hygiene Crossword Puzzles

hand hygiene 2012-12-02

hand hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. hand hygiene helps to prevent the spread of .........
  2. dont ... me! wash your hands
  3. have a merry ......... and a great new year
  4. which dr is credited as the father of hand hygiene Dr Ignaz S
  5. hand hygiene is ........ buisness
  6. hand hygiene ..... lives
  7. bugs love to travel on these
  8. do not wear artificial ..... to work
  9. wash your hands with soap and water when they are ....... soiled
  10. these are not a substitute for hand hygiene
  1. hand hygiene should be performed before and after a .........
  2. hand hygiene is the single most effective measure to reduce hospital aquired ..........
  3. perform hand hygiene ...... and after patient contact
  4. perform hand hygiene before and ..... patient contact
  5. you should perform hand ....... after touching an IDC
  6. moment five for hand hygiene should be done after touching patient ............
  7. who is "H" the hand hygiene fairy

17 Clues: hand hygiene ..... livesdont ... me! wash your handsbugs love to travel on thesewho is "H" the hand hygiene fairyhand hygiene is ........ buisnessdo not wear artificial ..... to workhave a merry ......... and a great new yearthese are not a substitute for hand hygieneperform hand hygiene ...... and after patient contact...

IPAC World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 2024-04-23

IPAC World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Hand Hygiene is an example of this type of healthcare practice (hint: these should always be followed)
  2. Use this to keep your skin soft and intact
  3. When using paper towels to dry your hands, do this to prevent damage to your skin.
  4. This kind of soap is not allowed at Sunnybrook
  5. Substance used for hand hygiene that is commonly found in dispensers across Sunnybrook (Acronym)
  6. Rubbing your hands together during hand hygiene creates this force (and removes microorganisms in the process)
  7. Employees should contact this team to have a non-intact skin assessment done (Acronym)
  8. Number of hand hygiene moments
  9. Use soap and water for hand hygiene when your hands are visibly ____________
  10. Considered the "Father" of hand hygiene
  1. Hand hygiene education modules can be accessed by staff through this website
  2. Hand hygiene should always be performed before assisting these kind of procedures
  3. Hand rub contains this ingredient to keep your hands from drying out.
  4. Minimum number of seconds you should be performing hand hygiene for
  5. This part of the hand is often missed when performing hand hygiene
  6. The IPAC team at Sunnybrook regularly performs these to monitor hand hygiene activity
  7. Hand rub at Sunnybrook must contain at least 70% of this substance by volume.
  8. Use of these does not replace the need for hand hygiene
  9. You should always perform hand hygiene if exposed to a patient's bodily ____________
  10. Infectious agents can hide under these if they are kept too long
  11. Preferred temperature of water for hand washing.

21 Clues: Number of hand hygiene momentsConsidered the "Father" of hand hygieneUse this to keep your skin soft and intactThis kind of soap is not allowed at SunnybrookPreferred temperature of water for hand washing.Use of these does not replace the need for hand hygieneInfectious agents can hide under these if they are kept too long...

Hygiene 2015-03-20

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. wird knapp wenn Flüsse verunreinigt werden
  2. wichtiger Bestandteil der Körperpflege
  3. soll durch Hygiene verhindert werden
  4. gefahr bei mangelnder Körperhygiene
  5. gehört zur Individualhygiene
  6. Ziel der Hygiene beim Menschen
  7. spielt bei der gesunden Ernährung eine große Rolle
  8. Wissenschaftler der krankmachende Keime erforscht hat
  9. griechische Göttin der Gesundheit
  1. Material, das bei der Mülltrennung aussortiert wird
  2. wichtiges menschliches Organ
  3. besonders empfindliche Stelle bei der Küchenhygiene
  4. mögliche Folge von Lärm
  5. muss schon lernen, wie man Körperpflege durchführt
  6. krankmachende Keime
  7. wichtige Maßnahme zur Verhinderung von Krankheiten
  8. hilft dabei Müll zu vermeiden
  9. ist mit für die Luftverschmutzung verantwortlich
  10. Fremdwort für Seele
  11. mittlere Schicht der Haut

20 Clues: krankmachende KeimeFremdwort für Seelemögliche Folge von Lärmmittlere Schicht der Hautwichtiges menschliches Organgehört zur Individualhygienehilft dabei Müll zu vermeidenZiel der Hygiene beim Menschengriechische Göttin der Gesundheitgefahr bei mangelnder Körperhygienesoll durch Hygiene verhindert werdenwichtiger Bestandteil der Körperpflege...

Hygiene 2020-01-09

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. mydło
  2. miękki
  3. szczoteczka do zębów
  4. kuchenka
  5. szczotkować
  6. balsam
  7. ręcznik
  8. szampon
  9. mydelniczka
  10. żel pod prysznic
  11. kosmetyczka
  12. myć, czyścić
  1. kran
  2. prysznic
  3. kubek na szczoteczki
  4. pralka
  5. gąbka
  6. półka
  7. pasta do zębów
  8. suszyć
  9. lustro
  10. dywanik łazienkowy
  11. zlew
  12. umywalka
  13. piekarnik
  14. grzebień

26 Clues: kranzlewmydłogąbkapółkamiękkipralkasuszyćlustrobalsamręcznikszamponprysznickuchenkaumywalkagrzebieńpiekarnikszczotkowaćmydelniczkakosmetyczkamyć, czyścićpasta do zębówżel pod prysznicdywanik łazienkowykubek na szczoteczkiszczoteczka do zębów

Hygiene 2024-10-14

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. A gel or liquid that kills germs on hands when soap and water are not available.
  2. Microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, that can cause diseases.
  3. A chemical used to kill germs on surfaces to prevent infections.
  4. The oily substance produced by the skin that can clog pores and lead to acne.
  5. The invasion and multiplication of germs in the body, causing illness.
  6. The smell produced when bacteria on the skin break down sweat.
  7. A product that reduces sweating and helps control body odor.
  8. A common skin condition during puberty that causes pimples due to clogged pores.
  9. The presence of harmful germs on surfaces, objects, or body parts.
  1. Cleaning between teeth with dental floss to remove food particles and plaque.
  2. Practices to maintain cleanliness and promote good health.
  3. Cleaning hands with soap and water to remove germs.
  4. Tiny openings in the skin through which sweat and oil are released.
  5. A product used to reduce body odor, especially under the arms.
  6. The process of keeping places clean to prevent the spread of germs.
  7. The body’s defense system that fights off infections and germs.
  8. Flakes of dead skin that fall from the scalp, often caused by dry skin or irritation.
  9. Using a toothbrush to clean teeth and remove plaque.
  10. A substance that kills or prevents the growth of germs, used to clean wounds.
  11. Practices to keep the mouth, teeth, and gums clean, like brushing and flossing.

20 Clues: Cleaning hands with soap and water to remove germs.Using a toothbrush to clean teeth and remove plaque.Practices to maintain cleanliness and promote good health.A product that reduces sweating and helps control body odor.A product used to reduce body odor, especially under the arms.The smell produced when bacteria on the skin break down sweat....

Hygiene 2024-12-12

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Wodurch verletze sich Dornröschen ?
  2. Mein erstes Opfer war Rock Hudson!
  3. Unter dem Mikroskop sehe ich aus wie eine Traube (Abkürzung).
  4. Klinischer Indikator für Infektionen
  5. Er "bellt wie ein Hund".
  6. Ich werde manchmal noch mit Antibiotika bekämpft.
  7. Invasion
  8. Bezeichnet Mikroorganismen, die sich unter Sauerstoffmangel entwickeln.
  9. Der Schrecken der Gärtner
  10. Sammelbegriff von Erregern, die für Infektionen verantwortlich sind
  11. Neurotoxisches Clostridium oder abgeleitete Faltenbehandlung
  12. Ich bin auch Biotop.
  13. Ich bin ein RNA-Virus.
  14. Mich gibt es flüssig oder fest... und im Mittelalter war ich verpönt.
  15. Eine Infektion, die man sich während der Pflege/Behandlung einfängt.
  16. Methode zur Sicherstellung der Weitergabe
  17. Bezeichnet den Verlust der Empfindlichkeit von (Antibiotika).
  18. Mikroskopische einzellige Organismen
  19. Makroskopisch kann ich essbar sein
  20. Augmentin ist ein...
  21. Tödliche Atemwegsinfektion durch Corynebakterien
  1. Klassifizierende Art der Färbung
  2. Wir sind die Grundlage für die Vorbeugung und Bekämpfung von...? (2 Wörter)
  3. Ich trete auf mit (pathogene)
  4. Nicht pathogener Keim, z.B. Pilz, Bazillus
  5. Besser als heilen!
  6. Kreis/Milieu
  7. 1928 hat Alexander Flemming mich geboren.
  8. Weltgesundheitsorganisation ?
  9. Die alkoholische Lösung soll in den Händflächen durch... verteilt werden.
  10. Ich verursache rote Flecken im Gesicht.
  11. Garantie für das Thema Hygiene.
  12. Am 5. Mai steht die ... der Hände im Vordergrund.
  13. Wenn 3 weitere zu (vorsichtsmassnahmen...) hinzukommen
  14. Rasche Entwicklung und Ausbreitung innerhalb einer Bevölkerung.
  15. Durch Biss verursacht

36 Clues: InvasionKreis/MilieuBesser als heilen!Ich bin auch Biotop.Augmentin ist ein...Durch Biss verursachtIch bin ein RNA-Virus.Er "bellt wie ein Hund".Der Schrecken der GärtnerIch trete auf mit (pathogene)Weltgesundheitsorganisation ?Garantie für das Thema Hygiene.Klassifizierende Art der FärbungMein erstes Opfer war Rock Hudson!...

Hygiene 2023-08-10

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. means to faint
  2. disease process that affects feet care
  3. device for receiving only urine
  4. type of razor you would use for patients on anticoagulants
  5. bed position most appropriate for eating
  6. type of incontinence that occurs when laughing or sneezing
  7. device for receiving feces or urine from male or female patients
  8. means dizziness
  9. Pressure injury stage when wound bed is covered with eschar
  10. the act of assigning a task
  1. type of incontinence that might occur with physical disability
  2. Pressure injury stage for nonblanching redness on intact skin
  3. which denture do you remove first?
  4. principles of health
  5. bed position to facilitate venous return
  6. Mechanical force applied when skin is rubbing against another surface
  7. type of hygiene care that encompasses genitalia
  8. Pressure injury stage for a blister
  9. type of hygiene that encompasses the mouth, teeth, gums, and lips
  10. type of bath a post partum patient might take
  11. type of temperature therapy to promote vasodilation

21 Clues: means to faintmeans dizzinessprinciples of healththe act of assigning a taskdevice for receiving only urinewhich denture do you remove first?Pressure injury stage for a blisterdisease process that affects feet carebed position to facilitate venous returnbed position most appropriate for eatingtype of bath a post partum patient might take...

Hygiene 2024-03-21

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Recommended type of underwear
  2. Number one cause of oral cancer
  3. Less likely to cause gum bleeding/irritation
  4. Structure in the brain that produces GnRH
  5. The body's chemical messengers
  6. Gland that produces oil
  7. Sweat gland that can be found in the armpit
  8. Hand washing is the _____ line of defense
  9. Sunscreen should be used
  10. Temperature that should be used to wash face
  11. Disease that can cause teeth to fall out
  1. Caused by poor oral health and infection that spread to the heart
  2. Softens tooth enamel
  3. Not a substitute for brushing teeth
  4. Causes skin damage
  5. How often hair should be washed
  6. Practices to maintain health and prevent disease
  7. Helps lift dirt
  8. Apply lotion when skin is
  9. How to dry face after washing

20 Clues: Helps lift dirtCauses skin damageSoftens tooth enamelGland that produces oilSunscreen should be usedApply lotion when skin isRecommended type of underwearHow to dry face after washingThe body's chemical messengersNumber one cause of oral cancerHow often hair should be washedNot a substitute for brushing teethDisease that can cause teeth to fall out...

Personal Hygiene 2024-10-07

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. The practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean.
  2. The type hygiene that you brush your teeth for.
  3. Biting these is a "dirty habit".
  4. True or False: There is good hygiene and bad hygiene.
  5. How many types of hygiene are there?
  6. What you use to clean your body in the shower.
  7. Where you wash your entire body.
  8. You use this before and after exercising.
  9. The type of hygiene that you use a tissue for.
  1. Living things that spread when people get sick.
  2. The amount of seconds you should wash your hands for.
  3. These get cleaned in a washing machine to kill germs.
  4. Washing your face helps avoid this when you hit puberty.
  5. What you use to clean your hair in the shower.
  6. _____ hygiene helps you to avoid getting sick
  7. A place you go every day that has a lot of germs.
  8. The least amount of times you should brush your teeth every day.
  9. You wash these when you are done using the bathroom.
  10. The type of hygiene that you use a q-tip for.

