soccer Crossword Puzzles

Soccer 2022-12-10

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. where the ball should be
  2. What you get when you are bossy
  3. your team
  4. every day
  5. Greatest of all time
  6. When you hurt someone
  7. When you make a goal
  8. always
  9. cleats
  10. how fast
  1. use your hear
  2. what you do to the ball
  3. When you get the most points
  4. Your friends
  5. When the ball is in the net
  6. the ball
  7. our team
  8. advantage
  9. how you get there
  10. Peay In Clarksville
  11. Annabel's Job

21 Clues: alwayscleatsthe ballour teamhow fastyour teamevery dayadvantageYour friendsuse your hearAnnabel's Jobhow you get therePeay In ClarksvilleGreatest of all timeWhen you make a goalWhen you hurt someonewhat you do to the ballwhere the ball should beWhen the ball is in the netWhen you get the most pointsWhat you get when you are bossy

Soccer 2019-04-02

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. jugador de 40 años para arriba
  2. Jugador argentino
  3. Seleccion con 5 copas del mundo
  4. Ex-juador = Del Piero
  5. Metio el gol que le dio el mundial 2010 a España
  6. Madrid Campeon de la champions 3 veces seguidas
  7. Fenomeno
  8. Promesa Mexicana en equipo eurpeo
  9. Dirigido por Pep Guradiola
  10. Mascota mundial rusia 2019
  11. Ex-madridista
  12. Promesa holandesa
  1. Ex-estadio de Atletico de MAdrid
  2. Tito Villanova ex-entrenador
  3. Fiel a la Roma
  4. Defensa español
  5. Ex-jugador de Milan, Barca y Gallos
  6. Ex-jugador del Napoli
  7. Otra plabra para balon pie
  8. Primer jugador de 17 años en ganar un mundial
  9. Actual campeon del mundo (jugador)

21 Clues: FenomenoEx-madridistaFiel a la RomaDefensa españolJugador argentinoPromesa holandesaEx-juador = Del PieroEx-jugador del NapoliOtra plabra para balon pieDirigido por Pep GuradiolaMascota mundial rusia 2019Tito Villanova ex-entrenadorjugador de 40 años para arribaSeleccion con 5 copas del mundoEx-estadio de Atletico de MAdrid...

Soccer 2023-05-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Soccer teams must wear different collared ___________ during the game so the ref can tell them apart.
  2. There are two types of cards that can be given and one is red while the other one is what color?
  3. These types of kicks happen by the flags on the feild.
  4. Another word for soccer that is used world wide.
  5. The slang word that soccer came from that British people use.
  6. Goalies often times wear these types of colors so players can tell the difference between players and the goalie.
  7. You can not use this part of your body unless you are the goalie.
  8. The referees on the sidelines are called____________ referees.
  9. Players can not wear this while during a game.
  1. This are on the field is the biggest box on the field.
  2. The kick at the beginning of each half is called a kick ________.
  3. Cup This is the name for when a soccer team from each country competes in a tournament.
  4. Players may use this part of their arm and it won't count as a hand ball.
  5. Soccer players must wear these on their feet.
  6. There are indirect and________ free kicks that result from a foul.
  7. There are 11 of these on the field from each team.
  8. One match is split into two of these.
  9. Soccer originated in this country.
  10. When a forward is passed the ball while past the other team's defenders, it is called this.
  11. When a player uses their head to hit the ball from the air it is called a ___________.

20 Clues: Soccer originated in this country.One match is split into two of these.Soccer players must wear these on their feet.Players can not wear this while during a game.Another word for soccer that is used world wide.There are 11 of these on the field from each team.This are on the field is the biggest box on the field....

Soccer 2023-05-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Soccer teams must wear different collared ___________ during the game so the ref can tell them apart.
  2. There are two types of cards that can be given and one is red while the other one is what color?
  3. These types of kicks happen by the flags on the feild.
  4. Another word for soccer that is used world wide.
  5. The slang word that soccer came from that British people use.
  6. Goalies often times wear these types of colors so players can tell the difference between players and the goalie.
  7. You can not use this part of your body unless you are the goalie.
  8. The referees on the sidelines are called____________ referees.
  9. Players can not wear this while during a game.
  1. This are on the field is the biggest box on the field.
  2. The kick at the beginning of each half is called a kick ________.
  3. Cup This is the name for when a soccer team from each country competes in a tournament.
  4. Players may use this part of their arm and it won't count as a hand ball.
  5. Soccer players must wear these on their feet.
  6. There are indirect and________ free kicks that result from a foul.
  7. There are 11 of these on the field from each team.
  8. One match is split into two of these.
  9. Soccer originated in this country.
  10. When a forward is passed the ball while past the other team's defenders, it is called this.
  11. When a player uses their head to hit the ball from the air it is called a ___________.

20 Clues: Soccer originated in this country.One match is split into two of these.Soccer players must wear these on their feet.Players can not wear this while during a game.Another word for soccer that is used world wide.There are 11 of these on the field from each team.This are on the field is the biggest box on the field....

Soccer 2018-03-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. the area where the ball starts at the beginning of games, and after goals are scored
  2. a player can be sent immediately off the field with a ____ card, and if they get two yellow cards
  3. number of teams in the World Cup
  4. the one player on a soccer team who is allowed to touch the ball with their hands
  5. team with the ball
  6. the name given for a player hitting the ball with their head
  7. when a player breaks a rule, it is called a _____
  8. soccer is called _____ in most of the world, except the US and Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and parts of Asia
  9. a caution is given by a ______ card
  10. if an attacking player is in front of all the defending players, they are ______.
  11. team without the ball
  12. the World Cup will be held in _______ in 2018
  1. the international soccer competition held every four years is called the ____ Cup
  2. the ______ area is the only area where the goalkeeper can pick up the ball
  3. running with the ball in soccer
  4. the Australian World Cup team is called the _________
  5. the name of a soccer field
  6. all soccer pitches are this shaped
  7. the most successful country at the World Cup is ______
  8. the umpire is called a ______
  9. the female Australian World Cup team is called the ________
  10. the scoring area of a soccer pitch
  11. when the ball goes over the boundary, the other team _______ the ball in instead of kicking it
  12. time in a game is split into two ______ sections
  13. the number of players on each team allowed on the pitch
  14. the international organisation of soccer is called _____

26 Clues: team with the ballteam without the ballthe name of a soccer fieldthe umpire is called a ______running with the ball in soccernumber of teams in the World Cupall soccer pitches are this shapedthe scoring area of a soccer pitcha caution is given by a ______ cardthe World Cup will be held in _______ in 2018...

Soccer 2021-12-16

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. What you run on inside
  2. A player that some teams have as who directs the team if they're doing something wrong
  3. You shoot the ball into a netted area called?
  4. The position where you protect the goal
  5. Black and white
  6. The position where you play defense and offense and run a lot
  7. The person that blows the whistle and has a yellow and red shirt
  8. The position where you help the goalie protect the goal and get the ball up the field
  9. What you run on outdoor
  10. A warning for being rough
  1. The spanish word for soccer
  2. the whole area where you play in
  3. The person who teaches the team
  4. type of shoes for soccer
  5. You get this when you've been too rough and you're forced to not play the rest of the game
  6. When you break the rules in soccer the ref calls this
  7. The position where you score
  8. When the coach pulls you out so that other players have the chance to play you are_______
  9. The most famous soccer player
  10. What you wear at games
  11. The ref calls this when you touch the ball with you hands

21 Clues: Black and whiteWhat you run on insideWhat you wear at gamesWhat you run on outdoortype of shoes for soccerA warning for being roughThe spanish word for soccerThe position where you scoreThe most famous soccer playerThe person who teaches the teamthe whole area where you play inThe position where you protect the goal...

Soccer 2021-11-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. located near the goal area
  2. attempt to kick ball into the goal
  3. are similar to basketball guards
  4. player kick ball while it's in air
  5. player try to stop the ball
  6. is a fast moving, action-packed sport
  7. players on the field
  8. player's attempt to steal the ball
  9. stays close to the net and
  10. goalie drops kick the ball
  11. kick from side of field to middle
  1. most critical move in soccer
  2. to send the ball in the opposite direction
  3. critical skill in soccer
  4. constant motion during the game
  5. player's most important piece of equipment
  6. ball is kicked into the net
  7. move ball one point to another
  8. considered the best all-around players
  9. a game that ends in tie

20 Clues: players on the fielda game that ends in tiecritical skill in soccerlocated near the goal areastays close to the net andgoalie drops kick the ballplayer try to stop the ballball is kicked into the netmost critical move in soccermove ball one point to anotherconstant motion during the gameare similar to basketball guards...

Soccer 2023-07-27

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  2. Time :Additional time added to compensate for stoppages.
  3. Death :Overtime period where the first goal scored ends the game.
  4. Goal :Accidentally scoring a goal for the opposing team.
  5. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  6. Card :A card shown to a player for serious misconduct.
  7. :A player is in an illegal position during an attacking move.
  8. :A forward player focused on scoring goals.
  9. Kick :A set-piece given to a team after an opponent's foul.
  10. :The player who defends the team's goal.
  11. : Players who form a barrier during free kicks.
  12. :Applying spin to the ball to make it curve in the air.
  13. :Scoring three goals in one game.
  14. :Kicking or heading the ball away from the goal area.
  15. :An attempt to take the ball away from an opponent.
  1. :Skillful ball control while moving through the field.
  2. :A pass or play that leads to a teammate's goal.
  3. :A play where a player uses their head to hit the ball.
  4. :Defensive strategy of covering an opponent closely.
  5. Kick :A free shot at the goal from the penalty spot.
  6. Kick :A set-piece taken from the corner of the field.
  7. :A player who operates in the central area of the field.
  8. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  9. :Non-competitive match played for practice or charity.
  10. :Scoring three goals by a player in a single game.
  11. Goal :Scoring in extra time to win the match instantly.
  12. :A player who operates on the sides of the field.
  13. :Swift attack launched by the defending team.
  14. :Kicking the ball before it touches the ground.
  15. Card :A cautionary card shown to a player for a less serious offense.
  16. :A quick and light touch on the ball to change its direction.

31 Clues: :Scoring three goals in one game.:The player who defends the team's goal.:A forward player focused on scoring goals.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Swift attack launched by the defending team.:Kicking the ball before it touches the ground....

Soccer 2023-09-01

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. what you do when you follow an opposing player and stay with them to steal the ball when they get it and block them from getting it
  2. Australian women's soccer team
  3. what you do when the ball goes out on the sides
  4. what you do when the ball goes out but not in the goalie box
  5. a group of people that play soccer
  6. special shoes used for soccer
  7. you wear these to protect your legs
  8. if you have one of these, you get sent off
  9. you are given a warning when the ref gives you one of these
  10. someone who helps the goalie stop goals
  11. a way to safely trip someone
  1. someone who scores goals
  2. a way that goalkeepers pass to their teammates
  3. someone who makes decisions and calls fouls
  4. where you play
  5. someone in the middle of the field
  6. a way to give the ball to a teammate
  7. A way to pass
  8. You kick it
  9. a break in the middle of the game
  10. someone who spends their time in the goals

21 Clues: You kick itA way to passwhere you playsomeone who scores goalsa way to safely trip someonespecial shoes used for soccerAustralian women's soccer teama break in the middle of the gamesomeone in the middle of the fielda group of people that play socceryou wear these to protect your legsa way to give the ball to a teammate...

SOCCER 2023-11-10

SOCCER crossword puzzle
  1. Card Caution issued to a player for unsportsmanlike conduct.
  2. A free-kick awarded for a foul in the penalty area.
  3. Another term for the soccer field.
  4. Swift offensive play after regaining possession.
  5. Skillful ball control technique involving short, quick touches.
  6. Player who defends the goal and blocks shots.
  7. Scoring three goals in a single game.
  8. A pass from the wing into the penalty area.
  9. Slang for a high, lofted pass.
  10. Defensive player's attempt to dispossess the ball from an opponent.
  11. Violation when an attacking player is ahead of the last defender when the ball is played.
  1. Official responsible for enforcing the rules of the game.
  2. Player who replaces another during a match
  3. Skill move where the ball is passed through an opponent's legs.
  4. Indoor version of soccer played with a smaller ball and on a hard court.
  5. Forward player whose main role is to score goals.
  6. A play using the head to strike or pass the ball.
  7. A set-piece taken from the corner of the field.
  8. Player who controls the game's tempo and transitions from defense to offense.
  9. Footwear with studs for better traction on the field.

20 Clues: Slang for a high, lofted pass.Another term for the soccer field.Scoring three goals in a single game.Player who replaces another during a matchA pass from the wing into the penalty area.Player who defends the goal and blocks shots.A set-piece taken from the corner of the field.Swift offensive play after regaining possession....

Soccer 2024-01-29

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. De Bruyne best cm
  2. best player and coach
  3. Figo best Right wing ever
  4. greatest cheater ever
  5. Haaland was the best this year
  6. best ever
  7. Felix is from Spain
  9. Best dibbler
  10. second best manager
  11. best Left back
  1. JR best lw currently
  2. best cdm
  3. Grealish has big calves
  4. JR prince who never became King
  5. Mbappe Fastest man Ever
  6. Messi robs awards
  7. Mourinho best coach
  8. Ronaldo is the GOAT
  9. Fergen created a beast
  10. Bellingham is the second best looking soccer player

21 Clues: best cdmbest everBest dibblerbest Left backDe Bruyne best cmMessi robs awardsMourinho best coachRonaldo is the GOATFelix is from Spainsecond best managerJR best lw currentlybest player and coachgreatest cheater everFergen created a beastGrealish has big calvesMbappe Fastest man EverFigo best Right wing everHaaland was the best this year...

Soccer 2024-10-23

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Some people get mad and some get happy
  2. Someone gets hurt by someone
  3. The person who usually makes a goal
  4. A person can help in the middle
  5. where the goalie can't level
  6. something you you use with your feet
  7. When two players play along
  8. The person on the side
  9. The ball goes up high into the air
  10. Is someone who helps make a goal
  11. (two words)In a very hard place to score on your own
  12. A person that helps that goalie
  1. You can get a concision by this
  2. A place that is green and has two big white boxes
  3. (two words)where you get the ball back into play
  4. (two words) Someone gets hurt
  5. where the ball is close but not close to the goal
  6. It is where typically play a lot
  7. (two words) In the back of the field makes a kick
  8. That stops a goal from happening

20 Clues: The person on the sideWhen two players play alongSomeone gets hurt by someonewhere the goalie can't level(two words) Someone gets hurtYou can get a concision by thisA person can help in the middleA person that helps that goalieIt is where typically play a lotThat stops a goal from happeningIs someone who helps make a goal...

soccer 2024-11-25

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. the player that plays of the left side of the field
  2. shooting the ball in the net
  3. a professional that teaches play soccer and teach them their skills
  4. responsible for day-by-day operations of a football team
  5. the player in net trying to save the ball
  6. moving the ball with your feet
  7. the official that make the decisions on the field when a foul happens
  8. when someone trips or kicks a player and the referee blows their whistle
  9. The devices that replay the game when a Official has to make a decisions
  1. the player the try to make the goals
  2. kicking the ball
  3. stopping the ball from going in the net
  4. pushing up the opposing side of the field
  5. the player the play on the right side of the field
  6. trying stop the player from passing you and making a goal
  7. When anyone that is not a goalkeeper touches that ball with their hands
  8. when someone is back of the last two defender and called off
  9. when someone is Infront of the last two defender and is on
  10. the player that defends other player from Passing
  11. Giving the ball to another player

20 Clues: kicking the ballshooting the ball in the netmoving the ball with your feetGiving the ball to another playerthe player the try to make the goalsstopping the ball from going in the netpushing up the opposing side of the fieldthe player in net trying to save the ballthe player that defends other player from Passing...

