radiation biology Crossword Puzzles

Chapter 10 Key Terms 2022-08-31

Chapter 10 Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Concerns the upper boundary dose of ionizing radiation that results in a negligible risk of bodily injury or hereditary damage
  2. Effect that is a beneficial consequence of radiation for populations continuously exposed to moderately higher levels of radiation than ordinary background
  3. An individual such as a medical physicist, health physicist, radiologist, or other individual qualified through adequate training and experience in the safe usage of radiation
  4. Mutational or randomly occurring biologic changes, independent of dose, in which the chance of occurrence of the effect rather than the severity of the effect is proportional to the dose of ionizing radiation
  5. Precept holding that occupational exposure of the patient, occupationally exposed persons, and the general public should be kept "as low as reasonably achievalbe."
  6. A radiation workers lifetime EfD must be limited to their age in years times 10 mSv. This limit pertains to the whole body
  7. Limits for occupational exposure that are set by the medical facility well below the regulatory values as they appear in state or federal regulations
  8. The current method for assessing radiation exposure and associated risk of biologic damage to radiation workers and the general public
  1. Late complications arising after radiotherapy, increasing in frequency among survivors of both pediatric and adult cancers
  2. A value that denotes the percentage of the summed stochastic risk stemming from irradiation of specific tissues to the all-inclusive risk when the entire body is irradiated in a uniform fashion
  3. Radiation protection standards organization considered to be the international authority on the safe use of sources of ionizing radiation
  4. An upper boundary limit for radiation workers for yearly whole-body exposure of 50 millisieverts
  5. Group that assists in the development of the radiation safety program in a healthcare facility, provides guidance for the program, and facilities its ongoing operation
  6. Quantity that is used for radiation protection purposes to provide a measure of the overall risk of exposure to humans from ionizing radiation
  7. Dose in millisieverts that does not exceed in 10 times the occupationally exposed person's age in years, or for the dose in rem, the age of the person Negligibleindividualdose An annual effective dose that provides a low exposure cutoff level such that regulatory agencies may consider the associated level of individual risk negligible
  8. Any radiation effects on organ or organ systems that increase with increasing dose, and below a certain dose level, the effect rarely or never occurs
  9. A federal agency that has the authority to control the possession, use, and production of atomic energy in the interest of national security
  10. Individual states of the United States that have entered into an agreement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to assume responsibility for enforcing radiation protection regulations through their respective health departments
  11. A radiation quantity used for radiation protection purposes when a person receives exposure from various types of ionizing radiation

19 Clues: An upper boundary limit for radiation workers for yearly whole-body exposure of 50 millisievertsLate complications arising after radiotherapy, increasing in frequency among survivors of both pediatric and adult cancersA radiation workers lifetime EfD must be limited to their age in years times 10 mSv. This limit pertains to the whole body...

Chemistry Unit 2 2021-12-17

Chemistry Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. form of electromagnetic radiation, high frequency and energy of high-energy photons
  2. electron emission, absorbs enough energy to be completely ejected.
  3. 18th group, stable
  4. outermost electrons, chemical bond
  5. opposite spins, 2 max electrons
  6. form of electromagnetic radiation, high energy and very short wavelengths
  7. form of electromagnetic radiation, antennas
  8. energy level, 1s 2s 3s
  9. minimum energy ,remove the loosest electron
  10. height, origin to the crest
  11. minimum amount of energy, gained or lost
  12. form of energy, wavelike behavior
  13. form of electromagnetic radiation, microwaves
  1. electrons, lowest energy 1st
  2. the arrangement of electrons, block, p block, d block
  3. measure of the tendency of an atom, bonding pair
  4. #waves per sec, hertz
  5. small particle, negative charge
  6. tiny particle, comprises waves of electromagnetic radiation
  7. pairing up, one electron
  8. form of electromagnetic radiation, thermal vision
  9. shortest distance, waves
  10. form of energy, no mass but has wave characteristics
  11. distance, nucleus to outer shell
  12. electron configuration, boxes
  13. form of electromagnetic radiation, sun rays

26 Clues: 18th group, stable#waves per sec, hertzenergy level, 1s 2s 3spairing up, one electronshortest distance, wavesheight, origin to the crestelectrons, lowest energy 1stelectron configuration, boxessmall particle, negative chargeopposite spins, 2 max electronsdistance, nucleus to outer shellform of energy, wavelike behavior...

physics - Radioactivity 2020-10-29

physics - Radioactivity crossword puzzle
  1. imaging that produces inside structures of the body such as bones
  2. speeding up
  3. can stop beta but cant stop gamma
  4. particle found in nucleous of an atom
  5. positively charged nucleon
  6. a half life archeological use of radiation
  7. proton number
  8. break down
  9. move from normal path
  10. total number of proton and neutrons
  11. negatively charged particle
  12. high speed electron
  13. can not predict what is going to happen next
  14. happens without external influence
  1. splitting up of heavy nucleus to get smaller nuclei
  2. can detect all types of radiation
  3. helium nucleus
  4. joining of two lighter nuclei to form a one heavier nucleus
  5. most ionizing type of radiation
  6. causing to gain or lose charge
  7. atoms of the same element with different masses
  8. can stop gamma radiation
  9. high frequency electromagnetic radiation
  10. natural radiation in the environment
  11. a medical use of gamma radiation
  12. time taken for a half the mass of a radioactive sample to decay
  13. does not deflect in magnetic or electric field
  14. release of electrons from hot metal
  15. used to count radiation

29 Clues: break downspeeding upproton numberhelium nucleushigh speed electronmove from normal pathused to count radiationcan stop gamma radiationpositively charged nucleonnegatively charged particlecausing to gain or lose chargemost ionizing type of radiationa medical use of gamma radiationcan detect all types of radiationcan stop beta but cant stop gamma...

word parts 2021-05-10

word parts crossword puzzle
  1. synonym
  2. credit
  3. integer
  4. rupture
  5. unicycle
  6. tripod
  7. conspire
  8. ambulatory
  9. automation
  10. zoology
  11. grammar
  12. pedal
  13. omniscient
  1. psychic
  2. quadrilateral
  3. justice
  4. bicycle
  5. proclaim
  6. neuron
  7. democracy
  8. transcontinental
  9. uncommon
  10. tempo
  11. biology

24 Clues: tempopedalcreditneurontripodpsychicsynonymjusticebicycleintegerrupturezoologygrammarbiologyproclaimunicycleconspireuncommondemocracyambulatoryautomationomniscientquadrilateraltranscontinental

All crossword about cell biology 2020-01-13

All crossword about cell biology crossword puzzle
  1. is interconnected to other fields such as genetics,
  2. how cells function, ultimately giving insight into
  3. such as cell culture, various types of microscopy,
  4. such as cancer, and other diseases. Research in cell
  5. structure and function of the cell, also known
  6. many sub-topics which may include the study of cell
  7. The study of cells is performed using several
  8. biology is a branch of biology that studies
  9. the basic unit of life Cell biology encompasses
  1. while also being essential for research in biomedical
  2. and how cells work is fundamental to all biological
  3. being used for discoveries and research pertaining
  4. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and can be divided
  5. larger organisms. Knowing the components of
  6. cell communication, cell cycle, and cell
  7. and cytochemistry.
  8. genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, medical microbiology,
  9. cell fractionation. These have allowed for and are

18 Clues: and cytochemistry.cell communication, cell cycle, and celllarger organisms. Knowing the components ofbiology is a branch of biology that studiesThe study of cells is performed using severalstructure and function of the cell, also knownthe basic unit of life Cell biology encompassesbeing used for discoveries and research pertaining...

Ch 9 Radiation Protection Concepts and Equipment 2023-05-05

Ch 9 Radiation Protection Concepts and Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. what type of Sources of Ionizing Radiation Exposure includes Radiopharmeceuticals, Consumer products, Air travel?
  2. ______ is a kinetic energy released per unit mass of air
  3. kerma is ____ Energy Released in matter
  4. Biological effects of ionizing radiation classify as ___ when its evident in individual, for example cataracts, erythema, cancer formation
  5. Air kerma is used to determine tube _____ and input to image receptor
  6. what personnel monitoring devices contains: Lithium fluoride crystals and store energy when exposed to ionizing radiation
  7. ______ is total amount of energy deposited in matter
  8. Biologic Effects of Ionizing Radiation is influenced by total____ received, rate of ____
  9. what is a Dose-measuring device?
  10. emit light when stimulated by ionizing radiation the light is then converted to electric signal, commonly used in nuclear medicine and CT scan equipment
  11. beta particles are ___ penetrating tissue than alpha
  1. Biological effects of ionizing radiation classify as ___ when it results in damage to reproductive germ cells and Evident in offspring of individual
  2. Used to demonstrate presence of radiation that is most effective with particulate radiation, but least effective in detecting x-ray or gamma radiation
  3. _____ is a number of ionizations in given quantity of air
  4. _____ particles is Electrons from decaying radioactive material, has Little mass and charge and Can travel 10–100 cm in air
  5. what dosimeter uses two pieces of film in light tight packet and the packet placed in holder with filter elements such as opper, cadmium, and aluminum
  6. _____describes quantity of radioactive material Expressed as number of radioactive atoms to decay per unit time
  7. _____ is a sum of equivalent doses of specific tissues and accounts for various tissue sensitivities to irradiation
  8. Energy transfer's excitation and ionization can cause biological disturbances in ____
  9. _____ is a product of absorbed dose and radiation weighting
  10. Nature of Ionizing Radiation can break ____ bonds
  11. what type of Sources of Ionizing Radiation Exposure includes Cosmic radiation, Terrestrial radiation, and Radionuclides are naturally present?
  12. what is the most common type of personnel monitor that contains a thin layer of aluminum oxide
  13. Most biological damage is due to _____interactions
  14. ___ is a measure amount of energy absorbed
  15. _____ particles has a high-energy helium nucleus, Large amount of mass and charge and is highly ionizing

26 Clues: what is a Dose-measuring device?kerma is ____ Energy Released in matter___ is a measure amount of energy absorbedNature of Ionizing Radiation can break ____ bondsMost biological damage is due to _____interactions______ is total amount of energy deposited in matterbeta particles are ___ penetrating tissue than alpha...


BRANCHES OF BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. This branch of biology is concerned with illness in humans
  2. The use of biological processes to make life better for humans
  3. This scientist would be interested in how a foetus develops
  4. A person who studies biological processes at the molecular level (9,9)
  5. This kingdom of organisms is studied by a botanist
  6. A mycologist is interested in this kingdom of organisms
  7. The study of animals
  8. This branch of biology is interested in how species change over many generations
  1. A branch of biology an awful lot like ecology
  2. This branch of biology goes on under the sea
  3. This prefix means very small
  4. This scientist might study how plants grow in space
  5. The study and manipulation of ACGT
  6. The study of ecosystems
  7. This branch of biology designs devices to intergrate with or put inside living things
  8. Also known as cellular biology

16 Clues: The study of animalsThe study of ecosystemsThis prefix means very smallAlso known as cellular biologyThe study and manipulation of ACGTThis branch of biology goes on under the seaA branch of biology an awful lot like ecologyThis kingdom of organisms is studied by a botanistThis scientist might study how plants grow in space...

Chapter 8 - Radiation 2016-12-06

Chapter 8 - Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. stops alpha particles
  2. of gamma radiation.
  3. of alpha particles
  4. of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.
  5. number increases by this when it loses a beta particle.
  6. type of electromagnetic radiation.
  7. number increases by this when it loses a beta particle.
  8. radiation using uranium salts on a photographic plate.
  9. stops gamma radiation.
  10. amount of radioactivity found in the air naturally.
  11. a change in nucleus and a new element is formed.
  12. time taken for half of the nuclei in any given sample to decay.
  13. of beta radiation
  14. of gamma radiation
  15. of alpha radiation.
  16. discovered during the re-crystallizations of uranium ore.
  1. number decreases by this when it loses an alpha particle.
  2. when a neutron breaks down into a proton and an electron.
  3. of beta particles
  4. spontaneous breaking up of an unstable nuclei.
  5. the Nobel Prize for Chemistry and Physics.
  6. is detected using this type of counter.
  7. new element is formed but chemical bonds are.
  8. either alpha or beta particles are released a new element is formed.
  9. name for uranium ore.
  10. stops beta particles.
  11. number decreases by this when it loses an alpha particle.

27 Clues: of beta particlesof beta radiationof alpha particlesof gamma radiationof gamma radiation.of alpha radiation.stops alpha particlesname for uranium ore.stops beta particles.stops gamma radiation.of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.type of electromagnetic radiation.is detected using this type of counter.the Nobel Prize for Chemistry and Physics....

Chapter 1 Key Terms 2022-08-04

Chapter 1 Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Campaign created to provide radiologic technologists a full understanding of the sage operation of fluoroscopic devices on pediatric patients
  2. SI unit of radiation exposure
  3. Living tissue of animals and humans can be damaged by exposure to ionizing radiation
  4. When a patient dose is predicted to or has actually substantially exceeded normal dose levels
  5. This term is synonymous with the term ALARA
  6. Radiation that produces positively and negatively charged particles when passing through matter
  7. A subunit of the gray in the SI
  8. The SI unit of measure for the radiation quantities, equivalent dose and effective dose
  9. Energy that passes from one location to another
  10. A subunit of the roentgen, a nonmetric unit likewise used for measuring the ionizing capability of radiation
  11. The total electric charge of one sign per unit mass that x-ray and gamma ray photons with energies up to 3 million electron volts generate in dry air at standard temperature and pressure
  1. The campaign includes dissemination of information on pediatric CT dose reduction among the various medical specialties that refer patients for CT examinations or even operate their own CT scanners
  2. The campaigns objective is lowering the amount of radiation used in medically necessary imaging studies and eliminating unnecessary procedures
  3. A partnership of medical societies whose overall common purpose is to reduce dose for pediatric patients
  4. Method to compare the amount of radiation received from a radiologic procedure with natural background radiation received over a specific period
  5. Effective measures employed by radiation workers to safeguard patients, personnel, and the general public from unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation
  6. The probability of injury, ailment, or death resulting from an activity
  7. The amount of energy per unit mass absorbed by an irradiated object
  8. The degree to which a diagnostic study accurately reveals the presence or absence of disease in the patient
  9. Precept holding that occupational exposure should be kept "as low as reasonably achievable"
  10. SI unit of absorbed dose and air kerma
  11. A subunit of the sievert
  12. Quantity that is used for radiation protection purposes to provide a measure of the overall risk of exposure to humans from ionizing radiation

23 Clues: A subunit of the sievertSI unit of radiation exposureA subunit of the gray in the SISI unit of absorbed dose and air kermaThis term is synonymous with the term ALARAEnergy that passes from one location to anotherThe amount of energy per unit mass absorbed by an irradiated objectThe probability of injury, ailment, or death resulting from an activity...

Atomic Structure and Radioactivity 2024-09-01

Atomic Structure and Radioactivity crossword puzzle
  1. The first letter in the greek alphabet
  2. One billionth of a metre.
  3. Splitting the nucleus ('splitting the atom')
  4. Radiation can be used to kill bacteria.
  5. This happens when an electron is removed from an atom.
  6. A subatomic particle that exists in the nucleus.
  7. It contains protons and neutrons.
  8. Something that emits radiation is this.
  9. Ninety Two protons.
  10. Radiation with a wavelength smaller than X-rays.
  11. Radiation is dangerous because it does this.
  1. The mild mannered version of the Hulk.
  2. Sticking small atoms together to create larger ones.
  3. Six protons.
  4. bitten by a radioactive spider
  5. Emitted by radioactive material.
  6. A particular mass of the an element.
  7. An element used in nuclear bombs
  8. Electrons live in these.
  9. Positive subatomic particle.
  10. Has approximately 1/1800 of the mass of a proton.
  11. One sheet of this can block Alpa radiation.
  12. Monster spawned from the waste from nuclear bomb tests.
  13. A dense material that is particular good at absorbing radiation.
  14. Radiation consisting of fast moving electrons
  15. Has a quark composition of UP DOWN DOWN.
  16. The smallest possible particle of an element.

