criminal minds Crossword Puzzles


CHINDOGU CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Fràgil
  2. Intel·ligent
  3. Sorprenent
  4. Creatiu
  5. Boig
  6. Original
  7. Impressionant
  8. Protegit
  1. Avorrit
  2. Còmode
  3. Útil
  4. Inútil
  5. Car
  6. Criminal
  7. Enginyós
  8. Brillant
  9. Important
  10. Fiable
  11. Al·lucinant
  12. Estúpid

20 Clues: CarÚtilBoigCòmodeFràgilInútilFiableAvorritCreatiuEstúpidCriminalEnginyósBrillantOriginalProtegitImportantSorprenentAl·lucinantIntel·ligentImpressionant

Chapter 1 Vocabulary 2021-08-18

Chapter 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Process, from this perspective the goal of the CJ system is to ensure citizens are protected by the law
  2. Enforcement, area of criminal justice responsible for investigating crimes and apprehending offenders
  3. examples of this type of crime include prostitution and substance use
  4. Control, from this perspective the goal of the CJ system is to prevent crime by punishing offenders
  5. Model, a theoretical view that the CJ system has developed from struggles for power
  6. is the idea that criminal sanctions should prevent future offending
  7. Contendere, a plea in which an offender accepts a plea without admitting guilt
  8. examples of this type of crime include burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft
  9. is the idea that criminal sanctions should inhibit offenders from being able to reoffend
  1. an academic discipline that focuses on the nature and causes of crime
  2. is the idea that criminal sanctions should be used to address offender needs
  3. Sentence, a type of sentencing in which a range of years to be served is given
  4. examples of this type of crime include hacking and phishing
  5. in se, translates to "wrong in itself"
  6. area of criminal justice responsible for carrying out punishment
  7. area of criminal justice responsible for interpreting and applying the law
  8. Model, a theoretical view that the CJ system has developed through collaboration
  9. is the idea that criminal sanctions should "get even"
  10. Justice, is the idea that criminal sanctions should allow offenders to make amends
  11. prohibita, translates to "wrong because it's prohibited"

20 Clues: in se, translates to "wrong in itself"is the idea that criminal sanctions should "get even"prohibita, translates to "wrong because it's prohibited"examples of this type of crime include hacking and phishingarea of criminal justice responsible for carrying out punishmentis the idea that criminal sanctions should prevent future offending...

vocabulary p72 2024-04-17

vocabulary p72 crossword puzzle
  1. - when a person do bad things they go to ....
  2. officer - When something bad happens they have to go...
  3. - when the police find a bad person they... it
  4. - the person who investigates the evidence
  5. - when a bad person kills somebody and become a criminal they hace to use .... to kill
  6. - when a murderer kill somebody it calls
  7. - When a crime scene happens they have to....
  8. - when the police catch a criminal
  9. - When a criminal leaves things and the police investigate that thing, they are...
  1. - when a criminal step they leave ....
  2. - When someone kills someone and no one has evidence they have to...
  3. - when the police find a criminal and they follow it to arrest
  4. - when a person do a bad thing like steal something from a shop or kill somebody they become a.....
  5. - when a criminal touch things without gloves he leaves ....
  6. - when somebody steal something it is called
  7. - When a robbery happens it means that they have...
  8. - To get the evidence the police have to...
  9. guard - in large supermarkets there must be.... watching

18 Clues: - when the police catch a criminal- when a criminal step they leave ....- when a murderer kill somebody it calls- the person who investigates the evidence- To get the evidence the police have to...- when somebody steal something it is called- when a person do bad things they go to ....- When a crime scene happens they have to.......

Τα ζώα (plural) 2020-02-04

Τα ζώα (plural) crossword puzzle
  1. dogs
  2. mice
  3. minds
  4. lawyers
  5. solutions
  6. trials
  1. papers, documents
  2. friends
  3. bones
  4. Christians
  5. animals
  6. troubles
  7. cats
  8. tails
  9. roads, streets

15 Clues: dogsmicecatsbonesmindstailstrialsfriendsanimalslawyerstroublessolutionsChristiansroads, streetspapers, documents

MSJA Student Handbook 2015-08-09

MSJA Student Handbook crossword puzzle
  1. Not in class at beginning of day
  2. science, technology, arts,& math
  3. limit of unexcused absences per semester
  4. Issued every nine weeks
  5. Color of k-8 boys uniform slacks
  6. 3.8 GPA, No referrals,
  7. students may wear no _______ nail polish
  8. automatic 3 day suspension
  9. action for level V infraction
  10. confiscated item will be given to whom?
  11. God is...
  12. Cognitive Abilities Test
  1. dollar amount per uniform infraction
  2. Kind, courteous, compassionate merciful etc.
  3. phones: prohibited item
  4. "Preparing hands, hearts and minds"
  5. promotes unity and a sense of belonging
  6. automatic 3-day suspension
  7. Kindergarten teacher
  8. Diane Halvorsen
  9. All A's and B's
  10. Name of your teacher
  11. last name of our Principal
  12. preparing hands, hearts and ...
  13. at all times shirts should be...

25 Clues: God is...Diane HalvorsenAll A's and B'sKindergarten teacherName of your teacher3.8 GPA, No referrals,phones: prohibited itemIssued every nine weeksCognitive Abilities Testautomatic 3-day suspensionautomatic 3 day suspensionlast name of our Principalaction for level V infractionpreparing hands, hearts and ...Not in class at beginning of day...

Organized Crime 2024-03-01

Organized Crime crossword puzzle
  1. -Korean organized crime groups.
  2. -The illegal production or distribution of goods, especially alcohol.
  3. -The use of violence or intimidation to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals.
  4. -The term does not appear to be widely recognized; it may be a specific reference or terminology.
  5. -A place providing refuge or safety, often used in the context of hiding from law enforcement.
  6. Qaeda -A militant Sunni Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden.
  7. -A planned undertaking, often used to refer to criminal activities.
  8. -A Chinese organized crime syndicate
  9. -The act of taking advantage of someone or something for personal gain, often in a harmful or unfair manner.
  10. head -A slang term that may refer to someone in charge of a specific area or "beat" within a criminal organization.
  11. -Italian for "boss of all bosses," a title used to refer to the leader of a criminal organization.
  12. crime -Criminal activities carried out using computers or the internet.
  13. -A person who forges swords, often associated with traditional craftsmanship.State terrorism: Acts of terrorism committed by a state or its agents against its own people or other nations.
  14. -Likely a reference to the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, a United States federal law used to combat organized crime.
  15. triangle -A region in Southeast Asia known for the production of illicit drugs, particularly opium.
  16. crime -Criminal activities that occur across national borders.
  17. -A narcotic drug derived from the opium poppy, often associated with illegal drug trade.
  18. -The illegal transportation of goods across borders to avoid taxes or regulations.
  19. terrorism -Terrorism carried out for political purposes or to achieve political objectives.
  1. terrorism: Terrorism motivated by factors other than political ideology, such as religious or social causes.
  2. Gang -A criminal organization consisting primarily of Chinese members.
  3. -Japanese organized crime syndicates.
  4. political terrorism: Terrorism with a specific political agenda or goal, but on a smaller scale.
  5. Islamiyah -A Southeast Asian militant Islamist terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda.
  6. -A form of bootlegging where only one leg of a pair of pants is sold.Incomers: Individuals or groups who move into a new area, often with criminal intentions.
  7. -Actions resembling terrorism but lacking the political motivation or ideology typically associated with terrorism.
  8. -Criminals who smuggle people across borders, often charging high fees.
  9. -Japanese itinerant merchants, sometimes involved in criminal activities.
  10. -Criminal activities carried out by a structured group.
  11. -A high-ranking member of a criminal organization who serves as second-in-command to the boss.
  12. -The leader or head of a criminal. organization.
  13. -A group of individuals, often involved in criminal activities, who associate regularly.
  14. disorder -A situation characterized by unrest, protests, or violence within a society.
  15. trafficking -The illegal trade of humans for the purposes of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation.
  16. -Chinese-American organizations involved in various criminal activities.
  17. -An adviser or counselor to the leader of a mafia or crime syndicate.
  18. (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) -A terrorist group aiming to establish a caliphate based on extremist interpretations of Islamic law.
  19. to the boss -A trusted adviser or counselor to the leader of a criminal organization.
  20. Kong -A special administrative region of China known for its vibrant economy and historical association with organized crime.
  21. crime group: A structured group engaged in criminal activities.
  22. -A type of organized crime syndicate originating in Italy.

41 Clues: -Korean organized crime groups.-A Chinese organized crime syndicate-Japanese organized crime syndicates.-The leader or head of a criminal. organization.-Criminal activities carried out by a structured group.-A type of organized crime syndicate originating in Italy.crime -Criminal activities that occur across national borders....

Unbeatable Minds crossword 2021-03-22

Unbeatable Minds crossword crossword puzzle
  1. creature with eyes on tenetacles
  2. A tough elastic substance
  3. help in keeping direction
  4. Bladder special structure of the fish
  5. moved in a zig zag way to push the fish front
  6. a force that stops an object from moving
  7. A germanscientist who disscuessed x rays
  8. The type of movement in snail
  9. on their tip tentacles
  1. insect with hard outer skeleton
  2. Animal which do not have limbs
  3. photograph of the injured part
  4. the ability to move from one place to another
  5. thick and slippery liquid
  6. joint provides back and forth movement
  7. Fish which has no bones
  8. special body shape of fish
  9. snails muscular organ

18 Clues: snails muscular organon their tip tentaclesFish which has no bonesA tough elastic substancehelp in keeping directionthick and slippery liquidspecial body shape of fishThe type of movement in snailAnimal which do not have limbsphotograph of the injured partinsect with hard outer skeletoncreature with eyes on tenetacles...

Chapter 3 Vocab CTE Law 2024-01-09

Chapter 3 Vocab CTE Law crossword puzzle
  1. A theory that explains the elements necessary for a crime opportunities are easy to commit, carry low risk, provide large rewards, provoke people, and are excusable, as judged by a wide range of potential offenders
  2. A theory maintaining that neighborhood characteristics, including poverty, racial heterogeneity, and resident transiency,break down social controls and lead to criminal behavior
  3. Published annually by the FBI, each report describes the nature of crime as reported by law enforcement agencies; includes analyses of part 1 crimes
  4. A crime reporting system in which police describe each offence that occurs during a crime event as well as characteristics of the offender
  5. A random survey of U.S households that measures crimes committed against victims; includes crimes not reported to police
  6. (of criminology) A perspective indicating that people have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior, and that crime can be controlled by sanctions and should be proportionate to the offence
  7. A theory that explains how gender inequality affects female offending and justice system responses to crimes committed by females
  8. A theory asserting that criminal behaviors are learned from associating with others and from social interactions and social experiences
  9. Criminological research that looks at whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with their biological or adopted parents
  1. An approach to crime that is grounded in the concept of rational choice but that views the accused as exempted from conviction if circumstances prevented the exercise of free will
  2. A framework consisting of a group of theories that propose similar explanations for a particular type of behavior or event(e.g crime)
  3. In the FBI uniform crime reports reporting scheme, the practice whereby only the most serious offence of several that are committed during a criminal act is reported by the police
  4. The argument that people are most likely to engage in criminal behavior if they 1. have traits associated with crime and 2. are raised in environments conductive to criminal behavior
  5. A theory that explains crime as an outcome of conflicting interests between groups with less power
  6. The so called criminal chromosome; criminal behavior is thought to be caused, in some offenders by an extra Y chromosome believed to cause agitation, aggression, and greater criminal tendencies
  7. A theory contending that labeling a person as a deviant or criminal makes that person more likely to engage in future criminal behavior
  8. A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime, which include factors outside of offender's control
  9. A theory that describes criminal behavior as a natural outcome of peoples desire to seek pleasure in the absence of effective social controls
  10. The number of reported crimes divided by the population of the jurisdiction and multiplied by 100,000 persons; developed and used by the FBI uniform crime reports
  11. A theory that argues criminal behavior is caused by feelings of strain, which occur when people believe that legitimate means of achieving success are not accessible to them

20 Clues: A theory that explains crime as an outcome of conflicting interests between groups with less powerA random survey of U.S households that measures crimes committed against victims; includes crimes not reported to policeA theory that explains how gender inequality affects female offending and justice system responses to crimes committed by females...

Vocabulario Unidad IV 2021-01-05

Vocabulario Unidad IV crossword puzzle
  1. Violence
  2. Program
  3. Comedian
  4. Special Effects
  5. Investigate
  6. Movie
  7. Subtitle
  8. Channel
  9. Horror
  10. Criminal
  1. Series
  2. Love
  3. Comedy
  4. Robber/thief
  5. Reporter
  6. Sports
  7. Explosion
  8. Recommend
  9. To save
  10. Ghost

20 Clues: LoveMovieGhostSeriesComedySportsHorrorProgramTo saveChannelViolenceReporterComedianSubtitleCriminalExplosionRecommendInvestigateRobber/thiefSpecial Effects

CRIMINAL 2024-06-13

CRIMINAL crossword puzzle
  1. An Animal often used for riding, racing, or pulling carts and carriages.
  2. Has a trunk
  3. Part of the body used for touching and lifting.
  4. Material used in building and furniture-making.
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and releases oxygen (O2)
  3. Headwear often worn for protection or fashion.
  4. Flying mammal
  5. Large marsupial
  6. Man's best friend

10 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceHeadwear often worn for protection or fashion.Part of the body used for touching and lifting.Material used in building and furniture-making.Absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and releases oxygen (O2)...

Crime 2012-10-09

Crime crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of innocent
  2. criminal who steals in crowds
  3. a group who listens and decides a court case
  4. Canadian police
  5. punishment to be killed
  6. a criminal that holdups banks
  7. good friends are thick as ___ .
  8. a person who makes legal decisions in court
  9. a thief good at climbing into buildings
  10. another name for a violent criminal
  11. jail
  1. person injured in a crime
  2. thieves who holdup travellers (in the past)
  3. person accused of a crime
  4. lawyer
  5. official who charges someone with a crime
  6. a thief who secretly bring goods into a country
  7. criminal who specializes in tricking people
  8. a member of a crime group
  9. taken into police custody

20 Clues: jaillawyerCanadian policeopposite of innocentpunishment to be killedperson injured in a crimeperson accused of a crimea member of a crime grouptaken into police custodycriminal who steals in crowdsa criminal that holdups banksgood friends are thick as ___ .another name for a violent criminala thief good at climbing into buildings...

Chapter One Vocabulary 2023-09-13

Chapter One Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The scientific study of the nature,extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior.
  2. Crimes defined by legislative bodies in response to changing social conditions, public opinion,and custom.
  3. A lack of norms or clear social standards. Because of rapidly shifting moral values, the individual has few guides to what is socially acceptable.
  4. The various subareas included within the scholarly discipline of criminology, which, taken as a whole, define the field of study.
  5. Treatment of criminal offenders that is aimed at preventing future criminal behavior.
  6. A rule derived from previous judicial decisions and applied to future cases; the basis of common law.
  7. Illegal acts that capitalize on a person’s status in the marketplace.White-collar crimes may include theft, embezzlement, fraud, market manipulation, restraint of trade,and false advertising.
  8. A measure that producesconsistent results from one measurement to another.
  1. The execution of criminal offenders; the death penalty.
  2. Early English law, developed by judges, which became the standardized law of the land in England and eventually formed the basis of the criminal law in the United States.
  3. System made up of the agencies of social control, such as police departments, the courts, and correctional institutions, that handle criminal offenders.
  4. Having criminal penalties reduced rather than eliminated.
  5. Subarea of criminology that focuses on the correction and control of criminal offenders.
  6. A measure that actually measures what it purports to measure; a measure that is factual.
  7. The study of the victim’s role in criminal events.
  8. The view that people’s behavior is motivated by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
  9. The written code that defines crimes and their punishments.
  10. sentences A statutory requirement that a certain penalty shall be carried out in all cases of conviction for a specified offense or series of offenses.
  11. An act, deemed socially harmful or dangerous, that is specifically defined, prohibited, and punished under the criminal law.