Soccer 2013-03-27

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. When one player kicks to a teammate
  2. Manuevering the ball around other players
  3. Starts the game
  4. The only player allows to use their hands on the playing field
  5. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  6. Your team is awarded a ________ when the other team kicks it out of bounds
  7. Passing are generally made to the ______ of your teamate
  8. The _________ soccer ball must cross the goal line to score
  9. Foul committed as if you were the goalie
  10. Where Soccer originated
  11. When a player is behind the opponent's defensive players without the ball
  12. Receiving the ball (or what coach Mark does to rodents)
  13. Coach Tom, Dan, Mark, and Sara are ___________ ! :)
  14. Soccer footwear
  15. The soccer field
  1. A card displayed by the referee cautioning a player against rough play
  2. There are no off-_____ on throw-ins or corner-kicks
  3. Player must be ___ yards from the player taking a penalty kick
  4. Position between the forwards and the defenders
  5. Throw-ins require both feet to be _______ the sideline
  6. Goalie drop kick
  7. Soccer field shape
  8. Soccer's worldly name
  9. A pass to a team when then scores
  10. A free kick which requires the ball to be passed to another player before scoring
  11. Marks the field corners
  12. Breaking the rules
  13. Position(s) nearest the goal you are defending
  14. A type of kick caused by a foul inside the the penalty area
  15. If the ball bounces off the referee into the net, is it a goal?
  16. The goal ___ marks the rectangular area nearest the goal
  17. The corner ___ the area from which corner-kicks must be made
  18. The soccer field can be broken into _____ (defending, middle, and attacking)

33 Clues: Starts the gameSoccer footwearGoalie drop kickThe soccer fieldSoccer field shapeBreaking the rulesSoccer's worldly nameMarks the field cornersWhere Soccer originatedA pass to a team when then scoresWhen one player kicks to a teammatePosition(s) nearest the opponent's goalFoul committed as if you were the goalie...

Soccer 2022-09-27

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. A handball inside the penalty area results in a _____ kick.
  2. Country where the 2019 Women's World Cup took place
  3. Country where the 2018 Men's World Cup took place
  4. How many goals is a hat trick?
  5. Offensive player whose job is to score goals
  6. A player can get how many yellow cards until it equals a red card?
  7. When a player commits a foul in soccer and receives a _____ card from the referee, they have been ejected from the game.
  8. Country that has the most Men's World Cup championships
  9. Each team fields _____ players at the professional level (spell it out)
  10. What is another name for the soccer field (hint: think baseball)
  1. When a team knocks it out of bounds behind the opposing team’s goal (the endline), the opposing team is awarded a _____ kick.
  2. The game of soccer developed its first governing body in what country?
  3. When the ball is kicked out of bounds on the sideline, the opposing team is awarded a _____
  4. When a team knocks it out of bounds behind their own goal (the endline), the opposing team is awarded a _____ kick.
  5. When a goal is scored, the opposing team brings the ball back to the middle of the field at the _____ spot
  6. A professional game of soccer is played in how many minutes?
  7. Every four years, teams from different countries meet in a worldwide tournament known as the _____
  8. Defensive player whose job is to keep the ball away from the goalie, prevent opposing teams from passing it to one another, and block shots
  9. When a player touches the ball with their hands, the opposing team receives a _____ kick
  10. The only position that is allowed to use their hands to stop the ball
  11. Outside of North America, soccer is known as _____

21 Clues: How many goals is a hat trick?Offensive player whose job is to score goalsCountry where the 2018 Men's World Cup took placeOutside of North America, soccer is known as _____Country where the 2019 Women's World Cup took placeCountry that has the most Men's World Cup championshipsA handball inside the penalty area results in a _____ kick....

soccer 2023-02-26

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. What do the goalies wear that any other player doesnt?
  2. The name of the shoe soccer players wear?
  3. What do you play soccer with?
  4. Which country has won the most World cups?
  5. What card colour is a warning?
  6. how many goals is equal to a hatrick?
  7. How much years is it between each world cup?
  8. are there different sizes of soccer balls?
  9. which country isn't seen as a team because they cant grow soccer fields?
  10. How much world cups has Brazil won?
  11. who came second in the world cup?
  1. What is the shape of a soccer field?
  2. How many point is a goal?
  3. What is another name for soccer?
  4. How much minutes is a soccer match?
  5. Where was the 2022 world cup hosted?
  6. Who is the player who defends against the opponents team shots?
  7. Who makes the calls on the field?
  8. What country won the 2022 world cup?
  9. is soccer in the olympics?
  10. What card colour is a foul?

21 Clues: How many point is a goal?is soccer in the olympics?What card colour is a foul?What do you play soccer with?What card colour is a warning?What is another name for soccer?Who makes the calls on the field?who came second in the world cup?How much minutes is a soccer match?How much world cups has Brazil won?What is the shape of a soccer field?...

soccer 2021-03-26

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. how you move with the ball
  2. when you break a rule
  3. when you score the same amount of goals
  4. what happens when you celebrate
  5. one of the best players
  6. someone that play in the middle of the pitch
  7. someone that stops goals
  8. what the players where
  9. a side of the wing
  1. someone that plays forward
  2. what you use the to play
  3. a person that in the goals
  4. half way though the game
  5. when you give the other player the ball
  6. where your players are on the pitch
  7. a side on the wing
  8. when you do not win or draw
  9. when someone gets hurt
  10. the people stand
  11. when you do not lose or draw

20 Clues: the people standa side on the winga side of the wingwhen you break a rulewhen someone gets hurtwhat the players whereone of the best playerswhat you use the to playhalf way though the gamesomeone that stops goalssomeone that plays forwardhow you move with the balla person that in the goalswhen you do not win or drawwhen you do not lose or draw...

Soccer 2023-07-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  2. the post :When the ball hits the goalpost but doesn't go in.
  3. :A play where a player uses their head to hit the ball.
  4. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  5. Death :Overtime period where the first goal scored ends the game.
  6. Goal :Accidentally scoring a goal for the opposing team.
  7. :Scoring three goals in one game.
  8. :A forward player focused on scoring goals.
  9. Kick :A free shot at the goal from the penalty spot.
  10. Card :A cautionary card shown to a player for a less serious offense.
  11. Kick :A set-piece given to a team after an opponent's foul.
  12. :A quick and light touch on the ball to change its direction.
  13. :A point scored when the ball crosses the opponent's goal line.
  14. :Non-competitive match played for practice or charity.
  15. Time :Extra time added to a half due to stoppages.
  16. Kick :Striking the ball while in the air with the back to the goal.
  17. :A pass or play that leads to a teammate's goal.
  18. :The player who leads the team and wears the armband.
  19. Sheet :Keeping the opponent from scoring any goals.
  20. Run :A fitness drill involving sprinting back and forth.
  21. :A player who operates on the sides of the field.
  22. :Kicking or heading the ball away from the goal area.
  23. Goal :Scoring in extra time to win the match instantly.
  1. :The player who defends the team's goal.
  2. :A player who operates in the central area of the field.
  3. :An attempt to take the ball away from an opponent.
  4. Time :Additional time added to compensate for stoppages.
  5. :Scoring three goals by a player in a single game.
  6. Kick :A set-piece taken from the corner of the field.
  7. :Applying spin to the ball to make it curve in the air.
  8. : Players who form a barrier during free kicks.
  9. :Kicking the ball before it touches the ground.
  10. :A method of restarting play from the sideline.
  11. :Swift attack launched by the defending team.
  12. Card :A card shown to a player for serious misconduct.
  13. Tackle :A defensive move where a player slides to take the ball.
  14. :A player is in an illegal position during an attacking move.
  15. :Defensive strategy of covering an opponent closely.
  16. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  17. :Skillful ball control while moving through the field.

40 Clues: :Scoring three goals in one game.:The player who defends the team's goal.:A forward player focused on scoring goals.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Swift attack launched by the defending team.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Kicking the ball before it touches the ground....

SOCCER 2024-01-18

SOCCER crossword puzzle
  1. Intermission between two periods
  2. Backline players protecting the goal
  3. Soccer playing field
  4. Forward player focused on scoring goals
  5. Player guarding the goal
  6. Infraction when a player is beyond the last defender
  7. Technique of striking the ball with the head
  8. Method of restarting play after the ball goes out
  9. Skillful maneuvering with the ball
  1. Team leader on the field
  2. Official overseeing the game
  3. Kick awarded from the corner of the field
  4. Warning from the referee
  5. Player exchange during the game
  6. Central area of the soccer field
  7. Kick awarded for a serious foul
  8. Scoring area in soccer
  9. Spiked shoes worn by players
  10. Protective gear for the lower leg
  11. Outcome when neither team wins or loses

20 Clues: Soccer playing fieldScoring area in soccerTeam leader on the fieldWarning from the refereePlayer guarding the goalOfficial overseeing the gameSpiked shoes worn by playersPlayer exchange during the gameKick awarded for a serious foulIntermission between two periodsCentral area of the soccer fieldProtective gear for the lower leg...

Soccer 2023-10-02

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Act of trying to take the ball away from the opponent.
  2. Harm or damage to a player's body during a game.
  3. A method to determine the winner in case of a tie.
  4. A shot made by striking the ball with the head.
  5. The player who leads the team on the field.
  6. An offense in soccer when a player is nearer to the opponent's goal than the ball.
  7. The official who enforces the rules during a match.
  8. Round object used to play the game.
  9. The uniform shirt worn by players.
  10. Player whose main role is to score goals.
  1. Player who plays in the middle of the field in soccer.
  2. The break between two halves of the game.
  3. Players responsible for protecting their own goal.
  4. Kick taken from the corner of the field.
  5. The ultimate scoring area in soccer.
  6. Skill of controlling the ball while moving.
  7. Player whose main role is to prevent the opposing team from scoring.
  8. A kick awarded to a team following a foul.
  9. Position in soccer responsible for scoring goals.
  10. The playing field in soccer.

20 Clues: The playing field in soccer.The uniform shirt worn by players.Round object used to play the game.The ultimate scoring area in soccer.Kick taken from the corner of the field.The break between two halves of the game.Player whose main role is to score goals.A kick awarded to a team following a foul.Skill of controlling the ball while moving....

soccer? 2023-12-12

soccer? crossword puzzle
  1. soccer is ___ good to watch
  2. The referee ___ the game
  3. players are very __ on changing the referees decision
  4. Every Players response
  5. two leg slide
  6. All players are ___
  7. One goal can change the mood of the game
  8. teams have to make the impossible possible
  9. players using slang
  10. teams having a failing season
  11. reporters are ___ towards players
  12. every great player has a ___
  13. boring games are ___
  14. Managers
  15. a Players pride
  1. Barcelonas comeback against PSG
  2. bad teams might just surrender
  3. Many teams lack a fatal flaw or?
  4. Reporter ___ players on their mistakes
  5. Messi and Ronaldo are ___ in skill
  6. trash talk
  7. Bayern Munich had an ___ 2012 Champions League Final
  8. unprofessional players have ___ habits
  9. Many teams come to terms with reality
  10. young players are ___
  11. ____ Games
  12. every team should have a ___ mentality
  13. when teams get demoted its a ___
  14. some player have intentions of hurting
  15. security placate the fans at games
  16. every player have different ___
  17. some fans bases are kind
  18. soccer is a ___ game

33 Clues: Managerstrash talk____ Gamestwo leg slidea Players prideAll players are ___players using slangboring games are ___soccer is a ___ gameyoung players are ___Every Players responseThe referee ___ the gamesome fans bases are kindsoccer is ___ good to watchevery great player has a ___teams having a failing seasonbad teams might just surrender...

Soccer 2023-07-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  2. the post :When the ball hits the goalpost but doesn't go in.
  3. :A play where a player uses their head to hit the ball.
  4. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  5. Death :Overtime period where the first goal scored ends the game.
  6. Goal :Accidentally scoring a goal for the opposing team.
  7. :Scoring three goals in one game.
  8. :A forward player focused on scoring goals.
  9. Kick :A free shot at the goal from the penalty spot.
  10. Card :A cautionary card shown to a player for a less serious offense.
  11. Kick :A set-piece given to a team after an opponent's foul.
  12. :A quick and light touch on the ball to change its direction.
  13. :A point scored when the ball crosses the opponent's goal line.
  14. :Non-competitive match played for practice or charity.
  15. Time :Extra time added to a half due to stoppages.
  16. Kick :Striking the ball while in the air with the back to the goal.
  17. :A pass or play that leads to a teammate's goal.
  18. :The player who leads the team and wears the armband.
  19. Sheet :Keeping the opponent from scoring any goals.
  20. Run :A fitness drill involving sprinting back and forth.
  21. :A player who operates on the sides of the field.
  22. :Kicking or heading the ball away from the goal area.
  23. Goal :Scoring in extra time to win the match instantly.
  1. :The player who defends the team's goal.
  2. :A player who operates in the central area of the field.
  3. :An attempt to take the ball away from an opponent.
  4. Time :Additional time added to compensate for stoppages.
  5. :Scoring three goals by a player in a single game.
  6. Kick :A set-piece taken from the corner of the field.
  7. :Applying spin to the ball to make it curve in the air.
  8. : Players who form a barrier during free kicks.
  9. :Kicking the ball before it touches the ground.
  10. :A method of restarting play from the sideline.
  11. :Swift attack launched by the defending team.
  12. Card :A card shown to a player for serious misconduct.
  13. Tackle :A defensive move where a player slides to take the ball.
  14. :A player is in an illegal position during an attacking move.
  15. :Defensive strategy of covering an opponent closely.
  16. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  17. :Skillful ball control while moving through the field.

40 Clues: :Scoring three goals in one game.:The player who defends the team's goal.:A forward player focused on scoring goals.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Swift attack launched by the defending team.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Kicking the ball before it touches the ground....

soccer 2023-10-23

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. middle of the field
  2. you play on a ______
  3. to protect the goalkeepers hands
  4. you start the ball at the corner of the field
  5. you dribble with a _____
  6. a section for the goalkeeper
  7. you need________amount of people to play on your team
  8. you can start the ball by a ______
  9. something you put on you feet before your shoes
  10. to watch the game and make sure it is being played correctly
  1. people on you _____
  2. shoes to wear on a field
  3. you can kick the ball for ______
  4. the action of giving the ball to your teammate
  5. you score a _____
  6. wearing the same ____ as your team
  7. to protect your shins
  8. they block goals
  9. something to keep you hiderated
  10. It is a part of your uniform
  11. you set the ball on a circle in the goal box

21 Clues: they block goalsyou score a _____people on you _____middle of the fieldyou play on a ______to protect your shinsshoes to wear on a fieldyou dribble with a _____a section for the goalkeeperIt is a part of your uniformsomething to keep you hideratedyou can kick the ball for ______to protect the goalkeepers handswearing the same ____ as your team...

