food Crossword Puzzles

Food Science Review 2022-11-28

Food Science Review crossword puzzle
  1. Provide structure to baked goods, bind food products together and thicken liquids
  2. One function of lipids in food preparation is to _____ heat
  3. Are two single sugar molecules linked together
  4. Disaccharide sugars are _____ and lactose
  5. Fats, oils, shortening, grease, phospholipids, sterols and cholesterol are examples of _____
  6. Lipids provide _____ as much energy per gram as carbohydrates
  7. One function of lipids in food preparation is to enhance _____
  8. Foods that are complete proteins contain all nine of the _____ amino acids
  9. Lipids that are solid at room temperature are commonly called
  1. Lipids that are liquid at room temperature are called
  2. Protein makes up 50 percent of the dry weight found in living _____
  3. Monosaccharide sugars are _____ and fructose
  4. Gums and pectin provide structure to food, bind food products together and _____ jams and jellies.
  5. Lipids are not soluble in _____ and have a greasy feel
  6. Single sugar molecules, the simplest carbohydrate
  7. Oils come from _____ sources
  8. Sugars do the following for food: sweetens, _____, tenderizes, crystallizes and caramelizes
  9. Fats come from _____ sources
  10. Essential amino acids must be supplied by the _____ we eat
  11. Number of amino acids found in the human body

20 Clues: Oils come from _____ sourcesFats come from _____ sourcesDisaccharide sugars are _____ and lactoseMonosaccharide sugars are _____ and fructoseNumber of amino acids found in the human bodyAre two single sugar molecules linked togetherSingle sugar molecules, the simplest carbohydrateLipids that are liquid at room temperature are called...

french food crossword 2017-02-08

french food crossword crossword puzzle
  1. you use this as your base of a sandwich Vous l'utilisez comme base d'un sandwich
  2. this fruit is a tropical fruit and the outside is very spiky as well as the top ce fruit est un fruit tropical et l'extérieur est très spiky ainsi que le haut
  3. you can have these as pets and they lay brown and white eggs that you can eat Vous pouvez les avoir comme animaux de compagnie et ils pondent des œufs bruns et blancs que vous pouvez manger
  4. this vegetable is circular and come in many colours such as red, orange and yellow Ce légume est circulaire et vient dans de nombreuses couleurs comme le rouge, l'orange et le jaune
  5. - this is a very sweet treat and it comes in three main flavours such as dark , milk , and white C'est un gâteau très sucré et il est offert en trois saveurs principales telles que le lait, le lait et le blanc
  6. when cut this vegetable can make your eyes water Quand couper ce légume peut faire vos yeux l'eau
  7. when dried its kernels can pop Quand ses grains séchés peuvent
  8. this snack comes in small containers and many different types , you can get it in greek or with fruit Cette collation vient en petits récipients et de nombreux types différents, vous pouvez l'obtenir en grec ou avec des fruits
  9. you can find this food in sushi and it is usually very sticky Vous pouvez trouver cette nourriture dans les sushis et il est généralement très collant
  10. you have this bird on thanksgiving and christmas Vous avez cet oiseau sur Thanksgiving et Noël
  1. this fruit has a brown outside which is very fuzzy Ce fruit a un brun à l'extérieur qui est très floue
  2. this fruit comes in bunches and you usually peel them when you eat them Ce fruit vient en grappes et vous habituellement les éplucher quand vous les mangez
  3. this is a very common food. There are many different styles of this food and you can
  4. this fish is the native fish in BC Ce poisson est le poisson indigène en Colombie-Britannique
  5. this fruit has a big brown pit in the middle. You can also eat this fruit dried Ce fruit a une grande fosse brune au milieu. Vous pouvez également manger ce fruit séché
  6. you use this in salad Vous l'utilisez dans la salade
  7. you use this drink a lot in cooking. You can also use t for your tea and coffee but most people just like to drink it by its own. Vous utilisez cette boisson beaucoup en cuisine. Vous pouvez également l'utiliser pour votre thé et café, mais la plupart des gens aiment à boire par ses propres.
  8. - bunnies really like this vegetable ( especially bugs bunnie) Lapins vraiment comme ce légume (surtout les bugs bunny)
  9. this fruit you have to peel the outside but you usually eat them around christmas time Ce fruit vous devez peler l'extérieur mais vous mangez habituellement autour de temps de Noël
  10. this sice is especially sweet , you can use this in tea coffee and in baking Ce sice est particulièrement doux, vous pouvez l'utiliser dans le thé café et dans la cuisson
  11. them for fondue C'est un aliment très commun. Il existe de nombreux styles différents de cette nourriture et vous pouvez Les utiliser pour la fondue

21 Clues: you use this in salad Vous l'utilisez dans la saladewhen dried its kernels can pop Quand ses grains séchés peuventyou use this as your base of a sandwich Vous l'utilisez comme base d'un sandwichthis is a very common food. There are many different styles of this food and you can...

French Food Crossword 2017-02-09

French Food Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Grosses griffes - Big claws
  2. Type de champignons - Type of Fungi
  3. Vous fait pleurer - Makes you cry
  4. Lait caillé - Curdled milk
  5. Vous fait éternuer - Makes you sneeze
  6. Sandwich au ??? - ??? fish sandwich
  7. Je pondre des oeufs - I lay eggs
  8. Une ??? par jour garde le docteur loin - An ??? a day keeps the doctor away
  9. Vient des vaches - Comes from cows
  1. En dehors d'un sandwich - Outside of a sandwich
  2. Ce fruit a des segments - This fruit has segments
  3. La nourriture préférée de lapins - Bunny's favourite food
  4. Plat préféré des singes - Monkey's favourite food
  5. Long comme les cheveux, mais savoureux avec des boulettes de viande - Long like hair, but tasty with meatballs
  6. Rouge avec beaucoup de petites graines - Red with lots of little seeds
  7. Dans les sushis - In sushi
  8. Groin groin - Oink oink
  9. Meuh - Moo
  10. Les abeilles le font - Bees make it
  11. Glou glou - Gobble gobble

20 Clues: Meuh - MooGroin groin - Oink oinkGlou glou - Gobble gobbleLait caillé - Curdled milkDans les sushis - In sushiGrosses griffes - Big clawsJe pondre des oeufs - I lay eggsVous fait pleurer - Makes you cryVient des vaches - Comes from cowsType de champignons - Type of FungiSandwich au ??? - ??? fish sandwichLes abeilles le font - Bees make it...

Food service director 2016-09-05

Food service director crossword puzzle
  1. providing meals, and other services for travelers and tourists
  2. a certificate awarded for being successful completing something
  3. what do you do at restaurants after you eat
  4. provide with what is lacking or requisite
  5. a business organization
  6. something you spend on things
  7. a place where people pay to eat
  8. what is a person that oversees things
  9. a room or area where food is prepared and cooked
  1. what do people eat
  2. a person employed for wages or salary
  3. dealing with or controlling things or people
  4. what do people read off of when they go to restaurants
  5. another word for a drink
  6. a thing that may happen or be the case
  7. a person that has great skills in something
  8. a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade
  9. employ someone for wages
  10. after you've looked at the menu what do you do
  11. a piece of work to be done

20 Clues: what do people eata business organizationanother word for a drinkemploy someone for wagesa piece of work to be donesomething you spend on thingsa place where people pay to eata person employed for wages or salarywhat is a person that oversees thingsa thing that may happen or be the caseprovide with what is lacking or requisite...

Food Prep Terms 2016-11-01

Food Prep Terms crossword puzzle
  1. to cook in liquid that is bubbling at least at 212 degrees F
  2. to cook by dry heat, usually in an oven (called roasting for meat)
  3. to mix or combine two or more ingredients together thoroughly
  4. to cook in a small amount of hot fat
  5. to cook slowly in a small amount of liquid in a covered pan
  6. to cut into small irregular pieces
  7. to combine two or more foods together
  8. to cook by direct heat, especially in a boiler
  9. to heat the oven or boiler to the desired temp before putting food in to cook
  10. to mix smoothly, using an up and over motion rapidly and regular strokes with a spoon or whisk
  11. to reduce to small particles by crushing, beating, or grinding
  12. to cook in liquid at low heat for a long time
  13. to rub flour against a fine sieve to make it more powdery
  14. to cut into very small pieces
  15. to cook in a simmering liquid
  16. to reduce food by rubbing to very small particles by rubbing it against a rough surface
  17. to reduce to powder by crushing food with a heavy object
  18. to heat a solid until it becomes a liquid
  19. to cook in hot fat
  1. to cut into very small square pieces
  2. to work a dough with a pressing and folding motion
  3. to rub a cooking surface with fat to prevent sticking
  4. to soak food in a sauce for a time to make it tender and flavorful
  5. to beat a food into a foam, or froth, with a fork or other utensil by incorporating air and a wire whisk
  6. to cover food with a light coating of flour or crumbs
  7. to refrigerate or let food stand in cold water
  8. to remove the outer covering, skin, or rind of soft vegetable and fruits
  9. to moisten food while it cooks, using its own juices or sauce
  10. to cook in liquid just below the boiling point
  11. to reduce to a soft pulpy state by beating or whipping
  12. to blend food into a smooth, thick paste
  13. to cook over boiling water
  14. to gently mix, cutting into the mixture down -across the bottom up and over through the top
  15. to refrigerate or let warm food stand until it is at room temperature
  16. Fry to cook in hot fat deep enough for the food to float
  17. to mix food in a circular motion

36 Clues: to cook in hot fatto cook over boiling waterto cut into very small piecesto cook in a simmering liquidto mix food in a circular motionto cut into small irregular piecesto cut into very small square piecesto cook in a small amount of hot fatto combine two or more foods togetherto blend food into a smooth, thick paste...

Food and drink 2016-11-29

Food and drink crossword puzzle
  1. bonbons
  2. chips
  3. glace
  4. sucre
  5. vin
  6. fraises
  7. poulet
  8. confiture
  9. café
  1. oeufs
  2. eau
  3. bière
  4. beurre
  5. pommes de terre
  6. thé
  7. frites
  8. cerises
  9. lait
  10. pain
  11. fromage
  12. gâteau
  13. poisson

22 Clues: eauthévinlaitpaincaféoeufsbièrechipsglacesucrebeurrefritespouletgâteaubonbonscerisesfraisesfromagepoissonconfiturepommes de terre

Topic 7 - FOOD 2016-11-28

Topic 7 - FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. zsömle
  2. káposzta
  3. mustár
  4. liszt
  5. túró
  6. vadhús
  7. aprósütemény
  8. málna
  9. zöldségek
  10. borjúhús
  11. gabonapehely
  1. bárányhús
  2. lekvár
  3. fahéj
  4. saláta
  5. felvágottak
  6. vaj
  7. üdítőitalok
  8. áfonya
  9. fokhagyma

20 Clues: vajtúrófahéjlisztmálnazsömlelekvársalátamustárvadhúsáfonyakáposztaborjúhúsbárányhúszöldségekfokhagymafelvágottaküdítőitalokaprósüteménygabonapehely

Topic 7 - FOOD 2016-11-28

Topic 7 - FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. saláta
  2. felvágottak
  3. üdítőitalok
  4. bárányhús
  5. vadhús
  6. liszt
  7. zöldségek
  8. káposzta
  9. málna
  10. fokhagyma
  1. gabonapehely
  2. mustár
  3. aprósütemény
  4. borjúhús
  5. túró
  6. fahéj
  7. zsömle
  8. áfonya
  9. lekvár
  10. vaj

20 Clues: vajtúrófahéjlisztmálnamustársalátazsömleáfonyavadhúslekvárborjúhúskáposztabárányhúszöldségekfokhagymafelvágottaküdítőitalokgabonapehelyaprósütemény

food words (RiivoAass) 2018-02-01

food words (RiivoAass) crossword puzzle
  1. pirn
  2. friikad
  3. või
  4. popcorn
  5. kook
  6. muna
  7. juust
  8. pasta
  9. arbuus
  10. hamburger
  11. sidrun
  1. visi
  2. piim
  3. limonaad
  4. kohvi
  5. sool
  6. banaan
  7. kurk
  8. vorst
  9. tee

20 Clues: võiteevisipiimpirnsoolkurkkookmunakohvijuustpastavorstbanaanarbuussidrunfriikadpopcornlimonaadhamburger

food and adjectives 2018-02-23

food  and adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. the opposite of unfit
  2. Italians love it
  3. the opposite of weak
  4. a...of water
  5. the opposite of safe
  6. a...of fuit juice
  7. a...of nuts
  8. they are very healthy
  9. monkeys love it
  10. rabbits eat a lot of these
  11. Indian people eat a lot of this
  1. british drink it at any time
  2. British traditional food
  3. you can spread on a slice of bread
  4. in your packed lunch
  5. you make this from milk
  6. a...of sugar
  7. a ...of bread, cheese,cake
  8. if you are stay in bed
  9. a spice
  10. kind of fast food
  11. you buy a...of cola
  12. kind of junk food

23 Clues: a spicea...of nutsa...of watera...of sugarmonkeys love itItalians love ita...of fuit juicekind of fast foodkind of junk foodyou buy a...of colathe opposite of weakin your packed lunchthe opposite of safethe opposite of unfitthey are very healthyyou make this from milkBritish traditional fooda ...of bread, cheese,cakerabbits eat a lot of these...

FOOD AND DRINKS 2018-03-01

FOOD AND DRINKS crossword puzzle
  1. a.... of milk
  2. one strawerry, two ....
  3. frytki
  4. kolacja
  5. lody
  6. jeść
  7. płatki kukurydziane
  8. obiad
  9. szpinak
  10. a....... of coffee
  11. brzoskiwnia
  12. kurczak
  13. sałata
  14. ser
  1. śliwka
  2. pietruszka
  3. what is your ...... drink? (ulubiony)
  4. a....... of lemonade
  5. śniadanie
  6. arbuz
  7. sok
  8. make a ......... (kanapka)
  9. kiełbasa
  10. czekolada
  11. chleb
  12. ananas
  13. a..... of water
  14. naleśniki
  15. ziemniak
  16. szynka

30 Clues: sokserlodyjeśćarbuzchlebobiadśliwkafrytkiananasszynkasałatakolacjaszpinakkurczakkiełbasaziemniakśniadanieczekoladanaleśnikipietruszkabrzoskiwniaa.... of milka..... of watera....... of coffeepłatki kukurydzianea....... of lemonadeone strawerry, two ....make a ......... (kanapka)what is your ...... drink? (ulubiony)

Food and Drink 2019-05-11

Food and Drink crossword puzzle
  1. sugar
  2. apple
  3. cake
  4. dinner
  5. cookie
  6. seafood
  7. banana
  8. vegetables
  9. fruit
  1. mango
  2. orange
  3. drinks
  4. cereal
  5. food
  6. chocolate
  7. strawberry
  8. lunch
  9. breakfast
  10. meat
  11. fish

20 Clues: cakefoodmeatfishmangosugarapplelunchfruitorangedrinkscerealdinnercookiebananaseafoodchocolatebreakfaststrawberryvegetables

Food and Nutrition 2019-03-18

Food and Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Occurs when food that’s safe to eat comes in contact with bacteria making it not safe to eat
  2. remove batter from a mixing bowl
  3. to pour off water or juice from the food
  4. to mix two or more ingredients together
  5. part of a recipe. shows how a dish is made
  6. lift corn from the grill or from boiling water
  7. to beat butter or shortening until soft
  8. roll out pastry, cookie dough
  9. used to cut things
  10. to cut off the skin of a fruit or vegetable
  1. fry meat/eggs in
  2. 40-140F degrees
  3. slice bread or bagels
  4. A bacterium that occurs mainly in the intestine and causes illnesses
  5. drain liquid from canned vegetables
  6. serve soup
  7. to mix food round and round with a spoon
  8. to pour liquid over food while it cooks
  9. to cut into small pieces
  10. uncooked

20 Clues: uncookedserve soup40-140F degreesfry meat/eggs inused to cut thingsslice bread or bagelsto cut into small piecesroll out pastry, cookie doughremove batter from a mixing bowldrain liquid from canned vegetablesto mix two or more ingredients togetherto pour liquid over food while it cooksto beat butter or shortening until soft...

Food and Cooking 2018-10-17

Food and Cooking crossword puzzle
  1. you need this fruit to make guacamole
  2. ingredients and steps to cook something
  3. which is bought in a metal container
  4. the opposite of sweet
  5. which tastes hot
  6. very pleasant to eat
  7. cook in very hot water
  8. where you cook an omelette (two words)
  9. you need it to bake or to roast
  10. which doesn't have much taste
  11. an American aubergine
  12. one of the occasions when you eat (eg lunch, dinner)
  1. you need one for your soup
  2. woman who serves food in a restaurant
  3. things you need to prepare a dish
  4. meat from a cow
  5. British word for cookie
  6. container made of cardboard in which milk or juice is sold
  7. this vegetable will make you cry
  8. made with oranges and sugar and usually eaten on bread for breakfast
  9. after the main course
  10. apple ___ is a popular dessert in the USA
  11. sweet substance added to food or drinks

23 Clues: meat from a cowwhich tastes hotvery pleasant to eatthe opposite of sweetafter the main coursean American auberginecook in very hot waterBritish word for cookieyou need one for your soupwhich doesn't have much tasteyou need it to bake or to roastthis vegetable will make you crythings you need to prepare a dishwhich is bought in a metal container...

