business Crossword Puzzles

Business 2020-09-20

Business crossword puzzle
  1. sisseostmine, väljast tellimine
  2. tõeline, ehtne
  3. värbama, tööle võtme
  4. liialdama, liigselt tähtsustama
  5. isehakanud
  6. suhteliselt
  7. omandama, hankima
  8. suurendama
  9. vana, muistne
  10. levitamine, laialijagamine
  11. kiiresti
  12. vabakutseline
  13. samuti, samamoodi
  1. ajakava, graafik
  2. ebatäpne
  3. tõke, takistus
  4. halvasti töötama, kehvasti esinema
  5. tähelepanu kõrvaletõmbaja
  6. panus
  7. asjakohane, oluline
  8. täpselt, täitesti nõus
  9. mõju
  10. puudus, takistus
  11. lühidalt
  12. usaldus, usaldama

25 Clues: mõjupanusebatäpnekiirestilühidaltisehakanudsuurendamasuhteliseltvana, muistnevabakutselinetõke, takistustõeline, ehtneajakava, graafikpuudus, takistusomandama, hankimausaldus, usaldamasamuti, samamoodiasjakohane, olulinevärbama, tööle võtmetäpselt, täitesti nõustähelepanu kõrvaletõmbajalevitamine, laialijagaminesisseostmine, väljast tellimine...

Business 2021-12-06

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Addressing and interpreting the information gathered in an environmental scan
  2. A formal written summary of a business and/or financial security provided to potential investors
  3. A business owned and managed by one person is known as this
  4. A written agreement between two or more people identifying how the partners will add capital, labor or other assets and divide the profits
  5. A group of elected or appointed people who oversee activities of an organization; publicly traded companies must have one of these; an abbreviation
  6. An advantage that your business has over competitors that puts your business AHEAD of competitors
  7. A share of a corporation’s profits distributed to shareholders
  8. Things that a firm does extremely well, which SOMETIMES give it an advantage over competition
  9. The name given to an owner/operator of a business
  10. A general share of ownership in a company; 1 of 2 types of stocks we discussed; typically includes voting rights for the board of directors
  1. An official document through which a state grants the power to operate as a corporation
  2. A person or business to which money is owed is known as this
  3. Business that is legally considered an entity separate from its owners and is liable for all of its own debts; owners have limited liability
  4. Analysis of outside influences that may have an impact on an organization
  5. An assessment of a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that surround it
  6. One type of partnership where two or more owners who share operations and financial responsibility for a firm; all owners have unlimited liability
  7. Legally defined type of business ownership in which at least two individuals share management, profits and responsibility for running a business; we discussed two specific variants of this form of business ownership
  8. One type of partnership; involves at least one managing partner and one limited partner; typically one managing partner urns the business day-to-day and has unlimited liability
  9. The name given to the partner who runs the business day-to-day in a limited partnership; he/she has unlimited liability
  10. A share of ownership in a company
  11. A corporation that offers its shares of stock for public sale; 1 of 2 types of corporations we discussed
  12. Another name given to an owner of stock
  13. A corporation that does not offer its shares of stock to the public for purchase

23 Clues: A share of ownership in a companyAnother name given to an owner of stockThe name given to an owner/operator of a businessA business owned and managed by one person is known as thisA person or business to which money is owed is known as thisA share of a corporation’s profits distributed to shareholders...

Business 2021-11-24

Business crossword puzzle
  1. represents the value that would be returned to a company's shareholders if all of the assets were liquidated
  2. : a method of business expansion by which the owner of a business
  3. is money borrowed by one party from another
  4. work that supports a business but does not produce a tangible commodity
  5. A method of direct distribution that uses the internet to sell products directly to consumers
  6. liability:a common entity US businesses use as a Canadian subsidiary or to hold Canadian assets.
  7. Shares represent ownership of a company
  8. A business owned by members who utilize the goods and services offered.
  9. :an individual or company that sells or grants a franchise for the sale of goods or the operation of a service.
  1. a company that does business in a select few countries around the world
  2. combining of multiple elements, particularly corporations, into one
  3. alliance: an arrangement between two companies to undertake a mutually beneficial project while each retains its independence.
  4. a business that can be owned and controlled by an individual, a company or a limited liability partnership.
  5. a partnership is a relationship in which two or more people, organizations, or countries work together as partners.
  6. The part of a corporation's profit after taxes that each shareholder receives.
  7. the business where economic transactions are conducted within the geographical boundaries of the one country.
  8. practice of outsourcing operations overseas
  9. The term manufacturing refers to the processing of raw materials or parts into finished goods through the use of tools, human labor, machinery, and chemical processing.
  10. A borrower's ability to carry debt and pay the debt when it is due (one of the three cs of credit).
  11. person or institution that has invested money in a corporation in exchange for a “share” of the ownership.
  12. A business owned by, but existing separately from, its shareholders.
  13. A person who takes risks and starts a venture to solve a problem or to take advantage of an opportunity; a person who provides an innovative product or service to meet a consumer's want or need.
  14. ventures: responsible for profits, losses, and costs associated with it.

23 Clues: Shares represent ownership of a companyis money borrowed by one party from anotherpractice of outsourcing operations overseas: a method of business expansion by which the owner of a businesscombining of multiple elements, particularly corporations, into oneA business owned by, but existing separately from, its shareholders....

Business 2021-11-24

Business crossword puzzle
  1. the making of goods by hand or by machine that upon completion the business sells to a customer.
  2. a long-term liability a business takes on by borrowing money from its bank.
  3. an arrangement between two companies that have decided to share resources to undertake a specific, mutually beneficial project
  4. Having the right to market a product or service using the trademark or trade name of another business.
  5. A way of business expansion by which the owner of a business
  6. the business where economic transactions are conducted within the geographical boundaries of the one country.
  7. Where two individuals collaborate to launch their shared ideas into a new partnered business.
  8. a legal entity that is separate and distinct from their owners.
  9. Someone who owns shares in a corporation an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.
  10. A time in which the shareholders of a company are dependable for all of its debts if the company fails financially
  1. a business's (or a government's) decision to replace domestically supplied service functions with imported services produced offshore.
  2. a business organization whose activities are located in more than two countries
  3. activities that benefit companies without supplying physical products.
  4. a business model that allows companies and individuals to buy and sell goods and services over the Internet.
  5. The money available to fund its day to day operations and bankroll its expansion for the future.
  6. Individual entrepreneurship, an enterprise owned and run by one person
  7. Some of a company's earnings are distributed to a class of its shareholder's
  8. represents the value that would be returned to a company's shareholders if all of the assets were liquidated
  9. represent ownership of a company
  10. combine two separate businesses into a single new legal entity
  11. involves two or more businesses pooling their resources and expertise to achieve a particular goal.
  12. one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise

22 Clues: represent ownership of a companyA way of business expansion by which the owner of a businesscombine two separate businesses into a single new legal entitya legal entity that is separate and distinct from their owners.activities that benefit companies without supplying physical products....

business 2021-11-25

business crossword puzzle
  1. full legal responsibility for all business debts
  2. a business project that matches the skills of two individuals
  3. a business that produces goods for sales
  4. a person who sells the right to open stores and sell products
  5. the producing, distributing, or selling of goods and services
  6. an agreement between businesses to commit resources to achieve objectives
  7. a process where a company combines with another
  8. the net value of property or assets after subtracting any mortgage or liabilities
  9. a business owned by one person
  10. a person who owns shares in a corporation
  11. a borrowers ability to carry and pay debt
  1. a business owned by members who utilize the goods and services offered
  2. a sum of money that is paid to shareholders
  3. a business owned by its shareholders
  4. a unit of ownership in a corporation
  5. a method of distributing products or services
  6. a person who takes risks and has a big idea
  7. providing assistance
  8. money that is owed or due
  9. a method of dirent distribution that uses internet to sell products
  10. the practice of outsourcing operations overseas
  11. a business operating in several nations
  12. a business owned by multiple individuals

23 Clues: providing assistancemoney that is owed or duea business owned by one persona business owned by its shareholdersa unit of ownership in a corporationa business operating in several nationsa business that produces goods for salesa business owned by multiple individualsa person who owns shares in a corporationa borrowers ability to carry and pay debt...

business 2021-11-25

business crossword puzzle
  1. a business that produces goods and services
  2. is a method of direct distribution that uses the internet to sell products directly to consumers
  3. liability responsibility for claims against the business that goes beyond the amount invested
  4. a business owned by members who utilize the goods or services
  5. a business owned by two or more individuals
  6. a process whereby one company combines with or takes over the ownership
  7. ventures a business project that matches the skills of two individuals
  8. the parent company who grants the franchise and provides gods and services
  9. a unit of ownership in a corporation
  10. producing, distributing or selling goods or services
  1. the relocation of some of a company's operations to another company
  2. the part of a corporations profit after taxes
  3. alliance an agreement between businesses to commit resources to achieve common set objectives
  4. a business operation in several nations
  5. a business owned by but existing separately from its shareholders
  6. a person who takes risks and starts a venture to solve a problem
  7. a person who runs a franchise operation and is under a contract, licensing agreement with the franchiser
  8. a person who owns shares in a corporation
  9. the net value of property or assets after subtracting mortgage or liabilitys
  10. proprietorship a business owned by one person
  11. assistance provided usually in return for payment
  12. the value of a borrower's assets that can be used to repay a debt

22 Clues: a unit of ownership in a corporationa business operation in several nationsa person who owns shares in a corporationa business that produces goods and servicesa business owned by two or more individualsthe part of a corporations profit after taxesproprietorship a business owned by one personassistance provided usually in return for payment...

Business 2014-05-20

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Tax on imports.
  2. Person who sells the license of their business.
  3. Quantity limits n the scale of foreign imports.
  4. Occur when the employer can no longer afford to hire the worker.
  5. Person who buys a business.
  6. The senior members of satff who have been elected by shareholders of a company to run the business on their behalf.
  7. view of the decision or proposal.
  8. The process of hiring suitable workers.
  9. Describe, giving reasons, a business idea, observation or issue.
  10. Intergration and interdependence of economics.
  11. Show the differences between ideas or concepts.
  12. Using the power of pressure groups to influence key issues
  13. Refusal to buy products from a business as a sign of protest.
  14. Description or observation of business data or information relating to a business decision or issue.
  1. Updating employee skills in delivering CSR such as good customer care.
  2. Take out the action of government on the economy.
  3. Consider a business decision or proposal which sets out its assumptions and interrelationships.
  4. Transferring a staff member from a department or branch that no longer requires their services to other areas of business.
  5. The vertical transfer of information in a hierarchy, via meetings between staff at different levels of the hierarchy.
  6. The process of shifting through applications to identify suitable candidates for the jobs.
  7. Employees work in a location away from the workplace.
  8. Add information or data.
  9. By looking at all aspects of a particular business decision or proposal, consider a

23 Clues: Tax on imports.Add information or data.Person who buys a business.view of the decision or proposal.The process of hiring suitable workers.Intergration and interdependence of economics.Person who sells the license of their business.Quantity limits n the scale of foreign imports.Show the differences between ideas or concepts....

BUSINESS 2014-01-18

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. 21
  2. 32
  3. 20
  4. 2
  5. 27
  6. 23
  7. 40
  8. 12
  9. 28
  10. 22
  11. 14
  12. 19
  13. 29
  14. 16
  15. 39
  16. 3
  17. 4
  18. 25
  19. 35
  20. 5
  1. 6
  2. 36
  3. 24
  4. 10
  5. 34
  6. 26
  7. 1
  8. 37
  9. 11
  10. 7
  11. 17
  12. 15
  13. 31
  14. 30
  15. 33
  16. 8
  17. 13
  18. 18
  19. 38
  20. 9

40 Clues: 62178349521323620241034262723374012281117221514193130293316391318382535

Business 2014-02-04

Business crossword puzzle
  1. The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment
  2. Send goods or services to another country for sale.
  3. The action or business of promoting
  4. A current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes
  5. A structured set of data held in a computer
  6. A person employed for wages or salary
  7. Have a desire to possess
  8. An electronic device which is capable of receiving information
  9. Based on or characterised by the methods and principles of science
  10. The action of making or manufacturing
  11. Something of necessity
  1. Bring goods or services into a country from abroad for sale.
  2. A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism
  3. A person or organisation that employs people.
  4. The process of dealing with or controlling things or people
  5. The action of selling something
  6. The action of buying and selling goods and services.
  7. The process or work of keeping financial accounts
  8. The state of a country in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services
  9. A financial gain

20 Clues: A financial gainSomething of necessityHave a desire to possessThe action of selling somethingThe action or business of promotingA person employed for wages or salaryThe action of making or manufacturingA structured set of data held in a computerA person or organisation that employs people.The process or work of keeping financial accounts...

Business 2013-02-04

Business crossword puzzle
  1. to save your money up
  2. given instead of cash
  3. how much you get paid
  4. the action or process of keeping financial accounts
  5. a set of guidelines and regulations to be followed by members of some profession
  6. money recived on a regular basis
  7. to get back the tax you pay
  8. a fixed regular payment
  9. to borrow some money from someone
  10. to pay someone or something
  1. an economy of or reduction in money
  2. to pay a fee for borrowing money
  3. regular payment made into a fund
  4. being paid monthly
  5. a person whose job is to keep or inspect financial accounts
  6. a useful or valuable thing
  7. The amount of an employee's pay withheld by the employer and sent directly to the government as partial payment of income tax
  8. a plastic card issued by the bank
  9. the cost required for something
  10. everyone has to pay it

20 Clues: being paid monthlyto save your money upgiven instead of cashhow much you get paideveryone has to pay ita fixed regular paymenta useful or valuable thingto get back the tax you payto pay someone or somethingthe cost required for somethingto pay a fee for borrowing moneyregular payment made into a fundmoney recived on a regular basis...

business 2016-02-24

business crossword puzzle
  1. repay borrowed money or intervals
  2. concept that everyone can compete in a market place
  3. combine land, labor, and capital to create a market
  4. corporation cannot lose more than what they paid for their stock
  5. owned/managed by a single individual
  6. death of an owner ends the business and its must be reestablished in new owner name
  7. legal entity owned by stockholders
  8. portion of corporate profits paid out to stockholders
  9. establishment formed to carry on commercial enterprise
  10. owned by two or more person
  11. only one partner is required to be a general partner
  1. :one person assets can be seized to pay business debt
  2. Money and other valuable belonging to an individual
  3. combination of two or more firms competing in the same market
  4. don't operate for two purposes of generating profit
  5. company taxed on its profit and shareholders are taxed again
  6. legal bound obligations to pay debts
  7. right to sell a good or service within a market
  8. two or more firms involved in different stages of producing same good or service
  9. certificate of ownership in a corporation
  10. amount of goods available

21 Clues: amount of goods availableowned by two or more personrepay borrowed money or intervalsowned/managed by a single individuallegal bound obligations to pay debtslegal entity owned by stockholderscertificate of ownership in a corporationright to sell a good or service within a marketMoney and other valuable belonging to an individual...

Business 2023-03-15

Business crossword puzzle
  1. making product at lower cost than other businesses
  2. the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods
  3. complete automation of a factoring plant
  4. standard morals
  5. concept used in advertising and marketing
  6. private ownership
  7. money in and out of a business
  8. protection or promotion of the interests of consumers
  9. expansion, peak
  1. management style of total decision-making power
  2. governing body of a company
  3. access to capital, efficient growth
  4. design and test products
  5. products you do not think much about when buying
  6. capacity to see the bigger picture in a business
  7. no public stock
  8. stock available for public
  9. A series of positions of authority or rank within an organization that are ordered from lowest to highest
  10. incremental units sold to cover cost of a marketing program
  11. management tool that involves all parts of an organization

20 Clues: no public stockstandard moralsexpansion, peakprivate ownershipdesign and test productsstock available for publicgoverning body of a companymoney in and out of a businessaccess to capital, efficient growthcomplete automation of a factoring plantconcept used in advertising and marketingmanagement style of total decision-making power...

Business 2022-09-29

Business crossword puzzle
  1. High price, high supply, low price, low supply
  2. the people that produce are called _________
  3. Industries that trade with others
  4. Goods that are made to use as tools
  5. I ____ a place to live if I want to survive
  6. A worker is a _____________
  7. To trade off something is to have a ________
  8. Trees, water, air, are all _________
  9. I ____ some good food
  10. How much something costs is called the______
  11. How wanted something is
  12. A business inside a physical building
  13. doing what you believe is right
  14. the assembly line helped raise __________
  15. More than needed supply
  16. Doing your job in society
  17. A business that serves you is also called a _____________
  18. the people that consume are called ________
  19. Demand that can change based on price
  20. the ________ worked hard to build a house
  21. Food, water, and clothing are examples of
  1. Person that produces raw materials
  2. The cost to do something
  3. what's it called when you pass stuff out
  4. Something you want that money can't buy
  5. when your low on a resource
  6. trading something
  7. Doing what's right
  8. People who sell in whole
  9. What is it called when you use something?
  10. I have a big ______ of wood
  11. exchange of money
  12. Online stores are called ________
  13. how trustworthy something is

34 Clues: trading somethingexchange of moneyDoing what's rightI ____ some good foodHow wanted something isMore than needed supplyThe cost to do somethingPeople who sell in wholeDoing your job in societyA worker is a _____________when your low on a resourceI have a big ______ of woodhow trustworthy something isdoing what you believe is right...

