camping Crossword Puzzles

Camping 2021-01-26

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. lunch on a blanket in the grass
  2. Marshmellow treat
  3. BBQ _______
  4. what animal is on the California flag
  5. Floats on water
  6. swims in a lake
  7. Poison _________
  8. blooming plant
  9. group of trees
  10. outdoor shelter
  1. Long walk around the woods or forest
  2. North, South, East, West
  3. Hoot Hoot
  4. Perfect season to camp
  5. Spot of water
  6. Insect that likes flowers
  7. Chunk of wood
  8. morning chirps
  9. hot red flames
  10. house on wheels

20 Clues: Hoot HootBBQ _______Spot of waterChunk of woodmorning chirpsblooming plantgroup of treeshot red flamesFloats on waterswims in a lakehouse on wheelsoutdoor shelterPoison _________Marshmellow treatPerfect season to campNorth, South, East, WestInsect that likes flowerslunch on a blanket in the grassLong walk around the woods or forest...

CAMPING 2021-05-28

CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. It helps you cross over a river.
  2. You can pick this in the forest. Be careful! Some are poisonous!
  3. A big plant with a trunk and leaves.
  4. A kind of bag.
  5. It's an animal. It lives in the forest and it's a mammal.
  6. A tree cut in pieces to make fire.
  7. A hole on a mountain. It can have tunnels and chambers.
  8. A small rock.
  9. When you walk and find new places.
  10. A place to sleep when you go camping.
  11. A tool to see in the dark.
  12. A small river.
  13. The mark of your foot on the ground.
  14. When you move your feet one after the other.
  1. A tool you use to fish.
  2. You can _______ in the stream.
  3. A big stone.
  4. You keep liquids inside.
  5. Yummy! You put it in a hot dog.
  6. A night animal. It flies and it's a mammal.
  7. A place full of trees.
  8. You wear them to walk.
  9. You use it sleep in a tent.
  10. It's hot. You can sit around it and eat sausages or tell stories.

24 Clues: A big stone.A small rock.A kind of bag.A small river.A place full of trees.You wear them to walk.A tool you use to fish.You keep liquids inside.A tool to see in the dark.You use it sleep in a tent.You can _______ in the stream.Yummy! You put it in a hot dog.It helps you cross over a river.A tree cut in pieces to make fire....

CAMPING 2021-05-28

CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. It helps you cross over a river.
  2. You can pick this in the forest. Be careful! Some are poisonous!
  3. A big plant with a trunk and leaves.
  4. A kind of bag.
  5. It's an animal. It lives in the forest and it's a mammal.
  6. A tree cut in pieces to make fire.
  7. A hole on a mountain. It can have tunnels and chambers.
  8. A small rock.
  9. When you walk and find new places.
  10. A place to sleep when you go camping.
  11. A tool to see in the dark.
  12. A small river.
  13. The mark of your foot on the ground.
  14. When you move your feet one after the other.
  1. A tool you use to fish.
  2. You can _______ in the stream.
  3. A big stone.
  4. You keep liquids inside.
  5. Yummy! You put it in a hot dog.
  6. A night animal. It flies and it's a mammal.
  7. A place full of trees.
  8. You wear them to walk.
  9. You use it sleep in a tent.
  10. It's hot. You can sit around it and eat sausages or tell stories.

24 Clues: A big stone.A small rock.A kind of bag.A small river.A place full of trees.You wear them to walk.A tool you use to fish.You keep liquids inside.A tool to see in the dark.You use it sleep in a tent.You can _______ in the stream.Yummy! You put it in a hot dog.It helps you cross over a river.A tree cut in pieces to make fire....

Camping 2022-06-27

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Safe place to swim during a red flag
  2. Put it in a bag on the trail (and don't forget it)
  3. Tara's obsession
  4. Best place to ambush someone to go for a bike ride.
  5. a snack for Cyrus or Eli
  6. Endless stairs
  7. The state park we stayed at
  8. Appa's nightly nemesis
  9. Something else you can cook over a fire
  10. Your moms biggest fear and greatest obsession
  1. Things to stack in trees
  2. Sandy place to run down
  3. A team based word game
  4. Oval leafed tree on the lot
  5. A spooky spot
  6. Lobe leafed tree on the lot
  7. Needle leafed tree on the lot
  8. A use for a spatch
  9. Not quite a waterfall
  10. Crown of stars in the sky
  11. Something Leandra would never ever do
  12. Something you can cook over a fire

22 Clues: A spooky spotEndless stairsTara's obsessionA use for a spatchNot quite a waterfallA team based word gameAppa's nightly nemesisSandy place to run downThings to stack in treesa snack for Cyrus or EliCrown of stars in the skyOval leafed tree on the lotLobe leafed tree on the lotThe state park we stayed atNeedle leafed tree on the lot...

Camping 2020-09-21

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. tent on wheels
  2. get over rocks
  3. cook food over it
  4. tow behind car
  5. strong string for tent
  6. lights up night sky
  7. quiet animal in woods
  8. biting bug
  9. keep skin from burning
  10. brighten your path with this
  11. which way to go
  12. how to find your way
  13. slim boat
  14. leader of campground
  15. look thru to see far away
  16. sharp utensil
  17. where food is stored
  18. travel on trails
  19. start a fire with this
  20. light fire
  21. place to sleep
  1. sticky treats
  2. tall landscapes
  3. trees are in the
  4. a path in the woods
  5. big hungry animal
  6. cut down for firewood
  7. masked anmial
  8. catch food in lake
  9. tasty treat
  10. hang between trees
  11. meal on blanket
  12. bright in night sky
  13. lights up the table
  14. big body of water
  15. put your stuff in for hike
  16. split small wood with this
  17. light small boat

38 Clues: slim boatbiting buglight firetasty treatsticky treatsmasked anmialsharp utensiltent on wheelsget over rockstow behind carplace to sleeptall landscapeswhich way to gomeal on blankettrees are in thetravel on trailslight small boatcook food over itbig hungry animalbig body of watercatch food in lakehang between treesa path in the woods...

Camping 2023-06-06

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. it will tell you what direction you are going
  2. you can make these over the fire, so yummy!
  3. don't forget this or sleeping in your tent won't be very comfortable
  4. you can make this if you get really cold
  5. if you want to go swimming in the lake you will need this
  6. the sun always rises in the
  7. you need this to sleep in while your camping
  8. if you ever get lost in the woods, this will help find your way back if you know your directions
  1. you can never have enough of these, they will safe you if your flashlight stops working
  2. be sure to tie your food really high in a tree to avoid this animal eating it
  3. sometimes we sit around the fire and sing
  4. you should bring this incase you need to go to the bathroom during the night
  5. an activity for the family experience life in the wild
  6. the sun always sets in the
  7. two people work together to move the ... across the lake
  8. be sure to bring many gallons of this to stay hydrated
  9. don't leave your garbage on the floor when you leave the camp grounds, that's ...!
  10. this will protect you from mosquito bites.
  11. need this to protect your head from the sun
  12. need this to protect your skin for the sun

20 Clues: the sun always sets in thethe sun always rises in theyou can make this if you get really coldsometimes we sit around the fire and singthis will protect you from mosquito bites.need this to protect your skin for the sunyou can make these over the fire, so yummy!need this to protect your head from the sunyou need this to sleep in while your camping...

Camping 2024-05-20

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Cut things... a lot of things
  2. Light it up!
  3. A stick for cooking
  4. Did you hurt yourself? you will need this
  5. Needs fire, wood, meat or vegetables
  6. They really hurt when you first wear them but you need them to explore the trails
  7. sleep like pancakes
  8. Who is going to pitch this thing?
  9. Tie it up, Tie it down, hold is together, or tug of war!
  10. wooden house
  11. Chop wood with this thing
  1. Fill it up, put it on. You can't see when you wear it, but you can feel it
  2. If there is no bed, you can sleep in a
  3. On the river or in a lake, no swimming required
  4. Are you lost and you have no map? Use this instead
  5. Legendary and classic Stanley; Not just a cup
  6. Bring toilet paper and don't fall in the hole
  7. Where can I keep the ice?
  8. If its in the UK, it could be electric. In the USA it is always with fire
  9. Nuts, Berries, Chocolate and anything else you like

20 Clues: Light it up!wooden houseA stick for cookingsleep like pancakesWhere can I keep the ice?Chop wood with this thingCut things... a lot of thingsWho is going to pitch this thing?Needs fire, wood, meat or vegetablesIf there is no bed, you can sleep in aDid you hurt yourself? you will need thisLegendary and classic Stanley; Not just a cup...

Camping 2013-08-20

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. What campers gather around to get warm, sing + chat, also to cook meals
  2. A fuel used for camp stoves and lanterns
  3. A cast iron cooking pot that you cook with outdoors over charcoal.
  4. It simply means that you should clean up your campsite before you leave
  5. A place where kids go to enjoy supervised recreation
  6. An insulating cushion used beneath a sleeping bag
  7. A meal that is wrapped in foil and cooked or reheated on a grill or next to a campfire
  8. a condition where your body loses more heat than its produces
  9. An electronic device known as a global positioning unit that uses satellite triangulation to determine your longitude and latitude.
  10. helps you to see better at night
  11. What to do before you leave the campground
  12. What to expect when you arrive at the campground
  13. a spray or lotion that you apply to your skin or clothes to keep mosquitos and other bugs from biting you
  1. A portable light with one or two mantels that are fueled by propane or some other fuel
  2. Obnoxious plants that can cause a nasty skin rash
  3. The ability to resist, but not completely repel, water
  4. Used to cook meals on an outside grill
  5. Excessive loss of water from the body
  6. An iron ring with a grate used to contain campfires
  7. Hiking into the backcountry with all of your gear on your back
  8. A hooded water-repelling garment used for a raincoat
  9. A campfire treat made by placing a piece of chocolate and a roasted marshmallow between two graham crackers
  10. a severe form of heat illness caused by excessive heat dehydration
  11. a coffee can used to boil water or cook food over a campfire
  12. cuts up things and a weapon if needed

25 Clues: helps you to see better at nightExcessive loss of water from the bodycuts up things and a weapon if neededUsed to cook meals on an outside grillA fuel used for camp stoves and lanternsWhat to do before you leave the campgroundWhat to expect when you arrive at the campgroundObnoxious plants that can cause a nasty skin rash...

Camping 2015-08-06

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Essential for boiling water
  2. Wear it on your back
  3. Bed covering on the floor?
  4. Snuggle into this at night
  5. Fuel for the stove
  6. Great place for a sing-a-long
  7. Where cows live
  8. Glorious for pigs!
  1. Keeps you warm
  2. Helps you see in the dark
  3. Cooking on gas!
  4. You can also hang your washing out with these
  5. Canvas caravan!
  6. Wet weather footwear
  7. What comes from cows?
  8. Camping crockery
  9. Make sure these are attached or you'll blow away!
  10. Shed on wheels!
  11. Blow-up comfort on the floor
  12. Body fuel/sustenance

20 Clues: Keeps you warmCooking on gas!Canvas caravan!Shed on wheels!Where cows liveCamping crockeryFuel for the stoveGlorious for pigs!Wear it on your backWet weather footwearBody fuel/sustenanceWhat comes from cows?Helps you see in the darkBed covering on the floor?Snuggle into this at nightEssential for boiling waterBlow-up comfort on the floor...

Camping 2022-08-30

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. phosphorous sticks
  2. a spiky rodent
  3. colorful and graceful insect
  4. involves a blanket and a basket
  5. optical instrument for gazing
  6. active at night
  7. a fishing lure
  8. a camping light source
  9. a fishing net
  1. searching, scavenging for food
  2. a refreshing red fruit
  3. shoot a distress signal
  4. a water sport
  5. a large rock
  6. sport consisting of a bow and arrow
  7. keeps coffee hot
  8. animal droppings
  9. camping heat source
  10. a loop trap
  11. observing the celestials

20 Clues: a loop trapa large rocka water sporta fishing neta spiky rodenta fishing lureactive at nightkeeps coffee hotanimal droppingsphosphorous stickscamping heat sourcea refreshing red fruita camping light sourceshoot a distress signalobserving the celestialscolorful and graceful insectoptical instrument for gazingsearching, scavenging for food...

