one piece Crossword Puzzles
One Piece 2012-06-04
- Mysterious Power that is Found in Every Living Being
- Marksman, Liar
- Luffy Trained Under him for 2 Years
- Archaeologist with a Bounty since She was a Child
- Ruler of Amazon Lily
- Navigator, Cat Burglar
- Leader of the Revolutionary Army and Luffy's Father
- Doctor with the Ability to Transform
- King of the Pirates
- "Fire Fist ___"
- Nicknamed "Black Leg"
- Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Cyborg Shipwright
- Gave Luffy His Straw Hat
- The Compass Needed to Sail the Grand Line
- Dream is to Become the Greatest Swordsman
- The Second Half of the Grand Line
- The Greatest Treasure in the World
- Undead Musician
- Luffy's Grandfather
20 Clues: Marksman, Liar • Undead Musician • "Fire Fist ___" • Cyborg Shipwright • King of the Pirates • Luffy's Grandfather • Ruler of Amazon Lily • Nicknamed "Black Leg" • Navigator, Cat Burglar • Gave Luffy His Straw Hat • Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates • The Second Half of the Grand Line • The Greatest Treasure in the World • Luffy Trained Under him for 2 Years • ...
One Piece 2023-02-22
- Who is Shanks' right-hand man?
- Who does Zoro aspire to beat?
- Who is Whitebeard's right-hand man?
- Who married over 40 people?
- Who is Luffy's grandfather?
- Who ate the Uo Uo no Mi Model: Seiryuu
- What villain out powered Luffy until his Gear 2 awakening?
- The only Strawhat who is a fishman.
- Who held Enma before Zoro?
- Who is the strongest person in the world?
- Whose home was destroyed by a buster call?
- Which Strawhat is basically a cyborg?
- What villain with a strong devil fruit had no effect against Luffy?
- Who is the king of the pirates?
- Who is the sniper on Shanks' crew?
- Who taught Luffy the three forms of haki?
- Who worked as the navigator for Arlong?
- Who simps for Luffy?
- What villain was beaten by Luffy's Gear 4 Snakeman?
- What do Kaido and Big Mom call Luffy(Japanese)?
- Who was Luffy's first crew member?
- Who stole Whitebeard's devil fruit powers?
- Who is the best cook ever and is rumored to have Lunarian powers?
- Who is the Magma Admiral?
- What animal is Brook friends with from his time as a living person?
- Who aspires to be the greatest doctor ever?
- Who held Shusui before Zoro?
- Who ate the Gomu Gomu No Mi?
28 Clues: Who simps for Luffy? • Who is the Magma Admiral? • Who held Enma before Zoro? • Who married over 40 people? • Who is Luffy's grandfather? • Who held Shusui before Zoro? • Who ate the Gomu Gomu No Mi? • Who does Zoro aspire to beat? • Who is Shanks' right-hand man? • Who is the king of the pirates? • Who is the sniper on Shanks' crew? • Who was Luffy's first crew member? • ...
One piece 2023-12-17
- he is a leg user and can use blue and orange fire.
- He is a 4th emperor of the sea and he gave the straw hat to luffy.
- he is a marine and best friends with luffy.
- he is the king of pirates before luffy and has the best power.
- lucci he is a leopard user and has a devil fruit.
- he is like gold d roger lvl and they are best friends.
- he is a calm character and can use gamma rush.
- He is a fishman and use haki.
- she is a beautiful girl and loves luffy.
- she loves money and has orange hair.
- he is a Mochi user (dough user) and part of big mom crew.
- He is a pheonix and he have glasses also he have pineapple hair.
- he have green hair and have 3 sword stye.
- he is a dragon and he defeated luffy 4 time.
- he is the 1st one to be in gold d roger crew.
- he is a sand user and can suck your waterout.
- he is luffy grandpa and very strong than luffy.
- he is a straw hat and name in Japanese mugiwara and he is friends with everyone in one piece.
- he is a buddha and a admirals.
- he is a musician and he is a skeleton.
- he can get all metal in the world.
- He has 2 devil fruit and he killed whitebeard.
22 Clues: He is a fishman and use haki. • he is a buddha and a admirals. • he can get all metal in the world. • she loves money and has orange hair. • he is a musician and he is a skeleton. • she is a beautiful girl and loves luffy. • he have green hair and have 3 sword stye. • he is a marine and best friends with luffy. • he is a dragon and he defeated luffy 4 time. • ...
one piece 2023-11-11
- ate the mane mane no mi
- can turn into a Buddha
- luffys other brother
- straw hats doctor
- lives on the land of wano
- strawhats swordsman
- strawhats sniper
- a warden of impel down
- water 7?
- leader of Amazon Lili
- crocodiles home town
- turns into a griaffe
- mihawks dad
- uses kio kiro no mi fruit
- has the ability to turn into an extinct animal
- bigmoms real name
- musician of the strawhats
- uses spin fruit
- one piece Roblox game
- god at using lighting
- uses diamond fruit
- whitebeards son
- one of the forest gods
- first son of the sea
- ate the spike spike fruit
- the character who smokes and uses smoke
- who ate the inu inu no mi
- rain god
- Luffy's grandfather
- One Piece anime and live-action and?
- strawhats cook
- who took a bomb up in the air but survives
- creates barriers
- who can turn into a leopard
- doflamingos home town
- king of the pirates
- uses door-door fruit
- ate the chop chop fruit
- one of the admirals
- luffys brother
- uses gas gas fruit
- dressed as a baby
- strawhats archeologist
- uses a mochi devil fruit
- strawhats navigator
- Two Devil Fruits used bye
- aokijis one piece name
- leader of the sun pirates
- leader of the red hair pirates
- strawhats captain
- uses gravity fruit
- ate snow snow fruit
- who uses sound sound fruit
- one of the strongest warriors who died at marine ford
- who also killed bigmom
- who ate the uo uo no mi aka fish fruit
- who killed bigmom
- uses spring spring fruit
- whitebeards first mate
- kizarus real name
- uses bomb bomb fruit
- tree in a chest
62 Clues: water 7? • rain god • mihawks dad • luffys brother • strawhats cook • uses spin fruit • whitebeards son • tree in a chest • creates barriers • strawhats sniper • straw hats doctor • dressed as a baby • bigmoms real name • strawhats captain • who killed bigmom • kizarus real name • uses gas gas fruit • uses gravity fruit • uses diamond fruit • king of the pirates • strawhats swordsman • one of the admirals • ...
ONE PIECE 2023-10-17
- Lost ruins in the sky, also known as the City of Gold
- The village where Luffy was born
- The only woman in the Heart crew
- Dracule Mihawk's sword
- Dressrosa is full of these flowers
- Zoro was gifted this sword in Loguetown
- Son of Kaido
- The capital city of Alabasta
- The Heart crew's ship
- Mr 2's real name
- This old man is a Gemini and his blood type is AB
- This vegetable is also the name of a One Piece character
- A region inspired in Spain
- The name of the Alabasta royal family
- The most common type of Devil Fruit
- This was supposed to be Sanji's name originally
- Future king of the pirates
- His design was inspired by the Japanese actor Kunie Tanaka
- He is named after a fictional horse
- A secret organization of assasins
20 Clues: Son of Kaido • Mr 2's real name • The Heart crew's ship • Dracule Mihawk's sword • A region inspired in Spain • Future king of the pirates • The capital city of Alabasta • The village where Luffy was born • The only woman in the Heart crew • A secret organization of assasins • Dressrosa is full of these flowers • The most common type of Devil Fruit • ...
One Piece 2024-03-12
- allows the user to use their own spiritual energy to create
- aim-bot?
- who ate the flame-flame fruit?
- musician skeleton?
- Master chef?
- allow User to see a short period into the future?
- Mysterious power that is found in every living thing?
- king of the pirates?
- how many gear does Luffy have?
- first episode name?
- who uses three swords?
- Who trained Luffy for 2 years during the time skip?
- archaeology with a bounty since she was a child
- who loves Luffy?
- what is the money called in one piece?
- doctor who can transform?
- Who ate the Mochi no Mi?
- lose a arm?
- what is the straw hat name?
- cyborg?
- The second half of the grand line?
- The compass needed to sail the grand line?
22 Clues: cyborg? • aim-bot? • lose a arm? • Master chef? • who loves Luffy? • musician skeleton? • first episode name? • king of the pirates? • who uses three swords? • Who ate the Mochi no Mi? • doctor who can transform? • what is the straw hat name? • who ate the flame-flame fruit? • how many gear does Luffy have? • The second half of the grand line? • what is the money called in one piece? • ...
One Piece 2024-03-31
one piece 2020-12-28
- ancient stone with text
- four strongest pirates (Japanese)
- alias after saving dressrosa
- slaveowners
- 2nd ship
- three kinds of it
- family of weapons
- eat me can't swim
- only one who can do #4
- inhabitants of elbath
- built #10
- ms. Wednesday
- they say this is the enemy of the gods
- Dr.loves sweets
- a whole through their body
- I can cure all
- Dressrosa disguised contestant
- seven pirates for marines
- orange grove owner
- did not want human blood even if he died
- corrupt sea army
- Green hair Wano alias
- pilot ep pink hair
23 Clues: 2nd ship • built #10 • slaveowners • ms. Wednesday • I can cure all • Dr.loves sweets • corrupt sea army • three kinds of it • family of weapons • eat me can't swim • orange grove owner • pilot ep pink hair • Green hair Wano alias • inhabitants of elbath • only one who can do #4 • ancient stone with text • seven pirates for marines • a whole through their body • alias after saving dressrosa • ...
One piece 2021-11-07
- Had the highest bounty pre-timeskip
- World Noble that doesn't own slaves anymore
- breaks a forbidden law to save luffy
- first bounty reveal
- best youtuber
- Sanji look alike
- Oda's creative art sports this character with a shirt with the word "EVIL" on it
- how old was Shanks when Roger was executed
- "Forgive me... the lingering snow is finally melting, so I can tell when dawn is near."
- " This should be sufficient to undo all your magic...So Long!!!!"
- "Can I see your panties"
- the only strawhat to work under another pirate crew (against his will)
- Mane Mane no mi
- how many years did it take Roger to conquer the GrandLine
- the only strawhat to not be asked by Luffy to join
- Who's picture was Imu holding
- "Bet your life on it?"
- calls doflamingo "Doffy"
- "One Piece is Real!!!"
- best liar in one piece
- First to kill in One Piece
- "Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo"
- Luffy and Zoro almost kill this World Noble
- "Goronyanya"
- carries a Bible
- claimed to have command over CP0 because of a secret
- pineapple
- first holder of the Bari Bari No Mi
- "In fact, I'll go singing! And a-one, and a-two!"
- shares a birthday with Shanks and mihawk
- worked for MADS
- only strawhat to have died
- skypia money
- Hoya Hoya no mi
- stabbed himself under the eye with a knife
- "Toputoputopu"
- 53yrs old when he died
- Nui Nui no mi
- soup
- Boa only trusts 2 men, Luffy and…?
- sent to Momoiro Island during timeskip
- stops kizaru with a gun
- owner of Rain Dinners Casino
- might be an octopus fruit holder
- the only female to ever call Luffy "Sama"
- Inu Inu no mi model: Tanuki
- who is the commander of the "jailer Beasts"?
- "Just a little more, until this country can be beneath the real sun…"
- "I was able to help this dream..has finally started to run."
- Oda stated if he wasn't a pirate he would be a police officer
50 Clues: soup • pineapple • skypia money • "Goronyanya" • best youtuber • Nui Nui no mi • "Toputoputopu" • worked for MADS • Hoya Hoya no mi • Mane Mane no mi • carries a Bible • Sanji look alike • first bounty reveal • "Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo" • "Bet your life on it?" • "One Piece is Real!!!" • best liar in one piece • 53yrs old when he died • stops kizaru with a gun • "Can I see your panties" • ...
One Piece 2021-11-11
- will find the all blue
- chef of the Baratie
- one of the 4 emperors
- will be a great pirate of the sea
- former first mate of the king of the pirates
- the country crocodile was trying to take over
- kaido's son
- He is determined to see his friend again
- Princess of Alabasta
- president of water 7
- will find the truth of the void century
- gave Luffy the straw hat,one of the four emperor
- chopper's former sensei
- under the control of Emperor Kaido
- will make a chart of the entire sea
- I'll be the king of the pirates!
- Will be the world's greatest swordsman
- the ancient weapon Poseidon
- the crew's shipwright
- where roger was executed
- the previous king of the pirates
- former warlord, is the crew's helmsman
- the country doflamingo took over
- the crew's doctor
24 Clues: kaido's son • the crew's doctor • chef of the Baratie • Princess of Alabasta • president of water 7 • one of the 4 emperors • the crew's shipwright • will find the all blue • chopper's former sensei • where roger was executed • the ancient weapon Poseidon • I'll be the king of the pirates! • the previous king of the pirates • the country doflamingo took over • ...
One Piece 2022-04-26
- a warlord of the sea
- stole whitebeards devil fruit
- smokers right hand
- nico robins mom
- luffys grandfather
- has been waiting for brooks crew
- like a mother to luffy
- his body can turn to smoke
- uses ropes to beat enemies
- leader of the revolutionary army
- luffys navy rival
- shanks right hand
- the first ship the strawhats use
- strongest member of CP9
- the first mermaid the strawhats meet
- a three sword swordsman
- can make people feel negative
- strongest of the four emperors
- princess of ryugu kingdom
- whitebeards right hand man
- old snake princess
- is in love with luffy
- sanjis sister
- the first son of the sea
- a light admiral
- a magma admiral
- an alive skeleton
27 Clues: sanjis sister • nico robins mom • a light admiral • a magma admiral • luffys navy rival • shanks right hand • an alive skeleton • smokers right hand • old snake princess • luffys grandfather • a warlord of the sea • is in love with luffy • like a mother to luffy • a three sword swordsman • strongest member of CP9 • the first son of the sea • princess of ryugu kingdom • whitebeards right hand man • ...
One Piece 2024-05-13
- 23 feet and scaly
- may cause fur
- Made Ussop cry pretimeskip
- The laughing girl in Wano
- known by the rumbar pirates and the Roger pirates
- the puzzle just needs
- the prize of the dressrosa
- Singaporean English for an "inconvenience"
- directions of a country or an operator
- Eats anything but isn't luffy
- raccoon dog
- The "married" elder star
- Luffy, garp, and blackbeard
- another name for batmans rival
- Momonosuke's (other) fake father
- how many suns the straw hats ride on
- the coldest assassins
- the playing card with a hole in it
- Has a long nose but has not fought Luffy
- Big people, little _______.
- Goat
21 Clues: Goat • raccoon dog • may cause fur • 23 feet and scaly • the coldest assassins • the puzzle just needs • The "married" elder star • The laughing girl in Wano • Made Ussop cry pretimeskip • the prize of the dressrosa • Big people, little _______. • Luffy, garp, and blackbeard • Eats anything but isn't luffy • another name for batmans rival • Momonosuke's (other) fake father • ...
One piece 2024-03-05
- The only Straw Hat to battle three of Enel's priests
- Luffy's first opponent
- Name of Robin's fruit
- Name of Kizarus fruit
- Hero of the Marine's
- King Neptune's daughter
- ___ Lily
- age of luffy pre-time skip
- Name of the second Warlord of the Sea to have his/her name mentioned
- The only straw hat to invite a member to the crew
- Where Gol. D Roger's execution was
- Name of the most wanted man
- Armament, Observation and Conquerors
- Captain of the Heart Pirates
- Pirate with a long nose
- Name of the kingdom that is led by the Vinsmoke family
- Luffy's name used to enter the Colosseum
- Piece of paper made from a persons fingernail clipping
- Name of the Straw Hats first ship
- Character who loves cherry pie
- The first admiral shown in the series
21 Clues: ___ Lily • Hero of the Marine's • Name of Robin's fruit • Name of Kizarus fruit • Luffy's first opponent • Pirate with a long nose • King Neptune's daughter • age of luffy pre-time skip • Name of the most wanted man • Captain of the Heart Pirates • Character who loves cherry pie • Name of the Straw Hats first ship • Where Gol. D Roger's execution was • ...
