business Crossword Puzzles
Business 2023-05-18
20 Clues: liite • talous • asiakas • tehtävä • ammatti • toimitus • ylijäämä • valuutta • toteutus • verokausi • aikataulu • yhtenäinen • politiikka • ominaisuus • kaupankäynti • kaksikielinen • avointyöpaikka • toimitusjohtaja • tilannekohtainen • tavarantoimittaja
Business 2013-04-30
- Paying for a trade or skill
- A company that is run by 2 - 20 people
- Star Trek or running your own business
- The target which the business sets itself
- The worker efficiently helps the customer needs, wants and probelems
- When the customer does not receive a satisfactory solution to his/her problem
- Were the owners is responsible for paying for all the debts
- The procedure that the company or business will go through to find new staff
- A detailed description of the job
- A detailed proposal for achieving something and the business aims
- Not primary research
- Business owned by one person, but may employ many more workers
- Not secondary research
- A place where buyers and sellers meet to trade
- Owned by friends, family and shareholders
- When a member of staff receives a reward to make them work more efficiently
- How the worker acts towards the customer
- Gathering information from the customers
- Where the shareholders of a company are reasonable for paying for debts
- Deside where to set up the business
20 Clues: Not primary research • Not secondary research • Paying for a trade or skill • A detailed description of the job • Deside where to set up the business • A company that is run by 2 - 20 people • Star Trek or running your own business • How the worker acts towards the customer • Gathering information from the customers • The target which the business sets itself • ...
Business 2013-04-17
- general direction in the process of change
- an action or event marking a signifigant change in development
- owns overall rights and trademarks of the company
- a change over that time keeps increasing is the _____ trend
- something you'd like to have, but not essential
- a financial establishment that invests money when deposited by customers
- making the company smaller by taking away staff positions
- a product/service with a very short lifecycle
- a stock or supply of money,materials, and other assets
- companies or institutions coming together/combining
- proceeds after the capital/investments are paid off
- carefully predict the future based on analysis of the past
- the study of the characteristcs of a population
- a person who predicts the future based on observed trends
- an agreement that purchases rights to a business
- somebody risks something in hopes for a profit
- something that essential to your life
- results of achievement towards where the efforts were directed
- cicumstances that help progress or advancement is call a _____stone
- classification of an investor profile, an outlined view
20 Clues: something that essential to your life • general direction in the process of change • a product/service with a very short lifecycle • somebody risks something in hopes for a profit • the study of the characteristcs of a population • something you'd like to have, but not essential • an agreement that purchases rights to a business • ...
BuSiNeSs 2013-10-11
- the action of helping or doing work for someone.
- the negative thinker
- the fact finder
- the emotional thinker
- when a product's name/logo cannot be used for gaining money
- it is a product that has already been invented but it's been improved
- a physical product
- is a thing you can buy so other people don't make similar/same product as yours
- the chance of damage or loss occuring as a result of making decisions
- the positive thinker
- A project or undertaking, typically one that is difficult or requires effort.
- the creative thinker
- A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea.
- a service that Mark Zuckerburg
- a new original business
- the big picture thinker
- a new product :)
- the subject that we are doing
- your enemies in Business
- a product that Steve Jobs invented
- when you can tell a company by it's product ;)
21 Clues: the fact finder • a new product :) • a physical product • the creative thinker • the negative thinker • the positive thinker • the emotional thinker • a new original business • the big picture thinker • your enemies in Business • the subject that we are doing • a service that Mark Zuckerburg • a product that Steve Jobs invented • when you can tell a company by it's product ;) • ...
Business 2014-01-15
- Corporation that has its income added to and taxed as a person's income
- Number of employees who are assigned to a manager
- Partnership where owners are liable based on how much they invested in a company
- Right to assign work and give out rewards for fulfilled responsibility
- Produces or performs an activity that is consumed immediately
- Specific work assigned to certain people
- Corporation that has special permission from the government not to be taxed, normally for charity purposes
- Owned by members to serve their needs and is managed in their interest
- Company purchasing the rights to run the business
- Company that owns the rights and grants it to another
- Company created by multiple companies to accomplish a large task
- Selling the rights to use a company name and operating procedures.
- No limited liability, owned by more than one person
- Responsibility for results
- People are grouped into projects
- Statement of why a business exists
- Creates goods for other businesses or consumers to purchase
- Clear reporting relationship for all staff in a business
- Easy to start up
- Sell products from other businesses to other businesses or consumers
- Corporation taxed like a partnership
- People are grouped based on professional expertise
22 Clues: Easy to start up • Responsibility for results • People are grouped into projects • Statement of why a business exists • Corporation taxed like a partnership • Specific work assigned to certain people • Number of employees who are assigned to a manager • Company purchasing the rights to run the business • People are grouped based on professional expertise • ...
Business 2014-05-20
- The vertical transfer of information in a hierarchy, via meetings between staff at different levels of the hierarchy.
- Describe, giving reasons, a business idea, observation or issue.
- The process of shifting through applications to identify suitable candidates for the jobs.
- Occur when the employer can no longer afford to hire the worker.
- Using the power of pressure groups to influence key issues
- Transferring a staff member from a department or branch that no longer requires their services to other areas of business.
- The process of hiring suitable workers.
- Show the differences between ideas or concepts.
- Add information or data.
- Employees work in a location away from the workplace.
- Person who buys a business.
- Tax on imports.
- Quantity limits n the scale of foreign imports.
- Updating employee skills in delivering CSR such as good customer care.
- Intergration and interdependence of economics.
- view of the decision or proposal.
- Take out the action of government on the economy.
- Refusal to buy products from a business as a sign of protest.
- Description or observation of business data or information relating to a business decision or issue.
- Consider a business decision or proposal which sets out its assumptions and interrelationships.
- The senior members of satff who have been elected by shareholders of a company to run the business on their behalf.
- By looking at all aspects of a particular business decision or proposal, consider a
- Person who sells the license of their business.
23 Clues: Tax on imports. • Add information or data. • Person who buys a business. • view of the decision or proposal. • The process of hiring suitable workers. • Intergration and interdependence of economics. • Show the differences between ideas or concepts. • Person who sells the license of their business. • Quantity limits n the scale of foreign imports. • ...
business 2014-05-23
- statistical study of population characteristics, using data such as birth rates
- transferring a staff member from a department or branch that no longer requires their services to other areas of the business where a vacancy exists
- business that provide a diversified range of products in a different industries
- measures the percentage of the workforce not present at work in a given time period
- the factors that Herzberg considered to increase job satisfaction and motivation levels
- government policies used to safeguard the interest of domestic industries from foreign competition
- the inner desire or passion to do something
- the integration and interdependence of economic
- occur when the employer can no longer afford to hire the worker or when the job cases to exist
- termination of a worker's employment due to incompetence or a breach of contract
- a method of workforce planning whereby employees work in a location away from the workplace, such as those working from home or as a call centre
- refers to managers passing on tasks or responsibilities to their subordinates
- rewards received in addition to a worker's wages.
- high risk growth strategy that involves business selling products in new market
- training aimed at introducing new staff to business to get them familiar with the polices, practices and culture of the organization
- form of non-finacial motivator which involves a manager giving his/her subordinates some autonomy in their job and the authority to make various decisions
- the level of output per worker
- formal process of evaluating the contributions and performance of an employee
- process of providing opportunities for workers to acquire employment-related skills and knowledge
- process of hiring suitable workers
20 Clues: the level of output per worker • process of hiring suitable workers • the inner desire or passion to do something • the integration and interdependence of economic • rewards received in addition to a worker's wages. • refers to managers passing on tasks or responsibilities to their subordinates • ...
Business 2015-02-26
- Interest repeat interest
- payment installment
- how much the property worth
- personal property and corporate assets are exhausted
- the due day
- re-gathered investment costs
- of Sale sale terminals
- original amount
- Rate floating rate
- Payment earnest money
- Deposit fixed time deposits
- letter of credit
- Rate the interest rate will not charge
- can be spent again repaid
- separate return period segment
- have the right to detain people’s stuff
- Rating creditworthiness
- against his own personal property to the borrower as the cost of borrowing there
- Cheque cannot be cashed
- people assume responsibility for items
- rate lower than the normal rate of interest
- Draft after the bank transfer receipt
22 Clues: the due day • original amount • letter of credit • Rate floating rate • payment installment • can be spent again repaid • Rating creditworthiness • Interest repeat interest • of Sale sale terminals • how much the property worth • re-gathered investment costs • Payment earnest money • Cheque cannot be cashed • Deposit fixed time deposits • ...
Business 2016-04-26
- Any sort of revenue
- What stays the same in a breakeven chart
- Cashinflow minus Cash outflow
- Documents that record the financial activity of a business
- Money reinvested in the business year on year
- A plan for the future
- Another way to describe a businesses total revenue
- Costs that change with output
- When costs are more than revenue
- Any sort of cost
- Money the business needs to trade day to day
- Money the business owes
- When revenue is the same as costs
- Revenue minus cost of sales
- The review of whether the business has achieved its budget goals or not
- Shows how a business performed over a period of time
- Items Owned by the business or money owed to it
- Anything a business spends money on
- Revenue minus total costs
- What equals costs at breakeven
- Money coming in and out of the business
21 Clues: Any sort of cost • Any sort of revenue • A plan for the future • Money the business owes • Revenue minus total costs • Revenue minus cost of sales • Cashinflow minus Cash outflow • Costs that change with output • What equals costs at breakeven • When costs are more than revenue • When revenue is the same as costs • Anything a business spends money on • ...
business 2016-02-24
- concept that everyone can compete in a market place
- :one person assets can be seized to pay business debt
- company taxed on its profit and shareholders are taxed again
- establishment formed to carry on commercial enterprise
- corporation cannot lose more than what they paid for their stock
- owned by two or more person
- only one partner is required to be a general partner
- legal entity owned by stockholders
- combine land, labor, and capital to create a market
- certificate of ownership in a corporation
- combination of two or more firms competing in the same market
- Money and other valuable belonging to an individual
- don't operate for two purposes of generating profit
- legal bound obligations to pay debts
- amount of goods available
- death of an owner ends the business and its must be reestablished in new owner name
- repay borrowed money or intervals
- two or more firms involved in different stages of producing same good or service
- owned/managed by a single individual
- portion of corporate profits paid out to stockholders
- right to sell a good or service within a market
21 Clues: amount of goods available • owned by two or more person • repay borrowed money or intervals • legal bound obligations to pay debts • owned/managed by a single individual • legal entity owned by stockholders • certificate of ownership in a corporation • right to sell a good or service within a market • concept that everyone can compete in a market place • ...
Business 2017-10-30
- / Work, especially physically
- / Fill in the blank: "the __________ phase"
- / Place of Trade
- / What is the name of a business' rival
- / The action of using up a resource
- / Stock or supply of money, materials or any other assets
- Resources / What kind of resources are created by the environment
- Resources / What resources are made to produce other resources
- / Something useful or of value
- / While purchasing something what role do you play
- / lack of money
- / The customers desire for something
- / Fill the Blank:"Trucks are used during the ______ process"
- / An insistent and peremptory request
- / of necessity
- / A business of company
- / a product such as food or water
- / The ultimate aim of businesses
- / the stock or amount of something
- / An act of assistance
20 Clues: / of necessity • / lack of money • / Place of Trade • / An act of assistance • / A business of company • / Work, especially physically • / Something useful or of value • / The ultimate aim of businesses • / a product such as food or water • / the stock or amount of something • / The action of using up a resource • / The customers desire for something • ...
business 2017-11-27
- action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this.
- thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
- is a marketing partnership between at least two different brands of goods or services. Cobranding encompasses several different types of branding partnerships, such as sponsorships. This strategy typically associates the brands of at least two companies with a specific good or service.
- action of enlisting new people in the armed forces.
- process of making plans for something
- project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one.
- action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.
- principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity
- insistent and peremptory request, made as of right.
