books Crossword Puzzles

Books 2021-08-25

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Divisions/sections in a book.
  2. A informative book/a book about facts.
  3. The person reading the book.
  4. The person who provides the artwork for a book.
  5. The name of the book.
  6. Definitions of specific words used on a book.
  1. What you and other people think of the book.
  2. The person who writes the story.
  3. The person telling the story.
  4. The people or animals in the story.
  5. A narrative, made up story.
  6. Where the story takes place.
  7. Another word for 'storyline'.
  8. A brief outline of the story/plot.

14 Clues: The name of the book.A narrative, made up story.Where the story takes place.The person reading the book.Divisions/sections in a book.The person telling the story.Another word for 'storyline'.The person who writes the story.A brief outline of the story/plot.The people or animals in the story.A informative book/a book about facts....

Books 2022-03-20

Books crossword puzzle
  1. нереалистичный
  2. таинственный
  3. биография
  4. разочаровывающий
  5. унылый
  6. трагедия
  7. персонаж
  1. научная фантастика
  2. удовлетворительный
  3. роман
  4. захватывающий
  5. блестящий
  6. предсказуемый
  7. сюжет

14 Clues: романсюжетунылыйтрагедияперсонажблестящийбиографиятаинственныйзахватывающийпредсказуемыйнереалистичныйразочаровывающийнаучная фантастикаудовлетворительный

BOOKS 2023-06-26

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. A thrilling and exciting story that involves dangerous or risky situations and courageous characters.
  2. Imaginary or made-up stories that are not based on real events or people.
  3. A book that tells the story of a real person's life, including their achievements, experiences, and challenges.
  4. A narrative about imaginary or real-life events, often written to entertain or teach a lesson.
  5. An exciting or daring experience, often involving a journey or exploration, that is described in a book.
  6. Stories or legends that explain the origins of things or the beliefs of a particular culture or civilization.
  7. A reference book that provides information on various topics, organized alphabetically.
  8. Books that provide factual information about real-life subjects, such as history, science, or biographies.
  1. A reference book that lists words in alphabetical order and provides definitions, pronunciations, and meanings.
  2. An imaginative genre of literature that includes magical or supernatural elements and takes place in fictional worlds.
  3. Book A book that tells a story through illustrations or images, often accompanied by simple text.
  4. A form of literature that uses rhythmic and expressive language to convey emotions, ideas, or experiences.
  5. A book used to record personal thoughts, experiences, or reflections.
  6. A story that presents a problem or puzzle to be solved, usually involving a crime or a secret that needs uncovering.
  7. A book or magazine that tells a story using a combination of pictures and dialogue in a series of panels.

15 Clues: A book used to record personal thoughts, experiences, or reflections.Imaginary or made-up stories that are not based on real events or people.A reference book that provides information on various topics, organized alphabetically.A narrative about imaginary or real-life events, often written to entertain or teach a lesson....

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is ripping this off
  2. the sixth graders are reading it
  3. About bilbo baggins
  4. The spider dies in the end
  5. About a summer camp with the gods' kids
  6. a Roald dahl book that is about a kid with powers
  1. The main character will not have these anywhere, it's a kids book
  2. Famous book with an even more famous detective
  3. Famous Dr. Seuss book
  4. The title is about someone who steals book
  5. All the characters fight to the death
  6. They're the same person
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. He wants to be a soldier really bad

14 Clues: About bilbo bagginsFamous Dr. Seuss bookThey're the same personThe spider dies in the endMy novel is ripping this offthe sixth graders are reading itHe wants to be a soldier really badAll the characters fight to the deathThe main character has a forehead scarAbout a summer camp with the gods' kidsThe title is about someone who steals book...

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is ripping this off
  2. the sixth graders are reading it
  3. About bilbo baggins
  4. The spider dies in the end
  5. About a summer camp with the gods' kids
  6. a Roald dahl book that is about a kid with powers
  1. The main character will not have these anywhere, it's a kids book
  2. Famous book with an even more famous detective
  3. Famous Dr. Seuss book
  4. The title is about someone who steals book
  5. All the characters fight to the death
  6. They're the same person
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. He wants to be a soldier really bad

14 Clues: About bilbo bagginsFamous Dr. Seuss bookThey're the same personThe spider dies in the endMy novel is ripping this offthe sixth graders are reading itHe wants to be a soldier really badAll the characters fight to the deathThe main character has a forehead scarAbout a summer camp with the gods' kidsThe title is about someone who steals book...

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is a rip off of this
  2. The government makes the characters fight to the death
  3. The sixth graders are reading it
  4. This man wants to be a knight really bad
  5. They’re the same person
  6. a very famous Dr Seuss book
  1. He wont have these anywhere, and its a childrens book
  2. The main character is bilbo baggins
  3. A famous book about an even more famous detective
  4. The spider dies at the end
  5. The title is about someone who steals books
  6. About a camp with the greek gods’ kids
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. A Roald Dahl book about a girl with powers

14 Clues: They’re the same personThe spider dies at the enda very famous Dr Seuss bookMy novel is a rip off of thisThe sixth graders are reading itThe main character is bilbo bagginsAbout a camp with the greek gods’ kidsThe main character has a forehead scarThis man wants to be a knight really badA Roald Dahl book about a girl with powers...

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is a rip off of this
  2. The government makes the characters fight to the death
  3. The sixth graders are reading it
  4. This man wants to be a knight really bad
  5. They’re the same person
  6. a very famous Dr Seuss book
  1. The main character wont have these anywhere, and its a childrens book
  2. The main character is bilbo baggins
  3. A famous book about an even more famous detective
  4. The spider dies at the end
  5. The title is about someone who steals books
  6. About a camp with the greek gods’ kids
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. A Roald Dahl book about a girl with powers

14 Clues: They’re the same personThe spider dies at the enda very famous Dr Seuss bookMy novel is a rip off of thisThe sixth graders are reading itThe main character is bilbo bagginsAbout a camp with the greek gods’ kidsThe main character has a forehead scarThis man wants to be a knight really badA Roald Dahl book about a girl with powers...

Books 2024-07-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A rude host of a crazy tea-party (3, 6)
  2. Friends with Piglet and Tigger (6, 3, 4)
  3. His father made an automaton (4, 6)
  4. The BFG's food (which he hates) (11)
  5. Captain of the Aurora sky-ship (7, 9)
  6. A pig's best spider friend (9)
  1. He has china arms, china legs, a china head and china torso (6, 6)
  2. Michael's sailing boat (5, 3)
  3. She liked her porridge just right (10)
  4. A book about a boy who trips and falls and travels back in time (5, 3, 3)
  5. Disgusting man who glues birds to trees (2, 4)
  6. Charlie and Tommo's oldest brother in Private Peaceful (3, 3)
  7. Surname of Dinah in Cosmic (4)
  8. Everything he touched turned to gold (5)

14 Clues: Michael's sailing boat (5, 3)Surname of Dinah in Cosmic (4)A pig's best spider friend (9)His father made an automaton (4, 6)The BFG's food (which he hates) (11)Captain of the Aurora sky-ship (7, 9)She liked her porridge just right (10)A rude host of a crazy tea-party (3, 6)Friends with Piglet and Tigger (6, 3, 4)...

Books 2020-09-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a book with a cover made of thick paper
  2. so exciting book that you do not want to stop reading it
  3. a book that has an exciting story, often about solving a crime
  4. involved with judging other people’s morals and telling them how to behave
  5. the narrow strip where the cover of a book is joined to the pages, usually with the title and writer's name printed on it
  6. an extremely eager or interested reader
  7. an empty page at the beginning or end of a book next to the cover
  1. shocking and morally unacceptable
  2. an interesting or exciting book that holds your attention completely
  3. Kind of a book which causes disagreement or discussion
  4. a book whose slightly damaged appearance shows that it has been used many times.
  5. books about imaginary characters and events, produced in large quantities and intended to be read by many people but not considered to be of very good quality
  6. a magazine or newspaper, especially on a serious subject, that is published regularly
  7. to read or consider something quickly in order to understand the main points, without studying it in detail

14 Clues: shocking and morally unacceptablea book with a cover made of thick paperan extremely eager or interested readerKind of a book which causes disagreement or discussionso exciting book that you do not want to stop reading ita book that has an exciting story, often about solving a crimean empty page at the beginning or end of a book next to the cover...

books 2020-09-09

books crossword puzzle
  1. what was Francisco fathers name
  2. the country, which "The Head of the Saint" takes place
  3. Laila sons name
  4. they boy who was helping
  5. Mariam and Laila husbands name
  6. the girl that Samuel was in love with
  7. Mariams mothers name
  8. The boy who goes on a journey to find his father
  1. the place where Mariam grew up
  2. what's the name of the statue(saint)
  3. Laila daughters name
  4. the country were "A Thousand Splendid Suns" takes place
  5. the number of days Samuels journey was
  6. Mariams fathers name

14 Clues: Laila sons nameLaila daughters nameMariams fathers nameMariams mothers namethey boy who was helpingthe place where Mariam grew upMariam and Laila husbands namewhat was Francisco fathers namewhat's the name of the statue(saint)the girl that Samuel was in love withthe number of days Samuels journey wasThe boy who goes on a journey to find his father...

Books! 2015-01-15

Books! crossword puzzle
  1. Lois Lowry wrote this book.
  2. Okay? Okay?
  3. The story of a dog who gets saved at the grocery store.
  4. The main character has a legendary scar.
  5. About a bear who loves honey.
  6. Stephenie Meyer wrote this book.
  7. The main character writes all of his problems and accomplishments in a journal.
  8. About a teenager who discovers that hi is the son of a god and that the world depends on him.
  9. A unique girl in a totalitarian place.
  10. The story of a courageous rodent who fights for love instead of survival.
  1. Are you, are you, coming to the tree...
  2. About two kids who are left home alone, when an animal as big as a giraffe brakes into their house.
  3. About a great park ranger with the help of his monkey.
  4. About some kids who find a new world threw a closet.

14 Clues: Okay? Okay?Lois Lowry wrote this book.About a bear who loves honey.Stephenie Meyer wrote this book.A unique girl in a totalitarian place.Are you, are you, coming to the tree...The main character has a legendary scar.About some kids who find a new world threw a closet.About a great park ranger with the help of his monkey....

Books 2021-06-29

Books crossword puzzle
  1. It is a kind of story which usually includes animals or plants.Such story always has a moral
  2. This person writes book
  3. The name of the main female character in Harry Potter
  4. You keep books on this!
  5. This person wrote Romeo and Juliet
  6. The surname of the author who wrote "The adventures of Tom Sawyer"
  1. Cindrella is a ...
  2. This is the "outside" of the book
  3. In this country paper was firstly invented here
  4. Many young people prefer using...for reading
  5. You can borrow a book at this place
  6. You finish the book here
  7. You ‘turn’ these when you are reading a
  8. This is what you do with the book!

14 Clues: Cindrella is a ...This person writes bookYou keep books on this!You finish the book hereThis is the "outside" of the bookThis person wrote Romeo and JulietThis is what you do with the book!You can borrow a book at this placeYou ‘turn’ these when you are reading aMany young people prefer using...for reading...

Books 2023-12-10

Books crossword puzzle
  1. wanting to be successful (adjective)
  2. having a strong effect on people's opinions
  3. very scary (adjective)
  4. the central idea of a story (noun)
  5. showing how things are in real life (adjective)
  6. difficult to understand because it has a lot of different parts (adjective)
  1. when and where the story takes place(noun)
  2. extremely good (adjective)
  3. very pleasant(adjective)
  4. full of secrets (adjective)
  5. exciting and full of action (adjective)
  6. who the story is about (plural noun)
  7. what happens in the story (noun)
  8. making you feel strong emotions of sadness (adjective)

14 Clues: very scary (adjective)very pleasant(adjective)extremely good (adjective)full of secrets (adjective)what happens in the story (noun)the central idea of a story (noun)wanting to be successful (adjective)who the story is about (plural noun)exciting and full of action (adjective)when and where the story takes place(noun)...

