love Crossword Puzzles

Love love love 2024-02-14

Love love love crossword puzzle
  1. What will be the best day of their lives
  2. What the gay waiter at Duke of Devon called Anna
  3. How Steve feels when he is away from Anna
  4. What Steve would like Anna to be every day
  5. How Anna would like to spend her time
  6. How Steve feels around Anna
  7. What Anna's embrace is
  8. What Anna likes to have rubbed the most
  9. How long Steve would like to spend with Anna
  10. How Anna makes Steve feel all of the time
  1. What Steve likes to sing to Anna
  2. Feeling Steve put into this puzzle
  3. How Steve would describe Anna
  4. What Anna is to Steve
  5. Who loves Anna the most
  6. The relationship between Steve and Anna
  7. What does Steve want to do with Anna tonight
  8. Steve's favorite thing to kiss
  9. How they feel when they think the same thing
  10. What Anna likes played with the most
  11. Steve's favorite thing to hold
  12. Only thing that gets in between Steve and Anna

22 Clues: What Anna is to SteveWhat Anna's embrace isWho loves Anna the mostHow Steve feels around AnnaHow Steve would describe AnnaSteve's favorite thing to kissSteve's favorite thing to holdWhat Steve likes to sing to AnnaFeeling Steve put into this puzzleWhat Anna likes played with the mostHow Anna would like to spend her time...

Love 2014-02-01

Love crossword puzzle
  1. first name of the singer of 'always'
  2. everything without you
  3. my last name to be
  4. you spent your first here, and fell asleep on me
  5. we had a discussion about this
  6. the word i use to express my love for you
  7. month you asked me to be yours
  8. i still have its petals
  9. how i describe you
  10. we love to do this together
  11. the reason i can threat you is because you are...
  12. Maple leaves
  13. the animal that pops baloons
  1. the place you love spending your day
  2. Forever and...
  3. the thing you gave me after asking me to be yours
  4. de night
  5. your favorite color
  6. the emotion i feel when im with you
  7. my favorite animal
  8. things you love getting from me
  9. the place you come from
  10. i put it in my tea

23 Clues: Maple leavesForever de nightmy last name to bemy favorite animalhow i describe youi put it in my teayour favorite coloreverything without youi still have its petalsthe place you come fromwe love to do this togetherthe animal that pops baloonswe had a discussion about thismonth you asked me to be yoursthings you love getting from me...

LOVE 2017-11-22

LOVE crossword puzzle


Love 2016-04-25

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Lola
  2. Jiun
  3. Donna
  4. James
  5. Karoline
  6. Lucky
  7. Max
  8. Daniel
  9. Love
  10. Olga
  11. Akekasit
  12. Tamari
  13. Amy
  1. Chad
  2. Jose
  3. Ginger
  4. Julie
  5. Family
  6. Jinnaphat
  7. Laura
  8. Eiko
  9. Kemal
  10. Bella
  11. Duke
  12. William
  13. Ruethai
  14. Sabrina

27 Clues: MaxAmyChadJoseLolaJiunEikoDukeLoveOlgaJulieDonnaLauraJamesKemalBellaLuckyGingerFamilyDanielTamariWilliamRuethaiSabrinaKarolineAkekasitJinnaphat

Love 2021-10-20

Love crossword puzzle
  1. shamed
  2. green with
  3. opposite
  4. yes and ___
  5. joy again
  6. doing
  7. does not doubt
  8. keeps going
  9. not happy
  10. shields
  11. together
  12. not mean
  13. without effort
  1. what is this puzzle about
  2. always look out for number one
  3. willing to wait
  4. slight
  5. keeping track
  6. I'm better than you
  7. never opposite
  8. not a lie
  9. wonderful
  10. retain
  11. not yourself
  12. better than all the rest
  13. not good
  14. looking to the future
  15. being

28 Clues: doingbeingshamedslightretainshieldsoppositenot goodtogethernot meanjoy againnot a liewonderfulnot happygreen withyes and ___keeps goingnot yourselfkeeping tracknever oppositedoes not doubtwithout effortwilling to waitI'm better than youlooking to the futurebetter than all the restwhat is this puzzle aboutalways look out for number one

LOVE 2021-11-12

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. Miesiąc w którym się poznaliśmy
  2. ile mięsiecy ,,bycia razem,, minie w listopadzie
  3. w mcdonaldzie zawsze jemy...
  4. nazwa piwa które pierwszy raz wspólnie wypiliśmy
  5. rzecz po której dowiedziałam się ile masz lat
  6. co jemy najczęściej w aucie z biedry
  7. imię osoby zazdrosnej o nas
  8. miasto do którego pierwszy raz razem pojechaliśmy
  9. tak zdrabniasz moje imie i mówisz do mnie najczęściej (nieprzyzwoite)
  10. dzień tygodnia moich narodzin
  11. jak mam cię zapisanego w telefonie
  12. miejsce naszego pierwszego spotkania
  13. kto pierwszy powiedział KOCHAM (podaj pełne imię)
  14. na jaką okazję dostałam od Ciebie bukiet kwiatków
  15. rzecz o której zawsze muszę wspomnieć podczas seksu
  1. nienawidze tego jak śpię z tobą
  2. samochód który miałam przed mazdą
  3. mój znak zodiaku
  4. jaki był mój pierwszy samochód
  5. słowo które mówisz codziennie na koniec spotkania a ja tego nie lubie
  6. na jaki pojazd muszę czekać jeszcze 2 lata i bardzo tego chcę
  7. sytuacja (moja) dzięki której się poznaliśmy
  8. miejsce naszego pierwszego razu
  9. na co Cię cały czas namawiam
  10. nie jest najważniejszy ale jest ważny
  11. uwielbiam gdy ją masz
  12. jakiej emotki najczęściej używamy

27 Clues: mój znak zodiakuuwielbiam gdy ją maszimię osoby zazdrosnej o nasw mcdonaldzie zawsze co Cię cały czas namawiamdzień tygodnia moich narodzinjaki był mój pierwszy samochódMiesiąc w którym się poznaliśmynienawidze tego jak śpię z tobąmiejsce naszego pierwszego razusamochód który miałam przed mazdąjakiej emotki najczęściej używamy...

Love 2022-07-25

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Feet left the ground
  2. This is our song
  3. Dairy?
  4. Electric adventures
  5. Rhyming way to start the day
  6. My nickname
  7. Place that we don’t live
  8. Puppy niece
  9. Favorite gas station
  10. First trip together
  11. Artist for your birthday *said in a southern accent*
  12. Dead to me
  13. Best goalie in the world
  1. Tossed salad and scrambled eggs
  2. Favorite snack / you’ve got a perfect one
  3. Our spot for Turkey havarti sandwiches
  4. And they thought we couldn’t do it…
  5. Roses are red…
  6. Greeting in a deep voice
  7. The grossest / most delicious food
  8. Shot glass from a state up north
  9. Four boys and a dream
  10. First kiss spot
  11. Artist best friend
  12. Valentine’s movie
  13. Can be found on R&T’s bed
  14. sixth artist on the playlist
  15. Favorite wiener
  16. I’m *positive* about my feelings for you

29 Clues: Dairy?Dead to meMy nicknamePuppy nieceRoses are red…First kiss spotFavorite wienerThis is our songValentine’s movieArtist best friendElectric adventuresFirst trip togetherFeet left the groundFavorite gas stationFour boys and a dreamGreeting in a deep voicePlace that we don’t liveBest goalie in the worldCan be found on R&T’s bed...

Love 2022-01-31

Love crossword puzzle
  1. I want you to get me___
  2. I like giving your soul____
  3. we’re going to buy a ____.
  4. I will be your ____.
  5. kisses… ____
  6. I want to give you ______
  7. we are in ____
  8. We are now _______.
  9. I want to ____ your teeth
  10. I want to eat your______
  11. soon you will be my_____
  1. @ McDonald’s or Hawaii.
  2. might move to ________
  3. I want to grab ur____
  4. we are s___mates.
  5. our daughter’s name
  6. you are my ______.
  7. our son’s name
  8. I want to lick your _____
  9. we might move to _______
  10. our favorite color.

21 Clues: kisses… ____our son’s namewe are in ____we are are my ______.our daughter’s nameWe are now _______.our favorite color.I will be your ____.I want to grab ur____might move to ________@ McDonald’s or Hawaii.I want you to get me___we might move to _______I want to eat your______soon you will be my_____I want to give you ______...

Love 2022-12-25

Love crossword puzzle
  1. month
  2. Ashing
  3. darling
  4. anniversary gift
  5. loftt
  6. smooch
  7. my _
  8. i love you for _
  9. Ramirez
  10. juntos
  1. _ in the woods
  2. home
  3. decorated for holiday
  4. partner for life
  5. frequent meal at home
  6. i _ you
  7. self made
  8. _ist
  9. vacation spot
  10. instrument
  11. pets

21 Clues: home_istpetsmy _monthlofttAshingsmoochjuntosi _ youdarlingRamirezself madeinstrumentvacation spot_ in the woodspartner for lifeanniversary gifti love you for _decorated for holidayfrequent meal at home

Love 2024-06-19

Love crossword puzzle
  1. number of kids
  2. Sunday afternoons
  3. number of moves
  4. honeymoon
  5. kissed first
  6. bedtime tradition
  7. officiant
  8. special feeling
  9. town we met
  10. church married in
  11. Friday night traditions
  12. needed beverage
  13. Team Watched
  14. many year money saver
  1. dog
  2. Teri does not enjoy
  3. Place of engagement
  4. beer for Jason only
  5. meeting place
  6. favorite date activity
  7. yummy candy
  8. what we are
  9. uncomfortable seat

23 Clues: doghoneymoonofficiantyummy candywhat we aretown we metkissed firstTeam Watchedmeeting placenumber of kidsnumber of movesspecial feelingneeded beverageSunday afternoonsbedtime traditionchurch married inuncomfortable seatTeri does not enjoyPlace of engagementbeer for Jason onlymany year money saverfavorite date activityFriday night traditions

Love 2023-09-19

Love crossword puzzle
  1. You scream?
  2. GOAT
  3. "A" date spot
  4. Real life superheroes
  5. Bucketlist item
  6. Best pasta in town
  7. Must-have at beach or pool
  8. A late night snack
  9. A Lays chips flavour
  10. Many peoples favorite drug
  11. A common term of endearment
  1. Quaint town in Ontario
  2. A popular resort destination
  3. A popular deal at restaurants
  4. Best meat dish at KBBQ
  5. A sign from the universe
  6. A movie ahead of its time
  7. A bazaar
  8. Toronto's best day bar
  9. Mario's damsel in distress
  10. "Oh ____" (chocolate)
  11. A Ghanaian dish
  12. What you're not

23 Clues: GOATA bazaarYou scream?"A" date spotBucketlist itemA Ghanaian dishWhat you're notBest pasta in townA late night snackA Lays chips flavourReal life superheroes"Oh ____" (chocolate)Quaint town in OntarioBest meat dish at KBBQToronto's best day barA sign from the universeA movie ahead of its timeMario's damsel in distressMust-have at beach or pool...

Love 2023-11-07

Love crossword puzzle
  1. nuestra calle
  2. Número de hijos que vamos a tener
  3. Película fav en la que te quedaste dormido
  4. Tu color favorito
  5. Mi canción favorita
  6. Mejor día de tu vida
  7. Frío/Calor
  8. Mejor día de tu vida
  9. Mi novia
  10. Nuestra canción
  11. Tu serie favorita
  12. Mi serie favorita
  13. Mi cumpleaños
  14. Persona que debería ser atropellada
  15. Mejor banda del mundo
  16. Lugar favorito
  17. Lo que siento por tí
  18. Color de mi pelo
  19. Mi medio…
  20. Mi álbum favorito
  21. Canción de tay + s
  22. Donde deberías vivir
  1. tu deporte favorito
  2. Película fav en la que te quedaste dormido again
  3. Nuestro álbum
  4. Tu animal favoritisimo
  5. Tu carrera deseada si no te da un mental breakdown
  6. Son mejores rectangulares
  7. Tu color fav
  8. Nuestro museo
  9. Mi número de pie
  10. Día que nos conocimos
  11. Mi deporte favorito
  12. Tremendo álbum
  13. Día de nuestro aniversario
  14. Tu número favorito
  15. Tu bebida favorita
  16. El amor de mi vida
  17. Me dejaste:
  18. forma de casarnos
  19. Mi novio rubio irlandés
  20. Cantante colombiano que te gusta
  21. Primer apellido de nuestros hijos
  22. Primera cita

44 Clues: Mi noviaMi medio…Frío/CalorMe dejaste:Tu color favPrimera citaNuestro álbumnuestra calleNuestro museoMi cumpleañosTremendo álbumLugar favoritoNuestra canciónMi número de pieColor de mi peloTu color favoritoTu serie favoritaMi serie favoritaforma de casarnosMi álbum favoritoTu número favoritoTu bebida favoritaEl amor de mi vidaCanción de tay + s...

