hygiene Crossword Puzzles

Good Infection Prevention and Control 2015-12-17

Good Infection Prevention and Control crossword puzzle
  1. For protection from Chemicals used in cleaning
  2. Residents with infectious symptoms
  3. Is the single most effective in infection control
  4. Keep clean and short
  5. Is a serious disease
  6. Wear when providing direct care
  1. Personal hand hygiene is also important for
  2. Can spread Microorganisms
  3. Is the owner and leader of Outbreak Management
  4. Do not wear
  5. Occurs when a person talks
  6. Hand hygiene is the single most effective way

12 Clues: Do not wearKeep clean and shortIs a serious diseaseCan spread MicroorganismsOccurs when a person talksWear when providing direct careResidents with infectious symptomsPersonal hand hygiene is also important forHand hygiene is the single most effective wayFor protection from Chemicals used in cleaningIs the owner and leader of Outbreak Management...

SANTE 2023-01-20

SANTE crossword puzzle
  2. ΙΟΣ
  5. ΧΑΠΙΑ
  2. ΒΗΧΑΣ


Infection Control 2023-12-06

Infection Control crossword puzzle
  1. is a additional precaution
  2. are an essential part of PPE
  3. an important part of communication
  4. refers to the presence of microorganisms
  5. precautions are a first-line approach
  6. must be decontaminated to prevent transfer of pathogens
  7. need to receive appropriate training
  1. disease casing micro-organisms
  2. the number of links in the chain of infection
  3. who do you report any hazards too
  4. hand hygiene is this type of precaution
  5. include bacteria, viruses, yeasts and fungi
  6. the number of the moments of hand hygiene
  7. technique that maintains sterility of equipment

14 Clues: is a additional precautionare an essential part of PPEdisease casing micro-organismswho do you report any hazards tooan important part of communicationneed to receive appropriate trainingprecautions are a first-line approachhand hygiene is this type of precautionrefers to the presence of microorganismsthe number of the moments of hand hygiene...

Kreuzworträtsel zur Industriellen Revolution 2019-11-13

Kreuzworträtsel zur Industriellen Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. umherziehende Stämme
  2. rhythmisierte die Arbeit in den Fabriken
  3. haben die Gebrüder Montgolfier erfunden
  4. mittelalterliche Verbesserung in der Landwirtschaft
  5. Fremdwort für Verbrauch
  6. bakterielle Infektionskrankheit der Lunge
  7. Fremdwort für Geld
  8. gründet Fabriken
  9. besonders fleissige Protestanten in England
  10. Fremdwort für Ausfuhr
  11. hat der Stifter des Nobelpreises erfunden
  12. wichtig für die Textilindustrie
  13. durch innerstaatliche Revolution entstandener Nationalstaat
  1. erste Kraftmaschine der Welt
  2. wichtigstes Ballungszentrum in Deutschland
  3. rasant wachsende Dörfer und Kleinstädte
  4. wirtschaftlich abhängige Bevölkerungsschicht
  5. erobertes Gebiet in Afrika, Amerika und Asien
  6. durch Abtrennung entstandener Nationalstaat
  7. gibt es erst sei 1835 in Deutschland
  8. steigt mit verbesserter Hygiene und medizinischem Fortschritt
  9. Menschen strömen in die Städte
  10. Fremdwort für Sauberkeit
  11. bakterielle Infektionskrankheit des Dünndarms
  12. neu an der Spitze der Gesellschaft
  13. vorindustrieller Handwerksbetrieb
  14. einheitliches Wirtschaftsgebiet
  15. Epoche der Urgeschichte

28 Clues: gründet FabrikenFremdwort für Geldumherziehende StämmeFremdwort für AusfuhrFremdwort für VerbrauchEpoche der UrgeschichteFremdwort für Sauberkeiterste Kraftmaschine der WeltMenschen strömen in die Städteeinheitliches Wirtschaftsgebietwichtig für die Textilindustrievorindustrieller Handwerksbetriebneu an der Spitze der Gesellschaft...

Microorganisms NV 2022-09-29

Microorganisms NV crossword puzzle
  1. Food Borne illnesses are caused by these
  2. a neurotoxin can lead to paralysis and death
  3. spreads easily from person to person, improper hygiene
  4. foods link are ground beef--raw and undercooked
  5. lunch meats unpasteurized dairy
  6. raw or undercooked shellfish esp. oysters
  7. contaminated water, raw produce
  8. must cook these thoroughly
  9. high risk population
  10. common symptom of FBI
  1. people carry this on their skin improper hygiene
  2. associated with poultry and undercooked eggs
  3. resistant to cold and cam multiply in cold temps
  4. the competitive event in FCCLA
  5. virus that causes jaundice
  6. this helps your body fight off infections
  7. not destroyed by normal cooking temps
  8. symptom of FBI
  9. these along with viruses are the most common causes of FBI
  10. One of the "C"s in FCCLA

20 Clues: symptom of FBIhigh risk populationcommon symptom of FBIOne of the "C"s in FCCLAvirus that causes jaundicemust cook these thoroughlythe competitive event in FCCLAlunch meats unpasteurized dairycontaminated water, raw producenot destroyed by normal cooking tempsFood Borne illnesses are caused by thesethis helps your body fight off infections...

princess lessons 2021-10-26

princess lessons crossword puzzle
  1. smells good
  2. pink
  3. do to hair
  4. glue makeup
  5. makeup artist
  6. put on eyelids
  7. moisturizes hair
  8. makeup
  9. bath
  1. makes you pretty
  2. princess
  3. routine selfcare
  4. smell good
  5. put on lashes
  6. amelia
  7. cleans hair
  8. selfcare
  9. crown
  10. moisturizes skin
  11. make pretty

20 Clues: pinkbathcrownameliamakeupprincessselfcaresmell gooddo to hairsmells goodcleans hairmake prettyput on lashesmakeup artistglue makeupput on eyelidsmakes you prettymoisturizes skinmoisturizes hairroutine selfcare

COVID-19 2020-05-20

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Ensure essential precautions after returning home for the safety f your____
  2. Always maintain high degree of personal____
  3. Sanitize your area/surface frequently with a ____
  4. Wash your hands after every___hours.
  5. Aviod______ your personal belongings.
  6. ______all parcels procurements etc,immediately
  7. Avoid____contact with those showing symptoms of respiratory illness.
  8. While entering the hotel everyone must volunteer for a hygiene and_____check
  9. Mintain a distance of at least____feet from others.
  10. One should properly______the used face mask.
  1. Download____application in your mobile phones.
  2. Always wear____clothes/Uniforms
  3. Take staircase whenever possible intead of_______
  4. Practice non-contact methods for_____transactions
  5. ______is a unique programme recently introduced by the ITC Hotels.
  6. Visit to the_____whenever one feels unwell.
  7. Endeavour to minimize_____either for work or for personal reasons.
  8. Practice safe work_____at all times.
  9. Maintain social____at all times.
  10. Greet everyone only with a _____

20 Clues: Always wear____clothes/UniformsMaintain social____at all times.Greet everyone only with a _____Practice safe work_____at all times.Wash your hands after every___hours.Aviod______ your personal belongings.Always maintain high degree of personal____Visit to the_____whenever one feels unwell.One should properly______the used face mask....

Health 2024-05-13

Health crossword puzzle
  1. 33)Pharmacy
  2. 1)Surgery
  3. 34)Treatment
  4. 28)Doctor
  5. 10)Prescription
  6. 9)Headache
  7. 31)Hospital
  8. 27)Healthcare
  9. 19)Discharge
  10. 26)Medicine
  11. 12)Exercise
  12. 37)Immunization
  13. 16)Teeth
  14. 18)Flu
  15. 15)Lungs
  16. 23(Fitness
  17. 4)Illness
  18. 8)Dentist
  19. 5)Nurse
  20. 22)Wellness
  21. 29)Nurse
  22. 47)Well-being
  23. 25)Hygiene
  24. 43)Prevention
  25. 21)Hemat
  26. 42)Diagnosis
  1. 50)Anxiety
  2. 44)Recovery
  3. 46)Medical
  4. 40)Pain
  5. 45)Rehabilitation
  6. 17)Temperature
  7. 2)Infection
  8. 38)Disease
  9. 32)Clinic
  10. 36)Vaccination
  11. 24)Nutrition
  12. 41)Symptoms
  13. 14)Bone
  14. 30)Patient
  15. 6)Fever
  16. 13)Needle
  17. 39)Allergy
  18. 7)Diet
  19. 48)Self-care
  20. 35)Therapy
  21. 11)Wound
  22. 49)Stress
  23. Depression

49 Clues: 18)Flu7)Diet40)Pain14)Bone6)Fever5)Nurse16)Teeth15)Lungs29)Nurse11)Wound21)Hemat1)Surgery28)Doctor32)Clinic13)Needle4)Illness8)Dentist49)Stress50)Anxiety46)Medical9)Headache38)Disease30)Patient39)Allergy23(Fitness35)TherapyDepression25)Hygiene33)Pharmacy44)Recovery2)Infection31)Hospital41)Symptoms26)Medicine12)Exercise22)Wellness34)Treatment...

Polttarit 2024-06-05

Polttarit crossword puzzle
  1. waterbottle
  2. bottle of wine
  3. hat
  4. nightclothes
  5. meds
  6. charger
  7. swimwear
  8. sunglasses
  9. apron
  10. umbrella
  11. mug
  12. hygiene supplies
  13. jacket
  1. outdoor clothing
  2. make-up
  3. dress
  4. small bag
  5. clothes
  6. sneakers
  7. sense of adventure
  8. passport
  9. underwear
  10. sandals

23 Clues: hatmugmedsdressapronjacketmake-upclotheschargersandalssneakersswimwearpassportumbrellasmall bagunderwearsunglasseswaterbottlenightclothesbottle of wineoutdoor clothinghygiene suppliessense of adventure

ADLs_IADLS 2024-01-25

ADLs_IADLS crossword puzzle
  1. Cooking
  2. Moving
  3. Commode
  4. Dosing
  5. Attiring
  6. Personal Hygiene
  7. Cleaning
  8. Motoring
  1. Financial Matters
  2. Calling
  3. Fully Immerse
  4. Feasting
  5. Walking
  6. Retail Therapy

14 Clues: MovingDosingCallingCookingCommodeWalkingFeastingAttiringCleaningMotoringFully ImmerseRetail TherapyPersonal HygieneFinancial Matters

Hygiene 2020-05-11

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Wie oft soll man min. eine Zahnpflege machen?
  2. Was ist für Badewasser, Geschir und Wäsche gedacht?
  3. Was ist Epidemie?
  4. Nenne eine der Arten der Desinfektion.
  1. Was ist eine Infektion?
  2. Für was ist Tenside gedacht?
  3. Was ist die häufigste erworbene Infektion?
  4. Was ist eine belebte Infektionsquelle?

8 Clues: Was ist Epidemie?Was ist eine Infektion?Für was ist Tenside gedacht?Was ist eine belebte Infektionsquelle?Nenne eine der Arten der Desinfektion.Was ist die häufigste erworbene Infektion?Wie oft soll man min. eine Zahnpflege machen?Was ist für Badewasser, Geschir und Wäsche gedacht?

Hygiene 2013-02-20

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. If you are not sick you must be _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  2. You can only see this under a microscope.
  3. If two people use something we say they _ _ _ _ _ it.
  4. When you sneeze you _ _ _ _ _ _ germs.
  1. Another word for hurt.
  2. If your illness does not go away it is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  3. This is important if you want to stop germs spreading.
  4. If you get very sick you probably have an _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 Clues: Another word for hurt.When you sneeze you _ _ _ _ _ _ germs.You can only see this under a microscope.If you are not sick you must be _ _ _ _ _ _ _If two people use something we say they _ _ _ _ _ it.This is important if you want to stop germs spreading.If you get very sick you probably have an _ _ _ _ _ _ _...