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is ripping this off
  2. the sixth graders are reading it
  3. About bilbo baggins
  4. The spider dies in the end
  5. About a summer camp with the gods' kids
  6. a Roald dahl book that is about a kid with powers
  1. The main character will not have these anywhere, it's a kids book
  2. Famous book with an even more famous detective
  3. Famous Dr. Seuss book
  4. The title is about someone who steals book
  5. All the characters fight to the death
  6. They're the same person
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. He wants to be a soldier really bad

14 Clues: About bilbo bagginsFamous Dr. Seuss bookThey're the same personThe spider dies in the endMy novel is ripping this offthe sixth graders are reading itHe wants to be a soldier really badAll the characters fight to the deathThe main character has a forehead scarAbout a summer camp with the gods' kidsThe title is about someone who steals book...

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is ripping this off
  2. the sixth graders are reading it
  3. About bilbo baggins
  4. The spider dies in the end
  5. About a summer camp with the gods' kids
  6. a Roald dahl book that is about a kid with powers
  1. The main character will not have these anywhere, it's a kids book
  2. Famous book with an even more famous detective
  3. Famous Dr. Seuss book
  4. The title is about someone who steals book
  5. All the characters fight to the death
  6. They're the same person
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. He wants to be a soldier really bad

14 Clues: About bilbo bagginsFamous Dr. Seuss bookThey're the same personThe spider dies in the endMy novel is ripping this offthe sixth graders are reading itHe wants to be a soldier really badAll the characters fight to the deathThe main character has a forehead scarAbout a summer camp with the gods' kidsThe title is about someone who steals book...

Books! 2015-01-15

Books! crossword puzzle
  1. Giver Lois Lowry wrote this book.
  2. The main character has a legendary scar.
  3. About a great park ranger with the help of his monkey.
  4. The story of a dog who gets saved at the grocery store.
  5. The story of a courageous rodent who fights for love instead of survival.
  6. The main character writes all of his problems and accomplishments in a journal.
  7. About two kids who are left home alone, when an animal as big as a giraffe brakes into their house.
  8. About a teenager who discovers that hi is the son of a god and that the world depends on him.
  9. About a bear who loves honey.
  1. A unique girl in a totalitarian place.
  2. About some kids who find a new world threw a closet.
  3. Are you, are you, coming to the tree...
  4. Okay? Okay?
  5. Stephenie Meyer wrote this book.

14 Clues: Okay? Okay?About a bear who loves honey.Stephenie Meyer wrote this book.Giver Lois Lowry wrote this book.A unique girl in a totalitarian place.Are you, are you, coming to the tree...The main character has a legendary scar.About some kids who find a new world threw a closet.About a great park ranger with the help of his monkey....

Books 2023-06-26

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Book A book that combines illustrations and text to tell a story, often aimed at younger readers.
  2. Fiction A genre of fiction that explores imaginative and futuristic concepts, often based on scientific or technological advancements.
  3. An exciting and daring experience, often involving a quest or journey, depicted in a book.
  4. A book that tells the true story of a person's life, providing insights into their achievements and experiences.
  5. Tale A traditional story with magical elements and mythical creatures, often featuring princes, princesses, and happy endings.
  6. Literary works that express emotions, ideas, or experiences using rhythmic language and often featuring imaginative and figurative language.
  1. Books that present factual information or real events, providing knowledge and insights about the world.
  2. A narrative account of events or experiences, often fictional, that entertains and teaches lessons.
  3. A reference book that provides information on various subjects, arranged alphabetically or thematically.
  4. A long fictional story that explores characters, settings, and plots in depth.
  5. A genre of fiction that includes magical or supernatural elements, often set in imaginary worlds.
  6. A story or novel that involves solving a puzzle or uncovering secrets through clues and suspense.
  7. A personal record of thoughts, experiences, and reflections, often written daily.
  8. Book A book or magazine that uses sequential art, often with speech bubbles, to tell a story.

14 Clues: A long fictional story that explores characters, settings, and plots in depth.A personal record of thoughts, experiences, and reflections, often written daily.An exciting and daring experience, often involving a quest or journey, depicted in a book.Book A book or magazine that uses sequential art, often with speech bubbles, to tell a story....

BOOKS 2023-06-26

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. A narrative about imaginary or real-life events, often written to entertain or teach a lesson.
  2. A book or magazine that tells a story using a combination of pictures and dialogue in a series of panels.
  3. A reference book that provides information on various topics, organized alphabetically.
  4. Book A book that tells a story through illustrations or images, often accompanied by simple text.
  5. A story that presents a problem or puzzle to be solved, usually involving a crime or a secret that needs uncovering.
  6. Books that provide factual information about real-life subjects, such as history, science, or biographies.
  7. A reference book that lists words in alphabetical order and provides definitions, pronunciations, and meanings.
  8. A book that tells the story of a real person's life, including their achievements, experiences, and challenges.
  1. Stories or legends that explain the origins of things or the beliefs of a particular culture or civilization.
  2. A thrilling and exciting story that involves dangerous or risky situations and courageous characters.
  3. Imaginary or made-up stories that are not based on real events or people.
  4. A form of literature that uses rhythmic and expressive language to convey emotions, ideas, or experiences.
  5. A book used to record personal thoughts, experiences, or reflections.
  6. An exciting or daring experience, often involving a journey or exploration, that is described in a book.
  7. An imaginative genre of literature that includes magical or supernatural elements and takes place in fictional worlds.

15 Clues: A book used to record personal thoughts, experiences, or reflections.Imaginary or made-up stories that are not based on real events or people.A reference book that provides information on various topics, organized alphabetically.A narrative about imaginary or real-life events, often written to entertain or teach a lesson....

Books 2023-07-20

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A book that blends fictional characters and events with real historical settings.
  2. Tale A book that tells a magical story with enchanted characters.
  3. A book that follows characters on exciting and daring journeys.
  4. A collection of creative and expressive verses and stanzas.
  5. A book that tells a story through a sequence of illustrated panels and speech bubbles.
  6. A book that follows characters on exciting and daring journeys.
  7. A book that presents factual information about real people, places, or events.
  8. A long fictional story that explores characters and events in depth.
  1. A book centered around solving a puzzling crime or unexplained event.
  2. A book that combines storytelling with artwork, similar to a comic book but with a longer narrative.
  3. A book that tells the true story of someone's life, written by another person.
  4. A book with illustrations or photographs to help tell the story.
  5. A genre of fiction that imagines futuristic or otherworldly settings and technology.
  6. A collection of traditional stories passed down through generations.
  7. A genre of fiction that features magical or supernatural elements.

15 Clues: A collection of creative and expressive verses and stanzas.A book that follows characters on exciting and daring journeys.A book that follows characters on exciting and daring journeys.A book with illustrations or photographs to help tell the story.Tale A book that tells a magical story with enchanted characters....

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is ripping this off
  2. the sixth graders are reading it
  3. About bilbo baggins
  4. The spider dies in the end
  5. About a summer camp with the gods' kids
  6. a Roald dahl book that is about a kid with powers
  1. The main character will not have these anywhere, it's a kids book
  2. Famous book with an even more famous detective
  3. Famous Dr. Seuss book
  4. The title is about someone who steals book
  5. All the characters fight to the death
  6. They're the same person
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. He wants to be a soldier really bad

14 Clues: About bilbo bagginsFamous Dr. Seuss bookThey're the same personThe spider dies in the endMy novel is ripping this offthe sixth graders are reading itHe wants to be a soldier really badAll the characters fight to the deathThe main character has a forehead scarAbout a summer camp with the gods' kidsThe title is about someone who steals book...

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is ripping this off
  2. the sixth graders are reading it
  3. About bilbo baggins
  4. The spider dies in the end
  5. About a summer camp with the gods' kids
  6. a Roald dahl book that is about a kid with powers
  1. The main character will not have these anywhere, it's a kids book
  2. Famous book with an even more famous detective
  3. Famous Dr. Seuss book
  4. The title is about someone who steals book
  5. All the characters fight to the death
  6. They're the same person
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. He wants to be a soldier really bad

14 Clues: About bilbo bagginsFamous Dr. Seuss bookThey're the same personThe spider dies in the endMy novel is ripping this offthe sixth graders are reading itHe wants to be a soldier really badAll the characters fight to the deathThe main character has a forehead scarAbout a summer camp with the gods' kidsThe title is about someone who steals book...

Books 2024-07-09

Books crossword puzzle
  1. - Destination for many gambling enthusiasts
  2. - Used for betting in casinos
  3. - Place for betting in Las Vegas
  4. - Common accommodation in Las Vegas
  5. - Famous boulevards in Las Vegas
  6. - A type of book
  7. - Sin City
  1. - Common activity in Las Vegas
  2. - Card distributor in casinos
  3. - Machines for gambling in casinos
  4. - Popular card game in Las Vegas
  5. - Common plot in Las Vegas crime books
  6. - Live performance in Las Vegas
  7. - Bright lights often associated with Las Vegas
  8. - Genre of many Las Vegas books

15 Clues: - Sin City- A type of book- Card distributor in casinos- Used for betting in casinos- Common activity in Las Vegas- Live performance in Las Vegas- Genre of many Las Vegas books- Popular card game in Las Vegas- Place for betting in Las Vegas- Famous boulevards in Las Vegas- Machines for gambling in casinos- Common accommodation in Las Vegas...

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is ripping this off
  2. the sixth graders are reading it
  3. About bilbo baggins
  4. The spider dies in the end
  5. About a summer camp with the gods' kids
  6. a Roald dahl book that is about a kid with powers
  1. The main character will not have these anywhere, it's a kids book
  2. Famous book with an even more famous detective
  3. Famous Dr. Seuss book
  4. The title is about someone who steals book
  5. All the characters fight to the death
  6. They're the same person
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. He wants to be a soldier really bad

14 Clues: About bilbo bagginsFamous Dr. Seuss bookThey're the same personThe spider dies in the endMy novel is ripping this offthe sixth graders are reading itHe wants to be a soldier really badAll the characters fight to the deathThe main character has a forehead scarAbout a summer camp with the gods' kidsThe title is about someone who steals book...

Books 2023-10-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My novel is a rip off of this
  2. The government makes the characters fight to the death
  3. The sixth graders are reading it
  4. This man wants to be a knight really bad
  5. They’re the same person
  6. a very famous Dr Seuss book
  1. The main character wont have these anywhere, and its a childrens book
  2. The main character is bilbo baggins
  3. A famous book about an even more famous detective
  4. The spider dies at the end
  5. The title is about someone who steals books
  6. About a camp with the greek gods’ kids
  7. The main character has a forehead scar
  8. A Roald Dahl book about a girl with powers

14 Clues: They’re the same personThe spider dies at the enda very famous Dr Seuss bookMy novel is a rip off of thisThe sixth graders are reading itThe main character is bilbo bagginsAbout a camp with the greek gods’ kidsThe main character has a forehead scarThis man wants to be a knight really badA Roald Dahl book about a girl with powers...

Books 2022-03-20

Books crossword puzzle
  1. нереалистичный
  2. таинственный
  3. биография
  4. разочаровывающий
  5. унылый
  6. трагедия
  7. персонаж
  1. научная фантастика
  2. удовлетворительный
  3. роман
  4. захватывающий
  5. блестящий
  6. предсказуемый
  7. сюжет

14 Clues: романсюжетунылыйтрагедияперсонажблестящийбиографиятаинственныйзахватывающийпредсказуемыйнереалистичныйразочаровывающийнаучная фантастикаудовлетворительный

Books 2020-04-06

Books crossword puzzle
  1. ash
  2. do
  3. ninja
  4. mystery
  5. mouse
  6. doll
  7. romeo and juliet
  1. matilda
  2. belt
  3. magic
  4. dragons
  5. doodling
  6. kenny

13 Clues: doashbeltdollmagicninjamousekennymatildamysterydragonsdoodlingromeo and juliet

Books 2024-02-06

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Where the books sit
  2. Learning platform you use to learn vocabulary
  3. The middle edge of a book
  4. Description of the book found on the back cover
  5. The name of the book
  6. Who wrote the book
  7. The front of the book
  8. Room where books are kept
  1. Genre where characters fall in love
  2. Scary genre
  3. Another word for main character
  4. Order the books are organised
  5. the act of looking and understanding written words

13 Clues: Scary genreWho wrote the bookWhere the books sitThe name of the bookThe front of the bookThe middle edge of a bookRoom where books are keptOrder the books are organisedAnother word for main characterGenre where characters fall in loveLearning platform you use to learn vocabularyDescription of the book found on the back cover...