Love 2021-11-13

Love crossword puzzle
  1. listen
  2. float
  3. be
  4. eat
  5. walk
  6. have
  7. pet
  8. clothes
  1. drink
  2. love
  3. go
  4. it
  5. hear
  6. morning
  7. what
  8. where
  9. be
  10. do
  11. wear
  12. la
  13. hubby

21 Clues: goitbebedolaeatpetlovehearwhatwalkhaveweardrinkfloatwherehubbylistenmorningclothes

Love 2021-11-13

Love crossword puzzle
  1. eat
  2. be
  3. hear
  4. hubby
  5. have
  6. be
  7. it
  8. pet
  9. float
  10. what
  11. do
  1. morning
  2. walk
  3. where
  4. go
  5. drink
  6. listen
  7. love
  8. wear
  9. la
  10. clothes

21 Clues: begobeitladoeatpetwalkhearhavelovewearwhatwherehubbydrinkfloatlistenmorningclothes

Love 2014-04-15

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Eyes
  2. Plenty
  3. Pat's
  4. Water
  5. Touch
  6. Pat Loves
  7. Our Four Boys
  8. One more year!
  9. Children
  10. Noise
  11. Mark's Brain
  12. Brush
  1. Best
  2. Count The Ways
  3. Miss you
  4. Man Cave
  5. Air Quality
  6. Jerry Springer
  7. Pat and Mark
  8. Marriage
  9. To Have Each Other
  10. Look Both Ways
  11. Eat
  12. Mark's Heart
  13. Your Size
  14. Need to
  15. Diggy and Baby
  16. I love you

28 Clues: EatBestEyesPat'sWaterTouchNoiseBrushPlentyNeed toMiss youMan CaveMarriageChildrenPat LovesYour SizeI love youAir QualityPat and MarkMark's HeartMark's BrainOur Four BoysCount The WaysJerry SpringerLook Both WaysOne more year!Diggy and BabyTo Have Each Other

LOVE 2014-02-07

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. My initials spell what animal?
  2. The month we 1st met.
  3. You are Uma's and Papa's 1st which?
  4. Name of the 1st stuffed animal I gave you.
  5. Name of our favourite band.
  6. Where we went on our 1st date.
  7. The physical feature I was attracted to when we 1st met.
  8. The place where we became "Official".
  9. Who is the better cook between the two of us?
  10. A major fitness obstacle we did together in -50 weather.
  1. Who is the most stubborn between the two of us?
  2. The 1st holiday that we celebrated together.
  3. The meal I made for you on our 1st date.
  4. New Iceland AKA ______.
  5. Your favourite chocolate bar.
  6. Number of days between our birthdays.
  7. My favourite colour.
  8. How long will I love you.
  9. Name of our apartment building.
  10. Your rank before leaving the Army.
  11. Our anniversary date.
  12. Your favourite outdoor winter activity.
  13. Will you be My Valentine?
  14. Which do you prefer more: coffee or tea?

24 Clues: My favourite colour.The month we 1st met.Our anniversary date.New Iceland AKA ______.How long will I love you.Will you be My Valentine?Name of our favourite band.Your favourite chocolate bar.My initials spell what animal?Where we went on our 1st date.Name of our apartment building.Your rank before leaving the Army....

LOVE 2014-08-23

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. Early Copy Machine
  2. Car Part
  3. A grade of C
  4. To and From Work
  5. Vow
  6. Principle
  7. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's ____
  8. Lawyers assoc
  9. Blank cabana
  10. Fancy Jewelery
  11. Bear or opposite
  12. Computer symbols
  13. City in Texas
  14. Donate ____ play rugby
  15. Peruvian Fish
  16. Words with a certain ring to them
  17. Biblical river
  18. Rock group output
  19. Cacophony
  20. __ ___ ye faithful
  21. Wedding dress material
  22. Evil Idi
  23. Leaning tower
  24. NJ governor
  25. ____ Are A Girls Best Friend
  26. Hello in slang
  27. Comfort
  28. Sit tight
  29. Montana animal
  30. Soup spoon
  31. It's hard to break
  32. Recipe direction
  33. Smart way to travel
  34. Golfer Y. E.
  35. Apple’s ____ store
  36. Stated your case
  1. Hoover Ran It
  2. Expire
  3. Camera Style
  4. Horse ___ or tennis ____
  5. Words with a certain ring to them
  6. Forever
  7. French Angels
  8. Wood finish
  9. Russian mountain range
  10. Newtons Seat
  11. ___ ___ lay
  12. Teem
  13. Rocker Eno
  14. South Carolina lake
  15. Spicy Beach
  16. Seem
  17. Retirement fund
  18. Type of Gem
  19. Tallest Point East of the Mississippi
  20. Osse
  21. Moo ____ pork
  22. Rodeo animal - a bucking_
  23. Another form of Inc.
  24. Golf position
  25. Peter Pan Movement
  26. Golda
  27. Actor Danny
  28. Numero____
  29. Mates Call
  30. Element in a rainbow
  31. Shuts a door hard
  32. Movie director Lee
  33. West African Disease
  34. Measure of "coke"
  35. Golf Products Company
  36. Breakfast chain
  37. Greek baking dough
  38. _____ Compete

74 Clues: VowTeemSeemOsseGoldaExpireForeverComfortCar PartEvil IdiPrincipleCacophonySit tightRocker EnoNumero____Mates CallSoup spoonWood finish___ ___ laySpicy BeachType of GemActor DannyNJ governorA grade of CCamera StyleBlank cabanaNewtons SeatGolfer Y. E.Hoover Ran ItFrench AngelsLawyers assocCity in TexasPeruvian FishMoo ____ porkGolf position...

LOVE 2014-08-24

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. Type of Father or Ladder
  2. Golfer Y. E.
  3. Moo ____ pork
  4. City in Texas
  5. Top Type
  6. Golda
  7. Words with a certain ring to them
  8. Hoover Ran It
  9. Rock group output
  10. Golf position
  11. _____cabana
  12. Clock Face Numbers
  13. Breakfast chain
  14. Tallest Point East of the Mississippi
  15. Osse
  16. Peruvian Fish
  17. Greek baking dough
  18. Movie director Lee
  19. Typical of a Carp
  20. Rocker Eno
  21. Rodeo animal - a bucking_
  22. NJ governor
  23. Type of Gem
  24. Russian mountain range
  25. Shuts a door hard
  26. Another form of Inc.
  27. Wedding dress material
  28. Numero____
  29. Principle
  30. Mythical Blue Bird
  31. Donate ____ play rugby
  1. South Carolina lake
  2. Bear or opposite
  3. Spicy Beach
  4. Leaning tower
  5. Recipe direction
  6. Words with a certain ring to them
  7. Q50
  8. Actor Danny
  9. Expire
  10. Lawyers assoc
  11. Horse ___ or tennis ____
  12. Retirement fund
  13. It's hard to break
  14. Early Copy Machine
  15. Forever
  16. Newtons Seat
  17. Montana animal
  18. Seem
  19. Comfort
  20. Peter Pan Movement
  21. ____ Are A Girls Best Friend
  22. Sit tight
  23. __ ___ ye faithful
  24. Element in a rainbow
  25. To and From Work
  26. Evil Idi
  27. Stated your case
  28. Biblical river
  29. Fancy Jewelery

60 Clues: Q50OsseSeemGoldaExpireForeverComfortTop TypeEvil IdiSit tightPrincipleRocker EnoNumero____Spicy BeachActor Danny_____cabanaNJ governorType of GemGolfer Y. E.Newtons SeatLeaning towerMoo ____ porkCity in TexasLawyers assocHoover Ran ItGolf positionPeruvian FishMontana animalBiblical riverFancy JeweleryRetirement fundBreakfast chainBear or opposite...

LOVE 2023-04-19

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. - A strong and intense emotion or feeling.
  2. - Gentle and caring affection or love.
  3. - A strong but short-lived feeling of love or attraction.
  4. - A close emotional connection between two people.
  5. - A feeling of love and excitement in a relationship.
  6. - A feeling of love, kindness, and comfort.
  7. - Sympathy and concern for the suffering of others.
  8. - A strong belief in the reliability and honesty of someone.
  9. - A peaceful and loving state of mind.
  10. - Love that lasts and withstands challenges and difficulties.
  11. - A feeling of togetherness and connection with someone.
  1. - Love expressed through acts of generosity and compassion.
  2. - Showing or expressing strong feelings of love or desire.
  3. - A deep desire or yearning for someone or something.
  4. - Respect and approval for someone or something.
  5. - A feeling of affection and liking.
  6. - A feeling of being drawn to someone or something.
  7. - Deep love and commitment to someone or something.
  8. - A warm feeling of liking or fondness.
  9. - A peaceful and loving relationship between people.

20 Clues: - A feeling of affection and liking.- Gentle and caring affection or love.- A peaceful and loving state of mind.- A warm feeling of liking or fondness.- A strong and intense emotion or feeling.- A feeling of love, kindness, and comfort.- Respect and approval for someone or something.- A close emotional connection between two people....

love 2020-10-18

love crossword puzzle
  1. drink of choice
  2. best way to cook eggs
  3. our favourite brand
  4. horrible place on a friday night
  5. with spaghetti
  6. name i want to call a boy
  7. first birthday present you received
  8. how i like my coffee
  9. favourite weed
  10. how much i miss you when you arent here
  11. i always win at this
  12. big markets big fights
  13. male star crossed lover
  14. evas name as a baby
  15. park where we were gonna buy
  16. my favourite number
  17. how many kids i want
  18. our song
  19. baby girls name
  20. my favourite colour
  21. my favourite from kim
  22. month of love
  23. dead kitten
  1. first kiss
  2. how long i will love you for
  3. mate for life
  4. favourite place to put my hands
  5. secret handshake saying
  6. my favourite cordial flavour
  7. secret spag ingredient
  8. she rides in cars with boys
  9. your lasagna
  10. caravan park in byron
  11. ap used to get your number
  12. best bao buns
  13. justin timberlake lyric you struggle with
  14. your future name
  15. the house you worked in when we met
  16. how many weeks until we said i love you
  17. your best feature
  18. you mostly win at this

41 Clues: our songfirst kissdead kittenyour lasagnamate for lifebest bao bunsmonth of lovewith spaghettifavourite weeddrink of choicebaby girls nameyour future nameyour best featureour favourite brandevas name as a babymy favourite numbermy favourite colourhow i like my coffeei always win at thishow many kids i wantbest way to cook eggscaravan park in byron...

Love 2022-04-30

Love crossword puzzle
  1. final country they will visit on their Honeymoon
  2. hotel they stayed at the night of the engagement
  3. last name of Dan’s favorite soccer player
  4. highschool class (subj.) where the bride and groom fell in love
  5. adult swim show characters that Dan and Danielle portrayed on Halloween
  6. name of first original art piece the couple purchased
  7. Danielle's favorite TV show (HBO)
  8. Danisz's favorite cocktail
  9. one of their favorite restaurants in the Westboro area
  10. city in Europe Dan and Danielle will never visit again
  11. their favorite director
  12. acronym of their favorite place to go for a theatrical date night
  1. name of the street of their second apartment
  2. name of their Monstera plant inspired by the show Ozark
  3. Dan’s chess idol
  4. name of the street of their first apartment
  5. Name of bar they plan to open together
  6. University the two studied at
  7. Danisz's favorite movie trilogy
  8. world cup soccer team the couple agrees is superior
  9. Danielle's favorite cocktail
  10. Dog breed that the groom grew up with
  11. location they went to for their first trip
  12. name of the first pet Danielle and Dan bought together
  13. wine label of their made-up winery
  14. famed host of jeopardy one of D2 favourite shows
  15. show that inspired their condo decor
  16. D2 favourite board game
  17. what Danielle’s parents (reluctantly) allowed her to install in their living room

29 Clues: Dan’s chess idolD2 favourite board gametheir favorite directorDanisz's favorite cocktailDanielle's favorite cocktailUniversity the two studied atDanisz's favorite movie trilogyDanielle's favorite TV show (HBO)wine label of their made-up wineryshow that inspired their condo decorDog breed that the groom grew up with...

Love 2023-08-11

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Who should you love more than yourself (Leviticus 19:18)
  2. Who loves at all times? (Proverbs 17:17)
  3. What does God love in this verse? (Psalm 37:28)
  4. What will God do for those who He loves? (Proverbs 3:12)
  5. Who did Michal love? (1 Samuel 18:20)
  6. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of ________ , but have not love, (1 Corinthians 13:1)
  7. Take now your son, your only son _______ , whom you love (Genesis 22:2)
  8. but showing ______ to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments (Deut 5:10)
  9. What are we supposed to love? (Zechariah 8:19)
  10. What did God turn into a blessing (Deut 20:25)
  11. Who loved the soil? (2 Chronicles 26:9-10)
  12. What kind of love do the Thessalonians don’t need reminding about? (1 Thessalonians 4:9)
  13. What do you use to love God (Deut 6:5)
  14. Who loves bribes? (Isaiah 1:23)
  15. What kind of love does God have for us? (Jeremiah 31:3)
  16. What will God do for those who love Him? (Psalm 145:20)
  17. For the love of Christ ___________ us, (2 Corinthians 5:14)
  18. Who should you live with joyfully? (Proverbs 9:9)
  19. What cannot quench love? (Song of Solomon 8:7)
  20. What has God heard? (Psalm 116:1)
  21. Who was the son of Bathsheba and also loved by God? (2 Samuel 12:24)
  22. What does the writer love? (Psalm 119:47)
  23. Who wrote this? “Because the LORD loves His people, He has made you king over them.” (2 Chronicles 2:11)
  1. “He will ________ you with His love, (Zephaniah 3:17)
  2. Love does not do this. (1 Corinthians 13:3)
  3. How many generations does God keep His covenant for? (Deut 7:9)
  4. Who are young women to love? (Titus 2:2)
  5. his mother made savory food, such as his ______ loved (Genesis 27:14)
  6. Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, (Genesis 37:3)
  7. Who are we told to love? (Matthew 5:43)
  8. What does God love? (Psalm 11:7)
  9. Who doesn’t love being corrected? (Proverbs 15:12)
  10. How will people know we are Jesus’ disciples? (John 13:34
  11. What is going to happen to God here? (Psalm 40:16)
  12. Who is told to love the Lord? (Psalm 31:23)
  13. Who did Samson love? (Judges 16:4)
  14. The love of what is the root of all kinds of evil? (1 Timothy 6:10)
  15. What kind of God keeps His covenant? (Daniel 9:4)
  16. What kind of giver does God love?
  17. Who does God love? (Deut 10:8)
  18. What city is this verse about? (Isaiah 66:10)
  19. What do men love more than light? (John 3:19)
  20. What are we to stir up as well as love? (Hebrews 10:24)
  21. Great peace have those who love Your law, And __________ causes them to stumble. (Psalm 119:165)
  22. What does God hate? (Psalm 45:7)
  23. What is lovely? (Psalm 84:1)
  24. Whoever gets this loves his own soul. (Proverbs 19:8)
  25. What are we told not to love? (1 John 2:15)
  26. Who received a double portion because she was loved? (1 Samuel 1:5)
  27. Who took Esther in as his own daughter? (Esther 2:17)

50 Clues: What is lovely? (Psalm 84:1)Who does God love? (Deut 10:8)Who loves bribes? (Isaiah 1:23)What does God love? (Psalm 11:7)What does God hate? (Psalm 45:7)What kind of giver does God love?What has God heard? (Psalm 116:1)Who did Samson love? (Judges 16:4)Who did Michal love? (1 Samuel 18:20)What do you use to love God (Deut 6:5)...

