camping Crossword Puzzles
Camping 2021-01-26
- lunch on a blanket in the grass
- Marshmellow treat
- BBQ _______
- what animal is on the California flag
- Floats on water
- swims in a lake
- Poison _________
- blooming plant
- group of trees
- outdoor shelter
- Long walk around the woods or forest
- North, South, East, West
- Hoot Hoot
- Perfect season to camp
- Spot of water
- Insect that likes flowers
- Chunk of wood
- morning chirps
- hot red flames
- house on wheels
20 Clues: Hoot Hoot • BBQ _______ • Spot of water • Chunk of wood • morning chirps • blooming plant • group of trees • hot red flames • Floats on water • swims in a lake • house on wheels • outdoor shelter • Poison _________ • Marshmellow treat • Perfect season to camp • North, South, East, West • Insect that likes flowers • lunch on a blanket in the grass • Long walk around the woods or forest • ...
CAMPING 2021-05-28
- It helps you cross over a river.
- You can pick this in the forest. Be careful! Some are poisonous!
- A big plant with a trunk and leaves.
- A kind of bag.
- It's an animal. It lives in the forest and it's a mammal.
- A tree cut in pieces to make fire.
- A hole on a mountain. It can have tunnels and chambers.
- A small rock.
- When you walk and find new places.
- A place to sleep when you go camping.
- A tool to see in the dark.
- A small river.
- The mark of your foot on the ground.
- When you move your feet one after the other.
- A tool you use to fish.
- You can _______ in the stream.
- A big stone.
- You keep liquids inside.
- Yummy! You put it in a hot dog.
- A night animal. It flies and it's a mammal.
- A place full of trees.
- You wear them to walk.
- You use it sleep in a tent.
- It's hot. You can sit around it and eat sausages or tell stories.
24 Clues: A big stone. • A small rock. • A kind of bag. • A small river. • A place full of trees. • You wear them to walk. • A tool you use to fish. • You keep liquids inside. • A tool to see in the dark. • You use it sleep in a tent. • You can _______ in the stream. • Yummy! You put it in a hot dog. • It helps you cross over a river. • A tree cut in pieces to make fire. • ...
CAMPING 2021-05-28
- It helps you cross over a river.
- You can pick this in the forest. Be careful! Some are poisonous!
- A big plant with a trunk and leaves.
- A kind of bag.
- It's an animal. It lives in the forest and it's a mammal.
- A tree cut in pieces to make fire.
- A hole on a mountain. It can have tunnels and chambers.
- A small rock.
- When you walk and find new places.
- A place to sleep when you go camping.
- A tool to see in the dark.
- A small river.
- The mark of your foot on the ground.
- When you move your feet one after the other.
- A tool you use to fish.
- You can _______ in the stream.
- A big stone.
- You keep liquids inside.
- Yummy! You put it in a hot dog.
- A night animal. It flies and it's a mammal.
- A place full of trees.
- You wear them to walk.
- You use it sleep in a tent.
- It's hot. You can sit around it and eat sausages or tell stories.
24 Clues: A big stone. • A small rock. • A kind of bag. • A small river. • A place full of trees. • You wear them to walk. • A tool you use to fish. • You keep liquids inside. • A tool to see in the dark. • You use it sleep in a tent. • You can _______ in the stream. • Yummy! You put it in a hot dog. • It helps you cross over a river. • A tree cut in pieces to make fire. • ...
Camping 2022-06-27
- Safe place to swim during a red flag
- Put it in a bag on the trail (and don't forget it)
- Tara's obsession
- Best place to ambush someone to go for a bike ride.
- a snack for Cyrus or Eli
- Endless stairs
- The state park we stayed at
- Appa's nightly nemesis
- Something else you can cook over a fire
- Your moms biggest fear and greatest obsession
- Things to stack in trees
- Sandy place to run down
- A team based word game
- Oval leafed tree on the lot
- A spooky spot
- Lobe leafed tree on the lot
- Needle leafed tree on the lot
- A use for a spatch
- Not quite a waterfall
- Crown of stars in the sky
- Something Leandra would never ever do
- Something you can cook over a fire
22 Clues: A spooky spot • Endless stairs • Tara's obsession • A use for a spatch • Not quite a waterfall • A team based word game • Appa's nightly nemesis • Sandy place to run down • Things to stack in trees • a snack for Cyrus or Eli • Crown of stars in the sky • Oval leafed tree on the lot • Lobe leafed tree on the lot • The state park we stayed at • Needle leafed tree on the lot • ...
Camping 2020-09-21
- tent on wheels
- get over rocks
- cook food over it
- tow behind car
- strong string for tent
- lights up night sky
- quiet animal in woods
- biting bug
- keep skin from burning
- brighten your path with this
- which way to go
- how to find your way
- slim boat
- leader of campground
- look thru to see far away
- sharp utensil
- where food is stored
- travel on trails
- start a fire with this
- light fire
- place to sleep
- sticky treats
- tall landscapes
- trees are in the
- a path in the woods
- big hungry animal
- cut down for firewood
- masked anmial
- catch food in lake
- tasty treat
- hang between trees
- meal on blanket
- bright in night sky
- lights up the table
- big body of water
- put your stuff in for hike
- split small wood with this
- light small boat
38 Clues: slim boat • biting bug • light fire • tasty treat • sticky treats • masked anmial • sharp utensil • tent on wheels • get over rocks • tow behind car • place to sleep • tall landscapes • which way to go • meal on blanket • trees are in the • travel on trails • light small boat • cook food over it • big hungry animal • big body of water • catch food in lake • hang between trees • a path in the woods • ...
Camping 2023-06-06
- it will tell you what direction you are going
- you can make these over the fire, so yummy!
- don't forget this or sleeping in your tent won't be very comfortable
- you can make this if you get really cold
- if you want to go swimming in the lake you will need this
- the sun always rises in the
- you need this to sleep in while your camping
- if you ever get lost in the woods, this will help find your way back if you know your directions
- you can never have enough of these, they will safe you if your flashlight stops working
- be sure to tie your food really high in a tree to avoid this animal eating it
- sometimes we sit around the fire and sing
- you should bring this incase you need to go to the bathroom during the night
- an activity for the family experience life in the wild
- the sun always sets in the
- two people work together to move the ... across the lake
- be sure to bring many gallons of this to stay hydrated
- don't leave your garbage on the floor when you leave the camp grounds, that's ...!
- this will protect you from mosquito bites.
- need this to protect your head from the sun
- need this to protect your skin for the sun
20 Clues: the sun always sets in the • the sun always rises in the • you can make this if you get really cold • sometimes we sit around the fire and sing • this will protect you from mosquito bites. • need this to protect your skin for the sun • you can make these over the fire, so yummy! • need this to protect your head from the sun • you need this to sleep in while your camping • ...
Camping 2024-05-20
- Cut things... a lot of things
- Light it up!
- A stick for cooking
- Did you hurt yourself? you will need this
- Needs fire, wood, meat or vegetables
- They really hurt when you first wear them but you need them to explore the trails
- sleep like pancakes
- Who is going to pitch this thing?
- Tie it up, Tie it down, hold is together, or tug of war!
- wooden house
- Chop wood with this thing
- Fill it up, put it on. You can't see when you wear it, but you can feel it
- If there is no bed, you can sleep in a
- On the river or in a lake, no swimming required
- Are you lost and you have no map? Use this instead
- Legendary and classic Stanley; Not just a cup
- Bring toilet paper and don't fall in the hole
- Where can I keep the ice?
- If its in the UK, it could be electric. In the USA it is always with fire
- Nuts, Berries, Chocolate and anything else you like
20 Clues: Light it up! • wooden house • A stick for cooking • sleep like pancakes • Where can I keep the ice? • Chop wood with this thing • Cut things... a lot of things • Who is going to pitch this thing? • Needs fire, wood, meat or vegetables • If there is no bed, you can sleep in a • Did you hurt yourself? you will need this • Legendary and classic Stanley; Not just a cup • ...
Camping 2013-08-20
- What campers gather around to get warm, sing + chat, also to cook meals
- A fuel used for camp stoves and lanterns
- A cast iron cooking pot that you cook with outdoors over charcoal.
- It simply means that you should clean up your campsite before you leave
- A place where kids go to enjoy supervised recreation
- An insulating cushion used beneath a sleeping bag
- A meal that is wrapped in foil and cooked or reheated on a grill or next to a campfire
- a condition where your body loses more heat than its produces
- An electronic device known as a global positioning unit that uses satellite triangulation to determine your longitude and latitude.
- helps you to see better at night
- What to do before you leave the campground
- What to expect when you arrive at the campground
- a spray or lotion that you apply to your skin or clothes to keep mosquitos and other bugs from biting you
- A portable light with one or two mantels that are fueled by propane or some other fuel
- Obnoxious plants that can cause a nasty skin rash
- The ability to resist, but not completely repel, water
- Used to cook meals on an outside grill
- Excessive loss of water from the body
- An iron ring with a grate used to contain campfires
- Hiking into the backcountry with all of your gear on your back
- A hooded water-repelling garment used for a raincoat
- A campfire treat made by placing a piece of chocolate and a roasted marshmallow between two graham crackers
- a severe form of heat illness caused by excessive heat dehydration
- a coffee can used to boil water or cook food over a campfire
- cuts up things and a weapon if needed
25 Clues: helps you to see better at night • Excessive loss of water from the body • cuts up things and a weapon if needed • Used to cook meals on an outside grill • A fuel used for camp stoves and lanterns • What to do before you leave the campground • What to expect when you arrive at the campground • Obnoxious plants that can cause a nasty skin rash • ...
Camping 2015-08-06
- Essential for boiling water
- Wear it on your back
- Bed covering on the floor?
- Snuggle into this at night
- Fuel for the stove
- Great place for a sing-a-long
- Where cows live
- Glorious for pigs!
- Keeps you warm
- Helps you see in the dark
- Cooking on gas!
- You can also hang your washing out with these
- Canvas caravan!
- Wet weather footwear
- What comes from cows?
- Camping crockery
- Make sure these are attached or you'll blow away!
- Shed on wheels!
- Blow-up comfort on the floor
- Body fuel/sustenance
20 Clues: Keeps you warm • Cooking on gas! • Canvas caravan! • Shed on wheels! • Where cows live • Camping crockery • Fuel for the stove • Glorious for pigs! • Wear it on your back • Wet weather footwear • Body fuel/sustenance • What comes from cows? • Helps you see in the dark • Bed covering on the floor? • Snuggle into this at night • Essential for boiling water • Blow-up comfort on the floor • ...
