medical Crossword Puzzles

Medical Terminology Review 2024-04-08

Medical Terminology Review crossword puzzle
  1. medical meaning for brach
  2. medical meaning for sphygm
  3. medical terminology for remove
  4. medical meaning for oste
  5. medical meaning for derm
  6. medical terminology for gland
  7. medical terminology for hardening
  8. medical meaning for eryth
  9. medical terminology for below
  10. medical meaning for cost
  11. medical meaning for gastro
  12. medical terminology for tooth
  13. medical meaning for pneumon
  14. medical terminology for above
  1. medical meaning for trans
  2. medical terminology for inside
  3. medical terminology for inflammation
  4. medical terminology for swelling
  5. medical meaning for spir
  6. medical terminology for nose
  7. medical meaning for steth
  8. medical meaning for cardi
  9. medical terminology for outside
  10. medical terminology for cell
  11. medical terminology for dark blue
  12. medical terminology for blood cloth
  13. medical meaning for glyc
  14. medical meaning for neur

28 Clues: medical meaning for ostemedical meaning for spirmedical meaning for dermmedical meaning for costmedical meaning for glycmedical meaning for neurmedical meaning for transmedical meaning for brachmedical meaning for stethmedical meaning for cardimedical meaning for erythmedical meaning for sphygmmedical meaning for gastromedical meaning for pneumon...

Medical Terminology Review 2023-04-11

Medical Terminology Review crossword puzzle
  1. medical meaning for brach
  2. medical meaning for sphygm
  3. medical terminology for remove
  4. medical meaning for oste
  5. medical meaning for derm
  6. medical terminology for gland
  7. medical terminology for hardening
  8. medical meaning for eryth
  9. medical terminology for below
  10. medical meaning for cost
  11. medical meaning for gastro
  12. medical terminology for tooth
  13. medical meaning for pneumon
  14. medical terminology for above
  1. medical meaning for trans
  2. medical terminology for inside
  3. medical terminology for inflammation
  4. medical terminology for swelling
  5. medical meaning for spir
  6. medical terminology for nose
  7. medical meaning for steth
  8. medical meaning for cardi
  9. medical terminology for outside
  10. medical terminology for cell
  11. medical terminology for dark blue
  12. medical terminology for blood cloth
  13. medical meaning for glyc
  14. medical meaning for neur

28 Clues: medical meaning for ostemedical meaning for spirmedical meaning for dermmedical meaning for costmedical meaning for glycmedical meaning for neurmedical meaning for transmedical meaning for brachmedical meaning for stethmedical meaning for cardimedical meaning for erythmedical meaning for sphygmmedical meaning for gastromedical meaning for pneumon...

Medical Terminology Review 2024-01-23

Medical Terminology Review crossword puzzle
  1. medical meaning for brach
  2. medical meaning for sphygm
  3. medical terminology for remove
  4. medical meaning for oste
  5. medical meaning for derm
  6. medical terminology for gland
  7. medical terminology for hardening
  8. medical meaning for eryth
  9. medical terminology for below
  10. medical meaning for cost
  11. medical meaning for gastro
  12. medical terminology for tooth
  13. medical meaning for pneumon
  14. medical terminology for above
  1. medical meaning for trans
  2. medical terminology for inside
  3. medical terminology for inflammation
  4. medical terminology for swelling
  5. medical meaning for spir
  6. medical terminology for nose
  7. medical meaning for steth
  8. medical meaning for cardi
  9. medical terminology for outside
  10. medical terminology for cell
  11. medical terminology for dark blue
  12. medical terminology for blood cloth
  13. medical meaning for glyc
  14. medical meaning for neur

28 Clues: medical meaning for ostemedical meaning for spirmedical meaning for dermmedical meaning for costmedical meaning for glycmedical meaning for neurmedical meaning for transmedical meaning for brachmedical meaning for stethmedical meaning for cardimedical meaning for erythmedical meaning for sphygmmedical meaning for gastromedical meaning for pneumon...

Medical Terminology Review 2024-04-02

Medical Terminology Review crossword puzzle
  1. medical meaning for brach
  2. medical meaning for sphygm
  3. medical terminology for remove
  4. medical meaning for oste
  5. medical meaning for derm
  6. medical terminology for gland
  7. medical terminology for hardening
  8. medical meaning for eryth
  9. medical terminology for below
  10. medical meaning for cost
  11. medical meaning for gastro
  12. medical terminology for tooth
  13. medical meaning for pneumon
  14. medical terminology for above
  1. medical meaning for trans
  2. medical terminology for inside
  3. medical terminology for inflammation
  4. medical terminology for swelling
  5. medical meaning for spir
  6. medical terminology for nose
  7. medical meaning for steth
  8. medical meaning for cardi
  9. medical terminology for outside
  10. medical terminology for cell
  11. medical terminology for dark blue
  12. medical terminology for blood cloth
  13. medical meaning for glyc
  14. medical meaning for neur

28 Clues: medical meaning for ostemedical meaning for spirmedical meaning for dermmedical meaning for costmedical meaning for glycmedical meaning for neurmedical meaning for transmedical meaning for brachmedical meaning for stethmedical meaning for cardimedical meaning for erythmedical meaning for sphygmmedical meaning for gastromedical meaning for pneumon...

Medical Terminology Review 2024-03-26

Medical Terminology Review crossword puzzle
  1. medical terminology for tooth
  2. bloody sputum
  3. medical terminology for cell
  4. medical meaning for trans
  5. medical terminology for swelling
  6. medical meaning for spir
  7. medical terminology for below
  8. medical terminology for blood clot
  9. medical meaning for brach
  10. medical terminology for nose
  11. medical terminology for outside
  12. medical meaning for derm
  13. medical meaning for neuro
  1. medical terminology for inside
  2. medical terminology for inflammation
  3. medical meaning for cardio
  4. medical meaning for glyc
  5. medical meaning for gastro
  6. medical terminology for hardening
  7. medical terminology for dark blue
  8. medical meaning for cost
  9. medical meaning for erythro
  10. medical terminology for remove
  11. medical terminology for above
  12. medical meaning for oste
  13. medical meaning for sphygm
  14. medical terminology for gland
  15. medical meaning for pneumon

28 Clues: bloody sputummedical meaning for glycmedical meaning for costmedical meaning for spirmedical meaning for ostemedical meaning for dermmedical meaning for transmedical meaning for brachmedical meaning for neuromedical meaning for cardiomedical meaning for gastromedical meaning for sphygmmedical meaning for erythromedical meaning for pneumon...

Medical Terminology Review 2024-11-19

Medical Terminology Review crossword puzzle
  1. medical meaning for brach
  2. medical meaning for sphygm
  3. medical terminology for remove
  4. medical meaning for oste
  5. medical meaning for derm
  6. medical terminology for gland
  7. medical terminology for hardening
  8. medical meaning for eryth
  9. medical terminology for below
  10. medical meaning for cost
  11. medical meaning for gastro
  12. medical terminology for tooth
  13. medical meaning for pneumon
  14. medical terminology for above
  1. medical meaning for trans
  2. medical terminology for inside
  3. medical terminology for inflammation
  4. medical terminology for swelling
  5. medical meaning for spir
  6. medical terminology for nose
  7. medical meaning for steth
  8. medical meaning for cardi
  9. medical terminology for outside
  10. medical terminology for cell
  11. medical terminology for dark blue
  12. medical terminology for blood cloth
  13. medical meaning for glyc
  14. medical meaning for neur

28 Clues: medical meaning for ostemedical meaning for spirmedical meaning for dermmedical meaning for costmedical meaning for glycmedical meaning for neurmedical meaning for transmedical meaning for brachmedical meaning for stethmedical meaning for cardimedical meaning for erythmedical meaning for sphygmmedical meaning for gastromedical meaning for pneumon...

Medical Terminology Review 2024-10-17

Medical Terminology Review crossword puzzle
  1. medical terminology for tooth
  2. bloody sputum
  3. medical terminology for cell
  4. medical meaning for trans
  5. medical terminology for swelling
  6. medical meaning for spir
  7. medical terminology for below
  8. medical terminology for blood clot
  9. medical meaning for brach
  10. medical terminology for nose
  11. medical terminology for outside
  12. medical meaning for derm
  13. medical meaning for neuro
  1. medical terminology for inside
  2. medical terminology for inflammation
  3. medical meaning for cardio
  4. medical meaning for glyc
  5. medical meaning for gastro
  6. medical terminology for hardening
  7. medical terminology for dark blue
  8. medical meaning for cost
  9. medical meaning for erythro
  10. medical terminology for remove
  11. medical terminology for above
  12. medical meaning for oste
  13. medical meaning for sphygm
  14. medical terminology for gland
  15. medical meaning for pneumon

28 Clues: bloody sputummedical meaning for glycmedical meaning for costmedical meaning for spirmedical meaning for ostemedical meaning for dermmedical meaning for transmedical meaning for brachmedical meaning for neuromedical meaning for cardiomedical meaning for gastromedical meaning for sphygmmedical meaning for erythromedical meaning for pneumon...

medical terms 2017-04-30

medical terms crossword puzzle
  1. medical term meaning pregnant
  2. medical term meaning stretch
  3. medical term meaning appendix
  4. medical term meaning inflammation
  5. medical term meaning joints
  6. medical term meaning inner chamber
  7. medical term meaning fear
  8. medical term meaning braid
  9. medical term meaning light
  10. medial term meaning ovary
  11. medical term meaning flow
  1. medical term meaning upper jawbone
  2. medical term meaning swelling
  3. medical term meaning bud
  4. medical term meaning slender
  5. medical term meaning ankle
  6. medical term meaning weakness
  7. medical term meaning voice or sound
  8. medical term meaning to eat
  9. medical term meaning rainbow

20 Clues: medical term meaning budmedical term meaning fearmedial term meaning ovarymedical term meaning flowmedical term meaning anklemedical term meaning braidmedical term meaning lightmedical term meaning jointsmedical term meaning to eatmedical term meaning slendermedical term meaning stretchmedical term meaning rainbowmedical term meaning swelling...

Vocabulary List 10 2015-04-27

Vocabulary List 10 crossword puzzle
  1. Meaning of the medical root staphyl
  2. Meaning of the medical root kary-
  3. Medical term for a cutting instrument
  4. Meaning of the suffix -plegia
  5. Meaning of the medical root for scale like
  6. Meaning of the suffix phil, philia,philic
  7. Meaning of the medical root schizo-,schiz
  8. Meaning of the medical root men-
  9. Meaning of the medical root pnea-
  1. Medical term for after, behind
  2. Medical term meaning all, entire
  3. Medical root for distance
  4. Medical term for movement
  5. Meaning of the medical root andr- or hom-
  6. Meaning of the medical prefix ana-
  7. Medical term for edge of the eyelid
  8. Meaning of the medical prefix pyo-
  9. Medical term for Loins
  10. Medical term for alive
  11. Medical term for swift, rapid

20 Clues: Medical term for LoinsMedical term for aliveMedical root for distanceMedical term for movementMeaning of the suffix -plegiaMedical term for swift, rapidMedical term for after, behindMedical term meaning all, entireMeaning of the medical root men-Meaning of the medical root kary-Meaning of the medical root pnea-Meaning of the medical prefix ana-...

important medical prefixes and suffixes within dentistry terminology 2021-10-15

important medical prefixes and suffixes within dentistry terminology crossword puzzle
  1. medical prefix for "below"
  2. medical prefix for "over"
  3. and important medical suffix for "tumour"
  4. an important medical suffix for "the study" of a disease
  5. medical prefix for "saliva"
  6. medical prefix for "around"
  7. medical prefix for "new"
  8. medical prefix for "tooth" or "teeth"
  9. an important medical suffix for "inflammation"
  10. important medical suffix for "blood"
  1. an important medical suffix for "paralysis"
  2. medical prefix for "within"
  3. an important medical suffix for "pain"
  4. medical prefix for "dry"
  5. an important medical suffix for "mouth"
  6. medical prefix pertaining to the "toung"
  7. and important medical suffix for "destruction" or "desolvation"
  8. medical prefix for "between"
  9. an important medical suffix for "state" or "action"

19 Clues: medical prefix for "dry"medical prefix for "new"medical prefix for "over"medical prefix for "below"medical prefix for "within"medical prefix for "saliva"medical prefix for "around"medical prefix for "between"important medical suffix for "blood"medical prefix for "tooth" or "teeth"an important medical suffix for "pain"...

Medical Terminology 2024-10-27

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. medical word for "low blood pressure"
  2. medical word for the color "white"
  3. singular form for "alveoli"
  4. medical word for "cartilage"
  5. plural form for "ovum"
  6. an abbreviation for the "magnetic resonnace imaging "
  7. inflammation of the kidney .
  8. medical word for the "liver"
  9. medical word for "cell"
  10. medical meaning for "arthro"
  11. medical meaning for "neuro"
  12. medical word for the color "yellowish"
  13. medical word for "intestines"
  14. medical meaning for "rhino"
  1. medical meaning for "oste"
  2. medical word for "gastro"
  3. cancer of the blood.
  4. an abbreviation for the "computerized Tomography "
  5. medical word for the "heart"
  6. high blood pressure
  7. medical word for "gum inflammation"
  8. medical word for the color "red"
  9. medical meaning for "esthes".
  10. plural form for "thorax"
  11. medical word for the color "black
  12. medical word for the "kidneys"
  13. medical word for the "skin"

27 Clues: high blood pressurecancer of the blood.plural form for "ovum"medical word for "cell"plural form for "thorax"medical word for "gastro"medical meaning for "oste"singular form for "alveoli"medical meaning for "neuro"medical word for the "skin"medical meaning for "rhino"medical word for the "heart"medical word for "cartilage"...

Famous Medical Physicists 2017-11-06

Famous Medical Physicists crossword puzzle
  1. Resident, U of T
  2. Medical Physics Leader, BCCA
  3. no longer working in Medical Physics
  4. Medical Physicist, Kelowna
  5. Medical Physicist, Regina, SK
  6. Medical Physicist, Victoria, BC
  7. Medical Physicist, Newmarket, ON
  8. Medical Physicist, CCI, PhD 2010
  9. RSO, U of A, MSc 2007
  10. Medical Physicist, TBCC, MSc 2004
  11. PhD Student, UBC
  1. Med Student, U of C
  2. RSO, U of A, MSc 2006
  3. Medical Physicist, Lawrenceville, NJ
  4. Retired, PhD 1984
  5. Applications Specialist, Varian Medical Systems
  6. Resident, TBCC
  7. Medical Physicist, TBCC, PhD 2007
  8. Medical Physicist, CCI, PhD 2004 (AND MSc 1999)
  9. Medical Physicist, Saskatoon
  10. Medical Physicist, Halifax, NS
  11. Global Research Alliance Manager, Cyclotrons etc, Sweden

22 Clues: Resident, TBCCResident, U of TPhD Student, UBCRetired, PhD 1984Med Student, U of CRSO, U of A, MSc 2006RSO, U of A, MSc 2007Medical Physicist, KelownaMedical Physics Leader, BCCAMedical Physicist, SaskatoonMedical Physicist, Regina, SKMedical Physicist, Halifax, NSMedical Physicist, Victoria, BCMedical Physicist, Newmarket, ON...

Week 3 crossword puzzle 2019-04-17

Week 3 crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Medical term for Reno-
  2. Arthro
  3. Medical term for Pertaining to blood
  4. Term for White
  5. Medical term for Complains of
  6. surrounding or around
  7. Term for Gastro
  8. Medical term for term for adrenal glands
  9. instrument for visual examination
  10. Medical term for Surgical removal
  11. Pertaining to blood or lymph vessels
  12. Medical term for Bad difficult or painful
  13. Medical term for Rapture
  14. Term for New
  1. term for thoraco
  2. Medical term for Surgical incision
  3. Medical term for Abnormal softening
  4. Medical term for Abnormal condition
  5. Medical term for Surgical procedure to remove fluid
  6. Term for Excessive or to increase
  7. Term for Hystero
  8. Surgical creation of an opening
  9. term for cephalo
  10. Medical term for Fast or rapid
  11. Medical term for Abnormal flow

25 Clues: ArthroTerm for NewTerm for WhiteTerm for Gastroterm for thoracoTerm for Hysteroterm for cephalosurrounding or aroundMedical term for Reno-Medical term for RaptureMedical term for Complains ofMedical term for Fast or rapidMedical term for Abnormal flowSurgical creation of an openingTerm for Excessive or to increaseinstrument for visual examination...