- Growth Need: Definition & Concept. A growth need is an important concept behind Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. In this lesson, you will learn about growth needs and how they fit into Maslow's hierarchy. You will be given an opportunity to reinforce your knowledge with a brief quiz.
- business structure is a category of organization that is legally recognized in a given jurisdiction and characterized by the legal definition of that particular category. ... A corporation is a large and complex organization that is owned by its stockholders.
- activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.
- especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature.
- an object or action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done.
- action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.
- personnel of a business or organization, regarded as a significant asset in terms of skills and abilities.
- (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide.
- aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences
- process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
- beings in general or considered collectively.
- management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.
- group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a particular ministry in office.
- person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.
- plan for the successful operation of a business, identifying sources of revenue, the intended customer base, products, and details of financing.
- accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
25 Clues: accomplishment of an aim or purpose. • process of making plans for something • beings in general or considered collectively. • person's regular occupation, profession, or trade. • action of enlisting new people in the armed forces. • insistent and peremptory request, made as of right. • thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action. • ...
Business 2021-12-17
- larger businesses are likely to employ much more capital than smaller ones
- right to a corporation's residual profits
- additional amount paid to workers for good work
- good or service which is essential
- group of individuals who work together to exert an influence
- the amount a business earns from the sale of its products.
- business system
- the resources needed to produce goods and services:land ,labour,capital,and enterprise.
- a reward,cash or otherwise, that a company gives to its shareholders
- larger firms have larger workforce employed
- for the work done by the employees.
- two or more people working together
- the production and supply of goods to the final consumer
- an asset that a lender accepts as security for a loan
- good or service not essential
- not enough good and services
- larger firms are likely to produce more than smaller ones
- they are also employees but managers control the work of others.
- states all the right and responsibilities to and of the employees.
- supply a service to consumers and other businesses.
- new or small firms usually have survival as a primary objective.
- self-employed person who owns and runs their business
- person who owns shares
- paid monthly
- shares in the firm are given to employees
- share the percent of total sales in an industry generated by a particular
- the process of producing goods and services to satisfy consumer demand.
- the part of the economy that is controlled
- business formed by more then 2 people
- involves the extraction of natural resources
30 Clues: paid monthly • business system • person who owns shares • not enough good and services • good or service not essential • good or service which is essential • for the work done by the employees. • two or more people working together • business formed by more then 2 people • right to a corporation's residual profits • shares in the firm are given to employees • ...
business 2021-11-25
- organization which is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits.
- the making of goods by hand or by machine that upon completion the business sells to a customer.
- someone that owns at least one single percentage of a company's stock
- a percentage of ownership in a company.
- a situation in which the shareholders of a company are responsible for all of its debts.
- the money it has available to pay for its day-to-day operations and to fund its future growth.
- involving several countries or individuals of several nationalities.
- a company that conducts its affairs in its home country.
- a person who organizes and operates a business.
- commercial transactions conducted electronically on the internet.
- two or more people who combine their resources to form a business.
- company that sells or grants a franchise for the sale of goods or the operation of a service.
- a business that is owned by one individual.
- the distribution of some of a company's earnings to a class of its shareholders.
- the value that would be returned to a company's shareholders
- money that is owed or due.
- arrangement between two companies that have decided to share resources to undertake a specific project
- an enterprise composed of a professional or team of experts that deliver work.
- a company's processes or services overseas.
- a commercial enterprise undertaken jointly by two or more parties.
- a business whereby the owner licenses its operations.
- a combination of two companies
- a legally established business that can own assets and incur debt.
23 Clues: money that is owed or due. • a combination of two companies • a percentage of ownership in a company. • a business that is owned by one individual. • a company's processes or services overseas. • a person who organizes and operates a business. • a business whereby the owner licenses its operations. • a company that conducts its affairs in its home country. • ...
Business 2023-08-18
- process of creating a strong and positive perception of a company
- If you answered all the previous ones then you have achieved this word
- a place where people go to buy and sell things.
- it goes synonymous with the end product of a business
- the introduction of something new.
- something which you aim for from question 1.
- multiple people working with a singular aim
- 18.08.23 post lunch
- Stonks
- rhymes with fails
- Rahil
- execution of ideas into reality in professional terms
- Second specialization of JGI
- An asset with a goal
- an organized event in which people try to win something
- order of action.
- Process where people aim for Win-Win situation
- Ultimate aim of our presence in JGI
- the control or organization of something
- Destination of the end product
20 Clues: Rahil • Stonks • order of action. • rhymes with fails • 18.08.23 post lunch • An asset with a goal • Second specialization of JGI • Destination of the end product • the introduction of something new. • Ultimate aim of our presence in JGI • the control or organization of something • multiple people working with a singular aim • something which you aim for from question 1. • ...
BUSINESS 2023-09-12
- the person who is in charge of an organization and who tells others what to do
- the amount of money for which something is sold
- the amount of money that you are paid for the work you do, or the profit that a company makes
- a person who is paid to work for someone else
- money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
- the process of putting products into containers so that they can be sold or sent somewhere
- the group of people who work in a company, industry, country, etc.
- a person or organization that employs people
- a new development in clothing, make-up, etc.
- a place or event at which people meet in order to buy and sell things
- the activity of making products or services known about and persuading people to buy them
- a building or room where people perform their jobs, or these places generally
- a person who buys goods or services for their own use
- the situation of not having a job
- the control and organization of something, esp. a business and its employees
- an amount of money that you pay when you rent something, and is returned to you when you return the thing you have rented
- a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course
- a customer or someone who receives services
- an offer or suggestion, usually in business
- the fact that someone can be believed or trusted
- items for sale
21 Clues: items for sale • the situation of not having a job • a customer or someone who receives services • an offer or suggestion, usually in business • a person or organization that employs people • a new development in clothing, make-up, etc. • a person who is paid to work for someone else • the amount of money for which something is sold • ...
BUSINESS 2024-09-24
- Union of people with a common interest; can be nonprofit
- Opposite of competitor in business; person with whom one partners
- Create a product that does not yet exist on the market
- Money spent, expenses
- Set of manufacturing and packaging operations
- Quality of a person willing to undertake
- Put a product on sale on the market
- Set of techniques for organizing and managing businesses
- Rivalry between companies with the same objective
- Discussion between several parties to reach an agreement or conclude a contract, for example
- Opposite of inertia; can be playful
- Happy outcome, favorable result
- It’s given by the group leader or company head; group of managers who constitute it
- Decide to do something and commit to its execution
- Founding of a company, an association, or a structure
- First step in undertaking; comes after desire
- Money inflows, can also be culinary
- Seek potential customers
- Company or product occupying the first place in a market, person who does not impose their view on the group but coordinates action and actors
- Group of people who are professionally connected to us
- Business in English
- Common participation in a task
- Set of immediately available resources of a company, enabling it to meet expenses
- The act of undertaking is one of these
- Market launch of a product or commercial object
- Transmit information; exchange ideas with someone
- Act of thinking that carefully considers an idea or a problem
- Beginning
28 Clues: Beginning • Business in English • Money spent, expenses • Seek potential customers • Common participation in a task • Happy outcome, favorable result • Money inflows, can also be culinary • Put a product on sale on the market • Opposite of inertia; can be playful • The act of undertaking is one of these • Quality of a person willing to undertake • ...
business 2024-08-13
- in full To pay the entire price of a product or service at once.
- The person or company that sells something.
- pitch A persuasive presentation to convince someone to buy your product or service.
- in bulk To buy large quantities of the same product.
- The money that a business gives back to a customer for returning a product or canceling a service.
- A store or business that sells products directly to customers. Our retailer partners are selling our merchandise.
- the sale To successfully convince someone to make a purchase.
- Testing out a product or service before committing to a purchase.
- by installments The practice of paying for a purchase in smaller, regular amounts over a period of time.
- The person that buys our services.
- A company that sells products in large quantities to retailers.
- Providing a price estimate for a product or service.
- A potential customer who fits the compaby's target market and shows interest or is likely to show interest in the company's products or services.
- A document that shows the details and cost of a product or service.
- The person or company that buys something.
- out When a product is sold out, the store has no more left. The tickets to the Beyoncé concert are already sold out.
- Getting a great deal or discount on a purchase.
- To buy something
- To attempt to reach a fair agreement between the buyer and seller on terms and price.
- plan An arrangement to pay for something in a structured and scheduled manner.
- A company that provides another company with the products they will later sell to their customers.
- of stock When a product is temporarily unavailable for purchase, it's out of stock.
22 Clues: To buy something • The person that buys our services. • The person or company that buys something. • The person or company that sells something. • Getting a great deal or discount on a purchase. • in bulk To buy large quantities of the same product. • Providing a price estimate for a product or service. • the sale To successfully convince someone to make a purchase. • ...
business 2024-05-30
- place where people buy and sell
- were you buy products
- rise awareness
- of seven how to prepare a slide the right way
- Filler physical things you do in a conversation
- taking responsibly
- how much it cost
- companies you buy stock in.
- Liability protects your personal assets.
- how not to take no for an answer
- the movement of product
- your moral beleifs.
- how much money to spend
- were to buy product
- your own property
- Fillers things that don't relate to the conversation
- how to eat properly
- how your product is made
- something to buy products at
- how to promote a prodcut
- running a business with a partner
- running your own business
- believe in ones self.
- something you buy.
24 Clues: rise awareness • how much it cost • your own property • taking responsibly • something you buy. • were to buy product • how to eat properly • your moral beleifs. • were you buy products • believe in ones self. • how much money to spend • the movement of product • how your product is made • how to promote a prodcut • running your own business • companies you buy stock in. • ...
Business 2024-07-05
- An agreement with the bank to take out more money than you have
- Working more hours and getting paid more for it
- A piece of paper that is given to someone with a money value written on it; can be cashed in for that money value
- A place where people can save money with out locals(2 words)
- Examples of this expenditure include petrol and groceries
- An account used just for savings
- A sum of money given by a bank but which must be repaid
- A sum of money that is given by the government and doesn't have to be repaid
- Examples of this expenditure include holidays and Netflix
- Older people receive this instead of a wage
- Examples of this expenditure include rent and mortgage repayment
- An agreement between the bank and the account holder to allow variable (changing) amounts to be taken from the account e.g. paying bills (2 words)
- Set amounts of money received at set intervals
- An account where people's wages can be paid into and where card payments come out of
- A share of company profits that is paid to the shareholders
- A card that you can buy things on now and pay for later (2 words)
- The best subject in school
- A bank operating in Ireland (hint: name of a Provence too) (2 words)
- An unemployed person will receive this (2 words)
- Buying without planning
- A bank operating in Ireland
- Water, food etc
- The cost of something you did buy (2 words)
- rate The quantity of a foreign currency given in exchange for one Euro
- The cost of something you didn't buy (2 words)
- An instruction to the bank to pay a fixed amount from an account at regular intervals (2 words)
- Parents of children under 18 receive this once a month (2 words) to pay for things for thins
- The part of a person's income that they do not spend
- A reward for working hard
- iPhone, FIFA 20, Handbags, Sweets etc
- Money spent
- A place people can put their money (national)
- A non-money reward given to employees (3 words)
- Buying too much of something and having no money left
- Money coming in
- A reward given for saving
- A place found in most villages where people can save money and exchange currency (2 words)
- A unit of ownership of a company
- A machine that allows you to withdraw cash
39 Clues: Money spent • Water, food etc • Money coming in • Buying without planning • A reward for working hard • A reward given for saving • The best subject in school • A bank operating in Ireland • An account used just for savings • A unit of ownership of a company • iPhone, FIFA 20, Handbags, Sweets etc • A machine that allows you to withdraw cash • ...