Hygiene Arbeitsschutz / Arbeitsführung 2013-10-17

Hygiene Arbeitsschutz / Arbeitsführung crossword puzzle
  1. Eine Möglichkeit Infektionskrankheiten (häufig Viral) vorzubeugen.
  2. Welches coiffeurkosmetische Produkt kann ein allergisches Asthma auslösen
  3. Ein Handschuhtyp der nur zum Haarwäschen verwendet werden sollte.
  4. Untersucht wie Menschen vor gesundheitlichen Schäden am Arbeitsplatz geschützt werden können.
  5. Bei Ihren Arbeitsschuhen sollte dieser Teil flexibel und rutschfest sein.
  6. Bei einer verstärkten Neigung zu Krampfadern oder bei einer Schwangerschaft ist dieses Kleidungsstück empfehlenswert.
  7. Der Körper wird von krankheitserregenden Mikroorganismen befallen.
  8. Die Infektion kann über Rasiermesser übertragen werden.
  9. Nennen Sie eine sichere Anwendungsform von Blondiermitteln.
  10. Was können Sie in einem Coiffeur Betrieb zu Verminderung von allergischem Asthma tun.
  11. Die Übertragung erfolgt über Gegenstände wie Berufswerkzeug.
  12. Ist ein indirekter Übertragungsweg.
  13. Von was hängt es ab, ob wir einen gesundheitsschädlichen Stoff verwenden dürfen.
  1. Die Zeit die zwischen einer Ansteckung und dem Ausbruch einer Krankheit liegt.
  2. Diese Blutgefässe in den Beinen sind für Krampfadern verantwortlich.
  3. Diese Tätigkeit sollte immer im Sitzen ausgeführt werden.
  4. Für das Coiffeurgewerbe zurzeit der beste, aber auch der teuerste Handschutz.
  5. Der Erreger kann durch Zecken übertragen werden.
  6. Ist ein direkter Übertragungsweg.
  7. Beim Gehen spricht man von dieser Muskelarbeit.
  8. Ein Inhaltsstoff eines coiffeurkosmetische Produktes das ein allergisches Asthma auslösen kann.

21 Clues: Ist ein direkter Übertragungsweg.Ist ein indirekter Übertragungsweg.Beim Gehen spricht man von dieser Muskelarbeit.Der Erreger kann durch Zecken übertragen werden.Die Infektion kann über Rasiermesser übertragen werden.Diese Tätigkeit sollte immer im Sitzen ausgeführt werden.Nennen Sie eine sichere Anwendungsform von Blondiermitteln....

health and hygiene 2021-02-10

health and hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. other name of varicell zoster
  2. It have no specific treatment.name it.
  3. cholera is disease name its bacteria.
  4. in which body chills. disease name .
  5. name other name of whooping
  6. bite by mad dog.
  7. name disease which is spread orally.
  8. avoid contact with infected person.
  9. human immuno-deficiency virus. name short form.
  10. through air , contact.
  1. only dpt vaccine is its prevention name disease.
  2. temperature of typhoid.
  3. name mumps cure.
  4. rubella virus other name.
  5. salks is its vaccine name its disease.
  6. contaminated air and milk name disease.
  7. disease name the table 4.2 .
  8. which vaccine is used as prevention of T.B
  9. other name of tetanus .
  10. Triple name the prevention of diphtheria.
  11. virus name of measles.

21 Clues: bite by mad dog.name mumps cure.virus name of measles.through air , contact.temperature of typhoid.other name of tetanus .rubella virus other name.name other name of whoopingother name of varicell zosterdisease name the table 4.2 .avoid contact with infected person.in which body chills. disease name .name disease which is spread orally....

Hygiene Crossword Puzzle 2022-09-25

Hygiene Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The hard material that covers the crown of the tooth
  2. A constant ringing sound in the ears
  3. When dead skin cells flake off of the scalp
  4. Your body’s largest organ
  5. A dentist who prevents or corrects problems with the alignment or spacing of teeth
  6. Refers to the cleanliness of your body
  7. Layer of fat underneath the skin
  8. Invisible forms of radiation that come from the sun
  9. Skin condition caused by bacteria clogging pores
  10. The unit for measuring the loudness of sound
  11. The part of the tooth visible to the eye
  12. The person who buys products
  13. The ability to see up close but not far away
  14. techniques that enable you to make wise, informed purchases
  15. Inner layer of the skin underneath the Epidermis
  16. The dark opening in the center of the eyes
  17. Controlled by the semicircular canals in the ears
  1. A common disorder in which the gums are read and bleed easily
  2. A cosmetic procedure for the fingernails
  3. Difficulty hearing in one or both ears
  4. An eye condition in which images appear wavy or blurry
  5. This is what gives skin, hair, eyes their color
  6. The ability to see far away but not up close
  7. The part that holds the tooth in the gums
  8. Tiny openings in the skin that allow sweat to escape
  9. Hardened plaque
  10. When a company uses a celebrity in their advertisements
  11. A fold of skin around the fingernails & toenails
  12. The outermost layer of skin
  13. A message designed to influence consumers to buy products or services
  14. A cosmetic procedure for the toenails
  15. A physician who treats skin disorders
  16. A thin film that builds up on the teeth after eating

33 Clues: Hardened plaqueYour body’s largest organThe outermost layer of skinThe person who buys productsLayer of fat underneath the skinA constant ringing sound in the earsA cosmetic procedure for the toenailsA physician who treats skin disordersDifficulty hearing in one or both earsRefers to the cleanliness of your body...

Follow HACCP Plan 2022-04-26

Follow HACCP Plan crossword puzzle
  1. any organism or its by-product that is present in food/feed that can cause injury/ illness when consumed
  2. Quality and Safety System for Feed Ingredients that addresses and identifies safety, quality, and regulatory compliance in order to minimize hazards
  3. Abr. Critical Control Point
  4. undesirable substance that may render food/ feed unsafe for consumption.
  5. highest hygiene area requiring the most contamination controls
  6. document required for all CCP screens
  7. Process critical control for metal contamination
  1. low hygiene area requiring basic contamination controls
  2. medium hygiene area requiring moderate contamination controls
  3. systematic approach to identify, evaluate and control hazards in foods. A technique to improve the safety and quality of food products and food additives
  4. environmental contaminants due to open process, or from processing contaminants due to wearing material
  5. worn to prevent hair from falling into process
  6. Process critical control for foreign contamination

13 Clues: Abr. Critical Control Pointdocument required for all CCP screensworn to prevent hair from falling into processProcess critical control for metal contaminationProcess critical control for foreign contaminationlow hygiene area requiring basic contamination controlsmedium hygiene area requiring moderate contamination controls...

World Hand Hygiene Day 2024-05-11

World Hand Hygiene Day crossword puzzle
  1. What is the most important way to prevent the spread of germs?
  2. How many moments for hand hygiene are there?
  3. Who should be practicing hand hygiene?
  4. The minimum infection prevention and control practices that must be used at all times, for all patients, in all situations.
  1. Clean hands prevent the spread of germs and reduces the unnecessary use of antibiotics, thereby helping to reduce antibiotic ........?
  2. A term for the practice of preventing the overuse or misuse of antibiotics to reduce the development of antibiotic resistance.
  3. Many _ are transmitted on the hands of healthcare personnel and could be prevented by performing hand hygiene.
  4. The 4th moment of hand hygiene, AFTER contact with the patient, is to protect the healthcare worker and the healthcare environment from harmful patient ....?
  5. In the absence of visible soil, hands should be disinfected with an _ based hand rub rather than washed with soap and water.
  6. Prevention is better than ....?

10 Clues: Prevention is better than ....?Who should be practicing hand hygiene?How many moments for hand hygiene are there?What is the most important way to prevent the spread of germs?Many _ are transmitted on the hands of healthcare personnel and could be prevented by performing hand hygiene....

Sasha 26.10 2018-10-26

Sasha 26.10 crossword puzzle
  1. горе, печаль
  2. размешивать
  3. отклонять
  4. жизненно важный
  5. смягчать, уменьшать
  6. гигиена
  7. гроб
  8. восприимчивый, чувствительный
  9. поглощать
  10. равенство
  11. разрушать
  12. ухудшать(ся)
  13. глина
  1. чайник / кастрюля
  2. краткий
  3. нехватка, недостаток
  4. отражать
  5. намеренно
  6. умеренность
  7. фарфор
  8. разбрасывать, рассеивать
  9. поставка
  10. кирпич
  11. ссора

24 Clues: гробссораглинафарфоркирпичкраткийгигиенаотражатьпоставкаотклонятьнамереннопоглощатьравенстворазрушатьразмешиватьумеренностьгоре, печальухудшать(ся)жизненно важныйчайник / кастрюлясмягчать, уменьшатьнехватка, недостатокразбрасывать, рассеиватьвосприимчивый, чувствительный

princess lessons 2021-10-26

princess lessons crossword puzzle
  1. smells good
  2. pink
  3. do to hair
  4. glue makeup
  5. makeup artist
  6. put on eyelids
  7. moisturizes hair
  8. makeup
  9. bath
  1. makes you pretty
  2. princess
  3. routine selfcare
  4. smell good
  5. put on lashes
  6. amelia
  7. cleans hair
  8. selfcare
  9. crown
  10. moisturizes skin
  11. make pretty

20 Clues: pinkbathcrownameliamakeupprincessselfcaresmell gooddo to hairsmells goodcleans hairmake prettyput on lashesmakeup artistglue makeupput on eyelidsmakes you prettymoisturizes skinmoisturizes hairroutine selfcare

Managing Puberty (Hygiene) 2023-03-15

Managing Puberty (Hygiene) crossword puzzle
  1. Blemishes that can happen on the face, neck, back, arms, and chest.
  2. Keeping the Body Clean & Healthy.
  3. Clogged ____ creates the blemishes.
  4. You can ______ a healthy weight by eating balanced meals.
  5. This is an optional solution for body hair.
  6. You should try to get 7-9 hours of _____ each night.
  7. Everyone will gain _____ as they go through puberty.
  8. Scent that comes from Sweat, Hormones, and Bacteria.
  9. Always use any type of _____ you enjoy to wash your body.
  10. Everyone will develop more Body____ as they become adults.
  11. Skin ___ can help maintain, reduce, or eliminate Acne.
  1. Clean ____ helps reduce body odor.
  2. This is a common location that experiences an increase of sweat.
  3. A product that is used to reduce/eliminate odors.
  4. Clipping your ____ is important because germs love hiding under them.
  5. We use ____ to wash our hair.
  6. Most will_____2+ inches each year.
  7. Taking a ______ will help with a MAJORITY of your Hygienic needs.
  8. Another word for ACNE is ___________.
  9. ____ Hygiene keeps your mouth clean & healthy.
  10. Everyone should practice _____ hygienic skills.

21 Clues: We use ____ to wash our hair.Keeping the Body Clean & Healthy.Clean ____ helps reduce body odor.Most will_____2+ inches each year.Clogged ____ creates the blemishes.Another word for ACNE is ___________.This is an optional solution for body hair.____ Hygiene keeps your mouth clean & healthy.Everyone should practice _____ hygienic skills....

Health and Hygiene 2021-02-10

Health and Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Prevention for Diptheria - ________________.
  2. Another name for Tetanus - ________________.
  3. T.B. is caused through ______of infected person or through air
  4. DPT vaccine is used to prevent Diphtheria, Taeniasis and Pneumonia. Correct this sentence.
  5. Other name for Rubella Virus - ________________.
  6. We have to maintain proper hygienic conditions to prevent a bacterial disease which is caused by _______________.
  7. Virus causing Common cold - ________________.
  8. Pneumonia causes _____________ of lungs ,breathing problem, high fever
  9. In which of the disease we suffer with headache?
  10. Name of the bacteria of Whooping Cough is _______________ pertussis.
  1. Viral disease in which paralysis of muscles occur - ________________.
  2. In which disease we should have protein and fat rich diet?
  3. There is ____________ below the neck in Mumps.
  4. Prevention of a disease in which pink rashes come on the body - ________________.
  5. One of the symptoms of Gastroenteritis - ________________.
  6. Name of the bacteria in which hypopigmentation of skin occurs
  7. Once Riya wrote wrong spelling of Sallmonalaa typhi. Is she correct? If she is wrong correct her.
  8. Prevention for Poliomyelitis
  9. One of the symptoms of Rabies is ____________________.
  10. Virus causing Aquired immunodeficiency syndrome - ________________.