CAMPING 2021-05-28

CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. You wear them to walk.
  2. A small rock.
  3. You keep liquids inside.
  4. A kind of bag.
  5. It helps you cross over a river.
  6. A tree cut in pieces to make fire.
  7. You can pick this in the forest. Be careful! Some are poisonous!
  8. It's hot. You can sit around it and eat sausages or tell stories.
  9. A big stone.
  10. A small river.
  11. A tool to see in the dark.
  12. Yummy! You put it in a hot dog.
  1. A place to sleep when you go camping.
  2. The mark of your foot on the ground.
  3. A tool you use to fish.
  4. A night animal. It flies and it's a mammal.
  5. It's an animal. It lives in the forest and it's a mammal.
  6. A big plant with a trunk and leaves.
  7. When you walk and find new places.
  8. When you move your feet one after the other.
  9. A place full of trees.
  10. A hole on a mountain. It can have tunnels and chambers.
  11. You use it sleep in a tent.
  12. You can _______ in the stream.

24 Clues: A big stone.A small rock.A kind of bag.A small river.You wear them to walk.A place full of trees.A tool you use to fish.You keep liquids inside.A tool to see in the dark.You use it sleep in a tent.You can _______ in the stream.Yummy! You put it in a hot dog.It helps you cross over a river.When you walk and find new places....

Camping 2022-08-08

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. If you don't like to tent you go in this
  2. Play this a lot when your bored
  3. Need this to cut things down with
  4. Dry off with this
  5. This is where you put your cold stuff in
  6. You can eat this off of bushes
  7. Take pictures with this.
  8. This holds all of your gear.
  9. To put on your boo-boos
  10. You are in this as kid to learn to camp.
  11. Need this to cut things
  12. This lights up the way at night
  13. You go out and do this to know your area
  14. Collect these to make a fire
  15. Cold adult beverage
  16. Use this to keep you from getting cold
  17. You use this to tie things with
  18. Explore this undergrounds
  19. Creepy crawly in nature.
  20. You catch this, then eat it.
  21. Sleep in this. Tie between two trees
  22. Blue fabric protects you from rain.
  23. Use this to wipe your sweat off
  24. Shoes you wear on a hike.
  25. These howl at night
  26. They climb trees, and eat acorns
  1. You make fires using this
  2. These are pest that bite and make you itch
  3. This tells you weather and music.
  4. Small light for night use
  5. Eat on this
  6. You climb over these to hike
  7. Dessert famous for making over fire
  8. Structure you build while camping to sleep
  9. You always start this first thing in wild
  10. This animal will dig in your trash at night
  11. Apply this so you don't burn\
  12. You drink from this
  13. Use this so you don't get lost
  14. Use this to catch fish.
  15. This is tool needed to cook on
  16. Animal that slithers and bites.
  17. Your supply item for fishing
  18. Wear this in water
  19. Beware of these when your on a trail.
  20. These will sting you
  21. Need these to sit in
  22. A circle tool you use to help navigate
  23. You have to have this for a fire.
  24. Wear this on your head to keep sun off
  25. Activity you do in the mountains.
  26. You go out on the water with this

52 Clues: Eat on thisDry off with thisWear this in waterYou drink from thisCold adult beverageThese howl at nightThese will sting youNeed these to sit inTo put on your boo-boosUse this to catch fish.Need this to cut thingsTake pictures with this.Creepy crawly in nature.You make fires using thisSmall light for night useExplore this undergrounds...

Camping 2023-05-21

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Remember to put me out before you leave
  2. I help you find where you're going
  3. I'm crunchy, gooey, and chocolatey
  4. I like flowers
  5. I can be a grizzly
  6. You might eat me for dinner
  7. You need me in your boat
  8. You need me to keep the bugs away
  9. Catch me for dinner
  1. I store your stuff
  2. bag You sleep in me
  3. someone who likes to camp
  4. I help you see things far away
  5. I help catch fish and butterflies
  6. I'm tall and provide homes for animals
  7. I'm a paper to help you find where your going
  8. I'm a wise bird
  9. I'll help you find things in the dark
  10. You can hide behind me
  11. I'm a sneaky creature

20 Clues: I like flowersI'm a wise birdI store your stuffI can be a grizzlyCatch me for dinnerbag You sleep in meI'm a sneaky creatureYou can hide behind meYou need me in your boatsomeone who likes to campYou might eat me for dinnerI help you see things far awayI help catch fish and butterfliesYou need me to keep the bugs away...

camping 2023-09-04

camping crossword puzzle
  1. Multiverktyg i metall
  2. För mörka nätter och dunkla tält
  3. Camping för den bekväme
  4. Ditt andra par fötter
  5. Skydd mot skogens minsta rovdjur
  6. Analog GPS
  7. Där träd står tätt och äventyr väntar
  8. När naturen blir ditt vardagsrum
  9. Ditt mobila hem när du vandrar
  10. För att brittsommar inte alltid håller vad den lovar
  11. Där tältstänger blir dina närmaste grannar
  1. Där civilisationens regler inte gäller
  2. Skyddar mot väder när du sover under stjärnorna
  3. En liten träbit med stor effekt i rätt sammanhang
  4. Den pekar alltid mot norr, för det mesta
  5. Perfekt plats för en morgondopp
  6. Håller ditt kaffe varmt och din läsk kall
  7. Där sagor berättas under stjärnorna
  8. Din bästa vän när temperaturen sjunker
  9. För den som föredrar kol över öppen eld

20 Clues: Analog GPSMultiverktyg i metallDitt andra par fötterCamping för den bekvämeDitt mobila hem när du vandrarPerfekt plats för en morgondoppFör mörka nätter och dunkla tältSkydd mot skogens minsta rovdjurNär naturen blir ditt vardagsrumDär sagor berättas under stjärnornaDär träd står tätt och äventyr väntarDär civilisationens regler inte gäller...

Camping 2024-08-23

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. (4)
  2. (13)
  3. (20)
  4. (5)
  5. (9)
  6. (12)
  7. (14)
  8. (10)
  9. (15)
  10. (30)
  11. (1)
  1. (29)
  2. (28)
  3. (8)
  4. (27)
  5. (3)
  6. (8)
  7. (7)
  8. (24)
  9. (11)
  10. (6)
  11. (26)
  12. (19)
  13. (16)

24 Clues: (8)(4)(3)(5)(8)(7)(9)(6)(1)(29)(28)(27)(13)(20)(24)(11)(12)(26)(19)(14)(10)(15)(16)(30)

Camping 2025-01-30

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A soft fluffy treat often roasted over a fire.
  2. A path in nature for walking or hiking.
  3. A tool that shows direction using a magnetic needle.
  4. Something you build from logs for warmth and cooking.
  5. A small shelter made of fabric for sleeping outdoors.
  6. A tool that helps you see things far away.
  7. Walking on trails
  8. Logs or sticks used to keep a fire burning.
  9. A place where people set up tents or park RVs.
  1. A bag worn on your back to carry camping gear.
  2. A small handheld light powered by batteries.
  3. A strong cord used for tying or securing things.
  4. A tasty treat made of graham crackers and marshmallows
  5. A paper or digital guide that shows locations and trails.
  6. A warm padded bag for sleeping outdoors.
  7. Animals that live in nature
  8. A large area filled with trees and wildlife.
  9. Another word for a small forest.
  10. A flowing body of water that leads to a lake or ocean.
  11. A portable light often used at night while camping.

20 Clues: Walking on trailsAnimals that live in natureAnother word for a small forest.A path in nature for walking or hiking.A warm padded bag for sleeping outdoors.A tool that helps you see things far away.Logs or sticks used to keep a fire burning.A small handheld light powered by batteries.A large area filled with trees and wildlife....

Camping 2021-03-18

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. flashlight that attaches to your head
  2. essential for boiling water
  3. activity where you walk through the woods
  4. the month we have a trip planned for this year
  5. fuel for the stove
  6. what Emily is afraid of
  7. kyle’s favourite drink
  8. something we stare at
  9. the best part of camping
  10. snuggle into this at night
  11. device to blow into when lost
  12. wear it on your back
  13. the best vehicle
  14. kyle's favourite activity at the beach
  15. keeps food and drinks cold
  16. emily loves to look up at these
  1. the worst part of our drive to Oastler
  2. a good investment we made at Oastler
  3. one of the best snacks
  4. marshmallow+chocolate+graham cracker
  5. used to keep our tent in place
  6. the best body of water to camp on
  7. the first place we camped
  8. used to cut wood
  9. what we hear in the morning
  10. what kept emily up at Oastler Lake
  11. the first meal we eat when camping
  12. the place we got rained on a lot
  13. the campsite with the best view
  14. emily’s favourite thing to lay in

30 Clues: used to cut woodthe best vehiclefuel for the stovewear it on your backsomething we stare atone of the best snackskyle’s favourite drinkwhat Emily is afraid ofthe best part of campingthe first place we campedsnuggle into this at nightkeeps food and drinks coldessential for boiling waterwhat we hear in the morningdevice to blow into when lost...

Camping 2021-09-16

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. what you paddle with in a canoe
  2. live _______
  3. what keeps you warm when eating
  4. it may shine brightly if it's not blanketed by the clouds at night
  5. a piece of paper that guides you around
  6. something that bites and makes you itchy
  7. a sandwich biscuit with marshmallows and chocolate in it
  8. something you must wear if you're going boating
  9. something that pins your tent to the ground
  10. it will turn if you turn and it points north
  11. chocolate something commonly drunk at a campfire
  12. something that may block the sight of the sky
  13. how you move in a boat
  14. where you might go camping
  15. something you may carry around with stuff inside it
  16. something that shines brightly in the day
  17. you sleep in this
  1. they twinkle brightly as well
  2. you are camping ________
  3. something to keep your liquids in
  4. something to keep the pests away
  5. it secures the tent
  6. what may wander around in the woods
  7. a boat that you may take to go on a lake
  8. what people commonly eat on a stick
  9. something you sleep in at night/ it's like a worm
  10. what you might bring so you'd be able to see
  11. what is all around you at the camp site
  12. how you move
  13. something that might crawl around you

30 Clues: live _______how you moveyou sleep in thisit secures the tenthow you move in a boatyou are camping ________where you might go campingthey twinkle brightly as wellwhat you paddle with in a canoewhat keeps you warm when eatingsomething to keep the pests awaysomething to keep your liquids inwhat may wander around in the woods...

Camping 2013-05-09

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. carried on your back and filled with your supplies
  2. Paper guid telling you where to go
  3. Worn on your feet for hiking and protection
  4. a collection of safty and treatment supplies
  5. a famous nature and camping park
  6. zip up blanket for sleeping
  7. trails walking paths in the woods
  8. Small ax
  9. Tall and green they make up the woods
  10. Looking toward the night sky
  11. a fun and exciting journey or experience
  12. A group of four legged wilderness animals
  13. mobile light you carry
  14. Tasty treat Cracker, marshmellow and chocolate
  15. applied on skin to repel bugs
  1. placed on your head for protection
  2. burning wood for warmth
  3. Young Men who enjoy outdoors and earn merrit badges
  4. Battery powered handheld light
  5. weatherproof enclosure for sleeping
  6. air tight container to keep your food and drink cold
  7. Worn to protect from drowding
  8. Scary storries told around the camp fire
  9. Electronic comunications device

24 Clues: Small axmobile light you carryburning wood for warmthzip up blanket for sleepingLooking toward the night skyWorn to protect from drowdingapplied on skin to repel bugsBattery powered handheld lightElectronic comunications devicea famous nature and camping parktrails walking paths in the woodsplaced on your head for protection...

