set theory Crossword Puzzles

industrialization 2021-01-13

industrialization crossword puzzle
  1. an economic group between higher classes and lower classes
  2. transfer to new manufacturing
  3. an engine that uses rapid amount of steam to generate power
  4. the process of making an area more urban
  5. a political theory derived by karl marx
  6. an economic and political system controlled by a private owner
  7. a business or manufacturing activitiy
  8. a policy or attitude in an economic system
  9. a place where people work and things are made
  10. a group of workers who have come together to achieve many common goals
  1. scottish economist and philosopher
  2. changing lad that was available for the public to private land
  3. process to produce output
  4. German philosopher and economist
  5. changing a agricultural economy to a machine based one
  6. large amounts of constant production
  7. theory of social organization
  8. a room or set of rooms forming separate residence
  9. also called labor strike were workers refuse to work until they get what they want
  10. steel making process

20 Clues: steel making processprocess to produce outputtransfer to new manufacturingtheory of social organizationGerman philosopher and economistscottish economist and philosopherlarge amounts of constant productiona business or manufacturing activitiya political theory derived by karl marxthe process of making an area more urban...

SET 2022-10-21

SET crossword puzzle
  1. iniciar
  2. começar
  3. desprezar
  4. partir
  5. reservar
  6. jogo
  7. iniciar uma viagem
  1. destacar-se
  2. colocar fogo
  3. depositar
  4. por versos em musica
  5. atrasar
  6. começar a brigar
  7. corrigir
  8. liberar

15 Clues: jogopartiriniciarcomeçaratrasarliberarreservarcorrigirdepositardesprezardestacar-secolocar fogocomeçar a brigariniciar uma viagempor versos em musica

set 2018-01-16

set crossword puzzle
  1. Set whose elements are in the Universal set but not in set A.
  2. The union of (A-B) and (B-A) is called the......difference of A and B.
  3. Complement of null set is....set.
  4. Well defined collection of objects.
  5. Number of elements in the set.
  6. Set with finite cardinality.
  7. Set whose elements are in set A but not in set B.
  8. Set of.....numbers is infinite.
  1. Set with no element.
  2. Set whose elements belong to both the two given set.
  3. Collection of ordered pairs whose first element belongs to set A and second element belongs to set B is called ____ product of set A and B.
  4. Set with infinite cardinality.
  5. Set whose all elements belong to the other set.
  6. Set whose elements belong to either of the two given set.
  7. Sets with same cardinality.

15 Clues: Set with no element.Sets with same cardinality.Set with finite cardinality.Set with infinite cardinality.Number of elements in the set.Set of.....numbers is infinite.Complement of null set is....set.Well defined collection of objects.Set whose all elements belong to the other set.Set whose elements are in set A but not in set B....

set 2023-09-10

set crossword puzzle
  1. Its symbol is "|A|"
  2. Its symbol is "A ⊇ B"
  3. Its symbol is "A ∩ B"
  4. Its symbol is "A ⊆ B"
  5. A collection of elements
  6. A numbers set with the symbol "Q"
  7. A numbers set with the symbol "Z"
  1. Its symbol is "A ⊅ B"
  2. Its symbol is "|"
  3. Its symbol is "P(A)"
  4. Its symbol is "A ⊄ B"
  5. Its symbol is "Ø"
  6. A numbers set with the symbol "C"
  7. Its symbol is "A ∪ B"
  8. Its symbol is "A = B"

15 Clues: Its symbol is "|"Its symbol is "Ø"Its symbol is "|A|"Its symbol is "P(A)"Its symbol is "A ⊅ B"Its symbol is "A ⊇ B"Its symbol is "A ⊄ B"Its symbol is "A ∩ B"Its symbol is "A ⊆ B"Its symbol is "A ∪ B"Its symbol is "A = B"A collection of elementsA numbers set with the symbol "C"A numbers set with the symbol "Q"A numbers set with the symbol "Z"

SOCI.1301 Midterm Review 2022-10-11

SOCI.1301 Midterm Review crossword puzzle
  1. theory on media effects that suggests audiences get information through opinion leaders who influence their attitudes and beliefs rather than through direct firsthand sources (Two-Step ____________ Model).
  2. a violation of contextual cultural or social norms.
  3. a handful of people rebel replacing a society’s goals and means with their own.
  4. others retreat and reject society’s goals and means. Some beggars and street people have withdrawn from society’s goal of financial success.
  5. the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of one’s own culture (Cultural ____________).
  6. the evaluation and judgment of another culture based on one’s own cultural norms.
  7. shared beliefs values and practices.
  8. a social bond that directly affects social control and is based on the investments we make in the community as stated in Control Theory.
  9. the belief that another culture is superior to one’s own.
  10. all print digital and electronic means of communication.
  11. those who innovate pursue goals they cannot reach through legitimate means by instead using criminal or deviant means.
  12. the media is considered like a fourth branch of government (after the executive legislative and judiciary) and thus serves as another of the checks and balances on power (____________ Estate).
  13. theory that the mass media can set the public agenda by selecting certain news stories and excluding others thus influencing what audiences think about” (____________-Setting Theory).
  14. a social bond that directly affects social control and is based on our connections to others as stated in Control Theory.
  15. a theory of social movements that assumes people join not because of the movement’s ideals but to satisfy a psychological need to belong to something larger than themselves (____________ Society Theory).
  16. the effort to control the impressions we make on others so that they form a desired view of us and the situations; the use of self-presentation and performance tactics (____________ Management).
  17. a theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds specifically attachment belief involvement and commitment and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society (____________ Theory).
  18. how we socially construct our emotions as part of our everyday reality (____________ Management).
  19. the process by which a concept or practice is created and maintained by participants who collectively agree that it exists” (Social ____________).
  20. a measure of a study’s consistency that considers how likely results are to be replicated if a study is reproduced.
  21. the systematic study of society and social interaction
  22. the ability to understand how your own past relates to that of other people as well as to history in general and societal structures in particular (Sociological ____________).
  1. the process wherein people come to understand societal norms and expectations to accept society’s beliefs and to be aware of societal values.
  2. a theory of social movements that focuses on the actions of oppressed groups who seek rights or opportunities already enjoyed by others in society (Relative ____________ Theory).
  3. the degree to which a particular studied group is similar to or represents any part of the larger society.
  4. a way to authorize or formally disapprove of certain behaviors.
  5. a theory that addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals resulting in conforming innovating ritualizing and retreating/rebelling (Structural ____________ Theory).
  6. the degree to which a sociological measure accurately reflects the topic of study.
  7. philosophy of criminal justice arising from the notion that crime results from a rational calculations of its costs and benefits (____________ Theory).
  8. those who conform choose not to deviate. They pursue their goals to the extent that they can through socially accepted means.
  9. a social bond that directly affects social control and is based on an agreement on common values in society as stated in Control Theory.
  10. the laws morals values religious beliefs customs fashions rituals and all of the cultural rules that govern social life (Social ____________).
  11. when groups share a location but maintain different cultures (____________ Bowl).
  12. being able to extend what you learn from your sample to your population.
  13. a theoretical perspective through which scholars examine the relationship of individuals within their society by studying their communication (Symbolic ____________).
  14. theory that suggests that audiences seek messages in the media that reinforce their existing attitudes and beliefs and are thus not influenced by challenging or contradictory information” (____________ Theory).
  15. people who ritualize lower their goals until they can reach them through socially acceptable ways. These members of society focus on conformity rather than attaining a distant dream.
  16. the sorting process by which thousands of possible messages are shaped into a mass media-appropriate form and reduced to a manageable amount.
  17. a social bond that directly affects social control and is based on participation in socially legitimate activities as stated in Control Theory.
  18. a technique sociologists use in which they view society through the metaphor of theatrical performance (____________ Analysis).
  19. a purposeful organized group hoping to work toward a common social goal (Social ____________).
  20. a theoretical approach that sees society as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals that make up that society (Structural ____________).
  21. the regulation and enforcement of norms (____________ Control).
  22. a theory that looks at society as a competition for limited resources (____________ Theory).

44 Clues: shared beliefs values and practices.a violation of contextual cultural or social norms.the systematic study of society and social interactionthe belief that another culture is superior to one’s own.all print digital and electronic means of communication.a way to authorize or formally disapprove of certain behaviors....

AP Psych Crosswords Puzzle on Famous Names 2016-04-17

AP Psych Crosswords Puzzle on Famous Names crossword puzzle
  1. Developed client-centered therapy
  2. remembered for his research on the conditioning process and the Little Albert experiment
  3. opened up the knowledge that sickness and taste preferences can be conditioned
  4. Developed cognitive-behavior therapy
  5. 8-stage theory of Psychosocial Development
  6. Conducted longitudinal studies on temperament (infancy to adolescence)
  7. Stanford Prison Experiment
  8. ___-Simon Test (intelligence test)
  9. has a systematic theory about why happy people are happy
  10. Studied attachment in monkeys
  11. Conducted "shocking"experiments on obedience
  12. Successful intelligence theory
  13. developed a measuring scale to measure depth of hypnosis, or how susceptible people were to hypnosis,
  14. Known for his theory of cognitive development in children
  1. operant conditioning
  2. Theory of multiple intelligences
  3. conformity experiments/social pressures
  4. the universality of facial expressions
  5. theory of moral development in children
  6. parenting styles
  7. Strange Situation and the attachment theory
  8. Rational emotive behaviour therapy
  9. Hierarchy of needs
  10. theory of innate grammar
  11. psychology of judgment and decision-making
  12. is the "father of modern psychiatry", psychoanalysis
  13. classical conditioning (dogs)
  14. memory construction and the misinformation effect

28 Clues: parenting stylesHierarchy of needsoperant conditioningtheory of innate grammarStanford Prison ExperimentStudied attachment in monkeysclassical conditioning (dogs)Successful intelligence theoryTheory of multiple intelligencesDeveloped client-centered therapy___-Simon Test (intelligence test)Rational emotive behaviour therapy...


CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. Mc Clelland's needs theory.
  2. What is good work objective that allows you to see your progress.
  3. What is good work objective that actionable goals ensure the steps to get there are w/in your control.
  4. Process of management that includes the guiding and motivating team.
  5. Parts of organizational theories also known as scientific management theory that control and order.
  6. Resources in organization to which the workforce, and workers belong.
  7. Mc Clelland's needs theory.
  8. Leadership style that leaders involve followers in decision-making process
  9. What is good work objective that avoid unnecessary stress by making the goal realistic.
  10. Resources in organization that talks about computers, machines, robotics, and technologies.
  11. Parts of organizational theories it emphasized the importance of the informal organization.
  12. Types of objectives that focused on individual's personal development, growth and improvement.
  13. Parts of organizational theories it emphasize that this theory views organization as complex system.
  14. Leadership style measurement
  15. Types of leadership style also know as "Do Nothing" Approach.
  16. Types of objectives that focused on the task, responsibilities, and results that an individual or team must achieve within the scope of their role.
  17. Factor in contingency theory
  18. What is good work objective that set a date to help us to stay focused and providing something to work towards.
  19. Parts of organizational theories emphasize that the effectiveness of organizational structures and process depends on various external and internalfactors.
  20. This theory which is leaders should motivate followers to pass the obstacle to achieve the leaders path goal.
  21. Process of management where you make sure that everything id going according to your plan.
  1. What ideal of the business and its objectives; are the foundations for the activities to have excellence based on priorities.
  2. Resources in organization that talks about infrastructure, building and equipment.
  3. Parts of key components of organization centralization vs. decentralization refers it involves distributing decision-making authority to lower levels.
  4. Resources in organization that talks about knowledge, skills, techniques, strategies used.
  5. Leadership style that leaders have a complete power over people.
  6. Parts of key components of organization centralization vs. decentralization refers to decision- making being concentrated at the top levels of the organization.
  7. Mc Clelland's needs theory.
  8. Process of management that includes making sure everyone knows their roles, securing the venue, and setting up a timeline.
  9. It is a process of management that determines how and when will it be done.
  10. Consists of statement of what the organization or a part of it wants to become.
  11. It is about managers do to make things happen.
  12. Key components of organizational structure to which group of employee based on their specific function or roles belong.
  13. Factor in contingency theory.
  14. Resources in organization that talks about money and finances.
  15. This theory depends on leadership style and favorableness
  16. A group of people working together to achieve a common goals or set of goals.
  17. What is good work objective you need to be clear and specific so your goal are easier to achieve
  18. Ability of individual or group to influence and guide follower.
  19. Key components of organizational structure to which the responsible for a specific product and service belong.
  20. Key components of organizational structure to which the employees have dual reporting relationship belong.

41 Clues: Mc Clelland's needs theory.Mc Clelland's needs theory.Mc Clelland's needs theory.Leadership style measurementFactor in contingency theory.Factor in contingency theoryIt is about managers do to make things happen.This theory depends on leadership style and favorablenessTypes of leadership style also know as "Do Nothing" Approach....

Sports Psychology: Assignment 1 2021-02-05

Sports Psychology: Assignment 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Direction and intensity of one's efforts
  2. Resultant or Behavioral ________; prediction of behavior derived from observations of an individual's personal motivation factors in relation to situational factors
  3. "a disposition to strive for satisfaction when making comparisons to some standard of excellence in the presence of evaluative others."
  4. Learned ____________; an acquired mindset that dismisses ideas of improvement being possible
  5. ____ Orientation; viewpoint that success is based on how one improves through their efforts as their goal
  6. _________-centered, viewpoint that states that environmental context influences motivation
  7. viewpoint that states that personal and situational factors influence motivation
  8. "recognition of the need to do something to gain control"
  9. Achievement ____ Theory; viewpoint that focuses on what the participant thinks it means to succeed or fail
  1. ___________ Focus; one's ability can be improved over time
  2. ___________ Motivation; "a person's orientation to strive for tasks, persist in the face of failure, and have pride in accomplishments."
  3. ___________ Theory; viewpoint that focuses on how participants view certain factors towards their successes or failures
  4. ____ Achievement Theory; interactional theory that considers personal and situation factors as predictors of behavior
  5. _____-centered; viewpoint that states that personal characteristics influence motivation
  6. ______ View; one's ability is fixed and unchanging
  7. A factor one attributes success or failure that is either internal or external in origin
  8. A factor one attributes success or failure that is either fairly permanent or unstable
  9. _______ Orientation; viewpoint that success is based on the idea that a goal needs to be set and met
  10. A factor one attributes success or failure that is either in one's ability to change or not

19 Clues: Direction and intensity of one's efforts______ View; one's ability is fixed and unchanging"recognition of the need to do something to gain control"___________ Focus; one's ability can be improved over timeviewpoint that states that personal and situational factors influence motivation...

Psychologists 2022-01-04

Psychologists crossword puzzle
  1. created the stages of moral development
  2. created the theory of collective unconscious
  3. created the hierarchy of needs
  4. created the ecological systems theory
  5. created the theory of dreams and developed the technique of psychoanalysis
  6. originator of social cognitive theory
  7. used introspection to search for the mind's structural elements
  8. first American to receive a doctorate in a psychology topic
  9. discovered classical conditioning through experiment with dogs
  10. believed we are formed and developed from our experiences and environment
  11. established the theory of natural selection
  12. created the rational emotive behavior theory
  13. leading behaviorist and rejected introspection
  14. theory of cognitive development in children during childhood
  15. proposes inconsistency among beliefs or behaviors causes an uncomfortable psychology tension
  16. theory of multiple intelligences
  17. proposed that women come to prioritize an “ethics of care” as their sense of morality
  18. studied imprinting and instinctive behaviors
  19. created the cultural historical theory
  1. memory and cognition, the "misinformation effect"
  2. first to teach psychology in the US
  3. believed that psychology should focus on 'real world problems'
  4. founded classical behaviorism
  5. believes that humans only have 6 different emotions
  6. designed the psychopathy checklist-revised
  7. created the sexual strategies theories
  8. created first psychological laboratory
  9. developed theories on perception, learning, memory, and other aspects of cognition in young children that had a strong influence on the American educational system and helped launch the field of cognitive psychology
  10. first woman to receive a psychology Ph.D.
  11. created the attachment theory
  12. human judgement and decision making
  13. conducted the Stanford prison experiment in 1971
  14. believes experience is the foundation of learning
  15. created the theory of learn helplessness
  16. first woman to be president of the American Psychological Association
  17. first American to propose a comprehensive learning theory
  18. created theory that behavior is the result of individual and its environment
  19. founded approach known and individual psychology
  20. believes people have a fixed or growth mindset
  21. created theory of psychosocial development

40 Clues: founded classical behaviorismcreated the attachment theorycreated the hierarchy of needstheory of multiple intelligencesfirst to teach psychology in the UShuman judgement and decision makingcreated the ecological systems theoryoriginator of social cognitive theorycreated the sexual strategies theoriescreated first psychological laboratory...

Psychological science 2019-08-20

Psychological science crossword puzzle
  1. Statistical measure of variance. Found by subtracting the lowest from the highest then adding one.
  2. effect, Substance not known to have pharmacological effect.
  3. Method of research, where the investigator manipulates one part and controls the other, to yield a result.
  4. A measure of central tendency , defined by the average of the numbers given in a data set.
  5. coefficient, Measure of direction of relationship between two set of scores.
  6. Data collection of self reported responses of peoples answer to questions.
  7. Statistical method to represent the relationship between two factors.
  8. procedure, Experiment, where both subject and researcher do not know the condition the study is taking place.
  9. the repetition of a research study with different situations and subjects, to determine if the findings of the original study can be applied to other participants and circumstances.
  10. The group of subjects chosen to be studied.
  11. significance, Probability of some result from a statistical test occurring by chance.
  12. plot, Visual representation between two factors.
  13. Explaining the purpose of the study to the subject.
  14. thinking, evaluating and accepting claims before accepting it.
  15. A measure of central tendency , defined by the most common number in a data set.
  1. A measure of central tendency , defined by middle number given in a data set
  2. group, The group that a test is being carried on.
  3. study, In depth study of one or very small group of people.
  4. curve, Bell shaped curve, where most occurrences take place in the middle and taper off on either side.
  5. variable, Variable that depends on the controlled variable.
  6. A set of principles that organizes and predicts.
  7. observation, The study of subjects in their natural habitat.
  8. A clear, straightforward statement that reflects a theory.
  9. definition, A statement of the procedures or ways in which a researcher is going to measure behaviors or qualities.
  10. Set of ideas, beliefs and traditions that exist in a large group of people, and may determine ones view in a case.
  11. variable, Variable that is controlled.
  12. deviation, How much a score varies from the mean.
  13. group, Treatment group that receives treatment for a shared condition or problem.
  14. sample, Subjects who are picked at random from a population.
  15. bias, "i knew it all along" tendency to believe you could have anticipated an outcome after learning of it.
  16. consent, Permission given by a human participant to take part in an experimental study.

