set theory Crossword Puzzles

Enlightenment and Revolution 1500-1800 2021-03-14

Enlightenment and Revolution 1500-1800 crossword puzzle
  1. earth-centered view of the universe
  2. author of Independence declaration
  3. measures to prevent domination
  4. rulers with Enlightened spirit
  5. belief that reagards reasoning
  6. large drawing rooms
  7. main artistic style of late 1700s
  8. sun-centered theory
  9. logical procedure
  1. agreement for a new governement
  2. french philosopher and author
  3. social critics of enlightenment
  4. national, government power divison
  5. rebirth of learning and the arts
  6. new way of thinking
  7. held a positive view of human nature
  8. the ten amendments for basic rights
  9. Greek philosopher of 4th century BC
  10. style of a grand, ornate design
  11. large set of books

20 Clues: logical procedurelarge set of booksnew way of thinkinglarge drawing roomssun-centered theoryfrench philosopher and authormeasures to prevent dominationrulers with Enlightened spiritbelief that reagards reasoningagreement for a new governementsocial critics of enlightenmentstyle of a grand, ornate designrebirth of learning and the arts...

SAT Vocabulary Test 3 2022-08-19

SAT Vocabulary Test 3 crossword puzzle
  1. charge
  2. practical
  3. first
  4. strange or unusual
  5. agreement
  6. accept (an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc.)
  7. produce
  8. food
  9. plan
  10. consider
  11. moral
  12. complain
  13. similar
  14. meet
  15. not moving, changing or developing
  16. feature
  1. proved
  2. changeable
  3. the regular way in which something happens or is done
  4. a person or thing that has the same position or function as somebody/something else in a different place or situation
  5. understand
  6. can be recognized as different
  7. treat unfairly
  8. skillful
  9. the highest point (= apex, pinnacle)
  10. theory
  11. weaken
  12. having doubts
  13. victory
  14. supporter

30 Clues: foodplanmeetfirstmoralprovedchargetheoryweakenproducevictorysimilarfeatureskillfulconsidercomplainpracticalagreementsupporterchangeableunderstandhaving doubtstreat unfairlystrange or unusualcan be recognized as differentnot moving, changing or developingthe highest point (= apex, pinnacle)accept (an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc.)...

SAT Vocabulary Test 3 2022-08-19

SAT Vocabulary Test 3 crossword puzzle
  1. having doubts
  2. proved
  3. charge
  4. feature
  5. complain
  6. weaken
  7. similar
  8. accept (an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc.)
  9. meet
  10. strange or unusual
  11. practical
  12. understand
  13. food
  14. can be recognized as different
  15. first
  16. not moving, changing or developing
  1. treat unfairly
  2. theory
  3. skillful
  4. supporter
  5. the regular way in which something happens or is done
  6. the highest point (= apex, pinnacle)
  7. changeable
  8. consider
  9. a person or thing that has the same position or function as somebody/something else in a different place or situation
  10. plan
  11. produce
  12. agreement
  13. victory
  14. moral

30 Clues: meetplanfoodmoralfirsttheoryprovedchargeweakenfeaturesimilarproducevictoryskillfulcomplainconsidersupporterpracticalagreementchangeableunderstandhaving doubtstreat unfairlystrange or unusualcan be recognized as differentnot moving, changing or developingthe highest point (= apex, pinnacle)accept (an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc.)...

Early Years Theorists 2020-01-23

Early Years Theorists crossword puzzle
  1. Social learning theory
  2. Attachment Theory
  3. Ecological systems theory
  4. Cognitive Developmental Theory
  5. Sociocultural Theory
  6. Psycho social stage theory
  1. Educational approach founded by Rudolph Steiner
  2. Moral understanding stage theory
  3. Loris Malaguzzi
  4. Scaffolding theory
  5. Wrote the book Absorbent minds
  6. Psychosexual stage theory

12 Clues: Loris MalaguzziAttachment TheoryScaffolding theorySociocultural TheorySocial learning theoryPsychosexual stage theoryEcological systems theoryPsycho social stage theoryWrote the book Absorbent mindsCognitive Developmental TheoryMoral understanding stage theoryEducational approach founded by Rudolph Steiner

Intro to Automata 2023-12-12

Intro to Automata crossword puzzle
  1. A classic problem in the theory of computation, asking whether a given Turing machine will eventually halt for a particular input.
  2. The name of the * which allows you to repeatedly concatenating a string in a language
  3. Properties of formal languages that are preserved under certain operations (union, intersection, complement, concatenation, etc.).
  4. The principle that, in a set of objects, placing more objects than there are slots guarantees repetition
  5. A set that contains only some elements of another set
  6. a function that describes how you go between states for a given input symbol.
  1. A hierarchy of formal languages into four types based on their generative power, named after Noam...
  2. A set of words over an alphabet
  3. Something an automaton might do with a string
  4. Type of language recognized by a deterministic finite automaton
  5. Mathematical model of computation, consisting of states and transitions
  6. Lemma used to show certain languages are not regular

12 Clues: A set of words over an alphabetSomething an automaton might do with a stringLemma used to show certain languages are not regularA set that contains only some elements of another setType of language recognized by a deterministic finite automatonMathematical model of computation, consisting of states and transitions...

AP Psych - Great Minds 2022-01-04

AP Psych - Great Minds crossword puzzle
  1. Maternal separation, dependency, social isolation
  2. Influenced behaviorism - operant conditioning box
  3. marshmallow experiment
  4. Classical conditioning
  5. Work in ethical community/relationships
  6. Professor of Human Development at Cornell
  7. Expert on human memory
  8. Genetic epistomology - work in child development
  9. Controversial experiments with obedience in 1960s
  10. Developed method: client centered therapy
  11. Founded analytical psychology
  12. Statistics/factor analysis/correlation coefficient
  13. developed practice of cognitive behavioral therapy
  14. Research into intrapersonal psychological structure
  15. Father of modern social psychology
  16. Established school of functionalism
  1. Freedom = fundamental part of human nature
  2. First woman to earn doctorate degree in psychology - known for work on animal behavior/motor theory development
  3. Theory of stages of moral development
  4. Founder of psychoanalysis
  5. psychoanalyst known for work in child analysis
  6. Soviet psychologist worked with children
  7. 1971 Stanford prison experiment
  8. cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory
  9. Founder of school of individual psychology
  10. One of founders of field of cognitive science
  11. Advocacy of evolutionary psychology
  12. Comparative psychology and learning process
  13. Gestalt psychology + social psychology
  14. Development of attachment theory
  15. Founder of experimental psychology
  16. opened first psychology lab in US
  17. Originator of theory attachment
  18. Theory of multiple intelligences
  19. Self psychology
  20. Study of emotions and relation to facial expressions
  21. Believed in 8 phase personality development
  22. Popularized scientific theory: behaviorism
  23. Social learning theory
  24. Grandfather of evolutionary psychology

40 Clues: Self psychologymarshmallow experimentClassical conditioningExpert on human memorySocial learning theoryFounder of psychoanalysisFounded analytical psychology1971 Stanford prison experimentOriginator of theory attachmentDevelopment of attachment theoryTheory of multiple intelligencesopened first psychology lab in USFounder of experimental psychology...

George Washington 2015-10-27

George Washington crossword puzzle
  1. act that allowed the president to deport people
  2. the "college" that selects the president
  3. wrote the Virginia Resolves
  4. party of Hamilton
  5. wrote a book filled with lies about Washington
  6. made an unpopular treaty
  7. advisers for the president
  8. set many precedents
  1. last name of General Mad Anthony
  2. he established credit for the US
  3. country involved in the XYZ Affair
  4. 1792 Proclamation of
  5. was not a popular president
  6. first Secretary of War
  7. replaced Little Turtle
  8. Little Turtle won a big battle in this state
  9. wrote the Kentucky Resolves
  10. made a popular treaty with Spain
  11. Hamilton paid these off
  12. _____ man theory

20 Clues: _____ man theoryparty of Hamiltonset many precedents1792 Proclamation offirst Secretary of Warreplaced Little TurtleHamilton paid these offmade an unpopular treatyadvisers for the presidentwas not a popular presidentwrote the Virginia Resolveswrote the Kentucky Resolveslast name of General Mad Anthonyhe established credit for the US...

"The Wednesday Wars" Vocabulary #2 2022-06-01

"The Wednesday Wars" Vocabulary #2 crossword puzzle
  1. characteristic of evil spirits
  2. a temporary halt to fighting
  3. the action of pushing something forward
  4. having an advanced level of cultural development
  5. devoutly
  6. not proper or appropriate
  7. a set of ideas that explain something
  8. valid and justifiable
  9. of a wicked or criminal quality
  10. decaying or spoiling
  11. destroy completely; wipe out
  1. one who helps another person commit a crime
  2. being away from other people
  3. overindulge
  4. very unpleasant; disgusting
  5. a person's job or occupation
  6. done in a proud, victorious way
  7. one forced to leave their home country
  8. interior
  9. stylistic representation of a dramatic work
  10. peculiar
  11. remains

22 Clues: remainsdevoutlyinteriorpeculiaroverindulgedecaying or spoilingvalid and justifiablenot proper or appropriatevery unpleasant; disgustingbeing away from other peoplea temporary halt to fightinga person's job or occupationdestroy completely; wipe outcharacteristic of evil spiritsdone in a proud, victorious wayof a wicked or criminal quality...

PSN Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2020-09-03

PSN Chapter 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. logical thinking from known facts
  2. factor ratio to convert units
  3. set of rules for universe
  4. investigates relationships
  5. changes in a relationship
  6. "what actually happened"
  7. how close measurement is to value
  8. add and divide by number of values
  9. others observe the same results
  1. speed that stays the same
  2. a quantity can change
  3. difference between values
  4. possible explanation for a mystery
  5. learning by asking questions
  6. kept constant in experiment
  7. process of practicing science
  8. number that a variable may have
  9. distance divided by time
  10. attempt to describe a natural law
  11. distance divided by total time

20 Clues: a quantity can changedistance divided by time"what actually happened"speed that stays the samedifference between valuesset of rules for universechanges in a relationshipinvestigates relationshipskept constant in experimentlearning by asking questionsfactor ratio to convert unitsprocess of practicing sciencedistance divided by total time...

crosswordlabs v1 2015-03-30

crosswordlabs v1 crossword puzzle
  1. International trade
  2. Externalities and transaction costs
  3. Economics of common pool resources
  4. Efficient markets hypothesis
  5. Industrial organization and theory of regulation
  6. Economic growth
  7. Unemployment and search costs
  8. Asset pricing and options pricing
  9. Input-output analysis
  10. Game theory applied to industrial organization issues
  11. Asset prices and optimal portfolio
  12. Mathematical proof of market equilibrium
  13. Allocation of resources in a centrally planned economy
  14. Economics of social issues
  15. Uncertainty and transactions costs
  16. Mechanism design theory
  17. Growth and development
  18. Non-cooperative game theory equilibrium
  19. Deferred algorithm in game theory
  20. IS-LM model
  21. Financial markets’ impact on monetary and fiscal policy
  22. Social choice and market equilibrium
  1. Applications of deferred algorithm to
  2. Trade and development
  3. Options pricing
  4. Vector autoregression (VAR)applications in finance
  5. Life Cycle Hypothesis
  6. Mathematical principles to optimization
  7. Application of statistical methods to economic history
  8. Growth and development
  9. Uncertainty and macroeconomic policy
  10. Permanent income hypothesis
  11. Auctions and game theory
  12. Rational expectations and macroeconomic policy
  13. Game theory
  14. International and interregional trade issues
  15. Father of econometrics
  16. Economic development of various cultures
  17. Repeated games
  18. Behavioral finance
  19. National income accounting
  20. Decision-making with bounded rationality and satisficing

42 Clues: Game theoryIS-LM modelRepeated gamesOptions pricingEconomic growthBehavioral financeInternational tradeTrade and developmentLife Cycle HypothesisInput-output analysisGrowth and developmentFather of econometricsGrowth and developmentMechanism design theoryAuctions and game theoryEconomics of social issuesNational income accounting...

Research Glossary 2021-02-18

Research Glossary crossword puzzle
  1. material nature as the only original and fundamental source of everything positivist.
  2. study the distribution of certain characteristics in the totality of a population probabilistic/Is a sampling method
  3. of concepts, categories and laws that objectively reflect reality.
  4. a subgroup from a population.
  5. is descriptive in nature
  1. of all the elements that are being studied
  2. linked to cognitive development sociocritical/Is based on social criticism
  3. epistemological foundation tends to be explanatory
  4. or foundation on which a thing rests and develops rationalist.
  5. is the tentative answer to a problem
  6. of instruments and means through which the method is carried out

11 Clues: is descriptive in naturea subgroup from a the tentative answer to a problemof all the elements that are being studiedepistemological foundation tends to be explanatoryor foundation on which a thing rests and develops rationalist.of instruments and means through which the method is carried out...

Ch 24 CW 2021-05-15

Ch 24 CW crossword puzzle
  1. ethical principle that places high value on avoiding harm to others
  2. ethical reflections that emphasize an intimate personal relationship value system.
  3. gross violation of commonly held standards or decency or human rights.
  4. qualify desirable as an end in itself.
  5. maintenance of privacy.
  6. practice behaviors that are defined by members of a profession.
  7. belief that individual rights provide the vital protection of life, liberty, expression, and property.
  8. basis for rights-based ethical theory.
  9. examples: do not cheat, always tell the truth, do not judge, treat others as you want to be treated.
  10. Duty to tell the truth and avoid deception.
  11. regulations established by a government that are applicable to people within a certain political subdivision.
  12. whether an act is morally right depends only on consequences.
  13. responsibilities.
  14. collection/set of values that an individual/group has as each person’s personal guide.
  15. Bodies of systematically related moral principles used to resolve ethical dilemmas.
  16. situations requiring moral judgement between two or more equally problem-fraught alternatives.
  17. standards set by individuals or groups of individuals.
  18. under this theory, these persons or groups recognize certain expectations of each other and act accordingly.
  19. use of moral principles as a basis for defending a chosen path of action in resolving an ethical dilemma.
  20. showing kindness and concern of others.
  21. Character and virtue form the framework of this ethical theory.
  1. statement of right conduct governing individual actions.
  2. loyalty and faithfulness to others.
  3. justified claims that an individual can make on individuals, groups, or society.
  4. Integrity, Objectivity, Professional competence and due care, Confidentiality, and Professional behaviour.
  5. independence in ones thought or actions.
  6. beliefs system based on a set of moral principles that are embedded in a common morality.
  7. traits of character that are socially valued.
  8. doing of good.
  9. affirms the professional as an independent, autonomous, responsible decision maker.
  10. ARRT’s mandatory standard of minimally acceptable professional conduct.
  11. fair conduct in dealing with others.
  12. internal controls of a professional based on human values.
  13. usually asserted based on moral principles or rules.
  14. systematic study of rightness and wrongness of human conduct and character as known by natural reason.
  15. manners and attitudes generally accepted by members of a profession.
  16. also referred to as ethical principles.
  17. rights of individuals that are established and guaranteed by law.
  18. actions are right or wrong according to the morality of the acts themselves.

39 Clues: doing of good.responsibilities.maintenance of privacy.loyalty and faithfulness to others.fair conduct in dealing with others.qualify desirable as an end in itself.basis for rights-based ethical theory.also referred to as ethical principles.showing kindness and concern of others.independence in ones thought or actions....

Theorists of Child Development 2013-05-10

Theorists of Child Development crossword puzzle
  1. Encourages parents to trust themselves and enjoy their baby
  2. Human Ecology theory
  3. Operant Conditioning theory
  4. Multiple Intelligence theory
  5. Socio-cultural theory
  1. Human Needs theory
  2. Attachment theory
  3. Parents as preschool educators
  4. Children of Challenge
  5. Psychosocial theory
  6. Psychoanalytic theory
  7. Cognitive Development theory

12 Clues: Attachment theoryHuman Needs theoryPsychosocial theoryHuman Ecology theoryChildren of ChallengePsychoanalytic theorySocio-cultural theoryOperant Conditioning theoryCognitive Development theoryMultiple Intelligence theoryParents as preschool educatorsEncourages parents to trust themselves and enjoy their baby

vocab words 13 2023-02-02

vocab words 13 crossword puzzle
  1. flawless
  2. A testable prediction, often implied by a theory
  3. not having life; without energy or spirit
  4. agent that induces sleep
  5. d'oeuvres appetizers
  6. to light up
  1. to set on fire
  2. the killing of one person by another
  3. in engineering, the use of water to create power
  4. deadlock

10 Clues: flawlessdeadlockto light upto set on fired'oeuvres appetizersagent that induces sleepthe killing of one person by anothernot having life; without energy or spiritA testable prediction, often implied by a theoryin engineering, the use of water to create power


GUESS ME LIKE A LIFETIME! crossword puzzle
  1. The nurse formulates an action plan and goals based on the patient’s health information.
  2. She illustrated the interactional phases, which are empathy, rapport, original encounter, etc.
  3. The nurse interprets and identifies the data.
  4. The nurse will execute the action and goals.
  5. It is a theory by Florence Nightiangle in which she emphasizes the strong influence of the environment on a patient’s health.
  6. She made the “Notes on Nursing.”
  7. Who developed the metaparadigm of nursing theory?
  8. Congruence, empathy, and warmth are characterized by her for helping-trust relationship.
  9. She focused on a sociological anthropology nursing theory that illuminated the preservation, transaction, and adaptation of one’s culture.
  10. She established the self-care deficit theory.
  1. What is the other term for derivable consequences, as it is one of the criteria used for nursing theory analysis
  2. The nurse will draw conclusions about whether the action and goal are effective.
  3. The restorative subsystem, as the 8th added subsystem, is in the theory of _______system.
  4. Defined nursing as all: a refuge and the body of the patients.
  5. The nurse obtains information and vital signs about the patient’s health concerns.
  6. It is a type of concept in theory that is defined in a way that exists but has neither physical nor material form.
  7. Provides a goal and reason for a theory.
  8. The orientation, identification, exploitation, and resolution phases belong to the theory of ___________ relations.
  9. She defined the caring elements, which are faith, love, tending, etc.
  10. She highlighted the importance of adaptation and responses in nursing.