Camping 2024-01-22

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. suv/truck
  2. to observe
  3. discount
  4. guide
  5. to light/make a fire/turn on
  6. to enjoy/have fun
  7. to climb mountains
  8. outdoors
  9. to row
  10. match
  11. kayak
  12. to save
  13. fare
  1. pot
  2. tent
  3. water bottle/canteen
  4. to follow
  5. to put up
  6. equipment
  7. to go into
  8. to use
  9. gas stove
  10. to get/find
  11. to navegate
  12. to offer
  13. to fill up
  14. campfire
  15. sleeping bag

28 Clues: pottentfareguidematchkayakto useto rowto savediscountto offeroutdoorscampfiresuv/truckto followto put upequipmentgas stoveto observeto go intoto fill upto get/findto navegatesleeping bagto enjoy/have funto climb mountainswater bottle/canteento light/make a fire/turn on

Camping 2023-05-05

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. used to pull a camper
  2. place you stay at
  3. animal that comes mainly at night
  4. natural flowing body of water
  5. a breakfast food
  6. thing you relax in
  7. a type of water activity
  8. thing you use when it gets dark
  9. Watch Out for this animal!
  10. any creature is considered...
  1. good for looking in the distance
  2. bright object in the sky
  3. food commonly cooked over fire
  4. home away from home
  5. use this to navigate
  6. you drink from this
  7. this keeps you warm
  8. type of sweet treat
  9. something you walk on for nature
  10. a long small insect

20 Clues: a breakfast foodplace you stay atthing you relax inhome away from homeyou drink from thisthis keeps you warmtype of sweet treata long small insectuse this to navigateused to pull a camperbright object in the skya type of water activityWatch Out for this animal!natural flowing body of waterany creature is commonly cooked over fire...

camping 2014-02-13

camping crossword puzzle
  1. ветер
  2. справляться
  3. иначе
  4. суровый
  5. простудиться
  6. погодные условия
  7. поездка
  8. снаружи
  9. иметь ввиду/значить
  10. кстати
  1. прогноз погоды
  2. уверен
  3. беспокоиться о
  4. болеть
  5. предполагать
  6. вызов/испытание
  7. испытывать
  8. точно/определенно
  9. палатка
  10. отдельный
  11. тяжелый

21 Clues: ветериначеуверенболетькстатисуровыйпалаткапоездкаснаружитяжелыйотдельныйиспытыватьсправлятьсяпредполагатьпростудитьсяпрогноз погодыбеспокоиться овызов/испытаниепогодные условияточно/определенноиметь ввиду/значить

Camping 2015-08-06

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Glorious for pigs!
  2. Great place for a sing-a-long
  3. You can also hang your washing out with these
  4. Camping crockery
  5. Snuggle into this at night
  6. Bed covering on the floor?
  7. Helps you see in the dark
  8. Blow-up comfort on the floor
  9. Keeps you warm
  10. Where cows live
  1. Make sure these are attached or you'll blow away!
  2. Shed on wheels!
  3. What comes from cows?
  4. Cooking on gas!
  5. Fuel for the stove
  6. Wear it on your back
  7. Canvas caravan!
  8. Wet weather footwear
  9. Essential for boiling water
  10. Body fuel/sustenance

20 Clues: Keeps you warmShed on wheels!Cooking on gas!Canvas caravan!Where cows liveCamping crockeryGlorious for pigs!Fuel for the stoveWear it on your backWet weather footwearBody fuel/sustenanceWhat comes from cows?Helps you see in the darkSnuggle into this at nightBed covering on the floor?Essential for boiling waterBlow-up comfort on the floor...

Camping 2019-10-12

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. An animal with fins and gills that lives wholly in water.
  2. Birds that spend much of their time in the water.
  3. A tool used to drive nails or stakes.
  4. A body of water surrounded by land.
  5. Patagonia Lake _ Park.
  6. A midday meal.
  7. Unpaved paths you follow through the wilderness.
  8. A padded roll used for warmth in the outdoors.
  9. A piece of food used to entice prey into being captured.
  10. To stumble, slip or fall.
  11. A liquid necessary for the life of most plants and animals.
  1. A battery-operated torch.
  2. A lotion used to prevent burns.
  3. Temporary shelter from the elements.
  4. Grandma likes to do _ Puzzles!
  5. A structure used to connect two sides of a gap or waterway.
  6. To keep away from or steer clear of.
  7. A person who takes care of a piece of land or a park.
  8. A stretch of sand sloping down to the ocean or lake.
  9. A vehicle used on the water.

20 Clues: A midday meal.Patagonia Lake _ Park.A battery-operated torch.To stumble, slip or fall.A vehicle used on the water.Grandma likes to do _ Puzzles!A lotion used to prevent burns.A body of water surrounded by land.Temporary shelter from the elements.To keep away from or steer clear of.A tool used to drive nails or stakes....

CAMPING 2021-02-08

CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. śpiwór
  2. pasta do zębów
  3. miś
  4. szczoteczka do zębów
  5. mata
  6. ręcznik
  7. poduszka
  8. nóż
  9. książka
  10. kostium kąpielowy
  11. kąpielówki
  12. plecak
  1. namiot
  2. siekiera
  3. mydło
  4. latarka
  5. piżama
  6. krem do opalania
  7. grzebień
  8. okulary przeciwsłoneczne
  9. śpiwór
  10. koc
  11. szczotka

23 Clues: miśkocnóżmatamydłonamiotśpiwórpiżamaśpiwórplecaklatarkaręcznikksiążkasiekieragrzebieńpoduszkaszczotkakąpielówkipasta do zębówkrem do opalaniakostium kąpielowyszczoteczka do zębówokulary przeciwsłoneczne

Camping 2020-10-23

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. need this to protect your head from the sun
  2. you can make this if you get really cold
  3. be sure to bring many gallons of this to stay hydrated
  4. if you ever get lost in the woods, this will help find your way back if you know your directions
  5. it will tell you what direction you are going
  6. you can make these over the fire, so yummy!
  7. you should bring extra of these so you don't get cold if you get wet
  8. if you want to go for long walks in the woods or go for a hike you will need these on your feet
  9. the sun always sets in the
  10. an activity for the family experience life in the wild
  11. you should bring this incase you need to go to the bathroom during the night
  12. be sure to tie your food really high in a tree to avoid this animal eating it
  1. this will protect you from mosquito bites.
  2. sometimes we sit around the fire and sing
  3. you need this to sleep in while your camping
  4. two people work together to move the ... across the lake
  5. don't forget this or sleeping in your tent won't be very comfortable
  6. need this to protect your skin for the sun
  7. you can never have enough of these, they will safe you if your flashlight stops working
  8. if you want to go swimming in the lake you will need this
  9. the sun always rises in the
  10. don't leave your garbage on the floor when you leave the camp grounds, that's ...!

22 Clues: the sun always sets in thethe sun always rises in theyou can make this if you get really coldsometimes we sit around the fire and singthis will protect you from mosquito bites.need this to protect your skin for the sunneed this to protect your head from the sunyou can make these over the fire, so yummy!you need this to sleep in while your camping...

Camping 2021-09-07

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. wu
  2. nope
  3. mouse
  4. kai
  5. hello
  6. bye
  7. tablet
  8. lloyd
  9. nya
  10. arm
  11. punk
  1. welcome
  2. eye
  3. hobbit
  4. toilet
  5. short
  6. key
  7. eyezor
  8. mum
  9. paper
  10. long
  11. dad

22 Clues: wueyekaikeybyemumdadnyaarmnopelongpunkmouseshorthellopaperlloydhobbittoileteyezortabletwelcome

Camping 2024-04-25

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. What you do in a lake or pool
  2. large bag used to carry your gear
  3. helps us see at night
  4. lotion that helps to protect you from the sun
  5. large piece of printed paper that helps you find your way
  6. transportation used to cross lakes and rivers
  7. walking through the woods or other terrain
  8. activity with a bow and arrow
  9. used to keep a tent in place
  10. special coat without sleeves that can help protect you from the rain
  11. keeps you warm when you sleep 2 words
  12. cooking pot that can be used to make cobbler 2 words
  13. special shoes used when walking through the woods 2 words
  14. trails from one lake to another
  1. device used to find north
  2. marshmallow chocolate crackers together
  3. trying to entice water creatures
  4. Device you blow into if you are lost
  5. used to fetch water
  6. cooking grate used over an open fire
  7. Used to cut large pieces of wood
  8. burning wood at the end of the night
  9. keeps the bugs away 2 words
  10. black fuel used to cook with
  11. clothing that protects your head
  12. device that can use propane to cook food
  13. small axe
  14. shelter for your cooking area
  15. keeps you dry when sleeping while camping
  16. flashlight that attaches around your head

30 Clues: small axeused to fetch waterhelps us see at nightdevice used to find northkeeps the bugs away 2 wordsblack fuel used to cook withused to keep a tent in placeWhat you do in a lake or poolactivity with a bow and arrowshelter for your cooking areatrails from one lake to anothertrying to entice water creaturesUsed to cut large pieces of wood...

Camping Types 2023-09-07

Camping Types crossword puzzle
  1. Hiking and camping with a backpack.
  2. Camping Camping by the seaside.
  3. Camping Camping during a bike trip.
  4. Camping Camping in snowy and cold conditions.
  5. Camping Camping near your vehicle.
  6. Camping Camping in remote, natural areas.
  7. Camping Camping with minimal gear for survival.
  1. Camping Camping with a large group of friends.
  2. Camping Camping with the whole family.
  3. Camping with luxury and comfort.
  4. Camping Camping in a hammock instead of a tent.
  5. Camping Camping while canoeing or kayaking.
  6. Camping Camping in a recreational vehicle.
  7. Camping Sleeping outdoors in a tent.
  8. Camping Camping alone for solitude.

15 Clues: Camping Camping by the seaside.Camping with luxury and comfort.Camping Camping near your vehicle.Hiking and camping with a backpack.Camping Camping during a bike trip.Camping Camping alone for solitude.Camping Sleeping outdoors in a tent.Camping Camping with the whole family.Camping Camping in remote, natural areas....

Camping 2022-06-16

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. cuidadosamente
  2. luna
  3. acampar
  4. cerca
  5. peligrosamente
  6. lentamente o despacio
  7. cruzar
  8. remando
  9. ciclismo de montaña
  1. turistas
  2. trepar
  3. rapidamente
  4. silenciosamente
  5. ruidosamente
  6. montar a caballo
  7. ir en canoa
  8. ahora
  9. esnorkelin
  10. aqui
  11. navegando
  12. senderismo
  13. debil

22 Clues: lunaaquicercaahoradebiltreparcruzaracamparremandoturistasnavegandoesnorkelinsenderismorapidamenteir en canoaruidosamentecuidadosamentepeligrosamentesilenciosamentemontar a caballociclismo de montañalentamente o despacio

Camping 2022-05-27

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Paper guide
  2. Stretch of land sloping down to the ocean or lake
  3. Temporary shelter from the elements
  4. Body of water surrounded by land
  5. Requires two trees to use
  6. Lotion used to prevent burns
  7. Padded roll you use for warmth in the outdoors (2 wds)
  8. Tool used for navigation
  9. Activity where you walk through the woods
  1. Fuel used for camp stoves and lanterns
  2. Vehicle you row across a body of water
  3. Searching for food in the forest
  4. Unpaved paths you follow through the wilderness
  5. Person who takes care of a piece of land or a park
  6. Campfire treat
  7. National park in California named after the trees that grow there (2 wds)
  8. Catching food from a body of water
  9. Structure used to connect two sides of a gap or waterway
  10. Used to carry things while hiking
  11. Fire remains

20 Clues: Paper guideFire remainsCampfire treatTool used for navigationRequires two trees to useLotion used to prevent burnsSearching for food in the forestBody of water surrounded by landUsed to carry things while hikingCatching food from a body of waterTemporary shelter from the elementsFuel used for camp stoves and lanterns...

Camping 2022-11-23

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. kompass
  2. tuul
  3. magamiskott
  4. binokkel
  5. seljakott
  6. lärmi tegema
  7. lõket süütama
  8. vajama
  9. pakkima
  1. taskulamp
  2. sääsk
  3. naturaalne, looduslik
  4. grillima, have a ...
  5. segadus
  6. inimtekkeline
  7. kiire, kiiresti
  8. peaaegu
  9. ujuma
  10. vihmamantel
  11. reis

20 Clues: tuulreissääskujumavajamakompasssegaduspeaaegupakkimabinokkeltaskulampseljakottmagamiskottvihmamantellärmi tegemainimtekkelinelõket süütamakiire, kiirestigrillima, have a ...naturaalne, looduslik

Camping 2020-04-26

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Device you blow into if you are lost
  2. What we eat with while camping, 2 words
  3. Activity where you get into a pool
  4. Used to cut large pieces of wood
  5. Activity where people act out something at a campfire
  6. Small Axe
  7. Clothing that keeps you warm
  8. Large bag used to carry your gear
  9. Cooking pot that can be used to make cobbler, 2 words
  10. What keeps us dry while camping
  11. Used to cut rope, 2 words
  12. Chemical that protects you from bugs, 2 words
  13. Helps us see at night
  14. Large piece of printed paper that helps us find where we are
  15. Special shoes used when walking through the woods, 2 words
  1. Flashlight that attaches to a band around your head
  2. Lotion that protects you from the sun
  3. Cooking grate used over open fire
  4. Used to keep us dry when it rains
  5. Large bag used to keep us warm while sleeping, 2 words
  6. Activity where you are trying to catch food in a lake
  7. Clothing that protects your head
  8. Device that uses propane to cook with
  9. Used to keep our tents in place
  10. Burning wood at the end of the night
  11. Shelter for your cooking area
  12. Device used to find North
  13. Black fuel used to cook with
  14. Activity with a bow and arrow
  15. Activity where you walk through the woods

30 Clues: Small AxeHelps us see at nightDevice used to find NorthUsed to cut rope, 2 wordsClothing that keeps you warmBlack fuel used to cook withShelter for your cooking areaActivity with a bow and arrowUsed to keep our tents in placeWhat keeps us dry while campingClothing that protects your headUsed to cut large pieces of wood...

