letters Crossword Puzzles

Basic Italian Verbs 2024-04-26

Basic Italian Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. (5 letters) - To say - "Dire," what you do when you communicate verbally
  2. (5 letters) - To give - "Dare," a verb used for giving something to someone
  3. (6 letters) - To open - "Aprire," what you do to a door when entering
  4. (4 letters) - To be - "Essere," a fundamental verb in Italian
  5. (6 letters) - To see - "Vedere," a verb for visual perception
  6. (4 letters) - To hear - "Udire," a less common verb for auditory perception
  7. (5 letters) - To have - "Avere" in Italian, a basic verb for possession
  8. (6 letters) - To eat - "Mangiare," essential at every meal
  9. (5 letters) - To go - "Andare," a verb describing movement from one place to another
  10. (6 letters) - To read - "Leggere," what you do with books
  1. (6 letters) - To come - "Venire," a way to say arrive or come
  2. (4 letters) - To fall - "Cadere," happens when you trip
  3. (7 letters) - To leave - "Partire," what you do when you go away
  4. (6 letters) - To live - "Vivere," to exist or experience life
  5. (6 letters) - To know - "Sapere," related to knowledge
  6. (7 letters) - To sleep - "Dormire," what you do at night
  7. (6 letters) - To stay - "Rimane," to continue to be somewhere
  8. (6 letters) - To want - "Volere," about desires and wants
  9. (5 letters) - To do - "Fare," a very common verb meaning to make or do
  10. (6 letters) - To drink - "Bere," essential for coffee, water, or wine

20 Clues: (6 letters) - To know - "Sapere," related to knowledge(4 letters) - To fall - "Cadere," happens when you trip(7 letters) - To sleep - "Dormire," what you do at night(6 letters) - To want - "Volere," about desires and wants(6 letters) - To read - "Leggere," what you do with books(6 letters) - To eat - "Mangiare," essential at every meal...

A great puzzle 2024-05-03

A great puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. (6 letters) - Healthy lifestyle habit that reduces heart disease risk
  2. (7 letters) - Tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and veins
  3. (6 letters) - Unhealthy lifestyle habit that can damage the heart
  4. (5 letters) - A protein in the blood that helps blood clot
  5. (6 letters) - Cells that fight infection in the blood
  6. (3 letters) - Lower chamber of the heart that pumps blood to the body
  7. PECTORIS (8 letters) - Feeling of chest pain or discomfort, often a sign of heart problems
  8. PRESSURE (8 letters) - Squeezing pressure of blood against artery walls
  9. (12 letters) - Non-surgical procedure that uses a contrast dye to visualize arteries
  10. (3 letters) - Abbreviation for a procedure that uses a catheter to widen narrowed arteries (Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty)
  11. (10 letters) - Inflammation of the heart muscle
  1. (6 letters) - Narrowing of arteries due to plaque buildup
  2. (5 letters) - Prefix meaning "pertaining to blood vessels"
  3. (6 letters) - Fatty buildup in arteries that can cause blockages
  4. (10 letters) - Irregular heartbeat caused by electrical malfunctions
  5. (4 letters) - Upper chambers of the heart that receive blood
  6. (8 letters) - Instrument that uses X-rays to image the heart and lungs
  7. ( EKG ) (3 letters) - Tool used to measure electrical activity of the heart
  8. (8 letters) - Surgical procedure to repair a damaged heart valve
  9. FAILURE (8 letters) - Condition of insufficient blood flow due to weak heart pump

20 Clues: (10 letters) - Inflammation of the heart muscle(6 letters) - Cells that fight infection in the blood(6 letters) - Narrowing of arteries due to plaque buildup(5 letters) - Prefix meaning "pertaining to blood vessels"(5 letters) - A protein in the blood that helps blood clot(4 letters) - Upper chambers of the heart that receive blood...

Crossword Puzzle: Politics and Governance 2024-02-02

Crossword Puzzle: Politics and Governance crossword puzzle
  1. Basic Unit of Government in a City or Town [12 letters]
  2. A Group of People Living in the Same Territory and Subject to the Same Laws [8 letters]
  3. a Central Authority and Local Governments [10 letters]
  4. The System of Beliefs and Values that Influence Politics [8 letters]
  5. An Agreement or Compact between Two or More Parties [6 letters]
  6. What is the primary focus of good governance in one word? [4 letters]
  7. Process of Electing Representatives [8 letters]
  8. What is the primary focus of the behavioral approach in political research? [12 letters]
  9. The Power to Make Laws [11 letters]
  10. What principle in governance reflects the fairness and inclusiveness of decision-making processes? [13 letters]
  11. The Right to Express Beliefs and Opinions Freely [7 letters]
  12. What term describes the act of supervising or overseeing a political system? [9 letters]
  13. Leader of a Country? [9 letters]
  14. Body of Representatives in a Legislature: [6 letters]
  15. A System of Government in which Power is Held by the People [9 letters]
  1. What is the Greek origin word for governance? [10 letters]
  2. Term for a Legal Document Granting Philippine Citizenship: [14 letters]
  3. A Document that Guarantees the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens [12 letters]
  4. What principle of governance emphasizes the ability to meet societal needs? [13 letters]
  5. What is the term for the active involvement of citizens in decision-making processes? [11 letters]
  6. A Group of People Chosen to Make Decisions for Others [9 letters]
  7. What is the term for the responsibility of individuals or institutions for their actions? [14 letters]
  8. The Process of Making Laws [11 letters]
  9. A Government Official who Enforces Laws and Maintains Order [7 letters]
  10. What is the consequence of lacking knowledge or awareness about politics? [9 letters]
  11. What aspect of the philosophical approach to politics deals with judging what is morally right or wrong in a political societ [6 letters]
  12. What criterion in governance refers to the efficient utilization of resources? [10 letters]
  13. System of Government with a Single Ruler [8 letters]
  14. What is the outcome of a lack of political awareness or knowledge? [8 letters]
  15. System of Government with One Ruler: [9 letters]

30 Clues: Leader of a Country? [9 letters]The Power to Make Laws [11 letters]The Process of Making Laws [11 letters]Process of Electing Representatives [8 letters]System of Government with One Ruler: [9 letters]System of Government with a Single Ruler [8 letters]Body of Representatives in a Legislature: [6 letters]...

Nihar Kitchen Safety 2021-10-20

Nihar Kitchen Safety crossword puzzle
  1. cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container, especially unintentionally. (5 letters)
  2. The state of being free from illness or injury. (6 letters)
  3. the temperature at and above which vapor of the substance cannot be liquefied (20 letters)
  4. the action or method of storing something for future use.
  5. Protecting yourself from dangerous stuff ( 6 letters)
  6. An organism that can be seen only through a microscope (14 letters)
  7. cause to move or be apart. (8 letters)
  8. any member of the group of eukaryotic organisms (6 letters)
  9. is a type of fungi that lives on plant and animal matter (5 letters)
  1. free from dirt, marks, or stains.(5 letters)
  2. a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous (10 letters)
  3. a source or a situation with the potential for harm (6 letters)
  4. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease (7 letters)
  5. Something that can go on fire (9 Letters)
  6. The action or state of making or being made impure by polluting or poisoning.(13 letters)
  7. Are microscopic organisms not visible with the naked eye (8 letters long)
  8. Opposite of hot (4 letters)
  9. Opposite of cold (3 letters)
  10. It can make you die, and some snakes have it (6 letters)
  11. make clean and hygienic; disinfect. (8 letters)
  12. Type of Bactria (10 letters)

21 Clues: Opposite of hot (4 letters)Opposite of cold (3 letters)Type of Bactria (10 letters)cause to move or be apart. (8 letters)Something that can go on fire (9 Letters)free from dirt, marks, or stains.(5 letters)Protecting yourself from dangerous stuff ( 6 letters)make clean and hygienic; disinfect. (8 letters)...

Thanksgiving Words 2023-11-16

Thanksgiving Words crossword puzzle
  1. PIE A classic Thanksgiving dessert (6,3 letters).
  2. Tart, red berries often used in sauces or relishes during Thanksgiving (11 letters).
  3. The gathering of crops, often celebrated on Thanksgiving (7 letters).
  4. The town in Massachusetts where the Pilgrims settled (8 letters).
  5. The day of the week on which Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated (8 letters).
  6. Abundant meal enjoyed on Thanksgiving (5 letters).
  7. A central focus of Thanksgiving gatherings (6 letters).
  8. WORLD The term used to describe North America in the early days of European settlement (8 letters).
  9. The month in which Thanksgiving is celebrated (8 letters).
  10. Savory sauce often poured over turkey (5 letters).
  11. Thanksgiving is a special one in November (6 letters).
  1. Horn-shaped symbol of abundance and plenty, often seen on Thanksgiving decorations (10 letters).
  2. STANDISH A military advisor and one of the Mayflower passengers (6,8 letters).
  3. Settled community of Pilgrims in the New World (6 letters).
  4. The season when Thanksgiving is typically celebrated (4 letters).
  5. The feeling of being thankful and appreciative (9 letters).
  6. The ship that brought the Pilgrims to the New World (9 letters).
  7. The star of the Thanksgiving dinner table (6 letters).
  8. Another name for corn, a staple in many Thanksgiving dishes (5 letters).
  9. The sound a turkey makes, and also what you might do with Thanksgiving dinner (6 letters).

20 Clues: PIE A classic Thanksgiving dessert (6,3 letters).Abundant meal enjoyed on Thanksgiving (5 letters).Savory sauce often poured over turkey (5 letters).The star of the Thanksgiving dinner table (6 letters).Thanksgiving is a special one in November (6 letters).A central focus of Thanksgiving gatherings (6 letters)....

Fairy Tales and Gender Vocab Crossword 2023-09-11

Fairy Tales and Gender Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The state of being equal in rights, opportunities, and treatment. (8 letters)
  2. Unfair treatment or discrimination based on a person's gender
  3. The central problem or struggle that characters face. (8 letters)
  4. Overused or predictable elements in a story. (6 letters)
  5. When traditional gender roles are reversed in a story. (5 letters)
  6. A journey or adventure undertaken by a character. (4 letters)
  7. The person or voice telling the story. (8 letters)
  8. A female character who needs rescuing. (5 letters)
  9. The time and place where the story takes place. (7 letters)
  1. The outcome or solution to the main conflict. (9 letters)
  2. Traditional stories passed down through generations. (8 letters)
  3. The lesson or message a story conveys. (5 letters)
  4. Supernatural elements often present in fairy tales. (5 letters)
  5. The sequence of events in a story. (4 letters)
  6. A widely held but oversimplified belief about a group of people. (9 letters)
  7. A spell or magical charm. (10 letters)
  8. The main character in a story, often the hero or heroine. (10 letters)
  9. The process of gaining confidence and control over one's life. (10 letters)
  10. The character or force that opposes the protagonist. (10 letters)
  11. The use of symbols to represent ideas or themes. (9 letters)
  12. roles The expectations and behaviors society associates with males and females. (11 letters)

21 Clues: A spell or magical charm. (10 letters)The sequence of events in a story. (4 letters)The lesson or message a story conveys. (5 letters)The person or voice telling the story. (8 letters)A female character who needs rescuing. (5 letters)Overused or predictable elements in a story. (6 letters)The outcome or solution to the main conflict. (9 letters)...

man 2023-06-01

man crossword puzzle
  1. Extremely fierce or savage (9 letters)
  2. Hard structures for biting and chewing (5 letters)
  3. Sharp, curved nails (5 letters)
  4. Flying appendages (5 letters)
  5. Intensely aggressive or strong (6 letters)
  6. Relating to ancient Persia (7 letters)
  7. Arachnid with a venomous tail (8 letters)
  8. Very old or from the distant past (7 letters)
  9. Extending appendage (4 letters)
  10. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  1. Meat-eating (11 letters)
  2. Well-known and famous (9 letters)
  3. Potentially harmful or threatening (9 letters)
  4. Composed of different parts or creatures (8 letters)
  5. Wild and untamed creature (5 letters)
  6. Imaginary or unreal (7 letters)
  7. Mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human or animal (6 letters)
  8. King of the jungle (4 letters)

18 Clues: Meat-eating (11 letters)Flying appendages (5 letters)King of the jungle (4 letters)Sharp, curved nails (5 letters)Imaginary or unreal (7 letters)Extending appendage (4 letters)Well-known and famous (9 letters)Wild and untamed creature (5 letters)Extremely fierce or savage (9 letters)Relating to ancient Persia (7 letters)...

Poppy's Musical Crossword 2021-09-27

Poppy's Musical Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. eight letters - a musical family which consists of wind instruments
  2. five letters - affects whether the instrument is high or low
  3. Nine letters - a group of people that play instruments from all of the families, they usually play classical music.
  4. seven letters - the smallest instrument in the brass family
  5. five letters - a type of metal which commonly makes instruments in the brass family
  6. six letters - a pleasant sounding sequence of notes
  7. six letters - the quality of musical sound
  8. ten letters - a musical family which has instruments that are played by being struck or hit
  9. five letters - the highest pitched instrument in the woodwind family
  10. five letters - a keyboard instrument which is very famous and is frequently used in classical pieces
  11. five letters - how many beats per minute
  1. eight letters - the volume of the music
  2. four letters - the biggest member of the string family
  3. seven letters - the instrument we've been learning to play in class
  4. seven letters - playing two or more notes at the same time to produce another sound
  5. four letters - basic unit of time in music
  6. four letters - the lowest sounding instrument in the percussion family
  7. six letters - a repeated pattern of sound
  8. six letters - a length of material that makes sound and is usually on instruments in the string family
  9. four letters - the structure of a musical performance

20 Clues: eight letters - the volume of the musicfive letters - how many beats per minutesix letters - a repeated pattern of soundfour letters - basic unit of time in musicsix letters - the quality of musical soundsix letters - a pleasant sounding sequence of notesfour letters - the structure of a musical performance...

Self Care Saturday 2023-05-10

Self Care Saturday crossword puzzle
  1. Disconnect from technology for a period of time (6 letters)
  2. Watch a comedy show or read a humorous book (5 letters)
  3. Cleanse your body with healthy foods and drinks (5 letters)
  4. Use your imagination to make a DIY project or a piece of art (6 letters)
  5. Let go of negative thoughts and emotions (7 letters)
  6. Redesign your living space to create a new environment (10 letters)
  7. Take a class or workshop to discover something new (5 letters)
  8. Focus on your breath and visualize peace (8 letters)
  9. Reach and flex your muscles (7 letters)
  10. Take a nap or sleep in to refresh your body and mind (4 letters)
  1. Try something new, like a new food or activity (7 letters)
  2. Read inspirational books or quotes to inspire yourself (8 letters)
  3. Write down your thoughts and feelings in a personal notebook (7 letters)
  4. Spend quality time with loved ones to strengthen relationships (7 letters)
  5. Enjoy a special indulgence that you love (5 letters)
  6. Call or visit someone who you have not spoken to in a while (9 letters)
  7. Engage in physical activity that you enjoy (8 letters)
  8. Pay attention to the sounds around you (6 letters)
  9. Go do something spontaneous, like hiking or visiting a new place (9 letters)
  10. Focus on the things you are thankful for (9 letters)

20 Clues: Reach and flex your muscles (7 letters)Pay attention to the sounds around you (6 letters)Enjoy a special indulgence that you love (5 letters)Let go of negative thoughts and emotions (7 letters)Focus on the things you are thankful for (9 letters)Focus on your breath and visualize peace (8 letters)...

Mental Health Awareness By Mental Health @ Work 2023-11-21

Mental Health Awareness By Mental Health @ Work crossword puzzle
  1. Understanding or knowledge of something (8 letters)
  2. The process of getting better from an illness or injury (8 letters)
  3. A feeling of sadness, emptiness, or loss of interest (9 letters)
  4. A state of rest in which the mind is inactive and the body is at rest (5 letters)
  5. A negative attitude or belief about something (5 letters)
  6. A practice of focusing the mind to achieve a calmer state (9 letters)
  7. Physical activity that improves or maintains physical fitness (8 letters)
  8. The food and other substances that a person needs to eat to stay healthy (9 letters)
  9. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others (7 letters)
  10. A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease (8 letters)
  1. Paying attention to the present moment without judgment (10 letters)
  2. The ability to overcome challenges or setbacks (8 letters)
  3. A feeling of expectation and desire for something positive to happen (4 letters)
  4. The ability to cope with difficult situations or setbacks (10 letters)
  5. The state of being happy and healthy (10 letters)
  6. A feeling of worry, pressure, or tension (5 letters)
  7. A way of dealing with a difficult situation (5 letters)
  8. Treatment for mental or emotional problems (7 letters)
  9. Help or encouragement given to someone (7 letters)
  10. Taking care of one's own mental and physical health (9 letters)

20 Clues: The state of being happy and healthy (10 letters)Help or encouragement given to someone (7 letters)Understanding or knowledge of something (8 letters)A feeling of worry, pressure, or tension (5 letters)Treatment for mental or emotional problems (7 letters)A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease (8 letters)...

IBA Career Fair'24 2023-12-06

IBA Career Fair'24 crossword puzzle
  1. A leading fintech company (8 letters)
  2. The process of increasing in size, quantity, or degree (5 letters)
  3. A digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security (12 letters)
  4. A meeting in which someone is asked questions to evaluate their suitability for a job (8 letters)
  5. The action or process of investing money for profit (9 letters)
  6. Achieving goals and reaching milestones (7 letters)
  7. A chance for advancement (10 letters)
  8. Digital wallets used for transactions on mobile devices (12 letters)
  9. The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit (14 letters)
  10. The act of introducing something new (10 letters)
  11. The state or quality of being efficient, or the degree to which something is achieved without wasted resources (9 letters)
  12. A person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life (6 letters)
  1. The action or process of combining different components into a single system (11 letters)
  2. A decentralized form of currency (12 letters)
  3. Advancement to a higher position at work (9 letters)
  4. A distinct section within an organization (10 letters)
  5. The act of conducting or carrying out a financial transaction (11 letters)
  6. Relating to technology that involves the internet and mobile devices (7 letters)
  7. An abundance of valuable possessions or money (5 letters)
  8. The action or process of paying for goods or services (7 letters)
  9. Measures taken to ensure the protection of systems, networks, and programs (8 letters)
  10. The future of finance and technology (6 letters)

22 Clues: A leading fintech company (8 letters)A chance for advancement (10 letters)A decentralized form of currency (12 letters)The future of finance and technology (6 letters)The act of introducing something new (10 letters)Achieving goals and reaching milestones (7 letters)Advancement to a higher position at work (9 letters)...

Maquerade 2023-12-15

Maquerade crossword puzzle
  1. (7 letters) - Acting out words, often at a masquerade (think silent clues)
  2. (11 letters) - Romantic atmosphere for a masked ball (think flickering shadows)
  3. (5 letters) - Black and white party attire (think tiles, not pizza)
  4. (8 letters) - Observation point for masked revelers (think Romeo & Juliet)
  5. (10 letters) - Person's outline, hidden by a mask in the moonlight (think shapeshifting)
  6. (7 letters) - Venetian boat, perfect for a masked arrival (think canals and serenades)
  7. (7 letters) - Decorative touch for a flamboyant costume (think peacock)
  8. (7 letters) - Sparkly embellishment for a costume (think dazzling)
  9. (5 letters) - A popular dance at masked balls (think Viennese)
  10. (6 letters) - A puzzling figure or situation, like a masked stranger (think riddles)
  11. (6 letters) - City known for its famous masked ball (think canals and costumes)
  12. (6 letters) - Something kept from others (think identity)
  1. (3 letters) - Essential accessory for a masquerade ball (think hiding identity and fluttering feathers)
  2. (8 letters) - Colorful paper showers at a festive party (think )
  3. (9 letters) - Unrecognized, thanks to a mask (think Chrome)
  4. (10 letters) - Ball where faces are hidden (think Phantom of the Opera)
  5. (8 letters) - Mystery and suspense, often associated with masked identities (think secret plots)
  6. (8 letters) - What a mask helps you achieve (think undercover)
  7. (5 letters) - Playful interactions as a tool of seduction (think coy glances)
  8. (4 letters) - Delicate fabric often found on masks and costumes (think intricate)
  9. (7 letters) - Elaborate outfits worn to transform for the night (think feathers and jewels)
  10. (5 letters) - To enjoy a party to the fullest (think merrymaking)

22 Clues: (6 letters) - Something kept from others (think identity)(9 letters) - Unrecognized, thanks to a mask (think Chrome)(8 letters) - What a mask helps you achieve (think undercover)(5 letters) - A popular dance at masked balls (think Viennese)(8 letters) - Colorful paper showers at a festive party (think )...

OCAT 2.3 Practice 2023-11-18

OCAT 2.3 Practice crossword puzzle
  1. Quick as a fox, slick as an eel, strong as an ox, how do you feel? (14 letters)
  2. an enzyme responsible for degradation (17 letters)
  3. when you hit the on button of your car it automatically starts (9 letters)
  4. Pregnant? This test can tell you super quickly (7 letters)
  5. "You shall not pass!" (3 letters)
  6. get some sunlight or else you're going to need more of this (11 letters)
  7. the greatest little chemist of the body that ensures all functions can occur (13 letters)
  8. an enzyme in the mathematical business that prefers to add rather than remove (11 letters)
  9. smooth muscle responsible for releasing some gas (4 letters)
  10. "Bro, the worst she can do is say..." (2 letters)
  11. It's not about the journey, it's about the destination (12 letters)
  1. Chari's favourite word other than stochastic (9 letters)
  2. acted upon by a special P, screams then produces what you're looking for (11 letters)
  3. the electric eel of the body (6 letters)
  4. Although it sounds like a fancy type of metal, this protein is crucial for degradation and formation (10 letters)
  5. eat a spoiled version of this and you may start to feel a little fishy...and itchy (12 letters)
  6. "Stop in the name of the law!" (9 letters)
  7. happy juice (8 letters)
  8. reverse reverse (16 letters)
  9. You might assume Bigfoot or the Yeti has too much of this (8 letters)
  10. This enzyme is quite the gossip (4 letters)
  11. Snake venom seems to really love targeting this aspect of the receptors to cause paralysis (3 letters)
  12. in the biology world, this is the main character, our protagonist- until it is faced with the non-clinical antagonist, an anti-hero. (9 letters)
  13. a common process in physics but also used to describe the clashing of two types of cuisine (6 letters)

24 Clues: happy juice (8 letters)reverse reverse (16 letters)"You shall not pass!" (3 letters)the electric eel of the body (6 letters)"Stop in the name of the law!" (9 letters)This enzyme is quite the gossip (4 letters)"Bro, the worst she can do is say..." (2 letters)an enzyme responsible for degradation (17 letters)...