19 Clues: Biting these is a "dirty habit".Where you wash your entire body.How many types of hygiene are there?You use this before and after exercising._____ hygiene helps you to avoid getting sickThe type of hygiene that you use a q-tip for.What you use to clean your hair in the shower.What you use to clean your body in the shower....

Hygiene 2023-05-07

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. another term for periodontal disease
  2. reduces the amount of perspiration
  3. lowers surface tension and helps in cleaning
  4. a keratosis caused by friction and pressure from a shoe
  5. ringworm of the foot
  6. the wooly hair of the fetus
  7. the hard substance of the teeth
  8. superficial layers of the skin is scraped or rubbed away
  9. a thickened portion of epidermis
  10. excessive growth of hair in the body
  11. medical term for dry mouth
  12. the science of health and its maintenance
  13. a visible hard deposit of plaque
  1. cracking of the lips
  2. these are essential for ambulation and merit attention
  3. invisible soft film that adheres to the enamel surface of the teeth
  4. warts in the sole of the foot
  5. a thick liquid that moistens the mouth
  6. exposed part of the tooth
  7. inflammation of the oral mucosa
  8. 2 categories of baths are given to clients. cleansing and ______?
  9. inflammation of the tongue
  10. also known as deep groves; cracking of the toes skin
  11. inflammatory condition with papules and pustules
  12. masks or diminishes body odor

25 Clues: cracking of the lipsringworm of the footexposed part of the toothinflammation of the tonguemedical term for dry mouththe wooly hair of the fetuswarts in the sole of the footmasks or diminishes body odorinflammation of the oral mucosathe hard substance of the teetha thickened portion of epidermisa visible hard deposit of plaque...

Hygiene 2021-11-03

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. course along which someone or something moves.
  2. for a habit forming substance
  3. - any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish.
  4. -a substance which removes or conceals unpleasant smells, especially bodily odors
  5. nutrients -Substance that must be obtained from the diet because the body cannot make it in sufficient quantity to meet its needs.
  6. - a stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection.
  7. medicine - remains after the consumer has quit using it.
  8. nutrients - A nutrient in which an organism is capable of producing it in sufficient amount
  9. mass index-a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women.
  10. to avoid excess extremes
  11. the date when something goes bad.
  12. - keeping the body clean, and helps prevent the spread of germs.
  13. - the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
  14. - Grooming is caring for fingernails and hair
  15. bumps
  16. - a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
  17. -activity requiring physical effort,
  18. or showing realization, perception.
  1. the condition of being physically fit and healthy.
  2. - Over-the-counter medicine
  3. - affecting, or belonging to a particular person rather than to anyone else.
  4. to an antigen
  5. fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air.
  6. care - concern with your teeth, gums, and mouth
  7. - a unit of energy
  8. - a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible.
  9. abuse -the habitual taking of addictive or illegal drugs.
  10. a small mass of living substance capable of developing into an organism or one of its parts
  11. -gum disease
  12. intake - the amount of calories that should be consumed in a day.
  13. - food or nourishment.
  14. - decayed areas in your teeth
  15. - non-prescription drugs

33 Clues: bumps-gum diseaseto an antigen- a unit of energy- food or nourishment.to avoid excess extremes- non-prescription drugs- Over-the-counter medicinefor a habit forming substance- decayed areas in your teeththe date when something goes bad.or showing realization, perception.-activity requiring physical effort,...

RPA World Hand Hygiene Day! 2023-05-04

RPA World Hand Hygiene Day! crossword puzzle
  1. the organisation behind "Save lives: Clean Your Hands"
  2. Infection control is _____ responsibility
  3. the _____ ___ of gloves is a significant barrier to hand hygiene
  4. can support the growth of larger numbers of organisms on the fingernails
  5. considered to be the gold standard for hand hygiene
  6. It is my _____ as a HCW to conduct hand hygiene and advocate for my patients to ensure the safe delivery of healthcare
  7. In healthcare we should only use ABHR that contains _____% alcohol
  8. a bacteria that frequently colonises our skin but has the potential to cause serious infection if we fail to conduct hand hygiene and introduce to key sites
  9. a hand care problem that can increase a HCW risk of contamination, infection and transmission
  1. conducted prior to invasive procedure
  2. it is always necessary to conduct hand hygiene before and after wearing ______
  3. you must rub hands and generate _____ to facilitate the mechanical removal of microorganisms
  4. who to see if your skin starts to look sad
  5. to be conducted when hands are visibly soiled and prioritised for non-enveloped viruses and C difficile
  6. We wash our hands to prevent the spread of _______
  7. minimum precautions applied to any patient
  8. minimum amount of time required to perform hand hygiene for an aseptic procedure
  9. number of audit periods per year
  10. Do you think you can be better with your hand hygiene? :-)
  11. Something that should be gently provided when a colleague fails to conduct hand hygiene
  13. hands should be washed in _____ water to protect skin
  14. Physician considered to be the 'father' of hand hygiene

23 Clues: number of audit periods per yearconducted prior to invasive procedureInfection control is _____ responsibilitywho to see if your skin starts to look sadminimum precautions applied to any patientDO NOT REPLACE THE NEED FOR HAND HYGIENE!!!We wash our hands to prevent the spread of _______considered to be the gold standard for hand hygiene...

Hygiene 2014-02-03

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Drink lots of _________ when sick to keep hydrated and flush out waste.
  2. Change bed sheets and wash your __________ regularly.
  3. Throw ________ away after you wipe your nose, then wash your hands.
  4. Pneumonia and strep throat are caused by ____________ infections.
  5. Wash your hands for ________ seconds, or sing Happy Birthday two times.
  6. Stay _________ if you are sick!
  7. ____________ do not work on viruses.
  8. What country was the first toothbrush made?
  9. Wash your hair with ___________ regularly.
  10. What is keeping your body clean and healthy?
  11. Cough and sneeze into your _________.
  12. Use water and ______to wash hands after using the bathroom and before a meal.
  1. A _______ happens when your body temperature rises to fight infections.
  2. Colds, flu, sore throats are caused by ______ infections.
  3. There are more ___________ on the body than people in North America.
  4. _________ soaps are no better than regular soap and kill good and bad bacteria.
  5. Change __________ after Physical Education (PE class)
  6. Brush and floss _______ a day to prevent cavities.
  7. Turn off the water ______ using the paper towel.
  8. We need good hygiene to prevent the spread of infectious ___________.
  9. Keep cooked and _______ foods separate!
  10. Make you sick.

22 Clues: Make you sick.Stay _________ if you are sick!____________ do not work on viruses.Cough and sneeze into your _________.Keep cooked and _______ foods separate!Wash your hair with ___________ regularly.What country was the first toothbrush made?What is keeping your body clean and healthy?Turn off the water ______ using the paper towel....

Hygiene 2015-02-05

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. wichtiger Punkt zur Förderung der Gesundheit
  2. kann helfen einen Ausgleich für die Seele zu schaffen
  3. Wissenschaftler, der krankmachende Keime erforscht hat
  4. muss jeden Tag gewechselt werden
  5. Darum geht es bei der Sozialhygiene
  6. Darum geht es bei der Individualhygiene
  7. Material, aus dem Kleidung größtenteils bestehen sollte
  8. löst bei mangelnder Hygiene unangenehmen Geruch aus
  9. wichtiger Teil der Körperhygiene
  10. gefährliches Anzeichen von verdorbenem Essen
  11. Bestandteil der Haushaltshygiene
  1. Hygienemaßnahme beim Mann
  2. das soll mit der Hygiene verhindert werden
  3. mögliche Folge von magelnder Psychohygiene
  4. Keime
  5. sollte bei starkem Schwitzen benutzt werden
  6. Voraussetzung für eine gesunde Psyche
  7. Hygieia ist die griechische Göttin der...
  8. wichtige Maßnahme zur Verhütung von Krankheiten
  9. Psychohygiene heißt Gesundheit der...

20 Clues: KeimeHygienemaßnahme beim Mannmuss jeden Tag gewechselt werdenwichtiger Teil der KörperhygieneBestandteil der HaushaltshygieneDarum geht es bei der SozialhygieneVoraussetzung für eine gesunde PsychePsychohygiene heißt Gesundheit der...Darum geht es bei der IndividualhygieneHygieia ist die griechische Göttin der......

Hygiene 2024-09-27

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Controlled breathing techniques that help calm the mind and reduce stress.
  2. Friendship A relationship where one person is consistently harmful, unsupportive, or disrespectful to the other person.
  3. Methods to bring attention back to the present moment, often used to reduce anxiety or stress.
  4. Influence from friends or classmates to behave in a certain way, which might be positive or negative.
  5. The ability to manage your emotions, especially during difficult situations.
  6. Taking time to do things that help us live well and improve our mental and physical health.
  7. A feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure.
  8. How we think, feel, and act. It includes how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
  9. The state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy, both physically and mentally.
  1. Methods like deep breathing or meditation that help calm the mind and body.
  2. A feeling such as happiness, sadness, anger, or fear that is part of our experience of life.
  3. Bullying that happens online or through text messages, where people might use social media or emails to hurt or embarrass someone.
  4. A practice where a person uses techniques like focusing on their breath or a specific thought to train attention and awareness.
  5. The ability to recognize and understand your own emotions and the emotions of others.
  6. A condition that affects a person’s thoughts, feelings, or mood. It may make it harder for someone to cope with everyday life.
  7. Intentionally hurting or intimidating someone repeatedly, either physically, verbally, or emotionally.
  8. Strategies or techniques that help someone deal with stress or difficult situations in a healthy way.
  9. Focusing on the present moment, paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment.
  10. The ability to recover quickly from difficulties or tough situations.
  11. Understanding and sharing the feelings of another person.

20 Clues: Understanding and sharing the feelings of another person.The ability to recover quickly from difficulties or tough situations.Controlled breathing techniques that help calm the mind and reduce stress.Methods like deep breathing or meditation that help calm the mind and body....

Hygiene 2020-08-02

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. These absorb energy from the living or dead matter they live on.
  2. The total removal or destruction of all living microorganisms including their spores.
  3. A weaker, more diluted solution which can be used directly on the skin.
  4. Another name for Herpes Simplex.
  5. Sterilisation is created by using this.
  6. This form of sanitisation uses ultraviolet radiation to kill bacteria.
  7. A stronger, less diluted solution that may cause a chemical burn.
  8. When an infection enters the blood stream.
  1. This form of sterlisation heats up to 190-300C.
  2. A form of sterilisation which water is boiled under pressure to a temperature of 121C.
  3. An example of a virus.
  4. Another name for Ringworm.
  5. An example of Chemical Sanitisation
  6. Alone this is not a living thing.
  7. These are one celled organisms, and can be found everywhere.
  8. A harmful form of bacteria.
  9. Also known as disinfection, is the destruction of microorganisms.
  10. A beneficial or harmless form of bacteria.

18 Clues: An example of a virus.Another name for Ringworm.A harmful form of bacteria.Another name for Herpes Simplex.Alone this is not a living thing.An example of Chemical SanitisationSterilisation is created by using this.A beneficial or harmless form of bacteria.When an infection enters the blood stream.This form of sterlisation heats up to 190-300C....

hygiene 2024-09-05

hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. How do I chose the right soap or body wash for my skin
  2. Is it necessary to use deodorant every day?
  3. what’s the ideal frequency for shampooing and conditioning my hair?
  4. are antibacterial soaps better than regular ones?
  5. How can I prevent body odor everyday?
  6. What's the best way I can prevent foot odor?
  7. . Is it necessary to wash your hair every time I shower?
  8. how many times should u shower
  9. How do I clean my ears without hurting them?
  10. how do I maintain body hygiene if i have limited access to water?
  11. Can excessive washing harm my skin’s natural oils and protective barrier?
  1. should I use unscented products for my body?
  2. Should you use a loofah, washcloth, or my hands to wash my body?
  3. How long should I spend in the shower or bath?
  4. How do I clean my ears without hurting them
  5. How can I prevent dry skin while maintaining good body hygiene?
  6. How do I take care of my intimate areas for proper hygiene?
  7. is it better to use hot or cold water for bathing
  8. What’sthe correct way to wash hard to reach areas like my back?`
  9. what’s the best way to clearance my body during a shower
  10. Are there any natural remedies to combat body odor?

21 Clues: how many times should u showerHow can I prevent body odor everyday?How do I clean my ears without hurting themIs it necessary to use deodorant every day?should I use unscented products for my body?What's the best way I can prevent foot odor?How do I clean my ears without hurting them?How long should I spend in the shower or bath?...

