money Crossword Puzzles

Money and finances 2015-12-09

Money and finances crossword puzzle
  1. when you buy something, but decide to pay it little by little, then you pay in...
  2. the number that tells us how much money used in one country can we get for money used in a different country
  3. money you get, but have to repay later
  4. bills for electricity, water, heating
  5. to get money from someone to whom you will pay it back later
  6. money you owe
  7. type of bank account, you use it to get your salary, pay for things etc.
  8. a machine which gives you money from your bank account
  9. the additional money you have to pay when you get a loan
  10. money you receive after tax and health insurance have been paid
  11. money you give to your country
  12. someone who is not generous
  13. everything you have spent in a period of time
  14. the period of time in which you can get a new object or refund if it breaks down
  15. amount of money received during a period of time
  16. to ask for a certain amount of money
  17. give money to someone who will pay it back later
  18. money you have to pay as a punishment
  19. money you have to pay in advance to book something
  20. money you pay for transportation
  1. piece of paper that asks you to pay something
  2. another expression for rich
  3. money you have to pay to attent university
  4. money you receive for the work you do
  5. money you get if something bad happens to you, your car, house, family...
  6. money used in a certain country
  7. type of a loan you get if you promise you will give your house to the bank if you don't repay it
  8. piece of paper that is a proof that you have paid for something
  9. money you give to charity
  10. financial help given to a student
  11. money you receive before tax and health insurance have been paid
  12. additional money you give to a waiter or a taxi driver
  13. to get money from your bank account
  14. money given to kids and teenagers by their parents
  15. higher salary you get
  16. money you haven't spent, but you keep it for later
  17. lower price
  18. things, objects that you buy and sell
  19. to buy
  20. rich, but said more politely
  21. money you get back if you return something you have bought or cancel something you have booked
  22. money you pay for living in somebody's flat or house

42 Clues: to buylower pricemoney you owehigher salary you getmoney you give to charityanother expression for richsomeone who is not generousrich, but said more politelymoney you give to your countrymoney used in a certain countrymoney you pay for transportationfinancial help given to a studentto get money from your bank account...

Money Matters 1 2017-01-01

Money Matters 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a sum of money that you borrow
  2. the money taken from your bank account
  3. Something that is of no real value or use
  4. payment in return for work or services, esp. that made to workmen on a daily, hourly or weekly basis
  5. a sum of money paid to a salesperson for every sale that he or she makes
  6. a sum of money which is part of the full price of something, and which you pay when you agree to buy it.
  7. the amount of money that you have in your bank account at a particular time
  8. said when your bank balance is positive
  9. said when your bank balance is negative
  10. a piece of paper that you get from someone as proof that they have received money or goods from you
  11. a general increase in the prices of goods and services in a country
  12. a document that lists goods that have been supplied or services that have been done
  13. a regular sum of money from the state or from a former employer because they have retired
  1. the many equal parts of a company into which its ownership is divided
  2. the money that someone is paid each month by their employer
  3. a government tax, esp on imports/exports
  4. a sum of money which is returned to you, for example because you have paid too much or because you have returned goods to a shop.
  5. a sum of money given by an employer to an employee who has been laid off
  6. Something that does not require a lot of money to operate
  7. the money that is spent on something
  8. a deduction from the full amount of a price or debt, as in return for prompt payment
  9. a printed document showing how much money has been paid into and taken out of a bank account
  10. gross profit minus all operating costs not included in the calculation of gross profit, esp wages, overheads, and depreciation
  11. judged insolvent by a court
  12. to remove money from a bank
  13. a distribution from the net profits of a company to its shareholders
  14. the extra money that you pay if you have borrowed money or are buying something on credit
  15. to provide (money) temporarily, often at interest

28 Clues: judged insolvent by a courtto remove money from a banka sum of money that you borrowthe money that is spent on somethingthe money taken from your bank accountsaid when your bank balance is positivesaid when your bank balance is negativea government tax, esp on imports/exportsSomething that is of no real value or use...

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  2. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  3. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  4. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  5. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  6. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  7. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  8. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  9. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  10. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  11. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  1. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  2. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  3. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  4. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  5. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  6. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  7. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  8. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  9. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.

20 Clues: It means people have enough money to buy something.It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  2. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  3. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  4. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  5. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  6. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  7. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  8. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  9. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  1. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  2. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  3. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  4. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  5. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  6. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  7. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  8. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  9. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  10. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  11. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.

20 Clues: It means people have enough money to buy something.It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  2. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  3. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  4. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  5. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  6. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  7. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  8. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  1. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  2. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  3. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  4. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  5. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  6. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  7. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  8. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  9. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  10. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  11. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  12. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  2. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  3. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  4. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  5. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  6. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  7. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  8. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  9. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  10. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  11. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  1. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  2. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  3. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  4. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  5. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  6. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  7. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  8. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  9. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  2. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  3. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  4. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  5. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  6. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  7. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  8. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  9. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  1. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  2. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  3. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  4. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  5. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  6. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  7. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  8. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  9. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  10. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  11. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  2. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  3. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  4. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  5. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  6. It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.
  7. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  8. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  9. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  1. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  2. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  3. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  4. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses tp help out an event.
  5. It means a person gives more of something, than is usual or expected.
  6. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  7. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  8. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  9. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  10. It is an organisation which raises money to help people.
  11. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is an organisation which raises money to help people.It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  2. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  3. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  4. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  5. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  6. It means a person gives more of something, than is usual or expected.
  7. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  8. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  9. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  1. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  2. It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.
  3. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  4. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  5. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  6. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  7. It is an organisation which raises money to help people.
  8. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  9. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  10. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  11. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses tp help out an event.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is an organisation which raises money to help people.It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities....

The Money Market 2020-01-12

The Money Market crossword puzzle
  1. something you pay with
  2. an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account, written on a specially printed form.
  3. a card allowing the holder to transfer money electronically from their bank account when making a purchase.
  4. cash on hand or an asset that can be readily converted to cash.
  5. a bank that offers services to the general public and to companies.
  6. the trade in short-term loans between banks and other financial institutions.
  7. specific division of banking related to the creation of capital for other companies, governments and other entities.
  8. an investment asset whose value is derived from a contractual claim of what they represent.
  9. an organization (which is often, but not always, a company or business) based on the principle of mutuality
  10. amount of units of money circulated in the economy during a given period of time
  11. item of economic, commercial, or exchange value that has a material existence.
  12. a deficit in a bank account caused by drawing more money than the account holds.
  13. an account at a bank or building society from which money may be withdrawn without notice, typically an active account catering for frequent deposits and withdrawals by cheque.
  14. debt-based funding arrangement between a business and a financial institution such as a bank.
  15. a bank account that pays interest and is usually not able to be drawn on without notice or loss of interest.
  1. money placed into banking institutions for safekeeping.
  2. fixed amount of money borrowed at a fix rate and repaid over a fixed amount of time.
  3. proportion of an amount loaned which a lender charges as interest to the borrower, normally expressed as an annual percentage.
  4. an arrangement made with a bank that allows a third party to transfer money from a person's account on agreed dates, typically in order to pay bills.
  5. a legal agreement by which a bank, building society, etc. lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt.
  6. an entity that acts as the middleman between two parties in a financial transaction, such as a commercial bank, investment banks, mutual funds and pension funds.
  7. assets which can readily be converted into cash, such as bills of exchange.
  8. a deposit account.
  9. a small plastic card issued by a bank, building society, etc., allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit.
  10. company engaged in the business of dealing with financial and monetary transactions such as deposits, loans, investments, and currency exchange.
  11. system based on the principles of Islamic or Sharia law and guided by Islamic economics.
  12. member-owned financial cooperative that is created and operated by members and shares profits with owners.

27 Clues: a deposit account.something you pay withmoney placed into banking institutions for on hand or an asset that can be readily converted to cash.a bank that offers services to the general public and to companies.assets which can readily be converted into cash, such as bills of exchange....

Money and Finance 2021-04-12

Money and Finance crossword puzzle
  1. the amount of money you make after you pay for your expenses
  2. money or fees you must pay to survive. (ex: Rent, insurance, food)
  3. money you bring INTO your family from work/job
  4. money taken OUT of your gross income paycheck
  5. tax you pay on the $$$ you earn
  6. you pay a little bit more for everything you purchase
  7. $$ you pay the government because you own boats, cars, houses, land
  8. the fee a bank charges you to borrow money
  9. a paper debit that you sign to pay for things. This debit removes money from your account
  10. adding money to any account
  11. an account one uses to spend money they don't have
  12. person you work for
  13. money subtracted from your account as you spend it
  14. the exact amount of money you agree to work
  1. money or fees you pay the government
  2. paying bills without handling money by using the internet
  3. making payment for a purchase that withdraws money out of your account immediately
  4. the bank prints a listing of all your banking transactions over a month's time
  5. a list of your expenses subtracted from your income (pay)
  6. the price the store sells an item to you
  7. the amount of your paycheck BEFORE deductions and taxes
  8. the money you take home from your paycheck AFTER taxes
  9. money you owe others and must pay back

23 Clues: person you work foradding money to any accounttax you pay on the $$$ you earnmoney or fees you pay the governmentmoney you owe others and must pay backthe price the store sells an item to youthe fee a bank charges you to borrow moneythe exact amount of money you agree to workmoney taken OUT of your gross income paycheck...


MONEY AND SHOPPING crossword puzzle
  1. rebaixa
  2. client
  3. provar-se
  4. malbaratar
  5. ocupar-sede
  6. entrenar
  7. acompanyar
  8. pressupost
  9. benefici
  10. funambulisme
  11. estalviar
  12. recollir
  1. fabricant
  2. apuntar-se
  3. worth valer
  4. minorista
  5. ganga, txollo
  6. marca
  7. costar
  8. descompte
  9. començar
  10. reduir
  11. perdre's

23 Clues: marcaclientcostarreduirrebaixacomençarentrenarperdre'sbeneficirecollirfabricantminoristaprovar-sedescompteestalviarapuntar-semalbarataracompanyarpressupostworth valerocupar-sedefunambulismeganga, txollo

Money Matters Vocab 2021-09-21

Money Matters Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Form of legal tender which can be used to exchange goods, debt or services
  2. Something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value or a means of payments.
  3. Wire transfer of money from one bank account to another.
  4. Means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy.
  5. Standard mass of gold defines the value of a currency unit.
  6. Promissory notes issued by a Federal Reserve Bank
  7. Type of Government bond issued with shorter maturities than T-Bonds.
  1. Government bonds issued with terms of 4,13,26,or 52 weeks.
  2. Type of treasuries which have the longest maturities of all government bonds
  3. Desired holding of financial assets in the form of money - cash and bank deposit.
  4. Actions of a central bank, currency board or regulatory committee specifying the size and rate of growth of the money supply.
  5. Paper currency issued by the Continental Congress
  6. Form of Debt issued by a national government
  7. Type of money made with metal, stamped and issued by the authority of government
  8. Rate at which a unit of currency of one country can be exchanged or a unit of currency of another currency.
  9. Total amount of money assets available in a country's economy at a specific time.
  10. Payment card which provides the cardholder electronic access to their bank account.
  11. Payment card issued by a bank to cardholders as a method of payment.
  12. Slip of paper which allows the user to make a payment from his or her bank account to a business or individual.
  13. System of money in general use in a country

20 Clues: System of money in general use in a countryForm of Debt issued by a national governmentPaper currency issued by the Continental CongressPromissory notes issued by a Federal Reserve BankWire transfer of money from one bank account to another.Government bonds issued with terms of 4,13,26,or 52 weeks....

Money Matters Crossword 2021-09-07

Money Matters Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. allow customers to draw money directly from their account
  2. allow individuals to borrow money from a bank
  3. two or more account holders
  4. allow business to borrow money for business purposes
  5. assist individuals in buying and selling securities among investors
  6. moving money from one account to another
  7. allow bank to secure account on behalf of a beneficiary
  8. gives customers to ability to manage money online
  9. provide loans for prospective home buyers
  10. have the main function of receiving and lending money
  1. provide financial services to families,individuals, and small business
  2. can be earned on the balance held in an an account
  3. allow customers to borrow money from an institution up to a limit
  4. percentage charged on loans
  5. private organizations that hold and manage securities for investment purposes
  6. when money is owed to an institution
  7. focus on helping their members save and borrow money and receive financial services
  8. removing money from an account]
  9. provide financial coverage for individuals or organizations
  10. putting money into an account

20 Clues: percentage charged on loanstwo or more account holdersputting money into an accountremoving money from an account]when money is owed to an institutionmoving money from one account to anotherprovide loans for prospective home buyersallow individuals to borrow money from a bankgives customers to ability to manage money online...

The Money Market 2021-11-30

The Money Market crossword puzzle
  1. used to exchange goods/services
  2. money placed into a bank for safekeeping
  3. a debt security issued by a government that supports the government's financial activities
  4. a financial institution that offers depositing services
  5. banking institution that deals with monetary and financial transactions
  6. when an individual borrows money for a personal need
  7. represents equity ownership in a corporation or financial asset, owned by investors
  8. a card that takes money directly out of a banking account
  9. assets that can easily be converted into cash while keeping its original value
  10. a bank account where money is withdrawn without notice
  1. financial activities that follow the traditional Islamic laws
  2. material assets that are physical
  3. a bank account that earns interest
  4. money borrowed from the bank for commercial purposes
  5. a card that allows you to borrow funds
  6. a loan used to purchase or maintain a home or another form of real estate
  7. a loan provided by a bank that allows a customer to pay for expenses after their account reaches 0
  8. a liquid asset that gets its value from a contractual form
  9. annual percentage of the outstanding loan
  10. the dealing of short-term debt
  11. a transaction in which an indiviidual withdraws funds from another person's bank account

21 Clues: the dealing of short-term debtused to exchange goods/servicesmaterial assets that are physicala bank account that earns interesta card that allows you to borrow fundsmoney placed into a bank for safekeepingannual percentage of the outstanding loanmoney borrowed from the bank for commercial purposes...

The Money Market 2021-11-30

The Money Market crossword puzzle
  1. A loan used to purchase or maintain a home or another form of real estate
  2. The percentage paid from a borrower to a lender for a loan of money
  3. An amount of money you can borrow to use for a variety of purposes
  4. A payment card that deducts money directly from the consumers checking account
  5. Represents equity ownership in a corporation or financial asset, owned by investors
  6. Money placed into a bank for safekeeping
  7. A funding arrangement between a business and a financial institution based on debt
  8. A transaction in which an individual withdraws funds from another person's bank account
  9. A bank account where money is withdrawn without notice
  10. Issued by financial institutions which allow you to borrow funds to pay for your purchases
  11. They advise businesses and governments on how to meet their financial challenges
  12. A company involved in the business of dealing with financial and monetary transactions
  1. A debt security issued by a government that supports the government's financial activities
  2. They can be seen, touch, held and has a material existence
  3. A liquid asset that gets it's value from a contractual right
  4. Finance or banking activities that adhere to the Islamic laws
  5. What is used to exchange goods/services
  6. An interest-bearing deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution
  7. Dealing in debt of less than one year
  8. A financial institution that carries out all the operations to do with the deposit and withdrawal of money for the public
  9. It occurs when an account lacks the funds to cover a withdrawal, but goes forward with it anyways
  10. An asset than can be easily converted into cash while keeping it's market value

22 Clues: Dealing in debt of less than one yearWhat is used to exchange goods/servicesMoney placed into a bank for safekeepingA bank account where money is withdrawn without noticeThey can be seen, touch, held and has a material existenceA liquid asset that gets it's value from a contractual rightFinance or banking activities that adhere to the Islamic laws...