Christmas in the Blitz 2023-12-02

Christmas in the Blitz crossword puzzle
  1. Surname of "White Christmas" singer (6 letters)
  2. Codename for Allied intelligence project breaking Enigma (5 letters)
  3. Common heating resource, rationed during WWII (4 letters)
  4. Alliance including Germany, Italy, and Japan (4 letters)
  5. Last name of the U.S. President during most of WWII (9 letters)
  6. One of the five landing areas at Normandy (4 letters)
  7. Nickname of Dwight D. Eisenhower (3 letters)
  8. Type of British bomber used in WWII (9 letters)
  9. A branch of this is a traditional peace symbol (5 letters)
  10. Large bomb used in air raids, colloquially known (10 letters)
  1. London cathedral that survived the Blitz, symbol of resilience (2,5 letters)
  2. Site of a major battle in North Africa (2,7 letters)
  3. Indoor shelter type, named after a British politician (7 letters)
  4. First name of Churchill's wife (9 letters)
  5. Spherical Christmas ornament (6 letters)
  6. Abbreviation for Britain's air force (3 letters)
  7. Codename for naval component of Operation Overlord (7 letters)
  8. Festive beverage often spiced with nutmeg (3 letters)
  9. Another name for Santa Claus, derived from St. Nicholas (4 letters)

19 Clues: Spherical Christmas ornament (6 letters)First name of Churchill's wife (9 letters)Nickname of Dwight D. Eisenhower (3 letters)Surname of "White Christmas" singer (6 letters)Type of British bomber used in WWII (9 letters)Abbreviation for Britain's air force (3 letters)Site of a major battle in North Africa (2,7 letters)...

thu 2023-06-01

thu crossword puzzle
  1. Object representing something else (6 letters)
  2. Covered with feathers (8 letters)
  3. Process of changing form or appearance (13 letters)
  4. One who carries and delivers messages (9 letters)
  5. Regarded with reverence or respect (6 letters)
  6. Sound produced during a storm (7 letters)
  7. Measurement of a bird's wings (8 letters)
  1. Act of keeping safe or defending (10 letters)
  2. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)
  3. Electrical discharge in the atmosphere (9 letters)
  4. Ability to do or act (5 letters)
  5. Loud sound of thunder (11 letters)
  6. Impressively beautiful or grand (8 letters)
  7. Severe weather disturbance (5 letters)
  8. Expanse above the Earth (3 letters)
  9. Moving air (4 letters)
  10. Mixture of gases surrounding the Earth (3 letters)
  11. Pertaining to a deity or god (6 letters)

18 Clues: Moving air (4 letters)Ability to do or act (5 letters)Covered with feathers (8 letters)Loud sound of thunder (11 letters)Expanse above the Earth (3 letters)Traditional story or myth (6 letters)Severe weather disturbance (5 letters)Pertaining to a deity or god (6 letters)Sound produced during a storm (7 letters)...

Student Birthdays 2021-08-28

Student Birthdays crossword puzzle
  1. Birthday in May (5 letters in first name, starts with "C")
  2. Birthday in May (8 letters in first name)
  3. Birthday in August
  4. Birthday in November (6 letters in first name, girl)
  5. Birthday in May (5 letters in first name, starts with "J")
  6. Birthday in December (4 letters in first name)
  7. Birthday in September (girl)
  8. Birthday in April
  9. Birthday in May (6 letters in first name, starts with "K")
  10. Birthday in January (7 letters in first name)
  11. Birthday in January (4 letters in first name)
  12. Birthday in December (6 letters in first name, starts with "Z")
  13. Birthday in June (5 letters in first name)
  1. Birthday in February
  2. Birthday in October
  3. Birthday in November (6 letters in first name, boy)
  4. Birthday in May (6 letters in first name, starts with "A")
  5. Birthday in June (7 letters in first name)
  6. Birthday in November (5 letters in first name)
  7. Birthday in January (6 letters in first name)
  8. Birthday in March
  9. Birthday in December (6 letters in first name, starts with "A")
  10. Birthday in September (boy)
  11. Birthday in December (5 letters in first name)

24 Clues: Birthday in MarchBirthday in AprilBirthday in AugustBirthday in OctoberBirthday in FebruaryBirthday in September (boy)Birthday in September (girl)Birthday in May (8 letters in first name)Birthday in June (7 letters in first name)Birthday in June (5 letters in first name)Birthday in January (6 letters in first name)...

The Industrial Revolution 2021-03-17

The Industrial Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. What is the word for people living together in a community? (7 letters)
  2. What’s the name for the early invention of a car? (10 letters)
  3. What vehicle replaced horses in the farming industry? (7 letters)
  4. The word for machinery and equipment being developed from science? (10 letters)
  5. What was used to transport people and goods down the rivers? (10 letters)
  6. The word for growing crops and raising livestock? (7 letters)
  7. engine? (8 letters)
  8. Machine for spinning wool or cotton (13 letters)
  9. What is an invention that helped women mend clothes? (13 letters)
  10. The science or practise of farming? (11 letters)
  11. What’s a resource people used for textiles that comes from a sheep? (4 letters)
  12. What was a way of sending someone a message? (9 letters)
  1. What was the main continent where the industrial revolution was? (6 letters)
  2. Last name of an important inventor? (4 letters)
  3. The word for when people move from rural to urban areas? (12 letters)
  4. What’s a machine that separates cotton fibres from their seeds? (9 letters)
  5. What is a vehicle that used electricity from the wires? (4 letters)
  6. What is a form of transport that is on rails? (5 letters)
  7. What’s an invention that replaced the telegrams? (9 letters)
  8. What was the peak time when things were invented? (4 numbers and 1 letter)
  9. What was the last name of the man who invented the
  10. Armed conflict between different countries (3 letters)
  11. What is a way to listen to news and music? (5 letters)
  12. What are people called who invent things? (8 letters)
  13. A length or portion of time
  14. What was the other country that was a big part of the industrial revolution? (7 letters)
  15. What are paddocks planted with? (5 letters)
  16. What was an important resource used in the textile industry? (6 letters)

28 Clues: engine? (8 letters)A length or portion of timeWhat are paddocks planted with? (5 letters)Last name of an important inventor? (4 letters)Machine for spinning wool or cotton (13 letters)The science or practise of farming? (11 letters)What was the last name of the man who invented theWhat are people called who invent things? (8 letters)...

sim 2023-06-01

sim crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to ancient Persia (7 letters)
  2. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  3. Soft plumes covering a bird (8 letters)
  4. Ability to reproduce or create new life (9 letters)
  5. Difficult to understand or explain (10 letters)
  6. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)
  7. Unable to die (7 letters)
  8. Appendages for flying (5 letters)
  9. Very old or from the past (7 letters)
  1. One who defends or safeguards (8 letters)
  2. Having great strength or force (8 letters)
  3. Set of beliefs or stories (6 letters)
  4. Impressively beautiful or grand (8 letters)
  5. Object representing something else (6 letters)
  6. Process of becoming healthy or whole (7 letters)
  7. Deep understanding or knowledge (6 letters)
  8. Pertaining to a deity or god (6 letters)
  9. Feathered creature (4 letters)

18 Clues: Unable to die (7 letters)Feathered creature (4 letters)Appendages for flying (5 letters)Set of beliefs or stories (6 letters)Traditional story or myth (6 letters)Very old or from the past (7 letters)Relating to ancient Persia (7 letters)Soft plumes covering a bird (8 letters)Pertaining to a deity or god (6 letters)...

cell 2023-10-06

cell crossword puzzle
  1. CELL The type of cell that has a cell wall and chloroplasts (6 letters)
  2. The green pigment in plants that is essential for photosynthesis (7 letters)
  3. The layer of fat that surrounds the cell membrane (6 letters)
  4. BODY The organelle that transports materials around the cell (5 letters)
  5. CELL The type of cell that does not have a cell wall or chloroplasts (6 letters)
  6. The process by which plants convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen (10 letters)
  7. The control center of the cell (6 letters)
  8. The process by which cells break down glucose to release energy (8 letters)
  9. The molecule that stores energy in cells (3 letters)
  10. The organelle where food is stored (6 letters)
  11. The organelle that breaks down wastes and old cell parts (6 letters)
  12. FIXATION The process by which plants take in carbon dioxide from the air (9 letters)
  1. The jelly-like substance that fills the cytoplasm (5 letters)
  2. The basic unit of life (5 letters)
  3. The process by which plants absorb water from the ground (6 letters)
  4. ACIDS The molecule that is used to build new cells and repair damaged cells (4 letters)
  5. The organelle that contains enzymes that break down food (6 letters)
  6. The product of photosynthesis that is used by plants for energy (6 letters)
  7. The process by which plants release water vapor into the air (7 letters)
  8. The small openings on the underside of leaves that allow for gas exchange (7 letters)
  9. The long, thread-like structures in the nucleus that contain DNA (8 letters)
  10. The organelle where energy is released from glucose (9 letters)
  11. The process by which plants use sunlight to make food (11 letters)
  12. The organelle where proteins are made (7 letters)
  13. EXCHANGE The process by which plants release oxygen into the air (6 letters)

25 Clues: The basic unit of life (5 letters)The control center of the cell (6 letters)The organelle where food is stored (6 letters)The organelle where proteins are made (7 letters)The molecule that stores energy in cells (3 letters)The jelly-like substance that fills the cytoplasm (5 letters)The layer of fat that surrounds the cell membrane (6 letters)...

halxidhaale 2 2013-05-14

halxidhaale 2 crossword puzzle
  1. She came from London last night. 5 letters
  2. The man has a new car (assume the subject is focused) 3 letter.
  3. She used to play tennis. 6 letters
  4. Which boys play football? (assume subject is focused) 7 letters.
  5. Sahra is older than me 3 letters.
  6. Do they think July is a busy month ? 11 letters
  7. The house is located behind the market. 7 letters with out preposition.
  8. The place my friend and visited is cold in July (assume subject is focused) – 5 letters.
  9. The keys are under the chair 9 letters
  10. Has he come to you with a plan. 5 letters.
  11. I had pancake for breakfast 2 letters (hint:quraaco).
  1. They told that they don’t eat rice. 7 letters.
  2. She has nearly visited London. 6 letters
  3. He told us a story. 6 letters
  4. The weather was not good yesterday. 8 letters.
  5. I was happy yesterday. 10 letters.
  6. Do I know Jaamac? 5 letters
  7. I nearly bought a car. 6 letters
  8. We live in the same town 4 letters.

19 Clues: Do I know Jaamac? 5 lettersHe told us a story. 6 lettersI nearly bought a car. 6 lettersSahra is older than me 3 letters.She used to play tennis. 6 lettersI was happy yesterday. 10 letters.We live in the same town 4 letters.The keys are under the chair 9 lettersShe has nearly visited London. 6 lettersShe came from London last night. 5 letters...

wer 2023-06-01

wer crossword puzzle
  1. Time between sunset and sunrise (5 letters)
  2. Precious metal associated with werewolves (6 letters)
  3. Sound made by a wolf or werewolf (4 letters)
  4. Spell or enchantment that brings misfortune (5 letters)
  5. Sharp, curved nails on an animal's foot (5 letters)
  6. Strand of protein growing from the skin (4 letters)
  7. capable of changing form or shape (12 letters)
  8. Relating to the moon (5 letters)
  9. Long, pointed teeth (5 letters)
  1. Light reflected from the moon (9 letters)
  2. Pursue and capture prey (4 letters)
  3. Process of changing form or shape (13 letters)
  4. Wild or untamed (5 letters)
  5. Condition or ability to transform into a werewolf (11 letters)
  6. Ferocious or wild creature (5 letters)
  7. Intense feeling of fear or shock (6 letters)
  8. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)
  9. Group of wolves or werewolves (4 letters)

18 Clues: Wild or untamed (5 letters)Long, pointed teeth (5 letters)Relating to the moon (5 letters)Pursue and capture prey (4 letters)Traditional story or myth (6 letters)Ferocious or wild creature (5 letters)Light reflected from the moon (9 letters)Group of wolves or werewolves (4 letters)Time between sunset and sunrise (5 letters)...

Scripting Workflow 2020-02-25

Scripting Workflow crossword puzzle
  1. a person who applied and was previously employed by the same company (6 letters)
  2. when reviewing an applicant’s resume we would look for these in their employment history (4 letters)
  3. when reviewing an applicant’s resume we would look for these in their employment history (15 letters)
  4. things a recruiter must probe further when vetting an applicant (8 letters)
  5. the knowledge or skill acquired over a period of time (10 letters)
  6. an applicant that has higher expectations than are reasonable for an entry level job due to previous work history (5 letters)
  7. when an applicant is recommended by a current employee (8 letters)
  8. the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)
  9. organized activity aimed at imparting information/instructions to help an individual attain knowledge or skills (8 letters)
  10. attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people (10 letters)
  11. what a recruiter must do to an applicant (investigate thoroughly) (7 letters)
  12. lacking or deficient in what we are searching for in applicants (4 letters)
  1. shows intense and eager interest (12 letters)
  2. having necessary skills to perform a Job (9 letters)
  3. someone who has previously applied for a job (14 letters)
  4. the act of verifying your work to ensure that there are no mistakes (11 letters)
  5. test applicant takes when they apply to OneSupport (3 letters)
  6. a form of problem solving (12 letters)
  7. strong beliefs a person has about the proper way someone should behave or something should happen (12 letters)
  8. sheet used to show applicants who have applied to OneSupport (6 letters)
  9. reserving a spot for an individual for the next step in our process (7 letters)
  10. includes the days and times that an individual is available to work (8 letters)

22 Clues: a form of problem solving (12 letters)shows intense and eager interest (12 letters)having necessary skills to perform a Job (9 letters)the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)someone who has previously applied for a job (14 letters)test applicant takes when they apply to OneSupport (3 letters)...

nem 2023-06-01

nem crossword puzzle
  1. Brave or noble figure (4 letters)
  2. Animal that hunts and kills for food (8 letters)
  3. Relating to ancient Greece (5 letters)
  4. Animals living in their natural habitats (8 letters)
  5. Challenges or tasks to be completed (7 letters)
  6. Location of the lion's lair (5 letters)
  7. Group of lions (5 letters)
  8. Power or force (7 letters)
  9. Very old or from the distant past (7 letters)
  10. King of the jungle (4 letters)
  11. Overcome or conquer (6 letters)
  1. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)
  2. Hero who battled the lion (8 letters)
  3. Intensely aggressive or strong (6 letters)
  4. Long hair around the lion's neck (4 letters)
  5. Wild or ferocious creature (5 letters)
  6. Outer covering of an animal (4 letters)
  7. Number of labours performed by Hercules (6 letters)

18 Clues: Group of lions (5 letters)Power or force (7 letters)King of the jungle (4 letters)Overcome or conquer (6 letters)Brave or noble figure (4 letters)Traditional story or myth (6 letters)Hero who battled the lion (8 letters)Relating to ancient Greece (5 letters)Wild or ferocious creature (5 letters)Outer covering of an animal (4 letters)...

Mark 1:1-8 2023-08-02

Mark 1:1-8 crossword puzzle
  1. who was speaking in Mark's reference - 6 letters - v.2
  2. the purpose of the one the Lord would send -7 letters - v.2
  3. the given name of the main person in Mark's book -5 letters - v.1
  4. word meaning "messiah" - a title, not a name - 6 letters - v.1
  5. the One coming after John would baptize with the - 4 letters,5 letters
  6. the word means "about" or "from" - 2 letters - v.1
  7. what John demanded on the people -10 letters - v.4
  8. Mark's reference was a - 7 letters - v.2
  9. what the people received - 11 letters - v.4
  10. Mark referenced this Old Testament writer - 6 letters - v.2
  1. John was clothed with hair from a - 5 letters - v.6
  2. the one for whom the way was to be prepated - 7 letters - v.2
  3. Mark introduced his book with - 9 letters - v.1
  4. whom the Lord would send in Mark's reference - 9 letters - v.2
  5. how Mark identified John - 5 letters - v.3
  6. where John was preaching -10 letters - v.4
  7. part of John's diet - 7 letters - v.66
  8. what John was doing - 9 letters - v.4
  9. Mark called his book "the - 6 letters - v.1

19 Clues: what John was doing - 9 letters - v.4part of John's diet - 7 letters - v.66Mark's reference was a - 7 letters - v.2how Mark identified John - 5 letters - v.3where John was preaching -10 letters - v.4Mark called his book "the - 6 letters - v.1what the people received - 11 letters - v.4Mark introduced his book with - 9 letters - v.1...

How well do you know your video games? 2015-03-11

How well do you know your video games? crossword puzzle
  1. A match-three puzzle video game using different coloured jelly beans and shapes (2 words, 10 letters)
  2. A dual screen handheld games console by Nintendo (2 letters)
  3. A classic arcade game where the player guides the character around a maze to avoid the ghosts and collect coin (6 letters)
  4. A military science-fiction first person shooter game franchise for Xbox and Windows devices (4 letters)
  5. A crime-based video game series (3 words, 14 letters)
  6. A mobile game (or app) where the user taps the screen to make the animal fly through the pipes (2 words, 10 letters)
  7. A video game that allows users to build and create constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D virtual world (9 letters)
  8. The name of a popular football game, often played on PlayStation or Xbox (4 letters)
  9. A company that uses their plastic building products in their video games (4 letters)
  10. Mario's brother (5 letters)
  11. The Legend of ..... (5 letters)
  12. The first video game played in space (6 letters)
  1. One of the first ever video games created, where users play a simulated game of table tennis (4 letters)
  2. A mobile trivia app that allows people to compete with people from all over the world (6 letters)
  3. A game series set around war (3 words, 10 letters)
  4. A life simulation game series by EA (4 letters)
  5. A PlayStation game that follows the adventures of Sackboy (3 words, 15 letters)
  6. The original game starring the Mario brothers (3 words, 14 letters)
  7. A game where the user races their favourite Nintendo characters against eachother (9 letters)
  8. A yellow fictional species from Pokémon (7 letters)
  9. A video game where the player controls an explorer who is running away from monkeys (2 words, 9 letters)
  10. An 8-bit handheld video game device developed and manufactured by Nintendo, originally released in 1989 (7 letters)
  11. Assassins ..... (5 letters)
  12. The latest PlayStation Model number (in letters)(4 letters)

24 Clues: Assassins ..... (5 letters)Mario's brother (5 letters)The Legend of ..... (5 letters)A life simulation game series by EA (4 letters)The first video game played in space (6 letters)A game series set around war (3 words, 10 letters)A yellow fictional species from Pokémon (7 letters)A crime-based video game series (3 words, 14 letters)...


  1. (CFCs) (18 letters): Synthetic compounds responsible for ozone layer depletion.
  2. (4 letters): Reduced visibility in the air due to fine dust or pollutants.
  3. (14 letters): Process by which fertile land becomes arid and unproductive.
  4. (7 letters): Greenhouse gas with a higher warming potential than carbon dioxide.
  5. Smog (9 letters): This type of smog is associated with industrial areas and pollutants like sulfur dioxide.
  6. (8 letters): Cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by large numbers of individual particles.
  7. Metals (11 letters): Metallic elements with high toxicity that can accumulate in the environment.
  8. (6 letters): Persistent organic pollutant used as a pesticide.
  9. (10 letters): Contaminant often found in water, affecting thyroid function.
  10. Organic Compounds (VOCs) (19 letters): Organic chemicals that can evaporate into the air, contributing to air pollution.
  1. (9 letters): Reusing discarded materials to create something of higher value.
  2. (13 letters): Using microorganisms to clean up environmental pollutants.
  3. (9 letters): Abandoned industrial site with potential environmental hazards.
  4. (12 letters): Pollution originating from human activities.
  5. Dioxide (11 letters): Air pollutants produced by the burning of fossil fuels.
  6. (7 letters): Toxic metal that can accumulate in aquatic ecosystems.
  7. (9 letters): Chemicals used in plastics, linked to environmental and health concerns.
  8. (7 letters): Discarded electronic devices and equipment.
  9. (9 letters): Emitting radiation, often associated with nuclear waste.
  10. Bloom (9 letters): Rapid increase in the algae population in water, often due to nutrient pollution.

20 Clues: (7 letters): Discarded electronic devices and equipment.(12 letters): Pollution originating from human activities.(6 letters): Persistent organic pollutant used as a pesticide.(7 letters): Toxic metal that can accumulate in aquatic ecosystems.(9 letters): Emitting radiation, often associated with nuclear waste....

Crossword 2013-06-23

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Miss _______ greets you at the gate and helps in lessons. [ 7 letters, H_f__rd ]
  2. ________ is a widespread Asian religion, founded in 5th century BC northeastern India by Siddartha Gautama (commonly known as Buddha, meaning 'the awakened one'). [ 8 letters, B_d__ism ]
  3. ___________ materials allow light to pass through without refraction. [ 11 letters, T_a__p___nt ]
  4. With over 730 million people speaking it, ________ is the official and most widely used form of Chinese. [ 8 letters, M_n__rin ]
  5. Mr __________ eats white bread. [ 10 letters, B_d__n___n ]
  6. A brass musical instrument with a flared bell that produces a bright, penetrating tone. [ 7 letters, t_u__et ]
  7. Mrs ____ teaches you English. [ 4 letters, B_ll ]
  8. The native language you would hear in Paris. [ 6 letters, F_____ ]
  9. The painter, Paul ____, was inspired by Egypt. [ 4 letters, K_ee ]
  1. An ____ is a gaming console. [ 4 letters, X___ ]
  2. _______ - the state of being free from illness or injury. [ 7 letters, h_a__hy ]
  3. ______ - run at full speed over a short distance. [ 6 letters, s_r__t ]
  4. ___________ was a King of Egypt, reigning circa. 1361 BC – circa. 1352 BC. [ 11 letters, T_t__k___un ]
  5. 3 sided two dimensional shape. [ 8 letters, t_______ ]
  6. ______ is a search engine. [ 6 letters, G_____ ]
  7. Chapel Fields Junior School is in the Metropolitan Borough of ________. [ 8 letters, S_______ ]
  8. What is the missing word? - ______, mate, buddy, chum, pal. [ 6 letters, f_i__d ]
  9. Mrs _______ helps you in lessons and hands out lunch cards. [ 7 letters, D_r__nt ]
  10. Mrs _____ teaches you maths. [ 5 letters, T_g__ ]
  11. A person who writes poems, is a ____. [ 4 letters, p___ ]

20 Clues: An ____ is a gaming console. [ 4 letters, X___ ]______ is a search engine. [ 6 letters, G_____ ]Mrs _____ teaches you maths. [ 5 letters, T_g__ ]Mrs ____ teaches you English. [ 4 letters, B_ll ]3 sided two dimensional shape. [ 8 letters, t_______ ]A person who writes poems, is a ____. [ 4 letters, p___ ]...

