criminal minds Crossword Puzzles

intelligent minds 2021-07-28

intelligent minds crossword puzzle
  1. She's not with him, so where is she?
  2. 😏ðŸĪ ðŸ˜Ŧ😘👅 in other words is the
  3. Malia is being ______ assaulted!
  4. Will you be this to my jelly?
  5. I want her lollys?!? (first name)
  6. Will you be these to my Mrs Reynoso?
  1. mrs tarricones son (21)
  2. Who knows what will happen when Lucas is
  3. When she's berty. (__)
  4. "Lily, since we're both going to prom alone, want to go together? Like a together alone kind of thing." Is an example of:
  5. mrs tarricones other son (24)
  6. mrs tarricones husband
  7. Ada has this many spirit animals

13 Clues: When she's berty. (__)mrs tarricones husbandmrs tarricones son (21)😏ðŸĪ ðŸ˜Ŧ😘👅 in other words is themrs tarricones other son (24)Will you be this to my jelly?Malia is being ______ assaulted!Ada has this many spirit animalsI want her lollys?!? (first name)She's not with him, so where is she?Will you be these to my Mrs Reynoso?...


BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND crossword puzzle
  1. The brain is an
  2. A condition of the mind
  3. It means to restore to its original state
  4. What creature does mind control resemble
  1. They are challenged by our thoughts feelings beliefs
  2. Be it unto you according to your
  3. It shields our minds
  4. Spiritual forces do this to our minds
  5. We build them in our minds
  6. The number of stages to challenging thoughts

10 Clues: The brain is anIt shields our mindsA condition of the mindWe build them in our mindsBe it unto you according to yourSpiritual forces do this to our mindsWhat creature does mind control resembleIt means to restore to its original stateThe number of stages to challenging thoughtsThey are challenged by our thoughts feelings beliefs

Final Challenge Crossword 2023-11-22

Final Challenge Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Sent complex codes and ciphers to the media during a killing spree starting in the late 60s.
  2. Fictional sleuth living in St. Mary Mead.
  3. Criminal Minds characters are members of this government agency.
  4. Leroy Jethro Gibbs, played by Mark Harmon, was the main character in this show.
  5. Public officers may conduct ______ checks during an investigation.
  6. Dr. Hannibal ___________.
  7. The Helter Skelter scenario was an apocalyptic vision embraced by this cult leader and his family.
  8. In the movie Seven, John Doe (played by Kevin Spacey) was guilty of this sin.
  9. American Rapper Ice-T appears on this detective drama under the Law & Order franchise.
  1. Bibliotherapy usually involves the use of this form of literature.
  2. Author of “Fall of the House of Usher” and “Annabel Lee”.
  3. Dr. Temperance Brennan from Bones is a forensic ___________.
  4. Nineteenth century female axe murderer.
  5. ______ of mind OR condition.
  6. Hesitant.
  7. Nickname of serial killer who claimed his neighbor's dog was giving him orders to kill.

16 Clues: Hesitant.Dr. Hannibal ___________.______ of mind OR condition.Nineteenth century female axe murderer.Fictional sleuth living in St. Mary Mead.Author of “Fall of the House of Usher” and “Annabel Lee”.Dr. Temperance Brennan from Bones is a forensic ___________.Criminal Minds characters are members of this government agency....

Final Challenge 2023-11-22

Final Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. The Helter Skelter scenario was an apocalyptic vision embraced by this cult leader and his family.
  2. Public officers may conduct ______ checks during an investigation.
  3. Author of “Fall of the House of Usher” and “Annabel Lee”.
  4. In the movie Seven, John Doe (played by Kevin Spacey) was guilty of this sin.
  5. ______ of mind OR condition.
  6. Sent complex codes and ciphers to the media during a killing spree starting in the late 60s.
  7. Leroy Jethro Gibbs, played by Mark Harmon, was the main character in this show.
  8. Nineteenth century female axe murderer.
  9. Nickname of serial killer who claimed his neighbor's dog was giving him orders to kill.
  1. Fictional sleuth living in St. Mary Mead.
  2. American Rapper Ice-T appears on this detective drama under the Law & Order franchise.
  3. Dr. Hannibal ___________.
  4. Criminal Minds characters are members of this government agency.
  5. Dr. Temperance Brennan from Bones is a forensic ___________.
  6. Hesitant.
  7. Bibliotherapy usually involves the use of this form of literature.

16 Clues: Hesitant.Dr. Hannibal ___________.______ of mind OR condition.Nineteenth century female axe murderer.Fictional sleuth living in St. Mary Mead.Author of “Fall of the House of Usher” and “Annabel Lee”.Dr. Temperance Brennan from Bones is a forensic ___________.Criminal Minds characters are members of this government agency....

title 2014-02-19

title crossword puzzle
  1. rrrrrr
  2. hhhhh
  3. iiiiiii
  4. cccccc
  5. jjjjjjj
  6. dddddddd
  7. ppppp
  8. qqqqq
  1. mmmmmmm
  2. ffffff
  3. kkkkkkk
  4. eeeeeeee
  5. oooooo
  6. nnnnnnnn
  7. aaaaaa
  8. bbbbbbb
  9. lllllll
  10. ggggggg

18 Clues: hhhhhpppppqqqqqffffffrrrrrrooooooccccccaaaaaammmmmmmkkkkkkkiiiiiiijjjjjjjbbbbbbblllllllgggggggeeeeeeeennnnnnnndddddddd

Criminal Law 2021-06-30

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. The type of cause that is sufficient evidence to support an arrest or search
  2. A term given to a serious crime
  3. Any behavior that is considered illegal against society
  4. The authority of the court
  5. An order from judge to appear in court
  6. The lawyer who presents the case for the government in a criminal case
  7. A person trained in the practice of law
  8. The person charged with a crime in a criminal case
  9. A person who gives testimony in a court of law
  10. The system of law in which two sides are opponents
  11. The person who has not reached the legal age
  12. The 12 members who are entrusted to come up with verdict
  1. The type of doubt that a normal person would have in similar circumstances
  2. The courtroom drama involved in a legal case
  3. To take money when in a trusted position
  4. You were elsewhere at time of crime
  5. The warning given to anyone taken into custody
  6. A term given to a less serous criminal offense
  7. A solemn promise
  8. A formal written accusation from a grand jury
  9. Rules and regulations established by society to regulate conduct
  10. An oral statement given by a witness in a court of law
  11. The maximum jail term for a misdemeanor

23 Clues: A solemn promiseThe authority of the courtA term given to a serious crimeYou were elsewhere at time of crimeAn order from judge to appear in courtA person trained in the practice of lawThe maximum jail term for a misdemeanorTo take money when in a trusted positionThe courtroom drama involved in a legal case...

Criminal Crossword 2022-10-19

Criminal Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Defence where the act becomes lawful
  2. Wrong but denial in culpability
  3. Intoxication
  4. Gross Negligence Manslaughter
  5. Prior to loss of self control
  6. R v Cunningham (1957)
  7. unintentional killing
  8. complete loss of self control
  9. Failure to act
  10. 2016 ruling that changed complicity
  11. Test for Duress
  12. S.20 OAPA 1861
  13. Devlin J defining Disease of the Mind
  14. William ______
  15. Goal or Objective
  16. arrested outside post office
  1. _______ Manslaughter
  2. R v G (2004)
  3. No NAI if V's act is reasonable
  4. _____ Criminal Damage
  5. ________ burden
  6. Inflict is to be interpreted as caused
  7. Co-Defendants
  8. More than merely preparatory
  9. disease of the mind
  10. Homicide
  11. Necessary for Result Crimes
  12. Test for Dangerous
  13. duty to avert danger
  14. defence for bodily privacy invasion
  15. Re A (2001)
  16. Reasonable for self defence

32 Clues: HomicideRe A (2001)R v G (2004)IntoxicationCo-DefendantsFailure to actS.20 OAPA 1861William ______________ burdenTest for DuressGoal or ObjectiveTest for Dangerousdisease of the mind_______ Manslaughterduty to avert danger_____ Criminal DamageR v Cunningham (1957)unintentional killingNecessary for Result CrimesReasonable for self defence...

Criminal Law 2020-07-19

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. The case that sets out the tests for strict liability
  2. A failure to do something
  3. A case in which the railway keeper did not shut the gate
  4. Is transferred when defendant intends to commit a crime against one person, but inadvertently commits a crime against another person
  5. Form of Liability that does not require Mens Rea
  6. A case in which an on-duty police officer let a man be kicked to death
  7. A case in which the defendant held the victim hostage in a police shoot out
  8. A case in which a 15 year old boy left sulphuric acid in a hand dryer
  9. A case in which the defendant parked on a policeman's foot without realising it but refused to move
  10. A case in which the defendant fell asleep with a lit cigarette and did not put it out
  11. The burden of proof is on this person
  12. Leading case on intention
  13. Also means 'really serious' for s.20 OAPA 1861
  14. Type of recklessness where the defendant knows there is a risk of the consequence happening but takes that risk
  15. An act causing victim to fear infliction of unlawful force
  16. What the Actus Reus and Mens Rea must do for a crime to take place
  1. Mental Element of a Crime
  2. Also known as 'but for' causation
  3. Victim jumped from a car to escape defendant's advances
  4. What the jury are entitled to do if they are sure that death or serious bodily harm was a virtual certainty and the defendant appreciated this was the case
  5. Application of unlawful force to another
  6. A case in which transmitting HIV can be GBH
  7. A case in which a pharmacy dispensed medicines without a prescription
  8. Has to be more than a 'slight' or trifling link
  9. A case in which the victim was subject to silent phone calls
  10. Can only be the mens rea for s.18 OAPA
  11. Break of the skin for s.20 OAPA
  12. Fault Element of a Crime
  13. Also known as indirect intent
  14. A case in which the victim died from rare complications after surgery
  15. Form of recklessness no longer part of criminal law (overruled by G)

31 Clues: Fault Element of a CrimeMental Element of a CrimeA failure to do somethingLeading case on intentionAlso known as indirect intentBreak of the skin for s.20 OAPAAlso known as 'but for' causationThe burden of proof is on this personCan only be the mens rea for s.18 OAPAApplication of unlawful force to anotherA case in which transmitting HIV can be GBH...

Criminal Law 2021-02-16

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. intentional or unintentional killing conducted with malice aforethought
  2. type of intent nullified by honest but unreasonable mistake of fact or voluntary intoxication
  3. type of intent nullified by honest and reasonable mistake of fact
  4. malicious burning of a structure
  5. trespassory taking and carrying away of another's personal property with intent to permanently deprive
  6. type of manslaughter that is intentional, but mitigated by adequate provocation or other circumstances negating malice aforethought
  7. attempted battery, or intentionally causing victim to fear immediate battery
  8. duty to do this before using deadly force
  9. plaintiff must prove the act was set in motion by the requisite state of mind
  10. defendant reasonably believes force is necessary to avoid a greater harm that is immediate, and defendant is not responsible for causing the harm
  11. aids, abets, or facilitates criminal acts of another, provided the criminal consequences are foreseeable in relation to the acts
  12. intentional or reckless application of unlawful force to the victim's person
  13. obtaining property by threat of future harm
  14. rule regarding liability where police or victim kills the co-felon
  1. doctrine that makes co-conspirators guilty of crimes that are a foreseeable outgrowth of a conspiracy and are done in furtherance of the conspiracy
  2. agreement to commit a crime coupled with a significant overt act in furtherance of the agreement
  3. unlawful conversion of property lawfully in defendant's possession with intent to permanently deprive
  4. breaking and entering the dwelling of another with the intent to commit a felony therein
  5. type of manslaughter that is unintentional, caused by recklessness, criminal negligence, or during the commission of an unlawful act
  6. timely repudiation plus sufficient steps to neutralize any assistance provided before commission of the crime
  7. independent and inherently dangerous felonies mnemonic
  8. guilty mind
  9. guilty act
  10. specific intent to bring about a criminal result and a significant overt act in furtherance of that intent
  11. defendant seeks to induce another to commit a crime
  12. larceny by force
  13. defendant was laboring under defect of reason from a disease of the mind as to not know the nature and quality of the act or that what he was doing was wrong

27 Clues: guilty actguilty mindlarceny by forcemalicious burning of a structureduty to do this before using deadly forceobtaining property by threat of future harmdefendant seeks to induce another to commit a crimeindependent and inherently dangerous felonies mnemonictype of intent nullified by honest and reasonable mistake of fact...

Criminal Justice 2023-02-28

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. to bother, irritate, or intimidate
  2. demanding money and keeping a secret in return
  3. using deceit for personal gain
  4. a physical attack
  5. a crime usually punishable by prison
  6. a minor crime, usually punishable by a fine
  7. tampering with a legal document or faking a signature
  8. destroying evidence
  9. trying to overthrow your own government
  10. paying someone off
  11. damaging or destroying property
  12. trying to destroy an entire group of people
  1. spying to gain military or political information
  2. stealing from a store
  3. illegal entry with crime, usually stealing
  4. murder of an important political person
  5. lying under oath
  6. setting property on fire
  7. misusing someone's investment money
  8. to take over a plane, boat, or vehicle
  9. an unplanned murder

21 Clues: lying under oatha physical attackpaying someone offdestroying evidencean unplanned murderstealing from a storesetting property on fireusing deceit for personal gaindamaging or destroying propertyto bother, irritate, or intimidatemisusing someone's investment moneya crime usually punishable by prisonto take over a plane, boat, or vehicle...

CRIMINAL LAW 2014-05-14

CRIMINAL LAW crossword puzzle
  1. the share of responsibility among criminals for the additional crimes committed over the course of the crime they originally intended to commit
  2. a deliberate closing of one’s mind to the possible consequences of one’s actions
  3. wanton or reckless disregard for the lives and safety of others, sometimes causing serious injury or death
  4. the person who actually commits the crime
  5. someone who knowingly receives, comforts, or assists a perpetrator in escaping from the police
  6. an awareness of certain facts that can be used to establish mens rea
  7. offences that do not require mens rea but to which the accused can offer the defence due diligence
  8. defence used to prove that the accused took every reasonable precaution to prevent committing a particular crime
  9. the body of laws that prohibit and punish acts that injure people, property, and society as a whole
  10. the intention to commit a crime even though it may not be carried out
  11. the state of mind in which someone desires to carry out a wrongful action, knows what the results will be, and is recklessly regarding the consequences
  12. the crime of encouraging the perpetrator to commit crime
  1. legal responsibility for wrongful action
  2. offences that do not require mens rea to which the accused can offer no defence
  3. an act or omission of an act that is prohibited and punishable by federal statute
  4. Rea the guilty mind = deliberate intention to commit a wrongful act, with reckless disregard for the consequences
  5. the guilty act = the voluntary action, omission, or state of being that is forbidden by the Code
  6. the reason a person commits a crime
  7. the desire to commit a wrongful act, with no ulterior motive or purpose
  8. consciously taking an unjustifiable risk that a reasonable person would not take
  9. a criminal offence that involves helping a perpetrator commit a crime
  10. an agreement between 2 or more people to carry out an illegal act, even if that act does not actually occur
  11. laws covering less serious offences at the provincial or municipal level; most punishable by fines
  12. federal/provincial statutes meant to protect public welfare
  13. a crime that involves advising, recommending, or persuading someone into committing an offence
  14. the desire to commit one wrongful act for the sake of accomplishing another

26 Clues: the reason a person commits a crimelegal responsibility for wrongful actionthe person who actually commits the crimethe crime of encouraging the perpetrator to commit crimefederal/provincial statutes meant to protect public welfarean awareness of certain facts that can be used to establish mens rea...

Criminal Activity 2018-08-02

Criminal Activity crossword puzzle
  1. Illegally cheating or deceiving others for personal gain.
  2. To take legal action against someone.
  3. Stealing from a store.
  4. Admitting to something, like a crime.
  5. Aggressive actions intended to cause harm is called _________.
  6. A more serious crime is called a ________.
  7. Someone who is under the legal age of adulthood.
  8. An active examination or research into something, like a crime.
  9. Someone who is accused or thought to have committed a crime.
  10. A criminal must go to _______ before a punishment can be decided.
  11. This invisible thing is left behind when you touch things with your hands.
  12. Hiding illegally obtained money by transferring through foreign banks or other businesses.
  13. If a court proves that someone committed a crime, the person is _______.
  14. If a court decides someone did not commit a crime, the person is ________.
  15. This is a story used to defend someone and explain their whereabouts during the time of a crime.
  16. Sneaking into a building without permission and stealing things.
  17. A person whose job is to decide the punishment for a criminal.
  18. Illegally moving goods into or out of a country.
  19. Paying law enforcement officials to allow illegal activity.
  20. A collection of things intended to prove that a crime has been committed is called _______.
  21. A pair of metal rings police lock on the wrists of criminals.
  22. A department of specialists who find small traces of things to prove a crime is called _______.
  23. Someone who takes something that is not theirs without permission.
  24. This is the court decision of whether someone committed a crime or not.
  25. An order from a court that allows police to enter a private place or detain someone.
  26. Money or other form of payment demanded for release of a prisoner.
  27. Intentionally saying something untrue in court after taking an oath or vow of truth.
  1. A partner in crime.
  2. Questioning of someone by law enforcement about a crime.
  3. Another word for a murder is a _________.
  4. Someone with an extreme psychological condition who kills 3 or more people.
  5. A fake copy of money or a product that is used to deceive.
  6. Someone who has seen illegal activity.
  7. Taking someone illegally by force, usually for personal gain.
  8. A criminal may try to ensure their safety and demands by holding someone called a ______.
  9. This is the place where criminal activity has happened.
  10. Destroying or damaging public or private property is called ________.
  11. Another word for death.
  12. The act of attacking and stealing from someone in a public place.
  13. Carelessness, which usually has a negative result.
  14. If a crime happens to someone, that person is a ________.
  15. Intentionally setting fire to property is called _______.
  16. Capturing and restraining someone.
  17. These are people who are chosen randomly from society to decide on a court case.
  18. Taking control of a larger vehicle (ship, plane, etc) while in motion is called _______.
  19. A large sum of money used to release a criminal and guarantee their appearance in court.
  20. An action of illegally taking things from a person or place by force.
  21. This is another word for a lawyer.
  22. A punishment decided in court is called a ________.
  23. Damaging or destroying something belonging to someone else for personal advantage.
  24. Illegally producing a copy of a signature, artwork, or document.
  25. A violent crowd of people.

52 Clues: A partner in crime.Stealing from a store.Another word for death.A violent crowd of people.Capturing and restraining someone.This is another word for a lawyer.To take legal action against someone.Admitting to something, like a crime.Someone who has seen illegal activity.Another word for a murder is a _________....