20 Clues: She made the “Notes on Nursing.”Provides a goal and reason for a theory.The nurse will execute the action and goals.The nurse interprets and identifies the data.She established the self-care deficit theory.Who developed the metaparadigm of nursing theory?Defined nursing as all: a refuge and the body of the patients....

cr 5 final 4062015 2015-04-06

cr 5 final 4062015 crossword puzzle
  1. Auctions and game theory
  2. Father of econometrics
  3. Asset prices and optimal portfolio
  4. Vector autoregression (VAR)applications in finance
  5. Game theory
  6. Permanent income hypothesis
  7. Asymmetric information impacts on macroeconomics
  8. Allocation of resources in a centrally planned economy
  9. Principles for maximizing individual and firm behavior
  10. Externalities and transaction costs
  11. Decision-making with bounded rationality and satisficing
  12. Financial markets’ impact on monetary and fiscal policy
  13. Application of statistical methods to economic history
  14. Behavioral finance
  15. Economics of common pool resources
  16. International and interregional trade issues
  17. Social choice and market equilibrium
  18. Mathematical proof of market equilibrium
  19. Capital asset pricing and valuation of derivatives
  20. Non-cooperative game theory (_____ equilibrium)
  21. Game theory applied to industrial organization issues
  22. Institutions and economic performance
  23. Trade and development
  1. Rational expectations and macroeconomic policy
  2. Input-output analysis
  3. Unemployment and search costs
  4. Life Cycle Hypothesis of savings
  5. Deferred algorithm in game theory
  6. Options pricing
  7. IS-LM model
  8. Information asymmetries and macroeconomic policy
  9. Industrial organization and theory of regulation
  10. Economic growth theory and models
  11. Efficient markets hypothesis
  12. International trade and capital movements
  13. Growth and development
  14. Mechanism design theory
  15. Economics of social issues (crime, discrimination…)
  16. Repeated games
  17. Market design with applications of deferred algorithm
  18. National income accounting
  19. Growth and development

42 Clues: Game theoryIS-LM modelRepeated gamesOptions pricingBehavioral financeInput-output analysisTrade and developmentFather of econometricsGrowth and developmentGrowth and developmentMechanism design theoryAuctions and game theoryNational income accountingPermanent income hypothesisEfficient markets hypothesisUnemployment and search costs...

Crossword. Research concepts 2021-06-27

Crossword. Research concepts crossword puzzle
  1. is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting non-numerical data, such as language.
  2. study of scientific knowledge, which includes the analysis of its most important concepts such as validity, objectivity, truth, reliability, method, theory, hypothesis,evidence, law, and so on.
  3. attention that is given to something such as a task, or the ability to give your full attention to something.
  4. system of ways of doing, teaching, or studying something.
  5. is the belief that actions and ideas should be based on reason rather than emotion.any situation that requires the use of reason in front of another instance.
  6. of knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning, systematically structured and from which general principles and laws with predictive capacity and experimentally testable are deduced.
  7. person who is certain that knowledge can emerge from the scientific method.
  1. formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation.
  2. person who studies plants and animals.
  3. is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting non-numerical data, such as language.
  4. that is used to investigate the nature of the phenomena that scientists want to explain.
  5. involves the process of objectively collecting and analyzing numerical data to describe, predict, or control variables of interest.
  6. or set of theories whose central core is accepted without question and which provides the basis and model for solving problems and advancing knowledge.
  7. base or basic principle; underlying part; foundation.
  8. part of philosophy that studies what it means to exist.

15 Clues: person who studies plants and animals.base or basic principle; underlying part; foundation.part of philosophy that studies what it means to exist.system of ways of doing, teaching, or studying something.person who is certain that knowledge can emerge from the scientific method....

Developmental Theorists 2024-09-10

Developmental Theorists crossword puzzle
  1. THEORY: People are affected by rewards and punishments, but their reactions to them are filtered by their own perceptions, thoughts, and motivations
  2. Ecological Systems Theory- Outlined layers of environment that affect a child’s development, such as the child’s own biology, family/ community environment, and society; as a child develops, the interaction within these environments becomes more complex and this complexity can arise as the child's physical and cognitive structures grow and mature
  3. Psychoanalytic theorist- Believed that both early and later in life experiences affect development; people are always changing and developing
  4. Social Cognitive Theory- people are different than Pavlov’s dogs, they are more complex; people watch and imitate other people’s behavior, despite whether or not there are rewards and punishments
  5. THEORY: Looks at a child's development within the context of the system of relationships that form his or her environment.
  6. Behaviorism- mouse in a box; operant conditions is the repetition of behaviors when reinforced
  7. Cognitive theorist- Student of Kohlberg’s; thought research was incomplete because he did not study girls and women; expanded upon Kohlberg’s to include females
  8. Cognitive theorist- Children are active in their own development and learning and need a lot of exposure to experimentation, discovery, and firsthand experiences; as they gain more experiences, their way of thinking will change and adapt
  9. Cognitive theorist- Different than Piaget, he believed cognitive development doesn’t just happen (Piaget’s theory); Social and cultural environment shapes human cognitive development
  10. Psychoanalytic theorist- Believed that what happens early in life affects a person for years to come; his theory is not not considered scientifically sound, but he opened the doors for new ways of thinking
  1. THEORY: Ideas of how people process information, thing, and learn
  2. Cognitive theorist- Researched how people decide what is right and what is wrong; moral decisions are personal decisions that evaluate what is right and what is wrong
  3. Ecological Systems Theory- Child’s primary relationship with a caregiver needs to be stable, loving, and lasting; human development unfolds in a nested set of systems, involving cultural, social, economic and political elements, not merely psychological ones
  4. THEORY: People’s behavior is determined by forces in the environment that are beyond their control
  5. Cognitive theorist- Development occurs because humans interact with other people not just objects; children are social beings and develop their minds through interactions with parents, teacher, and other informed people
  6. Cognitive theorist- Developed 4 Stages of Cognitive Development; describes how people think in different stages of life
  7. Social Cognitive Theory- observation and modeling play a primary role in how and why people learn; believe that a child who observes a kind act may later imitate the same act towards sibling or classmate while another learns to swear or eat eat healthy by imitating other people’s actions; the same experiences, will not have the same result on every person
  8. Behaviorism- learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus (e.g., a tone) becomes associated with a stimulus (e.g., food) that naturally produces a behavior
  9. Behaviorism- A rat may be rewarded with a food pellet after pressing a bar, or it may be punished with a small shock of electricity if it does not press the bar; a person is first exposed to a stimulus, which elicits a response, and the response is then reinforced (stimulus, response, reinforcement)
  10. Cognitive theorist- 3 Stages of Moral Development; children make decisions based on punishment or rewards (1st level); observed men and boys
  11. THEORY: Development happens at an unconscious level and is buried in emotions, analyze the symbolic meaning behind behaviors; early life experiences are important in development
  12. Psychoanalytic theorist- Applied psychoanalytic theory with the goal of restoring psychological health through talk therapy
  13. Cognitive theorist- the idea of justice was typical of males, but women used the idea of care for others as a motivating factor in making moral decisions
  14. Psychoanalytic theorist- Liked Freud’s work, but expanded upon it; Theorized all humans develop in eight stages called Psychosocial Developmental Stages
  15. Behaviorism- Dog experiments; classical conditioning is behaviors associated with emotional responses

25 Clues: THEORY: Ideas of how people process information, thing, and learnBehaviorism- mouse in a box; operant conditions is the repetition of behaviors when reinforcedTHEORY: People’s behavior is determined by forces in the environment that are beyond their control...

Earth & Environmental Crossword 2021-08-25

Earth & Environmental Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the study of rocks and how they form
  2. the combination of physics and geology to attain more information about earth
  3. the theory that the universe started with an explosion
  4. the study of long extinct life
  5. the study of very large bodies of water
  6. the theory about sections of earths crust
  7. the theory that earth is and has been changing with a pattern
  8. the theory that most rocks were formed during one large scale catastrophic event
  9. the theory of a compressed electromagnetic field around large objects
  10. study of celestial bodies
  1. a form of transference in wave like patterns through the air
  2. the mapping of above water earth and large bodies of water
  3. the study of the solid earth
  4. a type of rock formed inside of a volcano
  5. the theory that the continents were once one large structure known as Pangea
  6. the study of why the celestial bodies move the way they do
  7. the theory that the life on earth has slowly adapted to its environment
  8. the study of earthquakes and their effects
  9. a model of our interworking of our celestial bodies

19 Clues: study of celestial bodiesthe study of the solid earththe study of long extinct lifethe study of rocks and how they formthe study of very large bodies of watera type of rock formed inside of a volcanothe theory about sections of earths crustthe study of earthquakes and their effectsa model of our interworking of our celestial bodies...

vocab words 13 2023-02-02

vocab words 13 crossword puzzle
  1. flawless
  2. A testable prediction, often implied by a theory
  3. not having life; without energy or spirit
  4. agent that induces sleep
  5. d'oeuvres appetizers
  6. to light up
  1. to set on fire
  2. the killing of one person by another
  3. in engineering, the use of water to create power
  4. deadlock

10 Clues: flawlessdeadlockto light upto set on fired'oeuvres appetizersagent that induces sleepthe killing of one person by anothernot having life; without energy or spiritA testable prediction, often implied by a theoryin engineering, the use of water to create power

Great British thinking! 2012-12-18

Great British thinking! crossword puzzle
  1. Henry Moule invented the earth closet when vicar of which Dorchester parish?
  2. Only one 'hero' comes from Northen Ireland, which one?
  3. Where was the splendidly named Goldsworthy Gurney born in 1793?
  4. In 1812, Sarah Guppy made 'improvements' to the tea urn. She adds a basket to allow what to be suspended in the boiling water?
  5. Who, in 1816, discovered the kaleidoscope?
  6. George Boole, mathematician and thinker, was born in Licoln, but what trade did his father ply?
  7. In 1557 who 'invented' the equals sign?
  8. The Jenner Museum is found in Edward Jenner's own house in which Gloucestershire village?
  9. Nevil Maskelyne was the first person to try to calculate the weight of the world, but which ancient Greek first guaged the size?
  10. In 1787, who saw the aurora borealis which led onto his work on atomic theory?
  11. William Buckland caused an upset with the church on his theory over how the bones of which animal were found in a cave in Yorkshire?
  1. Which doctor , who put forward a theory as to how the eye detects colour, was instrumental in translating the Rosetta Stone?
  2. Liborio Pedrazzolli set up a business making and selling what item?
  3. At 1,750 tons, which ship was the biggest built in Ireland?
  4. After the great storm which destroyed the first Eddysrone Lighthouse, which famous author toured the country assessing the damage caused?
  5. John Walker is credited with inventing the match but only after a German called brand had discovered phosphorous by boiling which liquid?
  6. For his work on 'weighing the world' Nevil Maskelyne was awarded which medal?
  7. In 1783 John Michell put forward a theory of what we know as black holes, but in which town did he live?

18 Clues: In 1557 who 'invented' the equals sign?Who, in 1816, discovered the kaleidoscope?Only one 'hero' comes from Northen Ireland, which one?At 1,750 tons, which ship was the biggest built in Ireland?Where was the splendidly named Goldsworthy Gurney born in 1793?Liborio Pedrazzolli set up a business making and selling what item?...

Conflict Managment 2020-03-15

Conflict Managment crossword puzzle
  1. Deeply seated beliefs and core ideas about right and wrong
  2. A type of point to that will possible change the tone
  3. Event that precipitates a conflict episode
  4. Blank management:to bring perceptions & expectations held by different people closer together
  5. Providing reasons to support an assertion or claim
  6. A need that drives a goal
  7. To not engage directly in conflict
  8. Personality is influenced by biological development
  9. Theory that focuses on communication between people in conflict rather than an individual or internal processes
  10. Type of theory - consistently make sense of the world by assigning meaning and motives to behavior
  11. Aggression using personal attacks, name calling, & other aggressive tactics
  12. Defend a position from a competitive stance
  13. weave together facts, feelings, and interferences to explain the world
  14. Blank Conflict: struggle arising from perceived interference with goal achievement
  15. ones view of oneself
  16. An overarching set of beliefs about ho the world works and one's place in it
  17. Situation where an individual's goals are somewhat cooperative and somewhat competitive
  1. The public or private image one holds about oneself
  2. A demand, proposed solution, or fixed outcome statement
  3. A theory that models the outcomes of conflict based on choices made by players through a rational process
  4. Stable set of perceptions, values, attitudes, & beliefs an individual holds about oneself
  5. encompass the concept that the goals of all parties in a conflict might be met with creative strategies
  6. Blank Conflict: Issues that have potential for conflict that the parties don't yet perceive to be a problem
  7. Create meaning & interpret reality through a series of personal constructs or schemas
  8. The end or desired condition
  9. A state where one thing or person requires another thing or person to meet goals
  10. Personality is influenced by social development
  11. Distributed view that resources are limited
  12. Complying with the others' wishes
  13. Blank Conflict: an internal struggle with competing personal goals
  14. Tangible resources or any measurable factor around which desired outcomes can be built
  15. Type of meaning - the literal dictionary definition of a word
  16. Theory that suggests there are types of forces that drive conflict and forces that restrain conflict
  17. Type of conflict that moves toward destructive outcomes
  18. Type of meaning - personal association or experience with a word
  19. Goal regarding the expression of self-worth, pride, or self-respect
  20. Blank Conflict caused by misinterpretations and misinformation
  21. A word, gesture, or picture than stands for something else
  22. Tentative explanations for observed behaviors
  23. The general conversational area in which a conflict issue may be embedded

40 Clues: ones view of oneselfA need that drives a goalThe end or desired conditionComplying with the others' wishesTo not engage directly in conflictEvent that precipitates a conflict episodeDistributed view that resources are limitedDefend a position from a competitive stanceTentative explanations for observed behaviors...

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 2018-11-14

Chem 156 3rd Long Exam -- November 17 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. Represents the electric field acting on an electron in the HF theory
  2. Rules to limit evaluation to non-zero integrals of the N-electron wavefunctions
  3. Treatment of open-shell systems where optimizations are done over singly-occupied orbitals
  4. Correction method for the basis-set superposition error
  5. Systems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicable
  6. Orbitals that have non-negative energies
  7. Approximation of trial molecular wavefunctions using atomic wavefunctions
  8. Difference between Born-Oppenheimer limit and the HF limit is due to this
  9. Identify to the weight of an atomic orbitals in the expansion of a wavefunction
  10. Basis sets were basis functions are contracted for the core electrons and non-contracted otherwise
  11. Integrals to correspond to direct interaction of electrons regardless of spin
  12. Antisymmetric electronic wavefunction are represented this way in HF theory
  13. Only construct in the quantum mechanical formalism with no direct mechanical analogue
  14. Coloumbic interaction not considered in the Born-Oppenheimer limit
  15. The process of obtaining the roots of a square matrix
  16. Hamiltonian terms that relate to the energy of a single electron in an N-electron system
  17. States that have indefinite lifetime are considered to be
  18. The best trial energy that can be determined using HF theory over an infinite basis
  19. Results to twice as many J integrals as there are K integrals
  1. Integrals to correspond to interaction of electrons that are dependent on spin
  2. Results to the separability of the Hamiltonian per electron
  3. Used to find the set of coefficients for basis functions that produces the smallest energy
  4. Effects that result to mercury being in the liquid state at room temperature
  5. Wavefunctions that result from an HF computation are said to be optimized and referred to as
  6. field Method of refining the approximattion to the energy using interatively improved coefficients
  7. In HF theory, the hamiltonian is exact but the wavefunctions are
  8. HF electronic energies are in this state
  9. Electrons have antisymmetric wavefunctions because they are
  10. Relates to the position of a nucleus inside an atomic electron density
  11. Equations that describe the relationship of the Fock matrix to the energy
  12. Approximations of STO basis functions using GTO basis functions
  13. similar to hydrogenic orbitals and have cusps
  14. Used to approximate slater-type orbitals

33 Clues: Orbitals that have non-negative energiesHF electronic energies are in this stateUsed to approximate slater-type orbitalssimilar to hydrogenic orbitals and have cuspsThe process of obtaining the roots of a square matrixCorrection method for the basis-set superposition errorSystems where the Roothan-Hall equations are applicable...