Camping 2017-03-29

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. you can fish in it or in the river
  2. bags we use to carry our clothes and food
  3. boar Big animals that live in the forest and are similar to pigs
  4. Wood that is burnt as fuel
  5. a structure across a river or a road
  6. bag we sleep in it at night in the tent
  7. A small piece of rock found on the ground.
  8. we sleep inside it when we go camping
  9. boots Type of shoes to go trekking
  10. you can make soup with these
  11. there are a lot of them in the forest
  1. an animal that flies at night
  2. food in the form of a cylindrical length of minced pork or other meat
  3. big stone
  4. An open-air fire in a camp
  5. rod a stick used for fishing
  6. The impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surface.
  7. a large area covered with trees
  8. bottle You drink water from it when you are thirsty
  9. we use this to make light at night
  10. Prehistoric humans lived there

21 Clues: big stoneAn open-air fire in a campWood that is burnt as fuelrod a stick used for fishingyou can make soup with thesean animal that flies at nightPrehistoric humans lived therea large area covered with treesyou can fish in it or in the riverwe use this to make light at nighta structure across a river or a roadboots Type of shoes to go trekking...

Camping 2020-07-28

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. An electric torch
  2. Let's find our way back to the ___
  3. Where do you go hiking and camping?
  4. I brought a ___ to make sure I won't get lost
  5. We went for a ___ early in the morning to see the sunrise
  6. To look closely or search for something
  7. I poured some oil into my ___ to light it up
  8. Use ___ to not get bitten by insects
  9. A meal taken outdoors
  10. What is something tall, green and provides shade?
  1. Let's go into the ___ to find some wood
  2. When do you go to sleep?
  3. Small animals that have 6 legs
  4. A short, thin piece of wood to light a fire
  5. Container to keep foods and drinks cool
  6. I set up the ___ to get ready for bed
  7. A tool used to show north, south, east, and west
  8. I went fishing at a ___, and caught some fish
  9. We gathered up lots of ___ to start the campfire
  10. What is the source of hear or warmth?
  11. We set up our tent in the ___
  12. My dad put the sausages on the ___
  13. My ___ is so heavy because of all the cooking equipment
  14. I was very excited to see all the ___ in the forest

24 Clues: An electric torchA meal taken outdoorsWhen do you go to sleep?We set up our tent in the ___Small animals that have 6 legsLet's find our way back to the ___My dad put the sausages on the ___Where do you go hiking and camping?Use ___ to not get bitten by insectsI set up the ___ to get ready for bedWhat is the source of hear or warmth?...

camping 2020-09-15

camping crossword puzzle
  1. a trail you walk for fun
  2. like a zip up blanket
  3. they are fun to play in
  4. a vecale we drive in to get to the camping spot
  5. a small ax like tool
  6. camping would not be complete without it
  7. a hand held lantern like thing
  8. a large pool of water
  9. a tasty camping treat
  10. meal that is enjoying in a bun
  11. a house on wheels
  1. you use this wood to start a fire
  2. you sleep inside it
  3. they keep you warm
  4. a good breakfast
  5. a warm drink you drink in the morning with marshmallows
  6. an animal that lives in Arizona
  7. something that protects you from bugs
  8. small balls of gas in the sky at night
  9. a nice fizzy drink in many flavors

20 Clues: a good breakfasta house on wheelsthey keep you warmyou sleep inside ita small ax like toollike a zip up blanketa large pool of watera tasty camping treatthey are fun to play ina trail you walk for funa hand held lantern like thingmeal that is enjoying in a bunan animal that lives in Arizonayou use this wood to start a fire...

Camping 2023-05-18

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Collect wood to make this
  2. lots of trees, plants and no buildings
  3. use this to know where you are
  4. Wear a good pair for trekking through the bush
  5. Annoying insects
  6. light it for cooking and warmth
  7. a compass always points here
  8. Keeps you warm
  9. More annoying insects!
  10. Useful way to carry things
  11. you can pump it up
  12. protection from the sun
  13. You may like to boil one
  1. Bush bread
  2. Help you see things far away
  3. another Aussie name for food
  4. yummy around the campfire
  5. our amazing country
  6. need this at night
  7. the large areas of desert, bush and forest in Australia
  8. your home away from home!
  9. Never go trekking without this
  10. Use this to always know where north is
  11. another name for hiking

24 Clues: Bush breadKeeps you warmAnnoying insectsneed this at nightyou can pump it upour amazing countryMore annoying insects!another name for hikingprotection from the sunYou may like to boil oneCollect wood to make thisyummy around the campfireyour home away from home!Useful way to carry thingsHelp you see things far awayanother Aussie name for food...

Camping 2017-05-01

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. matk
  2. lõke
  3. selline
  4. teistsugune
  5. päikseprillid
  6. laagrilõke
  7. laager
  8. kompass
  9. põlismets
  10. varustuskomplekt
  11. telk
  1. kummikud
  2. maakoht
  3. veider
  4. vihmamantel
  5. seljakott
  6. kahetsus
  7. ere
  8. lill
  9. lammas
  10. nõuanne

21 Clues: erematklõkelilltelkveiderlaagerlammassellinemaakohtkompassnõuannekummikudkahetsusseljakottpõlismetslaagrilõketeistsugunevihmamantelpäikseprillidvarustuskomplekt

Camping 2015-02-18

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Picking _ up helps keep nature clean and beautiful.
  2. Always take care of Mother _
  3. Some _ bore into trees and can hurt or kill them.
  4. Who knows what types of _ you will see in the forest.
  5. Swimming or fishing in the _ are fun camping activites.
  6. You will need these for hiking.
  7. Don't forget to put on _ while out in the sun.
  8. The _ is made up of many different types of trees.
  9. A Park _ will make sure that you follow the rules.
  10. Sleeping _ is the best part of camping.
  1. Sleeping in a _ will keep you dry and warm.
  2. This part of a tree falls every year.
  3. Some hiking trails near rivers or creeks lead to beautiful _
  4. You must wear a lifejacket when paddling a _.
  5. Always make sure that you do not move _.
  6. During the summer a lot of families go ¬_.
  7. Sometimes you have to climb a _ for the best view.
  8. I like to roast marshmallows over the _.
  9. Tents, cabins and campers will protect you from the _.

19 Clues: Always take care of Mother _You will need these for hiking.This part of a tree falls every year.Sleeping _ is the best part of camping.Always make sure that you do not move _.I like to roast marshmallows over the _.During the summer a lot of families go ¬_.Sleeping in a _ will keep you dry and warm.You must wear a lifejacket when paddling a _....

Camping 2023-10-12

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. The spot you pick to go camping.
  2. A food often eaten when camping.
  3. A camping house.
  4. Told before going to sleep when camping.
  5. A combination of
  6. A portable bed used when camping.
  7. A sweet ride across the open waterway.
  8. A large, thick cloth often slept with when camping.
  1. A dessert often eaten when camping.
  2. A long device used to fish.
  3. What many campers sleep in when camping.
  4. Obviously you couldn’t camp indoors!
  5. A common camping activity.
  6. A light you hold by its stick.
  7. Something bright used to cook food when camping.
  8. Whom most campers take with them when camping.
  9. A light you hold by its handle.
  10. A wonderful sight to see when camping.

18 Clues: A camping house.A combination ofA common camping activity.A long device used to fish.A light you hold by its stick.A light you hold by its handle.The spot you pick to go camping.A food often eaten when camping.A portable bed used when camping.A dessert often eaten when camping.Obviously you couldn’t camp indoors!...

Camping Types 2023-09-07

Camping Types crossword puzzle
  1. Camping Camping near your vehicle for easy access to supplies.
  2. Camping with luxurious amenities and comforts.
  3. Camping Camping in your own backyard for a convenient outdoor experience.
  4. Camping Camping with family members, often in organized campgrounds.
  5. Camping Camping in high-altitude regions, often with challenging terrain.
  6. Camping Traveling and camping in a motorhome or camper van.
  7. Camping Camping in a temporary, fabric shelter called a tent.
  1. Camping Camping with a group of friends or like-minded individuals.
  2. Hiking and camping in remote areas with a backpack.
  3. Camping Camping in cold weather, often with specialized gear.
  4. Camping Setting up camp on a sandy shoreline near the water.
  5. Camping Camping along waterways, using canoes to travel.
  6. Camping Camping in arid, sandy, or barren landscapes.
  7. Camping Camping in wooded areas surrounded by trees.
  8. Camping Camping alone to enjoy solitude and self-reliance.

15 Clues: Camping with luxurious amenities and comforts.Hiking and camping in remote areas with a backpack.Camping Camping in wooded areas surrounded by trees.Camping Camping in arid, sandy, or barren landscapes.Camping Camping along waterways, using canoes to travel.Camping Camping alone to enjoy solitude and self-reliance....

Camping Type 2023-09-05

Camping Type crossword puzzle
  1. Camping Camping with minimal gear and survival skills.
  2. Carrying gear and hiking to remote camping spots.
  3. Camping Camping alone for self-reflection and solitude.
  4. Camping Combining hiking and camping for extended journeys.
  5. Camping Camping in arid and sandy desert landscapes.
  6. Camping Setting up a tent and sleeping outdoors in nature.
  7. Camping Camping from a car with easy access to supplies.
  8. Camping Camping in the high altitudes of mountains.
  1. Camping Traveling and camping in a recreational vehicle (RV).
  2. Camping Camping with family and children for bonding.
  3. Camping Paddling to campsites along rivers and lakes.
  4. Enjoying the outdoors with luxurious amenities and comforts.
  5. Camping Camping amidst trees and in wooded areas.
  6. Camping Camping in snowy and cold winter conditions.
  7. Camping Camping on the sandy shores of a beach.

15 Clues: Camping Camping on the sandy shores of a beach.Carrying gear and hiking to remote camping spots.Camping Camping amidst trees and in wooded areas.Camping Camping in the high altitudes of mountains.Camping Camping in snowy and cold winter conditions.Camping Camping in arid and sandy desert landscapes....

Camping 2014-07-30

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. used for kindling
  2. outdoor delicacy
  3. container for beans
  4. a house on wheels
  5. where one can freshen up outdoors
  6. a curious animal
  7. will light your path
  8. river boat
  1. cooking containers
  2. outdoor shelter
  3. a camping treat
  4. a camper's oven
  5. keeps the rain off your head
  6. summer meal event
  7. "the Great"
  8. cowboy's necessity
  9. night time flyer
  10. American dessert fruit
  11. chops wood

19 Clues: river boatchops wood"the Great"outdoor sheltera camping treata camper's ovenoutdoor delicacynight time flyera curious animalused for kindlinga house on wheelssummer meal eventcooking containerscowboy's necessitycontainer for beanswill light your pathAmerican dessert fruitkeeps the rain off your headwhere one can freshen up outdoors

camping 2023-04-08

camping crossword puzzle
  2. ŠOTOR
  7. ŽLICE
  9. VRV
  5. NOŽI


Camping 2023-09-25

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. fasllar
  2. boron
  3. chashka
  4. chodir
  5. soya
  6. odyol
  7. kempingga bormoq
  8. toshqin
  9. tarelka
  10. kosa
  11. uxlashga halta
  12. boyamoq
  1. kuchliyomgir
  2. qurgoqchilik
  3. suv idishi
  4. harita
  5. sumka
  6. fonar

18 Clues: soyakosaboronodyolsumkafonarchodirharitafasllarchashkatoshqintarelkaboyamoqsuv idishikuchliyomgirqurgoqchilikuxlashga haltakempingga bormoq

Camping 2023-09-25

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. fasllar
  2. boron
  3. chashka
  4. chodir
  5. soya
  6. odyol
  7. kempingga bormoq
  8. toshqin
  9. tarelka
  10. kosa
  11. uxlashga halta
  12. boyamoq
  1. kuchliyomgir
  2. qurgoqchilik
  3. suv idishi
  4. harita
  5. sumka
  6. fonar

18 Clues: soyakosaboronodyolsumkafonarchodirharitafasllarchashkatoshqintarelkaboyamoqsuv idishikuchliyomgirqurgoqchilikuxlashga haltakempingga bormoq

Camping 2023-09-25

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. fasllar
  2. boron
  3. chashka
  4. chodir
  5. soya
  6. odyol
  7. kempingga bormoq
  8. toshqin
  9. tarelka
  10. kosa
  11. uxlashga halta
  12. boyamoq
  1. kuchliyomgir
  2. qurgoqchilik
  3. suv idishi
  4. harita
  5. sumka
  6. fonar

18 Clues: soyakosaboronodyolsumkafonarchodirharitafasllarchashkatoshqintarelkaboyamoqsuv idishikuchliyomgirqurgoqchilikuxlashga haltakempingga bormoq

Camping 2024-09-16

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. helps you fight the mosquitos.
  2. important if you get injured.
  3. helps you to see things far away.
  4. for sleeping above the ground.
  5. use this so that you won't get lost.
  6. for boiling liquids.
  7. use these to light a fire.
  8. for keeping liquids warm.
  1. not as soft as a bed.
  2. somewhere to sleep outdoors.
  3. a good thing to have in the dark.
  4. soft and sticky when warm.
  5. you can put your belongings inside it.
  6. a warm place to gather around.
  7. used for tying knots.
  8. important for when you’re thirsty.
  9. for cutting trees and firewood.
  10. it can point you in the right direction.