Criminal Activity 2018-08-02

Criminal Activity crossword puzzle
  1. An action of illegally taking things from a person or place by force.
  2. Capturing and restraining someone.
  3. The act of attacking and stealing from someone in a public place.
  4. A partner in crime.
  5. Someone who is under the legal age of adulthood.
  6. A fake copy of money or a product that is used to deceive.
  7. Money or other form of payment demanded for release of a prisoner.
  8. This is the court decision of whether someone committed a crime or not.
  9. Taking control of a larger vehicle (ship, plane, etc) while in motion is called _______.
  10. If a court decides someone did not commit a crime, the person is ________.
  11. An active examination or research into something, like a crime.
  12. This is the place where criminal activity has happened.
  13. Intentionally saying something untrue in court after taking an oath or vow of truth.
  14. Damaging or destroying something belonging to someone else for personal advantage.
  15. Someone who has seen illegal activity.
  16. Illegally moving goods into or out of a country.
  17. Stealing from a store.
  18. Destroying or damaging public or private property is called ________.
  19. A criminal may try to ensure their safety and demands by holding someone called a ______.
  20. This invisible thing is left behind when you touch things with your hands.
  21. An order from a court that allows police to enter a private place or detain someone.
  22. Aggressive actions intended to cause harm is called _________.
  23. Another word for a murder is a _________.
  24. A person whose job is to decide the punishment for a criminal.
  25. A criminal must go to _______ before a punishment can be decided.
  26. Someone who is accused or thought to have committed a crime.
  27. A more serious crime is called a ________.
  1. If a crime happens to someone, that person is a ________.
  2. To take legal action against someone.
  3. Paying law enforcement officials to allow illegal activity.
  4. Hiding illegally obtained money by transferring through foreign banks or other businesses.
  5. Questioning of someone by law enforcement about a crime.
  6. A punishment decided in court is called a ________.
  7. Illegally producing a copy of a signature, artwork, or document.
  8. If a court proves that someone committed a crime, the person is _______.
  9. Taking someone illegally by force, usually for personal gain.
  10. Someone with an extreme psychological condition who kills 3 or more people.
  11. A violent crowd of people.
  12. Admitting to something, like a crime.
  13. A pair of metal rings police lock on the wrists of criminals.
  14. Carelessness, which usually has a negative result.
  15. Sneaking into a building without permission and stealing things.
  16. A large sum of money used to release a criminal and guarantee their appearance in court.
  17. A department of specialists who find small traces of things to prove a crime is called _______.
  18. This is another word for a lawyer.
  19. Intentionally setting fire to property is called _______.
  20. Illegally cheating or deceiving others for personal gain.
  21. Another word for death.
  22. A collection of things intended to prove that a crime has been committed is called _______.
  23. These are people who are chosen randomly from society to decide on a court case.
  24. This is a story used to defend someone and explain their whereabouts during the time of a crime.

51 Clues: A partner in crime.Stealing from a store.Another word for death.A violent crowd of people.Capturing and restraining someone.This is another word for a lawyer.To take legal action against someone.Admitting to something, like a crime.Someone who has seen illegal activity.Another word for a murder is a _________....

Criminal Law 2022-03-08

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. the degree or extend to which a case must be proved in court
  2. are criminal offence that are committed using computers
  3. when lower courts must follow decisions of a higher court
  4. an independent group of people chosen at random to decide evidence in a legal case
  5. an act of omission that is against existing law, harmful to an individual or society as a whole and punishable by law
  6. law made by judges through decisions made in cases
  7. the release of an accused person from custody on a condition that they will attend a court hearing to answer charges
  8. a penalty imposed by a court
  9. the body that creates legislation
  10. the highest court in Victoria
  11. when an indictable offence is heard as a summary offence
  12. a serious offence generally heard before a judge and jury in the County Court or Supreme Court
  13. where the mens rea for a crime is not required
  14. a term used to describe the willingness of members of a society to cooperate which each other in order to survive and prosper
  15. are criminal offences undertaken in a planned and ongoing manner by organised criminal syndicates or gangs
  1. a Latin term meaning 'incapable of evil'; the principle that a child aged between 10 and 13 years i presumed to be incapable of forming a mens rea
  2. a minor offence generally heard in the Magistrates court
  3. the party bringing the case in criminal law
  4. a Latin term meaning 'guilty mind'
  5. another terms for the difference between two things
  6. a person who knowingly assists another person who has committed a serious indictable offence to avoid being apprehended, prosecuted, convicted or punished
  7. a Latin term meaning 'a guilty act; the physical element of a crime
  8. a person charged with a criminal offence
  9. are criminal offences motivated by prejudice and bias against another person or group of people based on personal characteristics
  10. the standard of proof in a criminal case
  11. the obligation of a party to prove a case
  12. the offender who commits an offences and has carred out the actus reus

27 Clues: a penalty imposed by a courtthe highest court in Victoriathe body that creates legislationa Latin term meaning 'guilty mind'a person charged with a criminal offencethe standard of proof in a criminal casethe obligation of a party to prove a casethe party bringing the case in criminal lawwhere the mens rea for a crime is not required...

Criminal Crosswords 2022-03-09

Criminal Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. A defense to a criminal charge alleging that the accused was somewhere other than at the scene of the crime at the time it occurred.
  2. The act of condemning a person or property.
  3. One human being unlawfully kills another human being.
  4. The inchoate offense of offering money to someone with the specific intent of inducing that person to commit a crime.
  5. In a civil matter, the party sued by the plaintiff; in a criminal matter, the party who is prosecuted.
  6. A crime at common law defined as unlawful sexual intercourse with someone without their consent and by means of fear or force.
  7. In a civil matter, the party who initiates a lawsuit (against the defendant).
  8. Person younger than age of 18.
  9. The crime of stealing something from a person or place.
  10. Anything (physical or intangible) that can be owned by a person or entity.
  11. The offense of betraying one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies.
  1. The crime of demanding money from a person by threatening to tell somebody else a secret about them.
  2. An ADR method with a neutral person helping the parties find a solution to their dispute.
  3. A civil or criminal proceeding. May be called an action, suit, or controversy, depending on the jurisdiction and nature of the dispute.
  4. An appointed or elected official who decides legal disputes in court.
  5. The process of making an official decision about who is right when two groups or organizations disagree; the decision that is made.
  6. Any charge of money or property that imposed by a government upon individuals or entities that are within the government's authority to collect.
  7. The official transcript of a trial or public hearing, including in the case of a trial all evidence introduced.
  8. A person with first-hand knowledge of an event, that testifies to that knowledge during a trial or other legal proceeding.
  9. An order issued by a legal authority with administrative or judicial powers, typically a court.

20 Clues: Person younger than age of 18.The act of condemning a person or property.One human being unlawfully kills another human being.The crime of stealing something from a person or place.An appointed or elected official who decides legal disputes in court.Anything (physical or intangible) that can be owned by a person or entity....

Criminal Process 2021-02-16

Criminal Process crossword puzzle
  1. evidence is so distant from initial illegality that poisonous tree no longer infects the evidence
  2. requires reasonable suspicion that suspect has a weapon
  3. direct questioning or words that a reasonable officer would anticipate were likely to elicit an incriminating response
  4. police in lawful vantage point to see illegality that is readily apparent, and they have lawful access to the illegality
  5. warrant exception mnemonic
  6. must be based on probable cause, describe with particularity the thing to be seized or searched, and be issued by neutral and detached magistrate
  7. right to this if defendant is subject to a penalty of more than 6 months confinement
  8. imminent flight, destruction of evidence, danger to others; for example
  9. search of arrestee and area within immediate control (abbrev.)
  10. must be ambiguous and unequivocal
  11. facts and circumstances that lead a reasonable officer to conclude that an individual committed a crime or that specific items related to criminal activity can be found at a particular location
  12. prosecution for the same charge by the same sovereign after a ruling on the merits
  13. subjective expectation of privacy that is objectively reasonable (abbrev.)
  14. arrest for this requires it to occur in officer's presence, or a warrant
  1. coercion makes this involuntary
  2. cannot be unnecessarily suggestive and conducive to irreparable mistaken identification
  3. seeking evidence by physically trespassing or intruding on reasonable expectation of privacy
  4. type of tip that can establish probable cause if it contains specific details and is confirmed by independent police investigation
  5. defendant has ownership or possessory interest in place searched or item seized, or is a social guest in someone else's residence
  6. brief stop and question of suspect if police reasonably believe that criminal activity may be afoot
  7. must be voluntary and intelligent
  8. arises upon custodial interrogation
  9. tainted evidence may still be used for this purpose
  10. reasonable person would believe they are not free to leave
  11. meaningful interference with possessory interest
  12. type of search that may be done without any cause

26 Clues: warrant exception mnemoniccoercion makes this involuntarymust be voluntary and intelligentmust be ambiguous and unequivocalarises upon custodial interrogationmeaningful interference with possessory interesttype of search that may be done without any causetainted evidence may still be used for this purpose...

Criminal Procedure 2023-12-11

Criminal Procedure crossword puzzle
  1. Defendant’s first court appearance, informed of charges and rights. (2 words)
  2. Legal procedure for exchanging evidence between parties. (2 words)
  3. Reasonable belief a crime has been committed, justifying legal action. (2 words)
  4. Jury review of evidence to decide on indictments. (3 words)
  5. Court session to determine bail conditions for release. (2 words)
  6. Systematic rules governing legal processes in criminal cases. (2 words)
  7. Requests to the court before trial to shape the case. (2 words)
  8. Court order authorizing the arrest of an individual. (2 words)
  9. Court session to determine if there’s enough evidence for a trial. (2 words)
  10. Formal charge issued by a grand jury, indicating enough evidence for trial. (1 word)
  1. Questioning of witnesses by the opposing party. (2 words)
  2. Recording personal information and charges after arrest. (2 words)
  3. Legal authorization to search a specific location for evidence. (2 words)
  4. Initial statements by attorneys outlining their case. (2 words)
  5. Final statements by attorneys summarizing their case. (2 words)
  6. Process of choosing individuals to serve on a jury. (2 words)
  7. Defendant’s court appearance to enter a plea. (1 word)
  8. Questioning of witnesses by the party that called them. (2 words)
  9. Legal proceeding where evidence is presented to determine guilt or innocence. (1 word)
  10. Legal rights read to a person in custody, including the right to remain silent. (2 words)

20 Clues: Defendant’s court appearance to enter a plea. (1 word)Questioning of witnesses by the opposing party. (2 words)Jury review of evidence to decide on indictments. (3 words)Process of choosing individuals to serve on a jury. (2 words)Court order authorizing the arrest of an individual. (2 words)...

Criminal Profiling 2024-03-11

Criminal Profiling crossword puzzle
  1. The injured party in a crime
  2. First modern case to use profiling occurred in this northwest state
  3. Careful study
  4. Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, for short (VICAP)
  5. Study of injured parties
  6. Information bank
  7. Mindhunter John Edward ________
  8. The Roadside Strangler’s __________ was to strangle women between the ages of 14–25 (signature)
  9. A suspect’s makeup
  10. _______-based case
  11. How an offender commits a crime (two words)
  12. Oversight
  13. Skill
  14. Bloodhound, for example
  1. Federal Bureau of Investigation, for short
  2. John Douglas’s name for the 12 FBI profilers who worked with him on cases(two words)
  3. Where evidence is gathered (two words)
  4. _________ in traits, ages, habits, and other demographic details help construct accurate profiles of criminals
  5. Singled out
  6. Work backward from an observed crime (two words)
  7. How J. Edgar Hoover described the study of the criminal mind (hokum)
  8. The study of one’s mind and behavior (psychology)
  9. This killer’s case was the first time a victim profile was used to warn the general public (two words)
  10. Error in judgement
  11. ______ killers
  12. The case of this NYC serial killer gave birth to criminal profiling (two words)
  13. FBI’s _________ Analysis Unit
  14. Unidentified person of interest, abbr.
  15. Restrict
  16. Working hypothesis

30 Clues: SkillRestrictOversightSingled outCareful study______ killersInformation bankError in judgementA suspect’s makeup_______-based caseWorking hypothesisBloodhound, for exampleStudy of injured partiesThe injured party in a crimeFBI’s _________ Analysis UnitMindhunter John Edward ________Where evidence is gathered (two words)...

Criminal law 2024-05-15

Criminal law crossword puzzle
  1. means that the wrongful act resulted from either imprudence,negligence,lack of foresight or lack of skills
  2. Those who take a direct part in the execution of the act
  3. waters - all bodies of water that connect all the islands such as lakes, bay, rivers, and streams.
  4. is frustrated when the offender performs all the acts of execution which would produce the felony as a consequence but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of causes independent of the will of the perpetrator.
  5. refers to one's inability to copylate
  6. is that branch or division of law which defines crime,treats of their nature,and provides for their punishment
  7. refers to more than three armed malefactors acting together in the commission of an offense
  8. acts or omissions punishable by revised penal
  9. That advantage be taken by the offender of his public position.
  10. to act with treachery
  11. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights, provided that the following circumstances concur;
  12. Those mentioned in the preceding chapter, when all the requisites necessary to justify or to exempt from criminal liability in the respective cases are not attendant.
  13. refers to a nation or power which takes no part in a contest of arms between others
  14. means to desire or wish in common things
  15. a belief system promulgated by a group
  16. - Accomplices are those persons who, not being included in Article 17, cooperate in the execution of the offense by previous or simultaneous acts.
  17. refers to a person given intoxication by excessive use of intoxicating drinks
  18. the object of punishment in criminal cases id to correct and reform the offender
  19. refers to the act of lopping or the clipping off of some parts of the body
  1. - Accessories are those who, having knowledge of the commission of the crime, and without having participated therein, either as principals or accomplices,
  2. those infractions of law or the commission of which the penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Forty thousand pesos (₱40,000) or both is provided
  3. are those which must be taken into consideration as aggravating or mitigating according to the nature and effects of the crime and the other conditions attending its commission.
  4. By any person committing a felony (delito) although the wrongful act done be different from that which he intended.
  5. (WHEN) is a characteristic of criminal law which means that no person can be punished for his act which; at the time he did it is not yet punishable by law However, penal laws may be given retroactive effect when it is favorable to the accused who is not habitual delinquent
  6. involves intellectual trickery and cunning on the part of the accused
  7. it refers to a public and malicious imputation of a crime
  8. refer to any waters on the sea coast which are without the boundaries of low watermark. Or the portion of the ocean which is beyond the territorial jurisdiction of any country.
  9. refers to visible and conspicuous physical ugliness,permanent and definite abnormality
  10. this usually involves lack of foresight
  11. it refers to the failure to perform a positive duty which one is bound todo otherwise known as inaction
  12. refers to any bodily,movementvtending to produce some effect in the external world
  13. – It extends to the air space which covers its territory, subject to the right of way or easement in favor of foreign aircrafts
  14. LAW Defined. It is the division or branch of public law which defines crimes treats of its nature and provides for its punishment.
  15. (WHO) is a characteristic of criminal law which means that the provisions of the criminal or penal law must be applied uniformly to all persons within the territory irrespective of nationality, gender, age and other personal circumstances,
  16. zone - the three (3) mile limit beyond our shore measured at low tide.
  17. when all the elements necessary for its execution and accomplishment are present; and it is frustrated when the offender performs all the acts of execution which would produce the felony
  18. (WHERE) a responsibility of the right of a state to self preservation, each dependent country has the right to promulgate laws enforceable within its territorial authority subject only to the limitations imposed by treaties of preferential applications and by the operation of international law of natios.
  19. is the suffering that id afflicted by the state for the transgressions of a law
  20. means that the act is dine with deliberate intent
  21. felonies are those to which the law attaches the capital punishment or penalties which in any of their periods are afflictive
  22. - Acts and omissions punishable by law are felonies (delitos

41 Clues: to act with treacheryrefers to one's inability to copylatea belief system promulgated by a groupthis usually involves lack of foresightmeans to desire or wish in common thingsacts or omissions punishable by revised penalmeans that the act is dine with deliberate intentThose who take a direct part in the execution of the act...

CRIMINAL LAW 2024-05-16

CRIMINAL LAW crossword puzzle
  1. Refers to more than three armed malefactors acting together in the commission of an offense.
  2. Refers to a person who induces an innocent agent to commit the crime.
  3. The willful killing of the fetus in the uterus.
  4. Is meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience.
  5. Malicious and willful destruction of property by fire.
  6. Involves intellectual thickery and cunning on the part of the accused.
  7. Refers to the killing of an individual by treacherous means or design.
  8. Refers to one's inability to copulate.
  9. Refers to a "public and malicious imputation" of a crime.
  10. Defined as hostile and violent on the basis of several factors pertaining to the performer.
  11. Refers to the act of confinement or restraint upon persons.
  12. Are person who not being included in Art 17.
  13. Vulgar, low, foul, or mean.
  14. Is the moving power which implies one to action for a definite result.
  15. Connected with heresy and apostasy it is a form of treason against the divene will.
  16. A belief system promulgated by a group.
  17. Refers to any bodily, movement tending to produce some effect in the external world.
  18. Resorting to any devices to councel identity.
  19. Refers to the intention to do an injury to another.
  20. Refers to an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law.
  21. To act with treachery.
  22. The annulment or destruction of another law.
  1. Having knowledge to the commission of the crime and without having participated.
  2. It includes any kind of structure used for storage of safekeeping.
  3. Person who manages or carries on the gambling.
  4. Refers to the act of taking away a woman from her house or other place.
  5. A name other than one's own name, an assumed name.
  6. Implies that a deed may be ascribed to a person as its owner or author.
  7. Means to determine judicially.
  8. Willful desertion or forsaking of parental duties.
  9. Refers to a sworn statement in writing.
  10. Refers to a piece of metal stamped with certain marks and made current at a certain value.
  11. Means to dwell together in the manner as husband and wife, for some period of time.
  12. Acts or omissions punishable by the Revised Penal Code.
  13. Includes any offensive or antagonistic movement or action of any kind.
  14. Refers to the act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body.
  15. Is the suffering that is afflicted by the state for the transgression of a law.
  16. Pertains to malice.
  17. Refers to unlawful fighting which terrifies others of a reasonably firm character.
  18. Include every right or interest in the land.
  19. Act of inducing another to commit a crime.
  20. Refers to anything that occur outside the sway of man's will.
  21. Refers to the imitation of a genuine or legal coin.

43 Clues: Pertains to malice.To act with treachery.Vulgar, low, foul, or mean.Means to determine judicially.Refers to one's inability to copulate.Refers to a sworn statement in writing.A belief system promulgated by a group.Act of inducing another to commit a crime.Include every right or interest in the land.Are person who not being included in Art 17....

Los dos Heroes 2014-10-02

Los dos Heroes crossword puzzle
  1. ÂŋAdÃģnde camina Ana?
  2. Goes fast.
  3. Looks for.
  4. ÂŋAdÃģnde va el Criminal?
  5. Ana es una ___________ chica.
  6. Has a computer.
  7. Grabs.
  8. Wants.
  9. Una persona brava.
  1. Flies.
  2. El hÃĐroe que se sienta en Espeedy.
  3. ÂŋCÃģmo estÃĄ Ana cuando camina a la escuela con su Macintosh?
  4. ÂŋQuÃĐ animal es Espeedy?
  5. Problem.
  6. Una persona que busca a víctimas.
  7. Goes to.
  8. La chica que tiene el Macintosh.
  9. Takes.
  10. ÂŋCÃģmo estÃĄ el criminal en la PrisiÃģn?
  11. In the air.
  12. She walks.
  13. Un criminal es ________ .
  14. Throws.

23 Clues: Flies.Takes.Grabs.Wants.Throws.Problem.Goes to.Goes fast.Looks for.She walks.In the air.Has a computer.Una persona brava.ÂŋAdÃģnde camina Ana?ÂŋQuÃĐ animal es Espeedy?ÂŋAdÃģnde va el Criminal?Un criminal es ________ .Ana es una ___________ chica.La chica que tiene el Macintosh.Una persona que busca a víctimas.El hÃĐroe que se sienta en Espeedy....