19 Clues: The study of the victim’s role in criminal events.The execution of criminal offenders; the death penalty.Having criminal penalties reduced rather than eliminated.The written code that defines crimes and their punishments.A measure that producesconsistent results from one measurement to another....

eye of minds 2019-04-29

eye of minds crossword puzzle
  1. Sims creatures that Kian created
  2. Kain put these on all of them when Michael had his encounter with him
  3. The main character
  4. The corporation that kidnapped michael
  5. In the Coffin
  6. The other sidekick / Female
  7. Were the game devils of destruction takes place
  8. The skill that michael is good at
  9. The place where michael goes into the sleep
  10. of Destruction The game were they have to find the weak code
  1. The maid that helps with michael
  2. Net Were the game takes place
  3. You use this to lift yourself back to the wake
  4. The head leader for VNS
  5. The game that is the most realistic
  6. one of the sidekicks /Male
  7. Are always on a trip or not home
  8. Out of the coffin
  9. the villin

19 Clues: the villinIn the CoffinOut of the coffinThe main characterThe head leader for VNSone of the sidekicks /MaleThe other sidekick / FemaleNet Were the game takes placeThe maid that helps with michaelAre always on a trip or not homeSims creatures that Kian createdThe skill that michael is good atThe game that is the most realistic...

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus 2022-03-09

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus crossword puzzle
  1. Money or valuables that are provided for the pre-trial release of a suspect or accused of committing a crime.
  2. The physical person detained on suspicion of crime execution or person concerning whom the criminal prosecution authority brings criminal case.
  3. The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.
  4. A person who is not interested in the outcome of a criminal case, participating in the production of an investigative action, to certify its fact, progress and results.
  5. The decision passed by the judge either court or criminal prosecution authority in case of production on materials or criminal case.
  6. The document of which make sure the production fact, content and results of legal proceedings constituted according to the procedure, established by this Code.
  7. The process of which sphere on the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus is carried out in accordance with this Code, regardless of the place of commission of the crime, unless otherwise established by international treaties of the Republic of Belarus?
  8. A public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.
  9. Based on the definition of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, it can be physical, property or moral damage, as well as subject to monetary measurement.
  1. the decision passed by Trial Court on guilt or innocence of the person accused on application or non-use to it of punishment and on other questions which are subject to permission.
  2. A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution.
  3. Negotiations of the person accused and victim with participation of mediator for the purpose of assistance to their conciliation.
  4. The judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.
  5. The official of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the state security agencies performing within the competence provided by this Code, pretrial investigation
  6. The official within the competence performing criminal prosecution on behalf of the state and holding crown case in court.
  7. A person who has applied to a court or a criminal prosecution body in accordance with the procedure for protecting his actual or expected right or has reported a socially dangerous act that is being prepared, committed or committed to him.
  8. The written notice of challenge in criminal prosecution authority or in court for production of legal proceedings.

17 Clues: A public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.The judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution....

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus 2022-03-09

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus crossword puzzle
  1. A public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.
  2. The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.
  3. A person who has applied to a court or a criminal prosecution body in accordance with the procedure for protecting his actual or expected right or has reported a socially dangerous act that is being prepared, committed or committed to him.
  4. Money or valuables that are provided for the pre-trial release of a suspect or accused of committing a crime.
  5. The document of which make sure the production fact, content and results of legal proceedings constituted according to the procedure, established by this Code.
  6. The physical person detained on suspicion of crime execution or person concerning whom the criminal prosecution authority brings criminal case.
  7. The official of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the state security agencies performing within the competence provided by this Code, pretrial investigation
  8. A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution.
  9. Negotiations of the person accused and victim with participation of mediator for the purpose of assistance to their conciliation.
  10. The decision passed by the judge either court or criminal prosecution authority in case of production on materials or criminal case.
  1. The written notice of challenge in criminal prosecution authority or in court for production of legal proceedings.
  2. A person who is not interested in the outcome of a criminal case, participating in the production of an investigative action, to certify its fact, progress and results.
  3. The decision passed by Trial Court on guilt or innocence of the person accused on application or non-use to it of punishment and on other questions which are subject to permission.
  4. The official within the competence performing criminal prosecution on behalf of the state and holding crown case in court.
  5. The judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.
  6. The process of which sphere on the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus is carried out in accordance with this Code, regardless of the place of commission of the crime, unless otherwise established by international treaties of the Republic of Belarus?
  7. Based on the definition of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, it can be physical, property or moral damage, as well as subject to monetary measurement.

17 Clues: A public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.The judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution....

Minds keyword substitutions 2017-04-08

Minds keyword substitutions crossword puzzle
  1. Pride
  2. Clarity
  3. Willard
  4. Without.label. (Fr)
  5. s1980.s26
  6. Skeptic
  7. Liwvi
  8. nhfcvpvbhffvtug
  9. Single
  10. Non native
  11. Ym9ybiAwOC4zMS4xOTA1
  12. Alien
  13. Naturally occurring trading pattern.
  14. Shreve novel
  15. Palindrome name
  1. Create Future Change destiny
  2. Domyouji
  3. Allocacoc
  4. Park
  5. U
  6. Destory Difficult ….
  7. .(.).\1.\1...\1..
  8. Teuthida
  9. Conform
  10. ******

25 Clues: UParkPrideLiwviAlienSingle******ClarityWillardSkepticConformDomyoujiTeuthidaAllocacocs1980.s26Non nativeShreve novelnhfcvpvbhffvtugPalindrome name.(.).\1.\1...\1..Without.label. (Fr)Destory Difficult ….Ym9ybiAwOC4zMS4xOTA1Create Future Change destinyNaturally occurring trading pattern.

Expanding Our Minds 2020-06-05

Expanding Our Minds crossword puzzle
  1. being the only one
  2. Guidance or supervision
  3. firm or resolute
  4. expression of admiration
  5. service and worship of God
  6. to make evident
  7. alcoholic drink
  8. to surrender
  9. regulate or establish
  10. occurring by chance
  11. noticeable imperfection
  12. free from restraint
  13. existence beyond earthly life
  14. holding a degree or diploma
  15. accumulated knowledge
  1. measurement of quantity
  2. one unduly afraid of whats foreign
  3. to choose
  4. Warrior or fighter
  5. furnish or sustain
  6. Ability to create
  7. Almighty
  8. worthy or bravery
  9. pleasing qualities
  10. one that teaches
  11. the highest point reached in heaven
  12. Ebola/Covid-19

27 Clues: Almightyto chooseto surrenderEbola/Covid-19to make evidentalcoholic drinkfirm or resoluteone that teachesAbility to createworthy or braverybeing the only oneWarrior or fighterfurnish or sustainpleasing qualitiesoccurring by chancefree from restraintregulate or establishaccumulated knowledgemeasurement of quantityGuidance or supervision...

The Darkest Minds 2016-08-08

The Darkest Minds crossword puzzle
  1. Liam
  2. Where PSF shot camper
  3. Name of camp van
  4. Who helped Ruby leave camp
  5. Camp location
  6. Camp attire
  7. First camper to die
  8. Ruby's parents are
  9. Camp season
  10. Who cut her wrists
  11. Campers sleeping locations
  1. Only safe place at camp
  2. Author's last name
  3. Disease
  4. Who left camp
  5. What campers are allowed to do
  6. Who got on Ruby's nerves
  7. Part of book title
  8. Ruby's best friend
  9. Name of camp
  10. Color Ruby actually was
  11. Who tricks Ruby a lot
  12. Color Ruby thought she was
  13. Who kissed Ruby

24 Clues: LiamDiseaseCamp attireCamp seasonName of campWho left campCamp locationWho kissed RubyName of camp vanAuthor's last namePart of book titleRuby's best friendRuby's parents areWho cut her wristsFirst camper to dieWhere PSF shot camperWho tricks Ruby a lotOnly safe place at campColor Ruby actually wasWho got on Ruby's nervesWho helped Ruby leave camp...

Big Minds Crossword 2016-04-23

Big Minds Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Lake huge storage repository keeping data in native format
  2. Thrift facebook restricted me to communicate through 01 01 01 00 01
  3. AI for math, statistical , machine learning and analysis run time software for Hadoop
  4. my job is to take goods on and off ships
  5. computing framework to move cloud computing closer to user location.
  6. term to check data integrity and validity
  7. rides hadoop and mines data
  8. base library of all search engine
  9. in memory off heap solution for flash
  10. Process of putting multiple signals on a wire simultaneously.
  11. Dataflow use my pipeline and scream i'm feeling lucky today.
  12. 3*3*3 multidimensional data analysis concept in impetus
  13. framework to analyse history and current affair
  14. analyzing all events and acting on them when necessary in real time.
  15. tool or library for hive interactive query.
  1. toolkit for content analysis
  2. a keeper of a park, forest, or area of countryside
  3. build impressive scene for your business intelligence
  4. a graphical display where data is grouped in ranges and displayed as bars
  5. Retaining data even if there is a break in the power supply is called ______ memory.
  6. Analysis Data analysis related to places
  7. centralized registry ,configuration and coordinator
  8. External networks or devices are connected to the computer using _________
  9. document database which supports group by and table joins.
  10. out of pattern data within given set
  11. events and logs management tool
  12. the middle number in a set of numbers that are listed in order
  13. query wrapper over a column family storage in hadoop
  14. human language and computers communication field

29 Clues: rides hadoop and mines datatoolkit for content analysisevents and logs management toolbase library of all search engineout of pattern data within given setin memory off heap solution for flashmy job is to take goods on and off shipsAnalysis Data analysis related to placesterm to check data integrity and validity...

The Darkest Minds 2017-04-13

The Darkest Minds crossword puzzle
  1. traveling companion to Ruby
  2. prisoners only hope
  3. fire
  4. technopath
  5. high pitched sound effects only children
  6. leader of girl group
  7. main character
  8. government rehabilitation center
  9. super smart and great memory
  10. authors surname
  1. first to die
  2. PSI special forces
  3. volunteers with Lida corp
  4. setting of story
  5. first person to get illness
  6. idiopathic adolescent acute neurodegeneration
  7. power over people
  8. main character's best friend
  9. son of the president
  10. telekinesis

20 Clues: firetechnopathtelekinesisfirst to diemain characterauthors surnamesetting of storypower over peoplePSI special forcesprisoners only hopeleader of girl groupson of the presidentvolunteers with Lida corptraveling companion to Rubyfirst person to get illnessmain character's best friendsuper smart and great memorygovernment rehabilitation center...

My Minds OC’s 2021-05-29

My Minds OC’s crossword puzzle
  1. Evergarde, Elven mage Princess
  2. Quirke, Heroes heel
  3. Quirke, Constellation
  4. Quirke, Titan
  5. Dragon Mother
  6. Quirke, Rainbow
  7. Eyre, Traitor prince
  8. Unity, President
  9. Dragon Father
  10. Quirke, River
  1. Demon
  2. Ki, Loyal Princess
  3. Draconic King
  4. Draconic Prince
  5. Evergarde, Elven twin
  6. Evergarde, Elven mage
  7. Draconic Queen
  8. Dragon Heir
  9. Evergarde, Human general
  10. Evergarde, Elven Knight
  11. Valentine, Elven Prince

21 Clues: DemonDragon HeirDraconic KingQuirke, TitanDragon MotherDragon FatherQuirke, RiverDraconic QueenDraconic PrinceQuirke, RainbowUnity, PresidentKi, Loyal PrincessQuirke, Heroes heelEyre, Traitor princeQuirke, ConstellationEvergarde, Elven twinEvergarde, Elven mageEvergarde, Elven KnightValentine, Elven PrinceEvergarde, Human general...

Criminal Justice 2012-09-16

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. authority to make a decision between 2 or more choices
  2. required behaviors or actions
  3. ethical system that claims that the greatest good is which results in the greatest happiness for greatest numbers
  4. voluntarily breaking laws based on one's moral beliefs
  5. structured set of principles that defines what is moral
  6. concept that all decisions should be made according to absolute rules
  7. difficult social questions that include controversy over right and wrong
  8. ideas and principles of morals and rights are inherent in nature not human-made
  9. ethical system that defines the pursuit of self-interest as a moral good
  1. question as to whether police should use immoral means to reach a desired moral end
  2. appropriate amount of punishment for a crime
  3. vengeance-oriented justice concerned with equal retribution
  4. exploitation of one'e role
  5. sting operations to test whether or not police officers will make honest choices
  6. principle of right and wrong
  7. what people ought to do
  8. form of justice that allows compensation

17 Clues: what people ought to doexploitation of one'e roleprinciple of right and wrongrequired behaviors or actionsform of justice that allows compensationappropriate amount of punishment for a crimeauthority to make a decision between 2 or more choicesvoluntarily breaking laws based on one's moral beliefs...

Kynsli's crossword puzzle 2022-04-20

Kynsli's crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The power of ruling laws unconstitutional is known ad _______ review.
  2. Juveniles are taken into _____ by the police.
  3. Judges in court of appeals hear appeals for _________ for damages.
  4. The fourth step to the adult criminal justice process.
  5. The _____ decides if the juvenile or adult are guilty or not.
  6. The ____ has the right to attorney when questioned by the police.
  7. The defendant has a right to testify.
  8. The fifth step to the adult criminal justice process.
  1. The third step to the adult criminal justice process.
  2. The _________ attorney seeks punishment that could be a fine, imprisonment, or death.
  3. when taken into custody go to detention centers.
  4. The court has ______ over appeals from superior and state courts in the adult justice system.
  5. the last process to the adult criminal justice process.
  6. The first step of the Adult Criminal Justice Process.
  7. The second step to the Adult Criminal Justice Process.
  8. _________ jurisdiction is the ability given to higher courts to review lower courts in the adult justice system.
  9. Judges are _______ for six year terms.
  10. Judges to probate court are elected to ______ year terms.
  11. When found guilty go to prison.
  12. Adults can be put on _____.

20 Clues: Adults can be put on _____.When found guilty go to prison.The defendant has a right to testify.Judges are _______ for six year terms.Juveniles are taken into _____ by the police.when taken into custody go to detention centers.The third step to the adult criminal justice process.The first step of the Adult Criminal Justice Process....

