friends Crossword Puzzles

Friends 2021-04-29

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Ime coffee shopa katerega obiskujejo
  2. A state of total awareness
  3. Kdo reče "You fell asleep!"
  4. Slavni stavek od Joeya
  5. Ime Joeyeve agentke
  6. Kako je ime opici od Rossa?
  7. Ime Rossovega sina
  8. Kam reče Chandler da gre, da pobegne pred Jannice?
  9. Ime sestri od Phoebe
  10. Kako je ime spodnjemu sosedu?
  11. Kolikokrat je bil Ross ločen?
  1. Phoebin alter ego
  2. V kaj se je Ross oblekel za Božič?
  3. Kdo ni bil nikoli poročen?
  4. Kakšne barve je bil kavč v kavarni?
  5. Kakšne barve so bila vhodna vrata od Monicinega stanovanja?
  6. Phoebe reče, da je Ross kaj od Rachel?
  7. Katero pesem je napisala Phoebe?

18 Clues: Phoebin alter egoIme Rossovega sinaIme Joeyeve agentkeIme sestri od PhoebeSlavni stavek od JoeyaA state of total awarenessKdo ni bil nikoli poročen?Kdo reče "You fell asleep!"Kako je ime opici od Rossa?Kako je ime spodnjemu sosedu?Kolikokrat je bil Ross ločen?Katero pesem je napisala Phoebe?V kaj se je Ross oblekel za Božič?...

friends 2023-01-19

friends crossword puzzle
  1. Darragh's youngest daugher
  2. preschool friend, Kolb
  3. lives next door
  4. lives three doors down
  5. your youngest cousin in calgary
  6. your oldest cousin in calgary
  7. Bennett's brother
  1. your youngest cousin in penticton
  2. best boy friend at preschool
  3. your cousin in kelowna
  4. lives in whistler
  5. your cousin who's 6 in calgary
  6. lives in penticton, mom-jessica
  7. gave you legos for bday
  8. went to her house when grace was the nanny
  9. Darragh's oldest daugher
  10. preschool friend, dad is crazyRyan
  11. your oldest cousin in penticton

18 Clues: lives next doorlives in whistlerBennett's brotheryour cousin in kelownapreschool friend, Kolblives three doors downgave you legos for bdayDarragh's oldest daugherDarragh's youngest daugherbest boy friend at preschoolyour oldest cousin in calgaryyour cousin who's 6 in calgarylives in penticton, mom-jessicayour youngest cousin in calgary...

FRIENDS 2024-01-18

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. Pet water fowl kept in Bing and Tribbiani's apartment
  2. Character with the line "Ohhhh Myyyy Goooodddd"
  3. Phoebe's famous song
  4. Ross and Rachel's daughters name
  5. _____ Bing played by Mathwe Perry
  6. Joey's agent name
  7. Ross's British girlfriend
  8. The other Buffay twin
  9. Dr. ______ Ramoray, doctor from the show "Days of Our Lives"
  1. Manager at the coffee shop
  2. Name of the coffee shop where the group hangout
  3. Rachel and Ross get married in
  4. Ross and Monica's last name
  5. Ross's pet monkey
  6. _____ Buffay
  7. _____ Tribbiani
  8. _____ Schwimmer (plays Ross)
  9. Monica's doctor boyfriend

18 Clues: _____ Buffay_____ TribbianiRoss's pet monkeyJoey's agent namePhoebe's famous songThe other Buffay twinRoss's British girlfriendMonica's doctor boyfriendManager at the coffee shopRoss and Monica's last name_____ Schwimmer (plays Ross)Rachel and Ross get married inRoss and Rachel's daughters name_____ Bing played by Mathwe Perry...

Friends 2024-11-21

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Marti è Marti senza ?
  2. Gianluca non è Gianluca senza?
  3. Lorenzo non è Lorenzo senza?
  4. Ila non è ila senza?
  5. SAMU non è Samu senza?
  6. Bea amorese non è bea amorese senza?
  7. Cristo non è cristo senza?
  8. Joa non è Joa senza?
  9. Andrea non è Andrea senza?
  10. Fra è fra senza?
  1. Marti Tarulli non è Tarulli senza?
  2. Aleferre non è ale ferre senza?
  3. Bea non è Bea senza ?
  4. Giulia non è Giulia senza?
  5. Luca non è Luca senza?
  6. Davide non è davide senza?
  7. Mati non è mati senza?
  8. Angi non è angi senza?

18 Clues: Fra è fra senza?Ila non è ila senza?Joa non è Joa senza?Marti è Marti senza ?Bea non è Bea senza ?Luca non è Luca senza?SAMU non è Samu senza?Mati non è mati senza?Angi non è angi senza?Giulia non è Giulia senza?Cristo non è cristo senza?Davide non è davide senza?Andrea non è Andrea senza?Lorenzo non è Lorenzo senza?Gianluca non è Gianluca senza?...

Friends 2021-10-13

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. many friends
  2. likes conversations
  3. negative thinking
  4. one of a kind
  5. reliable
  6. innocent
  7. does things without thinking
  8. very low tension
  9. good in school
  10. not boring
  11. thoughts on other things
  1. happy then sad then angry then calm, etc
  2. wants to improve
  3. chooses clothes well
  4. always thinks about their friends
  5. positive thinking
  6. wild
  7. high tension

18 Clues: wildreliableinnocentnot boringmany friendshigh tensionone of a kindgood in schoolwants to improvevery low tensionnegative thinkingpositive thinkinglikes conversationschooses clothes wellthoughts on other thingsdoes things without thinkingalways thinks about their friendshappy then sad then angry then calm, etc

Friends 2023-05-26

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. "my love life's ..."
  2. is a chef
  3. chewed found gum
  4. loves rachel
  5. plays the guitar
  6. the guy rachel was dating who was a creep
  7. helped a pregnant stranger
  1. when friends was on TV
  2. what rachel serves at work
  3. she's an "L.L.P."
  4. what season we are starting tonight
  5. the baby's name
  6. is a monkey
  7. a lesbian mom
  8. where ross, susan, and pheobe were stuck
  9. joey's job
  10. has a great hair cut
  11. where the friends live

18 Clues: is a chefjoey's jobis a monkeyloves rachela lesbian momthe baby's namechewed found gumplays the guitarshe's an "L.L.P.""my love life's ..."has a great hair cutwhen friends was on TVwhere the friends livewhat rachel serves at workhelped a pregnant strangerwhat season we are starting tonightwhere ross, susan, and pheobe were stuck...

Friends 2021-05-13

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. we write Haiku based
  2. we write Haiku in
  3. the opposite of sunset
  4. Juani lives in
  5. Irene's son
  6. she is from Thailand
  7. Hadi has in his yard
  8. a tree in sunset's yard
  9. she likes wine
  10. Juani likes
  1. sunset make pickles with
  2. Iku's husband like
  3. it makes by 5/7/7
  4. the numbers of senryu syllables
  5. sunset works at
  6. Irene's husband is from
  7. Iku's son
  8. summer is a

18 Clues: Iku's sonIrene's sonsummer is aJuani likesJuani lives inshe likes winesunset works atit makes by 5/7/7we write Haiku inIku's husband likewe write Haiku basedshe is from ThailandHadi has in his yardthe opposite of sunsetIrene's husband is froma tree in sunset's yardsunset make pickles withthe numbers of senryu syllables

Friends 2021-06-07

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Joey's pickup line
  2. 4757677
  3. Chandler makes jokes when he is...
  4. The messers become the ...
  5. When you're way over the line the line becomes a ... to you
  6. Smelly
  7. Phoebe doesn't even have a ...
  8. Doors only like
  1. I wish I could but...
  2. It's like a cow's opinion
  3. What is Chandlers job?
  4. What Ross is best at
  5. They were on a ...
  6. 18 pages...
  7. The colour of snow you don't eat
  8. What you need to do when carrying a sofa upstairs
  9. I bruise like a ...
  10. Janice

18 Clues: SmellyJanice475767718 pages...Doors only likeJoey's pickup lineThey were on a ...I bruise like a ...What Ross is best atI wish I could but...What is Chandlers job?It's like a cow's opinionThe messers become the ...Phoebe doesn't even have a ...The colour of snow you don't eatChandler makes jokes when he is......

Friends :) 2017-04-06

Friends :) crossword puzzle
  1. Angry Dolphin Noise
  2. Oblivious Music Master
  3. Also Hair Flipping Goals (Best friends)
  4. Music Master
  5. Singing Master
  6. Two "e"s
  7. Genius
  8. Alpaca Goddess
  9. Music Master with Great hair and style
  1. A Singing Bird
  2. Awkward Laugh
  3. Hair Flipping Goals
  4. Oblivious book murderer
  5. A mythical bird
  6. Wixom Elephant Goddess
  7. Don't forget the "h"
  9. Isiah 30:19 (The first few words)

18 Clues: GeniusBAZOOKATwo "e"sMusic MasterAwkward LaughA Singing BirdSinging MasterAlpaca GoddessA mythical birdAngry Dolphin NoiseHair Flipping GoalsDon't forget the "h"Oblivious Music MasterWixom Elephant GoddessOblivious book murdererIsiah 30:19 (The first few words)Music Master with Great hair and styleAlso Hair Flipping Goals (Best friends)

FRIENDS 2021-07-01

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. the active boy
  2. the best of grade 11
  3. is the vibration two
  4. the eater
  5. best smiler
  6. the heart of grade 11
  7. talkative
  8. is the coolest boy
  9. the kind-hearted
  1. the smartest one
  2. the studios
  3. the coolest
  4. the talkative
  5. false storyteller
  6. the lier (1000 acres)
  7. the honest one
  8. the handsome
  9. the bad joker

18 Clues: the eatertalkativethe studiosthe coolestbest smilerthe handsomethe talkativethe bad jokerthe active boythe honest onethe smartest onethe kind-heartedfalse storytelleris the coolest boythe best of grade 11is the vibration twothe lier (1000 acres)the heart of grade 11

Friends 2020-07-06

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Heiratsantrag
  2. Wo sind wir zusammengekommen
  3. Ein gemeinsames Hobby
  4. Bei welchem unserer Events waren mehr als 300 Personen
  5. Wo möchten wir unbedingt einmal hin
  6. Chaosmöhn
  7. Erster gemeinsamer Urlaub
  1. Weitestes Urlaubsziel
  2. Was haben wir gemeinsam erschaffen
  3. Was mag ich besonders an dir
  4. Unser erste gemeinsame Flugreise
  5. Was sind wir aus Leidenschaft
  6. Flitterwoche
  7. Unser Geheimcode
  8. Erstgeborene
  9. Was sind wir
  10. Unser Monat

17 Clues: ChaosmöhnUnser MonatFlitterwocheErstgeboreneWas sind wirHeiratsantragUnser GeheimcodeWeitestes UrlaubszielEin gemeinsames HobbyErster gemeinsamer UrlaubWas mag ich besonders an dirWo sind wir zusammengekommenWas sind wir aus LeidenschaftUnser erste gemeinsame FlugreiseWas haben wir gemeinsam erschaffenWo möchten wir unbedingt einmal hin...

friends 2019-03-27

friends crossword puzzle
  1. / in series ten what city does Rachel almost move to
  2. / in the one where no ones ready, what does joey stain phoebes dress with
  3. / who played Rachel green
  4. / which of Rachels sisters appears on the show first
  5. / how many towel categories does Monica have
  6. / how many babies does Phoebe give birth to
  7. / how many states does Joey think there are
  8. / what is the name of Joeys agent
  1. / who offers Rachel a job at Bloomingdales
  2. / who mugged Ross as a child
  3. / what does ross dress up as for Monica and chandlers Halloween party
  4. / what was the giant poking device made out of
  5. / what is the name of the waiter that works in central perk
  6. / what was the first gift that Phoebe got Joey to try and make Rachel move back in with her
  7. / paul is known as the what guy
  8. / what is the name of Dr. Drake. Ramoray's
  9. / what is the name of Ross's first child

17 Clues: / who played Rachel green/ who mugged Ross as a child/ paul is known as the what guy/ what is the name of Joeys agent/ what is the name of Ross's first child/ who offers Rachel a job at Bloomingdales/ what is the name of Dr. Drake. Ramoray's/ how many babies does Phoebe give birth to...