Love 2024-06-07

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Melvina and Donte have been together for ___ years
  2. beverage the Groom can't live without
  3. town the couple live in
  4. Bride's favorite color
  5. two __s become one
  6. Something old, something new, borrowed & _____
  7. Bride's favorite comedic actor
  8. Bride's favorite food (hint: from the sea)
  9. food the Bride is allergic to
  10. city in which the couple met
  11. favorite tv show to watch as a family
  12. We are F____y!
  13. person the couple is most excited to celebrate with
  14. sport the Groom likes to play
  15. Austin's favorite sport
  1. number of children the couple have
  2. Bride's maiden name
  3. who is the luckiest man on Earth
  4. Bride's new last name
  5. Bride's major in college
  6. month in which the couple met (hint: Mel's Bday)
  7. month of the couple's wedding
  8. NJ town the Groom grew up in
  9. the couple's favorite vacation type (hint: sun)
  10. city where the Groom proposed
  11. flowers in the Bride's bouquet
  12. Groom's favorite rap artist
  13. Bride's favorite holiday
  14. Groom's favorite food
  15. Groom's favorite movie
  16. number of groomsmen
  17. Nia's middle name
  18. movie genre Groom loves, that the Bride doesn't

33 Clues: We are F____y!Nia's middle nametwo __s become oneBride's maiden namenumber of groomsmenBride's new last nameGroom's favorite foodBride's favorite colorGroom's favorite movietown the couple live inAustin's favorite sportBride's major in collegeBride's favorite holidayGroom's favorite rap artistNJ town the Groom grew up incity in which the couple met...

Love 2024-11-18

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Grooms favorite food type
  2. Venue name
  3. Brides new last name
  4. How many dogs did the bride have growing up
  5. Which condiment will the bride put on anything
  6. State groom was born in
  7. Grooms favorite condiment
  8. Couples favorite chip dip
  9. Grooms motorcycle make
  10. Couples favorite board game
  11. What month did the couple get engaged
  12. Couples youngest dog
  13. Which state did the couple meet in
  1. Couples white labs name
  2. Couples favorite summer activity
  3. Brides birth month
  4. City couple lives in
  5. Which state did the bride go to college in
  6. Proposal location
  7. Grooms hometown
  8. Couples hometown
  9. Brides favorite animal
  10. Couples first van trip location
  11. Couples favorite holiday
  12. Grooms favorite animal
  13. Honeymoon destination
  14. Name of couples ring Bear

27 Clues: Venue nameGrooms hometownCouples hometownProposal locationBrides birth monthCity couple lives inBrides new last nameCouples youngest dogHoneymoon destinationBrides favorite animalGrooms motorcycle makeGrooms favorite animalCouples white labs nameState groom was born inCouples favorite holidayGrooms favorite food typeGrooms favorite condiment...

Love 2025-01-28

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Where was I reading?
  2. What "B" fish is a large saltwater fish of genus Sphyraena?
  3. Our favorite Bar in Madrid
  4. Famous Bike
  5. Squirrel in Spanish
  6. Elbflorenz
  7. Aix-en-Provence
  8. Archenemy of a Cardinal
  9. World's almost best ice-cream
  10. What did you rub your face with
  11. Outdoor Brand (Famous for tents)
  1. proof of your braveness (Via ...)
  2. Screams the nickname of a famous actor
  3. Best Jazz Club in Florence (Forte di ...)
  4. Castle near Stuttgart
  5. My favorite Bar in Madrid
  6. City in northern Germany
  7. Your favorite Bar in Madrid
  8. Polymath
  9. German Winter Beverage
  10. World's best mountain hut
  11. Premius....
  12. Funny Streetname

23 Clues: PolymathElbflorenzFamous BikePremius....Aix-en-ProvenceFunny StreetnameSquirrel in SpanishWhere was I reading?Castle near StuttgartGerman Winter BeverageArchenemy of a CardinalCity in northern GermanyMy favorite Bar in MadridWorld's best mountain hutOur favorite Bar in MadridYour favorite Bar in MadridWorld's almost best ice-cream...

LOVE 2025-01-30

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. – "Sweet, chocolatey, and possibly your love language!"
  2. – "A gemstone that shines as bright as our bond."
  3. – "A number that marks something unforgettable for us!"
  4. – "A title of wisdom and care—maybe someone’s ambition or a joke we share?"
  5. – "The month that holds a special chapter in our love story."
  6. – "Italian, delicious, and maybe part of a special dinner date?"
  7. – "A small circle around my wrist, but a big symbol of us."
  8. – "Emotional yet strong—another zodiac sign between us!"
  9. – "Cozy, oversized, and probably borrowed more than once!"
  10. – "this word is not what you think,jumble or fumble."
  1. – "He may not swing from trees, but this playful nickname sticks!"
  2. – "Cold to the touch, but melts just like my heart around him!"
  3. – "A quiet escape where pages turn, but time with him is even better!"
  4. – "some say its the sun's enemy, but I say they are soulmates."
  5. – "A name that holds treasures, much like our memories together."
  6. – "Not just a color, but a shade in our memories."
  7. – "Balanced and charming—one of our zodiac signs!"
  8. – "A warm, nutty flavor—perhaps in coffee or just in sweet moments?"
  9. – "Where games, fun, and maybe a little friendly competition happen!"
  10. – "Not just for Christmas—this reminds me of something (or someone) dear!"

20 Clues: – "A gemstone that shines as bright as our bond."– "Not just a color, but a shade in our memories."– "Balanced and charming—one of our zodiac signs!"– "this word is not what you think,jumble or fumble."– "Sweet, chocolatey, and possibly your love language!"– "A number that marks something unforgettable for us!"...

Love 2021-07-13

Love crossword puzzle
  1. you are my ...
  2. did you hear that
  3. essential car
  4. aubergine
  5. bed intruder
  6. disagreement
  7. stung rapid smooch
  8. spantics
  9. who's carrying
  10. Henry Harriet Rose
  11. dinners
  12. favorite van beach
  13. Nissan Interstar
  14. year it all began
  15. fart scent
  16. don't protect
  17. i forced you to
  18. takeaway
  19. posh bitches
  20. if not lady Gaga
  21. first gig
  22. first van trip
  23. just the tip
  1. fav date night
  2. lesbo sushi bar
  3. bar, jacuzzi
  4. Monty big bowl
  5. action love u
  6. who's driving
  7. future dreams
  8. quote grew legs
  9. awkward Rory
  10. sneaky deliveries
  11. simple pleasure
  12. sessels brother
  13. Bernard shaw
  14. favorite feature

37 Clues: dinnersspanticstakeawayauberginefirst gigfart scentbar, jacuzzibed intruderdisagreementawkward RoryBernard shawposh bitchesjust the tipaction love uwho's drivingessential carfuture dreamsdon't protectfav date nightyou are my ...Monty big bowlwho's carryingfirst van triplesbo sushi barquote grew legssimple pleasuresessels brotheri forced you to...

love 2022-08-10

love crossword puzzle
  1. my safe word
  2. my favorite physical feature of you
  3. first weekend getaway together
  4. our favorite co-op game
  5. our wedding date
  6. the first show we watched together
  7. our first date
  8. where we met
  1. what makes you cry
  2. our favorite activity
  3. our first pet
  4. where we had our first little kiss
  5. our favorite store
  6. our all time favorite beer
  7. our favorite card game
  8. first trip we made outside of the netherlands
  9. where we got drunk together for the first time
  10. our lucky number
  11. our favorite real life game
  12. our love language

20 Clues: my safe wordwhere we metour first petour first dateour lucky numberour wedding dateour love languagewhat makes you cryour favorite storeour favorite activityour favorite card gameour favorite co-op gameour all time favorite beerour favorite real life gamefirst weekend getaway togetherwhere we had our first little kiss...

love 2022-11-23

love crossword puzzle
  1. Igual o mayor de 200mg/dl
  2. Enfermedad autoinmune de origen genético por la que el sistema inmunológico de los pacientes ataca a las células que producen insulina en el páncreas de una forma paulatina
  3. Se caracteriza por la destrucción autoinmune de la célula β, lo ocasiona deficiencia absoluta de insulina,
  4. Factor interno y condición para el desarrollo de la diabetes
  5. Defectos geneticos por la accion de insulina, enfermedades de pancreas exocrino
  6. Factor externo y condición para el desarrollo de la diabetes
  7. Rubeola congenita citomegalovirus,otros
  1. Sintoma clasico de diabetes
  2. Número de genes involucrados a la diabetes
  3. Número de genes involucrados enla diabetes
  4. Alteraciones sistemicas como consecuencia del aumento de acidez de la sangre
  5. Distintos genes de suceptibilidad participan en el desarrollo de la enfermedad
  6. Acromegalía, Sindrome de Cushing,glucacanoma
  7. Sintoma de la diabetes que comer en exceso poraumento del apetito.
  8. Agrupa específicamente la intolerancia a la glucosa detectada por primera vezdurant el embarazo.
  9. Por sus siglas en inglésMaturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young, conocida como la diabetes del adulto de inicio juvenil.
  10. Sensación excesiva de sed
  11. Es la forma más común y con frecuencia seasocia a obesidado incremento en la grasavisceral.
  12. El gen de la insulina
  13. Serie de Padecimientos a la alteración de un unico gen

20 Clues: El gen de la insulinaIgual o mayor de 200mg/dlSensación excesiva de sedSintoma clasico de diabetesRubeola congenita citomegalovirus,otrosNúmero de genes involucrados a la diabetesNúmero de genes involucrados enla diabetesAcromegalía, Sindrome de Cushing,glucacanomaSerie de Padecimientos a la alteración de un unico gen...

love 2023-01-08

love crossword puzzle
  1. Gal 5:13
  2. Youth ministry of Kingsway Church
  3. Kingsway Worship Song about obeying
  4. Word of God
  5. week
  6. Eph 5:21
  7. The greatest servant of all
  8. Kingsway Lead Pastor
  9. City where Kingsway Started
  10. The assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen
  11. Author of much of the NT, and many of the verses used in this series
  12. Romans 12:9-12
  13. Kingsway Campuses
  1. Global, local church expansion
  2. Glassboro Campus Pastor
  3. Deliverance from sin and its consequences
  4. 1 Peter 22
  5. Kingsway Pathway designed to help you identify and use your gifts
  6. Clean, Safe, Fun, God-Centered
  7. Kingsway Worship Latest Single

20 Clues: weekGal 5:13Eph 5:211 Peter 22Word of GodRomans 12:9-12Kingsway CampusesKingsway Lead PastorGlassboro Campus PastorThe greatest servant of allCity where Kingsway StartedGlobal, local church expansionClean, Safe, Fun, God-CenteredKingsway Worship Latest SingleYouth ministry of Kingsway ChurchKingsway Worship Song about obeying...

Love 2020-12-23

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Sutra
  2. I love you __ ____...
  3. scooter's girlfriend
  4. starring at
  5. state of being married
  6. uncle
  7. love being ____
  8. third born
  1. legal union
  2. Madame
  3. life with you is _____
  4. When I'm not with you
  5. rhymes with dance
  6. first born
  7. Coco's boyfriend
  8. month we married
  9. not over
  10. baby deer
  11. I need you like o2
  12. ____ the moon

20 Clues: SutrauncleMadamenot overbaby deerfirst bornthird bornlegal unionstarring at____ the moonlove being ____Coco's boyfriendmonth we marriedrhymes with danceI need you like o2scooter's girlfriendI love you __ ____...When I'm not with youlife with you is _____state of being married

Love 2021-08-14

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Roses are _
  2. A brief but intense infatuation for someone
  3. Love at first _
  4. The status of people who are soon to be married
  5. The relationship between you and your spouse's family
  6. The activity of sharing and conveying information
  7. A dozen red
  8. From the _
  9. A date with someone you have never met
  10. Celebration of a special date
  11. Roman goddess of love
  12. Embrace
  13. A deep feeling of desire and attraction
  14. The situation of realising you have great romantic and affectionate feeling towards someone (3 words)
  15. To express approval or admiration to someone personally, should be done daily
  16. A key foundation for a relationship
  17. Someone for whom you have deep affinity
  1. Affectionate form of address to a beloved person
  2. A female who is officially dating someone
  3. An arrangement of flowers
  4. To be playful with someone you are attracted to
  5. When love is unwavering
  6. A shiny gift that comes with a proposal
  7. An aphrodisiac?
  8. Juliet's other half
  9. Vow commitment (2 words)
  10. A married man
  11. A sweet gift, usually accompanied by flowers
  12. An evening for just two
  13. _ over heels, be very much in love
  14. Touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love
  15. Love's mascot
  16. A piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged

33 Clues: EmbraceFrom the _Roses are _A dozen redA married manLove's mascotLove at first _An aphrodisiac?Juliet's other halfRoman goddess of loveWhen love is unwaveringAn evening for just twoVow commitment (2 words)An arrangement of flowersCelebration of a special date_ over heels, be very much in loveA key foundation for a relationship...

Love 2023-02-10

Love crossword puzzle
  1. the best moment with you
  2. i appreciate your
  3. i like to see your
  4. your nature According to me is
  5. i love to kiss on your..
  6. month we first met
  7. i belong to
  8. I kissed you first on
  9. my..reminds me of you
  10. i first touched you in the month of
  11. my favourite time of the day
  1. two spoons
  2. my favourite word
  3. you're my
  4. the day we talked for the first time
  5. what I find attractive in you
  6. i hate
  7. your .. makes me happy
  8. my hobby
  9. The best time spent with you was at
  10. my favourite colour
  11. my favorite thing to do
  12. your nickname

23 Clues: i hatemy hobbyyou're mytwo spoonsi belong toyour nicknamemy favourite wordi appreciate youri like to see yourmonth we first metmy favourite colourI kissed you first onmy..reminds me of youyour .. makes me happymy favorite thing to dothe best moment with youi love to kiss on favourite time of the daywhat I find attractive in you...

