set theory Crossword Puzzles

Ch. 1-4 Crossword 2020-01-19

Ch. 1-4 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How many views did Barnlund propose that every conversation between two people involve?
  2. Words are ____ to which humans attach meaning.
  3. level to which people need each other to attain their goals
  4. conflicts caused by misinterpretations and misinformation
  5. public or private image one holds about oneself
  6. distributive view that resources are limited
  7. removing oneself from the controversy
  8. focus on the communication that occurs between people in conflict rather than on an individual or internal processes
  9. general conversational area in which a conflict issue may be embedded
  10. relatively stable set of perceptions, values, attitudes, and beliefs an individual holds about oneself
  11. process by which individuals weave together facts, feelings, and inferences to explain the world
  12. this theory suggests there are types of forces that drive conflict and forces that restrain conflict
  13. ultra argumentativeness using personal attacks, name-calling, etc.
  14. in negotiation, a party's desired means of how an event should happen or a negotiation should proceed
  15. moment when how one responds can change the entire direction of a relationship
  16. theory that holds individuals create meaning and interpret reality through a series of personal constructs or schemas
  17. statement taking responsibility for one's personal feelings or thoughts
  18. goals around tangible resources
  19. issues that have potential for conflict that the parties don't yet perceive to be a problem
  1. anything perceived to be in short supply
  2. view that through interest-based negotiations the needs of all parties can be met to some extent
  3. overarching set of beliefs about how the world works and one's place in it
  4. situations where an individual's goals are somewhat cooperative and somewhat competitve
  5. focusing discussion on the interaction process
  6. theory that holds one's personality and behavior are influenced by biological development
  7. personal association for a word
  8. event that precipitates a conflict episode
  9. rational weighing of facts and evidence using the rules of logic
  10. begrudging compliance, perhaps with plan to get even
  11. struggle among a small number of interdependent people arising from perceived interference with goal achievement
  12. classic game theory using two criminals pitted against each other during interrogation
  13. external attributions
  14. the end or desired conditioned
  15. demand, proposed solution, or fixed outcome statement
  16. style or tactic of response to conflict by complying with the other's wishes
  17. party's desired means of how an event should happen or a negotiation should proceed
  18. not facts but tentative explanations for observed behaviors
  19. claiming resources or credit for solutions
  20. theory that holds one's personality and behavior are influenced by social development
  21. deeply seated beliefs and core ideas about right and wrong

40 Clues: external attributionsthe end or desired conditionedpersonal association for a wordgoals around tangible resourcesremoving oneself from the controversyanything perceived to be in short supplyevent that precipitates a conflict episodeclaiming resources or credit for solutionsdistributive view that resources are limited...

Argumentative Crossword 2024-01-17

Argumentative Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The act or an instance of placing two or more things or concepts side by side often to compare or contrast or to create an interesting effect.
  2. The people giving or likely to give attention to something.
  3. Something neglected, left out, or left undone.
  4. An assertion or proposition which forms the basis for a work or theory.
  5. A book or document used to provide evidence in research.
  6. “He sent a birthday party invitation email to me.”
  7. A linguistic tool that employs a particular type of sentence structure, sound, or pattern of meaning in order to evoke a particular reaction from an audience.
  8. The action of proving a statement or theory to be wrong or false.
  9. “His ________ on the claim is wild.”
  10. An argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument.
  11. A refutation or contradiction.
  1. Parts of a text that draw the reader's attention to important information.
  2. A fallacy that concludes that a proposition is true because many people believe that it is.
  3. Words that have a positive or negative emotional "charge" in addition to their literal meaning.
  4. An argument that may sound convincing or true but is actually flawed.
  5. Cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.
  6. An argument is logically sound and well-supported with strong evidence and reasoning.
  7. A general idea or rule and apply it too widely, without allowing any exceptions to it.
  8. An argument that comes back to its beginning without having proven anything.
  9. “I got an invitation email for a birthday party.”
  10. A conclusion that is not supported by such data.
  11. Using or characterized by systematic reasoning.
  12. Prove a statement or theory to be wrong or false; disprove.
  13. An attitude toward a particular issue; a position taken in an argument.
  14. A claim made to rebut a previous claim.
  15. A process of arguing from similarity in known respects to similarity in other respects.
  16. The way authors organize information in text.
  17. A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action is right or wrong.
  18. A statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.
  19. An assertion of the truth of something, typically one that is disputed.
  20. Able to be trusted.

31 Clues: Able to be trusted.A refutation or contradiction.“His ________ on the claim is wild.”A claim made to rebut a previous claim.The way authors organize information in text.Something neglected, left out, or left undone.Using or characterized by systematic reasoning.A conclusion that is not supported by such data....

Probability Vocabulary 2017-12-18

Probability Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. P(B/A) = P(A and B)/P(A)
  2. States that as more and more trials of a chance process occur, the probability will approach a single value.
  3. When the probability of one event occurring has no effect on the probability of another.
  4. P(A and B) = P(A)*P(B/A)
  5. A number between 0 and 1 which desribes the proportion of times the outcome would occur in a series of repetitions.
  6. A diagram of two or three circles that show one category, another, and their intersections.
  7. An imitation of chance behavior done through a model that reflects the actual situation.
  8. The set of all possible outcomes or results for an experiment.
  1. A set of elements that both belong to one set and another.
  2. P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)
  3. A mathmatical representation of a random phenomenon.
  4. The probability that an event will occur given the knowledge that another event has already occurred.
  5. A synonym for mutually exclusive.
  6. Describes a set of events that cannot occur at the same time.
  7. The probability of an event not occurring.
  8. Probability of an event that will always occur.
  9. Probability of an event that will never occur.
  10. A diagram that shows all possible outcomes of an event and has branches
  11. A set of elements that had initially belonged to two separate sets of elements.
  12. In probability theory, it is the set of outcomes of an experiment.

20 Clues: P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)P(B/A) = P(A and B)/P(A)P(A and B) = P(A)*P(B/A)A synonym for mutually exclusive.The probability of an event not occurring.Probability of an event that will never occur.Probability of an event that will always occur.A mathmatical representation of a random phenomenon.A set of elements that both belong to one set and another....

Psyche-Psych 2013-04-24

Psyche-Psych crossword puzzle
  1. Theory of learned helplessness
  2. Known for his forgetting curve and spacing effect
  3. Conformity experiment; people's opinions influenced by those of a majority group
  4. Maternal separation with monkeys
  5. Studied the validity of psychiatry diagnoses
  6. Cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory
  7. Moral development in women and girls
  8. Conditioned reflex; dogs & rings
  9. Theory of emotion; emotion comes from some stimulus
  10. Theory of multiple intelligences
  11. A neo-freudian psychologist; theory of neurotic needs
  1. Founded analytical psychology; extraverted & introverted
  2. Decision making, 'prospect theory'
  3. There are 3 types of parents: authoritarian, indulgent, authoritative
  4. Early emotional attachment theory, attachment between caregiver & child
  5. Developmental psychology, infant's temperament is stable over time
  6. Theory of moral development (6 stages)
  7. Triangular theory of love & intelligence
  8. One who believes that humans posses a "language acquisition device"
  9. Developed the rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
  10. Known for his research on hypnosis
  11. Theory of psychosocial development (8 stages)
  12. Bobo doll experiment
  13. Misinformation effect and eyewitness memory
  14. Study of basic human emotions and relation to facial expressions
  15. Garcia effect, taste aversion learning
  16. Discovered person centered therapy
  17. Father of cognitive therapy, self report measure (BDI)

28 Clues: Bobo doll experimentTheory of learned helplessnessMaternal separation with monkeysConditioned reflex; dogs & ringsTheory of multiple intelligencesDecision making, 'prospect theory'Known for his research on hypnosisDiscovered person centered therapyMoral development in women and girlsTheory of moral development (6 stages)...

science 2021-02-08

science crossword puzzle
  1. mixture, what is mixture can be separated by mechanical means?
  2. what is a mixture that is made up of separable materials is called?
  3. what is another word for homogenous mixture?
  4. energy, what is it called when a energy is possessed by an object due to its motion or position?
  5. substance, what is a material that is a material that is made up of only one small particle?
  6. point, what is the point of water that is 0 °C?
  7. what is a mixture that only has one set of properties called?
  8. what is it called when a solute can still be added to a solution?
  1. what comes through a source and travels at the speed of light?
  2. what is called when a bunch of ingredients are mixed together?
  3. energy, what is the energy called that is stored in the bond of chemical compounds?
  4. theory of matter, what theory has to do with all matter being made up of extremely tiny particles?
  5. what is the action of conveying called?
  6. this helps us with what the weather s going to be each day what is it?
  7. point, what is a point of water that is 100°C?
  8. what is the process where heat is transferred between collisions that involve atoms and molecules?
  9. what is called when you make a liquid thinner?
  10. what is it called when a solute can no longer be dissolved into a solution?
  11. theory, what theory gives an explanation of natural world?
  12. what is the opposite of cold?

20 Clues: what is the opposite of cold?what is the action of conveying called?what is another word for homogenous mixture?point, what is a point of water that is 100°C?what is called when you make a liquid thinner?point, what is the point of water that is 0 °C?theory, what theory gives an explanation of natural world?...

Information Retrieval System 2022-10-18

Information Retrieval System crossword puzzle
  1. ______ refers to search that accounts for how close within a record multiple items should be to each other.
  2. Set of all distinct index terms in the collection.
  3. Eliminating ______ decreases the space size requirement of indices by about 50%.
  4. IDF stands for _____ document frequency.
  5. ______ function assigns scores to documents with regard to a given query.
  6. BM25 stands for best _____ 25.
  7. User must first translate the information need into a _____ which can be processed by the search engine.
  1. Reduction of distinct words to their common grammatical root
  2. _____ is a set of syntactic features that must be found in a text segment.
  3. A famous query protocol in 1990's
  4. Both retrieval and browsing are _____ actions.
  5. In set based model ______ is used in stead of index terms.
  6. Boolean model is based on ____ theory.

13 Clues: BM25 stands for best _____ 25.A famous query protocol in 1990'sBoolean model is based on ____ theory.IDF stands for _____ document frequency.Both retrieval and browsing are _____ actions.Set of all distinct index terms in the collection.In set based model ______ is used in stead of index terms....


NURSING THEORISTS crossword puzzle
  1. the core of the Theory of Caring is that “humans cannot be treated as objects and that humans cannot be separated from self, other, nature, and the larger workforce”
  2. the Deliberative Nursing Process Theory stresses the reciprocal relationship between patient and nurse
  3. In the caritative caring theory, the substance and core of caring is described as 'to care is to tend, play and learn in faith, hope and love'
  4. she established the 21 Problems of Nursing Theory
  5. she formulated the Transcultural Nursing Theory
  6. made the system model diagram that breaks down into the four concepts of the meta-paradigm of nursing
  7. the Care, Core, and Cure emphasizes the patient's needs above all else and elevates the importance of nurturing patients
  8. Expanding Consciousness Theory states that people cannot be divided into parts
  9. the Behavioral System Model is the idea that "all the patterned, repetitive, purposeful ways of behaving that characterize each person's life
  10. the Theory of Unitary Human Beings' goal of nurses is to participate in the process of change
  1. Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs
  2. created the Human Becoming Theory of Nursing, which guides nurses to focus on quality of life from each person's own perspective as the goal of nursing
  3. the basic concept of the Theory of Goal Attainment is that the nurse and patient communicate
  4. the Grand Theory of Human-to-Human Relationships provides nurses with a foundation necessary to connect therapeutically with other human beings
  5. in her Interpersonal Theory and Nursing Process, she considers nursing to be a “significant, therapeutic, interpersonal process”
  6. in her Environmental Theory, she believed that a healthy environmental was fundamental for healing
  7. Adaptation Model, which states that the goal of nursing care is to promote patient adaptation.
  8. Geneneral System Theory is a complex of interacting elements and that they are open to, and interact with their environments
  9. the Theory of Self-Care Deficit contains the five methods of helping
  10. developed a concept theory known as “From Novice to Expert”

20 Clues: she formulated the Transcultural Nursing Theoryshe established the 21 Problems of Nursing Theorydeveloped a concept theory known as “From Novice to Expert”the Theory of Self-Care Deficit contains the five methods of helpingExpanding Consciousness Theory states that people cannot be divided into parts...

Vocabulary 2012-09-06

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment
  2. to test the truth
  3. inquire into
  4. the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
  5. to move by argument
  6. give approval
  7. giving rise to doubt
  1. external to the mind
  2. what one thinks about something
  3. something that furnishes proof
  4. action of observing
  5. not logical
  6. not true
  7. true

14 Clues: truenot truenot logicalinquire intogive approvalto test the truthaction of observingto move by argumentexternal to the mindgiving rise to doubtsomething that furnishes proofwhat one thinks about somethinga personal and sometimes unreasoned judgmentthe analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another

COMM 390 Crossword Puzzle 2020-06-15

COMM 390 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Ultra-argumentativeness using personal attacks, name-calling, and other aggressive tactics
  2. Communication within oneself; self-dialogue
  3. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by social development as opposed to biological development
  4. The idea that people make life choices based on a cost-benefit analysis of what better meets personal goals
  5. A state where one thing or person requires another thing or person to meet goals
  6. Focusing discussion on the interaction process; communication about communication
  7. In attribution theory, where one ascribes motivations for personal behavior to a personal character trait when it is most flattering and to situation constraints to diminish personal responsibility
  8. A struggle among a small number of interdependent people arising from perceived interference with goal achievement
  9. A relatively stable set of perceptions, values, attitudes, and beliefs an individual holds about oneself
  10. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by biological development rather than social development
  11. Communication to bring the perceptions and expectations held by different people closer together
  12. A behavioral theory that holds that individuals learn what attitudes and behaviors are appropriate through observation and social interaction
  13. Climates in which individuals feel safer and mare more likely to engage in productive problem solving and conflict management
  14. A party’s preference for the depth or type of connection to another person
  15. A theory that highlights the complex nature of life and holds that the interdependency of all the relationships among individuals in a system, as well as the surrounding environment, must be considered to understand the whole
  16. The concept that people consistently make sense of the world by assigning meaning and motives to others’ behaviors
  17. The event that precipitates a conflict episode
  18. The general conversational area in which a conflict issue may be embedded
  1. An overarching set of beliefs about how the world works and one’s place in it
  2. The view that through interest-based negotiations the needs of all parties can be met to some extent
  3. Tentative explanation for an observed behavior
  4. Anything perceived to be in short supply
  5. The end or desired condition
  6. The mistaken idea that communication processes work like machines where one component can be removed and understood apart from the system in which it occurs
  7. Providing reasons to support an assertion or claim
  8. Arises from a focus on the underlying needs on each of the parties rather than on their surface demands
  9. Climates that are associated with cooperative and competitive tactics, and can be determined by the extent individuals feel valued by others
  10. Conflicts caused by misinterpretations and misinterpretation
  11. The public or private image one holds about oneself
  12. Conceived an internal struggle between the id and superego
  13. What one says one’s goals were after a conflict episode ends
  14. A theory that models the outcomes of conflict based on choices made by players through a rational process
  15. Situations where an individual’s goals are somewhat cooperative and somewhat competitive
  16. An interaction theory advance by Delia and others, that holds individuals create meaning and interpret reality through a series of personal constructs or schemas
  17. A theory that explores communication as a machine with discrete parts that function in preset sequences
  18. Explanations that focus on the communication that occurs between people in conflict rather than on an individual or internal processes
  19. Assuming a behavior was caused by factors inherent to the person, such as personality, values, or characteristics, and not some external situation
  20. Deeply seated beliefs and core ideas about right and wrong
  21. A distributive view that resources are limited. As they are allocated, the amount of resources left ultimately will reach zero
  22. One’s view of oneself

40 Clues: One’s view of oneselfThe end or desired conditionAnything perceived to be in short supplyCommunication within oneself; self-dialogueTentative explanation for an observed behaviorThe event that precipitates a conflict episodeProviding reasons to support an assertion or claimThe public or private image one holds about oneself...

Chapter One Part Two 2022-08-29

Chapter One Part Two crossword puzzle
  1. the people and objects in an individual's immediate environment
  2. A sociocultural cognitive theory that emphasizes how culture and social interaction guide cognitive development.
  3. Erikson's proposal that personality development is determined by the interaction of an internal maturational plan and external societal demands
  4. A consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior
  5. The ways in which various generations experience the biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces of development in their respective historical contexts
  6. Bronfenbrenner's theory emphasizing that the developing person is embedded in a series of environmental systems that interact with one another and with the person to influence development
  7. An organized set of ideas that is designed to explain development
  8. sensorimotor,preoperational,concrete operational,formal operational
  9. actively construct knowledge as the manipulate and explore their world
  1. The cultures and subcultures in which the microsystem, mesosystem, and exosystem are embedded.
  2. people's beliefs about their own abilities and talents
  3. model in which three processes (selection, optimization, and compensation) form a system of behavioral action that generates and regulates development and aging
  4. The demands put on an individual by the environment
  5. consequence that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur
  6. the ability to do something successfully or efficiently
  7. in Erikson's theory, the idea that each psychosocial strength has its own special period of particular importance

16 Clues: The demands put on an individual by the environmentpeople's beliefs about their own abilities and talentsthe ability to do something successfully or efficientlyA consequence that increases the likelihood of a behaviorthe people and objects in an individual's immediate environmentAn organized set of ideas that is designed to explain development...

