one piece Crossword Puzzles

One Piece 2012-06-04

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Mysterious Power that is Found in Every Living Being
  2. Marksman, Liar
  3. Luffy Trained Under him for 2 Years
  4. Archaeologist with a Bounty since She was a Child
  5. Ruler of Amazon Lily
  6. Navigator, Cat Burglar
  7. Leader of the Revolutionary Army and Luffy's Father
  8. Doctor with the Ability to Transform
  9. King of the Pirates
  10. "Fire Fist ___"
  1. Nicknamed "Black Leg"
  2. Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
  3. Cyborg Shipwright
  4. Gave Luffy His Straw Hat
  5. The Compass Needed to Sail the Grand Line
  6. Dream is to Become the Greatest Swordsman
  7. The Second Half of the Grand Line
  8. The Greatest Treasure in the World
  9. Undead Musician
  10. Luffy's Grandfather

20 Clues: Marksman, LiarUndead Musician"Fire Fist ___"Cyborg ShipwrightKing of the PiratesLuffy's GrandfatherRuler of Amazon LilyNicknamed "Black Leg"Navigator, Cat BurglarGave Luffy His Straw HatCaptain of the Straw Hat PiratesThe Second Half of the Grand LineThe Greatest Treasure in the WorldLuffy Trained Under him for 2 Years...

One Piece 2023-02-22

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Who is Shanks' right-hand man?
  2. Who does Zoro aspire to beat?
  3. Who is Whitebeard's right-hand man?
  4. Who married over 40 people?
  5. Who is Luffy's grandfather?
  6. Who ate the Uo Uo no Mi Model: Seiryuu
  7. What villain out powered Luffy until his Gear 2 awakening?
  8. The only Strawhat who is a fishman.
  9. Who held Enma before Zoro?
  10. Who is the strongest person in the world?
  11. Whose home was destroyed by a buster call?
  12. Which Strawhat is basically a cyborg?
  13. What villain with a strong devil fruit had no effect against Luffy?
  14. Who is the king of the pirates?
  1. Who is the sniper on Shanks' crew?
  2. Who taught Luffy the three forms of haki?
  3. Who worked as the navigator for Arlong?
  4. Who simps for Luffy?
  5. What villain was beaten by Luffy's Gear 4 Snakeman?
  6. What do Kaido and Big Mom call Luffy(Japanese)?
  7. Who was Luffy's first crew member?
  8. Who stole Whitebeard's devil fruit powers?
  9. Who is the best cook ever and is rumored to have Lunarian powers?
  10. Who is the Magma Admiral?
  11. What animal is Brook friends with from his time as a living person?
  12. Who aspires to be the greatest doctor ever?
  13. Who held Shusui before Zoro?
  14. Who ate the Gomu Gomu No Mi?

28 Clues: Who simps for Luffy?Who is the Magma Admiral?Who held Enma before Zoro?Who married over 40 people?Who is Luffy's grandfather?Who held Shusui before Zoro?Who ate the Gomu Gomu No Mi?Who does Zoro aspire to beat?Who is Shanks' right-hand man?Who is the king of the pirates?Who is the sniper on Shanks' crew?Who was Luffy's first crew member?...

One piece 2023-12-17

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. he is a leg user and can use blue and orange fire.
  2. He is a 4th emperor of the sea and he gave the straw hat to luffy.
  3. he is a marine and best friends with luffy.
  4. he is the king of pirates before luffy and has the best power.
  5. lucci he is a leopard user and has a devil fruit.
  6. he is like gold d roger lvl and they are best friends.
  7. he is a calm character and can use gamma rush.
  8. He is a fishman and use haki.
  9. she is a beautiful girl and loves luffy.
  10. she loves money and has orange hair.
  1. he is a Mochi user (dough user) and part of big mom crew.
  2. He is a pheonix and he have glasses also he have pineapple hair.
  3. he have green hair and have 3 sword stye.
  4. he is a dragon and he defeated luffy 4 time.
  5. he is the 1st one to be in gold d roger crew.
  6. he is a sand user and can suck your waterout.
  7. he is luffy grandpa and very strong than luffy.
  8. he is a straw hat and name in Japanese mugiwara and he is friends with everyone in one piece.
  9. he is a buddha and a admirals.
  10. he is a musician and he is a skeleton.
  11. he can get all metal in the world.
  12. He has 2 devil fruit and he killed whitebeard.

22 Clues: He is a fishman and use haki.he is a buddha and a admirals.he can get all metal in the world.she loves money and has orange hair.he is a musician and he is a skeleton.she is a beautiful girl and loves luffy.he have green hair and have 3 sword stye.he is a marine and best friends with luffy.he is a dragon and he defeated luffy 4 time....

one piece 2023-11-11

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. ate the mane mane no mi
  2. can turn into a Buddha
  3. luffys other brother
  4. straw hats doctor
  5. lives on the land of wano
  6. strawhats swordsman
  7. strawhats sniper
  8. a warden of impel down
  9. water 7?
  10. leader of Amazon Lili
  11. crocodiles home town
  12. turns into a griaffe
  13. mihawks dad
  14. uses kio kiro no mi fruit
  15. has the ability to turn into an extinct animal
  16. bigmoms real name
  17. musician of the strawhats
  18. uses spin fruit
  19. one piece Roblox game
  20. god at using lighting
  21. uses diamond fruit
  22. whitebeards son
  23. one of the forest gods
  24. first son of the sea
  25. ate the spike spike fruit
  26. the character who smokes and uses smoke
  27. who ate the inu inu no mi
  28. rain god
  29. Luffy's grandfather
  30. One Piece anime and live-action and?
  31. strawhats cook
  1. who took a bomb up in the air but survives
  2. creates barriers
  3. who can turn into a leopard
  4. doflamingos home town
  5. king of the pirates
  6. uses door-door fruit
  7. ate the chop chop fruit
  8. one of the admirals
  9. luffys brother
  10. uses gas gas fruit
  11. dressed as a baby
  12. strawhats archeologist
  13. uses a mochi devil fruit
  14. strawhats navigator
  15. Two Devil Fruits used bye
  16. aokijis one piece name
  17. leader of the sun pirates
  18. leader of the red hair pirates
  19. strawhats captain
  20. uses gravity fruit
  21. ate snow snow fruit
  22. who uses sound sound fruit
  23. one of the strongest warriors who died at marine ford
  24. who also killed bigmom
  25. who ate the uo uo no mi aka fish fruit
  26. who killed bigmom
  27. uses spring spring fruit
  28. whitebeards first mate
  29. kizarus real name
  30. uses bomb bomb fruit
  31. tree in a chest

62 Clues: water 7?rain godmihawks dadluffys brotherstrawhats cookuses spin fruitwhitebeards sontree in a chestcreates barriersstrawhats sniperstraw hats doctordressed as a babybigmoms real namestrawhats captainwho killed bigmomkizarus real nameuses gas gas fruituses gravity fruituses diamond fruitking of the piratesstrawhats swordsmanone of the admirals...

ONE PIECE 2023-10-17

ONE PIECE crossword puzzle
  1. Lost ruins in the sky, also known as the City of Gold
  2. The village where Luffy was born
  3. The only woman in the Heart crew
  4. Dracule Mihawk's sword
  5. Dressrosa is full of these flowers
  6. Zoro was gifted this sword in Loguetown
  7. Son of Kaido
  8. The capital city of Alabasta
  9. The Heart crew's ship
  10. Mr 2's real name
  1. This old man is a Gemini and his blood type is AB
  2. This vegetable is also the name of a One Piece character
  3. A region inspired in Spain
  4. The name of the Alabasta royal family
  5. The most common type of Devil Fruit
  6. This was supposed to be Sanji's name originally
  7. Future king of the pirates
  8. His design was inspired by the Japanese actor Kunie Tanaka
  9. He is named after a fictional horse
  10. A secret organization of assasins

20 Clues: Son of KaidoMr 2's real nameThe Heart crew's shipDracule Mihawk's swordA region inspired in SpainFuture king of the piratesThe capital city of AlabastaThe village where Luffy was bornThe only woman in the Heart crewA secret organization of assasinsDressrosa is full of these flowersThe most common type of Devil Fruit...

One Piece 2024-03-12

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. allows the user to use their own spiritual energy to create
  2. aim-bot?
  3. who ate the flame-flame fruit?
  4. musician skeleton?
  5. Master chef?
  6. allow User to see a short period into the future?
  7. Mysterious power that is found in every living thing?
  8. king of the pirates?
  9. how many gear does Luffy have?
  10. first episode name?
  11. who uses three swords?
  12. Who trained Luffy for 2 years during the time skip?
  1. archaeology with a bounty since she was a child
  2. who loves Luffy?
  3. what is the money called in one piece?
  4. doctor who can transform?
  5. Who ate the Mochi no Mi?
  6. lose a arm?
  7. what is the straw hat name?
  8. cyborg?
  9. The second half of the grand line?
  10. The compass needed to sail the grand line?

22 Clues: cyborg?aim-bot?lose a arm?Master chef?who loves Luffy?musician skeleton?first episode name?king of the pirates?who uses three swords?Who ate the Mochi no Mi?doctor who can transform?what is the straw hat name?who ate the flame-flame fruit?how many gear does Luffy have?The second half of the grand line?what is the money called in one piece?...

One Piece 2024-03-31

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Chopper
  2. Villain
  3. Man
  4. Human
  5. Hero
  6. Girl
  7. Boy
  8. Sanji
  9. Usopp
  10. Monkey
  11. Franky
  1. Zoro
  2. Robin
  3. Pirate
  4. Luffy
  5. Nami
  6. Mink
  7. Woman
  8. Jinbe
  9. Nico
  10. Brook
  11. Roger

22 Clues: ManBoyZoroNamiMinkHeroNicoGirlRobinLuffyWomanHumanJinbeBrookSanjiUsoppRogerPirateMonkeyFrankyChopperVillain

one piece 2020-12-28

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. ancient stone with text
  2. four strongest pirates (Japanese)
  3. alias after saving dressrosa
  4. slaveowners
  5. 2nd ship
  6. three kinds of it
  7. family of weapons
  8. eat me can't swim
  9. only one who can do #4
  10. inhabitants of elbath
  11. built #10
  12. ms. Wednesday
  1. they say this is the enemy of the gods
  2. Dr.loves sweets
  3. a whole through their body
  4. I can cure all
  5. Dressrosa disguised contestant
  6. seven pirates for marines
  7. orange grove owner
  8. did not want human blood even if he died
  9. corrupt sea army
  10. Green hair Wano alias
  11. pilot ep pink hair

23 Clues: 2nd shipbuilt #10slaveownersms. WednesdayI can cure allDr.loves sweetscorrupt sea armythree kinds of itfamily of weaponseat me can't swimorange grove ownerpilot ep pink hairGreen hair Wano aliasinhabitants of elbathonly one who can do #4ancient stone with textseven pirates for marinesa whole through their bodyalias after saving dressrosa...

