hygiene Crossword Puzzles

Personal Hygiene 2021-11-29

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Should not be worn because they can harbor microorganisms
  2. Harbor microorganisms and should be kept clean and not extend beyond the fingertips
  3. Should not be worn and may chip and fall into an instrument set
  4. Protects hands from contaminated instruments
  5. Bouffant type head covering should be worn in all areas of the department
  6. Should be clean, provided by the facility and changed daily
  7. Fluid resistant that provides a barrier against splash or spray
  1. A term that means either handwashing or using an approved antiseptic hand rub
  2. Amount of time handwashing should occur to be considered effective
  3. Should be covered with an approved cover
  4. Protects eyes, nose, mouth from spray and infectious aerosols
  5. Protects the shoes from spray
  6. Protects eyes from infectious aerosols
  7. Does not kill some highly-infectious bacteria
  8. Protects respiratory tract from airborne infectious aerosols

15 Clues: Protects the shoes from sprayProtects eyes from infectious aerosolsShould be covered with an approved coverProtects hands from contaminated instrumentsDoes not kill some highly-infectious bacteriaShould not be worn because they can harbor microorganismsShould be clean, provided by the facility and changed daily...

Food hygiene 2022-03-11

Food hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. causes biscuits to go soft
  2. a small quantity of liquid that can
  3. given in feedlots to make animals bigger
  4. Warning sign is prickly feeling on tongue
  5. What infects meat?
  6. found in mainly protein-rich foods
  7. chemical causes the browning of apples
  8. ideal temperature for appliance is 4 C
  1. a large type of rodent
  2. an appliance that cools food down to -18 C
  3. Large insect found in the kitchen
  4. honey is an example this food category
  5. food stored in a fridge or freezer
  6. grows slowly in high salt contents
  7. What parasite is found in flour?
  8. causes a fluffy growth on food

16 Clues: What infects meat?a large type of rodentcauses biscuits to go softcauses a fluffy growth on foodWhat parasite is found in flour?Large insect found in the kitchenfood stored in a fridge or freezergrows slowly in high salt contentsfound in mainly protein-rich foodsa small quantity of liquid that canhoney is an example this food category...

Personal Hygiene 2022-08-30

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. What you show when you're sick
  2. Being careful about something
  3. Doing this will help you lose weight
  4. What's around you
  5. You take this when you're sick
  6. When you use drugs too much
  7. Small things that can make you sick
  1. What your weight should be
  2. Do this to any surface when cooking
  3. Burn more of these than you eat to lose weight
  4. Some people become ______ to drugs
  5. Brushing your teeth and hair
  6. You get this from what you eat
  7. Eat in ________ to stay fit
  8. People you don't know

15 Clues: What's around youPeople you don't knowWhat your weight should beEat in ________ to stay fitWhen you use drugs too muchBrushing your teeth and hairBeing careful about somethingWhat you show when you're sickYou get this from what you eatYou take this when you're sickSome people become ______ to drugsDo this to any surface when cooking...

YW GPS 2021-08-25

YW GPS crossword puzzle
  1. G4
  2. S2
  3. P6
  4. G2
  5. S3
  6. P5
  7. S5
  8. G3
  1. P2
  2. G6
  3. P3
  4. S1
  5. S6
  6. P4
  7. P1
  8. G5
  9. G1
  10. S4

18 Clues: P2G6P3G4S1S2S6P4P1G5G1P6G2S4S3P5S5G3

Mouth/Esophagus 2023-05-27

Mouth/Esophagus crossword puzzle
  1. you should avoid this for optimal dental hygiene- it is also bad for your lungs
  2. the hollow tube inside the neck that starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the trachea and esophagus- scientific name is the throat
  3. mechanical breakdown of food- for example: chewing
  4. an enzyme produced by salivary glands
  5. the involuntary contraction and relaxation of longitudinal and circular muscles throughout the digestive tract
  6. a condition in which the lining of the esophagus becomes swollen, inflamed, or irritated
  7. average pH of saliva
  8. has proteins and minerals that protect tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay and gum disease
  9. there are 32 of these in your mouth
  10. something that you do twice or more a day that ensures dental hygiene- most people do not do this though
  11. you should avoid these types of foods for the optimal dental hygiene
  1. the muscular tube that carries food and liquids from your mouth to the stomach- it is about 8 inches long
  2. process where proteins, fats and carbohydrates are broken down so that they can be used in the body
  3. the moist pink tissue that lines the esophagus
  4. the flap that covers the trachea during swallowing so that food does not enter the lungs
  5. similar to saliva this substance cleans your teeth and helps to wash away food debris, unwanted sugar, and acid produced by bacteria in your mouth
  6. process of the movement of substances from the mouth through the pharynx and esophagus to the stomach
  7. something that you do twice or more a day that ensures dental hygiene
  8. the normal pH of the esophagus
  9. someone that you should see regularly who cleans your teeth

20 Clues: average pH of salivathe normal pH of the esophagusthere are 32 of these in your mouthan enzyme produced by salivary glandsthe moist pink tissue that lines the esophagusmechanical breakdown of food- for example: chewingsomeone that you should see regularly who cleans your teethyou should avoid these types of foods for the optimal dental hygiene...

test crossword maker 2021-03-12

test crossword maker crossword puzzle
  1. a device to measure temperature
  2. someone walking
  3. two people talking
  4. happening twice per month
  5. machine with two wheels
  6. hand hygiene and attention
  7. accomplished by hand
  1. foot hygiene and attention
  2. An illness
  3. bad, hostile feelings
  4. the part of the bike pushed by your foot
  5. a speech made by an individual

12 Clues: An illnesssomeone walkingtwo people talkingaccomplished by handbad, hostile feelingsmachine with two wheelshappening twice per monthfoot hygiene and attentionhand hygiene and attentiona speech made by an individuala device to measure temperaturethe part of the bike pushed by your foot

Hand Hygiene Crossword 2022-04-11

Hand Hygiene Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. organization promoting 'Save Lives: Clean Your Hands' campaign
  2. what soap makes when scrubbing your hands together
  3. a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
  4. a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid
  5. a small collection of genetic code, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein coat (e.g. COVID-19)
  6. hand hygiene saves _____ of lives every year
  7. disease, virus, and/or contagion
  8. having been washed; free from dirt, marks, or stains
  1. _____ saves lives (2 words)
  2. the Infection _____ and Control Committee thanks you for participating in this years' Hand Hygiene day
  3. to clean with water and, typically, soap or detergent
  4. abbreviation for alternative used to washing with soap and water
  5. how to clean your hands when they are visibly soiled (3 words)
  6. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness
  7. washing your hands helps to prevent you from getting _____

15 Clues: _____ saves lives (2 words)disease, virus, and/or contagiona colorless, transparent, odorless liquidhand hygiene saves _____ of lives every yearwhat soap makes when scrubbing your hands togetherhaving been washed; free from dirt, marks, or stainsto clean with water and, typically, soap or detergent...

Fremdwörter 2014-11-30

Fremdwörter crossword puzzle
  1. Leiter
  2. Zuneigung
  3. Zuseher
  4. Anschrift
  5. Volksherrschaft
  6. Bücherei
  7. LohndesKünstlers
  8. chemStoff
  1. Aufwand
  2. Bühne
  3. Wirtschaftszweig
  4. Unglück
  5. BezArbeit
  6. chirgEingriff
  7. Leistung
  8. Staatsform
  9. Produktionsstätte
  10. Sauberkeit

18 Clues: BühneLeiterAufwandUnglückZuseherLeistungBüchereiZuneigungBezArbeitAnschriftchemStoffStaatsformSauberkeitchirgEingriffVolksherrschaftWirtschaftszweigLohndesKünstlersProduktionsstätte

Personal Hygiene, Kebakaran, 5R 2023-04-12

Personal Hygiene, Kebakaran, 5R crossword puzzle
  1. Akibat lupa mematikan kompor
  2. resik dalam jepang
  3. menyingkirkan barang
  4. personal hygiene berasal dari
  5. mendaur ulang dalam inggris
  1. alat memadamkan api
  2. hygiene artinya
  3. Seiso artinya
  4. penyebab kebakaran
  5. ringkas dalam jepang

10 Clues: Seiso artinyahygiene artinyapenyebab kebakaranresik dalam jepangalat memadamkan apimenyingkirkan barangringkas dalam jepangmendaur ulang dalam inggrisAkibat lupa mematikan komporpersonal hygiene berasal dari

DENTIST 2023-12-03

DENTIST crossword puzzle
  1. - Dental care tool to clean teeth.
  2. - Oral hygiene for teeth.
  3. - Tooth removal from mouth.
  4. - Dental image to examine teeth closely.
  5. - Dental part of the mouth.
  6. - Dental pain often caused to patients.
  7. - Decay of teeth.
  8. - Dental hygiene tool to use on daily basis.
  1. - Dental repair of teeth.
  2. - Profession related to dental work.
  3. - Relating to the mouth and teeth.
  4. - Numbness for dental work to reduce pain.
  5. - Artificial teeth to fix dental issue.
  6. - Oral cleaning agent used with brush.
  7. - Dental examination by dentist.

15 Clues: - Decay of teeth.- Dental repair of teeth.- Oral hygiene for teeth.- Tooth removal from mouth.- Dental part of the mouth.- Dental examination by dentist.- Dental care tool to clean teeth.- Relating to the mouth and teeth.- Profession related to dental work.- Oral cleaning agent used with brush.- Artificial teeth to fix dental issue....