Infection Prevention & Control Week - Puzzle 1 2022-10-17

Infection Prevention & Control Week - Puzzle 1 crossword puzzle
  1. hand wash basins in clinical areas should be _____ for their intended purpose, and not used for non-hand hygiene activities as this can promote microbial growth
  2. science that deals with cleanliness
  3. can support the growth of larger numbers of organisms on the fingernails
  4. specific process for decontaminating hands in operating theatres
  5. items that can impede our ability to wash our hands
  6. the first line of defence in infection control and assumes that all blood and body fluids are potentially infectious
  7. infection acquired as the result of a hospital stay
  8. hands should be washed with soap and water after contact with this bacteria
  9. physician recognising the importance of hand washing in healthcare delivery
  10. a bacteria that may colonise our skin but may cause serious infection if we fail to conduct hand hygiene
  11. conducting hand hygiene online learning is _____ for ALL staff (clinical/non-clinical)
  1. it is always necessary to wash hand before and after wearing _____
  2. something that needs to be monitored regularly
  3. below the elbows should be _____ to avoid impeding hand hygiene
  4. the most effective way to prevent the spread of infection
  5. others that we should encourage to perform hand hygiene
  6. the organisation behind the 5 moments for hand hygiene
  7. ABHR should always be available here
  8. you must rub hands and generate friction to enable the _____ removal of microorganisms
  9. living organisms invisible to the naked eye
  10. considered to be the gold standard for hand hygiene
  11. should be used to maintain skin health
  12. a hand care problem that can increase a HCW risk of contamination, infection and transmission
  13. minimum amount of time required to perform hand hygiene for an aseptic procedure, _____ seconds

24 Clues: science that deals with cleanlinessABHR should always be available hereshould be used to maintain skin healthliving organisms invisible to the naked eyesomething that needs to be monitored regularlyconsidered to be the gold standard for hand hygieneitems that can impede our ability to wash our hands...

Hygiene 2022-11-29

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. applied to avoid body odor
  2. clean the bacteria off your body
  3. you use it to see yourself
  4. the front four teeth that break off food
  5. help incisors break down food; the four teeth with a point
  6. applied on a toothbrush to clean your teeth
  7. used to wash your mouth
  8. grind and break up food
  1. used to avoid a sunburn
  2. you put it on your face before shaving
  3. break food up smaller to swallow
  4. smell that is caused by bacteria and sweat on the body
  5. you use it to clean between your teeth
  6. soap for your hair
  7. to improve the condition of your hair
  8. used to add moister to dry skin
  9. change in hormones happens from childhood into adolescence
  10. practice of keeping your body clean

18 Clues: soap for your hairused to avoid a sunburnused to wash your mouthgrind and break up foodapplied to avoid body odoryou use it to see yourselfused to add moister to dry skinbreak food up smaller to swallowclean the bacteria off your bodypractice of keeping your body cleanto improve the condition of your hairyou put it on your face before shaving...

Hand Hygiene 2023-10-11

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. The organization that established guidelines for hand hygiene in healthcare settings.
  2. Disease commonly associated with healthcare settings and poor hand hygiene.
  3. An ingredient used in soap that can cause skin irritation or allergies.
  4. Germ-killing substance found in many hand sanitizers.
  5. Flying mammal
  6. Likes to chase mice
  7. A common hand hygiene oversight, located at the extremities of the hand.
  8. The action of preventing disease-causing agents.
  9. Substance added to some hand hygiene products to prevent skin dryness.
  10. Disease caused by improper hand hygiene after handling raw poultry.
  11. A procedure for removing or destroying all microorganisms on a certain area.
  1. Solution used for rapid, skin antisepsis prior to invasive procedures.
  2. Large marsupial
  3. A type of hand hygiene action performed without water.
  4. Length of time (in seconds) recommended by the WHO for handwashing.
  5. This type of bacteria is not effectively killed by alcohol-based hand rubs.
  6. Has a trunk
  7. Hand hygiene activity that requires a minimum of 15 seconds according to CDC guidelines.
  8. The motion of interlacing fingers and palms when washing hands.
  9. This technique, involving visual markers, can be used to teach proper handwashing coverage.g Man's best friend
  10. One of the most common places on the hand to miss during handwashing.
  11. Recommended jewelry limitation when performing hand hygiene.
  12. A hand washing step that involves cleaning the back of the fingers.
  13. A personal item that can harbor germs and should be cleaned regularly.

24 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialLikes to chase miceThe action of preventing disease-causing agents.Germ-killing substance found in many hand sanitizers.A type of hand hygiene action performed without water.Recommended jewelry limitation when performing hand hygiene.The motion of interlacing fingers and palms when washing hands....


  1. The most common mode of pathogen transmission.
  2. The best time to skip hand hygiene.
  3. Singing ___________ twice is the amount of time I should perform handwashing.
  4. I wash my hands to prevent the spread of _______.
  5. There are _____ moments of hand hygiene.
  6. The science that deals with cleanliness.
  7. It is used to turn off the water faucet after handwashing.
  8. The last name of the father of hand hygiene.
  1. It is always necessary to wash hands before and after wearing _____.
  2. You can find hand hygiene county policy/procedure in Harbor _____, under infection control.
  3. The method of hand hygiene used when hands are visibly soiled.
  4. The first step to handwashing.
  5. When using foam hand sanitizer, rub hands until ____.
  6. Handwashing must be performed for at least _______ seconds.
  7. Hand sanitizer that HUCLA Medical Center uses.
  8. The simplest way to break the chain of infection.
  9. The person responsible for preventing and controlling infection.
  10. Organisms that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
  11. True or False: Wearing gloves can eliminate the need for handwashing.
  12. Disinfectant used to wash hands.

20 Clues: The first step to handwashing.Disinfectant used to wash hands.The best time to skip hand hygiene.There are _____ moments of hand hygiene.The science that deals with cleanliness.The last name of the father of hand hygiene.The most common mode of pathogen transmission.Hand sanitizer that HUCLA Medical Center uses....


  1. The simplest way to break the chain of infection.
  2. It is used to turn off the water faucet after handwashing.
  3. When using foam hand sanitizer, rub hands until ____.
  4. The last name of the father of hand hygiene.
  5. I wash my hands to prevent the spread of _______.
  6. The best time to skip hand hygiene.
  7. Hand sanitizer that HUCLA Medical Center uses.
  8. The most common mode of pathogen transmission.
  9. The person responsible for preventing and controlling infection.
  10. Handwashing must be performed for at least _______ seconds.
  11. Disinfectant used to wash hands.
  12. There are _____ moments of hand hygiene.
  1. The method of hand hygiene used when hands are visibly soiled.
  2. Singing ___________ twice is the amount of time I should perform handwashing.
  3. Organisms that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
  4. The science that deals with cleanliness.
  5. The first step to handwashing.
  6. You can find hand hygiene county policy/procedure in Harbor _____, under infection control.
  7. It is always necessary to wash hands before and after wearing _____.
  8. True or False: Wearing gloves can eliminate the need for handwashing.

20 Clues: The first step to handwashing.Disinfectant used to wash hands.The best time to skip hand hygiene.The science that deals with cleanliness.There are _____ moments of hand hygiene.The last name of the father of hand hygiene.Hand sanitizer that HUCLA Medical Center uses.The most common mode of pathogen transmission....

2019 Hand Hygiene 2019-04-14

2019 Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. The most common mode of pathogen transmission.
  2. The science that deals with cleanliness.
  3. Disinfectant used to wash hands.
  4. The person responsible for preventing and controlling infection.
  5. When using foam hand sanitizer, rub hands until ____.
  6. The best time to skip hand hygiene.
  7. You can find hand hygiene county policy/procedure in Harbor _____, under infection control.
  8. The simplest way to break the chain of infection.
  9. I wash my hands to prevent the spread of _______.
  10. The last name of the father of hand hygiene.
  1. It is always necessary to wash hands before and after wearing _____.
  2. True or False: Wearing gloves can eliminate the need for handwashing.
  3. Singing ___________ twice is the amount of time I should perform handwashing.
  4. There are _____ moments of hand hygiene.
  5. The method of hand hygiene used when hands are visibly soiled.
  6. The first step to handwashing.
  7. Handwashing must be performed for at least _______ seconds.
  8. Hand sanitizer that HUCLA Medical Center uses.
  9. It is used to turn off the water faucet after handwashing.
  10. Organisms that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.

20 Clues: The first step to handwashing.Disinfectant used to wash hands.The best time to skip hand hygiene.There are _____ moments of hand hygiene.The science that deals with cleanliness.The last name of the father of hand hygiene.The most common mode of pathogen transmission.Hand sanitizer that HUCLA Medical Center uses....


  1. The best time to skip hand hygiene.
  2. The method of hand hygiene used when hands are visibly soiled.
  3. Singing ___________ twice is the amount of time I should perform handwashing.
  4. The science that deals with cleanliness.
  5. It is used to turn off the water faucet after handwashing.
  6. The first step to handwashing.
  7. Hand sanitizer that HUCLA Medical Center uses.
  8. I wash my hands to prevent the spread of _______.
  9. Disinfectant used to wash hands.
  10. Handwashing must be performed for at least _______ seconds.
  11. There are _____ moments of hand hygiene.
  1. Organisms that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
  2. The simplest way to break the chain of infection.
  3. When using foam hand sanitizer, rub hands until ____.
  4. It is always necessary to wash hands before and after wearing _____.
  5. The last name of the father of hand hygiene.
  6. The person responsible for preventing and controlling infection.
  7. You can find hand hygiene county policy/procedure in Harbor _____, under infection control.
  8. The most common mode of pathogen transmission.
  9. True or False: Wearing gloves can eliminate the need for handwashing.

20 Clues: The first step to handwashing.Disinfectant used to wash hands.The best time to skip hand hygiene.The science that deals with cleanliness.There are _____ moments of hand hygiene.The last name of the father of hand hygiene.Hand sanitizer that HUCLA Medical Center uses.The most common mode of pathogen transmission....

Hygiene 2023-12-11

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. the social media site with the most users
  2. how many seconds you should wash your hands for
  3. how many minutes a child/teen should get of exercise per day
  4. the name of your school
  5. Stage 4 Sleep
  6. the "legal" age to use social media
  7. very common skin condition that causes your skin to break out into spots or pimples
  8. a type of traumatic brain injury
  9. a symptom of a concussion
  1. the inside of this is what you should use to cover a sneeze
  2. the thing that covers up body odor and prevents sweating
  3. Fear of missing out
  4. permanently damaged areas in teeth that develop into tiny holes
  5. how long should you brush your teeth for
  6. the name of your town
  7. your teachers last name
  8. the most effective way to prevent the spread of germs

17 Clues: Stage 4 SleepFear of missing outthe name of your townyour teachers last namethe name of your schoola symptom of a concussiona type of traumatic brain injurythe "legal" age to use social mediahow long should you brush your teeth forthe social media site with the most usershow many seconds you should wash your hands for...

Roman Medical Era Cross Word 2021-10-19

Roman Medical Era Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. spices
  2. clean
  3. plants
  4. publichealth
  5. aqueducts
  6. observations
  7. research
  8. herbs
  9. medicine
  10. poppy
  1. community
  2. hygiene
  3. sewagesystems
  4. knowledge
  5. baths
  6. cleanwater
  7. sanitation
  8. systems
  9. details
  10. influencers

20 Clues: cleanbathsherbspoppyspicesplantshygienesystemsdetailsresearchmedicinecommunityknowledgeaqueductscleanwatersanitationinfluencerspublichealthobservationssewagesystems

Hand washing 2021-10-26

Hand washing crossword puzzle
  1. Keeping my hands away from my face is also important so I don't spread germs.
  2. I was my hands thoroughly every time after I have been to the toilet.
  3. I know that bad hygiene puts my family, friends and I at risk of spreading _____________, and I don't want to do that so I practise excellent hygiene.
  4. I make sure that I lather the back of my hands, and _____ my fingers.
  5. Hand ______ is essential to the health of my family and I.
  6. My good hygiene helps to protect people who have weaker ______ systems, including people who are old or who may be pregnant.
  7. My excellent hygiene keeps __________ away.
  8. The only time I don't need to wash my hands is immediately after I have had a _______ or bath.
  9. My excellent hygiene keeps _________ away.
  10. I know I have washed my hands when I have _____ the Happy Birthday song from start to finish.
  1. My excellent hygiene keeps my ________ happy, healthy and well!
  2. I know I need to wash my hands for ______ seconds.
  3. I dry my hands on a clean ______.
  4. My excellent hygience keeps _________ away.
  5. I need to wash my hands after being ______ including after I come home from school each day.
  6. I wash my hands thoroughly before entering the ______ and eating food.
  7. My excellent hygiene keeps ______ away.
  8. I wash my hands to prevent the spread of ______.
  9. I know I need to wash my hands after patting my _____.

19 Clues: I dry my hands on a clean ______.My excellent hygiene keeps ______ away.My excellent hygiene keeps _________ away.My excellent hygience keeps _________ away.My excellent hygiene keeps __________ away.I wash my hands to prevent the spread of ______.I know I need to wash my hands for ______ seconds....