One Piece 2024-04-06
- Helped Zoro get his new swords
- Leader of the Rebel Army
- King of Alabasta
- Strawhat pirate's doctor
- Devil fruit user Jackal
- The giant's home island
- Fought Sanji
- Shichibukai "hero" of Alabasta
- Strawhat pirate's ship
- Princess of Alabasta
- When answering Mr.0's call, Sanji identified himself as
- Devil fruit user Falcon
- Lives inside a whale
- Desert island
- Giants
- Pirate Friendly Island
- Becomes the new king of Drum Island
- Prehistoric Island
- Tried to execute Luffy
- Taught Chopper medicine
- Luffy is looking for the
- Zoro's cursed sword
- Strawhat pirate's sniper
- King of Drum Island
- Went undercover with Vivi
- Pair trying to kill Laboon
- Fought Zoro & Nami
- Miss All Sunday
- Attacked Drum island before the Strawhats got there
- Shop owner's heirloom given to Zoro
- Strawhat pirate's captain
- Marine captain at Loguetown
- Strawhat pirate's swordsman
- Luffy's brother
- Fought Chopper & Usopp
- Winter island
- Codename of the leader of Baroque Works
- Gave Chopper his name
- Luffy & Zoro beat them easily
- Baroque Work's pair set at Little Garden
- Strawhat pirate's cook
- Stayed at Yuba digging for water
- The way to enter the grand line
- Where up in the clock tower with the bomb
- A vulture and an otter
- Whale at Reverse Mountain
- Kuina's sword given to Zoro
- Vivi's duck
- Strawhat pirate's navigator
- The end and the begining
50 Clues: Giants • Vivi's duck • Fought Sanji • Winter island • Desert island • Miss All Sunday • Luffy's brother • King of Alabasta • Fought Zoro & Nami • Prehistoric Island • Zoro's cursed sword • King of Drum Island • Princess of Alabasta • Lives inside a whale • Gave Chopper his name • Fought Chopper & Usopp • Strawhat pirate's cook • Strawhat pirate's ship • A vulture and an otter • Pirate Friendly Island • ...
One Piece 2021-11-08
- Who's picture was Imu holding
- Yasaku Matsuda
- 53yrs old when he died
- "Just a little more, until this country can be beneath the real sun…"
- best liar in one piece
- stabbed himself under the eye with a knife
- Medusa
- Oda's creative art sports this character with a shirt with the word "EVIL" on it
- Sanji look alike
- how old was Shanks when Roger was executed
- skypia money
- first bounty reveal
- Oda stated if he wasn't a pirate he would be a police officer
- only strawhat to have died(and not come back to life)
- carries a Bible
- "Can I see your panties"
- stops kizaru with a gun
- Luffy and Zoro almost kill this World Noble
- Boa only trusts 2 men, Luffy and…?
- Tim Curry’s Dr. Frank-N-Furter character from the cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show
- World Noble that doesn't own slaves anymore
- the only female to ever call Luffy "Sama"
- "I was able to help this dream..has finally started to run."
- King of Goa and adopted brother of Sabo
- shares a birthday with Shanks and mihawk
- Only SH to not be formally invited to join
- "Toputoputopu"
- "Forgive me... the lingering snow is finally melting, so I can tell when dawn is near."
- calls doflamingo "Doffy"
- Inu Inu no mi model: Tanuki
- pineapple
- breaks a forbidden law to save luffy
- soup
- claimed to have command over CP0 because of a secret
- "One Piece is Real!!!"
- best youtuber
- Hoya Hoya no mi
- Mane Mane no mi
- Nui Nui no mi
- the only strawhat to work under another pirate crew (against his will)
- owner of Rain Dinners Casino
- First to kill in One Piece
- " This should be sufficient to undo all your magic...So Long!!!!"
- worked for MADS
- "Goronyanya"
- sent to Momoiro Island during timeskip
- "In fact, I'll go singing! And a-one, and a-two!"
- first holder of the Bari Bari No Mi
- "Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo"
- who is the commander of the "jailer Beasts"?
- Had the highest bounty pre-timeskip
- "Bet your life on it?"
52 Clues: soup • Medusa • pineapple • skypia money • "Goronyanya" • best youtuber • Nui Nui no mi • Yasaku Matsuda • "Toputoputopu" • Hoya Hoya no mi • Mane Mane no mi • carries a Bible • worked for MADS • Sanji look alike • first bounty reveal • "Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo" • "One Piece is Real!!!" • best liar in one piece • "Bet your life on it?" • 53yrs old when he died • stops kizaru with a gun • calls doflamingo "Doffy" • ...
One piece 2021-02-08
- will never hit a women
- It is regarded as the ultimate devil fruit
- Lowesr bounty in the seris
- Main character
- Three sword style user
- Joker
- most wanted man alive
- strongest man alive
- Fire fist
- Shanks,Kiado,big Mom and black beard are
- Miss wednesday
- The ultimate treasure
- The firs ship of the straw hats pirets
- Sniper King
- the king of the pirates
- It was past on from Roger to Shanks to luffy
- miss all sunday
- The first son of the sea
- wepond agins logia users
20 Clues: SUPER • Joker • Fire fist • Sniper King • Miss wednesday • Main character • miss all sunday • strongest man alive • The ultimate treasure • most wanted man alive • will never hit a women • Three sword style user • the king of the pirates • The first son of the sea • wepond agins logia users • Lowesr bounty in the seris • The firs ship of the straw hats pirets • ...
ONE PIECE 2024-03-02
- The final destination of the Grand Line, rumored to be the location of One Piece and the key to uncovering the world's greatest mysteries.
- The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates, who ate the Human-Human Fruit, allowing him to transform into various forms.
- The Four Emperors, the most powerful pirate captains ruling over different regions of the Grand Line.
- The shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his cyborg enhancements and his ability to build and repair ships.
- The Warlords of the Sea, powerful pirates who have allied with the World Government in exchange for certain privileges.
- The naval force of the World Government responsible for maintaining order and combating piracy.
- One of the three types of Devil Fruits, granting the user superhuman abilities without altering their body's physical state.
- The swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, renowned for his immense strength and dedication to becoming the world's greatest swordsman.
- A mysterious power that allows its users to sense the presence of others, strengthen their attacks, and exert their will over others.
- A secret army led by Monkey D. Dragon, seeking to overthrow the World Government and bring about a new era of freedom.
- One of the three types of Devil Fruits, granting the user the ability to transform, produce, and control a specific element.
- The enthusiastic and adventurous protagonist of One Piece.
- The musician of the Straw Hat Pirates, a living skeleton with a devil fruit power that allows him to return to life after death.
- The archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates, seeking to uncover the mysteries of the world's history known as the "Void Century."
- Luffy's combat forms, achieved through his mastery of Haki and his Devil Fruit powers, enhancing his strength, speed, and durability.
- The former Pirate King and legendary figure whose execution sparked the Great Pirate Era and inspired a new generation of pirates.
- The skilled navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for her cartography skills and her dream of creating a complete map of the world.
- The chef of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his culinary skills, chivalry, and powerful martial arts technique, "Black Leg Style."
- The sharpshooter and storyteller of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his tall tales and his ability to wield a slingshot with deadly accuracy.
- One of the three types of Devil Fruits, granting the user the ability to transform into a specific animal or hybrid form.
20 Clues: The enthusiastic and adventurous protagonist of One Piece. • The naval force of the World Government responsible for maintaining order and combating piracy. • The Four Emperors, the most powerful pirate captains ruling over different regions of the Grand Line. • ...
One Piece 2024-05-02
- The Flashy Clown
- Samurai
- Because I am beautiful
- Minority Hunter
- Emergency Food
- It's real
- Batman
- Pistol!
- Desert Island
- Best Princess
- Strongest Beast
- Tall, Pale, and Handsome
- Okama
- Electro Bunny
- Soul King
- Best Brother
- Joyboy
- First son of the sea
- Perverted cook
- God Captain
- All right
- Emperor of the sea
- Cat burgler
25 Clues: Okama • Joyboy • SUPER! • Batman • Samurai • Pistol! • Soul King • It's real • All right • DON'T SKIP • God Captain • Cat burgler • Best Brother • Electro Bunny • Desert Island • Best Princess • Emergency Food • Perverted cook • Minority Hunter • Strongest Beast • The Flashy Clown • Emperor of the sea • First son of the sea • Because I am beautiful • Tall, Pale, and Handsome
One Piece 2022-05-11
- of D - Kureha , Robin & Saul
- - Shuppoppoppo
- Fruit User - sumpa or mahika.
- Bell - eight plus eight
- Jake No Mi - 1 + 1 = 1
- Pamu No Mi - touch touch BOOM!
- Century - Forgotten & Forbidden
- - sky , heaven and Seven
- Bear - bow or punishment
- - Wintry Wind
- Roux - First Blood
- Back Fight - crew or jolly roger?
- - Dead or Alive
- Down - Divina Commedia
- - several fairytales
- Sickness - Love can kill
- - penguin and Greenland
- - is nobody home?
- - Birthday , Pandora
- of the Kings - Kings lies here & Hades
20 Clues: - Wintry Wind • - Shuppoppoppo • - Dead or Alive • - is nobody home? • Roux - First Blood • - several fairytales • - Birthday , Pandora • Down - Divina Commedia • Jake No Mi - 1 + 1 = 1 • - penguin and Greenland • Bell - eight plus eight • Sickness - Love can kill • - sky , heaven and Seven • Bear - bow or punishment • of D - Kureha , Robin & Saul • Fruit User - sumpa or mahika. • ...
One piece 2022-05-10
- Mexican woman that can heal herself
- leg
- Flying bird
- Pow pow flying and big
- Pew pew speed
- is white
- Harry Potter
- Australian animal person
- wall
- hot hot
- Powerful but dead
- big arm
- sun god Nika
- American old man
- japans ninja
- three
- he is black
- Pinocchio in disguise
- is the strongest pirate alive and can make lighting into rubber
- Korean air
20 Clues: leg • wall • three • hot hot • big arm • is white • Korean air • Flying bird • he is black • Harry Potter • sun god Nika • japans ninja • Pew pew speed • American old man • Powerful but dead • Pinocchio in disguise • Pow pow flying and big • Australian animal person • Mexican woman that can heal herself • is the strongest pirate alive and can make lighting into rubber
One Piece 2016-12-21
- Homme-poisson de cocoyashi
- renne-humain
- Père de Usopp
- Roi de Drum
- Patron du Baratie
- Soeur de Nami
- Squelette vivant
- Clown Pirate
- Princesse d'Alabasta
- Modèle de Luffy
- leader de l'armée rebelle d'Alabasta
- colonel de la marine ayant le pouvoir de la fumée
- La chatte cambrioleuse
- Prochain roi des pirates
- un géant de Little Garden
- un des 7 grand corsaires
- Cyborg
- un des 7 grand corsaires
- L'enfant démoniaque
- Pirate à 3 sabres
- Grand menteur
- Cuisinier de luffy
- Frère de Luffy
- Ancienne rivale de Zoro
24 Clues: Cyborg • Roi de Drum • renne-humain • Clown Pirate • Père de Usopp • Soeur de Nami • Grand menteur • Frère de Luffy • Modèle de Luffy • Squelette vivant • Patron du Baratie • Pirate à 3 sabres • Cuisinier de luffy • L'enfant démoniaque • Princesse d'Alabasta • La chatte cambrioleuse • Ancienne rivale de Zoro • Prochain roi des pirates • un des 7 grand corsaires • un des 7 grand corsaires • ...
one piece 2024-01-30
- a member of both sun and arlong pirates
- ate the yami yami no mi
- kaido was killed here
- rogers first mate
- slingshoter
- arlong pirates shipwreck
- ate the mera mera no mi
- ate the mera mera no mi
- straw hat who always gets lost
- ate the sticky sticky fruit
- ate the pamu pamu no mi
- ate the ryu ryu no mi/brachiosaurus
- king of the pirates
- ate the ishi ishi no mi
- ate the hira hira no mi
- water kung fu master
- one of zoros swords
- plays the violin
- turns people into toys
- one of odens swords
- ate the zou zou no mi
- ate the ope ope no mi
- built a ship for the strawhats
- meat eater
- luffys haki
- reindeer docter
- ate the ato ato no mi
- ate the gura gura no mi
- ate the nagi nagi no mi
- ate the gura gura no mi
- ate the kira kira no mi
- ate the doru doru no mi
- simp
- also ate the ryu ryu no mi/pteranodon
- can turn into a T.rex
- this charecter gets a fever
- a power that is used to hit logia users
- the most faumos member on the cook pirates
- ate the zou zou no mi/mammoth
- a polar bear
- ate the sube sube no mi
- can use some of Luffys moves
- has a devil fruit but is unnamed
- has the best conquers haki
- ate the tori tori no mi
45 Clues: simp • meat eater • luffys haki • slingshoter • a polar bear • reindeer docter • plays the violin • rogers first mate • king of the pirates • one of zoros swords • one of odens swords • water kung fu master • ate the ato ato no mi • kaido was killed here • can turn into a T.rex • ate the zou zou no mi • ate the ope ope no mi • turns people into toys • ate the yami yami no mi • ate the gura gura no mi • ...
One piece 2024-08-12
- the one who sent ace to the marines
- uses straw to fight
- current fleet admiral
- 2nd son of the charlotte family
- the drill(was beaten by garp)
- with piano keys as teeth
- kage kage fruit user
- _____ fruit current user is shiryu
- “the one piece is real”
- has a bird on his shoulder
- member of worst generation with wings
- worst generation member who can change peoples age
- former marine admiral now a pirate
- a worst generation pirate with a dinosaur based fruit
- donxiuote family with a toy based ability
- glint glint fruit user
- kids right hand man
- snow snow fruit user
- main antagonist of punk hazard
- true love
- a living castle
- someone who can move metal like a magnet
- Trafalgar d water ___
23 Clues: true love • a living castle • uses straw to fight • kids right hand man • snow snow fruit user • kage kage fruit user • current fleet admiral • Trafalgar d water ___ • glint glint fruit user • “the one piece is real” • with piano keys as teeth • has a bird on his shoulder • the drill(was beaten by garp) • main antagonist of punk hazard • 2nd son of the charlotte family • ...
One Piece 2024-04-06
- King of Drum Island
- Lives inside a whale
- Zoro's cursed sword
- Where up in the clock tower with the bomb
- Luffy & Zoro beat them easily
- Went undercover with Vivi
- Leader of the Rebel Army
- When answering Mr.0's call, Sanji identified himself as
- Giants
- Strawhat pirate's sniper
- Winter island
- Miss All Sunday
- Tried to execute Luffy
- Shichibukai "hero" of Alabasta
- Princess of Alabasta
- Strawhat pirate's cook
- Kuina's sword given to Zoro
- Strawhat pirate's captain
- Becomes the new king of Drum Island
- Strawhat pirate's ship
- Fought Sanji
- Attacked Drum island before the Strawhats got there
- The end and the begining
- Pirate Friendly Island
- Fought Chopper & Usopp
- Shop owner's heirloom given to Zoro
- Pair trying to kill Laboon
- Fought Zoro & Nami
- The way to enter the grand line
- Luffy's brother
- Baroque Work's pair set at Little Garden
- Desert island
- Taught Chopper medicine
- Strawhat pirate's swordsman
- Vivi's duck
- A vulture and an otter
- Gave Chopper his name
- Whale at Reverse Mountain
- Luffy is looking for the
- Prehistoric Island
- User of the Tori Tori no Mi Model: Falcon
- The giant's home island
- Strawhat pirate's navigator
- Strawhat pirate's doctor
- User of the Inu Inu no Mi Model: Jackal
- Stayed at Yuba digging for water
- Codename of the leader of Baroque Works
- Helped Zoro get his new swords
- King of Alabasta
- Marine captain at Loguetown
50 Clues: Giants • Vivi's duck • Fought Sanji • Desert island • Winter island • Luffy's brother • Miss All Sunday • King of Alabasta • Fought Zoro & Nami • Prehistoric Island • King of Drum Island • Zoro's cursed sword • Lives inside a whale • Princess of Alabasta • Gave Chopper his name • Pirate Friendly Island • Fought Chopper & Usopp • A vulture and an otter • Tried to execute Luffy • Strawhat pirate's cook • ...