Spanish II (HHS) Capitulo 6B-1) ¿Qué película has visto? 2016-03-03

Spanish II (HHS) Capitulo 6B-1) ¿Qué película has visto? crossword puzzle
  1. female_detective
  2. leading_man
  3. to_capture
  4. criminal
  5. to_arrest
  6. movie_star
  7. movies
  8. criticism
  9. love
  1. to_be_in_love_with
  2. To_fall_in_love
  3. to_rent
  4. alien
  5. male_detective
  6. you_have_seen
  7. to_fascinate
  8. critic
  9. failure
  10. Male_theif

19 Clues: lovealiencriticmoviesto_rentfailurecriminalto_arrestcriticismto_capturemovie_starMale_theifleading_manto_fascinateyou_have_seenmale_detectiveTo_fall_in_lovefemale_detectiveto_be_in_love_with

criminal 2023-06-01

criminal crossword puzzle
  1. 9/11
  2. star signs
  3. gay
  4. british
  1. woman who bathes in blood
  2. king of cocain
  3. creppy clown
  4. jew
  5. kinky mf
  6. cult

10 Clues: jewgay9/11cultbritishkinky mfstar signscreppy clownking of cocainwoman who bathes in blood

Detective Stories 2021-11-18

Detective Stories crossword puzzle
  1. E.g. 'gun', 'knife', 'poison'
  2. Translation of 'blessures'
  3. What a body part leaves behind at the crime scene
  4. Synonym of 'a dead body'
  5. Synonym of 'criminal'
  6. Translation of 'enquête'
  7. Person who kills
  8. What the police do when they have found the criminal
  1. How to prove where you were at the time of the crime
  2. Person who sees the crime
  3. To ask suspects questions
  4. Translation of 'enlèvement'
  5. Person who committed the crime
  6. Person who helps the criminal
  7. What you need to find the criminal
  8. Crime when you steal
  9. Person who steals
  10. A clue that identifies a person
  11. Reason for committing the crime

19 Clues: Person who killsPerson who stealsCrime when you stealSynonym of 'criminal'Synonym of 'a dead body'Translation of 'enquête'Person who sees the crimeTo ask suspects questionsTranslation of 'blessures'Translation of 'enlèvement'E.g. 'gun', 'knife', 'poison'Person who helps the criminalPerson who committed the crimeA clue that identifies a person...

Criminal Justice 2012-09-16

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. form of justice that allows compensation
  2. exploitation of one'e role
  3. ethical system that claims that the greatest good is which results in the greatest happiness for greatest numbers
  4. appropriate amount of punishment for a crime
  5. vengeance-oriented justice concerned with equal retribution
  6. ideas and principles of morals and rights are inherent in nature not human-made
  7. voluntarily breaking laws based on one's moral beliefs
  8. authority to make a decision between 2 or more choices
  9. question as to whether police should use immoral means to reach a desired moral end
  10. required behaviors or actions
  1. sting operations to test whether or not police officers will make honest choices
  2. principle of right and wrong
  3. concept that all decisions should be made according to absolute rules
  4. ethical system that defines the pursuit of self-interest as a moral good
  5. structured set of principles that defines what is moral
  6. theory or study of moral obligations
  7. what people ought to do
  8. difficult social questions that include controversy over right and wrong

18 Clues: what people ought to doexploitation of one'e roleprinciple of right and wrongrequired behaviors or actionstheory or study of moral obligationsform of justice that allows compensationappropriate amount of punishment for a crimevoluntarily breaking laws based on one's moral beliefsauthority to make a decision between 2 or more choices...

Criminal vocabulary 2022-09-05

Criminal vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an excuse which proves or indicate inocence
  2. take things from a store
  3. sexual violence
  4. get a wallet or smartphone and take away
  5. an amount of money you pay to leave the jail
  6. bring goods from another country illegally
  7. the place you go when you're arrested
  8. to set fire on purpose
  1. not inocent
  2. when soome one invade a residence
  3. another word to say lawyer
  4. take someone to demand money
  5. take the control of an aiplane for money
  6. a person who was sent to prison
  7. a person who sees a crime
  8. to threat someone by secret for money
  9. offering of money to let a criminal go
  10. to kill someone

18 Clues: not inocentsexual violenceto kill someoneto set fire on purposetake things from a storea person who sees a crimeanother word to say lawyertake someone to demand moneya person who was sent to prisonwhen soome one invade a residenceto threat someone by secret for moneythe place you go when you're arrestedoffering of money to let a criminal go...

English Proverbs 01 2016-12-12

English Proverbs 01 crossword puzzle
  1. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
  2. Misery loves company
  3. A picture is worth a thousand words
  4. Don't count your chickens before they hatch
  5. If you snooze, you lose
  6. Great minds think alike
  7. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water
  8. Easy come, easy go
  1. Honesty is the best policy
  2. All is fair in love and war
  3. What goes around comes around
  4. Familiarity breeds contempt
  5. Measure twice, cut once
  6. Jack of all trades, master of none
  7. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
  8. Two heads are better than one
  9. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

17 Clues: Easy come, easy goMisery loves companyMeasure twice, cut onceIf you snooze, you loseGreat minds think alikeHonesty is the best policyAll is fair in love and warFamiliarity breeds contemptWhat goes around comes aroundTwo heads are better than oneJack of all trades, master of noneA picture is worth a thousand words...

criminal law 2020-12-14

criminal law crossword puzzle
  1. application to the court made by defence attorney
  2. three levels of it
  3. protective care of someone or something
  4. non Canadian citizen's can be taken away from Canada to their home country
  5. people who are being released may be asked to do this
  6. made by a judge to limit the accused's freedom
  7. killing someone directly or indirectly
  8. false statement to obtain information about something or someone
  1. by citizens citizen can make arrests
  2. making a death of someone by means of an unlawful act
  3. the action of setting someone apart from other people
  4. recklessness causing damage by using fire or explosive things
  5. forcibly taking someone away such as a child
  7. theft that involves violence
  8. bond order by court for a person to keep peace and good behaviour for a certain amount of time
  9. an offence that may result in destruction of property

17 Clues: A WOMANS RIGHTthree levels of ittheft that involves violenceby citizens citizen can make arrestskilling someone directly or indirectlyprotective care of someone or somethingforcibly taking someone away such as a childmade by a judge to limit the accused's freedomapplication to the court made by defence attorney...

Criminal Sanctions 2024-05-02

Criminal Sanctions crossword puzzle
  1. A penalty imposed by the court on someone found guilty of a crime
  2. A type of sanction
  3. A legal framwork used to guide sentencing
  4. The most serious type of sanction
  5. A purpose of a sanction, designed to discourage people offending
  6. A party in a criminal case
  7. Type of police procedure
  8. A minor offence heard in Magistrate's Court
  1. Free someone from a criminal charge with a not guilty verdict
  2. A purpose of a sanction, designed to show that this behaviour won't be tolerated
  3. An important service available to assist those who can't afford a lawyer
  4. When an offender reoffends
  5. A institution the enforces summary and indictable offences in Victoria
  6. The standard of proof in a criminal case
  7. body Worksafe is an example of this
  8. Lawyers who prepare a criminal case and take it to court on behalf of the state and victims
  9. A cross section of the community that delivers a verdict

17 Clues: A type of sanctionType of police procedureWhen an offender reoffendsA party in a criminal caseThe most serious type of sanctionThe standard of proof in a criminal caseA legal framwork used to guide sentencingbody Worksafe is an example of thisA minor offence heard in Magistrate's CourtA cross section of the community that delivers a verdict...

Criminal Justice Today 2022-08-12

Criminal Justice Today crossword puzzle
  1. A criminal justice model that places primacy on the right of the individual to be protected from the power of the government
  2. The use of threat of violence to achieve political objectives
  3. A model of the criminal justice system that recognizes the informal authority exercised by individuals at each step of the criminal justice process
  4. A threat or an attempt to do violence to another person that causes that person to fear immediate physical harm
  5. A criminal justice model in which the majority of citizens in a society share the same values and beliefs
  6. The quality of fairness that must exist in the processes designed to determine whether individuals are guilty of criminal wrongdoing
  7. Behavior that has been labeled criminal because it is contrary to shared social values, customs, and norms
  8. The act of taking property from another person without the use of force with the intent of keeping that property
  9. The ability of individuals in the criminal justice system to make operational decisions based on personal judgment instead of formal rules or official information
  10. The basic rights and freedoms for American citizens guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, particularly in the Bill of Rights
  11. The act of physically contacting another person with the intent to do harm, even if the resulting injury is insubstantial
  12. The model of the criminal justice process in which participants follow formal rules to create a smoothly functioning disposition of cases from arrest to punishment
  13. A form of government in which a written constitution provides for a division of powers between a central government and several regional governments
  14. A criminal justice model that places primary emphasis on the right of society to be protected from crime and violent criminals
  15. A set of interacting parts that, when functioning properly, achieve a desired result
  1. Acts of terrorism that take place on U.S. soil without direct foreign involvement
  2. Approaches or strategies that have been extensively researched and shown consistently to produce the desired outcomes
  3. A corrections policy that promotes (a) a reduction in spending on prisons and jails and (b) reinvestment of the resulting savings in programs that decrease crime and reduce reoffending
  4. The act of breaking into or entering a structure (such as a home or office) without permission for the purpose of committing a felony
  5. Nonviolent crimes committed by business entities or individuals to gain a personal or business advantage
  6. The interlocking network of law enforcement agencies, courts, and corrections institutions designed to enforce criminal laws and protect society from criminal behavior
  7. A criminal justice model in which the content of criminal law is determined by the groups that hold economic, political, and social power in a community
  8. Methods to identify a person based on unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial configuration
  9. The act of taking property from another person through force, threat of force, or intimidation
  10. Forced or coerced sexual intercourse (or other sexual acts)
  11. The unlawful killings of one human being by another
  12. The act of committing a new crime after having been punished for a previous crime by being convicted and sent to jail or prison
  13. A concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States and reduce the country's vulnerability to terrorism
  14. A criminal act that makes the offender eligible to receive the death penalty
  15. Behavior that is considered to go against the norms established by society
  16. The moral principles that govern a person's perception of right and wrong
  17. An act that violates criminal law and is punishable by criminal sanctions
  18. Principles of right and wrong behavior, as practiced by individuals or by society

33 Clues: The unlawful killings of one human being by anotherForced or coerced sexual intercourse (or other sexual acts)The use of threat of violence to achieve political objectivesThe moral principles that govern a person's perception of right and wrongAn act that violates criminal law and is punishable by criminal sanctions...

3.1 vocab 2021-03-09

3.1 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. / success
  2. criminal
  3. generous
  4. boring
  5. change
  6. Beautiful
  7. intelligent
  8. talented
  9. sad
  10. law
  1. helpful
  2. impact
  3. funny
  4. sassy
  5. / confident
  6. cruel
  7. kind
  8. failure
  9. reliable
  10. shy
  11. elegant
  12. humble

22 Clues: shysadlawkindfunnysassycruelimpactboringchangehumblehelpfulfailureelegantcriminalgenerousreliabletalented/ successBeautifulintelligent/ confident

Crime & The Justice System 2022-03-16

Crime & The Justice System crossword puzzle
  1. guilt
  2. crime
  3. guilty
  4. criminal
  5. prisoner
  6. homicide
  7. witness
  8. evidence
  9. to accuse
  1. fraud
  2. de velocidad speeding
  3. court
  4. lawyer
  5. robbery
  6. lawsuit
  7. cárcel jail
  8. judge
  9. detective
  10. thief
  11. case

20 Clues: casefraudguiltcrimecourtjudgethiefguiltylawyerrobberylawsuitwitnesscriminalprisonerhomicideevidencedetectiveto accusecárcel jailde velocidad speeding

EYE OF MINDS 2019-04-26

EYE OF MINDS crossword puzzle
  1. The danger is
  2. Tanya wanted to jump off the
  3. is torn to pieces on the Path
  4. told michael to meet him in the alley
  5. Main character
  6. "his heart continued to thump away like a heavymetal drumbeat"
  7. important
  8. The 'Devils of Destruction' game is allegedly set during a war in what location
  9. tanya ripped her own
  1. cyber terriost
  2. tried to commit suicide
  3. lead agent to stop kaine
  4. Who wrote the book
  5. The world is
  6. virtnet security system
  7. chapter 1 title
  8. system connecting virtual worlds
  9. michael girl bestfriend

18 Clues: importantThe world isThe danger iscyber terriostMain characterchapter 1 titleWho wrote the booktanya ripped her owntried to commit suicidevirtnet security systemmichael girl bestfriendlead agent to stop kaineTanya wanted to jump off theis torn to pieces on the Pathsystem connecting virtual worldstold michael to meet him in the alley...

Criminal Cases 2022-11-24

Criminal Cases crossword puzzle
  1. the decider of the law
  2. minor offences
  3. the decision made by juries after a trial
  4. the accused is judged by these
  5. the judges of the facts in indictable crimes
  6. a verdict where one juror does not agree
  7. a verdict where all jurors agree
  8. serious offences
  9. standard of proof - beyond reasonable ...
  10. a formal accusation of committing a crime
  1. the presumption of ....
  2. a reason for a court hierarchy
  3. the discussions undertaken by juries
  4. a reason for a court hierarchy relating to expertise of judges
  5. legal practitioners trying to prove guilt
  6. the number of people on a criminal jury
  7. the party accused of a crime

17 Clues: minor offencesserious offencesthe decider of the lawthe presumption of ....the party accused of a crimea reason for a court hierarchythe accused is judged by thesea verdict where all jurors agreethe discussions undertaken by juriesthe number of people on a criminal jurya verdict where one juror does not agree...

Criminal Process 2021-05-04

Criminal Process crossword puzzle
  1. an order to appear in court to testify as a witness
  2. violation of criminal law
  3. written accusation submitted by prosecutor
  4. society taking precedence over individual rights
  5. criminal law
  6. issue written by a judicial officer directing law enforcement
  7. serving multiple sentances at one time
  1. serving with another sentence
  2. written accusation submitted to the court
  3. civil law
  4. scientific studies of causes and prevention of crime
  5. release from incarceration after serving part of a sentence
  6. opportunity for bail
  7. where information is gathered
  8. money paid to get released
  9. distribution of privilege in a society
  10. structured process where the facts of a case are presented to a jury

17 Clues: civil lawcriminal lawopportunity for bailviolation of criminal lawmoney paid to get releasedserving with another sentencewhere information is gathereddistribution of privilege in a societyserving multiple sentances at one timewritten accusation submitted to the courtwritten accusation submitted by prosecutor...

Criminal Sanctions 2024-05-02

Criminal Sanctions crossword puzzle
  1. A penalty imposed by the court on someone found guilty of a crime
  2. A type of sanction
  3. A legal framwork used to guide sentencing
  4. The most serious type of sanction
  5. A purpose of a sanction, designed to discourage people offending
  6. A party in a criminal case
  7. Type of police procedure
  8. A minor offence heard in Magistrate's Court
  1. Free someone from a criminal charge with a not guilty verdict
  2. A purpose of a sanction, designed to show that this behaviour won't be tolerated
  3. An important service available to assist those who can't afford a lawyer
  4. When an offender reoffends
  5. A institution the enforces summary and indictable offences in Victoria
  6. The standard of proof in a criminal case
  7. body Worksafe is an example of this
  8. Lawyers who prepare a criminal case and take it to court on behalf of the state and victims
  9. A cross section of the community that delivers a verdict

17 Clues: A type of sanctionType of police procedureWhen an offender reoffendsA party in a criminal caseThe most serious type of sanctionThe standard of proof in a criminal caseA legal framwork used to guide sentencingbody Worksafe is an example of thisA minor offence heard in Magistrate's CourtA cross section of the community that delivers a verdict...

Crime & The Justice System 2022-03-16

Crime & The Justice System crossword puzzle
  1. thief
  2. detective
  3. homicide
  4. to accuse
  5. jail
  6. case
  7. lawsuit
  8. criminal
  9. lawyer
  10. judge
  1. fraud
  2. crime
  3. court
  4. evidence
  5. witness
  6. robbery
  7. prisoner
  8. guilt
  9. guilty

19 Clues: jailcasefraudthiefcrimecourtguiltjudgeguiltylawyerwitnessrobberylawsuithomicideevidenceprisonercriminaldetectiveto accuse


SUPER MINDS REVIEW crossword puzzle
  1. group of people employed to protect someone
  2. soft pillow used for sitting on
  3. a thief, person who robs
  4. work of art, as a figure of a person
  5. piece of clothing that you put to protect your clothes
  6. for supporting objects
  7. a very strong light focused to pick out a person
  8. man who works in a restaurant serving food or drinks
  1. piece of paper used to wipe your mouth
  2. section or division of a tree
  3. a prison
  4. a floor covering made from thick woven fabric.
  5. a leather seat that you put on the back of a horse
  6. a substance used for washing
  7. bird's mouth
  8. visible vapor
  9. a slow-moving tropical animal
  10. platform where artists perform

18 Clues: a prisonbird's mouthvisible vaporfor supporting objectsa thief, person who robsa substance used for washingsection or division of a treea slow-moving tropical animalplatform where artists performsoft pillow used for sitting onwork of art, as a figure of a personpiece of paper used to wipe your mouthgroup of people employed to protect someone...