27 Clues: Six protons.Ninety Two protons.Electrons live in these.One billionth of a metre.Positive subatomic particle.bitten by a radioactive spiderEmitted by radioactive material.An element used in nuclear bombsIt contains protons and neutrons.A particular mass of the an element.The mild mannered version of the Hulk.The first letter in the greek alphabet...

Natural Science Crossword 2024-01-30

Natural Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
  2. The Study of living organisms
  3. Smallest particle of an element
  4. Which science explores the structure of matter and the changes it undergoes?
  5. What is the name for the protective layer that shields the Earth from the sun's ultraviolet radiation?
  6. Center of an atom
  7. The study of rocks
  8. Largest planet in our solar system
  1. The layer of Earth between the crust and the core
  2. What gas do plants release during photosynthesis?
  3. The third planet from the sun
  4. Which gas makes up a majority of Earth's atmosphere?
  5. The force that opposes motion between two surfaces
  6. What do we call the study of stars, planets, and space?
  7. Closest planet to the sun

15 Clues: Center of an atomThe study of rocksClosest planet to the sunThe third planet from the sunThe Study of living organismsSmallest particle of an elementLargest planet in our solar systemWhat is the chemical symbol for gold?The layer of Earth between the crust and the coreWhat gas do plants release during photosynthesis?...

All crossword about cell biology 2020-01-13

All crossword about cell biology crossword puzzle
  1. is interconnected to other fields such as genetics,
  2. how cells function, ultimately giving insight into
  3. such as cell culture, various types of microscopy,
  4. such as cancer, and other diseases. Research in cell
  5. structure and function of the cell, also known
  6. many sub-topics which may include the study of cell
  7. The study of cells is performed using several
  8. biology is a branch of biology that studies
  9. the basic unit of life Cell biology encompasses
  1. while also being essential for research in biomedical
  2. and how cells work is fundamental to all biological
  3. being used for discoveries and research pertaining
  4. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and can be divided
  5. larger organisms. Knowing the components of
  6. cell communication, cell cycle, and cell
  7. and cytochemistry.
  8. genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, medical microbiology,
  9. cell fractionation. These have allowed for and are

18 Clues: and cytochemistry.cell communication, cell cycle, and celllarger organisms. Knowing the components ofbiology is a branch of biology that studiesThe study of cells is performed using severalstructure and function of the cell, also knownthe basic unit of life Cell biology encompassesbeing used for discoveries and research pertaining...

Archaeology 2022-05-01

Archaeology crossword puzzle
  1. artifact
  2. biology
  3. art
  4. religion
  5. bones
  6. archaeology
  7. museum
  8. pottery
  9. fossil
  10. past
  11. excavation
  12. site
  1. culture
  2. history
  3. life
  4. heritage
  5. anthropology
  6. society
  7. tomb
  8. antiquity
  9. time
  10. material
  11. human
  12. dig
  13. lithic
  14. trowel

26 Clues: artdiglifetombtimepastsiteboneshumanmuseumfossillithictrowelculturehistorybiologysocietypotteryartifactheritagereligionmaterialantiquityexcavationarchaeologyanthropology

Radiotherapeutic Technique 2013-05-23

Radiotherapeutic Technique crossword puzzle
  1. /A piece of metal alloy that can be used to shape the radiation beam.
  2. /A part of multi small leaf and located in the head of the linear accelerator that is used to shape the radiation beam by computer digitization replacing custom blocking.
  3. /Giving off radiation
  4. /RadiationTreatment field.
  5. /The amount of radiation used in radiation therapy is measured in gray and varies depending on the type and stage of cancer being treated.
  6. /Procedure that used the X-ray, CT scan, or ultrasound pictures, taken just prior to or during treatment, to guide treatment delivery. The tumor can be precisely located in 3-D space immediately before treatment. The ability to correct for movement and any errors during setup means smaller margins can be used, sparing healthy tissue and escalating the tumor dose.
  7. /Diagnostic radiography unit mounted on gantries that mimic a treatment machine's range of motion and positions.
  8. /A procedure that used a device to help a patient remain in the same position during every treatment.
  9. /A device and located in the head of the linear accelerator that is used to shape the radiation beam.
  10. /Tiny, permanent ink dot marked on your skin in or near the treatment area during the planning phase. These marks are used each day before treatment to align your body in the accurate position.
  11. /A digital imaging device used to monitor and manage target positioning during the course of treatment (port films).
  1. /An immobilization device fitting over a patient’s head and face to allow accurate repositioning from day to day.
  2. /Radiation composed exclusively of energy, with no mass or charge,that is used in radiation therapy. They can be produced in the nucleus of the atom (Gamma Radiation) or in the superficial shell (X-rays). In general, they penetrated in depth and they are used to treat deeply seated tumors.
  3. /An abnormal lump or mass of tissue
  4. / The use of small radioactive sources placed on or in tumors to treat to a high dose while avoiding normal tissues;
  5. /A metal filter of triangular cross-section placed within a radiation beam to intentionally feather the radiation intensity from one side of the beam to the other.
  6. linear accelerator attachment for electron beam treatment.
  7. /Hair loss from radiation therapy treatment
  8. /The single point in space where a linear accerelator’s beam is aimed regardless of the orientation of the machine.
  9. /As used in radiation therapy, device mounted on the walls and ceiling of the treatment room pointing to the treatment machine’s isocenter to allow accurate positioning of the patient from day to day.
  10. /The process of locating and marking the treatment field to be targeted in radiation therapy.
  11. /Additional material placed on the patient’s skin to intentionally pull the radiation dose more superficially.
  12. /Treatment that is intended to relieve symptom, but not cure disease.
  13. /Also called intensity-modulated radiation therapy. A type of 3-dimensional radiation therapy that uses computer-generated images to show the size and shape of the tumor. Thin beams of radiation of different intensities are aimed at the tumor from many angles. This type of radiation therapy reduces the damage to healthy tissue near the tumor.

24 Clues: /Giving off radiation/RadiationTreatment field./An abnormal lump or mass of tissue/Hair loss from radiation therapy treatmentlinear accelerator attachment for electron beam treatment./A piece of metal alloy that can be used to shape the radiation beam./Treatment that is intended to relieve symptom, but not cure disease....

CP5 EM Waves 2023-04-03

CP5 EM Waves crossword puzzle
  1. Vibrations of voltage and current in radio aerials.
  2. Electromagnetic radiation with a shorter wavelength than visible light.
  3. An imaginary line at right angles to a surface where a ray of light hits it.
  4. The change in direction when a wave changes speed going from one medium into another.
  5. A place where there is no matter at all.
  6. The order colours of the visible spectrum from long to short wavelength.
  7. Cancer treatment in which a patient is given gamma radiation to kill the cancer cells.
  8. A hazard of receiving high frequency electromagnetic waves.
  9. Electromagnetic waves that can be detected by the human eye.
  10. The entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves.
  11. Deoxyribonucleic acid. Chemical that makes up genes and chromosomes.
  1. Absorbing radiation of one wavelength and re-emitting at a visible wavelength.
  2. Electromagnetic radiation with a longer wavelength than infrared radiation.
  3. Waves that all travel at the same speed in a vacuum, and are all transverse.
  4. Electromagnetic radiation we feel as heat and has a longer wavelength than visible light.
  5. A change in the DNA instructions in a cell.
  6. The boundary between two materials.
  7. A straight line with an arrow showing the direction of a beam of light.
  8. A wave in which the vibrations are at right angles to the direction the wave is travelling.
  9. The angle between an incoming light ray and the normal.
  10. Electromagnetic radiation that has a shorter wavelength than ultraviolet radiation.
  11. Electromagnetic radiation with the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies.
  12. Electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelengths.

23 Clues: The boundary between two materials.A place where there is no matter at all.A change in the DNA instructions in a cell.Vibrations of voltage and current in radio aerials.The entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves.The angle between an incoming light ray and the normal.Electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelengths....

All crossword about cell biology 2020-01-13

All crossword about cell biology crossword puzzle
  1. is interconnected to other fields such as genetics,
  2. how cells function, ultimately giving insight into
  3. such as cell culture, various types of microscopy,
  4. such as cancer, and other diseases. Research in cell
  5. structure and function of the cell, also known
  6. many sub-topics which may include the study of cell
  7. The study of cells is performed using several
  8. biology is a branch of biology that studies
  9. the basic unit of life Cell biology encompasses
  1. while also being essential for research in biomedical
  2. and how cells work is fundamental to all biological
  3. being used for discoveries and research pertaining
  4. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and can be divided
  5. larger organisms. Knowing the components of
  6. cell communication, cell cycle, and cell
  7. and cytochemistry.
  8. genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, medical microbiology,
  9. cell fractionation. These have allowed for and are

18 Clues: and cytochemistry.cell communication, cell cycle, and celllarger organisms. Knowing the components ofbiology is a branch of biology that studiesThe study of cells is performed using severalstructure and function of the cell, also knownthe basic unit of life Cell biology encompassesbeing used for discoveries and research pertaining...

Models of Atoms & The Electromagnetic Spectrum (2) 2017-11-12

Models of Atoms & The Electromagnetic Spectrum (2) crossword puzzle
  1. A type of electromagnetic radiation used in hospitals to see inside the human body (Hint: Write like: ___-______).
  2. A negatively charged particle found around the nucleus of the atom.
  3. The modern model of the atom was proposed by the scientist called ____________.
  4. All types of electromagnetic radiation can be found on the electromagnetic ___________________.
  5. The type of electromagnetic radiation that can cause skin cancer and which is emitted by the Sun.
  6. The type of electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelength.
  7. This happens when an atom absorbs a photon of energy and electrons are lost from the atom.
  8. A model of electromagnetic radiation with 'ripples of waves' of radiation.
  1. The name given to the object giving out (emitting) radiation.
  2. A model of electromagnetic radiation with 'packets' of energy.
  3. After radiation is emitted from a source, it is ____________________ through the atmosphere to its receiver.
  4. A neutrally charged particle found in the nucleus of the atom.
  5. A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom.
  6. Once radiation reaches a receiver, it is __________________.
  7. The centre of the atom.
  8. The type of electromagnetic radiation with the shortest wavelength.

16 Clues: The centre of the atom.Once radiation reaches a receiver, it is __________________.The name given to the object giving out (emitting) radiation.A model of electromagnetic radiation with 'packets' of energy.A neutrally charged particle found in the nucleus of the atom.A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom....

11SCA 2020-11-10

11SCA crossword puzzle
  1. the Māori name for Pigeon Mountain
  2. the ocean that surrounds New Zealand
  3. the sixth planet from the sun
  4. differences between members of the same species
  5. heat transfer that can travel through space
  6. your science teacher's last name
  7. violent shaking of the ground
  8. the specific area of science that your teacher teaches
  9. what you should be sitting on right now
  10. the consequences or effects of something
  1. an animal on one of the zoo posters at the front of the room
  2. the Māori name for a fantail
  3. something that is formed when an acid and a base are mixed together
  4. the name of our college
  5. where two elements join together in a reaction
  6. assessments worth credits that are done in class
  7. the variable that you change during an investigation
  8. the element with the symbol Ag
  9. the holes at the bottom of a leaf

19 Clues: the name of our collegethe Māori name for a fantailthe sixth planet from the sunviolent shaking of the groundthe element with the symbol Agyour science teacher's last namethe holes at the bottom of a leafthe Māori name for Pigeon Mountainthe ocean that surrounds New Zealandwhat you should be sitting on right now...

Radiation Protection Concepts 2021-05-10

Radiation Protection Concepts crossword puzzle
  1. Radiation exposure to volunteers undertaking biomedical research.
  2. Cardinal rules for radiation protection.
  3. Used to measure the long term effects of radiation protection.
  4. The unite that radioactivity is measured in.
  5. A pioneer in the field of radiation protection(he developed the exposure control technique.
  6. Mr Willem wants you to ware me to detect and measure the accumulative dose of radiation during clinical practice.
  1. I am the most famous radiation protection concept.
  2. The degree to which diagnostic procedures accurately reveals the presence or absence of the disease
  3. The first device developed to measure radiation .
  4. International organization that publishes radiation protection standards
  5. The amount of doctors that died during the years of the discovery of x-rays.
  6. The method that compares the amount of radiation received from a radiobiological procedure with natural background radiation received over a given period of time.
  7. Is obtained when you multiply the Absorbed dose and the Radiation weighting factor.
  8. Acute Radiation Syndrome affecting the eyes.
  9. The most radio-sensitive cells in the body

15 Clues: Cardinal rules for radiation protection.The most radio-sensitive cells in the bodyThe unite that radioactivity is measured in.Acute Radiation Syndrome affecting the eyes.The first device developed to measure radiation .I am the most famous radiation protection concept.Used to measure the long term effects of radiation protection....

radiation 2015-09-08

radiation crossword puzzle
  1. give off
  2. a type of energy
  3. energy that travels as a wave
  4. none shiny surface
  1. shiny surface
  2. good reflector
  3. taking in
  4. a type of radiation

8 Clues: give offtaking inshiny surfacegood reflectora type of energynone shiny surfacea type of radiationenergy that travels as a wave

Radiation 2023-04-14

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Source of UV Radiation
  2. Exists in two forms
  3. used to transmit signals carrying information in the form of radio waves
  4. Number of waves that pass each second or cycles
  1. Common Source of Non-Ionising Radiation at Home
  2. has the most penetrating power out of common types of radiation
  3. You have in your kitchen
  4. painful condition caused by the inflammation of the cornea of the eye

8 Clues: Exists in two formsSource of UV RadiationYou have in your kitchenCommon Source of Non-Ionising Radiation at HomeNumber of waves that pass each second or cycleshas the most penetrating power out of common types of radiationpainful condition caused by the inflammation of the cornea of the eye...

Radiation 2023-11-13

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. used by doctors and vets
  2. used to cook and making great popcorn
  3. those metal heaters that radiate heat energy to cold buildings
  4. long waves that are heat waves
  5. Something that radiates heat energy outward towards chilly campers
  1. waves waves that can give you sunburns so wear sunscreen!!
  2. light. Type of waves we can see
  3. waves that can really mess up the cells of a living thing

8 Clues: used by doctors and vetslong waves that are heat waveslight. Type of waves we can seeused to cook and making great popcornwaves that can really mess up the cells of a living thingwaves waves that can give you sunburns so wear sunscreen!!those metal heaters that radiate heat energy to cold buildings...

Radiation 2023-11-06

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. the electromagnetic
  2. electromagnetic waves are also called
  3. the transfer of heat in the form of wave energy from a relatively warmer body to a cooler body
  1. Did you know in latin radius means
  2. what colored objects tend to absorb
  3. All electromagnetic waves, including infrared (heat) waves, have a measurable
  4. the radiates heat outward to the earth and solar system
  5. ultraviolet

8 Clues: ultravioletthe electromagneticDid you know in latin radius meanswhat colored objects tend to absorbelectromagnetic waves are also calledthe radiates heat outward to the earth and solar systemAll electromagnetic waves, including infrared (heat) waves, have a measurable...