Food Safety Game 2018-11-18

Food Safety Game crossword puzzle
  1. a sour-tasting liquid containing acetic acid, obtained by fermenting dilute alcoholic liquids, typically wine, cider, or beer, and used as a condiment or for pickling.
  2. maintaining cleanliness
  3. chiefly North American rubbish or waste, especially domestic refuse
  4. foods food that spoil easily
  5. an organism which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense
  6. microscopic living organisms
  7. an appliance or compartment which is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator.
  8. zone the temperature range in which bacteria grow fastest (4 Celsius – 60 Celsius)
  9. a refrigerated cabinet or room for preserving food at very low temperatures
  1. a thick slice of lean beef, typically from the rump and eaten grilled or fried
  2. any of a group of unicellular, multicellular, or syncytial spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including moulds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools
  3. the spreading of harmful bacteria from one food to another
  4. perform duties or services for (another person or an organization)
  5. illness food poisoning.
  6. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness
  7. the flesh of a young calf, used as food
  8. make impure
  9. a kind of stew that is cooked slowly in an oven
  10. a small room or cupboard in which food, crockery, and cutlery are kept.
  11. an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host

20 Clues: make impuremaintaining cleanlinessmicroscopic living organismsillness food poisoning.foods food that spoil easilythe flesh of a young calf, used as fooda kind of stew that is cooked slowly in an oventhe spreading of harmful bacteria from one food to anotherperform duties or services for (another person or an organization)...

Food Safety Game 2018-11-18

Food Safety Game crossword puzzle
  1. a sour-tasting liquid containing acetic acid, obtained by fermenting dilute alcoholic liquids, typically wine, cider, or beer, and used as a condiment or for pickling.
  2. maintaining cleanliness
  3. chiefly North American rubbish or waste, especially domestic refuse
  4. foods food that spoil easily
  5. an organism which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense
  6. microscopic living organisms
  7. an appliance or compartment which is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the refrigerator.
  8. zone the temperature range in which bacteria grow fastest (4 Celsius – 60 Celsius)
  9. a refrigerated cabinet or room for preserving food at very low temperatures
  1. a thick slice of lean beef, typically from the rump and eaten grilled or fried
  2. any of a group of unicellular, multicellular, or syncytial spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including moulds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools
  3. the spreading of harmful bacteria from one food to another
  4. perform duties or services for (another person or an organization)
  5. illness food poisoning.
  6. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness
  7. the flesh of a young calf, used as food
  8. make impure
  9. a kind of stew that is cooked slowly in an oven
  10. a small room or cupboard in which food, crockery, and cutlery are kept.
  11. an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host

20 Clues: make impuremaintaining cleanlinessmicroscopic living organismsillness food poisoning.foods food that spoil easilythe flesh of a young calf, used as fooda kind of stew that is cooked slowly in an oventhe spreading of harmful bacteria from one food to anotherperform duties or services for (another person or an organization)...

food and drinks 2018-12-03

food and drinks crossword puzzle
  1. separate
  2. dumplings
  3. caraway
  4. sour cream
  5. spice
  6. pumpkin seed oil
  7. dough
  8. preparation
  9. flour
  1. asparagus
  2. curd cheese
  3. garlic
  4. whole meal bread
  5. herbs vinegar
  6. icing sugar
  7. potatoes
  8. grains
  9. chives
  10. hazelnuts
  11. parsley
  12. corn
  13. cauliflower

22 Clues: cornspicedoughflourgarlicgrainschivescarawayparsleyseparatepotatoesasparagusdumplingshazelnutssour creamcurd cheeseicing sugarcauliflowerpreparationherbs vinegarwhole meal breadpumpkin seed oil

food and drinks 2019-07-29

food and drinks crossword puzzle
  1. comes from cow
  2. flavered milk
  3. from italy
  4. is soup that has a big orange fruit or a vegetable
  5. keeps you awake
  6. is spicy
  7. most australins eat
  8. is a fungus
  9. Both Australins and New Zealanders love it
  10. crushed flavered ice
  11. comes from a toaster
  1. lots of people drink it
  2. number one popular Alcoholic Drink
  3. canned fish
  4. comes from a pig
  5. Widely recognised as the ‘National Cake of Australia’
  6. covers most of the world
  7. frozen and flavered milk
  8. made of milk
  9. grows in ground
  10. comes from chiken

21 Clues: is spicyfrom italycanned fishis a fungusmade of milkflavered milkcomes from cowkeeps you awakegrows in groundcomes from a pigcomes from chikenmost australins eatcrushed flavered icecomes from a toasterlots of people drink itcovers most of the worldfrozen and flavered milknumber one popular Alcoholic DrinkBoth Australins and New Zealanders love it...

Food and Drink 2019-03-23

Food and Drink crossword puzzle
  1. nasi
  2. wortel
  3. kentang
  4. telur
  5. donat
  6. permen
  7. mie
  8. keju
  9. agar-agar
  10. jagung
  11. kue
  1. kelapa
  2. roti
  3. selai
  4. teh
  5. cokelat
  6. kopi
  7. sosis
  8. susu
  9. jus

20 Clues: tehmiejuskuenasirotikopikejusususelaitelurdonatsosiskelapawortelpermenjagungkentangcokelatagar-agar

Food and drink 2019-04-16

Food and drink crossword puzzle
  1. dish baked in pastry-lined pan often with a pastry top
  2. Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced mixture of e.g. tomato sauce and cheese
  3. powder of ground roasted cacao beans with most of the fat removed
  4. chip a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat
  5. distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice
  6. roll any of numerous yeast-raised sweet rolls with our without
  7. any of various soft sweet desserts thickened usually with flour and baked or boiled or steamed
  8. a beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans
  9. the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant
  10. tea tea leaves that have been steamed and dried without fermenting
  1. baked good based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat
  2. shaped and dried dough made from flour and water and sometimes egg
  3. the liquid part that can be extracted from plant or animal tissue by squeezing or cooking
  4. a small ring-shaped friedcake
  5. an appetizer served as a first course at a meal
  6. a rich sweet made of flavored sugar often with fruit or nuts
  7. an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting a cereal with hops
  8. a hamburger
  9. a sweet quick bread baked in a cup-shaped pan
  10. Coca Cola is a trademarked cola
  11. cream frozen dessert containing cream and sugar and flavoring

21 Clues: a hamburgera small ring-shaped friedcakeCoca Cola is a trademarked coladistilled from wine or fermented fruit juicea sweet quick bread baked in a cup-shaped panthe ripened reproductive body of a seed plantan appetizer served as a first course at a mealchip a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat...

Food and Nutrition 2019-10-04

Food and Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. cheese, ice cream, and other milk-based foods.
  2. Meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, with dried legumes and nuts as alternatives.
  3. of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body.
  4. the action or state of making or being made impure by polluting or poisoning.
  5. a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.
  6. serious illness caused by the botulinum
  7. are single-cell organisms that are neither plants nor animals.
  8. the quality of being hot; high temperature.
  9. make clean and hygienic; disinfect.
  10. prepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by combining and heating the ingredients in various ways.
  1. any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
  2. combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke.
  3. is a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract.
  4. the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
  5. is an intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes.
  6. Zone Bacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, doubling in number in as little as 20 minutes.
  7. any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish.
  8. free from dirt, marks, or stains.
  9. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing diseases, especially through cleanliness.
  10. bacteria normally live in the intestines of healthy people and animals.

20 Clues: free from dirt, marks, or stains.make clean and hygienic; disinfect.serious illness caused by the botulinumthe quality of being hot; high temperature.cheese, ice cream, and other milk-based foods.are single-cell organisms that are neither plants nor a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract....

Food and drinks 2023-05-16

Food and drinks crossword puzzle
  1. vepřové
  2. banán
  3. čaj
  4. kuřecí
  5. tuňák
  6. ryba
  7. jehněčí
  8. limonáda
  9. káva
  10. salát
  11. losos
  12. fazole
  1. mandarinka bez jader
  2. těstoviny
  3. hovězí
  4. rajče
  5. hroznové víno
  6. sýr
  7. rýže
  8. maso

20 Clues: čajsýrrýžerybakávamasobanántuňákrajčesalátlososhovězíkuřecífazolevepřovéjehněčílimonádatěstovinyhroznové vínomandarinka bez jader

Food and Drinks 2023-06-11

Food and Drinks crossword puzzle
  1. (Fermented grape drink)
  2. (Blended fruit drink)
  3. (Italian noodle dish)
  4. cream (Frozen sweet treat)
  5. (Grilled beef cut)
  6. (Healthy mix of greens)
  7. (Steeped hot beverage)
  8. (Morning pick-me-up)
  9. (Bakery staple)
  10. (Fruit liquid)
  1. (Grilled meat sandwich)
  2. (Refreshing citrus drink)
  3. (Sweet confection)
  4. (Japanese raw fish rolls)
  5. (Italian dish)
  6. (Dairy product)
  7. (Crispy breakfast meat)
  8. (Carbonated soft drink)
  9. (Fruit with a core)
  10. (Warm liquid dish)

20 Clues: (Italian dish)(Fruit liquid)(Dairy product)(Bakery staple)(Sweet confection)(Grilled beef cut)(Warm liquid dish)(Fruit with a core)(Morning pick-me-up)(Blended fruit drink)(Italian noodle dish)(Steeped hot beverage)(Grilled meat sandwich)(Fermented grape drink)(Crispy breakfast meat)(Carbonated soft drink)(Healthy mix of greens)...

Ffast Food Chain 2023-06-12

Ffast Food Chain crossword puzzle
  1. : Promoter of "Eat Fresh"
  2. : Provider of Waffle Fries
  3. : Global giant in pizza delivery
  4. John's : They promise "Better Ingredients, Better Pizza"
  5. Fridays : Named for a day, but you can go any day
  6. Drive-In : Known for their carhop service
  7. : Fast food with a Mexican Grill
  8. : Home of the Golden Arches
  9. King : Their Whopper is no tall tale
  1. Hut : Recognizable by its red roof
  2. : More than just donuts, they're a coffee king
  3. : Known for their Frosty
  4. : West Coast burger chain with a cult following
  5. : Colonel Sanders' pride
  6. Bell : Where a chihuahua once invited you to "Yo Quiero"
  7. Queen : Soft serve ice cream and fast food, crowned by a monarch
  8. : Their mermaid logo is known worldwide for coffee
  9. Guys : A burger and fries joint named for five brothers
  10. Hortons : Canadian coffee and donut giant
  11. Bread : Known for their bakery-cafes and You Pick Two

20 Clues: : Known for their Frosty: Colonel Sanders' pride: Promoter of "Eat Fresh": Provider of Waffle Fries: Home of the Golden Arches: Global giant in pizza delivery: Fast food with a Mexican GrillHut : Recognizable by its red roofKing : Their Whopper is no tall taleDrive-In : Known for their carhop serviceHortons : Canadian coffee and donut giant...

Food and Cooking 2023-06-13

Food and Cooking crossword puzzle
  1. A round, hollow container used for holding or mixing ingredients
  2. Eat time in the morning
  3. A delicious frozen dessert made from dairy products
  4. Eat time in the evening
  5. When you put too much chilli on your food
  6. long purple vegetable
  7. A sweet, sticky substance made by bees
  8. To cut food into thin, flat pieces
  9. a ball of ground or chopped meat, usually beef, with added seasonings.
  10. a thick mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking into bread
  1. Eat time in the afternoon
  2. The taste of sugar
  3. Eat time between morning and afternoon
  4. Cooked by immersing in boiling water
  5. Food made from milk, usually sprinkled on pizza
  6. A common breakfast food from chicken that is often fried or boiled
  7. A popular Italian pasta dish often topped with tomato sauce and cheese
  8. A cooking method that involves submerging food in hot oil
  9. The main food of Indonesian
  10. long orange vegetables that are good for the eyes

20 Clues: The taste of sugarlong purple vegetableEat time in the morningEat time in the eveningEat time in the afternoonThe main food of IndonesianTo cut food into thin, flat piecesCooked by immersing in boiling waterEat time between morning and afternoonA sweet, sticky substance made by beesWhen you put too much chilli on your food...

Vocab man - food 2023-05-30

Vocab man - food crossword puzzle
  1. fresh
  2. the meal
  3. burnt
  4. lunch
  5. lukewarm
  6. melted
  7. tough
  8. bland
  9. dry
  10. breakfast
  11. cheers
  12. spicy
  13. to cook
  1. side
  2. to fry
  3. salty
  4. sweet
  5. dish
  6. snack
  7. to bake
  8. rich
  9. desert
  10. undercooked
  11. drink
  12. dinner

25 Clues: drysidedishrichfreshsaltysweetsnackburntlunchtoughblanddrinkspicyto frymelteddesertcheersdinnerto baketo cookthe meallukewarmbreakfastundercooked

Food & Drinks 3 2023-08-15

Food & Drinks 3 crossword puzzle
  1. A long, green vegetable (8)
  2. Edible meat of a deer (7)
  3. Japanese rice and seafood delicacy (5)
  4. Garfield's gourmet treat (7)
  5. Monkey's snack (6)
  6. '2%' drink (4)
  7. A long stick of bread (8)
  8. Popular fast food (9)
  9. Type of tubular pasta (8)
  10. Breakfast meat served with eggs (5)
  11. Small squares of meatfilled pasta (7)
  12. "An _____ a day, keeps the doctor away" (5)
  13. Long string-like pasta (9)
  14. Food associated with booing (6)
  1. Key lime or pecan, for example (3)
  2. "____ and chips" (4)
  3. Squid as food (8)
  4. Chicken's output (3)
  5. Soft red fruit (10)
  6. Lunch-time snack (8)
  7. Tortilla with a filling (4)
  8. Leafy vegetable dish (5)
  9. Steamed ball of dough (8)
  10. Red-stalked edible plant (7)
  11. A birthday treat (4)
  12. A vegetable that causes tears (5)
  13. Japanese noodle-based dish, usually with broth (5)
  14. Vegetable made into chips (6)
  15. Ubiquitous foodstuff (5)

29 Clues: '2%' drink (4)Squid as food (8)Monkey's snack (6)Soft red fruit (10)"____ and chips" (4)Chicken's output (3)Lunch-time snack (8)A birthday treat (4)Popular fast food (9)Leafy vegetable dish (5)Ubiquitous foodstuff (5)Edible meat of a deer (7)Steamed ball of dough (8)A long stick of bread (8)Type of tubular pasta (8)Long string-like pasta (9)...

Food Preparation Crossword 2023-07-09

Food Preparation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to let a food stand until it no longer feels warm to the touch
  2. to put through a sieve to reduce to finer particles
  3. to stir ingredients until they are thoroughly combined
  4. to cook in the oven with dry heat.
  5. to cut into small bits with kitchen shears
  6. to cut into very small cubes of even size
  7. to brown the surface of a food very quickly with high heat
  8. to add herbs, spices, or other ingredients to a food to increase the flavour of the food; to prepare a cooking utensil, such as a cast iron skillet, for cooking
  9. to change from a solid to a liquid through the application of heat
  10. to remove a substance from the surface of a liquid
  11. to remove the outer layer
  12. to break a food by pressing it with the back of a spoon or masher or forcing it through a ricer
  13. to make a liquid more dense by adding an agent like flour, cornstarch, or egg yolks
  14. to turn the surface of a food brown by placing it under a broiler or quickly cooking it in hot fat
  15. to cut into small pieces
  16. to cook in a large amount of hot fat
  17. to cause a solid food to turn into or become part of a liquid
  18. to cook one food or several foods together in a seasoned liquid for a long period
  19. to remove liquid from a food product
  20. to cut food into thin, stick-sized strips
  21. to cut or break into thin pieces
  22. to cook in liquid at 100 degrees Celsius
  23. to reduce a food into small bits by rubbing it on the sharp teeth of a utensil
  24. to soften solid fats, often by adding a second ingredient, such as sugar, and working with a wooden spoon or an electric mixer until the fat is creamy
  25. to cook food in a small amount of hot fat
  26. to make a food cold by placing it in a refrigerator or in a bowl over crushed ice
  27. to remove one part from another, as the yolk from the white of an egg
  28. to divide into parts with a sharp utensil
  29. to soak meat in a solution containing an acid, such as vinegar or tomato juice, that helps tenderize the connective tissue
  30. to separate solid from liquid materials
  31. to decorate foods by adding other attractive and complementary foodstuffs to the food or serving dish
  32. to rub fat on the surface of a cooking utensil or on a food itself
  1. to remove the center part of a fruit such as an apple or pineapple
  2. to mix or blend two or more ingredients
  3. to cut into small squares of equal size
  4. to cook with vapor produced by a boiling liquid
  5. to make the surface of a food brown by applying heat
  6. to cook in liquid that is barely at the boiling point
  7. to apply sauce, melted fat, or other liquid with a basting or pastry brush
  8. to lightly sprinkle the surface of a food with sugar, flour, or crumbs
  9. to heat sugar until a brown colour and characteristic flavour develop
  10. to cut or chop into very fine pieces
  11. to coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs
  12. to cut into thin, flat pieces
  13. to beat quickly and steadily by hand with a whisk or rotary beater
  14. to mix with a circular motion
  15. to heat an appliance to a desired temperature about 5-8 minutes before it is to be used
  16. to incorporate a delicate mixture into a thicker, heavier mixture with a whisk or silicone spatula using a down, up, and over motion so the finished product remains light
  17. to leave an opening through which steam can escape in the covering of a food to be cooked in a microwave oven
  18. to work dough by pressing it with the heels of the hands, folding it, turning it, and repeating each motion until the dough is smooth and elastic
  19. to decrease the quantity of a liquid and intensify the flavor by boiling
  20. to spoon pan juices, melted fat, or another liquid over the surface of food during cooking to keep the food moist and add flavour
  21. to cook uncovered in the oven with dry heat
  22. to shape into a round mass; to wrap a flat, flexible piece of food around on itself; to flatten dough to an even thickness with a rolling pin
  23. to coat a food by sprinkling it with or dipping it in a dry ingredient such as flour or bread crumbs
  24. to cut into four equal pieces
  25. to mix ingredients together with a circular up-and-down motion using a spoon, whisk, or rotary or electric beater
  26. to apply a liquid that forms a glossy coating
  27. to thoroughly cover a food with a liquid or dry mixture
  28. to cook uncovered under a direct source of heat
  29. to cook over or in a simmering liquid
  30. to mix lightly
  31. to cook in a small amount of hot fat
  32. to combine two or more ingredients into one mass

64 Clues: to mix lightlyto cut into small piecesto remove the outer layerto cut into thin, flat piecesto mix with a circular motionto cut into four equal piecesto cut or break into thin piecesto cook in the oven with dry cut or chop into very fine piecesto cook in a large amount of hot fatto remove liquid from a food product...

