enlightenment Crossword Puzzles


THE ENLIGHTENMENT crossword puzzle
  1. believed govt should protect citizens’ natural rights
  2. century Enlightenment reached its peak
  3. focused on revamping the justice system
  4. overall focus of social reformers
  5. firm believer in free speech and religion
  6. believed absolutism was necessary form govt
  7. the ironical center of the Enlightenment
  8. editing or prohibiting materials
  9. believed govt should not regulate economies
  10. compiler of first encyclopedia
  11. another term for capitalism
  12. Russian enlightened despot
  13. agreement b/t govt & citizens
  14. original theorist of natural laws
  15. believed citizens must have say in laws
  16. becomes more commonly accessible
  17. Locke said all have the right to life,liberty,&__
  1. slowly gains support in 1800s
  2. structure of govt that rarely works
  3. Prussian enlightened despot
  4. artwork of the Enlightenment period
  5. becomes common form of entertainment
  6. another name for the Enlightenment
  7. Austrian emperor that freed serfs
  8. century Enlightenment begin
  9. philosopher focus on separation of powers
  10. private parties held to share ideas
  11. revolution inspired by Enlightenment
  12. this type of monarch objected to Enlightenment
  13. music developed during Enlightenment
  14. monarchs rule using logic&reason
  15. composer of music during Enlightenment
  16. ornate artwork of the era of Absolutism
  17. economic theory of Adam Smith

34 Clues: Russian enlightened despotPrussian enlightened despotcentury Enlightenment beginanother term for capitalismslowly gains support in 1800seconomic theory of Adam Smithagreement b/t govt & citizenscompiler of first encyclopediaediting or prohibiting materialsmonarchs rule using logic&reasonbecomes more commonly accessible...

enlightenment 2023-11-01

enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. - The Enlightenment emphasized the use of this faculty for understanding the world.
  2. - An economic policy advocating minimal government intervention in markets.
  3. - Despot - Absolute monarchs who embraced some Enlightenment ideas while maintaining their authority.
  4. - French philosopher who championed the idea of the social contract and the "general will."
  5. - English writer and advocate for women's rights during the Enlightenment.
  6. - Rights - The belief that individuals possess fundamental rights that governments should protect.
  7. - The Enlightenment's promotion of equal rights and opportunities for all.
  8. - Scottish philosopher known for his skepticism and empiricism.
  9. - The belief that reason is the primary source of knowledge.
  10. - French philosopher known for his phrase "I think, therefore I am."
  11. - Beccaria - Italian philosopher who advocated for legal reforms and the abolition of torture.
  12. - The idea that religion should be separate from government and public affairs.
  13. - Freedom of the - A fundamental Enlightenment principle supporting the dissemination of information and ideas.
  14. - The belief in equal social, political, and economic rights for all.
  15. - The........ - A period of intellectual and philosophical development in the 17th and 18th centuries.
  16. - The acceptance of different religious beliefs and practices.
  17. - Paine - English-American writer and political activist known for his influential pamphlet "Common Sense."
  18. - Astronomer who proposed a heliocentric model of the universe, challenging traditional views.
  19. - Rasa - The idea that the human mind is a blank slate at birth, with knowledge acquired through experience.
  20. - John........- English philosopher whose ideas on government and individual rights greatly influenced Enlightenment thinkers.
  21. - A questioning and critical approach to knowledge, a hallmark of Enlightenment thinking.
  22. - A comprehensive work of human knowledge edited by Diderot and d'Alembert.
  23. - Thomas ........ - Author of the Declaration of Independence, influenced by Enlightenment thinkers.
  24. - Art - An artistic style inspired by the classical art of ancient Greece and Rome, reflecting Enlightenment ideals.
  25. - Freedom of - A key Enlightenment concept that promotes open expression of ideas.
  1. - French philosopher who developed the idea of separation of powers in government.
  2. - A belief in a distant, non-interfering God, a central theme in Enlightenment thought.
  3. - Challenged by Rousseau in his work "Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men."
  4. - Gatherings of Enlightenment thinkers in the homes of the French aristocracy.
  5. - The Enlightenment values of liberty and individual rights.
  6. - A prominent French philosopher known for his advocacy of religious tolerance.
  7. - A belief in a distant, non-interfering God, popular among Enlightenment thinkers.
  8. - The lack of belief in a deity, which some Enlightenment thinkers embraced.
  9. - Editor of the Encyclopedia, a major Enlightenment work.
  10. - Gatherings of intellectuals where Enlightenment ideas were discussed and debated.
  11. - The suppression of information and ideas deemed objectionable, often challenged by Enlightenment thinkers.
  12. - Adam.......- Scottish economist and philosopher known for his work on the invisible hand of the market.
  13. - Baron de - French philosopher who proposed the idea of separation of powers in government.
  14. - English physicist and mathematician whose work laid the foundation for modern science.
  15. - The Enlightenment promoted this idea as a way to reduce religious and social conflicts.
  16. - French military leader who rose to power after the Enlightenment era.
  17. - Contract - The idea that individuals agree to form a government to protect their natural rights.
  18. - French intellectuals who were central to Enlightenment thought.
  19. - The theory that knowledge is derived from sensory experience, a key idea of the Enlightenment.
  20. - Kant - German philosopher known for his work on metaphysics and ethics.

45 Clues: - Editor of the Encyclopedia, a major Enlightenment work.- The Enlightenment values of liberty and individual rights.- The belief that reason is the primary source of knowledge.- The acceptance of different religious beliefs and practices.- Scottish philosopher known for his skepticism and empiricism....

Enlightenment 2013-01-31

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Step taken to get rid of all enemies
  2. Religion based on __________
  3. A world Changing idea
  4. First stage of revolution
  5. Communication between scholars
  6. Where scholars and people met
  7. 1700-1789
  8. First convalescence of out of hand revolution
  1. Encyclopedia of all knowledge
  2. London, Paris, Amsterdam
  3. Created by Robespierre
  4. Overthrowing of the state
  5. Frist Modern Revolution
  6. Government proposed by Rule of Moderates
  7. What Robespierres new religion is based off of
  8. Person whos death ends the Enlightenment
  9. Liberals
  10. Nobility and CLergy had no ______
  11. Conservatives
  12. Believed in God but that he didn't control ones life

20 Clues: Liberals1700-1789ConservativesA world Changing ideaCreated by RobespierreFrist Modern RevolutionLondon, Paris, AmsterdamOverthrowing of the stateFirst stage of revolutionReligion based on __________Encyclopedia of all knowledgeWhere scholars and people metCommunication between scholarsNobility and CLergy had no ______...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. helped advance the approach of the scientific method
  2. favored the idea of self-government
  3. founder of modern chemistry
  4. replaced neoclassicism
  5. wanted women to have equal rights
  6. developed the smallpox vaccine
  7. a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
  8. conclude center mathematical laws govern planetary motion
  9. the sun Is the center of our universe
  1. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  2. purposed the sun as the center of the universe
  3. thought we needed absolute monarchs
  4. the earth is the center of our universe
  5. believed in the social contract
  6. believed power should be checked
  7. place people would meet after social gatherings
  8. used the microscope to see blood cells
  9. created laws of gravity and motion
  10. freedom of religious belief and speech
  11. helped advance the approach of the scientific method
  12. was rejected for neoclassicism
  13. perfected the telescope

22 Clues: replaced neoclassicismperfected the telescopefounder of modern chemistrydeveloped the smallpox vaccinewas rejected for neoclassicismbelieved in the social contractbelieved power should be checkedwanted women to have equal rightscreated laws of gravity and motionthought we needed absolute monarchsfavored the idea of self-government...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. perfected the telescope
  2. Believed in seperation of powers in government, power should check power, checks and balances
  3. Invented the experimental method (empiricism)
  4. Believed in freedom of speech and freedom of religion
  5. a theory and agreement between the people and the government in which the people would give their rights to the ruler in exchange for law and order
  6. Discovered red cells and bacteria by looking through a microscope
  7. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. developed laws of motion and gravity
  9. Concluded that mathematical laws govern planetary motion
  10. believed that torture is cruel and unusual and that laws are there to keep society in order rather than to punish
  11. believed that all people were born with three natural rights. Life, liberty, property
  12. Developed vaccine to prevent smallpox (worlds first vaccine)
  13. Believed in individual freedom and direct democracy
  14. believed that people are born wicked and needed a government, must follow a social contract
  15. Established heliocentric theory
  1. Fought for womans rights and believed that they should be educated just like men
  2. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  3. Father of modern chemistry
  4. Belief that the sun is the center
  5. a style of art characterized by soft lines and colors. Depicted aristocracy
  6. A person who ruled with absolute power
  7. A new way of looking at the physical world
  8. A style of art characterized by dull colors and strong lines. Depicted war scenes, etc.
  9. Developed analytical geometry and the scientific method
  10. Belief that earth is the center of the universe

25 Clues: perfected the telescopeFather of modern chemistryEstablished heliocentric theoryBelief that the sun is the centerdeveloped laws of motion and gravityA person who ruled with absolute powerA new way of looking at the physical worldparties where people met to discuss new ideasInvented the experimental method (empiricism)...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Believed that all people are born free and equal and the three natural rights life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
  2. Explained gravity
  3. Believed that capital punishment should be abolished and the degree of punishment depends on the crime.
  4. Believed that women should have more rights including the same education as men
  5. Believed that government was necessary to keep order
  6. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  7. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment
  8. An art style categorized by dull colors and strong lines
  9. The idea that the earth was the center of the solar system
  10. The idea of testing theories
  11. Created checks and balances and believed in equal power in all of the branches of government.
  12. Mathematically proved that the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical revolutions
  1. Discovered how volume, pressure and temperature of gas all affect each other
  2. The idea that the sun was the center of the solar system
  3. A person who rules with absolute power.
  4. Created the microscope and discovered bacteria and red blood cells
  5. An agreement between the ruled and the rulers
  6. An art style categorized by soft lines and colors
  7. Ushered people to believe in the scientific method
  8. Used the telescope to discover that planets are not pure
  9. Created analytic geometry to help the scientific method
  10. Theorized that the sun was the center of the solar system
  11. Believed everyone should have tolerance, freedom of speech, and religion
  12. Believed in democracy, individual rights and that people created a society in government for control
  13. Created the worlds first vaccine

25 Clues: Explained gravityThe idea of testing theoriesCreated the worlds first vaccineA person who rules with absolute power.An agreement between the ruled and the rulersParties where people met to discuss new ideasAn art style categorized by soft lines and colorsUshered people to believe in the scientific method...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. He developed the heliocentric theory.
  2. He believed that the only good government was the one that was freely formed by the people and guided by the “general will” of society - direct democracy.
  3. a person with absolute power
  4. The theory that the solar system is centered around the earth.
  5. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment.
  6. He made a vaccine to prevent smallpox using the inoculation of cowpox.
  7. A style of art characterized by soft lines and colors. It typically depicted happy scenes with wealthy aristocrats being a usual subject.
  8. He was considered the founder of modern chemistry. He believed that there are many elements that exist that join together in different ways.
  9. He stated in his book that people by nature were selfish and ambitious. He believed the type of government needed to control selfish/ambitious people was an absolute monarchy.
  10. A style of art characterized by dull colors and strong lines. The subject matter was often battle scenes and more realistic. It was a response to the changing ideas in European society.
  11. He spoke for the rights of freedom of speech and belief.
  12. contract theory that the government will decisiosnin the citizens best interest.
  13. He wrote about justice. He believed that laws exist to preserve social order, not to avenge crimes.
  1. It is the technique used in the construction and testing of a scientific hypothesis.
  2. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas.
  3. The theory that the solar system is centered around the sun.
  4. He proposed that separation of powers would keep any individual (or group) from gaining total control of the government (checks and balances).
  5. He determined that certain mathematical laws govern planetary motion.
  6. He supported the heliocentric theory and explained it with the invention of the telescope.
  7. He developed laws of motion and gravity.
  8. He used microscopes to study microorganisms.
  9. she was one of the first feminists and she wrote about how women should have the same education as men
  10. He is known for creating analytical geometry (algebra and geometry) and contributing to the scientific method.
  11. He believed that all people were born with three natural rights - life, liberty, and property. He criticized the idea of an absolute monarchy and encouraged the idea of self-government.
  12. He added to the development of the scientific method.

25 Clues: a person with absolute powerHe developed the heliocentric theory.He developed laws of motion and gravity.He used microscopes to study microorganisms.Parties where people met to discuss new ideas.He added to the development of the scientific method.He spoke for the rights of freedom of speech and belief....

Enlightenment 2022-02-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Belief that the earth is the center of the universe
  2. Belief that the sun is the center of the universe
  3. Irish and British scientist who is known as the father of modern chemistry
  4. French philosophe who believed powers should be separated
  5. French scientist who invented modern-day Analytical Geometry
  6. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  7. People who presented new ways of thinking
  8. Art with strong lines and dull colors
  9. Art with soft lines and colors
  10. German scientist who supported the Heliocentric Theory
  1. English scientist who invented empiricism
  2. Dutch scientist who discovered bacteria using a microscope
  3. French philosophe who believed people should practice whatever religion they wanted
  4. English philosophe who believed all women should have equal rights
  5. English philosophe who believed all humans were selfish and wicked
  6. Swiss philosophe who believed people needed a good government
  7. Polish scientist who invented the Heliocentric Theory
  8. English scientist who discovered the Laws of Gravity
  9. Italian philosophe who believed the punishment of torture should be abolished
  10. Italian scientist who invented the telescope
  11. British scientist who invented a vaccine for smallpox
  12. English philosophe who believed everyone had three natural rights; liberty, life, and property

22 Clues: Art with soft lines and colorsArt with strong lines and dull colorsEnglish scientist who invented empiricismPeople who presented new ways of thinkingItalian scientist who invented the telescopeParties where people met to discuss new ideasBelief that the sun is the center of the universeBelief that the earth is the center of the universe...

enlightenment 2022-02-22

enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. a person who rules with absolute power
  2. against torture
  3. a theory that there is an agreement between the government and the governed
  4. to know something you did not know before
  5. invented the telescope
  6. father of modern chemistry
  7. observed bacteria under a microscope
  8. belief that the earth is the center of the universe
  9. people who presented new ways of thinking in the enlightenment
  10. developed the idea that the planets move in elliptical orbits
  11. freedom of thought and expression
  1. women's rights
  2. separation of powers
  3. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  4. invented the first vaccine
  5. the belief that the sun is the center of the universe
  6. advocated for the scientific method
  7. social contract
  8. developed the heliocentric theory
  9. invented the law gravity

20 Clues: women's rightsagainst torturesocial contractseparation of powersinvented the telescopeinvented the law gravityinvented the first vaccinefather of modern chemistrydeveloped the heliocentric theoryfreedom of thought and expressionadvocated for the scientific methodobserved bacteria under a microscopea person who rules with absolute power...

Enlightenment 2022-02-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment
  2. Believed that people are born with natural rights; social contract.
  3. Founder of modern chemistry.
  4. Discovered that the planets orbit the sun
  5. Introduced the vaccine to prevent smallpox
  6. Believed that punishments should fit the crimes and that laws exist to preserve social order.
  7. The belief that the earth is the center of the solar system
  8. Worked with gravity, created the laws of motion and modern physics.
  9. Believed that people are not technically free as long as there are laws; social contract.
  10. Believed that government should exist because people are born selfish and wicked; social contract.
  11. Believed in separation of power, checks and balances
  12. Discovered that the planets orbit the sun in an elliptical motion using math
  1. The belief that the sun is the center of the solar system
  2. Discovered new things about the planets, the sun, and the moon using the telescope
  3. Developed analytical geometry; which linked algebra and geometry
  4. Used the microscope to observe bacteria and red blood cells.
  5. To know something one did not know before
  6. Believed in women's rights
  7. Believed in freedom of speech and religion
  8. Encouraged scientists to use the scientific method

20 Clues: Believed in women's rightsFounder of modern chemistry.Discovered that the planets orbit the sunTo know something one did not know beforeIntroduced the vaccine to prevent smallpoxBelieved in freedom of speech and religionEncouraged scientists to use the scientific methodBelieved in separation of power, checks and balances...

Enlightenment 2022-02-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment
  2. Believed that people are born with natural rights; social contract.
  3. Founder of modern chemistry.
  4. Discovered that the planets orbit the sun
  5. Introduced the vaccine to prevent smallpox
  6. Believed that punishments should fit the crimes and that laws exist to preserve social order.
  7. The belief that the earth is the center of the solar system
  8. Worked with gravity, created the laws of motion and modern physics.
  9. Believed that people are not technically free as long as there are laws; social contract.
  10. Believed that government should exist because people are born selfish and wicked; social contract.
  11. Believed in separation of power, checks and balances
  12. Discovered that the planets orbit the sun in an elliptical motion using math
  1. The belief that the sun is the center of the solar system
  2. Discovered new things about the planets, the sun, and the moon using the telescope
  3. Developed analytical geometry; which linked algebra and geometry
  4. Used the microscope to observe bacteria and red blood cells.
  5. To know something one did not know before
  6. Believed in women's rights
  7. Believed in freedom of speech and religion
  8. Encouraged scientists to use the scientific method

20 Clues: Believed in women's rightsFounder of modern chemistry.Discovered that the planets orbit the sunTo know something one did not know beforeIntroduced the vaccine to prevent smallpoxBelieved in freedom of speech and religionEncouraged scientists to use the scientific methodBelieved in separation of power, checks and balances...