Unit 4 2024-03-22

Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. tuunikala
  2. uuesti tegema
  3. kreem
  4. värske
  5. kriis
  6. kalkun
  7. porgand
  8. snäkk
  9. oliiv
  10. dieet
  11. meelelahutus
  12. hernes
  13. virsik
  1. pannkook
  2. karastusjook
  3. kaal
  4. hügieen
  5. magustoit
  6. ravim
  7. ploom
  8. kana
  9. riis

22 Clues: kaalkanariiskreemkriisravimploomsnäkkoliivdieetvärskekalkunhernesvirsikhügieenporgandpannkooktuunikalamagustoitkarastusjookmeelelahutusuuesti tegema

YW GPS 2021-08-25

YW GPS crossword puzzle
  1. G6
  2. S3
  3. G5
  4. S4
  5. S1
  6. G2
  7. P1
  8. G1
  9. P6
  1. P3
  2. P4
  3. G4
  4. G3
  5. S2
  6. P5
  7. S5
  8. P2

17 Clues: P3G6P4G4S3G5S4G3S2S1P5G2P1S5G1P2P6

Kitchen safety/sanitation 2024-09-19

Kitchen safety/sanitation crossword puzzle
  1. cooking
  2. bruises
  3. Cleanliness
  4. cook
  5. cuts
  6. Wash hands
  7. falls
  8. Hygiene
  9. Poisoning
  10. inspections
  1. maintenance
  2. burns
  3. raw meats
  4. zone
  5. preparation
  6. agencies
  7. shock
  8. Chill
  9. extinguishers
  10. safety inspections

20 Clues: zonecookcutsburnsshockChillfallscookingbruisesHygieneagenciesraw meatsPoisoningWash handsmaintenanceCleanlinesspreparationinspectionsextinguisherssafety inspections

Infection Control Month MAY 2018 CDMH 2018-05-06

Infection Control Month MAY 2018  CDMH crossword puzzle
  1. how many moments are there in Hand Hygiene?
  2. What do you do after touching a patients surrounding?
  3. What based hand rub is the gold standard for HH practice in the healthcare setting?
  4. ______ use gloves should always be discarded.
  5. Gloves do not provide complete protection against what?
  6. What must you clean immediately after a procedure?
  7. What should be worn when contacting sterile sites?
  1. When performed correctly, hand hygiene results in a reduction of what on your hands?
  2. Moment one is touching a patient.
  3. What moment is before a procedure?
  4. _______hygiene is the highest priority area to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections.
  5. Alcohol based hand rubs are used in what settings?
  6. Should you use an alcohol based rub on visibly dirty hands?
  7. Moment four is after touching a?
  8. Five moments has been identified as the ________ time when Hand Hygiene should be performed.

15 Clues: Moment four is after touching a?What moment is before a procedure?Moment one is touching a patient.how many moments are there in Hand Hygiene?______ use gloves should always be discarded.Alcohol based hand rubs are used in what settings?What must you clean immediately after a procedure?What should be worn when contacting sterile sites?...

Hand Hygiene Crossword 2022-04-11

Hand Hygiene Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to clean with water and, typically, soap or detergent
  2. _____ saves lives (2 words)
  3. washing your hands helps prevent you from getting _____
  4. diseases, viruses, and contagions
  5. abbreviation for alternative used to washing with soap and water
  6. hand hygiene saves _____ of lives every year
  7. a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid
  1. how to clean your hands when they are visibly soiled (3 words)
  2. what soap makes when scrubbing your hands together
  3. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness
  4. a small collection of genetic code, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein coat (e.g. COVID-19)
  5. the Infection _____ and Control Committee thanks you for participating in this years' Hand Hygiene day
  6. organization promoting 'Save Lives: Clean Your Hands' campaign
  7. having been washed; free from dirt, marks, or stains
  8. a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

15 Clues: _____ saves lives (2 words)diseases, viruses, and contagionsa colorless, transparent, odorless liquidhand hygiene saves _____ of lives every yearwhat soap makes when scrubbing your hands togetherhaving been washed; free from dirt, marks, or stainsto clean with water and, typically, soap or detergent...

Hand Hygiene Crossword 2022-04-11

Hand Hygiene Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to clean with water and, typically, soap or detergent
  2. _____ saves lives (2 words)
  3. washing your hands helps prevent you from getting _____
  4. diseases, viruses, and contagions
  5. abbreviation for alternative used to washing with soap and water
  6. hand hygiene saves _____ of lives every year
  7. a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid
  1. how to clean your hands when they are visibly soiled (3 words)
  2. what soap makes when scrubbing your hands together
  3. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness
  4. a small collection of genetic code, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein coat (e.g. COVID-19)
  5. the Infection _____ and Control Committee thanks you for participating in this years' Hand Hygiene day
  6. organization promoting 'Save Lives: Clean Your Hands' campaign
  7. having been washed; free from dirt, marks, or stains
  8. a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

15 Clues: _____ saves lives (2 words)diseases, viruses, and contagionsa colorless, transparent, odorless liquidhand hygiene saves _____ of lives every yearwhat soap makes when scrubbing your hands togetherhaving been washed; free from dirt, marks, or stainsto clean with water and, typically, soap or detergent...

ServeSafe Unit 1&2 2024-02-06

ServeSafe Unit 1&2 crossword puzzle
  1. chicken
  2. germs
  3. examination
  4. transfer
  5. rules
  6. impurity
  7. cleanliness
  1. authority
  2. neglect
  3. mold
  4. poison
  5. epidemic
  6. health
  7. disinfect
  8. sensitivity
  9. range

16 Clues: moldgermsrangerulespoisonhealthneglectchickenepidemictransferimpurityauthoritydisinfectexaminationsensitivitycleanliness

PRACTICAL NURSE/Duties 2022-11-18

PRACTICAL NURSE/Duties crossword puzzle
  1. iäkäs
  2. asukas
  3. sairaala
  4. lääkitys
  5. kuntoutus
  6. avustaa
  7. leikkaus
  8. yleiskunto
  9. päihteiden väärinkäyttö
  10. toimenpide
  1. haavataitos
  2. loukkaantunut
  3. annos
  4. seniorikeskus
  5. kotihoito
  6. pitkäaikaisosasto
  7. tarkkailla
  8. lääkärin vastaanotto
  9. side
  10. katetri
  11. hygienia

21 Clues: sideannosiäkäsasukasavustaakatetrisairaalalääkitysleikkaushygieniakotihoitokuntoutustarkkaillayleiskuntotoimenpidehaavataitosloukkaantunutseniorikeskuspitkäaikaisosastolääkärin vastaanottopäihteiden väärinkäyttö

Was bedeutet eigentlich... 1 - 5 2020-10-19

Was bedeutet eigentlich... 1 - 5 crossword puzzle
  1. gerichtliche Untersuchung
  2. generell
  3. vor alter blass
  4. eigenmächtig
  5. Dachzimmer
  6. Dokument
  7. Zeitabschnitt
  8. Differenz
  9. übertrieben
  1. Premiere
  2. Hygiene
  3. Mittäter
  4. bestmöglich
  5. alte Menschen
  6. Koma
  7. Befürworter
  8. Herberge
  9. Kampagne
  10. Zwist
  11. versichern

20 Clues: KomaZwistHygienePremiereMittätergenerellHerbergeKampagneDokumentDifferenzDachzimmerversichernbestmöglichBefürworterübertriebeneigenmächtigalte MenschenZeitabschnittvor alter blassgerichtliche Untersuchung

Hygiene 2022-08-12

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. bacteria that grows on teeth
  2. another way to clean hands
  3. prevents body odor
  1. this is what you use to wash hair
  2. maintaining the cleanliness of the body
  3. this is in food and can make acne worse
  4. this is what you must use when bathing or showering
  5. a skin condition caused by active oil glands
  6. you should do this to your teeth twice

9 Clues: prevents body odoranother way to clean handsbacteria that grows on teeththis is what you use to wash hairyou should do this to your teeth twicemaintaining the cleanliness of the bodythis is in food and can make acne worsea skin condition caused by active oil glandsthis is what you must use when bathing or showering

Hygiene 2019-02-01

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Something you should brush twice a day, day and night
  2. What you wash your hair with
  3. Used to remove hair from the body
  4. What you use under your arms to prevent bad odor
  1. You use this to brush your hair
  2. Gel like substance you put on your tooth brush
  3. You wash your hands and body with this
  4. Used to cut finger nails
  5. Sponge you use to scrub your body with

9 Clues: Used to cut finger nailsWhat you wash your hair withYou use this to brush your hairUsed to remove hair from the bodyYou wash your hands and body with thisSponge you use to scrub your body withGel like substance you put on your tooth brushWhat you use under your arms to prevent bad odorSomething you should brush twice a day, day and night

Hygiene 2021-12-26

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. when one’s stool is loose and watery
  2. a cloth for washing one's face and body
  3. an unpleasant smell
  4. mark or discolouration that is not easily removed
  1. keeping oneself and the environment clean to prevent diseases
  2. cleaned the teeth with a toothbrush
  3. to make a place or area untidy with rubbish
  4. wash oneself under water that falls in many drops
  5. make something clean, disinfect

9 Clues: an unpleasant smellmake something clean, disinfectcleaned the teeth with a toothbrushwhen one’s stool is loose and waterya cloth for washing one's face and bodyto make a place or area untidy with rubbishwash oneself under water that falls in many dropsmark or discolouration that is not easily removed...

Hygiene crossword 2021-10-14

Hygiene crossword crossword puzzle
  1. millegi kuivatamiseks
  2. mustad riided
  3. küünte lõikamiseks
  4. taskurätik
  5. küüntele pandav lakk
  6. seda paneme hambaharja peale
  7. tekitab meeldivat lõhna
  8. sinna vaadates näed enda peegeldust
  9. selle all saab ennast pesta
  1. paber mida kasutame tualettis
  2. sprei higistamise vältimiseks
  3. hügieen
  4. sellega peseme hambaid
  5. inimjäätmete ladestamis koht
  6. kreem päikesepõletuse vältimiseks

15 Clues: hügieentaskurätikmustad riidedküünte lõikamiseksküüntele pandav lakkmillegi kuivatamisekssellega peseme hambaidtekitab meeldivat lõhnaselle all saab ennast pestaseda paneme hambaharja pealeinimjäätmete ladestamis kohtpaber mida kasutame tualettissprei higistamise vältimisekskreem päikesepõletuse vältimisekssinna vaadates näed enda peegeldust

workplace hygiene 2013-08-05

workplace hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. defrost quickly
  2. high risk food
  3. bacteria carried from one food to another
  4. spoilage of food
  5. one of the conditions for bacteria to grow and multiply
  6. hazard anylisis critical control point
  7. program,schedule
  1. colour of bandaid
  2. low risk food
  3. most common food poisoning bacteria
  4. food kept in what zone
  5. pest in food premises
  6. must be checked twice a day
  7. one of the symptons of food poisoning
  8. food safety program

15 Clues: low risk foodhigh risk fooddefrost quicklyspoilage of foodprogram,schedulecolour of bandaidfood safety programpest in food premisesfood kept in what zonemust be checked twice a daymost common food poisoning bacteriaone of the symptons of food poisoninghazard anylisis critical control pointbacteria carried from one food to another...

