drawing that doesn't represent anything
- most common Japanese art style
- highlights your drawing
- drawing a place or paper orientation
- an object you use to write with containing lead
- drawing normal objects and making them different
- the most useless type of art theft
- a drawing of a person or paper
- a cute style of anime
- erases the mistakes in your drawing, only works on pencils
- a realistic style
- an illusion of movement through the drawing
17 Clues: a realistic style • a cute style of anime • highlights your drawing • brush you dip this into paint • a thing you put your canvas on • a drawing of a person or paper • most common Japanese art style • the most useless type of art theft • drawing a place or paper orientation • an object you draw on made from wood • a place to display and sell your art work • ...
Art 2023-06-16
- A tool used to apply paint
- Creating art by shaping materials like clay or stone
- A stand to hold a canvas while painting
- A stick of colored wax used for drawing
- A type of fast-drying paint
- A flat board for mixing and holding paint
- Using colors to create pictures
- Art made by assembling small pieces of colored materials
- Making pictures with pencils or pens
- A simple and rough drawing
- A building that holds art and historical objects
- A piece of cloth used for painting
- A place to exhibit art
- Displaying artworks for people to see
- A picture of a person's face
- A person who makes art
- Different shades and hues
17 Clues: A place to exhibit art • A person who makes art • Different shades and hues • A tool used to apply paint • A simple and rough drawing • A type of fast-drying paint • A picture of a person's face • Using colors to create pictures • A piece of cloth used for painting • Making pictures with pencils or pens • Displaying artworks for people to see • ...
Art 2022-09-06
- images of people made from rocks
- designing buildings or structures
- a place
- most famous sculpture
- written works
- the person who does art
- a famous artist
- pretty
- the surface quality of the work
- for example, a sonnet
- art created from using paint
- form of something
- the person who makes statues from rocks
- most famous painting
- a carved person from a rock
- the upper interior surface of a room
- what the artist creates
17 Clues: pretty • a place • written works • a famous artist • form of something • most famous painting • for example, a sonnet • most famous sculpture • the person who does art • what the artist creates • a carved person from a rock • art created from using paint • the surface quality of the work • images of people made from rocks • designing buildings or structures • ...
Art 2023-03-04
- when your brain has no more ideas
- a class you take to improve your art skills
- she has no eyebrows
- a technology device for storing and processing data, usually in the binary form
- a canvas covered in paint
- a device that plays music
- a tool you use to paint
- an artist that has curly red hair
- The best magazine ever
- a part or aspect of something abstract especially something essential or characteristic
- the art or occupation of someone playing in plays, movies or in television programs
- without it it would be so dark you would think you closed your eyes 24/7
- the hottest time of the year
- Vocal or instrumental sounds
- a group of people that are related
- a reputation of a person or scenery that you can capture
- Man’s best friend
17 Clues: Man’s best friend • she has no eyebrows • The best magazine ever • a tool you use to paint • a canvas covered in paint • a device that plays music • the hottest time of the year • Vocal or instrumental sounds • when your brain has no more ideas • an artist that has curly red hair • a group of people that are related • a class you take to improve your art skills • ...
ART 2024-09-24
- A wedding ring is a ... of marriage.
- He believed ... is for everyone.
- Some people said, “That is not ... It's just graffiti.”
- People around the world know Haring. He is a ... artist.
- Haring had a lot of ... You can see it in his art. It "moves."
- Haring made ... art. He wanted everyone to see it.
- When I was a teenager, I had a Happy Baby ... on my bedroom wall.
- A person who paints is a ...
- A ... is a work of art made of materials such as metal, stone, or wood.
- Someone who draws makes ...
- By the mid-1980s, Haring's work was in many art ... around the world.
- Haring was ... from other artists.
- The word ... is short for “advertisements.”
- The word ... is short for “popular.”
- In 1988, Haring opened the Pop ... in Tokyo. It closed in 1989.
- ... issues were very important to Haring.
- El Prado is a famous ... in Madrid, Spain.
17 Clues: Someone who draws makes ... • A person who paints is a ... • He believed ... is for everyone. • Haring was ... from other artists. • A wedding ring is a ... of marriage. • The word ... is short for “popular.” • ... issues were very important to Haring. • El Prado is a famous ... in Madrid, Spain. • The word ... is short for “advertisements.” • ...
ART 2014-05-15
- The regular repetition of lines, color,, shapes or patterns
- The lightness of darkness of tones or colors
- The repeated use of an element such as color, shape or line within an artwork.
- All elements of a picture relate to each other or look like they are part of one work of art.
- The most important area of an artwork. Also called Center of Interest
- The extreme difference in lines, colors, shapes, values or textures
- A balance composed in a circle
- A 2-dimensional or flat area defined by an outline, tone, or color
- A 3-dimensional object that is long, wide and deep
- A balance where objects and shapes are the same on either side of a central line
- The path of a moving point
- The use of lines, shapes or colors to lead the viewer from one part of the picture to another.
- An assortment of lines,shapes, colors, textures, and forms to create interest
- The area within,around,between,above,or below,objects and shapes
- The arrangement of objects to create a feeling of equal weight.
- The surface or feel of an object, rough, scratchy
- Produced by light reflecting to our eyes
17 Clues: The path of a moving point • A balance composed in a circle • Produced by light reflecting to our eyes • The lightness of darkness of tones or colors • The surface or feel of an object, rough, scratchy • A 3-dimensional object that is long, wide and deep • The regular repetition of lines, color,, shapes or patterns • ...
Art 2017-04-08
- Dark ____
- A type of art that you create with clay
- ___ Dali
- Item to put colors on canvas
- Something created by hand or with a camera
- ____ Kahlo
- When picture is blurry it is out of ____
- Person who takes pictures
- Used to take pictures
- ____ Monet
- Item to put paint on
- Place to visit art
- Andy ____
- ____ Adams
- Place to mount a camera
- ____ Picasso
- Color of background used by photographers for special effects
17 Clues: ___ Dali • Dark ____ • Andy ____ • ____ Monet • ____ Adams • ____ Kahlo • ____ Picasso • Place to visit art • Item to put paint on • Used to take pictures • Place to mount a camera • Person who takes pictures • Item to put colors on canvas • A type of art that you create with clay • When picture is blurry it is out of ____ • Something created by hand or with a camera • ...
Art 2019-05-14
- A series of still images that, when shown on a screen, create the illusion of moving images.
- A philosophical movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide-scale and far-reaching transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
- Is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures.
- Is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions.
- A modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century.