Ana Sophia Farah R 2021-09-14

Ana Sophia Farah R crossword puzzle
  1. impact
  2. to imagine
  3. comforting
  4. to need
  5. a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event
  1. compelling
  2. a student in the final year of high school
  3. at a later time
  4. a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action or theory
  5. objective

10 Clues: impactto needobjectivecompellingto imaginecomfortingat a later timea student in the final year of high schoola cause, explanation, or justification for an action or eventa reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action or theory

Famous psychologists 2015-04-16

Famous psychologists crossword puzzle
  1. Dog experiments for classical conditioning
  2. theory of stages of moral development
  3. developed behaviourism
  4. bobo the doll experiments
  5. father of contemporary positive psychology
  6. formed social cultural theory and zone of prozimal development
  7. developed humanistic psychology
  8. researched parenting styles, authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive
  9. theory of cognitive dissonance and social comparison
  10. Founded analytical psychology, concepts of archetypes and collective unconscious
  11. social isolation on young monkeys
  12. researched operant conditioning and leader in behaviourism
  13. theories of neurosis, feminine psychology, and self-psychology
  14. father of american psychology, contributed to functionalism
  1. developed the first widely used intelligence test
  2. hierarchy of needs
  3. Father of modern linguistics, major figure in analytic philosophy
  4. worked on cognitive biases
  5. infant temperament, infancy behaviours are predictive of behaviours in adolescence
  6. founder of psychoanalysis and created Oedipus complex
  7. created attachment theory
  8. Formed triarchic theory of intelligence
  9. Established the very first experimental psychology lab in Leipzig
  10. stage theory of cognitive development
  11. worked on hypnosis especially with regard to pain control
  12. stage theory of psychosocial development
  13. Social psychologist and did social conformity experiments
  14. Pioneered study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions

28 Clues: hierarchy of needsdeveloped behaviourismbobo the doll experimentscreated attachment theoryworked on cognitive biasesdeveloped humanistic psychologysocial isolation on young monkeystheory of stages of moral developmentstage theory of cognitive developmentFormed triarchic theory of intelligencestage theory of psychosocial development...

crosswordlabs v1 2015-03-29

crosswordlabs v1 crossword puzzle
  1. Financial markets’ impact on monetary and fiscal policy
  2. IS-LM model
  3. Non-cooperative game theory equilibrium
  4. Economics of common pool resources
  5. Auctions and game theory
  6. Uncertainty and transactions costs
  7. Application of statistical methods to economic history
  8. Permanent income hypothesis
  9. Economics of social issues
  10. Trade and development
  11. Life Cycle Hypothesis
  12. International trade
  13. Economic growth
  14. Repeated games
  15. Asset prices and optimal portfolio
  16. Social choice and market equilibrium
  17. Growth and development
  18. Uncertainty and macroeconomic policy
  19. Father of econometrics
  20. Game theory
  21. Options pricing
  22. Mathematical proof of market equilibrium
  23. Efficient markets hypothesis
  24. Economic development of various cultures
  25. Vector autoregression (VAR)applications in finance
  1. Applications of deferred algorithm to
  2. Game theory applied to industrial organization issues
  3. International and interregional trade issues
  4. Industrial organization and theory of regulation
  5. Asset pricing and options pricing
  6. Externalities and transaction costs
  7. Mathematical principles to optimization
  8. Growth and development
  9. Input-output analysis
  10. Allocation of resources in a centrally planned economy
  11. Deferred algorithm in game theory
  12. Mechanism design theory
  13. Behavioral finance
  14. Unemployment and search costs
  15. National income accounting
  16. Decision-making with bounded rationality and satisficing
  17. Rational expectations and macroeconomic policy

42 Clues: IS-LM modelGame theoryRepeated gamesEconomic growthOptions pricingBehavioral financeInternational tradeInput-output analysisTrade and developmentLife Cycle HypothesisGrowth and developmentGrowth and developmentFather of econometricsMechanism design theoryAuctions and game theoryEconomics of social issuesNational income accounting...

Sociocultural Approach Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-04

Sociocultural Approach Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. threat This occurs in a situation where the person feels they may live up to their stereotype
  2. Conducted research with a Bobo doll
  3. The name of the stage in Social Learning when an individual forms a mental representation of of the behaviour they have observed
  4. bias Occurs when we seek out information that supports our view
  5. A generalized and fixed way of thinking about a group of people
  6. When someone adopts another cultures values but still maintains their original culture
  7. Helena The location where a natural experiment occurred to test the Social Cognitive Theory
  8. A set of rules based on socially or culturally shared beliefs of how a individual ought to behave
  9. Correlation Seeing a relationship between two variables that doesn't actually exist
  1. Used surveys to learn about culture in a world-wide organisation
  2. First stage in Social Cognitive Theory of learning
  3. Conducted research using the Asch paradigm to test cultural dimensions
  4. The method used by Bond and Smith
  5. The belief that we can do something
  6. When we identify with others and show them favouritism
  7. The process by which people change as a response of contact with other cultures
  8. A cultural dimension found mostly in Western countries
  9. When migrants maintain their own culture and minimize contact with the new culture
  10. The process by which people learn the necessary skills and norms of their culture
  11. Conducted research to see how the parents role in teaching gender stereotypes
  12. The researcher who studied Social Identity Theory with a study on 15 year old boys

21 Clues: The method used by Bond and SmithConducted research with a Bobo dollThe belief that we can do somethingFirst stage in Social Cognitive Theory of learningWhen we identify with others and show them favouritismA cultural dimension found mostly in Western countriesbias Occurs when we seek out information that supports our view...

Pschology 101 2023-11-19

Pschology 101 crossword puzzle
  1. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual commits to an identity without exploring alternatives.
  2. A type of insecure attachment characterized by emotional distance and avoidance of the caregiver.
  3. Lawrence Kohlberg's theory categorizes moral development into these stages, reflecting different levels of ethical reasoning.
  4. Piaget's theory divides development into these stages, each marked by distinct cognitive abilities.
  5. Piaget's concept involving mental structures (schemas) and the processes of fitting new information into existing schemas (assimilation) or modifying schemas to accommodate new information (accommodation).
  6. A healthy and positive emotional bond formed between an infant and their caregiver.
  1. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual has successfully formed a clear and stable identity.
  2. Sigmund Freud's theory of development, focusing on stages related to sexuality and pleasure.
  3. An aspect of Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages, specifically addressing the formation of one's identity during adolescence.
  4. stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development; from birth through age 2, a child learns about the world through senses and motor behavior.
  5. Term associated with Harry Harlow's research on the importance of physical touch and comfort in emotional development
  6. A level of moral development in Kohlberg's theory where moral judgments are based on self-interest and avoiding punishment.
  7. Social support/friendships dwindle in number, but remain as close, if not more close than in earlier years.
  8. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual is actively exploring different identity options.
  9. Final stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development; from age 11 and up, children are able to deal with abstract ideas and hypothetical situations
  10. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual has not yet explored or committed to an identity.
  11. The highest level of moral development in Kohlberg's theory, where individuals base moral judgments on personal principles and ethics.
  12. A level of moral development in Kohlberg's theory where moral judgments are influenced by societal norms and expectations.

18 Clues: A healthy and positive emotional bond formed between an infant and their caregiver.Sigmund Freud's theory of development, focusing on stages related to sexuality and pleasure.A type of insecure attachment characterized by emotional distance and avoidance of the caregiver....

cr 5 final 2015-03-31

cr 5 final crossword puzzle
  1. Economic growth
  2. Financial markets’ impact on monetary and fiscal policy
  3. Economic development of various cultures
  4. Growth and development
  5. Industrial organization and theory of regulation
  6. Input-output analysis
  7. International trade
  8. Repeated games
  9. Asset prices and optimal portfolio
  10. Economics of common pool resources
  11. Applications of deferred algorithm to
  12. Mechanism design theory
  13. Social choice and market equilibrium
  14. Life Cycle Hypothesis
  15. Application of statistical methods to economic history
  16. Uncertainty and transactions costs
  17. Game theory
  18. Economics of social issues
  19. Unemployment and search costs
  20. Decision-making with bounded rationality and satisficing
  21. IS-LM model
  22. Mathematical proof of market equilibrium
  1. Growth and development
  2. Options pricing
  3. Game theory applied to industrial organization issues
  4. Mathematical principles to optimization
  5. International and interregional trade issues
  6. Uncertainty and macroeconomic policy
  7. National income accounting
  8. Trade and development
  9. Efficient markets hypothesis
  10. Allocation of resources in a centrally planned economy
  11. Permanent income hypothesis
  12. Behavioral finance
  13. Asset pricing and options pricing
  14. Externalities and transaction costs
  15. Auctions and game theory
  16. Non-cooperative game theory equilibrium
  17. Rational expectations and macroeconomic policy
  18. Father of econometrics
  19. Deferred algorithm in game theory
  20. Vector autoregression (VAR)applications in finance

42 Clues: Game theoryIS-LM modelRepeated gamesEconomic growthOptions pricingBehavioral financeInternational tradeInput-output analysisTrade and developmentLife Cycle HypothesisGrowth and developmentGrowth and developmentFather of econometricsMechanism design theoryAuctions and game theoryNational income accountingEconomics of social issues...

Science Vocab 2013-02-05

Science Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. is found in all organic material
  2. _years ago is when the solar system was a swirling mass of gas and dust
  3. is the longest river in south america
  4. is the swamp located in florida
  5. theory that all living things come from other living things
  6. the most commonly used medieval weapon
  7. his expirement used a flask with a curved neck
  8. the full name of the person who created this puzzles father
  9. commonly used to put notes in
  10. has been dubbed the 2d minecraft
  11. theorized that microorganisms were created when amino acids bonded together
  12. and Harold Urey set up an expirement to prove that microorganisms were created when amino acids came together
  13. the home game of the creeper
  14. measures the amount of Radioactive decay
  15. _years ago was when Earth was created
  1. a vegetable that is good for your eyesite
  2. contain different numbers of protons and neutrons
  3. is the maker of this puzzle
  4. this process is used to cleanse water of microorganisms
  5. the feeling of not being able to wait
  6. his expirement challenged the theory of the "Vital Force"
  7. used to open doors
  8. a stick used in baseball
  9. is a show about inexprienced miners
  10. they keep the doctor away
  11. his expirement challanged the conclusion that flies genrated from rotting meat
  12. the thing you are completing right now
  13. theory that living things can also arise from nonliving things
  14. make up proteins

29 Clues: make up proteinsused to open doorsa stick used in baseballthey keep the doctor awayis the maker of this puzzlethe home game of the creepercommonly used to put notes inis the swamp located in floridais found in all organic materialhas been dubbed the 2d minecraftis a show about inexprienced minersis the longest river in south america...

Relationships and Research Methods 2023-11-15

Relationships and Research Methods crossword puzzle
  1. The coeffiecient for perfect positive correlation
  2. "They know you're watching them" observation
  3. What Rusbult's theory states as the most important factor in maintaining a relationship: _______________ level
  4. Inferential test using nominal data and a correlational data set
  5. Most of Duck's research comes from ________________ culture
  6. Children would be an example of an _____________ investment
  7. Mose research into relationship theories is __________________
  8. A type of validity that assesses whether a measure is in line with other experiments that used that method
  9. Thibaut and _________ proposed social exchange theory
  10. A real-world observation
  11. First phase of Duck's model
  12. Inferential test using ordinal data in an independent groups experiment
  1. Inferential test using interval data and a repeated measures design
  2. An issue with Duck's phase model is the research is __________________ where people are remembering back through questionnaires or interviews
  3. The investment model gives a plausible explanation for why people stay in ___________ relationships
  4. The second phase of Duck's model
  5. The second theory of relationships
  6. Comparison level for ____________ can affect whether somebody will stay in a current relationship
  7. Social exchange theory's second stage where they negotiate costs and benefits
  8. An additional phase added by Duck to signify growth and learnings from a failed relationship
  9. This interview technique goes with the flow
  10. Relationship maintenance strategy according to Rusbult
  11. A type of validity that is a commonsense test of internal validity
  12. "Hiding in the bushes" observation
  13. Self-disclosure would be an example of an ___________ investment
  14. "Favourite colour" type of data

26 Clues: A real-world observationFirst phase of Duck's model"Favourite colour" type of dataThe second phase of Duck's modelThe second theory of relationships"Hiding in the bushes" observationThis interview technique goes with the flow"They know you're watching them" observationThe coeffiecient for perfect positive correlation...

Elliot Sundblad 2022-10-11

Elliot Sundblad crossword puzzle
  1. Any several language
  2. A religious figure who performs ceremonies
  3. Means to gatherer usually large quantities
  4. Series of contests
  5. Long lasting, sturdy, or oldest been under pressure.
  6. Genetic
  1. How long a figure stays in the air
  2. The act of thinking, and understanding
  3. To Popular Election
  4. Have a set of beliefs

10 Clues: GeneticSeries of contestsTo Popular ElectionAny several languageHave a set of beliefsHow long a figure stays in the airThe act of thinking, and understandingA religious figure who performs ceremoniesMeans to gatherer usually large quantitiesLong lasting, sturdy, or oldest been under pressure.

ACT Vocab Chp. 31-40 2023-05-02

ACT Vocab Chp. 31-40 crossword puzzle
  1. To Think About carefully
  2. General Agreement
  3. Out of harmony
  4. A misunderstanding
  5. to form a theory without any firm evidence
  1. To Dispute Validity
  2. Perfect; Blameless
  3. A Set of Beliefs Usually Proclaimed by an Institution like a Church or a political Party
  4. Agreement to do something
  5. A heated Disagreement

10 Clues: Out of harmonyGeneral AgreementPerfect; BlamelessA misunderstandingTo Dispute ValidityA heated DisagreementTo Think About carefullyAgreement to do somethingto form a theory without any firm evidenceA Set of Beliefs Usually Proclaimed by an Institution like a Church or a political Party

Scientific Method 2022-09-07

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. prove (a statement or theory to be wrong or false; disprove
  2. factor in a controlled experiment that is deliberately changed; also called manipulated variable
  3. possible explanation for a set of observations or possible answer to a scientific question
  4. numbers obtained by counting or measuring
  5. experiment in which only one variable is changed
  6. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
  1. variable that is observed and that changes in response to the independent variable; also called the responding variable
  2. an example of a theory that has a great deal of support and has not yet been refuted
  3. The process of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way
  4. group in an experiment that is exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group except for one independent variable
  5. a statement based on experimental measurements and observations
  6. evidence; information gathered from observations
  7. descriptive and involve characteristics that cannot usually be measured
  8. a logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience
  9. well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations and hypotheses, and enables scientists to make accurate predictions about new situations

15 Clues: numbers obtained by counting or measuringevidence; information gathered from observationsexperiment in which only one variable is changedprove (a statement or theory to be wrong or false; disprovea statement based on experimental measurements and observationsa logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience...

PLS Crossword 2022-03-28

PLS Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Brought an end to the Progressive Era
  2. Theory of Government created by Adam Smith(-)
  3. Board that placed protections for Unions
  4. Rate of the total labor force that wants a full time job but does not have one
  5. Process of carrying out public policy
  6. Set up to regulate railroads and their pricing
  7. Total market value of all goods and services produced
  8. Act that gave financial incentive to limit production on produce
  9. Supply Side Theory often called ___ by supporters
  10. The United States has a ___ free enterprise economic system
  1. Congress and/or the ___ must pass policy adoptions
  2. Theory that focuses on DEMAND for goods and services
  3. Amendment regulating income tax
  4. Act that created minimum wage, maximum hour, and banned child labor
  5. Governments role to promote the general ___
  6. Technique appealing to people’s “better instincts”
  7. 5th step in the public policy making process
  8. Name of policies spending and taxing decisions
  9. Found deficit spending by the government is necessary at times.
  10. Found competition and the laws of supply and demand would control behavior
  11. Determining whether a course of action is achieving its intended goals
  12. Policies controlling the money supply
  13. Rate of the increase in the price of goods and services
  14. Deregulated in 1996 allowing companies to own an unlimited # of stations
  15. Offering payoffs or other financial inducements to comply
  16. ___ Setting forming the list of issues to be addressed by government

26 Clues: Amendment regulating income taxBrought an end to the Progressive EraProcess of carrying out public policyPolicies controlling the money supplyBoard that placed protections for UnionsGovernments role to promote the general ___5th step in the public policy making processTheory of Government created by Adam Smith(-)...

Atonement Theories 2015-05-06

Atonement Theories crossword puzzle
  1. the focus of Moral Influence theory is Christ's -------
  2. Calvin's three offices of Christ
  3. Christ the Victor Theory
  4. Anselm's question, "Why did God become -----?"
  5. word starting with 'a'
  6. Anslem is credited with this theory
  7. ------ conflict or Christ the Victor
  8. God acts in ---- towards humanity
  9. important salvation concept for Feminist and Liberation theologians
  10. Reformation leader who developed the Satisfaction Theory further
  11. Barth's two themes, "---- as Servant
  1. What Christ achieves for humanity with God
  2. Barth's two themes, "------- as Lord
  3. Calvin's three offices of Christ
  4. The atoning work of Christ encompasses which aspects of the Gospel story?
  5. The New Testament has many --------- of atonement
  6. The Moral Influence Theory is this
  7. Calvin's three offices of Christ
  8. credited with the Moral Influence Theory

19 Clues: word starting with 'a'Christ the Victor TheoryCalvin's three offices of ChristCalvin's three offices of ChristCalvin's three offices of ChristGod acts in ---- towards humanityThe Moral Influence Theory is thisAnslem is credited with this theoryBarth's two themes, "------- as Lord------ conflict or Christ the Victor...