One piece 2021-11-07

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. Had the highest bounty pre-timeskip
  2. World Noble that doesn't own slaves anymore
  3. breaks a forbidden law to save luffy
  4. first bounty reveal
  5. best youtuber
  6. Sanji look alike
  7. Oda's creative art sports this character with a shirt with the word "EVIL" on it
  8. how old was Shanks when Roger was executed
  9. "Forgive me... the lingering snow is finally melting, so I can tell when dawn is near."
  10. " This should be sufficient to undo all your magic...So Long!!!!"
  11. "Can I see your panties"
  12. the only strawhat to work under another pirate crew (against his will)
  13. Mane Mane no mi
  14. how many years did it take Roger to conquer the GrandLine
  15. the only strawhat to not be asked by Luffy to join
  16. Who's picture was Imu holding
  17. "Bet your life on it?"
  18. calls doflamingo "Doffy"
  19. "One Piece is Real!!!"
  20. best liar in one piece
  21. First to kill in One Piece
  22. "Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo"
  23. Luffy and Zoro almost kill this World Noble
  24. "Goronyanya"
  25. carries a Bible
  26. claimed to have command over CP0 because of a secret
  1. pineapple
  2. first holder of the Bari Bari No Mi
  3. "In fact, I'll go singing! And a-one, and a-two!"
  4. shares a birthday with Shanks and mihawk
  5. worked for MADS
  6. only strawhat to have died
  7. skypia money
  8. Hoya Hoya no mi
  9. stabbed himself under the eye with a knife
  10. "Toputoputopu"
  11. 53yrs old  when he died
  12. Nui Nui no mi
  13. soup
  14. Boa only trusts 2 men, Luffy and…?
  15. sent to Momoiro Island during timeskip
  16. stops kizaru with a gun
  17. owner of Rain Dinners Casino
  18. might be an octopus fruit holder
  19. the only female to ever call Luffy "Sama"
  20. Inu Inu no mi model: Tanuki
  21. who is the commander of the "jailer Beasts"?
  22. "Just a little more, until this country can be beneath the real sun…"
  23. "I was able to help this dream..has finally started to run."
  24. Oda stated if he wasn't a pirate he would be a police officer

50 Clues: souppineappleskypia money"Goronyanya"best youtuberNui Nui no mi"Toputoputopu"worked for MADSHoya Hoya no miMane Mane no micarries a BibleSanji look alikefirst bounty reveal"Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo""Bet your life on it?""One Piece is Real!!!"best liar in one piece53yrs old  when he diedstops kizaru with a gun"Can I see your panties"...

One Piece 2021-11-11

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. will find the all blue
  2. chef of the Baratie
  3. one of the 4 emperors
  4. will be a great pirate of the sea
  5. former first mate of the king of the pirates
  6. the country crocodile was trying to take over
  7. kaido's son
  8. He is determined to see his friend again
  9. Princess of Alabasta
  10. president of water 7
  11. will find the truth of the void century
  12. gave Luffy the straw hat,one of the four emperor
  13. chopper's former sensei
  14. under the control of Emperor Kaido
  1. will make a chart of the entire sea
  2. I'll be the king of the pirates!
  3. Will be the world's greatest swordsman
  4. the ancient weapon Poseidon
  5. the crew's shipwright
  6. where roger was executed
  7. the previous king of the pirates
  8. former warlord, is the crew's helmsman
  9. the country doflamingo took over
  10. the crew's doctor

24 Clues: kaido's sonthe crew's doctorchef of the BaratiePrincess of Alabastapresident of water 7one of the 4 emperorsthe crew's shipwrightwill find the all bluechopper's former senseiwhere roger was executedthe ancient weapon PoseidonI'll be the king of the pirates!the previous king of the piratesthe country doflamingo took over...

One Piece 2022-04-26

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. a warlord of the sea
  2. stole whitebeards devil fruit
  3. smokers right hand
  4. nico robins mom
  5. luffys grandfather
  6. has been waiting for brooks crew
  7. like a mother to luffy
  8. his body can turn to smoke
  9. uses ropes to beat enemies
  10. leader of the revolutionary army
  11. luffys navy rival
  12. shanks right hand
  13. the first ship the strawhats use
  14. strongest member of CP9
  15. the first mermaid the strawhats meet
  1. a three sword swordsman
  2. can make people feel negative
  3. strongest of the four emperors
  4. princess of ryugu kingdom
  5. whitebeards right hand man
  6. old snake princess
  7. is in love with luffy
  8. sanjis sister
  9. the first son of the sea
  10. a light admiral
  11. a magma admiral
  12. an alive skeleton

27 Clues: sanjis sisternico robins moma light admirala magma admiralluffys navy rivalshanks right handan alive skeletonsmokers right handold snake princessluffys grandfathera warlord of the seais in love with luffylike a mother to luffya three sword swordsmanstrongest member of CP9the first son of the seaprincess of ryugu kingdomwhitebeards right hand man...

One Piece 2024-05-13

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. 23 feet and scaly
  2. may cause fur
  3. Made Ussop cry pretimeskip
  4. The laughing girl in Wano
  5. known by the rumbar pirates and the Roger pirates
  6. the puzzle just needs
  7. the prize of the dressrosa
  8. Singaporean English for an "inconvenience"
  9. directions of a country or an operator
  10. Eats anything but isn't luffy
  11. raccoon dog
  12. The "married" elder star
  13. Luffy, garp, and blackbeard
  1. another name for batmans rival
  2. Momonosuke's (other) fake father
  3. how many suns the straw hats ride on
  4. the coldest assassins
  5. the playing card with a hole in it
  6. Has a long nose but has not fought Luffy
  7. Big people, little _______.
  8. Goat

21 Clues: Goatraccoon dogmay cause fur23 feet and scalythe coldest assassinsthe puzzle just needsThe "married" elder starThe laughing girl in WanoMade Ussop cry pretimeskipthe prize of the dressrosaBig people, little _______.Luffy, garp, and blackbeardEats anything but isn't luffyanother name for batmans rivalMomonosuke's (other) fake father...

One piece 2024-03-05

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. The only Straw Hat to battle three of Enel's priests
  2. Luffy's first opponent
  3. Name of Robin's fruit
  4. Name of Kizarus fruit
  5. Hero of the Marine's
  6. King Neptune's daughter
  7. ___ Lily
  8. age of luffy pre-time skip
  9. Name of the second Warlord of the Sea to have his/her name mentioned
  10. The only straw hat to invite a member to the crew
  1. Where Gol. D Roger's execution was
  2. Name of the most wanted man
  3. Armament, Observation and Conquerors
  4. Captain of the Heart Pirates
  5. Pirate with a long nose
  6. Name of the kingdom that is led by the Vinsmoke family
  7. Luffy's name used to enter the Colosseum
  8. Piece of paper made from a persons fingernail clipping
  9. Name of the Straw Hats first ship
  10. Character who loves cherry pie
  11. The first admiral shown in the series

21 Clues: ___ LilyHero of the Marine'sName of Robin's fruitName of Kizarus fruitLuffy's first opponentPirate with a long noseKing Neptune's daughterage of luffy pre-time skipName of the most wanted manCaptain of the Heart PiratesCharacter who loves cherry pieName of the Straw Hats first shipWhere Gol. D Roger's execution was...

One Piece 2024-04-06

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Helped Zoro get his new swords
  2. Leader of the Rebel Army
  3. King of Alabasta
  4. Strawhat pirate's doctor
  5. Devil fruit user Jackal
  6. The giant's home island
  7. Fought Sanji
  8. Shichibukai "hero" of Alabasta
  9. Strawhat pirate's ship
  10. Princess of Alabasta
  11. When answering Mr.0's call, Sanji identified himself as
  12. Devil fruit user Falcon
  13. Lives inside a whale
  14. Desert island
  15. Giants
  16. Pirate Friendly Island
  17. Becomes the new king of Drum Island
  18. Prehistoric Island
  19. Tried to execute Luffy
  20. Taught Chopper medicine
  21. Luffy is looking for the
  22. Zoro's cursed sword
  23. Strawhat pirate's sniper
  24. King of Drum Island
  25. Went undercover with Vivi
  26. Pair trying to kill Laboon
  1. Fought Zoro & Nami
  2. Miss All Sunday
  3. Attacked Drum island before the Strawhats got there
  4. Shop owner's heirloom given to Zoro
  5. Strawhat pirate's captain
  6. Marine captain at Loguetown
  7. Strawhat pirate's swordsman
  8. Luffy's brother
  9. Fought Chopper & Usopp
  10. Winter island
  11. Codename of the leader of Baroque Works
  12. Gave Chopper his name
  13. Luffy & Zoro beat them easily
  14. Baroque Work's pair set at Little Garden
  15. Strawhat pirate's cook
  16. Stayed at Yuba digging for water
  17. The way to enter the grand line
  18. Where up in the clock tower with the bomb
  19. A vulture and an otter
  20. Whale at Reverse Mountain
  21. Kuina's sword given to Zoro
  22. Vivi's duck
  23. Strawhat pirate's navigator
  24. The end and the begining

50 Clues: GiantsVivi's duckFought SanjiWinter islandDesert islandMiss All SundayLuffy's brotherKing of AlabastaFought Zoro & NamiPrehistoric IslandZoro's cursed swordKing of Drum IslandPrincess of AlabastaLives inside a whaleGave Chopper his nameFought Chopper & UsoppStrawhat pirate's cookStrawhat pirate's shipA vulture and an otterPirate Friendly Island...

One Piece 2021-11-08

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Who's picture was Imu holding
  2. Yasaku Matsuda
  3. 53yrs old when he died
  4. "Just a little more, until this country can be beneath the real sun…"
  5. best liar in one piece
  6. stabbed himself under the eye with a knife
  7. Medusa
  8. Oda's creative art sports this character with a shirt with the word "EVIL" on it
  9. Sanji look alike
  10. how old was Shanks when Roger was executed
  11. skypia money
  12. first bounty reveal
  13. Oda stated if he wasn't a pirate he would be a police officer
  14. only strawhat to have died(and not come back to life)
  15. carries a Bible
  16. "Can I see your panties"
  17. stops kizaru with a gun
  18. Luffy and Zoro almost kill this World Noble
  19. Boa only trusts 2 men, Luffy and…?
  20. Tim Curry’s Dr. Frank-N-Furter character from the cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show
  21. World Noble that doesn't own slaves anymore
  22. the only female to ever call Luffy "Sama"
  23. "I was able to help this dream..has finally started to run."
  24. King of Goa and adopted brother of Sabo
  25. shares a birthday with Shanks and mihawk
  26. Only SH to not be formally invited to join
  27. "Toputoputopu"
  1. "Forgive me... the lingering snow is finally melting, so I can tell when dawn is near."
  2. calls doflamingo "Doffy"
  3. Inu Inu no mi model: Tanuki
  4. pineapple
  5. breaks a forbidden law to save luffy
  6. soup
  7. claimed to have command over CP0 because of a secret
  8. "One Piece is Real!!!"
  9. best youtuber
  10. Hoya Hoya no mi
  11. Mane Mane no mi
  12. Nui Nui no mi
  13. the only strawhat to work under another pirate crew (against his will)
  14. owner of Rain Dinners Casino
  15. First to kill in One Piece
  16. " This should be sufficient to undo all your magic...So Long!!!!"
  17. worked for MADS
  18. "Goronyanya"
  19. sent to Momoiro Island during timeskip
  20. "In fact, I'll go singing! And a-one, and a-two!"
  21. first holder of the Bari Bari No Mi
  22. "Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo"
  23. who is the commander of the "jailer Beasts"?
  24. Had the highest bounty pre-timeskip
  25. "Bet your life on it?"

52 Clues: soupMedusapineappleskypia money"Goronyanya"best youtuberNui Nui no miYasaku Matsuda"Toputoputopu"Hoya Hoya no miMane Mane no micarries a Bibleworked for MADSSanji look alikefirst bounty reveal"Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo""One Piece is Real!!!"best liar in one piece"Bet your life on it?"53yrs old when he diedstops kizaru with a guncalls doflamingo "Doffy"...

One piece 2021-02-08

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. will never hit a women
  2. It is regarded as the ultimate devil fruit
  3. SUPER
  4. Lowesr bounty in the seris
  5. Main character
  6. Three sword style user
  7. Joker
  8. most wanted man alive
  9. strongest man alive
  10. Fire fist
  1. Shanks,Kiado,big Mom and black beard are
  2. Miss wednesday
  3. The ultimate treasure
  4. The firs ship of the straw hats pirets
  5. Sniper King
  6. the king of the pirates
  7. It was past on from Roger to Shanks to luffy
  8. miss all sunday
  9. The first son of the sea
  10. wepond agins logia users

20 Clues: SUPERJokerFire fistSniper KingMiss wednesdayMain charactermiss all sundaystrongest man aliveThe ultimate treasuremost wanted man alivewill never hit a womenThree sword style userthe king of the piratesThe first son of the seawepond agins logia usersLowesr bounty in the serisThe firs ship of the straw hats pirets...