- Is a broad movement that developed in the mid- to late 20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism and that marked a departure from modernism.
- Was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century, with early centers in Zürich, Switzerland, at the Cabaret Voltaire (circa 1916); New York Dada began circa 1915,[2][3] and after 1920 Dada flourished in Paris.
- It is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium[1] to a solid surface (support base).
- The style of les Fauves (French for "the wild beasts"), a group of early twentieth-century modern artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism.
- Is the idea that views are relative to differences in perception and consideration. There is no universal, objective truth according to relativism; rather each point of view has its own truth
- A cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings.
- A 19th-century art movement characterized by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles. Impressionism originated with a group of Paris-based artists whose independent exhibitions brought them to prominence during the 1870s and 1880s.
- It is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.[Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.[
- An early-20th-century avant-garde art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music, literature and architecture.
- A collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers, typically actors or actresses, to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage.
- A performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement.
- An art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time.
17 Clues: Is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions. • An art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. • A performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement. • A series of still images that, when shown on a screen, create the illusion of moving images. • ...
Art 2022-05-25
- space filled with content
- red, yellow, orange
- blue, green, purple
- an enclosed area of space created through lines and other elements
- tactile actual or implied qualities of a surface
- red, blue, yellow
- the art and techniques of designing buildings
- free form
- lightness or darkness of colors
- Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker who created Cubism
- space in between content
- French painter who founded impressionisht painting
- precise form
- exactly the same on both sides
- path of a point moving through space
- two-dimensional or three-dimensional
- green, purple, orange
17 Clues: free form • precise form • red, blue, yellow • red, yellow, orange • blue, green, purple • green, purple, orange • space in between content • space filled with content • exactly the same on both sides • lightness or darkness of colors • path of a point moving through space • two-dimensional or three-dimensional • the art and techniques of designing buildings • ...
art 2023-05-27
- this portrait style blends the cultural traditions of Egyptians and Romans
- this type of sand was added by the Romans to make concrete
- Kingdom of _________, land of the dead
- this family financed the Chartres Cathedral
- type of masonry used by pre-Roman builders constructing barrel vaults
- At the time of death of this emperor, Rome was the capital of the government that rule territories in three continents
- the process of joining and reinforcing fragments of glass
- this city in China is known for kaolin clay porcelin
- this person coined the phrase "lux nova"
- perfectly elliptical architectural structure from Roman Empire
- this type of column supports the pediments in the Pantheon
- Mummy with an Inserted Panel Portrait of a Youth is on view at this museum
- large quantities of porcelain were exported during this Chinese dynasty
- kiln named for its long and thin shape
- glassworkers
- symbol of the spherical shapes of dome and oculus in Pantheon
- this cathedral first used flying buttresses
17 Clues: glassworkers • Kingdom of _________, land of the dead • kiln named for its long and thin shape • this person coined the phrase "lux nova" • this family financed the Chartres Cathedral • this cathedral first used flying buttresses • this city in China is known for kaolin clay porcelin • the process of joining and reinforcing fragments of glass • ...
Art 2023-12-12
- there is a long one of these in Hanoi
- not curved
- we need a special paint to make this
- art made with wood and string
- the art of folding paper
- trees, rivers and mountains are in..
- 3D art made from rock or wood etc
- repeating colours and shapes
- nouns we can't count
- art usually made with pencils
- nouns we can count
- art made with a camera
- a shape with no sides or straight lines
- similar to a circle
- use stickers or glue to make a..
- the shape of a moon
- a ten sided shape in the sky
17 Clues: not curved • nouns we can count • similar to a circle • the shape of a moon • nouns we can't count • art made with a camera • the art of folding paper • a ten sided shape in the sky • repeating colours and shapes • art usually made with pencils • art made with wood and string • use stickers or glue to make a.. • 3D art made from rock or wood etc • we need a special paint to make this • ...
ART 2024-12-09
- Wall painting technique.
- Famous Lisa.
- Art made from tiles.
- Large wall artwork.
- Three-dimensional art.
- Preliminary drawing.
- Street art.
- Painting tool.
- Artistic representation of a person.
- Artist's stand.
- Mixing board for colors.
- Picasso's art movement.
- Monet's style.
- Fast-drying paint.
- Artist's surface.
- Printmaking technique.
- Exhibition space.
17 Clues: Street art. • Famous Lisa. • Painting tool. • Monet's style. • Artist's stand. • Artist's surface. • Exhibition space. • Fast-drying paint. • Large wall artwork. • Art made from tiles. • Preliminary drawing. • Three-dimensional art. • Printmaking technique. • Picasso's art movement. • Wall painting technique. • Mixing board for colors. • Artistic representation of a person.
art 2021-05-03
- is used for writing with a pen, brush, or quill.
- for painting
- you store your art in it
- you paint on it
- to finish up a drawing
- what a pencil is made of
- wax colors
- a colorful liquid
- a picture
- to cut stuff
- you remove writing with it
- fine black powder
- a high quality acholic markers
- it is wet and has color
- art art made electronically
- you write with it
- stuff made with creativity
17 Clues: a picture • wax colors • to cut stuff • for painting • you paint on it • a colorful liquid • fine black powder • you write with it • to finish up a drawing • it is wet and has color • you store your art in it • what a pencil is made of • you remove writing with it • stuff made with creativity • art art made electronically • a high quality acholic markers • ...
Art 2024-11-30
- Painter’s surface
- Painting of a person
- Non-representational art
- Preliminary drawing
- Colourful drawing tools”
- Large wall painting
- Tool for drawing
- Three-dimensional art form
- Holds a canvas
- Tool for carving
- Artist’s tool for strokes
- Art with clay
- Used to create a masterpiece
- Artist’s workspace
- Metal for statues
- Place to display art
- Home to famous artworks
17 Clues: Art with clay • Holds a canvas • Tool for carving • Tool for drawing • Painter’s surface • Metal for statues • Artist’s workspace • Preliminary drawing • Large wall painting • Painting of a person • Place to display art • Home to famous artworks • Non-representational art • Colourful drawing tools” • Artist’s tool for strokes • Three-dimensional art form • Used to create a masterpiece
Pop Art 2023-03-08
- Avant-garde art movement
- Sculptor of everyday objects
- Abstract painter of geometric shapes
- Art that challenges gender inequality
- Pop art icon
- Hyper-realistic painting and drawing
- Art that explores light and perception
- Art using video and electronics
- Abstract painting with sharp lines
- Sculpture in outdoor spaces
- Street art movement
- Return to raw, emotive painting
- Art that tricks the eye
- Stripping art down to essentials
- Art that prioritizes the idea over the visual
- Comic book-inspired art
- Experimental art collective
- Art that uses the human body as canvas
- Combining different mediums in art
- Art using humble, everyday materials
- Art made from natural materials
- Live, interactive art
- Artistic events and performances
- American painter of flags
- Art that critiques and deconstructs traditional art forms
- Celebrating everyday objects and icons
- Art that incorporates movement
- Abstract painting with large blocks of color
- British painter of California
- Painter of bold letters and numbers
30 Clues: Pop art icon • Street art movement • Live, interactive art • Comic book-inspired art • Art that tricks the eye • Avant-garde art movement • American painter of flags • Experimental art collective • Sculpture in outdoor spaces • Sculptor of everyday objects • British painter of California • Art that incorporates movement • Art made from natural materials • Art using video and electronics • ...