Camping 2022-08-30
- phosphorous sticks
- a spiky rodent
- colorful and graceful insect
- involves a blanket and a basket
- optical instrument for gazing
- active at night
- a fishing lure
- a camping light source
- a fishing net
- searching, scavenging for food
- a refreshing red fruit
- shoot a distress signal
- a water sport
- a large rock
- sport consisting of a bow and arrow
- keeps coffee hot
- animal droppings
- camping heat source
- a loop trap
- observing the celestials
20 Clues: a loop trap • a large rock • a water sport • a fishing net • a spiky rodent • a fishing lure • active at night • keeps coffee hot • animal droppings • phosphorous sticks • camping heat source • a refreshing red fruit • a camping light source • shoot a distress signal • observing the celestials • colorful and graceful insect • optical instrument for gazing • searching, scavenging for food • ...
CAMPING 2021-05-28
- You wear them to walk.
- A small rock.
- You keep liquids inside.
- A kind of bag.
- It helps you cross over a river.
- A tree cut in pieces to make fire.
- You can pick this in the forest. Be careful! Some are poisonous!
- It's hot. You can sit around it and eat sausages or tell stories.
- A big stone.
- A small river.
- A tool to see in the dark.
- Yummy! You put it in a hot dog.
- A place to sleep when you go camping.
- The mark of your foot on the ground.
- A tool you use to fish.
- A night animal. It flies and it's a mammal.
- It's an animal. It lives in the forest and it's a mammal.
- A big plant with a trunk and leaves.
- When you walk and find new places.
- When you move your feet one after the other.
- A place full of trees.
- A hole on a mountain. It can have tunnels and chambers.
- You use it sleep in a tent.
- You can _______ in the stream.
24 Clues: A big stone. • A small rock. • A kind of bag. • A small river. • You wear them to walk. • A place full of trees. • A tool you use to fish. • You keep liquids inside. • A tool to see in the dark. • You use it sleep in a tent. • You can _______ in the stream. • Yummy! You put it in a hot dog. • It helps you cross over a river. • When you walk and find new places. • ...
Camping 2022-08-08
- If you don't like to tent you go in this
- Play this a lot when your bored
- Need this to cut things down with
- Dry off with this
- This is where you put your cold stuff in
- You can eat this off of bushes
- Take pictures with this.
- This holds all of your gear.
- To put on your boo-boos
- You are in this as kid to learn to camp.
- Need this to cut things
- This lights up the way at night
- You go out and do this to know your area
- Collect these to make a fire
- Cold adult beverage
- Use this to keep you from getting cold
- You use this to tie things with
- Explore this undergrounds
- Creepy crawly in nature.
- You catch this, then eat it.
- Sleep in this. Tie between two trees
- Blue fabric protects you from rain.
- Use this to wipe your sweat off
- Shoes you wear on a hike.
- These howl at night
- They climb trees, and eat acorns
- You make fires using this
- These are pest that bite and make you itch
- This tells you weather and music.
- Small light for night use
- Eat on this
- You climb over these to hike
- Dessert famous for making over fire
- Structure you build while camping to sleep
- You always start this first thing in wild
- This animal will dig in your trash at night
- Apply this so you don't burn\
- You drink from this
- Use this so you don't get lost
- Use this to catch fish.
- This is tool needed to cook on
- Animal that slithers and bites.
- Your supply item for fishing
- Wear this in water
- Beware of these when your on a trail.
- These will sting you
- Need these to sit in
- A circle tool you use to help navigate
- You have to have this for a fire.
- Wear this on your head to keep sun off
- Activity you do in the mountains.
- You go out on the water with this
52 Clues: Eat on this • Dry off with this • Wear this in water • You drink from this • Cold adult beverage • These howl at night • These will sting you • Need these to sit in • To put on your boo-boos • Use this to catch fish. • Need this to cut things • Take pictures with this. • Creepy crawly in nature. • You make fires using this • Small light for night use • Explore this undergrounds • ...
Camping 2023-05-21
- Remember to put me out before you leave
- I help you find where you're going
- I'm crunchy, gooey, and chocolatey
- I like flowers
- I can be a grizzly
- You might eat me for dinner
- You need me in your boat
- You need me to keep the bugs away
- Catch me for dinner
- I store your stuff
- bag You sleep in me
- someone who likes to camp
- I help you see things far away
- I help catch fish and butterflies
- I'm tall and provide homes for animals
- I'm a paper to help you find where your going
- I'm a wise bird
- I'll help you find things in the dark
- You can hide behind me
- I'm a sneaky creature
20 Clues: I like flowers • I'm a wise bird • I store your stuff • I can be a grizzly • Catch me for dinner • bag You sleep in me • I'm a sneaky creature • You can hide behind me • You need me in your boat • someone who likes to camp • You might eat me for dinner • I help you see things far away • I help catch fish and butterflies • You need me to keep the bugs away • ...
camping 2023-09-04
- Multiverktyg i metall
- För mörka nätter och dunkla tält
- Camping för den bekväme
- Ditt andra par fötter
- Skydd mot skogens minsta rovdjur
- Analog GPS
- Där träd står tätt och äventyr väntar
- När naturen blir ditt vardagsrum
- Ditt mobila hem när du vandrar
- För att brittsommar inte alltid håller vad den lovar
- Där tältstänger blir dina närmaste grannar
- Där civilisationens regler inte gäller
- Skyddar mot väder när du sover under stjärnorna
- En liten träbit med stor effekt i rätt sammanhang
- Den pekar alltid mot norr, för det mesta
- Perfekt plats för en morgondopp
- Håller ditt kaffe varmt och din läsk kall
- Där sagor berättas under stjärnorna
- Din bästa vän när temperaturen sjunker
- För den som föredrar kol över öppen eld
20 Clues: Analog GPS • Multiverktyg i metall • Ditt andra par fötter • Camping för den bekväme • Ditt mobila hem när du vandrar • Perfekt plats för en morgondopp • För mörka nätter och dunkla tält • Skydd mot skogens minsta rovdjur • När naturen blir ditt vardagsrum • Där sagor berättas under stjärnorna • Där träd står tätt och äventyr väntar • Där civilisationens regler inte gäller • ...
Camping 2024-08-23
Camping 2025-01-30
- A soft fluffy treat often roasted over a fire.
- A path in nature for walking or hiking.
- A tool that shows direction using a magnetic needle.
- Something you build from logs for warmth and cooking.
- A small shelter made of fabric for sleeping outdoors.
- A tool that helps you see things far away.
- Walking on trails
- Logs or sticks used to keep a fire burning.
- A place where people set up tents or park RVs.
- A bag worn on your back to carry camping gear.
- A small handheld light powered by batteries.
- A strong cord used for tying or securing things.
- A tasty treat made of graham crackers and marshmallows
- A paper or digital guide that shows locations and trails.
- A warm padded bag for sleeping outdoors.
- Animals that live in nature
- A large area filled with trees and wildlife.
- Another word for a small forest.
- A flowing body of water that leads to a lake or ocean.
- A portable light often used at night while camping.
20 Clues: Walking on trails • Animals that live in nature • Another word for a small forest. • A path in nature for walking or hiking. • A warm padded bag for sleeping outdoors. • A tool that helps you see things far away. • Logs or sticks used to keep a fire burning. • A small handheld light powered by batteries. • A large area filled with trees and wildlife. • ...
Camping 2021-03-18
- flashlight that attaches to your head
- essential for boiling water
- activity where you walk through the woods
- the month we have a trip planned for this year
- fuel for the stove
- what Emily is afraid of
- kyle’s favourite drink
- something we stare at
- the best part of camping
- snuggle into this at night
- device to blow into when lost
- wear it on your back
- the best vehicle
- kyle's favourite activity at the beach
- keeps food and drinks cold
- emily loves to look up at these
- the worst part of our drive to Oastler
- a good investment we made at Oastler
- one of the best snacks
- marshmallow+chocolate+graham cracker
- used to keep our tent in place
- the best body of water to camp on
- the first place we camped
- used to cut wood
- what we hear in the morning
- what kept emily up at Oastler Lake
- the first meal we eat when camping
- the place we got rained on a lot
- the campsite with the best view
- emily’s favourite thing to lay in
30 Clues: used to cut wood • the best vehicle • fuel for the stove • wear it on your back • something we stare at • one of the best snacks • kyle’s favourite drink • what Emily is afraid of • the best part of camping • the first place we camped • snuggle into this at night • keeps food and drinks cold • essential for boiling water • what we hear in the morning • device to blow into when lost • ...
Camping 2021-09-16
- what you paddle with in a canoe
- live _______
- what keeps you warm when eating
- it may shine brightly if it's not blanketed by the clouds at night
- a piece of paper that guides you around
- something that bites and makes you itchy
- a sandwich biscuit with marshmallows and chocolate in it
- something you must wear if you're going boating
- something that pins your tent to the ground
- it will turn if you turn and it points north
- chocolate something commonly drunk at a campfire
- something that may block the sight of the sky
- how you move in a boat
- where you might go camping
- something you may carry around with stuff inside it
- something that shines brightly in the day
- you sleep in this
- they twinkle brightly as well
- you are camping ________
- something to keep your liquids in
- something to keep the pests away
- it secures the tent
- what may wander around in the woods
- a boat that you may take to go on a lake
- what people commonly eat on a stick
- something you sleep in at night/ it's like a worm
- what you might bring so you'd be able to see
- what is all around you at the camp site
- how you move
- something that might crawl around you
30 Clues: live _______ • how you move • you sleep in this • it secures the tent • how you move in a boat • you are camping ________ • where you might go camping • they twinkle brightly as well • what you paddle with in a canoe • what keeps you warm when eating • something to keep the pests away • something to keep your liquids in • what may wander around in the woods • ...
Camping 2013-05-09
- carried on your back and filled with your supplies
- Paper guid telling you where to go
- Worn on your feet for hiking and protection
- a collection of safty and treatment supplies
- a famous nature and camping park
- zip up blanket for sleeping
- trails walking paths in the woods
- Small ax
- Tall and green they make up the woods
- Looking toward the night sky
- a fun and exciting journey or experience
- A group of four legged wilderness animals
- mobile light you carry
- Tasty treat Cracker, marshmellow and chocolate
- applied on skin to repel bugs
- placed on your head for protection
- burning wood for warmth
- Young Men who enjoy outdoors and earn merrit badges
- Battery powered handheld light
- weatherproof enclosure for sleeping
- air tight container to keep your food and drink cold
- Worn to protect from drowding
- Scary storries told around the camp fire
- Electronic comunications device
24 Clues: Small ax • mobile light you carry • burning wood for warmth • zip up blanket for sleeping • Looking toward the night sky • Worn to protect from drowding • applied on skin to repel bugs • Battery powered handheld light • Electronic comunications device • a famous nature and camping park • trails walking paths in the woods • placed on your head for protection • ...