Crossword Puzzle 5 Set Theory Symbols 2021-09-07

Crossword Puzzle 5 Set Theory Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. both sets have the same members
  2. objects that belong to set A and set B
  3. A ⊖ B
  4. infinite cardinality of natural numbers set
  5. {C} = {z | z=a+bi, -∞<a<∞,-∞<b<∞}
  6. Ø
  7. the number of elements of set A
  8. set of all ordered pairs from A and B
  9. objects that belong to set A or set B
  1. all subsets of A
  2. set set of all possible values
  3. a collection of elements
  4. (a,b)
  5. A is a subset of B. set A is included in set B.
  6. A ⊄ B

15 Clues: Ø(a,b)A ⊖ BA ⊄ Ball subsets of Aa collection of elementsset set of all possible valuesboth sets have the same membersthe number of elements of set A{C} = {z | z=a+bi, -∞<a<∞,-∞<b<∞}set of all ordered pairs from A and Bobjects that belong to set A or set Bobjects that belong to set A and set Binfinite cardinality of natural numbers set...

Formulation and verification of accounting 2023-05-23

Formulation and verification of accounting crossword puzzle
  1. Supporters of positive theory believe that normative accounting theories lack observation because it is only based on personal opinion about what should happenIs critism of _______ theory.
  2. This approach consists of the concepts of 'true and fair'.
  3. A ______ establishes the relation between the concepts and a theory.
  4. Starts with empirical observations and then works to form a theory, from 1920s to 1960s, this approach was heavily used.
  1. Accounting principles and techniques are evaluated for acceptance after considering all effects on all groups in society.
  2. A research approach that starts with a theory, forms a hypothesis, makes empirical observations, and then analyzes the data to confirm, reject, or modify the original theory.
  3. Costs that result from conflicts of interest.
  4. Explains why accounting is what it is, why accountants do what they do, and what effects these phenomena have on people and resource utilisation.
  5. As it applies to accounting is the coherent set of hypothetical, conceptual and pragmatic principles forming the general frame of reference for a field of inquiry.
  6. Expenditures to guarantee that the agent will not take certain actions to harm the principal's interest.

10 Clues: Costs that result from conflicts of interest.This approach consists of the concepts of 'true and fair'.A ______ establishes the relation between the concepts and a theory.Expenditures to guarantee that the agent will not take certain actions to harm the principal's interest....

Morphology Midterm 2023-12-05

Morphology Midterm crossword puzzle
  1. study/science/theory (of)
  2. life/lively
  3. move, set in motion
  4. memory, to remember
  5. human
  6. throw,cast
  7. rule (by)
  8. rule,guide,direct
  9. people/population
  10. light
  11. turn
  12. trust/faith
  13. leader
  14. to shine
  15. know; learn
  16. peace
  17. number
  18. say
  1. roll, wrap up, turn
  2. word
  3. light,glow
  4. time
  5. truth/true
  6. memory, remember
  7. twisted, wound
  8. write
  9. time
  10. life
  11. war,fight
  12. measure
  13. to teach; instruct
  14. soothed,peaceful
  15. mind/spirit
  16. believe/trust
  17. mind, spirit, consciousness

35 Clues: saywordtimetimelifeturnhumanwritelightpeaceleadernumbermeasureto shinerule (by)war,fightlight,glowtruth/truethrow,castlife/livelytrust/faithmind/spiritknow; learnbelieve/trusttwisted, woundmemory, remembersoothed,peacefulrule,guide,directpeople/populationto teach; instructroll, wrap up, turnmove, set in motionmemory, to remember...

Unit 1 Crossword Review 2021-02-03

Unit 1 Crossword Review crossword puzzle
  1. studies that explore a single situation in great detail
  2. studies that focus on describing an occurrence
  3. is a valuable tool for understanding human development, that guides and helps us interpret research findings?
  4. Freud's theory of self describes how our personality consists of id, ego, and ___.
  5. ___ reality is why our perception is altered due to what others have told us or cultural trend
  6. there are ___ psychosocial stages within the erikson's psychosocial theory
  7. ___ was a student of Freud and helped expand his theory of psychosexual development
  8. ___ reality is how our beliefs are constructed by our personal experience and history
  9. studies that are made in order to answer "why?" questions
  10. research that begins with a sample that represents a cross-section of a population
  11. an effect, that usually involves children, where people change their behavior because they're aware they're being observed.
  12. techniques that are used to research data within a lifespan or lifespans of a subject or subjects
  1. research that involves cross-sectional and longitudinal research
  2. commonly referred to as a guideline on how to live that is shared by a group of people
  3. the belief that our own culture is essentially better or superior to others
  4. performed studies and created theories, such as the psychodynamic theory, during the 1950s?
  5. cultural ___ is the appreciation and respect for other cultures and cultural differences
  6. the ___ theory describes how and why our upbringing and early childhood moments impact our psychological self.
  7. a ___ is a group of people born around the same time in a similar environment/society.
  8. studies that revolve around observing and recording the actions of those who participate
  9. Members of the same ___ class share similar parenting styles, religious beliefs, morals, aggravation,and lifestyles altogether.
  10. research that is organized to evaluate the efficiency/effectiveness of a policy or program
  11. asking a standard set of questions to a subject or group of subjects
  12. research where a group of people, usually the same age and come from similar backgrounds, are measured gradually over a period of time
  13. how many social classes are the american people divided into in regards to socioeconomic status?

25 Clues: studies that focus on describing an occurrencestudies that explore a single situation in great detailstudies that are made in order to answer "why?" questionsresearch that involves cross-sectional and longitudinal researchasking a standard set of questions to a subject or group of subjects...

AP Psychology Important Names 2016-04-20

AP Psychology Important Names crossword puzzle
  1. Developmental psychology; experimented with infant monkeys and attachment
  2. Developmental psychologist; psychosocial stage theory (eight stages)
  3. Developmental psychologist; cognitive development stage theory (sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operations, formal operations)
  4. first psychologist to conduct studies on forgetting (rapid loss floowed by gradual decline)
  5. Social psychologist: known for Stanford Prison Study
  6. Proposed the theory of learn helplessness, contributed to positive psychology
  7. proposed the ideal of multiple intelligences (logical, spatial, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic, naturalistic)
  8. Proposed language acquisition theory that children are born with an inherited ability to learn any human language
  9. Behavioural psychologist implemented Bobo Beatdown experiment
  10. Behavioural psychologist; important to the understanding of classical conditioning (_'s dogs)
  11. Father of psychology; set up first psychology lab in Germany
  12. published the first psychology textbook
  13. Cognitive psychologist: father of cognitive therapy; used to treat depression (challenges negative beliefs)
  1. Contributed to Rational-Emotive-Therapy (RET), focuses on client's irrational thinking
  2. Psychologist who researched hypnosis and hypothesised the dissociation theory of split consciousness (arm in ice water test)
  3. Behavioural psychologist who implemented the little Albert experiment (generalisation)
  4. Behavioural psychologist; studied operant conditioning (_'s box)
  5. Behavioural psychologist learned that rats are more likely to make certain associations than others (sweet water with nausea and noise with shock but not noise with nausea and shock with sweet water)
  6. theorised that the change in a stimulus that will be just noticeable is a constant ration of the original stimulus
  7. Proposed parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and rejecting)
  8. Developmental psychologist placed children into "strange situation" in order to evaluate their attachment to their children
  9. Developmental psychologist; stage theory (pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional)
  10. Humanistic; important for treatment of psychological disorders (client-centred therapy)
  11. Social psychologist: obedience studies- participants think they are administering shocks
  12. Humanistic psychologist theorized the hierarchy of needs
  13. criticised Freud, stated that personality is moulded by current fears and impulses, rather than being determined solely by childhood experiences and instincts, neurotic trends
  14. Developmental psychologist and creator of the first intelligence test (stanford-_ test)
  15. Experiment on conformity (people answered incorrectly much more of the time when other "confederates" answered incorrectly first)

28 Clues: published the first psychology textbookSocial psychologist: known for Stanford Prison StudyHumanistic psychologist theorized the hierarchy of needsFather of psychology; set up first psychology lab in GermanyBehavioural psychologist implemented Bobo Beatdown experimentBehavioural psychologist; studied operant conditioning (_'s box)...


NURSING THEORISTS crossword puzzle
  1. this personal factor include variable such as race, ethnicity, acculturation, education and socio- economic status
  2. Girls on the move, which studies and measures intervention results as it applies to use the model to encourage young people to perform active ____________
  3. Pender, Parse, Leininger, Newman
  4. this is learned shared, and transmitted values, beliefs, norms and lifeways
  5. These factors categorized as a biological, psychological, and socio-cultural
  6. Leininger was born on July 13, 1925 in Sutton______________
  7. Assumptions of parse theory were synthesized from woks by the European philosophers, along with the works by the pioneer American nurse theorist ____________
  8. defined as the subjectively and objectively learned and transmitted values, beliefs and patterned lifeways.
  9. Generic folk or knowledge
  10. May result when an outsider attempts to adapt effectively to a different cultural group
  11. Leininger was appointed professor of nursing and anthropology at the University of___________
  12. this is a study of nursing care beliefs, values and practices
  13. Man and environment cocreate in rhythmical patterns
  14. Leininger opened a psychiatric nursing service and educational program at Creighton university in___________ Nebraska
  15. Refers to reaching out and beyond the limits that a person set
  16. factors that include variables such as age, gender, body mass index, pubertal status, aerobic capacity, strength, agility.
  1. Parse was educated at Duquesne University, _______________
  2. She is an author and a professor emeritus at the university of Michigan
  3. The theory of madeleine Leininger
  4. Pender finished masters level work in community health nursing at this university
  5. Man’s reality is given meaning through live experiences
  6. it is how people look at the world
  7. A state of well-being that culturally defined, valued and practiced
  8. She was the first to published the theory “Man Living Health Theory in 1988
  9. This theory/model was designed to be a complementary counter parts to models of health protection
  10. On august 16, 1941, Nola Pender was born in Lansing, __________
  11. Described as behavior motivated desired to actively avoid illness
  12. She lived on a farm with her four brothers and sisters
  13. She was influenced by Martha Rogers theory of unitary human beings
  14. knowledge that describes the professional perspective

30 Clues: Generic folk or knowledgePender, Parse, Leininger, NewmanThe theory of madeleine Leiningerit is how people look at the worldMan and environment cocreate in rhythmical patternsknowledge that describes the professional perspectiveShe lived on a farm with her four brothers and sistersMan’s reality is given meaning through live experiences...

Chapter 7 2016-08-02

Chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. chemical released by animals that affect the behavior of other animals within the same species
  2. -membrane, also known as the eardrum, the point where sound waves strike after passing through the auditory canal
  3. cortex where auditory information ultimately reaches
  4. deafness People with this type of deafness have a normal cochlea and auditory nerve, and can hear their own voices clearly
  5. auditory receptors that lie between the basilar membrane of the cochlea and the tectorial membrane
  6. the theory that each frequency activates the hair cells at one place along the basilar membrane and the nervous system distinguishes among frequencies based on which neurons respond
  7. where the vibrations of the tympanic membranes are transformed into waves of greater pressure
  8. Latin name for the “hammer” middle ear bone
  9. receptors on the surface of the tongue that can contain up to 10 taste buds
  1. the stimulation of one sense evokes the perception of another sense
  2. theory saying the basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with a sound, causing auditory nerve axons to produce action potentials at the same frequency
  3. a set or receptors specialized to respond to pheromones
  4. the sense of smell
  5. frequent of constant ringing in ears
  6. English name for the “incus” middle ear bone
  7. three small fluid filled tubes that sense movement of the head and help maintain balance
  8. detects sudden displacements or high frequency vibrations on the skin
  9. the intensity of a sound wave
  10. reduced response to one taste after exposure to another
  11. receptors on the tongue
  12. Latin name for the “stirrup” middle ear bone
  13. a type of deafness that results from damage to the cochlea, hair cells, or auditory nerve, and can be inherited
  14. chemical that makes peppers taste hot
  15. the rate of compressions per second, measured in hertz
  16. theory stating the spinal cord neurons receive messages from pain receptors also receive input from touch receptors and from axons descending from the brain
  17. fluid filled spiral shaped structure of the inner ear

26 Clues: the sense of smellreceptors on the tonguethe intensity of a sound wavefrequent of constant ringing in earschemical that makes peppers taste hotLatin name for the “hammer” middle ear boneEnglish name for the “incus” middle ear boneLatin name for the “stirrup” middle ear bonecortex where auditory information ultimately reaches...

AP Psychology Important Names 2016-04-19

AP Psychology Important Names crossword puzzle
  1. Experiment on conformity (people answered incorrectly much more of the time when other "confederates" answered incorrectly first)
  2. proposed the ideal of multiple intelligences (logical, spatial, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic, naturalistic)
  3. theorised that the change in a stimulus that will be just noticeable is a constant ration of the original stimulus
  4. Proposed the theory of learn helplessness, contributed to positive psychology
  5. first psychologist to conduct studies on forgetting (rapid loss followed by gradual decline)
  6. Behavioural psychologist; studied operant conditioning (_'s box)
  7. Behavioural psychologist; important to the understanding of classical conditioning (_'s dogs)
  8. Proposed parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and rejecting)
  9. Behavioural psychologist learned that rats are more likely to make certain associations than others (sweet water with nausea and noise with shock but not noise with nausea and shock with sweet water)
  10. Developmental psychology; experimented with infant monkeys and attachment
  11. Developmental psychologist and creator of the first intelligence test (stanford-_ test)
  12. Cognitive psychologist: father of cognitive therapy; used to treat depression (challenges negative beliefs)
  13. Father of psychology; set up first psychology lab in Germany
  14. Humanistic psychologist theorized the hierarchy of needs
  1. Psychologist who researched hypnosis and hypothesised the dissociation theory of split consciousness (arm in ice water test)
  2. Social psychologist: obedience studies- participants think they are administering shocks
  3. criticised Freud, stated that personality is moulded by current fears and impulses, rather than being determined solely by childhood experiences and instincts, neurotic trends
  4. Humanistic; important for treatment of psychological disorders (client-centred therapy)
  5. Developmental psychologist; stage theory (pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional)
  6. Proposed language acquisition theory that children are born with an inherited ability to learn any human language
  7. Developmental psychologist placed children into "strange situation" in order to evaluate their attachment to their children
  8. Developmental psychologist; psychosocial stage theory (eight stages)
  9. Behavioural psychologist implemented Bobo Beat-down experiment
  10. Developmental psychologist; cognitive development stage theory (sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operations, formal operations)
  11. published the first psychology textbook
  12. Social psychologist: known for Stanford Prison Study
  13. Behavioural psychologist who implemented the little Albert experiment (generalisation)
  14. Contributed to Rational-Emotive-Therapy (RET), focuses on client's irrational thinking

28 Clues: published the first psychology textbookSocial psychologist: known for Stanford Prison StudyHumanistic psychologist theorized the hierarchy of needsFather of psychology; set up first psychology lab in GermanyBehavioural psychologist implemented Bobo Beat-down experimentBehavioural psychologist; studied operant conditioning (_'s box)...

T 2014-11-19

T crossword puzzle
  1. fashionable
  2. to be a danger to someone
  3. type of fish
  4. a precious thing, jewels
  5. small axe
  6. sweet or lolly
  7. soft sweet made with chocolate
  8. see through something
  9. cup shaped flower
  10. not today
  11. school canteen
  1. person who coaches people
  2. not alone, with someone
  3. person who causes trouble
  4. a person who is honest is...
  5. memorial stone on grave
  6. a set of ideas
  7. fungus with round top
  8. very large or huge
  9. a person's mood
  10. abnormal lump growing in body

21 Clues: small axenot todayfashionabletype of fisha set of ideassweet or lollyschool canteena person's moodcup shaped flowervery large or hugefungus with round topsee through somethingnot alone, with someonememorial stone on gravea precious thing, jewelsperson who coaches peopleto be a danger to someoneperson who causes troublea person who is honest is......

Content Area Vocab 2021-08-24

Content Area Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. research- gathering data from an environment
  2. effect- being observed by a researcher
  3. theory- limited resources
  4. sample- randomly selected
  5. interactionism- relationship of individuals
  6. data- firsthand experience
  7. facts- cultural rules
  8. view that social researchers strive for
  9. data- statistical methods
  10. philosophical & theoretical frameworks
  11. observation- "insider" perspective
  1. interrelated parts
  2. data analysis- new interpretations
  3. study- single event, situation, or individual
  4. functions- consequences of a social process
  5. social patterns
  6. predicted outcomes
  7. of ethics- a set of guidelines
  8. framework- sociological research
  9. group of people who share a common culture

20 Clues: social patternsinterrelated partspredicted outcomesfacts- cultural rulestheory- limited resourcessample- randomly selecteddata- statistical methodsdata- firsthand experienceof ethics- a set of guidelinesframework- sociological researchdata analysis- new interpretationsobservation- "insider" perspectiveeffect- being observed by a researcher...