31 Clues: variable, Variable that is controlled.The group of subjects chosen to be studied.A set of principles that organizes and predicts.plot, Visual representation between two, The group that a test is being carried on.deviation, How much a score varies from the mean.Explaining the purpose of the study to the subject....


  1. Children begin to engage in pretend play during this stage
  2. Patterns of repeated behavior which allow children to explore and express developing ideas and thoughts through their play and exploration
  3. Theorist famously known for his theory of cognitive development
  4. The child's inability to see a situation from another person's point of view
  5. Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development suggests that this changes as children grow
  6. The tendency of the child to focus on only one aspect of a problem
  7. The operational stage in which a child becomes concerned hypothetical, future, and ideological problems
  8. Term referring to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension.
  9. At this stage, children experience the world chiefly through senses and actions, such as looking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and grasping
  10. Occurs when a child's schemas can deal with most new information through assimilation
  1. The type of function that utilizes the ability to use symbols to represent an object that is not present
  2. This is the tendency for the child to think that non-living objects (such as toys) have life and feelings like a person
  3. A set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based
  4. The process of making orderly arrangements
  5. the cognitive process of fitting new information into existing cognitive schemas, perceptions, and understanding
  6. grouping of isolated behaviors and thoughts into a higher order system
  7. The ability to focus on a single characteristic of objects in a set and group the objects according to that characteristic
  8. The operational stage in which a child understands the concept of conservation
  9. The cognitive process of revising existing cognitive schemas, perceptions, and understanding so that new information can be incorporated
  10. logical thinking ability that allows a person to determine that a certain quantity will remain the same despite adjustment of the container, shape, or apparent size

20 Clues: The process of making orderly arrangementsChildren begin to engage in pretend play during this stageTheorist famously known for his theory of cognitive developmentA set of principles on which the practice of an activity is basedThe tendency of the child to focus on only one aspect of a problem...

Unit 2 Vocabulary - Honors American Government 2022-10-20

Unit 2 Vocabulary - Honors American Government crossword puzzle
  1. A country or area under the partial political control of another country, typically a distant one
  2. A doctrine in political theory that government is created by and subject to the will of the people
  3. A tax duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports
  4. Law that is derived from custom & judicial precedent rather than statutes
  5. Policy of the British government regarding its north American colonies
  6. Having a single legislative chamber
  7. A body of fundamental principles according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed
  8. Charter of English liberties granted by King John
  9. The restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well defined & established laws
  10. A conversation in which there is a mutual airing of views
  11. A set of rules for self-governance established by the English settlers
  12. Traditional rights of English subjects of the British crown
  13. An alliance, especially of confederate states
  14. Describe the government set up by the Connecticut River towns setting its structure & powers
  15. Sets out certain basic civil rights acted upon by the English parliament
  1. A theory that concerns the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual
  2. Theory that trade generates wealth
  3. A concept that the legislative body has absolute sovereignty & is supreme over other institutions
  4. Rights that people supposedly have under natural law
  5. An act of vesting the legislative, executive & judicial powers of a government in separate bodies
  6. A person authorized to represent others
  7. Influence where an organization is regulated, typically by those ensuring political power is not in one person's hands
  8. Elected representative element of the Virginia General Assembly, the legislative body of the colony of Virginia
  9. A grant by a country's legislative or sovereign in power by which a body is founded & its privileged rights defined

24 Clues: Theory that trade generates wealthHaving a single legislative chamberA person authorized to represent othersAn alliance, especially of confederate statesCharter of English liberties granted by King JohnRights that people supposedly have under natural lawA conversation in which there is a mutual airing of views...

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 2018-11-14

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. HF electronic energies are in this state
  2. Represents the electric field acting on an electron in the HF theory
  3. States that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be
  4. Rules to limit evaluation to non-zero integrals of the N-electron wavefunctions
  5. Hamiltonian terms that relate to the energy of a single electron in an N-electron system
  6. Approximation of trial molecular wavefunctions using atomic wavefunctions
  7. Only construct in the quantum mechanical formalism with no direct mechanical analogue
  8. Used to approximate slater-type orbitals
  9. Results to the separability of the Hamiltonian per electron
  10. In HF theory, the hamiltonian is exact but the wavefunctions are
  11. The best trial energy that can be determined using HF theory over an infinite basis
  12. Correction method for the basis-set superposition error
  13. Basis sets were basis functions are contracted for the core electrons and non-contracted otherwise
  14. Integrals to correspond to interaction of electrons that are dependent on spin
  15. Integrals to correspond to direct interaction of electrons regardless of spin
  1. Approximations of STO basis functions using GTO basis functions
  2. Relates to the position of a nucleus inside an atomic electron density
  3. Difference between Born-Oppenheimer limit and the HF limit is due to this
  4. Identify to the weight of an atomic orbitals in the expansion of a wavefunction
  5. Coloumbic interaction not considered in the Born-Oppenheimer limit
  6. The process of obtaining the roots of a square matrix
  7. Treatment of open-shell systems where optimizations are done over singly-occupied orbitals
  8. Antisymmetric electronic wavefunction are represented this way in HF theory
  9. Wavefunctions that result from an HF computation are said to be optimized and referred to as
  10. Results to twice as many J integrals as there are K integrals
  11. Orbitals that have non-negative energies
  12. Used to find the set of coefficients for basis functions that produces the smallest energy
  13. Electrons have antisymmetric wavefunctions because they are
  14. Equations that describe the relationship of the Fock matrix to the energy
  15. field Method of refining the approximattion to the energy using interatively improved coefficients
  16. Systems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicable

31 Clues: HF electronic energies are in this stateOrbitals that have non-negative energiesUsed to approximate slater-type orbitalsThe process of obtaining the roots of a square matrixSystems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicableCorrection method for the basis-set superposition errorStates that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be...

v223-07 2016-07-06

v223-07 crossword puzzle
  1. Rules of behaviour based on ideas about what is morally good and bad.
  2. An adverse effect produced by a drug that is detrimental to the participant's health
  3. An organized set of concepts that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.
  4. Dummy pill.
  5. Official, detailed, written instructions for the management of clinical trials.
  6. Characteristics that patients must have to be included in a study
  7. In an experimental setting, a factor that varies in amount and kind.
  8. Person taking part in research.
  9. An unwanted side effect of treatment.
  10. treatment Inactive treatment designed to mimic active treatment in a trial.
  11. The study of the patterns, causes, and control of disease in groups of people.
  12. The amount of treatment taken, or radiation given, at a time.
  1. Formal agreement to take part in research.
  2. The probability that an event or difference occurred by chance alone.
  3. Treatment plan that specifies the dosage, schedule, and duration of treatment
  4. Of a clinical trial comparing two or more treatments.
  5. Selection of treatment in a clinical trial by chance.
  6. The extent to which a test measures what it was intended to measure.
  7. Based on experimental data not on a theory.
  8. Study where patients and doctors know which treatment is being given
  9. Research which participants are observed repeatedly over a period of time.
  10. The study of the inheritance of physical and psychological traits from ancestors.
  11. Paramount criterion in medical research
  12. Intensive observation of an individual or group of individuals.
  13. Study in which treatment is hidden from patients and or doctors.
  14. Research information.
  15. Treatment group in randomised controlled trial.
  16. Document describing the objectives, design and methodology of a clinical trial.
  17. Idea or theory that forms the basis for research.
  18. Overall outcome that the protocol is designed to evaluate.

30 Clues: Dummy pill.Research information.Person taking part in research.An unwanted side effect of treatment.Paramount criterion in medical researchFormal agreement to take part in research.Based on experimental data not on a theory.Treatment group in randomised controlled trial.Idea or theory that forms the basis for research....

Prize 1 2016-07-05

Prize 1 crossword puzzle
  1. label Study where patients and doctors know which treatment is being given
  2. Document describing the objectives, design and methodology of a clinical trial.
  3. Characteristics that patients must have to be included in a study
  4. The extent to which a test measures what it was intended to measure.
  5. Paramount criterion in medical research
  6. Treatment plan that specifies the dosage, schedule, and duration of treatment
  7. -procedures Official, detailed, written instructions for the management of clinical trials.
  8. Research which participants are observed repeatedly over a period of time.
  9. Person taking part in research.
  10. The amount of treatment taken, or radiation given, at a time.
  11. An unwanted side effect of treatment.
  12. Research information.
  13. The study of the inheritance of physical and psychological traits from ancestors.
  14. An organized set of concepts that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.
  1. Idea or theory that forms the basis for research.
  2. Of a clinical trial comparing two or more treatments.
  3. Overall outcome that the protocol is designed to evaluate.
  4. consent Formal agreement to take part in research.
  5. The probability that an event or difference occurred by chance alone.
  6. Based on experimental data not on a theory.
  7. Selection of treatment in a clinical trial by chance.
  8. Study in which treatment is hidden from patients and or doctors.
  9. The study of the patterns, causes, and control of disease in groups of people.
  10. treatment Inactive treatment designed to mimic active treatment in a trial.
  11. Treatment group in randomised controlled trial.
  12. An adverse effect produced by a drug that is detrimental to the participant's health
  13. In an experimental setting, a factor that varies in amount and kind.
  14. Intensive observation of an individual or group of individuals.
  15. Dummy pill.
  16. Rules of behaviour based on ideas about what is morally good and bad.

30 Clues: Dummy pill.Research information.Person taking part in research.An unwanted side effect of treatment.Paramount criterion in medical researchBased on experimental data not on a theory.Treatment group in randomised controlled trial.Idea or theory that forms the basis for research.consent Formal agreement to take part in research....

Famous Psychologists 2016-04-19

Famous Psychologists crossword puzzle
  1. Attachment Theory
  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  3. Attachment Theory
  4. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
  5. Critical period of language acquisition
  6. Memory (Spacing Effect)
  7. Taste aversion
  8. Intelligence test(French)
  9. Diagnostic labeling
  10. Conformity Experiment (length of lines)
  11. Neo-Freudian (Introversion vs Extroversion)
  12. Obedience, shock experiment
  13. Multiple Intelligence Theory
  14. Emotions
  1. Learned helplessness
  2. Split-brain experiments
  3. Parenting Styles
  4. Heuristics
  5. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
  6. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
  7. Eyewitness memory
  8. Social Development Theory
  9. Factor Analysis, Correlation Coefficient
  10. Moral development (worked with Kohlberg)
  11. Emotion and temperament
  12. Stanford Prison Experiment
  13. Bobo doll experiment
  14. Feminine Psychology

28 Clues: EmotionsHeuristicsTaste aversionParenting StylesAttachment TheoryAttachment TheoryEyewitness memoryDiagnostic labelingFeminine PsychologyLearned helplessnessBobo doll experimentSplit-brain experimentsMemory (Spacing Effect)Emotion and temperamentSocial Development TheoryIntelligence test(French)Stanford Prison ExperimentCognitive Dissonance Theory...

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 2018-11-14

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. Represents the electric field acting on an electron in the HF theory
  2. In HF theory, the hamiltonian is exact but the wavefunctions are
  3. Identify to the weight of an atomic orbitals in the expansion of a wavefunction
  4. Wavefunctions that result from an HF computation are said to be optimized and referred to as
  5. Basis sets were basis functions are contracted for the core electrons and non-contracted otherwise
  6. Results to the separability of the Hamiltonian per electron
  7. Used to find the set of coefficients for basis functions that produces the smallest energy
  8. Used to approximate slater-type orbitals
  9. Relates to the position of a nucleus inside an atomic electron density
  10. Integrals to correspond to direct interaction of electrons regardless of spin
  11. Treatment of open-shell systems where optimizations are done over singly-occupied orbitals
  12. Antisymmetric electronic wavefunction are represented this way in HF theory
  13. Hamiltonian terms that relate to the energy of a single electron in an N-electron system
  14. Electrons have antisymmetric wavefunctions because they are
  15. Integrals to correspond to interaction of electrons that are dependent on spin
  1. Approximations of STO basis functions using GTO basis functions
  2. Results to twice as many J integrals as there are K integrals
  3. Rules to limit evaluation to non-zero integrals of the N-electron wavefunctions
  4. The process of obtaining the roots of a square matrix
  5. Only construct in the quantum mechanical formalism with no direct mechanical analogue
  6. Coloumbic interaction not considered in the Born-Oppenheimer limit
  7. field Method of refining the approximattion to the energy using interatively improved coefficients
  8. Equations that describe the relationship of the Fock matrix to the energy
  9. Systems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicable
  10. Orbitals that have non-negative energies
  11. Difference between Born-Oppenheimer limit and the HF limit is due to this
  12. HF electronic energies are in this state
  13. The best trial energy that can be determined using HF theory over an infinite basis
  14. Correction method for the basis-set superposition error
  15. States that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be
  16. Approximation of trial molecular wavefunctions using atomic wavefunctions

31 Clues: Orbitals that have non-negative energiesHF electronic energies are in this stateUsed to approximate slater-type orbitalsThe process of obtaining the roots of a square matrixSystems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicableCorrection method for the basis-set superposition errorStates that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be...

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 2018-11-14

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. Represents the electric field acting on an electron in the HF theory
  2. Approximation of trial molecular wavefunctions using atomic wavefunctions
  3. Integrals to correspond to direct interaction of electrons regardless of spin
  4. Rules to limit evaluation to non-zero integrals of the N-electron wavefunctions
  5. Results to the separability of the Hamiltonian per electron
  6. Results to twice as many J integrals as there are K integrals
  7. Approximations of STO basis functions using GTO basis functions
  8. The process of obtaining the roots of a square matrix
  9. Integrals to correspond to interaction of electrons that are dependent on spin
  10. States that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be
  11. field Method of refining the approximattion to the energy using interatively improved coefficients
  12. Orbitals that have non-negative energies
  13. Hamiltonian terms that relate to the energy of a single electron in an N-electron system
  14. Coloumbic interaction not considered in the Born-Oppenheimer limit
  15. In HF theory, the hamiltonian is exact but the wavefunctions are
  1. Systems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicable
  2. Correction method for the basis-set superposition error
  3. The best trial energy that can be determined using HF theory over an infinite basis
  4. HF electronic energies are in this state
  5. Wavefunctions that result from an HF computation are said to be optimized and referred to as
  6. Antisymmetric electronic wavefunction are represented this way in HF theory
  7. Difference between Born-Oppenheimer limit and the HF limit is due to this
  8. Used to find the set of coefficients for basis functions that produces the smallest energy
  9. Electrons have antisymmetric wavefunctions because they are
  10. Treatment of open-shell systems where optimizations are done over singly-occupied orbitals
  11. Used to approximate slater-type orbitals
  12. Identify to the weight of an atomic orbitals in the expansion of a wavefunction
  13. Equations that describe the relationship of the Fock matrix to the energy
  14. Only construct in the quantum mechanical formalism with no direct mechanical analogue
  15. Basis sets were basis functions are contracted for the core electrons and non-contracted otherwise
  16. Relates to the position of a nucleus inside an atomic electron density

31 Clues: HF electronic energies are in this stateUsed to approximate slater-type orbitalsOrbitals that have non-negative energiesThe process of obtaining the roots of a square matrixSystems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicableCorrection method for the basis-set superposition errorStates that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be...


  1. board or wall
  2. constant supervisión
  3. they are classmates
  4. test your knowledge
  1. when you are exploring
  2. grouping of words
  3. Set of words
  4. theory and

8 Clues: theory andSet of wordsboard or wallgrouping of wordsthey are classmatestest your knowledgeconstant supervisiónwhen you are exploring

Crossword 30v2 2016-07-08

Crossword 30v2 crossword puzzle
  1. Research information.
  2. See blind
  3. Of a clinical trial comparing two or more treatments.
  4. See adverse.
  5. Selection of treatment in a clinical trial by chance.
  6. See eligibility.
  7. The study of the patterns, causes, and control of disease in groups of people.
  8. Inactive treatment designed to mimic active treatment in a trial.
  9. Official, detailed, written instructions for the management of clinical trials.
  10. See statistical.
  11. The extent to which a test measures what it was intended to measure.
  12. See standard.
  13. Based on experimental data not on a theory.
  14. See case
  15. Intensive observation of an individual or group of individuals..
  16. Dummy pill.
  17. An adverse effect produced by a drug that is detrimental to the participant's health
  18. Treatment group in randomised controlled trial.
  19. The study of the inheritance of physical and psychological traits from ancestors.
  20. See informed.
  1. Idea or theory that forms the basis for research.
  2. The amount of treatment taken, or radiation given, at a time.
  3. An unwanted result of treatment.
  4. Characteristics that patients must have to be included in a study.
  5. In an experimental setting, a factor that changes in amount and kind.
  6. An organised set of concepts that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.
  7. Research which participants are observed repeatedly over a period of time.
  8. Study where patients and doctors know which treatment is being given.
  9. Person taking part in research.
  10. Treatment plan that specifies the dosage, schedule, and duration of treatment
  11. The probability that an event or difference occurred by chance alone.
  12. See open
  13. See standard.
  14. Overall outcome that the protocol is designed to evaluate.
  15. Formal agreement to take part in research.
  16. see sham
  17. Study in which treatment is concealed from patients and or doctors.
  18. Rules of behaviour based on ideas about what is morally good and bad.
  19. Document describing the objectives, design and methodology of a clinical trial.

