set theory Crossword Puzzles

Evolution Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-11

Evolution Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The unique combination of traits each organism inherits from its parents.
  2. The different colors of hair in humans.
  3. When an individual is more adapted to their environment and they are more likely to survive.
  4. Someone you are relate to that lived before you.
  5. A set of information that controls a trait.
  6. A set of instructions to build the organism.
  7. A concept that explains observations using the scientific method.
  8. The theory that species evolve in short rapid changes.
  1. Whales have similar bone structures in their fins as humans in their hands.
  2. Older species evolved into newer species.
  3. Giraffes grew long necks.This is an example of _________.
  4. A trait that helps an organism survive that is under a set of environmental conditions.
  5. The fossils that scientists have collected.
  6. The potential for a species to increase its numbers.
  7. Like the appendix in humans.

15 Clues: Like the appendix in humans.The different colors of hair in humans.Older species evolved into newer species.The fossils that scientists have collected.A set of information that controls a trait.A set of instructions to build the organism.Someone you are relate to that lived before you.The potential for a species to increase its numbers....

MUSIC THEORY 2016-04-15

MUSIC THEORY crossword puzzle
  1. staff Combined treble and bass staffs
  2. The high female register
  3. The distance between the lowest and highest pitches of the voice
  4. Symbol that lowers a pitch by one half step
  5. piano Medium soft
  6. The sustaining of a pitch
  7. Very soft
  8. A sharp, flat, or natural occurring outside of the given key signature within a composition
  9. Symbol that raises a pitch by a half step
  10. line Vertical dividing line between measures on a musical staff
  11. A faint tone that is generated when any one tone is sounded
  12. Sequence of tones arranged in rising pitches
  13. Symbol that cancels out a sharp or flat
  14. signature Designation of flats and sharps at the beginning of a composition to indicate it's basic scale and tonality
  15. Loud
  16. The high male range
  1. A musical form where parts enter at different times but have the same melody throughout
  2. Very fast
  3. Soft
  4. The distance in pitch between two tones
  5. scale A scale made up of 5 notes within the octave
  6. The pace which the music moves
  7. The loudness or softness of a musical passage
  8. A gradual decrease in the loudness of sound
  9. clef Symbol that indicates the placement of F below middle C
  10. Very loud
  11. The intermediate male voice
  12. range The span from highest to the lowest pitch a person can sing
  13. The highness or lowness of a sound
  14. The lower female register
  15. A fast and lively tempo
  16. A symbol indicating pitch designations for the lines and spaces on the staff
  17. An interval of 8 pitches
  18. Method of sight reading using the syllables DO,RE,MI,FA,SOL,LA,TI,and DO
  19. capella Singing without instrumental accompaniment
  20. A chord of 3 tones containing a root, a third, and a fifth

36 Clues: SoftLoudVery fastVery loudVery softpiano Medium softThe high male rangeA fast and lively tempoThe high female registerAn interval of 8 pitchesThe sustaining of a pitchThe lower female registerThe intermediate male voiceThe pace which the music movesThe highness or lowness of a soundstaff Combined treble and bass staffs...

MUSIC THEORY 2015-12-04

MUSIC THEORY crossword puzzle
  1. A singing voice that is lower than the voice of a soprano and higher than the voice of a tenor
  2. A note having one half the value of a whole note, also called half note
  3. A set of five horizontal lines and four intermediate spaces and also called stave.
  4. Vertically lines attached to the note heads.
  5. The clef that establishes F a fifth below middle C on the fourth line of the staff and also called F clef
  6. A musical note having the longest time value, equal to four beats and also called a whole note.
  7. A note that is neither flat nor sharp
  8. A notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound
  9. Stems of notes can go ____ or down
  10. A note having one-fourth the time value of a whole note. Also called crotchet
  11. A rhythmic movement, or is the speed at which a piece of music is played.
  12. A symbol indicating that the second line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of G above middle C and also called G clef.
  13. A type of classical male singing voice whose vocal range is one of the highest of the male voice types
  1. A musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes.
  2. Music is divided with bar called ___________
  3. The highest vocal range of all voice types
  4. The opposite of a sharp note, it is a lowered pitch
  5. There are _________ letters in the musical alphabet.
  6. A symbol (‘#’) placed in front of a note, increasing its pitch by a half step
  7. The space between two bar lines are called ___________
  8. A note having the time value of an eighth of a semibreve.
  9. The arrangement of sounds as they move through time.

22 Clues: Stems of notes can go ____ or downA note that is neither flat nor sharpThe highest vocal range of all voice typesMusic is divided with bar called ___________Vertically lines attached to the note heads.The opposite of a sharp note, it is a lowered pitchThere are _________ letters in the musical alphabet....

number theory 2017-09-26

number theory crossword puzzle
  1. számjegy
  2. egész
  3. páratlan
  4. pozitív
  5. szabály
  6. osztható
  7. tört
  8. számláló
  9. osztó
  10. Eratoszthenész
  11. algoritmus
  1. páros prím
  2. nevező
  3. hatvány
  4. teljes, tökéletes
  5. közös
  6. Euklidész
  7. osztó
  8. páros
  9. maradék
  10. többszörös
  11. prím
  12. se nem prím se nem összetett szám

23 Clues: törtprímközösegészosztópárososztónevezőhatványpozitívszabálymaradékszámjegypáratlanoszthatószámlálóEuklidészpáros prímtöbbszörösalgoritmusEratoszthenészteljes, tökéletesse nem prím se nem összetett szám

Music Theory 2017-10-09

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. FCGDAEB is the order of ________.
  2. raise the note 1/2 a step
  3. lower the note 1/2 a step
  4. time signature
  5. wwhwwwh
  6. combines the same pitches
  7. a scale that has both whole and half steps
  8. the first form of a minor scale, that you change nothing in, play how it's written
  9. any changes to a note other than the key
  10. the same pitch written differently
  11. distance between 2 notes
  12. take half of the value of a note and add it back on to the entire note by adding a ____.
  13. 3 or more notes being played at one time
  14. combine multiple pitches at a time
  1. time signatures that are divisible by 3
  2. , intervals that are not stable and require resolution, not pretty
  3. scales start on the same first note in the _____ minor
  4. scales that have the same key signature in the _______ minor
  5. take the bottom and make it the top note
  6. unison, fourth, fifth, and octive are examples of ______ intervals
  7. time signatures that are divisible by 2
  8. the process of rewriting a piece of music or a scale so that is sounds higher or lower in pitch
  9. a series of notes made up of ascending and descending pitches
  10. the second form of minor scales, that raises the 7th note a half step, up and back down
  11. time signatures that are not divisible by 2 or 3
  12. intervals that are treated as stable and not requiring resolution, pretty
  13. BEADGCF is the order of _____.
  14. whwwhww
  15. the third form of minor scales, that raises the 6th and 7th notes on the way up and play naturally on the way down

29 Clues: wwhwwwhwhwwhwwtime signaturedistance between 2 notesraise the note 1/2 a steplower the note 1/2 a stepcombines the same pitchesBEADGCF is the order of _____.FCGDAEB is the order of ________.the same pitch written differentlycombine multiple pitches at a timetime signatures that are divisible by 3time signatures that are divisible by 2...

Music Theory 2018-11-06

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. note A note held for four beats
  2. Five lines and four spaces between them
  3. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do
  4. Very loud
  5. note A note held for two beats
  6. Gradually getting softer
  7. Oval shaped symbols that are placed on the lines and in the spaces
  8. Soft
  9. Order of flats
  1. note A note held for one beat
  2. bar line Written at the end of a piece of music
  3. Loud
  4. Gradually getting louder
  5. Very soft
  6. forte Moderately loud
  7. The area in between two bar lines
  8. To play the music smoothly connected
  9. Order of sharps
  10. Connects two of the same notes
  11. Connects two different notes

20 Clues: LoudSoftVery softVery loudOrder of flatsOrder of sharpsforte Moderately loudGradually getting louderDo Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti DoGradually getting softerConnects two different notesnote A note held for one beatConnects two of the same notesnote A note held for two beatsnote A note held for four beatsThe area in between two bar lines...

Music Theory 2018-11-06

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. a note that takes up 2 beats in 4/4 time
  2. a note that takes up 4 beats in 4/4 time
  3. Every Good Boy Does Fine
  4. second lowest voice
  5. combining two notes on the same line
  6. a note that takes up 3 beats in 4/4 time
  7. second highest voice
  8. very loud
  9. a note that takes up 1 beat in 4/4 time
  1. All Cows Eat Grass
  2. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do
  3. medium soft
  4. loud
  5. very sofe
  6. medium loud
  7. 4/4
  8. highest voice
  9. soft
  10. combining two notes on different lines
  11. lowest voice

20 Clues: 4/4loudsoftvery sofevery loudmedium softmedium loudlowest voicehighest voiceAll Cows Eat Grasssecond lowest voicesecond highest voiceDo Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti DoEvery Good Boy Does Finecombining two notes on the same linecombining two notes on different linesa note that takes up 1 beat in 4/4 timea note that takes up 2 beats in 4/4 time...

Theory Rocks 2018-05-19

Theory Rocks crossword puzzle
  1. An alternate passage of music.
  2. A diminutive coda.
  3. What someone from the UK might call a quarter note.
  4. iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.
  5. The "elemental" form upon which the Sonata Allegro is built.
  6. Half way between the tonic and dominant.
  7. Schoenberg explored this unusual vocal technique in Pierrot Lunaire.
  8. Comes after the development section in a Sonata Allegro.
  9. Another word for a diminished scale.
  10. B7#11 for F7alt, for example (two words).
  11. String players and brass players use them.
  12. A type of continuous variation similar to a passacaglia.
  13. A word that describes the function of N6 and Aug. 6th chords.
  14. The sound source of an analog synthesizer.
  15. Dr. Strauch would play one if he lived in the Renaissance.
  16. French vocalists sing a lot of them.
  17. V7-vi
  18. Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich
  19. The interval that splits an octave
  20. ABACA is one example.
  21. Stacked fifths.
  22. You will likely hear this mode if you go to a movie.
  23. Bessie Smith is well known for singing it.
  1. The black notes on a piano.
  2. A slow dance in triple time.
  3. The seventh note of a Mixolydian scale, for example.
  4. Ella Fitzgerald never "stepped in it" when she sang these solos.
  5. A term often associated with the contrasting section of a popular song.
  6. A structural function you are likely to find at the end of a composition.
  7. A fancy word for a wonky violin tuning.
  8. This augmented sixth chord only has three chord factors.
  9. A nonharmonic that is preceded by a preparation and followed by a resolution.
  10. V7/V (two words).
  11. The first section of a Sonata Allegro movement.
  12. A colloquial term for a custom synthetic sound.
  13. When a string player or singer slides between notes.
  14. This seventh chord can easily resolve to four tonal centers.
  15. Another word that might be used to describe a secundal chord.
  16. An eighth note to someone from London
  17. Half way between the tonic and subdominant.
  18. A common contrapuntal motion.
  19. A “crazy” modality.
  20. This augmented sixth chord contains two tritones.
  21. You would expect to hear a subject and answer in one of these.
  22. B/Bb, for example.
  23. A vigorous or playful composition.
  24. An elemental form with three sections.
  25. IV-I
  26. You might use this synthesizer component to make a siren.

49 Clues: IV-IV7-viStacked fifths.V7/V (two words).A diminutive coda.B/Bb, for example.A “crazy” modality.ABACA is one example.The black notes on a piano.A slow dance in triple time.A common contrapuntal motion.An alternate passage of music.iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.A vigorous or playful composition.The interval that splits an octave...

Theory Rocks! 2018-05-19

Theory Rocks! crossword puzzle
  1. The interval that splits an octave
  2. ABACA is one example.
  3. The seventh note of a Mixolydian scale, for example.
  4. This augmented sixth chord only has three chord factors.
  5. Ella Fitzgerald never "stepped in it" when she sang these solos.
  6. A vigorous or playful composition.
  7. You would expect to hear a subject and answer in one of these.
  8. You will likely hear this mode if you go to a movie.
  9. Schoenberg explored this unusual vocal technique in Pierrot Lunaire.
  10. French vocalists sing a lot of them.
  11. The sound source of an analog synthesizer.
  12. The black notes on a piano.
  13. A colloquial term for a custom synthetic sound.
  14. The "elemental" form upon which the Sonata Allegro is built.
  15. B7#11 for F7alt, for example (two words).
  16. This augmented sixth chord contains two tritones.
  17. Half way between the tonic and subdominant.
  18. A “crazy” modality.
  19. The first section of a Sonata Allegro movement.
  20. V7-vi
  21. When a string player or singer slides between notes.
  22. An alternate passage of music.
  23. A term often associated with the contrasting section of a popular song.
  24. Another word that might be used to describe a secundal chord.
  25. An eighth note to someone from London
  1. Half way between the tonic and dominant.
  2. A diminutive coda.
  3. A slow dance in triple time.
  4. Comes after the development section in a Sonata Allegro.
  5. A word that describes the function of N6 and Aug. 6th chords.
  6. Bessie Smith is well known for singing it.
  7. A type of continuous variation similar to a passacaglia.
  8. What someone from the UK might call a quarter note.
  9. A nonharmonic that is preceded by a preparation and followed by a resolution.
  10. An elemental form with three sections.
  11. This seventh chord can easily resolve to four tonal centers.
  12. A structural function you are likely to find at the end of a composition.
  13. Another word for a diminished scale.
  14. IV-I
  15. A fancy word for a wonky violin tuning.
  16. Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich
  17. iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.
  18. String players and brass players use them.
  19. A common contrapuntal motion.

44 Clues: IV-IV7-viA diminutive coda.A “crazy” modality.ABACA is one example.The black notes on a piano.A slow dance in triple time.A common contrapuntal motion.An alternate passage of music.iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.The interval that splits an octaveA vigorous or playful composition.French vocalists sing a lot of them....

THEORY TEST 2012-10-15

THEORY TEST crossword puzzle
  1. A graphic Interface
  2. Fifth generation computing
  3. Non Impact Printer
  4. developed the first mechanical device
  5. Flashing square or line on the screen
  6. Main component
  7. Co-founder Bill Gates corporation
  8. Used to click to select
  9. Meaningful
  10. Processing Unit
  11. Warm Boot is used for this
  12. Binary digits are known as this
  13. Raw facts needing to be processed
  14. A Spreadsheet
  1. MS Word
  2. An output device
  3. Situated at the top left corner of the keyboard
  4. Used in the development of second generation computers
  5. I will use this key if I need an upper letter
  6. Was the earliest device used for complex calculations
  7. Used to type
  8. Long Term memory
  9. named after the first letters across the top of the keyboard
  10. Commonly found on a compact disk
  11. One of the disadvantages of a USB
  12. Short Term Memory
  13. Composed of small dots
  14. is normally found on the left side of the Task Bar
  15. Storage device
  16. removes text forward

30 Clues: MS WordMeaningfulUsed to typeA SpreadsheetMain componentStorage deviceProcessing UnitAn output deviceLong Term memoryShort Term MemoryNon Impact PrinterA graphic Interfaceremoves text forwardComposed of small dotsUsed to click to selectFifth generation computingWarm Boot is used for thisBinary digits are known as this...

Sociological Theory 2012-12-18

Sociological Theory crossword puzzle
  1. cheese
  2. of production
  3. Marx said this contained production
  4. an organic theory
  5. Marx's mate
  6. everyone equal
  7. ooh science!
  8. Marx wrote this in 1848 with his mate
  9. small
  10. look at all those symbols kevin!
  11. the nicest kind of feminists?
  12. big beard
  1. father of functionalism
  2. of production
  3. a conflict theory
  4. garfinkel
  5. he thought of social action theory
  6. feminists
  7. a conflict theory
  8. Marx said this contained not production
  9. giddens big idea
  10. we agree!
  11. can we be sure we exist?
  12. the state owns things
  13. feminists
  14. its all about the cash!
  15. big
  16. banana

28 Clues: bigsmallcheesebananagarfinkelfeministswe agree!feministsbig beardMarx's mateooh science!of productionof productioneveryone equalgiddens big ideaa conflict theorya conflict theoryan organic theorythe state owns thingsfather of functionalismits all about the cash!can we be sure we exist?the nicest kind of feminists?look at all those symbols kevin!...

General Theory 2013-05-30

General Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The unit of electrical current.
  2. An instrument used to measure voltage.
  3. The unit of electrical charge.
  4. An instrument for measuring resistance.
  5. A circuit with a complete current path.
  6. An electrical instrument used to measure current.
  7. A circuit in which there is not a complete current path.
  8. The number of electrons in a neutral atom.
  9. An electrical component designed specifically to provide resistance.
  10. A valence electron that has broken away from its parent atom and is free to move from atom to atom within the atomic structure of a material.
  11. A protective device that burns open when excessive current flows in a circuit.
  12. The amount of energy available to move a certain number of electrons from one point to another in an electrical circuit.
  13. The unit of energy.
  14. An energy source that produces electrical signals.
  15. A symbolized diagram of an electrical or electronic circuit.
  16. An electrical property of matter that exists because of an excess or a deficiency of electrons.
  1. An atomic particle having no electrical charge.
  2. An instrument that measures voltage, current, and resistance.
  3. The limits of variation in the value of a component.
  4. A positively charged atomic particle.
  5. A material that has a conductive value between a conductor and that of an insulator.
  6. The unit of resistance.
  7. An electrical instrument that produces voltage, current, and power from the AC power line or batteries in a form suitable for use in vaious applications to power electronic equipment.
  8. The basic particle of electrical charge in matter.
  9. An energy source that uses a chemical reaction to convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
  10. The rate of flow of electrons.
  11. The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
  12. A material that does not allow current under normal conditions.
  13. The orbit in which an electron revolves.
  14. Opposition to current.
  15. A material in which electrical current can flow with relative ease.
  16. The smallest particle of an element possessing the unique characteristics of that element.

32 Clues: The unit of energy.Opposition to current.The unit of resistance.The unit of electrical charge.The rate of flow of electrons.The unit of electrical current.A positively charged atomic particle.An instrument used to measure voltage.An instrument for measuring resistance.A circuit with a complete current path.The orbit in which an electron revolves....