Business 2024-07-05
- Rise of prices/ increased price of money
- Income not spent
- Bulk advertising
- An amount of money that you pay for professional advice or services
- A legal declaration of a person's wishes regarding the disposal of his or her property or estate after death
- Practice of favouring relatives or friends by often giving them job in the company
- Person who has shares of the company
- Money that you give to an organisation such as charity
- Acting with or showing care and thought for the future
- Using accounting tricks to make a company's financial results look better than they really are
- Extreme saving
- the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level
- Person who passes on information concerning wrongdoing in the company
- suddenly start being successful after period of difficulty
- Paying fair price to producers by companies in developed countries
- Sum paid to cover money that has been spent or lost
- Dishonest and illegal
- Amount by which a company's value exceeds the value of its individual assets and liabilities
- The fact or condition of being accountable
- Impression customers get of the brand as a whole throughout all aspects of the buyer's journey.
- person who has an interest in a company to be run
- Society that encourages people to buy and use goods
- Anything of value or belonging to you
- Having a great deal of money
- Set of rules for proper practices of an individual party or an organization
- Person or business that you purchase goods from
- A formal contract to repay borrowed money
- (literary) having no money
- The money you pay to travel by bus, taxi
- Someone who is good with numbers
- An amount of money that is paid at one time and not on separate occasions
- spend a lot of money
- Charge for using money until repaid at a future date
33 Clues: Extreme saving • Income not spent • Bulk advertising • spend a lot of money • Dishonest and illegal • (literary) having no money • Having a great deal of money • Someone who is good with numbers • Person who has shares of the company • Anything of value or belonging to you • Rise of prices/ increased price of money • The money you pay to travel by bus, taxi • ...
BUSINESS 2024-07-05
- of Directors A group of people who represent the interests of a company's shareholders.
- Price Club Owner of S&R in the Philippines.
- It is the lifeblood of every business.
- A financial institution and a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly by loaning or indirectly through capital markets.
- Sanders A successful businessman who succeeded in his late adulthood.
- Siblings Rank 1 among the wealthiest Filipino.
- capital It is considered as the best capital of any company.
- He is in charge of the overall management of the company,
- The charge implemented by our government upon us, its citizens, through our properties and activities to be able to support the administration's projects and public services.
- The things you own that you can sell for money.
- Eduardo She has a degree in Management, but she has a construction company.
- The process of planning and organizing the resources and activities of a business to achieve specific goals in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
- The famous and best fast food chain for kids.
- A form of security that indicates the holder has proportionate ownership in the issuing corporation and is sold predominantly on stock exchanges.
- Any item or service you sell to serve a customer's need or want.
- Halo-Halo It is renowned for its scrumptious halo-halo in the Philippines.
- The process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business.
- A person who supervises employees in a company.
- A loan from an investor to a borrower such as a company or government.
- The activity or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.
20 Clues: It is the lifeblood of every business. • Price Club Owner of S&R in the Philippines. • The famous and best fast food chain for kids. • Siblings Rank 1 among the wealthiest Filipino. • A person who supervises employees in a company. • The things you own that you can sell for money. • He is in charge of the overall management of the company, • ...
BUSINESS 2024-07-05
- a business employee who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable new product
- increasing the difference between the cost of purchasing bought-in inputs and selling price of the finished goods
- sales of the business as a proportion of total market sales
- the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business
- a business formed by two or more people to carry on a business
- a jointly owned business operated by members for their mutual benefit
- an individual consumer or organisation that purchases goods or services from a business
- the process of differentiating a product by developing a symbol, name, image and trademark
- a person or institution owning shares in a limitedcompany
- the total value of sales made during the trading period
- an individual who has the idea for a new business and starts it up
- the legal right to use the name, logo and trading system of an existing successful business
- the total value of all long-term finance invested in the business
- a company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange
- a business in which one person provides the permanent finance
- a document confirming part-ownership of a company
- the difference between the cost of purchasing bought-in inputs and the selling price of the finished goods
- a person or business that sells franchisee
- natural resources in an economy
- an individual who purchases goods and servicesfor personal use
- a person or business that buys the right from franchiser to operate the franchise
21 Clues: natural resources in an economy • a person or business that sells franchisee • a document confirming part-ownership of a company • a company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange • the total value of sales made during the trading period • a person or institution owning shares in a limitedcompany • sales of the business as a proportion of total market sales • ...
Business 2024-07-05
- any form of communication to convince the public to buy products
- films or products that are popular year after year
- pricing based on consumer perception
- payment material that's been copyrighted
- selling all goods in a product line at specific price points the percent of total sales of all companies that sell the same type of product
- percentage of total sales of all companies that sell the same type of product
- changing a products image in relation to a competitors
- unauthorized use of copy righted material
- total assortment of products that a company makes and sells
- previews of upcoming movies shown before the main feature
- the variety of promotional activity and materials that complement and support the advertising effort
- process of developing, promoting and distributing products
- involves producing and marketing a product
- statistics that describe a population
- study of the choices and decisions that affect making, distributing and using goods and services
- a pattern, habit or tendency following a general course
- gross income
- legal protection of a creator's intellectual property of products
- support of a product or idea
- collection of numerical data that can be compared, analyzed and interpreted
20 Clues: gross income • support of a product or idea • pricing based on consumer perception • statistics that describe a population • payment material that's been copyrighted • unauthorized use of copy righted material • involves producing and marketing a product • films or products that are popular year after year • changing a products image in relation to a competitors • ...
Business 2024-07-05
- Net Profit/Revenue
- Current Capacity used/Total Capacity *100
- Change in market sales/Old market sales *100
- Units Produced/Employees
- Number of staff leaving business/NUmber of staff employed * 100
- Revenue - Cost of Sales
- Operating Profit/Revenue
- %change in demand/%change in price
- Fixed Costs/Contribution per Unit
- Sales of Business/Total Market Sales * 100
- Operating Profit - Tax
- Original Share Price * Shares Issued
- Total Labour Costs/Units Produced
- Gross Profit - Expenses
- Number of days absent/Total working days * 100
- Profit From Investment/Investment * 100
- Number of Staff retained/Number of staff employed * 100
- %change in demand/%change in income
- Selling Price per unit-Variable cost per unit
- Current Share Price * Shares Issued
- Gross Profit/Revenue
21 Clues: Net Profit/Revenue • Gross Profit/Revenue • Operating Profit - Tax • Gross Profit - Expenses • Revenue - Cost of Sales • Units Produced/Employees • Operating Profit/Revenue • Total Labour Costs/Units Produced • Fixed Costs/Contribution per Unit • %change in demand/%change in price • %change in demand/%change in income • Current Share Price * Shares Issued • ...
Business 2024-07-05
- Doing physical work
- A business run by an individual
- You pay this every time you buy something at a store
- Money you pay the government
- Someone who works for an entrepreneur/business
- Is employed for a specific time for a task
- employees that work less then 38 hours per week
- A business that has many different locationsI
- The amount of money you earn
- When you are low on a specific item
- employees that work an average of 38 hours per week
- Sells multiple items
- The state of right of owning a business
- Someone to perform an action for you on your behalf
- Making a decision by sacrificing another opportunity
- The owner of a business
- when a person with GST trades something with another person who has GST
- Makes items/products fastand efffast andy
- A specific amount of money you can spend up to
- A business run by 2 to 20 people
20 Clues: Doing physical work • Sells multiple items • The owner of a business • Money you pay the government • The amount of money you earn • A business run by an individual • A business run by 2 to 20 people • When you are low on a specific item • The state of right of owning a business • Makes items/products fastand efffast andy • Is employed for a specific time for a task • ...
Business 2024-10-08
- - The process of creating a unique identity for a product or company to distinguish it from competitors.
- - The total income generated by a business from its operations, usually from the sale of goods and services.
- - A financial plan that outlines expected income and expenditures over a specific period, guiding resource allocation.
- Flow - The movement of money in and out of a business, crucial for maintaining operations and solvency.
- - A combination of two companies into one, often to increase market share and efficiency.
- - A business strategy that involves expanding into new markets or product lines to reduce risk and increase opportunities.
- - Business practices that consider environmental, social, and economic impacts for long-term viability.
- - The ownership interest in a company, represented by shares of stock; a measure of ownership value.
- Analysis - A strategic planning tool used to identify a business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
- - A newly established business, typically in the early stages of development and seeking to grow.
- (Business-to-Business) - Transactions and interactions between businesses rather than between a business and individual consumers.
- - A business model where one party (franchisor) grants another party (franchisee) the right to operate under its brand.
- Chain - The network of organizations and processes involved in producing and delivering a product to consumers.
- on Investment (ROI) - A financial metric used to evaluate the profitability of an investment relative to its cost.
- - The ability to influence and guide individuals or teams toward achieving goals and objectives within a business.
- Research - The systematic gathering and analysis of information about consumers and market conditions to inform decision-making.
- Resources (HR) - The department responsible for managing employee relations, recruitment, training, and benefits.
- - The allocation of resources, usually money, to generate income or profit, often involving risk.
- Funnel - The journey potential customers take from awareness to purchase, often visualized in stages.
- - The act of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
- Model - A framework for how a company creates, delivers, and captures value, outlining its strategy for generating revenue.
- - The financial gain after subtracting expenses from revenue; a key indicator of a business's success.
- Culture - The shared values, beliefs, and practices that shape how a company's employees interact and work.
- Share - The portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product, expressed as a percentage.
- - Any individual or group that has an interest in the success and operations of a business, including employees, customers, and investors.
- - A company's legal financial debts or obligations that arise during business operations.
- - The process of one company purchasing another company, often to gain access to its assets or market.
- (Business-to-Consumer) - Transactions and marketing strategies focused on selling products directly to consumers.
- Proposition - A statement that outlines the unique benefits and value a product or service offers to customers.
- - A person who starts and runs a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
30 Clues: - A combination of two companies into one, often to increase market share and efficiency. • - A company's legal financial debts or obligations that arise during business operations. • - A person who starts and runs a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. • ...
Business 2018-11-27
- The amount that an item costs
- It is a need or a want
- One of the things that make up the market
- Human effort used to produce goods and services
- The producers of the iPhone
- When there is not enough of an item to go around
- You can buy goods here
- Something that is essential for survival
- Market something
- Something that is not essential for survival
- Activity that generates a good or service
- A natural resource
- The consuming or using up of items produced
- The process of who gets what
- Going to the doctor
- A dough base with toppings
- Man made resource
- This is a need
- This is a need
- The name of this puzzle
20 Clues: This is a need • This is a need • Market something • Man made resource • A natural resource • Going to the doctor • It is a need or a want • You can buy goods here • The name of this puzzle • A dough base with toppings • The producers of the iPhone • The process of who gets what • The amount that an item costs • Something that is essential for survival • ...
Business 2022-02-10
- factors aspects of Herzberg's theory of motivation. Focuses on work setting, wages, safe work environments, and security
- workers like to work and seek out social, esteem, and self-actualization needs
- relations study of the behavior of individuals and groups in an organizational study
- actualizationneeds the need to be the best one can be. This is the top of the Maslow hierarchy
- rewards personal satisfaction and enjoyment after reaching a goal
- employees attitude toward their job, employer, and colleagues
- needs most basic human needs such as water, food, shelter, and clothing
- theory theory that behavior can be strengthened or weakened through the use of rewards and punishment
- stresses employee participation in all aspects of company decision
- theory of motivation theory that money is sole motivator for workers
- workers dislike work and are forced to do their jobs
- inner drive that directs a person's behavior to goals
- modification changing behavior and encouraging appropriate actions by relating consequences to behavior itself
- needs need for love, companionship, friendship, and desire for acceptance
- workweek 4-day work week where employees work 40 hours a week
- needs need to protect physically and economically
- needs need for respect, self-respect, and respect from others
- rewards Benefits and recognition received from someone else
- enlargement addition of more tests to the job instead of treating each task separately
- sharing performance of one full-time job by two people on part-time hours
20 Clues: workers dislike work and are forced to do their jobs • inner drive that directs a person's behavior to goals • employees attitude toward their job, employer, and colleagues • needs need to protect physically and economically • stresses employee participation in all aspects of company decision • ...