Nursing Theorists Crossword Puzzle 2021-10-14

Nursing Theorists Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Maternal Role Attainment Theory
  2. Interested in learning about Piaget's theory of child development
  3. Science of Unitary Human Beings
  4. Transcultural Nursing and published three different studies
  5. Health as Expanding Consciousness
  6. Comfort Theory and shows patient comfort in relief, ease, and transcendence
  7. Change Theory with a three-stage model of unfreezing, change, and refreezing
  8. The Theory of Interpersonal Relations with seven nursing roles
  9. Modeling and Role Modeling Theory published in 1983
  10. Behavior System Model and advocates the fostering and functioning in the patient to prevent illness
  11. Philosophy and Science of Caring
  1. Environmental Theory and incorporates the surrounding environment into the patients' care plan
  2. Neuman Systems Model and is rooted in a holistic view
  3. Theory of Goal Attainment
  4. Deliberative Nursing Process
  5. Human-to-Human Relationship Model with assumptions based on the philosophy of existentialism and logotherapy
  6. Four Conservation Principles of energy, structure, and personal and social integrity
  7. Theory of Caritative Caring and distinguishes between caring ethics
  8. Health Promotion Model involving acute and chronic health problems
  9. Tidal Model used in mental health nursing

20 Clues: Theory of Goal AttainmentDeliberative Nursing ProcessMaternal Role Attainment TheoryScience of Unitary Human BeingsPhilosophy and Science of CaringHealth as Expanding ConsciousnessTidal Model used in mental health nursingModeling and Role Modeling Theory published in 1983Neuman Systems Model and is rooted in a holistic view...

Developing Coaching Skills 2024-06-01

Developing Coaching Skills crossword puzzle
  1. (2 words) when you reflect on your own performance.
  2. (2 words) Ensuring there is a back up for if things don't go as intended.
  3. Progression and regression within a session
  4. ______ learning. A theory of learning based on watching.
  1. (2 words) Should be carried out in line with H&S.
  2. _____ Conditioning. Theory of learning based on an unconscious response to a stimulus. Pavlov's Dogs.
  3. (2 words) A theory of learning based around the law of effect. Most effective when using positive reinforcement.
  4. (2 words) A theory of learning set around rewards and punishment
  5. A form of assessment where a friend or colleague will give you feedback

9 Clues: Progression and regression within a session(2 words) Should be carried out in line with H&S.(2 words) when you reflect on your own performance.______ learning. A theory of learning based on watching.(2 words) A theory of learning set around rewards and punishmentA form of assessment where a friend or colleague will give you feedback...

Unit 7: Motivation, Emotion, and Personality 2024-05-05

Unit 7: Motivation, Emotion, and Personality crossword puzzle
  1. Motivations that support biological needs
  2. People are motivated by a desire and external stimuli
  3. Working for an inner goal
  1. Our thoughts are responsible for emotions
  2. Strong fear of gaining weight
  3. Biological needs
  4. Working for an outer goal
  5. The body weight that the hypothalamus wants to maintain
  6. Makes you feel hungry when you need to eat
  7. Innate need for personal growth

10 Clues: Biological needsWorking for an outer goalWorking for an inner goalStrong fear of gaining weightInnate need for personal growthOur thoughts are responsible for emotionsMotivations that support biological needsMakes you feel hungry when you need to eatPeople are motivated by a desire and external stimuli...

Psychology Crossword (Motivation) 2023-06-05

Psychology Crossword (Motivation) crossword puzzle
  1. theory The theory that there is an optimal level of arousal necessary to complete a task
  2. The level to which a drive can motivate us depending on variables
  3. Theory that suggests that all humans have three basic psychological needs—autonomy, competence, and relatedness
  4. Theory that if we have a negative feeling/affect we are motivated to be rid of it
  5. social learning theory stage 3 practice/feedback
  6. social learning theory stage 4 reward/reinforce
  7. The theory that there are 5 big traits affected by our surroundings that motivate us
  8. Motivation for survival
  9. to experiences O
  10. The theory that we learn from those around us
  11. A structure deep in your brain, acts as your body's smart control coordinating center
  12. maslows fourth tier in his hierarchy of needs
  13. We learn our motivations over time (watson)
  14. The theory that we are motivated by unconscious thoughts
  15. A
  1. social learning theory stage 1 stimuli appeared
  2. maslows final tier in his hierarchy of needs
  3. maslows first tier in his hierarchy of needs
  4. E
  5. theory coined by locke and latham in 1990 about setting goals
  6. maslows second tier in his hierarchy of needs
  7. N
  8. Motivation for society
  9. social learning theory stage 2 rehearse/encode
  10. maslows third tier in his hierarchy of needs
  11. the theory that we will attempt to regain an emorion or seek out the opposite
  12. a self-regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions
  13. the level to which something is desireable without a biological or social need but rather for entertainment or joy
  14. C
  15. Motivation from outside sources
  16. Motivation entirely from within

31 Clues: ENCAto experiences OMotivation for societyMotivation for survivalMotivation from outside sourcesMotivation entirely from withinWe learn our motivations over time (watson)maslows final tier in his hierarchy of needsmaslows first tier in his hierarchy of needsmaslows third tier in his hierarchy of needsmaslows second tier in his hierarchy of needs...

Enlightenment Thinkers 2023-02-06

Enlightenment Thinkers crossword puzzle
  1. published everyone's work
  2. based on emotion than emotion
  3. what happened in the 1700s
  4. beliefs of women
  5. if the government fails to protect people/rights, people can set up new government
  6. pessimistic
  1. France
  2. the right of a sovereign to rule as set forth by the theory of government that holds that a monarch receives the right to rule directly from God and not from the people.
  3. tolerant of relgion
  4. founder of political science
  5. Followed reason more than emotion
  6. england

12 Clues: Franceenglandpessimisticbeliefs of womentolerant of relgionpublished everyone's workwhat happened in the 1700sfounder of political sciencebased on emotion than emotionFollowed reason more than emotionif the government fails to protect people/rights, people can set up new government...

tv and web based drama crossword 2013-05-03

tv and web based drama crossword crossword puzzle
  1. transmission to a niche audience
  2. a video on the internet
  3. refers to the design, set and lighting within a scene
  4. thory that there is certain types of characters in every show
  5. a wide set of beliefs or values
  6. closeness to real life, an unmediated truth
  7. organised times for shows
  1. slang or casual words
  2. added in the post-production stage to create dramatic effect
  3. what is disrupted in todrovs theory?
  4. the mains character of a show
  5. factual meanings signified within a media text

12 Clues: slang or casual wordsa video on the internetorganised times for showsthe mains character of a showa wide set of beliefs or valuestransmission to a niche audiencewhat is disrupted in todrovs theory?closeness to real life, an unmediated truthfactual meanings signified within a media textrefers to the design, set and lighting within a scene...

Breakfast with particles 2022-09-07

Breakfast with particles crossword puzzle
  1. / any of numerous subatomic constituents of the physical world that interact with each other
  2. / Set of parts or elements that adjusted to each other and using mechanical energy do a job or fulfill a function.
  3. / most famous scientist of the 20th century, author of the theory of relativity, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921
  4. / The ability of matter to produce work in the form of movement, light, heat, etc.
  1. / is where the scale where quantum mechanical effects become important when studied as an isolated system. ​​​
  2. / perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something.
  3. /Set of knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning, systematically structured
  4. / Science that studies the properties of matter and energy and establishes the laws that explain natural phenomena
  5. / consists in the propagation of a disturbance of some property of space
  6. / Organized set of ideas that explain a phenomenon, deduced from observation, experience or logical reasoning.

10 Clues: / consists in the propagation of a disturbance of some property of space/ The ability of matter to produce work in the form of movement, light, heat, etc./ perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something./Set of knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning, systematically structured...

unit 3 study guide crossword puzzle 2021-02-25

unit 3 study guide crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. theory based on the belief that individuals' behavior is determined by forces in the environment that are beyond their control
  2. refers to physical changes; increases in height and weight
  3. Thinking skills
  4. ability to sort items by one or more characteristics they have in common.
  5. which theorist came up with Cognitive Theory
  6. which theorist came up with Classical Conditioning
  7. theory says that behaviors can be associated with responses.
  8. which theorist came up with Sociocultural Theory
  9. theory that says children are social beings and develop their minds through interactions with parents, teachers, and other students.
  1. theory says personality development occurs during 8 stages of life. Example: A teenager is trying to figure out who he/she is as individuals.
  2. theory that says people tend to repeat behaviors that have a positive result or are reinforced.
  3. which theorist came up with Operant Conditioning
  4. running, jumping, kicking, skipping
  5. relates to growth; gradual increase in skills and abilities.
  6. which theorist came up with Psychosocial Theory
  7. painting, writing, cutting, Need good hand-eye coordination
  8. theory that says to achieve self-actualization one must have other needs met first.
  9. theory Believed that people observe and imitate the behaviors of others, regardless of rewards and punishments involved.
  10. which theorist came up with Social Cognitive
  11. Theory states that we all go through 4 stages of cognitive development and all have thinking skills that are similar.

20 Clues: Thinking skillsrunning, jumping, kicking, skippingwhich theorist came up with Cognitive Theorywhich theorist came up with Social Cognitivewhich theorist came up with Psychosocial Theorywhich theorist came up with Operant Conditioningwhich theorist came up with Sociocultural Theorywhich theorist came up with Classical Conditioning...

Breakfast with particles 2022-09-07

Breakfast with particles crossword puzzle
  1. / consists in the propagation of a disturbance of some property of space
  2. / most famous scientist of the 20th century, author of the theory of relativity, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921
  3. / perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something.
  4. / Organized set of ideas that explain a phenomenon, deduced from observation, experience or logical reasoning.
  5. /Set of knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning, systematically structured
  6. / Science that studies the properties of matter and energy and establishes the laws that explain natural phenomena
  1. / any of numerous subatomic constituents of the physical world that interact with each other
  2. / is where the scale where quantum mechanical effects become important when studied as an isolated system. ​​​
  3. / The ability of matter to produce work in the form of movement, light, heat, etc.
  4. / Set of parts or elements that adjusted to each other and using mechanical energy do a job or fulfill a function.

10 Clues: / consists in the propagation of a disturbance of some property of space/ The ability of matter to produce work in the form of movement, light, heat, etc./ perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something./Set of knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning, systematically structured...

NSG 100 Theorist Puzzle 2021-10-14

NSG 100 Theorist Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Maternal Role Attainment Theory
  2. Interested in learning about Piaget's theory of child development
  3. Science of Unitary Human Beings
  4. Transcultural Nursing and published three different studies
  5. Health as Expanding Consciousness
  6. Comfort Theory and shows patient comfort in relief, ease, and transcendence
  7. Change Theory with a three-stage model of unfreezing, change, and refreezing
  8. The Theory of Interpersonal Relations with seven nursing roles
  9. Modeling and Role Modeling Theory published in 1983
  10. Behavior System Model and advocates the fostering and functioning in the patient to prevent illness
  11. Philosophy and Science of Caring
  1. Environmental Theory and incorporates the surrounding environment into the patients' care plan
  2. Neuman Systems Model and is rooted in a holistic view
  3. Theory of Goal Attainment
  4. Deliberative Nursing Process
  5. Human-to-Human Relationship Model with assumptions based on the philosophy of existentialism and logotherapy
  6. Four Conservation Principles of energy, structure, and personal and social integrity
  7. Theory of Caritative Caring and distinguishes between caring ethics
  8. Health Promotion Model involving acute and chronic health problems
  9. Tidal Model used in mental health nursing

20 Clues: Theory of Goal AttainmentDeliberative Nursing ProcessMaternal Role Attainment TheoryScience of Unitary Human BeingsPhilosophy and Science of CaringHealth as Expanding ConsciousnessTidal Model used in mental health nursingModeling and Role Modeling Theory published in 1983Neuman Systems Model and is rooted in a holistic view...


  1. Binet’s test in Bengali
  2. Concept of IQ
  3. Buddhi & concept of integral intelligence
  4. Binet’s test in Urdu & Punjabi
  5. Concept of Emotional Intelligence
  6. Russian who acknowledged cultural component in intelligence
  7. Indian adaptation of DAT
  8. Creativity tests
  9. Triarchic theory of intelligence
  10. Heirarchial Theory of intelligence
  11. Structure of intellect model of intelligence
  12. Uni-factor theory
  1. Two factor theory
  2. inception of Mental age and chronological age
  3. Theory of primary mental abilities
  4. PASS model of intelligence
  5. A. Creativity B. Gifted individuals
  6. Theory of multiple intelligence
  7. Bhatia’s battery of tests
  8. Binet’s test in Hindi
  9. 103 intelligence tests acc. to Indian context
  10. Cognitive Assessment Tests

22 Clues: Concept of IQCreativity testsTwo factor theoryUni-factor theoryBinet’s test in HindiBinet’s test in BengaliIndian adaptation of DATBhatia’s battery of testsPASS model of intelligenceCognitive Assessment TestsBinet’s test in Urdu & PunjabiTheory of multiple intelligenceTriarchic theory of intelligenceConcept of Emotional Intelligence...

Crossword Puzzle 2024-08-12

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The capacity for a statement, theory, or hypothesis
  2. A philosophical method of inquiry based on the premise that reality consists of objects and events
  3. A set of questions designed to gather information from respondents
  4. A system of ideas intended to explain something
  5. Moral principles that govern a person's behavior
  6. provides a concise overview of the study's
  7. The extent to which a concept, conclusion or measurement
  8. A long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a requirement
  9. The final part of something, especially a formal document
  10. The central question a research study
  11. The middle value in a list of numbers
  12. The average of a set of numbers
  1. A numerical characteristic of a population
  2. The system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity
  3. The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification
  4. The introduction of a new variable or method into a situation
  5. A proposed explanation for a phenomenon
  6. A conversation where questions are asked and answers are given
  7. The action or process of closely watching someone or something
  8. A small-scale preliminary study conducted to evaluate feasibility, time, cost, adverse events,
  9. Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
  10. The entire group of individuals
  11. The repetition of a research study to verify its findings
  12. The use of multiple methods
  13. A research method used for collecting data
  14. A tool or device used for a particular purpose
  15. A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery
  16. The value that appears most often in a set of data
  17. The process of selecting a subset of individuals from a population

29 Clues: The use of multiple methodsThe entire group of individualsThe average of a set of numbersThe central question a research studyThe middle value in a list of numbersA proposed explanation for a phenomenonA numerical characteristic of a populationprovides a concise overview of the study'sA research method used for collecting data...

German Expressionism 2013-05-08

German Expressionism crossword puzzle
  1. When Nazis came into power many artworks were called...
  2. Jooss and ... Were firm friends
  3. A dancers'... was created for all dancers in ballet and modern genres.
  4. Wigman was a firm believer in...
  5. Jooss was invited by .... Archive to submit a piece in Paris.
  6. What emotion was the Corus Group conveying in Totenmal?
  7. Where was it that Laban examined human expression?
  8. What was Emile Dalcroze's theory called?
  9. German Expressionism was ... than a method
  10. What dance was Wigman most famous for?
  11. Reich Ministry of popular Enlighment and propaganda was lead by Joseph ...
  12. Who did Mary Wigman hear about Laban from?
  13. Was a longtime friend of Wigman
  1. Two weeks before his departure knowledge of Jooss been... came through.
  2. German Expressionism is set in a time of...
  3. Who did Laban witness in 1910?
  4. Wrote the famous play The Three-Penny Opera
  5. What theory is Laban most well known for?
  6. Kurt Jooss heard about laban while attending...
  7. Jooss is most well known for his choreographic piece...
  8. The Dadaist wanted to express what idea?
  9. Many found Wigmans concepts...
  10. What theory did Laban teach Wigman?
  11. Actors,singers and dancers were...
  12. In 1920 the world plunged into...
  13. Mixed ideologies were noticed in 1936 at the...

26 Clues: Who did Laban witness in 1910?Many found Wigmans concepts...Jooss and ... Were firm friendsWas a longtime friend of WigmanWigman was a firm believer in...In 1920 the world plunged into...Actors,singers and dancers were...What theory did Laban teach Wigman?What dance was Wigman most famous for?The Dadaist wanted to express what idea?...