Friends 2023-07-26

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Archeologist
  2. Monica and Ross' last name
  3. Monica's biggest heartbreak
  4. The hippie
  5. Actor
  6. Joey's famous show, abbreviated
  7. Ross' first wife
  8. School where Ross is a professor
  9. Pheobe's scientist boyfriend
  10. Monica's apartment number
  1. iconic laugh
  2. Joey's Agent
  3. Pheobe's enthusiatic boyfriend, played by Alec Baldwin
  4. Coffee shop employee
  5. Fashionista
  6. Chef
  7. The funny one

17 Clues: ChefActorThe hippieFashionistaiconic laughJoey's AgentArcheologistThe funny oneRoss' first wifeCoffee shop employeeMonica's apartment numberMonica and Ross' last nameMonica's biggest heartbreakPheobe's scientist boyfriendJoey's famous show, abbreviatedSchool where Ross is a professorPheobe's enthusiatic boyfriend, played by Alec Baldwin

Friends 2024-05-02

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. A notre grand âge, cet onomatopée nous fait toujours rire
  2. Pays d'origine de Maya ( vivement qu'elle y retourne )
  3. "Winnie, ..... !"
  4. "Bon ba je garde les .... ein"
  5. Sarah
  6. Sarah : la connerie du .....
  7. Arthur est notre préféré
  8. Il est l'homme de Mélinda
  1. Redoutable boxeur australien
  2. "Un jour un ...."
  3. Dessert préféré de Maya
  4. Théophile et Julien le sont
  5. D'après Maya, le XIV de Louis XIV est dû au XIVe ......
  6. D'après Sarah, les poires en ont
  7. D'après tonton Mathieu, il est un mur
  8. Le pape d'Allemagne est le même que le pape de .....
  9. Florian quelques fois

17 Clues: Sarah"Un jour un ....""Winnie, ..... !"Florian quelques foisDessert préféré de MayaArthur est notre préféréIl est l'homme de MélindaThéophile et Julien le sontRedoutable boxeur australienSarah : la connerie du ....."Bon ba je garde les .... ein"D'après Sarah, les poires en ontD'après tonton Mathieu, il est un mur...

FRIENDS 2021-07-01

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. the honest one
  2. the best of grade 11
  3. is the coolest boy
  4. the eater
  5. the heart of grade 11
  6. the coolest
  7. the studios
  8. is the vibration two
  9. the smartest one
  1. talkative
  2. the talkative
  3. the lier (1000 acres)
  4. the handsome
  5. false storyteller
  6. best smiler
  7. the kind-hearted
  8. the bad joker
  9. the active boy

18 Clues: talkativethe eaterbest smilerthe coolestthe studiosthe handsomethe talkativethe bad jokerthe honest onethe active boythe kind-heartedthe smartest onefalse storytelleris the coolest boythe best of grade 11is the vibration twothe lier (1000 acres)the heart of grade 11

friends 2019-11-24

friends crossword puzzle
  1. plays to much fortnite
  2. matchstick
  3. his dad owns a pizza place
  4. got hit by rock under his eye
  5. on a cruise for 2 weeks
  6. ive known them my whole life
  7. an orange and black striped animal
  8. has a fringe but ties it up
  9. very small gymnast
  1. a really short 11 yr old
  2. marvel fan
  3. wears a lot of bracelets
  4. swedish and portugese
  5. russian spy
  6. close to tikka masala
  7. falls from clouds
  8. awkward

17 Clues: awkwardmarvel fanmatchstickrussian spyfalls from cloudsvery small gymnastswedish and portugeseclose to tikka masalaplays to much fortniteon a cruise for 2 weeksa really short 11 yr oldwears a lot of braceletshis dad owns a pizza placehas a fringe but ties it upive known them my whole lifegot hit by rock under his eye...

Friends 2024-12-03

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Washingtonians
  2. Gram worthy
  3. Calf
  4. Big and Tall
  5. See you at the Summit
  6. Want to see my van?
  7. What's your name?
  8. Vaccines?
  1. Eh?
  2. Small game beware
  3. Little Miss Talkative
  4. Best in Flight
  5. Best student ever
  6. Chocolate lover
  7. Let's go jets
  8. Let's go Bills
  9. Dinner Date

17 Clues: Eh?CalfVaccines?Gram worthyDinner DateBig and TallLet's go jetsBest in FlightWashingtoniansLet's go BillsChocolate loverSmall game bewareBest student everWhat's your name?Want to see my van?Little Miss TalkativeSee you at the Summit

Friends 2021-01-27

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. State east and west of Great Lakes
  2. Cake Eater
  3. Red Riding Hood
  4. Family and
  5. Biggest State
  6. Best Gated community
  7. Too quiet
  8. Land of
  9. Can't Stop Running
  1. The Peach State
  2. Do Your Job
  3. You can check out by never leave
  4. State with most volcanos
  5. Friends and
  6. Best Beer
  7. Most Shocking amongst us
  8. Warts of Vampires

17 Clues: Land ofBest BeerToo quietFamily andFriends andDo Your JobCake EaterBiggest StateThe Peach StateRed Riding HoodWarts of VampiresCan't Stop RunningBest Gated communityState with most volcanosMost Shocking amongst usYou can check out by never leaveState east and west of Great Lakes

FRIENDS 2020-05-31

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. Monica's Job
  2. Ross's Halloween Costume
  3. Chandler's Middle Name
  4. Name of the scientist guy
  5. Joey's Penguin's Name
  6. Third day?
  7. Rachel's Middle Name
  8. Phoebe and Ursula
  9. Joey doesn't share food
  1. We were on a ...
  2. coffee house (two words)
  3. Name of Ross's pet
  4. Rachel's sister
  5. He's her ...
  6. Salmon Skin Roll
  7. Phoebe's husband
  8. Joey Special Pizza

17 Clues: Third day?Monica's JobHe's her ...Rachel's sisterWe were on a ...Salmon Skin RollPhoebe's husbandPhoebe and UrsulaName of Ross's petJoey Special PizzaRachel's Middle NameJoey's Penguin's NameChandler's Middle NameJoey doesn't share foodcoffee house (two words)Ross's Halloween CostumeName of the scientist guy

Friends 2020-07-20

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. helyooooo
  2. most satisfied
  3. Set wet nahi lagane diya
  4. the cool man
  5. 15 km dur
  6. Bap ka mara
  7. Bistar pe pado hu
  8. Height par mat jana
  1. master ji
  2. Khatam singh
  3. Khali pado tho
  4. tv par dekhliyo
  5. 2009 model
  6. sab kuch janta hun
  7. Swad catcher
  8. the Only bachelor
  9. rasoi ka king

17 Clues: master jihelyooooo15 km dur2009 modelBap ka maraKhatam singhSwad catcherthe cool manrasoi ka kingKhali pado thomost satisfiedtv par dekhliyothe Only bachelorBistar pe pado husab kuch janta hunHeight par mat janaSet wet nahi lagane diya

FRIENDS 2020-10-11

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  2. What job does Susan Bunch do?
  3. Joey accidentally models as a guy with an STI. What's his name?
  5. Which aunt died when Phoebe went to the Dentist?
  6. Who did Monica have her first kiss with?
  8. what is the brand of detergent that Ross and Rachel use to wash their clothes?
  1. how many pages is the letter (front and back) which rachel writes to ross?
  3. Which aunt does cousin Cassie look like?
  4. What city does the Mama's Little Bakery cheesecake that Rachel and Chandler steal come from?
  6. What author's book does Joey get Rachel for her birthday?
  7. After reading Be Your Own Windkeeper, who does Phoebe call a leaf blower?
  8. Who tells the story about there being no hardware stores open past midnight in the Village?
  9. Which kid calls Ross a scrud?

17 Clues: What job does Susan Bunch do?Which kid calls Ross a scrud?WHAT IS JOEY'S FAVOURITE FOOD?Which aunt does cousin Cassie look like?Who did Monica have her first kiss with?Which aunt died when Phoebe went to the Dentist?JOEY HAD AN IMAGINARY CHILDHOOD FRIEND. HIS NAME WAS...What author's book does Joey get Rachel for her birthday?...

Friends 2021-12-01

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Which character famously said, “PIVOT?”
  2. True or False - Rachel kisses every Friends member?
  3. Phoebe has triplets for who?
  4. Who does Phoebe marry?
  5. Who worked in coffee shop and had a secret love for Rachel?
  6. What is Rachel’s favorite flower?
  7. Who says "How you doing?"
  1. Who got a small tattoo of a heart in the show?
  2. What is Joey’s favorite food?
  3. What holiday does Chandler hate?
  4. What color is Monica’s apartment?
  5. What was the name of Ross’ pet monkey?
  6. What is Chandlers last name?
  7. What is the name of Joey’s stuffed penguin?
  8. How many times does Ross get divorced?
  9. According to Monica, a woman has how many erogenous zones?
  10. Which Friend didn’t go to London for Ross’ wedding?

17 Clues: Who does Phoebe marry?Who says "How you doing?"What is Chandlers last name?Phoebe has triplets for who?What is Joey’s favorite food?What holiday does Chandler hate?What color is Monica’s apartment?What is Rachel’s favorite flower?What was the name of Ross’ pet monkey?How many times does Ross get divorced?Which character famously said, “PIVOT?”...

friends 2024-04-30

friends crossword puzzle
  1. приємний
  2. чесний
  3. дратуючий
  4. дешевий
  5. розумний
  6. комунікабельний
  7. злий
  8. нервовий
  1. талановитий
  2. доброзичливий
  3. дружба
  4. надійний
  5. розумний
  6. звички
  7. дурненький
  8. впевнений
  9. добрий
  10. удачливий

18 Clues: злийдружбачеснийзвичкидобрийдешевийприємнийнадійнийрозумнийрозумнийнервовийдратуючийвпевненийудачливийдурненькийталановитийдоброзичливийкомунікабельний

Friends 2024-06-18

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. you doin'? (Joey's signature pick-up line)
  2. (Phoebe's metaphor for soulmates)
  3. Geller Cup (Annual trivia competition)
  4. Moist Maker (Monica's Thanksgiving turkey recipe)
  5. (Rachel's made-up word for Chandler's job)
  6. (Iconic furniture moving scene)
  7. (Ross's made-up self-defense concept)
  8. (Joey's signature expression of concern)
  9. I BE wearing any more clothes? (Chandler's sarcastic line)
  10. were on a break! (Ross's relationship justification)
  1. Zone (Romantic one-sided relationship)
  2. Routine (Monica and Ross's childhood dance)
  3. (Pointless discussion, often used by Chandler)
  4. Perk (The gang's favorite coffeehouse)
  5. Cat (Phoebe's quirky song)
  6. One With... (Episode title format)
  7. (Intensified version of "Pivot")
  8. Seven! Seven! (Monica's apartment number)
  9. Maker (Monica's Thanksgiving turkey trick)
  10. (Phoebe's bone-related alias)