Italian Activities with Descriptions 2024-04-26

Italian Activities with Descriptions crossword puzzle
  1. (9 letters) - To travel - "Viaggiare," the activity of going from one place to another.
  2. (7 letters) - To run - "Correre," faster than walking, often as exercise or sport.
  3. (7 letters) - To jump - "Saltare," propelling oneself into the air.
  4. (7 letters) - To clean - "Pulire," the activity of removing dirt or mess.
  5. (7 letters) - To sing - "Cantare," the act of producing musical sounds with the voice.
  6. (7 letters) - To fish - "Pescare," the activity of catching fish.
  7. (8 letters) - To paint - "Dipingere," the art of applying paint to a surface.
  8. (8 letters) - To study - "Studiare," the activity of learning or analyzing a subject.
  9. (7 letters) - To play - "Giocare," engaging in a game or sport.
  10. (7 letters) - To read - "Leggere," the act of interpreting written text.
  1. (7 letters) - To dance - "Ballare," moving rhythmically to music.
  2. (9 letters) - To teach - "Insegnare," the act of giving knowledge or instruction.
  3. (9 letters) - To walk - "Camminare," the act of moving at a regular pace by putting one foot in front of the other.
  4. (8 letters) - To write - "Scrivere," the act of forming letters or words on a surface.
  5. (11 letters) - To climb - "Arrampicare," the action of ascending or going up something.
  6. (7 letters) - To swim - "Nuotare," the act of moving through water.
  7. (8 letters) - To cook - "Cucinare," the process of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.
  8. (8 letters) - To eat - "Mangiare," the act of consuming food.
  9. (7 letters) - To drive - "Guidare," the act of operating and controlling a vehicle.
  10. (4 letters) - To drink - "Bere," the act of consuming liquids.

20 Clues: (8 letters) - To eat - "Mangiare," the act of consuming food.(4 letters) - To drink - "Bere," the act of consuming liquids.(7 letters) - To play - "Giocare," engaging in a game or sport.(7 letters) - To dance - "Ballare," moving rhythmically to music.(7 letters) - To fish - "Pescare," the activity of catching fish....

Science Crossword 2023-07-10

Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without depleting (8 letters)
  2. A place where an organism makes its home (7 letters)
  3. What is the chemical reaction used by micro organisms to convert glucose into energy (12 letters)
  4. A creature eaten by other animals (4 letters)
  5. A substance that does not dissolve (9 letters)
  6. Liquid which has passed through a filter (8 letters)
  7. Nurturances that store fat for the body (5 letters)
  8. A process that results in changes in the genetic material of a population over time (9 letters)
  9. A type of stone made when magma or lava cools (7 letters)
  1. To make a product safe for consumption by heating (11 letters)
  2. What is the name for a process that breaks up protein and changes its three-dimensional structure (9 letters)
  3. A material that physically attracts other substances (8 letters)
  4. A unit of measurement, symbol is v 9 (4 letters)
  5. An organisms that share characteristics and are able to produce off spring (7 letters)
  6. What is the name for the selective boiling and subsequent condensation of a component in a liquid mixture (12 letters)
  7. The name for the group 7 elements (7 letters)
  8. A negatively charged occurrence that is commonly found in an atom (7 letters)
  9. A material with small holes that make it able to absorb liquid (6 letters)
  10. A chemical that contains information on how to make an organism (acronym) (3 letters)
  11. Organisms that are exact genetic copies (5 letters)

20 Clues: A creature eaten by other animals (4 letters)The name for the group 7 elements (7 letters)A substance that does not dissolve (9 letters)A unit of measurement, symbol is v 9 (4 letters)Nurturances that store fat for the body (5 letters)Organisms that are exact genetic copies (5 letters)A place where an organism makes its home (7 letters)...

second test 2024-02-05

second test crossword puzzle
  1. A number that can be divided evenly by two or more other numbers (4 letters)
  2. A mathematical statement that is always true (5 letters)
  3. NUMBER A number that is greater than zero (5 letters)
  4. A mathematical operation that combines two numbers to get a third number (3 letters)
  5. NUMBER A number that cannot be written as a fraction of two integers (6 letters)
  6. A mathematical sentence that contains an equal sign (4 letters)
  7. A mathematical statement that can be either true or false (4 letters)
  8. A mathematical operation that involves dividing one number by another (3 letters)
  9. NUMBER A number that is less than zero (5 letters)
  1. A mathematical operation that involves subtracting one number from another (3 letters)
  2. A number that is multiplied by itself to get itself (2 letters)
  3. A mathematical operation that involves multiplying two numbers (3 letters)
  4. NUMBER A number that has no factors other than itself and one (4 letters)
  5. A mathematical expression that represents a variable or constant (2 letters)
  6. A mathematical expression that contains one or more variables (6 letters)
  7. NUMBER A number that can be divided evenly by two (6 letters)
  8. A mathematical expression that represents a number or variable (3 letters)
  9. A number that can be written as a fraction of two integers (5 letters)
  10. A mathematical sentence that contains an inequality sign (7 letters)
  11. A number that is multiplied by itself to get another number (3 letters)

20 Clues: NUMBER A number that is less than zero (5 letters)NUMBER A number that is greater than zero (5 letters)A mathematical statement that is always true (5 letters)NUMBER A number that can be divided evenly by two (6 letters)A number that is multiplied by itself to get itself (2 letters)A mathematical sentence that contains an equal sign (4 letters)...

English Recap 2021-12-01

English Recap crossword puzzle
  1. The name of Scrooge's nephew (4 letters)
  2. In 'Walking Away', the father says "like a ________ wrenched from its orbit" (9 letters)
  3. "heavy lightness" and "brawling love" are examples of this method (8 letters)
  4. The method where the weather reflects the mood, e.g. rain reflects sadness
  5. The bird that Romeo compares Juliet to when he first sees her - a "snowy ______" (4 letters)
  6. ________ Yousoufzai, a UN ambassador who campaigns for women's education (6 letters)
  7. The method where two opposing ideas are used together (13 letters)
  8. "Cold, bleak, ________ weather" (6 letters)
  9. Scrooge asks the charity workers, "are there no ________?" (7 letters)
  10. Juliet's surname (7 letters)
  11. Romeo's best friend who gets killed by Tybalt (8 letters)
  1. The poem ________ You Were Mine is about a daughter imagining a younger version of her mother (6 letters)
  2. The city where Romeo & Juliet is set (6 letters)
  3. _______, Any Distance, the poem by Simon Armitage that we have read (6 letters)
  4. Scrooge is "solitary as an ________" (6 letters)
  5. The method comparing 2 things together using 'as' or 'like' (6 letters)
  6. The name of Juliet's aggressive cousin (6 letters)
  7. What Romeo uses to commit suicide (6 letters)
  8. The name of Scrooge's boss when he was younger (8 letters)
  9. A persuasive method using amounts of something to appeal to the logical side of the brain (10 letters)
  10. The man that Lord Capulet wants Juliet to marry (5 letters)
  11. In Climbing My Grandfather, the poet compares this part of his grandfather to snow on top of a mountain (4 letters)

22 Clues: Juliet's surname (7 letters)The name of Scrooge's nephew (4 letters)"Cold, bleak, ________ weather" (6 letters)What Romeo uses to commit suicide (6 letters)The city where Romeo & Juliet is set (6 letters)Scrooge is "solitary as an ________" (6 letters)The name of Juliet's aggressive cousin (6 letters)...

(-less) 2021-02-11

(-less) crossword puzzle
  1. You have no pity(8 letters)
  2. You can not do anything to help yourself (8 letters)
  3. It will never end (7 letters)
  4. You can't think of words to say because you are so shocked (10 letters)
  5. You have no breath(10 letters)
  6. You don't care (8 letters)
  7. Doesn't change the time it always stays the same (8 letters)
  8. safe to use or be near (8 letters)
  9. It has no price (9 letters)
  1. It has no bottom and it is very deep (10 letters)
  2. It is perfect in every way (8 letters)
  3. It is worth nothing (9 letters)
  4. You don't fly (10 letters)
  5. You are scared of nothing (8 letters)
  6. You do not have a place you are wanting to go (7 letters)
  7. You can not do anything to help others(7 letters)
  8. It has no weight (10 letters)
  9. It does not hurt you a bit (8 letters)

18 Clues: You don't fly (10 letters)You don't care (8 letters)You have no pity(8 letters)It has no price (9 letters)It has no weight (10 letters)It will never end (7 letters)You have no breath(10 letters)It is worth nothing (9 letters)safe to use or be near (8 letters)You are scared of nothing (8 letters)It is perfect in every way (8 letters)...

Scripting Workflow 2020-02-25

Scripting Workflow crossword puzzle
  1. an applicant that has higher expectations than are reasonable for an entry level job due to previous work history (5 letters)
  2. sheet used to show applicants who have applied to OneSupport (6 letters)
  3. the knowledge or skill acquired over a period of time (10 letters)
  4. strong beliefs a person has about the proper way someone should behave or something should happen (12 letters)
  5. the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)
  6. things a recruiter must probe further when vetting an applicant (8 letters)
  7. when reviewing an applicant’s resume we would look for these in their employment history (15 letters)
  8. lacking or deficient in what we are searching for in applicants (4 letters)
  9. reserving a spot for an individual for the next step in our process (7 letters)
  10. shows intense and eager interest (12 letters)
  11. having necessary skills to perform a Job (9 letters)
  1. what a recruiter must do to an applicant (investigate thoroughly) (7 letters)
  2. when an applicant is recommended by a current employee (8 letters)
  3. includes the days and times that an individual is available to work (8 letters)
  4. someone who has previously applied for a job (14 letters)
  5. organized activity aimed at imparting information/instructions to help an individual attain knowledge or skills (8 letters)
  6. a form of problem solving (12 letters)
  7. when reviewing an applicant’s resume we would look for these in their employment history (4 letters)
  8. the act of verifying your work to ensure that there are no mistakes (11 letters)
  9. a person who applied and was previously employed by the same company (6 letters)
  10. test applicant takes when they apply to OneSupport (3 letters)
  11. attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people (10 letters)

22 Clues: a form of problem solving (12 letters)shows intense and eager interest (12 letters)having necessary skills to perform a Job (9 letters)the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)someone who has previously applied for a job (14 letters)test applicant takes when they apply to OneSupport (3 letters)...

Week 8 Spelling Words 2023-06-15

Week 8 Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. A green vegetable often used in cooking (8 letters, starting with 'B').
  2. A record or statement of financial transactions (7 letters, starting with 'A').
  3. To gather or collect over time (11 letters, starting with 'A').
  4. To provide lodging or space for someone (12 letters, starting with 'A').
  5. Without fault or error; flawless (10 letters, starting with 'I').
  6. To make someone familiar with something through repeated exposure (8 letters, starting with 'A').
  7. A soft leather slipper or shoe (8 letters, starting with 'M').
  8. To blame or charge someone with wrongdoing (6 letters, starting with 'A').
  9. A popular sport played with a round ball (6 letters, starting with 'S').
  10. A portable musical instrument with a keyboard and bellows (9 letters, starting with 'A').
  11. A person's regular or principal occupation (10 letters, starting with 'O').
  12. To approach and speak to someone aggressively or boldly (6 letters, starting with 'A').
  13. A sudden, involuntary spasm of the diaphragm (6 letters, starting with 'H').
  14. To take place or happen (5 letters, starting with 'O').
  15. A person who assists or participates in a crime or wrongdoing (10 letters, starting with 'A').
  1. Enthusiastic approval or praise (7 letters, starting with 'A').
  2. A plant with thick, fleshy leaves or stems that can store water (9 letters, starting with 'S').
  3. To yield or give in to pressure or temptation (7 letters, starting with 'S').
  4. A style of playing or singing characterized by short, disconnected notes (7 letters, starting with 'S').
  5. Free from error or inaccuracy (8 letters, starting with 'A').
  6. A person who handles financial records and transactions (10 letters, starting with 'A').
  7. To remove moisture from something, often through drying (9 letters, starting with 'D').
  8. An act of accusing or charging someone with a crime or offense (10 letters, starting with 'A').
  9. To take control or possession of something (6 letters, starting with 'O').

24 Clues: To take place or happen (5 letters, starting with 'O').Free from error or inaccuracy (8 letters, starting with 'A').A soft leather slipper or shoe (8 letters, starting with 'M').Enthusiastic approval or praise (7 letters, starting with 'A').To gather or collect over time (11 letters, starting with 'A')....

hello 2023-11-23

hello crossword puzzle
  1. The act of deliberately avoiding work or activity (8 letters)
  2. A feeling of great happiness and triumph (6 letters)
  3. The ability to make good judgments and decisions (10 letters)
  4. The quality of being courteous and gracious (5 letters)
  5. A deep-seated feeling of dislike or aversion (6 letters)
  6. A person who is excessively concerned with minor details (10 letters)
  7. A sudden and unexpected change or disruption (7 letters)
  8. A state of being extremely poor (9 letters)
  9. Meticulous attention to detail
  10. A person who is skilled in the use of words (9 letters)
  1. The quality of being brief and to the point (5 letters)
  2. To make (something) more acceptable or presentable (7 letters)
  3. Characterized by a lack of concern (8 letters)
  4. A feeling of deep regret or remorse (9 letters)
  5. The quality of being clear, logical, and convincing (9 letters)
  6. A sudden and violent outburst of emotion (7 letters)
  7. An elaborate and systematic plan of action (8 letters)
  8. To make less severe or intense (6 letters)
  9. A feeling of deep regret or remorse (9 letters)
  10. A state of perplexity or uncertainty (6 letters)

20 Clues: Meticulous attention to detailTo make less severe or intense (6 letters)A state of being extremely poor (9 letters)Characterized by a lack of concern (8 letters)A feeling of deep regret or remorse (9 letters)A feeling of deep regret or remorse (9 letters)A state of perplexity or uncertainty (6 letters)...

Scripting Workflow 2020-02-25

Scripting Workflow crossword puzzle
  1. a person who applied and was previously employed by the same company (6 letters)
  2. when reviewing an applicant’s resume we would look for these in their employment history (4 letters)
  3. when reviewing an applicant’s resume we would look for these in their employment history (15 letters)
  4. things a recruiter must probe further when vetting an applicant (8 letters)
  5. the knowledge or skill acquired over a period of time (10 letters)
  6. an applicant that has higher expectations than are reasonable for an entry level job due to previous work history (5 letters)
  7. when an applicant is recommended by a current employee (8 letters)
  8. the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)
  9. organized activity aimed at imparting information/instructions to help an individual attain knowledge or skills (8 letters)
  10. attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people (10 letters)
  11. what a recruiter must do to an applicant (investigate thoroughly) (7 letters)
  12. lacking or deficient in what we are searching for in applicants (4 letters)
  1. shows intense and eager interest (12 letters)
  2. having necessary skills to perform a Job (9 letters)
  3. someone who has previously applied for a job (14 letters)
  4. the act of verifying your work to ensure that there are no mistakes (11 letters)
  5. test applicant takes when they apply to OneSupport (3 letters)
  6. a form of problem solving (12 letters)
  7. strong beliefs a person has about the proper way someone should behave or something should happen (12 letters)
  8. sheet used to show applicants who have applied to OneSupport (6 letters)
  9. reserving a spot for an individual for the next step in our process (7 letters)
  10. includes the days and times that an individual is available to work (8 letters)

22 Clues: a form of problem solving (12 letters)shows intense and eager interest (12 letters)having necessary skills to perform a Job (9 letters)the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)someone who has previously applied for a job (14 letters)test applicant takes when they apply to OneSupport (3 letters)...

roc 2023-06-01

roc crossword puzzle
  1. Act of flying (6 letters)
  2. Extremely large (8 letters)
  3. Relating to Arabia (7 letters)
  4. Extremely beautiful or impressive (11 letters)
  5. Intensely aggressive or strong (6 letters)
  6. Atmosphere above the Earth (3 letters)
  7. Traditional stories or myths (7 letters)
  8. Very large or heavy (7 letters)
  1. Relating to birds (5 letters)
  2. Soft plumes covering a bird (8 letters)
  3. Imagination or make-believe (7 letters)
  4. Landmass surrounded by water (6 letters)
  5. Having great strength or force (8 letters)
  6. Feathered creature (4 letters)
  7. Appendages for flying (5 letters)
  8. Enormously large (5 letters)
  9. Birds' home (4 letters)

17 Clues: Birds' home (4 letters)Act of flying (6 letters)Extremely large (8 letters)Enormously large (5 letters)Relating to birds (5 letters)Relating to Arabia (7 letters)Feathered creature (4 letters)Very large or heavy (7 letters)Appendages for flying (5 letters)Atmosphere above the Earth (3 letters)Soft plumes covering a bird (8 letters)...

The Industrial Revolution 2021-03-17

The Industrial Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. A length or portion of time
  2. What was the peak time when things were invented? (4 numbers and 1 letter)
  3. What was the other country that was a big part of the industrial revolution? (7 letters)
  4. The word for growing crops and raising livestock? (7 letters)
  5. What was an important resource used in the textile industry? (6 letters)
  6. What vehicle replaced horses in the farming industry? (7 letters)
  7. The science or practise of farming? (11 letters)
  8. What was a way of sending someone a message? (9 letters)
  9. Last name of an important inventor? (4 letters)
  10. What’s an invention that replaced the telegrams? (9 letters)
  11. What’s a machine that separates cotton fibres from their seeds? (9 letters)
  12. What are paddocks planted with? (5 letters)
  13. What are people called who invent things? (8 letters)
  1. What’s the name for the early invention of a car? (10 letters)
  2. What was the main continent where the industrial revolution was? (6 letters)
  3. The word for when people move from rural to urban areas? (12 letters)
  4. What is an invention that helped women mend clothes? (13 letters)
  5. The word for machinery and equipment being developed from science? (10 letters)
  6. What is a way to listen to news and music? (5 letters)
  7. What is a vehicle that used electricity from the wires? (4 letters)
  8. What is a form of transport that is on rails? (5 letters)
  9. Machine for spinning wool or cotton (13 letters)
  10. What was used to transport people and goods down the rivers? (10 letters)
  11. What’s a resource people used for textiles that comes from a sheep? (4 letters)
  12. What is the word for people living together in a community? (7 letters)
  13. Armed conflict between different countries (3 letters)

26 Clues: A length or portion of timeWhat are paddocks planted with? (5 letters)Last name of an important inventor? (4 letters)The science or practise of farming? (11 letters)Machine for spinning wool or cotton (13 letters)What are people called who invent things? (8 letters)What is a way to listen to news and music? (5 letters)...

Genetics Crossword 2023-11-29

Genetics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to or denoting heritable characteristics controlled by genes that are expressed in offspring only when inherited from both parents, when not masked by a dominant characteristic inherited from one parent (9 letters)
  2. chart that shows the possible genotypes resulting from a genetic cross (8 letters)
  3. A diagram that shows the actual genetic makeup of an organism (9 letters)
  4. A type of cell division that produces gametes (6 letters)
  5. The relationship between two versions of a gene (8 letters)
  6. The genetic makeup of an organism (6 letters)
  7. The study of the structure and function of genes (6 letters)
  8. The complete set of genes in an organism (7 letters)
  9. A diagram that shows the pattern of inheritance for a specific trait (9 letters)
  10. The study of the structure and function of chromosomes (10 letters)
  11. A diagram that shows the possible outcomes of a genetic cross (7 letters)
  12. Having inherited the same versions of a genomic marker from each biologic parent (11 letters)
  13. A trait or variants encoded in DNA and passed from parent to offspring during reproduction (12 letters)
  14. Having inherited different versions of a genomic marker from each biologic parent (13 letters)
  15. The study of how traits change in populations over time (9 letters)
  1. The study of how traits are passed from parents to offspring (9 letters)
  2. A change in DNA sequence that can lead to a new trait (6 letters)
  3. The basic unit of heredity (5 letters)
  4. A chart that shows the inheritance of traits in a family (8 letters)
  5. The process of combining genetic material from two parents (9 letters)
  6. A specific characteristic in an individual (5 letters)
  7. The process of copying DNA to make new cells (8 letters)
  8. The passing on of traits from parents to offspring (8 letters)
  9. The physical expression of a genetic trait (5 letters)
  10. A section of DNA that contains instructions for building a specific protein (4 letters)
  11. The study of how genes and the environment interact to influence traits (10 letters)

26 Clues: The basic unit of heredity (5 letters)The genetic makeup of an organism (6 letters)The complete set of genes in an organism (7 letters)A specific characteristic in an individual (5 letters)The physical expression of a genetic trait (5 letters)The process of copying DNA to make new cells (8 letters)...

IS1 NetSec Newsletter Crossword Challenge #1 - AWS CloudWatch 2023-07-31

IS1 NetSec Newsletter Crossword Challenge #1 - AWS CloudWatch crossword puzzle
  1. A software that you install on an EC2 instance to collect custom metrics. (10+5 Letters)
  2. The process of integrating CloudWatch with other AWS services. (11 Letters)
  3. Serverless compute service that can be monitored using CloudWatch. (6 Letters)
  4. A sequence of characters used to categorize CloudWatch metrics. (10 Letters)
  5. Patterns used to match events in EventBridge. (5+8 Letters)
  6. AWS service for collecting, viewing, and analyzing logs. (4 Letters)
  7. CloudWatch feature that detects unusual behavior in metrics. (7+9 Letters)
  8. The "container" for metrics that share the same characteristics. (9 Letters)
  9. These are time-series data points that CloudWatch uses to monitor resources. (7 Letters)
  10. Statistical measures used in CloudWatch to calculate specific data points within a dataset, dividing it into 100 equal parts. (11 Letters)
  11. Combining multiple metrics using mathematical operations. (11 Letters)
  1. API call used to publish a metric to CloudWatch. (14 Letters)
  2. The duration CloudWatch retains log data for. (9 Letters)
  3. The service triggering an event in EventBridge. (5+6 Letters)
  4. A set of graphs, tables, and text that can visualize CloudWatch metrics. (9 Letters)
  5. Action that allows you to programmatically set the state of an alarm in AWS CloudWatch. (13 Letters)
  6. Configurations that forward specific data streams in AWS CloudWatch to external destinations. (11+7 Letters)
  7. The type of data you request from CloudWatch metrics, e.g., Average, Minimum, Maximum. (10 Letters)
  8. A collection of logs with the same source. (3+5 Letters)
  9. A threshold you set to trigger an action when certain conditions are met. (6 Letters)
  10. A CloudWatch feature to analyze and query logs interactively. (8 Letters)

21 Clues: A collection of logs with the same source. (3+5 Letters)The duration CloudWatch retains log data for. (9 Letters)Patterns used to match events in EventBridge. (5+8 Letters)API call used to publish a metric to CloudWatch. (14 Letters)The service triggering an event in EventBridge. (5+6 Letters)...