Art 2015-06-06
- If art is ..... it doesn’t show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
- This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.
- This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
- These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
- This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
- This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.
- This is a picture that presents a person.
- This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.
- This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
- This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
- They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
- This is a picture that presents some scenery.
- This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
- This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.
- They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners’ agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
- The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
- This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.
17 Clues: This is a picture that presents a person. • This is a picture that presents some scenery. • This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon. • This is the craft of taking high quality photographs. • The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting. • This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals. • ...
ART 2014-09-23
- what we use to put around our picture
- we use this to make circles
- what we use to hold our picture when painting
- the postioning of the body
- painted with paint that is water based
- a picture of countryside/ or angle of paper
- the postioning of the hands
- black , white
- we draw with this, made of lead
- the objects around or held
- we use these to cut things
- we use this to draw, ink is spread by a hard sponge
- a picture of a person/ or angle of paper
- the setting of the picture
- what we use to paint
- pink, blue, green
- green with a blue ... blue with a red ...
17 Clues: black , white • pink, blue, green • what we use to paint • the objects around or held • we use these to cut things • the setting of the picture • the postioning of the body • we use this to make circles • the postioning of the hands • we draw with this, made of lead • what we use to put around our picture • painted with paint that is water based • ...
Art 2021-03-21
17 Clues: posąg • skarb • model • dumny • odkryć • rzeźba • portret • wystawa • artysta • fotograf • kreatywny • wynalazek • krajobraz • produkować • architektura • art...- galeria sztuki • work of... - dzieło sztuki
ART 2024-09-24
- – A wedding ring is a symbol of marriage.
- – He believed art is for everyone.
- – Some people said, "That is not art. It's just graffiti."
- – People around the world know Haring. He is a famous artist.
- – Haring had a lot of energy. You can see it in his art. It "moves."
- – Haring made public art. He wanted everyone to see it.
- – When I was a teenager, I had a Happy Baby poster on my bedroom wall.
- – A person who paints is a painter.
- – A sculpture is a work of art made of materials such as metal, stone, or wood.
- – Someone who draws makes drawings.
- – By the mid-1980s, Haring's work was in many art galleries around the world.
- – Haring was different from other artists.
- – The word ads is short for "advertisements."
- – The word pop is short for "popular."
- – In 1988, Haring opened the Pop shop in Tokyo. It closed in 1989.
- – Social issues were very important to Haring.
- – El Prado is a famous museum in Madrid, Spain.
17 Clues: – He believed art is for everyone. • – Someone who draws makes drawings. • – A person who paints is a painter. • – The word pop is short for "popular." • – A wedding ring is a symbol of marriage. • – Haring was different from other artists. • – The word ads is short for "advertisements." • – Social issues were very important to Haring. • ...
Art 2024-11-30
- Holds a canvas
- Painter’s surface
- Colourful drawing tools”
- Large wall painting
- Tool for carving
- Home to famous artworks
- Art with clay
- Non-representational art
- Used to create a masterpiece
- Painting of a person
- Tool for drawing
- Metal for statues
- Artist’s tool for strokes
- Preliminary drawing
- Three-dimensional art form
- Place to display art
- Artist’s workspace
17 Clues: Art with clay • Holds a canvas • Tool for drawing • Tool for carving • Metal for statues • Painter’s surface • Artist’s workspace • Large wall painting • Preliminary drawing • Place to display art • Painting of a person • Home to famous artworks • Colourful drawing tools” • Non-representational art • Artist’s tool for strokes • Three-dimensional art form • Used to create a masterpiece
Mega2a kpl6: huonekalut 2018-01-25
- sänky _______ (Mikä art.?)
- lattia _______ (Mikä art.?)(ß=ss)
- juliste _______ (Mikä art.?)
- TV _______ (Mikä art.?)
- kirj.pöytä _______ (Mikä art.?)
- nurkka _______ (Mikä art.?)
- tuoli _______ (Mikä art.?)
- lamppu _______ (Mikä art.?)
- verho _______ (Mikä art.?)
- ikkuna _______ (Mikä art.?)
- kirjahylly _______ (Mikä art.?)
- sohva _______ (Mikä art.?)
- matto _______ (Mikä art.?)
- pöytä _______ (Mikä art.?)
- kaappi _______ (Mikä art.?)
- nojatuoli _______ (Mikä art.?)
- kuva, yaulu _______ (Mikä art.?)
- ovi _______ (Mikä art.?)(ü=ue)
- seinä _______ (Mikä art.?)
19 Clues: TV _______ (Mikä art.?) • sänky _______ (Mikä art.?) • sohva _______ (Mikä art.?) • matto _______ (Mikä art.?) • pöytä _______ (Mikä art.?) • tuoli _______ (Mikä art.?) • seinä _______ (Mikä art.?) • verho _______ (Mikä art.?) • ikkuna _______ (Mikä art.?) • kaappi _______ (Mikä art.?) • nurkka _______ (Mikä art.?) • lamppu _______ (Mikä art.?) • juliste _______ (Mikä art.?) • ...
Pop Art 2023-03-11
- Hyper-realistic painting style
- Art as a platform for social issues
- Art as an ecological statement
- Revival of Dadaist principles in art
- Pop sculptures of everyday objects
- Hard-edged painting style
- Comic book imagery
- Art as idea, not object
- Combining art and technology
- Distinct boundaries in painting
- Ornamental art movement
- American flag interpreter
- Exploring perception through light and space
- Polka dot queen
- Swimming pool painter
- Stripping art to essentials
- Art as live action
- Spontaneous art event
- Neo-expressionism pioneer
- Blurring boundaries of art genres
- Experimental film movement
- Japanese avant-garde art collective
- Campbell's Soup icon
- Experimental art movement
- Optical illusions in art
- Contemporary figurative art movement
- French pop art movement
- Large color expanses in painting
- Japanese pop culture art movement
- Moving image as art
- Art on the human body
- Using everyday materials in art
- Japanese photography movement
- Art created for a specific location
- Art in natural landscapes
35 Clues: Polka dot queen • Comic book imagery • Art as live action • Moving image as art • Campbell's Soup icon • Spontaneous art event • Art on the human body • Swimming pool painter • French pop art movement • Art as idea, not object • Ornamental art movement • Optical illusions in art • Neo-expressionism pioneer • Hard-edged painting style • Experimental art movement • American flag interpreter • ...