Age of Discovery 2016-12-20

Age of Discovery crossword puzzle
  1. Set up Line of Demarcation
  2. Unproved theory used in the scientific method
  3. telescope In 1668, Issac Newton was the first to put mirrors in this telescope to improve the image seen
  4. First of mankind to see cells and microorganisms
  5. Created two-part naming system for classifying species
  6. Credited with being first to circumnavigate Earth
  7. Published "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres"
  8. telescope Invention constructed by Galileo Galilei in Italy further proving astronomical theories
  9. Used Tyco Brahe's research to discover the orbits of the plants around the sun and discovered that the planets move in an ellipse
  10. Introduced idea of chemical elements
  11. method Step-by-step process done to prove or further prove a theory
  12. Force discovered by Isaac Newton that pulls objects to Earth's core
  1. Type of mathematics developed by Isaac Newton where calculations through the use of certain scientific notations
  2. Born October 31, 1451, married Felipa Perestrello, and sailed the ocean blue in 1492 in the Santa Maria
  3. Discovered oxygen in 1774
  4. Provided evidence for Copernicus's heliocentric theory through an astronomical observatory in the late 1500s
  5. Englishman who emphasized experimentation and observation and argued that truth is discovered after investigation
  6. Invented geometric and military compass
  7. Person was the first to explain the circulation of blood
  8. Centered around the sun

20 Clues: Centered around the sunDiscovered oxygen in 1774Set up Line of DemarcationIntroduced idea of chemical elementsInvented geometric and military compassUnproved theory used in the scientific methodFirst of mankind to see cells and microorganismsCredited with being first to circumnavigate EarthCreated two-part naming system for classifying species...

ORBH 2023-10-31

ORBH crossword puzzle
  1. who's hierarchy of needs?
  2. pursuing an activity because it is inherently enjoyable
  3. motivation x ability x environment
  4. the name of a process based theory, also something you can do to concrete to make it stronger
  5. something that you set for yourself as motivation, also what you scream in soccer
  1. one thing that might be an extrinsic motivator, also what you can use on the McDonalds app to get a discount
  2. the general willingness of someone to do something
  3. part of two factor theory, also what smelly people need
  4. Performing an activity because it is related to desirable outcomes
  5. another thing that might be an extrinsic motivator, something that can be green
  6. one of the clips we watched was from this movie
  7. a theory that relates to basic human needs

12 Clues: who's hierarchy of needs?motivation x ability x environmenta theory that relates to basic human needsone of the clips we watched was from this moviethe general willingness of someone to do somethingpart of two factor theory, also what smelly people needpursuing an activity because it is inherently enjoyable...

Breakfast with particles 2022-09-07

Breakfast with particles crossword puzzle
  1. / consists in the propagation of a disturbance of some property of space
  2. / most famous scientist of the 20th century, author of the theory of relativity, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921
  3. / perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something.
  4. / Organized set of ideas that explain a phenomenon, deduced from observation, experience or logical reasoning.
  5. /Set of knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning, systematically structured
  6. / Science that studies the properties of matter and energy and establishes the laws that explain natural phenomena
  1. / any of numerous subatomic constituents of the physical world that interact with each other
  2. / is where the scale where quantum mechanical effects become important when studied as an isolated system. ​​​
  3. / The ability of matter to produce work in the form of movement, light, heat, etc.
  4. / Set of parts or elements that adjusted to each other and using mechanical energy do a job or fulfill a function.

10 Clues: / consists in the propagation of a disturbance of some property of space/ The ability of matter to produce work in the form of movement, light, heat, etc./ perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something./Set of knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning, systematically structured...

The Egyptian Pyramids of Giza (Mysteries) 2024-07-04

The Egyptian Pyramids of Giza (Mysteries) crossword puzzle
  1. An octahedron sliced in half.
  2. A theory with the idea of more than 3 dimensions.
  3. Shapes created with stars.
  4. Relating to myths and puzzles.
  5. A giant huntsman.
  6. When two or more similar or related events occur at the same time by chance.
  7. ______ may have been used to allow air to circulate through the pyramid.
  1. Earth's shape.
  2. The number of waves that pass a certain point in one second.
  3. One of the Pyramid's main components.
  4. The surname of an electronics engineer and inventor.
  5. A set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events.
  6. The measurement of distance north or south of the Equator.
  7. An equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes.
  8. Extremely interesting.

15 Clues: Earth's shape.A giant huntsman.Extremely interesting.Shapes created with stars.An octahedron sliced in half.Relating to myths and puzzles.One of the Pyramid's main components.A theory with the idea of more than 3 dimensions.The surname of an electronics engineer and inventor.The measurement of distance north or south of the Equator....

Midterm Review 2012-10-07

Midterm Review crossword puzzle
  1. Type of coding in qualitative research that condenses data into broad themes
  2. Gender, religion, and marital status are examples of this type of variable
  3. In ethnography, the particular location or setting where “members” live
  4. Type of research that constructs social reality and cultural meaning and theory and data are fused
  5. _________-test reliability examines if several items measure the same construct
  6. When an ethnographer questions and notices ordinary details it is called the attitude of ___________________
  7. In ethnography, people with formal or informal authority to control access to a site
  8. When an ethnographer starts sampling events, times, and places that will collect data to support his/her grounded theory, it is called: _____________ sampling
  9. Type of reliability that measures agreement between two raters
  10. As we collect data, we develop and revise the theory based on what the data tell us
  11. How much an ethnographer reveals about him/herself
  1. Linking a conceptual definition to a set of measurement techniques or procedures
  2. In qualitative research, this is the content that is physically present and countable
  3. Type of research that measures objective facts and separates theory and data
  4. Type of variable that contains a large number of values or attributes that flow along a continuum
  5. Level of measurement that includes different categories only
  6. Level of measurement that includes different categories, ranking, and allows distance between categories to be measured

17 Clues: How much an ethnographer reveals about him/herselfLevel of measurement that includes different categories onlyType of reliability that measures agreement between two ratersIn ethnography, the particular location or setting where “members” liveGender, religion, and marital status are examples of this type of variable...

Introduction to Psychology 2021-02-26

Introduction to Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. Microscopic fluid-filled space between the rounded areas on the end of the axon terminals of one cell and the dendrites or surface of the next cell
  2. School of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics
  3. Greek word for study
  4. Nerve cells exquisitely specialized for communication with each other. The functioning of our brain depends on the cross-talk of these cells.
  5. The failure to resolve problems at a particular stage and leads to a halt in development
  6. A conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event
  7. Chemical messenger specialized for communication from neuron to neuron
  8. School of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we’re unaware
  9. The science of animal and human behavior
  1. A theory that the reaction to an object or event by a person or animal can be modified by ‘learning’
  2. Discipline that applies Darwin’s theory of natural selection to man and animal behavior.
  3. Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind
  4. Where all decision-making processes lie as it is the executive of the personality
  5. Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior
  6. Refers to the acquisition, processing, organizing, and use of knowledge
  7. A theory that suggests that environment shapes human behavior
  8. A theory of psychology wherein it states that each individual has a unique potential
  9. Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan
  10. Greek word for soul
  11. Impostor of Science; a set of claims that seem scientific but aren’t

20 Clues: Greek word for soulGreek word for studyThe science of animal and human behaviorStudy of how behavior changes over the lifespanEmphasizes social and cultural Influences on BehaviorDiscovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mindA conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event...

Bio 2 - Chapter 1 2020-09-01

Bio 2 - Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. an experiment which included a control and a test group
  2. an attempt to model the behavior of biological systems by analyzing interactions among their parts
  3. the evidence on which scientific inquiry is based
  4. the variable that depends on the independent variable
  5. Darwin’s theory supporting survival and reproduction
  6. the structural and functional units of life
  7. the scientific study of life
  8. a hypothesis that is broad and supported by evidence
  9. the factor that is manipulated by researchers
  10. a proposed explanation for a set of observations
  1. the application of scientific knowledge for a specific purpose
  2. scientific test
  3. an approach to understanding the natural world
  4. bacteria, archaea, and eukarya
  5. properties not present at the preceding level
  6. the process of change that has transformed life on earth

16 Clues: scientific testthe scientific study of lifebacteria, archaea, and eukaryathe structural and functional units of lifeproperties not present at the preceding levelthe factor that is manipulated by researchersan approach to understanding the natural worlda proposed explanation for a set of observationsthe evidence on which scientific inquiry is based...

3.4 - The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager 2022-09-14

3.4 - The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager crossword puzzle
  1. When the potential for personal benefit makes it difficult for you to make the best decisions for the organization.
  2. Standards about right and wrong with a company.
  3. guided by respect for the fundamental rights of human beings.
  4. supervisors repeatedly display verbal/nonverbal hostility toward subordinates.
  5. unethical behaviors that lead to employees getting more than they deserve.
  6. illegal trading of a company's stock by people using confidential company information
  7. A situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you and your organization, but that is unethical or even illegal.
  8. Level 1 of Kohlberg's theory - follows rules
  9. making employment decisions based on the other gender.
  10. the pattern of values in an organization.
  1. A formal written set of ethical standards
  2. breaking rules that could cause health issues.
  3. respecting impartial standards of fairness
  4. an employee, or even an outside consultant, who reports organizational misconduct
  5. caused by people doing terrible things.
  6. threatening or intimidating others - hostile work environment.
  7. Level 2 of Kohlberg's theory - follows the expectations of others
  8. guided by what will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
  9. using power to get a personal belief approved
  10. Level 3 of Kohlberg’s theory - guided by internal values

20 Clues: caused by people doing terrible things.A formal written set of ethical standardsthe pattern of values in an organization.respecting impartial standards of fairnessLevel 1 of Kohlberg's theory - follows rulesusing power to get a personal belief approvedbreaking rules that could cause health issues.Standards about right and wrong with a company....

The Solar System 2015-11-19

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. A cloud of dust and gas in space.
  2. Eclipse: Occurs when the moon passes though earths shadow.
  3. The scientific study of the universe.
  4. Colliding matter formed small, irregularly shaped bodies.
  5. planets: Relatively small and rocky like Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
  6. The concept of an earth-centered theory.
  7. The fuzzy, gaseous component of a comet’s head.
  8. Small solid particle that travels though space.
  9. Tails: Dust set free from vaporizing ice in the comet, carried away from the comet by the sun’s radiation pressure.
  10. The depression that is produced by a meteorite.
  11. Trails: When stars and planets seem to rise and appear to circle polaris.
  12. Tail: ionzed gos pushed away from the comet by solar wind.
  13. Small rocky bodies that orbit the sun.
  1. Theory: A theory on how the solar systems formed.
  2. Describes the view that the sun is at the center of the solar system.
  3. The motion of one body about another.
  4. Pieces of rocky and metal materials held together by frozen water, ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
  5. Eclipse: Occurs when the moon moves in line directly between earth and the sun.
  6. planets: Huge gas giants like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
  7. Planet: A round object that orbits the sun but has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

20 Clues: A cloud of dust and gas in space.The scientific study of the universe.The motion of one body about another.Small rocky bodies that orbit the sun.The concept of an earth-centered theory.Small solid particle that travels though space.The depression that is produced by a meteorite.The fuzzy, gaseous component of a comet’s head....

3.4 - The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager 2022-09-14

3.4 - The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager crossword puzzle
  1. supervisors repeatedly display verbal/nonverbal hostility toward subordinates.
  2. illegal trading of company's stock by people using confidential company information
  3. the fundamental rights of human beings.
  4. When the potential for personal benefit makes it difficult for you to make the best decisions for the organization.
  5. by people doing terrible things.
  6. Standards about right and wrong with a company.
  7. Approach-
  8. the greatest good
  9. A situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you and your organization, but that is unethical or even illegal.
  10. of people.
  11. breaking rules that could cause health issues.
  12. a formal written set of ethical standards
  13. pattern of values in an organization.
  14. using power to get a personal belief approved
  1. Level 1 of Kohlberg theory - follows rules
  2. an employee, or even an outside consultant, who reports organizational misconduct
  3. unethical behaviors that lead to employees getting more than they deserve.
  4. Level 3 of Kohlberg theory - guided by internal values
  5. Level 2 of Kohlberg theory - follows expectations of others
  6. by respect
  7. guided by what
  8. the greatest number of people.
  9. making employment decisions based on the other gender.
  10. in the greatest
  11. respecting impartial standards of fairness
  12. threaten or intimidating others - hostile work environment.
  13. result
  14. guided by what

28 Clues: resultApproach-by respectof people.guided by whatguided by whatin the greatestthe greatest goodthe greatest number of people doing terrible things.pattern of values in an organization.the fundamental rights of human beings.a formal written set of ethical standardsLevel 1 of Kohlberg theory - follows rules...

3.4 - The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager 2022-09-14

3.4 - The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager crossword puzzle
  1. supervisors repeatedly display verbal/nonverbal hostility toward subordinates.
  2. illegal trading of company's stock by people using confidential company information
  3. the fundamental rights of human beings.
  4. When the potential for personal benefit makes it difficult for you to make the best decisions for the organization.
  5. by people doing terrible things.
  6. Standards about right and wrong with a company.
  7. Approach-
  8. the greatest good
  9. A situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you and your organization, but that is unethical or even illegal.
  10. of people.
  11. breaking rules that could cause health issues.
  12. a formal written set of ethical standards
  13. pattern of values in an organization.
  14. using power to get a personal belief approved
  1. Level 1 of Kohlberg theory - follows rules
  2. an employee, or even an outside consultant, who reports organizational misconduct
  3. unethical behaviors that lead to employees getting more than they deserve.
  4. Level 3 of Kohlberg theory - guided by internal values
  5. Level 2 of Kohlberg theory - follows expectations of others
  6. by respect
  7. guided by what
  8. the greatest number of people.
  9. making employment decisions based on the other gender.
  10. in the greatest
  11. respecting impartial standards of fairness
  12. threaten or intimidating others - hostile work environment.
  13. result
  14. guided by what

28 Clues: resultApproach-by respectof people.guided by whatguided by whatin the greatestthe greatest goodthe greatest number of people doing terrible things.pattern of values in an organization.the fundamental rights of human beings.a formal written set of ethical standardsLevel 1 of Kohlberg theory - follows rules...

German Expressionism 2013-05-08

German Expressionism crossword puzzle
  1. Mixed ideologies were noticed in 1936 at the...
  2. When Nazis came into power many artworks were called...
  3. Kurt Jooss heard about laban while attending...
  4. Wigman was a firm believer in...
  5. Two weeks before his departure knowledge of Jooss been... came through.
  6. Jooss and ... Were firm friends
  7. Jooss is most well known for his choreographic piece...
  8. German Expressionism is set in a time of...
  9. Was a longtime friend of Wigman
  10. Many found Wigmans concepts...
  11. A dancers'... was created for all dancers in ballet and modern genres.
  12. What theory did Laban teach Wigman?
  1. Reich Ministry of popular Enlighment and propaganda was lead by Joseph ...
  2. German Expressionism was ... than a method
  3. What was Emile Dalcroze's theory called?
  4. What theory is Laban most well known for?
  5. Who did Laban witness in 1910?
  6. Who did Mary Wigman hear about Laban from?
  7. Wrote the famous play The Three-Penny Opera
  8. The Dadaist wanted to express what idea?
  9. Jooss was invited by .... Archive to submit a piece in Paris.
  10. Where was it that Laban examined human expression?
  11. What dance was Wigman most famous for?
  12. In 1920 the world plunged into...
  13. Actors,singers and dancers were...
  14. What emotion was the Corus Group conveying in Totenmal?

26 Clues: Who did Laban witness in 1910?Many found Wigmans concepts...Jooss and ... Were firm friendsWas a longtime friend of WigmanWigman was a firm believer in...In 1920 the world plunged into...Actors,singers and dancers were...What theory did Laban teach Wigman?What dance was Wigman most famous for?What was Emile Dalcroze's theory called?...

Bio 2 - Crossword 2020-09-01

Bio 2 - Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a proposed explanation for a set of observations
  2. Properties - properties not present at the preceding level
  3. the scientific study of life
  4. the evidence on which scientific inquiry is based
  5. the factor that is manipulated by researchers
  6. the variable that depends on the independent variable
  7. the process of change that has transformed life on earth
  8. an attempt to model the behavior of biological systems by analyzing interactions among their parts
  1. bacteria, archaea, and eukarya
  2. the structural and functional units of life
  3. the application of scientific knowledge for a specific purpose
  4. an experiment which included a control and a test group
  5. an approach to understanding the natural world
  6. Darwin’s theory supporting survival and reproduction
  7. scientific test
  8. a hypothesis that is broad and supported by evidence

16 Clues: scientific testthe scientific study of lifebacteria, archaea, and eukaryathe structural and functional units of lifethe factor that is manipulated by researchersan approach to understanding the natural worlda proposed explanation for a set of observationsthe evidence on which scientific inquiry is based...

German Expressionism 2013-05-08

German Expressionism crossword puzzle
  1. German Expressionism was ... than a method
  2. Who did Laban witness in 1910?
  3. What emotion was the Corus Group conveying in Totenmal?
  4. Wrote the famous play The Three-Penny Opera
  5. Two weeks before his departure knowledge of Jooss been... came through.
  6. Jooss was invited by .... Archive to submit a piece in Paris.
  7. What theory is Laban most well known for?
  8. When Nazis came into power many artworks were called...
  9. In 1920 the world plunged into...
  10. What was Emile Dalcroze's theory called?
  11. German Expressionism is set in a time of...
  12. What theory did Laban teach Wigman?
  1. A dancers'... was created for all dancers in ballet and modern genres.
  2. Mixed ideologies were noticed in 1936 at the...
  3. Where was it that Laban examined human expression?
  4. Wigman was a firm believer in...
  5. Jooss is most well known for his choreographic piece...
  6. Actors,singers and dancers were...
  7. Jooss and ... Were firm friends
  8. Reich Ministry of popular Enlighment and propaganda was lead by Joseph ...
  9. The Dadaist wanted to express what idea?
  10. Who did Mary Wigman hear about Laban from?
  11. Many found Wigmans concepts...
  12. What dance was Wigman most famous for?
  13. Was a longtime friend of Wigman
  14. Kurt Jooss heard about laban while attending...