Food and Drink 2023-07-03

Food and Drink crossword puzzle
  1. sopa
  2. Chili
  3. Linguiça
  4. peixe
  5. tomate
  6. cebola
  7. fresco
  8. pera
  9. Morango
  10. cenoura
  11. gorduroso
  12. nojento
  13. salgado
  14. apimentado
  15. carne/bife
  16. hamburguer
  17. doce
  18. delicioso
  1. Horrível
  2. omelete
  3. cogumelos
  4. água
  5. Pimentão
  6. batata frita
  7. macarrão
  8. café
  9. feijão
  10. frango
  11. chá
  12. Iogurte
  13. saboroso
  14. cream sorvete
  15. Espinafre
  16. suco
  17. salada
  18. chocolate

36 Clues: chásopaáguacaféperasucodoceChilipeixefeijãotomatefrangocebolafrescosaladaomeleteMorangoIogurtecenouranojentosalgadoHorrívelLinguiçaPimentãomacarrãosaborosocogumelosgordurosoEspinafrechocolatedeliciosoapimentadocarne/bifehamburguerbatata fritacream sorvete

Fast Food Restaurant 2023-07-10

Fast Food Restaurant crossword puzzle
  1. woman
  2. stopped wings
  3. roller skate waiters/servers
  4. overrated chicken sandwich but good service
  5. Offbrand Mexican food
  6. whatsapp but burger
  7. overpriced everything (you lose money breathing air)
  8. broken ice cream machine
  9. colonel sanders
  10. taco bell but better ingredients
  11. 5 big guys
  12. don't out pizza it
  13. Julius
  1. donuts
  2. Express Offbrand Chinese takeout
  3. pizza red and blue
  4. footlong
  5. you rule
  6. box
  7. coffee/drinks
  8. johnny

21 Clues: boxwomandonutsjohnnyJuliusfootlongyou rule5 big guysstopped wingscoffee/drinkscolonel sanderspizza red and bluedon't out pizza itwhatsapp but burgerOffbrand Mexican foodbroken ice cream machineroller skate waiters/serversExpress Offbrand Chinese takeouttaco bell but better ingredientsoverrated chicken sandwich but good service...

FOOD AND DRINKS 2023-10-30

FOOD AND DRINKS crossword puzzle
  1. azucar
  2. huevos
  3. ensalada
  4. jugo
  5. agua
  6. café
  7. tomates
  8. pan
  9. atún
  10. galletas
  11. arroz
  12. sopa
  13. leche
  14. empanedado
  15. chocolate
  1. vienesas
  2. papasfritas
  3. plátano
  4. fruta
  5. helado
  6. lechuga
  7. queso
  8. pavo
  9. manzanas
  10. perro caliente
  11. pollo

27 Clues: panjugoaguacafépavoatúnsopafrutaquesoarrozpollolecheazucarhuevosheladoplátanolechugatomatesvienesasensaladamanzanasgalletaschocolateempanedadopapasfritasperro caliente


FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS crossword puzzle
  7. QUEEN
  6. KING


Food and drink 2019-12-27

Food and drink crossword puzzle
  1. roti in english is?
  2. coffee in indonesia is?
  3. air in english is?
  4. satay in indonesia is?
  5. bakso in english is?
  6. teh in english is?
  7. keripik in english is?
  8. cake in indonesia is?
  9. water in indonesia is?
  10. kopi in english is?
  11. sate in english is?
  1. nasi in english is?
  2. anggur in english is?
  3. rice in indonesia is?
  4. chipis in indonesia is?
  5. biscuit in indonesia is?
  6. tea in indonesia is?
  7. bread in indonesia is?
  8. meatballs in indonesia is?
  9. wine in indonesia is?
  10. biskuit in english is?
  11. kue in english is?

22 Clues: air in english is?teh in english is?kue in english is?roti in english is?nasi in english is?kopi in english is?sate in english is?tea in indonesia is?bakso in english is?anggur in english is?rice in indonesia is?wine in indonesia is?cake in indonesia is?bread in indonesia is?satay in indonesia is?biskuit in english is?keripik in english is?...

The Food Network 2023-12-05

The Food Network crossword puzzle
  1. To cook food in hot oil or fat.
  2. The main cook in a professional kitchen.
  3. A spoon that contains approximately 15mL, used for measuring food and baking.
  4. A unit of weight equal to approximately 28g. Also used to mean a "small amount" of something.
  5. A hollow container with a particular shape into which soft or liquid substances are poured, so that when the substance becomes hard it takes the shape of the container.
  6. A cohesive mix of flour, water and other ingredients often used for making pies, or kneaded to make bread.
  7. An electric machine used in the kitchen for making smooth liquid substances from soft foods and liquids.
  8. A pale yellow solid food containing a lot of fat that is made from cream.
  9. Powder used for baking and cooking, made from grain
  10. A spoon that contains approximately 5mL, used for measuring food and baking.
  11. A piece of clothing worn over the front of other clothes to keep them clean when cooking.
  12. To mix ingredients by moving a spoon in a circular pattern.
  1. A type of fungus that is used for making alcohol or bread.
  2. To quickly beat eggs or cream with a special tool to incorporate air and lighten up food.
  3. A measurement of temperature typically used in the US for baking, in which 32° is the temperature at which water freezes.
  4. The appliance often found in a kitchen used to heat food and bake pastries.
  5. To mix and fold a mixture in order to make bread.
  6. To gently incorporate an ingredient into another, typically egg whites into another liquid.
  7. A unit of weight approximately equal to 454g.
  8. A container holding approximately 240mL of liquid, used for measuring when cooking.
  9. A sweet substance used in baking.
  10. A piece of kitchen equipment that you put flour or sugar through in order to break up large pieces.
  11. In two words, the tube-shaped object that is used for making pastry flat and thin before cooking it.
  12. In two words, a type of light pastry with a lot of thin layers that swells to a larger size when baked.

24 Clues: To cook food in hot oil or fat.A sweet substance used in baking.The main cook in a professional kitchen.A unit of weight approximately equal to 454g.To mix and fold a mixture in order to make bread.Powder used for baking and cooking, made from grainA type of fungus that is used for making alcohol or bread....


NIYA FOOD SAFETY crossword puzzle
  1. something you eat
  2. something that beat or stir with a light, rapid movement.
  3. something that protects your feet
  4. used for shredding or shaving food
  5. what you use to put out an oil fire
  6. when bacteria is passed on from one food to another
  7. the temperature range of 40–140°F (4–60°C), in which bacteria grow and thrive
  8. what you should wash separately
  9. grab onto foods to lift, flip, toss, or serve them without touching them by hand
  10. something you use to check how much something is
  11. what you should not put out oil fire with
  12. what you shouldn't wear
  1. preparations to keep your operations clean and under healthy conditions
  2. what you should do to a food before using them
  3. kitchen appliance which is used for cooking food
  4. something you tie up before cooking
  5. a protective garment to wear over your clothes
  6. protect countertops and other surfaces from damage while slicing food item
  7. weapon with a cutting edge or blade, usually attached to a handle or hilt
  8. soapy water is what you should you use to wash your hands and the dishes
  9. to protect your hands from touching the hot oven
  10. to be protected from or unlikely to cause risks, danger or injury
  11. helps stop you from getting sick and spreading germs

23 Clues: something you eatwhat you shouldn't wearwhat you should wash separatelysomething that protects your feetused for shredding or shaving foodsomething you tie up before cookingwhat you use to put out an oil firewhat you should not put out oil fire withwhat you should do to a food before using thema protective garment to wear over your clothes...

Emelia's Food Safety 2023-11-21

Emelia's Food Safety crossword puzzle
  1. you can save food and keep it safe to eat in the _______
  2. You should tie up your ____ when in the kitchen
  3. dont wear __________ in the kitchen
  4. when bacteria is passed from one food to another
  5. always use ____________ to cut things
  6. don't _____ knives in the sink
  7. water needs to be ____ when washing things
  8. when theres soap in water
  9. when food is unsafe to eat
  10. use these to get things out of the oven
  11. to cut things on
  1. to protect your feet from things like hot water or oil
  2. you can get it from cross contamination
  3. don't use this to get things out of the oven
  4. dont use _____ to put out an oil fire
  5. you can use a _________ to go through the dangerzone
  6. if you dont watch your food in the oven it can ____
  7. always _____ your food to make sure nothing happens to it
  8. all pot ___ should be opened away from you
  9. they should always be closed
  10. always ______ the recipe
  11. pot _______ should be faced away from the edge
  12. to protect your clothes from getting food on it
  13. all ______ are dangerous
  14. no _______ in the kitchen

25 Clues: to cut things onalways ______ the recipeall ______ are dangerousno _______ in the kitchenwhen theres soap in waterwhen food is unsafe to eatthey should always be closeddon't _____ knives in the sinkdont wear __________ in the kitchendont use _____ to put out an oil firealways use ____________ to cut thingsyou can get it from cross contamination...

Food and Drinks 2023-11-21

Food and Drinks crossword puzzle
  1. It is a cold dark soda.
  2. They are long yellow fruits.
  3. It is sweet and brown.
  4. It is a cheese pasta.
  5. Vampires don't like it.
  6. It is a popular dish from Japan.
  7. They are red fruits.
  8. They are red vegetables.
  9. It is popular at BBQs.
  1. It is a hot drink from Brazil.
  2. You can put maple syrup on them.
  3. It is a popular snack from Osaka.
  4. They are yellow and sour fruits.
  5. It is a hot drink from China.
  6. They have many vegetables.
  7. It is a round food with cheese.
  8. They are small purple fruits.
  9. We eat them at birthday parties.
  10. Chickens make them.
  11. It is usually hot and in a bowl.

20 Clues: Chickens make them.They are red fruits.It is a cheese pasta.It is sweet and brown.It is popular at BBQs.It is a cold dark soda.Vampires don't like it.They are red vegetables.They have many vegetables.They are long yellow fruits.It is a hot drink from China.They are small purple fruits.It is a hot drink from Brazil.It is a round food with cheese....


FOOD AND COOKING crossword puzzle
  1. a sour liquid that is made from wine or malt, used as a flavor or to preserve food
  2. a vegetable with a round dark red root that is used in cooking or producing sugar
  3. a device used to weigh people or objects
  4. a hollow fruit with a sweet taste and green color, eaten raw or cooked
  5. the amount that one spoon will hold
  6. a plant with seeds, leaves, or flowers used for cooking or medicine, such as mint and parsley
  7. to move a spoon, etc. around in a liquid or other substance to completely mix it
  8. any of the various types of grass that produce grains such as wheat, barley, rye, etc., which can be used to make flour or bread
  9. (especially of meat) to cook over a fire or in an oven for an extended period
  10. a piece of baked cake that is made with a sweet dough
  11. to leave food in a marinade
  12. an object that is used for cooking or eating
  13. an amount of food served to or enough for one person
  14. a loaf of bread that is narrow and long
  15. a long and thin vegetable with dark green skin
  1. the instructions on how to cook a certain food
  2. a type of food similar to butter, made from vegetable oils or animal fats
  3. to cut something into pieces using a knife, etc.
  4. a slight amount of something one can hold between the index finger and thumb (salt)
  5. a light cream that is produced from regular cream and lactic acid bacteria
  6. the removable cover at the top of a container
  7. a substance that contains or consists of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon that provide heat and energy for the body, such as starch or sugar
  8. any of the foods that is used in making a dish
  9. a cold yellow or brown sauce with a hot taste taken from the seeds of a small plant with yellow flowers
  10. to cut food or other things into slices
  11. to make food look more delicious by decorating it
  12. to repeatedly mix something using a spoon, fork, etc. (eggs)
  13. a method or style of cooking that is specific to a country or region
  14. a meal bought from a restaurant or store to be eaten somewhere else
  15. to become hot or make something hot
  16. a piece of furniture on which food is prepared
  17. to remove the skin or outer layer of something, such as fruit, etc.
  18. to cook food, especially fish, in a small amount of boiling water or another liquid

33 Clues: to leave food in a marinadethe amount that one spoon will holdto become hot or make something hotto cut food or other things into slicesa loaf of bread that is narrow and longa device used to weigh people or objectsan object that is used for cooking or eatingthe removable cover at the top of a containerthe instructions on how to cook a certain food...

Food Handling Assessment 2023-09-22

Food Handling Assessment crossword puzzle
  1. Spread of pathogens between two or more people who get the same illness after eating the same food.
  2. Pathogen found in raw meats, eggs, peanut butter, lettuce and unpasteurized dairy.
  3. Washing hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap to prevent bacteria from spreading
  4. The process of bacteria/viruses growing and producing poison when in contact with food.
  5. Pathogen found in beans, dairy, and fish.
  6. Illness coming from eating contaminated food.
  7. Removes surface things like dirt and substances.
  8. When safe to eat, it has a bright red color, stored at 41 degrees or lower, springs back when touched.
  1. Parasyte/worm found in raw meat causing abdominal pain.
  2. bacteria and viruses causing health problems; prevented by keeping clean and sanitizing.
  3. When safe it has a pink color, is stored below 41 degrees, and springs back when touched.
  4. When bacteria from raw meat contaminates veggies/fruit. (Bacteria moving from one type of food to another)
  5. Foodborne disease found in shellfish, lettuce, and fruits.
  6. Temperatures where pathogens survive (41-135 F).
  7. The process of defrosting foods safely.
  8. Techniques to kill microscopic organism; requires time to take effect.
  9. Pathogen found in salads, tuna, macaroni, potatoes, milk, and poultry.
  10. Parasyte/worm affecting intestines.
  11. Used for checking the internal and external temperatures of products.
  12. Pathogen found in raw vegetables, meat, and untreated water.

20 Clues: Parasyte/worm affecting intestines.The process of defrosting foods safely.Pathogen found in beans, dairy, and fish.Illness coming from eating contaminated food.Temperatures where pathogens survive (41-135 F).Removes surface things like dirt and substances.Parasyte/worm found in raw meat causing abdominal pain....