Learning Theory 2014-03-12

Learning Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Involves reaching the desired behaviour pattern one step at a time through Operant Conditioning
  2. Another name for Operant Conditioning
  3. response A stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response
  4. A process of behaviour modification by which a subject comes to respond in a desired manner to a previously neutral stimulus that has been repeatedly presented along with an unconditioned stimulus that elicits the desired response
  5. Known for his contribution to Classical Conditioning
  6. A new or modified response elicited by a stimulus after conditioning
  7. Initially meaningless stimuli or event becomes inherently rewarding after repeated association with primary reinforcer
  8. A box that can only be opened through some obscure, and sometimes complicated, series of manipulations
  9. A process of behaviour modification in which the likelihood of a specific behaviour is increased or decreased through positive or negative reinforcement each time the behaviour is exhibited, so that the subject comes to associate the pleasure or displeasure of the reinforcement with the behaviour
  10. A response that is followed by a reward is more likely to recur whereas one that is followed by an unpleasant experience is less likely to occur again
  11. An aversive action or unpleasant sensation applied either during or within one second of a particular behaviour that reduces the likelihood of that behaviour being repeated in the future
  12. The rewarding of a correct behavioural response, increasing the likelihood of that behaviour being repeated
  1. A reduction or a loss in the strength or rate of a conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus or reinforcement is withheld
  2. Another name for Classical Conditioning
  3. A stimulus or event that is inherently rewarding to the animal
  4. Animal is encouraged to engage in another behaviour that is more pleasurable and which cannot be performed simultaneously with fear responses in the presence of the triggering stimulus
  5. A form of reinforcement in which the removal of a negative or aversive stimulus, such as a loud noise or an unpleasant event, results in an increased probability that a particular behavioural response will occur in the future
  6. Prolonged exposure to a negatively perceived stimulus at a level that provokes the response so that the animal eventually give up
  7. An example of a secondary reinforcer
  8. Known for his contribution to Operant Conditioning
  9. An example of a primary reinforcer
  10. Type of reinforcement schedule where every correct response is rewarded
  11. Another name for Operant Conditioning
  12. Type of reinforcement schedule where the correct behaviour is rewarded occasionally and on a random or unpredictable basis

24 Clues: An example of a primary reinforcerAn example of a secondary reinforcerAnother name for Operant ConditioningAnother name for Operant ConditioningAnother name for Classical ConditioningKnown for his contribution to Operant ConditioningKnown for his contribution to Classical Conditioningresponse A stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response...

Kinetic Theory 2021-08-31

Kinetic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. the volume of a gas is not ___
  2. state of matter is determined by the ___ between particles
  3. all matter is composed of small ___
  4. the total kinetic energy in the particles of a substance
  5. particles in matter are in ___, random motion
  6. the unit used to measure energy
  7. energy of motion
  8. particles in a solid have an ___ arrangement
  9. the kinetic theory explains the physical properties of matter in terms of the ___ of its particles
  1. the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance
  2. particle motion is so slow that no additional thermal energy can be removed from a substance
  3. particles in a solid have the ___ attraction
  4. the transfer of thermal energy
  5. particles in liquids and gases have an ___ arrangement
  6. the state of matter in which the particles are farthest apart
  7. thermal energy depends on the amount of ___ in the substance
  8. particles in a liquid can ___ past each other
  9. the state of matter in which the particles have the least kinetic energy
  10. the state of matter that takes the shape of its container
  11. particles in matter are ___ with one another

20 Clues: energy of motionthe volume of a gas is not ___the transfer of thermal energythe unit used to measure energyall matter is composed of small ___particles in a solid have the ___ attractionparticles in matter are ___ with one anotherparticles in a solid have an ___ arrangementparticles in matter are in ___, random motion...

cell theory 2021-08-26

cell theory crossword puzzle
  1. a lens on the microscope that allows the microscope to view basic objects
  2. a living thing
  3. a knob on the microscope that adjusts focus on a small scale
  4. a lens on the microscope that usually magnifies an image by 10
  5. the construct of multiple cells
  6. a plastic strip used over the item being examined
  7. the process of cells duplicating
  8. a cushiony wall of the cell
  9. a cell that has a special function
  10. a cell in the human body that transports nerve signals
  11. the part of a cell that excretes waste
  12. the construct of organs
  13. a living thing
  14. the part of the cell that houses the DNA
  15. a part of the microscope where the slide goes
  16. the part of a cell that converts sugar into energy
  17. a scientific tool used for looking at microscopic organisms and objects
  1. an organism with more than one cell
  2. a small plastic rectangle where the item wanting to be examined is placed
  3. the process of replicating an organism
  4. the part of the cell that contains the instruction to grow
  5. a hard wall of the cell
  6. a cell in the human body that transports oxygen
  7. a sort of jelly that holds the cell together
  8. an organism with one cell
  9. the construct of tissue
  10. the smallest
  11. a knob on the microscope that adjusts focus on a large scale
  12. the organ system of the brain
  13. the tissue that is made up of neuron cells
  14. a common type of unicellular organism

31 Clues: the smallesta living thinga living thinga hard wall of the cellthe construct of tissuethe construct of organsan organism with one cella cushiony wall of the cellthe organ system of the brainthe construct of multiple cellsthe process of cells duplicatinga cell that has a special functionan organism with more than one cell...

Color Theory 2021-11-08

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Created when you add black to a hue
  2. Primary + Secondary
  3. Light can be broken down using this
  4. The color of sadness
  5. Zero hues
  6. Forms a Y on the color wheel
  7. Primary + Primary
  8. Red can represent this
  9. The light that can be seen
  10. Three equidistant colors
  11. Orange represents this
  12. Pink is often associated with this
  13. This color represents power
  14. Across the color wheel
  15. Color often involves this bias
  1. Pure form of color
  2. Neighboring colors
  3. This spectrum is made up of bands of light
  4. This color is representative of nobility
  5. Using saturation and value to create a color scheme
  6. 3/4 Blue 1/4 Red
  7. Two pairs of complementary colors
  8. This color is seen as dependable
  9. The chromatic quality of an object
  10. One of the primary colors
  11. Pink is this in relation to red
  12. Add gray to a color to make it more subtle
  13. Choose green to represent this
  14. The three main colors of light produce this color mode
  15. Six-digit color code used for onscreen display
  16. Yellow can represent this
  17. White is the go to color for this
  18. Patented color system used in printing
  19. Color mode based on the four colors of ink

34 Clues: Zero hues3/4 Blue 1/4 RedPrimary + PrimaryPure form of colorNeighboring colorsPrimary + SecondaryThe color of sadnessRed can represent thisOrange represents thisAcross the color wheelThree equidistant colorsOne of the primary colorsYellow can represent thisThe light that can be seenThis color represents powerForms a Y on the color wheel...

Evolutionary Theory 2022-03-11

Evolutionary Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Difference in a physical trait
  2. Organisms that have a backbone
  3. Selection in which a species could change by breeding it for certain traits
  4. Naturalist who cruised around the world in the HMS Beagle
  5. Many species in an environment
  6. Structures that have no function
  7. Structures from different species that are similar
  8. Structures that perform a similar function but are not similar
  9. Study of the geographic distribution of organisms
  10. ancestry Species descended from one species
  1. Allows organisms to survive much better
  2. Preserved remains of organisms
  3. Idea that a species changes into a new species
  4. Group of organisms that can produce fertile offspring
  5. Study of embryos
  6. Common relative a species descended from
  7. Change in a species over time
  8. Idea that a species changes over time
  9. Proposed that traits modify over an organism's lifetime
  10. Selection explains how evolution can occur

20 Clues: Study of embryosChange in a species over timeDifference in a physical traitPreserved remains of organismsOrganisms that have a backboneMany species in an environmentStructures that have no functionIdea that a species changes over timeAllows organisms to survive much betterCommon relative a species descended from...

CS theory 2022-03-23

CS theory crossword puzzle
  1. cache is a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or ___ place.
  2. Motherboard is the ___ of the computer
  3. is the proses of sending a email and getting and revealing someone's person information
  4. ram repeats about 1000 times a ___
  5. latency is a measure of the __ it takes data to travel
  6. grace Hopper created __
  7. the bus is the ___ for the computer
  8. Heat Sink keeps the ___cold
  9. records what you type on your computer
  10. elon musk is the __ person on earth
  1. the ASCII stands for American Standard Code For ___ Interchange
  2. hard Drive is the main _____ for the computer
  3. Case holds the __ of computer
  4. we call a single one or a zero a
  5. ROM BIOS is used in the ______ up routine for the computer
  6. when a ___ is being executed the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle takes place
  7. ascii was extended to Unicode for non-__ characters
  8. microscopic transistors act as ___in the CPU
  9. the operating speed of the computer is the __ speed
  10. 16gb is equal to 16 billions

20 Clues: grace Hopper created __Heat Sink keeps the ___cold16gb is equal to 16 billionsCase holds the __ of computerwe call a single one or a zero aram repeats about 1000 times a ___the bus is the ___ for the computerelon musk is the __ person on earthMotherboard is the ___ of the computerrecords what you type on your computer...

Music Theory 2021-12-17

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Musicians use this to read music, and it is described in two words. It is extremely important for instrumentalists to learn. It is also the title of this crossword puzzle.
  2. A specific clef that is used by cellists, bassists, bassoonists, trombones, and other low register instruments.
  3. Something that orchestral musicians do with their instruments before the concert. It also takes a while for a harp player to do this task. In fact, it takes about 30 minutes for a beginner harpist to do this.
  4. The specific dynamic that means “loud.” The word’s origin is Italian, and it is often labeled as a swirly “F” in the middle of the grand staff (a staff that ties the treble and bass clef to one instrument). It looks extremely similar to this: f.
  5. Two words that are a specific note found while reading music. It has a filled-in head and a stem with no flag. It is one of the first notes taught when learning music theory.
  6. Something musicians and theory students alike ask for when they are unable to figure something out on their own. Most often, beginners to music theory become frustrated and request this from their teachers. Very often, music players need to ask for this more than they do. In fact, at this very moment, a particular harpist needs this a lot.
  7. these two words are a note that is held out for four beats. It looks almost identical to an “O.” It has no stem or flag and is one of the longest-held notes that a musician will ever see or play.
  8. These two words are a little more advanced in the music theory world. They can be described with sharps and flats. An example of this would be “The Key of C Major; The Key of F Major."
  9. This is another word for “bar” that alludes to a particular played tempo that has a certain number of beats. When composers (sheet music writers) write their compositions, they break them into smaller pieces, making them easier to read (MasterClass staff).
  10. This word is often used to give musicians a chance to “breathe” and stop for a very short period of time. It is found in measures, and musicians stop playing for a whole, half, a quarter, an eighth, etc... of a measure.
  11. A word that indicates whether to be loud or soft between measures or phrases in written music pieces. It makes the music more colorful and interesting as well as expressive. This single word categorizes forte and pianissimo into a single group.
  12. Something that a conductor uses to read the music as they conduct. The entirety of all the orchestral parts is found on this. Most modern-day composers are able to create this on a computer using specific software. Before technology, composers had to hand-write this.
  13. Beginners to music theory use this term to remember how to read the notes for the treble clef. A hint to this word: "The treble clef and the spaces between the lines."
  1. These two words are really important to reading music. Musicians identify it as the specific signature after the treble clef. It is also mostly seen as a fraction looking like this: 4/4, ¾, and 6/8.
  2. A particular piece of music that features a specified instrument. Many times, the instrumentalist has a solo in the middle of the song with the orchestra playing “behind,” or even not playing at all.
  3. these two words are a specific musical note. This note is held out for two beats. It has a stem but not a filled-in head.
  4. An individual that writes music, specifically sheet music. During the classical era, some of the most famous ________'s include Bach, Haydn, and Mozart. These songwriters had no choice but to write their works by hand.
  5. This word has nothing to do with music, but is, in fact, an emotion felt with most new music theory students. Another word for this emotion would be mad, frustrated, and annoyed.
  6. An individual instrument that is referred to when helping students learn music theory. In America, it is counted as the most popular instrument and is also known for being able to play both the melody and harmony simultaneously. Musicians that play this instrument classically have to read both treble and bass clef--at the same time!
  7. This term is very similar to a chord. Like a chord, it is constructed of three tones, root, third, and fifth (for excample, in a C-Chord, the notes used would be C[root], E[third], and G[fifth]). However, this word is different from a chord because chords can be more than three notes or tones whereas ____s cannot.
  8. A variety of musicians who play a diversity of instruments together in harmony to make a splendid sound. Almost every type of instrument has a different part to play in this with one master-mind (the conductor) conducting the multitude of instrumentalists.
  9. This is a specific clef (Musicians use the various clefs for the purpose of being able to tell what notes are which lines for the staff) that is also known as the “G” clef. Most higher register instruments have to read this clef including violinists, harpists, piano players, flutists, clarinetists, and most brass players.
  10. This is not a real word, but it is the notes of the lines for the treble clef. Another hint for this: "Every Good Boy Does Fine."
  11. Three to four notes played together simultaneously. It can come in all shapes and sizes. This also has different positions, which can include root position, first inversion, and second inversion.
  12. A dynamic that has an Italian origin. In English, the word means “very softly” and starts with a “P.” In music, It looks extremely similar to this: PP.

25 Clues: A specific clef that is used by cellists, bassists, bassoonists, trombones, and other low register instruments.these two words are a specific musical note. This note is held out for two beats. It has a stem but not a filled-in head....

Color Theory 2022-11-30

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Gray black brown and white
  2. Adjacent on the color wheel
  3. Limited set of colors. Creates wide range
  4. A color in which white has been added
  5. A cool tone. Nature money and lack of experience
  6. One color. Derived from mono and chroma
  7. A warm tone. Symbolizes joy and caution
  8. Colors opposite on the color wheel
  9. A color in which black has been added
  10. Mixing of a primary color and a secondary color
  11. Additive color model. Broad array of colors. Screens
  12. Absence of color. Clean and pure
  1. Refers to the lightness and darkness of a color
  2. Sample of color to ensure consistency of colors
  3. Digital colors seen in screen based media
  4. Yellow, red, and blue. The mother colors
  5. Cool tone. Truth and wide open spaces
  6. Orange purple and green.
  7. A large difference between two things
  8. A subtractive color model used in printers
  9. Intense warm color. Passion and danger
  10. Another word for color

22 Clues: Another word for colorOrange purple and green.Gray black brown and whiteAdjacent on the color wheelAbsence of color. Clean and pureColors opposite on the color wheelCool tone. Truth and wide open spacesA color in which white has been addedA large difference between two thingsA color in which black has been added...

Color Theory 2021-03-28

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Three colors directly beside each other
  2. Color ____ are arrangements of colors
  3. red + yellow =
  4. The pure form of a color
  5. red, yellow & blue
  6. Colors directly across from each other
  7. Tints & shades of a single color
  8. A hue mixed with white
  9. red + blue =
  1. Three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel
  2. blue, green, & violet
  3. Colors that evoke warmth
  4. A hue mixed with both black & white (gray)
  5. orange, green & violet
  6. The lightness or darkness of a color
  7. A hue mixed with black
  8. Combinations of primary-secondary colors
  9. blue + yellow =
  10. Primary colors form a _____ on the color wheel
  11. ___-complementary is a color plus the two on either side of its complement
  12. The brightness or dullness of a color

21 Clues: red + blue =red + yellow =blue + yellow =red, yellow & blueblue, green, & violetorange, green & violetA hue mixed with blackA hue mixed with whiteColors that evoke warmthThe pure form of a colorTints & shades of a single colorThe lightness or darkness of a colorColor ____ are arrangements of colorsThe brightness or dullness of a color...

Color Theory 2021-07-26

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Tones that generally fall under yellow, orange, and red
  2. Vividness, brightness, or saturation of a color
  3. Colors opposite each other
  4. Complementary tones are usually used to correct or
  5. Primary colors cannot be
  6. Chang in color that shampoos out
  7. Yellow's intensity
  1. Color is the visual perception of what
  2. Red's intensity
  3. Degree of lightness or darkness
  4. Change in color by adding or removing color pigments
  5. Orange, Green, Violet
  6. Colors that don't exhibit cool or warm tones
  7. Named and abbreviated for easy reference
  8. Mix of a primary and secondary color
  9. Name of color either hue or __
  10. Tones that fall generally under green, blue, and violet
  11. Blue's intensity
  12. Reb, Yellow, Blue
  13. Light on the spectrum that we can see (ROYGBV)

20 Clues: Red's intensityBlue's intensityReb, Yellow, BlueYellow's intensityOrange, Green, VioletPrimary colors cannot beColors opposite each otherName of color either hue or __Degree of lightness or darknessChang in color that shampoos outMix of a primary and secondary colorColor is the visual perception of whatNamed and abbreviated for easy reference...

cs theory 2021-05-05

cs theory crossword puzzle
  1. return a 1
  2. TM part, old style
  3. moves without input
  4. the nondeterministic man
  5. doubly confined
  6. (this)*technically
  7. two (or one?) classes
  8. a property of anything finite
  9. set size
  10. bar operation
  11. map from A to B
  12. loopless and branchless
  13. meta
  14. they SAT first
  15. main complexity concern
  16. alan, of the machine
  17. step sequence
  18. alphabet unit
  19. move between states
  20. functional injection
  21. modern machine memory
  1. key np complete problem
  2. states with two borders
  3. circuit circle
  4. complete snake
  5. he devised diagonalization
  6. animal busy writing 1s
  7. way from NFA to DFA
  8. first rung of the infinite ladder, so to speak
  9. nate's layered recipe
  10. mcgyver's method
  11. sweet syntax
  12. submission stylizer
  13. most properties, per Rice
  14. starman
  15. 10,000 domino creation
  16. it comes in many sizes
  17. this or that ... NOT!
  18. one gate to rule them all
  19. nate's gates
  20. EVAL's aim
  21. second base
  22. mathematical dominoes
  23. 1 or 1000001, e.g.
  24. machine of all trades
  25. matter of behavior
  26. a case of logic
  27. "... nine nine nine nine ... " asker
  28. network
  29. 0 may or may not be this

50 Clues: metastarmannetworkset sizereturn a 1EVAL's aimsecond basesweet syntaxnate's gatesbar operationstep sequencealphabet unitcircuit circlecomplete snakethey SAT firstdoubly confinedmap from A to Ba case of logicmcgyver's methodTM part, old style(this)*technically1 or 1000001, e.g.matter of behaviormoves without inputway from NFA to DFA...

MUSIC Theory 2022-10-25

MUSIC Theory crossword puzzle
  1. structure of how the music or song was made.
  2. pattern of a beat/melody
  3. have 4 beats
  4. a group of flats and sharps which are places at the beginning of a staff
  5. means very soft pp
  6. compose of five lines and four spaces
  7. means very loud ff
  8. the softness and loudness of a sound
  9. gradually loud
  10. also known as G clef
  11. a line to notate the note outside the
  1. combination of pitch and rhythm
  2. have 2 beats
  3. compose of two or more notes that played or sing together and it becomes one sound
  4. means soft p
  5. also known F clef
  6. have a five lines and four spaces.
  7. gradually soft
  8. the speed of a music
  9. meaning to stop.
  10. very loud f
  11. one of accidentals that raises the note semitone/halfstep

22 Clues: very loud fhave 2 beatshave 4 beatsmeans soft pgradually softgradually loudmeaning to stop.also known F clefmeans very soft ppmeans very loud ffthe speed of a musicalso known as G clefpattern of a beat/melodycombination of pitch and rhythmhave a five lines and four spaces.the softness and loudness of a soundcompose of five lines and four spaces...