Books 2013-07-28

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Book about a particular person, telling their life story
  2. Alphabetical list at end of a book, gives page numbers
  3. Enjoyable
  4. Writer
  5. Not factual
  6. Description/summary of book, usually on the back cover
  1. Scary
  2. Section of a book
  3. Begins with captial letter, ends with full stop
  4. Genre of book, usually set in the future, based on technology
  5. Storyline
  6. Funny
  7. Exciting, maybe scary

13 Clues: ScaryFunnyWriterStorylineEnjoyableNot factualSection of a bookExciting, maybe scaryBegins with captial letter, ends with full stopAlphabetical list at end of a book, gives page numbersDescription/summary of book, usually on the back coverBook about a particular person, telling their life story...

Books 2020-04-06

Books crossword puzzle
  1. creatures
  2. do
  3. band
  4. mystery
  5. mouse
  6. doll
  7. romeo and juliet
  1. matilda
  2. belt
  3. nose
  4. dragons
  5. doodling
  6. jetpack

13 Clues: dobeltnosebanddollmousematildamysterydragonsjetpackdoodlingcreaturesromeo and juliet

Books 2023-06-24

Books crossword puzzle
  1. One side of a leaf of paper in a book, magazine, or other printed material.
  2. Books that provide factual information or knowledge about real people, places, events, or topics.
  3. A fictional or true narrative that typically includes a plot, characters, and events.
  4. Stories or books that are not true or based on real events, often involving imaginary characters and events.
  5. A main division of a book, typically with a number or title, that is a part of the overall story or information being presented.
  6. A person who reads books and enjoys the stories, knowledge, or entertainment they provide.
  7. The outermost part of a book that protects the pages and often displays the title and author's name.
  1. A horizontal board or platform used for storing books, typically attached to a wall or inside a bookcase.
  2. A place where books are kept and made available for people to borrow and read.
  3. A person who writes books or other written works.
  4. A book or set of books containing information about many different subjects or a particular branch of knowledge.
  5. The name of a book, usually printed on the cover and indicating its content or subject.
  6. A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together, typically containing stories, information, or images.

13 Clues: A person who writes books or other written works.One side of a leaf of paper in a book, magazine, or other printed material.A place where books are kept and made available for people to borrow and read.A fictional or true narrative that typically includes a plot, characters, and events....

Books 2022-07-05

Books crossword puzzle
  1. The name of a book
  2. To produce a book or a story and sell it to people
  3. The first part of an event or a story
  4. The person who wrote a book
  5. The last part of a story
  6. A story based on facts, real events and real people’s experiences
  7. A person or an animal in a book, story
  8. A novel that focuses on love or a relationship between two people
  1. A story that is about exciting or dangerous sutuations and events that usually happens in exotic locations
  2. An exciting story that in which a person investigates a crime and finds a person responsible for it
  3. A form of literature that uses beautiful words and sounds and has a specific rhythm
  4. A story which includes robots, time machines, space travel and life on other planets
  5. A story that contains some themes, pictures or situations which make a reader feel scared or shocked

13 Clues: The name of a bookThe last part of a storyThe person who wrote a bookThe first part of an event or a storyA person or an animal in a book, storyTo produce a book or a story and sell it to peopleA story based on facts, real events and real people’s experiencesA novel that focuses on love or a relationship between two people...

books 2018-03-11

books crossword puzzle
  1. учебник
  2. энциклопедия
  3. короткая история
  4. научная фантастика
  5. роман
  6. приключение
  1. стихотворение
  2. ужастик
  3. пьеса
  4. словарь
  5. рабочая тетрадь
  6. детектив
  7. триллер

13 Clues: пьесароманужастикучебниксловарьтриллердетективприключениеэнциклопедиястихотворениерабочая тетрадькороткая историянаучная фантастика

books 2022-05-07

books crossword puzzle
  1. one of the hard parts of a body that give it shape
  2. a part of the body where two bones connect or fit together
  3. to guard or defend from harm or danger
  4. the larva of a butterfly or moth
  5. to hold the weight of; to offer help or comfort to
  6. such as an insect
  7. an immature insect in the stage between a larva and an adult
  8. a specific period of time in the growth or development of
  1. an insect with four wings that is often bright in color
  2. cycle the stages of change that an organism goes through during its life
  3. the framework of bones and cartilage that supports and protects the body of a human or other vertebrate
  4. not straight, even, smooth, or following a normal pattern
  5. the partner of an animal with which it produces young

13 Clues: such as an insectthe larva of a butterfly or mothto guard or defend from harm or dangerone of the hard parts of a body that give it shapeto hold the weight of; to offer help or comfort tothe partner of an animal with which it produces youngan insect with four wings that is often bright in color...

Books 2023-07-19

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A section or division of a book, often numbered.
  2. The name of a book, usually displayed on its cover.
  3. The person who writes and creates the book.
  4. A reference book that provides information on various topics.
  5. The sequence of events that make up the story.
  6. A picture or drawing that helps explain the story.
  1. A person or animal portrayed in the story.
  2. Imaginative and made-up stories that are not real.
  3. A category or type of books, such as mystery or adventure.
  4. A fictional or non-fictional narrative in a book.
  5. One side of a leaf in a book, usually with text or illustrations.
  6. A place where books and other materials are available for borrowing.
  7. The outer part of a book that protects the pages inside.

13 Clues: A person or animal portrayed in the story.The person who writes and creates the book.The sequence of events that make up the story.A section or division of a book, often numbered.A fictional or non-fictional narrative in a book.Imaginative and made-up stories that are not real.A picture or drawing that helps explain the story....

Sonny and Leon's library crossword 2017-02-15

Sonny and Leon's library crossword crossword puzzle
  1. when all the books come back to the library
  2. you sit on it
  3. little kids books
  4. a book writer
  5. not a real book
  6. to borrow and return books
  7. picture magazines
  1. a place to get books
  2. a paper that adults love to read
  3. week fair for books
  4. something to read
  5. what books sit on
  6. a book drawer
  7. you type on them
  8. a real book
  9. where to borrow books
  10. to be silent
  11. what we do with books
  12. something that you write on
  13. someone who looks after books

20 Clues: a real bookto be silenta book draweryou sit on ita book writernot a real bookyou type on themsomething to readwhat books sit onlittle kids bookspicture magazinesweek fair for booksa place to get bookswhere to borrow bookswhat we do with booksto borrow and return bookssomething that you write onsomeone who looks after books...

JCCC Library Crossword 2022-09-06

JCCC Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where the books are in the library
  2. Database DOC uses for law research
  3. Where you go to get books
  4. Desk where you check out books
  5. Blue box to leave books
  6. books that are late
  7. Books that are true
  8. machine to make copies
  9. date books need to be returned
  10. Thing you read
  1. Books that are not true
  2. Type of book that is too big for regular shelves
  3. to borrow materials from library
  4. What is scanned on book to check it out
  5. Books that can not leave the library
  6. to return materials to library
  7. Something you need to check out materials
  8. to extend due date
  9. books that are listened to are - books
  10. You use this to see the books in the library
  11. Used to look up what books the library has

21 Clues: Thing you readto extend due datebooks that are lateBooks that are truemachine to make copiesBooks that are not trueBlue box to leave booksWhere you go to get booksto return materials to libraryDesk where you check out booksdate books need to be returnedto borrow materials from libraryWhere the books are in the library...

Book Categories 2023-08-09

Book Categories crossword puzzle
  1. Books that provide factual information, often based on real events or subjects.
  2. Books where the author tells their own life story.
  3. Books set in futuristic or speculative worlds, often involving advanced technology.
  4. Books characterized by suspense, tension, and gripping plot twists.
  5. Books set in magical or otherworldly realms, often involving mythical creatures.
  6. Books that involve exciting journeys and experiences.
  7. Books that blend fictional characters with real historical events.
  8. Books that aim to entertain through humor and comedic situations.
  9. Books that involve solving a puzzle or crime, keeping readers guessing.
  10. Books with recipes and culinary tips for cooking enthusiasts.
  1. Books that tell the life story of a real person.
  2. Books that focus on romantic relationships and emotional connections.
  3. Books filled with lyrical and expressive language often organized in verses.
  4. Books that offer information and narratives about places and cultures.
  5. Books designed to elicit fear, often featuring supernatural or suspenseful elements.
  6. Books offering advice and guidance for personal improvement.
  7. Books that tell imaginative stories, often created from the author's imagination.
  8. Books written as scripts or plays, often intended for performance.
  9. Books used for quick access to information, facts, or details.

19 Clues: Books that tell the life story of a real person.Books where the author tells their own life story.Books that involve exciting journeys and experiences.Books offering advice and guidance for personal improvement.Books with recipes and culinary tips for cooking enthusiasts.Books used for quick access to information, facts, or details....

JCCC Library Crossword 2022-09-06

JCCC Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to return materials to library
  2. Thing you read
  3. Where you go to get books
  4. Books that are not true
  5. Type of book that is too big for regular shelves
  6. Where the books are in the library
  7. Database DOC uses for law research
  8. to borrow materials from library
  9. books that are listened to are - books
  10. books that are late
  11. machine to make copies
  1. Books that are true
  2. What is scanned on book to check it out
  3. Blue box to leave books
  4. Desk where you check out books
  5. Books that can not leave the library
  6. to extend due date
  7. Something you need to check out materials
  8. Used to look up what books the library has
  9. thing used to mark your spot in a book
  10. date books need to be returned

21 Clues: Thing you readto extend due dateBooks that are truebooks that are latemachine to make copiesBlue box to leave booksBooks that are not trueWhere you go to get booksto return materials to libraryDesk where you check out booksdate books need to be returnedto borrow materials from libraryWhere the books are in the library...

Books 2020-04-06

Books crossword puzzle
  1. creatures
  2. do
  3. band
  4. mystery
  5. mouse
  6. doll
  7. romeo and juliet
  1. matilda
  2. belt
  3. magic
  4. dragons
  5. doodling
  6. jetpack

13 Clues: dobeltbanddollmagicmousematildamysterydragonsjetpackdoodlingcreaturesromeo and juliet

Books 2021-11-17

Books crossword puzzle
  1. book series where a girl falls in love with a vampire and also a werewolf
  2. the place where the lethargarians live in "phantom tollbooth"
  3. the last name of the family in "Series of Unfortunate Events"
  4. book where a scientist brings a green monster to life with lightning
  5. book series about a young wizard fighting a dark wizard
  6. book where main character is a puppet whose nose grows if he lies
  7. book series where boy finds out he is the son of a Greek god
  1. book series where hero saves the day in his whitey tighties
  2. the name of the lake Aunt Josephine dies in
  3. the things that kill Aunt Josephine in "Series of Unfortunate Events"
  4. word for japanese comic books
  5. _____ in wonderland
  6. best selling manga of all time

13 Clues: _____ in wonderlandword for japanese comic booksbest selling manga of all timethe name of the lake Aunt Josephine dies inbook series about a young wizard fighting a dark wizardbook series where hero saves the day in his whitey tightiesbook series where boy finds out he is the son of a Greek god...

JCCC Library Crossword 2022-09-06

JCCC Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Thing you read
  2. Books that are not true
  3. Where you go to get books
  4. Something you need to check out materials
  5. books that are listened to are - books
  6. Database DOC uses for law research
  7. thing used to mark your spot in a book
  8. Where the books are in the library
  9. books that are late
  10. to borrow materials from library
  11. to extend due date
  1. Books that are true
  2. What is scanned on book to check it out
  3. Blue box to leave books
  4. Desk where you check out books
  5. Type of book that is too big for regular shelves
  6. to return materials to library
  7. machine to make copies
  8. Books that can not leave the library
  9. date books need to be returned
  10. Used to look up what books the library has

21 Clues: Thing you readto extend due dateBooks that are truebooks that are latemachine to make copiesBlue box to leave booksBooks that are not trueWhere you go to get booksDesk where you check out booksto return materials to librarydate books need to be returnedto borrow materials from libraryDatabase DOC uses for law research...