Soccer 2023-10-23

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. like "happened"
  2. before twelve
  3. well known
  4. not including / except for
  5. a special job
  6. I don't understand; give me some...
  7. do something with others
  8. like "but"
  9. different lands
  10. a long square
  11. make money
  12. to...a goal; to get more points
  13. can do it that way or cannot
  14. soccer is...on a field
  1. what is...of the game?
  2. can do / permission
  3. near Argentina
  4. the hot season
  5. like Jerusalem
  6. name of a game
  7. after twelve
  8. what is life? / to score a...
  9. soccer is played on a....
  10. they stop the ball from going in
  11. Mondial
  12. 100 years

26 Clues: Mondial100 yearswell knownlike "but"make moneyafter twelvebefore twelvea special joba long squarenear Argentinathe hot seasonlike Jerusalemname of a gamelike "happened"different landscan do / permissionwhat is...of the game?soccer is...on a fielddo something with otherssoccer is played on a....not including / except forcan do it that way or cannot...

soccer 2023-10-25

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. - The central area of the soccer field.
  2. - A move where a player strikes the ball with their head.
  3. - Shoes with specialized studs for traction on the field.
  4. - The player who defends the team's goal.
  5. - A pass played into the penalty area from the wing.
  6. - Quick attack in response to an opponent's offensive move.
  7. - Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  8. - A shot awarded after a foul, taken from 12 yards out.
  9. - A defensive move to take the ball away from an opponent.
  10. - The field where soccer matches are played.
  11. - A common sign used to indicate an offside offense.
  12. - The box where fouls in the area result in a penalty kick.
  13. - An offensive player who focuses on scoring goals.
  14. - Providing a pass that leads to a goal.
  15. - A player who replaces another during the game.
  16. - Scoring three goals in a single match.
  17. - A direct shot at the goal from the penalty spot.
  18. - technology for reviewing referee decisions.
  19. - A player is in this position if they are nearer to the opponent's goal than the ball when it is played to them.
  20. - Referee's action of issuing a card to a player.
  21. - The skill of moving the ball while controlling it with your feet.
  22. - Shown by the referee to send a player off the field.
  1. - Players who control the game's flow and assist in attack and defense.
  2. - A player who operates on the sides of the field.
  3. - Added play if a match is tied at the end of regulation.
  4. - A warning from the referee for unsporting behavior.
  5. - A set-piece play taken from the corner of the field.
  6. - Temporary halting of play by the referee.
  7. - The area around the opponent's goal that's crucial for attack.
  8. - The ultimate objective of soccer; the scoring area with a net.
  9. - A tiebreaker to determine the winner.
  10. - The game is divided into two of these.
  11. - An infraction that leads to a free kick or penalty.
  12. - The player who leads the team and often wears an armband.
  13. - Where the ball must go to score a goal.
  14. - A dramatic fall by a player to simulate a foul.
  15. - The way a soccer match begins or restarts.
  16. - How the ball is restarted when it goes out of bounds on the sideline.
  17. - Time added to the clock for stoppages during a half.
  18. - Defenders forming a barrier to block free-kick attempts.

40 Clues: - The central area of the soccer field.- A tiebreaker to determine the winner.- The game is divided into two of these.- Providing a pass that leads to a goal.- Scoring three goals in a single match.- The player who defends the team's goal.- Where the ball must go to score a goal.- Temporary halting of play by the referee....

Soccer 2023-10-27

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. person who is at the top scoring.
  2. people who play on the outside close to the line
  3. when someone gets hurt
  4. something that protects your shins.
  5. when a person has to throw the ball in
  6. someone who blocks the ball from going in
  7. when you get 2 yellow cards you automatically get a
  8. what they wear in order to know who with who is.
  9. you get a card as a warning.
  10. person who regulates the game
  11. the type of shoes you wear to play this game.
  1. what you do when running up and down.
  2. people who play in the center.
  3. something you kick around.
  4. when a person touches the ball with their hands it is called a
  5. you get a shot at the goal from inside the box
  6. when you hit it with your head.
  7. position that blocks people.
  8. when someone scores people tend to say this.
  9. when you get a free shot from outside the box

20 Clues: when someone gets hurtsomething you kick around.position that blocks get a card as a warning.person who regulates the gamepeople who play in the center.when you hit it with your head.person who is at the top scoring.something that protects your shins.what you do when running up and down.when a person has to throw the ball in...

Soccer 2024-05-23

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. the surface they play on
  2. when your passed the last defender and get the ball
  3. the person who retrieves the ball for the players
  4. major foul on opposing team
  5. the commentator of the game
  6. when someone scores
  7. when someone gets fouled in the box
  8. box the area the goalie can use his/her hands
  9. when a player goes on for another player
  10. the person controlling the match
  1. what players wear on their feet
  2. you get this when you foul a player
  3. when the ball goes out of bounds you get a
  4. the person who calls offsides
  5. the things holding the net together
  6. when someone touches the ball with their hands
  7. the ball they use
  8. best player on the Australian national team right now
  9. the number of players on the field at a time
  10. what the players uniform is called

20 Clues: the ball they usewhen someone scoresthe surface they play onmajor foul on opposing teamthe commentator of the gamethe person who calls offsideswhat players wear on their feetthe person controlling the matchwhat the players uniform is calledyou get this when you foul a playerthe things holding the net togetherwhen someone gets fouled in the box...

Soccer 2024-04-30

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. When one player kicks to a teammate
  2. Manuevering the ball around other players
  3. Starts the game
  4. The only player allows to use their hands on the playing field
  5. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  6. Your team is awarded a ________ when the other team kicks it out of bounds
  7. Passing are generally made to the ______ of your teamate
  8. The _________ soccer ball must cross the goal line to score
  9. Foul committed as if you were the goalie
  10. Where Soccer originated
  11. When a player is behind the opponent's defensive players without the ball
  12. Receiving the ball (or what coach Mark does to rodents)
  13. Coach Tom, Dan, Mark, and Sara are ___________ ! :)
  14. Soccer footwear
  15. The soccer field
  1. A card displayed by the referee cautioning a player against rough play
  2. There are no off-_____ on throw-ins or corner-kicks
  3. Player must be ___ yards from the player taking a penalty kick
  4. Position between the forwards and the defenders
  5. Throw-ins require both feet to be _______ the sideline
  6. Goalie drop kick
  7. Soccer field shape
  8. Soccer's worldly name
  9. A pass to a team when then scores
  10. A free kick which requires the ball to be passed to another player before scoring
  11. Marks the field corners
  12. Breaking the rules
  13. Position(s) nearest the goal you are defending
  14. A type of kick caused by a foul inside the the penalty area
  15. If the ball bounces off the referee into the net, is it a goal?
  16. The goal ___ marks the rectangular area nearest the goal
  17. The corner ___ the area from which corner-kicks must be made
  18. The soccer field can be broken into _____ (defending, middle, and attacking)

33 Clues: Starts the gameSoccer footwearGoalie drop kickThe soccer fieldSoccer field shapeBreaking the rulesSoccer's worldly nameMarks the field cornersWhere Soccer originatedA pass to a team when then scoresWhen one player kicks to a teammatePosition(s) nearest the opponent's goalFoul committed as if you were the goalie...

Soccer 2024-10-16

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. fortnite
  2. suck thumb
  3. brazilian superstar
  4. darts
  5. gabriels head
  6. egyptian king
  7. cycling gk
  8. slabhead
  9. euro carry
  10. let me talk
  1. hes the best player in the world
  2. raging gk
  3. i am zlatan
  4. ehhhh sa la ba do by long
  5. fit
  6. g.o.a.t
  7. ankara
  8. faq you
  9. young talent
  10. some time in the life i'm too competitive
  11. can't speak english

21 Clues: fitdartsankarag.o.a.tfaq youfortniteslabheadraging gksuck thumbcycling gkeuro carryi am zlatanlet me talkyoung talentgabriels headegyptian kingbrazilian superstarcan't speak englishehhhh sa la ba do by longhes the best player in the worldsome time in the life i'm too competitive

Soccer 2021-06-15

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the player with the most golden balls?
  2. What famous team is known as red?
  3. What team with the most world championships?
  4. What is the goalkeeper of America and begins with G?
  5. Which team is here in Ciudad Juarez?
  6. What is the country of origin of football?
  7. Who is the most winning team of CONCACAF?
  8. Where did you play the world's first cup?
  9. What player scored the fastest hat trick on Laliga?
  10. Player in the story to win 3 world fighters?
  11. Everything is the MX League?
  12. With the most won titles in history?
  13. Who is the Mexican player who now lives in Los Angeles?
  1. How many leagues are there in Mexico?
  2. with most titles won in history?
  3. Port who have won 5 UEFA Champions League?
  4. What player played more games in the story of Laliga?
  5. How many golden balls does Christian Ronaldo have?
  6. Est Croatian player to win the ball d'or.
  7. How many Golden Balls Do you have Messi?

20 Clues: Everything is the MX League?with most titles won in history?What famous team is known as red?Which team is here in Ciudad Juarez?With the most won titles in history?How many leagues are there in Mexico?How many Golden Balls Do you have Messi?Who is the most winning team of CONCACAF?Est Croatian player to win the ball d'or....

Soccer 2017-04-21

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Numéro que porte Pedro avec Chelsea
  2. Pays dans lequel jouent Monaco et St.Etienne
  3. Prénom de Ibrahimovic
  4. Équipe qui a un cygne dans le logo
  5. Nom du stade de Barcelone
  6. Bayern ...
  7. Ville ou réside maintenant José Mourinho
  8. Entraineur de Chelsea FC
  9. Lionel
  10. Pays d'origine de Cristiano Ronaldo
  11. Pays d'origine de Willian
  12. Prénom de Iniesta
  1. Ce que signifie le mot Réal (Madrid comme exemple)
  2. Organisation du soccer europeen
  3. Pays dans lequel jouent Atletico et Real Madrid
  4. Liverpool évolue à côté de cet autre club anglais
  5. Meilleur arrière de Barcelone selon plusieurs
  6. Nom de l'équipe MLS à Montreal
  7. Ville où Chelsea FC joue
  8. Prénom de Drogba
  9. La Ligue des ...
  10. Position: Milieu de ...
  11. Équipe nationale pour laquelle Ibrahimovic joue

23 Clues: LionelBayern ...Prénom de DrogbaLa Ligue des ...Prénom de IniestaPrénom de IbrahimovicPosition: Milieu de ...Ville où Chelsea FC joueEntraineur de Chelsea FCNom du stade de BarcelonePays d'origine de WillianNom de l'équipe MLS à MontrealOrganisation du soccer europeenÉquipe qui a un cygne dans le logoNuméro que porte Pedro avec Chelsea...

Soccer 2019-10-02

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. to kick the ball through their legs
  2. when you get tripped
  3. to steal the ball from the opponent
  4. shirt you wear for your team
  5. ball to pass, shoot, block the ball with your head
  6. flipping backwards and kicks the ball over their head
  7. when you score
  8. kick when you get tripped in the box
  9. touching the ball with an arm or hand
  10. to give your teammate the ball
  1. a long distance kick by a goalie
  2. when the goalie saves the ball from going in the goal
  3. a player that protects the net
  4. round thing
  5. an action to move the ball using your feet
  6. a position that goes up and down the field
  7. an attacking position
  8. a position that defends
  9. protect your shins
  10. wear them on your feet to play soccer

20 Clues: round thingwhen you scoreprotect your shinswhen you get trippedan attacking positiona position that defendsshirt you wear for your teama player that protects the netto give your teammate the balla long distance kick by a goalieto kick the ball through their legsto steal the ball from the opponentkick when you get tripped in the box...

Soccer 2014-11-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. scheidsrechter
  2. kopbal
  3. voetbalschoenen
  4. hoekschop
  5. zijlijn
  6. middenvelder
  7. invaller
  8. veld
  9. keeper
  10. centrale verdediger
  11. aanvaller
  12. verdediger
  1. gelijk spel
  2. vrije trap
  3. eindsignaal
  4. grensrechter
  5. spits
  6. scheenbeschermers
  7. ingooi
  8. wedstrijd

20 Clues: veldspitskopbalingooikeeperzijlijninvallerhoekschopwedstrijdaanvallervrije trapverdedigergelijk speleindsignaalgrensrechtermiddenvelderscheidsrechtervoetbalschoenenscheenbeschermerscentrale verdediger

soccer 2023-11-15

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. net
  2. halftime
  3. foul
  4. goalkeeper
  5. shin guards
  6. corner
  7. match
  8. world cup
  9. defender
  10. referee
  1. gloves
  2. jersey
  3. grass
  4. pitch
  5. striker
  6. ball
  7. save
  8. captain
  9. pass
  10. boots

20 Clues: netfoulballsavepassgrasspitchmatchbootsglovesjerseycornerstrikercaptainrefereehalftimedefenderworld cupgoalkeepershin guards

Soccer 2024-01-03

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Scoring three goals in a single game.
  2. Non-competitive match between teams.
  3. A sudden-death goal that ends the game.
  4. A defensive player barrier during free kicks.
  5. Replacing one player with another during a match.
  6. Color used for dismissal from the game due to a serious offense.
  7. Representing your national team in an international match.
  8. The team leader on the field.
  9. Protective gear worn on the lower legs.
  10. The arrangement of players on the field.
  11. A defensive move to dispossess an opponent of the ball.
  12. A player positioned near the opponent's goal, often the primary goal-scorer.
  13. A free kick from the corner of the field.
  14. A simulation of being fouled, often resulting in a yellow card.
  15. The player positioned in front of the goal to block shots.
  16. Specialized shoes worn by players for traction on the pitch.
  17. Additional playing time in knockout stages to determine a winner.
  18. A set piece awarded after a foul.
  19. A defensive player positioned behind the line of defenders.
  1. Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  2. A method of restarting play after the ball has gone out of bounds.
  3. Shoes with studs for better traction on the pitch.
  4. Skillful ball control while moving.
  5. Color used for caution given to a player for a minor offense.
  6. An official who assists the referee, especially with offside decisions.
  7. The playing field.
  8. The target of the game, where players score by getting the ball into the opponent's net.
  9. The playing surface.
  10. A player who operates on the sides of the field.
  11. A tiebreaker involving penalty kicks.
  12. An infringement of the rules.
  13. A free kick from the penalty spot.
  14. A player tasked with preventing the opposing team from scoring.
  15. The pointed part of the cleats for better grip.
  16. A player positioned in the middle of the field, involved in both attacking and defending.
  17. Play Adhering to the rules and sportsmanship.
  18. A pass from the sides into the penalty area.
  19. Quickly transitioning from defense to offense.
  20. Keeping the ball in the air using feet, thighs, and head.
  21. When a player is closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-to-last defender.
  22. A play where the ball is struck with the head.

41 Clues: The playing field.The playing surface.The team leader on the field.An infringement of the rules.A set piece awarded after a foul.A free kick from the penalty spot.Skillful ball control while moving.Non-competitive match between teams.Scoring three goals in a single game.A tiebreaker involving penalty kicks.A sudden-death goal that ends the game....

Soccer 2023-02-24

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. What club team does Messi play for (short form)
  2. Who won the olympics for women's soccer in the 2020 olympics
  3. How many clubs has Ronaldo played for
  4. Another name for Forward in soccer
  5. What are the shoes you where in soccer called
  6. Where was soccer invented
  7. What is soccer called in Scotland
  8. Rule that they also have in hockey but is different in soccer
  9. What is the name of the top division in Italy
  10. How many players are on a field at a time in olympic rules
  11. What does two yellow cards equal in soccer
  12. What soccer club team is currently known as the “Red Devils”
  1. What is the number 1 sport in the world
  2. What is the #1 soccer team in the world
  3. What body part can not touch the ball in soccer unless your a goalie
  4. What country does Ronaldo play for
  5. How old is jessie Fleming as of February 24,2023
  6. Who is the #1 soccer player in the world
  7. How many laws are there in soccer
  8. How many minutes is a normal soccer game

20 Clues: Where was soccer inventedWhat is soccer called in ScotlandHow many laws are there in soccerWhat country does Ronaldo play forAnother name for Forward in soccerHow many clubs has Ronaldo played forWhat is the number 1 sport in the worldWhat is the #1 soccer team in the worldWho is the #1 soccer player in the world...

soccer 2023-02-26

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. when a person is moving around with the ball
  2. number of players on each side
  3. dismissal of the game
  4. when someone scores on their own net
  5. a kick after a foul
  6. Best soccer player ever
  7. person who guards the net
  8. when one person is allowed to kick the ball at the opposing teams goalie
  9. shoes soccer players wear
  1. when the player is closer to the goal than both the ball and the second last opponent
  2. How won the FIFA world cup in 2018
  3. When one person scores 3 goals
  4. tripping or hitting another player
  5. Every soccer field has two
  6. break in the middle of the game
  7. What is soccer played on?
  8. a warning from the referee
  9. A maximum of how many substitutions are allowed by each team
  10. The person making sure the rules are followed
  11. moving the ball from one player to another

20 Clues: a kick after a fouldismissal of the gameBest soccer player everWhat is soccer played on?person who guards the netshoes soccer players wearEvery soccer field has twoa warning from the refereeWhen one person scores 3 goalsnumber of players on each sidebreak in the middle of the gameHow won the FIFA world cup in 2018tripping or hitting another player...