One Piece 2024-09-03
- Pirate name of Edwarde D. Teach
- Swordsman of the Straw Hats
- Ruler of the World
- Princess of Alabasta
- Vegapunk who betrayed to become a celestial dragon
- Helmsman of the Straw Hats
- Punk 02 Vegapunk Embodiment of Evil
- Home of the Giants
- Former Worlord who fell in love with Luffy (Last Name)
- Shipwright of the Straw Hats
- Leader of the Revolutionary Army
- Former member of the Big Mom Pirates now with Straw Hats
- Leader of the Germa Kingdom
- Sniper for the Straw Hats
- Doctor of the Straw Hats
- Superhero From Sniper Island
- Navigator of the Straw Hats
- Leader of Crossguild
- King of the Pirates
- Pirate name of Edward Newgate
- Cook of the Straw Hats
- Skeleton who wants the reunite with Laboon
- The Sun God
- Survivor of Ohara
- Protagonist of One Piece
- The First Pirate
- Son of Gold Roger
- Elephant member of Joyboys Crew
- Hero of the Marines
29 Clues: The Sun God • The First Pirate • Survivor of Ohara • Son of Gold Roger • Ruler of the World • Home of the Giants • King of the Pirates • Hero of the Marines • Leader of Crossguild • Princess of Alabasta • Cook of the Straw Hats • Doctor of the Straw Hats • Protagonist of One Piece • Sniper for the Straw Hats • Helmsman of the Straw Hats • Navigator of the Straw Hats • Swordsman of the Straw Hats • ...
One Piece 2025-01-09
- Navio que pertencia a Kaya
- Como Trebol chama seu chefe
- Sonho de Sanji
- Reino de Garp
- Cidade onde Igaramu foi prefeito.
- Mascote de Hancock
- Parente de Onigumo
- Mar onde está localizado Amazon Lily
- Filho de Kaidou
- Esquecido capitão pirata de 40 anos atrás
- Pirata mais jovem da Pior Geração
- Maior zumbi de Thriller Bark
- Lutador do "Estilo 4 espadas"
- Neta de Tsuru
- Fruta comida por Baby 5
- Navio que chegou a Laugh Tale
- Ex-capitão dos Soldados de Deus
- Incidente que conecta Law, Coby e Teach
- Amazona que foi companheira de Kaidou e Big Mom no passado
- Última sobrevivente da família Kurozumi
- Deu Enma pra Zoro
- Item necessário pra navegar na Grand Line
- Capitão de Rockstar
- Arca localizada na Ilha dos Homens-Peixe
- Mercadoria que Doflamingo vendia para Kaidou
- Pirata infiltrado na Marinha
- Ilha cuja destruição subiu o nível do mar em 1 metro
- Onde Luffy e Teach se conheceram
- Comeu a Tama Tama no Mi
- Item guardado no crânio de Brook
- Escondeu Vivi após a Reverie
- Derrotou Pica em Dressrosa
- Dona de Kumashi
- Comida favorita de Luffy
- Arma que destruiu Orange Town
- Quase morreu de escorbuto
- Décimo Capitão Titânico de Teach
- Família que rejeitou viver em Mary Geois
- Foi atingido por um raio em Logue Town
- Responsável pelo fim dos Piratas Kiba Gaeru
- Navegador dos Piratas Heart
- Local onde morreu Pedro
- Países vítimas de Shichibukais
- Vendeu John Giant para o governo
- Tia de Rebecca
- Restaurante flutuante no East Blue
- Irmã de Page One
- Disfarce de Miss Double Finger em Alabasta
- Pirata Rocks transformado em Zumbi
- Item responsável pela seca em Alabasta
- O primeiro pirata
- Nome verdadeiro de Mr.3
- Escravo libertado por Law
- Levou Hancock até Impel Down
- Substituiu Hanafuda
- Escrava libertada por Fisher Tiger
- Dono da Reject Dial
- Identidade secreta de Usopp em Ennies Lobby
- Fruto cujo poder derrotou o Bando do Chapéu de Palha em Sabaody
- Trouxe o cúltivo de abóboras pra cultura Shandia
- Onde está armazenado o conhecimento de Vegapunk
- Morreu em Punk Hazard
- Atual secretária de Iceburg
- Ilha-natal de Law
- Como terminam a maioria dos nomes de golpe da Robin
- Espécie de coelhos de Drum
- Navio destruído por Shanks
- Morador da Lua
- Mar de origem de Brook
- Vice-Diretor de Impel Down atual
- Embarcação usada pra tirar Luffy de Marineford
- Esposa de Rayleigh
- Garçonete que deu um fora em Jabra
- Arma escondida no País de Wano
- Último rei de Elbaf
- Pato de Vivi
- Primeiro pirata a escapar de Impel Down
- Comprou Keimy em um leilão
- Mais jovem usuária do Mantra em Skypiea
- Descreveu Little Garden e Elbaf em "Brag Men"
- Antiga ilha base dos Revolucionários.
- Vegapunk que representa a violência
- Raça inexistente na tripulação de Big Mom (pl)
- Primeiro clone criado com sucesso
- Levou Franky de Water Seven pra Ennies Lobby
- Sobrevivente de Ohara
- Ilha onde mora Wanda
- Cuidou de Luffy, Ace e Sabo na infância
- Traiu Newgate em Marineford
- Espada de Tashigi
- Ilha onde Garp foi capturado
- Arma de Arlong
- Comeu a Zushi Zushi no Mi
- Robô que atacou Mary Geois
- Assento de Im
- Criação de Usopp dada pra Nami
- Deus Guerreiro da Justiça
- Ilha onde foi assassinado Fisher Tiger
- Neto de Big Mom
- Financiador do grupo MADS
- Mãe de Ace
- Espada destruída em Ennies Lobby
- Ilha onde foi roubado o Uo Uo no Mi
- Conhecido como "A Hiena"
- Última ilha oficial da Grand Line
- Impersonou Luffy em Sabaody
- Alcunha de Teach
- Substituiram os Shichibukais
- Prendeu Crocodile em Alabasta
- Sobrenome de Cindry
- Irmão gêmeo de Katakuri
- Traiu Kidd e Hawkins
- Ponte gigante pra onde Robin foi mandada por Kuma
- Assassino de Vegapunk
- Construiu o Rocketman
- Mais recente tripulação Yonkou a se formar
- Rei que pode se transformar em um bisão
- Animal que Vivi tentou matar em sua primeira aparição
- Ataque mais usado por Zoro
- Marinheira com o poder de criar jaulas
- Criou o Nível 5,5 em Impel Down
- Moeda de Skypiea
- Reino de Kuma
- Primeiro capitão de Nami
124 Clues: Mãe de Ace • Pato de Vivi • Reino de Garp • Neta de Tsuru • Assento de Im • Reino de Kuma • Sonho de Sanji • Morador da Lua • Arma de Arlong • Tia de Rebecca • Filho de Kaidou • Dona de Kumashi • Neto de Big Mom • Alcunha de Teach • Irmã de Page One • Moeda de Skypiea • Ilha-natal de Law • Deu Enma pra Zoro • Espada de Tashigi • O primeiro pirata • Mascote de Hancock • Parente de Onigumo • Esposa de Rayleigh • ...
one piece 2023-11-02
- reptile
- super cyborg
- surgeon of death
- long nose
- ace's father figure
- he steals devil fruits
- totally not kidd's bf hahahahaha
- biggest strawhat fanboy
- narcolepsy, sleepwalking, and dissociative identity disorder
- gave luffy his hat
- "prettiest" woman in the world
- beast yonko
- law's father figure
- boss fishman
- too many children
- fiery donut
- best swordsman at the moment
- tsundere with a dessert name
- a brave samurai who loves oden and his wife
- three swordsman
- main character
- new shogunate of wano
- flamingo
- ghost princess
- a young girl who wanted to join ace's crew
- luffy's mentor in the two year time skip
- a transfem samurai
- yohohoho
- a big crybaby
- poneglyphs
- cat bugular
- former king of the pirates
- kaido's son
- one of the sake brothers
- long ahh nose fishman
- cook
- biggest glowup in one piece, first person luffy met when he went out to sea
- NOT a raccoon
- former admiral ice guy
- former fleet admiral
- no gender
- red headed metal scrap guy
- luffy's grandpa
- killed ace
- best vlogger in the paramount war
- princess of alabasta
46 Clues: cook • reptile • flamingo • yohohoho • long nose • no gender • poneglyphs • killed ace • cat bugular • kaido's son • beast yonko • fiery donut • super cyborg • boss fishman • a big crybaby • NOT a raccoon • ghost princess • main character • luffy's grandpa • three swordsman • surgeon of death • too many children • a transfem samurai • gave luffy his hat • ace's father figure • law's father figure • former fleet admiral • ...
One Piece 2022-09-05
- Long ____ Long Land
- simp
- Super low rank pirate
- Pre-Skypeia
- Special Paramecia user
- Beast Pirate Captain
- Dragon
- Mr.2
- Opening 17
- captain’s favorite food
- Big Moms sun
- Land of the giants
- Home of Chopper
- Buggy’s signature weapon
- Furry Fighter (Zou)
- Celestial Dragons Home
- Before the grand line
- Ace inspired move
- Alabasta Capital
- Navigation System
- Crossguild “Leader”
21 Clues: simp • Mr.2 • Dragon • Opening 17 • Pre-Skypeia • Big Moms sun • Home of Chopper • Alabasta Capital • Ace inspired move • Navigation System • Land of the giants • Long ____ Long Land • Furry Fighter (Zou) • Crossguild “Leader” • Beast Pirate Captain • Before the grand line • Super low rank pirate • Celestial Dragons Home • Special Paramecia user • captain’s favorite food • Buggy’s signature weapon
One Piece 2023-06-02
- Who is Luffy's dad?
- Helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Who left the One Piece?
- Ruler of Whole Cake Island
- The fish man that kept Nami indebted
- Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Musician of the Straw Hat Pirates
- The samurai from Wano that journeyed with GolDRoger
- Doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates
- The clown pirate that was aboard Gol D. Roger's crew
- Shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Ruler of Dressrosa
- Luffy's grandfather
- Archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates
- a piece of paper made from a person's fingernail clipping. The pieces can then be given to a friend whom one would be separated from.
- Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Marksman of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates
- What treasure is Luffy looking for?
- Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Who gave Luffy the straw hat?
21 Clues: Ruler of Dressrosa • Who is Luffy's dad? • Luffy's grandfather • Who left the One Piece? • Ruler of Whole Cake Island • Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates • Who gave Luffy the straw hat? • Doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates • Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates • Helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates • Marksman of the Straw Hat Pirates • Musician of the Straw Hat Pirates • ...
One Piece 2022-04-25
- snake princess
- kaidos son
- Luffy’s navy rival
- ate the human human fruit
- sogekings trusty weapon
- perverted cook
- rubber man
- first son of the sea
- wants to draw a world map
- whitebeards right hand man
- a Phoenix human
- big moms strongest son
- three sword swordsman
- hooked sand man
- he and jimbei are like brothers
- shanks’ sworn brother
- Rogers right hand man
- known as red hair
- queen of queers
19 Clues: kaidos son • rubber man • snake princess • perverted cook • a Phoenix human • hooked sand man • queen of queers • known as red hair • Luffy’s navy rival • first son of the sea • three sword swordsman • shanks’ sworn brother • Rogers right hand man • big moms strongest son • sogekings trusty weapon • ate the human human fruit • wants to draw a world map • whitebeards right hand man • ...
One piece 2022-03-17
19 Clues: zou • joker • red hair • pink hair • 5th yonko • girl yonko • razor nose • first ship • luffy's hat • drum island • ancient stone • miss wednesday • miss allsunday • bird journalist • considered "gods • first crew member • first pirate fought • spoiled brat at beggining • why could crocodile be punched when he was defeated
One Piece 2022-05-03
- Red hair
- Cyborg shipwright
- Determined to be the King of Pirates
- To surpass Dracule Mihawk
- Whitebeard's nemesis
- Swimming karate
- Navigator of the Straw Hats
- Cherry blossom doctor
- Mama of 85
- The last island
- Swimming devil fruit
- quake father
- The lying sharpshooter
- Legendary treasure
- Germa 66 cook
- Creator of One Piece
- Devil archaeologist
- Soul musician
18 Clues: Red hair • Mama of 85 • quake father • Germa 66 cook • Soul musician • The last island • Swimming karate • Cyborg shipwright • Legendary treasure • Devil archaeologist • Swimming devil fruit • Creator of One Piece • Whitebeard's nemesis • Cherry blossom doctor • The lying sharpshooter • To surpass Dracule Mihawk • Navigator of the Straw Hats • Determined to be the King of Pirates
One Piece 2016-07-28
- Will never lose another duel.
- Super.
- Hands aren't for fighting.
- Princess of an island, also a gladiator.
- Ally of the Straw Hats.
- Three words that pop up at the end of every episode.
- Famous captain who leads tousands of men, also a sniper.
- His son will become the next "Pirate King".
- Need a hand? How about a hundred?
- Ate the rubber fruit.
- Princess of a desert island.
- Rockstar pirate.
- A man who can cut fire.
- Powerless old man, once sailed with the "Pirate King".
- Straw Hat Crew's drug dealer.
- Burglar.
16 Clues: Super. • Burglar. • Rockstar pirate. • Ate the rubber fruit. • A man who can cut fire. • Ally of the Straw Hats. • Hands aren't for fighting. • Princess of a desert island. • Will never lose another duel. • Straw Hat Crew's drug dealer. • Need a hand? How about a hundred? • Princess of an island, also a gladiator. • His son will become the next "Pirate King". • ...
One Piece 2023-03-20
- Prasasti kuno misterius
- Siput komunikasi
- Penunggu Reverse Mountain
- Luffy berasal dari?
- Pemburu Putih
- Julukan Luffy
- Kapal pertama kru Mugiwara
- Nakama pertama Luffy
- Desa tempat Luffy bertemu Shanks
- Desa kelahiran Zoro
- Kakak Luffy
- Nami berperan sebagai . . . . di kapal
- Tempat eksekusi Roger
- Penjaga bar desa Foosha
- Restaurant terapung
- Anak Kapten Morgan
16 Clues: Kakak Luffy • Pemburu Putih • Julukan Luffy • Siput komunikasi • Anak Kapten Morgan • Desa kelahiran Zoro • Luffy berasal dari? • Restaurant terapung • Nakama pertama Luffy • Tempat eksekusi Roger • Prasasti kuno misterius • Penjaga bar desa Foosha • Penunggu Reverse Mountain • Kapal pertama kru Mugiwara • Desa tempat Luffy bertemu Shanks • Nami berperan sebagai . . . . di kapal
One piece 2023-04-11
16 Clues: liar • simp • death • donut • dragon • treasure • navigator • metal arm • pineapple • rubber man • 7 warlords • luffys father • miss all sunday • three sword style • flam franky's real name • aces devil fruit(2 word)
one piece 2024-10-25
- contains true history
- unknown weapon
- "klahadore"
- big fan of the straw hats
- first of the monkey brothers that the straw hats met
- defeated by luffy's gomu gomu gomu gomu no bazooka
- ancient ancestor is a " legendary liar"
- oden's sword not enma
- basically oden
- if had a devil fruit would be up up no mi model seiryu
- wapol's soldier after he ate his 2 most strongest warrior
- second of the monkey brothers that the straw hat's meet
- repaired merry in skypeia
- can use lightning
- almost killed roshio the executioner
- "legendary liar"
16 Clues: "klahadore" • unknown weapon • basically oden • "legendary liar" • can use lightning • contains true history • oden's sword not enma • repaired merry in skypeia • big fan of the straw hats • almost killed roshio the executioner • ancient ancestor is a " legendary liar" • defeated by luffy's gomu gomu gomu gomu no bazooka • first of the monkey brothers that the straw hats met • ...
One Piece 2022-05-18
- Pink-haired "future admiral", trained by Luffy's grandfather
- Nami's favorite fruit
- Zoro's tripling demon sword form
- Trafalgar D. Law's other middle name
- Village where Luffy was born
- Trained Luffy over the time-skip
- Post time-skip Fishman arc
- In love with Luffy, but faces constant rejection
- Legendary island that holds the one piece
- Blonde Vinsmoke son, also meaning "3 o'clock"
- Encrypted ancient rock messages
- First ship of the straw hats
- Viv's sand kingdom
- Ace's father
- Position in which Whitebeard died
- Post time-skip, Brooke is known as the ___ King
16 Clues: Ace's father • Viv's sand kingdom • Nami's favorite fruit • Post time-skip Fishman arc • First ship of the straw hats • Village where Luffy was born • Encrypted ancient rock messages • Zoro's tripling demon sword form • Trained Luffy over the time-skip • Position in which Whitebeard died • Trafalgar D. Law's other middle name • Legendary island that holds the one piece • ...