JCCC Library Crossword 2022-09-06

JCCC Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Books that are true
  2. books that are late
  3. Desk where you check out books
  4. Database DOC uses for law research
  5. Blue box to leave books
  6. What is scanned on book to check it out
  7. books that are listened to are - books
  8. machine to make copies
  9. to borrow materials from library
  10. thing used to mark your spot in a book
  1. Books that are not true
  2. Where the books are in the library
  3. Thing you read
  4. date books need to be returned
  5. Books that can not leave the library
  6. Type of book that is too big for regular shelves
  7. to extend due date
  8. Where you go to get books
  9. Used to look up what books the library has
  10. Something you need to check out materials
  11. to return materials to library

21 Clues: Thing you readto extend due dateBooks that are truebooks that are latemachine to make copiesBooks that are not trueBlue box to leave booksWhere you go to get booksdate books need to be returnedDesk where you check out booksto return materials to libraryto borrow materials from libraryWhere the books are in the library...

The Old Testament Books of the Bible 2021-03-31

The Old Testament Books of the Bible crossword puzzle
  1. ninth book of the Historical Books
  2. Fourth book of the Pentateuch
  3. Fourth book of the Historical Books
  4. Third book of the Historical Books
  5. Second book of the Pentateuch
  6. First book of the Pentateuch
  7. Third book of the Pentateuch
  8. third book of the Biblical Novellas
  9. Seventh book of the Historical Books
  10. Second book of the Historical Books
  11. second book of the Biblical Novellas
  1. fifth book of the Biblical Novellas
  2. fourth book of the Biblical Novellas
  3. First book of the Historical Books
  4. Sixth book of the Historical Books
  5. eighth book of the Historical Books
  6. eleventh book of the Historical Books
  7. first book of the Biblical Novellas
  8. tenth book of the Historical Books
  9. Fifth book of the Historical Books

20 Clues: First book of the PentateuchThird book of the PentateuchFourth book of the PentateuchSecond book of the PentateuchFirst book of the Historical BooksSixth book of the Historical Booksninth book of the Historical BooksThird book of the Historical Bookstenth book of the Historical BooksFifth book of the Historical Books...

Inside the Library 2016-05-26

Inside the Library crossword puzzle
  1. fiction relating to history
  2. genre of unrealistic events
  3. books that are true
  4. an artist for books
  5. investigative work done on a specific subject
  6. the way a person should treat another
  7. company who produces the book
  8. books on tape
  9. date book was written
  10. books of rhythm and rhyme
  11. library category
  1. category of study
  2. books that are made up
  3. books written about peoples lives
  4. someone who writes
  5. term for incoming and outgoing books
  6. machinery or equipment used to enhance learning
  7. fiction relating to real life
  8. book of suspense
  9. something you read
  10. a collection of books in numerical order
  11. number that identifies the book
  12. world map books
  13. creator of the cataloging number system

24 Clues: books on tapeworld map booksbook of suspenselibrary categorycategory of studysomeone who writessomething you readbooks that are truean artist for booksdate book was writtenbooks that are made upbooks of rhythm and rhymefiction relating to historygenre of unrealistic eventsfiction relating to real lifecompany who produces the book...

Books 2013-08-27

Books crossword puzzle
  1. (n)cốt truyện
  2. (n)nhà phê bình
  3. (n)truyện tranh; hài hước,
  4. (n)trí tưởng tượng
  5. (n)tựa, đầu đề
  1. (n)chủ đề, đề tài
  2. fiction (n)khoa học viễn tưởng
  3. (n)cá tính, nhân cách
  4. (n)lãng mạn
  5. (v)đề nghị
  6. (n)kiến thức
  7. (n)truyện ly kỳ

12 Clues: (v)đề nghị(n)lãng mạn(n)kiến thức(n)cốt truyện(n)tựa, đầu đề(n)nhà phê bình(n)truyện ly kỳ(n)chủ đề, đề tài(n)trí tưởng tượng(n)cá tính, nhân cách(n)truyện tranh; hài hước,fiction (n)khoa học viễn tưởng

Books 2021-09-21

Books crossword puzzle
  1. biography
  2. complicated
  3. interesting
  4. adventure
  5. famous
  6. library
  1. science fiction
  2. exciting
  3. novel
  4. fantasy
  5. boring
  6. popular

12 Clues: novelboringfamousfantasypopularlibraryexcitingbiographyadventurecomplicatedinterestingscience fiction

Books 2021-07-19

Books crossword puzzle
  1. is often praised as the world's greatest playwright.
  2. the plan or main story of a play or novel.
  3. a piece of furniture consisting of shelves to hold books.
  4. is a multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation.
  5. the last part of something.
  6. a binding or a protecting case a book cover.
  1. a name of a book, film, play, piece of music, or other work of art.
  2. is a person who writes a book, story, poem, or other written work.
  3. has books, newspapers, magazines, films, audio recordings, and computer software.
  4. division, part, passage, portion, section.
  5. writing that tells a story made up in a writer's imagination.
  6. one of the leaves of a publication or manuscript also.

12 Clues: the last part of something.the plan or main story of a play or novel.division, part, passage, portion, section.a binding or a protecting case a book often praised as the world's greatest of the leaves of a publication or manuscript also.a piece of furniture consisting of shelves to hold books....

Books 2021-08-01

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands
  2. a story about Greek or Roman gods.
  3. a story with unhappy and scared society, totalitarian government.
  4. personal opinion on something in a written form.
  5. brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel
  6. a type of writing which includes rhymes.
  1. … fiction is a story which involves crime investigation.
  2. a story that a person wrote about his/her life.
  3. a book with lots of pictures and dialogues.
  4. a long story about imaginary characters and events.
  5. … fiction often describes technology, time travel, lives on other planets, etc.
  6. a scary story.

12 Clues: a scary story.a story about Greek or Roman gods.a type of writing which includes rhymes.a book with lots of pictures and dialogues.a story that a person wrote about his/her life.personal opinion on something in a written form.a long story about imaginary characters and events.… fiction is a story which involves crime investigation....

Books 2021-09-27

Books crossword puzzle
  1. stilton's kingdom of fantasy dragon of fortune and pheonix books
  2. stiltonix's 1st book
  3. stilton's 4th journey through time
  4. Stilton Kingdom of fantasy 2nd adventure
  5. stilton's 44th normal book
  1. stiltonoot's 11th book
  2. stilton's normal 52nd book
  3. potter's 7th book
  4. stilton's 55th normal book
  5. stilton's 12th kingdom of fantasy book
  6. stilton special edition book
  7. stilton's 1st book

12 Clues: potter's 7th bookstilton's 1st bookstiltonix's 1st bookstiltonoot's 11th bookstilton's normal 52nd bookstilton's 55th normal bookstilton's 44th normal bookstilton special edition bookstilton's 4th journey through timestilton's 12th kingdom of fantasy bookStilton Kingdom of fantasy 2nd adventure...

Books 2023-06-20

Books crossword puzzle
  1. It's a special piece of writing that expresses emotion and beauty. It's a book with emotional sentences by poets.
  2. It's a book with information and tips on various travel destinations. It will help you plan your trip.
  3. It's a book that teaches you about science. It includes descriptions of natural phenomena and experiments.
  4. It's a book about deep thoughts about life and the world. It allows me to think about the meaning and value of life.
  5. It's a book that tells stories about past events and characters. You can learn about historical events.
  1. It's a book with a scary story. You can feel the tension with stories involving ghosts or monsters.
  2. It's a book with an interesting story. You can experience the adventures and emotions of the main characters together.
  3. It's a novel that tells a variety of travel stories. It's fun to get to know other countries and cultures
  4. It's a book of magic and adventure. It's a story of love, courage, and hope.
  5. It's a book with a variety of cooking recipes and cooking methods. It will help you make delicious food.
  6. It's a book that tells a story through pictures and dialogue. A variety of characters and interesting stories await.
  7. Book It's a book that deals with basic knowledge and problems in mathematics. It helps you understand numbers and formulas.

12 Clues: It's a book of magic and adventure. It's a story of love, courage, and hope.It's a book with a scary story. You can feel the tension with stories involving ghosts or monsters.It's a book with information and tips on various travel destinations. It will help you plan your trip....

Books 2023-06-18

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Imaginative stories set in magical worlds filled with mythical creatures, epic battles, and characters with extraordinary powers.
  2. Fascinating tales from ancient mythologies, featuring gods, goddesses, and legendary creatures, providing insights into different cultures and their beliefs.
  3. Captivating stories centered around sports, showcasing the triumphs, challenges, and teamwork of athletes in different disciplines.
  4. Exciting stories filled with thrilling quests, daring heroes, and unexpected twists that take readers on exciting journeys to unknown lands.
  5. Stories set in the past, providing a glimpse into different time periods, cultures, and significant events that shaped our world.
  6. Stories Heartwarming tales featuring animals as main characters, portraying their adventures, friendships, and the valuable lessons they teach us.
  7. Beautifully crafted verses that evoke emotions, paint vivid imagery, and capture the essence of moments and feelings in a rhythmic and lyrical way.
  1. Tales Magical stories with enchanting settings, princesses, knights, and talking animals, teaching moral lessons and sparking imagination.
  2. Tale Retellings Creative retellings of classic fairy tales, offering new perspectives, twists, and adventures while preserving the enchantment of the original tales.
  3. True accounts of remarkable individuals, from historical figures to modern-day heroes, showcasing their achievements and inspiring journeys.
  4. Puzzling tales where young detectives solve perplexing cases, following clues and unraveling secrets to uncover the truth.
  5. Fiction Futuristic tales that explore scientific advancements, space travel, and encounters with extraterrestrial beings, stretching the limits of imagination.
  6. Educational books that delve into various scientific topics, from the wonders of the universe to the mysteries of nature, making learning fun and engaging.
  7. Funny and lighthearted stories that tickle the funny bone, filled with hilarious situations, quirky characters, and witty dialogue.

14 Clues: Puzzling tales where young detectives solve perplexing cases, following clues and unraveling secrets to uncover the truth.Imaginative stories set in magical worlds filled with mythical creatures, epic battles, and characters with extraordinary powers....

Books 2023-06-22

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Books that tell stories through a combination of pictures and dialogue. They are visually appealing and often feature superheroes or funny characters.
  2. Books that present factual information about real-life topics such as science, history, animals, or sports.
  3. A thrilling or exciting experience. Adventure books take readers on journeys to new places and often involve brave and daring characters.
  4. tale Magical stories that often feature mythical creatures, princesses, and happy endings. They transport readers to enchanting worlds.
  5. Books that recount events from the past, including significant moments, civilizations, and historical figures.
  6. A thrilling or exciting experience. Adventure books take readers on journeys to new places and often involve brave and daring characters.
  7. Literary works that use imaginative and rhythmic language to evoke emotions and create vivid mental images.
  1. Books that explore scientific concepts, discoveries, and experiments. They help readers learn about the natural world and its wonders.
  2. A type of story that involves solving a puzzle or a crime. Mystery books keep readers engaged as they try to unravel the unknown.
  3. A type of story that involves solving a puzzle or a crime. Mystery books keep readers engaged as they try to unravel the unknown.
  4. Books that contain illustrations or photographs to accompany the text. They are designed to engage young readers and enhance comprehension.
  5. Books that tell the life story of a real person. Biographies provide insights into the achievements, challenges, and experiences of individuals.
  6. A narrative account of events or experiences. Stories can be fictional or based on real-life events and are often found in books.
  7. Imaginary or make-believe stories that often include magical creatures, enchanted lands, and extraordinary events.