IIRRT 20th Anniversary Ball 2016-04-12

IIRRT 20th Anniversary Ball crossword puzzle
  1. Particle that acts like a wave
  2. Reference mark used for patient’s radiotherapy treatment.
  3. Radiation produced with the deflection of an atom
  4. Used to stop radiation
  5. Annual European conference held in Vienna
  6. The division of dose over several treatments
  7. The effect utilised to allow image formation on radiographs
  8. Unit of dose of radiation
  1. Modality that uses no ionising radiation, just sound
  2. Common name for the machine used in radiation treatment
  3. Secondary radiation that occurs when the radiation intercepts any object
  4. The use of a radiation source internally for treatment
  5. Radiation used on small, well defined tumours
  6. Discovered Radiation

14 Clues: Discovered RadiationUsed to stop radiationUnit of dose of radiationParticle that acts like a waveAnnual European conference held in ViennaThe division of dose over several treatmentsRadiation used on small, well defined tumoursRadiation produced with the deflection of an atomModality that uses no ionising radiation, just sound...

CP5 EM Waves 2023-04-03

CP5 EM Waves crossword puzzle
  1. A place where there is no matter at all.
  2. Electromagnetic radiation we feel as heat and has a longer wavelength than visible light.
  3. Electromagnetic radiation that has a shorter wavelength than ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Electromagnetic radiation with a longer wavelength than infrared radiation.
  5. The entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves.
  6. The order colours of the visible spectrum from long to short wavelength.
  7. Electromagnetic radiation with the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies.
  8. Electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelengths.
  9. Electromagnetic waves that can be detected by the human eye.
  1. Absorbing radiation of one wavelength and re-emitting at a visible wavelength.
  2. Deoxyribonucleic acid. Chemical that makes up genes and chromosomes.
  3. A hazard of receiving high frequency electromagnetic waves.
  4. Vibrations of voltage and current in radio aerials.
  5. Cancer treatment in which a patient is given gamma radiation to kill the cancer cells.
  6. A change in the DNA instructions in a cell.
  7. Electromagnetic radiation with a shorter wavelength than visible light.

16 Clues: A place where there is no matter at all.A change in the DNA instructions in a cell.Vibrations of voltage and current in radio aerials.The entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves.Electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelengths.A hazard of receiving high frequency electromagnetic waves....

P6.2 Uses & Hazards 2019-06-20

P6.2 Uses & Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. Counter to detect radiation
  2. When two small nuclei join together to make a bigger nucleus
  3. High energy electromagnetic wave
  4. E=mc^2 scientist
  5. Self-sustaining nuclear reaction (2 words)
  6. Radiation which takes the form of a helium nucleus
  7. The effect of radiation on matter
  8. The radiation that is detected all around us
  9. The time it takes for half the nuclei in a sample to decay
  1. A sheet of this will absorb alpha radiation
  2. When radiation travels into someone but does not make them radioactive
  3. Packet of energy
  4. A few mm of this will absorb beta radiation
  5. Unit of activity
  6. Splitting a nucleus
  7. When radiative material gets into someone's body or on their skin and they become radioactive
  8. Same number of protons; different number of neutrons
  9. Fast moving electron

18 Clues: Packet of energyUnit of activityE=mc^2 scientistSplitting a nucleusFast moving electronCounter to detect radiationHigh energy electromagnetic waveThe effect of radiation on matterSelf-sustaining nuclear reaction (2 words)A sheet of this will absorb alpha radiationA few mm of this will absorb beta radiation...

Radiation 2023-11-06

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. the electromagnetic
  2. electromagnetic waves are also called
  3. the transfer of heat in the form of wave energy from a relatively warmer body to a cooler body
  1. Did you know in latin radius means
  2. what colored objects tend to absorb
  3. All electromagnetic waves, including infrared (heat) waves, have a measurable
  4. the radiates heat outward to the earth and solar system
  5. ultraviolet

8 Clues: ultravioletthe electromagneticDid you know in latin radius meanswhat colored objects tend to absorbelectromagnetic waves are also calledthe radiates heat outward to the earth and solar systemAll electromagnetic waves, including infrared (heat) waves, have a measurable...

radiation 2023-11-06

radiation crossword puzzle
  1. the transfer of heat in the form of wave energy
  2. this waves can give you a sunburn
  3. the sun radiates heats _ to the earth and solar system
  4. the distance from crest to crest of the wave
  5. radiates heat outwards toward people
  1. electromagnetic waves that travel through space
  2. the metal heaters that heat up cold buildings
  3. the closer the object is to the heat source the ____ it heats up

8 Clues: this waves can give you a sunburnradiates heat outwards toward peoplethe distance from crest to crest of the wavethe metal heaters that heat up cold buildingselectromagnetic waves that travel through spacethe transfer of heat in the form of wave energythe sun radiates heats _ to the earth and solar system...

Radiation 2023-11-06

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. the transfer of heat in the form of wave energy
  2. used to explore space and used by doctors
  3. any heat energy that moves _ like a spoke is called radiation
  4. the only waves you can see
  1. dark objects absorb _ radiated heat than light objects
  2. spoke in Latin (where the word radiation came from)
  3. the shortest and most harmful electromagnetic waves are _ waves
  4. you mesure the distance of electromagnetic waves by the difference from _ to _

8 Clues: the only waves you can seeused to explore space and used by doctorsthe transfer of heat in the form of wave energyspoke in Latin (where the word radiation came from)dark objects absorb _ radiated heat than light objectsany heat energy that moves _ like a spoke is called radiationthe shortest and most harmful electromagnetic waves are _ waves...

radiation 2023-11-07

radiation crossword puzzle
  1. harmful radiation
  2. the transfer of heat in the form of wave energy
  3. in Latin radius means _____
  4. used for space exploring
  5. electromagnetic waves called infrared waves travel through ____
  1. ____ colored objects tend to absorb radiated heat more
  2. used for remote sensing
  3. only type of electromagnetic waves you can see

8 Clues: harmful radiationused for remote sensingused for space exploringin Latin radius means _____only type of electromagnetic waves you can seethe transfer of heat in the form of wave energy____ colored objects tend to absorb radiated heat moreelectromagnetic waves called infrared waves travel through ____

Radiation 2023-11-10

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. transfer of heat
  2. waves are heat waves
  3. only type of electromagnetic radiation
  4. radiate heat energy in cold buildings
  5. radio waves and microwaves are examples of
  1. communications and can penetrate cloud cover
  2. can give you a sun burn
  3. travels outward from heat source

8 Clues: transfer of heatwaves are heat wavescan give you a sun burntravels outward from heat sourceradiate heat energy in cold buildingsonly type of electromagnetic radiationradio waves and microwaves are examples ofcommunications and can penetrate cloud cover

Archaeology 2022-05-01

Archaeology crossword puzzle
  1. artifact
  2. biology
  3. art
  4. religion
  5. bones
  6. archaeology
  7. museum
  8. pottery
  9. fossil
  10. past
  11. excavation
  12. site
  1. culture
  2. history
  3. life
  4. heritage
  5. anthropology
  6. society
  7. tomb
  8. antiquity
  9. time
  10. material
  11. human
  12. dig
  13. lithic
  14. trowel

26 Clues: artdiglifetombtimepastsiteboneshumanmuseumfossillithictrowelculturehistorybiologysocietypotteryartifactheritagereligionmaterialantiquityexcavationarchaeologyanthropology

Archaeology 2022-05-01

Archaeology crossword puzzle
  1. artifact
  2. biology
  3. art
  4. religion
  5. bones
  6. archaeology
  7. museum
  8. pottery
  9. fossil
  10. past
  11. excavation
  12. site
  1. culture
  2. history
  3. life
  4. heritage
  5. anthropology
  6. society
  7. tomb
  8. antiquity
  9. time
  10. material
  11. human
  12. dig
  13. lithic
  14. trowel

26 Clues: artdiglifetombtimepastsiteboneshumanmuseumfossillithictrowelculturehistorybiologysocietypotteryartifactheritagereligionmaterialantiquityexcavationarchaeologyanthropology

waves 2023-11-29

waves crossword puzzle
  1. waves , propagated simulation
  2. , electromagnetic radiation
  3. waves, sound waves
  4. , light passes through
  5. , rate of item
  6. , change in direction a wave passing to one medium too another
  7. , how long the wave is
  8. , region electromagnetic radiation spectrum
  9. , allows light too pass through.
  10. , electromagnetic radiation with frequency
  11. ,bounces one material too another
  12. , transfers energy
  1. , energy transferred by a wave
  2. waves, earthquake vibration
  3. surface part of the wave
  4. , electromagnetic radiation shorter wavelengths
  5. , waves that pass a point
  6. ray , electromagnetic radiation.
  7. , A piece of glass in presice angles
  8. , periodic table
  9. waves, sound wave
  10. lowest part of a wave
  11. waves, travel waves
  12. , no light is able to pass through
  13. , electromagnetic radiation

25 Clues: , rate of item, periodic tablewaves, sound wavewaves, sound waves, transfers energywaves, travel waveslowest part of a wave, light passes through, how long the wave issurface part of the wave, waves that pass a pointwaves, earthquake vibration, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic radiationwaves , propagated simulation...

Atoms and Radiation 2020-12-08

Atoms and Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Decay nucleus breaks apart
  2. plus Radiation a proton turned into a neutron
  3. energy that is released by radiation
  4. field outside the atom, and where electrons are
  5. center of an atom, and contains protons and neutron
  6. anything that has mass and takes up space
  7. positive charged particles
  8. minus Radiation neutron turns into proton and electron
  9. force the glue that holds the nucleus together
  10. substances not bonded together
  1. radiation that causes radiation
  2. capture electron and proton becomes neutrons
  3. The study of substances which matter is composed
  4. building block of matter
  5. neutral charged particles
  6. negatively charged particles
  7. bonds chemically bonded
  8. Radiation nucleus emits alpha particle
  9. the emission of energy from subatomic particles

19 Clues: bonds chemically bondedbuilding block of matterneutral charged particlespositive charged particlesDecay nucleus breaks apartnegatively charged particlessubstances not bonded togetherradiation that causes radiationenergy that is released by radiationRadiation nucleus emits alpha particleanything that has mass and takes up space...

Module 3 Chemistry Vocab 2022-09-20

Module 3 Chemistry Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. identity change of an atomic nucleus
  2. electron beam
  3. atom mass number
  4. represents the reactants and products
  5. alpha particles are emitted to restore balance
  6. emission of ionizing radiation
  7. different numbers of neutrons in the nuclei
  8. high energy electrons carrying a negative charge
  9. particle with no electric charge
  10. number of protons and nuetrons in a nucleus
  1. helium nucleus
  2. particle with negative charge
  3. penetrating electromagnetic radiation
  4. high energy, high speed electron or positron
  5. a unit of mass for atomic and molecular weights
  6. number of protons in the nucleus of the atom
  7. emission of energy in the form of waves
  8. atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation
  9. particle with negative charge
  10. smallest unit of matter

20 Clues: electron beamhelium nucleusatom mass numbersmallest unit of matterparticle with negative chargeparticle with negative chargeemission of ionizing radiationparticle with no electric chargeidentity change of an atomic nucleuspenetrating electromagnetic radiationrepresents the reactants and productsemission of energy in the form of waves...

Module 3 Chemistry Vocab 2022-09-20

Module 3 Chemistry Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. electron beam
  2. particle with no electric charge
  3. emission of ionizing radiation
  4. helium nucleus
  5. particle with negative charge
  6. penetrating electromagnetic radiation
  7. number of protons in the nucleus of the atom
  8. represents the reactants and products
  9. atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation
  10. alpha particles are emitted to restore balance
  11. particle with negative charge
  1. emission of energy in the form of waves
  2. high energy electrons carrying a negative charge
  3. identity change of an atomic nucleus
  4. high energy, high speed electron or positron
  5. different numbers of neutrons in the nuclei
  6. number of protons and nuetrons in a nucleus
  7. atom mass number
  8. a unit of mass for atomic and molecular weights
  9. smallest unit of matter

20 Clues: electron beamhelium nucleusatom mass numbersmallest unit of matterparticle with negative chargeparticle with negative chargeemission of ionizing radiationparticle with no electric chargeidentity change of an atomic nucleuspenetrating electromagnetic radiationrepresents the reactants and productsemission of energy in the form of waves...

Module 3 Chemistry Vocab 2022-09-20

Module 3 Chemistry Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. electron beam
  2. particle with no electric charge
  3. emission of ionizing radiation
  4. helium nucleus
  5. particle with negative charge
  6. penetrating electromagnetic radiation
  7. number of protons in the nucleus of the atom
  8. represents the reactants and products
  9. atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation
  10. alpha particles are emitted to restore balance
  11. particle with negative charge
  1. emission of energy in the form of waves
  2. high energy electrons carrying a negative charge
  3. identity change of an atomic nucleus
  4. high energy, high speed electron or positron
  5. different numbers of neutrons in the nuclei
  6. number of protons and nuetrons in a nucleus
  7. atom mass number
  8. a unit of mass for atomic and molecular weights
  9. smallest unit of matter

20 Clues: electron beamhelium nucleusatom mass numbersmallest unit of matterparticle with negative chargeparticle with negative chargeemission of ionizing radiationparticle with no electric chargeidentity change of an atomic nucleuspenetrating electromagnetic radiationrepresents the reactants and productsemission of energy in the form of waves...

x-rays and medical imaging 2024-04-15

x-rays and medical imaging crossword puzzle
  1. a device for x-rays
  2. a form of electromagnetic radiation
  3. much exposure to radiation or repeated exposure
  4. eliminating the need for surgical procedures to visualize internal structures.
  5. increasing the chances of treatment of diseases and conditions
  6. positively charged device for x-rays
  7. an alternative method for imaging the body
  8. x-rays are used for a wide variety of imaging
  9. release of energy in the form of X-rays.
  10. emits a stream of electrons
  11. medical x-ray imaging technique
  12. x-ray can pass though tissue creating an internal image of the body
  13. regulates the amount of radiation to optimize exposure
  14. three-dimensional x-ray imaging
  15. process of imaging the interior of a body for clinical analysis
  1. messurement for x-rays
  2. process for generating x-rays
  3. a form of radiation that travel though the universe
  4. teaching patient about the benefits of x-ray imaging
  5. another form of imaging the body but without radiation
  6. x-rays are used to avoid critical parts of the body
  7. radiation with enough energy to remove bound electrons
  8. imaging of x-rays in real time (constant emmison)
  9. patients wear aprons to prevent excessive radiation exposure
  10. regulate radiation exposure, ensuring adherence to safety guidelines.

25 Clues: a device for x-raysmessurement for x-raysemits a stream of electronsprocess for generating x-raysmedical x-ray imaging techniquethree-dimensional x-ray imaginga form of electromagnetic radiationpositively charged device for x-raysrelease of energy in the form of X-rays.an alternative method for imaging the body...