20 Clues: Prevention for PoliomyelitisPrevention for Diptheria - ________________.Another name for Tetanus - ________________.Virus causing Common cold - ________________.There is ____________ below the neck in Mumps.Other name for Rubella Virus - ________________.In which of the disease we suffer with headache?...

Health and hygiene 2021-02-12

Health and hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. lock jaw
  2. contact
  3. headache,itchy rash
  4. stiff back
  5. vaccination
  6. rabdovirus
  7. washing hands after passing stool
  8. anticohlera injection
  9. diplococcus pneumonia
  10. infection through sneezing and coughing
  11. flu
  1. contaminated water and food
  2. contagious
  3. cholera
  4. direct contact with diseased parts
  5. congestion of lungs with cough
  6. BCG vaccine
  7. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  8. DPT vaccine
  9. sore throat

20 Clues: flucholeracontactlock jawcontagiousstiff backrabdovirusBCG vaccinevaccinationDPT vaccinesore throatheadache,itchy rashanticohlera injectiondiplococcus pneumoniacontaminated water and foodcongestion of lungs with coughwashing hands after passing stooldirect contact with diseased partsacquired immunodeficiency syndrome...

cleanlliness and hygiene 2022-11-27

cleanlliness and hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. we need to _____ regularly to make sure that no food is stuck between our teeth
  2. _________ diseases are diseases that can be spread from on person to another person
  3. keeping our surroundings clean prevents the growth of several disease-causing and dangerous microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and ________
  4. _________ cleanliness or personal hygiene includes practices or habbits that we follow to keep ourselves clean and healthy
  5. we should ____ our hair regularly
  6. these disease-causing microorganisms are called _____.
  7. we need to brush our teeth ___ times a day
  8. ____________________, common cold and measeles are diseases spread by air.
  9. these microorganisms grow quickly in _______ water, garbage and polluted environment.
  10. sweat also causes dust and dirt to stick on our skin which causes ______
  11. we need to _______ the mouth with clean water after such a meal
  1. when we play or excercise our body produces sweat which gets absorbed by our ________
  2. our hair catch dust and dirt and prevents them from reaching the scalp
  3. if our ear pains then we should go to an ___ (don't type in capslock)
  4. ________ , typhoid, diarrhoea and cholera are diseases that are caused by water
  5. food ________, typhoid, stomach ache and diarrhoea
  6. it is important to keep all parts of our body _____-free and to maintain good health
  7. we need to keep rubbing our hands while washing the for at least ________ seconds
  8. clean the eyes twice or ______ a day by splashing clean and cold water
  9. we need to ______ hair regularly with a gentle shampoo.
  10. sweaty clothe smell ___ after some time
  11. we need to oil our hair once or _____ a week using a good-quaility and massage it gentaly with fingers which prevents the scalp from becoming dry and also improves the circulation of blood in it.
  12. never ____ the eyes with hands. The dirt in the hands may enter the eyes and cause infections

23 Clues: we should ____ our hair regularlysweaty clothe smell ___ after some timewe need to brush our teeth ___ times a dayfood ________, typhoid, stomach ache and diarrhoeathese disease-causing microorganisms are called _____.we need to ______ hair regularly with a gentle shampoo.we need to _______ the mouth with clean water after such a meal...

Cleanliness and Hygiene 2022-11-30

Cleanliness and Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. ________ , typhoid, diarrhoea and cholera are diseases that are caused by water
  2. _________ cleanliness or personal hygiene includes practices or habbits that we follow to keep ourselves clean and healthy.
  3. ____________________, common cold and measeles are diseases spread by air.
  4. we should ____ our hair regularly
  5. clean the eyes twice or ______ a day by splashing clean and cold water.
  6. we need to _______ the mouth with clean water after such a meal.
  7. food ________, typhoid, stomach ache and diarrhoea
  8. we need to ______ hair regularly with a gentle shampoo.
  9. these microorganisms grow quickly in wdirty water, garbage and ________ environment.
  10. if our ear pains then we should go to an ___ (don't type in capslock)
  11. no food is stuck between our teeth.
  1. we need to oil our hair once or _____ a week using a good-quaility and massage it gentaly with fingers which prevents the scalp from becoming dry and also improves the circulation of blood in it.
  2. sweaty clothes smell ___ after some time.(good/bad)
  3. we need to _____ regularly to make sure
  4. our hair catch dust and dirt and prevents them from reaching the _______.
  5. never ____ the eyes with hands as the dirt in the hands may enter the eyes and cause infections.
  6. it is important to keep all parts of our body _____-free and to maintain good health.
  7. _________ diseases are diseases that can be spread from on person to another person
  8. sweat also causes dust and dirt to stick on our skin which causes ______.
  9. keeping our surroundings clean prevents the growth of several disease-causing and dangerous microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and ________
  10. these disease-causing microorganisms are called _____.
  11. we need to brush our teeth ___ times a day.
  12. we need to keep rubbing our hands while washing them for at least ________ seconds.

23 Clues: we should ____ our hair regularlyno food is stuck between our teeth.we need to _____ regularly to make surewe need to brush our teeth ___ times a day.food ________, typhoid, stomach ache and diarrhoeasweaty clothes smell ___ after some time.(good/bad)these disease-causing microorganisms are called _____....

TTS Health & Hygiene 2023-12-09

TTS Health & Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Mikroorganisma bersel tunggal
  2. Penyakit yang ditandai dengan peradangan pada organ hati yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus
  3. Perubahan daya reaksi tubuh terhadap suatu zat setelah kontak kemudian dengan zat tersebut
  4. Dikenal juga dengan sebutan ‘Yeast’
  5. Agen biologis yang menyebabkan penyakit pada inangnya
  6. Masa dimana microorganisme masuk kedalam tubuh sampai menimbulkan gejala
  7. Microrganisme yang terdiri dari satu sel
  8. Bakteri berbentuk tongkat / batang
  9. Tindakan untuk meniadakan terjadinya darah / sepsis karena penyebaran penyakit
  10. Benjolan kecil, berdaging pada kulit atau selaput lendir yang disebabkan oleh virus papilloma.
  11. Organisme yang hidup dan makan serta mendapatkan nutrisi dari bahan organik yang sudah mati atau membusuk.
  1. Metode sterilisasi panas lembab
  2. Memiliki ukuran antar 25 - 300 nanometer
  3. Senyawa kimia yang dapat membunuh mikroorganisme, tetapi tidak membunuh endospora
  4. Bakteri berbentuk koma
  5. Disebut sebagai campak Jerman
  6. Bakteri berbentuk bulat
  7. Proses penularan yang terjadi karena mikroorganisme tertentu menular
  8. Upaya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat
  9. Organisme yang hidup pada atau didalam mahluk hidup lain

20 Clues: Bakteri berbentuk komaBakteri berbentuk bulatMikroorganisma bersel tunggalDisebut sebagai campak JermanMetode sterilisasi panas lembabBakteri berbentuk tongkat / batangDikenal juga dengan sebutan ‘Yeast’Memiliki ukuran antar 25 - 300 nanometerMicrorganisme yang terdiri dari satu selAgen biologis yang menyebabkan penyakit pada inangnya...

Sleep Hygiene 2023-02-13

Sleep Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. A type of tea that is a good remedy for sleep
  2. ____ hygiene is another term for good sleep habits
  3. Tart ____ juice helps raise melatonin levels for sleep
  4. Natural mineral found in the body regulating sleep
  5. Being too cold or too ____ can effect sleep
  6. This beverage and alcohol should be avoided
  7. ____ to ten hours of sleep is recommended per night
  1. Having a consistent _____ helps you get to sleep
  2. Too much background _____ can effect sleep
  3. What hormone helps us get to sleep?
  4. Stop going on electronics one ____ before sleep
  5. Stick to a sleep ______
  6. Go to sleep and ____ up at the same time every day

13 Clues: Stick to a sleep ______What hormone helps us get to sleep?Too much background _____ can effect sleepBeing too cold or too ____ can effect sleepThis beverage and alcohol should be avoidedA type of tea that is a good remedy for sleepStop going on electronics one ____ before sleepHaving a consistent _____ helps you get to sleep...

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-25

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. The more common name for Alcohol Based Hand Rub
  2. Products put in hand sanitizer to improve skin condition
  3. Your best defense against infections
  4. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  5. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Soap and water is the most effective technique
  6. Name for hospital-based infections
  7. Seasonal virus that causes respiratory infections. Do you have your vaccine?
  1. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  2. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  3. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  4. Your body’s natural defense against viruses and bacteria.
  5. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  6. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps

13 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsYour best defense against infectionsThe more common name for Alcohol Based Hand RubThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in hand sanitizer to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense against viruses and bacteria....

Hand Hygiene 2014-04-25

Hand Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Your best defense against infections
  2. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Soap and water is the most effective technique
  3. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  4. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  5. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  6. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  7. The more common name for Alcohol Based Hand Rub
  8. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  1. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  2. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  3. Name for hospital-based infections
  4. Seasonal virus that causes respiratory infections. Do you have your vaccine?
  5. Products put in hand sanitizer to improve skin condition

13 Clues: Name for hospital-based infectionsYour best defense against infectionsThe more common name for Alcohol Based Hand RubThe active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps___________ do not replace the need for hand hygieneProducts put in hand sanitizer to improve skin conditionYour body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria....

Personal Hygiene 2024-02-20

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Allowing this to build up can lead to ear infections.
  2. This feeds on blood and makes your head itch.
  3. This type of hygiene involves keeping our environment clean.
  4. this is released form the skin and can cause odors if not removed.
  5. Regular visits to this person helps with oral hygiene.
  6. Keeping ourselves clean.
  1. These can enter the body through the mouth if hands aren't washed properly.
  2. It is possible for these people to transfer from one person to another if they don't wash their hands after each examination.
  3. Must be added when washing hands.
  4. These should be trimmed to avoid microbes being caught under them.
  5. Most of this leaves the body in solution as urine.
  6. These are an essential part of your digestive system.
  7. This builds up on your teeth daily.

13 Clues: Keeping ourselves clean.Must be added when washing hands.This builds up on your teeth daily.This feeds on blood and makes your head itch.Most of this leaves the body in solution as urine.Allowing this to build up can lead to ear infections.These are an essential part of your digestive system.Regular visits to this person helps with oral hygiene....

Health 2020-08-26

Health crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 1
  4. 11
  5. 7
  6. 8
  1. l2
  2. 3
  3. 10
  4. 2
  5. 6
  6. 9

12 Clues: 352461978l21011

Health Crossword Puzzle 2021-01-20

Health Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Diagnóstico
  2. Resfrío
  3. Nutrición
  4. Vacuno
  5. Ejercicio
  6. Enfermedad
  7. Gripe
  1. Medicina
  2. Alergias
  3. Cuidado de la salud
  4. Higiene
  5. Contagiosa
  6. Estilo de vida
  7. Virus

14 Clues: VirusGripeVacunoHigieneResfríoMedicinaAlergiasNutriciónEjercicioContagiosaEnfermedadDiagnósticoEstilo de vidaCuidado de la salud

Food Safety 2021-04-01

Food Safety crossword puzzle
  1. storage, stores foods no higher than 0 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. also known as poisons
  3. dishes, used dishes
  4. Safety, keep foods safe to eat
  5. make food unfit for use
  6. microscopic living creatures
  7. temperature storage, stores mainly unopened cans and oils
  8. to warm up meat in order to cook it
  9. removal of food from the shelves
  1. illness, a sickness caused by food
  2. storage, stores foods no higher than 40 degrees Fahrenheit
  3. scrub, wash hands for 1/3 of a minute
  4. temperature, the center of the meat is cooked properly
  5. Predicts and prevents threats to food safety
  6. danger zone, temperature zone bacteria can grow
  7. food no longer able to be consumed
  8. hygiene, to take care of your own hygiene
  9. to keep things sanitized
  10. burn, grayish-brown spots on food
  11. contamination, juices of raw meat contact other meat

20 Clues: dishes, used dishesalso known as poisonsmake food unfit for useto keep things sanitizedmicroscopic living creaturesSafety, keep foods safe to eatremoval of food from the shelvesburn, grayish-brown spots on foodillness, a sickness caused by foodfood no longer able to be consumedto warm up meat in order to cook itscrub, wash hands for 1/3 of a minute...