Psychology and medical Terminology 2023-09-16

Psychology and medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
  2. The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
  3. The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
  4. medical meaning of spir
  5. having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
  6. An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
  7. A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
  8. protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  9. Medical terminology for below
  10. Eating disorder known as Binge eating
  11. Medical terminology for remove
  1. Medical terminology for swelling
  2. Medical meaning for derm
  3. Medical terminology for hardening
  4. Medical meaning for sphygm
  5. Medical meaning for pneumon
  6. Medical meaning for gastro
  7. Medical terminology for steth
  8. Medical terminology for tooth
  9. Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
  10. study of human behavior
  11. Medical meaning for cost
  12. medical meaning of oste
  13. Medical meaning of brach
  14. Medical terminology for Cardi

25 Clues: medical meaning of spirstudy of human behaviormedical meaning of osteMedical meaning for dermMedical meaning for costMedical meaning of brachMedical meaning for sphygmMedical meaning for gastroMedical meaning for pneumonMedical terminology for stethMedical terminology for toothMedical terminology for belowMedical terminology for Cardi...

psychology and Medical Terminology 2023-09-16

psychology and Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Medical terminology for Cardi
  2. Medical meaning for pneumon
  3. The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
  4. medical meaning of spir
  5. A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
  6. Medical meaning for sphygm
  7. An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
  8. study of human behavior
  9. Eating disorder known as Binge eating
  10. Medical meaning for gastro
  11. A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
  12. medical meaning of oste
  13. Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
  14. Medical terminology for below
  1. Medical terminology for hardening
  2. Medical meaning for derm
  3. Medical terminology for steth
  4. The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
  5. Medical terminology for remove
  6. Medical meaning of brach
  7. Medical meaning for cost
  8. having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
  9. protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  10. Medical terminology for tooth
  11. Medical terminology for swelling

25 Clues: medical meaning of spirstudy of human behaviormedical meaning of osteMedical meaning for dermMedical meaning of brachMedical meaning for costMedical meaning for sphygmMedical meaning for gastroMedical meaning for pneumonMedical terminology for CardiMedical terminology for stethMedical terminology for toothMedical terminology for below...

waste management 2024-08-15

waste management crossword puzzle
  1. waste disposal method
  2. zim public health policy
  3. waste management technology
  4. zim organisation managing medical wate
  5. waste reduction strategy
  6. medical waste management
  7. medical waste incineration temperature
  8. medical device that generates waste
  9. medical waste clasification
  10. harzadous waste transport regulation
  1. zm health regulation
  2. medical waste container color
  3. medical waste disposl method
  4. zim ministry responsible for health
  5. medical waste classifiction
  6. common disease i zimbabwe
  7. capital city with high malaria incident
  8. disease caused by medical waste
  9. hazardous waste symbol
  10. disease caused by poor sanitation
  11. medical term for waste
  12. zim health care provider
  13. medicalwaste storage facility

23 Clues: zm health regulationwaste disposal methodhazardous waste symbolmedical term for wastezim public health policywaste reduction strategymedical waste managementzim health care providercommon disease i zimbabwewaste management technologymedical waste classifictionmedical waste clasificationmedical waste disposl methodmedical waste container color...

Psychology and Medical Terminology 2023-09-16

Psychology and Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
  2. A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
  3. protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  4. medical meaning of spir
  5. Medical meaning for sphygm
  6. Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
  7. Medical meaning for gastro
  8. medical meaning of oste
  9. Medical terminology for remove
  10. having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
  11. study of human behavior
  12. Medical meaning of brach
  13. Medical meaning for cost
  14. The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
  15. Medical meaning for derm
  1. Medical terminology for hardening
  2. Medical terminology for Cardi
  3. Medical terminology for steth
  4. Medical terminology for below
  5. Eating disorder known as Binge eating
  6. Medical meaning for pneumon
  7. The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
  8. A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
  9. Medical terminology for tooth
  10. Medical terminology for swelling

25 Clues: medical meaning of spirmedical meaning of ostestudy of human behaviorMedical meaning of brachMedical meaning for costMedical meaning for dermMedical meaning for sphygmMedical meaning for gastroMedical meaning for pneumonMedical terminology for CardiMedical terminology for stethMedical terminology for belowMedical terminology for tooth...

Psychology and Medical Terminology 2023-09-16

Psychology and Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Medical terminology for Cardi
  2. Medical meaning for pneumon
  3. The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
  4. medical meaning of spir
  5. A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
  6. Medical meaning for sphygm
  7. An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
  8. study of human behavior
  9. Eating disorder known as Binge eating
  10. Medical meaning for gastro
  11. A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
  12. medical meaning of oste
  13. Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
  14. Medical terminology for below
  1. Medical terminology for hardening
  2. Medical meaning for derm
  3. Medical terminology for steth
  4. The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
  5. Medical terminology for remove
  6. Medical meaning of brach
  7. Medical meaning for cost
  8. having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
  9. protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  10. Medical terminology for tooth
  11. Medical terminology for swelling

25 Clues: medical meaning of spirstudy of human behaviormedical meaning of osteMedical meaning for dermMedical meaning of brachMedical meaning for costMedical meaning for sphygmMedical meaning for gastroMedical meaning for pneumonMedical terminology for CardiMedical terminology for stethMedical terminology for toothMedical terminology for below...

Psychology and medical terminology 2023-09-16

Psychology and medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Medical terminology for Cardi
  2. Medical meaning for pneumon
  3. The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
  4. medical meaning of spir
  5. A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
  6. Medical meaning for sphygm
  7. An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
  8. study of human behavior
  9. Eating disorder known as Binge eating
  10. Medical meaning for gastro
  11. A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
  12. medical meaning of oste
  13. Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
  14. Medical terminology for below
  1. Medical terminology for hardening
  2. Medical meaning for derm
  3. Medical terminology for steth
  4. The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
  5. Medical terminology for remove
  6. Medical meaning of brach
  7. Medical meaning for cost
  8. having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
  9. protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  10. Medical terminology for tooth
  11. Medical terminology for swelling

25 Clues: medical meaning of spirstudy of human behaviormedical meaning of osteMedical meaning for dermMedical meaning of brachMedical meaning for costMedical meaning for sphygmMedical meaning for gastroMedical meaning for pneumonMedical terminology for CardiMedical terminology for stethMedical terminology for toothMedical terminology for below...

Psychology and Medical Terminology 2023-09-15

Psychology and Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Medical terminology for tooth
  2. Medical meaning for pneumon
  3. The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
  4. Medical terminology for swelling
  5. Medical terminology for below
  6. A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
  7. Medical meaning for sphygm
  8. Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
  9. A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
  10. Medical meaning for gastro
  11. medical meaning of oste
  1. Medical terminology for hardening
  2. Medical meaning for derm
  3. study of human behavior
  4. Medical meaning of brach
  5. An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
  6. Medical terminology for remove
  7. protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  8. The part of the mind that represents internalized societal rules and values, according to Freud's psychoanalytic theory.
  9. The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
  10. Eating disorder known as Binge eating
  11. Medical terminology for Cardi
  12. Medical meaning for cost
  13. Medical terminology for steth
  14. medical meaning of spir
  15. having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time

26 Clues: study of human behaviormedical meaning of spirmedical meaning of osteMedical meaning for dermMedical meaning of brachMedical meaning for costMedical meaning for sphygmMedical meaning for gastroMedical meaning for pneumonMedical terminology for toothMedical terminology for belowMedical terminology for CardiMedical terminology for steth...

NAVMED Forms 2017-02-15

NAVMED Forms crossword puzzle
  1. Chronological Record of HIV Testing
  2. Inpatient Admission Disposition Record
  3. Record of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation for Internally Deposited Radionuclide
  4. Reserve Dental Assessment and Certification Form
  5. Medical/Dental Maintenance Work Order
  6. Visual Record
  7. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; Pink
  8. Medical Board Certificate
  9. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; Grey
  10. Health Record Receipt
  11. Summary of Care Form
  12. Food Service Sanitation Inspection
  13. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; White
  14. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; Blue
  15. Medical Board Statement of Patient
  16. Abbreviated Limited Duty Medical Board Report
  17. Abstract of Service and Medical History
  1. Medical and Dental Overseas Screening Review for Active Duty and Dependents
  2. Dental Health Questionnaire
  3. Record of Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
  4. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; Orange
  5. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; Red
  6. Polyprescription
  7. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; Green
  8. Equipment Request Economic Analysis Supplement
  9. Medical Board Report Cover Sheet
  10. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; Tan
  11. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; Yellow
  12. TB Contact Converter Followup
  13. Asbestos Medical Surveillance Program
  14. U.S. Navy Medical Outpatient and Dental Treatment Record; Almond
  15. Equipment Request
  16. Officer Physical Examination Special Questionnaire
  17. Annual Certificate Physical Condition

34 Clues: Visual RecordPolyprescriptionEquipment RequestSummary of Care FormHealth Record ReceiptMedical Board CertificateDental Health QuestionnaireTB Contact Converter FollowupMedical Board Report Cover SheetFood Service Sanitation InspectionMedical Board Statement of PatientChronological Record of HIV TestingMedical/Dental Maintenance Work Order...

How well is your Medical terminology ? 2023-06-06

How well is your Medical terminology ? crossword puzzle
  1. Protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  2. Medical terminology for fast breathing
  3. Disease caused by lack of Vitamin C:
  4. Gland in your neck that regulate your metabolism
  5. Person with recurrent seizures has _________
  6. Medical condition that causes high blood sugar
  7. Disease caused by Mosquitoes bites in Africa
  8. Medical terminology for excessive urination
  9. Medical terminology for high blood pressure
  10. Hormone that helps you fall asleep
  11. Medical terminology for low potassium
  12. Specialist doctor for the heart
  13. Specialist doctor for the skin
  1. Medical terminology for white blood cells
  2. Medical terminology for inability to sleep
  3. ,Medical terminology for fast heart rate
  4. Medical terminology for low blood sugar .
  5. Medical terminology for the kidney
  6. Infection you may get after bat bite
  7. Condition that causes the salivary gland to swell up
  8. Virus that causes German measles
  9. Infection you may get after Tick bite
  10. Medical terminology for low body water
  11. terminology for loss of appetite for food

24 Clues: Specialist doctor for the skinSpecialist doctor for the heartVirus that causes German measlesMedical terminology for the kidneyHormone that helps you fall asleepDisease caused by lack of Vitamin C:Infection you may get after bat biteInfection you may get after Tick biteMedical terminology for low potassiumMedical terminology for fast breathing...

Medical Terminology 2023-04-18

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Medical term that means ringing in the ears
  2. Word root meaning “liver”
  3. Medical term that means painful menstruation
  4. Medical term that means a hair follicle that is plugged with sebum i.e. blackhead, white head
  5. Medical term that means loss of bone density
  6. Term meaning “above”
  7. Medical term for sleep walking
  8. Angioma Medical term that means a small blood vessel tumor
  9. Word root meaning “heart”
  10. Wood root meaning "brain"
  11. Medical term for ovarian cysts
  12. Word root meaning “vertebra”
  1. Wood root meaning “kidney”
  2. Prefix meaning "in or inside"
  3. Wood root meaning “eyelid”
  4. Medical term that means the involuntary contraction of the diaphragm; street name is hiccups
  5. Medical term that means excessive growth of facial and body hair in women
  6. Word root that means “lungs”
  7. Prefix meaning "before"
  8. Infarction Medical term that means death of heart muscle tissue; street name is heart attack
  9. Medical term that means the beginning or first menstruation
  10. Word root meaning “spleen”
  11. Medical term for red blood cell
  12. Medical term that means the inability to control urination
  13. Medical term that means good digestion
  14. Term meaning "both sides”

26 Clues: Term meaning “above”Prefix meaning "before"Word root meaning “liver”Term meaning "both sides”Word root meaning “heart”Wood root meaning "brain"Wood root meaning “kidney”Wood root meaning “eyelid”Word root meaning “spleen”Word root that means “lungs”Word root meaning “vertebra”Prefix meaning "in or inside"Medical term for sleep walking...

MEDICAL 2020-03-27

MEDICAL crossword puzzle
  1. towards
  2. blue
  3. toxin
  4. kneecap
  5. relating to eating
  6. surgery
  7. front
  8. study of bones
  9. mental disorders
  10. doctor for children
  11. eye doctor
  12. vein
  13. black
  1. away from
  2. foot doctor
  3. heart doctor
  4. administers anesthesia
  5. related to breathing
  6. fingers and toes
  7. urine
  8. study and treatment of skin
  9. study of women organs
  10. memory loss
  11. small

24 Clues: blueveintoxinurinefrontblacksmalltowardskneecapsurgeryaway fromeye doctorfoot doctormemory lossheart doctorstudy of bonesfingers and toesmental disordersrelating to eatingdoctor for childrenrelated to breathingstudy of women organsadministers anesthesiastudy and treatment of skin

Medical 2021-04-30

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. increases urinary output
  2. reduces heartbeat rate
  3. suppress appetite
  4. suppresses coughing
  5. Man's best friend
  6. prevents convulsions
  7. reduces fever
  8. treat muscle/bone condition
  9. relives cold
  1. relives tension
  2. treats anemia
  3. promotes easier breathing
  4. stops vomiting
  5. treat shock and drug poisoning
  6. treats hormonal disorders/cancer
  7. fight infection
  8. promotes sleep
  9. elevate mood
  10. slow blood-clotting process
  11. supplements
  12. promotes evacuation of bowels
  13. relieve pain
  14. neutralize stomach acid

23 Clues: supplementselevate moodrelieve painrelives coldtreats anemiareduces feverstops vomitingpromotes sleeprelives tensionfight infectionsuppress appetiteMan's best friendsuppresses coughingprevents convulsionsreduces heartbeat rateneutralize stomach acidincreases urinary outputpromotes easier breathingslow blood-clotting process...

Medical 2021-04-30

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. promotes easier breathing
  3. promotes sleep
  4. relives tension
  5. elevate mood
  6. prevents convulsions
  7. suppress appetite
  8. slow blood-clotting process
  9. relieve pain
  10. supplements
  11. suppresses coughing
  1. neutralize stomach acid
  2. stops vomiting
  3. treats hormonal disorders/cancer
  4. increases urinary output
  5. reduces fever
  6. relives cold
  7. reduces heartbeat rate
  8. treat muscle/bone condition
  9. treats anemia
  10. treat shock and drug poisoning
  11. fight infection
  12. promotes evacuation of bowels

23 Clues: supplementsrelives coldelevate moodrelieve painreduces fevertreats anemiastops vomitingpromotes sleeprelives tensionfight infectionMan's best friendsuppress appetitesuppresses coughingprevents convulsionsreduces heartbeat rateneutralize stomach acidincreases urinary outputpromotes easier breathingtreat muscle/bone condition...

Medical 2021-12-30

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. when a part of the heart muscle doesn't get enough blood
  2. the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats
  3. infection of one or both of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi
  4. ventilation breathing is defined as
  5. the rate at which the heart beats
  6. which bronchi is larger
  7. the posterior tibial pulse
  8. how many years to become Resp. Therapist
  9. air blockage and breathing problems
  10. two large tubes that carry air from your windpipe to your lungs
  11. result for kinesiology is the study of
  12. mechanics of human movement and how they impact our health and wellbeing
  13. Favorite Respiratory therapist
  1. one of the conducting airways
  2. how do we breath
  3. most important muscle used for breathing
  4. one of the Covid vaccines
  5. how many bones in our body
  6. inflammation or irritation of the lining of the lungs and chest
  7. Up to 49 percent of chest pain comes from what
  8. breathing cycle is controlled by the
  9. walls enclose this cavity and its structures
  10. how many weeks lung therapy
  11. causes scarring of the lung
  12. Symptom of pnuemonia
  13. how many muscles in our body
  14. for the lungs

27 Clues: for the lungshow do we breathSymptom of pnuemoniawhich bronchi is largerone of the Covid vaccineshow many bones in our bodythe posterior tibial pulsehow many weeks lung therapycauses scarring of the lunghow many muscles in our bodyone of the conducting airwaysFavorite Respiratory therapistthe rate at which the heart beats...

Medical 2016-11-20

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of clothing that covers most of the body of a patient.
  2. A person's skeleton consists of ...
  3. A piece of an organ, a little blood, etc.
  4. A part of a hospital where a particular type of treatment is provided.
  5. Department where healthcare for pregnant women is provided.
  6. Department where heart diseases are treated.
  7. When a woman is about to have a baby.
  8. The manner of treating a patient.
  9. He/she performs surgery pain relief and preparation.
  10. Department where you go, if you have problems with joints.
  11. A cotton fabric used to cover wounds or surgical incisions.
  12. Department where there are a lot of patients in life-threatening condition.
  13. Jane is a lab ... .
  14. A device used for injecting liquids into the body.
  15. It fills prescriptions.
  1. A point where two bones meet in the body.
  2. A pan used as a toilet by a person who is too ill to get out of bed.
  3. Department where children are cared for.
  4. I am a general ..., I know everything about general medicine
  5. Department where skin cancer can be treated.
  6. A written message from a doctor that officially tells someone to use a medicine, therapy, etc.
  7. A chair with wheels that is used by people who cannot walk because they are disabled, sick, or injured.
  8. Laboratory where the samples are tested.
  9. Department where X-rays and CT-scans are made for hospital departments.
  10. Not safe.
  11. Department where organ transplants are carried out.
  12. A chemical that is found in the air, that has no color, taste, or smell, and that is necessary for life.
  13. Method, operation, surgery.
  14. I have the nursing schedules.

29 Clues: Not safe.Jane is a lab ... .It fills prescriptions.Method, operation, surgery.I have the nursing schedules.The manner of treating a patient.A person's skeleton consists of ...When a woman is about to have a baby.Department where children are cared for.Laboratory where the samples are tested.A point where two bones meet in the body....

Medical 2024-04-24

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. Prescription is covered under Medicare
  2. Whaling is a type of ________ attack that targets high-value targets?
  3. cpt codes are maintained and copyrighted by (Acronym)
  4. Equipment and supplies ordered by a health care provider for everyday or extended use (Acronym)
  5. All information produced by the NPI Registry is provided in accordance with (Acronym)
  6. A movie by John Grisham, starring Matt Damon, an underdog lawyer who takes on fraudulent insurance company. Movie name?
  7. Application process for a provider to participate with an insurance carrier
  8. codes are used to report hospital outpatient procedures and physician services (Acronym)
  9. Service that transmits a batch of claims to individual carriers after checking for errors
  10. Medicare claims are processed by contractors called (Acronym)
  11. Type of insurance payers (Aetna, Cigna, United healthcare, etc)
  12. Athena parking block-B & block-C
  13. Directing a patient to a specialist for diagnostics or advanced treatment
  14. Newly joined VP of Shared Services
  15. Approval from a health plan that may be required before you get a service or fill a prescription in order for the service or prescription to be covered by your plan.
  1. Team trained in basic life support, basic fire safety and emergency evacuation. (Acronym)
  2. Federal health insurance for active duty military and their families
  3. Type of insurance payers (Blue Cross Blue Shield)
  4. Type of insurance payers (Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE)
  5. Healthy snack
  6. Cost associated with each treatment CPT medical billing codes.
  7. Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (Acronym)
  8. CMS required all claim submission after October 15 2015 to use _______ diagnosis code
  9. When claim information is automatically sent from primary to secondary insurance
  10. Gang responsible for the cyberattack on healthcare giant 'Change Healthcare' in February'24
  11. Process of objecting to insurance payer decision to deny payment

26 Clues: Healthy snackAthena parking block-B & block-CNewly joined VP of Shared ServicesPrescription is covered under MedicareType of insurance payers (Blue Cross Blue Shield)cpt codes are maintained and copyrighted by (Acronym)Type of insurance payers (Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE)Medicare claims are processed by contractors called (Acronym)...