Hygiene Vocabulary 2018-01-11

Hygiene Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. This is the unit we are studying right now in health
  2. Joe owns a _____ bin which he puts the peels of his food in
  3. John used something more than once. He ______ it
  4. A disease that does not spread from person to person (no spaces)
  5. Each room in the building has a bin which is used for ________ paper
  6. John Jr. Has trouble seeing things close up. This is an example of
  7. John tried recycled his trash to try to _______ the amount if trash in landfills
  1. The black death is an example of this, when the rats spread it.
  2. Asthma is an example of a ______ (no spaces)
  3. This word attacks other pathogens that are invading the body.
  4. John has trouble seeing things that are far away. He is _________
  5. At the rock concert the band was playing at 120 _________
  6. John owns an inhaler because he has _______
  7. This organism caused a disease to form in someone that spread to other people
  8. Inside of Johns body, a foreign chemical is invading. ______ Comes out to fight this chemical.

15 Clues: John owns an inhaler because he has _______Asthma is an example of a ______ (no spaces)John used something more than once. He ______ itThis is the unit we are studying right now in healthAt the rock concert the band was playing at 120 _________Joe owns a _____ bin which he puts the peels of his food in...

SLEEP HYGIENE 2024-09-30

SLEEP HYGIENE crossword puzzle
  1. - Creating a cozy sleeping space.
  2. - Reducing light for better sleep.
  3. - Consistent habits before bed.
  4. - Techniques to prepare for sleep.
  5. - Minimizing noise for relaxation.
  6. - Herbal options for calming effects.
  7. - Consistent sleep and wake times.
  8. - Supports your head for comfort.
  1. - Reducing caffeine and screens at night.
  2. - Focusing on breath to relax.
  3. - Calming the mind before sleep.
  4. - Gentle movements to ease tension
  5. - Writing down thoughts for clarity.
  6. - Preparing for sleep gradually.
  7. - Keeping the room temperature low.

15 Clues: - Focusing on breath to relax.- Consistent habits before bed.- Calming the mind before sleep.- Preparing for sleep gradually.- Creating a cozy sleeping space.- Supports your head for comfort.- Reducing light for better sleep.- Gentle movements to ease tension- Techniques to prepare for sleep.- Minimizing noise for relaxation....

Covid-19 Crossword & Word Scramble 2021-06-04

Covid-19 Crossword & Word Scramble crossword puzzle
  1. trheeab
  2. eifdtcne
  3. ineazsti
  4. iausnorovrc
  5. vnelo
  6. rdsape
  7. prytroasrei
  8. ghenyie
  1. dsanh
  2. veefr
  3. nctgiuoh
  4. dltosper
  5. hutmo
  6. seno
  7. hswa
  8. coguh

16 Clues: senohswadsanhveefrhutmovnelocoguhrdsapetrheeabghenyienctgiuoheifdtcnedltosperineazstiiausnorovrcprytroasrei

SSHE 2023-11-16

SSHE crossword puzzle
  1. sdkjfalskdjfalsdkjf
  2. alsdkjfalkdjf
  3. kasdjfalskdjflaks
  4. kasjdflkasjfl
  5. sadkjfalklsdjfa
  6. askdjfalklsjdfladsk
  7. askdjfaskdjf
  8. dkjflsadkjf
  1. askdjfalkdjfals
  2. sdkjfalskjf
  3. sasdfalsdf
  4. asdkjfaksdjf
  5. adflkajsdlkfj
  6. kdjfalskdjfalsk
  7. asdkjflaskdjf
  8. sdkjfalskf

16 Clues: sasdfalsdfsdkjfalskfsdkjfalskjfdkjflsadkjfasdkjfaksdjfaskdjfaskdjfadflkajsdlkfjalsdkjfalkdjfasdkjflaskdjfkasjdflkasjflaskdjfalkdjfalskdjfalskdjfalsksadkjfalklsdjfakasdjfalskdjflakssdkjfalskdjfalsdkjfaskdjfalklsjdfladsk

Hygienerätsel 2015-11-25

Hygienerätsel crossword puzzle
  1. Hautverantwortung für Hygiene im Krankenhaus
  2. Maßnahme zur Vermeidung nosokomialer Infektionen
  3. Methicillin-resistenter Staphylococcus aureus Abk
  4. Schutz der Gesunden vor den infizierten Patienten
  5. Krankenhaus-Infektions-Surveillance-System Abk
  6. Beobachtung frz
  1. Lehre von der Verhütung von Krankheiten
  2. schriftliche Hygienevereinbarungen
  3. keimfrei
  4. alle medizinischen Maßnahmen zu Verhinderung der Übertragung von Infektionen
  5. Stadium einer Infektionskrankheit
  6. Abk Robert Koch Institut
  7. Art der Infektionsübertragung
  8. biologischer Zustand, in dem der Organismus ausreichende Abwehrmechanismen gegenüber Angriffen von außen besitzt

14 Clues: keimfreiBeobachtung frzAbk Robert Koch InstitutArt der InfektionsübertragungStadium einer Infektionskrankheitschriftliche HygienevereinbarungenLehre von der Verhütung von KrankheitenHautverantwortung für Hygiene im KrankenhausKrankenhaus-Infektions-Surveillance-System AbkMaßnahme zur Vermeidung nosokomialer Infektionen...

Hygiene 2022-11-24

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. how many steps are in the hand washing process
  2. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
  3. is the maintenance of high standards of cleanliness and sanitation
  4. hands are primary carriers of?
  1. step 2
  2. clean your body every day
  3. what stops bacteria and germs from spreading
  4. step 3
  5. step 1

9 Clues: step 2step 3step 1clean your body every dayhands are primary carriers of?what stops bacteria and germs from spreadinghow many steps are in the hand washing processis the maintenance of high standards of cleanliness and sanitationconditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.

doing the right thing 2020-03-02

doing the right thing crossword puzzle
  1. ужасающий
  2. голод
  3. смущенный
  4. инвалид
  5. убедительный
  6. бездомные
  7. грамотность
  8. пожилые люди
  9. нищета
  10. действующий на нервы,выматывающий
  11. задремать
  1. полезный,оправданный
  2. безработный
  3. гигиена
  4. очевидный
  5. суждение
  6. обеспеченный
  7. обвинять
  8. критиковать
  9. привилегированный

20 Clues: голоднищетагигиенаинвалидсуждениеобвинятьужасающийочевидныйсмущенныйбездомныезадрематьбезработныйкритиковатьграмотностьобеспеченныйубедительныйпожилые людипривилегированныйполезный,оправданныйдействующий на нервы,выматывающий

Industrial Hygiene 2015-12-19

Industrial Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Sudden hearing damage
  2. Pretending to have a hearing loss by waiting until the sound is quite loud before pressing the response button in audiometric test
  3. the medium used for biological contaminant monitoring.
  4. combination of conductive hearing loss and sensorineural
  5. The sound level of one machine is 90 dBA. A second, identical machine is added to it. What is the new sound level for both machine?
  6. bulb shielded from the direct rays of the sun by a shield painted white.
  7. an instrument designed to respond to sound in approximately by the same way as the human ear and to give objective, reproducible measurements of sound pressure level.
  8. as the body temperature increase, the heart rate will become...
  1. the process in which an individual organism adjusts to a gradual change in its environment (such as a change in temperature, humidity, photoperiod, or pH), allowing it to maintain performance across a range of environmental conditions.
  2. back and muscular damage caused by poor manual handling practices is one the symptoms of _____ hazards.
  3. sharp burst noise, generally occur less than one half of a second that is more 140dBA.
  4. sampling media for activated charcoal, silica gel, porous polymer, ambersorbs, coated sorbents,molecular sieves, thermal desorption (various length, various specs)
  5. ringing in the ears
  6. the value where if exceeded, an action need to be taken regarding the exposure

14 Clues: ringing in the earsSudden hearing damagethe medium used for biological contaminant monitoring.combination of conductive hearing loss and sensorineuralas the body temperature increase, the heart rate will become...bulb shielded from the direct rays of the sun by a shield painted white....

hygiene 2 2020-11-12

hygiene 2 crossword puzzle
  1. remember you ARE always
  2. social distancing is this much
  3. prevents sweat
  4. how long you should wash your hands
  5. use to wash your clothes
  1. kills germs when hand washing isn't available
  2. helps fight bad breath and tooth decay
  3. ladies move nightly before sleeping
  4. drink this to keep your body hydrated
  5. in public you should wear this
  6. do this to teeth, hair, and tongue daily
  7. use twice a day to remove food and plaque
  8. use elbow or tissue
  9. never talk when someone else is talking

14 Clues: prevents sweatuse elbow or tissueremember you ARE alwaysuse to wash your clothessocial distancing is this muchin public you should wear thishow long you should wash your handsladies move nightly before sleepingdrink this to keep your body hydratedhelps fight bad breath and tooth decaynever talk when someone else is talking...

Personal Hygiene 2024-01-11

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. some people like to relax in this
  2. you dry your body with this
  3. you clean your hair with this
  4. you brush them
  5. you wash your hands with this
  6. you brush your teeth with this
  7. you blow your nose with this
  1. you use this to get rid of unwanted hair
  2. you cut your nails with these
  3. you use this to get knots our of your hair
  4. you wash your face with this
  5. you use this to stop you from smelling
  6. you put this on your tooth brush
  7. you get clean in this place

14 Clues: you brush themyou dry your body with thisyou get clean in this placeyou wash your face with thisyou blow your nose with thisyou cut your nails with theseyou clean your hair with thisyou wash your hands with thisyou brush your teeth with thisyou put this on your tooth brushsome people like to relax in thisyou use this to stop you from smelling...

Personal Hygiene 2023-11-21

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Keep yourself feeling fresh by using this daily.
  2. You should brush your teeth this many times a day.
  3. These are caused by plaque.
  4. We should do this regularly to avoid body odour.
  5. During puberty our bodies produce more of this.
  6. Bodies change a lot during this period of our lives.
  7. Wash your hands with this.
  1. Going to see this person twice a year, helps make sure our teeth are healthy.
  2. If we have used these, we put them in the bin.
  3. You should always wash your hands before you do this.
  4. We pick these up when we touch things.
  5. You should cover this when you sneeze or cough.
  6. We use this to clean our scalp.
  7. Change these every day.

14 Clues: Change these every day.Wash your hands with this.These are caused by plaque.We use this to clean our scalp.We pick these up when we touch things.If we have used these, we put them in the bin.You should cover this when you sneeze or cough.During puberty our bodies produce more of this.Keep yourself feeling fresh by using this daily....