Temple Grandin Crossword 2021-04-15

Temple Grandin Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Keep It _______
  2. Ask inventors: Where did you get your _______?
  3. Temple Grandin has _______ spectrum disorder.
  4. You have to _______ to perceive
  5. She organizes the world through _______.
  6. You need to _______ how something words before you can make a better one.
  7. Calling All _______
  8. You need different _______ (hint: "We need all kinds of minds.")
  9. Important _______ qualities: tenacity & perseverance
  10. Picture it, Understand it, _______ it
  1. "You have to _______ with the experiments."
  2. She could run test equipment in her _______.
  3. Temple Grandin teaches _______ Science at Colorado State University
  4. Temple Grandin loved making things work and _______ with her hands.
  5. Results take _______.
  6. _______ are only guidelines
  7. The best way to figure something out is to_______ thinking about it.
  8. Temple Grandin is a _______ thinker.

18 Clues: Keep It _______Calling All _______Results take _______._______ are only guidelinesYou have to _______ to perceiveTemple Grandin is a _______ thinker.Picture it, Understand it, _______ itShe organizes the world through _______."You have to _______ with the experiments."She could run test equipment in her _______....

criminal 2013-12-15

criminal crossword puzzle
  1. person who had suffer a accident
  2. kill a person
  3. a person who had kill
  4. this object from murder
  5. hake where wore imprisoned the convicted person
  6. the head from the police
  7. famous from sinclair lewis
  1. they can in take
  2. forbid the people
  3. specialist from law

10 Clues: kill a personthey can in takeforbid the peoplespecialist from lawa person who had killthis object from murderthe head from the policefamous from sinclair lewisperson who had suffer a accidenthake where wore imprisoned the convicted person

Organized Crime 2024-03-01

Organized Crime crossword puzzle
  1. di capi re: Italian for "boss of all bosses," a title used to refer to the leader of a criminal organization.
  2. Chinese-American organizations involved in various criminal activities.
  3. The use of violence or intimidation to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals.
  4. Islamiyah: A Southeast Asian militant Islamist terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda.
  5. Japanese organized crime syndicates.
  6. to the boss: A trusted adviser or counselor to the leader of a criminal organization.
  7. crime: Criminal activities carried out using computers or the internet.
  8. A Chinese organized crime syndicate
  9. crime group: A structured group engaged in criminal activities.
  10. crime: Criminal activities that occur across national borders.
  11. A group of individuals, often involved in criminal activities, who associate regularly.
  12. A militant Sunni Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden.
  13. (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria): A terrorist group aiming to establish a caliphate based on extremist interpretations of Islamic law.
  14. An adviser or counselor to the leader of a mafia or crime syndicate.
  15. crime: Criminal activities carried out by a structured group.
  16. terrorism: Terrorism motivated by factors other than political ideology, such as religious or social causes.
  17. A high-ranking member of a criminal organization who serves as second-in-command to the boss.
  18. The illegal production or distribution of goods, especially alcohol.
  19. Likely a reference to the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, a United States federal law used to combat organized crime.
  20. A type of organized crime syndicate originating in Italy.
  21. A form of bootlegging where only one leg of a pair of pants is sold.Incomers: Individuals or groups who move into a new area, often with criminal intentions.
  1. A person who forges swords, often associated with traditional craftsmanship.State terrorism: Acts of terrorism committed by a state or its agents against its own people or other nations.
  2. Criminals who smuggle people across borders, often charging high fees.
  3. The leader or head of a criminal. organization.
  4. head: A slang term that may refer to someone in charge of a specific area or "beat" within a criminal organization.
  5. terrorism: Terrorism carried out for political purposes or to achieve political objectives.
  6. Actions resembling terrorism but lacking the political motivation or ideology typically associated with terrorism.
  7. disorder: A situation characterized by unrest, protests, or violence within a society.
  8. Korean organized crime groups.
  9. Japanese itinerant merchants, sometimes involved in criminal activities.
  10. political terrorism: Terrorism with a specific political agenda or goal, but on a smaller scale.
  11. A planned undertaking, often used to refer to criminal activities.
  12. Kong: A special administrative region of China known for its vibrant economy and historical association with organized crime.
  13. The illegal transportation of goods across borders to avoid taxes or regulations.
  14. triangle: A region in Southeast Asia known for the production of illicit drugs, particularly opium.
  15. The term does not appear to be widely recognized; it may be a specific reference or terminology.
  16. A place providing refuge or safety, often used in the context of hiding from law enforcement.
  17. A narcotic drug derived from the opium poppy, often associated with illegal drug trade.
  18. Gang: A criminal organization consisting primarily of Chinese members.
  19. The act of taking advantage of someone or something for personal gain, often in a harmful or unfair manner.
  20. trafficking: The illegal trade of humans for the purposes of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation.

41 Clues: Korean organized crime groups.A Chinese organized crime syndicateJapanese organized crime syndicates.The leader or head of a criminal. organization.A type of organized crime syndicate originating in Italy.crime: Criminal activities carried out by a structured group.crime: Criminal activities that occur across national borders....

Criminal Investigation 2022-12-08

Criminal Investigation crossword puzzle
  1. Intelligence to evidence
  2. After analysis
  3. Hide under duvet
  4. Sixty minutes
  5. Bett's paradox
  6. Pick up intelligence
  7. Appenzeller smells
  8. Article 6 right
  1. Blinking
  2. Moving mistake
  3. First building block
  4. Thinking ABC
  5. Agent provocateur
  6. Joining the dots
  7. Not hindsight
  8. Guilty latin mind
  9. Device doesn't lie

17 Clues: BlinkingThinking ABCSixty minutesNot hindsightMoving mistakeAfter analysisBett's paradoxArticle 6 rightHide under duvetJoining the dotsAgent provocateurGuilty latin mindDevice doesn't lieAppenzeller smellsFirst building blockPick up intelligenceIntelligence to evidence

Criminal Law 2023-03-29

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
  2. The action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force.
  3. A crime punishable by confinement for more than a year or by a fine of more than $1,000 or both – or even death.
  4. The action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
  5. The will to do or not do a certain thing.
  6. The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
  7. Punishable offense against society
  8. Offering something in return for something else.
  9. Offenses committed in the business world that don't involve violence.
  10. Lesser misdemeanors, not entitled to a jury trial.
  1. When someone lies under oath.
  2. A less serious crime. Punishable by confinement of less than a year or by a fine, or both.
  3. Entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.
  4. Theft of personal property.
  5. This person can sue the criminal for civil damages.
  6. The criminal conduct of taking another’s property or money by a person to whom it has been entrusted.
  7. The practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

17 Clues: Theft of personal property.When someone lies under oath.Punishable offense against societyThe will to do or not do a certain thing.Offering something in return for something else.Lesser misdemeanors, not entitled to a jury trial.This person can sue the criminal for civil damages.The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property....

Criminal Crossword 2022-03-09

Criminal Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. review of the case on the initiative of one of the parties to the criminal dispute
  2. an action consisting in the presentation of objects, other objects in order to establish their identity or difference with previously observed persons or objects.
  3. … hearing is a hearing in which only the evidence is recorded by the court.
  4. Oral or written evidence given by a competent witness, under oath, at trial or in an affidavit or deposition.
  5. A jury's findings or conclusions on the actual issues presented by a case. Sometimes, the term also refers to the judge's resolution of issues in a bench trial.
  6. a person to whom physical, property or moral harm has been caused by a socially dangerous act
  7. The first step in criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges and enter a plea.
  8. To suggest, charge, accuse, show, or admit involvement in a crime.
  9. making or transferring property in the form of money, valuables, securities at the stage of preliminary investigation to ensure the appearance of the suspect or the accused to the investigator, the inquirer or the court, preventing him from committing new crimes.
  10. To cheat a person out of money or property through fraud or deceit.
  11. a written request addressed to the authorized state body for the elimination of violations of rights and legitimate interests.
  1. To offer or present for immediate acceptance or rejection, usually evidence at trial.
  2. the procedure under which the information known to him is obtained from the interrogated person
  3. an official who carries out criminal prosecution on behalf of the country in the course of criminal proceedings
  4. a person in respect of whom there are grounds to believe that he is aware of any circumstances in a criminal case.
  5. the body that administers justice in the form of consideration and resolution in accordance with the procedural procedure established by the law of a particular state.
  6. official of the Investigative Committee of the Belarus, state security agencies

17 Clues: To suggest, charge, accuse, show, or admit involvement in a crime.To cheat a person out of money or property through fraud or deceit.… hearing is a hearing in which only the evidence is recorded by the court.official of the Investigative Committee of the Belarus, state security agencies...

6B Choice Board - Crossword 2023-04-12

6B Choice Board - Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. detective
  2. fracaso
  3. extraterrestre
  4. personaje
  5. matar
  6. robar
  7. actuación
  8. director
  9. papel
  10. amor
  1. violencia
  2. escena
  3. criminal
  4. crimen
  5. crítico
  6. dirección
  7. víctima
  8. arrestar
  9. ladrón

19 Clues: amormatarrobarpapelescenacrimenladrónfracasocríticovíctimacriminalarrestardirectorviolenciadetectivepersonajedirecciónactuaciónextraterrestre

stampy 2023-04-20

stampy crossword puzzle
  1. main character
  2. newschannel
  3. actor masculine
  4. stupid
  5. alien
  6. funny
  7. director
  8. childish
  9. video games
  10. theif
  11. criminal
  12. mystery
  1. tv
  2. music channel
  3. detective
  4. cellphone
  5. actor feminine
  6. emmotional
  7. love
  8. soap opera

20 Clues: tvlovealienfunnytheifstupidmysterydirectorchildishcriminaldetectivecellphoneemmotionalsoap operanewschannelvideo gamesmusic channelmain characteractor feminineactor masculine

Special Crime 2024-02-26

Special Crime crossword puzzle
  1. Actions resembling terrorism but lacking the political motivation or ideology typically associated with terrorism.
  2. triangle: A region in Southeast Asia known for the production of illicit drugs, particularly opium.
  3. terrorism: Terrorism carried out for political purposes or to achieve political objectives.
  4. crime: Criminal activities carried out using computers or the internet.
  5. disorder: A situation characterized by unrest, protests, or violence within a society.
  6. A planned undertaking, often used to refer to criminal activities.
  7. Gang: A criminal organization consisting primarily of Chinese members.
  8. trafficking: The illegal trade of humans for the purposes of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation.
  9. crime: Criminal activities carried out by a structured group.
  10. Japanese itinerant merchants, sometimes involved in criminal activities.
  11. crime group: A structured group engaged in criminal activities.
  12. The illegal production or distribution of goods, especially alcohol.
  13. A narcotic drug derived from the opium poppy, often associated with illegal drug trade.
  14. A form of bootlegging where only one leg of a pair of pants is sold.Incomers: Individuals or groups who move into a new area, often with criminal intentions.
  15. An adviser or counselor to the leader of a mafia or crime syndicate.
  16. The term does not appear to be widely recognized; it may be a specific reference or terminology.
  17. Japanese organized crime syndicates.
  18. The use of violence or intimidation to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals.
  19. Criminals who smuggle people across borders, often charging high fees.
  20. to the boss: A trusted adviser or counselor to the leader of a criminal organization.
  21. crime: Criminal activities that occur across national borders.
  1. A type of organized crime syndicate originating in Italy.
  2. The illegal transportation of goods across borders to avoid taxes or regulations.
  3. The act of taking advantage of someone or something for personal gain, often in a harmful or unfair manner.
  4. di capi re: Italian for "boss of all bosses," a title used to refer to the leader of a criminal organization.
  5. The leader or head of a criminal. organization.
  6. A group of individuals, often involved in criminal activities, who associate regularly.
  7. A Chinese organized crime syndicate
  8. political terrorism: Terrorism with a specific political agenda or goal, but on a smaller scale.
  9. A person who forges swords, often associated with traditional craftsmanship.State terrorism: Acts of terrorism committed by a state or its agents against its own people or other nations.
  10. Korean organized crime groups.
  11. Likely a reference to the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, a United States federal law used to combat organized crime.
  12. terrorism: Terrorism motivated by factors other than political ideology, such as religious or social causes.
  13. A high-ranking member of a criminal organization who serves as second-in-command to the boss.
  14. Chinese-American organizations involved in various criminal activities.
  15. head: A slang term that may refer to someone in charge of a specific area or "beat" within a criminal organization.
  16. Islamiyah: A Southeast Asian militant Islamist terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda.
  17. A place providing refuge or safety, often used in the context of hiding from law enforcement.
  18. A militant Sunni Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden.
  19. Kong: A special administrative region of China known for its vibrant economy and historical association with organized crime.
  20. (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria): A terrorist group aiming to establish a caliphate based on extremist interpretations of Islamic law.

41 Clues: Korean organized crime groups.A Chinese organized crime syndicateJapanese organized crime syndicates.The leader or head of a criminal. organization.A type of organized crime syndicate originating in Italy.crime: Criminal activities carried out by a structured group.crime: Criminal activities that occur across national borders....

Detective Stories 2021-11-18

Detective Stories crossword puzzle
  1. Translation of 'enlèvement'
  2. Translation of 'enquête'
  3. What the police do when they have found the criminal
  4. Person who sees the crime
  5. Person who committed the crime
  6. A clue that identifies a person
  7. Synonym of 'criminal'
  8. Person who steals
  9. Person who kills
  10. How to prove where you were at the time of the crime
  1. What a body part leaves behind at the crime scene
  2. What you need to find the criminal
  3. E.g. 'gun', 'knife', 'poison'
  4. Synonym of 'a dead body'
  5. To ask suspects questions
  6. Translation of 'blessures'
  7. Reason for committing the crime
  8. Crime when you steal
  9. Person who helps the criminal

19 Clues: Person who killsPerson who stealsCrime when you stealSynonym of 'criminal'Synonym of 'a dead body'Translation of 'enquête'Person who sees the crimeTo ask suspects questionsTranslation of 'blessures'Translation of 'enlèvement'E.g. 'gun', 'knife', 'poison'Person who helps the criminalPerson who committed the crimeA clue that identifies a person...

vocabulary 2024-04-19

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. - a place where the criminals stay
  2. officer - a perspn who protect people
  3. - when you discover the criminal and you tke him to the prison
  4. - someone who investigate a crime
  5. - it's the tool you use to kill someone
  6. - act of kiling someone
  7. - look for the clues of the case to find a person who does a crime
  8. - when you catch the criminal
  9. - they are clues thet reveal the criminal
  1. - they are traces of foots on the ground
  2. - when you discovered the criminal
  3. - When you follow a person
  4. - the pperson who kill other
  5. - are finger marks then identify a person
  6. - the act of rob
  7. - ehwn someones takes something from another
  8. - when you look at the evidence
  9. guard - a person who prevent the crimes

18 Clues: - the act of rob- act of kiling someone- When you follow a person- the pperson who kill other- when you catch the criminal- when you look at the evidence- someone who investigate a crime- when you discovered the criminal- a place where the criminals stayofficer - a perspn who protect people- it's the tool you use to kill someone...