Love 2013-02-12

Love crossword puzzle
  1. The Social Network Where It All Started
  2. network The programme we love watching
  3. The place we enjoy together following a meal
  4. Your Pet name for me
  5. what i always look forward to at the start of our day
  6. Lauren My Xmas Present
  7. Never Woke Up So Early To Support Someone
  8. The word you find hard to express
  9. When we first kissed
  10. the present you sourced for my family member
  11. The place i would love to visit in December
  12. pictures what i always looked forward to
  13. Our first road trip
  1. What You Are To Me
  2. When i moved in
  3. and Tuscany A Place Im Looking Forward to Visit with You
  4. your belated christmas present
  5. When You Will BE Travelling Without Me I Will Be...
  6. venue for your Belated birthday dinner
  7. What You Always Show Me
  8. When we first kissed
  9. Our first Fish Dinner
  10. Our get away weekly lunch venue
  11. The first time we went clubbing
  12. New Years Eve
  13. they mean so much to me especially from a person who dosnt show his affection
  14. Chocolate Your surprise when you delivered work at my office

27 Clues: New Years EveWhen i moved inWhat You Are To MeOur first road tripYour Pet name for meWhen we first kissedWhen we first kissedOur first Fish DinnerLauren My Xmas PresentWhat You Always Show Meyour belated christmas presentOur get away weekly lunch venueThe first time we went clubbingThe word you find hard to express...

love 2015-03-22

love crossword puzzle
  1. Sunday and Thursday
  2. what you mean to me
  3. love you to the ??? and back
  4. what i cherish
  5. what i will do till death
  6. the one thing i got right
  7. what you keep me from doing
  8. our first animal
  9. how i will prove my love
  10. how we met
  11. what i will never do
  1. the team
  2. what i am missing on you
  3. what we will always have
  4. what i live for now
  5. what i will do over and over again
  6. what i want to do when i see you
  7. Mans best-Friend
  8. till to shall
  9. what i want to give you

20 Clues: the teamhow we mettill to shallwhat i cherishMans best-Friendour first animalSunday and Thursdaywhat you mean to mewhat i live for nowwhat i will never dowhat i want to give youwhat i am missing on youwhat we will always havehow i will prove my lovewhat i will do till deaththe one thing i got rightwhat you keep me from doing...

LOVE 2015-07-27

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. How did Jason first tell Lauren he loved her
  2. The song responsible for Lauren falling in love with Jason's dance moves
  3. Lauren's favorite movie
  4. The speed Jason wanted our relationship to go from the beginning
  5. Where was our first kiss
  6. How we tell each other to find the answer to any question we have
  7. Our favorite power outage activity
  8. Our favorite day of the week
  9. Lauren's favorite date activity
  10. Lauren's favorite horse
  1. Lauren's favorite thing to do at home (besides fold laundry ;) )
  2. Jason's favorite show
  3. The first rap song Lauren learned with Jason
  4. The speed our relationship actually grew
  5. First date
  6. Most important piece in our target practice game (other than rubber bands)
  7. First weekend getaway together
  8. Jason's favorite horse
  9. First movie we agreed on
  10. Where did we meet
  11. "You didn't drink it did you?"

21 Clues: First dateWhere did we meetJason's favorite showJason's favorite horseLauren's favorite movieLauren's favorite horseWhere was our first kissFirst movie we agreed onOur favorite day of the weekFirst weekend getaway together"You didn't drink it did you?"Lauren's favorite date activityOur favorite power outage activity...

love 2018-04-19

love crossword puzzle
  1. nice
  2. songs
  3. warm
  4. like alot
  5. passionate
  6. romance
  7. invloved
  8. reservation
  9. him
  10. smooch
  1. adore
  2. trust
  3. caring
  4. sweet
  5. passion
  6. safe
  7. snuggle
  8. memories
  9. commitment
  10. giving

20 Clues: himnicewarmsafeadoretrustsongssweetcaringgivingsmoochpassionromancesnugglememoriesinvlovedlike alotpassionatecommitmentreservation

love 2022-02-15

love crossword puzzle
  1. a promise made at our wedding
  2. becoming official with your spouse
  3. the two people who love you the most
  4. expresses love or affection
  5. red flowers
  6. consists of parents & siblings
  7. enjoying good qualities about someone
  8. a candy that solves all your problems
  9. spending time with the people you love
  1. the day of love
  2. I ?? you
  3. National Spouses Day
  4. your built in best friends
  5. your best friend
  6. the way someone expresses their love
  7. the phase before marriage
  8. Man's best friend
  9. a feeling of fondness or liking someone
  10. when two people are dating or married
  11. I love you to the ?? and back

20 Clues: I ?? youred flowersthe day of loveyour best friendMan's best friendNational Spouses Daythe phase before marriageyour built in best friendsexpresses love or affectiona promise made at our weddingI love you to the ?? and backconsists of parents & siblingsbecoming official with your spousethe two people who love you the most...

Love 2023-11-07

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Donde deberías vivir
  2. Lugar favorito
  3. Nuestra canción
  4. Mi novia
  5. Frío/Calor
  6. Tremendo álbum
  7. Número de hijos que vamos a tener
  8. Primera cita
  9. Mi serie favorita
  10. Mi novio rubio irlandés
  11. Primer apellido de nuestros hijos
  12. Tu animal favoritisimo
  13. Cantante colombiano que te gusta
  14. Mejor día de tu vida
  15. Tu carrera deseada si no te da un mental breakdown
  16. Color de mi pelo
  17. Tu color fav
  18. Mejor día de tu vida
  19. Me dejaste:
  20. Mi álbum favorito
  21. Película fav en la que te quedaste dormido again
  22. Tu número favorito
  23. Tu serie favorita
  24. Mi número de pie
  1. Mi deporte favorito
  2. Mejor banda del mundo
  3. Persona que debería ser atropellada
  4. Tu bebida favorita
  5. Nuestro álbum
  6. nuestra calle
  7. Mi canción favorita
  8. Día que nos conocimos
  9. forma de casarnos
  10. Película fav en la que te quedaste dormido
  11. El amor de mi vida
  12. tu deporte favorito
  13. Canción de tay + s
  14. Mi medio…
  15. Son mejores rectangulares
  16. Mi cumpleaños
  17. Día de nuestro aniversario
  18. Nuestro museo
  19. Lo que siento por tí
  20. Tu color favorito

44 Clues: Mi noviaMi medio…Frío/CalorMe dejaste:Primera citaTu color favNuestro álbumnuestra calleMi cumpleañosNuestro museoLugar favoritoTremendo álbumNuestra canciónColor de mi peloMi número de pieMi serie favoritaforma de casarnosMi álbum favoritoTu color favoritoTu serie favoritaTu bebida favoritaEl amor de mi vidaCanción de tay + sTu número favorito...

Love 2023-09-21

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Me and You=gay
  2. Doughnut
  3. April 2nd
  4. You are beyond _____
  5. This is such a difference between us
  6. Ship Name
  7. There's good and bad ones..
  8. "click click click"
  9. I love holding them
  10. Im your___to your Ellie
  11. You need to do this more
  1. I can listen to this all day
  2. You have ONE not TWO
  3. Where couldn't I walk
  4. Im super shy
  5. Your favorite milk
  6. I loved looking at them when talking
  7. It was pink
  8. You always paint them black
  9. TOH

20 Clues: TOHDoughnutApril 2ndShip NameIt was pinkIm super shyMe and You=gayYour favorite milk"click click click"I love holding themYou have ONE not TWOYou are beyond _____Where couldn't I walkIm your___to your EllieYou need to do this moreThere's good and bad ones..You always paint them blackI can listen to this all dayI loved looking at them when talking...

Love 2024-06-09

Love crossword puzzle
  1. support
  2. Servant of God
  3. two people
  4. God will for your live
  5. romantic love
  6. courage to do it
  7. king of israel
  8. pact between two people
  9. cover someone
  10. stick to something
  11. jacob second wife
  12. son of saul
  13. honor someone
  14. Jesus grandfather
  1. keep his promose
  2. miracle of baby
  3. God purpose
  4. remain with someone
  5. It IS not truth
  6. charitable
  7. stay faithful
  8. Mary fiancé
  9. trust in God
  10. friendship love
  11. purity until mariage
  12. Jesus mother
  13. mother of faith
  14. Jesus grandmother
  15. Father of faith
  16. child of Abraham
  17. Divine love
  18. happiness
  19. trust in God
  20. Isaac son

34 Clues: supporthappinessIsaac soncharitabletwo peopleGod purposeMary fiancéDivine loveson of saultrust in GodJesus mothertrust in Godstay faithfulromantic lovecover someonehonor someoneServant of Godking of israelmiracle of babyIt IS not truthfriendship lovemother of faithFather of faithkeep his promosecourage to do itchild of AbrahamJesus grandmother...

Love 2013-05-08

Love crossword puzzle
  1. The name of our first concert we went to see
  2. The most beautiful woman in your eyes
  3. The name of the park where we first said I Love You
  4. A gorgeous man in Melanie's eyes
  5. What you joked you had and would wear to the WEM pool (I thought you were serious)
  6. The day we met and fireworks went off
  7. What I chocked on when you swung me into your arms for the first time
  8. The tv show that gave us a second chance
  9. The name of the hotel where magic was created
  10. The first compliment you gave me
  11. The brand of my hoodie you stole to wear at dennys because you were cold
  12. The parking lot location of where we watched our first sunset together in the back of the van
  1. The location of our first kiss
  2. The location where I had my first whole beer with you ever and finished it
  3. The location of where you had asked me to be exclusive
  4. I've added what into your life (think clothes)
  5. The title of the first movie we saw together
  6. The month we came into each others lives
  7. In the box I made for you I saw have blank, hope and patience, I also used this for a toast
  8. How I signed/ended the very first card I gave to you
  9. The first gift you gave me

21 Clues: The first gift you gave meThe location of our first kissA gorgeous man in Melanie's eyesThe first compliment you gave meThe most beautiful woman in your eyesThe day we met and fireworks went offThe month we came into each others livesThe tv show that gave us a second chanceThe name of our first concert we went to see...

LOVE 2021-03-06

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. another way to express'I love U.'
  2. mine
  3. If some girls around you, I will...
  4. period I want in the future.
  5. Would I want a big weeding
  6. The month we first met.
  7. BF's favorite ice-cream favor.
  8. the first gift you gave me.
  9. I want to say
  10. brand of our lovers shoes.
  1. 18's birthday gift I want
  2. how often will I miss you
  3. one of my favorite body parts on you.
  4. how long I will love you
  5. month we became 'we'
  6. favorite jewelry
  7. Someone you will love in your whole life.
  8. how may kids we want
  9. My favorite ice-cream favor.
  10. around the earth.
  11. how I describe you

21 Clues: mineI want to sayfavorite jewelryaround the I describe youmonth we became 'we'how may kids we wantThe month we first long I will love you18's birthday gift I wanthow often will I miss youWould I want a big weedingbrand of our lovers shoes.the first gift you gave me.period I want in the future.My favorite ice-cream favor....

Love 2022-09-21

Love crossword puzzle
  1. To najkrajšie miesto na svete?
  2. Mám papierové povolenie od teba na (zakl.tvar)?
  3. Kde to sme?
  4. Sůl a pepř...piškoot?
  5. Naše obľúbené zvieratko?
  6. Prvé stretnutie?
  7. Načo prvé každý deň myslím (na) ?
  8. ... ťa?
  9. Hra?
  10. Červená ňamka pre Majdičku?
  11. Čo zvládne moja holka?
  12. Za to všetko ti ...
  13. Prvá pusa?
  14. Naše obľubené jedlo?
  15. Vždy keď so mnou nie si, tak?
  1. Čo robíš keď si nahnevaná?
  2. Čo je moja holka?
  3. Sladká?
  4. Kde to sme? (T)
  5. Keď som s tebou tak som?
  6. Do čoho som sa ako prvé zamiloval?
  7. Moja obľúbená bilinka?
  8. Hrejivé ...?
  9. Naša obľúbená farba?
  10. Najlepsia vec na svete?
  11. Čo nás v noci v španielsku prepadlo?
  12. Don't touch!
  13. Za čo som u nas veľmi vďačný?

28 Clues: Hra?Sladká?... ťa?Prvá pusa?Kde to sme?Hrejivé ...?Don't touch!Kde to sme? (T)Prvé stretnutie?Čo je moja holka?Naša obľúbená farba?Za to všetko ti ...Naše obľubené jedlo?Sůl a pepř...piškoot?Moja obľúbená bilinka?Čo zvládne moja holka?Najlepsia vec na svete?Keď som s tebou tak som?Naše obľúbené zvieratko?Čo robíš keď si nahnevaná?...

love 2022-02-15

love crossword puzzle
  1. a special letter
  2. another word for a strong commitment
  3. people who usually love you the most
  4. opposite of hate
  5. the feeling when you start to like someone
  6. some may grow (blank) a for them
  7. feeling some may feel when they are in love
  8. an obsession with someone you love
  9. love strongly
  10. you may feel happy towards the other person
  1. holiday for love
  2. loyalty
  3. a symbol for love
  4. you may build this before falling in love
  5. a way to say thank you
  6. a good way to know what your partner needs
  7. showing interest or tenderness
  8. what you should give someone you love
  9. the boy might ask the girl on a (blank)
  10. one may feel this way towards someone while in love

20 Clues: loyaltylove stronglya special letteropposite of hateholiday for lovea symbol for lovea way to say thank youshowing interest or tendernesssome may grow (blank) a for theman obsession with someone you loveanother word for a strong commitmentpeople who usually love you the mostwhat you should give someone you love...

Love 2022-12-15

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Fruit we made a cake out of
  2. Very special present you got me
  3. Going on them together is nice
  4. « I love you to the…and back »
  5. Something you pumped up every morning
  6. My flower
  7. First video game we played together
  8. Place we first met
  9. First movie we went to see together
  10. Bagina’s antonym
  11. He wrote our song
  1. Stinky poopy pants boy
  2. Weather phenomenon that I saw in Germany for the first time
  3. Best gf in the world
  4. Bogos
  5. How long you and I are gonna be together
  6. It keeps us apart
  7. Best season of the year
  8. Something you get once in a while that makes me sad :(
  9. My favorite drink
  10. Asian country we wanna travel to someday
  11. Our anniversary month
  12. Apple stickers must go here

23 Clues: BogosMy flowerBagina’s antonymIt keeps us apartMy favorite drinkHe wrote our songPlace we first metBest gf in the worldOur anniversary monthStinky poopy pants boyBest season of the yearFruit we made a cake out ofApple stickers must go hereGoing on them together is nice« I love you to the…and back »Very special present you got me...