Cr spaces 2015-03-29

Cr spaces crossword puzzle
  1. Growth and development
  2. Economics of common pool resources
  3. Behavioral finance
  4. National income accounting
  5. Life Cycle Hypothesis
  6. Growth and development
  7. International and interregional trade issues
  8. Uncertainty and macroeconomic policy
  9. Economics of social issues
  10. Mechanism design theory
  11. Externalities and transaction costs
  12. Asset prices and optimal portfolio
  13. Mathematical proof of market equilibrium
  14. Options pricing
  15. Efficient markets hypothesis
  16. International trade
  17. Input-output analysis
  18. IS-LM model
  19. Applications of deferred algorithm to
  20. Game theory
  21. Economic development of various cultures
  22. Application of statistical methods to economic history
  1. Trade and development
  2. Rational expectations and macroeconomic policy
  3. Vector autoregression (VAR)applications in finance
  4. Permanent income hypothesis
  5. Auctions and game theory
  6. Allocation of resources in a centrally planned economy
  7. Game theory applied to industrial organization issues
  8. Repeated games
  9. Unemployment and search costs
  10. Social choice and market equilibrium
  11. Mathematical principles to optimization
  12. Asset pricing and options pricing
  13. Industrial organization and theory of regulation
  14. Non-cooperative game theory equilibrium
  15. Father of econometrics
  16. Economic growth
  17. Financial markets’ impact on monetary and fiscal policy
  18. Decision-making with bounded rationality and satisficing
  19. Uncertainty and transactions costs
  20. Deferred algorithm in game theory

42 Clues: IS-LM modelGame theoryRepeated gamesOptions pricingEconomic growthBehavioral financeInternational tradeTrade and developmentLife Cycle HypothesisInput-output analysisGrowth and developmentGrowth and developmentFather of econometricsMechanism design theoryAuctions and game theoryNational income accountingEconomics of social issues...

Crossword puzzle in Social Science 2016-03-02

Crossword puzzle in Social Science crossword puzzle
  1. _________Culture, Cultural patterns that distinguish asociety’s elite.
  2. refers to system of symbols thatallows people to communicate with oneanother.
  3. a farming introduced in horticultural society
  4. refers to anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share culture.
  5. A culture that refers to the tangible things created bythe members of a society.
  6. patterns that set apart somesegment of a society’s population
  7. a sociological perspective that look into the functions of its elements and how they function
  8. a society thatmake use of hand tools to cultivate crops
  9. rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members
  10. Act of adapting behavior to the norms of a culture
  11. a term used to describe people who roam from place to place frequently
  12. The practice of judging another culture by the standards of one’s own culture.
  13. Other term for Base camps
  14. characterized by more sophisticated technologies and machineries and industries
  15. the development of an increasingly integrated global economy. The act or process of operating throughout the world
  16. in this society, domestication of animals occurred
  17. It is the simplest kind of society among all kinds of society. The use of simple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation is the feature of this society
  18. a theory that states that society is created by solely by men because of their inherent/innate skills and abilities to organize people.
  19. specific statements that peoplehold to be true.
  20. The preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone else’s culture rather than of one’s own.
  21. a type of society wherein farming implements where introduced
  22. a situation in society in which people work together
  23. a theory that states that society is created by men and women who have the inner strength to form associations of individuals
  24. a norm that is determined by beliefs about the extent to which important others want them to perform a behavior.
  25. a norm that refers to people's perceptions of what is commonly done in specific situations
  26. the belief that some races of people are better than others
  1. a theory that states that society is created by God
  2. norms for routine and casual interaction
  3. a type of farming wherein the food gathered is enough for their daily needs
  4. Social __________, a theory that states that society is created by precedent societies.
  5. Cultural _________, the practice ofevaluating a culture by its ownstandards
  6. A set of unique characteristics that makes an individual different from others
  7. _______Culture, Cultural patterns that are widespreadamong a society’s population.
  8. The whole system or set of rules made by the government of a town, state, country, etc.
  9. It exists among those who resemble one another in body and mind to some extent
  10. Are defined as culturally defined standards of desirability, goodness and beauty, which serve as a broad guidelines for social living
  11. The process of adapting to new culture
  12. is the values, beliefs, behavior, and material objects that, together, form a people’s way of life.
  13. a sociological perspective that look into how the people communicate
  14. norms what we should not do (norm)
  15. a sociological perspective that looks into issues/social problems set the society
  16. a type of society wherein machineries and industries started to emerge
  17. It forms the core of all culture. When people share a language, they share a condensed, very flexible set of symbols or meanings.
  18. norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance.
  19. a norm refers to people's perceptions of what is commonly approved or disapproved of within a particular culture
  20. Cultural ______, the fact that some cultural elementschange more quickly than others,which may disrupt a cultural system.
  21. Cultural ________, a condition of disorientation affecting someone who is suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or way of life or set of attitudes
  22. a theory that states that society is created by women because of their innate skill/ability to foster and maintain unity
  23. Union of two society
  24. the intangible world of ideas created by members of a society, ideas may range from altruism to zen.
  25. occurs when an ethnic minority sacrifices its own culture to integrate into society
  26. a type of farming wherein the food gathered is more than the amount they need.
  27. is a large grouping that shares the same geographical territory, shares a common culture and social structure, and expected to abide by the some laws.
  28. are mental representations (concepts, categories, metaphors) used to organize stimulus; they are the basic units out of which knowledge is constructed and a word emerges
  29. norms what we should do (norm)
  30. Social _________, a theory that states that society is created for mutual protection and benefit
  31. a system of government or business that has many complicated rules and ways of doing things
  32. Changeability is an inherent quality of human beings. No society can even remain constant for any length of time
  33. An action or way of behaving that is usual and traditional among the people in a particular group or place
  34. a system of exchange introduced in horticultural society

60 Clues: Union of two societyOther term for Base campsnorms what we should do (norm)norms what we should not do (norm)The process of adapting to new culturenorms for routine and casual interactiona farming introduced in horticultural societyspecific statements that peoplehold to be true.Act of adapting behavior to the norms of a culture...

Scientific Method 2022-09-07

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. an example of a theory that has a great deal of support and has not yet been refuted
  2. experiment in which only one variable is changed
  3. variable that is observed and that changes in response to the independent variable; also called the responding variable
  4. evidence; information gathered from observations
  5. descriptive and involve characteristics that cannot usually be measured
  6. The process of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way
  7. possible explanation for a set of observations or possible answer to a scientific question
  8. a logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience
  9. a statement based on experimental measurements and observations
  1. numbers obtained by counting or measuring
  2. factor in a controlled experiment that is deliberately changed; also called manipulated variable
  3. group in an experiment that is exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group except for one independent variable
  4. well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations and hypotheses, and enables scientists to make accurate predictions about new situations
  5. prove (a statement or theory to be wrong or false; disprove
  6. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid

15 Clues: numbers obtained by counting or measuringexperiment in which only one variable is changedevidence; information gathered from observationsprove (a statement or theory to be wrong or false; disprovea statement based on experimental measurements and observationsa logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience...

Evolution Choice Board Crossword 2023-10-10

Evolution Choice Board Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A frog born with extra legs.
  2. Thought that if the more you use a part of the body, the stronger and more developed it will become.
  3. The idea that older species evolve into new species over time.
  4. Indian elephants, blue jays, cardinals.
  5. The set of information that controls a trait; a segment of DNA on a chromosome.
  6. A technique used to determine which of two fossils is older based on the layer of rock in which it was found.
  7. The process of selecting a few organisms with desired traits to serve as parents of the next generation.
  8. One of the parts of Darwin's theory on evolution.
  1. The preserved remains or traces on an organism that lived in the past.
  2. The last shared common ancestor on the branching tree of evolution.
  3. Proposed the theory of evolution that is believed to be true today.
  4. The millions of fossils that have been collected by scientists.
  5. A well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations.
  6. Human appendix, human tailbone, pelvic bone of a snake, wings of a wingless bird.
  7. Dinosaurs, dodo birds, passenger pigeons.

15 Clues: A frog born with extra legs.Indian elephants, blue jays, cardinals.Dinosaurs, dodo birds, passenger pigeons.One of the parts of Darwin's theory on evolution.The idea that older species evolve into new species over time.The millions of fossils that have been collected by scientists.A well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations....

Theorists of Child Development 2013-05-10

Theorists of Child Development crossword puzzle
  1. Encourages parents to trust themselves and enjoy their baby
  2. Human Ecology theory
  3. Operant Conditioning theory
  4. Multiple Intelligence theory
  5. Socio-cultural theory
  1. Human Needs theory
  2. Attachment theory
  3. Parents as preschool educators
  4. Children of Challenge
  5. Psychosocial theory
  6. Psychoanalytic theory
  7. Cognitive Development theory

12 Clues: Attachment theoryHuman Needs theoryPsychosocial theoryHuman Ecology theoryChildren of ChallengePsychoanalytic theorySocio-cultural theoryOperant Conditioning theoryCognitive Development theoryMultiple Intelligence theoryParents as preschool educatorsEncourages parents to trust themselves and enjoy their baby

Theorists of Child Development 2013-05-10

Theorists of Child Development crossword puzzle
  1. Encourages parents to trust themselves and enjoy their baby
  2. Human Ecology theory
  3. Operant Conditioning theory
  4. Multiple Intelligence theory
  5. Socio-cultural theory
  1. Human Needs theory
  2. Attachment theory
  3. Parents as preschool educators
  4. Children of Challenge
  5. Psychosocial theory
  6. Psychoanalytic theory
  7. Cognitive Development theory

12 Clues: Attachment theoryHuman Needs theoryPsychosocial theoryHuman Ecology theoryChildren of ChallengePsychoanalytic theorySocio-cultural theoryOperant Conditioning theoryCognitive Development theoryMultiple Intelligence theoryParents as preschool educatorsEncourages parents to trust themselves and enjoy their baby

Haematology Theory 2019-03-15

Haematology Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The type of pipette used with an Improved Neubauer Chamber
  2. number of minutes that a PCV should be spun in a centrifuge
  3. The type of stain that needs to be cultured with blood
  4. This happens to a blood smear when uneven pressure is applied
  5. The stain the third DiffQuik tub
  6. Decreased total white blood cells
  7. DiffQuik and Leishmann's are exmaples of this type of stain
  8. Most common reason for an increased PCV
  9. Crenation occurs when blood is placed in what type of solution?
  10. Increased number of monocytes
  11. Abbreviation for the anti-coagulant used when making blood smears
  1. The blood cell with orange granules
  2. The blood cell with blue granules
  3. This happens to a blood smear when grit is on the spreader
  4. Section of a PCV containing platelets and white blood cells
  5. An immature red blood cell
  6. Red or pink serum
  7. Yellow serum

18 Clues: Yellow serumRed or pink serumAn immature red blood cellIncreased number of monocytesThe stain the third DiffQuik tubThe blood cell with blue granulesDecreased total white blood cellsThe blood cell with orange granulesMost common reason for an increased PCVThe type of stain that needs to be cultured with blood...

Perm Theory 2020-04-17

Perm Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Croquignole method is also known as the _______ method
  2. Generate their own heat through a chemical reaction
  3. Using appropriate tension without _________ hair to ensure the hair takes on the desired shape
  4. Applied to regarded and fix hair into new wavy or curly shape
  5. Method of wrapping hair from the ends to the scalp
  6. With this method, sometimes the client would have the wave wrapped in the salon, go home and return in the morning for her finished design
  7. Method of wrapping the hair from scalp to ends
  8. Phase where curl pattern is achieved by wrapping the hair around perm rods
  9. After rinsing, a chemical with an _______ pH is applied to re-form hair to take on the shape of a rod
  10. Invented the first cold wave
  1. Specialized perm skills will allow you to transform and personalize a client's appearance by ___________ or enhancing their hair sculpture
  2. Made first real breakthrough with his heat permanent waving machine
  3. _____ phases of the perm process are of equal importance
  4. Applied to break disulfide bonds and soften protein structure
  5. Heat is absorbed from the surroundings
  6. Soft, wavy, loose-curled texture perm brought about in the 21st century is sometimes referred to as a "_________ perm"
  7. Hair needs to be wrapped __________ and evenly around each rod
  8. Phase where perm solution and neutralizer are applied

18 Clues: Invented the first cold waveHeat is absorbed from the surroundingsMethod of wrapping the hair from scalp to endsMethod of wrapping hair from the ends to the scalpGenerate their own heat through a chemical reactionPhase where perm solution and neutralizer are appliedCroquignole method is also known as the _______ method...

Music Theory 2021-09-03

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. ____ cadence progression of chord V-VI
  2. press the soft pedal
  3. gradually quicker in tempo
  4. second highest female voice
  5. something you would never find in simple time
  6. two notes that sound the same but are written differently
  7. all together
  8. always
  9. lowest singing voices
  1. mark at the end of the piece
  2. 2-chord progression that usually occurs at the end of a phrase
  3. a note that last for 1/2 beats
  4. is the 3rd degree of a scales
  5. lowest sounding instrument in Brass family
  6. very loud in dynamic
  7. you dont always use a # to raise the 7th note, sometime you use ______
  8. chord I IV V are _____ chord
  9. a group of notes sounded together.

18 Clues: alwaysall togetherpress the soft pedalvery loud in dynamiclowest singing voicesgradually quicker in temposecond highest female voicemark at the end of the piecechord I IV V are _____ chordis the 3rd degree of a scalesa note that last for 1/2 beatsa group of notes sounded together.____ cadence progression of chord V-VI...

Atomic Theory 2021-08-26

Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. the scientist who invented the "Billiard Ball Mode"
  2. same element, different mass
  3. an atom with lost or gained electrons
  4. chemist that discovered the orbital model
  5. The scientist that discredited Leucippus and Democritus
  6. Subatomic particle with a negative charge
  7. drop experiment to find charge and mass of the electron
  8. rejected the idea of only four elements
  9. the sum of protons and neutrons on the periodic table
  10. substance that cannot be broken down into a smaller substance
  1. means atom in greek
  2. subatomic particle with a positive charge
  3. a chemical bond of two elements
  4. a mathematical expression to find the wave function
  5. electrons at the out edge of the shell
  6. Subatomic particle with a neutral charge
  7. who discovered the electron
  8. type of model that includes element symbol as the nucleus
  9. atom or molecule that gained or lost an electron

19 Clues: means atom in greekwho discovered the electronsame element, different massa chemical bond of two elementsan atom with lost or gained electronselectrons at the out edge of the shellrejected the idea of only four elementsSubatomic particle with a neutral chargesubatomic particle with a positive chargechemist that discovered the orbital model...

Havighurst Theory 2021-11-18

Havighurst Theory crossword puzzle
  1. has identified critical developmental tasks
  2. are modified by interactions with family, experiences at school, and acculturation.
  3. adulthood period people experience stress due to the double responsibility of caring for the aged parents and the growing children.
  4. refers to the process of biological maturation inheritance and maturation.
  5. this stage of development has some predictable physical milestone
  6. view sees development as more abrupt-a succession of changes
  7. It is a critical period in setting the pattern for personal and emotional adjustments.
  8. adulthood period adults are at the peak of physical
  9. refers to the impact of the environment, which involves the process of learning through experiences
  1. can be defined as the period that extends from conception to death.
  2. is a process that creates growth, progress, and positive change.
  3. is typically viewed as a continual and cumulative process.
  4. is transformed into a walking,talking toddler within a relatively short period of time.
  5. is primarily influenced by heredity
  6. implies personality traits present during infancy
  7. period that ranges from conception to birth.
  8. strength and energy.
  9. adulthood is the period of decline where the person thinks that he has done what he wanted to do and most of his life span is over.

18 Clues: strength and primarily influenced by heredityhas identified critical developmental tasksperiod that ranges from conception to birth.implies personality traits present during infancyadulthood period adults are at the peak of physicalis typically viewed as a continual and cumulative process....

Havighurst Theory 2021-11-18

Havighurst Theory crossword puzzle
  1. has identified critical developmental tasks
  2. are modified by interactions with family, experiences at school, and acculturation.
  3. adulthood period people experience stress due to the double responsibility of caring for the aged parents and the growing children.
  4. refers to the process of biological maturation inheritance and maturation.
  5. this stage of development has some predictable physical milestone
  6. view sees development as more abrupt-a succession of changes
  7. It is a critical period in setting the pattern for personal and emotional adjustments.
  8. adulthood period adults are at the peak of physical
  9. refers to the impact of the environment, which involves the process of learning through experiences
  1. can be defined as the period that extends from conception to death.
  2. is a process that creates growth, progress, and positive change.
  3. is typically viewed as a continual and cumulative process.
  4. is transformed into a walking,talking toddler within a relatively short period of time.
  5. is primarily influenced by heredity
  6. implies personality traits present during infancy
  7. period that ranges from conception to birth.
  8. strength and energy.
  9. adulthood is the period of decline where the person thinks that he has done what he wanted to do and most of his life span is over.

18 Clues: strength and primarily influenced by heredityhas identified critical developmental tasksperiod that ranges from conception to birth.implies personality traits present during infancyadulthood period adults are at the peak of physicalis typically viewed as a continual and cumulative process....

Music Theory 2023-04-04

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. gradually slow the tempo
  2. five lines and four spaces
  3. Lowers a note
  4. Smooth and Connected
  5. To gradually get softer
  6. To gradually get louder
  7. A musical sentence
  8. Not the melody
  9. forte Medium loud
  1. piano Medium soft
  2. soft
  3. The speed at which music should be played or sung.
  4. loud
  5. Everyone sings the same note
  6. The words of a song
  7. The musical pattern
  8. shown to accent a note or word
  9. The combination of three or more notes to create harmony
  10. The interval of an 8th

19 Clues: softloudLowers a noteNot the melodypiano Medium softforte Medium loudA musical sentenceThe words of a songThe musical patternSmooth and ConnectedThe interval of an 8thTo gradually get softerTo gradually get loudergradually slow the tempofive lines and four spacesEveryone sings the same noteshown to accent a note or word...