Smart Money Management 2022-02-08

Smart Money Management crossword puzzle
  1. The filter in your brain that lets only lets in what you believe
  2. Home Loan
  3. Yearly interest charged
  4. When you owe someone money
  5. Intelligent
  6. The way you think
  7. A Desire
  8. Decline of purchasing power
  9. Smartest thing you can do with your money
  10. The money you put aside for a rainy day
  11. Give a reason
  12. Period of economic decline
  13. Finance
  1. Financial reportcard
  2. Credit card bill
  3. A plan for your money
  4. Being thankful
  5. Percentage of lottery winners who go broke
  6. What you need to survive
  7. Helps calculate how soon your money will double

20 Clues: FinanceA DesireHome LoanIntelligentGive a reasonBeing thankfulCredit card billThe way you thinkFinancial reportcardA plan for your moneyYearly interest chargedWhat you need to surviveWhen you owe someone moneyPeriod of economic declineDecline of purchasing powerThe money you put aside for a rainy daySmartest thing you can do with your money...

Money and Time 2021-07-21

Money and Time crossword puzzle
  1. Question 2A
  2. Question 4a
  3. Question 10
  4. Question 9b
  5. Question 7b
  6. Question 3
  7. Question 9c to nearest pence
  8. Question 5a
  9. Question 1 Gail
  10. Question 6b
  11. Question 8a
  12. Question 7a
  1. Question 9a
  2. Question 8b
  3. Question 1 Janice
  4. Question 4b
  5. Question 6c
  6. Question 7c
  7. Question 1 Martin
  8. Question 2B
  9. Question 6a
  10. Question 5b

22 Clues: Question 3Question 2AQuestion 9aQuestion 4aQuestion 8bQuestion 4bQuestion 10Question 9bQuestion 7bQuestion 6cQuestion 7cQuestion 5aQuestion 6bQuestion 2BQuestion 6aQuestion 8aQuestion 5bQuestion 7aQuestion 1 GailQuestion 1 JaniceQuestion 1 MartinQuestion 9c to nearest pence

Vault: Understanding Money 2023-04-10

Vault: Understanding Money crossword puzzle
  1. Things you must have in order to survive like food, shelter, and safety
  2. A record of how you pay back the money you borrow
  3. The amount you take home after paying taxes and anything else that gets taken out of your pay
  4. Payment for the work you do. It can be an amount for each hour you work or based on completing a task.
  5. Money that goes to the government to pay for things like schools, road repairs, and police and fire services
  6. What you give up in order to get something else
  7. When you borrow money and promise to pay it back later
  8. Work you do for money
  9. Money that is available and ready to use like bills and coins
  10. Money that a financial institution pays you to borrow your money. It is calculated by multiplying the percentage rate times your balance (or total amount in your account) plus any interest you have already earned.
  11. Helps pay for emergencies. You pay a little money at set times. Then, if you have an emergency, insurance will help pay for it! You can get insurance for your home, your health, your car, and more!
  12. Things that you are able to do like for a job or a hobby
  13. Savings options, like stocks or bonds, that can make your money grow faster than a savings account. But you might not be able to take out your money anytime you want. And with some investments, you could also lose money.
  14. Money that a financial institution pays you to borrow your money. It is calculated by multiplying the percentage rate times your balance (or total amount in your account).
  15. Things you’d like to have, but they aren’t needed to survive
  16. A quality that means that something or someone can be trusted to do what has been agreed upon
  1. A savings certificate that gains interest and has a set time before you can withdraw your money (if you take your money out early, you will likely be charged a fee.)
  2. A plan for using your money over a set period of time. It helps you keep track of what you earn, spend, and save
  3. Money that you have to pay back
  4. Using money to buy stuff
  5. A share in the ownership of a company. A company sells stock to raise money. If the company does well, the value of the stock may increase.
  6. An activity or action that might be dangerous
  7. To use something from someone else with the promise of returning it
  8. To look at what you’ve done with your money over a period of time
  9. Finding out whether or not what you are about to buy can be found for a better price or in better shape at a different store
  10. An account at a financial institution that gains interest and allows withdrawals
  11. Money that a financial institution pays you to borrow your money. It is calculated as a percentage of the amount of money you have in your account.
  12. The full amount you earned
  13. When You Put Things In Order Of How Much They Matter
  14. Not having enough money to buy everything that you want
  15. Bonds are agreements to lend money to companies or the government. They agree to pay you back by a certain date, with higher interest than a savings account
  16. Working Extra Hours To Make Extra Money
  17. The topics or types of things that you enjoy learning about or spending your time doing
  18. Giving resources or volunteering time to help those in need
  19. It Is Payday And Cece Just Received Her Paycheck. What Should She Do With The Money?
  20. Payment for a year’s worth of work that is divided into equal portions that are paid to you with each paycheck
  21. A type of job you do for a long time and may require some education, training, or experience related to it
  22. Something you want to achieve. When you have a goal, then you can plan steps to achieve it. There are short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals that all take different amounts of time to achieve.

38 Clues: Work you do for moneyUsing money to buy stuffThe full amount you earnedMoney that you have to pay backWorking Extra Hours To Make Extra MoneyAn activity or action that might be dangerousWhat you give up in order to get something elseA record of how you pay back the money you borrowWhen You Put Things In Order Of How Much They Matter...

Greenwood Becomes Money 2023-04-17

Greenwood Becomes Money crossword puzzle
  1. Our bride's drink of choice (6,3)
  2. Kiera's favourite pastime (8)
  3. Their favourite joint activity (7)
  4. Kiera and Dan have no need for this love potion (10)
  5. Number of bridesmaids (3)
  6. The wedding colour (4,5)
  7. Save the date! (6,7)
  8. The handsome groom (3)
  9. A new name (3,5)
  10. Number of years our couple has been together (5,3,1,4)
  11. Our lovely bride (5)
  1. The time of year they first met (9)
  2. The honeymoon location (3,5)
  3. A furry friend (8,7)
  4. Kiera's beautiful ring is... (7)
  5. A likely dog name (6)
  6. Afternoon tea on the 28th at... (6)
  7. Where she said yes (4)
  8. The beautiful venue (9,5)
  9. Kiera's special dress will be (5)
  10. Home sweet home (6)
  11. The magic words at the altar (1,2)

22 Clues: A new name (3,5)Home sweet home (6)A furry friend (8,7)Save the date! (6,7)Our lovely bride (5)A likely dog name (6)Where she said yes (4)The handsome groom (3)The wedding colour (4,5)Number of bridesmaids (3)The beautiful venue (9,5)The honeymoon location (3,5)Kiera's favourite pastime (8)Kiera's beautiful ring is... (7)...

Spring Money Matters 2023-04-25

Spring Money Matters crossword puzzle
  1. Location of annual meeting.
  2. Account established in a child's name, but controlled by the custodian.
  3. 42,961
  4. A free suite of tools that provides financial education resources to help you learn how to build and maintain healthy credit.
  5. On average, members who refinance their ______ with JHFCU save $2,500!
  6. Federally insured by ______.
  7. the rate you receive will be based on certain _________________.
  8. loan product with fixed introductory rate as low as prime minus 2.00%
  9. Branch missing a drop box.
  10. Eligible for membership; used to work for Hopkins.
  1. Youth accounts can be established for kids up to age _______.
  2. Secured loans typically have better _____ rates than unsecured loans.
  3. Benefits Johns Hopkins Children's Center; 23rd year.
  4. Age at which a child can establish a checking account with a joint owner.
  5. A holiday closing.
  6. Financial interest in your home.
  7. JHFCU ______ are getting a facelift.
  8. By May 3, 2023
  9. Serving the Hopkins community for over _____ years.
  10. Regretting your recent purchase.
  11. Wednesday, May 10,2023 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m.
  12. $630,584,865
  13. Nearly one in _______ Americans don't know their credit score at all.
  14. Maximum interest rate charged for a HELOC.
  15. a type of loan where members borrow against their collateral.

25 Clues: 42,961$630,584,865By May 3, 2023A holiday closing.Branch missing a drop box.Location of annual meeting.Federally insured by ______.Financial interest in your home.Regretting your recent purchase.JHFCU ______ are getting a facelift.Wednesday, May 10,2023 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m.Maximum interest rate charged for a HELOC....

Money and Markets 2022-04-28

Money and Markets crossword puzzle
  1. a factory where cloth is made
  2. machine that recores sounds and plays them back
  3. someone who creates things
  4. money you borrow from a bank
  5. money used in France, Germany and Italy
  6. to replace something
  7. any task or job you pay someone to do
  8. anything you can buy
  9. money people earn
  10. things found in nature
  11. to do something without being paid
  12. a safe place to keep your money
  13. to choose by voting
  14. money you pay to the government for services
  15. people who make things to sell
  16. extra money you pay when you borrow money
  1. money earned by children for doing chores
  2. to be chosen by a leader for a job
  3. the leader of a city
  4. services things like roads and sidewalks
  5. people who buy things
  6. a duty to do or not do something
  7. allows you to buy something now, and pay for it later
  8. allows you to use your own money from your bank account
  9. to use something again or in another way
  10. someone who studies science
  11. a place people who need it can get free food
  12. a place where goods are made
  13. anything people can use
  14. to give one thing for another thing
  15. when there is not enough of something to go around
  16. having options
  17. any group of producers and consumers

33 Clues: having optionsmoney people earnto choose by votingthe leader of a cityto replace somethinganything you can buypeople who buy thingsthings found in natureanything people can usesomeone who creates thingssomeone who studies sciencemoney you borrow from a banka place where goods are madea factory where cloth is madepeople who make things to sell...

Australian's Spending Money 2022-09-15

Australian's Spending Money crossword puzzle
  1. activities that make the products available to customers when and where they want to purchase
  2. is a paid non-personal message communicated through a mass medium
  3. is any free news story about a business’s products.
  4. is the ability of a business to minimise its costs and maximise profit with the lowest assets
  5. are the realistic and measurable goals to be achieved through the marketing plan
  6. refers to the technique in which marketers try to create an image or identity for a product compared with the image of competing products.
  7. refers to the business processes that involve transformation or ‘production’
  8. is the ability of the business to increase its size in the longer term
  9. (1- -8) involves the buying and selling of goods and services via the internet
  10. refers to enhancing the skills of the employee
  11. (6-9) are those activities aimed at creating and maintaining favourable relations between a business and its customers.
  12. is the of planning and executing , pricing, promotion and distribution strategies for a product
  13. (6-5) refers to the business’ share of the total industry sales
  14. (9-3)refers to the combination of the four elements of marketing - the four Ps
  15. the methods used by a business to inform and persuade a target market about products
  1. is the process of attracting and recruiting the right staff for roles in a business
  2. a name or symbol that identifies a specific product and distinguishes it from its competition
  3. is the process through which people select and interpret information to create meaning
  4. are items of value owned by the business
  5. a graphic representation that identifies a business or product
  6. occurs when a business charges the lowest price possible for a product
  7. (4-6) a loss leader is a product sold at or below cost price
  8. refers to the amount of money a customer is prepared to offer in exchange for a product
  9. (5-9) is the use of activities or materials as direct inducements to customers.
  10. (5-8) occurs when a business charges the highest possible price for the product on launch
  11. refer to the end result of the business efforts — the good or service that is delivered
  12. involves the development of a container and the graphic design for a product
  13. a method of setting prices according to the interaction between supply and demand
  14. are the resources used in the transformation (production) process.
  15. (8-7) the activities of a sales representative to a customer in an attempt to make a sale
  16. (5-6) is selling products only at certain predetermined prices.

31 Clues: are items of value owned by the businessrefers to enhancing the skills of the employeeis any free news story about a business’s products.(4-6) a loss leader is a product sold at or below cost pricea graphic representation that identifies a business or product(6-5) refers to the business’ share of the total industry sales...

FCLP 16. Money 2023-03-29

FCLP 16. Money crossword puzzle
  1. szantażysta
  2. opłacać się; przekupić kogoś, posmarować komuś
  3. spłacać, zwracać (pieniądze, dług); odpłacać, odwdzięczać się, zrewanżować się; opłacać się, być wartym (np. wysiłku)
  4. nabywać, kupować; zakup, kupno, nabycie; nabytek, sprawunek, zakup (rzecz kupiona); chwyt
  5. dzięki Bogu, na szczęście, całe szczęście, Bogu dzięki
  6. zakładać się, obstawiać (postawić pieniądze); zakładać się (być przekonanym o czymś); zakład (gdy dwie osoby się o coś zakładają)
  7. zaliczka; kaucja; wpłata, depozyt (w banku); złoże, pokład, nanos (np. minerałów); złóg (np. w żyłach), warstwa czegoś, która stopniowo się powiększa, osad; lokata, lokata bankowa; nanieść, nanosić (np. warstwę błota); wpłacać (pieniądze do banku); zdeponować, oddać na przechowanie (np. kosztowności do banku)
  8. pensja (zwykle wypłacana co miesiąc), płaca, wynagrodzenie, pobory (stałe wynagrodzenie)
  9. gospodarka (np. jakiegoś kraju); ekonomika, oszczędność; gospodarność; ekonomiczny, oszczędny
  10. strzepać, strzepywać
  11. relacja, raport, sprawozdanie, opowieść; konto (w systemie komputerowym); wyjaśnienie, wytłumaczenie; klient; rachunek (w sklepie); znaczenie oficjalnie; mieć za, uważać za; konto, rachunek (w banku); konto, konto księgowe
  12. pożyczać (coś komuś); pożyczać (o banku); nadawać, dodawać czegoś
  13. pokwitowanie, potwierdzenie; paragon; odbiór
  14. dobrobyt, pomyślność, powodzenie; dobra koniunktura
  15. hojny, wspaniałomyślny (o osobie); obfity, sowity, szczodry (o rzeczy)
  16. inwestycja; wkład, zaangażowanie; inwestycyjny
  17. luksusowy, wykwintny
  18. zachowywać coś (na później); zaoszczędzić (pieniądze)
  19. zwracać, spisywać, spłacać
  20. chwalić, wychwalać (powiedzieć, że się kogoś lub coś podziwia); błogosławić, chwalić (np. Boga); pochwała, pochwały; chwała
  21. rezydencja, willa, posiadłość, posesja, dworek
  22. żyć za określoną sumę
  23. oszczędzać, zaoszczędzać, zaoszczędzić
  24. opłata (np. za wejście, za członkostwo); honorarium (np. za specjalistyczną usługę); czesne (np. za szkołę)
  25. koszt, opłata (np. za gaz, prąd, telefon), taksa; zarzut, oskarżenie (w sądzie); oskarżenie (kogoś o coś); szarża, atak, uderzenie (np. militarny); nadzór, opieka (np. nad dzieckiem), odpowiedzialność (za coś lub kogoś), zarządzanie; polecenie, nakaz (np. zrobienia czegoś); podopieczny, podopieczna; ładunek (elektryczny); ładunek wybuchowy; szarża (rodzaj faulu ofensywnego w koszykówce); liczyć, pobierać (np. opłatę, prowizję), obciążyć czyjś rachunek (np. za drinki); oskarżać, postawiać zarzut (w sądzie); winić, oskarżać (np. za zrobienie czegoś); zobowiązywać (kogoś do czegoś); wpadać (wbiec gdzieś szybko); nacierać, szarżować, przypuszczać atak (np. na obce wojska); nasycać (coś czymś); wypełniać, przepełniać (np. emocjami); nakazywać (np. komuś zrobienie czegoś); ozdabiać herbem; ładować (baterię, akumulator, telefon)
  26. opłata za przejazd; pasażer; mieć się, czuć się, radzić sobie; wypaść, wyjść; wykonywać w określony sposób w określonej sytuacji lub przez pewien okres czasu
  27. bogactwo, majątek; dobrobyt, dostatek, obfitość
  28. maszyna do pisania
  29. osiągać, zdobywać; zyskiwać, stopniowo zdobywać; wzrastać, zyskiwać (np. na wadze, prędkości, wartości); korzyść, zysk; zysk (finansowy); wzmocnienie
  30. zmniejszenie, spadek, obniżenie; zmniejszać, zmniejszać się
  31. gwarantować, zapewniać; udzielać gwarancji (na jakiś produkt); podżyrować, poręczać (np. pożyczkę); gwarancja (na jakiś produkt); gwarancja, zapewnienie (np. że się coś zrobi); poręczenie (finansowe); zabezpieczenie, kaucja; gwarancyjny
  32. dobra, towary; dobytek, majątek ruchomy; towary, wyroby; towarowy
  33. bezwartościowy
  1. mieć na coś pieniądze (używane, gdy mówimy, że kogoś na coś stać); pozwalać (sobie na coś); oferować (coś), dostarczać (czegoś), zapewniać (coś)
  2. bezinteresowny (np. o pracy); bezpłatny, niewynagrodzony; nieopłacany, niezapłacony (np. rachunek); nieodpłatny, darmowy, niepłatny
  3. wpłacać
  4. czek podróżniczy
  5. wybrać pieniądze, wypłacić pieniądze
  6. myśleć, sądzić, przypuszczać; liczyć (np. dni), kalkulować (np. odległość), rachować
  7. okazja, dobry interes (możliwość kupienia czegoś taniej); porozumienie, układ, umowa, transakcja; targować się, pertraktować, negocjować
  8. dzień wypłaty; termin rozliczeniowy
  9. podpis; sygnaturka (na końcu e-maila); sygnowanie (akt podpisania czegoś); sygnatura; charakterystyczny; popisowy (np. numer)
  10. dziedziczyć, przejmować w spadku (np. własność, tytuł)
  11. zbić fortunę
  12. oszczędności (np. całego życia); oszczędnościowy (np. konto)
  13. odkładać coś na bok (np. nieporozumienia, aby móc z kimś pracować nad czymś wspólnie); odkładać coś na bok (np. książkę); odkładać (np. pieniądze)
  14. być winnym, być dłużnym (pieniądze); być winnym zrobienia, dania komuś czegoś (np. przysługi, drinka); musieć (coś zrobić, ponieważ komuś coś się należy, np. szacunek)
  15. bez grosza przy duszy
  16. bieda, ubóstwo
  17. poddasze, strych; loft (duże mieszkanie w dawnej fabryce); galeria, chór (w kościele)
  18. dług; wpływ (czyjś na kogoś)
  19. przynosić straty, wykazywać straty
  20. nalegać, domagać się; uparcie twierdzić
  21. dochodowy, opłacalny, zyskowny, rentowny; korzystny, pożyteczny
  22. znaczny, niemały
  23. emerytura (pieniądze); pensjonat (w krajach europejskich)
  24. nabywać, zdobywać, przyswajać, osiągać (np. umiejętności); uzyskiwać, nabywać, zdobywać, posiadać, wchodzić w posiadanie; nabywać, kupować (np. udziały w firmie)
  25. ubezpieczony
  26. dobrze płatny
  27. bezwartościowy
  28. hojność, szczodrość; wspaniałomyślność, wielkoduszność
  29. płatny; opłacalny; należny, do zapłacenia
  30. spłukany (bez pieniędzy); spragniony, wygłodzony (np. seksu)
  31. zainteresowanie; odsetki (z tytułu posiadania konta bankowego), odsetki (dodatkowy koszt zaciągnięcia pożyczki); udział (np. w firmie); zamiłowanie, hobby, zainteresowanie; zaciekawienie; interesować; zainteresować, zaciekawić
  32. zamożny, dobrze sytuowany
  33. pożyczka, kredyt; pożyczenie (akt pożyczenia czegoś komuś); pożyczać (coś komuś)