39 Clues: See openSee casesee shamSee blindDummy pill.See adverse.See standard.See standard.See informed.See eligibility.See statistical.Research information.Person taking part in research.An unwanted result of treatment.Formal agreement to take part in research.Based on experimental data not on a theory.Treatment group in randomised controlled trial....

v23-07 2016-07-06

v23-07 crossword puzzle
  1. Based on experimental data not on a theory.
  2. Treatment plan that specifies the dosage, schedule, and duration of treatment
  3. Person taking part in research.
  4. Paramount criterion in medical research
  5. The amount of treatment taken, or radiation given, at a time.
  6. In an experimental setting, a factor that varies in amount and kind.
  7. Dummy pill.
  8. The study of the inheritance of physical and psychological traits from ancestors.
  9. Selection of treatment in a clinical trial by chance.
  10. The probability that an event or difference occurred by chance alone.
  11. Research information.
  12. Formal agreement to take part in research.
  13. Idea or theory that forms the basis for research.
  14. Of a clinical trial comparing two or more treatments.
  1. The study of the patterns, causes, and control of disease in groups of people.
  2. Research which participants are observed repeatedly over a period of time.
  3. An adverse effect produced by a drug that is detrimental to the participant's health
  4. Overall outcome that the protocol is designed to evaluate.
  5. Official, detailed, written instructions for the management of clinical trials.
  6. Characteristics that patients must have to be included in a study
  7. treatment Inactive treatment designed to mimic active treatment in a trial.
  8. The extent to which a test measures what it was intended to measure.
  9. An unwanted side effect of treatment.
  10. Study where patients and doctors know which treatment is being given
  11. Rules of behaviour based on ideas about what is morally good and bad.
  12. Document describing the objectives, design and methodology of a clinical trial.
  13. Study in which treatment is hidden from patients and or doctors.
  14. Treatment group in randomised controlled trial.
  15. Intensive observation of an individual or group of individuals.
  16. An organized set of concepts that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.

30 Clues: Dummy pill.Research information.Person taking part in research.An unwanted side effect of treatment.Paramount criterion in medical researchFormal agreement to take part in research.Based on experimental data not on a theory.Treatment group in randomised controlled trial.Idea or theory that forms the basis for research....

Heather Young 2020-03-13

Heather Young crossword puzzle
  1. The literal dictionary definition of a word
  2. point The event that precipitates a conflict episode
  3. A state where one thing or person requires another thing or person to meet goals
  4. Theory that holds one's personality and behavior are influenced by biological development rather than social
  5. goals How things should be done
  6. conflict purely internal struggle about one's goals.
  7. sum A view that resources are limited
  8. aggression Using personal attacks, name-calling, and other aggressive tactics
  9. Focusing discussion on the interaction process, communication about communication
  10. value Using the decision making process to create outcomes that add benefit to all involved
  11. climates Individuals feel safer and are more likely to engage in problem solving
  12. communication Internal conversations
  13. interaction theory advanced by Delia and others, that holds individuals create meaning
  14. Tentative explanation for observed behaviors
  15. management Communications to bring the perceptions and expectations held by different people together
  16. how one respsonds in a moment and can change the entire direction of a relationship
  17. goals One's self-worth, pride, or power
  18. aggression Begrudging compliance perhaps with a plan to get even
  19. Theory that holds one's personality and behavior are influenced by social development rather than biological
  1. motive Situation where an individuals goals are somewhat cooperative and competitive
  2. conflict struggle among a small number of interdependent people
  3. A need that drives a goal
  4. goals Goals for self-worth, pride, or self-respect
  5. resource anything in short supply
  6. Exteranal attributions
  7. theory a theory that models the outcomes of conflict based on choices made by players.
  8. learning theory individuals learn what attitudes and behaviors are appropriate through observation/interaction
  9. General conversational area in which a conflict issue may be embedded
  10. Defending ones position from a competitive stance
  11. goals A party's desired means of how an event should happen or a negotiation should proceed
  12. The end or desired condition
  13. goals Goals held by individuals
  14. goals A party's preference for the depth or type of connection to another person
  15. focus Technique that requires disputants to attend to the changes to be made in the existing circumstances
  16. A tactic in response to conflict not to engage directly in conflict
  17. dilemma Classic game theory example using 2 criminals against each other during interrogation
  18. Overarching set of beliefs about the world and one's place in it
  19. Rational weighing of facts
  20. Individualized reaction to a word derived from one's personal association or experience with it
  21. process Machine like communication with discrete parts that function in preset sequences Fieldtheory:There are types of forces that drive conflict and forces that restrain conflict
  22. climates Individuals feel threatened and react to others negatively

41 Clues: Exteranal attributionsA need that drives a goalRational weighing of factsThe end or desired conditiongoals How things should be donegoals Goals held by individualsresource anything in short supplycommunication Internal conversationssum A view that resources are limitedgoals One's self-worth, pride, or power...

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 2018-11-14

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. Integrals to correspond to direct interaction of electrons regardless of spin
  2. In HF theory, the hamiltonian is exact but the wavefunctions are
  3. Relates to the position of a nucleus inside an atomic electron density
  4. Equations that describe the relationship of the Fock matrix to the energy
  5. Coloumbic interaction not considered in the Born-Oppenheimer limit
  6. Systems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicable
  7. Approximation of trial molecular wavefunctions using atomic wavefunctions
  8. States that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be
  9. Results to the separability of the Hamiltonian per electron
  10. Treatment of open-shell systems where optimizations are done over singly-occupied orbitals
  11. Wavefunctions that result from an HF computation are said to be optimized and referred to as
  1. Approximations of STO basis functions using GTO basis functions
  2. Represents the electric field acting on an electron in the HF theory
  3. Orbitals that have non-negative energies
  4. The process of obtaining the roots of a square matrix
  5. Hamiltonian terms that relate to the energy of a single electron in an N-electron system
  6. Identify to the weight of an atomic orbitals in the expansion of a wavefunction
  7. Used to find the set of coefficients for basis functions that produces the smallest energy
  8. HF electronic energies are in this state
  9. Antisymmetric electronic wavefunction are represented this way in HF theory
  10. Difference between Born-Oppenheimer limit and the HF limit is due to this
  11. Rules to limit evaluation to non-zero integrals of the N-electron wavefunctions
  12. Basis sets were basis functions are contracted for the core electrons and non-contracted otherwise
  13. Electrons have antisymmetric wavefunctions because they are
  14. Results to twice as many J integrals as there are K integrals
  15. Used to approximate slater-type orbitals
  16. Correction method for the basis-set superposition error
  17. field Method of refining the approximattion to the energy using interatively improved coefficients
  18. The best trial energy that can be determined using HF theory over an infinite basis
  19. Only construct in the quantum mechanical formalism with no direct mechanical analogue
  20. Integrals to correspond to interaction of electrons that are dependent on spin

31 Clues: Orbitals that have non-negative energiesHF electronic energies are in this stateUsed to approximate slater-type orbitalsThe process of obtaining the roots of a square matrixSystems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicableCorrection method for the basis-set superposition errorStates that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be...

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 2018-11-14

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. Used to approximate slater-type orbitals
  2. Coloumbic interaction not considered in the Born-Oppenheimer limit
  3. Treatment of open-shell systems where optimizations are done over singly-occupied orbitals
  4. Orbitals that have non-negative energies
  5. Hamiltonian terms that relate to the energy of a single electron in an N-electron system
  6. The process of obtaining the roots of a square matrix
  7. In HF theory, the hamiltonian is exact but the wavefunctions are
  8. Basis sets were basis functions are contracted for the core electrons and non-contracted otherwise
  9. field Method of refining the approximattion to the energy using interatively improved coefficients
  10. Represents the electric field acting on an electron in the HF theory
  11. Results to twice as many J integrals as there are K integrals
  12. Used to find the set of coefficients for basis functions that produces the smallest energy
  13. Results to the separability of the Hamiltonian per electron
  14. Equations that describe the relationship of the Fock matrix to the energy
  15. Integrals to correspond to interaction of electrons that are dependent on spin
  1. HF electronic energies are in this state
  2. Integrals to correspond to direct interaction of electrons regardless of spin
  3. Approximations of STO basis functions using GTO basis functions
  4. Identify to the weight of an atomic orbitals in the expansion of a wavefunction
  5. Correction method for the basis-set superposition error
  6. Difference between Born-Oppenheimer limit and the HF limit is due to this
  7. States that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be
  8. Approximation of trial molecular wavefunctions using atomic wavefunctions
  9. Antisymmetric electronic wavefunction are represented this way in HF theory
  10. Wavefunctions that result from an HF computation are said to be optimized and referred to as
  11. Relates to the position of a nucleus inside an atomic electron density
  12. Only construct in the quantum mechanical formalism with no direct mechanical analogue
  13. Electrons have antisymmetric wavefunctions because they are
  14. Rules to limit evaluation to non-zero integrals of the N-electron wavefunctions
  15. Systems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicable
  16. The best trial energy that can be determined using HF theory over an infinite basis

31 Clues: HF electronic energies are in this stateUsed to approximate slater-type orbitalsOrbitals that have non-negative energiesThe process of obtaining the roots of a square matrixCorrection method for the basis-set superposition errorSystems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicableStates that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be...

All my sons! 2024-02-25

All my sons! crossword puzzle
  1. what month is the play set in?
  2. who completes chekov’s gun theory?
  3. what was Keller’s business partners name? (Who went to prison)
  4. who was Arthur Miller married to?
  1. where is the play set?
  2. why did Keller kill himself?
  3. how many unities did Aristotle propose?
  4. what is Keller trying to acquire “the American _____”?
  5. which world war surrounds the plot?
  6. who is the only character without a fatal flaw?

10 Clues: where is the play set?why did Keller kill himself?what month is the play set in?who was Arthur Miller married to?who completes chekov’s gun theory?which world war surrounds the plot?how many unities did Aristotle propose?who is the only character without a fatal flaw?what is Keller trying to acquire “the American _____”?...

Nazaeth McClendon's Physical Science Chapter 1 Terms 2022-08-17

Nazaeth McClendon's Physical Science Chapter 1 Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A model is often expressed as a mathematical equation that describes phenomena under certain conditions
  2. The systematic study of the universe that produces observations, inferences, and models including the products that it through this systematic study.
  3. The study of nonliving matter.
  4. International System of Units
  5. God's command to exercise the wise and good dominion of His creation on earth
  6. the comparison of measurement to an accepted or expected value
  7. A system of moral values; a theory of proper conduct
  1. Study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
  2. The basis upon which a model is assessed taking into account how well it explains or describes a set of observations and how well the model makes predictions
  3. The study of the composition structure and properties of and the changes that take place in a matter
  4. A model that explains a related set of phenomena
  5. An ongoing, orderly cyclical approach used to investigate the world.
  6. the degree of exactness of a measurement; which can indicate the closeness or repeatability of measurements
  7. a workable explanation or description of a phenomenon

14 Clues: International System of UnitsThe study of nonliving matter.A model that explains a related set of phenomenaa workable explanation or description of a phenomenonA system of moral values; a theory of proper conductStudy of matter and energy and the interactions between themthe comparison of measurement to an accepted or expected value...

Social Justice & CAASPP Prep Vocabulary 2016-05-01

Social Justice & CAASPP Prep Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A system that is unfair for one gender group
  2. Violation of the rights of others; unjust or unfair action or treatment
  3. disagree; disapprove of and attempt to prevent by argument
  4. when law enforcement agents or other individuals use race, religion, ethnicity or national origin in deciding who to investigate.
  5. a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of convincing others that an action or idea is right or wrong
  6. the quality of being trustworthy, believable, or reliable
  1. an argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument.
  2. The unequal treatment of members of various groups based on race, gender etc.
  3. to prove (a claim, statement, or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove
  4. working to change social injustice
  5. Social inequality where authority or power is used in an unjust manner
  6. fairness
  7. A system that is unfair for a racial group
  8. a tendency to believe that an idea, person, or thing is better or worse than others because of one's strong opinions about that idea, person, or thing.

14 Clues: fairnessworking to change social injusticeA system that is unfair for a racial groupA system that is unfair for one gender groupthe quality of being trustworthy, believable, or reliabledisagree; disapprove of and attempt to prevent by argumentSocial inequality where authority or power is used in an unjust manner...

Ben Bloom's Taxonomy 2021-11-30

Ben Bloom's Taxonomy crossword puzzle
  1. Justify a stand or decision.
  2. Draw connections among ideas.
  3. Produce new or original work.
  4. Use information in new situations.
  5. Focus on change and/or development in behavior and/or skills.
  1. American educational psychologist whose major contribution was to the classification of educational objectives and the theory of mastery learning.
  2. Recall facts and basic concepts.
  3. A set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based.
  4. Explain ideas or concepts.
  5. How many levels are in his domain?

10 Clues: Explain ideas or concepts.Justify a stand or decision.Draw connections among ideas.Produce new or original work.Recall facts and basic concepts.Use information in new situations.How many levels are in his domain?Focus on change and/or development in behavior and/or skills.A set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based....

Famous Scientists 2024-08-06

Famous Scientists crossword puzzle
  1. DNA structure co-discoverer
  2. Electromagnetic induction
  3. Radioactivity researcher
  4. Quantum theory founder
  5. Vaccine pioneer
  6. Sociologist of science
  7. Energy conservation
  8. Absolute temperature scale
  9. Evolutionary biology advocate
  10. Atomic structure
  11. Theory of relativity
  12. Penicillin discoverer
  1. Telescope pioneer
  2. Principle of buoyancy
  3. DNA X-ray images
  4. Germ theory of disease
  5. Discoverer of Uranus
  6. Black hole theorist
  7. Theory of evolution
  8. Laws of motion

20 Clues: Laws of motionVaccine pioneerDNA X-ray imagesAtomic structureTelescope pioneerEnergy conservationBlack hole theoristTheory of evolutionDiscoverer of UranusTheory of relativityPrinciple of buoyancyPenicillin discovererQuantum theory founderGerm theory of diseaseSociologist of scienceRadioactivity researcherElectromagnetic induction...

Ch. 5 2023-10-25

Ch.  5 crossword puzzle
  1. Winthrop, Leading Puritan governor
  2. articles, tobacco,cotton,sugar
  3. bringing goods into country
  4. willingness to let others practice their religion
  5. acts, set of laws imposed by England on the colonies
  6. leave their country settle elsewhere
  7. government, one in which the people hold power and exercise it by choosing representives in a free election
  8. group of people that make laws
  1. Hooker, left Mass. to set up colony in Connecticut
  2. theory ofbuilding up gold and expanding trade
  3. owner of the manors
  4. goods sent to markets outside the country
  5. Penn, Quaker from Pennsylvania
  6. servant,someone who owes a debt for their passage

14 Clues: owner of the manorsbringing goods into countryarticles, tobacco,cotton,sugarPenn, Quaker from Pennsylvaniagroup of people that make lawsWinthrop, Leading Puritan governorleave their country settle elsewheregoods sent to markets outside the countrytheory ofbuilding up gold and expanding tradewillingness to let others practice their religion...

Media - TV Drama & Web-based Drama 2013-05-03

Media - TV Drama & Web-based Drama crossword puzzle
  1. Camera shot often used to show what the character is feeling
  2. Balance within the media area
  3. Content within a website that has been created by the user
  4. The Hero
  5. A widely held set of beliefs or values
  6. The name that identifies the website
  1. The coming together of more than one media area
  2. Devices used to keep the audience interested
  3. Everything visible within the scene
  4. Contrasts between characters
  5. Theory that states celebrities are created by institutions for finacial gain
  6. Sound that is outside the space of the narrative
  7. Russian theorist that based his theory on fairytales and folklore
  8. Grouping together programmes with similar appeal to 'sweep' the viewer from one to another
  9. Theorist that stated stock characters are needed within a narrative

15 Clues: The HeroContrasts between charactersBalance within the media areaEverything visible within the sceneThe name that identifies the websiteA widely held set of beliefs or valuesDevices used to keep the audience interestedThe coming together of more than one media areaSound that is outside the space of the narrative...

Nursing theories word puzzle 2022-12-06

Nursing theories word puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. she is the developer of human-to-human relationship model
  2. this circle involves therapeutic use of self
  3. She developed the self care deficit nursing theory
  4. She defined nursing is a healing art
  5. She is the lady with the lamp.
  6. She is the developer of Care, Core and Cure model
  7. this word means love and charity according to the theory of Katie Eriksson.
  8. this stage has two to three years experienced
  9. it is a behaviors that attempts to control the environment according to Johnson's theory
  10. Her thory is "14 basic human needs"
  11. this stage are not longer relies on principles, rules or guidelines to connect situations and determine actions
  1. she defined nursing as the solving the client's health and needs
  2. her theory is "theory of caritative caring"
  3. this circle involves the concept of "mothering" and provide for teaching-learning activities
  4. she define nursing is a responsive to individuals who suffer or anticipate a sense of helplessness
  5. her theory is "science of unitary human beings"
  6. Her theory is "Theory of transpersonal caring"
  7. this level applies to student nurses according to Benner's major concept.
  8. her theory is about conservation model
  9. this stage learns from experiences what to expect in certain situations and how to modify plans

20 Clues: She is the lady with the lamp.Her thory is "14 basic human needs"She defined nursing is a healing arther theory is about conservation modelher theory is "theory of caritative caring"this circle involves therapeutic use of selfthis stage has two to three years experiencedHer theory is "Theory of transpersonal caring"...

Chapter 3: Learning, Motivation, and Performance 2015-04-09

Chapter 3: Learning, Motivation, and Performance crossword puzzle
  1. Theories of motivation describing the various types of human needs that motivate behavior.
  2. A part of social learning theory in which learning is translated into behavior through practice.
  3. A belief about our ability to perform successfully.
  4. A mental activity such as information storage, retrieval or use.
  5. The Process of changing our cognitive map of the world to correspond with our experience in it.
  6. A relatively permanent change in cognition resulting from experience and directly influencing behavior.
  7. The association of a generalized response to some signal in the environment.
  8. Something undesirable that happens to you as a result of your behavior-it can be tangible or psychological or both and can come from the environment or be self-administered.
  9. A cognitive theory of learning that incorporates anticipatory learning.
  10. Behavior followed by satisfying experiences tends to be repeated, and behavior followed by annoyance or dissatisfaction tends to be avoided.
  11. The degree to which an individual is predisposed toward a learning goal rather than a performance goal. In other words, the focus of the individual is on learning rather than achieving some performance standard.
  12. A type of learning where specific types of behavior are reinforced.
  13. A motivation theory using cognitive processes as a means of determining the best course of action for achieving one’s goals.
  14. Higher-level needs in the ERG model that include feelings or self-worth and competency.
  15. The incorporation of new experiences into our existing cognitive structure without changing the structure.
  16. The attractiveness of outcomes to an individual.
  17. Learning that occurs through observing others and the types of consequences that result when others behave in particular ways.
  18. A process in social learning theory in which the brain translates external information into meaningful internal symbols (such as language).
  19. This model (See Figure 3-1) shows that a person’s performance depends on the interaction of motivation, KSAs, and environment.
  20. The physical surroundings in which performance must occur, including barriers and aids to performance, and objects and events that might be seen as indicating that performance will be rewarded or punished.
  21. Motivational theories that that describe how a person translates their needs into behavior designed to satisfy those needs.
  22. A theory of motivational needs, derived by Alderfer based on the work of Maslow, and describing three types of needs: existence, relatedness, and growth.
  23. A theory of motivation that uses the Law of Effect to predict behavior.
  1. Removal of something that you find annoying, that frustrating, or unpleasant as a result of your behavior.
  2. the process of storing informationin the brain and being able to access what has been stored.
  3. The degree to which an individual is predisposed toward a performance goal rather than a learning goal. In other words, the focus of the individual is on performance standard rather than achieving some learning.
  4. Lower-level needs in the ERG model representing physiological and security needs.
  5. A process in social learning theory in which the person is able to increase the retention of newly learned material through visualization or imagining of how some set of knowledge or skill will be used.
  6. The process whereby the group determines and enforces its norms.
  7. A form of punishment in which something desirable is removed.
  8. The direction, persistence, and amount of effort expended by an individual to achieve a specific outcome.
  9. A natural tendency in adults to resist learning new processes, systems, or information, stemming from a fear of the unknown, and the possible losses to the individual that the new learning signifies.
  10. A person’s need to be valued and accepted by others.

