warrior cats Crossword Puzzles

Warrior cats 2021-10-24

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. Fernsong and Ivypools daughter
  2. can be described as a very wise, old white owl, who is killed by Bone.
  3. He caught Pinestar being fed by Twolegs.
  4. His name is also Tigerstar
  5. golden tabby shecat who found the blazing star from dawn of the clans
  6. She has three kits called Firekit, Stormkit, and Harrykit
  7. his mate is killed by Brokenstar and hes pretty sad, then he is later killed by badgers
  8. This Shecat killed Ashfur
  9. He has been temporarily deputy three times
  10. He is a small black cat with one white paw and ice blue eyes.
  11. A medicine cat who is exiled by the imposter because he stood up for Jayfeather.
  12. is a big, dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws,and amber eyes.
  13. Reincarnate of Jay's wing
  14. she trains in the darkforest because hse is jealous of dovewing
  15. the imposter, He is a ghost now
  16. she stays behind in the old territory with speckletail and two riverclan elders.
  17. Firestars second apprentice
  18. he falls through a frozen lake and drowns
  19. Paralyzed by a falling tree
  20. Onestar and smokes son
  21. she runs away, has kits, Tigerheart joins her, she returns to the clans and joins Shadowclan.
  22. The mediator
  23. He is kidnapped by Willowshine
  24. Twigpaw and violetpaws father
  25. the shadow clan cat that participates on the journey to find midnight.
  26. white wind clan medicine shecat with 3 kits from dawn of the clans
  27. Hangs out with longtail in the elder's den.
  1. sacrificed herself to save Violetpaw against Darktail
  2. the oldest warrior cat, 16.6 years old, look it up.
  3. He predicts the eclipse
  4. he starts a rebellion in Windclan and is killed by a tree.
  5. Jake and nutmegs son
  6. He goes on a journey with jake to revenge his father sandgorse.
  7. He frees Bramblestars spirit from the dark forest
  8. Dustpelts mate
  9. FireHearts first apprentice.
  10. He is killed at the bone hill protecting the other halfclan cats.
  11. Leafstar named Stormheart after this shecat
  12. she dies in a rockslide.
  13. is killed twice by Bramblestar, making him vanish forever, also he tries to kill Firestar.
  14. He is appointed deputy by Harestar
  15. He was named Boris before he became a Skyclan warrior
  16. Darkstripe tries to kill her with deathberries.
  17. He is tricked by Mapleshade
  18. the shadowclan leader who drowns in the greatstorm, giving Rowanstar leadership.
  19. Tawnypelts mate
  20. cinnamonpaws mentor
  21. He makes and alliance with Rootspring and Shadowsight in the afterlife
  22. her kits die in the river after being banished from her clan.
  23. was the first Stoneteller of the Ancient Tribe and befriended Jayfeather/Jay's wing.

50 Clues: The mediatorDustpelts mateTawnypelts matecinnamonpaws mentorJake and nutmegs sonOnestar and smokes sonHe predicts the eclipseshe dies in a rockslide.This Shecat killed AshfurReincarnate of Jay's wingHis name is also TigerstarHe is tricked by MapleshadeFirestars second apprenticeParalyzed by a falling treeFireHearts first apprentice....

warrior cats 2021-12-06

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. vied for piece of land bet river&thunderclan
  2. jerkiest shadowclan leader
  3. cat with strongest bond with starclan
  4. sandstorms daddy
  5. where starclan lives
  6. firestar took over his body
  7. one of appledusks mates
  8. annoyingest cat eeevvvveeeeerrrrrr
  9. molewhiskers sister
  10. he took over bramblestars body
  11. clan with 2 cats
  1. everyones favorite badger
  2. brokenstars mommy
  3. an ____ killed honeyfern
  4. one of firepaws mentors
  5. crookedstars mate
  6. tawnypelts daddy and son
  7. egotistic cat of the three
  8. first thunderclan leader
  9. stupid riverclan leader

20 Clues: sandstorms daddyclan with 2 catsbrokenstars mommycrookedstars matemolewhiskers sisterwhere starclan livesone of firepaws mentorsstupid riverclan leaderone of appledusks matesan ____ killed honeyferntawnypelts daddy and sonfirst thunderclan leadereveryones favorite badgerjerkiest shadowclan leaderegotistic cat of the threefirestar took over his body...

warrior cats 2022-02-02

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. where they used to live
  2. the animal they are
  3. what they do to enemies
  4. what tigerstar is
  5. how they get food
  6. old cat
  7. what horseplace cats call humans
  8. what the book is called
  9. when firestar died
  10. they dont eat this
  11. what they call humans
  12. leader who gave firestar his warrior name
  1. evil cat
  2. what they do eat
  3. what purdy calls humans
  4. bramblestar's deputy
  5. thunderclans first leader
  6. where windclan lives
  7. how old you have to be to become an apprentice
  8. how they kill cats
  9. suffix to apprentice names
  10. what tigerstar doesnt deserve to be

22 Clues: old catevil catwhat they do eatwhat tigerstar ishow they get foodhow they kill catswhen firestar diedthey dont eat thisthe animal they arebramblestar's deputywhere windclan liveswhat they call humanswhere they used to livewhat purdy calls humanswhat they do to enemieswhat the book is calledthunderclans first leadersuffix to apprentice names...

Warrior Cats 2024-05-09

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. What Clan did Jagged Peak ultimately stay in?
  2. What treats greencough?
  3. What did the dogs at snakerocks say?
  4. Who did Sorrelkit see Darkstripe talking to?
  5. Riverstar's name before he earned his nine lives
  6. What does Sol say will occur? Also serves as a book title
  7. Acorn Fur is the medicine cat of which Clan?
  8. Violetshine's mentor
  9. Dovewing's eldest son
  10. What does Feathertail save Leopardstar from in her graphic novel?
  11. Temporary medicine cat under Bramblestar (Ashfur)'s rule
  12. What do new warriors have to perform?
  13. What did Rainpaw apparently eat when he was younger?
  14. Who inspired Littlecloud to become a medicine cat?
  15. What is Brook's full name?
  16. Name given to Sasha by the man on the boat
  17. Where are Russetfur and Boulder originally from?
  18. What does Curlfeather tell Frostpaw in her final moments?
  19. What does Alderheart give Puddleshine to get better?
  1. Where does Tigerclaw kill Redtail?
  2. What was Hollyleaf first apprenticed as?
  3. What was Tree's original name?
  4. Third book of The Broken Code arc
  5. Who said: "I shall learn from his [Tigerstar's] mistakes. ... He broke the warrior code and he deserved to fail. I shall know better."
  6. What book does Breezepelt attack Jayfeather and Poppyfrost?
  7. Kittypet that Turtle Tail lived with
  8. What does Darktail call his group?
  9. Birchface's apprentice
  10. What is Spotfur's novella called?
  11. Who goes with Firestar to restore SkyClan
  12. Crookedstar's and Oakheart's father
  13. Name the elders who stayed behind in the old territory: Speckletail, Loudbelly, Shadepelt, and who?
  14. What is the name of Star Flower's father?
  15. "Striking black she-cat", daylight warrior, Hawkwing's mentor
  16. Darktail's mother, Onewhisker's former mate
  17. What is Lionblaze's original name from the ancient times? (Think Dove's Wing, Jay's Wing)
  18. What animals attack WindClan in Crowfeather's Trial?
  19. What book does Mudfur die in?

38 Clues: Violetshine's mentorDovewing's eldest sonBirchface's apprenticeWhat treats greencough?What is Brook's full name?What book does Mudfur die in?What was Tree's original name?Third book of The Broken Code arcWhat is Spotfur's novella called?Where does Tigerclaw kill Redtail?What does Darktail call his group?Crookedstar's and Oakheart's father...

WARRIOR CATS 2024-05-09

WARRIOR CATS crossword puzzle
  1. unfortunate-clan
  2. light-gray
  3. mottled-dark-brown
  4. black-and-brown
  5. dark-gray
  6. brown-and-white-tabby
  7. brown-tabby
  8. black-and-white
  1. pale-brown
  2. snowy-white
  3. black
  4. light-brown
  5. ginger-tabby
  6. fluffy-white
  7. brave-clan
  8. gray-blue
  9. pale-ginger
  10. golden-tabby
  11. tawny-ginger
  12. dark-tabby

20 Clues: blackgray-bluedark-graypale-brownlight-graybrave-clandark-tabbysnowy-whitelight-brownpale-gingerbrown-tabbyginger-tabbyfluffy-whitegolden-tabbytawny-gingerblack-and-brownblack-and-whiteunfortunate-clanmottled-dark-brownbrown-and-white-tabby

Warrior cats 2021-02-23

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. Wat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?
  2. huiskat in clantaal
  3. Vuurharts huiskatvriend
  4. Vuurharts beste vriend
  5. woonplaats van een clan
  6. Waar sterft de rivierclankat?
  7. medicijn tegen groenhoest
  8. favoriete prooi van de windclan
  9. Hier moeten toekomstige leiders een wacht houden s' nachts.
  10. Hier verblijven de kittens.
  1. schuilplaats van Windclan bij vlucht
  2. een straat in clantaal
  3. mensen in clantaal
  4. clan van de overleden katten
  5. Vuurharts neefje
  6. Wat werd Brokkelster nadat hij verslagen is?
  7. kat die instaat voor de bescherming van de clan
  8. Vuurharts zus
  9. aantal levens van een leider
  10. Hier redt Zilverstroom Grijsstreeps leven?

20 Clues: Vuurharts zusVuurharts neefjemensen in clantaalhuiskat in clantaaleen straat in clantaalVuurharts beste vriendVuurharts huiskatvriendwoonplaats van een clanmedicijn tegen groenhoestHier verblijven de kittens.clan van de overleden kattenaantal levens van een leiderWaar sterft de rivierclankat?favoriete prooi van de windclan...

Warrior Cats 2023-02-24

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Snowkit’s mother
  2. One-eye’s son
  3. Snowfur’s sister
  4. Bluestar’s nephew
  5. Dappletail’s son
  6. A grey queen with very little personality
  7. Very anti-kittypet, brown
  8. The ginger leader of ThunderClan
  9. An antagonistic cat, Sandstorm’s childhood friend
  10. Tigerstar’s first mate
  11. A grumpy grey she-cat with crookshanks face
  12. Has small ears
  1. His genetics should not exist
  2. Has half a tail
  3. Low-key crushing on Tigerstar
  4. Yellowfang’s medicine cat apprentice
  5. Was previously called Hammerclaw
  6. Goes blind when scratched by a rabbit
  7. A white queen
  8. A very pretty she-cat who definitely isn’t creepy for having a crush on an apprentice

20 Clues: One-eye’s sonA white queenHas small earsHas half a tailSnowkit’s motherSnowfur’s sisterDappletail’s sonBluestar’s nephewTigerstar’s first mateVery anti-kittypet, brownHis genetics should not existLow-key crushing on TigerstarWas previously called HammerclawThe ginger leader of ThunderClanYellowfang’s medicine cat apprentice...

Warrior cats 2023-06-06

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. Dark smoky-gray, almost black, tom with blue eyes
  2. Golden tabby tom with amber eyes and thick fluff ringing around his neck Cinderhearts mate.
  3. White she-cat with ginger patches along her back, a ginger tail, and scar across her muzzle and right eye caused by a pack of dogs.
  4. Brown-and-white tom Firestars brother.
  5. Small, lithe, pale brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes she is Cinderpelts apprentice and Jayfeathers mentor.
  6. Brown and white tom with blue eyes brother of Jake.
  7. Ginger and White she-cat mother of Jake.
  8. Snowy-white tom with blue eyes mate of Brightheart and father of four kits nephew of Firestar.
  9. Smoky-gray tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes Lionblazes mate.
  10. Tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat mother of Firestar.
  11. Smoky-dark gray she-cat with pale blue eyes, and a twisted hind leg Thunderclans Medicine Cat.
  12. Dark ginger she-cat with forest-green eyes daughter of Firestar.
  13. Flame-colored ginger tabby father of Firestar.
  14. Diluted sandy-colored she-cat Firestars mate.
  15. Light-gray she-cat with an unknown eye color half-sister of Firestar.
  1. Smoky-gray tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes Thunderclans Medicine Cat and Yellowfangs apprentice.
  2. black she-cat with soft and long fur, she has green eyes and a bushy tail she is Lionblazes and Jayfeathers sister.
  3. pale ginger tabby she-cat with paler markings and glossy fur,
  4. Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes Squirrelflights mate and Tigerstars son.
  5. After the sharp-eyed jay and the roaring lion, peace will come on the dove's gentle wing."
  6. Black tom with a white muzzle, chest, paws, and tail-tip half-brother of Firestar.
  7. All black tom exept right paw is white half-brother of Fierstar and killed Tigerstar 1st time.
  8. Snow white kittypet mate of Princess and father of Cloudtail.
  9. Brown and ginger tortoiseshell kittypet she-cat with a white tail-tip and green eyes Firestars sister.
  10. Bage-brown, chocolate brown and white she-cat Firestar's sister.
  11. Pale's gray tabby tom with blind, pale blue eyes like a jay's wing is a medicine cat a part of the prophecy.
  12. Orange Tabby Tom leader after Bluestar.

27 Clues: Brown-and-white tom Firestars brother.Orange Tabby Tom leader after Bluestar.Ginger and White she-cat mother of Jake.Diluted sandy-colored she-cat Firestars mate.Flame-colored ginger tabby father of Firestar.Dark smoky-gray, almost black, tom with blue eyesBrown and white tom with blue eyes brother of Jake....

WARRIOR CATS 2024-05-09

WARRIOR CATS crossword puzzle
  1. unfortunate-clan
  2. light-gray
  3. mottled-dark-brown
  4. black-and-brown
  5. dark-gray
  6. brown-and-white-tabby
  7. brown-tabby
  8. black-and-white
  1. pale-brown
  2. snowy-white
  3. black
  4. light-brown
  5. ginger-tabby
  6. fluffy-white
  7. brave-clan
  8. gray-blue
  9. pale-ginger
  10. golden-tabby
  11. tawny-ginger
  12. dark-tabby

20 Clues: blackgray-bluedark-graypale-brownlight-graybrave-clandark-tabbysnowy-whitelight-brownpale-gingerbrown-tabbyginger-tabbyfluffy-whitegolden-tabbytawny-gingerblack-and-brownblack-and-whiteunfortunate-clanmottled-dark-brownbrown-and-white-tabby

WARRIOR CATS 2024-05-09

WARRIOR CATS crossword puzzle
  1. unfortunate-clan
  2. light-gray
  3. mottled-dark-brown
  4. black-and-brown
  5. dark-gray
  6. brown-and-white-tabby
  7. brown-tabby
  8. black-and-white
  1. pale-brown
  2. snowy-white
  3. black
  4. light-brown
  5. ginger-tabby
  6. fluffy-white
  7. brave-clan
  8. gray-blue
  9. pale-ginger
  10. golden-tabby
  11. tawny-ginger
  12. dark-tabby

20 Clues: blackgray-bluedark-graypale-brownlight-graybrave-clandark-tabbysnowy-whitelight-brownpale-gingerbrown-tabbyginger-tabbyfluffy-whitegolden-tabbytawny-gingerblack-and-brownblack-and-whiteunfortunate-clanmottled-dark-brownbrown-and-white-tabby

Warrior Cats 2023-01-31

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. I wanted to be a medicine cat a black she
  2. Im the dead brother of HawkFrost and MothWing
  3. I was kicked out of my home and had to leave my mate in ThunderClan
  4. Who had a crush on BlueStar in her book
  5. What they call kittypet warriors
  6. My leg was ran over
  7. The name when the clans came together to defeat BloodClan
  8. YellowFangs first apprentice
  9. Scourges original name
  10. The first mate of appledusk
  11. I fell saving a clan from SharpTooth
  12. Im am SwiftPaws dead brother
  13. I killed my own kin and blamed it on my mother
  14. I was the imposter
  15. Im a grumpy blind medicine cat
  16. I left my clan to join the tribe of rushing waters
  17. I fought dogs with BrightHeart but didnt survive
  1. I was a spy on the DarkForest
  2. First prophecy (Hint: Shall, no spaces)
  3. The WindClan deputy in the first book
  4. The tom who didnt earn nine lives because the former leader was still alive
  5. Current ThunderClan deputy
  6. Brighthearts name before it got changed
  7. The first character known dead in Warrior Cats
  8. I can hear and see far away
  9. My brother died from a rock fall
  10. A white scarred spirit tom who was killed by Ashfur
  11. I am the current leader of SkyClan
  12. I kitnapped kits to try to become a warrior
  13. I left my clan to live with a kittypet on my last life
  14. Who is the fourth prophcy cat
  15. I was deaf and killed by a hawk
  16. First killed in TigerStars trials

33 Clues: I was the imposterMy leg was ran overScourges original nameCurrent ThunderClan deputyI can hear and see far awayThe first mate of appleduskYellowFangs first apprenticeIm am SwiftPaws dead brotherI was a spy on the DarkForestWho is the fourth prophcy catIm a grumpy blind medicine catI was deaf and killed by a hawkWhat they call kittypet warriors...