Culinary terms 2020-10-06

Culinary terms crossword puzzle
  1. 5 letters to cut into small irregular pieces
  2. to cut food into squares about 1/2 inch in size
  3. 5 letters to cut into long thin strips
  4. 7 letters to thaw at room temperature
  5. to beat solid fat and sugar until it is light
  6. to cook small pieces in hot liquid
  7. 5 letters, to lightly fry in hot oil or fat
  8. 4 letters, to remove skin
  9. 9 letters to soften a food by applying force
  10. to add a delicate mixture into another heavier one
  11. 5 letters to add long shallow cuts to meat
  1. 6 characters, to add cold butter to flour
  2. 5 letters to work a ball of dough
  3. 8 letters to soak in cold, flavored liquid
  4. 4 letter, to cut.
  5. 5 letters, to bake at a very hot and dry temp
  6. 6 letters, to store at very cold temperature
  7. 8 letters to remove pathogens from a surface
  8. 5 letters, to thoroughly combine ingredients
  9. 6 letters to remove solids from liquids

20 Clues: 4 letter, to cut.4 letters, to remove skin5 letters to work a ball of doughto cook small pieces in hot liquid7 letters to thaw at room temperature5 letters to cut into long thin strips6 letters to remove solids from liquids6 characters, to add cold butter to flour8 letters to soak in cold, flavored liquid5 letters to add long shallow cuts to meat...

It's A Small Word Crossword 2023-05-22

It's A Small Word Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A group of interacting organisms of different species that coexist in the same geographic area and are connected through various ecological interactions (9 letters)
  2. The non-living components of an ecosystem.(7 letters)
  3. The role or function of an organism in an ecosystem (5 letters)
  4. Organism that hunts and kills consumers (8 letters)
  5. The process by which green plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (14 letters)
  6. Organism that synthesises its own food through photosynthesis. (8 letters)
  7. Predator reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park (7 letters)
  8. Starts from primary producers and moves through different trophic levels. (6 letters)
  9. The process of one species gradually replacing another in an ecosystem (10 letters)
  10. Avian steppe predator (5 letters)
  11. Way in which energy is wasted (4 letters)
  12. A relationship between two organisms where one benefits and the other is harmed (10 letters)
  1. The variety of life forms in a particular habitat or on Earth as a whole (9 letters)
  2. A group of organisms of the same species living in the same area (10 letters)
  3. The process of breaking down organic matter into simpler substances by decomposers (10 letters)
  4. Predator at the top of a food chain or food web that has no natural predators of its own within its ecosystem (4 letters)
  5. Living components of an ecosystem.(6 letters)
  6. A species that has a significant impact on the structure and functioning of an ecosystem (8 letters)
  7. The relationship between two organisms where both benefit (9 letters)
  8. A diagram that shows the feeding relationships between organisms in an ecosystem (7 letters)
  9. Organism that is eaten by a predator (4 letters)
  10. Refers to the level that an organism occupies in a food chain or food web (7 letters)
  11. A linear sequence that represents the transfer of energy and nutrients from one organism to another in an ecosystem. (9 letters)
  12. The study of how organisms interact with their environment (7 letters)
  13. The natural environment in which an organism or population lives (7 letters)
  14. Organism that primarily feeds on plant material such as leaves, stems, roots, or fruits. (9 letters

26 Clues: Avian steppe predator (5 letters)Way in which energy is wasted (4 letters)Living components of an ecosystem.(6 letters)Organism that is eaten by a predator (4 letters)Organism that hunts and kills consumers (8 letters)The non-living components of an ecosystem.(7 letters)Predator reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park (7 letters)...

Woodcraft Tools 2023-08-11

Woodcraft Tools crossword puzzle
  1. Needed for precise and controlled strikes (6 letters)
  2. Required for drilling holes of different sizes (8 letters)
  3. Fundamental cutting tool for woodworking (7 letters)
  4. Essential for turning screws and bolts (12 letters)
  5. Used for intricate woodcutting, especially curves (11 letters)
  6. Used to secure pieces in place during woodworking (7 letters)
  7. Used for decorative woodburning designs (14 letters)
  8. Creates holes in wood for various purposes (5 letters)
  9. Used for shaping and smoothing wood surfaces (5 letters)
  1. Used for intricate wood carving (13 letters)
  2. Tool for heavy and forceful strikes (6 letters)
  3. Commonly used for cutting wood by hand (8 letters)
  4. Essential for accurate dimensions (11 letters)
  5. Provides stability and accuracy for drilling (11 letters)
  6. Ensures right angles and measurements (7 letters)
  7. Used to shave and smooth wood surfaces (6 letters)
  8. Used for shaping and refining wood by abrasion (5 letters)
  9. Used for marking guidelines on wood (6 letters)

18 Clues: Used for intricate wood carving (13 letters)Essential for accurate dimensions (11 letters)Tool for heavy and forceful strikes (6 letters)Used for marking guidelines on wood (6 letters)Ensures right angles and measurements (7 letters)Commonly used for cutting wood by hand (8 letters)Used to shave and smooth wood surfaces (6 letters)...

Practice OCAT #2 2022-11-18

Practice OCAT #2 crossword puzzle
  1. All the tickets for the seats are sold, but we still haven’t generated max revenue (14 letters)
  2. This gas makes my body (ACh)e to no end, but it isn't broken down (5 letters)
  3. I feel so stressed but it’s not (adrenal)ine (8 letters)
  4. A small dose and your wrinkles fade; too much and you've poisoned your brain (9 letters)
  5. It’s not Artemis, Voyager 1, or Mars Odyssey, but it does still matter if there’s more than one receptor site (5 letters)
  6. Still not as long as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (32 letters)
  7. One of the twins, but this one has a pocket (4 letters)
  8. Named after the Sanskrit word for bliss, this one doesn’t act very proactively (10 letters)
  9. Rest and digest (15 letters)
  10. No need to keep inventory, this type of messenger is produced on demand (13 letters)
  11. Like marshmallows on a stick (6 letters)
  1. To the right, to the right, to the right; to the left, to the left, to the left (10 letters)
  2. The Cell Bio zoo features squid axons, snake milking, and newt ____ (8 letters)
  3. Neuronal, inducible, endothelial (3 letters)
  4. Careful, don't get caught in that trap (5 letters)
  5. To be (active) or not to be (active), this reversible cycle decides (15 letters)
  6. You can climb up a mountain, but when this is present, you slide down a waterslide (7 letters)
  7. Took an L on my last OCAT so I'm not quite happy yet (5 letters)
  8. The call me the Chairman because I oxidize them all (3 letters)
  9. It's the holiday season - time to give presents and spread the holiday cheer (6 letters)
  10. Chari's least favourite way to spend his summer (4 letters)
  11. This extracurricular can't go on your resume, but it does involve your concentration (4 letters)
  12. Usually, I'm openly receptive to interactions, but once I go inside I won't respond anymore because of this (15 letters)
  13. Each gap between the insulation (4 letters)
  14. Leader of the wolfpack (5 letters)

25 Clues: Rest and digest (15 letters)Leader of the wolfpack (5 letters)Like marshmallows on a stick (6 letters)Each gap between the insulation (4 letters)Neuronal, inducible, endothelial (3 letters)Careful, don't get caught in that trap (5 letters)One of the twins, but this one has a pocket (4 letters)I feel so stressed but it’s not (adrenal)ine (8 letters)...

Learning About Cultures From Around The World Crossword 2023-02-09

Learning About Cultures From Around The World Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Phoenix has very _ _ _ summers every year. (3 letters)
  2. Berlin is filled with vibrant _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (7 letters)
  3. Moscow has very long and cold _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (7 letters)
  4. London has _ _ _ telephone booths.(3 letters)
  5. Berlin does not have many natural _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (9 letters)
  6. When in Tokyo, you might eat _ _ _ _ _. (5 letters)
  7. Paris commonly experiences _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (8 letters)
  8. Tokyo looks like a combination of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and modern architecture. (7 letters)
  9. Phoenix is the 5th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city in the U.S.A. (7 letters)
  1. A city founded in 1881 (7 letters)
  2. Weather in Moscow is very _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (7 letters)
  3. A pastry Paris is famous for is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (9 letters)
  4. Moscow is the capital of _ _ _ _ _ _. (6 letters)
  5. Berlin is the capital of _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (7 letters)
  6. London's royalty is part of the _ _ _ _ _ family. (5 letters)
  7. Tokyo is the most populated city in the _ _ _ _ _. (5 letters)
  8. Paris is located on the continent called _ _ _ _ _ _. (6 letters)
  9. Big _ _ _ is one of London's landmarks. (3 letters)

18 Clues: A city founded in 1881 (7 letters)London has _ _ _ telephone booths.(3 letters)Moscow is the capital of _ _ _ _ _ _. (6 letters)Berlin is the capital of _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (7 letters)When in Tokyo, you might eat _ _ _ _ _. (5 letters)Big _ _ _ is one of London's landmarks. (3 letters)Weather in Moscow is very _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (7 letters)...

90s Music 2021-06-15

90s Music crossword puzzle
  1. The Artist that made the song I will always love you
  2. Also a synonym for "Shred"(4 letters)
  3. The singers of Whoomp! There it is
  4. A Christmas song released in 1994 by Mariah Carey(25 letters)
  5. Finish the song title: Smells Like ____ _____ (10 Letters)
  6. A popular song by her from the 90s is "...Oops I did it again"
  7. The singer of the song "Barbie Girl"(4 letters)
  8. The singers of "I Want It That Way"(14 Letters)
  9. Another song by the same artist who made "Oops...I did it again"(15 letters)
  10. Did a remix of "Levitating by Dua Lipa(7 Letters)
  1. A song made by MC Hammer in 1990(14 letters)
  2. Song by the Spice Girls beginning with "W"(7 letters)
  3. This song was at the beginning of Shrek(7 letters)
  4. this song by Savage Garden shares the name with a One Direction song(16 letters)
  5. Also the name of a magazine(5 letters)
  6. She was declared Artist of the Decade of the 1990s by Billboard(11 letters)
  7. Song by Scatman John, Fill in the blank. I'm a _____(7 letters)
  8. This song is also a primary colour(4 letters)
  9. This was the artist who sang "My Heart Will Go On"(10 letters)
  10. A boy band formed in 1995(5 letters)

20 Clues: The singers of Whoomp! There it isA boy band formed in 1995(5 letters)Also a synonym for "Shred"(4 letters)Also the name of a magazine(5 letters)A song made by MC Hammer in 1990(14 letters)This song is also a primary colour(4 letters)The singer of the song "Barbie Girl"(4 letters)The singers of "I Want It That Way"(14 Letters)...

Katy’s Travel Puzzle 2024-04-20

Katy’s Travel Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Chaperones(4 letters)
  2. Pub game(5 letters)
  3. British slang for a sturdy and reliable person (11 letters)
  4. Justin’s character (7,5 letters)
  5. Post-shower necessity (5 letters)
  6. London Song (5,2,11,7)
  7. Attention diverter (12 letters)
  8. Earth’s natural satellite (4 letters)
  9. Playful taunt (9 letters)
  1. Person who appropriates fire-starting devices (7,5 letters)
  2. Unexpected winner (4,5 letters)
  3. Affectionate gestures (7 letters)
  4. Warm embraces (7 letters)
  5. T-Minus activity (9 letters)
  6. Customized call signal (8 letters)
  7. David Lynch TV mystery (4,5 letters)
  8. Medieval entertainers (9 letters)

17 Clues: Pub game(5 letters)Chaperones(4 letters)London Song (5,2,11,7)Warm embraces (7 letters)Playful taunt (9 letters)T-Minus activity (9 letters)Unexpected winner (4,5 letters)Attention diverter (12 letters)Justin’s character (7,5 letters)Affectionate gestures (7 letters)Post-shower necessity (5 letters)Medieval entertainers (9 letters)...

Hidden 2022-07-12

Hidden crossword puzzle
  1. See the video ( 1 word, 9 letters)
  2. Triad of situs inversus, chronic sinusitis, and bronchiectasis (2 words, 18 letters)
  3. Giant 'a' wave in JVP(2 words, 10 letters)
  4. The enzyme responsible for conversion of androgens to estrogens(1 word,9 letters)
  5. Group of progressive hereditary nerve disorders related to the defective production of proteins involved in the structure & function of peripheral nerves(3words,17 letters)
  6. Condition shown in given image(2 words, 14 letters)
  7. Drug for treatment of syndrome in which there is gain of function of epithelial ENaC channels in kidney (1 word, 9 letters)
  1. Foot plantar flexed, person walks on toes( 2 words, 14 letters)
  2. Nerve of Frey syndrome(1 word, 16 letters)
  3. Muscle with dual nerve supply and is a flexor and adductor of thigh(1 word, 9 letters)
  4. Syndrome in which Ulnar nerve trapped between two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris( 2 words, 13 letters)
  5. Osazone with shape of touch-me-not plant under microscope (1 word, 11 letters)
  6. Autosomal recessive trinucleotide repeat disorder (GAA)n on chromosome 9 (2 words, 16 letters)
  7. Method for measuring clotting time(1 word, 7 letters)
  8. Element which causes glycolysis to produce zero net ATP(1 word, 7 letters)
  9. RBC morphology in thalassemia(1 word, 10 letters)
  10. Embryonic structure which forms seminal vesicle in males(2 words, 12 letters)
  11. Enzyme deficient in Hereditary Fructose Intolerance(1 word, 9 letters)
  12. Anatomical triangle removed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy(2 words, 14 letters)
  13. Hernia at the site of regression of right umbilical vein( 1 word, 13 letters)

20 Clues: See the video ( 1 word, 9 letters)Nerve of Frey syndrome(1 word, 16 letters)Giant 'a' wave in JVP(2 words, 10 letters)RBC morphology in thalassemia(1 word, 10 letters)Condition shown in given image(2 words, 14 letters)Method for measuring clotting time(1 word, 7 letters)Foot plantar flexed, person walks on toes( 2 words, 14 letters)...

Fruits 2024-04-02

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. A common fruit with a red or green skin (5 letters)
  2. A yellow fruit often found in bunches (6 letters)
  3. Small round fruits often found in bunches (6 letters)
  4. fruit A small tropical fruit with a tough outer rind and juicy, seed-filled center (12 letters)
  5. A small red fruit with a stone inside (6 letters)
  6. A sweet fruit with a green or brown skin and white flesh (4 letters)
  7. A tropical fruit with a rough, spiky skin (9 letters)
  8. A large green fruit with red flesh (10 letters)
  9. A tropical fruit with a hard shell and white flesh (7 letters)
  10. A red fruit often used in salads and sauces (6 letters)
  11. A small red fruit with seeds on the outside (10 letters)
  1. A small round fruit with green skin and sour flesh (4 letters)
  2. A small red or black fruit similar to a blackberry (9 letters)
  3. A round citrus fruit with a tough orange skin (6 letters)
  4. A round, juicy fruit with fuzzy skin (5 letters)
  5. A small green fruit with brown skin and green flesh (4 letters)
  6. A large citrus fruit with a yellow or pink skin (10 letters)
  7. A sour citrus fruit (5 letters)
  8. A small round fruit with a purple or black skin (10 letters)

19 Clues: A sour citrus fruit (5 letters)A large green fruit with red flesh (10 letters)A round, juicy fruit with fuzzy skin (5 letters)A yellow fruit often found in bunches (6 letters)A small red fruit with a stone inside (6 letters)A common fruit with a red or green skin (5 letters)Small round fruits often found in bunches (6 letters)...

Scripting Workflow 2 2020-02-28

Scripting Workflow 2 crossword puzzle
  1. concerns a recruiter should probe further when vetting an applicant (8 letters/2 words)
  2. being dedicated to an activity (10 letters)
  3. the assistance provided by a company to those people who buy or use its services (15 letters/2 words)
  4. a communication quality that enables someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with others (10 letters/2 words)
  5. when reviewing an applicant with significant experience, recruiters need to probe to ensure the applicant has realistic ___________ (12 letters)
  6. an organized activity aimed at imparting information/instructions to help an individual attain knowledge or skills (8 letters)
  7. the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)
  8. reserving a spot for an individual for the next step in our process (7 letters)
  9. what recruiters should do with applicants when scripting (7 letters)
  10. a person who has applied and was previously employed by the same company (6 letters)
  1. the latest time or date by which something should be completed (8 letters)
  2. a form of problem solving with someone (12 letters)
  3. a sheet used to show applicants who have applied to OneSupport (6 letters)
  4. includes the days and times that an individual is available to work (8 letters)
  5. shows intense or eager interest (12 letters)
  6. someone who has previously applied for a job (14 letters/two words)
  7. when reviewing an applicant's resume, we look for these in their employment history (4 letters)
  8. an applicant that has higher expectations than are reasonable for an entry level job due to previous work history (5 letters)
  9. when an applicant is recommended by a current employee (8 letters)
  10. the act of verifying your work to ensure there are no mistakes (11 letters/2 words)
  11. the knowledge or skill acquired over time (10 letters)

21 Clues: being dedicated to an activity (10 letters)shows intense or eager interest (12 letters)a form of problem solving with someone (12 letters)the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)the knowledge or skill acquired over time (10 letters)when an applicant is recommended by a current employee (8 letters)...

CLUE 5 2024-04-05

CLUE 5 crossword puzzle
  1. A type of writing instrument (5 letters)
  2. A large group of people (5 letters)
  3. A large building (6 letters)
  4. Large body of water (5 letters)
  5. A delicious summer fruit (4 letters)
  6. A sharp object (5 letters)
  7. Feeling happy and content (7 letters)
  1. A period of time (4 letters)
  2. A place to sleep (4 letters)
  3. Opposite of hot (4 letters)
  4. Something you wear on your feet (5 letters)
  5. A large container (5 letters)
  6. A sweet treat (4 letters)
  7. Short trip (4 letters)
  8. Feeling unwell (4 letters)
  9. To travel by air (4 letters)
  10. A tasty spread (4 letters)

17 Clues: Short trip (4 letters)A sweet treat (4 letters)Feeling unwell (4 letters)A sharp object (5 letters)A tasty spread (4 letters)Opposite of hot (4 letters)A period of time (4 letters)A place to sleep (4 letters)A large building (6 letters)To travel by air (4 letters)A large container (5 letters)Large body of water (5 letters)...


CARBONYL CHEMISTRY crossword puzzle
  1. Which Group 1 metal is usually used as an organometallic reagent? (7 letters)
  2. What type of alcohol is formed when an ester is reacted with an organometallic reagent or metal hydride? (8 letters)
  3. The simplest carbonyl compound is? (12 letters)
  4. What group is formed when two Carboxylic Acids are dehydrated and bond together? (9 letters)
  5. What type of reactions do Grignard reagents and organometallic reagents perform on carbonyl groups? (8 letters)
  6. Ketones and aldehydes can both exist as ______ forms. (9 letters)
  7. Cyanide acts as a _____ when it is attacking carbonyl groups to form a cyanohydrin. (11 letters)
  8. What molecular shape does the intermediate of a reaction involving Acyl compounds have? (11 letters)
  9. What is a disadvantage related to the use of diazomethane? (5 letters)
  10. What factor results in higher boiling points in carbonyl compounds? (8 letters)
  1. Carbonyl compounds like acetone are usually ______ with water. (8 letters)
  2. Carbonyl groups reacting with Grignard reagents undergo an _____ reaction. (12 letters)
  3. What type of reaction is involved in the second part of mechanisms involving Acyl compounds? (11 letters)
  4. Diols are formed from the ______ of carbonyl compounds. (9 letters)
  5. What reduces the double bond character of a carbonyl group? (11 letters)
  6. What chemical compound is used to methylate carboxylic acids? (12 letters)
  7. Aldehydes are less _____ than ketones. (6 letters)
  8. What is the shape of carboxylic acids? (8 letters)
  9. The formation of a hemiacetal is a result of a carbonyl group reacting with an _____. (7 letters)
  10. What information about the chemical composition of molecules do we gain from IR spectroscopy? (6 letters)

20 Clues: The simplest carbonyl compound is? (12 letters)Aldehydes are less _____ than ketones. (6 letters)What is the shape of carboxylic acids? (8 letters)Ketones and aldehydes can both exist as ______ forms. (9 letters)Diols are formed from the ______ of carbonyl compounds. (9 letters)What is a disadvantage related to the use of diazomethane? (5 letters)...

Outer Space 2023-09-26

Outer Space crossword puzzle
  1. A scientist who studies celestial objects and the universe (10 letters).
  2. An activity where astronauts leave their spacecraft and float in space (9 letters).
  3. A ringed planet known for its striking rings (6 letters).
  4. A planet that orbits a star outside our solar system (9 letters).
  5. A celestial body that orbits a star and has its own gravity (6 letters).
  6. The force that attracts two objects with mass toward each other (7 letters).
  7. A celestial object made of ice, dust, and gas, with a tail when near the sun (6 letters).
  8. All of space, time, matter, and energy in existence (8 letters).
  9. A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern in the sky (12 letters).
  10. A vehicle used for space travel that propels itself by expelling exhaust gases (6 letters).
  11. A region of space with gravitational pull so strong that nothing can escape it (8 letters).
  1. Relating to the sun (5 letters).
  2. Special clothing designed to protect astronauts in space (9 letters).
  3. A vast cloud of gas and dust in space, where new stars are born (6 letters).
  4. An object that orbits a planet or star (9 letters).
  5. A small celestial object that burns up upon entering Earth's atmosphere (6 letters).
  6. A smaller chunk of rock or metal in space (8 letters).
  7. A person trained to travel and work in space (9 letters).
  8. A massive collection of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter (6 letters).
  9. An instrument used to observe distant objects in space (9 letters).

20 Clues: Relating to the sun (5 letters).An object that orbits a planet or star (9 letters).A smaller chunk of rock or metal in space (8 letters).A ringed planet known for its striking rings (6 letters).A person trained to travel and work in space (9 letters).All of space, time, matter, and energy in existence (8 letters)....

FT Xmas 2018 2018-10-29

FT Xmas 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. The gift from my true love sent on the seventh day of Christmas. 5 letters
  2. Which character in the Dicken’s novel was haunted by the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future? 7 letters
  3. In 1846 Thomas Smith invented what popular Christmas item? 7 letters
  4. In which ocean do you find Christmas Island? 6 letters
  5. Traditional home of Santa Claus and his reindeer. 7 letters
  6. Penguins live in this Polar region. 9 letters
  7. The name of the lion in CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia. 5 letters
  8. On which day after Christmas are the trees and decorations traditionally taken down? 5 letters
  9. This unsinkable ship sank in 1912. 7 letters
  10. An evergreen plant with small white berries. 9 letters
  11. Lights Another name given to the Aurora Borealis. 8 and 6 letters
  1. fizz The name given to the festive drink of champagne mixed with orange juice. 5 and 4 letters
  2. What popular Christmas decoration is derived from the Old French work estincelle meaning “spark? 6 letters
  3. Which saint’s feast is celebrated on Boxing Day? 7 letters
  4. A spice produced in Indonesia and China used in flavouring mulled wine. 8 letters
  5. One of the many names given to Christmas. 4 letters
  6. What star sign would you be born under on 25 December? 9 letters
  7. How many points are there on a snowflake? 3 letters
  8. On Christmas Day, where did the three ships sail into? 9 letters
  9. Scottish name for the celebrations on Old Year’s Night. 8 letters

20 Clues: This unsinkable ship sank in 1912. 7 lettersPenguins live in this Polar region. 9 lettersOne of the many names given to Christmas. 4 lettersHow many points are there on a snowflake? 3 lettersIn which ocean do you find Christmas Island? 6 lettersAn evergreen plant with small white berries. 9 letters...