Rent Collector 2015-09-03

Rent Collector crossword puzzle
  1. taking ... proves the most difficult
  2. is a product of patience and persistence
  3. arise in the most unexpected places
  4. I would turn my leaves
  5. has the power to change lives, minds, and hearts
  6. I would sparkle
  7. literature is the handbook for being human
  8. first you must see it
  9. I would warm and glow
  10. in the dump makes water filthy
  1. stories teach, always
  2. forever
  3. get away from themselves
  4. people go where their .... have visited
  5. one interprets literature with the ...
  6. stories,like our very souls don't ...
  7. is not enough
  8. all good stories contain truth
  9. in the dark makes it even darker
  10. at times I can hear my ... screaming
  11. provide a voice to our deepest feelings
  12. we all harbor hope
  13. sometimes broken things deserve to be repaired

23 Clues: foreveris not enoughI would sparklewe all harbor hopestories teach, alwaysfirst you must see itI would warm and glowI would turn my leavesget away from themselvesall good stories contain truthin the dump makes water filthyin the dark makes it even darkerarise in the most unexpected placestaking ... proves the most difficult...

GG4 Module 5 A 2024-02-28

GG4 Module 5 A crossword puzzle
  1. tune
  2. latin
  3. hard-working
  4. violin
  5. thief
  6. piano
  7. winner
  8. instrument
  9. drums
  10. opera
  11. saxophone
  1. confidence
  2. autograph
  3. stage
  4. criminal
  5. good-looking
  6. fingerprints
  7. viewer
  8. classical
  9. compose
  10. escape
  11. album

22 Clues: tunestagelatinthiefpianodrumsoperaalbumviolinviewerwinnerescapecomposecriminalautographclassicalsaxophoneconfidenceinstrumentgood-lookinghard-workingfingerprints


DEFINITION OF CRIME crossword puzzle
  1. the degree level of a felony that is punishable by a maximum penalty of life imprisonment
  2. the location where confinement (less than a year) for the committing a misdemeanor is served
  3. a rule that focuses on whether a criminal defendant knew the nature of the crime or understood right from wrong at the time it was committed
  4. this type of defense is only attempted in 1% of felony cases and only has a success rate of 25%
  5. the combining of the criminal act that occurred and the guilty intent associated with the crime that was committed
  6. the individual that files suit in a civil case
  7. fairly certain of what will happen (a variation of intent)
  8. a type of defense where an individual participants in a criminal act but is threatened by another individual
  9. a type of defense where an individual was perhaps tricked by law enforcement officers to commit the criminal act
  1. a serious crime punishable by death or by imprisonment in a federal or state penitentiary
  2. the individual that files suit in a criminal case
  3. a guilty act, the physical act of a crime occurred, such as an individual committed bank robbery
  4. the degree level of a felony that is punishable of eighteen months imprisonment
  5. a criminal act that would be considered to be wrong even if there were no laws prohibiting the act, criminal acts that go against principles of society
  6. a type of defense where circumstances required the individual to commit the criminal act
  7. unaware of what might happen (a variation of intent)
  8. the state, in which the film entitled A TIME TO KILL was filmed (Canton)
  9. the individual who allegedly committed a criminal act and/or supposedly caused harm
  10. a type of misdemeanor that is punishable by fewer than thirty days in jail

19 Clues: the individual that files suit in a civil casethe individual that files suit in a criminal caseunaware of what might happen (a variation of intent)fairly certain of what will happen (a variation of intent)the state, in which the film entitled A TIME TO KILL was filmed (Canton)...

Super minds 6 2024-05-02

Super minds 6 crossword puzzle
  1. The person who repairs clothes.
  2. You use these with a hammer.
  3. This is a sport where one needs to shoot arrows at a target.
  4. You may see these as monsters in Halloween movies.
  5. You´ll need one of these to jump out of a plane.
  6. You hit this to turn on and off the light.
  7. You may use this at the beach to catch some waves.
  8. You use this to ride along the snow.
  9. The type of tree that grows on an island.
  10. These are made of metal and are given as change.
  1. The person who bakes bread.
  2. This is a sport where you need to jump over obstacles.
  3. This is tied between 2 trees and you can sleep in it.
  4. These are the people who built the pyramids.
  5. This is a sport where you use a skinny sword.
  6. An indent in the earth caused by an asteroid.
  7. This is similar to a triangle and is found in Egypt.
  8. The homes made of ice used by indigenous people.
  9. What astronauts were to keep them safe.

19 Clues: The person who bakes bread.You use these with a hammer.The person who repairs clothes.You use this to ride along the snow.What astronauts were to keep them safe.The type of tree that grows on an island.You hit this to turn on and off the light.These are the people who built the pyramids.This is a sport where you use a skinny sword....

Unit 2 Legal Studies Sanctions Revision 2021-10-26

Unit 2 Legal Studies Sanctions Revision crossword puzzle
  1. body which enforces criminal laws such as murder
  2. a body given power by parliament to create of enforce laws
  3. serious criminal offence
  4. the power a court has to decide legal cases
  5. offender that can lead to a more severe sentence
  6. one purpose of a sanction,designed to safeguard the community from an offender by preventing them from committing a further offence.
  7. the release of an accused person from custody on condition that they will attend court to answer the charges.
  1. a sanction that involves removing the offender from society for a period of time
  2. the lawyers who prepare a criminal case and take it to court on behalf of the state.
  3. a penalty imposed by a court on a person guilty of a criminal offence
  4. a minor criminal offence
  5. a person charged with a criminal offence
  6. factors that can lead to a less severe sentence
  7. lowest court in Victorian court hierarchy
  8. a sanction that requires the offender to pay an amount of money
  9. an application to have a higher court review a ruling of a lower court
  10. the number of jurors in a criminal trial

17 Clues: a minor criminal offenceserious criminal offencea person charged with a criminal offencethe number of jurors in a criminal triallowest court in Victorian court hierarchythe power a court has to decide legal casesfactors that can lead to a less severe sentencebody which enforces criminal laws such as murder...

It's a Crime 2023-03-14

It's a Crime crossword puzzle
  1. guarda de seguridad
  2. huella digital
  3. cuchillo
  4. abogado/a
  5. asesinato
  6. víctima
  7. investigar
  8. policía
  1. preso/a
  2. tribunal, juzgado
  3. juez/a
  4. detective
  5. testigo
  6. robo
  7. cárcel
  8. ladróna/ona
  9. sospechoso/a
  10. criminal
  11. pistola
  12. pruebas

20 Clues: robojuez/acárcelpreso/atestigovíctimapistolapolicíapruebascuchillocriminaldetectiveabogado/aasesinatoinvestigarladróna/onasospechoso/ahuella digitaltribunal, juzgadoguarda de seguridad

Introduction to Criminal Law 2018-04-25

Introduction to Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. – The state of the mind of a person who commits an action deliberately and on purpose.
  2. – To make an act completely legal by removing it from the Criminal Code or other criminal statute.
  3. – A Latin phrase meaning “a wrongful deed”; the physical or guilty act, omission, or state of being that constitutes a crime.
  4. – wanton and reckless disregard for the lives and safety of other people.
  5. – Fairness in the processes that resolve disputes.
  6. – An action, omission, or state of being that is considered a crime.
  7. – A state of acting carelessly without regard for the consequences of one’s actions.
  8. – An act done with the intent to commit a criminal offence but without success.
  9. – A principle that judicial decisions should be based on objective criteria and be free from bias or conflicts of interest.
  10. – Someone who knows that a crime has been committed and who helps the person who committed the crime to hide or escape from the police.
  11. – A criminal offence proceedings by way of a summary conviction or an indictable offence.
  12. – The reason for committing a certain act.
  13. – To make a behavior that was illegal punishable by fines.
  14. – To make a behavior a criminal offence.
  15. – To pass a proposed law into legislation.
  1. – A serious criminal offence with a severe penalty, proceeding by way of a formal court document called an indictment.
  2. – The act of deliberately choosing to ignore certain facts nor information.
  3. – Assisting someone to commit a criminal offence.
  4. – A minor criminal offence with less severe punishments, which is usually tried soon after the charge is laid without a preliminary hearing or jury.
  5. – A Latin phrase meaning “a guilty mind”; the mental element of one’s criminal actions.
  6. – To initiate and carry out a legal action.
  7. – To change existing legislation (laws).
  8. – The body of public law that defines crimes and prescribes punishments.
  9. – A time limit imposed by law within which a specific action must be taken.
  10. – Encouraging or urging another person to commit a crime.
  11. – An agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act.

26 Clues: – To change existing legislation (laws).– To make a behavior a criminal offence.– The reason for committing a certain act.– To pass a proposed law into legislation.– To initiate and carry out a legal action.– Assisting someone to commit a criminal offence.– Fairness in the processes that resolve disputes....

Ma Bday Flow x Pa's Day! 2024-06-16

Ma Bday Flow x Pa's Day! crossword puzzle
  1. Only bike rental place that also serves breakfast burritos and has a hot tub in Hailey
  2. person adept at sharing horrifying videos while driving
  3. what Petey, Mike, and Canada geese have in common
  4. Protagonist from Criminal Minds
  5. if pa was Dominican with big gorgeous brown eyes
  6. Best food we never got in The Bay
  7. TV oracle guiding the masses
  8. a misunderstood hardworking economist
  9. performance enhancing drug for painting
  10. new catchphrase for Airbnb
  11. appropriate body part to talk about at family dinner
  12. Office hottie with a body
  13. Life
  14. common catcall heard during bro morning walks
  1. Google Doc version of ‘talk to the hand’
  2. affliction responsible for the conception of the nickname “Scrib”
  3. Top equine on the island
  4. Pa’s original automatic captain in DraftKings, even off the bench
  5. How to arrive to your students PhD graduation
  6. newest brotherly nickname for the boy
  7. Unofficial economics title
  8. hallowed event every evening
  9. now only known on the bres ball court
  10. phd advisor x NBA legend
  11. player pa insists he would “give 40 to at the bres”
  12. place for minnows and swimming in Charleston
  13. something to be serious about
  14. ice cream hot spot in the mountains
  15. Nearly tarnished the BAU’s reputation

29 Clues: LifeTop equine on the islandphd advisor x NBA legendOffice hottie with a bodyUnofficial economics titlenew catchphrase for Airbnbhallowed event every eveningTV oracle guiding the massessomething to be serious aboutProtagonist from Criminal MindsBest food we never got in The Bayice cream hot spot in the mountainsnewest brotherly nickname for the boy...

Courts and Courts Jurisdictions 2018-10-15

Courts and Courts Jurisdictions crossword puzzle
  1. Colour of Appeal Court Judge's Robe
  2. An example of this criminal offense is armed robbery
  3. Number Percentage of criminal cases held in Provincial Court
  4. Where the jurors cannot reach a unanimous decision
  5. In a criminal case, the law must find the accused guilty beyond a reasonable doubt
  6. An example of this criminal offense is assault
  7. A "mini trial." Where the crown must present sufficient evidence to bring accused to trial
  8. The number of jurors in criminal case in the Supreme Court
  9. The name which comes first in citations
  10. Refers to the head of state, the Queen
  11. Number of judges there NORMALLY would be in an appeal
  12. An example of this criminal offense is trespassing by night
  13. Sole arbitrator of Law; this individual hammers judgement in non-jury cases
  1. To choose which form of trial they want to be tried in
  2. This court hears the most severe cases
  3. What you call a female judge by in court
  4. Court where there is no jury and judge sits alone
  5. Number of ways an individual can be brought to court
  6. Cases which are over this sum of damages are sent to Supreme Court
  7. Person who brings appeal to court
  8. Started by issuing a writ and statement of claim or a petition

21 Clues: Person who brings appeal to courtColour of Appeal Court Judge's RobeThis court hears the most severe casesRefers to the head of state, the QueenThe name which comes first in citationsWhat you call a female judge by in courtAn example of this criminal offense is assaultCourt where there is no jury and judge sits alone...

Unit 7 2016-12-13

Unit 7 crossword puzzle
  1. The second step of the criminal justice process
  2. The individual who commits a criminal act
  3. Defendants argue that they should not be held liable for their actions because their conduct was necessary to prevent grater harm.
  4. Being denied suffrage due to race, denial of right to an attorney, and 10 years in prison without trial are considered this kind of law
  5. Type of criminal charge that is generally considered less serious (trespassing, public intoxication, vandalism)
  6. Marriage, divorce, collection of debts, and suing after medical malpractice would be considered this type of law
  1. This is a criminal offense which an elected or government official attempts to use their position to illegally affect a legal matter
  2. Burglary, arson, theft, embezzlement , and vandalism are crimes against
  3. Defendants argues that they should not be held liable for their actions because they were preventing harm to oneself, one's property or another individual
  4. Disorderly and disruptive conduct, although NOT quite criminal behavior
  5. The individual who experiences the negative affects of a criminal act
  6. Homicide, forcible rape, forcible robbery, aggravated assault, and kid napping are crimes against the
  7. Criminal charge that is considered very serious
  8. Assault, burglary, and driving under the influence would be considered this type of law
  9. The sixth step in the criminal justice process

15 Clues: The individual who commits a criminal actThe sixth step in the criminal justice processThe second step of the criminal justice processCriminal charge that is considered very seriousThe individual who experiences the negative affects of a criminal actBurglary, arson, theft, embezzlement , and vandalism are crimes against...

Moving Minds 2023-05-29

Moving Minds crossword puzzle
  1. The maximum energy output of a wave
  2. The consumer that receives the least amount of the sun’s energy(Top of the food pyramid)
  3. the source of all energy in the ecosystem
  4. The hunter
  5. Meat-eater
  6. plant-water
  1. Also known as “Thunderheads”;produces Lightning
  2. The hunter
  3. A type of perception(solid ice)
  4. The converter of Sun energy at the bottom of the food chain/pyramid
  5. Energy in motion
  6. Energy being stored

12 Clues: The hunterThe hunterMeat-eaterplant-waterEnergy in motionEnergy being storedA type of perception(solid ice)The maximum energy output of a wavethe source of all energy in the ecosystemAlso known as “Thunderheads”;produces LightningThe converter of Sun energy at the bottom of the food chain/pyramid...

Paraomeuamor 2014-02-03

Paraomeuamor crossword puzzle
  2. O som mais lindo que eu já ouvi
  3. Contém amendoim
  4. Portinari
  5. "Já eu fiquei bem perto de tremular..."
  6. Cinto de gravidade
  7. Óculos, barba e genialidade
  8. Você me ensinou a gostar
  9. A abertura é igual à de Criminal Minds
  10. Veronika
  11. Duas vezes
  12. Aranha
  13. Eu toquei nele!
  14. "Quando tão louca, me beija na boca e me ama no chão..."
  15. "Ela é minha menina..."
  16. Matthew, Théo e Isabelle
  17. Benito de Paula sem a roupa do Prince
  18. Será adestrado como eu
  19. A da minha mãe com a da sua...
  20. Você, antes de ser Flauta
  1. Nós dois temos nos livros
  2. Redonda, com caixas de som
  3. Varanda
  4. De copo e barbante
  5. Cordas aos pares
  6. 722
  7. ?
  8. No meu pescoço
  9. Por você, eu digo até que não gosto
  10. Mary Lennox
  11. Uma televisão sendo vendida
  12. Ar, Água, Terra, Fogo
  13. O meu é a tradução do Millôr.
  14. No encarte do disco do Oswaldo
  15. De várias praias, pra você
  16. "There's a starman waiting in the sky..."
  17. Amo ir lá com você
  18. Kuronuma
  19. Não tem aqui e eu quero muito!
  20. Sua touca
  21. Buttons
  22. Gosto quando você tira
  23. Milho Pop
  24. Te devo uma

44 Clues: ?722AranhaVarandaButtonsVeronikaKuronumaARATTGURAPortinariSua toucaMilho PopDuas vezesMary LennoxTe devo umaNo meu pescoçoContém amendoimEu toquei nele!Cordas aos paresDe copo e barbanteCinto de gravidadeAmo ir lá com vocêAr, Água, Terra, FogoGosto quando você tiraSerá adestrado como eu"Ela é minha menina..."Você me ensinou a gostar...