Business 2022-11-14
19 Clues: CSR • Eater • order • stores • pension • Canberra • bring in • Exchange • send out • business • save money • money plans • money gained • do for someone • makes the goods • start a business • required for life • the flow of money • something you don’t need
business 2023-01-19
- :the action or process of paying someone or something or of being paid.
- :basic systems and structures that allow a country or organisation to work properly.
- :Business that has a separate legal identity from that of its owners.
- :Transfer private sector resources to the public sector.
- :non-profit organisations that exist to benefit the public.
- :organisations that are owned and operated by either the central government or local governments.
- :an arrangement by which a company or the state undertakes to provide a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a specified premium.
- :Business owned by between 2 and 20 people.
- :Official examination of a company’s financial records to check that they are correct.
- :businesses that use profits to benefit themselves and the local community or a social cause.
- :an unfavourable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness.
- :a sum added to an ordinary price or charge.
- :Business owner is only liable for the original amount of money invested in the business.
- :arguments
- :A cooperative is an organisation that is owned by its members who come together to work towards a common interest. Cooperatives are run democratically, with members having a say in important decisions.
- :products
- :a person who manufactures articles of cast metal; the owner or operator of a foundry.
- :Paying part of the costs (often by government)
- :a business owned by a single person.
19 Clues: :products • :arguments • :a business owned by a single person. • :Business owned by between 2 and 20 people. • :a sum added to an ordinary price or charge. • :Paying part of the costs (often by government) • :Transfer private sector resources to the public sector. • :non-profit organisations that exist to benefit the public. • ...
business 2021-12-16
- a piece of work assigned to someone
- revenue received for goods or services
- working or acting together willingly
- the act of managing
- theory and system of setting up
- being the only one
- to include
- someone who produces
- association of individuals
- the sale of a good
- privilege of a public nature
- the kind of action or activity proper
- sale of goods in quantity
- business owned and run by 1 person
- management of revenues
- act of producing
- the act of buying/selling in a market
- working together in a business
- to control or direct by a rule
19 Clues: to include • act of producing • being the only one • the sale of a good • the act of managing • someone who produces • management of revenues • sale of goods in quantity • association of individuals • privilege of a public nature • working together in a business • to control or direct by a rule • theory and system of setting up • business owned and run by 1 person • ...
Business 2022-02-10
- workers like to work and seek out social, esteem, and self-actualization needs
- inner drive that directs a person's behavior to goals
- actualizationneeds the need to be the best one can be. This is the top of the Maslow hierarchy
- rewards Benefits and recognition received from someone else
- employees attitude toward their job, employer, and colleagues
- workweek 4-day work week where employees work 40 hours a week
- stresses employee participation in all aspects of company decision
- rewards personal satisfaction and enjoyment after reaching a goal
- theory of motivation theory that money is sole motivator for workers
- workers dislike work and are forced to do their jobs
- needs most basic human needs such as water, food, shelter, and clothing
- theory theory that behavior can be strengthened or weakened through the use of rewards and punishment
- enlargement addition of more tests to the job instead of treating each task separately
- needs need to protect physically and economically
- needs need for respect, self-respect, and respect from others
- needs need for love, companionship, friendship, and desire for acceptance
- modification changing behavior and encouraging appropriate actions by relating consequences to behavior itself
- relations study of the behavior of individuals and groups in an organizational study
- factors aspects of Herzberg's theory of motivation. Focuses on work setting, wages, safe work environments, and security
- sharing performance of one full-time job by two people on part-time hours
20 Clues: workers dislike work and are forced to do their jobs • inner drive that directs a person's behavior to goals • employees attitude toward their job, employer, and colleagues • needs need to protect physically and economically • stresses employee participation in all aspects of company decision • ...
business 2019-08-20
- the amount of money you pay for something if you buy it
- relating to the whole world; worldwide
- office not located in the main office of a company or organization
- an assembly of people for a particular purpose, especially for formal discussion
- a financial gain; the difference between the amount earned and spent in buying, operating, or producing something
- the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
- a person or company that owns shares of stock in a corporation
- making products on a large scale in a factory using machinery
- science dealing with the circulation of goods and services
- money used in a particular country
- the place where goods are bought and sold in economics
- buy goods or services from abroad
- send goods or services to another country for selling them there
- a person who buys goods or services
- a person or organization that employs people
- the study of whole (aggregate) economies or economic systems
- a building where goods are manufactured or assembled.
- money received regularly for work
- written or spoken agreement, especially on employment, sales or tenancy
19 Clues: buy goods or services from abroad • money received regularly for work • money used in a particular country • a person who buys goods or services • relating to the whole world; worldwide • a person or organization that employs people • a building where goods are manufactured or assembled. • the place where goods are bought and sold in economics • ...
BUSINESS 2019-08-27
Business 2023-10-16
- - Non-profit organization.
- - Excess revenue or resources.
- - Business with partners.
- of partnership - Partnership agreement document.
- - Company stock owner.
- held company - Shares available publicly.
- - Stock market debut.
- enterprise - Social and financial goals.
- - Business organization.
- liability - Restricted owner liability.
- held company - Not publicly traded.
- trader - Single owner business.
- exchange - Market for trading shares.
- liability - Full owner responsibility.
- - Business co-owner.
- sector - Business outside government.
- - Legal business entity.
- sector - Government-operated services.
- - Not profit-focused entity.
- partnership - Partner liability limited.
20 Clues: - Business co-owner. • - Stock market debut. • - Company stock owner. • - Legal business entity. • - Business organization. • - Business with partners. • - Non-profit organization. • - Not profit-focused entity. • - Excess revenue or resources. • trader - Single owner business. • held company - Not publicly traded. • exchange - Market for trading shares. • ...
Business 2018-11-27
- an example of this is a hammer
- the human effort
- buyers
- makes goods and services available
- an idea
- an item
- the study of business
- the cost of which an item is sold at
- an action that fulfills a want or need
- makes life more comfortable
- a 10 kill dub
- sellers
- making things
- golden AR
- used to produce a good or service
- an example of this is the ocean
- essential to live
- low supply
- heals 25 shield
19 Clues: buyers • sellers • an idea • an item • golden AR • low supply • making things • a 10 kill dub • heals 25 shield • the human effort • essential to live • the study of business • makes life more comfortable • an example of this is a hammer • an example of this is the ocean • used to produce a good or service • makes goods and services available • the cost of which an item is sold at • ...
business 2018-11-27
- opposite of cat
- resources made by people
- you wear on your feet
- opposite of dog
- footy for america
- the supply
- consuming of an item
- a job
- equilibrium amount demanded by consumers what equals the suppliers price
- a price that gets decided on the market
- a treat
- you pay someone to do it
- something to satisfy you
- league
- determinants how much of the item is made
- the people that consume the product
- used them to type this up
- the product
- accentual to survive
19 Clues: a job • league • a treat • the supply • the product • opposite of cat • opposite of dog • footy for america • consuming of an item • accentual to survive • you wear on your feet • resources made by people • you pay someone to do it • something to satisfy you • used them to type this up • the people that consume the product • a price that gets decided on the market • ...
BUSINESS 2019-08-27
Business 2023-10-16
- A business arrangement between individuals or entities
- liability. Full personal responsibility for a business's debt
- sector. Government-owned organizations
- An organization with a charitable or community-oriented mission
- An individual who owns shares in a company
- partnership. A partnership with one or more general partners and limited partners
- organization (NGO). An organization not associated with the government
- of partnership. A formal agreement outlining the terms of a business partnership
- Excess revenue after covering all expenses
- trader. A business owned and operated by a single person
- public offering (IPO). A company's first sale of stock to the public
- One of the individuals involved in a business partnership
- A legal entity formed by individuals to conduct business
- held company. A company whose shares are publicly traded
- liability. Protection from personal responsibility for a company's debts
- A company that has completed the process of becoming a legal corporation
- sector. A business not owned by the government
- exchange. A platform where stocks and securities are bought and sold
- enterprise. A business with a social or environmental mission
- held company. A company not publicly traded on stock exchanges
20 Clues: sector. Government-owned organizations • An individual who owns shares in a company • Excess revenue after covering all expenses • sector. A business not owned by the government • A business arrangement between individuals or entities • A legal entity formed by individuals to conduct business • held company. A company whose shares are publicly traded • ...
Business 2024-04-22
20 Clues: deuda • atraer • market • acción • choque • capital • valores • finanzas • bancario • de venta • organizar • eficiente • inversión • inversión • externista • administrar • adquisitivo • recursos comunes • fund fondo de inversión • skills habilidades de venta
business 2019-09-15
- planner a person whose job is to manage the personal finances of clients
- a useful or valuable thing
- an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time
- a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others
- a sum of money that is owed or due
- money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
- the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small
- the addition of interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit
- an investment position intended to offset potential losses or gains that may be incurred by a companion investment.
- a type of private equity investment
- market aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks
- buildings intended to generate a profit
- strategy a set of rules designed to guide an investor's selection of an investment portfolio
- a person who puts money into financial schemes
- a sum of money paid regularly by a company
- an agreement with legal force
- enlarge or vary its range of products or field of operation
- money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent
- Australian Securities Exchange
19 Clues: a useful or valuable thing • an agreement with legal force • Australian Securities Exchange • a sum of money that is owed or due • a type of private equity investment • buildings intended to generate a profit • a sum of money paid regularly by a company • a person who puts money into financial schemes • market aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks • ...
business 2018-11-27
- resources made by people to make another product
- an item
- the effect of price demanded
- essential to survival
- replacing a product
- consumers are ready to pay
- not essential to survival
- amount of goods and services consumers want
- dominoes deliveries
- a three sided shape
- someone learning a new thing
- a job that helps people with everyday things
- making goods and service
- insufficient supply
- paying for something later
- natural resources
- a thing used to make another good or service
- minutes and hours
- generates goods and services
19 Clues: an item • natural resources • minutes and hours • dominoes deliveries • a three sided shape • insufficient supply • replacing a product • essential to survival • making goods and service • not essential to survival • paying for something later • consumers are ready to pay • someone learning a new thing • the effect of price demanded • generates goods and services • ...
Business 2022-02-10
- workers like to work and seek out social, esteem, and self-actualization needs
- theory theory that behavior can be strengthened or weakened through the use of rewards and punishment
- stresses employee participation in all aspects of company decision
- needs need for respect, self-respect, and respect from others
- needs need to protect physically and economically
- inner drive that directs a person's behavior to goals
- sharing performance of one full-time job by two people on part-time hours
- needs need for love, companionship, friendship, and desire for acceptance
- theory of motivation theory that money is sole motivator for workers
- relations study of the behavior of individuals and groups in an organizational study
- actualizationneeds the need to be the best one can be. This is the top of the Maslow hierarchy
- workers dislike work and are forced to do their jobs
- factors aspects of Herzberg's theory of motivation. Focuses on work setting, wages, safe work environments, and security
- employees attitude toward their job, employer, and colleagues
- rewards personal satisfaction and enjoyment after reaching a goal
- rewards Benefits and recognition received from someone else
- needs most basic human needs such as water, food, shelter, and clothing
- modification changing behavior and encouraging appropriate actions by relating consequences to behavior itself
- enlargement addition of more tests to the job instead of treating each task separately
- workweek 4-day work week where employees work 40 hours a week
20 Clues: workers dislike work and are forced to do their jobs • inner drive that directs a person's behavior to goals • employees attitude toward their job, employer, and colleagues • needs need to protect physically and economically • stresses employee participation in all aspects of company decision • ...
business 2023-06-13
20 Clues: hshs • jdhhs • hsgsg • bsbsb • jshshs • hshana • gshshns • hdbsbsb • hahahha • hahahha • hahahja • hahanna • sjshhsbs • djhshshs • hahabanns • hahahhsbs • hshshshha • hsvsvsvvs • sjshhsbsbs • the employee who receives guest
Business 2022-09-28
- single units of ownership in a company
- means you are not making a profit
- The money you make from selling a product
- someone who starts businesses
- a type of business
- A place where people do business
- chain of stores
- When two or more people own a business
- something that you loan to someone
- When no one else can sell the product
- means you are making a profit
- The money you use to start a business
- When you trade goods
- The amount of thing you have
- making something from raw materials
- The amount of money you owe
- The amount of money you make
- The first product you make before you make more
- When businesses try to get the same customers
19 Clues: chain of stores • a type of business • When you trade goods • The amount of money you owe • The amount of thing you have • The amount of money you make • means you are making a profit • someone who starts businesses • A place where people do business • means you are not making a profit • something that you loan to someone • making something from raw materials • ...