SOLUTIONS, Unit 1 Vocabulary (A) 2020-10-11

SOLUTIONS, Unit 1 Vocabulary (A) crossword puzzle
  1. skandāls (n, 7 letters)
  2. žurnālistika (n, 10 letters)
  3. photographers who follows famous people around in order to get interesting photographs of them to sell to a newspaper (n, 9 letters)
  4. ‘dzeltenā prese’, preses izdevums ar daudz attēliem un īsiem rakstiem par slavenību dzīvi (noun phrase, 2 words)
  5. notice or attention given to someone or something by the media (n, 9 letters)
  6. act of communicating with somebody, especially while you work, play or spend time with them (n, 11 letters)
  7. būt sabiedrības interesēs (verb phrase, 5 words)
  8. iesūdzēt tiesā par neslavas celšanu presē (verb phrase, 3 words)
  9. tenkas (n, 6 letters)
  1. a person who pays to receive a service (n, 10 letters)
  2. not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it (adj, 11 letters)
  3. a person or an organization that supplies somebody with something they need or want (n, 8 letters)
  4. annoy or worry somebody by putting pressure on them or saying or doing unpleasant things to them (v, 6 letters)
  5. brīdināt (v, 4 letters)
  6. how easy something is to reach, enter, use, see, etc. (n, 13 letters)
  7. vajāt, izsekot (v., 5 letters)
  8. slavenības (n, 11 letters)
  9. the information or other material contained on a website or other digital media (n, 7 letters)
  10. atsauksme (n, 8 letters)
  11. to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to eat (v, 6 letters)
  12. attieksme (n, 8 letters)
  13. the act of printing a statement about somebody that is not true and that gives people a bad opinion of them (n, 5 letters)
  14. pilnīgi, sin. ‘absolutely’ (adv, 7 letters)
  15. taupīgs, sin. stingy (adj, 7 letters)
  16. personas privātumu aizsargājoši likumi (noun phrase, 2 words)

25 Clues: tenkas (n, 6 letters)brīdināt (v, 4 letters)skandāls (n, 7 letters)atsauksme (n, 8 letters)attieksme (n, 8 letters)slavenības (n, 11 letters)žurnālistika (n, 10 letters)vajāt, izsekot (v., 5 letters)taupīgs, sin. stingy (adj, 7 letters)pilnīgi, sin. ‘absolutely’ (adv, 7 letters)būt sabiedrības interesēs (verb phrase, 5 words)...

Government 2024-03-14

Government crossword puzzle
  1. - The department responsible for conducting foreign relations and diplomacy (8 letters)
  2. - The first Vice President to succeed to the presidency upon the death of a President (7 letters)
  3. - The current Vice President of the United States (7 letters)
  4. - The first Vice President of the United States (6 letters)
  5. - The President's power to reject a bill passed by Congress (9 letters)
  6. - The President's primary role as the head of the nation's armed forces (16 letters)
  7. - The President's power to reject a bill passed by Congress (4 letters)
  8. - The group of advisors appointed by the President to lead various government departments (7 letters)
  9. - The foundational legal document of the United States that outlines the powers of the President (11 letters)
  10. - Referring to the President's role as a symbol of the United States (10 letters)
  11. - The number of members in the President's Cabinet (6 letters)
  12. - Directives issued by the President that have the force of law (2 words, 15 letters)
  13. - The department responsible for overseeing the nation's monetary policy and financial institutions (4 letters)
  14. - The body that formally elects the President and Vice President of the United States (2 words, 15 letters)
  15. - The President's official residence in Washington, D.C. (9 letters)
  16. - The highest court in the United States, whose members are appointed by the President (2 words, 12 letters)
  1. - The formal address given by the President to Congress each year (3 words, 14 letters)
  2. - A subdivision of the executive branch responsible for a specific area of governance (10 letters)
  3. - The type of government system the United States operates under (7 letters)
  4. - The first Vice President of the United States (6 letters)
  5. - The amendment that outlines the process for Presidential succession in case of vacancy (3 words, 5 letters)
  6. - The President's power to appoint judges, ambassadors, and other officials (11 letters)
  7. - The branch of government responsible for enforcing laws (9 letters)
  8. - The annual address given by the President to Congress (4 words, 15 letters)
  9. - The formal ceremony where the President takes the oath of office (12 letters)
  10. - The department responsible for managing U.S. foreign policy (5 letters)
  11. - The President's role as the symbolic representative of the entire country (10 letters)
  12. - The branch of government responsible for making laws (11 letters)
  13. - The process by which the President can be removed from office for "high crimes and misdemeanors" (10 letters)
  14. - The President's authority to grant reprieves and pardons for federal offenses (12 letters)
  15. - The number of executive departments in the U.S. Cabinet (7 letters)
  16. - The number of terms a President can serve according to the 22nd Amendment (2 words, 6 letters)

32 Clues: - The first Vice President of the United States (6 letters)- The first Vice President of the United States (6 letters)- The current Vice President of the United States (7 letters)- The number of members in the President's Cabinet (6 letters)- The branch of government responsible for making laws (11 letters)...

Global Innovation Summit 2023 2023-05-02

Global Innovation Summit 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. The act of giving someone support, confidence, or hope (13 letters)
  2. The degree to which something can be seen or noticed (10 letters)
  3. The act of paying attention to and hearing what someone says (9 letters)
  4. State of being worthy (7 letters)
  5. The act of watching, noticing or monitoring something or someone (9 letters)
  6. A range of different things, qualities, or ideas (9 letters)
  7. The state or quality of being linked or related to something or someone else (14 letters)
  8. Reliance on the integrity, strength, or ability of someone or something (5 letters)
  1. The acknowledgement of something's existence, validity, or legality (11 letters)
  2. The quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance (8 letters)
  3. Fairness and impartiality in dealings (6 letters)
  4. The omission of an expected or required outcome (7 letters)
  5. The ability to maintain or endure without depleting (14 letters)
  6. The act of participating (10 letters)
  7. A strong desire to know or learn something (9 letters)
  8. The acquisition and formation of new knowledge and ideas(8 letters)
  9. The maximum amount that something can contain or produce (8 letters)
  10. Regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others (7 letters)
  11. To give someone the ability or confidence to do something (7 letters)

19 Clues: State of being worthy (7 letters)The act of participating (10 letters)Fairness and impartiality in dealings (6 letters)A strong desire to know or learn something (9 letters)The omission of an expected or required outcome (7 letters)A range of different things, qualities, or ideas (9 letters)...

Animal Adventure 2023-09-26

Animal Adventure crossword puzzle
  1. A nocturnal bird known for its wisdom (3 letters).
  2. The fastest land animal, known for its speed (7 letters).
  3. With stripes on its body, it's a fierce jungle cat (5 letters).
  4. This black and white animal looks like a striped horse (5 letters).
  5. Known for its love of eucalyptus leaves and tree-dwelling (5 letters).
  6. It carries its baby in a pouch and hops around (8 letters).
  7. This bird can't fly but is an excellent swimmer (7 letters).
  8. A large reptile found in rivers with a strong bite (9 letters).
  9. It swings from trees and loves bananas (6 letters).
  1. A smart sea creature known for its playful behavior (7 letters).
  2. A slow-moving reptile with a hard shell (6 letters).
  3. A large, furry animal that hibernates in winter (4 letters).
  4. A massive animal with a horn on its nose (10 letters).
  5. This animal has a long trunk and big ears (8 letters).
  6. A black and white bear from China, loved for its cuteness (5 letters).
  7. It's a hefty, water-loving animal with big jaws (5 letters).
  8. A marsupial that hops and carries its young (8 letters).
  9. This tall animal has a long neck and spots on its body (7 letters).
  10. This sea creature has eight long tentacles (7 letters).
  11. Known as the king of the jungle, it has a majestic mane (4 letters).

20 Clues: A nocturnal bird known for its wisdom (3 letters).It swings from trees and loves bananas (6 letters).A slow-moving reptile with a hard shell (6 letters).A massive animal with a horn on its nose (10 letters).This animal has a long trunk and big ears (8 letters).This sea creature has eight long tentacles (7 letters)....

Faith Adventures 2024-01-13

Faith Adventures crossword puzzle
  1. and Eve's garden (6 letters)
  2. vessel (4 letters)
  3. of days and nights it rained during the Flood (3 letters)
  4. builders punished by God (5 letters)
  5. played by David (5 letters)
  6. first book (5 letters)
  7. first miracle (6 letters)
  8. disciple who denied him three times (4 letters)
  1. of the faithful (3 letters)
  2. defeated by David (4 letters)
  3. colorful coat (7 letters)
  4. received the Ten Commandments on this mountain (4 letters)
  5. Great Flood survivor (4 letters)
  6. woman created (3 letters)
  7. Promised Land (9 letters)
  8. brother (7 letters)
  9. destroyed by fire and brimstone (6 letters)
  10. turned water into this at a wedding (4 letters)
  11. of David and Bathsheba (4 letters)
  12. birthplace (5 letters)

20 Clues: vessel (4 letters)brother (7 letters)first book (5 letters)birthplace (5 letters)colorful coat (7 letters)woman created (3 letters)Promised Land (9 letters)first miracle (6 letters)of the faithful (3 letters)played by David (5 letters)and Eve's garden (6 letters)defeated by David (4 letters)Great Flood survivor (4 letters)...

pho 2023-06-01

pho crossword puzzle
  1. Unable to die (7 letters)
  2. Appendages for flying (5 letters)
  3. Return from the dead (12 letters)
  4. Soft plumes covering a bird (8 letters)
  5. Existing forever (7 letters)
  6. Feathered creature (4 letters)
  7. Fiery tongues (6 letters)
  8. Renewal or new beginning (7 letters)
  9. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  1. Object representing something else (6 letters)
  2. Remain after burning (5 letters)
  3. State of being eternal (11 letters)
  4. Burning energy (4 letters)
  5. Well-known and famous (9 letters)
  6. Set of beliefs or stories (6 letters)
  7. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)
  8. Process of being made new again (7 letters)

17 Clues: Unable to die (7 letters)Fiery tongues (6 letters)Burning energy (4 letters)Existing forever (7 letters)Feathered creature (4 letters)Remain after burning (5 letters)Appendages for flying (5 letters)Well-known and famous (9 letters)Return from the dead (12 letters)State of being eternal (11 letters)Renewal or new beginning (7 letters)...

The Great Easter Hunt 2023 2023-04-05

The Great Easter Hunt 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. "The act of combining two or more substances or ingredients together to create a new mixture or blend (6 letters)"
  2. "Sweet preserve made from citrus fruit, often including the peel (9 letters)"
  3. "Moving from one place to another, often in the context of changing transportation (9 letters)"
  4. "Twelve o'clock in the daytime" (4 letters)
  5. "Employees who perform domestic duties in a household" (8 letters)
  6. "In an excellent or splendid manner" (8 letters)
  7. "Taking place, staying, or travelling during the night (9 letters)"
  8. "A person who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge or skills, or promotes useless or harmful remedies (5 letters)"
  9. "Tool used for twisting into corks to extract them from bottles (9 letters)"
  10. "Moves quickly or hastily, often on a small vehicle like a scooter or skateboard (6 letters)"
  11. "Alternative name for a person often based on their characteristics, appearance or personality (9 letters)"
  12. "Network of rivers and lakes in Norfolk and Suffolk, England (6 letters)"
  13. "Tropical fruit with a sweet, juicy flesh and a large, flat seed (5 letters)"
  14. "Solid mineral material that forms the Earth's crust, typically composed of one or more minerals (5 letters)"
  15. "Person who operates a vehicle" (6 letters)
  16. "Union between two people, typically romantic, often involving vows and a ceremony" (8 letters)
  17. "Small mass of dough, often filled with meat, vegetables or cheese, cooked by boiling or steaming (8 letters)"
  18. "Completely absorbed in something; deeply interested or focused" (9 letters)
  19. "Mode of transportation that runs on tracks (6 letters)"
  20. "Collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravitational attraction" (6 letters)
  21. "In reference to; concerning" (5 letters)
  22. "Shelter made by hollowing out the trunk or branches of a tree, or a boat made from a hollowed-out log (7 letters)"
  23. "Moved with quick twists and turns, often in a squirmy or wiggly manner (9 letters)"
  24. "Outer layer of a baked good, often crispy or hard (5 letters)"
  1. "The organ in the female body where a fetus develops during pregnancy (4 letters)"
  2. "Usual or typical; conforming to a standard or regular pattern" (6 letters)
  3. "Emergency vessels used to evacuate a sinking ship (9 letters)"
  4. "Burning sensation in the chest, caused by acid reflux (9 letters)"
  5. "Chemical messengers secreted by the endocrine glands, that regulate various physiological processes in the body (8 letters)"
  6. "One's own person, __" (6 letters)
  7. "Metal alloys composed mainly of copper, often with tin, zinc or other metals, that are used to cast sculptures, medals or other decorative objects (7 letters)"
  8. "Feeling of compassion, understanding or pity for another person's suffering (9 letters)"
  9. "Unwanted plants that grow among cultivated ones" (5 letters)
  10. "Crustacean with a broad, flattened body, five pairs of legs, and large claws (4 letters)"
  11. "Sweet, creamy dessert made from milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla, often thickened with cornstarch or flour (7 letters)"
  12. "Bundle of fibers that transmit signals between the brain and other parts of the body, responsible for controlling and coordinating bodily functions and movements (6 letters)"
  13. "The act of taking care of children in the absence of their parents or guardians (10 letters)"
  14. "Reacted in disgust, discomfort, or embarrassment, often by shrinking back or squirming (7 letters)"
  15. "Exceptionally bright, vivid, or intelligent; characterised by excellence, talent, or skill (9 letters)"
  16. "A small, simple roofed structure used for storage, shelter, or as a workshop (4 letters)"
  17. "Green vegetable with tightly clustered, edible buds and thick stalks" (8 letters)
  18. "Members of an organised military force, typically trained to engage in ground combat (8 letters)"
  19. "Person who owns or manages a farm, often involved in the production of crops, livestock or dairy products (6 letters)"
  20. "Spirit of a dead person that is believed to haunt the living or a place" (5 letters)
  21. "A woman's undergarment that resembles a dress or skirt, worn under a dress or skirt to help it hang smoothly and to prevent it from clinging (4 letters)"

45 Clues: "One's own person, __" (6 letters)"In reference to; concerning" (5 letters)"Twelve o'clock in the daytime" (4 letters)"Person who operates a vehicle" (6 letters)"In an excellent or splendid manner" (8 letters)"Mode of transportation that runs on tracks (6 letters)""Unwanted plants that grow among cultivated ones" (5 letters)...

Self Compassion 2024-02-29

Self Compassion crossword puzzle
  1. Taking the time to appreciate and fully experience positive moments. (7 letters)
  2. Maintaining calmness, especially in challenging moments. (9 letters)
  3. Walking: Engaging in walking with full awareness of each step and breath. (13 letters)
  4. Developing the ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks. (9 letters)
  5. Treating yourself with gentleness and understanding. (7 letters)
  6. Cultivating a balanced and even-tempered approach to self-perception. (10 letters)
  7. Refraining from harsh criticism or evaluation. (12 letters)
  8. Focusing on the positive aspects of your body. (9 letters)
  9. Being fully engaged in the current moment. (7 letters)
  10. Thoughtfully considering your thoughts and feelings without harsh judgment. (13 letters)
  11. Positivity: Embracing and celebrating the uniqueness of your body. (13 letters)
  1. Positive statements to counteract negative self-talk. (12 letters)
  2. Acknowledging your body without judgment or criticism. (8 letters)
  3. Letting go of past judgments and embracing a compassionate perspective. (11 letters)
  4. Eating: Paying attention to the sensory experience of eating without judgment. (13 letters)
  5. Prioritizing activities that promote well-being and nourish your body. (8 letters)
  6. A fundamental mindfulness practice for staying centered. (6 letters)
  7. Paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without attachment. (8 letters)
  8. A practice to cultivate a calm and centered mind. (9 letters)
  9. Extending compassion towards yourself as you would to a friend. (6 letters)

20 Clues: Being fully engaged in the current moment. (7 letters)Focusing on the positive aspects of your body. (9 letters)Refraining from harsh criticism or evaluation. (12 letters)A practice to cultivate a calm and centered mind. (9 letters)Treating yourself with gentleness and understanding. (7 letters)...

lev 2023-06-01

lev crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to water (7 letters)
  2. Extremely large or heavy (7 letters)
  3. Name of the creature itself (9 letters)
  4. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  5. Long, slithering reptile (7 letters)
  6. Large and powerful creature (5 letters)
  1. Intimidating or scary (8 letters)
  2. Relating to the Bible (8 letters)
  3. Enigmatic or puzzling (10 letters)
  4. Extremely large (8 letters)
  5. Relating to the sea or seafaring (8 letters)
  6. Very old or from the distant past (7 letters)
  7. Colossal or huge (5 letters)
  8. Ability to influence or control (5 letters)
  9. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)
  10. Vast body of salt water (5 letters)
  11. Legendary or fictional (8 letters)

17 Clues: Extremely large (8 letters)Colossal or huge (5 letters)Relating to water (7 letters)Intimidating or scary (8 letters)Relating to the Bible (8 letters)Enigmatic or puzzling (10 letters)Legendary or fictional (8 letters)Vast body of salt water (5 letters)Extremely large or heavy (7 letters)Long, slithering reptile (7 letters)...

sle 2023-06-01

sle crossword puzzle
  1. Pertaining to a deity or god (6 letters)
  2. Winged horse in Greek mythology (7 letters)
  3. Having eight legs (12 letters)
  4. Riding horse (5 letters)
  5. Fast running gait of a horse (6 letters)
  6. Quick or fast (5 letters)
  7. Moving with great speed (5 letters)
  8. Smooth and glossy (5 letters)
  1. Astonishing or wondrous (6 letters)
  2. Having great strength or force (8 letters)
  3. Domesticated mammal (5 letters)
  4. Relating to ancient Scandinavia (5 letters)
  5. Conveys from one place to another (10 letters)
  6. Well-known and famous (9 letters)
  7. Relating to horses (6 letters)
  8. Norse god of mischief (4 letters)
  9. Chief god in Norse mythology (4 letters)

17 Clues: Riding horse (5 letters)Quick or fast (5 letters)Smooth and glossy (5 letters)Having eight legs (12 letters)Relating to horses (6 letters)Domesticated mammal (5 letters)Well-known and famous (9 letters)Norse god of mischief (4 letters)Astonishing or wondrous (6 letters)Moving with great speed (5 letters)Pertaining to a deity or god (6 letters)...

Cybersecurity Awareness 2023-09-06

Cybersecurity Awareness crossword puzzle
  1. Method of secure communication (12 letters).
  2. Malware that demands payment to restore access (10 letters).
  3. Software that collects information without consent (7 letters).
  4. A group of interconnected devices (7 letters).
  5. A potential danger or risk (6 letters).
  6. Software that can infect your computer. (5 letters).
  7. Information stored on a computer (4 letters).
  8. Unauthorized access to a computer system (7 letters).
  1. Process of converting data into a code (11 letters).
  2. A fraudulent scheme to deceive people (4 letters).
  3. The practice of using two different authentication methods (10 letters).
  4. A person who creates software.
  5. Weakness in a system that can be exploited (13 letters).
  6. Measures taken to protect against cyber threats (8 letters).
  7. A person interacting with a computer system (4 letters).
  8. A network security software. (8 letters).
  9. A common email-based attack (8 letters).
  10. Software to protect against malware (9 letters).

18 Clues: A person who creates software.A potential danger or risk (6 letters).A common email-based attack (8 letters).A network security software. (8 letters).Method of secure communication (12 letters).Information stored on a computer (4 letters).A group of interconnected devices (7 letters).Software to protect against malware (9 letters)....

mer 2023-06-01

mer crossword puzzle
  1. Imaginary or unreal (7 letters)
  2. Liquid essential for life (5 letters)
  3. Traditional or mythical tales (7 letters)
  4. Relating to the sea or seafaring (8 letters)
  5. Vocalizing with musical tones (7 letters)
  6. Aquatic vertebrate (4 letters)
  7. Relating to the sea or navigation (8 letters)
  1. Attractive or pleasing appearance (6 letters)
  2. Captivating or bewitching (10 letters)
  3. Relating to water (7 letters)
  4. Enigmatic or puzzling (10 letters)
  5. Siren in German folklore (8 letters)
  6. Shells found on the seashore (9 letters)
  7. Seductive sea creature (5 letters)
  8. Large body of salt water (3 letters)
  9. Appendage in place of legs (4 letters)
  10. Traditional knowledge or stories (4 letters)

17 Clues: Relating to water (7 letters)Aquatic vertebrate (4 letters)Imaginary or unreal (7 letters)Enigmatic or puzzling (10 letters)Seductive sea creature (5 letters)Siren in German folklore (8 letters)Large body of salt water (3 letters)Liquid essential for life (5 letters)Captivating or bewitching (10 letters)Appendage in place of legs (4 letters)...