Sanitation & Safety Procedures pages 1-3 2022-11-07

Sanitation & Safety Procedures pages 1-3 crossword puzzle
  1. OTHER TYPES OF HYGIENE includes: _______ after contact with raw foods
  2. HYGIENE is the condition or practice conductive to maintaining ______ and preventing disease.
  3. SANITATION is the application of a chemical or heat to a clean surface which kills ________.
  4. _______ is the removal of visible soil and food residue on a surface.
  5. FOOD CONTACT SURFACES include: clothing, gloves, hands, equipment and _______.
  1. PERSONAL HYGIENE IN FOOD PRODUCTION includes ______ hands regularly.
  2. SANITATION protects the consumer from ______ contaminants.
  3. SAFETY includes carrying out proper personal _______.
  4. BIOFILMS are bacterial communities which produce a _______ which protects them from their environment and helps them to stick to food contact surfaces.
  5. FOOD CONTACT SURFACES should be cleaned & sanitized ___ often than other areas.

10 Clues: SAFETY includes carrying out proper personal _______.SANITATION protects the consumer from ______ contaminants.PERSONAL HYGIENE IN FOOD PRODUCTION includes ______ hands regularly._______ is the removal of visible soil and food residue on a surface.OTHER TYPES OF HYGIENE includes: _______ after contact with raw foods...

Crossword 2020-07-08

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 11
  2. 8
  3. 10
  4. 4
  5. 6
  6. 3
  7. 1
  8. 7
  1. 9
  2. 16
  3. 5
  4. 2
  5. 12
  6. 15
  7. 14
  8. 13

16 Clues: 98524631716111210151413

THE BATHROOM 2023-05-31

THE BATHROOM crossword puzzle
  1. Used for washing hands and face
  2. Helps keep teeth clean and fresh
  3. Used for personal hygiene after using the toilet
  4. Used for shaving
  5. Controls moisture and dries the hair
  6. Used for personal hygiene
  7. Used to dry off after washing
  1. A way to wash the entire body
  2. Helps clean dirt and germs
  3. A hook for hanging towels
  4. Reflects outward appearance
  5. A cozy garment to wear after bathing
  6. Used to measure weight
  7. Used to clean the body
  8. Used to clean the hair
  9. A large container filled with water for bathing

16 Clues: Used for shavingUsed to measure weightUsed to clean the bodyUsed to clean the hairA hook for hanging towelsUsed for personal hygieneHelps clean dirt and germsReflects outward appearanceA way to wash the entire bodyUsed to dry off after washingUsed for washing hands and faceHelps keep teeth clean and freshA cozy garment to wear after bathing...

hospital admission depatment 2022-06-18

hospital admission depatment crossword puzzle
  1. hygiene
  2. complete
  3. wound
  4. treatment
  1. partial
  2. sanitary
  3. germ
  4. pest

8 Clues: germpestwoundpartialhygienesanitarycompletetreatment

Daily Routine Spanish Crossword 2022-10-25

Daily Routine Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. routine
  2. dress
  3. face
  4. to sleep
  5. makeup
  6. clothes
  7. to put on
  8. soap
  9. ring
  1. scarf
  2. hygiene
  3. foot
  4. towel
  5. to stretch
  6. arm
  7. body
  8. to take a shower
  9. mirror
  10. leg
  11. blouse

20 Clues: armlegfootfacebodysoapringscarfdresstowelmirrormakeupblousehygieneroutineclothesto sleepto put onto stretchto take a shower

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-30

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  2. Products put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin condition
  3. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  4. Resistant organisms can be difficult or impossible to treat with commonly available __________
  5. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  6. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  7. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  8. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Handwashing with soap and water is the best way to remove this from hands.
  1. Name for hospital-based infections
  2. Your best defense against the spread of infections
  3. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  4. Dirty hands are a frequent means of __________ of bacteria and viruses
  5. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  6. Proper hand hygiene is the best way to break the __________ of infection.

14 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soapsYour best defense against the spread of infections___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-30

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  2. Resistant organisms can be difficult or impossible to treat with commonly available __________
  3. Products put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin condition
  4. Dirty hands are a frequent means of __________ of bacteria and viruses
  5. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  6. Your best defense against the spread of infections
  7. Name for hospital-based infections
  8. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  1. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  2. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  3. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Handwashing with soap and water is the best way to remove this from hands.
  4. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  5. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  6. Proper hand hygiene is the best way to break the __________ of infection.

14 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soapsYour best defense against the spread of infections___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-30

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  2. Resistant organisms can be difficult or impossible to treat with commonly available __________
  3. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  4. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  5. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  6. Your best defense against the spread of infections
  7. Products put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin condition
  1. Proper hand hygiene is the best way to break the __________ of infection.
  2. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Handwashing with soap and water is the best way to remove this from hands.
  3. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  4. Name for hospital-based infections
  5. Dirty hands are a frequent means of __________ of bacteria and viruses
  6. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  7. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps

14 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soapsYour best defense against the spread of infections___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

Food hygiene 2021-08-18

Food hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. you really want to protect food from this
  2. a symptom of food poisoning
  3. a poor reason for a premises to cause food contamination
  4. The business will have a good one if customers are satisfied
  5. Food poisoning outbreaks can cause this
  6. Food is wasted because of this
  1. a food hazard such as bacteria or a virus
  2. These will be low for the business if they lose customers.
  3. an hazard such as a ring, glasses or piece of metal
  4. doing this to food can be a contributory factor to food poisoning
  5. Food poisoning victims may do this to a restaurant
  6. Employee will lose this is the food premises are closed.
  7. You do not want food to be infested with these blighters.
  8. a person at high risk of food poisoning

14 Clues: a symptom of food poisoningFood is wasted because of thisa person at high risk of food poisoningFood poisoning outbreaks can cause thisa food hazard such as bacteria or a virusyou really want to protect food from thisFood poisoning victims may do this to a restaurantan hazard such as a ring, glasses or piece of metal...

Ashas cross ep spelling cross word 2022-08-24

Ashas cross ep spelling cross word crossword puzzle
  1. decision
  2. factory
  4. clean
  5. funny
  6. involve
  7. expensive
  8. achievement
  9. mind blowing
  10. suffer
  1. info
  2. hurt
  3. rush
  4. day dream
  5. cheeky
  6. control
  7. not aloud to do it
  8. more
  9. single

19 Clues: infohurtrushmorecleanfunnycheekysinglesufferfactoryQUICKLYinvolvecontroldecisionday dreamexpensiveachievementmind blowingnot aloud to do it

Infection Prevention Week 2024 Crossword Puzzle 2024-09-24

Infection Prevention Week 2024 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The use of alcohol-based-hand-sanitizer should last for _____ seconds
  2. Here at TCH, we only isolate for this if it is found in a wound that cannot be contained with a dressing
  3. An isolation that requires the use of a surgical mask, eye protection, and hand hygiene; used for COVID / Rhinovirus / Influenza / etc.
  4. The amount of time a surface needs to be wet when wiping with a disinfectant wipe is known as the _______ ______
  5. An infection a patient can get from a urinary catheter
  6. A fungus that requires contact isolation, patients can be colonized or infected in the blood, urine, or sputum
  7. One way you can prevent a CLABSI
  8. An infection a patient can get from a central line
  9. Father of Hand Hygiene
  10. Used as a low-level cleaning of equipment after patient use
  11. Causes inflammation of the colon by a certain bacteria, a common sign of this bacteria is diarrhea
  1. The best way to protect yourselves and others from transmission of pathogens is by donning and doffing ____ _____ ____ appropriately
  2. The gold standard for preventing infections; Also refers to the use of alcohol-based-hand-sanitizer or the use of soap and water
  3. An isolation that requires the use of gown, gloves, and hand hygiene; used for MDROs / C. auris / CREs / COVID / etc.
  4. Hand washing should last for _____ seconds
  5. An isolation that requires the use of gown, gloves, and hand washing with soap and water; used for C. diff
  6. One way you can prevent a CAUTI
  7. An isolation that requires the use of an N-95 or CAPR, a negative air pressure room, and hand hygiene; used for COVID / TB / etc.
  8. Treatment for a bacterial infection

19 Clues: Father of Hand HygieneOne way you can prevent a CAUTIOne way you can prevent a CLABSITreatment for a bacterial infectionHand washing should last for _____ secondsAn infection a patient can get from a central lineAn infection a patient can get from a urinary catheterUsed as a low-level cleaning of equipment after patient use...

C.Diff Crossword 2022-03-06

C.Diff Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The main place that CDiff infection is acquired in
  2. The main symptom of C.Diff
  3. PPE to protect your hands
  4. Patients taking this medication are more likely to develop C.Diff
  5. To protect other people, a patient with a contagious disease can be put into __________
  6. This with water is the only effective hand hygiene that protects against C.Diff
  1. What kind of sample can be tested for C.Diff
  2. A disease that can be transmitted or spread between people and the environment
  3. C.Diff can contaminate your hands with particles from this substance after giving personal care
  4. C.Diff is also known as Clostridium _____
  5. You should perform hand hygiene ______ touching a patient or doing a procedure
  6. You should perform hand hygiene _____ touching a patient, their surroundings, or bodily fluid exposure
  7. PPE to protect your clothing

13 Clues: PPE to protect your handsThe main symptom of C.DiffPPE to protect your clothingC.Diff is also known as Clostridium _____What kind of sample can be tested for C.DiffThe main place that CDiff infection is acquired inPatients taking this medication are more likely to develop C.Diff...

Restaurant 2024-09-12

Restaurant crossword puzzle
  1. lasku
  2. course pääruoka
  3. ruokalaji
  4. ruokalista
  5. tilaus
  6. virvoitusjuoma
  7. varaus
  1. hygienia
  2. asiakas
  3. alkuruoka
  4. jälkiruoka
  5. aterimet
  6. tarjoilija
  7. palvelu
  8. kokki
  9. tippi

16 Clues: laskukokkitippitilausvarausasiakaspalveluhygieniaaterimetalkuruokaruokalajijälkiruokaruokalistatarjoilijavirvoitusjuomacourse pääruoka

Hygiene Vocab 2021-05-17

Hygiene Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. anything you can smell
  2. a tiny drop of liquid
  3. something you add to a recipe
  4. mix together
  5. a practice of keeping clean
  6. Uses the abbreviation tbs
  7. tiny lifeforms that spread disease
  1. uses the abbreviation tps
  2. possible ingredient but not necessary
  3. to rot, decompose, or break down
  4. to keep something from happening
  5. when germs enter your body
  6. needed ingredient
  7. to get rid of something

14 Clues: mix togetherneeded ingredienta tiny drop of liquidanything you can smellto get rid of somethinguses the abbreviation tpsUses the abbreviation tbswhen germs enter your bodya practice of keeping cleansomething you add to a recipeto rot, decompose, or break downto keep something from happeningtiny lifeforms that spread disease...