Colour Theory 2019-09-26

Colour Theory crossword puzzle
  1. colours that tend to appear in the foreground
  2. three colours side by side
  3. C0 M100 Y100 K0
  4. how clearly something can be read
  5. colour scheme of two colours opposite on the colour wheel
  6. C50 M75 Y100 K0
  7. a colour scheme that uses three colours equally spaced from each other on the colour wheel
  8. the colours between a primary and a secondary
  9. two colors side by side, interacting with one another that changes our perception accordingly
  10. when you add black to a colour
  11. a colour scheme uses only one hue
  12. the result colour when you mix 2 primary colours
  1. C75 M0 Y25 K0
  2. blues, greens, and violets are classified as these types of colours
  3. a colour system where all 3 primaries mixed make white
  4. a colour system where all 3 primaries mixed make black
  5. colour scheme using one colour and the colour on each side of its complement on the colour wheel
  6. C0 M50 Y100 K0
  7. complementary colours of equal lightness and saturation tend to make each other do this
  8. colour mode is used in web design
  9. colours that hold more visual weight
  10. something that is pleasing to the eye
  11. the range of colours that can be produced in any given colour mode
  12. when you add white to a colour
  13. colour mode is used in print design

25 Clues: C75 M0 Y25 K0C0 M50 Y100 K0C0 M100 Y100 K0C50 M75 Y100 K0three colours side by sidewhen you add black to a colourwhen you add white to a colourhow clearly something can be readcolour mode is used in web designa colour scheme uses only one huecolour mode is used in print designcolours that hold more visual weightsomething that is pleasing to the eye...

Color Theory 2020-04-11

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. deposit only
  2. Covers gray hair
  3. Hue
  4. One of the secondary colors
  5. Weakest primary color
  6. Tight cuticle
  7. Contributing pigment
  8. no-lift
  9. non-oxidation colors
  10. The number of secondary colors
  1. opposite colors
  2. Strongest primary color
  3. Where the pigment lives
  4. Number of prime colors
  5. Unit of measurement for lightness and darkness
  6. One of the primary colors
  7. Diameter of an individual hair
  8. A reason people color their hair
  9. black or brow melanin
  10. Number of levels of hair color

20 Clues: Hueno-liftdeposit onlyTight cuticleopposite colorsCovers gray hairContributing pigmentnon-oxidation colorsWeakest primary colorblack or brow melaninNumber of prime colorsStrongest primary colorWhere the pigment livesOne of the primary colorsOne of the secondary colorsDiameter of an individual hairNumber of levels of hair color...

String theory 2020-04-26

String theory crossword puzzle
  1. a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings.
  2. the force that holds particles together in the atomic nucleus and the force that holds quarks together in elementary particles.
  3. A physical entity postulated in string theory and related subjects.
  4. The projection of the particle spin along its momentum direction.
  5. A part of mathematics that studies the size, shapes, positions and dimensions of things.
  6. a physical quantity is the index of each of the fundamental quantity ( Length, mass, time, temperature, Luminous intensity, Current ) which expresses that quantity.
  7. the interaction of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields.
  8. one of the fundamental particles in physics
  9. Theory that explains how space and time are linked for objects that are moving at a consistent speed in a straight line.
  10. fundamental force that acts between leptons and is involved in the decay of hadrons.
  1. a branch of physics that describes how the Universe works at the level smaller than atoms.
  2. a theory trying to unify the four known natural forces or fields
  3. The domain of physical size that encompasses objects smaller than an atom.
  4. largest and most powerful particle accelerator.
  5. the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass.
  6. a branch of physics that employs mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena.
  7. A branch of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter and radiation.(high energy physics)
  8. An idea that history repeats itself to solve similar problems.
  9. periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium, commonly resulting when almost any physical system is displaced from its equilibrium condition and allowed to respond to the forces that tend to restore equilibrium.
  10. co-founder of string field theory

20 Clues: co-founder of string field theoryone of the fundamental particles in physicslargest and most powerful particle accelerator.An idea that history repeats itself to solve similar problems.a theory trying to unify the four known natural forces or fieldsThe projection of the particle spin along its momentum direction....

Marxist Theory 2023-02-13

Marxist Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Opposing a given state of things
  2. How the work occurs ‘… of production’
  3. Taking advantage of
  4. Synthesis of conflict under capitalism is … revolution
  5. Needed for work to occur ‘… of production’
  6. Industrial working class
  7. German philosopher who co-authored the Manifesto with Marx
  8. First revolution in Marxist theory
  9. Number of revolutions in Marxist theory
  10. A given state of things
  11. Second revolution in Marxist theory
  12. Second stage of history according to Marx
  1. Fifth stage of history according to Marx
  2. Determines the superstructure (2 words)
  3. Third stage of history according to Marx
  4. Marx’s theory (2 words)
  5. Increasing awareness of exploitation (2 words)
  6. Politics, morality and culture is part of society’s …
  7. An argument
  8. First stage of history according to Marx (2 words)
  9. Resolution
  10. Fourth stage of history according to Marx

22 Clues: ResolutionAn argumentTaking advantage ofMarx’s theory (2 words)A given state of thingsIndustrial working classOpposing a given state of thingsFirst revolution in Marxist theorySecond revolution in Marxist theoryHow the work occurs ‘… of production’Determines the superstructure (2 words)Number of revolutions in Marxist theory...

Nail Theory 2023-06-13

Nail Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Split or brittle nails.
  2. The study of the structure and growth of the nails.
  3. Inflammation of the nail matrix.
  4. Increased curvature of the nails.
  5. The half-moon shape at the base of the nail, which is the visible part of the matrix.
  6. Horizontal wavy ridges across the nail.
  7. Bitten nails.
  8. The pocket-like structure that holds the root and matrix.
  9. This is an appendage of the skin.
  10. The tracks on either side of the nail that the nail moves on as it grows.
  11. The Shedding or falling off of the nails.
  12. Attached to the matrix at the base of the nail, under the skin and inside the mantle.
  13. Bluish in color.
  14. The technical name for the nail.
  15. The nail is made up of.
  16. Inflammation of the skin around the nail.
  17. The overlapping dead tissue that is loose and pliable around the nail.
  18. How many signs of infection there is.
  19. The visible nail area from the nail root to the free edge (the nail body).
  20. Indentations that run across the nail.
  21. Very thin, soft nails.
  22. The living tissue that overlies the nail plate on the sides of the nail.
  23. The living tissue underneath the free edge of the nail.
  24. The area of the nail where the nail body rests. Nerves and blood vessels found here supply nourishment.
  1. The cause of the disease, disorder or condition.
  2. Nails with a concave shape.
  3. Any disease, disorder or Condition of the nail.
  4. The live tissue at the base of the nail.
  5. A brown or black darkening of the nail.
  6. How many months it takes for a new fingernail to grow.
  7. Atrophy or wasting away of the nail.
  8. Living skin that becomes attached to the nail plate.
  9. Ringworm of the hand.
  10. The active tissue that generates cells, which harden as they move outward to form the nail plate.
  11. White spots appearing on the nail.
  12. Thickening of the nail plate or an abnormal outgrowth of the nail.
  13. indented vertical lines down the nail plate.
  14. The folds of skin on either side of the nail groove.
  15. The part of the nail that extends beyond the finger or toe.
  16. Dark Purplish discoloration under the nail.
  17. Ringworm of the nail.
  18. Ringworm of the feet or Athletes foot.
  19. Loosening or separation of the nail.
  20. Split cuticles; loose skin separated from the cuticle.

44 Clues: Bitten nails.Bluish in color.Ringworm of the hand.Ringworm of the nail.Very thin, soft nails.Split or brittle nails.The nail is made up of.Nails with a concave shape.Inflammation of the nail matrix.The technical name for the nail.Increased curvature of the nails.This is an appendage of the skin.White spots appearing on the nail....

Music Theory 2023-04-21

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. a vertical line that separates measures.
  2. a symbol/accidental that raises the pitch of a note by a half step
  3. a symbol that negates the written accidental/symbol.
  4. when vocalists sing the same notes and rhythms but at different times (usually overlapping).
  5. note or rest that is two beats longs
  6. gradually get louder
  7. gradually get softer
  8. loud
  9. a symbol/articulation that makes the note short and detached from others.
  10. a symbol/accidental that lowers the pitch of a note by a half step.
  11. a symbol that tells us to go back and re-sing a section of music.
  1. when all vocalists sing the same notes and rhythms at the same time.
  2. the supporting musical phrase. Can be one or more parts (i.e. Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass).
  3. soft
  4. a symbol that tells us not to sing or play; silence.
  5. the space between two barlines where music is written. Usually 4 beats (in 4/4 meter).
  6. note or rest that is one beat long
  7. the most important musical phrase sung in a choral piece (usually sung by Sopranos).
  8. note or rest that is four beats long
  9. medium
  10. the five lines and four spaces that music is written.
  11. connects two notes together

22 Clues: softloudmediumgradually get loudergradually get softerconnects two notes togethernote or rest that is one beat longnote or rest that is four beats longnote or rest that is two beats longsa vertical line that separates measures.a symbol that tells us not to sing or play; silence.a symbol that negates the written accidental/symbol....

Atomic Theory 2023-10-07

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Electron charge
  2. Atoms of the same element are exactly alike. Atoms of different elements are different.
  3. Neutron charge
  4. How many electrons are in the sixth orbit?
  5. Proton charge
  6. How many electrons are in the first orbit?
  7. Discovered electrons can jump from one energy level to another.
  8. Discovered the existence of neutrons.
  9. How many electrons are in the fourth orbit?
  1. Protons = ________
  2. Atomic Mass - Atomic Number = Number of _____
  3. What did Bhors model look like?
  4. What did Thomsons model look like?
  5. Proposed the Law of Conservation of Matter
  6. Said the exact location of an electron cannot be found.
  7. Gold foil experiment
  8. The atomic number is equal to the amount of _______.
  9. Discovered that atoms can be split into smaller particles.
  10. How many electrons are in the second orbit?
  11. Where the protons and neutrons are located in an atom?

20 Clues: Proton chargeNeutron chargeElectron chargeProtons = ________Gold foil experimentWhat did Bhors model look like?What did Thomsons model look like?Discovered the existence of neutrons.Proposed the Law of Conservation of MatterHow many electrons are in the sixth orbit?How many electrons are in the first orbit?...

Chaos Theory 2023-10-14

Chaos Theory crossword puzzle
  1. - Some chaotic systems exhibit this paradox.
  2. - Chaotic fluid motion.
  3. - Fractals exhibit this property.
  4. - A characteristic of chaotic systems.
  5. - Chaotic systems may exhibit this quality.
  6. - A process where the output affects the input.
  7. - Chaotic systems may exhibit irregular and unpredictable ones.
  8. - Chaotic systems can align over time.
  9. - A complex attractor in a chaotic system.
  10. - Repeated application of a process.
  11. - A system may have multiple stable states.
  12. - Outcomes are hard to forecast in chaotic systems.
  13. - Chaotic systems are highly sensitive to initial conditions.
  1. - A type of bifurcation in chaotic systems.
  2. - Events in chaotic systems often lack this.
  3. - A small change can have large, unpredictable consequences.
  4. - Managing chaotic systems is a challenge in this theory.
  5. - A mathematical model used in chaos theory.
  6. - Systems can spontaneously form order.
  7. - A stable state in a chaotic system.
  8. - Sudden and drastic change in a system's behavior.
  9. - The focus of study in chaos theory.
  10. - The tendency of chaotic systems to converge.
  11. - A complex geometric shape that exhibits self-similarity.
  12. - Chaotic systems often involve complex, non-linear equations.
  13. - Some chaos can contain regular patterns.
  14. - A multidimensional space used to describe a system's behavior.
  15. - The study of intricate, interconnected systems.
  16. - A point at which a system divides into multiple outcomes.
  17. - The central concept of this theory.

30 Clues: - Chaotic fluid motion.- Fractals exhibit this property.- Repeated application of a process.- A stable state in a chaotic system.- The focus of study in chaos theory.- The central concept of this theory.- A characteristic of chaotic systems.- Chaotic systems can align over time.- Systems can spontaneously form order....

Theory Keywords 2024-05-02

Theory Keywords crossword puzzle
  1. memory used to ttemporarily store instructions of programs currently in use so they can be quickly accessed by the CPU
  2. a type of computer with a high level of performance as compared to a general-purpose computer
  3. is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular phone line
  4. an online place where people sharing the same interest can interact
  5. a networking device that forwards data packets to the correct network.
  6. the SQL keyword used to create a query
  7. a protocol used for automatically assigning IP addresses to clients
  8. the time it takes for a data packet to travel from a sender to a reciever
  9. a type of wired connection
  10. a type of low-cost and very easy to implement communication method, mostly used for IoT
  11. a type of software used by the user to perform specific tasks
  12. type of data thta can be organised in a database
  13. a networking device that connects end devices to a network
  14. a legal agreement between the software owner and the user that defines the terms and conditions for using the software
  15. system designed for a specific function within a larger system
  16. a type of diagram that depicts the steps in a process
  17. a type of software that are designed to manage system resources, hardware and other software
  18. a type of key in a database that uniquely identifies each record
  19. a quick-repair job for a piece of software designed to resolve functionality issues
  1. software that provides low-level control of computing device hardware
  2. Fetches, decodes and executes program instructions
  3. memory used to store computer start-up instructions
  4. an IP address that does not change
  5. a type of device that allows users to feed data into a computer system
  6. breaking down large problems into several smaller, simpler tasks. Often used for systems design.
  7. a type of secondary storage medium that uses laser beams to record and retrieve digital data
  8. a hardware device that connects to a computer and used to transfer information into and out of a computer
  9. a machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs or other information for reading by the camera on a smartphone
  10. a type of encryption that uses two keys: a public key to encrypt and a private key to decrypt
  11. software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance
  12. a diagram used to represent a flow of data through a process or a system
  13. a type of cable cables that carries digital audio and video signals over
  14. the tendency for separated technologies to become integrated into one device
  15. a measure of the maximum amount of data per second that can be transmitted over a network
  16. technology that uses a network of satellites and receiving devices used to determine the location of something on Earth
  17. a hardware component, typically a circuit board or chip, installed on a computer so it can connect to a network
  18. technology that consists of a tiny radio transponder called a tag, a radio receiver, and a transmitter that allow for tracking or matching of an item or individual
  19. a type of secondary storage medium that stores data electronically and has no moving parts
  20. a type of website where the pages can be personalised for each user, and they can create accounts, post comments etc
  21. a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules

40 Clues: a type of wired connectionan IP address that does not changethe SQL keyword used to create a querytype of data thta can be organised in a databaseFetches, decodes and executes program instructionsmemory used to store computer start-up instructionsa type of diagram that depicts the steps in a process...

Theories of Enzyme activity 2022-06-11

Theories of Enzyme activity crossword puzzle
  1. Interaction in induced fit theory is observed as _____ form?
  2. Bond formed by substrate in induced fit theory?
  3. Lock and key theory was proposed by?
  4. Lock and key model is also known as?
  5. In induced fit model, the enzyme undergoes a conformational change because of ______ of substrate?
  6. Lock and key model is possible because of what shape?
  7. At which site do the substrate bind to the enzyme?
  8. How many theories of enzyme activity was proposed?
  9. Result of lock and key model is called?
  10. What kind of separate group is observed in Induced fit theory?
  11. Induced fit theory was proposed by?
  12. Which of the model is highly specific?
  1. Second theory of enzyme activity?
  2. What kind of complex is formed after the binding of substrate and enzyme?
  3. Most of the enzymes can fit only in how many substrate?
  4. What kind of change is caused in the Induced fit theory because of substrate?
  5. Interaction in lock and key theory is observed as _____ form?
  6. Which model of Enzyme substrate binding has the transition state that develops before the reactants undergo the change?
  7. What state is present in induced fit model but not in Lock and key model before the reactants undergo change?
  8. First theory of enzyme activity?

20 Clues: First theory of enzyme activity?Second theory of enzyme activity?Induced fit theory was proposed by?Lock and key theory was proposed by?Lock and key model is also known as?Which of the model is highly specific?Result of lock and key model is called?Bond formed by substrate in induced fit theory?At which site do the substrate bind to the enzyme?...

Management Mastery Crossword Challenge 2024-03-12

Management Mastery Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. SCHOOL Management theory with a focus on efficiency
  2. Conducting oneself with competence
  3. Giving clear instructions and expectations
  4. Management theory focusing on temporary structures
  5. Spreading decision-making authority
  6. Having a set deadline
  7. DRIVEN, Relying on factual information
  8. SATISFACTION, Happiness of employees with their work
  9. Overseeing and ensuring efficiency
  10. Putting tasks in order of importance
  11. Realistic and achievable
  12. Allocating financial resources
  13. Making a future course of action
  14. One who guides and inspires others
  15. LEVEL, Pertaining to a team
  16. A specific purpose to be achieved
  17. Having a deep understanding
  18. Motivating and guiding others
  1. CHAINS, Stores selling similar products in multiple locations
  2. The process of guiding and directing
  3. Arranging resources for a task
  4. PERFORMANCE, How well a company achieves its goals (
  5. LEADERSHIP, Leadership based on personal charm
  6. LEVEL, Corporate level within a company structure
  7. LEADERSHIP, Leadership style with absolute control
  8. SCHOOL, Management theory emphasizing adaptability
  9. RESULTS, Completing tasks with a desired outcome
  10. STRATEGICALLY, Planning for success
  11. Making choices for action
  12. Working together as a whole
  13. Examining financial records
  14. Predicting future trends
  15. The path forward for a company
  16. PERFORMANCE, Evaluating performance
  17. RELATIONS, Relations between workers and management
  18. CHANGE, Motivating people to change
  19. Clearly defined and well-stated
  20. Granting authority to others
  21. MANAGEMENT, Managing a company's workforce

39 Clues: Having a set deadlinePredicting future trendsRealistic and achievableMaking choices for actionWorking together as a wholeExamining financial recordsLEVEL, Pertaining to a teamHaving a deep understandingGranting authority to othersMotivating and guiding othersArranging resources for a taskThe path forward for a companyAllocating financial resources...


NURSEWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. Dorothea Orem's theory of SELF- CARE nursing
  2. Martha Roger's emphasis on the _ nature of humans
  3. Orem focus on the individual's ability for SELF-CARE
  4. Parse's theory emphasizes _ as integral to nursing
  5. Dorothy Johnson's Behavioral _ model
  6. Leininger's theory focuses on _ in nursing
  7. Hall, Abdullah, and Henderson's emphasis on the _ dimension of nursing
  8. Martha Roger's Science of Unitary _
  9. Katie Eriksson's theory focuses on _ in nursing
  10. individuals
  11. Sister Callista Roy's_
  1. Newman's Health as _ process
  2. Dorothea Orem's _ model of self-care
  3. King, Newman, Roy, and Johnson share their first names as
  4. theory focuses on the energy fields that
  5. Hildegard Peplau's interpersonal _ theory
  6. Erickson theory
  7. Lydia Hall's Care, Core, and Cure
  8. Betty Neuman's Systems _ model
  9. Imogene King's _ system framework
  10. Four nursing theorists - King, Newman, Roy, and Johnson share their last names as _

21 Clues: individualsErickson theorySister Callista Roy's_Newman's Health as _ processBetty Neuman's Systems _ modelLydia Hall's Care, Core, and CureImogene King's _ system frameworkMartha Roger's Science of Unitary _Dorothy Johnson's Behavioral _ modelDorothea Orem's _ model of self-caretheory focuses on the energy fields that...