BUSINESS 2022-12-01

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. a business employee who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable new product or business venture.
  2. an individual who has the idea for a new business, starts it up and carries most of the risks but benefits from the rewards.
  3. a certificate confirming part-ownership of a company and entitling the shareholder owner to dividends and certain shareholder rights.
  4. an individual consumer or organisation that purchases goods or services from a business.
  5. a business formed by two or more people to carry on a business together, with shared capital investment and, usually, shared responsibilities.
  6. selling price times quantity sold
  7. the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business
  1. an individual who purchases goods and services for personal use.
  2. a jointly owned business operated by members for their mutual benefit, to produce goods
  3. productive work
  4. Literally means that 'the whole is greater than the sum of parts' - it is often assumed that the new business will be more successful than the original separate business.
  5. an agreement by owners and managers of two businesses to bring them together in a new combined business.
  6. a person or business that sells the right to open stores and sell products or services, using the brand name and brand identity.
  7. the legal right to use the name, logo and trading system of an existing successful.
  8. money you have after paying for business expenses.
  9. a person or business that buys the right from the franchiser to operate the franchise
  10. a person or institution owning shares in a limited company.
  11. a legal entity formed by a group of individuals to engage in and operate a business
  12. Anything that confers value or benefit to its owners.
  13. the process of differentiating a product by developing a symbol, name, image or trademark for it.
  14. When a company buys more than a half of the shares of another company and becomes its controlling owner.

21 Clues: productive workselling price times quantity soldAnything that confers value or benefit to its you have after paying for business expenses.a person or institution owning shares in a limited individual who purchases goods and services for personal use....

Business 2022-12-01

Business crossword puzzle
  1. an agree
  2. organisations accountable to and controlled by central or local government(the state)
  3. a business with mainly social objectives that re-invests most of its profits into benefiting society rather than maximising returns to owners
  4. economic resources are owned, planned and controlled by the state
  5. a business in which one person provides the permanent finance and, in turn, has full control of the business and is able to keep all of the profits
  6. a person or institution owning shares in a limited company
  7. the total value of all long-term finance invested in the business
  8. the physical goods used by industry to aid in the production of other goods and services, such as machines and commercial vehicles
  9. the total value of sales made during the trading period = selling price x quantity sold
  10. the next most desired option that is given up
  1. a business formed by two or more people to carry on a business together, with shared capital investment and, usually, shared responsibilites
  2. a business organisation that has its headquarters in one country, but with operating branches, factories and assembly plants in other countries
  3. an offer to the public to buy shares in a public limited company
  4. the total value of a company's issued shares
  5. sales of the business as a propotion of total market sales
  6. a business enterprise owned and controlled by the state - also known as a nationalised industry
  7. the difference between the cost of purchasing bought-in inputs(materials) and the selling price of the finished goods.
  8. a person or business that buys the right from the franchiser to operate the franchise
  9. business owners have full legal responsibility for the debts of the business
  10. two or more businesses agree to work closely together on a particular project and create a separate business division to do so
  11. the legal right to use the name, logo and trading systems of an existing successful business

21 Clues: an agreethe total value of a company's issued sharesthe next most desired option that is given upsales of the business as a propotion of total market salesa person or institution owning shares in a limited companyan offer to the public to buy shares in a public limited companyeconomic resources are owned, planned and controlled by the state...

Business 2022-12-01

Business crossword puzzle
  1. a business organizations that has its headquarters in one country but with operating branches, factories and assembly plants in other countries
  2. a jointly owned business operated by members for their mutual benefit, to produce or distribute goods or services - as in consumers` cooperatives or farmers` cooperatives
  3. the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business
  4. he non-tangible products sold to consumers that are not intended for resale. For example, hotel accomodation, insurance services
  5. a person or institution owning shares in a limited company
  6. the next most desired option that is given up
  7. a written document that describes a business, its objectives, its strategies, the market it is in and its financial forecasts
  8. a business that is owned by shareholders who are often members of the same family,this company cannot sell shares to the general public
  9. the difference between the cost of purchasing bought-in inputs and the selling price of the finished goods
  10. the legal right to use the name , logo and trading system of an existing succesfull business
  11. business owners have full legal responsibility for the debts of the business
  1. business formed by two or more people to carry on a business together, with shared capital investment and shared responsibilities
  2. two or more businesses agree to work closely together on a particular project and create a seperate business division to do so
  3. an individual consumer or organisation that purchases goods or services from a business
  4. a certificate confirming part-ownership of a company and entitling the shareholder owner to dividends and certain shareholder rights
  5. economic resources are owned and controlled by both private and public sectors
  6. a person or business that sells the right to open stores and sell products or services using the brand name and brand identity
  7. business is owned and controlled by individuals or groups of individuals
  8. a business employee who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable new product or business venture
  9. the process of differentiating a product by developing a symbol, name, image or trademark for it

20 Clues: the next most desired option that is given upa person or institution owning shares in a limited companythe action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a businessbusiness is owned and controlled by individuals or groups of individualsbusiness owners have full legal responsibility for the debts of the business...

Business 2022-12-01

Business crossword puzzle
  1. the process of differentiating a product by developping a symbol,name
  2. a business organisation that has its headquaters in one country,but with operating branches,factories and assembly plants in other country
  3. organisations accountable to and controlled by the central or local government(the state)
  4. the total value of all long-term finance invested in the business
  5. a business with mainly social objectives that re-invest most of its profits into benefiting society rather than maximising returns to owners
  6. business owners have full legal responsibility for the debts of the business
  7. economic resources are owned,planned and controlled by the state
  8. sales of the business as a proportion of total market sales
  9. a sertificate confirming part-ownership of a company and entitling the shareholder owner to devidends and certain shareholder rights
  10. a business enterprise owned and controlled by the state-also known as nationalised industry
  1. the next most desired option that is given up
  2. an individual who purcheases goods and services for personal use
  3. the non-tengible products sold to the consumers that are not intended for resale.These include hotel accomodation,insurance services and train journeys
  4. a person or business that buys the right from the franchiser to operate the franchise
  5. the total value of a company's issued shared
  6. the difference between the cost of purchasing bough-in inputs(materials) and the selling price of the finished goods
  7. the legal right to use the name,logo and trading systems of an exciting successful business
  8. the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business
  9. a written document that describes a business,its objectives,its strategies,the market it is in and its financial forecasts
  10. a person or instution owning shares in a limited company

20 Clues: the total value of a company's issued sharedthe next most desired option that is given upa person or instution owning shares in a limited companysales of the business as a proportion of total market salesan individual who purcheases goods and services for personal useeconomic resources are owned,planned and controlled by the state...

Business 2021-01-20

Business crossword puzzle
  1. központi iroda (2)
  2. hírességnél:nevével hirdet
  3. kolléga
  4. termel
  5. vezérigazgató
  6. bezár (2)
  7. multinacionális
  8. fiókiroda
  9. elbocsát
  10. létesít, létrehoz
  11. növel
  12. lánc
  13. gyárt
  14. esik, csökken
  15. alkalmazott
  16. egyezség, üzlet
  17. vállalat
  1. egyesül
  2. elbocsát leépítés miatt (2)
  3. kibővül
  4. döntés
  5. hirdetés
  6. ügyfél
  7. tulajdonos
  8. munkáltató
  9. személyzet
  10. beindít, piacra dob
  11. gazdasági visszaesés
  12. munkanélküli
  13. cég
  14. kirúg
  15. piac
  16. nyereséget termel(3)
  17. átvesz (2)
  18. kutatás
  19. veszteség

36 Clues: cégpiacláncnövelkirúggyártdöntésügyféltermelegyesülkibővülkollégakutatáshirdetéselbocsátvállalatbezár (2)fiókirodaveszteségtulajdonosmunkáltatószemélyzetátvesz (2)alkalmazottmunkanélkülivezérigazgatóesik, csökkenmultinacionálisegyezség, üzletlétesít, létrehozközponti iroda (2)beindít, piacra dobgazdasági visszaesésnyereséget termel(3)...

Business 2020-10-22

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Involves the takeover of another business or merger with another business.
  2. The benefit that could have been gained from an alternative use of the same resource.
  3. Non-tangible products such as insurance services, transport.
  4. When there are not enough goods and services to meet the wants of the population.
  5. Concerned with using natural resources. They include farming, mining and oil drilling; sometimes produce raw materials like iron ore and oil.
  6. Good or services which people would like, but not essential for living.
  7. The part of the economy where the resources are owned and controlled by both the private and public sectors.
  8. Products which are sold to the final consumer, they can be seen and touched, for example computers and food.
  9. Able to cut costs and win a greater share of the market; develop new products or sell to new markets; can be external or internal.
  1. Investing in new products or selling more of existing products.
  2. Concerned with making and assembling products; manufacturers use raw materials and parts from other industries.
  3. The process of producing goods and services to satisfy consumer demand.
  4. The part of the economy that is owned and controlled by the state or government.
  5. Goods or services that are essential to living.
  6. Give something of value to people, but are not physical goods like cinema, or a lesson. Other examples include banks keeping your money safe, public transport carrying people around etc.
  7. Physical goods, such as machinery and delivery vehicles, used by other businesses to help produce other goods and services.
  8. A complete description of a business and its plans for the next one to three years.
  9. Unlimited wants cannot be met because ere are limited factors of production, this creates scarcity.
  10. Takes risks in a business
  11. A mix of private sector and public sector enterprises.

20 Clues: Takes risks in a businessGoods or services that are essential to living.A mix of private sector and public sector enterprises.Non-tangible products such as insurance services, transport.Investing in new products or selling more of existing products.The process of producing goods and services to satisfy consumer demand....

Business 2021-09-09

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Where a small number of possible customers are chosen to take part in market research
  2. A document summarising the personal details, qualifications and experiences of an individual; often used to apply for a job.
  3. Following up a customer to make sure they are happy with the product or service purchased
  4. The direct costs of generating production, such as raw materials
  5. The percentage profit made after all costs and expenses have been deducted; net profit/sales revenue x 100
  6. Graphical representation of costs and revenue for a business’s product to show the breakeven output
  7. The difference between revenue and cost of sales; gross profit = total revenue – cost of sales
  8. Where two businesses of equal size are joined together
  9. Point of sale methods that persuades customers to buy a product
  10. Expansion from within a business by expanding the range of products and/or locations
  11. Where work, but not responsibility for the work, is given to another person
  1. Results of research that is based on opinions, attitudes and beliefs
  2. An online brochure for a business that is available through the internet; it can include links to other services such as sales
  3. The business which runs a franchise in a specific territory or area
  4. The most common kind of limited company in the UK, where shares can only be sold to “family and friends”
  5. Stock that is being used or held within a business
  6. Methods of making a consumer aware of a product and persuading them to buy it; includes advertising, sales promotion and public relations
  7. A process a business undertakes to attract new or replacement workers
  8. The possibility that a business may not be successful
  9. Legal constraints that protect the employees of a business from unfair business practice
  10. Where a business acquires the right to use the name and products of another business
  11. An organisation set up to meet customer demand and to make a profit for its owners
  12. Where the organisational structure of a business has few layers, short chains of command and wide spans of control
  13. The total quantity produced by a business, employee or machine over a given period of time

24 Clues: Stock that is being used or held within a businessThe possibility that a business may not be successfulWhere two businesses of equal size are joined togetherPoint of sale methods that persuades customers to buy a productThe direct costs of generating production, such as raw materials...

Business 2022-05-16

Business crossword puzzle
  1. What does the O stand for in POCCC
  2. ???? Linked structure
  3. Leadership style where employees are given freedom
  4. In handy shamrock structure what team stays in the business
  5. The process of assessing the effectivness of an employee judged against pre-set objectives
  6. Who created a hierarchy of needs
  7. Management vs.
  8. What is the most dictatorship like organizational structure
  1. Who described the 10 roles that leaders should have in order to be successful
  2. Managers make decisions on behalf of the team
  3. A business unit or department in a business for which both revenues and expenses are recorded
  4. ‘Brain exercises’
  5. Extent to which people are willing and able to move to new geographical locations for work
  6. What does the p in POCCC stand for
  7. The part of the business that does not produce direct profit and adds to the cost of running a company
  8. When there is a tall structure, how big is the span of control
  9. Symbolic leader
  10. Good leaders shouldn’t lie, they should be
  11. When the business can delelgate tasks elsewhere
  12. The levels in the business
  13. What is the third factor of intrinsic motivation: mastery, purpose, ???

21 Clues: Management vs.Symbolic leader‘Brain exercises’???? Linked structureThe levels in the businessWho created a hierarchy of needsWhat does the O stand for in POCCCWhat does the p in POCCC stand forGood leaders shouldn’t lie, they should beManagers make decisions on behalf of the teamWhen the business can delelgate tasks elsewhere...

Business 2022-11-21

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Certificate of Deposit
  2. allow customers to pay for purchaces and withdraw cash
  3. A distribution of a portion of a company's earnings, decided by the board of directors, to a class of its shareholders, generally distributed in the form of cash or stock.
  4. mechanism a nation uses to to provide and manage money for itself
  5. A market in which prices are expected to fall
  6. document guaranteeing payment of a specific amount of money
  7. representation of part ownership or equity in a corporation
  8. a bank account used by depositors to accumulate money for future use
  9. people who lend money tot he business in return for contracted interest or return for their investment
  10. buying real estate to rent out as an investment
  11. financial institution that does not accept deposits
  12. A list of your investments
  13. how many districts are in the fed reserve
  14. largest category of of deposit institution
  15. financial investment issued by corp. gov. or organization
  16. investing is a great way to make
  17. central bank of the U.S.
  18. people who buy shares of stock in the company
  19. is any organization that provides services related to money
  1. customers are required to apply for
  2. is a security that pays interest over terms of ten to thirty years
  3. federal reserve provides:
  4. money for real estate, equipment, and so on
  5. regulations that apply to financial institutions
  6. D egree of uncertainty of return on an asset; in business, the likelihood of loss or reduced profit
  7. Piece of ownership in a company, mutual fund or other investment
  8. federal reserve was established in
  9. FED chairman
  10. those people that do the work
  11. bank account that allows the account owner to make deposits, write checks, and withdraw money electronicfundstransfer EFT
  12. FED reserve establish a _____ policy
  13. federal deposit insurance cooperation

32 Clues: FED chairmanCertificate of Depositcentral bank of the U.S.federal reserve provides:A list of your investmentsthose people that do the workinvesting is a great way to makefederal reserve was established incustomers are required to apply forFED reserve establish a _____ policyfederal deposit insurance cooperation...

Business 2022-11-17

Business crossword puzzle
  1. the amount of money you owe to a bank when you have spent more than you had in your bank account
  2. Someone who is wise and careful of spending money
  3. to reduce the amount of money that you use
  4. an amount of money that is paid back to you when you have paid too much tax
  5. The sudden increase in prices
  6. old but high quality
  7. a sum of money that a person or organization owes
  8. a situation when all people are treated equally and no one has an unfair advantage
  9. a short phrase that is easy to remember
  10. a short song used in advertisements.
  11. the extra money that you have to pay when you borrow money
  12. The place where people bid
  13. when a business has to close down that business has gone ......
  1. something that you buy cheaply or far less than its original price
  2. the money that people receive after retirement
  3. a synonym for money
  4. someone who spends money carelessly and buys more than they need
  5. synonym of keen e.g. I'm an ...... reader
  6. a person who starts a business
  7. The person who buys from the seller and sells to the buyer
  8. when someone doesn't have money we say that person is ......
  9. official orders or laws stopping trade, communication with another country
  10. The system or type of money that a country uses
  11. a difficult time when there is less trade, business and activity
  12. the money that a college/university gives you without needing to return it

25 Clues: a synonym for moneyold but high qualityThe place where people bidThe sudden increase in pricesa person who starts a businessa short song used in advertisements.a short phrase that is easy to remembersynonym of keen e.g. I'm an ...... readerto reduce the amount of money that you usethe money that people receive after retirement...