26 Clues: Who did Laban witness in 1910?Many found Wigmans concepts...Jooss and ... Were firm friendsWas a longtime friend of WigmanWigman was a firm believer in...In 1920 the world plunged into...Actors,singers and dancers were...What theory did Laban teach Wigman?What dance was Wigman most famous for?The Dadaist wanted to express what idea?...

Scientific Method 2023-09-28

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. to apply scientific knowledge for some specific purpose
  2. recorded observations
  3. Scientific test under controlled conditions
  4. Data in recorded descriptions
  5. A variable affect by the variable being changed
  6. an approach to understanding the natural world
  7. Scientific truth that has been proven multiple times and is considered fact and not just theory
  1. A hypothesis that has been supported with large growing amounts of evidence
  2. a proposed explanation for a set of observations
  3. An experiment where a control group is compared with an experimental group.
  4. Numeric Data
  5. Information obtained through the senses.
  6. Metric system units used by scientists throughout the world
  7. The factor that is being changed in an experiment

14 Clues: Numeric Datarecorded observationsData in recorded descriptionsInformation obtained through the senses.Scientific test under controlled conditionsan approach to understanding the natural worldA variable affect by the variable being changeda proposed explanation for a set of observationsThe factor that is being changed in an experiment...

History and Approaches #1 2023-12-19

History and Approaches #1 crossword puzzle
  1. the study of how the brain enables the mind
  2. the theory that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience
  3. biologically informed approaches to the study of human behavior
  4. a general psychological approach that views mental life and behavior in terms of active adaptation to environmental challenges
  5. the study of how people think and process information--helps researchers understand the human brain
  6. the branch of study in psychology regarding the underlying factors affecting behavior
  7. the various ways of observation in psychology
  1. The way that any genetically determined behaviour that enhances the ability to survive and reproduce will continue in future generations.
  2. a theory of learning that suggests that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning processes
  3. a perspective that emphasizes looking at the the whole person, and the uniqueness of each individual
  4. the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.
  5. the scientific investigation of basic psychological processes
  6. a theory of consciousness that seeks to analyze the elements of mental experiences
  7. describes the question of how much a person's characteristics are formed by either “nature” or “nurture.”
  8. the relationship between psychological processes and the underlying physiological events
  9. a set of fields that bring together psychology and social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, economics and political science.
  10. a theory suggesting that environment shapes human behavior.

17 Clues: the study of how the brain enables the mindthe various ways of observation in psychologya theory suggesting that environment shapes human behavior.the scientific investigation of basic psychological processesthe theory that all knowledge is derived from sense-experiencebiologically informed approaches to the study of human behavior...

Chapter 5 2023-11-18

Chapter 5 crossword puzzle
  1. ______________ theory focuses on an individual's perceived relationship between the outcomes that they receive from their organiszation & the input ps that the have contributed.
  2. the ___________ theory is an extension and refinement of Maslow's hierarchy of needs with some differences.
  3. __________ is the drive to excess, to achieve in relation to a set of standards and to strive to achieve success.
  4. __________factors are job factors related to job content.
  1. __________ factors are job factors that are related to job context.
  2. goals should align with the organisation's values and long term goals.
  3. an individual believes that the reward obtained will help him or her achieve goals.
  4. In goal setting theory, there are five criteria to be considered in setting goals. The five criteria is known as __________.
  5. ___________ is defined as a set of sources that causes people to behave in certain ways.

9 Clues: __________factors are job factors related to job content.__________ factors are job factors that are related to job context.goals should align with the organisation's values and long term individual believes that the reward obtained will help him or her achieve goals....

Introduction to Psychology 2021-02-24

Introduction to Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. Microscopic fluid-filled space between the rounded areas on the end of the axon terminals of one cell and the dendrites or surface of the next cell
  2. School of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics
  3. Greek word for study
  4. nerve cells exquisitely specialized for communication with each other. The functioning of our brain depends on the cross-talk of these cells.
  5. the failure to resolve problems at a particular kstage and leads to a halt in development
  6. a conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event
  7. chemical messenger specialized for communi- cation from neuron to neuron
  8. school of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we’re unaware
  9. the science of animal and human behavior
  1. a theory that the reaction to an object or event by a person or animal can be modified by ‘learning’
  2. discipline that applies Darwin’s theory of natural selection to man and animal behavior.
  3. Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind
  4. is where all decision-making processes lie as it is the executive of the personality
  5. Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior
  6. refers to the acquisition, processing, organizing, and use of knowledge
  7. a theory that suggests that environment shapes human behavior
  8. a theory of psychology wherein it states that each individual has a unique potential
  9. Study of how behavior changes over the life span
  10. Greek word for soul
  11. Impostor of Science; a set of claims that seem scientific but aren’t

20 Clues: Greek word for soulGreek word for studythe science of animal and human behaviorStudy of how behavior changes over the life spanEmphasizes social and cultural Influences on BehaviorDiscovery of basic elements (structures) of the human minda conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event...

Introduction to Psychology 2021-02-26

Introduction to Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. The science of animal and human behavior
  2. A theory that the reaction to an object or event by a person or animal can be modified by ‘learning’
  3. A theory of psychology wherein it states that each individual has a unique potential
  4. Impostor of Science; a set of claims that seem scientific but aren’t
  5. Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind
  6. School of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we’re unaware
  7. A conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event
  8. Nerve cells exquisitely specialized for communication with each other. The functioning of our brain depends on the cross-talk of these cells.
  9. A theory that suggests that environment shapes human behavior
  1. Greek word for study
  2. Refers to the acquisition, processing, organizing, and use of knowledge
  3. Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior
  4. Discipline that applies Darwin’s theory of natural selection to man and animal behavior.
  5. Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan
  6. School of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics
  7. The failure to resolve problems at a particular stage and leads to a halt in development
  8. Where all decision-making processes lie as it is the executive of the personality
  9. People’s typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving
  10. Microscopic fluid-filled space between the rounded areas on the end of the axon terminals of one cell and the dendrites or surface of the next cell
  11. Chemical messenger specialized for communication from neuron to neuron

20 Clues: Greek word for studyThe science of animal and human behaviorStudy of how behavior changes over the lifespanEmphasizes social and cultural Influences on BehaviorPeople’s typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behavingDiscovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mindA conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event...

Introduction to Psychology 2021-02-25

Introduction to Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. The science of animal and human behavior
  2. A theory that suggests that environment shapes human behavior
  3. A theory that the reaction to an object or event by a person or animal can be modified by ‘learning’
  4. Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind
  5. Greek word for study
  6. Microscopic fluid-filled space between the rounded areas on the end of the axon terminals of one cell and the dendrites or surface of the next cell
  7. School of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics
  8. Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan
  1. Impostor of Science; a set of claims that seem scientific but aren’t
  2. A conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event
  3. The failure to resolve problems at a particular stage and leads to a halt in development
  4. A theory of psychology wherein it states that each individual has a unique potential
  5. School of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we’re unaware
  6. Greek word for soul
  7. Discipline that applies Darwin’s theory of natural selection to man and animal behavior.
  8. Chemical messenger specialized for communication from neuron to neuron
  9. Refers to the acquisition, processing, organizing, and use of knowledge
  10. Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior
  11. Ego Where all decision-making processes lie as it is the executive of the personality
  12. Nerve cells exquisitely specialized for communication with each other. The functioning of our brain depends on the cross-talk of these cells.

20 Clues: Greek word for soulGreek word for studyThe science of animal and human behaviorStudy of how behavior changes over the lifespanEmphasizes social and cultural Influences on BehaviorA conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/eventDiscovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind...

Introduction to Psychology 2021-02-26

Introduction to Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. The science of animal and human behavior
  2. A theory that the reaction to an object or event by a person or animal can be modified by ‘learning’
  3. A theory of psychology wherein it states that each individual has a unique potential
  4. Impostor of Science; a set of claims that seem scientific but aren’t
  5. Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind
  6. School of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we’re unaware
  7. A conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event
  8. Nerve cells exquisitely specialized for communication with each other. The functioning of our brain depends on the cross-talk of these cells.
  9. A theory that suggests that environment shapes human behavior
  1. Greek word for study
  2. Refers to the acquisition, processing, organizing, and use of knowledge
  3. Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior
  4. Discipline that applies Darwin’s theory of natural selection to man and animal behavior.
  5. Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan
  6. School of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics
  7. The failure to resolve problems at a particular stage and leads to a halt in development
  8. Where all decision-making processes lie as it is the executive of the personality
  9. People’s typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving
  10. Microscopic fluid-filled space between the rounded areas on the end of the axon terminals of one cell and the dendrites or surface of the next cell
  11. Chemical messenger specialized for communication from neuron to neuron

20 Clues: Greek word for studyThe science of animal and human behaviorStudy of how behavior changes over the lifespanEmphasizes social and cultural Influences on BehaviorPeople’s typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behavingDiscovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mindA conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event...

Psychological Concepts 2023-11-08

Psychological Concepts crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of psychology that studies persons and their relationships with others and with groups and with society as a whole
  2. upbringing or life experience
  3. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
  4. theory of psychology that emphasizes the importance of configurational properties
  5. focuses on how a specific stimulus evokes a specific response
  6. A rule-of-thumb strategy that does not guarantee the correct solution, but offers a shortcut to it
  7. The process of converting information stored dynamically in LTM into a structural change in the brain
  8. William James was the founder of this psychological theory
  9. The process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events
  10. a term used to describe a theory or way of thinking
  11. biological factors (genetics)
  12. form of “multiple choice.” You identify which stimuli match your stored information.
  1. the science of mental life
  2. Wilhelm Wundt was the founder of this psychological theory
  3. Stimuli, thoughts, or feelings that trigger or enhance remembering; reminders of an object or event.
  4. an approach to psychology that emphasizes observable measurable behavior
  5. a tentative insight that is not yet verified or tested
  6. are sensory receptors whose signals are interpreted by the brain as pain.
  7. A score on an intelligence test, originally based on comparing mental age to chronological age, but later based on norms.
  8. The process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment
  9. a set of rules that determines which conclusions follow from particular assumptions
  10. the process of becoming highly responsive to situations

22 Clues: the science of mental lifeupbringing or life experiencebiological factors (genetics)a term used to describe a theory or way of thinkinga tentative insight that is not yet verified or testedthe process of becoming highly responsive to situationsWilhelm Wundt was the founder of this psychological theory...

Theories of Aging- Destiney Fortson 2022-10-12

Theories of Aging- Destiney Fortson crossword puzzle
  1. combines somatic, free radical & crosslink
  2. theory that proposes that development continues throughout life by a process of searching, questioning and setting goals
  3. best known theories to nursing
  4. genetic material will run out
  5. DNA damage caused by exposure to chemicals or radiation
  6. theory that identifies the task of aging including coping, redirecting, accepting and developing
  1. unstable molecules
  2. finite number or breaths or heartbeats
  3. chemical interactions set off by the hypothalamus
  4. theories proposing aging is a process that occurs because of cell damage
  5. certain biologic clock to follow
  6. environmental damage that accumulates over time
  7. DNA & connective tissue interact with free radicals

13 Clues: unstable moleculesgenetic material will run outbest known theories to nursingcertain biologic clock to followfinite number or breaths or heartbeatscombines somatic, free radical & crosslinkenvironmental damage that accumulates over timechemical interactions set off by the hypothalamusDNA & connective tissue interact with free radicals...

EDEC 101: Theorist Crossword 2022-09-20

EDEC 101:  Theorist Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Created the six types of play
  2. Viewed children as plants
  3. Argued that children pass through 4 stages of cognitive development
  4. devised an experiment called the “Strange Situation”
  5. created Visible Learning
  6. His theory describes eight stages or conflicts we pass through in life
  7. known as the father of evaluation
  8. Was a behaviorist and created classical conditioning
  9. argued that curriculum should be relevant to students' lives
  10. known as the father of daydreaming
  11. Created the model of education where children self-direct their learning
  12. Created the Psychoanalytic Theory
  13. created the Experiential Learning Theory
  14. developed theories about classroom management
  15. Was a behaviorist and created operant conditioning
  16. created the maturational-developmental theory
  17. focused her research on children's play
  18. made contributions to the cognitive learning theory and human cognitive psychology
  19. Grandfather of Kindergarten
  1. Developed the Social Learning Theory
  2. Created the theory of multiple intelligences
  3. Believed that children have a hundred languages
  4. Created the Ecological Systems Theory
  5. Created a taxonomy for level of thinking being targeted
  6. a Behaviorist that helped found classical behaviorism
  7. Creator of the zone of proximal development and scaffolding
  8. Believed children are blank slates
  9. studied attachment and created the attachment theory
  10. created the theory of moral development
  11. Created the Hierarchy of Needs

30 Clues: created Visible LearningViewed children as plantsGrandfather of KindergartenCreated the six types of playCreated the Hierarchy of Needsknown as the father of evaluationCreated the Psychoanalytic TheoryBelieved children are blank slatesknown as the father of daydreamingDeveloped the Social Learning TheoryCreated the Ecological Systems Theory...

EDEC 101: Theorist Crossword 2022-09-09

EDEC 101:  Theorist Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. devised an experiment called the “Strange Situation”
  2. Developed the Social Learning Theory
  3. Created a taxonomy for level of thinking being targeted
  4. created Visible Learning
  5. developed theories about classroom management
  6. created the theory of moral development
  7. Created the Ecological Systems Theory
  8. known as the father of daydreaming
  9. Creator of the zone of proximal development and scaffolding
  10. known as the father of evaluation
  11. His theory describes eight stages or conflicts we pass through in life
  12. Viewed children as plants
  13. created the Experiential Learning Theory
  14. Argued that children pass through 4 stages of cognitive development
  15. a Behaviorist that helped found classical behaviorism
  16. studied attachment and created the attachment theory
  1. argued that curriculum should be relevant to students' lives
  2. Created the Hierarchy of Needs
  3. Grandfather of Kindergarten
  4. Created the six types of play
  5. Created the model of education where children self-direct their learning
  6. focused her research on children's play
  7. Created the theory of multiple intelligences
  8. Was a behaviorist and created classical conditioning
  9. created the maturational-developmental theory
  10. Believed that children have a hundred languages
  11. made contributions to the cognitive learning theory and human cognitive psychology
  12. Created the Psychoanalytic Theory
  13. Was a behaviorist and created operant conditioning
  14. Believed children are blank slates

30 Clues: created Visible LearningViewed children as plantsGrandfather of KindergartenCreated the six types of playCreated the Hierarchy of Needsknown as the father of evaluationCreated the Psychoanalytic Theoryknown as the father of daydreamingBelieved children are blank slatesDeveloped the Social Learning TheoryCreated the Ecological Systems Theory...

EDEC 101: Theorist Crossword 2022-09-20

EDEC 101:  Theorist Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. known as the father of evaluation
  2. Was a behaviorist and created classical conditioning
  3. Created a taxonomy for level of thinking being targeted
  4. Believed that children have a hundred languages
  5. His theory describes eight stages or conflicts we pass through in life
  6. Created the model of education where children self-direct their learning
  7. Created the theory of multiple intelligences
  8. Grandfather of Kindergarten
  9. devised an experiment called the “Strange Situation”
  10. made contributions to the cognitive learning theory and human cognitive psychology
  11. Creator of the zone of proximal development and scaffolding
  12. created the theory of moral development
  13. argued that curriculum should be relevant to students' lives
  14. Believed children are blank slates
  1. Created the Ecological Systems Theory
  2. created Visible Learning
  3. created the Experiential Learning Theory
  4. Argued that children pass through 4 stages of cognitive development
  5. developed theories about classroom management
  6. a Behaviorist that helped found classical behaviorism
  7. Developed the Social Learning Theory
  8. Was a behaviorist and created operant conditioning
  9. Created the six types of play
  10. known as the father of daydreaming
  11. focused her research on children's play
  12. Created the Hierarchy of Needs
  13. Created the Psychoanalytic Theory
  14. Viewed children as plants
  15. studied attachment and created the attachment theory
  16. created the maturational-developmental theory

30 Clues: created Visible LearningViewed children as plantsGrandfather of KindergartenCreated the six types of playCreated the Hierarchy of Needsknown as the father of evaluationCreated the Psychoanalytic Theoryknown as the father of daydreamingBelieved children are blank slatesDeveloped the Social Learning TheoryCreated the Ecological Systems Theory...