18 Clues: for boiling liquids.not as soft as a bed.used for tying knots.for keeping liquids warm.soft and sticky when warm.use these to light a fire.somewhere to sleep outdoors.important if you get injured.helps you fight the mosquitos.a warm place to gather around.for sleeping above the ground.for cutting trees and firewood.a good thing to have in the dark....

camping 2024-08-17

camping crossword puzzle
  1. stove Bếp cắm trại
  2. Kẹo dẻo (thường để nướng trên lửa trại)
  3. Ba lô
  4. Động vật hoang dã
  5. Đi bộ đường dài
  6. Đèn pin
  7. Lửa trại
  8. Nơi trú ẩn
  9. activities Các hoạt động ngoài trời
  1. aid kit Bộ sơ cứu
  2. Bản đồ
  3. gear Dụng cụ cắm trại
  4. pad Tấm lót ngủ
  5. Đèn lồng
  6. bag Túi ngủ
  7. La bàn
  8. Khu cắm trại
  9. Củi đốt
  10. bottle Bình nước
  11. Lều

20 Clues: LềuBa lôBản đồLa bànĐèn pinCủi đốtĐèn lồngLửa trạiNơi trú ẩnbag Túi ngủKhu cắm trạipad Tấm lót ngủĐi bộ đường dàibottle Bình nướcaid kit Bộ sơ cứuĐộng vật hoang dãstove Bếp cắm trạigear Dụng cụ cắm trạiactivities Các hoạt động ngoài trờiKẹo dẻo (thường để nướng trên lửa trại)

CAMPING 2019-10-23

CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. You sleep here when you go camping
  2. You use this to blow you mattress up
  3. You need this to know which way to go
  4. Snakes, insects... are all part of this
  5. You need this to not feel cold when you go camping
  6. You need to do this to eat
  7. You need this to light a fire
  1. You use these to avoid your tent falling
  2. You need this to see in the dark
  3. You need this just in case you cut yourself
  4. Name of the person that goes camping
  5. Place where you go camping
  6. This is similar to walking, but in the forest
  7. Be careful! This is hot
  8. You put all the things you need into this object
  9. There are a lot of these in the sky every night
  10. You use this in the water

17 Clues: Be careful! This is hotYou use this in the waterPlace where you go campingYou need to do this to eatYou need this to light a fireYou need this to see in the darkYou sleep here when you go campingName of the person that goes campingYou use this to blow you mattress upYou need this to know which way to goSnakes, insects... are all part of this...

Camping 2022-08-30

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. keeps coffee hot
  2. phosphorous sticks
  3. shoot a distress signal
  4. a camping light source
  5. a fishing lure
  6. a spiky rodent
  7. a water sport
  8. a large rock
  1. animal droppings
  2. a loop trap
  3. optical instrument for gazing
  4. a refreshing red fruit
  5. observing the celestials
  6. searching, scavenging for food
  7. colorful and graceful insect
  8. camping heat source
  9. sport consisting of a bow and arrow
  10. a fishing net

18 Clues: a loop trapa large rocka fishing neta water sporta fishing lurea spiky rodentanimal droppingskeeps coffee hotphosphorous stickscamping heat sourcea refreshing red fruita camping light sourceshoot a distress signalobserving the celestialscolorful and graceful insectoptical instrument for gazingsearching, scavenging for food...

Camping 2021-09-09

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Nocturnal animal
  2. to frolic
  3. to clamber
  4. float
  5. enjoyment
  6. self-assured
  7. canoe
  8. bounces back
  1. able to coordinate
  2. fire at a campsite
  3. show tenacity
  4. test
  5. scrub
  6. upright
  7. reservoir of water
  8. floating device
  9. getting along with others
  10. No backbone

18 Clues: testscrubfloatcanoeuprightto frolicenjoymentto clamberNo backboneself-assuredbounces backshow tenacityfloating deviceNocturnal animalable to coordinatefire at a campsitereservoir of watergetting along with others

Camping 2023-02-08

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Muchos artistas pintan el ______ hermoso.
  2. Un _____ separa algunos estados.
  3. Otra palabra para pasar
  4. Una persona anda por el ______ en el bosque.
  5. Para no perdernos, necesitamos una _________
  6. Es muy oscuro. Necesito mi _______.
  7. Otra palabra para caminar
  8. Voy a acostarme. Necesito mi ______ de dormir.
  1. El ____ tiene mucha agua para nadar.
  2. El anochecer es muy tarde, pero el amanecer es muy ____
  3. Cuando algo me ______, yo grito.
  4. Sabemos que hay una tormenta cuando oímos el ______
  5. No olvides la tienda de ________
  6. Quiero dar un _________ por el bosque
  7. Escalamos ________
  8. Me gustan las plantas y los animales porque me encanta la ______
  9. En el otoño las hojas van a ______ de los árboles
  10. En la primavera mi esposo tiene que cortar el _____.

18 Clues: Escalamos ________Otra palabra para pasarOtra palabra para caminarCuando algo me ______, yo grito.Un _____ separa algunos estados.No olvides la tienda de ________Es muy oscuro. Necesito mi _______.El ____ tiene mucha agua para nadar.Quiero dar un _________ por el bosqueMuchos artistas pintan el ______ hermoso....

CAMPING 2023-06-05

CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. - Outdoor activity of walking in nature.
  2. - Small boat used for paddling on water.
  3. - The natural world around us.
  4. - Swinging bed often tied between two trees.
  5. - Campfire treat made with chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers.
  6. - Portable shelter used for camping outdoors.
  7. - Outdoor area designated for camping.
  8. - Path for hiking or walking in nature.
  9. - Portable light source for camping in the dark.
  1. - Activity of catching fish with a rod and reel.
  2. - Optical device for seeing things from a distance.
  3. - Outdoor activity of walking in nature.
  4. - Campers gather around this for warmth and cooking.
  5. - Outdoor meal enjoyed during camping or hiking.
  6. - Navigation tool used to find directions.
  7. - Outdoor fire used for cooking and socializing.
  8. - Sweet treat often roasted over a campfire.
  9. bag - Insulated bag for sleeping in during camping trips.
  10. - Bag worn on the back for carrying camping supplies.
  11. - Outdoor area designated for camping.

20 Clues: - The natural world around us.- Outdoor area designated for camping.- Outdoor area designated for camping.- Path for hiking or walking in nature.- Outdoor activity of walking in nature.- Outdoor activity of walking in nature.- Small boat used for paddling on water.- Navigation tool used to find directions....

Camping 2023-04-08

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Good so you don't get sunburn on your head
  2. You can go 2 weeks without it.
  3. Easy to get around on two petal powered wheels
  4. No sunburn with this.
  5. You tie it between two trees.
  6. She's sleeping in her ___.
  7. We can't see without the ____.
  8. You wear it well swimming
  9. You pack your things in it
  10. Protects you from the rain at night.
  1. Helps you keep your balance
  2. None of this,and your teeth will rot.
  3. Use it to fish
  4. ____ isn't about catching fish.
  5. You use it to see, but it's not a lantern.
  6. It's like a fridge,but needs ice.
  7. Similar to a tent with NO walls.

17 Clues: Use it to fishNo sunburn with this.You wear it well swimmingShe's sleeping in her ___.You pack your things in itHelps you keep your balanceYou tie it between two trees.You can go 2 weeks without it.We can't see without the ____.____ isn't about catching fish.Similar to a tent with NO walls.It's like a fridge,but needs ice....

Camping 2023-08-30

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. wear this to protect your head from the sun
  2. this will help you find your way if you get lost
  3. you can make this if you are getting cold
  4. you can make these over the fire, so yummy!
  5. if you want to go for a hike in the woods you should wear these on your feet
  6. you need this to protect your skin from the sun
  7. the sun always sets in the...
  8. the sun always rises in the...
  9. it will tell you what direction you are going
  10. be sure to tie your food really high in a tree to avoid this animal eating it
  1. sometimes we sit around the fire and sing these
  2. be sure to bring many gallons of this to stay hydrated
  3. don't leave your garbage on the ground! Thats called
  4. you can never have enough of these. They help keep your flashlight working
  5. the thing you sleep in when you stay the night in a tent
  6. two people work together to move this across the lake
  7. this will keep the mosquitos away

17 Clues: the sun always sets in the...the sun always rises in the...this will keep the mosquitos awayyou can make this if you are getting coldwear this to protect your head from the sunyou can make these over the fire, so yummy!it will tell you what direction you are goingsometimes we sit around the fire and sing these...

Camping 2021-12-06

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A little house you stay in during your vacation
  2. You can swim in it
  3. A favourite way to cook a meal when camping
  4. At night you might hear it "hooot"
  5. An activity you can do at the lake if you have a rod
  6. The people you can go on vacation with
  7. You see them when you look up at the night sky
  8. This is what you sleep in when camping
  9. The accommodation you put up with poles and pegs
  1. The animals you might see
  2. The area where you pitch your tent
  3. put them on a stick and toast them on the campfire
  4. Graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows
  5. Handy to be able to see your way around at night
  6. You can sit around it together at night and sing some songs
  7. Use it to navigate when hiking
  8. Essential to prevent dehydration

17 Clues: You can swim in itThe animals you might seeUse it to navigate when hikingEssential to prevent dehydrationThe area where you pitch your tentAt night you might hear it "hooot"The people you can go on vacation withThis is what you sleep in when campingA favourite way to cook a meal when campingGraham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows...

Camping 2021-12-06

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A little house you stay in during your vacation
  2. You can swim in it
  3. A favourite way to cook a meal when camping
  4. At night you might hear it "hooot"
  5. An activity you can do at the lake if you have a rod
  6. The people you can go on vacation with
  7. You see them when you look up at the night sky
  8. This is what you sleep in when camping
  9. The accommodation you put up with poles and pegs
  1. The animals you might see
  2. The area where you pitch your tent
  3. put them on a stick and toast them on the campfire
  4. Graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows
  5. Handy to be able to see your way around at night
  6. You can sit around it together at night and sing some songs
  7. Use it to navigate when hiking
  8. Essential to prevent dehydration

17 Clues: You can swim in itThe animals you might seeUse it to navigate when hikingEssential to prevent dehydrationThe area where you pitch your tentAt night you might hear it "hooot"The people you can go on vacation withThis is what you sleep in when campingA favourite way to cook a meal when campingGraham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows...

Camping 2018-06-19

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. cooler cooler
  2. first aid kit
  3. sun screen
  4. fire wood
  5. marshmallows
  6. insect repellent
  7. flash light
  1. air mattress
  2. hot dogs
  3. chair chair
  4. pillow
  5. roasting stick
  6. matches matches
  7. sleeping bag
  8. tent tent
  9. lantern lanterb

16 Clues: pillowhot dogsfire woodtent tentsun screenchair chairflash lightair mattressmarshmallowssleeping bagcooler coolerfirst aid kitroasting stickmatches matcheslantern lanterbinsect repellent

Camping 2021-06-08

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. used to catch fish
  2. foldable place to sleep
  3. much bigger than a pond
  4. small boat for a lake
  5. zip up to stay snug and warm
  6. making music together
  7. battery operated light
  8. counting constellations
  1. pesky little biters
  2. portable lamp
  3. campfire treat
  4. taking a mountain walk
  5. stones placed in a circle
  6. portable place to sleep
  7. something to attract fish
  8. much smaller than a river

16 Clues: portable lampcampfire treatused to catch fishpesky little biterssmall boat for a lakemaking music togethertaking a mountain walkbattery operated lightfoldable place to sleepmuch bigger than a pondportable place to sleepcounting constellationsstones placed in a circlesomething to attract fishmuch smaller than a riverzip up to stay snug and warm

Camping 2023-07-14

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A bag worn on the back for carrying camping essentials.
  2. The natural world and its elements, including plants, animals, and landscapes.
  3. A portable light source used for illuminating the campsite at night.
  4. Bag A portable insulated bag for sleeping in during camping trips.
  5. Exciting and daring experiences, like those encountered during camping trips.
  6. A portable shelter made of fabric and poles.
  7. Preparing meals over a campfire using pots, pans, or skewers.
  8. Trying to catch fish using a fishing rod, line, and bait.
  9. Animals and plants living in their natural habitats.
  1. A designated area with facilities for camping, such as toilets and picnic tables.
  2. An outdoor fire used for cooking, warmth, and socializing.
  3. A soft, sweet treat often roasted over a campfire.
  4. Singing songs around the campfire for entertainment and to create a fun atmosphere.
  5. A marked path or route for hiking or walking in nature.
  6. A designated area where people can set up their tents and camp.
  7. Walking in nature for enjoyment and exploration.