Medical 2023-01-23

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. Three copies of a chromosome
  2. Indication of UTI
  3. a cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors (2 words)
  4. Broken bone
  5. What syndrome is treated with salt
  6. nothing by mouth
  7. Health maintenance screening
  8. Kneecap
  9. Medical emergency in diabetics (two words)
  10. an overgrowth of scar tissue that can form after surgery or an injury
  1. Removal of gallbladder
  2. Scan of the abdomen
  3. A prenatal test that can diagnose genetic disorders
  4. This med should never be pushed IV
  5. Mini-stroke (3 words)
  6. The cessation of electrical and mechanical activity of the heart
  7. Enlarged Heart
  8. Stinky feet
  9. The only bone in the human body not attached to another bone
  10. prefix for uterus
  11. Region of the brain in charge of vision

21 Clues: KneecapBroken boneStinky feetEnlarged Heartnothing by mouthIndication of UTIprefix for uterusScan of the abdomenMini-stroke (3 words)Removal of gallbladderThree copies of a chromosomeHealth maintenance screeningThis med should never be pushed IVWhat syndrome is treated with saltRegion of the brain in charge of vision...

Medical 2020-10-19

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. a test that examines a urine sample
  2. a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  3. the use of two or more drugs together to treat a single disease
  4. the joint connecting the hand with the forearm
  5. the area between the abdomen and the thigh on either side of the body
  6. the joint between the forearm and the upper arm
  7. the body of contains the digestive organs
  8. each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand
  9. the trunk of the human body
  10. a tissue or layer of cells beneath the epidermis
  11. the part of the brain that connects the nervous system with the endocrine system
  12. a receptacle used by a bedridden patient as a toilet
  13. the inability to have children
  14. a person trained to care for the sick or infirm
  15. breathe out
  16. a pain or illness reported by a patient
  17. to release by the process of secretion
  18. the result of a wrench or twist of the ligaments of a joint
  19. any disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat
  20. an involuntary and immediate movement in response to a stimulus
  21. relating to the lungs
  22. a chair use as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk
  23. a type of protein found in the body
  1. any of the fine branching blood vessels
  2. a condition that causes a reaction or illness
  3. injury or disability caused when the normal position of a joint
  4. a blood vessel that carries blood towards from the heart
  5. a protective garment worn in hospital
  6. to breathe noisily and with difficulty
  7. a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery
  8. the part of the face above the eyebrows
  9. a doctor who renders the patients unconscious Pharmacist a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs
  10. a respiratory condition, causing difficulty in breathing
  11. focusing on preventing diseases from occurring rather than curing them
  12. a method of birth control that prevents fertilization of the egg cell
  13. a tube with a nozzle and piston for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream
  14. a hormone released into the body of someone feeling extreme emotions
  15. a thin translucent fabric of silk, linen, or cotton
  16. an injury as from a blow with a blunt instrument
  17. a rapid loss of brain functions due to a loss of blood to the brain
  18. the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips
  19. the branch of medicine dealing with the diseases and care of aged people
  20. a pain felt in the head
  21. the sharp edge of a roof from the ridge to the eaves where the two sides meet
  22. a waste product found in blood that the kidney usually removes

45 Clues: breathe outrelating to the lungsa pain felt in the headthe trunk of the human bodythe inability to have childrena test that examines a urine samplea type of protein found in the bodya protective garment worn in hospitalto breathe noisily and with difficultyto release by the process of secretionany of the fine branching blood vessels...

Medical 2024-11-12

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. Blood
  2. Pumps blood
  3. Used to measure blood pressure
  4. Myocardial Infraction
  5. Coronary Artery Disease
  6. large, cane-shaped vessel that delivers oxygen-rich blood to your body
  7. Electrocardiogram
  8. Heart
  9. High Blood Pressure
  10. A condition where plaque builds up inside the arteries
  11. Congestive Heart Failure
  12. Blood Condition
  1. A heart attack
  2. Vessel
  3. Inflammation
  4. delicate blood vessels
  5. Blood Pressure
  6. Were to take Blood From
  7. irregular heartbeat,
  8. distribute oxygen
  9. an X-ray test
  10. Heart Failure long-term condition that happens when your heart can’t pump blood
  11. a medical device for auscultation to listen to the heart

23 Clues: BloodHeartVesselPumps bloodInflammationan X-ray testA heart attackBlood PressureBlood Conditiondistribute oxygenElectrocardiogramHigh Blood Pressureirregular heartbeat,Myocardial Infractiondelicate blood vesselsWere to take Blood FromCoronary Artery DiseaseCongestive Heart FailureUsed to measure blood pressure...

Medical 2020-10-19

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. a hormone released into the body of someone feeling extreme emotions
  2. a protective garment worn in hospital
  3. the joint connecting the hand with the forearm
  4. the trunk of the human body
  5. a method of birth control that prevents fertilization of the egg cell
  6. a pain felt in the head
  7. injury or disability caused when the normal position of a joint
  8. a waste product found in blood that the kidney usually removes
  9. the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips
  10. to release by the process of secretion
  11. to breathe noisily and with difficulty
  12. a pain or illness reported by a patient
  13. the part of the face above the eyebrows
  14. an involuntary and immediate movement in response to a stimulus
  15. the inability to have children
  16. breathe out
  17. a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery
  18. having a document saying that a person can do a job
  19. a respiratory condition, causing difficulty in breathing
  20. a type of protein found in the body
  21. the sharp edge of a roof from the ridge to the eaves where the two sides meet
  22. a test that examines a urine sample
  23. relating to the lungs
  24. medicine put into a person’s
  25. a thin translucent fabric of silk, linen, or cotton
  1. a doctor who renders the patients unconscious
  2. the branch of medicine dealing with the diseases and care of aged people
  3. a chair use as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk
  4. the result of a wrench or twist of the ligaments of a joint
  5. the use of two or more drugs together to treat a single disease
  6. any disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat
  7. the joint between the forearm and the upper arm
  8. an injury as from a blow with a blunt instrument
  9. focusing on preventing diseases from occurring rather than curing them
  10. each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand
  11. a tissue or layer of cells beneath the epidermis
  12. a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  13. any of the fine branching blood vessels
  14. a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs
  15. the part of the brain that connects the nervous system with the endocrine system
  16. a person trained to care for the sick or infirm
  17. a blood vessel that carries blood towards from the heart
  18. a rapid loss of brain functions due to a loss of blood to the brain
  19. a receptacle used by a bedridden patient as a toilet
  20. the area between the abdomen and the thigh on either side of the body
  21. the body of contains the digestive organs
  22. a condition that causes a reaction or illness
  23. a tube with a nozzle and piston for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream

48 Clues: breathe outrelating to the lungsa pain felt in the headthe trunk of the human bodymedicine put into a person’sthe inability to have childrena type of protein found in the bodya test that examines a urine samplea protective garment worn in hospitalto release by the process of secretionto breathe noisily and with difficulty...

Medical 2020-10-19

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. a hormone released into the body of someone feeling extreme emotions
  2. a protective garment worn in hospital
  3. the joint connecting the hand with the forearm
  4. the trunk of the human body
  5. a method of birth control that prevents fertilization of the egg cell
  6. a pain felt in the head
  7. injury or disability caused when the normal position of a joint
  8. a waste product found in blood that the kidney usually removes
  9. the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips
  10. to release by the process of secretion
  11. to breathe noisily and with difficulty
  12. a pain or illness reported by a patient
  13. the part of the face above the eyebrows
  14. an involuntary and immediate movement in response to a stimulus
  15. the inability to have children
  16. breathe out
  17. a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery
  18. having a document saying that a person can do a job
  19. a respiratory condition, causing difficulty in breathing
  20. a type of protein found in the body
  21. the sharp edge of a roof from the ridge to the eaves where the two sides meet
  22. a test that examines a urine sample
  23. relating to the lungs
  24. medicine put into a person’s
  25. a thin translucent fabric of silk, linen, or cotton
  1. a doctor who renders the patients unconscious
  2. the branch of medicine dealing with the diseases and care of aged people
  3. a chair use as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk
  4. the result of a wrench or twist of the ligaments of a joint
  5. the use of two or more drugs together to treat a single disease
  6. any disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat
  7. the joint between the forearm and the upper arm
  8. an injury as from a blow with a blunt instrument
  9. focusing on preventing diseases from occurring rather than curing them
  10. each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand
  11. a tissue or layer of cells beneath the epidermis
  12. a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  13. any of the fine branching blood vessels
  14. a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs
  15. the part of the brain that connects the nervous system with the endocrine system
  16. a person trained to care for the sick or infirm
  17. a blood vessel that carries blood towards from the heart
  18. a rapid loss of brain functions due to a loss of blood to the brain
  19. a receptacle used by a bedridden patient as a toilet
  20. the area between the abdomen and the thigh on either side of the body
  21. the body of contains the digestive organs
  22. a condition that causes a reaction or illness
  23. a tube with a nozzle and piston for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream

48 Clues: breathe outrelating to the lungsa pain felt in the headthe trunk of the human bodymedicine put into a person’sthe inability to have childrena type of protein found in the bodya test that examines a urine samplea protective garment worn in hospitalto release by the process of secretionto breathe noisily and with difficulty...

medical 2023-01-07

medical crossword puzzle
  1. untuk kontraksi
  2. bentuk infektif plasmodium
  3. enzim jantung
  4. makan aneh
  5. peningkatan mood
  6. disosiasi sitoalbumin
  7. sianotik PJB
  8. terapi malaria
  9. pemeriksaan siphilis
  10. kelainan ion tenggelam di air tawar
  11. enzim hepar
  12. bagian rongga mulut
  13. terapi bipolar
  14. thunder clap
  15. HR > 150x
  16. kelainan tidur
  17. positif pada HNP
  18. terapi IMA
  19. defisiensi surfaktan
  20. tulang ekstremitas
  1. perdarahan defisiensi vitamin
  2. area afasia motorik
  3. sedikit
  4. salah satu normal flora
  5. old crab
  6. kotoran scabies
  7. nervus cranialis
  8. mediator inflamasi
  9. TRAP
  10. menstimulasi folikel
  11. berperan dalam reaksi alergi
  12. tes ruptur archilles
  13. pembunuhan anak sendiri
  14. salbutamol
  15. jenis mioma
  16. autoimun kelainan vaskuler
  17. pada xray osteoarthritis
  18. monosit
  19. terapi syok anafilaktik
  20. keganasan hematopoesis

40 Clues: TRAPsedikitmonositold crabHR > 150xmakan anehsalbutamolterapi IMAenzim heparjenis miomasianotik PJBthunder clapenzim jantungterapi malariaterapi bipolarkelainan tiduruntuk kontraksikotoran scabiesnervus cranialispeningkatan moodpositif pada HNPmediator inflamasitulang ekstremitasarea afasia motorikbagian rongga mulutmenstimulasi folikel...

Medical 2023-01-17

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. necesitas pañuelos cuando
  2. cuando tú nunca estás enfermo.
  3. El órgano largo en forma de tubo en el abdomen.
  4. jarabe Medicina en líquido para la tos o las alergias.
  5. una silla de ruedas Usas esta cuando no puedes caminar nada.
  6. Cuando tú giras alrededor tú conseguir _____
  7. Una mujer por 9 a 10 meses
  8. en cama Cuándo el doctor dice que no debes levantarte de la cama.
  9. farmacia Aquí para comprar medicina y antibióticos.
  10. Tus dientes más grandes y fuertes
  11. 12 pares rodean tus pulmones
  12. Lastimarse el tobillo pero no está fracturado
  1. Alguien quién ayuda de médica durante operacions es a _____
  2. gripe La Influenza
  3. remedio Cuándo te duele la garganta y haces gárgaras con agua caliente y sal
  4. Persona que ayuda al doctor.
  5. de emergencias La ambulancia te lleva aquí
  6. Retenido de agua
  7. Un accidente con dos automóviles
  8. pálido No tienes mucho color en la cara o la piel
  9. Líquido rojo en tu cuerpo.
  10. ayudan a caminar cuando tienes la pierna fracturada.
  11. el órgano sólido más grande del cuerpo
  12. catarro o resfriado el frio comun
  13. Una jeringuilla que te pone el doctor en tu brazo o pompis.

25 Clues: Retenido de aguanecesitas pañuelos cuandoLíquido rojo en tu cuerpo.Una mujer por 9 a 10 mesesPersona que ayuda al doctor.12 pares rodean tus pulmonesgripe La Influenzacuando tú nunca estás enfermo.Un accidente con dos automóvilesTus dientes más grandes y fuertesel órgano sólido más grande del cuerpo...

medical 2024-09-22

medical crossword puzzle
  1. вірусний
  2. розвиватися
  3. покритий сосочками
  4. нечіткий, неясний
  5. неспокій, збудження
  6. збільшений
  7. висипання
  8. виділяти, екскретувати
  9. вплив, ураження
  10. нудота
  11. ковтання
  12. спадковість
  13. хриплість
  1. вказувати, означати
  2. жовтяниця
  3. ріст, зростання
  4. лімфатичний вузол
  5. погіршуватись
  6. печінковий
  7. свербіж
  8. спрага
  9. стенокардія
  10. відбуватися, траплятися, мати місце
  11. тромбоцит
  12. погіршений, ослаблений, порушений

25 Clues: спраганудотасвербіжвіруснийковтанняжовтяницявисипаннятромбоцитхриплістьпечінковийзбільшенийрозвиватисястенокардіяспадковістьпогіршуватисьріст, зростаннявплив, ураженнялімфатичний вузолнечіткий, неяснийпокритий сосочкамивказувати, означатинеспокій, збудженнявиділяти, екскретуватипогіршений, ослаблений, порушенийвідбуватися, траплятися, мати місце

Medical 2020-10-19

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. a hormone released into the body of someone feeling extreme emotions
  2. a protective garment worn in hospital
  3. the joint connecting the hand with the forearm
  4. the trunk of the human body
  5. a method of birth control that prevents fertilization of the egg cell
  6. a pain felt in the head
  7. injury or disability caused when the normal position of a joint
  8. a waste product found in blood that the kidney usually removes
  9. the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips
  10. to release by the process of secretion
  11. to breathe noisily and with difficulty
  12. a pain or illness reported by a patient
  13. the part of the face above the eyebrows
  14. an involuntary and immediate movement in response to a stimulus
  15. the inability to have children
  16. breathe out
  17. a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery
  18. having a document saying that a person can do a job
  19. a respiratory condition, causing difficulty in breathing
  20. a type of protein found in the body
  21. the sharp edge of a roof from the ridge to the eaves where the two sides meet
  22. a test that examines a urine sample
  23. relating to the lungs
  24. medicine put into a person’s
  25. a thin translucent fabric of silk, linen, or cotton
  1. a doctor who renders the patients unconscious
  2. the branch of medicine dealing with the diseases and care of aged people
  3. a chair use as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk
  4. the result of a wrench or twist of the ligaments of a joint
  5. the use of two or more drugs together to treat a single disease
  6. any disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat
  7. the joint between the forearm and the upper arm
  8. an injury as from a blow with a blunt instrument
  9. focusing on preventing diseases from occurring rather than curing them
  10. each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand
  11. a tissue or layer of cells beneath the epidermis
  12. a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  13. any of the fine branching blood vessels
  14. a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs
  15. the part of the brain that connects the nervous system with the endocrine system
  16. a person trained to care for the sick or infirm
  17. a blood vessel that carries blood towards from the heart
  18. a rapid loss of brain functions due to a loss of blood to the brain
  19. a receptacle used by a bedridden patient as a toilet
  20. the area between the abdomen and the thigh on either side of the body
  21. the body of contains the digestive organs
  22. a condition that causes a reaction or illness
  23. a tube with a nozzle and piston for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream

48 Clues: breathe outrelating to the lungsa pain felt in the headthe trunk of the human bodymedicine put into a person’sthe inability to have childrena type of protein found in the bodya test that examines a urine samplea protective garment worn in hospitalto release by the process of secretionto breathe noisily and with difficulty...

Medical 2020-10-19

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. the part of the brain that connects the nervous system with the endocrine system
  2. breathe out
  3. medicine put into a person’s body
  4. a receptacle used by a bedridden patient as a toilet
  5. a hormone that is produced in the ovaries which regulates the menstrual cycle
  6. a tube with a nozzle and piston for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream
  7. any of the fine branching blood vessels
  8. a pain or illness reported by a patient
  9. the inability to have children
  10. relating to the lungs
  11. a respiratory condition, causing difficulty in breathing
  12. the result of a wrench or twist of the ligaments of a joint
  13. a tissue or layer of cells beneath the epidermis
  14. to breathe noisily and with difficulty
  15. the joint between the forearm and the upper arm
  16. the branch of medicine dealing with the diseases and care of aged people
  17. a chair use as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk
  18. a type of protein found in the body
  19. the sharp edge of a roof from the ridge to the eaves where the two sides meet
  20. a thin translucent fabric of silk, linen, or cotton
  21. an injury as from a blow with a blunt instrument
  22. a blood vessel that carries blood towards from the heart
  23. the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips
  1. the body of contains the digestive organs
  2. a doctor who renders the patients unconscious
  3. each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand
  4. a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  5. an involuntary and immediate movement in response to a stimulus
  6. a waste product found in blood that the kidney usually removes
  7. a test that examines a urine sample
  8. a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery
  9. the use of two or more drugs together to treat a single disease
  10. the trunk of the human body
  11. a pain felt in the head
  12. having a document saying that a person can do a job
  13. a protective garment worn in hospital
  14. a person trained to care for the sick or infirm
  15. a condition that causes a reaction or illness
  16. the part of the face above the eyebrows
  17. a hormone released into the body of someone feeling extreme emotions
  18. injury or disability caused when the normal position of a joint
  19. a rapid loss of brain functions due to a loss of blood to the brain
  20. focusing on preventing diseases from occurring rather than curing them
  21. to release by the process of secretion
  22. any disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat
  23. the joint connecting the hand with the forearm
  24. a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs
  25. the area between the abdomen and the thigh on either side of the body
  26. a method of birth control that prevents fertilization of the egg cell

49 Clues: breathe outrelating to the lungsa pain felt in the headthe trunk of the human bodythe inability to have childrenmedicine put into a person’s bodya test that examines a urine samplea type of protein found in the bodya protective garment worn in hospitalto release by the process of secretionto breathe noisily and with difficulty...