Biology (Units 1-3) 2022-12-05

Biology (Units 1-3) crossword puzzle
  1. thin and pink
  2. created last classical cell theory
  3. chromosomes seperate
  4. factor kept constant
  5. same except for variable
  6. effect
  7. cause
  8. describes theory
  9. stripes or spots
  10. man who discovers cells
  11. observations in wilderness
  12. based on observations
  13. transports materials
  14. applying general statements
  1. mail system of proteins
  2. based on numbers
  3. thick and purple
  4. chromosomes line up
  5. recycling center
  6. colors or patterns mixed
  7. done in lab
  8. explains theory
  9. man who created many microscopes
  10. created 2/3 classical cell theory
  11. making general statements
  12. two nuclei form
  13. example: blood type
  14. chromosomes attach to fibers

28 Clues: causeeffectdone in labthin and pinkexplains theorytwo nuclei formthick and purplerecycling centerdescribes theorystripes or spotsbased on numberschromosomes line upexample: blood typechromosomes seperatefactor kept constanttransports materialsbased on observationsmail system of proteinsman who discovers cellscolors or patterns mixed...

German Expressionism 2013-05-08

German Expressionism crossword puzzle
  1. German Expressionism was ... than a method
  2. Who did Mary Wigman hear about Laban from?
  3. Reich Ministry of popular Enlighment and propaganda was lead by Joseph ...
  4. What theory is Laban most well known for?
  5. Wigman was a firm believer in...
  6. Jooss was invited by .... Archive to submit a piece in Paris.
  7. When Nazis came into power many artworks were called...
  8. In 1920 the world plunged into...
  9. Two weeks before his departure knowledge of Jooss been... came through.
  10. What was Emile Dalcroze's theory called?
  11. What dance was Wigman most famous for?
  1. Actors,singers and dancers were...
  2. Where was it that Laban examined human expression?
  3. Wrote the famous play The Three-Penny Opera
  4. The Dadaist wanted to express what idea?
  5. Jooss and ... Were firm friends
  6. German Expressionism is set in a time of...
  7. Jooss is most well known for his choreographic piece...
  8. Kurt Jooss heard about laban while attending...
  9. Was a longtime friend of Wigman
  10. A dancers'... was created for all dancers in ballet and modern genres.
  11. Many found Wigmans concepts...
  12. Who did Laban witness in 1910?
  13. Mixed ideologies were noticed in 1936 at the...
  14. What emotion was the Corus Group conveying in Totenmal?
  15. What theory did Laban teach Wigman?
  16. What institute did Mary Wigman study in 1910?

27 Clues: Many found Wigmans concepts...Who did Laban witness in 1910?Jooss and ... Were firm friendsWas a longtime friend of WigmanWigman was a firm believer in...In 1920 the world plunged into...Actors,singers and dancers were...What theory did Laban teach Wigman?What dance was Wigman most famous for?The Dadaist wanted to express what idea?...

Management Mastery Crossword Challenge 2024-03-12

Management Mastery Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. SCHOOL Management theory with a focus on efficiency
  2. Conducting oneself with competence
  3. Giving clear instructions and expectations
  4. Management theory focusing on temporary structures
  5. Spreading decision-making authority
  6. Having a set deadline
  7. DRIVEN, Relying on factual information
  8. SATISFACTION, Happiness of employees with their work
  9. Overseeing and ensuring efficiency
  10. Putting tasks in order of importance
  11. Realistic and achievable
  12. Allocating financial resources
  13. Making a future course of action
  14. One who guides and inspires others
  15. LEVEL, Pertaining to a team
  16. A specific purpose to be achieved
  17. Having a deep understanding
  18. Motivating and guiding others
  1. CHAINS, Stores selling similar products in multiple locations
  2. The process of guiding and directing
  3. Arranging resources for a task
  4. PERFORMANCE, How well a company achieves its goals (
  5. LEADERSHIP, Leadership based on personal charm
  6. LEVEL, Corporate level within a company structure
  7. LEADERSHIP, Leadership style with absolute control
  8. SCHOOL, Management theory emphasizing adaptability
  9. RESULTS, Completing tasks with a desired outcome
  10. STRATEGICALLY, Planning for success
  11. Making choices for action
  12. Working together as a whole
  13. Examining financial records
  14. Predicting future trends
  15. The path forward for a company
  16. PERFORMANCE, Evaluating performance
  17. RELATIONS, Relations between workers and management
  18. CHANGE, Motivating people to change
  19. Clearly defined and well-stated
  20. Granting authority to others
  21. MANAGEMENT, Managing a company's workforce

39 Clues: Having a set deadlinePredicting future trendsRealistic and achievableMaking choices for actionWorking together as a wholeExamining financial recordsLEVEL, Pertaining to a teamHaving a deep understandingGranting authority to othersMotivating and guiding othersArranging resources for a taskThe path forward for a companyAllocating financial resources...

PSCI 2020-08-09

PSCI crossword puzzle
  1. observations involving numbers
  2. when your being prejiduced
  3. collected information
  4. set of ideas used to explain an event
  5. support for an idea
  1. mathematical model
  2. observations not involving numbers
  3. representation of simulation
  4. dats whats gonna happen

9 Clues: mathematical modelsupport for an ideacollected informationdats whats gonna happenwhen your being prejiducedrepresentation of simulationobservations involving numbersobservations not involving numbersset of ideas used to explain an event

Choice Theory 2014-03-26

Choice Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Avoid criticizing and blaming in Reality Therapy
  2. William _________ is the creator of Choice Theory
  3. Lead Management employs the Seven Caring Habits
  4. Under choice theory students should be able to decide ________________ for misbehaviour
  5. Punishment and ___________ is avoided upon in Choice Theory
  6. ______________ behaviour from teachers generally leads to more severe behaviour from problematic students, while the relation-based discipline of lead management has been shown to result in more positive behaviour from students (Conway, 2009)
  7. Boss Management is often seen as "my way or the __________"
  8. The need for ______ and influence is a basic human need
  9. The need to be free and make ___________ is a basic human need
  10. The Seven Caring Habits are: Supporting, Encouraging, Listening, Accepting, Trusting, _________, Negotiating Differences
  11. Under Choice Theory teachers work with students to form ___________ strategies to encourage students to choose good behaviour
  12. Under Choice Theory there are ______ basic needs underpinning human behaviour
  13. Teachers employing Choice Theory should _____________ their students to focus on controlling their actions and thoughts
  14. The need to ______ and have fun is a basic human need
  1. The Seven Deadly Habits are: Criticising, Blaming, Complaining, __________, Threatening, Punishing, Bribing + rewarding to control
  2. Under Choice Theory students should be able to make ________ regarding class operations
  3. The need to belong and __________ is a basic human need
  4. Reality Therapy is not a form of _________________ for celebrities such as Justin Bieber
  5. Reality Therapy is a form of counselling the reinforces the principles of Choice Theory
  6. When employing Reality Therapy, work with the ____________ to create a workable plan specific to the needs and abilities of the student (Robey et. al, 2011)
  7. _______ ________ (two words, no space) is best employed in a one-on-one setting
  8. If all or some of these basic needs are not met, students will resort to ________________ beahviour
  9. Lead Management is group orientated. The lead managing teacher listens to his/her class creates a class environment to reflect the class
  10. Under choice theory students will choose _________ behaviour if they have positive perceptions about their time at school
  11. In Reality Theory, you must focus on the _____ issue between you and the student

25 Clues: Lead Management employs the Seven Caring HabitsAvoid criticizing and blaming in Reality TherapyWilliam _________ is the creator of Choice TheoryThe need to ______ and have fun is a basic human needThe need to belong and __________ is a basic human needThe need for ______ and influence is a basic human need...

Music Theory 2015-04-15

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The third tone of the scale.
  2. An augmented triad has a _____ third on bottom.
  3. A ____ resolves by going down.
  4. A major triad has a _____ third on top.
  5. When the key of an entire piece of music is changed.
  6. All voices singing the exact same notes.
  7. The rhythmical concept of 2 against 3.
  8. The meter 3/8 would be ____.
  9. The combination of two chords used at the end of a phrase, section, or piece of music
  10. A triangle is an example of a(n) _____.
  1. Mode with half-steps between 3 & 4, and 6 & 7.
  2. When the notes of a triad are rearranged, it creates a(n)___.
  3. A non-chord tone that gets less that one beat.
  4. A note that isn't part of a chord.
  5. Notes of the same pitch that are written differently.
  6. The repetition of a melodic pattern at a higher or lower pitch.
  7. Ionian mode is just an example of a ______.
  8. Mode with half-steps between 1 & 2, and 4 & 5 .
  9. When specific voices are split into more parts.
  10. A group of songs with a unifying theme.

20 Clues: The third tone of the scale.The meter 3/8 would be ____.A ____ resolves by going down.A note that isn't part of a chord.The rhythmical concept of 2 against 3.A major triad has a _____ third on top.A group of songs with a unifying theme.A triangle is an example of a(n) _____.All voices singing the exact same notes....

music theory 2015-04-21

music theory crossword puzzle
  1. A summary of the pitches in a piece of music arranged in order from the lowest to the highest.
  2. An organized succession of pitches.
  3. The speed of the beat in music
  4. a pause in the music, indicated by this sign.
  5. gradually get softer
  6. A rhythm accented on notes that are not usually stressed.
  7. gradually get louder
  8. A curved line connecting two notes indicated to play them as a single note.
  9. Step/ An interval consisting of two half steps.
  10. The division of the beat in simple meter (div. by two) into four equal parts or in compound meter (div. by three) into six equal parts.
  11. A meter that consists of two beats.
  1. Line/ A small line written above or below the staff to extend its range.
  2. Two notes that sound the same but are spelled differently.
  3. Meter/ A meter consisting of four beats.
  4. Signature/ The arrangement of accidentals at the beginning of a staff
  5. The process of rewriting a piece of music or a scale so that is sounds higher or lower in pitch. This involves raising or lowering each pitch by the same interval.
  6. The keynote of a piece of music. The tone that is felt to be a point of rest. Music often concludes on this note for a feeling of completeness.
  7. class/ All notes of the same name on the keyboard
  8. a scale having five tones to the octave, usually avoiding half steps
  9. The relationship between two tones.
  10. Two pitches that are the same. Several singers singing a melody together.

21 Clues: gradually get softergradually get louderThe speed of the beat in musicAn organized succession of pitches.The relationship between two tones.A meter that consists of two beats.Meter/ A meter consisting of four beats.a pause in the music, indicated by this sign.Step/ An interval consisting of two half steps....

Theory Rocks 2018-05-19

Theory Rocks crossword puzzle
  1. You will likely hear this mode if you go to a movie.
  2. Another word that might be used to describe a secundal chord.
  3. The "elemental" form upon which the Sonata Allegro is built.
  4. Half way between the tonic and dominant.
  5. A fancy word for a wonky violin tuning.
  6. Ella Fitzgerald never "stepped in it" when she sang these solos.
  7. V7/V (two words).
  8. What someone from the UK might call a quarter note.
  9. An alternate passage of music.
  10. A “crazy” modality.
  11. Dr. Strauch would play one if he lived in the Renaissance.
  12. A slow dance in triple time.
  13. A structural function you are likely to find at the end of a composition.
  14. When a string player or singer slides between notes.
  15. A type of continuous variation similar to a passacaglia.
  16. ABACA is one example.
  17. B/Bb, for example.
  18. Schoenberg explored this unusual vocal technique in Pierrot Lunaire.
  19. The sound source of an analog synthesizer.
  20. You would expect to hear a subject and answer in one of these.
  21. The interval that splits an octave
  22. An eighth note to someone from London
  23. An elemental form with three sections.
  1. This seventh chord can easily resolve to four tonal centers.
  2. Bessie Smith is well known for singing it.
  3. The black notes on a piano.
  4. iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.
  5. Half way between the tonic and subdominant.
  6. IV-I
  7. A diminutive coda.
  8. French vocalists sing a lot of them.
  9. This augmented sixth chord only has three chord factors.
  10. B7#11 for F7alt, for example (two words).
  11. Comes after the development section in a Sonata Allegro.
  12. A vigorous or playful composition.
  13. A word that describes the function of N6 and Aug. 6th chords.
  14. A nonharmonic that is preceded by a preparation and followed by a resolution.
  15. Another word for a diminished scale.
  16. A colloquial term for a custom synthetic sound.
  17. The first section of a Sonata Allegro movement.
  18. String players and brass players use them.
  19. A term often associated with the contrasting section of a popular song.
  20. Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich
  21. You might use this synthesizer component to make a siren.
  22. V7-vi
  23. The seventh note of a Mixolydian scale, for example.
  24. A common contrapuntal motion.
  25. This augmented sixth chord contains two tritones.
  26. Stacked fifths.

49 Clues: IV-IV7-viStacked fifths.V7/V (two words).A diminutive coda.B/Bb, for example.A “crazy” modality.ABACA is one example.The black notes on a piano.A slow dance in triple time.A common contrapuntal motion.An alternate passage of music.iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.A vigorous or playful composition.The interval that splits an octave...

Theory Rocks 2018-05-19

Theory Rocks crossword puzzle
  1. ABACA is one example.
  2. An elemental form with three sections.
  3. You might use this synthesizer component to make a siren.
  4. A fancy word for a wonky violin tuning.
  5. V7-vi
  6. Dr. Strauch would play one if he lived in the Renaissance.
  7. B/Bb, for example.
  8. A colloquial term for a custom synthetic sound.
  9. An alternate passage of music.
  10. Comes after the development section in a Sonata Allegro.
  11. This augmented sixth chord only has three chord factors.
  12. A type of continuous variation similar to a passacaglia.
  13. A “crazy” modality.
  14. French vocalists sing a lot of them.
  15. Half way between the tonic and dominant.
  16. The interval that splits an octave
  17. link seems to work well:
  18. A term often associated with the contrasting section of a popular song.
  19. A nonharmonic that is preceded by a preparation and followed by a resolution.
  20. You will likely hear this mode if you go to a movie.
  21. An eighth note to someone from London
  22. Another word for a diminished scale.
  1. The "elemental" form upon which the Sonata Allegro is built.
  2. The black notes on a piano.
  3. A common contrapuntal motion.
  4. What someone from the UK might call a quarter note.
  5. V7/V (two words).
  6. A slow dance in triple time.
  7. A diminutive coda.
  8. Schoenberg explored this unusual vocal technique in Pierrot Lunaire.
  9. This seventh chord can easily resolve to four tonal centers.
  10. IV-I
  11. The seventh note of a Mixolydian scale, for example.
  12. Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich
  13. You would expect to hear a subject and answer in one of these.
  14. A structural function you are likely to find at the end of a composition.
  15. Ella Fitzgerald never "stepped in it" when she sang these solos.
  16. This augmented sixth chord contains two tritones.
  17. Another word that might be used to describe a secundal chord.
  18. iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.
  19. Stacked fifths.
  20. The sound source of an analog synthesizer.
  21. Bessie Smith is well known for singing it.
  22. String players and brass players use them.

44 Clues: IV-IV7-viStacked fifths.V7/V (two words).A diminutive coda.B/Bb, for example.A “crazy” modality.ABACA is one seems to work well:The black notes on a piano.A slow dance in triple time.A common contrapuntal motion.An alternate passage of music.iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.The interval that splits an octave...

Color Theory 2020-04-11

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. deposit only
  2. Covers gray hair
  3. Hue
  4. One of the secondary colors
  5. Weakest primary color
  6. Tight cuticle
  7. Contributing pigment
  8. no-lift
  9. non-oxidation colors
  10. The number of secondary colors
  1. opposite colors
  2. Strongest primary color
  3. Where the pigment lives
  4. Number of prime colors
  5. Unit of measurement for lightness and darkness
  6. One of the primary colors
  7. Diameter of an individual hair
  8. A reason people color their hair
  9. black or brow melanin
  10. Number of levels of hair color

20 Clues: Hueno-liftdeposit onlyTight cuticleopposite colorsCovers gray hairContributing pigmentnon-oxidation colorsWeakest primary colorblack or brow melaninNumber of prime colorsStrongest primary colorWhere the pigment livesOne of the primary colorsOne of the secondary colorsDiameter of an individual hairNumber of levels of hair color...

Color Theory 2020-03-24

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. When grey is added to a color.
  2. Yellow green for example
  3. No color.
  4. A color scheme of two colors that sit opposite the color wheel.
  5. Blue, violet and green are in the _____ family because the colors are like water/ice.
  6. The purity of the color.
  7. Paint tubes and ____ were a result of the Industrial Revolution.
  8. Who mixed and made colors before paint tubes were readily available?
  9. A property of color and is the lightness or darkness of a color.
  10. Sir Isaac Newton discovered color comes from what?
  11. What is the complement of blue?
  1. One color plus its tints, tones and shades.
  2. Another name for violet.
  3. Mix the complements together to create ____.
  4. The name of a color.
  5. Yellow, orange and red are in the warm family because the colors are like what?
  6. Mixing two primaries together.
  7. A set of rules that organizes and harmonizes the use of color.
  8. When black is added to a color.
  9. A tint of red.
  10. A color scheme of three colors equally spaced on the color wheel
  11. An absence of light.
  12. A way of visually organizing colors
  13. Red, yellow and blue.
  14. A color scheme with two sets of complements.
  15. Colors that sit next to one another on the color wheel.

26 Clues: No color.A tint of red.The name of a color.An absence of light.Red, yellow and blue.Another name for violet.Yellow green for exampleThe purity of the color.When grey is added to a color.Mixing two primaries together.When black is added to a color.What is the complement of blue?A way of visually organizing colors...

Color Theory 2021-02-22

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. red and yellow make...
  2. comes from one color and its tints, tones, and shades
  3. blue and red make...
  4. the complement of orange
  5. white, black and grey are these colors
  6. you get this color when mixing complementary colors
  7. Orange, green, purple are these colors
  8. colors across from each other on the color wheel are...
  9. colors that are in between primary and secondary on the color wheel
  10. color + grey
  1. three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  2. Another word for color
  3. the complement of purple
  4. green,blue,and purple are examples of...
  5. red, yellow, blue are these colors
  6. red, orange, and yellow are examples of...
  7. blue and yellow make...
  8. the complement of green
  9. color + black
  10. color + white

20 Clues: color + greycolor + blackcolor + whiteblue and red and yellow make...Another word for colorblue and yellow the complement of the complement of the complement of orangered, yellow, blue are these colorswhite, black and grey are these colorsOrange, green, purple are these colors...

particle theory 2020-12-20

particle theory crossword puzzle
  1. Does not change shape.
  2. A steel often melts at ...
  3. A ice turned into water. What happened to ice.
  4. The ... is very important for change of state.
  5. A temperature which liquid becomes solid
  6. The lowest melting point of solid.
  7. A process name for turning liquid into solid
  8. Another name for gas.
  9. What is other name for boil.
  10. What is the state of matter of snow.
  11. The state of matter that can be compressed.
  12. What matter takes the shape of their container.
  13. Is it possible to evaporate metal. yes/noo
  1. Solid expands when it is ...
  2. How much heat does it take to evaporate liquid rapidly.
  3. What changes of state can turn liquid into gas.
  4. What is the state of matter of milk.
  5. Which metal has the lowest melting point.
  6. Particle ... can be used to explain the changes between the three states of matter.
  7. What kind of movement does solid do.
  8. How many states of matter is there.
  9. The particles in liquid and gas can do.
  10. Turn gas into liquid.
  11. The temperature at which liquid becomes gas.
  12. All matter is made up of ...
  13. How much heat does it take to evaporate alcohol.