Food hygiene 2021-08-18

Food hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. you really want to protect food from this
  2. a symptom of food poisoning
  3. a poor reason for a premises to cause food contamination
  4. The business will have a good one if customers are satisfied
  5. Food poisoning outbreaks can cause this
  6. Food is wasted because of this
  1. a food hazard such as bacteria or a virus
  2. These will be low for the business if they lose customers.
  3. an hazard such as a ring, glasses or piece of metal
  4. doing this to food can be a contributory factor to food poisoning
  5. Food poisoning victims may do this to a restaurant
  6. Employee will lose this is the food premises are closed.
  7. You do not want food to be infested with these blighters.
  8. a person at high risk of food poisoning

14 Clues: a symptom of food poisoningFood is wasted because of thisa person at high risk of food poisoningFood poisoning outbreaks can cause thisa food hazard such as bacteria or a virusyou really want to protect food from thisFood poisoning victims may do this to a restaurantan hazard such as a ring, glasses or piece of metal...

Hygiene Crossword 2019-02-01

Hygiene Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. i always use this when i wash my hands and body
  2. do this to avoid gingivitis, cavities, and bad breath
  3. i put clean clothes on everyday, especially these
  4. i do this before eating, after sneezing, and after playing with pets
  5. i trim these weekly, i keep them short and clean
  6. i never do this into my hands, i use a tissue whenever possible
  7. keep this neat by styling and brushing
  1. i clean these often so i don't get wax in them
  2. doing this every day or two is a must, especially after playing sports or playing outside
  3. keeping my body _______ is an important part of staying healthy
  4. before you go to bed, don't forget to wash your
  5. i do this once a day to remove food from between my teeth
  6. my hair always smells so fresh and so clean after using this
  7. always get your beauty __________

14 Clues: always get your beauty __________keep this neat by styling and brushingi clean these often so i don't get wax in themi always use this when i wash my hands and bodybefore you go to bed, don't forget to wash youri trim these weekly, i keep them short and cleani put clean clothes on everyday, especially these...

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-30

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Proper hand hygiene is the best way to break the __________ of infection.
  2. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  3. Products put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin condition
  4. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  5. Name for hospital-based infections
  6. Resistant organisms can be difficult or impossible to treat with commonly available __________
  7. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  8. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  1. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  2. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  3. Your best defense against the spread of infections
  4. Dirty hands are a frequent means of __________ of bacteria and viruses
  5. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  6. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Handwashing with soap and water is the best way to remove this from hands.

14 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soapsYour best defense against the spread of infections___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

Infection Control Update 2017-09-20

Infection Control Update crossword puzzle
  1. PFR mask, negative airflow
  2. glove and gown (mask per BSI)
  3. perform hand hygiene
  4. Universal precautions (BBP's) and BSI
  5. single use
  6. rooms 103, 123 and 124
  1. good for 28 days
  2. should be used to cover PICC, mid-line, central line ports
  3. the most important way to prevent infection
  4. label IV bags outside of overwrap
  5. scrub the hub for prn adaptors
  6. rule out or active plan for transfer
  7. two of the five moments of Hand Hygiene
  8. clean hands and don gloves before this procedure
  9. procedure mask
  10. vaccines are mandatory for HCW's

16 Clues: single useprocedure maskgood for 28 daysperform hand hygienerooms 103, 123 and 124PFR mask, negative airflowglove and gown (mask per BSI)scrub the hub for prn adaptorsvaccines are mandatory for HCW'slabel IV bags outside of overwraprule out or active plan for transferUniversal precautions (BBP's) and BSItwo of the five moments of Hand Hygiene...

Happy New Year!! 2020-12-29

Happy New Year!! crossword puzzle
  1. This item or soap and water must me done before and after every patient contact
  2. Who is responsible for infection prevention?
  3. Hand hygiene must be performed before and after this activity
  4. Clean hands save ____
  5. practicing proper hand hygiene and glove use helps stop the spread of this ____
  1. The number one way to prevent infection is practicing good ____
  2. Soap and water must be used for hand hygiene when exiting an ____ isolation room
  3. Hand hygiene must be done upon entering and ___ a patient's room
  4. Approved hospital approved item that should be used to keep hands from becoming dry

9 Clues: Clean hands save ____Who is responsible for infection prevention?Hand hygiene must be performed before and after this activityThe number one way to prevent infection is practicing good ____Hand hygiene must be done upon entering and ___ a patient's roomThis item or soap and water must me done before and after every patient contact...

2021 SHS Hand Hygiene Activity 2021-06-28

2021 SHS Hand Hygiene Activity crossword puzzle
  1. ABHR effectively reduces the number of pathogens that may be present on the _____ of healthcare providers after brief interactions with patients or the care environment.
  2. Hand washing mechanically removes _______, and laboratory data demonstrate that ABHR formulations in the range of alcohol concentrations recommended by CDC, inactivate SARS-CoV-2.
  3. _____is an important part of the U.S. response to the international emergence of COVID-19 and the most important way to prevent the spread of germs.
  4. Hand rubs are generally less _______ to hands and are effective in the absence of a sink
  5. The last name of the “father of hand hygiene"
  1. Practicing hand hygiene, which includes the use of alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) or handwashing, is a simple effective way to prevent the spread of pathogens and ______ in healthcare settings.
  2. Pay close attention to your ______, thumbs and between your fingers when practicing hand hygiene
  3. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least ____ seconds when visibly soiled, before eating, and after using the restroom.
  4. A _______ is a global disease outbreak.
  5. Perform hand hygiene ______ patient care to protect yourself and the healthcare environment from the patient’s germs.
  6. Unless hands are visibly soiled, an alcohol-based hand rub is ________ over soap and water in most clinical situations due to evidence of better compliance compared to soap and water.
  7. CDC recommends using ABHR with 60-95% ______ in healthcare settings.
  8. Perform hand hygiene _____ patient care to protect them from the germs carried on your hands.

13 Clues: A _______ is a global disease outbreak.The last name of the “father of hand hygiene"CDC recommends using ABHR with 60-95% ______ in healthcare settings.Hand rubs are generally less _______ to hands and are effective in the absence of a sinkPerform hand hygiene _____ patient care to protect them from the germs carried on your hands....

swachatta 2024-09-24

swachatta crossword puzzle
  1. This type of waste requires special handling (7)
  2. A campaign to reduce litter (6)
  3. Basic personal hygiene habit (7)
  4. Often used to disinfect surfaces (8)
  5. This process makes water safe to drink (9)
  6. Substance that kills germs (8)
  7. A biodegradable material (9)
  8. The practice of sorting waste (8)
  9. A public area often requiring sanitation (7)
  10. Essential for maintaining personal hygiene (5)
  11. Required in restaurants for food safety (6)
  12. Guideline to keep food safe
  13. Common household cleaner that removes grease (6)
  14. Resource used to clean up spills (6)
  1. Organic matter used to enrich soil (6)
  2. Item often found in restrooms for sanitation (6)
  3. Initiative to keep parks clean (8)
  4. Regular action to ensure sanitary conditions (7)
  5. Essential practice to prevent illness (8)
  6. Campaigns promoting public cleanliness (7)
  7. Frequent handwashing helps prevent this (6)
  8. A type of waste made up of paper and plastics (8)
  9. A method to decompose organic waste (6)
  10. A cleaning product often used for kitchens (9)
  11. Practice to ensure cleanliness in public spaces (9
  12. Container for collecting recyclables
  13. Reusable bag alternative to plastic (5)
  14. The act of reducing waste (8)
  15. Eco-friendly alternative to traditional cleaners (9)
  16. A tool for sweeping floors (6)

30 Clues: Guideline to keep food safeA biodegradable material (9)The act of reducing waste (8)Substance that kills germs (8)A tool for sweeping floors (6)A campaign to reduce litter (6)Basic personal hygiene habit (7)The practice of sorting waste (8)Initiative to keep parks clean (8)Often used to disinfect surfaces (8)Container for collecting recyclables...

PSHE crossword 2021-09-30

PSHE crossword crossword puzzle
  1. and sympathy
  2. lifestyle
  3. control
  4. hygiene
  1. hygiene
  2. and body hygiene
  3. awareness
  4. setting
  5. and accurate thinking

9 Clues: hygienesettingcontrolhygieneawarenesslifestyleand sympathyand body hygieneand accurate thinking

All about the bride 2015-03-27

All about the bride crossword puzzle
  1. / Who is her bridesmaid from Red Lake?
  2. / What is her brother's name?
  3. / Where did she vacation for a week in 2012?
  4. / Who he her bridesmaid from Alberta?
  5. / Where does Ceara work?
  6. / What is her mother's name?
  7. / How many siblings does she have
  8. / How many step children does Ceara have?
  9. / How many siblings does her fiancée have?
  10. / What color are Ceara's eyes?
  11. / What month was Ceara born in?
  1. / What is her fiancée's name?
  2. / What course did she take?
  3. / What is her sister's name?
  4. / What is her father's name?
  5. / Who is the older twin?
  6. / In what city did she practice hygiene?
  7. / Where did Ceara attend college?
  8. / How many first cousins does Ceara have?

19 Clues: / Who is the older twin?/ Where does Ceara work?/ What course did she take?/ What is her sister's name?/ What is her father's name?/ What is her mother's name?/ What is her fiancée's name?/ What is her brother's name?/ What color are Ceara's eyes?/ What month was Ceara born in?/ Where did Ceara attend college?/ How many siblings does she have...