66 Clues: wpłacaćszantażystazbić fortunęubezpieczonydobrze płatnybieda, ubóstwobezwartościowybezwartościowyczek podróżniczyznaczny, niemałymaszyna do pisaniastrzepać, strzepywaćluksusowy, wykwintnybez grosza przy duszyżyć za określoną sumęzamożny, dobrze sytuowanyzwracać, spisywać, spłacaćdług; wpływ (czyjś na kogoś)przynosić straty, wykazywać straty...

Money and finance 2023-10-12

Money and finance crossword puzzle
  1. A request for payment of money owed, or the piece of paper on which it is written
  2. Help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially because they do not have enough money
  3. Something that someone says or writes officially
  4. The total amount of money that a government or person spends
  5. An amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing
  6. The act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage, or the money, effort, time, etc.
  7. Spending too much money (adj)
  8. A reduction in the usual price
  9. Money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards
  10. An amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the agreement that allows this
  1. Something on sale at a lower price than its true value
  2. An amount of money paid regularly by the government or a private company to a person who does not work any more because they are too old or have become ill
  3. A priceless object has such a high value, especially because it is rare, that the price of it cannot be calculated (adj)
  4. An organization where people and businesses can invest or borrow money, change it to foreign money, etc.
  5. The act of making something, or of something becoming, smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc.
  6. Money that is earned in trade or business after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services
  7. A fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month
  8. Something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something
  9. A particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education
  10. An agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house
  11. Careful when using money (adj)

21 Clues: Spending too much money (adj)A reduction in the usual priceCareful when using money (adj)Something that someone says or writes officiallySomething on sale at a lower price than its true valueThe total amount of money that a government or person spendsMoney in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards...

Money and payment 2024-02-11

Money and payment crossword puzzle
  1. It often involves borrowed funds that need to be repaid, usually with interest, over a specified period.
  2. expression of willingness to do something or provide goods, services, or assistance under specific conditions.
  3. generally refers to a goal or objective that someone is striving to achieve.
  4. an extension of a business or organization.
  5. refers to the act of making something smaller, less, or decreasing in size, quantity, or degree.
  6. It represents the overall identity and reputation associated with a particular offering.
  7. is a term commonly used to describe a state of financial insufficiency or having little to no money.
  8. refers to the process of becoming different or the result of such a process.
  9. refers to the rapid release of energy, often resulting in a sudden and forceful expansion.
  10. means to support or encourage the advancement, growth, or popularity of something, such as a product, idea, person, or cause.
  11. is a short and catchy musical composition
  12. f money given back to a customer.
  1. refers to the manner or method used to handle a situation, solve a problem, or achieve a goal.
  2. refers to an agreement between parties where they reach a mutually beneficial deal, often involving the exchange of goods, services, or terms at a favorable or reduced cost.
  3. refers to the distribution or transmission of audio or video content to a wide audience.
  4. is a printed or digital promotional material, usually a small handbill or leaflet, designed to provide information or advertise an event, product, service, or cause.
  5. refers to the act of acquiring goods, services, or assets by paying a specified amount of money or an agreed-upon consideration.
  6. is a written order from an account holder to a bank.
  7. wake up later than planned.
  8. refers to the impact or clash between two or more objects, often resulting in physical contact.

20 Clues: wake up later than planned.f money given back to a a short and catchy musical compositionan extension of a business or a written order from an account holder to a bank.generally refers to a goal or objective that someone is striving to achieve.refers to the process of becoming different or the result of such a process....

Of Love & Money 2024-04-10

Of Love & Money crossword puzzle
  1. the things you do without thinking
  2. a status of obligation
  3. the ability to wait
  4. a persistent state of worry
  5. protection;safeguard against something
  6. the ability to feel another's feeling
  7. joint effort toward a goal
  8. the payment for effort
  9. if it's scary we call it a nightmare
  10. when personalities are complimentary
  11. encouraging another
  12. a difficult time
  13. antonym to the present
  14. the act of making a plan
  15. a deep affection
  16. loyalty to a cause or person
  17. change over time or as needed
  18. what you hopefully acquire with education
  19. something you have to pay each month
  20. to put something away for later
  21. another word for support
  22. opaque;honesty
  23. something a friend holds you to
  1. something the chiropractor does to your back
  2. an unexpected accident or incident
  3. a mutual premarital agreement
  4. to be interested in something
  5. pertaining to finances
  6. with another
  7. dialogue with another
  8. this lets you buy things without cash
  9. time off; usually spent away from home
  10. tools that make life easier
  11. a synonym for currency
  12. money that comes in and goes out
  13. toil;labor
  14. a sweet fruit or a sweet time
  15. something one tends to enjoy
  16. everyone gets the same thing;fairness
  17. a spirit of giving
  18. another word for dreams beginning with g
  19. another word for irrational fear
  20. acquisition of information
  21. relatives
  22. having to forgo something
  23. individual control of ones self/body
  24. to have authority
  25. a state of homeostasis
  26. the outflow of money
  27. accumulation of money
  28. principles that influence behavior

51 Clues: relativestoil;laborwith anotheropaque;honestya difficult timea deep affectionto have authoritya spirit of givingthe ability to waitencouraging anotherthe outflow of moneydialogue with anotheraccumulation of moneya status of obligationpertaining to financesthe payment for efforta synonym for currencyantonym to the presenta state of homeostasis...

Money, cash, card... 2024-04-10

Money, cash, card... crossword puzzle
  1. an amount in excess especially on the credit side of an account
  2. removal from a place of deposit or investment
  3. conveyance of against property (as for securing a loan)
  4. seller
  5. no responsibility at all
  6. an amount of money that is paid at one time
  7. spend too much money
  8. (informal) dollar
  9. having an abundance of goods or riches
  1. a period of time beyond a due date during which a financial obligation may be met without penalty or cancellation
  2. characterized by, based on, or done by cheating, decieving
  3. one of the parts into which a debt is divided
  4. the quality of being variable
  5. (informal)pound
  6. something owed
  7. reduced to a state of financial ruin
  8. to buy back, repurchase
  9. (informal)having a large amount of money
  10. a legal declaration of a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property after death
  11. suitable, qualified to participate or be chosen
  12. money given as a pledge or down payment

21 Clues: sellersomething owed(informal)pound(informal) dollarspend too much moneyto buy back, repurchaseno responsibility at allthe quality of being variablereduced to a state of financial ruinhaving an abundance of goods or richesmoney given as a pledge or down payment(informal)having a large amount of moneyan amount of money that is paid at one time...

Money Lingo Crossword: 2024-05-05

Money Lingo Crossword: crossword puzzle
  1. Something that is nice to have but you can actually live without.
  2. A share or slice of ownership of a company.
  3. A small plastic card offered by a bank that allows the holder to spend money directly from their bank account (2 words).
  4. Things that you own that have value and can be sold to get money, like real estate or stocks.
  5. An asset bought with the goal of generating income or profit. Examples  include stocks and real estate.
  6. A small plastic card offered by a bank as a type of loan that allows the holder to purchase goods or services on credit (2 words).
  7. Expenses that stay the same each month, like rent, insurance, and loan payments.
  8. A trick used to cheat someone out of something, especially money.
  9. Saving money by being careful with spending.
  10. Using misleading or false information to get you to buy a product (2 words).
  11. A plan for saving and spending.
  12. A code or abbreviation that identifies a company’s stock on the stock market (2 words).
  13. Something you must have to survive.
  14. Someone who has built a presence on social media and creates content to generate views and engagements.
  15. Expenses that can change every month, like utilities, going out to eat, and entertainment.
  16. The last part of a domain name used to determine the source of a website.
  1. A short-term investing strategy that involves buying and selling to try and beat the stock market’s average return.
  2. A long-term investing strategy in which an investor does very little buying and selling, and generally involves a more diversified portfolio.
  3. The minimum hourly wage an employer can pay an employee. This differs depending on the state that you live in (2 words).
  4. The direction a stock is moving. If a stock is trending positively, the graph is continuing in an upward position from left to right. If a stock is trending negatively, the graph is continuing downward from left to right.
  5. Money saved for unexpected expenses. This money is held in a separate savings account and only used for a true emergency, like house or car repairs. For teenagers, it might be for smaller expenses like laptop repairs or replacing your cell phone (2 words).
  6. An electronic way to pay in-store, online, or in-app by using your phone to pay for goods or services (2 words).
  7. Annual yearly interest rate you pay on your credit card balance if you don’t pay it off each month.
  8. About to the 50/30/20 rule, how much should go towards needs.

24 Clues: A plan for saving and spending.Something you must have to survive.A share or slice of ownership of a company.Saving money by being careful with spending.About to the 50/30/20 rule, how much should go towards needs.Something that is nice to have but you can actually live without.A trick used to cheat someone out of something, especially money....

Verbs with money 2024-05-14

Verbs with money crossword puzzle
  1. Experiencing a financial or value decline in an investment or trade.
  2. exchange or transfer a product or service in return for money.
  3. To take money out of a bank account.
  4. To give money or goods to help a person or organization.
  5. Demanding a certain amount of money for a service or product.
  6. To get money by working or through some other means.
  7. to provide a customer with a repayment of money for a product or service.
  8. To plan how to use your money or resources.
  9. To change one currency into another.
  1. To put money or resources into something, usually with the expectation of future gain.
  2. use something temporarily or to take it temporarily with permission from the owner.
  3. providing someone with money, goods, or resources for a temporary period.
  4. To obtain or possess something.
  5. this is means to be indebted or to have a debt.
  6. To use or consume something unnecessarily or inefficiently.
  7. have enough money or resources to be able to pay for something
  8. use money or time for a specific purpose.
  9. To move money or assets from one account to another.
  10. To use money, time, or resources carefully to preserve or accumulate them.
  11. The amount of money paid to obtain a product or service.
  12. acquire or own a product or service in exchange for money.

21 Clues: To obtain or possess something.To take money out of a bank account.To change one currency into another.use money or time for a specific purpose.To plan how to use your money or resources.this is means to be indebted or to have a debt.To move money or assets from one account to another.To get money by working or through some other means....

money of different countries 2013-02-18

money of different countries crossword puzzle
  1. money of japan
  2. money of kuwait
  3. money of switzerland
  4. money of vietnam
  5. money of united kingdom
  6. money of united arab erimates
  7. money of mongolia
  8. money of europe
  9. money of thailand
  1. money of south korea
  2. money of italy
  3. money of cambodia
  4. money of china
  5. money of malaysia
  6. money of israel
  7. money of united states
  8. money of indonesia
  9. money of philippines
  10. money of india
  11. money of armenia

20 Clues: money of italymoney of japanmoney of chinamoney of indiamoney of kuwaitmoney of israelmoney of europemoney of vietnammoney of armeniamoney of cambodiamoney of malaysiamoney of mongoliamoney of thailandmoney of indonesiamoney of south koreamoney of switzerlandmoney of philippinesmoney of united statesmoney of united kingdom...