Conflict Management Vocabulary 2020-06-14

Conflict Management Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. There is a finite amount of something and any part of it that one individual obtains another cannot.
  2. A desired condition
  3. A relatively stable set of perceptions about oneself.
  4. Theory, A theory that states there is a constant internal struggle between humans “ids” and “superegos”.
  5. Behaviors that are determined by biology
  6. View: An overarching set of beliefs about how the world works and ones place in it.
  7. Theory, States that people make relationship choices on a cost- benefit tally system.
  8. A rational weighing of facts and evidence that uses rules of logic.
  9. Conflict, When there are differences present but they are not strong enough for one of the parties to act.
  10. Process, The idea that communication occurs in a series of one way conversations
  11. Removing one self from controversy
  12. Agression, Attacks others and their positions
  13. A type of interaction theory that states that people create meaning through a series of personal constructs.
  14. Conflict, A struggle among a small number of interdependent people arising from perceived interference with goal achievement.
  15. Agression, Begrudging compliance, possibly with a plan to get even attached with it.
  16. Goals, Goals that relate to how things should be done
  17. Needs
  18. Theory, States that conflict management must involve the perspective of all parties to the conflict, not just one side.
  19. Management, Any communication intended to move two people’s views of a situation closer together.
  20. Communication, An individuals internal dialogue about their actions and beliefs conflicting.
  1. Process, The idea that communication occurs continuously and simultaneously
  2. Conflict, Arises from a focus on the underlying needs of each party rather than the surface demands.
  3. An event that precipitates a conflict and usually is directly related to the topic.
  4. Meaning, The personal association of a word.
  5. Defending ones positions and attacking the other party’s positions.
  6. Goals, Who two parties want to be to eachother
  7. What conversations are about
  8. Motive, A situation where goals are more or less positive or more of less negatively related and the actions are more or less effective.
  9. Tentative explanations for observed behaviors.
  10. Goals, Goals that relate to an individuals sense of self worth, pride, self respect or power.
  11. Meaning, The dictionary definition of a word.
  12. Theory, Within any system there are forces that drive conflicts and forces that restrain conflicts.
  13. Demands, proposed solutions or other fixed outcome statements.
  14. Point A moment where an individuals response can change the entire direction of a relationship.
  15. The level which people need each other to attain their goals.
  16. Resource, Anything someone perceives to be in limited supply.
  17. Gains, Encompasses the concept that the goals of all parties in conflict might be met if creative strategies are applied to the problem.
  18. Goal: How an individual wishes events to unfold, how decisions are made or how communication occurs.
  19. Behaviors that are learned

39 Clues: NeedsA desired conditionBehaviors that are learnedWhat conversations are aboutRemoving one self from controversyBehaviors that are determined by biologyMeaning, The personal association of a word.Meaning, The dictionary definition of a word.Agression, Attacks others and their positionsGoals, Who two parties want to be to eachother...

MGMT 2350 Management history 2024-01-18

MGMT 2350  Management history crossword puzzle
  1. Bureaucratic Mgt Theory
  2. Fayol theory influence on this
  3. Acceptance theory of Authority
  4. Taylor's theory influenced this
  5. Scientific Mgt Theory
  6. the industrial revolution started here
  7. Administrative Mgt Theory
  8. Hawthorne Studies scientist
  9. Perspective looking for "one best way"
  1. Contingency perspective
  2. Approach to MGT looking at input & output
  3. this increased each time with Hawthorne Studies
  4. Perspective dependent on current situation
  5. this renaissance affected the progress of mgt theory
  6. Personality Fits career
  7. Super-ordinate goals in her theory

16 Clues: Scientific Mgt TheoryContingency perspectiveBureaucratic Mgt TheoryPersonality Fits careerAdministrative Mgt TheoryHawthorne Studies scientistFayol theory influence on thisAcceptance theory of AuthorityTaylor's theory influenced thisSuper-ordinate goals in her theorythe industrial revolution started herePerspective looking for "one best way"...

EDEC 101: Theorist Crossword 2022-09-20

EDEC 101:  Theorist Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. created the Experiential Learning Theory
  2. Created the model of education where children self-direct their learning
  3. argued that curriculum should be relevant to students' lives
  4. known as the father of evaluation
  5. Argued that children pass through 4 stages of cognitive development
  6. devised an experiment called the “Strange Situation”
  7. Believed that children have a hundred languages
  8. Created the six types of play
  9. known as the father of daydreaming
  10. His theory describes eight stages or conflicts we pass through in life
  11. focused her research on children's play
  12. made contributions to the cognitive learning theory and human cognitive psychology
  13. Was a behaviorist and created operant conditioning
  14. created the theory of moral development
  1. Created a taxonomy for level of thinking being targeted
  2. Believed children are blank slates
  3. Was a behaviorist and created classical conditioning
  4. Creator of the zone of proximal development and scaffolding
  5. a Behaviorist that helped found classical behaviorism
  6. developed theories about classroom management
  7. studied attachment and created the attachment theory
  8. created Visible Learning
  9. Created the Psychoanalytic Theory
  10. created the maturational-developmental theory
  11. Created the Ecological Systems Theory
  12. Created the theory of multiple intelligences
  13. Created the Hierarchy of Needs
  14. Viewed children as plants
  15. Developed the Social Learning Theory
  16. Grandfather of Kindergarten

30 Clues: created Visible LearningViewed children as plantsGrandfather of KindergartenCreated the six types of playCreated the Hierarchy of NeedsCreated the Psychoanalytic Theoryknown as the father of evaluationBelieved children are blank slatesknown as the father of daydreamingDeveloped the Social Learning TheoryCreated the Ecological Systems Theory...

Tino Taufalele's Crossword Puzzle 2020-05-16

Tino Taufalele's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. theory, nature of communication
  2. conflict, arises from a focus on the underlying needs of each of the parties rather than on their surface demands.
  3. of theory, provides the rich tools for analyzing conflict
  4. theory, an internal struggle between the id and the superego
  5. crude law, laws that suggest your behaviors will lead others to behave in similar ways.
  6. conflict, when two individuals have two different goals and are in fact interfering with each other's goal achievement - but don't yet perceive it
  7. goals, goals that relate to who the parties are to each other
  8. climates, individuals feel threatened and react to others negatively
  9. conflict, goal interference based on miscommunication or inaccurate perceptions of another person's intentions
  10. learning theory, posits that attitude and behaviors are developed by observing others
  11. a finite amount of something
  12. theories, focus attention on the communication and interactions among people vs individual
  13. communicating about communication
  14. theory, includes all of our relationships and interactions
  15. resource, is anything someone perceives to be in limited supply
  16. goals, goals that relate to one's sense of self-worth, pride, self-respect, or power
  17. is a relatively stable set of perceptions about oneself
  18. defending one's positions and attacking the other party's positions.
  19. aggression, attacks others and their positions
  1. situation, open to interest-based creativity but containing some goals that genuinely are in opposition
  2. is how we weave together knowledge, feeling, intuitions, and backgrounds to make sense of the world
  3. climates, individuals feel safer and are more likely to engage in productive problem solving and conflict management
  4. goals, include tangible resources or any measurable factor around which desired outcomes can be built
  5. exchange theory, proposes that people evaluate the costs and rewards of a relationship by the amount of effort required to attain rewards and avoid costs
  6. are needs
  7. theory, explains how people attempt to make sense of the world around them
  8. theory, theory proposed by Lewin and others in the pre-World War II era of 1920 to 1940.
  9. theory, built on a metaphor of an economic marketplace
  10. gains, encompass the concept that the goals of all parties in a conflict might be met if creative strategies are applied to the problem.
  11. is the event that precipitates a conflict
  12. goals, goals that relate to how things should be done
  13. are what the conversation was about rather than the identification of what gave rise to the conflict-its cause
  14. climate, are associated with cooperative and competitive tactics
  15. conflict, a struggle arising from perceived interference with goal achievement
  16. point, a moment when how one responds can change the entire direction of a relationship.
  17. theory, a mathematical way to calculate projected gains and losses while playing games
  18. communication, needing others to obtain a common goal
  19. six views, an analysis that proposed that every conversation between two people really involves six views
  20. management, includes any communication intended to move two people's view of a situation closer together
  21. a desired condition

40 Clues: are needsa desired conditiona finite amount of somethingtheory, nature of communicationcommunicating about communicationis the event that precipitates a conflictaggression, attacks others and their positionsgoals, goals that relate to how things should be donecommunication, needing others to obtain a common goal...

Communicating: Speaking and Understanding Language 2024-03-09

Communicating: Speaking and Understanding Language crossword puzzle
  1. ________listening test is noninvasive; thus, it can be administered to healthy individuals.
  2. Complex form of communication.Compared to other species, it is as high productivity.
  3. A German neurologist that made significant contribution to the understanding of language processing.
  4. Three common theories of cerebral asymmetry are the analytic–synthetic theory, the motor theory, and the _______ theory.
  5. Surgeons have severed the corpus callosum as a treatment for severe ________.
  6. Perspective posits that language acquisition is primarily driven by innate biological factors
  7. Human brain is __________. The left hemisphere has somewhat different functions from the right hemisphere.
  8. A set of axons where the left and right hemispheres exchange information.
  9. People who have undergone surgery to the corpus callosum
  10. Language has been called a human ________ because it is so readily and universally learned by infants.
  11. It is a perspective that emphasizes the role of environmental influences in shaping language development
  12. It plays a role in converting visual symbol into auditory representations and assigning meaning to written words.
  13. Both hemispheres control the trunk ______ and facial _______.
  14. received a Nobel Prize for his research on split-brain patients.
  15. Also known as acquired dyslexia
  16. is the area of frontal lobe cortex that lies just in front of the face area of the primary motor cortex; in the left hemisphere, it is the location of Broca’s area.
  17. Division of labor between the two hemispheres.
  1. Chomsky's theory proposes that all human languages share a common underlying structure or set of grammatical rules.
  2. The neural pathway connects Broca's and Wernicke's areas
  3. in the wild do communicate with gesture, and investigators achieve better result by teaching them American sign language or other visual system.
  4. The analytic–synthetic theory of ________ asymmetry holds that there are two basic modes of thinking—an analytic mode and a synthetic mode–which have become segregated during the course of evolution in the left and right hemispheres.
  5. The two hemispheres of a split-brain patient can communicate via an external route; such external communication has been termed _______.
  6. Damage to the corpus callosum prevents the __________ from exchanging information.
  7. Support for this theory comes from reports that lesions that produce aphasia often produce other motor deficits
  8. in the mid 1980 sue savage Rumbaugh Duane Rumbaugh and their associates tried to teach a female ______ name matata no press symbol that lit when touched.
  9. It is a crucial for speech production and articulation
  10. Refers to difficulty with writing
  11. Futher suggest the property of stimulus argument children do not hear many examples of some of the grammatical structure they acquire.
  12. Responsible for language comprehension
  13. lies in the posterior region of the lateral fissure; it is thought to play a role in the comprehension of language and is often referred to as Wernicke’s area.

30 Clues: Also known as acquired dyslexiaRefers to difficulty with writingResponsible for language comprehensionDivision of labor between the two hemispheres.It is a crucial for speech production and articulationThe neural pathway connects Broca's and Wernicke's areasPeople who have undergone surgery to the corpus callosum...

Geometry B Unit 5 Vocabulary 2020-12-09

Geometry B Unit 5 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. events or states that cannot occur at the same time
  2. a selection of objects in which order is not important
  3. a graphic organizer representing relationships among groups or sets
  4. the probability of an event occurring based on experimental data calculations
  5. to apply what is known to confirm an expected result
  6. two or more events that happen at the same time
  7. a possible result of an experiment
  8. the likelihood that a given event will occur
  9. all elements in the universal set except those in the given set
  10. the set of all possible for a given situation
  11. events in which the outcome of one does not affect the outcome of the other
  12. the probability of an event occurring in theory as determined logically using counting methods; the number of desired outcomes divided by the total number of possible outcomes
  1. a probability that involves a geometric measure such as length, area, or volume
  2. the set containing all of the elements from all of another given group of sets
  3. an arrangement of items in a specific order
  4. the principle stating that the probability of an event approaches the probability of the event as the number of trials approaches infinity
  5. the probability that a specific event will occur, given that another specific event has already occurred
  6. the set containing the elements that are common to all of another given group of sets
  7. the product of all positive integers less than or equal to the number given; denoted with an exclamation point
  8. a table that shows data classified in two different ways
  9. to accept as true without proof
  10. set the set with no elements
  11. an individual item in a set
  12. the occurrence of a possible outcome
  13. a set containing all elements under consideration

25 Clues: an individual item in a setset the set with no elementsto accept as true without proofa possible result of an experimentthe occurrence of a possible outcomean arrangement of items in a specific orderthe likelihood that a given event will occurthe set of all possible for a given situationtwo or more events that happen at the same time...

galileo's letter 2021-09-22

galileo's letter crossword puzzle
  1. Cardinal that received “Letter on Galileo’s Theory”
  2. a statement of very strong criticism
  3. wrong or evil
  4. someone who speaks for God
  5. to make a mistake
  6. wise
  7. a statement of opinion
  8. sacred writing
  1. to say that one no longer holds a belief
  2. Against or opposite of something
  3. Everything revolves around Earth
  4. set of beliefs
  5. the original or unusual
  6. religious messengers
  7. Big hot orange

15 Clues: wisewrong or evilset of beliefssacred writingBig hot orangeto make a mistakereligious messengersa statement of opinionthe original or unusualsomeone who speaks for GodAgainst or opposite of somethingEverything revolves around Eartha statement of very strong criticismto say that one no longer holds a belief...

Just Mercy Crossword Puzzle 2023-04-25

Just Mercy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.
  2. the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.
  3. the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.
  4. an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
  5. an argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument.
  6. an account of someone's life written by someone else.
  7. true story written in the style of a fiction novel
  1. a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
  2. a short piece of writing on a particular subject.
  3. the quality of being objective.
  4. a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands; a thing conceded.
  5. the action of proving a statement or theory to be wrong or false.
  6. the action or process of narrating a story.

13 Clues: the quality of being objective.the action or process of narrating a story.a short piece of writing on a particular subject.true story written in the style of a fiction novela confident and forceful statement of fact or account of someone's life written by someone else.the study of past events, particularly in human affairs....

The Cold War 2013-05-13

The Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. economic/political system were trade is controlled by private owners for profit
  2. economic and social campaign in China that failed terribly
  3. race between the USSR and USA to see who would get into space first
  4. notional barrier that prevented passage of political ideas
  5. social/political theory thought up by Karl Marx
  1. the theory that once one country fell to communism, the rest would follow
  2. a treaty signed in Warsaw in 1939
  3. removing all of the policies set forth by Stalin
  4. competition between nations for accumulation of weapons
  5. you work and get paid based on your skill and needs

10 Clues: a treaty signed in Warsaw in 1939social/political theory thought up by Karl Marxremoving all of the policies set forth by Stalinyou work and get paid based on your skill and needscompetition between nations for accumulation of weaponseconomic and social campaign in China that failed terriblynotional barrier that prevented passage of political ideas...

AP Psych Famous Names 2016-04-20

AP Psych Famous Names crossword puzzle
  1. Found that contact is important in development. Studied attachment in infant monkeys with artificial mothers
  2. Set up the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig Germany
  3. Described process of classical conditioning through experiments with dogs
  4. Cognitive therapy, changing people’s thinking can change how they feel and behave. Found that suggested negative beliefs cause depression
  5. Memorized a list of nonsense syllables to show the concept of relearning. Found that forgetting is initially rapid and then levels off
  6. Neo-freudian, stated that personality is molded by current fears and impulses rather than being determined solely by childhood experiences
  7. Cognitive dissonance theory
  8. Studied taste aversion
  9. Neo-freudian, believed we have collective unconscious
  10. Developed a model of parenting styles which include authoritarian, authoritative, permissive
  11. Developed theory of multiple intelligences: intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist, linguistic, logical mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic
  12. Proposed that all languages share universal grammar
  13. Demonstrated misinformation effect through studies on eyewitness testimonies
  1. Developed 3 levels of moral thinking: pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional
  2. Studied universality of facial expressions
  3. Initiated human split-brain research
  4. Humanistic psychologist, hierarchy of needs, self-actualization
  5. Humanistic psychologist. Created client-centered therapy. Emphasized unconditional positive regard and empathy
  6. Observed an infant’s attachment to parents when placed in strange situations (insecure, secure attachment)
  7. Found that 2 stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage rather than amount
  8. Conducted research on hypnosis, proposed dissociation theory of split consciousness
  9. Developed rational emotive behavior therapy
  10. Positive psychologist, studied dogs that demonstrated learned helplessness
  11. Developed triarchic / three intelligences theory: practical intelligence, creative intelligence, analytical intelligence
  12. Conducted a study on obedience when he had a subject shock a patient
  13. Psychoanalysis, id/ego/superego
  14. Believed that each stage of life had its own psychosocial task/ 8-stage theory of psychosocial development
  15. Studied conformity. Line test showed that individuals conformed even when they knew the answer was wrong

28 Clues: Studied taste aversionCognitive dissonance theoryPsychoanalysis, id/ego/superegoInitiated human split-brain researchStudied universality of facial expressionsDeveloped rational emotive behavior therapyProposed that all languages share universal grammarNeo-freudian, believed we have collective unconscious...