BUSINESS 2019-08-27
Business 2021-10-17
- an individual or entity that holds shares or stocks in a company
- a system that organizes or ranks things, often according to power or importance
- something annoying that is a continuing problem
- to come to an end in time
- the limited availability of resources
- synonym of the word temporary
- something to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it
- an official order from a leader or a government that becomes the law
- above others in rank, merit, or reputation
- to grow and develop strongly
- to be in charge of somebody/something and make sure that everything is done correctly, safely, etc
- is a group of government officials, headed by an ambassador, who represent their government in a foreign country.
- a handwritten (and often stylized) depiction of someone's name
- to be about to occur
- a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money
- to make something last a longer time
- someone who is lower in rank to another or subject to another's control
- official or public praise
- to respect for or a good opinion of someone
19 Clues: to be about to occur • to come to an end in time • official or public praise • to grow and develop strongly • synonym of the word temporary • to make something last a longer time • the limited availability of resources • above others in rank, merit, or reputation • to respect for or a good opinion of someone • something annoying that is a continuing problem • ...
Business 2018-03-22
- user
- a builder
- how much you have
- tournament
- $$$
- hairdresser
- to be able to use others resources effectively
- makes our lives better
- how much something costs
- to be able to see opportunity
- water,food,clothing,shelter
- the opposite of service
- we walk on it
- maker
- wood,iron,coal
- how rare the item is
- *Coles*
- I want this if you give me this
19 Clues: $$$ • user • maker • *Coles* • a builder • tournament • I WANT THIS • hairdresser • we walk on it • wood,iron,coal • how much you have • how rare the item is • makes our lives better • the opposite of service • how much something costs • water,food,clothing,shelter • to be able to see opportunity • I want this if you give me this • to be able to use others resources effectively
Business 2018-03-22
- to be able to use others resources effectively
- tournament
- a builder
- maker
- water,food,clothing,shelter
- I want this if you give me this
- wood,iron,coal
- the opposite of service
- makes our lives better
- to be able to see opportunity
- user
- *Coles*
- we walk on it
- how much something costs
- how rare the item is
- hairdresser
- how much you have
- $$$
19 Clues: $$$ • user • maker • *Coles* • a builder • tournament • I WANT THIS • hairdresser • we walk on it • wood,iron,coal • how much you have • how rare the item is • makes our lives better • the opposite of service • how much something costs • water,food,clothing,shelter • to be able to see opportunity • I want this if you give me this • to be able to use others resources effectively
Business 2022-04-12
- from a tree
- detailed examination of the elements
- holiday to play scavenger hunt
- all
- Easter favourite
- Easter
- if not no
- the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment.
- what you owe
- the action of making or manufacturing
- the process of dealing with or controlling things or people
- revenue capture
- the action or business of promoting
- what you own
- device capable of receiving information
- process to match what is received and given out
- medium of exchange
- song by Ed Sheeran
- an official account of facts
19 Clues: all • Easter • if not no • from a tree • what you own • what you owe • revenue capture • Easter favourite • medium of exchange • song by Ed Sheeran • an official account of facts • holiday to play scavenger hunt • the action or business of promoting • detailed examination of the elements • the action of making or manufacturing • device capable of receiving information • ...
Business 2022-01-20
- to grow your business to new markets etc
- that verb that means to bring the goods that you produce to other countries
- when a company has many offices in many countries they are called?
- Phrasal verb that means to buy another company
- a noun that means that a newly released product is a failure
- the verb that means to bring goods into a country
- Produce in large scale with machinery
- the company that dominates a market
- Release a new product on the market
- the good times when the economy is growing
- synonym of market analysis
- the main office of a company
- a phrasal verb that means a company has gone out of business
- phrasal verb that means to start a new business
- the money that a company has made by selling a product or a service
- a company that has many offices e.g. H&M
- the bad times when the economy is shrinking
- When two companies become one
- an agreement between two people or companies
19 Clues: synonym of market analysis • the main office of a company • When two companies become one • the company that dominates a market • Release a new product on the market • Produce in large scale with machinery • to grow your business to new markets etc • a company that has many offices e.g. H&M • the good times when the economy is growing • ...
business 2024-10-29
- (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous
- furnishing ground for a lawsuit
- an important assignment carried out for political, religious, or commercial purposes, typically involving travel
- a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.
- hiring
- is a person or institution that has invested money in a corporation in exchange for a “share” of the ownership.
- to overcome by force
- time limit
- having no parallel.
- bring (something) into existence
- financial gain
- form a mental image or concept of
- expend
- invested
- involving new ideas or methods
- the action of providing or supplying something for use
- buying and selling on a large scale
- is a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting.
- done consciously and intentionally.
19 Clues: expend • hiring • invested • time limit • financial gain • having no parallel. • to overcome by force • involving new ideas or methods • furnishing ground for a lawsuit • bring (something) into existence • form a mental image or concept of • buying and selling on a large scale • done consciously and intentionally. • the action of providing or supplying something for use • ...
business 2018-01-08
- economy economy in which individuals control production and allocation decisions through supply and demand
- vying among business for the same resources or customers
- enterprise economic system that allows individuals to pursue their own interests without undue governmental restriction
- system a nation's system for allocating its resources among its citizens.
- process of converting government enterprises into privately owned companies
- economy economy that relies on a centralized government to control all or most factors of production and to make all or most production and allocation decisions
- organization that provides goods or services to earn profits.
- difference between a business's revenues and its expenses.
- the willngness and ability of producers to offer a good or service for sale
- (human resources) physical and mental capabilities of people as they contribute to economic production.
- the willingness and ability of buyers to purchase a good or service
- individual who accepts the risks and opportunities involved in creating and operating a new business
- system that sanctions the private ownership of the factors of productions and encourages entrepreneurship by offering profits as an incentive
- political system in which the government owns and operates all factors of production
- environment everything outside an organization's boundaries that might affect it
- of production resources used in the production of goods and services -- labor, capital, entrepreneurs, physical resources, and information resources.
- funds needed to create and operate a business enterprise
- competition market or industry characterized by numerous small firms producing an identical product
18 Clues: vying among business for the same resources or customers • funds needed to create and operate a business enterprise • difference between a business's revenues and its expenses. • organization that provides goods or services to earn profits. • the willingness and ability of buyers to purchase a good or service • ...
Business 2020-11-28
18 Clues: debts • share • company • dispute • resolve • fortune • founder • Aktionär • auflösen • decision • besitzen • liability • Einnahmen • entrepreneur • Finanzierung • boardofdirectors • Einzelunternehmer • Aktiengesellschaft
Business 2021-06-24
- ____and services tax
- higher working position
- somewhere where people live
- a form of written payment
- yearly income
- buying things
- wear it to school/work
- child slavery
- the leader of an organisation/group
- not enough effort
- another word for employees
- car, tools, couch
- money earned
- weekly income
- proof of purchase
- google, Facebook
- seen on bill boards
- interest in a business
18 Clues: money earned • weekly income • yearly income • buying things • child slavery • google, Facebook • car, tools, couch • proof of purchase • not enough effort • seen on bill boards • ____and services tax • interest in a business • wear it to school/work • higher working position • a form of written payment • another word for employees • somewhere where people live • the leader of an organisation/group
Business 2021-06-24
- ____and services tax
- higher working position
- somewhere where people live
- a form of written payment
- yearly income
- buying things
- wear it to school/work
- child slavery
- the leader of an organisation/group
- not enough effort
- another word for employees
- car, tools, couch
- money earned
- weekly income
- proof of purchase
- google, Facebook
- seen on bill boards
- interest in a business
18 Clues: money earned • weekly income • yearly income • buying things • child slavery • google, Facebook • car, tools, couch • proof of purchase • not enough effort • seen on bill boards • ____and services tax • interest in a business • wear it to school/work • higher working position • a form of written payment • another word for employees • somewhere where people live • the leader of an organisation/group
Business 2018-11-27
- something non essential for everyday life
- an animal used for meat to eat
- a collection of buyers and sellers
- an activity that makes goods and services
- a risk for example a mechanic mobile service
- an essential item for survival
- the price of an item chosen by suppliers and costumers
- making your item look better then another for money
- wheat and rice come from ____
- items used or to make other items
- an enterprise
- a capital item to cut trees down
- the process of using an item
- when there are minimal items to go around
- a labour ghat makes food like chickens or cows
- The study of how we use scarce resources to satisfy our wants
- an animal of the land used for clothes
- the number of resource types we have
18 Clues: an enterprise • the process of using an item • wheat and rice come from ____ • an animal used for meat to eat • an essential item for survival • a capital item to cut trees down • items used or to make other items • a collection of buyers and sellers • the number of resource types we have • an animal of the land used for clothes • something non essential for everyday life • ...
Business 2024-10-08
- Used to buy stuff
- things were you might be made to pay money to fake thing
- How much money you make
- A piece of paper used to show what you bought
- Some money you get from the bank every month
- How a product is made
- When you put money in a bank account
- Taps on a box to pay
- Online bank
- A job that looks for people to hire for their business
- The product
- Buys stuff
- You set this money goal
- People do this to pay with out money
- goods that come from a different country
- A code to be used when you want a transaction
- How many people want/need the product
- To send something somewhere else
18 Clues: Buys stuff • Online bank • The product • Used to buy stuff • Taps on a box to pay • How a product is made • You set this money goal • How much money you make • To send something somewhere else • People do this to pay with out money • When you put money in a bank account • How many people want/need the product • goods that come from a different country • ...
Business 2021-03-25
- Deliberately undercutting competitors' prices in order to try to force them out of the market.
- Two or more businesses agree to work closely together on a particular project and create a separate business division to do so.
- using barriers to free trade, such as tariffs and quotas, to protect a country's own domestic industries.
- Agreement between firms in which each agrees to commit resources to achieve an agreed set of objectives.
- When a business cannot meet its short-term debts.
- Setting a high price for a new product when a firm has a unique or highly differentiated product with low price elasticity of demand
- A long-term goal the business wants to achieve
- When a company buys over 50% of the shares of another company and becomes the controlling owner----often referred to as "acquisition".
- A business that uses the name, logo, and trading systems of an existing successful business.
- Producing a limited number of identical products.
- A written document, describes a business's objectives and strategies, the market it is in, and its financial forecast.
- An agreement by shareholders and managers of two businesses to bring both firms together under a common board of directors with shareholders in both businesses owning shares in the newly merged business.
- A group of people acting together to meet the common needs and aspirations of its members, sharing ownership and making decisions democratically.
- The income received from the sale of a product.
- Within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product.
- Dividing a market into distinct groups of consumers who share common tastes and requirements.
- When revenue equals total costs and the business is making neither profit nor loss.