Monday Money Crossword 2022-07-29

Monday Money Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. loon
  2. jkkk
  3. isooe
  4. halos
  5. dayyeh
  6. halos
  7. klll
  8. kkk
  9. Yukon
  10. hhhjs
  11. short
  12. jskdk
  13. kkaysy
  14. Hill
  15. gjkk
  16. jiji
  17. gejdjn
  1. lsown
  2. jskd
  3. fejdj
  4. Fahd
  5. Baelio
  6. jmk
  7. gggh
  8. fsyys
  9. Kaisha
  10. yes
  11. Laois
  12. hsyurj
  13. jjkk
  14. hkkk
  15. nsnj
  16. Jill

33 Clues: jmkkkkyesloonjskdjkkkFahdggghkllljjkkHillgjkkhkkknsnjJilljijilsownfejdjisooehalosfsyyshalosYukonhhhjsLaoisshortjskdkBaeliodayyehKaishahsyurjkkaysygejdjn

Money Matters Vocab 2022-11-09

Money Matters Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A fee paid to you for keeping your money in an account OR a fee charged to you for a loan or credit card
  2. The sticker price for the academic portion of your college expenses, which does not include room and board, textbooks, or other fees
  3. When someone steals your personal information to commit fraud such as applying for credit, filing taxes, or obtaining medical services
  4. The specified amount of payment required periodically by an insurer to provide coverage under a plan for a defined period of time
  5. Money set aside for unanticipated expenses or loss of income
  6. A type of higher learning school that focuses on job skill training for specific career fields rather than academics in liberal arts
  7. A legal proceeding carried out to allow individuals or businesses freedom from their debts, while simultaneously providing creditors an opportunity for repayment
  8. Automatic Teller Machine. Allows a person to manage a bank account holder's funds through actions such as withdrawing or depositing money, viewing account balances, etc.
  9. A form that an employer must send to an employee and the IRS at the end of the year to report the employee's annual wages and taxes withheld from their paycheck
  10. Total earnings after payroll taxes and other deductions have been taken out; also called take-home pay
  11. A category that defines the type of tax return an individual will use, primarily based on marital status; it also determines the size of your tax brackets and how much of your income is taxed at each rate
  12. Cost of housing and food while at college
  13. The amount of time you have to repay your entire loan
  14. A type of aid primarily awarded for academic merit (good grades) or for something you have accomplished (volunteer work, athletics, etc) that does not need to be repaid
  15. The most commonly used credit score
  16. Someone you financially support who can be "claimed" on a tax return to reduce your taxable income and lower your taxes
  17. The amount of money needed to sustain a certain level of living, including basic expenses such as housing, food, taxes, and healthcare; often used when comparing how expensive it is to live in one city versus another
  18. A range of income amounts that are taxed at a particular rate
  19. A collection of stocks and/or bonds combined into one fund which will be traded as a unit, typically chosen and actively managed by an "expert" in exchange for a fee from each investor
  20. A card that allows the holder to make purchases without cash by borrowing money
  21. A form of property insurance, available to renters, that covers losses to their personal property and protects the insured person from liability claims
  22. A fixed amount that you are paid over a period of time, regardless of how many hours you work
  23. A form completed by an employee to indicate his or her tax situation (exemptions, marital status, etc.) to the employer, who then withholds the corresponding amount of taxes from each paycheck
  24. Student aid coming from the state or federal government, the school, or from private sources that does not need to be repaid
  25. A measurement of your assets (money you've saved or things of value you own) minus your liabilities (money you owe others); also called net worth
  26. A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  27. Any items subtracted from your paycheck, including state and federal income taxes, Social Security, health insurance or 401(k) contributions
  28. A share of the value of a company, which can be bought, sold, or traded as an investment and which gives the investor small partial ownership of the company
  29. A monthly document prepared by your financial institution which shows all of the transactions related to your account
  30. A retirement savings plan, sponsored through your employer who will often match your contributions, that allows an individual to save for retirement and have the savings grow while deferring taxes until funds are withdrawn
  31. Rate The actual rate you pay on your taxes, as a percentage of your overall income
  32. Training that is focused on hands-on work that prepares you for skilled trades, like plumbing, cosmetology or car repair
  33. A payment method that allows you to pay for purchases over time by dividing the purchase amount into smaller equal payments, often with interest and additional fees; also known as Buy Now Pay Later plans
  1. The portion of an employee's wages that is not included in their paycheck because it goes directly to federal, state and local taxes
  2. A three-digit number (ranging from 300-850) based on an individual's credit history detailed in a credit report
  3. The paying off of debt over time in equal installments; part of each payment goes toward the loan principal while the other part goes toward interest
  4. A type of scam in which personal information is requested, typically through an illegitimate email
  5. A document attached to every paycheck that details your earnings and the amount withheld for taxes, health insurance, retirement funds, etc.
  6. A card that is directly connected to your checking account; it enables you to conduct ATM transactions and to make purchases instead of using cash or writing a check
  7. (FICA) A federal law that requires an employer to withhold taxes from the wages they pay their employees; the funds go toward Social Security and Medicare
  8. The largest form of student aid in the country; federal aid programs come in the form of government grants, loans, and work-study opportunities
  9. (CD)A bank product that earns interest on a lump-sum deposit that's untouched for a predetermined period of time
  10. A fixed dollar amount that you agree to pay each time you receive medical treatment, such as a doctor's visit or prescription
  11. A partial payment made in cash at the beginning of the purchase of a good or service, while the remaining balance is due later or is financed as part of a loan
  12. (FAFSA)A free online application that current or prospective college students can submit each year to determine their eligibility for financial aid
  13. A cost that can be expected at regular intervals and that remains the same amount (e.g., monthly rent payment)
  14. A cost that appears irregularly or that changes in amount (e.g., utility bills)
  15. A plan of your expected income and how you will use it to meet your expected expenses over a period of time
  16. The ratio of money gained or lost on an investment relative to the amount of money invested; also known as return on investment (ROI)
  17. A document with information about a person's credit activity and history
  18. Total expense of going to college which may include tuition, room and board, fees, books and supplies, transportation, health insurance, etc. Also known as Sticker Price or a school's published price.
  19. Total earnings before any deductions are taken
  20. (APR) The cost you pay each year to borrow money, including fees, expressed as a percentage
  21. The amount you earn as a benefit of depositing money in an interest bearing account/Reinvesting earned interest back into the principal to allow money to grow exponentially over time
  22. The percentage at which taxes are paid on each dollar of income
  23. An automatic electronic deposit of net pay to an employee's designated bank account
  24. Costs that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered
  25. A form of property insurance, available to property owners, that covers losses to the physical structure as well as to their personal property and protects the insured person from liability claims
  26. An illicit business model where profits are based on the investor's ability to recruit other individuals who are enrolled to make payments to their recruiters. Generally, neither a product or service is delivered.
  27. A tax system that uses tax brackets to collect a larger percentage from the income of high-income earners than it does from low-income earners
  28. The tax bracket that your highest dollar of income falls into, and therefore the highest tax rate you pay
  29. The amount of income that is used to calculate an individual's or a company's income tax due
  30. Taxes paid by employees to federal and state government through a direct deduction from their paycheck
  31. The amount of money you agree to pay towards your losses before your insurance coverage will begin paying
  32. An agreement where you make regular payments to a company and the company promises to pay you money if you suffer a specified injury, illness, loss, etc.
  33. A formal request from the customer to an insurance company asking for a payment based on the terms of the insurance policy
  34. The standard Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form that individuals can use to file their annual income tax returns

67 Clues: The most commonly used credit scoreCost of housing and food while at collegeTotal earnings before any deductions are takenThe amount of time you have to repay your entire loanMoney set aside for unanticipated expenses or loss of incomeCosts that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered...

Andrew and money 2022-09-09

Andrew and money crossword puzzle
  1. вигравати
  2. банкноти
  3. заощаджувати
  4. витрачати
  5. нерозумно витрачати
  6. призові гроші
  7. готівка
  8. монети
  9. отримувати
  10. інвестувати
  1. давати
  2. позичати комусь
  3. підіймати
  4. робити
  5. платити за щось
  6. продавати
  7. купувати
  8. позичати у когось
  9. кишенькові гроші
  10. заробляти
  11. донатити

21 Clues: даватиробитимонетиготівкабанкнотикупуватидонатитивиграватипідіймативитрачатипродаватизароблятиотримуватиінвестуватизаощаджуватипризові грошіпозичати комусьплатити за щоськишенькові грошіпозичати у когосьнерозумно витрачати

Money Year 7 2019-03-25

Money Year 7 crossword puzzle
  1. spendera
  2. slösa
  3. lön
  4. tjäna (pengar)
  5. ha råd med
  6. ärva
  7. sedel
  8. avgift
  9. låna
  10. lån
  11. spara
  12. skatt
  1. investera
  2. räkning
  3. huslån
  4. vara skyldig
  5. värd (om saker)
  6. låna ut
  7. förmögenhet
  8. skuld
  9. mynt
  10. samla in (för välgörenhet)
  11. kosta
  12. bankautomat

24 Clues: lönlånärvamyntlånaslösaskuldsedelkostasparaskatthuslånavgifträkninglåna utspenderainvesteraha råd medförmögenhetbankautomatvara skyldigtjäna (pengar)värd (om saker)samla in (för välgörenhet)


MONEY AND FINANCE crossword puzzle
  1. A group of stocks you can buy is called a mutual ____
  2. You borrow this from the bank
  3. The rate in which prices are going up
  4. Money the government takes
  5. Money you put into banks
  6. The place where they make coins in India
  7. This helps you how to spend your money
  8. Standard currency of United States
  9. What you pay for borrowing money
  10. When someone uses your personal information to steal, it's called ____ theft
  11. A precious metal that people often invest in
  12. A credit __ is a common way to pay for things
  13. Standard currency of the European Union
  14. What you owe
  1. It is worth 25 cents
  2. They make loans and accept deposits
  3. Fake money
  4. Good to have if you wreck your car or if your house catches fire
  5. He wrote the Wealth of Nations about the free market system
  6. Capitalism or the free ____
  7. A system or type of money
  8. The amount of money you make by working or investing
  9. It represents ownership in a corporation
  10. When you sign a check you ___ it
  11. Law of ___ and demand

25 Clues: Fake moneyWhat you oweIt is worth 25 centsLaw of ___ and demandMoney you put into banksA system or type of moneyMoney the government takesCapitalism or the free ____You borrow this from the bankWhat you pay for borrowing moneyWhen you sign a check you ___ itStandard currency of United StatesThey make loans and accept deposits...

The Money Market 2020-01-12

The Money Market crossword puzzle
  1. a legal agreement by which a bank, building society, etc. lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt.
  2. a card allowing the holder to transfer money electronically from their bank account when making a purchase.
  3. an entity that acts as the middleman between two parties in a financial transaction, such as a commercial bank, investment banks, mutual funds and pension funds.
  4. item of economic, commercial, or exchange value that has a material existence.
  5. assets which can readily be converted into cash, such as bills of exchange.
  6. company engaged in the business of dealing with financial and monetary transactions such as deposits, loans, investments, and currency exchange.
  7. a bank that offers services to the general public and to companies.
  8. cash on hand or an asset that can be readily converted to cash.
  9. something you pay with
  10. a small plastic card issued by a bank, building society, etc., allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit.
  11. specific division of banking related to the creation of capital for other companies, governments and other entities.
  12. member-owned financial cooperative that is created and operated by members and shares profits with owners.
  13. proportion of an amount loaned which a lender charges as interest to the borrower, normally expressed as an annual percentage.
  14. an account at a bank or building society from which money may be withdrawn without notice, typically an active account catering for frequent deposits and withdrawals by cheque.
  15. a deficit in a bank account caused by drawing more money than the account holds.
  1. an arrangement made with a bank that allows a third party to transfer money from a person's account on agreed dates, typically in order to pay bills.
  2. money placed into banking institutions for safekeeping.
  3. debt-based funding arrangement between a business and a financial institution such as a bank.
  4. amount of units of money circulated in the economy during a given period of time
  5. an investment asset whose value is derived from a contractual claim of what they represent.
  6. the trade in short-term loans between banks and other financial institutions.
  7. an organization (which is often, but not always, a company or business) based on the principle of mutuality
  8. fixed amount of money borrowed at a fix rate and repaid over a fixed amount of time.
  9. system based on the principles of Islamic or Sharia law and guided by Islamic economics.
  10. a deposit account.
  11. a bank account that pays interest and is usually not able to be drawn on without notice or loss of interest.
  12. an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account, written on a specially printed form.

27 Clues: a deposit account.something you pay withmoney placed into banking institutions for on hand or an asset that can be readily converted to cash.a bank that offers services to the general public and to companies.assets which can readily be converted into cash, such as bills of exchange....

Shopping and Money 2020-03-08

Shopping and Money crossword puzzle
  1. jewelry
  2. gold
  3. bracelet
  4. to sell
  5. to cost
  6. to return, to come back
  7. wallet
  8. Negotiating
  9. fixed prices
  10. ceramics, pottery
  11. to pay
  12. cash
  13. change, money exchange
  14. to eat lunch
  15. leather godos
  16. to bargain
  17. to die
  18. earring
  19. to remember
  20. to count, to tell, or to retell
  1. carving
  2. to see, to watch
  3. to sleep
  4. silver
  5. weaving
  6. dollar
  7. necklace
  8. What is the lowest price?
  9. I didn't bring that much money.
  10. ring
  11. price
  12. credit card
  13. to return (an item)
  14. to find, to meet
  15. money
  16. I can offer you…
  17. How much is (are)…?
  18. to buy
  19. to give
  20. to be able to, can

40 Clues: goldringcashpricemoneysilverdollarwalletto payto buyto diecarvingjewelryweavingto sellto costto giveearringto sleepbraceletnecklaceto bargaincredit cardNegotiatingto rememberfixed pricesto eat lunchleather godosto see, to watchto find, to meetI can offer you…ceramics, potteryto be able to, canto return (an item)How much is (are)…?...

Money Test Review 2020-11-19

Money Test Review crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of money in circulation in the US
  2. These are not part of the money supply because they are a loan from a bank
  3. The number of District Fed Banks
  4. The buying and selling of government securities by the Fed
  5. The number of ways the Fed controls the money supply
  6. This is made up of currency, checking accounts, and traveler’s checks
  7. Money the bank can use to make loans
  8. The interest a bank charges a bank for a loan
  9. This is caused by high spending as a result of high a money supply
  10. The interest rate the Fed bank charges a bank for a loan
  11. This is more commonly known as the Fed
  12. An economic system of trading goods not money
  13. A slowdown in the economy due to a decrease in the money supply
  1. The deliberate control of the money supply by the Fed
  2. The chairman of the Fed
  3. If the Fed wants to decrease the money supply, they ____ the required reserve
  4. If the Fed wants to increase the money supply, they ____ the required reserve
  5. Open market purchases _____ money supply
  6. The governing body of the Fed
  7. A decrease in the money supply leads to high _____
  8. The number of members on the Board of Governors
  9. A deposit that can be withdrawn and turned into currency
  10. The amount required to be kept in the bank for each account
  11. Open market sales ____ money supply
  12. The amount in the vault and in the district Fed bank

25 Clues: The chairman of the FedThe governing body of the FedThe number of District Fed BanksOpen market sales ____ money supplyMoney the bank can use to make loansThis is more commonly known as the FedOpen market purchases _____ money supplyThe amount of money in circulation in the USThe interest a bank charges a bank for a loan...

Unit 5 Money 2021-10-21

Unit 5 Money crossword puzzle
  1. small unit of money, or a coin worth 1p or 1 cent
  2. transfer/the act of moving money from one bank to another bank, usually using a computer
  3. for people to live in
  4. card/a card that a particular shop gives you, that you can use to buy things there and pay later
  5. value of the money of one country when you change it for the money of another country
  6. payment/money that you save for a pension
  7. a system in which you buy things and pay for them later
  8. you borrow from a bank in order to buy a house
  9. before giving the most important information from what you have just said or written
  10. help someone understand the situation within which something is happening
  11. provide people with something they need
  12. amount of money you have to spend on something
  13. amount of money that you borrow from a bank
  14. or working without using money in the form of coins or paper money
  15. card/a plastic card that you use for paying for things. The money is taken out of your bank account.
  16. in price or slightly cheaper and still good quality
  17. register/a machine that is used in a shop to keep money in and show how much customers have to pay
  18. number representing an amount
  19. wallet/software that stores your bank or credit card information on your phone
  20. revenue/the money the government collects from people
  21. dispenser/a machine that you can get money out of, using a plastic card
  22. understand that someone has done something good for you, and feel grateful
  23. an amount or level becomes larger or higher
  1. to show what part of something you are talking about
  2. take and use money from a person or organisation which you must pay back later
  3. payment/the act of paying for something using the internet
  4. act of paying for something
  5. on delivery/a way of buying something in which you pay for it when it is delivered to you in cash
  6. become larger in number, amount, size, etc., or make something become larger
  7. phone payment/the act of paying for something using an app on your mobile phone
  8. pitch/a presentation you give to make a customer want to buy your product or service
  9. little more or less than a number or amount, but not exact
  10. correct
  11. continue to be something or to be in the same state
  12. money that you pay when you borrow money
  13. larger or higher
  14. cash/to take money from your bank account
  15. repayment/money that you pay because you need to give it back to whom you borrowed it from
  16. cash/a small amount of money that is kept in an office to buy things
  17. one person does in a group or situation
  18. increase the amount of something
  19. system/all the banks and other organisations that help with the transfer of money
  20. of the price of something, that you pay when you agree to buy it
  21. system or type of money that a country uses
  22. amount of money that people pay for things
  23. become worse because of something
  24. in the form of coins and special paper
  25. put something inside an envelope with a letter
  26. the money that you have saved
  27. for you to use

50 Clues: correctfor you to uselarger or higherfor people to live inact of paying for somethingnumber representing an amountthe money that you have savedincrease the amount of somethingbecome worse because of somethingin the form of coins and special paperprovide people with something they needone person does in a group or situation...