Camping 2024-01-22
28 Clues: pot • tent • fare • guide • match • kayak • to use • to row • to save • discount • to offer • outdoors • campfire • suv/truck • to follow • to put up • equipment • gas stove • to observe • to go into • to fill up • to get/find • to navegate • sleeping bag • to enjoy/have fun • to climb mountains • water bottle/canteen • to light/make a fire/turn on
Camping 2023-05-05
- used to pull a camper
- place you stay at
- animal that comes mainly at night
- natural flowing body of water
- a breakfast food
- thing you relax in
- a type of water activity
- thing you use when it gets dark
- Watch Out for this animal!
- any creature is considered...
- good for looking in the distance
- bright object in the sky
- food commonly cooked over fire
- home away from home
- use this to navigate
- you drink from this
- this keeps you warm
- type of sweet treat
- something you walk on for nature
- a long small insect
20 Clues: a breakfast food • place you stay at • thing you relax in • home away from home • you drink from this • this keeps you warm • type of sweet treat • a long small insect • use this to navigate • used to pull a camper • bright object in the sky • a type of water activity • Watch Out for this animal! • natural flowing body of water • any creature is considered... • food commonly cooked over fire • ...
camping 2014-02-13
21 Clues: ветер • иначе • уверен • болеть • кстати • суровый • палатка • поездка • снаружи • тяжелый • отдельный • испытывать • справляться • предполагать • простудиться • прогноз погоды • беспокоиться о • вызов/испытание • погодные условия • точно/определенно • иметь ввиду/значить
Camping 2015-08-06
- Glorious for pigs!
- Great place for a sing-a-long
- You can also hang your washing out with these
- Camping crockery
- Snuggle into this at night
- Bed covering on the floor?
- Helps you see in the dark
- Blow-up comfort on the floor
- Keeps you warm
- Where cows live
- Make sure these are attached or you'll blow away!
- Shed on wheels!
- What comes from cows?
- Cooking on gas!
- Fuel for the stove
- Wear it on your back
- Canvas caravan!
- Wet weather footwear
- Essential for boiling water
- Body fuel/sustenance
20 Clues: Keeps you warm • Shed on wheels! • Cooking on gas! • Canvas caravan! • Where cows live • Camping crockery • Glorious for pigs! • Fuel for the stove • Wear it on your back • Wet weather footwear • Body fuel/sustenance • What comes from cows? • Helps you see in the dark • Snuggle into this at night • Bed covering on the floor? • Essential for boiling water • Blow-up comfort on the floor • ...
Camping 2019-10-12
- An animal with fins and gills that lives wholly in water.
- Birds that spend much of their time in the water.
- A tool used to drive nails or stakes.
- A body of water surrounded by land.
- Patagonia Lake _ Park.
- A midday meal.
- Unpaved paths you follow through the wilderness.
- A padded roll used for warmth in the outdoors.
- A piece of food used to entice prey into being captured.
- To stumble, slip or fall.
- A liquid necessary for the life of most plants and animals.
- A battery-operated torch.
- A lotion used to prevent burns.
- Temporary shelter from the elements.
- Grandma likes to do _ Puzzles!
- A structure used to connect two sides of a gap or waterway.
- To keep away from or steer clear of.
- A person who takes care of a piece of land or a park.
- A stretch of sand sloping down to the ocean or lake.
- A vehicle used on the water.
20 Clues: A midday meal. • Patagonia Lake _ Park. • A battery-operated torch. • To stumble, slip or fall. • A vehicle used on the water. • Grandma likes to do _ Puzzles! • A lotion used to prevent burns. • A body of water surrounded by land. • Temporary shelter from the elements. • To keep away from or steer clear of. • A tool used to drive nails or stakes. • ...
CAMPING 2021-02-08
23 Clues: miś • koc • nóż • mata • mydło • namiot • śpiwór • piżama • śpiwór • plecak • latarka • ręcznik • książka • siekiera • grzebień • poduszka • szczotka • kąpielówki • pasta do zębów • krem do opalania • kostium kąpielowy • szczoteczka do zębów • okulary przeciwsłoneczne
Camping 2020-10-23
- need this to protect your head from the sun
- you can make this if you get really cold
- be sure to bring many gallons of this to stay hydrated
- if you ever get lost in the woods, this will help find your way back if you know your directions
- it will tell you what direction you are going
- you can make these over the fire, so yummy!
- you should bring extra of these so you don't get cold if you get wet
- if you want to go for long walks in the woods or go for a hike you will need these on your feet
- the sun always sets in the
- an activity for the family experience life in the wild
- you should bring this incase you need to go to the bathroom during the night
- be sure to tie your food really high in a tree to avoid this animal eating it
- this will protect you from mosquito bites.
- sometimes we sit around the fire and sing
- you need this to sleep in while your camping
- two people work together to move the ... across the lake
- don't forget this or sleeping in your tent won't be very comfortable
- need this to protect your skin for the sun
- you can never have enough of these, they will safe you if your flashlight stops working
- if you want to go swimming in the lake you will need this
- the sun always rises in the
- don't leave your garbage on the floor when you leave the camp grounds, that's ...!
22 Clues: the sun always sets in the • the sun always rises in the • you can make this if you get really cold • sometimes we sit around the fire and sing • this will protect you from mosquito bites. • need this to protect your skin for the sun • need this to protect your head from the sun • you can make these over the fire, so yummy! • you need this to sleep in while your camping • ...
Camping 2021-09-07
Camping 2024-04-25
- What you do in a lake or pool
- large bag used to carry your gear
- helps us see at night
- lotion that helps to protect you from the sun
- large piece of printed paper that helps you find your way
- transportation used to cross lakes and rivers
- walking through the woods or other terrain
- activity with a bow and arrow
- used to keep a tent in place
- special coat without sleeves that can help protect you from the rain
- keeps you warm when you sleep 2 words
- cooking pot that can be used to make cobbler 2 words
- special shoes used when walking through the woods 2 words
- trails from one lake to another
- device used to find north
- marshmallow chocolate crackers together
- trying to entice water creatures
- Device you blow into if you are lost
- used to fetch water
- cooking grate used over an open fire
- Used to cut large pieces of wood
- burning wood at the end of the night
- keeps the bugs away 2 words
- black fuel used to cook with
- clothing that protects your head
- device that can use propane to cook food
- small axe
- shelter for your cooking area
- keeps you dry when sleeping while camping
- flashlight that attaches around your head
30 Clues: small axe • used to fetch water • helps us see at night • device used to find north • keeps the bugs away 2 words • black fuel used to cook with • used to keep a tent in place • What you do in a lake or pool • activity with a bow and arrow • shelter for your cooking area • trails from one lake to another • trying to entice water creatures • Used to cut large pieces of wood • ...
Camping Types 2023-09-07
- Hiking and camping with a backpack.
- Camping Camping by the seaside.
- Camping Camping during a bike trip.
- Camping Camping in snowy and cold conditions.
- Camping Camping near your vehicle.
- Camping Camping in remote, natural areas.
- Camping Camping with minimal gear for survival.
- Camping Camping with a large group of friends.
- Camping Camping with the whole family.
- Camping with luxury and comfort.
- Camping Camping in a hammock instead of a tent.
- Camping Camping while canoeing or kayaking.
- Camping Camping in a recreational vehicle.
- Camping Sleeping outdoors in a tent.
- Camping Camping alone for solitude.
15 Clues: Camping Camping by the seaside. • Camping with luxury and comfort. • Camping Camping near your vehicle. • Hiking and camping with a backpack. • Camping Camping during a bike trip. • Camping Camping alone for solitude. • Camping Sleeping outdoors in a tent. • Camping Camping with the whole family. • Camping Camping in remote, natural areas. • ...
Camping 2022-06-16
22 Clues: luna • aqui • cerca • ahora • debil • trepar • cruzar • acampar • remando • turistas • navegando • esnorkelin • senderismo • rapidamente • ir en canoa • ruidosamente • cuidadosamente • peligrosamente • silenciosamente • montar a caballo • ciclismo de montaña • lentamente o despacio
Camping 2022-05-27
- Paper guide
- Stretch of land sloping down to the ocean or lake
- Temporary shelter from the elements
- Body of water surrounded by land
- Requires two trees to use
- Lotion used to prevent burns
- Padded roll you use for warmth in the outdoors (2 wds)
- Tool used for navigation
- Activity where you walk through the woods
- Fuel used for camp stoves and lanterns
- Vehicle you row across a body of water
- Searching for food in the forest
- Unpaved paths you follow through the wilderness
- Person who takes care of a piece of land or a park
- Campfire treat
- National park in California named after the trees that grow there (2 wds)
- Catching food from a body of water
- Structure used to connect two sides of a gap or waterway
- Used to carry things while hiking
- Fire remains
20 Clues: Paper guide • Fire remains • Campfire treat • Tool used for navigation • Requires two trees to use • Lotion used to prevent burns • Searching for food in the forest • Body of water surrounded by land • Used to carry things while hiking • Catching food from a body of water • Temporary shelter from the elements • Fuel used for camp stoves and lanterns • ...
Camping 2022-11-23
20 Clues: tuul • reis • sääsk • ujuma • vajama • kompass • segadus • peaaegu • pakkima • binokkel • taskulamp • seljakott • magamiskott • vihmamantel • lärmi tegema • inimtekkeline • lõket süütama • kiire, kiiresti • grillima, have a ... • naturaalne, looduslik
Camping 2020-04-26
- Device you blow into if you are lost
- What we eat with while camping, 2 words
- Activity where you get into a pool
- Used to cut large pieces of wood
- Activity where people act out something at a campfire
- Small Axe
- Clothing that keeps you warm
- Large bag used to carry your gear
- Cooking pot that can be used to make cobbler, 2 words
- What keeps us dry while camping
- Used to cut rope, 2 words
- Chemical that protects you from bugs, 2 words
- Helps us see at night
- Large piece of printed paper that helps us find where we are
- Special shoes used when walking through the woods, 2 words
- Flashlight that attaches to a band around your head
- Lotion that protects you from the sun
- Cooking grate used over open fire
- Used to keep us dry when it rains
- Large bag used to keep us warm while sleeping, 2 words
- Activity where you are trying to catch food in a lake
- Clothing that protects your head
- Device that uses propane to cook with
- Used to keep our tents in place
- Burning wood at the end of the night
- Shelter for your cooking area
- Device used to find North
- Black fuel used to cook with
- Activity with a bow and arrow
- Activity where you walk through the woods
30 Clues: Small Axe • Helps us see at night • Device used to find North • Used to cut rope, 2 words • Clothing that keeps you warm • Black fuel used to cook with • Shelter for your cooking area • Activity with a bow and arrow • Used to keep our tents in place • What keeps us dry while camping • Clothing that protects your head • Used to cut large pieces of wood • ...
Camping 2017-03-29
- you can fish in it or in the river
- bags we use to carry our clothes and food
- boar Big animals that live in the forest and are similar to pigs
- Wood that is burnt as fuel
- a structure across a river or a road
- bag we sleep in it at night in the tent
- A small piece of rock found on the ground.