Radiation 2015-09-08

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Solid to liquid
  2. Take in
  3. Bounce back
  1. Bright and reflectant
  2. Gives off
  3. A warm energy
  4. Can travel through space
  5. Good absorber and emmiter

8 Clues: Take inGives offBounce backA warm energySolid to liquidBright and reflectantCan travel through spaceGood absorber and emmiter

radiation 2015-09-08

radiation crossword puzzle
  1. liquid to solid
  2. type of energy
  3. gas to liquid
  4. energy that travels as a waves
  1. make you gloss
  2. liquid to gas
  3. solid to liquid
  4. to give of

8 Clues: to give ofliquid to gasgas to liquidmake you glosstype of energyliquid to solidsolid to liquidenergy that travels as a waves

Radiation 2023-11-10

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. transfer of heat
  2. waves are heat waves
  3. only type of electromagnetic radiation
  4. radiate heat energy in cold buildings
  5. radio waves and microwaves are examples of
  1. communications and can penetrate cloud cover
  2. can give you a sun burn
  3. travels outward from heat source

8 Clues: transfer of heatwaves are heat wavescan give you a sun burntravels outward from heat sourceradiate heat energy in cold buildingsonly type of electromagnetic radiationradio waves and microwaves are examples ofcommunications and can penetrate cloud cover

Foundations of Radiography, Radiographic Equipment, & Radiation Safety 2021-02-12

Foundations of Radiography, Radiographic Equipment, & Radiation Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Made the first dental radiograph
  2. Basic form of matter that contain energy
  3. Controls number of electrons
  4. Badge worn to track radiation exposure
  5. Used to aim x-ray beam to patient's mouth
  6. Overall darkness or blackness on an image
  7. Pioneer of radiation safety
  8. Range of shades of gray to black to white
  9. Collar on a lead apron
  10. How an image will look with increased kV
  11. Electrons are removed from atom & are harmful
  12. Used to produce all types of dental images
  13. Radiation exposure effect with time
  14. Minimum radiation for maximum quality radiograph
  15. X-ray tube, insulating oil, & transformers
  16. Discovered x-rays
  1. Controls quality of penetrating power
  2. Fine, distinct outlines of an object
  3. Radiation deflected from its path
  4. Made first dental radiograph on a live patient
  5. 5.0 rems/year
  6. Group classified for x-rays
  7. Dark areas on an x-ray
  8. Light areas on an x-ray
  9. How an image will look with decreased kV
  10. Radiation effects passed on to offspring
  11. Period from exposure to biological effect occurs

27 Clues: 5.0 rems/yearDiscovered x-raysCollar on a lead apronDark areas on an x-rayLight areas on an x-rayGroup classified for x-raysPioneer of radiation safetyControls number of electronsMade the first dental radiographRadiation deflected from its pathRadiation exposure effect with timeFine, distinct outlines of an object...

Waves 2023-05-02

Waves crossword puzzle
  1. The range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, from low-frequency radio waves to high-frequency gamma rays.
  2. A type of high-energy electromagnetic radiation that is often used for medical imaging.
  3. The range of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye.
  4. A type of electromagnetic radiation that has longer wavelengths than microwaves and is often used for communication.
  5. The distance between two corresponding points on a wave.
  6. A type of radiation that can travel through a vacuum and includes light, radio waves, and X-rays.
  7. The highest point of a wave.
  8. A type of high-energy electromagnetic radiation that is produced by radioactive decay or nuclear reactions.
  9. The amount of time it takes for one complete wave to pass a point.
  1. A type of wave in which the vibrations are parallel to the direction of the wave's motion.
  2. The substance through which a wave travels.
  3. A type of electromagnetic radiation that has shorter wavelengths than visible light and can be harmful to living organisms.
  4. The number of waves that pass a point in a given amount of time.
  5. The height of a wave from its resting position.
  6. The lowest point of a wave.
  7. A type of wave in which the vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of the wave's motion.
  8. A type of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye.
  9. A type of longitudinal wave that can travel through solids, liquids, and gases and is created by vibrations.
  10. A type of electromagnetic radiation that has longer wavelengths than visible light and can be felt as heat.
  11. A type of electromagnetic radiation that has shorter wavelengths than radio waves and is often used for communication and cooking.

20 Clues: The lowest point of a wave.The highest point of a wave.The substance through which a wave travels.The height of a wave from its resting position.The distance between two corresponding points on a wave.The number of waves that pass a point in a given amount of time.The amount of time it takes for one complete wave to pass a point....

Unit 3 2024-06-14

Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. radiation dose that causes spontaneous mutations to double
  2. straight line
  3. dry or moist shedding of skin
  4. 0-9 days after conception
  5. dose response curve for cancers
  6. early radiation martyr
  7. thrid phase of acute radiation syndrome
  8. early symptoms
  9. radiation syndrome that occurs in humans after large whole-body doses of radiation
  10. any radiation dose is can produce biologic effects
  11. dose response curve for leukemia
  12. chemically similar to calcium
  13. effects of radiation that occur minutes, hours to days after exposure
  14. effects of radiation that effect future generations
  15. blood disorder seen in early radiation workers
  16. least sensitive trimester
  17. there is no harm below a certain dose
  18. most radiosensitive trimester
  1. s-shaped dose-response curve
  2. risk model that predicts excess cancers increase along with natural occurance
  3. bone marrow syndrome
  4. development of cancer
  5. predicts a specific number of malignancies
  6. effects of radiation that occur on average 5-15 years after exposure
  7. birth defects
  8. effects of radiation on the embryo-fetus
  9. tissue reactions that are directly related to the dose
  10. atomic bomb survivors demonstrated a large number of occurrences of this cancer before incidences steadily declined
  11. postpartum patients treated for mastitis developed this
  12. hair loss
  13. the primary cause of death in individuals with hematopoietic syndrome
  14. miners were exposed to as much as 10Sv of this
  15. low energy photons that were used to treat diseases such as ringworm
  16. erythema
  17. the primary cause of death in individuals with gastrointestinal syndrome
  18. period where no symptoms are present
  19. dose estimated at 3 - 4 Gy
  20. stochastic, but a single dose of 2Gy may induce
  21. biologic effects do not occur below a specified dose
  22. phase of cell division where chromosome damage can be evaluated

40 Clues: erythemahair lossstraight linebirth defectsearly symptomsbone marrow syndromedevelopment of cancerearly radiation martyr0-9 days after conceptionleast sensitive trimesterdose estimated at 3 - 4 Gys-shaped dose-response curvedry or moist shedding of skinchemically similar to calciummost radiosensitive trimesterdose response curve for cancers...

IIRRT 20th Anniversary Ball Quiz 2016-03-26

IIRRT 20th Anniversary Ball Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Particle that acts like a wave
  2. Used to mark out treatment areas
  3. Radiation sourced placed inside the body
  4. Radiation produced with the deflection of an atom
  5. Discovered Radiation
  6. Common name for the machine used in radiation treatment
  7. Modality that uses no ionising radiation, just sound
  1. Interaction of radiation with matter
  2. The effect used o store images on cassettes
  3. The division of dose over several treatments
  4. Radiation used on small, well defined tumours
  5. Unit of dose of radiation
  6. Annual European conference held in Vienna
  7. Used to stop radiation

14 Clues: Discovered RadiationUsed to stop radiationUnit of dose of radiationParticle that acts like a waveUsed to mark out treatment areasInteraction of radiation with matterRadiation sourced placed inside the bodyAnnual European conference held in ViennaThe effect used o store images on cassettesThe division of dose over several treatments...

Lowdan's Crossword 2023-09-20

Lowdan's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Radiation that includes visiblke light, xrays, radiowaves, gamma rays, etc.
  2. The amount of times a wave pasts by a certain point
  3. Positively charged ion
  4. The arrengement of electrons in orbitals that go around the nucleus
  5. Electromagentic radiation spectrum.
  6. The tendency of atoms to have 8 electrons in the valence shell
  7. Energy that is emitted in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves
  8. Ion with a negative charge
  9. the distance from one wavecrest to another
  10. Radiation consisting of two protons and neutrons
  1. Lowest energy state
  2. Diagrams that help to decribe chemical bonding in a molecule
  3. A disturbanxce in space traveling in a medium
  4. Energy level that is defined by a quantum theory
  5. Representation of a nuclear reaction using numbers and symbols
  6. High Energy electrons emitted during radioactive decay
  7. Group of atoms with one or more positvely or negatively charged atoms
  8. High energy radiation coming from the decay of radioactive nuclei.
  9. The orbital in which the electron is located relative to the nucleus
  10. A small particle comprised of waves of electromagnetic radiation
  11. Smallest descrete unit of a phenomenon
  12. The elctron of an atom in the outermost shell
  13. Spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei from ionizing radiation

23 Clues: Lowest energy statePositively charged ionIon with a negative chargeElectromagentic radiation spectrum.Smallest descrete unit of a phenomenonthe distance from one wavecrest to anotherA disturbanxce in space traveling in a mediumThe elctron of an atom in the outermost shellEnergy level that is defined by a quantum theory...

Chernobyl Crossword Puzzle 2023-05-21

Chernobyl Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the power station that exploded in Chernobyl.
  2. the _____ power that exploded is reactor 4.
  3. the nuclear power plant core contained 114.7 kg of _______.
  4. the power plant meltdown was the most _________ nuclear explosion in the world.
  5. the radiation gave people ______.
  6. the extreme radiation caused people _______.
  7. the Chernobyl reactor number 4 was located in the state of Ukraine.
  8. the Chernobyl explosion gave a lot of people ________.
  9. the miscalculation of the safety drill caused an ________.
  10. the dust after an explosion.
  11. the radiation from the reactor spread ____ throughout the country.
  1. the _______ from the nuclear reactor was the one powering the town of Pripyat.
  2. the radiation had 3 types alpha radiation, beta radiation, and _______ radiation.
  3. some people near the reactor like the firefighters were _____ after a few days or months.
  4. the ____ of the reactor overheated which is why it exploded.
  5. the city where the reactor exploded.
  6. the people that helped when the reactor exploded.
  7. the country that notified everybody that the reactor exploded.
  8. the continent where Chornobyl, Ukraine is located.
  9. the people that conducted the safety drill.

20 Clues: the dust after an explosion.the radiation gave people ______.the city where the reactor exploded.the _____ power that exploded is reactor 4.the people that conducted the safety drill.the extreme radiation caused people _______.the power station that exploded in Chernobyl.the people that helped when the reactor exploded....

School subjects 2024-02-10

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. music
  3. German
  4. French
  5. Spanish
  6. Math
  7. Information technology
  8. History
  9. drama
  10. science
  11. physics
  1. foreign language
  2. physical education
  3. chemistry
  4. arts
  5. English
  6. Geography

17 Clues: artsMathmusicdramaGermanFrenchbiologySpanishEnglishHistorysciencephysicschemistryGeographyforeign languagephysical educationInformation technology

Chapter 5 Review 2020-05-08

Chapter 5 Review crossword puzzle
  1. personnel monitoring device, always worn at waist level when exposing
  2. Occupationally exposed workers must not exceed an accumulated lifetime radiation dose
  3. Flexible shield placed over patient’s chest and lap which protects reproductive and blood-forming tissues from scatter radiation; intra and extraoral
  4. lead shield that protects thyroid gland from scatter rad; only for intraoral
  5. how many inches the beam that produced by the circular collimation
  6. The act regulates the use of x-ray machines, training necessary for individuals working with the machine and safety information
  7. filters out long wavelengths with low-energy and soft radiation
  8. Restricts the size and shape of x-ray beam thus reducing patient exposure
  9. minimum age to work with radiation
  10. unit of ionizing radiation dosage
  11. Takes place when the primary beam passes through the glass window, oil bath and tube head seal of the x-ray unit
  12. unit of radiation dosage
  1. what does ALARA stand for
  2. Radiation that emits from the tube head excluding primary beam (faulty tube head seal) – beam leaking to the sides
  3. shape of PID recommended since less divergence of x-ray beam thus most effective in reducing client exposure
  4. Maximum dose equivalent that a body is permitted to receive in a specific period of time
  5. provides an additional 20% reduction in exposure over e-speed films; Proper mA, kvP settings and exposure times limit the amount of x-radiation exposure received by a client
  6. a radiographer is supposed to stand at least ______ away at 90-135 degree angle to xray beam
  7. Pertains to radiation protection in dentistry; Ensuring that all equipment functions properly, is operated properly and is maintained by competent personnel only
  8. lead aprons should _____ be folded
  9. Probability for harmful biological effects increases w the increased radiation dose, no matter how small
  10. recommended dose for people who work with radiation

22 Clues: unit of radiation dosagewhat does ALARA stand forunit of ionizing radiation dosagelead aprons should _____ be foldedminimum age to work with radiationrecommended dose for people who work with radiationfilters out long wavelengths with low-energy and soft radiationhow many inches the beam that produced by the circular collimation...

CP5 Electromagnetic Waves 2023-02-18

CP5 Electromagnetic Waves crossword puzzle
  1. Deoxyribonucleic acid. Chemical that makes up genes and chromosomes.
  2. A place where there is no matter at all.
  3. Electromagnetic radiation that has a shorter wavelength than ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelengths.
  5. An imaginary line at right angles to a surface where a ray of light hits it.
  6. A hazard of receiving high frequency electromagnetic waves.
  7. The entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves.
  8. Electromagnetic radiation with the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies.
  9. A straight line with an arrow showing the direction of a beam of light.
  10. Electromagnetic radiation with a shorter wavelength than visible light.
  11. The boundary between two materials.
  12. Absorbing radiation of one wavelength and re-emitting at a visible wavelength.
  13. Cancer treatment in which a patient is given gamma radiation to kill the cancer cells.
  14. The angle between an incoming light ray and the normal.
  1. Electromagnetic radiation we feel as heat and has a longer wavelength than visible light.
  2. The change in direction when a wave goes changes speed going from one medium into another.
  3. The angle between the normal and a ray of light that has been refracted.
  4. Waves that all travel at the same speed in a vacuum, and are all transverse.
  5. Vibrations of voltage and current in radio aerials.
  6. Electromagnetic waves that can be detected by the human eye.
  7. Electromagnetic radiation with a longer wavelength than infrared radiation.
  8. wave A wave in which the vibrations are at right angles to the direction the wave is travelling.
  9. The order colours of the visible spectrum from long to short wavelength.
  10. A change in the DNA instructions in a cell.

24 Clues: The boundary between two materials.A place where there is no matter at all.A change in the DNA instructions in a cell.Vibrations of voltage and current in radio aerials.The entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves.Electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelengths.The angle between an incoming light ray and the normal....

Radiation Therapy Crossword 2023-11-07

Radiation Therapy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A term used to describe a tumour that does not respond well to radiation therapy
  2. Device most commonly used for external beam radiation treatment
  3. The development of secondary malignant growth at a distance from a primary site of cancer
  4. An additional dose of radiation that is given after an initial course of radiation to enhance tumour control
  5. Treatment intent that is designed to relieve symptoms and improve your quality of life but not cure disease
  6. a device made up of individual leaves that can move independently in and out of the path of a radiation beam in order to block it
  7. Fixation of a body part in order to limit movement
  8. Difficulty or discomfort in swallowing
  9. A frameless robotic radio surgery system used for treating benign and malignant tumours
  10. Side effect known as an inflammation of the esophagus
  11. A tumour that is not cancerous
  12. Treatment with an xray machine of relatively low energy
  13. superficial reddening of the skin usually in patches as a result of irritation
  1. Additional cancer treatment given after the primary treatment to lower the risk that the cancer will come back
  2. The process of finding out whether cancer has spread and if so how far
  3. A tapered block of attenuating material designed to produce a differential distribution of radiation exposures over the area of a radiation beam
  4. A type of treatment in which the total dose of radiation is divided into small doses and treatments are given more than once a day
  5. A side effect from chemotherapy or from radiation therapy to the head
  6. A form of radiotherapy where a sealed radiation source is placed inside or next to the area requiring treatment
  7. External beam therapy in which the source of radiation is moved around the patient during treatment
  8. A point in space through which the central rays of the radiation beams pass
  9. A type of treatment that uses stereotactic radio surgical devices that noninvasively treats malignant and benign brain tumours vascular malformations and trigeminal neuralgia in a single patient visit
  10. A material of density nearly equivalent to tissue placed within the treatment beam to compensate for unevenness of body contour or to enhance the build up of dose on skin surface
  11. A type of radiation therapy in which patients undergo one or just a few treatments

24 Clues: A tumour that is not cancerousDifficulty or discomfort in swallowingFixation of a body part in order to limit movementSide effect known as an inflammation of the esophagusTreatment with an xray machine of relatively low energyDevice most commonly used for external beam radiation treatment...