16 Clues: A portable shelter made of fabric and poles.Walking in nature for enjoyment and exploration.A soft, sweet treat often roasted over a campfire.Animals and plants living in their natural habitats.A marked path or route for hiking or walking in nature.A bag worn on the back for carrying camping essentials....

Dropbox Intern Puzzle 2022 2022-06-01

Dropbox Intern Puzzle 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. Hadoop Distributed File System
  2. SJC, IAD, HHN, DCA, but networks. Won't see them out in the woods.
  3. good spot for camping, and 2019 initiative to change the price/add features to Plus program
  4. Type of deployment where you deploy to small demographic
  5. A good place to buy camping gear!
  6. Something to be concerned about while camping, and can be combined with _ for queries
  7. Maybe not while camping, but might see it in a field. Can be combined with _
  8. Another word for a sleeping mat
  9. Networking? Or something to mind while hiking
  10. Something to be concerned about while camping
  11. A rarity to see while camping, and is made of chrome in house
  12. Next gen metaserver! And stay on track
  13. Perhaps a camping adventure? Also powers browse
  14. Something to be concerned about while camping?
  15. A good place for camping, or making sharing easier with Dropbox
  16. Similar to this?
  17. "____! ship it!"
  1. 2014 macOS
  2. Hope you have your tarps on the tents!
  3. Combined with _ an old name for Dropbox Paper
  4. Probably don't want to see one while camping, and an initiative to improve web stack perf
  5. Illuminate the studio interiors, or a guide for an object in the clue of ___
  6. A tasty update tool for our internal iOS versions
  7. What you are, and a potential downer while camping
  8. A cross for better camping
  9. Might be nice to sleep under while camping. In house, there are three of them - local, remote, sync
  10. Could see it camping, and perhaps Potter could have understood it?
  11. Stay hot! Or cold
  12. Supporting our production environment, but might not be the best place to camp

29 Clues: 2014 macOSSimilar to this?"____! ship it!"Stay hot! Or coldA cross for better campingHadoop Distributed File SystemAnother word for a sleeping matA good place to buy camping gear!Hope you have your tarps on the tents!Next gen metaserver! And stay on trackCombined with _ an old name for Dropbox PaperNetworking? Or something to mind while hiking...

Vocabulario de montaña 2022-05-02

Vocabulario de montaña crossword puzzle
  1. The Fire
  2. Sleeping Bag
  3. Fishing
  4. Flashlight
  5. Lake
  6. Camping Ground
  7. The Compass
  8. Backpack
  9. Boat Paddling
  10. The Rope
  11. Gas Lamp
  12. Camping
  13. Binoculars
  14. Mountains
  15. The Hatch
  1. Thermos
  2. Exploring Nature
  3. Match Sticks
  4. Camping Tent
  5. Boots
  6. The Camping Van
  7. Taking Photos
  8. The pocket knife
  9. Foldable Chair

24 Clues: LakeBootsThermosFishingCampingThe FireBackpackThe RopeGas LampMountainsThe HatchFlashlightBinocularsThe CompassSleeping BagMatch SticksCamping TentBoat PaddlingTaking PhotosCamping GroundFoldable ChairThe Camping VanExploring NatureThe pocket knife

Camping 2021-12-06

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A little house you stay in during your vacation
  2. You can swim in it
  3. A favourite way to cook a meal when camping
  4. At night you might hear it "hooot"
  5. an activity you can do at the lake if you have a rod
  6. the people you can go on vacation with
  7. You see them when you look up at the night sky
  8. this is what you sleep in when camping
  9. the accommodation you put up with poles and pegs
  1. the animals you might see
  2. the area where you pitch your tent
  3. put them on a stick and toast them on the campfire
  4. graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows
  5. handy to be able to see your way around at night
  6. You can sit around it together at night and sing some songs
  7. use it to navigate when hiking
  8. essential to prevent dehydration

17 Clues: You can swim in itthe animals you might seeuse it to navigate when hikingessential to prevent dehydrationthe area where you pitch your tentAt night you might hear it "hooot"the people you can go on vacation withthis is what you sleep in when campingA favourite way to cook a meal when campinggraham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows...

Camping 2024-07-30

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Looking up at the stars in the night sky
  2. A food item where you put a marshmallow on a stick and cook it over a fire, placing the toasted treat on a bed of chocolate and graham crackers
  3. This is attached to benches that is used for eating outdoors; also known as a picnic bench
  4. A designated area where you can build a fire
  5. The activity of taking a long walk through a forest or on a trail through the countryside
  6. A bag worn on your back to carry food, supplies, etc.
  7. A portable, collapsible shelter made of fabric
  8. An activity that involves catching fish, usually with a pole, for fun or for food
  1. A device with a needle that shows you which direction you’re going
  2. A portable light used to see in the dark
  3. A small house-like structure, usually located in a rural area
  4. The area in which you set up your tent, cooking equipment, etc
  5. A chemical sprayed on the skin to protect oneself from insect bites
  6. An insulated box that’s filled with ice to keep your food and drinks cold
  7. A large vehicle that typically includes beds, cooking and eating areas and a washroom; a recreational vehicle
  8. An enclosed outdoor toilet that usually has no water and does not flush; also known as a pit latrine or pit toilet
  9. Wood that you use to fuel your campfire

17 Clues: Wood that you use to fuel your campfireA portable light used to see in the darkLooking up at the stars in the night skyA designated area where you can build a fireA portable, collapsible shelter made of fabricA bag worn on your back to carry food, supplies, etc.A small house-like structure, usually located in a rural area...

Camping 2022-08-30

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. keeps coffee hot
  2. a spiky rodent
  3. phosphorous sticks
  4. animal droppings
  5. sport consisting of a bow and arrow
  6. a fishing lure
  7. shoot a distress signal
  8. searching, scavenging for food
  9. a fishing net
  1. a refreshing red fruit
  2. optical instrument for gazing
  3. camping heat source
  4. colorful and graceful insect
  5. a camping light source
  6. observing the celestials
  7. a large rock

16 Clues: a large rocka fishing neta spiky rodenta fishing lurekeeps coffee hotanimal droppingsphosphorous stickscamping heat sourcea refreshing red fruita camping light sourceshoot a distress signalobserving the celestialscolorful and graceful insectoptical instrument for gazingsearching, scavenging for foodsport consisting of a bow and arrow

CAMPING 2020-02-23

CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. from head to torso covering
  2. to keep our warm bodies
  3. to get out of darkness
  4. for a comfortable night among forage
  5. bed-roll
  6. ATV, for short
  7. always points up
  8. more evolved version of a sack
  9. like the area between the city ans the farm
  1. like a transient house, but in the wild
  2. requires luring
  3. for safety and fashion
  4. to freeze memories
  5. what you do with an instrument
  6. walking for pleasure
  7. temporary resident of the woods

16 Clues: bed-rollATV, for shortrequires luringalways points upto freeze memorieswalking for pleasurefor safety and fashionto get out of darknessto keep our warm bodiesfrom head to torso coveringwhat you do with an instrumentmore evolved version of a sacktemporary resident of the woodsfor a comfortable night among forage...

CAMPING 2024-02-01

CAMPING crossword puzzle


Camping 2014-06-27

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. chop these up to keep warm
  2. a printed guide that shows us where we are.
  3. this is what we use on the hook to attract some fish
  4. use this to cut the wood
  5. we keep all our camping stuff here and carry it
  6. us
  7. keeps us warm
  8. this is used to lift the fish out of the water
  1. tells us which direction we are going
  2. a way to sleep off the ground sometimes between trees
  3. plastic fish used to trick the fish
  4. this is soft to sleep on
  5. a way to have light so we can see when it gets dark
  6. a house in the woods
  7. rod use this to catch a fish
  8. a place to sleep outside

16 Clues: uskeeps us warma house in the woodsthis is soft to sleep onuse this to cut the wooda place to sleep outsidechop these up to keep warmrod use this to catch a fishplastic fish used to trick the fishtells us which direction we are goinga printed guide that shows us where we are.this is used to lift the fish out of the water...

Camping 2016-04-07

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. kirves
  2. reppu
  3. tulitikut
  4. nuotio
  5. makuupussi
  6. taskulamppu
  7. kartta
  1. köysi
  2. kanootti
  3. linkkuveitsi
  4. kompassi
  5. luontopolku
  6. retkeily
  7. teltta
  8. termospullo
  9. vasara

16 Clues: köysireppukirvesnuotiotelttavasarakarttakanoottikompassiretkeilytulitikutmakuupussiluontopolkutermospullotaskulamppulinkkuveitsi

Camping 2023-08-07

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A navigational tool that helps determine direction using a magnetic needle that points to the north.
  2. An outdoor meal enjoyed on a blanket or at a table in a scenic spot during camping.
  3. A controlled fire made outdoors during camping, usually for cooking food, providing warmth, and gathering.
  4. A designated area in nature where people set up tents and camp for a period of time.
  5. A bag worn on the back to carry essential items during camping trips.
  6. A portable light source used to illuminate the camping area at night.
  7. Walking or trekking in nature, usually on trails or in the wilderness, as part of a camping adventure.
  8. A cozy insulated bag used for sleeping in while camping.
  9. A portable shelter made of fabric and poles that people use for sleeping and resting while camping.
  1. A soft and sweet treat that is often roasted over a campfire and eaten as a snack.
  2. An exciting and daring experience, like exploring new places and facing challenges while camping.
  3. Hiking and camping while carrying all necessary gear and supplies in a backpack.
  4. The activity of catching fish using a fishing rod, reel, and bait.
  5. The process of preparing meals using a stove, campfire, or portable grill while camping.
  6. The natural world around us, including plants, animals, mountains, rivers, and forests.
  7. A narrow boat pointed at both ends that is propelled by paddles, used for exploring lakes and rivers while camping.

16 Clues: A cozy insulated bag used for sleeping in while camping.The activity of catching fish using a fishing rod, reel, and bait.A bag worn on the back to carry essential items during camping trips.A portable light source used to illuminate the camping area at night.Hiking and camping while carrying all necessary gear and supplies in a backpack....

Camping 2024-06-07

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Tales told around a campfire
  2. Musical instrument often played around the campfire
  3. When the sun goes down
  4. Vocal activity around the campfire
  5. Outdoor activity involving tents and nature
  6. A source of heat and light at night
  7. A large body of water often visited by campers
  1. Container for liquids
  2. Graham cracker, chocolate, and marshmallow treat
  3. A group of people with something in common
  4. Used to roast marshmallows
  5. A banner flown at camp
  6. Portable shelter for camping
  7. A musical composition often sung around the campfire
  8. A hot drink to wake up to
  9. A suspended bed for relaxation

16 Clues: Container for liquidsA banner flown at campWhen the sun goes downA hot drink to wake up toUsed to roast marshmallowsTales told around a campfirePortable shelter for campingA suspended bed for relaxationVocal activity around the campfireA source of heat and light at nightA group of people with something in common...

Camping 2014-07-30

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. American pie fruit
  2. a campers oven
  3. a camping treat
  4. summer time event
  5. "the great"
  6. chops wood
  1. a house on wheels
  2. a curious animal
  3. outdoor delicacy?
  4. where one can freshen up outdoors
  5. outdoor shelter
  6. a cowboy's necessity
  7. used as kindling
  8. night flyer
  9. a container for beans

15 Clues: chops wood"the great"night flyera campers ovena camping treatoutdoor sheltera curious animalused as kindlinga house on wheelsoutdoor delicacy?summer time eventAmerican pie fruita cowboy's necessitya container for beanswhere one can freshen up outdoors

Camping 2022-05-06

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. teltta
  2. ensiapulaukku
  3. sytytin
  4. tulitikut
  5. kompassi
  6. makuupussi
  1. vaelluskengät
  2. monitoimiveitsi
  3. taskulamppu
  4. aurinkovoide
  5. rinkka
  6. kiikarit
  7. termospullo
  8. kartta
  9. retkipatja

15 Clues: telttarinkkakarttasytytinkiikaritkompassitulitikutretkipatjamakuupussitaskulampputermospulloaurinkovoidevaelluskengätensiapulaukkumonitoimiveitsi

mari 2024-10-28

mari crossword puzzle
  1. where we met
  2. third camping trip location
  3. second date red flag
  4. fifth date location
  5. wet...
  6. old restaurant that we've been to twice (kind of)
  7. what our first fight is going to be about
  8. classic carmine meal
  9. second camping trip location
  10. mythical location
  11. first date location
  12. where i wrote my 4th date questions
  13. first meal i made for you on my own
  14. second date location
  1. first camping trip location
  2. often repeated in succession
  3. fifth date show
  4. fourth camping trip location
  5. third date location
  6. fourth date location
  7. Carmine's hometown
  8. MMM
  9. 3rd live music that we saw
  10. another first camping trip location
  11. another second date location
  12. another third camping trip location
  13. another second camping trip location
  14. first meal that we made "together"
  15. reoccuring gift
  16. common note attachment from me

30 Clues: MMMwet...where we metfifth date showreoccuring giftmythical locationCarmine's hometownthird date locationfifth date locationfirst date locationfourth date locationsecond date red flagclassic carmine mealsecond date location3rd live music that we sawfirst camping trip locationthird camping trip locationoften repeated in succession...