Art 2018-05-11
- to change, correct
- when you exaggerate
- a picture of fruit and vegetables
- a long story full of characters and events
- when you make things alive
- a person who tells the story
- seats in the centre (in a theatre)
- when you compare
- four lines of a poem
- a serious article
- a place where musicians play in a theatre
- a person who participates in dangerous scenes instead of an actor
- to make smth come out
- crowd in a film
- all actors
- words ending with similar sounds
16 Clues: all actors • crowd in a film • when you compare • a serious article • to change, correct • when you exaggerate • four lines of a poem • to make smth come out • when you make things alive • a person who tells the story • words ending with similar sounds • a picture of fruit and vegetables • seats in the centre (in a theatre) • a place where musicians play in a theatre • ...
Art 2014-03-21
- a heavily, closely wovwn fabric used as a basis for a painting
- graphic art consisting of artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface
- life a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers
- the part of a scene that is near the viewer
- a sculpture representing a human or an animal
- having bright, striking colour
- range of colour characteristic of a perticular artist or painting or school of art
- paint containing pigment used by an artist
- a collection of things, goods, works of art for public display
- painting depicting natural scenery
- to show
- a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited
- non-abstract
- an artists's tool that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
- a likeness of a person
- of colour-lacking vividness, purity,highly diluted
16 Clues: to show • non-abstract • a likeness of a person • having bright, striking colour • painting depicting natural scenery • paint containing pigment used by an artist • the part of a scene that is near the viewer • a sculpture representing a human or an animal • of colour-lacking vividness, purity,highly diluted • a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited • ...
art 2022-02-13
ART 2024-07-09
- white, black board
- clean or make things 'dirty'
- construction, building
- the author of poem
- a subject, Vietnamese
- common materials for sculpting
- have rhythm, 6/8, 3/4
- on canvas, colourful
- in Black and White
- before becoming a drawing/painting
- handmade decorations
- make with molds or carve on a surface
- people who do crafts
- high, big, famous in france
- people who take photos of others
- go through the river
16 Clues: white, black board • the author of poem • in Black and White • handmade decorations • people who do crafts • go through the river • on canvas, colourful • a subject, Vietnamese • have rhythm, 6/8, 3/4 • construction, building • high, big, famous in france • clean or make things 'dirty' • common materials for sculpting • people who take photos of others • before becoming a drawing/painting • ...
Art 2023-04-11
- painted dome of the Sistine Chapel
- drawing or painting of a person
- material many busts are sculpted from
- a figure standing with weight tilted in order to look natural
- statue of ____
- natural substances used to make colors(insects, flowers, fruits)
- art mirroring the world
- a painting on fresh, wet plaster
- metal made of tin and copper
- Leonardo Da Vinci's famous work
- frescos in the Vatican portray
- study of the body's structure
- a perspective known as three dimensional
- Greeks and Romans ____ art
- non-religious themes
- Jan Van Eyck perfected painting with ___
16 Clues: statue of ____ • non-religious themes • art mirroring the world • Greeks and Romans ____ art • metal made of tin and copper • study of the body's structure • frescos in the Vatican portray • Leonardo Da Vinci's famous work • drawing or painting of a person • a painting on fresh, wet plaster • painted dome of the Sistine Chapel • material many busts are sculpted from • ...
Art 2023-06-26
- Designing and constructing buildings, structures, and spaces that are functional and aesthetically pleasing.
- Creating pictures or designs using paint and brushes on a canvas or other surfaces.
- The art of beautiful and decorative handwriting or lettering, often using special pens or brushes.
- Creating three-dimensional artworks by shaping or carving materials like stone, wood, or clay.
- Performing plays, dramas, or musicals on a stage with actors, props, and costumes.
- The art of written works such as novels, poems, and plays that convey stories, ideas, and emotions.
- Creating images or patterns by arranging small colored pieces, such as glass or tiles, into a larger composition.
- Capturing images using a camera to convey stories, emotions, or aesthetics.
- The art of writing and arranging words to create rhythm, sound, and meaning.
- Design Creating visual compositions using typography, images, and other elements to convey messages or aesthetics.
- The art of creating and playing sounds using instruments or the voice to express emotions and ideas.
- Creating artworks by combining different materials like paper, fabric, or photographs onto a surface.
- Expressing oneself through movement and rhythm, often accompanied by music.
- Creating ceramic objects like vases, bowls, or sculptures by shaping clay and firing it in a kiln.
- The art of folding paper into various shapes and forms, creating intricate and delicate designs.
- Creating stories or narratives using moving images, often combined with sound and visual effects.
16 Clues: Capturing images using a camera to convey stories, emotions, or aesthetics. • Expressing oneself through movement and rhythm, often accompanied by music. • The art of writing and arranging words to create rhythm, sound, and meaning. • Performing plays, dramas, or musicals on a stage with actors, props, and costumes. • ...
art 2023-09-03
- sagsdgse
- kjsahfdhyr
- The colors used in an artwork
- lksjfks
- An imaginary horizontal line used in composition
- kjsahfhe
- kjhsdhgasjd
- The process of analyzing and interpreting visual elements in art
- skajhfkjasbf
- hsagfhgadsf
- kahdfhjask
- kjsahdjhs
- oiwhfkhskd
- The result of an artist's creative efforts
- lkhfhakf
- ikhdkjchz
- The tactile quality of a surface in an artwork
17 Clues: lksjfks • sagsdgse • lkhfhakf • kjsahfhe • kjsahdjhs • ikhdkjchz • kahdfhjask • kjsahfdhyr • oiwhfkhskd • hsagfhgadsf • kjhsdhgasjd • skajhfkjasbf • The colors used in an artwork • The result of an artist's creative efforts • The tactile quality of a surface in an artwork • An imaginary horizontal line used in composition • The process of analyzing and interpreting visual elements in art
Art 2024-02-29
- life A genre of visual art that focuses on depicting inanimate objects, typically arranged in a composed arrangement or setting, such as fruit, flowers, household items, or everyday objects. Still life artworks explore composition, lighting, and texture.