33 Clues: The attractiveness of outcomes to an individual.A belief about our ability to perform successfully.A person’s need to be valued and accepted by others.A form of punishment in which something desirable is removed.A mental activity such as information storage, retrieval or use.The process whereby the group determines and enforces its norms....

Review Unit 7 2023-03-09

Review Unit 7 crossword puzzle
  1. high standard, fancy
  2. get away from somewhere
  3. things can be made from
  4. a device moves around the earth
  5. difficult to explain
  6. used for fighting or attacking
  7. place dead body under ground
  8. own something
  1. tool in the house
  2. a small device
  3. events in the past
  4. a piece of information to solve something
  5. not tidy
  6. set of ideas to explain why something happens
  7. worth a lot of money

15 Clues: not tidyown somethinga small devicetool in the houseevents in the pasthigh standard, fancydifficult to explainworth a lot of moneyget away from somewherethings can be made fromplace dead body under groundused for fighting or attackinga device moves around the eartha piece of information to solve something...

Crossword/key people 2023-05-17

Crossword/key people crossword puzzle
  1. Created the elliptical Heliocentric theory
  2. First to cross the Cape of Good Hope
  3. The Americas named after him
  4. Known in English literature and famous for his Sonnets(a form of poetry)
  1. Discovered America
  2. Chinese explorer who set out to collect tribute for the emperor.
  3. First to circumnavigate the globe
  4. Created the Heliocentric theory
  5. Conquered the Incas
  6. Created the 95 Theses to start the reformation of the catholic church

10 Clues: Discovered AmericaConquered the IncasThe Americas named after himCreated the Heliocentric theoryFirst to circumnavigate the globeFirst to cross the Cape of Good HopeCreated the elliptical Heliocentric theoryChinese explorer who set out to collect tribute for the emperor.Created the 95 Theses to start the reformation of the catholic church...

gas laws 2014-03-24

gas laws crossword puzzle
  1. / the set of conditions 0.00C and 1 atmosphere
  2. molecular theory/ the theory that states particles of all matter are in constant
  3. / mass/density
  4. / the force acting on a unit area of a surface
  5. atmosphere / the pressure that supports a column of mercury 760 millimeters in height
  1. law / at a constant trmp., the volumn of a gas is inversely proportional
  2. / the SI unit for measuring pressure
  3. / 1000 pascal
  4. proportion / a relationship where a number either increase or decrease
  5. gas law / PV=nRT

10 Clues: / 1000 pascal/ mass/densitygas law / PV=nRT/ the SI unit for measuring pressure/ the set of conditions 0.00C and 1 atmosphere/ the force acting on a unit area of a surfaceproportion / a relationship where a number either increase or decreaselaw / at a constant trmp., the volumn of a gas is inversely proportional...

Super Quiz 2022-03-01

Super Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The act of forcing out or driving out
  2. a theory; an educated guess that can be tested by further investigation
  3. To ask; to request information
  4. To control with rules
  5. Impossible to avoid or prevent
  6. An idea that is mistaken or false
  7. A campsite; a place where people set up camp temporarily
  8. A protected place where soldiers are stationed or live while on duty
  9. To compete
  10. Difficult to undertake or achieve
  1. A branch or department of armed forces, with specialized function
  2. Expressing a lot in few words; short and clear
  3. something that is accepted as true wihtout proof
  4. To set free; release
  5. Not specific; not clear
  6. a guard, particularly a soldier, posted at a certain spot to keep watch
  7. The act of keeping out or shutting out
  8. A long period of distress or unpleasantness
  9. To push out be force
  10. To cause to move forward or onward

20 Clues: To competeTo set free; releaseTo push out be forceTo control with rulesNot specific; not clearTo ask; to request informationImpossible to avoid or preventAn idea that is mistaken or falseDifficult to undertake or achieveTo cause to move forward or onwardThe act of forcing out or driving outThe act of keeping out or shutting out...

IGCSE Sociology Crossword! 2022-10-18

IGCSE Sociology Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. different ways of viewing social life
  2. encourage what is considered positive behavior
  3. SLNVB represent the elements of ______
  4. Marxism is built around this conflict
  5. informal and formal are two types of this
  6. these set norms and values for society
  7. expected patterns of behavior
  8. basic agreement on a set of shared values
  9. the control of society by men
  10. a gender-based conflict theory
  1. a subculture with peace and love as values
  2. peers push people into doing things
  3. use ostracism as a form of social control
  4. the ruling class of Marxism
  5. statements we hold to be true
  6. the opposite of consensus
  7. the ____ of laws is to protect citizens
  8. standards of good behavior
  9. social control leads to this
  10. the period between childhood and adulthood
  11. subcultures are a __ ___ to functionalists
  12. discourage what is considered negative behavior

22 Clues: the opposite of consensusstandards of good behaviorthe ruling class of Marxismsocial control leads to thisstatements we hold to be trueexpected patterns of behaviorthe control of society by mena gender-based conflict theorypeers push people into doing thingsdifferent ways of viewing social lifeMarxism is built around this conflict...

Math 2023-09-25

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Study of symbols and the rules for manipulating them.
  2. Study of data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  3. Study of relationships between angles and sides of triangles.
  4. Proof Process of demonstrating the truth of a mathematical statement.
  5. Equations Study of equations involving derivatives.
  6. Theory Study of sets, their properties, and operations on them.
  7. Theory Study of properties and relationships of numbers.
  8. Study of rates of change and accumulation of quantities.
  1. Mathematics Study of mathematical structures with distinct, separate values.
  2. Study of counting, arrangement, and combination of objects.
  3. Logic Study of formal logic and mathematical reasoning.
  4. Study of basic operations like addition and subtraction.
  5. Study of shapes, sizes, and properties of figures and spaces.
  6. Study of the likelihood of events occurring.
  7. Algebra Study of vectors, vector spaces, and linear equations.

15 Clues: Study of the likelihood of events occurring.Equations Study of equations involving derivatives.Study of symbols and the rules for manipulating them.Logic Study of formal logic and mathematical reasoning.Study of data collection, analysis, and interpretation.Study of basic operations like addition and subtraction....

Supreme Court 2022-05-10

Supreme Court crossword puzzle
  1. people fear that a supreme court justice could ____ the court
  2. judges at any level are supposed to set aside their personal and political ______
  3. there are _____ justices
  4. the democratic party
  5. a person that looks at the text of the constitution
  6. the constitution does not list any ______ for supreme court justices
  7. there are 3 _____ in the government
  8. the republican party
  9. a justice can _____ to end their term
  10. someone proposed as a candidate
  1. having the power to make laws
  2. the ______ vote for a new president every 4 years
  3. having the power to make plans
  4. when a justice dies,the president ______ someone to fill the position
  5. people that make the decisions about laws
  6. a rule set by a government
  7. an elected leader for a country
  8. some people believe in the _____ constitution theory
  9. a nominee cant become a justice without the ______ approval
  10. how long justices are appointed for

20 Clues: the democratic partythe republican partythere are _____ justicesa rule set by a governmenthaving the power to make lawshaving the power to make plansan elected leader for a countrysomeone proposed as a candidatethere are 3 _____ in the governmenthow long justices are appointed fora justice can _____ to end their term...

Crossword. Research concepts 2024-07-28

Crossword. Research concepts crossword puzzle
  1. is the complete set of individuals or items that share one or more characteristics from which data can be collected.
  2. is a specific method or procedure used to achieve a particular result in research, experimentation, or any scientific process.
  3. is a simplified representation of a system or phenomenon, used to explain, predict, or understand its behavior.
  4. is a subset of a population selected for measurement, observation, or questioning, to provide statistical information about the population.
  5. refers to the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study.
  6. is a systematic approach to understanding the natural world through observation, experimentation, and evidence-based reasoning.
  1. is a set of beliefs, values, and techniques shared by members of a scientific community that guides their research and practice.
  2. is a learning theory suggesting that individuals construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiences and reflecting on those experiences.
  3. refers to the central point of attention or activity. In research, it is the specific area or subject matter that is being studied or investigated.
  4. refers to the entire group or set of items, individuals, or events that is being studied or that is relevant to the research question.
  5. is someone who studies or advocates for understanding the natural world through observation and empirical evidence, often emphasizing the rejection of supernatural explanations.
  6. is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of evidence and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation.
  7. is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of being, existence, and reality.
  8. refers to the foundational principles or base upon which a system, theory, or method is built. It is the underlying support or groundwork.
  9. is a testable statement or prediction about the relationship between two or more variables.

15 Clues: is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of being, existence, and reality.refers to the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of a testable statement or prediction about the relationship between two or more variables....

Fantasy Unit Quiz 2023-10-13

Fantasy Unit Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Type of fantasy that uses hyper-violence and horrible worlds.
  2. Judge of the afterlife in Egyptian mythology.
  3. Fantasy that goes between high and low.
  4. Fantasy monster that is often ugly.
  5. Fantasy set in the real world with fantasy elements.
  6. Norse goddess of death, she took Thor's eye.
  7. God of thunder in Greek mythology.
  8. Tree monster in fantasy.
  9. A god in Lovecraftian mythos.
  10. The original writer of fables.
  11. Fantasy horse with a horn.
  1. Type of mythology that expands the original.
  2. Fantasy not set in the real world.
  3. Type of myth story that tells the origins of everything.
  4. Theory that a myth does not tell us stories, but a deeper meaning behind them.
  5. The boy who lived.
  6. Type of mythology writing that reinvents the original myth.
  7. The name of Thor's mighty hammer.
  8. Archetype that teaches the hero lessons.
  9. Villain in Lord of the Rings.
  10. God in Japanese mythology.

21 Clues: The boy who lived.Tree monster in fantasy.God in Japanese mythology.Fantasy horse with a horn.Villain in Lord of the Rings.A god in Lovecraftian mythos.The original writer of fables.The name of Thor's mighty hammer.Fantasy not set in the real world.God of thunder in Greek mythology.Fantasy monster that is often ugly....

The Enlightenment 2021-09-23

The Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. invented first 'social contract'; believed that people were wicked by heart and needed a strong leader
  2. french word for philosopher, was used for intellectuals who believed logic prevailed over religion
  3. theory that the sun revolved around the earth
  4. discovered the laws of gravity
  5. saw heliocentrism through the telescope
  6. art style of france after the revolution, much darker in theme.
  7. art style of the elite in france before the revolution; light, airy, carefree, and ornate
  8. believed in skepticism and that things not proven should be doubted
  1. group of people discussing political and social issues
  2. theory that the earth revolved around the sun
  3. (two words) set of steps to conduct and successfully preform an experimentation and a verdict from a hypothesis
  4. first to observe blood cells
  5. believed that everything had a smallest unit
  6. invented the first vaccine
  7. first to prove heliocentrism
  8. invented the experimental method
  9. first to theorize heliocentrism

17 Clues: invented the first vaccinefirst to observe blood cellsfirst to prove heliocentrismdiscovered the laws of gravityfirst to theorize heliocentrisminvented the experimental methodsaw heliocentrism through the telescopebelieved that everything had a smallest unittheory that the earth revolved around the suntheory that the sun revolved around the earth...

unit three study guide 2021-03-05

unit three study guide crossword puzzle
  1. relationships
  2. happens in teens
  3. sorting items by similarities
  4. sociocultural theory
  5. psychosocial theory
  6. painting,writing
  7. remains the same but diff.
  8. hierarchy of needs
  9. relates to growth
  10. running,jumping
  1. social cognitive theory
  2. place objects in order
  3. classical conditioning
  4. operant conditioning
  5. thinking skills
  6. physical changes
  7. cognitive theory
  8. greatest impact
  9. impact in teens

19 Clues: relationshipsthinking skillsgreatest impactimpact in teensrunning,jumpinghappens in teensphysical changescognitive theorypainting,writingrelates to growthhierarchy of needspsychosocial theorysociocultural theoryoperant conditioningplace objects in orderclassical conditioningsocial cognitive theoryremains the same but diff....

I am a Creator 2020-11-18

I am a Creator crossword puzzle
  1. explanation how things work
  2. part of science that studies force and energy
  3. set of rules
  4. when something breaks apart
  5. to come near
  6. energy energy in motion
  1. energy energy stored and can be used
  2. response to something
  3. to push away
  4. person who studies science
  5. a form of energy

11 Clues: to push awayset of rulesto come neara form of energyresponse to somethingenergy energy in motionperson who studies scienceexplanation how things workwhen something breaks apartenergy energy stored and can be usedpart of science that studies force and energy

Crossword. Research concepts 2024-07-28

Crossword. Research concepts crossword puzzle
  1. is a simplified representation of a system or phenomenon, used to explain, predict, or understand its behavior.
  2. is a learning theory suggesting that individuals construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiences and reflecting on those experiences
  3. , refers to the entire group or set of items, individuals, or events that is being studied or that is relevant to the research question.
  4. refers to the foundational principles or base upon which a system, theory, or method is built. It is the underlying support or groundwork.
  5. is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of evidence and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation.
  6. , is a subset of a population selected for measurement, observation, or questioning, to provide statistical information about the population.
  7. , is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of being, existence, and reality.
  1. , is someone who studies or advocates for understanding the natural world through observation and empirical evidence, often emphasizing the rejection of supernatural explanations.
  2. , is the complete set of individuals or items that share one or more characteristics from which data can be collected. It is the entire group of interest in a research study.
  3. is a set of beliefs, values, and techniques shared by members of a scientific community that guides their research and practice.
  4. is a specific method or procedure used to achieve a particular result in research, experimentation, or any scientific process
  5. refers to the central point of attention or activity. In research, it is the specific area or subject matter that is being studied or investigated.
  6. is a testable statement or prediction about the relationship between two or more variables
  7. refers to the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study.
  8. , is a systematic approach to understanding the natural world through observation, experimentation, and evidence-based reasoning.

15 Clues: , is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of being, existence, and a testable statement or prediction about the relationship between two or more variablesrefers to the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study....

I am a Creator : Scientist 2020-11-18

I am a Creator : Scientist crossword puzzle
  1. explanation how things work
  2. part of science that studies force and energy
  3. set of rules
  4. when something breaks apart
  5. to come near
  6. energy energy in motion
  1. energy energy stored and can be used
  2. response to something
  3. to push away
  4. person who studies science
  5. a form of energy

11 Clues: to push awayset of rulesto come neara form of energyresponse to somethingenergy energy in motionperson who studies scienceexplanation how things workwhen something breaks apartenergy energy stored and can be usedpart of science that studies force and energy

Sociology - Structuralist Theories 2013-06-23

Sociology - Structuralist Theories crossword puzzle
  1. a top down approach
  2. an equal society without social class of class conflict
  3. class of workers who work for wages
  4. agreement on basic values and norms of society
  5. theory that compares structures of society to the human body
  6. founder of functionalism
  7. a particular way of viewing society
  1. theory that views structure of society as determined by means of production
  2. class of owners of the means of production
  3. a perspective concerned with the overall structure of society
  4. those people at the bottom of the class structure, excluded by poverty
  5. society that produces surplus goods for profit
  6. set of ideas and values that represent the interest of a social group

13 Clues: a top down approachfounder of functionalismclass of workers who work for wagesa particular way of viewing societyclass of owners of the means of productionsociety that produces surplus goods for profitagreement on basic values and norms of societyan equal society without social class of class conflict...


  1. Basic Math Symbols (√)
  2. Statistics & Probability Symbols (σ)
  3. Set Theory Symbols (∩)
  1. Linear Algebra Symbols (M)
  2. Logic Symbols (∧)
  3. Numeral Symbols (1000)
  4. Greek Letters (α)
  5. Geometry Symbols (∠)

8 Clues: Logic Symbols (∧)Greek Letters (α)Geometry Symbols (∠)Basic Math Symbols (√)Numeral Symbols (1000)Set Theory Symbols (∩)Linear Algebra Symbols (M)Statistics & Probability Symbols (σ)

6.02 vocab 2022-05-13

6.02 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the compacity to make consequential distinctions in nature
  2. children can learn naturally if placed in a prepared learning environment with learning games and classroom is designed so students can learn themselves
  3. development relating to issues of right and wrong and affecting how people behave
  4. wrote that biological development and cultural experience both influenced children's ability to learn
  5. involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns
  6. having an effective understanding of oneself
  7. able to speak two languages easily and naturally
  8. outlined layers of environment that affect a child's development
  9. the use of mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements to solve problems
  10. moral development takes place in stages and that awareness of other people increases at each stage
  11. the results of a test designed to measure a child's ability to process information
  1. looking at a situation only in personal needs and wants
  2. basic set of eight intelligences
  3. capacity to understand the intentions, motivations, and desires of other people
  4. ages 2-7 learn from language and mental images children pretend and imitate to learn
  5. capacity to analyze problems logically
  6. involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas
  7. child thinks in terms of own activities and what they perceive at the moment
  8. words in a series that begin with the same sounds
  9. using the senses to acquire information about the surrounding environment or situation
  10. intelligence ability to effectively learn languages
  11. the development of a person's mental and thinking abilities
  12. a speech sound that distinguishes one word from another

23 Clues: basic set of eight intelligencescapacity to analyze problems logicallyhaving an effective understanding of oneselfable to speak two languages easily and naturallywords in a series that begin with the same soundsintelligence ability to effectively learn languageslooking at a situation only in personal needs and wants...