Hygiene Project #1 2021-10-01

Hygiene Project #1 crossword puzzle
  1. a spiral tube in the inner ear that senses sound vibration and transmits them to the auditory nerve
  2. the condition of having bad-smelling breath
  3. the visible portion of the tooth, protected by a hard, white substance made of calcium called enamel
  4. contains blood vessels and nerve endings that connect the tooth to the jaw
  5. the tissue by which nerve impulses travel from the retina to the brain
  6. holes in the teeth caused by plaque eating away at tooth enamel
  7. an inflammation of the gums
  8. hair follicles underneath your skin that contain oil producing glands
  9. a sticky, colorless substance formed by bacteria in the mouth; coats the teeth and slowly dissolves enamel
  10. a skin condition in which inflamed, clogged hair follicles cause pimples
  11. the units by which sound intensity, or loudness, is measured
  12. the part of the middle ear that vibrates in response to sound
  13. sunscreen is very important to your health if you plan to go outside. The higher SPF would make the sunscreen stronger
  14. the outermost layer of skin which protects the body from foreign substances and contains pigment-producing cells
  15. the clear tissue covering the front of the eye
  1. an infection in which bacteria gets beneath the gums and destroys gum and bone
  2. the innermost layer of skin, which contains fat, blood vessels, and nerve endings; attaches to underlying bone and muscle
  3. permanent decorations that are applied to the body; examples include tattoos and piercings
  4. a chronic skin condition characterized by patches of red, itchy, dry, or swollen skin
  5. connects the crown to the root of the tooth at the gum line
  6. a substance produced in the mouth, which contains enzymes that break down food
  7. he colored part of the eye that constricts and dilates the pupil
  8. the innermost, light sensitive area of the eye, composed of photoreceptors that convert light into nerve impulses and electrical signals
  9. An invisible type of radiation that comes from the sun, tanning beds, or sunlamps. Can possibly cause skin
  10. a severe type of acne that requires medical treatment
  11. a clear part of the eye that focuses light on the retina
  12. the middle layer of skin, which contains hair follicles
  13. The area of your mouth that includes the lips, teeth, and tongue
  14. the black opening in the middle of the iris through which light passes

29 Clues: an inflammation of the gumsthe condition of having bad-smelling breaththe clear tissue covering the front of the eyea severe type of acne that requires medical treatmentthe middle layer of skin, which contains hair folliclesa clear part of the eye that focuses light on the retinaconnects the crown to the root of the tooth at the gum line...

อาชีไทยและอังกฤษ 2019-08-27

อาชีไทยและอังกฤษ crossword puzzle
  1. ช่างไฟฟ้า
  2. ทันตแพทย์
  3. doctor แพทย์ผ่าตัด
  4. เกษตรกร
  5. nurse พยาบาลเวชปฏิบัติ
  6. inspector ผู้ตรวจการขนส่ง
  7. dentist นักทันตสุขอนามัย
  1. นักพยาธิวิทยาด้านการพูดและภาษา
  2. วิสัญญีแพทย์
  3. จิตแพทย์
  4. สัตวแพทย์
  5. carrier เจ้าหน้าที่ทำคลอดทารก
  6. งานกายอุปกรณ์
  7. pilot นักบิน
  8. therapist นักอาชีวบำบัด

15 Clues: เกษตรกรจิตแพทย์ช่างไฟฟ้าทันตแพทย์สัตวแพทย์วิสัญญีแพทย์งานกายอุปกรณ์pilot นักบินdoctor แพทย์ผ่าตัดnurse พยาบาลเวชปฏิบัติtherapist นักอาชีวบำบัดdentist นักทันตสุขอนามัยinspector ผู้ตรวจการขนส่งนักพยาธิวิทยาด้านการพูดและภาษาcarrier เจ้าหน้าที่ทำคลอดทารก

Healthy Habits 2023-04-12

Healthy Habits crossword puzzle
  1. Educacion Sanitaria
  2. Investigacion
  3. Estado Emocional
  4. Ejercicio Fisico
  5. Gripe
  6. Radiografias (Rayos X)
  7. Antibioticos
  8. Tumor
  1. Higiene
  2. Alergias
  3. Analgesicos
  4. Habitos Saludables
  5. Envenenamiento
  6. Vacunas
  7. Un resfriado

15 Clues: GripeTumorHigieneVacunasAlergiasAnalgesicosUn resfriadoAntibioticosInvestigacionEnvenenamientoEstado EmocionalEjercicio FisicoHabitos SaludablesEducacion SanitariaRadiografias (Rayos X)

It's in our Hands 2022-09-21

It's in our Hands crossword puzzle
  1. The most important way to you can prevent the spread of C.difficile is by _______ your hands with soap and water.
  2. The best prevention against infection (two words)
  3. Use a _____ _____ to turn off the water faucet after drying your hands (two words)
  4. How many moments of hand hygiene?
  1. Wearing gloves is NOT a __________ for hand hygiene.
  2. Rub hands together for ______ seconds when washing hands.
  3. Alcohol based hand _________ is the preferred method for hand hygiene, unless contraindicated.
  4. According to the CDC, studies show that some healthcare providers practice hand hygiene less than ____ of the times they should

8 Clues: How many moments of hand hygiene?The best prevention against infection (two words)Wearing gloves is NOT a __________ for hand hygiene.Rub hands together for ______ seconds when washing hands.Use a _____ _____ to turn off the water faucet after drying your hands (two words)...

Hygiene 2013-07-02

Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. A substance used to prevent skin from burning in the sun
  2. Stand under water spray to wash yourself
  3. Sticky liquid used to keep hair in shape
  4. Liquid used to improve quality of hair
  5. Liquid used to wash hair
  1. A cream you put on your skin to prevent it from drying
  2. Substance used to prevent sweat
  3. Fill with water to wash body

8 Clues: Liquid used to wash hairFill with water to wash bodySubstance used to prevent sweatLiquid used to improve quality of hairStand under water spray to wash yourselfSticky liquid used to keep hair in shapeA cream you put on your skin to prevent it from dryingA substance used to prevent skin from burning in the sun

Safety Assignment 2021-08-15

Safety Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. A mnemonic about good hand hygiene
  2. An acronym used by nurses to help remember high alert medications
  3. The last resort for behavioral control
  4. Another name for catheter
  5. Scale used for patients admitted for suicidal thoughts or actions
  6. Stops the spread of germs
  7. Frequently caused by poor hand hygiene
  8. Makes comparisons of national, state, and local hospitals
  9. Top of the chain
  10. Most preventable cause of hospital deaths
  11. Used after touching contaminated objects
  1. Used to assess patient's skin
  2. Used after leaving the restroom
  3. Indicated by a red-orange label
  4. Another name for bedside treatment
  5. A document signed by the patient noting their willingness to continue
  6. Communicated to nurses over the phone
  7. Acronym used to prevent unnecessary communication errors
  8. includes patient's name and date of birth
  9. #1 healthcare associated accidents
  10. Never turned off

21 Clues: Top of the chainNever turned offAnother name for catheterStops the spread of germsUsed to assess patient's skinUsed after leaving the restroomIndicated by a red-orange labelAnother name for bedside treatmentA mnemonic about good hand hygiene#1 healthcare associated accidentsCommunicated to nurses over the phoneThe last resort for behavioral control...

Hand Hygiene Awareness 2024-05-07

Hand Hygiene Awareness crossword puzzle
  1. A common mistake in hand hygiene is not washing hands for long enough, also known as __________ washing.
  2. One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infections.
  3. Ignaz Semmelweis is often called the "father of ___ hygiene."
  1. The World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Hand Hygiene Day on May ___.
  2. Substance used to kill germs on hands.
  3. Time duration recommended for washing hands.
  4. Type of alcohol commonly found in hand sanitizers.
  5. The process of cleaning hands with soap and water.
  6. An infectious microorganism.

9 Clues: An infectious microorganism.Substance used to kill germs on hands.Time duration recommended for washing hands.Type of alcohol commonly found in hand sanitizers.The process of cleaning hands with soap and water.Ignaz Semmelweis is often called the "father of ___ hygiene."One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infections....


SPELLING LIST 1 NINTH GRADE crossword puzzle
  1. handling
  2. meaning
  3. strong
  4. inadequate
  5. delicate
  6. renew
  7. famous
  8. duplicate
  9. animus
  10. fancy
  11. maze
  12. soulful
  13. located
  14. integrate
  1. harmful
  2. bother
  3. sanitation
  4. disorder
  5. misery
  6. grammar
  7. standoff
  8. day
  9. ponderous
  10. scent
  11. discrimination
  12. needlework
  13. disdain
  14. repairman

28 Clues: daymazerenewfancyscentbothermiserystrongfamousanimusharmfulmeaninggrammardisdainsoulfullocatedhandlingdisorderdelicatestandoffduplicateponderousrepairmanintegratesanitationinadequateneedleworkdiscrimination

Lifestyle management/ profesionalism 2022-05-10

Lifestyle management/ profesionalism crossword puzzle
  1. , Maintain healthy balance in professional–patient relationship
  2. , Practice personal hygiene use deodorant or antiperspirant daily pay attention to dental hygiene
  3. , Benefits of Physical Activity
  4. Expression/understanding own/others feelings
  5. , Diet and Nutrition
  6. ,sleep Minimize health risks
  7. , Set goals Join professional organizations
  1. ,Practice good communication skills keep personal problems separate from work be well organized and plan ahead
  2. stress internal stress external stress
  3. , sincere concern for others
  4. , Consists of many characteristics and behaviors
  5. , All purposeful learning activities that take place throughout our lives
  6. , Trying to understand another person’s thoughts and feelings
  7. , how a situation is viewed Positive or negative
  8. with other professionals

15 Clues: , Diet and Nutritionwith other professionals, sincere concern for others,sleep Minimize health risks, Benefits of Physical Activitystress internal stress external stress, Set goals Join professional organizationsExpression/understanding own/others feelings, Consists of many characteristics and behaviors...

Health 2020-08-26

Health crossword puzzle
  1. e
  2. d
  3. a
  4. k
  5. g
  6. h
  1. l
  2. c
  3. j
  4. b
  5. f
  6. i

12 Clues: lcjebdfaikgh

Beat the Superbugs 2023-08-08

Beat the Superbugs crossword puzzle
  1. L
  2. H
  3. K
  4. A
  5. G
  6. B
  7. J
  8. C
  1. E
  2. D
  3. F
  4. I


Safety in the Kitchen 2024-06-04

Safety in the Kitchen crossword puzzle
  1. hours/food can stay unrefrigerated for ___
  2. ___ keeps your clothes clean
  3. do you cut food with
  4. leave ___ unattended
  5. board/Use ___ under food when cutting
  6. mitts/Use ___ to pick up hot cookware
  7. extinguisher/Insure a ___ is near flammable areas
  1. what when walking behind someone with sharp object
  2. standard internal temperature is ___ degrees Fahrenheit
  3. contamination/___ occurs when a meat knife touches vegetarian food
  4. hands for at least ___ seconds
  5. ___ is the best defense against food-borne illnesses
  6. mixer/Combines ingredients for you
  7. hook/___ kneads dough for you
  8. is the last thing you check before you leave
  9. all areas after use to maintain hygiene

16 Clues: do you cut food withleave ___ unattended___ keeps your clothes cleanhook/___ kneads dough for youhands for at least ___ secondsmixer/Combines ingredients for youboard/Use ___ under food when cuttingmitts/Use ___ to pick up hot cookwareall areas after use to maintain hygienehours/food can stay unrefrigerated for ___...