The Great Easter Hunt 2023 2023-04-05

The Great Easter Hunt 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. "Usual or typical; conforming to a standard or regular pattern" (6 letters)
  2. "Burning sensation in the chest, caused by acid reflux (9 letters)"
  3. "Taking place, staying, or travelling during the night (9 letters)"
  4. "Chemical messengers secreted by the endocrine glands, that regulate various physiological processes in the body (8 letters)"
  5. "In reference to; concerning" (5 letters)
  6. "Green vegetable with tightly clustered, edible buds and thick stalks" (8 letters)
  7. "Emergency vessels used to evacuate a sinking ship (9 letters)"
  8. "Metal alloys composed mainly of copper, often with tin, zinc or other metals, that are used to cast sculptures, medals or other decorative objects (7 letters)"
  9. "Moving from one place to another, often in the context of changing transportation (9 letters)"
  10. "The act of taking care of children in the absence of their parents or guardians (10 letters)"
  11. "The organ in the female body where a fetus develops during pregnancy (4 letters)"
  12. "Shelter made by hollowing out the trunk or branches of a tree, or a boat made from a hollowed-out log (7 letters)"
  13. "Person who owns or manages a farm, often involved in the production of crops, livestock or dairy products (6 letters)"
  14. "Solid mineral material that forms the Earth's crust, typically composed of one or more minerals (5 letters)"
  15. "Feeling of compassion, understanding or pity for another person's suffering (9 letters)"
  16. "Sweet, creamy dessert made from milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla, often thickened with cornstarch or flour (7 letters)"
  17. "Crustacean with a broad, flattened body, five pairs of legs, and large claws (4 letters)"
  18. "Person who operates a vehicle" (6 letters)
  19. "Exceptionally bright, vivid, or intelligent; characterised by excellence, talent, or skill (9 letters)"
  20. "A person who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge or skills, or promotes useless or harmful remedies (5 letters)"
  21. "Moved with quick twists and turns, often in a squirmy or wiggly manner (9 letters)"
  22. "Tropical fruit with a sweet, juicy flesh and a large, flat seed (5 letters)"
  23. "One's own person, __" (6 letters)
  24. "A small, simple roofed structure used for storage, shelter, or as a workshop (4 letters)"
  25. "Employees who perform domestic duties in a household" (8 letters)
  26. "The act of combining two or more substances or ingredients together to create a new mixture or blend (6 letters)"
  27. "Bundle of fibers that transmit signals between the brain and other parts of the body, responsible for controlling and coordinating bodily functions and movements (6 letters)"
  1. "Mode of transportation that runs on tracks (6 letters)"
  2. "Union between two people, typically romantic, often involving vows and a ceremony" (8 letters)
  3. "Twelve o'clock in the daytime" (4 letters)
  4. "Collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravitational attraction" (6 letters)
  5. "Sweet preserve made from citrus fruit, often including the peel (9 letters)"
  6. "Members of an organised military force, typically trained to engage in ground combat (8 letters)"
  7. "Moves quickly or hastily, often on a small vehicle like a scooter or skateboard (6 letters)"
  8. "Completely absorbed in something; deeply interested or focused" (9 letters)
  9. "Outer layer of a baked good, often crispy or hard (5 letters)"
  10. "In an excellent or splendid manner" (8 letters)
  11. "Network of rivers and lakes in Norfolk and Suffolk, England (6 letters)"
  12. "Tool used for twisting into corks to extract them from bottles (9 letters)"
  13. "Alternative name for a person often based on their characteristics, appearance or personality (9 letters)"
  14. "Spirit of a dead person that is believed to haunt the living or a place" (5 letters)
  15. "Small mass of dough, often filled with meat, vegetables or cheese, cooked by boiling or steaming (8 letters)"
  16. "Unwanted plants that grow among cultivated ones" (5 letters)
  17. "Reacted in disgust, discomfort, or embarrassment, often by shrinking back or squirming (7 letters)"
  18. "A woman's undergarment that resembles a dress or skirt, worn under a dress or skirt to help it hang smoothly and to prevent it from clinging (4 letters)"

45 Clues: "One's own person, __" (6 letters)"In reference to; concerning" (5 letters)"Twelve o'clock in the daytime" (4 letters)"Person who operates a vehicle" (6 letters)"In an excellent or splendid manner" (8 letters)"Mode of transportation that runs on tracks (6 letters)""Unwanted plants that grow among cultivated ones" (5 letters)...

The Great Easter Hunt 2023 2023-04-05

The Great Easter Hunt 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. "Person who owns or manages a farm, often involved in the production of crops, livestock or dairy products (6 letters)"
  2. "Union between two people, typically romantic, often involving vows and a ceremony" (8 letters)
  3. "Burning sensation in the chest, caused by acid reflux (9 letters)"
  4. "Sweet, creamy dessert made from milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla, often thickened with cornstarch or flour (7 letters)"
  5. "Solid mineral material that forms the Earth's crust, typically composed of one or more minerals (5 letters)"
  6. "The organ in the female body where a fetus develops during pregnancy (4 letters)"
  7. "Tropical fruit with a sweet, juicy flesh and a large, flat seed (5 letters)"
  8. "One's own person, __" (6 letters)
  9. "Employees who perform domestic duties in a household" (8 letters)
  10. "Emergency vessels used to evacuate a sinking ship (9 letters)"
  11. "Reacted in disgust, discomfort, or embarrassment, often by shrinking back or squirming (7 letters)"
  12. "The act of combining two or more substances or ingredients together to create a new mixture or blend (6 letters)"
  13. "Moves quickly or hastily, often on a small vehicle like a scooter or skateboard (6 letters)"
  14. "Completely absorbed in something; deeply interested or focused" (9 letters)
  15. "Usual or typical; conforming to a standard or regular pattern" (6 letters)
  16. "Crustacean with a broad, flattened body, five pairs of legs, and large claws (4 letters)"
  17. "Moving from one place to another, often in the context of changing transportation (9 letters)"
  18. "Taking place, staying, or travelling during the night (9 letters)"
  19. "Members of an organised military force, typically trained to engage in ground combat (8 letters)"
  20. "Small mass of dough, often filled with meat, vegetables or cheese, cooked by boiling or steaming (8 letters)"
  21. "The act of taking care of children in the absence of their parents or guardians (10 letters)"
  22. "A woman's undergarment that resembles a dress or skirt, worn under a dress or skirt to help it hang smoothly and to prevent it from clinging (4 letters)"
  1. "Bundle of fibers that transmit signals between the brain and other parts of the body, responsible for controlling and coordinating bodily functions and movements (6 letters)"
  2. "Moved with quick twists and turns, often in a squirmy or wiggly manner (9 letters)"
  3. "Tool used for twisting into corks to extract them from bottles (9 letters)"
  4. "Person who operates a vehicle" (6 letters)
  5. "Mode of transportation that runs on tracks (6 letters)"
  6. "Alternative name for a person often based on their characteristics, appearance or personality (9 letters)"
  7. "Sweet preserve made from citrus fruit, often including the peel (9 letters)"
  8. "Chemical messengers secreted by the endocrine glands, that regulate various physiological processes in the body (8 letters)"
  9. "Spirit of a dead person that is believed to haunt the living or a place" (5 letters)
  10. "Exceptionally bright, vivid, or intelligent; characterised by excellence, talent, or skill (9 letters)"
  11. "Shelter made by hollowing out the trunk or branches of a tree, or a boat made from a hollowed-out log (7 letters)"
  12. "Green vegetable with tightly clustered, edible buds and thick stalks" (8 letters)
  13. "Feeling of compassion, understanding or pity for another person's suffering (9 letters)"
  14. "In reference to; concerning" (5 letters)
  15. "Outer layer of a baked good, often crispy or hard (5 letters)"
  16. "Metal alloys composed mainly of copper, often with tin, zinc or other metals, that are used to cast sculptures, medals or other decorative objects (7 letters)"
  17. "Collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravitational attraction" (6 letters)
  18. "Network of rivers and lakes in Norfolk and Suffolk, England (6 letters)"
  19. "Unwanted plants that grow among cultivated ones" (5 letters)
  20. "A small, simple roofed structure used for storage, shelter, or as a workshop (4 letters)"
  21. "Twelve o'clock in the daytime" (4 letters)
  22. "In an excellent or splendid manner" (8 letters)
  23. "A person who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge or skills, or promotes useless or harmful remedies (5 letters)"

45 Clues: "One's own person, __" (6 letters)"In reference to; concerning" (5 letters)"Person who operates a vehicle" (6 letters)"Twelve o'clock in the daytime" (4 letters)"In an excellent or splendid manner" (8 letters)"Mode of transportation that runs on tracks (6 letters)""Unwanted plants that grow among cultivated ones" (5 letters)...

God Calls Samuel 2023-11-26

God Calls Samuel crossword puzzle
  1. - Samuel did this until morning after the vision. (4 letters)
  2. - Eli's response: 'He is the ___. Let him do what he thinks is best.' (4 letters
  3. - The boy who served the Lord. (6 letters)
  4. - God said he would do something in ___. (6 letters)
  5. - Samuel served under ___. (3 letters)
  6. - Opposite of 'many'. (3 letters)
  7. - 'Speak, ___. I am your servant, and I am listening.' (4 letters)
  8. - Samuel's profession when he grew up. (7 letters)
  9. - 'I am ___.' Samuel's response to the call. (4 letters)
  10. - Eli's physical condition, 'almost ___.' (5 letters)
  11. - Eli's role towards Samuel. (7 letters)
  12. - Samuel opened these in the morning. (5 letters)
  1. - 'Your guilt will never be removed by ___ or offering.' (9 letters)
  2. - Samuel and Eli were in this during the night. (3 letters)
  3. - The place where God continued to show himself to Samuel. (6 letters)
  4. - 'God's ___ was still burning.' (4 letters)
  5. - Place where the Ark of the Covenant was. (4 letters)
  6. - A container in the Lord's Holy Tent. (3 letters)
  7. - Eli had weak ___ (eyesight). (4 letters)
  8. - Samuel was not yet familiar with the ___. (4 letters)

20 Clues: - Opposite of 'many'. (3 letters)- Samuel served under ___. (3 letters)- Eli's role towards Samuel. (7 letters)- The boy who served the Lord. (6 letters)- Eli had weak ___ (eyesight). (4 letters)- 'God's ___ was still burning.' (4 letters)- Samuel opened these in the morning. (5 letters)- A container in the Lord's Holy Tent. (3 letters)...

Unit 2: Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers 2023-12-01

Unit 2: Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers crossword puzzle
  1. Object made or modified by humans (7 letters)
  2. A period of one thousand years (8 letters)
  3. Cultivation of crops and raising of livestock (11 letters)
  4. People who move from place to place (5 letters)
  5. A period of ten years (6 letters)
  6. Material or commodity with value (8 letters)
  7. Expert who interprets and writes about past events (8 letters)
  8. To move from one place to another (7 letters)
  9. A group of people sharing common interests (8 letters)
  1. Crescent Region in the Middle East known for fertile soil (14 letters)
  2. Member of the biological family including humans (7 letters)
  3. A period of one hundred years (7 letters)
  4. The study of human prehistory through artifacts (11 letters)
  5. Exchange of goods and services between people (5 letters)
  6. Studies the Earth's physical features and human populations (9 letters)
  7. Age Early Stone Age marked by stone tools (15 letters)
  8. Age Age characterized by agriculture and settled communities (13 letters)
  9. The ability, skill, or proficiency to perform a task (9 letters)

18 Clues: A period of ten years (6 letters)A period of one hundred years (7 letters)A period of one thousand years (8 letters)Material or commodity with value (8 letters)Object made or modified by humans (7 letters)To move from one place to another (7 letters)People who move from place to place (5 letters)...

The Garden of Clues 2016-04-14

The Garden of Clues crossword puzzle
  1. Difficult or impossible to understand, What Misseltwaite Manor is (10 letters).
  2. Arousing curiosity or catching the attention, What Mary thought the Moor was (11 letters).
  3. Not giving proper care to someone or something, Colin's dad is this(10 letters)
  4. Exercising power in a cruel or arbitrary way,Mary when she wants something (10 letters).
  5. A tract of open uncultivated upland, where Dickon spends most of his time (4 letters).
  6. a married white or upper - class woman, Mary's mother's nickname (8 letters).
  7. ( of a person's skin )of an unhealthy yellow or pale brown colour, Mary's complexion was described as this (6 letters).
  8. ( of a place )empty of people, the Bungalow after the outbreak of Cholera (8 letters).
  9. Avoiding the company of other people, How Mr. Craven is (9 letters).
  10. an infectious and fatal bacterial disease of the small intestine, caused servants to run away (7 letters).
  11. Kind and pleasant,what Martha is to Mary (8 letters).
  1. Fond of or given to chatting, Mrs. Medlock is this (9 letters).
  2. Bad - tempered and unfriendly, What Mary is to Basil (5 letters).
  3. a non - married white or upper - class girl, Mary's nickname the servants gave her (11 letters)
  4. The fact or state of being independent, Mary wanted this (12 letters).
  5. A county of northern England, Mrs. Medlock told Martha to stop speaking this (9 letters).
  6. nurse or maid native to India, had the first name of Saidie (4 letters).
  7. Opposite in nature, direction and meaning, Mary's nickname given by Basil (8 letters).
  8. Giving or ready to help, Martha is this to Mary (7 letters).
  9. poorly lit so as to appear frightening, the mansion on the edge of the moor is this (7 letters).

20 Clues: Kind and pleasant,what Martha is to Mary (8 letters).Giving or ready to help, Martha is this to Mary (7 letters).Fond of or given to chatting, Mrs. Medlock is this (9 letters).Bad - tempered and unfriendly, What Mary is to Basil (5 letters).Avoiding the company of other people, How Mr. Craven is (9 letters)....

Kronos Round 1 2020-11-22

Kronos Round 1 crossword puzzle
  1. The price of "grabbing" something (11 letters, 2 words)
  2. An itemized list of exact quantities of all raw materials required for production (16 letters, 3 words)
  3. Famous effect coined by P&G. Travels faster than the speed of sound (14 letters, 2 words)
  4. An inventory control approach that focuses on materials arriving as and when they are required in the production process (10 letters, 3 words)
  5. The study which companies undertake to understand if they will be able to produce a product (19 letters, 2 words)
  6. Shigeo Shingo, one of the world’s well known Industrial Engineer is well known for conceptualizing ------- (8 letters, 2 words)
  7. The resources used in the production process (6 letters, 1 word)
  8. Minimising wastage (11 letters, 2 words)
  9. Keeps track of removals from inventory on a continuous basis, so that the system can provide info on current level of stock (24 letters, 3 words)
  1. Physical count of items in inventory (13 letters, 2 words)
  2. Image Number 5 (8 letters, 2 words)
  3. A layout where all the inputs, labour included are brought to the construction site due to the size of the product (19 letters, 3 words)
  4. Cuatro + The most popular search engine (11 letters, 1 word)
  5. Behne de mujhe behne de at a certain speed (8 letters, 2 words)
  6. Image Number 4 (8 letters, 1 word)
  7. Chakka maaro but only at 3.8dpm pe (8 letters, 2 words)
  8. Image Number 1 (12 letters, 2 words)
  9. Image Number 3 (8 letters, 1 word)
  10. Andar + the differentiator between two teams in Among Us(9 letters, 1 word)
  11. Image Number 2 (8 letters, 2 words)
  12. He may be tiny, but he is in court (10 letter, 2 words)

21 Clues: Image Number 4 (8 letters, 1 word)Image Number 3 (8 letters, 1 word)Image Number 5 (8 letters, 2 words)Image Number 2 (8 letters, 2 words)Image Number 1 (12 letters, 2 words)Minimising wastage (11 letters, 2 words)The price of "grabbing" something (11 letters, 2 words)Chakka maaro but only at 3.8dpm pe (8 letters, 2 words)...

Health & Safety 2023-10-20

Health & Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Blue HSE signs can be classified as? (9 letters)
  2. What is the single greatest cause of work-related deaths in the UK? (8 letters)
  3. How many main types of fire extinguisher are there? (4 letters)
  4. What legislation acronym is related to control of substances? (5 letters)
  5. What does a sign with a skull and crossbone denote? (5 letters)
  6. Who has responsibility for HSE on site (8 letters)
  7. A ringing in your ears which can be caused by loud noise exposure (8 letters)
  8. Emergency evacuation vessel (7 letters)
  9. Part of your body is most at risk from lifting heavy items (4 letters)
  1. Main cause of death in a confined space. Lack of… (6 letters)
  2. Fire extinguisher used for electrical fires (2 words)
  3. This comes from the sky and causes delays on wind projects (5 letters)
  4. Name of safety card or electrical incident (5 letters)
  5. Anything that has potential to cause harm (6 letters)
  6. The temperature in °C in an office should normally be at least? (7 letters)
  7. Documentation pack used to describe work activities and risks (4 letters)
  8. A type of useful safety briefing (2 words)
  9. A bacterial disease that can affect humans and animals (13 letters)
  10. Type of PPE (7 letters)
  11. Maximum safe load in kg for a person to carry in UK (2 words)

20 Clues: Type of PPE (7 letters)Emergency evacuation vessel (7 letters)A type of useful safety briefing (2 words)Blue HSE signs can be classified as? (9 letters)Who has responsibility for HSE on site (8 letters)Fire extinguisher used for electrical fires (2 words)Anything that has potential to cause harm (6 letters)...

tugas b.inggris 2021-08-27

tugas b.inggris crossword puzzle
  1. 4.The synonim of ABILITY. (5 letters)
  2. 10.Practical contact with and observation of facts or events. (10 letters)
  3. 3.The synonim of ACADEMIC. (11 letters)
  4. 7.A person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job. (9 letters)
  5. 1.A person employed for wages or salary, especially at non executive level. (8)
  6. 6.The particulars of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated. (7 letters)
  7. 5.A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation. (9 letters)
  8. 2.The antonym of SUBSEQUENT (8 letters)
  9. 7.A person who applies for a job or is nominated for election. (9 letters)
  1. 9.The synonim of COMPETENT (9 letters)
  2. 6.A commercial business. (7 letters)
  3. 5.Begin to do or pursue (something) again after a pause or interruption. (6 letters)
  4. 4.A place where someone or something is located or has been put. (8 letters)
  5. 9.A person's name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification in authorizing a check or document or concluding a letter. (9 letters)
  6. 2.A person or organization that employs people. (8)
  7. 1.The antonym of OPENING. (7 letters)
  8. 8.A thing that is needed or wanted. (11 letters)
  9. 8.The synonim of MANUSCRIPT (8 letters)
  10. 3.A person responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a company or similar organization. (7 letters)
  11. 10.Employ (someone) for wages. (4 letters)

20 Clues: 6.A commercial business. (7 letters)1.The antonym of OPENING. (7 letters)4.The synonim of ABILITY. (5 letters)9.The synonim of COMPETENT (9 letters)2.The antonym of SUBSEQUENT (8 letters)3.The synonim of ACADEMIC. (11 letters)8.The synonim of MANUSCRIPT (8 letters)10.Employ (someone) for wages. (4 letters)...

Movement of people - Dakota 2016-08-30

Movement of people - Dakota crossword puzzle
  1. Bay Captain Phillip first sailed into ( 9 letters, 2 words )
  2. Who ened slavery first ( 7 letters )
  3. the trade triangle consisted of 3 countries: South Africa, Africa and ( 7 Letters )
  4. town During transportation to Australia where did they stop ( 8 letters, 2 words )
  5. Grants When migrated to Australia, convicts were promised what ? ( 10 letters, 2 words )
  6. Who did the English colonist use as slaves ( 8 letters )
  7. To change a sentence to something less serve ( 7 letters )
  8. Who discovered gold in New South Wales in April 1851 ( 9 letters )
  9. Owners cut off the slaves ( 4 Letters, 1 word ) as a prrof of purchase
  10. Americans Who did the Spanish colonist first use as slaves ( 2 words )
  11. They treated slaves like they were royalty. True or false
  1. A rebellion carried out by soldiers or sailors against their commanding officer ( 6 letters )
  2. Ocean Crossing the ( 10 letters, 2 words ) was dangerous because it was unknown waters
  3. Gang A group of convicts chained together doing hard manual work ( 9 letters, 2 words )
  4. Brothel The lady Juliana is also known as ( 15 letters, 2 words )
  5. English colonist first used Africans as ( 6 letters ) labourers
  6. who started slavery first ( 8 letters )
  7. Day What is the 4th of July to America ( 15 letters, 2 words )
  8. Health Governor Phillip resigned due to ( 10 letters, 2 words )
  9. The end of legal acceptance of slavery ( 9 letters )
  10. Jackson In 1770 Captain cook sailed past another bay a few kilometred to the north and named it ( 11 letters, 2 words )
  11. In the 1800’s there were over 4 million ( 6 letters )

22 Clues: Who ened slavery first ( 7 letters )who started slavery first ( 8 letters )The end of legal acceptance of slavery ( 9 letters )In the 1800’s there were over 4 million ( 6 letters )Who did the English colonist use as slaves ( 8 letters )They treated slaves like they were royalty. True or false...

The Creative, Artisan and Maker Puzzle 2023-10-16

The Creative, Artisan and Maker Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A type of art that uses performance to create an experience (7 letters)
  2. A type of craft that uses beads to create jewelry or other objects (6 letters)
  3. A type of art that uses movement to create a performance (5 letters)
  4. A type of art that uses sound to create music (5 letters)
  5. A type of art that uses photography to create images (8 letters)
  6. A person who makes things by hand, especially for sale (7 letters)
  7. A type of art that uses light and shadow to create images (8 letters)
  8. A type of art that uses fabric to create images or objects (6 letters)
  9. A type of craft that uses glass to create objects (5 letters)
  10. A type of craft that uses wood to create objects (5 letters)
  11. A type of craft that uses clay to create objects (5 letters)
  12. A type of art that uses video to create a moving image (5 letters)
  1. A type of art that uses painting to create images (5 letters)
  2. A type of craft that uses paper to create objects (7 letters)
  3. ART A type of art that uses digital tools to create images or objects (6 letters)
  4. A type of art that uses found objects or materials (8 letters)
  5. A type of craft that uses recycled materials to create new objects (6 letters)
  6. A type of craft that uses knitting or crochet to create fabric (6 letters)
  7. A type of craft that uses sewing to create clothes or other objects (6 letters)
  8. A type of craft that uses metal to create objects (4 letters)

20 Clues: A type of art that uses sound to create music (5 letters)A type of craft that uses wood to create objects (5 letters)A type of craft that uses clay to create objects (5 letters)A type of art that uses painting to create images (5 letters)A type of craft that uses paper to create objects (7 letters)...

Payment Card Industry and Security 2024-04-10

Payment Card Industry and Security crossword puzzle
  1. The process of securely storing cardholder data after a transaction has been authorized (11 letters)
  2. Items produced to imitate genuine articles, especially for fraudulent purposes (17 letters)
  3. A document provided by a third-party assessor confirming an organization's compliance with PCI DSS (10 letters)
  4. Dividing networks or systems into distinct sections to enhance security (18 letters)
  5. A practice of restricting access to cardholder data only to those who require it (13 letters)
  6. The practice of regularly updating software and systems to address vulnerabilities and improve security (7 letters)
  7. Type of encryption used to secure cardholder data during transmission over public networks (3 letters)
  8. Systems Mechanisms employed to thwart potential threats or attacks (13 letters)
  9. Established rules or procedures for communication and data exchange (17 letters)
  10. This document outlines security requirements for organizations that handle cardholder information (3 letters)
  11. Illicit practice of capturing payment card data from legitimate transactions (15 letters)
  12. Flaws or weaknesses in systems that can be exploited by attackers (15 letters)
  13. The process of securely destroying or rendering cardholder data unusable (16 letters)
  14. The unique identifier assigned to each credit or debit card transaction (3 letters)
  1. A tool used to detect and prevent unauthorized access by monitoring and analyzing network traffic (17 letters)
  2. Term for a system or process that logs and monitors activities within a network or system (9 letters)
  3. Term for a system that authenticates the identity of users and ensures they have the appropriate permissions (13 letters)
  4. This type of assessment involves a qualified assessor evaluating an organization's compliance with PCI DSS (18 letters)
  5. The process of making cardholder data unreadable using cryptographic methods (10 letters)
  6. Testing This type of testing evaluates systems, networks, and applications for vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers (18 letters)
  7. A technique used to verify the identity of an individual based on their physical characteristics, such as fingerprints or iris scans (10 letters)
  8. Established rules or principles governing behavior or actions (16 letters)
  9. Term for security controls that detect and prevent unauthorized access to systems or networks (8 letters)
  10. The act of deliberately tricking a person or system into revealing confidential information (8 letters)
  11. Term for an unauthorized individual gaining access to cardholder data (10 letters)
  12. Wallets Electronic systems for storing and managing payment information securely (12 letters)

26 Clues: Established rules or principles governing behavior or actions (16 letters)Flaws or weaknesses in systems that can be exploited by attackers (15 letters)Established rules or procedures for communication and data exchange (17 letters)Systems Mechanisms employed to thwart potential threats or attacks (13 letters)...