HYGIENE 2022-06-08

HYGIENE crossword puzzle
  1. Qui ont besoin d'air
  2. Peut provoquer des maladie
  3. Il faut très souvent se les laver
  4. Produit qui empêche la reproduction des champignons
  5. Peut se trouver sur la coquille des oeufs
  6. Un moyen de conservation par le froid
  7. En excès, il permet de conserver un aliment
  8. Elevée, elle peut éliminer les microbes
  9. A mettre quand on travaille evec une plaie à la main
  1. Nettoyage et désinfection
  2. Le COVID 19 en est un
  3. Rend une surface saine
  4. Doit toujours être propre et complète
  5. on doit se laver les mains après y être allé
  6. On le porte surtout si on est enrhumé
  7. Doit rester sur la tête pendant le travail
  8. La poubelle doit en avoir une

17 Clues: Qui ont besoin d'airLe COVID 19 en est unRend une surface saineNettoyage et désinfectionPeut provoquer des maladieLa poubelle doit en avoir uneIl faut très souvent se les laverDoit toujours être propre et complèteOn le porte surtout si on est enrhuméUn moyen de conservation par le froidElevée, elle peut éliminer les microbes...

Ch 22, 23, 44, 45 (Wilkins) Ch 2, 22, 23 (Darby) 2024-11-30

Ch 22, 23, 44, 45 (Wilkins) Ch 2, 22, 23 (Darby) crossword puzzle
  1. restore and maintain health of the periodontal tissues is the __________ of the dental hygiene care plan for periodontal therapy (2 words)
  2. Address patient needs identified from assessment data is one of the objectives for the dental hygiene _______ (2 words)
  3. informed refusal of care should always be ______ in the patient's permanent record
  4. classification for 20% RBL
  5. Provide the basis for development of the care plan that focuses on education, oral self-care, prevention, dental hygiene treatment within the scope of dental hygiene practice and referral (2 words)
  6. a formal approach used to evaluate dental hygiene practice takes the form of answering questions about a specific situation (2 words)
  7. continuing care appointments should always be scheduled to the patient's needs (true or false)
  8. determinants that can be changed by intervention, reducing the probability or progression of disease
  9. the 'A' in Oscar
  10. a legal concept that can exist even without a written document (2 words)
  11. type of continuing care appointment after the treatment has been rendered and the patient is in stable health (2 words)
  12. a systematic determination of worth, value, or significance
  13. the 'E' in ADPIE
  14. number of human needs related to dental hygiene diagnostic process
  1. complementary to the dental diagnosis and provides a framework for collaboration between hygiene and dentistry for delivering patient-centered care (3 words)
  2. the 'D' in ADPIE
  3. human need associated with a patient requiring antibiotics prior to a prophylaxis (4 words)
  4. number of times per year it is recommended for a patient with a history of periodontal disease to be seen to decrease the risk for disease progression
  5. increased percentage of biofilm-free areas is a prevention outcome following dental hygiene intervention (true or false)
  6. summary of insights or learning from the situation and a plan for addressing need for new knowledge or alternative action
  7. type of evaluation design that includes collecting information during a dental hygiene appointment, such as a patient's need for pain control
  8. type of clinical evaluation that would assess root concavities, crown margins, and furcations
  9. criteria or protocols that define the minimal quality of care required to defend against a legal dispute against the practice of one’s profession (3 words)
  10. a factor to consider in determining continuing care or maintenance frequency (2 words)
  11. modifier when grading periodontal disease
  12. the dental hygiene diagnosis provides a preventative and ______ basis for the dental hygiene care plan
  13. common risk factor for caries

27 Clues: the 'D' in ADPIEthe 'A' in Oscarthe 'E' in ADPIEclassification for 20% RBLcommon risk factor for cariesmodifier when grading periodontal diseasea systematic determination of worth, value, or significancenumber of human needs related to dental hygiene diagnostic processa legal concept that can exist even without a written document (2 words)...

Hygiene 2024-04-11

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. խալաթ
  2. շպար
  3. գիշերազգեստ
  4. հիգիենա
  5. ականջի փայտիկ
  6. սրբիչ
  7. խոզանակ
  8. ատամի խոզանակ
  9. հարդարարում
  1. ածելի
  2. խոնավ անձեռոցիկ
  3. սանր
  4. լոբաձև
  5. փոքր սրբիչ
  6. ծածկոց
  7. հայելի
  8. բերանի հիգիենա

17 Clues: սանրշպարածելիխալաթսրբիչլոբաձևծածկոցհայելիհիգիենախոզանակփոքր սրբիչգիշերազգեստհարդարարումականջի փայտիկատամի խոզանակբերանի հիգիենախոնավ անձեռոցիկ

HYGIENE 2022-06-08

HYGIENE crossword puzzle
  1. Le COVID 19 en est un
  2. Elevée, elle peut éliminer les microbes
  3. A mettre quand on travaille evec une plaie à la main
  4. Doit rester sur la tête pendant le travail
  5. On le porte surtout si on est enrhumé
  6. Doit toujours être propre et complète
  7. ondoit se laver les mains après y être allé
  1. Qui ont besoin d'air
  2. Un moyen de conservation par le froid
  3. Peut se trouver sur la coquille des oeufs
  4. Nettoyage et désinfection
  5. Il faut très souvent se les laver
  6. La poubelle doit en avoir une
  7. En excès, il permet de conserver un aliment
  8. Produit qui empêche la reproduction des champignons
  9. Rend une surface saine
  10. Peut provoquer des maladie

17 Clues: Qui ont besoin d'airLe COVID 19 en est unRend une surface saineNettoyage et désinfectionPeut provoquer des maladieLa poubelle doit en avoir uneIl faut très souvent se les laverUn moyen de conservation par le froidOn le porte surtout si on est enrhuméDoit toujours être propre et complèteElevée, elle peut éliminer les microbes...

New 2016-08-24

New crossword puzzle
  1. Soccer
  2. Gold
  3. Radio
  4. Zipper
  5. Sandals
  6. Elizabeth
  7. Cartoons
  8. Hygiene
  9. Mosquito
  10. Apartment
  11. Save
  1. Wheat
  2. Camera
  3. Garden
  4. Switch
  5. Pension
  6. Earphones
  7. Mobile
  8. Kenya
  9. Tub

20 Clues: TubGoldSaveWheatRadioKenyaSoccerCameraGardenSwitchZipperMobilePensionSandalsHygieneCartoonsMosquitoElizabethEarphonesApartment

Hand washing 2021-10-26

Hand washing crossword puzzle
  1. Keeping my hands away from my ______ is also important so I don't spread germs.
  2. I wash my hands thoroughly after I have been to the ________.
  3. I know that bad hygiene puts my family, friends and I at risk of spreading _____________, and I don't want to do that so I practice excellent hand hygiene.
  4. I make sure that I lather the back of my hands, and _______ my fingers.
  5. Hand ______ is essential to the health of my family and I.
  6. My good hygiene helps to protect people who have weaker ________ systems, including people who are old or who may be pregnant.
  7. My excellent hygiene keeps v__________ away.
  8. The only time I don't need to wash my hands is immediately after I have had a _______ or bath.
  9. My excellent hygiene keeps c_________ away.
  10. I know I have washed my hands for the correct amount of time when I have _____ the Happy Birthday song from start to finish.
  1. My excellent hygiene keeps my ________ happy, healthy and well!
  2. I know I need to wash my hands for ______ seconds.
  3. I dry my hands on a clean ______.
  4. My excellent hygience keeps b_________ away.
  5. I need to wash my hands after being ______ including after I come home from school each day.
  6. I wash my hands thoroughly before entering the ______ and eating food.
  7. My excellent hygiene keeps g______ away.
  8. I wash my hands to prevent the spread of ______.
  9. I know I need to wash my hands after patting my _____.

19 Clues: I dry my hands on a clean ______.My excellent hygiene keeps g______ away.My excellent hygiene keeps c_________ away.My excellent hygience keeps b_________ away.My excellent hygiene keeps v__________ away.I wash my hands to prevent the spread of ______.I know I need to wash my hands for ______ seconds....

RPA World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 2024-05-05

RPA World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. An annual campaign run by WHO on May 5th
  2. People who should always feel comfortable to ask HCWs to wash their hands
  3. A policy all HCWs must comply with
  4. A physician shunned by his peers, but who recognised the importance of hand hygiene
  5. When is world hand hygiene day?
  6. Hands should be washed with soap and water after contact with a patient known to have this
  7. Considered to be the gold standard for hand hygiene
  8. A skin problem that can increase a HCW risk of contamination, infection and transmission
  9. This should be used at appropriate moments to maintain skin health
  1. Hand wash requirement when your hands are visibly soiled
  2. Items that can impeded our capacity to wash our hands
  3. Hand wash basins in clinical areas should be _____ for their intended purpose, and not used for non-hand hygiene activities that promote microbial growth
  4. The first line of defense in infection control and assumes that all blood and body fluids are potentially infectious
  5. The number of audit periods undertaken as part of the National Hand Hygiene Initiative every year
  6. The organisation behind the 5 moments for hand hygiene
  7. Hands must be rubbed to generate friction to enable the ____ removal of microorganisms
  8. Who you should contact if you notice you have a skin concern
  9. The most effective way to prevent the spread of infection
  10. The greatest barrier to hand hygiene
  11. Our ABHR product!

20 Clues: Our ABHR product!When is world hand hygiene day?A policy all HCWs must comply withThe greatest barrier to hand hygieneAn annual campaign run by WHO on May 5thConsidered to be the gold standard for hand hygieneItems that can impeded our capacity to wash our handsThe organisation behind the 5 moments for hand hygiene...

Hygiene 2017-02-06

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Hauptüberträger von Infektionskrankheiten
  2. Was mit Wunden in Berührung kommt muss ... sein.
  3. Mit (infektiösen) Material verunreinigt ...
  4. Haften auf allen Oberflächen
  5. Die Verpackung von sterilen Gegenständen muss ... sein.
  6. Sterile Gegenstände sind immer ... verpackt.
  7. Muss bei der Desinfektion unbedingt eingehalten werden...
  8. Autoklav ist ein anderes Wort für ...
  1. vorbeugend
  2. Abtötung von Erregern übertragbarer Krankheiten
  3. Bei Kontakt mit Blut muss man ... tragen.
  4. Gründliche Reinigung
  5. Wichtiger Bestandteil der täglichen Arbeit im Pflegebereich.
  6. Werden bei der Desinfektion abgetötet...
  7. Einteilung der Maßnahmen zur Reinigung erfolgt im...
  8. Zum Händewaschen verwendet man ...

16 Clues: vorbeugendGründliche ReinigungHaften auf allen OberflächenZum Händewaschen verwendet man ...Autoklav ist ein anderes Wort für ...Werden bei der Desinfektion abgetötet...Hauptüberträger von InfektionskrankheitenBei Kontakt mit Blut muss man ... tragen.Mit (infektiösen) Material verunreinigt ...Sterile Gegenstände sind immer ... verpackt....

hygiene 2023-12-13

hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Ce que les gens mangent
  2. La présence d'un agent pathogène dans les aliments
  3. infection causée par la bactérie Salmonella
  4. Symptôme d'une intoxication alimentaire.
  5. Une maladie causée par l'exposition à des produits chimiques toxiques.
  6. Action d'introduire une substance, généralement solide ou liquide, dans un organisme par la bouche.
  7. Pratique d'hygiène alimentaire qui permet de prévenir la toxi-infection alimentaire.
  1. action de prendre des mesures pour éviter que quelque chose ne se produise.
  2. Délai entre la contamination et l'apparition des premiers symptômes d'une maladie.
  3. Bactérie qui produit une toxine responsable de la salmonellose .
  4. Une maladie causée par la consommation d'aliments contaminés
  5. Maladies à déclaration obligatoire
  6. Symptôme d'une intoxication alimentaire.
  7. Bactérie responsable de la listériose.
  8. infection digestive qui est causée par la consommation d'aliments contaminés par des microbes,
  9. Type de contamination alimentaire qui se produit lorsque des aliments crus sont manipulés avec des aliments cuits sans être lavés.
  10. substances chimiques produites par les micro-organismes qui peuvent être très toxiques.

17 Clues: Ce que les gens mangentMaladies à déclaration obligatoireBactérie responsable de la listériose.Symptôme d'une intoxication alimentaire.Symptôme d'une intoxication alimentaire.infection causée par la bactérie SalmonellaLa présence d'un agent pathogène dans les alimentsUne maladie causée par la consommation d'aliments contaminés...