ONE PIECE 2024-03-02

ONE PIECE crossword puzzle
  1. The final destination of the Grand Line, rumored to be the location of One Piece and the key to uncovering the world's greatest mysteries.
  2. The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates, who ate the Human-Human Fruit, allowing him to transform into various forms.
  3. The Four Emperors, the most powerful pirate captains ruling over different regions of the Grand Line.
  4. The shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his cyborg enhancements and his ability to build and repair ships.
  5. The Warlords of the Sea, powerful pirates who have allied with the World Government in exchange for certain privileges.
  6. The naval force of the World Government responsible for maintaining order and combating piracy.
  7. One of the three types of Devil Fruits, granting the user superhuman abilities without altering their body's physical state.
  8. The swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, renowned for his immense strength and dedication to becoming the world's greatest swordsman.
  9. A mysterious power that allows its users to sense the presence of others, strengthen their attacks, and exert their will over others.
  1. A secret army led by Monkey D. Dragon, seeking to overthrow the World Government and bring about a new era of freedom.
  2. One of the three types of Devil Fruits, granting the user the ability to transform, produce, and control a specific element.
  3. The enthusiastic and adventurous protagonist of One Piece.
  4. The musician of the Straw Hat Pirates, a living skeleton with a devil fruit power that allows him to return to life after death.
  5. The archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates, seeking to uncover the mysteries of the world's history known as the "Void Century."
  6. Luffy's combat forms, achieved through his mastery of Haki and his Devil Fruit powers, enhancing his strength, speed, and durability.
  7. The former Pirate King and legendary figure whose execution sparked the Great Pirate Era and inspired a new generation of pirates.
  8. The skilled navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for her cartography skills and her dream of creating a complete map of the world.
  9. The chef of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his culinary skills, chivalry, and powerful martial arts technique, "Black Leg Style."
  10. The sharpshooter and storyteller of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his tall tales and his ability to wield a slingshot with deadly accuracy.
  11. One of the three types of Devil Fruits, granting the user the ability to transform into a specific animal or hybrid form.

20 Clues: The enthusiastic and adventurous protagonist of One Piece.The naval force of the World Government responsible for maintaining order and combating piracy.The Four Emperors, the most powerful pirate captains ruling over different regions of the Grand Line....

One Piece 2024-05-02

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. The Flashy Clown
  2. Samurai
  3. Because I am beautiful
  4. Minority Hunter
  5. Emergency Food
  6. It's real
  8. Batman
  9. Pistol!
  10. Desert Island
  11. Best Princess
  12. Strongest Beast
  13. Tall, Pale, and Handsome
  1. Okama
  2. Electro Bunny
  3. Soul King
  4. Best Brother
  5. Joyboy
  6. First son of the sea
  7. Perverted cook
  8. God Captain
  9. All right
  10. SUPER!
  11. Emperor of the sea
  12. Cat burgler

25 Clues: OkamaJoyboySUPER!BatmanSamuraiPistol!Soul KingIt's realAll rightDON'T SKIPGod CaptainCat burglerBest BrotherElectro BunnyDesert IslandBest PrincessEmergency FoodPerverted cookMinority HunterStrongest BeastThe Flashy ClownEmperor of the seaFirst son of the seaBecause I am beautifulTall, Pale, and Handsome

One Piece 2022-05-11

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. of D - Kureha , Robin & Saul
  2. - Shuppoppoppo
  3. Fruit User - sumpa or mahika.
  4. Bell - eight plus eight
  5. Jake No Mi - 1 + 1 = 1
  6. Pamu No Mi - touch touch BOOM!
  7. Century - Forgotten & Forbidden
  8. - sky , heaven and Seven
  9. Bear - bow or punishment
  10. - Wintry Wind
  11. Roux - First Blood
  12. Back Fight - crew or jolly roger?
  13. - Dead or Alive
  1. Down - Divina Commedia
  2. - several fairytales
  3. Sickness - Love can kill
  4. - penguin and Greenland
  5. - is nobody home?
  6. - Birthday , Pandora
  7. of the Kings - Kings lies here & Hades

20 Clues: - Wintry Wind- Shuppoppoppo- Dead or Alive- is nobody home?Roux - First Blood- several fairytales- Birthday , PandoraDown - Divina CommediaJake No Mi - 1 + 1 = 1- penguin and GreenlandBell - eight plus eightSickness - Love can kill- sky , heaven and SevenBear - bow or punishmentof D - Kureha , Robin & SaulFruit User - sumpa or mahika....

One piece 2022-05-10

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. Mexican woman that can heal herself
  2. leg
  3. Flying bird
  4. Pow pow flying and big
  5. Pew pew speed
  6. is white
  7. Harry Potter
  8. Australian animal person
  9. wall
  10. hot hot
  11. Powerful but dead
  12. big arm
  13. sun god Nika
  1. American old man
  2. japans ninja
  3. three
  4. he is black
  5. Pinocchio in disguise
  6. is the strongest pirate alive and can make lighting into rubber
  7. Korean air

20 Clues: legwallthreehot hotbig armis whiteKorean airFlying birdhe is blackHarry Pottersun god Nikajapans ninjaPew pew speedAmerican old manPowerful but deadPinocchio in disguisePow pow flying and bigAustralian animal personMexican woman that can heal herselfis the strongest pirate alive and can make lighting into rubber

One Piece 2016-12-21

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Homme-poisson de cocoyashi
  2. renne-humain
  3. Père de Usopp
  4. Roi de Drum
  5. Patron du Baratie
  6. Soeur de Nami
  7. Squelette vivant
  8. Clown Pirate
  9. Princesse d'Alabasta
  10. Modèle de Luffy
  11. leader de l'armée rebelle d'Alabasta
  12. colonel de la marine ayant le pouvoir de la fumée
  13. La chatte cambrioleuse
  1. Prochain roi des pirates
  2. un géant de Little Garden
  3. un des 7 grand corsaires
  4. Cyborg
  5. un des 7 grand corsaires
  6. L'enfant démoniaque
  7. Pirate à 3 sabres
  8. Grand menteur
  9. Cuisinier de luffy
  10. Frère de Luffy
  11. Ancienne rivale de Zoro

24 Clues: CyborgRoi de Drumrenne-humainClown PiratePère de UsoppSoeur de NamiGrand menteurFrère de LuffyModèle de LuffySquelette vivantPatron du BaratiePirate à 3 sabresCuisinier de luffyL'enfant démoniaquePrincesse d'AlabastaLa chatte cambrioleuseAncienne rivale de ZoroProchain roi des piratesun des 7 grand corsairesun des 7 grand corsaires...

one piece 2024-01-30

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. a member of both sun and arlong pirates
  2. ate the yami yami no mi
  3. kaido was killed here
  4. rogers first mate
  5. slingshoter
  6. arlong pirates shipwreck
  7. ate the mera mera no mi
  8. ate the mera mera no mi
  9. straw hat who always gets lost
  10. ate the sticky sticky fruit
  11. ate the pamu pamu no mi
  12. ate the ryu ryu no mi/brachiosaurus
  13. king of the pirates
  14. ate the ishi ishi no mi
  15. ate the hira hira no mi
  16. water kung fu master
  17. one of zoros swords
  18. plays the violin
  19. turns people into toys
  20. one of odens swords
  21. ate the zou zou no mi
  22. ate the ope ope no mi
  23. built a ship for the strawhats
  1. meat eater
  2. luffys haki
  3. reindeer docter
  4. ate the ato ato no mi
  5. ate the gura gura no mi
  6. ate the nagi nagi no mi
  7. ate the gura gura no mi
  8. ate the kira kira no mi
  9. ate the doru doru no mi
  10. simp
  11. also ate the ryu ryu no mi/pteranodon
  12. can turn into a T.rex
  13. this charecter gets a fever
  14. a power that is used to hit logia users
  15. the most faumos member on the cook pirates
  16. ate the zou zou no mi/mammoth
  17. a polar bear
  18. ate the sube sube no mi
  19. can use some of Luffys moves
  20. has a devil fruit but is unnamed
  21. has the best conquers haki
  22. ate the tori tori no mi

45 Clues: simpmeat eaterluffys hakislingshotera polar bearreindeer docterplays the violinrogers first mateking of the piratesone of zoros swordsone of odens swordswater kung fu masterate the ato ato no mikaido was killed herecan turn into a T.rexate the zou zou no miate the ope ope no miturns people into toysate the yami yami no miate the gura gura no mi...

One piece 2024-08-12

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. the one who sent ace to the marines
  2. uses straw to fight
  3. current fleet admiral
  4. 2nd son of the charlotte family
  5. the drill(was beaten by garp)
  6. with piano keys as teeth
  7. kage kage fruit user
  8. _____ fruit current user is shiryu
  9. “the one piece is real”
  10. has a bird on his shoulder
  11. member of worst generation with wings
  1. worst generation member who can change peoples age
  2. former marine admiral now a pirate
  3. a worst generation pirate with a dinosaur based fruit
  4. donxiuote family with a toy based ability
  5. glint glint fruit user
  6. kids right hand man
  7. snow snow fruit user
  8. main antagonist of punk hazard
  9. true love
  10. a living castle
  11. someone who can move metal like a magnet
  12. Trafalgar d water ___

23 Clues: true lovea living castleuses straw to fightkids right hand mansnow snow fruit userkage kage fruit usercurrent fleet admiralTrafalgar d water ___glint glint fruit user“the one piece is real”with piano keys as teethhas a bird on his shoulderthe drill(was beaten by garp)main antagonist of punk hazard2nd son of the charlotte family...

One Piece 2024-04-06

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. King of Drum Island
  2. Lives inside a whale
  3. Zoro's cursed sword
  4. Where up in the clock tower with the bomb
  5. Luffy & Zoro beat them easily
  6. Went undercover with Vivi
  7. Leader of the Rebel Army
  8. When answering Mr.0's call, Sanji identified himself as
  9. Giants
  10. Strawhat pirate's sniper
  11. Winter island
  12. Miss All Sunday
  13. Tried to execute Luffy
  14. Shichibukai "hero" of Alabasta
  15. Princess of Alabasta
  16. Strawhat pirate's cook
  17. Kuina's sword given to Zoro
  18. Strawhat pirate's captain
  19. Becomes the new king of Drum Island
  20. Strawhat pirate's ship
  21. Fought Sanji
  22. Attacked Drum island before the Strawhats got there
  1. The end and the begining
  2. Pirate Friendly Island
  3. Fought Chopper & Usopp
  4. Shop owner's heirloom given to Zoro
  5. Pair trying to kill Laboon
  6. Fought Zoro & Nami
  7. The way to enter the grand line
  8. Luffy's brother
  9. Baroque Work's pair set at Little Garden
  10. Desert island
  11. Taught Chopper medicine
  12. Strawhat pirate's swordsman
  13. Vivi's duck
  14. A vulture and an otter
  15. Gave Chopper his name
  16. Whale at Reverse Mountain
  17. Luffy is looking for the
  18. Prehistoric Island
  19. User of the Tori Tori no Mi Model: Falcon
  20. The giant's home island
  21. Strawhat pirate's navigator
  22. Strawhat pirate's doctor
  23. User of the Inu Inu no Mi Model: Jackal
  24. Stayed at Yuba digging for water
  25. Codename of the leader of Baroque Works
  26. Helped Zoro get his new swords
  27. King of Alabasta
  28. Marine captain at Loguetown

50 Clues: GiantsVivi's duckFought SanjiDesert islandWinter islandLuffy's brotherMiss All SundayKing of AlabastaFought Zoro & NamiPrehistoric IslandKing of Drum IslandZoro's cursed swordLives inside a whalePrincess of AlabastaGave Chopper his namePirate Friendly IslandFought Chopper & UsoppA vulture and an otterTried to execute LuffyStrawhat pirate's cook...