YPLC Staff- Fun Facts 2023-10-08

YPLC Staff- Fun Facts crossword puzzle
  1. I have two dogs, a cat, a gecko, a snake and 3 saltwater tanks
  2. I own land on the moon
  3. I’ve rewatched the criminal minds series 6 times
  4. I am 3d: my 3 faves for life are dachshunds, diet coke and disney
  5. I played club volleyball for 8 years as a setter and a middle hitter
  6. I've swam with manatees !
  7. I have performed in the Nutcracker 6 times
  8. I have white water rafted down the whole Grand Canyon
  9. I come from a family of farmers
  10. I can prob fix your car if something breaks as long as it's not the transmission or engine
  11. I have never been out of the country
  12. I have lived inside of 3 national parks
  1. I ran the highest elevation trail marathon in the United States
  2. I use to play in a band
  3. I have two middle names
  4. I won a limbo contest while I was on vacation in Aruba
  5. love animals and insects and studied them in college
  6. I have a pet snake
  7. My ringtone is The Office theme song
  8. My dream vacation would be to attend Athens, Greece and visit all the historic sites and ruins of Ancient Greece.
  9. I’m usa Olympic certified to coach gymnastics
  10. I’ve been to 10 different countries
  11. I love live music
  12. I want to be a criminal investigator or an emergency services dispatcher
  13. I ran into Billie Eilish once in Seattle before she was famous
  14. I think deep dish pizza is the best kind
  15. I’m a Disney adult and a Hogwarts Alumni

27 Clues: I love live musicI have a pet snakeI own land on the moonI use to play in a bandI have two middle namesI've swam with manatees !I come from a family of farmersI’ve been to 10 different countriesMy ringtone is The Office theme songI have never been out of the countryI have lived inside of 3 national parksI think deep dish pizza is the best kind...

spanish 6b 2024-04-11

spanish 6b crossword puzzle
  1. el___fue muy bueno
  2. la policia____el criminal
  3. el_____fue un fracaso a capturar la criminal
  4. el hombre____con la mujer
  5. los____era muy grande
  6. pelicula_______en vida real
  7. la tienda
  8. la ladrona quiere____ el detective
  1. la___es muy interesante
  2. ___roba la tienda
  3. el_____es un hombre muy guapo
  4. el____facina el gente
  5. la criminal hizo_____
  6. que tal es la nueva _____ de accion?
  7. criminal fue___por la policia
  8. la persona fue la_____ de la violencia
  9. yo quiero____una pelicula manana
  10. Ella___una directora
  11. El fue____en la pelicula de Accion
  12. pelicula de accion

20 Clues: la tiendapelicula de accion___roba la tiendaElla___una directorala criminal hizo_____el____facina el gentela___es muy interesantela policia____el criminalel hombre____con la mujerpelicula_______en vida realel___fue muy buenocriminal fue___por la policialos____era muy grandeel_____es un hombre muy guapo...

VOCAB 2013-09-19

VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. I hope when I am older I am very _.
  2. A lot of _ writers aren't very popular or well known.
  3. The show criminal minds show crazy people who get a thrill from _ behavior.
  4. My teammates and I have a great _ and are very supportive of each other.
  5. My mom has a very _ personality and that is why everyone loves her.
  1. My little nephew hides in _ places when we play hide n seek.
  2. I am not in _ to share my room with my little sister.
  3. A lot of _ people tend to be more shy and timid.
  4. She was forgiven of her crime because of _ circumstances.
  5. The _ insect struggeld to make it up the big hill.

10 Clues: I hope when I am older I am very _.A lot of _ people tend to be more shy and timid.The _ insect struggeld to make it up the big hill.I am not in _ to share my room with my little sister.A lot of _ writers aren't very popular or well known.She was forgiven of her crime because of _ circumstances....

Criminology Chapter 1 2022-08-31

Criminology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Type of theory is one that attempts to explain all or most types of criminal behavior through one basic overarching approach
  2. perspective emphasizes agreement among members of society as to what behaviors should be considered criminal
  3. an important feature because the FBI will use the system to collect detailed data on the circumstances surrounding each serious criminal incident
  4. Evidence-based criminology is an increasingly popular form of contemporary
  5. The type of behavior that is human activity violating social norms or what is socially acceptable
  6. type of criminology that attempts to develop explanations for criminal behavior
  7. Not all deviant behavior is _______
  8. interviewers ask questions about crimes that affected household members over the past 6 months
  9. violations of the criminal law and other misbehavior committed by young people
  10. perspective suggests that societies are diverse and behaviors become criminalized through a political process involving considerable debate
  11. someone who studies crime, criminals, and criminal behavior
  12. Type of theories do not attempt to explain all criminality but attempt to merge concepts drawn from different sources
  13. type of policy needs to be linked to the objective findings of well-conducted criminological research
  1. every crime has a unique set of causes, _____, and participants
  2. Not all criminal behavior is ______
  3. Type of crime that is considered the dark figure of crime
  4. Criminal justice professionals include police and correctional officers, probation and parole officers, and ______
  5. a reporting program – only crimes reported to the police are included in the statistics compiled by the program
  6. Type of theories suggest only once source for all serious deviant and criminal behavior
  7. human conduct that violates the criminal laws of a state,the federal government, or a local jurisdiction that has the power to make and enforce the laws
  8. a perspective that recognizes that laws are social products
  9. criminology is a _____ profession built on scientific study of crime and criminal behavior
  10. a specialist in the collection and examination of the physical evidence of crime
  11. that is founded on the ______ method.

24 Clues: Not all criminal behavior is ______Not all deviant behavior is _______that is founded on the ______ method.Type of crime that is considered the dark figure of crimea perspective that recognizes that laws are social productssomeone who studies crime, criminals, and criminal behaviorevery crime has a unique set of causes, _____, and participants...

Government Crossword 2013-11-14

Government Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Minister Minister
  2. Behavior
  3. Community
  4. Urban
  5. Ownership
  6. Public
  7. Minds
  8. Rights Inalienable
  9. Authority
  10. Communication
  11. Priest
  12. Branch
  13. State Identifies
  1. of Law Authority
  2. Power
  3. Administration
  4. Dictator
  5. Person
  6. Right
  7. Obama

20 Clues: PowerUrbanRightMindsObamaPersonPublicPriestBranchBehaviorDictatorCommunityOwnershipAuthorityCommunicationAdministrationof Law AuthorityState IdentifiesMinister MinisterRights Inalienable

The Darkest Minds 2015-07-16

The Darkest Minds crossword puzzle
  7. A THIEF


Designer Minds 2021 2021-06-29

Designer Minds 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. a type of intelligence that means you are good with people
  2. It's short for Red Green Blue
  3. these get stronger the more you use them!
  4. increase in speed
  5. the art and science of designing buildings
  6. one of the 5 senses
  7. where bones are joined
  8. the first version of an invention
  9. giving instructions to robots or computers
  10. a person who invents and designs things
  11. a type of intelligence that might mean you are good at playing an instrument
  1. the way that air moves around things that are moving through it
  2. the force that pulls things towards the Earth
  3. a type of intelligence that might make you good at art
  4. a person who studies how the human body works during exercise
  5. the energy that a moving object has
  6. a push or a pull on something
  7. a mistake in your code
  8. a machine that can do difficult or boring work
  9. an educated guess
  10. an electronic part that allows a robot to know what is going on around it
  11. a gas that is needed to help release the energy from food in the body
  12. fix a mistake in your code
  13. brain cells

24 Clues: brain cellsincrease in speedan educated guessone of the 5 sensesa mistake in your codewhere bones are joinedfix a mistake in your codeIt's short for Red Green Bluea push or a pull on somethingthe first version of an inventionthe energy that a moving object hasa person who invents and designs thingsthese get stronger the more you use them!...

Government Crossword 2013-11-14

Government Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. person
  2. administration
  3. power
  4. minds
  5. right
  6. of Law Authority
  7. urban
  8. community
  1. priest
  2. rights Inalienable
  3. obama
  4. branch
  5. minister
  6. authority
  7. state Identifies
  8. communication
  9. dictator
  10. ownership
  11. behavior
  12. public

20 Clues: obamapowermindsrighturbanpriestbranchpersonpublicministerdictatorbehaviorauthorityownershipcommunitycommunicationadministrationstate Identifiesof Law Authorityrights Inalienable

Crime 2019-03-03

Crime crossword puzzle
  1. a person who breaks the law
  2. a person who is in prison
  3. to take things which are not yours
  4. a person who the criminal affects or hurts
  5. the person who decides a punishment
  6. a criminal who steals things
  7. a criminal that steals things from shops
  8. a criminal who demands money in banks using a gun
  9. when police catch criminals
  1. an amount of money you have to pay as a punishment
  2. the crime of stealing things from people's pockets
  3. another word for punishment
  4. a person who saw the crime
  5. a type of punishment which is not strict
  6. a criminal who robs people in streets
  7. the crime of entering buildings illegally
  8. a crime of killing people
  9. the crime of cheating people to make money from them

18 Clues: a person who is in prisona crime of killing peoplea person who saw the crimea person who breaks the lawanother word for punishmentwhen police catch criminalsa criminal who steals thingsto take things which are not yoursthe person who decides a punishmenta criminal who robs people in streetsa type of punishment which is not strict...

crime 2024-05-30

crime crossword puzzle
  1. criminal who steals phones, and wallets violently on streets
  2. set or rules that control people's behaviours
  3. place where criminals fo
  4. person who is thought to be guilty of a crime
  5. criminal who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to systems to commit crimes
  6. criminal who breaks into people's houses
  7. criminal who takes things out of your belongings
  8. person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident take place
  9. to kill a person
  10. to extort a person with threats of public exposure
  11. to penalize, discipline, castigate and make an example out of you
  12. money you pay for breaking the law
  13. to seize someone and taking them into custody.
  1. person who is behind bars
  2. to face a problematic situation
  3. criminal who sets things on fire
  4. to enter a place by force
  5. place where legal cases happen
  6. to do something illegal
  7. to become involved in something and be surprised red-handed
  8. a formal examination of evidence by a judge to see if a person is guilty or innocent
  9. criminal who takes items from shops
  10. criminal who abducts people for ransom
  11. object that police officers use to apprehend criminals

24 Clues: to kill a personto do something illegalplace where criminals foperson who is behind barsto enter a place by forceplace where legal cases happento face a problematic situationcriminal who sets things on firemoney you pay for breaking the lawcriminal who takes items from shopscriminal who abducts people for ransom...

vocabulary p72 2024-04-17

vocabulary p72 crossword puzzle
  1. = when you catch the criminal
  2. =when you follow a person
  3. =when you discover the criminal and you take he or she
  4. =a person who protect people
  5. =are finger marks that identify a person
  6. =look for the clues of the case to find the criminal
  7. = act of kiling someone
  8. =when you look at the evidence
  1. =They are traces of foots on the ground
  2. =They are clues that reveal the criminal
  3. =someone who investigate a crime
  4. =when someone takes something from another person
  5. = a person who prevent the crimes
  6. = when you discover the criminal
  7. = a place where the criminals stay
  8. =the person who kill other
  9. = the act of rob
  10. =It's the tool you use to kill someone.

18 Clues: = the act of rob= act of kiling someone=when you follow a person=the person who kill other=a person who protect people= when you catch the criminal=when you look at the evidence=someone who investigate a crime= when you discover the criminal= a person who prevent the crimes= a place where the criminals stay=They are traces of foots on the ground...

Government Crossword 2013-11-14

Government Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Person
  2. Communication
  3. Minds
  4. State Identifies
  5. Dictator
  6. Authority
  7. Obama
  8. Community
  9. Right
  1. Rights Inalienable
  2. Priest
  3. Urban
  4. Ownership
  5. Power
  6. of Law Authority
  7. Minister Minister
  8. Behavior
  9. Administration
  10. Branch
  11. Public

20 Clues: UrbanMindsPowerObamaRightPriestPersonBranchPublicDictatorBehaviorOwnershipAuthorityCommunityCommunicationAdministrationState Identifiesof Law AuthorityMinister MinisterRights Inalienable

Criminal Procedure 2022-03-09

Criminal Procedure crossword puzzle
  1. a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and make a decision on guilt or innocence, who decides how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished
  2. a punishment given by a judge in court to a person or organization after they have been found guilty of doing something wrong
  3. an official request for something, usually in writing (for example, start the case)
  4. the act of recognizing and naming someone who committed a crime by other people
  5. a punishment for doing something that is against a law
  6. the process of examining a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth and to find all things connected to the case to help court (judge) making a decision of guilt or innocence
  7. objects, documents, official statements, etc. that are used to prove something is true or not true and to prove if the person is guilty or innocent
  8. the process of learning the condition of an object by qualified professionals and authorized state authorities
  9. one of the types of punishment when a person is officially forced to stay in a certain place
  1. a person who is believed to be guilty of committing a crime
  2. - a person in a criminal case who is accused of having done something illegal and who is one of the parties of the trial
  3. someone who is in prison because he is guilty of a crime
  4. an official document, signed by a judge or other person in authority, that gives the police permission to search someone's home, arrest a person, or take some other action
  5. a formal statement of a person about something (committed crime or some facts that are somehow connected to committed crime or a person who committed a crime), especially one given in a court of law
  6. a legal representative who officially accuses someone of committing a crime by bringing a case against that person in a court of law
  7. negotiations between the parties with the participation of a mediator in order to settle a dispute by developing a mutually acceptable mediation agreement
  8. a person who is responsible for committing a crime
  9. the process of hearing a case in a court of law so that a judgment can be made
  10. a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident, who knows something about committed crime

19 Clues: a person who is responsible for committing a crimea punishment for doing something that is against a lawsomeone who is in prison because he is guilty of a crimea person who is believed to be guilty of committing a crimethe process of hearing a case in a court of law so that a judgment can be made...

American Justice 2017-11-16

American Justice crossword puzzle
  1. setting fire to property
  2. a crime motivated by racial , sexual or other prejudice things.
  3. criminal offense involving the unlawful physical action upon a threat
  4. discouraging
  5. correcting a criminal
  6. the action of taking something without permission
  7. attacking someone
  8. the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner
  9. criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the Internet.
  10. obtaining something through like money through threats
  1. killing someone or something
  2. dont have ability to do anything
  3. punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.
  4. murder
  5. distruction of someone elses property
  6. lying under oath
  7. theft or misappropiation or funds in one stressed
  8. entering without permission
  9. theft
  10. wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.

20 Clues: theftmurderdiscouraginglying under oathattacking someonecorrecting a criminalsetting fire to propertyentering without permissionkilling someone or somethingdont have ability to do anythingdistruction of someone elses propertytheft or misappropiation or funds in one stressedthe action of taking something without permission...

Criminal Law 2014-10-28

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. The large group of randomly selected citizens from which jury members are chosen.
  2. The lawyer representing the government, responsible for instituting legal proceedings against the accused.
  3. An application to a higher court to review the decision made by a lower court.
  4. Testimony given by a witness to prove an alleged fact.
  5. A mini-trial in which jurors are excluded while the admissibility of evidence is discussed.
  6. The second questioning of a witness to test the accuracy of the testimony; performed by the opposing counsel.
  7. A lawyer who defends an accused person on trial.
  8. A judicial inquiry to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to put the accused person on trial.
  9. evidence Indirect evidence that leads to a reasonable inference of the defendant's guilt.
  10. The court official appointed to try cases in a court of law and to sentence convicted persons.
  11. The court official responsible for jury management.
  1. The court official who records everything said in court during a trial.
  2. The Crown's obligation to prove the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt.
  3. The court official who assists the sheriff.
  4. The first questioning of a witness to determine what he or she observed about the crime.
  5. Information that tends to prove or disprove the elements of an offence.
  6. A jury that cannot reach a unanimous verdict.
  7. Persons who give evidence while under oath or affirmation in a court of law.
  8. The court official who assists the Judge.
  9. In a criminal court, the person charged with committing a criminal offence.

20 Clues: The court official who assists the Judge.The court official who assists the sheriff.A jury that cannot reach a unanimous verdict.A lawyer who defends an accused person on trial.The court official responsible for jury management.Testimony given by a witness to prove an alleged fact....


CRIMINAL EVIDENCE1 crossword puzzle
  1. monetary security posted to secure the defendants release from pretrial detention
  2. classification of crime by the severity of punishment
  3. the initial charging instrument against the defendant
  4. the alleged offender in a criminal prosecution
  5. a public official appointed to hear and decide legal issues in a court case
  6. a procedure during which the judge reads the formal charge to the defendant and illicits a plea
  7. the jury decision as to guilt or innocence
  8. unable to afford legal representation in a criminal prosecution
  1. the procedure during which law-enforcement records information about the defendant after arrest
  2. when a defendant is taken into custody or deprived of freedom of movement
  3. the process during which the prosecution and defense exchange information about a case
  4. written, published law that an administrative agency enacts
  5. a request for the court to issue an order
  6. attorneys who represent the state of federal government in a criminal prosecution
  7. a previous court decision followed in stare decisis
  8. the postconviction phase of the criminal proceedings during which the court imposes a penalty
  9. a formal charge issued by a grand jury at a grand jury proceeding
  10. the individual suing in a civil litigation matter
  11. a group of individuals chosen to be the decision-maker at a trial
  12. the federal legislative branch of government, responsible for enacting federal statues

20 Clues: a request for the court to issue an orderthe jury decision as to guilt or innocencethe alleged offender in a criminal prosecutionthe individual suing in a civil litigation mattera previous court decision followed in stare decisisclassification of crime by the severity of punishmentthe initial charging instrument against the defendant...

Criminal Law 2022-02-23

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. a CFS that is currently happening
  2. knowingly damages real/personal property of another
  3. Cause SBI to another with DW and intent
  4. takes anything of value with force or threats
  5. unlawfully enters in dwelling of another
  6. knowingly places another person in fear of SBI
  7. to diffuse a situation or calm people down
  8. an incident that happened 30 minutes ago or more
  9. a CFS that just happened and suspect may still be in the area
  10. recklessly drives vehicle and cause SBI
  11. the name for "treat people the way you want to be treated"
  1. pushing, kicking another person
  2. knowingly prevents an officer from making an arrest
  3. amount of evidence needed to charge a person with a crime
  4. intentionally falsely makes, completes, alters, written instrument
  5. incident between two people in an intimate relationship
  6. fighting in a public place
  7. building a relationship with subjects on scene
  8. knowingly breaks into building/occupied structure with intent to commit crime therein
  9. intentionally depriving other person of thing of value

20 Clues: fighting in a public placepushing, kicking another persona CFS that is currently happeningCause SBI to another with DW and intentrecklessly drives vehicle and cause SBIunlawfully enters in dwelling of anotherto diffuse a situation or calm people downtakes anything of value with force or threatsknowingly places another person in fear of SBI...

Criminal Law 2022-02-23

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. intentionally falsely makes, completes, alters, written instrument
  2. unlawfully enters in dwelling of another
  3. knowingly places another person in fear of SBI
  4. knowingly damages real/personal property of another
  5. Cause SBI to another with DW and intent
  6. intentionally depriving other person of thing of value
  7. the name for "treat people the way you want to be treated"
  8. building a relationship with subjects on scene
  9. person who committed the crime
  10. recklessly drives vehicle and cause SBI
  11. incident between two people in an intimate relationship
  12. amount of evidence needed to charge a person with a crime
  13. remain silent, anything you say will be used against you in court
  14. a CFS that is currently happening
  15. fighting in a public place
  1. another phrase for situational awareness
  2. knowingly breaks into building/occupied structure with intent to commit crime therein
  3. pushing, kicking another person
  4. an incident that happened 30 minutes ago or more
  5. someone who sees the crime
  6. knowingly prevents an officer from making an arrest
  7. to diffuse a situation or calm people down
  8. as an officer being able to make a decision
  9. a CFS that just happened and suspect may still be in the area
  10. having this while on scene and dealing with public
  11. takes anything of value with force or threats

26 Clues: someone who sees the crimefighting in a public placeperson who committed the crimepushing, kicking another persona CFS that is currently happeningCause SBI to another with DW and intentrecklessly drives vehicle and cause SBIanother phrase for situational awarenessunlawfully enters in dwelling of anotherto diffuse a situation or calm people down...