Medical 2019-10-30

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. vein
  2. ear
  3. hands
  4. forhead
  5. tooth
  6. leg
  7. lip
  8. arm
  9. blood
  10. stomach
  11. foot
  1. car
  2. heart
  3. tongue
  4. nose
  5. fingers
  6. brain
  7. neck
  8. sholders
  9. body

20 Clues: carearlegliparmveinnoseneckbodyfoothearthandstoothbrainbloodtongueforheadfingersstomachsholders

medical 2021-11-17

medical crossword puzzle
  1. blood pressure
  2. high blood pressure as a result of pressure in a blood vessel
  3. infarction heart attack
  4. heart
  5. top of the heart
  6. artery the major blood vessels of the heart Cardiac arrest a complete stopping of the heart myocardial heart
  7. chest
  8. uses electricity to see parts of the cardiovascular system
  9. used to measure blood pressure
  10. beats per minute
  11. an artery with a weakened wall
  1. outer layer of the heart
  2. the layer of the heart chambers
  3. uses sound to see parts of the cardiovascular system
  4. blood
  5. veins swollen and dilated veins
  6. septum wall between the right and left atria
  7. middle muscular layer of the heart that pumps blood
  8. cardiovascular
  9. blood
  10. echocardiogram
  11. bottom of the heart

22 Clues: bloodheartbloodchestblood pressurecardiovascularechocardiogramtop of the heartbeats per minutebottom of the heartinfarction heart attackouter layer of the heartused to measure blood pressurean artery with a weakened wallthe layer of the heart chambersveins swollen and dilated veinsseptum wall between the right and left atria...

Medical 2021-04-30

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. promotes easier breathing
  3. promotes sleep
  4. relives tension
  5. elevate mood
  6. prevents convulsions
  7. suppress appetite
  8. slow blood-clotting process
  9. relieve pain
  10. supplements
  11. suppresses coughing
  1. neutralize stomach acid
  2. stops vomiting
  3. treats hormonal disorders/cancer
  4. increases urinary output
  5. reduces fever
  6. relives cold
  7. reduces heartbeat rate
  8. treat muscle/bone condition
  9. treats anemia
  10. treat shock and drug poisoning
  11. fight infection
  12. promotes evacuation of bowels

23 Clues: supplementsrelives coldelevate moodrelieve painreduces fevertreats anemiastops vomitingpromotes sleeprelives tensionfight infectionMan's best friendsuppress appetitesuppresses coughingprevents convulsionsreduces heartbeat rateneutralize stomach acidincreases urinary outputpromotes easier breathingtreat muscle/bone condition...

MEDICAL 2023-07-03

MEDICAL crossword puzzle
  1. the red liquid that circulates in the veins and arteries of humans and animals, carrying oxygen and nutrients throughout the body
  2. to recommend the use of a medicine or treatment
  3. the identification of a disease or medical condition through examination and testing
  4. the degree of hotness or coldness of something, usually measured with a thermometer
  5. a mark left on the skin after a wound has healed
  6. a physical or mental feature that indicates a medical condition
  7. a person trained to care for sick or injured people, especially in a hospital
  8. a medical procedure getting into the body to repair or remove damaged tissue
  9. a shot given with a needle, often to administer medicine or vaccines
  10. things used as medication or for recreational purposes, often with negative side effects
  1. the administration of a vaccine to stimulate the immune system and prevent disease
  2. an injury to the body, typically caused by cutting or tearing the skin
  3. a material used to cover and protect wounds or broken bones
  4. a place where medicines are prepared and sold
  5. correct or suitable according to social norms or standards
  6. to provide medical care or attention to someone who is ill or injured
  7. pills or syrups used to treat or prevent illness or disease
  8. an abnormally high body temperature, often a symptom of illness
  9. a sudden throw of air from the lungs, often due to irritation or infection
  10. another word for death; the end of life

20 Clues: another word for death; the end of lifea place where medicines are prepared and soldto recommend the use of a medicine or treatmenta mark left on the skin after a wound has healedcorrect or suitable according to social norms or standardsa material used to cover and protect wounds or broken bones...

Medical 2024-10-24

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. a recording of the heart's electrical activity
  2. lung
  3. carry blood throughout your body
  4. medical imaging technique
  5. chest
  6. a catheter into the vessel of the heart
  7. defect in the structure of the heart
  8. hardening
  9. irregularities in the heartbeat
  10. high blood pressure
  11. an impairment in the heart's ability
  12. formation of an opening
  1. carries blood away from the heart
  2. measures how healthy your heart is
  3. clot
  4. blood vessel
  5. inflammation of the pericardium
  6. dilated vein
  7. pressure
  8. rupture
  9. organs in the chest that supplies the body with oxygen
  10. returns blood to the heart
  11. vein
  12. fatty substance
  13. performed before and after exercise
  14. a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood

26 Clues: clotlungveinchestrupturepressurehardeningblood vesseldilated veinfatty substancehigh blood pressureformation of an openingmedical imaging techniquereturns blood to the heartinflammation of the pericardiumirregularities in the heartbeatcarry blood throughout your bodycarries blood away from the heartmeasures how healthy your heart is...

Standard Forms 2017-02-15

Standard Forms crossword puzzle
  1. Immunization Record
  2. Neurological Exam
  3. Abbreviated Medical Record
  4. Epilepsy Medical Report
  5. Prenatal and Pregnancy Civilian Medical Care Notes
  6. Radiographic Consultation Request/Report
  7. Radiation Therapy Summary
  8. Blood Pressure Plotting Chart
  9. Narrative Summary
  10. Muscle Function by Nerve Distribution: Face, Neck, and Upper Extremity
  11. Report of Discrepancy
  12. Medical Record - Hematology
  13. Medical Record Progress Report
  14. Medical Record - Microbiology I
  15. Plotting Chart
  16. Medical Record - Emergency Care and Treatment Record of Ambulance Care
  17. Medical Consultation Sheet
  18. Chronological Record of Medical Care
  19. Anesthesia
  20. Certificate of Medical Examination
  21. Radiologic Consultation Request/Report
  22. Request for Administration of Anesthesia
  23. Radiation Therapy
  24. Laboratory Report Display
  1. Gynecologic Cytology
  2. Allergen Extract Prescription - New and Refill
  3. Anatomical Figure
  4. Authorization for Tissue Donation
  5. Tissue Examination
  6. Radiographic Report
  7. Interstitial/Intercavity Therapy
  8. Physical Statement for Employee Disability Retirement
  9. Muscle Function by Nerve Distribution: Trunk and Lower Extremity
  10. Autopsy Protocol
  11. Medical Record - Urinalysis
  12. Medical Record - Miscellaneous
  13. Vital Signs Record
  14. Electroencephalogram Request and History
  15. Operating Report
  16. Physical Fitness Inquiry for Motor Vehicle Operators
  17. Blood or Blood Component Transfusion
  18. Electrocardiogram Request
  19. Disposition of Body
  20. Medical Record - Chemistry
  21. Group Muscle Strength, Joint ROM, Girth and Length Measurements
  22. Medical Record - Serology

46 Clues: AnesthesiaPlotting ChartAutopsy ProtocolOperating ReportNeurological ExamAnatomical FigureNarrative SummaryRadiation TherapyTissue ExaminationVital Signs RecordImmunization RecordRadiographic ReportDisposition of BodyGynecologic CytologyReport of DiscrepancyEpilepsy Medical ReportRadiation Therapy SummaryElectrocardiogram Request...

MED TERM REVIEW 2023-10-05

MED TERM REVIEW crossword puzzle
  1. What does the suffix "-itis" indicate in medical terminology?
  2. What is the medical term for the voice box?
  3. What does the suffix "-ology" mean in medical terminology? THREE WORDS
  4. What does the suffix "-ectomy" indicate in medical terminology?
  5. What is the medical term for a condition in which the heart muscle does not pump blood effectively? TWO WORDS
  6. What is the medical term for an abnormal enlargement of the liver?
  7. What does the prefix "hypo-" mean in medical terminology?
  8. What is the medical term for difficulty breathing?
  9. What is the medical term for inflammation of the appendix?
  10. What is the medical term for the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder?
  1. Which part of the brain is responsible for controlling basic life functions such as breathing and heart rate?
  2. Which body system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste products?
  3. What is the medical term for a specialist who studies and treats diseases of the skin?
  4. What does the prefix "hyper-" mean in medical terminology?
  5. What does the prefix "poly-" mean in medical terminology?
  6. What is the medical term for the thigh bone?
  7. Which gland in the neck is responsible for regulating metabolism?
  8. Which organ produces insulin in the human body?
  9. Which blood type is considered the universal recipient?
  10. What is the medical term for a high white blood cell count?

20 Clues: What is the medical term for the voice box?What is the medical term for the thigh bone?Which organ produces insulin in the human body?What is the medical term for difficulty breathing?Which blood type is considered the universal recipient?What does the prefix "poly-" mean in medical terminology?...

Medical 2023-11-23

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. Helps injured people improve their movement
  2. A separate room/department in a hospital
  3. Treats skin conditions
  4. Where emergency health cases go by ambulance
  5. diseases of the heart
  6. An adjustable, wheeled stretcher
  7. Used to detect heart problems
  8. A department that performs x-rays
  9. A device used to listen to the heart
  10. An instrument used to cut the skin
  11. A qualified health care professional
  1. Identifying a present disease/illness
  2. Treats blood conditions
  3. Found in the wrist to count heartbeats
  4. Used to take a patient's temperature
  5. Treats babies and children
  6. A device used to monitor oxygen levels
  7. Predicting the course of a diagnosed illness
  8. Used to weigh patient's

19 Clues: diseases of the heartTreats skin conditionsTreats blood conditionsUsed to weigh patient'sTreats babies and childrenUsed to detect heart problemsAn adjustable, wheeled stretcherA department that performs x-raysAn instrument used to cut the skinUsed to take a patient's temperatureA device used to listen to the heart...

UH Acronyms 2024-03-05

UH Acronyms crossword puzzle
  1. American Hospital Association
  2. University Hospitals Physician Services
  3. Medical Intensive Care Unit
  4. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
  5. Pre-Operative/During OP/Post OP Care
  6. Registered Nurse First Assistant
  7. Activities of daily living
  8. Standard Operating Procedure
  9. Business Systems Group
  10. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
  11. MacDonald Women's Hospital
  12. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  13. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
  14. Chief Nursing Officer
  15. Protected Health Information
  16. Center for Emergency Medicine
  17. Clinical Technical Assistant
  18. Per Diem / As Needed
  19. University Hospitals Management Services Organization
  20. Accountable Care Organization
  21. Respiratory Therapist
  22. Lake West Medical Center
  23. Employee Direct Access
  24. Basic Cardiac Life Support
  25. Advanced Cardiac Life Support
  26. Surgical Intensive Care Unit
  27. Medical Technologist
  28. Bachelors of Nursing
  29. Medical Trainer
  30. University Hospitals
  31. Enterprise Staffing Services
  32. Portage Medical Center
  33. Nursing Assistant
  34. Registered Respiratory Tech
  35. Det Norske Veritas
  36. Licensed Practical Nurse
  1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  2. University Hospitals Medical Group
  3. Manager Direct Access
  4. Computed Tomography
  5. University Hospitals Health Systems
  6. Advanced Practice Provider
  7. Management Incentive Plan
  8. Licensed Nursing Home Administrator
  9. Parma Medical Center
  10. Ajuha Medical Center
  11. Basic Life Support
  12. Geauga Medical Center
  13. Registered Health Information Administrator
  14. Certified Occupational Therapist
  15. University Hospitals Medical Practices
  16. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  17. Cleveland Medical Center
  18. Per Diem / As Needed
  19. Clinical Nurse Specialist
  20. TriPoint Medical Center
  21. Registered Health Information Technician
  22. Medical Assistant
  23. St. John Medical Center
  24. Average Days to Fill
  25. Rainbow Babies & Children's
  26. Emergency Department
  27. Licensed Social Worker
  28. Elyria Medical Center
  29. Environmental Services
  30. Applicant Tracking System
  31. Beachwood Medical Center
  32. Advanced Clinical Nurse
  33. Unlicensed Assistive Personnel
  34. Electronic Medical Record
  35. Subject Matter Expert
  36. Personal Health Record
  37. Employee Referral program
  38. Sterile Processing Tech
  39. Registered Nurse
  40. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  41. Associate Degree Nurse
  42. Invitro Fertilization
  43. Physical Therapist

79 Clues: Medical TrainerRegistered NurseMedical AssistantNursing AssistantBasic Life SupportDet Norske VeritasPhysical TherapistComputed TomographyParma Medical CenterAjuha Medical CenterPer Diem / As NeededPer Diem / As NeededAverage Days to FillEmergency DepartmentMedical TechnologistBachelors of NursingUniversity HospitalsManager Direct Access...

Medical 2023-12-12

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. What is mistletoe the ancient symbol of?
  2. Which month was the ATT CRM launch in North America?
  3. Karim’s favourite sporting pastime?
  4. Who is our SIP partner for compensation benchmarking of global sales employees?
  5. Complete one of our values: ‘GROW…..’
  6. What does the E stand for in FISBE?
  7. What does the ‘I’ in SIP stand for?
  8. In which month did Japan go live with Polaris?
  1. Which month was the Showpad contract extension?
  2. Which is the most recorded Christmas carol?
  3. On average, how many years does it take to grow a Christmas tree?
  4. Family card game you might play at Christmas?
  5. Our new brand promise as a company ‘…….CARING’
  6. Which interactive app due to be launched soon that enhances sales skills?
  7. How many of the 12 FISBE markets sit within Europe?
  8. In which city was the CRM Workshop for Nordics AWC Team held?
  9. How many of the 12 key markets are now live with Polaris?
  10. Which is the next market to go live with Polaris?

18 Clues: Karim’s favourite sporting pastime?What does the E stand for in FISBE?What does the ‘I’ in SIP stand for?Complete one of our values: ‘GROW…..’What is mistletoe the ancient symbol of?Which is the most recorded Christmas carol?Family card game you might play at Christmas?Our new brand promise as a company ‘…….CARING’...

Medical 2023-11-23

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. used to weigh patient’s
  2. treats skin conditions
  3. where emergency health cases go by Ambulance
  4. The number of times your heartbeats
  5. An adjustable, wheeled stretcher
  6. Treats babies and children
  7. Treats blood conditions
  8. Treats diseases of the heart
  9. Used to take a patients temperature
  1. Identifying a present disease
  2. Helps injured people improve their movement
  3. A separate room in a hospital ( also called a department)
  4. An instrument to cut the skin
  5. Predicting the course of a diagnosed illness
  6. A qualified health care professional
  7. A device used to listen to the heart
  8. A department that performs X-rays
  9. A device used to monitor oxygen levels

18 Clues: treats skin conditionsused to weigh patient’sTreats blood conditionsTreats babies and childrenTreats diseases of the heartIdentifying a present diseaseAn instrument to cut the skinAn adjustable, wheeled stretcherA department that performs X-raysThe number of times your heartbeatsUsed to take a patients temperature...

Medical 2023-05-09

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. ...rhythm
  2. ...pressure
  3. extreme tiredness
  4. desease continuing for a long time
  5. when your nose is bleeding
  6. a long tube through which food travels while it is being digested after leaving the stomach
  7. you have it when you feel dizzy
  1. when your head hurts
  2. used to hold liquid waste
  3. ...processes
  4. ...bone
  5. to throw up
  6. used for carrying a child during pregnancy
  7. a medication to stop the pain is a pain...
  8. temporary damage to the brain caused by a fall or hit on the head or by violent shaking:
  10. to have a runny ...
  11. a joint halfway down the arm

18 Clues: ...bone...rhythm...healthto throw up...pressure...processesextreme tirednessto have a runny ...when your head hurtsused to hold liquid wastewhen your nose is bleedinga joint halfway down the armyou have it when you feel dizzydesease continuing for a long timeused for carrying a child during pregnancya medication to stop the pain is a pain......

Biomedical Careers 2017-10-19

Biomedical Careers crossword puzzle
  1. deals with braces and other teeth things
  2. Works with ears
  3. deals with a spinal cord
  4. make sure store products are up to code
  5. Works with teeth
  6. deals with medical science
  7. help a doctor
  8. specializes ultrasounds
  9. illustrator medical pictures
  10. work with medical machines
  11. help in hospital kitchens
  12. Engineers medical things
  13. specializes in x-ray
  14. workers to make sure that sugar liquid are not contaminate
  1. helps strengthen you physically or mentally
  2. deals with contagious diseases
  3. deals plants
  4. last say in the medical problem
  5. deals with wild animals
  6. Deals with microscopic bacteria
  7. deals with respiratory
  8. writers medical things
  9. deals with blood
  10. police, Firemen, E.M.T
  11. deals with domestic animals

25 Clues: deals plantshelp a doctorWorks with earsWorks with teethdeals with bloodspecializes in x-raydeals with respiratorywriters medical thingspolice, Firemen, E.M.Tdeals with wild animalsspecializes ultrasoundsdeals with a spinal cordEngineers medical thingshelp in hospital kitchensdeals with medical sciencework with medical machines...