Test 3: Chapter 8, 9 & 10 2017-10-02

Test 3: Chapter 8, 9 & 10 crossword puzzle
  1. effects of radiation on the embryo-fetus in utero
  2. shedding of the outer layer of skin
  3. reviews regulations by the ICRP and decides ways to include those recommendations in US radiation protection criteria
  4. provides radiation protection guidance through general recommendations on occupational and public dose limits
  5. syndrome that occurs at whole body dose of 50Gyt or more of radiation
  6. annual dose limit for education and training purposes
  7. effects that occur minutes, hours, days, weeks after irradiation
  8. the most pronounced effect of radiation on the hematopoietic system is a __________in the number of blood cells
  9. third stage of ARS when signs and symptoms of the syndromes are observed
  10. the hematopoietic system is the most ____________ vital organ system in humans
  11. annual occupational dose limit recommendation
  12. high possibility a single dose of ____Gyt of radiation will induce the formation of cataracts
  13. radiation sickness that occurs after whole body reception of large doses of ionizing radiation over a short period of time
  14. part of the eye that is moderately radiosensitive
  1. syndrome that occurs with dose ranging from 1-10Gyt
  2. point at which effects begin to appear and below which they are absent
  3. bone cancer seen in radium watch dial painters
  4. point mutations that will probably occur in the offspring
  5. NCRP recommends monthly EqD limit not exceeding ______ monthly for pregnant radiation worker
  6. period of ARS where no visible symptoms occur
  7. sterility that occurs in both male and female after of dose of 2Gyt
  8. model that predicts that a specific number of excess cancers will occur as a result of exposure
  9. the initial stage of ARS that presents with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  10. type of effects that directly relate to the dose of radiation received
  11. syndrome that occurs at 6 Gyt and peaks after 10Gyt
  12. hypothesis that a positive effect exists for certain populations that are continuously exposed to radiation
  13. science that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population
  14. reddening of the skin caused by excessive exposure to radiation
  15. radiation worker's lifetime effective dose limited to age in years times _________
  16. most important stochastic effect
  17. loss of hair
  18. effects that severity of the effect does not depend on dose received
  19. when living organism experience biologic damage from radiation exposure, the results are
  20. the middle layer of skin

34 Clues: loss of hairthe middle layer of skinmost important stochastic effectshedding of the outer layer of skinperiod of ARS where no visible symptoms occurannual occupational dose limit recommendationbone cancer seen in radium watch dial painterseffects of radiation on the embryo-fetus in uteropart of the eye that is moderately radiosensitive...

Atoms and Radiation 2020-12-08

Atoms and Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. substances not bonded together
  2. center of an atom, and contains protons and neutron
  3. anything that has mass and takes up space
  4. force the glue that holds the nucleus together
  5. The study of substances which matter is composed
  6. minus Radiation neutron turns into proton and electron
  7. positive charged particles
  8. the emission of energy from subatomic particles
  9. field outside the atom, and where electrons are
  10. Decay nucleus breaks apart
  11. bonds chemically bonded
  1. Radiation nucleus emits alpha particle
  2. energy that is released by radiation
  3. neutral charged particles
  4. negatively charged particles
  5. plus Radiation a proton turned into a neutron
  6. radiation that causes radiation
  7. building block of matter
  8. capture electron and proton becomes neutrons

19 Clues: bonds chemically bondedbuilding block of matterneutral charged particlespositive charged particlesDecay nucleus breaks apartnegatively charged particlessubstances not bonded togetherradiation that causes radiationenergy that is released by radiationRadiation nucleus emits alpha particleanything that has mass and takes up space...

Physical Geography : Chapter 4 2023-11-16

Physical Geography : Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Energy is generated from the sun
  2. Radiation just longer than the human eye can sense
  3. Scale for measuring temperature
  4. Unit for measuring temperature
  5. Energy is transferred from one point to another
  6. The process whereby electromagnetic waves pass
  7. Entire range of electromagnetic radiation
  8. Scale for measuring temperature
  9. Ability of an object to repel
  1. Wavelengths of radiation just shorter than the human eye can sense,
  2. Electromagnetic waves striking an object may be taken in
  3. Gas molecules and particulate matter in the air can deflect light waves and redirect them
  4. Light Form of electromagnetic radiation - light the human eye can see
  5. Transfer of heat from one molecule to another
  6. Incoming solar radiation
  7. Solar radiation, visible light, ultraviolet, and short infrared radiation
  8. Electromagnetic energy is emitted from an object

17 Clues: Incoming solar radiationAbility of an object to repelUnit for measuring temperatureScale for measuring temperatureScale for measuring temperatureEnergy is generated from the sunEntire range of electromagnetic radiationTransfer of heat from one molecule to anotherThe process whereby electromagnetic waves pass...

Roots 2021-09-23

Roots crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. vocalize
  3. aquamarine
  4. phone
  5. pantyhose
  6. dehydration
  7. photograph
  8. vision
  1. transgender
  2. bibliography
  3. ascending
  4. eject
  5. airport
  6. photosphere
  7. photosynthesis
  8. navigation

16 Clues: ejectphonevisionbiologyairportvocalizeascendingpantyhoseaquamarinephotographnavigationtransgenderphotospheredehydrationbibliographyphotosynthesis

radiation 2015-09-08

radiation crossword puzzle
  1. type of energy
  2. condensation
  3. particles all together
  4. heat something up
  1. to give off
  2. evaporation
  3. can travel through space
  4. particles far apart

8 Clues: to give offevaporationcondensationtype of energyheat something upparticles far apartparticles all togethercan travel through space

Radiation 2015-09-08

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. slowly moving particles
  2. surface
  3. particles together
  4. fast moving particles
  1. give off heat
  2. movement
  3. take in heat
  4. shiny surfaces

8 Clues: surfacemovementtake in heatgive off heatshiny surfacesparticles togetherfast moving particlesslowly moving particles

Radiation 2023-11-06

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. the electromagnetic
  2. electromagnetic waves are also called
  3. the transfer of heat in the form of wave energy from a relatively warmer body to a cooler body
  1. Did you know in latin radius means
  2. what colored objects tend to absorb
  3. All electromagnetic waves, including infrared (heat) waves, have a measurable
  4. the radiates heat outward to the earth and solar system
  5. ultraviolet

8 Clues: ultravioletthe electromagneticDid you know in latin radius meanswhat colored objects tend to absorbelectromagnetic waves are also calledthe radiates heat outward to the earth and solar systemAll electromagnetic waves, including infrared (heat) waves, have a measurable...

Radiation. 2023-06-09

Radiation. crossword puzzle
  1. distinct nuclear specie of the same element, such that the only difference between them is the number of neutrons in the nucleus..
  2. Last name of a couple of scientists who worked from the 80s onwards on radiation, she was the first person who won two Nobel prizes.
  3. Element which is created after another exited element decays.
  4. Large star near our planet, responsible of the natural light and heat we can see and feel every day.
  1. What we understand as light, it haves both particle and wave behavior.
  2. Elemental particle of a negative charge, which is the particle that moves along wires when electricity is used.
  3. Measure of the energy deposited in the matter, usually used in radiotherapy.
  4. Element used in nuclear reactors, which atomic number is 92.

8 Clues: Element used in nuclear reactors, which atomic number is 92.Element which is created after another exited element decays.What we understand as light, it haves both particle and wave behavior.Measure of the energy deposited in the matter, usually used in radiotherapy....

Radiation 2023-11-06

Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. the electromagnetic
  2. electromagnetic waves are also called
  3. the transfer of heat in the form of wave energy from a relatively warmer body to a cooler body
  1. Did you know in latin radius means
  2. what colored objects tend to absorb
  3. All electromagnetic waves, including infrared (heat) waves, have a measurable
  4. the radiates heat outward to the earth and solar system
  5. ultraviolet

8 Clues: ultravioletthe electromagneticDid you know in latin radius meanswhat colored objects tend to absorbelectromagnetic waves are also calledthe radiates heat outward to the earth and solar systemAll electromagnetic waves, including infrared (heat) waves, have a measurable...

WFCC Radiation Therapy 2014-10-31

WFCC Radiation Therapy crossword puzzle
  1. taste alteration
  2. factor required for calculating at different SSD
  3. made atomic bombs
  4. bullseye
  5. area around Chernobyl
  6. instead of a ruler
  7. type of radiation detector
  8. minimize overexposure
  9. radiation exposure not from medical procedures
  10. cerrobend
  11. Richard`s favourite German expression
  12. RSO
  1. discovered radioactivity
  2. workplace bullying
  3. precautions for TB
  4. low platelets
  5. most common type of bilateral breast cancer
  6. nerve damage syndrome from apical tumor
  7. recent radiation disaster
  8. dose based on type of radiation
  9. in every atom but one
  10. effects proportional to exposure
  11. acronym for recommendation providers to minimize exposure
  12. energy deposited per unit mass
  13. acronym for investigators improving cancer survivorship
  14. spontaneous radiation emission
  15. most radioresistant stage
  16. external disaster code

28 Clues: RSObullseyecerrobendlow plateletstaste alterationmade atomic bombsworkplace bullyingprecautions for TBinstead of a rulerarea around Chernobylin every atom but oneminimize overexposureexternal disaster codediscovered radioactivityrecent radiation disastermost radioresistant stagetype of radiation detectorenergy deposited per unit mass...

Chapter 15 Key Terms 2022-09-09

Chapter 15 Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A very important method of protection from ionizing radiation
  2. A region that is occupied only by occupationally exposed personnel and others under their direct supervision
  3. A radiation worker's lifetime EfD must be limited to their age in years times 10 mSv. This limit pertains to the whole body
  4. For primary radiation, the use factor represents the portion of beam on time that the x-ray beam is targeted or directed at a particular barrier during the week
  5. Area such as a nearby hallway or corridor that can be frequented by the general public
  6. A method of radiation protection that reflects the fact that the amount of radiation a worker receives is directly proportional to the length of time that the individual is exposed to ionizing radiation
  7. A permanent secured protective barrier for imaging personnel that is located in an x-ray room that contains housing for permanent or nonportable radiographic equipment
  8. A barrier that affords protection from secondary radiation only
  1. A protective device made of at least .25 mm lead equivalent that automatically covers the bucky slot opening in the side of the x-ray table during fluoroscopic examination when the Bucky tray is positioned at the food end of the table
  2. A barrier designed to prevent primary, or direct, radiation from reaching personnel or members of the general public on the other side of the barrier
  3. Expresses the relationship between distance and intensity of radiation
  4. The ratio of air kerma behind a barrier of material thickness "x" to the value of kerma at the same location with no intervening barrier
  5. Radiation generated in the x-ray tube that does not exit from the collimator opening but partially penetrates the protective tube housing and, to some degree, the sides of the collimator
  6. All the deflected radiation that arises from the interaction of an x-ray beam with the atoms of a patient or any other object in the path of the beam
  7. A factor used to modify the shielding requirement for a particular barrier by taking into account the fraction of the work week during which the space beyond the barrier is occupied
  8. Essentially the radiation output weighted time that an x-ray machine is actually delivering radiation during the week
  9. Radiation-absorbent barrier of appropriate thickness used to provide protection from radiation
  10. Well confined radiation that emerges directly from the x-ray tube collimator and moves without deflection toward a wall, door, viewing window, and so on

18 Clues: A very important method of protection from ionizing radiationA barrier that affords protection from secondary radiation onlyExpresses the relationship between distance and intensity of radiationArea such as a nearby hallway or corridor that can be frequented by the general public...

Nuclear Power 2023-07-12

Nuclear Power crossword puzzle
  1. Heat dissipation process
  2. Splitting atomic nuclei
  3. Decay time
  4. Slows down neutrons
  5. Increasing isotope concentration
  6. Radiation detection device
  7. Byproduct of nuclear reactions
  8. Radioactive element
  9. Breakdown of atomic nuclei
  10. Common fuel for reactors
  11. Required amount for chain reaction
  12. Radiation protection
  13. Power-generating device
  1. Measure of nuclear response
  2. Variant form of an element
  3. Regulation of nuclear reactions
  4. Self-sustaining reaction sequence
  5. Energy generation
  6. Nuclear systems specialist
  7. Central part of a reactor
  8. Subatomic particle in atomic nuclei
  9. Heat dissipation process
  10. Study of atomic behavior
  11. Scientific understanding
  12. Not sustaining chain reaction
  13. High-energy radiation
  14. Emission of energy
  15. Atomic nuclei combining
  16. Radiation measurement device
  17. Monitoring and operation area

30 Clues: Decay timeEnergy generationEmission of energySlows down neutronsRadioactive elementRadiation protectionHigh-energy radiationSplitting atomic nucleiAtomic nuclei combiningPower-generating deviceHeat dissipation processHeat dissipation processStudy of atomic behaviorScientific understandingCommon fuel for reactorsCentral part of a reactor...

Greek and Latin Roots part 1 2023-08-23

Greek and Latin Roots part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Not visible or able to be seen
  2. An invention made by Thomas Edison that records sound
  3. A public building where people sit to listen to concerts
  4. A musical instrument that is shaped similar to the letter s
  5. An invention perfected by Henry Ford
  6. A person's handwritten signature
  7. A device that measures electromagnatic radiation in the visible light spectrum
  8. The process that plants use to convert sunlight to energy
  9. Done without thinging or by itself
  10. To look and again and make changes
  11. The study of life
  1. A device that makes your voice louder
  2. A device that allows you to watch shows
  3. A printed picture taken with a camera
  4. Related to recorded sound
  5. A medicine used to kill microorganisms
  6. Heard or capable of being heard
  7. The story of a person's life written by someone else through research

18 Clues: The study of lifeRelated to recorded soundNot visible or able to be seenHeard or capable of being heardA person's handwritten signatureDone without thinging or by itselfTo look and again and make changesAn invention perfected by Henry FordA device that makes your voice louderA printed picture taken with a camera...

Radiation Vocabulary 2023-04-24

Radiation Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the process of changing energy from one form to another.
  2. the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation.
  3. a path along which the whole current flows through each component.
  4. the result of the movement of tiny particles called atoms, molecules or ions in solids, liquids and gases.
  5. the emission of electrons or positrons
  6. comprises branches so that the current divides and only part of it flows through any branch.
  7. physical phenomenon produced by the motion of charge.
  1. the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1 degree Celsius (°C).
  2. A measurement of the energy content of food.
  3. the flow of charge.
  4. occurs when the nucleus of an atom becomes unstable (the ratio of neutrons to protons is too low) and alpha particles are emitted to restore balance.
  5. the emission of energetic photons.
  6. the time taken for the radioactivity of a specified isotope to fall to half its original value.

13 Clues: the flow of charge.the emission of energetic photons.the emission of electrons or positronsA measurement of the energy content of food.physical phenomenon produced by the motion of charge.the process of changing energy from one form to another.a path along which the whole current flows through each component....

Radiation Oncology 2023-08-02

Radiation Oncology crossword puzzle


ch 38 radiography 2018-05-09

ch 38 radiography crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to do work
  2. process by which electrons are removed from atoms causing the harmful effects of radiation in humans
  3. a device used to detect and measure an accumulated dosage of radiation
  4. exposures should be kept as low as reasonable achievable
  5. xrays at the center of the beam
  6. image produced on photosensitive film by exposing the film to radiation and then processing it.
  7. effects of radiation that cause illness and are responsible for poor health
  8. the blurred or indistinct area that surrounds an image
  9. proportional enlargement of an image
  10. negative electrode in the xray tube
  11. a minute bundle of pure energy that has no weight or mass
  12. anything that occupies space and has form or shape
  1. forms of waves of energy emission through space or material
  2. time between exposure to ionizing radiation and appearance of symptoms
  3. the process of recording images of teeth and adjacent structures by exposure to x-radiation
  4. change in the size of an image caused by incorrect vertical angulation
  5. effects of radiation that are passed on to future generations through genetic cells
  6. device used to protect the reproductive and blood-forming tissues from scatter radiation
  7. differences in degrees of blackness on an image
  8. the most penetrating beam produced at the target of the anode
  9. a measure of how well an image reproduces the fine details or outline of an object
  10. portion of the xray unit that contains the master switch, indicator light and buttons
  11. positive electode in the xray tube
  12. basic unit of matter

24 Clues: basic unit of matterthe ability to do workxrays at the center of the beampositive electode in the xray tubenegative electrode in the xray tubeproportional enlargement of an imagedifferences in degrees of blackness on an imageanything that occupies space and has form or shapethe blurred or indistinct area that surrounds an image...