ENLIGHTENMENT crossword puzzle
  1. The belief that man is intrinsically good
  2. The greatest good for the greatest number
  3. What was "an attempt to explain Gods providence by reference to working in nature”
  4. Who tried to unite England and Scotland under one religious system
  5. Written constitutions listing citizens rights
  6. Reason is the sum of all things
  7. What was Cromwell's new title
  8. Who believed all men were created equal by virtue
  1. The belief in the existence of a God or supreme that set the world into motion and allowed it to function on its own
  2. Applications of the methods of science to religion and philosophy
  3. What was a list of demands made by nobility
  4. A new concept of man, man is the center of the earth
  5. Who organized the "New Model Army"
  6. What is another name for Cavaliers
  7. Who wrote the Leviathan
  8. What did Charles I sign in return for money to fund wars
  9. What war occurred from 1642-1649
  10. Who wrote the Two Treatises of Government
  11. Who believed that there were 3 types of government
  12. Who would give Charles money from taxes to fund wars

20 Clues: Who wrote the LeviathanWhat was Cromwell's new titleReason is the sum of all thingsWhat war occurred from 1642-1649Who organized the "New Model Army"What is another name for CavaliersThe belief that man is intrinsically goodThe greatest good for the greatest numberWho wrote the Two Treatises of GovernmentWhat was a list of demands made by nobility...

Enlightenment 2020-10-29

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. french thinker who contributed t the creation of the scientific method that is used all over the US now
  2. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  3. french for philosopher; and applied to all thinkers from the Enlightenment
  4. astronomer that first proposed the idea that the universe was sun-centered
  5. believed that all citizens were born equal and that the primary purpose of the government was to protect citizens natural rights
  6. a period of time where people began to challenge previously excepted ideas with experiment and reason
  7. theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  8. thinker who was punished by the church for supporting the sun-centered theory
  9. a gathering where enlightenment ideas were discussed which lead to the spreading of ideas throughout Europe
  1. activist who supported equal rights and education for women
  2. believed in a social contract between free individuals to create a society and government
  3. an agreement between the people of a society defining the rights of the government and its people
  4. was one of the first individuals who believed that the government needed separation of powers and checks and balances
  5. believed that all citizens needed to hand their natural rights over to a government with full power
  6. scientific instrument that allowed scientist Leewenhoek to discover red blood cells
  7. scientific instrument that was advanced by Galileo and allowed him to observe space
  8. philosophe who believed in free expression and used satire in his writings
  9. astronomer who supported the heliocentric theory mathematically and supplied substantial evidence
  10. chemist who saved lives by creating a smallpox vaccine
  11. known as the father of modern chemistry
  12. advocated for criminal justice reforms and did not believe in the death penalty
  13. physicist who discovered the universal laws of gravitation
  14. english thinker who developed the experimental method and contributed to the scientific method

23 Clues: known as the father of modern chemistrytheory that the sun is the center of the universetheory that the earth is the center of the universechemist who saved lives by creating a smallpox vaccinephysicist who discovered the universal laws of gravitationactivist who supported equal rights and education for women...

Enlightenment 2023-02-21

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. combines algebra and geometry
  2. was an astronomer who perfected the telescope and discovered that the sun and moon had spots and were not perfectly smooth
  3. believed that God is the watcher and doesn't feel for humans mistakes
  4. is a person who rules with absolute power
  5. wrote that the ones abiding by the laws should be the ones creating and writing the laws to ensure regulation
  6. means to know something that one did not know before
  7. was a woman who believed in equal education for both genders
  8. theory that the Earth was the center of the universe
  9. had the idea of no cruel or unusual punishments which is used in the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution
  10. wanted division of power and wrote "The Spirit of the Laws"
  1. were parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  2. created the first vaccine to prevent smallpox
  3. were imagined by Montesquieu and divides the powers of a government to ensure that one power of government is not stronger than the other(s)
  4. believed that all humans were created equal, everyone should have the equal chance to be successful
  5. theory that the sun was the center of the universe
  6. used the microscope to examine red blood cells
  7. were people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. was used in the preamble of the US constitution
  9. believed that religion and science went hand in hand because they were created by the same creator
  10. believed in a strong government based on reason, would have wanted absolute monarchy

20 Clues: combines algebra and geometryis a person who rules with absolute powercreated the first vaccine to prevent smallpoxused the microscope to examine red blood cellswas used in the preamble of the US constitutionwere parties where people met to discuss new ideastheory that the sun was the center of the universe...

Enlightenment 2023-05-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. (2)founder of the modern European and American movements for women's rights
  2. (4)book by 1 philosophe against capital punishment and torture
  3. wealth of a nation is measured by the gold and silver in its treasury; to increase wealth, gov't must encourage exports, restrict imports, and create monopolies for local businesses
  4. a new kind of philosopher who desired to understand society, government, and how one should rule the other fairly
  5. Smith (2)wrote WEALTH OF NATIONS to explain how individual interests drive the economy (and that is a good thing)
  6. this thinker identified 3 basic kinds of governments AND believed that they functioned best with a separation of powers
  7. (3)Voltaire wrote this to convince the French that "all men are brothers under God"
  8. (2)means hands off
  9. A confirmed deist, he believed the universe was like a clock created by God (the clockmaker)
  1. (2)this is what allows a government to rule over society; it is an agreement that government rules because the majority believes it should do so
  2. he said "liberty is achieved by being forced to follow what is best for the general will" (the entire community)
  3. french group who believed that individuals were free to pursue their own economic self-interests, all of society would benefit
  4. (2)argued that punishment fro crimes should NOT be brutal
  5. Places where philosophers met and discussed/debated their ideas with each other
  6. (2)he believed the "world machine" operated according to natural laws (and could be understood through systematic investigation)
  7. the ability to understand reading and writing
  8. (2)the philosopher who believed people's inherently bad nature meant that gov't was required to make them behave in society
  9. (2)Anglican minister who preached to the masses in natural settings; his work led to the abolition of slave trade
  10. this wife of a wealthy merchant hosted salons
  11. (2)writer of the 1st Encyclopedia

21 Clues: (2)means hands off(2)writer of the 1st Encyclopediathe ability to understand reading and writingthis wife of a wealthy merchant hosted salons(2)wrote ESSAY CONCERNING HUMAN UNDERSTANDING(2)argued that punishment fro crimes should NOT be brutal(4)book by 1 philosophe against capital punishment and torture...

Enlightenment 2023-03-29

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. This war was sparked by enlightenment thinkers.
  2. Wrote the social contract.
  3. Object used to see things not visible to the naked human eye.
  4. Person who rules with absolute power.
  5. Big book of words and information.
  6. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas.
  7. Separation of powers became known as checks and…
  8. To know something one did not know before.
  9. The process of making hypothesis’ to make predictions.
  10. Wrote the essay on What is Enlightenment?
  11. He discovered gravity.
  1. Believed in freedom of speech and religion.
  2. David Hume was particularly critical/skeptical of…
  3. Wrote the book “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”
  4. Believed that all humans were selfish and wicked.
  5. Another term for the enlightenment period.
  6. Sun centred theory.
  7. The enlightenment thinkers were called...
  8. Connected algebra and geometry.
  9. One of the things John Kocke fought for.
  10. He perfected the telescope
  11. Believed all people are born free and equal.

22 Clues: Sun centred theory.He discovered gravity.Wrote the social contract.He perfected the telescopeConnected algebra and geometry.Big book of words and information.Person who rules with absolute power.One of the things John Kocke fought for.The enlightenment thinkers were called...Wrote the essay on What is Enlightenment?...

Enlightenment 2023-11-20

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. heliocentric
  2. Vaccinations
  3. enlightened despot
  4. US first form of government was Articles of ______
  5. forced to recant support for heliocentric teaching
  6. anatomy
  7. belief in God but question Christianity
  8. Grand and ornate
  9. Social contract
  10. laws of gravity
  11. Gathering to discuss enlightenment
  1. French social critiques
  2. logic
  3. earth centered
  4. separation of powers
  5. rights of accused criminals
  6. Speech
  7. individual free choice through social contract
  8. Empiricism
  9. chemistry
  10. women's rights
  11. Declaration of Independence
  12. encyclopedia
  13. natural rights

24 Clues: logicSpeechanatomychemistryEmpiricismheliocentricVaccinationsencyclopediaearth centeredwomen's rightsnatural rightsSocial contractlaws of gravityGrand and ornateenlightened despotseparation of powersFrench social critiquesrights of accused criminalsDeclaration of IndependenceGathering to discuss enlightenmentbelief in God but question Christianity...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Studied the laws of motion, and gravitational pull
  2. Believed that people were wicked and selfish. He also thought that absolute monarchy was important, but that you should listen to your citizens.
  3. Theory that the sun was at the center of the universe.
  4. Believed that women should have equal rights, and get a better education.
  5. Believed in individual freedom and built onto the ideas of Hobbes and Locke.
  6. Developed the experimental method, and believed that science and God went together.
  7. Created the first vaccine; it was a vaccine for smallpox.
  8. Discovered analytical geometry
  9. Theory that the earth was at the center of the universe.
  10. Believed that the government should have a separation of power.
  1. People presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment.
  2. Mathematically proved the heliocentric theory true, and found that planets orbit was elliptical.
  3. Discovered the heliocentric theory,and waited publish his findings until he was on his death bed.
  4. Known as the father of modern chemistry, and gave us knowledge about what our earth is made up of.
  5. A person who rules with absolute power
  6. Used the microscope to study microorganisms.
  7. Believed in freedom of speech, religion, tolerance, and reason.
  8. Believed in the heliocentric theory and observed the moons of Jupiter.
  9. Theory that there was an agreement between the governing and governed.
  10. Favored the idea of a self government and criticized absolute monarchs.
  11. Believed that laws are made to create order.

21 Clues: Discovered analytical geometryA person who rules with absolute powerUsed the microscope to study microorganisms.Believed that laws are made to create order.Studied the laws of motion, and gravitational pullTheory that the sun was at the center of the universe.Theory that the earth was at the center of the universe....

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Created the idea of checks and balances between political powers
  2. contract Theory that the governed and governing will agree that the gooverned will give up some rights and the governing will give fair laws that we want
  3. Wanted fair punishment for crimes; laws should be made to keep order
  4. Something that brings about great change
  5. The theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  6. Created the basic laws of motion
  7. Perfected the telescope and said that the moon was bumpy and not smooth and perfect
  8. Came up with the scientific method and wanted to prove his own existence
  9. Made the first big vaccine; smallpox vaccine
  1. Developed the heliocentric theory, didn't publish ideas until his death bed
  2. The theory that the Earth is the center of the solar system
  3. Advocated for freedom of speech and religion
  4. To know something one did not know before
  5. Proved the heliocentric theory with math
  6. A party where people met to discuss new ideas
  7. People who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. Father of modern chemistry and developed an important law about the volume of gasses
  9. The author of Frankenstein, Mary Shelly's mom; vouched for woman's rights and wanted woman to be educated.
  10. spread the ideas of the scientific method to other scientists
  11. A person who rules with absolute power

20 Clues: Created the basic laws of motionA person who rules with absolute powerProved the heliocentric theory with mathSomething that brings about great changeTo know something one did not know beforeAdvocated for freedom of speech and religionMade the first big vaccine; smallpox vaccineA party where people met to discuss new ideas...

Enlightenment 2023-10-31

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Voltaire argued for this in this specific area.
  2. Montesquieu advocated this system to keep branches in check.
  3. Hobbes lived through this event, possibly influencing his views.
  4. Rousseau believed humans in their natural state possessed this.
  5. Montesquieu introduced this concept to divide government power.
  6. His full title was Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de this.
  7. For Locke, this was the primary role of the government.
  8. Voltaire made a fortune in this unconventional way.
  1. Voltaire used this to critique authority figures.
  2. Rousseau introduced this concept for community-based decisions.
  3. Hobbes had this view of humans, considering them to be selfish and violent.
  4. Rousseau had revolutionary ideas about this institution.
  5. Voltaire was a staunch advocate for this kind of speech freedom.
  6. Locke focused on this, along with liberty and property, as a natural right.
  7. Hobbes believed this type of government was necessary for order.
  8. Before philosophy, Locke was a professional in this field.
  9. Hobbes thought this agreement justifies giving up some freedoms.
  10. Rousseau was also talented in this artistic field, apart from philosophy.
  11. Locke believed citizens had this right if the government fails.
  12. Montesquieu believed a nation should be governed by these, not by rulers.

20 Clues: Voltaire argued for this in this specific area.Voltaire used this to critique authority figures.Voltaire made a fortune in this unconventional way.For Locke, this was the primary role of the government.Rousseau had revolutionary ideas about this institution.Before philosophy, Locke was a professional in this field....

Enlightenment 2024-03-21

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. The French Constitution was known as The Declaration of the Rights of ________
  2. Home country of the French queen and country France went to war with
  3. Scientist that discovered gravity
  4. Descartes tried to prove his own _____________
  5. King of France during the French Revolution
  6. Group most French people belonged to
  7. Philosopher that believed in tolerance
  8. Philosopher who wrote about the Social Contract
  9. Weapon used because it was seen as more humane
  10. Extreme group that made many changes to France
  1. Place Louis made it to before being captured by border guards
  2. Prison stormed by the revolutionaries in Paris
  3. Locke's natural rights included life, liberty, and ______
  4. Group that were fine with changes in government
  5. Wife of the French King
  6. Type of monarchy where the king must listen to the elected government
  7. Rights one has just by being human
  8. Leader of the Radicals
  9. The event in which Radicals executed people against the revolution
  10. Group that made up the First Estate
  11. Month in which the Radical leader was executed
  12. Group that made up the Second Estate
  13. Oath taken by the members of the Third Estate

23 Clues: Leader of the RadicalsWife of the French KingScientist that discovered gravityRights one has just by being humanGroup that made up the First EstateGroup most French people belonged toGroup that made up the Second EstatePhilosopher that believed in toleranceKing of France during the French RevolutionOath taken by the members of the Third Estate...

Enlightenment 40 questions 2024-01-22

Enlightenment 40 questions crossword puzzle
  1. Believed that the government and the people have a social contract.
  2. A form of absolutism where the ideas of the Enlightenment inspired rulers.
  3. What book did Montesquieu write?
  4. What book did Rousseau write?
  5. Were Montesquieu & Voltaire invited to Madame Geoffrin's salons? Yes or no.
  6. What is the last branch of government?
  7. What is another natural right?
  8. Who was invited to attend the salons?
  9. The idea that individuals and their rights are important, especially freedom.
  10. What book did Voltaire write?
  11. The idea that people and their actions should be based on reason.
  12. Which Enlightenment despot believed that there should be religious tolerance.
  13. Did rulers give up their power & change to democracies? Yes or no.
  14. What does the word "enlightenment" mean?
  15. Believed that there should be a separation of church and state.
  16. What form of government did Hobbes prefer?
  17. Believed that the power of the government should be broken into 3 branches.
  18. What book did Hobbes write?
  19. What did the Enlightenment lead to?
  20. What is another branch of government?
  21. Which Enlightenment despot believed that all citizens should follow the same laws & that the laws should protect the people (equality).
  1. What did women host to help spread Enlightenment ideas for women's rights.
  2. Name of the woman who was an Enlightenment thinker for women's rights.
  3. What book did Locke write?
  4. Were Enlightenment despots rulers pro democracy or pro monarch?
  5. Who hosted the salons?
  6. Which Enlightenment despot believed that there should be a strong government & military.
  7. Believed that people were born naturally evil.
  8. What is one branch of government?
  9. What caused many ideas and questions of the Enlightenment?
  10. A group of French thinkers
  11. Where did the Enlightenment mostly come from?
  12. Monarchs who began to accept Enlightenment ideas into their kingdoms are called?
  13. Who wrote ideas about the universe and nature during the scientific revolution?
  14. What is one of the natural rights?
  15. What is a tyrant who is a cruel and oppressive dictator called?
  16. Believed that the government should protect people's natural rights.
  17. A time of intellectual and political change during the 17th & 18th centuries.
  18. What is the last natural right?
  19. How many rulers supported all ideas of the Enlightenment?

40 Clues: Who hosted the salons?What book did Locke write?A group of French thinkersWhat book did Hobbes write?What book did Rousseau write?What book did Voltaire write?What is another natural right?What is the last natural right?What book did Montesquieu write?What is one branch of government?What is one of the natural rights?...

Age of Enlightenment/Beginning of American Revolution 2022-09-29

Age of Enlightenment/Beginning of American Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. when a monarch rules with complete power
  2. of Confederation original US document written to set up new government, later overturned (not used)
  3. two initial battles that kicked off the American Revolution
  4. enlightenment thinker that fought for freedom of speech and religion, wrote using satire
  5. time period and philosophy that gives increased rights to common people
  6. the embrace of logical thinking
  7. written with the American Constitution gave Americans 10 individual liberties
  8. Enlightenment thinker that emphasized self-governance
  9. Enlightenment thinker that believed that all people were naturally selfish and evil
  10. enlightenment thinker that emphasized women's rights and education
  11. three natural rights that are emphasized by John Locke
  1. enlightenment thinker that emphasized the "general will" of a society
  2. document written in 1776 that created the United States
  3. event where revolutionaries threw a key British good into the ocean
  4. Hobbes' idea that the right to rule should come from the people
  5. enlightenment thinker that emphasized checks and balances (separation of powers)
  6. a change or overthrow of a government
  7. first president and American Revolution general
  8. document that set up new US government, inspired by Enlightenment thinkers
  9. future president that wrote the Declaration of Independence

20 Clues: the embrace of logical thinkinga change or overthrow of a governmentwhen a monarch rules with complete powerfirst president and American Revolution generalEnlightenment thinker that emphasized self-governancethree natural rights that are emphasized by John Lockedocument written in 1776 that created the United States...