Food and Money 2021-11-12

Food and Money crossword puzzle
  1. roti
  2. terong panjang
  3. sabun
  4. jus buah
  5. coklat
  6. wortel
  7. kubis
  8. bawang putih
  9. sosis
  10. jeruk
  11. kacang
  12. telur
  13. kue
  14. semangka
  15. buah pir
  16. apel
  17. salad
  18. ikan sarden
  19. es krim
  20. kentang
  21. tomat
  22. seledri
  23. mentega
  24. teh
  25. bawang merah
  26. susu
  1. cabe
  2. pisang
  3. cabe merah
  4. pisa
  5. hamberger
  6. daun selada
  7. kopi
  8. mentimun
  9. keju
  10. stroberi
  11. bunga kol
  12. nanas
  13. anggur
  14. mangga
  15. alpukat
  16. mie spageti
  17. selai
  18. jeruk lemon
  19. daging

45 Clues: kuetehcaberotipisakopikejuapelsususabunkubissosisjeruktelurnanassaladselaitomatpisangcoklatwortelkacanganggurmanggadagingalpukates krimkentangseledrimentegajus buahmentimunstroberisemangkabuah pirhambergerbunga kolcabe merahdaun seladaikan sardenmie spagetijeruk lemonbawang putihbawang merahterong panjang

Money and Stocks 2023-04-17

Money and Stocks crossword puzzle
  1. An investor who sells a stock at a price higher than the original purchase price has experienced a
  2. A person or institution to which money is owed
  3. A specific type of loan used to buy real estate
  4. Stocks are issued in portions called?
  5. An investor who sells a stock at a price lower than the original purchase price has suffered a
  6. money is able to withstand daily wear and tear
  7. When the stock market rises steadily over a period of time it is called
  8. the price paid for the use of borrowed money
  9. When you purchase stock, you have claims of _____ in the company or corporation
  10. All of the money available in the United States' economy
  11. Monetary system where coins and paper money are equal to the value of a certain amount of gold
  12. The nation's central banking system
  1. Savings bonds are considered what type of risk investment
  2. having a certain amount of money maintains the value of money
  3. Spreading out an investment over a number of options is called
  4. Failure to pay back a loan
  5. Stocks are considered what type of risk investment
  6. Type of bond issued by business to attract capital
  7. Type of bond issued by local and state governments
  8. money is easy to carry around
  9. These were widespread panics where people attempted to redeem their money all at once
  10. the face value or principle of the bond
  11. The interest rate the bond issuer will pay to the bondholder is called
  12. This is the largest and most powerful exchange in the United States
  13. The time when the payment is due to the bondholder is called
  14. When the stock market falls over a period of time it is called
  15. Type of bond issued by the United States government

27 Clues: Failure to pay back a loanmoney is easy to carry aroundThe nation's central banking systemStocks are issued in portions called?the face value or principle of the bondthe price paid for the use of borrowed moneyA person or institution to which money is owedmoney is able to withstand daily wear and tearA specific type of loan used to buy real estate...

All about Money 2014-09-07

All about Money crossword puzzle
  1. money in the world
  2. taking money out and paying them back
  3. sgoods services tax
  4. when your not satisfied with something you bought so you claim your money back
  5. when you set aside money for the future
  6. when someone takes up there spare time and makes there own business
  7. getting money from the government if your studying
  8. saving money
  9. when you pay for something coming out of your wage
  1. when something is half price or on special
  2. expressing numbers as a fraction
  3. promoting your product
  4. data collected showing results
  5. thinking of ways how to deal with money
  6. how much you earn
  7. writing down lists on what you want to do in the future
  8. currency change money to another country
  9. tings you spend on
  10. money you earn that gets taken out for the government
  11. similar to gst when government charges you

20 Clues: saving moneyhow much you earnmoney in the worldtings you spend onsgoods services taxpromoting your productdata collected showing resultsexpressing numbers as a fractiontaking money out and paying them backthinking of ways how to deal with moneywhen you set aside money for the futurecurrency change money to another country...

Money to burn 2014-09-08

Money to burn crossword puzzle
  1. great comfort, expensive and high quality
  2. to move the back of a car from side to side
  3. (hyphenated word) the best, highest quality
  4. drove very fast
  5. (hyphenated word) have money/cash
  6. (3 words) have lots of money to spend any way you want to
  7. know about, notice
  8. driving to make black tyre marks on the road in the shape of a round circle
  9. unsafe, dangerous
  10. something that started a pattern of behaviour
  1. statistics, numbers
  2. people who take part in something or are involved in something or with someone
  3. people who drive fast and take little care, reckless drivers
  4. (hyphenated word) an adjective describing a driver who uses the accelerator and speeds
  5. no respect, no thinking about
  6. taken by police into legal care/custody
  7. rich, wealthy
  8. people who speed
  9. quickly take something, caught by police
  10. driving to make black tyre marks on the road
  11. danger or damage caused by uncontrolled bad behaviour

21 Clues: rich, wealthydrove very fastpeople who speedunsafe, dangerousknow about, noticestatistics, numbersno respect, no thinking about(hyphenated word) have money/cashtaken by police into legal care/custodyquickly take something, caught by policegreat comfort, expensive and high qualityto move the back of a car from side to side...

Money and finance 2015-06-02

Money and finance crossword puzzle
  1. долг
  2. занимать/брать на время
  3. кредитная карта
  4. позволить себе
  5. наличные деньги
  6. банковский чек
  7. назначать завышенную цену
  8. зарабатывать
  9. платежная карта
  10. банкноты
  11. продажа
  12. тратить в пустую
  1. тратить
  2. выгодная покупка
  3. банкомат
  4. валюта
  5. безденежный
  6. монеты
  7. одалживать
  8. платить
  9. скидка
  10. сбережения
  11. заем/кредит

23 Clues: долгвалютамонетыскидкатратитьплатитьпродажабанкоматбанкнотыодалживатьсбережениябезденежныйзаем/кредитзарабатыватьпозволить себебанковский чеккредитная картаналичные деньгиплатежная картавыгодная покупкатратить в пустуюзанимать/брать на времяназначать завышенную цену

Let's Talk Money 2016-10-05

Let's Talk Money crossword puzzle
  1. (SBICs) Privately owned banks, regulated by the SBA, that provide long-term loans and/or equity capital to small businesses
  2. A very large payment required about halfway through the term over which payments were calculated, repaying the loan balance in full
  3. Financing from outside lenders and investors
  4. Inventory, equipment, and buildings a ______ assets because they can be seen and touched
  5. (SBIR) program. An SBA program that helps to finance companies that plan to transform laboratory research into marketable products
  6. Private individuals who invest in other's entrepreneurial ventures
  7. 1/100th of 1 percent when quoting an interest rate
  8. Another way to say a return on the owners' investment is return on _____
  9. Obtaining cash by selling accounts receivable to another firm
  10. Individuals who form limited partnerships for the purpose of raising venture capital from large institutional investors
  11. The sale of a firm's capital stock to select individuals
  12. A line of credit secured by working capital assets
  13. The interest rate charged by commercial banks on loans to their most creditworthy customers. Another word for base rate
  1. Obtaining cash from a lender who, for a fee, advances the amount of the borrower's cost of goods sold for a specific customer order
  2. An installment loan from a seller of machinery used by a business
  3. A lender that uses funds from federal, state, and private sources to provide funding to small businesses in low-income communities
  4. Bank-imposed restrictions on a borrower that enhance the chance of timely repayment
  5. Money loaned for 5- to 10-year term
  6. The cost of a firm's assets appear on the
  7. The process of raising very small investments from a large number of investors via the Internet
  8. An SBA loan program that provides short-term loans of up to $50,000 to small businesses and not-for-profit child-care centers
  9. An informal agreement between a borrower and a bank as to the maximum funds the bank will provide at any one time
  10. (IPO) The issuance of stock to be traded in public financial markets
  11. Funds provided by wealthy private individuals to high-risk ventures
  12. A long-term loan with real property held as collateral
  13. A loan for which items of inventory or other movable property serve as collateral
  14. Acronym for London InterBank Offered Rate. the interest rate charged by London banks on loans to other London banks

27 Clues: Money loaned for 5- to 10-year termThe cost of a firm's assets appear on theFinancing from outside lenders and investors1/100th of 1 percent when quoting an interest rateA line of credit secured by working capital assetsA long-term loan with real property held as collateralThe sale of a firm's capital stock to select individuals...

Financial Exchange & Money 2016-11-10

Financial Exchange & Money crossword puzzle
  1. a commodity, currency, or other type of capital that is tradable and can be stored for future use.
  2. the fee charged by the lender to a borrower for the use of borrowed money.
  3. tokens used as money in a country.
  4. Bank card used in cash transactions, but which is not a credit card. The amount of purchase is withdrawn directly from the available balance in the cardholder’s account.
  5. a promissory note, payable on demand, issued by an authorized bank and intended to circulate as money.
  6. something received in return for something else.
  7. A credit card with a pre-deposited balance, like a store gift card. Usually used to control spending and does not require a credit check.
  8. a debt instrument issued for a period of more than one year with the purpose of raising capital by borrowing.
  9. A broad term used to describe many aspects of finance in the financial industry, such as financial instruments, financial services, financial institutions, financial advisors, or financial planning.
  10. To exchange a good or service as a form of payment.
  11. any item that is widely accepted in exchange for the goods and services offered to consumers in a given market.
  12. Gain the amount by which an asset’s selling price exceeds its initial purchase price.
  13. a piece of metal stamped and issued by the authority of a government for use as money.
  14. Ready money, such as money in hand, petty cash (used in businesses), bank account balance, and money market accounts.
  15. A subsidiary of eBay that provides several online payment and money transfer options for consumers and other companies. It is an online system, run by VeriSign, which allows users to have funds directly placed into banking accounts or on a PayPal credit card.
  16. money given by the government to its citizens, such as social security, unemployment compensation, welfare, and disability payments.
  17. standard unit or system of units by means of which a quantity is accounted for and expressed.
  1. A standard-size plastic token with a magnetic stripe that holds a machine readable code. The holder of a credit card draws on a credit limit, approved by the card-issuer such as a bank, store, or service provider. Cardholders normally must pay for credit card purchases within 30 days of purchase to avoid interest and/or penalties.
  2. Automatic transfer of salaries, wages, rents, benefits, or other such sums directly to the account of an employee or beneficiary.
  3. a negotiable debt obligation issued by the US government and backed by its full faith and credit, having a maturity between 1 and 7 years.
  4. wages received on a regular basis, usually weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
  5. a taxable payment declared by a company’s board of directors and given to itsmshareholders out of the company’s current or retained earnings, usually quarterly.
  6. Arrangement under which an investor receives periodic cash payments drawn directly from a specific account.
  7. To remove.
  8. a bond sold by the US government.
  9. payment, usually monthly, for use of space or property.
  10. The obligation to answer for an act done and to repair any injury it may have caused.
  11. The electronic exchange or transfer of money from one account to another, either within a single financial institution or across multiple institutions, through computer-based systems.
  12. The act of transferring money from one entity to another.
  13. The maximum amount of money a borrower (cardholder) can charge or withdraw from a particular credit account.
  14. Same concept as automatic withdrawal that is sometimes used in its place.
  15. occurring every 3 months.
  16. compensation for work.
  17. legal documents such as banknotes (currency), checks, drafts, and other bills of exchange, postal orders, promissory notes, etc. that represent money in a more or less liquid form.
  18. Paper form of payment used to pay a stated amount of money to the bearer or named party.

35 Clues: To remove.compensation for work.occurring every 3 months.a bond sold by the US government.tokens used as money in a country.something received in return for something else.To exchange a good or service as a form of payment.payment, usually monthly, for use of space or property.The act of transferring money from one entity to another....

Shopping & Money Vocabulary 2017-02-20

Shopping & Money Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. cash
  2. notes
  3. clothes
  4. vegetable
  5. medicine
  6. sunglasses
  7. hairdresser
  8. bakery
  9. market
  10. shop
  1. shirt
  2. coins
  3. fruit
  4. invest
  5. size
  6. creditcard
  7. bank
  8. jeans
  9. present
  10. borrow

20 Clues: cashsizebankshopshirtcoinsfruitnotesjeansinvestbakeryborrowmarketclothespresentmedicinevegetablecreditcardsunglasseshairdresser

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-25

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. owe
  2. weather
  3. charity
  4. afford
  5. sponsor
  6. volunteer
  7. customer
  8. organisation
  9. receive
  10. results
  1. offer
  2. neighbourhood
  3. second-hand
  4. borrow
  5. generosity
  6. discount
  7. support
  8. receipt
  9. product
  10. salary
  11. spare

21 Clues: oweofferspareborrowaffordsalaryweathercharitysponsorsupportreceiptreceiveproductresultsdiscountcustomervolunteergenerositysecond-handorganisationneighbourhood

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  2. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  3. It is a piece of paper that you get from someone as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  4. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  5. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  6. It is someone who does work without being paid for it, especially for an organisation such as charity.
  7. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  8. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  9. It is an official group of people, for example a political party, a business, a charity, or a club.
  10. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  11. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission and intending to return it.
  1. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  2. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  3. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  4. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  5. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  6. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  7. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  8. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time, for example, if it is raining, hot, or windy.
  9. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.

20 Clues: It means people have enough money to buy something.It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It is someone who does work without being paid for it, especially for an organisation such as charity.
  2. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  3. It is an official group of people, for example a political party, a business, a charity, or a club.
  4. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  5. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  6. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  7. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  8. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  9. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time, for example, if it is raining, hot, or windy.
  10. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  11. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  1. It is a piece of paper that you get from someone as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  2. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  3. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  4. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  5. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  6. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  7. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission and intending to return it.
  8. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  9. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  2. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  3. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  4. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  5. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  6. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  7. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  8. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  9. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  1. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  2. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  3. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  4. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  5. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  6. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  7. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  8. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  9. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  10. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  11. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  2. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  3. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  4. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  5. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  6. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  7. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  8. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  9. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  1. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  2. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  3. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  4. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  5. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  6. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  7. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  8. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  9. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  10. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  11. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.

20 Clues: It means people have enough money to buy something.It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  2. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  3. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  4. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  5. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  6. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  7. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  8. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  9. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  10. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  11. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  1. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  2. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  3. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  4. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  5. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  6. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  7. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  8. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  9. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  2. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  3. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  4. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  5. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  6. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses tp help out an event.
  7. It is an organisation which raises money to help people.
  8. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  9. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  10. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  1. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  2. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  3. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  4. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  5. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  6. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  7. It means a person gives more of something, than is usual or expected.
  8. It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.
  9. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  10. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is an organisation which raises money to help people.It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities....