Evolution Theory 2014-02-25

Evolution Theory crossword puzzle
  1. blending in with your environment/adaption
  2. species that are inherited to naturally survive in their adaption and can produce quicker offspring
  3. ability to more likely to survive its environment and produce more offspring also other members of population
  4. structures that were used anciently in evolution,but now useless
  5. humans reproduce plants/animals by selected genes, creating new species
  6. structures that have similar origins with other organisms
  7. adaptive trait
  1. physical features of an organism
  2. basic material of evoulution
  3. french artist who discovered evolution and the concept of biology with other special science terms
  4. organisms moving from area to another,or position change
  5. type of gene produce more offspring than others
  6. structures that have similar species,from different evolutions
  7. external resemblance of organisms
  8. Darwin english naturalist and geologist known for evolutionary theory
  9. change in environment over time
  10. Genetic change due to natural selection
  11. species adapting to their environment,to survive longer

18 Clues: adaptive traitbasic material of evoulutionchange in environment over timephysical features of an organismexternal resemblance of organismsGenetic change due to natural selectionblending in with your environment/adaptiontype of gene produce more offspring than othersspecies adapting to their environment,to survive longer...

Theory Review 2015-10-22

Theory Review crossword puzzle
  1. in Critical Disability Theory, the belief that science and medicine should not separate the needs of disabled persons, but work for the welfare of all people
  2. the voluntary or forced migration of peoples from their native homelands
  3. this branch of feminism's primary goal is gender equality in the public sphere; private sphere issues are explored in terms of their impact on public sphere inequalities
  4. a study of the effects of colonialism on cultures and societies
  5. Critical Disability Theorists explore how our use of this reflects our discomfort with disability
  6. this branch of feminism is concerned with the oppressive nature of capitalism; connects the oppression of women with other oppression in society
  7. the power of the ruling class to convince others that their interests are the interests of all
  8. new transcultural forms that result from cross-cultural exchange - it is not necessarily a peaceful mixture
  1. the process by which a cultural practice is made stimulating and exciting by its difference from the colonizer’s ideas of normalcy
  2. views gender as a social construct and maintains that definitions of gender and sexuality are non-binary, and constantly in flux
  3. a refusal to use the language of the colonizer in the correct or standard way
  4. in Critical Disability Theory, the position that disabled persons are oppressed by multiple systems, not just ableism
  5. in Post-Colonial Theory, this involves the colonized taking the language of their colonizers, and blending with their native languages, thus creating their own rules of usage
  6. this branch of feminism emphasizes essential differences between men and women, and advocates for equally valuing “female” occupations and values
  7. the state of being “other” or different, and the study of the ways in which one group differentiates itself from others
  8. in Critical Disability Theory, this issue is about representation
  9. Critical Disability Theory is concerned with these, both individually and socially
  10. this branch of feminism is more militant in approach than other branches, they oppose existing social structures as inherently tied to patriarchy

18 Clues: a study of the effects of colonialism on cultures and societiesin Critical Disability Theory, this issue is about representationthe voluntary or forced migration of peoples from their native homelandsa refusal to use the language of the colonizer in the correct or standard way...

Cell Theory 2022-01-26

Cell Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Creates protein
  2. breaks down waste and old vacuoles
  3. the doorway to the cell
  4. according to cell theory all cells come from
  5. site of photosynthesis
  6. the process by which a substance moves from high to low concentration
  7. tiny water bears that live on the outside of the space station
  8. each cell part is know as an
  9. according to cell theory all living things are made of
  10. the movement of water from high to low concentration
  11. control center of the cell
  1. contains food water or waste
  2. the process of turning light into sugar
  3. provides structure to plant cells
  4. the cell is the basic unit of structure and blank in living things
  5. like a highway in the cell
  6. involved with shipping and packaging
  7. the jelly like substance in the cell

18 Clues: Creates proteinsite of photosynthesisthe doorway to the celllike a highway in the cellcontrol center of the cellcontains food water or wasteeach cell part is know as anprovides structure to plant cellsbreaks down waste and old vacuolesinvolved with shipping and packagingthe jelly like substance in the cellthe process of turning light into sugar...


INTELLIGENCE crossword puzzle
  1. Carroll’s factor-analytic theory, which represents the structure of intelligence in three tiers, with g at the top; a second tier of biologically based broad abilities; and a third tier of specific behaviors.
  2. Mental abilities apparent in the real world but not in testing situations.
  3. A score that indicates the extent to which an individual’s raw score on an intelligence test deviates from the typical performance of same-age individuals.
  4. A complicated correlational procedure that identifies sets of test items that cluster together, called factors. Used to investigate whether intelligence is one trait or an assortment of abilities.
  5. An increase in IQ from one generation to the next.
  6. In Cattell’s theory, a form of intelligence involving skills that depend on accumulated knowledge and experience, good judgment, and mastery of social customs.
  7. In Cattell’s theory, a form of intelligence that depends primarily on basic information processing skills -ability to detect relationships among stimuli, speed of analyzing information, and capacity of working memory.
  8. In Spearman’s theory, a mental ability that is unique to a task.
  9. Gardner’s theory, which proposes at least eight independent intelligences, defined in terms of distinct sets of processing operations applied in culturally valued activities.
  1. Sternberg’s theory, which states that intelligent behavior involves balancing analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence to achieve success in life , according to one’s personal goals and the requirements of one’s cultural community.
  2. An approach to cognitive development that focuses on outcomes and results and is the basis for intelligence tests designed to assess mental abilities.
  3. A set of emotional abilities that enable individuals to process and adapt to emotional information, measured by tapping emotional skills that enable people to manage their own emotions and interact competently with others.
  4. In Spearman’s theory, a common underlying factor, called g, believed to influence all aspects of intelligence.

13 Clues: An increase in IQ from one generation to the next.In Spearman’s theory, a mental ability that is unique to a task.Mental abilities apparent in the real world but not in testing situations.In Spearman’s theory, a common underlying factor, called g, believed to influence all aspects of intelligence....

crossword 3 2024-04-17

crossword 3 crossword puzzle
  1. the improved performance of tasks in the presence of others
  2. social influence technique that suggests people who agree to a small request are more likely to agree to a larger one
  3. is the finding that repeated observation of a stimulus leads to greater liking of the stimulus
  4. theory that states that the human eye holds specialized receptors for absorbing three wavelengths of light
  5. occurs when members of a cohesive group emphasize concurrence at the expense of critical thinking in arriving at a decision
  6. the theory that the spinal cord blocks or allows
  7. effect created when a rapid series of slightly varying images is perceived as moving
  8. theory of hearing that states perception of pitch is determined by the location of vibrations on the basilar membrane
  9. when people persist in strategies that have worked in the past
  10. when subjects feel change despite receiving empty, fake, or ineffectual treatment
  11. the tendency for distributedstudy/practice to yield better long-term retntion
  12. the tendency to forget information because of a competition from other material
  13. signals to pass to the brain
  14. theory stating that people are motivated to approach a desired level of arousal
  15. theory that neurons either send signals or they don't; there's no in-between.
  16. explains why IQ tests must be periodically re-normed so the mean score remains 100
  17. the sudden realization of a solution to a problem
  1. the theory of emotion that states conscious experience of emotion results from one perception of autonomic arousal without cognitive assessment
  2. overestimating others tendency to notice and evaluate our appearance, performance, and blunders
  3. theory that proposes that forgetting occurs because memory traces fade over time
  4. people are less likely to provide help when they are in groups than when they are alone
  5. theory that states that color perception depends on receptors that make opposite responses to three pairs of colors
  6. the rule that we should pay back in kind what we from others
  7. theory that claims that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame.
  8. illusion created when two or more lights next to each other blink on and off
  9. the theory of emotion that states that physical and psychological states happen simultaneously
  10. Festinger's theory stating that internal conflict propels people to change their beliefs.
  11. theory of hearing that states that the frequency of hair cell vibrations determines the pitch one perceives
  12. the theory that claims dreams are side effects of neural activation.
  13. theory of motivation that stems from a need to maintain homeostasis

30 Clues: signals to pass to the brainthe theory that the spinal cord blocks or allowsthe sudden realization of a solution to a problemthe improved performance of tasks in the presence of othersthe rule that we should pay back in kind what we from otherswhen people persist in strategies that have worked in the past...

Pschology 101 2023-11-19

Pschology 101 crossword puzzle
  1. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual commits to an identity without exploring alternatives.
  2. A type of insecure attachment characterized by emotional distance and avoidance of the caregiver.
  3. Lawrence Kohlberg's theory categorizes moral development into these stages, reflecting different levels of ethical reasoning.
  4. Piaget's theory divides development into these stages, each marked by distinct cognitive abilities.
  5. Piaget's concept involving mental structures (schemas) and the processes of fitting new information into existing schemas (assimilation) or modifying schemas to accommodate new information (accommodation).
  6. A healthy and positive emotional bond formed between an infant and their caregiver.
  1. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual has successfully formed a clear and stable identity.
  2. Sigmund Freud's theory of development, focusing on stages related to sexuality and pleasure.
  3. An aspect of Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages, specifically addressing the formation of one's identity during adolescence.
  4. stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development; from birth through age 2, a child learns about the world through senses and motor behavior.
  5. Term associated with Harry Harlow's research on the importance of physical touch and comfort in emotional development
  6. A level of moral development in Kohlberg's theory where moral judgments are based on self-interest and avoiding punishment.
  7. Social support/friendships dwindle in number, but remain as close, if not more close than in earlier years.
  8. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual is actively exploring different identity options.
  9. Final stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development; from age 11 and up, children are able to deal with abstract ideas and hypothetical situations
  10. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual has not yet explored or committed to an identity.
  11. The highest level of moral development in Kohlberg's theory, where individuals base moral judgments on personal principles and ethics.
  12. A level of moral development in Kohlberg's theory where moral judgments are influenced by societal norms and expectations.

18 Clues: A healthy and positive emotional bond formed between an infant and their caregiver.Sigmund Freud's theory of development, focusing on stages related to sexuality and pleasure.A type of insecure attachment characterized by emotional distance and avoidance of the caregiver....

Influential Psychologists 2016-04-14

Influential Psychologists crossword puzzle
  1. Known for his concepts of archetypes
  2. Developed the hierarchy of needs
  3. Brain damaged by a railroad spike (Not psychologist)
  4. Known for his studies on conformity
  5. Known for his experiments on dogs
  6. Created the stages of psychosocial development
  7. Developed the first widely used intelligence test
  8. Developed the inferiority complex
  9. Developed the theory of cognitive dissonance
  10. Developed the sociocultural theory
  11. Known for the "Bobo Doll" experiment
  12. Developed the attachment theory
  13. created the theory of cognitive development
  14. Developed the drive reduction theory
  15. known as "the father of behaviorism" and conducted the "Little Albert" experiment
  1. Known as the father of American psychology
  2. known for his "(blank) box" experiment
  3. First female president of the APA
  4. Known for his Stanford prison experiment
  5. developed the theory of neurotic needs
  6. Developed the law of effect
  7. Known for his work with the unconscious
  8. First president of the APA
  9. Known for "Monkey" experiment
  10. Established the first psychology lab

25 Clues: First president of the APADeveloped the law of effectKnown for "Monkey" experimentDeveloped the attachment theoryDeveloped the hierarchy of needsFirst female president of the APAKnown for his experiments on dogsDeveloped the inferiority complexDeveloped the sociocultural theoryKnown for his studies on conformityKnown for his concepts of archetypes...

Influential Psychologists 2016-04-14

Influential Psychologists crossword puzzle
  1. Known for his concepts of archetypes
  2. Known for his studies on conformity
  3. Known as the father of American psychology
  4. Developed the inferiority complex
  5. Developed the hierarchy of needs
  6. First female president of the APA
  7. Known for his Stanford prison experiment
  8. Developed the sociocultural theory
  9. Created the stages of psychosocial development
  10. Developed the law of effect
  11. developed the theory of neurotic needs
  12. known as "the father of behaviorism" and conducted the "Little Albert" experiment
  1. Brain damaged by a railroad spike (Not psychologist)
  2. Known for the "Bobo Doll" experiment
  3. Known for "Monkey" experiment
  4. Developed the drive reduction theory
  5. Developed the theory of cognitive dissonance
  6. Known for his experiments on dogs
  7. Developed the attachment theory
  8. Established the first psychology lab
  9. Known for his work with the unconscious
  10. known for his "(blank) box" experiment
  11. created the theory of cognitive development
  12. Developed the first widely used intelligence test
  13. First president of the APA

25 Clues: First president of the APADeveloped the law of effectKnown for "Monkey" experimentDeveloped the attachment theoryDeveloped the hierarchy of needsKnown for his experiments on dogsDeveloped the inferiority complexFirst female president of the APADeveloped the sociocultural theoryKnown for his studies on conformityKnown for his concepts of archetypes...

Earth and life science 2018-08-06

Earth and life science crossword puzzle
  1. moon un-illuminated side
  2. It is a blue planet due to methane gas in its athmosphere
  3. It has a fastest winds in the solar system and has 8 moons
  4. Solid debris colliding to form planet
  5. Largest and most massive planet
  6. An intentional split
  7. It dissolves minerals
  8. theory Automatically mean that the creationist theory is wrong
  9. This theory is far different from all other theories
  1. theory Explanation for the formation of solar system
  2. weathering Changes the shape and size
  3. action It is the process of freezing and thawing
  4. gibbous Appears to be more than one half but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight
  5. The study of solar system
  6. Revolves in 88 days
  7. Quarter one-half of the moon appears to be illuminated by direct sunlight
  8. Moon of pluto
  9. action Root system causes rocks to crack
  10. bang theory This theory says that universe was in tiny ball,and it exploded and created all the stars and planets to existence
  11. Study of earth

20 Clues: Moon of plutoStudy of earthRevolves in 88 daysAn intentional splitIt dissolves mineralsThe study of solar systemLargest and most massive planetmoon un-illuminated sideSolid debris colliding to form planetweathering Changes the shape and sizeaction Root system causes rocks to crack...

TFN 2022-01-15

TFN crossword puzzle
  1. 19 Created the Human becoming Theory of Nursing
  2. 4 Nursing research pioneer
  3. 18 Developed the Theory of Comfort
  4. 2 Mother of Psychiatric nursing
  5. 3 Most famous nurse of the 20th century
  6. 15 Developed the Care, Cure and Core Nursing
  7. 1 Pioneer modern nursing Polar area diagram
  8. 7 Developed of the Science of Unitary Human Beings
  9. 14 Known for Her book From Novice to Expert
  10. 16 Nursing Theorist in 1956
  11. 10 developed First community mental health program
  12. 5 Psychiatric health nurse theorist
  1. 13 Developed the Transcultural Nursing Theory or Culture Care Nursing Theory
  2. 17 She advanced the knowledge of the discipline of Nursing
  3. 11 Developed Adaptation model of Nursing
  4. 8 Developed of Orem Model of nursing
  5. 9 Developed the Theory of Goal Attainment
  6. 12 Developed the Theory of Human Caring
  7. 20 Developed the Conceptual model of nursing called the helping art of Clinical Nursing
  8. 6 Creator of the Behavioral System Model

20 Clues: 4 Nursing research pioneer16 Nursing Theorist in 19562 Mother of Psychiatric nursing18 Developed the Theory of Comfort5 Psychiatric health nurse theorist8 Developed of Orem Model of nursing3 Most famous nurse of the 20th century12 Developed the Theory of Human Caring11 Developed Adaptation model of Nursing6 Creator of the Behavioral System Model...

Sociology 2022-10-05

Sociology crossword puzzle
  1. Something that can occur after labelling
  2. A name or word given to someone that can lead to them changing their behaviour
  3. Every one can
  4. socialisation Learning values and norms from outside influences e.g. school in your later years
  5. A theory that suggest everyone works together
  6. A sociological perspective that suggests a conflict between upper and lower classes
  7. Learning values and norms within society
  1. A theory that suggests division between two groups
  2. A set of beliefs or values shared by a group
  3. A sociological perspective that suggests a conflict between men and women
  4. A sociological perspective that links to right wing ideas

11 Clues: Every one canSomething that can occur after labellingLearning values and norms within societyA set of beliefs or values shared by a groupA theory that suggest everyone works togetherA theory that suggests division between two groupsA sociological perspective that links to right wing ideas...


INTELLIGENCE crossword puzzle
  1. A score that indicates the extent to which an individual’s raw score on an intelligence test deviates from the typical performance of same-age individuals.
  2. In Cattell’s theory, a form of intelligence that depends primarily on basic information processing skills -ability to detect relationships among stimuli, speed of analyzing information, and capacity of working memory.
  3. An approach to cognitive development that focuses on outcomes and results and is the basis for intelligence tests designed to assess mental abilities.
  4. intelligence In Spearman’s theory, a mental ability that is unique to a task.
  5. In Cattell’s theory, a form of intelligence involving skills that depend on accumulated knowledge and experience, good judgment, and mastery of social customs.
  6. Carroll’s factor-analytic theory, which represents the structure of intelligence in three tiers, with g at the top; a second tier of biologically based broad abilities; and a third tier of specific behaviors.
  7. Gardner’s theory, which proposes at least eight independent intelligences, defined in terms of distinct sets of processing operations applied in culturally valued activities.
  8. In Spearman’s theory, a common underlying factor, called g, believed to influence all aspects of intelligence.
  9. Mental abilities apparent in the real world but not in testing situations.
  1. A complicated correlational procedure that identifies sets of test items that cluster together, called factors. Used to investigate whether intelligence is one trait or an assortment of abilities.
  2. Sternberg’s theory, which states that intelligent behavior involves balancing analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence to achieve success in life , according to one’s personal goals and the requirements of one’s cultural community.
  3. A set of emotional abilities that enable individuals to process and adapt to emotional information, measured by tapping emotional skills that enable people to manage their own emotions and interact competently with others.
  4. An increase in IQ from one generation to the next.