Enlightenment 2022-02-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. wanted to abolish torture, believed that the punishment should fit the crime done
  2. used the microscope to study bacteria and red blood cells.
  3. Invented the scientific method (the first modern chemist)
  4. invented the first vaccine, to prevent smallpox.
  5. started the idea of the Heliocentric theory
  6. characterized by dull, dark colors and strong lines.
  7. believed in rights for women.
  8. he perfected the telescope
  9. A person who rules with absolute power.
  1. believed in separation of powers and checks and balances.
  2. Developed analytical geometry, which connected geometry and algebra
  3. believed that everyone was born with natural rights, the government should follow the social contract.
  4. the theory that the sun is the center of the universe.
  5. believed the planets orbit elliptically
  6. the theory that the earth is the center of the solar system.
  7. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment.
  8. believed that people are not truly free as long as there are laws, the government should follow the social contract.
  9. believed in freedom of speech and religion, wrote a book, making fun of the government.
  10. is characterized by soft lines and colors.
  11. parties where people meet to discuss new ideas.

20 Clues: he perfected the telescopebelieved in rights for women.believed the planets orbit ellipticallyA person who rules with absolute power.is characterized by soft lines and colors.started the idea of the Heliocentric theoryparties where people meet to discuss new ideas.invented the first vaccine, to prevent smallpox....

Enlightenment 2022-02-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. what style of art used soft lines and colors
  2. whos idea was analytical geometry
  3. what did Beccaria think should be fair
  4. where was Issac Newton from
  5. A system in which multiple groups share decision making power; the system is designed to ensure that one person or group does not abuse its power
  6. belief that the earth is the center of the universe
  7. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. who was the first person to observe the moons
  9. who was considered the father of modern chemistry
  1. what was Wollstonecraft's idea on government
  2. which amendment can you find Voltaire's ideas
  3. what book did Hobbes write
  4. what is the center of the universe in the heliocentric theory
  5. what is one of the revolutions that were and immediate cause of the enlightenment
  6. who developed the smallpox vaccine
  7. what did Leeuwenhoek invent
  8. what did CATHERINE II improve
  9. who came up with the heliocentric theory
  10. who said life liberty and property
  11. where is Rousseau in the u.s documents

20 Clues: what book did Hobbes writewhat did Leeuwenhoek inventwhere was Issac Newton fromwhat did CATHERINE II improvewhos idea was analytical geometrywho developed the smallpox vaccinewho said life liberty and propertywhat did Beccaria think should be fairwhere is Rousseau in the u.s documentswho came up with the heliocentric theory...

Enlightenment 2022-02-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. was ok with the absolute monarchy as long as they did what was in the best interest of the people
  2. a system in which multiple groups share decision making power
  3. the belief that the earth was the center of the universe
  4. believed the earth moved around the sun profoundly
  5. believed in women's equality
  6. a person who rules with absolute power
  7. people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  1. believed all physical objects are affected equally by the same forces
  2. a style of art consisting of harsh lines and dull colors
  3. supported Copernicus's theory and perfected the telescope
  4. the belief that the sun is the center of the universe
  5. a style of art consisting of soft lines and colors
  6. developed the vaccine to prevent smallpox
  7. to know something you did not know before
  8. developed analytical geometry
  9. proposed the idea that matter is made up of smaller primary particles that join together in different ways
  10. believed in the freedom of thought, expression, and religion
  11. believed planets revolved around the sun in elliptical orbits
  12. the theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed

20 Clues: believed in women's equalitydeveloped analytical geometrya person who rules with absolute powerdeveloped the vaccine to prevent smallpoxto know something you did not know beforeparties where people met to discuss new ideasa style of art consisting of soft lines and colorsbelieved the earth moved around the sun profoundly...

Enlightenment 2022-02-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. replacing an old system of government with a new one, usually by force
  2. a system of government where there are multiple layers of governments who keep each-other in check
  3. the man who set the scinetific method in stone
  4. A system of government where the executive branch exists separately from a legislature
  5. a man who spread his philosophical ideas about government through satire
  6. a man who believed that all men should have rights that nobody could take from them
  7. a ruler with absolute power
  8. a woman who promoted the idea that women should have access to education, one of the first feminists
  9. a system of government where a king/royal family holds all power with very few restrictions
  10. a french style of art categorized by soft lines and being frothy, usually portraying nobles doing fun activities
  1. a list of rules a leader must follow while they rule, or else they face consequences
  2. a man who laid the foundation for microbiology and germ theory
  3. the man who created the first vaccine
  4. the idea that the earth is the center of the universe
  5. a man who thought that laws need to be fair and fit whatever punishment somebody is given
  6. to learn something new you didn't know before
  7. parties where people meet up and discuss things, usually politics
  8. A french style of art characterized by harsh lines, dark colors, and imitation of classic art
  9. the right to practice whatever religion you want
  10. A french word for philosophers, they generally shared ideas about the government
  11. the idea that the sun is the center of the universe
  12. Man who wrote the book "the social contract"
  13. the idea that citizens should give up rights to the rulers in exchange for the promise that their rights will be defended

23 Clues: a ruler with absolute powerthe man who created the first vaccineMan who wrote the book "the social contract"to learn something new you didn't know beforethe man who set the scinetific method in stonethe right to practice whatever religion you wantthe idea that the sun is the center of the universe...

Enlightenment 2022-02-15

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. a key factor to enlightenment and a english philosopher
  2. famous for his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state.
  3. a revolution that provided the primary source of authority and legitimacy
  4. improved the Russian economy through free trade,
  5. a monarchy that is not limited or restrained by laws
  6. according to Rousseau it is a collectively held will that aims at the common good or common interest.
  7. a belief that we come to knowledge through the use of logic,
  8. was a advocate for religion toleration
  9. life, liberty, and property
  1. an attempt to justify authority and what limits it should have in connection with man's moral nature.
  2. His political theory work, particularly the idea of separation of powers, shaped the modern democratic government.
  3. he reformed the military,established freedom of religion, and provided basic freedoms
  4. the concept that power should be derived from the consent of the governed.
  5. the concept of natural laws was used to challenge the divine right of kings, and became an alternative justification for the establishment of a social contract, positive law, and government
  6. the power of the government should be separated into three branches
  7. an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith.
  8. a french philosopher, served as a chief editor
  9. advocate of women's rights.
  10. another way of saying religion toleration
  11. encouraged socializing between the sexes [and] brought nobles and bourgeois together".

20 Clues: advocate of women's rights.life, liberty, and propertywas a advocate for religion tolerationanother way of saying religion tolerationa french philosopher, served as a chief editorimproved the Russian economy through free trade,a monarchy that is not limited or restrained by lawsa key factor to enlightenment and a english philosopher...

Enlightenment 2013-11-12

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. style of composition arising in 18th-century France, often viewed as an extension of the baroque, and characterized by a high degree of ornamentation and lightness of expression.
  2. an English philosopher that rejected absolute monarchy and argued that people were good and theorized natural rights
  3. Prussian monarch that allowed free press and urged religious tolerance
  4. English enlightenment thinker who argued that people were cruel and selfish by nature and needed to be controlled by an absolute monarchy
  5. informal social gatherings
  6. a period of artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail
  7. french enlightenment thinker
  8. a form of absolute monarchy where the rulers were influenced by the enlightenment
  9. his philosophy influenced the french revolution
  10. austrian monarch that traveled in disguise among his subjects to learn of their problems
  11. a policy that allows businesses to operate with very little interference from the government
  12. a body of moral principals used as a basis in human conduct
  13. Scottish philosopher who focused on using natural law to reform the economy and urged the policy of laissez faire
  1. a person engaged in philosophy, esp as an academic discipline
  2. french writer who was the embodiment of 18th century enlightenment
  3. Russian monarch that abolished torture
  4. french thinker who developed the ideas of separation of powers,checks and balances and minority rights
  5. the practice of examining books, moves, etc.. and removing unacceptable parts
  6. principle author of the declaration of independence who believed in equality for all
  7. the intellectual movement during the 17th and the 18th centuries
  8. 4th president sometimes referred to as the father of the Constitution,something separation of powers
  9. agreement between among the members of society to give of freedom in exchange for an organized society

22 Clues: informal social gatheringsfrench enlightenment thinkerRussian monarch that abolished torturehis philosophy influenced the french revolutiona body of moral principals used as a basis in human conducta person engaged in philosophy, esp as an academic disciplinethe intellectual movement during the 17th and the 18th centuries...

Enlightenment 2023-02-21

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. created the first vaccine for small pox
  2. Thought that society should have multiple religions that co exist and supported religious freedom.
  3. improved copernicus theory and the telescope
  4. helped prove the heliocentric theory
  5. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  6. first discovered the scientific method
  7. Thought the people the people should right there own laws and strongly supported free individualism
  8. discorved the laws of gravity
  1. system in which multiple groups share decision making power
  2. Beleived men and women deserved equal education
  3. punishment was only necessary to keep people in check
  4. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  5. theory that the earth is at the center of the universe
  6. to know something one did not know before
  7. thought people should have a choice in what job they choose
  8. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  9. believed that there should be separation of power (checks and balances)
  10. Wanted an absolute power and thought there would be chaos without an absolute power
  11. person who rules with absolute power
  12. Wanted a self government and thought every was born equal

20 Clues: discorved the laws of gravityhelped prove the heliocentric theoryperson who rules with absolute powerfirst discovered the scientific methodcreated the first vaccine for small poxto know something one did not know beforeimproved copernicus theory and the telescopeparties where people met to discuss new ideas...

Enlightenment 2023-02-21

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Theory that the earth is the center of the solar system
  2. Said the death penalty was necessary
  3. Newton's Law
  4. Person who perfected the telescope
  5. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  6. People who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment
  7. A system where multiple groups share decision-making power
  8. Where the Scientific Revolution began
  9. To know something one did not know before
  1. An agreement between the governing and the governed
  2. Theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  3. Created a vaccine to prevent smallpox
  4. Fought for women's rights
  5. Founder of modern chemistry
  6. Said it was good for England to have a multitude of religions
  7. A person who rules with absolute power
  8. Argued for division of power
  9. USED a microscope; Father of microbiology
  10. said the citizens have the right to create a new government if the old government fails
  11. Said that most individuals work just to make a living and feel that they've accomplished something

20 Clues: Newton's LawFought for women's rightsFounder of modern chemistryArgued for division of powerPerson who perfected the telescopeSaid the death penalty was necessaryCreated a vaccine to prevent smallpoxWhere the Scientific Revolution beganA person who rules with absolute powerUSED a microscope; Father of microbiology...

Enlightenment 2020-10-30

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. -wanted more separate power in the government
  2. - made the "I think, therefore I am" saying
  3. - created the vaccine for the smallpox
  4. - Known as the father of chemistry
  5. - The scientist that made the telescope
  6. -the main contract that was used at this time to explain what they wanted the government to do and to be
  7. - The mathematic who proved more of Copernicus's theory
  8. - the philosopher the thought everyone would give up their freedom to the government
  9. - MAde the Two Treatises of Government
  10. - made by the scientist galileo
  11. -supported women's rights and was one of the first to support it
  12. - Developed the scientific method
  1. - The theory that the Earth is the center of the universe
  2. - a series of events that helped bring out modern science
  3. -the philosopher that created the heliocentric theory
  4. - was known for using satire in his books and in his life
  5. - The scientist that made the laws for gravity
  6. - another word for philosopher
  7. - The theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  8. - a place for men and women to talk
  9. - a scientific instrument that can see things at a micro size.
  10. - made the social contract
  11. - stopped torture for punishment

23 Clues: - made the social contract- another word for philosopher- made by the scientist galileo- stopped torture for punishment- Developed the scientific method- Known as the father of chemistry- a place for men and women to talk- created the vaccine for the smallpox- MAde the Two Treatises of Government- The scientist that made the telescope...


ENLIGHTENMENT crossword puzzle
  1. Division of power among the different branches in government. Separations of power would keep any individual or group from gaining total control of the government. Would later be called check and balances.
  2. Developed analytical geometry, which linked algebra and geometry and would be a new important tool for scientific research. He also believed scientists needed to reject old assumptions and teachings. But he gained knowledge differently than Bacon, by using mathematics and logic. Believed everything should be doubted until proven by reason.
  3. Late 1700s, British physician made a vaccine to prevent smallpox.
  4. Used the scientific method in chemistry. He is considered the founder of modern chemistry. He challenged Aristotle’s idea that the physical world consisted of four elements-earth, air, fire and water. Thought that matter was made up of smaller primary particles that joined together in different ways.
  5. He discovered that Jupiter had 4 moons, the sun had dark spots, using a telescope he built. He perfected the telescope. He also discovered the earth’s moon had a rough, uneven surface.
  6. In order for people to not have a bleak life, they had to give their rights to a strong ruler and in exchange, gained law and order
  7. He proved that the planets revolve around the sun and the sun was the center of the universe mathematically. He also found out that the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits instead of circles.
  8. Thought that people should give up their rights to the government and have no rights. Liked authoritarian governments. Social contract theorist.
  9. All men are born with three natural rights- life liberty and property. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to property ownership. Have to have a government to protect and make laws for the people. The people can overthrow if the government fails to follow the social contract theory. Liked democracy. Social contract theorist.
  10. Enlarges far-off objects. Perfected by Galileo.
  11. Disagreed with Rousseau that women’s education should be secondary to men. Women need education too. Encouraged women to join the men's field of work like medicine and politics. Wants women to be equal to men.
  12. Urged scientists to stop relying on the conclusions of Aristotle and other old thinkers. Instead of reasoning from abstract theories, he urged scientists to experiment and then draw conclusions, which is called empiricism or the experimental method.
  1. The theory that the earth is the center of the universe and all planets and stars revolve around it
  2. A new way of thinking about the natural world. Based upon careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs
  3. Came up with the idea that the stars, the earth and the other planets revolved around the sun. Did not know why the planets orbited the way they do.
  4. Used satire against opponents. Fighted for tolerance, freedom of religious belief, reason and freedom of speech. Published more than 70 books about political essays, philosophy and drama. Thinks it is a good thing to have a multitude of religions.
  5. Developed laws of motion and gravity. His great discovery was the law of universal gravitation.
  6. Social and political theorists of the Enlightenment.
  7. The theory that the sun is the center of the universe and all planets revolve around it
  8. Social gatherings where attendees would discuss Enlightenment ideas.
  9. Invented by a Dutch maker of eyeglasses, Zacharias Janssen in 1590. In the 1670s, a Dutch drapery merchant and amateur scientist named Anton van Leeuwenhoek used it to see bacteria in tooth scrapings. Used to see things that can not be seen with the naked eye. Also looked at red blood cells for the first time ever.
  10. He thought that the only good government was the one freely formed by the people and guided by the general will. The people are subject to the laws so they should be the ones to write them.
  11. His thoughts were toward the justice system. Laws existed to preserve social order, not to avenge crimes. He criticized the abuses involved in the system. Torture should not be used. The degree of punishment should be based on the crime committed.