Medical 2024-12-10

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. where a surgeon cuts people up
  2. you take temperature with this
  3. you need this to buy medicine
  4. something that makes you go to sleep
  5. oily substance put on the skin
  6. people who help doctors
  1. instrument to listen to the heart or breathing
  2. long lasting illness
  3. place where people go when they are sick
  4. a surgical suture
  5. a person in treatment
  6. what they do with people with contagious diseases
  7. if you are this you don't need to see a doctor
  8. visible marks after a wound has healed
  9. performed by a surgeon
  10. hospital room or area that receives sick patients
  11. ill
  12. what doctors prescribe

18 Clues: illa surgical suturelong lasting illnessa person in treatmentperformed by a surgeonwhat doctors prescribepeople who help doctorsyou need this to buy medicinewhere a surgeon cuts people upyou take temperature with thisoily substance put on the skinsomething that makes you go to sleepvisible marks after a wound has healed...

Medical 2022-05-17

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. Reduces swelling, pain, and soreness
  2. Low blood pressure
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Infected tissue beneath the skin
  5. Blood clot
  6. Disease is not getting worse
  7. fracture Broken bone that shatters into many pieces
  8. Thin layer of pliable tissue
  9. Sudden but usually short
  1. Most common type of white blood cell
  2. Pain in the chest
  3. Outermost layer of skin
  4. Not cancerous
  5. usually simple
  6. Wound, sore, or cut
  7. Cancerous
  8. A tissue sample for testing purposes
  9. Swelling

18 Clues: SwellingCancerousBlood clotNot canceroususually simplePain in the chestLow blood pressureHigh blood pressureWound, sore, or cutOutermost layer of skinSudden but usually shortDisease is not getting worseThin layer of pliable tissueInfected tissue beneath the skinMost common type of white blood cellReduces swelling, pain, and soreness...

medical 2023-12-12

medical crossword puzzle
  1. In which month did Japan go live with Polaris?
  2. Which is the most recorded Christmas carol?
  3. How many of the 12 key markets are now live with Polaris?
  4. Family card game you might play at Christmas?
  5. Who is our SIP partner for compensation benchmarking of global sales employees?
  6. What does the ‘I’ in SIP stand for?
  7. Which month was the Showpad contract extension?
  8. Which month was the ATT CRM launch in North America?
  9. Karim’s favourite sporting pastime?
  1. Which interactive app due to be launched soon that enhances sales skills?
  2. In which US city was ConvaFoam launched?
  3. On average, how many years does it take to grow a Christmas tree?
  4. Which is the next market to go live with Polaris?
  5. Complete one of our values: ‘GROW…..’
  6. What is mistletoe the ancient symbol of?
  7. Our new brand promise as a company ‘…….CARING’
  8. What does the E stand for in FISBE?
  9. How many of the 12 FISBE markets sit within Europe?

18 Clues: What does the E stand for in FISBE?What does the ‘I’ in SIP stand for?Karim’s favourite sporting pastime?Complete one of our values: ‘GROW…..’In which US city was ConvaFoam launched?What is mistletoe the ancient symbol of?Which is the most recorded Christmas carol?Family card game you might play at Christmas?...

clinic terminology by mukesh 2023-06-03

clinic terminology by mukesh crossword puzzle
  1. Plan: A healthcare provider's recommended course of action to manage or treat a patient's medical condition, including medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes.
  2. A recommendation by a primary care physician for a patient to see a specialist or receive further medical evaluation or treatment.
  3. An individual receiving medical treatment or care from a healthcare provider.
  4. Health Record (EHR): A digital record of a patient's medical history, including diagnoses, medications, allergies, lab results, and other relevant information.
  5. Tests: Diagnostic tests performed on blood, urine, or other specimens to assess a patient's health status, detect diseases, or monitor treatment effectiveness.
  6. A written order from a physician for a specific medication, including dosage, frequency, and instructions for use.
  7. A medical doctor who diagnoses, treats, and provides medical care to patients.
  8. Consent: The process of providing a patient with information about a proposed medical procedure, including risks, benefits, and alternatives, and obtaining their voluntary agreement before proceeding.
  9. A healthcare professional who assists physicians with clinical and administrative tasks, such as taking vital signs, preparing patients for exams, and maintaining medical records.
  10. A fixed amount that patients are required to pay out-of-pocket for certain medical services or medications, typically at the time of the visit.
  1. The identification of a patient's medical condition or disease based on their symptoms, medical history, and diagnostic tests.
  2. History: A comprehensive record of a patient's past and current medical conditions, surgeries, allergies, medications, and family medical history.
  3. An administrative staff member responsible for greeting patients, scheduling appointments, and managing the front desk of the clinic.
  4. Signs: Basic measurements of a patient's essential bodily functions, including temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate.
  5. A healthcare professional who assists physicians, provides patient care, administers medications, and performs various medical procedures.
  6. A scheduled time for a patient to visit the clinic for medical evaluation or treatment.
  7. Complaint: The primary reason or symptom for which a patient seeks medical attention.
  8. A subsequent appointment or communication with a patient to monitor their progress, adjust treatment plans, or address any concerns.
  9. Coverage: The extent to which a patient's health insurance plan pays for medical services, including consultations, tests, procedures, and medications.
  10. A healthcare facility where medical professionals provide outpatient care, usually for non-emergency conditions.

20 Clues: An individual receiving medical treatment or care from a healthcare provider.A medical doctor who diagnoses, treats, and provides medical care to patients.Complaint: The primary reason or symptom for which a patient seeks medical attention.A scheduled time for a patient to visit the clinic for medical evaluation or treatment....

HOSP 2024-01-19

HOSP crossword puzzle
  1. - Physician providing medical treatment.
  2. - Area for medical testing and analysis.
  3. - Essential gas provided to patients in need.
  4. - Intravenous, a method of administering fluids or medication.
  5. - Medical procedures performed in a hospital.
  6. - Immediate medical care for urgent situations.
  7. - Section of a hospital for a specific type of care.
  8. - Preventive treatment to stimulate immunity.
  9. - Area for individuals to wait for appointments or news.
  10. - Vehicle for transporting patients to the hospital.
  11. - Remote healthcare services using technology.
  12. - Time for family and friends to see patients in the hospital.
  1. - Medical professional providing patient care.
  2. - Uniform worn by medical professionals.
  3. - Medical imaging for visualizing internal structures.
  4. - Healthcare professional providing direct patient care.
  5. - Doctor's written order for medication.
  6. - Furniture for patients in a hospital room.
  7. - Process of healing and getting better after treatment.
  8. - Individual receiving medical treatment.

20 Clues: - Uniform worn by medical professionals.- Physician providing medical treatment.- Area for medical testing and analysis.- Doctor's written order for medication.- Individual receiving medical treatment.- Furniture for patients in a hospital room.- Essential gas provided to patients in need.- Medical procedures performed in a hospital....

medical 2023-12-12

medical crossword puzzle
  1. In which city was the CRM Workshop for Nordics AWC Team held?
  2. In which month did Japan go live with Polaris?
  3. Karim’s favourite sporting pastime?
  4. What does the ‘I’ in SIP stand for?
  5. Who is our SIP partner for compensation benchmarking of global sales employees?
  6. How many of the 12 key markets are now live with Polaris?
  7. What is mistletoe the ancient symbol of?
  8. Which month was the ATT CRM launch in North America?
  1. Complete one of our values: ‘GROW…..’
  2. Which interactive app due to be launched soon that enhances sales skills?
  3. Family card game you might play at Christmas?
  4. Which is the next market to go live with Polaris?
  5. On average, how many years does it take to grow a Christmas tree?
  6. Our new brand promise as a company ‘…….CARING’
  7. How many of the 12 FISBE markets sit within Europe?
  8. What does the E stand for in FISBE?
  9. Which month was the Showpad contract extension?
  10. Which is the most recorded Christmas carol?

18 Clues: Karim’s favourite sporting pastime?What does the ‘I’ in SIP stand for?What does the E stand for in FISBE?Complete one of our values: ‘GROW…..’What is mistletoe the ancient symbol of?Which is the most recorded Christmas carol?Family card game you might play at Christmas?In which month did Japan go live with Polaris?...

Medical Terminology Practice 2022-02-15

Medical Terminology Practice crossword puzzle
  1. Suffix for pain
  2. Combining form for vertebrae
  3. Prefix for against
  4. Medical term for both sides or two sides
  5. Prefix for many
  6. Combining form for esophagus
  7. Suffix for treatment
  8. Suffix for paralysis
  9. Prefix for within
  10. Suffix for surgical repair
  11. Suffix for cell
  12. Suffix for disease
  13. Prefix for below or deficient
  14. Medical term for viewing of the joints
  15. Suffix for instrument for viewing
  16. Suffix for specialist
  17. Combining form for liver
  18. Suffix for creation of new
  19. Medical term for slow heart rate
  1. Medical term for surgical removal of stomach
  2. Prefix for surrounding or around
  3. Medical term for repair of the nose
  4. Medical term for enlarged heart
  5. Medical term for joint pain
  6. Medical term for disease of the nerves
  7. Medical term for softening of cartilage
  8. Suffix for surgical removal or excision
  9. Combining form for eye
  10. Medical term for before birth
  11. Combining form for joint
  12. Combining form for small intestine
  13. Combining form for ear
  14. Prefix for after or behind
  15. Suffix for incision
  16. Combining form for mind
  17. Combining form for stomach
  18. Suffix for inflammation
  19. Prefix above or excessive
  20. Suffix for tumor

39 Clues: Suffix for painPrefix for manySuffix for cellSuffix for tumorPrefix for withinPrefix for againstSuffix for diseaseSuffix for incisionSuffix for treatmentSuffix for paralysisSuffix for specialistCombining form for eyeCombining form for earCombining form for mindSuffix for inflammationCombining form for jointCombining form for liver...

Medical Terms 2022-10-25

Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Medical term for enlarged heart
  2. Suffix for Disease
  3. Medical term for removal of stomach
  4. Prefix for against
  5. Suffix for in or within
  6. Medical Term for Slow Heart Rate
  7. Medical term for disease of the nerves
  8. Medical Term for before birth
  9. Suffix for paralysis
  10. Combining form for Ear
  11. Combining form for Joint
  12. Medical term for softening of the cartilage
  13. Suffix for tumor
  14. Medical term for surgical removal;excision
  15. Suffix for pain
  16. Combining form for Eye
  17. Suffix for surgical repair
  18. Prefix for around or surrounding
  19. Prefix for Many
  1. Surgical repair of the nose
  2. Medical Term for both (two) sides
  3. Combining form for Vertebrae
  4. Suffix for inflammation
  5. Suffix for instrument for viewing
  6. Medical Term for viewing the Joints
  7. Suffix for pain
  8. Suffix for Treatment
  9. Combining form for Liver
  10. Combining form for small intestine
  11. Medical term for joint pain
  12. Combining form for Mind
  13. Combining form for stomach
  14. Suffix for incision
  15. Suffix for below or deficient
  16. Suffix for Cell
  17. Prefix for after or behind
  18. Combining form for Esophagus
  19. prefix for above or excessive
  20. Suffix for specialist
  21. Suffix for Surgical opening

40 Clues: Suffix for painSuffix for CellSuffix for painPrefix for ManySuffix for tumorSuffix for DiseasePrefix for againstSuffix for incisionSuffix for TreatmentSuffix for paralysisSuffix for specialistCombining form for EarCombining form for EyeSuffix for in or withinSuffix for inflammationCombining form for MindCombining form for Liver...

Health Science 2023-01-25

Health Science crossword puzzle
  1. learn in classroom and _____ experiences in medical school
  2. _____ physicians used plants and oils to treat or cure disease
  3. The _____ _____ was invented and allowed medical discoveries to be widely publicized
  4. Maintaining medical records and patient data, managing medical finances and handling medical technology
  5. The invention of the _____ allowed physicians to begin to identify the causes of diseases
  6. Physicians in _____ submerged bodies in water to get around the ban on human dissection
  7. Arab physicians required doctors to pass examinations and obtain _____
  8. Greeks determined illness was caused by imbalances in blood, _____, yellow bile and black bile
  9. Maintaining the physical and emotional environments necessary for health care providers to treat patients
  10. practice _____
  1. Screening and examining patients using manual or technological methods
  2. Complete a _____ program
  3. Get a ______ degree
  4. Obtain clinical _____ in medical school
  5. People were put out on the street to crowd source medical care in _____
  6. Develop effective study _____ and maintain excellent grades in high school
  7. Complete a medical school _____
  8. Developing new treatments and technologies to improve diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
  9. submit a medical school _____
  10. Take the United States _____ Licensing Examination
  11. Maintaining and improving a patient's overall health in the long term
  12. take the _____

22 Clues: practice _____take the _____Get a ______ degreeComplete a _____ programsubmit a medical school _____Complete a medical school _____Obtain clinical _____ in medical schoolTake the United States _____ Licensing Examinationlearn in classroom and _____ experiences in medical school_____ physicians used plants and oils to treat or cure disease...

Medical Term/Dosage Forms 2024-05-09

Medical Term/Dosage Forms crossword puzzle
  1. What part of the body does Meningitis affect
  2. What is the medical term for teeth grinding
  3. What is the medical term for a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction
  4. What injection dosage form is inserted into the muscles
  5. What is the medical term for chest
  6. What is the medical term for kidney stones
  7. What is the dosage form for a small hand-held device that delivers medication directly to your lungs
  8. What is the medical term for fungal infection
  9. What does GERD stand for
  10. What does the abbreviation STI stand for
  1. What is the medical term for an operation to cut or tie off the two tubes known as vas deferens
  2. What is the meaning of the medical term Xerosis
  3. Dosage form involving a drug being placed under the tongue to be dissolved
  4. What is the meaning of the medical term Cerumen
  5. What does the abbreviation HRT stand for
  6. What is the pregnancy sac containing the baby and the amniotic fluid called
  7. What is the medical term for runny nose
  8. What is the medical term for slowness of movement
  9. What is the medical term for a benign tumor in a gland or organ
  10. What liquid dosage form is a mix of water and alcohol

20 Clues: What does GERD stand forWhat is the medical term for chestWhat is the medical term for runny noseWhat does the abbreviation HRT stand forWhat does the abbreviation STI stand forWhat is the medical term for kidney stonesWhat is the medical term for teeth grindingWhat part of the body does Meningitis affect...

Doctors and Medicine medieval medicine 2024-12-12

Doctors and Medicine medieval medicine crossword puzzle
  1. healing 1.A medieval medical practice involving prayer and religious rituals
  2. 6.A Common medieval illness affecting the use of charms
  3. 8.A common medieval treatment involving applying leeches
  4. sanitatis salernitanum 10.A medieval medical text
  5. 7.A medieval medical practice involving the use of charms
  6. 2.A medical practice involving the removal of who blood
  7. 3.A type of medieval ,medical practitioner who also performed surgery
  8. 10.A substance used to treat wounds
  9. Compress 5.A medieval treatmeant involving the application of cold
  10. plague 1.A common medieval illness spread by fleas
  1. 9.A medieval medical practice involving the application of heat
  2. 3.A medieval medical practitioner
  3. 9.A Common medical illness characterized by fever and chills
  4. theory 5.A common medieval belief about the cause of illness
  5. 4.A Common medieval belief in the influence of the starts on health
  6. 2.A common medieval illness causing severe diarrhea
  7. 4.A substance used in medieval medicine
  8. of Medicine by Avicenna 6.A medieval medical text
  9. 8.A substance used to disinfect wounds
  10. 7.tool used for bloodletting

20 Clues: 7.tool used for bloodletting3.A medieval medical practitioner10.A substance used to treat wounds8.A substance used to disinfect wounds4.A substance used in medieval medicineof Medicine by Avicenna 6.A medieval medical textsanitatis salernitanum 10.A medieval medical text2.A common medieval illness causing severe diarrhea...

medical 2020-10-26

medical crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin Resistance
  2. Scaly
  3. Death
  4. Helps control blood sugar
  5. Above,Beyond
  6. Blue
  7. something hot
  8. Gym
  9. Insulation
  10. Dark
  1. Vessel in body
  2. Vitaman E
  3. Oil on face
  4. skin
  5. Helps you see
  6. Gland
  7. Puss
  8. Oil

18 Clues: GymOilskinBluePussDarkScalyDeathGlandVitaman EInsulationOil on faceAbove,BeyondHelps you seesomething hotVessel in bodyInsulin ResistanceHelps control blood sugar

Medical profession 2023-10-02

Medical profession crossword puzzle
  1. What medical specialist performs surgical procedures?
  2. What medical professional is trained to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries?
  3. What healthcare professional provides patient care and assists doctors in medical settings?
  4. What medical doctor specializes in eye care and surgery?
  5. Who focuses on the urinary tract and male reproductive system?
  6. What specialist performs surgeries on the musculoskeletal system?
  7. Who helps patients recover from injuries and improve physical function?
  8. What healthcare provider examines and treats eye conditions and vision problems?
  9. What medical specialist studies diseases and examines tissue samples?
  10. Who provides healthcare for infants, children, and adolescents?
  11. What medical doctor administers anesthesia and monitors patients during surgery?
  12. Who focuses on disorders of the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord?
  13. What medical specialist focuses on the heart and cardiovascular system?
  14. Who diagnoses and treats allergies and immunological disorders?
  1. Who dispenses prescription medications and provides information on drug use?
  2. What medical doctor specializes in the care of elderly patients?
  3. Who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions?
  4. What medical doctor specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses?
  5. What medical specialist interprets medical images like Xrays and MRIs?
  6. What medical doctor specializes in women's reproductive health?
  7. Who specializes in the digestive system and related disorders?
  8. Who assists patients in regaining the ability to perform daily tasks?
  9. Who specializes in the assessment and treatment of mental and emotional disorders?
  10. What healthcare provider specializes in oral health and dental care?
  11. Who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle disorders?