Matt & Bridgette 2023-01-26

Matt & Bridgette crossword puzzle
  1. What sport did Matt go to Nationals for?
  2. Bridge's favourite food
  3. Favourite meal the couple get when they go to eat out.
  4. What month did they move into their first home together?
  5. How does Matt like to spend his downtime?
  6. What was Bridgette's nickname growing up?
  7. Minds Favourite TV Show the couple watch together.
  8. What TV show does Bridgette watch on repeat?
  9. what company does Matt work for
  10. Where are they going on their honeymoon?
  11. What was their first overseas holiday together?
  12. In What month did Matt propose?
  1. Name of their first puppy.
  2. What is Bridgette's job title?
  3. When they go out to dinner, what drink do they both like to order?
  4. What place did Bridgette have the most Scout Camps at?
  5. Matt's favourite dessert.
  6. Where did the couple meet?
  7. What award did Bridgette achieve whilst in Venturers.
  8. Name of their second puppy.
  9. First movie they saw in the cinemas together.
  10. Matt's least favourite golf club to hit with.
  11. What sport does Matt enjoying playing with the boys?
  12. What was the first live concert they went to together?
  13. How many cruises has Bridgette been on?
  14. What is the name of the street the couple live on?

26 Clues: Bridge's favourite foodMatt's favourite dessert.Name of their first puppy.Where did the couple meet?Name of their second puppy.What is Bridgette's job title?what company does Matt work forIn What month did Matt propose?How many cruises has Bridgette been on?What sport did Matt go to Nationals for?Where are they going on their honeymoon?...

criminal 2015-10-25

criminal crossword puzzle
  1. : The area where Dee has Nikki’s initials tattooed
  2. : The person who took care of Nikki because her mom is an alcoholic and drug addict
  3. : The first place Nikki cleaned to remove evidence
  4. : Name of Nikki’s mom
  5. : The place where Nikki works
  1. : Nikki’s real first name
  2. : Person that Nikki’s been living with
  3. : Nikki’s stepdad
  4. Girl that Dee wrote a love letter to
  5. : The occupation of the man Dee killed

10 Clues: : Nikki’s stepdad: Name of Nikki’s mom: Nikki’s real first name: The place where Nikki worksGirl that Dee wrote a love letter to: Person that Nikki’s been living with: The occupation of the man Dee killed: The area where Dee has Nikki’s initials tattooed: The first place Nikki cleaned to remove evidence...

Detective Stories 2021-11-18

Detective Stories crossword puzzle
  1. What a body part leaves behind at the crime scene
  2. How to prove where you were at the time of the crime
  3. Synonym of 'a dead body'
  4. To ask suspects questions
  5. Person who committed the crime
  6. Person who sees the crime
  7. Reason for committing the crime
  8. Crime when you steal
  1. Translation of 'enlèvement'
  2. Translation of 'blessures'
  3. Synonym of 'criminal'
  4. E.g. 'gun', 'knife', 'poison'
  5. Translation of 'enquête'
  6. Person who helps the criminal
  7. What you need to find the criminal
  8. What the police do when they have found the criminal
  9. Person who kills
  10. Person who steals

18 Clues: Person who killsPerson who stealsCrime when you stealSynonym of 'criminal'Translation of 'enquête'Synonym of 'a dead body'To ask suspects questionsPerson who sees the crimeTranslation of 'blessures'Translation of 'enlèvement'E.g. 'gun', 'knife', 'poison'Person who helps the criminalPerson who committed the crimeReason for committing the crime...

Unit 7 2016-12-13

Unit 7 crossword puzzle
  1. / Homicide, forcible rape, forcible robbery, aggravated assault, and kid napping are crimes against the
  2. / Assault, burglary, and driving under the influence would be considered this type of law
  3. / Burglary, arson, theft, embezzlement , and vandalism are crimes against
  4. Defense / Defendants argue that they should not be held liable for their actions because their conduct was necessary to prevent grater harm.
  5. of justice / This is a criminal offense which an elected or government official attempts to use their position to illegally affect a legal matter
  6. / The individual who experiences the negative affects of a criminal act
  7. / Disorderly and disruptive conduct, although NOT quite criminal behavior
  1. Defense / Defendants argues that they should not be held liable for their actions because they were preventing harm to oneself, one's property or another individual
  2. / Being denied suffrage due to race, denial of right to an attorney, and 10 years in prison without trial are considered this kind of law
  3. / Type of criminal charge that is generally considered less serious (trespassing, public intoxication, vandalism)
  4. / Criminal charge that is considered very serious
  5. / Marriage, divorce, collection of debts, and suing after medical malpractice would be considered this type of law
  6. / The individual who commits a criminal act
  7. / The sixth step in the criminal justice process
  8. / The second step of the criminal justice process

15 Clues: / The individual who commits a criminal act/ The sixth step in the criminal justice process/ Criminal charge that is considered very serious/ The second step of the criminal justice process/ The individual who experiences the negative affects of a criminal act/ Burglary, arson, theft, embezzlement , and vandalism are crimes against...

Criminal Crosswords 2022-03-09

Criminal Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. any decision, in addition to the verdict and determination, made by a judge or a court or a criminal prosecution body during the proceedings on materials or a criminal case
  2. procedural activity carried out by the defense party in order to refute suspicion or accusation or to mitigate the charge, to ensure the rights and interests of the suspect, the accused, the person who committed a socially dangerous act
  3. Proceedings on the materials and criminal case of crimes committed by foreign citizens and stateless persons are conducted on the territory of (which country) in accordance with the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus.
  4. production of preliminary investigation, inquiry in a criminal case
  5. a document certifying the fact of production, the content and results of procedural actions, drawn up in accordance with the procedure
  6. the decision made by the court of first instance on the question of the guilt or innocence of the accused, on the application or non-application of punishment to him and on other issues to be resolved
  7. negotiations between the accused and the victim with the participation of a mediator in order to facilitate their reconciliation
  8. a prosecutor who supports the state prosecution and carries out other procedural activities when considering a criminal case by a court of first instance
  1. a person to whom, by virtue of a law or agreement, the established right has been transferred directly from another person
  2. professional judge of any court, people's assessor
  3. the prosecutor's protest against the ruling of the court of first instance and the judge's ruling that have not entered into legal force
  4. written notification of a summons to the criminal prosecution body or to the court for the production of procedural actions
  5. forcible delivery of persons who failed to appear without valid reasons on a call to the body conducting the criminal process
  6. a written decision of the prosecutor or his deputy on the conduct of procedural actions
  7. complaint against a sentence that has not entered into legal force
  8. complaint against the ruling of the court of first instance and the decision of the judge, which have not entered into legal force

16 Clues: professional judge of any court, people's assessorcomplaint against a sentence that has not entered into legal forceproduction of preliminary investigation, inquiry in a criminal casea written decision of the prosecutor or his deputy on the conduct of procedural actions...

Criminal Crosswords 2022-03-09

Criminal Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. Acting within their competence, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus and his subordinate prosecutors, their deputies and assistants, heads of departments (departments) and their deputies, prosecutors of departments and departments
  2. The actual detention of a person, bringing him to the criminal prosecution body and short-term detention in places and conditions defined by law
  3. any decision, in addition to the verdict and determination, made by a judge or a court or a criminal prosecution body during the proceedings on materials or a criminal case
  4. a document certifying the fact of production, the content and results of procedural actions, drawn up in accordance with the procedure established by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus
  5. close relatives, family members of the victim, civil plaintiff and civil defendant, legal representatives; lawyers, representatives of trade unions and other public associations, as well as other persons admitted to participate in a criminal case with the permission of the body conducting the criminal process
  6. any person who has applied to a court or a criminal prosecution body in accordance with the procedure established by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus for the protection of his actual or alleged right or who has informed him of a socially dangerous act being prepared, being committed or committed, provided for by criminal law
  7. a request addressed to the body conducting the criminal process
  8. A decision made by the court of first instance on the question of the guilt or innocence of the accused, on the application or non-application of punishment to him/her, and on other issues subject to resolution
  1. A procedural activity carried out by the defense party in order to refute a suspicion or accusation or to mitigate the accusation, to ensure the rights and interests of the suspect, the accused, the person who committed a socially dangerous act
  2. A person in respect of whom there are grounds to believe that he/she is aware of any circumstances in a criminal case, called by the body conducting the criminal procedure to give evidence
  3. Documents and objects that are an integral part of pre-trial or judicial proceedings or submitted for attachment to them
  4. a written notification of a summons to the criminal prosecution body or to the court for the production of procedural actions
  5. negotiations between the accused and the victim with the participation of a mediator in order to facilitate their reconciliation
  6. A person detained on suspicion of committing a crime, or a person against whom the criminal prosecution authority has initiated a criminal case
  7. a person to whom a socially dangerous act has caused physical, property or moral damage
  8. Protests of the public prosecutor about cancellation or change of the sentence which has not entered into legal force

16 Clues: a request addressed to the body conducting the criminal processa person to whom a socially dangerous act has caused physical, property or moral damageProtests of the public prosecutor about cancellation or change of the sentence which has not entered into legal force...

Criminal Justice 2023-05-17

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. on property w/out permission
  2. setting fire
  3. group using violence
  4. move by force or fear
  5. use of force or violence
  6. lying in court
  7. married to two people
  8. intent to steal
  1. sign name of another
  2. following & harassing
  3. take vehicle by force
  4. pay off
  5. cause extreme pain
  6. two or more plan
  7. take by force or fear
  8. method of student initiation

16 Clues: pay offsetting firelying in courtintent to stealtwo or more plancause extreme painsign name of anothergroup using violencefollowing & harassingtake vehicle by forcemove by force or feartake by force or fearmarried to two peopleuse of force or violenceon property w/out permissionmethod of student initiation

cj crossword 2023-09-12

cj crossword crossword puzzle
  1. bureau
  2. justice
  3. appeal
  4. detective
  5. homicide
  6. state
  7. firstdegree
  8. innocent
  9. indictment
  10. defendant
  11. interview
  12. corrections
  13. guilty
  14. bargain
  1. arraignment
  2. drugs
  3. serial
  4. wanted
  5. crime
  6. prosecutor
  7. characteristics
  8. federal
  9. district
  10. police
  11. criminal

25 Clues: drugscrimestatebureauserialwantedappealpoliceguiltyjusticefederalbargainhomicideinnocentdistrictcriminaldetectivedefendantinterviewprosecutorindictmentarraignmentfirstdegreecorrectionscharacteristics

Criminal Justice System- Gianna Davis 2020-03-29

Criminal Justice System- Gianna Davis crossword puzzle
  1. where the accused is informed of the charges, advised of the rights of criminal defendants, and asked to enter a plea to the charges
  2. a program that the criminal will participate in instead of incarceration
  3. legally coming together to dicuss the outcome of a criminal case
  4. requires a person who has been arrested or imprisoned to be brought to a judge or into court
  5. a case that is proceeded by the issuance of an information, a formal, written accusation submitted to the court by a prosecutor
  6. the probationary period following a youth's release from a juvenile facility
  7. the final settlement or judge's ruling
  8. all crime cases begins when it is ______
  9. indictments are required in these cases
  10. act of recall or annulment
  11. process in which cases are reviewed
  12. someone on _______ is ordered to follow certain conditions set forth by the court
  13. ensuring that an offender's sentence is carried out
  14. the criminal is _____ if no charges are filed
  1. saves the time and expense of a lengthy trial
  2. when the judge reviews evidence and argumentation
  3. to discover if there is probable cause to believe that the accused committed a known crime within the jurisdiction of the court
  4. conducting legal proceedings about a person who has been convicted of a crime
  5. to release a prisoner on payment
  6. place of confinement
  7. proving that the defendent is not guilty
  8. formal inquiry or investigative study
  9. the outcome of a criminal prosecution
  10. punishment given to a criminal ordered by the judge
  11. taking the criminal into custody

25 Clues: place of confinementact of recall or annulmentto release a prisoner on paymenttaking the criminal into custodyprocess in which cases are reviewedformal inquiry or investigative studythe outcome of a criminal prosecutionthe final settlement or judge's rulingindictments are required in these casesproving that the defendent is not guilty...

Unit 7 2016-12-13

Unit 7 crossword puzzle
  1. Defense / Defendants argues that they should not be held liable for their actions because they were preventing harm to oneself, one's property or another individual
  2. / The individual who experiences the negative affects of a criminal act
  3. / Disorderly and disruptive conduct, although NOT quite criminal behavior
  4. / The individual who commits a criminal act
  5. / Being denied suffrage due to race, denial of right to an attorney, and 10 years in prison without trial are considered this kind of law
  6. / Marriage, divorce, collection of debts, and suing after medical malpractice would be considered this type of law
  7. / Burglary, arson, theft, embezzlement , and vandalism are crimes against
  1. / The second step of the criminal justice process
  2. / Type of criminal charge that is generally considered less serious (trespassing, public intoxication, vandalism)
  3. / The sixth step in the criminal justice process
  4. of justice / This is a criminal offense which an elected or government official attempts to use their position to illegally affect a legal matter
  5. Defense / Defendants argue that they should not be held liable for their actions because their conduct was necessary to prevent grater harm.
  6. / Assault, burglary, and driving under the influence would be considered this type of law
  7. / Homicide, forcible rape, forcible robbery, aggravated assault, and kid napping are crimes against the
  8. / Criminal charge that is considered very serious

15 Clues: / The individual who commits a criminal act/ The sixth step in the criminal justice process/ The second step of the criminal justice process/ Criminal charge that is considered very serious/ The individual who experiences the negative affects of a criminal act/ Disorderly and disruptive conduct, although NOT quite criminal behavior...

Systemic Racism 2023-04-27

Systemic Racism crossword puzzle
  1. legal
  2. criminal
  3. health
  4. political
  5. economic
  6. institution
  7. attitudes
  8. race
  9. schools
  1. explicit
  2. bias
  3. practices
  4. intentional
  5. LGBTQ
  6. beliefs
  7. unconscious
  8. inferior
  9. colour

18 Clues: biasracelegalLGBTQhealthcolourbeliefsschoolsexplicitcriminaleconomicinferiorpracticespoliticalattitudesintentionalinstitutionunconscious

Merging of Minds 2020-07-13

Merging of Minds crossword puzzle
  1. A _______ in the Sun
  2. Watching for _______
  3. English language exam is for ____ hours per paper.
  4. In a descriptive piece, you should tell a story. True or false?
  5. One more possible reason why Ruth fainted.
  6. One of Beneatha's love interest
  7. The Sea Eats the Land at___
  8. Gene's family name.
  9. Protagonist in "A Separate Peace" who dies.
  10. A ____ Skylark
  11. London Snow
  1. He's going to have a baby brother/sister.
  2. One possible reason why Ruth fainted.
  3. Walter Lee lost his money to this person.
  4. A huge, horrible beast under the ocean.
  5. "On longer evenings, Light, chill and yellow, Bathes the serene _______ of houses."
  6. Afternoon with ____ Cows

17 Clues: London SnowA ____ SkylarkGene's family name.A _______ in the SunWatching for _______Afternoon with ____ CowsThe Sea Eats the Land at___One of Beneatha's love interestOne possible reason why Ruth fainted.A huge, horrible beast under the ocean.He's going to have a baby brother/sister.Walter Lee lost his money to this person....