- A genre of visual art depicting natural scenery, outdoor views, or vistas of the countryside, forests, mountains, rivers, or seascapes. Landscape artworks often emphasize the beauty, atmosphere, and mood of the natural environment.
- A flat, smooth surface, typically made of wood, plastic, or glass, used by artists to hold and mix colors of paint while working on a painting. Palettes can have multiple wells or compartments for organizing different hues and shades of paint.
- A representation or likeness of a person, typically focusing on the face, features, and expression, created through painting, drawing, sculpture, or photography. Portraits aim to capture the personality, character, or mood of the subject.
- A technique used in visual art to create the illusion of depth, space, and distance on a two-dimensional surface, such as a canvas or paper. Perspective involves representing objects and scenes from a specific viewpoint or vantage point, using techniques such as foreshortening and vanishing points.
- A style of visual art that does not attempt to represent external reality or depict recognizable objects, people, or scenes, but instead focuses on conveying emotions, concepts, or ideas through shapes, colors, lines, and forms. Abstract artworks often encourage interpretation and subjective meaning.
- The arrangement, organization, or placement of elements such as shapes, lines, colors, and textures within a visual artwork, including paintings, drawings, photographs, and sculptures. Composition contributes to the overall balance, harmony, and unity of the artwork.
- A three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or carving materials such as clay, stone, metal, wood, or plastic into solid forms, figures, or structures. Sculptures can be freestanding or relief, representing human figures, animals, objects, or abstract shapes.
- An artistic style or approach that aims to depict subjects or scenes with a high degree of accuracy, fidelity, and detail, resembling the appearance of real-life objects, people, or environments. Realist artworks often convey a sense of objective truth, authenticity, and everyday life.
- A strong, durable fabric or material used as a surface for painting, typically stretched over a wooden frame or support to provide a stable base for applying paint. Canvases come in various sizes and textures and are commonly used by artists for creating paintings.
- An art movement characterized by capturing the fleeting effects of light, color, and atmosphere in outdoor scenes, often using loose brushwork, visible brushstrokes, and bold colors to convey the artist's subjective impressions and sensory experiences. Impressionist artworks emphasize spontaneity, movement, and immediacy.
- The surface quality or feel of an artwork, determined by the tactile properties of materials such as paint, paper, canvas, or clay used by the artist. Texture can be smooth, rough, bumpy, glossy, matte, or tactile, adding visual interest and sensory appeal to the artwork.
- A visual art form that involves making marks, lines, or shapes on a surface using tools such as pencils, pens, charcoal, or pastels. Drawings can range from simple sketches to detailed illustrations and may depict objects, people, landscapes, or imaginative scenes.
- An art movement that emphasizes the artist's subjective emotional experience, inner feelings, and psychological insights, often using distorted forms, exaggerated colors, and gestural brushwork to convey intense emotions, anxieties, or spiritual states. Expressionist artworks explore themes of alienation, angst, and inner turmoil.
- A quick, rough, or preliminary drawing or outline that captures basic shapes, forms, and proportions of a subject or scene, often used as a starting point for more detailed artwork or as a visual aid for planning compositions. Sketches can be done with various drawing materials and techniques.
- A form of visual art where colors are applied to a surface using various techniques such as brushes, knives, or fingers to create images, scenes, or compositions. Paintings can be done on canvas, paper, wood, or other materials and may depict landscapes, portraits, still lifes, or abstract concepts.
16 Clues: A genre of visual art depicting natural scenery, outdoor views, or vistas of the countryside, forests, mountains, rivers, or seascapes. Landscape artworks often emphasize the beauty, atmosphere, and mood of the natural environment. • ...
ART 2024-05-24
Art 2021-07-26
- A tool that you use to spread paint.
- Art on walls.
- Paint activated by liquid.
- For writing and drawing.
- A piece of art constructed with many pieces often found in nature.
- Something to be painted upon.
- Art out of stone or clay.
- Art with the voice.
- A place to display artworks.
- A building to display art and artifacts.
- Wax coloring tools.
- An early drawing.
- Fat pens.
- A written piece of art.
- A carving.
- Writing utensil.
16 Clues: Fat pens. • A carving. • Art on walls. • Writing utensil. • An early drawing. • Wax coloring tools. • Art with the voice. • A written piece of art. • For writing and drawing. • Art out of stone or clay. • Paint activated by liquid. • A place to display artworks. • Something to be painted upon. • A tool that you use to spread paint. • A building to display art and artifacts. • ...
Art 2023-06-26
- Portraying characters and emotions through performances in theater, film, or television.
- Making three-dimensional artworks by shaping or carving materials like clay or stone.
- Planning and creating visual or functional objects, spaces, or systems with aesthetic appeal.
- Producing visual stories through the use of moving images, acting, and cinematography.
- Making decorative or functional objects by hand using various materials and techniques.
- Presenting stories, plays, or performances on stage through acting and dialogue.
- Expressing emotions and stories through movement and coordinated body gestures.
- Communicating thoughts, feelings, or ideas through various artistic forms and mediums.
- Producing sounds and melodies using instruments or voice to create harmony and rhythm.
- Using creativity and inventive thinking to visualize and create new ideas or concepts.
- Creating written works such as novels, short stories, and poems that tell stories or convey ideas.
- Capturing images using a camera and preserving moments or scenes in still form.
- Being influenced or motivated by something to create or appreciate art and beauty.
- Creating images or designs using colors and brushes on a canvas or paper.
- The visual perception of different wavelengths of light that can evoke emotions and moods.
- Writing and reciting expressive and rhythmic verses with imaginative language.
16 Clues: Creating images or designs using colors and brushes on a canvas or paper. • Writing and reciting expressive and rhythmic verses with imaginative language. • Capturing images using a camera and preserving moments or scenes in still form. • Expressing emotions and stories through movement and coordinated body gestures. • ...
Art 2021-06-02
- a shape similar to an circle
- pots or other articles made from clay
- a collectible object such as a piece of furniture
- animals that fly in the sky
- where there is a lot of colours
- a white translucent ceramic
- when something is full of energy and life
- someone who makes art
- a item made of clay that can be used to put flowers in
- pretty things that come form nature and usually grow in grass
- very old
- where art is displayed
- a colour similar to blue but has a bit more green
- a round shape
- opposite to vegetable and very healthy
- when something is easy or plain
16 Clues: very old • a round shape • someone who makes art • where art is displayed • animals that fly in the sky • a white translucent ceramic • a shape similar to an circle • where there is a lot of colours • when something is easy or plain • pots or other articles made from clay • opposite to vegetable and very healthy • when something is full of energy and life • ...