20 Clues: Cat (Phoebe's quirky song)(Phoebe's bone-related alias)(Iconic furniture moving scene)(Intensified version of "Pivot")(Phoebe's metaphor for soulmates)One With... (Episode title format)(Ross's made-up self-defense concept)Zone (Romantic one-sided relationship)Perk (The gang's favorite coffeehouse)Geller Cup (Annual trivia competition)...

friends 2024-09-05

friends crossword puzzle
  1. Mia
  2. savanna
  3. Isabel
  4. Eden
  5. Genna
  6. Avery
  7. Mariah
  8. Amber
  9. Maddy
  1. Martha
  2. Noelle
  3. Stina
  4. Evelyn
  5. Bekah
  6. Garrett
  7. Addie
  8. Maci

17 Clues: MiaEdenMaciStinaBekahGennaAveryAddieAmberMaddyMarthaNoelleEvelynIsabelMariahsavannaGarrett

friends 2021-12-08

friends crossword puzzle
  1. likes men
  2. good at drawing and allways violates dress code
  3. if i did not add you and you are my friend sorry key word sorry
  4. likes wolfs and miraculus
  5. sometimes mean and sometimes nice also plays alot of bit life
  6. quiet kid
  7. wants to burn the world down to an ash
  1. my kwami only lylah will know
  2. realy likes bikes
  3. one of my best friends they are trans
  4. kinda chonkey but can lifl a lot of weight
  5. realy good at drawing and likes cats
  6. really realy sus
  7. kinda sus but a good friend
  8. quiet at schhool but when she gets home she talks alot
  9. curly haired frog

16 Clues: likes menquiet kidreally realy susrealy likes bikescurly haired froglikes wolfs and miraculuskinda sus but a good friendmy kwami only lylah will knowrealy good at drawing and likes catsone of my best friends they are transwants to burn the world down to an ashkinda chonkey but can lifl a lot of weightgood at drawing and allways violates dress code...

FRIENDS 2020-06-03

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Large marsupial
  3. Has a trunk
  4. Man's best friend
  5. Her wedding gama3na
  6. 7oot el maths
  7. our best principal
  8. Bonjouuur
  1. Maitron lost her son
  2. Guten morgen
  3. eh ya bashmohandes
  4. Mesh 3arfa fen sha3ro
  5. A7san 3arabi momken tesma3oh
  6. Inshalla homa
  7. Aywa aywa
  8. Flying mammal

16 Clues: Aywa aywaBonjouuurHas a trunkGuten morgenInshalla homa7oot el mathsFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendeh ya bashmohandesour best principalLikes to chase miceHer wedding gama3naMaitron lost her sonMesh 3arfa fen sha3roA7san 3arabi momken tesma3oh

Friends 2014-12-23

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 12
  3. 2
  4. 11
  5. 16
  6. 10
  7. 4
  8. 13
  9. 3
  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 14
  4. 5
  5. 9
  6. 1
  7. 15

16 Clues: 76285941312141116101315

Friends 2020-05-12

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Feelings can change if I change what I .....
  2. Doing something even though I am nervous about it.
  3. When I do nice things for other people.
  4. I say ..... to people when I meet them.
  5. Feelings .... and go.
  6. One way of showing people that I am friendly.
  7. People can believe what I say.
  8. I like to have ... with my friends.
  9. Getting ..... usually doesn't help me in my friendships.
  1. When other people talk I ......
  2. When we mix up what people mean.
  3. I am a .... person
  4. I can stay .... even when I don't get what I want.
  5. Sometimes I don't .... why I feel this way.
  6. When we both want something maybe we could ..... it.
  7. Most people are ....

16 Clues: I am a .... personMost people are ....Feelings .... and go.People can believe what I say.When other people talk I ......When we mix up what people mean.I like to have ... with my friends.When I do nice things for other people.I say ..... to people when I meet them.Sometimes I don't .... why I feel this way....

Friends 2021-02-10

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. to think about problems or unpleasant things that might happen in a way that makes you feel unhappy and frightened
  2. peaceful, quiet, and without worry
  3. something that has never been made before
  4. to speak about something quickly, giving little detail or using few words
  5. giving help or support, especially to a more important person or thing
  6. boss
  7. a person that you have met but do not know well
  8. to move your head down and then up, sometimes several times, especially to show agreement, approval, or greeting
  1. happening because of good luck
  2. someone you do not know
  3. the woman who is married to someone's father but who is not their real mother
  4. a space in the wall of a room for a fire to burn in
  5. someone who is in the same class as you at school
  6. something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it
  7. the feeling of being happy
  8. to cook food (meat, vegetables) in an oven

16 Clues: bosssomeone you do not knowthe feeling of being happyhappening because of good luckpeaceful, quiet, and without worrysomething that has never been made beforeto cook food (meat, vegetables) in an ovena person that you have met but do not know wellsomeone who is in the same class as you at schoola space in the wall of a room for a fire to burn in...

friends 2021-09-01

friends crossword puzzle
  1. who?
  2. beiber fever
  3. altkey
  4. tote bag
  5. atlas
  6. en francais?
  7. baller
  8. I'm from new jersey
  1. allergic to everything
  2. the +1
  3. outdoorsy christian
  4. mom
  5. really sexy and cool
  6. chlamydia?
  7. ariana fiend
  8. horse girl

16 Clues: momwho?atlasthe +1altkeyballertote bagchlamydia?horse girlbeiber feverariana fienden francais?outdoorsy christianI'm from new jerseyreally sexy and coolallergic to everything

Friends 2022-04-30

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Extinct Bird
  2. can be pic-y
  3. Jennifer is fluent in this
  4. Lisa’s is Titanium
  5. Jopo, in recent years
  6. “key” to Poapst fun time
  7. dome Legendary dwelling
  8. 7th oldest Grosvenor man
  1. Euchre king
  2. Fun night out
  3. not well
  4. Jennifer ex
  5. Lisa’s second name
  6. She’s crafty
  7. Garden tool
  8. Tim Lee “No problem. I own this ____.”

16 Clues: not wellEuchre kingJennifer exGarden toolExtinct Birdcan be pic-yShe’s craftyFun night outLisa’s second nameLisa’s is TitaniumJopo, in recent yearsdome Legendary dwelling“key” to Poapst fun time7th oldest Grosvenor manJennifer is fluent in thisTim Lee “No problem. I own this ____.”

Friends 2022-06-07

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. somehow has a boyfriend
  2. Lice
  4. Gay Neighbor
  5. Levi shrine
  6. S+Z
  7. emo and gay
  1. Bunny lord
  2. tina tin head
  3. Levi Akermen
  4. Chicken Nugget
  5. The moon
  6. the herb
  7. best friends with kylie
  8. beanie
  9. Derek

16 Clues: S+ZLiceDerekbeanieThe moonthe herbBunny lordLOVES MONEYLevi shrineemo and gayLevi AkermenGay Neighbortina tin headChicken Nuggetsomehow has a boyfriendbest friends with kylie

Friends 2024-02-28

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. A masseuse and a singer of "Smelly Cat"
  2. Ross's sister and a chef
  3. Rachel's on-and-off boyfriend and Ben's father
  4. Joey's roommate and Monica's husband
  5. Monica's ex-boyfriend who is an eye doctor
  6. An actor who loves food and women
  7. The manager of Central Perk who has a crush on Rachel
  1. Joey's agent who smokes a lot
  2. Chandler's ex-girlfriend with a distinctive laugh
  3. Rachel and Ross's daughter
  4. Ross and Carol's son
  5. Ross's ex-wife who married Susan
  6. Carol's wife and Ben's stepmother
  7. Monica's best friend and a fashion enthusiast
  8. Frank's wife and a former teacher
  9. Phoebe's half-brother who married Alice

16 Clues: Ross and Carol's sonRoss's sister and a chefRachel and Ross's daughterJoey's agent who smokes a lotRoss's ex-wife who married SusanCarol's wife and Ben's stepmotherFrank's wife and a former teacherAn actor who loves food and womenJoey's roommate and Monica's husbandA masseuse and a singer of "Smelly Cat"Phoebe's half-brother who married Alice...

Friends 2024-03-09

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. dhdjd
  2. jdjdjd
  3. hdjd
  4. new
  5. gshd
  6. hdud
  7. old
  8. ufjdk
  9. khfie
  1. jzdjd
  2. gobindgarh
  3. hsjdj
  4. jdudj
  5. id8dkcjf
  6. jekd
  7. Uejrjd
  8. uridifk

17 Clues: newoldhdjdjekdgshdhdudjzdjddhdjdhsjdjjdudjufjdkkhfiejdjdjdUejrjduridifkid8dkcjfgobindgarh

Friends 2021-05-10

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Kaj je dobila Phoebe od pokojne babice?
  2. Slavni stavek od Rossa je?
  3. Kako se je imenoval lik, ki ga je igral Joey v znani seriji?
  4. Kako je bilo ime Joeyjevi hot cimri?
  5. Kje je delala ta punca s katero je Ross prevaral rachel? V ....
  6. Kaj dela Phoebe čudno in je potem Rachel nerodno?
  7. Kako je bilo ime hišniku?
  8. Kako je bilo ime Phoebijenem bratu?
  9. Od koga je dobil Ross stanovanje nasproti Monicinega?
  10. Kako je bilo ime precej mlajšemu fantu od Rachel?
  1. Kako je bilo ime Monicinemu precej starejšemu fantu?
  2. Kaj je bil gay mož od Phoebe po poklicu?
  3. Kako je bilo ime igralki v katero se je Joey zaljubil?
  4. Na kater komad sta plesala Joey in hišnik ?
  5. Koliko sester ima Joey?
  6. Kako je bilo ime blond natakarju v Centralperk?

16 Clues: Koliko sester ima Joey?Kako je bilo ime hišniku?Slavni stavek od Rossa je?Kako je bilo ime Phoebijenem bratu?Kako je bilo ime Joeyjevi hot cimri?Kaj je dobila Phoebe od pokojne babice?Kaj je bil gay mož od Phoebe po poklicu?Na kater komad sta plesala Joey in hišnik ?Kako je bilo ime blond natakarju v Centralperk?...

Friends 2021-12-23

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Caroline's star sign
  2. Al & Jonny's surname
  3. Village where Pauline & Peter live
  4. One of the Hill children
  5. Surname of Rebecca's Joe
  6. Where Sophie K went to uni
  7. School of music where Al & Jonny met
  1. Name of the road Mandy & David live on
  2. Rebecca's school
  3. City where Alex K did his first marathon
  4. Where Lucy A went to uni
  5. Dad's old school friend who lives in America
  6. Parish of John K's church
  7. Former Barn End residents
  8. Month of John K's birth
  9. Month of Philippa & John's anniversary

16 Clues: Rebecca's schoolCaroline's star signAl & Jonny's surnameMonth of John K's birthWhere Lucy A went to uniOne of the Hill childrenSurname of Rebecca's JoeParish of John K's churchFormer Barn End residentsWhere Sophie K went to uniVillage where Pauline & Peter liveSchool of music where Al & Jonny metName of the road Mandy & David live on...