Ei ie for ee 2023-04-03

Ei ie for ee crossword puzzle
  1. hygiene
  2. wield
  3. ceiling
  4. perceive
  5. receive
  6. niece
  7. inconceivable
  8. shriek
  9. yield
  10. conceited
  1. handkerchief
  2. deceive
  3. retrieve
  4. fiendish
  5. reprieve
  6. deceit
  7. siege
  8. achieve

18 Clues: wieldsiegenieceyielddeceitshriekdeceivehygieneceilingreceiveachieveretrievefiendishreprieveperceiveconceitedhandkerchiefinconceivable

hygiene 2022-12-06

hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. биологическая опасность
  2. передать
  3. дозатор
  4. стафилококк
  5. восприимчивый
  6. предотвратить
  7. заразный
  8. загрязнение
  1. дезинфицирующее средство
  2. одноразовый
  3. моющее средство
  4. отбеливатель
  5. мазь
  6. тампон
  7. лицевая маска
  8. инфекционный микроб

16 Clues: мазьтампондозаторпередатьзаразныйодноразовыйстафилококкзагрязнениеотбеливательлицевая маскавосприимчивыйпредотвратитьмоющее средствоинфекционный микроббиологическая опасностьдезинфицирующее средство

hygiene 2023-11-24

hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Objet utilisé pour se sécher les mains (6)
  2. produit d'hygiène servant à nettoyer la peau et les cheveux.
  3. Action de se laver les mains
  4. Présence de bactéries, de virus ou de parasites dans les aliments
  5. Tout produit ou substance destinée à l'alimentation des êtres humains.
  6. Produit utilisé pour masquer les odeurs corporelles.
  7. mode de reproduction courant chez les champignons
  8. ensemble des opérations destinées à maintenir quelque chose en bon état.
  1. substance qui tue les bactéries.
  2. action d'enlever la saleté avec de l'eau, du savon, etc.
  3. élimination des graisses et des huiles.
  4. outil servant à balayer.
  5. Date après laquelle un aliment peut encore être consommé.
  6. objet spongieux servant à nettoyer.
  7. action d'appliquer de l'eau et un détergent sur une surface ou un objet pour le nettoyer
  8. état de bien-être physique, mental et social.
  9. absence de saleté.

17 Clues: absence de saleté.outil servant à balayer.Action de se laver les mainssubstance qui tue les bactéries.objet spongieux servant à nettoyer.élimination des graisses et des huiles.Objet utilisé pour se sécher les mains (6)état de bien-être physique, mental et social.mode de reproduction courant chez les champignons...


  1. In the morning...
  2. Fun...
  3. After school...
  4. Music...
  5. Organization...
  6. In your bedroom...
  7. Videos...
  8. Hygiene
  1. Bike...
  2. Games...
  3. Book...
  4. Places...
  5. Money...
  6. Images...
  7. Music...
  8. Communication...
  9. Hygiene...
  10. See...
  11. In the morning...
  12. Eating...
  13. Communication...
  14. Sleeping...

22 Clues: Fun...See...Bike...Book...HygieneGames...Money...Music...Music...Places...Images...Videos...Eating...Hygiene...Sleeping...After school...Organization...Communication...Communication...In the morning...In the morning...In your bedroom...

Hygiene 2021-03-29

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. You put it on the sponge to wash your body
  2. You put in on your hair to fix your hair
  3. You put it on to smell good
  4. You use it to brush your teeth
  5. You use it to wash your body
  6. You put it on your lips to hydrate them
  1. You use it to clean between your teeth
  2. You put it on your face before shaving
  3. You use it to avoid a sunburn
  4. You put it on your toothbrush
  5. You put it on your hands to smooth them
  6. You use it to see yourself
  7. You use it to shave
  8. You use it wash your mouth
  9. You use it to wash your hair
  10. You use it to avoid bad odor

16 Clues: You use it to shaveYou use it to see yourselfYou use it wash your mouthYou put it on to smell goodYou use it to wash your hairYou use it to avoid bad odorYou use it to wash your bodyYou use it to avoid a sunburnYou put it on your toothbrushYou use it to brush your teethYou use it to clean between your teethYou put it on your face before shaving...

Hygiene 2022-11-09

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. product designed to cover up odor
  2. sticky substance on the teeth
  3. dead skin that flakes off the scalp
  4. red and itchy skin condition
  5. inflamed gums
  6. dental specialist (Dr.)
  7. can see up close
  1. Dr. for your eyes
  2. when the eye doesn't focus the light evenly
  3. designed to stop or dry up sweat
  4. holes in the teeth from decay
  5. a skin specialist (Dr.)
  6. condition that destroys the gums and jaw
  7. ringing in the ear from too much noise
  8. insects that attach to hair
  9. a condition that is sometimes called pimples
  10. can see far away

17 Clues: inflamed gumscan see far awaycan see up closeDr. for your eyesa skin specialist (Dr.)dental specialist (Dr.)insects that attach to hairred and itchy skin conditionsticky substance on the teethholes in the teeth from decaydesigned to stop or dry up sweatproduct designed to cover up odordead skin that flakes off the scalp...

Hygiene 2023-07-11

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. A kitchen could have an infestation of this
  2. chopping board used for root vegetables
  3. A type of contamination that you can see in the food
  4. where near should be stored in the fridge
  5. A bacteria that like cold temperatures and lives in said and cheese
  6. chopping board used for cooked meats
  7. A chopping method
  8. A type of contamination that cannot be seen and is normally used for cleaning
  9. chopping board used for raw meat
  10. the highest temperature a fridge should be
  1. what happens to bacteria in the danger zone
  2. chopping board used for salads
  3. A bacteria that lives in raw meat and eggs
  4. chopping board used for fish
  5. A bacteria that lives in stagnant water
  6. chopping board used for dairy and bread
  7. what happens to bacteria above 75 degrees

17 Clues: A chopping methodchopping board used for fishchopping board used for saladschopping board used for raw meatchopping board used for cooked meatschopping board used for root vegetablesA bacteria that lives in stagnant waterchopping board used for dairy and breadwhere near should be stored in the fridgewhat happens to bacteria above 75 degrees...

hygiene 2023-04-24

hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. kills 99.9% of germs
  2. a string that you put in between your teeth
  3. fluffy ball used with soap in shower
  4. household appliance you use to stay clean
  5. body mist that is scented
  6. applied to a toothbrush
  7. squeaky clean ears
  8. keep those dry lips away
  1. takes the hair away from your body
  2. used for sneezing into
  3. rub this on your armpits
  4. something you use to to brush your hair
  5. keeps your skin healthy and moisturized
  6. liquid soap that cleans clothes
  7. first step in washing your hair
  8. what do you use to wash your body
  9. a tool you use to brush your teeth

17 Clues: squeaky clean earskills 99.9% of germsused for sneezing intoapplied to a toothbrushrub this on your armpitskeep those dry lips awaybody mist that is scentedliquid soap that cleans clothesfirst step in washing your hairwhat do you use to wash your bodytakes the hair away from your bodya tool you use to brush your teeth...

Dental Hygiene Ethics Ch7 2022-02-07

Dental Hygiene Ethics Ch7 crossword puzzle
  1. the state dental practice act may be a single law or a ____________ of laws
  2. conduct that may lead to a dental hygiene license being suspended or revoked
  3. along with a monetary fine, this may be a penalty for noncompliance with licensure requirements
  4. this varies by state and may include local anesthesia administration and laser therapy
  5. interprets laws and administers justice
  6. most states mandate reporting of this maltreatment of children
  7. implements and enforces the laws
  8. an elected regulatory body that may oversee the practice of dental hygiene
  1. authorized to enact laws or statutes
  2. a dental hygiene license issued on the basis of a review of credentials
  3. practicing dental hygiene without a valid license is a __________ offense
  4. most states require this lifesaving training as part of licensure
  5. one of the reasons a dental hygiene license may be suspended or revoked
  6. this act controls the practice of dental hygiene
  7. these laws provide a general outline of requirements, provisions, and limitations of the practice of dental hygiene

15 Clues: implements and enforces the lawsauthorized to enact laws or statutesinterprets laws and administers justicethis act controls the practice of dental hygienemost states mandate reporting of this maltreatment of childrenmost states require this lifesaving training as part of licensure...

managment styles 2024-02-26

managment styles crossword puzzle
  1. TeamDynamics
  2. Security
  3. Companypolicies
  4. Salary
  5. decisionmaking
  6. management
  7. Herzberg
  8. interpersonal
  9. delegation
  10. planning
  1. conceptual
  2. Supervision
  3. communication
  4. problemsolving
  5. laissezfaire
  6. Advancement
  7. Recognition
  8. Achievement
  9. Responsibility
  10. jobdissatisfaction
  11. Hygiene
  12. authoritarian
  13. democratic
  14. Motivation
  15. technical

25 Clues: SalaryHygieneSecurityHerzbergplanningtechnicalconceptualdemocraticMotivationmanagementdelegationSupervisionAdvancementRecognitionAchievementTeamDynamicslaissezfairecommunicationauthoritarianinterpersonalproblemsolvingResponsibilitydecisionmakingCompanypoliciesjobdissatisfaction

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  2. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  3. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  4. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  5. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  6. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  7. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  8. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  9. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  10. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  11. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  12. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  13. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  1. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  2. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  3. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  4. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  5. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  6. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Ento)
  7. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  8. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  9. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  10. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  11. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  12. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

AMR CROSSWORD PUZZLE 2024 2024-10-07

AMR CROSSWORD PUZZLE 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Moment of hand hygiene : After touching a patient’s ___________
  2. Professional who normally prescribe antibiotic for
  3. The form of antibiotic that commonly prescribe for adults
  4. Form of antibiotics often given to children
  5. Urinary tract infections are often treated with this type of drug
  6. Moment of hand hygiene : After a procedure or body fluid ________ risk
  7. A side effect of some antibiotics
  1. Antimicrobial to treat worms
  2. Moment of hand hygiene : Before ______ a patient
  3. Moment of hand hygiene : _______ touching a patient
  4. Moment of hand hygiene : Before a __________
  5. A type of antibiotic
  6. How many moments for hand hygiene
  7. The theme for the World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) 2024 is “Educate. _________. Act now.”

14 Clues: A type of antibioticAntimicrobial to treat wormsHow many moments for hand hygieneA side effect of some antibioticsForm of antibiotics often given to childrenMoment of hand hygiene : Before a __________Moment of hand hygiene : Before ______ a patientProfessional who normally prescribe antibiotic forMoment of hand hygiene : _______ touching a patient...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  2. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  3. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entomology)
  4. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  5. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  6. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)
  7. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  8. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epidemiology)
  9. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  10. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  11. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  12. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  1. EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  2. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  3. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Entomology)
  4. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  5. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  6. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  7. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  8. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  9. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  10. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  11. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  12. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  13. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)

25 Clues: EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  2. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  3. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  4. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  5. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  6. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  7. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  8. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  9. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  10. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  11. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  12. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  13. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  1. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  2. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  3. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  4. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  5. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  6. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  7. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entom)
  8. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  9. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  10. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  11. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  12. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  2. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  3. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  4. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  5. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  6. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  7. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  8. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  9. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  10. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  11. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  12. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  13. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  14. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  1. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  2. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  3. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  4. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  5. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  6. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  7. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  8. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entom)
  9. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  10. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  11. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  2. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  3. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  4. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  5. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  6. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  7. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  8. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  9. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  10. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  11. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  1. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  2. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  3. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  4. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  5. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entom)
  6. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  7. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  8. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  9. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  10. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  11. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  12. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  13. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  14. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  2. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  3. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  4. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  5. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  6. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  7. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  8. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  9. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  10. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  11. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  12. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  1. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  2. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Ento)
  3. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  4. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  5. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  6. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  7. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  8. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  9. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  10. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  11. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  12. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  13. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  2. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  3. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  4. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  5. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  6. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  7. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  8. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  9. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  10. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Ento)
  11. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  12. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  13. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  1. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  2. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  3. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  4. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  5. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  6. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  7. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  8. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  9. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  10. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  11. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  12. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  2. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  3. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  4. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Ento)
  5. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  6. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  7. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  8. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  9. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  10. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  11. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  12. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  1. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  2. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  3. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  4. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  5. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  6. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  7. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  8. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  9. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  10. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  11. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  12. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  13. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  2. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  3. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epidemiology)
  4. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  5. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)
  6. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  7. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  8. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  9. EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  10. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  11. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  12. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  13. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  14. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  1. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  2. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  3. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  4. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  5. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Entomology)
  6. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entomology)
  7. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  8. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  9. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  10. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  11. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)

25 Clues: EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epidemiology)
  2. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  3. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  4. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  5. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  6. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  7. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  8. EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  9. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  10. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  11. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  12. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  1. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  2. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  3. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  4. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  5. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Entomology)
  6. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entomology)
  7. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  8. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  9. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  10. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  11. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  12. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)
  13. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)

25 Clues: EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  2. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  3. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  4. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  5. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  6. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  7. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  8. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  9. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  10. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  11. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  1. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  2. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  3. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  4. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  5. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  6. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  7. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  8. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entom)
  9. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  10. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction))
  11. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  12. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  13. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  14. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

Hygiene 2023-09-08

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Where should you stay if you're sick?
  2. Who can you visit if you're sick?
  3. Can good hygiene keep you healthy?
  4. What should you brush or comb everyday?
  5. What spreads arounds and makes us sick?
  6. What do you put on your toothbrush to help clean teeth?
  7. What body should you cover your cough or sneeze with?
  8. What do you use to clean your skin in the shower or bath?
  9. Do you practice good hygiene?
  1. What tool do you use to clean your teeth?
  2. Should you cough or sneeze into your hand?
  3. What do you put on your skin to reduce the stank?
  4. What do we call the practice of keeping a clean body?
  5. What do you use to clean your hair?
  6. Do your friends and family appreciate good hygiene?
  7. How many times should you brush your teeth each day?
  8. How many times a day should you shower or bathe?