Criminal Justice 2022-11-30

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. part of the pretrial jury selection. Attorneys on opposing sides may dismiss a certain number of possible jurors without giving any reason. There is one exception: peremptory challenges cannot be used to discriminate based on race.
  2. is a court-ordered document authorizing the police to arrest an individual on a specific charge.
  3. a lawyer’s request that a potential juror be eliminated for some specific reason, for example, if a juror knew the defen­dant or the victim in the case.
  4. the process through which a convicted person is changed or reformed, in order to lead a productive life rather than commit another crime.
  5. from the French phrase meaning “to speak the truth.” It is the screening process in which opposing lawyers question prospective jurors to ensure as favorable or as fair a jury as possible.
  6. in a criminal case, the negotiations between the prosecutor, defendant, and defendant's attorney. In exchange for the defendant agreeing to plead guilty, the prosecutor agrees to charge the defendant with a less serious crime, which usually results in a reduced punishment.
  7. any act to embarrass, hinder, or obstruct the court in the administration of justice.
  8. the formal process of making a police record of an arrest.
  9. a group of 16 to 23 people who hear preliminary evidence to decide whether there is sufficient reason to formally charge a person with a crime.
  10. pretrial proceeding at which the prosecutor must prove that a crime was committed and establish the probable guilt of the defendant. If the evidence presented doesn't show portable guilt, the judge may dismiss the case.
  11. grand jury’s formal charge or accusation of criminal action.
  12. factors that tend to increase the seriousness of an offense.
  13. a court session at which a defendant is charged and enters a plea. For a misdemeanor this is also the defendant's initial appearance, at which the judge informs him or her of the charges and sets the bail.
  1. is a measure taken to discourage criminal actions.
  2. is a court order issued by a judge, giving police the power to search a person or to enter a building to search for and seize items related to a crime.
  3. is a system of supervised freedom, usually by a probation officer, for persons convicted of a criminal offense. The probationer must agree to certain conditions such as getting a job, avoiding drugs, and not traveling outside a limited area.
  4. is a reasonable belief, known personally or through reliable sources, that a specific person has committed a crime.
  5. is the act of restoring something to its owner; the act of making good for loss or damage; repaying or refunding illegally obtained money or property.
  6. factors that tend to lessen the seriousness of an offense.
  7. to take a person suspected of a crime into custody.
  8. is evidence that justifies an officer in stopping and questioning an individual believed to be involved in criminal activity; base on less evidence than probable cause but more than a mere hunch.
  9. is a requirement that legal matters be resolved according to established rules and principles, and that individuals be treated fairly. Due process applies to both civil and criminal matters.
  10. is punishment given as a kind of revenge for wrongdoing.

23 Clues: is a measure taken to discourage criminal take a person suspected of a crime into punishment given as a kind of revenge for wrongdoing.factors that tend to lessen the seriousness of an offense.the formal process of making a police record of an arrest.grand jury’s formal charge or accusation of criminal action....

Criminal Law 2023-03-28

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. Enforcers of public law and order
  2. The action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art
  3. A crime under common law
  4. The action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force
  5. A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful
  6. Intended to commit the act and be evil
  7. entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft
  8. Lying while under oath
  9. Punishable offense by law
  10. A less serious crime punishable by confinement of less than a year
  11. State statutes prohibiting certain conduct
  1. The giving or offering of a bribe
  2. Lesser misdemeanors not entitled to a jury trial
  3. A crime punishable by confinement of more than a year
  4. The practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats
  5. Crimes committed in the business world
  6. Tell us what conduct is prohibited
  7. Theft of personal property
  8. The act of misusing money entrusted to you
  9. Person who the crime was committed against
  10. The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to a person or property

21 Clues: Lying while under oathA crime under common lawPunishable offense by lawTheft of personal propertyThe giving or offering of a bribeEnforcers of public law and orderTell us what conduct is prohibitedCrimes committed in the business worldIntended to commit the act and be evilThe act of misusing money entrusted to you...

Criminal Law 2023-11-01

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. A person that aids another in the _______ of a crime is also guilty of criminal wrongdoing.
  2. obtains property by lying about past or existing facts
  3. people who lie under oath
  4. an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime
  5. disprove, justify or excuse the alleged crime
  6. Breaking the law where there is no risk of being jailed, the defendant is not entitled to a jury trial.
  7. Entering a building without permission when intending to commit a crime.
  8. Taking of another’s property or money by a person to whom it has been entrusted.
  9. requires fundamental fairness in governmental actions
  10. action that hinders the administration of justice. It is a crime punishable by imprisonment.
  11. not intended to commit crime or do evil.
  12. use of the force that appears to be reasonably necessary to the victim to prevent death, serious bodily harm, rape, or kidnapping
  13. unlawfully offering or giving anything of value to influence performance of an official.
  14. can be held criminally responsible when corporate employees commit a crime.
  1. does not know the difference between right or wrong.
  2. competing companies may not cooperate in fixing prices or in dividing sales regions.
  3. offenses against just the victim, not society.
  4. problems with the way evidence is obtained or the way th accused person is arrested, questioned, tried or punished
  5. less serious crime. Punishable by confinement in a county jail for less than one year, by fine or both.
  6. a punishable offense against society
  7. obtaining money or property from a person by wrongful use of force, fear or the power of an office, also known as blackmail
  8. crimes related to computers, digital information, data, identity theft, etc
  9. falsely making or materially altering a writing to defraud another.
  10. Taking of property from another’s person or immediate presence, against the victims will by force or by causing fear.
  11. offenses committed in the business world.
  12. when an accused person agrees to plead guilty to a less serious crime in exchange for having a more serious charge dropped.
  13. A penalty provided by law and imposed by a court
  14. a way to escape criminal liability and must produce the evidence to support any defense.
  15. Wrongful taking of money of personal property belonging to someone else, with intent to deprive the owner of possession.
  16. freedom from prosecution even when one has committed the crime charged.
  17. willful and illegal burning of a building
  18. crime punishable by confinement for more than a year in a state prison or by a fine of more than $1000 or both

32 Clues: people who lie under oatha punishable offense against societynot intended to commit crime or do evil.offenses committed in the business world.willful and illegal burning of a buildingdisprove, justify or excuse the alleged crimeoffenses against just the victim, not society.A penalty provided by law and imposed by a court...

Criminal Law 2023-11-03

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. Fear of foreigners
  2. Isolation of infected individuals
  3. Illegal drugs
  4. of Justice Interfering with legal process
  5. Group of impartial decision-makers
  6. Release from custody
  7. Defense Aggressive legal representation
  8. Killing of another person
  9. Illegal agreement
  10. Formal charge
  11. Unlawful physical contact
  12. Organized illegal activity
  13. Serious crime
  1. Lying under oath
  2. Legal authorization to search or arrest
  3. Statements in court
  4. of Proof Legal obligation to prove a case
  5. Destruction of property
  6. Misappropriation of funds
  7. Unintentional killing
  8. Intentional fire-setting
  9. A defendant's proof of absence
  10. Illegal abduction
  11. Theft
  12. Punishmen Death penalty
  13. Fraudulent document creation
  14. Assembly Illegal gathering
  15. Offender Underage lawbreaker
  16. Accused person in court
  17. Legal document requiring presence
  18. Jury Panel to decide if there's enough evidence

31 Clues: TheftIllegal drugsFormal chargeSerious crimeLying under oathIllegal abductionIllegal agreementFear of foreignersStatements in courtRelease from custodyUnintentional killingDestruction of propertyPunishmen Death penaltyAccused person in courtIntentional fire-settingMisappropriation of fundsKilling of another personUnlawful physical contact...

Criminal Justice 2023-11-09

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action
  2. A cylindrical club made of wood, rubber, plastic, or metal
  3. A person who enforces laws on controlled substances and prevent the distribution of illegal narcotics.
  4. Illegal activities.
  5. A place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime.
  6. To keep watch over someone or something
  7. An apparatus capable of both receiving and transmitting radio messages between individuals, ships, planes, etc
  8. Having the belief or impression that someone is involved in an illegal or dishonest activity
  9. A rifle, pistol, or other portable gun.
  10. An impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, especially as used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern of whorls and lines.
  11. What drugs are called.
  12. Rules that have been passed by a government's legislature.
  13. To keep safe from harm or injury
  14. A state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities.
  15. A person thought to be guilty of a crime or offense
  16. A person who works to enforce laws, patrolling, responding to calls regarding crime, complaints and suspicious activity and making arrests.
  1. A person who works at crime scenes and analyzes every aspect, finding and collecting evidence such as DNA and fingerprints.
  2. A person who supervises those being legally held in correctional facilities like jails, prisons, and holding cells
  3. To seize (someone) by legal authority and take into custody.
  4. To keep (someone) in official custody, typically for questioning about a crime or in politically sensitive situations.
  5. The delivery of justice to those who have been accused of committing crimes
  6. A person who has committed a crime
  7. A public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law
  8. Personal protective equipment used to protect the wearer and/or the patient from the spread of micro-organisms that may potentially cause infection or illness
  9. An aerosol spray containing oils derived from cayenne pepper, irritating to the eyes and respiratory passages and used as a disabling weapon
  10. To keep watch over an area by regularly walking or traveling around or through it
  11. A pair of lockable linked metal rings for securing a prisoner's wrists.
  12. A weapon firing barbs attached by wires to batteries, causing temporary paralysis
  13. Careers in education, community services, and law enforcement
  14. A law enforcement training center, police college, or police university, is a training school for police cadets
  15. An arm, or armament is any implement or device that is used to deter, threaten, inflict physical damage, harm, or kill.

31 Clues: Illegal activities.What drugs are called.To keep safe from harm or injuryA person who has committed a crimeTo keep watch over someone or somethingA rifle, pistol, or other portable gun.A person thought to be guilty of a crime or offenseA cylindrical club made of wood, rubber, plastic, or metal...

Criminal Justice 2023-10-25

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. A violation of the criminal law.
  2. When officers cause a defendant to engage in activity that would cause a person to commit a crime that he or she would not otherwise commit.
  3. The attempt to overthrow the government of the society of which one is a member.
  4. An attorney whose official duty is to conduct criminal proceedings on behalf of the state or the people against those accused of having committed criminal offenses.
  5. An elected or appointed public official who presides over a court of law.
  6. The request that a court with appellate jurisdiction review the judgment, decision, or order of a lower court and set it aside or modify it.
  7. A licenced trial lawyer hired or appointed to conduct the legal defense of a person accused of a crime before a court of law.
  8. A statement by an individual that he or she was so distant or engaged in other activity that their participation in that crime is impossible.
  9. A legal defense based on claims of mental illness or mental incapacity.
  10. A local court system with at least 3 court levels: appellate courts, trial courts, and a state supreme court.
  11. Law The branch of modern law that governs relationships between parties
  12. A person's reason for committing a crime.
  1. The power of a court to review actions and decisions made by other agencies of government.
  2. The territory, subject, or people over which a court of other justice agency may exercise lawful authority.
  3. A three-tiered structure of courts comprising U.S. district courts, U.S. courts of appeal, and the U.S. Supreme Court.
  4. The protection of oneself from unlawful injury or from immediate risk of unlawful injury.
  5. Law Rules and regulations for offenses of a public nature or wrongs committed against the state or society.
  6. An offense punishable by incarceration usually in a local confinement facility typically one year or less.
  7. Evidence and arguments offered by defendant and his or her attorney to show why he should not be held liable for that crime.
  8. A criminal offense punishable by death or by incarceration in a prison facility for at least one year.
  9. A rule of conduct that proscribes or mandates certain forms of behavior.
  10. A minor violation of state statue or local ordinance punishable by a fine or limited incarceration.

22 Clues: A violation of the criminal law.A person's reason for committing a crime.A legal defense based on claims of mental illness or mental incapacity.A rule of conduct that proscribes or mandates certain forms of behavior.An elected or appointed public official who presides over a court of law....

criminal justice 2024-02-12

criminal justice crossword puzzle
  1. punishments that are excessively harsh
  2. bans use of illegally obtained evidence
  3. used to search anyone’s place at any time (used by the brits)
  4. no monitoring/recording conversations (depending on state)
  5. having to stand trial more than once for the same crime
  6. percentage of african americans in the prison system
  7. permits evidence obtained illegally if it would have eventually been found
  8. schools are allowed to drug test all students in extracurricular activities
  9. being forced to testify against yourself; fifth amendment
  10. need a specific warrants
  11. questioning whether or not something is private or not
  12. percentage of african americans in the US population
  13. cruel and unusual punishment
  1. court case questioning whether police searching trash is constitutional
  2. court order allowing the search of someone’s property
  3. suspicion, supported by facts, which leads police to believe a crime has been committed
  4. percentage of those in prison that are below the poverty line
  5. money paid for temporary release
  6. evidence found illegally cannot be used against defendant in court
  7. schools are allowed to drug test student athletes
  8. everything being criminalized especially if they don’t know that it is
  9. double jeopardy; self-incrimination
  10. the order in which things after arrest happen
  11. percentage of world’s prisoners in the US
  12. people must tell police officers their names
  13. reducing overcriminalization will decrease poverty rates by this percent
  14. right to a lawyer; speedy trial

27 Clues: need a specific warrantscruel and unusual punishmentright to a lawyer; speedy trialmoney paid for temporary releasedouble jeopardy; self-incriminationpunishments that are excessively harshbans use of illegally obtained evidencepercentage of world’s prisoners in the USpeople must tell police officers their names...

Criminal law 2024-05-16

Criminal law crossword puzzle
  1. Means to determine judicially.
  2. unlawfully seizing or confining a person by force.
  3. Refers to a sworn statement in writing; declaration in writing made under oath before an authorized officer.
  4. The person who manages or carries on the gambling.
  5. A name other than one's own name, an assumed name.
  6. Refers to violent expulsion of the embryo from the material womb which results in death of the fetus.
  7. Circumstances where an individual is not liable for a crime, like insanity or being under nine years of age.
  8. The act of killing another person
  9. Committing a crime ensuring excusion without risk
  10. Malicious and willful destruction of property by fire.
  11. Refers to more than three armed malefactors acting together in the commission of an
  12. Those who take a direct part in the execution of the act
  13. Refers to any bodily, movement tending to produce some effect in the external world.
  14. Refers to unlawful fighting which terrifies others of a reasonably firm character. A fight consisting of twO or more persons in a public place.
  15. destructive and injurious behavior that is socially defined as hostile and violent on the basis of several factors pertaining to the performer and the person making the evaluation.
  16. Planning and deliberating a crime before committing it
  17. Taking property from another using violence or intimidation
  18. Refers to an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law forbidding and commanding it.
  19. Law punishable acts or omissions
  20. Willful desertion or forsaking of parental duties.
  21. Deliberate alteration of body parts
  22. those who, having knowledge of the commission of the crime, and without having participated therein
  23. Threatening behavior intended to make another person fearful or apprehensive
  1. The annulment or destruction of another law.
  2. Refers to the act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body.
  3. Means to desire or wish in common thing.
  4. Serious spoken defamation, leading to jail time or fines. Less severe slander incurs
  5. Involves intellectual trickery and cunning on the part of the accused.
  6. Refers to the act of taking away a woman from her house or other place where she may be for the purpose of carrying her to another place with intent to corrupt or marry her
  7. Forcing sexual activity against someone's will.
  8. Taking property from another using violence or intimidation
  9. the act of inducing another to commit a crime.
  10. Refers to the unlawful act of any person who shall Contract a second or subsequent marriage before the former marriage has been legally dissolved.
  11. Factors that lessen the severity of a crime or punishment.
  12. When the offender performs all acts to commit the felony, but it does not occur due to causes independent of their will
  13. Refers to anything that occur outside the sway of man's will.
  14. Means to desire or wish in common thing
  15. person who not being included in Art 17.
  16. To act with treachery
  17. A private offense committed by any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her

40 Clues: To act with treacheryMeans to determine judicially.Law punishable acts or omissionsThe act of killing another personDeliberate alteration of body partsMeans to desire or wish in common thingMeans to desire or wish in common thing.person who not being included in Art 17.The annulment or destruction of another law....


MASTER MINDS - PRELIMS crossword puzzle
  1. A type of file system used in Unix-like operating systems
  2. A measure of the peakedness of a probability distribution.
  3. A statistical measure of how much the data points deviate from the regression line
  4. A component of an operating system that manages the allocation and sharing of system resources
  5. A technique used for estimating missing values in a dataset
  6. A method of storing and analyzing data in a distributed computing environment
  7. VALUE A value that is considered to be an outlier if it falls more than 1.5 times the interquartile range below the first quartile or above the third quartile
  8. A way to measure the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables
  9. A type of file system used in Microsoft Windows operating systems
  10. A measure of the amount of uncertainty or randomness inherent in a system or process
  11. A type of operating system that is designed for use on Apple Macintosh computers
  1. A tool used for interactive data visualization and exploration
  2. This is a formula for calculating the derivatives of composite functions.
  3. A database technology used for storing, retrieving, and managing large amounts of structured data
  4. A measure of the average change in one variable with respect to a change in another variable
  5. A measure of how much a set of values differs from its expected value
  6. A type of function that can take on any real value, including decimals and fractions
  7. Any irrelevant information or randomness in a dataset which obscures the underlying pattern.
  8. A statistical test used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the means of three or more groups
  9. A series that can be used to approximate the value of a function at a certain point

20 Clues: A type of file system used in Unix-like operating systemsA measure of the peakedness of a probability distribution.A technique used for estimating missing values in a datasetA tool used for interactive data visualization and explorationA type of file system used in Microsoft Windows operating systems...

Chapter 3 Law 2024-01-09

Chapter 3 Law crossword puzzle
  1. approach to crime that is grounded in the concept of rational choice but that views the accused
  2. Theory that describes criminal behavior as a natural outcome of peoples desire to seek pleasure in the absence of effective social controls
  3. Theory that argues criminal behavior is caused by feelings of stain
  4. Theory that explains crime as an outcome of conflicting interests between groups in society
  5. Perspective indicating that people have free will to choose between criminal behavior
  6. Argument that people are most likely to engage in criminal behavior if they have traits associated with crime
  7. # of reported crimes divided by the population of the jurisdiction
  8. Theory that explains how gender inequality affects female offending and justice system responses to crimes committed by females
  9. Survey of U.S households that measures crimes committed against victims
  10. Published annually by the FBI
  11. Crime reporting system which police describe each offence that occurs during a crime event
  1. School of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime
  2. Criminology research that looks at weather adopted children share criminal tendencies with their biological/adoptive parents
  3. Theory maintaining the neighborhood characteristics
  4. Theory contending that labeling a person as a deviant or criminal makes
  5. Theory that explains the elements necessary for a crime to occur
  6. Framework consisting of a group of theories that propose explanations
  7. Theory maintaining that crimes will occur if crime opportunities are easy to commit
  8. Theory asserting that criminal behaviors are learned from associating with others
  9. In the FBI Uniform crime reports reporting scheme
  10. So-called criminal chromosome, believed to cause agitation aggression and criminal tendencies

21 Clues: Published annually by the FBIIn the FBI Uniform crime reports reporting schemeTheory maintaining the neighborhood characteristicsTheory that explains the elements necessary for a crime to occur# of reported crimes divided by the population of the jurisdictionTheory that argues criminal behavior is caused by feelings of stain...