23 Clues: Enlarges far-off objects. Perfected by Galileo.Social and political theorists of the Enlightenment.Late 1700s, British physician made a vaccine to prevent smallpox.Social gatherings where attendees would discuss Enlightenment ideas.The theory that the sun is the center of the universe and all planets revolve around it...

enlightenment 2021-04-20

enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. two treatises of government
  2. informal social gatherings
  3. restriction to new ideas
  4. despots who used their power to bring about change
  5. huge, colorful, full of excitment
  6. agreement to be governed
  7. spirit of laws
  8. religious works, sonatas for violins
  9. enlightenment thinkers
  10. most celebrated work-messiah
  11. adam smith
  1. vindication of the rights of women
  2. belonged to all humans
  3. the critique of pure reason
  4. thomas hobbes
  5. marriage of figaro
  6. light, elegant, charming
  7. voltaire exposes french society
  8. denis diderot
  9. rules discoverable by reason

20 Clues: adam smiththomas hobbesdenis diderotspirit of lawsmarriage of figarobelonged to all humansenlightenment thinkersrestriction to new ideaslight, elegant, charmingagreement to be governedinformal social gatheringstwo treatises of governmentthe critique of pure reasonrules discoverable by reasonmost celebrated work-messiah...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. The founder of modern chemistry
  2. Proposed that planets revolve in an elliptical orbit around the sun
  3. Sun-centered theory
  4. A person who rules with absolute power
  5. wrote the social contract
  6. Perfected the telescope
  7. Earth-centered theory
  8. steps used to prove a theory is true
  9. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  10. Dull colors and strong lines
  11. Fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech
  12. Created the smallpox vaccine
  13. fought for women's rights and the ability for them to get the same education as men
  1. An art form with soft lines and soft colors
  2. Encouraged the use of the scientific method
  3. Developed the laws of motion and gravity
  4. Didn't agree with cruel and unusual punishment
  5. Proposed the heliocentric theory
  6. Created geometry and supported the scientific method
  7. He believed that the people had the ability to govern themselves
  8. Used the microscope to study microorganisms
  9. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  10. believed in the separation of power and checks and balances
  11. The theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed; the governed will give up some rights and freedoms and the governing will make decisions in the best intrest on the people
  12. supported the social contract and agreed with Absolute Monarchy

25 Clues: Sun-centered theoryEarth-centered theoryPerfected the telescopewrote the social contractDull colors and strong linesCreated the smallpox vaccineThe founder of modern chemistryProposed the heliocentric theorysteps used to prove a theory is trueA person who rules with absolute powerDeveloped the laws of motion and gravity...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. perfected the telescope
  2. Believed in seperation of powers in government, power should check power, checks and balances
  3. Invented the experimental method (empiricism)
  4. Believed in freedom of speech and freedom of religion
  5. a theory and agreement between the people and the government in which the people would give their rights to the ruler in exchange for law and order
  6. Discovered red cells and bacteria by looking through a microscope
  7. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. developed laws of motion and gravity
  9. Concluded that mathematical laws govern planetary motion
  10. believed that torture is cruel and unusual and that laws are there to keep society in order rather than to punish
  11. believed that all people were born with three natural rights. Life, liberty, property
  12. Developed vaccine to prevent smallpox (worlds first vaccine)
  13. Believed in individual freedom and direct democracy
  14. believed that people are born wicked and needed a government, must follow a social contract
  15. Established heliocentric theory
  1. Fought for womans rights and believed that they should be educated just like men
  2. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  3. Father of modern chemistry
  4. Belief that the sun is the center
  5. a style of art characterized by soft lines and colors. Depicted aristocracy
  6. A person who ruled with absolute power
  7. A new way of looking at the physical world
  8. A style of art characterized by dull colors and strong lines. Depicted war scenes, etc.
  9. Developed analytical geometry and the scientific method
  10. Belief that earth is the center of the universe

25 Clues: perfected the telescopeFather of modern chemistryEstablished heliocentric theoryBelief that the sun is the centerdeveloped laws of motion and gravityA person who ruled with absolute powerA new way of looking at the physical worldparties where people met to discuss new ideasInvented the experimental method (empiricism)...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Invented Keplerian Telescope
  2. People who were engaged in learning and academics.
  3. Wrote The Discourse On The Origin Of Inequality
  4. Wrote the Leviathan
  5. Believed in women's rights to education
  6. Rough style of art describing the real way things were
  7. The process of making hypothesis'to make predictions
  8. First modern philosopher
  9. Wrote the Spirit Of Laws
  10. A person who holds all the power
  11. Chemist, made a law of gases
  12. Created the smallpox vaccination
  13. Invented the scientific method
  14. a smooth style of art usually for the aristocrats/leaders
  15. Wrote On Crimes And Punishments
  1. Wrote Two Treatises On Government
  2. Earth centered
  3. Explored space using the telescope
  4. Sun centered
  5. Place were people met to discuss ideas
  6. Wrote Candide
  7. Created the microscope
  8. Invented the reflecting telescope
  9. An unspoken contract that protects the rights of citizens.

24 Clues: Sun centeredWrote CandideEarth centeredWrote the LeviathanCreated the microscopeFirst modern philosopherWrote the Spirit Of LawsInvented Keplerian TelescopeChemist, made a law of gasesInvented the scientific methodWrote On Crimes And PunishmentsA person who holds all the powerCreated the smallpox vaccinationWrote Two Treatises On Government...

Enlightenment 2022-08-12

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England
  2. a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws
  3. Written by Montesquieu
  4. possession of control, authority, or influence over others
  5. an act signed into law in 1689 by William III and Mary II
  6. places sovereignty into the hands of the people
  7. A man of many talents
  8. distributes power among different parts and levels of the state
  9. Written by Rosseu
  10. The three important documents of early america
  11. English constitutional document setting out specific individual protections
  1. First 10 amendments
  2. the concept of a government limited in power. It is a key concept in the history of liberalism
  3. a way for two or more parties to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement among them
  4. Wrote leviathan
  5. Made social contracts
  6. an unlimited right to all things
  7. Written by Hobbes
  8. Power seperated by three brenches
  9. wrote the spirit of laws

20 Clues: Wrote leviathanWritten by HobbesWritten by RosseuFirst 10 amendmentsMade social contractsA man of many talentsWritten by Montesquieuwrote the spirit of lawsan unlimited right to all thingsPower seperated by three brenchesThe three important documents of early americaplaces sovereignty into the hands of the people...

Enlightenment 2016-10-20

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. style of paintings on ceilings of famous buildings
  2. Wanted everyone to get along
  3. motion How Earth gets seasons
  4. things naturally understood
  5. People need to tolerate each other
  6. Wanted to separate everything
  7. Thought that certain rights can be understood naturally
  8. Sunny center of attention
  9. Life, liberty, property
  10. Reasoning
  11. an punishments How criminals should be punished
  12. that the world is not self-centered
  13. We are the only creative ones
  14. Men are stupid, women deserve rights
  15. Hate letter about Robert Filmers' Patriarcha
  16. Has a very basic name, supported lassiez-faire
  1. Thought of social contract theory
  2. Feminist in Enlightenment period
  3. reason/rationalism
  4. Government has nothing to do with economy
  5. Thought people should tolerate each other
  6. Gave scientists guidelines to do experiements
  7. judicial, legislative
  8. Replaced by baroque
  9. man who thought the planets moved
  10. the correct way to perform an experiment
  11. How criminals should be punished according to:
  12. Big book of words and information
  13. Contract on mutual benefit
  14. Theory of social contract
  15. People realized what they could do
  16. Created big books with everything known to man

32 Clues: Reasoningreason/rationalismReplaced by baroquejudicial, legislativeLife, liberty, propertySunny center of attentionTheory of social contractContract on mutual benefitthings naturally understoodWanted everyone to get alongWanted to separate everythingWe are the only creative onesmotion How Earth gets seasonsFeminist in Enlightenment period...

Enlightenment 2019-12-02

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. What war occurred from 1642-1649
  2. The belief that man is intrinsically good
  3. What was a list of demands made by nobility
  4. What did Charles I sign in return for money to fund wars
  5. Who believed all men were created equal by virtue
  6. What was Cromwell's new title
  7. Who would give Charles money from taxes to fund wars
  8. Who believed that there were 3 types of government
  9. The belief in the existence of a God or supreme that set the world into motion and allowed it to function on its own
  1. Written constitutions listing citizens rights
  2. Reason is the sum of all things
  3. Who organized the "New Model Army"
  4. Who wrote the Two Treatises of Government
  5. Who wrote the Leviathan
  6. The greatest good for the greatest number
  7. What is another name for Cavaliers
  8. What was "an attempt to explain Gods providence by reference to working in nature”
  9. A new concept of man, man is the center of the earth
  10. Applications of the methods of science to religion and philosophy
  11. Who tried to unite England and Scotland under one religious system

20 Clues: Who wrote the LeviathanWhat was Cromwell's new titleReason is the sum of all thingsWhat war occurred from 1642-1649Who organized the "New Model Army"What is another name for CavaliersThe belief that man is intrinsically goodWho wrote the Two Treatises of GovernmentThe greatest good for the greatest numberWhat was a list of demands made by nobility...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. believed in freedom of speech
  2. to know something one did not know before
  3. created the first vaccine
  4. wrote about the seperation of powers
  5. proposed heliocentric theory
  6. discovered microscopic organisms
  7. parties where people meet to discuss new ideas
  8. fought for womens rights
  9. the theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed
  10. theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  1. studied laws of acceleration and perfected the telescope
  2. wrote "the social contract theory"
  3. discovered that the planets had elliptical orbits
  4. his book was on crime and punishment, he believed in no death penalty trials
  5. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  6. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the englightenment
  7. said "I think, therefore, I am"
  8. created the 3 laws of motion
  9. a person who rules with absolute power
  10. "life, liberty, and property"

20 Clues: fought for womens rightscreated the first vaccinecreated the 3 laws of motionproposed heliocentric theorybelieved in freedom of speech"life, liberty, and property"said "I think, therefore, I am"discovered microscopic organismswrote "the social contract theory"wrote about the seperation of powersa person who rules with absolute power...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. believed in democracy and the social contract
  2. proved Copernicus' theory right by mathematical laws
  3. used satire in his works
  4. a person who rules with absolute power
  5. used microscopes to study microorganisms
  6. to know something you did not know before
  7. developed the smallpox vaccine
  8. parties where people meet to discuss new ideas
  9. used empiricism
  10. looked through a telescope to prove Copernicus' theories correct
  11. established laws of physics that still hold true
  12. the theory that the earth is the center of the solar system
  1. believed in no weird punishments
  2. developed deductive reasoning
  3. believed in equal rights for women
  4. believed people were born free and equal
  5. the people who presented new ways of thinking
  6. considered the founder of modern chemistry
  7. the theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  8. created the heliocentric theory

20 Clues: used empiricismused satire in his worksdeveloped deductive reasoningdeveloped the smallpox vaccinecreated the heliocentric theorybelieved in no weird punishmentsbelieved in equal rights for womena person who rules with absolute powerbelieved people were born free and equalused microscopes to study microorganisms...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. English philosophe who wrote the leviathan
  2. sent to bastille prison
  3. Believed that Jewish would stop being persecuted
  4. Age of reason
  5. First servant of the state
  6. English physicist whose name is a food
  7. Wrote the edict tollerance
  8. Married Peter III
  9. Improved the microscope and discovered microorganisms
  10. German Astrologist who theorized about planetary motion
  11. theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  12. English philosophe who wrote the two treatises of government
  1. Wrote the vindication of women's rights
  2. French philosophe who believed in checks and balances
  3. Mathematician who invented analytical geometry
  4. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  5. Swiss philosophe who wrote the social contract
  6. english pharmacist who created the small pox vaccine
  7. Italian astronomer who built his own telescope
  8. English physicist who made the three laws of motion

20 Clues: Age of reasonMarried Peter IIIsent to bastille prisonFirst servant of the stateWrote the edict tolleranceEnglish physicist whose name is a foodWrote the vindication of women's rightsEnglish philosophe who wrote the leviathanMathematician who invented analytical geometrySwiss philosophe who wrote the social contract...

Enlightenment 2021-01-08

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Bacon Bacon, during the enlightenment era, now, and forever, is a symbol for science and rational thought.
  2. Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher and scientist, was one of the key figures in the political debates of the Enlightenment period
  3. The national Enlightenment in the Russian Empire differed from its Western European counterpart in that it promoted further modernization of all aspects of Russian life and was concerned with abolishing the institution of serfdom in Russia.
  4. Variations Instead, during the tide of "national salvation and revolution," they were simplistically rejected as the merely worrisome garbage of the bourgeois class.
  5. Broadly speaking, Enlightenment science greatly valued empiricism and rational thought, and was embedded with the Enlightenment ideal of advancement and progress.
  6. deficient in mental or spiritual enlightenment
  7. Delacroix an impressionist whose paintings portrayed emotion, nature, love, religion and nationalism
  8. Academies By the middle of the eighteenth century the number of learned academies and societies in Europe and its overseas colonies was in the hundreds, and many academies had come and gone in the preceding two centuries.
  1. of the United States a document that is built on the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers which grants citizens rights and freedoms
  2. Everyone was open with each other during this time of period.
  3. of Rights the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution that included the 5 freedoms and the protection of basic rights
  4. Revolution A war that earned the colonies freedom and independence from Britain.
  5. he Enlightenment, a philosophical movement that dominated in Europe during the 18th century, was centered around the idea that reason is the primary source of authority and legitimacy, and advocated such ideals as liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.
  6. Locke argued that human nature was mutable and that knowledge was gained through accumulated experience rather than by accessing some sort of outside truth.
  7. Revolution The Glorious Revolution of 1688 is a part of the Enlightenment due to its focus on the ideals of liberty, constitutional government, and the rights of the people
  8. Republic of Letters The Republic of Letters (Respublica literaria) is the long-distance intellectual community in the late 17th and 18th centuries in Europe and the Americas. It fostered communication among the intellectuals of the Age of Enlightenment, or philosophes as they were called in France.
  9. de Cervantes Cervantes himself states that he wrote Don Quixote in order to undermine the influence of those "vain and empty books of chivalry" as well as to provide some merry, original, and sometimes prudent material for his readers' entertainment.
  10. Individualism was another prominent theme of the Enlightenment
  11. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Francophone Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer. His political philosophy influenced the Enlightenment in France and across Europe
  12. Diderot the author of the Encyclopedia which contained Enlightenment views

20 Clues: deficient in mental or spiritual enlightenmentEveryone was open with each other during this time of period.Individualism was another prominent theme of the EnlightenmentDiderot the author of the Encyclopedia which contained Enlightenment viewsRevolution A war that earned the colonies freedom and independence from Britain....

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. way to complete an experiment
  2. Earth-centered
  3. wanted limits of power
  4. believed that women should have the right to education
  5. thought people should give up their rights to a strong government (thought humans were naturally selfish)
  6. invented the heliocentric theory
  7. gathering where people discuss enlightenment ideas
  8. developed analytical geometry
  9. Sun-centered
  10. improved the telescope
  11. encouraged scientists to experiment with their own findings
  12. writers and thinkers in the enlightenment
  13. invented modern chemistry
  1. discovered mathematical explanations for the movements of planets
  2. style of art with soft lines and colors based on the aristocracy
  3. a person who rules with absolute power
  4. used the microscope to observe bacteria and red blood cells
  5. invented the smallpox vaccine
  6. believed that the only good government was the one formed by the people
  7. developed laws of gravity
  8. style of art with dull colors and battle scenes
  9. fought for the freedom of religion and speech
  10. wanted fair punishments and he was against cruel and unusual punishment
  11. he stated that people had the right to life, liberty, and property
  12. contract agreement between the government and the people

25 Clues: Sun-centeredEarth-centeredwanted limits of powerimproved the telescopedeveloped laws of gravityinvented modern chemistryway to complete an experimentinvented the smallpox vaccinedeveloped analytical geometryinvented the heliocentric theorya person who rules with absolute powerwriters and thinkers in the enlightenment...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. The founder of modern chemistry
  2. Proposed that planets revolve in an elliptical orbit around the sun
  3. Sun-centered theory
  4. A person who rules with absolute power
  5. wrote the social contract
  6. Perfected the telescope
  7. Earth-centered theory
  8. steps used to prove a theory is true
  9. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  10. Dull colors and strong lines
  11. Fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech
  12. Created the smallpox vaccine
  13. fought for women's rights and the ability for them to get the same education as men
  1. An art form with soft lines and soft colors
  2. Encouraged the use of the scientific method
  3. Developed the laws of motion and gravity
  4. Didn't agree with cruel and unusual punishment
  5. Proposed the heliocentric theory
  6. Created geometry and supported the scientific method
  7. He believed that the people had the ability to govern themselves
  8. Used the microscope to study microorganisms
  9. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  10. believed in the separation of power and checks and balances
  11. The theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed; the governed will give up some rights and freedoms and the governing will make decisions in the best intrest on the people
  12. supported the social contract and agreed with Absolute Monarchy

25 Clues: Sun-centered theoryEarth-centered theoryPerfected the telescopewrote the social contractDull colors and strong linesCreated the smallpox vaccineThe founder of modern chemistryProposed the heliocentric theorysteps used to prove a theory is trueA person who rules with absolute powerDeveloped the laws of motion and gravity...

enlightenment 2021-09-23

enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. scientist that is considered the founder of modern chemistry
  2. theory that the earth is the center of the solar system
  3. scientist who invented the smallpox vaccine
  4. a style of art characterized by soft lines and colors
  5. philosophe who believed in seperation of powers; branches of government
  6. scientist that discovered planets revolve around the sun in eliptical orbits
  7. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. scientist that discovered analytical geometry
  9. philosophe who imposed order and demand obedience; absolute monarchy
  10. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  11. philosophe who believed in womens equality
  12. francis bacon encoranged this method
  13. scientist who discovered heliocentric theory
  14. theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  1. scientist that discovered the laws of motion and gravity
  2. philisophe who belived in a justice system
  3. someone who rules with absolute power is called a
  4. a style of art characterized by dull colors and strong lines
  5. philosophe who believed in individual freedom
  6. rousseau wrote this book
  7. scientist that used microscopes to examine red blood cells
  8. philosophe who believes in natural rights; life, liberty, property
  9. philosophe who believed freedom of thought and expression
  10. scientist that encouraged the scientific method
  11. scientist that perfected the telescope

25 Clues: rousseau wrote this bookfrancis bacon encoranged this methodscientist that perfected the telescopephilisophe who belived in a justice systemphilosophe who believed in womens equalityscientist who invented the smallpox vaccinescientist who discovered heliocentric theoryphilosophe who believed in individual freedom...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Parties where people meet to discuss new ideas.
  2. Encouraged the use of the scientific method.
  3. Founder of modern chemistry
  4. Helped develop the scientific method
  5. Individual freedom, people are naturally good but are corrupted by civilization. Social contract.
  6. Used a microcope to study microrganisms
  7. Perfected the telescope
  8. A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
  9. He believed laws existed to preserve social order, not to avenge crimes. The punishment should fit the crime.
  10. A theory that the sun is the center of the solar system.
  11. Belived people can learn from experience and govern themselves
  12. A style of srt with dull colors and strong lines.
  13. A person who rules with absolute power socialcontract The theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed; the governed will give up some rights and freedoms and the governing will make decisions in the best interest of the people.
  14. belived in a government, we will give up some rights of freedom but for good reason, social contract.
  15. A theory that the earth is the center of the solar system.
  1. the people who presented a new way of thinking during the enlightenment.
  2. Separation of powers/checks and balances
  3. Freedom of speech and freedom of religious belief
  4. Freedom of religious belief and freedom of speech.
  5. Belived women need the same education as men
  6. Used math to prove the Heliocentric theory
  7. Vaccine to small pox
  8. Created the Heliocentric theory
  9. A style of painting with soft lines and colors
  10. Discovered the laws of motion and gravity.