Love 2023-07-16

Love crossword puzzle
  1. satirical animated show
  2. Our first date
  3. Fragrant purple flower
  4. Montana national park
  5. Song playing at our wedding
  6. 99% of all who do this stop before they win big
  7. Bestest kitty
  8. (hey oh)
  9. Our first date
  10. Permanent ink on the skin
  11. Your sport
  1. Strong feeling of affection
  2. The one who knocks
  3. Green bug that prays
  4. Where I was born
  5. Greatest NHL team of all time
  6. Funny orange cat
  7. Your prized possessions
  8. Feel Good Inc.
  9. We did this in glacier
  10. Time that lasts for infinity
  11. The greatest boyfriend on Earth
  12. Your dream car
  13. Who loves you more?
  14. Our first road trip

25 Clues: (hey oh)Your sportBestest kittyOur first dateFeel Good Inc.Your dream carOur first dateWhere I was bornFunny orange catThe one who knocksWho loves you more?Our first road tripGreen bug that praysMontana national parkFragrant purple flowerWe did this in glaciersatirical animated showYour prized possessionsPermanent ink on the skin...

Love 2023-06-26

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Where the photos I take never end up (9)
  2. Your weakness, other than me (10)
  3. A most friendly vampire (6)
  4. Animals that should be in bed in spring (8)
  5. You and me (4)
  6. My weakness, other than you (8)
  7. A cute french coastal town (6)
  8. Long walks on holiday end here (7)
  9. How many stairs today? (6)
  10. How I felt when you got your results (5)
  11. Jokes about wee (6)
  12. Catching some culture in West London (7)
  13. Warm and cozy, in London and Summerville (8)
  14. Our faithful companion (5)
  15. Our London weekend getaway to the stars (9)
  1. The destination of our cycling trip (8)
  2. An 'ice' adventure (7)
  3. A special day where you got some paper (10)
  4. South London retreat and kebab source (7)
  5. Our first holiday destination (6)
  6. Duels, hot chocolate, and cuddles (7)
  7. What you were on our ocean voyage (7)
  8. Best snog and a big castle (12)
  9. How does the light get in? (8)

24 Clues: You and me (4)Jokes about wee (6)An 'ice' adventure (7)How many stairs today? (6)Our faithful companion (5)A most friendly vampire (6)A cute french coastal town (6)How does the light get in? (8)My weakness, other than you (8)Best snog and a big castle (12)Your weakness, other than me (10)Our first holiday destination (6)...

Love 2023-04-19

Love crossword puzzle
  1. (A feeling of gentle affection and care)
  2. (A feeling of excitement and adventure associated with love)
  3. (The quality of being infinite or without limit, often used to describe love)
  4. (A strong and intense emotion, such as love or desire)
  5. (A feeling of liking or fondness for someone or something)
  6. (The acceptance and respect for differences and imperfections in a relationship)
  7. (Expressing or feeling respect or approval towards someone)
  8. (A hug or an act of showing love or affection)
  1. (The dedication and loyalty to a relationship or cause)
  2. (The feeling of sympathy and concern for the suffering of others)
  3. (The quality of being genuine and honest in one's feelings)
  4. (The ability to empathize and comprehend someone's feelings or situation)
  5. (A gentle and loving touch or stroke)
  6. (A feeling of respect and approval towards someone)
  7. (To hold something dear and treat it with love and care)
  8. (A strong feeling of love and loyalty)
  9. (A feeling of being drawn to someone or something)
  10. (A feeling of affection or liking for someone or something)
  11. (A term of endearment used to describe someone who is loved deeply and dearly)
  12. (A close personal relationship characterized by deep feelings of love and affection)

20 Clues: (A gentle and loving touch or stroke)(A strong feeling of love and loyalty)(A feeling of gentle affection and care)(A hug or an act of showing love or affection)(A feeling of being drawn to someone or something)(A feeling of respect and approval towards someone)(A strong and intense emotion, such as love or desire)...

love 2023-03-13

love crossword puzzle
  1. a special letter
  2. another word for a strong commitment
  3. people who usually love you the most
  4. opposite of hate
  5. the feeling when you start to like someone
  6. some may grow (blank) a for them
  7. feeling some may feel when they are in love
  8. an obsession with someone you love
  9. love strongly
  10. you may feel happy towards the other person
  1. holiday for love
  2. loyalty
  3. a symbol for love
  4. you may build this before falling in love
  5. a way to say thank you
  6. a good way to know what your partner needs
  7. showing interest or tenderness
  8. what you should give someone you love
  9. the boy might ask the girl on a (blank)
  10. one may feel this way towards someone while in love

20 Clues: loyaltylove stronglya special letteropposite of hateholiday for lovea symbol for lovea way to say thank youshowing interest or tendernesssome may grow (blank) a for theman obsession with someone you loveanother word for a strong commitmentpeople who usually love you the mostwhat you should give someone you love...

love 2023-09-25

love crossword puzzle
  1. when a relation ship ends
  2. what pumps the blood around
  3. Rainbow
  4. funny/weird
  5. something in your stomach
  6. when you are romanticly together
  7. when your mouth is happy
  8. dating app
  9. forced
  10. romantic gesture before marriage involving rings
  1. rings and cermony
  2. when your eyes spill
  3. more than just a female friend
  4. more than just a guy friend
  5. when you like someone
  6. when 2 mouth touches
  7. romantic friend
  8. before second
  9. circles
  10. rainbow festival

20 Clues: forcedRainbowcirclesdating appfunny/weirdbefore secondromantic friendrainbow festivalrings and cermonywhen your eyes spillwhen 2 mouth toucheswhen you like someonewhen your mouth is happywhen a relation ship endssomething in your stomachwhat pumps the blood aroundmore than just a guy friendmore than just a female friend...

love 2023-09-25

love crossword puzzle
  1. when 2 mouth touches
  2. when you likes someone
  3. forced
  4. when a relationship ends
  5. before second
  6. funny/weird
  7. what pumpes the blod around
  8. when you are romantricly together
  9. more than just a female friend
  10. dating app
  1. romantic friend
  2. when you mouth is happy
  3. rings and cermony
  4. circles
  5. rainbow
  6. something in your stomach
  7. romantic gesture before marriage involving rings
  8. more than just a guy friend
  9. rainbow fesival
  10. when you eyes spill

20 Clues: forcedcirclesrainbowdating appfunny/weirdbefore secondromantic friendrainbow fesivalrings and cermonywhen you eyes spillwhen 2 mouth toucheswhen you likes someonewhen you mouth is happywhen a relationship endssomething in your stomachmore than just a guy friendwhat pumpes the blod aroundmore than just a female friend...

Love 2024-02-09

Love crossword puzzle
  1. I love your feet
  2. Out of place animal we saw in Vermont
  3. Who expected belly dancers at our wedding
  4. Sunday Morning Tradition with Post-Its
  5. The city we met in
  6. How many months did we date long distance
  7. ______ Little Birds
  8. RIP to this date night spot
  9. A Sicilian Thanks
  10. Special sand beach we visited, only 4 in the world
  11. Tattoo artist that worked on both of us
  12. Fav (at one point) local hike spot
  13. 2nd Fav Sunday morning tradition
  14. Gab's dream to run through this
  1. The moon the night we met
  2. Penelopes Home Town
  3. Got us through Covid
  4. OG Favorite Date Spot
  5. Cutest Town in America
  6. Goodbye from Italian Friends
  7. We both know all of the words
  8. Engagement Spot
  9. Took too many edibles at our wedding
  10. For a favor
  11. 11th ____________
  12. Anthony's Brain

26 Clues: For a favorEngagement SpotAnthony's BrainI love your feet11th ____________A Sicilian ThanksThe city we met inPenelopes Home Town______ Little BirdsGot us through CovidOG Favorite Date SpotCutest Town in AmericaThe moon the night we metRIP to this date night spotGoodbye from Italian FriendsWe both know all of the wordsGab's dream to run through this...

Love 2023-12-20

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Reliance on the integrity of another
  2. Deep respect and approval
  3. Bond between individuals based on mutual affection
  4. Demonstrating feelings openly
  5. Close and personal connection
  6. Faithfulness and allegiance
  7. Dedication and loyalty in a relationship
  8. Close friendship and emotional support
  9. Gentle and caring affection
  10. Feeling of great happiness and delight
  1. Mutual agreement in settling differences
  2. Filled with strong emotions and desires
  3. Allure and appeal in a romantic context
  4. Strong and intense emotional connection
  5. Gentle touch or stroke
  6. Agreement and unity in a relationship
  7. Close and familiar, often in a romantic context
  8. Warmth and tenderness in feelings
  9. Intimate relationship characterized by passion
  10. Deep love and commitment

20 Clues: Gentle touch or strokeDeep love and commitmentDeep respect and approvalFaithfulness and allegianceGentle and caring affectionDemonstrating feelings openlyClose and personal connectionWarmth and tenderness in feelingsReliance on the integrity of anotherAgreement and unity in a relationshipClose friendship and emotional support...

Love 2024-07-02

Love crossword puzzle
  4. NMIXX
  5. ARTMS
  6. TWICE
  8. STAYC
  9. ITZY
  11. FROMIS9
  13. DIA
  8. WOOAH
  9. CLC


Love 2022-01-19

Love crossword puzzle
  1. nickname
  2. nephew 3
  3. all
  4. hobby 4
  5. love
  6. wife
  7. trailer
  8. hobby 5
  9. sister
  10. niece 2
  11. niece 1
  12. Caravan
  13. brother
  14. mother
  15. nephew 2
  16. step father
  17. work 2
  1. Cameron
  2. son.’
  3. dog
  4. niece 3
  5. half brother
  6. live
  7. family
  8. work 1
  9. drink
  10. animals
  11. family
  12. father
  13. religion
  14. game
  15. family
  16. nephew1
  17. hobby 3
  18. work
  19. Cameron

36 Clues: dogalllivelovewifegameworkson.’drinkfamilywork 1familyfathersisterfamilymotherwork 2Cameronniece 3hobby 4animalstrailerhobby 5niece 2niece 1Caravannephew1brotherhobby 3Cameronnicknamenephew 3religionnephew 2step fatherhalf brother

Love 2013-05-08

Love crossword puzzle
  1. The first compliment you gave me
  2. The tv show that gave us a second chance
  3. The day we met and fireworks went off
  4. The title of the first movie we saw together
  5. In the box I made for you I said have blank, hope and patience, I also used this for a toast
  6. The location of our first kiss
  7. The name of the hotel where magic was created
  8. The name of the park where we first said I Love You
  9. The parking lot location of where we watched our first sunset together in the back of the van
  10. The location where I had my first whole beer with you ever and finished it
  11. The month we came into each others lives
  1. What I chocked on when you swung me into your arms for the first time
  2. The name of our first concert we went to see
  3. The first gift you gave me
  4. The location of where you had asked me to be exclusive
  5. What you joked you had and would wear to the WEM pool (I thought you were serious)
  6. I've added what into your life (think clothes)
  7. The most beautiful woman in your eyes
  8. A gorgeous man in Melanie's eyes
  9. The brand of my hoodie you stole to wear at dennys because you were cold

20 Clues: The first gift you gave meThe location of our first kissThe first compliment you gave meA gorgeous man in Melanie's eyesThe day we met and fireworks went offThe most beautiful woman in your eyesThe tv show that gave us a second chanceThe month we came into each others livesThe name of our first concert we went to see...

LOVE 2014-08-23

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. Computer symbols
  2. Another form of Inc.
  3. Montana animal
  4. Forever
  5. Wood finish
  6. Teem
  7. Soup spoon
  8. Russian mountain range
  9. Seem
  10. Cacophony
  11. Words with a certain ring to them
  12. Tallest Point East of the Mississippi
  13. ____ Are A Girls Best Friend
  14. _____ Compete
  15. Newtons Seat
  16. Clock Face Numbers
  17. Actor Danny
  18. Typical of a Carp
  19. Stated your case
  20. Smart way to travel
  21. Sit tight
  22. Evil Idi
  23. Peter Pan Movement
  24. Donate ____ play rugby
  25. Retirement fund
  26. South Carolina lake
  27. Early Copy Machine
  28. Type of Father or Ladder
  29. Hello in slang
  30. It's hard to break
  31. Top Type
  32. __ ___ ye faithful
  33. Breakfast chain
  34. Quarterback Call
  35. Biblical river
  36. Golf position
  37. Movie director Lee
  1. Hoover Ran It
  2. Numero____
  3. Element in a rainbow
  4. Principle
  5. Leaning tower
  6. Rocker Eno
  7. Recipe direction
  8. Expire
  9. Measure of "coke"
  10. Bear or opposite
  11. City in Texas
  12. Spicy Beach
  13. Q50
  14. Words with a certain ring to them
  15. NJ governor
  16. Moo ____ pork
  17. Osse
  18. Shuts a door hard
  19. Horse ___ or tennis ____
  20. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's ____
  21. To and From Work
  22. West African Disease
  23. Fancy Jewelery
  24. Golfer Y. E.
  25. Mates Call
  26. _____cabana
  27. Lawyers assoc
  28. Wedding dress material
  29. Greek baking dough
  30. Rodeo animal - a bucking_
  31. Mythical Blue Bird
  32. Peruvian Fish
  33. A grade of C
  34. Golda
  35. Rock group output
  36. Comfort
  37. Type of Gem
  38. Golf Products Company
  39. Apple’s ____ store

76 Clues: Q50TeemSeemOsseGoldaExpireForeverComfortEvil IdiTop TypePrincipleCacophonySit tightNumero____Rocker EnoSoup spoonMates CallWood finishSpicy BeachNJ governorActor Danny_____cabanaType of GemNewtons SeatGolfer Y. E.A grade of CHoover Ran ItLeaning towerCity in TexasMoo ____ pork_____ CompeteLawyers assocPeruvian FishGolf positionMontana animal...

love 2023-10-27

love crossword puzzle
  1. A person who feels like a perfect match
  2. A loving touch of lips
  3. Filled with strong love and desire
  4. Symbol of love and affection
  5. A deep and meaningful relationship in love
  6. A hug or gesture of affection
  7. A pledge and promise in love
  8. Close and private connection between lovers
  9. Warm liking and affection
  10. Dedication and loyalty in love
  1. A warm, affectionate embrace
  2. Intense and ardent love or desire
  3. Fondness and tenderness towards someone
  4. A beloved or darling person
  5. Love characterized by emotional attraction
  6. Showing concern and love
  7. Deep affection and worshipful love
  8. A feeling of happiness and love
  9. Gentle and loving care
  10. Strong longing or craving in love

20 Clues: A loving touch of lipsGentle and loving careShowing concern and loveWarm liking and affectionA beloved or darling personA warm, affectionate embraceSymbol of love and affectionA pledge and promise in loveA hug or gesture of affectionDedication and loyalty in loveA feeling of happiness and loveIntense and ardent love or desire...