Warrior cats 2021-02-23

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. mensen in clantaal
  2. Hier redt Zilverstroom Grijsstreeps leven.
  3. Wat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?
  4. woonplaats van een clan
  5. medicijn tegen groenhoest
  6. Vuurharts zus
  7. Vuurharts beste vriend
  8. aantal levens van een leider
  9. Hier moeten toekomstige leiders een wacht houden s'nachts.
  10. straat in clantaal
  1. huiskat in clantaal
  2. Hier verblijven de kittens.
  3. clannaam Vuurharts neefje
  4. kat die instaat voor de bescherming van de clan
  5. clan van de overleden katten
  6. schuilplaats van Windclan bij vlucht
  7. Vuurharts huiskatvriend
  8. Waar sterft de rivierclankat?
  9. favoriete prooi van de windclan
  10. Wat wordt Brokkelster nadat hij verslagen is?

20 Clues: Vuurharts zusmensen in clantaalstraat in clantaalhuiskat in clantaalVuurharts beste vriendwoonplaats van een clanVuurharts huiskatvriendclannaam Vuurharts neefjemedicijn tegen groenhoestHier verblijven de kittens.clan van de overleden kattenaantal levens van een leiderWaar sterft de rivierclankat?favoriete prooi van de windclan...

Warrior cats 2021-02-23

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. straat in clantaal
  2. kat die instaat voor de bescherming van de clan
  3. Vuurharts huiskatvriend
  4. huiskat in clantaal
  5. mensen in clantaal
  6. favoriete prooi van de windclan
  7. Hier verblijven de kittens.
  8. schuilplaats van Windclan bij vlucht
  9. Hier redt Zilverstroom Grijsstreeps leven.
  10. Wat wordt Brokkelster nadat hij verslagen is?
  11. clannaam Vuurharts neefje
  12. Vuurharts zus
  1. Vuurharts beste vriend
  2. medicijn tegen groenhoest
  3. Waar sterft de rivierclankat?
  4. aantal levens van een leider
  5. Hier moeten toekomstige leiders een wacht houden s'nachts.
  6. clan van de overleden katten
  7. Wat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?
  8. woonplaats van een clan

20 Clues: Vuurharts zusstraat in clantaalmensen in clantaalhuiskat in clantaalVuurharts beste vriendVuurharts huiskatvriendwoonplaats van een clanmedicijn tegen groenhoestclannaam Vuurharts neefjeHier verblijven de kittens.aantal levens van een leiderclan van de overleden kattenWaar sterft de rivierclankat?favoriete prooi van de windclan...

Warrior cats 2021-02-23

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. Waar sterft de rivierclankat?
  2. huiskat in clantaal
  3. mensen in clantaal
  4. favoriete prooi van de windclan
  5. Wat hoort Vuurhart in zijn droom?
  6. clan van de overleden katten
  7. Vuurharts zus
  8. medicijn tegen groenhoest
  9. Hier moeten toekomstige leiders een wacht houden s'nachts.
  10. clannaam Vuurharts neefje
  1. Vuurharts beste vriend
  2. Wat wordt Brokkelster nadat hij verslagen is?
  3. schuilplaats van Windclan bij vlucht
  4. aantal levens van een leider
  5. straat in clantaal
  6. kat die instaat voor de bescherming van de clan
  7. Vuurharts huiskatvriend
  8. Hier verblijven de kittens.
  9. Wat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?
  10. woonplaats van een clan

20 Clues: Vuurharts zusmensen in clantaalstraat in clantaalhuiskat in clantaalVuurharts beste vriendVuurharts huiskatvriendwoonplaats van een clanmedicijn tegen groenhoestclannaam Vuurharts neefjeHier verblijven de kittens.aantal levens van een leiderclan van de overleden kattenWaar sterft de rivierclankat?favoriete prooi van de windclan...

Warrior Cats 2021-05-23

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. bramblestar's sister
  2. sasha's daughter
  3. pinestar's half sister
  4. pinestar's mate
  5. squirrelflight's son
  6. ashfur's father
  7. birchfall's mother
  8. dovewing's mate
  9. spiderleg's son
  10. twigbranch's sister
  11. crookedstar's father
  12. leafpool's warrior son
  13. the mother of spiderleg's kits
  14. snowbush's foster daughter
  15. spiderleg's daughter
  16. rootspring's sister
  17. twigbranch's mate
  18. pinestar's father
  19. dustpelt's brother
  20. ashfur's mother
  21. the father of leafpool's kits
  22. whitewing's brother
  23. leafpool's daughter
  24. bramblestar's mother
  25. bramblestar's father
  26. dewnose's daughter
  27. whitestorm's mother
  28. patchpelt's sister
  29. tigerstar's second mate
  30. whitewing's mate
  31. reedshine's mate
  32. ferncloud's brother
  33. bluestar's mate
  34. firestar's warrior daughter
  35. ivypool's son
  36. shellheart's mother
  37. whitewing's other brother
  38. fernsong's mate
  39. dovewing's son
  1. leafpool's medicine cat son
  2. redtail's sister
  3. squirrelflight's daughter
  4. ivypool's sister
  5. violetshine's mate
  6. oakheart's brother
  7. willowpelt's brother
  8. appledusk's first mate
  9. daisy's son with smokey
  10. daisy's daughter with smokey
  11. tree's son
  12. dewnose's mate
  13. leopardfoot's brother
  14. snowbush's mate
  15. dewnose's son
  16. ravenpaw's partner
  17. tigerstar's father
  18. firestar's mate
  19. birchfall's father
  20. firestar's medicine cat daughter
  21. lionblaze's second son
  22. lionblaze's first son
  23. lionblaze's mate
  24. ferncloud's oldest son
  25. tigerheart's father
  26. daisy's injured son
  27. formerly a kittypet named Rusty
  28. willownose's mother
  29. the father of squirrelflight's kits
  30. dovewing and ivypool's mother
  31. whitestorm's father
  32. sasha's tabby son

71 Clues: tree's sondewnose's sonivypool's sondewnose's matedovewing's sonpinestar's mateashfur's fatherdovewing's matespiderleg's sonsnowbush's matefirestar's mateashfur's motherbluestar's matefernsong's materedtail's sistersasha's daughterivypool's sisterlionblaze's matewhitewing's matereedshine's matetwigbranch's matepinestar's fathersasha's tabby son...

Warrior Cats! 2022-06-02

Warrior Cats! crossword puzzle
  1. Who could see dead cats and was always made fun of?
  2. Which SkyClan cat lost their hearing?
  3. Who is the current leader of ThunderClan?
  4. Who made a deadly promise with Mapleshade?
  5. Wing Besides Clear Sky, who had a crush on Bright Stream?
  6. True or False: Mothwing was a warrior before becoming a medicine cat
  7. Who was supposed to be RiverClan leader, mother of Frostpaw?
  8. Who can walk in dreams and is one of The Three?
  9. Who thought they were part of the Three?
  10. Who was Spottedleaf’s mentor as a warrior-apprentice?
  11. Who did Bristlefrost have a crush on?
  12. Who left their Clan to become a kittypet?
  13. Who got rejected by Blazefire?
  1. Who got murdered by their own son?
  2. Who took over Bramblestar’s body?
  3. Who’s name was once Red?
  4. Which ShadowClan medicine cat got visions from the Dark Forest?
  5. Who can hear from far away and is one of The Three?
  6. Who was Ivypool’s mentor in the Dark Forest?
  7. Who had a crush on the EVIL Tigerstar?
  8. Which cat did Jayfeather try to save from drowning?
  9. Who is Thornclaw’s mate
  10. Who killed Bluestar’s mother, Moonflower?
  11. What is the name of Sunfish and Beetlenose’s son?
  12. Who failed his assessment two times?
  13. Who is Tigerstar’s tortoiseshell daughter?
  14. Who left their Clan to be with Tigerstar in ShadowClan?
  15. Who can go into battle and not have a single scratch on them?
  16. Who did Mapleshade have kits with?

29 Clues: Who is Thornclaw’s mateWho’s name was once Red?Who got rejected by Blazefire?Who took over Bramblestar’s body?Who got murdered by their own son?Who did Mapleshade have kits with?Who failed his assessment two times?Which SkyClan cat lost their hearing?Who did Bristlefrost have a crush on?Who had a crush on the EVIL Tigerstar?...

Warrior Cats 2022-07-28

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. the medicine cat name jayfeather didn't want
  2. Prophecy that Brambleclaw will kill Hawkfrost
  3. descendant of Cloudstar
  4. Bluestar's deputy before Lionheart
  5. twibranch's mate
  6. alderpaw's warrior mentor
  7. Leopardstar's temporary deputy when Mistyfoot disappeared
  8. didn't receive nine lives because Brokenstar was still alive
  9. the cat Brokenstar blamed for killing kits
  10. leader before Bluestar
  11. fake SkyClan leader
  1. Fake ShadowClan leader after Brightwhisker
  2. killed Appledusk
  3. the warrior name berrynose was scared of getting because of his tail
  4. went inside the body of Jay's wing
  5. Tigerclaw's father
  6. Died when the ice broke
  7. calls twolegs upwalkers
  8. Scourge's real name
  9. Ivypool's mentor

20 Clues: killed Appledusktwibranch's mateIvypool's mentorTigerclaw's fatherScourge's real namefake SkyClan leaderleader before Bluestardescendant of CloudstarDied when the ice brokecalls twolegs upwalkersalderpaw's warrior mentorwent inside the body of Jay's wingBluestar's deputy before LionheartFake ShadowClan leader after Brightwhisker...

Warrior Cats 2016-12-16

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Medicine cat of Thunder-Clan, Daughter of FireStar
  2. Son of Princess, friend of BrightHeart
  3. Gray tom-cat, old friend of FireStar
  4. Current Thunder-clan deputy, Daughter of FIreStar
  5. Female tortoiseshell, sister of BrambleStar
  6. Dark tabby tom-cat current Thunder-clan leader
  7. Tiny black evil tom-cat, leader of BloodClan
  8. Speckled gray female, mother to many kittens
  9. Cranky silver Thunder-clan medicine tom-cat
  10. Nephew of BlueStar, white tom-cat
  11. Pale ginger female, old friend of FireStar
  12. Heroic ginger tom-cat, old friend of Graystripe and Sandstorm
  1. FireStar's kittypet sister, mother of CloudTail
  2. evil amber tabby tom-cat
  3. White and ginger female cat, scarred by dog
  4. Early River-Clan leader, twisted jawed tom-cat
  5. Son of Bramble-Star
  6. Dark medicine cat of Thunder-Clan, came from Shadow-Clan
  7. Female blue gray cat, early Thunder-clan leader
  8. Black and white tom, early Wind-clan leader

20 Clues: Son of Bramble-Starevil amber tabby tom-catNephew of BlueStar, white tom-catGray tom-cat, old friend of FireStarSon of Princess, friend of BrightHeartPale ginger female, old friend of FireStarWhite and ginger female cat, scarred by dogFemale tortoiseshell, sister of BrambleStarBlack and white tom, early Wind-clan leader...

Warrior Cats 2023-05-21

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. The character that helped Sol escape
  2. One of your favorite characters, uses sharpened dog teeth to reinforce his claws
  3. Who is the other cat that you say is Lion's Roar??????
  4. Who is LION'S ROAR's future self called??????
  5. The Pa of the series
  6. The leader four leaders preceding Bluestar
  7. The first cat to meet Sol in the series
  8. Your favorite name in the series
  9. The cat in The Sun Trail that had the WORST VOICE IMAGINABLE and was SO ANNOYING
  10. Sol's mother
  11. The character that told Sol about the eclipse
  12. The OTHER cat that you say is Lion's Roar??????
  13. The original leader of the patrol that left to the forest
  14. The worst cat the forest has ever seen
  15. Twigpaw's warrior name
  16. The leader of ShadowClan when they stopped beleiving in StarClan
  2. Lion's Roar if the main part of the first word of his name was repeated four times (IN ALL CAPS)
  3. What is in the vision that The Teller Of The Pointed Stones sees that makes them leave their home
  4. The cat in your book that talks the best
  5. A tall, lean, mottled, tortoiseshell-and-white tom mixed with ginger, black, dark brown, and white patches, a face that tapers at the muzzle, and a thick, brown-and-white, curving tail which is bushed at the tip.
  6. The chap that died from inhaling smoke's brother
  7. Violetpaw's warrior name
  8. The series that The Sun Trail is in
  9. The cat that dies from inhaling smoke in Dawn Of The Clans
  10. This cat left kits under a bush for several days
  11. The leader of WindClan when SkyClan leaves the forest
  12. The cat that you were pretending to know about when I was reading Bluestar's Prophecy

28 Clues: Sol's motherThe Pa of the seriesTwigpaw's warrior nameVioletpaw's warrior nameYour favorite name in the seriesThe series that The Sun Trail is inThe character that helped Sol escapeThe worst cat the forest has ever seenThe first cat to meet Sol in the seriesThe cat in your book that talks the bestThe leader four leaders preceding Bluestar...

warrior cats!!! 2024-01-02

warrior cats!!! crossword puzzle
  1. name bluestar gave brightheart after she was attacked by dogs
  2. i was the imposter
  3. father to firestar and scourge
  4. left my clan to join the tribe of rushing water
  5. leader of shadowclan before cedarpelt
  6. stonefurs brother
  7. who was firestars second apprentice
  8. which cat did shadowstar kill during the great battle
  9. died giving birth to graystripes kits
  10. graystripes second mate
  11. mistystars mentor
  12. bluestars mate
  13. i wanted to be a medicine cat like my mothers sister
  14. murdered reedwhisker
  15. spyed on the dark forest
  16. mother to moonflower and goosefeather
  1. i fought dogs with brightheart but didnt survive
  2. my leg was injured so i had to become a medicine cat
  3. the leader of riverclan when skyclan left
  4. brother to brook
  5. saving the tribe from sharptooth
  6. scourges original name
  7. im the brother of hawkfrost and mothwing
  8. the second deputy of thunderclan
  9. brambleclaws mate
  10. the light in the mist and rootsprings mate
  11. sol kittypet name
  12. appledusks first mate
  13. didnt earn nine lives from starclan because the former leader was still alive
  14. who took firestars first life
  15. i was kicked out of my home and had to leave my mate in thunderclan

31 Clues: bluestars matebrother to brookbrambleclaws matestonefurs brothersol kittypet namemistystars mentori was the impostermurdered reedwhiskerappledusks first matescourges original namegraystripes second matespyed on the dark forestwho took firestars first lifefather to firestar and scourgesaving the tribe from sharptooththe second deputy of thunderclan...