25 Clues: Vaccine to small poxPerfected the telescopeFounder of modern chemistryCreated the Heliocentric theoryHelped develop the scientific methodUsed a microcope to study microrganismsSeparation of powers/checks and balancesUsed math to prove the Heliocentric theoryDiscovered the laws of motion and gravity.Encouraged the use of the scientific method....

Enlightenment 2022-03-29

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. What part of the world did the Enlightenment begin?
  2. The idea that a country's leader should big chosen by Citizens in a general election
  3. Some enlightenment thinkers were afraid of this
  4. Life, Liberty, and Property.
  5. Belief that the truth can be determined solely by logical thinking
  6. System of government in which the ruler determines policy without consulting either the people
  7. Enlightened thinkers believed truth could be discovered through reason or logical thinking.
  8. Period in the 1700s when philosophers believed that they could apply the scientific method and use reason to explain human nature logically.
  9. when did enlightenment start
  1. Wrote "The Social Contract"
  2. Wrote "Candide"
  3. Believed in Separation of Powers and Check and Balances
  4. Natural law are the conditions that govern human behavior.
  5. Famous city were people discussed ideas
  6. wrote "Second (Two) Treaties of Government"
  7. wrote "Leviathan"
  8. The agreement by which people define and limit their individual rights thus creating an organised society or government
  9. American document that recognize natural rights
  10. They were the intellectuals of the 18th century enlightenment.
  11. of the governed

20 Clues: Wrote "Candide"of the governedwrote "Leviathan"Wrote "The Social Contract"Life, Liberty, and Property.when did enlightenment startFamous city were people discussed ideaswrote "Second (Two) Treaties of Government"Some enlightenment thinkers were afraid of thisAmerican document that recognize natural rights...

Enlightenment 2022-03-30

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Someone with extreme views
  2. Change with the goal of improvement
  3. Says that opinions and actions should be based on reason
  4. Championed individualism and equality
  5. One of a group of social thinkers
  6. Unwillingness to accept the views of others
  7. Event that has a goal to overthrow a government
  8. Formal and legally binding agreement
  9. The concept of being independent and self reliant
  10. Believed in tolerance, reason, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech
  1. Drawing, painting, acting, and singing are all forms of this
  2. Someone who is often the opposite of a radical
  3. Introduced the idea of separation of powers
  4. Introduced the idea of a social contract
  5. European intellectual movement
  6. Ex. king, queen, emperor
  7. Age of...
  8. Based on methods and principles of science
  9. Advocate for educational and social equality for women
  10. Said that people are born with natural rights

20 Clues: Age of...Ex. king, queen, emperorSomeone with extreme viewsEuropean intellectual movementOne of a group of social thinkersChange with the goal of improvementFormal and legally binding agreementChampioned individualism and equalityIntroduced the idea of a social contractBased on methods and principles of science...

Enlightenment 2022-04-01

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. English philosopher, scientist, and historian, best known for his political philosophy
  2. a collectively held will that aims at the common good or common interest.
  3. French political philosopher who proposed a government divided into three branches and greatly influenced the United States Constitution.
  4. british writer who advocated for greater opportunities for women and urged them to enter the fields of medicine and politics
  5. belief that truth could be found through reason or logical thinking
  6. 18th century monarch inspired by enlightenment ideas to rule justly and respect the rights of subjects
  7. one of a group of social thinkers in France during the Enlightenment
  8. person with total and complete control of a country.
  9. the right of a sovereign to rule as set forth by the theory of government that holds that a monarch receives the right to rule directly from God and not from the people.
  1. Swiss-French political philosopher who championed the freedom of the individual and the notion that all people were equal
  2. czarina of russia from 1762-1796
  3. English philosopher and founder of British empiricism; he developed political and economic theories during the Enlightenment.
  4. division of the legislative, executive, and judicial functions of government among separate and independent bodies
  5. the idea that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented to by the people being governed
  6. French man of letters and philosopher who, from 1745 to 1772, served as chief editor of the Encyclopédie, one of the principal works of the Age of Enlightenment.
  7. rights granted to all people by nature or God that cannot be denied or restricted by any government or individual
  8. French philosopher and author who believed in tolerance, reason, freedom of religious belief, and freedom of speech
  9. agreement by which people define and limit their individual rights, thus creating an organized society or government
  10. social gathering of intellectuals and artist
  11. king of Prussia from 1740 to 1786 that committed himself to reforming Prussia

20 Clues: czarina of russia from 1762-1796social gathering of intellectuals and artistperson with total and complete control of a country.belief that truth could be found through reason or logical thinkingone of a group of social thinkers in France during the Enlightenmenta collectively held will that aims at the common good or common interest....

Enlightenment 2022-02-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. a style characterized by dull color and strong lines
  2. the theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  3. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment
  4. a person who rules with absolute power
  5. a system in which multiple groups share decision making power
  6. a theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed
  7. a style of art characterized by soft lines and colors
  8. Rousseau wrote the book called...
  9. believed that people were naturally good and they were corrupt
  10. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  1. believed that everybody should have freedom of thought and expression
  2. believed in women equality
  3. believed that laws exist to preserve social order not to average crimes
  4. the theory that the earth is the center of the solar system
  5. believed that you can't have one person or small group controlling the government
  6. believed that all humans are selfish and wicked
  7. Hobbes wrote a book called...
  8. to know something one did not know before
  9. voltaire wrote the book called...
  10. believed that people could learn from experiences and improve themselves

20 Clues: believed in women equalityHobbes wrote a book called...voltaire wrote the book called...Rousseau wrote the book called...a person who rules with absolute powerto know something one did not know beforeparties where people met to discuss new ideasbelieved that all humans are selfish and wickeda style characterized by dull color and strong lines...

Enlightenment 2022-02-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  2. Rousseaus best selling novel
  3. theory that earth is the center of the solar system
  4. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  5. a system in which multiple groups share decision making power
  6. "We the people of the United States" is the first line to what?
  7. a style of art characterized by dull colors and strong lines
  8. theory that there is an agreement between the governing and governed
  9. a philosoper from Swizerland
  10. believed that people were born with natural rights
  1. people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  2. made mining extremely important
  3. wrote the book "The Spirit Of Laws"
  4. wrote the book "Vindication For The Rights Of Woman"
  5. to know something one did not know before
  6. believed punishments should fit crimes
  7. believed that people were born selfish
  8. a person who rules with absolute power
  9. believed that people should have freedom of speech and religion
  10. a style of art characterized by soft lines and colors

20 Clues: Rousseaus best selling novela philosoper from Swizerlandmade mining extremely importantwrote the book "The Spirit Of Laws"believed punishments should fit crimesbelieved that people were born selfisha person who rules with absolute powerto know something one did not know beforeparties where people met to discuss new ideas...

Enlightenment 2022-02-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Established the concept of a heliocentric solar system.
  2. Believed in rights for women.
  3. Made the first microscope and discovered the first bacteria known to man.
  4. Punishments should fit crimes; Laws exist to preserve social order.
  5. Created the small pox vaccine.
  6. Pioneered the use of the scientific method in chemistry.
  7. A person who rules with absolute power.
  8. The theory that there is an argument between the governing and the governed; The governed will give up some rights and freedoms and the governing will make decisions in the best interest of the people.
  9. Belief that the sun is the center of the universe.
  1. To know something one did not know before.
  2. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas.
  3. separation of powers and checks and balances
  4. A system in which multiple groups share decision-making power.
  5. Believed that governments should follow the social contract and people are born with natural rights.
  6. Believed that government should exist because people are born selfish and wicked; governments should follow the social contract
  7. People are not truly free as long as there are laws; but since government is needed it should follow the social contract.
  8. Helped advance the new approach to developing the scientific method.
  9. Belief that the earth is the center of the universe.
  10. Discovered that the planets move faster when they get closer to the sun.
  11. Freedom of speech and religion.
  12. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment.

21 Clues: Believed in rights for women.Created the small pox vaccine.Freedom of speech and religion.A person who rules with absolute power.To know something one did not know before.separation of powers and checks and balancesParties where people met to discuss new ideas.Belief that the sun is the center of the universe....

Enlightenment 2022-02-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment
  2. Believed that people are born with natural rights; social contract.
  3. Founder of modern chemistry.
  4. Discovered that the planets orbit the sun
  5. Introduced the vaccine to prevent smallpox
  6. Believed that punishments should fit the crimes and that laws exist to preserve social order.
  7. The belief that the earth is the center of the solar system
  8. Worked with gravity, created the laws of motion and modern physics.
  9. Believed that people are not technically free as long as there are laws; social contract.
  10. Believed that government should exist because people are born selfish and wicked; social contract.
  11. Believed in separation of power, checks and balances
  12. Discovered that the planets orbit the sun in an elliptical motion using math
  1. The belief that the sun is the center of the solar system
  2. Discovered new things about the planets, the sun, and the moon using the telescope
  3. Developed analytical geometry; which linked algebra and geometry
  4. Used the microscope to observe bacteria and red blood cells.
  5. To know something one did not know before
  6. Believed in women's rights
  7. Believed in freedom of speech and religion
  8. Encouraged scientists to use the scientific method

20 Clues: Believed in women's rightsFounder of modern chemistry.Discovered that the planets orbit the sunTo know something one did not know beforeIntroduced the vaccine to prevent smallpoxBelieved in freedom of speech and religionEncouraged scientists to use the scientific methodBelieved in separation of power, checks and balances...

enlightenment 2022-02-23

enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. The laws of motion
  2. the planets orbit around the sun
  3. womans equality
  4. the spirit of laws
  5. two treaties on government
  6. leviathan
  7. a person who rules with absolute power
  8. Theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  9. A system in which multiple groups share decision making power
  10. encouraged the use of the scientific method
  11. founder of chemistry
  12. smallpox vaccine
  13. the social contract
  1. The planets revolve around the sun
  2. The telescope
  3. To know something one did not know before
  4. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  5. Used the microscope to discover there are small living things that we cant see with the naked eye
  6. Theory that the earth is the center of the solar system
  7. connected algebra and geometry
  8. candide
  9. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  10. on crimes and punishments

23 Clues: candideleviathanThe telescopewomans equalitysmallpox vaccineThe laws of motionthe spirit of lawsthe social contractfounder of chemistryon crimes and punishmentstwo treaties on governmentconnected algebra and geometrythe planets orbit around the sunThe planets revolve around the suna person who rules with absolute power...

Enlightenment 2022-02-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. developed chemistry
  2. invented the telescope
  3. developed analytical geometry
  4. proposed the heliocentric theory
  5. Earth is the center of the solar system
  6. style of art characterized by dull colors and sharp lines
  7. advanced the scientific theory
  8. discovered gravity
  9. to know something you didn't before
  1. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  2. wrote the social contract
  3. observed bacteria in the microscope
  4. Sun is the center of the solar system
  5. proved heliocentric theory
  6. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  7. art characterized by soft lines and colors
  8. a person who rules with absolute power
  9. the book hobbes wrote
  10. invented the microscope
  11. proposed the freedom of religion and speech

20 Clues: discovered gravitydeveloped chemistrythe book hobbes wroteinvented the telescopeinvented the microscopewrote the social contractproved heliocentric theorydeveloped analytical geometryadvanced the scientific theoryproposed the heliocentric theoryobserved bacteria in the microscopeto know something you didn't before...

Enlightenment 2022-02-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. parties where people discuss new ideas
  2. a Person who rules with absolute power
  3. people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  4. invented telescope
  5. scientist from the Netherlands that discovered red blood cells
  6. not s realistic art
  7. a system where multiple groups make decisions together
  8. ¨the sun king¨
  9. the theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed will give up some right and freedoms and the governing will make decisions in the best interest of the people
  10. developed analytical geometry
  1. to know something one did not know before
  2. father of modern chemistry
  3. belief that the earth is the center of the universe
  4. belief that the sun is the center of the universe
  5. developed laws of motion
  6. seperation of powers
  7. was one of the people who came up with the heliocentric theory
  8. scientist from the United Kingdom that created the first vaccination
  9. more modern art, realistic
  10. Author of the book two treatises on

20 Clues: ¨the sun king¨invented telescopenot s realistic artseperation of powersdeveloped laws of motionfather of modern chemistrymore modern art, realisticdeveloped analytical geometryAuthor of the book two treatises onparties where people discuss new ideasa Person who rules with absolute powerto know something one did not know before...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. he discovered that the moon has craters.
  2. parties where people meet to discuss new ideas.
  3. he belived that the people should write the laws.
  4. a person who rules with absolute power.
  5. he discovered that the planets are ellipeses.
  6. the theory that the Earth is the center of the solar system
  7. the theory that the Sun is the center of the solar system.
  8. to know something one did not know before.
  9. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment.
  1. a system decision making power; it's designed to ensure that one person or group doesn't abuse its power.
  2. Who created the first vaccine for small pox?
  3. he invented the social contract.
  4. he came up with the geocentric theory.
  5. she fought for women's rights.
  6. his idea was that the Sun was the center of the solar system.
  7. He used the microscope and studied microorganisms.
  8. He developed analytical geometry.
  9. he invented Newtons 3 laws.
  10. who was the founder on modern chemistry?
  11. who also thought the Earth was centered too?

20 Clues: he invented Newtons 3 laws.she fought for women's rights.he invented the social contract.He developed analytical geometry.he came up with the geocentric theory.a person who rules with absolute power.he discovered that the moon has craters.who was the founder on modern chemistry?to know something one did not know before....

Enlightenment 2022-08-12

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England
  2. a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws
  3. Written by Montesquieu
  4. possession of control, authority, or influence over others
  5. an act signed into law in 1689 by William III and Mary II
  6. places sovereignty into the hands of the people
  7. A man of many talents
  8. distributes power among different parts and levels of the state
  9. Written by Rosseu
  10. The three important documents of early america
  11. English constitutional document setting out specific individual protections
  1. First 10 amendments
  2. the concept of a government limited in power. It is a key concept in the history of liberalism
  3. a way for two or more parties to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement among them
  4. Wrote leviathan
  5. Made social contracts
  6. an unlimited right to all things
  7. Written by Hobbes
  8. Power seperated by three brenches
  9. wrote the spirit of laws

20 Clues: Wrote leviathanWritten by HobbesWritten by RosseuFirst 10 amendmentsMade social contractsA man of many talentsWritten by Montesquieuwrote the spirit of lawsan unlimited right to all thingsPower seperated by three brenchesThe three important documents of early americaplaces sovereignty into the hands of the people...

enlightenment 2023-02-21

enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. He believed in Absolute Monarchy and that government kept order.
  2. The theory that the sun was at the center of the universe.
  3. He believed people could govern their own affairs.
  4. He believed in freedom of speech and religion.
  5. He came up with the heliocentric theory.
  6. He believed laws existed to preserve order and should be created by the people who have to abide by them.
  7. He created the smallpox vaccine.
  8. He developed empiricism and worked on the scientific method.
  9. He believed in the separation of powers.
  10. To know something that one didn't know before.
  11. He perfected the telescope.
  12. He discovered gravity.
  1. A person who rules with absolute power.
  2. He is known as the father of chemistry.
  3. A system in which multiple groups share decision-making power.
  4. Theory that heres an agreement between the governing and the governed.
  5. He perfected the microscope.
  6. He studied how mathematics related to planetary motion.
  7. She wanted women and men to have equal education.
  8. The theory that the earth was at the center of the universe.
  9. He rejected old ideas and helped develop the scientific method.
  10. He disagreed with Enlightenment thinkers.

22 Clues: He discovered gravity.He perfected the telescope.He perfected the microscope.He created the smallpox vaccine.A person who rules with absolute power.He is known as the father of chemistry.He came up with the heliocentric theory.He believed in the separation of powers.He disagreed with Enlightenment thinkers....