Friends! 2023-09-26

Friends! crossword puzzle
  1. Where Morgann goes to school
  2. What Swifties and Morgann have in common
  3. Middle initial of KGU, what you do before dinner
  4. An ingredient in a dirty martini
  5. A thing you do with a car and where you can find Chad
  6. Shane’s dream job
  7. Da machine Collin works with
  1. Birth month of tallest person here
  2. a name shared by Joe and Chad
  3. Shane’s body cam
  4. Joes hobby
  5. ____craft, a game played by Collin
  6. A homonym to Pam’s husband and where you can find Jesse
  7. a name shared by Morgan’s horse and Collin
  8. The color of Jesses Guitar
  9. Shanes password

16 Clues: Joes hobbyShanes passwordShane’s body camShane’s dream jobThe color of Jesses GuitarWhere Morgann goes to schoolDa machine Collin works witha name shared by Joe and ChadAn ingredient in a dirty martiniBirth month of tallest person here____craft, a game played by CollinWhat Swifties and Morgann have in common...

Friends 2024-12-02

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. sky
  2. signaturescent
  3. Artist
  4. thefav
  5. hater
  6. Whosabum
  7. zodiacsign
  8. Anotherwordforfall
  9. Describingwordforfriend
  1. otherfav
  2. teacher
  3. Eyecolour
  4. hystericalbird
  5. Supercool
  6. favcolour
  7. youresuchabackstabber

16 Clues: skyhaterArtistthefavteacherotherfavWhosabumEyecolourSupercoolfavcolourzodiacsignsignaturescenthystericalbirdAnotherwordforfallyouresuchabackstabberDescribingwordforfriend

Friends 2023-03-25

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Lost her drink bottle
  2. How’s Bean getting there?
  3. My lover lives in Hummocks Hill
  4. Why you would want Se One in time of need
  5. Make it your own
  6. Testudine emotion
  7. Qualified dumpling
  8. Sam’s claim to fame
  1. Special for Pearl
  2. Activ8 mind
  3. Pearl’s boy
  4. Sits on the phone
  5. Source of light in Aidan’s life
  6. H.M. bug charade
  7. Palm oil mafia
  8. Broad, climbing, dwarf

16 Clues: Activ8 mindPearl’s boyPalm oil mafiaH.M. bug charadeMake it your ownSpecial for PearlSits on the phoneTestudine emotionQualified dumplingSam’s claim to fameLost her drink bottleBroad, climbing, dwarfHow’s Bean getting there?Source of light in Aidan’s lifeMy lover lives in Hummocks HillWhy you would want Se One in time of need

friends 2024-09-06

friends crossword puzzle
  1. half swedish
  2. who rosa thought charlie grimstone was
  3. army boyfriend
  4. talented at getting kicked out of the roxy
  5. likes snakes n stuff
  6. climber boyfriend
  7. pryzm kingston light up dance floor
  8. had a big fall
  9. tom’s irish pal
  1. tash’s opp
  2. fuckboy swiftie
  3. foursome candidates for esmee and amy
  4. boyfriend from down under
  5. charlie’s opp
  6. ex bestie
  7. loathes working at disney

16 Clues: ex bestietash’s opphalf swedishcharlie’s opparmy boyfriendhad a big fallfuckboy swiftietom’s irish palclimber boyfriendlikes snakes n stuffboyfriend from down underloathes working at disneypryzm kingston light up dance floorfoursome candidates for esmee and amywho rosa thought charlie grimstone wastalented at getting kicked out of the roxy

Friends 2024-07-26

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Chandler's annoying ex-girlfriend.
  2. Joey's agent.
  3. The coffee shop where the friends hang out.
  4. Monica's high school boyfriend.
  5. The scientist Ross dates.
  6. The name of Ross and Rachel's daughter.
  7. Joey's stuffed penguin.
  8. The comedian who plays Chandler.
  9. Monica and Chandler's adopted son.
  1. Phoebe's half-brother.
  2. Ross's son with Carol.
  3. Phoebe's twin sister.
  4. Ross's second wife.
  5. The soap opera Joey stars in.
  6. Phoebe's adoptive mother.
  7. Chandler's middle name.
  8. Monica and Ross's father.

17 Clues: Joey's agent.Ross's second wife.Phoebe's twin sister.Phoebe's half-brother.Ross's son with Carol.Chandler's middle name.Joey's stuffed penguin.Phoebe's adoptive mother.The scientist Ross dates.Monica and Ross's father.The soap opera Joey stars in.Monica's high school boyfriend.The comedian who plays Chandler.Chandler's annoying ex-girlfriend....

Friends *-_-* 2021-02-03

Friends *-_-* crossword puzzle
  1. thakur big child
  2. appa small child
  3. Shukla big child
  4. kapre child
  5. Vaibhav small child
  6. gajare big child
  7. appa big child
  8. mahadik small child
  9. vaibhav big child
  1. Shukla small child
  2. omprakash child
  3. aboli small child
  4. mahadik big child
  5. thakur small child
  6. devare child
  7. Aboli big child
  8. gajare small child
  9. sujata child

18 Clues: kapre childdevare childsujata childappa big childomprakash childAboli big childthakur big childappa small childShukla big childgajare big childaboli small childmahadik big childvaibhav big childShukla small childthakur small childgajare small childVaibhav small childmahadik small child

FRIENDS 2020-10-21

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. He loves his sweet dog Holly
  2. She makes sure we get our medicine everyday
  3. He loves to talk along with CNN10
  4. She loves Diet Coke
  5. He speaks English and Spanish
  6. She spits her food and laughs
  7. She has the best backpack in the world
  1. She fires everyone
  2. She gets to see her son at work everyday
  3. He loves to look at his pretty, colorful lights
  4. She helps us in Work Based Learning
  5. She loves the Grinch
  6. It is where we come everyday to learn
  7. She loves to be friends with everyone
  8. She brings Carly to see Nurse Heidi everyday
  9. He likes to sleep in school

16 Clues: She fires everyoneShe loves Diet CokeShe loves the GrinchHe likes to sleep in schoolHe loves his sweet dog HollyHe speaks English and SpanishShe spits her food and laughsHe loves to talk along with CNN10She helps us in Work Based LearningIt is where we come everyday to learnShe loves to be friends with everyoneShe has the best backpack in the world...

Friends 2021-05-10

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Kaj je dobila Phoebe od pokojne babice?
  2. Slavni stavek od Rossa je?
  3. Kako se je imenoval lik, ki ga je igral Joey v znani seriji?
  4. Kako je bilo ime Joeyjevi hot cimri?
  5. Kje je delala ta punca s katero je Ross prevaral rachel? V ....
  6. Kaj dela Phoebe čudno in je potem Rachel nerodno?
  7. Kako je bilo ime hišniku?
  8. Kako je bilo ime Phoebijenem bratu?
  9. Od koga je dobil Ross stanovanje nasproti Monicinega?
  10. Kako je bilo ime precej mlajšemu fantu od Rachel?
  1. Kako je bilo ime Monicinemu precej starejšemu fantu?
  2. Kaj je bil gay mož od phoebe po poklicu?
  3. Kako je bilo ime igralki v katero se je Joey zaljubil?
  4. Na kater komad sta plesala Joey in hišnik ?
  5. Koliko sester ima Joey?
  6. Kako je bilo ime blond natakarju v Centralperk?

16 Clues: Koliko sester ima Joey?Kako je bilo ime hišniku?Slavni stavek od Rossa je?Kako je bilo ime Phoebijenem bratu?Kako je bilo ime Joeyjevi hot cimri?Kaj je dobila Phoebe od pokojne babice?Kaj je bil gay mož od phoebe po poklicu?Na kater komad sta plesala Joey in hišnik ?Kako je bilo ime blond natakarju v Centralperk?...

friends 2022-01-21

friends crossword puzzle
  1. one a day for teacher
  2. please, no moles wanted
  3. the boy stood on a burning one
  4. S.E coast transferred to N. shore
  5. norwegian background
  6. not the flying type
  7. cold season
  8. also in New Jersey
  1. monologue lover
  2. nightly distaction
  3. roman's salary
  4. always in pairs
  5. gaelic speaker
  6. summer delight
  7. double-dutch
  8. chipmunk catcher

16 Clues: cold seasondouble-dutchroman's salarygaelic speakersummer delightmonologue loveralways in pairschipmunk catchernightly distactionalso in New Jerseynot the flying typenorwegian backgroundone a day for teacherplease, no moles wantedthe boy stood on a burning oneS.E coast transferred to N. shore

Friends 2024-11-25

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. raadio
  2. fotograaf
  3. väljendama
  4. veski
  5. mängur
  6. vahele jätmine
  7. ebaaus
  8. savi
  1. detail
  2. õmbleja
  3. karate
  4. keraamika
  5. realism
  6. andekas
  7. jääsakas
  8. aeroobika

16 Clues: saviveskiraadiodetailkaratemängurebaausõmblejarealismandekasjääsakaskeraamikafotograafaeroobikaväljendamavahele jätmine

Friends 2016-01-15

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. naikwade
  2. dhoke
  3. kanchan
  4. patil
  5. chincholkar
  6. damkondwar
  7. mungal
  8. mare
  1. dharnikotha
  2. deshmane
  3. bhure
  4. sonkul
  5. nijwante
  6. patil
  7. jaishetwar
  8. pawar

16 Clues: marebhuredhokepatilpatilpawarsonkulmungalkanchannaikwadedeshmanenijwantejaishetwardamkondwardharnikothachincholkar

FRIENDS 2023-09-15

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. Ross and Monica’s mother
  2. what store does Phoebe hate (2words)
  3. who pees on Monica
  4. how many times did Ross get divorced
  5. what does Racheal think chandler job is.
  6. phoebes scientist boyfriend David worked in what city
  1. What form of self-defense does Ross try to teach Rachel and Phoebe?
  2. phoebe tried to teach joey what language
  3. Ross and Monica’s father
  4. occupation of Rachael’s ex Barry
  5. joeys agent
  6. name of phoebes twin
  7. Monica categorises her towels into how many categories
  8. who was the made of honour of Monica’s wedding
  9. how many sisters does joey have

15 Clues: joeys agentwho pees on Monicaname of phoebes twinRoss and Monica’s motherRoss and Monica’s fatherhow many sisters does joey haveoccupation of Rachael’s ex Barrywhat store does Phoebe hate (2words)how many times did Ross get divorcedphoebe tried to teach joey what languagewhat does Racheal think chandler job is....

Friends 2024-05-08

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Water Parks
  2. Name on the groupchat
  3. Loves Billie Eillish
  4. also a superhero
  5. Always cusses during games
  6. a superhero
  7. Loves F1
  1. a sidekick
  2. also on the group chat
  3. Love Sunny D
  4. loves her Nintendo Switch
  5. He has red hair
  6. Won't say anything but will judge you
  7. the school we all go to
  8. Always drawing on their phone

15 Clues: Loves F1a sidekickWater Parksa superheroLove Sunny DHe has red hairalso a superheroLoves Billie EillishName on the groupchatalso on the group chatthe school we all go toloves her Nintendo SwitchAlways cusses during gamesAlways drawing on their phoneWon't say anything but will judge you

friends 2024-02-27

friends crossword puzzle
  1. Word to refer to the person's feelings
  2. when they do things out of the ordinary
  3. when you miss someone
  4. Something you do with your friends when you travel
  5. season of the year where friends have the most fun
  6. something friends do to you to keep a memory
  7. you show your appreciation to that friendship
  8. word to refer to someone who is with you through thick and thin.
  1. place where you go with your friends to have fun and dance
  2. something women friends do all night
  3. questions to ask yourself to know what you are doing
  4. something that is done when you are in a car
  5. Something you ask yourself when greeting.
  6. something you see with your friends in the sky at night
  7. how does your friend say to the lady who gave him life?

15 Clues: when you miss someonesomething women friends do all nightWord to refer to the person's feelingswhen they do things out of the ordinarySomething you ask yourself when greeting.something that is done when you are in a carsomething friends do to you to keep a memoryyou show your appreciation to that friendship...