Food Hygiene 2017-09-14

Food Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. you should not come to work with one of these!
  2. reduces risk of bacteria
  3. prevented by storing food in sealed containers
  4. you can't wash effectively without this
  5. these must be covered at all times
  6. likely to spoil or decay
  1. only pick these up by the handles
  2. invisible to the naked eye
  3. can take 6-8 hours to take effect
  4. tins and cans stay here
  5. these areas should always be immaculately clean
  6. common cause of food poisoning
  7. these gloves can help minimize food contamination

13 Clues: tins and cans stay herereduces risk of bacterialikely to spoil or decayinvisible to the naked eyecommon cause of food poisoningonly pick these up by the handlescan take 6-8 hours to take effectthese must be covered at all timesyou can't wash effectively without thisyou should not come to work with one of these!...

dental hygiene 2016-08-16

dental hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. important to keep our teeth strong
  2. is present in our toothpaste
  3. ______ spice and everything nice!
  4. by DNCE
  5. more than once but less than thrice
  6. O-MG
  1. can be prevented with good dental care
  2. ________gums are said to benefit our teeth
  3. forms on our teeth when we do not brush properly
  4. used to bush our teeth
  5. ______hygiiene important for good dental health
  6. to clean between one's teeth
  7. its in out mouth

13 Clues: O-MGby DNCEits in out mouthused to bush our teethis present in our toothpasteto clean between one's teeth______ spice and everything nice!important to keep our teeth strongmore than once but less than thricecan be prevented with good dental care________gums are said to benefit our teeth______hygiiene important for good dental health...

Personal Hygiene 2022-04-17

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. you cut your nails with these
  2. you brush your teeth with this
  3. you get into this when you want to get clean
  4. you blow your nose with this
  5. you put this on your toothbrush
  6. wash, you wash your face with this
  7. you dry your body with this
  1. you use this to stop you smelling
  2. you use this to detangle your hair
  3. gel, you use this in the shower to help you get clean
  4. some people like to relax in this
  5. you wash your hairs with it
  6. wash, you wash your hands with this

13 Clues: you wash your hairs with ityou dry your body with thisyou blow your nose with thisyou cut your nails with theseyou brush your teeth with thisyou put this on your toothbrushyou use this to stop you smellingsome people like to relax in thisyou use this to detangle your hairwash, you wash your face with thiswash, you wash your hands with this...

Accreditation Crossword 2022-07-20

Accreditation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Circle of Care's third value
  2. Top client safety event 1/3
  3. Circle of Care's sixth value
  4. Hand hygiene when hands are visibly soiled
  5. What does PHI stand for
  6. Top client safety event 2/3
  7. Consent given verbally or in writing
  8. Circle of Care's first value
  9. Circle of Care's fifth value
  10. Term for implicit consent
  11. When you should report to the office following a client fall
  12. What code are these principles under: advocacy, client confidentiality, dignity
  13. How circle of care provides medication support
  1. Hand hygiene when hands are NOT visibly soiled
  2. How a client can check their schedule & receive communications, other than calling the office
  3. Circle of Care's fourth value
  4. Term for two separate client attributes used before starting service to identify client
  5. Circle of Care's second value
  6. Term for procedures that psws must be trained to do
  7. Top client safety event 3/3

20 Clues: What does PHI stand forTerm for implicit consentTop client safety event 1/3Top client safety event 2/3Top client safety event 3/3Circle of Care's third valueCircle of Care's sixth valueCircle of Care's first valueCircle of Care's fifth valueCircle of Care's fourth valueCircle of Care's second valueConsent given verbally or in writing...

Health 2020-08-26

Health crossword puzzle
  1. f
  2. g
  3. e
  4. h
  5. b
  1. k
  2. j
  3. l
  4. c
  5. d
  6. i
  7. a

12 Clues: kjlfcgediahb

El supermercado 2024-01-26

El supermercado crossword puzzle
  1. Sports
  2. Chips
  3. Beauty
  4. Toys
  5. Drinks
  6. Meats
  1. Vegetables
  2. Bread
  3. Electronics
  4. Supermarket
  5. Fruit
  6. Hygiene

12 Clues: ToysBreadChipsFruitMeatsSportsBeautyDrinksHygieneVegetablesElectronicsSupermarket

Vocabulaire Des Discussions Pt. 2 2014-12-02

Vocabulaire Des Discussions Pt. 2 crossword puzzle
  1. The Cleanliness
  2. To Direct
  3. A Sickness
  4. A Major Event
  5. To Allow
  6. To Demand
  7. To Attack
  8. The Armistice
  9. Hygiene
  10. A Gap
  1. A Neighbor
  2. To Respect
  3. The Space Tourism
  4. To Deposit
  5. To Fight Against
  6. A Billion
  7. Many(Feminine)
  8. Thus,So,As
  9. Common

19 Clues: A GapCommonHygieneTo AllowTo DirectA BillionTo DemandTo AttackA NeighborTo RespectTo DepositA SicknessThus,So,AsA Major EventThe ArmisticeMany(Feminine)The CleanlinessTo Fight AgainstThe Space Tourism

COVID-19 2020-05-20

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Sanitize your are/surface frequently with a ______
  2. Practice safe work ____ at all times.
  3. Always wear _____ clothes/uniforms.
  4. ______all parcels, procurements etc, immediately.
  5. Practice non-contact methods for ______ transactions.
  6. Avoid _____ contact with those showing symptoms of respiratory illness.
  7. Always maintain high degree of personal ______
  8. Download _____ application in your mobile phones.
  9. Maintain social _______at all times.
  10. Maintain a distance of at least ____ feet from others.
  1. Avoid _____ your personal belongings.
  2. ___is a unique programme recently introduced by the ITC Hotels.
  3. Visit to the _____ whenever one feels unwell.
  4. Endeavour to minimize ______,either for work or for personal reasons.
  5. Greet everyone only with a _______
  6. While entering the hotel everyone must volunteer for a hygiene and ____check.
  7. Take staircase whenever possible instead of__
  8. Wash your hands after every ____ hours.
  9. Ensure essential precautions after returning home for the safety of your ____
  10. One should properly ______ the used face mask.

20 Clues: Greet everyone only with a _______Always wear _____ clothes/uniforms.Maintain social _______at all times.Avoid _____ your personal belongings.Practice safe work ____ at all times.Wash your hands after every ____ hours.Visit to the _____ whenever one feels unwell.Take staircase whenever possible instead of__...

Personal Hygiene 2021-01-21

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Something you can get a lot of by not cleaning your face.
  2. What bacteria excrete on your teeth.
  3. An infection that can make urinating painful.
  4. An illness that can be passed by not cleaning your hands.
  5. A disease that makes your gums red, swollen, and uncomfortable.
  6. The temperature your shower should be.
  1. Thick layer of skin and oil caused by not bathing.
  2. A very bad dental disease that can cause large gaps between teeth.
  3. Can be caused by not cleaning your hair and scalp.
  4. Fungal infection that can be caused by not cleaning clothes.
  5. When bathing you should focus on cleaning places that do a lot of this.
  6. If you don't clean off biofilm this can form on your teeth.

12 Clues: What bacteria excrete on your teeth.The temperature your shower should be.An infection that can make urinating painful.Thick layer of skin and oil caused by not bathing.Can be caused by not cleaning your hair and scalp.Something you can get a lot of by not cleaning your face.An illness that can be passed by not cleaning your hands....

Sleep Hygiene 2020-12-22

Sleep Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. if you take this it will effect your sleep at night
  2. turn these off at night
  3. you might have this beside your bed
  4. lack of sleep can effect this
  5. you sleep in this
  1. it's best to sleep when it's ________
  2. make sure you get enough of this
  3. condition meaning you can't sleep
  4. this is the best time to sleep
  5. this is what the body does while you are sleeping
  6. being tired can affect this
  7. you are this when you are ready to sleep

12 Clues: you sleep in thisturn these off at nightbeing tired can affect thislack of sleep can effect thisthis is the best time to sleepmake sure you get enough of thiscondition meaning you can't sleepyou might have this beside your bedit's best to sleep when it's ________you are this when you are ready to sleep...

Personal Hygiene 2022-12-07

Personal Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. I do this before eating, after I use the bathroom, and after playing with pets.
  2. Keeping my body _____ is an important part of staying healthy.
  3. I never do this into my hands. I use a tissue when possible.
  4. My hair always feels fresh and clean after I use _____ in the shower.
  5. It is important to get enough _____ in order to be energized for the day.
  6. I keep this neat by styling and brushing.
  7. I do this twice a day to prevent cavities.
  1. I put clean close on everyday, especially this type of clothing.
  2. I trim these weekly to keep them nice and clean.
  3. I put this on my armpits to prevent unwanted smells.
  4. I change these every two weeks before I go to bed.
  5. I clean these often so I don't get wax in them.

12 Clues: I keep this neat by styling and brushing.I do this twice a day to prevent cavities.I clean these often so I don't get wax in them.I trim these weekly to keep them nice and clean.I change these every two weeks before I go to bed.I put this on my armpits to prevent unwanted smells.I never do this into my hands. I use a tissue when possible....

Hygiene Hints 2024-04-16

Hygiene Hints crossword puzzle
  1. A holistic sense of health.
  2. Great pleasure or happiness from success or a sense of well-being.
  3. A hormone that helps us fall asleep.
  4. Using soap and water daily to clean the body.
  5. Discharge of blood and tissue from the lining of the uterus through the vaginal canal.
  1. School aged kids require 9-12 hours of ______.
  2. In for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4 is called _____ breathing.
  3. Writing to express emotions.
  4. Chemical messages that tell the body what to do Ex. Testosterone and Estrogen.
  5. During puberty you will begin to grow armpit and ____ hair.
  6. Puberty causes emotional changes like ____ and depression.
  7. Result of increased oil on skin.

12 Clues: A holistic sense of health.Writing to express emotions.Result of increased oil on skin.A hormone that helps us fall asleep.Using soap and water daily to clean the body.School aged kids require 9-12 hours of ______.Puberty causes emotional changes like ____ and depression.During puberty you will begin to grow armpit and ____ hair....

Health 2020-08-26

Health crossword puzzle
  1. e
  2. d
  3. a
  4. k
  5. g
  6. h
  1. l
  2. c
  3. j
  4. b
  5. f
  6. i

12 Clues: lcjebdfaikgh

Health 2020-08-26

Health crossword puzzle
  1. e
  2. d
  3. a
  4. k
  5. g
  6. h
  1. l
  2. c
  3. j
  4. b
  5. f
  6. i

12 Clues: lcjebdfaikgh

Contest #4 2018-02-08

Contest #4 crossword puzzle


Sasha 2024-01-21

Sasha crossword puzzle
  1. привязанность, любовь
  2. ужасающий
  3. состоятельный
  4. начищать обувь
  5. импровизированная школа
  6. стоящий, дельный
  7. трущоба
  8. появиться, возникнуть
  9. умолять
  10. гигиена
  1. неблагополучная семья
  2. волнительный
  3. привилегированный
  4. жестокость

14 Clues: трущобаумолятьгигиенаужасающийжестокостьволнительныйсостоятельныйначищать обувьстоящий, дельныйпривилегированныйнеблагополучная семьяпривязанность, любовьпоявиться, возникнутьимпровизированная школа

International Infection Prevention Week 2015-09-29

International Infection Prevention Week crossword puzzle
  1. Transmission of infectious agent is a result of inhalation of small particles
  2. A component of standard precautions
  3. Transmission route resulting from direct or indirect
  4. Precautions whihc apply to everyone
  5. Programs optimising the use of antibiotics
  6. Practicicng before and after client contact prevents the spread of infection
  7. Mutiresistant organism (Abbrieviation)
  8. Number of hand hygiene moments
  1. Correct use and disposal prevents injury
  2. Waterless hand hygiene product
  3. Annual vaccination program
  4. A process rendering an item free of microorganisms
  5. Basis for preventing or reducing harm from infections

13 Clues: Annual vaccination programWaterless hand hygiene productNumber of hand hygiene momentsA component of standard precautionsPrecautions whihc apply to everyoneMutiresistant organism (Abbrieviation)Correct use and disposal prevents injuryPrograms optimising the use of antibioticsA process rendering an item free of microorganisms...