14 Clues: Books that present factual information about real-life topics such as science, history, animals, or sports.Literary works that use imaginative and rhythmic language to evoke emotions and create vivid mental images.Books that recount events from the past, including significant moments, civilizations, and historical figures....

books 2023-05-09

books crossword puzzle
  1. a book that has information about many different subjects or about one subject and is usually put in alphabetical order
  2. a girl who behaves like a boy
  3. different
  4. exciting
  5. this person is not afraid of anything
  6. a person who likes reading
  1. writer
  2. a type of literature which uses musical qualities of the language
  3. very funny
  4. to show
  5. mean
  6. a work of art made with great skill

12 Clues: meanwriterto showexcitingdifferentvery funnya person who likes readinga girl who behaves like a boya work of art made with great skillthis person is not afraid of anythinga type of literature which uses musical qualities of the language...

books 2023-03-27

books crossword puzzle
  1. love story
  2. play
  3. classical novel
  4. ravel diary
  5. comedy
  6. horror
  1. science fiction story
  2. crime novel
  3. poem
  4. fairy tale
  5. legend
  6. mystery story

12 Clues: playpoemlegendcomedyhorrorlove storyfairy talecrime novelravel diarymystery storyclassical novelscience fiction story

Books 2023-12-16

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Rinaldi
  2. A date 📅
  3. 'He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. '
  4. Animal and color
  5. Scout
  6. Homer
  7. O’Connor
  1. Bull fights
  2. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  3. F. Scott Fitzgerald
  4. My name
  5. A bad word

12 Clues: ScoutHomerMy nameRinaldiA date 📅O’ConnorA bad wordBull fightsAnimal and colorF. Scott FitzgeraldGabriel Garcia Marquez'He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. '

BOOKS 2022-02-18

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. The kinds of books that tell imaginary stories.
  2. The pictures in a book.
  3. One of the people in a story.
  4. The person who writes a book.
  5. A short description of the book that is printed on the cover.
  1. At the beginning of the book, there is a table of this.
  2. A person who is fond of books.
  3. The time and place where the story takes place.
  4. The story of the book.
  5. Inside a book,the person who talks to the reader.
  6. One of the parts the book is divided into.
  7. The name of the book.

12 Clues: The name of the book.The story of the book.The pictures in a book.One of the people in a story.The person who writes a book.A person who is fond of books.One of the parts the book is divided into.The kinds of books that tell imaginary stories.The time and place where the story takes place.Inside a book,the person who talks to the reader....

Books 2022-04-13

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a series of events that form the story
  2. a person who enjoys reading and spends a lot of time reading
  3. complete or full; “I finished the ____ book.”
  4. a person in a book
  5. a character who does horrible things
  6. a piece of writing that may be performed on stage; often known as a play, it tells a tale almost entirely through dialogue (what the characters say)
  1. written stories about made-up characters and events
  2. the outer part of a book
  3. a space where books are offered for use or borrowing
  4. a piece of furniture having shelves for storing books
  5. making a book available to the public
  6. a book that outlines a crime and the investigation procedure

12 Clues: a person in a bookthe outer part of a booka character who does horrible thingsmaking a book available to the publica series of events that form the storycomplete or full; “I finished the ____ book.”written stories about made-up characters and eventsa space where books are offered for use or borrowing...

Books 2022-04-13

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a series of events that form the story
  2. a person who enjoys reading and spends a lot of time reading
  3. complete or full; “I finished the ____ book.”
  4. a person in a book
  5. a character who does horrible things
  6. a piece of writing that may be performed on stage; often known as a play, it tells a tale almost entirely through dialogue (what the characters say)
  1. written stories about made-up characters and events
  2. the outer part of a book
  3. a space where books are offered for use or borrowing
  4. a piece of furniture having shelves for storing books
  5. making a book available to the public
  6. a book that outlines a crime and the investigation procedure

12 Clues: a person in a bookthe outer part of a booka character who does horrible thingsmaking a book available to the publica series of events that form the storycomplete or full; “I finished the ____ book.”written stories about made-up characters and eventsa space where books are offered for use or borrowing...

Books 2018-10-12

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Sounds people make when they see or hear smth funny.
  2. A story about the life of a person.
  3. A detective story.
  4. Things you do with your mouth when you want to sleep.
  5. A person who writes the book.
  1. Talk, discuss smth.
  2. Talk very quietly.
  3. A person in the book.
  4. A person who spends really a lot of time reading and likes it very much.
  5. A funny story.
  6. An ancient story.
  7. Sounds people make during their sleep.

12 Clues: A funny story.An ancient story.Talk very quietly.A detective story.Talk, discuss smth.A person in the book.A person who writes the book.A story about the life of a person.Sounds people make during their sleep.Sounds people make when they see or hear smth funny.Things you do with your mouth when you want to sleep....

Books 2019-11-20

Books crossword puzzle
  1. porikärbes
  2. nuuskama
  3. millegagi ääristatud
  4. välja marssima
  5. koitõrjepallike
  1. rõdu
  2. millegi üle otsustama
  3. pehmekaaneline raamat
  4. väärt
  5. peegel
  6. eeldama
  7. pulstunud

12 Clues: rõduväärtpeegeleeldamanuuskamapulstunudporikärbesvälja marssimakoitõrjepallikemillegagi ääristatudmillegi üle otsustamapehmekaaneline raamat

Books 2023-06-29

Books crossword puzzle
  1. An exciting or daring experience, often involving exploration, risk-taking, and unexpected events, that captures the reader's imagination.
  2. A travel or passage, often metaphorical, taken by the characters in a book, involving personal growth, discovery, and transformation.
  3. The bond between two or more characters in a book, based on mutual affection, support, and shared experiences.
  4. A visual representation, often in the form of an illustration or photograph, that adds visual appeal and helps convey ideas in a book.
  5. A story or situation involving unknown elements or secrets, encouraging the reader to solve a puzzle or unravel a hidden truth.
  6. A narrative or tale that is written or told, often with characters and events, providing entertainment, knowledge, or moral lessons.
  1. The ability to create images, ideas, and worlds in one's mind, often stimulated and inspired by reading books and stories.
  2. A moral or valuable insight gained from a book or story, teaching the reader about life, values, and important principles.
  3. Information, facts, and understanding gained through reading and learning, broadening the reader's mind and expanding their wisdom.
  4. A main character in a book who displays courage, strength, and noble qualities, often embarking on a journey or facing challenges.
  5. The ability to think and express oneself in original and innovative ways, often inspired by reading books and exploring new ideas.
  6. An exciting or daring experience, often involving exploration, risk-taking, and unexpected events, that captures the reader's imagination.
  7. A genre of literature that features imaginary or magical elements, taking readers to extraordinary worlds beyond their own reality.

13 Clues: The bond between two or more characters in a book, based on mutual affection, support, and shared experiences.The ability to create images, ideas, and worlds in one's mind, often stimulated and inspired by reading books and stories....

Books 2023-11-18

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Lost Island Discover a mysterious island and unravel its hidden secrets.
  2. Explorers Join a group of kids on an exciting journey through space.
  3. Magic Lighthouse Explore a magical lighthouse and the enchanting world around it.
  4. at Midnight Solve a thrilling mystery that unfolds under the moonlight.
  5. of Wonders Step into a whimsical circus filled with magical performances.
  6. Rumble Join a team of young engineers in an epic robot-building contest.
  7. for the Crystal Follow young heroes on a quest to find a powerful crystal.
  8. Travelers' Quest Travel through time with a group of friends on a grand quest.
  9. Academy Attend a school for young superheroes and their epic training.
  10. Amazing Invention Witness the creation of a fantastic invention by young inventors.
  1. of the Sky Join a group of sky explorers on a quest to find mythical creatures.
  2. in Atlantis Embark on an underwater adventure to the lost city of Atlantis.
  3. Treasure Hunt Set sail with a group of pirates in search of hidden treasure.
  4. Agents Society Dive into the world of espionage and solve daring missions.
  5. Enchanted Forest Follow the adventures of brave friends in a magical forest.

15 Clues: Explorers Join a group of kids on an exciting journey through space.Academy Attend a school for young superheroes and their epic Midnight Solve a thrilling mystery that unfolds under the moonlight.Lost Island Discover a mysterious island and unravel its hidden secrets....

94-99 Greek and Latin 2016-04-14

94-99 Greek and Latin crossword puzzle
  1. Study of books.
  2. Book.
  3. Worship of books.
  4. Tyrant lizard.
  5. One who steals books.
  6. Lover of books.
  7. The book of the Christian religion.
  8. One who enforces order.
  9. Lizard.
  10. Terrible lizard.
  11. Pertaining to correction.
  12. Fear of books.
  13. Leaping lizard.
  14. Libri Book.
  15. Place where books are kept.
  16. One who writes a libretto.
  1. Words to which opera music has been written.
  2. Thunder lizard.
  3. One who destroys books.
  4. Student.
  5. Craziness about books.
  6. Lizard with bony plates sticking up from his neck.
  7. One in charge of a library.
  8. List of books on a particular subject.
  9. Pertaining to the placement or arrangement of books.
  10. Lizard with a shell on his back.
  11. Teaching.
  12. Written accusation.
  13. A student.

29 Clues: Book.Lizard.Student.Teaching.A student.Libri Book.Tyrant lizard.Fear of books.Thunder lizard.Study of books.Lover of books.Leaping lizard.Terrible lizard.Worship of books.Written accusation.One who steals books.Craziness about books.One who destroys books.One who enforces order.Pertaining to correction.One who writes a libretto....

Books 2018-10-12

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Sounds people make during their sleep.
  2. Sounds people make when they see or hear smth funny.
  3. A person who spends really a lot of time reading and likes it very much.
  4. A funny story.
  5. A person in the book.
  6. An ancient story.
  7. Talk very quietly.
  1. A detective story.
  2. Things you do with your mouth when you want to sleep.
  3. A person who writes the book.
  4. A story about the life of a person.
  5. Talk, discuss smth.

12 Clues: A funny story.An ancient story.A detective story.Talk very quietly.Talk, discuss smth.A person in the book.A person who writes the book.A story about the life of a person.Sounds people make during their sleep.Sounds people make when they see or hear smth funny.Things you do with your mouth when you want to sleep....

Books 2018-05-15

Books crossword puzzle
  1. mrożący krew w żyłach
  2. zasmucać
  3. przejmujący, bolesny
  4. nałogowy
  5. oceny krytyków
  6. kąśliwy (humor)
  7. zwięzły
  1. zapadać
  2. mroczny
  3. zagadkowy
  4. ponury
  5. książka o niskim poziomie intelektualnym

12 Clues: ponuryzapadaćmrocznyzwięzłyzasmucaćnałogowyzagadkowyoceny krytykówkąśliwy (humor)przejmujący, bolesnymrożący krew w żyłachksiążka o niskim poziomie intelektualnym

Books 2013-08-27

Books crossword puzzle
  1. (n)cốt truyện
  2. (n)nhà phê bình
  3. (n)truyện tranh; hài hước,
  4. (n)trí tưởng tượng
  5. (n)tựa, đầu đề
  1. (n)chủ đề, đề tài
  2. fiction (n)khoa học viễn tưởng
  3. (n)cá tính, nhân cách
  4. (n)lãng mạn
  5. (v)đề nghị
  6. (n)kiến thức
  7. (n)truyện ly kỳ

12 Clues: (v)đề nghị(n)lãng mạn(n)kiến thức(n)cốt truyện(n)tựa, đầu đề(n)nhà phê bình(n)truyện ly kỳ(n)chủ đề, đề tài(n)trí tưởng tượng(n)cá tính, nhân cách(n)truyện tranh; hài hước,fiction (n)khoa học viễn tưởng

Books 2022-06-10

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a book about an orphan who goes into one of the most important jobs in a kingdom
  2. a book about super powered aliens numbered 1 through 10
  3. a book about a corrupt government game
  4. a "true" writing
  5. a thing we do in class where we answer a question
  1. a book about an alien species eating the energy from the sun
  2. what we do almost everyday in class
  3. this is what you do while using a book
  4. a book about a preserve for magical creatures
  5. the thing we do in this class
  6. a "false" writing, this is for stories
  7. something we are doing for extra credit

12 Clues: a "true" writingthe thing we do in this classwhat we do almost everyday in classthis is what you do while using a booka book about a corrupt government gamea "false" writing, this is for storiessomething we are doing for extra credita book about a preserve for magical creaturesa thing we do in class where we answer a question...

books 2023-05-04

books crossword puzzle
  1. you can see the latest fashion
  2. we use it in the english class
  3. book about mostly boy and a girl
  4. You can hear the latest drama
  5. you can search similar words to what you're searching
  6. Funny book
  1. You read ir to build a bed
  2. If you don't know how to write a word,you look at this book
  3. It's about the nature and the ocean
  4. book you can learn how to write words
  5. Fact book
  6. a book where u can learn to make food

12 Clues: Fact bookFunny bookYou read ir to build a bedYou can hear the latest dramayou can see the latest fashionwe use it in the english classbook about mostly boy and a girlIt's about the nature and the oceana book where u can learn to make foodbook you can learn how to write wordsyou can search similar words to what you're searching...