Enlightenment 2024-02-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. religious tolerance guy
  2. using thinking to argue and prove a point
  3. Renaissance thinkers like Locke and Voltaire
  4. said people were born with life liberty and property
  5. rights that humans are born with
  6. how a government deals with money, taxes and businesses
  7. intellectual movement that was in c.1700's
  8. this was the date in the year 1776 that the United States of America was born
  9. what was the Enlightenment based on
  10. thinking about big problems and using reason to solve them
  11. thinking
  12. must have
  13. wars fought to change things in America and France
  14. Freedom
  15. king or queen
  16. number of branches of government
  17. branch of USA government that has the President
  1. this branch judges laws based on their Constitutionali
  2. total power
  3. patience
  4. This document declared the colonies' separation from England
  5. the ultimate law of the USA
  6. 3 branches of government guy
  7. a change often done by a war
  8. this branch of our governments makes the laws
  9. free economy guy
  10. who wrote the Declaration of Independence
  11. The Enlightenment was in France and____

28 Clues: Freedompatiencethinkingmust havetotal powerking or queenfree economy guyreligious tolerance guythe ultimate law of the USA3 branches of government guya change often done by a warrights that humans are born withnumber of branches of governmentwhat was the Enlightenment based onThe Enlightenment was in France and____...

enlightenment 2022-10-17

enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. part of the US constitution which is a list of the rights of US citizens, for example freedom of speech and freedom of religion
  2. French philosopher, art critic, and writer prominent during the Enlightenment; wrote about consumer desire
  3. an agreement made in 1781 by the 13 original colonies of the US, which established a government for the US, and which was used as the basic law of the country until the Constitution of the United States was written and agreed in 1789
  4. a doctrine of political theory that states government is created by and subject to the will of the people
  5. the division of governmental power among three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial, so that no single branch can become a threat to liberty
  6. Faire free trade; a belief in the absence of government regulation in business
  7. an absolute ruler who used his or her power for the good of the people
  8. the time when scholars believed in the use of reason and in the scientific method
  9. an agreement between citizens and government in which citizens give up certain rights in exchange for peace and security
  1. an English philosopher who developed the idea of empiricism in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding. In his Two Treatises on Civil Government he wrote that a king or government received the right to rule from the people and not from God, and that the people should be able to change their government if they were not satisfied with it
  2. a group of thinkers in the early 1700s who believed in reason, liberty, natural law, progress, and human happiness
  3. the document written in 1776, in which the thirteen British colonies in America officially stated that they were an independent nation and would no longer agree to be ruled by Britain
  4. a French writer and philosopher who was one of the leaders of the Enlightenment, and whose ideas influenced the French
  5. a French political thinker who lived during the Enlightenment and is famous for his theory of separation of powers
  6. a Scottish economist who strongly believed in free enterprise; wrote The Wealth of Nations, which has had an important influence on modern economic and political ideas
  7. a meeting of prominent writers, poets, artists, musicians, and political leaders who discussed their ideas
  8. a British physicist and mathematician who discovered gravity; one of the most important scientists who ever lived
  9. the belief that God created the universe and then left it alone
  10. of the leading female figures of the French Enlightenment
  11. an overthrow and replacement of an established government by the people governed; a sudden, complete or marked change
  12. a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society
  13. He wrote essays on many subjects, but his best-known work is the story Candide.
  14. a collection of books that would bring together the Enlightened thinking of the time

23 Clues: of the leading female figures of the French Enlightenmentthe belief that God created the universe and then left it alonean absolute ruler who used his or her power for the good of the peopleFaire free trade; a belief in the absence of government regulation in businessHe wrote essays on many subjects, but his best-known work is the story Candide....

Enlightenment 2020-09-08

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. style of paintings on ceilings of famous buildings
  2. Wanted everyone to get along
  3. motion How Earth gets seasons
  4. things naturally understood
  5. People need to tolerate each other
  6. Wanted to separate everything
  7. Thought that certain rights can be understood naturally
  8. Sunny center of attention
  9. Life, liberty, property
  10. Reasoning
  11. an punishments How criminals should be punished
  12. that the world is not self-centered
  13. We are the only creative ones
  14. Men are stupid, women deserve rights
  15. Hate letter about Robert Filmers' Patriarcha
  16. Has a very basic name, supported lassiez-faire
  1. Thought of social contract theory
  2. Feminist in Enlightenment period
  3. reason/rationalism
  4. Government has nothing to do with economy
  5. Thought people should tolerate each other
  6. Gave scientists guidelines to do experiements
  7. judicial, legislative
  8. Replaced by baroque
  9. man who thought the planets moved
  10. the correct way to perform an experiment
  11. How criminals should be punished according to:
  12. Big book of words and information
  13. Contract on mutual benefit
  14. Theory of social contract
  15. People realized what they could do
  16. Created big books with everything known to man

32 Clues: Reasoningreason/rationalismReplaced by baroquejudicial, legislativeLife, liberty, propertySunny center of attentionTheory of social contractContract on mutual benefitthings naturally understoodWanted everyone to get alongWanted to separate everythingWe are the only creative onesmotion How Earth gets seasonsFeminist in Enlightenment period...

Enlightenment 2020-10-29

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. A german astronomer best known for his laws of planetary motion, and his books. He stated planets moved around the sun in an elliptical orbit.
  2. He was an outspoken French philosopher who attacked the injustice between nobility, the government, and the church and fought for justice.
  3. A tool that astronomers used to see objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
  4. An english writer who demanded equal rights for women.
  5. A man who believed people are reasonable, but power corrupts them.
  6. An english philosopher who believed that all knowledge is gained from sensory experience.
  7. A theory where the sun is the center of the solar system.
  8. A tool that astronomers used in order to see faraway objects.
  9. A man considered the father of modern criminal law and the father of criminal
  10. A series of events that marked the emergence of modern science during the early modern period.
  11. A man who believed people are selfish and greedy which is why an authoritarian government is needed to impose order.
  12. A french philosopher who made connections between geometry and algebra on new levels.
  1. A man who believed people are born good, but society corrupts them; people are born equal.
  2. An english surgeon and discoverer of the vaccination for smallpox. He also created the first vaccine.
  3. An italian astronomer who had many telescope discoveries.
  4. Public intellectuals who applied reason to the study of many areas of learning.
  5. An unofficial aggreement shared by everyone in a society in which they give up some freedom for security.
  6. Author who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientist of all time and created many things we use today such as the refracting telescope.
  7. A theory where the earth is the center of the solar system.
  8. First Polish astronomer who formed the idea that Earth and other planets revolve around sun.
  9. An english philosopher who popularized and discovered the scientific method.
  10. social gatherings that brought together philosophers, artist, scientists, and writers to discuss their ideas.
  11. First modern chemist who helped to form chemistry as we use it today.

23 Clues: An english writer who demanded equal rights for women.An italian astronomer who had many telescope discoveries.A theory where the sun is the center of the solar system.A theory where the earth is the center of the solar system.A tool that astronomers used in order to see faraway objects....


ENLIGHTENMENT crossword puzzle
  1. Best known for his 1651 book, Leviathan,in which he expounds an influential formulation of social construct theory.
  2. A German astronomer who was well known for his theory on planetary motion.
  3. An English mathematician that was known for his theories on gravity and the laws of motion.
  4. An optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear closer.
  5. He is widely considered the most talented jurist and one of the greatest thinkers of the Enlightenment.
  6. An object used to see things not visible to the naked human eye.
  7. He argued the theory innate knowledge and that all humans were born with knowledge trough the higher power of god.
  8. He avocated for freedom of speech and for separation from the church.
  9. The theory that the planets and Earth revolve around the Sun.
  10. He believed that people of a society should make their own laws.
  1. One of the first modern chemists.
  2. The intellectuals of the 18th-century Enlightenment.
  3. The theory that the Earth is the center of the universe.
  4. A mathematician and astronomer from the renaissance who helped develop the Heliocentric Theory.
  5. An argument between the people and their authority about what laws they will follow.
  6. He is the principal source of the theory of separation of powers, which is implemented in many constitutions throughout the world.
  7. An English philosopher who was credited with making the scientific method.
  8. An English biologist who made one of the first vaccines for smallpox.
  9. They provided a place for people to congregate for intellectual discourse and spread information.
  10. An English philosopher & physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism."
  11. An Italian astronomer who was one of the first people to make a telescope.

21 Clues: One of the first modern chemists.The intellectuals of the 18th-century Enlightenment.The theory that the Earth is the center of the universe.The theory that the planets and Earth revolve around the Sun.An object used to see things not visible to the naked human eye.He believed that people of a society should make their own laws....

Enlightenment 2020-11-01

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. rené
  2. thomas
  3. edward
  4. mary
  5. issac
  6. cesare
  7. johannes
  8. françois-marie arouet
  9. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  10. theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  11. a place for women and men to congregate for intellectual discussions
  12. nicolaus
  1. during the renaissance when people began to look at old greek concepts and art that were lost during the middle ages.
  2. robert
  3. charles-louis de secondat
  4. antonie
  5. idea that citizens should give their rights to a strong leader in exchange for law and order.
  6. perfected by galileo galilei
  7. john
  8. galilei
  9. made by a Duth eyeglass maker named zacharias janssen
  10. jean-jacques
  11. francis
  12. the french word for philosophers

24 Clues: renémaryjohnissacthomasrobertedwardcesareantoniegalileifrancisjohannesnicolausjean-jacquesfrançois-marie arouetcharles-louis de secondatperfected by galileo galileithe french word for philosopherstheory that the sun is the center of the universetheory that the earth is the center of the universemade by a Duth eyeglass maker named zacharias janssen...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Parties where people meet to discuss new ideas.
  2. Encouraged the use of the scientific method.
  3. Founder of modern chemistry
  4. Helped develop the scientific method
  5. Individual freedom, people are naturally good but are corrupted by civilization. Social contract.
  6. Used a microcope to study microrganisms
  7. Perfected the telescope
  8. A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
  9. He believed laws existed to preserve social order, not to avenge crimes. The punishment should fit the crime.
  10. A theory that the sun is the center of the solar system.
  11. Belived people can learn from experience and govern themselves
  12. A style of srt with dull colors and strong lines.
  13. A person who rules with absolute power socialcontract The theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed; the governed will give up some rights and freedoms and the governing will make decisions in the best interest of the people.
  14. belived in a government, we will give up some rights of freedom but for good reason, social contract.
  15. A theory that the earth is the center of the solar system.
  1. the people who presented a new way of thinking during the enlightenment.
  2. Separation of powers/checks and balances
  3. Freedom of speech and freedom of religious belief
  4. Freedom of religious belief and freedom of speech.
  5. Belived women need the same education as men
  6. Used math to prove the Heliocentric theory
  7. Vaccine to small pox
  8. Created the Heliocentric theory
  9. A style of painting with soft lines and colors
  10. Discovered the laws of motion and gravity.

25 Clues: Vaccine to small poxPerfected the telescopeFounder of modern chemistryCreated the Heliocentric theoryHelped develop the scientific methodUsed a microcope to study microrganismsSeparation of powers/checks and balancesUsed math to prove the Heliocentric theoryDiscovered the laws of motion and gravity.Encouraged the use of the scientific method....

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Invented Keplerian Telescope
  2. People who were engaged in learning and academics.
  3. Wrote The Discourse On The Origin Of Inequality
  4. Wrote the Leviathan
  5. Believed in women's rights to education
  6. Rough style of art describing the real way things were
  7. The process of making hypothesis'to make predictions
  8. First modern philosopher
  9. Wrote the Spirit Of Laws
  10. A person who holds all the power
  11. Chemist, made a law of gases
  12. Created the smallpox vaccination
  13. Invented the scientific method
  14. a smooth style of art usually for the aristocrats/leaders
  15. Wrote On Crimes And Punishments
  1. Wrote Two Treatises On Government
  2. Earth centered
  3. Explored space using the telescope
  4. Sun centered
  5. Place were people met to discuss ideas
  6. Wrote Candide
  7. Created the microscope
  8. Invented the reflecting telescope
  9. An unspoken contract that protects the rights of citizens.

24 Clues: Sun centeredWrote CandideEarth centeredWrote the LeviathanCreated the microscopeFirst modern philosopherWrote the Spirit Of LawsInvented Keplerian TelescopeChemist, made a law of gasesInvented the scientific methodWrote On Crimes And PunishmentsA person who holds all the powerCreated the smallpox vaccinationWrote Two Treatises On Government...

Enlightenment 2016-05-19

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. who mocked the pope, king and the French nobility
  2. who wrote ‘History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’
  3. who was an Anglophile like Montesquieu
  4. who reflected evolution from court to public
  5. ruled the power
  6. Philosopher-king
  7. inaugurated the high Enlightenment
  8. who moved away from religious painting, towards secular themes
  9. in the late Enlingtenment, which doctrine starts to grow roots
  10. known as the Louis XV style
  1. and Adam Smith represented the ‘Scottish Enlightenment’
  2. who wrote An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690)
  3. ‘Dare to know! Have the courage to make use of your own understanding.’
  4. influenced the Enlightenment
  5. known as the father of free-market liberalism
  6. the Enlightenment established this language of high culture.
  7. the city of beginning of the Enlightenment.
  8. who celebrated emotion as human nature
  9. wrote the monumental Encyclopedia
  10. helped spread Enlightenment thought

20 Clues: ruled the powerPhilosopher-kingknown as the Louis XV styleinfluenced the Enlightenmentwrote the monumental Encyclopediainaugurated the high Enlightenmenthelped spread Enlightenment thoughtwho was an Anglophile like Montesquieuwho celebrated emotion as human naturethe city of beginning of the Enlightenment....

Enlightenment 2022-02-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. was ok with the absolute monarchy as long as they did what was in the best interest of the people
  2. a system in which multiple groups share decision making power
  3. the belief that the earth was the center of the universe
  4. believed the earth moved around the sun profoundly
  5. believed in women's equality
  6. a person who rules with absolute power
  7. people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  1. believed all physical objects are affected equally by the same forces
  2. a style of art consisting of harsh lines and dull colors
  3. supported Copernicus's theory and perfected the telescope
  4. the belief that the sun is the center of the universe
  5. a style of art consisting of soft lines and colors
  6. developed the vaccine to prevent smallpox
  7. to know something you did not know before
  8. developed analytical geometry
  9. proposed the idea that matter is made up of smaller primary particles that join together in different ways
  10. believed in the freedom of thought, expression, and religion
  11. believed planets revolved around the sun in elliptical orbits
  12. the theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed

20 Clues: believed in women's equalitydeveloped analytical geometrya person who rules with absolute powerdeveloped the vaccine to prevent smallpoxto know something you did not know beforeparties where people met to discuss new ideasa style of art consisting of soft lines and colorsbelieved the earth moved around the sun profoundly...

Enlightenment 2022-02-08

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. one of the greatest philosophers in Europe at the end of the seventeenth century.
  2. the practice of tolerating something
  3. a political and moral philosophy based on liberty
  4. thinkers of 18th-century France who were united
  5. Rights that people supposedly have under natural law
  6. the action or process of discovering or being discovered
  7. a person as distinguished from an animal
  8. a period of one hundred years.
  9. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority
  10. the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant.
  11. a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge
  1. a terrible disease that became a pandemic between 1870-1874.
  2. the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation,
  3. the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.
  4. the action or state of moving or being moved apart.
  5. an act of changing physical location
  6. one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world
  7. a radical change in the established order
  8. a group of people sharing a common profession or interests
  9. a state of armed conflict

20 Clues: a state of armed conflicta period of one hundred years.the practice of tolerating somethingan act of changing physical locationa person as distinguished from an animala radical change in the established orderthinkers of 18th-century France who were uniteda political and moral philosophy based on liberty...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. believed in freedom of speech
  2. to know something one did not know before
  3. created the first vaccine
  4. wrote about the seperation of powers
  5. proposed heliocentric theory
  6. discovered microscopic organisms
  7. parties where people meet to discuss new ideas
  8. fought for womens rights
  9. the theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed
  10. theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  1. studied laws of acceleration and perfected the telescope
  2. wrote "the social contract theory"
  3. discovered that the planets had elliptical orbits
  4. his book was on crime and punishment, he believed in no death penalty trials
  5. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  6. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the englightenment
  7. said "I think, therefore, I am"
  8. created the 3 laws of motion
  9. a person who rules with absolute power
  10. "life, liberty, and property"

20 Clues: fought for womens rightscreated the first vaccinecreated the 3 laws of motionproposed heliocentric theorybelieved in freedom of speech"life, liberty, and property"said "I think, therefore, I am"discovered microscopic organismswrote "the social contract theory"wrote about the seperation of powersa person who rules with absolute power...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Created the idea of checks and balances between political powers
  2. contract Theory that the governed and governing will agree that the gooverned will give up some rights and the governing will give fair laws that we want
  3. Wanted fair punishment for crimes; laws should be made to keep order
  4. Something that brings about great change
  5. The theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  6. Created the basic laws of motion
  7. Perfected the telescope and said that the moon was bumpy and not smooth and perfect
  8. Came up with the scientific method and wanted to prove his own existence
  9. Made the first big vaccine; smallpox vaccine
  1. Developed the heliocentric theory, didn't publish ideas until his death bed
  2. The theory that the Earth is the center of the solar system
  3. Advocated for freedom of speech and religion
  4. To know something one did not know before
  5. Proved the heliocentric theory with math
  6. A party where people met to discuss new ideas
  7. People who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. Father of modern chemistry and developed an important law about the volume of gasses
  9. The author of Frankenstein, Mary Shelly's mom; vouched for woman's rights and wanted woman to be educated.
  10. spread the ideas of the scientific method to other scientists
  11. A person who rules with absolute power

20 Clues: Created the basic laws of motionA person who rules with absolute powerProved the heliocentric theory with mathSomething that brings about great changeTo know something one did not know beforeAdvocated for freedom of speech and religionMade the first big vaccine; smallpox vaccineA party where people met to discuss new ideas...

Enlightenment 2023-09-26

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Method to conduct experiments
  2. First to observe bacteria and protozoa through aBelievedcope
  3. Made the laws of physics
  4. Theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  5. A person who rules with absolute power
  6. Believed people should write the laws
  7. System designed to ensure that one person or group does not abuse its power
  8. Believed earth orbits were circles
  9. Believed everyone should be given equal oppertunites
  10. Parties where people meet to discuss new ideas
  1. Theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  2. People who presented new ways of thinking
  3. Believed that power should be equal
  4. To know something one did not know before
  5. Fought for womem rights
  6. The theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed
  7. Created a vaccine for smallpox
  8. Believed punishment was meant to deter crime
  9. discovered that the moon was not a perfect sphere
  10. though God created a world we can explain with science

20 Clues: Fought for womem rightsMade the laws of physicsMethod to conduct experimentsCreated a vaccine for smallpoxBelieved earth orbits were circlesBelieved that power should be equalBelieved people should write the lawsA person who rules with absolute powerPeople who presented new ways of thinkingTo know something one did not know before...