  1. The highest legislative body in the United States (7 letters)
  2. The formal process of selecting a candidate for a public office (8 letters)
  3. The process of redrawing electoral district boundaries to reflect changes in population (11 letters)
  4. The process of removing an elected official from office before the end of their term (6 letters)
  5. A system of government where power is held by the people, typically through elected representatives (9 letters)
  6. The process of making and enacting laws (9 letters)
  7. A political philosophy that advocates for the elimination of government and the establishment of a stateless society (8 letters)
  8. A formal meeting for discussion and decision-making by representatives (8 letters)
  9. A political scandal involving the abuse of power or unethical conduct (10 letters)
  10. A political system where the government has total control over all aspects of public and private life (9 letters)
  11. The action of officially ending a dispute or conflict (7 letters)
  12. The leader of a country, especially in a parliamentary system (7 letters)
  13. The right to vote in political elections (5 letters)
  14. A political system in which citizens have the power to make decisions through direct participation (8 letters)
  15. The practice of hiring individuals based on their qualifications and merit, rather than personal connections (10 letters)
  16. A government system in which a monarch is the head of state (7 letters)
  1. The official residence of a head of state (9 letters)
  2. A political ideology that advocates for limited government intervention in individual liberties and the economy (8 letters)
  3. The process of counting and recording votes in an election (8 letters)
  4. A system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments (11 letters)
  5. The act of formally accusing a public official of misconduct in office (9 letters)
  6. The group of people who are eligible to vote in a particular election (6 letters)
  7. A group of people with similar political goals and opinions who work together to achieve them (6 letters)
  8. The basic set of laws or principles that a state or country is governed by (8 letters)
  9. The principle that individuals have basic rights that the government cannot violate (7 letters)
  10. A system of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a single ruler (6 letters)
  11. A legal order preventing a particular action until a court hears the case (7 letters)
  12. The practice of dividing electoral districts to give an unfair advantage to one political party (10 letters)
  13. A formal agreement between two or more countries (7 letters)
  14. The head of a government department or agency (6 letters)

30 Clues: The process of making and enacting laws (9 letters)The right to vote in political elections (5 letters)The official residence of a head of state (9 letters)The head of a government department or agency (6 letters)A formal agreement between two or more countries (7 letters)The highest legislative body in the United States (7 letters)...

Y10 Humanities 2023-11-07

Y10 Humanities crossword puzzle
  1. Energy derived from heat within the Earth's crust. (10 letters)
  2. A greenhouse gas produced by burning fossil fuels and other human activities. (12 letters)
  3. The largest river system in Australia, crucial for agriculture. (17 letters)
  4. The impact an individual or society has on the environment. (9 letters)
  5. Energy sources that can be replenished naturally. (9 letters)
  6. The process by which certain gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. (14 letters)
  7. Ecosystems characterised by waterlogged conditions and unique flora and fauna. (8 letters)
  1. The increase in the Earth's average temperature due to human activities. (12 letters)
  2. Services provided by natural ecosystems that benefit humans. (10 letters)
  3. A potent greenhouse gas released from natural sources and human activities. (7 letters)
  4. The practice of using resources in a way that preserves them for future generations. (12 letters)
  5. Long-term alterations in the Earth's temperature and weather patterns. (13 letters)
  6. International treaty aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. (5 letters)
  7. Energy generated from the movement of water. (12 letters)
  8. Responsible management and care for the environment. (12 letters)
  9. Bodies of freshwater found away from the coast, like rivers and lakes. (11 letters)
  10. Water in its gaseous form present in the atmosphere. (10 letters)
  11. The capacity of an ecosystem to support life. (10 letters)
  12. Non-renewable energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas. (11 letters)

19 Clues: Energy generated from the movement of water. (12 letters)The capacity of an ecosystem to support life. (10 letters)Energy sources that can be replenished naturally. (9 letters)Energy derived from heat within the Earth's crust. (10 letters)Responsible management and care for the environment. (12 letters)...

CROSSWORD 2023-09-30

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. A sport where you use a small, white ball and clubs to hit it into a hole. (5 letters)
  2. This insect can sting you and produces sweet honey. (7 letters)
  3. A colorful display in the sky after rain. (6 letters)
  4. A vehicle that has two wheels and is powered by pedals. (6 letters)
  5. A type of transportation that flies in the sky. (7 letters)
  6. A reptile that is known for its long body and often seen as a pet. (5 letters)
  7. What do you call a large, gray animal that lives in Africa and has a long trunk? (6 letters)
  8. A musical instrument with black and white keys. (7 letters)
  9. A sport where you swim in a pool and compete with others. (7 letters)
  10. What do you call the opposite of 'cold'? (4 letters)
  1. A place where books are kept and you can borrow them. (7 letters)
  2. A type of meal that is usually eaten in the morning and includes eggs and bacon. (7 letters)
  3. It's a fruit that is red and often used to make ketchup. (6 letters)
  4. It's what you do when you sleep at night. (4 letters)
  5. A small, yellow fruit that is often used in pies. (6 letters)
  6. A device that tells time and you wear it on your wrist. (5 letters)
  7. A season that comes after winter and before summer. (5 letters)
  8. A tool used for writing that has ink inside. (4 letters)
  9. A place where you can see different types of animals. (6 letters)
  10. A popular board game where you move small pieces on a square board. (7 letters)

20 Clues: What do you call the opposite of 'cold'? (4 letters)A colorful display in the sky after rain. (6 letters)It's what you do when you sleep at night. (4 letters)A tool used for writing that has ink inside. (4 letters)A type of transportation that flies in the sky. (7 letters)A musical instrument with black and white keys. (7 letters)...

Isaiah 46 2020-05-05

Isaiah 46 crossword puzzle
  1. It's not ___, its you (2 letters)
  2. opposite of young (3 letters)
  3. the donkey ___ Mary to Bethlehem (6 letters)
  4. black + white (4 letters)
  5. To help someone is to lend a ___ (4 letters)
  6. Abrahams descendants are the people of ___ (6 letters)
  7. synonym of liken (7 letters)
  1. synonym of created (4 letters)
  2. God so ___ the world (5 letters)
  3. grows on your head (4 letters)
  4. the beginning of life (5 letters)
  5. saviour of the world (5 letters)
  6. creator of the world (3 letters)
  7. lifesavers ___ swimmers who are in trouble (4 letters)
  8. ___ shall not weary them (3 letters)
  9. It's not me, it's ___ (3 letters)
  10. major prophet who wrote this passage (6 letters)

17 Clues: black + white (4 letters)synonym of liken (7 letters)opposite of young (3 letters)synonym of created (4 letters)grows on your head (4 letters)God so ___ the world (5 letters)saviour of the world (5 letters)creator of the world (3 letters)It's not ___, its you (2 letters)the beginning of life (5 letters)It's not me, it's ___ (3 letters)...

OCAT 2.6 2023-11-26

OCAT 2.6 crossword puzzle
  1. Not a video game, although if it was, Chari would have played and lost before (6 letters)
  2. In the cell bio world, a police force might be necessary to put this molecule behind bars (8 letters)
  3. Oh the fountain of youth...perhaps invest in Botox to keep these stuck in their bubbles (3 letters)
  4. Not your typical neurotransmitter signalling process, this one's got a bit of a throwback (10 letters)
  5. Used to describe lipid mediators in a negative light (11 letters)
  6. comprised of two major parts of the nervous system (9 letters)
  7. Receptors that are typically found at the pre-synaptic membrane in your autonomic system (9 letters)
  8. Phosholipase works directly upon this molecule (10 letters)
  9. Let's do some quick math...If you add a hydroxylase to androgen, times two equals... (19 letters)
  10. An antagonist to our fabulous histamine receptors, specifically the ones that target your stomach acid (10 letters)
  11. The boys are back! Friends forever, you might regret it if they stay together- so be sure to have some milk (13 letters)
  12. Special gland found above the kidneys (7 letters)
  13. Too much of this neurotransmitter and you might have to pull out the methyltransferase (9 letters)
  1. A fatty acid torn between two worlds, one whose ancestor is PGH2 (12 letters)
  2. Happy times at the centres 1 and 2 (20 letters)
  3. Used in the conversion between androstenedione to estrone (9 letters)
  4. The first step for mankind...or in this case, steroids (12 letters)
  5. inside your brain, NO one can be found (4 letters)
  6. a seductive protein that sinks its fangs into a membrane (4 letters)
  7. DHEA has one job. (15 letters)
  8. "Gah! My skin is all red and patchy and sooooo uncomfortable!" (7 letters)
  9. If this was an emo song, it would "I'm numb to the pain" (15 letters)
  10. Although exhaustion is a common factor related to being a health science student, perhaps this can alleviate some of the fatigue (10 letters)
  11. Sounds like the axis used in battleship, but I assure you, this hormone only brings out the big guns (3 letters)
  12. An over-glorified construction worker responsible for demolition in the liver and the kidneys (10 letters)
  13. This proves that travelling might be a tight squeeze (3 letters)

26 Clues: DHEA has one job. (15 letters)Happy times at the centres 1 and 2 (20 letters)Special gland found above the kidneys (7 letters)inside your brain, NO one can be found (4 letters)Phosholipase works directly upon this molecule (10 letters)comprised of two major parts of the nervous system (9 letters)...

Food Theme 2024-04-11

Food Theme crossword puzzle
  1. The starchy, tuberous vegetable that's a dietary staple worldwide (6 letters)
  2. The crunchy, salty snack food made from dried corn kernels (5 letters)
  3. This balanced bowl-based meal features an assortment of healthful, plant-based ingredients
  4. An overwhelming longing for a specific delight (7 letters)
  5. A classic breakfast bread with a spiral shape and sweet glaze, best enjoyed with a coffee (12 letters)
  6. These small, edible berries are prized for their antioxidants (11 letters)
  7. The rich, custard-based French dessert with a caramelized crust (11 letters)
  8. Decorative or flavorful addition to a dish, often added just before serving. (7 letters)
  9. The popular cooking competition TV show that spotlights the culinary elite (10 letters)
  10. The bold, smoky chili pepper that's a key ingredient in many Mexican dishes (8 letters)
  11. The seeds from which the revered chocolate ingredient is derived (5 letters)
  12. The long, thin, cylindrical Italian pasta that's a dietary staple worldwide (9 letters)
  13. These tiny, edible seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids (4 Letters)
  14. A flavor that is sharp, pungent, or sour (5 letters)
  15. The soft, fresh Italian cheese with a creamy texture and mild flavor (7)
  16. The wide, shallow pan prized for its even heat distribution (3 letters)
  17. The age-old process of using microbes to preserve food (7 letters)
  1. Foods so nutrient-dense they're considered nutritional powerhouses (10 letters)
  2. A communal meal where each guest contributes a dish (7 letters)
  3. The precious, earthy fungus that's a hallmark of haute cuisine (7 letters)
  4. A creamy Middle Eastern condiment made from sesame seeds (6 letters)
  5. The thick, creamy dairy product that's a classic topping for fruit or desserts (6 letters)
  6. The savory, fermented Japanese seasoning made from soybeans (4 letters)
  7. A kitchen tool used for blending, whipping, and mixing (5 letters)
  8. Tradition passed down through generations. (12 letters)
  9. The outdoor gathering centered around the art of grilling and smoking meats (8 letters)
  10. The vibrant green powder used in Japanese tea and cuisine (6 letters)
  11. The specialised study and appreciation of exceptional food and drinks (10)
  12. Nutritious grain-like seed, popular for its high protein content and versatility. (6 letters)
  13. The pungent, flavorful bulb that's an essential ingredient in many cuisines (6 letters)
  14. This small, tart citrus fruit is often used in beverages and baking (4 letters)
  15. The aromatic rice dish layered with spices, vegetables, and sometimes meat (7 letters)
  16. A personal favourite that evokes a sense of warmth and contentment (11 letters)
  17. classic Chinese noodle dish stir-fried with vegetables and a savory sauce (10)
  18. A flavor profile that is rich, indulgent, and reminiscent of nuts (5 letters)
  19. To soak food in a seasoned liquid to enhance flavor (8 letters)

36 Clues: A flavor that is sharp, pungent, or sour (5 letters)Tradition passed down through generations. (12 letters)An overwhelming longing for a specific delight (7 letters)A communal meal where each guest contributes a dish (7 letters)To soak food in a seasoned liquid to enhance flavor (8 letters)...

Food Theme 2024-04-11

Food Theme crossword puzzle
  1. The crunchy, salty snack food made from dried corn kernels (5 letters)
  2. The aromatic rice dish layered with spices, vegetables, and sometimes meat (7 letters)
  3. The specialised study and appreciation of exceptional food and drinks (10)
  4. These small, edible berries are prized for their antioxidants (11 letters)
  5. The thick, creamy dairy product that's a classic topping for fruit or desserts (6 letters)
  6. A personal favourite that evokes a sense of warmth and contentment (11 letters)
  7. The outdoor gathering centered around the art of grilling and smoking meats (8 letters)
  8. The seeds from which the revered chocolate ingredient is derived (5 letters)
  9. The popular cooking competition TV show that spotlights the culinary elite (10 letters)
  10. The starchy, tuberous vegetable that's a dietary staple worldwide (6 letters)
  11. The rich, custard-based French dessert with a caramelized crust (11 letters)
  12. To soak food in a seasoned liquid to enhance flavor (8 letters)
  13. The wide, shallow pan prized for its even heat distribution (3 letters)
  14. The pungent, flavorful bulb that's an essential ingredient in many cuisines (6 letters)
  15. A creamy Middle Eastern condiment made from sesame seeds (6 letters)
  16. This small, tart citrus fruit is often used in beverages and baking (4 letters)
  1. An overwhelming longing for a specific delight (7 letters)
  2. Nutritious grain-like seed, popular for its high protein content and versatility. (6 letters)
  3. A flavor that is sharp, pungent, or sour (5 letters)
  4. A communal meal where each guest contributes a dish (7 letters)
  5. Foods so nutrient-dense they're considered nutritional powerhouses (10 letters)
  6. The soft, fresh Italian cheese with a creamy texture and mild flavor (7)
  7. Tradition passed down through generations. (12 letters)
  8. A classic breakfast bread with a spiral shape and sweet glaze, best enjoyed with a coffee (12 letters)
  9. classic Chinese noodle dish stir-fried with vegetables and a savory sauce (10)
  10. The age-old process of using microbes to preserve food (7 letters)
  11. The precious, earthy fungus that's a hallmark of haute cuisine (7 letters)
  12. The bold, smoky chili pepper that's a key ingredient in many Mexican dishes (8 letters)
  13. The savory, fermented Japanese seasoning made from soybeans (4 letters)
  14. The long, thin, cylindrical Italian pasta that's a dietary staple worldwide (9 letters)
  15. The vibrant green powder used in Japanese tea and cuisine (6 letters)
  16. This balanced bowl-based meal features an assortment of healthful, plant-based ingredients
  17. These tiny, edible seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids (4 Letters)
  18. A flavor profile that is rich, indulgent, and reminiscent of nuts (5 letters)
  19. A kitchen tool used for blending, whipping, and mixing (5 letters)
  20. Decorative or flavorful addition to a dish, often added just before serving. (7 letters)

36 Clues: A flavor that is sharp, pungent, or sour (5 letters)Tradition passed down through generations. (12 letters)An overwhelming longing for a specific delight (7 letters)A communal meal where each guest contributes a dish (7 letters)To soak food in a seasoned liquid to enhance flavor (8 letters)...

Food Theme 2024-04-11

Food Theme crossword puzzle
  1. The crunchy, salty snack food made from dried corn kernels (5 letters)
  2. The aromatic rice dish layered with spices, vegetables, and sometimes meat (7 letters)
  3. The specialised study and appreciation of exceptional food and drinks (10)
  4. These small, edible berries are prized for their antioxidants (11 letters)
  5. The thick, creamy dairy product that's a classic topping for fruit or desserts (6 letters)
  6. A personal favourite that evokes a sense of warmth and contentment (11 letters)
  7. The outdoor gathering centered around the art of grilling and smoking meats (8 letters)
  8. The seeds from which the revered chocolate ingredient is derived (5 letters)
  9. The popular cooking competition TV show that spotlights the culinary elite (10 letters)
  10. The starchy, tuberous vegetable that's a dietary staple worldwide (6 letters)
  11. The rich, custard-based French dessert with a caramelized crust (11 letters)
  12. To soak food in a seasoned liquid to enhance flavor (8 letters)
  13. The wide, shallow pan prized for its even heat distribution (3 letters)
  14. The pungent, flavorful bulb that's an essential ingredient in many cuisines (6 letters)
  15. A creamy Middle Eastern condiment made from sesame seeds (6 letters)
  16. This small, tart citrus fruit is often used in beverages and baking (4 letters)
  1. An overwhelming longing for a specific delight (7 letters)
  2. Nutritious grain-like seed, popular for its high protein content and versatility. (6 letters)
  3. A flavor that is sharp, pungent, or sour (5 letters)
  4. A communal meal where each guest contributes a dish (7 letters)
  5. Foods so nutrient-dense they're considered nutritional powerhouses (10 letters)
  6. The soft, fresh Italian cheese with a creamy texture and mild flavor (7)
  7. Tradition passed down through generations. (12 letters)
  8. A classic breakfast bread with a spiral shape and sweet glaze, best enjoyed with a coffee (12 letters)
  9. classic Chinese noodle dish stir-fried with vegetables and a savory sauce (10)
  10. The age-old process of using microbes to preserve food (7 letters)
  11. The precious, earthy fungus that's a hallmark of haute cuisine (7 letters)
  12. The bold, smoky chili pepper that's a key ingredient in many Mexican dishes (8 letters)
  13. The savory, fermented Japanese seasoning made from soybeans (4 letters)
  14. The long, thin, cylindrical Italian pasta that's a dietary staple worldwide (9 letters)
  15. The vibrant green powder used in Japanese tea and cuisine (6 letters)
  16. This balanced bowl-based meal features an assortment of healthful, plant-based ingredients
  17. These tiny, edible seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids (4 Letters)
  18. A flavor profile that is rich, indulgent, and reminiscent of nuts (5 letters)
  19. A kitchen tool used for blending, whipping, and mixing (5 letters)
  20. Decorative or flavorful addition to a dish, often added just before serving. (7 letters)

36 Clues: A flavor that is sharp, pungent, or sour (5 letters)Tradition passed down through generations. (12 letters)An overwhelming longing for a specific delight (7 letters)A communal meal where each guest contributes a dish (7 letters)To soak food in a seasoned liquid to enhance flavor (8 letters)...

The Executive Branch 2023-07-06

The Executive Branch crossword puzzle
  1. group of advisors appointed by the President (6 letters)
  2. process of selecting a Vice President when the office becomes vacant (10 letters)
  3. President's main office and workspace in the White House (8 letters)
  4. process of removing a President from office for misconduct (7 letters)
  5. formal ceremony where the President takes the oath of office (5 letters)
  6. federal department responsible for managing the country's foreign affairs (9 letters)
  7. official who presides over the House of Representatives and is third in line to the presidency (7 letters)
  8. President's official residence in Washington, D.C. (5 letters)
  9. formal meetings where the President discusses policy with advisors (8 letters)
  10. federal department responsible for the country's military (7 letters)
  11. President's power to appoint judges and other government officials (11 letters)
  1. President's power to reject a bill passed by Congress (9 letters)
  2. federal department responsible for collecting taxes (3 letters)
  3. who presides over the Senate and is next in line to the presidency (9 letters)
  4. President's power to send U.S. troops into combat without Congressional approval (9 letters)
  5. term for the length of time a President serves in office (4 letters)
  6. President's power to pardon or reduce the punishment of a convicted criminal (10 letters)
  7. second-highest-ranking official in the U.S. government (4 letters)
  8. federal department responsible for enforcing laws and investigating crimes (6 letters)
  9. head of the executive branch of the U.S. government (9 letters)

20 Clues: group of advisors appointed by the President (6 letters)President's official residence in Washington, D.C. (5 letters)federal department responsible for collecting taxes (3 letters)head of the executive branch of the U.S. government (9 letters)President's power to reject a bill passed by Congress (9 letters)...

Respiratory 2023-10-08

Respiratory crossword puzzle
  1. bacterial infection often causing inflammation of the membranes surrounding the lungs. (11 lette
  2. The involuntary contraction of the diaphragm causing a sudden intake of breath, often accompanied by a "hiccup" sound. (7 letters)
  3. The process of listening to sounds made by the respiratory system using a medical instrument. (12 letters)
  4. The sound produced when airflow is partially blocked during breathing. (8 letters)
  5. A condition where the lung collapses partially or completely. (7 letters)
  6. A condition where the bronchial tubes constrict due to exposure to allergens or irritants. (9 letters)
  7. The process of measuring lung function using a specialized instrument. (10 letters)
  8. The medical term for a runny or stuffy nose. (7 letters)
  9. The inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. (11 letters)
  1. The medical term for difficulty in breathing. (8 letters)
  2. A medical device used to assist with breathing by delivering oxygen to the lungs. (9 letters)
  3. A term for the exchange of gases between the blood and body tissues. (9 letters)
  4. Themain muscle responsible for inhalation, situated between the ribs. (8 letters)
  5. The medical term for nosebleed. (8 letters)
  6. procedure that involves inserting a tube into the trachea to assist with breathing. (10 letters)
  7. A viral infection that primarily affects the throat and can cause a barking cough. (8 letters)
  8. A chronic lung disease characterized by damaged and enlarged air sacs. (8 letters)
  9. A surgical procedure to remove a portion of the lung. (8 letters)
  10. The act of coughing up mucus and other substances from the airways. (9 letters)
  11. A substance that reduces the surface tension in the alveoli and aids in lung expansion. (10 letters)

20 Clues: The medical term for nosebleed. (8 letters)The medical term for a runny or stuffy nose. (7 letters)The medical term for difficulty in breathing. (8 letters)A surgical procedure to remove a portion of the lung. (8 letters)The inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. (11 letters)...