Art 2017-03-02
- The main insrument of painter
- This instrument is needed for painter when he uses paints
- A color of linen
- The picture of Leonardo da Vinci,which is in the Louvre
- The most significant part of videogames
- It is a program,which helps you create,edit pictures
- This is a skill,which helps many people to create a picture
- It is a direction in art,which requires only black colors
- With the help of it,you can make your pictures more beautiful
- It is a direction in art,where the painter draw only real events or things
- This material we use when we draw something
- It is a type of art,in which everithing is made from stone or marble
- The period of revival
- It is a direction,in which picture is shown misteriousy
- The painter of our class(classmate)
- A spanish painter,who is the founder of cubism
16 Clues: A color of linen • The period of revival • The main insrument of painter • The painter of our class(classmate) • The most significant part of videogames • This material we use when we draw something • A spanish painter,who is the founder of cubism • It is a program,which helps you create,edit pictures • It is a direction,in which picture is shown misteriousy • ...
Art 2023-06-27
- A tool with bristles used for applying paint to a surface in painting.
- A strong, woven fabric that is often used as a surface for painting.
- Different shades and hues that can be used to make art more vibrant and expressive.
- Creating a picture using paint and a brush on canvas or paper.
- A place where art is displayed and preserved for people to see and learn from.
- A stand or frame used to hold a canvas or artwork while it's being created.
- An artist who creates sculptures and works with three-dimensional forms.
- A public display or show of art, often organized in galleries or museums.
- A large painting or artwork created directly on a wall or surface.
- Art that does not try to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality.
- A soft and moldable material used for sculpting and pottery.
- Creating a three-dimensional artwork by shaping materials like clay, stone, or metal.
- A rough or unfinished drawing used as a preliminary study for a final artwork.
- Making pictures by using pencils, pens, or other tools on paper or other surfaces.
- An artwork created by assembling different materials like paper, fabric, and photographs.
- A painting or drawing that represents a person's face or figure.
16 Clues: A soft and moldable material used for sculpting and pottery. • Creating a picture using paint and a brush on canvas or paper. • A painting or drawing that represents a person's face or figure. • A large painting or artwork created directly on a wall or surface. • A strong, woven fabric that is often used as a surface for painting. • ...
Art 2023-07-14
- A surface for mixing and holding paints.
- A sturdy material used for painting.
- The visual sensation created by different wavelengths of light.
- A soft material used for sculpting.
- Making objects out of clay.
- The act of creating pictures using paints and brushes.
- A tool with bristles used for applying paint.
- An artwork made by transferring an image onto paper.
- Art that doesn't represent realistic objects.
- Creating artwork by combining different materials.
- A quick and rough drawing.
- A place to display and view artworks.
- Making three-dimensional artworks using materials like clay or stone.
- An artist who creates sculptures.
- Creating images with pencils, pens, or markers.
- A large artwork on a wall or surface.
16 Clues: A quick and rough drawing. • Making objects out of clay. • An artist who creates sculptures. • A soft material used for sculpting. • A sturdy material used for painting. • A place to display and view artworks. • A large artwork on a wall or surface. • A surface for mixing and holding paints. • Art that doesn't represent realistic objects. • ...
Art 2024-11-14
- blues, greens and purples
- the most important part or area in a work of art
- having a kind of balance in which the two sides of an artwork are not exactly alike
- a style of art in which shapes, designs, textures and color are represented in a way that may look unrealistic
- the parts of an artwork that lie in the distance and appear to be behind objects in the foreground
- color, line, shape, texture, space, form and value
- a principle of design. The arrangement of elements in a work of art that achieves a sense of equality
- colors that are opposite on the color wheel
- a large difference between two things
- to plan and arrange all the parts of an artwork
- colors that are closely related
- work of art created by gluing bits of paper, fabric, scraps, photographs or other materials on a flat surface
- and element of art that consists of hue, value and intensity
- the apparent distance from front to back or near to far in a work of art
- arrangement or design of elements of an artwork to achieve balance, contrast, rhythm, emphasis and unity
- a distinctive feature of an object or scene which can be seen most clearly close up
16 Clues: blues, greens and purples • colors that are closely related • a large difference between two things • colors that are opposite on the color wheel • to plan and arrange all the parts of an artwork • the most important part or area in a work of art • color, line, shape, texture, space, form and value • and element of art that consists of hue, value and intensity • ...
art 2025-01-16
- a painting/ drawing of a person in which the face and houlders
- their work
- especially be seen
- imaginative
- the range of colours that a painter uses to create a painting
- what results when the painter uses the brush, colours and canvas
- artists modelate different materials and substances giving the
- cotton or other fabric like hemp or flax surface on which painters
- painting instrument made from animal hair and even nylon brushes
- peinters use it in order to create a a three-dimensional object on a
- scenery
- illustrated
- surface
- the creative result of mixing different materials
- ceramic
- desired
16 Clues: scenery • surface • ceramic • desired • their work • illustrated • imaginative • especially be seen • the creative result of mixing different materials • the range of colours that a painter uses to create a painting • a painting/ drawing of a person in which the face and houlders • artists modelate different materials and substances giving the • ...
Mega2a kpl5 2018-01-25
- hänen (naisesta; die-sana/monikko)
- työskennellä _______ (Mikä art.?)
- vessa _______ (Mikä art.?)
- ikkuna _______ (Mikä art.?)
- keittiö _______ (Mikä art.?)
- auto 2 _______ (Mikä art.?)
- er .... R. (hän rullaluistelee; ä=ae)
- kylpy(huone) _______ (Mikä art.?)
- makuuhuone _______ (Mikä art.?)
- olo(huone) _______ (Mikä art.?)
- hänen (miehestä; der/das-sana)
- eteinen _______ (Mikä art.?)
- hänen (miehestä; die-sana/monikko)
- auto 1 _______ (Mikä art.?)
- rullaluistella
- juuri, parhaillaan
- avata
- naapuri _______ (Mikä art.?)
- lasten(huone) _______ (Mikä art.?)
- hänen (naisesta; der/das-sana)
20 Clues: avata • rullaluistella • juuri, parhaillaan • vessa _______ (Mikä art.?) • auto 1 _______ (Mikä art.?) • ikkuna _______ (Mikä art.?) • auto 2 _______ (Mikä art.?) • eteinen _______ (Mikä art.?) • naapuri _______ (Mikä art.?) • keittiö _______ (Mikä art.?) • hänen (miehestä; der/das-sana) • hänen (naisesta; der/das-sana) • makuuhuone _______ (Mikä art.?) • olo(huone) _______ (Mikä art.?) • ...