25 Clues: What medical specialist performs surgical procedures?What medical doctor specializes in eye care and surgery?Who specializes in the digestive system and related disorders?Who focuses on the urinary tract and male reproductive system?What medical doctor specializes in women's reproductive health?...

jacinta's crossword 2014-05-14

jacinta's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. primary care physcian
  2. medical records also play an important role in medical research
  3. subjective objective assessment plan
  4. altering something to meet individual specification
  5. able to trust the accuracy of the information in the medical records
  6. audits government entities
  7. electronic medical record
  8. may be transmitted directly to the pharmacy
  9. list each condition or diagnosis a patient has is listed separately and given its own number
  10. medical records should be kept up to date
  11. audits medical staff can perform internal audits
  12. problem oriented medical record
  1. personal health record
  2. progress notes are entered for each problem listed in the initial record
  3. pertaining to data that are readily apparent and measurable
  4. a subjective or internal condition felt by a patient
  5. statistic data relating to the population and particular groups within
  6. to examine and review a group of patients record for completeness and accuracy
  7. is the process of recording information in the medical chart
  8. record the clients exact words rather than your interpretation
  9. the transforming of spoken notes into accurate written form
  10. record/chart a compilation of important information about a patient's medical history and present condition
  11. source oriented medical records
  12. alert staff members about patients who require follow-up care
  13. protective health information

25 Clues: primary care physcianpersonal health recordelectronic medical recordaudits government entitiesprotective health informationsource oriented medical recordsproblem oriented medical recordsubjective objective assessment planmedical records should be kept up to datemay be transmitted directly to the pharmacy...

medical 2023-03-15

medical crossword puzzle
  1. a hollow muscular organ in your chest
  2. tough outer layer that forms the sac
  3. pericradium
  4. inner layer of the pericardium
  5. meaning heart condition
  6. period between contraction
  7. meaning fatty plague
  8. mass of undissolved matter
  9. meaning artery
  10. meaning dilated vein
  1. the double walled membrane sacs that enclose your heart
  2. failure heart can not pump blood
  3. contraction of the heart
  4. meaning vein
  5. pertaining to the heart and blood vessels
  6. meaning vessel
  7. meaning blood clot
  8. pericardium
  9. pressure is the amount of pressure on the walls of blood vessels

19 Clues: pericradiumpericardiummeaning veinmeaning vesselmeaning arterymeaning blood clotmeaning fatty plaguemeaning dilated veinmeaning heart conditioncontraction of the heartperiod between contractionmass of undissolved matterinner layer of the pericardiumfailure heart can not pump bloodtough outer layer that forms the sac...

Medical Terms 2023-08-12

Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A specific abnormal condition affecting the body.
  2. A discussion with a healthcare professional.
  3. A written order for medication.
  4. An individual under medical care.
  5. The use of medical imaging technologies.
  6. Administration of vaccines to prevent diseases.
  7. The period of healing after medical intervention.
  1. A plan to manage or cure a medical issue.
  2. Loss of sensation during a medical procedure.
  3. Invasion of the body by harmful microorganisms.
  4. A noticeable change indicating a health issue.
  5. Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulation.
  6. The expected outcome of a medical condition.
  7. Treatments to improve health or well-being.
  8. Drugs used to treat medical conditions.
  9. A medication to treat bacterial infections.
  10. The identification of a disease or condition.
  11. An adverse reaction to a specific substance.

18 Clues: A written order for medication.An individual under medical care.Drugs used to treat medical conditions.The use of medical imaging technologies.A plan to manage or cure a medical issue.Treatments to improve health or well-being.A medication to treat bacterial infections.A discussion with a healthcare professional....

Medical Terms 2023-08-12

Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. An adverse reaction to a specific substance.
  2. Loss of sensation during a medical procedure.
  3. A plan to manage or cure a medical issue.
  4. A written order for medication.
  5. Drugs used to treat medical conditions.
  6. The expected outcome of a medical condition.
  7. Invasion of the body by harmful microorganisms.
  8. A noticeable change indicating a health issue.
  9. The period of healing after medical intervention.
  1. The identification of a disease or condition.
  2. An individual under medical care.
  3. A medication to treat bacterial infections.
  4. Treatments to improve health or well-being.
  5. Administration of vaccines to prevent diseases.
  6. The use of medical imaging technologies.
  7. Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulation.
  8. A discussion with a healthcare professional.
  9. A specific abnormal condition affecting the body.

18 Clues: A written order for medication.An individual under medical care.Drugs used to treat medical conditions.The use of medical imaging technologies.A plan to manage or cure a medical issue.A medication to treat bacterial infections.Treatments to improve health or well-being.An adverse reaction to a specific substance....

My crossword puzzle 2014-03-06

My crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. medical records are also used in
  2. 160/80
  3. when a child reaches 18, most states consider them to be adults with the right to privacy
  4. include findings from tests
  5. to examine and review a group of patient records
  6. information that must be obtained when a patient makes an appointment
  7. electronic medical record
  8. where information came from
  9. a patient who does not follow the medical advice he or she receives
  10. medical records must be neat and legible
  11. patient medical health records
  1. documentation must be
  2. received by fax
  3. subjective, objective, assessment, plan
  4. cheif complaint, history,examination,details, drugs and dosage, assesment, return
  5. the process of recording information in a medical record
  6. use precise description
  7. problem oriented medical record
  8. getting to the point
  9. history of present illness

20 Clues: 160/80received by faxgetting to the pointdocumentation must beuse precise descriptionelectronic medical recordhistory of present illnessinclude findings from testswhere information came frompatient medical health recordsproblem oriented medical recordmedical records are also used insubjective, objective, assessment, plan...

Sensory System 2023-10-19

Sensory System crossword puzzle
  1. medical term for eardrum
  2. irregular curvature of the cornea or lens
  3. visible part of ear
  4. medical term for farsightedness
  5. sends impulses formed by retina to the brain
  6. small central portion of retina wears down
  7. called the "window of the eye"
  8. causes one to have vertigo
  9. contains rods and cones
  10. cones are affected, color is seen differently
  11. excessive intraocular pressure
  1. sounds to the inner ear are blocked
  2. oral yeast/fungal infection that causes white lesions
  3. medical term for nearsighedness
  4. type of piercing named after it, partitions the nose
  5. surgical procedure to empty fluids in tympanic membrane
  6. medical term for the blind spot of the eye
  7. medical term for taste buds
  8. tiniest bones in the body located in the middle ear
  9. medical term for "pink eye"
  10. medical term for sty
  11. hearing ringing and other such sounds
  12. focuses images on retina

23 Clues: visible part of earmedical term for stycontains rods and conesmedical term for eardrumfocuses images on retinacauses one to have vertigomedical term for taste budsmedical term for "pink eye"called the "window of the eye"excessive intraocular pressuremedical term for nearsighednessmedical term for farsightednesssounds to the inner ear are blocked...

basketball 2023-09-07

basketball crossword puzzle
  1. provide the best possible care for players
  2. Medical professionals work to prevent injuries through
  3. Medical staff oversees
  4. collaborating closely with strength
  5. Conducting assessments to identify players at higher risk
  6. Referring players to sports psychologists
  7. Ensuring players comply with anti-doping
  8. Recognizing the importance of mindset health
  9. Being prepared for medical necessary
  10. hydration strategies to optimize
  11. physical therapy to aid in players' recuperation
  1. Medical experts advise on players' dietary needs
  2. They provide immediate medical attention
  3. ensuring swift diagnosis and treatment
  4. Medical professionals collaborate
  5. They manage the health and well-being of players
  6. Keeping comprehensive injury records
  7. They assess the severity of injuries
  8. Confirming players are fit to participate
  9. Having protocols in place for identifying
  10. Recognizing the importance of mental health

21 Clues: Medical staff overseeshydration strategies to optimizeMedical professionals collaboratecollaborating closely with strengthKeeping comprehensive injury recordsThey assess the severity of injuriesBeing prepared for medical necessaryensuring swift diagnosis and treatmentThey provide immediate medical attentionEnsuring players comply with anti-doping...

4.00 Crossword - gigs 2024-03-25

4.00 Crossword - gigs crossword puzzle
  1. Medical term for vomiting blood
  2. The process of cleaning an animal's teeth
  3. Medical term for difficulty urinating
  4. The process of collecting a specimen from an animal
  5. The process of cutting into an animal's skin for surgery
  6. Medical term for an animal's blood sugar level
  7. The act of restraining an animal for examination
  8. The process of taking an X-ray of an animal
  9. The process of surgically removing a part of an animal's body
  10. monitoring The process of monitoring an animal's heart activity
  11. Medical term for a condition of the stomach
  12. rate Another term for an animal's respiratory rate
  13. The act of giving medication to an animal
  14. therapy The process of giving oxygen to an animal
  15. The process of removing a foreign object from an animal's body
  16. Medical term for an animal with normal health
  17. Medical term for difficulty swallowing
  1. Medical term for a high number of white blood cells
  2. The process of giving fluid under the skin
  3. The act of removing waste from an animal's body
  4. Medical term for a rapid heart rate
  5. The amount of medication given at one time
  6. Medical term for inflammation of the liver
  7. The process of taking a small tissue sample from an animal for testing
  8. Medical term for a low number of red blood cells
  9. The process of surgically removing an animal's uterus
  10. Medical term for an infection in the bladder
  11. The act of grooming an animal's coat
  12. Another term for an animal's heart rate
  13. Medical term for a condition of the eye
  14. The process of giving a vaccine to an animal
  15. The process of removing fluid from a body cavity
  16. The process of evaluating an animal's joints
  17. The process of orienting an animal to a new home
  18. Measurement of an animal's temperature
  19. The process of listening to an animal's chest with a stethoscope
  20. pressure Measurement of an animal's blood pressure
  21. The process of removing parasites from an animal
  22. Medical term for a condition of the skin
  23. Medical term for difficulty breathing

40 Clues: Medical term for vomiting bloodMedical term for a rapid heart rateThe act of grooming an animal's coatMedical term for difficulty urinatingMedical term for difficulty breathingMeasurement of an animal's temperatureMedical term for difficulty swallowingAnother term for an animal's heart rateMedical term for a condition of the eye...

Fire/Ambulance CAD Problem Natures Crossword 2021-11-08

Fire/Ambulance CAD Problem Natures Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries
  2. Structure Fire Residential
  3. Search Call
  4. Fire Assist Call
  5. Other (Non-Structure) Fire
  6. Elevator Rescue
  7. Motor Vehicle Accident with Unknown Injuries
  8. Detector
  9. Police Requested Medical Emergency
  10. Boulder County Medical
  11. Gas Leak Interior
  12. Structure Fire Commercial
  13. Gas Leak Exterior
  1. Wildland Fire
  2. Smoke Investigation/Report
  3. Fire Alarm Commercial
  4. Burn Permit
  5. Unconfirmed Commercial Structure Fire
  6. (General) Medical Emergency
  7. RMNP Medical
  8. Odor Investigation
  9. Medical Emergency Stage
  10. Motor Vehicle Accident with Extrication
  11. Rescue Call
  12. Fire Alarm Residential

25 Clues: DetectorSearch CallBurn PermitRescue CallRMNP MedicalWildland FireElevator RescueFire Assist CallGas Leak InteriorGas Leak ExteriorOdor InvestigationFire Alarm CommercialBoulder County MedicalFire Alarm ResidentialMedical Emergency StageStructure Fire CommercialStructure Fire ResidentialSmoke Investigation/ReportOther (Non-Structure) Fire...

Easy as PIE 2014-03-06

Easy as PIE crossword puzzle
  1. Chief complaint, history, Examination, Details, Drugs and dosage not cheese!
  2. contain important info of the patients and medical history
  3. Electronic medical record
  4. audits done within the office
  5. Personal Health Record
  6. Source Oriented Medical Record
  7. to examine and review a group of medical records for completeness and accuracy
  8. the process of recording information in the medical record
  9. Problem Oriented Medical Record
  10. Something you can measure/see; BP, temperature, rash etc..
  11. Form you sign to allow treatment
  1. transferring spoken word into written documents.
  2. Electronic Health Record
  3. all information gathered in the initial interview, past medical history ect.
  4. audits done outside the office usually by gov't entities
  5. specific info that is required of a population
  6. What they feel; headache
  7. Someone who dose not follow the DR. instructions
  8. An inventory of the body obtained by the health care provider through a series of questions
  9. Subjective Objective Assessment Plan

20 Clues: Personal Health RecordElectronic Health RecordWhat they feel; headacheElectronic medical recordaudits done within the officeSource Oriented Medical RecordProblem Oriented Medical RecordForm you sign to allow treatmentSubjective Objective Assessment Planspecific info that is required of a populationtransferring spoken word into written documents....

Zayba Alemi 2021-04-27

Zayba Alemi crossword puzzle
  1. suffix pertaining to a pregnant women
  2. pertaining to amnion
  3. medical term in relation to menstruation
  4. discharge of amniotic fluid
  5. condition of having painful menstruation flow
  6. medical term pertaining to the fetus
  7. organism created after conception
  8. inflammation occurring in the cervix
  9. suffix pertaining to birth and labor
  10. medical term for yeast infection
  1. study of the female reproductive system
  2. painful intercourse
  3. medical term in relation to sexual intercourse
  4. absence of menstruation
  5. study of newborn and the treatment of their disorders
  6. branch of medicine concerned with childbirth and pregnancy
  7. medical term in relation to birth
  8. female hormone
  9. inflammation of the fallopian tube
  10. medical term in relation to milk

20 Clues: female hormonepainful intercoursepertaining to amnionabsence of menstruationdischarge of amniotic fluidmedical term in relation to milkmedical term for yeast infectionorganism created after conceptionmedical term in relation to birthinflammation of the fallopian tubemedical term pertaining to the fetusinflammation occurring in the cervix...

Medical 2020-11-11

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. heal
  2. check up
  3. get-over
  4. cure
  5. examination
  6. sicknote
  7. vaccination
  1. diagnose
  2. prescribe
  3. surgery
  4. workout
  5. treat
  6. illness
  7. catch
  8. infection
  9. active

16 Clues: healcuretreatcatchactivesurgeryworkoutillnessdiagnosecheck upget-oversicknoteprescribeinfectionexaminationvaccination

Medical 2023-11-10

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. high blood sugar
  2. trauma trauma in which a forceful impact occurs
  3. an intentional overmedication
  4. localized collection of blood
  5. Swelling
  6. bruise
  7. cavity located below the diaphragm
  8. directive legal document that details a persons healthcare wishes
  9. a break in a bone
  1. large blood vessels that carry blood
  2. low blood sugar
  3. outer layer of skin damage
  4. an extrme loss of blood
  5. airtight
  6. the protrusion of an organ through an open wound
  7. the back side of the body

16 Clues: bruiseairtightSwellinglow blood sugarhigh blood sugara break in a bonean extrme loss of bloodthe back side of the bodyouter layer of skin damagean intentional overmedicationlocalized collection of bloodcavity located below the diaphragmlarge blood vessels that carry bloodtrauma trauma in which a forceful impact occurs...

medical 2023-04-09

medical crossword puzzle
  1. a medical practitioner qualified to practise surgery
  2. helps people to breathe
  3. hospital department that specializes in the treatment of the skin and skin diseases
  4. hospital department that specializes in the treatment of bones and muscles
  5. a box for the storage and disposal of dangerous medical waste
  6. gloves for examine patient
  7. creates x-rays and CT scans
  8. a device used for injecting liquids into the body
  1. hospital department that specializes in the treatment of children
  2. transport person who isunable to walk
  3. a receptacle used by a bedridden patient for urine
  4. a cotton fabric used to cover wounds or surgical incisions
  5. hospital department that treats women and unborn children during pregnancy
  6. fill prescriptions twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
  7. hospital department that specializes in the treatment of the heart
  8. a long robe worn by hospital patient

16 Clues: helps people to breathegloves for examine patientcreates x-rays and CT scansa long robe worn by hospital patienttransport person who isunable to walka device used for injecting liquids into the bodya receptacle used by a bedridden patient for urinea medical practitioner qualified to practise surgery...

biomedical careers a-z 2017-10-19

biomedical careers a-z crossword puzzle
  1. helps stop and learn about epidemics
  2. teaches aspiring doctors
  3. educate people about healthy meals while making sure patients dietary needs are met
  4. fixes ear problems
  5. the final decider in a medical related crime case
  6. works with medical machines that help research sicknesses
  7. works to help people understand their medical problems
  8. works to sure that sugar and liquid products are not contaminated
  9. works with ultrasounds which are used in checking for internal problems
  10. helps to fix and learn about problems pertaining to the nervous system
  11. draws medical pictures
  12. helps people with breathing problems
  1. build parts to fix and replace parts that don’t work
  2. educates people who have diabetes about diabetes
  3. finds out what is causing a medical problem
  4. heals animals
  5. fixes blood related problems
  6. writes about medicine
  7. works with animals
  8. helps with metal problems
  9. makes sure bottled water is clean and healthy
  10. writes about science
  11. works with x rays
  12. a doctor who cares for a whole family
  13. offers advice about genetics to people
  14. for hospitals helps cook meals for patients

26 Clues: heals animalsworks with x raysworks with animalsfixes ear problemswrites about sciencewrites about medicinedraws medical picturesteaches aspiring doctorshelps with metal problemsfixes blood related problemshelps stop and learn about epidemicshelps people with breathing problemsa doctor who cares for a whole family...