One Piece 2024-05-06
16 Clues: Bones • Hancock • Goathawk • Straw Hat • Red Haired • Purple Admiral • Sand Sand Fruit • Where Vivi lives • Three Sword Style • Flame Flame Fruit • Where Rebecca lives • King of the Pirates • Former Fleet Admiral • Op Fruit Law's Devil Fruit • Cook for the Straw Hat Pirates • Chief of Staff for the Revolutionary Army
One Piece 2024-05-25
- Hal yang membuat Luffy kagum
- Teks kunci dalam dunia
- Nama kelompok ilmuwan terkenal
- Salah satu kontestan turnamen Dressrossa, namanya terinspirasi dari tokoh Alquran
- Imajinasi hanyalah batasannya
- Pengisi suara karakter ini saat kecil adalah Seiryu terkenal
- Jurus yang tak terbendung
- Salah satu raja di North Blue, ia ingin menguasai North Blue
- Singkatan dari kekuatan yang hanya dimiliki Luffy dan Roger
- Cerita ketiga dari Alabasta Saga
- Antagonis terkeren sepanjang serial berjalan
- Teknik terkonyol Luffy
- Bajak laut terkuat yang pernah ada
- Tempat penelitian di New World
- Marga terkuat di lautan
- Lembaga super rahasia dari Pemerintahan Dunia
16 Clues: Teknik terkonyol Luffy • Teks kunci dalam dunia • Marga terkuat di lautan • Jurus yang tak terbendung • Hal yang membuat Luffy kagum • Imajinasi hanyalah batasannya • Tempat penelitian di New World • Nama kelompok ilmuwan terkenal • Cerita ketiga dari Alabasta Saga • Bajak laut terkuat yang pernah ada • Antagonis terkeren sepanjang serial berjalan • ...
One Piece 2022-05-18
- Pink-haired "future admiral", trained by Luffy's grandfather
- Nami's favorite fruit
- Zoro's tripling demon sword form
- Trafalgar D. Law's other middle name
- Village where Luffy was born
- Trained Luffy over the time-skip
- Post time-skip Fishman arc
- In love with Luffy, but faces constant rejection
- Legendary island that holds the one piece
- Blonde Vinsmoke son, also meaning "3 o'clock"
- Encrypted ancient rock messages
- First ship of the straw hats
- Viv's sand kingdom
- Ace's father
- Position in which Whitebeard died
- Post time-skip, Brooke is known as the ___ King
16 Clues: Ace's father • Viv's sand kingdom • Nami's favorite fruit • Post time-skip Fishman arc • First ship of the straw hats • Village where Luffy was born • Encrypted ancient rock messages • Zoro's tripling demon sword form • Trained Luffy over the time-skip • Position in which Whitebeard died • Trafalgar D. Law's other middle name • Legendary island that holds the one piece • ...
One Piece 2023-07-28
- Merry - The Straw Hat Pirates' first ship, a beloved vessel.
- - Seafaring individuals who seek treasure and adventure.
- - Secret organization aiming to overthrow the World Government.
- - Legendary island said to hold the ultimate treasure, One Piece.
- Line - The treacherous and mysterious sea where the adventure takes place.
- - Special power that allows users to sense and manipulate their surroundings.
- - The Four Emperors, the most powerful pirates in the world.
- - Merfolk species living in underwater civilizations.
- Second - Luffy's technique that enhances his speed and strength.
- Hat - Iconic hat worn by the main protagonist, Luffy.
- - Ancient stone tablets with important historical information.
- Pose - Navigation device used to traverse the Grand Line.
- Fruit - Special fruits that grant superhuman abilities.
- - World Government's naval force, tasked with maintaining law and order.
- Island - Floating islands in the sky, shrouded in mystery and legend.
15 Clues: - Merfolk species living in underwater civilizations. • Hat - Iconic hat worn by the main protagonist, Luffy. • Fruit - Special fruits that grant superhuman abilities. • - Seafaring individuals who seek treasure and adventure. • Pose - Navigation device used to traverse the Grand Line. • Merry - The Straw Hat Pirates' first ship, a beloved vessel. • ...
One piece 2022-10-18
15 Clues: Rêve • Chien • Cirque • Poutine • Peu d'hp • Calomnie • Casserole • Gay de bz • Electrabel • Nouvelle porte • Meilleure carte • Cheval d'un roman • nez hyper sensible • Adil préfère 1v1 le 10 • Base de la mort d'Achille
One Piece 2023-05-24
- Who is Luffy's dad?
- Ruler of Whole Cake Island
- The clown pirate that was aboard Gol D. Roger's crew
- Helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Who gave Luffy the straw hat?
- Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Ruler of Dressrosa
- Archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Musician of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Marksman of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates
15 Clues: Ruler of Dressrosa • Who is Luffy's dad? • Ruler of Whole Cake Island • Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates • Who gave Luffy the straw hat? • Doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates • Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates • Helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates • Musician of the Straw Hat Pirates • Marksman of the Straw Hat Pirates • Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates • ...
One Piece 2024-12-23
- Personnage qui a mangé le fruit Zoan de l'humain
- Pirate qui a le fruit du démon du feu
- Navigatrice de l'équipage des chapeaux de paille
- Ancien membre de Baroque Works qui a rejoint l'équipage
- Homme élastique
- Pirate qui a donné son chapeau à Luffy
- Cyborg qui porte toujours un maillot de bain
- Membre du CP9 qui se transforme en Léopard
- Habitant de Skypeia qui contrôle la foudre
- Pirate qui a un nez de clown
- Princesse d'Alabasta
- Pirate qui a le fruit du ressort
- Deuxième plus gross prime de l'équipage
- Cuisinier qui se bat avec ses jambes
- Première personne que Luffy rencontre après avoir quitté son île
15 Clues: Homme élastique • Princesse d'Alabasta • Pirate qui a un nez de clown • Pirate qui a le fruit du ressort • Cuisinier qui se bat avec ses jambes • Pirate qui a le fruit du démon du feu • Pirate qui a donné son chapeau à Luffy • Deuxième plus gross prime de l'équipage • Membre du CP9 qui se transforme en Léopard • Habitant de Skypeia qui contrôle la foudre • ...
One Piece 2022-09-13
- most wanted man
- laws crew name
- biggest war
- Red haired yonko
- Luffy's devil fruit
- the 4 emperors
- luffy's highest gear
- opposite of skypea
- supposebly strongest devil fruit
- past down from roger to shanks then to luffy
- former king of pirates
- artificial devil fruits name
- owner of dragon fruit
- user of three sword style
- Main Protaganist
15 Clues: biggest war • laws crew name • the 4 emperors • most wanted man • Red haired yonko • Main Protaganist • opposite of skypea • Luffy's devil fruit • luffy's highest gear • owner of dragon fruit • former king of pirates • user of three sword style • artificial devil fruits name • supposebly strongest devil fruit • past down from roger to shanks then to luffy
One piece 2023-01-05
- cook of the strawhats
- the captain of the thriller bark
- martial artist of the fishman karate
- the captain of whole cake island
- the person who gave luffy the strawhat
- doctor of the strawhats
- the person with two devil fruits
- most dangerous man
- navigator of the strawhats
- skeleton fighter of the strawhats
- luffy's most recent opponent
- engineer of the strawhats
- the owner of the one piece
- swordsman of the strawhats
- captain of the strawhats
15 Clues: most dangerous man • cook of the strawhats • doctor of the strawhats • captain of the strawhats • engineer of the strawhats • navigator of the strawhats • the owner of the one piece • swordsman of the strawhats • luffy's most recent opponent • the captain of the thriller bark • the captain of whole cake island • the person with two devil fruits • skeleton fighter of the strawhats • ...
One Piece 2023-05-15
16 Clues: red hair • black leg • Haki user • cp1 leader • pirate king • ice admiral • light admiral • 3 sword style • magma admiral • gravity admiral • luffys new gear • hat roger hat • worst generation • sweet tooth for donuts • yami no mi dark fruit • Tremor Tremor fruit user
One piece 2023-11-10
- slave turned sun pirate + friend of sabo
- "...I hid it all, in one piece"
- unicyclist
- what race/species are the members of the tontatta tribe?
- landmark of acacia
- Who ate the gura gura no mi(tremor-tremor fruit)
- Future Island
- mosshead
- why in the nine hells would a group traveling at sea need an archeologist, but she is by far the coolest character exept teach
- To quote Malik Ishtar: Their greatest enemy thus far has been doors and stairs
- Kingdom of Riku Doldo III
- seller of the ope ope fruit
- mount of "sky rider" shura
- What can you turn into if you eat the Jake Jake no mi?
- straw hat
15 Clues: mosshead • straw hat • unicyclist • Future Island • landmark of acacia • Kingdom of Riku Doldo III • mount of "sky rider" shura • seller of the ope ope fruit • "...I hid it all, in one piece" • slave turned sun pirate + friend of sabo • Who ate the gura gura no mi(tremor-tremor fruit) • What can you turn into if you eat the Jake Jake no mi? • ...
One Piece 2024-02-06
- The first island the Straw Hats visit in the Grand Line
- The sea where "One Piece" is set
- The archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates
- Monkey D. Luffy's signature attack
- The shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates
- The swordsman who wields three swords
- The name of the pirate who is known as "Straw Hat" Luffy
- The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates
- The type of fruit that grants various supernatural powers
- The cook of the Straw Hat Pirates
- The princess of Alabasta
- The skeleton musician of the Straw Hat Pirates
- The island where Luffy begins his journey
- The navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates
14 Clues: The princess of Alabasta • The sea where "One Piece" is set • The cook of the Straw Hat Pirates • Monkey D. Luffy's signature attack • The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates • The swordsman who wields three swords • The navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates • The shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates • The island where Luffy begins his journey • ...
ONE PIECE 2023-10-16
- The name of Alabasta's royal family
- National flower of Dressrosa
- A secret organization of assasins
- Mr. 2's real name
- A kinngdom in the desert
- The only woman in the Heart Pirates crew
- He is named after a fictional horse
- Future king of the pirates
- A country inspired in Spain
- Ipponmatsu gifted Zoro this sword in Loguetown
- His design was inspired in the Japanese actor Kunie Tanaka
- The Heart Pirates' ship
- This was supposed to be Sanji's name originally
- This vegetable is also the name of a One Piece character
14 Clues: Mr. 2's real name • The Heart Pirates' ship • A kinngdom in the desert • Future king of the pirates • A country inspired in Spain • National flower of Dressrosa • A secret organization of assasins • The name of Alabasta's royal family • He is named after a fictional horse • The only woman in the Heart Pirates crew • Ipponmatsu gifted Zoro this sword in Loguetown • ...
One Piece 2024-02-02
14 Clues: God • Doctor • General • Vinsmoke • Thousand • StrawHat • FireFist • SkullKing • CatBurgler • DevilChild • FinalIsland • PirateHunter • CheifOfStaff • FirstSonOfTheSea
ONE PIECE 2023-10-12
one piece 2023-11-22
14 Clues: grows • is large • with a y • not hard • not black • your quick • is the king • holds things • zoros weapon • they are humans • rain,shine,cloudy • you can do anything • 1 followed by 6 zeros • boy at the top of _____
One Piece 2024-05-07
- "In times of this scarcity, hunger grips the land, leaving empty fields and desperate cries echoing through barren streets." This scene depicts what?
- The swordsman and right hand to the future King of the Pirates
- Think of a ruler with supreme authority, often associated with vast territories and a legacy of power that echoes through the ages
- The world-class chef on board and the left-hand to the future King of the Pirates
- Mystical items that, once consumed grant the user a unique ability while stripping them of their ability to swim.
- This word embodies control, influence, and authority, often wielded to shape events, decisions, and outcomes.
- This word describes a form of government where control is centralized, individual freedoms are restricted, and the state has extensive power over all aspects of life.
- The Captain and the hero of our story
- This word embodies fairness and righteousness, ensuring everyone gets what they deserve under the law's impartial gaze.
- The Navigator of the ship and the brains behind most of the Straw Hats' plans
- Someone or something ahead of its time, changing the game with innovation and fresh perspectives.
- Refers to the system that oversees a society's laws, policies, and services, steering the ship of state with authority and organization.
- The historian on board, is also the sole survivor of a country of people that the Government wiped out.
- It's a grim part of history, where individuals were deprived of freedom, forced into labor, and treated as property rather than people.
14 Clues: The Captain and the hero of our story • The swordsman and right hand to the future King of the Pirates • The Navigator of the ship and the brains behind most of the Straw Hats' plans • The world-class chef on board and the left-hand to the future King of the Pirates • ...
One Piece 2020-05-30
14 Clues: ImpelDown • ThrillerBark • ThrillerBark • Wano Marineford • Zou NewgateVillage • Zou Wano Dressrosa • Baratie Marineford • ThrillerBark Kuraigana • Water7 EniesLobby Wano • ThrillerBark Marineford • PunkHazard DaoBanh Dressrosa • Alabasta ImpelDown Marineford • Kamabakka ImpelDown Marineford • Water7 Marineford FishmanIsland
One piece 2020-01-20
- He is Swordman of the lost way
- It is island Luffy born
- This is start to mermaid island
- He is Grandpa Luffy
- The owner of the island of Dresser Rosa
- Money is life in group Straw hat
- Straw hat leader group
- The General who resigned
- The second ship of straw hat
- Second Brother Luffy
- The First Ship of straw hat
- First Brother Luffy
- He is Crown
13 Clues: He is Crown • He is Grandpa Luffy • First Brother Luffy • Second Brother Luffy • Straw hat leader group • It is island Luffy born • The General who resigned • The First Ship of straw hat • The second ship of straw hat • He is Swordman of the lost way • This is start to mermaid island • Money is life in group Straw hat • The owner of the island of Dresser Rosa
One piece 2023-04-12
13 Clues: cook • dragon • mihawk • navigator • pineapple • cutty flam • marine hero • devil child • dragons son • nami love' it • luffys right hand man • lowest bounty in one piece • what happend to zoro in thriller bark
One Piece Characters 2023-12-08
- Leader of CP9, was defeated by Luffy in Enies Lobby.
- Former member of the Warlords of the Sea and has the powers of the Paw-Paw Fruit.
- Former bandit of the Nine Red Scabbards. Used himself to protect the others from the traito Kanjuro's fire.
- Princess of Fish-Man Island and can communicate with the Sea Kings.
- Princess of Dressrosa and heir to the throne.
- Mother of Nami and Nojiko, former Marine and tangerine farmer.
- Leader of Zou during the night and loyal to the Kozuki family of Wano.
- Captain of the Krieg pirates and attempted to take over the Baratie.
- Captain of the sun pirates and former slave of the Celestial Dragons.
- Captain of the Bellamy pirates and follower of Doflamingo.
- King of the Pirates and spark to the flame of the New Age of Pirates.
- Honorary member of the Straw Hat pirates and pet of Princess Vivi.
- Father figure to Kozuki Momonosuke and leader of the Nine Red Scabbards.
- First division commander of the Whitebeard pirates. Also known as "the Phoenix".
- Former Shogun of Wano and user of the Snake-Snake Fruit: Model Yamata no Orochi.
- Father to Tony Tony Chopper and known as the "Crackpot" Doctor of Drum Island.
- Captain of the Whitebeard pirates and former Emporer of the Sea. Had the second-highest bounty ever.
- Sniper of the Straw Hat pirates. "Sogeking"
- Captain of the New Fish-Man pirates and assassinator of Queen Otohime.
- Spy for the government on the inside of the Donquixote pirates and brothe of Doflamingo.
- Ruler of a large portion of the East Blue. Ruled over Nami's hometown and former crewmate of Jinbe.
- Samurai and member of the Nine Red Scabbards. Became a Yakuza boss in his hiding of identity under the name of Kyoshiro.
- Shipwright of the Straw Hats. Born as "Cutty Flam".
- Former Emporer of the Sea and captain of the Animal Kingdom pirates.
- Undead musician of the Straw Hats. Stage name is "Soul King"
- First mate to the Roger pirates and teacher to Luffy of haki.