Warrior Cats 2023-10-03

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. took a mate from another clan, she died
  2. one of the oldest cats, bluestars alive daughter
  3. Very rude to people, Blind Medicine Cat
  4. the reincarnation of cinderpelt
  5. "I don't know when the end came for ________ I just remember him fighting like lion clan" Brightheart
  6. tawnypelts mate, gender was swapped
  7. only got eight lives because the previous leader still had one life
  8. Warrior in the first serie, killed by Tigerclaw and CO
  9. Medicine Cat with Kits who was unfairly judged
  10. tigerclaws father, went to go be a kittypet because of starclan
  11. the first leader of thunderclan
  12. Bluestars son, died protecting Featherpaw and Stormpaw
  13. the first deputy, died before firestar joined the clan
  14. Tried to kill her mother with deathberries, did kill another cat
  15. Firestars father
  16. adoptive mother of mistyfoot and stonefur
  17. firestars kittypet name
  18. Was breifly named lostface
  19. the warriors in new skyclan that go home to twolegs at the end of the day
  20. Should havea been a warrior but their was an accident
  21. briefly became a kittypet, had kits with a kittypet (dotc)
  22. Very briefly deputy, died graystripes mentor
  23. daughter of crookedstar, died giving birth
  24. gray wings mate
  25. The killer of spottedleaf
  26. Could have been stormstar, mommy issues
  27. a murder who went crazy after her kits died
  28. Can hear and see things far away
  29. Medicine cat was killed in a shadowclan raid in the first series
  30. his warrior name would have been ravenwing
  31. In love with Jake
  32. Riverclan deputy died in rockfall
  33. blinded, fought firestar when he first joined the clan
  34. His mentor was redtail, he originally disliked Firestar
  35. mate of firestar, mother of leafpool and Squirrelflight
  36. mother of whitestorm, mate of thistleclaw
  1. was the reason bluestar gave up her kits, almost became deputy
  2. invunerable, deals with intrusive thoughts
  3. brokenstars father, yellowfangs mate
  4. Stalker arsonist cat
  5. Good deputy, was lied to by starclan about having kits
  6. the pov in the dawn of the clans
  7. Scourges deputy of bloodclan
  8. was great in life but sucked as a starclan cat (medicine cat)
  9. died falling in the gorge, riverclan cat
  10. the first leader of shadowclan
  11. The OG of the name, joined riverclan and shadowclan, bad cat
  12. was made a warrior too young under brokenstar, then later decided to become a medicine cat
  13. arguably the worst Riverclan leader, joined with Tigerstar
  14. the first leader of sky clan
  15. Firestars mother
  16. Bluestars dead daughter
  17. Crookedstars mate, died of sickness when silverstream was a kit
  18. spied in the dark forest
  19. died killing the sharp tooth
  20. Day light warrior, mate of leafstar
  21. Had his body possessed, thunderclan leader
  22. yellowfangs son, made kits fight
  23. changed clans because of the judgement
  24. Fire alone shall save the clan
  25. Cloudtails mom, firestars sister
  26. Firestars warrior name
  27. ridiculously loyal, Bluestars nephew
  28. had three mates, one of which being a medicine cat, two being with different clans
  29. Did everything for her clan and was underappreciated
  30. where gatherings took place
  31. formerly named tiny, took all of tigerstars lives at once
  32. The first leader of new skyclan
  33. 100% got his warrior name too early, atheist despite literal spirits fighting alongside them several times,mates with brightheart
  34. was good before he became windclans leader (warrior name not leader one)
  35. part two of the name, warrior suffix was heart

71 Clues: gray wings mateFirestars motherFirestars fatherIn love with JakeStalker arsonist catFirestars warrior nameBluestars dead daughterfirestars kittypet namespied in the dark forestThe killer of spottedleafWas breifly named lostfacewhere gatherings took placeScourges deputy of bloodclanthe first leader of sky clandied killing the sharp tooth...

Warrior cats 2024-09-29

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. x
  2. 23
  3. h
  4. w
  5. 3
  6. 1
  7. c
  8. s
  9. m
  10. 24
  11. 17
  12. k
  13. 13
  14. g
  15. 11
  16. f
  17. t
  18. a
  19. r
  20. i
  21. 4
  22. 15
  23. x
  24. o
  1. v
  2. u
  3. 6
  4. 21
  5. 12
  6. l
  7. 22
  8. 18
  9. 25
  10. 9
  11. q
  12. j
  13. p
  14. 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526
  15. n
  16. 7
  17. 10
  18. 26
  19. b
  20. 2
  21. e
  22. 19
  23. 8
  24. d
  25. 5
  26. y
  27. 20
  28. 16
  29. 14

53 Clues: vxu6lhw39qj1cpsmnk7gbf2teari84d5yxo23211222182524171013261119152016141234567891011121314151617181920212223242526

Warrior Cats 2013-04-19

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. I am Graystripe's mate, after Silverstream died.
  2. I am Firestar's nephew.
  3. I was Silverstream's son. I eventually went to live with the Tribe of the Rushing Waters.
  4. I am Firestar's daughter that became a medicene cat. I also was a spy in the Dark Forest.
  5. I am Bramblecalw's sister. I went to live in ShadowClan.
  6. I was Crookedstar's daughter; I died giving birth to my kits.
  7. I killed Sharptooth, but at the cost of my life.
  8. I am the deputy of ThunderClan because of Graystripe's absence.
  9. I was named this by Bluestar when I was mauled my Tigerstar's half-trained dogs. Later I was renamed my Firestar.
  10. I am the blind medicene cat that can walk in other cat's dreams.
  11. I am Firestar's mate.
  12. I killed Scrouge in the battle against BloodClan, but lost a life in battle with him.
  1. I was Bluestar's daughter that died on the way to RiverClan.
  2. I was Bluestar's son.
  3. I was caught in Tigerstar's trap for Bluestar, so I was never able to become a warrior.
  4. I was not part of the Three, bit originally I thought I was.
  5. I am Firestar's daughter that became a warrior.
  6. I was ShadowClan's leader for a very short period. I was not granted 9 lives, like other leaders.
  7. I was originally loved by Fireheart, before I was murdered.
  8. I am Firestar's best friend
  9. I was the leader of WindClan until I died at the Clan's new home by the lake.
  10. I was a medicene cat, but I had kits. Only one survived, and eventually became ShadowClan's leader.
  11. I forced young kits to fight in battle until I was killed by Yellowfang's deathberries.
  12. I am unbeatable in battle unless I let my self be hurt.
  13. I was Firestar's worst enemy until I lost all 9 lives and was killed by Scrouge.
  14. I was Bluestar's daughter that survived the journey to RiverClan.
  15. I am Tigerstar and Sasha's son.
  16. I gave up my kits to become leader of ThunderClan
  17. I can hear things from miles away.
  18. I am Tigerstar and Sasha's daughter.

30 Clues: I was Bluestar's son.I am Firestar's mate.I am Firestar's nephew.I am Firestar's best friendI am Tigerstar and Sasha's son.I can hear things from miles away.I am Tigerstar and Sasha's daughter.I am Firestar's daughter that became a warrior.I am Graystripe's mate, after Silverstream died.I killed Sharptooth, but at the cost of my life....

Warrior cats 2021-02-23

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. woonplaats van een clan
  2. Wat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?
  3. clan van de overleden katten
  4. Vuurharts huiskatvriend
  5. straat in clantaal
  6. Vuurharts beste vriend
  7. huiskat in clantaal
  8. Hier verblijven de kittens.
  9. kat die instaat voor de bescherming van de clan
  10. Wat wordt Brokkelster nadat hij verslagen is?
  1. mensen in clantaal
  2. Hier moeten toekomstige leiders een wacht houden s'nachts.
  3. Waar sterft de rivierclankat?
  4. favoriete prooi van de windclan
  5. clannaam Vuurharts neefje
  6. aantal levens van een leider
  7. schuilplaats van Windclan bij vlucht
  8. Hier redt Zilverstroom Grijsstreeps leven.
  9. medicijn tegen groenhoest
  10. Vuurharts zus

20 Clues: Vuurharts zusmensen in clantaalstraat in clantaalhuiskat in clantaalVuurharts beste vriendwoonplaats van een clanVuurharts huiskatvriendclannaam Vuurharts neefjemedicijn tegen groenhoestHier verblijven de kittens.aantal levens van een leiderclan van de overleden kattenWaar sterft de rivierclankat?favoriete prooi van de windclan...

Warrior cats 2021-02-23

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. clan van de overleden katten
  2. aantal levens van een leider
  3. kat die instaat voor de bescherming van de clan
  4. clannaam Vuurharts neefje
  5. Waar sterft de rivierclankat?
  6. huiskat in clantaal
  7. Vuurharts huiskatvriend
  8. Vuurharts zus
  9. woonplaats van een clan
  10. Wat wordt Brokkelster nadat hij verslagen is?
  1. Vuurharts beste vriend
  2. schuilplaats van Windclan bij vlucht
  3. Hier verblijven de kittens.
  4. mensen in clantaal
  5. medicijn tegen groenhoest
  6. Hier moeten toekomstige leiders een wacht houden s'nachts.
  7. straat in clantaal
  8. favoriete prooi van de windclan
  9. Wat hoort Vuurhart in zijn droom?
  10. Wat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?

20 Clues: Vuurharts zusmensen in clantaalstraat in clantaalhuiskat in clantaalVuurharts beste vriendVuurharts huiskatvriendwoonplaats van een clanclannaam Vuurharts neefjemedicijn tegen groenhoestHier verblijven de kittens.clan van de overleden kattenaantal levens van een leiderWaar sterft de rivierclankat?favoriete prooi van de windclan...

Warrior cats 2021-02-23

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. medicijn tegen groenhoest
  2. Vuurharts beste vriend
  3. kat die instaat voor de bescherming van de clan
  4. woonplaats van een clan
  5. mensen
  6. een straat
  7. aantal levens van een leider
  8. favoriete prooi van de windclan
  9. clan van de overleden katten
  1. Hier moeten toekomstige leiders een wacht houden s' nachts.
  2. Vuurharts huiskatvriend
  3. Hier verblijven de kittens.
  4. huiskat
  5. Wat werd Brokkelster nadat hij verslagen is?
  6. Wat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?
  7. Vuurharts neefje
  8. Vuurharts zus
  9. schuilplaats van Windclan bij vlucht
  10. Waar valt de rivierclankat in?
  11. Uit wat redde Zilverstroom Grijsstreep?

20 Clues: mensenhuiskateen straatVuurharts zusVuurharts neefjeVuurharts beste vriendVuurharts huiskatvriendwoonplaats van een clanmedicijn tegen groenhoestHier verblijven de kittens.aantal levens van een leiderclan van de overleden kattenWaar valt de rivierclankat in?favoriete prooi van de windclanWat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?...

WARRIOR CATS 2021-12-05

WARRIOR CATS crossword puzzle


Warrior cats 2020-11-06

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. Herb used to reduce pain
  2. Two weeks
  3. Road
  4. Blind cat that hated Firestar
  5. Dock
  6. Yellowfangs Apprentice
  7. Bluestars Daughter, Riverclan Leader
  8. Knew tigerstar killed redtail
  9. Month
  10. Bluestar and Snowfur's mother.is Thunderclan was killed by HawkHeart
  11. Died of Old age after the journey to the lake
  12. Severe chest infection, can be fatal
  1. Trained in the darkforest with hawfrost
  2. Spring
  3. Found the tunnels to the other territories
  4. Poisonous herb
  5. Midnight
  6. bitten by a snake in camp
  7. Brambleclaw's sister
  8. One week
  9. Rotting food
  10. mild chest infection, can lead to greencough
  11. Was fed deathberries when she was a kit
  12. Medicine cat that doesn't believe in starclan
  13. Killed while saving the Tribe
  14. Died by getting hit by a Monster on the thunderpath
  15. Used to stop bleeding
  16. Deputy of "Darkclan"

28 Clues: RoadDockMonthSpringMidnightOne weekTwo weeksRotting foodPoisonous herbBrambleclaw's sisterDeputy of "Darkclan"Used to stop bleedingYellowfangs ApprenticeHerb used to reduce painbitten by a snake in campBlind cat that hated FirestarKilled while saving the TribeKnew tigerstar killed redtailBluestars Daughter, Riverclan Leader...

Warrior cats 2023-05-09

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. who WAS Mistystar's only surviving son
  2. Brokenstar's foster mother
  3. Who is Hollyleaf's mate?
  4. What does bramblestar's imposter accidentally call Dewnose?
  5. Graystripe's second mate
  6. Crowfeather's father
  7. What is the herb to cure bellyache?
  8. Bristlefrost's mentor
  9. Who took over Bramblestar's body?
  10. Crowfeather's mother
  11. Gorsepaw's mentor
  12. Who did Rootspring have a crush on?
  13. Who did everyone in SC think was Brokenkit's mother?
  14. Oakheart and Crookedstar's father
  15. Who was Appledusk's second mate?
  1. Who is the father of Bluestar's kits?
  2. Fallen Leaves's mother
  3. Who is the owner of the stick Jayfeather found?
  4. Who had a crush on Dovewing?
  5. Willownose's father
  6. Who did Bramblestar's Imposter let make patrols so he could spend more time with Squirrelflight?
  7. Shellheart's mother
  8. Silverstream's foster mother
  9. Who was Appledusk's first mate?
  10. Which kit of Reedshine's was named after Appledusk?
  11. Who is Dewnose's mate?
  12. SIlverstream's mate
  13. Who is Lionblaze's daughter named after?

28 Clues: Gorsepaw's mentorWillownose's fatherShellheart's motherSIlverstream's mateCrowfeather's fatherCrowfeather's motherBristlefrost's mentorFallen Leaves's motherWho is Dewnose's mate?Who is Hollyleaf's mate?Graystripe's second mateBrokenstar's foster motherWho had a crush on Dovewing?Silverstream's foster motherWho was Appledusk's first mate?...

warrior cats 2023-05-20

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. HOW DID I KNOW?!?!?!
  2. best voice best bread
  3. that one staar from into the wild
  4. the one i was right about
  5. boook i read
  6. the sun trail
  7. blind slob
  8. firestaar prophecy
  9. cat that sounds like revrend alden
  1. scourgestaar
  2. midnight
  3. prophesy?
  4. wise jellicle
  5. rootspring's father
  6. staarclan leader
  7. me as a warrior
  8. cat that kills dogs
  9. firestaer
  10. fake medicine cat
  11. best kittypet
  12. treeface
  13. stored kittens under a bush
  14. tito cat
  15. disgusting chewed up face

24 Clues: midnighttreefacetito catprophesy?firestaerblind slobscourgestaarboook i readwise jelliclebest kittypetthe sun trailme as a warriorstaarclan leaderfake medicine catfirestaar prophecyrootspring's fathercat that kills dogsHOW DID I KNOW?!?!?!best voice best breadthe one i was right aboutdisgusting chewed up facestored kittens under a bush...

Warrior Cats 2024-04-26

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. My son is Cloudtail, and my brother is Firestar
  2. I am the grandmother of Alderheart
  3. I am the evil brother of Mothwing
  4. I was the first mate of Tigerstar
  5. I am the reincarnated version of Cinderpelt
  6. I am the mother of Onestar
  7. I was the first death in the books
  8. My sister lives in ShadowClan
  9. I moved to a barn to live with my friend
  10. My grandfather was killed by Scourge
  11. My sister is mates with Fernsong
  12. I was killed by an adder
  13. My father is onestar
  14. I am the second mate of Crowfeather
  15. I am the grandfather of a cat with the same name as me
  16. My friend left me to join ThunderClan
  17. I cheated on my mate who was from ThunderClan
  18. My mate is the nephew of Firestar
  19. My two back legs are paralyzed
  20. I am the only clan/alive cat who was born to Sagenose and Birdwing
  21. I was the second mate of Tigerstar
  22. I had a crush on Tigerstar, and I was the leader of RiverClan
  23. I was the medicine cat when Firepaw first came to ThunderClan
  1. My mate cheated on me after I was exiled from my clan for having his kits
  2. My brother was mates with Bluestar
  3. I am the daughter of Bluestar, and a leader of RiverClan
  4. I am the mate to Brightheart
  5. Jayfeather was unable to save me from drowning
  6. I am the son-in-law of Tigerstar/claw
  7. My son has a crooked jaw
  8. I'm a grumpy, old medicine cat
  9. My kit was taken by a hawk
  10. I am the halfbrother of Lionblaze
  11. I was the mate of Brackenfur before I died
  12. My son became the leader of WindClan, and he is often shipped with a kittypet named Jake
  13. I am a loyal follower of Scourge
  14. I have 7 kits, none who became medicine cats
  15. I'm the father of Firestar
  16. I'm a blind, grumpy medicine cat
  17. I never gained my nine lives because the previous leader was still alive
  18. My sister was run over by a monster, and we had the same suffix
  19. I was Tigerstar's closest ally

42 Clues: My father is onestarMy son has a crooked jawI was killed by an adderMy kit was taken by a hawkI am the mother of OnestarI'm the father of FirestarI am the mate to BrightheartMy sister lives in ShadowClanI'm a grumpy, old medicine catMy two back legs are paralyzedI was Tigerstar's closest allyI am a loyal follower of Scourge...