Art 2017-03-02
- The main insrument of painter
- This instrument is needed for painter when he uses paints
- A color of linen
- The picture of Leonardo da Vinci,which is in the Louvre
- The most significant part of videogames
- It is a program,which helps you create,edit pictures
- This is a skill,which helps many people to create a picture
- It is a direction in art,which requires only black colors
- With the help of it,you can make your pictures more beautiful
- It is a direction in art,where the painter draw only real events or things
- This material we use when we draw something
- It is a type of art,in which everithing is made from stone or marble
- The period of revival
- It is a direction,in which picture is shown misteriousy
- The painter of our class(classmate)
- A spanish painter,who is the founder of cubism
16 Clues: A color of linen • The period of revival • The main insrument of painter • The painter of our class(classmate) • The most significant part of videogames • This material we use when we draw something • A spanish painter,who is the founder of cubism • It is a program,which helps you create,edit pictures • It is a direction,in which picture is shown misteriousy • ...
ART 2023-01-03
16 Clues: - статуя • - дизайн • - влияние • - граффити • - общаться • - выставка • - скульптура • - фотография • - содержание • - абстрактный • - впечатление • - инсталляция • - передний план • - задний план, фон • - аудитория, зрители • - визуальный, наглядный
Art 2019-12-16
- To be... something is to be next to it.
- Sunshade.
- A work of art done by a painter.
- something is to enjoy it well.
- Faithfully, truthfully.
- "Bright" is the antonym of...
- To ... the sun is to avoid it.
- The other name of this country is Netherlands.
- The antonym of "ancient".
- To peddle something is to by going from place to place.
- A panorama.
- Great, fabulous.
- A cavern.
- Dazzling.
- Something in a picture that stands behind the main object.
- To ... an animal is to prey on it.
16 Clues: Sunshade. • A cavern. • Dazzling. • A panorama. • Great, fabulous. • Faithfully, truthfully. • The antonym of "ancient". • "Bright" is the antonym of... • To ... the sun is to avoid it. • A work of art done by a painter. • To ... an animal is to prey on it. • something is to enjoy it well. • To be... something is to be next to it. • The other name of this country is Netherlands. • ...
Art 2019-12-16
- To ... the sun is to avoid it.
- "Bright" is the antonym of...
- Faithfully, truthfully.
- The other name of this country is Netherlands.
- something is to enjoy it well.
- To ... an animal is to prey on it.
- Great, fabulous.
- The antonym of "ancient".
- A work of art done by a painter.
- A cavern.
- Sunshade.
- To peddle something is to by going from place to place.
- Something in a picture that stands behind the main object.
- Dazzling.
- A panorama.
- To be... something is to be next to it.
16 Clues: Sunshade. • Dazzling. • A cavern. • A panorama. • Great, fabulous. • Faithfully, truthfully. • The antonym of "ancient". • "Bright" is the antonym of... • To ... the sun is to avoid it. • A work of art done by a painter. • To ... an animal is to prey on it. • something is to enjoy it well. • To be... something is to be next to it. • The other name of this country is Netherlands. • ...
Art 2023-06-12
- Art Creating art using fabrics and textiles, like quilting or embroidery.
- Creating artwork by making prints from a carved or engraved surface.
- Design Designing visual content using computer software.
- Creating sounds and melodies using instruments or the voice.
- Creating artwork by assembling small pieces of colored glass, tiles, or stones.
- Making functional or decorative objects out of clay.
- Creating pictures using paints and brushes.
- Making artwork by combining different materials like paper, fabric, and photos.
- Creating accessories like necklaces and bracelets using beads and metals.
- Taking pictures using a camera or mobile device.
- Writing beautifully with decorative and artistic lettering.
- Producing videos or movies with a camera and editing software.
- Folding paper to create shapes and objects.
- Creating 3D objects using materials like clay or wood.
- Making objects like pots and bowls out of clay.
- Making pictures using pencils, pens, or markers.
16 Clues: Folding paper to create shapes and objects. • Creating pictures using paints and brushes. • Making objects like pots and bowls out of clay. • Taking pictures using a camera or mobile device. • Making pictures using pencils, pens, or markers. • Making functional or decorative objects out of clay. • Creating 3D objects using materials like clay or wood. • ...
art 2023-06-22
- Capturing and preserving moments or scenes using a camera and techniques such as composition and lighting.
- Design Creating unique and stylish clothing and accessories using various fabrics, colors, and patterns.
- Creating written works such as novels, poems, and short stories to entertain, inform, or evoke emotions.
- Producing sounds and melodies using instruments or vocals to express emotions or tell a story.
- Art Producing artwork using digital tools and software, including digital painting, graphic design, and animation.
- Creating pottery or clay objects by shaping, molding, and firing them in a kiln.
- Creating images or designs using various colors and brushstrokes on a canvas or other surfaces.
- Genre Description
- Performing live plays, musicals, or other dramatic works on stage, combining acting, music, and storytelling.
- Making prints of artwork by transferring ink or paint onto paper or other materials using techniques like etching or screen printing.
- Moving rhythmically and gracefully to music, expressing ideas or emotions through body movements.
- Media Combining various materials and techniques, such as collage, assemblage, and layering, to create unique and textured artworks.
- Telling stories or conveying messages through a series of moving images, often accompanied by sound and music.
- Designing and constructing buildings or structures that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
- Creating pictures or illustrations using lines, shapes, and shading techniques with pencils, pens, or other tools.
- Making three-dimensional artwork by shaping or carving materials such as stone, wood, or clay.
16 Clues: Genre Description • Creating pottery or clay objects by shaping, molding, and firing them in a kiln. • Producing sounds and melodies using instruments or vocals to express emotions or tell a story. • Making three-dimensional artwork by shaping or carving materials such as stone, wood, or clay. • ...
Art 2024-04-15
- To capture audio or video.
- A part of a play or movie.
- A tangible item or to express disapproval.
- The current moment.
- Device for weighing.
- Time of darkness.
- Picture border.
- Lower range of sound in music.
- Colorant for materials.
- Copies made of text or images.
- To abandon or a barren landscape.
- Near in proximity.
- Preliminary version of a written work.
- To rip paper
- To perceive with the eyes.