The Money Market 2021-12-02

The Money Market crossword puzzle
  1. Banks, and financial/insurance companies
  2. A financial transaction in which one person (or company) withdraws funds from another person's bank account
  3. A card where money is tabbed and paid off at the end of the month
  4. A card that money is taken straight out of the account
  5. A physical item you can use for purchases
  6. A long term loan used to help buy properties
  7. A bank used by the public
  8. A debt security issued by a government to support government spending and obligations
  9. A type of asset that be converted into cash whilst maintaining its value
  10. A trusted piece of paper that people use to buy things
  11. An account where money can be withdrawn without notice
  1. A liquid asset that gets its value through ownership rights, including cash, bonds, stocks etc.
  2. The rate in which money can increase when saved or in debt
  3. Any situation in which an individual borrows money for personal need
  4. Dealing in debt of less than one year
  5. A bank that offers money to commercial banks or very large companies
  6. A bank that follows a religious law
  7. Any situation in which a company borrows money for its expenses
  8. A percentage of ownership in a company or a financial asset
  9. An account which money is placed into to earn interest rate and earn more money from your bank
  10. A loan provided by a bank that allows a customer to pay for bills and other expenses

21 Clues: A bank used by the publicA bank that follows a religious lawDealing in debt of less than one yearBanks, and financial/insurance companiesA physical item you can use for purchasesA long term loan used to help buy propertiesA card that money is taken straight out of the accountA trusted piece of paper that people use to buy things...

Money, borrowing, lending 2023-11-16

Money, borrowing, lending crossword puzzle
  1. Money for starting business or company
  2. where you write down any money flows that has been or will be paid
  3. In different countries there may be different ...
  4. Money that is given to 3rd world country's as a help
  5. Regularly paid payments
  6. someone lends money with ... to gain from it
  7. Money that's coming in form someone or company
  8. Money in other words
  9. Money you get when you retire
  1. returned money that goes to lender as a percentage
  2. Money that is placed somewhere
  3. Money paid for your weekly work
  4. money given to allow to sell something cheaper
  5. sum of money lent or invested on which interest is paid
  6. When you barrow money from bank
  7. Money paid for your regular work
  8. Place where money for pensions is hold
  9. Money that needs to be paid to someone
  10. Borrowed money that has to paid back
  11. when someone puts money in business
  12. when Money that has been paid is given back legally

21 Clues: Money in other wordsRegularly paid paymentsMoney you get when you retireMoney that is placed somewhereMoney paid for your weekly workWhen you barrow money from bankMoney paid for your regular workwhen someone puts money in businessBorrowed money that has to paid backMoney for starting business or companyPlace where money for pensions is hold...

UK Money Terms 2023-11-15

UK Money Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Money borrowed with the promise to repay.
  2. Money paid to the government based on income or purchases.
  3. A loan to buy a home or property.
  4. The cost of borrowing money or the return on investments.
  5. Swapping one currency for another.
  6. Money set aside for future use.
  7. Relating to money and its management.
  8. The ability to borrow money.
  9. A basic unit of British currency.
  10. Money earned from employment.
  11. Another term for British currency.
  12. The plural form of "penny."
  1. A British paper currency.
  2. A British gold coin with historical significance.
  3. To take money out of an account.
  4. Money in the form of physical currency.
  5. A statement of money owed for goods or services.
  6. A small, portable case for holding money.
  7. An increase in the general price level of goods and services.
  8. A financial plan for managing expenses.
  9. Collective term for coins.
  10. Putting money into assets to generate a return.
  11. The currency of the United Kingdom.

23 Clues: A British paper currency.Collective term for coins.The plural form of "penny."The ability to borrow money.Money earned from employment.Money set aside for future use.To take money out of an account.A loan to buy a home or property.A basic unit of British currency.Swapping one currency for another.Another term for British currency....

money and trade 2023-12-18

money and trade crossword puzzle
  1. the proutuct is at mass cupasity
  2. people are welthey
  3. someone who helps hold
  4. somthing you transport to a nother contrey
  5. contrys that agree to helt
  6. a road that goods travle on
  7. whar you by goods
  8. a corpone that is in meney difrint contreys
  9. somthing sent to a nother contry
  1. the welthe on a contrey
  2. whan thay atemt to trade
  3. some one who is kep after a crime
  4. the amount you pay for something
  5. the act of moving goods
  6. travling
  7. goods coming into a country
  8. large farm whar cash crop is grown
  9. mone you make frome seling goods
  10. mone you get pade
  11. money pade to workers

20 Clues: travlingwhar you by goodsmone you get padepeople are weltheymoney pade to workerssomeone who helps holdthe welthe on a contreythe act of moving goodswhan thay atemt to tradecontrys that agree to heltgoods coming into a countrya road that goods travle onthe proutuct is at mass cupasitythe amount you pay for somethingmone you make frome seling goods...

Unit 4: Money 2014-03-20

Unit 4: Money crossword puzzle
  1. aansprakelijkheid
  2. verkoopautomaat
  3. wisselkoers
  4. uitgaven
  5. aflossen
  6. op lange termijn
  7. geldautomaat
  8. vastgoedmarkt
  9. formulieren invullen
  10. terugbetalen
  11. driemaandelijks
  12. stortingsbewijs
  13. uitstalraam
  14. afbetaling
  15. schuld
  16. gemeentebelasting
  17. intrest aanrekenen
  18. valuta
  19. brochure
  1. permanente betalingsopdracht
  2. je bankrekening beheren
  3. afdingen
  4. maandelijks
  5. consumentengedrag
  6. failliet
  7. derste storting
  8. bestelbon
  9. opbrengst
  10. belastingontduikingstruc
  11. zichtrekening
  12. prijsbewust
  13. spaarrekening
  14. bedrijf
  15. geld afhalen
  16. hypotheek
  17. boekhouding
  18. faillissement
  19. bankrekening

38 Clues: schuldvalutabedrijfafdingenuitgavenaflossenfaillietbrochurebestelbonopbrengsthypotheekafbetalingwisselkoersmaandelijksprijsbewustuitstalraamboekhoudinggeldautomaatterugbetalengeld afhalenbankrekeningvastgoedmarktzichtrekeningspaarrekeningfaillissementverkoopautomaatderste stortingdriemaandelijksstortingsbewijsop lange termijnaansprakelijkheid...

All About Money 2014-10-19

All About Money crossword puzzle
  1. things you own
  2. a legal document used in the purchase of property/assets
  3. a person who promises to pay a loan in the event the borrower can't
  4. a physical check of financial records
  5. a ranking that represents the ability to repay a debt
  6. exceeding its credit limit
  7. the process of a bank taking ownership to pay off a loan in default
  8. the value of ownership interest in the business (assists-liablities)
  9. end of a loan term and all outstanding payments are due
  10. anyone you owe money to with an arrangement to pay later
  11. the exact point when a business' income equals expenses
  12. a report detailing an individual's past credit arrangements
  13. inability to pay debts
  14. a listing of planned revenue and expenditure for a given period
  1. a record of all invoices yet to be paid
  2. a lump sum payment on a loan agreement
  3. the process of expensing an asset over a period of time
  4. limit the maximum lending amount offered for a loan
  5. the measure of actual cash flowing in and out
  6. a person that owes you money
  7. ability to withdraw money up to an approved limit
  8. a record of all expected payments from customers
  9. percentage used to calculate the cot of borrowing money
  10. profit the difference between sales and the direct cost
  11. a new loan is taken out to pay an existing loan
  12. money owed that is unlikely to be paid
  13. finance arrangement that allows you to lease for a period then buy

27 Clues: things you owninability to pay debtsexceeding its credit limita person that owes you moneya physical check of financial recordsa lump sum payment on a loan agreementmoney owed that is unlikely to be paida record of all invoices yet to be paidthe measure of actual cash flowing in and outa new loan is taken out to pay an existing loan...

Money and banking 2020-01-09

Money and banking crossword puzzle
  1. What your parents give you
  2. The currency in Austria
  3. If you spend more money than you have
  4. A convenient 24/7 form of Banking
  5. To pay in money
  6. A form of plastic Money
  7. A four-digit code only you know
  8. cash machine
  9. Sum of money
  10. You have to pay it for your credit card yearly
  1. It is of plastic and you throw your money into it
  2. What the bank pays you for your Money
  3. All the countries which have the euro
  4. An account you need when you have a job
  5. Financial institution
  6. Papermoney
  7. The money that is left on your account
  8. All the money you have saved
  9. A very popular credit card company
  10. Works at a bank
  11. The currency in the USA
  12. You need it when you want to build a house
  13. The currency in England

23 Clues: Papermoneycash machineSum of moneyTo pay in moneyWorks at a bankFinancial institutionThe currency in AustriaA form of plastic MoneyThe currency in the USAThe currency in EnglandWhat your parents give youAll the money you have savedA four-digit code only you knowA convenient 24/7 form of BankingA very popular credit card company...

Money Management Vocabulary 2021-02-09

Money Management Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A set amount of money paid for a certain period of time.
  2. A type of retirement savings account where money is deposited directly by your employer for retirement.
  3. A statement that accompanies a paycheck highlighting earned income and deductions.
  4. Expenses that change or vary from month to month.
  5. A written plan to help you make the most of the money you have.
  6. A bill or statement of charges
  7. person or institution that provides you with the loan.
  8. The ability to purchase goods and services with the promise to pay for it at a later time.
  9. maximum amount a credit card company will allow someone to borrow on a single card.
  10. Benefits provided by an employer along with the worker's regular paycheck. (i.e. sick leave, vacation time, medical insurance)
  11. Money withheld from a paycheck for tax or savings purposes.
  12. The amount of money left after subtracting deductions from gross income.
  13. To make the bank statement balance agree with your checkbook balance.
  14. A check which the bank has paid and deducted from you account.
  15. A check written for money that is not available in the account.
  1. The bank's listing of checks paid, deposits and service charges to your account for the month.
  2. A set amount of pay for every hour of work.
  3. A person's total wage or salary before any deductions are made
  4. A number ranging from 300 to 850 representing a person's credit history.
  5. Expenses that are the same each month.
  6. Checks which you have written but the bank has not yet returned to you.
  7. A bank form used to put money into your account.
  8. A fee charged for writing a credit contract.
  9. Amount of money you borrow, which must be paid back to the lender within a given period of time.
  10. Interest previously earned that is added to the total before new interest earnings are figured
  11. To sign your name on the back of a check payable to you.

26 Clues: A bill or statement of chargesExpenses that are the same each month.A set amount of pay for every hour of work.A fee charged for writing a credit contract.A bank form used to put money into your account.Expenses that change or vary from month to month.person or institution that provides you with the loan....

Time is money 2021-03-01

Time is money crossword puzzle
  1. the bank said that we should check our account _______ to control our spendings
  2. to past the deadline established
  3. when something is delayed or have to wait
  4. the card that is given by the bank to pay for things
  5. parents can give this to their children to spend in what they may need
  6. someone who has a lot of money
  7. amount of money that is put aside incase of needing it in the future
  8. thing you should do if you borrow money from someone
  9. synonymn of supplicating
  1. if a ______ is won in the lottery by me, I'd share a lot of it with my friends and family
  2. postpone
  3. to start doing something
  4. people who have only the things they need
  5. the time limit for something
  6. coins which value is lower
  7. when something is in an inopportune moment
  8. money that is earned from doing work
  9. She doesn't stand ________ not even when you arrive five minutes later
  10. something that is delayed for later
  11. give someone money that you have borrowed from them

20 Clues: postponeto start doing somethingsynonymn of supplicatingcoins which value is lowerthe time limit for somethingsomeone who has a lot of moneyto past the deadline establishedsomething that is delayed for latermoney that is earned from doing workwhen something is delayed or have to waitpeople who have only the things they need...

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  2. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  3. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time, for example, if it is raining, hot, or windy.
  4. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  5. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  6. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  7. It is someone who does work without being paid for it, especially for an organisation such as charity.
  8. It is a piece of paper that you get from someone as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  9. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  10. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  1. It is an official group of people, for example a political party, a business, a charity, or a club.
  2. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  3. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  4. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  5. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  6. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  7. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  8. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  9. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission and intending to return it.
  10. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.

20 Clues: It means people have enough money to buy something.It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  2. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  3. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  4. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  5. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  6. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  7. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  8. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  9. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  10. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  1. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  2. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  3. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  4. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  5. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  6. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  7. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  8. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  9. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  10. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  2. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses connected with something as an event.
  3. It is a piece of paper that you get as confirmation that they have received money or goods.
  4. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  5. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  6. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  7. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  8. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  9. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  10. It is an organisation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled, or poor.
  1. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  2. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  3. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  4. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  5. It means a person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
  6. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  7. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  8. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  9. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  10. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  2. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.
  3. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  4. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  5. It means a person gives more of something, than is usual or expected.
  6. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  7. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  8. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses tp help out an event.
  9. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  10. It is an organisation which raises money to help people.
  11. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  1. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  2. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  3. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  4. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  5. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  6. It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.
  7. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  8. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  9. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is an organisation which raises money to help people.It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer....

Unit 3 - Money 2018-01-23

Unit 3 - Money crossword puzzle
  1. It is someone who does work without being paid for it.
  2. It is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
  3. It means an organisation pays some or all of the expenses tp help out an event.
  4. It mean you have extra of something that you have not used or which you do not need.
  5. It is one of the parts of a town where people live.
  6. It means people have enough money to buy something.
  7. It is something that is produced and sold in large quantities.
  8. It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.
  9. It means someone lent money to you and you have not yet paid it back.
  1. It means you take something that belongs to someone else with their permission.
  2. It is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
  3. It means things are not new and have been owned by someone else.
  4. It is an official group of people, for example a business, a charity, or a club.
  5. It means a person gives more of something, than is usual or expected.
  6. It is the condition of the atmosphere in an area at a particular time.
  7. It means you agree and perhaps try to help people because you want them to succeed.
  8. It means you ask people if they would like to have it or to use it.
  9. It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer.
  10. It is an organisation which raises money to help people.
  11. It means you get something after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.

20 Clues: It is one of the parts of a town where people live.It means people have enough money to buy something.It is someone who does work without being paid for it.It is an organisation which raises money to help people.It is a confirmation that people receive after buying goods.It is the money that you are paid each month by your employer....

EF Intermediate Money 2020-11-03

EF Intermediate Money crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of money made of metal
  2. a piece of paper money
  3. use too much of something, spend too much on sth
  4. spree buying a lot of things at one time
  5. card a small plastic card that you use to pay for sth
  6. money that you owe to sb else
  7. receive money, a house etc. from sb after they die
  8. worth have a particular value, especially in money
  9. up start a new business
  10. money that a bank lends you to buy a house
  11. ask an amount of money for sth, e.g. a haircut
  1. reaching of the results sb wanted or hoped for
  2. put money (effort, time) into sth to make profit
  3. money that sb or a bank lends you
  4. do sth that has a risk and sb can lose a lot of money
  5. money in the form of notes and coins
  6. a piece of paper which shows how much money you have to pay for sth
  7. without money
  8. take money from a bank and pay it back
  9. keep money for use in the future
  10. the money you get for the work you do
  11. money that you pay to the government
  12. machine a machine where you can get money

23 Clues: without moneya piece of paper moneyup start a new businessmoney that you owe to sb elsea piece of money made of metalkeep money for use in the futuremoney that sb or a bank lends youmoney in the form of notes and coinsmoney that you pay to the governmentthe money you get for the work you dotake money from a bank and pay it back...

The Money Market 2021-11-30

The Money Market crossword puzzle
  1. financial institution that accepts deposits, offers checking account services
  2. cardholders to borrow funds
  3. debt of less than one year
  4. deducts money directly from a consumer's checking account
  5. Physical currency
  6. loan provided by a bank
  7. individual borrows money for personal need
  8. financial services that engages in advisory-based financial transactions on behalf of individuals, corporations, and governments
  9. Non-Physical Assets
  10. financial transaction in which one person withdraws funds from another person's bank account
  11. Money placed into banking institutions for safekeeping
  1. Exchange for Cash
  2. Central banks, retail and commercial banks, internet banks
  3. debt security issued by a government
  4. country's imports and exports of goods
  5. Tangible assets
  6. interest-bearing deposit account held at a bank
  7. Islamic finance or shariah-compliant finance
  8. agreement by which a bank, lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property
  9. debt-based funding arrangement between a business
  10. value that would be returned to a company's shareholders if all of the assets were liquidated\
  11. amount of interest due per period

22 Clues: Tangible assetsExchange for CashPhysical currencyNon-Physical Assetsloan provided by a bankdebt of less than one yearcardholders to borrow fundsamount of interest due per perioddebt security issued by a governmentcountry's imports and exports of goodsindividual borrows money for personal needIslamic finance or shariah-compliant finance...