Soccer 2024-03-06

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Mexican stadium for 2026 World Cup
  2. Named after an animal in spanish
  3. Popular Polish player
  4. Popular Argentinian player
  5. Used for training ball control
  6. Qatar 2022 stadium
  7. City in Texas for World Cup 2026
  8. Just Do It
  9. Pass that leads to direct goal
  10. Another Spanish team from La Liga
  11. Special shoes for players
  12. Popular Korean player
  13. Popular Brazilian player
  14. Protection placed inside the socks
  15. Popular Portuguese player
  16. Offers internet plans
  1. Player is past last defender
  2. Spanish team from La Liga
  3. Popular Mexican team
  4. Only used by goalkeeper
  5. 3 stripes
  6. Major soda brand
  7. Team that Son is part of
  8. Popular team from Nuevo Leon, Mexico
  9. Free kick given
  10. Used to train speed and agility
  11. Position behind other defending players
  12. Pass/goal made with the head
  13. Host of 2022 World Cup
  14. City in Mexico for World Cup 2026

30 Clues: 3 stripesJust Do ItFree kick givenMajor soda brandQatar 2022 stadiumPopular Mexican teamPopular Polish playerPopular Korean playerOffers internet plansHost of 2022 World CupOnly used by goalkeeperTeam that Son is part ofPopular Brazilian playerSpanish team from La LigaSpecial shoes for playersPopular Portuguese playerPopular Argentinian player...

Soccer 2024-10-17

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. when you fake an injury
  2. guards the thing that protects your shin
  3. too close to the goal
  4. the guy that says if it's a penalty
  5. thing players use to score
  6. bottle thing you drink out of
  7. the thing people put on their feet
  8. when you get hurt
  9. when you get hit
  10. in trouble
  1. when you tag in your teammate
  2. the thing goalies where on their hands
  3. the person in the goal
  4. the person that starts in the middle
  5. when you score
  6. thing players where to let their team mates no the a part of the team
  7. when you touch the ball with your hands
  8. when you score three times
  9. soccer player
  10. the person just outside the goalie

20 Clues: in troublesoccer playerwhen you scorewhen you get hitwhen you get hurttoo close to the goalthe person in the goalwhen you fake an injurywhen you score three timesthing players use to scorewhen you tag in your teammatebottle thing you drink out ofthe person just outside the goaliethe thing people put on their feetthe guy that says if it's a penalty...

Soccer 2022-09-27

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. When a goal is scored, the opposing team brings the ball back to the middle of the field at the _____ spot
  2. How many goals is a hat trick?
  3. Country where the 2018 Men's World Cup took place
  4. A handball inside the penalty area results in a _____ kick.
  5. The only position that is allowed to use their hands to stop the ball
  6. Every four years, teams from different countries meet in a worldwide tournament known as the _____
  7. The game of soccer developed its first governing body in what country?
  8. When a player commits a foul in soccer and receives a _____ card from the referee, they have been ejected from the game.
  9. What is another name for the soccer field (hint: think baseball)
  1. When a player touches the ball with their hands, the opposing team receives a _____ kick
  2. When the ball is kicked out of bounds on the sideline, the opposing team is awarded a _____
  3. Country where the 2019 Women's World Cup took place
  4. Outside of North America, soccer is known as _____
  5. Country that has the most Men's World Cup championships
  6. A player can get how many yellow cards until it equals a red card?
  7. Offensive player whose job is to score goals
  8. When a team knocks it out of bounds behind the opposing team’s goal (the endline), the opposing team is awarded a _____ kick.
  9. When a team knocks it out of bounds behind their own goal (the endline), the opposing team is awarded a _____ kick.
  10. Defensive player whose job is to keep the ball away from the goalie, prevent opposing teams from passing it to one another, and block shots
  11. Each team fields _____ players at the professional level (spell it out)

20 Clues: How many goals is a hat trick?Offensive player whose job is to score goalsCountry where the 2018 Men's World Cup took placeOutside of North America, soccer is known as _____Country where the 2019 Women's World Cup took placeCountry that has the most Men's World Cup championshipsA handball inside the penalty area results in a _____ kick....

SOCCER!!!!!!! 2023-08-15

SOCCER!!!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. A pass to a team when then scores
  2. Goalie drop kick
  3. Marks the field corners
  4. how many goals is a hat trick
  5. Breaking the rules
  6. Throw-ins require both feet to be _______ the sideline
  7. Starts the game
  8. The soccer field can be broken into _____ (defending, middle, and attacking)
  9. Soccer's worldly sport
  10. how many world cups has the us womens team won
  11. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  12. what cup is every 4 years
  13. Soccer field shape
  14. Where Soccer originated
  15. There are no off-_____ on throw-ins or corner-kicks
  16. The goal ___ marks the rectangular area nearest the goal
  17. A type of kick caused by a foul inside the the penalty area
  18. the goat
  1. Position between the forwards and the defenders
  2. what mens team won the most world cups
  3. Player must be ___ yards from the player taking a penalty kick
  4. When one player kicks to a teammate
  5. how many yellows can you get before it is a red card
  6. A card displayed by the referee cautioning a player against rough play
  7. how many subs does a team have in one match
  8. A free kick which requires the ball to be passed to another player before scoring
  9. The only player allows to use their hands on the playing field
  10. What players waer on their feet
  11. When a player is behind the opponent's defensive players without the ball
  12. The corner ___ the area from which corner-kicks must be made
  13. Passing are generally made to the ______ of your teamate
  14. Position(s) nearest the goal you are defending
  15. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  16. The _________ soccer ball must cross the goal line to score
  17. Foul committed as if you were the goalie
  18. Manuevering the ball around other players
  19. If the ball bounces off the referee into the net, is it a goal?

37 Clues: the goatStarts the gameGoalie drop kickBreaking the rulesSoccer field shapeSoccer's worldly sportMarks the field cornersWhere Soccer originatedwhat cup is every 4 yearshow many goals is a hat trickWhat players waer on their feetA pass to a team when then scoresWhen one player kicks to a teammatewhat mens team won the most world cups...

soccer 2022-11-30

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. 之前
  2. 困難的
  3. 想(past tense)
  4. 他們(Object Pronoun)
  5. 足球
  6. 比賽
  7. 球員
  8. 重要的
  9. 美國人
  10. 贏(past tense)
  11. 國家(plural)
  1. 不同的
  2. 哪一個
  3. 前一個、之前
  4. 他們的
  5. 多少
  6. 其他(plural, pronoun)
  7. 2
  8. 稱呼
  9. 即將要...(aux.)
  10. 足球
  11. 進入、晉級(phr.V)
  12. 旅行
  13. 進入(prep)
  14. 只有、僅僅

26 Clues: 2之前多少足球稱呼比賽足球球員旅行不同的哪一個困難的他們的重要的美國人只有、僅僅前一個、之前進入(prep)國家(plural)即將要...(aux.)進入、晉級(phr.V)想(past tense)贏(past tense)他們(Object Pronoun)其他(plural, pronoun)

Soccer 2022-12-08

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. these players are considered outside forwards and are positioned close to the sidelines.
  2. the instance when a player kicks the ball to their teammate.
  3. kick a kick awarded to a player for a foul committed by the opposition; the player kicks a stationary ball without any opposing players within 10 yards of them
  4. the striking of a ball in the air by a player's head
  5. when a player passes the ball in to a teammate using both hands over their head.
  6. a "free kick" in which a goal can be scored directly. It was awarded after a serious foul is committed by opposition.
  7. given to players who commit a serious foul and is ejected from the game
  8. taken from the "penalty spot" and is awarded after a defender or goalie commit a foul inside of their own penalty area/box.
  9. defensive players whose primary task is to prevent the opposing team from scoring
  10. an attaching player must have 2 opposing players between them and the opposing goal when a pass is being played to them. If a player is past the last defender (not counting the goalie) then they are offsides.
  11. offensive players that are positioned in front of the rest of the team and are responsible for playing offense and defense
  12. guarding a player closely to prevent them from advancing the ball towards the goal or making a pass
  1. also called a midfielder, these players are positioned behind the forwards and are responsible for playing defense and offense.
  2. defender that stands directly in front of the goal and is the only player allowed to use their hands.
  3. bringing the ball under control using the foot, chest, or head.
  4. given to players as a warning for their behavior/foul. Once a player has two of these, they receive a red card.
  5. a ball kicked or headed by a player towards the opponent's goal in an attempt to score.
  6. advancing the ball with the feet while controlling it.
  7. a "free kick" where a goal CANNOT be scored directly, it must be passed.
  8. International Federation of Association Football
  9. ball a foul that occurs when a player touches the ball with their hand or arm

21 Clues: International Federation of Association Footballthe striking of a ball in the air by a player's headadvancing the ball with the feet while controlling it.the instance when a player kicks the ball to their teammate.bringing the ball under control using the foot, chest, or head.given to players who commit a serious foul and is ejected from the game...

SOCCER!!!!!!! 2023-05-02

SOCCER!!!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. A pass to a team when then scores
  2. Goalie drop kick
  3. Marks the field corners
  4. how many goals is a hat trick
  5. Breaking the rules
  6. Throw-ins require both feet to be _______ the sideline
  7. Starts the game
  8. The soccer field can be broken into _____ (defending, middle, and attacking)
  9. Soccer's worldly sport
  10. how many world cups has the us womens team won
  11. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  12. what cup is every 4 years
  13. Soccer field shape
  14. Where Soccer originated
  15. There are no off-_____ on throw-ins or corner-kicks
  16. The goal ___ marks the rectangular area nearest the goal
  17. A type of kick caused by a foul inside the the penalty area
  18. the goat
  1. Position between the forwards and the defenders
  2. what mens team won the most world cups
  3. Player must be ___ yards from the player taking a penalty kick
  4. When one player kicks to a teammate
  5. how many yellows can you get before it is a red card
  6. A card displayed by the referee cautioning a player against rough play
  7. how many subs does a team have in one match
  8. A free kick which requires the ball to be passed to another player before scoring
  9. The only player allows to use their hands on the playing field
  10. What players waer on their feet
  11. When a player is behind the opponent's defensive players without the ball
  12. The corner ___ the area from which corner-kicks must be made
  13. Passing are generally made to the ______ of your teamate
  14. Position(s) nearest the goal you are defending
  15. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  16. The _________ soccer ball must cross the goal line to score
  17. Foul committed as if you were the goalie
  18. Manuevering the ball around other players
  19. If the ball bounces off the referee into the net, is it a goal?

37 Clues: the goatStarts the gameGoalie drop kickBreaking the rulesSoccer field shapeSoccer's worldly sportMarks the field cornersWhere Soccer originatedwhat cup is every 4 yearshow many goals is a hat trickWhat players waer on their feetA pass to a team when then scoresWhen one player kicks to a teammatewhat mens team won the most world cups...

Soccer 2024-10-07

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. the main objective in soccer
  2. when a player breaks the rules
  3. main people who score
  4. to hit the ball with your head
  5. number of players on the field per team
  6. a person who trains a soccer team
  7. players who help defend the goal
  8. rule violation when a player is too far ahead of the defence
  9. when a player touches the ball with their hands
  1. type of kick taken from the goalie box
  2. person who enforces the rules
  3. Player who comes into the game for another player
  4. kick special kick awarded for a foul in the box
  5. the color of card shown when you are not allowed any longer in a game
  6. type of kick taken from the corner of the field
  7. what soccer players wear on their feet
  8. break in the middle of the game
  9. what the ball goes into to score a goal
  10. player who guards the goal
  11. what the game is played on
  12. what players kick during the game

21 Clues: main people who scoreplayer who guards the goalwhat the game is played onthe main objective in soccerperson who enforces the ruleswhen a player breaks the rulesto hit the ball with your headbreak in the middle of the gameplayers who help defend the goala person who trains a soccer teamwhat players kick during the game...

Soccer 2024-11-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Who plays the right wing position in Arsenal?
  2. What place did Spain place in the 2024 Euros?
  3. Who is the top scorer in the premier league?
  4. Who played left wing for argentina in the 2022 world cup?
  5. . How many league appearances did Halland have when scoring?
  6. Who won last year's champions league?
  7. .What made the Jabulani Adidas so unpredictable?
  8. What company sponsors Arsenal
  9. . Who won the 2024 Ballen dore?
  10. How many years did Messi play for Barcelona?
  11. How long in minutes is an average soccer game in the premier league?
  1. What national team does Halland play for?
  2. what team does Holland play for?
  3. .If any part of a players head,body or feet and the ball is closer to the opponents goal line then the second last defender, what position is the player in
  4. What was the name of the ball used in the 2010 world cup?
  5. What made Jabulani Adidas so special?
  6. What team in the MLS does Messi play for?
  7. What team does Havertz play for?
  8. What company sponsors Bellingham?
  9. How much did Halland score in the premier league?

20 Clues: What company sponsors Arsenal. Who won the 2024 Ballen dore?what team does Holland play for?What team does Havertz play for?What company sponsors Bellingham?Who won last year's champions league?What made Jabulani Adidas so special?What national team does Halland play for?What team in the MLS does Messi play for?...

Soccer 2024-12-19

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The horizontal bar on top of the goalposts.
  2. A signal that a player is sent off the field for serious rule-breaking.
  3. The two vertical posts where the ball must go through to score a goal.
  4. To move the ball by kicking it lightly while running.
  5. A rule violation when a player is too close to the opponent’s goal without the ball.
  6. The referee’s helper who watches for offside and other rule-breaking near the sidelines.
  7. A warning given to a player for breaking a rule.
  8. A player who tries to score goals for the team.
  9. A kick taken from the corner of the field after the ball goes out of bounds near the goal.
  1. - A player who comes into the game to replace another player.
  2. The player who tries to stop the ball from going into the goal.
  3. The person who makes sure players follow the rules during the game.
  4. The field where soccer is played.
  5. A player who plays in the middle of the field and helps both the defense and the attack.
  6. A player who helps protect the goal and stops the other team from scoring.
  7. An action against the rules, like pushing or tripping another player.
  8. To kick the ball to a teammate.
  9. To kick the ball toward the goal to try to score.
  10. A free kick taken from the penalty spot after a foul inside the penalty area.
  11. The first kick that starts the game or restarts it after a goal.

20 Clues: To kick the ball to a teammate.The field where soccer is played.The horizontal bar on top of the goalposts.A player who tries to score goals for the team.A warning given to a player for breaking a rule.To kick the ball toward the goal to try to score.To move the ball by kicking it lightly while running....