17 Clues: Do you practice good hygiene?Who can you visit if you're sick?Can good hygiene keep you healthy?What do you use to clean your hair?Where should you stay if you're sick?What should you brush or comb everyday?What spreads arounds and makes us sick?What tool do you use to clean your teeth?Should you cough or sneeze into your hand?...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  2. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  3. EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  4. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  5. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)
  6. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  7. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  8. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  9. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  10. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  11. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  1. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entomology)
  2. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  3. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  4. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  5. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  6. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Entomology)
  7. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  8. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epidemiology)
  9. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  10. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  11. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  12. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  13. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  14. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)

25 Clues: EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  2. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  3. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  4. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  5. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  6. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  7. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  8. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  9. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  10. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  11. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  12. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  1. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  2. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  3. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  4. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  5. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  6. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entom)
  7. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  8. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  9. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  10. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  11. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  12. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  13. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  2. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  3. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  4. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  5. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  6. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  7. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  8. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entom)
  9. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  10. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  11. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  1. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  2. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  3. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  4. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  5. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  6. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  7. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  8. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  9. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  10. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  11. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  12. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  13. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  14. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  2. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  3. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  4. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  5. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  6. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  7. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  8. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  9. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  10. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  11. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  12. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  13. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  1. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  2. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  3. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  4. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  5. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  6. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  7. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Ento)
  8. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  9. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  10. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  11. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  12. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  2. EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  3. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  4. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  5. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  6. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  7. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  8. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  9. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  10. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  11. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  1. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)
  2. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  3. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  4. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Entomology)
  5. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  6. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  7. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  8. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  9. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  10. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Entomology)
  11. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epidemiology)
  12. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)
  13. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  14. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)

25 Clues: EHI phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Entomology)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  2. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  3. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  4. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  5. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  6. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  7. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  8. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  9. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  10. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  11. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  12. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  13. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  1. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  2. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  3. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  4. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  5. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  6. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Ento)
  7. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  8. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  9. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  10. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  11. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  12. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues 2017-12-04

GET-TO-KNOW your colleagues crossword puzzle
  1. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 9 (Molecular Epi)
  2. Colleague who does pole dancing (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  3. Colleague who is grandparent (Entomology Taxonomy)
  4. Colleague who speaks fluent German (Informatics)
  5. Colleague who has a twin sibling (Food Hygiene)
  6. EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)
  7. EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
  8. Colleague who has perfect eyesight (Environment Hygiene)
  9. EHI Biosafety Officer (Institutional Administration)
  10. Colleague who took part in the recent Vertical Challenge (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  11. Colleague who likes Marvin the Martian (Partnership)
  12. Colleague who joined EHI in 2017 (Applied Ento)
  1. Colleague who rides a motorbike to work (Mosquito-Virus Interaction)
  2. Colleague whose workstation is at Neythal (Applied Ento)
  3. Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)
  4. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 4 (Informatics)
  5. Colleague whose workstation is at Level 6 (Entomology Taxonomy)
  6. Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)
  7. EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)
  8. EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)
  9. Colleague who stays at Pasir Ris (Food Hygiene)
  10. EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)
  11. Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)
  12. Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)
  13. Colleague who has work the longest in NEA (Entomology Taxonomy)

25 Clues: EHI Phlebotomist (Zoonotic)EHI Care Officer (Diagnostic)EHI first aider (Mammalian Host)Youngest EHI staff (Applied Ento)EHI authorized driver (Food Hygiene)Colleague who plays soccer (Zoonotic)Colleague who is left handed (Zoonotic)EHI Eco Officer (Environmental Hygiene)Colleague who plays the drums (Partnership)...

Hygiene 2024-05-14

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. the school your in
  2. what you should do for every time you use the RR
  3. what you should put on every day
  4. the last name of your teacher
  5. the area in which you should cover a sneeze with
  6. the amount of seconds you should wash your hands for
  7. a type of traumatic brain injury
  1. stage 4 sleep, acronym for rapid eye movement
  2. the town your in
  3. amount of minutes of exercise you should get per day
  4. tiny little holes in your teeth that come because of lack of self care
  5. acronym for fear of missing out
  6. social media site with the most users
  7. a symptom of a concussion
  8. the amount of minutes you should brush your teeth for
  9. what can occur if you don't wash your face

16 Clues: the town your inthe school your ina symptom of a concussionthe last name of your teacheracronym for fear of missing outwhat you should put on every daya type of traumatic brain injurysocial media site with the most userswhat can occur if you don't wash your facestage 4 sleep, acronym for rapid eye movement...

Hand Hygiene Crossword 2019-01-28

Hand Hygiene Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The Charlotte Radiology code word for noting improper hand hygiene with a coworker is ____________.
  2. This location won the last hand hygiene contest and Kim delivered donuts to them.
  3. What kind of nails should you NOT have as a healthcare worker since they harbor bacteria?
  4. What helps to prevent healthcare worker dermatitis?
  5. 2019 Hand Hygiene goal for going IN to a patient care area.
  6. What should you use before and after patient care unless your hands are visibly soiled?
  7. You should turn off the water and open the door with this item after washing your hands.
  1. 2019 Hand Hygiene goal for coming OUT of a patient care area.
  2. This is the song that you can sing to let you know you have washed your hands long enough.
  3. You should wash your hands for at least _______ seconds.
  4. You should perform hand hygiene before and after removal of this item of PPE.
  5. Who is the infection control "ninja" at Charlotte Radiology?
  6. We follow this organizations moments of hand hygiene model or campaign.
  7. How many moments of hand hygiene are there?
  8. Hand sanitizer should contain 60% __________.

15 Clues: How many moments of hand hygiene are there?Hand sanitizer should contain 60% __________.What helps to prevent healthcare worker dermatitis?You should wash your hands for at least _______ seconds.2019 Hand Hygiene goal for going IN to a patient care area.Who is the infection control "ninja" at Charlotte Radiology?...

Hand Hygiene 2021-02-05

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. When using hand _________ do not use paper towel to dry hands.
  2. You should perform hand hygiene after ________ with a patient.
  3. no matter if washing with soap or applying hand sanitizer you rub the back of each hand with _______ of the opposite hand.
  4. Handy hygiene is an action of hand cleaning to remove ________ agents on the hands.
  5. When correctly washing your hands you should ______ for 15 seconds.
  6. ______ hands thoroughly under running water when washing to remove the soap.
  7. ______and running water should be used when hands are soiled.
  8. Apply 1 to 2 ______ of hand sanitizer to palms of dry hands to correctly sanitize.
  9. Perform ____ hygiene before and after putting on gloves.
  10. When using hand sanitizer, once your hands are ____ they are safe.
  1. Perform hand hygiene before performing _________ procedures.
  2. Wet hands with ______ water before applying soap.
  3. Hand hygiene is done using an __________ rub or soap and water.
  4. Hand hygiene should be done _____ any bodily fluid exposure or risk.
  5. When using hand sanitizer you rub ________ and around the fingers.
  6. ______ stands for alcohol-based hand rub.
  7. Alcohol-based hand rub takes ______ time.
  8. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is less ______ on the skin.
  9. Hand hygiene includes attention to _______ care.

19 Clues: ______ stands for alcohol-based hand rub.Alcohol-based hand rub takes ______ time.Hand hygiene includes attention to _______ care.Wet hands with ______ water before applying soap.Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is less ______ on the skin.Perform ____ hygiene before and after putting on gloves....

Hand Hygiene May 2024 2024-04-24

Hand Hygiene May 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Abbreviation for this alcohol based product important at point of care.
  2. An organism that can cause disease.
  3. It becomes sudsy with friction and water.
  4. Gloves can protect them.
  5. Free of Bacteria.
  6. There are 4 of these to describe when to perform hand hygiene.
  7. Hand Hygiene can prevent this.
  1. Antibiotic Resistant _______________.
  2. A word associated with cleanliness.
  3. Removes dirt down the drain.
  4. When intact it protects you from germs.
  5. If hands are this for too long it can damage the skin
  6. All persons that must be competent with hand hygiene.
  7. You must perform hand hygiene if exposed to this.

14 Clues: Free of Bacteria.Gloves can protect them.Removes dirt down the drain.Hand Hygiene can prevent this.A word associated with cleanliness.An organism that can cause disease.Antibiotic Resistant _______________.When intact it protects you from germs.It becomes sudsy with friction and water.You must perform hand hygiene if exposed to this....

Hygiene 2022-07-18

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. ____ foods like hamburgers will give you pimples
  2. The oil in your skin is called _______
  3. _______ and vegetables makes our skin healthy
  4. Brush your teeth with ________
  5. Never _____ your pimples
  6. Always take a _____ twice a day
  1. Drink lots of _____ to make your skin healthy
  2. You should sleep at _______ o’clock
  3. means being clean
  4. _____ your hair
  5. Use _____ to clean your hair
  6. Always ____ your hands
  7. wash your hands with _______
  8. When your skin is dirty, you’ll get ______
  9. Always wear ______ clothes

15 Clues: _____ your hairmeans being cleanAlways ____ your handsNever _____ your pimplesAlways wear ______ clothesUse _____ to clean your hairwash your hands with _______Brush your teeth with ________Always take a _____ twice a dayYou should sleep at _______ o’clockThe oil in your skin is called _______When your skin is dirty, you’ll get ______...

Hygiene 2023-05-27

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. process of scrubbing teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste
  2. process of washing your body
  3. a liquid or cream that prevents a cut from becoming infected
  4. physical or mental activity that keeps you healthy and strong
  5. a small brush with a handle that you use for cleaning your teeth
  6. a piece of cloth or paper that you use for drying yourself
  7. keeping yourself and things around you clean, in order to prevent disease
  8. oral rinse used after brushing teeth for fresh breath
  1. should be trimmed regularly to keep our hands clean
  2. an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, and they are high in fibre
  3. holes, or areas of tooth decay
  4. a doctor who specializes in taking care of the teeth
  5. the state of being well and free from illness
  6. is a sticky film that forms on your teeth
  7. tiny organisms, or living things, that can cause disease

15 Clues: process of washing your bodyholes, or areas of tooth decayis a sticky film that forms on your teeththe state of being well and free from illnessshould be trimmed regularly to keep our hands cleana doctor who specializes in taking care of the teethoral rinse used after brushing teeth for fresh breath...

2023 hand Hygiene 2023-04-26

2023 hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Hand hygiene should be performed after _______ gloves.
  2. You should perform hand hygiene before touching any _________ attached to the patient e.g. dialysis machine or infusion pump.
  3. Moment 1 is performing hand hygiene before touching a _____________.
  4. When using ABHR, hands should remain wet for ________seconds.
  5. Who should you contact if you have concerns or issues with your skin?
  6. In Transmission Based Precautions hand hygiene is performed and gloves must be changed between moments on the same patient. True or false?
  7. Wearing hand and wrist _________ harbors bacteria even after hand washing or using ABHR.
  1. Curtains are outside the patient zone and hand hygiene must be performed after touching curtains before __________ the patient.
  2. Performing hand hygiene after touching a patient's surroundings e.g. bed rails, bedside locker is a Moment _________?
  3. Effective hand hygiene is the single most _________ strategy in preventing hospital-acquired infections.
  4. When hands are dirty or visibly contaminated, should you use ABHR or wash your hands?
  5. When drying hands after washing, gently pat the skin dry with paper towel to _________ skin irritation.
  6. How many hand hygiene moments are there?
  7. After a procedure or any potential body fluid exposure e.g. touching a drain or urine bag, this is a Moment ______?
  8. Wearing gloves replaces the need for hand hygiene. True or false?

15 Clues: How many hand hygiene moments are there?Hand hygiene should be performed after _______ gloves.When using ABHR, hands should remain wet for ________seconds.Wearing gloves replaces the need for hand hygiene. True or false?Moment 1 is performing hand hygiene before touching a _____________....