Vocabulario Unidad 5: Más vale prevenir que lamentar 2022-05-17

Vocabulario Unidad 5: Más vale prevenir que lamentar crossword puzzle
  1. include
  2. dairy
  3. eat
  4. vegetables
  5. change
  6. maintain
  7. soul
  8. meats
  9. cry
  10. sugars
  11. sleep
  12. calories
  13. behavior
  14. add
  15. gluten
  16. clean
  17. allergies
  18. try
  1. mind
  2. avoid
  3. carbs
  4. fruits
  5. improve
  6. body
  7. exercise
  8. fats
  9. modify
  10. hygiene
  11. diet
  12. laugh

30 Clues: eatcryaddtrymindbodyfatssouldietavoidcarbsdairymeatssleepcleanlaughfruitschangemodifysugarsglutenincludeimprovehygienemaintainexercisecaloriesbehaviorallergiesvegetables

Sleep Hygiene 2022-02-17

Sleep Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Turn these off an hour before bed to help your body relax
  2. Relaxation method to calm your mind and tune into any tension in your body
  3. Using a _____ _______ can help fill the room with quiet, relaxing sounds
  4. Something you can turn on to circulate air in the room and stay col while you sleep
  5. Cover your windows and turn off lights to keep your room ____
  6. Sleep hygiene is important for both you and your _________
  1. Having a bedroom environment and sleep routine that promote high quality sleep
  2. Schedule you follow each night to help yourself relax before bed
  3. Diffusing essential oils with scents like ________ can make your bedroom more restful
  4. Taking a hot _______ before bed might help you unwind
  5. Something to listen to as you get ready for bed to help yourself relax
  6. Stop drinking water at least ____ hours before bed

12 Clues: Stop drinking water at least ____ hours before bedTaking a hot _______ before bed might help you unwindTurn these off an hour before bed to help your body relaxSleep hygiene is important for both you and your _________Cover your windows and turn off lights to keep your room ____Schedule you follow each night to help yourself relax before bed...

Oral Hygiene 2013-10-30

Oral Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Streptococcus _____ is the bacteria that feeds on sugar.
  2. Balanced _____ is important for our teeth and health.
  3. Plaque can be revealed at the dentist clinic by the _____ solution.
  4. What is the yellowish hard substance accumulated between your teeth and gums called?
  5. Dental _____ is a burn cause by acidic bacteria byproducts.
  1. _____ are a thin plastic like coating applied to the surfaces of the molars to protect them from plaque accumulation.
  2. It is recommended to use toothpaste that contains _____.
  3. Dental cavity is caused by _____ that produce acidic products.
  4. How often should you floss?
  5. _____ food attracts bacteria growth.
  6. Repeated _____ attack can break down the enamel surface of your teeth.
  7. How many times should one get regular professional dental cleaning in 1 year?

12 Clues: How often should you floss?_____ food attracts bacteria growth.Balanced _____ is important for our teeth and health.It is recommended to use toothpaste that contains _____.Streptococcus _____ is the bacteria that feeds on sugar.Dental _____ is a burn cause by acidic bacteria byproducts.Dental cavity is caused by _____ that produce acidic products....

Dental Hygiene 2013-05-22

Dental Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. What do we do?
  2. tissue is red,bleeding present, and is reversible.
  3. underneath the gums this starts to happen in periodontitis
  4. Is gingivitis irreversible or reversible?
  5. how long do you brush your teeth for?
  1. what type of flossing method did we teach you?
  2. gums start to go down due to brushing too hard
  3. Involves swollen gums, recession and bone loss?
  4. Tissue is pink, no inflammation, firm texture.
  5. what type of toothbrush is recommended.
  6. what is a cause of gingivitis and periodontitis?
  7. In gingivitis and periodontitis what color is the tissue?

12 Clues: What do we do?how long do you brush your teeth for?what type of toothbrush is recommended.Is gingivitis irreversible or reversible?what type of flossing method did we teach you?gums start to go down due to brushing too hardTissue is pink, no inflammation, firm texture.Involves swollen gums, recession and bone loss?...

Dental Hygiene Crossword 2023-03-09

Dental Hygiene Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Cutting of the teeth
  2. A paste used to clean your teeth
  3. Outermost layer of your teeth
  4. A crusty build-up on teeth
  5. An appointment with your dentist to see if you need any work done
  6. To bite and grind teeth
  7. Dentist add these to fix teeth that have holes
  8. A persons whose profession is dentistry
  9. Making less dirty
  10. Protects dentist from bad breath
  1. Brush used to clean your teeth
  2. Attire used to protect your eyes
  3. A soft, strong thread used to clean in between your teeth
  4. A liquid to rinse the mouth that freshens your breath
  5. A chemical that prevents cavities
  6. They straighten your smile
  7. Another word for decay
  8. Where dentist work
  9. Pink tissue surrounding the teeth

19 Clues: Making less dirtyWhere dentist workCutting of the teethAnother word for decayTo bite and grind teethA crusty build-up on teethThey straighten your smileOutermost layer of your teethBrush used to clean your teethAttire used to protect your eyesA paste used to clean your teethProtects dentist from bad breathA chemical that prevents cavities...

Chemical Hygiene Plan 2024-08-12

Chemical Hygiene Plan crossword puzzle
  1. ________________ waste drum must be closed when not actively being used.
  2. The site ________Policy for protecting hands
  3. _________________ should never be dried or cured in the oven.
  4. Currently used chemicals can be found in PPE ____________ Assessment Matrix
  5. _________ Stores the SOPs.
  6. Eyewash and safety showers must be inspected _____________.
  7. Safety __________ with side shields is the minimum eye protection required in the laboratory.
  8. In case of emergency contact the ____________.
  9. ________ are not meant to store chemicals
  10. A piece of equipment under the radiation safety program
  11. gloves are suitable for acids and bases.
  12. CHP training must be completed ________________
  13. Employees should never work alone, follow the _________ Worker Program policy
  1. Incoming and outgoing hazardous chemicals shall have GHS compliant ____________.
  2. _______________ and combustible liquids shall be stored in a vented storage cabinet.
  3. ___________contains safe work practices for laboratory settings
  4. Carcinogenic and reproductive hazard materials must be stored in a segrated "___________ area." that is clearly marked.
  5. Open toed shoes, sneakers, sandals, canvas or similar shoes with porous uppers are prohibited by the ___________ Protection Program.
  6. 1 of the 6Ss
  7. When working alone follow the _____ worker policy.

20 Clues: 1 of the 6Ss_________ Stores the SOPs.gloves are suitable for acids and bases.________ are not meant to store chemicalsThe site ________Policy for protecting handsIn case of emergency contact the ____________.CHP training must be completed ________________When working alone follow the _____ worker policy....

E-coli Safety 2021-04-28

E-coli Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Something Unsafe.
  2. keeping clean
  3. When something is under cooked.
  1. Something harmless.
  2. Where does E-coli grow?
  3. Keeping good hygiene.
  4. E-coli is a _________.
  5. Who to report to.

8 Clues: keeping cleanSomething Unsafe.Who to report to.Something harmless.Keeping good hygiene.E-coli is a _________.Where does E-coli grow?When something is under cooked.

E-coli Safety 2021-04-28

E-coli Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Something Unsafe.
  2. keeping clean
  3. When something is under cooked.
  1. Something harmless.
  2. Where does E-coli grow?
  3. Keeping good hygiene.
  4. E-coli is a _________.
  5. Who to report to.

8 Clues: keeping cleanSomething Unsafe.Who to report to.Something harmless.Keeping good hygiene.E-coli is a _________.Where does E-coli grow?When something is under cooked.

Vocabulaire Des Discussions Pt. 2 2014-12-02

Vocabulaire Des Discussions Pt. 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A Sickness
  2. The Cleanliness
  3. A Major Event
  4. To Respect
  5. To Attack
  6. To Demand
  7. Common
  8. A Billion
  9. To Fight Against
  1. To Allow
  2. The Armistice
  3. The Space Tourism
  4. Thus,So,As
  5. Hygiene
  6. To Direct
  7. Many(Feminine)
  8. A Neighbor
  9. A Gap
  10. To Deposit

19 Clues: A GapCommonHygieneTo AllowTo DirectTo AttackTo DemandA BillionA SicknessThus,So,AsTo RespectA NeighborTo DepositThe ArmisticeA Major EventMany(Feminine)The CleanlinessTo Fight AgainstThe Space Tourism

Food Hygiene 2021-03-05

Food Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. What are bacteria?
  2. Transfer of bacteria from one place to another in food prep areas.
  3. Bacteria do not grow in a deep ________
  4. Bacteria found in Unpasteurised cheese and milk.
  5. Temperature D______, Z____
  6. What rate do bacteria grow in a fridge?
  1. Bacteria killed at this temperature (centigrade)
  2. Food that is ____________ can be a cause food poisoning.
  3. Type of biological food poisoning bacteria found in meats.
  4. Important to wash these.
  5. Symptom of food poisoning
  6. Disposable ______ can be used when handling food.

12 Clues: What are bacteria?Important to wash these.Symptom of food poisoningTemperature D______, Z____Bacteria do not grow in a deep ________What rate do bacteria grow in a fridge?Bacteria killed at this temperature (centigrade)Bacteria found in Unpasteurised cheese and milk.Disposable ______ can be used when handling food....

Dental Hygiene 2013-05-22

Dental Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. In gingivitis and periodontitis what color is the tissue?
  2. Tissue is pink, no inflammation, firm texture.
  3. underneath the gums this starts to happen in periodontitis
  4. gums start to go down due to brushing too hard
  5. tissue is red,bleeding present, and is reversible.
  6. Is gingivitis irreversible or reversible?
  1. hygienist What do we do?
  2. what type of flossing method did we teach you?
  3. Involves swollen gums, recession and bone loss?
  4. what type of toothbrush is recommended.
  5. how long do you brush your teeth for?
  6. what is a cause of gingivitis and periodontitis?

12 Clues: hygienist What do we do?how long do you brush your teeth for?what type of toothbrush is recommended.Is gingivitis irreversible or reversible?what type of flossing method did we teach you?Tissue is pink, no inflammation, firm texture.gums start to go down due to brushing too hardInvolves swollen gums, recession and bone loss?...

Dental Hygiene 2015-03-09

Dental Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes you use this after you brush your teeth
  2. You use this to clean your teeth
  3. A tooth that you get as a baby that eventually fall out with an adult tooth behind it
  4. A professional doctor who clans your teeth
  5. You use a tooth brush for these
  6. You use it when you brush your teeth
  1. A professional doctor who puts braces an your teeth if they are crooked to fix them
  2. Sticky yellow stuff that can go on your teeth if you don't brush your teeth
  3. You use this to get food and other things out of your teeth. It looks like a string
  4. Something that goes on your teeth to straighten your teeth
  5. If sugar sits on your teeth for a while, bacteria forms and eats away at your tooth
  6. How many times do you brush your teeth a day?

12 Clues: You use a tooth brush for theseYou use this to clean your teethYou use it when you brush your teethA professional doctor who clans your teethHow many times do you brush your teeth a day?Sometimes you use this after you brush your teethSomething that goes on your teeth to straighten your teeth...

hygiene puzzel 2014-03-17

hygiene puzzel crossword puzzle
  1. drinken
  2. wassen
  3. zemen
  4. onderbroek
  5. poetsen
  6. papier
  1. dweilen
  2. was
  3. wassen
  4. borstelen
  5. snuiten
  6. knippen
  7. luier

13 Clues: waszemenluierwassenwassenpapierdweilendrinkensnuitenpoetsenknippenborstelenonderbroek

Sleeep Hygiene 2023-04-05

Sleeep Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. This should not located in your room in order to promote good sleep
  2. This should be avoided before going to bed at night.
  3. Not getting enough sleep can lead to getting __________
  4. __________ sleep is important when it comes to making or retaining memories.
  5. What may sleep walking, or sleep talking be referred to as?
  6. How many hours of sleep should you get a night?
  1. It is important to maintain a regular _________ in order to promote sleep
  2. Extremely slow brain waves may also be referred to as _________ waves.
  3. __________ rhythm also known as the body's biological clock
  4. What stage in sleep begins deep sleep?
  5. Sleep has been shown to improve ______
  6. You should exercise at least _________ minutes a day to help promote sleep.

12 Clues: What stage in sleep begins deep sleep?Sleep has been shown to improve ______How many hours of sleep should you get a night?This should be avoided before going to bed at night.Not getting enough sleep can lead to getting ____________________ rhythm also known as the body's biological clockWhat may sleep walking, or sleep talking be referred to as?...