Food and drinks 2023-09-21

Food and drinks crossword puzzle
  1. oppocrn
  2. ltsa
  3. imfunf
  4. neadk
  5. eack
  6. eeesqzu
  7. iskwh
  8. verca
  9. roup
  10. rist
  11. skmahlkei
  12. csisrp
  13. gsura
  14. aterg
  1. nutdo
  2. laco
  3. dsoa
  4. sclie
  5. eelp
  6. cie remac
  7. kchetup
  8. kreab
  9. ehoalcoct
  10. kiml
  11. pppere
  12. ashm
  13. poch
  14. ewest

28 Clues: lacodsoaltsaeelpeackroupkimlristashmpochnutdosclieneadkkreabiskwhvercagsuraewestatergimfunfppperecsisrpoppocrnkchetupeeesqzucie remacehoalcoctskmahlkei

Food preparation term 2024-01-30

Food preparation term crossword puzzle
  1. – to work a dough by pressing it with the heels of the hands, folding it, turing it, and repeating each motion
  2. – To let a food stand until it no longer feels warm to touch
  3. – To cook uncovered under a direct source of heat
  4. – To remove the center part of a fruit such as an apple or pineapple
  5. – To cook in liquid at 212F
  6. – To soak meat in a solution containing an acid, such as vinegar or tomato juice helps tenderize the connective tissue
  7. – To cook in liquid that is barely at the boiling point
  8. – To mix with a circular motion
  9. – To make a food cold by placing it in a refrigerator or in a bowl over crushed ice
  10. – To rub fat on the surface of a cooking utensil or on a food itself
  11. – to thoroughly cover a food with a liquid or dry mixture
  12. – To remove the large black or white vein along a shrimp’s back
  13. – To coat a food by sprinkling it with or dipping it in a dry ingredient such as flour or bread crumbs.
  14. – To decorate foods by adding other attractive and complementary foodstuffs to the food or serving dish
  15. – To combine solid fat with flour using a pastry blend
  16. – To remove one part from another, as the yolk from the white or an egg.
  17. – to beat quickly and steadily by hand with a whisk or rotary beater.
  18. – to spoon pan juices, melted fat over the surface of food during cooking
  19. – To remove the stem and outer covering of a vegetable or fruit with a paring knife or peeler
  1. – To stir ingredients until they are thoroughly combined
  2. – To heat sugar until a brown color and characteristic flavor develop.
  3. – To sprinkle or coat with flour
  4. – to mix or blend two or more ingredients
  5. – To make small, shallow cuts on the surface of a food
  6. – To scald in water or steam
  7. – to cut into small squares of equal size
  8. – To mix ingredients together with a circular up and down motion using a spoon
  9. – To coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs
  10. – to cut food into thin, stick-sized strips
  11. – To incorporate a delicate mixture into a thicker, heavier mixture with a whisk using a down up and over motion so the finished product remains light.
  12. – To reduce a food into small bits by rubbing it on the sharp teeth of a utensil.
  13. – to cut or chop into very fine pieces
  14. – To put through a sieve to reduce to finer particles
  15. – To soften fats often by adding a second ingredient such as sugar
  16. – To cook with vapor produced by a boiling liquid
  17. – To cut into small pieces
  18. – To cut into very small cubes of even size
  19. – to turn the surface of a food brown by placing it under a broiler
  20. – To cook food in small amount of hot fat.
  21. – to cook in the oven with dry heat

40 Clues: – To cut into small pieces– To cook in liquid at 212F– To scald in water or steam– To mix with a circular motion– To sprinkle or coat with flour– to cook in the oven with dry heat– to cut or chop into very fine pieces– to mix or blend two or more ingredients– to cut into small squares of equal size– To coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs...

Food Prep Terms 2024-01-30

Food Prep Terms crossword puzzle
  1. to sprinkle or coat with flour
  2. to put through a sieve to reduce to finer particles
  3. to turn the surface of a food brown by placing it under a broiler
  4. to rub fat on the surface of a cooking utensil or on a food itself
  5. to soften fats often by adding a second ingredient such as sugar
  6. to decorate foods by adding other attractive and complementary foodstuffs to the food or serving dish
  7. to coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs
  8. to cook food in small amounts of hot fat.
  9. to cut or chop into very fine pieces
  10. to cut food into thin, stick-sized strips
  11. to cook in liquid at 212 F
  12. to spoon pan juices, melted fat over the surface of food during cooking
  13. to make a food cold by placing it in a refrigerator or in a bowl over crushed ice
  14. to thoroughly cover a food with a liquid or dry mixture
  15. to work a dough by pressing it with the heels of the hands, folding it, turing it, and repeating each motion
  16. to mix or blend two or more ingredients
  17. to remove the stem and outer covering of a vegetable or fruit with a paring knife or peeler
  18. to cook in liquid that is barely at the boiling point
  19. to combine solid fat with flour using a pastry blend
  20. to mix ingredients together with a circular up and down motion using a spoon
  21. to mix with a circular motion
  22. to beat quickly and steadily by hand with a whisk or rotary beater.
  1. to let a food stand until it no longer feels warm to touch
  2. to reduce food into small bits by rubbing it on the sharp teeth of a utensil.
  3. to make small, shallow cuts on the surface of a food
  4. to cook with vapor produced by a boiling liquid
  5. to soak meat in a solution containing an acid, such as vinegar or tomato juice helps tenderize the connective tissue
  6. to remove the large black or white vein along a shrimp’s back
  7. to coat a food by sprinkling it with or dipping it in a dry ingredient such as flour or bread crumbs.
  8. to cook in the oven with dry heat
  9. to scald in water or steam
  10. to incorporate a delicate mixture into a thicker, heavier mixture with a whisk using a down up and over motion so the finished product remains light.
  11. to cut into small squares of equal size
  12. to stir ingredients until they are thoroughly combined
  13. to remove one part from another, as the yolk from the white or an egg.
  14. to remove the center part of a fruit such as an apple or pineapple
  15. to cut into small pieces
  16. to turn the surface of a food brown by placing it under a broiler
  17. to cut into very small cubes of even size
  18. to cook uncovered under a direct source of heat

40 Clues: to cut into small piecesto scald in water or steamto cook in liquid at 212 Fto mix with a circular motionto sprinkle or coat with flourto cook in the oven with dry heatto cut or chop into very fine piecesto cut into small squares of equal sizeto mix or blend two or more ingredientsto coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs...

FOOD AND DRINKS 2024-02-01

FOOD AND DRINKS crossword puzzle
  1. bánh mỳ
  2. bánh ngọt
  3. chanh vàng
  4. bánh quy
  5. khoai tây
  6. phô mai
  7. Sữa chua
  8. drinks Đồ uống có ga
  9. quả nho
  10. juice nước cam
  11. Quả kiwi
  1. quả dứa
  2. sô cô la
  3. cream kem
  4. cà phê
  5. chuối
  6. nướng
  7. trà
  8. sữa

20 Clues: tràsữachuốinướngcà phêquả dứabánh mỳphô maiquả nhosô cô labánh quySữa chuaQuả kiwibánh ngọtcream kemkhoai tâychanh vàngjuice nước camdrinks Đồ uống có ga

Food Handler Review 2023-10-10

Food Handler Review crossword puzzle
  1. Whole or cut tomatoes are TCS foods?
  2. Can be caused by touching the rim of a glass.
  3. Use hand sanitizers/antiseptics ____ handwashing.
  4. Water should be 110 degrees when ____ dishes in a 3 compartment sink.
  5. A ____ guard will help control cross contamination at a buffet.
  6. Minimum temperature for ____ food is 135 degrees.
  7. Remove this before going to the restroom to practice good personal hygeine.
  8. Food stored in the front of other food (FIFO method) will ____ first.
  9. First step to washing your hands.
  10. Time & Temp abused chicken can result in?
  11. A dishwasher will ____ & sanitize dishes.
  12. I walked away from cutting onions, do I clean & sanitize work surface?
  13. Keep food 6 inches above floor and ___ from wall.
  14. Cleaning & sanitizing each sink and all work surfaces is the ____ step.
  15. Ready to Eat food must be labeled if not used within __ hours
  16. Glass is what kind of hazard?
  17. Make sure the _____ holds a steady number before removing.
  1. Grow well in the danger zone.
  2. Tell manager and don't use if your ____ board is damaged.
  3. You always must have your hair up or in a hair covering.
  4. Symptom of Hep A and has to be reported to the manager.
  5. When making a sandwich, what should you wear?
  6. Tongs, glasses, forks, plates are ___ ____ surfaces.
  7. Scrape, ____, rinse, sanitize, air dry.
  8. Biological hazards include bacteria, parasites, fungi, and ____.
  9. A foodborne illness is transmitted to people through ___.
  10. Servers need to tell customer how each dish is made if they have a food ____.
  11. What do you do before putting on new gloves?
  12. Under running water 70 degrees or below is a way to ____ frozen poultry.
  13. 41-135 degrees.
  14. Beef or chicken needs to be 165 internal temperature?
  15. Tell your manager if you notice signs of a ____.
  16. Next step after you wash, rinse, and sanitize.
  17. Keep a cleaning towel in a _____ solution when not in use.
  18. Allergy in a ham, bacon, lettuce, wheat bread sandwich

35 Clues: 41-135 degrees.Grow well in the danger zone.Glass is what kind of hazard?First step to washing your hands.Whole or cut tomatoes are TCS foods?Scrape, ____, rinse, sanitize, air dry.Time & Temp abused chicken can result in?A dishwasher will ____ & sanitize dishes.What do you do before putting on new gloves?...

Food and drink 2023-10-25

Food and drink crossword puzzle
  1. confiture
  2. pétillant
  3. framboises
  4. poivre
  5. cuillère à café
  6. casserole
  7. gaspillage
  8. ail
  9. noix de cajou
  10. four
  1. mûre
  2. champignons
  3. fourchette
  4. parsemer
  5. betterave
  6. cuillère
  7. épinards
  8. hacher
  9. recette
  10. pétrir
  11. thon
  12. chou fleur

22 Clues: ailmûrethonfourpoivrehacherpétrirrecetteparsemercuillèreépinardsconfiturepétillantbetteravecasserolefourchetteframboisesgaspillagechou fleurchampignonsnoix de cajoucuillère à café

World Food Day 2023-10-13

World Food Day crossword puzzle
  1. Most common food allergy
  2. Mother sauce
  3. Chocolate comes from...
  4. Green Japanese spice
  5. New Orleans sandwich
  6. Martini snack
  7. British & French for eggplant
  8. Vietnamese soup
  9. Where cognac is made
  10. Pasta with potato
  11. Chapulines in English
  12. Member of the brassica family
  13. Fast food chain with most US locations
  1. Vegan protein source
  2. Pixar film
  3. Unit of measurement for spice
  4. DC sausage half-_____
  5. Georgia's fruit
  6. To boil then add to ice water
  7. Main ingredient in hummus
  8. Bird with largest egg
  9. Type of melon

22 Clues: Pixar filmMother sauceMartini snackType of melonGeorgia's fruitVietnamese soupPasta with potatoVegan protein sourceGreen Japanese spiceNew Orleans sandwichWhere cognac is madeDC sausage half-_____Bird with largest eggChapulines in EnglishChocolate comes from...Most common food allergyMain ingredient in hummusUnit of measurement for spice...

Food and catering 2024-02-02

Food and catering crossword puzzle
  1. in the long ... (hosszútávon)
  2. sóska
  3. rost
  4. fejadag
  5. early ... (korai halál)
  6. maradék kaja
  7. szilva
  8. étrend
  9. menza
  10. kezelés
  11. ellenállni
  12. szaftos
  1. túladagolás
  2. fehérje
  3. hashajtó
  4. eating ..... (étkezési zavar)
  5. dió
  6. recept
  7. cukorbetegség
  8. mazsola
  9. elhízás
  10. megemészteni
  11. evőeszköz
  12. zabálni

24 Clues: diórostsóskamenzareceptszilvaétrendfehérjefejadagmazsolaelhízászabálnikezelésszaftoshashajtóevőeszközellenállnitúladagolásmaradék kajamegemésztenicukorbetegségearly ... (korai halál)in the long ... (hosszútávon)eating ..... (étkezési zavar)

Food and drinks 2024-02-05

Food and drinks crossword puzzle
  1. Sweet and sticky, made by bees.
  2. Mix of veggies for a healthy meal.
  3. Tasty meat in a tube shape.
  4. Small and strong-smelling, adds flavor.
  5. Tiny crystals that make food tasty.
  6. Green leaves for salads.
  7. Sweet red berries.
  8. Red or yellow veggie used in salads.
  9. Swims in water, tasty to eat.
  10. A yummy drink made with milk and ice cream.
  11. A sweet and juicy fruit.
  12. Clear, refreshing drink.
  13. Fruity spread for your bread.
  14. Yummy meat that comes from birds.
  15. Little green trees on your plate.
  16. Tiny beans used in soups.
  17. Bread that's crispy and browned.
  18. A delicious, fluffy dairy treat.
  19. Tiny grains, a common side dish.
  20. Green leaves packed with vitamins.
  21. A yummy sandwich with a meat patty.
  22. Creamy spread for your bread.
  23. Round, flat cakes for breakfast.
  24. A tasty baked treat for snack time.
  1. Refreshing drink made from lemons.
  2. Tiny, colorful seeds you can eat.
  3. Sweetener for making things yummy.
  4. Small, juicy fruits in bunches.
  5. Warm and comforting liquid food.
  6. Yummy noodles you can twirl.
  7. Breakfast favorite, can be boiled or fried.
  8. Creamy dairy treat you can eat.
  9. A strong-smelling veggie used in cooking.
  10. A crunchy green vegetable.
  11. Adds flavor and a bit of spice.
  12. A yummy red or green fruit.
  13. A yummy round meal with cheese and toppings.
  14. Thin, crunchy potato snacks.
  15. Drink/Fizzy Drink: Bubbly, sweet drink.
  16. A warm drink with different flavors.
  17. A cool and green snack.
  18. Juice: A tasty drink made from oranges.
  19. Fungi that you can eat.
  20. A tasty dish with lots of flavors.
  21. Crunchy snacks that come in shells.
  22. Sweet and juicy fruit.
  23. Orange and good for your eyes.

47 Clues: Sweet red berries.Sweet and juicy fruit.A cool and green snack.Fungi that you can eat.Green leaves for salads.A sweet and juicy fruit.Clear, refreshing drink.Tiny beans used in soups.A crunchy green vegetable.Tasty meat in a tube shape.A yummy red or green fruit.Yummy noodles you can twirl.Thin, crunchy potato snacks.Swims in water, tasty to eat....

Food and drink 2024-05-15

Food and drink crossword puzzle
  1. the most plainest thing to drink
  2. you get this or soup at olive garden
  3. the italians make it better
  4. used to stay awake or give energy
  5. a type of tough meat
  6. meat from pig
  7. thin pancake
  8. A long hard bread usually not rapped in anything
  9. eaten with milk
  10. the most important thing when making toast
  11. comes in all asian cuisin
  1. you eat this on a hot summer day
  2. something you drink for when your sick
  3. you make this on someones birthday
  4. a breakfast dish and can be really stinky sometimes
  5. monkeys are said to eat this
  6. fizzy juice
  7. italians get stingy about how you make it
  8. this drink could be used for cearal
  9. i good quick snack

20 Clues: fizzy juicethin pancakemeat from pigeaten with milki good quick snacka type of tough meatcomes in all asian cuisinthe italians make it bettermonkeys are said to eat thisyou eat this on a hot summer daythe most plainest thing to drinkused to stay awake or give energyyou make this on someones birthdaythis drink could be used for cearal...

Food and Drinks 2024-05-15

Food and Drinks crossword puzzle
  1. Thick milk in a cone
  2. Fruit loops
  3. potato but in slices
  4. Long bread
  5. Whats in a pool?
  6. Comes from pig for breakfast
  7. looks like white grain
  8. lays
  9. Sick people food
  10. bowl of lettuce
  1. brown milk
  2. Fizzy juice
  3. Curved bread
  4. Little ceasers
  5. veggietales
  6. Lays eggs
  7. what comes out a toaster
  8. what do you put in a toaster
  9. nemo
  10. Pig but in a big portion

20 Clues: nemolaysLays eggsbrown milkLong breadFizzy juiceFruit loopsveggietalesCurved breadLittle ceasersbowl of lettuceWhats in a pool?Sick people foodThick milk in a conepotato but in sliceslooks like white grainwhat comes out a toasterPig but in a big portionwhat do you put in a toasterComes from pig for breakfast

2B - Food Verbs 2024-02-23

2B - Food Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to cook
  2. I do/make
  3. to do/make
  4. they/you guys want/wish
  5. you go
  6. I want/wish
  7. to drink
  8. you want/wish
  9. to cut
  10. to depart/leave
  1. they/you guys go
  2. we go
  3. to buy
  4. to eat
  5. he/she/it/you (formal) go
  6. should/ought to
  7. he/she/it/you (formal) want/wish
  8. to need
  9. I go
  10. to want/wish
  11. to go

21 Clues: I gowe goto goto buyto eatyou goto cutto cookto needto drinkI do/maketo do/makeI want/wishto want/wishyou want/wishshould/ought toto depart/leavethey/you guys gothey/you guys want/wishhe/she/it/you (formal) gohe/she/it/you (formal) want/wish

Food- kitchen tools. 2024-02-08

Food- kitchen tools. crossword puzzle
  1. - Ugn
  2. pot - Kaffekanna
  3. - Brödrost
  4. - Mikro
  5. - maträtt
  6. - Stekpanna
  7. - Tallrik
  8. - Kniv
  9. - Skål
  1. - Kylskåp
  2. - sked
  3. - Spis
  4. -Visp
  5. - Gaffel
  6. - Slev
  7. - Diskmaskin
  8. - soptunna
  9. - korkskruv
  10. board - Skärbräda
  11. Cheese grater - Rivjärn
  12. opener - a tiny tool you can use to open bottles.

21 Clues: -Visp- Ugn- sked- Spis- Slev- Kniv- Skål- Mikro- Gaffel- Kylskåp- maträtt- Tallrik- Brödrost- soptunna- korkskruv- Stekpanna- Diskmaskinpot - Kaffekannaboard - SkärbrädaCheese grater - Rivjärnopener - a tiny tool you can use to open bottles.