Chadan's Crossword Puzzle. 2022-02-10

Chadan's Crossword Puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. the addition of more tasks to a certain job
  2. the need for respect, both self-respect and respect from others
  3. the theory that behavior can be strengthened through rewards.
  4. an inner drive that directs a person's behavior toward a goal.
  5. the need to protect oneself from emotional or physical harm
  6. a theory that assumes workers dislike working and must be forced to work
  7. moment of employees from on job to another
  8. a theory that assumes workes like to work and will seek responsibility
  1. the incoroporation of motivational factors
  2. a time period which you have to work for 40+ hours
  3. the personal satisfaction and enjoyment felt after achieving a goal.
  4. the need for love, friendship, and the desire for acceptance by others.
  5. a program that allows employees to choose their starting and ending times
  6. a management philosophy that stresses employee participations in all aspects of company decision making
  7. a theory that arranges the five basic human needs.
  8. refers to the impact that setting goals has on peformance
  9. benefits or recognition received from someone else.
  10. an employee's attitude towards his or her job, employer and colleagues.
  11. the study of the behavior of individuals and groups in organizational settings.
  12. an assumption that how much, people are willing to contribute depends on equity

20 Clues: the incoroporation of motivational factorsmoment of employees from on job to anotherthe addition of more tasks to a certain joba time period which you have to work for 40+ hoursa theory that arranges the five basic human needs.benefits or recognition received from someone else.refers to the impact that setting goals has on peformance...

Research Methodology 2015-08-20

Research Methodology crossword puzzle
  1. the study of psychological issues in order to seek knowledge for its own sake rather than for its practical application
  2. the study of psychological issues that have direct practical significance and the application of psychological findings
  3. a psychological approach that analyzes the influence of social inequities on gender relations and on the behavior of the two sexes
  4. the theory that behavior is learned and maintained through observation and imitation of others, positive consequences, and cognitive processes such as plans and perceptions.
  5. a psychological approach that emphasizes mental processes in perception, memory, language, problem solving and other areas of behavior.
  6. the process of reducing a phenomenon to a single type of explanation or to a limited set of elements or a particular type.
  7. the discipline concerned with behavior & mental processes & how they are affected by an organisms physical state, mental state and external environment.
  8. an early psychological approach that emphasized the function or purpose of behavior and consciousness.
  1. a psychological approach that emphasizes personal growth and the achievement of human potential, rather than the scientific understanding and assessment of behavior.
  2. a precise definition of a term in a hypothesis, which specifies the operations for observing and measuring the process or phenomenon being defined.
  3. a psychological approach that emphasizes bodily events and changes associated with actions, feelings and thoughts
  4. an organized system of assumptions and principles that purports to explain a specified set of phenomenon and their interrelations.
  5. a statement that attempts to predict or to account for a set of phenomenon; scientific hypotheses specify relationships among events or variables and are empirically tested.
  6. the ability & willingness to assess claims and make judgement on the basis of well-supported reasons and evidence, rather than emotion or anecdote.
  7. relying on or derived from observation, experimental or measurement.
  8. a psychological approach that emphasizes how the environment and experience affect a persons or animals actions it includes behaviorisms and social-cognitive learning theories
  9. a theory of personality and a method psychotherapy originally developed by Sigmund Freud, which emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts.

17 Clues: relying on or derived from observation, experimental or early psychological approach that emphasized the function or purpose of behavior and consciousness.a psychological approach that emphasizes bodily events and changes associated with actions, feelings and thoughts...

Earth and Life Science Group Quiz 2019-07-30

Earth and Life Science Group Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. / James Hopwood Jeans and Harold Jeffreys Theory
  2. / Molten rocks
  3. / Second layer of the Earth
  4. / Fine-grained sedimentary rock formed through compaction
  5. / The process of transformation of parent rock to metamorphic rock
  6. / Liquid state of molten rocks
  7. / Kind of rock that is formed by volcanic activity
  8. / Central part of the Earth
  9. / Kind of Sedimentary rock that resulted from weathered rocks such as Igneous rock
  10. / The expanding universe theory
  11. / Kind of an Igneous rock that crystallizes at depth without reaching the surface
  1. / The outermost layer of the Earth
  2. / Repetitive layering of thin sheets
  3. / Resulted from cooling of magma
  4. / Kind of sedimentary rock resulted form soluble material produced largely by chemical weathering
  5. / The main cause of movement of the Tectonic plates
  6. / The Kuba people of Central Africa believed in the creator god
  7. / Primal man whose head, feet, eyes and mind became the sky, Earth, sun and moon respectively
  8. / Protects life inside the Earth by absorbing the ultraviolet radiation
  9. / The creator of the whole universe which the Monotheistic Religion believed in
  10. / Set of all life forms on Earth
  11. / Hottest layer of the Atmosphere
  12. / Resulted from uplift and weathering which are then transported and deposited in different areas
  13. / Also known as the Primary waves
  14. / The belief that the world arose from an infinite sea at the first rising of the sun
  15. / Immanuel Kant and Pierre Simon Laplace theory
  16. / The theory of Expansion not an Explosion
  17. / Subsystem of the Earth that composes of Crust and Mantle
  18. / Third planet from the Sun
  19. / From latin word meaning Fire

30 Clues: / Molten rocks/ Second layer of the Earth/ Central part of the Earth/ Third planet from the Sun/ Liquid state of molten rocks/ From latin word meaning Fire/ The expanding universe theory/ Resulted from cooling of magma/ Set of all life forms on Earth/ Hottest layer of the Atmosphere/ Also known as the Primary waves...

Intro to Theorists Vocab 2022-08-20

Intro to Theorists Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. coherent set of logically related concepts that seek to organize, explain, and predict data
  2. Piaget’s term for changes in cognitive structure to include new information
  3. unfolding of a universal natural sequence of physical and behavioral changes
  4. totality of non-heredity influences on development (nurture)
  5. Kohlberg’s theory (2nd step) which standardizes how authority figures are internalized
  6. pattern of change in emotions, personality, and social relationships
  7. research method in which behavior is studies in a natural setting without intervention or manipulation
  8. the nature of reality based on societally shared perceptions or assumptions
  1. research method in which all participants are observed under the same controlled conditions
  2. learning based on association of behavior with it’s consequences
  3. Bandura’s expansion of social learning theory holds that children learn gender roles through socialization
  4. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory that proposes children construct autobiographical memories through conversation with adults about shared events
  5. growth of body and brain, including biological and physiological patterns of change in sensory capacities, motor skills and health
  6. Vygotsky’s term for the difference between what a child can do alone and what they can do with help
  7. inborn characteristics received from the biological parents (nature)
  8. Piaget’s term for awareness of two objects that are equal according to a certain measure
  9. pattern of change in mental abilities (learning, memory, reasoning)
  10. Piaget’s term for incorporation of new information into an existing cognitive structure
  11. learning based on the association of a stimulus that does not ordinarily elicit a particular response with another stimulus that does elicit a response
  12. Bronfenbrenner’s approach to understanding processes and contexts of child development that identifies five levels of environmental influence

20 Clues: totality of non-heredity influences on development (nurture)learning based on association of behavior with it’s consequencespattern of change in mental abilities (learning, memory, reasoning)inborn characteristics received from the biological parents (nature)pattern of change in emotions, personality, and social relationships...


FAMOUS PYSHC PEOPLE crossword puzzle


Earth and Life Science Group Quiz 2019-07-30

Earth and Life Science Group Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. / Third planet from the Sun
  2. / Second layer of the Earth
  3. / The belief that the world arose from an infinite sea at the first rising of the sun
  4. / From latin word meaning Fire
  5. / Kind of an Igneous rock that crystallizes at depth without reaching the surface
  6. / The theory of Expansion not an Explosion
  7. / Resulted from cooling of magma
  8. / Protects life inside the Earth by absorbing the ultraviolet radiation
  9. / Kind of Sedimentary rock that resulted from weathered rocks such as Igneous rock
  10. / Hottest layer of the Atmosphere
  11. / Repetitive layering of thin sheets
  12. / Primal man whose head, feet, eyes and mind became the sky, Earth, sun and moon respectively
  13. / Central part of the Earth
  14. / Immanuel Kant and Pierre Simon Laplace theory
  15. / Liquid state of molten rocks
  1. / The Kuba people of Central Africa believed in the creator god
  2. / Subsystem of the Earth that composes of Crust and Mantle
  3. / James Hopwood Jeans and Harold Jeffreys Theory
  4. / Resulted from uplift and weathering which are then transported and deposited in different areas
  5. / Kind of sedimentary rock resulted form soluble material produced largely by chemical weathering
  6. / The creator of the whole universe which the Monotheistic Religion believed in
  7. / Kind of rock that is formed by volcanic activity
  8. / Set of all life forms on Earth
  9. / The process of transformation of parent rock to metamorphic rock
  10. / Also known as the Primary waves
  11. / The expanding universe theory
  12. / The main cause of movement of the Tectonic plates
  13. / Fine-grained sedimentary rock formed through compaction
  14. / The outermost layer of the Earth
  15. / Molten rocks

30 Clues: / Molten rocks/ Second layer of the Earth/ Central part of the Earth/ Third planet from the Sun/ From latin word meaning Fire/ Liquid state of molten rocks/ The expanding universe theory/ Set of all life forms on Earth/ Resulted from cooling of magma/ Also known as the Primary waves/ Hottest layer of the Atmosphere...

Evolution 2020-12-02

Evolution crossword puzzle
  1. keeping living conditions by adaptation
  2. organisms that reproduce among each other
  3. actions that species perform to survive
  4. of similar characteristics
  5. the way organisms act to survive
  6. changes suffered by a species
  7. the set of places and conditions to live
  8. brittish botanist
  9. natural skills to survive
  10. the ability to change color to merge
  11. the action of choosing
  1. change between similar species
  2. proof
  3. an idea with proven evidence
  4. the beginning of something
  5. related to biology
  6. the ability to act like another organism
  7. from the nature
  8. an early relative
  9. the organization of a body

20 Clues: prooffrom the naturebrittish botanistan early relativerelated to biologythe action of choosingnatural skills to surviveof similar characteristicsthe beginning of somethingthe organization of a bodyan idea with proven evidencechanges suffered by a specieschange between similar speciesthe way organisms act to survive...

Band 3 list A 2023-02-27

Band 3 list A crossword puzzle
  1. intentionally
  2. covered with water
  3. job to give opinion
  4. not often
  5. put money
  6. illness
  7. however
  8. sensible
  9. to improve
  10. scenery
  11. top layer
  12. improve
  13. specific
  14. result
  15. general assumption
  16. importance
  17. city
  18. area
  19. characteristic trait
  20. worth time
  1. animals in nature
  2. public expression
  3. a little
  4. stop from
  5. produce
  6. science of human mind
  7. usual
  8. trustworthy
  9. less
  10. countryside
  11. work
  12. typical of a particular person
  13. ideas
  14. set of questions
  15. describe
  16. increase
  17. inspite of
  18. evidence
  19. as soon as

39 Clues: lessworkcityareausualideasresultproduceillnesshoweversceneryimprovea littlesensibledescribeincreasespecificevidencestop fromnot oftenput moneytop layerto improveinspite ofimportanceas soon asworth timetrustworthycountrysideintentionallyset of questionsanimals in naturepublic expressioncovered with watergeneral assumptionjob to give opinion...

Sociology - Structuralist Theories 2013-06-23

Sociology - Structuralist Theories crossword puzzle
  1. a particular way of viewing society
  2. class of workers who work for wages
  3. a perspective concerned with the overall structure of society
  4. an equal society without social class of class conflict
  5. a top down approach
  1. those people at the bottom of the class structure, excluded by poverty
  2. a society that produces surplus goods for profit
  3. set of ideas and values that represent the interest of a social group
  4. agreement on basic values and norms of society
  5. class of owners of the means of production
  6. theory that compares structures of society to the human body
  7. founder of functionalism
  8. a theory that views structure of society as determined by the means of production

13 Clues: a top down approachfounder of functionalisma particular way of viewing societyclass of workers who work for wagesclass of owners of the means of productionagreement on basic values and norms of societya society that produces surplus goods for profitan equal society without social class of class conflict...


TFN CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. "Culture Care Diversity and Universality" is the title of the theory of?
  2. She developed the Theory of Human Becoming
  3. She developed the “Behavioral System Model.”
  4. Is described as a human being's struggle between good and evil in a state of becoming.
  5. Her theory is the "Theory of Interpersonal Relations."
  6. Her theory is the "NURSING PROCESS THEORY."
  7. She is a nursing theorist known for her esoteric model of nursing-the Conservation Model.
  8. Dorothy Johnson's theory is entitled?
  9. She viewed nursing as both an art and a science.
  10. Psychological and spiritual characteristics of the person consist of all beliefs and feelings that one has formed about oneself.
  1. Her represented her theory of nursing by drawing three interlocking circles; each circle representing a particular aspect of nursing: CARE, CORE, and CURE.
  2. Florence Nightingale's birth dated May 12, 1820 is commemorated as?
  3. Her theory is the "THEORY OF TRANSPERSONAL CARING."
  4. Student nurse Marion claimed that the middle-range theory entitled, "Human-to-Human Relationship Model," was developed by?
  5. She stated that the purpose of nurses is to promote health and well-being for all persons wherever they are.
  6. Her environmental theory changed the face of nursing to create sanitary conditions for patients to get care.
  7. Covers the mutual, continuous relationship of the human and environmental fields.
  8. She defined nursing as actions deliberately selected and performed by nurses to help individuals or groups under their care to maintain or change conditions in themselves or their environment.
  9. She defined health as dynamic life experiences of a human being, which implies continuous adjustment to stressors in the internal and external environment through optimum use of one's resources to achieve maximum potential for daily living.
  10. Means that caring is an endeavor to mediate faith, hope, and love through tending, playing and learning.

20 Clues: Dorothy Johnson's theory is entitled?She developed the Theory of Human BecomingHer theory is the "NURSING PROCESS THEORY."She developed the “Behavioral System Model.”She viewed nursing as both an art and a science.Her theory is the "THEORY OF TRANSPERSONAL CARING."Her theory is the "Theory of Interpersonal Relations."...

WORD PUZZLE 2024-03-18

WORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. type of organizational structures groups employees based on their specific function or role
  2. type of organizational structures divided into different division responsible for a specific product service or geographical area
  3. type of leadership involves followers in the decision making process and it's most effective for group performance
  4. refer to decision making being concentrated at the top of the organization
  5. ability of individual or a group to influence and guide to follow
  6. type of organizational structures fewer levels of hierarchy with a wider span of control
  7. how well the team has functioned review of individual contribution make by each team
  8. type of Functional area management the process of attracting training developing and maintaining an excellent workforce
  9. type of theory that focus shifted to the behavior of people in organization
  10. type of leadership have complete power over people and makes all decisions
  11. type of theory that magnifies control order formality
  12. guiding and motivating team
  13. making sure that everything is going according to plan
  14. type of organizational structures the way an organization arranges to line of authority role responsibility and communication
  15. a organization capable of quickly adopting new demands and operate efficiently
  16. type of theory that set of parts that interact with the form of complex whole
  17. type of leadership delegate decision making authority to their followers
  18. type of theory that effective leadership style depends on the situation external and internal factors
  19. factors of Path-goal theory
  20. process of deciding what to do and then getting it done through the effective uses of resources
  21. factors of Path-goal theory, high need affiliation need of structures and control
  1. type of management that shows how goods and services are produced in organization
  2. a group of people working together to achieve a common goals
  3. type of flexibility happens when the lore of permanent employees is supplemented be a peripheral group of part Time with fewer shortening changes
  4. a system of levels or rank within an organization
  5. type of management that is about controlling the flow of money in and out of the organization
  6. type of flexibility happens when number of employees can be quickly and easily increase or decrease in line with fewer shortening changes
  7. how and when it will be done?
  8. it's oriented that 57 is the passing rates
  9. type of theory by wenber (1946) division of labor impersonality and ect.
  10. evaluate the favoreness of various situations
  11. making sure everyone knows their roles securing the venue and setting up timelines
  12. is a oriented that 64 passing rates
  13. consist of a statement or an understanding of what the organization on a part of it wants to become
  14. type of organizational structures combines element of both functional and divisional structures
  15. type of theory that the network of influencial roles and relationship that is for better or worse
  16. type of theory proposed that in any system of organization technical taste aspect are intercultural with the human or social aspect
  17. a theory that leaders define that should be followed by their team to achieve goals
  18. involves distributing decision making authority to lower level
  19. type of management use to making sure everyone knows about the product or service

40 Clues: guiding and motivating teamfactors of Path-goal theoryhow and when it will be done?is a oriented that 64 passing ratesit's oriented that 57 is the passing ratesevaluate the favoreness of various situationsa system of levels or rank within an organizationtype of theory that magnifies control order formality...

MUSIC Theory 2022-10-25

MUSIC Theory crossword puzzle
  1. a line to notate the note outside the staff
  2. compose of five lines and four spaces
  3. one of accidentals that raises the note semitone/halfstep
  4. meaning to stop.
  5. pattern of a beat/melody
  6. a group of flats and sharps which are places at the beginning of a staff
  7. have 4 beats
  8. means very soft pp
  9. the speed of a music
  10. means very loud ff
  11. very loud f
  12. have 2 beats
  1. gradually loud
  2. the softness and loudness of a sound
  3. combination of pitch and rhythm
  4. compose of two or more notes that played or sing together and it becomes one sound
  5. also known as G clef
  6. gradually soft
  7. also known F clef
  8. means soft p
  9. structure of how the music or song was made.
  10. have a five lines and four spaces.

22 Clues: very loud fhave 4 beatsmeans soft phave 2 beatsgradually loudgradually softmeaning to stop.also known F clefmeans very soft ppmeans very loud ffalso known as G clefthe speed of a musicpattern of a beat/melodycombination of pitch and rhythmhave a five lines and four spaces.the softness and loudness of a soundcompose of five lines and four spaces...