13 Clues: An increase in IQ from one generation to the next.Mental abilities apparent in the real world but not in testing situations.intelligence In Spearman’s theory, a mental ability that is unique to a task.In Spearman’s theory, a common underlying factor, called g, believed to influence all aspects of intelligence....

Famous Psychologists 2014-04-07

Famous Psychologists crossword puzzle
  1. Functionalism
  2. First intelligence test
  3. Taste Aversion
  4. Hierarchy of needs
  5. Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  6. Experiment with monkeys
  7. Developmental stages
  8. Stages of psychosocial development
  9. Conformity experiment
  10. Known for his experiment that challenges the validity of psychiatry diagnosis
  11. Theory of the forgetting curve and spacing effect
  12. Father of client centered therapy
  13. Work on classical conditioning
  14. Founded analytical psychology
  1. Study of emotions and facial expressions
  2. Operant Conditioning Chamber
  3. Father of cognitive therapy
  4. Behaviourism
  5. Social Learning Theory
  6. Study on obedience to authority
  7. Development of attachment theory
  8. Research on human memory
  9. Famous for his research on hypnosis
  10. Moral Stages of Development
  11. Social comparison theory and cognitive dissonance
  12. Work on Temperament
  13. Standford Prison Experiment
  14. Father of psychoanalysis

28 Clues: BehaviourismFunctionalismTaste AversionHierarchy of needsWork on TemperamentDevelopmental stagesConformity experimentSocial Learning TheoryFirst intelligence testExperiment with monkeysResearch on human memoryFather of psychoanalysisFather of cognitive therapyMoral Stages of DevelopmentStandford Prison ExperimentOperant Conditioning Chamber...

Let the Hunt Begin!! 2023-01-16

Let the Hunt Begin!! crossword puzzle
  1. a method of constructing new data points based on the range of a discrete set of known data points
  2. science of collecting, exploring and presenting large amounts of data to discover underlying patterns and trends
  3. a process by which one figure, expression, or function is converted into another one of similar value
  4. special set of scalar values that is associated with the set of linear equations most probably in the matrix equations
  5. a square matrix that is equal to its transpose
  6. a system in which the change of the output is not proportional to the change of the input
  1. a subset of individuals from within a statistical population to estimate characteristics of the whole population
  2. a specific unit of data that's equal to about 1 billion bytes of data.
  3. system for storing and taking care of data
  4. showing no prejudice for or against something
  5. set of computers sharing resources located on or provided by network nodes
  6. process by which a running computer system is restarted, either intentionally or unintentionally
  7. a character encoding standard for electronic communication
  8. a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based

14 Clues: system for storing and taking care of datashowing no prejudice for or against somethinga square matrix that is equal to its transposea character encoding standard for electronic communicationa set of principles on which the practice of an activity is baseda specific unit of data that's equal to about 1 billion bytes of data....


INTELLIGENCE crossword puzzle
  1. A complicated correlational procedure that identifies sets of test items that cluster together, called factors. Used to investigate whether intelligence is one trait or an assortment of abilities.
  2. Carroll’s factor-analytic theory, which represents the structure of intelligence in three tiers, with g at the top; a second tier of biologically based broad abilities; and a third tier of specific behaviors.
  3. An approach to cognitive development that focuses on outcomes and results and is the basis for intelligence tests designed to assess mental abilities.
  4. In Cattell’s theory, a form of intelligence involving skills that depend on accumulated knowledge and experience, good judgment, and mastery of social customs.
  5. Mental abilities apparent in the real world but not in testing situations.
  6. In Cattell’s theory, a form of intelligence that depends primarily on basic information processing skills -ability to detect relationships among stimuli, speed of analyzing information, and capacity of working memory.
  7. intelligence In Spearman’s theory, a mental ability that is unique to a task.
  8. Gardner’s theory, which proposes at least eight independent intelligences, defined in terms of distinct sets of processing operations applied in culturally valued activities.
  1. In Spearman’s theory, a common underlying factor, called g, believed to influence all aspects of intelligence.
  2. Sternberg’s theory, which states that intelligent behavior involves balancing analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence to achieve success in life , according to one’s personal goals and the requirements of one’s cultural community.
  3. A set of emotional abilities that enable individuals to process and adapt to emotional information, measured by tapping emotional skills that enable people to manage their own emotions and interact competently with others.
  4. A score that indicates the extent to which an individual’s raw score on an intelligence test deviates from the typical performance of same-age individuals.
  5. An increase in IQ from one generation to the next.

13 Clues: An increase in IQ from one generation to the next.Mental abilities apparent in the real world but not in testing situations.intelligence In Spearman’s theory, a mental ability that is unique to a task.In Spearman’s theory, a common underlying factor, called g, believed to influence all aspects of intelligence....

Social Economic theory 2013-09-19

Social Economic theory crossword puzzle
  1. Similar to a cost, it is a negative point of relationship?
  2. The relationship is run like a ....
  3. What kind of theory is SET?
  4. Its an abbreviation for the comparison levels for alternatives?
  1. When we compare the current relationships to previous relationship?
  2. Missed opportunities is an example of?
  3. If the costs...the rewards, the relationship will end
  4. SET is based on what kind of conditioning?
  5. A positive gain from a relationship?

9 Clues: What kind of theory is SET?The relationship is run like a ....A positive gain from a relationship?Missed opportunities is an example of?SET is based on what kind of conditioning?If the costs...the rewards, the relationship will endSimilar to a cost, it is a negative point of relationship?...

PC 2017-11-04

PC crossword puzzle
  1. talking freely to the therapist
  2. Cognitive Behavior Theory
  3. classic Conditioning
  4. redirecting feelings about certain people in one’s life unto the therapist
  5. counseling strictly adhering to biblical principles by Jay Adams
  6. Client centered theory
  1. believes that behaviors are learned & unlearned
  2. Operant Conditioning
  3. theory that holds to the idea of unconscious forces that drives behavior and actions.
  4. theory and approach that aim for a client to gain awareness of what they are experiencing.
  5. exploring dreams for important information about the unconscious
  6. ______therapy aims to alter one's sexual orientation
  7. S.___, author of psychoanalytic theory
  8. Theory theory believes that people’s thinking can change feelings and beh
  9. Focuses more on client’s Experience by Fritz & Laura Perls

15 Clues: Operant Conditioningclassic ConditioningClient centered theoryCognitive Behavior Theorytalking freely to the therapistS.___, author of psychoanalytic theorybelieves that behaviors are learned & unlearned______therapy aims to alter one's sexual orientationFocuses more on client’s Experience by Fritz & Laura Perls...

Cross Culture 2014-04-23

Cross Culture crossword puzzle
  1. a set of expectations about a social position
  2. behaviors ideas and values shared by a group passed down by generations
  3. a rule for accepted and expected behavior
  4. thinking that occurs with the desire for harmony
  5. theory the theory that we can explain someone's behavior by there situation or disposition
  6. route persuasion when people focus on arguments and respond with favorable thoughts
  1. polarization the enhancement of a group through discussion
  2. adjusting our behavior to fit a group standard
  3. social influence influence for a persons desire to gain approval
  4. feelings influenced by our beliefs
  5. loafing to exert less effort in attaining a common goal for your group

11 Clues: feelings influenced by our beliefsa rule for accepted and expected behaviora set of expectations about a social positionadjusting our behavior to fit a group standardthinking that occurs with the desire for harmonypolarization the enhancement of a group through discussionsocial influence influence for a persons desire to gain approval...

Personality 2020-08-25

Personality crossword puzzle
  1. Inkblot Test of Personality
  2. Theory of Introverts Extroverts and Ambiverts
  3. Reciprocal Determinism
  4. Pyknic, Athletic and Leptosomatic personalities
  5. Psycho-social theory of Personality
  6. Theory of Self-Actualization
  7. Feminine Psychology
  1. Psycho-sexual theory of personality
  2. Somato type theory
  3. Functional Autonomy
  4. Source and Surface traits
  5. Theory of Self
  6. Locus (variables) of Control
  7. Sanguine/Choleric/Phlegmatic/Melancholic personalities

14 Clues: Theory of SelfSomato type theoryFunctional AutonomyFeminine PsychologyReciprocal DeterminismSource and Surface traitsInkblot Test of PersonalityLocus (variables) of ControlTheory of Self-ActualizationPsycho-sexual theory of personalityPsycho-social theory of PersonalityTheory of Introverts Extroverts and Ambiverts...

Methods of Science 2021-09-22

Methods of Science crossword puzzle
  1. Theory: An explanation of observations or events that is based on knowledge gained from many observations and investigations.
  2. The median is the middle number in a data set when the data are arranged in numerical order.
  3. The mode of a data set is the number or item that appears most often.
  4. Any factor that can have more than one value.
  5. An interpretation of observations.
  6. Law: A rule that describes a pattern in nature.
  7. A spoken or written summary of an observation.
  8. Variable: The factor that is changed by the investigator to observe how it affects a dependent variable.
  1. A possible explanation for an observation that can be tested by scientific investigations.
  2. Variable: The factor a scientist observes or measures during a experiment.
  3. A larger explanation of an observation that is drawn from prior knowledge or experience.
  4. The act of using one or more of your senses to gather information and take note of what occurs.
  5. : A statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events.
  6. Range is the difference between the greatest number and the least number in the data set.
  7. The mean or average of a data set is the sum of the numbers in a data set divided by the number of entries in the set.
  8. Thinking: Comparing what you already know about something to new information and deciding whether or not you agree with the new information.
  9. digits: The number of digits in a measurement that are known with a certain degree of reliability.

17 Clues: An interpretation of observations.Any factor that can have more than one value.A spoken or written summary of an observation.Law: A rule that describes a pattern in nature.: A statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events.The mode of a data set is the number or item that appears most often....

SOCIO-3163 Final Exam Review Crossword 2023-12-04

SOCIO-3163 Final Exam Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Term often used interchangeably with "Self-Concept"
  2. Labeling by people or groups with the official authority to label someone deviant
  3. Drift Theory
  4. Swiftness
  5. Reintegrative Shaming
  6. Morphed into "Severity"
  7. Seductions of Crime
  8. Looking-Glass Self
  1. Labeling by people or groups that do NOT have the official authority to label someone deviant
  2. Deterrence
  3. Social Bonds Theory
  4. Pleasure-Seeking
  5. The strongest component of deterrence theory
  6. The Saints and the Roughnecks
  7. Half of Low Self-Control Theory
  8. Deviance that happens after an individual's behavior has been discovered and labeled
  9. Containment Theory
  10. Early deviant behavior that occurs prior to being discovered,labeled, or sanctioned

18 Clues: SwiftnessDeterrenceDrift TheoryPleasure-SeekingContainment TheoryLooking-Glass SelfSocial Bonds TheorySeductions of CrimeReintegrative ShamingMorphed into "Severity"The Saints and the RoughnecksHalf of Low Self-Control TheoryThe strongest component of deterrence theoryTerm often used interchangeably with "Self-Concept"...

Lawrence Kohlberg's Moral Development Theory 2016-12-06

Lawrence Kohlberg's Moral Development Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The moral capability of a person
  2. The man who used Kohlberg's theory in a disciplinary model for schools
  3. The creator of the theory of moral development in children
  4. The stage of a social contract
  5. The fifth and sixth stages of Kohlberg's theory
  6. The use of Kohlberg's theory in ____________ in school systems.
  1. The first and second stages of Kohlberg's theory
  2. A concept or idea that is testable
  3. The stage of individualism and exchange
  4. The stage of maintaining interpersonal relationships
  5. The third and fourth stages of Kohlberg's theory
  6. The stage of Law and Order
  7. The stage of obedience and punishment
  8. The stage of Universal principles
  9. The test that was developed in 1959 by James Rest based on Kohlberg's theory

15 Clues: The stage of Law and OrderThe stage of a social contractThe moral capability of a personThe stage of Universal principlesA concept or idea that is testableThe stage of obedience and punishmentThe stage of individualism and exchangeThe fifth and sixth stages of Kohlberg's theoryThe first and second stages of Kohlberg's theory...

The Scientific Revolution Crossword Activity 2023-05-10

The Scientific Revolution Crossword Activity crossword puzzle
  1. The invention of this object around 1590 allowed biologists to explore a new world that had previously been invisible.
  2. Proposed the laws of universal gravitation as well as the three laws of motion; his work would provide the foundation of modern physics.
  3. Early scientists called themselves "natural _____ "
  4. For more than 2,000 years European scientists believed that a person's health depended on a balance of four body fluids called these.
  5. His work with gasses led him to propose that all matter is made up of smaller particles that join together in different ways.
  6. Greek mathematicians Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes developed theories on which this modern subject is based.
  7. Theory that placed the Earth at the center of the universe with the sun, moon, and plants, all moving in a circular path around it.
  8. Most classical knowledge survived in this empire after the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 CE.
  9. Hooke and Boyle's works greatly advanced the fields of biology and ______.
  10. From this country, Muslim scholars adopted mathematical concepts such as the decimal system, the number zero, and the Arabic numerals.
  11. Added to the heliocentric theory that the planets had elliptical orbits rather than circular ones.
  12. This movement began in Europe around the mid-1500s an introduced great advances in science.
  13. An Englishman who wrote a book called New Instrument that urged scientists to gather data by following specific steps.
  14. A Polish scientist whose theory challenged the long-held view of the Earth as the center of the universe.
  15. A proposed explanation for a set of facts.
  1. A logical procedure for developing and testing ideas.
  2. Theory that states that the sun is at the center of the universe.
  3. In this school of thought, observation, experimentation, and mathematical reasoning replaced ancient wisdom and church teachings as the source of scientific knowledge.
  4. Was condemned by the Catholic Church in 1633 and placed under house arrest for the rest of his life for his support of the heliocentric theory.
  5. Muslims built these special buildings to help study the stars using scientific instruments.
  6. Was the first scientist to describe cells.
  7. Ancient Greeks often based their scientific explanations on this instead of evidence.
  8. One of the key steps of the scientific method is the forming of this, an explanation that can be tested.
  9. French philosopher who believed that everything should be doubted until it was proven by reason.

24 Clues: Was the first scientist to describe cells.A proposed explanation for a set of facts.Early scientists called themselves "natural _____ "A logical procedure for developing and testing ideas.Theory that states that the sun is at the center of the universe.Hooke and Boyle's works greatly advanced the fields of biology and ______....

DECA 2023-10-17

DECA crossword puzzle
  1. managament - Classical managment theory that focuses on managament as a whole and identifies effictive ways to organize and manage a buisiness
  2. Recolution - Time in histoiry when machines replaced humans and animal power
  3. based management - Emerging managment theory in which decision are based on a combitnaition of critical thinking and best avaliable evidence
  4. managment - Thory that focuses on improvinf the organization through understanding employee motivation and behavior also called human relations
  1. management - Classical managment throy that uses science to study worker productivity and workflow
  2. Aproach - Contemporay managment thory that suggest the appropriate style of managment depneds on the situaitoin
  3. Approach- Managment theory that uses measurabke techiqus to improvw decision making is an orgaization sometimes reffered to as managment science
  4. - System in which people, items, or issues are ranked in order or importance
  5. Managment - Classical managment that is an aproach based on precisly defined procedures and a clearly defined order of comand
  6. managmen - Thory that focuses on organizing worth with the goal of increasinf worker productivity
  7. of labor - Specialization of inviduals who perform specific task also called job specalization
  8. theory - Ideas or collection of ideas used as a set of guidlines for managing an organization
  9. qaulity managment (TQM) - Managment philosophy in whicb success is directy related to customer satisfacation

13 Clues: - System in which people, items, or issues are ranked in order or importanceRecolution - Time in histoiry when machines replaced humans and animal powertheory - Ideas or collection of ideas used as a set of guidlines for managing an organizationof labor - Specialization of inviduals who perform specific task also called job specalization...


  1. It was developed by Dorothy Johnson that stresses the importance of research-knowledge about the effect of nursing care on patients.
  2. A motivational theory in psychology compromising five (5) tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
  3. Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory that gives importance in cultural and care knowledge in nursing practice.
  4. This theory is an expansion of Piaget’s theory having three (3) levels of reasoning namely; pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional.
  5. This theory describes the importance of promoting adaptation on nursing processes.
  6. Orlando’s model that explain the role of the nurse in finding out and meeting the patient’s immediate needs for help.
  7. This theory is composed of ten (10) steps in identifying patient’s problems and eleven (11) skills used in developing a nursing care plan.
  8. The Orem Model of Nursing used in rehabilitation and primary care of or other settings in which patients are encouraged to be independent.
  9. A system theory that includes purpose, content and process, and breaking down the “whole” and analyzing the parts.
  1. Henderson’s Theory that emphasizes the importance of increasing the patient’s independence to continue the progress after hospitalization.
  2. This Nursing theory proposes that expert nurses develop skills and understanding of patient care over time through education and experiences; from Novice to Expert.
  3. Levine’s Model focusing on conserving the patient’s energy for health and healing.
  4. , Theory that deals with the interpersonal aspects of nursing, focusing especially to mental health by Joyce Travelbee.
  5. A theory about the importance of environment in client’s healing process.
  6. A theory that advocate that “caritas” means love and charity and caring is an endeavor to mediate faith, hope and love through tending, playing and learning
  7. King’s Model proposing three interacting systems; a person system, an interpersonal system and a social system.
  8. It is also known as the "Three Cs of Lydia Hall", containing three (3) independent but interconnected circles.
  9. This model provides a comprehensive holistic and system-based approach to nursing that contains an element of flexibility by Neuman.
  10. Main goal is to help the patient through the family, when nurses can be of great assistance to prevent at the very beginning serious complication.
  11. Nursing as a health care profession would prove its worth of being at par in quality performance with other health care professionals by Divinagracia.