Camping 2024-02-22

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. a small house or shelter, usually located in a rural or wilderness area.
  2. able to be bent or rearranged into a smaller size or shape for easier storage or transport.
  3. small sticks with a material at one end that produces a flame when rubbed against a rough surface.
  4. a thick piece of cut wood, especially one cut from a tree trunk.
  5. the mark left by the foot of an animal with claws, such as a dog or cat.
  6. an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
  7. a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut from a tree, often used for various purposes.
  8. a lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or electric bulb, typically carried by hand or hung up.
  9. a container that keeps liquids hot or cold for long periods of time.
  1. a device with two lenses that makes distant objects appear closer and larger when looked through.
  2. a tool with a magnetic needle that always points to the north, used for finding directions.
  3. a small portable electric light that you can carry in your hand or pocket.
  4. a source of light and heat that is built outdoors, often used for cooking or keeping warm.
  5. a temporary shelter made of fabric or other materials stretched over a frame of poles, used for sleeping outdoors.
  6. a small, simple building, usually consisting of only one room.
  7. a metal or ceramic container with a handle and spout, used for boiling water or making tea or coffee.

16 Clues: a small, simple building, usually consisting of only one room.a thick piece of cut wood, especially one cut from a tree trunk.a container that keeps liquids hot or cold for long periods of time.a small house or shelter, usually located in a rural or wilderness area.the mark left by the foot of an animal with claws, such as a dog or cat....

camping 2013-09-10

camping crossword puzzle
  1. to stop
  2. to impress
  3. to walk/move
  4. at dusk
  5. this way
  6. to climb
  7. at dawn
  8. beautiful
  1. desert
  2. to be moved
  3. nature
  4. a while
  5. to take shelter
  6. mountain
  7. shelter

15 Clues: desertnatureto stopa whileat duskat dawnshelterthis waymountainto climbbeautifulto impressto be movedto walk/moveto take shelter

CAMPING 2023-12-03

CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. - Exciting experience by doing something.
  2. - Outdoor environment with tree, plants and wildlife.
  3. - Hiking bag carried by explorers.
  4. - Animals that live in nature.
  5. - Process of preparing food.
  6. - Morning view of the sun in the sky.
  7. - Campsite necessity to stay warm and cook food.
  1. - Open-air environment for activities.
  2. - Portable bed to sleep and rest.
  3. - Outdoor flames on a camp.
  4. - Shelter for camping to stay safe and warm.
  5. - Fun activity to Walk in nature.
  6. - Illuminating device used in camps for light.
  7. - Process of cooking over an open fire.
  8. - Evening view of the sun in the sky.

15 Clues: - Outdoor flames on a camp.- Process of preparing food.- Animals that live in nature.- Portable bed to sleep and rest.- Fun activity to Walk in nature.- Hiking bag carried by explorers.- Evening view of the sun in the sky.- Morning view of the sun in the sky.- Open-air environment for activities.- Process of cooking over an open fire....

Camping 2023-08-23

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. - A designated area for camping.
  2. - Trying to catch fish in a lake or river.
  3. - Used to carry gear on a hike.
  4. - A shelter for sleeping outdoors.
  5. - Animals that live in the outdoors.
  6. - Keeps you warm while sleeping.
  7. - Roasted over the campfire.
  1. - A source of warmth and light.
  2. - Preparing food in the wilderness.
  3. - A long walk in nature.
  4. - A tasty campfire treat.
  5. - Provides light at night.
  6. - Shows trails and landmarks.
  7. - A small boat for paddling on water.
  8. - Helps you find your way.

15 Clues: - A long walk in nature.- A tasty campfire treat.- Provides light at night.- Helps you find your way.- Roasted over the campfire.- Shows trails and landmarks.- A source of warmth and light.- Used to carry gear on a hike.- A designated area for camping.- Keeps you warm while sleeping.- A shelter for sleeping outdoors....

CAMPING 2023-12-02

CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. - Exciting experience by doing something.
  2. - Outdoor environment with tree, plants and wildlife.
  3. - Hiking bag carried by explorers.
  4. - Animals that live in nature.
  5. - Process of preparing food.
  6. - Morning view of the sun in the sky.
  7. - Campsite necessity to stay warm and cook food.
  1. - Open-air environment for activities.
  2. - Portable bed to sleep and rest.
  3. - Outdoor flames on a camp.
  4. - Shelter for camping to stay safe and warm.
  5. - Fun activity to Walk in nature.
  6. - Illuminating device used in camps for light.
  7. - Process of cooking over an open fire.
  8. - Evening view of the sun in the sky.

15 Clues: - Outdoor flames on a camp.- Process of preparing food.- Animals that live in nature.- Portable bed to sleep and rest.- Fun activity to Walk in nature.- Hiking bag carried by explorers.- Evening view of the sun in the sky.- Morning view of the sun in the sky.- Open-air environment for activities.- Process of cooking over an open fire....

Camping 2022-06-03

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. To cook fish or mini hot dogs over the fire
  2. A small dessert with chololate chips in it
  3. A animal is brown and has big paws
  4. To hike in
  5. To keep you and your food hot
  6. What you bring to sleep in
  7. A treat including a marshmallow and candy
  8. To hold all your things
  1. A yummy snack to roast over the fire
  2. You collect it to male a fire
  3. To rest in at night
  4. is commen with every camping trip
  5. To start the fire easliy
  6. What you need to see in the dark
  7. to keep your drinks cold

15 Clues: To hike inTo rest in at nightTo hold all your thingsTo start the fire easliyto keep your drinks coldWhat you bring to sleep inYou collect it to male a fireTo keep you and your food hotWhat you need to see in the darkis commen with every camping tripA animal is brown and has big pawsA yummy snack to roast over the fire...

Camping 2023-08-09

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Easily carried or moved, suitable for outdoor activities.
  2. An outdoor fire built at a campsite for warmth, cooking, or enjoyment.
  3. A temporary shelter made of fabric and poles, used for camping.
  4. To make bread brown and crisp by placing it near a campfire or heat source.
  5. To propel a small, narrow boat with double-bladed oars.
  6. A wearable light source that you wear on your head for hands-free use.
  7. An outdoor recreational activity where people set up temporary shelters in nature.
  8. To walk in nature for pleasure, exercise, or exploration.
  1. To observe the stars at night while camping outdoors.
  2. A navigational tool used to find directions when outdoors.
  3. To pursue and capture wildlife for food or sport.
  4. A portable light source used to illuminate the camping area.
  5. A long, strong cord made of fibers, used for various purposes in camping.
  6. A designated area where campers can set up their tents and stay overnight.
  7. A suspended bed made of fabric or netting, used for resting outdoors.

15 Clues: To pursue and capture wildlife for food or sport.To observe the stars at night while camping outdoors.To propel a small, narrow boat with double-bladed oars.Easily carried or moved, suitable for outdoor activities.To walk in nature for pleasure, exercise, or exploration.A navigational tool used to find directions when outdoors....

Camping 2025-01-22

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Place to sleep
  2. It helps you cross over a river
  3. Helps you see in the dark
  4. It will direct you where you're going
  5. Split small wood with this
  6. If you want to go swimmin in the lake you will take
  7. You wear them to walk
  8. Cook food over it
  1. Trees are in the
  2. A path in the woods
  3. This will protect you from mosquito bites
  4. Something you use to catch fish
  5. Something you need when you go to the bathroom
  6. Start a fire with
  7. Catch food in the lake

15 Clues: Place to sleepTrees are in theStart a fire withCook food over itA path in the woodsYou wear them to walkCatch food in the lakeHelps you see in the darkSplit small wood with thisSomething you use to catch fishIt helps you cross over a riverIt will direct you where you're goingThis will protect you from mosquito bites...

ABOUT CAMPING 2023-06-07

ABOUT CAMPING crossword puzzle
  1. - Portable chair for sitting around the campsite
  2. - Area where people set up their tents for camping
  3. - Portable shelter used for camping
  4. - Songs sung around the campfire for entertainment
  5. - Outdoor fire for cooking and warmth
  6. - Delicious campfire snack made with chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers
  7. - Exciting and daring experience while camping
  8. - Walking in nature for pleasure or exercise
  1. - Portable light source for camping
  2. - Animals that live in natural environments
  3. - Portable cooking appliance for outdoor use
  4. - Person responsible for guiding and supervising campers
  5. - Activity of catching fish with a rod and line
  6. - The natural world around us
  7. - Area where people set up their tents for camping
  8. - Designated area for camping
  9. - Insulated bag for sleeping in while camping
  10. - Sweet treat roasted over a campfire
  11. - Bag used to carry camping gear
  12. - A path or track for walking or hiking

20 Clues: - The natural world around us- Designated area for camping- Bag used to carry camping gear- Portable light source for camping- Portable shelter used for camping- Sweet treat roasted over a campfire- Outdoor fire for cooking and warmth- A path or track for walking or hiking- Animals that live in natural environments...

Camping 2012-10-08

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. to secure the tent in the ground
  2. to sleep in
  3. to find your direction
  4. to drink
  5. to light your campfire
  6. Protects you from the rain
  7. to protect your eyes from the sun
  1. sleeping outside in a tent
  2. use this for light at night
  3. to protect you from insect bites
  4. hold up the tent
  5. head of uk scouts
  6. for your torch
  7. to protect your skin from the sun
  8. for warmth and cooking fun on

15 Clues: to drinkto sleep infor your torchhold up the tenthead of uk scoutsto find your directionto light your campfiresleeping outside in a tentProtects you from the rainuse this for light at nightfor warmth and cooking fun onto protect you from insect bitesto secure the tent in the groundto protect your skin from the sunto protect your eyes from the sun

Camping 2022-06-03

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. To cook fish or mini hot dogs over the fire
  2. A small dessert with chololate chips in it
  3. A animal is brown and has big paws
  4. To hike in
  5. To keep you and your food hot
  6. What you bring to sleep in
  7. A treat including a marshmallow and candy
  8. To hold all your things
  1. A yummy snack to roast over the fire
  2. You collect it to male a fire
  3. To rest in at night
  4. is commen with every camping trip
  5. To start the fire easliy
  6. What you need to see in the dark
  7. to keep your drinks cold

15 Clues: To hike inTo rest in at nightTo hold all your thingsTo start the fire easliyto keep your drinks coldWhat you bring to sleep inYou collect it to male a fireTo keep you and your food hotWhat you need to see in the darkis commen with every camping tripA animal is brown and has big pawsA yummy snack to roast over the fire...

Camping 2022-06-03

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. To cook fish or mini hot dogs over the fire
  2. A small dessert with chololate chips in it
  3. A animal is brown and has big paws
  4. To hike in
  5. To keep you and your food hot
  6. What you bring to sleep in
  7. A treat including a marshmallow and candy
  8. To hold all your things
  1. A yummy snack to roast over the fire
  2. You collect it to male a fire
  3. To rest in at night
  4. is commen with every camping trip
  5. To start the fire easliy
  6. What you need to see in the dark
  7. to keep your drinks cold

15 Clues: To hike inTo rest in at nightTo hold all your thingsTo start the fire easliyto keep your drinks coldWhat you bring to sleep inYou collect it to male a fireTo keep you and your food hotWhat you need to see in the darkis commen with every camping tripA animal is brown and has big pawsA yummy snack to roast over the fire...