Business 2017-01-16

Business crossword puzzle
  1. create
  2. paper
  3. complicated
  4. aid
  5. workers
  6. capacity
  7. oversee
  8. place in order
  9. keep
  10. factor making sthg easier
  11. inventory
  12. trustworthy
  1. supply
  2. buy
  3. information
  4. stimulate to action
  5. timetable
  6. put in order of importante
  7. people communication
  8. divide share out
  9. procedure

21 Clues: buyaidkeeppapercreatesupplyworkersoverseecapacitytimetableprocedureinventoryinformationcomplicatedtrustworthyplace in orderdivide share outstimulate to actionpeople communicationfactor making sthg easierput in order of importante

BUSINESS 2019-08-27

BUSINESS crossword puzzle


BUSINESS 2019-08-27

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  11. SALARY


BUSINESS 2019-08-27

BUSINESS crossword puzzle


business 2023-05-23

business crossword puzzle
  1. production activity that determines sequence of steps in production process
  2. business that employs 500 or fewer people
  3. long-term value of choices
  4. intermediaries who help move goods between producers and retailers
  5. keeping accurate and useful financial records
  6. fulfilling the requirements of the law
  7. to act to bully toward
  8. having necessary ability
  9. command economic system in which government controls the economic system(no private ownership)
  10. natural ability to do something
  11. inflated sense of self-importance
  1. computerized storage for information and facts
  2. payment or gift
  3. sum of money paid to an investor or stockholder as earnings on an investment
  4. chances of loss that carry with them the possibility of loss or no loss
  5. programs that instruct computers to perform specific operations
  6. desire for work or activity
  7. loyalty to a particular business
  8. nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services that is not paid for by the company
  9. random access memory
  10. are piece of code which is capable of copying itself and has a detrimental effect
  11. an occupation undertaken for a period of life
  12. A condition resulting from the gap between limited resources and unlimited wants

23 Clues: payment or giftrandom access memoryto act to bully towardhaving necessary abilitylong-term value of choicesdesire for work or activitynatural ability to do somethingloyalty to a particular businessinflated sense of self-importancefulfilling the requirements of the lawbusiness that employs 500 or fewer people...

Business 2023-06-24

Business crossword puzzle
  1. - businesses discontinue these product categories
  2. - a company that has the highest market share
  3. - if they have a high bargaining power, the company loses their competitiveness
  4. - selling the existing product to the existing market
  5. - a product that has a high market share in a low growth rate
  6. - a main objective of a private sector company
  7. - new products are launched as a in the boston matrix
  8. - is a PESTLE factor
  9. - the growth strategy that has the highest level of risks
  10. - a short term plan to overcome an obstacle
  11. - a strategy that enables the business to create a unique selling point
  1. - a document that conveys the values of a business to the stakeholders
  2. - another name for Portfolio analysis
  3. - a long term plan to achieve the set objectives
  4. - one resource that is impacted by strategy
  5. - a tool that highlights the growth avenues available to a business
  6. - a tool that audits the internal and external considerations
  7. - one factor that is excluded in the PESTLE analysis
  8. - a way that a business can achieve differentiation
  9. - a long term goal a business sets
  10. - the name of the individual who introduced a matrix that defines the strategies to gain competitive advantage

21 Clues: - is a PESTLE factor- a long term goal a business sets- another name for Portfolio analysis- one resource that is impacted by strategy- a short term plan to overcome an obstacle- a company that has the highest market share- a main objective of a private sector company- a long term plan to achieve the set objectives...

Business 2023-07-28

Business crossword puzzle
  1. A stock of an item
  2. Group of People with the right to govern a state or country
  3. Someone who works for someone else
  4. Exchange of goods
  5. Money being made
  6. Getting something better than what you already have
  7. Serving others
  8. 2 people running a business
  9. Money Received
  1. Working together
  2. A person's regular job
  3. A regular payment
  4. A self-employed person
  5. Amount of money been willing to spend
  6. Item used to pay for things
  7. The sales of goods in customers
  8. Money you pay to the Government
  9. A method of selling an item
  10. Where buyers and sellers can meet to exchange and transaction
  11. The amount of money brought to a company

20 Clues: Serving othersMoney ReceivedWorking togetherMoney being madeA regular paymentExchange of goodsA stock of an itemA person's regular jobA self-employed personItem used to pay for thingsA method of selling an item2 people running a businessThe sales of goods in customersMoney you pay to the GovernmentSomeone who works for someone else...

Business 2023-10-31

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Management-is the use of government revenue collection (taxation) and expenditure (spending) to influence the economy
  2. well under pressure- Being able to get things done under stress
  3. and Motivation- Able to encourage and lead people.
  4. Having a mind that is able to come up with ideas
  5. Having good connections and good associates for business.
  6. Management- Being able to manage there time used.
  7. Quotient-awareness of one's own emotions and moods and those of others, esp in managing people
  8. Not having to have things done just one way, but rather being diverse.
  9. Ability to come up with ideas and make them stand out
  10. oriented- Able to be good at more than one thing.
  11. Management-process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict.
  1. Focus- Knows what the customer wants and listens.
  2. A person that can be depended on.
  3. of endurance under difficult circumstances.
  4. Hears what people say and considers all aspects.
  5. others- Having a impact on other peoples life's.
  6. a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding
  7. skills- Being able to connect with others.
  8. to achieve Goals- Having a motive to get things completed
  9. in Computer Skills- Being able to use Word, Excel, etc.
  10. thinking- Being able to think outside the box and be efficient with your ideas.

21 Clues: A person that can be depended on.skills- Being able to connect with others.of endurance under difficult circumstances.Hears what people say and considers all aspects.Having a mind that is able to come up with ideasothers- Having a impact on other peoples life's.Focus- Knows what the customer wants and listens....

Business 2023-10-26

Business crossword puzzle
  1. a person or company that buys goods
  2. property that you promise to give to if you cannot pay back the money that you borrow.
  3. is somebody who buys things for their own use.
  4. an amount of money that is paid in one large amount on one occasion
  5. a society in which people often buy new goods, especially goods that they do not need, and in which a high value is placed on owning many things
  6. a person or company that buys services
  7. money or goods that are given to help a person or organization, or the act of giving them
  8. if a bank or other organization lends money, it gives money to someone who agrees that they will pay the money back in the future, usually with extra money added to the original amount
  9. one of the equal parts that the ownership of a company is divided into, and that can be bought by members of the public
  10. a person who has the same social status somebody as you.
  11. a dollar
  12. to trade goods or services without using money. Each person exchanges something they have for something they want.
  13. a pound sterling
  14. the situation in which something becomes weaker, or something or someone becomes less confident than before
  15. if you cannot afford to do something, you do not have enough money to do that. You must not do it because it would cause serious problems for you
  16. an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service
  17. to obtain money which has to be repaid in the future. People often borrow money from banks. Until the money is repaid, the person who borrows usually has to pay interest.
  18. an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose
  19. an official statement of what a person has decided should be done with their money and property after their death
  20. a) The amount of money you have available to spend; b) A plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend
  21. can be divided exactly by 2 (e.g. 2, 4, 6, and 8)
  22. the amount of money and comfort people have in a particular society
  23. is the price the lender charges when somebody borrows money. It is a percentage of the total loan, or amount borrowed.
  1. the money that you pay for a journey in public transport, (e.g. a bus or train)
  2. the money you keep, esp. in a bank or other financial organization
  3. a person or a company that buys goods from the company that makes them and sells them to somebody else.
  4. a very large amount of money
  5. the amount of money that a person needs to live
  6. something that is bought for a lower price than usual
  7. an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with anextra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing
  8. the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time
  9. a number that cannot be divided exactly by 2 (e.g.3, 5, 7, and 9)
  10. a stock exchange; the value of all investments that are traded
  11. to ask for payment in return for providing goods or services.
  12. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
  13. the rate at which the money of one country can be changed for the money of another country
  14. to discuss what the price of something will be, or how payment will be made
  15. a general, continuous increase in prices
  16. (a record of) money taken out of a bank account
  17. an agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house, or the amount of money itself
  18. the interest percent that a bank or other financial company charges you when you borrow money, or the interest percent it pays you when you keep money in an account
  19. is gold or silver before it is made into coins. Bars of gold or silver are bullion.
  20. one of a number of parts into which an amount of money that is owed has been divided. Payments are made regularly until the total amount has been paid back
  21. an amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the agreement that allows this
  22. an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law
  23. to pay someone an amount of money when you make an agreement with that person to pay for or buy something that either will be returned to you later, if the agreed arrangement is kept, or that forms part of the total payment
  24. to have no money

47 Clues: a dollara pound sterlingto have no moneya very large amount of moneya person or company that buys goodsa person or company that buys servicesa general, continuous increase in pricesis somebody who buys things for their own use.the amount of money that a person needs to live(a record of) money taken out of a bank account...

Business 2023-12-04

Business crossword puzzle
  1. type of enterprise owned and run by one person and there's no legal distinction between the owner and business
  2. when a company sends in house jobs to be performed in another country
  3. a legal and contractual mechanism for creating and operating a business profit
  4. a resource with economic value that an individual or corporation owns or controls
  5. a share of profits and retained earnings that a company pays out to its shareholders and owners
  6. something a person or company owes, usually a sum of money
  7. investment securities where an investor lends money to a company or a government for a set period of time in exchange for regular interest payments
  8. permits issued by government agencies allowing authorization to start a business
  9. collective refusal by employees to work under the conditions required by emploers
  10. a nonprofit organization made up of a collection of companies
  11. a legally binding payment made to an individual or company for the ongoing use of their assets, including copyright works and franchises
  1. the sum of the employed and the unemployed
  2. a business whereby the owner licenses its operations along with its products branding, and knowledge in exchange for a franchise-fee
  3. an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations and share its profits and liabilities
  4. highly trained educated or experienced segments of the workforce that can complete more complex mental or physical tasks on the job
  5. the demand for a good or service that results from the demand for a different, or related, good or service
  6. the business practice of hiring a party outside a company to perfrom services or create goods that were traditionally performed in house by the companies own employees and staff
  7. shows the connection between two variables
  8. gains that can be expressed in financial terms as the result of an improvement in facilities provided by a government, local authority, etc.
  9. specific rules and regulations for pieces of land divided into zones by the government

20 Clues: the sum of the employed and the unemployedshows the connection between two variablessomething a person or company owes, usually a sum of moneya nonprofit organization made up of a collection of companieswhen a company sends in house jobs to be performed in another countrya legal and contractual mechanism for creating and operating a business profit...

Business 2023-12-07

Business crossword puzzle
  1. The financial statement that shows a company's cash inflows and outflows over a specific period.
  2. The amount of money charged for a product or service.
  3. A legal entity that is separate from its owners and is taxed separately.
  4. A financial statement that shows a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
  5. A strategy where a company introduces new products to existing markets.
  6. The amount of money a business earns from its activities.
  7. The process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data to make informed business decisions.
  8. A measure of a company's ability to pay its short-term obligations.
  9. The process of converting raw materials into finished goods.
  10. The amount of money a business owes to its creditors.
  1. The portion of a company's profits that is paid to shareholders.
  2. The money invested in a business by its owners.
  3. The amount of money a business has after deducting its expenses from revenue.
  4. The amount of money a business has left after paying all its expenses.
  5. The initial capital invested in a business by its founders.
  6. A market structure characterized by a single seller dominating the market.
  7. The total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock.
  8. A legal agreement that allows one party to use another party's brand, trademark, or patented process.
  9. The process of creating, promoting, and selling goods or services.
  10. The risk associated with changes in interest rates, exchange rates, or commodity prices.
  11. The study of how individuals and businesses allocate resources to satisfy needs and wants.
  12. A person or organization that buys goods or services from a business.

22 Clues: The money invested in a business by its owners.The amount of money charged for a product or service.The amount of money a business owes to its creditors.The amount of money a business earns from its activities.The initial capital invested in a business by its founders.The total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock....

Business 2023-12-07

Business crossword puzzle
  1. The financial statement that shows a company's cash inflows and outflows over a specific period.
  2. The amount of money charged for a product or service.
  3. A legal entity that is separate from its owners and is taxed separately.
  4. A financial statement that shows a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
  5. A strategy where a company introduces new products to existing markets.
  6. The amount of money a business earns from its activities.
  7. The process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data to make informed business decisions.
  8. A measure of a company's ability to pay its short-term obligations.
  9. The process of converting raw materials into finished goods.
  10. The amount of money a business owes to its creditors.
  1. The portion of a company's profits that is paid to shareholders.
  2. The money invested in a business by its owners.
  3. The amount of money a business has after deducting its expenses from revenue.
  4. The amount of money a business has left after paying all its expenses.
  5. The initial capital invested in a business by its founders.
  6. A market structure characterized by a single seller dominating the market.
  7. The total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock.
  8. A legal agreement that allows one party to use another party's brand, trademark, or patented process.
  9. The process of creating, promoting, and selling goods or services.
  10. The risk associated with changes in interest rates, exchange rates, or commodity prices.
  11. The study of how individuals and businesses allocate resources to satisfy needs and wants.
  12. A person or organization that buys goods or services from a business.

22 Clues: The money invested in a business by its owners.The amount of money charged for a product or service.The amount of money a business owes to its creditors.The amount of money a business earns from its activities.The initial capital invested in a business by its founders.The total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock....

Business 2023-12-07

Business crossword puzzle
  1. The financial statement that shows a company's cash inflows and outflows over a specific period.
  2. The amount of money charged for a product or service.
  3. A legal entity that is separate from its owners and is taxed separately.
  4. A financial statement that shows a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
  5. A strategy where a company introduces new products to existing markets.
  6. The amount of money a business earns from its activities.
  7. The process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data to make informed business decisions.
  8. A measure of a company's ability to pay its short-term obligations.
  9. The process of converting raw materials into finished goods.
  10. The amount of money a business owes to its creditors.
  1. The portion of a company's profits that is paid to shareholders.
  2. The money invested in a business by its owners.
  3. The amount of money a business has after deducting its expenses from revenue.
  4. The amount of money a business has left after paying all its expenses.
  5. The initial capital invested in a business by its founders.
  6. A market structure characterized by a single seller dominating the market.
  7. The total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock.
  8. A legal agreement that allows one party to use another party's brand, trademark, or patented process.
  9. The process of creating, promoting, and selling goods or services.
  10. The risk associated with changes in interest rates, exchange rates, or commodity prices.
  11. The study of how individuals and businesses allocate resources to satisfy needs and wants.
  12. A person or organization that buys goods or services from a business.

22 Clues: The money invested in a business by its owners.The amount of money charged for a product or service.The amount of money a business owes to its creditors.The amount of money a business earns from its activities.The initial capital invested in a business by its founders.The total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock....

Business 2023-09-14

Business crossword puzzle
  1. need that encompasses, personal security, financial security, health and well-being.
  2. individual that is looking buying a product.
  3. Raw material we get from Earth.
  4. The act of printing out more money and having prices grow on the market.
  5. need that includes, love, family, belonging and etc.,
  6. need encompassing, strength, pride, respect and etc.,
  7. Item that is wanted due to the price.
  8. new strategies to improve an existing product on how they are manufactured or distributed.
  9. people in the workforce (providing goods & services)
  10. equipment, money, and building, that are used to make goods & services
  1. goods that are used together.
  2. Item wanted due to something other than the price.
  3. need that includes, water, air, food, shelter, warmth, sleep and health.
  4. the fulfillment of ones talent and potentiality.
  5. businesses rely on many other businesses in order to keep going.
  6. cannot be perceived by touch.
  7. item that can bee seen or touched.
  8. an item that is not necessary but add pleasure to life.
  9. assistance provided usually in return for money.
  10. to come up with a unique idea no one has thought of before.
  11. item bought that is NOT for survival
  12. individual that is using a bought product.
  13. an item necessary for survival such at food, or water.
  14. item bought FOR survival.
  15. individual or business that makes a product.

25 Clues: item bought FOR survival.goods that are used together.cannot be perceived by touch.Raw material we get from Earth.item that can bee seen or touched.item bought that is NOT for survivalItem that is wanted due to the price.individual that is using a bought product.individual that is looking buying a product....

business 2024-07-05

business crossword puzzle
  1. assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.
  2. the money lent or made available under a credit arrangement.
  3. an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  4. a record or statement of financial expenditure or receipts relating to a particular period or purpose.
  5. a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.
  6. a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.
  7. The formal decision making process used when considering the economic feasibility of implementing information security controls and safeguards
  8. Grants are non-repayable funds or products disbursed by one party (grantmakers), often a government department, corporation, foundation or trust, to a recipient, often (but not always) a nonprofit entity, educational institution, business or an individual.
  9. general agreement
  10. Resources the personnel of a business or organization, especially when regarded as a significant asset.
  11. the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.
  12. economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories.
  1. of directors- A board of directors is a group of individuals that are elected as, or elected to act as, representatives of the stockholders to establish corporate management related policies and to make decisions on major company issues.
  2. the value of the shares issued by a company.
  3. wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing.
  4. an amount of money added to wages on a seasonal basis, especially as a reward for good performance.
  5. Rate the value of the shares issued by a company.
  6. start or set in motion an activity or enterprise
  7. Service Department
  8. the action or process of keeping financial accounts.
  9. the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce.
  10. a sum deposited with a broker to cover the risk of loss on a transaction or account.
  11. The detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies.