- we sleep inside it when we go camping
- boots Type of shoes to go trekking
- you can make soup with these
- there are a lot of them in the forest
- an animal that flies at night
- food in the form of a cylindrical length of minced pork or other meat
- big stone
- An open-air fire in a camp
- rod a stick used for fishing
- The impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surface.
- a large area covered with trees
- bottle You drink water from it when you are thirsty
- we use this to make light at night
- Prehistoric humans lived there
21 Clues: big stone • An open-air fire in a camp • Wood that is burnt as fuel • rod a stick used for fishing • you can make soup with these • an animal that flies at night • Prehistoric humans lived there • a large area covered with trees • you can fish in it or in the river • we use this to make light at night • a structure across a river or a road • boots Type of shoes to go trekking • ...
Camping 2020-07-28
- An electric torch
- Let's find our way back to the ___
- Where do you go hiking and camping?
- I brought a ___ to make sure I won't get lost
- We went for a ___ early in the morning to see the sunrise
- To look closely or search for something
- I poured some oil into my ___ to light it up
- Use ___ to not get bitten by insects
- A meal taken outdoors
- What is something tall, green and provides shade?
- Let's go into the ___ to find some wood
- When do you go to sleep?
- Small animals that have 6 legs
- A short, thin piece of wood to light a fire
- Container to keep foods and drinks cool
- I set up the ___ to get ready for bed
- A tool used to show north, south, east, and west
- I went fishing at a ___, and caught some fish
- We gathered up lots of ___ to start the campfire
- What is the source of hear or warmth?
- We set up our tent in the ___
- My dad put the sausages on the ___
- My ___ is so heavy because of all the cooking equipment
- I was very excited to see all the ___ in the forest
24 Clues: An electric torch • A meal taken outdoors • When do you go to sleep? • We set up our tent in the ___ • Small animals that have 6 legs • Let's find our way back to the ___ • My dad put the sausages on the ___ • Where do you go hiking and camping? • Use ___ to not get bitten by insects • I set up the ___ to get ready for bed • What is the source of hear or warmth? • ...
camping 2020-09-15
- a trail you walk for fun
- like a zip up blanket
- they are fun to play in
- a vecale we drive in to get to the camping spot
- a small ax like tool
- camping would not be complete without it
- a hand held lantern like thing
- a large pool of water
- a tasty camping treat
- meal that is enjoying in a bun
- a house on wheels
- you use this wood to start a fire
- you sleep inside it
- they keep you warm
- a good breakfast
- a warm drink you drink in the morning with marshmallows
- an animal that lives in Arizona
- something that protects you from bugs
- small balls of gas in the sky at night
- a nice fizzy drink in many flavors
20 Clues: a good breakfast • a house on wheels • they keep you warm • you sleep inside it • a small ax like tool • like a zip up blanket • a large pool of water • a tasty camping treat • they are fun to play in • a trail you walk for fun • a hand held lantern like thing • meal that is enjoying in a bun • an animal that lives in Arizona • you use this wood to start a fire • ...
Camping 2023-05-18
- Collect wood to make this
- lots of trees, plants and no buildings
- use this to know where you are
- Wear a good pair for trekking through the bush
- Annoying insects
- light it for cooking and warmth
- a compass always points here
- Keeps you warm
- More annoying insects!
- Useful way to carry things
- you can pump it up
- protection from the sun
- You may like to boil one
- Bush bread
- Help you see things far away
- another Aussie name for food
- yummy around the campfire
- our amazing country
- need this at night
- the large areas of desert, bush and forest in Australia
- your home away from home!
- Never go trekking without this
- Use this to always know where north is
- another name for hiking
24 Clues: Bush bread • Keeps you warm • Annoying insects • need this at night • you can pump it up • our amazing country • More annoying insects! • another name for hiking • protection from the sun • You may like to boil one • Collect wood to make this • yummy around the campfire • your home away from home! • Useful way to carry things • Help you see things far away • another Aussie name for food • ...
Camping 2017-05-01
21 Clues: ere • matk • lõke • lill • telk • veider • laager • lammas • selline • maakoht • kompass • nõuanne • kummikud • kahetsus • seljakott • põlismets • laagrilõke • teistsugune • vihmamantel • päikseprillid • varustuskomplekt
Camping 2015-02-18
- Picking _ up helps keep nature clean and beautiful.
- Always take care of Mother _
- Some _ bore into trees and can hurt or kill them.
- Who knows what types of _ you will see in the forest.
- Swimming or fishing in the _ are fun camping activites.
- You will need these for hiking.
- Don't forget to put on _ while out in the sun.
- The _ is made up of many different types of trees.
- A Park _ will make sure that you follow the rules.
- Sleeping _ is the best part of camping.
- Sleeping in a _ will keep you dry and warm.
- This part of a tree falls every year.
- Some hiking trails near rivers or creeks lead to beautiful _
- You must wear a lifejacket when paddling a _.
- Always make sure that you do not move _.
- During the summer a lot of families go ¬_.
- Sometimes you have to climb a _ for the best view.
- I like to roast marshmallows over the _.
- Tents, cabins and campers will protect you from the _.
19 Clues: Always take care of Mother _ • You will need these for hiking. • This part of a tree falls every year. • Sleeping _ is the best part of camping. • Always make sure that you do not move _. • I like to roast marshmallows over the _. • During the summer a lot of families go ¬_. • Sleeping in a _ will keep you dry and warm. • You must wear a lifejacket when paddling a _. • ...
Camping 2023-10-12
- The spot you pick to go camping.
- A food often eaten when camping.
- A camping house.
- Told before going to sleep when camping.
- A combination of
- A portable bed used when camping.
- A sweet ride across the open waterway.
- A large, thick cloth often slept with when camping.
- A dessert often eaten when camping.
- A long device used to fish.
- What many campers sleep in when camping.
- Obviously you couldn’t camp indoors!
- A common camping activity.
- A light you hold by its stick.
- Something bright used to cook food when camping.
- Whom most campers take with them when camping.
- A light you hold by its handle.
- A wonderful sight to see when camping.
18 Clues: A camping house. • A combination of • A common camping activity. • A long device used to fish. • A light you hold by its stick. • A light you hold by its handle. • The spot you pick to go camping. • A food often eaten when camping. • A portable bed used when camping. • A dessert often eaten when camping. • Obviously you couldn’t camp indoors! • ...
Camping Types 2023-09-07
- Camping Camping near your vehicle for easy access to supplies.
- Camping with luxurious amenities and comforts.
- Camping Camping in your own backyard for a convenient outdoor experience.
- Camping Camping with family members, often in organized campgrounds.
- Camping Camping in high-altitude regions, often with challenging terrain.
- Camping Traveling and camping in a motorhome or camper van.
- Camping Camping in a temporary, fabric shelter called a tent.
- Camping Camping with a group of friends or like-minded individuals.
- Hiking and camping in remote areas with a backpack.
- Camping Camping in cold weather, often with specialized gear.
- Camping Setting up camp on a sandy shoreline near the water.
- Camping Camping along waterways, using canoes to travel.
- Camping Camping in arid, sandy, or barren landscapes.
- Camping Camping in wooded areas surrounded by trees.
- Camping Camping alone to enjoy solitude and self-reliance.
15 Clues: Camping with luxurious amenities and comforts. • Hiking and camping in remote areas with a backpack. • Camping Camping in wooded areas surrounded by trees. • Camping Camping in arid, sandy, or barren landscapes. • Camping Camping along waterways, using canoes to travel. • Camping Camping alone to enjoy solitude and self-reliance. • ...
Camping Type 2023-09-05
- Camping Camping with minimal gear and survival skills.
- Carrying gear and hiking to remote camping spots.
- Camping Camping alone for self-reflection and solitude.
- Camping Combining hiking and camping for extended journeys.
- Camping Camping in arid and sandy desert landscapes.
- Camping Setting up a tent and sleeping outdoors in nature.
- Camping Camping from a car with easy access to supplies.
- Camping Camping in the high altitudes of mountains.
- Camping Traveling and camping in a recreational vehicle (RV).
- Camping Camping with family and children for bonding.
- Camping Paddling to campsites along rivers and lakes.
- Enjoying the outdoors with luxurious amenities and comforts.
- Camping Camping amidst trees and in wooded areas.
- Camping Camping in snowy and cold winter conditions.
- Camping Camping on the sandy shores of a beach.
15 Clues: Camping Camping on the sandy shores of a beach. • Carrying gear and hiking to remote camping spots. • Camping Camping amidst trees and in wooded areas. • Camping Camping in the high altitudes of mountains. • Camping Camping in snowy and cold winter conditions. • Camping Camping in arid and sandy desert landscapes. • ...
Camping 2014-07-30
- used for kindling
- outdoor delicacy
- container for beans
- a house on wheels
- where one can freshen up outdoors
- a curious animal
- will light your path
- river boat
- cooking containers
- outdoor shelter
- a camping treat
- a camper's oven
- keeps the rain off your head
- summer meal event
- "the Great"
- cowboy's necessity
- night time flyer
- American dessert fruit
- chops wood
19 Clues: river boat • chops wood • "the Great" • outdoor shelter • a camping treat • a camper's oven • outdoor delicacy • night time flyer • a curious animal • used for kindling • a house on wheels • summer meal event • cooking containers • cowboy's necessity • container for beans • will light your path • American dessert fruit • keeps the rain off your head • where one can freshen up outdoors
camping 2023-04-08
Camping 2023-09-25
18 Clues: soya • kosa • boron • odyol • sumka • fonar • chodir • harita • fasllar • chashka • toshqin • tarelka • boyamoq • suv idishi • kuchliyomgir • qurgoqchilik • uxlashga halta • kempingga bormoq
Camping 2023-09-25
18 Clues: soya • kosa • boron • odyol • sumka • fonar • chodir • harita • fasllar • chashka • toshqin • tarelka • boyamoq • suv idishi • kuchliyomgir • qurgoqchilik • uxlashga halta • kempingga bormoq
Camping 2023-09-25
18 Clues: soya • kosa • boron • odyol • sumka • fonar • chodir • harita • fasllar • chashka • toshqin • tarelka • boyamoq • suv idishi • kuchliyomgir • qurgoqchilik • uxlashga halta • kempingga bormoq
Camping 2024-09-16
- helps you fight the mosquitos.
- important if you get injured.
- helps you to see things far away.
- for sleeping above the ground.
- use this so that you won't get lost.
- for boiling liquids.
- use these to light a fire.
- for keeping liquids warm.
- not as soft as a bed.
- somewhere to sleep outdoors.
- a good thing to have in the dark.
- soft and sticky when warm.
- you can put your belongings inside it.
- a warm place to gather around.
- used for tying knots.
- important for when you’re thirsty.
- for cutting trees and firewood.
- it can point you in the right direction.