26 Clues: Turn gas into liquid.Another name for gas.Does not change shape.A steel often melts at ...Solid expands when it is ...All matter is made up of ...What is other name for boil.The lowest melting point of solid.How many states of matter is there.What is the state of matter of milk.What kind of movement does solid do....

cosmetology theory 2017-04-18

cosmetology theory crossword puzzle
  1. Also called heat waves?
  2. Most widely used hairstyling product?
  3. Set of tools and guidelines for successful living?
  4. Below the skin for hair?
  5. Technical term for hair on head?
  6. Growing phase for the hair growth cycle?
  7. A commitment to constantly improve yourself?
  8. Transitional phase for hair growth cycle?
  9. Technical term of hair for eyelashes?
  10. Also called pith or marrow?
  11. Also called cold waves?
  12. Bacteria that is harmless or helpful?
  13. Most important factor to determine how well the perm is going to be absorb?
  14. Removes bulk and adds movement?
  15. Form of one length?
  1. Comes from an outside source?
  2. Technical term for hair on face?
  3. Protects the client's neck?
  4. Bacteria that is harmful,disease-producing?
  5. Also called wet draping?
  6. The inner desire to do something?
  7. Keeping yourself on track?
  8. Technical term of hair for eyebrows?
  9. Foundation of every haircut?
  10. Pin curl volume for closeness?
  11. Resting phase for hair growth cycle?
  12. Also known as projection or lifting?
  13. Stationary,immovable foundation?
  14. Ability to hold a curl?
  15. The scientific study of the hair?

30 Clues: Form of one length?Also called heat waves?Ability to hold a curl?Also called cold waves?Also called wet draping?Below the skin for hair?Keeping yourself on track?Protects the client's neck?Also called pith or marrow?Foundation of every haircut?Comes from an outside source?Pin curl volume for closeness?Removes bulk and adds movement?...

Music Theory 2018-11-06

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. kinda loud
  2. loud
  3. what happens on and between the beat
  4. very soft
  5. gradually get louder
  6. gradually get softer
  7. soft
  8. both clefs
  9. lowers note half step
  10. smoothly connects notes of different pitches
  1. joins two notes of the same pitch
  2. very loud
  3. notes above or below the staff
  4. kinda soft
  5. raises note a half step
  6. G clef
  7. how many beats per measure and what note gets 1 beat
  8. order of sharps (major)
  9. order flats (major)
  10. F clef

20 Clues: loudsoftG clefF clefvery loudvery softkinda loudkinda softboth clefsorder flats (major)gradually get loudergradually get softerlowers note half stepraises note a half steporder of sharps (major)notes above or below the staffjoins two notes of the same pitchwhat happens on and between the beatsmoothly connects notes of different pitches...

Atomic Theory 2019-09-18

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Model that said the atom was mostly the same consistency throughout with electrons scattered throughout.
  2. Came up with the "Quantum Mechanical Model" of the atom (also known for his kitty)
  3. The number of protons in the nucleus.
  4. Millikan's experiment that showed the size of a charge on an electron.
  5. Model that said atoms were just hard spheres.
  6. Who discovered atoms?
  7. Rutherford's model where most of the atom's mass was in its nucleus and electrons orbited it (aka Planetary Model).
  8. Particle with no charge.
  9. Who discovered the neutron?
  10. Made up of protons and neutrons.
  1. Said there's a fundamental limit to what we can know about the behavior of quantum particles.
  2. Who discovered the electron?
  3. Bohr's model of an atom that said electrons could jump to different orbits.
  4. Positively charged particle.
  5. Negatively charged particle.
  6. Created the "Billiard Ball Model" of an atom.
  7. Model that said that it’s impossible to simultaneously know the exact position and momentum of a particle.
  8. The regions around an atom that are most likely to contain electrons.
  9. Rutherford's experiment that showed the mass of the nucleus was 10,000 times smaller than the atom itself.
  10. Average mass of the atom.

20 Clues: Who discovered atoms?Particle with no charge.Average mass of the atom.Who discovered the neutron?Who discovered the electron?Positively charged particle.Negatively charged particle.Made up of protons and neutrons.The number of protons in the nucleus.Created the "Billiard Ball Model" of an atom.Model that said atoms were just hard spheres....

ICT THEORY 2017-12-13

ICT THEORY crossword puzzle
  1. Type o printer that creates characters by squirting ink through nozzles onto paper.
  2. What type of printer is an architect likely to use.
  3. The S in USB stands for?
  4. Used to transmit high definition audio and video signals.
  5. Wi-Fi points are often protected by a ______ key?
  6. A printer that creates its characters by striking the paper through an inked ribbon?
  7. An example of System Software
  8. Permanent store for programs and files.
  9. An example of an input device
  10. A type of software that works with numbers and calculations using formula.
  11. A dedicated computer that looks after the security of a network.
  12. 1024 Megabytes is equal to one?
  13. The T in ICT stands for?
  14. The V in DVD stands for?
  15. Type of software licence that allows you try out a program before you buy it.
  16. Name given to a range of online storage areas.
  17. Holds the "Boot" instructions.
  1. A network that communicates globally
  2. Temporarily stores programs of instructions and active data as they are being worked on by the processor.
  3. Input device used on a laptop.
  4. The S in ISP stands for?
  5. Physical components of a computer system.
  6. Another name for a PC
  7. The CPU is a small ____ that can get very hot when in use and needs to be cooled.
  8. An item of hardware that is used as an input and an output device.
  9. The CPU's speed is measured in ___
  10. The U in EULA stands for?
  11. Software used to perform a specific tasks.
  12. An online diary in which you can "post" anything that is on your mind.
  13. An example of application software used to edit images.
  14. 8 bits equals one?
  15. What type of device displays processed results.
  16. Printer that uses toner.

33 Clues: 8 bits equals one?Another name for a PCThe S in USB stands for?The S in ISP stands for?The T in ICT stands for?Printer that uses toner.The V in DVD stands for?The U in EULA stands for?An example of System SoftwareAn example of an input deviceInput device used on a laptop.Holds the "Boot" instructions.1024 Megabytes is equal to one?...

Color Theory 2021-09-16

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. all colors in the light spectrum reflected
  2. tonal value left behind
  3. mixing two primary colors
  4. color with grey or its complement added
  5. colors with more of this will be warm
  6. absorb light. hair can appear darker
  7. brightness or dullness of a hue
  8. color perceived to have zero saturation
  9. used to measure the lightness or darkness of hair
  10. opposite from each other on the wheel
  1. pure colors that can not be created
  2. mixing two secondary and primary colors
  3. color with white added
  4. all colors in the light spectrum absorbed
  5. value of a color, lightness, or darkness degree
  6. added to colors to appear lighter and brighter
  7. strongest of the primary colors
  8. tones that are the same as target level NRP
  9. degree or purity of a hue
  10. tones that are across each other will
  11. reflect more light, hair can appear lighter

21 Clues: color with white addedtonal value left behindmixing two primary colorsdegree or purity of a huestrongest of the primary colorsbrightness or dullness of a huepure colors that can not be createdabsorb light. hair can appear darkercolors with more of this will be warmtones that are across each other willopposite from each other on the wheel...

Particle Theory 2021-12-16

Particle Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of space something takes up is called _____________.
  2. __________________ is the transfer of heat energy through solids.
  3. The state of matter that results from condensation.
  4. _____________ is the measure of average energy of moving particles in matter.
  5. A state of matter with a definite shape and volume.
  6. Both a liquid and a gas take the shape of their ___________ container.
  7. The states of matter can also be called ______________.
  8. __________ is the total energy of moving particles in matter.
  9. An explanation for why things work or how things happen.
  10. _________________ is when lower temperature causes particles to move slower and come closer together, decreasing their volume.
  11. This happens during the phase change from solid to liquid.
  12. Adding energy ___________ the attraction between particles.
  1. Making ice cube trays is a process of ____________________.
  2. Gas can be ____________ unlike solids and liquids.
  3. When a solid changes directly into a gas.
  4. Heat is transferred by movement of a heated fluid such as air or water.
  5. The opposite of evapoaration.
  6. The particles in a solid move ___________ than those in a liquid.
  7. Gas does not have a _________ shape or volume.
  8. When particles move faster and further apart due to the addition of heat, the volume is said to _________________.
  9. Frost on leaves are an examples of ____________.
  10. The state of matter where forces of attraction are the weakest.
  11. The change from liquid to gas.
  12. The particles in a liquid move ___________ when energy is added.
  13. Adding energy or removing energy causes a ___________ in states of matter.
  14. Steam boils out of water because its particles gain this.

26 Clues: The opposite of evapoaration.The change from liquid to gas.When a solid changes directly into a gas.Gas does not have a _________ shape or volume.Frost on leaves are an examples of ____________.Gas can be ____________ unlike solids and liquids.The state of matter that results from condensation.A state of matter with a definite shape and volume....

Color Theory 2022-02-21

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. "Muted colors"
  2. Red, Yellow, and Blue
  3. THREE colors EVENLY spaced on the color wheel
  4. Orange, Green and Purple
  5. slow drying paint
  6. A 2-D line
  7. Opposite of Dark
  8. Another word for complementary?
  9. Pottery
  10. Paint: Used for Graffiti art
  11. Hue?
  12. water-based fast drying paint
  13. Crayolas
  14. Lightness or Darkness of a Hue
  15. Adding Black to a color/hue
  16. water paint
  17. Double Complementary
  18. Mix a Primary and a Secondary to get?
  1. Personal view of art
  2. Red, Yellow-Green and Blue-Green
  3. Colors associated with fire and the sun
  4. Color wheel used for Gaming and PCs
  5. Computer art, Procreate
  6. Primary color wheel (Three letters)
  7. Colors associated with nature, like grass and water
  8. Green, Blue and Purple
  9. The use of drawing materials
  10. Two colors that Contrast?
  11. Purity or Intensity of a color
  12. A color plus its tints and shades
  13. Chalk-like crayons
  14. Four colors EVENLY spaced
  15. The colors sit on this circle
  16. what's made from clay
  17. "A moving dot"
  18. Color?
  19. Adding Grey to a color/hue
  20. Adding white to color/hue
  21. Digital Color Wheel for Graphic Design and Printing

39 Clues: Hue?Color?PotteryCrayolasA 2-D linewater paint"Muted colors""A moving dot"Opposite of Darkslow drying paintChalk-like crayonsPersonal view of artDouble ComplementaryRed, Yellow, and Bluewhat's made from clayGreen, Blue and PurpleComputer art, ProcreateOrange, Green and PurpleTwo colors that Contrast?Four colors EVENLY spaced...

music theory 2022-02-24

music theory crossword puzzle
  1. extended chord
  2. lower in pitch
  3. notes of different pitches played together
  4. The fifth note of a scale
  5. type of scale
  6. two semitones between two different notes.
  7. sequence of notes played one after the other to produce a tune.
  8. Rising in pitch
  9. Falling in pitch
  1. order of notes in a chord is changed
  2. complements a pitch
  3. shift a piece of music
  4. short sequence
  5. The first note
  6. An interval of 12 semitones
  7. two notes played
  8. lowest note of a chord
  9. most common scale in Western music
  10. scale
  11. theory

20 Clues: scaletheorytype of scaleextended chordlower in pitchshort sequenceThe first noteRising in pitchtwo notes playedFalling in pitchcomplements a pitchshift a piece of musiclowest note of a chordThe fifth note of a scaleAn interval of 12 semitonesmost common scale in Western musicorder of notes in a chord is changed...

Atomic Theory 2021-08-24

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. did the "oil drop experiment"
  2. inside nucleus, neutral charge
  3. negatively charged particle
  4. average mass of the atom
  5. high-vacuum _______ ray tube
  6. did gold foil experiment
  7. model where electrons are scattered throughout atom
  8. created quantum mechanical model
  9. ________ Ball Model, created by Dalton
  1. _____ model, where electrons orbit a dense nucleus
  2. created the Uncertainty Principle
  3. the _______ is 10,000 times smaller than the atom
  4. inside nucleus, positive charge
  5. discovered the electron
  6. number of protons in the nucleus
  7. formed his atomic theory in 1808
  8. any substance that cannot be decomposed into a simpler substance
  9. rejected the idea that there were 4 elements
  10. neutrons are particles with mass but no ______
  11. said that electrons "jump" between energy levels

20 Clues: discovered the electronaverage mass of the atomdid gold foil experimentnegatively charged particlehigh-vacuum _______ ray tubedid the "oil drop experiment"inside nucleus, neutral chargeinside nucleus, positive chargenumber of protons in the nucleusformed his atomic theory in 1808created quantum mechanical modelcreated the Uncertainty Principle...

CS theory 2022-03-23

CS theory crossword puzzle
  1. cache is a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or ___ place.
  2. Motherboard is the ___ of the computer
  3. is the proses of sending a email and getting and revealing someone's person information
  4. ram repeats about 1000 times a ___
  5. latency is a measure of the __ it takes data to travel
  6. grace Hopper created __
  7. the bus is the ___ for the computer
  8. Heat Sink keeps the ___cold
  9. records what you type on your computer
  10. elon musk is the __ person on earth
  1. the ASCII stands for American Standard Code For ___ Interchange
  2. hard Drive is the main _____ for the computer
  3. Case holds the __ of computer
  4. we call a single one or a zero a
  5. ROM BIOS is used in the ______ up routine for the computer
  6. when a ___ is being executed the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle takes place
  7. ascii was extended to Unicode for non-__ characters
  8. microscopic transistors act as ___in the CPU
  9. the operating speed of the computer is the __ speed
  10. 16gb is equal to 16 billions

20 Clues: grace Hopper created __Heat Sink keeps the ___cold16gb is equal to 16 billionsCase holds the __ of computerwe call a single one or a zero aram repeats about 1000 times a ___the bus is the ___ for the computerelon musk is the __ person on earthMotherboard is the ___ of the computerrecords what you type on your computer...

MUSIC Theory 2022-10-25

MUSIC Theory crossword puzzle
  1. have a five lines and four spaces.
  2. means very loud ff
  3. meaning to stop.
  4. means soft p
  5. combination of pitch and rhythm
  6. a group of flats and sharps which are places at the beginning of a staff
  7. also known F clef
  8. compose of five lines and four spaces
  9. also known as G clef
  10. have 4 beats
  11. gradually soft
  12. compose of two or more notes that played or sing together and it becomes one sound
  1. the speed of a music
  2. one of accidentals that raises the note semitone/halfstep
  3. pattern of a beat/melody
  4. means very soft pp
  5. a line to notate the note outside the
  6. structure of how the music or song was made.
  7. the softness and loudness of a sound
  8. have 2 beats
  9. very loud f
  10. gradually loud

22 Clues: very loud fmeans soft phave 2 beatshave 4 beatsgradually loudgradually softmeaning to stop.also known F clefmeans very loud ffmeans very soft ppthe speed of a musicalso known as G clefpattern of a beat/melodycombination of pitch and rhythmhave a five lines and four spaces.the softness and loudness of a sounda line to notate the note outside the...

hair theory 2023-01-10

hair theory crossword puzzle
  1. What is the active growing stage of hair called?
  2. an area of cells around the dermal papilla
  3. the second layer consisting of unique protein structures
  4. Which hair structure contains melanin to give hair its natural color?
  5. is a segment of the outer root sheath.
  6. hair that grows on the scalp.
  7. what muscle causes the hair to stand on end?
  8. eyelash hair.
  9. Which hair structure supplies nourishment to the hair bulb?
  10. What is the term used to describe baby fine silky hair on the body at birth?
  1. is a mass of loose connective tissue located at the base of the hair follicle.
  2. the hair follicle thehairstrand the arrector pili muscle and the sabaceous gland make up the?
  3. thick coarse hair that grows on the face to form a beard.
  4. The shape of the hairstrand is determined by the shape of the.
  5. abnormal coverage of hair on areas of the body where normally only lanugo or baby-fine hair appears.
  6. is a process where cells change their shape dry out and form keratin protein.
  7. The lower segment of the hair follicle that extends from the follicle base to the insertion of the arrector pili muscle is the
  8. the central core of the hairstrand also called the pith or marrow
  9. eyebrow hair.
  10. the outer covering of the hairstrand made up of overlapping layers of transparent scales
  11. the study of hair.

21 Clues: eyebrow hair.eyelash hair.the study of that grows on the a segment of the outer root area of cells around the dermal papillawhat muscle causes the hair to stand on end?What is the active growing stage of hair called?the second layer consisting of unique protein structures...

Cell Theory 2022-08-25

Cell Theory crossword puzzle
  1. determined cells arise from preexisting cells
  2. concluded all animals are made of cells
  3. macromolecule that stores energy, gives protection and is involved in cell communication
  4. obtaining food to provide energy to grow
  5. improved the microscop, was the first person to view live cells
  6. macromolecule that contains genetic information
  7. perceiving and responding to changes in the environment
  8. providing protection against enemies
  9. increase in size
  10. chemical reactions inside the cell
  1. macromolecule that provides energy storage, structural support and cell communication
  2. concluded all plants are made of cells
  3. primitive cells, do not contain a nucleus
  4. keeps conditions within the organism within tolerable limits (balanced)
  5. macromolecule that aids in cell communication, transport, a chemical breakdown of substances and structural support
  6. gave us the term cell, observed the bark of a cork tree
  7. complex cells, contain a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
  8. smallest structural unit of an organism
  9. producing an offspring
  10. comprised of 3 parts: all living things are made of cells, cells are the basic unit of life, all cells come from preexisting cells

20 Clues: increase in sizeproducing an offspringchemical reactions inside the cellproviding protection against enemiesconcluded all plants are made of cellsconcluded all animals are made of cellssmallest structural unit of an organismobtaining food to provide energy to growprimitive cells, do not contain a nucleusdetermined cells arise from preexisting cells...