UB STEP:Earth Day 2023 2023-04-20

UB STEP:Earth Day 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. The natural home of an animal, plant, or other organisms
  2. Decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer
  3. Source that is not depleted
  4. To reuse materials
  5. It differs from oxygen in having three atoms in its molecule
  6. The envelope of gases surrounding the earth
  7. To reuse a material but making it into something of higher quality
  8. The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or functions
  9. Determined by the sun
  10. Relating to a state of being maintained
  1. Contaminated with harmful and poisonous substances
  2. A place to dispose of materials
  3. Trash, such as paper, cans, and bottles
  4. No longer alive, gone
  5. A branch of biology that deals with the ecosystem
  6. To maintain in its original state
  7. The production and discharge of gas or radiation
  8. Relating to or derived from living matter

18 Clues: To reuse materialsNo longer alive, goneDetermined by the sunSource that is not depletedA place to dispose of materialsTo maintain in its original stateTrash, such as paper, cans, and bottlesRelating to a state of being maintainedRelating to or derived from living matterThe envelope of gases surrounding the earth...

Radiation & Lighting 2021-06-25

Radiation & Lighting crossword puzzle
  1. Example of particulate radiation neutron
  2. equipment used to measure light intensity
  3. Base unit of luminous intensity
  4. Health effects on the eyes prone among welders
  5. Non-ionizing radiation associated with the sun
  1. SI unit of for the activity of a radioactive material
  2. Radiation in the wavelength between 470 and 3000 nm
  3. Gamma ray and x-ray are radiation of this type
  4. Old type of lamp with filament
  5. Part in the eyes that lets in light and focus it on the retina
  6. Acute effect of exposure to radiation
  7. Unit for absorbed dose times modifying factor
  8. Control for exposure to radiation

13 Clues: Old type of lamp with filamentBase unit of luminous intensityControl for exposure to radiationAcute effect of exposure to radiationExample of particulate radiation neutronequipment used to measure light intensityUnit for absorbed dose times modifying factorGamma ray and x-ray are radiation of this typeHealth effects on the eyes prone among welders...

Learning Activity: Safety 2021-03-07

Learning Activity: Safety crossword puzzle
  1. ______occurs when an energy source contains sufficient energy to remove an electron from an orbital shell.
  2. A skin response to exposure known as hair loss is called_____.
  3. Reduction in the intensity of the x-ray beam is known as ____.
  4. The radiation protection barrier in which the primary beam is directed toward is an example of a _____ barrier.
  5. Genetic effects of radiation represent a linear ______ curve.
  6. Tissue is MOST sensitive to radiation when it is ______.
  7. Coherent scatter is also known as _____ scatter.
  8. “All-or-nothing” radiation effects describe _______ effects
  9. Radiation that passes through the tube housing in directions other than that of the useful beam is ______ radiation.
  10. Temporary infertility is an example of a ______ effect.
  11. X-rays travel at the speed of ____
  1. The biologic effect that occurs when ionization takes place in cellular water and results in the formation of a free radical is ______ effect.
  2. A positively charged ion is a ____.
  3. The quality of an x-ray beam refers to its ability to _____.
  4. The single most important source of scattered radiation in radiography and fluoroscopy is the ____.
  5. Atoms that have the same atomic number but different mass numbers are ____.
  6. Radiation protection barriers that are designed to protect from leakage and scattered radiation are known as _____ barriers.
  7. _____ absorption occurs when an x-ray is completely absorbed by an inner-shell electron
  8. The ____ effect occurs when an x-ray removes an electron from its outer shell and proceeds in a different direction.
  9. The ___ of an x-ray beam refers to the number of x-ray photons exiting the beam.

20 Clues: X-rays travel at the speed of ____A positively charged ion is a ____.Coherent scatter is also known as _____ scatter.Temporary infertility is an example of a ______ effect.Tissue is MOST sensitive to radiation when it is ______.“All-or-nothing” radiation effects describe _______ effectsThe quality of an x-ray beam refers to its ability to _____....

Particles and Radiation 2021-08-22

Particles and Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. ​A force that acts between nucleons in a nucleus to keep it stable. It is attractive at distances of up to 3fm and repulsive at separations less than 0.5fm.
  2. ​The number of protons present in the nucleus of a given element.
  3. ​A quantum number that is conserved in strong interactions but not in weak interactions. This reflects that strange particles are always produced in pairs.
  4. ​A group of elementary subatomic particles, consisting of electrons, muons and neutrinos.
  5. ​The minimum energy required to remove an electron from a metal’s surface.
  6. T​he process of a particle and its antiparticle colliding and being converted into energy. The energy is released in two photons to conserve momentum.
  7. ​The process of a sufficiently high-energy photon converting into a particle and its corresponding antiparticle. To conserve momentum, this usually occurs near a nucleus.
  8. T​he process of an unstable nucleus emitting an alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons) to become more stable.
  9. ​A packet of energy.
  10. ​The exchange particles that transmit the four fundamental interactions between particles.
  11. ​The process of a neutron inside a nucleus turning into a proton, and emitting a beta-minus particle (an electron) and a antineutrino.
  12. ​The sum of the number of protons and neutrons in a given nucleus.
  13. A​ll particles have a corresponding antiparticle with the same mass but opposite charge and conservation numbers.
  14. A subatomic particle whose existence was hypothesised to maintain the conservation of energy in beta decay.
  15. A​ class of hadron, that is made up of three quarks. The proton is the only stable baryon.
  16. ​A proton or neutron.
  17. ​The minimum potential difference required to stop the highest kinetic energy electrons from leaving the metal plate in the photoelectric effect.
  18. ​A class of subatomic particle that experiences the strong nuclear interaction.
  19. T​he process of a proton inside a nucleus turning into a neutron, and emitting a beta-plus particle (a positron) and a neutrino.
  20. ​Particles that are produced through the strong interaction but decay through the weak interaction.
  21. T​he work done to accelerate an electron through a potential difference of 1V. 1eV is equal to the charge of an electron (E=qv).
  1. T​he process of an electron taking in exactly the right quantity of energy to move to a higher energy level.
  2. ​Data from isotopes that can be used for a purpose, such as carbon dating.
  3. T​he most stable energy level that an electron can exist in.
  4. ​A type of meson and the exchange particle for the strong nuclear force.
  5. ​The process of an atom losing an orbital electron and becoming charged.
  6. ​A type of meson that decays into pions.
  7. ​The minimum frequency of photons required for photoelectrons to be emitted from the surface of a metal plate through the photoelectric effect. It is equal to the metal’s work function divided by Planck’s constant.
  8. ​A quantum number that is conserved in all particle interactions. Both electron lepton numbers and muon lepton numbers must be conserved.
  9. A quantum number that is conserved in all particle interactions. Baryons have a baryon number of +1 and non-baryons have a baryon number of 0.
  10. ​A positively charged particle that is the antiparticle of an electron.
  11. D​efined and distinct energies at which electrons can exist in an atom. An electron cannot exist between energy levels.
  12. ​Same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
  13. T​he spreading of electrons as they pass through a gap similar to the magnitude of their de Broglie wavelength. It is evidence of the wave-like properties of particles.
  14. ​A class of hadron that is made up of a quark and antiquark pair. Muon ​A type of lepton that decays into electrons.

35 Clues: ​A packet of energy.​A proton or neutron.​A type of meson that decays into pions.​Same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.T​he most stable energy level that an electron can exist in.​The number of protons present in the nucleus of a given element.​The sum of the number of protons and neutrons in a given nucleus....

James Watson 2022-08-17

James Watson crossword puzzle
  1. He helped discover...
  2. He was 15 when he got a scholarship to this school.
  3. The City he was born in.
  4. Where he studied x-ray radiation and its effect on replication of bacteriophage viruses.
  1. One of the 2 schools that rejected him.
  2. He was a ___________of the National Research council
  3. He got a Bachelor's or Science degree in..
  4. He one the Nobel prize in...
  5. The animal he was interested in that lead him to study biology.
  6. The last name of one of his main partners throughout his Journey.

10 Clues: He helped discover...The City he was born in.He one the Nobel prize in...One of the 2 schools that rejected him.He got a Bachelor's or Science degree in..He was 15 when he got a scholarship to this school.He was a ___________of the National Research councilThe animal he was interested in that lead him to study biology....

Unit 3 : Solar Energy 2021-05-28

Unit 3 : Solar Energy crossword puzzle
  1. used to measure beam radiation.
  2. measures both direct and diffuse radiation.
  3. Infrared radiations gives energy.
  4. Visible radiations gives energy.
  5. Satellite source of energy is from
  6. most dangerous type of radiation.
  7. Plants convert solar energy into __energy.
  8. the angle known as solar altitude angle.
  9. The solar constant also called as
  10. life span is around 2-6 years.
  1. In solar cells _________ material is used.
  2. radiation is called as a diffuse radiation.
  3. The energy which is stored as latent heat is called as energy.
  4. From the sun the solar energy is radiated in the form of waves.
  5. the disc having maximum efficiency.
  6. nuclear radiation unit is
  7. Solar energy can leads to generate the electricity through heat___.
  8. The less insolation occurs when the sun is

18 Clues: nuclear radiation unit islife span is around 2-6 years.used to measure beam radiation.Visible radiations gives energy.Infrared radiations gives energy.most dangerous type of radiation.The solar constant also called asSatellite source of energy is fromthe disc having maximum efficiency.the angle known as solar altitude angle....

School locations and class subjects 2023-09-17

School locations and class subjects crossword puzzle
  1. photography
  2. computer
  3. biology
  4. government
  5. sophomore
  6. locker
  7. school
  8. university
  9. elementary
  10. class
  11. principal
  1. junior
  2. front
  3. history
  4. art
  5. english
  6. freshman
  7. geography
  8. store
  9. coach
  10. senior
  11. health
  12. printing
  13. business
  14. counselor
  15. science
  16. drama
  17. chemistry
  18. gym
  19. math

30 Clues: artgymmathfrontstorecoachdramaclassjuniorseniorhealthlockerschoolhistoryenglishbiologysciencecomputerfreshmanprintingbusinessgeographysophomorecounselorchemistryprincipalgovernmentuniversityelementaryphotography

Science review 2023-12-07

Science review crossword puzzle
  1. Not good at transferring heat
  2. Type of container that keeps things hot
  3. Why we can stretch copper into wires
  4. Heat transferred by light waves
  5. Where we find protons but not electrons
  6. Substance made by combining elements
  7. A compound containing one carbon and two oxygen
  8. Type of radiation that can travel very far
  9. Can be damaged by radiation and cause mutations
  10. Substance made of different compounds
  11. Another name for proton number
  12. Subatomic particle
  13. We can tell something is hot by checking its...
  14. Atom with eight neutrons
  15. Type of heat transfer, think hot air rising
  16. Unit of energy
  1. Using radiation to kill bacteria
  2. Non-metals (except diamonds)
  3. A compound of hydrogen and sulfur
  4. Benefit of radiation, noisy safety device
  5. Atom with one electron
  6. Radiation of an electron
  7. In the same period as oxygen
  8. number of protons and neutrons together
  9. A compound of potassium, carbon, and oxygen
  10. A hot object has a lot of thermal...
  11. Will let heat or electricity pass through
  12. Why we can bang and shape metals
  13. Radiation stopped by paper
  14. hot air rises because it is less...

30 Clues: Unit of energySubatomic particleAtom with one electronRadiation of an electronAtom with eight neutronsRadiation stopped by paperNon-metals (except diamonds)In the same period as oxygenNot good at transferring heatAnother name for proton numberHeat transferred by light wavesUsing radiation to kill bacteriaWhy we can bang and shape metals...

Unit 2 Vocab Crossword Puzzle- Mackenzie McClennen 2023-09-19

Unit 2 Vocab Crossword Puzzle- Mackenzie McClennen crossword puzzle
  1. highspeed electron with a I- charge
  2. major energy levels of an atom
  3. a form of energy exhibiting wavelike behavior
  4. rays and particles emitted by radiation
  5. energy levels contained with a principal energy level
  6. arrangements of electrons in an atom
  7. postive charge
  8. postive and negative charges
  9. eight electrons in valence shell
  10. minimum amount of energy that can be gained or lossed
  1. high-energy radiation that has no electrical charge and no mass
  2. valence shell electrons in a molecule
  3. particle with two protons and neutrons with a 2+ charge
  4. a particle of electromagnetic radiation with no mass
  5. electrons in outermost orbitals
  6. equation that shows the atomic and mass number of particles
  7. number of waves passing a given point
  8. lowest energy state of a atom
  9. a set of frequencies electromagnetic waves
  10. process in which subtances emit radiation
  11. negative charge
  12. shortest distance between equivalent polints on a wave

22 Clues: postive chargenegative chargepostive and negative chargeslowest energy state of a atommajor energy levels of an atomelectrons in outermost orbitalseight electrons in valence shellhighspeed electron with a I- chargearrangements of electrons in an atomvalence shell electrons in a moleculenumber of waves passing a given point...

7th Grade Science 2013-05-14

7th Grade Science crossword puzzle
  1. A large group of organisms ranging from meters-long seaweeds to single-celled microorganisms. Most algae are photosynthetic, meaning that they use light and carbon dioxide to make sugar and oxygen.
  2. A physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot and/or painful
  3. The body’s natural defense system. It is used to protect against infections or toxic substances, such as pollutants.
  4. Radiation with waves shorter than violet light, but not as short or energetic as X-rays.
  5. The envelope of gases that surrounds a planet.
  6. Energy that moves from one place to another as electromagnetic waves or as moving particles. Radiation may be heat, light or electricity.
  7. A scientist who studies the branch of biology that examines how organisms interact with each other and their environment.
  1. The natural community of plants, animals and microorganisms that evolved to live together in a particular place with a particular climate. Examples include tropical reefs, rainforests, alpine meadows and polar tundra.
  2. Tiny floating animals (known as zooplankton) in the water that feed on single-celled plants and plantlike organisms (called phytoplankton) that also float in the water.
  3. A colorless, odorless gas. Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas produces large amounts of carbon dioxide, which traps heat in Earth’s atmosphere. Plants, as well as plantlike phytoplankton (including algae), absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.
  4. A doctor who diagnoses, treats and studies allergies in people.
  5. Any of various gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the leading greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere.
  6. A layer in Earth’s stratosphere at an altitude of about 10 km (6.2 miles) containing a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching Earth from the sun.
  7. A condition that causes difficulty in breathing, often triggered by an allergy.
  8. A damaging immune response by the body to a substance like air pollution or pollen.

15 Clues: The envelope of gases that surrounds a planet.A doctor who diagnoses, treats and studies allergies in people.A condition that causes difficulty in breathing, often triggered by an allergy.A damaging immune response by the body to a substance like air pollution or pollen....