18 Clues: for boiling liquids. • not as soft as a bed. • used for tying knots. • for keeping liquids warm. • soft and sticky when warm. • use these to light a fire. • somewhere to sleep outdoors. • important if you get injured. • helps you fight the mosquitos. • a warm place to gather around. • for sleeping above the ground. • for cutting trees and firewood. • a good thing to have in the dark. • ...
camping 2024-08-17
20 Clues: Lều • Ba lô • Bản đồ • La bàn • Đèn pin • Củi đốt • Đèn lồng • Lửa trại • Nơi trú ẩn • bag Túi ngủ • Khu cắm trại • pad Tấm lót ngủ • Đi bộ đường dài • bottle Bình nước • aid kit Bộ sơ cứu • Động vật hoang dã • stove Bếp cắm trại • gear Dụng cụ cắm trại • activities Các hoạt động ngoài trời • Kẹo dẻo (thường để nướng trên lửa trại)
CAMPING 2019-10-23
- You sleep here when you go camping
- You use this to blow you mattress up
- You need this to know which way to go
- Snakes, insects... are all part of this
- You need this to not feel cold when you go camping
- You need to do this to eat
- You need this to light a fire
- You use these to avoid your tent falling
- You need this to see in the dark
- You need this just in case you cut yourself
- Name of the person that goes camping
- Place where you go camping
- This is similar to walking, but in the forest
- Be careful! This is hot
- You put all the things you need into this object
- There are a lot of these in the sky every night
- You use this in the water
17 Clues: Be careful! This is hot • You use this in the water • Place where you go camping • You need to do this to eat • You need this to light a fire • You need this to see in the dark • You sleep here when you go camping • Name of the person that goes camping • You use this to blow you mattress up • You need this to know which way to go • Snakes, insects... are all part of this • ...
Camping 2022-08-30
- keeps coffee hot
- phosphorous sticks
- shoot a distress signal
- a camping light source
- a fishing lure
- a spiky rodent
- a water sport
- a large rock
- animal droppings
- a loop trap
- optical instrument for gazing
- a refreshing red fruit
- observing the celestials
- searching, scavenging for food
- colorful and graceful insect
- camping heat source
- sport consisting of a bow and arrow
- a fishing net
18 Clues: a loop trap • a large rock • a fishing net • a water sport • a fishing lure • a spiky rodent • animal droppings • keeps coffee hot • phosphorous sticks • camping heat source • a refreshing red fruit • a camping light source • shoot a distress signal • observing the celestials • colorful and graceful insect • optical instrument for gazing • searching, scavenging for food • ...
Camping 2021-09-09
18 Clues: test • scrub • float • canoe • upright • to frolic • enjoyment • to clamber • No backbone • self-assured • bounces back • show tenacity • floating device • Nocturnal animal • able to coordinate • fire at a campsite • reservoir of water • getting along with others
Camping 2023-02-08
- Muchos artistas pintan el ______ hermoso.
- Un _____ separa algunos estados.
- Otra palabra para pasar
- Una persona anda por el ______ en el bosque.
- Para no perdernos, necesitamos una _________
- Es muy oscuro. Necesito mi _______.
- Otra palabra para caminar
- Voy a acostarme. Necesito mi ______ de dormir.
- El ____ tiene mucha agua para nadar.
- El anochecer es muy tarde, pero el amanecer es muy ____
- Cuando algo me ______, yo grito.
- Sabemos que hay una tormenta cuando oímos el ______
- No olvides la tienda de ________
- Quiero dar un _________ por el bosque
- Escalamos ________
- Me gustan las plantas y los animales porque me encanta la ______
- En el otoño las hojas van a ______ de los árboles
- En la primavera mi esposo tiene que cortar el _____.
18 Clues: Escalamos ________ • Otra palabra para pasar • Otra palabra para caminar • Cuando algo me ______, yo grito. • Un _____ separa algunos estados. • No olvides la tienda de ________ • Es muy oscuro. Necesito mi _______. • El ____ tiene mucha agua para nadar. • Quiero dar un _________ por el bosque • Muchos artistas pintan el ______ hermoso. • ...
CAMPING 2023-06-05
- - Outdoor activity of walking in nature.
- - Small boat used for paddling on water.
- - The natural world around us.
- - Swinging bed often tied between two trees.
- - Campfire treat made with chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers.
- - Portable shelter used for camping outdoors.
- - Outdoor area designated for camping.
- - Path for hiking or walking in nature.
- - Portable light source for camping in the dark.
- - Activity of catching fish with a rod and reel.
- - Optical device for seeing things from a distance.
- - Outdoor activity of walking in nature.
- - Campers gather around this for warmth and cooking.
- - Outdoor meal enjoyed during camping or hiking.
- - Navigation tool used to find directions.
- - Outdoor fire used for cooking and socializing.
- - Sweet treat often roasted over a campfire.
- bag - Insulated bag for sleeping in during camping trips.
- - Bag worn on the back for carrying camping supplies.
- - Outdoor area designated for camping.
20 Clues: - The natural world around us. • - Outdoor area designated for camping. • - Outdoor area designated for camping. • - Path for hiking or walking in nature. • - Outdoor activity of walking in nature. • - Outdoor activity of walking in nature. • - Small boat used for paddling on water. • - Navigation tool used to find directions. • ...
Camping 2023-04-08
- Good so you don't get sunburn on your head
- You can go 2 weeks without it.
- Easy to get around on two petal powered wheels
- No sunburn with this.
- You tie it between two trees.
- She's sleeping in her ___.
- We can't see without the ____.
- You wear it well swimming
- You pack your things in it
- Protects you from the rain at night.
- Helps you keep your balance
- None of this,and your teeth will rot.
- Use it to fish
- ____ isn't about catching fish.
- You use it to see, but it's not a lantern.
- It's like a fridge,but needs ice.
- Similar to a tent with NO walls.
17 Clues: Use it to fish • No sunburn with this. • You wear it well swimming • She's sleeping in her ___. • You pack your things in it • Helps you keep your balance • You tie it between two trees. • You can go 2 weeks without it. • We can't see without the ____. • ____ isn't about catching fish. • Similar to a tent with NO walls. • It's like a fridge,but needs ice. • ...
Camping 2023-08-30
- wear this to protect your head from the sun
- this will help you find your way if you get lost
- you can make this if you are getting cold
- you can make these over the fire, so yummy!
- if you want to go for a hike in the woods you should wear these on your feet
- you need this to protect your skin from the sun
- the sun always sets in the...
- the sun always rises in the...
- it will tell you what direction you are going
- be sure to tie your food really high in a tree to avoid this animal eating it
- sometimes we sit around the fire and sing these
- be sure to bring many gallons of this to stay hydrated
- don't leave your garbage on the ground! Thats called
- you can never have enough of these. They help keep your flashlight working
- the thing you sleep in when you stay the night in a tent
- two people work together to move this across the lake
- this will keep the mosquitos away
17 Clues: the sun always sets in the... • the sun always rises in the... • this will keep the mosquitos away • you can make this if you are getting cold • wear this to protect your head from the sun • you can make these over the fire, so yummy! • it will tell you what direction you are going • sometimes we sit around the fire and sing these • ...
Camping 2021-12-06
- A little house you stay in during your vacation
- You can swim in it
- A favourite way to cook a meal when camping
- At night you might hear it "hooot"
- An activity you can do at the lake if you have a rod
- The people you can go on vacation with
- You see them when you look up at the night sky
- This is what you sleep in when camping
- The accommodation you put up with poles and pegs
- The animals you might see
- The area where you pitch your tent
- put them on a stick and toast them on the campfire
- Graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows
- Handy to be able to see your way around at night
- You can sit around it together at night and sing some songs
- Use it to navigate when hiking
- Essential to prevent dehydration
17 Clues: You can swim in it • The animals you might see • Use it to navigate when hiking • Essential to prevent dehydration • The area where you pitch your tent • At night you might hear it "hooot" • The people you can go on vacation with • This is what you sleep in when camping • A favourite way to cook a meal when camping • Graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows • ...
Camping 2021-12-06
- A little house you stay in during your vacation
- You can swim in it
- A favourite way to cook a meal when camping
- At night you might hear it "hooot"
- An activity you can do at the lake if you have a rod
- The people you can go on vacation with
- You see them when you look up at the night sky
- This is what you sleep in when camping
- The accommodation you put up with poles and pegs
- The animals you might see
- The area where you pitch your tent
- put them on a stick and toast them on the campfire
- Graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows
- Handy to be able to see your way around at night
- You can sit around it together at night and sing some songs
- Use it to navigate when hiking
- Essential to prevent dehydration
17 Clues: You can swim in it • The animals you might see • Use it to navigate when hiking • Essential to prevent dehydration • The area where you pitch your tent • At night you might hear it "hooot" • The people you can go on vacation with • This is what you sleep in when camping • A favourite way to cook a meal when camping • Graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows • ...
Camping 2018-06-19
16 Clues: pillow • hot dogs • fire wood • tent tent • sun screen • chair chair • flash light • air mattress • marshmallows • sleeping bag • cooler cooler • first aid kit • roasting stick • matches matches • lantern lanterb • insect repellent
Camping 2021-06-08
- used to catch fish
- foldable place to sleep
- much bigger than a pond
- small boat for a lake
- zip up to stay snug and warm
- making music together
- battery operated light
- counting constellations
- pesky little biters
- portable lamp
- campfire treat
- taking a mountain walk
- stones placed in a circle
- portable place to sleep
- something to attract fish
- much smaller than a river
16 Clues: portable lamp • campfire treat • used to catch fish • pesky little biters • small boat for a lake • making music together • taking a mountain walk • battery operated light • foldable place to sleep • much bigger than a pond • portable place to sleep • counting constellations • stones placed in a circle • something to attract fish • much smaller than a river • zip up to stay snug and warm
Camping 2023-07-14
- A bag worn on the back for carrying camping essentials.
- The natural world and its elements, including plants, animals, and landscapes.
- A portable light source used for illuminating the campsite at night.
- Bag A portable insulated bag for sleeping in during camping trips.
- Exciting and daring experiences, like those encountered during camping trips.
- A portable shelter made of fabric and poles.
- Preparing meals over a campfire using pots, pans, or skewers.
- Trying to catch fish using a fishing rod, line, and bait.
- Animals and plants living in their natural habitats.
- A designated area with facilities for camping, such as toilets and picnic tables.
- An outdoor fire used for cooking, warmth, and socializing.
- A soft, sweet treat often roasted over a campfire.
- Singing songs around the campfire for entertainment and to create a fun atmosphere.
- A marked path or route for hiking or walking in nature.
- A designated area where people can set up their tents and camp.
- Walking in nature for enjoyment and exploration.
16 Clues: A portable shelter made of fabric and poles. • Walking in nature for enjoyment and exploration. • A soft, sweet treat often roasted over a campfire. • Animals and plants living in their natural habitats. • A marked path or route for hiking or walking in nature. • A bag worn on the back for carrying camping essentials. • ...