23 Clues: general agreementService Departmentthe value of the shares issued by a company.start or set in motion an activity or enterpriseRate the value of the shares issued by a company.the action or process of keeping financial accounts.the money lent or made available under a credit arrangement.the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce....

Business 2024-07-05

Business crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the economy where the resources are owned and controlled by both the private and public sectors, that's called ...
  2. Goods or services that are essential to living are called...
  3. A person that takes risks in a business is called...
  4. A complete description of a business and its plans for the next one to three years is called...
  5. A sector that's concerned with making and assembling products ,manufacturers use raw materials and parts from other industries, is called...
  6. Unlimited wants cannot be met because there are limited factors of production, this creates scarcity, this is called...
  7. Products which are sold to the final consumer, can be seen and touched are called...
  8. Investing in new products or selling more of existing products is called...
  9. A sector that gives something of value to people( a service), is called...
  1. Physical goods, such as machinery and delivery vehicles, used by other businesses to help produce other goods and services are called...
  2. The part of the economy that is owned and controlled by the state or government is called...
  3. Able to cut costs and win a greater share of the market, develop new products or sell to new markets, can also be external or internal, this is called...
  4. Involves the takeover of another business or merger with another business is called...
  5. Good or services which people would like, but not essential for living are called...
  6. Non-tangible products such as insurance services, transport are called...
  7. A sector that's concerned with using natural resources, including farming, mining and oil drilling, is called...
  8. The process of producing goods and services to satisfy consumer demand is called...
  9. When there are not enough goods and services to meet the wants of the population, that's called...
  10. A mix of private sector and public sector enterprises is called...
  11. The benefit that could have been gained from an alternative use of the same resource is called...

20 Clues: A person that takes risks in a business is called...Goods or services that are essential to living are called...A mix of private sector and public sector enterprises is called...Non-tangible products such as insurance services, transport are called...A sector that gives something of value to people( a service), is called......

business 2024-07-05

business crossword puzzle
  1. the movement of goods through the production process
  2. a tax on spending in the UK
  3. production holds as little stock as possible
  4. a direct tax paid as a percentage of what you earn
  5. a motive of an entrepreneur
  6. when a business joins with another in the same stage of production process
  7. the first stage of production
  8. the sector that produces goods and services in order to make a profit
  9. using a computer to create 3d images of a product
  10. Another term for internal growth
  11. someone who uses the end product
  12. a person who makes a business
  13. production of one of a kind item
  14. money paid out of a business
  15. a general goal for a business
  16. they have unlimited liability
  17. a person who is impacted by a business
  1. What does the S stand for in a SMART target?
  2. a method of production that can be continued in the long run without damaging the environment
  3. the money generated from sales
  4. a document that sets out what the business does and what it intends to achieve
  5. a geographical area where a business may be found
  6. a person that sells a franchise to a person
  7. the type of material used by businesses in the secondary sector
  8. when prices for good and services become more expensive
  9. When machines are used in production
  10. ICT software used by a finance department to keep track of spending
  11. when a business does the right thing
  12. when a product lasts for a long time
  13. A document drawn up in a partnership, it ensures there is fairness and equality

30 Clues: a tax on spending in the UKa motive of an entrepreneurmoney paid out of a businessthe first stage of productiona person who makes a businessa general goal for a businessthey have unlimited liabilitythe money generated from salesAnother term for internal growthsomeone who uses the end productproduction of one of a kind item...

Business 2024-07-05

Business crossword puzzle
  1. An item that is sold for cheap value that will be discontinued
  2. A competitive scenario with a possible prize
  3. Something in the business setting that will be considered to maybe make a change
  4. The foundation of trying to start a business and expand it as well
  5. A message/communication with others that would use that product
  6. An advertising form that is in your possession by way of physical print
  7. A set amount of money that must be paid to get a product
  8. Someone/thing that intends to give assistance to others in need
  9. advertising that people are exposed to outside of their homes and not online
  10. A slip/code that give you a discount on items
  11. A partial refund to someone who has overpaid on a bill(s)
  1. Something that happens in a business scenario that is used to promote the business
  2. The act or fact of being raised in position or ranking
  3. The face of the brand/representation of the business An organization involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities
  4. Advertisements that are found on other websites that show sponsors
  5. A shorter sentence/phrase chose by someone to follow and to not break, guiding their beliefs/ideas
  6. Advertisements that you can listen to in some way/shape/form
  7. The location in which products are sold
  8. The character that is a representation of the logo.
  9. The thing that is being sold to the customers
  10. A group or single individual that buys or consumes from the product

21 Clues: The location in which products are soldA competitive scenario with a possible prizeThe thing that is being sold to the customersA slip/code that give you a discount on itemsThe character that is a representation of the logo.The act or fact of being raised in position or rankingA set amount of money that must be paid to get a product...

Business 2024-02-22

Business crossword puzzle
  1. showing a kindness and care toward those in need
  2. unusual, rare, extraordinary
  3. a person or organization that uses a service
  4. to introduce something new or different
  5. a goal
  6. money that is readily available
  7. a medium of exchange that includes coins or paper
  8. the act of calling attention to a product, service or need using paid announcements
  9. generous actions to aid people in need
  1. a social group that lives, works, or plays together
  2. the act of presenting something as a gift or contribution
  3. to advise or convince
  4. a systematic series of actions directed to some end
  5. the act of a person who attempts any task or responsibility
  6. a written composition, usually nonfiction
  7. a difficult or important project
  8. a customary or regular course of procedure
  9. gains as result of a transaction
  10. the buying and selling of goods to make a profit
  11. a group of people generally working together or towards the same goal

20 Clues: a goalto advise or convinceunusual, rare, extraordinarymoney that is readily availablea difficult or important projectgains as result of a transactiongenerous actions to aid people in needto introduce something new or differenta written composition, usually nonfictiona customary or regular course of procedure...

Business 2016-06-11

Business crossword puzzle
  1. When your sales are greater than the costs to run your business.
  2. A process where someone contributes money into something to gain more money or material result.
  3. A company or group that is authorized to act together as one.
  4. When you investigate or check something systematically.
  5. A business that requires two people.
  6. The ability to advertise your product or service through creative and innovative ideas.
  7. A business that provides banking services for profit.
  8. A business enterprise in which the expectation of gain is accompanied by the risk of loss or failure.
  9. Are the claims against the assets of the creditors.
  1. A _________ protects certain things for 50 years after the author's death.
  2. Some people work full time and others work ________.
  3. Employee's setup a home office for them to __________.
  4. A person who takes the risk of turning opportunity into profit.
  5. A function that is provided by a business for a consumer.
  6. Business/Organization that is engaged in competition with others.
  7. A business organization.
  8. Being able to develop business relationships by interacting with them.
  9. An individual or firm that will give start up money in exchange for shares or ownership.
  10. Register Retirement Savings Plan, used to save for retirement.
  11. Resources owned by a business

20 Clues: A business organization.Resources owned by a businessA business that requires two people.Are the claims against the assets of the creditors.Some people work full time and others work ________.A business that provides banking services for profit.Employee's setup a home office for them to __________....

business 2016-02-24

business crossword puzzle
  1. two or more firms involved in different stages of producing same good or service
  2. company taxed on its profit and shareholders are taxed again
  3. combine land, labor, and capital to create a market
  4. only one partner is required to be a general partner
  5. don't operate for two purposes of generating profit
  6. portion of corporate profits paid out to stockholders
  7. corporation cannot lose more than what they paid for their stock
  8. Money and other valuable belonging to an individual
  9. concept that everyone can compete in a market place
  10. establishment formed to carry on commercial enterprise
  11. :one person assets can be seized to pay business debt
  1. combination of two or more firms competing in the same market
  2. right to sell a good or service within a market
  3. death of an owner ends the business and its must be reestablished in new owner name
  4. repay borrowed money or intervals
  5. amount of goods available
  6. owned/managed by a single individual
  7. owned by two or more person
  8. legal entity owned by stockholders
  9. legal bound obligations to pay debts
  10. certificate of ownership in a corporation

21 Clues: amount of goods availableowned by two or more personrepay borrowed money or intervalsowned/managed by a single individuallegal bound obligations to pay debtslegal entity owned by stockholderscertificate of ownership in a corporationright to sell a good or service within a marketcombine land, labor, and capital to create a market...

business 2016-02-21

business crossword puzzle
  1. tytäryhtiö
  2. liikevaihto
  3. sopivuus
  4. osuuskunta
  5. julkinen osakeyhtiö
  6. saavutus
  7. kommandiittiyhtiö
  8. työnantaja
  1. hallitus
  2. osakeyhtiö
  3. kuvaus
  4. tulos
  5. toimitusjohtaja
  6. avoin yhtiö
  7. puheenjohtaja
  8. johto
  9. pääkonttori
  10. elinkeinonharjoittaja
  11. kirjanpito
  12. hallinto

20 Clues: tulosjohtokuvaushallitussopivuussaavutushallintoosakeyhtiötytäryhtiöosuuskuntakirjanpitotyönantajaavoin yhtiöliikevaihtopääkonttoripuheenjohtajatoimitusjohtajakommandiittiyhtiöjulkinen osakeyhtiöelinkeinonharjoittaja

business 2017-01-11

business crossword puzzle
  1. assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.
  2. the money lent or made available under a credit arrangement.
  3. an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  4. a record or statement of financial expenditure or receipts relating to a particular period or purpose.
  5. a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.
  6. a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.
  7. The formal decision making process used when considering the economic feasibility of implementing information security controls and safeguards
  8. Grants are non-repayable funds or products disbursed by one party (grantmakers), often a government department, corporation, foundation or trust, to a recipient, often (but not always) a nonprofit entity, educational institution, business or an individual.
  9. general agreement
  10. Resources the personnel of a business or organization, especially when regarded as a significant asset.
  11. the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.
  12. economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories.
  1. of directors- A board of directors is a group of individuals that are elected as, or elected to act as, representatives of the stockholders to establish corporate management related policies and to make decisions on major company issues.
  2. the value of the shares issued by a company.
  3. wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing.
  4. an amount of money added to wages on a seasonal basis, especially as a reward for good performance.
  5. Rate the value of the shares issued by a company.
  6. start or set in motion an activity or enterprise
  7. Service Department
  8. the action or process of keeping financial accounts.
  9. the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce.
  10. a sum deposited with a broker to cover the risk of loss on a transaction or account.
  11. The detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies.

23 Clues: general agreementService Departmentthe value of the shares issued by a company.start or set in motion an activity or enterpriseRate the value of the shares issued by a company.the action or process of keeping financial accounts.the money lent or made available under a credit arrangement.the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce....

business 2018-05-21

business crossword puzzle
  1. when you run out of stock
  2. mans best friend
  3. a job or task that we pay them to do for us
  4. resources that we make to make your task easier
  5. selling to other countries
  6. the buying of products from another country
  7. the human effort to produce goods
  8. using up of items
  9. an item that we need to survive
  10. to take risks and asses your chances
  11. a person that wants or needs to buy a product from a producer
  1. something we want but don't need to survive
  2. a small section of the market for which a business choose to design it
  3. an activity to produce goods and services
  4. is an amount that of goods or services that the supplier is willing to supply
  5. anything you can use to make things
  6. a business that competes with other places to look more attractive
  7. a natural resource that we use to make something
  8. a person who gets items for people to buy and producers goods and wants for them
  9. price it is a price that buyers a willing to pay

20 Clues: mans best friendusing up of itemswhen you run out of stockselling to other countriesan item that we need to survivethe human effort to produce goodsanything you can use to make thingsto take risks and asses your chancesan activity to produce goods and servicessomething we want but don't need to survivea job or task that we pay them to do for us...

Business 2018-05-25

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Net Profit/Revenue
  2. Current Capacity used/Total Capacity *100
  3. Change in market sales/Old market sales *100
  4. Units Produced/Employees
  5. Number of staff leaving business/NUmber of staff employed * 100
  6. Revenue - Cost of Sales
  7. Operating Profit/Revenue
  8. %change in demand/%change in price
  9. Fixed Costs/Contribution per Unit
  10. Sales of Business/Total Market Sales * 100
  11. Operating Profit - Tax
  1. Original Share Price * Shares Issued
  2. Total Labour Costs/Units Produced
  3. Gross Profit - Expenses
  4. Number of days absent/Total working days * 100
  5. Profit From Investment/Investment * 100
  6. Number of Staff retained/Number of staff employed * 100
  7. %change in demand/%change in income
  8. Selling Price per unit-Variable cost per unit
  9. Current Share Price * Shares Issued
  10. Gross Profit/Revenue

21 Clues: Net Profit/RevenueGross Profit/RevenueOperating Profit - TaxGross Profit - ExpensesRevenue - Cost of SalesUnits Produced/EmployeesOperating Profit/RevenueTotal Labour Costs/Units ProducedFixed Costs/Contribution per Unit%change in demand/%change in price%change in demand/%change in incomeCurrent Share Price * Shares Issued...

Business 2014-01-25

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Making as much profit as possible in a given time period
  2. Areas of land which were once used for urban development
  3. People's desires for goods and services
  4. A business owned by between 2 and 20 people
  5. Appointing workers from outside the business
  6. The growing integration of the world's economies
  7. An individual who organizes the other factors of production and risks their own money in a business venture
  8. The production of services in the economy
  9. Physical products like a mobile phone or a pair of shoes
  1. An individual or group with an interest in the operation of business
  2. A personal profile of the type of person needed to do a particular job
  3. In business, the production of a limited range of goods
  4. The goals or targets set by a business
  5. A business organisation which has a separate legal identity from its owner
  6. Where the owner of a business is personally liable for all business depts
  7. A market for shares in PLCs
  8. Where a business allows another operator to trade under their name
  9. The transformation of resources into goods and services
  10. Goods and services produced by one business for another
  11. Non-physical products like banking,car washing and work disposal

20 Clues: A market for shares in PLCsThe goals or targets set by a businessPeople's desires for goods and servicesThe production of services in the economyA business owned by between 2 and 20 peopleAppointing workers from outside the businessThe growing integration of the world's economiesIn business, the production of a limited range of goods...

Business 2014-01-21

Business crossword puzzle
  1. any form of communication to convince the public to buy products
  2. films or products that are popular year after year
  3. pricing based on consumer perception
  4. payment material that's been copyrighted
  5. selling all goods in a product line at specific price points the percent of total sales of all companies that sell the same type of product
  6. percentage of total sales of all companies that sell the same type of product
  7. changing a products image in relation to a competitors
  8. unauthorized use of copy righted material
  9. total assortment of products that a company makes and sells
  10. previews of upcoming movies shown before the main feature
  1. the variety of promotional activity and materials that complement and support the advertising effort
  2. process of developing, promoting and distributing products
  3. involves producing and marketing a product
  4. statistics that describe a population
  5. study of the choices and decisions that affect making, distributing and using goods and services
  6. a pattern, habit or tendency following a general course
  7. gross income
  8. legal protection of a creator's intellectual property of products
  9. support of a product or idea
  10. collection of numerical data that can be compared, analyzed and interpreted

20 Clues: gross incomesupport of a product or ideapricing based on consumer perceptionstatistics that describe a populationpayment material that's been copyrightedunauthorized use of copy righted materialinvolves producing and marketing a productfilms or products that are popular year after yearchanging a products image in relation to a competitors...

Business 2014-05-20

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Describe, giving reasons, a business idea, observation or issue.
  2. By looking at all aspects of a particular business decision or proposal, consider a
  3. Employees work in a location away from the workplace.
  4. Intergration and interdependence of economics.
  5. The vertical transfer of information in a hierarchy, via meetings between staff at different levels of the hierarchy.
  6. Occur when the employer can no longer afford to hire the worker.
  7. Consider a business decision or proposal which sets out its assumptions and interrelationships.
  8. The senior members of satff who have been elected by shareholders of a company to run the business on their behalf.
  9. Updating employee skills in delivering CSR such as good customer care.
  10. Using the power of pressure groups to influence key issues
  1. Tax on imports.
  2. Person who sells the license of their business.
  3. Refusal to buy products from a business as a sign of protest.
  4. Show the differences between ideas or concepts.
  5. Take out the action of government on the economy.
  6. The process of shifting through applications to identify suitable candidates for the jobs.
  7. Transferring a staff member from a department or branch that no longer requires their services to other areas of business.
  8. Quantity limits n the scale of foreign imports.
  9. Add information or data.
  10. Person who buys a business.
  11. view of the decision or proposal.
  12. The process of hiring suitable workers.
  13. Description or observation of business data or information relating to a business decision or issue.