Music Theory 2022-12-11

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Wooden percussion instrument which ranges 4 octaves
  2. One of the newer orchestral instruments
  3. One of the oldest instruments in the world
  4. Indicating 2 or 4 half notes in a measure
  5. It's about 12-13 feet long when uncoiled
  6. As in the first time
  7. There are usually three in an orchestra
  8. Die away
  9. Latin word meaning trumpet or horn
  10. Lowest instrument in strings
  11. The only brass woodwind instrument
  1. Sudden forceful attack
  2. partially made of calfskin or plastic
  3. From the beginning
  4. Hold total value or stretch the note
  5. Used to alter the tone or lower the volume of instruments
  6. Less motion
  7. Uses the alto clef
  8. A pitched percussion instrument
  9. Plays a tuning note at the beginning of the orchestra concerts
  10. Constitutes the majority of the Sinfonia class
  11. Plucking strings

22 Clues: Die awayLess motionPlucking stringsFrom the beginningUses the alto clefAs in the first timeSudden forceful attackLowest instrument in stringsA pitched percussion instrumentLatin word meaning trumpet or hornThe only brass woodwind instrumentHold total value or stretch the notepartially made of calfskin or plastic...

Color Theory 2023-02-16

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. This arrangement of colors contains all the colors of a single hue
  2. This arrangement of colors contains two colors adjacent to its complement, in addition to the base color on the color wheel
  3. This secondary color is often associated with growth or forgiveness
  4. These colors are formed by mixing one primary color with another primary color
  5. This secondary color is often associated with energy or enthusiasm
  6. This is a pleasing arrangement of parts, whether it be music, poetry, color, or even an ice cream sundae
  7. This primary color is often associated with anger or passion
  8. These colors are formed by mixing one primary color with one adjacent secondary color
  9. This secondary color is often associated with royalty or power
  10. Next to or adjoining something else
  11. This primary color is often associated with happiness or caution
  12. An artistic technique of scrubbing an undiluted, opaque, and generally pale pigment across others for special textural effects or to raise the key of a dark-colored area
  1. This person developed the first circular diagram of colors in 1666
  2. These colors cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors
  3. This arrangement of colors contains a pair of colors opposite or across from each other on the color wheel
  4. This arrangement of colors contains any 3 colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel
  5. This arrangement of colors contains groups of 4-5 colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  6. An artistic technique used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing (or painting) closely spaced parallel lines
  7. This presents a logically arranged sequence of pure hues has merit
  8. An artistic technique of drawing, painting, or engraving using numerous small dots or specks
  9. An artistic technique that is used with mediums that do not allow blending (ex: pen and ink) to indicate shading, modeling, light, and shade with lines crossing over each other
  10. This primary color is often associated with sadness or peace

22 Clues: Next to or adjoining something elseThis primary color is often associated with anger or passionThis primary color is often associated with sadness or peaceThis secondary color is often associated with royalty or powerThis primary color is often associated with happiness or cautionThis person developed the first circular diagram of colors in 1666...

Information theory 2023-04-10

Information theory crossword puzzle
  1. Crumpled
  2. Cram
  3. Strip
  4. A situation when you're almost in a new situation
  5. Devise
  6. Acclaim
  7. Bandwidth
  8. Faint
  9. Pin smt down
  10. Prestigious
  11. Bit
  12. Get through
  13. Inveigle
  14. Shun
  15. Genuine
  16. Sensor
  17. Ambiguous
  18. Capture
  19. Intact
  20. Interference
  21. Package up
  22. Spectacular
  1. Leave out
  2. Binary
  3. Cope with
  4. Triumph
  5. Reliably
  6. Feat
  7. Change from using
  8. Capacity
  9. Enable
  10. Redundant
  11. Crisps
  12. Spare
  13. Theorem
  14. Probe
  15. So-called
  16. Superfluous
  17. Exposure
  18. Vague
  19. Compression
  20. Ravage
  21. Infere with
  22. Convey

44 Clues: BitCramFeatShunStripFaintSpareProbeVagueBinaryDeviseEnableCrispsSensorIntactRavageConveyTriumphAcclaimTheoremGenuineCaptureCrumpledReliablyCapacityInveigleExposureLeave outCope withBandwidthRedundantSo-calledAmbiguousPackage upPrestigiousGet throughSuperfluousCompressionInfere withSpectacularPin smt downInterferenceChange from using...

Information theory 2023-05-13

Information theory crossword puzzle
  1. intact
  2. probe
  3. Faint
  4. bit
  5. strip
  6. circuit
  7. acclaim
  8. pin down
  9. crumple
  10. bandwidth
  11. binary
  12. ambiguous
  13. obroli
  14. ravage
  1. cram
  2. devise
  3. Exposure
  4. Superfluous
  5. laser
  6. feat
  7. inveigle
  8. shun
  9. Interference
  10. set out
  11. package
  12. redundant
  13. on the brink of smt
  14. spare
  15. compression

29 Clues: bitcramfeatshunprobeFaintlaserstripspareintactdevisebinaryobroliravagecircuitacclaimset outpackagecrumpleExposureinveiglepin downredundantbandwidthambiguousSuperfluouscompressionInterferenceon the brink of smt

Nursing theory 2023-11-28

Nursing theory crossword puzzle
  1. Her theory focuses on three main elements that overlap: Care, Core, Cure.
  2. Her holistic perspective consists of human being, adaptation, and nursing.
  3. contains the caring elements (faith, hope, love, tending, playing and learning), involves the categories of infinity and eternity, and invites to deep communion
  4. Emphasizes the importance of individual personalities, interpersonal conflict, and situational variables.
  5. This concept refers to the underlying principles, assumptions, and frameworks that guide the practice and education of nursing. (ACRONYM)
  6. Consists of interconnected links for communication of information in health care.
  7. This nursing theory views individuals as dynamic systems responding to stressors, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balance for well-being.
  8. Her theory is all about self-care, self-care deficits, and self-care nursing.
  9. She had 13 concepts that are the chapter names in her book “Notes on Nursing”.
  10. Promotes the fostering of behavioral functioning to prevent illness.
  1. a theory focusing on the nurse and patient working together to achieve mutually agreed-upon goals.
  2. Considered the Mother to the Deliberative Nursing Process and the nursing diagnosis.
  3. In Benner theory, this is the model describes the journey of nurses from beginners to experts, highlighting the development of skills and knowledge over time.
  4. Travelbee: This nursing theorist's work explores the interpersonal relationships between the nurse and patient, focusing on the human connection in healthcare.
  5. Her theory consists of orientation, identification, exploitation, and resolution.
  6. Encouraged nursing to become focused on the patient’s healing.
  7. This theorist's "From Novice to Expert" model describes the stages of nursing proficiency and skill development over time.
  8. She began the Science of Unitary Human Beings.
  9. Her theory outlines 14 needs of patients.
  10. Her theory identifies four main elements in clinical nursing.

20 Clues: Her theory outlines 14 needs of patients.She began the Science of Unitary Human Beings.Her theory identifies four main elements in clinical nursing.Encouraged nursing to become focused on the patient’s healing.Promotes the fostering of behavioral functioning to prevent illness....

Cell Theory! 2023-10-18

Cell Theory! crossword puzzle
  1. found only in plant cells; allows photosynthesis to happen by absorbing sunlight
  2. jelly-like substance inside a cell; contains all organelles
  3. stores water and other liquid materials inside the cell
  4. all living things are made of these
  5. cells can _______ to form new cells
  6. the largest living things in the organization of living this is called an _______
  7. Endoplasmic _______; makes lipids (fats)and breaks down harmful chemicals
  8. cell _______; found in both plant and animal cells, protects and supports the outside of the cell
  9. ______ complex; packages materials for delivery inside and outside of the cell
  10. organism that is made of only one cell
  11. organisms with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
  1. control center of the cell; contains DNA
  2. the powerhouse of the cell; provides energy
  3. (plural) these create proteins; smallest organelle in the cell
  4. cell _____; only found in plant cells, protects and supports the outside of the cell
  5. last name of the scientist that created the Cell Theory
  6. organisms that is made of 2 or more cells
  7. last name of the scientist that discovered cells by looking at cork through a microscope
  8. organisms without a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
  9. (plural)only found in animal cells; these digest (break down) wastes inside of cells

20 Clues: all living things are made of thesecells can _______ to form new cellsorganism that is made of only one cellcontrol center of the cell; contains DNAorganisms that is made of 2 or more cellsthe powerhouse of the cell; provides energyorganisms with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelleslast name of the scientist that created the Cell Theory...

Music theory! 2024-02-02

Music theory! crossword puzzle
  1. Equals 4 beats
  2. Dictates how many beats per bar
  3. A raised semi-tone
  4. Found at the end of the piece
  5. Play Loudly
  6. This separates the staff into counted measures
  7. Equals 1 beat
  8. Means "short and detached sound"
  9. Play moderately soft
  10. Equals half a beat
  11. Middle C and up is the ______ clef
  1. this means to play Legato
  2. Play softly
  3. Play moderately loud
  4. Equals 2 beats
  5. This symbol means to give the note emphasis
  6. Cancels out a sharp or flat
  7. Middle C and down is the ____ Clef
  8. Equals one quarter of a beat
  9. Means "smoothly connected"
  10. Counted beats of silence
  11. A lowered semi-tone

22 Clues: Play softlyPlay LoudlyEquals 1 beatEquals 4 beatsEquals 2 beatsA raised semi-toneEquals half a beatA lowered semi-tonePlay moderately loudPlay moderately softCounted beats of silencethis means to play LegatoMeans "smoothly connected"Cancels out a sharp or flatEquals one quarter of a beatFound at the end of the pieceDictates how many beats per bar...

IR Theories Quiz 2023-10-16

IR Theories Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Theory that highlights specific aspects of the state and international system.
  2. Radical theory that explains the reasons why imperialism happens (expansion of dominant states).
  3. Social construction of identities.
  4. Type of balancing that gains power through building up its own military resources.
  5. Theory that observes that states in the international system cooperate despite the anarchic system.
  6. How much more one state gains over another.
  7. Realist thinker that established the dynamism in realism-history = cycles of dominant powers.
  8. Realist thinker that established the different types of balance of power: unpolar, bipolar, multipolar.
  9. Radical theorist that explains that in the capitalist system, private interests control labor and market exchanges, creating bondage from which certain classes try to free themselves.
  10. Radical Theroist that explained that expansion occurs when there is overproduction, low classes can't afford products because of low wages, and oversaving of the upper classes.
  11. Realist thinker that placed the idea of the anarchic international system.
  12. Working class according to Marxism
  13. For this realist thinker, the state is the principal actor, it is unitary, rational and focused on protecting themselves.
  1. J. Ann Tickner, Cynthia Enole and Christine Sylvester follow a constructivist approach of this view that states that the issue with most theories is a matter of discourse.
  2. Set of theories united by common themes.
  3. A falsifiable statement that questions the relationship between concepts.
  4. Liberal thinker who stated that war is a product of society (not of the individual).
  5. A process explained by offensive realists as joining an unlikely ally to avoid war with it.
  6. Radical theory that explains the underdevelopment of dominated states.
  7. Liberal thinker who said that anarchy can be solved through a federation of republics, and that states are self-interested, but self-interest would in fact be collective gain. He also determined the term economic interdependence.
  8. Explains politics by focusing on norms and identities.
  9. Identities are like this when they don't have similar characteristics and ideas, and conflict is likely to happen.
  10. No hierarchically superior, coercive authority.
  11. Theory that focuses mainly on the state and international system.
  12. Radicalism considers this as the determinant factor in IR.

25 Clues: Social construction of identities.Working class according to MarxismSet of theories united by common themes.How much more one state gains over another.No hierarchically superior, coercive authority.Explains politics by focusing on norms and identities.Radicalism considers this as the determinant factor in IR....

Physical Science 2022-08-18

Physical Science crossword puzzle
  1. -the study of non-living matter and energy.
  2. - the study of the composition,structure,and properties of matter, and the changes that take place in matter.
  3. - a standardized system of measurement units used for science.
  4. - a system of moral values; a theory of proper conduct.
  5. -
  6. - the basis upon a model is assessed, taking into account how well it explains or describes a set of observations and how well the model makes predictions.
  7. -the comparison of a measurement to an accepted or excepted value.
  1. -the systematic study of the universe that produces observations, inferences, and models, including the products that it creates through this systematic study.
  2. - God commandment to have dominion over the earth and to fill it.
  3. - an ongoing ,orderly,cyclical approach used to investigate the world.
  4. -the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them.
  5. - an initial testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides scientific investigation.
  6. -a workable explanation or description of a phenomenon.
  7. -data that is based on numbers or quantities
  8. -a model that explains a related set of phenomena; can be used to predict unobserved aspects of the phenomena.

15 Clues: --the study of non-living matter and energy.-data that is based on numbers or quantities-a workable explanation or description of a phenomenon.- a system of moral values; a theory of proper conduct.- a standardized system of measurement units used for science.- God commandment to have dominion over the earth and to fill it....

Ch.27&6 2015-12-01

Ch.27&6 crossword puzzle
  1. the study of studies' methodologic rigor
  2. family of methodological approaches to developing new knowledge based on rigorous analysis of existing qualitative research findings
  3. is an abstraction that purports to account for or explain phenomena
  4. relies on rigorous integration of evidence on a topic through systematic reviews
  5. a theory that attempts to explain large aspects of human experience
  6. assumes a distribution of effects
  7. phenomenological theory of human experience
  8. analysis of the theoretical underpinnings on which the studies are grounded
  9. is useful for writing up a systematic review of rcts
  10. theories that are data driven explanations to account for phenomena under study through inductive process
  11. assumes a single true effect size
  1. guides reporting of metaanalyses of observational studies
  2. a theory that focuses on specific aspect of human experience
  3. ideational and materialistic
  4. study of results in a specific substantive area through analysis of the processed data
  5. models that are graphic theory driven representation of phenomena using symbols and diagrams
  6. a theory that thoroughly describes a phenomena
  7. a theory based on abstract generalizations to explain relationship between phenomena
  8. a procedure whose advantages include objectivity, enhanced power, and precision
  9. is there an empirical basis for the theory

20 Clues: ideational and materialisticassumes a distribution of effectsassumes a single true effect sizethe study of studies' methodologic rigoris there an empirical basis for the theoryphenomenological theory of human experiencea theory that thoroughly describes a phenomenais useful for writing up a systematic review of rcts...

Unit 1 Astronomy 2024-09-13

Unit 1 Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of matter an object has
  2. A force that pulls objects(planets)towards each other
  3. Italian astronomer who supported Heliocentric theory using a telescope
  4. Astronomer who supported Geocentric theory using Math
  5. Pieces of metallic space rock burning through Earth’s atmosphere creating a streak of light through the sky
  6. Earth centered theory
  7. Space rocks that orbit the SUN
  8. Polish astronomer who proposed Heliocentric Theory
  9. The revolution of the Moon around the Earth causes the Moon to appear to have
  10. cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun
  11. The tendency of an object(planet) to remain at rest or continue in a straight path
  12. Earth SPINNING on an imaginary(axis)creating day/night(24hrs)
  1. A collection of stars, dust, gas, and dark matter
  2. Sun centered theory
  3. Most commonly accepted theory today on the formation of the universe
  4. Greek astronomer who proposed Geocentric Theory
  5. The sun is directly over the equator
  6. Edwin Hubble's theory that the universe is always expanding
  7. An explanation or model backed by results obtained from many tests or experiments
  8. Earth's COMPLETE orbit around the sun creating 1 year
  9. The position of the sun is close to one of the POLES

21 Clues: Sun centered theoryEarth centered theorySpace rocks that orbit the SUNThe amount of matter an object hasThe sun is directly over the equatorGreek astronomer who proposed Geocentric TheoryA collection of stars, dust, gas, and dark matterPolish astronomer who proposed Heliocentric TheoryThe position of the sun is close to one of the POLES...

Crime and Deviance 2024-06-07

Crime and Deviance crossword puzzle
  1. - The sociologist who proposed the strain theory of crime - Robert _______.
  2. - Theory examining the role of patriarchal society in shaping female deviance - _______ Feminism.
  3. - Form of crime prevalent due to globalisation and advances in technology - _______ crime.
  4. - Approach to crime control emphasizing social reintegration and restorative practices - _______ Justice.
  5. - Punishment theory aimed at discouraging crime by making an example out of the offender - _______.
  6. - Criminologist known for his work on 'moral entrepreneurs' and the labelling process - Howard _______.
  7. - Crimes committed by government officials - _______ crime.
  8. - Method of crime prevention focusing on altering the environment to reduce crime opportunities - _______ Crime.
  9. - Crime often hidden or unreported, especially within domestic contexts - _______ Crime.
  10. - Proponent of the 'Broken Windows' theory of crime prevention - James _______.
  11. - Theory focusing on the control of crime through policies and community efforts - _______ Realism.
  12. - Theory of crime emphasizing social and power inequalities - _______.
  13. - Concept where the law is used to protect the interests of the powerful - _______ Bias.
  14. - Crimes that are violations of societal norms but are not legally punishable - _______ Deviance.
  15. - The idea that deviance provides society with clear boundaries of acceptable behavior - _______ Functions.
  1. - Perspective focusing on the subjective experiences and meanings of crime - _______.
  2. - Sociologist associated with the New Criminology and critical criminology - Stuart _______.
  3. - Proponent of the subcultural theory who argued that working-class youth form deviant subcultures - Albert _______.
  4. - The sociologist who introduced the term "moral panic" - Stanley _______.
  5. - Sociologist who focused on the impact of capitalism on crime - Karl _______.
  6. - Subcultural theory focusing on access to illegitimate means - Differential _______ Theory.
  7. - Labelling Theory Proponent - Howard _______.
  8. - Theory that suggests individuals learn criminal behavior through association with others - Differential _______.
  9. - Framework explaining how societies evolve and control crime - Social _______ Theory.
  10. - Crime committed by people in the course of their employment - _______ Collar.
  11. - Subcultural theorist who studied working-class boys and their deviance - Albert _______.
  12. - Media-induced fear that leads to exaggerated public perception of deviance - Moral _______.
  13. - Type of deviance which occurs when someone breaks societal norms - Primary _______.
  14. - Perspective that sees crime as a result of rational choice and free will - _______.
  15. - Concept describing crime committed by businesses - _______ crime.
  16. - Concept describing the gap between cultural goals and the means to achieve them, leading to deviance - Strain _______.
  17. - Theory that suggests crime is a result of societal breakdown and lack of norms - _______.
  18. - Phenomenon where behavior is systematically overlooked or ignored by law enforcement - _______ Figure of Crime.

33 Clues: - Labelling Theory Proponent - Howard _______.- Crimes committed by government officials - _______ crime.- Concept describing crime committed by businesses - _______ crime.- Theory of crime emphasizing social and power inequalities - _______.- The sociologist who introduced the term "moral panic" - Stanley _______....