Friends 2024-09-23

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Maxwell
  2. Jonah
  3. Madison
  4. Violet
  5. Coleman
  6. Michael
  7. Lily
  1. Ana
  2. LucaL
  3. Ian
  4. Olivia
  5. Riann
  6. LucaR
  7. Emily
  8. Devin

15 Clues: AnaIanLilyLucaLJonahRiannLucaREmilyDevinOliviaVioletMaxwellMadisonColemanMichael

friends 2024-10-26

friends crossword puzzle
  1. Our favorite in-school lunch spot
  2. Turns out sneakers are WAY better than heels for dancing
  3. Zoe's Bday
  4. Brielle's Fav color
  5. Margeax's Bday
  6. The last four years before we move away
  7. From pink drinks to pumpkin lattes
  8. Could we ask for a better hostess?
  9. Zoe's fav color
  1. What year do we graduate?
  2. Margeax's fav color
  3. Purple loving, soccer playing, movie making
  4. A croissant is not enough for lunch...
  5. Me :)
  6. Noora's fav color

15 Clues: Me :)Zoe's BdayMargeax's BdayZoe's fav colorNoora's fav colorMargeax's fav colorBrielle's Fav colorWhat year do we graduate?Our favorite in-school lunch spotFrom pink drinks to pumpkin lattesCould we ask for a better hostess?A croissant is not enough for lunch...The last four years before we move awayPurple loving, soccer playing, movie making...

Friends 2019-01-08

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. kahtlus, kahtlema
  2. mängur
  3. närviliselt
  4. turske, tugev
  5. nooruk
  6. andekas
  7. tajuma
  1. jagu saama
  2. nähvama
  3. põrnitsema, kulmu kortsutama
  4. tähtsus
  5. õmbleja
  6. pätt
  7. hellalt
  8. hämmastama, üllatama

15 Clues: pättmängurnooruktajumanähvamatähtsusõmblejahellaltandekasjagu saamanärviliseltturske, tugevkahtlus, kahtlemahämmastama, üllatamapõrnitsema, kulmu kortsutama

Friends 2022-12-06

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. he plays air piano
  2. bartender in love with Rachel.
  3. a potato with arms and legs and a head
  4. from the one where Ross can't flirt
  5. he rocked a mustache
  6. could i BE any funnier
  7. the girl from the xerox place.
  8. shot a bird
  1. she shaved her head
  2. oh. my. god.
  3. Phoebe's alter ego.
  4. he's her lobster
  5. Joey's alter ego.
  6. an attractive paleontology professor
  7. the littlest Geller

15 Clues: shot a birdoh. my. god.he's her lobsterJoey's alter ego.he plays air pianoshe shaved her headPhoebe's alter ego.the littlest Gellerhe rocked a mustachecould i BE any funnierbartender in love with Rachel.the girl from the xerox place.from the one where Ross can't flirtan attractive paleontology professora potato with arms and legs and a head

friends 2017-03-01

friends crossword puzzle
  1. blue hair 1/2 of twins
  2. adidas all day every day
  3. calummm
  4. gossip girl xoxo
  5. pass the weed
  6. are you german?
  7. cleopatra's soulmate
  1. what a gem!
  2. nsdly
  3. so many children
  4. harry styles?
  5. picked a peck of..
  6. where'd she go?
  7. band shirts and glases 1/2 of twins
  8. dymond

15 Clues: nsdlydymondcalummmwhat a gem!harry styles?pass the weedwhere'd she go?are you german?so many childrengossip girl xoxopicked a peck of..cleopatra's soulmateblue hair 1/2 of twinsadidas all day every dayband shirts and glases 1/2 of twins

Friends 2018-11-28

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. kiindunud
  2. kaks korda nädalas
  3. heli
  4. ilutulestik
  5. pael
  6. nautima
  7. sama vana kui
  8. jääma,viibima
  1. sõbrapael
  2. treenima
  3. mõnikord
  4. klubi
  5. alati
  6. vali
  7. kuri,vihane

15 Clues: helipaelvaliklubialatinautimatreenimamõnikordkiindunudsõbrapaelilutulestikkuri,vihanesama vana kuijääma,viibimakaks korda nädalas

Friends 2023-06-21

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. A companion who shares a common goal or interest with you.
  2. A friend with whom you play and have fun.
  3. Someone who lives near you and can become a friend.
  4. A trusted friend with whom you can share your secrets.
  5. A fellow student in the same class or school.
  6. A person you know, but not as well as a close friend.
  7. A friend who you do activities with and have fun together.
  1. A loyal friend who accompanies and supports you in adventures.
  2. A person you like and enjoy spending time with.
  3. Someone who accompanies you and provides company.
  4. A friend who you share interests and experiences with.
  5. A close friend with whom you have a special bond.
  6. A trusted friend who you have a close relationship with.
  7. A person you work or study with, who can also be a friend.
  8. Someone who supports and helps you in various situations.

15 Clues: A friend with whom you play and have fun.A fellow student in the same class or school.A person you like and enjoy spending time with.Someone who accompanies you and provides company.A close friend with whom you have a special bond.Someone who lives near you and can become a friend.A person you know, but not as well as a close friend....

Friends 2023-06-07

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish techer
  2. gymnastics smart -by manuela
  3. Rohan’s nickname
  4. basketball tennis
  5. woof woof
  6. asdfmovie addict
  7. *shakes head*
  1. adorable salamander
  2. nice pasta
  3. pikaaaaaaaachuuuuuuuuuu football
  4. dog, I hate sushi
  5. sushi lover and somehow Japanese
  6. sports addict
  7. Aqua axolotl
  8. Rohan’s other nickname

15 Clues: woof woofnice pastaAqua axolotlsports addict*shakes head*Spanish techerRohan’s nicknameasdfmovie addictdog, I hate sushibasketball tennisadorable salamanderRohan’s other nicknamegymnastics smart -by manuelapikaaaaaaaachuuuuuuuuuu footballsushi lover and somehow Japanese

Friends 2023-11-21

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Où s'en va Marcel ?
  2. Goodbye Chandler ? Bing
  3. Cheffe, oui cheffe ! Du déjà vu dans sa cuisine...
  4. Rachel's childhood dog
  5. BD d'un ado paléo mégalo
  6. Co-créatrice de la série
  7. Son prix n'a d'égal que La Fontaine
  8. Lieu où se trouve Alice à la naissance des triplés
  1. "Je te prends, Rachel" (Nom de l'actrice humiliée dans cette scène...)
  2. La platine de tes rêves
  3. Recette sucrée aux petits oignons
  4. R et R faisaient-ils un break ?
  5. "OH MY GOD", Pour éviter de rompre, Chandler dit être muté au...
  6. Cadeau inestimable de Joey à Cathie
  7. Smith (ou Pitt dans la série)

15 Clues: Où s'en va Marcel ?Rachel's childhood dogGoodbye Chandler ? BingLa platine de tes rêvesBD d'un ado paléo mégaloCo-créatrice de la sérieSmith (ou Pitt dans la série)R et R faisaient-ils un break ?Recette sucrée aux petits oignonsCadeau inestimable de Joey à CathieSon prix n'a d'égal que La FontaineCheffe, oui cheffe ! Du déjà vu dans sa cuisine......

Friends 2024-02-29

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. The state of being with someone as a companion or friend, providing comfort, camaraderie, and social interaction, often involving shared activities, conversations, and experiences that foster a sense of belonging and connection.
  2. Enjoyment, amusement, and pleasure derived from engaging in entertaining or enjoyable activities with friends, such as games, outings, parties, or adventures, fostering laughter, relaxation, and positive experiences.
  3. Exciting and novel experiences or activities undertaken with friends, involving exploration, risk-taking, and discovery, fostering camaraderie, shared memories, and bonds through shared challenges and exhilarating moments.
  4. A close and mutual relationship between two or more people based on trust, affection, loyalty, and shared interests or experiences, characterized by empathy, support, and companionship, and often lasting for years or even a lifetime.
  5. The act of embracing and valuing someone for who they are, without judgment or criticism, fostering a sense of belonging, security, and trust in friendships by allowing individuals to be their authentic selves.
  6. The expression of amusement, joy, or mirth through vocal sounds and facial expressions, serving as a universal language of connection and bonding in friendships, promoting happiness, relaxation, and stress relief.
  7. Confidence, reliance, and belief in the integrity, honesty, and reliability of someone, allowing for openness, vulnerability, and mutual respect in relationships such as friendships, built over time through consistency and shared experiences.
  8. The process of forming close and enduring connections with others through shared experiences, activities, or interests, strengthening friendships by fostering trust, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging.
  1. Compassion, generosity, and goodwill shown towards others, enhancing friendships through acts of thoughtfulness, empathy, and consideration, such as lending a helping hand, offering compliments, or expressing gratitude.
  2. The exchange of thoughts, ideas, and information between individuals or groups, essential for building and maintaining friendships through verbal and nonverbal means such as conversation, listening, body language, and gestures.
  3. Empathy, compassion, and insight into the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of others, fostering meaningful connections and communication in friendships by acknowledging differences, validating emotions, and offering support.
  4. Assistance, encouragement, and backing provided to someone in times of need, adversity, or challenge, demonstrating care, empathy, and solidarity in friendships through listening, advice, and practical help.
  5. The ability to understand and share the feelings, perspectives, and experiences of others, promoting emotional connection, rapport, and mutual support in friendships by validating emotions, offering comfort, and showing understanding.
  6. Recollections of past experiences, events, or moments shared with friends, forming a shared history and strengthening bonds through nostalgia, storytelling, and reminiscing about meaningful or humorous incidents.
  7. Faithfulness, commitment, and allegiance to someone or something, such as friends, family, or principles, demonstrated through steadfast support, honesty, and reliability, even in challenging or difficult situations.

15 Clues: The process of forming close and enduring connections with others through shared experiences, activities, or interests, strengthening friendships by fostering trust, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging....

Friends 2020-04-11

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. In bullies episode what did Chandler suggest calling to see who it came to first
  2. what did Chandler trip over when chasing thieves
  3. name of mugger Phoebe knows
  4. Girl who punches Joey
  5. aunt who kisses Ross on lips
  6. Professor allergic time nuts
  7. Chip’s surname
  1. Chandlers mom first name
  2. Estelle’s other client
  3. girl who shaved head
  4. Rachel’s dog
  5. Rachel’s boss
  6. The one where Heckles xxxx
  7. shape of arbies in massapequa
  8. Ross’s mom’s first name

15 Clues: Rachel’s dogRachel’s bossChip’s surnamegirl who shaved headGirl who punches JoeyEstelle’s other clientRoss’s mom’s first nameChandlers mom first nameThe one where Heckles xxxxname of mugger Phoebe knowsaunt who kisses Ross on lipsProfessor allergic time nutsshape of arbies in massapequawhat did Chandler trip over when chasing thieves...

Friends 2021-09-30

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. best childhood friend
  2. the younger of the Flying ___ Brothers
  3. other words for friends
  4. imaginary friend (?sp)
  5. my terrorizing guard
  6. what Phoebe might have for dinner (?sp)
  7. i love you mom. You remind me of ___
  1. Westley's true love
  2. words for friends
  3. years Friends were together
  4. a day is not complete without
  5. best in show, but maybe 2nd best in your show
  6. BFF
  7. Courtney's bro
  8. Vinny's cousin

15 Clues: BFFCourtney's broVinny's cousinwords for friendsWestley's true lovemy terrorizing guardbest childhood friendimaginary friend (?sp)other words for friendsyears Friends were togethera day is not complete withouti love you mom. You remind me of ___the younger of the Flying ___ Brotherswhat Phoebe might have for dinner (?sp)...