MOTIVATION 2023-04-22

MOTIVATION crossword puzzle
  1. 21
  2. 22
  3. 13
  4. 16
  5. 7
  6. 14
  7. 18
  8. 25
  9. 17
  10. 12
  11. 11
  12. 8
  13. 19
  14. 9
  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 20
  4. 23
  5. 3
  6. 15
  7. 1
  8. 6
  9. 10
  10. 2
  11. 24

25 Clues: 54371628921202322131615141825171012111924

group 1 nov 22 2024-11-20

group 1 nov 22 crossword puzzle
  1. not from here
  2. wild
  3. stealers
  4. female friend
  5. roof
  6. clean
  7. cut
  8. work bag
  9. last relationship
  1. film
  2. take
  3. not any
  4. sad
  5. gave
  6. meet goals
  7. relax
  8. brothers daughter
  9. relax
  10. tall
  11. slow

20 Clues: sadcutfilmtakegavewildrooftallslowrelaxrelaxcleannot anystealerswork bagmeet goalsnot from herefemale friendbrothers daughterlast relationship

Dental French 2024-02-15

Dental French crossword puzzle
  1. Used for routine extraction
  2. Protects patient from ionizing radiation
  3. You may feel some post operative ___________
  4. Smooth and shape composite
  5. HVE or saliva ejector
  6. Another word for pain
  7. Infiltration and block
  8. Used to stabilize dam
  9. Alignment device
  10. Permanent or temporary tooth covering
  11. PA, BW, PAN
  12. You may__________a pinch
  13. Adhesive for composite
  14. Composite or amalgam
  15. Buccale OH
  16. Used for ligatures and interproximal cleaning
  17. Prepares surface for bond
  1. Bite on 2x2 gauze to minimize________
  2. Post extraction discoloration
  3. Poured up with gypsum
  4. Caused by luxation
  5. Isolation device
  6. Hygiene task
  7. Varnish, gel or SDF
  8. Class I, II, II, IV, V, VI
  9. Visual or radiographic
  10. Patients hate me
  11. Used for injection
  12. Surgical removal
  13. Treatment for recession

30 Clues: PA, BW, PANHygiene taskBuccale OHIsolation deviceAlignment devicePatients hate meSurgical removalCaused by luxationUsed for injectionVarnish, gel or SDFComposite or amalgamPoured up with gypsumHVE or saliva ejectorAnother word for painUsed to stabilize damInfiltration and blockVisual or radiographicAdhesive for compositeTreatment for recession...

Form 6 h 2020-09-14

Form 6 h crossword puzzle
  1. er
  2. gigiyena
  3. ümid etmek
  4. ovlamaq
  5. tehlüke
  6. aclıq
  7. qonaqperver
  1. dürüst, viçdanlı
  2. ac
  3. qehremanlıq
  4. delik
  5. tarix
  6. sağlam
  7. Baş vermek
  8. qorxu

15 Clues: eracdeliktarixaclıqqorxusağlamovlamaqtehlükegigiyenaümid etmekBaş vermekqehremanlıqqonaqperverdürüst, viçdanlı

Sleep Hygiene 2021-01-08

Sleep Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. having to get up to use the restroom frequently in the middle of the night? Limit intake of ______ near bedtime
  2. Put down the fork! _____ ______ near bedtime can make it difficult to fall asleep (2 words)
  3. Moving your body and ______ regularly promotes improvement in sleep patterns
  4. Watch the clock! Make an effort to go to sleep and wake up at the same ______ each night and morning
  5. If unable to fall asleep within 20 ______, leave the bed and return when sleepy
  6. Taking an afternoon cat ______ during the day can make it harder to fall asleep at night
  7. Train your body to sleep better in the bedroom, by performing other activities ______ of the bedroom (playing on your phone, watching TV, reading, eating, worrying, etc.)
  8. To reduce stress, kick back and ______ before bed
  9. Turn off the lamp! ______ ______ should be avoided in the bedroom (2 words)
  1. Beep beep! Avoid ______ ______ in the bedroom (2 words)
  2. ______ is found in coffee and should be avoided close to bedtime.
  3. Limiting intake of ______ (found in wine, beer, and liquor) can improve sleep
  4. We want it not too hot, not too cold, but just right! Avoid extreme ______ changes in the bedroom
  5. Limiting intake of ______ (found in cigarettes) can improve sleep

14 Clues: To reduce stress, kick back and ______ before bedBeep beep! Avoid ______ ______ in the bedroom (2 words)______ is found in coffee and should be avoided close to bedtime.Limiting intake of ______ (found in cigarettes) can improve sleepTurn off the lamp! ______ ______ should be avoided in the bedroom (2 words)...

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-30

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  2. Name for hospital-based infections
  3. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  4. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  5. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  6. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Handwashing with soap and water is the best way to remove this from hands.
  1. Dirty hands are a frequent means of __________ of bacteria and viruses
  2. Resistant organisms can be difficult or impossible to treat with commonly available __________
  3. Products put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin condition
  4. Proper hand hygiene is the best way to break the __________ of infection.
  5. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  6. Your best defense against the spread of infections
  7. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  8. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.

14 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soapsYour best defense against the spread of infections___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-30

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Resistant organisms can be difficult or impossible to treat with commonly available __________
  2. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  3. Dirty hands are a frequent means of __________ of bacteria and viruses
  4. Products put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin condition
  5. Name for hospital-based infections
  6. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  1. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  2. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  3. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  4. Your best defense against the spread of infections
  5. Proper hand hygiene is the best way to break the __________ of infection.
  6. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  7. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  8. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Handwashing with soap and water is the best way to remove this from hands.

14 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soapsYour best defense against the spread of infections___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

Basic Hygiene 2022-02-16

Basic Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. care, after breakfast care to include toileting bathing, dressing, oral care, etc.
  2. wax in the external ear canals, consisting of a heavy oil and brown pigment
  3. juice, clear liquid diet
  4. inflammation of the tongue
  5. wipes, cloths with a special soap to prevent infection
  6. infestation with lice
  7. hair loss or baldness
  8. offensive breath
  1. invisible, destructive, bacterial film that builds up on teeth and eventually leads to the destruction of tooth enamel
  2. cavities of the teeth
  3. nutrition, leaves patient vulnerable to skin breakdown
  4. preference most important consideration when planning patients personal hygiene
  5. inflammation of the gingivae or gums
  6. most important person on the team

14 Clues: offensive breathcavities of the teethinfestation with licehair loss or baldnessjuice, clear liquid dietinflammation of the tonguemost important person on the teaminflammation of the gingivae or gumsnutrition, leaves patient vulnerable to skin breakdownwipes, cloths with a special soap to prevent infection...

Hygiene Concepts 2024-01-25

Hygiene Concepts crossword puzzle
  1. Red bumps on your face.
  2. Feeling good about yourself and your abilities.
  3. Brushing, combing and cutting your hair.
  4. When your gums are swollen.
  5. Tiny holes all over your body.
  6. You should visit this person twice a year.
  7. Salty water that comes out of your body.
  1. Washing and cleaning yourself.
  2. Feeling pride in yourself.
  3. The first step to washing your hands.
  4. Something you should put on a cut.
  5. The immediate bubble around you.
  6. A rotten part of the tooth.
  7. A place for your dirty laundry.

14 Clues: Red bumps on your face.Feeling pride in yourself.A rotten part of the tooth.When your gums are swollen.Washing and cleaning yourself.Tiny holes all over your body.A place for your dirty laundry.The immediate bubble around you.Something you should put on a cut.The first step to washing your hands.Brushing, combing and cutting your hair....

zdravý život 2016-03-10

zdravý život crossword puzzle
  1. Leben
  2. nervend
  3. arbeiten
  4. trainieren
  5. Ernährung
  6. Familie
  7. Hören
  8. Schlaf
  1. Hygiene
  2. helfen
  3. Bewegung
  4. Stress
  5. gesund
  6. regelmäßig

14 Clues: LebenHörenhelfenStressgesundSchlafHygienenervendFamilieBewegungarbeitenErnährungtrainierenregelmäßig

Gateway B1Unit 4 2018-05-20

Gateway B1Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. lubama,kink,toetus
  2. libisema
  3. tahke,kõva
  4. talje
  5. lamama
  6. kõht
  7. süütus
  8. naba
  9. küünarnukk
  10. hügieen
  11. põis
  12. ige
  1. ranne
  2. põlv
  3. puus
  4. veresoon
  5. reis(reie)
  6. neer
  7. otsaesine
  8. hüppeliiges
  9. nukrus,kurbus
  10. rind
  11. kops

23 Clues: igepõlvpuusneerkõhtnabarindpõiskopsrannetaljelamamasüütushügieenveresoonlibisemaotsaesinetahke,kõvareis(reie)küünarnukkhüppeliigesnukrus,kurbuslubama,kink,toetus

service excellent, personal hygiene & grooming 2024-01-29

service excellent, personal hygiene & grooming crossword puzzle
  1. konsep pelayanan prima seperti sopan
  2. hanya diperbolehkan memakai jam tangan, anting dan satu buah cincin pernikahan merupakan standar grooming dari
  3. aktivitas untuk menjaga serta merawat tubuh agar tubuh selalu sehat dan
  4. 2-4 mm dari ujung jari adalah kebersihan dari
  5. konsep pelayanan prima seperti mencatat setiap pesanan para pelanggan
  6. merawat penampilan diri secara keseluruhan dengan baik
  1. faktor yang Mempengaruhi Personal Hygiene dari pengetahuan dan kepercayaan
  2. service excellent disebut juga
  3. pantofel berwarna hitam, berheels maksimal 5 cm saja merupakan standar grooming dari
  4. mandi dan memakai pakaian yang bersih merupakan personal hygiene dari

10 Clues: service excellent disebut jugakonsep pelayanan prima seperti sopan2-4 mm dari ujung jari adalah kebersihan darimerawat penampilan diri secara keseluruhan dengan baikmandi dan memakai pakaian yang bersih merupakan personal hygiene darikonsep pelayanan prima seperti mencatat setiap pesanan para pelanggan...

Hygiene 2016-09-18

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Was erreicht man mit einer Desinfektion?
  2. Welches ist die zweithäufigste Todesursache weltweit?
  3. Was hat Alexander Fleming entwickelt?
  4. Nach welchem Mann ist das deutsche Gesundheitsministerium benannt?
  1. Was entwickelte Louis Pasteur neben der Pasteurisierung?
  2. Wie heißt der österreichisch- ungarische Arzt, der das Händewaschen vor jeden Kontakt mit Kranken, Alten und Schwangeren zum ersten Mal umgesetzt hat?
  3. Was erreicht man durch Sterilisation?
  4. Ein Gesetz, das sich mit Hygiene beschäftigt!

8 Clues: Was erreicht man durch Sterilisation?Was hat Alexander Fleming entwickelt?Was erreicht man mit einer Desinfektion?Ein Gesetz, das sich mit Hygiene beschäftigt!Welches ist die zweithäufigste Todesursache weltweit?Was entwickelte Louis Pasteur neben der Pasteurisierung?Nach welchem Mann ist das deutsche Gesundheitsministerium benannt?...