20 Clues: A theory about the importance of environment in client’s healing process.Levine’s Model focusing on conserving the patient’s energy for health and healing.This theory describes the importance of promoting adaptation on nursing processes.It is also known as the "Three Cs of Lydia Hall", containing three (3) independent but interconnected circles....


  1. Theory that deals with the interpersonal aspects of nursing, focusing especially to mental health by Joyce Travelbee.
  2. A motivational theory in psychology compromising five (5) tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
  3. This theory is composed of ten (10) steps in identifying patient’s problems and eleven (11) skills used in developing a nursing care plan.
  4. This theory is an expansion of Piaget’s theory having three (3) levels of reasoning namely; pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional.
  5. Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory that gives importance in cultural and care knowledge in nursing practice.
  6. Main goal is to help the patient through the family, when nurses can be of great assistance to prevent at the very beginning serious complication.
  7. King’s Model proposing three interacting systems; a person system, an interpersonal system and a social system.
  8. This model provides a comprehensive holistic and system-based approach to nursing that contains an element of flexibility by Neuman.
  1. A theory about the importance of environment in client’s healing process.
  2. A theory that advocate that “caritas” means love and charity and caring is an endeavor to mediate faith, hope and love through tending, playing and learning
  3. Levine’s Model focusing on conserving the patient’s energy for health and healing.
  4. It was developed by Dorothy Johnson that stresses the importance of research-knowledge about the effect of nursing care on patients.
  5. Orlando’s model that explain the role of the nurse in finding out and meeting the patient’s immediate needs for help.
  6. This Nursing theory proposes that expert nurses develop skills and understanding of patient care over time through education and experiences; from Novice to Expert.
  7. Nursing as a health care profession would prove its worth of being at par in quality performance with other health care professionals by Divinagracia.
  8. Henderson’s Theory that emphasizes the importance of increasing the patient’s independence to continue the progress after hospitalization.
  9. The Orem Model of Nursing used in rehabilitation and primary care of or other settings in which patients are encouraged to be independent.
  10. It is also known as the "Three Cs of Lydia Hall", containing three (3) independent but interconnected circles.
  11. A system theory that includes purpose, content and process, and breaking down the “whole” and analyzing the parts.
  12. This theory describes the importance of promoting adaptation on nursing processes.

20 Clues: A theory about the importance of environment in client’s healing process.Levine’s Model focusing on conserving the patient’s energy for health and healing.This theory describes the importance of promoting adaptation on nursing processes.It is also known as the "Three Cs of Lydia Hall", containing three (3) independent but interconnected circles....

Paych 2023-12-19

Paych crossword puzzle
  1. easygoing relaxed people
  2. physiological aim for drive-reduction theory
  3. point in which an individuals “weight thermostat” is set
  4. classified by hanging nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, etc
  5. therapy aimed at promoting healthier thinking & adaptive behaviors
  1. need or desire that energizes behavior
  2. first set of needs under Maslows hierarchy of needs
  3. disorder classified by episodes of great food consumption followed by distress and guilt
  4. mood stabilizer that treats bipolar disorder
  5. last stage in masters and Johnson’s sexual response cycle

10 Clues: easygoing relaxed peopleneed or desire that energizes behaviormood stabilizer that treats bipolar disorderphysiological aim for drive-reduction theoryfirst set of needs under Maslows hierarchy of needspoint in which an individuals “weight thermostat” is setlast stage in masters and Johnson’s sexual response cycle...

Psychologists 2014-04-07

Psychologists crossword puzzle
  1. Developmental psychologist;parenting styles
  2. Triarchic theory;intelligence
  3. Operant conditioning
  4. Experiment on attachment with monkeys
  5. Constructive memory studies
  6. Hierarchy of needs;humanist
  7. 3 stages of moral development
  8. Observational learning;bobo dolls
  9. Study on conformity
  10. Humanist;created client-centered therapy;unconditional positive regard
  11. Neo Freudian;personal/collective unconscious
  12. Language acquisition theory
  13. Labeling experiment
  14. Obedience study;shock
  15. Disagreed with Freud;personality is continually changed rather than being decided early in life
  1. 4 stage theory of cognitive development
  2. Stanford Prison experiment
  3. Cognitive-behavioral therapist;REBT
  4. Cognitive Dissonance theory
  5. Founder of behaviorism
  6. 8 stages of development
  7. Criticized Kohlberg;gender-based developmental difference
  8. Learned helplessness
  9. Cognitive Triad
  10. Multiple intelligence
  11. Mental age;IQ test
  12. Dissociation theory (hypnosis)
  13. Classical conditioning

28 Clues: Cognitive TriadMental age;IQ testStudy on conformityLabeling experimentOperant conditioningLearned helplessnessMultiple intelligenceObedience study;shockFounder of behaviorismClassical conditioning8 stages of developmentStanford Prison experimentCognitive Dissonance theoryConstructive memory studiesHierarchy of needs;humanist...

General Theory 2020-12-07

General Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The note A can be found on the second ______.
  2. The amount of half notes it takes to equal one whole note
  3. The note B can be found on the third ______.
  4. The line drawn across the staff to create divisions
  5. The amount of quarter notes it takes to equal one whole note
  6. The note D can be found on the _______ line.
  7. How long or short a note is held for is also called this.
  8. Line that extends out of a note head
  9. The note F can be found on the _______ space.
  10. The space between two barlines
  1. Note with a colored in oval and a stem
  2. This note is drawn as an open oval.
  3. If a note appears above the third line, the stem faces this direction
  4. Note with an open oval and a stem.
  5. Symbol that is written at the end of music.
  6. This is determined by where the note is placed on a staff
  7. The note C can be found on the _______ space.
  8. If a note appears below the third line, the stem faces this direction

18 Clues: The space between two barlinesNote with an open oval and a stem.This note is drawn as an open oval.Line that extends out of a note headNote with a colored in oval and a stemSymbol that is written at the end of music.The note B can be found on the third ______.The note D can be found on the _______ line.The note A can be found on the second ______....

REACH Science Solar System Vocabulary 2022-12-12

REACH Science Solar System Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. set on fire and caused to burn
  2. very much so
  3. thought to be
  4. the weather patterns in a specific area
  5. the gases that are around a planet
  6. given a new category
  1. having parts made of different types of people or things
  2. an idea that tries to explain something
  3. something that people disagree on
  4. to a large or great extent
  5. to create
  6. extremely large

12 Clues: to createvery much sothought to beextremely largegiven a new categoryto a large or great extentset on fire and caused to burnsomething that people disagree onthe gases that are around a planetan idea that tries to explain somethingthe weather patterns in a specific areahaving parts made of different types of people or things

1.3 Chemistry Robyn Warrington 2021-08-11

1.3 Chemistry Robyn Warrington crossword puzzle
  1. changed/manipulated during experiment
  2. proposed explanation for an observation
  3. observations that involve a number
  4. describing the quality (size/appearance/value)
  5. process that involves observation/hypothesis/experiments
  6. representation of an object or event
  1. a quantitative observation
  2. observed/responding variable
  3. use senses to obtain information
  4. procedure used to test a hypothesis
  5. transformed chemistry from observative to measurement
  6. well-tested explanation for a set of observations

12 Clues: a quantitative observationobserved/responding variableuse senses to obtain informationobservations that involve a numberprocedure used to test a hypothesisrepresentation of an object or eventchanged/manipulated during experimentproposed explanation for an observationdescribing the quality (size/appearance/value)...

Famous Scientists 2023-08-10

Famous Scientists crossword puzzle
  1. Electromagnetism
  2. Expanding universe
  3. DNA structure
  4. Electrical innovations
  5. Theory of evolution
  6. Genetics pioneer
  7. DNA structure
  8. Mathematical genius
  9. Radioactivity research
  10. Astronomical discoveries
  1. Laws of planetary motion
  2. Laws of motion
  3. Theory of relativity
  4. Cosmos popularizer
  5. Black hole theories
  6. Atomic model
  7. Heliocentrism advocate
  8. Computing pioneer
  9. Germ theory
  10. Penicillin discovery

20 Clues: Germ theoryAtomic modelDNA structureDNA structureLaws of motionElectromagnetismGenetics pioneerComputing pioneerCosmos popularizerExpanding universeBlack hole theoriesTheory of evolutionMathematical geniusTheory of relativityPenicillin discoveryHeliocentrism advocateElectrical innovationsRadioactivity researchLaws of planetary motion...

Week One 2024-06-11

Week One crossword puzzle
  1. A system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
  2. A system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives.
  3. Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.
  4. The expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.
  5. Authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice.
  6. Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.
  7. Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause.
  8. The action or fact of complying with a wish or command.
  9. Teach (a person or group) to accept a set of beliefs
  1. Bring under domination or control, especially by conquest.
  2. The action of subduing someone or something by force.
  3. A system of government by one person with absolute power.
  4. A violent uprising against an authority or government.
  5. Leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.
  6. Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.
  7. A government, especially an authoritarian one.
  8. A system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.
  9. A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group.
  10. The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
  11. The exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.

20 Clues: A government, especially an authoritarian one.Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.Teach (a person or group) to accept a set of beliefsThe action of subduing someone or something by force.A violent uprising against an authority or government.The action or fact of complying with a wish or command....

sddf 2022-10-16

sddf crossword puzzle
  1. originated quantum theory
  2. developed the classification system of living things
  3. proposed a heliocentric theory
  4. Darwin wrote Origin of Species
  5. BC Greek know for his medical ethics.
  6. inventor of the light bulb & phonograph
  7. inventor of the telephone
  8. formalized the study of genetics
  9. invented scuba gear
  10. proved Copernicus' theory.
  11. Isolated penicillin
  1. calculated Pi
  2. created the first telescope
  3. invented dynamite
  4. He invented calculus Volta invented a battery
  5. A nurse, fixed unsanitary conditions; sparked change
  6. first man to walk on the moon.
  7. Developed the first vaccine for smallpox
  8. who constructed proofs of a geocentric theory of the solar system
  9. theory of general relativity
  10. Developed a vaccine for polio.
  11. discovered two new radioactive elements
  12. devised code for the telegraph

23 Clues: calculated Piinvented dynamiteinvented scuba gearIsolated penicillinoriginated quantum theoryinventor of the telephoneproved Copernicus' theory.created the first telescopetheory of general relativityproposed a heliocentric theoryDarwin wrote Origin of Speciesfirst man to walk on the moon.Developed a vaccine for polio.devised code for the telegraph...

Ch 6 & 27 Puzzle 2015-12-02

Ch 6 & 27 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A ____ number estimates the number of studies reporting non-significant results that would be needed to reverse the conclusion of a significant effect in a meta-analysis
  2. A ____ review methodically integrates research evidence about a specific research question using carefully developed sampling and data collection procedures
  3. A ____ model is a visual representation of some aspect of reality
  4. Roy's ____ model is a theory which views humans as biopsychosocial adaptive systems who cope with change through the process of adaptation
  5. A ____ theory is a non-nursing model used by nurse researchers
  6. Currently the leading term in qualitative research that describes systematic review
  7. A visual representation of heterogeneity, generated using meta-analytic software
  8. Another term for a grand theory, a theory which describes or explains large segments of the human experience
  9. ____ bias is the tendency for published studies to over-represent statistically significant findings
  10. ___ studies are original research investigations
  11. A ___ is a visual representation of potential publication bias with effects from individual studies plotted on the horizontal and precision plotted on the vertical
  12. A ____ model is a less formal means of organizing phenomena than a theory; what distinguishes this from a theory is the absence of the deductive system of propositions that explain relationships
  13. A _____ review is a means of refining the specific question for the systematic review
  1. An acronym for an explicit reporting guideline for meta-analyses, stands for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses
  2. In qualitative research, ____ theory involves conceptualization of the target phenomenon being studied
  3. The overall conceptual underpinnings of a study
  4. This theory focuses on patient compliance and postulates that health-seeking behavior is influenced by one's perception of threat to their health and the value associated with actions to reduce the threat
  5. an abstract generalization that offers a systematic explanation about how phenomena are interrelated
  6. ___ theory or micro theory has a very narrow scope and are oriented towards action
  7. ____ literature has a limited distribution and includes dissertations and unpublished reports

20 Clues: The overall conceptual underpinnings of a study___ studies are original research investigationsA ____ theory is a non-nursing model used by nurse researchersA ____ model is a visual representation of some aspect of realityA visual representation of heterogeneity, generated using meta-analytic software...

Set 2023-12-30

Set crossword puzzle
  1. common element in both sets
  2. well defined object
  3. set which is not finite
  4. collection of all elements in set A but no t in B
  5. whose intersection is empty
  6. no element
  7. every element of set A are the element of set B
  1. containing one element
  2. number of elements in set
  3. it has same number of element in both set
  4. collection of all elements from both sets
  5. collection of all subset of given set
  6. containing finite number of element

13 Clues: no elementwell defined objectcontaining one elementset which is not finitenumber of elements in setcommon element in both setswhose intersection is emptycontaining finite number of elementcollection of all subset of given setit has same number of element in both setcollection of all elements from both sets...

educational research 2021-05-25

educational research crossword puzzle
  1. Preferring the most simple theory that works
  2. A researcher who focuses on testing theories and hypotheses using quantitative data to see if they are confirmed or not
  3. Group- and society-level factors
  4. The philosophical idea that reason is the primary source of knowledge
  5. Stating what is likely to occur, not what will necessarily occur
  6. A set of published research studies on a particular topic
  7. The theory of knowledge and its justification; the branch of philosophy dealing with knowledge and its justification
  8. A bottom-up or theory-generation approach to research
  9. Attempting to generate ideas about phenomena
  10. Attempting to apply research to make certain outcomes occur
  11. Attempting to predict or forecast a phenomenon
  12. Evaluation focused on improving the evaluation object
  13. Research aimed at generating fundamental knowledge and theoretical understanding about basic human and other natural processes
  14. Determining the worth, merit, or quality of an evaluation object
  15. Attempting to describe the characteristics of a phenomenon
  16. Applied research focused on solving practitioners’ local problems
  17. The process of drawing a conclusion that is “probably” true
  18. Evaluation focused on determining the overall effectiveness and usefulness of the evaluation object
  1. The philosophical idea that empirical research provides evidence, not proof
  2. Factors relating individuals to other individuals and to social groups
  3. Research focused on answering practical questions to provide relatively immediate solutions
  4. explicitly done for the purpose of advancing an ideological position or orientation
  5. Individual-level factors or variables
  6. objective of educational research that attempts to understand the subjective viewpoints
  7. top-down or theory-testing approach to research
  8. The future might not resemble the past
  9. A prediction or educated guess
  10. A statement based on observation, experiment, or experience
  11. explanation or explanatory system that discusses how a phenomenon operates and why it operates as it does
  12. process of drawing a conclusion that is necessarily true if the premises
  13. Research examining the same variables with different people
  14. property that statements and theories should be testable and refutable
  15. A top-down or theory-testing approach to research
  16. A summary of what is in an article; a brief description of the essential characteristics of the study
  17. A researcher who focuses on exploration, description, and understanding of subjective meanings and sometimes the generation and construction of theories using qualitative data
  18. Attempting to show how and why a phenomenon operates as it does
  19. The idea that knowledge comes from experience

37 Clues: A prediction or educated guessGroup- and society-level factorsIndividual-level factors or variablesThe future might not resemble the pastPreferring the most simple theory that worksAttempting to generate ideas about phenomenaThe idea that knowledge comes from experienceAttempting to predict or forecast a phenomenon...


NURSE WORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. any change in the internal and external environment that induces a response in the adaptive system.
  2. the malignant phase of disdainful “not caring” and apathetic indifference.
  3. behaviors that attempts to control the environment.
  4. affects the focal stimulus but the effects are unclear.
  5. set towards the disorganization of the system
  6. most immediately confronting the person; attracts the most attention.
  7. his theory was Interpersonal Relations or Psychodynamic Nursing.
  8. relation as human being to human being.
  9. SYSTEM- Focus on nursing in Dorothy Johnson 2 Major Systems
  10. being devoid of hope
  11. promotes helping behavior that calls a nurturing response.
  12. one of America’s foremost nursing theorists.
  13. the means where one perceives realities.
  14. her theory was “Human-to-Human Relationship”
  15. constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources.
  16. “Conceptual System and Middle-Range Theory of Goal Attainment”
  17. ROGERS- “Science of Unitary Human Beings”
  18. when the nurse wants or lessen the cause of patient’s suffering.
  19. in which the person and the nurse mutually identify the person’s problem.
  20. describes the unpredictable but continuous, nonlinear evolution of energy field that as evidenced by nonrepeating rhythmicity’s.
  21. which is using the experience of the learner as a basis from which learning products are developed.
  1. the way a person responds as a physical being to stimuli from the environment.
  2. an ontological concept described as a human being’s struggle between good and evil in a state of becoming.
  3. which consists largely of giving information and is the form explained in educational literature.
  4. a lonely experience that is difficult to communicate fully to another individual.
  5. ability to establish relationships or trust.
  6. ‘’Behavioral System Model”
  7. refers to a particular group and the patterning of actions, thoughts and decisions that occurs as a result of learned beliefs.
  8. a process where a person reaches the highest level of consciousness.
  9. First Lady of Nursing
  10. her aunt, who had congenital heart disease, led her to pursue a career in nursing
  11. in which the person accepts new goals and frees herself or himself from the relationship.
  12. process of organizing, interpreting, and transforming information from sense data and memory.
  13. events that produce stress.
  14. strengthens the effect of the focal stimulus.
  15. adjustment state from the degree of reaction.
  16. WATSON- “Philosophy and Theory of Transpersonal Caring”
  17. HALL- care, core, cure model was her theory
  18. “Theory of Caritative Care”
  19. excretion of waste products.