Commonly Misspelled Words [G H and I] 2021-04-12

Commonly Misspelled Words [G H and I] crossword puzzle
  1. genius
  2. humorous
  3. imminent
  4. indigenous
  5. hygiene
  6. immense
  7. guidance
  8. government
  1. heroes
  2. guarantee
  3. hindrance
  4. graffiti
  5. immediately
  6. halves
  7. grief

15 Clues: griefheroesgeniushalveshygieneimmensehumorousgraffitiimminentguidanceguaranteehindranceindigenousgovernmentimmediately

My Crossword 2021-03-25

My Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. precede
  2. habitat
  3. celebrate
  4. laughter
  5. committee
  6. harmony
  7. hideous
  8. bouquet
  1. breathe
  2. hygiene
  3. weightless
  4. contagious
  5. keyboard
  6. straighten
  7. obeyed

15 Clues: obeyedbreatheprecedehygienehabitatharmonyhideousbouquetkeyboardlaughtercelebratecommitteeweightlesscontagiousstraighten

My Crossword 2021-03-25

My Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. harmony
  2. weightless
  3. habitat
  4. obeyed
  5. bouquet
  6. straighten
  7. contagious
  8. celebrate
  9. committee
  1. hygiene
  2. keyboard
  3. hideous
  4. breathe
  5. laughter
  6. precede

15 Clues: obeyedharmonyhygienehideousbreathehabitatprecedebouquetkeyboardlaughtercelebratecommitteeweightlessstraightencontagious

Hygiene 2022-01-26

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. sneeze or cough into it
  2. Tie it up if it's long
  3. cover a cut with a ... and glove
  4. aprons are necessary to ... your clothes
  5. makes surfaces slippery and allows germs to wash off
  6. Must be washed before cooking
  7. red chopping boards are used for cutting this
  1. wash your hands after ...
  2. cross ... is when bacteria from raw foods mixes with ready to eat foods
  3. ... food must be defrosted in the fridge
  4. use these when collecting ingredients
  5. don't ..... a measuring spoon or it will contaminate other foods (6,3)
  6. water this kills bacteria when cleaning up
  7. chopping boards must be allowed to ... fully

14 Clues: Tie it up if it's longsneeze or cough into itwash your hands after ...Must be washed before cookingcover a cut with a ... and gloveuse these when collecting ingredients... food must be defrosted in the fridgeaprons are necessary to ... your clotheswater this kills bacteria when cleaning upchopping boards must be allowed to ... fully...

hygiene 2022-12-30

hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. le nom d'un bactérie sous la forme sphérique
  2. cellule sans noyau
  3. Endogène, lorsque Le malade s’infecte avec ses propres microbes,
  4. est un ensemble de mesures destinées à prévenir les infections et l'apparition de maladies infectieuses
  5. une bactérie entraine des perturbations plus ou moins sévères chez l’hôte (homme, animal ou végétal)
  6. un microbe
  7. le nom d'un bactérie sous la forme spirale
  8. une bactérie qui vit en contact étroit avec l’hôte sans provoquer de troubles
  1. un microbe
  2. virus responsable du SIDA
  3. le nom d'un bactérie sous la forme Bâtonnet
  4. un microbe
  5. L’infection provoquée par les champignons
  6. pénétration (entrée) d’un microbe pathogène + multiplication
  7. un microbe
  8. un microbe qui ne peut pas vivre par lui-même, il a besoin d'une cellule appelée hôte pour se reproduire
  9. virus responsable de la grippe

17 Clues: un microbeun microbeun microbeun microbecellule sans noyauvirus responsable du SIDAvirus responsable de la grippeL’infection provoquée par les champignonsle nom d'un bactérie sous la forme spiralele nom d'un bactérie sous la forme Bâtonnetle nom d'un bactérie sous la forme sphériquepénétration (entrée) d’un microbe pathogène + multiplication...

GHPs 2023-12-23

GHPs crossword puzzle
  1. remove dirt & soil
  2. not visible with naked eyes
  3. hands, after using toilets & before processing
  4. protects the food we buy
  5. poor hygiene can cause
  6. through which clean air provided
  7. environmental hygiene under...production
  1. water use in food industry
  2. hygiene require for safe production
  3. hazards associated with poor hygiene of food
  4. use for washing hands
  5. substances use to make something clean & hygienic
  6. get sign of approval

13 Clues: remove dirt & soilget sign of approvaluse for washing handspoor hygiene can causeprotects the food we buywater use in food industrynot visible with naked eyesthrough which clean air providedhygiene require for safe productionenvironmental hygiene under...productionhazards associated with poor hygiene of food...

WHO International Hand Hygiene Day 5/5 2022-05-05

WHO International Hand Hygiene Day 5/5 crossword puzzle
  1. first step to handwashing
  2. sing ____ twice for length of handwashing
  3. internationally respected guidelines on hand hygiene
  4. responsible for preventing & controlling infection?
  5. when using alcohol sanitizer rub hands until ___
  6. _____ is used when hands are visibly soiled
  7. microorganisms smaller than bacteria
  8. last name of the father of hand hygiene
  9. you must wash hands before and after wearing ____
  1. the best time to skip hand hygiene
  2. to turn off the water faucet after handwashing
  3. most common mode of pathogen transmission
  4. simplest way to break the chain of infection
  5. the science that deals with cleanliness
  6. T or F wearing gloves is as good as handwashing
  7. I wash my hands to prevent the spread of ___

16 Clues: first step to handwashingthe best time to skip hand hygienemicroorganisms smaller than bacteriathe science that deals with cleanlinesslast name of the father of hand hygienemost common mode of pathogen transmissionsing ____ twice for length of handwashing_____ is used when hands are visibly soiledsimplest way to break the chain of infection...

Pivot Point Chapter 1 Professional Development 2014-09-07

Pivot Point Chapter 1 Professional Development crossword puzzle
  1. we need 30% per RDA guidelines
  2. Recommended Dietary Allowances
  3. bad breath is referred to
  4. we need 60% per RDA guidelines
  5. a balanced one is essential for your personal and professional well-being and may help prevent certain diseases
  6. your individual system for maintaining your cleanliness and health is this type of hygiene
  7. hygiene that is important because it helps to preserve the health of the community
  8. your personal hygiene contributes to or detracts from this
  1. most people need six to eight hours of sleep or they become this
  2. should match your skin tone
  3. contouring with ? colors always broadens
  4. is the science that deals with healthful living
  5. almost all of these contain mixtures of the three energy nutrients: carbohydrates, fats and proteins
  6. hygiene refers to maintaining healthy teeth and keeping the breath fresh
  7. we need 10% per RDA guidelines
  8. helps stimulate the blood circulation in your body and encourages proper functioning of organs
  9. contouring with ? colors always narrows
  10. healthy, glowing ? is equally dependent on good nutrition, exercise and rest

18 Clues: bad breath is referred toshould match your skin tonewe need 30% per RDA guidelinesRecommended Dietary Allowanceswe need 10% per RDA guidelineswe need 60% per RDA guidelinescontouring with ? colors always narrowscontouring with ? colors always broadensis the science that deals with healthful living...

Nursing Care 2024-01-24

Nursing Care crossword puzzle
  1. Dyspnoe
  2. Sepsis
  3. Nosokomial
  4. Hypovolämie
  5. Ernährung
  6. Kommunikation
  1. Asepsis
  2. Hygiene
  3. Ischämie
  4. Patient
  5. Polypharmazie
  6. Überwachung
  7. Komfort
  8. Medikation

14 Clues: SepsisAsepsisHygieneDyspnoePatientKomfortIschämieErnährungNosokomialMedikationÜberwachungHypovolämiePolypharmazieKommunikation

hygiene 2015-03-11

hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. the thicker inner layer of the skin
  2. the thinner outer layer of the skin is the
  3. a skin condition caused by overly active oil glands
  4. tooth decay begins with; a soft colorless sticky film
  5. a substance that fights tooth decay
  6. hygiene to the hygiene practices that prevents or minimizes disease and the spreading of diseases
  1. a cream or lotion that filters out some UV rays
  2. a non living band of outer skin
  3. hygiene like brushing your teeth and flossing
  4. hygiene Mouthwash is an important part of
  5. is flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells
  6. hygiene is your hygiene for your body

12 Clues: a non living band of outer skinthe thicker inner layer of the skina substance that fights tooth decayhygiene is your hygiene for your bodyhygiene Mouthwash is an important part ofthe thinner outer layer of the skin is thehygiene like brushing your teeth and flossinga cream or lotion that filters out some UV rays...

Hand Hygiene 2024-07-24

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. is expected to do hand hygiene
  2. clean hands for at least ____ seconds
  3. clean hands ____ to going in room
  4. clean hands after _____the room
  5. do hand hygiene after ________ gloves
  6. hand sanitizer is _____base
  1. you must use soap and water to wash hands after _______
  2. do hand hygiene ___ fluid exposure
  3. do hand hygiene _____touching patient
  4. do hand hygiene before ________ gloves
  5. weights should be reported in _________

11 Clues: hand sanitizer is _____baseis expected to do hand hygieneclean hands after _____the roomclean hands ____ to going in roomdo hand hygiene ___ fluid exposuredo hand hygiene _____touching patientclean hands for at least ____ secondsdo hand hygiene before ________ glovesdo hand hygiene after ________ glovesweights should be reported in _________...

Hygiene 2021-06-07

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Mit welchem Desinfektionsmittel führen
  2. Wo findet man im Inkubator gerne eine d
  3. Unter welcher Gewichtsgrenze benutzen w
  4. Bei welcher Tätigkeit ziehen wir eine H
  5. Unter welcher Schwangerschaftswoche
  6. Welche Handschuhe ziehen wir beim U
  1. Wieviel Desinfektionstücher benötigt man
  2. Um was zu vermeiden legen wir großen
  3. Welches Hautdesinfektionsmittel benut
  4. Mit welcher technischen Hilfe ziehen wi
  5. Womit waschen wir Frühchen?
  6. Führt man als erstes den analen oder
  7. Wie heißt eine wichtige hygienische

13 Clues: Womit waschen wir Frühchen?Wie heißt eine wichtige hygienischeUnter welcher SchwangerschaftswocheWelche Handschuhe ziehen wir beim UUm was zu vermeiden legen wir großenFührt man als erstes den analen oderWelches Hautdesinfektionsmittel benutMit welchem Desinfektionsmittel führenMit welcher technischen Hilfe ziehen wi...

Hygiene 2019-06-12

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. ohne Sauerstoff lebend
  2. Lebewesen, die auf Kosten anderer Organismen leben
  3. Lehre von der Erhaltung und Förderung der Gesundheit
  4. pilzabtötend
  5. bakterienabtötend
  6. nicht krankheitserregend
  7. widerstandfähige Dauerstadien von Bakterien
  1. Gesamtheit alle Maßnahmen, um Keimfreiheit zu erzielen
  2. vireninaktivierend
  3. Maßnahme, um alle Krankheitserreger undschädlich zu machen
  4. Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Krankheitserregern oder Giftstoffen
  5. Druckkessel für die Dampfsterilisation
  6. krankheitserregend

13 Clues: pilzabtötendbakterienabtötendvireninaktivierendkrankheitserregendohne Sauerstoff lebendnicht krankheitserregendDruckkessel für die Dampfsterilisationwiderstandfähige Dauerstadien von BakterienLebewesen, die auf Kosten anderer Organismen lebenLehre von der Erhaltung und Förderung der GesundheitGesamtheit alle Maßnahmen, um Keimfreiheit zu erzielen...

COVID-19 en français 2020-08-24

COVID-19 en français crossword puzzle
  1. mask
  2. face shield
  3. physical
  4. distancing
  5. to wear
  6. close contact
  7. to wash
  8. to avoid
  9. to use
  1. hands
  2. sanitizer
  3. to practise
  4. hygiene
  5. face cover
  6. covid

15 Clues: maskhandscovidto usehygieneto wearto washphysicalto avoidsanitizerdistancingface coverface shieldto practiseclose contact

Hygiene 2019-06-12

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. widerstandfähige Dauerstadien von Bakterien
  2. nicht krankheitserregend
  3. krankheitserregend
  4. pilzabtötend
  5. Gesamtheit alle Maßnahmen, um Keimfreiheit zu erzielen
  6. Maßnahme, um alle Krankheitserreger undschädlich zu machen
  7. vireninaktivierend
  8. Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Krankheitserregern oder Giftstoffen
  1. Druckkessel für die Dampfsterilisation
  2. Lehre von der Erhaltung und Förderung der Gesundheit
  3. Lebewesen, die auf Kosten anderer Organismen leben
  4. ohne Sauerstoff lebend
  5. bakterienabtötend

13 Clues: pilzabtötendbakterienabtötendkrankheitserregendvireninaktivierendohne Sauerstoff lebendnicht krankheitserregendDruckkessel für die Dampfsterilisationwiderstandfähige Dauerstadien von BakterienLebewesen, die auf Kosten anderer Organismen lebenLehre von der Erhaltung und Förderung der GesundheitGesamtheit alle Maßnahmen, um Keimfreiheit zu erzielen...

Hygiene 2023-06-27

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. used to get in between your teeth
  2. used in your hair
  3. what do you use to clean your teeth
  4. What do you put on a toothbrush
  5. this is used to shave your face with
  1. this is used to moisturize your skin
  2. it’s used under your armpits
  3. used on your hair
  4. this is used to cut your nails
  5. where you go to wash your body
  6. what is used to wash in the shower
  7. what you clean yourself with
  8. what you dry off with

13 Clues: used in your hairused on your hairwhat you dry off withit’s used under your armpitswhat you clean yourself withthis is used to cut your nailswhere you go to wash your bodyWhat do you put on a toothbrushused to get in between your teethwhat is used to wash in the showerwhat do you use to clean your teeththis is used to moisturize your skin...