- Strongest swordsman and former Warlord of the Sea. Has no devil fruit, but immense Haki. Member of Buggy's Crew.
- Real name is Sakazuki. Fleet Admiral of the Navy and killer of Portgas D. Ace.
- Older brother to Sanji with the Sparking Red ability.
- Real name is Issho. Blind navy official and has the power to control gravity.
- Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. "Cat Burgler"
- Brother of Kikunojo and who followed in his leaders footsteps as a member of Whitebeard pirates.
- Doctor of Drum Island and feisty old woman.
- Archaeologist, known as "Devil Child". Member of the Straw Hats.
- Samurai of the Nine Red Scabbards and Izo's sister.
- Ninja of the Nine Red Scabbards. User of the Scroll-Scroll Fruit.
- Doctor of the Straw Hat pirates. "Raccoon Dog"
- Also known as "Fire-Fist", brother to Luffy and second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates.
- Leader of the Revolutionary Army and father of Monkey D. Luffy.
- The island of Zou as a giant elephant, due to walk the seas as something that happened during the forgotten century.
- A jaguar type mink known as the Guardian of Cat Viper.
- Retired Fleet Admiral, known as "the Buddha" due to his mythical-zoan type fruit.
- Goal is to be the World's Greatest Swordsman.
- Current Shogun of Wano and ally of the Straw Hat pirates. User of the Fish-Fish Fruit: Model Azure Dragon.
- King of Alabasta and framed for the drought that Crocodile brought to the kingdom.
- King of Dressrosa, grandfather to Rebecca and father-in-law to Kyros, also father to Princesses Viola and Scarlet.
- Captain of the Thriller Bark pirates and former Warlord of the Sea.
- Captain of the Donquixote pirates and former Warlord of the Seas.
- Smoker's second in command and very clumsy swordwoman.
- Sanji's younger brother and member of the Germa Army.
- Part of the "Worst Generation" and eater of the Tone-Tone Fruit.
- Former Emporer of the Sea and captain of the Big Mom pirates.
- Sister of Sanji and the only sibling who showed him empathy.
- Captain of the Black Cat pirates and tried to do a hostile takeover of Usopp's hometown.
- Emporer of the sea and former member of the Roger pirates. HAs the powers of the Cop-Chop Fruit.
- Military scientist who strives himself in his work.
- Real name is Borsalino. Has the powers of the Glint-Glint Fruit.
- Real name is Aramaki. High ranking navy officer who ate the Forest-Forest Fruit.
- Captain of the Red-Haired pirates and gives Luffy his Straw Hat.
- Part of the "Worst Generation". Former member of the Donquixote pirates as well as the Seven Warlords. Captain of the Heart pirates.
- Ruler of Water 7 and friend of Franky.
- Former daimyo of Kuri and member of the Whitebeard and Roger pirates. Original owner of the sword Enma, and skilled Haki user.
- Part of the "Worst Generation" and the only female of the group. Ate an unamed Devil Fruit that causes her to change age and appearance of others and herself.
- Member of the "Worst Generation" and spy for the government into the Animal Kingdom pirates.
- Member of the Revolutionary Army and new user of the Flame-Flame Fruit. Brother of Luffy.
- Member of the Revolutionary Army who was saved by the Fish-Man Island Crew and knows Fish-Man Karate.
- Son of Big Mom, as well as right-hand man. Has the powers of the Moch-Mochi Fruit and immense Haki powers.
- Navy officer who has past with the Straw Hats. His weapon has a sea-prism stone in the tip and he has eaten the Smoke-Smoke Fruit.
- Leader of Zou during the day and loyal to the Kozuki family of Wano.
- Father to Sanji and leader of the Germa Kingdom.
- Former gladiator and husband to Princess Scarlett. Father to Princess Rebecca.
- Sister to Nami and inheritor to the tangerine farm on Coco Island.
- Captain of the Revolutionary Army and user of the Horm-Horm Fruit. Comrade of Dragon.
- Part of the "Worst Generation", captain of the Fire Tank pirates and traitor to the Big MOm pirate family.
- Helmsman of the Straw Hat pirates. Past Warlord.
- Princess of Alabasta and honorary member of the Straw Hats.
- Older brother to Sanji who has the Dengeki Blue ability.
- Part of the "Worst Generation" and captain of the Kid pirates. Overthrower of Big Mom with Trafalgar Law.
- Right-hand commander of the Krieg pirates.
- Known as "Red Shoe" and head of the Baratie.
- Part of the "Worst Generation", right-hand man to the Kid pirates. Ate a "Smile Fruit"/
- Right-hand of the Red-Haired pirates. Smartest man from the East Blue.
- Ruler of Drum Island and former lackey of Wapol.
- Emporer of the Sea and former member of the Whitebeard pirates. Captain of the Blackbeard pirates.
- Member of the Baroque Works who strives to be like his idol Emporio Ivankov.
- Luffy's grandfather and hero of the Navy. Heped raise Luffy and Ace as his grandchildren.
- Samurai of the Nine Red Scabbards and traitor to the group.
- Cook of the Straw Hat pirates. "Black Leg"
- Captain of the Bliking pirates and former ruler of Drum Island.
- Underling of Garp and the first friend Luffy made on his journey.
- Kappa member of the Nine Red Scabbards and is a samurai and raised Kozuki Hiyori during her adolescense.
- King of Fish-Man Island, father of Shirahoshi.
- Leader of the Kuja women and former Warlord of the Sea.
- Captain of the Straw Hat Crew.
- Son of Kaido, sees himself as the new Kozuki Oden and also friend of Portgas D. Ace.
- Part of the "Worst Generation",ate the Straw-Straw Fruit and member of the Animal Kingdom pirates. Former captain of the Hawkins pirates.
- Former Navy Scientist and creator of artificial Devil Fruits.
- Member of Buggy's crew and former Warlord of the Sea. Has the powers of the Sand-Sand Fruit.
- Daughter of Kozuki Oden and younger sister of Kozuki Momonosuke.
- Right-hand man to Kaido and skilled swordsman. Eater of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit: Model Pteradon.
- Father-figure of Nami and Nojiko. Uses his pinwheel to cheer up the kids of Coco Island.
- Friend and ally of the Straw Hat pirates. She is a rabbit mink and member of Dogstorms musketeers.
- Known as "Ghost Princess", former member of the Thriller Bark pirates and ally of Dracule Mihawk.
103 Clues: Captain of the Straw Hat Crew. • Ruler of Water 7 and friend of Franky. • Right-hand commander of the Krieg pirates. • Cook of the Straw Hat pirates. "Black Leg" • Sniper of the Straw Hat pirates. "Sogeking" • Doctor of Drum Island and feisty old woman. • Known as "Red Shoe" and head of the Baratie. • Princess of Dressrosa and heir to the throne. • ...
One Piece Indonesia 2024-05-26
- Kepala sipil Impel Down
- Angkatan laut yang memiliki kekuatan Logia
- Musuh terkuat yang dikalahkan Nico Robin
- Pemakan buah iblis hormon
- Makhluk terkuat di Dunia
- Admiral yang paling dibenci
- Musuh Luffy di Davy fight back
- Mantan laksamana tertinggi
- Salah satu senjata Bigmom
- Mafia One Piece
- Mutan genetika
- Gajah
- Julukan nya adalah si Hujan dan dia adalah pendekar pedang
- Mantan angkatan laut yang memiliki kekuatan Dinosaurus
- Samurai transgender
- Salah satu agen rahasia terbaik Pemerintah Dunia
- Penembak jitu terbaik di Dunia?
- Tokoh utama
- Nama keluarga Shanks
- Mahkluk terbesar di dunia
- Admiral buta
- Putri dari kerajaan Arabasta
- Anak buah Kizaru
- Senjata robot angkatan laut
- Karakter buatan Oda untuk komedi di Manga
- Ilmuwan terhebat
- Kekasih Donquixote Doflamingo
- Si rambut jabrik
- Kapal yang memiliki Roh
- Guru Sanji
- Kakak sanji
- Penyihir di bajak laut Bigmom
- Manusia jerapah
- Orang yang bunuh diri demi Luffy
- Kakek ksatria di pulau langit
- Tokoh utama di abad kekosongan
- Gladiator wanita
- Manusia anjing
- Iblis terbangun saat dia tertidur
- Salah satu antagonis yang meretakan tulang Sanji
- Anak buah Oden
41 Clues: Gajah • Guru Sanji • Kakak sanji • Tokoh utama • Admiral buta • Mutan genetika • Manusia anjing • Anak buah Oden • Mafia One Piece • Manusia jerapah • Ilmuwan terhebat • Si rambut jabrik • Gladiator wanita • Anak buah Kizaru • Samurai transgender • Nama keluarga Shanks • Kepala sipil Impel Down • Kapal yang memiliki Roh • Makhluk terkuat di Dunia • Pemakan buah iblis hormon • Salah satu senjata Bigmom • ...
One Piece Epithets>.. 2023-05-22
- Ghost Princess(Gosuto Purinsesu)
- Dengeki Blue(Dengeki Buru)
- Colossal Battleship(Kyodai Senkan)
- Pirate Prince(Kaizoku Kikoshi)
- Flower Sword(Kaken)
- Heavy Drinker(Ozake)
- The Wildfire(Kasai no Kingu)
- of the Forest(Mori no)
- Mad Monk(Kai So)
- Master(Masuta)
- Maelstorm Spider(O Uzu Gumo)
- Howling(Hauringu)
- Desert King(Sabaku no O)
- Massacre Soldier(Satsuriku Bujin)
- Miracle Person(Kiseki no Hito)
- Pirate Hunter(Kaizoku Gari)
- Iron Mace(Kanabo)
- God of the Sea(Kaishin)
- Winch Green(Uinchi Gurin)
- Flag-Bearer of Freedom(Jiju no Kishu)
- Straw Hat(Mugiwara)
- Catcher-Killing(Kyatcha-Koroshi)
- Soul King(Souru Kingu)
- The Killer(Koroshiya)
- The Silver Fox(Gin-gitsune)
- The Beast Trainer(Moju Tsukai)
- Whitebeard(Shirohige)
- Iron Fist(Tekken)
- Berserker(Senki)
- The Black Cage(Kuro-Ori)
- Corrupt King(Akusei-O)
- Red-Haired(Akagami)
- Knight of the Sea(Kaikyo)
- Heavenly Yaksha(Ten Yasha)
- Fire Fist(Hiken no Esu)
- Mermaid Princess(Ningyo Hime)
- Dark King(Mei-O)
- Sky Knight(Sora no Kishi)
- Big Eater(O Gurai)
- Hawk Eye(Taka no Me)
- Foul Play(Damashi Uchi)
- Cat Burglar(Dorobo Neko)
- Shandora's Demon(Shandora no Mamono)
- Service(Sabisu)
- Surgeon of Death(Shi no Gekai)
- of the Border(Kokkyo no)
- Iron Mask(Tetsu Kamen)
- Large Monk(Onyudo)
- Massacre Weapon(Satsuriku Heiki)
- The Supersonic(Otogoe)
- Black Leg(Kuro Ashi)
- Queen the Plague(Ekisai no Kuin)
- Demon Sheriff(Oni Hoankan)
- God(Goddo Eneru)
- Gashed(Fukade)
- Cotton Candy Lover(Wataame Daisuki)
- Pirate Empress(Kaisoku Jotei)
- of the Wild(Koya no)
- Ship Cutter(Fune-kiri)
- The Fist(Genkotsu)
- Red Flag(Akahata)
- Blood-Splatter(Kaerichi)
- of the Droplets(Shibuki no Fu no)
- Cannibal(Hitokui)
- Sparkling Red(Supakingu Reddo)
- Diva(Utahime)
- Poison Pink(Poizun Pinku)
- Spanda(Supanda)
- Great Staff(Dai-Sanbo)
- Loan Shark(Yamikin)
- Buddha(Hotoke)
- Crescent Moon Hunter(Mikazuki Gari)
- The Jackel(Jakkaru)
- Liar(Usotsuki)
- The Hero(Eiyu)
- Flame Emperor(Entei)
- Death God(Shinigami)
- The Hyena(Haiena)
- World's Worst Criminal(Sekai Saiaku no Hanzaishi)
- Courier(Hakobi-ya)
- The Strongest Creature(Saikyo no Seibutsu)
- Star Clown(Senryo Doke)
- Chaser(Cheisa)
- One-Two(Ichi Ni)
- Gang(Gyangu)
- Mountain Wind(Yamakaze
- Hero of Slaves(Dorei Kaiho no Eiyu)
- God(Goddo)
- Champion(Chanpion)
- Poison Spider(Doku Gomu)
- Diamond(Daiyamondo)
- Pirate King(Kaizoku-O)
- The Magician(Majutsushi)
- Tin-Plate(Buriki)
- The White Hunter(Hakuryo)
- Town Dropper(Machi Otoshi)
- Iron Man(Tetsuji)
- The Falcon(Hayabusa)
- Demon Bamboo(Kichiku)
- Big Mom(Biggu Mamu)
- Sky Rider(Sukai Raida)
- Sky Breeder(Sukai Burida)
- Overflowing(Mokkiri)
- The Phoenix(Fushicho)
- Acrobat(Kyokugei)
- of the Rain(Ame no)
- Big News(Biggu Nyusu)
- Oni Princess(Onihime)
- Three Tongued(Sanmai-jita)
- Iron Wall(Teppeki)
- Tyrant(Bokun)
- Hero of the Colosseum(Koroshiamu no Eiyu)
- Brownbeard(Chahige)
- Foxfire(Kitsune-bi)
- Sky Boss(Sora Bancho)
- Wet-Hair(Nuregami)
- The Undefeated Woman(Muhai no Onna)
- Captain(Kyaputen)
- of the Mist(Kiri no)
- Devil Child(Akuma no Ko)
- the Drought(Kangai)
- Snow Woman(Yoki-Onna)
- 6-Sword Style(Rokutoryu)
- Red Foot (Akaashi)
- Blackbeard(Kurohige)
- The Continent-Puller(Kunihiki)
- Roar of the Sea(Umi Nari)
127 Clues: God(Goddo) • Gang(Gyangu) • Diva(Utahime) • Tyrant(Bokun) • Buddha(Hotoke) • Master(Masuta) • Liar(Usotsuki) • The Hero(Eiyu) • Chaser(Cheisa) • Gashed(Fukade) • Spanda(Supanda) • Service(Sabisu) • Mad Monk(Kai So) • One-Two(Ichi Ni) • Berserker(Senki) • Dark King(Mei-O) • God(Goddo Eneru) • Red Flag(Akahata) • Cannibal(Hitokui) • Howling(Hauringu) • The Hyena(Haiena) • Iron Mace(Kanabo) • Iron Fist(Tekken) • ...
- robotic shipwright
- has a pigeon on his should but it usually flies away when he fights
- donut
- black leg
- he ate the mochi fruit
- complete clown
- luffy's dad
- the king of the pirates
- was the first enemy to be defeated by luffy's gear 5
- a fishman who accompanies luffy on his journey
- admiral that uses the light fruit
- gomu gomu no mi
- uses the ice fruit formerly a marine admiral
- Luffy simp
- luffy's grandfather
- the one who gave Luffy his straw hat
- was a child when her hometown ohara was destroyed
- psychopath who murdered his own brother
- lufffy's nemesis
- The current wielder of Enma
- teamed up with luffy in punk hazard
- all she wants is money
- the skeleton musician for the strawhat pirates
- former fleet admiral who uses the Buddha fruit
- fleet admiral who uses the magma fruit
- Luffy and ace's other brother
- powers based on gravity
- reindeer doctor commonly called a racoon-dog
- The one piece... the one piece is real!!!
- cowardly sniper
- katakuri's mother
31 Clues: donut • black leg • Luffy simp • luffy's dad • complete clown • gomu gomu no mi • cowardly sniper • lufffy's nemesis • katakuri's mother • robotic shipwright • luffy's grandfather • he ate the mochi fruit • all she wants is money • the king of the pirates • powers based on gravity • The current wielder of Enma • Luffy and ace's other brother • admiral that uses the light fruit • ...