Hospital & Medical Acronyms 2023-07-06

Hospital & Medical Acronyms crossword puzzle
  1. Banner University Medical Center PHX
  2. CVA
  3. IFT
  4. Mass Casualty Incident
  5. Little Colorado Medical Center
  6. BPMC
  7. Banner Goldfield Medical Center
  1. Chandler Regional Medical Center
  2. PCH
  3. Banner University Medical Center South
  4. BIMC
  5. Whiteriver Indian Hospital
  6. Abdominal Aortic Aneurism
  7. Heart Attack
  8. St Joe's Hospital
  9. Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure
  10. St Joe's Westgate

17 Clues: PCHCVAIFTBIMCBPMCHeart AttackSt Joe's HospitalSt Joe's WestgateMass Casualty IncidentAbdominal Aortic AneurismWhiteriver Indian HospitalLittle Colorado Medical CenterBanner Goldfield Medical CenterChandler Regional Medical CenterBi-Level Positive Airway PressureBanner University Medical Center PHXBanner University Medical Center South

Premed crossword 2024-04-01

Premed crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - Person receiving medical care
  2. - Body functions
  3. - Imaging technique
  4. - Elevated body temperature
  5. - Study of diseases
  6. - Needs to pass the NCLEX
  7. - Medical professional
  8. - Atomic composition
  9. - Study of the nervous system
  10. - Chemical processes in living organisms
  11. - Microscopic organisms
  12. - Inherited traits
  1. - Study of life
  2. - Body structure
  3. - Medical operation
  4. - Immunization
  5. - Circulatory fluid
  6. - Treatment for illness
  7. - Medical facility
  8. - Set of: Heart rate, blood pressure, SpO2

20 Clues: - Immunization- Study of life- Body structure- Body functions- Medical facility- Inherited traits- Medical operation- Imaging technique- Circulatory fluid- Study of diseases- Atomic composition- Medical professional- Treatment for illness- Microscopic organisms- Needs to pass the NCLEX- Elevated body temperature- Study of the nervous system...

Imaging services 2024-04-15

Imaging services crossword puzzle
  1. Increasing or accumulating over time, often used in the context of radiation exposure and its potential long-term effects.
  2. The process of identifying or discovering the presence of something, such as abnormalities or diseases, often used in the context of medical imaging.
  3. enhancement: Techniques or processes used to improve the quality or clarity of images produced by medical imaging technologies.
  4. A unit of energy measurement equivalent to one thousand electron volts, often used in describing the energy of X-ray beams.
  5. The ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities, often used in describing the capabilities of medical imaging technologies.
  6. Medical imaging techniques or procedures that use minimal amounts of radiation to reduce the risk of harm to patients.
  7. The ability to accomplish a task with minimal waste of time, effort, or resources, often used in evaluating the performance of medical imaging systems.
  8. Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulations of body tissues to treat diseases or injuries.
  9. shielding: Protective barriers made of lead or lead-equivalent materials used to reduce radiation exposure to patients and medical personnel during imaging procedures.
  10. A technique that uses X-rays to obtain real-time moving images of the internal structures of a patient, often used during medical procedures.
  11. The degree of compactness of a substance, often used in describing the appearance of tissues or structures in medical images.
  1. imaging: Non-traditional or emerging techniques for medical imaging, often used when conventional methods are not feasible or effective.
  2. The state of being subjected to something, often used in the context of radiation exposure during medical imaging procedures.
  3. Investigations or examinations conducted to gather information or data, often used in the context of medical research or diagnostic imaging.
  4. Medical procedures or techniques that do not require the penetration of the skin or body cavities, typically used for diagnosis or treatment.
  5. The process of handling or controlling something, such as diseases or conditions, typically after they have been detected or diagnosed.
  6. Pertaining to the identification of diseases or conditions through analysis of symptoms, signs, and medical imaging findings.
  7. Standardized procedures or guidelines followed in medical practice, particularly in the context of medical imaging.
  8. The process of producing visual representations or images of objects, particularly the internal structures of the human body, for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
  9. The process of creating images of the internal structures of an object, especially the human body, by exposing it to X-rays or gamma rays.
  10. Radiation with sufficient energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, potentially causing damage to biological tissues, commonly used in medical imaging.
  11. Tomography (CT): An imaging procedure that uses X-rays and computer processing to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body.
  12. A medical imaging technique used to visualize the blood vessels in various parts of the body, typically using X-rays and contrast agents.
  13. Electromagnetic radiation used for medical imaging to visualize the inside of objects, particularly the human body, by capturing images of the internal structures.

24 Clues: Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulations of body tissues to treat diseases or injuries.Standardized procedures or guidelines followed in medical practice, particularly in the context of medical imaging.Medical imaging techniques or procedures that use minimal amounts of radiation to reduce the risk of harm to patients....

Medical 2022-11-19

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. An infectious agent that reproduces by entering a host cell and using the host’s genetic material to make copies of itself
  2. One of the mineral constituents of bone
  3. Substance, secreted by an endocrine gland, that travels through the blood to a distant organ or gland where it influences the structure or function of that organ or gland
  4. Study of the preparation, properties, uses, and side effects of drugs
  5. Chemical substances, produced by bacteria or primitive plants
  6. Particles of drug suspended in air
  7. Twelve pairs of curved bones that form the chest wall. True ribs are the first 7 pairs; false ribs are pairs 8 to 10; floating ribs are pairs 11 and 12
  8. Administration of drugs in gaseous or vapor form through the nose or
  9. Straightening of a flexed limb
  1. Instrument (tube) for introducing or withdrawing fluids from the body
  2. Outermost layer of the skin
  3. Pigmented (colored) layer that opens and closes to allow more or less light into the eye. The central opening of the iris is the pupil
  4. Secreted by the adrenal medulla; increases heart rate and blood pressure
  5. Medical doctor specializing in rehabilitation (physic/o means function)
  6. Body’s ability to resist foreign organisms and toxins that damage tissues and organs
  7. Detailed plan for treatment of an illness

16 Clues: Outermost layer of the skinStraightening of a flexed limbParticles of drug suspended in airOne of the mineral constituents of boneDetailed plan for treatment of an illnessChemical substances, produced by bacteria or primitive plantsAdministration of drugs in gaseous or vapor form through the nose or...

Imaging services 2024-04-15

Imaging services crossword puzzle
  1. shielding: Protective barriers made of lead or lead-equivalent materials used to reduce radiation exposure to patients and medical personnel during imaging procedures.
  2. enhancement: Techniques or processes used to improve the quality or clarity of images produced by medical imaging technologies.
  3. The process of creating images of the internal structures of an object, especially the human body, by exposing it to X-rays or gamma rays.
  4. Radiation with sufficient energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, potentially causing damage to biological tissues, commonly used in medical imaging.
  5. Increasing or accumulating over time, often used in the context of radiation exposure and its potential long-term effects.
  6. Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulations of body tissues to treat diseases or injuries.
  7. Medical procedures or techniques that do not require the penetration of the skin or body cavities, typically used for diagnosis or treatment.
  8. The ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities, often used in describing the capabilities of medical imaging technologies.
  9. The ability to accomplish a task with minimal waste of time, effort, or resources, often used in evaluating the performance of medical imaging systems.
  10. Pertaining to the identification of diseases or conditions through analysis of symptoms, signs, and medical imaging findings.
  11. The state of being subjected to something, often used in the context of radiation exposure during medical imaging procedures.
  1. imaging: Non-traditional or emerging techniques for medical imaging, often used when conventional methods are not feasible or effective.
  2. A medical imaging technique used to visualize the blood vessels in various parts of the body, typically using X-rays and contrast agents.
  3. A unit of energy measurement equivalent to one thousand electron volts, often used in describing the energy of X-ray beams.
  4. Standardized procedures or guidelines followed in medical practice, particularly in the context of medical imaging.
  5. Investigations or examinations conducted to gather information or data, often used in the context of medical research or diagnostic imaging.
  6. Electromagnetic radiation used for medical imaging to visualize the inside of objects, particularly the human body, by capturing images of the internal structures.
  7. The process of handling or controlling something, such as diseases or conditions, typically after they have been detected or diagnosed.
  8. The process of producing visual representations or images of objects, particularly the internal structures of the human body, for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
  9. The process of identifying or discovering the presence of something, such as abnormalities or diseases, often used in the context of medical imaging.
  10. Medical imaging techniques or procedures that use minimal amounts of radiation to reduce the risk of harm to patients.
  11. The degree of compactness of a substance, often used in describing the appearance of tissues or structures in medical images.
  12. A technique that uses X-rays to obtain real-time moving images of the internal structures of a patient, often used during medical procedures.
  13. Tomography (CT): An imaging procedure that uses X-rays and computer processing to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body.

24 Clues: Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulations of body tissues to treat diseases or injuries.Standardized procedures or guidelines followed in medical practice, particularly in the context of medical imaging.Medical imaging techniques or procedures that use minimal amounts of radiation to reduce the risk of harm to patients....

Imaging services 2024-04-15

Imaging services crossword puzzle
  1. shielding: Protective barriers made of lead or lead-equivalent materials used to reduce radiation exposure to patients and medical personnel during imaging procedures.
  2. enhancement: Techniques or processes used to improve the quality or clarity of images produced by medical imaging technologies.
  3. The process of creating images of the internal structures of an object, especially the human body, by exposing it to X-rays or gamma rays.
  4. Radiation with sufficient energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, potentially causing damage to biological tissues, commonly used in medical imaging.
  5. Increasing or accumulating over time, often used in the context of radiation exposure and its potential long-term effects.
  6. Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulations of body tissues to treat diseases or injuries.
  7. Medical procedures or techniques that do not require the penetration of the skin or body cavities, typically used for diagnosis or treatment.
  8. The ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities, often used in describing the capabilities of medical imaging technologies.
  9. The ability to accomplish a task with minimal waste of time, effort, or resources, often used in evaluating the performance of medical imaging systems.
  10. Pertaining to the identification of diseases or conditions through analysis of symptoms, signs, and medical imaging findings.
  11. The state of being subjected to something, often used in the context of radiation exposure during medical imaging procedures.
  1. imaging: Non-traditional or emerging techniques for medical imaging, often used when conventional methods are not feasible or effective.
  2. A medical imaging technique used to visualize the blood vessels in various parts of the body, typically using X-rays and contrast agents.
  3. A unit of energy measurement equivalent to one thousand electron volts, often used in describing the energy of X-ray beams.
  4. Standardized procedures or guidelines followed in medical practice, particularly in the context of medical imaging.
  5. Investigations or examinations conducted to gather information or data, often used in the context of medical research or diagnostic imaging.
  6. Electromagnetic radiation used for medical imaging to visualize the inside of objects, particularly the human body, by capturing images of the internal structures.
  7. The process of handling or controlling something, such as diseases or conditions, typically after they have been detected or diagnosed.
  8. The process of producing visual representations or images of objects, particularly the internal structures of the human body, for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
  9. The process of identifying or discovering the presence of something, such as abnormalities or diseases, often used in the context of medical imaging.
  10. Medical imaging techniques or procedures that use minimal amounts of radiation to reduce the risk of harm to patients.
  11. The degree of compactness of a substance, often used in describing the appearance of tissues or structures in medical images.
  12. A technique that uses X-rays to obtain real-time moving images of the internal structures of a patient, often used during medical procedures.
  13. Tomography (CT): An imaging procedure that uses X-rays and computer processing to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body.

24 Clues: Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulations of body tissues to treat diseases or injuries.Standardized procedures or guidelines followed in medical practice, particularly in the context of medical imaging.Medical imaging techniques or procedures that use minimal amounts of radiation to reduce the risk of harm to patients....

Xrays 2024-04-15

Xrays crossword puzzle
  1. Increasing or accumulating over time, often used in the context of radiation exposure and its potential long-term effects.
  2. The process of identifying or discovering the presence of something, such as abnormalities or diseases, often used in the context of medical imaging.
  3. enhancement: Techniques or processes used to improve the quality or clarity of images produced by medical imaging technologies.
  4. A unit of energy measurement equivalent to one thousand electron volts, often used in describing the energy of X-ray beams.
  5. The ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities, often used in describing the capabilities of medical imaging technologies.
  6. Medical imaging techniques or procedures that use minimal amounts of radiation to reduce the risk of harm to patients.
  7. The ability to accomplish a task with minimal waste of time, effort, or resources, often used in evaluating the performance of medical imaging systems.
  8. Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulations of body tissues to treat diseases or injuries.
  9. shielding: Protective barriers made of lead or lead-equivalent materials used to reduce radiation exposure to patients and medical personnel during imaging procedures.
  10. A technique that uses X-rays to obtain real-time moving images of the internal structures of a patient, often used during medical procedures.
  11. The degree of compactness of a substance, often used in describing the appearance of tissues or structures in medical images.
  1. imaging: Non-traditional or emerging techniques for medical imaging, often used when conventional methods are not feasible or effective.
  2. The state of being subjected to something, often used in the context of radiation exposure during medical imaging procedures.
  3. Investigations or examinations conducted to gather information or data, often used in the context of medical research or diagnostic imaging.
  4. Medical procedures or techniques that do not require the penetration of the skin or body cavities, typically used for diagnosis or treatment.
  5. The process of handling or controlling something, such as diseases or conditions, typically after they have been detected or diagnosed.
  6. Pertaining to the identification of diseases or conditions through analysis of symptoms, signs, and medical imaging findings.
  7. Standardized procedures or guidelines followed in medical practice, particularly in the context of medical imaging.
  8. The process of producing visual representations or images of objects, particularly the internal structures of the human body, for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
  9. The process of creating images of the internal structures of an object, especially the human body, by exposing it to X-rays or gamma rays.
  10. Radiation with sufficient energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, potentially causing damage to biological tissues, commonly used in medical imaging.
  11. Tomography (CT): An imaging procedure that uses X-rays and computer processing to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body.
  12. A medical imaging technique used to visualize the blood vessels in various parts of the body, typically using X-rays and contrast agents.
  13. Electromagnetic radiation used for medical imaging to visualize the inside of objects, particularly the human body, by capturing images of the internal structures.

24 Clues: Medical procedures involving incisions or manipulations of body tissues to treat diseases or injuries.Standardized procedures or guidelines followed in medical practice, particularly in the context of medical imaging.Medical imaging techniques or procedures that use minimal amounts of radiation to reduce the risk of harm to patients....


TEXAS JURISPRUDENCE crossword puzzle
  1. Emergency medical services personnel with current certification from the Texas Department of State Health Services
  2. Direction given to a prehospital emergency medical services unit, by direct/on-line medical control or predetermined triage criteria, to pass the nearest hospital for the most appropriate hospital/trauma facility. Bypass protocols should have local physician input into their development and should be reviewed through the regional performance improvement process
  3. A new call or other similar communication from a member of the public, as part of a 9-1-1 system or other emergency access communication system, made to obtain emergency medical services
  4. A detailed, written set of instructions by the EMS Provider medical director, which may include delegated standing medical orders, to guide patient care or the performance of medical procedures as approved
  5. The procedure for renewal of emergency medical services certification
  6. Leaving a patient without appropriate medical care once patient contact has been established, unless emergency medical services personnel are following medical director's protocols, a physician directive or the patient signs a release; turning the care of a patient over to an individual of lesser education when advanced treatment modalities have been initiated
  7. An individual who is certified by the department as minimally proficient to provide emergency prehospital or interfacility care in health care facility's emergency or urgent care clinical setting, including a hospital emergency room and a freestanding emergency medical care facility by providing advanced life support that includes initiation and maintenance under medical supervision of certain procedures, including intravenous therapy, endotracheal or esophageal intubation or both, electrical cardiac defibrillation or cardioversion, and drug therapy
  8. The procedures, actions and processes that an EMS personnel are permitted to undertake in keeping with the terms of their professional license or certification and approved by their EMS provider's medical director
  9. An individual who is requesting emergency medical services personnel certification or licensure, recertification or relicensure from the Texas Department of State Health Services
  10. The licensed physician who provides medical supervision to the EMS personnel of a licensed EMS provider or a recognized First Responder Organization under the terms of the Medical Practices Act (Occupations Code, Chapters 151 - 165 and rules promulgated by the Texas Medical Board. Also may be referred to as off-line medical control
  11. The Texas Department of State Health Services
  12. Quality assurance, quality improvement, and/or performance improvement activities
  1. When an EMS vehicle is equipped and staffed in accordance with §157.11 of this title (relating to Requirements for a Provider License) and is immediately available to respond to any emergency call 24 hours per day, seven days per week (24/7)
  2. Mandatory requirements
  3. The supervision of prehospital emergency medical service providers by a licensed physician. This encompasses on-line (direct voice contact) and off-line (written protocol and procedural review)
  4. Services used to respond to an individual's perceived need for medical care and to prevent death or aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or injury
  5. Care equivalent to what any reasonable, prudent person of like certification level would have given in a similar situation, based on locally, regionally and nationally adopted standard emergency medical services curricula as adopted by reference in §157.32 of this title (relating to Emergency Medical Services Training and Course Approval)
  6. An individual who is certified by the department as minimally proficient to provide emergency prehospital care by providing initial aid that promotes comfort and avoids aggravation of an injury or illness
  7. Care provided while transporting a patient between medical facilities
  8. A vehicle for transportation of sick or injured person to, from or between places of treatment for an illness or injury, and provide out of hospital medical care to the patient
  9. An individual who is certified by the department and is minimally proficient in performing the basic life support skills required to provide emergency prehospital or interfacility care and initiating and maintaining under medical supervision certain advanced life support procedures, including intravenous therapy and endotracheal or esophageal intubation
  10. Formal recognition by a national association of a provider's service or an education program based on standards established by that association
  11. An individual who is certified by the department as minimally proficient to perform emergency prehospital care that is necessary for basic life support and that includes the control of hemorrhaging and cardiopulmonary resuscitation

23 Clues: Mandatory requirementsThe Texas Department of State Health ServicesCare provided while transporting a patient between medical facilitiesThe procedure for renewal of emergency medical services certificationQuality assurance, quality improvement, and/or performance improvement activities...