ETHICAL THEORY crossword puzzle
  1. ethical theory helps in making ethical ______ on any matters that would like to be identified as right or wrong.
  2. ____ Utilitarian emphasized on the greatest benefit an individual gain through his actions.
  3. Root word for ethical theory from Greek ‘_____’ means a way of seeing (see/view moral phenomena)
  4. deontology concentrates on the __________ & motive to determine right or wrong action.
  5. Natural beings (humans, plants & ______ ) had a principle of order within them that directed them toward their goals under the maxim “the good is that at which all things aim”.
  6. _____ virtue excellence of character which concerns with how one position himself in acting well.
  7. ethical ______ claims that one ought to pursue one’s self interest exclusively.
  8. natural law theory follows a ______ Christian tradition where Thomas Aquinas, based his perspective of natural law on a religious term in which he believed that god created the universe according to plan and thus put into the natures of things their natural orientation.
  9. _____ comes from ancient Greek, ‘vir ’ referring to strength or manliness and ‘arete’ meaning excellence.
  10. The moral requirements are based on a standard of rationality known as ‘_________’imperative (Johnson, 2010).
  11. ______ is causes of right & wrong
  12. ________is practical ethics based on the right & wrong concept
  13. _____ utilitarian emphasized the adherence to rule in order to produce the greatest benefit
  14. Ethical egoism endorses individual who act for their self interest for a ____ run benefit. It promotes doing good thing to oneself and avoid harming oneself.
  15. Teleology originates from Greek, ______ meaning goal or end.
  16. ______ is a systematic attempt to understand moral concepts and justify moral principles and theories.
  1. One of the most common forms of ethical deliberation focuses on the consequences is the ______ theory.
  2. in deontology theory, the only good reason for doing the right thing is because of duty, thus duty becomes the ‘________’ for an action or the key element of a decision to act (BBC, 2014)
  3. Virtue ethics propose that an ethical decision is not made purely on _____ moral values but related to specific circumstances in which the decision is made (Van Staveren, 2007).
  4. _________ theory is developed by Aristotle where the ethical philosophy based on nature which emphasized that goals are embedded in natural things as there was an order in nature.
  5. ______ virtue excellence of mind which it concern with the ability to understand, reason and judge well.
  6. _______ is consequences based
  7. teleology is based on a moral judgement on the ______ of action.
  8. Deontology originates from ______, deon meaning duty.
  9. ___________ ethics is the study of right & wrong of human behavior
  10. The main idea of utilitarianism is the Principle of Utility where an action is considered good when it _____ happiness for the society, right when it maximizes possible good for all persons affected by the action (Stewart, 1991).
  11. The utilirianism theory is advocate by ______ Bentham and John Stuart Mills.
  12. ______ is duty based
  13. ________ is a systematic exposition of a particular view about what is the nature and basis of good or right.
  14. _____ is also known an consequentialism theory.
  15. ethics virtue is ______ based
  16. It looks for objective, ultimate or absolute standards for assessing rightness or wrongness of human actions (______,1993).
  17. _____ moral theory was advocated by Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher (1724-1804).
  18. part of the formulation of the imperative in Kant's theory includes ‘Act according to the ______ that you can will to be a universal law’

34 Clues: ______ is duty based_______ is consequences basedethics virtue is ______ based______ is causes of right & wrong_____ is also known an consequentialism theory.Deontology originates from ______, deon meaning duty.Teleology originates from Greek, ______ meaning goal or end.________is practical ethics based on the right & wrong concept...

Colour Theory 2019-09-26

Colour Theory crossword puzzle
  1. when you add white to a colour
  2. colours that tend to appear in the foreground
  3. colour mode is used in web design
  4. C0 M100 Y100 K0
  5. a colour system where all 3 primaries mixed make white
  6. colour mode is used in print design
  7. a colour scheme uses only one hue
  8. how clearly something can be read
  9. C75 M0 Y25 K0
  10. colour scheme of two colours opposite on the colour wheel
  11. a colour system where all 3 primaries mixed make black
  12. C50 M75 Y100 K0
  13. C0 M50 Y100 K0
  1. a colour scheme that uses three colours equally spaced from each other on the colour wheel
  2. colour scheme using one colour and the colour on each side of its complement on the colour wheel
  3. the colours between a primary and a secondary
  4. the range of colours that can be produced in any given colour mode
  5. colours that hold more visual weight
  6. blues, greens, and violets are classified as these types of colours
  7. something that is pleasing to the eye
  8. complementary colours of equal lightness and saturation tend to make each other do this
  9. three colours side by side
  10. when you add black to a colour
  11. the result colour when you mix 2 primary colours
  12. two colors side by side, interacting with one another that changes our perception accordingly

25 Clues: C75 M0 Y25 K0C0 M50 Y100 K0C0 M100 Y100 K0C50 M75 Y100 K0three colours side by sidewhen you add white to a colourwhen you add black to a colourcolour mode is used in web designa colour scheme uses only one huehow clearly something can be readcolour mode is used in print designcolours that hold more visual weightsomething that is pleasing to the eye...

Colour Theory 2019-09-26

Colour Theory crossword puzzle
  1. something that is pleasing to the eye
  2. colours that hold more visual weight
  3. two colors side by side, interacting with one another that changes our perception accordingly
  4. the colours between a primary and a secondary
  5. a colour system where all 3 primaries mixed make white
  6. C75 M0 Y25 K0
  7. blues, greens, and violets are classified as these types of colours
  8. colour scheme using one colour and the colour on each side of its complement on the colour wheel
  9. a colour scheme that uses three colours equally spaced from each other on the colour wheel
  10. a colour system where all 3 primaries mixed make black
  11. the result colour when you mix 2 primary colours
  1. complementary colours of equal lightness and saturation tend to make each other do this
  2. when you add black to a colour
  3. how clearly something can be read
  4. three colours side by side
  5. C0 M50 Y100 K0
  6. a colour scheme uses only one hue
  7. the range of colours that can be produced in any given colour mode
  8. colour scheme of two colours opposite on the colour wheel
  9. C50 M75 Y100 K0
  10. colours that tend to appear in the foreground
  11. when you add white to a colour
  12. C0 M100 Y100 K0
  13. colour mode is used in web design
  14. colour mode is used in print design

25 Clues: C75 M0 Y25 K0C0 M50 Y100 K0C50 M75 Y100 K0C0 M100 Y100 K0three colours side by sidewhen you add black to a colourwhen you add white to a colourhow clearly something can be reada colour scheme uses only one huecolour mode is used in web designcolour mode is used in print designcolours that hold more visual weightsomething that is pleasing to the eye...

Color Theory 2020-08-23

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. when a layer of paint completely covers another.
  2. colors made by mixing a primary and a secondary color.
  3. painting technique when you mix two colors next to each other smoothly.
  4. a brush that holds a large quantity of fluid paint.
  5. colors that sit side-by-side on the color wheel.
  6. color scheme that combines a hue and the hues on each side of its complement. (2 words)
  7. color scheme with colors across each other on the color wheel.
  8. a light value of a hue
  9. the brightness or dullness of a color.
  10. a brush used for centuries by artists; good for lines.
  11. when artist ignores the real colors and makes a color choice to support personal preference and meaning.
  12. element of art derived from reflected light.
  13. second most used color in a painting.
  14. name of a color in the spectrum.
  1. a plan to organizing colors from color wheel. (2 words)
  2. a paint brush shaped like a fan.
  3. colors made by mixing primary colors.
  4. a dark value of a hue
  5. a brush that is rounded at the top.
  6. the amount of light a color reflects.
  7. using very thick paint to stand up in a textural way.
  8. the color which is used most often in a painting.
  9. painting a transparent color over another layer.
  10. the workhorse of brushes, versatile, chisel edge, wide strokes.
  11. painting technique in which a gradient is created through scrubbing a slightly dry brush.
  12. painting technique where a brush has very little paint and creates scratchy texture.
  13. colors not found on the color wheel such as black, white, grey.
  14. color scheme using only one hue with its tints and shades.
  15. a small about of color used to draw attention to a key area in a painting.
  16. term for a "see-through" paint
  17. color scheme using three colors spaced equally apart.
  18. the spectrum bent into a circle.(2 words)

32 Clues: a dark value of a huea light value of a hueterm for a "see-through" painta paint brush shaped like a of a color in the spectrum.a brush that is rounded at the top.colors made by mixing primary colors.the amount of light a color reflects.second most used color in a painting.the brightness or dullness of a color....

Color Theory 2020-03-24

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for violet.
  2. Mixing two primaries together.
  3. Blue, violet and green are in the _____ family because the colors are like water/ice.
  4. No color.
  5. What is the complement of blue?
  6. The purity of the color.
  7. When black is added to a color.
  8. Yellow green for example
  9. A color scheme with two sets of complements.
  10. A color scheme of two colors that sit opposite the color wheel.
  11. A way of visually organizing colors
  12. Yellow, orange and red are in the warm family because the colors are like what?
  13. Colors that sit next to one another on the color wheel.
  1. Red, yellow and blue.
  2. One color plus its tints, tones and shades.
  3. A tint of red.
  4. Sir Isaac Newton discovered color comes from what?
  5. A color scheme of three colors equally spaced on the color wheel
  6. Paint tubes and ____ were a result of the Industrial Revolution.
  7. A set of rules that organizes and harmonizes the use of color.
  8. Mix the complements together to create ____.
  9. The name of a color.
  10. A property of color and is the lightness or darkness of a color.
  11. When grey is added to a color.
  12. Who mixed and made colors before paint tubes were readily available?
  13. An absence of light.

26 Clues: No color.A tint of red.The name of a color.An absence of light.Red, yellow and blue.Another name for violet.The purity of the color.Yellow green for exampleMixing two primaries together.When grey is added to a color.What is the complement of blue?When black is added to a color.A way of visually organizing colors...

Atomic Theory 2020-11-21

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The "center" of an atom in which scientists expect to find protons and neutrons, but not electrons
  2. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev formulated the Periodic Law, leading to the creation of this important document used by scientists around the world
  3. Particles that make up an atom including protons, neutrons, and electrons
  4. One of more then 110- known fundamental building blocks of matter - these particles cannot be broken down by chemical means
  5. This number tells you the valence electrons of an elements on the periodic table
  6. The location of electrons in an atom
  7. A minute portion of matter; an individual unit of matter that could be anything from an atom to a planet depending upon established parameters
  8. He laid the foundation for modern atomic theory
  9. A neutral subatomic particle located in the nucleus of an atom, having a mass of 1 AMU and serving to "bind" the nucleus together
  1. This scientist conducted the Gold Foil Experiment, which proved that atoms contain a nucleus and are largely made up of empty space
  2. Electrons in the outermost shell
  3. Created the modern model of the atom
  4. Equivalent to the number of protons
  5. The sum of protons and neutrons
  6. A group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.
  7. This scientists concluded that electrons sat in the positively charged atom
  8. A positively-charged subatomic particle having a mass of 1 AMU and located in the nucleus of an atom
  9. A negatively charged particle found outside of the nucleus of an atom
  10. This number tells you the energy level of an element on the periodic table
  11. The basic unit of a chemical elements
  12. This scientist created a model of the atom similar to planets orbiting a star. The nucleus was the star, and the planets were the orbitals

21 Clues: The sum of protons and neutronsElectrons in the outermost shellEquivalent to the number of protonsCreated the modern model of the atomThe location of electrons in an atomThe basic unit of a chemical elementsHe laid the foundation for modern atomic theoryA negatively charged particle found outside of the nucleus of an atom...

Accounting Theory 2021-02-06

Accounting Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Asset/Cash in Hand, Cash at Bank are an example of
  2. /amount invested by the proprietor in the business
  3. /same accounting policy should be followed year to year due to this concept
  4. /unsold goods lying in godown
  5. /goodwill is an
  6. /is a loss in value of asset due to wear and tear
  7. /person who is not able to pay the liabilities at all.
  8. /amount paid in advance
  9. Account/Installation charges on purchase of new machinery will be debited to?
  10. Payable/Creditor is an?
  11. /furniture is a kind of
  12. /are the responsibilities of the business
  13. expenditure/Carriage Outward is a
  14. /amount of expenses which are incurred but yet to be paid.
  15. /amount withdrawn by the proprietor for personal use
  16. /all the business transactions are measured in terms of
  1. balance/is an overdraft as per pass book.
  2. /act to paying or receiving money
  3. /Discount Received is a kind of
  4. Account/Carriage inward will be debited to?
  5. /due to this concept capital is shown in liability side of balance sheet
  6. /Reputation of the business in market is called?
  7. /amount of depreciation in straight line method of depreciation
  8. /is a process
  9. /Sales Less COGS
  10. /due to this concept provisions are made.
  11. Account/Goods sold to the customer will be credited to
  12. /result due to transactions happened
  13. /book keeping is a _____ stage
  14. /From business will receive the money
  15. /it shows the financial position of the business.

31 Clues: /is a process/goodwill is an/Sales Less COGS/amount paid in advancePayable/Creditor is an?/furniture is a kind of/unsold goods lying in godown/book keeping is a _____ stage/Discount Received is a kind of/act to paying or receiving moneyexpenditure/Carriage Outward is a/result due to transactions happened/From business will receive the money...

Color Theory 2021-02-02

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Mixture of a color with black
  2. Mixture of a color with white
  3. Blue, green, purple
  4. Orange, red, yellow
  5. Three colors next to each other
  6. Red, Yellow, Blue
  7. Symbolizes freshness
  8. Color directly opposite another
  9. Green, Orange, Purple
  10. Additive color model
  11. Associated with stability
  1. Color of cleanliness
  2. associated with sunlight and heat
  3. made by mixing a primary and a secondary
  4. RGB color model used on
  5. CMYK color model used for
  6. Symbolizes passion and danger
  7. Subtractive color model
  8. Symbolizes royalty
  9. Relative darkness or lightness of a color

20 Clues: Red, Yellow, BlueSymbolizes royaltyBlue, green, purpleOrange, red, yellowColor of cleanlinessSymbolizes freshnessAdditive color modelGreen, Orange, PurpleRGB color model used onSubtractive color modelCMYK color model used forAssociated with stabilityMixture of a color with blackMixture of a color with whiteSymbolizes passion and danger...

Particle theory 2020-12-18

Particle theory crossword puzzle
  1. Liquids and gases can ...
  2. No fixed volume or shape
  3. When a solid is heated, the particles ...more
  4. The process by which a liquid becomes a gas
  5. Gas can move
  6. The particles in a gas do not ... each other.
  7. Between particles there is
  8. Process by which a gas changes its state to become a liquid
  9. Anything that has mass and takes up space
  10. The liquid in a thermometer changes so that it can be used to measure a ...
  11. The temperature at which a liquid boils air that is leaving the liquid
  12. Fixed volume, no fixed shape
  13. All matter is made up of
  1. Solids and liquids cannot be ...
  2. The particles in a gas are not attracted to each other and they can move ...
  3. Solids are held firmly in place by forces of ...
  4. Particles are always
  5. The particles can now move ... each other.
  6. Solid expands when it is ...
  7. The process by which a liquid turns into a solid
  8. The temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid
  9. The particles in a solid state move around ... point
  10. Fixed volume and shape
  11. Process by which a solid becomes a liquid
  12. Liquid to gas

25 Clues: Gas can moveLiquid to gasParticles are alwaysFixed volume and shapeNo fixed volume or shapeAll matter is made up ofLiquids and gases can ...Between particles there isSolid expands when it is ...Fixed volume, no fixed shapeSolids and liquids cannot be ...Anything that has mass and takes up spaceProcess by which a solid becomes a liquid...

Nail Theory 2021-05-11

Nail Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Any disease, disorder, or condition of the nail
  2. Area of the nail on which the nail body rests
  3. Half-moon shape at the base of the nail
  4. Active tissue that generates cells
  5. Living tissue that overlies the nail plate on the sides of the nail
  6. A sign of infection
  7. A sign of infection
  8. Pocket-like structure that holds the root and matrix
  9. Attached to the matrix at the base of the nail
  10. Nails that are very thin and soft
  11. Live tissue at the base of the nail
  12. Cause of disease, disorder, or condition
  13. Overlapping dead tissue that is loose and pliable around the nail
  14. Loosening or separation of nail
  15. Inflammation of skin around nail
  1. Tracks on either side of the nail that the nail moves on as it grows
  2. Living skin attached to nail plate
  3. Living tissue underneath the free edge
  4. Horizontal ridges
  5. Ringworm of the nail
  6. Visible nail area from the nail root to the free edge
  7. is the part of the nail that extends beyond the finger
  8. A sign of infection
  9. Split cuticles
  10. Indented vertical lines
  11. Nails with concave shape
  12. White spots on nails
  13. Folds of skin on either side of the nail groove
  14. Inflammation of nail matrix

29 Clues: Split cuticlesHorizontal ridgesA sign of infectionA sign of infectionA sign of infectionRingworm of the nailWhite spots on nailsIndented vertical linesNails with concave shapeInflammation of nail matrixLoosening or separation of nailInflammation of skin around nailNails that are very thin and softLiving skin attached to nail plate...

Makeup Theory 2021-08-18

Makeup Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Color scheme where colors are located in triangular position
  2. Tone including red and yellow
  3. Blue + yellow
  4. Face shape requiring verticle emphasis to slenderize
  5. Opposite each other on color wheel
  6. Primary color
  7. Mixture of secondary and primary colors
  8. Red + yellow
  9. Tone including violet and blue
  10. Blue + red
  11. Primary color
  1. Colors that recede or minimize
  2. Face shape that requires jaw and forehead to appear wider
  3. Color scheme using same color
  4. Colors that stand out and accentuate
  5. Face shape that requires added width and forehead and reduced width at chin
  6. Face shape that does not require "corrective" application
  7. Face shape that require jawline to be visually widened
  8. Face shape requiring softening the angularity to reduce width
  9. There are three areas of an eye: Crease area, brow bone, ?
  10. "The windows to the soul"
  11. Face shape that requires visual shortening
  12. Color scheme where three colors are adjacent
  13. Primary color

24 Clues: Blue + redRed + yellowBlue + yellowPrimary colorPrimary colorPrimary color"The windows to the soul"Tone including red and yellowColor scheme using same colorColors that recede or minimizeTone including violet and blueOpposite each other on color wheelColors that stand out and accentuateMixture of secondary and primary colors...