One Piece 2024-09-03

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Pirate name of Edwarde D. Teach
  2. Swordsman of the Straw Hats
  3. Ruler of the World
  4. Princess of Alabasta
  5. Vegapunk who betrayed to become a celestial dragon
  6. Helmsman of the Straw Hats
  7. Punk 02 Vegapunk Embodiment of Evil
  8. Home of the Giants
  9. Former Worlord who fell in love with Luffy (Last Name)
  10. Shipwright of the Straw Hats
  11. Leader of the Revolutionary Army
  12. Former member of the Big Mom Pirates now with Straw Hats
  13. Leader of the Germa Kingdom
  14. Sniper for the Straw Hats
  1. Doctor of the Straw Hats
  2. Superhero From Sniper Island
  3. Navigator of the Straw Hats
  4. Leader of Crossguild
  5. King of the Pirates
  6. Pirate name of Edward Newgate
  7. Cook of the Straw Hats
  8. Skeleton who wants the reunite with Laboon
  9. The Sun God
  10. Survivor of Ohara
  11. Protagonist of One Piece
  12. The First Pirate
  13. Son of Gold Roger
  14. Elephant member of Joyboys Crew
  15. Hero of the Marines

29 Clues: The Sun GodThe First PirateSurvivor of OharaSon of Gold RogerRuler of the WorldHome of the GiantsKing of the PiratesHero of the MarinesLeader of CrossguildPrincess of AlabastaCook of the Straw HatsDoctor of the Straw HatsProtagonist of One PieceSniper for the Straw HatsHelmsman of the Straw HatsNavigator of the Straw HatsSwordsman of the Straw Hats...

One Piece 2025-01-09

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Navio que pertencia a Kaya
  2. Como Trebol chama seu chefe
  3. Sonho de Sanji
  4. Reino de Garp
  5. Cidade onde Igaramu foi prefeito.
  6. Mascote de Hancock
  7. Parente de Onigumo
  8. Mar onde está localizado Amazon Lily
  9. Filho de Kaidou
  10. Esquecido capitão pirata de 40 anos atrás
  11. Pirata mais jovem da Pior Geração
  12. Maior zumbi de Thriller Bark
  13. Lutador do "Estilo 4 espadas"
  14. Neta de Tsuru
  15. Fruta comida por Baby 5
  16. Navio que chegou a Laugh Tale
  17. Ex-capitão dos Soldados de Deus
  18. Incidente que conecta Law, Coby e Teach
  19. Amazona que foi companheira de Kaidou e Big Mom no passado
  20. Última sobrevivente da família Kurozumi
  21. Deu Enma pra Zoro
  22. Item necessário pra navegar na Grand Line
  23. Capitão de Rockstar
  24. Arca localizada na Ilha dos Homens-Peixe
  25. Mercadoria que Doflamingo vendia para Kaidou
  26. Pirata infiltrado na Marinha
  27. Ilha cuja destruição subiu o nível do mar em 1 metro
  28. Onde Luffy e Teach se conheceram
  29. Comeu a Tama Tama no Mi
  30. Item guardado no crânio de Brook
  31. Escondeu Vivi após a Reverie
  32. Derrotou Pica em Dressrosa
  33. Dona de Kumashi
  34. Comida favorita de Luffy
  35. Arma que destruiu Orange Town
  36. Quase morreu de escorbuto
  37. Décimo Capitão Titânico de Teach
  38. Família que rejeitou viver em Mary Geois
  39. Foi atingido por um raio em Logue Town
  40. Responsável pelo fim dos Piratas Kiba Gaeru
  41. Navegador dos Piratas Heart
  42. Local onde morreu Pedro
  43. Países vítimas de Shichibukais
  44. Vendeu John Giant para o governo
  45. Tia de Rebecca
  46. Restaurante flutuante no East Blue
  47. Irmã de Page One
  48. Disfarce de Miss Double Finger em Alabasta
  49. Pirata Rocks transformado em Zumbi
  50. Item responsável pela seca em Alabasta
  51. O primeiro pirata
  52. Nome verdadeiro de Mr.3
  53. Escravo libertado por Law
  54. Levou Hancock até Impel Down
  55. Substituiu Hanafuda
  56. Escrava libertada por Fisher Tiger
  57. Dono da Reject Dial
  58. Identidade secreta de Usopp em Ennies Lobby
  59. Fruto cujo poder derrotou o Bando do Chapéu de Palha em Sabaody
  60. Trouxe o cúltivo de abóboras pra cultura Shandia
  61. Onde está armazenado o conhecimento de Vegapunk
  1. Morreu em Punk Hazard
  2. Atual secretária de Iceburg
  3. Ilha-natal de Law
  4. Como terminam a maioria dos nomes de golpe da Robin
  5. Espécie de coelhos de Drum
  6. Navio destruído por Shanks
  7. Morador da Lua
  8. Mar de origem de Brook
  9. Vice-Diretor de Impel Down atual
  10. Embarcação usada pra tirar Luffy de Marineford
  11. Esposa de Rayleigh
  12. Garçonete que deu um fora em Jabra
  13. Arma escondida no País de Wano
  14. Último rei de Elbaf
  15. Pato de Vivi
  16. Primeiro pirata a escapar de Impel Down
  17. Comprou Keimy em um leilão
  18. Mais jovem usuária do Mantra em Skypiea
  19. Descreveu Little Garden e Elbaf em "Brag Men"
  20. Antiga ilha base dos Revolucionários.
  21. Vegapunk que representa a violência
  22. Raça inexistente na tripulação de Big Mom (pl)
  23. Primeiro clone criado com sucesso
  24. Levou Franky de Water Seven pra Ennies Lobby
  25. Sobrevivente de Ohara
  26. Ilha onde mora Wanda
  27. Cuidou de Luffy, Ace e Sabo na infância
  28. Traiu Newgate em Marineford
  29. Espada de Tashigi
  30. Ilha onde Garp foi capturado
  31. Arma de Arlong
  32. Comeu a Zushi Zushi no Mi
  33. Robô que atacou Mary Geois
  34. Assento de Im
  35. Criação de Usopp dada pra Nami
  36. Deus Guerreiro da Justiça
  37. Ilha onde foi assassinado Fisher Tiger
  38. Neto de Big Mom
  39. Financiador do grupo MADS
  40. Mãe de Ace
  41. Espada destruída em Ennies Lobby
  42. Ilha onde foi roubado o Uo Uo no Mi
  43. Conhecido como "A Hiena"
  44. Última ilha oficial da Grand Line
  45. Impersonou Luffy em Sabaody
  46. Alcunha de Teach
  47. Substituiram os Shichibukais
  48. Prendeu Crocodile em Alabasta
  49. Sobrenome de Cindry
  50. Irmão gêmeo de Katakuri
  51. Traiu Kidd e Hawkins
  52. Ponte gigante pra onde Robin foi mandada por Kuma
  53. Assassino de Vegapunk
  54. Construiu o Rocketman
  55. Mais recente tripulação Yonkou a se formar
  56. Rei que pode se transformar em um bisão
  57. Animal que Vivi tentou matar em sua primeira aparição
  58. Ataque mais usado por Zoro
  59. Marinheira com o poder de criar jaulas
  60. Criou o Nível 5,5 em Impel Down
  61. Moeda de Skypiea
  62. Reino de Kuma
  63. Primeiro capitão de Nami

124 Clues: Mãe de AcePato de ViviReino de GarpNeta de TsuruAssento de ImReino de KumaSonho de SanjiMorador da LuaArma de ArlongTia de RebeccaFilho de KaidouDona de KumashiNeto de Big MomAlcunha de TeachIrmã de Page OneMoeda de SkypieaIlha-natal de LawDeu Enma pra ZoroEspada de TashigiO primeiro pirataMascote de HancockParente de OnigumoEsposa de Rayleigh...

one piece 2023-11-02

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. reptile
  2. super cyborg
  3. surgeon of death
  4. long nose
  5. ace's father figure
  6. he steals devil fruits
  7. totally not kidd's bf hahahahaha
  8. biggest strawhat fanboy
  9. narcolepsy, sleepwalking, and dissociative identity disorder
  10. gave luffy his hat
  11. "prettiest" woman in the world
  12. beast yonko
  13. law's father figure
  14. boss fishman
  15. too many children
  16. fiery donut
  17. best swordsman at the moment
  18. tsundere with a dessert name
  19. a brave samurai who loves oden and his wife
  20. three swordsman
  21. main character
  1. new shogunate of wano
  2. flamingo
  3. ghost princess
  4. a young girl who wanted to join ace's crew
  5. luffy's mentor in the two year time skip
  6. a transfem samurai
  7. yohohoho
  8. a big crybaby
  9. poneglyphs
  10. cat bugular
  11. former king of the pirates
  12. kaido's son
  13. one of the sake brothers
  14. long ahh nose fishman
  15. cook
  16. biggest glowup in one piece, first person luffy met when he went out to sea
  17. NOT a raccoon
  18. former admiral ice guy
  19. former fleet admiral
  20. no gender
  21. red headed metal scrap guy
  22. luffy's grandpa
  23. killed ace
  24. best vlogger in the paramount war
  25. princess of alabasta

46 Clues: cookreptileflamingoyohohoholong noseno genderponeglyphskilled acecat bugularkaido's sonbeast yonkofiery donutsuper cyborgboss fishmana big crybabyNOT a raccoonghost princessmain characterluffy's grandpathree swordsmansurgeon of deathtoo many childrena transfem samuraigave luffy his hatace's father figurelaw's father figureformer fleet admiral...

One Piece 2022-09-05

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Long ____ Long Land
  2. simp
  3. Super low rank pirate
  4. Pre-Skypeia
  5. Special Paramecia user
  6. Beast Pirate Captain
  7. Dragon
  8. Mr.2
  9. Opening 17
  10. captain’s favorite food
  11. Big Moms sun
  12. Land of the giants
  1. Home of Chopper
  2. Buggy’s signature weapon
  3. Furry Fighter (Zou)
  4. Celestial Dragons Home
  5. Before the grand line
  6. Ace inspired move
  7. Alabasta Capital
  8. Navigation System
  9. Crossguild “Leader”

21 Clues: simpMr.2DragonOpening 17Pre-SkypeiaBig Moms sunHome of ChopperAlabasta CapitalAce inspired moveNavigation SystemLand of the giantsLong ____ Long LandFurry Fighter (Zou)Crossguild “Leader”Beast Pirate CaptainBefore the grand lineSuper low rank pirateCelestial Dragons HomeSpecial Paramecia usercaptain’s favorite foodBuggy’s signature weapon

One Piece 2023-06-02

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Who is Luffy's dad?
  2. Helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
  3. Who left the One Piece?
  4. Ruler of Whole Cake Island
  5. The fish man that kept Nami indebted
  6. Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates
  7. Musician of the Straw Hat Pirates
  8. The samurai from Wano that journeyed with GolDRoger
  9. Doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates
  1. The clown pirate that was aboard Gol D. Roger's crew
  2. Shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates
  3. Ruler of Dressrosa
  4. Luffy's grandfather
  5. Archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates
  6. a piece of paper made from a person's fingernail clipping. The pieces can then be given to a friend whom one would be separated from.
  7. Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
  8. Marksman of the Straw Hat Pirates
  9. Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates
  10. What treasure is Luffy looking for?
  11. Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
  12. Who gave Luffy the straw hat?