Soccer 2021-05-04

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. where the first organized game took place
  2. biggest even in soccer
  3. this means continuous or dynamic
  4. the most popular sport in the world
  5. most aggressive players
  6. a tied match; there is no overtime
  7. this card means leave the game'
  8. the century in which soccer was organized
  9. pushing, holding, and charging
  10. every ____ years the World Cup is played
  11. this card means you made a bad foul
  12. the name of a soccer field
  1. people who play, but they are not professionals
  2. when the other team fouls a free _____ is offered
  3. the person who can use their hands
  4. means to make rules
  5. a soccer field is one _________ meters long
  6. number of players on the team
  7. they prevent the other team from scoring
  8. number of teams in the World Cup
  9. a match lasts ______ minutes
  10. the amount of people who watch and play soccer

22 Clues: means to make rulesbiggest even in soccermost aggressive playersthe name of a soccer fielda match lasts ______ minutesnumber of players on the teampushing, holding, and chargingthis card means leave the game'this means continuous or dynamicnumber of teams in the World Cupthe person who can use their handsa tied match; there is no overtime...

Soccer 2021-07-06

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. You take this when the attacking team was last to touch the ball and it goes over the back line (4,4)
  2. The other team is awarded this when you do something wrong in your own goal area
  3. The person that trains the team
  4. One of the most skillful players in the world
  5. A player who tries to stop the opposition from scoring goals
  6. The other team is awarded this when you do something wrong (4,4)
  7. An attacking player who tries to score goals
  8. The only player allowed to use their hands
  9. What you to do get the ball off another player
  10. One of the best goal scorers in the world
  1. A good way to practice ball skills on your own
  2. The game starts with this (4,3)
  3. The team that scores the most, wins!
  4. The person who controls the game
  5. You take this when the defending team was last to touch the ball and it goes over the back line
  6. Running with the ball
  7. What you do to move the ball.
  8. You take this when the ball goes out over the side of the field (4,2)
  9. You need this to play soccer!
  10. Kick the ball to another player

20 Clues: Running with the ballWhat you do to move the ball.You need this to play soccer!The game starts with this (4,3)The person that trains the teamKick the ball to another playerThe person who controls the gameThe team that scores the most, wins!One of the best goal scorers in the worldThe only player allowed to use their hands...

Soccer 2023-06-23

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. When a player uses their foot to try and take the ball away from an opponent by skillfully kicking it.
  2. The special shoes with spikes or studs on the soles, providing better traction and grip on the grass or turf.
  3. The large sports venue where soccer matches are played, with stands for spectators to watch the game.
  4. A free kick taken from the penalty spot, awarded to the attacking team when a defending player commits a foul inside their own penalty area. It's an opportunity for a direct shot on goal.
  5. Additional time added at the end of each half to compensate for stoppages in play due to injuries, substitutions, or other delays. It ensures that the full playing time is completed.
  6. A card shown by the referee to a player as a severe punishment for a serious foul or misconduct. The player receiving it is immediately sent off the field and their team plays with one player less.
  7. The player whose main responsibility is to prevent the opposing team from scoring by blocking shots and tackling opponents.
  8. When a player uses their head to hit the ball, often done to pass, shoot, or clear the ball from their own goal area.
  9. When the ball is thrown back into play from the sideline by a player using both hands while keeping both feet on the ground. It's used to restart the game when the ball goes out of bounds.
  10. The shirt worn by the players, usually with their team's colors and number, to identify them during matches.
  11. A card shown by the referee to caution a player for a less severe offense or repeated fouls. It serves as a warning, and if a player receives two yellow cards, they are shown a red card.
  12. A rule that states an attacking player cannot be closer to the opponent's goal than both the ball and the second-to-last defender when the ball is passed to them. It helps maintain a fair play.
  1. The player chosen to lead the team, wearing an armband to symbolize their role. The captain represents the team during the coin toss, communicates with the referee, and provides leadership on the field.
  2. The small device blown by the referee to start or stop play, signal fouls, or indicate the end of the game.
  3. When a player is replaced by another player from the same team during a match. It allows teams to make tactical changes or provide rest for tired players.
  4. The player whose main job is to score goals by shooting or heading the ball into the opponent's net.
  5. The player who protects the goal and tries to stop the opposing team from scoring by using their hands and body to block shots and make saves.
  6. When a player kicks the ball to a teammate, usually to move the ball towards the opponent's goal or maintain possession.
  7. A free kick taken from the corner of the field when the defending team last touched the ball before it went out of bounds over their own goal line.
  8. The person who teaches and guides the team, providing instructions and strategies to help players improve their skills and win games.
  9. The player who controls the game in the middle of the field, often involved in both attacking and defending.
  10. A set-piece where the team is awarded a kick after an opponent commits a foul. It allows the team to take an uninterrupted kick from the spot of the foul.
  11. When a player skillfully moves the ball forward by lightly tapping or controlling it with their feet while running.
  12. The official who enforces the rules of the game, making sure players follow fair play and making decisions on fouls, penalties, and goals.

24 Clues: The player whose main job is to score goals by shooting or heading the ball into the opponent's net.The large sports venue where soccer matches are played, with stands for spectators to watch the game.When a player uses their foot to try and take the ball away from an opponent by skillfully kicking it....

SOCCER!!!!!!! 2023-05-02

SOCCER!!!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. A pass to a team when then scores
  2. Goalie drop kick
  3. Marks the field corners
  4. how many goals is a hat trick
  5. Breaking the rules
  6. Throw-ins require both feet to be _______ the sideline
  7. Starts the game
  8. The soccer field can be broken into _____ (defending, middle, and attacking)
  9. Soccer's worldly sport
  10. how many world cups has the us womens team won
  11. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  12. what cup is every 4 years
  13. Soccer field shape
  14. Where Soccer originated
  15. There are no off-_____ on throw-ins or corner-kicks
  16. The goal ___ marks the rectangular area nearest the goal
  17. A type of kick caused by a foul inside the the penalty area
  18. the goat
  1. Position between the forwards and the defenders
  2. what mens team won the most world cups
  3. Player must be ___ yards from the player taking a penalty kick
  4. When one player kicks to a teammate
  5. how many yellows can you get before it is a red card
  6. A card displayed by the referee cautioning a player against rough play
  7. how many subs does a team have in one match
  8. A free kick which requires the ball to be passed to another player before scoring
  9. The only player allows to use their hands on the playing field
  10. What players waer on their feet
  11. When a player is behind the opponent's defensive players without the ball
  12. The corner ___ the area from which corner-kicks must be made
  13. Passing are generally made to the ______ of your teamate
  14. Position(s) nearest the goal you are defending
  15. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  16. The _________ soccer ball must cross the goal line to score
  17. Foul committed as if you were the goalie
  18. Manuevering the ball around other players
  19. If the ball bounces off the referee into the net, is it a goal?

37 Clues: the goatStarts the gameGoalie drop kickBreaking the rulesSoccer field shapeSoccer's worldly sportMarks the field cornersWhere Soccer originatedwhat cup is every 4 yearshow many goals is a hat trickWhat players waer on their feetA pass to a team when then scoresWhen one player kicks to a teammatewhat mens team won the most world cups...

SOCCER!!!!!!! 2023-05-02

SOCCER!!!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. A pass to a team when then scores
  2. Goalie drop kick
  3. Marks the field corners
  4. how many goals is a hat trick
  5. Breaking the rules
  6. Throw-ins require both feet to be _______ the sideline
  7. Starts the game
  8. The soccer field can be broken into _____ (defending, middle, and attacking)
  9. Soccer's worldly sport
  10. how many world cups has the us womens team won
  11. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  12. what cup is every 4 years
  13. Soccer field shape
  14. Where Soccer originated
  15. There are no off-_____ on throw-ins or corner-kicks
  16. The goal ___ marks the rectangular area nearest the goal
  17. A type of kick caused by a foul inside the the penalty area
  18. the goat
  1. Position between the forwards and the defenders
  2. what mens team won the most world cups
  3. Player must be ___ yards from the player taking a penalty kick
  4. When one player kicks to a teammate
  5. how many yellows can you get before it is a red card
  6. A card displayed by the referee cautioning a player against rough play
  7. how many subs does a team have in one match
  8. A free kick which requires the ball to be passed to another player before scoring
  9. The only player allows to use their hands on the playing field
  10. What players waer on their feet
  11. When a player is behind the opponent's defensive players without the ball
  12. The corner ___ the area from which corner-kicks must be made
  13. Passing are generally made to the ______ of your teamate
  14. Position(s) nearest the goal you are defending
  15. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  16. The _________ soccer ball must cross the goal line to score
  17. Foul committed as if you were the goalie
  18. Manuevering the ball around other players
  19. If the ball bounces off the referee into the net, is it a goal?

37 Clues: the goatStarts the gameGoalie drop kickBreaking the rulesSoccer field shapeSoccer's worldly sportMarks the field cornersWhere Soccer originatedwhat cup is every 4 yearshow many goals is a hat trickWhat players waer on their feetA pass to a team when then scoresWhen one player kicks to a teammatewhat mens team won the most world cups...

Soccer 2016-10-24

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. He does not make part of a team but is still on the field, he can give punishments to other players.
  2. He makes part of the Montreal soccer team. He comes from the Ivory Coast and was born 11 March 1978.
  3. It is a very important person in the team. He makes the decisions and decides who plays.
  4. Players shoot the ball in the field because the other team did a mistake and it is their punishment.
  5. It is a country who plays in Europe. They are the European champions, they won the Euro 2016. The flag of this country is red and green.
  6. Pretty much everybody knows him. He is one of the best players in the world and he is playing for Real Madrid
  7. It is the principal object in soccer. The players use it during the game. We have to put this object in the goal.
  8. All the players have it behind their shirt. They decide which one they want to have.
  9. They winned the first place at the olimpics. These olympics took place in 2016 and it is a female team.
  1. It is weared by everybody in the world. Soccer players put their sponsors on it.
  2. It is the biggest soccer competition in the world. All the countries can play and try to win this competition.
  3. It is a game. It was created by the game company EA. It simulates a soccer game on console.
  4. He is a player on the field. This player has to stop the ball and protect the goal.
  5. This player is very important on the field. He has to defend against the opponent.
  6. It is a soccer team. The color of the team logo is blue. It is a soccer team who is representing montreal in a professional league.
  7. It is the winner of the latest soccer world cup which happened in 2014.
  8. He is one of the best players in the history of soccer. He is small and he plays for FC Barcelona. The first letter of his last name is M.
  9. It is a big place. Montreal owns one. The soccer games are played in this.
  10. This player plays forward on the field. He must beat the defenders and score goals.
  11. It is the objective of all the players in soccer. Some players score a lot of this in one season.

20 Clues: It is the winner of the latest soccer world cup which happened in 2014.It is a big place. Montreal owns one. The soccer games are played in this.It is weared by everybody in the world. Soccer players put their sponsors on it.This player is very important on the field. He has to defend against the opponent....

Soccer 2023-07-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  2. the post :When the ball hits the goalpost but doesn't go in.
  3. :A play where a player uses their head to hit the ball.
  4. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  5. Death :Overtime period where the first goal scored ends the game.
  6. Goal :Accidentally scoring a goal for the opposing team.
  7. :Scoring three goals in one game.
  8. :A forward player focused on scoring goals.
  9. Kick :A free shot at the goal from the penalty spot.
  10. Card :A cautionary card shown to a player for a less serious offense.
  11. Kick :A set-piece given to a team after an opponent's foul.
  12. :A quick and light touch on the ball to change its direction.
  13. :A point scored when the ball crosses the opponent's goal line.
  14. :Non-competitive match played for practice or charity.
  15. Time :Extra time added to a half due to stoppages.
  16. Kick :Striking the ball while in the air with the back to the goal.
  17. :A pass or play that leads to a teammate's goal.
  18. :The player who leads the team and wears the armband.
  19. Sheet :Keeping the opponent from scoring any goals.
  20. Run :A fitness drill involving sprinting back and forth.
  21. :A player who operates on the sides of the field.
  22. :Kicking or heading the ball away from the goal area.
  23. Goal :Scoring in extra time to win the match instantly.
  1. :The player who defends the team's goal.
  2. :A player who operates in the central area of the field.
  3. :An attempt to take the ball away from an opponent.
  4. Time :Additional time added to compensate for stoppages.
  5. :Scoring three goals by a player in a single game.
  6. Kick :A set-piece taken from the corner of the field.
  7. :Applying spin to the ball to make it curve in the air.
  8. : Players who form a barrier during free kicks.
  9. :Kicking the ball before it touches the ground.
  10. :A method of restarting play from the sideline.
  11. :Swift attack launched by the defending team.
  12. Card :A card shown to a player for serious misconduct.
  13. Tackle :A defensive move where a player slides to take the ball.
  14. :A player is in an illegal position during an attacking move.
  15. :Defensive strategy of covering an opponent closely.
  16. :Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.
  17. :Skillful ball control while moving through the field.

40 Clues: :Scoring three goals in one game.:The player who defends the team's goal.:A forward player focused on scoring goals.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Swift attack launched by the defending team.:Passing the ball through an opponent's legs.:Kicking the ball before it touches the ground....

Soccer 2025-01-16

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The player that scores all the goals
  2. Someone who passes the ball to the person who scored
  3. Another name for Soccer
  4. The person who controls the game
  5. A player that controls the game
  6. A player that protects the goal from shots
  7. Another name for a field
  8. A free shot 12 yards away from the goal
  9. When someone kicks a ball in the air.
  10. When someone covers an opposing player
  11. A shot or pass with the outside of the foot
  12. Moving up to higher division
  13. When the ball crosses the line
  14. The score over 2 matches
  15. The shoes the soccer players wear
  16. The player that defends the goal
  1. The person who calls the offsides
  2. A long pass typically in the air next to the opponents box
  3. The person who controls the team
  4. Hitting the ball with your head
  5. When the attacker is farther than the last defender
  6. When a ref plays on the foul
  7. 15 minute break in the middle of the game
  8. When Someone scores on the goal they are defending
  9. Moving down to a lower division
  10. When Someone gets a yellow or red card

26 Clues: Another name for SoccerAnother name for a fieldThe score over 2 matchesWhen a ref plays on the foulMoving up to higher divisionWhen the ball crosses the lineHitting the ball with your headA player that controls the gameMoving down to a lower divisionThe person who controls the teamThe person who controls the gameThe player that defends the goal...

Soccer 2024-12-19

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. To kick the ball toward the goal to try to score.
  2. The referee’s helper who watches for offside and other rule-breaking near the sidelines.
  3. To move the ball by kicking it lightly while running.
  4. To kick the ball to a teammate.
  5. A player who plays in the middle of the field and helps both the defense and the attack.
  6. A player who tries to score goals for the team.
  7. A player who comes into the game to replace another player.
  8. The field where soccer is played.
  9. The player who tries to stop the ball from going into the goal.
  10. An action against the rules, like pushing or tripping another player.
  11. Kick A kick taken from the corner of the field after the ball goes out of bounds near the goal.
  12. Card A warning given to a player for breaking a rule.
  1. The horizontal bar on top of the goalposts.
  2. The two vertical posts where the ball must go through to score a goal.
  3. A player who helps protect the goal and stops the other team from scoring.
  4. Card A signal that a player is sent off the field for serious rule-breaking.
  5. A rule violation when a player is too close to the opponent’s goal without the ball.
  6. The first kick that starts the game or restarts it after a goal.
  7. Kick A free kick taken from the penalty spot after a foul inside the penalty area.
  8. The person who makes sure players follow the rules during the game.

20 Clues: To kick the ball to a teammate.The field where soccer is played.The horizontal bar on top of the goalposts.A player who tries to score goals for the team.To kick the ball toward the goal to try to score.To move the ball by kicking it lightly while running.Card A warning given to a player for breaking a rule....