Warrior cats 2024-03-11

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. One of Tigerstar’s mates
  2. No one knew about them
  3. Squirrelflight’s true daughter
  4. Can’t be hurt
  5. Med cat, doesn’t believe in Starclan
  6. Med cat of Thunderclan, Jayfeather’s apprentice
  7. Watery clan, mostly like water otherwise drypaw
  8. Trained in Darkforest
  9. Firery personality
  10. Dustpelt’s mate
  11. Firestar’s mate
  12. Whitewing’s mate
  13. Brightheart’s sister
  14. Had to leave the clans because of Tigerstar
  15. To noble to ask for help, hates thunder clan like all the other clans
  16. Loved Leafpool once
  17. ‘Dictator’, terror of the forest, killed lots of cats
  18. Read other cats minds/emotions
  19. Stuck up, main clan
  20. One of her daughters are in the power of three
  21. Kind med cat, had kits
  22. Med cat in shadow clan
  23. Not power of three
  24. Crowfeather’s daughter in law
  1. Hurt by dog pack
  2. Ivypool’s mate / Cinderheart’s son
  3. Loves Crowfeather
  4. Leafpool’s friend
  5. Stuck up leader once was Rusty
  6. Another of Tigerstar’s mates
  7. Became Thunderclan leader
  8. Firestar’s nephew
  9. Mean, evil clan
  10. Tawnypelt’s mate
  11. Sorreltail’s mate
  12. Reincarnation of Cinderpelt
  13. Can hear lots of things, power of three
  14. Grouchey old cat (my opinion)
  15. Non med cat Tawnypelt son
  16. Evil, nearly killed Firestar, sadly he did not
  17. Silver cat that saved the tribe of rushing water
  18. Crowfeather’s son
  19. Tigerstar’s son, one of them
  20. Tawnypelt/Rowenclaw’s daughter, I think Crowfrost’s mate
  21. One of Tigerstar’s daughters
  22. Cat at a twoleg place / barn with Ravenpaw

46 Clues: Can’t be hurtMean, evil clanDustpelt’s mateFirestar’s mateHurt by dog packTawnypelt’s mateWhitewing’s mateLoves CrowfeatherLeafpool’s friendFirestar’s nephewSorreltail’s mateCrowfeather’s sonFirery personalityNot power of threeLoved Leafpool onceStuck up, main clanBrightheart’s sisterTrained in DarkforestNo one knew about themKind med cat, had kits...

Warrior cats 2025-01-15

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. What is brook's full name?
  2. where do the Clans meet in the new territories?
  3. What clan was Thunderclan and Windclan combined?
  4. Which spirit cat did Hollyleaf meet in the tunnels?
  5. What is spotfur's novella called?
  6. In which book did Breezepelt attack Jayfeather?
  7. Hollyleaf died saving who?
  8. Which herb treats greencough?
  9. Jayfeather's ancient name
  10. Crowfeather's Windclan son
  11. who was the oldest warrior cat?
  12. What did the dogs at snakerocks say?
  13. What do new warriors have to complete?
  14. How many mates did Gray wing have?
  1. What was Bluestar's name originally going to be?
  2. What was the first super edition?
  3. Which ancient mountain cat did Jayfeather love?
  4. What is the name of the seventh series?
  5. Firestar's warrior name
  6. Who was Birchface's apprentice?
  7. What was Riverstar's name before he was leader?
  8. What did Bluestar originally name Brightheart?
  9. What was Tigerclaw's name originally going to be?
  10. What do riverclan and thunderclan fight over the most?
  11. Which warrior cat died twice? (hint, not a leader)
  12. What was the name of the mountain lion who terrorized the mountain cats?

26 Clues: Firestar's warrior nameJayfeather's ancient nameWhat is brook's full name?Hollyleaf died saving who?Crowfeather's Windclan sonWhich herb treats greencough?Who was Birchface's apprentice?who was the oldest warrior cat?What was the first super edition?What is spotfur's novella called?How many mates did Gray wing have?...

Warrior cats 2021-02-23

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. woonplaats van een clan
  2. Wat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?
  3. clan van de overleden katten
  4. Vuurharts huiskatvriend
  5. straat in clantaal
  6. Vuurharts beste vriend
  7. huiskat in clantaal
  8. Hier verblijven de kittens.
  9. kat die instaat voor de bescherming van de clan
  10. Wat wordt Brokkelster nadat hij verslagen is?
  1. mensen in clantaal
  2. Hier moeten toekomstige leiders een wacht houden s'nachts.
  3. Waar sterft de rivierclankat?
  4. favoriete prooi van de windclan
  5. clannaam Vuurharts neefje
  6. aantal levens van een leider
  7. schuilplaats van Windclan bij vlucht
  8. Hier redt Zilverstroom Grijsstreeps leven.
  9. medicijn tegen groenhoest
  10. Vuurharts zus

20 Clues: Vuurharts zusmensen in clantaalstraat in clantaalhuiskat in clantaalVuurharts beste vriendwoonplaats van een clanVuurharts huiskatvriendclannaam Vuurharts neefjemedicijn tegen groenhoestHier verblijven de kittens.aantal levens van een leiderclan van de overleden kattenWaar sterft de rivierclankat?favoriete prooi van de windclan...

Warrior cats 2021-02-23

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. medicijn tegen groenhoest
  2. Vuurharts beste vriend
  3. kat die instaat voor de bescherming van de clan
  4. woonplaats van een clan
  5. mensen
  6. een straat
  7. aantal levens van een leider
  8. favoriete prooi van de windclan
  9. clan van de overleden katten
  1. Hier moeten toekomstige leiders een wacht houden s' nachts.
  2. Vuurharts huiskatvriend
  3. Hier verblijven de kittens.
  4. huiskat
  5. Wat werd Brokkelster nadat hij verslagen is?
  6. Wat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?
  7. Vuurharts neefje
  8. Vuurharts zus
  9. schuilplaats van Windclan bij vlucht
  10. Waar valt de rivierclankat in?
  11. Uit wat redde Zilverstroom Grijsstreep?

20 Clues: mensenhuiskateen straatVuurharts zusVuurharts neefjeVuurharts beste vriendVuurharts huiskatvriendwoonplaats van een clanmedicijn tegen groenhoestHier verblijven de kittens.aantal levens van een leiderclan van de overleden kattenWaar valt de rivierclankat in?favoriete prooi van de windclanWat is Brokkelster van Geeltand?...

warrior cats 2021-12-22

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. mr. old man, part of thunderclan, dead, elder, helped the new prophecy journeying cats
  2. mated with crowfeather, mom of the three
  3. everyone's dad, tallstar's husband
  4. the one who trapped the 3 in the fire
  5. hey guys look its the patrol guy lololol Laugh.
  6. rootspring's mom, tree's wife, twigbranch's sister
  7. dovewing's sister
  8. thunderclan leader before firestar
  9. puddleshine's apprentice, part of the broken code
  10. hawkfrost's sister
  11. prodigy of the sisters, rootspring's dad
  12. firestar's half brother
  13. bramblestar's rival and halfsibling
  14. thunderclan medicine cat, squirrelflight's son
  15. violetshine's sister, finleap's wife
  16. first main protagonist
  17. firestar's formal rival, taken down by a rabbit
  18. part of the three, same prefix as lionheart
  19. firestar's sister
  20. married a ghost, former part of the 3
  1. child killer, evil, exes with appledusk
  2. squirrelflight's husband
  3. ex-shadowclan deputy, bramblestar's sister
  4. firestar's former apprentice
  5. former thunderclan, best friends with barley
  6. rainbow eyes, part of the 3
  7. the riverclan leader that never dies
  8. mothwing's dead sibling
  9. tigerclaw's mate for that one manga series, mothwing and hawkfrost's mom
  10. thunderclan medicine cat, cranky, leafpool's son
  11. ex-shadowclan leader, not to be mistaken with tigerheart
  12. scourge's accomplice
  13. lostface
  14. darktail's dad, the worst windclan leader ever
  15. firestar's first friend
  16. mr.anger issues, crowfeather's son
  17. violetshine's son, likes bristlefrost
  18. original skyclan leader, everyone thinks hes evil for some reason

38 Clues: lostfacedovewing's sisterfirestar's sisterhawkfrost's sisterscourge's accomplicefirst main protagonistmothwing's dead siblingfirestar's half brotherfirestar's first friendsquirrelflight's husbandrainbow eyes, part of the 3firestar's former apprenticeeveryone's dad, tallstar's husbandthunderclan leader before firestar...

Warrior Cats 2016-12-16

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Son of Princess, friend of BrightHeart
  2. Gray tom-cat, old friend of FireStar
  3. Early River-Clan leader, twisted jawed tom-cat
  4. Black and white tom, early Wind-clan leader
  5. Pale ginger female, old friend of FireStar
  6. Cranky silver Thunder-clan medicine tom-cat
  7. evil amber tabby tom-cat
  8. White and ginger female cat, scarred by dog
  9. Tiny black evil tom-cat, leader of BloodClan
  1. Female tortoiseshell, sister of BrambleStar
  2. Dark medicine cat of Thunder-Clan, came from Shadow-Clan
  3. Nephew of BlueStar, white tom-cat
  4. Heroic ginger tom-cat, old friend of Graystripe and Sandstorm
  5. FireStar's kittypet sister, mother of CloudTail
  6. Speckled gray female, mother to many kittens
  7. Current Thunder-clan deputy, Daughter of FIreStar
  8. Son of Bramble-Star
  9. Dark tabby tom-cat current Thunder-clan leader
  10. Medicine cat of Thunder-Clan, Daughter of FireStar
  11. Female blue gray cat, early Thunder-clan leader

20 Clues: Son of Bramble-Starevil amber tabby tom-catNephew of BlueStar, white tom-catGray tom-cat, old friend of FireStarSon of Princess, friend of BrightHeartPale ginger female, old friend of FireStarFemale tortoiseshell, sister of BrambleStarBlack and white tom, early Wind-clan leaderCranky silver Thunder-clan medicine tom-cat...

Warrior Cats 2016-12-16

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Son of Bramble-Star
  2. Son of Princess, friend of BrightHeart
  3. Nephew of BlueStar, white tom-cat
  4. Medicine cat of Thunder-Clan, Daughter of FireStar
  5. Early River-Clan leader, twisted jawed tom-cat
  6. Dark medicine cat of Thunder-Clan, came from Shadow-Clan
  7. Current Thunder-clan deputy, Daughter of FIreStar
  8. Gray tom-cat, old friend of FireStar
  9. Speckled gray female, mother to many kittens
  10. Pale ginger female, old friend of FireStar
  11. Female tortoiseshell, sister of BrambleStar
  12. Heroic ginger tom-cat, old friend of Graystripe and Sandstorm
  1. Cranky silver Thunder-clan medicine tom-cat
  2. Female blue gray cat, early Thunder-clan leader
  3. White and ginger female cat, scarred by dog
  4. Dark tabby tom-cat current Thunder-clan leader
  5. Black and white tom, early Wind-clan leader
  6. Tiny black evil tom-cat, leader of BloodClan
  7. evil amber tabby tom-cat
  8. FireStar's kittypet sister, mother of CloudTail

20 Clues: Son of Bramble-Starevil amber tabby tom-catNephew of BlueStar, white tom-catGray tom-cat, old friend of FireStarSon of Princess, friend of BrightHeartPale ginger female, old friend of FireStarCranky silver Thunder-clan medicine tom-catWhite and ginger female cat, scarred by dogBlack and white tom, early Wind-clan leader...

WARRIOR CATS 2023-11-15

WARRIOR CATS crossword puzzle
  1. Bramblestar's mate
  2. Millie's daughter
  3. Ashfur's sister
  4. Mousewhisker's father
  5. Mistystar's son
  6. Cloudtail's mate
  7. Firestar's nephew
  8. Dovewing's littermate
  9. Tigerstar's daughter(Tigerstar #1)
  10. Stonefur's sister
  11. Thornclaw's older brother
  1. Crookedstar's father
  2. Daisy's son
  3. Skyclan's enemy
  4. One of Ferncloud's sons
  5. Crowfeather's mate
  6. Firestar's father
  7. Dovewing's mentor
  8. Lilyheart's mate
  9. fur Mothflight's son
  10. Birchfall's mate
  11. Frostpaw's crush
  12. Bluestar's nephew
  13. Crowfeather's true love
  14. Jake's bestie
  15. Killed by dogs
  16. Silverstream's son
  17. Nightheart's mate

28 Clues: Daisy's sonJake's bestieKilled by dogsSkyclan's enemyAshfur's sisterMistystar's sonLilyheart's mateBirchfall's mateFrostpaw's crushCloudtail's mateMillie's daughterFirestar's fatherDovewing's mentorBluestar's nephewFirestar's nephewStonefur's sisterNightheart's mateBramblestar's mateCrowfeather's mateSilverstream's sonCrookedstar's father...

Warrior Cats 2023-04-01

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. One of the most recent RiverClan med cats' names, Curlfeather's daughter
  2. First SkyClan med cat's name
  3. First SkyClan leader's name (not star)
  4. First ThunderClan med cat's name
  5. Most recent SkyClan leader's name
  6. First RiverClan leader's name (not star)
  7. Most recent RiverClan leader's name
  8. One of the most recent ShadowClan med cats' names, Leafpool's former apprentice
  9. First WindClan med cat's name
  10. One of the most recent ThunderClan med cats' names, Sparkpelt's brother
  11. One of the most recent WindClan med cats' names, Barkface's former apprentice
  1. One of the most recent WindClan med cats' names, Kestrelflight's apprentice
  2. Most recent WindClan leader's name
  3. One of the most recent ThunderClan med cats' names, one of the Three
  4. First ShadowClan leader's name (not star)
  5. First ShadowClan med cat's name
  6. Most recent ThunderClan leader's name
  7. First WindClan leader's name (not star)
  8. Most recent ShadowClan leader's name
  9. One of the most recent ShadowClan med cats' names, has no connection with StarClan
  10. One of the most recent RiverClan med cats' names, Hawkfrost's sister
  11. One of the most recent SkyClan med cats' names, helped RiverClan in Sky
  12. First RiverClan med cat's name
  13. One of the most recent SkyClan med cats' names, Echosong's former apprentice
  14. First ThunderClan leader's name (not star)

25 Clues: First SkyClan med cat's nameFirst WindClan med cat's nameFirst RiverClan med cat's nameFirst ShadowClan med cat's nameFirst ThunderClan med cat's nameMost recent SkyClan leader's nameMost recent WindClan leader's nameMost recent RiverClan leader's nameMost recent ShadowClan leader's nameMost recent ThunderClan leader's name...

warrior cats 2023-07-13

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. ik gaf mijn kittens op om leider van de donderclan te worden
  2. ik ben vuursters neefje
  3. ik was niet deel van de drie, maar ik dacht van wel
  4. ik hield van vuurster voordat ik werd vermoord
  5. ik ben blauwsters dochter (als leider) die de reis naar de rivierclan overleefde
  6. ik ben de commandant van de donderclan omdat grijsstreep weg is
  7. ik wilde jonge kittens laten vechten, tot ik dood ging door geeltand doodsbessen
  8. ik ben grijstreeps partner nadat zilverstroom stierf
  9. ik doode schruk in de strijd met de bloedclan, maar verloor een leven
  10. ik ben blauwsters zoon
  11. ik ben vuursters beste vriend
  12. ik ben een blinde medicijnkat die in andere dromen van katten kan wandelen
  13. ik ben vuursters dochter die spioneerder bij het duistere woud en medicijnkat werd
  14. ik doodde scherptand, maar het koste me mijn leven
  15. ik ben zo genoemd door blauwster nadat ik was aangevallen door de honde meute, later heeft vuurster mijn naam verandert
  1. ik zat gevangen in tijgerklauw vacht dat was bedoeld voor blauwster
  2. ik was de medicijnkat maar had kits en maar een overleefde het, en hij werd leider van de schaduwclan
  3. ik ben vuursters dochter en werd een krijger
  4. ik was maar heel even de schaduwclankrijger, want ik kreeg niet mijn 9 levens zoals de andere leiders
  5. ik ben blauwsters dochter die stierf tijdens de reis naar de rivierclan
  6. ik ben vuursters partner
  7. ik ben tijgerster en sasha's dochter
  8. ik ben zilverstrooms zoon, maar ging later bij de stam der waterstromen leven
  9. ik kan alles van mijlen ver horen
  10. ik ben tijgersters en sasha's zoon
  11. ik ben kromster dochter die stierf terwijl ze beviel van mijn kits
  12. ik was vuursters vijand todat ik al mijn 9 levens in een keer verloor
  13. ik was de leider van de windclan en stierf toen de clans net aankwamen bij hun nieuwe thuis
  14. ik ben braamster(vacht) zus die bij de schaduwclan ging leven

29 Clues: ik ben blauwsters zoonik ben vuursters neefjeik ben vuursters partnerik ben vuursters beste vriendik kan alles van mijlen ver horenik ben tijgersters en sasha's zoonik ben tijgerster en sasha's dochterik ben vuursters dochter en werd een krijgerik hield van vuurster voordat ik werd vermoordik doodde scherptand, maar het koste me mijn leven...