Music Theory 2013-05-20

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. a group of 2 notes performed in a time of 3
  2. "moderate" tempo
  3. cadence ending with soprano in tonic
  4. note note that lasts an entire measure
  5. no trespassing in another's backyard! Blayne's answer
  6. sad-sounding
  7. less mosso
  8. a piece for 2 performers
  9. rolling "r"
  10. triad with a raised 5th
  11. happy-sounding
  12. ending to a phrase
  13. all player/singers playin ght esame thing
  14. with moto
  15. pickup to beginning of piece (not anaconda)
  16. Blue Shades
  17. the 5th chord of the 5th note (for ex.)
  18. medium tmepo
  19. expressive
  20. cadence ending on tonic chord, soprano NOT in tonic
  21. hold/pause
  22. speed up (Floor it?)
  23. a trombone's only dynamic (was a clue for earlier answer, starts with f)
  24. Stars and Stripes Forever
  25. the speed of the piece
  1. sounds like a haunted house
  2. the "1" of a scale
  3. 3 note chord
  4. play ffffffffff
  5. writing multiple parts from listening
  6. 2 against 3; John's favorite answer
  7. the best instrument ever
  8. 7th seventh chord
  9. repeated up/down/ variation of pitch
  10. the model chant of early Christians and Catholics
  11. "amen"
  12. play on your own (ad lib.)
  13. beginning to Coda
  14. little by little
  15. DO, RE, MI, etc.
  16. the end

41 Clues: "amen"the endwith motoless mossoexpressivehold/pauserolling "r"Blue Shades3 note chordsad-soundingmedium tmepohappy-soundingplay ffffffffff"moderate" tempolittle by littleDO, RE, MI, etc.7th seventh chordbeginning to Codathe "1" of a scaleending to a phrasespeed up (Floor it?)the speed of the piecetriad with a raised 5tha piece for 2 performers...

Music Theory 2013-05-20

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. with moto
  2. "moderate" tempo
  3. a group of 2 notes performed in a time of 3
  4. ending to a phrase
  5. DO, RE, MI, etc.
  6. Stars and Stripes Forever
  7. sad-sounding
  8. triad with a raised 5th
  9. "amen"
  10. rolling "r"
  11. sounds like a haunted house
  12. cadence ending on tonic chord, soprano NOT in tonic
  13. the 5th chord of the 5th note (for ex.)
  14. repeated up/down/ variation of pitch
  15. less mosso
  16. play ffffffffff
  17. medium tmepo
  18. a piece for 2 performers
  19. the best instrument ever
  1. 7th seventh chord
  2. the "1" of a scale
  3. writing multiple parts from listening
  4. the end
  5. the speed of the piece
  6. play on your own (ad lib.)
  7. note that lasts an entire measure
  8. cadence ending with soprano in tonic
  9. speed up (Floor it?)
  10. hold/pause
  11. expressive
  12. all player/singers playin ght esame thing
  13. no trespassing in another's backyard! Blayne's answer
  14. a trombone's only dynamic (was a clue for earlier answer, starts with f)
  15. pickup to beginning of piece (not anaconda)
  16. Blue Shades
  17. little by little
  18. the model chant of early Christians and Catholics
  19. beginning to Coda
  20. 3 note chord
  21. 2 against 3; John's favorite answer
  22. happy-sounding

41 Clues: "amen"the endwith motohold/pauseexpressiveless mossorolling "r"Blue Shadessad-sounding3 note chordmedium tmepohappy-soundingplay ffffffffff"moderate" tempoDO, RE, MI, etc.little by little7th seventh chordbeginning to Codathe "1" of a scaleending to a phrasespeed up (Floor it?)the speed of the piecetriad with a raised 5tha piece for 2 performers...

atomic theory 2014-10-16

atomic theory crossword puzzle
  1. The ______________ experiment discovered the nucleus and the fact that the stom is mostly empty space
  2. an atom with more electrons than protons
  3. |actual-theorectical|/theorectical *100
  4. What is the weight atomic mass of bromine if Br-79 has an abundance of 50.69% and Br-81 has an abundance of 49.31% ( round to nearest whole number)
  5. Law that states compounds form in whole number ratios
  6. An atom with a charge
  7. an atom with the same number of protons but a different number of electron is know as an____________
  8. subatomic particles that are found in the nucleus
  9. Matter can not be created or destroyed
  10. The way in which atomic masses are found when an atom contains an isotope
  11. The scientist who is associated with the planetary atomic model
  12. subatomic particles that are found outside of the nucleus, have a negative charge and relatively no mass
  13. The subatomic particle that has no charge
  14. the first person associated with the idea of the atom
  1. What is the weighted average atomic mass of lead if its isotopes are as follows: Pb-204 1.4%, Pb-206 24.1%, Pb-207 22.1% and Pb-208 52.4%
  2. law that states element can combine in different ratios to make compounds
  3. an atom that has 12 protons and 14 electrons has a _____________ charge
  4. Protons, neutron and electrons are referred to as ____________________ particles
  5. The sum of the masses of all the protons and neutrons in an atom
  6. how many neutron does C-14 have?
  7. an atom with the same number of protons but a different number of electron is know as an____________
  8. Schrodinger's model of the atomic is known as the ______________ or cloud model
  9. the amount of a particular isotope in relation to all other existing isotopes of that element
  10. The number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom
  11. A test in which a solution of a metal is heated in a flame and color is observed due to electrons being excited and then falling back down to a ground state and emitting light
  12. An atom with more protons than electrons
  13. The ______________ experiment discovered the nucleus and the fact that the stom is mostly empty space
  14. The scientist that is credited with discovering the nucleus

28 Clues: An atom with a chargehow many neutron does C-14 have?Matter can not be created or destroyed|actual-theorectical|/theorectical *100an atom with more electrons than protonsAn atom with more protons than electronsThe subatomic particle that has no chargesubatomic particles that are found in the nucleus...

Color Theory 2014-05-30

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Red, Yellow, Orange
  2. Colors next to each other on the color wheel.
  3. Brush stroke used to create texture (two words)
  4. Watercolor technique which allows the paint to run and blend into other colors (3 words)
  5. Colors opposite one another on the color wheel.
  6. Hue + Gray
  7. Transparent, runny, paint medium
  8. Analagous to Violet and Green
  9. Red, Yellow, Blue
  10. Hue + Black
  11. Brush stroke used to create texture and shading
  1. The Complementary color to Yellow
  2. Smooth area of color
  3. 1 color mixed with black and white
  4. Blue, Green, Violet
  5. Violet, Orange, Green
  6. the Complementary color to green
  7. Hue + White
  8. Mix 1 Primary and 1 Secondary color together
  9. Another name for color
  10. Analagous to Yellow and Red
  11. Thick, opaque, paint medium
  12. The Complementary color to Red

23 Clues: Hue + GrayHue + WhiteHue + BlackRed, Yellow, BlueRed, Yellow, OrangeBlue, Green, VioletSmooth area of colorViolet, Orange, GreenAnother name for colorAnalagous to Yellow and RedThick, opaque, paint mediumAnalagous to Violet and GreenThe Complementary color to Redthe Complementary color to greenTransparent, runny, paint medium...

Cell Theory 2018-02-19

Cell Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Cells Do not have a nucleus
  2. tiny organelles that link amino acids together to form proteins
  3. Mosaic Model Describes the arrangement of the molecules that make up the cell membrane
  4. A network proteins that is constantly changing to meet the needs of a cell
  5. Organelles that carry out photosynthesis
  6. Diffusion of water molecules
  7. Gradient The difference in the concentration of a substances from one location to another
  8. Is a fluid filled sac used for the storage of materials
  9. Solution has a higher concentration of dissolved particles
  10. A jellylike substance that contains dissolved molecular building blocks
  11. Reticulum interconnected network of thin folded of the cell membranes
  12. Membrane bound organelles that contain enzymes
  13. permeability Which means it allows some but not all materials to cross
  14. Transport Drives molecules across a membrane from a lower to a higher concentration
  15. The storehouse for most of genetic information or DNA
  1. Cells Have a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles
  2. Diffusion Diffusion of molecules across a membrane through transport proteins
  3. the movement of molecules in a fluid or gas from a region of higher concentration
  4. Ex: A solution
  5. Supply energy to the cell
  6. consists of closely layered stacks of membrane-enclosed spaces that process sort and deliver proteins.
  7. Composed of three basic parts
  8. A type of endocytosis
  9. The process of taking liquids into a cell by engulfing them in a membrane
  10. small membrane bound sacs and divide some materials from the rest of the cytoplasm
  11. Protein that detects a signal molecule and performs an action in response
  12. A lower concentration of dissolved concentration
  13. Structures specialized to perform distinct processes within a cell
  14. The opposite of endocytosis
  15. Transport The movement of molecules across a cell membrane without energy input form the cell
  16. Membrane or the plasma membrane

31 Clues: Ex: A solutionA type of endocytosisSupply energy to the cellCells Do not have a nucleusThe opposite of endocytosisDiffusion of water moleculesComposed of three basic partsMembrane or the plasma membraneOrganelles that carry out photosynthesisMembrane bound organelles that contain enzymesA lower concentration of dissolved concentration...

Music Theory 2017-10-24

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. a bass staff and treble staff connected by a brace and a line
  2. written at the end of a piece of music
  3. lively and fast
  4. a note equal to one beat
  5. moderately loud
  6. the note names of the five lines in the treble clef from bottom to top
  7. a rest equal to two beats
  8. a rest for a whole measure
  9. gradually softer
  10. gradually louder
  11. detached
  1. sfz
  2. the note names of the four spaces in the bass clef from bottom to top
  3. appears at the beginning of the music after the clef sign
  4. full value
  5. two dots placed befor the double bar
  6. a note equal to two beats
  7. a short line which is added to extend the range of the staff when the notes are too low or too high to be written on the staff
  8. very slow
  9. a note equal to half a beat

20 Clues: sfzdetachedvery slowfull valuelively and fastmoderately loudgradually softergradually loudera note equal to one beata note equal to two beatsa rest equal to two beatsa rest for a whole measurea note equal to half a beattwo dots placed befor the double barwritten at the end of a piece of musicappears at the beginning of the music after the clef sign...

Music Theory 2017-10-24

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. is used for a full measure of rest
  2. two dots placed before the double bar
  3. added to extend the range of the staff
  4. lively and fast tempo
  5. its length is equal to three beats
  6. holding back, becoming slower (tempo change)
  7. moderately loud
  8. connects two or more notes of different pitches
  9. the end of a piece of music
  10. very slow tempo
  1. half the value of a quarter note
  2. appears at the beginning of the music after the clef sign
  3. moderately soft
  4. its length is equal to four beats
  5. gradually accelerating
  6. bass and treble staff connected by 2 brace and 2 lines
  7. tell the rate of speed
  8. joins two notes of the same pitch by a curve line
  9. gradually louder
  10. lower pitch ranges

20 Clues: moderately softmoderately loudvery slow tempogradually louderlower pitch rangeslively and fast tempogradually acceleratingtell the rate of speedthe end of a piece of musichalf the value of a quarter noteits length is equal to four beatsis used for a full measure of restits length is equal to three beatstwo dots placed before the double bar...

Theory Rocks! 2018-05-19

Theory Rocks! crossword puzzle
  1. This augmented sixth chord only has three chord factors.
  2. V7-vi
  3. ABACA is one example.
  4. Bessie Smith is well known for singing it.
  5. The first section of a Sonata Allegro movement.
  6. The "elemental" form upon which the Sonata Allegro is built.
  7. Another word for a diminished scale.
  8. A fancy word for a wonky violin tuning.
  9. Schoenberg explored this unusual vocal technique in Pierrot Lunaire.
  10. A type of continuous variation similar to a passacaglia.
  11. When a string player or singer slides between notes.
  12. A colloquial term for a custom synthetic sound.
  13. B7#11 for F7alt, for example (two words).
  14. IV-I
  15. An eighth note to someone from London
  16. Another word that might be used to describe a secundal chord.
  17. The black notes on a piano.
  18. A vigorous or playful composition.
  19. French vocalists sing a lot of them.
  20. A “crazy” modality.
  21. A term often associated with the contrasting section of a popular song.
  22. Half way between the tonic and dominant.
  23. You will likely hear this mode if you go to a movie.
  24. An alternate passage of music.
  1. A common contrapuntal motion.
  2. This seventh chord can easily resolve to four tonal centers.
  3. A diminutive coda.
  4. The seventh note of a Mixolydian scale, for example.
  5. What someone from the UK might call a quarter note.
  6. Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich, Steve Reich
  7. Comes after the development section in a Sonata Allegro.
  8. This augmented sixth chord contains two tritones.
  9. A structural function you are likely to find at the end of a composition.
  10. A word that describes the function of N6 and Aug. 6th chords.
  11. A nonharmonic that is preceded by a preparation and followed by a resolution.
  12. iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.
  13. You would expect to hear a subject and answer in one of these.
  14. The sound source of an analog synthesizer.
  15. An elemental form with three sections.
  16. Half way between the tonic and subdominant.
  17. A slow dance in triple time.
  18. Ella Fitzgerald never "stepped in it" when she sang these solos.
  19. String players and brass players use them.
  20. The interval that splits an octave

44 Clues: IV-IV7-viA diminutive coda.A “crazy” modality.ABACA is one example.The black notes on a piano.A slow dance in triple time.A common contrapuntal motion.An alternate passage of music.iv, bVI, or iidim in a major key.A vigorous or playful composition.The interval that splits an octaveAnother word for a diminished scale....

Music Theory 2018-11-06

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. medium sound
  2. low sound
  3. Happens between beats
  4. 2 beats
  5. High pitch
  6. Adds another beat to a note
  7. 1 beats
  8. High sound
  1. Has both Treble and Bass clef
  2. Low pitch
  3. The instruction
  4. Controls the amount of beats
  5. Lines in a Scale
  6. Redo
  7. taking a breath
  8. The graph
  9. opposite of flat
  10. 4 beats
  11. Notes go here
  12. Connects two or more notes on different pitches

20 Clues: Redo2 beats4 beats1 beatsLow pitchlow soundThe graphHigh pitchHigh soundmedium soundNotes go hereThe instructiontaking a breathLines in a Scaleopposite of flatHappens between beatsAdds another beat to a noteControls the amount of beatsHas both Treble and Bass clefConnects two or more notes on different pitches

Atomic Theory 2019-09-18

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Positively charged particle.
  2. Model that said the atom was mostly the same consistency throughout with electrons scattered throughout.
  3. Who discovered atoms?
  4. Negatively charged particle.
  5. Model that said that it’s impossible to simultaneously know the exact position and momentum of a particle.
  6. Who discovered the electron?
  7. Model that said atoms were just hard spheres.
  8. The regions around an atom that are most likely to contain electrons.
  1. Made up of protons and neutrons.
  2. Bohr's model of an atom that said electrons could jump to different orbits.
  3. Particle with no charge.
  4. The number of protons in the nucleus.
  5. Came up with the "Quantum Mechanical Model" of the atom (also known for his kitty)
  6. Rutherford's model where most of the atom's mass was in its nucleus and electrons orbited it (aka Planetary Model).
  7. Said there's a fundamental limit to what we can know about the behavior of quantum particles.
  8. Who discovered the neutron?
  9. Average mass of the atom.
  10. Rutherford's experiment that showed the mass of the nucleus was 10,000 times smaller than the atom itself.
  11. Millikan's experiment that showed the size of a charge on an electron.
  12. Created the "Billiard Ball Model" of an atom.

20 Clues: Who discovered atoms?Particle with no charge.Average mass of the atom.Who discovered the neutron?Positively charged particle.Negatively charged particle.Who discovered the electron?Made up of protons and neutrons.The number of protons in the nucleus.Model that said atoms were just hard spheres.Created the "Billiard Ball Model" of an atom....

Makeup Theory 2020-12-15

Makeup Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Sharpen before and after each use
  2. The same color with variations in value and intensity
  3. Ideal face shape
  4. Used to emphasize a facial area
  5. Diminish appearance of facial features
  6. To highlight a facial feature this shade of foundation can be used
  7. Shape that can be visually shortened by applying deeper tones under the chin and horizontally at the hairline
  8. Apply eyeliner to outer edges of top and bottom lids and extending lines outward
  9. The warmth of coolness of a color
  10. Holds desired amount of makeup products
  11. Face shape characterized by a narrow forehead and jaw area with predominant width in the cheekbone area
  12. Apply darker, muted lip colors
  13. Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel
  14. Used to place products from containers onto the makeup palette
  15. A broad, straight forehead and hairline with a broad jawline
  16. Three areas of the eye are the eyelid, crease area and...
  17. Face shape characterized by a rounded hairline and jawline
  18. "Set" other makeup products so they last longer
  19. Restores the pH of the skin
  20. Avoid excess pressure in and around the...
  21. Contouring and highlighting the eyes can be achieved with this product
  22. A hue with black added
  23. The vibrancy of a color
  1. Replenishes moisture or oil to the skin
  2. Recommended contouring the forehead and highlighting the jawline
  3. Do this before makeup application
  4. Defines and emphasizes the shape and size of the eyes
  5. Applying individual clusters of artificial eyelashes
  6. Preclean with soap and water, then use an EPA-registered brush cleaner disinfectant
  7. Apply shadows and eyeliners near inner corner of eyes
  8. Where to match foundation
  9. NOT an indication of an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product
  10. Client fills out the makeup service record form
  11. Another term for color
  12. Used to create an even skin tone and uniform surface for makeup application
  13. Corrective measure for under-eye circles, broken capillaries and blemishes
  14. Suggesting a future appointment and offering to prebook your clients next visit
  15. Usually the last cosmetic to be applied
  16. May be considered the most important makeup product
  17. The first step in the application of artificial strip lash
  18. Blush suitable for all skin types
  19. Lengthen, thickens and defines the lashes
  20. Three colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel
  21. Removes dirt and makeup
  22. Applying a darker tone along the sides of the nose and a thin line of highlighter down the center will result in this...
  23. Blush used to add color, especially in the cheek area
  24. Analyzing your clients skin tone and type
  25. powder Allows the skin/foundation shade to show through

48 Clues: Ideal face shapeAnother term for colorA hue with black addedRemoves dirt and makeupThe vibrancy of a colorWhere to match foundationRestores the pH of the skinApply darker, muted lip colorsUsed to emphasize a facial areaDo this before makeup applicationSharpen before and after each useThe warmth of coolness of a color...

Color Theory 2020-04-11

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. deposit only
  2. Covers gray hair
  3. Hue
  4. One of the secondary colors
  5. Weakest primary color
  6. Tight cuticle
  7. Contributing pigment
  8. no-lift
  9. non-oxidation colors
  10. The number of secondary colors
  1. opposite colors
  2. Strongest primary color
  3. Where the pigment lives
  4. Number of prime colors
  5. Unit of measurement for lightness and darkness
  6. One of the primary colors
  7. Diameter of an individual hair
  8. A reason people color their hair
  9. black or brow melanin
  10. Number of levels of hair color

20 Clues: Hueno-liftdeposit onlyTight cuticleopposite colorsCovers gray hairContributing pigmentnon-oxidation colorsWeakest primary colorblack or brow melaninNumber of prime colorsStrongest primary colorWhere the pigment livesOne of the primary colorsOne of the secondary colorsDiameter of an individual hairNumber of levels of hair color...