Soccer 2024-11-14

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. card A warning given for a foul.
  2. Player who protects their side of the field.
  3. The person who plans the team’s strategy.
  4. To move the ball to a teammate.
  5. The place where soccer matches are played.
  6. A rule penalizing players who are improperly positioned.
  7. To move the ball skillfully with your feet.
  8. The main objective in soccer, scoring this gets a point.
  9. Used by the referee to start and stop play.
  10. To take the ball away from an opponent.
  11. The player who protects the goal and uses their hands.
  12. What players wear during the game.
  13. A type of kick awarded when the ball crosses the goal line off a defender.
  14. The horizontal bar of the goal.
  1. The most prestigious international soccer event.
  2. Added if the game is tied after regulation.
  3. Given to expel a player from the game.
  4. Player positioned between defense and offense.
  5. The global organization that oversees soccer.
  6. Used to decide the winner in a tied game.
  7. The official responsible for enforcing the rules.
  8. Awarded for a foul in the penalty area.
  9. A 15-minute break in the middle of the game.
  10. Used to start or restart play.
  11. Player positioned to score goals.

25 Clues: Used to start or restart play.To move the ball to a teammate.The horizontal bar of the goal.card A warning given for a foul.Player positioned to score goals.What players wear during the game.Given to expel a player from the game.Awarded for a foul in the penalty area.To take the ball away from an opponent.Used to decide the winner in a tied game....

soccer 2024-11-25

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. know when to release anger
  2. June 24
  3. Hold shin guard in place
  4. won't lose balance
  5. Going up to much
  6. What do you wear
  7. don't play on the field
  8. goalie wears
  9. Ronaldinho
  10. not basketball
  1. wrap knee injury holder
  2. What you use when cold
  3. weather
  4. something that helps with cramping
  5. loyal and ...
  6. What you play on
  7. protection
  8. what do you use
  9. Played a lot
  10. what do you kick

20 Clues: weatherJune 24protectionRonaldinhoPlayed a lotgoalie wearsloyal and ...not basketballwhat do you useWhat you play onGoing up to muchWhat do you wearwhat do you kickwon't lose balanceWhat you use when colddon't play on the fieldHold shin guard in placeknow when to release angerwrap knee injury holdersomething that helps with cramping

Soccer 2024-11-21

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. A violation of the position during a pass.
  2. kick A kick taken from the goal area after a defender touches the ball out.
  3. kick A direct shot at goal after a foul in the penalty area.
  4. A player who replaces another during the game.
  5. A Brazilian attacking midfielder known for his flair, creativity, and dazzling skills.
  6. A training exercise to improve skills.
  7. Vieira da Silva A Brazilian forward often regarded as one of the greatest female footballers of all time.
  8. A punishment for a serious foul, resulting in expulsion.
  9. A kick from the corner when the ball goes over the goal line off a defender.
  1. The player who defends the goal.
  2. The player who attacks near the opponent's goal.
  3. The act of controlling and maneuvering the ball.
  4. The player who scores goals.
  5. A caution issued for unsporting behavior.
  6. A technique using the head to play the ball.
  7. The Brazilian football legend, known for winning three World Cups.
  8. Ronaldo A Portuguese forward widely regarded for his goal-scoring ability and athleticism.
  9. Scoring three goals in a single game.
  10. The Argentine forward famous for his dribbling skills and Ballon d'Or titles.
  11. A kick awarded after a foul.

20 Clues: The player who scores goals.A kick awarded after a foul.The player who defends the goal.Scoring three goals in a single game.A training exercise to improve skills.A caution issued for unsporting behavior.A violation of the position during a pass.A technique using the head to play the ball.A player who replaces another during the game....

Soccer 2021-03-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The area you play on
  2. The thing that protects your shins
  3. The clothes soccer players wear
  4. The person running around the middle area
  5. The action you do with your foot to hit the ball
  6. The place where you score
  7. The name of the sport
  8. The people stopping the opposition from scoring
  9. The team Messi is on
  1. The person at the front of the pitch
  2. The person going up and down the left side
  3. A type of shoes
  4. The video game of soccer
  5. The person going up and down the right side
  6. The way you give your teammate the ball
  7. The sides of the goal
  8. The team Ronaldo is on
  9. The thing you play with
  10. The person who saves the goals
  11. The person who makes the calls in the game

20 Clues: A type of shoesThe area you play onThe team Messi is onThe sides of the goalThe name of the sportThe team Ronaldo is onThe thing you play withThe video game of soccerThe place where you scoreThe person who saves the goalsThe clothes soccer players wearThe thing that protects your shinsThe person at the front of the pitch...

Soccer 2021-11-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. a pass that goes to the player who scored a goal
  2. the act of give-and-go
  3. a player’s attempt to steal a ball from the opposing team
  4. an attacking position
  5. the act of kicking a ball whilst in midair
  6. ball kicked from teammate to teammate
  7. hitting a ball with your head
  8. a penalty area that is sometimes called the 18-yard box, to distinguish it from the goal area
  9. the last line of defense in front of a goalie
  1. a player who is kicking a ball
  2. in, an overhead throw used to resume the game
  3. a net sed to play the game
  4. an attempt to kick a ball into a goal
  5. person who assists the referee
  6. a position between the defenders and forwards
  7. when the goalie drop kicks a ball
  8. the act of kicking the ball from the side field into the middlefield
  9. a person who protects the goal
  10. stopping the ball with your body to control it
  11. when the goalie protects a shot

20 Clues: an attacking positionthe act of give-and-goa net sed to play the gamehitting a ball with your heada player who is kicking a ballperson who assists the refereea person who protects the goalwhen the goalie protects a shotwhen the goalie drop kicks a ballan attempt to kick a ball into a goalball kicked from teammate to teammate...

Soccer 2022-03-06

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. What do you where in your socks?
  2. Where does the ball start?
  3. Where was the 2019 women’s World Cup held?
  4. What is the empire?
  5. What is the area where the goalkeeper can pick up the ball?
  6. What Cup is played every four years?
  7. What do players where on there feet?
  8. How many players are in the field?
  9. What do they call cleats in England?
  10. What is the Soccer organization?
  11. How many teams are in the World Cup?
  12. Which men’s team has the most World Cup wins?
  13. Is soccer in the olympics?
  1. Where was the 2018 men’s World Cup held?
  2. How many goals is a hatrick?
  3. What is the field called?
  4. Which women’s team has the most World Cup wins?
  5. A player can have how many yellow cards can a player get until it equals a red card?
  6. A player can continue playing with a __ card?
  7. Who can pick up the ball?
  8. A player can be kicked of the field with a __ card?
  9. Which U.S. team (women or men) have won the World Cup?
  10. What is the thing the the apposing team do when the ball is kicked out of bounds?
  11. How many points is a goal?
  12. What is short for the U.S. Women’s National Team?
  13. What do you kick?
  14. What is the short thing you call a goalkeeper?
  15. How many groups of players are there?
  16. Are there different sizes of soccer balls?

29 Clues: What do you kick?What is the empire?What is the field called?Who can pick up the ball?Where does the ball start?How many points is a goal?Is soccer in the olympics?How many goals is a hatrick?What do you where in your socks?What is the Soccer organization?How many players are in the field?What Cup is played every four years?...

Soccer 2022-09-27

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. When the ball is kicked out of bounds on the sideline, the opposing team is awarded a _____
  2. The game of soccer developed its first governing body in what country?
  3. Outside of North America, soccer is known as _____
  4. When a team knocks it out of bounds behind their own goal (the endline), the opposing team is awarded a _____ kick.
  5. Country that has the most Men's World Cup championships
  6. Offensive player whose job is to score goals
  7. Defensive player whose job is to keep the ball away from the goalie, prevent opposing teams from passing it to one another, and block shots
  8. A handball inside the penalty area results in a _____ kick.
  9. How many goals is a hat trick?
  10. When a goal is scored, the opposing team brings the ball back to the middle of the field at the _____ spot
  1. A professional game of soccer is played in how many minutes?
  2. The only position that is allowed to use their hands to stop the ball
  3. When a team knocks it out of bounds behind the opposing team’s goal (the endline), the opposing team is awarded a _____ kick.
  4. A player can get how many yellow cards until it equals a red card?
  5. Country where the 2018 Men's World Cup took place
  6. Every four years, teams from different countries meet in a worldwide tournament known as the _____
  7. When a player commits a foul in soccer and receives a _____ card from the referee, they have been ejected from the game.
  8. Country where the 2019 Women's World Cup took place
  9. What is another name for the soccer field (hint: think baseball)
  10. Each team fields _____ players at the professional level (spell it out)
  11. When a player touches the ball with their hands, the opposing team receives a _____ kick

21 Clues: How many goals is a hat trick?Offensive player whose job is to score goalsCountry where the 2018 Men's World Cup took placeOutside of North America, soccer is known as _____Country where the 2019 Women's World Cup took placeCountry that has the most Men's World Cup championshipsA handball inside the penalty area results in a _____ kick....

Soccer 2020-05-13

Soccer crossword puzzle


Soccer 2020-11-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. 2014 world cup top scorer name
  2. player with the most gold balls
  3. name of the player with the highest number of goals in european cups
  4. best player in Argentine history
  5. scored goals in the 1998 and 2006 world cup finals
  6. 2001 Copa America champion country
  7. country where the last world cup was played
  8. country winner of the 1950 World Cup
  9. country champion of the world cup in 2018
  10. city ​​where the last champions league final was played
  1. country with the highest number of world cups won
  2. country winner of the 2010 World Cup
  3. club with the most European cups won
  4. top scorer of the 2002 world cup
  5. last name of the player with the highest number of goals in world cups
  6. best player in Dutch history
  7. winning country of the world cup in 1954, 1974, 1990 and 2014
  8. country where the next World Cup will be played
  9. player with the highest number of European cups won
  10. player with the highest number of World Cups won

20 Clues: best player in Dutch history2014 world cup top scorer nameplayer with the most gold ballstop scorer of the 2002 world cupbest player in Argentine history2001 Copa America champion countrycountry winner of the 2010 World Cupclub with the most European cups woncountry winner of the 1950 World Cupcountry champion of the world cup in 2018...

Soccer 2023-01-15

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. To kick/move the ball with yourself
  2. What you do after the ball goes out of bounds
  3. The pass right before a shot
  4. If you get two of them you have to leave the game
  5. The shoes that soccer players wear
  6. Position that stops the other team from scoring
  7. Person that stands in the goal and uses their hands
  8. When the ball goes into the net
  9. Position that scores most of the goals
  1. Use your head to pass the ball
  2. Position that covers the whole field
  3. Causes a player to leave the game and not continue
  4. When you attempt to kick the ball into the net
  5. What you do when the ball goes out by the goal
  6. What players where to protect themselves
  7. Person that makes the rules and calls fouls
  8. Shot on the goal after a hand ball in the box
  9. To kick the ball to your teammate
  10. How the game starts
  11. What the goalie does to clear the ball

20 Clues: How the game startsThe pass right before a shotUse your head to pass the ballWhen the ball goes into the netTo kick the ball to your teammateThe shoes that soccer players wearTo kick/move the ball with yourselfPosition that covers the whole fieldWhat the goalie does to clear the ballPosition that scores most of the goals...

Soccer 2023-06-12

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. - Surname of a legendary Argentine soccer player
  2. kick - A restart taken from the corner of the field
  3. - Famous stadium in London, England
  4. Cup - Global tournament held every four years
  5. - Moving the ball past opponents with skillful footwork
  6. - An infraction where an attacking player is ahead of the last defender
  7. kick - Restart awarded for a foul, with no opposition within a certain distance
  8. - Position responsible for scoring goals
  9. League - Annual club competition in Europe
  10. - Scoring three goals in a single match
  1. - Surname of a famous Portuguese soccer player
  2. - Pass that leads directly to a goal
  3. - Technique of striking the ball with the head
  4. - Player who operates primarily in the middle of the field
  5. card - Ejection from the game for a severe offense
  6. card - Caution given by the referee for a minor offense
  7. - Top-tier professional soccer league in Germany
  8. - Surname of a famous Argentine soccer player
  9. - Governing body of international soccer
  10. - Type of kick awarded to the opposing team for a major foul

20 Clues: - Famous stadium in London, England- Pass that leads directly to a goal- Scoring three goals in a single match- Governing body of international soccer- Position responsible for scoring goalsLeague - Annual club competition in EuropeCup - Global tournament held every four years- Surname of a famous Argentine soccer player...

soccer 2023-03-15

soccer crossword puzzle


SOCCER!!!!!!! 2023-05-02

SOCCER!!!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. what is a short name for the US womens team
  2. It is the objective of all the players in soccer. Some players score a lot of this in one season.
  3. the best brazilian player
  4. The only player allows to use their hands on the playing field
  5. what cup is every 4 years
  6. When one player kicks to a teammate
  7. The ball goes out of play for a _______
  8. Goalie drop kick
  9. Breaking the rules
  10. Position(s) nearest the goal you are defending
  11. Throw-ins require both feet to be _______ the sideline
  12. Marks the field corners
  13. Position(s) nearest the opponent's goal
  14. If the ball bounces off the referee into the net, is it a goal?
  15. Where Soccer originated
  16. Foul committed as if you were the goalie
  17. When a player is behind the opponent's defensive players without the ball
  18. The corner ___ the area from which corner-kicks must be made
  19. Player must be ___ yards from the player taking a penalty kick
  20. Manuevering the ball around other players
  21. Soccer field shape
  1. What players waer on their feet
  2. how many goals is a hat trick
  3. the ball must go _____ your head on a throw-in
  4. A card displayed by the referee cautioning a player against rough play
  5. can a goalkeeper catch a header from their teammate
  6. A pass to a team when then scores
  7. how many world cups has the us womens team won
  8. Position between the forwards and the defenders
  9. Starts the game
  10. how many yellows can you get before it is a red card
  11. A type of kick caused by a foul inside the the penalty area
  12. Soccer's worldly sport
  13. the goat
  14. There are no off-_____ on throw-ins or corner-kicks
  15. Passing are generally made to the ______ of your teamate
  16. what mens team won the most world cups
  17. The soccer field can be broken into _____ (defending, middle, and attacking)
  18. how many subs does a team have in one match
  19. The goal ___ marks the rectangular area nearest the goal
  20. A free kick which requires the ball to be passed to another player before scoring
  21. The _________ soccer ball must cross the goal line to score

42 Clues: the goatStarts the gameGoalie drop kickBreaking the rulesSoccer field shapeSoccer's worldly sportMarks the field cornersWhere Soccer originatedthe best brazilian playerwhat cup is every 4 yearshow many goals is a hat trickWhat players waer on their feetA pass to a team when then scoresWhen one player kicks to a teammate...

Soccer 2024-04-13

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. What do we put on to play soccer
  2. who is in charge of the World Cup
  3. what player has 3 world cups
  4. what’s the name of when you score
  5. who protects the soccer net
  6. The best sport in the world
  7. what country has 5 world cups
  8. what do we use to play
  9. who wears number 10 in Brazil
  10. who scores
  1. where was the 2022 world cup
  2. Who wears number 10 in Argentina
  3. Who wears the 7 in Portugal
  4. what is a trophy that it can only be win every 4 years
  5. who in in charge of the champions league
  6. who won the 2022 World Cup
  7. where is Mbappe from
  8. What country Ronaldo plays for
  9. What is the main brand of soccer
  10. We ____ soccer
  11. what team has 14 champions

21 Clues: who scoresWe ____ soccerwhere is Mbappe fromwhat do we use to playwho won the 2022 World Cupwhat team has 14 championsWho wears the 7 in Portugalwho protects the soccer netThe best sport in the worldwhere was the 2022 world cupwhat player has 3 world cupswhat country has 5 world cupswho wears number 10 in BrazilWhat country Ronaldo plays for...