Warrior Cats 2018-10-22

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. white she-cat with silver patches filled with gray tabby stripes and used to be trainee of the Dark Forest
  2. dark brown tabby tom with a patch of white on his chest and icy blue eyes
  3. tortishell and white daughter of Millie who put her aside when Briarlight was injured ex Dark Forest Trainee
  4. small black tom witha single white paw in the front left and a purple collar with dog teeth in it
  5. spunky she-cat with a sandy pelt and sharp tounge
  6. brown tabby tom who I dislike
  7. silver she-cat former mate of Graystripe
  8. brown she-cat who spine was broken when a tree fell upon her
  9. gray tom with a love for food and two mates one dead
  1. blue she-cat with a silver muzzle who went insane after Tigerstar betrayed her
  2. evil leader of ShadowClan, dark brown tabby with kinked tail
  3. small ginger tabby she-cat who used to be a rouge
  4. golden tom with a lion like neck fur and is often described as a gary stu
  5. purple she-cat with orange eyes and a black star on her forehead leader of TunderCaln
  6. brown tabby tom who is evil
  7. silver and gray tabby she-cat who is the current mate of Graystripe
  8. orange tom with kittypet blood and prophecies surrounding him
  9. black tom with white paws and a white tail tip and fears that led him to leave his clan
  10. dusky brown she-cat who never wanted a mate

19 Clues: brown tabby tom who is evilbrown tabby tom who I dislikesilver she-cat former mate of Graystripedusky brown she-cat who never wanted a matesmall ginger tabby she-cat who used to be a rougespunky she-cat with a sandy pelt and sharp toungegray tom with a love for food and two mates one deadevil leader of ShadowClan, dark brown tabby with kinked tail...

warrior cats 2024-01-16

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. The cat who gets a message from Bluestar
  2. The animal that Squirelpaw said smells bad
  3. The animal that gives Tawnypelt an infection
  4. what did Crowpaw do to Brambleclaw when they first met
  5. The clan with the smallest territory
  6. What type of root did Tawnypelt need to heal her infected shoulder
  7. What clan cats call cats not in a clan
  8. Leader of Thunderclan
  9. The name of the old tom with no clan
  10. The cats have a code called the...
  11. The Thundrcjourneyprentice on the journey
  1. The clan that lives by the water
  2. What clan is Crowpaw a part of
  3. Thunderclan medicine cat
  4. The place where the four clans have meetings
  5. The thing cats call a road
  6. Brambleclaws father
  7. The animal that Midnight is
  8. The clan that sends messages

19 Clues: Brambleclaws fatherLeader of ThunderclanThunderclan medicine catThe thing cats call a roadThe animal that Midnight isThe clan that sends messagesWhat clan is Crowpaw a part ofThe clan that lives by the waterThe cats have a code called the...The clan with the smallest territoryThe name of the old tom with no clan...

Warrior Cats 2022-04-09

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. gave birth to two of the three (power of three)
  2. one of the cats that went to the sun-drown-place
  3. beautiful medicine cat
  4. evil cat with dark tail
  5. died to save the clans
  6. evil rouge leader
  7. trained in the darkforest because sister was favored
  8. named after thunderclans greatest leader
  9. greatest thunderclan leader
  10. named after his long claws
  1. old pale gray-blue she-cat
  2. first clan cat met in the series
  3. a cat on the journey to the sun-drown place
  4. has fluffy tail
  5. oldest cat
  6. mom died a while after birth
  7. present thunderclan leaders' sister
  8. died from thunder path

18 Clues: oldest cathas fluffy tailevil rouge leaderbeautiful medicine catdied to save the clansdied from thunder pathevil cat with dark tailold pale gray-blue she-catnamed after his long clawsgreatest thunderclan leadermom died a while after birthfirst clan cat met in the seriespresent thunderclan leaders' sisternamed after thunderclans greatest leader...

Warrior Cats 2020-10-07

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Mothflight's mate
  2. Firestar's mate
  3. leader of Bloodclan
  4. who does rootpaw like
  5. hawkfrost's sister
  6. squirrelflights daughter
  7. who is rootpaw's father
  8. the blind medicine cat
  1. lionblaze, hollyleaf, and jayfeather's dad
  2. leader of thunderclan when firestar comes
  3. the original name of the first windclan leader
  4. lionblaze and jayfeather's sister
  5. Hawkfrost/mothwing's mom
  6. cloudtail's mother
  7. the first medicine cat
  8. firestar's kittypet name
  9. Crowfeather's first mate

17 Clues: Firestar's mateMothflight's matecloudtail's motherhawkfrost's sisterleader of Bloodclanwho does rootpaw likethe first medicine catthe blind medicine catwho is rootpaw's fatherHawkfrost/mothwing's momfirestar's kittypet namesquirrelflights daughterCrowfeather's first matelionblaze and jayfeather's sisterleader of thunderclan when firestar comes...

Warriors Trivia 2023-01-02

Warriors Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. cars
  2. Road
  3. Crookedstar, Leapordstar...
  4. Sun at highest
  5. Rules
  6. Cats who protect
  7. Cats who train
  8. House cat
  9. Retired Cats
  10. Tallstar, Onestar
  11. People
  12. Galaxy, many stars in the night sky
  13. Nightstar, Tigerstar...
  14. A prediction
  15. Summer
  16. Winter
  1. Moon at highest
  2. Fall
  3. Where all clans come together to discuss about matters and news
  4. ThunderClan territory, which RiverClan fights for
  5. Cats under 6 moons
  6. Cats who heal
  7. Cats who lead
  8. Bluestar, Firestar...
  9. Pets who kill cats and bark
  10. Warrior Ancestors
  11. Next in line for leading
  12. Spring

28 Clues: FallcarsRoadRulesPeopleSpringSummerWinterHouse catRetired CatsA predictionCats who healCats who leadSun at highestCats who trainMoon at highestCats who protectTallstar, OnestarWarrior AncestorsCats under 6 moonsBluestar, Firestar...Nightstar, Tigerstar...Next in line for leadingCrookedstar, Leapordstar...Pets who kill cats and bark...

warrior cats 2022-03-29

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. a simple way of describing a set of programming instructions in a manner that resembles a programming language
  2. a programming construct where a section of code is run only if a condition is met
  3. a data type composed of a number that is not an integer
  4. a series of memory locations – or 'boxes' – each of which holds a single item of data, but with each box sharing the same name
  5. whole numbers represented as binary values
  6. Data values that stay the same every time a program is executed
  7. a data item that may take on more than one value during the runtime of a program.
  8. changing the data type of a piece of data from one type to another
  1. a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition
  2. a diagram that depicts a process, system or computer algorithm.
  3. a data type where the data only has two possible variables: true or false
  4. a statement in computer programming that is used to set a value to a variable name
  5. with the object or purpose of:
  6. else if
  7. manipulation (use) of technology for some aims beyond the tool itself.
  8. a linear sequence of characters, words, or other data.
  9. the specific order in which instructions are performed in an algorithm.

17 Clues: else ifwith the object or purpose of:whole numbers represented as binary valuesa linear sequence of characters, words, or other data.a data type composed of a number that is not an integera diagram that depicts a process, system or computer algorithm.Data values that stay the same every time a program is executed...

Warrior Cats 2022-05-30

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. The daughter of Graystripe
  2. Very old cat of Skyclan
  3. Helped Bluestar with her kits
  4. "Loves" mice (But they poisioned her)
  5. Leader of Ancient Thunderclan
  6. Leader of Ancient Windclan
  7. Leader of Ancient Riverclan
  8. was the Medicine cat is Bluestar's Prophecy
  1. Mother of Bramblestar and Tawnypelt
  2. Leader of Ancient Shadowclan
  3. Goosefeather's Apprentice
  4. Went to be a kittypet
  5. Leader of Ancient Skyclan
  6. Was a Medicine cat of Thunderclan and is related to Skyclan cats
  7. Newest leader of Skyclan
  8. One of Moonflower's daughters

16 Clues: Went to be a kittypetVery old cat of SkyclanNewest leader of SkyclanGoosefeather's ApprenticeLeader of Ancient SkyclanThe daughter of GraystripeLeader of Ancient WindclanLeader of Ancient RiverclanLeader of Ancient ShadowclanHelped Bluestar with her kitsLeader of Ancient ThunderclanOne of Moonflower's daughtersMother of Bramblestar and Tawnypelt...

Warrior Cats 2022-09-29

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Princesses Firstborn Kit
  2. another name for yew berries
  3. E man who committed arson for his "love interest"
  4. Helpful Clan
  5. face ripped off
  6. died in a fire
  1. shadowclan drove them out
  2. the lost clan
  3. Firehearts former leader
  4. the animals in the forest
  5. possessed
  6. Firehearts leader name
  7. Firehearts kittypet name
  8. the amount of clans in the forest during the first book
  9. killed swiftpaw
  10. evil cat of thunderclan and shadowclan

16 Clues: possessedHelpful Clanthe lost clandied in a firekilled swiftpawface ripped offFirehearts leader nameFirehearts former leaderPrincesses Firstborn KitFirehearts kittypet nameshadowclan drove them outthe animals in the forestanother name for yew berriesevil cat of thunderclan and shadowclanE man who committed arson for his "love interest"...

Warrior cats 2022-03-28

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. who fell into the trap set for bluestar
  2. sandstorm’s father
  3. who did squirrelflight pick bramblestar or ashfur
  4. who knew firestar’s father before firestar was born
  5. who was father to jayfeather, hollyleaf and lionblaze
  6. who liked squirrelflight in the second series
  7. what is the long lost clan
  8. how many clan’s
  9. who gave their place in the stars for sandstorm
  10. firestar’s mother
  1. brokenstar’s mother
  2. who was the evilest cat ever seen in the forest
  3. leopardstar’s father
  4. who tried to kill firestar on tigerstar’s order
  5. what does tigerstar call cats from two clan’s
  6. who did cinderpelt the medicine cat like
  7. who was squirrelflight’s mother along with leafpool

17 Clues: how many clan’sfirestar’s mothersandstorm’s fatherbrokenstar’s motherleopardstar’s fatherwhat is the long lost clanwho fell into the trap set for bluestarwho did cinderpelt the medicine cat likewhat does tigerstar call cats from two clan’swho liked squirrelflight in the second serieswho was the evilest cat ever seen in the forest...

Warrior Cats 2021-09-29

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Firestar's original name.
  2. What Purdy calls humans.
  3. This group of cats excels at catching rabbits.
  4. Term used by the clans for housecats.
  5. People.
  6. Son of Yellowfang.
  7. Firestar's mate.
  8. Deputy murdered by Tigerstar.
  9. This group of cats resides in the forest, and is the focus of most of the books.
  10. This group of cats has a reputation for using underhanded tactics to win fights.
  1. Another name for cherries.
  2. The missing fifth clan that was driven from their home.
  3. Honorific given to apprentices.
  4. Carrion.
  5. Honorific given to leaders.
  6. Cats taken care of by apprentices.
  7. This group of cats is able to swim and finds prey easily in the winter.

17 Clues: People.Carrion.Firestar's mate.Son of Yellowfang.What Purdy calls humans.Firestar's original name.Another name for cherries.Honorific given to leaders.Deputy murdered by Tigerstar.Honorific given to apprentices.Cats taken care of by apprentices.Term used by the clans for housecats.This group of cats excels at catching rabbits....

Warrior Cats 2022-09-29

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Princesses Firstborn Kit
  2. another name for yew berries
  3. E man who committed arson for his "love interest"
  4. Helpful Clan
  5. face ripped off
  6. died in a fire
  1. shadowclan drove them out
  2. the lost clan
  3. Firehearts former leader
  4. the animals in the forest
  5. possessed
  6. Firehearts leader name
  7. Firehearts kittypet name
  8. the amount of clans in the forest during the first book
  9. killed swiftpaw
  10. evil cat of thunderclan and shadowclan

16 Clues: possessedHelpful Clanthe lost clandied in a firekilled swiftpawface ripped offFirehearts leader nameFirehearts former leaderPrincesses Firstborn KitFirehearts kittypet nameshadowclan drove them outthe animals in the forestanother name for yew berriesevil cat of thunderclan and shadowclanE man who committed arson for his "love interest"...

Warrior Cats 2022-12-29

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Waar wonen de katten?
  2. Wie is de leider van de Schaduwclan?
  3. Wie is de leider van de Rivierclan?
  4. Wanneer speelt dit verhaal zich af?
  5. Wat vinden de clans na hun zoektocht?
  1. Wie is de knappe rode kater en hoofdpersonage?
  2. Welke clan neemt de rustigste weg?
  3. Welke dieren gaan op avontuur?
  4. Wie heeft dit boek geschreven?
  5. Welke clan trotseert rivieren en meren?
  6. Wie is de leider van de Windclan?
  7. Welke clan neemt de gevaarlijkste weg?
  8. Welke clan gaat langs open vlakten?
  9. Naar wie gaan de vier clans op zoek?
  10. Hoe omschrijf je het karakter van Vuurster?
  11. Waarom zoeken de clans hun ex-leider?

16 Clues: Waar wonen de katten?Welke dieren gaan op avontuur?Wie heeft dit boek geschreven?Wie is de leider van de Windclan?Welke clan neemt de rustigste weg?Welke clan gaat langs open vlakten?Wie is de leider van de Rivierclan?Wanneer speelt dit verhaal zich af?Wie is de leider van de Schaduwclan?Naar wie gaan de vier clans op zoek?...

Warrior cats 2023-03-30

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. a glowing rock that helps the cats speak to their ancestors
  2. The cat who killed Tigerstar
  3. Graystripes son
  4. Firestars warrior name
  5. The leader when rusty joined the clan
  6. Tigerstars other son
  7. the most powerful clan cat
  1. what do the cats call cars
  2. what do the cats call humans
  3. The cat who killed Redtail
  4. a kit was stolen by a hawk
  5. the cat who died to save the tribes
  6. The place clans meet every full moon
  7. the clans warrior ancestors
  8. Bluestars daughter

15 Clues: Graystripes sonBluestars daughterTigerstars other sonFirestars warrior namewhat do the cats call carsThe cat who killed Redtaila kit was stolen by a hawkthe most powerful clan catthe clans warrior ancestorswhat do the cats call humansThe cat who killed Tigerstarthe cat who died to save the tribesThe place clans meet every full moon...