Radioactivity Crossword 2016-03-17

Radioactivity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Gamma rays have a very ________ frequency.
  2. Materials that are radioactive have nuclei that are ____________.
  3. Type of radiation that is made up of two protons and two neutrons.
  4. During alpha decay the _________ __________ of the element decreases by 2.
  5. In beta decay, a ________ changes into a proton and an electron.
  6. The release of radiation by unstable nuclei is known as __________ ____________.
  7. Nuclei that are ________ _______ are likely to release beta particles.
  8. The charge of an alpha particle
  9. Type of radiation that is a high energy electromagnetic wave.
  10. Emitting gamma rays causes a nucleus to ________ it's energy state.
  11. The time taken for half of the nuclei in a radioactive material to decay.
  1. Gamma rays have a very ________ wavelength.
  2. During alpha decay, the __________ __________ of the element decreases by 4.
  3. Piece of equipment used to measure radiation.
  4. Type of radiation that is made up of a fast moving electron.
  5. Term used to describe materials that give out nuclear radiation
  6. The part of the atom that contains protons and neutrons
  7. Nuclei that are _______ _________ are likely to release alpha particles.
  8. The structure made from sub-atomic particles.
  9. An unstable nucleus will _________ (split up) during radiation.
  10. During beta decay, the atomic number increases by ______.

21 Clues: The charge of an alpha particleGamma rays have a very ________ frequency.Gamma rays have a very ________ wavelength.Piece of equipment used to measure radiation.The structure made from sub-atomic particles.The part of the atom that contains protons and neutronsDuring beta decay, the atomic number increases by ______....

Radioactivity Crossword 2016-03-17

Radioactivity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Term used to describe materials that give out nuclear radiation
  2. Piece of equipment used to measure radiation.
  3. Gamma rays have a very ________ frequency.
  4. Materials that are radioactive have nuclei that are ____________.
  5. During alpha decay, the __________ __________ of the element decreases by 4.
  6. Emitting gamma rays causes a nucleus to ________ it's energy state.
  7. Type of radiation that is made up of a fast moving electron.
  8. In beta decay, a ________ changes into a proton and an electron.
  1. Type of radiation that is made up of two protons and two neutrons.
  2. The charge of an alpha particle
  3. During alpha decay the _________ __________ of the element decreases by 2.
  4. Type of radiation that is a high energy electromagnetic wave.
  5. The part of the atom that contains protons and neutrons
  6. The release of radiation by unstable nuclei is known as __________ ____________.
  7. Nuclei that are ________ _______ are likely to release beta particles.
  8. During beta decay, the atomic number increases by ______.
  9. The time taken for half of the nuclei in a radioactive material to decay.
  10. Gamma rays have a very ________ wavelength.
  11. Nuclei that are _______ _________ are likely to release alpha particles.
  12. An unstable nucleus will _________ (split up) during radiation.
  13. The structure made from sub-atomic particles.

21 Clues: The charge of an alpha particleGamma rays have a very ________ frequency.Gamma rays have a very ________ wavelength.Piece of equipment used to measure radiation.The structure made from sub-atomic particles.The part of the atom that contains protons and neutronsDuring beta decay, the atomic number increases by ______....

Radioactivity Crossword 2016-03-17

Radioactivity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The structure made from sub-atomic particles.
  2. An unstable nucleus will _________ (split up) during radiation.
  3. Type of radiation that is a high energy electromagnetic wave.
  4. Nuclei that are ________ _______ are likely to release beta particles.
  5. Materials that are radioactive have nuclei that are ____________.
  6. Gamma rays have a very ________ frequency.
  7. During beta decay, the atomic number increases by ______.
  8. The charge of an alpha particle
  9. Gamma rays have a very ________ wavelength.
  10. Type of radiation that is made up of a fast moving electron.
  11. Piece of equipment used to measure radiation.
  12. Emitting gamma rays causes a nucleus to ________ it's energy state.
  13. The part of the atom that contains protons and neutrons
  14. Nuclei that are _______ _________ are likely to release alpha particles.
  1. During alpha decay, the __________ __________ of the element decreases by 4.
  2. Term used to describe materials that give out nuclear radiation
  3. During alpha decay the _________ __________ of the element decreases by 2.
  4. Type of radiation that is made up of two protons and two neutrons.
  5. The time taken for half of the nuclei in a radioactive material to decay.
  6. The release of radiation by unstable nuclei is known as __________ ____________.
  7. In beta decay, a ________ changes into a proton and an electron.

21 Clues: The charge of an alpha particleGamma rays have a very ________ frequency.Gamma rays have a very ________ wavelength.The structure made from sub-atomic particles.Piece of equipment used to measure radiation.The part of the atom that contains protons and neutronsDuring beta decay, the atomic number increases by ______....

Chemistry Unit 6 Vocabulary Review 2021-02-24

Chemistry Unit 6 Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. The radiation of electrons
  2. The atomic number of an alpha particle
  3. The spontaneous emission of radiation
  4. A particle with a mass of approximately 1 amu
  5. The abbreviation is amu
  6. For boron, its __ number is 5
  7. Gamma radiation is measured as ___ loss.
  8. Alpha radiation emits a __ atom.
  9. Same element, different mass
  10. ____ change the identity of the atoms.
  1. Carbon is 99% carbon-12. Dividing 99% by 100 gives you the _____ of carbon-12.
  2. The mass number of a beta particle
  3. For potassium-40, it's ___ number is 40
  4. The average atomic mass of ___ is 79.904 amu.
  5. Massless radiation
  6. A particle with a mass of approximately 0.0005 amu
  7. A positively charged particle
  8. If thorium underwent alpha decay, it would become ___.
  9. If chromium underwent beta decay, it would become ___ .
  10. ____ rearrange the atoms.
  11. Find the average atomic mass by adding the ____ of each isotope.
  12. Rays of energy or particles
  13. For lithium, 6.94 is the ___ average of its isotopes

23 Clues: Massless radiationThe abbreviation is amu____ rearrange the atoms.The radiation of electronsRays of energy or particlesSame element, different massA positively charged particleFor boron, its __ number is 5Alpha radiation emits a __ atom.The mass number of a beta particleThe spontaneous emission of radiationThe atomic number of an alpha particle...

Radiation: Key Definitions 2019-03-19

Radiation: Key Definitions crossword puzzle
  1. A radiation detector often worn by people who work with radioactive materials to monitor the radiation dose that they are exposed to. It uses different filters which blacken or ‘fog’ when radiation hits them.
  2. The absorbed dose multiplied by the radiation weighting factor.
  3. The energy absorbed by a material per unit mass.
  4. An indicator of the relative biological effect of radiation on a material.
  5. Radiation that is all around us and is caused by both natural and artificial sources, e.g. radon gas.
  6. The time taken for the activity of a radioactive source to decrease to half its original value.
  7. A particle with neutral charge that exists in the nucleus of an atom.
  8. A positively charged particle in the nucleus of an atom.
  9. The equivalent dose per unit time.
  10. The addition or removal of an electron from a neutral atom.
  11. When unstable nuclei emit nuclear radiation in the form of an alpha particle, beta particle or gamma ray in an attempt to become more stable.
  12. The small, dense region containing protons and neutrons at the centre of an atom.
  13. A negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus of an atom.
  1. The process of small nuclei joining together to form a larger nucleus, with energy being released.
  2. An electromagnetic wave of very high frequency and energy.
  3. The use of powerful magnetic fields to prevent hydrogen plasma from physically touching any parts of a nuclear reactor.
  4. The act of placing a material between a person and a radioactive source to absorb radiation.
  5. A radiation detector that counts the flashes of light produced when radiation hits the scintillating material.
  6. A fast moving electron.
  7. An overall neutral particle consisting of a nucleus (protons and neutrons) and orbiting electrons.
  8. When neutrons released in nuclear fission reactions go on to hit other nuclei, causing further fission reactions, and the cycle repeats. The process may be controlled (nuclear reactors) or uncontrolled (nuclear bomb).
  9. A radiation detector that uses the ionisation of gas in the tube to count the number of times radiation hits it.
  10. The process in which an unstable, heavy atomic nucleus splits into two or more lighter nuclei (called fission fragments), with energy being released.
  11. A particle made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons. It is also the nucleus of a helium atom.
  12. The number of nuclear decays (or disintegrations) per second.

25 Clues: A fast moving electron.The equivalent dose per unit time.The energy absorbed by a material per unit mass.A positively charged particle in the nucleus of an atom.An electromagnetic wave of very high frequency and energy.The addition or removal of an electron from a neutral atom.The number of nuclear decays (or disintegrations) per second....

Radiation Physics Vocabulary 2021-08-13

Radiation Physics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Scale of radiosensitivity on CT scans
  2. Three principles of radiation protection
  3. Interaction of photon with inner-shell electron
  4. Replaces the flattening filter for electron treatments
  5. Monitors and samples the Linac beam for symmetry
  6. Abbreviation for imaging devices mounted on a Linac
  7. The change in the apparent position of an object when viewed from different points
  8. Source of microwave power for a Linac
  9. The weight of a particle when it is not moving
  10. Substance made up entirely of one kind of atom
  11. The amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom
  12. Interaction of photon with outer-shell electron
  13. An electron has a -------- charge
  14. Discovered radioactivity in 1902
  1. Photons emitted as electrons are slowed down by the electric field near a nucleus
  2. Reduction in intensity as an x-ray moves through matter
  3. Incorrect application or delivery of prescribed dose
  4. Smallest unit of an element that retains the properties of that element
  5. The number of protons in the nucleus, Z
  6. Shapes the x-ray beam in its cross-sectional dimension
  7. Time required for the activity of a radioisotope sample to decay to half of its initial value
  8. Elements that have the same number of Protons, but a different number of Neutrons
  9. Emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or material
  10. Energy deposited in matter by ionizing radiation per unit mass
  11. Force responsible for the interaction between electrically charged particles.
  12. Describes the relationship between intensity of a radiation beam and distance from the source
  13. The degree of darkening on an image
  14. Conveys microwave power to the accelerator structure in the gantry
  15. Three-dimensional representation of image information

29 Clues: Discovered radioactivity in 1902An electron has a -------- chargeThe degree of darkening on an imageScale of radiosensitivity on CT scansSource of microwave power for a LinacThe number of protons in the nucleus, ZThree principles of radiation protectionThe weight of a particle when it is not movingSubstance made up entirely of one kind of atom...

oml 2022-09-22

oml crossword puzzle
  1. Data
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Inference
  4. experiment Controlled experiment
  5. Homeostasis
  6. Theory
  7. Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
  8. DNA
  9. Metabolism
  1. Stimulus
  2. Variable Dependent Variable
  3. Variable Independent Variable
  4. Evolve
  5. Observation
  6. Group Control Group
  7. Bias
  8. Reproduction Asexual Reproduction
  9. Biology

18 Clues: DNADataBiasEvolveTheoryBiologyStimulusInferenceHypothesisMetabolismObservationHomeostasisGroup Control GroupVariable Dependent VariableVariable Independent Variableexperiment Controlled experimentReproduction Sexual ReproductionReproduction Asexual Reproduction

Atomic Structure 2017-05-23

Atomic Structure crossword puzzle
  1. Using radiation to explore internal organs (7) T------ p104
  2. The number of protons in an atom (6,6) A----- N----- p89
  3. Total number of protons and neutrons in an atom (4,6) M--- N----- p89
  4. Negative part of an atom (8) E-------- p88
  5. Model of an atom with electrons embedded in positive sphere (4,7) P--- P------ p91
  6. The process of exposing an object to radiation (11) I---------- p105
  7. Unit for radioactive activity (Bq) (9) B-------- p99
  8. The time taken for half the radioactive nuclei to decay (4,4) H--- L--- p99
  9. Type of radiation consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons (Helium nucleus) (5,8) A---- P------- p94
  10. Absorption or emission of _______________ _________ may cause electrons to change energy levels (15,9) E-------------- R-------- p92
  11. Neutral part of the nucleus of an atom (7) N------- p88
  12. An atom that has a positive or negative charge (3) I-- p89
  13. The charge on an ion that has lost electrons (8) P------- P89
  14. 1/10,000th the radius of an atom where most of the mass is found (7) N------ p88
  15. Splitting large unstable nuclei (7) F------ p106
  1. Source of background radiation from space (6,4) C----- R--- P97
  2. Used to slow nuclear fission in a power station (7,4) C------ R--- p107
  3. Positive part of the nucleus of an atom (6) P------ p88
  4. Unit for radiation dose (Sv) (7) S------ p102
  5. Type of radiation consisting electromagnetic radiation from the nucleus (5,3) G---- R-- p94
  6. Normal level of radiation that is around us all the time (10,9) B--------- R-------- p97
  7. Used to detect radiation (6,6,4) G----- M----- T--- p96
  8. A reaction that, once started, continues by itself (5,8) C---- R------- p107
  9. 1 sievert = 1000 _____________ (13) M------------ p102
  10. Type of radiation consisting of a high speed electron from the nucleus (Neutron changes to proton) (4,8) B--- P------- p94
  11. This occurs when radiation creates ions (10) I--------- p95
  12. The charge on an ion that has gained electrons (8) N------- P89
  13. Using radiation to find the age of organic material (6,6) C----- D----- p100
  14. Joining 2 light nuclei into a heavier nucleus (6) F----- p108
  15. Different form of an element with a different number of neutrons (7) I------ p90

30 Clues: Negative part of an atom (8) E-------- p88Unit for radiation dose (Sv) (7) S------ p102Splitting large unstable nuclei (7) F------ p106Unit for radioactive activity (Bq) (9) B-------- p991 sievert = 1000 _____________ (13) M------------ p102Positive part of the nucleus of an atom (6) P------ p88...

Radioactivity 2024-06-03

Radioactivity crossword puzzle
  1. An electromagnetic wave
  2. Has two common isotopes 235 and 238
  3. Stops alpha radiation
  4. Nuclear power plant in Japan that suffered radiation leaks and damaged reactors
  5. The S.I unit of radiation
  6. The length of time it takes for half of the atoms of an isotope to decay
  7. Metal that stops Alpha and beta radiation but not gamma
  8. Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
  9. when an atom spontaneously ejects a particle and changes into a different type of atom
  1. used to detect radiation
  2. Won 2 nobel prizes and discovered Radium and Polonium
  3. The type of nuclear radiation with a +2 charge
  4. 1986 nuclear disaster
  5. A fast moving nuclear electron
  6. This nuclear particle changes into a proton and an electron to initiate beta decay
  7. The nucleus of this atom is the same as an alpha particle
  8. The name of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima
  9. Metal that stops alpha and beta and most of gamma radiation

18 Clues: 1986 nuclear disasterStops alpha radiationAn electromagnetic waveused to detect radiationThe S.I unit of radiationA fast moving nuclear electronHas two common isotopes 235 and 238The name of the bomb dropped on HiroshimaThe type of nuclear radiation with a +2 chargeWon 2 nobel prizes and discovered Radium and Polonium...