My Minds OC’s 2021-05-29

My Minds OC’s crossword puzzle
  1. Heroes heel
  2. River
  3. Titan
  4. Elven mage Princess
  5. President
  6. Constellation
  7. Demon
  8. Dragon Father
  9. Elven Knight
  10. Draconic King
  11. Dragon Mother
  12. Elven Prince
  1. Human general
  2. Draconic Prince
  3. Elven twin
  4. Traitor prince
  5. Loyal Princess
  6. Draconic Queen
  7. Dragon Heir
  8. Rainbow
  9. Elven mage

21 Clues: RiverTitanDemonRainbowPresidentElven twinElven mageHeroes heelDragon HeirElven KnightElven PrinceHuman generalConstellationDragon FatherDraconic KingDragon MotherTraitor princeLoyal PrincessDraconic QueenDraconic PrinceElven mage Princess

Eye Of Minds 2019-04-17

Eye Of Minds crossword puzzle
  1. Where the human body is
  2. Main Character
  3. Agent of the VirtNet Security
  4. Title of the book
  5. Master coder
  6. What Tanya Jumped off
  7. Yellow Beast
  8. What Kaine does to people
  9. Security of the black and blue
  1. Where the VNS is
  2. Where Michael and his friends like to eat.
  3. What Tanya tore out
  4. Where they live
  5. Where they met Cutter
  6. Place where Ronika died
  7. Victim of the Beast
  8. Michael’s Nanny
  9. Michael’s boy best friend
  10. Victim of Kaine
  11. Michael’s girl best friend

20 Clues: Master coderYellow BeastMain CharacterWhere they liveMichael’s NannyVictim of KaineWhere the VNS isTitle of the bookWhat Tanya tore outVictim of the BeastWhere they met CutterWhat Tanya Jumped offWhere the human body isPlace where Ronika diedMichael’s boy best friendWhat Kaine does to peopleMichael’s girl best friendAgent of the VirtNet Security...

Darkest Minds Crossword 2016-08-10

Darkest Minds Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. _____ Betty.
  2. Charles' nickname.
  3. Ruby's camp.
  4. Lady ____.
  5. The guys that guards the camps.
  6. _________ Disease.
  7. He likes Ruby.
  8. This is what they call the kids who are infected by the disease.
  9. Liam's camp.
  10. Suzume's nickname.
  11. an acronym for Idiopathic Adolescent Acute Neurodegeneration.
  12. Also known as Chubs.
  1. Also known as Calm Control.
  2. __________ League.
  3. She is also known as Zu.
  4. They use this to "calm" the kids at camp.
  5. The woman who helped Ruby escape Thurmond.
  6. Ruby's best friend at camp.
  7. He took a bullet for Chubs.
  8. What the other kids call Clancy.
  9. River The place where you can find the Slip Kid.
  10. Cate's boyfriend.
  11. the cool kids lingo fro school.
  12. The boss at East River.
  13. The main character.

25 Clues: Lady ____._____ Betty.Ruby's camp.Liam's camp.He likes Ruby.Cate's boyfriend.__________ League.Charles' nickname._________ Disease.Suzume's nickname.The main character.Also known as Chubs.The boss at East River.She is also known as Zu.Also known as Calm Control.Ruby's best friend at camp.He took a bullet for Chubs.The guys that guards the camps....

LTD Master Minds 2024-06-07

LTD Master Minds crossword puzzle
  1. When a CM listens much more than they speak.
  2. The policy provision acronym that limits losses that arise during a time period identified in the policy.
  3. The physical demand level of an occupation is identified by what descriptor on an OI?
  4. ______________ involves relating to the customers situation.
  5. Administers claims within policy provisions and internal/external guidelines
  6. The customer is expected to ______________ with us in the administration of his/her claim
  7. Meeting commitments promptly for telephone calls and correspondence.
  8. The Hurdle Period is the timeframe ___________the EDOC
  9. The timeframe 3 months prior to the EDOC
  10. A ________ session is a group discussion involving the CM and other resources such as an NCM, MD, TL, and/or vocational resource.
  11. The Investigation Period is the timeframe _________ the EDOC
  12. _________________ Periods of Disability provision refers to a disability which is related or due to the same causes as a prior disability for which a monthly benefit was payable.
  1. The policy requirements that outline who the policy insures
  2. Help to Identify the appropriate OI by reviewing the Employers Job Description & the customers own description to match the job to an occupation.
  3. A _________ is an activity a person cannot do.
  4. What type of earnings are classified as Pre-disability earnings
  5. Disability is intended to insure only a __________ of a person's income.
  6. Provides real time coaching and feedback to the claim teams they support.
  7. A ____________ is an activity a person should avoid doing.
  8. Any wage or salary for any work performed for any employer during the Employee's Disability, including commissions, bonus, overtime pay or other compensation.
  9. The period of time the employee must continuously and actively working as a member of a class (abbreviation)
  10. The analysis of what the claim may need at a point in time.
  11. The groups of employees that the employer wants to insure under the LTD policy.
  12. An item or risk specifically not covered by an insurance policy or other contract

24 Clues: The timeframe 3 months prior to the EDOCWhen a CM listens much more than they speak.A _________ is an activity a person cannot do.The Hurdle Period is the timeframe ___________the EDOCA ____________ is an activity a person should avoid doing.The policy requirements that outline who the policy insures...

Chapter 1 Vocab 2021-08-18

Chapter 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. from this perspective the goal of the CJ system is to ensure citizens are protected by the law
  2. is the idea that criminal sanctions should be used to address offender needs
  3. translates to "wrong in itself"
  4. an academic discipline that focuses on the nature and causes of crime
  5. is the idea that criminal sanctions should "get even"
  6. a type of sentencing in which a range of years to be served is given
  7. from this perspective the goal of the CJ system is to prevent crime by punishing offenders
  8. a theoretical view that the CJ system has developed through collaboration
  9. examples of this type of crime include burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft
  1. a theoretical view that the CJ system has developed from struggles for power
  2. is the idea that criminal sanctions should allow offenders to make amends
  3. is the idea that criminal sanctions should inhibit offenders from being able to reoffend
  4. area of criminal justice responsible for investigating crimes and apprehending offenders
  5. examples of this type of crime include prostitution and substance use
  6. is the idea that criminal sanctions should prevent future offending
  7. area of criminal justice responsible for interpreting and applying the law
  8. a plea in which an offender accepts a plea without admitting guilt
  9. area of criminal justice responsible for carrying out punishment
  10. examples of this type of crime include hacking and phishing
  11. translates to "wrong because it's prohibited"

20 Clues: translates to "wrong in itself"translates to "wrong because it's prohibited"is the idea that criminal sanctions should "get even"examples of this type of crime include hacking and phishingarea of criminal justice responsible for carrying out punishmenta plea in which an offender accepts a plea without admitting guilt...


I WANT EXTRA CREDIT crossword puzzle
  1. minimum sales required to cover expenses
  2. an example is shipping
  3. information not useful for a current study
  4. most popular starbucks drink
  5. what month was Millard West built?
  6. who is the first villain in spider man?
  7. group of consumers within a larger market
  8. most watched TV show of 2021
  9. the second most popular language
  10. purchases made based on the brand
  11. most popular disney movie
  12. number of viewers program attracts
  13. an example is buying or selling assets
  14. the most popular sport
  1. most popular dog breed of 2021
  2. who is on the five dollar bill?
  3. hardest college to get into
  4. how does this compete with other brands
  5. most popular beauty brand
  6. gathered for a specific problem being studied
  7. most popular drink
  8. rate at which companies produce goods or services
  9. what is "hi" in french?
  10. purchases being made due to emotions
  11. using advertising to distribute info about a product
  12. characteristics shared by a group
  13. marketing mix
  14. who has broken the most world records?
  15. purchases made based on needs, and wants
  16. most popular kids video game

30 Clues: marketing mixmost popular drinkan example is shippingthe most popular sportwhat is "hi" in french?most popular beauty brandmost popular disney moviehardest college to get intomost popular starbucks drinkmost watched TV show of 2021most popular kids video gamemost popular dog breed of 2021who is on the five dollar bill?...

Happy Birthday, Dawn 2013-08-21

Happy Birthday, Dawn crossword puzzle
  1. first daylight
  2. room with apostles
  3. your favorite criminal minds character
  4. might read here
  5. raven's source
  6. castaway message container
  7. the prettier one
  8. blow out the candles on this
  9. a cool youtube video
  10. what a "warm puppy" is according to Schulz
  11. name of a new child
  12. Humpday
  13. sheldon outburst
  14. a deer has two
  15. drawing lessons
  16. not cold
  1. a hat a bird wears on a valentine's day card
  2. it can be nice to hear
  3. might read here
  4. a humble chess piece plus a heavenly body
  5. name of a sled and also a previous gift
  6. a written laugh
  7. like tom petty
  8. make jewelry with these
  9. the sound of one hand clapping
  10. what 39 years can feel like sometimes
  11. you can make planters with these
  12. french talker
  13. forthright
  14. your favorite teacher
  15. a very cute WWW monster
  16. better than money
  17. hooter
  18. always have one handy, esp. in 1st grade
  19. online scrabble
  20. how we got from school to home
  21. a creepy family
  22. not checkers
  23. not bold
  24. don't open this subject in the office

40 Clues: hooterHumpdaynot boldnot coldforthrightnot checkersfrench talkerfirst daylightlike tom pettyraven's sourcea deer has twomight read herea written laughmight read hereonline scrabblea creepy familydrawing lessonsthe prettier onesheldon outburstbetter than moneyroom with apostlesname of a new childa cool youtube videoyour favorite teacher...

Greek 11-20 2023-01-31

Greek 11-20 crossword puzzle
  1. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."
  2. Snails, crabs, lobster, and cockroaches each have an __________.
  3. After having too much sugar at the birthday party, the toddlers were __________.
  4. tear (produced when you cry) and tear (to rip apart)
  5. To reduce waste, the use of __________ packaging is becoming more popular.
  6. Most healthcare professionals study __________ while in college to prepare for body structures they will encounter.
  7. marriage within the tribe, caste, or social group
  8. The __________ group had a population of only females.
  1. The woman had one blue eye and one green eye. Her eyes are __________.
  2. Sarah used a __________ to hold up her camera.
  3. The United States and the Indian Ocean are __________.
  4. When Carl went to the doctor, he was told that he had __________ which means his blood pressure is too high.
  5. The blue macaw is an __________ bird.
  6. Shows such as NCIS and Criminal Minds have aspects of __________.
  7. Frogs are __________ because they can live on land and in water.
  8. extremely sensitive
  9. oil and water are a __________ solution.
  10. microscopic life form; microorganism; germ
  11. The __________ was located at the front of the classroom for the teacher to use while teaching.
  12. He developed __________ after being in the artic without proper gear.

20 Clues: extremely sensitive"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."The blue macaw is an __________ bird.oil and water are a __________ solution.microscopic life form; microorganism; germSarah used a __________ to hold up her camera.marriage within the tribe, caste, or social grouptear (produced when you cry) and tear (to rip apart)...

Criminal Procedure 2022-03-09

Criminal Procedure crossword puzzle
  1. a person who is believed to be guilty of committing a crime
  2. a formal statement of a person about something (committed crime or some facts that are somehow connected to committed crime or a person who committed a crime), especially one given in a court of law
  3. the process of learning the condition of an object by qualified professionals and authorized state authorities
  4. a punishment given by a judge in court to a person or organization after they have been found guilty of doing something wrong
  5. a legal representative who officially accuses someone of committing a crime by bringing a case against that person in a court of law
  6. - a person in a criminal case who is accused of having done something illegal and who is one of the parties of the trial
  7. a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident, who knows something about committed crime
  8. negotiations between the parties with the participation of a mediator in order to settle a dispute by developing a mutually acceptable mediation agreement
  9. a person who is responsible for committing a crime
  10. an official request for something, usually in writing (for example, start the case)
  1. objects, documents, official statements, etc. that are used to prove something is true or not true and to prove if the person is guilty or innocent
  2. one of the types of punishment when a person is officially forced to stay in a certain place
  3. the process of examining a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth and to find all things connected to the case to help court (judge) making a decision of guilt or innocence
  4. a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and make a decision on guilt or innocence, who decides how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished
  5. someone who is in prison because he is guilty of a crime
  6. an official document, signed by a judge or other person in authority, that gives the police permission to search someone's home, arrest a person, or take some other action
  7. the act of recognizing and naming someone who committed a crime by other people
  8. a punishment for doing something that is against a law
  9. the process of hearing a case in a court of law so that a judgment can be made

19 Clues: a person who is responsible for committing a crimea punishment for doing something that is against a lawsomeone who is in prison because he is guilty of a crimea person who is believed to be guilty of committing a crimethe process of hearing a case in a court of law so that a judgment can be made...

Crime 2019-02-25

Crime crossword puzzle
  1. the person who decides a punishment
  2. when the police catch criminals
  3. a criminal who demands money in banks usually using a gun
  4. a crime of stealing things from people's pockets
  5. the crime of cheating people to make money from them
  6. a criminal who steals things
  7. a person who is in prison
  8. a crime of entering buildings illegally
  9. a person who the criminal affects or hurts
  1. to take thing which are not yours
  2. an amount of money you have to pay as a punishment
  3. a criminal who robs people in streets
  4. a criminal that steals things from shops
  5. the person who saw the crime
  6. the person who breaks the law
  7. another word for punishment
  8. a crime of killing people
  9. a type of punisment which is mild

18 Clues: a crime of killing peoplea person who is in prisonanother word for punishmentthe person who saw the crimea criminal who steals thingsthe person who breaks the lawwhen the police catch criminalsto take thing which are not yoursa type of punisment which is mildthe person who decides a punishmenta criminal who robs people in streets...

Grandma’s Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-16

Grandma’s Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Whistling bird
  2. Middle name of second born biological grandchild
  3. Father’s nickname
  4. Favorite fried chicken place
  5. Brayden’s birth month
  6. Favorite granddaughter
  7. Papa’s middle name
  8. Name of the street you live on
  9. Holiday that is best celebrated in Georgia
  10. Lake at Jellystone Park
  11. crossword puzzle
  12. Turkey and ____ sandwich
  13. Favorite decade of music
  14. Eye color of children, grandchildren, and self
  15. Hometown city in Georgia
  16. Where you met Papa
  17. First car
  18. First cat
  1. Old host was Alex Trebek
  2. Most attractive cast memeber on Criminal Minds
  3. Name of street you used to live on in Chicago
  4. Uncle Larry’s nickname
  5. Type of car before the Santa Fe
  6. Apricot and Rasperry filled cookie
  7. Spend $50, get $10 ____ cash
  8. Favorite flower
  9. A drink that is always in the fridge
  10. Former favorite holiday to celebrate (abbrev.)
  11. High school mascot
  12. Birthstone
  13. Grocery store behind your house
  14. Law & _____
  15. Her nickname is Boo-Boo
  16. Sport played in your 20’s
  17. Poker run at the campground
  18. Friend from Arizona
  19. Island where you spent your honeymoon with Papa
  20. US President during birth year
  21. Second born’s middle name

39 Clues: First carFirst catBirthstoneLaw & _____Whistling birdFavorite flowercrossword puzzleFather’s nicknamePapa’s middle nameHigh school mascotWhere you met PapaFriend from ArizonaBrayden’s birth monthUncle Larry’s nicknameFavorite granddaughterLake at Jellystone ParkHer nickname is Boo-BooOld host was Alex TrebekTurkey and ____ sandwich...

katies birthday 2024-03-03

katies birthday crossword puzzle
  1. Alleviates ADHD symptoms
  2. Priest might ask you to recite this after confessing your sins.
  3. Good luck ____.
  4. Tropical rainforest mammal
  5. “I’m in ___ without the S.”
  6. Where one might go on Sunday?
  7. You build this when you fail.
  8. “Comment allez vous?”
  9. “I could do this ___ day”
  10. Cactus that doesn’t like bananas, contrary to its common name.
  11. How one might describe a Dr. Bond: adj.
  12. Smarty ____.
  13. Department store, residence hall, e.g.
  14. WMATA station
  15. Gibson of “Criminal Minds”
  16. It’s the place to be: Abbr.
  17. Study of behavior: Abbr.
  1. Sutton Foster awarded best actress for this Musical in 2011
  2. Heart racing
  3. Two-year degree
  4. Provider of behavior therapy: Abbr.
  5. Belonging to the Arum plant family
  6. Might refer to a parking lot as a “car park"
  7. Crochet, needle-point, e.g.
  8. A shoe for skaters
  9. “I’m gonna lose my ____.”
  10. Your dentist would recommend you wear it every night
  11. “Butter nut biscuit ____.”
  12. Why might someone arrive early just to clean? Abbr.
  13. Set, bump, serve
  14. Why are you always cold?
  15. IKEA wooden furniture brand
  16. “We did it Mr. ____”

33 Clues: Heart racingSmarty ____.WMATA stationTwo-year degreeGood luck ____.Set, bump, serveA shoe for skaters“We did it Mr. ____”“Comment allez vous?”Alleviates ADHD symptomsWhy are you always cold?Study of behavior: Abbr.“I’m gonna lose my ____.”“I could do this ___ day”Tropical rainforest mammal“Butter nut biscuit ____.”Gibson of “Criminal Minds”...

Trivial Minds 2023-05-19

Trivial Minds crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of bones a shark has
  2. The country to have played in every World Cup
  3. Where the Olympics originated
  4. The first pixar movie
  5. The amount of basketball players on a court at one time
  6. Cynophobia is the fear of which animal
  1. What baby kangaroos are called
  2. Most populated country in latin america
  3. Amount of noses a slug has
  4. Canadas national sport
  5. The only sport to have been played on the moon
  6. The company which owns Lamborghini, Bugatti, Ducati, Audi, and Porshe

12 Clues: The first pixar movieCanadas national sportAmount of noses a slug hasWhere the Olympics originatedWhat baby kangaroos are calledThe amount of bones a shark hasCynophobia is the fear of which animalMost populated country in latin americaThe country to have played in every World CupThe only sport to have been played on the moon...

les miserableses 2024-06-19

les miserableses crossword puzzle
  1. love-sick boy
  2. the politician that stood up for the people
  3. love-sick boy's best friend's dad
  4. orphan girl's mom
  5. criminal's criminal number
  6. the amount of years the criminal was in jail
  7. love-sick boy's best friend's dad's song
  8. leader of the revolutionaries
  9. do you hear the people sing? singing a song of ______
  10. the colour of the revolutionaries flag
  11. what the criminal steals from the church
  12. policeman's famous song
  1. policeman
  2. what the criminal originally stole: this is why he was in jail
  3. policeman to criminal: retrieve the ____
  4. orphan girl's mom's depressing song
  5. orphan girl's mom sold two of her _____ for money
  6. the two colours in the revolution song
  7. child at the barricade
  8. the song that started the movie
  9. main character
  10. love-sick boy's best friend
  11. orphan girl

23 Clues: policemanorphan girllove-sick boymain characterorphan girl's momchild at the barricadepoliceman's famous songcriminal's criminal numberlove-sick boy's best friendleader of the revolutionariesthe song that started the movielove-sick boy's best friend's dadorphan girl's mom's depressing songthe two colours in the revolution song...