Love 2024-02-12

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Who loves you because you love Jesus John 16:27
  2. Your love shows you to be John 13:36
  3. Who we are to love John 13:34
  4. Who we are to love Matt 19:19
  5. How God loves us Rom 5:8
  6. Our love is to be without Rom 12:9
  7. Who Jesus loved John 11:5
  8. God's expression of Love John 3:16
  9. Father to the Son John 3:John 3:35
  10. Worketh no ill Rom 13:10
  11. How to love your neighbor Gal 5:14
  1. Who we are to love Matt 5:44
  2. Love does to the law Rom 13:10
  3. Love is a fruit of Gal 5:22
  4. Our love to others Rom 12:10
  5. What Jesus asked Peter John 21:15
  6. Lovers of Jesus keep John 14:15
  7. When the Father began to love Jesus John 17:24
  8. How to love God Matt 22:37
  9. What men love John 3:19

20 Clues: What men love John 3:19How God loves us Rom 5:8Worketh no ill Rom 13:10Who Jesus loved John 11:5How to love God Matt 22:37Love is a fruit of Gal 5:22Who we are to love Matt 5:44Our love to others Rom 12:10Who we are to love John 13:34Who we are to love Matt 19:19Love does to the law Rom 13:10Lovers of Jesus keep John 14:15...

Love! 2023-02-14

Love! crossword puzzle
  1. do ____; get a treat
  2. Colin after gym and pizza
  3. words to live by?
  4. Laico fam vaca
  5. Colleen's favorite way to come
  6. Colin's favorite way to go
  7. best day for yoga (if we can ever make it)
  8. summertime cruisin'
  9. extension of the kitchen
  10. Colleen the coffee creature
  11. a fruit and a friend
  12. Booger, Bankanga, e.g.
  1. home but not greenkill
  2. home again home again
  3. our algebraic homies
  4. "Do you have____?"
  5. perfect midnight snack
  6. what banj loves to hear
  7. Colleen the radio DJ most spun track
  8. birthaversary month
  9. best living room seat?
  10. I love you as per the princess bride
  11. The first color of the fence...sigh
  12. Friend fam vaca

24 Clues: Laico fam vacaFriend fam vacawords to live by?"Do you have____?"birthaversary monthsummertime cruisin'our algebraic homiesdo ____; get a treata fruit and a friendhome again home againhome but not greenkillperfect midnight snackbest living room seat?Booger, Bankanga, e.g.what banj loves to hearextension of the kitchenColin after gym and pizza...

love 2023-03-12

love crossword puzzle
  1. a special letter
  2. another word for a strong commitment
  3. people who usually love you the most
  4. opposite of hate
  5. the feeling when you start to like someone
  6. some may grow (blank) a for them
  7. feeling some may feel when they are in love
  8. an obsession with someone you love
  9. love strongly
  10. you may feel happy towards the other person
  1. holiday for love
  2. loyalty
  3. a symbol for love
  4. you may build this before falling in love
  5. a way to say thank you
  6. a good way to know what your partner needs
  7. showing interest or tenderness
  8. what you should give someone you love
  9. the boy might ask the girl on a (blank)
  10. one may feel this way towards someone while in love

20 Clues: loyaltylove stronglya special letteropposite of hateholiday for lovea symbol for lovea way to say thank youshowing interest or tendernesssome may grow (blank) a for theman obsession with someone you loveanother word for a strong commitmentpeople who usually love you the mostwhat you should give someone you love...

love 2024-02-27

love crossword puzzle
  1. Love filled look
  2. Partner for life
  3. Passionate kiss
  4. A feeling in your stomach
  5. Sweetheart
  6. Romantic Attraction
  7. Romantic gesture, involves singing
  8. Expression of attraction
  9. A tender touch
  10. An written expression of love
  1. Endearing nickname
  2. Symbol of everlasting love
  3. Love poem
  4. The language of love
  5. Romantic Getaway
  6. Declaration of love
  7. Cupid's weapon
  8. Romantic evening illumination
  9. A romantic gesture, involving flowers
  10. A romantic evening for two

20 Clues: Love poemSweetheartCupid's weaponA tender touchPassionate kissLove filled lookPartner for lifeRomantic GetawayEndearing nicknameDeclaration of loveRomantic AttractionThe language of loveExpression of attractionA feeling in your stomachSymbol of everlasting loveA romantic evening for twoRomantic evening illuminationAn written expression of love...

Love 2024-04-14

Love crossword puzzle
  1. what i sleep with
  2. my fav food!
  3. your race!
  4. You’re my
  5. i call you
  6. month we met
  7. full name
  8. my eye color
  9. you are soo super
  10. how many kids we have
  11. my race!
  1. Our song
  2. ken!!!
  3. Our sons name
  4. day i made you mine
  5. christmas gift
  6. my color
  7. Our daughters name
  8. the turtle and theeee
  9. My love for you

20 Clues: ken!!!Our songmy colormy race!You’re myfull nameyour race!i call youmy fav food!month we metmy eye colorOur sons namechristmas giftMy love for youwhat i sleep withyou are soo superOur daughters nameday i made you minethe turtle and theeeehow many kids we have

love 2024-03-20

love crossword puzzle
  1. people split apart
  2. where you graduate from
  3. humor
  4. people going a certain way
  5. when a boy do you wrong
  6. past tense
  7. read in church
  8. help you stay alive
  9. people want in a relationship
  10. after you breakup with someone
  11. boy you are dating
  1. what's left after you leave someone
  2. a feeling after something hurtful
  3. feeling about someone
  4. some passes away
  5. when you cant leave someone alone because this
  6. what you say to someone who is going away
  7. a girl you are dating
  8. someone you like
  9. a feeling

20 Clues: humora feelingpast tenseread in churchsome passes awaysomeone you likepeople split apartboy you are datinghelp you stay alivefeeling about someonea girl you are datingwhere you graduate fromwhen a boy do you wrongpeople going a certain waypeople want in a relationshipafter you breakup with someonea feeling after something hurtful...

Love 2024-08-27

Love crossword puzzle
  1. our favorite soup
  2. Our favorite village in the Cotswolds
  3. our favorite flowers
  4. our favorite series
  5. our favorite meat
  6. our favorite greek beach
  7. our favorite albanian restaurant
  8. our favorite grillhouse in London
  9. Our favorite Lebanese restaurant
  10. our favorite guessing game
  11. our favorite sushi restaurant
  12. our favorite canals
  13. our first wedding
  1. our first car
  2. our other favorite dog
  3. our favorite holiday
  4. our favorite mall
  5. our favorite lake
  6. our favorite sports
  7. our favorite football club
  8. Our favorite part of thailand
  9. our favorite dog
  10. our favorite car
  11. Our favorite mountains
  12. our 'favorite' airline
  13. our favorite beach
  14. our favorite sea
  15. our favorite skyscraper

28 Clues: our first carour favorite dogour favorite carour favorite seaour favorite soupour favorite mallour favorite lakeour favorite meatour first weddingour favorite beachour favorite sportsour favorite seriesour favorite canalsour favorite holidayour favorite flowersour other favorite dogOur favorite mountainsour 'favorite' airlineour favorite skyscraper...

Love 2024-07-18

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Unica canzone che conosco di calcutta
  2. lo ha eliminato Jo dalla lista dei film
  3. piace molto alla bimba
  4. compleanno di bimbo
  5. è il mio secondo nome
  6. colore preferito bimbo
  7. libro che accomuna manu e fre
  8. ha la faccia cubica
  9. in comune Antonio e Francesca
  10. amante della fre...
  11. li fa molto buoni bimba
  12. nome della nonna
  1. Il mio primo piatto preferito
  2. lo ha insegnato la nona
  3. te l'ho preparato a casa mia
  4. me li schiacci sempre tu
  5. bimbo ne ha solo una
  6. è il film Disney più brutto per gabbo
  7. mi piace molto farlo durante il sesso
  8. è il pedofilo del gruppo
  9. È il mio dj preferito
  10. Il mio affettato preferito
  11. la mia famiglia ha origini?
  12. la via di bimbo
  13. c'è lo siamo detti la prima volta mentre facevamo sesso

25 Clues: la via di bimbonome della nonnacompleanno di bimboha la faccia cubicaamante della fre...bimbo ne ha solo unaÈ il mio dj preferitoè il mio secondo nomepiace molto alla bimbacolore preferito bimbolo ha insegnato la nonali fa molto buoni bimbame li schiacci sempre tuè il pedofilo del gruppoIl mio affettato preferitola mia famiglia ha origini?...

love 2024-06-23

love crossword puzzle
  1. our latest movie together
  2. show we enjoyed in delhi
  3. where our time wasted was well wasted
  4. i like but you don't
  5. your favourite person found again in hardoi
  6. best festival together
  7. best palak paneer
  8. third movie in theatre
  9. the Everest we climbed
  10. first mall
  1. festival in lucknow
  2. my favourite shirt colour
  3. Dhoni's score when we witnessed
  4. our ride in goa
  5. an anime character in your tshirt
  6. what you call me for fun
  7. the leaf we stayed in lucknow
  8. where god came twice
  9. first beach in goa
  10. our colour in dharmashala

20 Clues: first mallour ride in goabest palak paneerfirst beach in goafestival in lucknowi like but you don'twhere god came twicebest festival togetherthird movie in theatrethe Everest we climbedshow we enjoyed in delhiwhat you call me for funour latest movie togethermy favourite shirt colourour colour in dharmashalathe leaf we stayed in lucknow...

Love 2024-07-26

Love crossword puzzle
  1. something i want to hold
  2. My shoes size (Uk), also has the number in our anniversary
  3. soft, cuddly and cute
  4. Something we havent had yet , first ____
  5. the feeling i have for you
  6. you are all ____
  7. ____ you with kisses
  8. So ____ i just want to squeeze you
  9. a word that describes you
  10. The most beautiful eye colour
  11. how long ill love you
  12. comes from bees
  1. One of your favourite flavours also a hair colour
  2. something id buy if i won the lottery
  3. We are ____ mates
  4. something we need to go on
  5. Another word for kiss
  6. I ____ you
  7. Something we need to do together (already do on call)
  8. The month we met
  9. A wonderful month
  10. One of your favourite flowers
  11. something i want you to be (involves a ring)

23 Clues: I ____ youcomes from beesyou are all ____The month we metWe are ____ matesA wonderful month____ you with kissessoft, cuddly and cuteAnother word for kisshow long ill love yousomething i want to holda word that describes yousomething we need to go onthe feeling i have for youThe most beautiful eye colourOne of your favourite flowers...

Love 2023-06-08

Love crossword puzzle
  1. - To fill with delight and charm, often associated with love.
  2. - Filled with intense love, desire, or enthusiasm.
  3. - An intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
  4. - Deep love and commitment towards someone or something.
  5. - A term of endearment for a loved one or romantic partner.
  6. - A passionate relationship characterized by love and affection.
  7. - Deeply loved and cherished by someone.
  8. - An Italian term meaning "with love."
  9. - An intense longing or desire, often associated with love.
  10. - Deeply and sincerely felt, often associated with love.
  11. - Gentle touches of the lips expressing love, affection, or greeting.
  12. - Showing or expressing romantic love or desire.
  13. - Deeply affected or struck by love or attraction.
  14. - Having a friendly and pleasant disposition, often associated with love.
  15. - To be filled with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone.
  16. - A French word for love, particularly romantic love.
  17. - Surrounding or covering with love, like an embrace.
  18. - A symbol of transformation and beauty, often associated with love.
  19. - An endless or unchanging period of time, often associated with lasting love.
  20. - A strong feeling of wanting or longing for someone or something.
  21. - The quality of being attractive and pleasant, often associated with love.
  22. - A person who is widely admired and adored, especially for their attractiveness.
  23. - The act of behaving playfully or amorously to attract attention or affection.
  24. - To regard with deep, often romantic, love and affection.
  1. - To protect and care for something deeply, often associated with love.
  2. - The Roman god of love and desire, often depicted as a winged cherub shooting arrows.
  3. - Filled with love and affection for someone or something.
  4. - A tender or romantic feeling or emotion.
  5. - A word or phrase expressing affection or love.
  6. - Gentle and loving care or affection.
  7. - A term of endearment for a beloved person.
  8. - A gentle feeling of fondness and care towards someone.
  9. - A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.
  10. - A dearly loved person or thing, often used as a term of endearment.
  11. - Never-ending or eternal, often associated with love.
  12. - Sweet and endearing, like honey, often used to describe words or gestures of love.
  13. - The act of seeking to win someone's love or affection.
  14. - A close, affectionate hug or hold, often expressing love or comfort.
  15. - A plant with showy flowers that symbolizes passion and love.
  16. - Close familiarity and sexual or emotional connection between people.
  17. - A state of peaceful coexistence and unity, often associated with love.
  18. - Intense emotion or enthusiasm, particularly associated with love and desire.
  19. - A feeling of being drawn towards someone or something, often romantically.
  20. - Symbols of love and affection, often depicted as red, stylized shapes.
  21. - The process of seeking and wooing a romantic partner.
  22. - The Greek god of love and sexual desire.
  23. - A musical performance, often romantic, dedicated to someone.
  24. - A strong feeling of longing or desire, often associated with love.
  25. t'aime - French for "I love you."
  26. - Producing feelings of love, joy, and warmth.

50 Clues: t'aime - French for "I love you."- Gentle and loving care or affection.- An Italian term meaning "with love."- Deeply loved and cherished by someone.- A tender or romantic feeling or emotion.- The Greek god of love and sexual desire.- A term of endearment for a beloved person.- Producing feelings of love, joy, and warmth....