Enlightenment 2023-10-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Bruno
  2. Locke
  3. Pascal
  4. Smith
  5. Cavendish
  6. Paine
  7. (François-Marie Arouet)
  8. Copernicus
  9. Hobbes
  10. Descartes
  11. XVI
  12. Freud
  13. the Great
  1. Jefferson
  2. Rousseau
  3. Darwin
  4. Winkelman
  5. Marx
  6. de Montesquieu
  7. Franklin
  8. Wollstonecraft
  9. Kepler
  10. Isaac Newton
  11. de Condorcet
  12. Diderot
  13. Kant

26 Clues: XVIMarxKantBrunoLockeSmithPaineFreudPascalDarwinKeplerHobbesDiderotRousseauFranklinJeffersonWinkelmanCavendishDescartesthe GreatCopernicusIsaac Newtonde Condorcetde MontesquieuWollstonecraft(François-Marie Arouet)

Enlightenment 2023-11-20

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. The key for a better world.
  2. "Yet it is still moving" in Italian.
  3. What makes objects attract one another.
  4. The institution but also the building for Christian religion.
  5. A field of knowledge that helps explain the world.
  6. What you can produce and understand with your mind.
  7. A method for a society to choose its leaders.
  8. Galileo ...
  9. The absence of gas.
  10. The Holy Book in Christianity.
  11. The idea that God chose the King. ... Right.
  12. Otto von ...
  13. A new form of publication in the 18th century.
  1. Nikolaus ...
  2. Johannes ...
  3. The model where earth is in the middle.
  4. Isaac ...
  5. The period following Antiquity.
  6. The model where the sun is in the middle.
  7. How to prevent absolute power: By ... of powers.
  8. Proof.
  9. A model of the planetary system.

22 Clues: Proof.Isaac ...Galileo ...Nikolaus ...Johannes ...Otto von ...The absence of gas.The key for a better world.The Holy Book in Christianity.The period following Antiquity.A model of the planetary system."Yet it is still moving" in Italian.What makes objects attract one another.The model where earth is in the middle....

Enlightenment 2024-01-24

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. believed that the natural goodness of man was warped by society
  2. ended the American Revolution
  3. initiated taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea
  4. Created Separation of Powers
  5. astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the universe.
  6. convention was intended to revise the league of states
  7. developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the views of society about nature.
  8. a territory subject to a form of foreign rule.
  9. wrote that man has three natural rights: life, liberty and property
  10. the North American conflict in a larger imperial war between Great Britain and France
  11. primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
  12. the process of objectively establishing facts through testing and experimentation.
  13. government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government
  14. made a major contribution to the ratification of the Constitution by writing The Federalist Papers
  15. invented calculus
  16. intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition.
  17. government control is to ensure that peace persists in society
  1. the only Founding Father who signed all three documents that freed America from Britain.
  2. punitive laws passed by the British Parliament
  3. Proved # correct
  4. American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and Founding Father who served as the second president of the United States
  5. official act taken by all 13 American colonies in Separating from British rule
  6. Opposite of #
  7. an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection.
  8. Tax on newspapers and legal and commercial documents
  9. loosely organized, clandestine, sometimes violent, political organization active in the Thirteen American Colonies
  10. formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center.
  11. a ruler with absolute power who embraces Enlightenment ideals, such as the rights and liberties of individuals, and chooses to use their absolute power to better the lives of average citizens
  12. "I may not agree with what you have to say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it."
  13. American Founding Father, military officer, politician and statesman who served as the first president of the United States
  14. exchange of ideas, receive and give criticism, read their own works and hear the works and ideas of other intellectuals.

31 Clues: Opposite of #Proved # correctinvented calculusCreated Separation of Powersended the American Revolutionpunitive laws passed by the British Parliamenta territory subject to a form of foreign rule.primary author of the Declaration of Independence.Tax on newspapers and legal and commercial documentsinitiated taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea...

Enlightenment 2013-11-12

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Madison /4th president sometimes referred to as the father of the constitution.
  2. /a period of artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail
  3. /suppression of the public speech or other public communication, which was done by burning and banning books as well as jailing others in the enlightenment age
  4. /a period of time in which people applied reasons to everyday things and started thinking for themselves
  5. /rules that govern natural forces such as gravity
  6. II /Austrian monarch that traveled in disguise among his subjects to learn of their problems
  7. /style of composition arising in 18th-century France, often viewed as an extension of the baroque, and characterized by a high degree of ornamentation and lightness of expression.
  8. Faire /a policy that allows businesses to operate with very little interference from the government
  9. Smith /Scottish philosopher who focused on using natural law to reform the economy and urged the policy of laissez faire Thomas Hobbes - English enlightenment thinker who argued that people were cruel and selfish by nature and needed to be controlled by an absolute monarchy
  1. the Great /Russian monarch that abolished torture
  2. Locke /English philosopher that argued that people were good and theorized natural right, he rejected absolute monarchies
  3. /a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields.
  4. Rousseau /French philosopher who is often referred to as the father of the French revolution and wrote the book: The Social Contract
  5. Despot /a form of absolute monarchy that accepted enlightenment ideas
  6. /french thinker who developed the ideas of separation of powers, checks and balances and minority rights
  7. /was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state.
  8. the Great /Prussian monarch that allowed free press and urged religious tolerance
  9. /informal social gatherings
  10. Jefferson /principle author of the declaration of independence who believed in equality for all
  11. contract/an agreement made by people to give up their freedom in exchange for an organized society

20 Clues: /informal social gatherings/rules that govern natural forces such as gravitythe Great /Russian monarch that abolished tortureDespot /a form of absolute monarchy that accepted enlightenment ideasthe Great /Prussian monarch that allowed free press and urged religious tolerance...

Enlightenment 2020-05-11

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. one who thinks about, questions, and studies the nature of life, truth, knowledge, and other important human matters
  2. rights rights that all people are born with and that John Locke believed the government should protect including the rights to life, liberty, and property; sometimes called “natural laws”
  3. of the governed permission given by the people in a country to the government allowing them to rule, usually through voting.
  4. the part of a government that makes laws- parliament or congress
  5. Locke an English Enlightenment Thinker who wrote Two Treatises of Government and believed that the role of government is to protect people’s natural rights (life, liberty, and property), and that government can only get its right to rule from the consent of the governed.
  6. Treatises of Government book written by John Locke
  7. a written work dealing with a specific subject
  8. the group of people that has power to make laws and important decisions for a community, state, or nation
  9. fairness
  10. the part of a government that enforces laws- the president, governor, or mayor
  11. permission for something to happen or an agreement to do something
  12. having to do with government
  13. the freedom to do what you’d like to do
  14. fairness or justice
  1. the power of the mind to think, understand, and make sense of the world
  2. the part of a government that interprets laws- courts, judges
  3. those who are ruled; citizens
  4. the set of basic laws and principles by which a nation, state, or other organization is governed
  5. the division of something into different parts
  6. an agreement between two or more people
  7. Spirit of Laws book written by Baron de Montesquieu
  8. contract a legal agreement amingst people living within a group regarding laws that apply to all
  9. Jacques Rousseau French Enlightenment Thinker who wrote about the social contract
  10. something you are allowed to do because you are a person
  11. an organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose like a government

25 Clues: fairnessfairness or justicehaving to do with governmentthose who are ruled; citizensan agreement between two or more peoplethe freedom to do what you’d like to dothe division of something into different partsa written work dealing with a specific subjectTreatises of Government book written by John Locke...


ENLIGHTENMENT crossword puzzle
  1. a german astronomer who was well known for his theory on planetary motion
  2. a series of events that lead up to the emergence of modern science
  3. scientific method
  4. and that all humans were born with knowledge through the higher power of God
  5. she advocated extremely hard for women's rights and was one of the first people to do that
  6. an English biologist who made one of the first vaccines
  7. they provided a place for women and men to congregate for intellectual discourse
  8. One of the first modern chemist
  9. an object used to see things not visible to the human eye
  10. to make a telescope
  11. a renaissance-era mathematician and astronomer that developed the heliocentric theory
  12. He believed that people of a society should make their own laws
  13. Planets and the earth revolve around the sun
  1. an agreement between the people and their authority about what laws they will follow
  2. an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear closer
  3. an Eglish philosopher who was credited with making
  4. He argued the theory of innate
  5. an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism".
  6. He is the principal source of the theory of separation of powers, which is implemented in many constitutions throughout the world.
  7. best known for his 1651 book Leviathan, in which he expounds an influential formulation of social contract theory
  8. he advocated for freedom of speech and for separation from the church
  9. an English mathematician that was credited for what we know about gravity.
  10. an Italian astronomer who was one of the first
  11. He is widely considered the most talented jurist and one of the greatest thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment.
  12. the intellectuals of the 18th-century Enlightenment
  13. The earth is at the center of the solar system

26 Clues: scientific methodto make a telescopeHe argued the theory of innateOne of the first modern chemistPlanets and the earth revolve around the sunan Italian astronomer who was one of the firstThe earth is at the center of the solar systeman Eglish philosopher who was credited with makingthe intellectuals of the 18th-century Enlightenment...

Enlightenment 2020-10-30

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. An instrument used to see objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye
  2. Saw Jupiter had 4 moons, sun had dark spots, and that the Earth's moon isn't smooth with a telescope
  3. human that believed the sun was the center of the universe, started the heliocentric theory
  4. French man that helped create the idea of the Scientific Method
  5. Helped Descartes create the Scientific Method
  6. Founder of modern chemistry
  7. time when scholars started to publish works that challenge the church and ancient thinkers
  8. A way in the Enlightenment for women and men to congregate for intellectual discourse
  9. theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  10. Female philosopher that believed women should have the same education as men
  11. Believe that people should be given the death sentence only if that is the only way for that person to be restrained
  12. Actual name is Francois Marie Arouet; believed that the government and church were corrupted
  1. French way of saying philosopher
  2. English man that believe in Self-Governed people
  3. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  4. The theory about people giving up some freedom for state/government protection
  5. An instrument used to see outer space more easily; Galileo was said to make one of these
  6. Created a vaccine for Small Pox
  7. Believed the planets were orbiting around the sun in an elliptical orbit
  8. Person that created the ideas of checks and balances in a government
  9. English man who created the idea of the social contract
  10. French man that believed in Direct Democracy
  11. Made the laws of gravity and thought god was the creator of the universe

23 Clues: Founder of modern chemistryCreated a vaccine for Small PoxFrench way of saying philosopherFrench man that believed in Direct DemocracyHelped Descartes create the Scientific MethodEnglish man that believe in Self-Governed peopletheory that the sun is the center of the universetheory that the earth is the center of the universe...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. person who rules with absolute power
  2. art of the aristocratic pastimes used soft lines and colors
  3. Created mathematical laws to explain planetary movement
  4. developed the scientific method
  5. improved telescope supported the heliocentric theory
  6. created the smallpox vaccine
  7. to escape short and bleak life people must give up rights to recieve order
  8. social gatherings during the enlightenment
  9. believed in division of power in government
  10. believed in women's rights and they should be educated
  11. believed people should hand over rights to a bigger ruler
  1. polish philosopher that created the heliocentric theory
  2. art that used dull colors, strong lines, were dark and realistic. replaces rococo
  3. father of modern chemistry, the discovered matter is made up of smaller particles
  4. believed people were born good but would be corrupted by civilization
  5. theory in which the sun is the center of the universe
  6. believed laws exist to create order
  7. indorsed the use of the scientific method
  8. created laws of motion and gravity
  9. people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  10. used microscope to view bacteria and discovered red blood cells
  11. theory in which the earth is the center of the universe
  12. procedure to gather ideas
  13. believed in natural rights, people can govern themselves

24 Clues: procedure to gather ideascreated the smallpox vaccinedeveloped the scientific methodcreated laws of motion and gravitybelieved laws exist to create orderperson who rules with absolute powerindorsed the use of the scientific methodsocial gatherings during the enlightenmentbelieved in division of power in government...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. All people are born free and equal with free natural rights: life, liberty, property
  2. Perfected microscope; observed bacteria
  3. A style of art characterized by soft lines and colors. It typically depicted happy scenes with wealthy aristocrats being a usual subject. It reflected a society that was controlled by the aristocracy
  4. Thought that all people should have tolerance, reason, freedom of religion and speech
  5. Came up with the experimental method; Empiricism
  6. The theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  7. Created heliocentric theory
  8. Created Boyle's Law; discovered volume, temperature, and pressure of gas affect each other
  9. came up with analytical geometry; "I think, therefore, I am"
  10. Thought that humans were selfish and needed a government to keep order
  1. Theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed; the governed will give up some rights and freedoms and the governing will make decisions in the best interest of people
  2. Created the laws of motion; observed matter
  3. Made vaccine against smallpox
  4. logical procedure for gathering testing ideas
  5. Thought that laws existed to preserve social order, not avenge crimes; degree of punishment depends on the crime
  6. Thought that the best kind of government is the one that people make, not one that is imposed
  7. Thought that women were equal to men and deserve the same opportunities; Advocated for women
  8. The theory that the earth is the center of the solar system
  9. Perfected the telescope
  10. Created mathematical laws that govern the planet's motion; came up with elliptical orbit
  11. A style of art characterized by dull colors and strong lines. Subject matter was often battle scenes and more realistic. The style was a return to Greek and Roman art. Neoclassicism was a response to the changing ideas in European society. People began rejecting the aristocratic learnings of Rococo art just as they were rejecting the aristocrats controlling society
  12. Believed in equal power in government
  13. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment
  14. A person who rules with absolute power
  15. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas

25 Clues: Perfected the telescopeCreated heliocentric theoryMade vaccine against smallpoxBelieved in equal power in governmentA person who rules with absolute powerPerfected microscope; observed bacteriaCreated the laws of motion; observed matterlogical procedure for gathering testing ideasParties where people met to discuss new ideas...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Philospiher from the united kingdom and was the founder of modern chemistry
  2. Earth is the center of the universe
  3. Philosopher from the United Kingdom who created the vaccine for smallpox
  4. a painting with soft lines
  5. established branches of government and checks and balances
  6. proved that the sun was the center of the universe using math
  7. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. french philosopher who created analytical geometry
  9. connected with the social contract and thought people were wicked
  10. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  11. she fought on behalf of women rights
  12. steps used to find the scientific answer of an experiment
  13. Polish philosopher created the heliocentric theory
  14. Sun is the center of the universe
  1. A philosopher who researched gravitational forces
  2. he thought he should assign different punishments for different crimes
  3. a person who rules with abusing power
  4. a painting with rough lines, usually of war
  5. his book was the social contract and he thought the only good government was one that was freely formed by the people and guided by the general will
  6. agreement between the governing and the governed
  7. philosopher from the Netherlands and used a microscope to look at blood cells and molecules
  8. believed all people were born with three natural rights. he thinks people have the right to overthrow the government
  9. wrote the book Candide and fought for the freedom of speech and religion
  10. played a big role in creating the scientific method (imperisisom)
  11. Italian philosopher who built telescopes and studied planets

25 Clues: a painting with soft linesSun is the center of the universeEarth is the center of the universeshe fought on behalf of women rightsa person who rules with abusing powera painting with rough lines, usually of warParties where people met to discuss new ideasA philosopher who researched gravitational forces...

Enlightenment 2021-09-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. theory that the governed will give up some rights and freedoms, and the governing will make decisions in the best interest of the people
  2. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  3. believed that people learned from experience and could improve themselves, favored self government, believed in the freedom of citizens, wrote Two Treatises of Government
  4. the father of modern chemistry
  5. a person who rules with absolute power
  6. theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  7. developed the laws of gravity and motion
  8. a style of art characterized by dull colors and strong lines
  9. discovered the planets revolve in elliptical orbits
  10. promoted the scientific method
  11. believed in women's rights, and advocated for women's education and the right to vote
  12. believed in a government made by the people, and development the social contract
  1. a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
  2. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment
  3. fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion and speech
  4. was the start of checks and balances, seperation of power, and a multi branch government
  5. formed the heliocentric theory
  6. theory that that the earth is the center of the solar system
  7. believed in fair and equal punishment
  8. used the microscope to observe bacteria and red blood cells
  9. believed that people were naturally wicked and selfish, and there needed to be a government to keep them in line, wrote Leviathan
  10. invented the smallpox vaccine
  11. a style of art characterized by
  12. lines and colors
  13. perfected the telescope and observed the moon
  14. created analytical geometry and huge supporter of the scientific method

26 Clues: lines and colorsinvented the smallpox vaccineformed the heliocentric theorythe father of modern chemistrypromoted the scientific methoda style of art characterized bybelieved in fair and equal punishmenta person who rules with absolute powerdeveloped the laws of gravity and motionparties where people met to discuss new ideas...

Enlightenment 2022-03-29

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. someone with extreme views
  2. Change with the goal of improvement
  3. Opinions and actions based on reason
  4. Championed individualism and equality
  5. one of a group of social thinkers intellectual Person processing high levels of intellect
  6. Unwillingness to accept the views of others
  7. Event that leads to overthrowing government
  8. Formal and legally binding agreement
  9. the concept of being independent and self reliant
  10. Believed in tolerance and reason
  1. Drawing
  2. someone who is often the opposite of a radical
  3. Introduced the idea of separation of powers
  4. Introduced the idea of a social contract
  5. european intellectual movement
  6. Ex. king, queen, emperor, tzar
  7. Age of...
  8. Based on methods and principles of science
  9. Advocate for educational and social equality for women
  10. Said that people are born with natural rights A moral or legal entitlement

20 Clues: DrawingAge of...someone with extreme viewseuropean intellectual movementEx. king, queen, emperor, tzarBelieved in tolerance and reasonChange with the goal of improvementOpinions and actions based on reasonFormal and legally binding agreementChampioned individualism and equalityIntroduced the idea of a social contract...