Criminal Procedure 2022-02-16

Criminal Procedure crossword puzzle
  1. The sixth amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees criminal defendants the right to a ________
  2. a legal position taken by an accused to defeat the charges against him or her
  3. a reasonable ground for belief
  4. A person who knowingly aids another in the commission of a crime is also guilty of this.
  5. the judge determines whether enough evidence exist for the prosecution to meet its burden of persuasion
  6. when the accused criminal is asked their plea and sets dates for future proceedings
  7. the choosing to voluntarily and intelligently wave assistance of counsel and self-represent
  1. An accused shall have access to counsel at every stage of the proceedings.
  2. defendants have the right to call their own witness, mount their own evidence, and present their own theories of the facts.
  3. Occurs immediately for infraction and misdemeanors.
  4. they have the constitutional right to a trial by jury
  5. the right of the defendant to directly address the judge without help of counsel
  6. a specified amount of cash that allows the defendant to get out of jail after the initial arrest
  7. opening statements, witness and evidence, closing arguments, jury's verdict
  8. the defendant usually is found _____ only if ALL the jurors vote to convict.
  9. hearing Used to file motions before a judge

16 Clues: a reasonable ground for beliefhearing Used to file motions before a judgeOccurs immediately for infraction and misdemeanors.they have the constitutional right to a trial by juryAn accused shall have access to counsel at every stage of the proceedings.opening statements, witness and evidence, closing arguments, jury's verdict...

trial terms 2012-02-16

trial terms crossword puzzle
  1. Jury cannot make up their minds.
  2. A crime, typically one involving violence, regarded as more serious than a misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death
  3. judgment.
  4. A lawyer who conducts the case against a defendant in a criminal court. Also called prosecuting attorney
  5. An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law
  6. the finding or answer of a jury given to the court concerning a matter submitted to
  7. a reckless attack with intent to injure seriously (as with a deadly weapon)
  8. A judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged
  9. The prosecution of a person twice for the same offense
  10. An order to appear before a judge or magistrate, or the writ containing it
  11. Fully in agreement
  12. the statement or declaration of a witness under oath or affirmation, usually in court.
  1. You can’t be forced to testify against yourself.
  2. A person, esp. a man, who presides over a jury and speaks on its behalf
  3. The miranda warning (also referred to as Miranda rights), is a warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial situation) before they are interrogated to inform them about their constitutional rights.
  4. Both lawyers ask questions to the other witnesses.
  5. Thinking about killing someone before you kill them.
  6. A judge's order that a case may not be discussed in public
  7. the duty of proving a disputed charge
  8. evidence sufficient to warrant an arrest or search and seizure; "a magistrate determined that there was probable cause to search the house"
  9. A writ ordering a person to attend a court
  10. The offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation

22 Clues: judgment.Fully in agreementJury cannot make up their minds.the duty of proving a disputed chargeA writ ordering a person to attend a courtYou can’t be forced to testify against yourself.Both lawyers ask questions to the other witnesses.Thinking about killing someone before you kill them.The prosecution of a person twice for the same offense...

Matt & Bridgette 2023-01-26

Matt & Bridgette crossword puzzle
  1. What sport did Matt go to Nationals for?
  2. Bridge's favourite food
  3. Favourite meal the couple get when they go to eat out.
  4. What month did they move into their first home together?
  5. How does Matt like to spend his downtime?
  6. What was Bridgette's nickname growing up?
  7. Minds Favourite TV Show the couple watch together.
  8. What TV show does Bridgette watch on repeat?
  9. what company does Matt work for
  10. Where are they going on their honeymoon?
  11. What was their first overseas holiday together?
  12. In What month did Matt propose?
  1. Name of their first puppy.
  2. What is Bridgette's job title?
  3. When they go out to dinner, what drink do they both like to order?
  4. What place did Bridgette have the most Scout Camps at?
  5. Matt's favourite dessert.
  6. Where did the couple meet?
  7. What award did Bridgette achieve whilst in Venturers.
  8. Name of their second puppy.
  9. First movie they saw in the cinemas together.
  10. Matt's least favourite golf club to hit with.
  11. What sport does Matt enjoying playing with the boys?
  12. What was the first live concert they went to together?
  13. How many cruises has Bridgette been on?
  14. What is the name of the street the couple live on?

26 Clues: Bridge's favourite foodMatt's favourite dessert.Name of their first puppy.Where did the couple meet?Name of their second puppy.What is Bridgette's job title?what company does Matt work forIn What month did Matt propose?How many cruises has Bridgette been on?What sport did Matt go to Nationals for?Where are they going on their honeymoon?...

Criminal Crossword 2022-03-09

Criminal Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The place where legal trials take place and where crimes, etc. are judged
  2. An appointed or elected official who decides legal disputes in court
  3. Is a procedure in which a dispute is submitted, by agreement of the parties, to one or more arbitrators who make a binding decision on the dispute
  4. Illegal activities: robbery, murder etc.
  5. A statement saying that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind, or the fact of accusing someone
  6. The one who charges with the crime
  7. A form of alternative dispute resolution resolving disputes between two or more parties with concrete effects
  8. The one who protects an accised
  9. The person who is on trial in a law court
  1. The one who can give specialized legal advice and can argue a case in both higher and lower courts
  2. Agreements between defendants and prosecutors in which defendants agree to plead guilty to some or all of the charges against them in exchange for concessions from the prosecutors
  3. A person who sees something happen and is able to describe it to other people in court
  4. The one who reads charges
  5. An item which a litigant proffers to make the existence of a fact more or less probable
  6. An official demand to appear in a court of law
  7. The ability to form valuable opinions and make good decisions

16 Clues: The one who reads chargesThe one who protects an accisedThe one who charges with the crimeIllegal activities: robbery, murder etc.The person who is on trial in a law courtAn official demand to appear in a court of lawThe ability to form valuable opinions and make good decisionsAn appointed or elected official who decides legal disputes in court...

September: words with - ing, - ght and -er 2021-10-26

September:  words with - ing, - ght and -er crossword puzzle
  1. While _____ the clouds away
  2. Ba de ya - dancing in _____
  3. Now ____ found the love that we shared in September
  4. My _____ are with you
  5. In the key that our souls were _____
  6. Love was ______ the minds of pretenders
  1. Do you remember the 21st _____ of September
  2. Love was chasing the minds of ______
  3. ______ hands with your heart to see you
  4. Our hearts were _____
  5. Ba de ya ______ in September

11 Clues: Our hearts were _____My _____ are with youWhile _____ the clouds awayBa de ya - dancing in _____Ba de ya ______ in SeptemberLove was chasing the minds of ______In the key that our souls were ___________ hands with your heart to see youLove was ______ the minds of pretendersDo you remember the 21st _____ of September...

Chapter 9A 2023-04-10

Chapter 9A crossword puzzle
  1. the imposition of a criminal sanction by a judicial authority
  2. a structured sentencing scheme that allows no leeway in the nature of the sentence imposed. Under mandatory sentencing, clearly enumerated punishments are mandated for specific offenses or for habitual offenders convicted of a series of crimes
  3. circumstances relating to the commission of a crime that may be considered to reduce the blameworthiness of the offender
  4. a sentencing priciple, based on concepts with social equality, that holds that similar crimes should be punished with the same degree of severity, regardless of the social or personal characteristics of the offenders
  5. a model of criminal punishment that includes determinate and commission-created presumptive sentencing schemes, as well as voluntary/advisory sentencing guidelines
  6. the amount of time deducted from time to be served in prison on a given sentence as a result of good behaviors
  7. a model of criminal sentencing that holds that criminal offenders deserve the punishment they receive at the hands of the law and that punishments should be appropriate to the type and severity of the crime committed
  8. a goal of criminal sentencing that attempts to make the victim whole again
  9. a sentencing principle that holds that the severity of sanctions should bear a direct relationship to the seriousness of the crime committed
  10. a model of criminal punishment in which an offender is given a fixed term of imprisonment that may be reduced by good time or gain time. Under the model, for example, all offenders convicted of the same degree of burglary would be sentenced to the same length of time behind bars
  11. the use of imprisonment or other means to reduce the likelihood that an offender will commit future offenses
  12. a goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to inhibit criminal behavior through the fear of punishment
  13. a sentencing model that builds on restitution and community participation in an attempt to make the victim "whole again"
  1. a model of criminal punishment that encourages rehabilitation through the use of general and relatively unspecific sentences (such as a term of imprisonment from 1 to 10 years)
  2. a model of criminal punishment that meets the following conditions: 1) the appropriate sentence for an offender convicted of a specific charge is presumed to fall within a range of sentences authorized by sentencing guidelines that are adopted by a legislatively created sentencing body, usually a sentencing commission. 2) sentencing judges are expected to sentence within the range or to provide written justification for failing to do so. 3) there is a mechanism for review, usually appellate, of any departure from the guidelines.
  3. the examination of a convicted offender's background prior to sentencing. Presentence examinations are generally conducted by probation or parole officers and are submitted to sentencing authorities
  4. the attempt to reform a criminal offender. Also, the state in which a reformed offender is said to be
  5. recommended sentencing policies that are not required by law
  6. the amount of time deducted from time to be served in prison on a given sentence as a result of participation in special projects or programs
  7. the act of taking revenge on a criminal perpetrator
  8. a goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to prevent a particular offender from engaging in repeat criminality
  9. the official suspension of criminal or juvenile proceedings against an alleged offender at any point after a recorded justice system intake, but before the entering of a judgement, and referral of that person to a treatment or care program administered by a nonjustice or private agency. Also, release without referral.
  10. a sentencing principle that holds that an offender's criminal history should be objectively taken into account on sentencing decisions
  11. circumstances relating to the commission of a crime that make it more grave than the average instance of that crime
  12. a close correspondence between the sentence imposed on an offender and the time actually served in prison
  13. a goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to prevent others from committing crimes similar to the one for which a particular offender is being sentenced by making an example of the person sentenced
  14. an in-court statement made by the victim or by survivors to sentencing authorities seeking to make an informed sentencing decision

27 Clues: the act of taking revenge on a criminal perpetratorrecommended sentencing policies that are not required by lawthe imposition of a criminal sanction by a judicial authoritya goal of criminal sentencing that attempts to make the victim whole againa goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to inhibit criminal behavior through the fear of punishment...

bright minds 2022-07-16

bright minds crossword puzzle
  1. a major cause of psychiatric illness
  2. it's critical on a regular basis to get your hormones tested and optimized.
  3. the time when your brain cleans or washes itself
  4. Abnormal electrical activity in the brain, often in the temporal lobes.
  5. not a death sentence but it should be is a wakeup call to get healthy.
  1. chronic ~ in your body, it's like you have a low level fire destroying all of your organs.
  2. a combination of high blood sugar and, or being overweight.
  3. Alcohol, cocaine, marijuana
  4. with it and aging, when you stop learning, your brain starts dying.
  5. the number one brain imaging predictor of Alzheimer's disease
  6. the best defense against infections

11 Clues: Alcohol, cocaine, marijuanathe best defense against infectionsa major cause of psychiatric illnessthe time when your brain cleans or washes itselfa combination of high blood sugar and, or being overweight.the number one brain imaging predictor of Alzheimer's diseasewith it and aging, when you stop learning, your brain starts dying....

Chapter 3: Key Concepts in the Victorian Criminal Justice System 2024-06-14

Chapter 3: Key Concepts in the Victorian Criminal Justice System crossword puzzle
  1. Offence^A minor crime that is generally heard in the Magistrates' Court without a jury.
  2. group of people sworn to render a verdict based on the evidence presented in a trial.
  3. Court^The court that hears serious criminal cases and appeals from the Magistrates' Court.
  4. of Innocence^The principle that an accused person is considered innocent until proven guilty.
  5. temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on the condition of a monetary guarantee.
  6. Charter^Legislation that recognizes the rights and treatment of victims within the criminal justice system.
  7. Offence^A serious crime that is generally heard in the County Court or Supreme Court, often involving a jury trial.
  8. Bargaining^An agreement where the accused pleads guilty to a lesser charge in return for a lighter sentence.
  9. Reasonable Doubt^The standard of proof required in a criminal trial.
  10. to Silence^The right of an accused person to refuse to answer questions or provide evidence against themselves.
  11. party responsible for presenting the case against the accused in a criminal trial.
  12. of Proof^The obligation to prove one's assertion, typically resting on the prosecution in a criminal case.
  1. Court^The court where summary offences are generally heard without a jury.
  2. Hearing^A pre-trial proceeding where a magistrate determines if there is sufficient evidence for a case to go to trial.
  3. person charged with a criminal offence.
  4. official who presides over a court case, ensuring the trial is fair.
  5. Impact Statement^A written or oral statement from the victim about how the crime has affected them.
  6. Arrangements^Special measures to assist vulnerable witnesses in giving evidence without facing the accused directly.
  7. of Proof^The level of certainty required to establish proof in a criminal case, i.e., beyond reasonable doubt.
  8. process of determining the punishment for a convicted individual.
  9. Court^The highest court in Victoria that hears the most serious criminal cases.

21 Clues: person charged with a criminal offence.process of determining the punishment for a convicted individual.official who presides over a court case, ensuring the trial is fair.Reasonable Doubt^The standard of proof required in a criminal trial.Court^The court where summary offences are generally heard without a jury....

Special Crime Investigation 2 2024-02-26

Special Crime Investigation 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Japanese organized crime syndicates.
  2. di capi re: Italian for "boss of all bosses," a title used to refer to the leader of a criminal organization.
  3. terrorism: Terrorism motivated by factors other than political ideology, such as religious or social causes.
  4. A high-ranking member of a criminal organization who serves as second-in-command to the boss.
  5. to the boss: A trusted adviser or counselor to the leader of a criminal organization.
  6. crime group: A structured group engaged in criminal activities.
  7. The illegal transportation of goods across borders to avoid taxes or regulations.
  8. Actions resembling terrorism but lacking the political motivation or ideology typically associated with terrorism.
  9. A militant Sunni Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden.
  10. A planned undertaking, often used to refer to criminal activities.
  11. Islamiyah: A Southeast Asian militant Islamist terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda.
  12. The act of taking advantage of someone or something for personal gain, often in a harmful or unfair manner.
  13. A form of bootlegging where only one leg of a pair of pants is sold.Incomers: Individuals or groups who move into a new area, often with criminal intentions.
  14. A group of individuals, often involved in criminal activities, who associate regularly.
  15. Criminals who smuggle people across borders, often charging high fees.
  16. triangle: A region in Southeast Asia known for the production of illicit drugs, particularly opium.
  17. The use of violence or intimidation to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals.
  1. Korean organized crime groups.
  2. trafficking: The illegal trade of humans for the purposes of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation.
  3. crime: Criminal activities carried out by a structured group.
  4. An adviser or counselor to the leader of a mafia or crime syndicate.
  5. A person who forges swords, often associated with traditional craftsmanship.State terrorism: Acts of terrorism committed by a state or its agents against its own people or other nations.
  6. crime: Criminal activities carried out using computers or the internet.
  7. terrorism: Terrorism carried out for political purposes or to achieve political objectives.
  8. A Chinese organized crime syndicate
  9. Chinese-American organizations involved in various criminal activities.
  10. Kong: A special administrative region of China known for its vibrant economy and historical association with organized crime.
  11. A narcotic drug derived from the opium poppy, often associated with illegal drug trade.
  12. A place providing refuge or safety, often used in the context of hiding from law enforcement.
  13. disorder: A situation characterized by unrest, protests, or violence within a society.
  14. (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria): A terrorist group aiming to establish a caliphate based on extremist interpretations of Islamic law.
  15. Japanese itinerant merchants, sometimes involved in criminal activities.
  16. The illegal production or distribution of goods, especially alcohol.
  17. political terrorism: Terrorism with a specific political agenda or goal, but on a smaller scale.
  18. The term does not appear to be widely recognized; it may be a specific reference or terminology.
  19. crime: Criminal activities that occur across national borders.
  20. head: A slang term that may refer to someone in charge of a specific area or "beat" within a criminal organization.
  21. Gang: A criminal organization consisting primarily of Chinese members.
  22. A type of organized crime syndicate originating in Italy.