- When a firm ceases trading and its assets are sold for cash
18 Clues: A long-term goal the business wants to achieve • The income received from the sale of a product. • When a business cannot meet its short-term debts. • Producing a limited number of identical products. • When a firm ceases trading and its assets are sold for cash • When revenue equals total costs and the business is making neither profit nor loss. • ...
business 2021-09-26
- the system of procuring from raw materials to finished goods
- money in coins or notes
- a type of enterprise owned and run by one person
- the activities of selling goods or services directly to final consumers
- the place where the company showcases their products or services through various platforms
- a person who is responsible for administering a part of an organization
- a wealthy person who uses the money to invest in trade and industry for making profits
- the study of customer needs and wants in a well-dinifed market segment
- a person holding a position of command or authority in an organization
- two companies join together and form a new company
- is the study of how individuals and groups select, buy, use the goods or services
- a financial gain, the difference in money earned and money spent
- a man who supervises and directs other workers
- the person who buys the finished products
- the place where the trade happens
- the activities of designing and producing a container for a product
- a person in charge of a worker or organization
- buying and selling of goods or services
18 Clues: money in coins or notes • the place where the trade happens • buying and selling of goods or services • the person who buys the finished products • a man who supervises and directs other workers • a person in charge of a worker or organization • a type of enterprise owned and run by one person • two companies join together and form a new company • ...
Business 2017-11-15
- a person who hires people to work for them
- having gained success
- a person who starts a business
- someone who sells products
- opposite to male
- a person who buys products
- an outline of something
- a organisation purposed to sell products
- a short phrase to catch peoples attention
- another word for original
- a person who purchases goods and services for personal use
- a person who works for a company
- the money earned by selling product
- the activity of setting up a business
- opposite to female
- a commercial business
- something earned by people who are employed
- a symbol created by a company or business
18 Clues: opposite to male • opposite to female • having gained success • a commercial business • an outline of something • another word for original • someone who sells products • a person who buys products • a person who starts a business • a person who works for a company • the money earned by selling product • the activity of setting up a business • a organisation purposed to sell products • ...
Business 2013-09-18
- or custodian, by reason of being wayward or
- a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
- A court of general jurisdiction is one that has the authority to hear cases of all kinds - criminal, civil, family, probate, and so forth
- Trials run according to the same rules of procedure and evidence as trials run under the official auspices of the court.
- the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.
- disobedient;
- Any child who does not subject himself or herself
- the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court
- the use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute
- intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it; arbitration
- a court (as an appeals court) beneath the court of last resort in a jurisdiction.
- the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
- a court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies
- a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.
- The original jurisdiction of a court is the power to hear a case for the first time as opposed to appellate jurisdiction when a court has the power to review a lower court's decision.
- Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation
- seize (someone) by legal authority and take into custody
- the reasonable control of his or her parents, teachers,
18 Clues: disobedient; • or custodian, by reason of being wayward or • the use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute • a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime • Any child who does not subject himself or herself • the reasonable control of his or her parents, teachers, • seize (someone) by legal authority and take into custody • ...
business 2014-04-22
- omething that earns a lot of money
- improvement
- without moral principles; not honest or fair
- to try to get something or persuade somebody to do something
- done in a way that was planned, not by chance
- to make something become active again
- a short period of time that you spend doing one particular activity that you enjoy, but often too much of it
- the result or effect of an action or event
- angry and aggressive in a way that is frightening
- money that is earned very easily, for something that needs little effort
- existing or happening within a company or an organization
- a very important stage or event in the development of something
- to decide to stop doing something, especially your job
- full of something bad or unpleasant
- a thing that takes your attention away from what you are doing or thinking about
- the money that a government receives from taxes or that an organization, etc. receives from its business
- a position in a place or an activity which you hope will lead to more power or success
- bad and unkind feelings towards somebody
18 Clues: improvement • omething that earns a lot of money • full of something bad or unpleasant • to make something become active again • bad and unkind feelings towards somebody • the result or effect of an action or event • without moral principles; not honest or fair • done in a way that was planned, not by chance • angry and aggressive in a way that is frightening • ...
business 2018-09-04
- the tired and confused feeling you can get after flying a very long distance
- an office building in the City of London at 30 St Mary Axe
- if someone, usually famous, endorses a product, they say how good it is in advertisements. People will buy the product because they like or trust the person
- the act of giving information about someone by an organization or person who would normally have to keep that information secret, for example when a bank gives information about a customer’s accounts to the police
- someone who repeatedly looks to see what time it is in order to see how much longer they have to work
- to get money from someone dishonestly by deceiving them
- a written promise that a company gives to a customer, stating that it will repair or replace a product they have bought if it breaks during a certain period of time. It is another word for guarantee.
- someone’s past, for example their education, qualifications, and the jobs they have had
- the practice of giving jobs to members of your family when you are in a position of power
- money that is paid by a government or organization to make something cheaper to buy, use, or produce
- to make someone believe something that is not true in order to get what you want
- an amount paid to someone because they have been hurt or harmed in some way
- an occasion when two or more companies, organizations etc join together to form a larger company etc
- a small mistake in a law that makes it possible to do something the law is supposed to prevent you from doing, or to avoid doing something that the law is supposed to make you do
- a plan for achieving or improving something
- the thing that makes a particular product different from all other similar products (unique selling~)
- when one company buys another or part of another company, or the company or part of a company that is bought
- the head office or main building of an organization
18 Clues: a plan for achieving or improving something • the head office or main building of an organization • to get money from someone dishonestly by deceiving them • an office building in the City of London at 30 St Mary Axe • an amount paid to someone because they have been hurt or harmed in some way • ...
Business 2018-11-27
- human providing a good or service
- wear on head
- protect from grounds
- place full of consumers
- can write in it
- can put in it
- can sit on it
- the ability to see opportunity
- see time on it
- natural recourse
- can catch it and kick it
- a price that a consumer is prepared to pay
- dark and can come in a packet
- anything that can be used
- something you don't need to survive
- made by people
- essential for survival
- stores belongings
18 Clues: wear on head • can put in it • can sit on it • made by people • see time on it • can write in it • natural recourse • stores belongings • protect from grounds • essential for survival • place full of consumers • can catch it and kick it • anything that can be used • dark and can come in a packet • the ability to see opportunity • human providing a good or service • ...
business 2013-07-11
- you can have this as a class and it is something to do with the inviroment
- wath is left over of your money
- you can find them on a boat
- phones and laptops are ........
- it can come as coins and notes
- there is more and more bussneies
- when something is worth alot of money it has ...
- what you own is .......
- you dont need it you ... it
- the money you get each week
- it is your you own something
- you can....... a bussnies
- when you are looking something up
- they come into shopes
- somethings people bye
- thigs are not higher they are.....
- you have a wid ...... of something
- you pay ...
18 Clues: you pay ... • they come into shopes • somethings people bye • what you own is ....... • you can....... a bussnies • you can find them on a boat • you dont need it you ... it • the money you get each week • it is your you own something • it can come as coins and notes • wath is left over of your money • phones and laptops are ........ • there is more and more bussneies • ...
business 2018-11-27
- giving estimated cost for a job or service
- pay others to perform
- a woman's all in one undergarment
- activity that generates goods
- making goods and services
- buying from other countries
- consumer group aiming to sell
- 4 legged creature that can be your pet
- means what to produce
- satisfy our needs
- involves business making a product
- insufficient supply
- providing a bald price
- not essential for survival
- introduction of ideas and design
- consuming of items
- made of people who buy and sell
- essential for survival
18 Clues: satisfy our needs • consuming of items • insufficient supply • means what to produce • pay others to perform • providing a bald price • essential for survival • making goods and services • not essential for survival • buying from other countries • activity that generates goods • consumer group aiming to sell • made of people who buy and sell • introduction of ideas and design • ...
Business 2017-06-27
- who owns a share in a company
- technique that analyses markets
- payment made by a company to its shareholders from profits
- of borrowing money and the return for lending money
- business
- difference in income and total costs
- ability to understand something without conscious reasoning
- of a product that a consumer is willing and able to buy
- business one person
- logical and research based decision
- set of moral values held by an individual or organisation
- anticipating and satisfying of a customers' wants and needs
- individual or group with a direct interest in an organisation
- things done by planning, organising and co-ordinating
- next best alternative
- previous patterns of numerical data
- gathering data which is representative of the target market as a whole
17 Clues: business • business one person • next best alternative • who owns a share in a company • technique that analyses markets • logical and research based decision • previous patterns of numerical data • difference in income and total costs • of borrowing money and the return for lending money • things done by planning, organising and co-ordinating • ...
Business 2018-11-27
- has long ears small body
- amount demanded equals the amount supplied by suppliers
- activity that generates good/service
- consuming of items
- business making produce/service look more attractive than another business
- choose to use scare resources
- pay others to preform
- not essential for survival
- made of people who buy/sell
- process of making good/service available
- buying products of another country
- price a consumer will pay and a supplier is prepared to sell at
- holds hot drinks
- satisfy our needs
- essential for survival
- amount of goods/services a supplier/producer is willing to supply
- insufficient supply
17 Clues: holds hot drinks • satisfy our needs • consuming of items • insufficient supply • pay others to preform • essential for survival • has long ears small body • not essential for survival • made of people who buy/sell • choose to use scare resources • buying products of another country • activity that generates good/service • process of making good/service available • ...
Business 2021-03-22
- educational institution
- skills understanding of basic math for business
- document to present your background and skills
- a skill used for technology in business
- the most common form of communication in business
- a commercial operation or company
- paid or un paid position in a field
- regulatory agency that enforces labor laws
- 2 or more jobs in the same field
- a person who agrees to testify about skills
- exchange of information
- set of moral principles
- what some one does for money
- having strong feelings about something
- honest, trustworthy, respectful
- a person who guides a group
- works in the present, learns from the past
17 Clues: exchange of information • educational institution • set of moral principles • a person who guides a group • what some one does for money • honest, trustworthy, respectful • 2 or more jobs in the same field • a commercial operation or company • paid or un paid position in a field • having strong feelings about something • a skill used for technology in business • ...
Business 2022-09-21
- the rise of price in goods and services over a period of time
- someone who sells a product or good
- when the price and quantity satisfies both the producer and consumer
- the willingness to want to purchase a good or service
- the stock of an item/good
- a good that helps the production of another good and allows the process to be more efficient
- when the company has an increase in demand and has a steady increase in profit, demand, and employment
- A service or sale of goods that aims to make a profit from their earnings
- passed on from generations and does things that have been done in the past
- when the business is having an increase in profit, demand, and employment
- something that provides natural resources
- goods that can be used together
- when businesses rely on other businesses
- someone who buys goods or services
- goods that are essentially the same thing and can replace the other
- when the demand of the business decreases
- only doing a small portion of the overall process but doing it well
17 Clues: the stock of an item/good • goods that can be used together • someone who buys goods or services • someone who sells a product or good • when businesses rely on other businesses • something that provides natural resources • when the demand of the business decreases • the willingness to want to purchase a good or service • ...
business 2019-09-15
- a person who puts money into financial schemes
- strategy a set of rules designed to guide an investor's selection of an investment portfolio
- enlarge or vary its range of products or field of operation
- buildings intended to generate a profit
- Australian Securities Exchange
- an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time
- an investment position intended to offset potential losses or gains that may be incurred by a companion investment.
- an agreement with legal force
- the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small
- a sum of money paid regularly by a company
- a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others
- a type of private equity investment
- a useful or valuable thing
- a sum of money that is owed or due
- planner a person whose job is to manage the personal finances of clients
- money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent
- money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
17 Clues: a useful or valuable thing • an agreement with legal force • Australian Securities Exchange • a sum of money that is owed or due • a type of private equity investment • buildings intended to generate a profit • a sum of money paid regularly by a company • a person who puts money into financial schemes • a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others • ...
Business 2024-05-29
- - Is the rivalry among companies that offer similar products.
- and production - Refers to how resources are allocated to the production of goods and services.
- Change - invention, improvement, and diffusion of technologies.
- - How we can be better and different.
- - An amount of money required to pay for a good and service.
- Economy - An economic system is which the price of products is determined. Buyers and sellers.
- and services - Both are used by consumers. One is physical and the other is an action.
- - Is the process of creating a new business.
- - Is a person who produces and sells products to the consumers.
- - The equipment to make the products, E.g. The product or the building.