23 Clues: Tax on imports.Add information or data.Person who buys a business.view of the decision or proposal.The process of hiring suitable workers.Intergration and interdependence of economics.Person who sells the license of their business.Show the differences between ideas or concepts.Quantity limits n the scale of foreign imports....

Business 2014-05-20

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Quantity limits n the scale of foreign imports.
  2. By looking at all aspects of a particular business decision or proposal, consider a
  3. Description or observation of business data or information relating to a business decision or issue.
  4. Person who buys a business.
  5. Occur when the employer can no longer afford to hire the worker.
  6. Intergration and interdependence of economics.
  7. Show the differences between ideas or concepts.
  8. Employees work in a location away from the workplace.
  9. Refusal to buy products from a business as a sign of protest.
  10. Add information or data.
  11. Updating employee skills in delivering CSR such as good customer care.
  12. Tax on imports.
  1. The senior members of satff who have been elected by shareholders of a company to run the business on their behalf.
  2. The vertical transfer of information in a hierarchy, via meetings between staff at different levels of the hierarchy.
  3. view of the decision or proposal.
  4. The process of shifting through applications to identify suitable candidates for the jobs.
  5. Transferring a staff member from a department or branch that no longer requires their services to other areas of business.
  6. Using the power of pressure groups to influence key issues
  7. Take out the action of government on the economy.
  8. The process of hiring suitable workers.
  9. Person who sells the license of their business.
  10. Describe, giving reasons, a business idea, observation or issue.
  11. Consider a business decision or proposal which sets out its assumptions and interrelationships.

23 Clues: Tax on imports.Add information or data.Person who buys a business.view of the decision or proposal.The process of hiring suitable workers.Intergration and interdependence of economics.Quantity limits n the scale of foreign imports.Show the differences between ideas or concepts.Person who sells the license of their business....

Business 2021-09-13

Business crossword puzzle
  1. the wide amount of skills you need for a business
  2. adding new members to your business
  3. set payment
  4. obtain goods from outside supplier
  5. keeping something up to date
  6. given after person does something well
  7. meeting half between two opposing opinions
  8. arbitrator to resolve disputes
  9. rewards that are related to cash
  10. someone with interest in your business
  11. obtaining an asset
  12. process for when employee disagrees with employer
  13. group of people who believe in power in numbers
  14. designing a job
  1. set skills you need for a business
  2. meditating between two different parties
  3. going different ways
  4. unfair treatment due to race gender etc
  5. help negotiate for the employer
  6. monitoring a persons performance
  7. ethics of a business
  8. something buddhas do
  9. part of the business to do with recruitment
  10. action of doing something that results in change
  11. being absent

25 Clues: set paymentbeing absentdesigning a jobobtaining an assetgoing different waysethics of a businesssomething buddhas dokeeping something up to datearbitrator to resolve disputeshelp negotiate for the employermonitoring a persons performancerewards that are related to cashset skills you need for a businessobtain goods from outside supplier...

business 2022-04-21

business crossword puzzle
  3. that earns an interest
  4. A financial institution licensed to
  5. Anything you owe; a debt
  6. DEBT
  1. A banking account to save or store
  6. A banking account for everyday expenses
  7. deposits and make loans


Business 2022-04-22

Business crossword puzzle
  1. An item that is sold for cheap value that will be discontinued
  2. A competitive scenario with a possible prize
  3. Something in the business setting that will be considered to maybe make a change
  4. The foundation of trying to start a business and expand it as well
  5. A message/communication with others that would use that product
  6. An advertising form that is in your possession by way of physical print
  7. A set amount of money that must be paid to get a product
  8. Someone/thing that intends to give assistance to others in need
  9. advertising that people are exposed to outside of their homes and not online
  10. A slip/code that give you a discount on items
  11. A partial refund to someone who has overpaid on a bill(s)
  1. Something that happens in a business scenario that is used to promote the business
  2. The act or fact of being raised in position or ranking
  3. The face of the brand/representation of the business An organization involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities
  4. Advertisements that are found on other websites that show sponsors
  5. A shorter sentence/phrase chose by someone to follow and to not break, guiding their beliefs/ideas
  6. Advertisements that you can listen to in some way/shape/form
  7. The location in which products are sold
  8. The character that is a representation of the logo.
  9. The thing that is being sold to the customers
  10. A group or single individual that buys or consumes from the product

21 Clues: The location in which products are soldA competitive scenario with a possible prizeThe thing that is being sold to the customersA slip/code that give you a discount on itemsThe character that is a representation of the logo.The act or fact of being raised in position or rankingA set amount of money that must be paid to get a product...

Business 2022-11-15

Business crossword puzzle
  1. To categorize, sort, and transport goods to all their final destinations as efficiently, inexpensively, and carefully as possible.
  2. The study of behavior and decision-making of individuals and businesses in an economy.
  3. The study of how individuals and societies make decisions about resources, production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services, given unlimited and competing wants, and given the scarcity of resources.
  4. The study of the behavior, performance, structure, and decision-making of an economy as a whole.
  5. The loss of potential gain from among other alternatives, when one alternative is chosen.
  6. The making of products from raw materials and other inputs like labor, machinery, and tools.
  7. The reality that people’s wants always exceed the resources available to fulfill those wants.
  8. The using of goods and services by people or by the economy in general.
  9. The total amount of goods and services used by an economy.
  1. The increase in the general level of prices in an economy.
  2. Something’s usefulness and the degree to which wants are satisfied.
  3. Reducing the amount of money spent in order to save money.
  4. Materials and substances found in nature that are used for economic gain, including air, water, sun, fertile land, plants, timber, fossil fuels, and minerals.
  5. Desire for goods, services or intangible items that can only be acquired by spending money – items like a car, or a haircut, or a patent.
  6. A good or service that has a benefit (or utility) to society, has value and therefore can be traded and exchanged using money, and has some degree of scarcity.
  7. The decrease in the general level of prices in an economy.
  8. Choosing between two things that can’t be had or done at the same time; so it’s giving up something you want in exchange for something else you want, often as a compromise.
  9. The physical assets used to produce goods and services, including machinery, equipment, buildings, and tools.
  10. One who actually uses the product or service (also called the final user, or final customer).
  11. All the components needed for production including natural resources, labor, capital goods, and expertise.
  12. Desires that don’t require money to be obtained, like talking to a friend.

21 Clues: The increase in the general level of prices in an economy.Reducing the amount of money spent in order to save money.The decrease in the general level of prices in an economy.The total amount of goods and services used by an economy.Something’s usefulness and the degree to which wants are satisfied....

BUSINESS 2022-12-01

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. a business employee who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable new product
  2. increasing the difference between the cost of purchasing bought-in inputs and selling price of the finished goods
  3. sales of the business as a proportion of total market sales
  4. the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business
  5. a business formed by two or more people to carry on a business
  6. a jointly owned business operated by members for their mutual benefit
  7. an individual consumer or organisation that purchases goods or services from a business
  8. the process of differentiating a product by developing a symbol, name, image and trademark
  9. a person or institution owning shares in a limitedcompany
  10. the total value of sales made during the trading period
  1. an individual who has the idea for a new business and starts it up
  2. the legal right to use the name, logo and trading system of an existing successful business
  3. the total value of all long-term finance invested in the business
  4. a company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange
  5. a business in which one person provides the permanent finance
  6. a document confirming part-ownership of a company
  7. the difference between the cost of purchasing bought-in inputs and the selling price of the finished goods
  8. a person or business that sells franchisee
  9. natural resources in an economy
  10. an individual who purchases goods and servicesfor personal use
  11. a person or business that buys the right from franchiser to operate the franchise

21 Clues: natural resources in an economya person or business that sells franchiseea document confirming part-ownership of a companya company whose shares are traded on a stock exchangethe total value of sales made during the trading perioda person or institution owning shares in a limitedcompanysales of the business as a proportion of total market sales...

Business 2022-12-01

Business crossword puzzle
  1. a
  2. y
  3. j
  4. r
  5. w
  6. i
  7. forecasts m
  8. u
  9. h
  10. p
  11. o
  1. f
  2. k
  3. e
  4. g
  5. q
  6. t
  7. d
  8. s
  9. l

20 Clues: fkegaqtyjrdwisuhlpoforecasts m

Business 2022-12-01

Business crossword puzzle
  1. a person or institution owning shares in a limited company.
  2. an individual who purchases goods and services for personal use.
  3. the process of differentiating a product by developing a symbol, name, image or trademark for it.
  4. economic resources are owned, planned and controlled by the state.
  5. the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business.
  6. a business formed by two or more people to carry on a business together, with shared capital investment and, usually, shared responsibilities.
  7. the next most desired option that is given up.
  8. organisations accountable to and controlled by central or local government (the state).
  9. businesses owned and controlled by individuals or groups of individuals.
  10. a certificate confirming part-ownership of a company and entitling the shareholder owner to dividends and certain shareholder rights.
  11. a business employee who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable new product or business venture.
  12. economic resources are owned largely by the private sector with very little state intervention.
  1. a business in which one person provides the permanent finance and, in return, has full control of the business and is able to keep all of the profits.
  2. a business organisation that has its headquarters in one country, but with operating branches, factories and assembly plants in other countries.
  3. a business enterprise owned and controlled by the state -also known as a nationalised industry.
  4. the physical goods used by industry to aid in the production of other goods and services, such as machines and commercial vehicles.
  5. economic resources are owned and controlled by both private and public sectors.
  6. increasing the difference between the cost of bought-in inputs (materials) and the selling price of the finished goods.
  7. a written document that describes a business, its objectives, its strategies, the market it is in and its financial forecasts.
  8. an individual consumer or organisation that purchases goods or services from a business.
  9. the difference between the cost of purchasing bought-in inputs (materials) and the selling price of the finished goods.

21 Clues: the next most desired option that is given up.a person or institution owning shares in a limited individual who purchases goods and services for personal use.economic resources are owned, planned and controlled by the state.the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business....

Business 2022-12-01

Business crossword puzzle
  1. firms engaged in farming, fishing, oil extraction and all other industries that extract natural resources so is that they can be used and processed
  2. a written document that describes the business, its objectives, its strategies, the market it is in and its Financial forecast
  3. the next most desired options that is given up
  4. a person or institution owning shares in a limited company
  5. sales of the business as a proportion of total market sales
  6. the individual consumer organisation that purchases goods or services from a business
  7. economic resources are owned and controlled by both private and public sectors
  8. an individual who purchases goods and services for personal use
  9. a business employee who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable new product or business venture
  1. the total value of sales made during the trading period=selling price*quantity sold
  2. providing services to Consumers and other businesses, such as retailing, transport, Insurance, banking, hotels and tourism
  3. the legal right to use the name, logo and trading systems of an existing successful business
  4. an individual who has the idea for a new business, starts It up and Carries most of the risks but benefits from the rewards
  5. organizations accountable to and controlled by Central or local government
  6. the resources needed by business to produce goods or services
  7. the process of differentiating a product by developing a symbol name image of trademark for it
  8. the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business
  9. economic resources are owned and controlled by the both public and private state
  10. business owners have full legal responsibility for the debts of the business
  11. the physical Goods used by industry to Aid in the production of the other goods and services

20 Clues: the next most desired options that is given upa person or institution owning shares in a limited companysales of the business as a proportion of total market salesthe resources needed by business to produce goods or servicesan individual who purchases goods and services for personal use...

Business 2021-06-13

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Rise of prices/ increased price of money
  2. Income not spent
  3. Bulk advertising
  4. An amount of money that you pay for professional advice or services
  5. A legal declaration of a person's wishes regarding the disposal of his or her property or estate after death
  6. Practice of favouring relatives or friends by often giving them job in the company
  7. Person who has shares of the company
  8. Money that you give to an organisation such as charity
  9. Acting with or showing care and thought for the future
  10. Using accounting tricks to make a company's financial results look better than they really are
  11. Extreme saving
  12. the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level
  13. Person who passes on information concerning wrongdoing in the company
  14. suddenly start being successful after period of difficulty
  15. Paying fair price to producers by companies in developed countries
  16. Sum paid to cover money that has been spent or lost
  17. Dishonest and illegal
  1. Amount by which a company's value exceeds the value of its individual assets and liabilities
  2. The fact or condition of being accountable
  3. Impression customers get of the brand as a whole throughout all aspects of the buyer's journey.
  4. person who has an interest in a company to be run
  5. Society that encourages people to buy and use goods
  6. Anything of value or belonging to you
  7. Having a great deal of money
  8. Set of rules for proper practices of an individual party or an organization
  9. Person or business that you purchase goods from
  10. A formal contract to repay borrowed money
  11. (literary) having no money
  12. The money you pay to travel by bus, taxi
  13. Someone who is good with numbers
  14. An amount of money that is paid at one time and not on separate occasions
  15. spend a lot of money
  16. Charge for using money until repaid at a future date

33 Clues: Extreme savingIncome not spentBulk advertisingspend a lot of moneyDishonest and illegal(literary) having no moneyHaving a great deal of moneySomeone who is good with numbersPerson who has shares of the companyAnything of value or belonging to youRise of prices/ increased price of moneyThe money you pay to travel by bus, taxi...

Business 2022-10-24

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Workers People who work in the same workplace.
  2. Control things inside business.
  3. A person that works for a sum of money for a business or organizaton.
  4. Strike a deal between companies and share responsibility.
  5. Liability to take care of something.
  6. A list that is discussed in a meeting.
  7. A commercial that makes companies service or product known.
  8. Company or business that offers the same services or products.
  9. Take a chance that you don't know the outcome of.
  10. Person who uses your services or product.
  11. An instance that people meet to discuss things.
  12. Sum of money to start up a business or product.
  13. Attracting customers by ads, commercials etc.
  1. An identifying mark to know a broduct by.
  2. Agreement between parties.
  3. Info about companies services or products after use.
  4. Two or more people talk between eachother to make a deal.
  5. Provide or present an oportunity.
  6. Exchanging information.
  7. Polite behaviour in society.
  8. Worldwide , global business type.
  9. plan Guide to start and manage business.
  10. Sum of money that is the difference between money earned and money spent.
  11. A business place.
  12. A person who is the most important of the group, that can give support and direction.

25 Clues: A business place.Exchanging information.Agreement between parties.Polite behaviour in society.Control things inside business.Provide or present an oportunity.Worldwide , global business type.Liability to take care of something.A list that is discussed in a meeting.plan Guide to start and manage business.An identifying mark to know a broduct by....

Business 2020-07-15

Business crossword puzzle
  1. 844g
  4. agreement.for.line.equivalency
  6. aka.voice.ports
  7. aka.internet.speed
  9. p&
  11. manually.reboot.ont
  12. ip.address.that.doesn't.change
  13. authorized.individual
  16. drop.requires.trenching
  3. smartcheck
  4. parent.equip.field
  6. new.powerful.router
  7. 1550
  9. ont.offline.alarm
  12. wireless.internet
  14. port.for.adtran

31 Clues: 844g1550cbd.mapp&

BUSINESS 2019-08-27

BUSINESS crossword puzzle


Business 2019-11-27

Business crossword puzzle
  1. An agreement with the bank to take out more money than you have
  2. Working more hours and getting paid more for it
  3. A piece of paper that is given to someone with a money value written on it; can be cashed in for that money value
  4. A place where people can save money with out locals(2 words)
  5. Examples of this expenditure include petrol and groceries
  6. An account used just for savings
  7. A sum of money given by a bank but which must be repaid
  8. A sum of money that is given by the government and doesn't have to be repaid
  9. Examples of this expenditure include holidays and Netflix
  10. Older people receive this instead of a wage
  11. Examples of this expenditure include rent and mortgage repayment
  12. An agreement between the bank and the account holder to allow variable (changing) amounts to be taken from the account e.g. paying bills (2 words)
  13. Set amounts of money received at set intervals
  14. An account where people's wages can be paid into and where card payments come out of
  15. A share of company profits that is paid to the shareholders
  16. A card that you can buy things on now and pay for later (2 words)
  17. The best subject in school
  18. A bank operating in Ireland (hint: name of a Provence too) (2 words)
  19. An unemployed person will receive this (2 words)
  20. Buying without planning
  1. A bank operating in Ireland
  2. Water, food etc
  3. The cost of something you did buy (2 words)
  4. rate The quantity of a foreign currency given in exchange for one Euro
  5. The cost of something you didn't buy (2 words)
  6. An instruction to the bank to pay a fixed amount from an account at regular intervals (2 words)
  7. Parents of children under 18 receive this once a month (2 words) to pay for things for thins
  8. The part of a person's income that they do not spend
  9. A reward for working hard
  10. iPhone, FIFA 20, Handbags, Sweets etc
  11. Money spent
  12. A place people can put their money (national)
  13. A non-money reward given to employees (3 words)
  14. Buying too much of something and having no money left
  15. Money coming in
  16. A reward given for saving
  17. A place found in most villages where people can save money and exchange currency (2 words)
  18. A unit of ownership of a company
  19. A machine that allows you to withdraw cash

39 Clues: Money spentWater, food etcMoney coming inBuying without planningA reward for working hardA reward given for savingThe best subject in schoolA bank operating in IrelandAn account used just for savingsA unit of ownership of a companyiPhone, FIFA 20, Handbags, Sweets etcA machine that allows you to withdraw cash...