Warrior cats 2024-06-06

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. Mother of LeafPool and Squirellflight.
  2. SandStorms mate
  3. Leader of Bloodclan before being killed by FireStar.
  4. Thought she was one of the power of three
  5. Brother of MothWing and son of TigerStar and Sasha.
  6. paralyzed by a falling tree
  7. When she was banished from her clan her three kits drowned.
  8. BrambleClaws sister
  1. was blinded by a rabbit
  2. Grumpy blind medicine cat
  3. First Medicine cat in The New Prophecy
  4. Died inhaling smoke and was a ThunderClan medicine cat during the first arc
  5. Died saving FireStar from dogs and lost belief in StarClan
  6. Was FireStars first deputy
  7. JayFeathers mentor

15 Clues: SandStorms mateJayFeathers mentorBrambleClaws sisterwas blinded by a rabbitGrumpy blind medicine catWas FireStars first deputyparalyzed by a falling treeMother of LeafPool and Squirellflight.First Medicine cat in The New ProphecyThought she was one of the power of threeBrother of MothWing and son of TigerStar and Sasha....

Warrior Cats 2020-09-09

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. leaves hollyleaf's_love
  2. could've_been_immortal
  3. meh
  4. my_next_favourite_cat
  5. woof_woof
  6. dark_brown_tabby
  7. pure_saltiness
  1. dead_from_tree
  2. jess
  3. crystal
  4. the_evil_and_original
  5. this_guy_just_makes_me_wanna_****
  6. my_favourite_cat
  7. better_known_as_*****fur
  8. went_crazy

15 Clues: mehjesscrystalwoof_woofwent_crazydead_from_treepure_saltinessmy_favourite_catdark_brown_tabbythe_evil_and_originalmy_next_favourite_catcould've_been_immortalleaves hollyleaf's_lovebetter_known_as_*****furthis_guy_just_makes_me_wanna_****

Warrior Cats 2023-05-21

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. the cat named in honor of Lighting Tail
  2. Sparkpelt's mother
  3. A star gazing badger that lives by the sea
  4. This cat killed Tigerstar
  5. the title of the prophecy of the Three
  6. The unscratched mark on Jayfeather's stick is for this cat
  1. Scourge's deputy
  2. Thunderstar's original name
  3. The cats use this to line their nests
  4. Thunderstar's best friend
  5. Scourge's father
  6. Breezepelt is afraid of these
  7. The WindClan cat on the patrol to the Sun-Drown-Place
  8. Firestar's sister
  9. Firestar's mother

15 Clues: Scourge's deputyScourge's fatherFirestar's sisterFirestar's motherSparkpelt's motherThunderstar's best friendThis cat killed TigerstarThunderstar's original nameBreezepelt is afraid of theseThe cats use this to line their neststhe title of the prophecy of the Threethe cat named in honor of Lighting TailA star gazing badger that lives by the sea...

Warrior Cats 2023-06-25

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Firehearts sister
  2. the Clan Firestars restored with Sandstorm
  3. Firehearts first apprentice
  4. Tigerclaws best friend
  5. Firestars clan
  6. The cranky old medicine cat Firepaw found while out hunting
  7. Graystripes love interest
  8. Bramblepaws sister
  9. Cloudpaws adoptive mother
  1. Firehearts nephew
  2. Bluestar’s love interest
  3. Tigerstars apprentice
  4. Firepaws first crush
  5. Firestars mate
  6. Firehearts best friend

15 Clues: Firestars mateFirestars clanFirehearts sisterFirehearts nephewBramblepaws sisterFirepaws first crushTigerstars apprenticeTigerclaws best friendFirehearts best friendBluestar’s love interestGraystripes love interestCloudpaws adoptive motherFirehearts first apprenticethe Clan Firestars restored with Sandstorm...

Warrior cats 2023-03-30

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. a glowing rock that helps the cats speak to their ancestors
  2. The cat who killed Tigerstar
  3. Graystripes son
  4. Firestars warrior name
  5. The leader when rusty joined the clan
  6. Tigerstars other son
  7. the most powerful clan cat
  1. what do the cats call cars
  2. what do the cats call humans
  3. The cat who killed Redtail
  4. a kit was stolen by a hawk
  5. the cat who died to save the tribes
  6. The place clans meet every full moon
  7. the clans warrior ancestors
  8. Bluestars daughter

15 Clues: Graystripes sonBluestars daughterTigerstars other sonFirestars warrior namewhat do the cats call carsThe cat who killed Redtaila kit was stolen by a hawkthe most powerful clan catthe clans warrior ancestorswhat do the cats call humansThe cat who killed Tigerstarthe cat who died to save the tribesThe place clans meet every full moon...

Warriors 'Into The Wild' 2022-04-11

Warriors 'Into The Wild' crossword puzzle
  1. Newborn Warrior
  2. Protector of Kits
  3. Peaceful, respectful
  4. Home
  5. God Cats, Responsible
  6. Retired Warrior
  7. People
  8. Friendly, Love open spaces
  9. A Protector of The Clans
  10. Training to become Warriors
  11. 4 Clans Protect
  12. Years to become
  1. Pets
  2. Healer, Doctor
  3. proud, loyal, defensive
  4. Younger Warrior
  5. Protects Clan and Warriors
  6. Leads The Clan
  7. Need Warrior Blood To be Warriors
  8. Fishers, Love Water

20 Clues: PetsHomePeopleHealer, DoctorLeads The ClanNewborn WarriorYounger WarriorRetired Warrior4 Clans ProtectYears to becomeProtector of KitsFishers, Love WaterPeaceful, respectfulGod Cats, Responsibleproud, loyal, defensiveA Protector of The ClansProtects Clan and WarriorsFriendly, Love open spacesTraining to become Warriors...

Warriors 'Into The Wild' 2022-04-11

Warriors 'Into The Wild' crossword puzzle
  1. Newborn Warrior
  2. Protector of Kits
  3. Peaceful, respectful
  4. Home
  5. God Cats, Responsible
  6. Retired Warrior
  7. People
  8. Friendly, Love open spaces
  9. A Protector of The Clans
  10. Training to become Warriors
  11. 4 Clans Protect
  12. Years to become
  1. Pets
  2. Healer, Doctor
  3. proud, loyal, defensive
  4. Younger Warrior
  5. Protects Clan and Warriors
  6. Leads The Clan
  7. Need Warrior Blood To be Warriors
  8. Fishers, Love Water

20 Clues: PetsHomePeopleHealer, DoctorLeads The ClanNewborn WarriorYounger WarriorRetired Warrior4 Clans ProtectYears to becomeProtector of KitsFishers, Love WaterPeaceful, respectfulGod Cats, Responsibleproud, loyal, defensiveA Protector of The ClansProtects Clan and WarriorsFriendly, Love open spacesTraining to become Warriors...

Warrior Cats 2020-12-03

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Cat who takes care of the kits
  2. When the clans meet in peace on a Full Moon
  3. Warrior in training
  4. Clan with water
  5. Runs the clan
  6. Clan that likes the dark
  7. Cat who lives in Twoleg Place
  8. Warrior in training
  1. Stray cat
  2. Leaders and Medicine cats go here
  3. Clan that loves the breeze
  4. Clan with something that happens in a storm
  5. Where the Kits are taken care of
  6. The name the Leader takes
  7. Cat who is no longer a Warrior (Retired)
  8. Very close with the leader

16 Clues: Stray catRuns the clanClan with waterWarrior in trainingWarrior in trainingClan that likes the darkThe name the Leader takesClan that loves the breezeVery close with the leaderCat who lives in Twoleg PlaceCat who takes care of the kitsWhere the Kits are taken care ofLeaders and Medicine cats go hereCat who is no longer a Warrior (Retired)...

Warrior Cats 2021-03-18

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Dark brown tabby tom; cast out from his Clan and became the leader of ShadowClan
  2. Old blind tom; killed by a fallen tree
  3. Pretty tortoiseshell she-cat; Could have been Firestar's mate if she hadn't died
  4. Ravenpaw's mate; farm cat
  5. Grey tom with a darker grey stripe on his back; One of Firestar's closest friends
  6. Son of Princess, taken in by Firestar and joined ThunderClan
  1. Cloudtail's mate; Only one of her eyes can see due to a dog attack
  2. Black tom with a dash of white on his chest; had to leave the Clan because Tigerclaw threatened him
  3. Brown tabby she-cat paralyzed in her hind legs; Almost died in the same tree fall that killed Longtail
  4. Blue-grey she-cat, once the leader of ThunderClan
  5. Cranky old she-cat, an elder alongside Longtail; Killed by a Dark Forest cat
  6. ThunderClan leader who was once a kittypet; taken in by Bluestar
  7. Ginger tabby she-cat; Firestar's sister and Cloudtail's mother
  8. Firestar's mate; died trying to find SkyClan

14 Clues: Ravenpaw's mate; farm catOld blind tom; killed by a fallen treeFirestar's mate; died trying to find SkyClanBlue-grey she-cat, once the leader of ThunderClanSon of Princess, taken in by Firestar and joined ThunderClanGinger tabby she-cat; Firestar's sister and Cloudtail's motherThunderClan leader who was once a kittypet; taken in by Bluestar...

warrior cats 2025-01-08

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. dog
  2. kitten
  3. snake
  4. cat
  5. place with many trees
  6. food
  7. when cats gather
  1. human
  2. fox
  3. animal
  4. water
  5. a stream
  6. clan of cats who died
  7. cat who live w humans
  8. animal

15 Clues: foxdogcatfoodhumanwatersnakeanimalkittenanimala streamwhen cats gatherclan of cats who diedcat who live w humansplace with many trees

Warrior Cats 2022-02-02

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. What is Sorrelkit Poisoned With?
  2. Color of Whitestorm's Eyes
  3. Color of Hollyleaf's Eyes
  4. Stormfur's Adoptive Mother
  5. How Many White Paws Does Squirrelflight Have?
  6. How Many Deputies Did Bluestar Have?
  7. Sorreltail's Mother
  8. Firestar's Kittypet Friend
  1. What Are You Doing In My Territory?
  2. Tawnypelt's Thunderclan Mentor
  3. Firestar's Pelt
  4. Bluestar's First Mentor
  5. Bluepaw's First Catch
  6. Cinderpelt's Mother

14 Clues: Firestar's PeltCinderpelt's MotherSorreltail's MotherBluepaw's First CatchBluestar's First MentorColor of Hollyleaf's EyesColor of Whitestorm's EyesStormfur's Adoptive MotherFirestar's Kittypet FriendTawnypelt's Thunderclan MentorWhat is Sorrelkit Poisoned With?What Are You Doing In My Territory?How Many Deputies Did Bluestar Have?...

Warrior Cats 2019-02-11

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. an expedition to keep watch over an area
  2. the short, fine, soft hair of certain animals
  3. an experienced and trusted adviser
  4. the hind legs and adjoining parts of a quadruped
  5. a Eurasian plant of the borage family
  6. a wild animal's lair or habitation
  7. taking part in violence
  1. a brave or experienced soldier or fighter
  2. a prickly scrambling vine or shrub
  3. an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impacts
  4. a plant of the daisy family
  5. a female ruler
  6. a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth
  7. the activity of hunting wild animals

14 Clues: a female rulertaking part in violencea plant of the daisy familya prickly scrambling vine or shruban experienced and trusted advisera wild animal's lair or habitationthe activity of hunting wild animalsa Eurasian plant of the borage familyan expedition to keep watch over an areaa brave or experienced soldier or fighter...

Warrior Cats 2025-01-05

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Wat speelt er tussen de verschillende clans?
  2. Welke rol heeft Kraaiveder in zijn clan?
  3. Wat is de familienaam van de auteur?
  4. Wat is de keuze van Loofpoel voor het welzijn van haar clan?
  5. Bij welke clan zit Kraaiveder?
  6. Welk nieuw geheim komt boven water?
  7. Wat is er speciaal aan de relatie tussen bepaalde katten van de clans?
  1. Langs waar ontsnappen Kraaiveder en Loofpoel hun territorium?
  2. Bij welke clan zit Loofpoel?
  3. Hoeveel clans zijn er?
  4. Wat ontstaat er als Loofpoel toch trouw blijft aan haar clan?
  5. Welke rol heeft Loofpoel in zijn clan?
  6. Elke clan heeft een ander territorium met telkens andere kenmerken van de ...?
  7. Loofpoel moet kiezen tussen haar clan of haar liefde voor Kraaiveder.

14 Clues: Hoeveel clans zijn er?Bij welke clan zit Loofpoel?Bij welke clan zit Kraaiveder?Welk nieuw geheim komt boven water?Wat is de familienaam van de auteur?Welke rol heeft Loofpoel in zijn clan?Welke rol heeft Kraaiveder in zijn clan?Wat speelt er tussen de verschillende clans?Wat is de keuze van Loofpoel voor het welzijn van haar clan?...

Warriors 'Into The Wild' 2022-05-18

Warriors 'Into The Wild' crossword puzzle
  1. Fight to protect clan
  2. house cat
  3. New leaders stay overnight
  4. Roads
  5. Cars
  6. human
  7. Deputy
  8. expecting/caring for kits
  1. Rules
  2. must be 6 moons
  3. newborn kittens
  4. Leader
  5. Retired queens and elders
  6. dead warrior cats watching clans
  7. Girl cats
  8. Months
  9. Leader needs to have those lives
  10. Medicine Cat
  11. 4 cat groups

19 Clues: CarsRulesRoadshumanLeaderMonthsDeputyhouse catGirl catsMedicine Cat4 cat groupsmust be 6 moonsnewborn kittensFight to protect clanRetired queens and eldersexpecting/caring for kitsNew leaders stay overnightdead warrior cats watching clansLeader needs to have those lives

Warrior Cats 2024-02-27

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. one word that pretty much explains what the sun is
  2. there are many patrols for these a day
  3. one of Pokemon’s four weathers
  4. retired as leader to become kittypet
  5. patrol better get up early for this!
  6. the wise and an apparent battle tactician
  1. a clan-swapping code-breaking mother
  2. the first clan to be led by its first leader and live in its habitat
  3. “you will spread through the forest like fire, but you will die to water”
  4. a peace treaty held every full moon
  5. an oak for each clan
  6. the first character besides Firestar introduced
  7. the new home for the Clans

13 Clues: an oak for each clanthe new home for the Clansone of Pokemon’s four weathersa peace treaty held every full moona clan-swapping code-breaking motherretired as leader to become kittypetthere are many patrols for these a daypatrol better get up early for this!the wise and an apparent battle tacticianthe first character besides Firestar introduced...

Warrior Cats: Books 1-6 2022-08-06

Warrior Cats: Books 1-6 crossword puzzle
  1. What ShadowClan eats
  2. Red_____
  3. Clan that lives in the sky
  4. What killed Bluestar
  5. Clan that likes to swim
  6. What the cats call the stars
  7. Medicine____
  8. Dust____
  9. Cats that live with twolegs
  10. Leader of ThunderClan when Rusty joined
  11. clans as of book 6
  1. Nine _____ aree given to each leader
  2. Warrior _____
  3. Yellowfang's birth clan
  4. Healer after Yellowfang
  5. Rusty's future mate
  6. cat that lives in a barn
  7. Age a cat usually is when made a warrior
  8. Rusty's best friend
  9. Where the gathering takes place
  10. Main character
  11. How long a moon is in human time
  12. White_____

23 Clues: Red_____Dust____White_____Medicine____Warrior _____Main characterclans as of book 6Rusty's future mateRusty's best friendWhat ShadowClan eatsWhat killed BluestarYellowfang's birth clanHealer after YellowfangClan that likes to swimcat that lives in a barnClan that lives in the skyCats that live with twolegsWhat the cats call the stars...