Revision 2023-01-25

Revision crossword puzzle
  1. podšišana
  2. smeće
  3. higijena
  4. nadgledati
  5. daska za rezanje
  6. odmrznuti
  7. dozvoljeno
  8. vodootporan
  9. osoblje
  10. vjenčani prsten
  11. posuda
  12. mrlja
  1. zabranjeno
  2. ponašanje
  3. bosih nogu
  4. nokti
  5. flaster
  6. porcija
  7. kolege
  8. lako uočljiv
  9. sirovo
  10. usko
  11. poderano

23 Clues: uskonoktismećemrljakolegesirovoposudaflasterporcijaosobljehigijenapoderanoponašanjepodšišanaodmrznutizabranjenobosih nogunadgledatidozvoljenovodootporanlako uočljivvjenčani prstendaska za rezanje

Arctic Recovery Contraband 2024-01-03

Arctic Recovery Contraband crossword puzzle
  1. The most common contraband item found in rooms.
  2. Hygiene bins are stored int the hygiene ___ when not in use.
  3. The maximum amount of snacks allowed at snack time.
  4. ______ are contraband unless the patient is going outside.
  5. A type of undergarment not allowed on the AR unit.
  6. If you need training on doing inventory and contraband searches, talk to the ______.
  7. The best way to prevent contraband entering the unit is by conducting thorough _____.
  1. A common hygiene product ingredient not allowed for patient use.
  2. A common contraband item found in hoodies and sweatpants.
  3. Contraband checks are to be done once each ____.
  4. True or false: Outside food is allowed on the unit.
  5. The best PPE to use when doing inventory and contraband searches.

12 Clues: The most common contraband item found in rooms.Contraband checks are to be done once each ____.A type of undergarment not allowed on the AR unit.The maximum amount of snacks allowed at snack time.True or false: Outside food is allowed on the unit.A common contraband item found in hoodies and sweatpants....

Hygiene 2023-09-12

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. What kind of hand sanitizer should you use?
  2. Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health & preventing disease
  3. How long should you wash your hands
  4. How many times a day should you floss your teeth?
  1. how often should you bathe
  2. What kind of toothpaste should you use
  3. What type of bristles should you use
  4. another word for SARS-CoV2

8 Clues: how often should you batheanother word for SARS-CoV2How long should you wash your handsWhat type of bristles should you useWhat kind of toothpaste should you useWhat kind of hand sanitizer should you use?How many times a day should you floss your teeth?Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health & preventing disease

Hygiene (Health Unit) 2021-11-29

Hygiene (Health Unit) crossword puzzle
  1. good hygiene = good blank
  2. nail pushes into the skin
  1. nails and skin moist
  2. reason for ingrowntoenail
  3. Caring for appearance/cleanliness
  4. smell from the body
  5. fold of skin around the nails
  6. split in the cuticle
  7. caused by body odor
  8. wash them away

10 Clues: wash them awaysmell from the bodycaused by body odornails and skin moistsplit in the cuticlereason for ingrowntoenailgood hygiene = good blanknail pushes into the skinfold of skin around the nailsCaring for appearance/cleanliness

Words from greek 2021-09-30

Words from greek crossword puzzle
  1. How
  2. ?
  3. Really?
  4. mess
  5. again
  6. this
  7. up
  1. I
  2. I have
  3. badly
  4. to
  5. did
  6. so
  7. this
  8. repeat

15 Clues: I?tosoupHowdidmessthisthisbadlyagainI haverepeatReally?

ESAFE 2022-11-02

ESAFE crossword puzzle
  1. def4
  2. DEF11
  3. def1
  4. def8
  5. def14
  6. def10
  7. def6
  1. DEF12
  2. def9
  3. def3
  4. def2
  5. DEF13
  6. def5
  7. def15
  8. def7

15 Clues: def9def4def3def2def1def8def5def7def6DEF12DEF11DEF13def14def15def10

Unit 4 crossword 2024-03-22

Unit 4 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. üksikasjalik, detailne
  2. keedetud
  3. ravi, rohi, ravima
  4. üleküpsetatud
  5. meelelahutus, ajaviide
  6. seisma jäänud, kopitama
  7. blogija
  8. hügieen
  9. alahindama
  1. kogus, suurus
  2. hoiak, suhtumine
  3. salat
  4. kana
  5. libe
  6. ümber tegema, uuesti tegema
  7. suhkrumais
  8. süsivesik
  9. röstima, grillima
  10. vürtsikas
  11. eelküpsetatud

20 Clues: kanalibesalatblogijahügieenkeedetudsüsivesikvürtsikassuhkrumaisalahindamakogus, suurusüleküpsetatudeelküpsetatudhoiak, suhtumineröstima, grillimaravi, rohi, ravimaüksikasjalik, detailnemeelelahutus, ajaviideseisma jäänud, kopitamaümber tegema, uuesti tegema

VO23 YG 2023-10-29

VO23 YG crossword puzzle
  1. Förkläde
  2. Sjukhus
  3. Influensa
  4. Sjuksköterska
  5. Feber
  6. Hygien
  7. Kryckor
  8. Sjuk
  9. Rullstol
  10. Behandling
  11. Handskar
  12. Viktig egenskap inom vården
  13. Hjärta
  14. Utbildning
  1. Blodtryck
  2. Operation
  3. Njure
  4. Termometer
  5. Vårdgivare
  6. Hjärna
  7. HLR
  8. Omsorg
  9. Salva
  10. Skelett
  11. Puls

25 Clues: HLRSjukPulsNjureFeberSalvaHjärnaHygienOmsorgHjärtaSjukhusKryckorSkelettFörklädeRullstolHandskarBlodtryckOperationInfluensaTermometerVårdgivareBehandlingUtbildningSjuksköterskaViktig egenskap inom vården

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-30

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Products put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin condition
  2. Resistant organisms can be difficult or impossible to treat with commonly available __________
  3. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  4. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Handwashing with soap and water is the best way to remove this from hands.
  5. Your best defense against the spread of infections
  6. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  1. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  2. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  3. Name for hospital-based infections
  4. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  5. Dirty hands are a frequent means of __________ of bacteria and viruses
  6. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  7. Proper hand hygiene is the best way to break the __________ of infection.
  8. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps

14 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soapsYour best defense against the spread of infections___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

hygiene products 2023-05-02

hygiene products crossword puzzle
  1. body
  2. hair
  3. nice
  4. eye
  5. arm
  6. mouth
  7. hair
  1. neat
  2. clean
  3. self
  4. nails
  5. see
  6. teeth
  7. hair
  8. stick
  9. hand

16 Clues: eyeseearmneatselfbodyhairnicehairhandhaircleannailsteethmouthstick

dental hygiene 2016-08-16

dental hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. important to keep our teeth strong
  2. can be prevented with good dental care
  3. more than once but less than thrice
  4. to clean between one's teeth
  5. o-MG clue:scientific
  6. by DNCE
  1. ______hygiiene important for good dental health
  2. ______ spice and everything nice!
  3. forms on our teeth when we do not brush properly
  4. ________gums are said to benefit our teeth
  5. used to bush our teeth
  6. is present in our toothpaste
  7. its in out mouth

13 Clues: by DNCEits in out moutho-MG clue:scientificused to bush our teethto clean between one's teethis present in our toothpaste______ spice and everything nice!important to keep our teeth strongmore than once but less than thricecan be prevented with good dental care________gums are said to benefit our teeth______hygiiene important for good dental health...

HAIR HYGIENE 2022-06-16

HAIR HYGIENE crossword puzzle
  1. ____ improves shine, decreases static electricity, improves strength, and offers some protection from harmful UV rays
  2. ____ is inflamed hair follicles usually caused by bacteria or fungus
  3. when conditioning, make sure to thoroughly ____ you hair out to avoid a greasy look to your hair
  4. wash ____ hair more often
  5. when shampooing, concentrate more on the ____ rather than the entire length of your hair
  6. ____ removes dirt and oil
  1. ____ is brought on by an unwashed scalp and leads to scabs on the scalp
  2. ____ replenishes the moisture in your hair
  3. if you have tightly curled hair, you may only need to shampoo your hair ____ weekly
  4. if you have ____ in your hair, you may not be shampooing your hair enough
  5. if you have overly ____ hair, you may be washing your hair too often
  6. when conditioning, concentrate on the ____ of your hair, not on the scalp
  7. avoid using ____ water

13 Clues: avoid using ____ waterwash ____ hair more often____ removes dirt and oil____ replenishes the moisture in your hair____ is inflamed hair follicles usually caused by bacteria or fungusif you have overly ____ hair, you may be washing your hair too often____ is brought on by an unwashed scalp and leads to scabs on the scalp...

Form 6 h 2020-09-14

Form 6 h crossword puzzle
  1. ovlamaq
  2. qorxu
  3. ümid etmek
  4. delik
  5. dürüst, viçdanlı
  6. er
  7. tarix
  8. ac
  9. qehremanlıq
  1. Baş vermek
  2. tehlüke
  3. qonaqperver
  4. gigiyena
  5. sağlam
  6. aclıq

15 Clues: eracqorxudeliktarixaclıqsağlamovlamaqtehlükegigiyenaBaş vermekümid etmekqonaqperverqehremanlıqdürüst, viçdanlı

Form 6 h 2020-09-14

Form 6 h crossword puzzle
  1. ovlamaq
  2. tehlüke
  3. dürüst, viçdanlı
  4. qorxu
  5. Baş vermek
  6. er
  7. delik
  8. qonaqperver
  9. gigiyena
  1. aclıq
  2. ac
  3. tarix
  4. qehremanlıq
  5. ümid etmek
  6. sağlam

15 Clues: aceraclıqqorxutarixdeliksağlamovlamaqtehlükegigiyenaBaş vermekümid etmekqehremanlıqqonaqperverdürüst, viçdanlı

Form 6 h 2020-09-14

Form 6 h crossword puzzle
  1. ovlamaq
  2. tehlüke
  3. dürüst, viçdanlı
  4. qorxu
  5. Baş vermek
  6. er
  7. delik
  8. qonaqperver
  9. gigiyena
  1. aclıq
  2. ac
  3. tarix
  4. qehremanlıq
  5. ümid etmek
  6. sağlam

15 Clues: aceraclıqqorxutarixdeliksağlamovlamaqtehlükegigiyenaBaş vermekümid etmekqehremanlıqqonaqperverdürüst, viçdanlı

Chapter 5 Individual/Organization Relations and Retention 2020-10-05

Chapter 5 Individual/Organization Relations and Retention crossword puzzle
  1. According to Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory, the ‘Salesperson of the Month’ award will be an example of which categories of need?
  2. Decrease in productivity due to lack of knowledge in the new worker as compared to old worker is an example of which type of turnover cost?
  3. Employment of temporary worker to do the job of an employee who leaves the company is an example of which type of turnover cost?
  4. According to Equity theory, status is an input or output?
  1. According to Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory, health insurance will be an example of which categories of need?
  2. According to Herzberg’s motivation/hygiene theory, responsibility is a motivator or a hygiene factor?
  3. Late deliveries due to involuntary absence is an example of direct or indirect cost?
  4. According to Equity theory, personal sacrifice is an input or output?
  5. According to Herzberg’s motivation/hygiene theory, base salary is a motivator or a hygiene factor?