Milk hygiene 2023-08-17

Milk hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. keeps milk safe from bacteria
  2. harmful microorganism associated with raw milk
  3. temperature at which milk should be refrigerated
  4. Bacterial infection often found in unpasteurized milk
  5. term for separating milk components
  6. An indicator of milk's fat content
  1. method of heating milk to kill harmful microorganisms
  2. a process that removes cream from milk
  3. container for storing milk
  4. substance added to milk to aid digestion
  5. device used to measure milk temperature
  6. dairy product made by fermenting milk

12 Clues: container for storing milkkeeps milk safe from bacteriaAn indicator of milk's fat contentterm for separating milk componentsdairy product made by fermenting milka process that removes cream from milkdevice used to measure milk temperaturesubstance added to milk to aid digestionharmful microorganism associated with raw milk...

Day 41-1 2013-12-20

Day 41-1 crossword puzzle
  1. (질 가치 등을)높이다
  2. 필사적인; 절망적인
  3. 거대한
  4. 고도
  5. 격려하다
  6. 따라하다
  7. 돕다
  8. 광채
  9. (쪼개어)나누다; 찢다/고수하다, 결합하다
  1. 위생
  2. 하늘의
  3. 이로운, 유익한
  4. 아프다
  5. 농도, 밀도
  6. 인상적인, 감동적인
  7. 약해지다, 사라지다
  8. 고대
  9. (의무 짐 등을)지우다/저해하다
  10. 피하다, 도망하다

19 Clues: 위생고도돕다광채고대하늘의아프다거대한격려하다따라하다농도, 밀도이로운, 유익한피하다, 도망하다필사적인; 절망적인인상적인, 감동적인약해지다, 사라지다(질 가치 등을)높이다(의무 짐 등을)지우다/저해하다(쪼개어)나누다; 찢다/고수하다, 결합하다




Hygiene Crossword Puzzle 2020-11-20

Hygiene Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. this can help you make sure you look the way you want
  2. if you have a runny nose or are sneezing, make sure you have these
  3. use this after blowing your nose
  4. you can splash water on your face or use one of these
  5. be sure to use this whenever you wash your hands
  6. use one of these for shaving
  7. use this twice a day, and maybe in between if you eat popcorn
  8. have one of these with you, especially if there is windy weather
  9. make sure you know how to use this to do the laundry
  10. use this minty product to prevent bad breath
  11. this along with conditioner keeps your hair clean and manageable
  12. use this once a week to wash your bed sheets and dirty clothes
  1. use this along with a razor to reduce cuts
  2. using this after shampoo can prevent knots and static
  3. use this twice a day on your teeth gums, and even your tongue
  4. use these to keep your nails at a length that is comfortable for you
  5. make sure to use this to kill bacteria when you wash your sheets
  6. after showering, use a clean one of these
  7. put this on to start the day, before and after exercise
  8. you might put this on your mouth, especially in the winter
  9. wear these every day and change into them after exercise
  10. you can apply this to your skin; you might need more in cold weather
  11. some people use these to shape their brows

23 Clues: use one of these for shavinguse this after blowing your noseafter showering, use a clean one of theseuse this along with a razor to reduce cutssome people use these to shape their browsuse this minty product to prevent bad breathbe sure to use this whenever you wash your handsmake sure you know how to use this to do the laundry...

health and hygiene 2021-02-10

health and hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. other name of varicell zoster
  2. temperature of typhoid.
  3. through air , contact.
  4. virus name of measles.
  5. It have no specific treatment.name it.
  6. contaminated air and milk name disease.
  7. rubella virus other name.
  8. avoid contact with infected person.
  9. bite by mad dog.
  10. name mumps cure.
  11. human immuno-deficiency virus. name short form.
  12. only dpt vaccine is its prevention name disease.
  1. other name of tetanus .
  2. in which body chills. disease name .
  3. name disease which is spread orally.
  4. name other name of whooping
  5. salks is its vaccine name its disease.
  6. disease name the table 4.2 .
  7. which vaccine is used as prevention of T.B
  8. Triple name the prevention of diphtheria.
  9. cholera is disease name its bacteria.

21 Clues: bite by mad dog.name mumps cure.through air , contact.virus name of measles.other name of tetanus .temperature of typhoid.rubella virus other name.name other name of whoopingother name of varicell zosterdisease name the table 4.2 .avoid contact with infected person.in which body chills. disease name .name disease which is spread orally....

Gil Paryente-Hygiene 2024-11-22

Gil Paryente-Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. usar para reglar su pelo
  2. las chicas usas cuando uno evento
  3. mi lavo en la bañera
  4. usar en la ducha para limpiar mi pelo
  5. usar un ceipillo de ___
  6. despues yo uso el bano, yo ___ mi mano
  7. cortar el pelo facial
  8. poner maquillaje
  9. usar para secante mi pelo
  10. usar para secante mi cuerpo
  11. usar para lavar los manos
  12. uso un cepillo de mi pelo
  13. prepararse
  1. usar para cepillar su pello
  2. para holer bien
  3. las chicas usan maquillaje ___
  4. usar para cortar el pelo
  5. en la ducha yo ___
  6. en el practica de balancesto yo ____ mucho
  7. tener colores en las unas
  8. usar para lavar mi dientes
  9. uso las tijeras de las unas
  10. las chicas usan el pintalabios para ___
  11. usar un secador de ___
  12. usar para no tener la piel seca

25 Clues: prepararsepara holer bienponer maquillajeen la ducha yo ___mi lavo en la bañeracortar el pelo facialusar un secador de ___usar un ceipillo de ___usar para reglar su pelousar para cortar el pelotener colores en las unasusar para secante mi pelousar para lavar los manosuso un cepillo de mi pelousar para lavar mi dientesusar para cepillar su pello...


CLEAN HANDS SAVE LIVE crossword puzzle
  1. Touching patients surrounding.
  2. Minimum time to do hand washing.
  3. Compulsory to used during hand washing
  4. Crucial steps in hand hygiene to remove germs from hands.
  5. Important in hand rub solutions.
  6. When washing hands rub hands together.
  1. Minimum time to do hand rub.
  2. Important part to clean during hand hygiene moments.
  3. Touching patients.
  4. Only one time use.

10 Clues: Touching patients.Only one time use.Minimum time to do hand rub.Touching patients surrounding.Minimum time to do hand washing.Important in hand rub solutions.Compulsory to used during hand washingWhen washing hands rub hands together.Important part to clean during hand hygiene moments.Crucial steps in hand hygiene to remove germs from hands.

Tony's CrossWord Puzzle 2014-02-01

Tony's CrossWord Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Widespread
  2. Bloodsucker
  3. immunity
  4. Infection
  5. Child
  6. Sickness
  7. Microorganism
  8. Germs
  1. purity
  2. Society
  3. Injection
  4. Outbreak
  5. insect that carries a disease
  6. small organism or single celled

14 Clues: ChildGermspuritySocietyimmunityOutbreakSicknessInjectionInfectionWidespreadBloodsuckerMicroorganisminsect that carries a diseasesmall organism or single celled

Urbanisation 2024-03-17

Urbanisation crossword puzzle
  1. framework
  2. contamination
  3. imbalance
  4. compactness
  5. overcrowded
  1. climate-friendly
  2. death
  3. issuing
  4. hygiene
  5. sustainable
  6. service
  7. Evolve

12 Clues: deathEvolveissuinghygieneserviceframeworkimbalancesustainablecompactnessovercrowdedcontaminationclimate-friendly

Unidad 4 Vocabulario 2021-04-05

Unidad 4  Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. hygiene
  2. undeniable
  3. voluntary work
  4. to improve
  5. to donate
  6. acid
  7. healthy
  8. first-aid kit
  9. confirmed,verified
  1. indisputable
  2. to refute
  3. foreign currency
  4. support
  5. housed,sheltered
  6. vaccine

15 Clues: acidhygienesupportvaccinehealthyto refuteto donateundeniableto improveindisputablefirst-aid kitvoluntary workforeign currencyhoused,shelteredconfirmed,verified

La rutina diaria 2019-04-23

La rutina diaria crossword puzzle
  1. mouth
  2. fingers
  3. hair
  4. to put makeup on oneself
  5. hygiene
  6. never
  7. to shower oneself
  8. tooth
  9. eyes
  10. face
  11. sometimes
  1. to bathe oneself
  2. to brush oneself
  3. every day
  4. to wake oneself up
  5. to shave oneself
  6. head
  7. body
  8. hand
  9. to wash oneself
  10. always

21 Clues: hairheadbodyhandeyesfacemouthnevertoothalwaysfingershygieneevery daysometimesto wash oneselfto bathe oneselfto brush oneselfto shave oneselfto shower oneselfto wake oneself upto put makeup on oneself

Interesting Words Crossword 2024-02-15

Interesting Words Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Careful
  2. Impulsive
  3. Fatal
  4. Dilemma
  5. Cloth for Hygiene
  6. Device in an Internal Combustion Engine
  7. Spacious
  8. Stipulations
  1. A Length of Film Containing Microphotographs
  2. Snout
  3. Character
  4. Rarely
  5. Shell
  6. Doubtfully
  7. Undisturbed

15 Clues: SnoutFatalShellRarelyCarefulDilemmaSpaciousImpulsiveCharacterDoubtfullyUndisturbedStipulationsCloth for HygieneDevice in an Internal Combustion EngineA Length of Film Containing Microphotographs

Staying Healthy 2018-02-03

Staying Healthy crossword puzzle
  1. The state of being in good health
  2. Food that gives vitamins and minerals, e.g. apple
  3. Amount of sleep recommended each night (higher)
  4. Potential consequence of poor posture
  5. Healthy habit, e.g. playing football
  6. Lack of something, e.g. sleep ___
  1. Illness that can arise from poor hygiene
  2. Healthy habit, e.g. washing your hands
  3. Bathroom item used to brush teeth
  4. Healthy habit that results from eating a variety of nutritious food
  5. Bathroom item used with water to protect from bacteria
  6. Health condition that can arise from a poor diet
  7. Washing of oneself by standing under cascading water
  8. Healthy habit, e.g. sitting up straight
  9. The liquid we need to stay hydrated

15 Clues: The state of being in good healthBathroom item used to brush teethLack of something, e.g. sleep ___The liquid we need to stay hydratedHealthy habit, e.g. playing footballPotential consequence of poor postureHealthy habit, e.g. washing your handsHealthy habit, e.g. sitting up straightIllness that can arise from poor hygiene...

safety and sanitation 2024-09-19

safety and sanitation crossword puzzle
  1. Safety and Inspection Service
  2. extinguisher
  3. and Drug Administration
  4. adequate ventilation
  5. and bruises
  6. Restaurant Association
  7. labeling
  8. shock
  9. and servicing equipment
  10. allergens
  11. Institute of Standards and Technology
  1. zone
  2. maintenance
  3. crowding storage areas
  4. Illnesses
  5. cleanliness
  6. hygiene
  7. on a regular basis for pests
  8. and fall
  9. temperatures
  10. Labeling and Education Act

21 Clues: zoneshockhygieneand falllabelingIllnessesallergensmaintenancecleanlinessand bruisesextinguishertemperaturesadequate ventilationcrowding storage areasRestaurant Associationand Drug Administrationand servicing equipmentLabeling and Education Acton a regular basis for pestsSafety and Inspection ServiceInstitute of Standards and Technology

B1: Gateway to exams: Units 3-4 2023-10-27

B1: Gateway to exams: Units 3-4 crossword puzzle
  1. zotavit se
  2. případ
  3. suchý
  4. akupunktura
  5. mozek
  6. aktivní
  7. lék, droga
  8. dvojjzačný
  1. pravidelně
  2. léčení, ošetření
  3. hygiena
  4. zem, pevnina
  5. trpící mořskou nemocí

13 Clues: suchýmozekpřípadhygienaaktivnípravidelnězotavit selék, drogadvojjzačnýakupunkturazem, pevninaléčení, ošetřenítrpící mořskou nemocí

La Belleza-Emily Volk 2021-12-16

La Belleza-Emily Volk crossword puzzle
  1. eyes
  2. compassion
  3. self esteem
  4. animals
  5. Hygiene routine
  1. family
  2. hair
  3. music
  4. flowers
  5. smile
  6. culture
  7. art

12 Clues: arthaireyesmusicsmilefamilyflowerscultureanimalscompassionself esteemHygiene routine


SANITARY WORD SEARCH crossword puzzle
  1. A distinctive smell.
  2. A strong chemical used for disinfecting.
  3. Practices that promote cleanliness and health.
  4. A tool used for cleaning floors.
  5. To make free from germs or dirt.
  1. Waste or unwanted materials.
  2. Underground pipe for carrying waste materials.
  3. Protective coverings for hands.
  4. An opening or pipe that allows liquids to flow away.
  5. A substance used for cleaning and personal hygiene.