21 Clues: Ruler of DressrosaWho is Luffy's dad?Luffy's grandfatherWho left the One Piece?Ruler of Whole Cake IslandCook of the Straw Hat PiratesWho gave Luffy the straw hat?Doctor of the Straw Hat PiratesCaptain of the Straw Hat PiratesHelmsman of the Straw Hat PiratesMarksman of the Straw Hat PiratesMusician of the Straw Hat Pirates...

One Piece 2022-04-25

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. snake princess
  2. kaidos son
  3. Luffy’s navy rival
  4. ate the human human fruit
  5. sogekings trusty weapon
  6. perverted cook
  7. rubber man
  8. first son of the sea
  9. wants to draw a world map
  10. whitebeards right hand man
  1. a Phoenix human
  2. big moms strongest son
  3. three sword swordsman
  4. hooked sand man
  5. he and jimbei are like brothers
  6. shanks’ sworn brother
  7. Rogers right hand man
  8. known as red hair
  9. queen of queers

19 Clues: kaidos sonrubber mansnake princessperverted cooka Phoenix humanhooked sand manqueen of queersknown as red hairLuffy’s navy rivalfirst son of the seathree sword swordsmanshanks’ sworn brotherRogers right hand manbig moms strongest sonsogekings trusty weaponate the human human fruitwants to draw a world mapwhitebeards right hand man...

One piece 2022-03-17

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. first pirate fought
  2. pink hair
  3. luffy's hat
  4. miss allsunday
  5. 5th yonko
  6. spoiled brat at beggining
  7. joker
  8. red hair
  9. first ship
  10. first crew member
  11. zou
  1. considered "gods
  2. bird journalist
  3. girl yonko
  4. miss wednesday
  5. why could crocodile be punched when he was defeated
  6. drum island
  7. ancient stone
  8. razor nose

19 Clues: zoujokerred hairpink hair5th yonkogirl yonkorazor nosefirst shipluffy's hatdrum islandancient stonemiss wednesdaymiss allsundaybird journalistconsidered "godsfirst crew memberfirst pirate foughtspoiled brat at begginingwhy could crocodile be punched when he was defeated

One Piece 2022-05-03

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Red hair
  2. Cyborg shipwright
  3. Determined to be the King of Pirates
  4. To surpass Dracule Mihawk
  5. Whitebeard's nemesis
  6. Swimming karate
  7. Navigator of the Straw Hats
  8. Cherry blossom doctor
  1. Mama of 85
  2. The last island
  3. Swimming devil fruit
  4. quake father
  5. The lying sharpshooter
  6. Legendary treasure
  7. Germa 66 cook
  8. Creator of One Piece
  9. Devil archaeologist
  10. Soul musician

18 Clues: Red hairMama of 85quake fatherGerma 66 cookSoul musicianThe last islandSwimming karateCyborg shipwrightLegendary treasureDevil archaeologistSwimming devil fruitCreator of One PieceWhitebeard's nemesisCherry blossom doctorThe lying sharpshooterTo surpass Dracule MihawkNavigator of the Straw HatsDetermined to be the King of Pirates

One Piece 2016-07-28

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Will never lose another duel.
  2. Super.
  3. Hands aren't for fighting.
  4. Princess of an island, also a gladiator.
  5. Ally of the Straw Hats.
  6. Three words that pop up at the end of every episode.
  7. Famous captain who leads tousands of men, also a sniper.
  8. His son will become the next "Pirate King".
  1. Need a hand? How about a hundred?
  2. Ate the rubber fruit.
  3. Princess of a desert island.
  4. Rockstar pirate.
  5. A man who can cut fire.
  6. Powerless old man, once sailed with the "Pirate King".
  7. Straw Hat Crew's drug dealer.
  8. Burglar.

16 Clues: Super.Burglar.Rockstar pirate.Ate the rubber fruit.A man who can cut fire.Ally of the Straw Hats.Hands aren't for fighting.Princess of a desert island.Will never lose another duel.Straw Hat Crew's drug dealer.Need a hand? How about a hundred?Princess of an island, also a gladiator.His son will become the next "Pirate King"....

One Piece 2023-03-20

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Prasasti kuno misterius
  2. Siput komunikasi
  3. Penunggu Reverse Mountain
  4. Luffy berasal dari?
  5. Pemburu Putih
  6. Julukan Luffy
  7. Kapal pertama kru Mugiwara
  8. Nakama pertama Luffy
  1. Desa tempat Luffy bertemu Shanks
  2. Desa kelahiran Zoro
  3. Kakak Luffy
  4. Nami berperan sebagai . . . . di kapal
  5. Tempat eksekusi Roger
  6. Penjaga bar desa Foosha
  7. Restaurant terapung
  8. Anak Kapten Morgan

16 Clues: Kakak LuffyPemburu PutihJulukan LuffySiput komunikasiAnak Kapten MorganDesa kelahiran ZoroLuffy berasal dari?Restaurant terapungNakama pertama LuffyTempat eksekusi RogerPrasasti kuno misteriusPenjaga bar desa FooshaPenunggu Reverse MountainKapal pertama kru MugiwaraDesa tempat Luffy bertemu ShanksNami berperan sebagai . . . . di kapal

One piece 2023-04-11

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. rubber man
  2. 7 warlords
  3. navigator
  4. donut
  5. flam franky's real name
  6. luffys father
  7. dragon
  8. simp
  9. pineapple
  1. death
  2. treasure
  3. aces devil fruit(2 word)
  4. three sword style
  5. miss all sunday
  6. metal arm
  7. liar

16 Clues: liarsimpdeathdonutdragontreasurenavigatormetal armpineapplerubber man7 warlordsluffys fathermiss all sundaythree sword styleflam franky's real nameaces devil fruit(2 word)

one piece 2024-10-25

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. contains true history
  2. unknown weapon
  3. "klahadore"
  4. big fan of the straw hats
  5. first of the monkey brothers that the straw hats met
  6. defeated by luffy's gomu gomu gomu gomu no bazooka
  7. ancient ancestor is a " legendary liar"
  8. oden's sword not enma
  9. basically oden
  1. if had a devil fruit would be up up no mi model seiryu
  2. wapol's soldier after he ate his 2 most strongest warrior
  3. second of the monkey brothers that the straw hat's meet
  4. repaired merry in skypeia
  5. can use lightning
  6. almost killed roshio the executioner
  7. "legendary liar"

16 Clues: "klahadore"unknown weaponbasically oden"legendary liar"can use lightningcontains true historyoden's sword not enmarepaired merry in skypeiabig fan of the straw hatsalmost killed roshio the executionerancient ancestor is a " legendary liar"defeated by luffy's gomu gomu gomu gomu no bazookafirst of the monkey brothers that the straw hats met...

One Piece 2022-05-18

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Pink-haired "future admiral", trained by Luffy's grandfather
  2. Nami's favorite fruit
  3. Zoro's tripling demon sword form
  4. Trafalgar D. Law's other middle name
  5. Village where Luffy was born
  6. Trained Luffy over the time-skip
  7. Post time-skip Fishman arc
  8. In love with Luffy, but faces constant rejection
  9. Legendary island that holds the one piece
  10. Blonde Vinsmoke son, also meaning "3 o'clock"
  1. Encrypted ancient rock messages
  2. First ship of the straw hats
  3. Viv's sand kingdom
  4. Ace's father
  5. Position in which Whitebeard died
  6. Post time-skip, Brooke is known as the ___ King

16 Clues: Ace's fatherViv's sand kingdomNami's favorite fruitPost time-skip Fishman arcFirst ship of the straw hatsVillage where Luffy was bornEncrypted ancient rock messagesZoro's tripling demon sword formTrained Luffy over the time-skipPosition in which Whitebeard diedTrafalgar D. Law's other middle nameLegendary island that holds the one piece...

One Piece 2024-05-06

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Flame Flame Fruit
  2. Where Rebecca lives
  3. Former Fleet Admiral
  4. Goathawk
  5. Chief of Staff for the Revolutionary Army
  6. Purple Admiral
  7. Op Fruit Law's Devil Fruit
  8. Where Vivi lives
  1. Three Sword Style
  2. Bones
  3. Cook for the Straw Hat Pirates
  4. Straw Hat
  5. Red Haired
  6. Sand Sand Fruit
  7. King of the Pirates
  8. Hancock

16 Clues: BonesHancockGoathawkStraw HatRed HairedPurple AdmiralSand Sand FruitWhere Vivi livesThree Sword StyleFlame Flame FruitWhere Rebecca livesKing of the PiratesFormer Fleet AdmiralOp Fruit Law's Devil FruitCook for the Straw Hat PiratesChief of Staff for the Revolutionary Army

One Piece 2024-05-25

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Hal yang membuat Luffy kagum
  2. Teks kunci dalam dunia
  3. Nama kelompok ilmuwan terkenal
  4. Salah satu kontestan turnamen Dressrossa, namanya terinspirasi dari tokoh Alquran
  5. Imajinasi hanyalah batasannya
  6. Pengisi suara karakter ini saat kecil adalah Seiryu terkenal
  7. Jurus yang tak terbendung
  8. Salah satu raja di North Blue, ia ingin menguasai North Blue
  9. Singkatan dari kekuatan yang hanya dimiliki Luffy dan Roger
  1. Cerita ketiga dari Alabasta Saga
  2. Antagonis terkeren sepanjang serial berjalan
  3. Teknik terkonyol Luffy
  4. Bajak laut terkuat yang pernah ada
  5. Tempat penelitian di New World
  6. Marga terkuat di lautan
  7. Lembaga super rahasia dari Pemerintahan Dunia

16 Clues: Teknik terkonyol LuffyTeks kunci dalam duniaMarga terkuat di lautanJurus yang tak terbendungHal yang membuat Luffy kagumImajinasi hanyalah batasannyaTempat penelitian di New WorldNama kelompok ilmuwan terkenalCerita ketiga dari Alabasta SagaBajak laut terkuat yang pernah adaAntagonis terkeren sepanjang serial berjalan...

One Piece 2022-05-18

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Pink-haired "future admiral", trained by Luffy's grandfather
  2. Nami's favorite fruit
  3. Zoro's tripling demon sword form
  4. Trafalgar D. Law's other middle name
  5. Village where Luffy was born
  6. Trained Luffy over the time-skip
  7. Post time-skip Fishman arc
  8. In love with Luffy, but faces constant rejection
  9. Legendary island that holds the one piece
  10. Blonde Vinsmoke son, also meaning "3 o'clock"
  1. Encrypted ancient rock messages
  2. First ship of the straw hats
  3. Viv's sand kingdom
  4. Ace's father
  5. Position in which Whitebeard died
  6. Post time-skip, Brooke is known as the ___ King

16 Clues: Ace's fatherViv's sand kingdomNami's favorite fruitPost time-skip Fishman arcFirst ship of the straw hatsVillage where Luffy was bornEncrypted ancient rock messagesZoro's tripling demon sword formTrained Luffy over the time-skipPosition in which Whitebeard diedTrafalgar D. Law's other middle nameLegendary island that holds the one piece...

One Piece 2023-07-28

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Merry - The Straw Hat Pirates' first ship, a beloved vessel.
  2. - Seafaring individuals who seek treasure and adventure.
  3. - Secret organization aiming to overthrow the World Government.
  4. - Legendary island said to hold the ultimate treasure, One Piece.
  5. Line - The treacherous and mysterious sea where the adventure takes place.
  6. - Special power that allows users to sense and manipulate their surroundings.
  7. - The Four Emperors, the most powerful pirates in the world.
  1. - Merfolk species living in underwater civilizations.
  2. Second - Luffy's technique that enhances his speed and strength.
  3. Hat - Iconic hat worn by the main protagonist, Luffy.
  4. - Ancient stone tablets with important historical information.
  5. Pose - Navigation device used to traverse the Grand Line.
  6. Fruit - Special fruits that grant superhuman abilities.
  7. - World Government's naval force, tasked with maintaining law and order.
  8. Island - Floating islands in the sky, shrouded in mystery and legend.