40 Clues: being devoid of hopeFirst Lady of Nursing‘’Behavioral System Model”events that produce stress.“Theory of Caritative Care”excretion of waste products.relation as human being to human being.the means where one perceives realities.ROGERS- “Science of Unitary Human Beings”HALL- care, core, cure model was her theory...

Electrical Theory 2021-01-15

Electrical Theory crossword puzzle
  1. - unit used to measure a material’s resistance
  2. (R) - tendency of a material to prevent electrical flow
  3. current (AC) - electricity flow changes direction with armature(turning magnet) change
  4. circuit - current cannot flow through
  5. Law - flow of electricity through a conductor is directly proportional to the electrical force that produces it (R = E/I)
  6. wire - carries current away from appliance and back to source
  7. - source of electricity connected to a light, heater, or motor
  8. - form of energy that can produce light, heat, magnetism, and chemical changes
  1. - measure of the amount of energy or work that can be done by amps and volts (volts x amps)
  2. - measure of the rate of flow
  3. wire - carries current
  4. - an additional connection between equipment and the earth
  5. - material that provides great resistance to electricity flow
  6. current (DC) - electricity flows in one direction
  7. - tubing that contains individual insulated wires
  8. circuit - occurs when resistance is not high enough for flow of electricity; flows through circuit and back to source too quickly
  9. (E) - measure of electrical pressure
  10. - a material that electricity flows freely through

18 Clues: wire - carries current- measure of the rate of flow(E) - measure of electrical pressurecircuit - current cannot flow through- unit used to measure a material’s resistancecurrent (DC) - electricity flows in one direction- tubing that contains individual insulated wires- a material that electricity flows freely through...

Electrical Theory 2021-01-15

Electrical Theory crossword puzzle
  1. carries current away from appliance and back to source
  2. measure of electrical pressure
  3. measure of the rate of flow
  4. source of electricity connected to a light, heater, or motor
  5. tendency of a material to prevent electrical flow
  6. electricity flow changes direction with armature(turning magnet)change
  7. unit used to measure a material’s resistance
  8. current cannot flow through
  1. tubing that contains individual insulated wires
  2. an additional connection between equipment and the earth
  3. electricity flows in one direction
  4. measure of the amount of energy or work that can be done by amps and volts (volts x amps)
  5. form of energy that can produce light, heat, magnetism, and chemical changes
  6. flow of electricity through a conductor is directly proportional to the electrical force that produces it (R = E/I)
  7. carries current to appliance
  8. occurs when resistance is not high enough for flow of electricity; flows through circuit and back to source too quickly
  9. material that provides great resistance to electricity flow
  10. a material that electricity flows freely through

18 Clues: measure of the rate of flowcurrent cannot flow throughcarries current to appliancemeasure of electrical pressureelectricity flows in one directionunit used to measure a material’s resistancetubing that contains individual insulated wiresa material that electricity flows freely throughtendency of a material to prevent electrical flow...

Generational Theory 2023-02-02

Generational Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Follows the crisis that ended the previous cycle and typified by strong institutions and social collectivism, and weak individualism.
  2. “independent variables in social change” - cohorts should be placed within geographical location, education, and race
  3. “cycles” - specific patterns of behavior that are regarded as intertwined with the history
  4. Generation archetype that are born after the unraveling, during a crisis, when external dangers recreate a demand for strong social institutions.
  5. Generation archetype that are born after an awakening, during an unraveling, when social institutions are weak, and individuals have to be self-reliant and pragmatic.
  6. Generational theory with the fourth turning.
  7. These consist of four turnings (saeculum) that repeat for each cycle.
  8. This period is typified by increasing personal and spiritual autonomy of people. Social institutions may be attacked, impeding public progress.
  1. Generation archetype that are born near the end of a crisis, during a time of community cohesion and strong social order.
  2. This period is typified by weak institutions that are distrusted. Individualism is strong and flourishing.
  3. “social location” - people resemble their times more than they resemble their parents
  4. This is an era of destruction, e.g., through war, where institutional life is destroyed. As this period ends, institutions will be rebuilt. Society will rediscover the benefits of being part of a collective, and community purpose will take precedence again.
  5. The length of a single historical cycle of ‘four turnings’
  6. Symbols, between cycles, that share basic attitudes towards family, risk, culture and values, and civic engagement.
  7. “value systems” - argued that values can be generalized based on generations
  8. Generation archetype that are born during an awakening, when crusader prophets are attacking the status quo and its institutions.
  9. a cohort group that shares an age location in history, meaning that members of the generation encounter similar historical events and social influences while in the same phase of life.
  10. Time span of a generation

18 Clues: Time span of a generationGenerational theory with the fourth turning.The length of a single historical cycle of ‘four turnings’These consist of four turnings (saeculum) that repeat for each cycle.“value systems” - argued that values can be generalized based on generations...

Music Theory 2023-02-17

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. To hold longer than the notes value
  2. 1 beat
  3. The speed at which music should be played
  4. Cancels a flat or a sharp
  5. Short and separated
  6. 1/2 a beat
  7. Area between two bar lines
  8. 4 beats
  1. How loud or soft the music is
  2. Slow tempo
  3. Loud
  4. 2 beats
  5. No sharps or flats
  6. Soft
  7. The words of a song
  8. Gradually get louder
  9. 1 sharp
  10. Fast tempo

18 Clues: LoudSoft1 beat2 beats1 sharp4 beatsSlow tempo1/2 a beatFast tempoNo sharps or flatsThe words of a songShort and separatedGradually get louderCancels a flat or a sharpArea between two bar linesHow loud or soft the music isTo hold longer than the notes valueThe speed at which music should be played

Theory prject 2023-06-05

Theory prject crossword puzzle
  1. a reapeated pitch pattern
  2. melody and accompaniment
  3. a mixture of sequence and repetition
  4. reocurring rhythmic pattern
  5. short reoccurring figure
  6. harmonic and rhythmic support functions are combined
  7. substantial musical thought
  8. Two or more lines moving independently
  9. two adjacent phrases combine
  1. only diatonic notes of the scale are repeated
  2. simplest texture type in music
  3. similar rhythmic material in all parts
  4. most important line in musical texture
  5. the immediate restatement of a figure in the same instrument
  6. pedal tones or repeated melodic and rhthmic figures
  7. two phrases are not similar in melodic content
  8. lines less significant than the melody
  9. assisting the melody with chord tones

18 Clues: melody and accompanimentshort reoccurring figurea reapeated pitch patternreocurring rhythmic patternsubstantial musical thoughttwo adjacent phrases combinesimplest texture type in musica mixture of sequence and repetitionassisting the melody with chord tonessimilar rhythmic material in all partsmost important line in musical texture...

music theory 2024-02-04

music theory crossword puzzle
  1. a representation of how long or short a sound is
  2. a staff where the lower notes live
  3. how we organize the music to articulate ideas and give the song a coherent structure w/bars
  4. a sound taking up three beats
  5. four beats of silence symbol
  6. the speed of a piece
  7. a staff where the high notes live
  8. a moment to represent when you do not play/sing
  9. 4/4, 3/4, 6/8 for example
  10. a sound taking up two beats
  1. three beats of silence symbol
  2. one beat of silence symbol
  3. a sound taking up one beat
  4. a steady pulse that occurs throughout a piece of music
  5. a sound taking up four beats
  6. where you assign pitches; could be treble, bass etc.
  7. two beats of silence symbol
  8. having to go back and do a section of music a second time

18 Clues: the speed of a piece4/4, 3/4, 6/8 for exampleone beat of silence symbola sound taking up one beattwo beats of silence symbola sound taking up two beatsa sound taking up four beatsfour beats of silence symbolthree beats of silence symbola sound taking up three beatsa staff where the high notes livea staff where the lower notes live...

Cognitive Load Theory - J King CED505 2013-11-09

Cognitive Load Theory - J King CED505 crossword puzzle
  1. acronym for Cognitive Load Theory
  2. a learning effect focusing on given data facilitating learning with low cognitive load
  3. memory which holds vast amounts of complex data
  4. the cognitive load type that is a distraction from the learning process
  5. the cognitive load type occurring in working memory which cannot be altered by instruction
  6. Australian psychologist best known for developing Cognitive Load Theory
  7. memory with a limited capacity and duration
  8. complex patterns of information stored in long-term memory
  1. the cognitive load type that supports development of schema in long term memory
  2. combining a large set of elements into a smaller number of groups
  3. a learning effect presenting words as speech rather than online text
  4. the ability to perform tasks without concentration
  5. analysis based on reducing differences between problem givens and the goal
  6. storage of knowledge into long term memory
  7. memory used to comprehend visual and auditory information

15 Clues: acronym for Cognitive Load Theorystorage of knowledge into long term memorymemory with a limited capacity and durationmemory which holds vast amounts of complex datathe ability to perform tasks without concentrationmemory used to comprehend visual and auditory informationcomplex patterns of information stored in long-term memory...

Scientific Method 2024-09-12

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. a variable that you keep constant in an experiment
  2. independent variables are plotted on this axis of the graph
  3. the study of natural phenomena
  4. a variable that you measure
  5. can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a group of phenomenon
  6. a variable than an experimenter consciously change
  7. dependent variables are plotted on this axis of the graph
  1. based on natural events you make this using your five senses
  2. a proven theory with no exceptions
  3. an educated guess, based on observation
  4. a group that is tested without an indepedent variable
  5. a set of values that you collect while testing the hypothesis
  6. scientists use their data to make charts and what to communicate the results of an experiment
  7. scientists write this after an experiment to summarize it and its results
  8. after the scientist makes a hypothesis, they perform a what to collect data

15 Clues: a variable that you measurethe study of natural phenomenaa proven theory with no exceptionsan educated guess, based on observationa variable that you keep constant in an experimenta variable than an experimenter consciously changea group that is tested without an indepedent variabledependent variables are plotted on this axis of the graph...

myah lyttle 2021-04-13

myah lyttle crossword puzzle
  1. flew from new york to paris
  2. music genre; originated in new orleans
  3. austrian physician
  4. einstein's theory on relative motion
  5. art movement inspired by freud
  6. temporary alliance of several parties
  7. german philosopher
  1. germany's democratic government set up in 1919
  2. the belief that there is no existential meaning to life
  3. ten year period in which the economy collapsed
  4. 32nd president
  5. famous german physicist

12 Clues: 32nd presidentaustrian physiciangerman philosopherfamous german physicistflew from new york to parisart movement inspired by freudeinstein's theory on relative motiontemporary alliance of several partiesmusic genre; originated in new orleansgermany's democratic government set up in 1919ten year period in which the economy collapsed...


  1. This theory is composed of ten (10) steps in identifying patient’s problems and eleven (11) skills used in developing a nursing care plan.
  2. This model provides a comprehensive holistic and system-based approach to nursing that contains an element of flexibility by Neuman.
  3. Nursing as a health care profession would prove its worth of being at par in quality performance with other health care professionals by Divinagracia.
  4. Theory that deals with the interpersonal aspects of nursing, focusing especially to mental health by Joyce Travelbee.
  5. King’s Model proposing three interacting systems; a person system, an interpersonal system and a social system.
  6. The Orem Model of Nursing used in rehabilitation and primary care of or other settings in which patients are encouraged to be independent.
  7. Henderson’s Theory that emphasizes the importance of increasing the patient’s independence to continue the progress after hospitalization.
  8. It is also known as the "Three Cs of Lydia Hall", containing three (3) independent but interconnected circles.
  9. This Nursing theory proposes that expert nurses develop skills and understanding of patient care over time through education and experiences; from Novice to Expert.
  1. It was developed by Dorothy Johnson that stresses the importance of research-knowledge about the effect of nursing care on patients.
  2. This theory describes the importance of promoting adaptation on nursing processes.
  3. A motivational theory in psychology compromising five (5) tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
  4. Orlando’s model that explain the role of the nurse in finding out and meeting the patient’s immediate needs for help.
  5. A system theory that includes purpose, content and process, and breaking down the “whole” and analyzing the parts.
  6. Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory that gives importance in cultural and care knowledge in nursing practice.
  7. A theory about the importance of environment in client’s healing process.
  8. A theory that advocate that “caritas” means love and charity and caring is an endeavor to mediate faith, hope and love through tending, playing and learning
  9. Main goal is to help the patient through the family, when nurses can be of great assistance to prevent at the very beginning serious complication.
  10. Levine’s Model focusing on conserving the patient’s energy for health and healing.
  11. This theory is an expansion of Piaget’s theory having three (3) levels of reasoning namely; pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional.

20 Clues: A theory about the importance of environment in client’s healing process.This theory describes the importance of promoting adaptation on nursing processes.Levine’s Model focusing on conserving the patient’s energy for health and healing.It is also known as the "Three Cs of Lydia Hall", containing three (3) independent but interconnected circles....

Psychologists 2014-04-07

Psychologists crossword puzzle
  1. Mental age;IQ test
  2. Dissociation theory (hypnosis)
  3. Constructive memory studies
  4. Multiple intelligence
  5. Observational learning;bobo dolls
  6. Learned helplessness
  7. Humanist;created client-centered therapy;unconditional positive regard
  8. Study on conformity
  9. 3 stages of moral development
  10. Operant conditioning
  11. Neo Freudian;personal/collective unconscious
  12. Founder of behaviorism
  13. Triarchic theory;intelligence
  14. Stanford Prison experiment
  15. Disagreed with Freud;personality is continually changed rather than being decided early in life
  1. 4 stage theory of cognitive development
  2. Cognitive Triad
  3. Cognitive-behavioral therapist;REBT
  4. Obedience study;shock
  5. Developmental psychologist;parenting styles
  6. 8 stages of development
  7. Labeling experiment
  8. Criticized Kohlberg;gender-based developmental difference
  9. Experiment on attachment with monkeys
  10. Cognitive Dissonance theory
  11. Classical conditioning
  12. Hierarchy of needs;humanist
  13. Language acquisition theory

28 Clues: Cognitive TriadMental age;IQ testLabeling experimentStudy on conformityLearned helplessnessOperant conditioningObedience study;shockMultiple intelligenceClassical conditioningFounder of behaviorism8 stages of developmentStanford Prison experimentConstructive memory studiesCognitive Dissonance theoryHierarchy of needs;humanist...

Music Theory 2018-11-06

Music Theory crossword puzzle
  1. soft
  2. clef most commonly used
  3. fires cause great destruction and everything burns
  4. to help separate and organize notes
  5. load
  6. note one beat
  7. signature to show how many notes you say per measure
  8. to signify the tempo. what u need to play or sing
  9. extra soft
  10. slowly getting louder
  1. rest takes up four beats/one measure
  2. do re mi fa sol etc.
  3. slowly getting quieter
  4. forte medium loud
  5. very loud
  6. rest takes up two notes
  7. clef it looks like a sad face/ has lower notes
  8. to signify where you stop playing/singing

18 Clues: softloadvery loudextra softnote one beatforte medium louddo re mi fa sol etc.slowly getting louderslowly getting quieterclef most commonly usedrest takes up two notesto help separate and organize notesrest takes up four beats/one measureto signify where you stop playing/singingclef it looks like a sad face/ has lower notes...

nursing theory 2021-12-16

nursing theory crossword puzzle
  1. Statements that explain the relationship between the concepts in a theory
  2. Coping mechanism from close relationship which results to giving and receiving of love, respect and value
  3. Tensions that produce alternations in the environment
  4. According to Rogers’ theory, “continuous and mutual interaction between man and environment” is termed as
  5. Any change in the internal and external environment that induces a response in the adaptive system
  6. Who described about 5 levels of nursing experience from novice to expert?
  7. She formulated the “Science of Unitary Human Beings” theory
  8. “Carin consists of caative factors that result in the satisfaction of certain human needs”. This explanation was stated by
  9. A biopsychosocial being in constant reaction interaction with a changing environment
  1. nursing, The theory proposed by Madeleine M. Leininger
  2. Determination of how best assist the person in attaining the established goals
  3. The state of coming back to actual state of health before the illness occurred
  4. The term which refers the “irreducible, pan dimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral with the human field” is
  5. Typolgy of 21 nursing problems were explained by
  6. Outcome or produced results of certain stressors and actions of the line of resistance
  7. She is the mind behind the “Nursing Process Theory”
  8. Who explained about “Care, Cure, and Core as three independent but interconnected circles of the nursing mode”?
  9. Most immediately confronting the person, attracts the most attention

18 Clues: Typolgy of 21 nursing problems were explained byShe is the mind behind the “Nursing Process Theory”Tensions that produce alternations in the environmentnursing, The theory proposed by Madeleine M. LeiningerShe formulated the “Science of Unitary Human Beings” theoryMost immediately confronting the person, attracts the most attention...