Dropbox Intern Puzzle 2022 2022-06-01
- Hadoop Distributed File System
- SJC, IAD, HHN, DCA, but networks. Won't see them out in the woods.
- good spot for camping, and 2019 initiative to change the price/add features to Plus program
- Type of deployment where you deploy to small demographic
- A good place to buy camping gear!
- Something to be concerned about while camping, and can be combined with _ for queries
- Maybe not while camping, but might see it in a field. Can be combined with _
- Another word for a sleeping mat
- Networking? Or something to mind while hiking
- Something to be concerned about while camping
- A rarity to see while camping, and is made of chrome in house
- Next gen metaserver! And stay on track
- Perhaps a camping adventure? Also powers browse
- Something to be concerned about while camping?
- A good place for camping, or making sharing easier with Dropbox
- Similar to this?
- "____! ship it!"
- 2014 macOS
- Hope you have your tarps on the tents!
- Combined with _ an old name for Dropbox Paper
- Probably don't want to see one while camping, and an initiative to improve web stack perf
- Illuminate the studio interiors, or a guide for an object in the clue of ___
- A tasty update tool for our internal iOS versions
- What you are, and a potential downer while camping
- A cross for better camping
- Might be nice to sleep under while camping. In house, there are three of them - local, remote, sync
- Could see it camping, and perhaps Potter could have understood it?
- Stay hot! Or cold
- Supporting our production environment, but might not be the best place to camp
29 Clues: 2014 macOS • Similar to this? • "____! ship it!" • Stay hot! Or cold • A cross for better camping • Hadoop Distributed File System • Another word for a sleeping mat • A good place to buy camping gear! • Hope you have your tarps on the tents! • Next gen metaserver! And stay on track • Combined with _ an old name for Dropbox Paper • Networking? Or something to mind while hiking • ...
Vocabulario de montaña 2022-05-02
24 Clues: Lake • Boots • Thermos • Fishing • Camping • The Fire • Backpack • The Rope • Gas Lamp • Mountains • The Hatch • Flashlight • Binoculars • The Compass • Sleeping Bag • Match Sticks • Camping Tent • Boat Paddling • Taking Photos • Camping Ground • Foldable Chair • The Camping Van • Exploring Nature • The pocket knife
Camping 2021-12-06
- A little house you stay in during your vacation
- You can swim in it
- A favourite way to cook a meal when camping
- At night you might hear it "hooot"
- an activity you can do at the lake if you have a rod
- the people you can go on vacation with
- You see them when you look up at the night sky
- this is what you sleep in when camping
- the accommodation you put up with poles and pegs
- the animals you might see
- the area where you pitch your tent
- put them on a stick and toast them on the campfire
- graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows
- handy to be able to see your way around at night
- You can sit around it together at night and sing some songs
- use it to navigate when hiking
- essential to prevent dehydration
17 Clues: You can swim in it • the animals you might see • use it to navigate when hiking • essential to prevent dehydration • the area where you pitch your tent • At night you might hear it "hooot" • the people you can go on vacation with • this is what you sleep in when camping • A favourite way to cook a meal when camping • graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows • ...
Camping 2024-07-30
- Looking up at the stars in the night sky
- A food item where you put a marshmallow on a stick and cook it over a fire, placing the toasted treat on a bed of chocolate and graham crackers
- This is attached to benches that is used for eating outdoors; also known as a picnic bench
- A designated area where you can build a fire
- The activity of taking a long walk through a forest or on a trail through the countryside
- A bag worn on your back to carry food, supplies, etc.
- A portable, collapsible shelter made of fabric
- An activity that involves catching fish, usually with a pole, for fun or for food
- A device with a needle that shows you which direction you’re going
- A portable light used to see in the dark
- A small house-like structure, usually located in a rural area
- The area in which you set up your tent, cooking equipment, etc
- A chemical sprayed on the skin to protect oneself from insect bites
- An insulated box that’s filled with ice to keep your food and drinks cold
- A large vehicle that typically includes beds, cooking and eating areas and a washroom; a recreational vehicle
- An enclosed outdoor toilet that usually has no water and does not flush; also known as a pit latrine or pit toilet
- Wood that you use to fuel your campfire
17 Clues: Wood that you use to fuel your campfire • A portable light used to see in the dark • Looking up at the stars in the night sky • A designated area where you can build a fire • A portable, collapsible shelter made of fabric • A bag worn on your back to carry food, supplies, etc. • A small house-like structure, usually located in a rural area • ...
Camping 2022-08-30
- keeps coffee hot
- a spiky rodent
- phosphorous sticks
- animal droppings
- sport consisting of a bow and arrow
- a fishing lure
- shoot a distress signal
- searching, scavenging for food
- a fishing net
- a refreshing red fruit
- optical instrument for gazing
- camping heat source
- colorful and graceful insect
- a camping light source
- observing the celestials
- a large rock
16 Clues: a large rock • a fishing net • a spiky rodent • a fishing lure • keeps coffee hot • animal droppings • phosphorous sticks • camping heat source • a refreshing red fruit • a camping light source • shoot a distress signal • observing the celestials • colorful and graceful insect • optical instrument for gazing • searching, scavenging for food • sport consisting of a bow and arrow
CAMPING 2020-02-23
- from head to torso covering
- to keep our warm bodies
- to get out of darkness
- for a comfortable night among forage
- bed-roll
- ATV, for short
- always points up
- more evolved version of a sack
- like the area between the city ans the farm
- like a transient house, but in the wild
- requires luring
- for safety and fashion
- to freeze memories
- what you do with an instrument
- walking for pleasure
- temporary resident of the woods
16 Clues: bed-roll • ATV, for short • requires luring • always points up • to freeze memories • walking for pleasure • for safety and fashion • to get out of darkness • to keep our warm bodies • from head to torso covering • what you do with an instrument • more evolved version of a sack • temporary resident of the woods • for a comfortable night among forage • ...
CAMPING 2024-02-01
Camping 2014-06-27
- chop these up to keep warm
- a printed guide that shows us where we are.
- this is what we use on the hook to attract some fish
- use this to cut the wood
- we keep all our camping stuff here and carry it
- us
- keeps us warm
- this is used to lift the fish out of the water
- tells us which direction we are going
- a way to sleep off the ground sometimes between trees
- plastic fish used to trick the fish
- this is soft to sleep on
- a way to have light so we can see when it gets dark
- a house in the woods
- rod use this to catch a fish
- a place to sleep outside
16 Clues: us • keeps us warm • a house in the woods • this is soft to sleep on • use this to cut the wood • a place to sleep outside • chop these up to keep warm • rod use this to catch a fish • plastic fish used to trick the fish • tells us which direction we are going • a printed guide that shows us where we are. • this is used to lift the fish out of the water • ...
Camping 2016-04-07
16 Clues: köysi • reppu • kirves • nuotio • teltta • vasara • kartta • kanootti • kompassi • retkeily • tulitikut • makuupussi • luontopolku • termospullo • taskulamppu • linkkuveitsi
Camping 2023-08-07
- A navigational tool that helps determine direction using a magnetic needle that points to the north.
- An outdoor meal enjoyed on a blanket or at a table in a scenic spot during camping.
- A controlled fire made outdoors during camping, usually for cooking food, providing warmth, and gathering.
- A designated area in nature where people set up tents and camp for a period of time.
- A bag worn on the back to carry essential items during camping trips.
- A portable light source used to illuminate the camping area at night.
- Walking or trekking in nature, usually on trails or in the wilderness, as part of a camping adventure.
- A cozy insulated bag used for sleeping in while camping.
- A portable shelter made of fabric and poles that people use for sleeping and resting while camping.
- A soft and sweet treat that is often roasted over a campfire and eaten as a snack.
- An exciting and daring experience, like exploring new places and facing challenges while camping.
- Hiking and camping while carrying all necessary gear and supplies in a backpack.
- The activity of catching fish using a fishing rod, reel, and bait.
- The process of preparing meals using a stove, campfire, or portable grill while camping.
- The natural world around us, including plants, animals, mountains, rivers, and forests.
- A narrow boat pointed at both ends that is propelled by paddles, used for exploring lakes and rivers while camping.
16 Clues: A cozy insulated bag used for sleeping in while camping. • The activity of catching fish using a fishing rod, reel, and bait. • A bag worn on the back to carry essential items during camping trips. • A portable light source used to illuminate the camping area at night. • Hiking and camping while carrying all necessary gear and supplies in a backpack. • ...
Camping 2024-06-07
- Tales told around a campfire
- Musical instrument often played around the campfire
- When the sun goes down
- Vocal activity around the campfire
- Outdoor activity involving tents and nature
- A source of heat and light at night
- A large body of water often visited by campers
- Container for liquids
- Graham cracker, chocolate, and marshmallow treat
- A group of people with something in common
- Used to roast marshmallows
- A banner flown at camp
- Portable shelter for camping
- A musical composition often sung around the campfire
- A hot drink to wake up to
- A suspended bed for relaxation
16 Clues: Container for liquids • A banner flown at camp • When the sun goes down • A hot drink to wake up to • Used to roast marshmallows • Tales told around a campfire • Portable shelter for camping • A suspended bed for relaxation • Vocal activity around the campfire • A source of heat and light at night • A group of people with something in common • ...
Camping 2014-07-30
15 Clues: chops wood • "the great" • night flyer • a campers oven • a camping treat • outdoor shelter • a curious animal • used as kindling • a house on wheels • outdoor delicacy? • summer time event • American pie fruit • a cowboy's necessity • a container for beans • where one can freshen up outdoors
Camping 2022-05-06
15 Clues: teltta • rinkka • kartta • sytytin • kiikarit • kompassi • tulitikut • retkipatja • makuupussi • taskulamppu • termospullo • aurinkovoide • vaelluskengät • ensiapulaukku • monitoimiveitsi
mari 2024-10-28
- where we met
- third camping trip location
- second date red flag
- fifth date location
- wet...
- old restaurant that we've been to twice (kind of)
- what our first fight is going to be about
- classic carmine meal
- second camping trip location
- mythical location
- first date location
- where i wrote my 4th date questions
- first meal i made for you on my own
- second date location
- first camping trip location
- often repeated in succession
- fifth date show
- fourth camping trip location
- third date location
- fourth date location
- Carmine's hometown
- 3rd live music that we saw
- another first camping trip location
- another second date location
- another third camping trip location
- another second camping trip location
- first meal that we made "together"
- reoccuring gift
- common note attachment from me
30 Clues: MMM • wet... • where we met • fifth date show • reoccuring gift • mythical location • Carmine's hometown • third date location • fifth date location • first date location • fourth date location • second date red flag • classic carmine meal • second date location • 3rd live music that we saw • first camping trip location • third camping trip location • often repeated in succession • ...