One Piece Crossword 2021-09-25
- The real identity of SogeKing
- The devil fruit that Luffy ate
- The Straw Hats second member(Swordsman)
- The arc you meet Franky
- Luffy's first official ship name
- The person who can have 2 devil fruits
- The former king of Dressrosa
- The Straw Hat's cook
- Where do you first meet Brook
- The person who killed Ace
- The pirate with the highest bounty
- The sword Zoro got at Thriller Bark
- Name of the biggest war animated(Manga)
- What does Sanji want to find
- The arc after Dressrosa
- Highest prison on the grand line
- Luffy's blond brother
- The ultimate treasure
- Fleet Admiral prior to Akainu
- Strogest Swordsman
- The opposite of Skypiea
- Brook's old crew name
- Animal devil fruit
- One of the yonkos (Dragon)
- Name of the artificial devil fruit
- Luffy's highest gear
- The captain of the Heart Pirates
27 Clues: Strogest Swordsman • Animal devil fruit • The Straw Hat's cook • Luffy's highest gear • Luffy's blond brother • The ultimate treasure • Brook's old crew name • The arc after Dressrosa • The arc you meet Franky • The opposite of Skypiea • The person who killed Ace • One of the yonkos (Dragon) • What does Sanji want to find • The former king of Dressrosa • The real identity of SogeKing • ...
One Piece Facts 2021-11-20
- The 2nd strawhat
- The island of women
- mysterious steles with history craved on them in ancient writing
- King's race
- Zoro's sword technique
- Luffy zoro and Sanji
- gave luffy his strawhat
- Luffy's brother
- luffy's dad
- Strongest swordsman
- Underwater Prison
- Who is the main character
- The 1st warlord defeated by the starwhats
- revolutionary 2nd in command
- How long was the time skip
- The worlds strongest man
- The heavenly demon
- The Ship's doctor
- user of the dark dark fruit
- Robin's home island
- The main characters pirate group
- eleven top rookie pirates that arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago
- The king of the pirates
- Sword god Ryuma's sword
- Created One piece
- Where does the story start
- Pirates that work with the government
- Luffy's grandfather
- the ships cook
- Island in the sky
- the Worlds strongest creature
31 Clues: King's race • luffy's dad • the ships cook • Luffy's brother • The 2nd strawhat • The Ship's doctor • Created One piece • Underwater Prison • Island in the sky • The heavenly demon • The island of women • Robin's home island • Luffy's grandfather • Strongest swordsman • Luffy zoro and Sanji • Zoro's sword technique • The king of the pirates • Sword god Ryuma's sword • gave luffy his strawhat • ...
KoP One Piece 2022-05-05
- Cherry blossom doctor
- Tangerines, maps and MONEY!!!!!
- Miss Wednesday
- Kawamatsu the oiran
- Right hand of the king
- Mom of 85
- Kingdom of sand
- Land of samurai
- Dumb magnet
- Bride of Sanji
- Lover of Otsuru
- Kicking Germa cook
- Assistant of fish-men karate
- Invincible dragon
- Who from 800 years ago
- She who sees all
- Pineapple phoenix
- Soul musician
- Finder of Raftel
- Straw hats 2nd ship
- Sky island
- Happiness, love and toys
- The "good guys"
- To be the greatest swordsman
- Lead the revolution
- 2 devil fruits
- Who holds the bible
- Quaking pops
- Baroque Works
- Matured ninja
- Cabbage prince
- Forgotten father
- One arm
- Swimming karate
- Lying sharpshooter
- Ship building island
- SUPER shipwright
- Fire fist
- Greatest swordsman
- Terror of strings
- This one
- Smart operation man
- Devil archaeologist
- Shogun of Wano
- Girl gladiator
- Future King of Pirates
- Pirate empress
- Born to boil
- Gift from Kaya
- Son of oden
- Dragon revolution
- _____ of the mist
- Lightning god
- Kaido's son
54 Clues: One arm • This one • Mom of 85 • Fire fist • Sky island • Dumb magnet • Son of oden • Kaido's son • Quaking pops • Born to boil • Baroque Works • Matured ninja • Soul musician • Lightning god • Cabbage prince • Miss Wednesday • Bride of Sanji • Shogun of Wano • Girl gladiator • Pirate empress • Gift from Kaya • 2 devil fruits • Swimming karate • Kingdom of sand • Land of samurai • Lover of Otsuru • The "good guys" • ...
One Piece Crossword 2023-01-12
- Captain of the Kid Pirates
- Moonlander
- Longarm member of the worst generation
- The one with the hat
- Shares a name with a famous Spanish novel
- Former CP9 member
- Marine, who protected Ohara's legacy
- Captain and member of Sword
- Made of Adam
- doctor of the ten titanic captains
- Of a thousand plans
- The Silvers to his captain's Gold
- She who wants to live
- Lost most of his crew to Kaido
- Strawhat emergency food
- Musician for the whales
- Who's attacks often are names of food
- former leader of the Kuja
- Almost died by seeing mermaids
- Former Sun Pirate member
- First name is close to Dracula
- The Hyena
- Liar Liar Pants on Fire
- He laughed
- The most famous liar who did not lie
- Her love will turn you into stone
- Revolutionary saved by the Sun Pirates
- Fallen comrade
- Freer of slaves
- Surgeon of death
- Protector of the twin capes
- A cyborg with a mission
- Legacy of the King
- The newest holder of the mera-mera no mi
- Captain Hook would like his copyright back
- The 5 stars of the world government
37 Clues: SUPER! • The Hyena • He laughed • Moonlander • Made of Adam • Fallen comrade • Freer of slaves • Surgeon of death • Former CP9 member • Legacy of the King • Of a thousand plans • The one with the hat • She who wants to live • Liar Liar Pants on Fire • A cyborg with a mission • Strawhat emergency food • Musician for the whales • Former Sun Pirate member • former leader of the Kuja • ...
Meeko's One Piece 2024-09-25
- Family of Assassins
- Blackbeard's debut arc
- Sun God
- Chopper's debut arc
- Takes a few hundred episodes for him to join a crew
- Dragon claw fighting style
- Ate the Sand-Sand Fruit
- Arc that includes Nami's backstory
- Nothing Happened
- Japan but One Piece
- Pirate emperor seen as a father by many
- Number 1 Luffy Glazer
- "Nah I'd Win" but it's against Shanks
- Several levels of torture
- Racism arc
- Mugiwara
- Usopp's debut arc
- Cutty Flam
- Location of the Golden Bell
- "The Fist"
- Almost Died in Fishman Island
- Location of Roger's death
- Arc where Sanji's true backstory is shown
- Awaits Nika's Return
- Vegapunk finally appears here
- Arc that includes Robin's backstory
- Mermaids get stolen here
- Captain of the Heart Pirates
- Akainu
- No Men
- Marine that attacked Luffy in Loguetown
- Has more than one Devil Fruit Power
- The boy who cried "Pirates!"
- There's a theory that he might actually be Usopp
- Zoro's debut arc
- Sanji's debut arc
- The King of the Pirates
- Franky's debut arc
- His friend went Down D. Stairs
- Where the summit war took place
- Arc that Nami meets Luffy
- "I bet you look kind"
- Famous Musician
- Looking for the answer - _____________ dies on the battlefield!
- A competition for the Flare-Flare fruit was held here
- He's gonna be King of the Pirates
- The aftermath of a long fight changed this island
- Fourth rumble ball no drink
- Luffy, Sabo, and Ace shared this to become brothers
- Luffy found a guy stuck on stilts here
- Ace's debut arc
- Old friend of Shanks
- She wants to live
- The most mysterious character in One Piece
- Cat Burglar
- On top of a living creature
56 Clues: Akainu • No Men • Sun God • Mugiwara • Racism arc • Cutty Flam • "The Fist" • Cat Burglar • Famous Musician • Ace's debut arc • Zoro's debut arc • Nothing Happened • Sanji's debut arc • Usopp's debut arc • She wants to live • Franky's debut arc • Family of Assassins • Chopper's debut arc • Japan but One Piece • Old friend of Shanks • Awaits Nika's Return • "I bet you look kind" • Number 1 Luffy Glazer • ...
One Piece Crossword 2022-11-11
- the righthand man
- The cook
- the sword god
- the straw hat giver
- the first logia fruit
- the pirate king
- the thunder god
- the gold d crews right hand man
- Doctor captain and Swordsmen of the heart pirates
- the swordsmen of the gold d crew
- the navigator
- The firsy marine captain
- the doctor of the straw hats
- the undead swordsman
- Shanks daughter
- The strongest creature
- The main character
- the donut
- the first ship of the straw hats
- the Strongest swordsmen
- the donut maker
21 Clues: The cook • the donut • the navigator • the sword god • Shanks daughter • the pirate king • the thunder god • the donut maker • the righthand man • The main character • the straw hat giver • the undead swordsman • the first logia fruit • The strongest creature • the Strongest swordsmen • The firsy marine captain • the doctor of the straw hats • the gold d crews right hand man • ...
one piece 2022-02-17
12 Clues: waifu • prince • skeleton • gold digger • big mouth boi • tiny deer boi • Gum Gum Glock • Blind racist man • red hair giga chad • big mouth bois's mum • waifu 2.0 ( but my favourite one piece waifu) • red hair giga chad's friend when they were younger
one piece 2023-11-20
12 Clues: cook • minion • navigator • moss head • Has a trunk • Flying mammal • tail and brown • Large marsupial • it's everywhere • Man's best friend • king of the pirates • Likes to chase mice
One Piece Crossword 2021-11-15
- one of the seven warlords, part of the Donquixote family
- samurai from the Land of Wano
- Wants to be Oden, the former daimyo, child of Kaido, King of the Beasts
- one of the 4 emperors of the new world, gave Luffy his hat
- fishman loyal to Luffy
- the first mate of the greatest pirate in the world
- may I see your—-oww!
- Cat Burglar _____
- sworn older brother of Luffy, Fire Fist _____
- sworn brother of Luffy and Ace
- king of the pirates
- villain who killed a fan favorite and caused another fan favorite’s death too
- suuuper!
- nami-swaaaaaaannnnn
- I am allergic to danger
- son of the former daimyo of Wano
- Blue nosed reindeer
- his crew calls him “Dad”
- My crewmates pain is my pain
- everyone’s favorite surgeon
- in love with the main character
- the Wano arc’s main villain
- vice admiral of the marines and grandfather of the main character
- I am going to be king of the pirates
- also known as Rosinante, father figure of a certain surgeon, younger brother of Doflamingo
25 Clues: suuuper! • Cat Burglar _____ • nami-swaaaaaaannnnn • Blue nosed reindeer • king of the pirates • may I see your—-oww! • fishman loyal to Luffy • I am allergic to danger • his crew calls him “Dad” • everyone’s favorite surgeon • the Wano arc’s main villain • My crewmates pain is my pain • samurai from the Land of Wano • sworn brother of Luffy and Ace • in love with the main character • ...
One Piece Crossword 2021-09-25
- The real identity of SogeKing
- The devil fruit that Luffy ate
- The Straw Hats second member(Swordsman)
- The arc you meet Franky
- Luffy's first official ship name
- The person who can have 2 devil fruits
- The former king of Dressrosa
- The Straw Hat's cook
- Where do you first meet Brook
- The person who killed Ace
- The pirate with the highest bounty
- The sword Zoro got at Thriller Bark
- Name of the biggest war animated(Manga)
- What does Sanji want to find
- The arc after Dressrosa
- Highest prison on the grand line
- Luffy's blond brother
- The ultimate treasure
- Fleet Admiral prior to Akainu
- Strogest Swordsman
- The opposite of Skypiea
- Brook's old crew name
- Animal devil fruit
- One of the yonkos (Dragon)
- Name of the artificial devil fruit
- Luffy's highest gear
- The captain of the Heart Pirates
27 Clues: Strogest Swordsman • Animal devil fruit • The Straw Hat's cook • Luffy's highest gear • Luffy's blond brother • The ultimate treasure • Brook's old crew name • The arc after Dressrosa • The arc you meet Franky • The opposite of Skypiea • The person who killed Ace • One of the yonkos (Dragon) • What does Sanji want to find • The former king of Dressrosa • The real identity of SogeKing • ...
ONE PIECE FEVER 2024-08-16
- God Valley's treasure
- froze robin
- *Slaps* *punches* equal treatment for ALL - Luffy
- Katakuri's favorite sister
- mochi
- A runaway from nobility as a child
- small but might and part of the straw hat grand fleet
- his crew was found in prison
- the true shogun of wano
- died in shanks arms
- newspaper
- lives on the moon
- a drunk dragon
- desecrated his not lovers body with a hatred for plates
- was forced to eat a smile and laugh. he hates his laugh
- Brutally honest with a smile
- Little Garden. Giants
- sogeking
- Takes care of the Mikan Grove
- starved until he came to the baratie
- His sickness prevented him from seeing the...?
- seduced sanji in dressrosa
- first awakened devil fruit shown
- bites luffys cheek
- saved a kid who wanted to travel
- The sun pirates gave her a ride
- He stepped up when no one else would to save a life at the bottom of the ocean
- the ceremonial brotherhood
- Whitebeard allowed Oden to Journey with...?
- Luffy and Zoro had a misunderstanding due to this organization
- opposes the world government
- the message that began the strawhats training
- he married the ex-empress of amazon lily
- nine lives. one man. one hour.
- was punished to wander the seas for eternity
- His dream was to have a family due to his past as an orphan
- goldfish activist
- there is a theory he is a mother to a captain
- became luffys half naked stalker
- deceived everyone on an island to get the inheritance
- He had the best glowup in the show
- Blind. Justice. Sandals
- He almost died due to blood loss
- has a stupid bird with a necktie
- jealous of vegapunk
- golden buddah
- alliance or friendship?
- "If I die here, then I'm a man that could only make it this far."
- he missed his friends so much he scarred himself
- "Hero? No! We are pirates! I love heroes, but I don't wanna be one!"
- will beat whoever laughs at his childhood friend
- Threatened by a marine and became a mother
- "everyone sooner or later gets their time to shine."
- saved luffy after he ate some bad mushrooms
- hates the worst generation for stealing the spotlight
- falls in love easily but found the one in the enemy
- The Spade Pirates
- time was on her side
- She became this straw hats foster mom
- Davy Back Fight
- he is in a gang who got beat beautiful
- He lost his love to a celestial dragon and became a kingpin
- cola
63 Clues: cola • mochi • sogeking • newspaper • froze robin • golden buddah • a drunk dragon • Davy Back Fight • goldfish activist • lives on the moon • The Spade Pirates • bites luffys cheek • jealous of vegapunk • died in shanks arms • time was on her side • God Valley's treasure • Little Garden. Giants • Blind. Justice. Sandals • the true shogun of wano • alliance or friendship? • Katakuri's favorite sister • ...
One Piece Trivia 2024-02-27
- Law's devil fruit require vast amounts of ___ to use
- The place where the ASL brothers lived
- The Oro Jackson and The Thousand Sunny are both made out of wood from ___
- This monkey is the officer of a Yonko
- Garp and Roger teamed up to fight ___
- The blade of the hero of Wano
- Where was Whitebeard born?
- The type of devil fruit the gum-gum no mi is (1 of 3 types)
- Race whose defining characteristics include dark skin and white hair
- Law and Cora both don't like ___ (Not Doffy)
- He raised X-Drake
- There are almost no good ___s in One Piece
- Murdered for his treasure
- How long (maximum) did Roger have to live when Odin joined the crew?
- The only unusual decoration on the Oro Jackson was a giant ___
- How many Whitebeard divisions are there?
- Something Pedro, Ace, and Zeff know a lot about
- Is still waiting
- Marco reffered to Zoro as ___ during Wano
- What was Ace named after?
- Zepo is Bepo's ___
- Where are most of the officers of the Heart Pirates from?
- Zeff's nickname for Sanji
- Who Buggy and Shanks were to Rayleigh
- Doughnut
- The blade Zoro carried until it was rusted
- One of the ways to create a vivre card
- We never see this seeing character's eyes
- Dragon's first appearance is at ___
- Chopper was willing to be a ___ for Luffy
- Law's ability inspired by Corazon
- The name of the country a former warlord tried to take over
- The name of Sanji's character in the Germa comics
- The name of Mihawk's sword
- Whitebeard died ___
- She isn't canon
- Vocal tics (Marco-Law-Neptune)
- The name of the Kid Pirate's ship
- The only Devil Fruit Sanji would eat
- What Ace would have been named if he was a girl
- The name of Shank's sword
- The ___ ran the human auction house on Sabaody
- Alternative name for Laugh Tale
- The Japanese word the Whitebeard pirates call Whitebeard
- There are 12 of these in the worst generation (word is singular)
- Despite dedicating his life to his cause, still struggled to overcome his internalized racism
- According to Zoro, what happened on Thriller Bark against Kuma?