Grade 4 - FOOD 2024-03-18

Grade 4 - FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. supp
  2. õunad
  3. porgandid
  4. apelsinid
  5. arbuusid
  6. sai
  7. või
  8. redised
  9. šokolaad
  10. riis
  11. salat
  12. mahl
  13. tomatid
  14. kurgid
  1. kartulikrõpsud
  2. juust
  3. vorstid
  4. friikartulid
  5. sidrunid
  6. maasikad
  7. kartulid
  8. hamburgerid
  9. limonaad
  10. võileivad
  11. vesi
  12. kapsas
  13. koogid
  14. munad
  15. liha
  16. piim

30 Clues: saivõisuppvesiriislihamahlpiimjuustõunadmunadsalatkapsaskoogidkurgidvorstidredisedtomatidsidrunidmaasikadkartulidarbuusidlimonaadšokolaadporgandidapelsinidvõileivadhamburgeridfriikartulidkartulikrõpsud

spanish review food 2024-03-14

spanish review food crossword puzzle
  1. tea
  2. orange
  3. banana
  4. strawberry
  5. corn
  6. lemon
  7. fish
  8. onion
  9. softdrink
  10. pineapple
  1. fruits
  2. apple
  3. tomato
  4. lime
  5. drinks
  6. vegetables
  7. juice
  8. chicken
  9. food
  10. milk
  11. rice
  12. coffee

22 Clues: tealimecornfishfoodmilkriceapplejuicelemononionfruitstomatoorangebananadrinkscoffeechickensoftdrinkpineapplevegetablesstrawberry

La comida food 2024-03-19

La comida food crossword puzzle
  1. peas
  2. cheese
  3. avocados
  4. butter
  5. rice
  6. mushrooms (small ones)
  7. grapes
  8. dinner
  9. garlic
  10. sandwich
  11. milk
  12. carrots
  1. fish
  2. breakfast
  3. apple
  4. seafood
  5. bananas
  6. soft drink
  7. eggs
  8. onion
  9. vegetable
  10. lunch
  11. ham

23 Clues: hamfishpeasriceeggsmilkappleonionlunchcheesebuttergrapesdinnergarlicseafoodbananascarrotsavocadossandwichbreakfastvegetablesoft drinkmushrooms (small ones)

Spanish food groups 2024-04-18

Spanish food groups crossword puzzle
  1. junk food
  2. dinner
  3. beef
  4. salty
  5. dairy
  6. fast food
  7. hamburger
  8. sweet
  9. lettuce
  10. coffee
  11. tomato
  12. orange
  13. noodle
  14. meat
  15. bread
  16. It's gross
  17. drink
  18. fish
  19. milk
  20. chicken
  21. tea
  22. breakfast
  23. fruits
  1. french fries
  2. lunch
  3. cold
  4. cheese
  5. cake
  6. yogurt
  7. eggs
  8. dessert
  9. cookie
  10. ice cream
  11. grains
  12. sour
  13. soda
  14. apple
  15. carrot
  16. juice
  17. hot
  18. spicy
  19. vegetable
  20. grapes
  21. delicious
  22. It's delicious
  23. banana
  24. cereal
  25. tortilla chips
  26. snack
  27. rice
  28. water

51 Clues: hotteacoldcakebeefeggssoursodameatfishmilkricelunchsaltydairysweetapplejuicespicybreaddrinksnackwaterdinnercheeseyogurtcookiegrainscoffeecarrottomatoorangegrapesnoodlebananacerealfruitsdessertlettucechickenjunk foodfast foodice creamhamburgervegetabledeliciousbreakfastIt's grossfrench friesIt's delicioustortilla chips

Food for thought 2024-04-19

Food for thought crossword puzzle
  1. maiustused
  2. UK friikartulid
  3. mesi
  4. palju raha teenima
  5. rahapuudus
  6. toores
  7. juurviljad
  8. šokolaad
  9. kohutav
  10. maitsev
  11. tervislik
  12. inimene, kes ei söö liha, aga sööb mune ja juustu
  13. halvasti
  14. serveerima
  1. maksab suure varanduse
  2. kett
  3. kokk
  4. hästi
  5. müügikampaania
  6. väga kerge
  7. kallis
  8. maitsev
  9. kiirtoit
  10. kohutavalt
  11. äri
  12. võileib
  13. restoran
  14. näljane

28 Clues: ärikettkokkmesihästikallistooresmaitsevvõileibkohutavmaitsevnäljanekiirtoitšokolaadrestoranhalvastitervislikmaiustusedväga kergerahapuuduskohutavaltjuurviljadserveerimamüügikampaaniaUK friikartulidpalju raha teenimamaksab suure varanduseinimene, kes ei söö liha, aga sööb mune ja juustu

Junior D Food 2024-04-21

Junior D Food crossword puzzle
  1. Sweet breakfast treat, yummy with syrup.
  2. Green leafy vegetable, often used in salads.
  3. Meaty tubes, usually made from pork or beef.
  4. Big sea animal with yummy meat.
  5. Pink meat from a pig's leg, often sliced.
  6. Tall plant with yummy yellow pieces.
  7. Past simple of the verb eat
  8. Creamy white sauce, like thick salad dressing.
  9. Bigger shrimp, also tasty.
  1. past simple of the verb think.
  2. the past simple of the verb bring.
  3. Sweet spread made from fruit and sugar, good on bread.
  4. Green veggie you can eat raw or pickled.
  5. Thin piece cut from something, like bread or cake
  6. Sweet treat, saved for last after dinner.
  7. Small, pink sea creature, good for eating.
  8. Yellow sauce, good on sandwiches.
  9. Big pink fish, tasty and healthy.
  10. Sweet baked treat often eaten on birthdays.
  11. Past simple of the verb Go
  12. A specific type of food or meal.

21 Clues: Past simple of the verb GoBigger shrimp, also tasty.Past simple of the verb eatpast simple of the verb think.Big sea animal with yummy meat.A specific type of food or meal.Yellow sauce, good on sandwiches.Big pink fish, tasty and healthy.the past simple of the verb bring.Tall plant with yummy yellow pieces.Green veggie you can eat raw or pickled....

food and drinks 2024-04-04

food and drinks crossword puzzle
  1. one of my favorite ways to cook tis food
  2. brother of the cheese burger just a little more bread
  3. taste amazing probably have it every day
  4. you can add any meat to it and also can have cheese on it.
  5. something papaw likes.
  6. very healthy for you
  7. yellow and taste very good
  8. you like to have in the evenings for some reason
  9. very good one of my favorites
  10. crunchy a lot of different flavors/varieties to pick from.
  11. really good with sausage or bacon in them.
  12. has cheese and bread you can afford anything you want to it.
  1. very good with sprite.
  2. also very cheesy and you can add anything on to it.
  3. cheesy very delicious can add any topping to it.
  4. very good sometimes can also be cheesy
  5. used at events/special events for young people and old.
  6. you can have it fried or grilled and is very goo either way, a lot of people like it.
  7. red and apparently you like
  8. so sweet and delicious
  9. a lot of people love also sweet.
  10. you can have these with cheese or with cheese and bacon on them or just plain
  11. also used at events/special events and any age group can enjoy.
  12. really good with lemonade.
  13. you love having in the morning or you can have at any point of day.
  14. I love these sometimes like to throw them out my window.

26 Clues: very healthy for youvery good with sprite.something papaw sweet and deliciousyellow and taste very goodreally good with and apparently you likevery good one of my favoritesa lot of people love also sweet.very good sometimes can also be cheesyone of my favorite ways to cook tis foodtaste amazing probably have it every day...

Food in Spanish 2024-04-29

Food in Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. Apples
  2. Eggs
  3. Lettuce
  4. Toast
  5. Cake
  6. Ice Cream
  7. Ham
  8. Milk
  9. Steak
  10. Sugar
  11. Cookie
  12. Grapes
  1. Sausage
  2. Pineapple
  3. Cauliflower
  4. Meat
  5. Turkey
  6. Bacon
  7. Chicken
  8. Onion
  9. Candy
  10. Broccoli
  11. Carrot
  12. Orange
  13. Strawberry

25 Clues: HamEggsMeatCakeMilkToastBaconOnionCandySteakSugarApplesTurkeyCarrotOrangeCookieGrapesSausageLettuceChickenBroccoliPineappleIce CreamStrawberryCauliflower

Food Preparation Terms 2024-06-14

Food Preparation Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Cook food in hot fat or oil. Food may be deep-fried, shallow-fried or stir-fried
  2. Cook food over boiling water on a rack or in a special basket in a covered pan. Retains the shape and minimizes nutrients loss
  3. Toss food lightly, in fat or oil in a fry pan over direct heat. The process assists in flavour development
  4. Mixture of melted butter or margarine and flour that is blended then cooked. It is used to thicken a sauce
  5. Cut food into small, even-sized cubes
  6. Combine ingredients so that they are evenly incorporated
  7. Plunge food such as pieces of vegetable into boiling water for 30seconds. Drain and refresh in iced water
  8. Make food into a smooth paste by passing through a sieve or by blending
  9. Mix ingredients by lifting and folding lightly several times
  10. Soak food such as meat or poultry in a seasoned liquid to improve the flavour and sometimes to tinderies
  11. Pass dry ingredients through a fine mesh sieve to mix, aerate and remove lumps
  12. Incorporate air into ingredients such as cream, egg whites and sauces
  13. Bring liquid to just below boiling point so that small bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid
  14. Heat a liquid to 100°C or to boiling point
  15. Brush a thin liquid such as milk or egg over food before baking to create a shiny, golden-brown surface
  16. Mix a dry ingredient with a moist ingredient until it forms a smooth paste
  17. Cut food into think strands using a knife, a grater or shredding disc on food processor
  1. Beat sugar and butter together until they resemble lightly whipped cream. The mixture will become lighter in colour
  2. Add edible decoration to a dish to enhance the appearance
  3. Brown food quickly over high heat to seal in juices
  4. Cut food into thin matchstick-size pieces
  5. Cut food roughly into small pieces
  6. Mix butter or margarine through dry ingredients with the fingertips until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs
  7. Reduce a piece of food into thin shreds by rubbing against the serrated metal surface of a grater
  8. Cook food gently in a simmering liquid
  9. Simmer food covered in liquid for a long time. Used in dishes with tough cuts of meat and vegetables
  10. Cook food using dry heat in an oven
  11. Use a wooden spoon to mix ingredients lightly
  12. Cook small pieces of tender food by dry radiant heat, for example the griller on a stove or a barbecue
  13. Cut food into thin pieces
  14. Mix and shape a flour dough by hand. In bread making this process strengthens the gluten
  15. Gently combine a light, airy mixture into a heavier mixture, for example beaten egg white into custard sauce. A metal spoon or spatula is used in short strokes to prevent loss of air or volume
  16. Mix ingredients vigorously to incorporate air or combine ingredients
  17. Stir ingredients to combine together

34 Clues: Cut food into thin piecesCut food roughly into small piecesCook food using dry heat in an ovenStir ingredients to combine togetherCut food into small, even-sized cubesCook food gently in a simmering liquidCut food into thin matchstick-size piecesHeat a liquid to 100°C or to boiling pointUse a wooden spoon to mix ingredients lightly...

FOOD AND HEALTH 2024-05-21

FOOD AND HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. директор
  2. күлу, улыбаться
  3. кездесу, встречать(ся)
  4. печенье печенье
  5. Жеке меншік, собственный
  6. Өрмелеу, карабкаться
  7. реттілік, порядок, последовательность
  8. кесу, резать
  9. ауырту, причинять боль
  1. аш, голодный
  2. сезіну, чувствовать
  3. Тұру (қанша тұрады?), стоить
  4. Төлеу, платить
  5. дыбыс, звук
  6. after қамқорлық жасау, қарау, заботиться, присматривать
  7. қорап, коробка
  8. балқыту, таять
  9. сайын, каждый
  10. екеуі де, оба
  11. жеу, есть

20 Clues: директоржеу, естьдыбыс, звукаш, голодныйкесу, резатьсайын, каждыйТөлеу, платитьқорап, коробкабалқыту, таятьекеуі де, обакүлу, улыбатьсяпеченье печеньесезіну, чувствоватьӨрмелеу, карабкатьсякездесу, встречать(ся)ауырту, причинять больЖеке меншік, собственныйТұру (қанша тұрады?), стоитьреттілік, порядок, последовательность...

Food and Drinks 2024-06-12

Food and Drinks crossword puzzle
  1. brown and sweet snack
  2. sweet white powder
  3. drink that is made fruit
  4. something you can eat for breakfast
  5. what you eat in the morning
  6. red berry
  7. piece of meat you can put on a barbecue
  8. red vegetable
  9. yellow fruit
  10. orange vegetable
  11. the place to put food to cool it
  1. drink that comes from a cow
  2. yellow food, on top of pizza
  3. white cream you can eat for breakfast
  4. Indian dish
  5. mix of vegetables
  6. crispy fried potato
  7. sweet drink, lemonade
  8. sweet dessert
  9. a place where you can eat in school or at work
  10. food you can eat with different toppings, such as jam or cheese
  11. red or green fruit that grows on a tree
  12. fried meat that is popular in the UK
  13. darker red berry
  14. Italian dish that you can eat with sauce
  15. orange fruit
  16. Italian dish with cheese and tomato sauce

27 Clues: red berryIndian dishorange fruityellow fruitsweet dessertred vegetabledarker red berryorange vegetablemix of vegetablessweet white powdercrispy fried potatobrown and sweet snacksweet drink, lemonadedrink that is made fruitdrink that comes from a cowwhat you eat in the morningyellow food, on top of pizzathe place to put food to cool it...

Food and Drinks 2024-06-12

Food and Drinks crossword puzzle
  1. brown and sweet snack
  2. sweet white powder
  3. drink that is made fruit
  4. something you can eat for breakfast
  5. what you eat in the morning
  6. red berry
  7. piece of meat you can put on a barbecue
  8. red vegetable
  9. yellow fruit
  10. orange vegetable
  11. the place to put food to cool it
  1. drink that comes from a cow
  2. yellow food, on top of pizza
  3. white cream you can eat for breakfast
  4. Indian dish
  5. mix of vegetables
  6. crispy fried potato
  7. sweet drink, lemonade
  8. sweet dessert
  9. a place where you can eat in school or at work
  10. food you can eat with different toppings, such as jam or cheese
  11. red or green fruit that grows on a tree
  12. fried meat that is popular in the UK
  13. darker red berry
  14. Italian dish that you can eat with sauce
  15. orange fruit
  16. Italian dish with cheese and tomato sauce

27 Clues: red berryIndian dishorange fruityellow fruitsweet dessertred vegetabledarker red berryorange vegetablemix of vegetablessweet white powdercrispy fried potatobrown and sweet snacksweet drink, lemonadedrink that is made fruitdrink that comes from a cowwhat you eat in the morningyellow food, on top of pizzathe place to put food to cool it...

KMS Food Crossword 2024-07-09

KMS Food Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Tramp gave Lady the last one
  2. T in BLT
  3. jelly or green ____
  4. Hamburgular’s delight
  5. grows on the vine
  6. dill cucumbers
  7. straw, black, rasp follower
  8. Toast spread
  9. meal before dinner
  10. Rock & ____
  11. Dried grape
  12. makes great pickles
  13. explores under the ocean
  14. single use handkerchief
  15. green leafy vegetable
  16. cheese sauce & flatbread
  17. Yankee Doodle noodles
  18. frozen iced treat
  19. canned fish
  20. baked good with fruit inside
  21. plants we eat
  22. akin to farms
  23. it has a yolk
  24. yellow condiment
  25. that’ a ____ (done)
  26. UK fries
  27. hot season
  28. milk curds
  29. 2 of a kind (fruit)
  30. ____ in pajamas
  31. gobbles
  32. one that eats up attention
  33. ____ Libre (Jack Black film)
  34. (not ice cream) frozen treat
  1. ziti or spaghetti
  2. pink & green fruit
  3. rhymes with door hinge
  4. Roman emperor Julius
  5. buttery bread sandwich
  6. green floret
  7. cinco de ____
  8. red hot
  9. the J in PB&J
  10. Oscar Meyer is its name
  11. clucking bird
  12. French buttery bread
  13. apple or orange
  14. Singular strand of hay
  15. comes from mothers
  16. eating contraption
  17. Mexican sandwich
  18. has many layers like ogres
  19. chicken bits
  20. a town down the cape
  21. uses IOS
  22. Bugs Bunny’s treat
  23. breakfast eaten with milk
  24. fruit from Georgia
  25. green stalked veggie
  26. tomato sauce
  27. mixed greens
  28. it has many ears
  29. eaten objects

63 Clues: red hotgobblesT in BLTuses IOSUK frieshot seasonmilk curdsRock & ____Dried grapecanned fishgreen floretToast spreadchicken bitstomato saucemixed greenscinco de ____the J in PB&Jclucking birdplants we eatakin to farmsit has a yolkeaten objectsdill cucumbersapple or orange____ in pajamasMexican sandwichyellow condimentit has many ears...

Unit 5: Food 2024-08-12

Unit 5: Food crossword puzzle
  1. to have enough money to be able to buy or do something
  2. to bend something, especially paper or cloth, so that one part lies on top of another part
  3. to show that a day or an event is important by doing something special on it
  4. a set of instructions that tells you how to cook something and the ingredients you need for it
  5. to cook food in an oven without extra fat or liquid
  6. a large fish that has silver skin and is pink inside and is used for food
  7. an outdoor area where a fair with entertainments is held
  8. to prepare something by combining two or more different substances
  9. a round vegetable with large green, purplish-red or white leaves
  10. delicious
  1. a sea creature with a hard shell, a long body divided into sections, eight legs and two large claws
  2. when a is heated to the point where it forms bubbles and turns to steam
  3. a person who shares a flat with one or more others
  4. to cut something into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife
  5. a small ball of dough that is cooked and served with meat dishes or in soup
  6. a vegetable with green leaves around a large hard white head of flowers
  7. one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dish
  8. to turn over and over and move in a particular direction
  9. to place food over boiling water so that it cooks in the steam
  10. to cook something slowly in liquid in a closed dish

20 Clues: deliciousa person who shares a flat with one or more othersto cook food in an oven without extra fat or liquidto cook something slowly in liquid in a closed dishto have enough money to be able to buy or do somethingto turn over and over and move in a particular directionan outdoor area where a fair with entertainments is held...