Soccer 2024-09-16

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The international governing body of soccer.
  2. The playing field in soccer.
  3. The method of starting or restarting play at the beginning of each half or after a goal.
  4. A card shown to a player being expelled from the game.
  5. A caution given to a player for misconduct.
  6. A player whose primary role is to prevent the opposing team from scoring.
  7. Replacing one player with another during a match.
  8. A kick awarded to a team following a foul by the opposing team.
  1. The major international soccer tournament held every four years.
  2. The player who guards the goal.
  3. A player who operates mainly in the middle part of the field.
  4. To kick the ball to a teammate.
  5. A kick awarded to the attacking team when the ball crosses the goal line after last touching a defender.
  6. A method of restarting play when the ball goes out over the sideline.
  7. A kick awarded for a foul within the penalty area.
  8. A foul when a player touches the ball with their hand or arm intentionally.
  9. To move the ball forward by controlling it with the feet.
  10. A rule violation when an attacker is ahead of the last defender when the ball is played.
  11. An attacking player whose main role is to score goals.
  12. The official who enforces the rules during a soccer match.

20 Clues: The playing field in soccer.The player who guards the goal.To kick the ball to a teammate.The international governing body of soccer.A caution given to a player for misconduct.Replacing one player with another during a match.A kick awarded for a foul within the penalty area.A card shown to a player being expelled from the game....

Soccer 2025-01-23

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. German National team top scorer
  2. Region which Bilbao grows their players
  3. Scorer of the winning penalty in the 2022 WC
  4. DRC player who has his own skill move
  5. Transfered to Arsenal for €80m in 2019
  6. Carrer path: Manchester United, Getafe, Marseille
  7. Team Immobile currently plays for
  8. Argentinian Gk played for Spurs and Girona
  9. Team Dybala played for before joining Juventus
  1. Team Goretzka played for before going to Bayern on a free transfer
  2. Current Marseille head coach
  3. How many minutes it took Lewandowski to score 5 goals vs Wolfsburg
  4. Team Nuno Mendes played for before joining PSG
  5. Spanish player who was loaned from Atletico Madrid to Chelsea in 2022
  6. Only African player to win a ballon d'or
  7. Player who Zidane headbutted
  8. Carrer path: Koln, Bayern, Koln, Arsenal...
  9. Nottingham Forest starting GK
  10. Animal on the Frankfurt badge
  11. Swedish record champions
  12. Country Ademola Lookman represents

21 Clues: Swedish record championsCurrent Marseille head coachPlayer who Zidane headbuttedNottingham Forest starting GKAnimal on the Frankfurt badgeGerman National team top scorerTeam Immobile currently plays forCountry Ademola Lookman representsDRC player who has his own skill moveTransfered to Arsenal for €80m in 2019Region which Bilbao grows their players...

Soccer 2021-03-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. what surface are you playing on
  2. Biggest soccer tournament
  3. what do you wear on your feet
  4. another word for ground
  5. Soccer video game
  6. the way you give your teammate the ball
  7. what do you kick
  8. another word for jersey
  9. The name of the sport
  10. another word for umpire
  1. Another word for soccer
  2. The people that stop the opposition from scoring
  3. another word for keeper
  4. Where you score
  5. It protects your shins
  6. another word for forward
  7. what do you do when you have the ball
  8. Keeps you hydrated
  9. colour of the pitch
  10. what you kick in game

20 Clues: Where you scorewhat do you kickSoccer video gameKeeps you hydratedcolour of the pitchwhat you kick in gameThe name of the sportIt protects your shinsAnother word for socceranother word for keeperanother word for groundanother word for jerseyanother word for umpireanother word for forwardBiggest soccer tournamentwhat do you wear on your feet...

Soccer 2024-01-10

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. something Neymar Jr does too much
  2. the ball from the corner of the field
  3. the ball from the outside of the field to the inside
  4. a team in the premier league.
  5. contact between the ball and the cleat
  6. the GOAT of soccer
  7. the ball in the wrong net
  8. contact between the ball and the outside of the cleat
  1. what's on the team
  2. the most popular sport in the world
  3. Messi has some iconic ones
  4. can't play without them!
  5. the ball from one to another
  6. the ball in the back of the net
  7. what you need to have to play
  8. they are some kind of clothing
  9. you gotta have one to play in a real game
  10. a pass right before a goal
  11. an illegal play

19 Clues: an illegal playwhat's on the teamthe GOAT of soccercan't play without them!the ball in the wrong netMessi has some iconic onesa pass right before a goalthe ball from one to anotherwhat you need to have to playa team in the premier league.they are some kind of clothingthe ball in the back of the netsomething Neymar Jr does too much...

Soccer 2024-10-17

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. What was soccer originally called?
  2. What is the position of where the player or players are on the right and left side
  3. Soccer balls were originally made out of?
  4. world cup game is held every?
  5. Soccer is played at the?
  6. How many players can there be per team?
  7. International football is run by?
  8. How old is messi
  9. What is soccer known as outside of North America?
  10. What is the position where someone is in the middle of the field
  11. Who invented soccer
  1. What country won the 2021/2022 European final
  2. How old is ronaldo
  3. FIFA World Cup final The most watched soccer game ever
  4. who is the current captain of the Argentina national team
  5. Which country has won the most FIFA World Cup tournaments
  6. What is the position where someone plays in the goal?
  7. Which stadium is known as the “Theater of Dreams”
  8. How long does a game last

19 Clues: How old is messiHow old is ronaldoWho invented soccerSoccer is played at the?How long does a game lastworld cup game is held every?International football is run by?What was soccer originally called?How many players can there be per team?Soccer balls were originally made out of?What country won the 2021/2022 European final...

Soccer 2024-11-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. who plays right wing for Argentina for the 2022 world cup
  2. Who won last year's championships league
  3. who won the 2024 ballendore
  4. What team in the MLS dose Messi play for
  5. what made the Jabulani so special
  6. what place did Spain place in the 2024 euros
  7. what company sponsors Bellingham
  8. how much minutes is a game of soccer in the premier league
  9. how much league apprences did Halland have
  1. What was the name of the ball used in the 2010 world cup
  2. what team dose Halland play for
  3. how much did Halland score in the premier league
  4. what company sponsors Arsenal
  5. how much years did Messi play for Barcelona
  6. ifany part of a players head,body or feet and the ball is closer to the opponents goal line then the second last defender, what position is the player in?
  7. who is the top scorer in the premier league
  8. who plays right wing in arsenal
  9. what nation does Halland play for
  10. what made the Jabulani so unpredictable

19 Clues: who won the 2024 ballendorewhat company sponsors Arsenalwhat team dose Halland play forwho plays right wing in arsenalwhat company sponsors Bellinghamwhat made the Jabulani so specialwhat nation does Halland play forwhat made the Jabulani so unpredictableWho won last year's championships leagueWhat team in the MLS dose Messi play for...

Soccer 2021-12-07

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. how many players on the field
  2. The second best Argantinian
  3. when you have a wall
  4. the player in front of the goalkeeper
  5. who won the Euro 2020
  6. the player who scores most goals
  7. The best Brazilian player
  8. how to get past someone
  9. is the country who won the 2018 world cup
  10. The Liverpool best attacker right now
  11. to score in the goal
  1. the team with a cannon in their logo
  2. the player in Goal
  3. the best club in England
  4. when you are really far behind of the defender. The person in front of the keeper
  5. the biggest tournament
  6. a defender at Real Madrid
  7. is the best player in soccer
  8. who has won 7 Ballon Dor's

19 Clues: the player in Goalwhen you have a wallto score in the goalwho won the Euro 2020the biggest tournamenthow to get past someonethe best club in Englanda defender at Real MadridThe best Brazilian playerwho has won 7 Ballon Dor'sThe second best Argantinianis the best player in soccerhow many players on the fieldthe player who scores most goals...

Soccer 2021-10-15

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. when you lightly kick the ball to a team mate
  2. the person in the goal box
  3. A shirt the whole team wears
  4. what players play on
  5. when a foul happens
  6. when you hit the ball with your head
  7. When something really bad happens
  8. White and Black
  9. The person blocking the goalie
  10. When you help score a goal
  1. person who owns the team
  2. something player wear to protect there shins
  3. when something happens that's not supposed to
  4. the person in the middle of the field
  5. Biggest soccer tournament in the world
  6. Controls the game
  7. the person scoring the goal
  8. When you score
  9. Shoes the players have to wear in the game

19 Clues: When you scoreWhite and BlackControls the gamewhen a foul happenswhat players play onperson who owns the teamthe person in the goal boxWhen you help score a goalthe person scoring the goalA shirt the whole team wearsThe person blocking the goalieWhen something really bad happenswhen you hit the ball with your head...

Soccer 2024-01-31

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The leader of the team
  2. Decides who gets the ball
  3. ejected from the game
  4. Uniform in sports
  5. Powerhouse of soccer
  6. Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United, and PSG
  7. Soccer shoes
  8. Sport teacher
  9. People who make calls
  10. Round and circular
  1. A shot that you take inside a box known as a penalty box
  2. something that protects your shins
  3. International competition between countries
  4. player guarding the goal
  5. THe best soccer player
  6. Number of allowed people on the field
  7. warning
  8. Pele, Maradona, Ronaldo, and Messi
  9. Where you play soccer

19 Clues: warningSoccer shoesSport teacherUniform in sportsRound and circularPowerhouse of soccerejected from the gamePeople who make callsWhere you play soccerThe leader of the teamTHe best soccer playerplayer guarding the goalDecides who gets the ballsomething that protects your shinsPele, Maradona, Ronaldo, and MessiNumber of allowed people on the field...

Soccer 2024-11-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. greatest premier league player of all time
  2. Norwegian monster
  3. chelsea top scorer
  4. 2024 balondor winner
  5. Enzo Ferrari look alike
  6. PSG top goal scorer
  7. best croatian midfielder
  8. best midfielder of all time
  9. goat of goalkeeping
  10. Champions League record breaker
  1. goat of soccer
  2. Messi's Owner
  3. goat of man united
  4. youngest Barcelona goal scorer
  5. Greatest skiller of all time
  6. Fouling Merchant
  7. Real Madrid left-winger
  8. Brazil all time goal scorer
  9. Greatest Belgian midfielder

19 Clues: Messi's Ownergoat of soccerFouling MerchantNorwegian monstergoat of man unitedchelsea top scorerPSG top goal scorergoat of goalkeeping2024 balondor winnerEnzo Ferrari look alikeReal Madrid left-wingerbest croatian midfielderbest midfielder of all timeBrazil all time goal scorerGreatest Belgian midfielderGreatest skiller of all time...

soccer 2014-05-19

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. uses head to pass the ball
  2. type shoes you wear for soccer
  3. someone whose primary role is to prevent the opposition from attacking
  4. when the ball goes outside the sideline
  5. tries to keep the other team from scoring
  6. when they foul you inside the goalies box
  7. when you score
  8. a pass that results in a goal
  9. to kick the ball along by yourself
  10. when they touch the ball with their hands
  1. the person that calls the fouls
  2. covers the middle of the field
  3. the governing body of world soccer
  4. what the goalie wears on his hands
  5. an unfair act by a player as deemed by the referee
  6. what you wear on your shin to protect them from injury
  7. when you make a goal on your goalie
  8. when goalie kicks ball in the air
  9. the player expected to score the goals

19 Clues: when you scoreuses head to pass the balla pass that results in a goalcovers the middle of the fieldtype shoes you wear for soccerthe person that calls the foulswhen goalie kicks ball in the airthe governing body of world soccerwhat the goalie wears on his handsto kick the ball along by yourselfwhen you make a goal on your goalie...

Soccer 2019-10-22

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. playing surface for the game
  2. Goal scorers
  3. Offensive team player gets closer to opposing team goal than ball and last defender
  4. Prevents the other team from scoring
  5. Defender; outfield player who prevents the opposing team from scoring
  6. awarded to defending Team when ball goes out of field without scoring
  7. what you do to start the play when the ball went off the field without scoring
  8. Awarded when the ball last touched member of opposing team before entire ball can get beyond touchline
  1. can only ever be done by the goalie
  2. External attachement to shoe to provide extra traction
  3. official who watches the game to ensure that rules are followed
  4. Area around the goal
  5. used to caution players during game
  6. Single shot at goal defended only by goalie
  7. Defender meets opponet with ball, engages and legally takes the ball with foot
  8. used to signal dismissal from field
  9. Team that wins coin toss at beginning of game does this
  10. where one team prevents the other from scoring any points
  11. Restarting play, only defended by goalie

19 Clues: Goal scorersArea around the goalplaying surface for the gamecan only ever be done by the goalieused to caution players during gameused to signal dismissal from fieldPrevents the other team from scoringRestarting play, only defended by goalieSingle shot at goal defended only by goalieExternal attachement to shoe to provide extra traction...

Soccer 2020-08-13

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Most popular type of pass
  2. These players help protect the goal keeper
  3. Soccer players should not use this part of the body
  4. One should use this part of the body when kicking the ball
  5. They are in the most constant motion during the game
  6. The often have cleats and some consider them to be the most important soccer equipment
  7. The players in this position are similar to guards in basketball
  8. The player does this to make contact with a ball that is too high to reach with foot
  9. Controlling the ball by stopping or changing its direction
  1. Type of kick that sends the ball in the opposite direction
  2. Roman name for soccer
  3. Possible miles-per-hour speed of a kicked soccer ball
  4. Some consider these to be the best all-around players
  5. Acronym for the US Pro soccer organization
  6. This player is allowed to use their hands during play
  7. Move the ball 10-12 inches per bounce and keeping control of it while moving
  8. International soccer competition takes place at the _______ cup
  9. Pads for leg protection
  10. Number of players on a soccer team
  11. Precision Kicking

20 Clues: Precision KickingRoman name for soccerPads for leg protectionMost popular type of passNumber of players on a soccer teamThese players help protect the goal keeperAcronym for the US Pro soccer organizationSoccer players should not use this part of the bodyThey are in the most constant motion during the game...

Soccer 2022-11-27

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. They have to assent each other to give fouls
  2. Sometimes attainting this is very facile
  3. When there is a discrepancy this ref helps make decisions
  4. The benefactor of opponent mistakes
  5. During this time of games some players are very diffident and make mistakes
  6. To travel across the ocean to games players embark on this special vehicle
  7. Men on the sideline who are usually plod and old
  8. When a player shows dearth energy and effort they are replaced
  9. You have an unfeigned play style in which you work hard and hustle
  10. This position requires an indomitable spirit due to the constant falls
  1. You have to be very truculent and fast to achieve this kind of goal
  2. They are viewed as Chivalrous due to their responsibility
  3. Many refs are willing to show clemency on these mistakes
  4. Whenever fans promote virulent speech towards certain players
  5. making this move requires a lot of skill and temerity
  6. You repose in a very cold tub to recover
  7. Most Altruistic Position in the game
  8. A pungent sensation or feeling in your body
  9. Everyone has to be infallible with their positioning or the game will be paused
  10. You are in Remiss and need time to regain strength post injury

20 Clues: The benefactor of opponent mistakesMost Altruistic Position in the gameSometimes attainting this is very facileYou repose in a very cold tub to recoverA pungent sensation or feeling in your bodyThey have to assent each other to give foulsMen on the sideline who are usually plod and oldmaking this move requires a lot of skill and temerity...

soccer 2014-05-19

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. when the ball goes outside the sideline
  2. when they foul you inside the goalies box
  3. the player expected to score the goals
  4. the governing body of world soccer
  5. an unfair act by a player as deemed by the referee
  6. to kick the ball along by yourself
  7. type shoes you wear for soccer
  8. uses head to pass the ball
  9. tries to keep the other team from scoring
  1. someone whose primary role is to prevent the opposition from attacking
  2. when goalie kicks ball in the air
  3. what the goalie wears on his hands
  4. when you make a goal on your goalie
  5. when they touch the ball with their hands
  6. covers the middle of the field
  7. the person that calls the fouls
  8. guards what you wear on the front of your shin to protect them from injury
  9. a pass that results in a goal
  10. when you score

19 Clues: when you scoreuses head to pass the balla pass that results in a goalcovers the middle of the fieldtype shoes you wear for soccerthe person that calls the foulswhen goalie kicks ball in the airwhat the goalie wears on his handsthe governing body of world soccerto kick the ball along by yourselfwhen you make a goal on your goalie...