Camping 2024-02-22
- a small house or shelter, usually located in a rural or wilderness area.
- able to be bent or rearranged into a smaller size or shape for easier storage or transport.
- small sticks with a material at one end that produces a flame when rubbed against a rough surface.
- a thick piece of cut wood, especially one cut from a tree trunk.
- the mark left by the foot of an animal with claws, such as a dog or cat.
- an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
- a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut from a tree, often used for various purposes.
- a lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or electric bulb, typically carried by hand or hung up.
- a container that keeps liquids hot or cold for long periods of time.
- a device with two lenses that makes distant objects appear closer and larger when looked through.
- a tool with a magnetic needle that always points to the north, used for finding directions.
- a small portable electric light that you can carry in your hand or pocket.
- a source of light and heat that is built outdoors, often used for cooking or keeping warm.
- a temporary shelter made of fabric or other materials stretched over a frame of poles, used for sleeping outdoors.
- a small, simple building, usually consisting of only one room.
- a metal or ceramic container with a handle and spout, used for boiling water or making tea or coffee.
16 Clues: a small, simple building, usually consisting of only one room. • a thick piece of cut wood, especially one cut from a tree trunk. • a container that keeps liquids hot or cold for long periods of time. • a small house or shelter, usually located in a rural or wilderness area. • the mark left by the foot of an animal with claws, such as a dog or cat. • ...
camping 2013-09-10
15 Clues: desert • nature • to stop • a while • at dusk • at dawn • shelter • this way • mountain • to climb • beautiful • to impress • to be moved • to walk/move • to take shelter
CAMPING 2023-12-03
- - Exciting experience by doing something.
- - Outdoor environment with tree, plants and wildlife.
- - Hiking bag carried by explorers.
- - Animals that live in nature.
- - Process of preparing food.
- - Morning view of the sun in the sky.
- - Campsite necessity to stay warm and cook food.
- - Open-air environment for activities.
- - Portable bed to sleep and rest.
- - Outdoor flames on a camp.
- - Shelter for camping to stay safe and warm.
- - Fun activity to Walk in nature.
- - Illuminating device used in camps for light.
- - Process of cooking over an open fire.
- - Evening view of the sun in the sky.
15 Clues: - Outdoor flames on a camp. • - Process of preparing food. • - Animals that live in nature. • - Portable bed to sleep and rest. • - Fun activity to Walk in nature. • - Hiking bag carried by explorers. • - Evening view of the sun in the sky. • - Morning view of the sun in the sky. • - Open-air environment for activities. • - Process of cooking over an open fire. • ...
Camping 2023-08-23
- - A designated area for camping.
- - Trying to catch fish in a lake or river.
- - Used to carry gear on a hike.
- - A shelter for sleeping outdoors.
- - Animals that live in the outdoors.
- - Keeps you warm while sleeping.
- - Roasted over the campfire.
- - A source of warmth and light.
- - Preparing food in the wilderness.
- - A long walk in nature.
- - A tasty campfire treat.
- - Provides light at night.
- - Shows trails and landmarks.
- - A small boat for paddling on water.
- - Helps you find your way.
15 Clues: - A long walk in nature. • - A tasty campfire treat. • - Provides light at night. • - Helps you find your way. • - Roasted over the campfire. • - Shows trails and landmarks. • - A source of warmth and light. • - Used to carry gear on a hike. • - A designated area for camping. • - Keeps you warm while sleeping. • - A shelter for sleeping outdoors. • ...
CAMPING 2023-12-02
- - Exciting experience by doing something.
- - Outdoor environment with tree, plants and wildlife.
- - Hiking bag carried by explorers.
- - Animals that live in nature.
- - Process of preparing food.
- - Morning view of the sun in the sky.
- - Campsite necessity to stay warm and cook food.
- - Open-air environment for activities.
- - Portable bed to sleep and rest.
- - Outdoor flames on a camp.
- - Shelter for camping to stay safe and warm.
- - Fun activity to Walk in nature.
- - Illuminating device used in camps for light.
- - Process of cooking over an open fire.
- - Evening view of the sun in the sky.
15 Clues: - Outdoor flames on a camp. • - Process of preparing food. • - Animals that live in nature. • - Portable bed to sleep and rest. • - Fun activity to Walk in nature. • - Hiking bag carried by explorers. • - Evening view of the sun in the sky. • - Morning view of the sun in the sky. • - Open-air environment for activities. • - Process of cooking over an open fire. • ...
Camping 2022-06-03
- To cook fish or mini hot dogs over the fire
- A small dessert with chololate chips in it
- A animal is brown and has big paws
- To hike in
- To keep you and your food hot
- What you bring to sleep in
- A treat including a marshmallow and candy
- To hold all your things
- A yummy snack to roast over the fire
- You collect it to male a fire
- To rest in at night
- is commen with every camping trip
- To start the fire easliy
- What you need to see in the dark
- to keep your drinks cold
15 Clues: To hike in • To rest in at night • To hold all your things • To start the fire easliy • to keep your drinks cold • What you bring to sleep in • You collect it to male a fire • To keep you and your food hot • What you need to see in the dark • is commen with every camping trip • A animal is brown and has big paws • A yummy snack to roast over the fire • ...
Camping 2023-08-09
- Easily carried or moved, suitable for outdoor activities.
- An outdoor fire built at a campsite for warmth, cooking, or enjoyment.
- A temporary shelter made of fabric and poles, used for camping.
- To make bread brown and crisp by placing it near a campfire or heat source.
- To propel a small, narrow boat with double-bladed oars.
- A wearable light source that you wear on your head for hands-free use.
- An outdoor recreational activity where people set up temporary shelters in nature.
- To walk in nature for pleasure, exercise, or exploration.
- To observe the stars at night while camping outdoors.
- A navigational tool used to find directions when outdoors.
- To pursue and capture wildlife for food or sport.
- A portable light source used to illuminate the camping area.
- A long, strong cord made of fibers, used for various purposes in camping.
- A designated area where campers can set up their tents and stay overnight.
- A suspended bed made of fabric or netting, used for resting outdoors.
15 Clues: To pursue and capture wildlife for food or sport. • To observe the stars at night while camping outdoors. • To propel a small, narrow boat with double-bladed oars. • Easily carried or moved, suitable for outdoor activities. • To walk in nature for pleasure, exercise, or exploration. • A navigational tool used to find directions when outdoors. • ...
Camping 2025-01-22
- Place to sleep
- It helps you cross over a river
- Helps you see in the dark
- It will direct you where you're going
- Split small wood with this
- If you want to go swimmin in the lake you will take
- You wear them to walk
- Cook food over it
- Trees are in the
- A path in the woods
- This will protect you from mosquito bites
- Something you use to catch fish
- Something you need when you go to the bathroom
- Start a fire with
- Catch food in the lake
15 Clues: Place to sleep • Trees are in the • Start a fire with • Cook food over it • A path in the woods • You wear them to walk • Catch food in the lake • Helps you see in the dark • Split small wood with this • Something you use to catch fish • It helps you cross over a river • It will direct you where you're going • This will protect you from mosquito bites • ...
ABOUT CAMPING 2023-06-07
- - Portable chair for sitting around the campsite
- - Area where people set up their tents for camping
- - Portable shelter used for camping
- - Songs sung around the campfire for entertainment
- - Outdoor fire for cooking and warmth
- - Delicious campfire snack made with chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers
- - Exciting and daring experience while camping
- - Walking in nature for pleasure or exercise
- - Portable light source for camping
- - Animals that live in natural environments
- - Portable cooking appliance for outdoor use
- - Person responsible for guiding and supervising campers
- - Activity of catching fish with a rod and line
- - The natural world around us
- - Area where people set up their tents for camping
- - Designated area for camping
- - Insulated bag for sleeping in while camping
- - Sweet treat roasted over a campfire
- - Bag used to carry camping gear
- - A path or track for walking or hiking
20 Clues: - The natural world around us • - Designated area for camping • - Bag used to carry camping gear • - Portable light source for camping • - Portable shelter used for camping • - Sweet treat roasted over a campfire • - Outdoor fire for cooking and warmth • - A path or track for walking or hiking • - Animals that live in natural environments • ...
Camping 2012-10-08
- to secure the tent in the ground
- to sleep in
- to find your direction
- to drink
- to light your campfire
- Protects you from the rain
- to protect your eyes from the sun
- sleeping outside in a tent
- use this for light at night
- to protect you from insect bites
- hold up the tent
- head of uk scouts
- for your torch
- to protect your skin from the sun
- for warmth and cooking fun on
15 Clues: to drink • to sleep in • for your torch • hold up the tent • head of uk scouts • to find your direction • to light your campfire • sleeping outside in a tent • Protects you from the rain • use this for light at night • for warmth and cooking fun on • to protect you from insect bites • to secure the tent in the ground • to protect your skin from the sun • to protect your eyes from the sun
Camping 2022-06-03
- To cook fish or mini hot dogs over the fire
- A small dessert with chololate chips in it
- A animal is brown and has big paws
- To hike in
- To keep you and your food hot
- What you bring to sleep in
- A treat including a marshmallow and candy
- To hold all your things
- A yummy snack to roast over the fire
- You collect it to male a fire
- To rest in at night
- is commen with every camping trip
- To start the fire easliy
- What you need to see in the dark
- to keep your drinks cold
15 Clues: To hike in • To rest in at night • To hold all your things • To start the fire easliy • to keep your drinks cold • What you bring to sleep in • You collect it to male a fire • To keep you and your food hot • What you need to see in the dark • is commen with every camping trip • A animal is brown and has big paws • A yummy snack to roast over the fire • ...
Camping 2022-06-03
- To cook fish or mini hot dogs over the fire
- A small dessert with chololate chips in it
- A animal is brown and has big paws
- To hike in
- To keep you and your food hot
- What you bring to sleep in
- A treat including a marshmallow and candy
- To hold all your things
- A yummy snack to roast over the fire
- You collect it to male a fire
- To rest in at night
- is commen with every camping trip
- To start the fire easliy
- What you need to see in the dark
- to keep your drinks cold
15 Clues: To hike in • To rest in at night • To hold all your things • To start the fire easliy • to keep your drinks cold • What you bring to sleep in • You collect it to male a fire • To keep you and your food hot • What you need to see in the dark • is commen with every camping trip • A animal is brown and has big paws • A yummy snack to roast over the fire • ...
Camping 2022-05-11
15 Clues: teltta • kartta • rinkka • sytytin • kiikarit • kompassi • tulitikut • retkipatja • makuupussi • termospullo • taskulamppu • aurinkovoide • ensiapulaukku • vaelluskengät • monitoimiveitsi
Camping 2023-06-17
- A popular camping treat made by sandwiching chocolate and marshmallows between graham crackers and heating them.
- A portable shelter made of fabric or other materials, used for camping and providing temporary accommodation.