Introduction Food Science 2024-08-06

Introduction Food Science crossword puzzle
  1. A food’s ___ come from its unique blend of appearance, taste, odor, feel and sound.
  2. The substance that is dissolved, like coffee in water.
  3. This monosaccharide is the building block of all saccharides.
  4. Bond is formed by the sharing of electrons.
  5. Heat transfers by circulatory movement in a liquid or gas.
  6. A process that creates glucose from carbon dioxide and water.
  7. These are the building blocks of all matter
  8. A solution is considered ___, when the acid and base contribute the same number of ions.
  9. Alkaline foods taste
  10. Is a food preservation method in which food is heated to destroy pathogenic organisms.
  11. Bond is formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms of different elements.
  1. Food preservation method that chemically changes food.
  2. Bonds between water molecules.
  3. Are sensory organs that detect sweetness and saltiness.
  4. In an experiment, one ___ changes while the others do not.
  5. Because it creates your first impression, a food’s ___ can affect whether you like it before you even taste it.
  6. If a fat is liquid at room temperature, it is
  7. Forces that hold atoms together are known as
  8. Substance that dissolves another substance.
  9. A protein that contains all the essential amino acids is a ___ protein.
  10. In science and educated guess is known as a
  11. The number of electrons in the outermost shell of a stable element.
  12. Safer Food, Healthier Food, Better Tasting Food are all researched by:
  13. What kind of fat comes from animals and is “bad”
  14. Acids are responsible for _____ tastes.
  15. Is found only in foods from animals and is considered a leading contributor to heart disease.
  16. Making food last longer is called
  17. Number of essential amino acids.
  18. Cool temperatures ___ bacteria and enzymes growth.
  19. Electromagnetic waves that cause molecules to vibrate.
  20. Heat energy passed by the collision of molecules.

31 Clues: Alkaline foods tasteBonds between water molecules.Number of essential amino acids.Making food last longer is calledAcids are responsible for _____ tastes.Substance that dissolves another substance.In science and educated guess is known as aBond is formed by the sharing of electrons.These are the building blocks of all matter...

FOOD and DRINK 2024-07-27

FOOD and DRINK crossword puzzle
  1. puding
  2. ikan sarden
  3. ayam goreng
  4. keripik
  5. roti
  6. permen
  7. daging sapi
  8. ikan goreng
  9. madu
  10. minuman limun
  11. yogurt
  12. sereal
  13. mentega
  14. daging asap
  15. cokelat
  16. bakso
  17. kue pai
  18. buah-buahan
  19. sayuran
  20. agar-agar
  21. selai
  22. salad
  23. teh
  24. sosis
  1. es krim
  2. makan malam
  3. telur dadar
  4. sate ayam
  5. pizza
  6. nasi goreng
  7. roti isi
  8. nasi
  9. mie
  10. kacang
  11. bubur
  12. sop ayam
  13. minyak
  14. donat
  15. telur rebus
  16. keju
  17. kopi
  18. kue
  19. makanan laut
  20. sarapan pagi
  21. makan siang
  22. susu
  23. daging panggang
  24. air
  25. daging

49 Clues: miekueairtehnasirotimadukejukopisusupizzabuburdonatbaksoselaisaladsosispudingkacangpermenminyakyogurtserealdaginges krimkeripikmentegacokelatkue paisayuranroti isisop ayamsate ayamagar-agarmakan malamtelur dadarnasi gorengikan sardenayam gorengdaging sapiikan gorengtelur rebusdaging asapmakan siangbuah-buahanmakanan lautsarapan pagiminuman limun...

Food Born Illnesses 2024-08-16

Food Born Illnesses crossword puzzle
  1. The removal of a harmful supply of a food
  2. Must be cooked to an internal temperature of 155 degrees fahrenheit
  3. Monitors foodborne illnesses
  4. Poison made by a living thing
  5. Food born illness caused by the consumption of raw foods like egg whites
  6. Must be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees farenheit
  7. Found as a result of unproper food preparation
  8. Organism that needs a host to survive
  9. Synonym of foodborne illness
  10. micro organism that can cause a disease
  11. Illness caused by a parasite that can cling to your body
  1. Possible symptom of a foodborne illness
  2. Needs to be refrigerated within 2 hours after it is taken out of the fridge
  3. 40-140 degrees farenheit
  4. can lead to the development of a foodborne illness
  5. The WHO
  6. Virus caused by the consumption of food harvesting with feces contaminated water
  7. Action you can take to avoid illness (only takes 10-15 seconds)
  8. when a foodborne illness spreads to more than one person
  9. Side effect of foodborne illnesses

20 Clues: The WHO40-140 degrees farenheitMonitors foodborne illnessesSynonym of foodborne illnessPoison made by a living thingSide effect of foodborne illnessesOrganism that needs a host to survivePossible symptom of a foodborne illnessmicro organism that can cause a diseaseThe removal of a harmful supply of a food...

Food Preparation Recall 2024-09-03

Food Preparation Recall crossword puzzle
  1. The spread of fats at different temperatures is known as what?
  2. What is the energy that is transferred from contact with a frying pan.
  3. A person who is overweight with excess body fat.
  4. When protein bonds start to unravel/change shape
  5. A triangle test is an example of what type of test.
  6. Poor oral hygiene can lead to...
  7. Vitamins A,C& E are all examples of this. They delay the process of oxidation.
  8. A biological raising agent, used in bread.
  9. The thickening of starch based sauces.
  10. When sugar (sucrose) breaks down into smaller units and changes colour.
  11. Fats that are solid at room temperature and their carbon chain is linked with single bonds.
  12. A lack of iron is a condition of the blood when the blood has a low red blood cell count, this is known as...
  13. What type of fibre can help lower cholesterol and control blood sugar level?
  14. A disease resulting from too much sugar in the blood.
  15. oil and water is an immiscible solution, when combined with lectithin (emulsifier) it goes through what process?
  16. Over coagulation of protein resulting in water leaking out.
  17. People of Islam can only eat this type of food due to the religious rite it goes through.
  18. The deficiency from severe malnutrition, with diets not containing enough protein.
  19. What is the name of the UK Healthy Eating Guidelines.
  20. Formed when two monosaccharides bind together.
  21. Proteins are made of 'building blocks' called what?
  22. What type of Vitamin A do you get from animal products?
  23. Protein, carbohydrates and fats are categorised as what?
  24. What is the process that causes sliced apples to brown when in the presence of oxygen
  25. When gliadin and glutenin are combined together, what protein is produced?
  26. Fats that are liquid at room temperature and contain double or triple bonds.
  27. Losing bone mass is part of the ageing process.
  28. What is the heat transfer when heat is moved through gas and liquids?
  1. Helps absorb vitamin D and is good for strong bones and teeth.
  2. The breakdown of starch into small units of sugar, resulting in baked goods going golden brown.
  3. Fat coats the flour which shortens the gluten strands.
  4. The total distance that food has travelled from farm to fork
  5. The bacteria category that can cause illness or harm
  6. The spread of bacteria from one place to another is known as what?
  7. What is the transfer used in microwaves?
  8. The process of trapping air when butter and sugar is beaten together.
  9. Vitamins and minerals are categorised as what?
  10. the most severe reaction from an allergy, that can be life threatening.
  11. Farming continuously to maxamise the yield.
  12. The deficiency of calcium or vitamin D in children.
  13. Glucose, Fructose and Galactose are all examples of what category of sugars?
  14. Which water based cooking method preserves the nutrients in vegetables.
  15. What is the chemical reaction when amino acids and sugars are dry heated and turn brown.
  16. Pasta,cakes,bread,yoghurt,cheese and jam are all examples of what type of processing?
  17. Denatured proteins join and change texture and appearance of food.
  18. The bacteria that is found on hands, nose and hair.
  19. The combination of two LBV proteins to make a HBV protein is known as protein ...
  20. What is the autoimmune diseased cause by consuming gluten.
  21. Continuous access to healthy, nutritious and affordable food.
  22. A type of farming that uses no pesticides or artificial/chemical fertilisers.
  23. Triglycerides are made up of three fatty acids and a what?

51 Clues: Poor oral hygiene can lead to...The thickening of starch based sauces.What is the transfer used in microwaves?A biological raising agent, used in bread.Farming continuously to maxamise the yield.Vitamins and minerals are categorised as what?Formed when two monosaccharides bind together.Losing bone mass is part of the ageing process....

Food and drinks 2024-09-13

Food and drinks crossword puzzle
  1. A liquid dish, often made with vegetables, meat, or broth.
  2. Edible plant produce, often sweet or sour.
  3. Edible plants or their parts, usually savory.
  4. A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast.
  5. A flatbread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
  6. A dish made of mixed vegetables, often with dressing.
  7. An aquatic animal often eaten as food.
  8. A drink made from the extraction of fruits.
  9. A type of poultry commonly eaten around the world.
  10. A sweet treat made from cocoa beans.
  1. The flesh of animals used as food.
  2. A popular fast food item made with a patty and bun.
  3. cream A frozen dessert made from cream and sugar.
  4. Two slices of bread with a filling in between.
  5. A traditional Italian dish made from dough, often served with sauce.
  6. A hot beverage made from roasted coffee beans.
  7. tienes las palabras con sus pistas:
  8. fries Thinly sliced and fried potatoes.
  9. A carbonated soft drink, usually sweetened.
  10. A grain that is a staple in many cultures.
  11. A drink made by steeping leaves in hot water.

21 Clues: The flesh of animals used as food.tienes las palabras con sus pistas:A sweet treat made from cocoa beans.An aquatic animal often eaten as food.fries Thinly sliced and fried potatoes.Edible plant produce, often sweet or sour.A grain that is a staple in many cultures.A carbonated soft drink, usually sweetened....

Text 3, Food 2024-09-10

Text 3, Food crossword puzzle
  1. ananas
  2. biff
  3. banan
  4. potatis
  5. äpple
  6. lingon
  7. hallon
  8. kyckling
  9. apelsin
  10. morot
  11. jordgubbe
  12. salladsblad
  13. ägg
  14. blåbär
  1. lök
  2. skinka
  3. glass
  4. kött
  5. smör
  6. citron
  7. päron
  8. köttfärs
  9. svarta vinbär
  10. grädde
  11. gurka
  12. krusbär
  13. ost
  14. paprika
  15. mjölk
  16. yoghurt

30 Clues: lökostäggköttbiffsmörglassbananäpplepärongurkamjölkmorotskinkaananascitronlingongräddehallonblåbärpotatisapelsinkrusbärpaprikayoghurtköttfärskycklingjordgubbesalladsbladsvarta vinbär

Fast Food Restaurant 2024-09-23

Fast Food Restaurant crossword puzzle
  1. Animal style burgers and fries
  2. Think inside the box. Hot Chinese food.
  3. It's finger likin' good
  4. Taco Tuesday
  5. Craft your own pizza
  6. Eat more chickin
  7. We'll deliver in 30 minutes or less, or its free
  8. Great food close to home!
  9. No one out pizzas the hut
  10. Bajablast
  11. Mexican grill
  12. Customize your sandwich
  13. Eat smart, be healthy
  14. Four for four
  1. There's no substitute for quality
  2. Food fit for a king
  3. Wings,beer,sports
  4. Where flavor gets its wings
  5. I'm Lovin' it
  6. Love that chicken from
  7. The food is better at the box
  8. Service at the speed of sound
  10. Star nuggets

24 Clues: ONE LOVEBajablastTaco TuesdayStar nuggetsI'm Lovin' itMexican grillFour for fourEat more chickinWings,beer,sportsFood fit for a kingCraft your own pizzaEat smart, be healthyLove that chicken fromIt's finger likin' goodCustomize your sandwichGreat food close to home!No one out pizzas the hutWhere flavor gets its wingsThe food is better at the box...

Food and drink 2024-09-24

Food and drink crossword puzzle
  1. a bird that people often eat
  2. "makes you cry"
  3. a type of fish and grizzleys love it
  4. Italian dish
  5. a yellow or light green fruit that you can peel
  6. morning drink, usually adults drink it
  7. two slices of bread with some filling in between, often eaten for breakfast
  8. a type of dessert that we eat on birthdays
  9. vegetable with small green balls
  10. basic food made of flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked
  11. they say rabbits love it, orange-coloured vegetable
  1. what we call "müzli"
  2. a type of dessert that can be dark, milk, white, filled, with nuts, it comes in bars
  3. French fries
  4. a type of vegetable that people use for cooking, very often mashed, boiled, or in French fries
  5. dairy product, often found an pizza as topping
  6. drink e.g. coke, Fanta, Schweppes, Xixo
  7. side dish made of vegetables
  8. yummy, sweet, red fruit, often used in milkshakes
  9. the type of bread that you can bake in the toaster

20 Clues: French friesItalian dish"makes you cry"what we call "müzli"a bird that people often eatside dish made of vegetablesvegetable with small green ballsa type of fish and grizzleys love itmorning drink, usually adults drink itdrink e.g. coke, Fanta, Schweppes, Xixoa type of dessert that we eat on birthdaysdairy product, often found an pizza as topping...

Food Safety Crossword 2024-09-26

Food Safety Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. easy to catch fire
  2. to show signs of something
  3. make something impure
  4. consuming contaminated or certain raw foods can cause ______
  5. a fire that cannot be put out with water
  6. the temperature range to NOT keep food in
  7. kills insects and pests
  8. keep bulk foods in a ______ container
  9. food that spoil easy
  10. basic care for a injury or illness
  1. a place you put frozen foods to stay frozen
  2. gives advice on how to deal with poisonous things that get into the your system
  3. a cure for something
  4. important
  5. if not stored properly food can get ____
  6. to keep something clean and vegetables can cause _____
  7. unsafe, could cause injury or illness
  8. living microscopic organisms
  9. place to keep foods cold but not frozen
  10. meats that is made from birds

20 Clues: importanteasy to catch firea cure for somethingfood that spoil easymake something impurekills insects and peststo show signs of somethingliving microscopic organismsmeats that is made from birdsbasic care for a injury or illnessunsafe, could cause injury or illnesskeep bulk foods in a ______ containerplace to keep foods cold but not frozen...

Food safety game 2024-09-26

Food safety game crossword puzzle
  1. control to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with poisonings.
  2. it can be caused by health problems
  3. extremely important or necessary
  4. factor is a conational risk factor a condition that increases your chance of having any problems
  5. comes from a plant material that cant be digested
  6. is an eating plan
  7. is a product that contains vitamins
  8. a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.
  9. a lot of things are flammable
  10. is a microscopic living organisms
  11. burn a burn that is harmless but can cause unappealing
  1. illness is caused by unsafe food
  2. zone is the temperatures range in which bacteria grow fast
  3. is a substance that performs a job in your body
  4. is a simple carbohydrate that is digested quickly
  5. means maintaining cleanliness
  6. resuscitations is a life saving technique to restart someone's breathing
  7. food can become contaminated at any step farm to table
  8. foods that can spoil easily
  9. is a poison that kills insects or other pests.

20 Clues: is an eating planfoods that can spoil easilymeans maintaining cleanlinessa lot of things are flammableextremely important or necessaryis a microscopic living organismsillness is caused by unsafe foodit can be caused by health problemsis a product that contains vitaminsis a poison that kills insects or other pests....

Food and Drinks 2024-09-30

Food and Drinks crossword puzzle
  1. víno
  2. vepřové
  3. mouka
  4. brokolice
  5. sýr
  6. třešeň
  7. rajče
  8. máslo
  9. olej
  10. hruška
  11. kečup
  1. kiwi
  2. ananas
  3. česnek
  4. džus
  5. borůvka
  6. med
  7. slanina
  8. mléko
  9. cibule

20 Clues: medsýrkiwivínodžusolejmoukarajčemlékomáslokečupananasčesnektřešeňcibulehruškavepřovéborůvkaslaninabrokolice

Don't Trash Food 2023-03-13

Don't Trash Food crossword puzzle
  1. Grocery stores can help mitigate food loss by selling ¬¬__________ looking produce. Even though produce may be misshapen or oddly sized, the nutritional content of the food remains the same.
  2. Instead of throwing food scraps into trash bins that only add to landfill waste, throw scraps into _______ bins to create community compost.
  3. The process by which food products become unsuitable for human consumption.
  4. The byproduct of food waste being broken down in a landfill.
  5. When air interacts with food and food components, this type of reaction occurs. This reaction is responsible for avocados and apples turning brown and fats going rancid.
  6. “Use by” and “Sell by” dates are not ___________ dates.
  7. This greenhouse gas is released from landfills, and one of the largest contributors is the degradation of food scraps.
  8. You can prevent from doing this when you grocery shop by creating shopping lists and weekly dinner menus.
  9. Changing our buying _______ not only helps to mitigate food waste at home, but it also helps mitigate food loss that occurs in grocery stores and packing plants.
  10. When foods increase in _________, the increased water content allows for fungi and bacteria to grow quickly, leading to food spoilage.
  1. The percentage of the world’s fresh water supply used to grow food that is never eaten.
  2. The catch-all term used to describe spoiled food and wasted food.
  3. A mixture of decomposed organic materials used to improve soil quality or as plant fertilizer.
  4. In 2021, roughly 54 million Americans were considered to be food _______, meaning they did not know where their next meal would come from.
  5. Organisms that cause food to spoil, but can also transform food waste into compost.
  6. When accounting for global food waste, all grown, but uneaten, food uses 1.4 ______ hectares of arable land.
  7. Waste materials, such as lawn clippings and food waste, are classified as ________ waste matter. This type of waste is biodegradable.