Sea of Trolls Crossword Puzzle 2015-02-26

Sea of Trolls Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what don't berserkers have that help them defeat trolls?
  2. The Holy Isle was burned by who?
  3. Grave fish is what in Saxon?
  4. What kind of ship has 12- oars?
  5. What was the crows name before Bold Heart?
  6. Which of Olaf's wives are different?
  7. What is King Ivar'r boat called?
  8. Jack becomes a real _____.
  9. Fame never _____.
  10. What creature can read minds?
  11. The bard invited him to _____.
  1. Jack's father wanted to be a _____.
  2. What is seider?
  3. Olaf wanted Jack to write a _____.
  4. Who is the god of dirty tricks?
  5. What did jack name the crow?
  6. Lucy thinks she is a what?
  7. Thorgil has _____ for friends.
  8. Lucy's _____ escaped.
  9. Thorgil is a what?

20 Clues: What is seider?Fame never _____.Thorgil is a what?Lucy's _____ escaped.Lucy thinks she is a what?Jack becomes a real _____.Grave fish is what in Saxon?What did jack name the crow?What creature can read minds?Thorgil has _____ for friends.The bard invited him to _____.Who is the god of dirty tricks?What kind of ship has 12- oars?...

chapters 3 vocab 2024-01-10

chapters 3 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. An approach to crime that is grounded in the concept of rational choice but views the accused as exempted from conviction if circumstances prevented the exercise of free will.
  2. Theory arguing criminal behavior is caused by feelings of strain which occur when people believe that legitimate means of achieving success are not accessible.
  3. The number of reported crimes divided by the population of the jurisdiction, and times by 100,000 persons; developed and used by the FBI Uniform Crime Reports.
  4. Framework consisting of a group of theories that propose similar explanations for a particular type of behavior or event.
  5. A theory that describes criminal behavior as a natural outcome of peoples desire to seek pleasure in the absence of effective social controls.
  6. The argument that people are most likely to engage in criminal behavior If they 1) have traits associated with crime and 2) are raised in environments conducive to criminal behavior.
  7. Theory explaining the elements necessary for a crime to occur, as well as the types of controllers who can block criminal opportunities.
  1. People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.
  2. A crime reporting system in which police describe each offense that occurs during a crime event as well as characteristics of the offender.
  3. Theory explaining crime as an outcome of conflicting interests between groups in society and the dominant groups attempts to control and exploit groups with less power.
  4. Theory maintaining that crimes will occur if crime opportunities are easy to commit, carry low risk, provide large rewards, provoke people, and are judged by a wide range of potential officers.
  5. A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.
  6. In the FBI Uniform Crime Reports reporting scheme, the practice whereby only the most serious offense of several that are committed during a criminal act is reported by police.
  7. Theory maintaining neighborhood characteristics including poverty, racial heterogeneity, and resident transiency, break down social controls and lead to criminal behavior.
  8. Published annually by the FBI, each report describes the nature of crime as reported by law enforcement agencies.
  9. Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with there biological parents.
  10. The so-called criminal chromosome; Criminal behavior is thought to be caused, in some offenders, by an extra y chromosome -believed to cause agitation, aggression, and greater criminal tendencies.
  11. A theory explaining how gender inequality affects female offending and Justice System responses to crimes committed by females.
  12. A theory asserting that criminal behaviors are learned from associating with others and from social interactions and social experiences.
  13. A theory contending labeling a person as deviant/criminal makes them more likely to engage in criminal behavior.
  14. A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.

21 Clues: People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with there biological parents....

Chapter 3 Vocab 2024-01-10

Chapter 3 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Theory arguing criminal behavior is caused by feelings of strain which occur when people believe that legitimate means of achieving success are not accessible.
  2. A theory asserting that criminal behaviors are learned from associating with others and from social interactions and social experiences.
  3. A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.
  4. A theory that describes criminal behavior as a natural outcome of peoples desire to seek pleasure in the absence of effective social controls.
  5. The number of reported crimes divided by the population of the jurisdiction, and times by 100,000 persons; developed and used by the FBI Uniform Crime Reports.
  6. A theory contending labeling a person as deviant/criminal makes them more likely to engage in criminal behavior.
  7. Published annually by the FBI, each report describes the nature of crime as reported by law enforcement agencies.
  8. Theory maintaining neighborhood characteristics including poverty, racial heterogeneity, and resident transiency, break down social controls and lead to criminal behavior.
  1. Theory explaining crime as an outcome of conflicting interests between groups in society and the dominant groups attempts to control and exploit groups with less power.
  2. People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.
  3. A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.
  4. A crime reporting system in which police describe each offense that occurs during a crime event as well as characteristics of the offender.
  5. The so-called criminal chromosome; Criminal behavior is thought to be caused, in some offenders, by an extra y chromosome -believed to cause agitation, aggression, and greater criminal tendencies.
  6. An approach to crime that is grounded in the concept of rational choice but views the accused as exempted from conviction if circumstances prevented the exercise of free will.
  7. Framework consisting of a group of theories that propose similar explanations for a particular type of behavior or event.
  8. In the FBI Uniform Crime Reports reporting scheme, the practice whereby only the most serious offense of several that are committed during a criminal act is reported by police.
  9. A theory explaining how gender inequality affects female offending and Justice System responses to crimes committed by females.
  10. Theory maintaining that crimes will occur if crime opportunities are easy to commit, carry low risk, provide large rewards, provoke people, and are judged by a wide range of potential officers.
  11. Theory explaining the elements necessary for a crime to occur, as well as the types of controllers who can block criminal opportunities.
  12. Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with there biological parents.
  13. The argument that people are most likely to engage in criminal behavior If they 1) have traits associated with crime and 2) are raised in environments conducive to criminal behavior.

21 Clues: People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with there biological parents....

Grandmas Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-15

Grandmas Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Father’s nickname
  2. Type of car before the Santa Fe
  3. US President during birth year
  4. High school mascot
  5. First car
  6. Favorite decade of music
  7. Second born’s middle name
  8. Favorite granddaughter
  9. Eye color of children, grandchildren, and self
  10. Papa’s middle name
  11. Whistling bird
  12. Where you met Papa
  13. Brayden’s birth month
  14. Spend $50, get $10 ____ cash
  15. Holiday that is best celebrated in Georgia
  16. Apricot and Rasperry filled cookie
  17. Favorite flower
  18. Name of street you used to live on in Chicago
  19. Sport played in your 20’s
  1. Law & _____
  2. First cat
  3. Grocery store behind your house
  4. Former favorite holiday to celebrate (abbrev.)
  5. Hometown city in Georgia
  6. Uncle Larry’s nickname
  7. Name of the street you live on
  8. Old host was Alex Trebek
  9. Friend from Arizona
  10. Her nickname is Boo-Boo
  11. Lake at Jellystone Park
  12. A drink that is always in the fridge
  13. Middle name of second born biological grandchild
  14. Favorite fried chicken place
  15. Most attractive cast memeber on Criminal Minds
  16. Turkey and ____ sandwich
  17. Birthstone
  18. Poker run at the campground

37 Clues: First catFirst carBirthstoneLaw & _____Whistling birdFavorite flowerFather’s nicknameHigh school mascotPapa’s middle nameWhere you met PapaFriend from ArizonaBrayden’s birth monthUncle Larry’s nicknameFavorite granddaughterHer nickname is Boo-BooLake at Jellystone ParkHometown city in GeorgiaOld host was Alex TrebekFavorite decade of music...

Chapter 3 2024-01-16

Chapter 3 crossword puzzle
  1. A theory explaining how gender inequality affects female offending and Justice System responses to crimes committed by females.
  2. A theory asserting that criminal behaviors are learned from associating with others and from social interactions and social experiences.
  3. Theory maintaining neighborhood characteristics including poverty, racial heterogeneity, and resident transiency, break down social controls and lead to criminal behavior.
  4. A theory that describes criminal behavior as a natural outcome of peoples desire to seek pleasure in the absence of effective social controls.
  5. A theory contending labeling a person as deviant/criminal makes them more likely to engage in criminal behavior.
  6. A crime reporting system in which police describe each offense that occurs during a crime event as well as characteristics of the offender.
  7. Theory arguing criminal behavior is caused by feelings of strain which occur when people believe that legitimate means of achieving success are not accessible.
  8. Published annually by the FBI, each report describes the nature of crime as reported by law enforcement agencies.
  1. Framework consisting of a group of theories that propose similar explanations for a particular type of behavior or event.
  2. The number of reported crimes divided by the population of the jurisdiction, and times by 100,000 persons; developed and used by the FBI Uniform Crime Reports.
  3. A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.
  4. People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.
  5. Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with their biological parents.
  6. The argument that people are most likely to engage in criminal behavior If they 1) have traits associated with crime and 2) are raised in environments conducive to criminal behavior.
  7. A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.
  8. Theory maintaining that crimes will occur if crime opportunities are easy to commit, carry low risk, provide large rewards, provoke people, and are judged by a wide range of potential officers.
  9. In the FBI Uniform Crime Reports reporting scheme, the practice whereby only the most serious offense of several that are committed during a criminal act is reported by police.
  10. An approach to crime that is grounded in the concept of rational choice but views the accused as exempted from conviction if circumstances prevented the exercise of free will.
  11. Theory explaining the elements necessary for a crime to occur, as well as the types of controllers who can block criminal opportunities.
  12. Theory explaining crime as an outcome of conflicting interests between groups in society and the dominant groups attempts to control and exploit groups with less power.
  13. The so-called criminal chromosome; Criminal behavior is thought to be caused, in some offenders, by an extra y chromosome -believed to cause agitation, aggression, and greater criminal tendencies

21 Clues: People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with their biological parents....

Chapter 3 2024-01-16

Chapter 3 crossword puzzle
  1. A theory explaining how gender inequality affects female offending and Justice System responses to crimes committed by females.
  2. A theory asserting that criminal behaviors are learned from associating with others and from social interactions and social experiences.
  3. Theory maintaining neighborhood characteristics including poverty, racial heterogeneity, and resident transiency, break down social controls and lead to criminal behavior.
  4. A theory that describes criminal behavior as a natural outcome of peoples desire to seek pleasure in the absence of effective social controls.
  5. A theory contending labeling a person as deviant/criminal makes them more likely to engage in criminal behavior.
  6. A crime reporting system in which police describe each offense that occurs during a crime event as well as characteristics of the offender.
  7. Theory arguing criminal behavior is caused by feelings of strain which occur when people believe that legitimate means of achieving success are not accessible.
  8. Published annually by the FBI, each report describes the nature of crime as reported by law enforcement agencies.
  1. Framework consisting of a group of theories that propose similar explanations for a particular type of behavior or event.
  2. The number of reported crimes divided by the population of the jurisdiction, and times by 100,000 persons; developed and used by the FBI Uniform Crime Reports.
  3. A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.
  4. People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.
  5. Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with their biological parents.
  6. The argument that people are most likely to engage in criminal behavior If they 1) have traits associated with crime and 2) are raised in environments conducive to criminal behavior.
  7. A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.
  8. Theory maintaining that crimes will occur if crime opportunities are easy to commit, carry low risk, provide large rewards, provoke people, and are judged by a wide range of potential officers.
  9. In the FBI Uniform Crime Reports reporting scheme, the practice whereby only the most serious offense of several that are committed during a criminal act is reported by police.
  10. An approach to crime that is grounded in the concept of rational choice but views the accused as exempted from conviction if circumstances prevented the exercise of free will.
  11. Theory explaining the elements necessary for a crime to occur, as well as the types of controllers who can block criminal opportunities.
  12. Theory explaining crime as an outcome of conflicting interests between groups in society and the dominant groups attempts to control and exploit groups with less power.
  13. The so-called criminal chromosome; Criminal behavior is thought to be caused, in some offenders, by an extra y chromosome -believed to cause agitation, aggression, and greater criminal tendencies

21 Clues: People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with their biological parents....

Chapter 3 and 4 Vcocabulary review 2020-06-08

Chapter 3 and 4 Vcocabulary review crossword puzzle
  1. causando
  2. asombroso
  3. quimicos
  4. fabrica
  5. contenedores
  6. inteligente
  7. puerto
  8. valiente
  9. daÃąando
  10. invisible
  1. desperdiciando
  2. poblaciÃģn
  3. memoria
  4. minds controlar mentes
  5. change cambio climatico
  6. fuerte
  7. identity identidad secreta
  8. ship barco de carga
  9. tecnica
  10. genio

20 Clues: geniofuertepuertomemoriafabricatecnicadaÃąandocausandoquimicosvalientepoblaciÃģnasombrosoinvisibleinteligentecontenedoresdesperdiciandoship barco de cargaminds controlar menteschange cambio climaticoidentity identidad secreta

Legal Systems Crossword 2018-09-21

Legal Systems Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. sitting on capitol hill
  2. a law passed by a legislature
  3. a violation of criminal laws
  4. say no to laws
  5. a tribunal presided over by a judge, judges, or a magistrate in civil and criminal cases
  6. someone who attacks people with law rhymes with hanif
  7. one whom arraigns
  8. a lower violation of criminal laws
  9. not constitutional
  10. before your thing,this thing happened
  11. _____ of rights
  12. making really strict rules
  13. really important rules
  14. ______ intent
  15. legal word fights
  1. apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.
  2. _______ government
  3. defends
  4. _______ hearing
  5. beyond this
  6. _______ of powers
  7. _______ review
  8. study of laws
  9. _____ of the evidence
  10. laws not civil laws
  11. laws not criminal laws
  12. _______ and balances
  13. a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.

28 Clues: defendsbeyond thisstudy of laws______ intentsay no to laws_______ review_______ hearing_____ of rights_______ of powersone whom arraignslegal word fights_______ governmentnot constitutionallaws not civil laws_______ and balances_____ of the evidencereally important rulessitting on capitol hilllaws not criminal lawsmaking really strict rules...

The Scorch Trials Chapters 1-6 2021-10-22

The Scorch Trials Chapters 1-6 crossword puzzle
  1. labels
  2. communication between minds
  3. disgust
  4. confused
  5. fight
  6. unconsciousness
  7. sadness
  8. flooded
  1. negative
  2. hatred
  3. calm
  4. shaking
  5. thick
  6. outside
  7. not understandable
  8. memory loss
  9. excessive

17 Clues: calmthickfighthatredlabelsshakingoutsidedisgustsadnessfloodednegativeconfusedexcessivememory lossunconsciousnessnot understandablecommunication between minds

Vocabulary page 72 2024-04-17

Vocabulary page 72 crossword puzzle
  1. - something that can demostrate the criminal
  2. - act of kill someone
  3. - look in detail something
  4. - the police catch the criminals
  5. - place where the criminals who was arrested go
  6. - find an answer to explanation for a crime
  7. - discover the criminal
  8. - taking something from another person's property without permission
  9. - unique mark in every hand
  1. - something that can hurt
  2. - someone who's job consist in prevent the crimes
  3. - act of take things aren't theeirs
  4. - someone who don't acomplish the laws
  5. - someone who's job is arrest criminal
  6. - someone who's work is investigate
  7. - mark of shoes in the floor
  8. - go after someone
  9. - carry out a inquiry to discover the criminal

18 Clues: - go after someone- act of kill someone- discover the criminal- something that can hurt- look in detail something- unique mark in every hand- mark of shoes in the floor- the police catch the criminals- act of take things aren't theeirs- someone who's work is investigate- someone who don't acomplish the laws- someone who's job is arrest criminal...

Chapter 3 Vocab 2024-01-09

Chapter 3 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Theory arguing criminal behavior is caused by feelings of strain which occur when people believe that legitimate means of achieving success are not accessible.
  2. A theory contending labeling a person as deviant/criminal makes them more likely to engage in criminal behavior.
  3. An approach to crime that is grounded in the concept of rational choice but views the accused as exempted from conviction if circumstances prevented the exercise of free will.
  4. A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.
  5. A theory explaining how gender inequality affects female offending and Justice System responses to crimes committed by females.
  6. The so-called criminal chromosome; Criminal behavior is thought to be caused, in some offenders, by an extra y chromosome -believed to cause agitation, aggression, and greater criminal tendencies.
  7. Theory explaining the elements necessary for a crime to occur, as well as the types of controllers who can block criminal opportunities.
  8. A theory asserting that criminal behaviors are learned from associating with others and from social interactions and social experiences.
  9. Published annually by the FBI, each report describes the nature of crime as reported by law enforcement agencies.
  10. Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with there biological parents.
  11. Framework consisting of a group of theories that propose similar explanations for a particular type of behavior or event.
  12. The argument that people are most likely to engage in criminal behavior If they 1) have traits associated with crime and 2) are raised in environments conducive to criminal behavior.
  13. Theory maintaining neighborhood characteristics including poverty, racial heterogeneity, and resident transiency, break down social controls and lead to criminal behavior.
  14. A crime reporting system in which police describe each offense that occurs during a crime event as well as characteristics of the offender.
  15. Theory maintaining that crimes will occur if crime opportunities are easy to commit, carry low risk, provide large rewards, provoke people, and are judged by a wide range of potential officers.
  1. People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.
  2. A theory that describes criminal behavior as a natural outcome of peoples desire to seek pleasure in the absence of effective social controls.
  3. A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.
  4. Theory explaining crime as an outcome of conflicting interests between groups in society and the dominant groups attempts to control and exploit groups with less power.
  5. The number of reported crimes divided by the population of the jurisdiction, and times by 100,000 persons; developed and used by the FBI Uniform Crime Reports.
  6. In the FBI Uniform Crime Reports reporting scheme, the practice whereby only the most serious offense of several that are committed during a criminal act is reported by police.

21 Clues: People have free will to choose between criminal and lawful behavior.A random Survey of U.S. households that measures crimes committed against victims.A school of thought that argues science can be used to discover the true causes of crime.Criminological research on whether adopted children share criminal tendencies with there biological parents....

Criminal Justice 2023-12-01

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. person who has committed a crime
  2. being brought before the court before the trial begins
  3. gather sufficient evidence to identify and arrest a subject
  4. formal questioning of a subject
  5. to intrude upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another
  6. 55 delegates who contributed to and shaped the document that is still the country’s supreme law
  7. state of being or feeling secure
  1. authority given by law to a court to try cases and rule on legal matters within a particular geographic
  2. money paid to ensure the return of a criminal defendant for trial
  3. rights given to an individual if they are being arrested
  4. government in which all power is in the hands of a single ruler
  5. taking a subject into custody
  6. groups of able-bodied men who protected their towns, colonies and eventually states.
  7. something admitted into court for judges or juries to consider
  8. bring about something by the use of force
  9. willful or malicious burning or attempting to burn
  10. tendency of a convicted criminal to re-offend
  11. when cases are reviewed by a higher authority

18 Clues: taking a subject into custodyformal questioning of a subjectperson who has committed a crimestate of being or feeling securebring about something by the use of forcetendency of a convicted criminal to re-offendwhen cases are reviewed by a higher authoritywillful or malicious burning or attempting to burn...

vocabulary p72 2024-04-17

vocabulary p72 crossword puzzle
  1. - when a person do bad things they go to ....
  2. officer - When something bad happens they have to go...
  3. - when the police find a bad person they... it
  4. - the person who investigates the evidence
  5. - when a bad person kills somebody and become a criminal they hace to use .... to kill
  6. - when a murderer kill somebody it calls
  7. - When a crime scene happens they have to....
  8. - when the police catch a criminal
  9. - When a criminal leaves things and the police investigate that thing, they are...
  1. - when a criminal step they leave ....
  2. - When someone kills someone and no one has evidence they have to...
  3. - when the police find a criminal and they follow it to arrest
  4. - when a person do a bad thing like steal something from a shop or kill somebody they become a.....
  5. - when a criminal touch things without gloves he leaves ....
  6. - when somebody steal something it is called
  7. - When a robbery happens it means that they have...
  8. - To get the evidence the police have to...
  9. guard - in large supermarkets there must be.... watching

18 Clues: - when the police catch a criminal- when a criminal step they leave ....- when a murderer kill somebody it calls- the person who investigates the evidence- To get the evidence the police have to...- when somebody steal something it is called- when a person do bad things they go to ....- When a crime scene happens they have to.......