Enlightenment 2022-04-01

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. instrument used in the revolution
  2. One person having all power
  3. Said "Life liberty and property"
  4. emphasized natural rights
  5. Austrian despot, a bit more enlightened
  6. Finance minister for France
  7. Russian despot, hated beards
  8. third estate
  9. France built up a lot of it
  10. wanted an absolute monarch
  11. king during the revolution
  12. form of representative government in france
  13. French Absolute ruler
  1. Early Feminist
  2. Argued for separation of power
  3. martyr for the revolution
  4. Russian despot, pushed education reform
  5. first estate
  6. Prussian Despot
  7. Austrian despot, not very enlightened
  8. the enlightenment
  9. main food source of the French people
  10. leading figure of the revolution
  11. second estate

24 Clues: first estatethird estatesecond estateEarly FeministPrussian Despotthe enlightenmentFrench Absolute rulermartyr for the revolutionemphasized natural rightswanted an absolute monarchking during the revolutionOne person having all powerFinance minister for FranceFrance built up a lot of itRussian despot, hated beardsArgued for separation of power...

Enlightenment 2022-02-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. parties where people discuss new ideas
  2. a Person who rules with absolute power
  3. people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  4. invented telescope
  5. scientist from the Netherlands that discovered red blood cells
  6. not s realistic art
  7. a system where multiple groups make decisions together
  8. ¨the sun king¨
  9. the theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed will give up some right and freedoms and the governing will make decisions in the best interest of the people
  10. developed analytical geometry
  1. to know something one did not know before
  2. father of modern chemistry
  3. belief that the earth is the center of the universe
  4. belief that the sun is the center of the universe
  5. developed laws of motion
  6. seperation of powers
  7. was one of the people who came up with the heliocentric theory
  8. scientist from the United Kingdom that created the first vaccination
  9. more modern art, realistic
  10. Author of the book two treatises on

20 Clues: ¨the sun king¨invented telescopenot s realistic artseperation of powersdeveloped laws of motionfather of modern chemistrymore modern art, realisticdeveloped analytical geometryAuthor of the book two treatises onparties where people discuss new ideasa Person who rules with absolute powerto know something one did not know before...

Enlightenment 2022-04-06

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. (last name) French jurist and political philosopher; he explored democratic theories of government. He proposed a government divided into three branches and greatly influenced the United States Constitution
  2. King of Prussia from 1740 to 1786; made Prussia a major European power
  3. one of the 18th-century European monarchs who was inspired by Enlightenment ideas to rule justly and respect the rights of subjects (enlightened ____)
  4. a belief held by Enlightenment thinkers that truth could be discovered through reason or logical thinking.
  5. 18th-century European movement in which thinkers attempted to apply the principles of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of society
  6. Czarina of Russia from 1762 to 1796; ruling with absolute power, she introduced a number of reforms that extended Peter the Great’s policy of “westernization.”
  7. French philosopher and author; he was a supporter of Deism, the idea that God was no longer involved with the universe after creating it. He also advocated a tolerant approach to religion.
  8. (last name) English philosopher, scientist, and historian; he wrote about the crucial role of government in people's lives and used the term ""social contract."
  9. a social gathering of intellectuals and artists,
  10. a king or queen who has unlimited power and seeks to control all aspects of society.
  1. (last name) American statesman; third president of the United States; inspired by Enlightenment ideas when drafting the Declaration of Independence
  2. one of a group of social thinkers in France during the Enlightenment.
  3. the agreement by which people define and limit their individual rights, thus creating an organized society or government (social ____)
  4. (last name) British writer who advocated for greater education opportunities for women and urged women to enter the male-dominated fields of medicine and politics.
  5. the idea that monarchs are God’s representatives on earth and therefore answer only to God (____ right)
  6. relating to a grand, ornate style that characterized European painting, music, and architecture in the 1600s and early 1700s.
  7. the rights human beings have by nature, such as life, liberty and property (_____ rights)
  8. (last name) English philosopher and founder of British empiricism; he declared that people have a right to rebel against governments that do not protect their rights.
  9. (last name) Swiss-French political philosopher; he valued the social contract and addressed the nature of man in his work On the Origin of Inequality.
  10. relating to a simple, elegant style (based on ideas and themes from ancient Greece and Rome) that characterized the arts in Europe during the late 1700s.

20 Clues: a social gathering of intellectuals and artists,one of a group of social thinkers in France during the Enlightenment.King of Prussia from 1740 to 1786; made Prussia a major European powera king or queen who has unlimited power and seeks to control all aspects of society....

Enlightenment 2022-08-12

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England
  2. a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws
  3. Written by Montesquieu
  4. possession of control, authority, or influence over others
  5. an act signed into law in 1689 by William III and Mary II
  6. places sovereignty into the hands of the people
  7. A man of many talents
  8. distributes power among different parts and levels of the state
  9. Written by Rosseu
  10. The three important documents of early america
  11. English constitutional document setting out specific individual protections
  1. First 10 amendments
  2. the concept of a government limited in power. It is a key concept in the history of liberalism
  3. a way for two or more parties to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement among them
  4. Wrote leviathan
  5. Made social contracts
  6. an unlimited right to all things
  7. Written by Hobbes
  8. Power seperated by three brenches
  9. wrote the spirit of laws

20 Clues: Wrote leviathanWritten by HobbesWritten by RosseuFirst 10 amendmentsMade social contractsA man of many talentsWritten by Montesquieuwrote the spirit of lawsan unlimited right to all thingsPower seperated by three brenchesThe three important documents of early americaplaces sovereignty into the hands of the people...

Enlightenment 2023-03-29

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas.
  2. To know something one did not know before.
  3. Believed that all humans were selfish and wicked.
  4. Another term for the enlightenment period.
  5. One of the things John Kocke fought for.
  6. Sun centred theory.
  7. He perfected the telescope
  8. This war was sparked by enlightenment thinkers.
  9. Person who rules with absolute power.
  1. Connected algebra and geometry.
  2. Believed in freedom of speech and religion.
  3. Big book of words and information.
  4. Wrote the social contract.
  5. Object used to see things not visible to the naked human eye.
  6. The enlightenment thinkers were called...
  7. The process of making hypothesis’ to make predictions.
  8. Wrote the book “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”
  9. David Hume was particularly critical/skeptical of…
  10. Believed all people are born free and equal.
  11. He discovered gravity.
  12. Wrote the essay on What is Enlightenment?
  13. Separation of powers became known as checks and…

22 Clues: Sun centred theory.He discovered gravity.Wrote the social contract.He perfected the telescopeConnected algebra and geometry.Big book of words and information.Person who rules with absolute power.One of the things John Kocke fought for.The enlightenment thinkers were called...Wrote the essay on What is Enlightenment?...

Enlightenment 2023-05-31

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. The second king of Israel.
  2. The lamb of God.
  3. Who was originally named Saul in the New Testament.
  4. Who broke the first set of commandments.
  5. The day God created the sun.
  6. Who received double for his trouble?
  7. The father of John the Baptist.
  8. The number of Apostles, tribes, and perfect government.
  9. The youngest of the twelve patriarchs.
  10. Number of books in the KJV Bible.
  11. The first king of Israel.
  12. One of the sisters of Lazarus.
  1. The book where the Holy Spirit is poured out on mankind.
  2. Who ran from Potiphers wife leaving his robe behind.
  3. The prophet who anointed the first and second king of Israel
  4. Whom Jesus called his "rock".
  5. The Royal priesthood.
  6. Last book in the OT
  7. Jesus' cousin who prepared the way for Him.
  8. What Jesus gave us to unlock the doors of Heaven.
  9. Mankind was created on this day.
  10. The city that God confused the language of earth.
  11. Plead the ______ of Jesus.

23 Clues: The lamb of God.Last book in the OTThe Royal priesthood.The first king of Israel.The second king of Israel.Plead the ______ of Jesus.The day God created the sun.Whom Jesus called his "rock".One of the sisters of Lazarus.The father of John the Baptist.Mankind was created on this day.Number of books in the KJV Bible....

enlightenment 2023-09-26

enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. used simple mathematics to formulate three laws of planetary motion
  2. Analytical geometry
  3. Idea of checks and balances
  4. Vaccine for smallpox
  5. Created the heliocentric theory
  6. a person who rules with absolute power
  7. Everyone should be born with life, liberty, and property
  8. Invented the telescope
  9. Laws of gravity
  10. believed government should be formed by the people
  11. to know something one did not know before
  1. theory that the earth is the center of the solar system
  2. women's rights
  3. theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  4. Believed that France would benefit from modeling the English parliamentary system
  5. Believed government should seek the greatest good for the greatest number of people
  6. Created boyles law
  7. parties where people met to discuss new idea
  8. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  9. influential formulation of the social contract theory

20 Clues: women's rightsLaws of gravityCreated boyles lawAnalytical geometryVaccine for smallpoxInvented the telescopeIdea of checks and balancesCreated the heliocentric theorya person who rules with absolute powerto know something one did not know beforeparties where people met to discuss new ideabelieved government should be formed by the people...

Enlightenment 2024-01-22

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Thomas _____ Author of the Declaration of Independence, which was influenced by Enlightenment thinkers.
  2. Century where most of the Enlightenment took place.
  3. Century when Hobbes died.
  4. The act of using reason on a theory or belief.
  5. Rousseau first name.
  6. Believed in Separation of Power.
  7. Locke's first name.
  8. An original “scientific theorist” of the Enlightenment.
  9. Believed in Life Liberty and Property.
  10. Wollstonecraft's first name
  11. The act of throwing over of a government for favor of a new system
  12. Book made by Hobbes.
  13. Hobbes first name.
  14. A political movement of the 1700s when people questioned authority and ideas around government changed.
  15. Novel by Voltaire.
  16. The exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.
  17. Believed in Social Contract.
  18. Banned montesquieu's book.
  19. A form of absolutism in which rulers during this time were influenced by the Enlightenment.
  1. Voltaire first name.
  2. A tyrant who is a cruel and oppressive dictator.
  3. Where the Enlightenment took place.
  4. Person who wanted people to practice thrift, hard work, and enlightened self-interest.
  5. Believed in Absolute Monarchy.
  6. Book by Rousseau.
  7. Government system with 3 branches of government.
  8. Book by Montesquieu.
  9. Most famous Enlightenment thinker in woman rights.
  10. 10 amendments guaranteeing natural rights in 1791.
  11. Freedom of _____ ;A key Enlightenment concept that promotes open expression of ideas.
  12. Holder of weekly salons where notable artists, writers, and politicians gathered.
  13. Gathering of Enlightenment thinkers to discuss ideas
  14. Rights that people are born with.
  15. Smith's first name.
  16. Believed in Separation of Church and State.
  17. Religious _____;The acceptance of different religious beliefs and practices.
  18. Person with absolute power who abused it.
  19. _______ power was power that had no restrictions.
  20. Where Locke and Hobbes are from.
  21. Person who was ruling France when Montesquieu lived.

40 Clues: Book by Rousseau.Hobbes first name.Novel by Voltaire.Locke's first name.Smith's first name.Voltaire first name.Book by Montesquieu.Rousseau first name.Book made by Hobbes.Century when Hobbes died.Banned montesquieu's book.Wollstonecraft's first nameBelieved in Social Contract.Believed in Absolute Monarchy.Believed in Separation of Power....

Enlightenment 2022-08-12

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Written by Hobbes
  2. English constitutional document setting out specific individual protections
  3. Wrote leviathan
  4. The three important documents of early america
  5. places sovereignty into the hands of the people
  6. a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England
  7. Written by Rosseu
  8. possession of control, authority, or influence over others
  9. distributes power among different parts and levels of the state
  1. an unlimited right to all things
  2. Written by Montesquieu
  3. the concept of a government limited in power. It is a key concept in the history of liberalism
  4. a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws
  5. Power seperated by three brenches
  6. A man of many talents
  7. an act signed into law in 1689 by William III and Mary II
  8. a way for two or more parties to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement among them
  9. wrote the spirit of laws
  10. Made social contracts

19 Clues: Wrote leviathanWritten by HobbesWritten by RosseuA man of many talentsMade social contractsWritten by Montesquieuwrote the spirit of lawsan unlimited right to all thingsPower seperated by three brenchesThe three important documents of early americaplaces sovereignty into the hands of the people...

Enlightenment 2022-11-21

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. Believed in freedom of expression
  2. believed that harsh government was needed
  3. A ruler with complete control
  4. the percentage of people who can read
  5. A time when church/rulers were challenged
  6. Came up with separation of powers
  7. agreement between people and government
  8. ____________ of the governed
  9. branch that makes the laws
  1. power of mind to make sense of the world
  2. citizens pursuing common good in country
  3. individuals thinking of own interests
  4. what you can see
  5. life, liberty, property
  6. place where philosophes discussed ideas
  7. branch that implements the laws
  8. branch that interprets the laws
  9. first philosopher to think of natural rights

18 Clues: what you can seelife, liberty, propertybranch that makes the laws____________ of the governedA ruler with complete controlbranch that implements the lawsbranch that interprets the lawsBelieved in freedom of expressionCame up with separation of powersindividuals thinking of own intereststhe percentage of people who can read...

Enlightenment 2023-10-31

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. type of government with a king/queen
  2. philosopher who argued for a "social contract" aka consent of the governed
  3. philosopher who argued for life, liberty and land (property)
  4. the process of making an area more city-like, usually through an increase in population
  5. person who thinks about, questions, and studies the nature of life, truth, knowledge and other important human matters
  6. invention that caused the spread of ideas
  7. philosopher who argued for separation of power in the govt (three branches)
  8. document full of arguments against the Catholic Church
  9. philosopher who argued for freedom of speech
  10. ____ of Spain; absolute monarch of Spain
  1. document full of arguments against the Catholic Church
  2. leader of the Protestant Reformation; wrote 95 Theses
  3. philosopher who argued for the rights of women
  4. ruler with total and complete power
  5. ____ the 14th, absolute monarch of France; also known as the "sun king"
  6. ____ the Great; absolute monarch of Russia
  7. Locke claims that everyone should have these ____ rights; aka life, liberty and property
  8. institution that had power in the Middle Ages
  9. the ability to read and write

19 Clues: the ability to read and writeruler with total and complete powertype of government with a king/queen____ of Spain; absolute monarch of Spaininvention that caused the spread of ideas____ the Great; absolute monarch of Russiaphilosopher who argued for freedom of speechinstitution that had power in the Middle Ages...

Absolutism-Enlightenment Review 2021-01-28

Absolutism-Enlightenment Review crossword puzzle
  1. The overall result in Europe and the Americas of absolutism and the Enlightenment
  2. Basic rights that all humans have
  3. Time period with new ideas about how governments work
  4. According to Locke, people can ___________ any government that doesn't protect their rights
  5. A ruler gets their authority to rule from God
  6. One of the effects of the Enlightenment was a more _________ outlook on the world
  7. American document influenced by John Locke
  8. Enlightenment philosopher that advocated for religious toleration and free speech
  9. Aspect of American government influenced by Voltaire
  10. When a ruler has complete control of the government
  11. Absolute ruler of France, the "Sun King"
  1. A trait of absolutism is to eliminate _____________
  2. Absolute ruler who westernized Russia
  3. Rousseau's idea that the government following the will of the people acted as a ________ between the government and the people
  4. Enlightenment philosopher who said governments should protect the natural rights of the people
  5. Religious philosophy advocated by many Enlightenment philosophers and American Founding Fathers
  6. American document influenced by Rousseau
  7. Absolute ruler of Japan
  8. A trait of absolutism is to control _______________
  9. Enlightenment philosopher that said governments should abide by the will of the majority

20 Clues: Absolute ruler of JapanBasic rights that all humans haveAbsolute ruler who westernized RussiaAmerican document influenced by RousseauAbsolute ruler of France, the "Sun King"American document influenced by John LockeA ruler gets their authority to rule from GodA trait of absolutism is to eliminate _____________...

Enlightenment 2022-02-23

Enlightenment crossword puzzle
  1. immediate result of the enlightenment
  2. a change to the constitution
  3. proved planets move in elliptical orbits
  4. fought for education for women
  5. founded the heliocentric theory
  6. founder of modern chemistry challenged Artistotle's ideas.
  7. a value held highly by voltaire
  8. the belief that the sun is the center of the solar system
  9. a method that uses experiments and questions to prove theories
  10. people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  1. believed in freedom of speech and religion
  2. a book written by Jean-Jaques Rousseau
  3. the belief that the earth is the center of the solar system
  4. french nobles
  5. a style of art with light colors and soft lines
  6. parties where people discuss new ideas
  7. to know something you did not before
  8. people who believed in science and God
  9. art with dull colors and strong lines

19 Clues: french noblesa change to the constitutionfought for education for womenfounded the heliocentric theorya value held highly by voltaireto know something you did not beforeimmediate result of the enlightenmentart with dull colors and strong linesa book written by Jean-Jaques Rousseauparties where people discuss new ideas...