9 Clues: According to Equity theory, status is an input or output?According to Equity theory, personal sacrifice is an input or output?Late deliveries due to involuntary absence is an example of direct or indirect cost?According to Herzberg’s motivation/hygiene theory, base salary is a motivator or a hygiene factor?...

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-25

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  2. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  3. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  4. Products put in hand sanitizer to improve skin condition
  5. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  6. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  1. Seasonal virus that causes respiratory infections. Do you have your vaccine?
  2. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  3. Your best defense against infections
  4. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  5. Name for hospital-based infections
  6. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Soap and water is the most effective technique
  7. The more common name for Alcohol Based Hand Rub

13 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsYour best defense against infectionsThe more common name for Alcohol Based Hand RubThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in hand sanitizer to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-25

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Soap and water is the most effective technique
  2. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  3. Name for hospital-based infections
  4. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  5. Your best defense against infections
  6. Products put in hand sanitizer to improve skin condition
  7. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  1. Seasonal virus that causes respiratory infections. Do you have your vaccine?
  2. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  3. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  4. The more common name for Alcohol Based Hand Rub
  5. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  6. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene

13 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsYour best defense against infectionsThe more common name for Alcohol Based Hand RubThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in hand sanitizer to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

Personal Hygiene 2022-04-17

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. you dry your body with this
  2. you wash your hairs with it
  3. you blow your nose with this
  4. you wash your hands with this
  5. you use this to detangle your hair
  6. you use this in the shower to help you get clean
  7. you get into this when you want to get clean
  8. you wash your face with this
  1. you cut your nails with these
  2. you put this on your toothbrush
  3. some people like to relax in this
  4. you brush your teeth with this
  5. you use this to stop you smelling

13 Clues: you dry your body with thisyou wash your hairs with ityou blow your nose with thisyou wash your face with thisyou cut your nails with theseyou wash your hands with thisyou brush your teeth with thisyou put this on your toothbrushsome people like to relax in thisyou use this to stop you smellingyou use this to detangle your hair...

Personal Hygiene 2017-08-03

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. I always use this when I wash my hands, body, or hair.
  2. This is a must everyday or two, and always after a rigorous sports practice.
  3. I do this especially before eating and after using the bathroom, sneezing, or playing with pets.
  4. I keep this neat by styling and brushing.
  5. Taking care of my body gives me _______-_________.
  6. Always get your __________ so you can be the best you can be.
  7. I clean these often so I don't get wax in them.
  1. I trim these often to keep them short and clean.
  2. Do this to avoid gingivitis, cavities, and bad breath.
  3. I put on clean clothes everyday, especially this!
  4. I never do this into my hands. I use a tissue whenever possible.
  5. I use this once a day to remove food from between my teeth.
  6. Keeping my body ______is an important part of being healthy.

13 Clues: I keep this neat by styling and brushing.I clean these often so I don't get wax in them.I trim these often to keep them short and clean.I put on clean clothes everyday, especially this!Taking care of my body gives me _______-_________.I always use this when I wash my hands, body, or hair.Do this to avoid gingivitis, cavities, and bad breath....

Herzberg Two factor theory 2023-02-28

Herzberg Two factor theory crossword puzzle
  1. Labour
  2. Laudation
  3. Basic Needs
  4. Germination
  5. Occupation
  6. Procurement
  7. Wage
  8. Overseeing
  1. Power
  2. Head of staff
  3. Reward
  4. Instigators
  5. Psychologist
  6. Thesis
  7. Protection

15 Clues: WagePowerLabourRewardThesisLaudationOccupationOverseeingProtectionInstigatorsBasic NeedsGerminationProcurementPsychologistHead of staff

Hand Hygiene Crossword 2024-04-22

Hand Hygiene Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. In the chain of infection, effective hand hygiene would break this part of the chain? (6, 2, 4)
  2. How many moments of hand washing are there? (4)
  3. What equipment can be requested from the IPC team to help visualise hand hygiene efficiency? (5, 3)
  4. How many seconds, as a minimum, should hands be washed for? (6)
  5. Alcohol based handrub should be used to decontaminate hands before and after direct patient contact except when hands are visibly ____. (6)
  6. What is one of the microorganisms that alcohol based handrub is not effective against? (9)
  1. When alcohol handrub is not recommended, this should be used in its place. (4, 3, 5)
  2. Nightingale Which nurse in the 1800s is considered a pioneer of hand hygiene? (8, 11)
  3. To ensure effective hand hygiene, what should be removed prior to hand washing? (9)
  4. The most effective way to dry hands once they are washed is use ____. (5, 6)
  5. What part of the hand is most commonly missed in handwashing? (10)
  6. What is the main pathway of transmission for pathogens in healthcare? (5)

12 Clues: How many moments of hand washing are there? (4)How many seconds, as a minimum, should hands be washed for? (6)What part of the hand is most commonly missed in handwashing? (10)What is the main pathway of transmission for pathogens in healthcare? (5)The most effective way to dry hands once they are washed is use ____. (5, 6)...

la vocabulaire 2023-05-15

la vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. unemployed person
  2. to gather
  3. landing
  4. classify
  5. devastate
  6. survey
  7. to testify
  1. to remove
  2. curfew
  3. doubt
  4. wisdom
  5. strong
  6. mount
  7. hygiene
  8. route

15 Clues: doubtmountroutecurfewwisdomstrongsurveyhygienelandingclassifyto removeto gatherdevastateto testifyunemployed person


CROSS CONTAMINATION crossword puzzle


Cross Contamination 2019-01-25

Cross Contamination crossword puzzle
  1. ___ all work equipment and utensils after each task
  2. good personal ___ helps avoid cross contamination
  3. have a ___ hygiene program
  4. store ready-to-eat ___ away from raw foods
  5. if you____ code utensils it could prevent cross contamination
  6. Only purchase foods from ___ reputable suppliers
  7. avoid ___ onto food
  1. cooked foods away from raw foods
  2. wash your ___ after touching raw foods and before touching ready to eat food
  3. have different ___ boards
  4. remove ___ to avoid cross contamination
  5. change ___ to avoid cross contamination
  6. keep___supplies away from ready-to-eat food
  7. Purchase ___ foods
  8. keep ___ employees away from food

15 Clues: Purchase ___ foodsavoid ___ onto foodhave different ___ boardshave a ___ hygiene programcooked foods away from raw foodskeep ___ employees away from foodremove ___ to avoid cross contaminationchange ___ to avoid cross contaminationstore ready-to-eat ___ away from raw foodskeep___supplies away from ready-to-eat food...

COVID-19 2020-05-20

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. While entering the hotel everyone must volunteer for a hygiene and_____check
  2. ______all parcels procurements etc,immediately
  3. Maintain social____at all times.
  4. Practice safe work_____at all times.
  5. Greet everyone only with a _____
  6. Always maintain high degree of personal____
  7. Sanitize your area/surface frequently with a ____
  1. Visit to the_____whenever one feels unwell.
  2. Take staircase whenever possible intead of_______
  3. ______is a unique programme recently introduced by the ITC Hotels.
  4. Endeavour to minimize_____either for work or for personal reasons.
  5. Always wear____clothes/Uniforms
  6. Avoid____contact with those showing symptoms of respiratory illness.
  7. Ensure essential precautions after returning home for the safety f your____
  8. Download____application in your mobile phones.
  9. Aviod______ your personal belongings.
  10. Practice non-contact methods for_____transactions
  11. One should properly______the used face mask.
  12. Mintain a distance of at least____feet from others.
  13. Wash your hands after every___hours.

20 Clues: Always wear____clothes/UniformsMaintain social____at all times.Greet everyone only with a _____Practice safe work_____at all times.Wash your hands after every___hours.Aviod______ your personal belongings.Visit to the_____whenever one feels unwell.Always maintain high degree of personal____One should properly______the used face mask....

Management Crossword 2019-03-24

Management Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. power based on position.
  2. a motivator according to daniel pink.
  3. a motivator according to herzberg.
  4. maximum team size to avoid social loafing.
  5. hygiene theorist.
  6. the number of designated groups under the employment equity act.
  7. one of mcclelland's 3 needs.
  8. ________________ is defined as the intensity, direction and persistence of effort a person shows.
  9. _____________ motivators come from outside the person.
  10. NOT a statutory holiday.
  11. BC organisation responsible for worker safety.
  12. ____________ factors can cause dissatisfaction.
  13. one of the functions of management.
  1. unwelcome behavior that demeans, humiliates or embarrasses a person.
  2. employment __________ act.
  3. the process of attracting talent for your organisation.
  4. type of leave required by employers to offer to either new parent.
  5. giving preferential hiring to a white male.
  6. most popular extrinsic reward.
  7. charter of rights and _______________.
  8. power based on fear.

21 Clues: hygiene theorist.power based on fear.power based on position.NOT a statutory holiday.employment __________ act.one of mcclelland's 3 needs.most popular extrinsic reward.a motivator according to herzberg.one of the functions of management.a motivator according to daniel pink.charter of rights and _______________....

Hygiene Crossword 2021-10-21

Hygiene Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Causes swollen, red, dry, and itchy patches of skin on one or more parts of the body
  2. art tattoos and body piercings
  3. A skin condition characterized by pimples
  4. tiny insects that attach to the hair
  5. Covers up the odor of sweat
  6. Stops or dries up sweat
  1. Tiny piece of torn skin next to a fingernail
  2. Sticky colorless film that coats the teeth
  3. eye care specialist
  4. Hole in the teeth from plaque
  5. Most dangerous type of skin cancer because it spreads rapidly
  6. Hair follicles under the skin
  7. Flaking of dead skin cells from the scalp

13 Clues: eye care specialistStops or dries up sweatCovers up the odor of sweatHole in the teeth from plaqueHair follicles under the skinart tattoos and body piercingstiny insects that attach to the hairA skin condition characterized by pimplesFlaking of dead skin cells from the scalpSticky colorless film that coats the teeth...

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-25

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  2. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Soap and water is the most effective technique
  3. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  4. Your body’s natural defense against viruses and bacteria.
  5. Seasonal virus that causes respiratory infections. Do you have your vaccine?
  6. Name for hospital-based infections
  7. Products put in hand sanitizer to improve skin condition
  1. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  2. The more common name for Alcohol Based Hand Rub
  3. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  4. Your best defense against infections
  5. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  6. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps

13 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsYour best defense against infectionsThe more common name for Alcohol Based Hand RubThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in hand sanitizer to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense against viruses and bacteria....