The Darkest Minds 2016-08-21

The Darkest Minds crossword puzzle
  1. leader of east river
  2. the color Clancy had at his camp
  3. liams friend from camp
  4. rubys home town
  5. girl who didn't talk
  6. camp ruby was at
  7. person who didn't want ruby with them
  8. what Clancy and ruby were categorized as
  9. zu wore these on her hands
  10. the title of book
  11. the safe haven people went to
  12. items the children league put on rubys clothes
  1. disease that killed children at age 10
  2. 3rd orange that went with the childrens league
  3. the group ruby stayed with in the end
  4. author of book
  5. item Clancy used in his office that no one else could use
  6. car liam first drove
  7. friend who met them at a store
  8. she was part of childrens league
  9. character name of gem
  10. people who collected psi
  11. the color Thurmond labeled ruby
  12. noise only kids can hear
  13. label given to children who survived
  14. person who led zu chubs and ruby

26 Clues: author of bookrubys home towncamp ruby was atthe title of bookleader of east rivercar liam first drovegirl who didn't talkcharacter name of gemliams friend from camppeople who collected psinoise only kids can hearzu wore these on her handsthe safe haven people went tofriend who met them at a storethe color Thurmond labeled ruby...

Eye of minds 2019-04-17

Eye of minds crossword puzzle
  1. What is another name for the coffin
  2. What is the virtual network security called
  3. What is one of Michael's friend's names
  4. What is the clubs names for the teens by the black and blue
  5. What is Michaels nannys name
  6. what is the thing he is looking at in the coffin
  7. Who is the most powerful hacker
  8. Where is the place Michael games at
  9. What did the killsims have to break through at the black and blue
  10. What was the game they were in
  11. What ere you in when you were out of the coffin
  1. Who was the first person to give them clues about Kaine
  2. What is the news station called that Michael watches
  3. What is the gaming world called
  4. What is another one of Michael's friend's names
  5. Where was Ronkia at
  6. What is the agent name at the VSN
  7. Who is the main character of the book
  8. What is the girl's name at the black and blue
  9. What did you go into when you were in the coffin

20 Clues: Where was Ronkia atWhat is Michaels nannys nameWhat was the game they were inWhat is the gaming world calledWho is the most powerful hackerWhat is the agent name at the VSNWhat is another name for the coffinWhere is the place Michael games atWho is the main character of the bookWhat is one of Michael's friend's names...

Haunted Minds Final 2023-01-12

Haunted Minds Final crossword puzzle
  1. What a young vampire in Maine is waiting for
  2. This man loses his wife to a 'replacement'
  3. Dangerous lot named after one of the world's oldest cities
  4. Black Tom cuts these off of Malone that that he 'can't choose blindness'
  5. Color of the book that Tommy Tester delivers
  6. Man who constantly gets locked in the tool room
  7. Christian symbol that Harker is offered for protection during his trip
  8. What Eleanor lacks throughout her life
  9. In "One For the Road", a vampire is mistaken for this animal
  10. Tommy Tester receives 200 dollars for delivering a book to this otherworldly woman
  11. First film adaptation of Stoker's Dracula
  12. Mr. Booth relives this experience (and has a vision of it happening to someone else)
  13. Teacher who was part of a murder in his youth
  14. Home of the main inspiration for Dracula (region)
  15. Neighborhood where the 'final battle' of The Ballad of Black Tom takes place
  16. Dracula: Dead and _____ It
  17. This location is central to the musical culture featured in The Ballad of Black Tom
  18. After wandering to this town, Malone sees two eyes in the sky
  19. Rule 2 of the dead game excludes these people
  20. Rule 1 of the dead game says these are important
  21. In "One For the Road", this man disappears after trying to bust a myth about vampires in his town
  22. This philosophy is used as an excuse for bullying at Brockstone School (two words)
  23. Dracula serves to scare people into this idea (still politically relevant today)
  24. Rule 3 of the dead game says that you can not feel this emotion when you are 'dead'
  25. The man that Mr. Booth is looking for claims he is sometimes known by this foul name
  26. This author wrote a 'Vampyre' story long before Stoker's Dracula
  27. Dracula uses boxes of this 'material' in place of a coffin
  28. Location of Johnathon and Mina's marriage
  29. Vengeful ghost, weeping woman in Spanish
  30. Mountainous region where Dracula is from
  31. In "One For the Road", weapon used to save Booth
  32. The Specialist's Hat has 52 of these on it
  1. Eleanor encourages a little girl to insist on her cup of this
  2. In "One For the Road", Francie loses this article of clothing
  3. A print of this variety goes through mysterious changes in a short story
  4. Mary and Ned Boyne buy this house for its old and haunted feel
  5. Possible inspiration for Dracula, Vlad the _____
  6. Iconic motif and symbol of Dracula
  7. Famous writer who was an inspiration for parts of The Ballad of Black Tom
  8. Color of Theodora's Room
  9. A drink frequently used as medicine in Dracula and several other works
  10. _____ Society (not as great as Tommy made it out to be)
  11. The nearest town to Hill House
  12. Famous song, don't you mind them doing this 'in your face'
  13. These monsters will drink you and then hang you up
  14. Modern day country where Dracula originally lived
  15. This relentless boss forces Mr. Booth to attend a reunion at Brockstone School
  16. Morgan Freeman played a vampire that went by this alliterative name early in his career (first name only)
  17. Mary and Ned Boyne's house reveals a ghost at this point in time (general term, not specific)
  18. Food from the genus Allium that vampires hate
  19. Early vampire story authored by Sheridan Le Fanu
  20. Blood drinking antagonist
  21. Dr. Seward, Van Helsing, and this man give Lucy blood transfusions (last name)
  22. Seaside setting in Dracula
  23. Tommy Tester's Favorite Instrument
  24. Dracula's weaknesses are based on this
  25. Counterpart to modernity in Dracula
  26. As Hill House feels more and more haunted, Eleanor appears to lose this more and more.
  27. In "The Specialist's Hat", Samantha very much wants this animal
  28. The 'good cop' counterpart to Howard
  29. Black Tom turns on this man who he originally served
  30. This robotic woman, who lives 6 miles away, maintains Hill House (last name)
  31. Vampire who's name rhymes with a famous children's show character
  32. Tommy Tester takes the final page out of the book containing the Supreme _____

64 Clues: Color of Theodora's RoomBlood drinking antagonistDracula: Dead and _____ ItSeaside setting in DraculaThe nearest town to Hill HouseIconic motif and symbol of DraculaTommy Tester's Favorite InstrumentCounterpart to modernity in DraculaThe 'good cop' counterpart to HowardWhat Eleanor lacks throughout her lifeDracula's weaknesses are based on this...

The Darkest Minds 2022-12-30

The Darkest Minds crossword puzzle
  1. Not being careful enough of alertness.
  2. A state of nervous depression.
  3. Being completely blind to what is going on.
  4. Most destructive color category.
  5. Color category that has telekinetic abilities.
  6. Sing quietly.
  7. Without interruption.
  8. Becoming smaller.
  9. A feeling of newly born respect for someone or something.
  10. Moving something with a sudden jerky.
  11. A neutral zone between to rival powers.
  12. Having more power.
  13. Color category that has enhanced intelligence.
  14. Wild and menacing.
  15. A badge that shows position.
  16. Showing ill or rude humor.
  17. Color category that has mind controlling abilities.
  18. Having or showing high power or control.
  19. Failure to pay up.
  20. End or to bring a statement to a end.
  21. Punishing something or someone.
  22. Impressive in appearance.
  23. A systematic plan for therapy.
  1. To complain.
  2. Disarrange or disturb.
  3. Given as an award without the labor behind it.
  4. Disapproval of someone's idea or belief.
  5. Color category that can manipulate electricity.
  6. Giving a false appearance.
  7. Forgetting fully or total forgetfulness.
  8. A waterproof overshoe that protects shoes.
  9. Doing something that someone else thinks lowly of.
  10. Something said in a way to de-exaggerate a statement.
  11. Continuing to do something.
  12. Wishing or praying for something to happen or not happen.
  13. Super simple.
  14. Blunt, unfriendly or stern.
  15. The act of becoming weak or unsteady.
  16. Completely clean or free from germs.
  17. Dignified in manner.
  18. A feeling of self-satisfaction.
  19. Hook or tangle something.

42 Clues: To complain.Sing quietly.Super simple.Becoming smaller.Having more power.Wild and menacing.Failure to pay up.Dignified in manner.Without interruption.Disarrange or disturb.Hook or tangle something.Impressive in appearance.Giving a false appearance.Showing ill or rude humor.Continuing to do something.Blunt, unfriendly or stern....

vocabulary p72 2024-04-17

vocabulary p72 crossword puzzle
  1. - when a person do bad things they go to ....
  2. officer - When something bad happens they have to go...
  3. - when the police find a bad person they... it
  4. - the person who investigates the evidence
  5. - when a bad person kills somebody and become a criminal they hace to use .... to kill
  6. - when a murderer kill somebody it calls
  7. - When a crime scene happens they have to....
  8. - when the police catch a criminal
  9. - When a criminal leaves things and the police investigate that thing, they are...
  1. - when a criminal step they leave ....
  2. - When someone kills someone and no one has evidence they have to...
  3. - when the police find a criminal and they follow it to arrest
  4. - when a person do a bad thing like steal something from a shop or kill somebody they become a.....
  5. - when a criminal touch things without gloves he leaves ....
  6. - when somebody steal something it is called
  7. - When a robbery happens it means that they have...
  8. - To get the evidence the police have to...
  9. guard - in large supermarkets there must be.... watching

18 Clues: - when the police catch a criminal- when a criminal step they leave ....- when a murderer kill somebody it calls- the person who investigates the evidence- To get the evidence the police have to...- when somebody steal something it is called- when a person do bad things they go to ....- When a crime scene happens they have to.......

CROSS MINDS 2022-05-06

CROSS MINDS crossword puzzle
  1. Which is India's first fully electric car
  2. Once Elon musk said"100 Tesla____could power the entire world. What was he referring to
  3. Where is the world's highest EV charging station located
  4. Name the type of battery used in electric vehicle
  5. The car listed as the world's all time top selling plug in electric car till tesla model 3 surpassed it in early 2020
  6. Oldest electric car
  7. Name the electric car featured in Avengers:Endgame
  8. What is the unit of current stored in a traction battery
  1. In which EV hydrogen gas is used as fuel
  2. The electric car served as a dummy payload for the February 2018 falcon heavy test flight
  3. Name India's first electric car manufactured by mahindra
  4. Which country has the most electric vehicle per capita

12 Clues: Oldest electric carIn which EV hydrogen gas is used as fuelWhich is India's first fully electric carName the type of battery used in electric vehicleName the electric car featured in Avengers:EndgameWhich country has the most electric vehicle per capitaWhere is the world's highest EV charging station located...

Curious minds 2024-06-11

Curious minds crossword puzzle
  1. well-known
  2. what you remember
  3. the organ we think with
  4. intelligent
  5. interested
  6. something you think
  1. to like
  2. the intellect
  3. clever
  4. to take care of
  5. to get better
  6. allereade

12 Clues: cleverto likeallereadewell-knowninterestedintelligentthe intellectto get betterto take care ofwhat you remembersomething you thinkthe organ we think with

The Eye of Minds Crossword 2018-05-14

The Eye of Minds Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Holy
  2. To shake
  3. Insanity
  4. Being unaware
  5. Another word for "tilted"
  6. Mobile devices in the universe of "The Eye of Minds"
  7. A line that touches a curved surface only once
  1. Another word for "death"
  2. Micheal's original ultimate goal
  3. An advanced AI whose only purpose and goal is to destroy players
  4. To walk slowly and heavily
  5. The realization of an algorithm; to put in
  6. The "digital secret service" in "The Eye of Minds" universe
  7. The product of mass times velocity
  8. Another word for supervisor

15 Clues: HolyTo shakeInsanityBeing unawareAnother word for "death"Another word for "tilted"To walk slowly and heavilyAnother word for supervisorMicheal's original ultimate goalThe product of mass times velocityThe realization of an algorithm; to put inA line that touches a curved surface only onceMobile devices in the universe of "The Eye of Minds"...

Criminal Law 2014-10-28

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. reporter The court official who records everything said in court during a trial.
  2. examination The first questioning of a witness to determine what he or she observed about the crime.
  3. jury A jury that cannot reach a unanimous verdict.
  4. of proof The Crown's obligation to prove the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt.
  5. The court official who assists the sheriff.
  6. hearing A judicial inquiry to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to put the accused person on trial.
  7. examination The second questioning of a witness to test the accuracy of the testimony; performed by the opposing counsel.
  8. Persons who give evidence while under oath or affirmation in a court of law.
  9. counsel A lawyer who defends an accused person on trial.
  1. dire A mini-trial in which jurors are excluded while the admissibility of evidence is discussed.
  2. The court official appointed to try cases in a court of law and to sentence convicted persons.
  3. evidence Indirect evidence that leads to a reasonable inference of the defendant's guilt.
  4. panel The large group of randomly selected citizens from which jury members are chosen.
  5. counsel The lawyer representing the government, responsible for instituting legal proceedings against the accused.
  6. An application to a higher court to review the decision made by a lower court.
  7. Information that tends to prove or disprove the elements of an offence.
  8. In a criminal court, the person charged with committing a criminal offence.
  9. The court official responsible for jury management.

18 Clues: The court official who assists the sheriff.jury A jury that cannot reach a unanimous verdict.The court official responsible for jury management.counsel A lawyer who defends an accused person on trial.Information that tends to prove or disprove the elements of an offence.In a criminal court, the person charged with committing a criminal offence....

Criminal Justice 2023-07-14

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. of Social Control an organization that persuades people, through subtle and not-so-subtle means to abide by the dominant values of society.
  2. a serious offense punishable by death or by confinement in a state prison.
  3. a politically defined geographical area such as a city, a county, a state, or a nation. In North Carolina, it essentially means the authority of the State of North Carolina to try a defendant for a criminal offense. Jurisdiction is simply the “court’s power to decide a case or issue a decree.”
  4. the county or district within which a criminal or civil case must be heard.
  5. The seizing and detaining of a person by lawful authority.
  6. Cause A standard of proof that requires evidence sufficient to make a reasonable person believe that, more likely than not, the proposed action is justified.
  7. a less serious crime generally punishable by a fine or by incarceration in jail for not more than 150 days
  8. Bargaining an arrangement between prosecutor and defendant whereby the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a more lenient sentence or an agreement to drop other charges.
  1. the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge. (Charging someone with a crime and putting them on trial).
  2. the first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea.
  3. The administrative recording of an arrest. Typically, The suspect’s name, the charge, and perhaps the suspect’s fingerprints or photograph are entered in the police blotter.
  4. a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
  5. punishments - a form of criminal punishment that lie between total confinement and probation. They are less restrictive than total confinement in prisons and jails, but more concentrated and centered than probation.(i.e. House Arrest - Driving School etc.)
  6. a monetary guarantee deposited with the court to ensure that suspects or defendants will appear at a later stage in the criminal justice process
  7. Violation a violation of a local law enacted by a county, city or town. Examples are Discharging a Weapon Within City Limits or Surfing within 300 feet of a pier
  8. Hearing a pretrial stage at which a judge determines whether there is probable cause. If the judge finds probable cause, the defendant is bound over for possible indictment or arraignment.
  9. Trial An immediate trial without a jury
  10. Corpus a fundamental right in the Constitution that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment. In its simplest form a writ of habeas corpus requires that a person who is in custody be brought before a judge or court and that they be able to challenge that custody. The writ of habeas corpus is used to attack unlawful detention or illegal imprisonment.

18 Clues: Trial An immediate trial without a jurya formal charge or accusation of a serious crimeThe seizing and detaining of a person by lawful authority.a serious offense punishable by death or by confinement in a state prison.the county or district within which a criminal or civil case must be heard....

Criminal justice 2024-02-12

Criminal justice crossword puzzle
  1. - Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  2. - Standard required to convict a criminal defendant of a crime. The prosecution must prove the guilt so that there is no reasonable doubt to the jury that the defendant is guilty.
  3. - Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the bankruptcy court, debtors may discharge their debts, perhaps by paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over these proceedings.
  4. - Trial without a jury in which a judge decides the facts. In a jury trial, the jury decides the facts. Defendants will occasionally waive the right to a jury trial and choose to have a bench trial.
  5. - A written statement of facts confirmed by the oath of the party making it. Affidavits must be notarized or administered by an officer of the court with such authority.
  6. - A person called upon by either side in a lawsuit to give testimony before the court or jury.
  7. - An arrest warrant is a written order directing the arrest of a party. A search warrant orders that a specific location be searched for items, which if found, can be used in court as evidence. Search warrants require probable cause in order to be issued.
  1. - An amount of suspicion leading one to believe certain facts are probably true. The Fourth Amendment requires probable cause for the issuance of an arrest or search warrant.
  2. evidence - Evidence which tends to show the defendant’s innocence
  3. - Written statements of the parties in a civil case of their positions. In federal courts, the principal pleadings are the complaint and the answer.
  4. - Judgment that a criminal defendant has not been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
  5. - A written account of all the acts and proceedings in a lawsuit.
  6. - A sentencing alternative to imprisonment in which the court releases convicted defendants under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed.
  7. - Judgment by appellate courts where the decree or order is declared valid and will stand as decided in the lower court.
  8. - Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
  9. - Answer questions in court.
  10. - Security given for the release of a criminal defendant or witness from legal custody (usually in the form of money) to secure his/her appearance on the day and time appointed.
  11. plea - A defendant’s plea that allows him to assert his innocence but allows the court to sentence the defendant without conducting a trial. Essentially, the defendant is admitting that the evidence is sufficient to show guilt. Such a plea is often made for purposes of negotiating a deal with the prosecutor for lesser charges or a sentence.

18 Clues: - Answer questions in court.evidence - Evidence which tends to show the defendant’s innocence- A written account of all the acts and proceedings in a lawsuit.- Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.- Judgment that a criminal defendant has not been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt....