Integumentary and Healing Terms 2023-10-24

Integumentary and Healing Terms crossword puzzle
  1. the medical suffix that means tumor
  2. the clear or yellow fluid that moves through the lymphatic system
  3. the fibrous protein that makes up connective tissue
  4. the common medical term for skin
  5. the deepest layer of skin
  6. _ immunity is the immunity you are born with
  7. red blood cell
  8. the medical root word for disease
  9. the medical combining form for hair
  10. tiny cavities where the hair grows are known as the hair _
  1. the dark brown or black pigments produced by melanocytes
  2. another term for thrombocyte
  3. the medical word root viro means _
  4. the combining form of the term that means protection
  5. the water repellent protein that is the primary substance of the epidermis
  6. white blood cell
  7. the medical term for cell
  8. the medical root word that means nail

18 Clues: red blood cellwhite blood cellthe deepest layer of skinthe medical term for cellanother term for thrombocytethe common medical term for skinthe medical root word for diseasethe medical word root viro means _the medical suffix that means tumorthe medical combining form for hairthe medical root word that means nail...

Urinary Crossword 2022-08-31

Urinary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. this carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder
  2. this carries urine from the bladder to the outside
  3. medical term for pus in the urine
  4. medical term for narrowing of the ureter
  5. suffix that means suturing, repairing
  6. medical term for involuntary urination
  7. medical term for urea in the blood
  8. suffix that means enlarged, enlargement
  9. medical term for pain with urination
  10. suffix that means instrument used for visual examination
  11. suffix that means surgical crushing
  12. medical term for inability to control bladder
  13. suffix that means drooping, prolapse
  1. medical term for blood found in the urine
  2. synonym for the word void or urination
  3. term that means inflammation of the kidney
  4. condition of stones in the ureter
  5. process of eliminating waste from an organism
  6. the process by which molecules of a solvent pass through a membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one

19 Clues: medical term for pus in the urinecondition of stones in the uretermedical term for urea in the bloodsuffix that means surgical crushingmedical term for pain with urinationsuffix that means drooping, prolapsesuffix that means suturing, repairingsynonym for the word void or urinationmedical term for involuntary urination...

A Medical Student's Life 2023-10-12

A Medical Student's Life crossword puzzle
  1. To obtain a medical degree, students must complete ____ years of medical school.
  2. Standardized test used to assess a medical student’s knowledge of science concepts and their application to clinical medicine, usually taken at the end of the second year.
  3. Doctors commit to ____ learning as medical knowledge, clinical skills, and technology are always evolving.
  4. Management of a health condition by a physician.
  5. Depending on the specialty and location, physicians may need to take ____ exams every few years to stay licensed.
  6. The three word phrase that epitomizes nonmaleficence, which is one of the main values of physicians but also applies to all areas of healthcare.
  7. Standardized test used to assess problem solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of natural, behavioral, and social science concepts that almost all prospective medical students are required to take.
  8. A certification required for a physician to practice in a state.
  9. After medical school, students attend ____ which can be 3-7 years long.
  10. Many medical schools require students to recite the ____ oath upon graduating.
  1. Performed to assess a patient’s body to further evaluate and diagnose a patient.
  2. ____ medicine is practiced by DOs and emphasizes the relationship between the mind, body, and spirit.
  3. Certain trained physicians are the only healthcare providers certified to perform ____.
  4. For physicians are over 120 ____ to choose from.
  5. Students seeking admission into medical school first obtain a bachelor's degree in:
  6. A patient’s past medical problems or conditions.
  7. Identifying a disease or condition from its signs and symptoms.
  8. MDs take a more ____, or illness-based approach to patient care.
  9. What many physicians working in academic hospitals spend time doing to advance medical knowledge.
  10. Acronym for the application medical students must complete when applying for residency.

20 Clues: For physicians are over 120 ____ to choose from.A patient’s past medical problems or conditions.Management of a health condition by a physician.Identifying a disease or condition from its signs and symptoms.MDs take a more ____, or illness-based approach to patient care.A certification required for a physician to practice in a state....

Salem Township Hospital Laboratory 2013 2013-04-19

Salem Township Hospital Laboratory 2013 crossword puzzle
  1. This Medical Laboratory Technician passed her ASCP certification in October 2012!
  2. On July 18, 2013 this Medical Laboratory Technician will have worked here 25 years!
  3. This Laboratory Assistant was a student here and joined our team on February 8, 2012!
  4. A Phlebotomy student from OCC!
  5. Commonoly referred to as the Blood Bank!
  6. A Phlebotomy student from Kaskaskia College!
  7. An MLT student from SICCM!
  8. Most of our specimens are obtained through _____?
  9. An MLT student from SICCM!
  10. This Medical Technologist has worked here since February 5, 1990!
  11. This Laboratory Assistant has worked here since September 25, 1995!
  12. This Laboratory Assistant was a student here and joined out team on September 27, 2010!
  13. This Laboratory Assistant has workded here for 14 years!
  14. On August 26, 2013 this Medical Technologist will have worked here for 10 years!
  1. This Medical Technologist began working here on January 14, 2008!
  2. A Phlebotomy student from OCC!
  3. Referred to as the fish bowel!
  4. Surgical specimens are sent to this department!
  5. On October 5, 2013 this Medical Technologist will have worked here 26 years!
  6. This department has the largest inventory in the lab!
  7. What you get when you forget to empty the trash on the Vitros 350!
  8. This Laboratory Assistant recently joined our team in February!
  9. The Medical Director of the Laboratory!
  10. Casts and Crystals are seen in this department!
  11. Myelocytes, Promyelocytes, and Blasts, oh my!
  12. Most tests in this department have only 1 - 3 steps to them!
  13. This Medical Laboratory Technician passed her ASCP certification in September 2012!
  14. This Medical Technologist celebrates a Birthday in June!
  15. On November 7, 2008 this Laboratory Assistant came to work here!
  16. This Medical Laboratory Technician has worked here since September 10, 2009.
  17. On May 15, 2013 this Medical Laboratory Technician will celebrate 5 years here!
  18. This Medical Laboratory Technician celebrated a Birthday in March!

32 Clues: An MLT student from SICCM!An MLT student from SICCM!A Phlebotomy student from OCC!Referred to as the fish bowel!A Phlebotomy student from OCC!The Medical Director of the Laboratory!Commonoly referred to as the Blood Bank!A Phlebotomy student from Kaskaskia College!Myelocytes, Promyelocytes, and Blasts, oh my!...

CMAA crossword puzzle 1 2020-11-16

CMAA crossword puzzle 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a returning patient is considered a new patient after how much time has elapsed without seeing the provider?
  2. When releasing confidential information, which person has the right to decide how and to whom the information is communicated?
  3. which of the following references should be used to determine the code for a patient consultation?
  4. in the medical term antepartum, the prefix "ante" means which of the following?
  5. a provider refers a patient for an evaluation of an elevated WBC count. which of the following specialists should the medical administrative assistant contact for an appointment?
  6. a medical administrative assistant should inform a patient to expect to receive authorization for an urgent referral to a specialist within which of the following time frames?
  7. When reviewing patients' medical records, a medical administrative assistant should recall that which of the following prefixes indicates excessive or above the expected range?
  8. When payments are due to a practice from a minor, the medical administrative assistant should collect the amount due from which of the following?
  9. A medical administrative assistant can find which of the following information on a medical history form?
  10. A medical administrative assistant should schedule a patient who has type 1 diabetes mellitus to see which of the following specialists?
  11. an adult patient returns to an office after not being seen by the provider for 2 years. which of the following is the status of the patients file?
  12. a patient would like to pay her balance using a flexible spending account. the medical administrative assistant should post the transaction on the ledger as which of the following?
  13. The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard falls under which of the following regulatory agencies?
  1. a patient is scheduled to have a pericardiocentesis. which of the following systems will be assessed during this procedure?
  2. Which of the following is the predetermined amount a patient must pay out of pocket each year before the insurance carrier will cover any services
  3. a patient who is scheduled for an outpatient procedure has questions about the potential complications of the surgery. To which of the following staff members should the medical administrative assistant refer to the patient?
  4. Which of the following is the owner of a patient's medical record?
  5. A medical administrative assistant should pay for which of the following using petty cash?
  6. A medical administrative assistant is scheduling a patient who is gravida 3 for a biopsy. Which of the following is a characteristic of this patient?
  7. Which of the following determines the fee schedule?
  8. Which of the following file formats should the medical administrative assistant use to create a letter to a referring provider?
  9. Which of the following can be accessed by multiple authorized providers from more than one health care organization?
  10. A medical administrative assistant is scheduling an appointment for a patient who reports having blue and gray fingers and toes. Which of the following medical describes the patient's condition?
  11. a medical administrative assistant plans to develop a document for tracking and tallying supplies, including product names, product codes, last order date, and pricing. which of the following types of files should the assistant plan to use?

24 Clues: Which of the following determines the fee schedule?Which of the following is the owner of a patient's medical record?in the medical term antepartum, the prefix "ante" means which of the following?The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard falls under which of the following regulatory agencies?...

MP2 midterm review #4 2024-01-25

MP2 midterm review #4 crossword puzzle
  1. surgical incision of the eardrum
  2. layer of the eyeball that contains the blood vessels
  3. commonly called "cross eyes"
  4. gel-like fluid that is located within the posterior section of the eyeball
  5. medical term meaning drainage from the ear
  6. medical term for near-sightedness
  7. type of receptor that is responsible for sight
  8. medical term for a sensitivity to light (fear of light)
  9. photoreceptors that detect color
  10. occurs when the lens of the eye gets cloudy
  11. type of receptor that is responsible for taste and smell
  12. these tubes equalize pressure between the middle ear and the nasopharynx
  13. medical term meaning the study of the eye
  14. suffix meaning ear condition
  15. eye condition where the cornea is not shaped correctly; can result in both near and far-sightedness
  1. medical term for what is commonly known as "night vision"
  2. type of receptor that is responsible for hearing and balance
  3. structure that separates the outer ear from the middle ear
  4. root for eyelid
  5. term to describe your body's ability to know how it is positioned
  6. medical term for far-sightedness that occurs due to the aging process
  7. receptors that detect pain; these receptors never accommodate
  8. primary function of the semi-circular canals
  9. medical term meaning disease/disorder of the retina
  10. medical term for double vision
  11. a middle ear infection
  12. medical term meaning without the sense of smell
  13. occurs when acqueous humor does not drain properly from the eye, causing an increase in intraocular pressure
  14. medical term meaning surgical removal of the lens (of the eye)
  15. medical term for far-sightedness
  16. root for nose
  17. white part of the eye; outer layer of the globe

32 Clues: root for noseroot for eyelida middle ear infectioncommonly called "cross eyes"suffix meaning ear conditionmedical term for double visionsurgical incision of the eardrumphotoreceptors that detect colormedical term for far-sightednessmedical term for near-sightednessmedical term meaning the study of the eyemedical term meaning drainage from the ear...

Hospital 2023-09-01

Hospital crossword puzzle
  1. and Women's Hospital A hospital known for its medical research and care.
  2. Medical Center A hospital offering advanced medical treatments.
  3. Victoria Hospital A hospital known for its medical expertise and care.
  4. Hopkins Hospital A prestigious hospital offering top-notch medical care.
  5. University Hospital A hospital offering a wide range of medical services.
  6. Sinai Hospital A well-respected hospital with comprehensive medical services.
  7. General Hospital A leading hospital providing medical services.
  8. Medical Center A medical center with various hospitals and research institutions.
  1. Hospital A renowned hospital providing top-quality healthcare.
  2. General Hospital A prominent hospital providing quality healthcare.
  3. Clinic A hospital that focuses on patient care and research.
  4. Clinic A renowned hospital known for its medical expertise.
  5. Clinic A hospital known for advanced medical treatments.
  6. Hospital A hospital known for its cutting-edge medical treatments.
  7. Reagan UCLA Medical Center A medical center providing advanced medical care.

15 Clues: Clinic A hospital known for advanced medical treatments.Clinic A renowned hospital known for its medical expertise.Clinic A hospital that focuses on patient care and research.Hospital A renowned hospital providing top-quality healthcare.Medical Center A hospital offering advanced medical treatments....

Health Services 2023-11-20

Health Services crossword puzzle
  1. The branch of medicine focused on oral health and dental care.
  2. Immediate medical care for critical or life-threatening situations.
  3. The study and practice of nourishing the body for health and well-being.
  4. The use of medical imaging technologies such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs for diagnosis and treatment.
  5. Healthcare profession focusing on vision and eye health.
  6. A facility providing medical and surgical treatment, often with specialised departments for various healthcare needs.
  7. Treatment aimed at improving or maintaining health, often involving physical or psychological interventions.
  8. A medical facility where patients receive outpatient care or specialised treatment.
  9. Programs and services to restore or improve physical, mental, and social functions.
  10. Medical procedures performed by a surgeon to treat injuries, diseases, or deformities.
  11. The branch of medicine specialising in the heart and circulatory system.
  12. Medical treatment for mental illnesses and disorders.
  1. guidance and support for mental and emotional well-being.
  2. Medical specialty dealing with the musculoskeletal system, including bones and joints.
  3. A vehicle equipped for transporting sick or injured individuals to medical facilities.
  4. A place where prescription medications and healthcare products are dispensed.
  5. Medical care for infants, children, and adolescents.
  6. Medical care related to the urinary tract and male reproductive system.

18 Clues: Medical care for infants, children, and adolescents.Medical treatment for mental illnesses and disorders.Healthcare profession focusing on vision and eye health.guidance and support for mental and emotional well-being.The branch of medicine focused on oral health and dental care.Immediate medical care for critical or life-threatening situations....

DD Forms 2017-02-15

DD Forms crossword puzzle
  1. DoD Prescription
  2. Asbestos Exposure - Part 2 Periodic Medical Questionnaire
  3. Record of Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
  4. Referral for Civilian Medical Care
  5. Hearing Conservation Data
  6. Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (outside CONUS)
  7. Statement of Recognition
  8. Certificate of Death
  9. Request for Payment of Funeral and/or Interment Expenses
  10. Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flow Sheet
  11. Report of Medical History
  12. Patient Evaluation Tag
  13. Privacy Act Statement
  1. Requisition and Invoice Shipping Document
  2. Identification Card
  3. DOD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Long Form)
  4. DOD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document
  5. Reference Audiogram
  6. Third Party Collection Program
  7. Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (within CONUS)
  8. Eyewear Prescription
  9. Report of Medical Assessment
  10. Material Inspection and Receiving Report
  11. Report of Medical Examination
  12. Request for Medical/Dental Records

25 Clues: DoD PrescriptionIdentification CardReference AudiogramEyewear PrescriptionCertificate of DeathPrivacy Act StatementPatient Evaluation TagStatement of RecognitionHearing Conservation DataReport of Medical HistoryReport of Medical AssessmentReport of Medical ExaminationThird Party Collection ProgramReferral for Civilian Medical Care...

Nursing & Healthcare 2023-08-23

Nursing & Healthcare crossword puzzle
  1. the person receiving medical care.
  2. a section of a hospital for a specific type of care or patients.
  3. measurements like heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and respiratory rate.
  4. drugs prescribed to treat a condition.
  5. a medical facility where patients receive treatment.
  6. a physician who diagnoses and treats patients.
  7. a specific amount of medication.
  8. providing comfort to patients with serious illnesses.
  9. the area directly next to a patient's bed.
  1. the process of restoring a patient's health.
  2. (IV) delivering fluids or medications directly into the veins.
  3. a smaller medical facility for outpatient care.
  4. a doctor's order for specific medication.
  5. identifying a patient's medical condition.
  6. a sign of an underlying medical issue.
  7. a healthcare professional who provides patient care.
  8. releasing a patient from the hospital after treatment.
  9. a patient's medical record.
  10. medical care provided to address an illness or condition.

19 Clues: a patient's medical record.a specific amount of medication.the person receiving medical care.a sign of an underlying medical issue.drugs prescribed to treat a condition.a doctor's order for specific medication.identifying a patient's medical condition.the area directly next to a patient's bed.the process of restoring a patient's health....

Medical 2015-02-05

Medical crossword puzzle
  1. your child will be referred here
  2. they will remove your tonsils
  3. go here for a colorectal issue
  4. you would be referred here for a hip replacement
  5. specialises in issues specific to women
  6. department that will help with your waterworks
  7. I have metabolism and thyroid issues
  8. go here if you have kidney problems
  1. you would be referred here with an heart condition
  2. I've got terrible aches and pains in my joints
  3. see you here with an eye problem
  4. coughs,lungs,breathing etc etc
  5. can you help with a hearing test
  6. head here for severe headaches and migraines
  7. I've got a skin rash, can you help?

15 Clues: they will remove your tonsilscoughs,lungs,breathing etc etcgo here for a colorectal issueyour child will be referred heresee you here with an eye problemcan you help with a hearing testI've got a skin rash, can you help?go here if you have kidney problemsI have metabolism and thyroid issuesspecialises in issues specific to women...

medical 2023-07-02

medical crossword puzzle
  1. , It is a person who is trained and qualified to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries.
  2. , It is a place where prescription medications and other healthcare products are dispensed.
  3. , It is a written order from a doctor that authorizes the dispensing of medication to a patient.
  4. It is a medical care or procedure used to alleviate or cure a disease or condition.
  5. , It is a scheduled time for a patient to see a doctor or healthcare professional.
  6. , It is an elevated body temperature often associated with an illness or infection.
  7. , It is a material used to cover and protect wounds or injuries.
  8. , It is a medical procedure that involves incisions or manipulations to treat a disease or injury.
  1. , It is a substance that stimulates the immune system to provide protection against specific diseases.
  2. It is a place where people receive medical treatment and care.
  3. , It is a person who provides medical care and assistance to patients under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. , It is a person who receives medical treatment or care from healthcare professionals.
  5. , It is a physical or mental indication of a disease or condition experienced by a patient.
  6. , It is a vehicle equipped to transport sick or injured individuals to a medical facility.
  7. , It is a hypersensitivity reaction of the immune system to certain substances or allergens.

15 Clues: It is a place where people receive medical treatment and care., It is a material used to cover and protect wounds or injuries., It is a scheduled time for a patient to see a doctor or healthcare professional.It is a medical care or procedure used to alleviate or cure a disease or condition....