- trends - Are the business changes expected to continue to grow within couple of years.
- - The inputs used in production of goods and services to meet human needs and wants.
- - Is the voluntary exchange between consumers and producers. Consumers obtain good and producers make more profit.
- - A person who buys goods and services for their personal use.
- - Natural raw materials, E.g. water, gas, soil.
- - Is the ability to conceive or develop new products and services.
- - The person who makes the products or sells them to a consumer.
- - People who produce the materials or the products they are selling, EG. an ice-cream maker.
18 Clues: - How we can be better and different. • - Is the process of creating a new business. • - Natural raw materials, E.g. water, gas, soil. • - An amount of money required to pay for a good and service. • - Is the rivalry among companies that offer similar products. • - A person who buys goods and services for their personal use. • ...
Business 2013-02-11
- a way defining your brand
- protects ideas and products
- identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumer requirements profitably
- the 4ps
- protects logos and brands
- kept in case of supply problems
- small market share, small growth (BM)
- the peak of the PLC
- not very responsive to changes in price
- all the products a company produces
- high potential products in the BM
- how many of your resources you are using
- getting stock just before it is required
- a way of extending the product life cycle
- a factor involved in PED
- the first stage of PLC
- a good source of income (BM)
17 Clues: the 4ps • the peak of the PLC • the first stage of PLC • a factor involved in PED • a way defining your brand • protects logos and brands • protects ideas and products • a good source of income (BM) • kept in case of supply problems • high potential products in the BM • all the products a company produces • small market share, small growth (BM) • ...
BUSINESS 2021-06-07
- distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose
- a person who sets up a business
- a meeting between the heads of a company or governments
- assess a number or a value of
- the amount of money taken by a business in a particular period
- a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting
- absorb one company to another
- take part in a meeting or a conference
- an overhead cost or expense other than bills
- organize and carry out
- the object of a person's ambition or effort
- the opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions
- a question, especially one expressing doubt or requesting information
- the place where something happens
- when one company assumes control of or acquire another
- make a company larger
- office location other than the main office
17 Clues: make a company larger • organize and carry out • assess a number or a value of • absorb one company to another • a person who sets up a business • the place where something happens • take part in a meeting or a conference • office location other than the main office • the object of a person's ambition or effort • an overhead cost or expense other than bills • ...
business 2018-11-27
- an item that makes our life more comfortable
- when a business makes their product look more attractive
- Natural resources used in production of goods and services
- An item essential for everyday survival
- the consuming of items produced
- item wee consume to satisfy our wants and needs
- jobs we pay others to perform
- human effort used to produce goods and services
- when something is in insufficient supply
- something we write with
- place you buy goods and services
- the study of how we choose to use our scarce resources
- a graph that shows effect of price on a a item
- Good place to sleep
- when you get an good idea
- How many resources are there
- something electronic we use in school
17 Clues: Good place to sleep • something we write with • when you get an good idea • How many resources are there • jobs we pay others to perform • the consuming of items produced • place you buy goods and services • something electronic we use in school • An item essential for everyday survival • when something is in insufficient supply • an item that makes our life more comfortable • ...
BUSINESS 2020-04-13
- Intelectual property rights
- A contingency planning maybe costly and may be time consuming
- Help cut costs
- Factors in locating a business
- Practice of subcontracting overseas
- Dimension of the supply chain that is in charge of the raw material
- System of connected organizations
- Bringing back business functions to the home country
- It must be the priority
- Limit the damage from sudden crisis
- An individual or business create a product they should protect them by
- Create closer relationships with suppliers
- Measure of the efficiency of production
- Similar to a patent but cover other forms
- Reduce pressure on the cash flow
- Help improve quality but still you need to innovate
- Technical development of products or processes
17 Clues: Help cut costs • It must be the priority • Intelectual property rights • Factors in locating a business • Reduce pressure on the cash flow • System of connected organizations • Limit the damage from sudden crisis • Practice of subcontracting overseas • Measure of the efficiency of production • Similar to a patent but cover other forms • ...
business 2017-07-05
- me leaving and enquirer about a job
- the ....? It's hopeless."
- sack
- of tennis games
- sock on the side
- school subject
- .... of beauty is a joy forever"
- in a day's ....
- is on record to give you a hand
- in a house
- one's spark
- military unit
- festival
- the .... now?"
- in a play
- with person admitted to hospital department
- Make a ...."
17 Clues: sack • festival • in a play • in a house • one's spark • Make a ...." • military unit • the .... now?" • school subject • of tennis games • in a day's .... • sock on the side • the ....? It's hopeless." • is on record to give you a hand • .... of beauty is a joy forever" • me leaving and enquirer about a job • with person admitted to hospital department
business 2017-07-05
- military unit
- .... of beauty is a joy forever"
- in a day's ....
- in a play
- me leaving and enquirer about a job
- one's spark
- Make a ...."
- the .... now?"
- the ....? It's hopeless."
- school subject
- is on record to give you a hand
- of tennis games
- sock on the side
- sack
- festival
- with person admitted to hospital department
- in a house
17 Clues: sack • festival • in a play • in a house • one's spark • Make a ...." • military unit • the .... now?" • school subject • of tennis games • in a day's .... • sock on the side • the ....? It's hopeless." • is on record to give you a hand • .... of beauty is a joy forever" • me leaving and enquirer about a job • with person admitted to hospital department
Business 2019-09-19
- Money paid regularly by a company to its shareholders
- how much money a business gets in return from an investment
- B2B
- A drop in economic growth that lasts at least six months.
- Gross domestic product
- Corporate social responsibility
- the degrading value of an asset over tim
- a one-time expense that doesn’t vary with business volume
- A person or firm that owes money to you or your business.
- The term used when prices rise
- Money owed, usually as a result of borrowing
- the value of what a business owes to someone else
- a formal agreement to do work for pay
- Financial year
- B2C
- Where only a few firms control the market
- A person or firm that has lent your business money or to whom you owe money
17 Clues: B2C • B2B • Financial year • Gross domestic product • The term used when prices rise • Corporate social responsibility • a formal agreement to do work for pay • the degrading value of an asset over tim • Where only a few firms control the market • Money owed, usually as a result of borrowing • the value of what a business owes to someone else • ...
business 2019-10-16
- the amount of money earned
- a situation involving exposure to danger
- an accomplishment
- existing, occurring, or carried on between nations
- a person who purchased goods and service for personal use
- the action of helping or doing work for someone
- a commercial business
- relating to the law
- a person or origination that pays for contributes to the cost involved in staging a sporting event or artistic even in return for advertising
- lack of success
- the actin of making with a branding icon
- a person regular occupation, profession, or trade
- the state of a partner or partners
- the act, state, or right of possessing something
- consisting of many different and connected parts
- an object or group of objects wrapped in paper or packed in a box
- merchandise or possessions
17 Clues: lack of success • an accomplishment • relating to the law • a commercial business • the amount of money earned • merchandise or possessions • the state of a partner or partners • the actin of making with a branding icon • a situation involving exposure to danger • the action of helping or doing work for someone • the act, state, or right of possessing something • ...
business 2022-09-16
- say something in reply.
- a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.
- to conclude or ascertain, as after reasoning, observation, etc. to settle or decide
- the action of helping or doing work for someone.
- examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
- have an effect on; make a difference to.
- require (something) because it is essential or very important.
- a source of help in a difficult situation.
- make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme.
- an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities
- a number assigned to an organization, allowing the IRS and other governmental agencies to regard it as a legally organized business.
- a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.
- the action or activity of gathering information about consumers' needs and preferences.
- merchandise or possessions.
- form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess.
- have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for.
- think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.
17 Clues: say something in reply. • merchandise or possessions. • have an effect on; make a difference to. • a source of help in a difficult situation. • the action of helping or doing work for someone. • have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for. • form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess. • a person who purchases goods and services for personal use. • ...
BUSINESS 2021-06-07
- distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose
- a person who sets up a business
- a meeting between the heads of a company or governments
- assess a number or a value of
- the amount of money taken by a business in a particular period
- a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting
- absorb one company to another
- take part in a meeting or a conference
- an overhead cost or expense other than bills
- organize and carry out
- the object of a person's ambition or effort
- the opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions
- a question, especially one expressing doubt or requesting information
- the place where something happens
- when one company assumes control of or acquire another
- make a company larger
- office location other than the main office
17 Clues: make a company larger • organize and carry out • assess a number or a value of • absorb one company to another • a person who sets up a business • the place where something happens • take part in a meeting or a conference • office location other than the main office • the object of a person's ambition or effort • an overhead cost or expense other than bills • ...
business 2022-08-31
- a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of observations are taken from a larger population.
- share Out of total purchases of a customer of a product or service, what percentage goes to a company
- means your business is more concerned with meeting the wants and needs of your customers than with making as many products as possible in an inexpensive and efficient way
- acumen skill can be defined as the ability to look ahead to see things others, including customers and competitors,
- is the process of dividing a broad consumer or business market, normally consisting of existing and potential customers
- who intends to order, order, or use purchase goods, products, or services primarily.
- a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business.
- a marketing approach wherein the processes of product development and creation are focused on satisfying the needs of consumers.
- the action or business of promoting and selling products or services,
- a company that gathers and analyses information about consumers' needs and preferences.
- a segment of a larger market that can be defined by its own unique needs, preferences, or identity that makes it different from the market at large.
- works that analyze, assess or interpret an historical event, era, or phenomenon, generally utilizing primary sources to do so.
- brings together a small group of people to answer questions in a moderated setting.
- is where the expectations or opinions of the person conducting an interview interfere with their objectivity, either negatively or positively, clouding their judgment of the person being interviewed.
- the amount of money a business allocates for expenses related to the promotion of its goods or services.
- an ongoing emotional relationship between you and your customer, manifesting itself by how willing a customer is to engage.
- is an organized effort to gather information about target markets and customers: know about them, starting with who they are.
- is a marketing strategy that involves identifying specific personas or markets for specific content.
18 Clues: a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business. • the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, • brings together a small group of people to answer questions in a moderated setting. • a company that gathers and analyses information about consumers' needs and preferences. • ...
Business 2021-09-29
- Cuba is moving towards ------, when government sells organization to private sector.
- ----- sector is owned by government
- ---- goods are goods that people undervalue their benefits and do not consume enough unless government intervenes like healthcare and education.
- means owners are personally responsible for the actions of business and individual may lose personal assets if the business has financial issues.
- ---- sector is the first stage of production, extracting and using natural resources to produce raw materials E.g. farming, extraction of oil and water, fishing.
- ------ of the product in the eye of the consumer defines if product is competitive or not
- refers to the four production factors
- is the skill needed to make new ideas work
- in ----- two people can share resources, ideas and profits of a business.
- one business can ---- another business if it owns 51% of its shares.
- ---- is the main objective of businesses.
- ----- sells the rights to use or sell products to franchisee.
- machinery and equipment used by businesses to produce goods and services
- ------ pay dividends to owners as rewards
- ----- bottom line refers to3Ps(profits, planet and people) to measure success of the business
- is hard worker and risk taker who creates a new business.
- ---- cooperatives are owned and run by employees
17 Clues: ----- sector is owned by government • refers to the four production factors • ---- is the main objective of businesses. • ------ pay dividends to owners as rewards • is the skill needed to make new ideas work • ---- cooperatives are owned and run by employees • is hard worker and risk taker who creates a new business. • ...
Business 2013-02-11
- protects ideas and products
- identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumer requirements profitably
- small market share, small growth (BM)
- kept in case of supply problems
- how many of your resources you are using
- a factor involved in PED
- a way defining your brand
- a way of extending the product life cycle
- not very responsive to changes in price
- the 4ps
- getting stock just before it is required
- the first stage of PLC
- protects logos and brands
- all the products a company produces
- high potential products in the BM
- a good source of income (BM)
- the peak of the PLC
17 Clues: the 4ps • the peak of the PLC • the first stage of PLC • a factor involved in PED • protects logos and brands • a way defining your brand • protects ideas and products • a good source of income (BM) • kept in case of supply problems • high potential products in the BM • all the products a company produces • small market share, small growth (BM) • ...