Kinetic Theory 2021-08-31

Kinetic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. the volume of a gas is not ___
  2. state of matter is determined by the ___ between particles
  3. all matter is composed of small ___
  4. the total kinetic energy in the particles of a substance
  5. particles in matter are in ___, random motion
  6. the unit used to measure energy
  7. energy of motion
  8. particles in a solid have an ___ arrangement
  9. the kinetic theory explains the physical properties of matter in terms of the ___ of its particles
  1. the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance
  2. particle motion is so slow that no additional thermal energy can be removed from a substance
  3. particles in a solid have the ___ attraction
  4. the transfer of thermal energy
  5. particles in liquids and gases have an ___ arrangement
  6. the state of matter in which the particles are farthest apart
  7. thermal energy depends on the amount of ___ in the substance
  8. particles in a liquid can ___ past each other
  9. the state of matter in which the particles have the least kinetic energy
  10. the state of matter that takes the shape of its container
  11. particles in matter are ___ with one another

20 Clues: energy of motionthe volume of a gas is not ___the transfer of thermal energythe unit used to measure energyall matter is composed of small ___particles in a solid have the ___ attractionparticles in matter are ___ with one anotherparticles in a solid have an ___ arrangementparticles in matter are in ___, random motion...

related theory 2021-11-03

related theory crossword puzzle
  1. how much fecal you need for fecal flotation
  2. done by examining the body of a deceased animal to determine the cause of death
  3. red blood cell
  4. BC
  5. the cover you put on the slid
  6. a neddle that go in the blatter
  7. BG
  8. when you observe the urine catheterization when you take urine out the blaterreagentstrip the strinp you use on the urineProCyteDxHematologyAnalyzer the machine you do a CBCSedivueDXUrineSedimentAnalyzer were you test the urine
  9. liquid part of the urine
  10. allowing the sediment to fall to the end
  11. a substanse that prevents clotting
  1. liltel tube that holds blood sample
  2. normal range for BG
  3. pointed shaped end
  4. action the action of draing blood
  5. a blood sample after centrifuge
  6. quiet alert responsive
  7. the machine you spine samples around
  8. TP
  9. round bateria shape
  10. what is brite alert and responsive
  11. volume PCV

22 Clues: BCTPBGvolume PCVred blood cellpointed shaped endnormal range for BGround bateria shapequiet alert responsiveliquid part of the urinethe cover you put on the slida blood sample after centrifugea neddle that go in the blatteraction the action of draing bloodwhat is brite alert and responsivea substanse that prevents clotting...

Havighurst Theory 2021-11-19

Havighurst Theory crossword puzzle
  1. period of development before birth.
  2. environmental variables; childhood experiences how we were raised social relationship, surrounding culture.
  3. Havighurst has identified six major age periods, 13-18 years is what age periods.
  4. discontinuity view sees development as more abrupt a succession of changes to produce different behaviors in different age specific life.
  5. a process where women experience hormonal changes which result in the loss of ability to reproduce.
  6. the foundation period of life covering to 2-6 years of our life.
  7. an intra-individual transformation that is attributed to progressions corresponding to age.
  8. the true foundation age.
  9. genes and heredity factors such as physical appearance personality characteristics
  10. it is a period that extends from conception to death.
  11. a___adulthood is the period where people experience stress due to the double responsibilities of caring for the aged parents and the growing children . Many psychological and intellectual changes occur in the stage.
  1. the child must learn to become a birthday , responsible adult through restraints imposed by his society is a theory of___.
  2. the child will develop best if it left as free as possible is a theory of____.
  3. there are two specific ways to study nature-nurture the twin studies and ___ studies.
  4. according to Havighurst it is one that arises at the certain period in our lives , the successful achievement of which leads to happiness and success with later tasks.
  5. germinal , embryonic and ____periods are three stages of prenatal development.
  6. personalities are modified through interaction with family , experiences at school , and acculturation.
  7. he is Developmental Theorist.
  8. the belief that personality traits present during infancy injured throughout the lifespan.
  9. it is equivalent to old age and it is a final stage of physical change.

20 Clues: the true foundation age.he is Developmental Theorist.period of development before is a period that extends from conception to death.the foundation period of life covering to 2-6 years of our is equivalent to old age and it is a final stage of physical change....

Havighurst Theory 2021-11-19

Havighurst Theory crossword puzzle
  1. period of development before birth.
  2. environmental variables; childhood experiences how we were raised social relationship, surrounding culture.
  3. Havighurst has identified six major age periods, 13-18 years is what age periods.
  4. discontinuity view sees development as more abrupt a succession of changes to produce different behaviors in different age specific life.
  5. a process where women experience hormonal changes which result in the loss of ability to reproduce.
  6. the foundation period of life covering to 2-6 years of our life.
  7. an intra-individual transformation that is attributed to progressions corresponding to age.
  8. the true foundation age.
  9. genes and heredity factors such as physical appearance personality characteristics
  10. it is a period that extends from conception to death.
  11. a___adulthood is the period where people experience stress due to the double responsibilities of caring for the aged parents and the growing children . Many psychological and intellectual changes occur in the stage.
  1. the child must learn to become a birthday , responsible adult through restraints imposed by his society is a theory of___.
  2. the child will develop best if it left as free as possible is a theory of____.
  3. there are two specific ways to study nature-nurture the twin studies and ___ studies.
  4. according to Havighurst it is one that arises at the certain period in our lives , the successful achievement of which leads to happiness and success with later tasks.
  5. germinal , embryonic and ____periods are three stages of prenatal development.
  6. personalities are modified through interaction with family , experiences at school , and acculturation.
  7. he is Developmental Theorist.
  8. the belief that personality traits present during infancy injured throughout the lifespan.
  9. it is equivalent to old age and it is a final stage of physical change.

20 Clues: the true foundation age.he is Developmental Theorist.period of development before is a period that extends from conception to death.the foundation period of life covering to 2-6 years of our is equivalent to old age and it is a final stage of physical change....

Conspiracy theory 2023-02-22

Conspiracy theory crossword puzzle
  1. passende sprogbrug
  2. bevis
  3. holdning
  4. bevis
  5. argumentation
  6. teori
  7. øjenvidne
  8. påstand
  9. diskussion
  10. oprør
  11. en som ikke tror på vacciner
  12. beskrivelse
  1. en som tror, at jorden er flad
  2. regering
  3. evaluering
  4. rørledning
  5. modargument
  6. konspiration
  7. ekspertvidne
  8. troværdig
  9. at holde noget hemmeligt
  10. radikalisering
  11. ekstremisme
  12. kilde

24 Clues: bevisbevisteorioprørkildepåstandregeringholdningøjenvidnetroværdigevalueringrørledningdiskussionmodargumentekstremismebeskrivelsekonspirationekspertvidneargumentationradikaliseringpassende sprogbrugat holde noget hemmeligten som ikke tror på vaccineren som tror, at jorden er flad

Music Theory 2013-01-30

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. five lines, four spaces
  2. 1/2 beat of silence
  3. what vibrates on a woodwind instrument to make sound
  4. very soft
  5. 2 beats of silence
  6. 4 beats of silence
  7. 1 beat of sound
  8. the awesomest music teacher ever
  9. silence
  10. medium soft
  11. clef sign for higher sounding instruments
  12. 2 beats of sound
  13. what you have to do to make sound on a brass instrument
  1. often mistaken for chainsaw
  2. very loud
  3. tells how many beats per measure
  4. 1/2 beat of sound
  5. medium loud
  6. 4 beats of sound
  7. have to learn to get over the break
  8. 1 beat of silence
  9. modern day bugle
  10. clef sign for lower sounding instruments
  11. a woodwind made of brass

24 Clues: silencevery loudvery softmedium loudmedium soft1 beat of sound4 beats of soundmodern day bugle2 beats of sound1/2 beat of sound1 beat of silence2 beats of silence4 beats of silence1/2 beat of silencefive lines, four spacesa woodwind made of brassoften mistaken for chainsawtells how many beats per measurethe awesomest music teacher ever...

Music Theory 2013-05-20

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Blue Shades
  2. sounds like a haunted house
  3. no trespassing in another's backyard! Blayne's answer
  4. the model chant of early Christians and Catholics
  5. writing multiple parts from listening
  6. hold/pause
  7. "amen"
  8. cadence ending on tonic chord, soprano NOT in tonic
  9. DO, RE, MI, etc.
  10. triad with a raised 5th
  11. speed up (Floor it?)
  12. medium tmepo
  13. less mosso
  14. pickup to beginning of piece (not anaconda)
  15. 3 note chord
  16. the best instrument ever
  17. Stars and Stripes Forever
  18. all player/singers playing the same thing
  1. the speed of the piece
  2. the 5th chord of the 5th note (for ex.)
  3. the "1" of a scale
  4. a group of 2 notes performed in a time of 3
  5. little by little
  6. cadence ending with soprano in tonic
  7. beginning to Coda
  8. 2 against 3; John's favorite answer
  9. \note note that lasts an entire measure
  10. play ffffffffff
  11. ending to a phrase
  12. play on your own (ad lib.)
  13. happy-sounding
  14. a piece for 2 performers
  15. expressive
  16. rolling "r"
  17. 7th seventh chord
  18. repeated up/down/ variation of pitch
  19. "moderate" tempo
  20. sad-sounding
  21. the end
  22. with moto

40 Clues: "amen"the endwith motohold/pauseexpressiveless mossoBlue Shadesrolling "r"medium tmeposad-sounding3 note chordhappy-soundingplay fffffffffflittle by littleDO, RE, MI, etc."moderate" tempobeginning to Coda7th seventh chordthe "1" of a scaleending to a phrasespeed up (Floor it?)the speed of the piecetriad with a raised 5tha piece for 2 performers...

Choice Theory 2014-03-26

Choice Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Lead Management employs the Seven Caring Habits
  2. Teachers employing Choice Theory should _____________ their students to focus on controlling their actions and thoughts
  3. Avoid criticizing and blaming in Reality Therapy
  4. The need for ______ and influence is a basic human need
  5. Under Choice Theory students should be able to make ________ regarding class operations
  6. ______________ behaviour from teachers generally leads to more severe behaviour from problematic students, while the relation-based discipline of lead management has been shown to result in more positive behaviour from students (Conway, 2009)
  7. Reality Therapy is a form of counselling the reinforces the principles of Choice Theory
  8. Under Choice Theory teachers work with students to form ___________ strategies to encourage students to choose good behaviour
  9. Under choice theory students should be able to decide ________________ for misbehaviour
  10. When employing Reality Therapy, work with the ____________ to create a workable plan specific to the needs and abilities of the student (Robey et. al, 2011)
  11. Boss Management is often seen as "my way or the __________"
  12. William _________ is the creator of Choice Theory
  1. Punishment and ___________ is avoided upon in Choice Theory
  2. Reality Therapy is not a form of _________________ for celebrities such as Justin Bieber
  3. Under choice theory students will choose _________ behaviour if they have positive perceptions about their time at school
  4. The Seven Caring Habits are: Supporting, Encouraging, Listening, Accepting, Trusting, _________, Negotiating Differences
  5. In Reality Theory, you must focus on the _____ issue between you and the student
  6. The need to ______ and have fun is a basic human need
  7. The need to belong and __________ is a basic human need
  8. _______ ________ (two words, no space) is best employed in a one-on-one setting
  9. If all or some of these basic needs are not met, students will resort to ________________ beahviour
  10. Under Choice Theory there are ______ basic needs underpinning human behaviour
  11. Lead Management is group orientated. The lead managing teacher listens to his/her class creates a class environment to reflect the class
  12. The need to be free and make ___________ is a basic human need
  13. The Seven Deadly Habits are: Criticising, Blaming, Complaining, __________, Threatening, Punishing, Bribing + rewarding to control

25 Clues: Lead Management employs the Seven Caring HabitsAvoid criticizing and blaming in Reality TherapyWilliam _________ is the creator of Choice TheoryThe need to ______ and have fun is a basic human needThe need for ______ and influence is a basic human needThe need to belong and __________ is a basic human need...

Metalwork Theory 2017-02-26

Metalwork Theory crossword puzzle
  1. a mixture of metals
  2. tool for holding work on a bench
  3. liquid used to allow flow of melted metal
  4. a design factor meaning what something should do
  5. a design factor meaning how easy something is to use
  6. metals that contain iron
  7. a list created from design factors that your design should follow
  8. equipment that must be worn at all times in the workshop
  9. method of combining materials by melting metal
  10. tool that can be used to cut curved shapes
  11. pinkish-brown metal that is tough but easily shaped
  1. piece of material used to help marking out pattern on a material
  2. non ferrous metal that is light and commonly used for drinking cans and cooking foil
  3. technique of filing across your material
  4. tool used to cut straight edges in metal
  5. where metal is refined from
  6. soft grey metal used to make nuts, bolts, cars etc
  7. a design factor meaning what a product must look like
  8. tool used to shape and smooth edges of material
  9. metal used for vices that is heavy,hard and brittle
  10. gold coloured metal that is quite hard

21 Clues: a mixture of metalsmetals that contain ironwhere metal is refined fromtool for holding work on a benchgold coloured metal that is quite hardtechnique of filing across your materialtool used to cut straight edges in metalliquid used to allow flow of melted metaltool that can be used to cut curved shapesmethod of combining materials by melting metal...

Music Theory 2017-05-04

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Relative loudness or softness
  2. Playing a series of pitches without tonguing
  3. Feeling where the beat is
  4. Sitting/standing correctly and efficiently
  5. How a sound is placed in time; Length of note
  6. Two beats of sound in 4/4 time
  7. The way a sound is started and ended
  8. Lowers the pitch 1/2 step
  9. Everyone on the same pitch
  10. The speed at which a regular pulse is repeated
  11. Emphasis on a note
  1. Raises the pitch 1/2 step
  2. Pitches in sequence that form a pattern
  3. One beat of sound in 4/4 time
  4. Being in tune with accompaniment or others
  5. 1/2 beat of sound in 4/4 time
  6. Moving in half-steps
  7. Mouth position in brass and woodwinds
  8. Five lines and four spaces where music is written
  9. Four beats of sound in 4/4 time
  10. Cancels out a sharp or a flat; Return to the key signature
  11. The highness or lowness of sound

22 Clues: Emphasis on a noteMoving in half-stepsRaises the pitch 1/2 stepFeeling where the beat isLowers the pitch 1/2 stepEveryone on the same pitchRelative loudness or softnessOne beat of sound in 4/4 time1/2 beat of sound in 4/4 timeTwo beats of sound in 4/4 timeFour beats of sound in 4/4 timeThe highness or lowness of sound...

Music Theory 2018-11-06

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. low sound
  2. opposite of flat
  3. Happens between beats
  4. Lines in a Scale
  5. Has both Treble and Bass clef
  6. High pitch
  7. 1 beats
  8. taking a breath
  9. 4 beats
  10. The graph
  11. medium sound
  1. Connects two or more notes on different pitches
  2. Low pitch
  3. High sound
  4. 2 beats
  5. Controls the amount of beats
  6. Adds another beat to a note
  7. Notes go here
  8. The instruction
  9. Redo

20 Clues: Redo2 beats1 beats4 beatslow soundLow pitchThe graphHigh soundHigh pitchmedium soundNotes go hereThe instructiontaking a breathopposite of flatLines in a ScaleHappens between beatsAdds another beat to a noteControls the amount of beatsHas both Treble and Bass clefConnects two or more notes on different pitches

Vet Theory 2022-01-27

Vet Theory crossword puzzle
  1. extraction with needle in the bladder
  2. removal of the uterus
  3. pertaining to the heart
  4. pain relief
  5. many
  6. no blood
  7. abnormally rapid breathing
  8. right ear
  9. absence of breathing
  10. fast thyroid activity
  11. surgical incision
  12. once a day
  13. four times a day
  14. inflammation of kidneys
  15. slow thyroid activity
  16. twice a day
  17. complete blood count
  18. left ear
  19. inflammation of skin
  20. urinary catheter
  21. inflammation of bladder
  1. low
  2. mass in blood cells
  3. absence of sensation
  4. slow respitory rate
  5. enlarged
  6. study of cells
  7. removal of small amounts of tissue
  8. loss of appetite
  9. vomiting
  10. study of disease
  11. inflammation of the gums
  12. high
  13. inflammation of the liver
  14. surgical incision in stomach
  15. difficulty breathing
  16. inflammation of gallbladder
  17. red blood count
  18. white blood count

39 Clues: lowmanyhighenlargedno bloodvomitingleft earright earonce a daypain relieftwice a daystudy of cellsred blood countloss of appetitestudy of diseasefour times a dayurinary cathetersurgical incisionwhite blood countmass in blood cellsslow respitory rateabsence of sensationabsence of breathingdifficulty breathingcomplete blood countinflammation of skin...

Cell Theory 2023-10-04

Cell Theory crossword puzzle
  1. It is a structurally complex and compartmentalized unit of life characterized by the presence of a distinct, membrane-bound nucleus housing genetic material, multiple specialized membrane-bound organelles, and intricate cellular structure.
  2. are slender, hair-like microstructures that protrude from the surface of certain cells, exhibiting dynamic, coordinated, rhythmic beating patterns. Their primary function resides in mediating cellular motility and the facilitation of extracellular fluid movement.
  3. Discovered the fluid content of the cell. His most notable contribution is the discovery and description of cellular structures known as "sarcode" or "protoplasm," which played a crucial role in advancing the understanding of cells and paved the way for future research in cell biology.
  4. He published a book titled "Micrographia" in which he described his observations using a microscope. He observed small, box-like structures, which he called "cells" because they reminded him of the small rooms (cellulae in Latin) monks lived in.
  5. It is commonly known as red blood cells (RBCs), serve a vital function in the circulatory system. Their primary role is to transport oxygen from the lungs to various tissues and organs in the body and to facilitate the return of carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular metabolism, from the tissues back to the lungs for exhalation.
  6. Found on certain cells, serving as complex molecular motors to generate propulsive forces that enable cell movement and facilitate directional locomotion in a biomechanically intricate manner.
  7. In 1831, while examining plant cells under a microscope, Robert Brown observed a structure within the cell that appeared as a distinct, rounded body. He named this structure the "nucleus," which comes from the Latin word for "kernel" or "seed."
  8. It serve as the biological linchpin for both tissue homeostasis and regeneration through their unique capacity for self-renewal and pluripotency, wherein they can give rise to a diverse array of specialized cell types, thereby contributing to tissue repair, growth, and maintenance while holding the potential to alleviate degenerative and pathological conditions.
  1. Their functions transcend mere structural components, acting as veritable gatekeepers, signal transducers, and transport facilitators, navigating the delicate balance between cellular stability and dynamic responsiveness.
  2. It has two ends: cis face situated near the endoplasmic reticulum and trans face situated near the cell membrane.
  3. Made up of two layers of lipid molecules in which protein molecules are floating.
  4. He proposed that the bodies of animals are made up of individual cells, similar to plants, and that cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms.
  5. It is commonly known as white blood cells, play several critical functions in the immune system and overall health. Their primary role is to defend the body against infections, pathogens, and foreign substances. Here are some of the key functions of leukocytes:
  6. Made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin
  7. His work is particularly associated with the concept of "omnis cellula e cellula," which means "every cell originates from another cell."
  8. It exerts its pivotal role by modulating the biophysical properties, specifically the fluidity and rigidity, of the lipid bilayer.
  9. Indispensable for hemostasis, the process of preventing and controlling bleeding. They adhere to damaged blood vessel walls, aggregate to form a plug, and release clotting factors, ultimately leading to clot formation.
  10. They are involved in the movement of molecules such as proteins, lipids, and other cellular components within the cell and between different cellular compartments.
  11. It is a unicellular microorganism characterized by its minimalistic cellular structure, devoid of a well-defined membrane-bound nucleus and complex organelles, wherein genetic material exists as a singular. These cells are typified by their relative simplicity, lack of membrane-bound organelles, and reliance on binary fission for reproduction
  12. serve as amphipathic molecules in biological membranes, orchestrating the creation of lipid bilayers where hydrophilic phosphate heads face the aqueous environment, while hydrophobic fatty acid tails remain sequestered inside.