15 Clues: - Merfolk species living in underwater civilizations.Hat - Iconic hat worn by the main protagonist, Luffy.Fruit - Special fruits that grant superhuman abilities.- Seafaring individuals who seek treasure and adventure.Pose - Navigation device used to traverse the Grand Line.Merry - The Straw Hat Pirates' first ship, a beloved vessel....

One piece 2022-10-18

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. Meilleure carte
  2. Cheval d'un roman
  3. Calomnie
  4. Rêve
  5. nez hyper sensible
  6. Nouvelle porte
  7. Gay de bz
  1. Adil préfère 1v1 le 10
  2. Chien
  3. Casserole
  4. Peu d'hp
  5. Cirque
  6. Poutine
  7. Base de la mort d'Achille
  8. Electrabel

15 Clues: RêveChienCirquePoutinePeu d'hpCalomnieCasseroleGay de bzElectrabelNouvelle porteMeilleure carteCheval d'un romannez hyper sensibleAdil préfère 1v1 le 10Base de la mort d'Achille

One Piece 2023-05-24

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Who is Luffy's dad?
  2. Ruler of Whole Cake Island
  3. The clown pirate that was aboard Gol D. Roger's crew
  4. Helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
  5. Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
  6. Doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates
  7. Who gave Luffy the straw hat?
  1. Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
  2. Shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates
  3. Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates
  4. Ruler of Dressrosa
  5. Archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates
  6. Musician of the Straw Hat Pirates
  7. Marksman of the Straw Hat Pirates
  8. Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates

15 Clues: Ruler of DressrosaWho is Luffy's dad?Ruler of Whole Cake IslandCook of the Straw Hat PiratesWho gave Luffy the straw hat?Doctor of the Straw Hat PiratesCaptain of the Straw Hat PiratesHelmsman of the Straw Hat PiratesMusician of the Straw Hat PiratesMarksman of the Straw Hat PiratesSwordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates...

One Piece 2024-12-23

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Personnage qui a mangé le fruit Zoan de l'humain
  2. Pirate qui a le fruit du démon du feu
  3. Navigatrice de l'équipage des chapeaux de paille
  4. Ancien membre de Baroque Works qui a rejoint l'équipage
  5. Homme élastique
  6. Pirate qui a donné son chapeau à Luffy
  7. Cyborg qui porte toujours un maillot de bain
  1. Membre du CP9 qui se transforme en Léopard
  2. Habitant de Skypeia qui contrôle la foudre
  3. Pirate qui a un nez de clown
  4. Princesse d'Alabasta
  5. Pirate qui a le fruit du ressort
  6. Deuxième plus gross prime de l'équipage
  7. Cuisinier qui se bat avec ses jambes
  8. Première personne que Luffy rencontre après avoir quitté son île

15 Clues: Homme élastiquePrincesse d'AlabastaPirate qui a un nez de clownPirate qui a le fruit du ressortCuisinier qui se bat avec ses jambesPirate qui a le fruit du démon du feuPirate qui a donné son chapeau à LuffyDeuxième plus gross prime de l'équipageMembre du CP9 qui se transforme en LéopardHabitant de Skypeia qui contrôle la foudre...

One Piece 2022-09-13

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. most wanted man
  2. laws crew name
  3. biggest war
  4. Red haired yonko
  5. Luffy's devil fruit
  6. the 4 emperors
  1. luffy's highest gear
  2. opposite of skypea
  3. supposebly strongest devil fruit
  4. past down from roger to shanks then to luffy
  5. former king of pirates
  6. artificial devil fruits name
  7. owner of dragon fruit
  8. user of three sword style
  9. Main Protaganist

15 Clues: biggest warlaws crew namethe 4 emperorsmost wanted manRed haired yonkoMain Protaganistopposite of skypeaLuffy's devil fruitluffy's highest gearowner of dragon fruitformer king of piratesuser of three sword styleartificial devil fruits namesupposebly strongest devil fruitpast down from roger to shanks then to luffy

One piece 2023-01-05

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. cook of the strawhats
  2. the captain of the thriller bark
  3. martial artist of the fishman karate
  4. the captain of whole cake island
  5. the person who gave luffy the strawhat
  6. doctor of the strawhats
  7. the person with two devil fruits
  1. most dangerous man
  2. navigator of the strawhats
  3. skeleton fighter of the strawhats
  4. luffy's most recent opponent
  5. engineer of the strawhats
  6. the owner of the one piece
  7. swordsman of the strawhats
  8. captain of the strawhats

15 Clues: most dangerous mancook of the strawhatsdoctor of the strawhatscaptain of the strawhatsengineer of the strawhatsnavigator of the strawhatsthe owner of the one pieceswordsman of the strawhatsluffy's most recent opponentthe captain of the thriller barkthe captain of whole cake islandthe person with two devil fruitsskeleton fighter of the strawhats...

One Piece 2023-05-15

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. pirate king
  2. worst generation
  3. ice admiral
  4. sweet tooth for donuts
  5. 3 sword style
  6. luffys new gear
  7. red hair
  8. yami no mi dark fruit
  9. magma admiral
  1. cp1 leader
  2. light admiral
  3. gravity admiral
  4. black leg
  5. Haki user
  6. hat roger hat
  7. Tremor Tremor fruit user

16 Clues: red hairblack legHaki usercp1 leaderpirate kingice admirallight admiral3 sword stylemagma admiralgravity admiralluffys new gearhat roger hatworst generationsweet tooth for donutsyami no mi dark fruitTremor Tremor fruit user

One piece 2023-11-10

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. slave turned sun pirate + friend of sabo
  2. "...I hid it all, in one piece"
  3. unicyclist
  4. what race/species are the members of the tontatta tribe?
  5. landmark of acacia
  1. Who ate the gura gura no mi(tremor-tremor fruit)
  2. Future Island
  3. mosshead
  4. why in the nine hells would a group traveling at sea need an archeologist, but she is by far the coolest character exept teach
  5. To quote Malik Ishtar: Their greatest enemy thus far has been doors and stairs
  6. Kingdom of Riku Doldo III
  7. seller of the ope ope fruit
  8. mount of "sky rider" shura
  9. What can you turn into if you eat the Jake Jake no mi?
  10. straw hat

15 Clues: mossheadstraw hatunicyclistFuture Islandlandmark of acaciaKingdom of Riku Doldo IIImount of "sky rider" shuraseller of the ope ope fruit"...I hid it all, in one piece"slave turned sun pirate + friend of saboWho ate the gura gura no mi(tremor-tremor fruit)What can you turn into if you eat the Jake Jake no mi?...

One Piece 2024-02-06

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. The first island the Straw Hats visit in the Grand Line
  2. The sea where "One Piece" is set
  3. The archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates
  4. Monkey D. Luffy's signature attack
  5. The shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates
  6. The swordsman who wields three swords
  1. The name of the pirate who is known as "Straw Hat" Luffy
  2. The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates
  3. The type of fruit that grants various supernatural powers
  4. The cook of the Straw Hat Pirates
  5. The princess of Alabasta
  6. The skeleton musician of the Straw Hat Pirates
  7. The island where Luffy begins his journey
  8. The navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates

14 Clues: The princess of AlabastaThe sea where "One Piece" is setThe cook of the Straw Hat PiratesMonkey D. Luffy's signature attackThe doctor of the Straw Hat PiratesThe swordsman who wields three swordsThe navigator of the Straw Hat PiratesThe shipwright of the Straw Hat PiratesThe island where Luffy begins his journey...

ONE PIECE 2023-10-16

ONE PIECE crossword puzzle
  1. The name of Alabasta's royal family
  2. National flower of Dressrosa
  3. A secret organization of assasins
  4. Mr. 2's real name
  5. A kinngdom in the desert
  6. The only woman in the Heart Pirates crew
  7. He is named after a fictional horse
  1. Future king of the pirates
  2. A country inspired in Spain
  3. Ipponmatsu gifted Zoro this sword in Loguetown
  4. His design was inspired in the Japanese actor Kunie Tanaka
  5. The Heart Pirates' ship
  6. This was supposed to be Sanji's name originally
  7. This vegetable is also the name of a One Piece character

14 Clues: Mr. 2's real nameThe Heart Pirates' shipA kinngdom in the desertFuture king of the piratesA country inspired in SpainNational flower of DressrosaA secret organization of assasinsThe name of Alabasta's royal familyHe is named after a fictional horseThe only woman in the Heart Pirates crewIpponmatsu gifted Zoro this sword in Loguetown...

One Piece 2024-02-02

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. FinalIsland
  2. DevilChild
  3. CheifOfStaff
  4. Vinsmoke
  5. StrawHat
  6. Doctor
  1. General
  2. PirateHunter
  3. CatBurgler
  4. SkullKing
  5. Thousand
  6. FirstSonOfTheSea
  7. God
  8. FireFist

14 Clues: GodDoctorGeneralVinsmokeThousandStrawHatFireFistSkullKingCatBurglerDevilChildFinalIslandPirateHunterCheifOfStaffFirstSonOfTheSea

ONE PIECE 2023-10-12

ONE PIECE crossword puzzle
  1. Ice
  2. Magma
  3. greatestswordsman
  4. swordsman
  5. dragon
  6. viceadmiral
  1. cook
  2. catstealer
  3. cyborg
  4. cake muncher
  5. skeleton
  6. light
  7. red hair
  8. God

14 Clues: IceGodcooklightMagmacyborgdragonskeletonred hairswordsmancatstealerviceadmiralcake munchergreatestswordsman

one piece 2023-11-22

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. holds things
  2. is the king
  3. with a y
  4. not black
  5. you can do anything
  6. they are humans
  7. not hard
  8. boy at the top of _____
  1. is large
  2. zoros weapon
  3. 1 followed by 6 zeros
  4. grows
  5. rain,shine,cloudy
  6. your quick

14 Clues: growsis largewith a ynot hardnot blackyour quickis the kingholds thingszoros weaponthey are humansrain,shine,cloudyyou can do anything1 followed by 6 zerosboy at the top of _____

One Piece 2024-05-07

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. "In times of this scarcity, hunger grips the land, leaving empty fields and desperate cries echoing through barren streets." This scene depicts what?
  2. The swordsman and right hand to the future King of the Pirates
  3. Think of a ruler with supreme authority, often associated with vast territories and a legacy of power that echoes through the ages
  4. The world-class chef on board and the left-hand to the future King of the Pirates
  5. Mystical items that, once consumed grant the user a unique ability while stripping them of their ability to swim.
  6. This word embodies control, influence, and authority, often wielded to shape events, decisions, and outcomes.
  7. This word describes a form of government where control is centralized, individual freedoms are restricted, and the state has extensive power over all aspects of life.
  8. The Captain and the hero of our story
  1. This word embodies fairness and righteousness, ensuring everyone gets what they deserve under the law's impartial gaze.
  2. The Navigator of the ship and the brains behind most of the Straw Hats' plans
  3. Someone or something ahead of its time, changing the game with innovation and fresh perspectives.
  4. Refers to the system that oversees a society's laws, policies, and services, steering the ship of state with authority and organization.
  5. The historian on board, is also the sole survivor of a country of people that the Government wiped out.
  6. It's a grim part of history, where individuals were deprived of freedom, forced into labor, and treated as property rather than people.

14 Clues: The Captain and the hero of our storyThe swordsman and right hand to the future King of the PiratesThe Navigator of the ship and the brains behind most of the Straw Hats' plansThe world-class chef on board and the left-hand to the future King of the Pirates...