Quiz 1 2014-05-31

Quiz 1 crossword puzzle
  1. He proposed seven (7) principles of the lifespan developmental
  2. A process that produces change in a person’s physical makeup.
  3. An orderly set of ideas which describe, explain, and predict behavior
  4. He proposed a theory of Psychosocial Development
  1. The capacity for change
  2. The pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the human lifespan
  3. A process that refers to changes in thinking, intelligence and language
  4. He proposed a theory of Psychosexual Development

8 Clues: The capacity for changeHe proposed a theory of Psychosexual DevelopmentHe proposed a theory of Psychosocial DevelopmentA process that produces change in a person’s physical makeup.He proposed seven (7) principles of the lifespan developmentalAn orderly set of ideas which describe, explain, and predict behavior...

Leadership 2021-11-18

Leadership crossword puzzle
  1. A positive expectation that another will not act opportunistically.
  2. One of the key characteristics that lead us to believe a leader is trustworthy
  3. According to ____ theory: leadership is a skill set and can be taught to anyone, so we must identify the proper behaviors to teach potential leaders.
  4. According to _____ theory: leadership is inherent, so we must identify the leader based on his or her traits
  5. A long-term strategy for attaining a goal or goals.
  1. ______ leaders guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements.
  2. ________leaders inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests and who are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on followers.
  3. According to the Ohio State Studies two behaviours account for or make up most leadership behaviour: initiating structure and ________.
  4. The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals.
  5. _____ leadership theory states that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviours.

10 Clues: A long-term strategy for attaining a goal or goals.A positive expectation that another will not act opportunistically.One of the key characteristics that lead us to believe a leader is trustworthyThe ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals....

Psychology 2014-05-18

Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. psychosocial theory
  2. moral development theory
  3. our surroundings, upbringing, social influences
  4. can cause a birth defect
  5. period 0-2 years of development
  6. stage four kubler-Ross theory
  7. physical change in women
  8. final stage of kubler-Ross theory
  9. influence act on the physical body
  10. developed attachment theory
  1. stage two in kubler-Ross theory
  2. individual as centre of all things
  3. heredity by which traits are passed on.
  4. dilemma
  5. 2-7 years of development
  6. developed stage theory of development
  7. used monkeys in his experiment

17 Clues: dilemmapsychosocial theorymoral development theory2-7 years of developmentcan cause a birth defectphysical change in womendeveloped attachment theorystage four kubler-Ross theoryused monkeys in his experimentstage two in kubler-Ross theoryperiod 0-2 years of developmentfinal stage of kubler-Ross theoryindividual as centre of all things...

Mid-Term Exam Review: Developmental Research Methods 2012-10-07

Mid-Term Exam Review: Developmental Research Methods crossword puzzle
  1. How much an ethnographer reveals about him/herself
  2. Linking a conceptual definition to a set of measurement techniques or procedures
  3. When an ethnographer starts sampling events, times and places that will collect data to support his/her grounded theory
  4. Type of coding in qualitative research that condenses data into broad themes
  5. Type of research that measures objective facts and separates theory and data
  6. When an ethnographer questions and notices ordinary details
  7. Type of reliability that examines if several items measure the same construct
  8. In qualitative research, this is the elements that are physically present and countable
  1. Level of measurement that includes different categories, ranking, and allows distance between categories to be measured
  2. As we collect data, we develop and revise the theory based on what the data tell us
  3. A qualitative measurement technique where data are coded and then provided to the research participants for feedback.
  4. Type of variable that contains a large number of values or attributes that flow along a continuum
  5. In ethnography, people with formal or informal authority to control access to a site
  6. Type of research that constructs social reality and cultural meaning and theory and data are fused
  7. In ethnography, the particular location or setting where “members” live
  8. Type of reliability that measures agreement between two raters
  9. Gender, religion, and marital status are examples of this type of variable
  10. Level of measurement that includes different categories only

18 Clues: How much an ethnographer reveals about him/herselfWhen an ethnographer questions and notices ordinary detailsLevel of measurement that includes different categories onlyType of reliability that measures agreement between two ratersIn ethnography, the particular location or setting where “members” live...

Chapter 1 Vocabulary 2023-08-19

Chapter 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The degree of exactness of the measurements.
  2. A workable explanation or description of a phenomenon.
  3. An initial/ testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides the scientific investigation.
  4. A standardized system of measurement units used for science.
  5. The systematic study of the universe produces observations, inferences, models, including the products that it creates through this systematic study.
  6. A model that explains a related set of phenomena.
  7. This directs us to fill the earth and take over it.
  8. Mathematical equation that describes phenomena under certain conditions.
  1. The study of nonliving matter and energy.
  2. An ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach method that you have learned previously.
  3. The study of composition, structure, and properties of matter and energy between them.
  4. The study of matter and energy and the interactions between them.
  5. Data based on numbers or quantities; also known as quantitative data.
  6. The basis upon which model is assessed taking into account how well it explains or describes a set of observations and how well the model makes predictions.
  7. Compares a measurement to the accepted or expected value of measurement.
  8. System of moral values or a theory of conduct.

16 Clues: The study of nonliving matter and energy.The degree of exactness of the measurements.System of moral values or a theory of conduct.A model that explains a related set of phenomena.This directs us to fill the earth and take over it.A workable explanation or description of a phenomenon.A standardized system of measurement units used for science....

Chapter 1 Vocab 2024-08-29

Chapter 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the degree of exactness of the measurements
  2. directs us to fill the earth and have dominion over it
  3. a system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct
  4. compares a measurement to the accepted or expected value of a measurement
  5. an ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world
  6. a model, often expressed as a mathematical equation that describes phenomena under certain conditions
  7. the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
  8. the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter as well as changes in matter
  9. the systematic study of the universe to produce observations, inferences, and models
  1. data that is based on numbers or quantities; includes a number and a unit
  2. an initial, testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides the scientific investigation
  3. the basis upon which a model is assessed, taking into account how well it explains or describes a set of observations and how well the model makes predictions
  4. standardized system of measurement units for science
  5. a workable explanation or description of a phenomenon
  6. the study of nonliving matter and energy
  7. a model that explains a related set of phenomena

16 Clues: the study of nonliving matter and energythe degree of exactness of the measurementsa model that explains a related set of phenomenastandardized system of measurement units for sciencea workable explanation or description of a phenomenondirects us to fill the earth and have dominion over ita system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct...

Chapter 1 Vocab 2024-08-30

Chapter 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. (International System of Units) a modern system of standardized metric units
  2. the basis upon which a model is assessed, taking into account how well it explains or describes a set of observations and how well the model makes predictions
  3. direction from God for us to fill the earth and have dominion over it
  4. the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
  5. the systematic study of the universe to produce observations, inferences, and models
  6. the study of nonliving matter and energy
  7. compares a measurement to the accepted or expected value of a measurement
  1. an ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world
  2. a model that explains a related set of phenomena
  3. the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter as well as changes in matter
  4. an intial, testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides the scientific investigation
  5. quantitative data(data based on numbers or quantities
  6. a workable explanation or description of a phenomenon
  7. the degree of exactness of the measurements
  8. a system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct
  9. a model, often expressed as a mathematical equation that describes phenomena under certain conditions

16 Clues: the study of nonliving matter and energythe degree of exactness of the measurementsa model that explains a related set of phenomenaquantitative data(data based on numbers or quantitiesa workable explanation or description of a phenomenona system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct...

Thinking Like a Scientist 2020-11-05

Thinking Like a Scientist crossword puzzle
  1. representations of something that cannot be easily observed in real life
  2. studies matter and energy (2 words)
  3. study of all living things
  4. a type of variable that is changed in an experiment
  5. set of finding in an experiment
  6. the study of enrgy interacting with matter
  7. a proposed explanation that has been extensively tested
  8. gaining information about a topic
  1. a good guess about a cause of a problem or its solution that cannot be tested
  2. the study of transformation of matter
  3. study of nonliving things and their history (2 words)
  4. one aspect or part that has been tested in an experiment
  5. a set of steps in a scientific inquire (2 words
  6. description on a problem or an object
  7. a type of variable that is influenced by a changed variable
  8. a set of steps that tests a hypothesis
  9. an educated guess about the cause of a problem or its solution that could be tested
  10. drawing conclusions and asking questions about finding of a study

18 Clues: study of all living thingsset of finding in an experimentgaining information about a topicstudies matter and energy (2 words)the study of transformation of matterdescription on a problem or an objecta set of steps that tests a hypothesisthe study of enrgy interacting with mattera set of steps in a scientific inquire (2 words...

Greek Roots! 2023-06-06

Greek Roots! crossword puzzle
  1. The act, state, theory, or belief system
  2. A set of three, or a multiple of three
  3. Speech or discourse
  4. Many, several, multiple
  5. Intense fear of
  6. makes a noun or adjective into a verb
  1. Ill, bad
  2. Measure, measuring device
  3. Extremely small
  4. The study of
  5. Around, about, surrounding, or near
  6. Against, opposed

12 Clues: Ill, badThe study ofExtremely smallIntense fear ofAgainst, opposedSpeech or discourseMany, several, multipleMeasure, measuring deviceAround, about, surrounding, or nearmakes a noun or adjective into a verbA set of three, or a multiple of threeThe act, state, theory, or belief system

Crossword Maths in AI 2021-06-14

Crossword Maths in AI crossword puzzle
  1. action of mathematical calculation.
  2. between side lengths and angles of triangles.
  3. mathematical study of continuous change
  4. Network, the computer mimicry of human brain
  5. an arrangement of a set and its members into a sequence or linear order
  6. Vision,the flied of AI to obtain meaning out of images.
  7. the collection, organisation, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.
  1. construction and designing of robots.
  2. Learning,the analysis of a given set of data to get to the meaning out of data.
  3. the systematic study of valid rules of inference
  4. study of likeliness of occurrence of an event.
  5. study of generalisations of arithmetic operations.
  6. common language used in AI.
  7. finite sequence of well-defined instructions.
  8. Theory, the expression of other branches of mathematics in terms of sets

15 Clues: common language used in AI.action of mathematical and designing of robots.mathematical study of continuous changebetween side lengths and angles of triangles.finite sequence of well-defined of likeliness of occurrence of an event.the systematic study of valid rules of inference...

Theoretical Frameworks & Nursing 2022-09-03

Theoretical Frameworks & Nursing crossword puzzle
  1. nursing theories are by design all inclusive conceptual structures used as conceptual bases for practice and research, and are tested in research studies.
  2. nursing theories have been developed and tested via the rigors of research. They act as frameworks for research and contain a limited number of concepts.
  3. definition acts to describe and/or define the general meaning of a concept to aid understanding and level set.
  4. specific theories describe a small aspect of processes and phenomena.
  5. designs aid in the generation of theories as an outcome of a research study
  6. designs are used when a researcher is testing a theory.
  7. research is also called nonexperimental research.
  8. is built from multiple concepts to fit a purpose.
  1. this definition acts to define how a concept can be measured.
  2. is a symbolic representation of an abstract idea
  3. allow for visualization of concepts including identifiable interrelationships.
  4. is a form of theory testing research using a theory to formulate the hypothesis and it is then tested via experimental methods.
  5. concepts provide a systematic view of a phenomenon are referred to as a theory.
  6. act to identify key concepts and describes their relationships to one another.

14 Clues: is a symbolic representation of an abstract idearesearch is also called nonexperimental built from multiple concepts to fit a purpose.designs are used when a researcher is testing a theory.this definition acts to define how a concept can be measured.specific theories describe a small aspect of processes and phenomena....

Sydney Solnosky- chapter 6 sections 1/2 2020-12-07

Sydney Solnosky- chapter 6 sections 1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. a person that learns philosophy
  2. french judge
  3. "father of liberalism"
  4. genevan philosopher
  5. advocate of women's rights
  6. sun is center
  7. agreement to cooperate for social benefits
  8. has his own set of laws
  9. the state of being enlightened
  1. a french enlightenment writer
  2. earth is center
  3. "father of modern physics"
  4. specific steps to prove a theory
  5. series of events that led to modern science

14 Clues: french judgesun is centerearth is centergenevan philosopher"father of liberalism"has his own set of laws"father of modern physics"advocate of women's rightsa french enlightenment writerthe state of being enlighteneda person that learns philosophyspecific steps to prove a theoryagreement to cooperate for social benefits...

Chapter 1 Vocab 2024-08-27

Chapter 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the study of nonliving matter and energy
  2. the systematic study of the universe to produce observations, inferences, and models
  3. standardized system of measurement units for science
  4. an initial, testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides the scientific investigation
  5. a model that explains a related set of phenomena
  6. directs us to fill the earth and have dominion over it
  7. the degree of exactness of the measurements
  8. a model, often expressed as a mathematical equation that describes phenomena under certain conditions
  9. the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
  1. a workable explanation or description of a phenomenon
  2. an ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world
  3. compares a measurement to the accepted or expected value of a measurement
  4. the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter as well as changes in matter
  5. data that is based on numbers or quantities; includes a number and a unit
  6. the basis upon which a model is assessed, taking into account how well it explains or describes a set of observations and how well the model makes predictions
  7. a system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct

16 Clues: the study of nonliving matter and energythe degree of exactness of the measurementsa model that explains a related set of phenomenastandardized system of measurement units for sciencea workable explanation or description of a phenomenondirects us to fill the earth and have dominion over ita system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct...

Deontology 2013-12-11

Deontology crossword puzzle
  1. No exceptions
  2. Number of Categorical Imperatives
  3. Equally applicable to every person and situation
  4. Regulation governing conduct
  5. Ought to be done
  6. Independence or freedom
  1. Father of Deontology Theory
  2. Escape clause
  3. Sound judgment
  4. What makes people special
  5. imperatives Set of duties that bind us
  6. Rules that one adopts to govern one's life

12 Clues: Escape clauseNo exceptionsSound judgmentOught to be doneIndependence or freedomWhat makes people specialFather of Deontology TheoryRegulation governing conductNumber of Categorical Imperativesimperatives Set of duties that bind usRules that one adopts to govern one's lifeEqually applicable to every person and situation

Physical Science 1A, B, and C 2022-08-17

Physical Science 1A, B, and C crossword puzzle
  1. the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
  2. a system of moral values;a theory of proper conduct
  3. the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter,and the changes that take place in matter
  4. a model that describes a related set of phenomena
  5. an ongoing, orderly, cyclical, approach used to the existing world
  6. God's command that directs us to exercise wise and good dominion over His creation to the glory of God and for the benefit of fellow humans
  7. a standardized system of measurement units used for science
  8. a workable explanation or description of a phenomenon
  9. the degree of exactness of a measurement
  1. an initial, testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides scientific investigation
  2. the study of nonliving matters and energy
  3. data that is based on numbers or quantities
  4. a model that explains a related set of phenomena
  5. the bases upon which a model is assessed
  6. The systematic study of the universe that produces observations, inferences, and models, including the product that it creates through its systematic study
  7. the comparison of measurement to an accepted or expected value

16 Clues: the bases upon which a model is assessedthe degree of exactness of a measurementthe study of nonliving matters and energydata that is based on numbers or quantitiesa model that explains a related set of phenomenaa model that describes a related set of phenomenaa system of moral values;a theory of proper conduct...

SWK 280HA Semester Review 2024-09-17

SWK 280HA Semester Review crossword puzzle
  1. Social_______ theory states that humans desire to maximize benefits and minimize costs in their interactions.
  2. ___________ psychology views unconscious mental functioning as taking place within the ego, which is the part of the personality that mediates between internal drives and the external world.
  3. To understand whether an event in the family system becomes a crisis, we need to understand the impact of resources and the family's ____________of the event
  4. Psychotropic medications affect these levels.
  5. This theory is concerned with how internal processes such as needs, drives, and emotions motivate human behavior.
  6. A way of looking at something.
  7. The family ___________perspective identifies and strengthens processes that allow families to rebound from distressing life experiences.
  1. This perspective focuses on how human behavior unfolds across the life course, how people change and stay the same over time.
  2. Attachment theory states that the impact of early __________during development affects lifelong relationships.
  3. Internalized representation of the world or an ingrained and systematic pattern of thought, action, and problem solving.
  4. This perspective sees human behavior as the outcome of interactions within and among systems of interrelated parts.
  5. An interrelated set of concepts and propositions, organized into a deductive system that explains relationships among aspects of our world.
  6. This theory focuses on the dignity and worth of each individual and the human capacity to change.
  7. _________course perspective looks at how biological, psychological, and social factors act in shaping people's lives from conception until death.
  8. These theories are based on the idea that thoughts produce emotions.

15 Clues: A way of looking at something.Psychotropic medications affect these levels.These theories are based on the idea that thoughts produce emotions.This theory focuses on the dignity and worth of each individual and the human capacity to change.Attachment theory states that the impact of early __________during development affects lifelong relationships....