20 Clues: Made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectinMade up of two layers of lipid molecules in which protein molecules are floating.It has two ends: cis face situated near the endoplasmic reticulum and trans face situated near the cell membrane....

Band Theory! 2024-03-06

Band Theory! crossword puzzle
  1. A type of slow song with multiple different parts.
  2. The highest sounding brass instrument.
  3. An instrument similar to the Tuba.
  4. Slurring two different notes that use the same finger/slide position.
  5. A line used to connect two or more notes with different pitches.
  6. The composer of our Foundation Warm-ups.
  7. The concept of "tah"-ing at the start of a note.
  1. The numbers at the beginning of music that explain how many beats are in each measure.
  2. A note that gets one beat in a 4/4 time signature.
  3. A comma symbol used to show when to breathe while playing.
  4. The name of your Red Book.
  5. The symbol at the beginning of music that indicates treble or bass.
  6. A symbol used to raise the pitch of a note.
  7. The only band instrument where you put your hand in the bell to play.
  8. A "silent" note that gets two beats in a 4/4 time signature.
  9. The name of Mrs. Lyche's student teacher.
  10. The lowest sounding instrument in band.
  11. A symbol used to lower the pitch of a note.
  12. The lines and spaces that music notes are written on.
  13. A line used to connect two or more notes with the same pitch.

20 Clues: The name of your Red Book.An instrument similar to the Tuba.The highest sounding brass instrument.The lowest sounding instrument in band.The composer of our Foundation Warm-ups.The name of Mrs. Lyche's student teacher.A symbol used to raise the pitch of a note.A symbol used to lower the pitch of a note....

Behaviorism Theory 2024-03-06

Behaviorism Theory crossword puzzle
  1. A thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.
  2. Refers to the gradual weakening of a conditioned response by severing the association between the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli.
  3. The reappearance of a weakened conditioned response after a period following extinction.
  4. A type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics.
  5. An attempt to foretell what will happen in a particular case, generally on the basis of past instances or accepted principles.
  6. You are increasing a behavior.
  7. The belief that all events, including human actions and decisions, are ultimately determined by preexisting causes or conditions.
  8. You are decreasing a behavior.
  9. To call or summon up (a memory, feeling, etc), esp from the past.
  10. They believe human beings are shaped entirely by their external environment.
  11. An event that is actually lived through, as opposed to one that is imagined or thought about.
  12. Refers to the way humans act and interact.
  13. Embraces moods, attitudes, and opinions and is most clearly expressed in interactions with other people.
  14. A response occurs with increasing regularity in a well-specified and stable environment.
  1. An element of the environment that naturally triggers an automatic response without prior conditioning.
  2. The learned reaction to a previously neutral stimulus.
  3. Actions that require the involvement of many decisions or events performed simultaneously or in succession.
  4. Relatively permanent changes in behavior, skills, knowledge, or attitudes resulting from identifiable psychological or social experiences.
  5. Any change in an individual's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors caused by other people.
  6. The things whatever you can see in another person doing.
  7. The progressive series of changes in structure, function, and behavior patterns that occur over the lifespan of a human being or other organism.
  8. An intensely unpleasant emotion in response to perceiving or recognizing a danger or threat.
  9. Social or economic circumstances that affect exposure to stressors.
  10. The examination of one's own conscious thoughts and feelings.
  11. Any procedure for conducting an investigation that relies upon experimentation and systematic observation rather than theoretical speculation.
  12. Albert Experiment of John Watson that demonstrated that classical conditioning—the association of a particular stimulus or behavior with an unrelated stimulus or behavior—works in human beings.
  13. Science of observable behavior.
  14. A behavior that was the result of a stimulus.
  15. The person who considered the founder of Behaviorism.
  16. The branch of psychology dedicated to studying how people think.

30 Clues: You are increasing a behavior.You are decreasing a behavior.Science of observable behavior.Refers to the way humans act and interact.A behavior that was the result of a stimulus.The person who considered the founder of Behaviorism.The learned reaction to a previously neutral stimulus.The things whatever you can see in another person doing....

Game Theory 2024-03-28

Game Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The term given to the concept that benefits received by each individual through altruism outweigh the costs of the altruistic act
  2. The type of strategy in which any given individual can play more than one game
  3. The type of game in which the payoff also depends on the individual playing the strategy
  4. Each ____ in a payoff matrix represents the outcome of an encounter between individuals playing each strategy
  5. Altruism allows individuals to increase success of its ________
  6. Net benefits or losses to all players are possible
  7. These organisms are great candidates for reciprocal altruism
  8. True or False: The game theory explicitly incorporates environmental effects on traits
  9. This type of altruism involves the permanent loss of direct fitness
  10. The two types of games
  11. This type of altruism involves the temporary loss of direct fitness
  12. The type of relationships that altruism behaviors are most common in
  13. The table that shows the outcomes of conflicts between strategies
  1. Which does ESS stand for?
  2. The model for reciprocal altruism
  3. True or False: A mixed ESS causes the payoffs to different strategies to be unequal
  4. A gain to one player requires an equivalent loss to another player
  5. The theory that is a game in which animal "strategies" , defined mathematically, are set to play against one another
  6. Behavior by an individual that increases the fitness of another individual while decreasing the fitness of the actor
  7. The type of strategy where any given individual plays only one strategy
  8. The type of game in which the payoff of a given strategy depends only on the opposing strategy
  9. The type of altruism is when the donor that performed the altruistic act is later reciprocated by the recipient

22 Clues: The two types of gamesWhich does ESS stand for?The model for reciprocal altruismNet benefits or losses to all players are possibleThese organisms are great candidates for reciprocal altruismAltruism allows individuals to increase success of its ________The table that shows the outcomes of conflicts between strategies...

Cross Word Puzzle 2021-08-24

Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Medium
  2. Software designated to allow user browse online
  3. Lifeline of today's era.
  4. Theory that focusses on how information is received organized, stored and retrieved by the mind
  5. Computer programs that try to emulate human decision-making capabilities
  6. Combination of text, graphics, audio, and video with links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, create, and communicate.
  7. recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images.
  1. Implementation of educational technology to accomplish intended learning outcomes.
  2. The legal right of the owner of intellectual property. In simpler terms, copyright is the right to copy.
  3. being able to understand and use technology
  4. theory that says learners Construct knowledge rather than just passively take in information.
  5. set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization.
  6. theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning.
  7. The evolution of ever-changing learning networks their complexity, and the role of technology.
  8. Practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

15 Clues: MediumLifeline of today's era.being able to understand and use technologySoftware designated to allow user browse onlinerecording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images.Computer programs that try to emulate human decision-making capabilitiesImplementation of educational technology to accomplish intended learning outcomes....

Why does Earth have deserts? 2015-06-16

Why does Earth have deserts? crossword puzzle
  1. polite behavior
  2. become aware of (something) for the first time
  3. an imaginary circle around the middle of the Earth
  4. having very few plants
  5. forest a tropical forest
  6. feeling strong excitement about something
  1. an idea or set of ideas
  2. a small amount of water
  3. a science that deals with weather
  4. green
  5. not likely
  6. to feel slightly angry
  7. up with
  8. to travel on water

14 Clues: greenup withnot likelypolite behaviorto travel on waterhaving very few plantsto feel slightly angryan idea or set of ideasa small amount of waterforest a tropical foresta science that deals with weatherfeeling strong excitement about somethingbecome aware of (something) for the first timean imaginary circle around the middle of the Earth

Cross Word Puzzle 2021-08-24

Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Literacy, being able to understand and use technology
  2. set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization.
  3. theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than just passively take in information.
  4. recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images.
  5. Practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
  6. The evolution of ever-changing learning networks, their complexity, and the role of technology.
  1. Combination of text, graphics, audio, and video with links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, create, and communicate.
  2. Intelligence, Computer programs that try to emulate human decision-making capabilities
  3. The legal right of the owner of intellectual property. In simpler terms, copyright is the right to copy.
  4. theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning.
  5. Theory that focusses on how information is received, organized, stored and retrieved by the mind
  6. Integration, Implementation of educational technology to accomplish intended learning outcomes.
  7. Software designated to allow user browse online
  8. Medium
  9. Lifeline of today's era.

15 Clues: MediumLifeline of today's era.Software designated to allow user browse onlineLiteracy, being able to understand and use technologyrecording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images.Practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own....

Geometry Extra Credit 2021-03-21

Geometry Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. This defensive lineman terrorized the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50
  2. The team that won the 2020 World Series
  3. First name of Meredith Grey's husband
  4. The famous Marvel Group that includes Ironman and the Black Widow
  5. The Norse god of Thunder
  6. The type of probability where its based on theory
  7. When the solution can be in set A AND B is known as the ________ of sets
  8. Dan and Serena were the main characters in this tv show
  1. The most infamous Batman villain
  2. A couple in the Marvel Universe, Vision and this person
  3. The type of probability where there are multiple trials repeated
  4. The last name of the brothers in The Vampire Diaries
  5. You are in this Math subject
  6. The Greek God of the Sea
  7. Scotland has 421 words for this word
  8. When the solution can be in Set A or Set B it is known as the _____________ of sets
  9. The largest animal in the world
  10. It was revealed that Jon Snow was actually a member of this House
  11. The midwest state I once lived in

19 Clues: The Greek God of the SeaThe Norse god of ThunderYou are in this Math subjectThe largest animal in the worldThe most infamous Batman villainThe midwest state I once lived inScotland has 421 words for this wordFirst name of Meredith Grey's husbandThe team that won the 2020 World SeriesThe type of probability where its based on theory...

Chapter 7 PSY 278 Dr. Lewis 2014-05-14

Chapter 7     PSY 278     Dr. Lewis crossword puzzle
  1. the activity of knowing and the processes through which knowledge is acquired
  2. a logical operation that allows a person to mentally order a set of stimuli along a quantifiable dimension such as height or weight
  3. a cognitive structure or organized pattern of action or thought used to deal with experiences
  4. the ability to recognize the necessary or logical relations among elements in a serial order
  5. in Piaget's theory, the ability to reverse or negate an action by mentally performing the opposite action
  6. the ability to focus on two or more dimensions of a problem at one time
  7. in Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, a person's inborn tendency to adjust to the demands of the environment, consisting of the complementary processes of assimilation and accommodation
  8. in Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, the process of modifying existing schemes to incorporate or adapt to new experiences
  1. in Piaget's theory, the tendency to focus on only one aspect of a problem when two or more aspects are relevant
  2. the tendency to view the world from the person's own perspective and fail to recognize that others may have different points of view
  3. in Piaget's theory, the process of seeking a state of mental stability in which our thoughts (schemes) are consistent with the information we receive from the external world
  4. to separate the demands of a task at hand from prior beliefs and knowledge
  5. Jerome Bruner's term for providing structure to a less skilled learner to encourage advancement
  6. the recognition that certain properties of an object or substance do not change when its appearance is altered in some superficial way
  7. in Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, a person's inborn tendency to combine and integrate available schemes into more coherent and complex systems or bodies of knowledge
  8. Piaget's term for the process by which children interpret new experiences in terms of their existing schemata

16 Clues: the ability to focus on two or more dimensions of a problem at one timeto separate the demands of a task at hand from prior beliefs and knowledgethe activity of knowing and the processes through which knowledge is acquiredthe ability to recognize the necessary or logical relations among elements in a serial order...

Chapter 7 PSY 278 Dr. Lewis 2014-04-17

Chapter 7     PSY 278     Dr. Lewis crossword puzzle
  1. a logical operation that allows a person to mentally order a set of stimuli along a quantifiable dimension such as height or weight
  2. the recognition that certain properties of an object or substance do not change when its appearance is altered in some superficial way
  3. in Piaget's theory, the process of seeking a state of mental stability in which our thoughts are consistent with the information we receive from the external world
  4. in Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, a person's inborn tendency to combine and integrate available schemes into more coherent and complex systems or bodies of knowledge; as a memory strategy, a technique that involves grouping or classifying stimuli into meaningful clusters
  5. the ability to focus on two or more dimensions of a problem at one time
  6. a cognitive structure or organized pattern of action or thought used to deal with experiences
  7. in Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, the process of modifying existing schemes to incorporate or adapt to new experiences
  8. in Piaget's theory, the ability to reverse or negate an action by mentally performing the opposite action
  9. in Piaget's theory, the tendency to focus on only one aspect of a problem when two or more aspects are relevant
  10. Jerome Bruner's term for providing structure to a less skilled learner to encourage advancement
  1. the activity of knowing and the processes through which knowdedge is acquired
  2. Piaget's term for the process by which children interpret new experiences in terms of their existing schemata
  3. to separate the demands of a tast at hand from prior beliefs and knowledge
  4. the ability to recognize the necessary or logical relations among elements in a serial order
  5. in Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, a person's inborn tendency to adjust to the demands of the environment, consisting of the complementary processes of assimilation and accommodation
  6. the tendency to view the world from the perso's own perspective and fail to recognize that others may have different points of view

16 Clues: the ability to focus on two or more dimensions of a problem at one timeto separate the demands of a tast at hand from prior beliefs and knowledgethe activity of knowing and the processes through which knowdedge is acquiredthe ability to recognize the necessary or logical relations among elements in a serial order...

Geometry Extra Credit 2021-03-21

Geometry Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. This defensive lineman terrorized the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50
  2. The team that won the 2020 World Series
  3. First name of Meredith Grey's husband
  4. The famous Marvel Group that include Ironman and the Black Widow
  5. The Norse god of Thunder
  6. the type of probability where its based on theory
  7. When the solution can be in set A AND B is known as the ________ of sets
  8. Dan and Serena were the main characters in this tv show
  1. The most infamous Batman villain
  2. A couple in the Marvel Universe, Vision and this person
  3. the type of probability where there are multiple trials repeated
  4. The last name of the brothers in The Vampire Diaries
  5. You are in this Math subject
  6. The Greek God of the Sea
  7. Scotland has 421 words for this word
  8. When the solution can be in Set A or Set B it is known as the _____________ of sets
  9. The largest animal in the world
  10. It was revealed that Jon Snow was actually a member of this House
  11. The midwest state I once lived in

19 Clues: The Greek God of the SeaThe Norse god of ThunderYou are in this Math subjectThe largest animal in the worldThe most infamous Batman villainThe midwest state I once lived inScotland has 421 words for this wordFirst name of Meredith Grey's husbandThe team that won the 2020 World Seriesthe type of probability where its based on theory...

Algebra 1 Extra Credit 2021-03-21

Algebra 1 Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. This defensive lineman terrorized the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50
  2. The team that won the 2020 World Series
  3. First name of Meredith Grey's husband
  4. The famous Marvel Group that include Ironman and the Black Widow
  5. The Norse god of Thunder
  6. the type of probability where its based on theory
  7. When the solution can be in set A AND B is known as the ________ of sets
  8. Dan and Serena were the main characters in this tv show
  1. The most infamous Batman villain
  2. A couple in the Marvel Universe, Vision and this person
  3. the type of probability where there are multiple trials repeated
  4. The last name of the brothers in The Vampire Diaries
  5. You are in this Math subject
  6. The Greek God of the Sea
  7. Scotland has 421 words for this word
  8. When the solution can be in Set A or Set B it is known as the _____________ of sets
  9. The largest animal in the world
  10. It was revealed that Jon Snow was actually a member of this House
  11. The midwest state I once lived in

19 Clues: The Greek God of the SeaThe Norse god of ThunderYou are in this Math subjectThe largest animal in the worldThe most infamous Batman villainThe midwest state I once lived inScotland has 421 words for this wordFirst name of Meredith Grey's husbandThe team that won the 2020 World Seriesthe type of probability where its based on theory...

Biology Basics 2022-08-25

Biology Basics crossword puzzle
  1. Repitition and patterns in nature
  2. Can be Proven/Supported
  3. Cause or the change
  4. What is being tested
  5. Effect or the Outcome
  6. untouched group or the normal group
  1. Describes features
  2. Numbers How Many
  3. On Target
  4. some data but not enough to be a fact
  5. Set of rules for scientist to follow
  6. Grouped but not on Target

12 Clues: On TargetNumbers How ManyDescribes featuresCause or the changeWhat is being testedEffect or the OutcomeCan be Proven/SupportedGrouped but not on TargetRepitition and patterns in natureuntouched group or the normal groupSet of rules for scientist to followsome data but not enough to be a fact

Biology Basics 2022-08-25

Biology Basics crossword puzzle
  1. Numbers How Many
  2. Set of rules for scientist to follow
  3. What is being tested
  4. Cause or the change
  5. Repitition and patterns in nature
  6. On Target
  1. Effect or the Outcome
  2. Describes features
  3. some data but not enough to be a fact
  4. Grouped but not on Target
  5. untouched group or the normal group
  6. Can be Proven/Supported

12 Clues: On TargetNumbers How ManyDescribes featuresCause or the changeWhat is being testedEffect or the OutcomeCan be Proven/SupportedGrouped but not on TargetRepitition and patterns in natureuntouched group or the normal groupSet of rules for scientist to followsome data but not enough to be a fact

Scientific Management 2023-01-17

Scientific Management crossword puzzle
  1. regarding employees not performing well
  2. success of an organization
  3. as the father of Scientific Management
  1. clear and specific
  2. clear and set responsibilities
  3. clear rules and set by set directions

6 Clues: clear and specificsuccess of an organizationclear and set responsibilitiesclear rules and set by set directionsas the father of Scientific Managementregarding employees not performing well