Business' 2013-07-11
- The people that make it
- What do you call selling something
- Another word for the item you make
- When some __________ into your company to make a % of profit
- When something new is created
- The thing people make a business for
- Item you make
- When someone does something for you
- Person who buys your product
- An organisation made for profit
- The people that run the country
- The amount of money you make
- What every country tries to build up by producing and selling more goods
- Not vital.
- What the government takes off you
- Vital
- When you make a certain amount of money it's called your ______
17 Clues: Vital • Not vital. • Item you make • The people that make it • Person who buys your product • The amount of money you make • When something new is created • An organisation made for profit • The people that run the country • What the government takes off you • What do you call selling something • Another word for the item you make • When someone does something for you • ...
business 2013-07-11
- anything that we desire
- they take away your things
- thing we need for survival
- Organizations that make products
- to get payed more
- buy goods or services
- to get things cheap
- pay the government
- to make money
- how much you get payed
- to create something
- an Organization that is involved with producing goods or providing services for consumers in exchange for money
- a hired worker
- exchange goods for goods
- providing assistance
- a product (tangible)
- what you use to buy things
17 Clues: to make money • a hired worker • to get payed more • pay the government • to create something • to get things cheap • providing assistance • a product (tangible) • buy goods or services • how much you get payed • anything that we desire • exchange goods for goods • they take away your things • thing we need for survival • what you use to buy things • Organizations that make products • ...
Business 2022-04-27
- monetary return
- Any individual or group that affects or will be affected by the company
- more than 250 employes
- Individuals that run the company/organisation
- business to business
- share (percentage)of profit paid to shareholders
- The person(s)who has the initial business ideas, raises the money and organises other factors
- expects the business to pay fair taxes, according to the law of the country
- business to consumer/costumer
- The human contribution to production
- Individuals who work for the company
- business owned and operated by either the central government or local governments
- less than 50 employes
- business owned by private individuals
- An organisation that produces goods and services
- owners of private companies
- amount of goods or work produced by a person, machine, or factory
17 Clues: monetary return • business to business • less than 50 employes • more than 250 employes • owners of private companies • business to consumer/costumer • The human contribution to production • Individuals who work for the company • business owned by private individuals • Individuals that run the company/organisation • An organisation that produces goods and services • ...
Business 2024-04-11
- A break to calm down
- A loan without collateral or security
- Concise, compelling, captivating, clear, concise
- Government levy on income/assets
- Owed money by debtor
- Innovator creating value, seizing opportunities
- Money lent with repayment terms
- Portfolio generating regular investment returns
- Visionary leader steering company's course
- A group of related businesses operating under the same brand name
- Inherited wealth managed for beneficiaries
- Individual business owner operates independently
- Characteristics of a population group
- A transaction decreasing an account
- Items which helps the business
- Responsibility for harm or loss
- Terms for repaying borrowed money
17 Clues: A break to calm down • Owed money by debtor • Items which helps the business • Responsibility for harm or loss • Money lent with repayment terms • Government levy on income/assets • Terms for repaying borrowed money • A transaction decreasing an account • A loan without collateral or security • Characteristics of a population group • Inherited wealth managed for beneficiaries • ...
Business 2018-11-27
- of resources A similar product is on the market
- developing developing a good or service
- essential for survival
- any activity that generates a good or service
- People selling or buying a particular good or service
- amount demanded by consumers which equals the supplier
- human effort used to produce goods or services
- consumer controls how much is demanded
- buying products from another country
- the supplier picks price
- consuming of items produced
- ability to see opportunity
- something that makes living more comfortable
- resources made by people
- creating awareness of the good or service
- problem dilemma faced when we have limited resources
16 Clues: essential for survival • the supplier picks price • resources made by people • ability to see opportunity • consuming of items produced • buying products from another country • consumer controls how much is demanded • developing developing a good or service • creating awareness of the good or service • something that makes living more comfortable • ...
Business 2022-03-31
- presents the chance of loss but no opportunity for gain
- the exclusive rights to possess and use property and its profits
- a risk that you can reduce or eliminate by actions you take
- policy holders request for payment for a loss that the insurance policy covers
- the person or company buying the policy
- exchanges the uncertainty of a possible large financial loss for a certain smaller payment
- refers to as illegal use of intellectual property, patents, trade marks, and copyrights
- can be thought of as a possibility of incurring a loss
- loss of personal or business property including money, vehicles, and buildings
- can result in personal losses like health and personal well being
- amount the policy holder must pay for insurance coverage
- states the conditions to which the insurance company and the place holder have agreed
- a risk that can result in financial loss
- agrees to take on certain economic risks and pay for losses if they occur
- relates to harm or injury of other people or their property
- the person or business for which the insurer assumes the risk
16 Clues: the person or company buying the policy • a risk that can result in financial loss • can be thought of as a possibility of incurring a loss • presents the chance of loss but no opportunity for gain • amount the policy holder must pay for insurance coverage • a risk that you can reduce or eliminate by actions you take • ...
Business 2021-12-06
- The seller is responsible of the goods delivery to the destination port until the unloading of the goods.
- The seller is responsible for goods only till the first port, which is the exporter's country's port and not the destination port.
- The quoted price includes the cost or goods and transport charges to the destination port.
- The seller is responsible for the cost and insurance of the items until he delivers it to the first carrier or destination precised by the buyer.
- The seller is responsible to clear the goods and place them alongside the port of departure (only for ocean and inland waterway transport).
- Cerifies that the goods are made to the buyer's specifications and meet the required standards prior to shipment.
- The seller has to put the goods on the buyer's disposal after they've been unloaded from the means of transport.
- The seller takes all the risks and costs of the good until they are unloaded from the vehicle at the named destination.
- A document that the supplier sends to the buyer lists the exact quantity, value and specification of the merchandise.
- A document provided by the buyer to guarantee that the payment will be made.
- EXW + clearance. The seller takes the responsibility for export clearance and delivery of goods to the carrier at the named place of delivery. The place of delivery has to be precised by the buyer.
- Another name for freight or cargo
- The seller is responsible for the transport and insurance to the destination port.
- The contract between the exporter and a transportation company.
- The seller clears the good and makes sure they are delivered and loaded onto the vessel at the port of departure.
- The buyer only sends the products to a designated location and the transport costs are covered by the buyer.
16 Clues: Another name for freight or cargo • The contract between the exporter and a transportation company. • A document provided by the buyer to guarantee that the payment will be made. • The seller is responsible for the transport and insurance to the destination port. • The quoted price includes the cost or goods and transport charges to the destination port. • ...
Business 2023-06-28
- - The 3 office bearer positions that need to be held by an association are President/Chairman, ------, treasurer
- - What we need when we are looking at a trust account
- - a nine digit number allocated by ASIC to a company upon registration
- - A written record of a meeting held
- - What shows all the directors/shareholders of a company
- - an account created to collect and disburse funds that form part of a deceased estate.
- - An abbreviation for a place where a person or organisation can be found
- - A ------ allows an individual or entity to operate under the established brand of another business
- - What a sole trader must provide when opening an account alongside
- - two or more people and/or entities who conduct business as partners or receive income jointly.
- - specific type of trust where the trustee holds assets for the benefit of the members (beneficiaries) of the fund.
- - refers to the means those who ultimately own or control the legal entity, either directly or indirectly
- - group of people who share common interests or a common purpose.
- - an individual that is the sole owner and controller of a business.
- - Beneficiaries may also be referred to in a Trust Deed as
- - where we search if an association is registered as a charity
16 Clues: - A written record of a meeting held • - What we need when we are looking at a trust account • - What shows all the directors/shareholders of a company • - Beneficiaries may also be referred to in a Trust Deed as • - where we search if an association is registered as a charity • - group of people who share common interests or a common purpose. • ...
BUSINESS 2023-09-24
Business 2024-12-16
- Person or business to whom money is owed.
- The human effort, either physical or mental, that goes into the production of goods and services.
- Anyone who creates utility.
- Focused activities toward satisfying customers.
- Business activity that deals with all money matters related to running a business.
- Business owned and managed by one person.
- The process of recording, analyzing, and interpreting financial activities of a business.
- Grouping goods according to size, quality, or other characteristics, and determining an appropriate price for products and services.
- Providing money that is needed to perform various marketing activities.
- An employee who is given funds and freedom to create a special unit or department within a company in order to develop a new product, process, or service.
- Goods and services that satisfy people’s economic wants directly.
- Focused on widespread distribution and promotion.
- The ability of a good or service to satisfy a want.
- Assuming the risk of losses that may occur from fire, theft, damage, or other circumstances.
- Accumulated knowledge and skills of human beings; the total value of each person’s education and acquired skills.
- Expensive assets of a business that are expected to last and be used for a long time.
16 Clues: Anyone who creates utility. • Person or business to whom money is owed. • Business owned and managed by one person. • Focused activities toward satisfying customers. • Focused on widespread distribution and promotion. • The ability of a good or service to satisfy a want. • Goods and services that satisfy people’s economic wants directly. • ...
Business 2013-06-11
- The person who gives the go ahead for the purchase
- The Business Team Member heading up Front of House
- Business Specialist
- Business Manager
- The grassroots of any business interaction
- A priority service that gets you set up, gets you trained and keeps you running
- Who is England's oldest ally; Treaty of Windsor 1386.
- An Expert who works in Business
- The Business team's customer relation management software
- A benefit of Joint Venture for businesses
- A key Business clue; Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
- Why were they in store?
- An opportunity for customers to meet the business team and to work through business ideas
- Who is heading up Joint Venture atm for the Business Team
- What would they like to use their products for?
- What Apple products do they own?
16 Clues: Business Manager • Business Specialist • Why were they in store? • An Expert who works in Business • What Apple products do they own? • A benefit of Joint Venture for businesses • The grassroots of any business interaction • What would they like to use their products for? • A key Business clue; Word, Excel and Powerpoint. • The person who gives the go ahead for the purchase • ...
Business 2014-04-11
- someone who stands on a fair, promoting products for a company.
- often room which you have left, empty.
- when you work together with someone, ofter between companies.
- often find it on a fair, with people behind it who promote a product
- when you answer on something, you ...... on something.
- changes that are happening, for example in a business
- something that you get to do something, or improve something
- how good a product is made.
- something that you place when you want to buy something, for example at a restaurant
- someone who represents the company.
- a store or a point from which you sell something.
- can be of a necklace, but also multiple stores of one brand
- een wijziging, bijvoorbeeld in een rekening
- something that you fill in, for example when you have a complaint.
- a game where multiple people try to be the best of them all.
- the amount you have to pay for something
16 Clues: how good a product is made. • someone who represents the company. • often room which you have left, empty. • the amount you have to pay for something • een wijziging, bijvoorbeeld in een rekening • a store or a point from which you sell something. • changes that are happening, for example in a business • when you answer on something, you ...... on something. • ...
business 2016-04-26
- what cost DOSE change with output
- what is current assets – current liabilities called
- what can be changed into cash easily
- what is a one off cost called to start a business
- what is revenue if its less than expenditure
- whats it called when a business owes money
- what is a cost that DOSEN'T change with output
- whats it called to run a business for a day
- what do you do to plan for the future
- what should a budget include
- how do you see how a business has performed over a year
- what are any costs
- what is it called when a business makes back more than the spent
- whats it called if a business has to pay money out
- what are any revenue
- what is the money called that a business makes
16 Clues: what are any costs • what are any revenue • what should a budget include • what cost DOSE change with output • what can be changed into cash easily • what do you do to plan for the future • whats it called when a business owes money • whats it called to run a business for a day • what is revenue if its less than expenditure • what is the money called that a business makes • ...