- The name of the Red-Hair Pirate's ship
- Law's true name
- The member of Zoro's family that served as a Daimyo when Oden was killed
- Sabo's official role in the RA
- What Wano calls Haki
- He has the highest IQ in One Piece
- The hands of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger (right first)
- The name of the monkeys/apes on Kuraigana
- The excuse Law tried to use for Cora's love
- Where did Garp earn his epitaph of "Hero"
- What Zoro thinks is up
58 Clues: Doughnut • She isn't canon • Law's true name • Is still waiting • He raised X-Drake • Zepo is Bepo's ___ • Whitebeard died ___ • What Wano calls Haki • What Zoro thinks is up • The name of Shank's sword • Murdered for his treasure • What was Ace named after? • Zeff's nickname for Sanji • The name of Mihawk's sword • Where was Whitebeard born? • The blade of the hero of Wano • ...
one piece characters 2024-04-04
- the failed conqueror of alabasta who is made of sand
- the surgeon of death
- an elder who can turn into a boar-like yo-kai
- the reincarnation of the ancient weapon poseidon who can control seakings
- user of the smooth smooth fruit and koby's old tormentor
- the proposer
- captain of the red hair pirates
- the undead musician of the strawhats
- genderfluid queen of kamabaka queendom and newkama land
- the cyborg shipwright of the strawhats
- a humanoid rabbit with electric powers
- a falconman who survived being nuked
- blue haired vinsmoke with lightning powers
- the culprit behind shanks' missing arm
- the most beautiful woman in the world, desperately in love with luffy
- a daughter of linlin with the power to drain fluid from living things
- the last lunarian
- the sun god
- the revolutionary army's chief of staff
- the most horrible person alive
- warrior god of science
- the king of alabasta
- former warden of impel down who almost killed two future emperors in a single day
- can turn into an itsumade
- also known as akainu
- the only vinsmoke sibling who cares about sanji
- one of the captains of the giant pirates (d)
- was known as the strongest man in the world
- a member of the kozuki clan as well as a member of the roger pirates
- princess of dressrosa
- the leader of the revolutionaries
- can convert his body parts into springs
- owns a bar in foosha village
- also known as aokiji
- the likely reason why sanji hates zoro so much
- the true creator of the one piece, made of rubber
- the continent puller
- the daughter of kuma who has the power to mess with time
- first mate of the strawhats
- a humanoid polar bear
- former warlord, currently the helmsman of the strawhats
- the navigator of the strawhats
- the oldest vinsmoke quadruplet
- the future of the marines
- the second in command to the pirate king
- bepo's big brother
- the smartest man in the world
- the false god of skypiea and the lightning logia user
- the eldest child of charlotte linlin
- the youngest looking elder
- ace's mom
- the genius jester
- a man dressed as a baby with a surprisingly tragic backstory
- appeared before zoro after his fight with king
- the first of the 5 elders we see the abilities of
- the leader of the shandian rebellion against enel
- one of the captains of the giant pirates (b)
- the pirate king
- vivi's ancestor
- the mayor of foosha village
- a blonde swordsman with DID
- brook's old crew's pet whale
- a hopeless romantic who can turn herself and her body parts into weaponry
- user of the string string fruit and former warlord
- a good friend of ussop and is the king of sniper island
- the strongest creature in the world
- the lion-like current ship of the strawhats
- also known as kizaru
- the future pirate king and captain of the strawhats, who is also made of rubber
- one of the most beloved characters in the series
- racist fishman who enslaved an entire island
- rebecca's father
- a bear-like man with a tragic backstory who's mechanized body only seeks to protect his daughter
- a good friend of sabo
- the strongest son of charlotte linlin
- zoro's ancestor
- can use shadows to create zombies
- the prodigy of cipher pol
- nicknamed "the fist"
- the son of the pirate king
- the ruler of the world
- a giant elephant with a dukedom on it's back
- a cyborg brachiosaurus
- the son of kaido
- the archaeologist of the strawhats, can summon copies of her body parts
- king of germa 66 and sanji's biological father
- the man who designed the going merry
- doctor of the blackbeard pirates
- a genius mechanic with magnetic powers and immense bloodlust
- a pirate who can create and manipulate heat
- luffy's mother figure
- also known as green bull
- a swordsman who resembles ghandi in appearance
- luffy's biggest fan
- the sniper of the strawhats
- the chef of the strawhats
- nami's stepmother
- leader of the tontatta warriors
- princess of alabasta and honorary strawhat
- sanji's mom
- has two devil fruits
- the son of oden who can turn into a pink dragon
- the most skilled swordsman in the world
- the buffest man in the world
- the emperor who could manipulate souls and had nearly 100 children
- the king of fishman island
- the reindeer doctor of the strawhats
- the lamb-like first ship of the strawhats
- sanji's real dad
- pink haired girl who can create depression ghosts
- a pegasus belonging to doc q
- shanks' daughter
- a man who can create explosions
113 Clues: ace's mom • the sun god • sanji's mom • the proposer • the pirate king • vivi's ancestor • zoro's ancestor • rebecca's father • the son of kaido • sanji's real dad • shanks' daughter • the last lunarian • nami's stepmother • the genius jester • bepo's big brother • luffy's biggest fan • the surgeon of death • also known as kizaru • nicknamed "the fist" • the king of alabasta • also known as akainu • ...
One Piece Indonesia 2024-05-25
- piece Harta karun terbesar
- Marga dari karakter yang memiliki 2 buah iblis
- Senjata Nami
- Orang paling beruntung dalam sejarah dunia One Piece
- Tempat kelahiran Gol.D Roger
- Karakter yang paling diincar di Bajak Laut Topi Jerami
- Shicibukai terkuat
- Luffy palsu!
- Pasukan buatan yang menggantikan Shicibukai
- Dokter yang berkata "Orang mati adalah yang dilupakan"
- Ejekan untuk Zoro
- Nama Jurus Luffy yang mengalahkan Donquixote Doflamingo
- Pukulan cinta
- Benda apa yang dilempar Luffy keara tiga Admiral di Marineford
- Garis yang membatasi keempat Lautan
- Musuh terkuat yang pernah dilawan Zoro
- Nama buah iblis Doflamingo
- Orang pertama yang sampai di reuni Sabaody
- Sahabat karib Coby di angkatan laut
- Tujuan utama Sanji
- Jika memakannya anda akan mendapatkan kekuatan tapi Laut adalah kelemahannya
- Tempat pertempuran Gold Roger vs Rocks
- Tiga admiral kagum dengan dia saat unjuk kemampuan di Marineford
- Buah favorit Nami
- Ilmuwan paling jenius
- "Panggil saya Tuan Pangeran"
- Karakter yang membebaskan budak di Red Line
- Ninja dari desa Wano
- Kekuatan dari Admiral Sakazuki
- Penembak jitu dari desa Sniper!!!
- Nama-nama Gorosei
- Sebutan untuk 4 kaisar lautan
- Tujuan utama Brook
- Kekuatannya adalah burung mitos
- Nama tempat untuk Bangsawan tertinggi
35 Clues: Senjata Nami • Luffy palsu! • Pukulan cinta • Buah favorit Nami • Ejekan untuk Zoro • Nama-nama Gorosei • Tujuan utama Sanji • Shicibukai terkuat • Tujuan utama Brook • Ninja dari desa Wano • Ilmuwan paling jenius • piece Harta karun terbesar • Nama buah iblis Doflamingo • Tempat kelahiran Gol.D Roger • "Panggil saya Tuan Pangeran" • Sebutan untuk 4 kaisar lautan • Kekuatan dari Admiral Sakazuki • ...
Personnages One Piece 2024-09-01
- Amiral en chef de la Marine avec le pouvoir de la lave, sévère et impitoyable.
- ROGER Légendaire roi des pirates dont le trésor a lancé la grande ère des pirates.
- Maître des arts martiaux aquatiques, ancien Shichibukai.
- Capitaine du Chapeau de Paille avec un rêve de roi des pirates.
- Ex-président de Baroque Works avec le pouvoir de contrôler le sable.
- Fille de Kaido
- Capitaine charismatique au chapeau de paille légendaire.
- Charpentier cyborg avec une force surhumaine et une passion pour les machines.
- Frère adoptif de Luffy et Ace, militant pour la liberté.
- Navigatrice brillante avec une connaissance inégalée des cartes maritimes.
- Homme-béton avec le pouvoir de repousser les objets et les gens.
- Ancien amiral de la marine et membre du Conseil des Cinq Étoiles.
- Ancien Shichibukai avec la capacité de manipuler les ombres.
- Renne avec un fruit du démon qui lui permet de se transformer.
- Amiral avec la capacité de se déplacer à la vitesse de la lumière et de tirer des lasers.
- Princesse de Alabasta, avec une forte volonté de sauver son pays.
- MOM Reine des Hommes-Poissons avec un appétit insatiable et une immense puissance.
- Empereur des mers avec la capacité de se transformer en dragon.
- Archéologue à la recherche des Poneglyphes pour révéler l'histoire cachée.
- Ex-roi de Dressrosa avec des pouvoirs de manipulation de fils.
- Musicien immortel avec un talent pour le chant et le combat à l'épée.
- Tireur d’élite et conteur avec un flair pour l'invention.
- Ancien amiral en chef de la Marine, connu pour sa sagesse et ses stratégies.
- Dieu autoproclamé du ciel avec le pouvoir de la foudre.
- Cuisinier aux talents culinaires exceptionnels et aux pieds agiles.
- Ancien amiral avec le pouvoir de contrôler la glace, connu pour son calme.
- Officier de la marine capable d'immobiliser ses ennemis avec des chaînes.
- Médecin pirate avec le pouvoir de découper et de manipuler la réalité.
- Épéiste aux trois sabres, cherchant à devenir le meilleur du monde.
- Capitaine pirate avec un pouvoir magnétique et une rivalité avec Luffy.
- Frère de Luffy avec le pouvoir du feu, connu pour son esprit libre.
- Minks qui a failli rejoindre l'équipage Mugiwara
32 Clues: Fille de Kaido • Minks qui a failli rejoindre l'équipage Mugiwara • Dieu autoproclamé du ciel avec le pouvoir de la foudre. • Maître des arts martiaux aquatiques, ancien Shichibukai. • Capitaine charismatique au chapeau de paille légendaire. • Frère adoptif de Luffy et Ace, militant pour la liberté. • Tireur d’élite et conteur avec un flair pour l'invention. • ...
One Piece Crossword 2022-02-26
- he fights with a pipe
- mochi guy
- room
- shu-lo-lo-lo-lo
- yohohohoho
- im kozuki oden
- kishishishi
- pero lick
- boku wa docter
- the sun
- Akainu learnt from kakashi
- pirate king
- wedding cake
- fish man karate
- the sword
- she has opened her third eye
- miss wednesday
- i want to eat meat
- super awesome blind guy
- superrrrr
- zeee hahahahahaah
- mr 0
- the cloud
- has the greatest haki in the entire show
- santoryu
- white hunter
- mero mero
- mr 2
- sogeking
- gurararararar
- ill never kick a lady
- who has a red nose?!!!
- cat burglar
- gigantesco mano
- king of okamas
- niete nanbo no...
- joker
37 Clues: mr 0 • room • mr 2 • joker • the sun • santoryu • sogeking • superrrrr • the cloud • mochi guy • mero mero • pero lick • the sword • yohohohoho • kishishishi • cat burglar • pirate king • white hunter • wedding cake • gurararararar • im kozuki oden • boku wa docter • king of okamas • miss wednesday • shu-lo-lo-lo-lo • gigantesco mano • fish man karate • zeee hahahahahaah • niete nanbo no... • i want to eat meat • he fights with a pipe • ...
One Piece Characters 2024-02-05
- The musician of the strawhat pirates
- The navigator of the strawhat pirates
- The king of Alabasta
- Vice admiral of the Navy, ate the smoke smoke fruit
- A Navy vice admiral, grandfather of Monkey D Luffy
- The phoenix, 1st division commander of the whitebeard pirates
- Captain of the red haired pirates, gave Luffy his strawhat
- Guardian deity of Alabasta, can transform into a large bird
- Firefist, 2nd division commander of the whitebeard pirates
- First son of the sea, former Warlord
- The father of Monkey D Luffy
- Kin'emon's son
- The princess of Alabasta
- Surgeon of death, captain of the heart pirates
- Cutty Flam and the shipwright of the strawhat pirates
- The head chef of the Baratie
- Father to usopp, sniper of the red haired pirates
- Second in command to Gol D Roger
- The only pirate to be able to go head to head with Gol D Roger
- Namis adoptive mother
- The archeologist of the strawhat pirates
- Sniper King and sharp shooter of the strawhat pirates
- The pirate hunter
- Captain under Smoker, looks similar to Zoro's childhood friend
- A doctor, Chopper's adoptive father
- The cook of the strawhat pirates
- A whale living at the red line, waiting for the strawhats and Brook
- One of the seven warlords, greatest swordsman in the world
- One of the seven warlords, in charge of the creation of SAD
- A samurai from the kingdom of Wano, the strawhats meet him on the island of Punk Hazard
- Former king of the pirates
- The captain of the strawhat pirates and protagonist of the show
- The doctor of the strawhat pirates
- Luffy's first friend in the anime, dreams to be a marine admiral
34 Clues: Kin'emon's son • The pirate hunter • The king of Alabasta • Namis adoptive mother • The princess of Alabasta • Former king of the pirates • The father of Monkey D Luffy • The head chef of the Baratie • The cook of the strawhat pirates • Second in command to Gol D Roger • The doctor of the strawhat pirates • A doctor, Chopper's adoptive father • The musician of the strawhat pirates • ...
One Piece Crossword 2022-10-27
- The straw hat giver
- Luffys biggest rival
- The pirate king
- The dark king
- Luffys right hand man
- A god
- The donut maker
- We hate you akainu
- The cute doctor
- The main character in One Piece
- Luffys left hand man
- First blood we saw
- Luffys best transformation
- The first warlord we see
- The straw hat pirates first ship
- The past sword God
- the owner of the Baratie
- The straw hats archaeologist
- Future Marine
- Shank is her father
20 Clues: A god • The dark king • Future Marine • The pirate king • The donut maker • The cute doctor • First blood we saw • The past sword God • We hate you akainu • The straw hat giver • Shank is her father • Luffys left hand man • Luffys biggest rival • Luffys right hand man • The first warlord we see • the owner of the Baratie • Luffys best transformation • The straw hats archaeologist • ...
one piece characters 2024-04-03
- the most skilled swordsman in the world
- shanks' daughter
- a good friend of ussop and is the king of sniper island
- nami's stepmother
- the cyborg shipwright of the strawhats
- the navigator of the strawhats
- the reincarnation of the ancient weapon poseidon who can control seakings
- genderfluid queen of kamabaka queendom and newkama land
- king of germa 66 and sanji's biological father
- the last lunarian
- sanji's mom
- the revolutionary army's chief of staff
- one of the captains of the giant pirates (d)
- the undead musician of the strawhats
- the son of the pirate king
- the continent puller
- the archaeologist of the strawhats, can summon copies of her body parts
- the ruler of the world
- a cyborg brachiosaurus
- the mayor of foosha village
- a giant elephant with a dukedom on it's back
- first mate of the strawhats
- luffy's mother figure
- can convert his body parts into springs
- the future pirate king and captain of the strawhats, who is also made of rubber
- the leader of the revolutionaries
- racist fishman who enslaved an entire island
- the emperor who could manipulate souls and had nearly 100 children
- the smartest man in the world
- owns a bar in foosha village
- the most horrible person alive
- the second in command to the pirate king
- was known as the strongest man in the world
- the man who designed the going merry
- zoro's ancestor
- the sun god
- former warlord, currently the helmsman of the strawhats
- the culprit behind shanks' missing arm
- princess of alabasta and honorary strawhat
- the lion-like current ship of the strawhats
- the son of kaido
- the genius jester
- the false god of skypiea and the lightning logia user
- the strongest son of charlotte linlin
- the admiral made of light
- captain of the red hair pirates
- the lamb-like first ship of the strawhats
- nicknamed "the fist"
- the daughter of kuma who has the power to mess with time
- the pirate king
- sanji's real dad
- the strongest creature in the world
- the chef of the strawhats
- the true creator of the one piece, made of rubber
- one of the captains of the giant pirates (b)
- the sniper of the strawhats
- the reindeer doctor of the strawhats
- one of the most beloved characters in the series
- a humanoid rabbit with electric powers
- the prodigy of cipher pol
- the future of the marines
- a bear-like man with a tragic backstory who's mechanized body only seeks to protect his daughter
62 Clues: the sun god • sanji's mom • zoro's ancestor • the pirate king • shanks' daughter • the son of kaido • sanji's real dad • nami's stepmother • the genius jester • the last lunarian • nicknamed "the fist" • the continent puller • luffy's mother figure • the ruler of the world • a cyborg brachiosaurus • the admiral made of light • the chef of the strawhats • the prodigy of cipher pol • ...