10 Clues: A distinctive smell.Waste or unwanted materials.Protective coverings for hands.A tool used for cleaning floors.To make free from germs or dirt.A strong chemical used for disinfecting.Underground pipe for carrying waste materials.Practices that promote cleanliness and health.A substance used for cleaning and personal hygiene....

hygine 2015-03-13

hygine crossword puzzle
  1. scrub for at least 20 with warm water
  2. need to be brush at least twice a day
  3. comes from not staying clean
  4. creeping your body clean
  5. you need to make sure you get 8 hours of
  6. maintaining the body to a fit state
  1. choose healthy options to stay in shape
  2. needs to be brushed and washed
  3. helps remove gems from body and hair as your scrubbing
  4. help dry lips
  5. you need to drink lots of
  6. come from bad hygiene

12 Clues: help dry lipscome from bad hygienecreeping your body cleanyou need to drink lots ofcomes from not staying cleanneeds to be brushed and washedmaintaining the body to a fit statescrub for at least 20 with warm waterneed to be brush at least twice a daychoose healthy options to stay in shapeyou need to make sure you get 8 hours of...

La rutina diaria 2019-04-23

La rutina diaria crossword puzzle
  1. never
  2. to shower oneself
  3. mouth
  4. every day
  5. sometimes
  6. to wash oneself
  7. always
  8. head
  9. hygiene
  10. to bathe oneself
  11. to shave oneself
  12. eyes
  1. hand
  2. to brush oneself
  3. face
  4. to wake oneself up
  5. to put makeup on oneself
  6. fingers
  7. hair
  8. body
  9. tooth

21 Clues: handfacehairbodyheadeyesnevermouthtoothalwaysfingershygieneevery daysometimesto wash oneselfto brush oneselfto bathe oneselfto shave oneselfto shower oneselfto wake oneself upto put makeup on oneself

World Hand Hygiene Day 2024-04-24

World Hand Hygiene Day crossword puzzle
  1. Are NOT a replacement for hand hygiene?
  2. The amount of seconds you need to wash your hands?
  3. What song can you sing to help you remember how long to wash your hands?
  4. What is the name of the Kennedy Krieger approved lotion?
  5. How many moments of Hand Hygiene are there outlined by the World Health Organization?
  1. Fingernail _____ if worn, must be in good repair without cracks, chips, or nail-growth gap
  2. What is the alternative to Purell?
  3. What is based on the premise that all blood and body fluids are potentially infectious?
  4. The number one most important thing in the prevention of infection is _________ hygiene
  5. What is the name of the Kennedy Krieger approved hand sanitizer?

10 Clues: What is the alternative to Purell?Are NOT a replacement for hand hygiene?The amount of seconds you need to wash your hands?What is the name of the Kennedy Krieger approved lotion?What is the name of the Kennedy Krieger approved hand sanitizer?What song can you sing to help you remember how long to wash your hands?...

Hygiene: Dogs and Cats Crossword # 1 2023-05-18

Hygiene: Dogs and Cats Crossword # 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Cats have these on their toes
  2. Hair in a thick mass
  3. On some animals paws or claws
  4. Used to cut nails
  5. Cleanliness
  1. Hygiene
  2. Cleaning our pets
  3. Hair all twisted together

8 Clues: HygieneCleanlinessCleaning our petsUsed to cut nailsHair in a thick massHair all twisted togetherCats have these on their toesOn some animals paws or claws

Hygiene Arbeitsschutz / Arbeitsführung 2013-10-17

Hygiene Arbeitsschutz / Arbeitsführung crossword puzzle
  1. Von was hängt es ab, ob wir einen gesundheitsschädlichen Stoff verwenden dürfen.
  2. Für das Coiffeurgewerbe zurzeit der beste, aber auch der teuerste Handschutz.
  3. Ein Handschuhtyp der nur zum Haarwäschen verwendet werden sollte.
  4. Der Erreger kann durch Zecken übertragen werden.
  5. Bei einer verstärkten Neigung zu Krampfadern oder bei einer Schwangerschaft ist dieses Kleidungsstück empfehlenswert.
  6. Welches coiffeurkosmetische Produkt kann ein allergisches Asthma auslösen
  7. Die Übertragung erfolgt über Gegenstände wie Berufswerkzeug.
  8. Untersucht wie Menschen vor gesundheitlichen Schäden am Arbeitsplatz geschützt werden können.
  9. Ein Inhaltsstoff eines coiffeurkosmetische Produktes das ein allergisches Asthma auslösen kann.
  10. Was können Sie in einem Coiffeur Betrieb zu Verminderung von allergischem Asthma tun.
  1. Die Zeit die zwischen einer Ansteckung und dem Ausbruch einer Krankheit liegt.
  2. Ist ein direkter Übertragungsweg.
  3. Diese Tätigkeit sollte immer im Sitzen ausgeführt werden.
  4. Die Infektion kann über Rasiermesser übertragen werden.
  5. Bei Ihren Arbeitsschuhen sollte dieser Teil flexibel und rutschfest sein.
  6. Diese Blutgefässe in den Beinen sind für Krampfadern verantwortlich.
  7. Ist ein indirekter Übertragungsweg.
  8. Beim Gehen spricht man von dieser Muskelarbeit.
  9. Nennen Sie eine sichere Anwendungsform von Blondiermitteln.
  10. Eine Möglichkeit Infektionskrankheiten (häufig Viral) vorzubeugen.
  11. Der Körper wird von krankheitserregenden Mikroorganismen befallen.

21 Clues: Ist ein direkter Übertragungsweg.Ist ein indirekter Übertragungsweg.Beim Gehen spricht man von dieser Muskelarbeit.Der Erreger kann durch Zecken übertragen werden.Die Infektion kann über Rasiermesser übertragen werden.Diese Tätigkeit sollte immer im Sitzen ausgeführt werden.Nennen Sie eine sichere Anwendungsform von Blondiermitteln....

Hygiene am Arbeitsplatz 2015-10-18

Hygiene am Arbeitsplatz crossword puzzle
  1. schützt die ...
  2. Bedeutung von H aus HACCP.
  3. Gegenstand zur Nassreinigung
  4. sollte bei der Arbeit nicht getragen werden
  5. Lager für empfindliche Lebensmittel
  6. Abkürzung für MHD
  7. zum Abdecken einer Wunde
  8. am Arbeitsplatz verboten
  9. Was enthält Tenside?
  10. gefährliche Bakterien
  11. dabei sterben fast alle Mikroorganismen
  1. bei der Arbeit auf dem Kopf
  2. Tätigkeit vor Arbeitsbeginn
  3. empfindliches Lebensmittel
  4. sie sollen nicht ins Essen fallen
  5. Verteilen der Schmutzteilchen im Wasser
  6. wichtiges Kontrollverfahren
  7. Krankheit mit der man nicht arbeiten darf
  8. anderes Wort für Sauberkeit
  9. vor der Desinfektion kommt die ...
  10. Gegenstand zum Reinigen
  11. Gegenstand zur Trockenreinigung

22 Clues: schützt die ...Abkürzung für MHDWas enthält Tenside?gefährliche BakterienGegenstand zum Reinigenzum Abdecken einer Wundeam Arbeitsplatz verbotenBedeutung von H aus HACCP.empfindliches Lebensmittelbei der Arbeit auf dem KopfTätigkeit vor Arbeitsbeginnwichtiges Kontrollverfahrenanderes Wort für SauberkeitGegenstand zur Nassreinigung...

Health and Hygiene 2021-02-15

Health and Hygiene crossword puzzle
  1. Viral disease in which paralysis of muscles occur - ________________.
  2. One of the symptoms of Gastroenteritis - ________________.
  3. Once Riya wrote wrong spelling of Sallmonalaa typhi. Is she correct? If she is wrong correct her.
  4. Prevention of a disease in which pink rashes come on the body - ________________.
  5. Name of the bacteria in which hypopigmentation of skin occurs
  6. In which of the disease we suffer with headache?
  1. One of the symptoms of Rabies is ____________________.
  2. Prevention for Diptheria - ________________.
  3. Another name for Tetanus - ________________.
  4. Pneumonia causes _____________ of lungs ,breathing problem, high fever
  5. Name of the bacteria of Whooping Cough is _______________ pertussis.
  6. Salk’s vaccine is the prevention of Poliomyelitis which spreads through ____________.
  7. In which disease we should have protein and fat rich diet?
  8. Other name for Rubella Virus - ________________.
  9. There is ____________ below the neck in Mumps.
  10. T.B. is caused through ______of infected person or through air
  11. Virus causing Common cold - ________________.
  12. We have to maintain proper hygienic conditions to prevent a bacterial disease which is caused by _______________.
  13. DPT vaccine is used to prevent Diphtheria, Taeniasis and Pneumonia. Correct this sentence.
  14. Virus causing Aquired immunodeficiency syndrome - ________________.

20 Clues: Prevention for Diptheria - ________________.Another name for Tetanus - ________________.Virus causing Common cold - ________________.There is ____________ below the neck in Mumps.Other name for Rubella Virus - ________________.In which of the disease we suffer with headache?One of the symptoms of Rabies is ____________________....

Hygiene Project #1 2021-10-01

Hygiene Project #1 crossword puzzle
  1. the clear tissue covering the front of the eye
  2. a product designed to cover up body odor
  3. the innermost layer of skin, which contains fat, blood vessels, and nerve endings; attaches to underlying bone and muscle
  4. the tissue by which nerve impulses travel from the retina to the brain
  5. the condition of having bad-smelling breath
  6. small insects that attach to hair and feed on human blood
  7. a chronic skin condition characterized by patches of red, itchy, dry, or swollen skin
  8. a product that protects the skin by absorbing and scattering UV rays
  9. a product designed to cover up body order
  10. hair follicles underneath your skin that contain oil producing glands
  11. a spiral tube in the inner ear that senses sound vibrations and transmits them to the auditory nerve
  12. the part of the middle ear that vibrates in response to sound
  13. an inflammation of the gums
  14. a substance produced in the mouth, which contains enzymes that break down food
  15. the area of your mouth that includes the lips, teeth, and tongue
  1. a sticky, colorless substance formed by bacteria in the mouth; coats the teeth and slowly dissolves enamel
  2. art permanent decorations that are applied to the body; examples include tattoos and piercings
  3. a skin condition in which inflamed, clogged hair follicles cause pimples
  4. the colored part of the eye that constricts and dilates the pupil
  5. the outermost layer of skin, which protects the body from foreign substances and contains pigment-producing cells
  6. a severe type of acne that requires medical treatment
  7. holes in the teeth caused by plaque eating away at tooth enamel
  8. the middle layer of skin, which contains hair follicles
  9. the innnermost, light sensitive area of the eye, composed of photoreceptors that convert light into nerve impulses and electrical signals
  10. dead skin that flakes off the scalp due to dryness, infrequent shampooing, or irritation
  11. a clear part of the eye that focuses light on the retina
  12. an invisible type of radiation that emanates from the sun, tanning beds, and sunlamps
  13. an infection in which bacteria gets beneath the gums and destroys gum and bone
  14. the black opening in the middle of the iris through which light passes
  15. the units by which sound intensity, or loudness, is measured

30 Clues: an inflammation of the gumsa product designed to cover up body odora product designed to cover up body orderthe condition of having bad-smelling breaththe clear tissue covering the front of the eyea severe type of acne that requires medical treatmentthe middle layer of skin, which contains hair follicles...