- A marked path or route for walking or hiking, often found in natural or wilderness areas.
- A narrow, lightweight boat pointed at both ends and propelled by paddles, commonly used for water activities.
- Animals and plants living in their natural habitats, often encountered during camping or outdoor adventures.
- A navigational instrument that shows directions, commonly used for orienteering or finding one's way in nature.
- An outdoor fire used for cooking, warmth, and entertainment during camping.
- A portable light source, often powered by batteries or fuel, used for illumination during camping.
- The activity of catching fish, typically done using a fishing rod, line, and bait.
- A designated area or site equipped for camping, often providing facilities such as toilets and showers.
- A warm and portable bag designed for sleeping in, typically used for camping or other outdoor activities.
- A designated area or place where people can set up tents and camp overnight.
- A cooking method where food is grilled or cooked over an open fire or hot coals.
- A designated area or place where people can set up tents and camp overnight.
- An outdoor activity of walking or trekking in natural environments, often involving hills, mountains, or trails.
- A bag worn on the back, used for carrying belongings during hiking or camping trips.
16 Clues: An outdoor fire used for cooking, warmth, and entertainment during camping. • A designated area or place where people can set up tents and camp overnight. • A designated area or place where people can set up tents and camp overnight. • A cooking method where food is grilled or cooked over an open fire or hot coals. • ...
Camping 2023-06-15
- A narrow boat with pointed ends, typically propelled by paddling. Canoes are used for recreational activities like boating and exploring waterways during camping.
- A waterproof coat worn to protect against rain. It is essential to have a raincoat during camping to stay dry during wet weather.
- A controlled fire used for cooking, warmth, and socializing while camping. It is usually built in a pit or designated area.
- Animals and plants that live in their natural habitats. Camping often offers opportunities to observe and appreciate various forms of wildlife.
- The activity of taking long walks or treks, usually in natural environments, often done during camping trips to explore the surroundings.
- A portable light source used for illumination during camping. It can be fueled by gas, battery, or electricity.
- A soft, sweet confectionery often roasted over a campfire. It is commonly used to make s'm
- A navigational tool that indicates the direction of the magnetic north. It helps campers find their way and navigate through unfamiliar areas.
- A portable shelter made of fabric and supported by poles. It provides a place to sleep and stay protected from the weather while camping.
- A bag worn on the back for carrying clothes, food, and other essential items during camping trips.
- A marked path or route for walking or hiking. Trails are used for exploring nature and reaching scenic spots during camping trips.
- A large, insulated bag used for sleeping while camping. It provides warmth and comfort during the night.
- A meal eaten outdoors, often in a natural setting, like a park or campground. People enjoy picnics during camping trips as a way to relax and enjoy nature.
- The activity of catching fish using a fishing rod, line, and bait. Many people enjoy fishing as part of their camping experience.
- The initial medical assistance given to an injured person. A well-stocked first aid kit is essential during camping to handle minor injuries and ailments.
15 Clues: A soft, sweet confectionery often roasted over a campfire. It is commonly used to make s'm • A bag worn on the back for carrying clothes, food, and other essential items during camping trips. • A large, insulated bag used for sleeping while camping. It provides warmth and comfort during the night. • ...
camping 2024-05-20
- people like to walk the ____
- people use this to cook s'mores
- some people got _____ gazing
- you roast these over the fire
- when they bite it leaves a bump the itches
- table people use these to eat at
- people use this if they want to sleep inside but still be camping
- people sleep in this if they sleep in a tent
- people use this to see at night
- when you go camping your in _______
- people use this to sleep outside
- you go to a pond and try to catch fish
- people stay at a _________ when they go camping
- use this to keep the bugs away
- when people use marshmallows, graham crackers, a chocolate together its called _____
15 Clues: people like to walk the ____ • some people got _____ gazing • you roast these over the fire • use this to keep the bugs away • people use this to see at night • people use this to cook s'mores • people use this to sleep outside • table people use these to eat at • when you go camping your in _______ • you go to a pond and try to catch fish • ...
Camping 2024-09-24
- battery powered light
- item that keeps you warm when laying down
- used to start a fire
- group of stars in a recognizable pattern
- bag with shoulder straps
- tiny winged creature that leaves an itchy bite
- itchy leaves of three to let be
- hard shelled creatures that bury under the skin
- portable shelter supported by poles or a frame
- act of going for a long nature walk
- portable light with a handle
- hairy, large & mythical creature
- popular campfire dessert
- lotion that provides protection from rays
- essential outdoor navigation tool
15 Clues: used to start a fire • battery powered light • popular campfire dessert • bag with shoulder straps • portable light with a handle • itchy leaves of three to let be • hairy, large & mythical creature • essential outdoor navigation tool • act of going for a long nature walk • group of stars in a recognizable pattern • item that keeps you warm when laying down • ...
Camping 2021-08-06
- Activity you do in a pool
- Stay dry in this collapsible shelter
- Store things in this sack on your back.
- Use this zippered sackto sleep at night
- Device you blow into if lost
- Light your path with this tool.
- What helps you travel on water with a paddle?
- This instrument helps find North
- Use this to catch fish
- Structure used to cross over a river
- A pile of wood that is burning
- This keeps mosquitoes away
- Activity when you walk in the woods
- Tie this between two trees for a nap.
14 Clues: Use this to catch fish • Activity you do in a pool • This keeps mosquitoes away • Device you blow into if lost • A pile of wood that is burning • Light your path with this tool. • This instrument helps find North • Activity when you walk in the woods • Stay dry in this collapsible shelter • Structure used to cross over a river • Tie this between two trees for a nap. • ...
Camping 2024-05-31
Camping Crossword 2024-08-28
- Hanging nap location
- Where you set up your tent
- Yogi and Smokey
- Typical camping location
- Nighttime camping essential
- Mosquito repellant candle
- Fancy camping in the air conditioning
- Where you sleep while camping
- Prevents sunburn
- Drinking vessel for camping
- Taking a long walk through the woods
- Smores ingredients
- Use this to find your way around
- Gathered wood to start a campfire
- Marshmallow roasting location
- Adventure-friendly footwear
- Potential spot for swimming
- A good way to catch dinner
18 Clues: Yogi and Smokey • Prevents sunburn • Smores ingredients • Hanging nap location • Typical camping location • Mosquito repellant candle • Where you set up your tent • A good way to catch dinner • Adventure-friendly footwear • Nighttime camping essential • Potential spot for swimming • Drinking vessel for camping • Marshmallow roasting location • Where you sleep while camping • ...
Camping 2022-10-19
- A small house in the woods.
- A place to sleep that needs to be put together.
- A location that most people camp in.
- A snack you might roast by the fire.
- A site where people are allowed to set up their tents.
- A warm bag that you will use at night.
- A tool that helps you navigate.
- What you might bring with you to keep bugs away.
- What you use to keep warm.
- Things you might get bit by while camping.
- What you see when you look up at the night sky.
- Going for a long walk in the woods.
- A tool you need to see in the dark.
- A bag you keep on your bag to store items.
- A large animal someone might see while camping.
15 Clues: What you use to keep warm. • A small house in the woods. • A tool that helps you navigate. • Going for a long walk in the woods. • A tool you need to see in the dark. • A location that most people camp in. • A snack you might roast by the fire. • A warm bag that you will use at night. • Things you might get bit by while camping. • A bag you keep on your bag to store items. • ...
Camping 2013-12-20
- Dalmation mascot.
- Lots of people and treasures for everyone.
- Fishing
- Swings Slide Sand
- Rent me for any family reunion or birthday party
- What you are reading now
- Nature Hikes Walks
- End of the year party OINK OINK
- Electric Only Parade
- Cooking over the fire in a.
- Antique pulling show
- The best campground on Earth.
- Directions and areas of intrest
- Cooking Sitting Warm Sparks
- Speed Limit
15 Clues: Fishing • Speed Limit • Dalmation mascot. • Swings Slide Sand • Nature Hikes Walks • Electric Only Parade • Antique pulling show • What you are reading now • Cooking over the fire in a. • Cooking Sitting Warm Sparks • The best campground on Earth. • Directions and areas of intrest • End of the year party OINK OINK • Lots of people and treasures for everyone. • ...
Chapitre 7 Vocabulaire 1 2020-12-16
24 Clues: food • fire • ground • thermos • canteen • lighter • camping • lantern • compass • folding • mosquito • to light • to pitch • sleeping • in short • sunscreen • can opener • fortunately • to camp out • disinfectant • to take down • mosquito net • camping stove • box of matches
Camping 2023-05-16
- Used to eat food while camping.
- Something to drink
- Used to carry camping gear.
- It can help you find your way around and avoid getting lost.
- Used to make sleeping on the ground more comfortable.
- Something to eat.
- It helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
- Bandages, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers.
- Used to keep people warm when they are sleeping outdoors.
- Used to cook food on a stove.
- To see in the dark.
- It can help you find direction north, west, east, south.
- A shelter that people use when they are camping.
- Used to cook food while camping.
14 Clues: Something to eat. • Something to drink • To see in the dark. • Used to carry camping gear. • Used to cook food on a stove. • Used to eat food while camping. • Used to cook food while camping. • Bandages, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers. • A shelter that people use when they are camping. • Used to make sleeping on the ground more comfortable. • ...
Camping 2023-07-06
- A bag worn on the back for carrying belongings, such as clothes, food, and supplies, during outdoor activities like camping.
- A designated area where people can set up their tents and camp overnight, often equipped with basic facilities and amenities.
- An area or site specifically designed for camping, usually with multiple campsites, facilities, and recreational opportunities.
- Optical devices that magnify distant objects, allowing users to observe wildlife and enjoy scenic views during camping.
- Animals, birds, and plants living in their natural environment, often encountered during camping trips.
- A portable shelter made of fabric or other materials, usually used for camping and sleeping outdoors.
- An exciting and daring experience or activity, such as exploring new places, encountering challenges, or trying new things.
- bag A warm and portable bag designed for sleeping in during camping, typically made of insulating material and a zipper closure.
- The activity of catching fish, typically using a rod, line, and bait, often enjoyed in lakes or rivers while camping.
- Food specifically prepared and packed for camping, often consisting of non-perishable items or easy-to-cook meals.
- songs Songs sung around the campfire for entertainment and creating a joyful atmosphere during camping.
- A soft and sweet confectionary treat often roasted over a campfire and used for making s'mores.
- An outdoor fire used for cooking, providing warmth, and gathering around for storytelling and fun.
- A portable light source used for illumination at night, typically fueled by batteries or gas.
- The natural world, including plants, animals, landscapes, and other features of the Earth's environment.
15 Clues: A portable light source used for illumination at night, typically fueled by batteries or gas. • A soft and sweet confectionary treat often roasted over a campfire and used for making s'mores. • An outdoor fire used for cooking, providing warmth, and gathering around for storytelling and fun. • ...
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