Image Analysis Key Terms 2015-04-27

Image Analysis Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Outline of an anatomic structure
  2. Motion that patient is unable to control
  3. Kilovotage peak (kVp) that will provide adequate body part penetration and sufficient gray scale
  4. Determines maximum time that the AEC x-ray exposure will be allowed to continue
  5. Sthenic is example
  6. Foot end of patient
  7. Technique whereby object-image receptor distance (OID) is increased to reduce amount of scatter radiation reaching IR
  8. Decreased size of one axis of a structure
  9. Philosophy used to guide good radiation exposure practices
  10. How differently each tissue composition type will absorb photons
  11. Plane that divides the body into equal left and right halves
  12. Filter used to remove photons from the beam to produce uniform density
  13. Sharpness of structures
  14. Misrepresentation of size or shape of structure
  15. Absorbed dose to the most superficial layers of skin
  16. Results of poor central ray and grid alignment
  17. Number of gray shades used to represent different image structures
  18. Device used to reduce amount of scatter radiation reaching the image receptor (IR)
  19. Law used to adjust milliampere-second (mAs) to maintain density when source-image receptor distance (SID) is changed
  20. Preventing passage of x-radiation
  21. Diseases that cause the structure to be more radiolucent
  22. Movement that bends a joint
  23. Diseases that cause tissues to increase in mass density or thickness
  1. Act of throwing a structure
  2. Contrast caused by x-ray attenuating characteristics of subject
  3. Device that receives radiation leaving patient
  4. Plane that divides the body into equal parts
  5. Head end of patient
  6. Biologic response of radiation exposure directly related to dose received
  7. Shortest exposure time to which the automatic exposure control (AEC) can respond
  8. Results of using an angled central ray while part and IR remain parallel
  9. Maximum permissible radiation dose limits
  10. System that automatically determines image density by stopping exposure
  11. Chamber in AEC system that collects radiation
  12. Radiation that has changed in direction from primary beam
  13. Allowing passage of x-radiation
  14. Ability to differentiate details from one another on an image
  15. Law that states that radiation intensity is inversely proportional to square of its distance from x-ray source
  16. Absorption of radiation in heel of anode, causing less radiation intensity at anode end of IR
  17. Gown snap on an image
  18. Position in which the patient lies on a cart and a horizontal beam is used
  19. Situated far from the source or beginning

42 Clues: Sthenic is exampleHead end of patientFoot end of patientGown snap on an imageSharpness of structuresAct of throwing a structureMovement that bends a jointAllowing passage of x-radiationOutline of an anatomic structurePreventing passage of x-radiationMotion that patient is unable to controlDecreased size of one axis of a structure...

Chapter 1 Radiation 2022-03-08

Chapter 1 Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. the making of radiographs by exposing an image receptor, either film or digital sensor
  2. are capable of exposing the entire dentation and surrounding structures on a single image
  3. discovered the long cone
  4. known for the paralleling technique
  5. color for for anterior periapical XCP
  6. abbreviation for bitewing
  7. allows for enhanced two and three dimensional images are being used in the diagnosis and treatment of dental conditions
  8. more descriptive of its function of directing the x-rays rather then its shape
  9. second and newer x-ray technique
  1. first to make a dental radiograph in 1896
  2. introduced digital radiography
  3. full jaw x
  4. a single selected plane of tissue has been used to assist dentist with complex diagnosis and treatment planning
  5. wrote 1st x-ray book and introduced bitewings in 1913 and 1924
  6. invented the hot cathode tube
  7. study of x-rays and the techniques used to produce radiographic images
  8. color for posterior periapical XCP
  9. first and earliest x-ray technique
  10. color for bitewing XCP
  11. abbreviation for periapical
  12. discovered the first x-ray in 11/8/1895
  13. may have taken the first radiograph in the US on a living subject
  14. first hand wrapped and machine wrapped film
  15. may have taken the first radiograph on the living
  16. known for the bisecting technique

25 Clues: full jaw xcolor for bitewing XCPdiscovered the long coneabbreviation for bitewingabbreviation for periapicalinvented the hot cathode tubeintroduced digital radiographysecond and newer x-ray techniqueknown for the bisecting techniquecolor for posterior periapical XCPfirst and earliest x-ray techniqueknown for the paralleling technique...


SCHOOL SUBJECT crossword puzzle
  1. Biology
  2. Art
  3. PhysicalEducation
  4. Mathematics
  5. Science
  6. SocialStudies
  7. Chemistry
  8. Literature
  1. Music
  2. English
  3. InformationTechnology
  4. Geography
  5. Physics
  6. Drama
  7. History

15 Clues: ArtMusicDramaEnglishBiologyPhysicsScienceHistoryGeographyChemistryLiteratureMathematicsSocialStudiesPhysicalEducationInformationTechnology

Heat and Temperature 2012-11-20

Heat and Temperature crossword puzzle
  1. _________ best surface for absorbing heat radiation
  2. ____ transfers in three ways (Conduction,convection & radiation)
  3. Wood is an example of an _________
  4. ____ objects in a warmer room will heat up to room temperature.
  5. __________ best surface for reflecting heat radiation
  6. _________ travels in a straight line
  7. Radiation travels at the speed of _____
  8. _______ energy is equal to an Internal energy
  1. Metal is an example of a _________
  2. Radiation doesn't require ________ to travel
  3. Heat energy reach the Earth from the ___ by radiation
  4. We measure temperature using a ___________
  5. ___ object cool in a cooler room will cool to room temperature.
  6. Heat transfer from a ______ place
  7. Particles that are closest to each other is _____

15 Clues: Heat transfer from a ______ placeMetal is an example of a _________Wood is an example of an __________________ travels in a straight lineRadiation travels at the speed of _____We measure temperature using a ___________Radiation doesn't require ________ to travel_______ energy is equal to an Internal energy...

XRAY 2020-07-29

XRAY crossword puzzle
  1. kVp alters the ___________ of the xray beam
  2. Contrast media that absorbs a great amount of radiation to give a white appearance on an xray image
  3. Who discovered x-rays
  4. In the 1920's xrays were used to remove what
  5. What was Radium paint used for during WWI
  6. Large amounts of radiation can cause _________ and/or Acute Radiation Syndrome
  7. Three Mile Island's partial meltdown occurred over how many days
  8. In the 50's and 60's xrays where used to determine what in beauty pageants sometimes for 50% of their score
  9. This results in less radiation on the anode side of the xray beam
  10. 10 days of naturally occurring background radiation is equal to this imaging exam
  11. When we are born was have 300 ____________ but when were an adult we have 206.
  1. In the 60's and 70's what did many hospitals xray for the safety of the public
  2. This was used in items such as toothpaste, health tonics, candy and paint
  3. CT of the spine equals 2 years of background radiation how much does an xray of the spine equal
  4. What was used to fit shoes to children between the 1930's and 1970's
  5. During WWI who created the portable xray machine to aid doctors in the field
  6. Medical imaging does has _____________ by 20% in a 10 year time frame
  7. Rontgen used an area lined with lead and ____________ to protect his film from radiation
  8. __________ from East to West coast gives an individual 0.035 mSv of radiation; equivalent to a chest xray
  9. What was the first xray image of
  10. What is the largest source of natural environmental radiation

21 Clues: Who discovered x-raysWhat was the first xray image ofWhat was Radium paint used for during WWIkVp alters the ___________ of the xray beamIn the 1920's xrays were used to remove whatWhat is the largest source of natural environmental radiationThree Mile Island's partial meltdown occurred over how many days...

Radioactivity 2022-01-18

Radioactivity crossword puzzle
  1. where radiation comes from
  2. radiation used in thickness measurement
  3. a subatomic particle with a positive charge
  4. the radioactive element used in nuclear power
  5. these should be used in radioactivity experiments
  6. the most penetrating of the radiations
  7. a subatomic particle with a negative charge
  1. radiation can be dangerous if it ..... atoms
  2. the radiation which is around us all the time
  3. gamma radiation is absorbed by thick .........
  4. carbon 12 and carbon 14 are ........ of carbon
  5. the most ionising of the radiations
  6. radioactivity is a ........ process
  7. the name of the counter used to detect radiation
  8. alpha radiation is absorbed by

15 Clues: where radiation comes fromalpha radiation is absorbed bythe most ionising of the radiationsradioactivity is a ........ processthe most penetrating of the radiationsradiation used in thickness measurementa subatomic particle with a positive chargea subatomic particle with a negative chargeradiation can be dangerous if it ..... atoms...

Tammy Pettyjohn MEA149 2021-06-22

Tammy Pettyjohn MEA149 crossword puzzle
  1. a long term effect
  2. radiation burn
  3. if patient is pregnant who decides to proceed
  4. Unit of exposure
  5. 50msv
  6. Absorbed dose
  7. Patient dose calculated at what level
  8. as low as reasonably achievable
  9. 0.25mm
  10. reduce exposure amount by time, shielding ___
  11. radiation risk greatest during what trimester
  12. the radiation weighting factor for x-ray photons is
  1. genetic changes or effects
  2. development of malignant disease
  3. greatest cause of unnecessary radiation___exposure
  4. prevents genetic effects
  5. equivalent dose
  6. shield consist of o.5-mm __
  7. Dose used for radiation protection purposes
  8. short term effect occurs in ___months

20 Clues: 50msv0.25mmAbsorbed doseradiation burnequivalent doseUnit of exposurea long term effectprevents genetic effectsgenetic changes or effectsshield consist of o.5-mm __as low as reasonably achievabledevelopment of malignant diseaseshort term effect occurs in ___monthsPatient dose calculated at what levelDose used for radiation protection purposes...

School subjects 2017-06-15

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. languages
  2. art
  3. information-technology
  4. history
  5. sports
  6. maths
  1. biology
  2. music
  3. geography
  4. chemistry
  5. literature
  6. science
  7. metalwork
  8. cooking
  9. physics

15 Clues: artmusicmathssportsbiologysciencecookingphysicshistorylanguagesgeographychemistrymetalworkliteratureinformation-technology

Eva Noonan Crossword Puzzle weeks 3-4 2022-03-04

Eva Noonan Crossword Puzzle weeks 3-4 crossword puzzle
  1. (of electromagnetic radiation) having a wavelength shorter than that of the violet end of the visible spectrum but longer than that of X-rays.
  2. a financial you receive from a sponsor.
  3. an ionized gas consisting of positive ions and free electrons in proportions resulting in more or less no overall electric charge, typically at low pressures (as in the upper atmosphere and in fluorescent lamps) or at very high temperatures (as in stars and nuclear fusion reactors).
  4. a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.
  5. a ship or boat.
  6. drive, push, or cause to move in a particular direction, typically forward.
  1. to begin or start.
  2. an area region of a spectrum.
  3. a malfunction or breakdown.
  4. something coming in contact with something else.
  5. the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics, distinguished from that of chemistry and biology, includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms
  6. involving ellipsis,especially to be very hard to understand.
  7. something that moves that takes skill or care to do so.
  8. a person who builds or designs.

14 Clues: a ship or boat.to begin or start.a malfunction or breakdown.an area region of a spectrum.a person who builds or designs.a financial you receive from a sponsor.something coming in contact with something else.something that moves that takes skill or care to do so.involving ellipsis,especially to be very hard to understand....

Physics D Nuclear 2020-05-04

Physics D Nuclear crossword puzzle
  1. came up with modern atom
  2. two small nuclei join to make a long nucleus
  3. in the atom the amount of protons and___are the same
  4. admisión from unstable nucleus to stabilize atom
  5. exposing a object to nuclear radiation
  6. Alpha gamma and _____ types of ionizing radiation
  7. stopped by paper
  8. alpha radiation is the same as
  1. beta radiation is_____ionising
  2. discovered the electron
  3. alpha radiation is most ionizing and ____to cells
  4. fission used in nuclear power cells
  5. contamination is unwanted presence of_________atoms
  6. same number of proton different number of neutron
  7. time taken too loose half of initial radioactivity
  8. gamma stoped by

16 Clues: gamma stoped bystopped by paperdiscovered the electroncame up with modern atombeta radiation is_____ionisingalpha radiation is the same asfission used in nuclear power cellsexposing a object to nuclear radiationtwo small nuclei join to make a long nucleusadmisión from unstable nucleus to stabilize atom...

All Crossword About Biology 2020-01-13

All Crossword About Biology crossword puzzle
  1. gradual increase in the complexity of the system
  2. test the validity of proposed theories and understand
  3. mathematical methods to formulate quantitative models
  4. from non-living matter about 4 billion years ago
  5. as homeostasis
  6. recognizes the cell as the basic unit of life genes
  7. processes molecular interactions physiological
  8. of the science there are certain unifying
  9. development and evolution Despite the
  10. mechanisms underlying life and how it appeared and
  1. open systems that survive by transforming energy and decreasing
  2. the creation and extinction of species Living organisms
  3. organisms including their physical structure
  4. experimental biology performs empirical experiments
  5. of biology are defined by the research methods
  6. the basic unit of heredity and evolution as the engine that
  7. local entropy to maintain stable and vital condition
  8. and the kind of system studied: theoretical biology
  9. is the natural science that studies life and
  10. that consolidate it into single coherent field

20 Clues: as homeostasisdevelopment and evolution Despite theof the science there are certain unifyingis the natural science that studies life andorganisms including their physical structureof biology are defined by the research methodsgradual increase in the complexity of the systemfrom non-living matter about 4 billion years ago...

Radiation and Radioactivity 2013-03-05

Radiation and Radioactivity crossword puzzle
  1. positively charged particle made of two protons and two neutrons
  2. energy emitted from an atom when an electron moves down energy levels
  3. wavelength that is just shorter than visible light
  4. an atom with an unstable nucleus
  5. two separate nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus
  6. type of reaction where neutron release triggers more reactions
  7. charged particles and energy that are emitted from the nuclei of radioisotopes
  8. a nuclear atom breaking apart releasing energy and neutrons
  9. type of test where colors of cations can be observed
  10. conversion of atoms from one element to another by nuclear means
  11. state of matter where the atoms have been stripped of electrons
  12. atomic number 92 atomic mass 235 one of the main sources of nuclear energy
  13. radiation that occurs naturally in the environment
  14. a penetrating ray of energy emitted by an unstable nucleus
  1. a particle of light energy
  2. longest type of wave in the EMS
  3. radioactive product of spent nuclear reactions that is devastating to the environment
  4. process where uncharged nucleus emits charged particles
  5. wavelength that is just longer than visible light
  6. the time required for one half of a radioisotope to decay
  7. electron emitted by an unstable nucleus
  8. nuclear power plant disaster in Ukraine 1986
  9. atomic number 94 atomic mass 239 one of the main sources of nuclear energy
  10. elements with atomic numbers greater than 92
  11. subatomic particle theorized to be among the basic units of matter
  12. this is the smallest possible mass of fissionable material that can sustain a chain reaction
  13. acronym for the colors of visible light

27 Clues: a particle of light energylongest type of wave in the EMSan atom with an unstable nucleuselectron emitted by an unstable nucleusacronym for the colors of visible lightnuclear power plant disaster in Ukraine 1986elements with atomic numbers greater than 92wavelength that is just longer than visible light...

Waves & Electromagnetic Radiation 2017-12-18

Waves & Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. a cup appears to be red in white light; this color is being reflected
  2. the change in direction of a wave as it passes from one medium into another at an angle
  3. an example of an electromagnetic wave
  4. materials that do not let any light pass through them
  5. a measure of how far the particles in the medium move away from their original position
  6. the transfer of light energy to matter
  7. a type of wave in which particles move perpendicularly to the direction the wave travels
  8. a frog in white light appears green because it ________ green light
  9. matter that transmits light
  10. this is the wavelength for a wave with a speed of 75 m/s and a frequency of 15 Hz
  11. a type of wave that travel without a medium
  12. when the coils of a spring are squeezed close together
  13. an example of a longitudinal wave
  14. this occurs when light is sent in many directions as it passes through a medium
  1. the points where the wave is lowest
  2. a type of wave that requires a medium
  3. the number of cycles in an amount of time
  4. the points where the wave is highest
  5. the bouncing of light off a surface
  6. wave ______ is equal to the frequency multiplied by the wavelength
  7. ripples on a pond are an example of a _________ wave
  8. the distance from any point on a wave to an identical point on the next wave
  9. a disturbance that transfer energy from one place to another
  10. materials that transmit light but do not let light travel straight through
  11. a wave in which particles move back and forth in the same direction that the wave travels
  12. electromagnetic waves do not require a medium so they travel in a __________
  13. the material through which a wave travels
  14. when the coils of a spring are spread apart
  15. waves travel faster in _______ than in liquids
  16. waves travel faster in ______ air than in cold air
  17. frequency is expressed using this unit

31 Clues: matter that transmits lightan example of a longitudinal wavethe points where the wave is lowestthe bouncing of light off a surfacethe points where the wave is highesta type of wave that requires a mediuman example of an electromagnetic wavethe transfer of light energy to matterfrequency is expressed using this unit...