Warrior Cats Characters 2023-04-01

Warrior Cats Characters crossword puzzle
  1. She-cat that can be in two afterlives
  2. ThunderClan elder with a deaf kit
  3. Jagged Peak and Gray Wing's brother
  4. First SkyClan medicine cat
  5. Atheist medicine cat
  6. First medicine cat, no spaces
  7. Twigbranch's mother
  8. Bramblestar's half-brother
  9. WindClan cat with three mates
  10. Littlecloud's former apprentice
  1. ShadowClan protagonist in 'A Starless Clan'
  2. RiverClan mother to two Half-Clan kits
  3. "Leader" of ShadowClan after Brokenstar
  4. Medicine cat saved by Alderheart while sick
  5. Originally named 'Lostface'
  6. Patrol-loving ThunderClan tom
  7. Leader of WindClan,Firestar's old friend
  8. Was supposed to be Tallstar's successor
  9. Originally named Rusty
  10. Violetshine's mate

20 Clues: Violetshine's mateTwigbranch's motherAtheist medicine catOriginally named RustyFirst SkyClan medicine catBramblestar's half-brotherOriginally named 'Lostface'Patrol-loving ThunderClan tomFirst medicine cat, no spacesWindClan cat with three matesLittlecloud's former apprenticeThunderClan elder with a deaf kitJagged Peak and Gray Wing's brother...

Warrior Cats Fan 2024-12-02

Warrior Cats Fan crossword puzzle
  1. pale ginger she cat with green eyes
  2. dark brown tabby tom
  3. cream colored tom
  4. light brown tabby tom
  5. light brown tabby she cat with amber eyes
  6. striped gray tabby she cat with blue eyes
  7. long haired gray tom
  8. long limbed black tom with brown under belly and amber eyes
  9. white she cat ginger patches
  1. golden brown tabby tom(hint: br)
  2. I am a blind Thunderclan medicine cat.
  3. white she cat with green eyes
  4. long haired white tom with blue eyes
  5. dark ginger she cat with green eyes
  6. small gray and white she cat
  7. golden brown tabby tom (hint:th)
  8. I am a deaf Thunderclan member.
  9. dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
  10. tortoise shelled she cat
  11. gray and white tom
  12. ginger tom with flame colored pelt
  13. I was paralyzed when a tree fell on me.

22 Clues: cream colored tomgray and white tomdark brown tabby tomlong haired gray tomlight brown tabby tomtortoise shelled she catsmall gray and white she catwhite she cat ginger patcheswhite she cat with green eyesI am a deaf Thunderclan member.golden brown tabby tom(hint: br)golden brown tabby tom (hint:th)ginger tom with flame colored pelt...

warrior cats 2023-01-16

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. tegen wie vecht vuurpoot aan het begin van het verhaal
  2. wie is de leerling van tijgerklauw
  3. welke clan loopt in groot gevaar?
  4. wie is de huiskat?
  5. hoeveel clans zijn er?
  1. wie is de leerling van roodstaart
  2. in welk hoofdstuk sloot geeltand zich aan bij de donderclan
  3. wie is de leerling van witstorm
  4. in welk hoofdstuk hhft velkje rufus ontmoet
  5. wie is de leider van de clan?
  6. tegen wie vocht de donderclan bij de zonnerotsen
  7. wie is de medicijnkat?

12 Clues: wie is de huiskat?wie is de medicijnkat?hoeveel clans zijn er?wie is de leider van de clan?wie is de leerling van witstormwie is de leerling van roodstaartwelke clan loopt in groot gevaar?wie is de leerling van tijgerklauwin welk hoofdstuk hhft velkje rufus ontmoettegen wie vocht de donderclan bij de zonnerotsen...

Warrior cats quiz 2025-02-17

Warrior cats quiz crossword puzzle
  1. who was graystripes first mate
  2. who is firestars mate
  3. who said fire alone can save are clan
  4. How many kits did bluestar have
  5. who killed tigerstar
  6. who is firestars sister
  7. what was firestars kittpet name
  8. when did the first warriors book come out
  9. how many lives do leaders have
  10. What was bramblepaws warrior name
  11. less than six moons old
  1. darkstripe gave deathberries to this cat
  2. who killed spottedleaf
  3. where do the clans meet
  4. who is bluestars mate
  5. what cats call humans
  6. what was the last book in the prophecies begin
  7. where does riverclan live in the forest
  8. who killed brindleface
  9. between thunderclan and shadowclan
  10. how many clans are there

21 Clues: who killed tigerstarwho is bluestars matewho is firestars matewhat cats call humanswho killed spottedleafwho killed brindlefacewhere do the clans meetwho is firestars sisterless than six moons oldhow many clans are therewho was graystripes first matehow many lives do leaders haveHow many kits did bluestar havewhat was firestars kittpet name...

Warrior Cats Herbs 2021-10-29

Warrior Cats Herbs crossword puzzle
  1. Used to prevent tooth decay.
  2. Leaves and Roots should be consumed to stave off fevers. Seeds and leaves should be consumed by the nursing Queen to increase available milk. Should never be used dried, only green.
  3. Used to strenghten weak eyes.
  4. Leaves may be chewed and applied to wounds that are clear of infection to speed healing. Roots help strongly with rat bites.
  5. Used to sooth the throat. Particularly good for smoke inhalation.
  6. Used to help cure bellyaches.
  7. Berries ease the stomach and can serve as a counter poison. Leaves are used to ease coughs and other respiratory problems.
  8. Reduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. May also be chewed by a cat with a toothache to reduce pain, swelling, and aid in preventing complications.
  9. Should be consumed to calm the anxious cat and help with shock.
  10. Leaves, flowers, and Stems should be eaten together to remove worms. leaves may be chewed to relive joint aches.
  11. Leaves and Flowers should be consumed to relieve chills. Leaves and Petals can be chewed and placed on wounds to prevent infection.
  12. Bile from the liver of the common mouse may be harvested and used to force stubborn fleas and ticks off of a cat.
  1. Leaves can be used to reduce fever, in addition to being consumed to aid against colds and stomach ailments.
  2. Leaves and Flowers can be used to help and coughs. One of the only cures for green cough and white cough.
  3. Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns.
  4. Used to ease infection.
  5. Entire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting.
  6. Berries, or any other part of the plant, when consumed will kill the cat who swallows if they are not given immediate help, and even then they may not always be saved.
  7. Leaves and Flowers may be consumed to sooth a cat and add to their physical strength.
  8. Used when healing broken bones.
  9. Seeds can be consumed to remove pain and aid in sleeping.
  10. Gathered and pressed into wounds to stop bleeding.

22 Clues: Used to ease infection.Used to prevent tooth decay.Used to strenghten weak eyes.Used to help cure bellyaches.Used when healing broken bones.Gathered and pressed into wounds to stop bleeding.Entire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting.Seeds can be consumed to remove pain and aid in sleeping....

warrior cats crossword 2022-08-25

warrior cats crossword crossword puzzle
  1. leader of bloodclan
  2. a clever and strong clan
  3. a determined and agile clan
  4. a wily and proud clan
  5. the leader of shadowclan before nightstar
  6. a swift and loyal clan
  7. Firestar's best friend
  8. Alderpaw's sister
  9. the main character in the prophecies begin
  1. a fierce and brave clan
  2. a domesticated cat
  3. a cat that heals other cats with herbs
  4. a cat that helps the leader and chooses leaders for border patrols
  5. the main character in a vision of shadows
  6. where medicine cats get their powers
  7. where leaders get their nine lives
  8. a kitten that is to young to be an apprentice
  9. a cat that leads all the clans
  10. learns how to do certain tasks from their mentor
  11. a cat that is neither a clan cat or a kittypet and doesn't live in a group
  12. a cat that defends and hunts for their clan

21 Clues: Alderpaw's sistera domesticated catleader of bloodclana wily and proud clana swift and loyal clanFirestar's best frienda fierce and brave clana clever and strong clana determined and agile clana cat that leads all the clanswhere leaders get their nine liveswhere medicine cats get their powersa cat that heals other cats with herbs...

Warrior Cats Crossword 2023-03-14

Warrior Cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. I was deputy under Bluestar's leadership before Tigerstar
  2. I am Tigerstars former mate
  3. I am the one BlueOak kit that died on the way to RiverClan
  4. I was Yellowfangs first apprentice
  5. I left my clan because of how everyone compared me to my father
  6. I drowned my son, and used to be a former friend of Firestar
  7. I was killed by Tigerstar for the dog pack
  8. I am Whitestorm's mother, sister to Bluestar
  9. We give prophecies to the clans. We also are where clan cats go after death
  10. I was the first deaf character in the main series
  11. I almost killed my ex's kids
  1. Moonkitti wishes strongly for my death. I'm also the current leader of ThunderClan
  2. I took in my medicine cat sister's kits as my own
  3. I was given prophecies from the future. I am also not in the main series
  4. I have a big scar that snakes from my head to my stomach
  5. I am Sasha's warrior son
  6. I gave up my kits to be leader
  7. I'm a tortoiseshell she-cat who was the former ThunderClan medicine cat in the main series
  8. I have had three mates, two of which died. I was also on the journey to the beach
  9. I joined the dark forest to spite my sister
  10. I gave up my nine lives after my clan left for the Kin
  11. I was given prophecies from the imposter

22 Clues: I am Sasha's warrior sonI am Tigerstars former mateI almost killed my ex's kidsI gave up my kits to be leaderI was Yellowfangs first apprenticeI was given prophecies from the imposterI was killed by Tigerstar for the dog packI joined the dark forest to spite my sisterI am Whitestorm's mother, sister to Bluestar...

Warrior Cats Places 2024-05-18

Warrior Cats Places crossword puzzle
  1. The Clan where all the bad guys come from
  2. The place in the forest where sickness starts
  3. Its where WindClan lives
  4. Windclan and Thunderclan shared feature, haunted by at least one unlucky guy.
  5. The place where all cats meet
  6. The place where Daisy used to live
  7. The 'Clan' that shows that outsiders are useless
  8. The Clan whose special ability is jumping
  9. The Clan that has the best advice
  10. The type of tree Shadowclan has
  11. New place for secret religious meetings, Jayfeather got beat up here once.
  12. This guy helped the clans out on the Great Journey
  13. The Clan with exclusive access to squirrels
  14. TigerStar's legacy
  15. The Clan that killed Firestar the first time
  1. The Clan that ACTUALLY has real power
  2. These belong to Thunder, or River clan depending on the current POV
  3. The Clan with the best dads
  4. A dangerous place to hunt.
  5. The type of tree that is in the Forest Territory, specifically Thunderclan)
  6. Religious Place for the weird outsiders. It's a cave.
  7. Thunderclan was named for this, also kills a lot of Clan Cats
  8. You might call it the foodstone. You would be wrong.
  9. Star Clan once sent some cats here to save the forest
  10. The place where cats with funny names come from
  11. The Clan with a secret power that only mentioned once

26 Clues: TigerStar's legacyIts where WindClan livesA dangerous place to hunt.The Clan with the best dadsThe place where all cats meetThe type of tree Shadowclan hasThe Clan that has the best adviceThe place where Daisy used to liveThe Clan that ACTUALLY has real powerThe Clan where all the bad guys come fromThe Clan whose special ability is jumping...

warrior cats crossword 2022-08-25

warrior cats crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a kitten that is to young to be an apprentice
  2. a wily and proud clan
  3. Firestar's best friend
  4. the leader of shadowclan before nightstar
  5. a clever and strong clan
  6. a cat that helps the leader and chooses leaders for border patrols
  7. a cat that defends and hunts for their clan
  8. where medicine cats get their powers
  9. a cat that leads all the clans
  1. a fierce and brave clan
  2. a domesticated cat
  3. a determined and agile clan
  4. a swift and loyal clan
  5. Alderpaw's sister
  6. the main character in the prophecies begin
  7. learns how to do certain tasks from their mentor
  8. the main character in a vision of shadows
  9. a cat that is neither a clan cat or a kittypet and doesn't live in a group
  10. where leaders get their nine lives
  11. leader of bloodclan

20 Clues: Alderpaw's sistera domesticated catleader of bloodclana wily and proud clana swift and loyal clanFirestar's best frienda fierce and brave clana clever and strong clana determined and agile clana cat that leads all the clanswhere leaders get their nine liveswhere medicine cats get their powersthe main character in a vision of shadows...

Warrior Cats 2014-10-29

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Wie is als eerste terug gekomen van de opdracht?
  2. Wie moest de drie leerlingen beoordelen?
  3. Wie is de baas van de DonderClan?
  4. Waarom kunnen poeziepoezen geen krijgers worden? Ze hebben geen
  5. Wie was Vuurpoot tegen gekomen in zijn opdracht?
  6. Wie valde Rufus aan?
  7. Geef de naam van de eerste kat die in geen enkele Clan zit.
  8. In welke Clan gaat Rufus?
  1. Wat is de nieuwe naam van Rufus?
  2. Over wat ging de droom van Rufus?
  3. Geef de naam van één van de Clans.
  4. Wat was de straf van Vuurpoot?
  5. Wie is de God van de katten?

13 Clues: Wie valde Rufus aan?In welke Clan gaat Rufus?Wie is de God van de katten?Wat was de straf van Vuurpoot?Wat is de nieuwe naam van Rufus?Over wat ging de droom van Rufus?Wie is de baas van de DonderClan?Geef de naam van één van de Clans.Wie moest de drie leerlingen beoordelen?Wie is als eerste terug gekomen van de opdracht?...

Warrior Cats 2024-06-19

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. the OG weef
  2. killed by “a falling rock”
  3. fake mother to Jaykit,Hollykit,and Lionkit
  4. has a long tail
  5. blue-gray thunderclan leader
  1. med. cat who was killed too soon
  2. loved a she-cat from another clan
  3. apprentice who fought some doggies
  4. meany poo poo pants Thunderclan deputy
  5. previous shadow clan med. cat
  6. kittypet warrior
  7. gay outsider who lives in a barn

12 Clues: the OG weefhas a long tailkittypet warriorkilled by “a falling rock”blue-gray thunderclan leaderprevious shadow clan med. catmed. cat who was killed too soongay outsider who lives in a barnloved a she-cat from another clanapprentice who fought some doggiesmeany poo poo pants Thunderclan deputyfake mother to Jaykit,Hollykit,and Lionkit

Warrior Cats 2021-09-29

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Firestar's mate
  2. first Riverclan leader
  3. Main character of the first arc
  4. Villain of first book
  5. first Thunderclan leader
  1. first Shadowclan leader
  2. Squirrelflight's mate
  3. One of Firestar and Sandstorm's daughters
  4. first Windclan leader
  5. Villain of first arc
  6. Villain of sixth arc
  7. first Skyclan leader

12 Clues: Firestar's mateVillain of first arcVillain of sixth arcfirst Skyclan leaderSquirrelflight's matefirst Windclan leaderVillain of first bookfirst Riverclan leaderfirst Shadowclan leaderfirst Thunderclan leaderMain character of the first arcOne of Firestar and Sandstorm's daughters

warriors: starlight 2023-03-16

warriors: starlight crossword puzzle
  1. where the tribe of rushing water lives
  2. when an apprentice finishes their training a clan meeting is called and their suffix paw is changes to claw, fang, ect. they then become an official warrior
  3. where the sun sets behind the ocean
  4. the daughter of FireStar and the current thunderclan medicine cat apprentice
  5. a firendly, yet harsh insult. meaning that the cat being called it did something dumb or said something stupid, usually used by thunderclan
  6. what the clan cats call humans
  7. Another tabby tom who is also a son of TigerStar, I think he may be the antagonist
  8. this ceremony is called when the leader or other deputy dies, they are called before starclan to be trained by the leader until they die or the leader retires or dies, then they become leader
  9. the cat who leads a clan, their suffix in their name ends with star, ex: FireStar, TallStar, BlackStar, LeopardStar
  1. what the clan cats call cars
  2. Hint: weasletoe, minnowstep
  3. this clan honors and holds the code on their shoulder, they are strong and muscular, they live in forests and eat mice, thrush, and squirrels
  4. this is a clan who love opens spaces and practically eat rabbits
  5. what the clan cats call domesticated cats
  6. a tabby tom who is the son of tigerstar and is one of the prophecy cats
  7. a phrase used by clan cats about how the one they tell that to that sorry cant fix evrything
  8. the new territory the cats live in
  9. a cat who hunts and fights for the clan
  10. this clan is sneaky, and is good at holding secrets, they're usually the antagonist in the first novels and eat frogs, and other nasty things
  11. a cat who is training under a mentor (warrior) to become a warrior