BUSINESS 2019-11-21

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. a company
  2. money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards
  3. the value of the shares issued by a company: e.g. He owns 62% of the company's ******
  4. a person or thing that has the same position or purpose as another person or thing in a different place or organization
  5. (formal) to buy something
  6. something such as a building, another company, or a piece of land that is bought by a company
  7. valuable property owned by someone who wants to borrow money, that they agree will become the property of the company or person who lends the money if the debt is not paid back: e.g.She used/put up her house as ********** for a loan.
  8. the act of taking control of a company by buying enough of its shares to do this (can be both friendly and hostile)
  9. relating to rules or laws which have been formally written down
  10. a period when a woman temporarily leaves her job to have a baby
  11. help smth to develop
  12. a feeling of friendliness towards people that you work or share an experience with
  13. producing a large amount of money
  14. used to describe a feeling that two people have for each other equally (e.g. respect, trust, love)
  15. the combining of two or more companies or organizations into one
  16. try to manage and balance different jobs and activities
  1. an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship, contract
  2. experience smth, especially problems or opposition
  3. (adj) completely responsible for what one does and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it
  4. causing problems, and making it hard to continue with smth
  5. person who set up a company
  6. giving personal satisfaction (= rewarding)
  7. a reduction in taxes that encourages companies or people to do something that will help the country's economy
  8. succeed in achieving or winning smth
  9. the interest percent that a bank or other financial company charges you when you borrow money, or the interest percent it pays you when you keep money in an account
  10. the amount of money that someone spends on using a car for business purposes, which can be included when calculating taxes
  11. an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back
  12. affect or use up too much of smb's time, rights, personal life
  13. an amount of work that a person is expected to do
  14. to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant (to attract, to lure)
  15. to speak to people in other organizations, etc. in order to work with them or exchange information with them: e.g. Our head office will ****** with the suppliers to ensure delivery.
  16. (inf) avoid doing something that you should do
  17. a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty

33 Clues: a companyhelp smth to develop(formal) to buy somethingperson who set up a companyproducing a large amount of moneysucceed in achieving or winning smthgiving personal satisfaction (= rewarding)(inf) avoid doing something that you should doan amount of work that a person is expected to doexperience smth, especially problems or opposition...

Business 2020-10-22

Business crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the economy where the resources are owned and controlled by both the private and public sectors, that's called ...
  2. Goods or services that are essential to living are called...
  3. A person that takes risks in a business is called...
  4. A complete description of a business and its plans for the next one to three years is called...
  5. A sector that's concerned with making and assembling products ,manufacturers use raw materials and parts from other industries, is called...
  6. Unlimited wants cannot be met because there are limited factors of production, this creates scarcity, this is called...
  7. Products which are sold to the final consumer, can be seen and touched are called...
  8. Investing in new products or selling more of existing products is called...
  9. A sector that gives something of value to people( a service), is called...
  1. Physical goods, such as machinery and delivery vehicles, used by other businesses to help produce other goods and services are called...
  2. The part of the economy that is owned and controlled by the state or government is called...
  3. Able to cut costs and win a greater share of the market, develop new products or sell to new markets, can also be external or internal, this is called...
  4. Involves the takeover of another business or merger with another business is called...
  5. Good or services which people would like, but not essential for living are called...
  6. Non-tangible products such as insurance services, transport are called...
  7. A sector that's concerned with using natural resources, including farming, mining and oil drilling, is called...
  8. The process of producing goods and services to satisfy consumer demand is called...
  9. When there are not enough goods and services to meet the wants of the population, that's called...
  10. A mix of private sector and public sector enterprises is called...
  11. The benefit that could have been gained from an alternative use of the same resource is called...

20 Clues: A person that takes risks in a business is called...Goods or services that are essential to living are called...A mix of private sector and public sector enterprises is called...Non-tangible products such as insurance services, transport are called...A sector that gives something of value to people( a service), is called......

Business 2022-12-02

Business crossword puzzle
  1. a person or business that buys the right from the franchiser to operate the franchise
  2. a jointly owned a business operated by members of their mutual benefit to produce or distribute goods or services as in Consumers Cooperative or Farmers Cooperative
  3. the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business
  4. two or more businesses agree to work closely together on a particular project and create a separate business division to do so
  5. the process of differentiating a product by developing a symbol, name, image or trademark for it
  6. organisations accountable to and controlled by central or local government
  7. a person or institution owning shares in a limited company
  8. a business in which one person provides the permanent finance and in return has full control of the business and is able to keep all the profits
  9. businesses owned and controlled by individuals or group of individuals
  1. a written document that describes a business, its objectives, its strategies,the market it is in and its financial forecasts
  2. the legal right to use name logo and Trading Systems of an existing successful business
  3. an individual who has the idea for a new business, starts it up and carries most of the risks but benefits from rewards
  4. a person or business that sells the right to open stores and sell products or services using the brand name and brand identity
  5. the next most desired option that is given up
  6. an individual consumer or organisation that purchases goods and services from a business
  7. an individual who purchases goods and services for personal use
  8. a business employee who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea to a profitable new product or business venture
  9. a business formed by two or more people to carry on a business together with shared capital investment and usually shared responsibilities
  10. a certificate confirming part ownership of a company and into entitled the shareholder owner to dividends and certain shareholder rights
  11. manual and skilled that make up the workforce of the business

20 Clues: the next most desired option that is given upa person or institution owning shares in a limited companymanual and skilled that make up the workforce of the businessan individual who purchases goods and services for personal usethe action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business...

BUSINESS 2023-02-10

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. of Directors A group of people who represent the interests of a company's shareholders.
  2. Price Club Owner of S&R in the Philippines.
  3. It is the lifeblood of every business.
  4. A financial institution and a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly by loaning or indirectly through capital markets.
  5. Sanders A successful businessman who succeeded in his late adulthood.
  6. Siblings Rank 1 among the wealthiest Filipino.
  7. capital It is considered as the best capital of any company.
  8. He is in charge of the overall management of the company,
  9. The charge implemented by our government upon us, its citizens, through our properties and activities to be able to support the administration's projects and public services.
  10. The things you own that you can sell for money.
  11. Eduardo She has a degree in Management, but she has a construction company.
  12. The process of planning and organizing the resources and activities of a business to achieve specific goals in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
  1. The famous and best fast food chain for kids.
  2. A form of security that indicates the holder has proportionate ownership in the issuing corporation and is sold predominantly on stock exchanges.
  3. Any item or service you sell to serve a customer's need or want.
  4. Halo-Halo It is renowned for its scrumptious halo-halo in the Philippines.
  5. The process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business.
  6. A person who supervises employees in a company.
  7. A loan from an investor to a borrower such as a company or government.
  8. The activity or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

20 Clues: It is the lifeblood of every business.Price Club Owner of S&R in the Philippines.The famous and best fast food chain for kids.Siblings Rank 1 among the wealthiest Filipino.A person who supervises employees in a company.The things you own that you can sell for money.He is in charge of the overall management of the company,...

business 2023-05-23

business crossword puzzle
  1. the money received by resource owners and by producers for supplying goods and services to customers
  2. a condition resulting from the gap between limited resources and unlimited wants for goods and services
  3. all the opportunities that businesses have to connect with customers and reinforce their brand value
  4. facts and figures
  5. gut feeling
  6. the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable
  7. contains billions of transistors
  8. having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully
  9. any resources used to create goods and services
  10. the total value of a business
  11. a business that buys consumer goods to others
  12. ideas and topics that define what your content is about
  1. fulfilling the requirements of the law
  2. any nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services that is not paid for by the company or individual that benefits from or is harmed by it
  3. a modified command economic system in which government owns the basic means of production and allows private ownership of businesses as well
  4. a natural ablilty to do something
  5. the long-term value of your choices
  6. the process of creating communicating delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers
  7. transfer refers to lateral movement of emploess within the same grade, fromone job to another
  8. a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so
  9. computerized storage for information and facts
  10. to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance

22 Clues: gut feelingfacts and figuresthe total value of a businesscontains billions of transistorsa natural ablilty to do somethingthe long-term value of your choicesfulfilling the requirements of the lawa business that buys consumer goods to otherscomputerized storage for information and factsany resources used to create goods and services...

business 2023-07-12

business crossword puzzle
  1. the movement of goods through the production process
  2. a tax on spending in the UK
  3. production holds as little stock as possible
  4. a direct tax paid as a percentage of what you earn
  5. a motive of an entrepreneur
  6. when a business joins with another in the same stage of production process
  7. the first stage of production
  8. the sector that produces goods and services in order to make a profit
  9. using a computer to create 3d images of a product
  10. Another term for internal growth
  11. someone who uses the end product
  12. a person who makes a business
  13. production of one of a kind item
  14. money paid out of a business
  15. a general goal for a business
  16. they have unlimited liability
  17. a person who is impacted by a business
  1. What does the S stand for in a SMART target?
  2. a method of production that can be continued in the long run without damaging the environment
  3. the money generated from sales
  4. a document that sets out what the business does and what it intends to achieve
  5. a geographical area where a business may be found
  6. a person that sells a franchise to a person
  7. the type of material used by businesses in the secondary sector
  8. when prices for good and services become more expensive
  9. When machines are used in production
  10. ICT software used by a finance department to keep track of spending
  11. when a business does the right thing
  12. when a product lasts for a long time
  13. A document drawn up in a partnership, it ensures there is fairness and equality

30 Clues: a tax on spending in the UKa motive of an entrepreneurmoney paid out of a businessthe first stage of productiona person who makes a businessa general goal for a businessthey have unlimited liabilitythe money generated from salesAnother term for internal growthsomeone who uses the end productproduction of one of a kind item...

Business 2023-08-01

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Doing physical work
  2. A business run by an individual
  3. You pay this every time you buy something at a store
  4. Money you pay the government
  5. Someone who works for an entrepreneur/business
  6. Is employed for a specific time for a task
  7. employees that work less then 38 hours per week
  8. A business that has many different locationsI
  9. The amount of money you earn
  10. When you are low on a specific item
  11. employees that work an average of 38 hours per week
  1. Sells multiple items
  2. The state of right of owning a business
  3. Someone to perform an action for you on your behalf
  4. Making a decision by sacrificing another opportunity
  5. The owner of a business
  6. when a person with GST trades something with another person who has GST
  7. Makes items/products fastand efffast andy
  8. A specific amount of money you can spend up to
  9. A business run by 2 to 20 people

20 Clues: Doing physical workSells multiple itemsThe owner of a businessMoney you pay the governmentThe amount of money you earnA business run by an individualA business run by 2 to 20 peopleWhen you are low on a specific itemThe state of right of owning a businessMakes items/products fastand efffast andyIs employed for a specific time for a task...

business 2024-01-19

business crossword puzzle
  1. the prices of a company's products or services in relation to each other and in relation to those of their competitors, and the activity of setting them.
  2. someone who flies with a particular airline a lot and is often offered special advantages, such as free flights or a better seat
  3. including and considering all the parts of a situation together, rather than the individual parts separately
  4. union an o organization representing people working in a particular industry or profession that protects their rights.
  5. to be more than a particular number or amount.
  6. a relationship between two people, organizations or countries that work together.
  7. the money that a person receives for the work they do in a particular period of time.
  8. connected with principles of what is right and wrong.
  9. a legal document giving a person or company the right to make or sell a new invention, product or method of doing something and stating that no other person or company is allowed to do this.
  10. Emerging nations/countries/economies are countries, especially those in Asia, Africa and South America, that are just starting to have influence or power in trade, finance, etc.
  11. money that you earn from your job or that you receive from investments
  12. If a well-known person endorses a product, they say in an advertisement how good they think it is. People will buy the product because they like or trust the person.
  13. an offer to buy something, for example a company in a takeover; the price offered.
  14. the head office or main building of an organization
  15. a product that can be sold to make a profit, especially one in its basic form before it has been used or changed in an industrial process. Examples of commodities are farm products and metals.
  1. the act or process of bringing goods, letters, etc. to a particular place or person.
  2. an amount paid to someone because they have been hurt or harmed.
  3. go/move down-market to start buying or selling cheaper goods or services.
  4. to increase in amount, size or degree.
  5. informal a situation in which different companies, countries, etc. can all compete fairly with each other because no one has special advantages.
  6. a method of illegally getting money from a person or organization, often using clever and complicated methods
  7. to design and develop new and original products
  8. something such as option (= the right to buy o r sell something at a particular price within a particular period) o r a future (= a fixed price that you pay now for delivery of something in the future) based on underlying assets such as shares, bonds and currencies.
  9. the formal rules for polite behavior.
  10. a design or way of writing its name that a company or organization uses as its official sign on its products, advertising, etc.
  11. involving or having a lot of complicated and unnecessary official rules.
  12. to sell products cheaply in an export market, perhaps in order to increase your share of the market there
  13. to send something or someone to a place.
  14. to produce energy or power.
  15. buying and selling futures contracts contract for a fixed amount of a commodity or security to be delivered at a fixed price on a fixed date in the future; futures are traded on financial markets)

30 Clues: to produce energy or power.the formal rules for polite increase in amount, size or send something or someone to a be more than a particular number or design and develop new and original productsthe head office or main building of an organizationconnected with principles of what is right and wrong....

BUSINESS 2023-09-12

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. the person who is in charge of an organization and who tells others what to do
  2. items for sale
  3. a place or event at which people meet in order to buy and sell things
  4. the control and organization of something, esp. a business and its employees
  5. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
  6. a person who is paid to work for someone else
  7. an offer or suggestion, usually in business
  8. the fact that someone can be believed or trusted
  9. a customer or someone who receives services
  1. an amount of money that you pay when you rent something, and is returned to you when you return the thing you have rented
  2. the group of people who work in a company, industry, country, etc.
  3. a building or room where people perform their jobs, or these places generally
  4. the activity of making products or services known about and persuading people to buy them
  5. a person who buys goods or services for their own use
  6. the amount of money for which something is sold
  7. the situation of not having a job
  8. the process of putting products into containers so that they can be sold or sent somewhere
  9. the amount of money that you are paid for the work you do, or the profit that a company makes
  10. a new development in clothing, make-up, etc.
  11. a person or organization that employs people
  12. a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course

21 Clues: items for salethe situation of not having a joban offer or suggestion, usually in businessa customer or someone who receives servicesa new development in clothing, make-up, etc.a person or organization that employs peoplea person who is paid to work for someone elsethe amount of money for which something is sold...

Business 2024-05-06

Business crossword puzzle
  1. : capital
  2. : venta
  3. : estrategia
  4. : Mercado
  5. : inversión
  6. : comercio
  7. : Bancario
  8. : beneficio
  9. : motivación
  10. : finanzas
  1. : Eficiente
  2. : Atraer
  3. : Éxito
  4. : organizar
  5. : capacidad
  6. : comisión
  7. : Administrar
  8. : Decisión
  9. : análisis
  10. : Deuda

20 Clues: : Éxito: venta: Deuda: Atraer: capital: Mercado: comisión: Decisión: comercio: Bancario: análisis: finanzas: Eficiente: organizar: capacidad: inversión: beneficio: estrategia: motivación: Administrar

Business 2021-11-24

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who sells a franchise for the sale of goods
  2. the shareholder is responsible for all debts and loses
  3. an assistance provided for a payment benefiting the wants of people
  4. distribution of profits by a corporation to its shareholders.
  5. uses the internet to sell products directly to customers
  6. economic transactions are conducted within the geographical boundaries of the country
  7. alliance arrangement between two companies to undertake a mutually beneficial project while retaining their separate independance
  8. a person who runs a franchise organization under a contract
  9. units of equity ownership in a coporation
  10. The net value of property or assets after subtracting mortgage and liabilities
  1. two parties join their resources together to achieve a specific goal benefiting both parties
  2. the practice of outsourcing operations overseas
  3. someone who takes risks by starting a new venture
  4. person who owns shares in a corporation
  5. the money available to pay its operations
  6. a company operating in several countries
  7. A business owned by one individual
  8. Two or more individuals joint together
  9. a business legally separate from it's owners
  10. money that is owed or dued
  11. the processing of raw materials into goods
  12. Business owned by members who utilize the goods&services offered

22 Clues: money that is owed or duedA business owned by one individualTwo or more individuals joint togetherperson who owns shares in a corporationa company operating in several countriesthe money available to pay its operationsunits of equity ownership in a coporationthe processing of raw materials into goodsa business legally separate from it's owners...