Friends 2021-02-26

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. a synonym for huge
  2. one thing that is excluded
  3. being very friendly and mix easily with people
  4. to test something
  5. from a different place, not local
  6. to get approval
  7. the opposite of small
  8. a belief you have
  1. she cried, and her friend tried to ………… her
  2. from your great grandparents to you
  3. when you are sure of yourself
  4. to support and believe in someone
  5. people know you by the way you act
  6. when you are indebted to someone
  7. to always look at the negative in everything

15 Clues: to get approvalto test somethinga belief you havea synonym for hugethe opposite of smallone thing that is excludedwhen you are sure of yourselfwhen you are indebted to someoneto support and believe in someonefrom a different place, not localpeople know you by the way you actfrom your great grandparents to you...

friends 2024-02-27

friends crossword puzzle
  1. Word to refer to the person's feelings
  2. when they do things out of the ordinary
  3. when you miss someone
  4. Something you do with your friends when you travel
  5. season of the year where friends have the most fun
  6. something friends do to you to keep a memory
  7. you show your appreciation to that friendship
  8. word to refer to someone who is with you through thick and thin.
  1. place where you go with your friends to have fun and dance
  2. something women friends do all night
  3. questions to ask yourself to know what you are doing
  4. something that is done when you are in a car
  5. Something you ask yourself when greeting.
  6. something you see with your friends in the sky at night
  7. how does your friend say to the lady who gave him life?

15 Clues: when you miss someonesomething women friends do all nightWord to refer to the person's feelingswhen they do things out of the ordinarySomething you ask yourself when greeting.something that is done when you are in a carsomething friends do to you to keep a memoryyou show your appreciation to that friendship...

Friends 2024-03-27

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. The birthday girl
  2. Vanya’s pjo bestie
  3. Miss perfect
  4. The beauty queen
  5. The one who steals Vanya's clutch
  6. Dark sarcasm person
  7. Timothee (the chill guy)
  8. The one who always needs life advise
  1. Screams CHINA everytime he sees vanya
  2. The very short one
  3. The emotionless bookworm
  4. "Sanskari" bacha
  5. The ABCD song maker
  6. Can’t ever spell Vanya’s surname right
  7. Cat-woman

15 Clues: Cat-womanMiss perfect"Sanskari" bachaThe beauty queenThe birthday girlThe very short oneVanya’s pjo bestieThe ABCD song makerDark sarcasm personThe emotionless bookwormTimothee (the chill guy)The one who steals Vanya's clutchThe one who always needs life adviseScreams CHINA everytime he sees vanyaCan’t ever spell Vanya’s surname right

Friends 2024-02-08

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Tighter than constipated jew.
  2. Justin Bieber Hair, Drama
  3. Mega Freckle
  4. Modern Judas-always in a way
  5. Chip tooth
  6. Snotty, always
  7. Hungry
  8. Future male exotic dancer
  1. Excessive Head Fat
  2. Large Breast Rip Van Winkle
  3. Excessive panting when mad, last word
  4. knows it all
  5. Weird with jew fro
  6. Cant throw a ball in the ocean
  7. Never stops talking, Loud

15 Clues: HungryChip toothMega Freckleknows it allSnotty, alwaysExcessive Head FatWeird with jew froJustin Bieber Hair, DramaFuture male exotic dancerNever stops talking, LoudLarge Breast Rip Van WinkleModern Judas-always in a wayTighter than constipated jew.Cant throw a ball in the oceanExcessive panting when mad, last word

Friends 2024-02-08

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. brown hair, blue eyes, attitude
  2. what doesn't revolve around cece
  3. ceces biggest fear
  4. blonde hair, sweetness
  5. cute yoga brand better than lululemon
  6. blonde and brown blue eyes
  7. the cutest but weirdest boy in bft
  8. thing that Cece obsesses over
  9. cb has never had one
  1. half of our towns our victims of him
  2. something Cece doesn't have any of
  3. freckles brown hair brown eyes
  4. every white girls go to drink
  5. most common place to go before parties
  6. Ambrose's relationships

15 Clues: ceces biggest fearcb has never had oneblonde hair, sweetnessAmbrose's relationshipsblonde and brown blue eyesevery white girls go to drinkthing that Cece obsesses overfreckles brown hair brown eyesbrown hair, blue eyes, attitudewhat doesn't revolve around cecethe cutest but weirdest boy in bftsomething Cece doesn't have any of...

Friends 2024-08-19

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Please always be ______ with me.
  2. Sarah and Emily ______ because they have similar interests.
  3. I’m excited to ______ my new colleagues at the office.
  4. We realized we ______ after talking for some minutes.
  5. It’s important to ______ your friends through both good times and bad.
  6. I always ______ my best friend to help me in difficult times.
  7. My friend ______ me.
  8. They were best friends, but they ______.
  1. We always enjoy each other’s company during our weekend.
  2. True friends always ______ you.
  3. We moved to different cities, but we always ______.
  4. I ______ your help with my project.
  5. He’s more than a colleague; he’s ______ I can count on.
  6. She is very ______ and makes friends easily.
  7. It’s important to ______ your mates.

15 Clues: My friend ______ me.True friends always ______ you.Please always be ______ with me.I ______ your help with my project.It’s important to ______ your mates.They were best friends, but they ______.She is very ______ and makes friends easily.We moved to different cities, but we always ______.We realized we ______ after talking for some minutes....

Friends 2018-10-18

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. disappoint someone
  2. no longer be friends with someone
  3. be friendly with someone
  4. talk more loudly
  5. someone you know but not friends with
  6. start being friendly with someone
  7. someone you know really well
  8. a person or country that helps you when things are bad
  1. someone you've been friendly with for a long time
  2. like someone immediately
  3. not talking
  4. support someone no matter what
  5. answer rudely
  6. a friend
  7. to talk about someone's secrets or bad behaviour

15 Clues: a friendnot talkinganswer rudelytalk more loudlydisappoint someonelike someone immediatelybe friendly with someonesomeone you know really wellsupport someone no matter whatno longer be friends with someonestart being friendly with someonesomeone you know but not friends withto talk about someone's secrets or bad behaviour...

Friends 2022-11-14

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. L'une des obsessions de Monica
  2. Qui est le plus jeune dans le groupe des Friends ?
  3. Deuxième prénom de Chandler
  4. l'un des amoureux de Rachel
  5. Quelle fête Chandler déteste-t-il ?
  6. Le nom de famille de Phoebe
  7. Quel est le fruit dont Ross est allergique ?
  8. Où a lieu le mariage de Ross ?
  1. Quel était le nom du singe de compagnie de Ross ?
  2. Phoebe tente d'enseigner à Joey quelle langue ?
  3. Janis
  4. De quelle couleur est l'appartement de Monica ?
  5. Quel est le nom du pingouin en peluche de Joey ?
  6. Le nom de famille de Joey
  7. En quoi se déguise Joey pour l'épisode de Noël de la saison 1 ?

15 Clues: JanisLe nom de famille de JoeyDeuxième prénom de Chandlerl'un des amoureux de RachelLe nom de famille de PhoebeL'une des obsessions de MonicaOù a lieu le mariage de Ross ?Quelle fête Chandler déteste-t-il ?Quel est le fruit dont Ross est allergique ?Phoebe tente d'enseigner à Joey quelle langue ?De quelle couleur est l'appartement de Monica ?...

friends 2022-11-06

friends crossword puzzle
  1. What color is Monica's apartment?
  2. What was the name of Ross and Rachel's male nanny?
  3. What is Chandler Bing's middle name?
  4. Which character famously said, "PIVOT?"
  5. Who is Joey's agent?
  6. What holiday does Chandler hate?
  1. Rachel goes on Ross' honeymoon by herself where?
  2. Joey doesn't share what?
  3. Ross and Rachel's wedding dinner was held where in Vegas?
  4. Who was the maid of honor at Monica's wedding?
  5. What word did Rachel misspell on her resume?
  6. What was the name of Ross' pet monkey?
  7. What is the name of Joey's stuffed penguin?
  8. Phoebe attempts to teach Joey what language?
  9. What fruit is Ross allergic to?

15 Clues: Who is Joey's agent?Joey doesn't share what?What fruit is Ross allergic to?What holiday does Chandler hate?What color is Monica's apartment?What is Chandler Bing's middle name?What was the name of Ross' pet monkey?Which character famously said, "PIVOT?"What is the name of Joey's stuffed penguin?What word did Rachel misspell on her resume?...

Friends 2022-10-03

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Chandler hates this holiday
  2. Phoebe's sister
  3. How many sister's does Joey have?
  4. Phoebe attempts to teach this language to Joey
  5. What type of plastic surgery did Rachel get
  6. What high school event did Ross almost take Rachel to?
  7. What is Joey and Chanler's favorite TV show?
  8. What is the name of the gang's favorite coffee shop
  1. Where did Chanler tell Janice he was moving to
  2. What word does Ross yell while trying to move a couch?
  3. How many times does Ross get divorced?
  4. Where did Chanler and Monica first get together
  5. What city is Friends set in
  6. How many pages what the letter Rachel wrote to Ross (Front and back)
  7. What is the name of Rachel's ex-fiance?

15 Clues: Phoebe's sisterChandler hates this holidayWhat city is Friends set inHow many sister's does Joey have?How many times does Ross get divorced?What is the name of Rachel's ex-fiance?What type of plastic surgery did Rachel getWhat is Joey and Chanler's favorite TV show?Where did Chanler tell Janice he was moving to...

Friends 2019-04-09

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Well, I never know how much to tip.
  2. UGH, why does everything have to happen to me?!?
  3. PIVOT!!!
  4. DEAR GOD, This parachute is a KNAPSACK!!!
  5. We'll see you at the weddin fella.
  6. How you doin'???
  1. How's my Bing-A-Ling?
  2. Oh, by the way, I'm awesome.
  3. I KNOW!!!
  4. I don't even have pla...
  5. Well, i'm sorry, but how are you gonna run after a thief with one leg shorter than the other?
  6. Like the Hound?
  7. SO, as it turns out, there are no hardware stores open in the village at 3:00 AM
  8. When my time comes, i wanna be buried at sea.
  9. Phoebe i'm sorry but i think Jacques Cousteau is dead.

15 Clues: PIVOT!!!I KNOW!!!Like the Hound?How you doin'???How's my Bing-A-Ling?I don't even have pla...Oh, by the way, I'm awesome.We'll see you at the weddin fella.Well, I never know how much to tip.DEAR GOD, This parachute is a KNAPSACK!!!When my time comes, i wanna be buried at sea.UGH, why does everything have to happen to me?!?...

Friends 2023-03-23

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Who is leaning on a tree?
  2. Has a green backpack
  3. Who is wearing a football jersey?
  4. How many years have Adian Garcia and his friends been friends for?
  5. Wearing blue shorts
  6. Jumping on the wall
  7. We Get Through It _________
  8. Where do Kaden and Spencer hang out at football games?
  1. Where do Finn and Theo get their energy out?
  2. Who is standing on a table?
  3. What do Chris Castillo and his friends do at school together?
  4. What gym do Joseph and Maddox go to together?
  5. Wearing a beanie
  6. Wearing sunglasses
  7. Who is wearing a red shirt on page 14?

15 Clues: Wearing a beanieWearing sunglassesWearing blue shortsJumping on the wallHas a green backpackWho is leaning on a tree?Who is standing on a table?We Get Through It _________Who is wearing a football jersey?Who is wearing a red shirt on page 14?Where do Finn and Theo get their energy out?What gym do Joseph and Maddox go to together?...