Books 2024-03-12

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Boy Wizard's adventures
  2. Diary of a Middle Schooler
  3. Romance between a human and a vampire
  4. Adventures in Wonderland
  5. Land of talking animals and magic
  1. Unexpected journey of a small hero
  2. Demigod battles ancient monsters
  3. Spider who befriends a pig
  4. Friendship across cultural divides
  5. Girl with telekinetic powers
  6. Boy with facial differences starts school
  7. Dystopian novel about sameness

12 Clues: Boy Wizard's adventuresAdventures in WonderlandSpider who befriends a pigDiary of a Middle SchoolerGirl with telekinetic powersDystopian novel about samenessDemigod battles ancient monstersLand of talking animals and magicUnexpected journey of a small heroFriendship across cultural dividesRomance between a human and a vampire...

BOOKS 2024-04-27

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. A person depicted in a narrative or drama.
  2. A person trained to travel and work in space.
  3. A celestial body that orbits a star.
  4. Relating to or based on scientific methods and principles.
  5. A person who conducts scientific research or investigations.
  1. Mathematical processes used to find answers.
  2. A narrative account of events.
  3. A scientist who studies plants.
  4. The foundation or starting point of something.
  5. Someone who writes books, stories, or articles.
  6. The sequence of events in a story.
  7. A large vessel used for sailing or transporting goods.

12 Clues: A narrative account of events.A scientist who studies plants.The sequence of events in a story.A celestial body that orbits a star.A person depicted in a narrative or drama.Mathematical processes used to find answers.A person trained to travel and work in space.The foundation or starting point of something....

Books 2023-06-26

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Fiction A genre of fiction that explores imaginative and futuristic concepts, often based on scientific or technological advancements.
  2. A book that tells the true story of a person's life, providing insights into their achievements and experiences.
  3. An exciting and daring experience, often involving a quest or journey, depicted in a book.
  4. Literary works that express emotions, ideas, or experiences using rhythmic language and often featuring imaginative and figurative language.
  5. A narrative account of events or experiences, often fictional, that entertains and teaches lessons.
  1. Book A book or magazine that uses sequential art, often with speech bubbles, to tell a story.
  2. A reference book that provides information on various subjects, arranged alphabetically or thematically.
  3. Tale A traditional story with magical elements and mythical creatures, often featuring princes, princesses, and happy endings.
  4. A genre of fiction that includes magical or supernatural elements, often set in imaginary worlds.
  5. Book A book that combines illustrations and text to tell a story, often aimed at younger readers.
  6. A story or novel that involves solving a puzzle or uncovering secrets through clues and suspense.
  7. A long fictional story that explores characters, settings, and plots in depth.

12 Clues: A long fictional story that explores characters, settings, and plots in depth.An exciting and daring experience, often involving a quest or journey, depicted in a book.Book A book or magazine that uses sequential art, often with speech bubbles, to tell a story....

Books! 2016-11-15

Books! crossword puzzle
  1. Third book in the 'Hunger Games' series
  2. What is the surname of the famous literary sisters Anne, Charlotte and Emily?
  3. Charlie ..... author of 'The Enemy' series
  4. Author of 'Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children'
  5. Surname of Frodo and Bilbo
  6. Piggy and Ralph appear in which novel?
  7. Final book in the 'Gone' series by Michael Grant
  1. The first Sherlock Holmes novel
  2. George and Lennie are characters in which classic novel?
  3. Greek God who is the father of Percy Jackson
  4. Who wrote 'The Time Machine' and 'War of the Worlds'?
  5. Voted the nation's favourite Roald Dahl book

12 Clues: Surname of Frodo and BilboThe first Sherlock Holmes novelPiggy and Ralph appear in which novel?Third book in the 'Hunger Games' seriesCharlie ..... author of 'The Enemy' seriesGreek God who is the father of Percy JacksonVoted the nation's favourite Roald Dahl bookFinal book in the 'Gone' series by Michael Grant...

Books 2018-10-08

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a book with a thick cover
  2. põnev raamat
  3. the name of the book
  4. suund, juhis
  5. aknalaud
  6. rõdu
  1. porikärbes
  2. a book with a thin cover
  3. somebody who looks strange
  4. the writer of the book
  5. riidekapp
  6. books you have to read at school

12 Clues: rõduaknalaudriidekappporikärbespõnev raamatsuund, juhisthe name of the bookthe writer of the booka book with a thin covera book with a thick coversomebody who looks strangebooks you have to read at school

Books 2024-02-15

Books crossword puzzle
  1. The act of smelling books
  2. How many books can you make from one tree?
  3. The word for 'books' in Spanish
  4. Ancient capital of learning and knowledge
  5. To whom does the longest printed sentence in literature belong?
  6. In this city, 998 people balanced books on their head at an event
  1. Who invented the printing press?
  2. Author of the longest audiobook
  3. Fear of running out of something to read
  4. The most sold book
  5. Japanese word for 'to let reading materials pile up in one’s home and never read them'
  6. Which country reads the most?

12 Clues: The most sold bookThe act of smelling booksWhich country reads the most?Author of the longest audiobookThe word for 'books' in SpanishWho invented the printing press?Fear of running out of something to readAncient capital of learning and knowledgeHow many books can you make from one tree?...

Jazlyn and Lara's crossword 2017-02-13

Jazlyn and Lara's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a week to celebrate books
  2. what we read
  3. a teacher in the library
  4. soft and fluffy
  5. how to find your books
  6. people who write the books
  7. when you count books
  1. something you work on
  2. were you go to borrow books
  3. where you read books
  4. you find in a book
  5. real stories and facts
  6. like a magazine
  7. you sit on them
  8. they hold books on them
  9. opposite of loud
  10. a type of technology
  11. something to follow in the library
  12. works with the author the create books
  13. stories made up

20 Clues: what we readlike a magazineyou sit on themsoft and fluffystories made upopposite of loudyou find in a bookwhere you read booksa type of technologywhen you count bookssomething you work onreal stories and factshow to find your booksthey hold books on thema teacher in the librarya week to celebrate bookspeople who write the books...

library crossword Emily H.L 5/6V 2017-02-15

library crossword Emily H.L 5/6V crossword puzzle
  1. you have to follow them
  2. a piece of furniture you can work on
  3. something you read that's made up
  4. someone who runs the library
  5. something you print with
  6. an object you can sit on
  7. something you get out of books
  8. someone who writes stories
  9. something you do with books
  10. when we celebrate books for a week
  1. the opposite of loud
  2. a stand for books
  3. how you take books home
  4. a book filled with word meanings
  5. someone who draws for books
  6. a quiet place filled with books
  7. something a librarian has to do to count books
  8. a technology that has a keyboard
  9. something fluffy that you can sit on
  10. something you read

20 Clues: a stand for bookssomething you readthe opposite of loudyou have to follow themhow you take books homesomething you print withan object you can sit onsomeone who writes storiessomeone who draws for bookssomething you do with bookssomeone who runs the librarysomething you get out of booksa quiet place filled with booksa book filled with word meanings...

Bookstore 2021-09-14

Bookstore crossword puzzle
  1. Repurposed books become _____
  2. Michelle's upcoming debut novel, Death of A_____
  3. The entrance to the New Bookstore
  4. Cupboard Maker Books' former beloved bookstore cat
  5. Cupboard Maker Books' best-selling genre
  6. Most of the books in Cupboard Maker Books are ___
  7. We rescue ______
  8. What town is Cupboard Maker Books located?
  9. Where do you meet book lovers?
  10. What is located across from the bookstore?
  11. We love ____ authors
  12. Similar books in a category
  1. The queen of the bookstore
  2. This cat was born in the bookstore
  3. ___ Critters, the rescue
  4. Cupboard Maker Books' bestselling author, __V Snyder
  5. Who is the bookstore artist?
  6. How do you find kids books?Follow the____ Brick Road
  7. Book club for aspiring authors
  8. The biggest event for Cupboard Maker Books
  9. How do you get coupons in the mail?

21 Clues: We rescue ______We love ____ authors___ Critters, the rescueThe queen of the bookstoreSimilar books in a categoryWho is the bookstore artist?Repurposed books become _____Book club for aspiring authorsWhere do you meet book lovers?The entrance to the New BookstoreThis cat was born in the bookstoreHow do you get coupons in the mail?...

molly and imogen library crossword 2017-02-15

molly and imogen library crossword crossword puzzle
  1. people who borrow the books
  2. close to silence
  3. someone who works in the library
  4. something your draw on
  5. something to keep your place in a book
  6. something you take books home in
  7. something we read
  8. something we type on
  9. what we find in books
  1. where we store our books
  2. things we have to follow
  3. what we do every year
  4. someone who writes books
  5. untrue just a story
  6. what we do with books
  7. something your not allowed to borrow
  8. facts and information
  9. someone who draws pictures
  10. cushions with faces
  11. how we take books home

20 Clues: close to silencesomething we readuntrue just a storycushions with facessomething we type onwhat we do every yearwhat we do with booksfacts and informationwhat we find in bookssomething your draw onhow we take books homewhere we store our booksthings we have to followsomeone who writes bookssomeone who draws picturespeople who borrow the books...

Books 2014-03-14

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A made up story.
  2. The company that prints the book.
  3. What somebody else thinks of the book, often in newspapers or magazines.
  4. A book that contains true facts and isn't necessarily a story.
  5. The person that checks the spellings and grammar of the book before it is printed.
  6. The part of the book where the pages are attached.
  1. The name of the sections that the book is split into.
  2. The book we use to look up spellings and meanings of words.
  3. The next book in the series by the same author.
  4. The information on the back of the book.
  5. The name of the person that wrote the book.
  6. The name of a book.

12 Clues: A made up story.The name of a book.The company that prints the book.The information on the back of the book.The name of the person that wrote the book.The next book in the series by the same author.The part of the book where the pages are attached.The name of the sections that the book is split into....

Books 2015-04-07

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Magic School Bus teacher
  2. District 12
  3. Jane
  4. Scout's scary neighbor
  5. Utopian Society
  6. Cat in the _____
  7. Shia Labeouf stars
  1. Tale of Two _____
  2. Red Room
  3. Sorcerer
  4. An offer you can't refuse
  5. Team Edward or Jacob

12 Clues: JaneRed RoomSorcererDistrict 12Utopian SocietyCat in the _____Tale of Two _____Shia Labeouf starsTeam Edward or JacobScout's scary neighborMagic School Bus teacherAn offer you can't refuse

books 2015-08-21

books crossword puzzle
  1. a book about someone's life
  2. a famous book about a popular wizard
  3. a book about real things you can do
  4. a story in space and monsters
  5. can you solve the puzzle
  1. boys don't like this kind of book
  2. a book with pictures
  3. a famous japanese manga
  4. a book about things that aren't real
  5. don't read this book at night!
  6. it won't take you very long to read this
  7. a collection of books that usually rhyme

12 Clues: a book with picturesa famous japanese mangacan you solve the puzzlea book about someone's lifea story in space and monstersdon't read this book at night!boys don't like this kind of booka book about real things you can doa famous book about a popular wizarda book about things that aren't realit won't take you very long to read this...

BOOKS 2020-05-31

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. AUTOR
  2. TYTUŁ


books 2022-05-07

books crossword puzzle
  1. one of the hard parts of a body that give it shape
  2. to hold the weight of; to offer help or comfort to
  3. not straight, even, smooth, or following a normal pattern
  4. the partner of an animal with which it produces young
  5. a specific period of time in the growth or development
  6. the larva of a butterfly or moth
  7. a part of the body where two bones connect or fit together
  1. the framework of bones and cartilage that supports and protects the body of a human or other vertebrate
  2. cycle the stages of change that an organism goes through during its life
  3. an immature insect in the stage between a larva and an adult
  4. to guard or defend from harm or danger
  5. an insect with four wings that is often bright in color

12 Clues: the larva of a butterfly or mothto guard or defend from harm or dangerone of the hard parts of a body that give it shapeto hold the weight of; to offer help or comfort tothe partner of an animal with which it produces younga specific period of time in the growth or developmentan insect with four wings that is often bright in color...