One Piece 2020-05-30

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. ThrillerBark Marineford
  2. ThrillerBark
  3. Baratie Marineford
  4. Wano Marineford
  1. Zou NewgateVillage
  2. ThrillerBark Kuraigana
  3. Water7 EniesLobby Wano
  4. Water7 Marineford FishmanIsland
  5. ThrillerBark
  6. Alabasta ImpelDown Marineford
  7. Zou Wano Dressrosa
  8. ImpelDown
  9. Kamabakka ImpelDown Marineford
  10. PunkHazard DaoBanh Dressrosa

14 Clues: ImpelDownThrillerBarkThrillerBarkWano MarinefordZou NewgateVillageZou Wano DressrosaBaratie MarinefordThrillerBark KuraiganaWater7 EniesLobby WanoThrillerBark MarinefordPunkHazard DaoBanh DressrosaAlabasta ImpelDown MarinefordKamabakka ImpelDown MarinefordWater7 Marineford FishmanIsland

One piece 2020-01-20

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. He is Swordman of the lost way
  2. It is island Luffy born
  3. This is start to mermaid island
  4. He is Grandpa Luffy
  5. The owner of the island of Dresser Rosa
  6. Money is life in group Straw hat
  7. Straw hat leader group
  1. The General who resigned
  2. The second ship of straw hat
  3. Second Brother Luffy
  4. The First Ship of straw hat
  5. First Brother Luffy
  6. He is Crown

13 Clues: He is CrownHe is Grandpa LuffyFirst Brother LuffySecond Brother LuffyStraw hat leader groupIt is island Luffy bornThe General who resignedThe First Ship of straw hatThe second ship of straw hatHe is Swordman of the lost wayThis is start to mermaid islandMoney is life in group Straw hatThe owner of the island of Dresser Rosa

One piece 2023-04-12

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. luffys right hand man
  2. dragon
  3. mihawk
  4. marine hero
  5. devil child
  6. pineapple
  7. dragons son
  1. what happend to zoro in thriller bark
  2. lowest bounty in one piece
  3. cook
  4. nami love' it
  5. navigator
  6. cutty flam

13 Clues: cookdragonmihawknavigatorpineapplecutty flammarine herodevil childdragons sonnami love' itluffys right hand manlowest bounty in one piecewhat happend to zoro in thriller bark

One Piece Characters 2023-12-08

One Piece Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Leader of CP9, was defeated by Luffy in Enies Lobby.
  2. Former member of the Warlords of the Sea and has the powers of the Paw-Paw Fruit.
  3. Former bandit of the Nine Red Scabbards. Used himself to protect the others from the traito Kanjuro's fire.
  4. Princess of Fish-Man Island and can communicate with the Sea Kings.
  5. Princess of Dressrosa and heir to the throne.
  6. Mother of Nami and Nojiko, former Marine and tangerine farmer.
  7. Leader of Zou during the night and loyal to the Kozuki family of Wano.
  8. Captain of the Krieg pirates and attempted to take over the Baratie.
  9. Captain of the sun pirates and former slave of the Celestial Dragons.
  10. Captain of the Bellamy pirates and follower of Doflamingo.
  11. King of the Pirates and spark to the flame of the New Age of Pirates.
  12. Honorary member of the Straw Hat pirates and pet of Princess Vivi.
  13. Father figure to Kozuki Momonosuke and leader of the Nine Red Scabbards.
  14. First division commander of the Whitebeard pirates. Also known as "the Phoenix".
  15. Former Shogun of Wano and user of the Snake-Snake Fruit: Model Yamata no Orochi.
  16. Father to Tony Tony Chopper and known as the "Crackpot" Doctor of Drum Island.
  17. Captain of the Whitebeard pirates and former Emporer of the Sea. Had the second-highest bounty ever.
  18. Sniper of the Straw Hat pirates. "Sogeking"
  19. Captain of the New Fish-Man pirates and assassinator of Queen Otohime.
  20. Spy for the government on the inside of the Donquixote pirates and brothe of Doflamingo.
  21. Ruler of a large portion of the East Blue. Ruled over Nami's hometown and former crewmate of Jinbe.
  22. Samurai and member of the Nine Red Scabbards. Became a Yakuza boss in his hiding of identity under the name of Kyoshiro.
  23. Shipwright of the Straw Hats. Born as "Cutty Flam".
  24. Former Emporer of the Sea and captain of the Animal Kingdom pirates.
  25. Undead musician of the Straw Hats. Stage name is "Soul King"
  26. First mate to the Roger pirates and teacher to Luffy of haki.
  27. Strongest swordsman and former Warlord of the Sea. Has no devil fruit, but immense Haki. Member of Buggy's Crew.
  28. Real name is Sakazuki. Fleet Admiral of the Navy and killer of Portgas D. Ace.
  29. Older brother to Sanji with the Sparking Red ability.
  30. Real name is Issho. Blind navy official and has the power to control gravity.
  31. Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. "Cat Burgler"
  32. Brother of Kikunojo and who followed in his leaders footsteps as a member of Whitebeard pirates.
  33. Doctor of Drum Island and feisty old woman.
  34. Archaeologist, known as "Devil Child". Member of the Straw Hats.
  35. Samurai of the Nine Red Scabbards and Izo's sister.
  36. Ninja of the Nine Red Scabbards. User of the Scroll-Scroll Fruit.
  37. Doctor of the Straw Hat pirates. "Raccoon Dog"
  38. Also known as "Fire-Fist", brother to Luffy and second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates.
  39. Leader of the Revolutionary Army and father of Monkey D. Luffy.
  40. The island of Zou as a giant elephant, due to walk the seas as something that happened during the forgotten century.
  41. A jaguar type mink known as the Guardian of Cat Viper.
  42. Retired Fleet Admiral, known as "the Buddha" due to his mythical-zoan type fruit.
  43. Goal is to be the World's Greatest Swordsman.
  44. Current Shogun of Wano and ally of the Straw Hat pirates. User of the Fish-Fish Fruit: Model Azure Dragon.
  45. King of Alabasta and framed for the drought that Crocodile brought to the kingdom.
  46. King of Dressrosa, grandfather to Rebecca and father-in-law to Kyros, also father to Princesses Viola and Scarlet.
  47. Captain of the Thriller Bark pirates and former Warlord of the Sea.
  48. Captain of the Donquixote pirates and former Warlord of the Seas.
  49. Smoker's second in command and very clumsy swordwoman.
  50. Sanji's younger brother and member of the Germa Army.
  51. Part of the "Worst Generation" and eater of the Tone-Tone Fruit.
  1. Former Emporer of the Sea and captain of the Big Mom pirates.
  2. Sister of Sanji and the only sibling who showed him empathy.
  3. Captain of the Black Cat pirates and tried to do a hostile takeover of Usopp's hometown.
  4. Emporer of the sea and former member of the Roger pirates. HAs the powers of the Cop-Chop Fruit.
  5. Military scientist who strives himself in his work.
  6. Real name is Borsalino. Has the powers of the Glint-Glint Fruit.
  7. Real name is Aramaki. High ranking navy officer who ate the Forest-Forest Fruit.
  8. Captain of the Red-Haired pirates and gives Luffy his Straw Hat.
  9. Part of the "Worst Generation". Former member of the Donquixote pirates as well as the Seven Warlords. Captain of the Heart pirates.
  10. Ruler of Water 7 and friend of Franky.
  11. Former daimyo of Kuri and member of the Whitebeard and Roger pirates. Original owner of the sword Enma, and skilled Haki user.
  12. Part of the "Worst Generation" and the only female of the group. Ate an unamed Devil Fruit that causes her to change age and appearance of others and herself.
  13. Member of the "Worst Generation" and spy for the government into the Animal Kingdom pirates.
  14. Member of the Revolutionary Army and new user of the Flame-Flame Fruit. Brother of Luffy.
  15. Member of the Revolutionary Army who was saved by the Fish-Man Island Crew and knows Fish-Man Karate.
  16. Son of Big Mom, as well as right-hand man. Has the powers of the Moch-Mochi Fruit and immense Haki powers.
  17. Navy officer who has past with the Straw Hats. His weapon has a sea-prism stone in the tip and he has eaten the Smoke-Smoke Fruit.
  18. Leader of Zou during the day and loyal to the Kozuki family of Wano.
  19. Father to Sanji and leader of the Germa Kingdom.
  20. Former gladiator and husband to Princess Scarlett. Father to Princess Rebecca.
  21. Sister to Nami and inheritor to the tangerine farm on Coco Island.
  22. Captain of the Revolutionary Army and user of the Horm-Horm Fruit. Comrade of Dragon.
  23. Part of the "Worst Generation", captain of the Fire Tank pirates and traitor to the Big MOm pirate family.
  24. Helmsman of the Straw Hat pirates. Past Warlord.
  25. Princess of Alabasta and honorary member of the Straw Hats.
  26. Older brother to Sanji who has the Dengeki Blue ability.
  27. Part of the "Worst Generation" and captain of the Kid pirates. Overthrower of Big Mom with Trafalgar Law.
  28. Right-hand commander of the Krieg pirates.
  29. Known as "Red Shoe" and head of the Baratie.
  30. Part of the "Worst Generation", right-hand man to the Kid pirates. Ate a "Smile Fruit"/
  31. Right-hand of the Red-Haired pirates. Smartest man from the East Blue.
  32. Ruler of Drum Island and former lackey of Wapol.
  33. Emporer of the Sea and former member of the Whitebeard pirates. Captain of the Blackbeard pirates.
  34. Member of the Baroque Works who strives to be like his idol Emporio Ivankov.
  35. Luffy's grandfather and hero of the Navy. Heped raise Luffy and Ace as his grandchildren.
  36. Samurai of the Nine Red Scabbards and traitor to the group.
  37. Cook of the Straw Hat pirates. "Black Leg"
  38. Captain of the Bliking pirates and former ruler of Drum Island.
  39. Underling of Garp and the first friend Luffy made on his journey.
  40. Kappa member of the Nine Red Scabbards and is a samurai and raised Kozuki Hiyori during her adolescense.
  41. King of Fish-Man Island, father of Shirahoshi.
  42. Leader of the Kuja women and former Warlord of the Sea.
  43. Captain of the Straw Hat Crew.
  44. Son of Kaido, sees himself as the new Kozuki Oden and also friend of Portgas D. Ace.
  45. Part of the "Worst Generation",ate the Straw-Straw Fruit and member of the Animal Kingdom pirates. Former captain of the Hawkins pirates.
  46. Former Navy Scientist and creator of artificial Devil Fruits.
  47. Member of Buggy's crew and former Warlord of the Sea. Has the powers of the Sand-Sand Fruit.
  48. Daughter of Kozuki Oden and younger sister of Kozuki Momonosuke.
  49. Right-hand man to Kaido and skilled swordsman. Eater of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit: Model Pteradon.
  50. Father-figure of Nami and Nojiko. Uses his pinwheel to cheer up the kids of Coco Island.
  51. Friend and ally of the Straw Hat pirates. She is a rabbit mink and member of Dogstorms musketeers.
  52. Known as "Ghost Princess", former member of the Thriller Bark pirates and ally of Dracule Mihawk.

103 Clues: Captain of the Straw Hat Crew.Ruler of Water 7 and friend of Franky.Right-hand commander of the Krieg pirates.Cook of the Straw Hat pirates. "Black Leg"Sniper of the Straw Hat pirates. "Sogeking"Doctor of Drum Island and feisty old woman.Known as "Red Shoe" and head of the Baratie.Princess of Dressrosa and heir to the throne....