Friends 2024-08-02

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. - plant (5)
  2. - loves vans (6)
  3. - (not) a pedo (6)
  4. - purity level: 45 (7)
  5. - not (allowed to be) my friend (4)
  6. - professional tattoo artist (8)
  7. - matilda (5)
  8. - weird stuff in Korea...... (4)
  1. - the (second) best (6)
  2. - d'amelio (7)
  3. - the man (36
  4. - milena's favourite (4)
  5. - chocolate (4)
  6. - "triangle." (5)
  7. - the brains (5)

15 Clues: - plant (5)- the man (36- matilda (5)- d'amelio (7)- chocolate (4)- loves vans (6)- the brains (5)- "triangle." (5)- (not) a pedo (6)- purity level: 45 (7)- the (second) best (6)- milena's favourite (4)- professional tattoo artist (8)- weird stuff in Korea...... (4)- not (allowed to be) my friend (4)

FRIENDS 2020-03-29

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. Profession of discovering the history of the dinosaurs
  2. One main caracther of the series "friends", is the funny one
  3. Profesion of represent a history in fornt of people or filming it and puting it o TV
  4. One main caracther of the series "friend", is the most spoiled and loves fashion
  5. Profession of giving the clients a relaxing time
  6. Really known city in the United States with giants skycrapers and a big park
  7. Profession of cooking in a restaurant
  1. One main caracther of the series "freinds", is the silliest one and the one taht loves food
  2. Secundary caracther of the series "friends" known by her sentences "Oh my God!"
  3. One main caracther of the series "friends", is the most boring and the smartest one
  4. Coffeeshoop were the main caracthers of the series "friends" hang out
  5. Title of one of the songs of Phoebe Buffay from the series "friends"
  6. One main caracther of the series "friends", is obsesd with the clining and loves to cook
  7. One main caracther of the series "friends", is the weirdest one and plays de guitar
  8. Secundary caracther of the series "friends" who works at Central Perk

15 Clues: Profession of cooking in a restaurantProfession of giving the clients a relaxing timeProfession of discovering the history of the dinosaursOne main caracther of the series "friends", is the funny oneTitle of one of the songs of Phoebe Buffay from the series "friends"Coffeeshoop were the main caracthers of the series "friends" hang out...

Friends 2020-09-16

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Chandler‘s mom
  2. rachel‘s actual favorite movie
  3. chandler and phoebe sings this song together
  4. ross‘ bald girlfriend
  5. 15th _ street, _
  6. Chandler‘s middle name
  7. ross is allergic to this ss well
  8. monica‘s car
  1. Chandler kissed this sister of Joey‘s
  2. girl both joey and ross date right after she moves in the neighborhood
  3. rachel claims its her favorite movie
  4. Phoebe lies to mike about being ina long term serious relationship with a guy named _?
  5. ross thinks Rachel‘s trifle tasted like _
  6. Japanese technique ross learnt
  7. i went to that place your wife suggested. Was that place the _?

15 Clues: monica‘s carChandler‘s mom15th _ street, _ross‘ bald girlfriendChandler‘s middle namerachel‘s actual favorite movieJapanese technique ross learntross is allergic to this ss wellrachel claims its her favorite movieChandler kissed this sister of Joey‘sross thinks Rachel‘s trifle tasted like _chandler and phoebe sings this song together...

FRIENDS 2019-04-10

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. I KNOW!!!
  2. DEAR GOD! This parachute is a knapsack!!!
  3. I don't even have a pla...
  4. PIVOT!!!
  5. Like the hound?
  6. How you doin'???
  7. Oh, by the way I'm awesome.
  1. How's my Bing-A-Ling?
  2. UGH, why does everything have to happen to me?!?
  3. So, as it turns out there are no hardware stores open in The Village at 3:00 AM
  4. Well, I'm sorry, but how are you gonna run after a thief with one leg shorter than the other???
  5. When my time comes I wanna be buried at sea
  6. Well, I never know how much to tip
  7. So long Mike, We'll see you at the weddin' fella.
  8. I'm sorry Phoebe, but I think Jacques Cousteau is dead.

15 Clues: PIVOT!!!I KNOW!!!Like the hound?How you doin'???How's my Bing-A-Ling?I don't even have a pla...Oh, by the way I'm awesome.Well, I never know how much to tipDEAR GOD! This parachute is a knapsack!!!When my time comes I wanna be buried at seaUGH, why does everything have to happen to me?!?So long Mike, We'll see you at the weddin' fella....

friends 2014-03-24

friends crossword puzzle
  1. to have high sound
  2. to care for you
  3. to help you out
  4. to have lots of engry
  5. to supporite you
  6. to be amazed
  7. life to be there for you all ther time
  8. opposite of enemies
  9. to have lots of love
  1. to do this when something is funny
  2. opposite to dull
  3. to be cool
  4. to smile
  5. they have beauty in them
  6. to hang around

15 Clues: to smileto be coolto be amazedto hang aroundto care for youto help you outopposite to dullto supporite youto have high soundopposite of enemiesto have lots of loveto have lots of engrythey have beauty in themto do this when something is funnylife to be there for you all ther time

friends 2024-02-27

friends crossword puzzle
  1. Word to refer to the person's feelings
  2. when they do things out of the ordinary
  3. when you miss someone
  4. Something you do with your friends when you travel
  5. season of the year where friends have the most fun
  6. something friends do to you to keep a memory
  7. you show your appreciation to that friendship
  8. word to refer to someone who is with you through thick and thin.
  1. place where you go with your friends to have fun and dance
  2. something women friends do all night
  3. questions to ask yourself to know what you are doing
  4. something that is done when you are in a car
  5. Something you ask yourself when greeting.
  6. something you see with your friends in the sky at night
  7. how does your friend say to the lady who gave him life?

15 Clues: when you miss someonesomething women friends do all nightWord to refer to the person's feelingswhen they do things out of the ordinarySomething you ask yourself when greeting.something that is done when you are in a carsomething friends do to you to keep a memoryyou show your appreciation to that friendship...

friends 2024-02-27

friends crossword puzzle
  1. Word to refer to the person's feelings
  2. when they do things out of the ordinary
  3. when you miss someone
  4. Something you do with your friends when you travel
  5. season of the year where friends have the most fun
  6. something friends do to you to keep a memory
  7. you show your appreciation to that friendship
  8. word to refer to someone who is with you through thick and thin.
  1. place where you go with your friends to have fun and dance
  2. something women friends do all night
  3. questions to ask yourself to know what you are doing
  4. something that is done when you are in a car
  5. Something you ask yourself when greeting.
  6. something you see with your friends in the sky at night
  7. how does your friend say to the lady who gave him life?

15 Clues: when you miss someonesomething women friends do all nightWord to refer to the person's feelingswhen they do things out of the ordinarySomething you ask yourself when greeting.something that is done when you are in a carsomething friends do to you to keep a memoryyou show your appreciation to that friendship...

Friends 2024-08-19

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. We realized we have a lot in common after talking for just a few minutes.
  2. It’s important to trust your teammates if you want to work well together.
  3. I was hurt when I found out that someone I trusted had betrayed me.
  4. I’m excited to get to know my new colleagues at the office.
  5. I really appreciate your help with my project; it made a big difference.
  6. Her talkative nature makes her the life of the party.
  7. I know I can always count on my best friend to help me out in tough times.
  1. Being honest with each other is the foundation of a strong relationship.
  2. out: They used to be best friends, but they fell out over a misunderstanding.
  3. joys and sorrows: True friends are those who are willing to share joys and sorrows with you.
  4. It’s important to support your friends through both good times and bad.
  5. each other’s company: We always enjoy each other’s company during our weekend get-togethers.
  6. Sarah and Emily get on well because they share similar interests.
  7. He’s more than just a colleague; he’s a mate I can rely on.
  8. Even though we moved to different cities, we always make an effort to keep in touch.

15 Clues: Her talkative nature makes her the life of the party.He’s more than just a colleague; he’s a mate I can rely on.I’m excited to get to know my new colleagues at the office.Sarah and Emily get on well because they share similar interests.I was hurt when I found out that someone I trusted had betrayed me....

Friends 2024-09-23

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Maxwell
  2. Jonah
  3. Madison
  4. Violet
  5. Coleman
  6. Michael
  7. Lily
  1. Ana
  2. LucaL
  3. Ian
  4. Olivia
  5. Riann
  6. LucaR
  7. Emily
  8. Devin

15 Clues: AnaIanLilyLucaLJonahRiannLucaREmilyDevinOliviaVioletMaxwellMadisonColemanMichael

FRIENDS 2016-08-03

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. She's My Friend From Felin That's Double My Size!
  3. She's Been My Friend Since The First Day Of School
  4. She's Moving To New Zealand
  5. She's My Best Best Friend From Felin
  6. She's My Shyest Friend From Felin
  7. He's Been My Friend Since I Was 2
  8. SONIC!!
  1. He's My Tiny Friend (Boy!)
  2. She's My Smallest Friend From Felin And My Cutest Friend!
  3. The Guy That's Always Got A Quiff And A Beanie Hat!
  4. She's Going To Friars After The Summer
  5. She's My Friend With The Best Smile From Felin
  6. A Boy That's A Year Below Me!

14 Clues: SONIC!!MY LITTLE DUCKY!He's My Tiny Friend (Boy!)She's Moving To New ZealandA Boy That's A Year Below Me!She's My Shyest Friend From FelinHe's Been My Friend Since I Was 2She's My Best Best Friend From FelinShe's Going To Friars After The SummerShe's My Friend With The Best Smile From FelinShe's My Friend From Felin That's Double My Size!...

Friends 2024-06-04

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Vastumeelne
  2. Võiks
  3. Jässakas
  4. Nooruk
  5. Põlgus
  6. Pätt
  7. Hävitav
  8. Vahetult, otsekohe
  1. Kole
  2. Hämmastav
  3. Hellalt
  4. Põrnitsema
  5. Jäigalt
  6. Altkulmu pilk

14 Clues: KolePättVõiksNoorukPõlgusHellaltJäigaltHävitavJässakasHämmastavPõrnitsemaVastumeelneAltkulmu pilkVahetult, otsekohe

Friends 2024-01-18

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Phoeby's famous song
  2. Manager at the Coffee shop
  3. Ross and Rachel's daughters name
  4. Joey's agent
  5. Name of the coffee shop where the group hangout
  6. Ross's Brittish girlfried
  1. _______ Buffay
  2. Ross and Monica's mother's name
  3. Character with the line "Ohhhhh Myyyy Gooooodddd"
  4. Played by Matthew Perry
  5. The other Buffay twin
  6. Played by Ross
  7. Ross's pet monkey
  8. Monica's alcoholic boyfriend

14 Clues: Joey's agent_______ BuffayPlayed by RossRoss's pet monkeyPhoeby's famous songThe other Buffay twinPlayed by Matthew PerryRoss's Brittish girlfriedManager at the Coffee shopMonica's alcoholic boyfriendRoss and Monica's mother's nameRoss and Rachel's daughters nameName of the coffee shop where the group hangout...