Love 2023-07-15

Love crossword puzzle
  1. in welke maand hadden wij onze eerste kus
  2. mijn/onze favoriete kledingwinkel
  3. eerste woord voor onze restaurantje waar we hebben gegeten voor onze twee maanden
  4. ander woord voor stront
  5. waar wij elkaar hebben ontmoet
  6. wat ik vaak op mijn brood doe
  7. wat ik voel voor jou
  8. mijn favoriete bezigheid
  9. mijn favoriete eten
  10. mijn bestelling op het terras
  11. wie is mijn beste vriend(in) naast jou?
  12. wat vind ik het schattigst aan jou?
  13. cafe waar we hebben gegeten op onze eerste echte date
  1. welk eten haat ik
  2. officier...?
  3. ons go-to terras restaurantje van vroeger (aan elkaar)
  4. eerste naam van mijn favoriete zanger(es)
  5. wat voel ik in mijn lichaam voor jou?
  6. mijn favoriete drankje (aan elkaar geschreven)
  7. hoe ik jouw vaak noem
  8. wat kreeg jij van mij voor valentijnsdag?
  9. gebaar van liefde

22 Clues: officier...?welk eten haat ikgebaar van liefdemijn favoriete etenwat ik voel voor jouhoe ik jouw vaak noemander woord voor strontmijn favoriete bezigheidwat ik vaak op mijn brood doemijn bestelling op het terraswaar wij elkaar hebben ontmoetmijn/onze favoriete kledingwinkelwat vind ik het schattigst aan jou?wat voel ik in mijn lichaam voor jou?...

Love Love Birthday 2024-11-14

Love Love Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. heap of songs
  2. The firstborn
  3. Another type of boy
  4. a ring
  5. White, milk, dark
  6. William, his estate must be loaded now
  7. the month of greatest expense
  8. rapper, “This Is Why I’m Hot”
  9. they go on my second whistle
  10. Henri, tree artist
  11. describes Alex Horne
  12. He’s not anymore
  13. We have a dealership
  14. A type of boy
  15. key birthday item
  16. nuptial location
  1. It’s not St John’s Wood…
  2. Water-featured accommodation
  3. this is my island in the sun
  4. As soon as I wake up…
  5. Hieroglyph eye owner
  6. Sister of Moses and Aaron
  7. Churchill’s birth palace
  8. other key birthday item
  9. the best wine
  10. The only DFS one should attend
  11. The secondborn
  12. We spend the rest of our money on
  13. Kel loves Orange
  14. We spend most of our money on
  15. Maids of honour
  16. a magical place
  17. The best Air BnB
  18. the only appropriate Harry Potter response

34 Clues: a ringheap of songsThe firstbornthe best wineA type of boyThe secondbornMaids of honoura magical placeKel loves OrangeThe best Air BnBHe’s not anymorenuptial locationWhite, milk, darkkey birthday itemHenri, tree artistAnother type of boyHieroglyph eye ownerdescribes Alex HorneWe have a dealershipAs soon as I wake up…other key birthday item...

Love 2022-02-24

Love crossword puzzle
  1. very loving or loyal
  2. displaying kindness and concern for others
  3. the quality of being loyal
  4. readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness
  5. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
  6. used as an affectionate form of address to a beloved person
  7. the state of being happy
  8. touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting
  9. for all future time; for always
  10. showing gentleness and concern or sympathy
  11. perfect happiness; great joy
  12. having an affection or liking for
  1. a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen
  2. deep affection, love, and admiration
  3. an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something
  4. having a kind, gentle, or sentimental nature
  5. affection or liking for someone or something
  6. squeeze (someone) tightly in one's arms, typically to express affection
  7. the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends

19 Clues: very loving or loyalthe state of being happythe quality of being loyalperfect happiness; great joyfor all future time; for alwayshaving an affection or liking fordeep affection, love, and admirationdisplaying kindness and concern for othersshowing gentleness and concern or sympathyhaving a kind, gentle, or sentimental nature...

Love 2022-02-12

Love crossword puzzle
  1. We have a bright ___
  2. I love when you ___
  3. 1st date/Alex's bday ___ 15th
  4. We are still ___
  5. my best friend
  6. You have a ___ heart
  7. Riverton fair ride
  8. Sometimes we're ___
  9. I love when you ___
  10. I love your deep ___
  11. let's make a ___ list
  12. You have a great ___
  13. We began chatting
  1. let's do a ___ getaway
  2. I love when you ___
  3. Be my ___
  4. your best friend
  5. our 1st date
  6. teach me to ___
  7. favorite restaurant
  8. You call me ___

21 Clues: Be my ___our 1st datemy best friendteach me to ___You call me ___your best friendWe are still ___We began chattingRiverton fair rideI love when you ___I love when you ___favorite restaurantSometimes we're ___I love when you ___We have a bright ___You have a ___ heartI love your deep ___You have a great ___let's make a ___ listlet's do a ___ getaway...

Love 2020-07-31

Love crossword puzzle
  1. somthing u do to help ur boredness
  2. ur nickname
  3. something we both love to do
  4. a sport I played
  5. u are_
  6. fav song
  7. a word we say
  8. somthing u love to rub
  1. it can crawl
  2. somthing were in
  3. somthing I like about u
  4. awwwwwww
  5. somthing I hate
  6. somthing u love that I hate
  7. where we met
  8. first ever xbox name
  9. somthing I love besides you
  10. my nickname?
  11. fav color

19 Clues: u are_awwwwwwwfav songfav colorur nicknameit can crawlwhere we metmy nickname?a word we saysomthing I hatesomthing were ina sport I playedfirst ever xbox namesomthing u love to rubsomthing I like about usomthing u love that I hatesomthing I love besides yousomething we both love to dosomthing u do to help ur boredness

love 2023-11-07

love crossword puzzle
  1. unconditional
  2. beautiful thinking
  3. sweet
  4. flirtatious love
  5. emotional release
  6. happy soul
  7. beautiful
  8. beautiful
  9. faith
  10. little faith
  11. truth
  1. compassionate
  2. dream
  3. eternal life
  4. happyness
  5. committed
  6. intimate
  7. intimate love
  8. emotion
  9. spirt

20 Clues: dreamsweetfaithspirttruthemotionintimatehappynesscommittedbeautifulbeautifulhappy souleternal lifelittle faithcompassionateunconditionalintimate loveflirtatious loveemotional releasebeautiful thinking

Love 2024-02-06

Love crossword puzzle
  1. 1 John 4:19 We love because he first _________us
  2. Psalm 86:15 But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, ___________in love and faithfulness
  3. 1 John 4:8 _________ does not love does not know God, because God is love.
  4. Luke 6:27 But I tell you who hear me. Love your __________, do good for those who hate you
  5. 1 Corinthians 14:13 and now these three remain: faith, hope, and love But the ________ of these is love
  6. Jeremiah 31:3 The Lord has appeared to us in the past, saying Inhave loved you with an ___________love
  7. John 14:15 If you love me, you will obey what i _________!
  8. Colossians3:1 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect ________!
  9. Deuteronomy 6:4 Love the Lord, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your __________
  1. Romans 58 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this, while we were still __________
  2. 1 John 4:10 No one has ever seen God, but if we love one anotherGod lives in us and his love is made ________ in us.
  3. 1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a _________ of sins
  4. 2 John 5:1 Everyone who __________that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who lovesthe father loves his child as well.
  5. Psalm 36:7 How _________ is your unfailing love
  6. Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up dissension but love covers all _________
  7. 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is _______, love is kind.
  8. John 3:16 For God so love the _______ that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
  9. Matthew 22:37 _________the Lord with all your heart, mind,
  10. Psalm 136:26 Give _______ to the God of heaven. His love endures forever

19 Clues: Psalm 36:7 How _________ is your unfailing love1 John 4:19 We love because he first _________us1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is _______, love is kind.Matthew 22:37 _________the Lord with all your heart, mind,John 14:15 If you love me, you will obey what i _________!Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up dissension but love covers all _________...

Love Love Love 2013-04-09

Love Love Love crossword puzzle
  1. my eyes
  2. first time we kissed
  3. your passion
  4. your hands
  5. my major
  6. my favourite movie
  7. where i want to travel to
  1. Our song
  2. your favourite movie
  3. my favourite song
  4. first big holiday
  5. your lips
  6. me and you

13 Clues: my eyesOur songmy majoryour lipsyour handsme and youyour passionmy favourite songfirst big holidaymy favourite movieyour favourite moviefirst time we kissedwhere i want to travel to

love 2022-06-15

love crossword puzzle
  1. rdv galant
  2. faire des réflexions à
  3. ball de promo
  4. sofa
  5. robe
  6. se séparer
  7. la mariée
  8. chic
  9. mariage
  10. faché
  11. épouser
  1. divorcé
  2. fiancé
  3. perte
  4. campagne
  5. toit
  6. étrange
  7. le marié
  8. costume

19 Clues: sofarobetoitchicpertefachéfiancédivorcéétrangemariagecostumeépousercampagnele mariéla mariéerdv galantse séparerball de promofaire des réflexions à

Love 2022-02-12

Love crossword puzzle
  1. We have a bright ___
  2. I love when you ___
  3. 1st date/Alex's bday ___ 15th
  4. We are still ___
  5. my best friend
  6. You have a ___ heart
  7. Riverton fair ride
  8. Sometimes we're ___
  9. I love when you ___
  10. I love your deep ___
  11. let's make a ___ list
  12. You have a great ___
  13. We began chatting
  1. let's do a ___ getaway
  2. I love when you ___
  3. Be my ___
  4. your best friend
  5. our 1st date
  6. teach me to ___
  7. favorite restaurant
  8. You call me ___

21 Clues: Be my ___our 1st datemy best friendteach me to ___You call me ___your best friendWe are still ___We began chattingRiverton fair rideI love when you ___I love when you ___favorite restaurantSometimes we're ___I love when you ___We have a bright ___You have a ___ heartI love your deep ___You have a great ___let's make a ___ listlet's do a ___ getaway...

Love 2012-12-06

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Your Dogs Name
  2. my first car
  3. My Dogs Name
  4. a great band... and how far you lived from katie
  5. who comes down the chimmney
  6. Luke I am you father
  7. November 3rd
  8. Best State ever
  9. My favorite number
  10. "Penny Penny Penny"
  11. I _ _ _ _ you very much
  1. "Ill be back"
  2. what we are doing right now
  3. what you found on the tree
  4. If you ever get pulled over...
  5. Where both our parents live
  6. First ornament I ever got you
  7. My favorite candy
  8. "Deb...I snapped"

19 Clues: my first carMy Dogs NameNovember 3rd"Ill be back"Your Dogs NameBest State everMy favorite candy"Deb...I snapped"My favorite number"Penny Penny Penny"Luke I am you fatherI _ _ _ _ you very muchwhat you found on the treewhat we are doing right nowwho comes down the chimmneyWhere both our parents liveFirst ornament I ever got you...

*Love* 2023-09-14

*Love* crossword puzzle
  1. scary woman who ran the show
  2. where old McDonald Lives
  3. Commemorative yearly event
  4. What brings a smile to your face
  5. Served with scales and bones
  6. what you might shed at a wedding
  7. twice seven
  8. what is carried by the bride
  9. Graceful, weeping variety
  10. Often served with mustard and ketchup
  1. Back-to-school month
  2. Composed of John, Paul, George, and Ringo
  3. Staying true to a cause
  4. It's said to be the best medicine
  5. Fearsome dinosaur, king of the Cretaceous
  6. where old McDonald lives
  7. A ceremony of union
  8. a number of quarters
  9. Cupid's target
  10. Devotion and commitment

20 Clues: twice sevenCupid's targetA ceremony of unionBack-to-school montha number of quartersStaying true to a causeDevotion and commitmentwhere old McDonald Liveswhere old McDonald livesGraceful, weeping varietyCommemorative yearly eventscary woman who ran the showServed with scales and boneswhat is carried by the brideWhat brings a smile to your face...

love 2015-02-03

love crossword puzzle
  1. / first date
  2. / best place on earth
  3. / wildest things was done here
  4. / easily best way to spice up our love life
  5. / kya phena hai
  6. my only talent
  7. / aakho mein
  8. / best way to say feelings
  9. / best gift
  10. / may be only thing which v r still doing
  1. / Yeh Haseen Waadiyaan Ye Khula Aasmaan
  2. / it vl never come back
  3. / word u use to use
  4. / Teri khamosiya isse badi saaza hai
  5. / 8th april
  6. / put smile on face
  7. / pressure day for me
  8. / v badly need them again

18 Clues: / 8th april/ best gift/ first date/ aakho meinmy only talent/ kya phena hai/ word u use to use/ put smile on face/ best place on earth/ pressure day for me/ it vl never come back/ v badly need them again/ best way to say feelings/ wildest things was done here/ Teri khamosiya isse badi saaza hai/ Yeh Haseen Waadiyaan Ye Khula Aasmaan...