Books 2023-06-20

Books crossword puzzle
  1. It's a special piece of writing that expresses emotion and beauty. It's a book with emotional sentences by poets.
  2. It's a book about deep thoughts about life and the world. It allows me to think about the meaning and value of life.
  3. It's a novel that tells a variety of travel stories. It's fun to get to know other countries and cultures
  4. It's a book with a variety of cooking recipes and cooking methods. It will help you make delicious food.
  5. It's a book with information and tips on various travel destinations. It will help you plan your trip.
  1. It's a book that teaches you about science. It includes descriptions of natural phenomena and experiments.
  2. It's a book with a scary story. You can feel the tension with stories involving ghosts or monsters.
  3. It's a book that tells stories about past events and characters. You can learn about historical events.
  4. It's a book that deals with basic knowledge and problems in mathematics. It helps you understand numbers and formulas.
  5. It's a book of magic and adventure. It's a story of love, courage, and hope.
  6. It's a book with an interesting story. You can experience the adventures and emotions of the main characters together.
  7. It's a book that tells a story through pictures and dialogue. A variety of characters and interesting stories await.

12 Clues: It's a book of magic and adventure. It's a story of love, courage, and hope.It's a book with a scary story. You can feel the tension with stories involving ghosts or monsters.It's a book with information and tips on various travel destinations. It will help you plan your trip....

Books 2023-05-09

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Math
  2. WW2
  3. Bob the Dog
  4. Ivan the Gorilla
  5. 12 year old and her brother
  6. Ruby the elephant (New Book)
  1. New School Lunch
  2. Fantasy Land where you store clothes
  3. Raina and her new braces
  4. Raina's anxiety from getting sick
  5. Black horse
  6. Raina and Her sister Amara in a fight

12 Clues: WW2MathBob the DogBlack horseNew School LunchIvan the GorillaRaina and her new braces12 year old and her brotherRuby the elephant (New Book)Raina's anxiety from getting sickFantasy Land where you store clothesRaina and Her sister Amara in a fight

Books 2023-12-03

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Stories like The Three Little Pigs, Cinderella and Hansel and Gretel
  2. Inside a book, the person who talks to the reader
  3. A long, made-up story book—maybe 100 or even 700 pages long.
  4. The name of a book
  5. One of the people in a story
  6. The kinds of books that tell real information.
  1. One part of a book that is a few pages long
  2. The kind of story that people act out on a stage
  3. One side of one piece of paper in a book
  4. The period of time and place where the story takes place is the
  5. The kinds of books that tell imaginary stories. LITERATURE
  6. The real person who writes a book

12 Clues: The name of a bookOne of the people in a storyThe real person who writes a bookOne side of one piece of paper in a bookOne part of a book that is a few pages longThe kinds of books that tell real information.The kind of story that people act out on a stageInside a book, the person who talks to the reader...

Library 2023-03-13

Library crossword puzzle
  1. the spine call number
  2. drawings illustrator
  3. up story fiction
  4. have a spine
  5. of a book title
  6. nonfiction
  7. return and check out
  8. in back of book index
  9. books card catalog
  10. of someone's life biography
  1. for books library
  2. books author
  3. of books genre
  4. name for magazine periodical
  5. published monthly
  6. Online Card Catalog
  7. that check out students
  8. yearly award for picture books
  9. fiction is organized author
  10. yearly award for chapter books
  11. nonfiction is organized subject

21 Clues: nonfictionbooks authorhave a spineof books genreof a book titleup story fictionfor books librarypublished monthlybooks card catalogOnline Card Catalogdrawings illustratorreturn and check outthe spine call numberin back of book indexthat check out studentsfiction is organized authorof someone's life biographyname for magazine periodical...

Usman's Books 2020-07-13

Usman's Books crossword puzzle
  1. to go really fast
  2. a thing with pages (页) and words that we read
  3. a thing where you put all your books
  4. another word for cat
  5. the past of can
  6. more than one but less than all
  7. to run and try to catch something
  8. to help someone out of danger (危险)
  9. someone who works in a kitchen
  10. another word for yummy or delicious
  11. what you try to kick the football into
  1. to really, really want something to happen
  2. a ball for playing football
  3. like a hard (硬的) hat we put on when we ride or fly
  4. someone who cuts (切) wood
  5. a kind of hat for riding a horse when it’s cold
  6. like a hard (硬的) bag for carrying things
  7. to get into some clothes
  8. everything about cooking
  9. like a kind of thick (浓稠) cake
  10. made from wood
  11. the past of will

22 Clues: made from woodthe past of canthe past of willto go really fastanother word for catto get into some clotheseverything about cookingsomeone who cuts (切) wooda ball for playing footballlike a kind of thick (浓稠) cakesomeone who works in a kitchenmore than one but less than allto run and try to catch somethingto help someone out of danger (危险)...

Books 5 2022-02-07

Books 5 crossword puzzle
  1. jungle board game By Chris Van Allsburg
  2. The _ Battle Book By Dr. Seuss
  3. Charlie Brown Snoopy Woodstock The _ By Charles Schulz
  4. There Was An Old Lady Who _ A Fly By Pam Adams
  5. The Pit And The _ By Edgar Allan Poe
  6. Good Dog _ By Alexandra Day
  7. The _ Brain By Temple Grandin
  8. The _ Have No King By Daniel Evan Weiss
  9. orange cat by Jim Davis
  10. _ 451 By Ray Bradbury
  11. little girl Paris By Ludwig Bemelmans
  12. _ Vampire By Adam Rex
  13. _ And Hobbes By Bill Watterson
  14. The _ Boy By Sid Fleischman
  15. children's book By Don Freeman
  16. I _ A book of Picture Riddles By Jean Marzollo
  17. _ But True National Geographic Kids
  18. If You Give A Mouse A _ By Laura Numeroff
  19. Pippi _ By Astrid Lindgren
  20. _ The Turtle By Dr. Seuss
  21. The Fall Of The House Of _ By Edgar Allan Poe
  22. Slaughterhouse _ By Kurt Vonnegut
  23. The Boy In The Striped _ By John Boyne
  24. _ The Stars By Lois Lowry
  25. The Story Of _ By Robert Lawson
  26. The _ Chronicles By Holly Black
  1. There's A Boy In The Girl's _ By Louis Sachar
  2. So You Want To Be _ By Judith St. George
  3. A Bad Case Of _ By David Shannon
  4. The Adventures Of Tom _ By Mark Twain
  5. The _ Incident By Judi Barrett
  6. Of _ And Men By John Steinbeck
  7. _ Of Blood And Bone By Tomi Adeyemi
  8. _ The Dirty Dog By Gene Zion
  9. _ For Sal By Robert McCloskey
  10. By Vladimir Nabokov
  11. The Mouse And The _ By Beverly Cleary
  12. The Tale Of _ By Kate Dicamillo
  13. The Adventures Of The _ School Kids By Debbie Dadey
  14. most translated book
  15. The _ Piece By Shel Silverstein
  16. The Book Of Lost _ By Lisa Wingate
  17. A True Crime Graphic Novel By Brian Michael Bendis
  18. Guess How Much I _ You By Sam McBratney
  19. The _ States Of America By Laurie Keller
  20. Mr. Men and Little _ books By Roger Hargreaves
  21. Best _ Book Ever By Richard Scarry
  22. Melmoth The _ By Charles Robert Maturin
  23. The War With _ By Robert Kimmel Smith
  24. Hitler's autobiography

50 Clues: By Vladimir Nabokovmost translated book_ 451 By Ray Bradbury_ Vampire By Adam RexHitler's autobiographyorange cat by Jim Davis_ The Turtle By Dr. Seuss_ The Stars By Lois LowryPippi _ By Astrid LindgrenGood Dog _ By Alexandra DayThe _ Boy By Sid Fleischman_ The Dirty Dog By Gene ZionThe _ Brain By Temple Grandin_ For Sal By Robert McCloskey...

Books Stories 2022-01-04

Books Stories crossword puzzle
  1. Dr.Seuss
  2. Wolf
  3. ______’s Web
  4. ______Chocolate Factory
  5. Sam I Am
  6. Letters Climbing
  7. Elephant
  8. Cow Jumping
  9. Red Dog
  10. Bear
  11. Rabbit
  12. France
  13. Stuffed Bear
  14. Ponyboy
  15. _______was happy
  1. Hungry Caterpillar
  2. Max
  3. No Good Very Bad Day
  4. The Little__________That Could
  5. Yellow Brick Road
  6. I Love White Shoes
  7. Mean Teacher
  8. Tralala
  9. Man Yellow Hat
  10. Superhero Canine
  11. Grandma’s House
  12. Middle School Kid
  13. Lewis Lion, Witch and Wardrobe
  14. Lord of the Rings

29 Clues: MaxWolfBearRabbitFranceTralalaRed DogPonyboyDr.SeussSam I AmElephantCow Jumping______’s WebMean TeacherStuffed BearMan Yellow HatGrandma’s HouseLetters ClimbingSuperhero Canine_______was happyYellow Brick RoadMiddle School KidLord of the RingsHungry CaterpillarI Love White ShoesNo Good Very Bad Day______Chocolate Factory...

Books+Authors 2020-09-07

Books+Authors crossword puzzle
  1. this book is the education of an orphan nicknamed Pip
  2. Jeff Brumbeaus adaption of a timeless classic 'The Emperors New Clothes'
  3. This story is about one **** to rule them all
  4. Robert A. Heinlein brought us this story about our neighbour planet in 1949
  5. andy Weir brought us this story about a Civilization on the moon
  6. The code was brought to you by Dan Brown in 2003
  7. Corinne La Mer isn't afraid of anything not even...
  8. A Ben Hope adventure titled after a musical composer wrapped in deception
  9. This sir gave us a timeless classic detective
  10. This author brought us some classic stories such as 'Tales of the Otori' saga
  11. children's classic writer and playwright Julia Donaldson
  12. This lady brought us many adventures from the diary of Adrian Mole
  1. This author gave us the perspective of War torn Nigeria in the 60's 'Under the udala tree'
  2. This author gave us the gothic legend 'Dracula'
  3. Stephen King tells us this sci-fi story from 22009 about a force-field
  4. another detective fictional creation by classic writer Agatha Christie
  5. This author had their 2004 book adapted into a movie under the same name 'Cloud Atlas'
  6. brought us this classic childrens adventure in 1998 'The Pirates' Ship'
  7. C.S.Lewis will take you to this fictional land through the wardrobe
  8. an allegorical novella by George Orwell
  9. King of Persia
  10. tragedy written by William Shakespeare, and the tale of two daughters who get everything, and one who gets none
  11. Ian Fleming brought this character to life with many adventures including Dr No.
  12. the story about the world-renowned chef Marcus Samuelsson
  13. In 1897 H.G.Wells brought us this book about a man, of sorts
  14. in 1983, Roald Dahl brought us this classic about women with purple eyes

26 Clues: King of Persiaan allegorical novella by George OrwellThis story is about one **** to rule them allThis sir gave us a timeless classic detectiveThis author gave us the gothic legend 'Dracula'The code was brought to you by Dan Brown in 2003Corinne La Mer isn't afraid of anything not even...this book is the education of an orphan nicknamed Pip...

Bible Books 2020-05-24

Bible Books crossword puzzle
  1. lion's den(6)
  2. Across the river(6)
  3. in a whale (5)
  4. Rebuilds temple(8)
  5. human (anag)(5)
  6. Contains heavy water (11)
  7. Nancy in Swallows and Amazons (4)
  8. dry bones(7)
  9. lift your eyes higher(7)
  10. I don't have a cook, do you?(8)
  11. Raze (anag)(4)
  12. romantic or not? (13)
  13. my other one's a porche (5)
  14. They wear wigs (6)
  15. Leaving(6)
  16. z-prophet(9)
  17. the weeping prophet(8)
  18. Journals (10)
  1. Crowned rulers (5)
  2. last before the new (7)
  3. Law (9)
  4. there is a time for everything(12)
  5. (6)
  6. keep on crying(12)
  7. To count with (7)
  8. ideas to live by(8)
  9. Z-prophet(9)
  10. a short stay in a muddled south sea island(4)
  11. ps lass (anag)(6)
  12. written by an old crone? (6)
  13. Bad occupation(3)
  14. Beginning (7)
  15. this is the worst pun (7)
  16. Plucky Queen(6)
  17. chinese family by the ocean(5)
  18. pentecost prophecy(4)

36 Clues: (6)Law (9)Leaving(6)Z-prophet(9)dry bones(7)z-prophet(9)lion's den(6)Beginning (7)Journals (10)in a whale (5)Raze (anag)(4)human (anag)(5)Plucky Queen(6)To count with (7)ps lass (anag)(6)Bad occupation(3)Crowned rulers (5)keep on crying(12)Rebuilds temple(8)They wear wigs (6)Across the river(6)ideas to live by(8)romantic or not? (13)...