17 Clues: “Use by” and “Sell by” dates are not ___________ dates.The byproduct of food waste being broken down in a landfill.The catch-all term used to describe spoiled food and wasted food.The process by which food products become unsuitable for human consumption.Organisms that cause food to spoil, but can also transform food waste into compost....

Diversity in India: Food and Clothes 2023-12-18

Diversity in India: Food and Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. A food item of Gujarat
  2. Bengal A state whose sweet dish is rosogolla
  3. A food item of Manipur
  4. A state whose sweet dish is Mysore pak
  5. A food item of Maharashtra
  6. A food item of Karnataka
  7. A food item of Jammu & Kashmir
  8. A state whose sweet dish is ghevar
  9. A food item of West Bengal
  1. A food item of Bihar
  2. A food item of Kerala
  3. A state whose sweet dish is Bebinca
  4. A food item of Rajasthan
  5. A food item of Punjab
  6. A food item of Delhi

15 Clues: A food item of BiharA food item of DelhiA food item of KeralaA food item of PunjabA food item of GujaratA food item of ManipurA food item of RajasthanA food item of KarnatakaA food item of MaharashtraA food item of West BengalA food item of Jammu & KashmirA state whose sweet dish is ghevarA state whose sweet dish is Bebinca...

Diversity in India: Food and Clothes 2023-12-18

Diversity in India: Food and Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. A food item of Gujarat
  2. Bengal A state whose sweet dish is rosogolla
  3. A food item of Manipur
  4. A state whose sweet dish is Mysore pak
  5. A food item of Maharashtra
  6. A food item of Karnataka
  7. A food item of Jammu & Kashmir
  8. A state whose sweet dish is ghevar
  9. A food item of West Bengal
  1. A food item of Bihar
  2. A food item of Kerala
  3. A state whose sweet dish is Bebinca
  4. A food item of Rajasthan
  5. A food item of Punjab
  6. A food item of Delhi

15 Clues: A food item of BiharA food item of DelhiA food item of KeralaA food item of PunjabA food item of GujaratA food item of ManipurA food item of RajasthanA food item of KarnatakaA food item of MaharashtraA food item of West BengalA food item of Jammu & KashmirA state whose sweet dish is ghevarA state whose sweet dish is Bebinca...

Nutrition and Wellness 2023-10-19

Nutrition and Wellness crossword puzzle
  1. method- where the wrapper is marked in tablespoons and in fractions of a cup
  2. to beat quickly and vigorously to incorporate air into a mixture, making it light and fluffy
  3. to pulverize food into crumbs, powder, or paste with a rolling pin, blinder, or food processor
  4. to use a grinder to break up a food into coarse, medium, or fine particles
  5. to divide a food into four equal pieces
  6. to cut off a very thin layer of peel with a paring knife
  7. to pour a liquid over a food as it cooks
  8. to cut food into smaller pieces with kitchen shears
  9. two or more ingredients thoroughly so they blend
  10. takes the fat out, can remove it from the water with a spoon
  11. used to gently mix a light, fluffy mixture into a heavier one
  12. dividing a food into smaller parts, using a tool with a sharp blade
  13. to cut a food such as almonds into very thin strips
  14. to coat a food with three different layers; dry layer, liquid, crumbs
  1. to zero out the weight of whatever was already on the scale
  2. to grind or mash cooked fruits or vegetables until they are smooth
  3. mix with a spoon or wire whisk in a circular motion
  4. make straight, shallow cuts with a slicing knife in the surface of a food
  5. and dice- cutting food into small, square pieces—cubed pieces are. ½ in; to dice pieces are 1/8 in
  6. to add flavor and texture; depends on the ingredients and desired results
  7. to mix ingredients by tumbling them with tongs or a large spoon or fork
  8. to cut a food into large, thin pieces with a slicing knife
  9. and shred- to cut food, such as cheese, into smaller pieces or shreds by pressing and rubbing against the rough surface of a grater
  10. to beat ingredients till they become soft and creamy
  11. and mince- cut food into small, irregular pieces; to chop finely
  12. to mix thoroughly and add sir to foods
  13. to put small pieces of food on the surface of another food
  14. to break or tear off small layers of food often cooked fish, with a fork
  15. to crush food into a smoother mixture with a masher or beater
  16. - pack the fat into a dry measuring cup, pressing firmly to eliminate pockets of space and to remove air bubbles, use a rubber scrapper to remove as much of the fat as possible

30 Clues: to mix thoroughly and add sir to foodsto divide a food into four equal piecesto pour a liquid over a food as it cookstwo or more ingredients thoroughly so they blendmix with a spoon or wire whisk in a circular motionto cut food into smaller pieces with kitchen shearsto cut a food such as almonds into very thin strips...

Cooking Terms 2020-09-16

Cooking Terms crossword puzzle
  1. to separate solid particles from a liquid, such as broth or soup
  2. a technique used to gently mix a delicate ingredient
  3. to mix by hand using a wooden spoon in a circular motion
  4. to throughly incorporate one ingredient into another
  5. to cut food into small irregular pieces
  6. to drain a solid food, such as a fruit, vegetable or cooked pasta
  7. to brush or pour a liquid over a food as it cooks
  8. cutting a food into square pieces
  9. making a food smooth and thick by putting it through a strainer, blender, or food processor
  1. to cut a food into small pieces or shreds by pressing and rubbing the food against the rough sides of a grater
  2. to force a dry ingredient through a sifter to add air and remove lumps
  3. to cut food into large, thin pieces
  4. to coat a food with a dry ingredient, such as flour or crumbs
  5. to beat together ingredients, such as sugar and shortening, until soft and creamy
  6. to make shallow, straight cuts in the surface of a food such as meat
  7. to cut a food into very small irregular pieces
  8. to incorporate air into a mixture until it is light and fluffy
  9. to cut off a very thin layer of peel
  10. to throughly mix foods use a vigorous over-and-over motion

19 Clues: cutting a food into square piecesto cut food into large, thin piecesto cut off a very thin layer of peelto cut food into small irregular piecesto cut a food into very small irregular piecesto brush or pour a liquid over a food as it cooksa technique used to gently mix a delicate ingredientto throughly incorporate one ingredient into another...

U4 E3 2018-01-24

U4 E3 crossword puzzle
  1. things you butter and toast
  2. type of meat you eat
  3. when you cant eat the food yet
  4. what you eat on your birthday
  5. what you cut food with
  6. type of food (protein)
  7. some types of sauces
  8. what you leave for good sevice
  1. what you drink out of
  2. someone that takes your order
  3. chip dip
  4. what you use to pick up food and eat
  5. taste of candy
  6. what you eat cereal with
  7. food options
  8. where you go when you are hungry
  9. the paper with the price of the meal
  10. asking for something
  11. when the food tastes good
  12. chicken and ...

20 Clues: chip dipfood optionstaste of candychicken and ...type of meat you eatsome types of saucesasking for somethingwhat you drink out ofwhat you cut food withtype of food (protein)what you eat cereal withwhen the food tastes goodthings you butter and toastsomeone that takes your orderwhat you eat on your birthdaywhen you cant eat the food yet...

ecology 2024-04-05

ecology crossword puzzle
  1. organisms interact with environment
  2. able to form organic substances
  3. eats both plants and meat
  4. fungi
  5. leech
  6. makes up food webs
  7. area where all organisms work together
  8. a nonliving factor
  9. eats plants
  10. human
  11. gets food from complex organic substances
  1. smallest unit of evolution
  2. eats meat
  3. eats dead things
  4. living factor
  5. mouse
  6. home of an organism
  7. can make their own food
  8. organisms in a specific area
  9. wolf
  10. has to hunt for food
  11. living thing
  12. organism's position in a food chain
  13. worldwide sum of all ecosystems
  14. made of food chains

25 Clues: wolfmousefungileechhumaneats meateats plantsliving thingliving factoreats dead thingsmakes up food websa nonliving factorhome of an organismmade of food chainshas to hunt for foodcan make their own foodeats both plants and meatsmallest unit of evolutionorganisms in a specific areaable to form organic substancesworldwide sum of all ecosystems...

Don't Trash Food Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-10

Don't Trash Food Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. This greenhouse gas is released from landfills, and one of the largest contributors is the degradation of food scraps.
  2. Instead of throwing food scraps into trash bins that only add to landfill waste, throw scraps into _______ bins to create community compost.
  3. When foods increase in _________, the increased water content allows for fungi and bacteria to grow quickly, leading to food spoilage.
  4. The process by which food products become unsuitable for human consumption.
  5. When air interacts with food and food components, this type of reaction occurs. This reaction is responsible for avocados and apples turning brown and fats going rancid.
  6. You can prevent from doing this when you grocery shop by creating shopping lists and weekly dinner menus.
  7. The byproduct of food waste being broken down in a landfill.
  8. Waste materials, such as lawn clippings and food waste, are classified as ________ waste matter. This type of waste is biodegradable.
  9. Organisms that cause food to spoil, but can also transform food waste into compost.
  1. Grocery stores can help mitigate food loss by selling ¬¬__________ looking produce. Even though produce may be misshapen or oddly sized, the nutritional content of the food remains the same.
  2. In 2021, roughly 54 million Americans were considered to be food _______, meaning they did not know where their next meal would come from.
  3. The percentage of the world’s fresh water supply used to grow food that is never eaten.
  4. Changing our buying _______ not only helps to mitigate food waste at home, but it also helps mitigate food loss that occurs in grocery stores and packing plants.
  5. When accounting for global food waste, all grown, but uneaten, food uses 1.4 ______ hectares of arable land.
  6. A mixture of decomposed organic materials used to improve soil quality or as plant fertilizer.
  7. “Use by” and “Sell by” dates are not ___________ dates.
  8. The catch-all term used to describe spoiled food and wasted food.

17 Clues: “Use by” and “Sell by” dates are not ___________ dates.The byproduct of food waste being broken down in a landfill.The catch-all term used to describe spoiled food and wasted food.The process by which food products become unsuitable for human consumption.Organisms that cause food to spoil, but can also transform food waste into compost....

Cooking Methods: Dry Heat 2022-02-23

Cooking Methods: Dry Heat crossword puzzle
  1. This heat source is created when the heat from a source is absorbed by one material and then radiated out to the food.
  2. ______________ time is the amount of time it takes oil to reheat to the correct cooking temperature once food is added.
  3. What color should the outside of pan fried food be when finished?
  4. The method places the breaded food in a _______ and lowered into the hot oil.
  5. Cooking a food item on a hot surface or heavy bottomed fry pan.
  6. The __________ basket method is fully submerging the food in the oil and adding a second basket on top.
  7. When pan-frying, the oil should be deep enough to come _______ up the side of the food being cooked.
  8. A cooking method that makes crosshatch markings on the food and has a heat source from below a rack.
  9. Cooking food in a oil, in a pan over low to medium heat.
  10. You can ___________ food covered or uncovered, depending on the recipe and desired texture.
  11. When sauteing the ________ adds to the flavor.
  12. When sauteing, the _________ is heated first.
  13. A cooking method that uses high heat from a source located above the food.
  1. Cooking food rapidly in a small amount of fat over relatively high heat.
  2. Food cooked over very high heat in a wok with little fat and stirred quickly.
  3. When cooking meats on a high-heat griddle, the result is a high level _______ that gives the finished product a unique taste and texture.
  4. The transfer of heat from one item to another when the items come into direct contact with each other.
  5. A standard __________ is a seasoned all-purpose flour and an egg and milk.
  6. to cook food by surrounding the items with hot, fry air in the oven.
  7. What type of frying is when a food is breaded or battered and completely submerged into hot fat to cook.
  8. The method that gently drops a breaded or batter-coated food in hot oil.
  9. The ___________ point is the temperature at which fats and oils begin to smoke.
  10. The point when the item rises to the surface of the oil and appears golden brown.
  11. The transfer of heat caused by the movement of molecules from a warmer area to a cooler one.
  12. This does not require physical contact between the heat source and the food being cooked.
  13. The coating on the food item that combines dry and wet ingredients.

26 Clues: When sauteing, the _________ is heated first.When sauteing the ________ adds to the flavor.Cooking food in a oil, in a pan over low to medium heat.Cooking a food item on a hot surface or heavy bottomed fry pan.What color should the outside of pan fried food be when finished?The coating on the food item that combines dry and wet ingredients....

Nutrition and Wellness 2023-10-19

Nutrition and Wellness crossword puzzle
  1. method- where the wrapper is marked in tablespoons and in fractions of a cup
  2. to beat quickly and vigorously to incorporate air into a mixture, making it light and fluffy
  3. to pulverize food into crumbs, powder, or paste with a rolling pin, blinder, or food processor
  4. to use a grinder to break up a food into coarse, medium, or fine particles
  5. to divide a food into four equal pieces
  6. to cut off a very thin layer of peel with a paring knife
  7. to pour a liquid over a food as it cooks
  8. to cut food into smaller pieces with kitchen shears
  9. two or more ingredients thoroughly so they blend
  10. takes the fat out, can remove it from the water with a spoon
  11. used to gently mix a light, fluffy mixture into a heavier one
  12. dividing a food into smaller parts, using a tool with a sharp blade
  13. to cut a food such as almonds into very thin strips
  14. to coat a food with three different layers; dry layer, liquid, crumbs
  1. to zero out the weight of whatever was already on the scale
  2. to grind or mash cooked fruits or vegetables until they are smooth
  3. mix with a spoon or wire whisk in a circular motion
  4. make straight, shallow cuts with a slicing knife in the surface of a food
  5. and dice- cutting food into small, square pieces—cubed pieces are. ½ in; to dice pieces are 1/8 in
  6. to add flavor and texture; depends on the ingredients and desired results
  7. to mix ingredients by tumbling them with tongs or a large spoon or fork
  8. to cut a food into large, thin pieces with a slicing knife
  9. and shred- to cut food, such as cheese, into smaller pieces or shreds by pressing and rubbing against the rough surface of a grater
  10. to beat ingredients till they become soft and creamy
  11. and mince- cut food into small, irregular pieces; to chop finely
  12. to mix thoroughly and add sir to foods
  13. to put small pieces of food on the surface of another food
  14. to break or tear off small layers of food often cooked fish, with a fork
  15. to crush food into a smoother mixture with a masher or beater
  16. - pack the fat into a dry measuring cup, pressing firmly to eliminate pockets of space and to remove air bubbles, use a rubber scrapper to remove as much of the fat as possible

30 Clues: to mix thoroughly and add sir to foodsto divide a food into four equal piecesto pour a liquid over a food as it cookstwo or more ingredients thoroughly so they blendmix with a spoon or wire whisk in a circular motionto cut food into smaller pieces with kitchen shearsto cut a food such as almonds into very thin strips...

cooking methods 2023-04-28

cooking methods crossword puzzle
  1. frying, cooking by immersing it in hot fat without making contact with the cooking vessel.
  2. density, a foods weight divided by its volume.
  3. and size, the more surface a food has the greater exposure to heat.
  4. brown quickly over high heat before the meat is cooked in moist.
  5. a method of transferring heat as waves
  6. and baking, cooking foods surrounded by heat in an oven.
  7. cooking methods effect _______ of cooking time.
  8. cooking food in a liquid at temp just below boiling.
  9. cooking food in a liquid that has reached the highest temp possible under normal conditions.
  10. cooking food in a small amount of liquid at temps just below simmering.
  11. a method of transferring heat by direct contact
  12. stirring small pieces of food over high heat in a small amount of oil until just tender
  13. production of electrical sparks that can damage the oven or start a fire.
  14. traditional cookware for stir-frying.
  1. heat affects food's ________ smells texture and appearance
  2. value, cooking method affects _____.
  3. cooking small pieces of food by covering them completely with a liquid and simmering them slowly.
  4. cooking small amount of hot fat in a skillet over moderate heat
  5. type of cooking food uncovered without added liquid or fat.
  6. cooking food in an uncovered skillet in its own natural fat.
  7. a method of transferring heat through the movement of molecules in air or liquid
  8. cooking food on a grate over an open flame.
  9. cooking fooid in simmering liquid and steam.
  10. point, temp at which a fat begins to break down and burn.
  11. the more food you have.
  12. cooking food under direct heat.
  13. cooking food in a hot liquid steam or both.
  14. when the feeling of the food is changed by the cooking method

28 Clues: the more food you food under direct heat.value, cooking method affects _____.traditional cookware for stir-frying.a method of transferring heat as wavescooking food on a grate over an open food in a hot liquid steam or fooid in simmering liquid and steam.density, a foods weight divided by its volume....