Love 2021-08-24

Love crossword puzzle
  1. You are the Ketchup to my __________
  2. Squeeze (someone) tightly in one's arms, typically to express affection.
  3. Something that you're really good at
  4. What I love most about you
  5. Our first kiss
  6. What I admire most about you
  7. I love you more than I love ______
  8. Something you need to go to the lake ***
  9. Our first trip together
  10. Our favourite activity
  1. My love for you is ______________
  2. What I am because I have you
  3. The place where you asked me to be yours
  4. Touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire reverence, or greeting
  5. How you make me feel everyday
  6. Three little words I can't say enough
  7. Do, Re, Me? ***
  8. The second thing you love the most

18 Clues: Our first kissDo, Re, Me? ***Our favourite activityOur first trip togetherWhat I love most about youWhat I am because I have youWhat I admire most about youHow you make me feel everydayMy love for you is ______________The second thing you love the mostI love you more than I love ______You are the Ketchup to my __________...

love 2020-07-04

love crossword puzzle
  1. first kiss
  2. province number
  3. kate lived
  4. met
  5. drive fav street
  6. fav bevy
  7. love
  8. first date
  9. kate's uni
  10. tae's sport
  1. food idol
  2. years togeths
  3. tae's moon
  4. fist met
  5. many kids
  6. fall asleep
  7. kate's moon
  8. worst vacay
  9. provinces lived
  10. languages tae speaks

20 Clues: metlovefist metfav bevyfood idolmany kidsfirst kisstae's moonkate livedfirst datekate's unifall asleepkate's moonworst vacaytae's sportyears togethsprovince numberprovinces liveddrive fav streetlanguages tae speaks

love 2023-02-06

love crossword puzzle
  1. make them smile
  2. give these to your lover
  3. a person
  4. a pretty girl
  5. to see
  6. gifts and love
  7. u care about
  8. showing affection
  9. hair growing
  10. take care of
  1. a lover
  2. make them happy
  3. hand hand to hand
  4. give this to them
  5. to tell someone how u feel ab them
  6. favorite person
  7. wearable
  8. to give to someone
  9. favorite person

19 Clues: to seea lovera personwearableu care abouthair growingtake care ofa pretty girlgifts and lovemake them smilemake them happyfavorite personfavorite personhand hand to handgive this to themshowing affectionto give to someonegive these to your loverto tell someone how u feel ab them

Love 2022-11-22

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Cosa vorrebbe fare tutto il giorno Giada?
  2. Qual è quella cosa che Giada ama ma Mara odia?
  3. A che età è venuto per la prima volta il ciclo a Giada?
  4. Quando si sono messe insieme Giada e Mara?
  5. Qual è il nome del cane di Giada?
  6. Cosa piace fare a Giada e Mara insieme?
  7. Qual è la canzone preferita di Giada?
  8. Che sport fa Giada?
  9. Che Liceo ha fatto Giada
  1. Cosa vorrebbe fare tutto il giorno Mara?
  2. In cosa è bravissima Mara?
  3. In che mese é nata Giada?
  4. Come si chiama la medicina che prendono Giada e Mara?
  5. In che località abita Mara?
  6. Qual è il colore preferito di Mara?
  7. Qual è il soprannome di Mara?
  8. Qual è la parola preferita di Giada?
  9. Come si chiama la casa vacanze di Giada?

18 Clues: Che sport fa Giada?Che Liceo ha fatto GiadaIn che mese é nata Giada?In cosa è bravissima Mara?In che località abita Mara?Qual è il soprannome di Mara?Qual è il nome del cane di Giada?Qual è il colore preferito di Mara?Qual è la parola preferita di Giada?Qual è la canzone preferita di Giada?Cosa piace fare a Giada e Mara insieme?...

Love 2024-02-12

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Fav season
  2. fav color
  3. Best gas station
  4. First movie we watched
  5. cookieee
  6. Our fav floof
  7. The month we met
  8. busiest month
  1. My favorite Gem
  2. fav candy
  3. where we met
  4. Best Band
  5. instrument
  6. favorite part of Thanksgiving
  7. least favorite city
  8. Etoy
  9. Drive in movie
  10. best redbull flavor

18 Clues: Etoycookieeefav candyfav colorBest BandFav seasoninstrumentwhere we metOur fav floofbusiest monthDrive in movieMy favorite GemBest gas stationThe month we metleast favorite citybest redbull flavorFirst movie we watchedfavorite part of Thanksgiving

LOVE 2013-08-14

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. lichaamsdeel waar ik graag op blaas, maar mag eigenlijk niet
  2. zoveel jaar zijn we samen op 5 oktober
  3. You're so ... I'm gonna die
  4. hoofdstad van land waar we naartoe gaan
  5. naam van ons ploegje tijdens koppeltornooi
  6. handbal of rugby in het water
  7. aan dit lichaamsdeel mag je niet kietelen
  8. hoofdstad van Peru
  9. mooi bos met cafetaria in harelbeke waar veel te beleven valt
  10. zure vrucht met gele schil, best niet teveel van gebruiken
  1. christelijke plaats waar we elkaar vaak troffen
  2. mooiste en leukste sport ever!
  3. dit gaf JIJ aan mij op 5 oktober
  4. zo noemde mijn kameel, hij had geen 40 rovers
  5. in dit dorp staat ons hotel en liggen we binnenkort aan zee
  6. achternaam van Hannelore, die ONS liedje zingt met Bart
  7. zeevogel uit de familie Sphenisciforme
  8. LOVE

18 Clues: LOVEhoofdstad van PeruYou're so ... I'm gonna diehandbal of rugby in het watermooiste en leukste sport ever!dit gaf JIJ aan mij op 5 oktoberzoveel jaar zijn we samen op 5 oktoberzeevogel uit de familie Sphenisciformehoofdstad van land waar we naartoe gaanaan dit lichaamsdeel mag je niet kietelennaam van ons ploegje tijdens koppeltornooi...

Love 2023-09-22

Love crossword puzzle
  1. One of the many ways the bride shows her "____" to the groom is by giving him little gifts like treats and trinkets.
  2. what pet name do the bride and Groom consistently call each other?
  3. "____" is the courage to wait, the strength to endure, and the wisdom to know that good things come to those who persevere.
  4. A relationship in which one person is always right and one person is the husband.
  5. And IIIIIIII, will always "____" you!
  6. Aretha Franklin helps people spell this core pillar of any relationship.
  7. What is to be said to end an argument and turn it into a discussion? (two words)
  8. Where the bride and groom found each other
  1. "don't forget to _____ me goodnight"
  2. "You are my ______"
  3. a promise or firm decision to do something
  4. feeling a very strong support for or loyalty to someone or something.
  5. sometimes pinkies are involved to strengthen this commitment
  6. What afterschool activity did both the bride and groom participate in(Had something to do with building machines for competition)
  7. When asked "how's it going" at work, many people respond with "livin' the _____".
  8. A lot of us are all young at "____"
  9. Hardcore version of a girlfriend.
  10. One who listens, doesn't judge, and somehow makes everything all right

18 Clues: "You are my ______"Hardcore version of a girlfriend.A lot of us are all young at "____""don't forget to _____ me goodnight"And IIIIIIII, will always "____" you!a promise or firm decision to do somethingWhere the bride and groom found each othersometimes pinkies are involved to strengthen this commitment...

Love 2020-02-12

Love crossword puzzle
  1. my favorite color
  2. how many years have we been married
  3. where did i propose
  4. where we are going on vacation
  5. our first date
  6. best concert we have been to
  7. the person I love most
  1. our song
  2. where was Luke made
  3. what I love most
  4. the month we first met
  5. most important person in my life
  6. I love you
  7. first concert we went to
  8. jacks favorite color
  9. Luke’s favorite spot
  10. my favorite truck
  11. my favorite hobby

18 Clues: our songI love youour first datewhat I love mostmy favorite colormy favorite truckmy favorite hobbywhere was Luke madewhere did i proposejacks favorite colorLuke’s favorite spotthe month we first metthe person I love mostfirst concert we went tobest concert we have been towhere we are going on vacationmost important person in my life...

Love 2022-04-27

Love crossword puzzle
  1. our marriage month
  2. the strongest marvel character
  3. our first date place
  4. Emma’s nickname
  5. Emma’s birthday month
  6. our first real fight
  7. my fav marvel character
  1. when you’ll graduate rs
  2. my fav date place
  3. our first place together
  4. JR’s birthday month
  5. my old car
  6. thing I hate
  7. the best state
  8. am I done with kids lol
  9. an inside joke
  10. the best color
  11. our first kiss place

18 Clues: my old carthing I hatethe best statean inside jokethe best colorEmma’s nicknamemy fav date placeour marriage monthJR’s birthday monthour first date placeour first real fightour first kiss placeEmma’s birthday monthwhen you’ll graduate rsam I done with kids lolmy fav marvel characterour first place togetherthe strongest marvel character

Love 2024-02-08

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Cute when young then gross
  2. Best visit ever
  3. When we speak from a distance
  4. Nicest activity
  5. A kiss here will get me mighty squirmy
  6. What I want to do with my fingers
  7. First beer you gave me
  8. Our newest friend!
  1. My title right before dinner
  2. Our first friend
  3. Sneakily my favorite kind of kiss
  4. Boy's favorite person
  5. Borat's funny saying and what you will be
  6. My favorite gift ever
  7. Activity you bully me with
  8. Candy Maker of your dreams
  9. Cute with or without a puffer coat

17 Clues: Best visit everNicest activityOur first friendOur newest friend!Boy's favorite personMy favorite gift everFirst beer you gave meCute when young then grossActivity you bully me withCandy Maker of your dreamsMy title right before dinnerWhen we speak from a distanceSneakily my favorite kind of kissWhat I want to do with my fingers...

love 2024-11-12

love crossword puzzle
  1. a fiery world Laurits has conquered since child
  2. Laurits does this both in games and life
  3. the force that connects these two
  4. a game where you control property and wealth
  5. the one who's got the sweetest moves in the game
  6. home to mountains, delicious chocolate and hopefully the couple
  7. the feeling that comes with every trip they take
  1. save them dude
  2. one loyal crew member, always in the mix
  3. a month that holds special memories
  4. their quirky secret, hanging from a tree
  5. something Laurits always have when gaming
  6. it's the second part of our song, a drop of love
  7. four-legged companion of the couple
  8. the plumber with a mushroom obsession
  9. ritzis best friend, also a star in games
  10. sub 10 seconds is the goal

17 Clues: save them dudesub 10 seconds is the goalthe force that connects these twoa month that holds special memoriesfour-legged companion of the couplethe plumber with a mushroom obsessionone loyal crew member, always in the mixLaurits does this both in games and lifetheir quirky secret, hanging from a treeritzis best friend, also a star in games...

Love 2022-01-21

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Our vision and goal
  2. you fill me with joy
  3. Salomé
  4. I hope there are many more to come
  5. Three words at the tip of my tongue, you at the back of my head
  6. The art that brought us together
  7. To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance
  8. It makes you, you
  1. Your only issue for the longest time
  2. Hard to learn for me
  3. Our escape from reality
  4. The foundation
  5. wing'd cupid painted blind
  6. follows first
  7. I call you, but didn't give you
  8. First thing to let go
  9. The only date we can have

17 Clues: Saloméfollows firstThe foundationIt makes you, youOur vision and goalHard to learn for meyou fill me with joyFirst thing to let goOur escape from realityThe only date we can havewing'd cupid painted blindI call you, but didn't give youThe art that brought us togetherI hope there are many more to comeYour only issue for the longest time...

Love 2013-03-23

Love crossword puzzle
  1. lidwoord
  2. dochter van Sebas en Sigrid
  3. afdeling in ziekenhuis
  4. liefde van je leven
  5. telwoord
  6. iemand met wie je je leven deelt
  7. Engelse streek
  8. meisjesnaam
  9. nieuw
  1. gemeente in vlaanderen
  2. sport
  3. tennis term
  4. leuk
  5. opinie
  6. plezant
  7. vervoer
  8. ik

17 Clues: ikleuksportnieuwopinieplezantvervoerlidwoordtelwoordtennis termmeisjesnaamEngelse streekliefde van je levengemeente in vlaanderenafdeling in ziekenhuisdochter van Sebas en Sigridiemand met wie je je leven deelt

love 2024-01-16

love crossword puzzle
  1. what dustin wants to do together
  2. dustin’s love language
  3. dustin’s lucky number
  4. dustin’s favorite color
  5. lovelove
  6. erica’s favorite person
  7. dustin’s favorite sport
  8. what dustin always wear
  9. what dustin does every month
  1. dustin’s favorite place at school
  2. what dustin needs
  3. what dustin hates
  4. dustin’s future uni
  5. dustin’s bestie
  6. dustin’s goal
  7. dustin’s team
  8. what dustin likes to do everyday

17 Clues: lovelovedustin’s goaldustin’s teamdustin’s bestiewhat dustin needswhat dustin hatesdustin’s future unidustin’s lucky numberdustin’s love languagedustin’s favorite colorerica’s favorite persondustin’s favorite sportwhat dustin always wearwhat dustin does every monthwhat dustin wants to do togetherwhat dustin likes to do everyday...

Love 2022-11-08

Love crossword puzzle
  1. what we read together
  2. our battle word
  3. what we will be forever
  4. Our offsprings name
  5. my nickname
  6. your nickname
  7. your score out of ten
  8. we are in..
  9. we are in love untill the..
  1. how many kisses left
  2. you are so ...... To me
  3. what i think you are
  4. when we met
  5. you will be my..
  6. we are..
  7. when we fell in love
  8. the thing that can stop our love

17 Clues: we are..when we metmy nicknamewe are in..your nicknameour battle wordyou will be my..Our offsprings namehow many kisses leftwhat i think you arewhen we fell in lovewhat we read togetheryour score out of tenyou are so ...... To mewhat we will be foreverwe are in love untill the..the thing that can stop our love

Love 2024-02-08

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Mina's future last name
  2. Your first nickname in my phone
  3. Name of the first poem you wrote for me
  4. I will love you...
  5. One of our songs
  6. First road trip
  7. First city we traveled together
  8. Things you love getting from me
  9. One of our comfort shows
  1. Where we met
  2. Marriage location
  3. My first gift to you
  4. First date restaurant
  5. First word of the first song you ever sent me
  6. Something you like to do to me
  7. One of our songs
  8. Where we first kissed
  9. your favorite animal

18 Clues: Where we metFirst road tripOne of our songsOne of our songsMarriage locationI will love you...My first gift to youyour favorite animalFirst date restaurantWhere we first kissedMina's future last nameOne of our comfort showsSomething you like to do to meYour first nickname in my phoneFirst city we traveled togetherThings you love getting from me...

Love 2024-05-02

Love crossword puzzle
  1. how Jess and Lex met
  2. Jess and Lex's fav roadtrip detour (2 words)
  3. time Lex wants to spend w/ Jess
  4. how Lex describes Jess (also commonly used adj for softball players)
  5. first date city
  6. how Jess makes Lex falls asleep fastest
  7. Jess's fav flower
  8. type of food that Jess and Lex can eat everyday
  9. Lex's fav color
  10. Jess's first Epson Tour event
  1. Jess's response to Lex asking her on a date (3 words)
  2. Jess's fav dessert (3 words)
  3. Jess's spirit animal
  4. recurring event every May 16th from now on
  5. Jess and Lex first national park together
  6. Jess's fav color
  7. Lex hits ___

17 Clues: Lex hits ___first date cityLex's fav colorJess's fav colorJess's fav flowerhow Jess and Lex metJess's spirit animalJess's fav dessert (3 words)Jess's first Epson Tour eventtime Lex wants to spend w/ Jesshow Jess makes Lex falls asleep fastestJess and Lex first national park togetherrecurring event every May 16th from now on...