Camping 2022-05-11

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. sytytin
  2. monitoimiveitsi
  3. makuupussi
  4. kompassi
  5. rinkka
  6. taskulamppu
  7. vaelluskengät
  1. aurinkovoide
  2. termospullo
  3. teltta
  4. ensiapulaukku
  5. retkipatja
  6. kartta
  7. kiikarit
  8. tulitikut

15 Clues: telttakarttarinkkasytytinkiikaritkompassitulitikutretkipatjamakuupussitermospullotaskulamppuaurinkovoideensiapulaukkuvaelluskengätmonitoimiveitsi

Camping 2023-06-17

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A popular camping treat made by sandwiching chocolate and marshmallows between graham crackers and heating them.
  2. A portable shelter made of fabric or other materials, used for camping and providing temporary accommodation.
  3. A marked path or route for walking or hiking, often found in natural or wilderness areas.
  4. A narrow, lightweight boat pointed at both ends and propelled by paddles, commonly used for water activities.
  5. Animals and plants living in their natural habitats, often encountered during camping or outdoor adventures.
  6. A navigational instrument that shows directions, commonly used for orienteering or finding one's way in nature.
  7. An outdoor fire used for cooking, warmth, and entertainment during camping.
  8. A portable light source, often powered by batteries or fuel, used for illumination during camping.
  1. The activity of catching fish, typically done using a fishing rod, line, and bait.
  2. A designated area or site equipped for camping, often providing facilities such as toilets and showers.
  3. A warm and portable bag designed for sleeping in, typically used for camping or other outdoor activities.
  4. A designated area or place where people can set up tents and camp overnight.
  5. A cooking method where food is grilled or cooked over an open fire or hot coals.
  6. A designated area or place where people can set up tents and camp overnight.
  7. An outdoor activity of walking or trekking in natural environments, often involving hills, mountains, or trails.
  8. A bag worn on the back, used for carrying belongings during hiking or camping trips.

16 Clues: An outdoor fire used for cooking, warmth, and entertainment during camping.A designated area or place where people can set up tents and camp overnight.A designated area or place where people can set up tents and camp overnight.A cooking method where food is grilled or cooked over an open fire or hot coals....

Camping 2023-06-15

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A narrow boat with pointed ends, typically propelled by paddling. Canoes are used for recreational activities like boating and exploring waterways during camping.
  2. A waterproof coat worn to protect against rain. It is essential to have a raincoat during camping to stay dry during wet weather.
  3. A controlled fire used for cooking, warmth, and socializing while camping. It is usually built in a pit or designated area.
  4. Animals and plants that live in their natural habitats. Camping often offers opportunities to observe and appreciate various forms of wildlife.
  5. The activity of taking long walks or treks, usually in natural environments, often done during camping trips to explore the surroundings.
  6. A portable light source used for illumination during camping. It can be fueled by gas, battery, or electricity.
  1. A soft, sweet confectionery often roasted over a campfire. It is commonly used to make s'm
  2. A navigational tool that indicates the direction of the magnetic north. It helps campers find their way and navigate through unfamiliar areas.
  3. A portable shelter made of fabric and supported by poles. It provides a place to sleep and stay protected from the weather while camping.
  4. A bag worn on the back for carrying clothes, food, and other essential items during camping trips.
  5. A marked path or route for walking or hiking. Trails are used for exploring nature and reaching scenic spots during camping trips.
  6. A large, insulated bag used for sleeping while camping. It provides warmth and comfort during the night.
  7. A meal eaten outdoors, often in a natural setting, like a park or campground. People enjoy picnics during camping trips as a way to relax and enjoy nature.
  8. The activity of catching fish using a fishing rod, line, and bait. Many people enjoy fishing as part of their camping experience.
  9. The initial medical assistance given to an injured person. A well-stocked first aid kit is essential during camping to handle minor injuries and ailments.

15 Clues: A soft, sweet confectionery often roasted over a campfire. It is commonly used to make s'mA bag worn on the back for carrying clothes, food, and other essential items during camping trips.A large, insulated bag used for sleeping while camping. It provides warmth and comfort during the night....

camping 2024-05-20

camping crossword puzzle
  1. people like to walk the ____
  2. people use this to cook s'mores
  3. some people got _____ gazing
  4. you roast these over the fire
  5. when they bite it leaves a bump the itches
  6. table people use these to eat at
  7. people use this if they want to sleep inside but still be camping
  8. people sleep in this if they sleep in a tent
  1. people use this to see at night
  2. when you go camping your in _______
  3. people use this to sleep outside
  4. you go to a pond and try to catch fish
  5. people stay at a _________ when they go camping
  6. use this to keep the bugs away
  7. when people use marshmallows, graham crackers, a chocolate together its called _____

15 Clues: people like to walk the ____some people got _____ gazingyou roast these over the fireuse this to keep the bugs awaypeople use this to see at nightpeople use this to cook s'morespeople use this to sleep outsidetable people use these to eat atwhen you go camping your in _______you go to a pond and try to catch fish...

Camping 2024-09-24

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. battery powered light
  2. item that keeps you warm when laying down
  3. used to start a fire
  4. group of stars in a recognizable pattern
  5. bag with shoulder straps
  6. tiny winged creature that leaves an itchy bite
  7. itchy leaves of three to let be
  1. hard shelled creatures that bury under the skin
  2. portable shelter supported by poles or a frame
  3. act of going for a long nature walk
  4. portable light with a handle
  5. hairy, large & mythical creature
  6. popular campfire dessert
  7. lotion that provides protection from rays
  8. essential outdoor navigation tool

15 Clues: used to start a firebattery powered lightpopular campfire dessertbag with shoulder strapsportable light with a handleitchy leaves of three to let behairy, large & mythical creatureessential outdoor navigation toolact of going for a long nature walkgroup of stars in a recognizable patternitem that keeps you warm when laying down...

Camping 2021-08-06

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Activity you do in a pool
  2. Stay dry in this collapsible shelter
  3. Store things in this sack on your back.
  4. Use this zippered sackto sleep at night
  5. Device you blow into if lost
  6. Light your path with this tool.
  7. What helps you travel on water with a paddle?
  1. This instrument helps find North
  2. Use this to catch fish
  3. Structure used to cross over a river
  4. A pile of wood that is burning
  5. This keeps mosquitoes away
  6. Activity when you walk in the woods
  7. Tie this between two trees for a nap.

14 Clues: Use this to catch fishActivity you do in a poolThis keeps mosquitoes awayDevice you blow into if lostA pile of wood that is burningLight your path with this tool.This instrument helps find NorthActivity when you walk in the woodsStay dry in this collapsible shelterStructure used to cross over a riverTie this between two trees for a nap....

Camping 2024-05-31

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. džus
  2. vejce
  3. toust
  4. salát
  5. oběd
  6. rýže
  7. voda
  8. šunka
  1. snídaně
  2. večeře
  3. zelenina
  4. džem
  5. sendviče
  6. těstoviny

14 Clues: džusdžemobědrýževodavejcetoustsalátšunkavečeřesnídanězeleninasendvičetěstoviny

Camping Crossword 2024-08-28

Camping Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Hanging nap location
  2. Where you set up your tent
  3. Yogi and Smokey
  4. Typical camping location
  5. Nighttime camping essential
  6. Mosquito repellant candle
  7. Fancy camping in the air conditioning
  8. Where you sleep while camping
  9. Prevents sunburn
  10. Drinking vessel for camping
  1. Taking a long walk through the woods
  2. Smores ingredients
  3. Use this to find your way around
  4. Gathered wood to start a campfire
  5. Marshmallow roasting location
  6. Adventure-friendly footwear
  7. Potential spot for swimming
  8. A good way to catch dinner

18 Clues: Yogi and SmokeyPrevents sunburnSmores ingredientsHanging nap locationTypical camping locationMosquito repellant candleWhere you set up your tentA good way to catch dinnerAdventure-friendly footwearNighttime camping essentialPotential spot for swimmingDrinking vessel for campingMarshmallow roasting locationWhere you sleep while camping...

Camping 2022-10-19

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A small house in the woods.
  2. A place to sleep that needs to be put together.
  3. A location that most people camp in.
  4. A snack you might roast by the fire.
  5. A site where people are allowed to set up their tents.
  6. A warm bag that you will use at night.
  7. A tool that helps you navigate.
  8. What you might bring with you to keep bugs away.
  1. What you use to keep warm.
  2. Things you might get bit by while camping.
  3. What you see when you look up at the night sky.
  4. Going for a long walk in the woods.
  5. A tool you need to see in the dark.
  6. A bag you keep on your bag to store items.
  7. A large animal someone might see while camping.

15 Clues: What you use to keep warm.A small house in the woods.A tool that helps you navigate.Going for a long walk in the woods.A tool you need to see in the dark.A location that most people camp in.A snack you might roast by the fire.A warm bag that you will use at night.Things you might get bit by while camping.A bag you keep on your bag to store items....

Camping 2013-12-20

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Dalmation mascot.
  2. Lots of people and treasures for everyone.
  3. Fishing
  4. Swings Slide Sand
  5. Rent me for any family reunion or birthday party
  6. What you are reading now
  7. Nature Hikes Walks
  8. End of the year party OINK OINK
  1. Electric Only Parade
  2. Cooking over the fire in a.
  3. Antique pulling show
  4. The best campground on Earth.
  5. Directions and areas of intrest
  6. Cooking Sitting Warm Sparks
  7. Speed Limit

15 Clues: FishingSpeed LimitDalmation mascot.Swings Slide SandNature Hikes WalksElectric Only ParadeAntique pulling showWhat you are reading nowCooking over the fire in a.Cooking Sitting Warm SparksThe best campground on Earth.Directions and areas of intrestEnd of the year party OINK OINKLots of people and treasures for everyone....

Chapitre 7 Vocabulaire 1 2020-12-16

Chapitre 7 Vocabulaire 1 crossword puzzle
  1. mosquito
  2. food
  3. thermos
  4. canteen
  5. to take down
  6. lighter
  7. to camp out
  8. to pitch
  9. compass
  10. sleeping
  11. mosquito net
  12. folding
  13. in short
  1. disinfectant
  2. sunscreen
  3. can opener
  4. ground
  5. fortunately
  6. camping
  7. to light
  8. camping stove
  9. box of matches
  10. lantern
  11. fire

24 Clues: foodfiregroundthermoscanteenlightercampinglanterncompassfoldingmosquitoto lightto pitchsleepingin shortsunscreencan openerfortunatelyto camp outdisinfectantto take downmosquito netcamping stovebox of matches

Camping 2023-05-16

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. Used to eat food while camping.
  2. Something to drink
  3. Used to carry camping gear.
  4. It can help you find your way around and avoid getting lost.
  5. Used to make sleeping on the ground more comfortable.
  6. Something to eat.
  1. It helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
  2. Bandages, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers.
  3. Used to keep people warm when they are sleeping outdoors.
  4. Used to cook food on a stove.
  5. To see in the dark.
  6. It can help you find direction north, west, east, south.
  7. A shelter that people use when they are camping.
  8. Used to cook food while camping.

14 Clues: Something to eat.Something to drinkTo see in the dark.Used to carry camping gear.Used to cook food on a stove.Used to eat food while camping.Used to cook food while camping.Bandages, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers.A shelter that people use when they are camping.Used to make sleeping on the ground more comfortable....

Camping 2023-07-06

Camping crossword puzzle
  1. A bag worn on the back for carrying belongings, such as clothes, food, and supplies, during outdoor activities like camping.
  2. A designated area where people can set up their tents and camp overnight, often equipped with basic facilities and amenities.
  3. An area or site specifically designed for camping, usually with multiple campsites, facilities, and recreational opportunities.
  4. Optical devices that magnify distant objects, allowing users to observe wildlife and enjoy scenic views during camping.
  5. Animals, birds, and plants living in their natural environment, often encountered during camping trips.
  6. A portable shelter made of fabric or other materials, usually used for camping and sleeping outdoors.
  7. An exciting and daring experience or activity, such as exploring new places, encountering challenges, or trying new things.
  8. bag A warm and portable bag designed for sleeping in during camping, typically made of insulating material and a zipper closure.
  1. The activity of catching fish, typically using a rod, line, and bait, often enjoyed in lakes or rivers while camping.
  2. Food specifically prepared and packed for camping, often consisting of non-perishable items or easy-to-cook meals.
  3. songs Songs sung around the campfire for entertainment and creating a joyful atmosphere during camping.
  4. A soft and sweet confectionary treat often roasted over a campfire and used for making s'mores.
  5. An outdoor fire used for cooking, providing warmth, and gathering around for storytelling and fun.
  6. A portable light source used for illumination at night, typically fueled by batteries or gas.
  7. The natural world, including plants, animals, landscapes, and other features of the Earth's environment.

15 Clues: A portable light source used for illumination at night, typically fueled by batteries or gas.A soft and sweet confectionary treat often roasted over a campfire and used for making s'mores.An outdoor fire used for cooking, providing warmth, and gathering around for storytelling and fun....