Crossword Puzzle 2018-01-29

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Nutrition and safety are considered as the __________ characteristics of the food product by food technologists
  2. Distinctive signs of Champagne and Basmati get covered in intellectual property rights because of this indicator
  3. This crop is widely cultivated in India using genetically modified technology
  4. Appraisal cost in food manufacturing is considered as _________ cost
  5. Global Pulse Confederation (GPC) has designated pulses as the __________of food
  6. Fish-bone diagram of the food production flow chart is also known as ___________ diagram
  7. A WTO agreement that specifically covers food contamination issues
  8. An important economic concept that describes wedge between private benefit and social benefit and justifies schemes such as Mid Day Meals
  9. The difference between traditional hybrids, newer varieties, and GM crops is that reproductive crossing can happen across ____________ in GM crops
  10. Firm that developed food safety system for the astronauts heading towards moon
  11. Organoleptic characteristics of food products that can be judged by actions such as seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting are also called as _________ characteristics
  12. Acronym for a stage in the food production process beyond which a particular hazard cannot be reduced to a manageable level
  13. If food consumption of children decreases as income/endowment of poor and uneducated head-of-the-household increases, then food for children is described as __________ good
  14. This principle elucidates that eighty per cent of the food quality problems are caused by twenty per cent of causes
  15. Coca Cola is not protected by this kind of intellectual property right
  16. Something that may increase the preventive cost but reduce failure cost in food manufacturing
  17. If the observations of the x-bar chart show a particular pattern even within the 3-sigma limits, then there must be some ___________ cause(s) due to which the food production process will not be in control
  1. If the 3-sigma limits on either side of the mean value of a food attribute for a product process exactly match the upper and lower specifications then the process is described as just _________.
  2. Britannia Little Hearts is an example of registration of industrial IPR under this category
  3. This is an important objective of Codex Alimentarious Commission for food standards across the globe
  4. A food product whose quality cannot be fully understood even after consumption of the product
  5. Presence of quality problems in domestic food products leads to such kind of trade opportunities when international food prices move up and down
  6. Pulses are important for sustainable growth of agriculture. They fix _________ in the soil and reduce carbon footprint created by production of fertilizers
  7. Patent granted to USDA and W.R. Grace Company on the process to extract oil from the seeds of this plant was successfully challenged by Indian scientists
  8. The kind of economies one enjoys in implementation of quality management systems in food production across various sizes of food companies
  9. If a food production process is in control, one expects that 99.73 per cent of the observations will lie ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬within ___________ standard deviations on either side of the mean value
  10. Analysis that discovers the shadow prices of quality attributes from the price of the product
  11. The lopsided promotion of wheat and rice over the decades has resulted in pulses being called the __________ food

28 Clues: A WTO agreement that specifically covers food contamination issuesAppraisal cost in food manufacturing is considered as _________ costCoca Cola is not protected by this kind of intellectual property rightThis crop is widely cultivated in India using genetically modified technology...

Chapter 2 Vocab 2020-09-16

Chapter 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. These thermometers measure the temperatures of food and equipment surfaces without actually touching it allowing less chances of cross contamination
  2. points in a cleaning process when you can prevent, eliminate, or reduce a hazard
  3. Food that can be eaten without further preparation
  4. food most vulnerable to pathogens and needs time and temperature control for safety
  5. Rotation of food in storage to use the oldest refrigerated, frozen, or dry food.
  6. A formal examination done to see if an operation is following food safety laws.
  7. Food that is cooked to the wrong internal temperature, held at the wrong temperature, or cooled and reheated improperly that it is unsafe to consume.
  8. stands for pest control operator: they are trained people who rid of pests from establishments and make decisions on the best way to rid of the pests with pesticides.
  9. Stands for integrated pest management program, which is a system that will prevent, control, or eliminate pest infestations in an operation.
  10. A person, animal, or plant on which another organism, such as a parasite, lives and feeds.
  11. These policies address personal cleanliness, clothing, hand care, and health in order to prevent food handlers from contaminating the food with pathogens.
  12. The temperature range between 41ºF and 135ºF. Pathogens grow well in food that has a temperature in this range.
  13. A requirement that must be met to prevent, eliminate, or reduce a hazard.
  14. The leading cause of foodborne illness.
  15. The six conditions pathogens need to grow: food, acidity, temperature, time, oxygen, and moisture.
  16. The body's defense against illness.
  17. organisms that live on or inside another organism and the parasite receives nutrients from the host
  18. occurs when harmful things are in the food, becomes unsafe to consume
  1. can check temperatures from 0F to 220F
  2. A disease transmitted to people by the means of food
  3. adjustments to tools to keep them accurate
  4. A schedule that contains what should be cleaned, who should clean it, when it should be cleaned, and how it should be cleaned.
  5. molds grow under many conditions, but mostly in food like acidic food that contains little bit of moisture
  6. The spread of pathogens from one surface or food to another.
  7. can spoil food quickly, signs of spoiling include smell or taste of alcohol, pink discoloration, slime, and or bubbles
  8. The path that food takes, it starts when you buy the food and ends when you serve it.
  9. A group of procedures and practices made to prevent foodborne illness.
  10. Certain groups of people who have a higher risk of getting a foodborne illness than others.
  11. When two or more people get the same illness after eating the same food or dish.
  12. stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point which is a food safety management system made to identify hazards at specific points of the food making process.
  13. can cause illness but usually the cause of food rotting or spoiling
  14. the microorganisms that cause illnesses
  15. the amount of time the object has to be sanitized
  16. The most important part of personal hygiene.
  17. cause many foodborne illnesses
  18. removing or reducing pathogens to a safer level for preparation or placement of foods

36 Clues: cause many foodborne illnessesThe body's defense against illness.can check temperatures from 0F to 220Fthe microorganisms that cause illnessesThe leading cause of foodborne illness.adjustments to tools to keep them accurateThe most important part of personal hygiene.the amount of time the object has to be sanitized...

Ecology Introduction Crossword 2024-06-06

Ecology Introduction Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A symbol that indicates the flow of energy.
  2. web All the food webs in an ecosysem, interacting.
  3. Organism that eat producers.
  4. Organisms that break down dead organic material.
  5. A rich and diverse ecosystem.
  6. Any animal that hunts other organisms for food.
  7. Organism that eats secondary consumers.
  8. The original energy source in most food chains/webs.
  1. A series of organisms dependent on the next as a source of food.
  2. Organism that eats primary consumers.
  3. The organism at the top of the food chain/web.
  4. In a food chain, these are organisms that eat other organisms.
  5. An example of a decomposer.
  6. Organisms that must eat other organisms to obtain nutrition
  7. Organisms that can produce their own nutrition.
  8. The coldest of all ecosystems.
  9. Is passed on through every level in a food chain/web.
  10. Part of a food web/chain that contains the most energy
  11. An animal that is hunted or killed by other animals.

19 Clues: An example of a decomposer.Organism that eat producers.A rich and diverse ecosystem.The coldest of all ecosystems.Organism that eats primary consumers.Organism that eats secondary consumers.A symbol that indicates the flow of energy.The organism at the top of the food chain/web.Organisms that can produce their own nutrition....

Cutting & Preparing Food 2013-10-07

Cutting & Preparing Food crossword puzzle
  1. to cook food in a small amount of hot fat
  2. to make small,shallow cuts with a knifein the surface of a food
  3. to cook large pieces of meat under low heat
  4. to beat solid fat and sugar with a spoon or mixer until smooth.
  5. to blend or mix 2 or more ingredients
  6. To remove the stem & the very thin layer of a peel
  7. to make somthing easy to chew byt applying a substance that breaks down fiber
  8. to lightly sprinkle the surface of a food with crumbs, flour, or sugar
  9. to cause a solid to turn into a liquid
  10. cut food into small uneven pieces
  11. to cook undercover under a direct heat source
  12. to leave an opening in the cover of food
  13. cut food into very fine uneven pieces
  14. to separate a solid from liquid
  15. to increse the flavor of a food by adding herbs, spices, or other ingredients
  16. to stir or mix ingredients until they are thoroghly combined and smooth
  17. to change food from a solid to a liquid by applying heat
  1. to lower a foods temperature to freezing or below
  2. to rub fat on the surface of a food
  3. to soak food in a cold seasoned liquid in order to add flavor
  4. cut or break food into long thin strips
  5. to cook meat in a open oven
  6. to broil over hot coals or on a griddle
  7. reduce food into small pieces by pressing & rubbing it against the teeth of the grader
  8. to expose warmth to free from a frozen state
  9. to cook in an oven with hot or dry air
  10. to sprinkle or coat a food with flour
  11. cut food into small equal size squares
  12. to work a ball of dough with the heels of the hands
  13. to remove the outer layer by stripping or pulling off with your finger or a knife

30 Clues: to cook meat in a open ovento separate a solid from liquidcut food into small uneven piecesto rub fat on the surface of a foodto blend or mix 2 or more ingredientsto sprinkle or coat a food with flourcut food into very fine uneven piecesto cause a solid to turn into a liquidto cook in an oven with hot or dry air...

Nutrition 2022-05-26

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. A visual representation of how different foods and drinks contribute towards a healthy balanced diet. The Food ___________ has the same shape of something you'd visit in Egypt.
  2. The main source of energy for your body. You can find it in breads and grains. Carbs for short.
  3. Canada's new food guide recommends that you limit ____________ foods because they are too high in salts, fats and sugars.
  4. Salmon, poultry and beef belong in the "______ food group".
  5. Water is now the "drink of _______" in Canada's new food guide
  6. Beans, peas and lentils are excellent sources of __________. So are fruits.
  7. You should eat lots of fruits and ________.
  8. _______________ are vitamins and minerals needed by the body in very small amounts.
  9. Fruits are an excellent source for this.
  10. Very high in energy. Bad for your teeth.
  1. Canada's new food guide also recommends that you eat your meal with _______________.
  2. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all examples of ______________. Think of big "Mac".
  3. Canada's new "_________ Guide" came out in 2019
  4. Good for hydration
  5. Cheese, milk, yogurt, etc. belong to this food group.
  6. A nutrient found in food (meat, milk, eggs, beans, nuts, etc.) that is used by the body to build and repair itself
  7. Canada's new food guide recommends you should read food __________ because they share important information about how many calories, fats, and sugars a food contains.
  8. The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C. A man should eat about 2000-2500 per day. A woman should eat about 1500-2000 per day.
  9. Barley, brown rice and oatmeal are all examples of "Whole __________ foods".
  10. Canada's new food guide recommends you should get most of your protein from ___________ not meats.
  11. This is a nutrient found in food. It comes in several forms, including, saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. Too much of it can be unhealthy
  12. Canada's new food guide eliminated _____.

22 Clues: Good for hydrationFruits are an excellent source for this.Canada's new food guide eliminated _____.Very high in energy. Bad for your teeth.You should eat lots of fruits and ________.Canada's new "_________ Guide" came out in 2019Cheese, milk, yogurt, etc. belong to this food group.Salmon, poultry and beef belong in the "______ food group"....

Cooking/Kitchen Vocabulary Review 2023-05-01

Cooking/Kitchen Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. a utensil with a broad flat blade used in removing food
  2. to stretch food using a knife onto bread or crackers
  3. a closet with shelves for dishes and glasses
  4. mixing ingredients very fast with a whisk or spoon
  5. an electrical appliance in which food and drinks are kept cold or frozen
  6. an electric appliance having one or more beaters used in mixing, blending or beating food
  7. a container with a handle and spout for holding liquids
  8. to scatter on top of food
  9. a utensil used to cut food
  10. pin a cylinder shaped with handles on each end for rolling out dough
  11. an electric appliance used in mixing or grinding food
  12. an appliance that is used to bake, roast, and broil food
  13. a utensil used in eating, stirring or measuring
  14. board a board used in chopping or cutting food
  1. an appliance that is used to wash dishes and utensils
  2. to strip skin off a fruit or vegetable
  3. an electrical appliance that heats or cooks food fast
  4. an electrical appliance used to toast bread
  5. a round deep dish
  6. a thick piece of material used in holding hot pots or dishes
  7. spoons used for measuring amounts in cooking
  8. written instruction on how to prepare food
  9. to cook food in an oven
  10. a kitchen utensil that is used to shred food
  11. a graduated cup used to measure liquids or solids in cooking
  12. to cut in small pieces using a knife
  13. to bring a liquid to a very hot temperature where bubbles form on top
  14. a cooking instrument used to blend ingredients together
  15. a broad shallow container made of metal used in cooking or frying food
  16. a long handle utensil with a cup shaped bowl for transferring liquids

30 Clues: a round deep dishto cook food in an ovento scatter on top of fooda utensil used to cut foodto cut in small pieces using a knifeto strip skin off a fruit or vegetablewritten instruction on how to prepare foodan electrical appliance used to toast breada closet with shelves for dishes and glassesspoons used for measuring amounts in cooking...

Food Webs & Food Chains 2022-01-19

Food Webs & Food Chains crossword puzzle
  1. eats the remains of dead plants and animals
  2. organisms that must consume food
  3. breaks down dead organisms to get nutrients
  4. the place in which an organism lives out its life
  1. only eats plants
  2. organism that makes its own food
  3. eats both meat and plants
  4. only eats meat
  5. the role a species plays in a community
  6. level represents a feeding step in the transfer of energy and matter in an ecosystem

10 Clues: only eats meatonly eats plantseats both meat and plantsorganism that makes its own foodorganisms that must consume foodthe role a species plays in a communityeats the remains of dead plants and animalsbreaks down dead organisms to get nutrientsthe place in which an organism lives out its life...

food web food chain 2021-11-23

food web food chain crossword puzzle
  1. eats fish, attacks animals, brown or black, live in the forest
  2. they live under a hill and are tiny
  3. apex predator,roars,lives in Africa
  4. an organism that makes its own food
  5. live underground, hunt mice, slither
  1. apex predator, live in the desert, they run fast
  2. dark blue, small, live under rocks
  3. gets energy from the sun, live in the ground
  4. primary consumer, live in the forest, light brown
  5. energy source

10 Clues: energy sourcedark blue, small, live under rocksthey live under a hill and are tinyapex predator,roars,lives in Africaan organism that makes its own foodlive underground, hunt mice, slithergets energy from the sun, live in the groundapex predator, live in the desert, they run fastprimary consumer, live in the forest, light brown...

Food Safety/Food Poisoning 2022-02-07

Food Safety/Food Poisoning crossword puzzle
  1. A system to fight germs
  2. Keeping germs away
  3. Cause by not washing the foods
  4. caused by food poisoning
  5. Check the label before cooking
  6. To prevent eating raw items
  1. Keeping the food cold
  2. To prevent cross contaminated
  3. A germ that can grow
  4. Do this before cooking meat

10 Clues: Keeping germs awayA germ that can growKeeping the food coldA system to fight germscaused by food poisoningDo this before cooking meatTo prevent eating raw itemsTo prevent cross contaminatedCause by not washing the foodsCheck the label before cooking

Food Chains & Food Webs 2022-02-19

Food Chains & Food Webs crossword puzzle
  1. An animal that eats other animals.
  2. Food relationships help to maintain the populations in a community.
  3. An animal that eats both plants and animals.
  4. Animals that eat only plants.
  1. They are able to make their own food.
  2. Animals depend on other living things for food. They are food ________.
  3. A food ________ consists of 2 or more food chains.
  4. This supplies the energy that is taken in by the plants.
  5. A food ________ shows the transfer from one living thing to another.
  6. Living things need this to live and grow.

10 Clues: Animals that eat only plants.An animal that eats other animals.They are able to make their own food.Living things need this to live and grow.An animal that eats both plants and animals.A food ________ consists of 2 or more food chains.This supplies the energy that is taken in by the plants....

Food Chains/Food Webs 2022-11-07

Food Chains/Food Webs crossword puzzle
  1. type of organism that eats both plants and animals
  2. organism that breaks down dead things and wastes
  3. keeps the ecosystem clean by eating what already die
  4. when several food chains link together
  5. carnivore that eats primary consumers
  6. consumer that eats only other consumers
  1. carnivore that eats secondary consumers
  2. usually the second link on a food chain
  3. organism that depends on producers for food
  4. transfer of energy and nutrients through a community

10 Clues: carnivore that eats primary consumerswhen several food chains link togethercarnivore that eats secondary consumersusually the second link on a food chainconsumer that eats only other consumersorganism that depends on producers for foodorganism that breaks down dead things and wastestype of organism that eats both plants and animals...

Food webs/Food chains 2022-10-13

Food webs/Food chains crossword puzzle
  1. an organism that mostly eats meat, or the flesh of animals
  2. organism that breaks down dead organic material
  3. an organism that mostly feeds on plants.
  4. an organism that mostly consumes decaying biomass, such as meat or rotting plant material
  5. an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.
  1. an animal that naturally preys on others.
  2. any organism that can't make its own food
  3. They make their own food, which creates energy for them to grow, reproduce and survive
  4. an organism that regularly consumes a variety of material, including plants, animals, algae, and fungi
  5. The ability to do work

10 Clues: The ability to do workan organism that mostly feeds on animal that naturally preys on others.any organism that can't make its own foodorganism that breaks down dead organic materialan animal that is hunted and killed by another for organism that mostly eats meat, or the flesh of animals...