- A portion of something
16 Clues: To rip paper • Picture border. • Time of darkness. • Near in proximity. • The current moment. • Device for weighing. • A portion of something • Colorant for materials. • To capture audio or video. • A part of a play or movie. • To perceive with the eyes. • Lower range of sound in music. • Copies made of text or images. • To abandon or a barren landscape. • ...
Art Studies 191 2015-05-26
- sea serpent prevalent in SEA Art
- dominant force dictating culture at present (Globalization)
- vitality; energy of things (Japanese Art)
- painting is a ritual that embodies the cosmic force of order (Chinese Art)
- challenge to pure or authentic identity (Colonial Art)
- criticizes emptiness of Japanese consumer culture (Japanese Art)
- analysis of the legacy of colonialism and imperialism
- Philippine aesthetic of brightness of space (Philippine Art)
- Chinese philosopher, author of the Five Classics (Chinese Art)
- Proponent of postcolonialism; Edward ____
- a return to traditional/ native forms in architecture (Philippine Art)
- pioneering art historian of india (Indian Art)
- Japanese variant of Buddhism emphasizing simplicity (Japanese Art)
- depiction of Non-Western culture by the West
- essence; energy (Chinese Art)
- perception of beauty or taste
- simple sophistication (Japanese Art)
- acceptance of transience or imperfection (Japanese Art)
- essence; dominant mental state (Indian art)
- highest form of Chinese painting (Chinese Art)
20 Clues: essence; energy (Chinese Art) • perception of beauty or taste • sea serpent prevalent in SEA Art • simple sophistication (Japanese Art) • Proponent of postcolonialism; Edward ____ • vitality; energy of things (Japanese Art) • essence; dominant mental state (Indian art) • depiction of Non-Western culture by the West • pioneering art historian of india (Indian Art) • ...
art 2016-10-04
ART 2017-05-23
- Of sound mind
- A name for a group of sheep
- A thing done successfully, an accomplishment
- Causing difficulty or embarrassment
- A famous contemporary artist (two words)
- To pull out gently (two words)
- To suppress, to restrain
- Emotionally or mentally disturbed
- Aim, motive
- To compensate for, to equalise
- The quality of being pretty
- Attractive, stylish, fashionable
- Happy and optimistic
- The front of a building
- Symbol
15 Clues: Symbol • Aim, motive • Of sound mind • Happy and optimistic • The front of a building • To suppress, to restrain • The quality of being pretty • A name for a group of sheep • To compensate for, to equalise • To pull out gently (two words) • Attractive, stylish, fashionable • Emotionally or mentally disturbed • Causing difficulty or embarrassment • ...
Art 2018-04-05
15 Clues: Monet • Degas • Banksy • Picasso • The Kiss • Basquiat • Van Gogh • Alex Calder • Frida Kahlo • Kara Walker • Yayoi Kusama • Melting Clocks • Georgia O'Keefe • Louise Bourgeois • Broke Up the Beattles
Art 2018-09-08
- / a quick sketch
- / a liquid in which solids will dissolve
- / a liquid or paste that contains pigments or dyes and is used to color a surface to produce an image, text, or design.
- / representation by drawing or painting etc
- / degree of difference from the gray having the same lightness
- colours / one of the colours red, blue, or yellow that are combined to make other colours, such as orange and green
- / a wooden frame, usually with legs, that holds a picture
- / to plan something large or complicated by organizing your general ideas for it
- / a day before the opening of an exhibition of paintings reserved for the painters put on finishing touches
- / a degree of a colour
- / a piece of this cloth used by artists for painting on, usually with oil paints, or the painting itself.
- / the strength of something that can be measured such as light, sound, etc
- / to arrange something or a collection of things so that it can be seen by the public
- / an early 20th-century style and movement in art, especially painting, in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and use was made of simple geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and, later, collage.
- / a stick of this rock or a similar substance used for writing or drawing
15 Clues: / a quick sketch • / a degree of a colour • / a liquid in which solids will dissolve • / representation by drawing or painting etc • / a wooden frame, usually with legs, that holds a picture • / degree of difference from the gray having the same lightness • / a stick of this rock or a similar substance used for writing or drawing • ...
Art 2021-11-10
- art, what street artists do
- what musicians do
- piece of writing that rhymes
- what writers do
- pictures created with pencil and pen
- anything that stirs emotions in you
- , created by street artists
- art, old art
- created by writers
- art, contemporary art
- used in stenciled art
- pictures that were painted
- what chefs and cooks do
- art, what visual artists do
- a person who creates art
15 Clues: art, old art • what writers do • what musicians do • created by writers • art, contemporary art • used in stenciled art • what chefs and cooks do • a person who creates art • pictures that were painted • , created by street artists • art, what street artists do • art, what visual artists do • piece of writing that rhymes • anything that stirs emotions in you • ...
Art 2021-11-11
- What artist use to create stenciled art
- Art related to composition, to what we listen to
- Anything that stirs emotion in you
- A person who writes books, poems, etc
- Ancient/old art
- A person who composes music
- Art related to food
- Art related to writing books, poems, etc
- Drawing or writing on a wall,in a public space
- Art created on the street
- Art related to paintings, drawings, sculptures etc
- A person who creates visual art
- A person who creates art
- Contemporary/new art
- A person who sings
15 Clues: Ancient/old art • A person who sings • Art related to food • Contemporary/new art • A person who creates art • Art created on the street • A person who composes music • A person who creates visual art • Anything that stirs emotion in you • A person who writes books, poems, etc • What artist use to create stenciled art • Art related to writing books, poems, etc • ...
Art 2022-09-15
- director of Star Wars 1 to 4
- a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their sound and the images they suggest, not just for their obvious meanings
- a humorous drawing in a newspaper or magazine, especially one about politics or events in the news
- painter of Mona Lisa
- a regular comedy programme on television that shows the same characters in different funny situations
- to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music
- singer of Someone Like You, Skyfall, Rolling In The Deep
- a dramatic work in which all or most of the words are sung to music
- a person who writes music, especially classical music
- a series of movements and steps that are usually performed to music
- a theatre performance showing the art of doing tricks that seem impossible in order to entertain people
- a person who writes plays for the theatre, television or radio
- to make pictures, or a picture of something, with a pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint)
- a person whose job involves designing and arranging the steps and movements in dances, especially in ballet
- to make objects, patterns, etc. by cutting away material from a piece of wood or stone, or another hard material
15 Clues: painter of Mona Lisa • director of Star Wars 1 to 4 • a person who writes music, especially classical music • singer of Someone Like You, Skyfall, Rolling In The Deep • to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music • a person who writes plays for the theatre, television or radio • a series of movements and steps that are usually performed to music • ...