Criminal Law 2015-01-29

Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. āļĻāļēāļĨāļŽāļĩāļāļē
  2. āļ„āđˆāļēāļ›āļĢāļąāļš
  3. āļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļ‚āļąāļ‡
  4. āļ­āļąāļ™āļ•āļĢāļēāļĒāļ—āļēāļ‡āļ”āđ‰āļēāļ™āļˆāļīāļ•āđƒāļˆ
  5. āļāļēāļĢāļ›āļĨāđ‰āļ™āļ—āļĩāđˆāļĄāļĩāļœāļđāđ‰āļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļĄāļēāļāļāļ§āđˆāļēāļŠāļēāļĄāļ„āļ™āļ‚āļķāđ‰āļ™āđ„āļ›
  6. āļ—āļģāļĢāđ‰āļēāļĒāļĢāđˆāļēāļ‡āļāļēāļĒ
  7. āļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļœāļīāļ”āļāļŽāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāđ‚āļ”āļĒāđ€āļ•āļ™āļē
  8. āļāļēāļĢāļ†āļēāļ•āļāļĢāļĢāļĄ
  9. āđ€āļĒāļēāļ§āļŠāļ™
  10. āļĻāļēāļĨāļ­āļļāļ—āļ˜āļĢāļ“āđŒ
  1. āļāļēāļĢāļ›āļĢāļ°āļŦāļēāļĢāļŠāļĩāļ§āļīāļ•
  2. āļāļēāļĢāđƒāļŠāđ‰āļāļģāļĨāļąāļ‡
  3. āļāļēāļĢāļ‚āđ‚āļĄāļĒāđ‚āļ”āļĒāđƒāļŠāđ‰āļāļģāļĨāļąāļ‡āđāļĨāļ°āļ­āļēāļ§āļļāļ˜
  4. āļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļœāļīāļ”āļāļŽāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāđ‚āļ”āļĒāđ„āļĄāđˆāđ€āļˆāļ•āļ™āļē
  5. āļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļœāļīāļ”āļāļŽāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāđ‚āļ”āļĒāļ›āļĢāļ°āļĄāļēāļ—
  6. āļ­āļąāļ™āļ•āļĢāļēāļĒāļ—āļēāļ‡āļ”āđ‰āļēāļ™āļˆāļīāļ•āđƒāļˆ
  7. āļ­āļēāļ§āļļāļ˜
  8. āļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļ—āļĩāđˆāļœāļīāļ”āļāļŽāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒ
  9. āļ—āļĢāļąāļžāļĒāđŒāļŠāļīāļ™
  10. āļĻāļēāļĨāļŠāļąāđ‰āļ™āļ•āđ‰āļ™

20 Clues: āļ­āļēāļ§āļļāļ˜āđ€āļĒāļēāļ§āļŠāļ™āļĻāļēāļĨāļŽāļĩāļāļēāļ„āđˆāļēāļ›āļĢāļąāļšāļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāļ‚āļąāļ‡āļ—āļĢāļąāļžāļĒāđŒāļŠāļīāļ™āļĻāļēāļĨāļŠāļąāđ‰āļ™āļ•āđ‰āļ™āļāļēāļĢāļ†āļēāļ•āļāļĢāļĢāļĄāļĻāļēāļĨāļ­āļļāļ—āļ˜āļĢāļ“āđŒāļāļēāļĢāđƒāļŠāđ‰āļāļģāļĨāļąāļ‡āļ—āļģāļĢāđ‰āļēāļĒāļĢāđˆāļēāļ‡āļāļēāļĒāļāļēāļĢāļ›āļĢāļ°āļŦāļēāļĢāļŠāļĩāļ§āļīāļ•āļ­āļąāļ™āļ•āļĢāļēāļĒāļ—āļēāļ‡āļ”āđ‰āļēāļ™āļˆāļīāļ•āđƒāļˆāļ­āļąāļ™āļ•āļĢāļēāļĒāļ—āļēāļ‡āļ”āđ‰āļēāļ™āļˆāļīāļ•āđƒāļˆāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļ—āļĩāđˆāļœāļīāļ”āļāļŽāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļœāļīāļ”āļāļŽāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāđ‚āļ”āļĒāđ€āļ•āļ™āļēāļāļēāļĢāļ‚āđ‚āļĄāļĒāđ‚āļ”āļĒāđƒāļŠāđ‰āļāļģāļĨāļąāļ‡āđāļĨāļ°āļ­āļēāļ§āļļāļ˜āļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļœāļīāļ”āļāļŽāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāđ‚āļ”āļĒāļ›āļĢāļ°āļĄāļēāļ—āļāļēāļĢāļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļœāļīāļ”āļāļŽāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāđ‚āļ”āļĒāđ„āļĄāđˆāđ€āļˆāļ•āļ™āļēāļāļēāļĢāļ›āļĨāđ‰āļ™āļ—āļĩāđˆāļĄāļĩāļœāļđāđ‰āļāļĢāļ°āļ—āļģāļĄāļēāļāļāļ§āđˆāļēāļŠāļēāļĄāļ„āļ™āļ‚āļķāđ‰āļ™āđ„āļ›

Criminal Psychology 2023-10-14

Criminal Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. A type of bias to favour certain age groups over others.
  2. An abbreviation for the autonomic nervous system.
  3. The gap between two neurons.
  4. Something that reduces the likelhood of a crime being committed.
  5. ........ cortext. The outer layer of the brain important for conscious awareness.
  6. A type of observation where participants are unaware they are being observed.
  7. ,,,,,, (1996). Study that partially supports Eysenck's theory.
  8. A group selected from a larger population.
  9. .... model.
  10. A place where people are confined as a punishment.
  11. ...... system. A neural network that controls emotional expression.
  1. Something you are born with.
  2. A personaity type associated with being confident and sociable.
  3. ........... justice.
  4. A trait measuring how impulsive and aggressive an individual is.
  5. A type of experimental design where participants take part in only one condition.
  6. Refers to behaviours that people learn through experience.
  7. Abbreviation for the system consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
  8. Activation of the nervous system making individuals awake, alert and awake.

19 Clues: .... model............ justice.Something you are born with.The gap between two neurons.A group selected from a larger population.An abbreviation for the autonomic nervous system.A place where people are confined as a punishment.A type of bias to favour certain age groups over others.Refers to behaviours that people learn through experience....

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus 2022-03-09

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus crossword puzzle
  1. the judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.
  2. the decision passed by the judge either court or criminal prosecution authority in case of production on materials or criminal case.
  3. The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.
  4. The official within the competence performing criminal prosecution on behalf of the state and holding crown case in court.
  5. The physical person detained on suspicion of crime execution or person concerning whom the criminal prosecution authority brings criminal case.
  6. A person who is not interested in the outcome of a criminal case, participating in the production of an investigative action, to certify its fact, progress and results.
  7. A person who has applied to a court or a criminal prosecution body in accordance with the procedure for protecting his actual or expected right or has reported a socially dangerous act that is being prepared, committed or committed to him.
  8. a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.
  1. Negotiations of the person accused and victim with participation of mediator for the purpose of assistance to their conciliation.
  2. The written notice of challenge in criminal prosecution authority or in court for production of legal proceedings.
  3. the decision passed by Trial Court on guilt or innocence of the person accused on application or non-use to it of punishment and on other questions which are subject to permission.
  4. based on the definition of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, it can be physical, property or moral damage, as well as subject to monetary measurement.
  5. The process of which sphere on the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus is carried out in accordance with this Code, regardless of the place of commission of the crime, unless otherwise established by international treaties of the Republic of Belarus?
  6. Money or valuables that are provided for the pre-trial release of a suspect or accused of committing a crime.
  7. A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution.
  8. The document of which make sure the production fact, content and results of legal proceedings constituted according to the procedure, established by this Code.
  9. The official of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the state security agencies performing within the competence provided by this Code, pretrial investigation

17 Clues: a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.the judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution....

Criminal Vocab 2023-02-05

Criminal Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A crime that usually has a Small Fine rather than going to jail
  2. More likely than not a crime was committed
  3. They DID NOT do a Crime
  4. An agreement between a Prosecutor and Defendant that says they are Guilty to try and get a smaller sentence
  5. 23 people that decide if a court case has enough evidence to keep going to trial
  6. When the defendant is told they are Guilty or Not guilty
  7. A crime that usually has a Small Fine rather than going to jail
  8. A paper that says the police can search you and your belongings
  9. A defendant's (Person saying they are innocent) first time seeing a Judge
  10. They did a crime
  11. The person being accused of a crime
  1. The government lawyer that tries a person accused of a crime
  2. Any action or inaction the police take
  3. What a normal person would think is suspicious
  4. A serious crime that has a Jail sentence of More than 1 Year or Death
  5. A judge reading the charges to the Defendant for the first time
  6. Jury weights testimony and evidence in order to make a decision against the defendant, Guilty or Not Guilty
  7. A Defendant saying that they are either Guilty or Not Guilty
  8. Looking at evidence in front of a Judge and sometimes a Jury to see if someone is Guilty or Not Guilty

19 Clues: They did a crimeThey DID NOT do a CrimeThe person being accused of a crimeAny action or inaction the police takeMore likely than not a crime was committedWhat a normal person would think is suspiciousWhen the defendant is told they are Guilty or Not guiltyThe government lawyer that tries a person accused of a crime...

The Darkest Minds 2024-01-05

The Darkest Minds crossword puzzle
  1. the slip kid
  2. The name of the rehabilitation camp
  3. the cause of IAAN
  4. the first kid to die
  5. color that represents telekinesis
  6. abbreviation for idiopathic adolescent acute neurodegeneration
  7. the accessory that Zu wears to prevent frying anything/anyone
  8. the government created organization meant to control/obtain PSI children
  9. where the safe haven is located
  10. the percentage of children killed by the disease
  11. color that represents control of electricity
  12. color that represents control of fire
  1. the virus
  2. The main character
  3. mind control
  4. the group of kids affected by the virus
  5. the amount of color classifications
  6. Chubs' real name
  7. an imagined society in which there is great suffering and injustice
  8. color that represents brain power
  9. The accessory Zu wears to prevent frying things

21 Clues: the virusthe slip kidmind controlChubs' real namethe cause of IAANThe main characterthe first kid to diewhere the safe haven is locatedcolor that represents telekinesiscolor that represents brain powerThe name of the rehabilitation campthe amount of color classificationscolor that represents control of firethe group of kids affected by the virus...

Origin of Concepts Crossword- Rosa Jane Graham 2015-11-23

Origin of Concepts Crossword- Rosa Jane Graham crossword puzzle
  1. foundation: cogito ergo sum
  2. posteriori: a proposition where you do require experience to prove its validity
  3. to be knowledge, a belief must be certain so if we can doubt a belief, it is not knowledge
  4. case: we have justified true belief, but because this is the case through coincidence, it is not knowledge
  5. world: everything that exists independently of our minds
  6. knowledge: a declarative statement that can either be true or false
  7. the study of knowledge
  8. priori: a proposition where you do not require experience to prove its validity
  9. circle: circle of reasoning that Descartes employed when thinking about God
  10. principal: all simple ideas are copies of impressions
  11. a propositions validity depends upon the world
  1. knowledge: knowing how to do something
  2. our knowledge is derived from reason and logic
  3. a non-veridical-perceptual experience
  4. realism: physical objects exist independently of our minds
  5. knowledge: knowing of someone or some place
  6. argument: unless God exists, the question "why does anything exist" is unanswerable
  7. idealism: all that exists are minds and ideas
  8. distortion of the senses that means we perceive things differently from what exists
  9. fork: we can have knowledge in two forms of claims- ideas and matter of fact
  10. our knowledge is derived from experience
  11. a proposition that is true by definition

22 Clues: the study of knowledgefoundation: cogito ergo suma non-veridical-perceptual experienceknowledge: knowing how to do somethingour knowledge is derived from experiencea proposition that is true by definitionknowledge: knowing of someone or some placeidealism: all that exists are minds and ideasour knowledge is derived from reason and logic...

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus 2022-03-09

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus crossword puzzle
  1. a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.
  2. The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.
  3. A person who has applied to a court or a criminal prosecution body in accordance with the procedure for protecting his actual or expected right or has reported a socially dangerous act that is being prepared, committed or committed to him.
  4. Money or valuables that are provided for the pre-trial release of a suspect or accused of committing a crime.
  5. The document of which make sure the production fact, content and results of legal proceedings constituted according to the procedure, established by this Code.
  6. The physical person detained on suspicion of crime execution or person concerning whom the criminal prosecution authority brings criminal case.
  7. The official of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the state security agencies performing within the competence provided by this Code, pretrial investigation
  8. A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution.
  9. Negotiations of the person accused and victim with participation of mediator for the purpose of assistance to their conciliation.
  10. The decision passed by the judge either court or criminal prosecution authority in case of production on materials or criminal case.
  1. The written notice of challenge in criminal prosecution authority or in court for production of legal proceedings.
  2. A person who is not interested in the outcome of a criminal case, participating in the production of an investigative action, to certify its fact, progress and results.
  3. the decision passed by Trial Court on guilt or innocence of the person accused on application or non-use to it of punishment and on other questions which are subject to permission.
  4. The official within the competence performing criminal prosecution on behalf of the state and holding crown case in court.
  5. The judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.
  6. The process of which sphere on the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus is carried out in accordance with this Code, regardless of the place of commission of the crime, unless otherwise established by international treaties of the Republic of Belarus?
  7. based on the definition of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, it can be physical, property or moral damage, as well as subject to monetary measurement.

17 Clues: a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.The judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution....

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus 2022-03-09

Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus crossword puzzle
  1. The document of which make sure the production fact, content and results of legal proceedings constituted according to the procedure, established by this Code.
  2. The process of which sphere on the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus is carried out in accordance with this Code, regardless of the place of commission of the crime, unless otherwise established by international treaties of the Republic of Belarus?
  3. The physical person detained on suspicion of crime execution or person concerning whom the criminal prosecution authority brings criminal case.
  4. Negotiations of the person accused and victim with participation of mediator for the purpose of assistance to their conciliation.
  5. Based on the definition of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, it can be physical, property or moral damage, as well as subject to monetary measurement.
  6. The official within the competence performing criminal prosecution on behalf of the state and holding crown case in court.
  7. The written notice of challenge in criminal prosecution authority or in court for production of legal proceedings.
  8. A person who has applied to a court or a criminal prosecution body in accordance with the procedure for protecting his actual or expected right or has reported a socially dangerous act that is being prepared, committed or committed to him.
  1. The decision passed by the judge either court or criminal prosecution authority in case of production on materials or criminal case.
  2. A person who is not interested in the outcome of a criminal case, participating in the production of an investigative action, to certify its fact, progress and results.
  3. A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution.
  4. The official of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the state security agencies performing within the competence provided by this Code, pretrial investigation
  5. The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.
  6. The decision passed by Trial Court on guilt or innocence of the person accused on application or non-use to it of punishment and on other questions which are subject to permission.
  7. The judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.
  8. Money or valuables that are provided for the pre-trial release of a suspect or accused of committing a crime.
  9. A public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.

17 Clues: A public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court.The request turned to the body conducting criminal procedure.The judge presiding by joint consideration of criminal case or considering criminal case solely.A judicial body that administers justice in criminal cases and ensures their correct and lawful resolution....

Spanish lawyer Words 2015-05-08

Spanish lawyer Words crossword puzzle
  1. jury
  2. questions
  3. lawyer
  4. criminal
  5. bail
  6. testimony
  7. brief
  8. felony
  9. jail
  1. paperwork
  2. judge
  3. prosecutor
  4. case
  5. court
  6. justicia courthouse
  7. defendant
  8. oath
  9. victim
  10. charge
  11. law

20 Clues: lawjurycaseoathbailjailjudgecourtbrieflawyervictimchargefelonycriminalpaperworkquestionsdefendanttestimonyprosecutorjusticia courthouse

Rosa parks 2024-01-18

Rosa parks crossword puzzle
  1. Fear
  2. Parks
  3. Discrimination
  4. Courage
  5. Activism
  6. Bus
  7. Seat
  8. Freedom
  9. Fight
  10. Criminal
  1. Iconic
  2. Arrest
  3. Protest
  4. Deny
  5. Rosa
  6. Montgomery
  7. Races
  8. Life
  9. Passenger
  10. Segregation

20 Clues: BusFearDenyRosaLifeSeatParksRacesFightIconicArrestProtestCourageFreedomActivismCriminalPassengerMontgomerySegregationDiscrimination

6B crossword 2024-04-10

6B crossword crossword puzzle
  1. detective
  2. alien
  3. scene
  4. failure
  5. arrest
  6. direction
  7. leading man
  8. criminal
  1. role
  2. critic
  3. director
  4. kill
  5. specialeffects
  6. fascinate
  7. maincharacter
  8. crime
  9. rent
  10. love
  11. capture
  12. plot

20 Clues: rolekillrentloveplotcrimealienscenecriticarrestcapturefailuredirectorcriminaldetectivefascinatedirectionleading manmaincharacterspecialeffects

British Crime 2024-04-10

British Crime crossword puzzle
  1. Holmes
  2. Suspense
  3. British
  4. Criminal
  5. Cozy
  6. Prison
  7. Dead
  8. Jack
  9. Witness
  10. Victim
  11. Series
  12. Trial
  1. Evidence
  2. Watson
  3. Crime
  4. Detecetive
  5. Sherlock
  6. Passport
  7. Justice
  8. Murder

20 Clues: CozyDeadJackCrimeTrialHolmesWatsonPrisonVictimMurderSeriesBritishJusticeWitnessEvidenceSuspenseSherlockPassportCriminalDetecetive

Introduction to Criminal Law 2018-04-25

Introduction to Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. blindness – The act of deliberately choosing to ignore certain facts nor information.
  2. – The reason for committing a certain act.
  3. after the fact – Someone who knows that a crime has been committed and who helps the person who committed the crime to hide or escape from the police.
  4. – To make a behavior that was illegal punishable by fines.
  5. justice – Fairness in the processes that resolve disputes.
  6. – To make an act completely legal by removing it from the Criminal Code or other criminal statute.
  7. reus – A Latin phrase meaning “a wrongful deed”; the physical or guilty act, omission, or state of being that constitutes a crime.
  8. Rea – A Latin phrase meaning “a guilty mind”; the mental element of one’s criminal actions.
  9. offence – A serious criminal offence with a severe penalty, proceeding by way of a formal court document called an indictment.
  10. of limitations – A time limit imposed by law within which a specific action must be taken.
  11. – Assisting someone to commit a criminal offence.
  1. offence – A criminal offence proceedings by way of a summary conviction or an indictable offence.
  2. conviction offence – A minor criminal offence with less severe punishments, which is usually tried soon after the charge is laid without a preliminary hearing or jury.
  3. – The state of the mind of a person who commits an action deliberately and on purpose.
  4. – To pass a proposed law into legislation.
  5. – An agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act.
  6. – To initiate and carry out a legal action.
  7. negligence – wanton and reckless disregard for the lives and safety of other people.
  8. – A principle that judicial decisions should be based on objective criteria and be free from bias or conflicts of interest.
  9. – To change existing legislation (laws).
  10. – A state of acting carelessly without regard for the consequences of one’s actions.
  11. – To make a behavior a criminal offence.
  12. – An act done with the intent to commit a criminal offence but without success.
  13. – Encouraging or urging another person to commit a crime.

24 Clues: â€“ To change existing legislation (laws).– To make a behavior a criminal offence.– The reason for committing a certain act.– To pass a proposed law into legislation.– To initiate and carry out a legal action.– Assisting someone to commit a criminal offence.– Encouraging or urging another person to commit a crime....