BUSINESS 2024-07-05

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. a company
  2. money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards
  3. the value of the shares issued by a company: e.g. He owns 62% of the company's ******
  4. a person or thing that has the same position or purpose as another person or thing in a different place or organization
  5. (formal) to buy something
  6. something such as a building, another company, or a piece of land that is bought by a company
  7. valuable property owned by someone who wants to borrow money, that they agree will become the property of the company or person who lends the money if the debt is not paid back: e.g.She used/put up her house as ********** for a loan.
  8. the act of taking control of a company by buying enough of its shares to do this (can be both friendly and hostile)
  9. relating to rules or laws which have been formally written down
  10. a period when a woman temporarily leaves her job to have a baby
  11. help smth to develop
  12. a feeling of friendliness towards people that you work or share an experience with
  13. producing a large amount of money
  14. used to describe a feeling that two people have for each other equally (e.g. respect, trust, love)
  15. the combining of two or more companies or organizations into one
  16. try to manage and balance different jobs and activities
  1. an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship, contract
  2. experience smth, especially problems or opposition
  3. (adj) completely responsible for what one does and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it
  4. causing problems, and making it hard to continue with smth
  5. person who set up a company
  6. giving personal satisfaction (= rewarding)
  7. a reduction in taxes that encourages companies or people to do something that will help the country's economy
  8. succeed in achieving or winning smth
  9. the interest percent that a bank or other financial company charges you when you borrow money, or the interest percent it pays you when you keep money in an account
  10. the amount of money that someone spends on using a car for business purposes, which can be included when calculating taxes
  11. an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back
  12. affect or use up too much of smb's time, rights, personal life
  13. an amount of work that a person is expected to do
  14. to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant (to attract, to lure)
  15. to speak to people in other organizations, etc. in order to work with them or exchange information with them: e.g. Our head office will ****** with the suppliers to ensure delivery.
  16. (inf) avoid doing something that you should do
  17. a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty

33 Clues: a companyhelp smth to develop(formal) to buy somethingperson who set up a companyproducing a large amount of moneysucceed in achieving or winning smthgiving personal satisfaction (= rewarding)(inf) avoid doing something that you should doan amount of work that a person is expected to doexperience smth, especially problems or opposition...

Business 2024-07-05

Business crossword puzzle
  1. To categorize, sort, and transport goods to all their final destinations as efficiently, inexpensively, and carefully as possible.
  2. The study of behavior and decision-making of individuals and businesses in an economy.
  3. The study of how individuals and societies make decisions about resources, production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services, given unlimited and competing wants, and given the scarcity of resources.
  4. The study of the behavior, performance, structure, and decision-making of an economy as a whole.
  5. The loss of potential gain from among other alternatives, when one alternative is chosen.
  6. The making of products from raw materials and other inputs like labor, machinery, and tools.
  7. The reality that people’s wants always exceed the resources available to fulfill those wants.
  8. The using of goods and services by people or by the economy in general.
  9. The total amount of goods and services used by an economy.
  1. The increase in the general level of prices in an economy.
  2. Something’s usefulness and the degree to which wants are satisfied.
  3. Reducing the amount of money spent in order to save money.
  4. Materials and substances found in nature that are used for economic gain, including air, water, sun, fertile land, plants, timber, fossil fuels, and minerals.
  5. Desire for goods, services or intangible items that can only be acquired by spending money – items like a car, or a haircut, or a patent.
  6. A good or service that has a benefit (or utility) to society, has value and therefore can be traded and exchanged using money, and has some degree of scarcity.
  7. The decrease in the general level of prices in an economy.
  8. Choosing between two things that can’t be had or done at the same time; so it’s giving up something you want in exchange for something else you want, often as a compromise.
  9. The physical assets used to produce goods and services, including machinery, equipment, buildings, and tools.
  10. One who actually uses the product or service (also called the final user, or final customer).
  11. All the components needed for production including natural resources, labor, capital goods, and expertise.
  12. Desires that don’t require money to be obtained, like talking to a friend.

21 Clues: The increase in the general level of prices in an economy.Reducing the amount of money spent in order to save money.The decrease in the general level of prices in an economy.The total amount of goods and services used by an economy.Something’s usefulness and the degree to which wants are satisfied....

Business 2024-07-05

Business crossword puzzle
  1. a person or institution owning shares in a limited company.
  2. an individual who purchases goods and services for personal use.
  3. the process of differentiating a product by developing a symbol, name, image or trademark for it.
  4. economic resources are owned, planned and controlled by the state.
  5. the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business.
  6. a business formed by two or more people to carry on a business together, with shared capital investment and, usually, shared responsibilities.
  7. the next most desired option that is given up.
  8. organisations accountable to and controlled by central or local government (the state).
  9. businesses owned and controlled by individuals or groups of individuals.
  10. a certificate confirming part-ownership of a company and entitling the shareholder owner to dividends and certain shareholder rights.
  11. a business employee who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable new product or business venture.
  12. economic resources are owned largely by the private sector with very little state intervention.
  1. a business in which one person provides the permanent finance and, in return, has full control of the business and is able to keep all of the profits.
  2. a business organisation that has its headquarters in one country, but with operating branches, factories and assembly plants in other countries.
  3. a business enterprise owned and controlled by the state -also known as a nationalised industry.
  4. the physical goods used by industry to aid in the production of other goods and services, such as machines and commercial vehicles.
  5. economic resources are owned and controlled by both private and public sectors.
  6. increasing the difference between the cost of bought-in inputs (materials) and the selling price of the finished goods.
  7. a written document that describes a business, its objectives, its strategies, the market it is in and its financial forecasts.
  8. an individual consumer or organisation that purchases goods or services from a business.
  9. the difference between the cost of purchasing bought-in inputs (materials) and the selling price of the finished goods.

21 Clues: the next most desired option that is given up.a person or institution owning shares in a limited individual who purchases goods and services for personal use.economic resources are owned, planned and controlled by the state.the action of showing initiative to take the risk to set up a business....

Business 2024-07-05

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Making as much profit as possible in a given time period
  2. Areas of land which were once used for urban development
  3. People's desires for goods and services
  4. A business owned by between 2 and 20 people
  5. Appointing workers from outside the business
  6. The growing integration of the world's economies
  7. An individual who organizes the other factors of production and risks their own money in a business venture
  8. The production of services in the economy
  9. Physical products like a mobile phone or a pair of shoes
  1. An individual or group with an interest in the operation of business
  2. A personal profile of the type of person needed to do a particular job
  3. In business, the production of a limited range of goods
  4. The goals or targets set by a business
  5. A business organisation which has a separate legal identity from its owner
  6. Where the owner of a business is personally liable for all business depts
  7. A market for shares in PLCs
  8. Where a business allows another operator to trade under their name
  9. The transformation of resources into goods and services
  10. Goods and services produced by one business for another
  11. Non-physical products like banking,car washing and work disposal

20 Clues: A market for shares in PLCsThe goals or targets set by a businessPeople's desires for goods and servicesThe production of services in the economyA business owned by between 2 and 20 peopleAppointing workers from outside the businessThe growing integration of the world's economiesIn business, the production of a limited range of goods...

Business 2014-04-23

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Management-is the use of government revenue collection (taxation) and expenditure (spending) to influence the economy
  2. well under pressure- Being able to get things done under stress
  3. and Motivation- Able to encourage and lead people.
  4. Having a mind that is able to come up with ideas
  5. Having good connections and good associates for business.
  6. Management- Being able to manage there time used.
  7. Quotient-awareness of one's own emotions and moods and those of others, esp in managing people
  8. Not having to have things done just one way, but rather being diverse.
  9. Ability to come up with ideas and make them stand out
  10. oriented- Able to be good at more than one thing.
  11. Management-process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict.
  1. Focus- Knows what the customer wants and listens.
  2. A person that can be depended on.
  3. of endurance under difficult circumstances.
  4. Hears what people say and considers all aspects.
  5. others- Having a impact on other peoples life's.
  6. a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding
  7. skills- Being able to connect with others.
  8. to achieve Goals- Having a motive to get things completed
  9. in Computer Skills- Being able to use Word, Excel, etc.
  10. thinking- Being able to think outside the box and be efficient with your ideas.

21 Clues: A person that can be depended on.skills- Being able to connect with others.of endurance under difficult circumstances.Hears what people say and considers all aspects.Having a mind that is able to come up with ideasothers- Having a impact on other peoples life's.Focus- Knows what the customer wants and listens....

Business 2016-04-26

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Any sort of revenue
  2. What stays the same in a breakeven chart
  3. Cashinflow minus Cash outflow
  4. Documents that record the financial activity of a business
  5. Money reinvested in the business year on year
  6. A plan for the future
  7. Another way to describe a businesses total revenue
  8. Costs that change with output
  9. When costs are more than revenue
  10. Any sort of cost
  1. Money the business needs to trade day to day
  2. Money the business owes
  3. When revenue is the same as costs
  4. Revenue minus cost of sales
  5. The review of whether the business has achieved its budget goals or not
  6. Shows how a business performed over a period of time
  7. Items Owned by the business or money owed to it
  8. Anything a business spends money on
  9. Revenue minus total costs
  10. What equals costs at breakeven
  11. Money coming in and out of the business

21 Clues: Any sort of costAny sort of revenueA plan for the futureMoney the business owesRevenue minus total costsRevenue minus cost of salesCashinflow minus Cash outflowCosts that change with outputWhat equals costs at breakevenWhen costs are more than revenueWhen revenue is the same as costsAnything a business spends money on...

BUSINESS 2019-08-27

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  11. SALARY


BUSINESS 2019-08-27

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  10. SALARY


BUSINESS 2019-08-27

BUSINESS crossword puzzle


BUSINESS 2019-08-05

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. to offer a particular amount of money for something, for example at an auction (=an event where things are soldto the person who offers the most money)
  2. (of a resource) not yet exploited or used.
  3. (….. artista ) a person who cheats or tricks others by persuading them to believe something that is not true.
  4. (of a plan) to have the opposite result from the one you intended
  5. ( HAVE ……. FINGERS) natural ability in growing plants.
  6. ( THE LAST …….) a difficulty typically minor in itself but coming on top of a series of difficulties, that makes a situation unbearable.
  7. In financial accounting, ….. is any resource owned by the business.
  8. a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen
  9. move (an object) up and down or from side to side with rapid movements.
  10. very eager to please or agree with people who are powerful. Servile
  11. an ordinary job that must be done regularly
  12. (…….. in the market) is an opportunity to make and sell something that is not available yet
  13. extremely happy
  14. ( ……….. business) a well thought out, solidly written business plan
  15. (WORD OF ……….. )describes information that is passed orally from person to person in an informal manner
  16. to improve the quality of something, especially by adding things to it
  17. (TAKE THE …..) To decide to do something new, difficult or risky, especially after thinking about it for some time.
  18. a person that you have met but do not know well
  19. a large organ in he body that cleans the blood and produces bile, or this organ from an animal used as meat
  20. (PAY ……… ) to pay someone their wages and tell them they no longer have a job.
  21. ( ……. A RELATION) to develop a successful relationship, especially in business,
  22. to do something although there is a chance of a bad result
  23. very informal language Used especially by particular groups of people
  24. (……..DRIVER)” a person who makes others work very hard.
  1. (TOE ……. ) A reinforced covering of leather or metal for the toe of a shoe or boot.
  2. practise inorder to prepare for a performance
  3. to improve or increase something
  4. an important piece of information to remember from meeting, presentation etc
  5. to touch something gently, in a way that seems pleasant or romantic
  6. (HAVE A ………..FOR) a natural skill or ability → talent
  7. full of busy activity
  8. ( ON A ………….). With very limited financial means
  9. A …… child is allowed to do what it wants to, , and does not show respect to other people
  10. ( ……. OUT) to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one
  11. passing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking
  12. to sit, walk, or stand with your shoulders bent forwards and your headlow so that you look lazy
  13. (ON ....... ) to be working at a particular time, especially when you are doing a job which people take turns to do.
  14. (…….. AND BEAR IT ) accept something unpleasant without complaining
  15. to make an official examination of the accounts of a business andproduce a report
  16. (BUSINESS …….) a new business or business activity, especially one that involves risk
  17. ( GET AN …….. ) When you angrily tell the person what you think.
  18. (……… IT IN FOR SOMEBODY) To persistently criticize, cause harm to, or harass someone.
  19. ( ……..INTO DEBT) To come to be in a position of owing money to someone or something .

43 Clues: extremely happyfull of busy activityto improve or increase something(of a resource) not yet exploited or ordinary job that must be done regularlypractise inorder to prepare for a performancea person that you have met but do not know well( ON A ………….). With very limited financial meanspassing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking...

Business 2019-11-06

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Losing something
  2. Have a ... account
  3. The whole of all that exists
  4. The ... of a commodity
  5. We can buy goods and also ... them
  6. Person in charge
  7. It's not a liability, but a ...
  8. Technique to influence a customer
  9. Note of a sum to be paid
  10. Person who pays taxes
  11. What is not illegal is...
  12. Wealth administration
  13. Action to develop
  14. He runs a country or province
  15. Standing upright means being in ...
  16. Relating to domination
  17. Synonymous with the word director
  18. In relation to justice
  19. Sum of sales of goods or services of a business
  20. Corrupt action
  21. An ... in bank
  22. Action to pay
  23. Action to provide
  1. Person who has something to him
  2. Table on which we write
  3. Create to get into the business world
  4. Symbol characterizing a unit
  5. Senior Executive Officer
  6. Sign a ...
  7. Person who buys
  8. When we do an exam, we have a ... afterwards
  9. Action to manage
  10. Where we make money
  11. Owner of one or more actions
  12. Action to take
  13. Settle one's hotel bill before leaving.
  14. Yearly, every year
  15. Change that we bring in order to achieve better results
  16. Same thing of store
  17. Compensation of a job
  18. Give something in exchange for a sum of money
  19. Who is the nature of matter
  20. Real absence of danger
  21. Levy that the government requires from the population
  22. Form of equality
  23. We never have enough
  24. Relative to organization, to the exercise of power in an organized society.
  25. Action of wasting money

48 Clues: Sign a ...Action to payAction to takeCorrupt actionAn ... in bankPerson who buysLosing somethingPerson in chargeAction to manageForm of equalityAction to developAction to provideHave a ... accountYearly, every yearWhere we make moneySame thing of storeWe never have enoughPerson who pays taxesWealth administrationCompensation of a job...

BUSINESS 2020-04-27

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. of or concerned with or related to the future
  2. an impressive display or assortment
  3. far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree
  4. a reserve of money set aside for some purpose
  5. the quality of affording gain or benefit or profit
  6. charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government
  7. a stock or supply of foods
  8. someone who exchanges goods or services for money
  9. of or limited to or involving supervision
  10. something that interests you because it is important
  11. cause somebody to adopt a certain position or belief
  12. the study of poetic meter and the art of versification
  13. a businessperson engaged in retail trade
  14. the act of rendering optimal
  15. the property of something that is great in magnitude
  16. harmony of people's opinions, actions, or characters
  17. come into the possession of something concrete or abstract
  18. the process of giving careful thought to something
  19. the basic features of a system or organization
  20. the general estimation that the public has for a person
  21. a small part considered separately from the whole
  22. put into service
  23. grant freedom to; free from confinement
  24. a sequence of related events arranged in chronological order
  25. a branch of mathematics concerned with quantitative data
  26. connected with or engaged in the exchange of goods
  27. of a serious examination and judgment of something
  1. perform as expected when applied
  2. an artifact that has been created by someone or some process
  3. the act of making something (a product) from raw materials
  4. a group of independent elements comprising a unified whole
  5. a power to affect persons or events
  6. a local tax on property (usually used in the plural)
  7. occurring among or involving several people
  8. a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner
  9. extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary
  10. the boundary line or area immediately inside the boundary
  11. pecuniary reimbursement to the winning party for the expenses of litigation
  12. an instrumentality needed for an undertaking
  13. methodical and efficient in arrangement or function
  14. obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service
  15. something that aids or promotes well-being
  16. occurring without interruption
  17. the relative speed of progress or change
  18. a rule that provides direction for appropriate behavior
  19. the substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object
  20. having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
  21. extensive landed property retained by the owner
  22. raise from a lower to a higher position
  23. someone who pays for goods or services
  24. apply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion

51 Clues: put into servicea stock or supply of foodsthe act of rendering optimaloccurring without interruptionperform as expected when appliedan impressive display or assortmenta power to affect persons or eventssomeone who pays for goods or servicesgrant freedom to; free from confinementraise from a lower to a higher position...