20 Clues: Hint: weasletoe, minnowstepwhat the clan cats call carswhat the clan cats call humansthe new territory the cats live inwhere the sun sets behind the oceanwhere the tribe of rushing water livesa cat who hunts and fights for the clanwhat the clan cats call domesticated catsthis is a clan who love opens spaces and practically eat rabbits...

warriors: starlight 2023-03-16

warriors: starlight crossword puzzle
  1. what the clan cats call cars
  2. what the clan cats call domesticated cats
  3. the daughter of FireStar and the current thunderclan medicine cat apprentice
  4. this clan honors and holds the code on their shoulder, they are strong and muscular, they live in forests and eat mice, thrush, and squirrels
  5. what the clan cats call humans
  6. this is a clan who love opens spaces and practically eat rabbits
  7. a cat who hunts and fights for the clan
  8. this clan is sneaky, and is good at holding secrets, they're usually the antagonist in the first novels and eat frogs, and other nasty things
  9. the new territory the cats live in
  10. when an apprentice finishes their training a clan meeting is called and their suffix paw is changes to claw, fang, ect. they then become an official warrior
  1. where the tribe of rushing water lives
  2. this ceremony is called when the leader or other deputy dies, they are called before starclan to be trained by the leader until they die or the leader retires or dies, then they become leader
  3. the cat who leads a clan, their suffix in their name ends with star, ex: FireStar, TallStar, BlackStar, LeopardStar
  4. a cat who is training under a mentor (warrior) to become a warrior
  5. where the sun sets behind the ocean
  6. Another tabby tom who is also a son of TigerStar, I think he may be the antagonist
  7. a phrase used by clan cats about how the one they tell that to that sorry cant fix evrything
  8. Hint: weasletoe, minnowstep
  9. a tabby tom who is the son of tigerstar and is one of the prophecy cats
  10. a firendly, yet harsh insult. meaning that the cat being called it did something dumb or said something stupid, usually used by thunderclan

20 Clues: Hint: weasletoe, minnowstepwhat the clan cats call carswhat the clan cats call humansthe new territory the cats live inwhere the sun sets behind the oceanwhere the tribe of rushing water livesa cat who hunts and fights for the clanwhat the clan cats call domesticated catsthis is a clan who love opens spaces and practically eat rabbits...

Warrior Cats 2018-03-26

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. the first mate of Graystripe
  2. the previous name of Firestar
  3. he killed ashfur
  4. the leader of ThunderClan
  5. lost her eye by a dog
  6. is the grandaughter of Scourge
  1. was one of ThunderClan's medicine cats
  2. the older leader of BloodClan
  3. the best friend of Firestar
  4. declared a war on StarClan
  5. the latest leader of BloodClan

11 Clues: he killed ashfurlost her eye by a dogthe leader of ThunderClandeclared a war on StarClanthe best friend of Firestarthe first mate of Graystripethe older leader of BloodClanthe previous name of Firestarthe latest leader of BloodClanis the grandaughter of Scourgewas one of ThunderClan's medicine cats

Warrior Cats 2020-04-26

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. a leader of RiverClan named RiverStar
  2. deputy
  3. apprentice
  4. a warrior
  5. cat medicine cat
  1. a shadowclan cat named MappleShade
  2. leader
  3. a warrior cat named FlipThorn
  4. a windclan cat named WhiteStorm
  5. a cat in riverclan named OakHeart
  6. a kit

11 Clues: a kitleaderdeputya warriorapprenticecat medicine cata warrior cat named FlipThorna windclan cat named WhiteStorma cat in riverclan named OakHearta shadowclan cat named MappleShadea leader of RiverClan named RiverStar

Warrior Cats 2018-03-26

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. the first mate of Graystripe
  2. the previous name of Firestar
  3. he killed ashfur
  4. the leader of ThunderClan
  5. lost her eye by a dog
  6. is the grandaughter of Scourge
  1. was one of ThunderClan's medicine cats
  2. the older leader of BloodClan
  3. the best friend of Firestar
  4. declared a war on StarClan
  5. the latest leader of BloodClan

11 Clues: he killed ashfurlost her eye by a dogthe leader of ThunderClandeclared a war on StarClanthe best friend of Firestarthe first mate of Graystripethe older leader of BloodClanthe previous name of Firestarthe latest leader of BloodClanis the grandaughter of Scourgewas one of ThunderClan's medicine cats

Warrior Cats 2018-03-26

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. the first mate of Graystripe
  2. the previous name of Firestar
  3. he killed ashfur
  4. the leader of ThunderClan
  5. lost her eye by a dog
  6. is the grandaughter of Scourge
  1. was one of ThunderClan's medicine cats
  2. the older leader of BloodClan
  3. the best friend of Firestar
  4. declared a war on StarClan
  5. the latest leader of BloodClan

11 Clues: he killed ashfurlost her eye by a dogthe leader of ThunderClandeclared a war on StarClanthe best friend of Firestarthe first mate of Graystripethe older leader of BloodClanthe previous name of Firestarthe latest leader of BloodClanis the grandaughter of Scourgewas one of ThunderClan's medicine cats

Warrior Cats 2024-12-12

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Mr. Jerkface
  2. A rare occurrence in she-cats is Fire's mate
  3. She isn't gray
  4. A lop-sided badger
  5. Don't forget to brush your teeth!
  1. Those claws are very long
  2. She's such a queen
  3. sinnamon roll
  4. Not Squirreltail
  5. Bro caught a snake once!
  6. Someone who doesn't like waffles

11 Clues: Mr. Jerkfacesinnamon rollShe isn't grayNot SquirreltailShe's such a queenA lop-sided badgerBro caught a snake once!Those claws are very longSomeone who doesn't like wafflesDon't forget to brush your teeth!A rare occurrence in she-cats is Fire's mate

warrior cats crossword 2022-08-25

warrior cats crossword crossword puzzle
  1. where leaders get their nine lives
  2. a wily and proud clan
  3. Alderpaw's sister
  4. a fierce and brave clan
  5. a kitten that is to young to be an apprentice
  6. a cat that defends and hunts for their clan
  7. Firestar's best friend
  1. where medicine cats get their powers
  2. a determined and agile clan
  3. the main character in the prophecies begin
  4. a swift and loyal clan
  5. a domesticated cat
  6. a cat that helps the leader and chooses leaders for border patrols
  7. the main character in a vision of shadows
  8. a clever and strong clan
  9. leader of bloodclan
  10. a cat that leads all the clans
  11. learns how to do certain tasks from their mentor

18 Clues: Alderpaw's sistera domesticated catleader of bloodclana wily and proud clana swift and loyal clanFirestar's best frienda fierce and brave clana clever and strong clana determined and agile clana cat that leads all the clanswhere leaders get their nine liveswhere medicine cats get their powersthe main character in a vision of shadows...

(Erin Hunter) Warriors:Dawn 2023-01-10

(Erin Hunter) Warriors:Dawn crossword puzzle
  1. Thunderclan Warrior, Starclan Mission
  2. Name that the cats call humans
  3. Warrior from Riverclan, Starclan mission
  4. Windclan apprentice, Starclan mission
  5. Thunderclan apprentice, Starclan mission
  1. Shadowclan Warrior, Starclan mission
  2. The leader of Thunderclan
  3. Died saving Crowpaw from Sharptooth
  4. Place where all medicine cats meet
  5. Place where the cats meet every Month

10 Clues: The leader of ThunderclanName that the cats call humansPlace where all medicine cats meetDied saving Crowpaw from SharptoothShadowclan Warrior, Starclan missionThunderclan Warrior, Starclan MissionPlace where the cats meet every MonthWindclan apprentice, Starclan missionWarrior from Riverclan, Starclan mission...

Warrior Cats 2012-07-04

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. I was mauled by dogs,and never became a warrior.
  2. I was the mother of ThunderClan's leader when the series began.
  3. My jaw is a distinguishing mark.
  4. I am Firestar's nephew.
  5. I was driven mad by heartbreak.
  1. I retired early due to being blinded.
  2. I plotted to kill my leader out of ambition.
  3. I was leader of WindClan for most of the series.
  4. I was murdered by Clawface.
  5. One of the three?As it turns out,I wasn't one.
  6. I wasn't cut out for clan life,so I left to live in a barn.

11 Clues: I am Firestar's nephew.I was murdered by Clawface.I was driven mad by heartbreak.My jaw is a distinguishing mark.I retired early due to being blinded.I plotted to kill my leader out of ambition.One of the three?As it turns out,I wasn't one.I was leader of WindClan for most of the series.I was mauled by dogs,and never became a warrior....

warrior cats 2013-11-17

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. overleden katten
  2. Auteur warrior cats
  3. naam kat jens
  4. clansnaam poesie poes
  5. naam voor das
  6. een poesie poes
  1. naam voor mensen
  2. tweede reeks warrior cats
  3. huisdier jens
  4. negende boek
  5. schaduwclanpoes

11 Clues: negende boeknaam kat jenshuisdier jensnaam voor dasschaduwclanpoeseen poesie poesoverleden kattennaam voor mensenAuteur warrior catsclansnaam poesie poestweede reeks warrior cats

Warriors Graystripe's Adventure 2022-01-27

Warriors Graystripe's Adventure crossword puzzle
  1. a cat that helped Greystripe when got hit by a car
  2. Greystripe's clan
  3. What Greystripe is.
  4. cats way of saying road with cars
  5. Silverstream's clan
  6. Greystripe's traveling partner
  7. cat's heaven
  8. a cat's doctor
  9. cat's word of human
  1. the cat that was the bully at the neighborhood
  2. Greystripe's dead mate
  3. cats way of saying cars
  4. the place clan cats used to live
  5. the ocean
  6. a code that all warriors must keep
  7. Greystripe's best friend
  8. the new home of the Warriors
  9. Greystripe's daughter
  10. what clan cats calls house cat
  11. group of cats

20 Clues: the oceancat's heavengroup of catsa cat's doctorGreystripe's clanWhat Greystripe is.Silverstream's clancat's word of humanGreystripe's daughterGreystripe's dead matecats way of saying carsGreystripe's best friendthe new home of the WarriorsGreystripe's traveling partnerwhat clan cats calls house catthe place clan cats used to live...

Warrior Cats Crossword 2022-02-18

Warrior Cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tortoiseshell she-cat with long fur and amber eyes
  2. black she-cat with a squished face
  3. beige tom with black stripes, green eyes, and a long tail
  4. muscular, brown tabby tom with amber eyes and a scar across the nose
  5. brown tabby tom with ice blue eyes and white markings
  6. a black she-cat with green eyes
  7. muscular white tom with jet black paws
  8. brown tabby tom with amber eyes
  1. blue she-cat with blue eyes and silver on her nose
  2. blind, light blue-gray tom who can walk in other cats' dreams
  3. gray she-cat with green eyes and the power to hear things farther than other cats
  4. flame-colored she-cat with a single white paw, green eyes, and a fluffy tail
  5. flame-colored tom with green eyes
  6. gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes and scars from the dark forest
  7. lean black and white tom with yellow eyes and a long tail
  8. black tom with a single white paw; has a purple color and dog-teeth-reinforced claws
  9. speckled gray tom with blue eyes; also known as the imposter

17 Clues: a black she-cat with green eyesbrown tabby tom with amber eyesflame-colored tom with green eyesblack she-cat with a squished facemuscular white tom with jet black pawsblue she-cat with blue eyes and silver on her nosetortoiseshell she-cat with long fur and amber eyesbrown tabby tom with ice blue eyes and white markings...

Warrior cats crossword 2024-02-27

Warrior cats crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Blind medicine cat
  2. Tribe of Rushing Waters leader
  3. Posed as Bramblestar
  4. Killed Sharptooth
  5. Joined her father in ShadowClan
  6. Medicine cat who doesn't believe in StarClan
  7. Murdered to achieve his ambition
  8. Fire alone can save our clan
  1. Died in a forest fire
  2. Founded ThunderClan
  3. Love swimming
  4. Considers themselves closest to StarClan
  5. ThunderClan deputy before Lionheart
  6. Leafpool's mate
  7. Led the journeying to cats from the mountains, died on a Thunderpath
  8. Third cat from the power of three prophecy
  9. Feathertail's mentor

17 Clues: Love swimmingLeafpool's mateKilled SharptoothBlind medicine catFounded ThunderClanPosed as BramblestarFeathertail's mentorDied in a forest fireFire alone can save our clanTribe of Rushing Waters leaderJoined her father in ShadowClanMurdered to achieve his ambitionThunderClan deputy before LionheartConsiders themselves closest to StarClan...

Warrior Cats 2020-04-26

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. a leader of RiverClan named RiverStar
  2. deputy
  3. apprentice
  4. a warrior
  5. cat medicine cat
  1. a shadowclan cat named MappleShade
  2. leader
  3. a warrior cat named FlipThorn
  4. a windclan cat named WhiteStorm
  5. a cat in riverclan named OakHeart
  6. a kit

11 Clues: a kitleaderdeputya warriorapprenticecat medicine cata warrior cat named FlipThorna windclan cat named WhiteStorma cat in riverclan named OakHearta shadowclan cat named MappleShadea leader of RiverClan named RiverStar

Warrior Cats 2018-03-26

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. the first mate of Graystripe
  2. the previous name of Firestar
  3. he killed ashfur
  4. the leader of ThunderClan
  5. lost her eye by a dog
  6. is the grandaughter of Scourge
  1. was one of ThunderClan's medicine cats
  2. the older leader of BloodClan
  3. the best friend of Firestar
  4. declared a war on StarClan
  5. the latest leader of BloodClan

11 Clues: he killed ashfurlost her eye by a dogthe leader of ThunderClandeclared a war on StarClanthe best friend of Firestarthe first mate of Graystripethe older leader of BloodClanthe previous name of Firestarthe latest leader of BloodClanis the grandaughter of Scourgewas one of ThunderClan's medicine cats

Warrior Cats 2020-06-05

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. The one who sacrificed herself for Sandstorm
  2. The one who was a spy for rebels
  3. The cranky one who cannot see
  4. A rogue who betrayed all
  5. The one who does not believe in StarClan
  1. The one who took care of Violetpaw
  2. The cat who saved us all
  3. The one who died tragically, defending her Clan from ShadowClan
  4. The one who has a father he thinks is weird
  5. Loves the current leader of ThunderClan

10 Clues: The cat who saved us allA rogue who betrayed allThe cranky one who cannot seeThe one who was a spy for rebelsThe one who took care of VioletpawLoves the current leader of ThunderClanThe one who does not believe in StarClanThe one who has a father he thinks is weirdThe one who sacrificed herself for Sandstorm...

Warrior Cats 2020-06-24

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. A kit that has died from hypothermia
  2. "Traitor!" *This is this leader's first death*
  3. The mate of Rowanclaw/star
  4. When she was a small, she was also known as the Clan's chatterbox
  5. A kit that is sometimes called Nightmarekit or Little-Mc-Murderface
  1. She died one of her death's because of rat bites
  2. The first RiverClan deputy that is mentioned in the first series
  3. The leader who lead LionClan for the first time
  4. This cat died from diabetes
  5. She died because of an infected scratch from a fence

10 Clues: The mate of Rowanclaw/starThis cat died from diabetesA kit that has died from hypothermia"Traitor!" *This is this leader's first death*The leader who lead LionClan for the first timeShe died one of her death's because of rat bitesShe died because of an infected scratch from a fenceThe first RiverClan deputy that is mentioned in the first series...