Fallon Post July 16 & 23 Editions 2021-07-22

Fallon Post July 16 & 23 Editions crossword puzzle
  1. New type of Nevada lounge
  2. retail marijuana establishment
  3. Lahontan Valley's youth trap shooting team
  4. CASA therapy dog
  5. Chief advice on earthquakes
  6. Fallon Post type of housewife
  7. city engineer
  8. junior rodeo
  1. new standards set for CCSD
  2. recent winners in Battle of the Badge,
  3. prize awarded to local veteran
  4. High Desert Grange box
  5. Library book reporter
  6. Critical race
  7. cases of COVID delta variant in Fallon
  8. pot, guns, and _____
  9. debate top in recent letters
  10. gardener's rant
  11. Slinger of produce, person of the bean

19 Clues: junior rodeoCritical racecity engineergardener's rantCASA therapy dogpot, guns, and _____Library book reporterHigh Desert Grange boxNew type of Nevada loungenew standards set for CCSDChief advice on earthquakesdebate top in recent lettersFallon Post type of housewifeprize awarded to local veteranretail marijuana establishment...

Planning Investigations 2021-02-04

Planning Investigations crossword puzzle
  1. a statement about the relationship between two variables which can often be tested experimentally
  2. a scientific explanation supported by all the experiment results obtained so far
  3. type of data measure within a range
  4. difference between highest and lowest values in data set
  5. type of data that can be counted
  6. the ability to consistently produce results
  7. free of personal bias
  8. breathed in
  9. how well an experiment and its results meet the requirements of a fair test
  10. a factor or condition that can change the result of an experiment
  11. experimental results
  12. influenced by personal views
  13. data recorded as numbers
  1. data recorded as words
  2. swallowed
  3. closely monitoring something or someone
  4. an experiment one variable is changed
  5. when duplicate sets of an experiment are run at the same time
  6. the chance of injury or loss
  7. a set of principles by which your actions can be judged morally acceptable or unacceptable
  8. abnormally big or small number in data set
  9. results which can be used to support statements

22 Clues: swallowedbreathed inexperimental resultsfree of personal biasdata recorded as wordsdata recorded as numbersthe chance of injury or lossinfluenced by personal viewstype of data that can be countedtype of data measure within a rangean experiment one variable is changedclosely monitoring something or someoneabnormally big or small number in data set...

GSI 1.5 Methods of a Scientist 1 Vocab 2023-09-12

GSI 1.5 Methods of a Scientist 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. An idea or theory which seems to be correct based on evidence or observation.
  2. A trial or test, carried out under controlled conditions, to discover something unknown, to verify a hypothesis.
  3. An idea believed to be true without any supporting evidence.
  4. An unconfirmed explanation; set of facts, ideas, or hypotheses based on limited observation and reasoning.
  5. A careful search; detailed or careful examination.
  6. Recorded information through reason and logic, provides support to validate or falsify a theory or hypothesis.
  7. A decision, judgment, or opinion reached by reasoning.
  1. Facts from which conclusions can be drawn; information.
  2. A conclusion reasoned from information already known.
  3. Having the same center.
  4. A possible explanation or educated guess about a problem or phenomenon.

11 Clues: Having the same center.A careful search; detailed or careful examination.A conclusion reasoned from information already known.A decision, judgment, or opinion reached by reasoning.Facts from which conclusions can be drawn; information.An idea believed to be true without any supporting evidence....

Set theory 2021-08-01

Set theory crossword puzzle
  1. Number of elements in a set is called
  2. A set in which there is no elements is called
  1. A set in which there is only one element is called
  2. A collection of well defined objects is called

4 Clues: Number of elements in a set is calledA set in which there is no elements is calledA collection of well defined objects is calledA set in which there is only one element is called

Research 2014-05-11

Research crossword puzzle
  1. Study of what people experience
  2. One who gives information about themselves
  3. Study of what naturally occurs, without manipulation
  4. Information that describes something
  5. A person who participates in an experiment, or study
  6. A general idea
  7. A testable prediction of what will happen in a study
  8. Variable that can be controlled and changed
  9. Research guided by a hypothesis
  10. Quantitative information
  11. What is being tested
  1. An idea based on a known concept, or theory
  2. The study of human cultures
  3. A small portion of something, that is representative of the whole
  4. A research method using data to establish a theory
  5. Defines something in terms of the specific process or set of validation tests used to determine its presence and quantity
  6. The point at which no new or relevant information can be found
  7. Information expressed numerically
  8. A summary of what has been published on a topic
  9. A person or thing that is being discussed, and or examined

20 Clues: A general ideaWhat is being testedQuantitative informationThe study of human culturesStudy of what people experienceResearch guided by a hypothesisInformation expressed numericallyInformation that describes somethingOne who gives information about themselvesAn idea based on a known concept, or theoryVariable that can be controlled and changed...

Science Extra Credit 2012-08-27

Science Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. contamination of the environment with waste products or impurities.
  2. band of the various colors of light
  3. process by which a scientific procedure is carried out according to certain guidelines
  4. ecosystem encompassing all life on earth and the physical life that it supports
  5. effect apparent shift in the wavelengths of energy, such as a soundwave or light wave
  6. solid earth
  7. all earth's water
  8. bang theory theory that all matter and energy in the universe was compreesed
  9. substance that has a characteristic set of physical and chemical properties
  1. thick blanket of gases surrounding the earth
  2. property of an object or phenomenon.
  3. act of using senses to gather information
  4. study of the earth's atmosphere
  5. something being broken down
  6. in an experiment that can be changed
  7. method organized, logical approaches to scientific reasearch
  8. study of origin, history and structure of earth
  9. study of the universe beyond the earth
  10. possible explanation of a problem based on fact
  11. community of organisms in the environment

20 Clues: solid earthall earth's watersomething being broken downstudy of the earth's atmosphereband of the various colors of lightproperty of an object or an experiment that can be changedstudy of the universe beyond the earthact of using senses to gather informationcommunity of organisms in the environment...

Motivation & Emotion 2021-04-09

Motivation & Emotion crossword puzzle
  1. alarm response, resistance, etc.
  2. Bad and good outcomes
  3. Force behind doing something
  4. Survival needs>emotional needs
  5. Impulse to satisfy us
  6. Biological needs motivates behavior
  7. Sought level of excitement
  8. Binge, then purge
  9. Requirements for survival
  10. Motivation to remain at our baseline
  11. Overweight
  12. Theory X and Theory Y effect how managers manage
  13. Body weight goal
  14. The highest level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  15. Hunger center
  16. Medium arousal gives the best performance
  1. Behavioral responses to stimuli
  2. Hunger
  3. enjoyment, satisfaction
  4. Biological changes are not the sole cause of emotions
  5. Levelled state
  6. Some stimuli = reward or punishment
  7. Two great outcomes
  8. Two bad outcomes
  9. Biological change and the cognitive awareness of emotions occur at the same time
  10. Fullness center
  11. Food satisfies hunger
  12. Grades, salary, etc.
  13. motivation of desires and personal goals
  14. Physical responses+cognitive labels = emotional response
  15. Refusal to eat

31 Clues: HungerOverweightHunger centerLevelled stateRefusal to eatFullness centerTwo bad outcomesBody weight goalBinge, then purgeTwo great outcomesGrades, salary, etc.Bad and good outcomesImpulse to satisfy usFood satisfies hungerenjoyment, satisfactionRequirements for survivalSought level of excitementForce behind doing something...

Behavior Theorists 2023-03-28

Behavior Theorists crossword puzzle
  1. development we go through 3 levels of moral development
  2. experiential theory
  3. theory says we must go through 8 stages of personality development
  4. theory of cognitive development
  5. theory children are social beings and develop their minds through interactions with parents, teachers, and other students
  6. operant conditioning
  7. law of effect
  1. sociocultural theory
  2. conditioning behaviors are associated with responses
  3. cultural theory children observe and imitate the behaviors of others regardless of rewars and punishments
  4. social cognitive theory
  5. theory of classical conditioning
  6. theory of moral development
  7. conditioning behaviors that have a positive result tend to be repeated
  8. psychosocial theory

15 Clues: law of effectexperiential theorypsychosocial theorysociocultural theoryoperant conditioningsocial cognitive theorytheory of moral developmenttheory of cognitive developmenttheory of classical conditioningconditioning behaviors are associated with responsesdevelopment we go through 3 levels of moral development...

Ed Psych Ch. 3 2020-02-06

Ed Psych Ch. 3 crossword puzzle
  1. relates principles of psychological and social development
  2. individual has never had an identity crisis and have set identity based on they parents
  3. Identity Vs. despair
  4. Teachers and peers take on increasing importance for a child
  5. the tendency to think about what's going on in ones mind, occurs in adolescence
  6. trust vs mistrust
  7. adolescent has reached a stage of making their own conscious, clear cut decisions about career and ideology
  8. 3 year olds have growing sense of initiative
  9. refined Piaget's theory
  1. is important for social development especially among preschool aged children
  2. people follow the rules based on their own morality
  3. children follow the rules because that is what they were told
  4. less than 25% of adults
  5. this stage in Eriksons theory is spent seeking companionship
  6. generativity vs self absorption
  7. is importantfor a childs healthy psychosocial development
  8. identity vs role confusion
  9. believed cognitive structures developed first
  10. Believed people pass through 8 stages
  11. parents should be flexible enough for children to explore

20 Clues: trust vs mistrustIdentity Vs. despairless than 25% of adultsrefined Piaget's theoryidentity vs role confusiongenerativity vs self absorptionBelieved people pass through 8 stages3 year olds have growing sense of initiativebelieved cognitive structures developed firstpeople follow the rules based on their own morality...

Y7 End of Year Crossword 2024-05-19

Y7 End of Year Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. permanent escape from the cycle of samsara (Buddhism)
  2. one of the three poisons: aka delusion
  3. a step on the eightfold path: no lying
  4. the immortal soul that is reincarnated after death
  5. a sudden realisation of the nature of reality
  6. a French dualist who said 'cogito ergo sum'
  7. earthly manifestations of gods in human form
  8. the three main godly manifestations of Brahman
  9. an ancient Greek dualist philosopher
  1. liberation from samsara and reunion with Brahman
  2. one of the six realms: pinhole mouths
  3. the theory that there is only one substance
  4. a remarkable experience during cardiac arrest
  5. an ancient Greek monist philosopher
  6. the ultimate reality in Hinduism
  7. Christian belief that God weighs your actions
  8. the oldest set of Hindu scriptures
  9. different methods for achieving union with Brahman
  10. the cycle or karma and reincarnation
  11. the cause of suffering in Buddhism
  12. the theory that there are two substances
  13. a spiritual force of cause and effect

22 Clues: the ultimate reality in Hinduismthe oldest set of Hindu scripturesthe cause of suffering in Buddhisman ancient Greek monist philosopherthe cycle or karma and reincarnationan ancient Greek dualist philosopherone of the six realms: pinhole mouthsa spiritual force of cause and effectone of the three poisons: aka delusion...

Participatory Action Research 2018-02-04

Participatory Action Research crossword puzzle
  1. from the greek word meaning “pattern” a set of beliefs and practices, shared by communities of researchers, that guide the knowledge development process
  2. the weakness of a study
  3. a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of phenomena for the purpose of explaining and making predictions about those phenomena
  4. the degree of association between two variables
  5. assurance that a research participant's identity cannot be linked to the information that was provided to the researcher
  6. the measures used to hold uniform or constant the conditions in a research study
  7. agreement to participate in a study.
  8. communication of research findings
  9. a brief, comprehensive summary of a study at the beginning of an article
  1. the process of determining the value of data
  2. a well-defined set that has certain specified properties
  3. systematic, interaction, and subjective research method used to describe and give meaning to human experiences
  4. the view that a “reality” exists that can be observed, measured, and understood, however this view is tempered by the belief that science offers an imperfect understanding of the world
  5. abbreviation for research method we discussed in class today
  6. a best guess or prediction about what a researcher expects to find with regard to the relationship between two or more variables
  7. the basis for naturalistic (qualitative) research; belief that reality is not fixed but rather is a construction of the people perceiving it
  8. the theory or discipline dealing with principles of moral values and moral conduct
  9. process of testing relationships, differences, and cause-and-effect interactions among and between variables
  10. the determination of whether a measurement instrument actually measures what it is purported to measure

19 Clues: the weakness of a studycommunication of research findingsagreement to participate in a study.the process of determining the value of datathe degree of association between two variablesa well-defined set that has certain specified propertiesabbreviation for research method we discussed in class today...

industrialization 2021-01-13

industrialization crossword puzzle
  1. an economic group between higher classes and lower classes
  2. transfer to new manufacturing
  3. an engine that uses rapid amount of steam to generate power
  4. the process of making an area more urban
  5. a political theory derived by karl marx
  6. an economic and political system controlled by a private owner
  7. a business or manufacturing activitiy
  8. a policy or attitude in an economic system
  9. a place where people work and things are made
  10. a group of workers who have come together to achieve many common goals
  1. scottish economist and philosopher
  2. changing lad that was available for the public to private land
  3. process to produce output
  4. German philosopher and economist
  5. changing a agricultural economy to a machine based one
  6. large amounts of constant production
  7. theory of social organization
  8. a room or set of rooms forming separate residence
  9. also called labor strike were workers refuse to work until they get what they want
  10. steel making process

20 Clues: steel making processprocess to produce outputtransfer to new manufacturingtheory of social organizationGerman philosopher and economistscottish economist and philosopherlarge amounts of constant productiona business or manufacturing activitiya political theory derived by karl marxthe process of making an area more urban...

Final Exam 2018-07-11

Final Exam crossword puzzle
  1. Making decisions or thinking in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility
  2. Developed a pyramid hierarchy of human needs.
  3. An acronym for the Big 5 Personality model.
  4. Leadership that emphasizes values, honesty, and ethics
  5. Set goals, observe & monitor, coach, evaluate performance
  6. This can be either intrinsic or extrinsic.
  7. Proposed eight-step plan for change in organizations
  8. Managers' roles are interpersonal, informational, and decisional
  9. Three step model of organizational change: freeze, movement, refreeze
  10. Theory that considers hygiene and motivation factors.
  11. Theories that emphasize leadership as dependent on situations
  1. Leadership that creates positive change
  2. How you interpret sensory impressions to give meaning
  3. Said effective managers are focused on communication
  4. Emphasizes five actions of great leaders
  5. A personality trait that indicates vanity or egotism
  6. Considers emotions and interpersonal communication
  7. Described management as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
  8. States that leaders serve their constituents or the community
  9. Theorized about motivation and needs.
  10. Theory that says employees are basically good or bad.

21 Clues: Theorized about motivation and needs.Leadership that creates positive changeEmphasizes five actions of great leadersThis can be either intrinsic or extrinsic.An acronym for the Big 5 Personality model.Developed a pyramid hierarchy of human needs.Considers emotions and interpersonal communicationSaid effective managers are focused on communication...

Nursing Theorists Crossword 2021-10-27

Nursing Theorists Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. theory focuses on the overlap of the body, person, and disease
  2. coined the concept of culturally congruent care
  3. she wrote "there are no patients. there are only humans in need of care, services, and assistance of other human beings."
  4. her theory was based on the importance of demonstrating care towards patient
  5. her theory was inspired by the uncertainty regarding her own father's illness
  6. her theory stated that nurses should consider a wide range of factors when treating a patient
  7. created theory of human becoming
  8. her theory helps mothers feel a strong maternal identity
  9. this theorist created a model that views a patient paired with their environment
  10. centered her theory around healing patients and not tasks
  1. this theorist emphasizes the importance of increasing the independence of a patient
  2. the mother of nursing
  3. assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation all help this theorist deliberately care for patients
  4. coined the change theory of nursing
  5. coined the tidal model of nursing
  6. her theory emphasizes the parent-child interaction
  7. this theorist says that comfort exists in three forms
  8. her theory was inspired by the ideas of planned parenthood, pregnancy, and the role of parenthood
  9. person, environment, nursing, health, and illness are the five parts of her health promotion model
  10. her adaptive model of nursing uses three questions to look at the patient from a holistic perspective

20 Clues: the mother of nursingcreated theory of human becomingcoined the tidal model of nursingcoined the change theory of nursingcoined the concept of culturally congruent careher theory emphasizes the parent-child interactionthis theorist says that comfort exists in three formsher theory helps mothers feel a strong maternal identity...

America in the 1920s 2014-12-16

America in the 1920s crossword puzzle
  1. name that prohibition was given when it became a law.
  2. fear of communism in 1920s
  3. lays out how the government is supposed to work
  4. name that the 1920s were called in America
  5. name of the gangster that controlled Chicago´s mayor
  6. republican policy that consisted in leaving the people alone so they could set up bussinesses
  7. name of illegal bars
  8. area of the USA in which the black Americans were treated very bad
  9. illegal whisky
  1. most important booming industry
  2. name of the biology teacher that supported the theory of evolution
  3. suppliers of illegal alcohol
  4. country from where most of the illegal alcohol came during prohibition
  5. area in which people were against the theory of evolution
  6. actual name given for the "Buy now, pay later"
  7. a legendary baseball team from New York
  8. name of those who speculated
  9. type of music that people loved
  10. president before Roosevelt
  11. clan that was against blacks and tortured them

20 Clues: illegal whiskyname of illegal barsfear of communism in 1920spresident before Rooseveltsuppliers of illegal alcoholname of those who speculatedmost important booming industrytype of music that people loveda legendary baseball team from New Yorkname that the 1920s were called in Americaactual name given for the "Buy now, pay later"...