The Bearded One 2021-09-16

The Bearded One crossword puzzle
  1. Goliath was one. (5 letters)
  2. Two words for elevated elementary in Jenison. (9 letters)
  3. Stony amalgam used to construct 17 down. (8 letters)
  4. Where Jack and Jill went to fetch. (9 letters)
  5. Major US airline with route between ORD and GRR. (6 letters)
  6. Eden was one. (6 letters)
  7. Place where Little Jack Horner pulled out a plum. (6 letters)
  8. Sondheim three-word musical fairy-tale mashup. (12 letters)
  9. Number of Gruffs who outsmart troll. (5 letters)
  10. One who follows after John Wesley. (9 letters)
  1. Maximum spot count on two Yahtzees. (5 letters)
  2. Number of amendment granting US women the right to vote. (8 letters)
  3. Johnny Cash fell into one, burning. (11 letters)
  4. Author of The Giving Tree also wrote about one of these that ends. (8 letters)
  5. Capitol university near Potomac with curious presidential name. (10 letters)
  6. Gerund form of what one is doing with a stopped car. (7 letters)
  7. His wife was turned to salt. (3 letters)
  8. Economy airline started in Texas with directional name. (9 letters)

18 Clues: Eden was one. (6 letters)Goliath was one. (5 letters)His wife was turned to salt. (3 letters)Where Jack and Jill went to fetch. (9 letters)One who follows after John Wesley. (9 letters)Maximum spot count on two Yahtzees. (5 letters)Johnny Cash fell into one, burning. (11 letters)Number of Gruffs who outsmart troll. (5 letters)...

Narrative Writing Techniques Review! 2023-10-10

Narrative Writing Techniques Review! crossword puzzle
  1. A __________ Narrative is a story told within a story; the inner story becomes the bulk of the text (6 letters)
  2. The 5 senses that authors should use to create imagery in a literary text include: sight, smell, hearing, taste, and _______ (7 letters)
  3. The main story of a literary text, includes exposition, rising action, the climax, falling action, and resolution (4 letters)
  4. The attitude or emotion that a writer has about a subject in a story or the audience/readers who are reading it (4 letters)
  5. Through ________ language, readers can relate to a story on a personal level and CONNECT to what is happening (7 letters)
  6. Vivid appeals used to understand a story, through the use of the 5 senses (7 letters)
  7. Devices used to provide deeper meaning for the reader and help the reader to use imagination to visualize situations (2 words: 10 letters, 8 letters)
  8. _______'s Pyramid describes the five key stages of a story, a framework for writing a story from start to finish (7 letters)
  9. A __________ Narrative presents the events of the story in the order in which they actually happened (6 letters)
  10. A problem within a literary text that creates contrast, tension, or complexity between characters and other elements (8 letters)
  1. ________(s) is/are the individuals that the story is about (9 letters)
  2. The perspective from which a story is told (3 words: 5 letters, 2 letters, 4 letters)
  3. The location of the story, as determined by the time, place, and social environment of the action (7 letters)
  4. A story that begins in the MIDDLE of the action, then uses a combination of flashbacks and chronological events to reveal the story and characters (3 words: 2 letters, 5 letters, 3 letters)
  5. A story that takes the reader back in time in order to understand the present or future (9 letters)
  6. A __________ Narrative presents the events of the story out of order, employing flashbacks and other literary devices to shift the chronology of a story (2 words, no dash: 3 letters, 5 letters)
  7. A type of dialogue that takes place between two or more characters and is always spoken out loud (8 letters)
  8. A story told through a series of letters, diaries, or other written devices that a character might have/use (10 letters)
  9. A type of dialogue that is spoken out loud to one's self, or can take place in the mind of the narrator (7 letters)
  10. Towards the end of a literary text, when the conflict is solved (8 letters)

20 Clues: ________(s) is/are the individuals that the story is about (9 letters)Towards the end of a literary text, when the conflict is solved (8 letters)The perspective from which a story is told (3 words: 5 letters, 2 letters, 4 letters)Vivid appeals used to understand a story, through the use of the 5 senses (7 letters)...

Amivero Logo Crossword 2023-04-25

Amivero Logo Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A word that means being kind and helpful (8 letters)
  2. The process of gaining knowledge or skills (8 letters)
  3. Combining two or more things together (6 letters)
  4. A color that is part of the Amivero logo (6 letters)
  5. North, South, East, or West (9 letters)
  6. The color of most of Earth (4 letters)
  7. To be helpful (10 letters)
  8. To concentrate on one thing (5 letters)
  9. Corporate symbol (4 letters)
  10. Ask questions, and share feelings and understanding with someone's situation (6 letters)
  1. A word that means a slogan or catchy phrase used in advertising (7 letters)
  2. A small bit of liquid (7 letters)
  3. Sharing what's honest and sincere (5 letters)
  4. What Amivero offers to its customers, generally (8 letters)
  5. To find and identify something accurately (8)
  6. What we use that's on a device for a practical purpose (10 letters)
  7. A tool that shows direction (7 letters)
  8. Body part used for seeing (3 letters)

18 Clues: To be helpful (10 letters)Corporate symbol (4 letters)A small bit of liquid (7 letters)Body part used for seeing (3 letters)The color of most of Earth (4 letters)North, South, East, or West (9 letters)A tool that shows direction (7 letters)To concentrate on one thing (5 letters)Sharing what's honest and sincere (5 letters)...

CW PUZZLE 2024-03-09

CW PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. The opposite of "dark" (5 letters)
  2. To make something clear or easier to understand (8 letters)
  3. An instrument with six strings, often played in country music (5 letters)
  4. A term for a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure off power from a government.
  5. A synonym for "abundant" or "plentiful."
  6. A tropical fruit with a tough outer rind and juicy, red pulp (7 letters)
  7. A synonym for "beginning" (7 letters)
  8. A type of footwear worn for sports or casual activities (5 letters)
  9. A synonym for "victory" (7 letters)
  1. A place where books are kept and can be borrowed (9 letters)
  2. To express approval or admiration for someone (6 letters)
  3. A person who is excessively fond of or always eager for food.
  4. An adjective describing something that is difficult to understand or obscure.
  5. A long, narrow body of water between cliffs or hills (5 letters)
  6. A large body of water surrounded by land (4 letters)
  7. A small insect that often bites and causes itching (4 letters)
  8. A word meaning "to criticize or reprimand severely."
  9. The highest mountain in the world (6 letters)
  10. A small, sweet, red fruit often used in desserts (6 letters)
  11. A synonym for "joyful" (5 letters)

20 Clues: The opposite of "dark" (5 letters)A synonym for "joyful" (5 letters)A synonym for "victory" (7 letters)A synonym for "beginning" (7 letters)A synonym for "abundant" or "plentiful."The highest mountain in the world (6 letters)A large body of water surrounded by land (4 letters)A word meaning "to criticize or reprimand severely."...

BioLex 2024-02-10

BioLex crossword puzzle
  1. These adult cells turn back time's relentless pace, Reprogrammed, to a pluripotent embrace (4 letters).
  2. I am the blood's genesis, In marrow's depths, where life persists (13 letters).
  3. Them, with potential deep, Give rise to specialized cells, in a developmental sweep (10 letters).
  4. Through fluorescence, cells reveal their tale, With this, their diversity unveils (4 letters).
  5. A glimpse, beneath the skin, Revealing a tissue’s secrets (6 letters).
  6. I mimic organs in miniature form, Complex tissues, where research is born (8 letters).
  7. You can craft life from this single cell's might, To form all tissues, and organs, in its genetic light (10 letters).
  8. A programmed cell’s farewell, Balancing life's cycle, where cells live and die (9 letters).
  9. In time’s quiet dance, where cells meet their end, I’m the limit where youth and age entwine (8 letters).
  10. This protein, with structure and grace, Forms the matrix, where cells find their place (11 letters).
  11. In life's cradle, where nourishment flows, This bridge of care, is where maternal love glows (8 letters).
  12. These designs, nature-inspired and wise, In tissue engineering, imitating the existing (10 letters) .
  13. I guide growth's direction, In tissue regeneration, I’m the architect's invention (8 letters).
  1. This is where time suspends its hold, Preserving life's essence, in icy cold (16 letters).
  2. This cluster of cells, in embryonic sight, Signal the next step, in development's light (6 letters).
  3. I hold the key, within the Y chromosome, To sculpt gender's path in life's grand play (3 letters).
  4. It speaks, of shapes and form, Defines its function, amidst life's storm (10 letters).
  5. Cells morph, adapt, and rewrite their fate, In response to signals, with this property’s might (10 letters).
  6. I hold the key, in cells so tight, To maintain pluripotency, with my transcriptional might (4 letters).
  7. A new transplantation, hope extends its hand, Across species lines, new futures planned (19 letters).
  8. It’s echoes, a property to gauge, In tissue's measure, on the engineering stage (8 letters).
  9. Cells cling, in bonds they weave, Building tissues strong (8 letters).
  10. In tissue matrices, is its flexibility defined, Is it this protein’s elasticity? (7 letters)
  11. A cell’s journey, from place to place, In tissue repair, it's a crucial race (9 letters).
  12. Within the cell's domain, this protein reigns supreme, Guiding pluripotency, with its insightful gleam (5 letters).

25 Clues: A glimpse, beneath the skin, Revealing a tissue’s secrets (6 letters).Cells cling, in bonds they weave, Building tissues strong (8 letters).I am the blood's genesis, In marrow's depths, where life persists (13 letters).It speaks, of shapes and form, Defines its function, amidst life's storm (10 letters)....

Scripting Workflow 1 2020-02-27

Scripting Workflow 1 crossword puzzle
  1. includes the days and times that an individual is available to work (8 letters)
  2. an applicant that has higher expectations than are reasonable for an entry level job due to previous work history (5 letters)
  3. what a recruiter must do with an applicant when scripting (7 letters)
  4. a person who has applied and was previously employed by the same company (6 letters)
  5. the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action (10 letters)
  6. strong beliefs a person has about the proper way someone should behave or something should happen (12 letters)
  7. a form of problem solving (12 letters)
  8. the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)
  9. someone who has previously applied for a job (14 letters/2 words)
  10. the knowledge or skill acquired over a period of time (10 letters)
  11. quality that enables someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people (10 letters/2 words)
  12. things a recruiter must probe further when vetting an applicant (8 letters/2 words)
  1. when an applicant is recommended by a current employee (8 letters)
  2. the act of verifying your work to ensure there are no mistakes (11 letters/2 words)
  3. organized activity aimed at imparting information/instructions to help an individual attain knowledge or skills (8 letters)
  4. shows intense and eager interest (12 letters)
  5. sheet used to show applicants who have applied to OneSupport (6 letters)
  6. when reviewing an applicant's resume, we look for these in their employment history (4 letters)
  7. the assistance provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services (15 letters/2 words)
  8. reserving a spot for an individual for the next step in our process (7 letters)
  9. the latest time or date by which something should be completed (8 letters)

21 Clues: a form of problem solving (12 letters)shows intense and eager interest (12 letters)the quality of being at hand when needed (12 letters)someone who has previously applied for a job (14 letters/2 words)when an applicant is recommended by a current employee (8 letters)the knowledge or skill acquired over a period of time (10 letters)...

Letters 2023-08-04

Letters crossword puzzle
  1. the marks, such as full stop, comma, and brackets, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning
  2. intended to be kept secret
  3. a representation of a facial expression such as a smile or frown, formed by various combinations of keyboard characters and used to convey the writer's feelings or intended tone
  4. an electronic folder in which emails received by an individual are held
  5. a small adhesive piece of paper of specified value issued by a national Post Office to be affixed to a letter or parcel to indicate the amount of postage paid
  6. writing and other office materials
  1. writing with a pen or pencil
  2. happening or coming immediately
  3. remove or obliterate (written or printed matter), especially by drawing a line through it
  4. to draw a line through (something) to show that it is wrong
  5. ___sb in (into)= to send somebody a copy of a letter, an email message, etc. that you are sending to somebody else
  6. a tray on a person's desk for letters and documents that have to be dealt with

12 Clues: intended to be kept secretwriting with a pen or pencilhappening or coming immediatelywriting and other office materialsto draw a line through (something) to show that it is wrongan electronic folder in which emails received by an individual are helda tray on a person's desk for letters and documents that have to be dealt with...

90s Music-Do Not Include Spaces! 2021-06-15

90s Music-Do Not Include Spaces! crossword puzzle
  1. This song was at the beginning of Shrek(7 letters)
  2. A boy band formed in 1995(5 letters)
  3. this song by Savage Garden shares the name with a One Direction song(16 letters)
  4. Did a remix of "Levitating by Dua Lipa(7 Letters)
  5. This was the artist who sang "My Heart Will Go On"(10 letters)
  6. A popular song by her from the 90s is "...Oops I did it again"
  7. A song made by MC Hammer in 1990(14 letters)
  8. Also the name of a magazine(5 letters)
  9. The singer of the song "Barbie Girl"(4 letters)
  10. The Artist that made the song I will always love you
  1. The singers of "I Want It That Way"(14 Letters)
  2. Another song by the same artist who made "Oops...I did it again"(15 letters)
  3. She was declared Artist of the Decade of the 1990s by Billboard(11 letters)
  4. A Christmas song released in 1994 by Mariah Carey(25 letters)
  5. Song by the Spice Girls beginning with "W"(7 letters)
  6. Song by Scatman John, Fill in the blank. I'm a _____(7 letters)
  7. Also a synonym for "Shred"(4 letters)
  8. Finish the song title: Smells Like ____ _____ (10 Letters)
  9. This song is also a primary colour(4 letters)

19 Clues: A boy band formed in 1995(5 letters)Also a synonym for "Shred"(4 letters)Also the name of a magazine(5 letters)A song made by MC Hammer in 1990(14 letters)This song is also a primary colour(4 letters)The singers of "I Want It That Way"(14 Letters)The singer of the song "Barbie Girl"(4 letters)Did a remix of "Levitating by Dua Lipa(7 Letters)...

English Language 2024-03-01

English Language crossword puzzle
  1. A spread in population that comes from the same geographic place of origin (8 letters)
  2. A theory created by Halliday that is used to interact in everyday life (10 letters)
  3. Accents and dialects become similar and reduce differences between them (11 letters)
  4. A well-established pidgin (6 letters)
  5. The study of sounds and ways to speak (9 letters)
  6. The use of facts, figures, and case studies for reasoning (5 letters)
  7. Consists of 4 things implemented by Grice. Quality, Quantity, Manner, Relevance (5 letters)
  8. The language of a socially powerful group (12 letters)
  1. Relating to the trustworthiness and credibility of a speaker (5 letters)
  2. A language which is formed from many other languages and uses different ideas. (9 letters)
  3. The visual aspect of language which is a main heading for things such as White Space (10 letters)
  4. To emphasize local identity and social groups (covert or overt) (8 letters)
  5. Relating to pronouncing the /r/ phoneme in the middle of words (8 letters)
  6. A distinctive language used by a specific individual (8 letters)
  7. The main reason why English is a global language and is well known for control (11 letters)
  8. A word that looks towards distinctive grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and a speaker's social identity (7 letters)
  9. The emotional aspect of writing and what the writer wants to make the audience feel (6 letters)
  10. A model that traces many languages as well as protolanguages (4 letters)
  11. Things that may rely on context to convey meaning (6 letters)

19 Clues: A well-established pidgin (6 letters)The study of sounds and ways to speak (9 letters)The language of a socially powerful group (12 letters)Things that may rely on context to convey meaning (6 letters)A distinctive language used by a specific individual (8 letters)The use of facts, figures, and case studies for reasoning (5 letters)...

Plate Tectonics 2013-06-01

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. hole in the ground, not just mountains (7 letters)
  2. core:the inner-most part of the earth (5,4 letters)
  3. appears, one section rises over the other (7 letters)
  4. appears, one section drops (6 letters)
  5. appears due to sideways movement, one section moves relative to the other (6,4 letters)
  6. Tectonics (5 letters)
  7. mantle:the ______ part of the mantle (5,6 letters)
  8. outer layer of the earth (5 letters)
  9. material beneath or within the earth’s crust, from which igneous rock is formed (5 letters)
  10. volcano has many ________ (7 letters)
  11. molten, fluid rock that issues from a volcano or volcanic vent (4 letters)
  12. mantle:the ______ part of the mantle (5,6 letters)
  1. rocks break under pressure (8 letters)
  2. (9 letters)
  3. series of vibrations induced in the earth’s crust (10 letters)
  4. rock:rocks formed by the cooling and solidifying of molten materials (7,4 letters)
  5. __________ of a volcano (8 letters)
  6. drifts:is the movement of the Earth’s continents relative to each other by appearing to drift across the ocean bed. (10,6 letters)
  7. crust:is the part of Earth’s lithosphere that surfaces in the ocean basins (7,5 letters)

19 Clues: (9 letters)Tectonics (5 letters)__________ of a volcano (8 letters)outer layer of the earth (5 letters)volcano has many ________ (7 letters)rocks break under pressure (8 letters)appears, one section drops (6 letters)hole in the ground, not just mountains (7 letters)mantle:the ______ part of the mantle (5,6 letters)...

Vocab 4 2024-04-29

Vocab 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Enthusiastic devotion or passion (4 letters)
  2. Something very old or ancient (9 letters)
  3. A small argument or disagreement (6 letters)
  4. Respectful submission or yielding to another's opinion (8 letters)
  5. Refusing to obey authority or rules (7 letters)
  6. Medieval sport involving knights on horseback (8 letters)
  7. Exceeding what is necessary or required (11 letters)
  1. Taken away by authority (11 letters)
  2. Annoying or bothersome (7 letters)
  3. Large, black bird known for its intelligence (5 letters)
  4. A group of similar things or people close together (7 letters)
  5. Shared by a group or community (8 letters)
  6. Tired or exhausted (5 letters)
  7. A slight suspicion or hint (7 letters)
  8. A large, heavy book (4 letters)
  9. Greedy or voracious (9 letters)
  10. A medieval entertainer who sang or recited poetry (8 letters)

17 Clues: Tired or exhausted (5 letters)A large, heavy book (4 letters)Greedy or voracious (9 letters)Annoying or bothersome (7 letters)Taken away by authority (11 letters)A slight suspicion or hint (7 letters)Something very old or ancient (9 letters)Shared by a group or community (8 letters)Enthusiastic devotion or passion (4 letters)...

TMC Anaesthesia Crossword 2024-04-26

TMC Anaesthesia Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. (11 letters)Antagonist of a drug causing conscious sedation
  2. (9 letters)My aim is to resuscitate even if I am placed in wrong place
  3. (9 letters)A phenomenon occurring with dissociative anaesthetic drug.
  4. (8 letters)I am the base of a mediator between cylinder and yoke
  5. (7 letters)I shall produce a fixed oxygen saturation
  6. (10 letters)A tuber used in ancient times for pain relief and euphoria.I resemble a human sibling
  7. (5 letters)Increasing the IV stand height increases the flow through iv cannula. I am behind this . Second half is missing
  8. (4 letters)If you are careless during the drug injection , I may be the result. I am not the first.
  9. (7 letters)I am an irrigation fluid ; At time I may cause transient vision loss
  10. (6letters)I’m associated with an obsolete anaesthetic. I used hot water bath as a temperature buffer. Nick named as a bomb
  11. (4 letters)I am an old time indicator, indicating the arrival of a potential space.
  12. (11 letters)A disappointed man in the history of anaesthesia who used an inhalational agent for his painless suicide
  13. (7 letters)I am the only vasoconstrictor in my class of drugs
  14. (8 letters)My overdose will produce the following symptoms - "hot as a hare, blind as a bat, dry as a bone, red as a beet, and mad as a hatter."
  1. (6 letters)Part of laryngoscope blade . If I Fall back , then you are in trouble.
  2. (8 letters)Before connecting a cylinder to the machine , it should be opened slightly to remove any dust. This is called .........
  3. (9 letters)I treat status asthmaticus, epilepticus , arrhythmia and resistant hypokalemia
  4. (4 letters)I govern the physics behind fifth vital sign.Iam also a cold beverage
  5. (10 letters)I am an inhalational agent who took birth in a dining room . I am related to Telangana's capital
  6. (8 letters)Using me you will find out amount of laughing gas in cylinder
  7. (9 letters) I am otherwise called as hanging drop sign
  8. (8 letters)I am a disposable one in my category & produce sedation in ICU. Also a famous Hollywood movie
  9. (3 letters)I am used to monitor coagulation,intra operatively. When used as abbreviation , I indicate a drama / play.
  10. (7 letters)An obstetrician who used chloroform in obstetric anesthesia
  11. (4 letters)I am a tollgate behind the workstation . A homophone of mine is inside the reference protein
  12. (3 letters)I am an old inhalational agent delivery system. When one of the first three alphabets introduced inbetween my letters , I am an endstage life support.
  13. (3 letters) Treatment modality for cerebral vasospasm.Also the name of famous wrestler
  14. (6 letters)A special endotracheal tube. An university

28 Clues: (7 letters)I shall produce a fixed oxygen saturation(6 letters)A special endotracheal tube. An university(9 letters) I am otherwise called as hanging drop sign(11 letters)Antagonist of a drug causing conscious sedation(7 letters)I am the only vasoconstrictor in my class of drugs(8 letters)I am the base of a mediator between cylinder and yoke...

Tim Minchin's speech vocabulary 2023-11-08

Tim Minchin's speech vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Caused or influenced by human activities (13 letters).
  2. The outer edge or boundary of something (9 letters).
  3. Showing a lack of seriousness or respect (8 letters).
  4. The process of obtaining something (11 letters).
  5. A deep or seemingly bottomless chasm (5 letters).
  6. Uncertain or questionable (7 letters).
  7. Not well-known or easily understood (7 letters).
  8. Subtle variation in meaning or expression (6 letters).
  9. Stiff hair or to react with anger (7 letters).
  10. Believer in the rejection of all moral principles (7 letters).
  1. Small, gradual changes or additions (11 letters).
  2. A concise and witty saying (8 letters).
  3. Showy and attention-grabbing (10 letters).
  4. Division into two contrasting parts (8 letters).
  5. Pamper oneself, perhaps with a sweet treat (7 letters).
  6. Related to the philosophy of existence (11 letters).
  7. One who doubts others' motives (5 letters).

17 Clues: Uncertain or questionable (7 letters).A concise and witty saying (8 letters).Showy and attention-grabbing (10 letters).One who doubts others' motives (5 letters).Stiff hair or to react with anger (7 letters).Division into two contrasting parts (8 letters).The process of obtaining something (11 letters)....