Color Theory 2020-03-23

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for violet.
  2. Mixing two primaries together.
  3. Blue, violet and green are in the _____ family because the colors are like water/ice.
  4. No color.
  5. What is the complement of blue?
  6. The purity of the color.
  7. When black is added to a color.
  8. Yellow green for example
  9. A color scheme with two sets of complements.
  10. A color scheme of two colors that sit opposite the color wheel.
  11. A way of visually organizing colors
  12. Yellow, orange and red are in the warm family because the colors are like what?
  13. Colors that sit next to one another on the color wheel.
  1. Red, yellow and blue.
  2. One color plus its tints, tones and shades.
  3. A tint of red.
  4. Sir Isaac Newton discovered color comes from what?
  5. A color scheme of three colors equally spaced on the color wheel
  6. Paint tubes and ____ were a result of the Industrial Revolution.
  7. A set of rules that organizes and harmonizes the use of color.
  8. Mix the complements together to create ____.
  9. The name of a color.
  10. A property of color and is the lightness or darkness of a color.
  11. When grey is added to a color.
  12. Who mixed and made colors before paint tubes were readily available?
  13. An absence of light.

26 Clues: No color.A tint of red.The name of a color.An absence of light.Red, yellow and blue.Another name for violet.The purity of the color.Yellow green for exampleMixing two primaries together.When grey is added to a color.What is the complement of blue?When black is added to a color.A way of visually organizing colors...

Hair Theory 2020-10-15

Hair Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Resting phase of hair growth
  2. Extra curly hair follicle
  3. Lack of pigmentation
  4. Gives hair pigment
  5. Transitional phase of hair growth
  6. Wavy-curly hair follicle
  7. Straight hair follicle
  8. Not always present in hair
  9. Oil secreted by the sebaceous gland
  10. Muscle that gives you goosebumps
  11. The study of hair
  12. Root sheath
  13. Microfibrils twist together to make up
  1. Hardening of cells
  2. Reduced pigment in hair
  3. Growing phase of hair
  4. Nourishes the follicle
  5. Poly-peptide chines twist to create
  6. Protofibrils twist together to make up
  7. Where most of the strength and pigment is located
  8. A main purpose of hair
  9. Creates black/brown shade
  10. Creates red/blonde shades
  11. Portion of hair below the skin
  12. Portion of hair above the skin
  13. Outer protective layer of hair

26 Clues: Root sheathThe study of hairHardening of cellsGives hair pigmentLack of pigmentationGrowing phase of hairNourishes the follicleA main purpose of hairStraight hair follicleReduced pigment in hairWavy-curly hair follicleExtra curly hair follicleCreates black/brown shadeCreates red/blonde shadesNot always present in hairResting phase of hair growth...

Music Theory 2020-09-25

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. it gets 1/2 a beat
  2. Who composed Cannon in D?
  3. Nothing is played for 1 beat
  4. it gets 2 beats
  5. who composed Toccata and fugue?
  6. it gets 3 beats
  7. 1600-1750
  8. it gets 4 beats
  9. it gets 1 beat
  10. The right hand clef
  11. Repeated sound
  12. The change in volume
  13. Who composed Rondo Alla Turca?
  14. Another word for a bar
  1. The distance between notes on a staff
  2. Is an extension of a clef
  3. The left hand clef
  4. Nothing is played for 4 beats
  5. who composed Moonlight sonata?
  6. Nothing is played for 2 beats
  7. 8 notes
  8. Moderately loud
  9. Quiet
  10. Two melodies played over each other, common in the baroque era
  11. Structure of music, common in the classical era
  12. a chord stacked in thirds
  13. 3 notes played at once
  14. 1750-1800
  15. Loud

29 Clues: LoudQuiet8 notes1600-17501750-1800it gets 1 beatRepeated soundit gets 2 beatsit gets 3 beatsModerately loudit gets 4 beatsit gets 1/2 a beatThe left hand clefThe right hand clefThe change in volume3 notes played at onceAnother word for a barIs an extension of a clefWho composed Cannon in D?a chord stacked in thirdsNothing is played for 1 beat...

Theory Crossword 2021-09-21

Theory Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Father of Kindergarten
  2. first level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  3. Third stage of speech development
  4. child believing that nature is alive
  5. This type of learning is through observation
  6. Ollie’s Youtube Channel is called ___ Productions
  7. Thinking about thinking
  8. Behaviorist Theorist
  9. Intelligence involving living things
  1. Children can focus on more than one problem
  2. originator of anti-bias education
  3. ______ created the zone of proximal development
  4. taking in new information to existing schemas
  5. Theory that states behavior is a function of the environment
  6. Creator of Theory of Language
  7. 2nd stage of speech development
  8. quantity stays the same when appearance changes
  9. Intelligence that a child learns best from pictures
  10. first stage of Vygotsky’s speech development
  11. knowledge categories helping us interpret the world

20 Clues: Behaviorist TheoristFather of KindergartenThinking about thinkingCreator of Theory of Language2nd stage of speech developmentoriginator of anti-bias educationThird stage of speech developmentchild believing that nature is aliveIntelligence involving living thingsfirst level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsChildren can focus on more than one problem...

Number Theory 2021-09-14

Number Theory crossword puzzle
  1. the flipped version of a fraction, that when multiplied by the original fraction is 1
  2. a number, that when substituted for a variable, results in an equation
  3. the smallest multiple that applies to two or more numbers
  4. the property stating that the grouping is irrelivant and the sum or product will still be the same
  5. a number in the decimal numeral system
  6. a whole number
  7. a statement of the equality of two expressions
  8. finding which prime numbers multiply together to make the original number
  9. all the real numbers which are not rational numbers
  10. the property stating that anything multiplied by one remains itself
  11. a fraction where the numerator is a number greater than or equal to the denominator
  12. a number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction of two integers
  13. whole numbers including 0
  14. the property stating that the order of variables or partial amounts is irrelivant and the sum or product will still be the same
  15. the combination of numbers and/or variables with operations
  16. a fraction where numerator is a lesser number that the denominator
  1. a fraction with an expression within it
  2. numbers that have factors besides 1 and themselves
  3. a similar denominator of two fraction that allows them to be added or subtracted
  4. a number that's only factors are one and itself
  5. the rules stating what properties a number has to exhibit to be divisible by another number
  6. a number showing how many times a number is multiplied by itself
  7. numbers going up from 0 that don't have any fraction, decimal, or partial amount to them
  8. the number an exponent applies to
  9. the number or variable on the bottom side of a fraction
  10. the number or variable on the top side of a fraction
  11. a way to simplify fractions using the identity property before multiplying or dividing
  12. a part of a whole
  13. the greatest factor that applies to two or more numbers
  14. a number consisting of a whole number and fraction
  15. a letter or symbol used to stand for an unknown quantity or a quantity that can change

31 Clues: a whole numbera part of a wholewhole numbers including 0the number an exponent applies toa number in the decimal numeral systema fraction with an expression within ita statement of the equality of two expressionsa number that's only factors are one and itselfnumbers that have factors besides 1 and themselves...

Atomic Theory 2022-09-09

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. - number of wave cycles per unit of time
  2. – approximately the mass of one nucleon and is equivalent to 1 g/mol
  3. – describes the distribution of electrons in an atom or ion
  4. – the lowest energy state possible for an electron
  5. – the total number of protons and neutrons (together known as nucleons) in a nucleus.
  6. – a subatomic particle with a positive elementary charge
  7. – atoms of an element that has different number of neutrons, giving them different masses, but the same number of protons.
  8. – Smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter that has the properties of a chemical element
  9. – The number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom of that element.
  10. – a subatomic particle with a negative elementary charge
  11. - distance between crest
  1. – an electron in any quantum state above its ground state
  2. – the average mass of all of the isotopes of an element.
  3. - Particles that come together to form atoms
  4. – very dense region consisting of a positive change at the center of an atom.
  5. – mathematical description of where an electron is located
  6. – the minimal amount of energy involved in an interaction.
  7. an elementary particle, a quantum of light, and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation
  8. – an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom or molecule a net positive or negative electrical charge.
  9. - wave height from zero to crest
  10. – discrete energy value or levels that an electron can exist at
  11. – a subatomic particle with no elementary charge,

22 Clues: - distance between crest- wave height from zero to crest- number of wave cycles per unit of time- Particles that come together to form atoms– a subatomic particle with no elementary charge,– the lowest energy state possible for an electron– the average mass of all of the isotopes of an element....

Music theory 2022-08-25

Music theory crossword puzzle
  1. one note at a time
  2. fast
  3. slow
  4. getting louder
  5. very loud
  6. volume of a song
  7. when notes have greater intervals than two
  8. notes with an interval of 8
  9. 8 notes moving by step in the same direction
  1. very soft
  2. soft
  3. medium soft
  4. walking speed
  5. different notes played a the same time
  6. getting softer
  7. length of a note
  8. medium loud
  9. distance between two notes
  10. notes that move in abc order
  11. speed of a song

20 Clues: softfastslowvery softvery loudmedium softmedium loudwalking speedgetting softergetting louderspeed of a songlength of a notevolume of a songone note at a timedistance between two notesnotes with an interval of 8notes that move in abc orderdifferent notes played a the same timewhen notes have greater intervals than two...

Number Theory 2023-09-21

Number Theory crossword puzzle
  1. the answer to an addition problem
  2. a number that goes into another number evenly
  3. the number used to divide by
  4. property of numbers that deals with movement
  5. the answer to a division problem
  6. the first number in a multiplication sentence
  7. a number that has only two factors
  8. the first number of a subtraction problem
  9. counting numbers
  10. when a number is multiplied by itself three times
  11. positive and negative whole numbers
  1. property of numbers that deals with regrouping
  2. type of number that starts at 0
  3. a number that has more than two factors
  4. when a number is multiplied by itself
  5. the answer when two numbers are multiplied
  6. the answer to a subtraction problem
  7. a number that can be written as a fraction
  8. type of number that never ends and does not repeat
  9. the product of two or more factors

20 Clues: counting numbersthe number used to divide bytype of number that starts at 0the answer to a division problemthe answer to an addition problema number that has only two factorsthe product of two or more factorsthe answer to a subtraction problempositive and negative whole numberswhen a number is multiplied by itself...

Music Theory 2022-06-12

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. To play or sing 2 or more notes smoothly connected
  2. Mode that is a major scale
  3. Mode that is a major scale with the 7th lowered a half step
  4. Loud
  5. Rate of speed
  6. Very loud
  7. Very slow
  8. 4th step of a scale
  9. Four
  10. Slow tempo (60 bpm)
  11. A 3-note chord consisting of a root, 3rd and 5th.
  12. 1st step of a scale
  13. The Interval of an 8th
  14. Moderately
  1. The 3rd scale degree
  2. Gradually louder
  3. Gradually softer
  4. 5th step of a scale
  5. Gradually faster
  6. Mode that is a natural minor scale
  7. Soft
  8. The note from which the chord gets its name
  9. Using all semitones
  10. Quick tempo (180 bpm)
  11. The distance in pitch between two notes
  12. Mode that is a natural minor scale with the 6th raised a half step
  13. Mode that is a major scale with the 4th raised a half step
  14. Augmented 4th or Diminished 5th
  15. Clef used for notes in the lower pitch range

29 Clues: SoftLoudFourVery loudVery slowModeratelyRate of speedGradually louderGradually softerGradually faster5th step of a scaleUsing all semitones4th step of a scaleSlow tempo (60 bpm)1st step of a scaleThe 3rd scale degreeQuick tempo (180 bpm)The Interval of an 8thMode that is a major scaleAugmented 4th or Diminished 5thMode that is a natural minor scale...

conspiracy theory 2022-10-10

conspiracy theory crossword puzzle
  1. keksitty
  2. salaliittoteoria Covid-19 -pandemiasta
  3. uskottava
  4. toimenpiteet
  5. yleislääkäri
  6. ruumiiton
  7. sananlasku
  8. kiistaton
  9. ennakkosuostuttelu
  10. levitä
  11. hahmotella
  12. ehdollistaa
  13. vahvistaa
  14. hyväntekeväisyys
  15. erimielisyys
  16. virhepäätelmä
  17. vertaisarviointi
  18. entinen
  19. virologi
  20. rikollinen
  21. ahaa-elämys
  22. haavoittuvainen
  23. tarttuva
  24. automaattinen
  25. vihamielinen
  26. rakentava
  27. käsitellä
  28. luoda
  29. vakuuttava
  30. tunnustaa
  31. huijari, konna
  32. yksipuolinen perustelu
  33. skuuppi
  34. vastaavuus
  35. taipumus
  36. tehdä (jostakusta jotakin)
  37. yhteinen
  38. saavutettavissa
  39. pahaenteinen
  40. uskottava
  41. perustella, oikeuttaa
  42. ristiriita
  43. vilpillinen
  1. vale
  2. olla ottamatta tosissaan
  3. jälki
  4. luopua
  5. ilman vastakkainasettelua
  6. vakuuttava
  7. jyvä
  8. ehkäistä
  9. pahamaineinen julkisuus
  10. säilyttää
  11. hylätä
  12. salaliittoteoria
  13. suositukset
  14. vieraannuttaa
  15. edustaa
  16. huijaus
  17. liioitella
  18. mieleenpainuva
  19. liike
  20. lainata
  21. vivahteikas
  22. kongressi-
  23. tukea
  24. tutkia tarkkaan
  25. ylitulkinta
  26. saada (tauti)
  27. asia
  28. valtavirta
  29. vetoomus
  30. niinsanottu
  31. tapahtua
  32. väärentämätön
  33. vahvistaa vääräksi
  34. oire
  35. suunnilleen
  36. siteerata

79 Clues: valejyväasiaoirejälkiliiketukealuodaluopualevitähylätäedustaaentinenhuijauslainataskuuppikeksittyehkäistävirologitarttuvavetoomustapahtuataipumusyhteinenuskottavaruumiitonkiistatonsäilyttäävahvistaarakentavakäsitellätunnustaauskottavasiteeratavakuuttavasananlaskuhahmotellaliioitellarikollinenkongressi-vakuuttavavaltavirtavastaavuusristiriita...

Conspiracy theory 2023-02-22

Conspiracy theory crossword puzzle
  1. bevis
  2. evaluering
  3. en som ikke tror på vacciner
  4. konspiration
  5. kilde
  6. en som tror, at jorden er flad
  7. troværdig
  8. argumentation
  9. ekspertvidne
  10. modargument
  11. regering
  1. holdning
  2. påstand
  3. passende sprogbrug
  4. at holde noget hemmeligt
  5. beskrivelse
  6. bevis
  7. radikalisering
  8. ekstremisme
  9. forklaring
  10. oprør
  11. diskussion
  12. øjenvidne
  13. teori
  14. rørledning

25 Clues: bevisbeviskildeoprørteoripåstandholdningregeringtroværdigøjenvidneevalueringforklaringdiskussionrørledningbeskrivelseekstremismemodargumentkonspirationekspertvidneargumentationradikaliseringpassende sprogbrugat holde noget hemmeligten som ikke tror på vaccineren som tror, at jorden er flad

COLOR THEORY 2023-04-02

COLOR THEORY crossword puzzle
  1. Colors associated with fire and heat
  2. Spectrum bent into a circle
  3. Colors mixed using the primary and secondary colors
  4. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet
  5. Three colors next to each other on the color wheel
  6. Colors mixed using the primary colors
  7. Color made by mixing the hue with black
  8. Colors that suggest coolness
  9. Element of art that comes from reflected light
  10. Color made by mixing the hue with white
  11. Brightness or dullness of a hue
  1. Colors that are opposite on the color wheel
  2. One color with tints and shades
  3. Effect that occurs when light passes through a prism
  4. Black, white, brown, grey
  5. Another name for color
  6. Three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel
  7. Red, yellow, blue; cannot be mixed
  8. Range of black to white with zero color
  9. Element of art that describes the lightness and darkness of an object

20 Clues: Another name for colorBlack, white, brown, greySpectrum bent into a circleColors that suggest coolnessOne color with tints and shadesBrightness or dullness of a hueRed, yellow, blue; cannot be mixedColors associated with fire and heatColors mixed using the primary colorsRange of black to white with zero colorColor made by mixing the hue with black...

Chao Theory 2023-10-14

Chao Theory crossword puzzle
  1. - Some chaotic systems exhibit this paradox.
  2. - Chaotic fluid motion.
  3. - Fractals exhibit this property.
  4. - A characteristic of chaotic systems.
  5. - Chaotic systems may exhibit this quality.
  6. - A process where the output affects the input.
  7. - Chaotic systems may exhibit irregular and unpredictable ones.
  8. - Chaotic systems can align over time.
  9. - A complex attractor in a chaotic system.
  10. - Repeated application of a process.
  11. - A system may have multiple stable states.
  12. - Outcomes are hard to forecast in chaotic systems.
  13. - Chaotic systems are highly sensitive to initial conditions.
  1. - A type of bifurcation in chaotic systems.
  2. - Events in chaotic systems often lack this.
  3. - A small change can have large, unpredictable consequences.
  4. - Managing chaotic systems is a challenge in this theory.
  5. - A mathematical model used in chaos theory.
  6. - Systems can spontaneously form order.
  7. - A stable state in a chaotic system.
  8. - Sudden and drastic change in a system's behavior.
  9. - The focus of study in chaos theory.
  10. - The tendency of chaotic systems to converge.
  11. - A complex geometric shape that exhibits self-similarity.
  12. - Chaotic systems often involve complex, non-linear equations.
  13. - Some chaos can contain regular patterns.
  14. - A multidimensional space used to describe a system's behavior.
  15. - The study of intricate, interconnected systems.
  16. - A point at which a system divides into multiple outcomes.
  17. - The central concept of this theory.

30 Clues: - Chaotic fluid motion.- Fractals exhibit this property.- Repeated application of a process.- A stable state in a chaotic system.- The focus of study in chaos theory.- The central concept of this theory.- A characteristic of chaotic systems.- Chaotic systems can align over time.- Systems can spontaneously form order....

Atomic Theory 2024-01-12

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. used to measure Electronegativity
  2. liquid that releases positively charged hydrogen ions
  3. equal to atomic number
  4. a bunch of atoms that are stuck (bonded) together
  5. when a single compound breaks down into 2 or more simpler products.
  6. Two or more substances combine to produce a sing new substance
  7. a material’s ability to conduct electricity
  8. produce toxic,coloured vapours
  9. full outer shells, non-reactive.
  10. Symbol e–
  11. chemicals that change colour when added to an acid or a base
  1. reaction that occurs when an acid is added to a base
  2. shiny and soft metals
  3. cannot be broken down into another substance
  4. product of sodium and chloride
  5. number of protons in an atom
  6. an exothermic chemical reaction that requires oxygen and a fuel substance as reactants and an ignition source to trigger the reaction.
  7. substance that accepts hydrogen ions in a reaction
  8. occurs when the nucleus loses (or gains) a neutron
  9. Symbol n0
  10. atomic number 13
  11. Symbol p+
  12. discoverer of protons and the nucleus
  13. smallest building blocks of living and non-living things

24 Clues: Symbol n0Symbol p+Symbol e–atomic number 13shiny and soft metalsequal to atomic numbernumber of protons in an atomproduct of sodium and chlorideproduce toxic,coloured vapoursfull outer shells, non-reactive.used to measure Electronegativitydiscoverer of protons and the nucleusa material’s ability to conduct electricity...