Friends 2024-03-23

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. daughter of the current teacher
  2. Sadly Brielle's nickname
  3. Abbie's nickname
  4. A girl that moved away
  5. has five brothers
  6. Kennedy's nickname
  1. youngest in her family
  2. She has long blondish hair and has a big family
  3. Allison's nickname
  4. Sally's nickname
  5. A Alsum with brown hair
  6. Leah's nickname
  7. Kenzie's nickname
  8. A girl who knows a lot of sayings

14 Clues: Leah's nicknameSally's nicknameAbbie's nicknameKenzie's nicknamehas five brothersAllison's nicknameKennedy's nicknameyoungest in her familyA girl that moved awayA Alsum with brown hairSadly Brielle's nicknamedaughter of the current teacherA girl who knows a lot of sayingsShe has long blondish hair and has a big family

Friends 2021-04-28

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. "It has one of the most most recoils in thegame"
  2. "The Pythagorean Theorem of a Circle"
  3. "What is the grip thats not the vertical grip, oh yeah the horziontial grip"
  4. "Do wamai's catch Melusi's?"
  5. "He's in the thing under the thing"
  6. "Indianans are Chinese"
  7. "I know one, like the obese triangle"
  8. "IN SCIENCE, a women is shorter then a women"
  9. "door"
  1. "How many people do we need for 10 mans"
  2. "My mute just got droned"
  3. "Turn off the flashlight so I can see better"
  4. "Savii, your life is in 0 brightness"
  5. "What do you call a bear with no ear" "Ear"

14 Clues: "door""Indianans are Chinese""My mute just got droned""Do wamai's catch Melusi's?""He's in the thing under the thing""The Pythagorean Theorem of a Circle""Savii, your life is in 0 brightness""I know one, like the obese triangle""How many people do we need for 10 mans""What do you call a bear with no ear" "Ear"...

FRIENDS 2022-10-18

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. Memanjat
  2. berangin
  3. pohon
  4. Membaca
  5. Berenang
  6. Layang-layang
  7. Terbang
  1. Bermain
  2. Membuat
  3. sungai
  4. hujan
  5. mengobrol
  6. cerah
  7. Tinggal

14 Clues: pohonhujancerahsungaiBermainMembuatMembacaTinggalTerbangMemanjatberanginBerenangmengobrolLayang-layang

Friends 2024-03-23

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Leah's nickname
  2. She has long blondish hair and has a big family
  3. Sadly Brielle's nickname
  4. Kenzie's nickname
  5. A girl that moved away
  1. Sally's nickname
  2. has five brothers
  3. youngest in her family
  4. A Alsum with brown hair
  5. Allison's nickname
  6. daughter of the current teacher
  7. Abbie's nickname
  8. Kennedy's nickname
  9. A girl who knows a lot of sayings

14 Clues: Leah's nicknameSally's nicknameAbbie's nicknamehas five brothersKenzie's nicknameAllison's nicknameKennedy's nicknameyoungest in her familyA girl that moved awayA Alsum with brown hairSadly Brielle's nicknamedaughter of the current teacherA girl who knows a lot of sayingsShe has long blondish hair and has a big family

Friends 2022-11-20

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Cool
  2. lucky
  3. rocks
  4. 👍
  5. Diaz
  6. Potter
  7. BFF
  8. Zayas
  1. yes!
  2. kind
  3. Jazz
  4. Bowl
  5. brickman
  6. A’s

14 Clues: 👍A’sBFFyes!CoolkindJazzDiazBowlluckyrocksZayasPotterbrickman

Friends 2021-11-05

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Number of Joey's sisters.
  2. The one that I almost don't care about.
  3. The best chef in the show.
  4. Number of Monica's apartment
  5. The one who sings REALLY well.
  6. The funny one.
  7. Please, kill her quickly.
  8. The most hated character in the show
  1. Number of Joey and Chandler's apartment
  2. The iconic haircut girl.
  3. Number of Rachel's sisters
  4. Number of seasons
  5. The most liked character in the show.
  6. The one who doesn't eat AT ALL (just kidding).
  7. Phoebe's sister

15 Clues: The funny one.Phoebe's sisterNumber of seasonsThe iconic haircut girl.Number of Joey's sisters.Please, kill her quickly.The best chef in the show.Number of Rachel's sistersNumber of Monica's apartmentThe one who sings REALLY well.The most hated character in the showThe most liked character in the show.Number of Joey and Chandler's apartment...

Friends 2023-07-02

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Friend A friend who is considerate and mindful of others. They remember important dates, listen attentively, and show empathy and understanding.
  2. Friend A friend who is very close to you and knows you well. You can trust and share everything with them, and they are always there for you.
  3. Friend A friend who supports you in everything you do. They encourage and believe in you, and they are there to help you overcome challenges.
  4. Friend A friend who always makes you laugh and brings joy to your life. They have a great sense of humor and know how to make you smile.
  5. Friend A friend who has a vivid imagination and loves to create stories and imaginary worlds. They can turn any ordinary day into an adventure.
  6. Friend A friend who takes their responsibilities seriously. They are dependable, organized, and reliable in fulfilling their commitments.
  7. Friend A friend who is always ready to lend a hand and assist others. They are reliable and willing to offer support whenever it is needed.
  1. Friend A friend who is truthful and sincere. They always speak their mind and provide honest feedback, even if it's not always what you want to hear.
  2. Friend A friend who loves trying new things and going on exciting adventures. They are always up for a thrilling experience and enjoy taking risks.
  3. Friend A friend who is imaginative and loves to express themselves through art, music, or writing. They inspire you with their unique ideas.
  4. Friend A friend who enjoys playing sports and being active. They are energetic, competitive, and love to engage in physical activities.
  5. Friend A friend who is always kind and caring. They are considerate of others' feelings, help those in need, and treat everyone with respect.
  6. Friend A friend who is outgoing and enjoys being around people. They are sociable, friendly, and love to meet new friends and make connections.
  7. Friend A friend who is always by your side no matter what. They are trustworthy, reliable, and will never let you down.

14 Clues: Friend A friend who is always by your side no matter what. They are trustworthy, reliable, and will never let you down.Friend A friend who enjoys playing sports and being active. They are energetic, competitive, and love to engage in physical activities....

Friends 2013-05-17

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. track, ran the 4x2 relay with me, broke her wrist
  2. "I didn't do it"
  3. "oh dear another visitor, who could it be this time?"
  4. "could be a problem"
  5. plays clarinet, is really good at drawing
  6. "H.A.G.S."
  7. "ha ha ha no"
  1. cross country, part of the track season, Crosby
  2. "I wouldn't mind me gettin' some of that"; "Hey broski"; art class, track, long jump
  3. plays basketball and clarinet
  4. cross country, soccer, rides my bus
  5. "What if brandon phillips is watching?!"
  6. "Like a boss!"
  7. "Let's dance like tractors!"

14 Clues: "H.A.G.S.""ha ha ha no""Like a boss!""I didn't do it""could be a problem""Let's dance like tractors!"plays basketball and clarinetcross country, soccer, rides my bus"What if brandon phillips is watching?!"plays clarinet, is really good at drawingcross country, part of the track season, Crosbytrack, ran the 4x2 relay with me, broke her wrist...

Friends 2017-08-04

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. My female bestfriend.
  2. Star Girl.
  3. The Dark Knight.
  4. Niggah always chill and is your best friend.
  5. Super Hype but always depress or in feels (Male).
  6. The one that was increadibly stupid.
  7. Black, White Asian and fluffy.
  1. Im always at her shop.
  2. This niggah never got on a shirt, was in love, broken and now a hoe.
  3. Crazy gyal(She crazy dawwg) best friend.
  4. Try molest man and man pan trip - boom bye bye inna...
  5. Super Hype but always depress or in the feels cause a man.
  6. My female bestfriend boyfriend.
  7. The one that was increadibly awesome.

14 Clues: Star Girl.The Dark Knight.My female bestfriend.Im always at her shop.Black, White Asian and fluffy.My female bestfriend boyfriend.The one that was increadibly stupid.The one that was increadibly awesome.Crazy gyal(She crazy dawwg) best friend.Niggah always chill and is your best friend.Super Hype but always depress or in feels (Male)....

Friends 2022-01-21

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. verb for making cookies,and cake
  2. talking about rumor
  3. people who are not family, but are close
  4. card _____, board ______
  5. hanging out over night
  6. another word for hanging out
  1. I always wear _____ before bed
  2. "I had so much ___ today!"
  3. "The bully _______ me a lot, such mean words"
  4. can be found on youtube
  5. paintings, drawings, etc.
  6. food between lunch and dinner
  7. a gender
  8. a blocky video game

14 Clues: a gendertalking about rumora blocky video gamehanging out over nightcan be found on youtubecard _____, board ______paintings, drawings, etc."I had so much ___ today!"another word for hanging outfood between lunch and dinnerI always wear _____ before bedverb for making cookies,and cakepeople who are not family, but are close...

Friends 2024-04-12

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. gas (crop tops) no brakes (sobriety) micah
  2. Large marsupial
  3. Has a trunk
  4. I have a sleep pill” nick
  5. and gayer than you hunter
  6. hardcore drug to deal with anxious attatchment syndrome Daniel
  1. twerk 4 food bk
  2. of yap city holley
  3. vile choices in food chandler
  4. Man's best friend
  5. Flying mammal
  6. backpack Steph
  7. Likes to chase mice
  8. Organic

14 Clues: OrganicHas a trunkFlying mammalbackpack Stephtwerk 4 food bkLarge marsupialMan's best friendof yap city holleyLikes to chase miceI have a sleep pill” nickand gayer than you huntervile choices in food chandlergas (crop tops) no brakes (sobriety) micahhardcore drug to deal with anxious attatchment syndrome Daniel

Friends 2024-08-10

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Q2 Rachel claims this is her favourite movie
  2. in what part of her body did monica get a pencil stuck at age 14
  3. Q3 her actual favourite movie is
  4. Q1 What was Monica's nickname when she was a field hockey goalie
  5. Q2
  6. Q1
  7. what did Rachel guess chandlers job was
  8. Q3
  1. joey shad an imaginary frind his name was
  2. Q4
  3. Q1
  4. what is joeys favouurite food?
  5. monica categorises her towels. how many categories are there?
  6. chandler was how old when he first touched a girls breast
  7. Q4 his profession was

15 Clues: Q4Q1Q2Q1Q3Q4 his profession waswhat is joeys favouurite food?Q3 her actual favourite movie iswhat did Rachel guess chandlers job wasjoey shad an imaginary frind his name wasQ2 Rachel claims this is her favourite moviechandler was how old when he first touched a girls breastmonica categorises her towels. how many categories are there?...

Friends 2014-05-05

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Really funny, supposedly hasn't ate a frosty in 3 years.
  2. Rides a motorcycle, loves Clash of Clans and Gears of War.
  3. Has never been to a yard sale, ate a snickers, or bought anything off the internet (all lies).
  4. Super skinny, loves shoes and his 350z.
  5. 6'6", hit his head on my garage door while doing the catdaddy.
  6. Is 15 and has a full beard, has over 30 pairs of shoes.
  1. Grumpy, motocross, and barnball.
  2. Loves snapchat, ping pong, minecraft, and smack talk.
  3. Loves animals, blowing up stuff/fireworks, and saving money.
  4. 5'8" and can dunk, loves Cane's and the Heat.
  5. Sarcastic about everything, going to the Marines.
  6. Has the most obnoxious laugh, an afro and a full beard.
  7. Lies about the dumbest stuff, I stay at his house almost every weekend.
  8. Goofy, awkward, and really nice, loves Brittany.

14 Clues: Grumpy, motocross, and barnball.Super skinny, loves shoes and his 350z.5'8" and can dunk, loves Cane's and the Heat.Goofy, awkward, and really nice, loves Brittany.Sarcastic about everything, going to the Marines.Loves snapchat, ping pong, minecraft, and smack talk.Has the most obnoxious laugh, an afro and a full beard....