Hand Hygiene 2014-06-19

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. These types of infections are an ongoing problem that directly impact safety, patient satisfaction, and the cost of care.
  2. You Staff who are reminded to wash their hands are encouraged and expected to say__________
  3. What words do we say to someone if we see them not performing hand hygiene?
  4. "_______ the word not the germs" slogan is part of an ongoing effort to make hand hygiene a priority and integrated part of the UPMC culture.
  5. Healthcare workers can do this to their hands simply by touching an environmental surface
  6. Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections is a Joint Commission___________
  7. Alcohol based rub must contain at least_______percent alcohol
  8. These do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  1. He is the "father" of hand hygiene
  2. "WHO" is the abbreviation for what agency that is concerned with international public health
  3. removes the surface organisms when washing hands, which are then washed away in lather
  4. WHO recommends_______ as the most effective and easiest method for hand hygiene performance during routine health-care delivery.
  5. All staff must perform hand hygiene during these ____________: Before touching a patient, after touching a patient, before a clean or aseptic procedure, after a body fluid risk, after touching patient's surroundings
  6. This is the single greatest way to prevent infection
  7. These UPMC health care providers are responsible for performing, promoting, and monitoring compliance with hand hygiene
  8. Handwashing with _________is required when are hands are visibly soiled, before eating and after using restroom, after caring for patients with C-diff and when hands are contaminated with proteinaceous material or are visibly soiled with blood/body fluid
  9. When washing hands with soap and water, lather well and rub hands together for a minimum of __________

17 Clues: He is the "father" of hand hygieneThese do not replace the need for hand hygieneThis is the single greatest way to prevent infectionAlcohol based rub must contain at least_______percent alcoholWhat words do we say to someone if we see them not performing hand hygiene?...

Hand Hygiene 2014-06-19

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Alcohol based rub must contain at least_______percent alcohol
  2. Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections is a Joint Commission___________
  3. These UPMC health care providers are responsible for performing, promoting, and monitoring compliance with hand hygiene
  4. This is the single greatest way to prevent infection
  5. All staff must perform hand hygiene during these ____________: Before touching a patient, after touching a patient, before a clean or aseptic procedure, after a body fluid risk, after touching patient's surroundings
  6. These do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  7. You Staff who are reminded to wash their hands are encouraged and expected to say__________
  8. removes the surface organisms when washing hands, which are then washed away in lather
  1. What words do we say to someone if we see them not performing hand hygiene?
  2. When washing hands with soap and water, lather well and rub hands together for a minimum of __________
  3. Handwashing with _________is required when are hands are visibly soiled, before eating and after using restroom, after caring for patients with C-diff and when hands are contaminated with proteinaceous material or are visibly soiled with blood/body fluid
  4. These types of infections are an ongoing problem that directly impact safety, patient satisfaction, and the cost of care.
  5. He is the "father" of hand hygiene
  6. "WHO" is the abbreviation for what agency that is concerned with international public health
  7. Healthcare workers can do this to their hands simply by touching an environmental surface
  8. WHO recommends_______ as the most effective and easiest method for hand hygiene performance during routine health-care delivery.
  9. "_______ the word not the germs" slogan is part of an ongoing effort to make hand hygiene a priority and integrated part of the UPMC culture.

17 Clues: He is the "father" of hand hygieneThese do not replace the need for hand hygieneThis is the single greatest way to prevent infectionAlcohol based rub must contain at least_______percent alcoholWhat words do we say to someone if we see them not performing hand hygiene?...


  1. Aim or end result.
  2. Being able to see a substance.
  3. Used to turn off water faucet, after handwashing.
  4. Sending infection across.
  5. The first step to handwashing.
  6. Disinfectant used to wash hands.
  7. Free of all microorganisms, pathogenic, and nonpathogenic.
  8. Pertaining to disease causing microorganisms.
  9. The simplest way to break the chain of infection.
  10. You can find hand hygiene county policy/procedure in Harbor _______.
  11. To diminish in extent.
  12. Hand sanitizer that HUCLA Medical Center uses.
  13. When using foam hand sanitizer, rub hands until _______.
  14. Another word for H2O.
  1. The most common mode of pathogen transmission.
  2. Handwashing must be performed for at least _____seconds.
  3. The act of preventing.
  4. The person responsible for preventing and controlling infection.
  5. Organisms that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
  6. The method of hand hygiene used when hands are visibly soiled.
  7. The state of being infected.
  8. The best time to skip hand hygiene.
  9. To stretch, draw or open out.
  10. The science that deals with cleanliness.
  11. To lower in degree, intensity, etc.

25 Clues: Aim or end result.Another word for H2O.The act of preventing.To diminish in extent.Sending infection across.The state of being infected.To stretch, draw or open out.Being able to see a substance.The first step to handwashing.Disinfectant used to wash hands.The best time to skip hand hygiene.To lower in degree, intensity, etc....

puberty summative 2021-06-11

puberty summative crossword puzzle
  1. STDS
  2. breast cancer
  3. toxic shock syndrome
  4. cycle period
  5. female doctor
  6. system
  7. PMS
  1. hang outside the body
  2. good hygiene
  3. bad hygiene
  4. protective gear
  5. muscle weakness
  6. sexual transmitted disease
  7. self examination
  8. mensural cycle

15 Clues: PMSSTDSsystembad hygienegood hygienecycle periodbreast cancerfemale doctormensural cycleprotective gearmuscle weaknessself examinationtoxic shock syndromehang outside the bodysexual transmitted disease

Texas 1 Nov 2023 2023-11-20

Texas 1 Nov 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Waren
  2. wahrscheinlich
  3. Staub
  4. Verrohrung
  5. ähnlich
  6. analysieren
  7. Dach
  8. (Reifen)Panne
  9. ersetzen
  10. to take something... = auseinanderbauen
  11. aufgeregt, angespannt, begeistert, sich freuen auf
  12. aufgehen, steigen, zunehmen
  13. Winkel
  14. Menschen, Personen
  1. Schutt, Trümmer, Geröll
  2. zuverlässig
  3. stabil, robust
  4. Dreieck
  5. Abfall
  6. unter, niedriger als
  7. Bestätigung
  8. Wert
  9. Mieter
  10. Hygiene
  11. gescheit, richtig
  12. gefährlich (e.g. ... - substances wie bei: Gefahrstoffe)
  13. glücklich

27 Clues: WertDachWarenStaubAbfallMieterWinkelDreieckähnlichHygieneersetzenglücklichVerrohrungzuverlässigBestätigunganalysieren(Reifen)Pannewahrscheinlichstabil, robustgescheit, richtigMenschen, Personenunter, niedriger alsSchutt, Trümmer, Geröllaufgehen, steigen, zunehmento take something... = auseinanderbauen...

Hygiene 2019-06-12

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Krankheitserregern oder Giftstoffen
  2. ohne Sauerstoff lebend
  3. Maßnahme, um alle Krankheitserreger undschädlich zu machen
  4. widerstandfähige Dauerstadien von Bakterien
  5. pilzabtötend
  1. Lehre von der Erhaltung und Förderung der Gesundheit
  2. bakterienabtötend
  3. Lebewesen, die auf Kosten anderer Organismen leben
  4. Druckkessel für die Dampfsterilisation
  5. Gesamtheit alle Maßnahmen, um Keimfreiheit zu erzielen
  6. krankheitserregend
  7. nicht krankheitserregend
  8. vireninaktivierend

13 Clues: pilzabtötendbakterienabtötendkrankheitserregendvireninaktivierendohne Sauerstoff lebendnicht krankheitserregendDruckkessel für die Dampfsterilisationwiderstandfähige Dauerstadien von BakterienLebewesen, die auf Kosten anderer Organismen lebenLehre von der Erhaltung und Förderung der GesundheitGesamtheit alle Maßnahmen, um Keimfreiheit zu erzielen...

Hygiene 2024-11-18

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. លូតលាស់
  2. វាយ
  3. ហៅ
  4. រស់
  5. ក្អក
  6. ចូល
  1. កីឡា
  2. សម្លាប់
  3. ជួយ
  4. ដកដង្ហើម
  5. ឈឺ
  6. ផ្ទុក
  7. មានន័យ

13 Clues: ហៅឈឺវាយជួយរស់ចូលកីឡាក្អកផ្ទុកមានន័យលូតលាស់សម្លាប់ដកដង្ហើម

Hygiene 2024-11-22

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Gerät, das Haare trocken macht.
  2. Entfernt Schmutz von der Haut.
  3. Wichtig, um Infektionen zu vermeiden.
  4. Flüssigkeit, die Seife zum Reinigen benötigt.
  5. Wird oft zur Pflege von Haaren verwendet.
  6. Sollte regelmäßig gewechselt werden, besonders nach dem Sport.
  1. Wird täglich empfohlen, um Mundgeruch zu vermeiden.
  2. Sollten morgens und abends gebürstet werden.
  3. Schützt vor Sonnenbrand.
  4. Dieses Produkt hält die Achseln frisch.
  5. Schützt die Hände vor Keimen, wenn man sie wäscht.
  6. Vermeidet schlechte Gerüche am Körper.
  7. Sollte regelmäßig geschnitten werden, um sauber und gepflegt zu bleiben.

13 Clues: Schützt vor Sonnenbrand.Entfernt Schmutz von der Haut.Gerät, das Haare trocken macht.Wichtig, um Infektionen zu vermeiden.Vermeidet schlechte Gerüche am Körper.Dieses Produkt hält die Achseln frisch.Wird oft zur Pflege von Haaren verwendet.Sollten morgens und abends gebürstet werden.Flüssigkeit, die Seife zum Reinigen benötigt....

Worl Hand Hygiene Day 2024-05-02

Worl Hand Hygiene Day crossword puzzle
  1. True or false: An allied health worker enters a patient’s/ resident’s room but only touches the curtain while talking to the patient/ resident. They did not touch the patient/ resident. The allied health worker does not need to do hand hygiene.
  2. How long should you wash your hands with soap and water? Atleast how many seconds?
  3. The act of washing your hands
  4. Before a procedure. What hand hygiene moment?
  5. Hand washing is reserved for when hands are.
  6. True or false: Clothing, jewellery, and nail treatments may harbour infectious agents that can be transferred to others and the healthcare environment, facilities and equipment.
  1. Who needs to practice hand hygiene in a healthcare environment?
  2. Before assisting patient to move
  3. True or false: Hand hygiene is the single most important intervention to prevent healthcare-associated infections
  4. Strategy for assessing hand hygiene compliance
  5. After touching patient's surrounding. What hand hygiene moment?
  6. Immediately after disposing of a used sputum cup. What hand hygiene moment?
  7. True or false: Hand hygiene should be performed before and after entering a healthcare environment, healthcare zone and/or a patient’s/resident’s immediate area.

13 Clues: The act of washing your handsBefore assisting patient to moveHand washing is reserved for when hands are.Before a procedure. What hand hygiene moment?Strategy for assessing hand hygiene complianceWho needs to practice hand hygiene in a healthcare environment?After touching patient's surrounding. What hand hygiene moment?...

Hygiene 2015-01-17

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. What do overflowing waste bins in yards attract?
  2. Which time must be adequate to ensure effective disinfection?
  3. What process destroys all micro-organisms and their spores?
  4. Rapid cooling is essential to prevent these germinating.
  5. These spoil the food, survive freezing and can be inactivated by blanching.
  6. An insect or animal that contaminates food is a ...
  7. What should you check to avoid bringing mice in the food business?
  1. What needs to be effective in food rooms to keep down room temperature?
  2. What is a food safety management system based on 7 principals?
  3. What process reduces bacteria to a safe level?
  4. This can be used to check that food is thoroughly cooked.
  5. What should be removed from an area in a food room prior to maintenence?

12 Clues: What process reduces bacteria to a safe level?What do overflowing waste bins in yards attract?An insect or animal that contaminates food is a ...Rapid cooling is essential to prevent these germinating.This can be used to check that food is thoroughly cooked.What process destroys all micro-organisms and their spores?...

Hygiene 2015-03-11

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. You should apply this before rinsing your hands.
  2. You should do this regularly to keep your body clean.
  3. You should also visit this person regularly to make sure your teeth are in good condition.
  4. You must frequently wash these in order to get rid of most of your germs it also helps keep the spreading of germs limited
  5. This is necessary tool used prevent cavities and tooth decay.
  6. This is something that you use to prevent tangles or hair loss.
  1. This tool is used to clean out the junk in between your teeth.
  2. This you need at least 8-10 hours of in order to not feel groggy in the morning.
  3. This is an over all state of well being.
  4. This is someone you should check with regularly to make sure your healthy.
  5. You should cover this when you cough or sneeze to prevent the spread of germs.
  6. You should also do regularly to maintain good physical health.

12 Clues: This is an over all state of well being.You should apply this before rinsing your hands.You should do this regularly to keep your body clean.This is necessary tool used prevent cavities and tooth decay.This tool is used to clean out the junk in between your teeth.You should also do regularly to maintain good physical health....