Awesome Books 2013-11-26

Awesome Books crossword puzzle
  1. One of the great cities of men
  2. the secretive race that live in the forests of dorne
  3. The hero of the land of Rin
  4. ash's manga counterpart
  5. the leader of shadowclan after tigerstar dies
  6. leader of man
  7. Lady who is going to open Churchill park School Library
  8. Cute spider-like electric pokemon
  9. an awesome super secret agent
  10. the jutsu naruto uses to create clones
  11. The black smith that saved deltora from the shadow lord
  12. The witch that gives prophecies in the land of Rin
  13. fully evolved pidgy
  1. the most famous of yugi's cards
  2. the ent that is helpful to the companions on their journey
  3. Book about aliens from lorien
  4. the gem of clarity in the belt of deltora
  5. Dragons that are seem transparent from underneath and sparkle irridescently PS from a land of deltora
  6. son of Jupiter
  7. the name of the girl who rides on fledge with diggory

20 Clues: leader of manson of Jupiterfully evolved pidgyash's manga counterpartThe hero of the land of RinBook about aliens from lorienan awesome super secret agentOne of the great cities of menthe most famous of yugi's cardsCute spider-like electric pokemonthe jutsu naruto uses to create clonesthe gem of clarity in the belt of deltora...

favorite books 2013-01-19

favorite books crossword puzzle
  1. books
  2. worked in the Limberlost
  3. susan
  4. musser
  5. abbey
  6. james
  7. movie
  8. and goliath
  9. sell
  10. dinsmore
  11. elsie
  12. vest
  13. cherry barton
  1. bookstore
  2. embroidery
  3. kathys
  4. rabbit
  5. cookson
  6. potter
  7. cradle
  8. free cookbook
  9. mary
  10. wools
  11. thing
  12. oak
  13. alexander mccall
  14. magazine
  15. miss willie
  16. antiques

29 Clues: oakmarysellvestbookssusanabbeyjamesmoviewoolsthingelsiekathysrabbitpottermussercradlecooksondinsmoremagazineantiquesbookstoreembroideryand goliathmiss williefree cookbookcherry bartonalexander mccallworked in the Limberlost

Children's Books 2016-04-22

Children's Books crossword puzzle
  1. "Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning"
  2. She loves to read
  3. She goes to school in Paris
  4. "Mother" of nursery rhymes
  5. Created by Beatrix Potter
  6. Author, Where the Sidewalk Ends
  7. Alice visits here
  8. She is a spy
  9. Four bears' family name
  10. A book about a watchdog, a humbug, and Milo
  11. Author, Oh, The Places You'll Go!
  12. Mr. Badger hears the wind in these
  1. Deals with a Giant Peach
  2. A bull who likes to sniff flowers
  3. The little elephant who wears a hat
  4. Very Hungry
  5. A world created by Ursula K. LeGuin
  6. "I will not eat them, Sam-I-Am!"
  7. He's missing a button
  8. "Silly old bear"
  9. L'Engle's first book "in Time"
  10. A "Little" who goes a long way
  11. Wilbur's best friend
  12. He has a "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"
  13. They make Max their king
  14. Author, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  15. "Goodnight" book's noun

27 Clues: Very HungryShe is a spy"Silly old bear"She loves to readAlice visits hereWilbur's best friendHe's missing a buttonFour bears' family name"Goodnight" book's nounDeals with a Giant PeachThey make Max their kingCreated by Beatrix Potter"Mother" of nursery rhymesShe goes to school in ParisL'Engle's first book "in Time"A "Little" who goes a long way...

Books + modality 2017-09-24

Books + modality crossword puzzle
  1. Book that records events, times.(Journeys made by a ship)
  2. If you aren't highly disciplined when you go on a diet, the ____ are you won't succeed.[It's probable that]
  3. number of people who read an author's book
  4. Technical book with instructions
  5. It was _____that the negotiations were going badly [obvious]
  6. Book containing articles about human knowledge, arranged in alphabetical order
  7. so interesting that it holds your attention totally
  8. difficult to read
  9. They are ___ to get married in the end [almost certain to]
  1. She'll be here by five o'clock, ____[I am sure]
  2. The ___are he'll get the job (it is likely that)
  3. not complex, slightly negative connotation
  4. often cruel or disgusting, concerned with death
  5. gives a lot of useful information
  6. mysterious
  7. in the face of a bad situation
  8. the ability to understand what something is really like
  9. Collection of poems, short stories by different authors
  10. moving and sad
  11. causing great fear

20 Clues: mysteriousmoving and saddifficult to readcausing great fearin the face of a bad situationTechnical book with instructionsgives a lot of useful informationnot complex, slightly negative connotationnumber of people who read an author's bookShe'll be here by five o'clock, ____[I am sure]often cruel or disgusting, concerned with death...

Books + modality 2017-09-24

Books + modality crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to understand what something is really like
  2. moving and sad
  3. Book that records events, times.(Journeys made by a ship)
  4. It was _____that the negotiations were going badly [obvious]
  5. often cruel or disgusting, concerned with death
  6. difficult to read
  7. in the face of a bad situation
  8. not a complex book, slightly negative connotation
  9. so interesting that it holds your attention totally
  10. number of people who read an author's book
  1. The ___are he'll get the job (it is likely that)
  2. They are ___ to get married in the end [almost certain to]
  3. causing great fear
  4. gives a lot of useful information
  5. She'll be here by five o'clock, ____[I am sure]
  6. mysterious
  7. Collection of poems, short stories by different authors
  8. Book containing articles about human knowledge, arranged in alphabetical order
  9. If you aren't highly disciplined when you go on a diet, the ____ are you won't succeed.[It's probable that]
  10. Technical book with instructions

20 Clues: mysteriousmoving and saddifficult to readcausing great fearin the face of a bad situationTechnical book with instructionsgives a lot of useful informationnumber of people who read an author's bookShe'll be here by five o'clock, ____[I am sure]often cruel or disgusting, concerned with deathThe ___are he'll get the job (it is likely that)...

Books + modality 2017-09-24

Books + modality crossword puzzle
  1. number of people who read an author's book
  2. They are ___ to get married in the end [almost certain to]
  3. Book that records events, times.(Journeys made by a ship)
  4. Book containing articles about human knowledge, arranged in alphabetical order
  5. difficult to read
  6. moving and sad
  7. It was _____that the negotiations were going badly [obvious]
  8. the ability to understand what something is really like
  1. If you aren't highly disciplined when you go on a diet, the ____ are you won't succeed.[It's probable that]
  2. The ___are he'll get the job (it is likely that)
  3. not a complex book, slightly negative connotation
  4. gives a lot of useful information
  5. Technical book with instructions
  6. Collection of poems, short stories by different authors
  7. so interesting that it holds your attention totally
  8. mysterious
  9. causing great fear
  10. She'll be here by five o'clock, ____[I am sure]
  11. often cruel or disgusting, concerned with death
  12. in the face of a bad situation

20 Clues: mysteriousmoving and saddifficult to readcausing great fearin the face of a bad situationTechnical book with instructionsgives a lot of useful informationnumber of people who read an author's bookShe'll be here by five o'clock, ____[I am sure]often cruel or disgusting, concerned with deathThe ___are he'll get the job (it is likely that)...

Books + modality 2017-09-24

Books + modality crossword puzzle
  1. If you aren't highly disciplined when you go on a diet, the ____ are you won't succeed.[It's probable that]
  2. moving and sad
  3. causing great fear
  4. The ___are he'll get the job (it is likely that)
  5. Book containing articles about human knowledge, arranged in alphabetical order
  6. mysterious
  7. Technical book with instructions
  8. number of people who read an author's book
  9. She'll be here by five o'clock, ____[I am sure]
  1. so interesting that it holds your attention totally
  2. Collection of poems, short stories by different authors
  3. Book that records events, times.(Journeys made by a ship)
  4. difficult to read
  5. not a complex book, slightly negative connotation
  6. gives a lot of useful information
  7. the ability to understand what something is really like
  8. often cruel or disgusting, concerned with death
  9. It was _____that the negotiations were going badly [obvious]
  10. They are ___ to get married in the end [almost certain to]
  11. in the face of a bad situation

20 Clues: mysteriousmoving and saddifficult to readcausing great fearin the face of a bad situationTechnical book with instructionsgives a lot of useful informationnumber of people who read an author's bookoften cruel or disgusting, concerned with deathShe'll be here by five o'clock, ____[I am sure]The ___are he'll get the job (it is likely that)...

Heartstopper Books 2022-11-02

Heartstopper Books crossword puzzle
  1. Charlie’s dad (first name)
  2. Elle can’t go visit family in ______ anymore
  3. A drink that Tara likes. “Please say you got me ____ __”
  4. Nick’s dog #1
  5. Charlie’s grandparents speak ______
  6. Nick’s boyfriend
  7. The boys’ grammar school
  8. the video game Charlie and Nick play, Charlie always wins
  9. For Nick’s birthday, Nick’s mum gives him a voucher for ______ lessons
  10. The famous art museum where Tao and Elle have their first kiss
  11. Rugby lad #1
  12. Charlie’s sexuality
  13. Charlie makes a ______ for Tori during art therapy in rehab
  14. Nick’s dad lives in ______
  15. She once ate a whole jar of mustard for a dare (first name)
  16. Nick loves to watch ______ films, Charlie does not
  17. Charlie always wears these shoes
  18. Charlie’s boyfriend
  19. When the Paris Squad goes to the beach, Elle brings Egyptian ______ that her mum made
  20. Charlie’s eating disorder
  21. A school subject that Charlie is good at and Nick is bad at
  22. Rugby lad #2
  23. In Paris, a drunk Darcy dares Tara to remove a ______ with her teeth
  24. Charlie’s friend, a trans woman, (first name)
  25. Little brother who loves puppies
  26. Nick’s family’s annual vacation takes place here
  27. The room in Charlie’s house where Olly catches Charlie and Nick kissing
  1. Charlie’s sister’s best friend
  2. Nick takes Charlie on their first real date at the ______
  3. The girls’ school
  4. she’s always sipping a drink
  5. Charlie’s friend, kind of resents Nick (first name)
  6. Nick is fluent in two languages: English and ______
  7. The boy who took advantage of Charlie and assaulted him (first name)
  8. Charlie’s mum (first name)
  9. Darcy plays this instrument
  10. Nick’s old crush, a lesbian (first name)
  11. The sport Nick plays and Charlie joins
  12. Charlie plays this instrument
  13. Tara and Darcy’s friend who switches to Truham Grammar from Higgs (first name)
  14. Nick’s sexuality
  15. Nick’s dog #2
  16. He wants to make a podcast(first name)
  17. The author/illustrator of Heartstopper
  18. The snack that Nick and Darcy get in Paris
  19. Nick’s evil older brother (first name)
  20. A light-up sign in Charlie’s room says ______
  21. Nick always wears these shoes
  22. science teacher at Truham, dating Nathan
  23. Nick first tells Charlie about coming out to his Mum in the ______ room
  24. Rugby lad #3
  25. Mrs.______ is the rugby coach
  26. Elle is the only member of the Paris Squad who wears ______
  27. Darcy sneaks this drink into Tara’s birthday party
  28. art teacher at Higgs, later at Truham, dating Youssef
  29. Evil rugby lad, super homophobic, Nick punched him (first name)

56 Clues: Rugby lad #1Rugby lad #3Rugby lad #2Nick’s dog #1Nick’s dog #2Nick’s boyfriendNick’s sexualityThe girls’ schoolCharlie’s sexualityCharlie’s boyfriendThe boys’ grammar schoolCharlie’s eating disorderCharlie’s dad (first name)Charlie’s mum (first name)Nick’s dad lives in ______Darcy plays this instrumentshe’s always sipping a drink...