39 Clues: Korean organized crime groups.A Chinese organized crime syndicateJapanese organized crime syndicates.A type of organized crime syndicate originating in Italy.crime: Criminal activities carried out by a structured group.crime: Criminal activities that occur across national borders.crime group: A structured group engaged in criminal activities....

Veni Creator 2023-05-29

Veni Creator crossword puzzle
  1. Fountain
  2. gift
  3. [you] have created
  4. which
  5. fill
  6. who
  7. Paraclete/Advocate
  8. of the Highest
  9. come
  10. Charity/Love
  11. Anointing
  1. of Your own
  2. minds
  3. [you] are called
  4. of God
  5. spiritual
  6. chests/hearts
  7. grace
  8. you
  9. fire
  10. heavenly, lofty
  11. Spirit
  12. living

23 Clues: whoyougiftfillfirecomemindswhichgraceof GodSpiritlivingFountainspiritualAnointingof Your ownCharity/Lovechests/heartsof the Highestheavenly, lofty[you] are called[you] have createdParaclete/Advocate

Spanish - hayleigh 2023-04-10

Spanish - hayleigh crossword puzzle
  1. crime
  2. failure
  3. tocapture
  4. e'xito tobesuccessful
  5. critic
  6. howisit
  7. role
  8. arrest
  9. thief
  10. violence
  11. victim
  12. tobeabout
  13. steal
  14. scene
  15. criminal
  1. alien
  2. fascinate
  3. recomend
  4. acting
  5. plot
  6. character
  7. detective
  8. main character
  9. kill
  10. direction

25 Clues: roleplotkillcrimealienthiefstealscenecriticactingarrestvictimfailurehowisitrecomendviolencecriminalfascinatetocapturecharacterdetectivedirectiontobeaboutmain charactere'xito tobesuccessful

6A Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-05

6A Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. direction
  2. star
  3. to fascinate
  4. acting
  5. to rob/steal
  6. scene
  7. crime
  8. to rent
  1. criminal
  2. violence
  3. he/she/it will be
  4. plot
  5. to fall in love
  6. alien
  7. critic
  8. detective
  9. love
  10. failure
  11. to kill
  12. leading man

20 Clues: plotstarlovealienscenecrimecriticactingfailureto killto rentcriminalviolencedirectiondetectiveleading manto fascinateto rob/stealto fall in lovehe/she/it will be

Criminal Crosswords 2022-03-09

Criminal Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. any decision, in addition to the verdict and determination, made by a judge or a court or a criminal prosecution body during the proceedings on materials or a criminal case
  2. procedural activity carried out by the defense party in order to refute suspicion or accusation or to mitigate the charge, to ensure the rights and interests of the suspect, the accused, the person who committed a socially dangerous act
  3. Proceedings on the materials and criminal case of crimes committed by foreign citizens and stateless persons are conducted on the territory of (which country) in accordance with the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus.
  4. production of preliminary investigation, inquiry in a criminal case
  5. a document certifying the fact of production, the content and results of procedural actions, drawn up in accordance with the procedure
  6. the decision made by the court of first instance on the question of the guilt or innocence of the accused, on the application or non-application of punishment to him and on other issues to be resolved
  7. negotiations between the accused and the victim with the participation of a mediator in order to facilitate their reconciliation
  8. a prosecutor who supports the state prosecution and carries out other procedural activities when considering a criminal case by a court of first instance
  1. a person to whom, by virtue of a law or agreement, the established right has been transferred directly from another person
  2. professional judge of any court, people's assessor
  3. the prosecutor's protest against the ruling of the court of first instance and the judge's ruling that have not entered into legal force
  4. written notification of a summons to the criminal prosecution body or to the court for the production of procedural actions
  5. forcible delivery of persons who failed to appear without valid reasons on a call to the body conducting the criminal process
  6. a written decision of the prosecutor or his deputy on the conduct of procedural actions
  7. complaint against a sentence that has not entered into legal force
  8. complaint against the ruling of the court of first instance and the decision of the judge, which have not entered into legal force

16 Clues: professional judge of any court, people's assessorcomplaint against a sentence that has not entered into legal forceproduction of preliminary investigation, inquiry in a criminal casea written decision of the prosecutor or his deputy on the conduct of procedural actions...

Extra Credit Semester 1 2020-11-04

Extra Credit Semester 1 crossword puzzle
  1. words that mimic certain sounds
  2. when readers imagine the 5 senses
  3. poetic language, not literal
  4. third person where narrator reads all minds
  5. when 1 object is described like a person
  6. third person where narrator reads zero minds
  7. major ideas that apply to all people in the story
  8. the narrator puts YOU in the story
  1. the main character in the story
  2. when you over exaggerate for extra drama
  3. comparing 2 unlike things using like/as
  4. "I, me, my, we" are all clues
  5. the part of the plot with characters/setting
  6. third person where narrator reads 1 mind
  7. comparing 2 unlike things without using like/as
  8. where the problem is in the story
  9. where the story ends
  10. when the beginning sound is repeated
  11. when the vowel sound is repeated
  12. the turning point in the story

20 Clues: where the story endspoetic language, not literal"I, me, my, we" are all cluesthe turning point in the storythe main character in the storywords that mimic certain soundswhen the vowel sound is repeatedwhen readers imagine the 5 senseswhere the problem is in the storythe narrator puts YOU in the storywhen the beginning sound is repeated...

Criminology(PRINCE) 2023-09-11

Criminology(PRINCE) crossword puzzle
  1. Study of criminal people
  2. Italian term of Criminology
  3. Supreme court
  4. It is a free will and rational Thinking
  5. Office of the President
  6. Greek word of study
  7. This is the study of of crime focused on the group of people
  8. This is the science that deals with the study of criminal behavior
  9. French anthropologist
  10. Making of Laws
  11. This is the science of behavior and mental processes of the criminal
  12. Study of criminal things
  1. Concerned with the control and prevention of crime and treatment of offenders
  2. Systematic ivestigation into various causes of crime
  3. What phase is modern criminology
  4. Deals onthe study of what makes a person victim of crime
  5. What phase is Independent criminology
  6. First educational institution offering criminology course
  7. Father of Modern Criminology
  8. What phase is classical criminology

20 Clues: Supreme courtMaking of LawsGreek word of studyFrench anthropologistOffice of the PresidentStudy of criminal peopleStudy of criminal thingsItalian term of CriminologyFather of Modern CriminologyWhat phase is modern criminologyWhat phase is classical criminologyWhat phase is Independent criminologyIt is a free will and rational Thinking...

Crimes and criminals - Daniela Dreifeldt 2023-11-07

Crimes and criminals - Daniela Dreifeldt crossword puzzle
  1. tricking
  2. criminal fire setting
  3. a person who betrays another person
  4. take something away from someone
  5. takes over the plane
  6. person who takes goods without paying
  7. criminal act by ship upon another ship
  8. faking passport
  9. person who breaks the law
  10. taking over a plane
  11. criminal who steals money
  12. going bank with the gun
  13. illegal act
  14. person who betrays the governments trust
  15. person who sets to fire on the purpose
  1. dealer
  2. drunk driving
  3. political murder
  4. person who rapes someone
  5. kill someone
  6. stealing something
  7. destroy or damage purpose
  8. illegal transportation
  9. letter ‘pay many or die’
  10. Blackbeard is a …
  11. person who steals a car while someone is in it
  12. breaking into internet
  13. housebreaking
  14. person got lost due …
  15. unlawful use to force or violence

30 Clues: dealertrickingillegal actkill someonedrunk drivinghousebreakingfaking passportpolitical murderBlackbeard is a …stealing somethingtaking over a planetakes over the planecriminal fire settingperson got lost due …illegal transportationbreaking into internetgoing bank with the gunperson who rapes someoneletter ‘pay many or die’destroy or damage purpose...

Criminal Justice - Words To Study 2022-08-23

Criminal Justice - Words To Study crossword puzzle
  1. jury that will consider a case fairly, without favoring or discriminating against anyone
  2. any search of a person or property without a search warrant from a judge
  3. another phrase for death penalty
  4. more serious than a misdemeanor
  5. intentional act of swearing a false oath or falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth
  6. an application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed
  7. proof that must be exceeded to secure a guilty verdict in a criminal case in a court of law
  8. final step in criminal prosecution, where the court orders the guilty party’s penalty
  9. an inconclusive trial, or one in which the jury cannot agree on a verdict
  10. when the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a more lenient sentence or agreement to drop other charges
  11. a writ ordering a person to attend a court
  12. a hearing. formal reading of criminal charging
  1. law that prohibits use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial
  2. less serious than a felony
  3. when the person has a specific intent to kill or inflict great bodily harm
  4. killing of a human being in which the offender acted during the heat of the moment under circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed to a point that they cannot control themselves
  5. unintentional killing that results either from recklessness or criminal negligence
  6. detaining of an accused person in a criminal case before the trial has taken place
  7. requires that officers have a reason to suspect criminal activity before detaining someone
  8. the right to have an attorney defend him or her at trial

20 Clues: less serious than a felonymore serious than a misdemeanoranother phrase for death penaltya writ ordering a person to attend a courta hearing. formal reading of criminal chargingthe right to have an attorney defend him or her at trialan application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed...

10 Stages of Criminal Justice Process 2023-11-17

10 Stages of Criminal Justice Process crossword puzzle
  1. 6th Stage of criminal justice process
  2. 9th Stage of criminal justice process
  3. 4th Stage of criminal justice process
  4. 8th Stage of criminal justice process
  5. 5th Stage of criminal justice process
  6. 10th Stage of criminal justice process
  1. 3rd Stage of criminal justice process
  2. 2nd Stage of criminal justice process
  3. 1st Stage of criminal justice process
  4. 7th Stage of criminal justice process

10 Clues: 3rd Stage of criminal justice process6th Stage of criminal justice process2nd Stage of criminal justice process1st Stage of criminal justice process9th Stage of criminal justice process4th Stage of criminal justice process8th Stage of criminal justice process7th Stage of criminal justice process5th Stage of criminal justice process...

Sea of Trolls Crossword Puzzle 2015-02-26

Sea of Trolls Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What creature can read minds?
  2. Which of Olaf's wives are different?
  3. What is King Ivar'r boat called?
  4. What did jack name the crow?
  1. The Holy Isle was burned by who?
  2. What kind of ship has 12- oars?
  3. Lucy's _____ escaped.
  4. what don't berserkers have that help them defeat trolls?
  5. Fame never _____.
  6. Who is the god of dirty tricks?

10 Clues: Fame never _____.Lucy's _____ escaped.What did jack name the crow?What creature can read minds?What kind of ship has 12- oars?Who is the god of dirty tricks?The Holy Isle was burned by who?What is King Ivar'r boat called?Which of Olaf's wives are different?what don't berserkers have that help them defeat trolls?

Super Actions 2024-03-19

Super Actions crossword puzzle
  1. grimper
  2. protéger
  3. porter
  4. creuser
  5. lancer
  6. entendre
  7. voir
  8. marcher
  1. couper
  2. (se)transformer en = ........ (people) into …
  3. voler
  4. lire les pensées = read people's...
  5. voyager
  6. aider

14 Clues: voirvoleraidercouperporterlancergrimpercreuservoyagermarcherprotégerentendrelire les pensées = read people's...(se)transformer en = ........ (people) into …

Chapter 6B 2024-04-05

Chapter 6B crossword puzzle
  1. to capture
  2. to arrest
  3. alien
  4. to fall in love with
  5. leading man
  6. failure
  7. to kill
  8. critic(m)
  1. to fascinate
  2. detective
  3. movie star
  4. thief(f)
  5. criminal
  6. critic(f)
  7. crime
  8. to rent
  9. love
  10. to be in love with
  11. thief(m)
  12. seen

20 Clues: loveseencrimealiento rentfailureto killthief(f)criminalthief(m)detectivecritic(f)to arrestcritic(m)movie starto captureleading manto fascinateto be in love withto fall in love with

criminology part 1 2023-09-07

criminology part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. thoughts and actions to unconscious motives
  2. the theory your born criminal because your genes
  3. Criminal have not developed like the rest
  4. all can be criminals if not for friends/family
  5. responsible for the action or crime
  6. affected by, but does not explain crime
  1. study of why certain people are victim
  2. study of crime and the causes of criminal
  3. keep it simple at first
  4. wrong because society deemed it wrong
  5. society created behaviors which they feel criminal
  6. people have a choice to be criminals
  7. causes men to commit crime vs women
  8. criminal behavior is result of bio/phsyc/social
  9. people learn criminality from their environment

15 Clues: keep it simple at firstcauses men to commit crime vs womenresponsible for the action or crimepeople have a choice to be criminalswrong because society deemed it wrongstudy of why certain people are victimaffected by, but does not explain crimestudy of crime and the causes of criminalCriminal have not developed like the rest...

Crime Vocabulary 2023-12-21

Crime Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. jury
  2. judge
  3. evidence
  4. blood
  5. victim
  6. punishment
  7. stolen
  1. murderer
  2. witness
  3. solve
  4. suspect
  5. criminal
  6. prove
  7. prison
  8. detective
  9. illegal

16 Clues: jurysolvejudgeprovebloodprisonvictimstolenwitnesssuspectillegalmurdererevidencecriminaldetectivepunishment

Crime and Punishment 2019-11-05

Crime and Punishment crossword puzzle
  1. To put other people off committing the same crime
  2. An Islamic law deemed to be harsh
  3. An illegal act
  4. Giving up or denying your religious faith
  5. That which is permitted
  6. To make a criminal a better person
  7. cutting off a limb
  8. To stop feeling anger towards someone who has done wrong
  9. Rules made by parliament that are enforced by laws and courts
  10. Bringing people back together
  1. Those who have suffered a crime
  2. The proper administration of the law, everybody being treated fairly
  3. To protect society from a criminal
  4. Brotherhood in Islam
  5. Restoring to normal
  6. In the right relation to
  7. Taking revenge on a criminal
  8. Accepting payment for a crime so that the criminal does not go to prison
  9. That which is forbidden

19 Clues: An illegal actcutting off a limbRestoring to normalBrotherhood in IslamThat which is permittedThat which is forbiddenIn the right relation toTaking revenge on a criminalBringing people back togetherThose who have suffered a crimeAn Islamic law deemed to be harshTo protect society from a criminalTo make a criminal a better person...

Crime and Its Consequences 2022-10-20

Crime and Its Consequences crossword puzzle
  1. criminal conduct
  2. mental or psychological impairment as a defence against a crime
  3. inducement into committing a crime by law enforcement
  4. criminal act that leads directly to the harm without long delay
  5. criminal intent
  1. requirement that a harm must be legally forbidden
  2. force or coercion as an excuse to commit a crime
  3. the criminal conduct and criminal intent must occur together
  4. the failure to take reasonable precaution to prevent a crime
  5. an intentional violation of the criminal law
  6. rules regarding what humans can say, think or do
  7. criminal law treats anyone over 18 years old as this
  8. the external consequence required to make an action a crime

13 Clues: criminal intentcriminal conductan intentional violation of the criminal lawforce or coercion as an excuse to commit a crimerules regarding what humans can say, think or dorequirement that a harm must be legally forbiddencriminal law treats anyone over 18 years old as thisinducement into committing a crime by law enforcement...