The Money Market 2021-12-02

The Money Market crossword puzzle
  1. a deficit in a bank account caused by drawing more money than the account holds.
  2. A card where your spendings are combined into a bill which is payed at the end of the month
  3. Something that can commonly stolen and are in the form of Banknotes
  4. Money that is put in the bank
  5. A percentage of a loan that needs to be paid
  6. It is a loan is a debt-based funding arrangement between a business and a financial institution
  7. This include JPMorgan Chase. Goldman Sachs. BofA Securities. Morgan Stanley
  8. A non- physical asset which can comes from bank deposit
  9. an arrangement made with a bank that allows a third party to transfer money from a person's account on agreed dates, typically in order to pay bills.
  10. An account where your savings are stored
  1. Eg: Banks, credit card companies, etc
  2. Bonds that are shared by a country’s government.
  3. A card where your spendings are withdrawn immediately
  4. Something that can be easily converted into cash
  5. DBS, HSBC, Standard Charted
  6. This can include land, machinery, buildings, tools, Equipment etc
  7. Economic short term funds
  8. It allows you to take money for personal expenses
  9. A loan given by a bank for one to buy a house
  10. A bank system that follows religious law
  11. A long-term financing sources for any company

21 Clues: Economic short term fundsDBS, HSBC, Standard ChartedMoney that is put in the bankEg: Banks, credit card companies, etcA bank system that follows religious lawAn account where your savings are storedA percentage of a loan that needs to be paidA loan given by a bank for one to buy a houseA long-term financing sources for any company...

Money Finance & Econ 2022-05-23

Money Finance & Econ crossword puzzle
  1. financial support given to people in need
  2. Has both command and market guidelines/regulation.
  3. attain an increase in value over a period of time.
  4. a set of price with a limitation
  5. Borrowing money
  6. sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose
  7. money paid regularly at a rate for the use of money lent.
  8. people who buys things like needs and wants
  9. private ownership,supply/demand impact prices,profit motive
  10. Workers, people who will build/assemble/grow the product
  11. government revenue, especially taxes.
  12. make of something that is needed or wanted available to someone.
  1. the amount by which something, a sum of money is too small.
  2. Where will the product be made? Where will the factory/plant be built? What natural resources will be used to produce the product?
  3. need a license for certain professions, pollution regulations, public services funded by taxation
  4. Putting together the above three factors together to make a product
  5. unable to pay for outstanding debts
  6. A price to pay for
  7. decreasing in percentage or prices
  8. rising in percentage or prices.
  9. Something produced to produce other things

21 Clues: Borrowing moneyA price to pay forrising in percentage or prices.a set of price with a limitationdecreasing in percentage or pricesunable to pay for outstanding debtsgovernment revenue, especially support given to people in needSomething produced to produce other thingspeople who buys things like needs and wants...

Money Matters Crossword 2021-09-07

Money Matters Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An amount of money you pay if you don't pay things in time, go over a limit or break any other rule
  2. The particular amount of money in an account
  3. The act of taking something out, like money, from something else, like your checkings account
  4. The money you earn from your job on a regular basis
  5. A way to transfer money from your account into real paper money, a machine found everywhere
  6. Money put away, often has interest earned on it and isn't used unless in an emergency
  7. Another way to say purchases or actions with your money
  8. When something goes up and down rapidly or changes a lot.
  9. A place that manages money, checks, and finance for people and businesses
  10. Opposite of withdrawing, put money in
  1. A checking account shared between two or more people
  2. A card that takes money from the bank, needs to be paid back.
  3. Money that is borrowed, has an interest rate and must be paid back steadily
  4. A checking account meant for the rich or people with lots of cash
  5. A card that takes directly from your account
  6. Being careful of how much you spend, what you spend on
  7. A percent earned on money from a loan or in savings
  8. A checking account for people pursuing education
  9. Another way to say money or sum of money with a purpose
  10. A checking account for elderly

20 Clues: A checking account for elderlyOpposite of withdrawing, put money inThe particular amount of money in an accountA card that takes directly from your accountA checking account for people pursuing educationThe money you earn from your job on a regular basisA percent earned on money from a loan or in savings...

Money Matters Vocab 2021-09-07

Money Matters Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. given by a financial institution for the purchase of real estate
  2. payment made monthly at that same time and day
  3. storing money and can withdraw money
  4. allowing members to put money into saving or checking
  5. interest on purchases
  6. set up email blank for important account events
  7. form of online payment where money is electronically withdrawn from the customer’s account
  8. more than one method of credential authentication to verify the user’s identity for a login or transaction
  9. debit cards for automatic teller machine withdrawals and purchases
  1. getting money you eventually have to pay back
  2. the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and can be sold
  3. a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis
  4. retail banks are owned by these
  5. monetary transactions
  6. made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud
  7. Insurance Companies use money collected from
  8. money goes into account online
  9. federal deposit insurance corporation
  10. for qualifying elderly individuals
  11. for two or more account holders

20 Clues: monetary transactionsinterest on purchasesmoney goes into account onlineretail banks are owned by thesefor two or more account holdersfor qualifying elderly individualsstoring money and can withdraw moneyfederal deposit insurance corporationInsurance Companies use money collected fromgetting money you eventually have to pay back...

money heist crossword 2022-12-18

money heist crossword crossword puzzle
  1. these are the only euro bank notes that the robbers printed until the end of season one
  2. fell in love with Nairobi right before she was killed
  3. the original inspector
  4. closes the stock markets to protect the Spanish Economy
  5. the first heist
  6. Berlin was going to marry her in his final days
  7. is nearly killed by Gandia twice
  8. Berlin's distant son
  9. the only robber to be directly killed by another robber
  10. Bogota, Palermo, Marseille, and ____ were all aquainted long before the events of the first heist
  11. the robbers conduct one of these to sway public opinion on Berlin
  1. left Berlin for his son
  2. Raquel assumes the professor sabotauges his car
  3. shames Arturo throughout the second heist
  4. Father of Manila, and works with the professor
  5. Denver, Tokyo, and ____ were all captured at some point throughout the series
  6. Stockholm has recurring visions of him at the end of the series
  7. the Governor's assistant
  8. Palermo constantly calls Helsinki this name
  9. The Second Heist
  10. berlin's lover
  11. Helsinki and Oslo were of this nationnality
  12. the professor asks Raquel what she is ___
  13. Tokyo's now dead boyfriend

24 Clues: berlin's loverthe first heistThe Second HeistBerlin's distant sonthe original inspectorleft Berlin for his sonthe Governor's assistantTokyo's now dead boyfriendis nearly killed by Gandia twiceshames Arturo throughout the second heistthe professor asks Raquel what she is ___Palermo constantly calls Helsinki this name...

Money Dinheiro Novac 2023-01-17

Money Dinheiro Novac crossword puzzle
  1. TAX
  3. CASH
  4. PRICE
  5. BANK
  7. LOAN
  9. EARN
  10. INVEST
  11. DEBT
  2. RICH
  7. COINS
  9. ATM
  10. CENTS
  11. TOTAL


Work and Money 2022-08-15

Work and Money crossword puzzle
  1. a job
  2. enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
  3. to say something while another person is speaking
  4. a short rest
  5. a situation in which a lot of people are disagreeing and arguing with each other
  6. someone who is trying to become a successful actor, politician, writer, etc.
  7. to live or exist longer than someone or something
  8. a loving but not sexual relationship
  9. to deal effectively with a complicated situation
  10. the possibility of being successful, especially at work
  11. a thought, opinion, or idea based on a feeling about a situation, or a way of thinking about something
  12. a person's way of thinking and their opinions
  13. difficult (situation)
  14. to tell a story, often by reading aloud from a text, or to describe events as they happen
  15. used for describing someone who enjoys saying cruel or unpleasant things about other people
  16. relating to people who do physical work rather than mental work, and who usually do not work in an office
  17. in the end, especially after a long time or a lot of effort, problems, etc.
  18. to relax
  1. failure to act correctly or legally when doing your job, often causing injury or loss
  2. giving you new information about a subject or making it easier to understand
  3. a public statement, esp. by someone who is famous, that the person uses or likes a particular product
  4. unwilling to spend money
  5. a _______ sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone
  6. to speak too proudly about what you have done or what you own
  7. the process by which a place, especially part of a city, changes from being a poor area to a richer one, where people from a higher social class live
  8. very great admiration or praise for someone, especially when it is more than is deserved
  9. without money
  10. having more work to do than you can cope with
  11. lasting for only a short time
  12. strange, unusual, or silly
  13. a belief or idea
  14. careful to use only as much money, food, etc. as is necessary
  15. to improve your social position, often by getting a better job or education

33 Clues: a jobto relaxa short restwithout moneya belief or ideadifficult (situation)unwilling to spend moneystrange, unusual, or sillylasting for only a short timea loving but not sexual relationshiphaving more work to do than you can cope witha person's way of thinking and their opinionsenough or satisfactory for a particular purpose...

Unit 6 = Money 2023-04-15

Unit 6 = Money crossword puzzle
  1. You can shop for free in a _______ shop.
  2. A famous charity shop that has shops all over the UK.
  3. _________ Market in London is a great place to buy clothes and jewellery.
  4. I always help my mom to ____ the table before having meals.
  5. 10% = a __________
  6. When John _____ (feel) tired, he will find a coffee shop.
  7. We can create a better environment by selling and ____________ old things.
  8. How to say 25% in English words form? a __________
  9. Opposite meaning of sell.
  10. The job or activity of working in a garden, growing, watering and taking care of the plants.
  11. Synonym of swap.
  12. A useful piece of information, especially about how to do something.
  1. Past participle of forget.
  2. The condition of being extremely poor.
  3. We use would like to mean _________.
  4. A border that surrounds and supports a picture.
  5. To take care of someone's baby or child.
  6. A system of giving money, food, or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or have no home.
  7. Used product, having been used in the past by someone else.
  8. The activity of making clothes flat, tidy, and smooth, using an iron.
  9. Something on sale at a lower price.

21 Clues: Synonym of swap.10% = a __________Opposite meaning of sell.Past participle of forget.Something on sale at a lower price.We use would like to mean _________.The condition of being extremely poor.You can shop for free in a _______ shop.To take care of someone's baby or child.A border that surrounds and supports a picture....

Business and money 2024-04-30

Business and money crossword puzzle
  1. hipoteca
  2. central
  3. ric
  4. elquèguanyes
  5. presupostar
  6. senseunduro
  7. beca
  8. alcomptat
  9. moneda
  10. benestant
  11. branca
  12. bitllettren
  13. importar
  1. escurat
  2. fabricar
  3. pagaisenyal
  4. accions
  5. boom
  6. gestio
  7. terminis
  8. caureenpicat
  9. testament
  10. exportar
  11. posaralavenda
  12. pressupost
  13. prestec
  14. mesclar
  15. multa
  16. cadena
  17. carregatdepasta

30 Clues: ricboombecamultagestiomonedabrancacadenaescurataccionscentralprestecmesclarfabricarhipotecaterminisexportarimportartestamentalcomptatbenestantpressupostpagaisenyalpresupostarsenseundurobitllettrencaureenpicatelquèguanyesposaralavendacarregatdepasta

Money and Banking 2023-12-01

Money and Banking crossword puzzle
  1. banks chartered by the national government
  2. anything people will accept as payment for goods and services
  3. Value is from the type of material in which it is composed
  4. savings accounts and time deposits that can be converted easily
  5. checking accounts; can be converted to currency “on demand”
  6. system which basic monetary unit is equal to the amount of gold
  7. small, light, easy to carry
  8. cards that represent money that the holder has on deposit with the issuer, such as a department store
  9. having features, markings that are recognizable
  10. money should be in short supply or it will not be worth anything.
  11. exchanging goods and services for other goods and services
  12. something that holds its value over time
  13. It must be a valid form of exchange
  1. banks chartered, licensed, by state governments
  2. means through which goods and services can be exchanged
  3. are electronic devices that allow bank customers to make deposits, withdrawals, and transfers and check their account balances at any time without seeing a bank teller
  4. the value of the amount of money should stay the same.
  5. so change can be made (Ex: Dollar can be divided into pennies, nickels, ect.)
  6. Paper money backed by something tangible- such as good and silver- that gives it value
  7. determines the economic worth in the exchange process
  8. sturdy enough to last throughout transactions
  9. only has value because government has issued fiat, order saying its valuable
  10. paper money, coins
  11. drafts can be purchased in a number of amounts and redeemed in many parts of the world

24 Clues: paper money, coinssmall, light, easy to carryIt must be a valid form of exchangesomething that holds its value over timebanks chartered by the national governmentsturdy enough to last throughout transactionsbanks chartered, licensed, by state governmentshaving features, markings that are recognizable...

MONEY p 97 2024-03-05

MONEY p 97 crossword puzzle
  1. iidne, древний
  2. ostja, покупатель
  3. kättesaadav, доступный
  4. laenama, одалживать
  5. impeerium, империя
  6. ühiskond, общество
  7. valuuta, валюта
  8. for example or for.... например for ...
  9. keskaeg - the Middle... Средневековье - the Middle...
  10. võlgnemа, задолжать
  11. väärtuslik, ценный
  12. kaubad, товары
  13. leiutama, изобретать
  14. kogus, кол-во
  1. esitlema, представлять
  2. hülgama, loobuma; отказываться, покидать
  3. kauplema, торговать
  4. vahetama, обменивать
  5. tsivilisatsioon, цивилизация
  6. tekstiil, текстиль
  7. eriti, особенно
  8. lääne, западный
  9. omanik, владелец
  10. usaldusväärne, заслуживающий доверия
  11. pügalpulk, бирка
  12. sajand, век

26 Clues: sajand, векkogus, кол-воiidne, древнийkaubad, товарыeriti, особенноlääne, западныйvaluuta, валютаomanik, владелецpügalpulk, биркаostja, покупательtekstiil, текстильimpeerium, империяühiskond, обществоväärtuslik, ценныйkauplema, торговатьlaenama, одалживатьvõlgnemа, задолжатьvahetama, обмениватьleiutama, изобретатьesitlema, представлять...