One piece/ Narchenthan 2023-08-06
- a king of the pirates
- long nose
- a simpy cook
- a spider
- a brother of the 🍩
- the strongest creature in the world
- a donut 🍩
- gravity gravity man
- bro ate haki haki no mi
- soul stealer
- a true monster
- yellow monkey
- emergency food
- a loveable idiot
- the guy with a bid blade
- a warlord with a devil fruit of love
- old legend
- the strongest 🍩 in the world
- blue pheasant
- a smoke man
20 Clues: a spider • long nose • a donut 🍩 • old legend • a smoke man • a simpy cook • soul stealer • blue pheasant • yellow monkey • emergency food • a true monster • a loveable idiot • a brother of the 🍩 • gravity gravity man • a king of the pirates • bro ate haki haki no mi • the guy with a bid blade • the strongest 🍩 in the world • the strongest creature in the world • a warlord with a devil fruit of love
one piece (specials) 2024-10-25
- second of the monkey brothers that the straw hat's meet
- anaconda
- lived in the sheep’s house
- ancient ancestor is a " legendary liar"
- Roger’s rival
- secret weapon that is alive
- contains true history
- "klahadore"
- uses iron mace
- a pervert
- unknown weapon
- how enel’s name is pronounced
- gods home
- a priest that defeated gan fall
- In skypeia it is called mantra
- spilled tea without noticing then overfilled the tea cup
- saw nami n*ked in wano
- betrayed wapol
- igarams wife
- is a king cobra
- rarest devil fruit type
- can use lightning
- almost killed roshio the executioner
- "legendary liar"
- big fan of the straw hats
- Roger’s child
- first of the monkey brothers that the straw hats met
- luffy’s devil fruit is one of this
- only character to die who’s name begins with the letter “p”
- if had a devil fruit would be uo uo no mi model seiryu
- defeated by luffy's gomu gomu gomu gomu no bazooka
- was able to disrupt luffy’s gomu gomu no Gatling
- looks like tashigi
- is a quadruplet (third son) with yellow hair
- is worth 52,000,000 bounty
- has 2 prosthetic legs that are also weapons
- original home was upper yard
- gave zoro enma
- first logia user introduced
- leader of the divine squad
- died giving birth
- worlds best swordsmen
- first person to defeat luffy two times
- worlds strongest swordsmen
- oden's sword not enma
- first ancient weapon revealed
- daz bonez parnter
- ms. Wednesday
- repaired merry in skypeia
- has 3 types; An_____, M_______ and Reg____
- last defeated of enel’s priests
- basically oden
- priest who’s ordeal has a 50% survival rate
- first okama introduced
- is half alligator
- wapol's soldier after he ate his 2 most strongest warrior
- first person luffy defeated
- 1 of the most strongest one piece characters
- brothers are hotori and kotori
- debut was episode 81
- half of this island was carried by the knock-up stream
61 Clues: anaconda • a pervert • gods home • "klahadore" • igarams wife • Roger’s rival • ms. Wednesday • Roger’s child • gave zoro enma • uses iron mace • unknown weapon • betrayed wapol • basically oden • is a king cobra • "legendary liar" • died giving birth • daz bonez parnter • can use lightning • is half alligator • looks like tashigi • debut was episode 81 • contains true history • worlds best swordsmen • ...
One Piece Characters/Other One Piece Stuff 2024-01-24
- Captain of the Heart Pirates
- Miracle child considering how his parents look, Luffy's brother
- leader of the supersonic duck squadron of alabasta
- King of the Pirates
- Slept with Zoro...ONLY FOR WARMTH!!! imma slap her later
- loves Nami and always says, "NAMI-SWAAAN!"
- Imprisoned Nami
- The name of Luffy's crew
- Like Sanji's father
- obsessed with Luffy
- Cannibalistic, female Yonko
- brother of Doflamingo
- gramps
- bro is 3 different people???
- flamingo with the oddest walk
- Adam Sandler???
- Koby's best friend
- "If only I never blinded myself"
- Mosshead with no sense of direction
- Nami's adoptive mother
- navigator that is obsessed with money
- Aggressive and feral. Allianced with Luffy and Law
- Company owned by Crocodile, that he used trying to take over Alabasta
- The first human to not see Chopper as a monster
- Villan group...THINK SOBA MASK!!!
- princess of Alabasta
- long nosed and cowardly liar. skilled sniper
- Fishman, former warlord, and helmsman of the strawhats
- Strong willed, young marine
- usopp's pookie
- Eater of donuts
- The last song Brook got to sing with his original crew
- "who knows...NOSE!?"
- Mountain bandit that raised the ASL trio
- "YOHOHOHO!!!! may I see your panties miss?"
- Nami's sister
- Buggy, Mihawk, and Crocodile...they own this group
- Basically Ace's father
- The first pirate Luffy faces in the story
- former warlord, former leader of Baroque Works
- singer. Shank's daughter
- Usopp's father that never came back with the milk
- posed as a butler
- The whale Brook's crew had to leave behind, and Brook wants to reunite with
- Luffy's father that went to buy milk before Luffy met him
- Took care of Chopper. Basically a witch
- Dragon-fruit user
- Vice captain of the Heart Pirates.
- Fire fist
- pastry chef
- petty conquistador
- Sanji's sister that basically bit Luffy's face as a kiss
- Smokes too much, marine.
- or should I say Kozuki Oden...
- blue nosed reindeer doctor
- The only female member of the Heart Pirates
63 Clues: ICE • gramps • Fire fist • pastry chef • Nami's sister • usopp's pookie • Eater of donuts • Imprisoned Nami • Adam Sandler??? • "SUUUUUPERRRRR!" • posed as a butler • Dragon-fruit user • "YOUR ARMMMMMM!!!" • Koby's best friend • petty conquistador • King of the Pirates • "I WANT TO LIVE!!!" • Like Sanji's father • obsessed with Luffy • "who knows...NOSE!?" • princess of Alabasta • brother of Doflamingo • ...
One piece 2023-01-18
12 Clues: shanks • a drink • samurai • doflamingo • odens city • flame flame • ace sabo luffy • shank’s daughter • doflamingo’s city • luffys devil fruit • Marcos devil fruit • doflamingos devil fruit
one piece 2023-03-06
12 Clues: god • Doflamingo • 3 sword style • most wanted man • d ace fried donut • who has ope ope no mi • world's strongest man • nicknamed "black leg" • who had the straw hat first • whats to become king of pirates • The first straw hat member seen • Mihawk world's strongest swordsman
One Piece 2024-08-24
12 Clues: Race • Gorgon • Haki Wave • Roger Ally • Enel's Ship • Meat Enjoyer • Dragon Fruit • Enlightenment • Chopper's Poimt • Skypiean's Earth • Marine to Pirate • Blood Transfusion
One piece 2024-01-02
12 Clues: gloomy • I hate cats • where am I? • I'm so tired • I hate pepsi • I love to rap • you're so slow • Luffy hates meat • I need a vacation • I ate something bad • I'm a fan of hisoka • sure, I'll do it for 500
One Piece 2024-08-24
12 Clues: Race • Gorgon • Haki Wave • Roger Ally • Enel's Ship • Meat Enjoyer • Dragon Fruit • Enlightenment • Chopper's Poimt • Skypiean's Earth • Marine to Pirate • Blood Transfusion
One piece crossword !! 2024-04-25
19 Clues: sad • dumb • money • buddy • curse • death • royal • theif • stupid • shocked • thieves • captain • stretchy • Strawhat • peaceful • swordsman • direction • goldlovers • soundeffect
One piece 2023-06-05
- someone who judges the guilty
- Take part in the competiton
- Road with planes
- marriage breakdown
- A place with a lof of books
- a sign of aging on the face
- lot of people next to till
- Boss of the kitchen
- Volunteering is different
- An energy discharge
- jam Lot a of cars on the road make
- aid kid The box that saves lives
12 Clues: Road with planes • marriage breakdown • Boss of the kitchen • An energy discharge • Volunteering is different • lot of people next to till • Take part in the competiton • A place with a lof of books • a sign of aging on the face • someone who judges the guilty • aid kid The box that saves lives • jam Lot a of cars on the road make
One piece 2024-10-20
- One of the monster of thriller bark, invisible
- Can swim into anything
- How long did pregnancy of Portgas D Rouge last?
- what was the name of Brook's former crew?
- Whic CP9 agenthad the keys to Robin's handcuffs?
- What sea does Sanji originally come from?
- Currency in skipeia
- Land of giants
- How many different routes starts from the reverse mountain to the Grand Line?
- Deceased queen of fisherman island
- Self-proclaimed god
- Fleet admiral
12 Clues: Fleet admiral • Land of giants • Currency in skipeia • Self-proclaimed god • Can swim into anything • Deceased queen of fisherman island • what was the name of Brook's former crew? • What sea does Sanji originally come from? • One of the monster of thriller bark, invisible • How long did pregnancy of Portgas D Rouge last? • Whic CP9 agenthad the keys to Robin's handcuffs? • ...
One piece 2023-07-22
- Who was Luffy's first crew member?
- Who taught Luffy the three forms of haki?
- The only Strawhat who is a fishman.
- What is the name Luffy uses to enter the Colosseum in Dressrosa?
- Who is Shanks' right-hand man?
- How many swords does Zoro wield in his ultimate attack?
- Who was the first villain to defeat Luffy?
- Who is Luffy's grandfather?
- Who gave Shanks the scar on his eye?
- Where was Gol D. Roger born?
- Which Strawhat is basically a cyborg?
- Who worked as the navigator for Arlong?
12 Clues: Who is Luffy's grandfather? • Where was Gol D. Roger born? • Who is Shanks' right-hand man? • Who was Luffy's first crew member? • The only Strawhat who is a fishman. • Who gave Shanks the scar on his eye? • Which Strawhat is basically a cyborg? • Who worked as the navigator for Arlong? • Who taught Luffy the three forms of haki? • Who was the first villain to defeat Luffy? • ...
One Piece #2 2024-02-01
- the symbol of freedom
- soul king
- luffy's grandpa
- pineapple
- demon child
- very bad with directions
- god
- the man who rejected the one piece
- dragon dragon man
- gravity
- prettiest woman of the world
- black leg
- a mystery (a red haired mystery)
- literally the meaning of cute
- darkness closing in on all sides
- pirate king
- greatest swordsman
- donut man
18 Clues: god • gravity • soul king • black leg • pineapple • donut man • demon child • pirate king • luffy's grandpa • dragon dragon man • greatest swordsman • the symbol of freedom • very bad with directions • prettiest woman of the world • literally the meaning of cute • a mystery (a red haired mystery) • darkness closing in on all sides • the man who rejected the one piece
One Piece Characters 2023-01-28
- Luffy's Rival
- The Cook of the Strawhats
- The Doctor of the Strawhats
- The Leader of the Strawhats
- The Musician of the Strawhats
- Luffy's Other Brother
- The Most Recent Member of the Strawhats
- The Navigator of the Strawhats
- The Strawhats' Swordsman
- The Character that is the most likely to join
- The One Who Gave Luffy the Strawhat
- The Member who Joined Because Luffy Saved Her
- The Gunner of the Strawhats
- The Shipwright of the Strawhats
- Luffy's Dead Brother
- Luffy's Other Rival
- A Clown who uses the Chop Chop Fruit
17 Clues: Luffy's Rival • Luffy's Other Rival • Luffy's Dead Brother • Luffy's Other Brother • The Strawhats' Swordsman • The Cook of the Strawhats • The Doctor of the Strawhats • The Leader of the Strawhats • The Gunner of the Strawhats • The Musician of the Strawhats • The Navigator of the Strawhats • The Shipwright of the Strawhats • The One Who Gave Luffy the Strawhat • ...
One piece 2015-04-15
- The real name of Mr. 2
- Kishishishishi
- name of the devil fruit chopper has eaten
- this person has a bounty of 81 mil
- Main character of the show
- Name of the guy who kills ace
- "_____ the golden lion"
- famous scientist
- one of schichibukais luffy met at Thriller Bark
- ruler of amazon lily
- Color of whitebeards mustache
11 Clues: Kishishishishi • famous scientist • ruler of amazon lily • The real name of Mr. 2 • "_____ the golden lion" • Main character of the show • Color of whitebeards mustache • Name of the guy who kills ace • this person has a bounty of 81 mil • name of the devil fruit chopper has eaten • one of schichibukais luffy met at Thriller Bark
One Piece 2021-07-03
- Cabelo rosa e foi enganada
- A estrela veio até ele
- Esteve naquela ilha que é o apelido da Islândia
- Mudou de lado e surpreendeu a todos
- Esteve com Nami, Zoro e Usopp
- Passou pelo inferno e após sua volta o sangue o predominou
- Quebrou a maior lei daquele lugar
- o descendente daquele homem
- Ninguém conseguia passar por ele rumo aquele lugar
- Aquele que passou sua vontade para aquele garoto sonhador
- Esteve com Luffy, Vivi e Sanji
11 Clues: A estrela veio até ele • Cabelo rosa e foi enganada • o descendente daquele homem • Esteve com Nami, Zoro e Usopp • Esteve com Luffy, Vivi e Sanji • Quebrou a maior lei daquele lugar • Mudou de lado e surpreendeu a todos • Esteve naquela ilha que é o apelido da Islândia • Ninguém conseguia passar por ele rumo aquele lugar • ...
one piece 2024-12-15
11 Clues: cook • luffy's grandpa • miss all sunday • straw hat fish man • straw hat musicain • king of the pirates • straw hat swords man • straw hat carpenter • straw hat sharpshooter • straw hat cat burgalar • captin of the straw hats
one piece 2021-02-16
- hipotézis
- eladás más szóval
- invesztálás más szóval
- egy kreatív ötletből születő folyamatot jelöl, amely megvalósítja az ötletet
- Research and development, R&D
- minden olyan
- Az új termék életútja onnantól, hogy az első darabot kihelyezték a polcra, egészen az utolsó darab eladásáig.
- az első lépcsőfokok egyike a gyártás során.
- előállítás más szóval
- reklámozás más szóval
- műszaki, szervezeti, pénzügyi és kereskedelmi jellegű tevékenység,
11 Clues: hipotézis • minden olyan • eladás más szóval • előállítás más szóval • reklámozás más szóval • invesztálás más szóval • Research and development, R&D • az első lépcsőfokok egyike a gyártás során. • műszaki, szervezeti, pénzügyi és kereskedelmi jellegű tevékenység, • egy kreatív ötletből születő folyamatot jelöl, amely megvalósítja az ötletet • ...
one piece 2022-01-20
- er ist einer der 7 samurei
- er hat einen lilanen flomingo schal
- ist schlechter als ein Kompass
- warum ist rufyy und seine auf der grand line
- Haupt Charakter
- der nachname der gesuchten person ist uzumaki
- der stärkste der 4 kaiser
- hat rote haare
- der bruder von itachi
- er ist ein roboter aus one piece
- sie ist eine der 4 kaiser
11 Clues: hat rote haare • Haupt Charakter • der bruder von itachi • der stärkste der 4 kaiser • sie ist eine der 4 kaiser • er ist einer der 7 samurei • ist schlechter als ein Kompass • er ist ein roboter aus one piece • er hat einen lilanen flomingo schal • warum ist rufyy und seine auf der grand line • der nachname der gesuchten person ist uzumaki
one piece 2023-11-09
11 Clues: God • money • Has a trunk • Flying mammal • kick u in face • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • wait why is he here • beard the one piece is real • I'm gonna be king of the pirates
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