Soccer 2013-07-01

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. you get the most goals
  2. you shoot on it
  3. you wear them on your chest
  4. 15 min .....
  5. Halftime
  6. they protect your hands in the net
  7. you get the least goals
  8. you .... the ball to a player
  1. he ...... he scores!
  2. logans soccer #
  3. break
  4. you wear them on your feet
  5. you pass to the person that gets the goal
  6. you shoot on the net and get it in
  7. youngest sister in family
  8. you kick it
  9. 2d youngest in the fam
  10. carlys soccer #

18 Clues: breakHalftimeyou kick it15 min .....logans soccer #you shoot on itcarlys soccer #he ...... he scores!you get the most goals2d youngest in the famyou get the least goalsyoungest sister in familyyou wear them on your feetyou wear them on your chestyou .... the ball to a playeryou shoot on the net and get it inthey protect your hands in the net...

Soccer 2023-01-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. first world cup win
  2. Soccer is also known as this in Europe
  3. Country with the most World Cup wins
  4. The only continent (excluding Antarctica) that hasn't hosted a World Cup
  5. Players on a soccer team
  6. The position that defends the net
  7. Minutes in a international match
  1. Where the World Cup just was
  2. A score
  3. Cristiano
  4. True or False: A wall must be 12 yards back from the ball when a free kick is to be taken
  5. International Federation of Association Football
  6. A World Cup is every _ years
  7. Color the ref displays if a player is sent off
  8. Lionel
  9. Goals in a hat trick
  10. What a soccer field is called
  11. Seconds the goalie can hold the ball

18 Clues: LionelA scoreCristianofirst world cup winGoals in a hat trickPlayers on a soccer teamWhere the World Cup just wasA World Cup is every _ yearsWhat a soccer field is calledMinutes in a international matchThe position that defends the netCountry with the most World Cup winsSeconds the goalie can hold the ballSoccer is also known as this in Europe...

Soccer 2024-02-23

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. When fans scream and shout!
  2. Rule that prevents attackers from being ahead of the defenders
  3. A prize given to outstanding teams and players to recognize their achievements
  4. Series of five penalty kicks for each team.
  5. Taken from the flag when the ball goes out of play
  6. Position that focuses on scoring goals
  7. A competitor in sports (often a professional)
  8. Person who enforces the rules on the field
  9. Hitting the ball with the forehead
  1. Argentinian star who plays for Barcelona
  2. World’s governing body of soccer
  3. A handbag brand or a guide that helps and trains players.
  4. SIUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!
  5. Leader of a team
  6. A Daughter and the _______ of Tottenham.
  7. Scored by kicking the ball into the net
  8. Brazilian legend who won three World Cups
  9. Awarded for a foul inside the box

18 Clues: Leader of a teamSIUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!When fans scream and shout!World’s governing body of soccerAwarded for a foul inside the boxHitting the ball with the foreheadPosition that focuses on scoring goalsScored by kicking the ball into the netArgentinian star who plays for BarcelonaA Daughter and the _______ of Tottenham....

Soccer 2017-04-27

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Won the champions league last season
  2. Sweden's new Ibrahimovic
  3. German team
  4. Played for Tottenham, RW for Real Madrid
  5. AC Milan and Italy
  6. Hotline Bling celebration, France
  7. Won the premier league in the 2016/2017 season
  8. Brazilian winger for Barcelona
  9. latest player who won the Ballon d"or
  10. Recently scored 500 goals for Barcelona
  1. Chelsea captain
  2. Considered the greatest of all time
  3. 14 years old
  4. Liverpool legend
  5. RB for Arsenal Spain
  6. Fast Striker
  7. plays for Liverpool, 17
  8. Polish Striker for Bayern Munich

18 Clues: German team14 years oldFast StrikerChelsea captainLiverpool legendAC Milan and ItalyRB for Arsenal Spainplays for Liverpool, 17Sweden's new IbrahimovicBrazilian winger for BarcelonaPolish Striker for Bayern MunichHotline Bling celebration, FranceConsidered the greatest of all timeWon the champions league last season...

Soccer 2024-04-17

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. when the attacking team kicks the ball out of bounds over their opponents goal line.
  2. an action (such as passing a ball or puck) that helps a teammate to score
  3. the official that carries a whistle
  4. when the defending team kicks the ball out of bounds over their own goal line.
  5. given to a player when they are ejected from the game.
  6. a player who defends a goal
  7. a shot or pass made by hitting the ball with your head
  8. the area of a playing field in sports like American football and soccer that is in the middle between the two goals
  1. a bar that joins two posts of a goal
  2. the official that carries a flag outside of the field
  3. a shot or kick made by hitting a ball before it touches the ground
  4. a kick in soccer or rugby that a player makes when the other team has broken a rule
  5. a kick that is made without being stopped or slowed by an opponent and that is allowed because of a foul by an opponent
  6. when the ball goes out of bounds on the sidelines.
  7. a kick that puts the ball into play (as in football or soccer)
  8. given to a player as a warning or caution.
  9. a strip or stud fastened to the bottom of a shoe to prevent slipping
  10. in a position in a game on the opponent's part of the field where you are not allowed to be : not onside

18 Clues: a player who defends a goalthe official that carries a whistlea bar that joins two posts of a goalgiven to a player as a warning or caution.when the ball goes out of bounds on the sidelines.the official that carries a flag outside of the fieldgiven to a player when they are ejected from the game....

Soccer 2025-03-24

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Moving the ball l0 - 12 inches per bounce and keeping control of it while moving
  2. Type of kick that sends the ball in the opposite direction
  3. International soccer competition takes place at the __________ cup
  4. Acronym for the US Pro soccer organization
  5. They are in constant motion during the game
  6. They often have cleats and some consider them to be the most important soccer equipment
  7. Number of players on a soccer team
  8. Most popular type of pass in soccer
  9. Pads used to protect the legs
  1. These players help protect the goalkeeper
  2. This is a player who can use his or her hands and stays near the net
  3. Some consider these to be the best all-around players
  4. Soccer players should not use this part of the body
  5. Roman name for soccer
  6. The player does this to make contact with a ball that is too high to reach with a foot
  7. The players in this position are similar to suards in basketba
  8. Possible miles-per-hour speed of a kicked soccer ball
  9. Controlling the ball by stopping or changing its direction

18 Clues: Roman name for soccerPads used to protect the legsNumber of players on a soccer teamMost popular type of pass in soccerThese players help protect the goalkeeperAcronym for the US Pro soccer organizationThey are in constant motion during the gameSoccer players should not use this part of the bodySome consider these to be the best all-around players...

Soccer 2017-02-07

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. a position where you are only allowed on the front half of the field
  2. a location where people play soccer
  3. a protective plastic that you strap onto your legs
  4. kicking from underneath the ball
  5. people participating in the game
  6. famous soccer player
  7. a technique used to stop the opposite team from passing the ball
  8. player who protects their team's goal
  9. a group of players
  1. a special spiked soccer shoe
  2. soccer shirt
  3. soccer break
  4. what you use to play soccer
  5. technique used to kick the ball to a player on your team
  6. soccer trick using your head
  7. a position where you are allowed to play on the entire field
  8. a position where you protect the front of your goal on the left and right side
  9. a soccer point

18 Clues: soccer shirtsoccer breaka soccer pointa group of playersfamous soccer playerwhat you use to play soccera special spiked soccer shoesoccer trick using your headkicking from underneath the ballpeople participating in the gamea location where people play soccerplayer who protects their team's goala protective plastic that you strap onto your legs...

Soccer 2024-04-02

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Algeria
  2. Washed up 🤢
  3. Rose logo
  4. England
  5. Bruno Fernandez club
  6. Brazil
  7. the goat
  8. Watkins club
  1. Hollywood team
  2. Man City
  4. Koreanboyplayshere
  5. Lewandowski old club 😢
  6. Portugal
  7. dancinggoalie
  8. Saka club
  9. Mbappe leaving 😢
  10. Liverpool

18 Clues: BrazilAlgeriaEnglandMan CityPortugalthe goatBELLIGOALRose logoSaka clubLiverpoolWashed up 🤢Watkins clubdancinggoalieHollywood teamMbappe leaving 😢KoreanboyplayshereBruno Fernandez clubLewandowski old club 😢

Soccer 2023-01-30

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for the field
  2. Stopping the ball for control
  3. Color of ejection card
  4. Arrangement of players on the field
  5. Number of goals for a hat trick
  6. Only player allowed to use hands
  7. Best all around players
  8. Goalie blocks the ball
  1. attempt to kick ball into the net
  2. player attempts to control a ball by stopping it or changing
  3. Located near goal and protect goalkeeper
  4. Form of Roman soccer
  5. Constant motion back and forth on field
  6. Color of warning card
  7. Offensive player behind last defender
  8. How many players on a team
  9. direction
  10. Federation Internationale de Football Association

18 Clues: directionForm of Roman soccerColor of warning cardColor of ejection cardGoalie blocks the ballBest all around playersAnother word for the fieldHow many players on a teamStopping the ball for controlNumber of goals for a hat trickOnly player allowed to use handsattempt to kick ball into the netArrangement of players on the field...

Soccer 2023-01-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. International Federation of Association Football
  2. A World Cup is every _ years
  3. Color the ref displays if a player is sent off
  4. Players on a soccer team
  5. Where the World Cup just was
  6. The only continent (excluding Antarctica) that hasn't hosted a World Cup
  7. A score
  8. Seconds the goalie can hold the ball
  9. The position that defends the net
  10. Minutes in a international match
  1. Goals in a hat trick
  2. Country with the most World Cup wins
  3. Soccer is also known as this in Europe
  4. Cristiano
  5. first world cup win
  6. True or False: A wall must be 12 yards back from the ball when a free kick is to be taken
  7. What a soccer field is called
  8. Lionel

18 Clues: LionelA scoreCristianofirst world cup winGoals in a hat trickPlayers on a soccer teamA World Cup is every _ yearsWhere the World Cup just wasWhat a soccer field is calledMinutes in a international matchThe position that defends the netCountry with the most World Cup winsSeconds the goalie can hold the ballSoccer is also known as this in Europe...

Soccer 2020-10-21

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. object of the game
  2. the only player to use their hands while the ball is in play
  3. stops attacks during the game and also assists the goalkeeper
  4. players who play both offense and defense
  5. moving the ball towards the goal with your shoelaces
  6. after a goal is scored, the ball is returned to where
  1. another work for goalkeeper
  2. tripping another player
  3. used when the ball goes out of bounds over the end line
  4. stopping the ball with foot, legs, thigh, or chest
  5. players who are most responsible for scoring goals
  6. kick on the top of foot from a drop of the hands
  7. how much is a goal worth
  8. moving the ball to another player on your team
  9. advancing the ball by controlling the ball with the top of the foot
  10. used to put the ball back in play after going out of bounds on the sideline
  11. the team with the most goals scored

17 Clues: object of the gametripping another playerhow much is a goal worthanother work for goalkeeperthe team with the most goals scoredplayers who play both offense and defensemoving the ball to another player on your teamkick on the top of foot from a drop of the handsstopping the ball with foot, legs, thigh, or chest...

Soccer 2022-03-09

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. a rules violation.
  2. when the goal keeper stops the ball from going into the goal after a shot.
  3. the pass that goes to the player who scores the goal.
  4. the player positioned directly in front of the goal who can use their hands.
  5. a ball kicked from teammate to teammate.
  6. the teams best scoring forward.
  7. hitting the ball with your head.
  8. a skill performed to keep the ball in the air using any part of the body except the hands.
  9. advancing the ball with your feet while running.
  1. a kick awarded to a team after the opposing team commits a foul.
  2. when the defending team kicks the ball out of the goal area.
  3. a move by a player to deceive the opposing player.
  4. the last line of defense before the goal keeper.
  5. method of starting the game and re-setting after each goal is scored.
  6. an attempt to kick the ball into the opponent's goal.
  7. to legally take the ball from another player.
  8. when the ball is kicked in the opponent's net.

17 Clues: a rules violation.the teams best scoring forward.hitting the ball with your head.a ball kicked from teammate to legally take the ball from another player.when the ball is kicked in the opponent's net.the last line of defense before the goal keeper.advancing the ball with your feet while running....

Soccer 2023-01-06

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The position that is used for passing and dribbling
  2. Top goalscorer of all time
  3. When you score!
  4. The position that is used for defending
  5. The person who trains the players
  6. The thing used to play with.
  7. What is the 2nd most famous sport in the world?
  8. The position that is used for shooting and dribbling
  1. The person who takes care of the club
  2. league the highest league quality of all soccer.
  3. The greatest all time player, that sadly passed away.
  4. Cup The most famous tournament of all time
  5. The name used by most of the world, instead of Americans
  6. Won the 2022 men's World cup and is seen as the Goat
  7. United The richest club in the world
  8. The only position able to use their hands
  9. 12 yard free-kick

17 Clues: When you score!12 yard free-kickTop goalscorer of all timeThe thing used to play with.The person who trains the playersThe person who takes care of the clubUnited The richest club in the worldThe position that is used for defendingThe only position able to use their handsCup The most famous tournament of all time...

Soccer! 2021-10-06

Soccer! crossword puzzle
  1. We play soccer with our feet, so these are very important.
  2. All the best soccer countries play in this event every four years.
  3. He leads all the MCA soccer clubs.
  4. This is the size of the MCA soccer field.
  5. You can't use your hands, but you can score with this instead of your feet.
  6. He tells the players what to do.
  7. A strong Spanish team.
  8. The number of minutes in a soccer game.
  9. The color of the MCA soccer field.
  1. If you don't have this, you have nothing to kick.
  2. He is the leader of the players on the field.
  3. The player who uses his hands.
  4. You might get this if you commit a very bad foul.
  5. A great Korean player. He also plays in England.
  6. He gives out cards.
  7. If the weather is this, we can't play soccer outside.
  8. Players wear this with their number on it.

17 Clues: He gives out cards.A strong Spanish team.The player who uses his hands.He tells the players what to do.He leads all the MCA soccer clubs.The color of the MCA soccer field.The number of minutes in a soccer game.This is the size of the MCA soccer field.Players wear this with their number on it.He is the leader of the players on the field....

Soccer 2024-05-07

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Defensive block from a free-kick
  2. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
  3. Number of yards a defensive wall must be from a Free-kick
  4. Term given when using your head
  5. kicking the ball to a team-mate
  6. This is awarded when there is a foul on a member of the attacking team in the opposition penalty box
  7. Number of players on a team
  8. kicking the ball without it bouncing
  1. Running with ball at your feet
  2. Color of Card given when a player is ejected from the game
  3. Part of the body that is easily injured in soccer
  4. A goalkeeper can not use these if the ball is passed to them by a team mate
  5. The only member of a team who can use their hands in their own penalty box
  6. This is the term given when taking touch and getting the ball under control
  7. An illegal piece of equipment
  8. A vital component of fitness for soccer players
  9. The color of a caution card

17 Clues: The color of a caution cardNumber of players on a teamAn illegal piece of equipmentRunning with ball at your feetTerm given when using your headkicking the ball to a team-mateDefensive block from a free-kickRest, Ice, Compression, Elevationkicking the ball without it bouncingA vital component of fitness for soccer players...