Work and money 2024-04-06

Work and money crossword puzzle
  1. ընտրություն
  2. հավակնություններ
  3. միջնորդավճար
  4. համալսարան
  5. վարձատրություն,վճարել
  6. փորձ
  7. աշխատատեղ
  8. հղումներ
  9. լուծումներ
  1. հարցազրույց
  2. որակավորումներ
  3. լրացնել
  4. պատասխանատվություն
  5. դիմում
  6. գործազրկություն
  7. կարճ ցուցակ
  8. վճարներ
  9. դիմել
  10. կանխիկ
  11. սպառված

20 Clues: փորձդիմելդիմումկանխիկլրացնելվճարներսպառվածհղումներաշխատատեղհամալսարանլուծումներհարցազրույցընտրությունկարճ ցուցակմիջնորդավճարորակավորումներգործազրկությունհավակնություններպատասխանատվությունվարձատրություն,վճարել

Money and Banking 2024-03-21

Money and Banking crossword puzzle
  1. type of market where prices are moving down
  2. a loan to buy a house
  3. IRAs and 401(k) plans help people save money for what
  4. very risky bonds; you may not get your money back but the interest rate is very high
  5. Type of bond issues by state or local government
  6. paper money
  7. central bank of the United States
  8. total amount borrowed
  9. this type of money has an alternative use as an economic good
  10. acronym for the government agency that insures that you will get your money back if the bank fails
  11. limited supply
  12. a situation where the outcome is not certain
  13. can be divded so that you can always have the right amount to spend
  14. market in which a transaction is made at current prices
  15. easy to transfer
  16. payment made for the use of borrowed money
  17. an agreement to borrow money, pay it back later, and pay interest in the meantime
  1. A bank that can lend money to other banks
  2. a way to take money directly out of your checking account
  3. person who owns a small portion of a corporation
  4. rate of interest paid on a bond
  5. an interest-bearing loan that you make to a bank
  6. a company that sells shares of a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds
  7. another name for stocks
  8. amount borrowed when getting a loan
  9. life of a bond / length of time that money is borrowed
  10. type of stock market where prices are moving up
  11. this type of money only has value because the government says so
  12. an agreement to buy or sell at a specific time in the future at a specific price
  13. a bank account with some restrictions on how to use it; pays higher interest rates
  14. spreading your money over a large variety of investments to reduce your overall risk
  15. a bank account that lets you make purchases in any amount up to the amount you have deposited
  16. nonprofit bank
  17. trade

34 Clues: tradepaper moneynonprofit banklimited supplyeasy to transfera loan to buy a housetotal amount borrowedanother name for stocksrate of interest paid on a bondcentral bank of the United Statesamount borrowed when getting a loanA bank that can lend money to other bankspayment made for the use of borrowed moneytype of market where prices are moving down...

SEGMENT I: Money, Budgeting, Cost of Money, Money Management, Regulatory Agencies 2021-03-12

SEGMENT I: Money, Budgeting, Cost of Money, Money Management, Regulatory Agencies crossword puzzle
  1. federal reserve system
  2. the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.
  3. value of the assets a person or corporation owns, minus the liabilities they owe
  4. a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely
  5. intangible collective resources possessed by individuals and groups within a given population.
  6. income remaining after deduction of taxes and other mandatory charges
  7. way to determine how long an investment will take to double
  8. do not accrue interest while you are in school at least half-time or during deferment periods
  9. a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.
  10. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
  11. a balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features
  12. Consumer financial protection bureau
  13. medium of exchange, a store of value, a unit of account
  14. resource owned or controlled by a business or an economic entity
  15. a sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university.
  1. the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower
  2. an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  3. income remaining after deduction of taxes, other mandatory charges, and expenditure on necessary items.
  4. an excess of production or supply over demand.
  5. a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.
  6. employment, investments, self-employment, Windfall income
  7. expense that can change over time
  8. expense whose total amount does not change when there is an increase in an activity
  9. the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  10. a medium of exchange for transactional purposes in economics
  11. you are responsible for the interest from the moment the loan money is disbursed into your account.
  12. federal deposit insurance corporation
  13. Securities and Exchange Commission
  14. Internal Revenue Service

29 Clues: federal reserve systemInternal Revenue Serviceexpense that can change over timeSecurities and Exchange CommissionConsumer financial protection bureaufederal deposit insurance corporationFinancial Industry Regulatory Authorityan excess of production or supply over demand.medium of exchange, a store of value, a unit of account...

Vocabulary Money 2017-05-01

Vocabulary Money crossword puzzle
  1. Buy something, verb or noun.
  2. Sale.
  3. Details of the month´s transactions.
  4. Money with different value.
  5. Money dispenser.
  6. Metal circle with different value in each country.
  7. Retire money from your account.
  1. Paper or email that explains information about your card.
  2. Keep money for emergencies.
  3. Money paper, for example dollar.
  4. See stuff and don´t buy it.
  5. You don´t have enough money to buy

12 Clues: Sale.Money dispenser.Keep money for emergencies.See stuff and don´t buy it.Money with different value.Buy something, verb or noun.Retire money from your account.Money paper, for example dollar.You don´t have enough money to buyDetails of the month´s transactions.Metal circle with different value in each country....

Money Kuba 2014-01-15

Money Kuba crossword puzzle
  1. when you paid in supermarket, they give you ...
  2. when you owe someone a money, you have a ...
  3. Lot of people ... money for thinks that they don´t need
  4. ... of this hause is unacceptable
  5. I have a new ... with Real Madrid
  6. Pilots get a good ...
  7. when you borrow money for a hause, bank give you a ...
  1. I have a great ... on my bank account
  2. during a ... we lost a lot of money
  3. money of small value
  4. Alcohol and cigaretes are lade a higher ...
  5. Executors have a big ...

12 Clues: money of small valuePilots get a good ...Executors have a big ...... of this hause is unacceptableI have a new ... with Real Madridduring a ... we lost a lot of moneyI have a great ... on my bank accountAlcohol and cigaretes are lade a higher ...when you owe someone a money, you have a ...when you paid in supermarket, they give you ......

earning money 2023-03-10

earning money crossword puzzle
  1. for each or one for one
  2. the hours before noon
  3. wages money earned by an employee in one year
  4. and a half payment of 1.5 times the regular hourly rate
  5. working time beyond a regular 40-hour work week
  6. rate: the amount of money paid for each hour of work
  1. the hours after noon
  2. to judge the value of something without being exact
  3. (min) a measure of time equal to 60 seconds
  4. : the number of hours worked multiplied by the hourly rate
  5. time payment of two times the regular hourly rate
  6. (hr) a measure of time equal to 60 minutes

12 Clues: the hours after noonthe hours before noonfor each or one for one(hr) a measure of time equal to 60 minutes(min) a measure of time equal to 60 secondswages money earned by an employee in one yearworking time beyond a regular 40-hour work weektime payment of two times the regular hourly rateto judge the value of something without being exact...

Vocabulary Money 2017-04-26

Vocabulary Money crossword puzzle
  1. The product that you bough
  2. When you see out of the store
  3. Keep money
  4. A discount in a store
  5. When you pay monthly
  6. A machine with a lot of money inside
  1. Debs on your credit card
  2. Small and round
  3. The type of money that a country use
  4. Its the valuable piece of paper
  5. You can't pay
  6. take money from the ATM

12 Clues: Keep moneyYou can't paySmall and roundWhen you pay monthlyA discount in a storetake money from the ATMDebs on your credit cardThe product that you boughWhen you see out of the storeIts the valuable piece of paperThe type of money that a country useA machine with a lot of money inside

Money management 2020-09-29

Money management crossword puzzle
  1. / a law that has been passed
  2. / to leave this country and move to another one
  3. / a person from another country who comes to this country to live
  4. / the things that a person is expected to do, a duty
  5. / the formal system of voting.
  6. / when two or more political parties join together to form a majority in Parliament because neither of them could do so by themselves
  1. / the heads of the different government departments – for example, Education or Health
  2. / the highest law-making body consisting of head of state, the House of Commons and the House of Lords
  3. / a system of government in which the people rule through the power to vote for their representatives
  4. / the things that a person is entitled to
  5. / the things that make a person who they are, the things that make us the same as or different from other people
  6. / the contribution that is made by individuals and businesses to government revenue

12 Clues: / a law that has been passed/ the formal system of voting./ the things that a person is entitled to/ to leave this country and move to another one/ the things that a person is expected to do, a duty/ a person from another country who comes to this country to live/ the contribution that is made by individuals and businesses to government revenue...

Money Terms 2020-10-11

Money Terms crossword puzzle
  1. reserved for later use
  2. process of planning, organizing, monitoring and controlling future income and expenditure
  3. owed
  4. (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money
  5. Any object or material used as payment for goods, services or debts
  6. person who purchases goods and services for use
  7. money received, especially on a regular basis, for work
  1. or property that are purchased only for making a profit
  2. or banknotes that must be accepted if offered in payment of a debt
  3. of value owned, including money
  4. difference between assists and liabilities
  5. action of spending money/income

12 Clues: owedreserved for later useof value owned, including moneyaction of spending money/incomedifference between assists and liabilitiesperson who purchases goods and services for useor property that are purchased only for making a profitmoney received, especially on a regular basis, for work...

Money matters 2021-09-07

Money matters crossword puzzle
  1. Stock
  2. Spending
  3. Investment
  4. Finance
  5. account, Budget
  6. Guilt
  1. Fixed expense
  2. Management
  3. IRA
  4. Wealth
  5. Mortgage
  6. card, FICO

12 Clues: IRAStockGuiltWealthFinanceSpendingMortgageManagementInvestmentcard, FICOFixed expenseaccount, Budget

Money 69420 2022-11-11

Money 69420 crossword puzzle
  1. Each row is denoted and identified by a unique numeric value that you'll see on the left hand side
  2. he boxes you see in the grid of an Excel worksheet
  3. address: row number that identifies a cell on a worksheet
  4. Select the next cell, or type its address in.
  5. Click File > Save As.
  1. a collection of cells organized in rows and columns.
  2. cell selected cell in which data is entered when you begin typing.
  3. Lookup/Reference function
  4. On the Layout tab
  5. the first cell of the range that you want to number, type =ROW(A1).
  6. accounting
  7. bar: below the Ribbon in our workbook.

12 Clues: accountingOn the Layout tabClick File > Save As.Lookup/Reference functionbar: below the Ribbon in our workbook.Select the next cell, or type its address in.he boxes you see in the grid of an Excel worksheeta collection of cells organized in rows and columns.address: row number that identifies a cell on a worksheet...

MONEY TALKS 2023-08-31

MONEY TALKS crossword puzzle
  1. unwise, bad habits or ways
  2. to control, the power to make or move something
  3. normal, a usual type
  4. amount that is shown from 0 to 100
  5. important, useful or great
  6. the added value for borrowing money
  1. score, a number to show something you gain
  2. strong will to do goal, passionate
  3. smart, having a strong understanding
  4. check and observe before making decision
  5. angry, mad, annoyed
  6. feeling of anxiety or fear because of danger or threat

12 Clues: angry, mad, annoyednormal, a usual typeunwise, bad habits or waysimportant, useful or greatstrong will to do goal, passionateamount that is shown from 0 to 100the added value for borrowing moneysmart, having a strong understandingcheck and observe before making decisionscore, a number to show something you gain...

Money Master 2024-01-11

Money Master crossword puzzle
  1. a special card that lets you buy things even if you don't have money right now. But remember, you have to pay back the money later!
  2. the extra money you have to pay when you borrow money
  3. a plan that helps you know how to use your money
  4. to put aside your money
  5. something that is borrowed and is paid back with interest
  1. to use your money
  2. when you make more money than you spent
  3. when you put money into something that you hope will grow and make you more money
  4. the money you pay every year to the government
  5. a place to keep your money
  6. to get money
  7. all the money you receive

12 Clues: to get moneyto use your moneyto put aside your moneyall the money you receivea place to keep your moneywhen you make more money than you spentthe money you pay every year to the governmenta plan that helps you know how to use your moneythe extra money you have to pay when you borrow moneysomething that is borrowed and is paid back with interest...

Money vocabulary 2023-10-16

Money vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. pouvoir payer, avoir les moyens
  2. augmenter
  3. économies
  4. un prêt
  5. achat, acheter
  1. emprunter
  2. frais(d'inscription par exemple)
  3. gagner(argent)
  4. revenu
  5. retirer
  6. propriétaire
  7. bon marché,pas cher

12 Clues: revenuretirerun prêtemprunteraugmenteréconomiespropriétairegagner(argent)achat, acheterbon marché,pas cherpouvoir payer, avoir les moyensfrais(d'inscription par exemple)

Money Crossword Puzzle 2019-02-18

Money Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A plan that balances income with expenses
  2. Use money to buy thing
  3. A fee paid for the use of money
  4. Receive money in exchange for work or service
  5. A member owned financial institution
  6. To put money aside to use later
  7. A place to put money for safekeeping
  8. Expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit
  9. The amount of money you owe
  1. Things that are necessary to survive
  2. What you give up when you make a choice
  3. Amount of money you have in financial account
  4. What you gain when you make a choice
  5. Subtracts money from your checking account
  6. A combination of assets
  7. Money that you earn or receive
  8. What happens as a result of your choice
  9. Real money, dollar bills and coins
  10. Things that are nice to have, but not necessary to survive

19 Clues: Use money to buy thingA combination of assetsThe amount of money you oweMoney that you earn or receiveA fee paid for the use of moneyTo put money aside to use laterReal money, dollar bills and coinsThings that are necessary to surviveWhat you gain when you make a choiceA member owned financial institutionA place to put money for safekeeping...

Banks and Money 2018-02-06

Banks and Money crossword puzzle
  1. Sum of money kept in a bank account
  2. The wealth and resources of a counry
  3. The ability have an effect on the behavior of someone or something
  4. The government department responsible for managing the spending and debt
  5. Belonging to one particular person or group only
  6. Having to do with making money/ commerce
  7. The bank charter Jackson vetoed
  8. Exclusive control over something
  9. Contract allowing an organization to operate
  1. Income
  2. Jackson's state banks that received national revenue
  3. To act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain
  4. To support in the form of money
  5. Constant rise and fall in amount of something
  6. Gold and silver
  7. Paper money from state banks
  8. The act of borrowing money
  9. What something is worth
  10. The ability to borrow money

19 Clues: IncomeGold and silverWhat something is worthThe act of borrowing moneyThe ability to borrow moneyPaper money from state banksTo support in the form of moneyThe bank charter Jackson vetoedExclusive control over somethingSum of money kept in a bank accountThe wealth and resources of a counryHaving to do with making money/ commerce...

Jobs & money- vocabulary 2019-10-12

Jobs & money- vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Person employed in industry.
  2. A person who's described as ______ has been laid off from their job.
  3. A written announcement.
  4. Money earned by working/income from work.
  5. Person who buys things.
  6. Retirement found/ regular sum of money from the state because of retirement.
  7. Person considered for a position.
  8. To stop working and receive a pension.
  9. Somebody who works for a boss.
  10. Money earned by a business after its expenses have been paid.
  1. Person employed at a low level in a job in order to learn the skills needed for that job.
  2. Act of being given a more important job.
  3. Special work benefits.
  4. Official document that states that you may do something.
  5. To leave a job.
  6. Coins and bank notes.
  7. Person we are closely involved in business, marriage, etc.
  8. Job not filled yet.
  9. Boss/person you work for.

19 Clues: To leave a job.Job not filled yet.Coins and bank notes.Special work benefits.A written announcement.Person who buys things.Boss/person you work for.Person employed in industry.Somebody who works for a boss.Person considered for a position.To stop working and receive a pension.Act of being given a more important job....

Functions of Money 2024-02-01

Functions of Money crossword puzzle
  1. Provide services to it's members
  2. Give out small loans in return for a portion of the upcoming paycheck
  3. Money borrowed from the bank
  4. The amount charged by a lender to a borrower for the use of money
  5. A loan that take away your car
  6. Adding money to your bank account
  7. Comparing price to see if you can make the purchase
  8. The exchange of goods, services, or money between two or more parties
  9. A written document that authorizes a bank or financial institution to pay a specific amount of money
  1. Charges a bank imposes on an account when the account holder withdraws more money than is availableNetWorth
  2. A company that offers financial services to its clients ex. banks, credit union
  3. Saving money in their bank account for future purchases
  4. Compare the information on the check with the information in your bank account to ensure that they match
  5. A resource with economic value that can generate income or provide a return on investment
  6. Transactions between individuals, businesses, financial institutions, and government in an economy
  7. Expenses that remain the same over a period of time.
  8. Expenses that changes frequently. ex. groceries
  9. Subtracting money from your bank account
  10. Provide a safe way for you to store your money

19 Clues: Money borrowed from the bankA loan that take away your carProvide services to it's membersAdding money to your bank accountSubtracting money from your bank accountProvide a safe way for you to store your moneyExpenses that changes frequently. ex. groceriesComparing price to see if you can make the purchase...