Business 2021-03-25

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Producing a limited number of identical products.
  2. Agreement between firms in which each agrees to commit resources to achieve an agreed set of objectives.
  3. When revenue equals total costs and the business is making neither profit nor loss.
  4. A long-term goal the business wants to achieve
  5. The total value of capital raised from shareholders by the issue of shares.
  6. When a firm ceases trading and its assets are sold for cash
  7. using barriers to free trade, such as tariffs and quotas, to protect a country's own domestic industries.
  8. The income received from the sale of a product.
  9. Two or more businesses agree to work closely together on a particular project and create a separate business division to do so.
  10. An agreement by shareholders and managers of two businesses to bring both firms together under a common board of directors with shareholders in both businesses owning shares in the newly merged business.
  1. Setting a high price for a new product when a firm has a unique or highly differentiated product with low price elasticity of demand
  2. When a business cannot meet its short-term debts.
  3. Arises when a business is valued at or sold for more than the balance sheet values of its assets
  4. A written document, describes a business's objectives and strategies, the market it is in, and its financial forecast.
  5. Deliberately undercutting competitors' prices in order to try to force them out of the market.
  6. Dividing a market into distinct groups of consumers who share common tastes and requirements.
  7. When a company buys over 50% of the shares of another company and becomes the controlling owner----often referred to as "acquisition".
  8. A business that uses the name, logo, and trading systems of an existing successful business.
  9. Within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product.
  10. A group of people acting together to meet the common needs and aspirations of its members, sharing ownership and making decisions democratically.

20 Clues: A long-term goal the business wants to achieveThe income received from the sale of a product.When a business cannot meet its short-term debts.Producing a limited number of identical products.When a firm ceases trading and its assets are sold for cashThe total value of capital raised from shareholders by the issue of shares....

Business 2020-10-22

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Unlimited wants cannot be met because there are limited factors of production, this creates scarcity, this is called...
  2. Good or services which people would like, but not essential for living are called...
  3. Non-tangible products such as insurance services, transport are called...
  4. Able to cut costs and win a greater share of the market, develop new products or sell to new markets, can also be external or internal, this is called...
  5. A mix of private sector and public sector enterprises is called...
  6. The benefit that could have been gained from an alternative use of the same resource is called...
  7. Investing in new products or selling more of existing products is called...
  8. The part of the economy that is owned and controlled by the state or government is called...
  9. The process of producing goods and services to satisfy consumer demand is called...
  10. A sector that's concerned with making and assembling products ,manufacturers use raw materials and parts from other industries, is called...
  1. A complete description of a business and its plans for the next one to three years is called...
  2. A sector that's concerned with using natural resources, including farming, mining and oil drilling, is called...
  3. Physical goods, such as machinery and delivery vehicles, used by other businesses to help produce other goods and services are called...
  4. When there are not enough goods and services to meet the wants of the population, that's called...
  5. Products which are sold to the final consumer, can be seen and touched are called...
  6. Involves the takeover of another business or merger with another business is called...
  7. A person that takes risks in a business is called...
  8. A sector that gives something of value to people( a service), is called...
  9. The part of the economy where the resources are owned and controlled by both the private and public sectors, that's called ...
  10. Goods or services that are essential to living are called...

20 Clues: A person that takes risks in a business is called...Goods or services that are essential to living are called...A mix of private sector and public sector enterprises is called...Non-tangible products such as insurance services, transport are called...A sector that gives something of value to people( a service), is called......

business 2020-10-30

business crossword puzzle
  1. a good or service which is essential to living
  2. - a detailed written document outlining the purpose and aims of a business which is often used to persuade lenders or investors to finance a business proposal
  3. the process of producing goods and services to satisfy consumer demand
  4. non-tangible products
  5. are not enough goods and services to meet the wants of the population
  6. the production and supply of goods to the final customer involves activities from primary, secondary and tertiary sector businesses
  7. the benefit that could have been gained from an alternative use of the same resource
  8. firms that supply a service to consumers and other businesses
  9. production is divided into separate tasks and each employee does just one of those tasks
  1. unlimited wants cannot be met because there are limited factors of production. This creates scarcity
  2. physical goods used by other businesses to help produce other goods and services
  3. - a newly formed business. They usually start small, but some might grow to become much bigger
  4. firms that process and manufacture goods from natural resources
  5. firms whose business activity involves the extraction of natural resources
  6. tangible products which are sold to the final consumer
  7. the part of the economy that is controlled by the state or government
  8. a good or service which people would like, but is not essential to living
  9. the resources needed to produce goods_and_services: land, labour, capital and enterprise
  10. an economy where the resources are owned and controlled by both the private and the public sectors
  11. the part of the economy that is owned and controlled by individuals and companies for profit
  12. people and businesses concentrate on what they are best at
  13. the amount a business earns from the sale of its products

22 Clues: non-tangible productsa good or service which is essential to livingtangible products which are sold to the final consumerthe amount a business earns from the sale of its productspeople and businesses concentrate on what they are best atfirms that supply a service to consumers and other businesses...

Business 2021-05-26

Business crossword puzzle
  1. - collect (money);
  2. - (n.)business opportunity;
  3. - a business ......, an occasion when someone buys or sells something
  4. - a person, group, or organisation competing with others for the same thing or in the same area;
  5. to ......... an order, to arrange to get something;
  6. - (n./v.)to combine or join together;
  7. - (adj.) doubting that something is true or useful;
  8. - (adj.)full of activity, very busy and fast;
  9. - (n.)Our annual ..... rose to $ 80 million;
  10. - to break ......., reach a point in a business venture when the profits are equal to the costs;
  11. - (v.)to make certain something is protected from danger or risk
  12. - to increase in size, number, or importance;
  1. - (adj.)using new ideas or methods;
  2. - (n.) academic ..........;
  3. - (n.) to be a high ..........; a person who achieves more than the average person in their work;
  4. - I'm just phoning to ...... up an order I placed last week.
  5. - to run at a ......., making less money than is spent buying, operating, or producing something;
  6. - to talk ........, to explain an idea, a plan to someone so that they understand it;
  7. -(n.) careful and detailed examination;
  8. - ...... competition, very strong and aggressive;
  9. - (n.) to be a social ....... ; to be highly interactive;
  10. - (adj.) to be a ....... observer, to be good at noticing things;
  11. - (v.)........ on my own business venture;
  12. - @

24 Clues: - @- collect (money);- (n.)business opportunity;- (n.) academic ..........;- (adj.)using new ideas or methods;- (n./v.)to combine or join together;-(n.) careful and detailed examination;- (v.)........ on my own business venture;- (n.)Our annual ..... rose to $ 80 million;- (adj.)full of activity, very busy and fast;...

business 2021-08-27

business crossword puzzle
  1. прямокутник
  2. свідок
  3. розширювати
  4. застібнути
  5. свідомий
  6. обслуговувати
  7. загалом
  8. шлях на доботу
  9. неохочий
  10. включити в розетку
  1. впроваждувати
  2. набувати
  3. кінцевий строк
  4. заздрити
  5. збіг
  6. впевненість
  7. пристосовувати
  8. стеля
  9. рішення
  10. запускати
  11. збирати
  12. цікавий

22 Clues: збігстелясвідокрішеннязбиратизагаломцікавийнабуватизаздритисвідомийнеохочийзапускатизастібнутипрямокутниквпевненістьрозширювативпроваждуватиобслуговуватикінцевий строкпристосовуватишлях на доботувключити в розетку

Business 2021-11-22

Business crossword puzzle
  1. The person who have to manage staff and every thing
  2. action of inflating something
  3. the process of increasing in physical size
  4. protection for costumer when he purchased
  5. You can bring document in this
  6. obtain (money) in return for labor or services
  7. the action of delivering letters, packages, or ordered
  8. combination of two things, especially companies
  9. a complete list of items in a store
  10. way to have an agreement
  11. roughly calculate or judge the value
  12. expenses of company
  13. person or thing that provides something
  14. a piece of paper money
  15. legally logo, word use for represent company
  1. start or set in motion
  2. type of product manufactured by a particular company
  3. company objective
  4. list of goods sent or services provide with sum due
  5. regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale
  6. Electronic thing that you can use for sending email
  7. The group of employee
  8. pay back when costumer is not satisfied
  9. an example or instance of improving or being improved
  10. an amount that we have
  11. move from a lower position to a higher one
  12. the amount by which something, is too small
  13. a fixed regular payment
  14. the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of business
  15. The person who buy the things in the store

30 Clues: company objectiveexpenses of companyThe group of employeestart or set in motionan amount that we havea piece of paper moneya fixed regular paymentway to have an agreementaction of inflating somethingYou can bring document in thisa complete list of items in a storeroughly calculate or judge the valuepay back when costumer is not satisfied...

business 2022-01-06

business crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency.
  2. the quality or state of being correct or precise.
  3. handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful manner.
  4. of chief importance; principal.
  5. a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration or discussion by others.
  6. concerned with what is actually the case rather than interpretations of or reactions to it.
  7. the fact or quality of being done or occurring at a favorable or useful time.
  8. the act of keeping track of the history of a person's or organization's activities, generally by creating and storing consistent
  9. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
  10. the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
  11. sorting things into places
  12. coming after, less important than, or resulting from someone or something else that is primary.
  13. a system that traces the detailed transactions relating to any item in an accounting record.
  14. a place or an area designed for holding or safe-keeping objects
  1. a line or set of lines enclosing or indicating the shape of an object in a sketch or diagram.
  2. detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.
  3. the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
  4. a preliminary version of a piece of writing.
  5. the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well.
  6. repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.
  7. property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance.
  8. the Employer file which contains information relevant to individual employees and to their employment.
  9. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
  10. make a similar or identical version of; reproduce.
  11. the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
  12. the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.
  13. material that provides official information or evidence or that serves as a record.
  14. give a brief statement of the main points of (something).
  15. a sequence of drawings, typically with some directions and dialogue, representing the shots planned for a movie or television production.
  16. a brief statement or account of the main points of something.
  17. a system of money in general use in a particular country.

31 Clues: sorting things into placesof chief importance; principal.a preliminary version of a piece of writing.the quality or state of being correct or precise.make a similar or identical version of; that is or may be inherited; an inheritance.give a brief statement of the main points of (something)....

Business 2021-12-19

Business crossword puzzle
  1. business formed by two pople or more who are wiling to take and share responsibility for day-to-day runing of the business.
  2. the owners of a limited company
  3. the owner(s) of a business are entirely responsible for its debts.In contrast with limited liability, unlimited liability refers to business owners who are legally liable for any debt their business might accrue.
  4. the amount a business earns from the sale of its products
  5. an improvement or addition to something that makes it worth more
  6. ROCE(%)=operating profit/capital employed x 100
  7. a formal written document containing goals of a business & methods for attaining those goals
  8. the things you must have for living/cant live without
  9. a business owned and controled by just one person which takes all the risks and also profits
  10. an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do
  11. A shareholder of a corporation is an individual or legal entity that is registered by the corporation as the legal owner of shares of the share capital of a public or private corporation.
  12. a business organisation that is owned and controlled by the state
  13. a situation in which something is not easy to find or get
  14. the formulation, deformulation, technical consulting and testing of most consumer products, such as food, herbs, beverages, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics
  15. a newly formed business.Starts small but might oneday become much bigger
  1. a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needsphysical skills or strength
  2. a business that is managed by directors and owned by shareholders. ....can offer shares to the public.A .... is also listed on the stock market and essentially needs to be more open and public about its details than a private company.
  3. a person's desire to use all their abilities to achieve and be everything that they possibly can.
  4. a type of organisation you can set up to run your business. Company ownership is split into shares owned by shareholders. A company must pay corporation tax out of any profits and can then distribute the remaining profits among shareholders.
  5. the things you must have for a satisfactory-life
  6. a business system where enterpreneurs buy the right to use the name,logo & product of an existing business
  7. the buildings, machines, and equipment that are used to produce products or provide services
  8. the shareholders in a limited liaility company which fails only risk losing the amount they have invested in the cmpany and not any of their personal wealth
  9. finance needed when first setting up a business
  10. a payment,out of profits,to shareholders as a reward for threir investment
  11. two or moe businesses agree to work together on a project and set up a separete business for this purpose
  12. A business that does not possess a separate legal identity from its owner(s). The owner(s) bear full liability for any action or inaction of the business
  13. non-current assets offered as security against borrowing
  14. a particular area of knowledge or the process of becoming an expert in a particular area
  15. a business, or a difficult and important plan, especially one that will earn money
  16. products that people buy for their own use

31 Clues: the owners of a limited companyproducts that people buy for their own usefinance needed when first setting up a businessROCE(%)=operating profit/capital employed x 100the things you must have for a satisfactory-lifethe things you must have for living/cant live withoutnon-current assets offered as security against borrowing...

Business 2022-04-26

Business crossword puzzle
  1. Goals set by a business
  2. One type of stakeholders
  3. an organisation that is owned by its members
  4. Organisation that creates products and services
  5. Owned by more than 1 person
  6. Long term plan
  7. can assist employees
  8. Individual that runs a business
  9. Share of profit paid to shareholders
  10. No legal difference
  1. Sells the right to another business
  2. Expects businesses to pay fair taxes
  3. Non-profit organisations that exist to benefit the public
  4. Amount of goods or work produced
  5. Someone who works for a business
  6. certain projects that can harm the environment
  7. New laws that the business has to respond to
  8. individual or group that affects an organisation
  9. Cutting, painting, sanding
  10. Man made equipment

20 Clues: Long term planMan made equipmentNo legal differencecan assist employeesGoals set by a businessOne type of stakeholdersCutting, painting, sandingOwned by more than 1 personIndividual that runs a businessAmount of goods or work producedSomeone who works for a businessSells the right to another businessExpects businesses to pay fair taxes...

BUSINESS 2023-05-03

BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. atmaksa
  2. kupons
  3. rēķins
  4. paaugstinājums darbā
  5. investētājs
  6. ieguldītājs
  7. darba devējs
  8. peļņa
  9. pirkums
  10. reklāma
  11. garantija
  12. filiāle
  1. darba ņēmējs
  2. aizņemties
  3. vienoties, sarunāties, apspriesties
  4. budžets
  5. aprīkojums
  6. uzņēmējs
  7. pieņemt darbā
  8. komisijas maksa
  9. mēneša alga
  10. izplatīšana
  11. piegāde
  12. parāds
  13. doties pensijā

25 Clues: peļņakuponsrēķinsparādsatmaksabudžetspiegādepirkumsreklāmafiliāleuzņēmējsgarantijaaizņemtiesaprīkojumsinvestētājsieguldītājsmēneša algaizplatīšanadarba ņēmējsdarba devējspieņemt darbādoties pensijākomisijas maksapaaugstinājums darbāvienoties, sarunāties, apspriesties

Business 2023-07-28

Business crossword puzzle
  1. you can get estra payment
  2. a payment usually of money for labor or services usually according to contract and on an hourly, daily, or piecework basis.
  3. borrowing money
  4. money coming in
  5. preiods that include how long they can go for
  6. you work less than 38 hours per week
  7. you work together in this _________
  8. 40 hours or 140 per week
  9. _________________________ have work place rigts
  10. you get paid
  1. a limited amount of money to spend
  2. you work alone
  3. what dose GST stand for
  4. you do not commit to this
  5. you only are employed for a certain amount of time
  6. You got _________ because you did well
  7. spend on something now it is an __________
  8. you work at home so you are an__________
  9. you give money to the govermint
  10. how much you get paid in a month

20 Clues: you get paidyou work aloneborrowing moneymoney coming inwhat dose GST stand for40 hours or 140 per weekyou do not commit to thisyou can get estra paymentyou give money to the goverminthow much you get paid in a montha limited amount of money to spendyou work together in this _________you work less than 38 hours per week...

business 2022-12-30

business crossword puzzle
  1. CEO of the Federation of Indian Export Organization
  2. headquarters of ‘Utkarsh Small Finance Bank’
  3. India’s first numberless card of the country
  4. Which organization has decided to formulate Digital Payment Index
  5. center of any marketing process
  6. (slogan)Big inside. Small Outside
  7. legally bound obligation to pay debts
  8. country was the largest source of FDI in India during 2019-20
  1. LIC launched a new digital application
  2. name of the Family store owned by Sanjeev Goenka
  3. biggest snacks company in India
  4. an amount of work that a person is expected to do
  5. Which bank used “Net Safe Credit Card”
  6. Tax on imports
  7. first step in the internationalization process
  8. Market Regulator in India
  9. (slogan) Improving the quality of Life
  10. Which Company has launched 'Citizen First' advertisement campaign
  11. country had the greatest merchandise trade as a percentage of its GDP in 2020
  12. (slogan)Fun on the Run

20 Clues: Tax on imports(slogan)Fun on the RunMarket Regulator in Indiabiggest snacks company in Indiacenter of any marketing process(slogan)Big inside. Small Outsidelegally bound obligation to pay debtsWhich bank used “Net Safe Credit Card”(slogan) Improving the quality of LifeLIC launched a new digital application...