One Piece Indonesia 2024-05-26

One Piece Indonesia crossword puzzle
  1. Kepala sipil Impel Down
  2. Angkatan laut yang memiliki kekuatan Logia
  3. Musuh terkuat yang dikalahkan Nico Robin
  4. Pemakan buah iblis hormon
  5. Makhluk terkuat di Dunia
  6. Admiral yang paling dibenci
  7. Musuh Luffy di Davy fight back
  8. Mantan laksamana tertinggi
  9. Salah satu senjata Bigmom
  10. Mafia One Piece
  11. Mutan genetika
  12. Gajah
  13. Julukan nya adalah si Hujan dan dia adalah pendekar pedang
  14. Mantan angkatan laut yang memiliki kekuatan Dinosaurus
  15. Samurai transgender
  16. Salah satu agen rahasia terbaik Pemerintah Dunia
  17. Penembak jitu terbaik di Dunia?
  18. Tokoh utama
  19. Nama keluarga Shanks
  20. Mahkluk terbesar di dunia
  21. Admiral buta
  22. Putri dari kerajaan Arabasta
  23. Anak buah Kizaru
  1. Senjata robot angkatan laut
  2. Karakter buatan Oda untuk komedi di Manga
  3. Ilmuwan terhebat
  4. Kekasih Donquixote Doflamingo
  5. Si rambut jabrik
  6. Kapal yang memiliki Roh
  7. Guru Sanji
  8. Kakak sanji
  9. Penyihir di bajak laut Bigmom
  10. Manusia jerapah
  11. Orang yang bunuh diri demi Luffy
  12. Kakek ksatria di pulau langit
  13. Tokoh utama di abad kekosongan
  14. Gladiator wanita
  15. Manusia anjing
  16. Iblis terbangun saat dia tertidur
  17. Salah satu antagonis yang meretakan tulang Sanji
  18. Anak buah Oden

41 Clues: GajahGuru SanjiKakak sanjiTokoh utamaAdmiral butaMutan genetikaManusia anjingAnak buah OdenMafia One PieceManusia jerapahIlmuwan terhebatSi rambut jabrikGladiator wanitaAnak buah KizaruSamurai transgenderNama keluarga ShanksKepala sipil Impel DownKapal yang memiliki RohMakhluk terkuat di DuniaPemakan buah iblis hormonSalah satu senjata Bigmom...

One Piece Epithets>.. 2023-05-22

One Piece Epithets>.. crossword puzzle
  1. Ghost Princess(Gosuto Purinsesu)
  2. Dengeki Blue(Dengeki Buru)
  3. Colossal Battleship(Kyodai Senkan)
  4. Pirate Prince(Kaizoku Kikoshi)
  5. Flower Sword(Kaken)
  6. Heavy Drinker(Ozake)
  7. The Wildfire(Kasai no Kingu)
  8. of the Forest(Mori no)
  9. Mad Monk(Kai So)
  10. Master(Masuta)
  11. Maelstorm Spider(O Uzu Gumo)
  12. Howling(Hauringu)
  13. Desert King(Sabaku no O)
  14. Massacre Soldier(Satsuriku Bujin)
  15. Miracle Person(Kiseki no Hito)
  16. Pirate Hunter(Kaizoku Gari)
  17. Iron Mace(Kanabo)
  18. God of the Sea(Kaishin)
  19. Winch Green(Uinchi Gurin)
  20. Flag-Bearer of Freedom(Jiju no Kishu)
  21. Straw Hat(Mugiwara)
  22. Catcher-Killing(Kyatcha-Koroshi)
  23. Soul King(Souru Kingu)
  24. The Killer(Koroshiya)
  25. The Silver Fox(Gin-gitsune)
  26. The Beast Trainer(Moju Tsukai)
  27. Whitebeard(Shirohige)
  28. Iron Fist(Tekken)
  29. Berserker(Senki)
  30. The Black Cage(Kuro-Ori)
  31. Corrupt King(Akusei-O)
  32. Red-Haired(Akagami)
  33. Knight of the Sea(Kaikyo)
  34. Heavenly Yaksha(Ten Yasha)
  35. Fire Fist(Hiken no Esu)
  36. Mermaid Princess(Ningyo Hime)
  37. Dark King(Mei-O)
  38. Sky Knight(Sora no Kishi)
  39. Big Eater(O Gurai)
  40. Hawk Eye(Taka no Me)
  41. Foul Play(Damashi Uchi)
  42. Cat Burglar(Dorobo Neko)
  43. Shandora's Demon(Shandora no Mamono)
  44. Service(Sabisu)
  45. Surgeon of Death(Shi no Gekai)
  46. of the Border(Kokkyo no)
  47. Iron Mask(Tetsu Kamen)
  48. Large Monk(Onyudo)
  49. Massacre Weapon(Satsuriku Heiki)
  50. The Supersonic(Otogoe)
  51. Black Leg(Kuro Ashi)
  52. Queen the Plague(Ekisai no Kuin)
  53. Demon Sheriff(Oni Hoankan)
  54. God(Goddo Eneru)
  55. Gashed(Fukade)
  56. Cotton Candy Lover(Wataame Daisuki)
  57. Pirate Empress(Kaisoku Jotei)
  58. of the Wild(Koya no)
  59. Ship Cutter(Fune-kiri)
  60. The Fist(Genkotsu)
  1. Red Flag(Akahata)
  2. Blood-Splatter(Kaerichi)
  3. of the Droplets(Shibuki no Fu no)
  4. Cannibal(Hitokui)
  5. Sparkling Red(Supakingu Reddo)
  6. Diva(Utahime)
  7. Poison Pink(Poizun Pinku)
  8. Spanda(Supanda)
  9. Great Staff(Dai-Sanbo)
  10. Loan Shark(Yamikin)
  11. Buddha(Hotoke)
  12. Crescent Moon Hunter(Mikazuki Gari)
  13. The Jackel(Jakkaru)
  14. Liar(Usotsuki)
  15. The Hero(Eiyu)
  16. Flame Emperor(Entei)
  17. Death God(Shinigami)
  18. The Hyena(Haiena)
  19. World's Worst Criminal(Sekai Saiaku no Hanzaishi)
  20. Courier(Hakobi-ya)
  21. The Strongest Creature(Saikyo no Seibutsu)
  22. Star Clown(Senryo Doke)
  23. Chaser(Cheisa)
  24. One-Two(Ichi Ni)
  25. Gang(Gyangu)
  26. Mountain Wind(Yamakaze
  27. Hero of Slaves(Dorei Kaiho no Eiyu)
  28. God(Goddo)
  29. Champion(Chanpion)
  30. Poison Spider(Doku Gomu)
  31. Diamond(Daiyamondo)
  32. Pirate King(Kaizoku-O)
  33. The Magician(Majutsushi)
  34. Tin-Plate(Buriki)
  35. The White Hunter(Hakuryo)
  36. Town Dropper(Machi Otoshi)
  37. Iron Man(Tetsuji)
  38. The Falcon(Hayabusa)
  39. Demon Bamboo(Kichiku)
  40. Big Mom(Biggu Mamu)
  41. Sky Rider(Sukai Raida)
  42. Sky Breeder(Sukai Burida)
  43. Overflowing(Mokkiri)
  44. The Phoenix(Fushicho)
  45. Acrobat(Kyokugei)
  46. of the Rain(Ame no)
  47. Big News(Biggu Nyusu)
  48. Oni Princess(Onihime)
  49. Three Tongued(Sanmai-jita)
  50. Iron Wall(Teppeki)
  51. Tyrant(Bokun)
  52. Hero of the Colosseum(Koroshiamu no Eiyu)
  53. Brownbeard(Chahige)
  54. Foxfire(Kitsune-bi)
  55. Sky Boss(Sora Bancho)
  56. Wet-Hair(Nuregami)
  57. The Undefeated Woman(Muhai no Onna)
  58. Captain(Kyaputen)
  59. of the Mist(Kiri no)
  60. Devil Child(Akuma no Ko)
  61. the Drought(Kangai)
  62. Snow Woman(Yoki-Onna)
  63. 6-Sword Style(Rokutoryu)
  64. Red Foot (Akaashi)
  65. Blackbeard(Kurohige)
  66. The Continent-Puller(Kunihiki)
  67. Roar of the Sea(Umi Nari)

127 Clues: God(Goddo)Gang(Gyangu)Diva(Utahime)Tyrant(Bokun)Buddha(Hotoke)Master(Masuta)Liar(Usotsuki)The Hero(Eiyu)Chaser(Cheisa)Gashed(Fukade)Spanda(Supanda)Service(Sabisu)Mad Monk(Kai So)One-Two(Ichi Ni)Berserker(Senki)Dark King(Mei-O)God(Goddo Eneru)Red Flag(Akahata)Cannibal(Hitokui)Howling(Hauringu)The Hyena(Haiena)Iron Mace(Kanabo)Iron Fist(Tekken)...


ONE PIECE CHARACTERS crossword puzzle
  1. robotic shipwright
  2. has a pigeon on his should but it usually flies away when he fights
  3. donut
  4. black leg
  5. he ate the mochi fruit
  6. complete clown
  7. luffy's dad
  8. the king of the pirates
  9. was the first enemy to be defeated by luffy's gear 5
  10. a fishman who accompanies luffy on his journey
  11. admiral that uses the light fruit
  12. gomu gomu no mi
  13. uses the ice fruit formerly a marine admiral
  14. Luffy simp
  15. luffy's grandfather
  16. the one who gave Luffy his straw hat
  17. was a child when her hometown ohara was destroyed
  18. psychopath who murdered his own brother
  19. lufffy's nemesis
  1. The current wielder of Enma
  2. teamed up with luffy in punk hazard
  3. all she wants is money
  4. the skeleton musician for the strawhat pirates
  5. former fleet admiral who uses the Buddha fruit
  6. fleet admiral who uses the magma fruit
  7. Luffy and ace's other brother
  8. powers based on gravity
  9. reindeer doctor commonly called a racoon-dog
  10. The one piece... the one piece is real!!!
  11. cowardly sniper
  12. katakuri's mother

31 Clues: donutblack legLuffy simpluffy's dadcomplete clowngomu gomu no micowardly sniperlufffy's nemesiskatakuri's motherrobotic shipwrightluffy's grandfatherhe ate the mochi fruitall she wants is moneythe king of the piratespowers based on gravityThe current wielder of EnmaLuffy and ace's other brotheradmiral that uses the light fruit...

One Piece Crossword 2021-09-25

One Piece Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The real identity of SogeKing
  2. The devil fruit that Luffy ate
  3. The Straw Hats second member(Swordsman)
  4. The arc you meet Franky
  5. Luffy's first official ship name
  6. The person who can have 2 devil fruits
  7. The former king of Dressrosa
  8. The Straw Hat's cook
  9. Where do you first meet Brook
  10. The person who killed Ace
  11. The pirate with the highest bounty
  12. The sword Zoro got at Thriller Bark
  1. Name of the biggest war animated(Manga)
  2. What does Sanji want to find
  3. The arc after Dressrosa
  4. Highest prison on the grand line
  5. Luffy's blond brother
  6. The ultimate treasure
  7. Fleet Admiral prior to Akainu
  8. Strogest Swordsman
  9. The opposite of Skypiea
  10. Brook's old crew name
  11. Animal devil fruit
  12. One of the yonkos (Dragon)
  13. Name of the artificial devil fruit
  14. Luffy's highest gear
  15. The captain of the Heart Pirates

27 Clues: Strogest SwordsmanAnimal devil fruitThe Straw Hat's cookLuffy's highest gearLuffy's blond brotherThe ultimate treasureBrook's old crew nameThe arc after DressrosaThe arc you meet FrankyThe opposite of SkypieaThe person who killed AceOne of the yonkos (Dragon)What does Sanji want to findThe former king of DressrosaThe real identity of SogeKing...

One Piece Facts 2021-11-20

One Piece Facts crossword puzzle
  1. The 2nd strawhat
  2. The island of women
  3. mysterious steles with history craved on them in ancient writing
  4. King's race
  5. Zoro's sword technique
  6. Luffy zoro and Sanji
  7. gave luffy his strawhat
  8. Luffy's brother
  9. luffy's dad
  10. Strongest swordsman
  11. Underwater Prison
  12. Who is the main character
  13. The 1st warlord defeated by the starwhats
  14. revolutionary 2nd in command
  15. How long was the time skip
  16. The worlds strongest man
  1. The heavenly demon
  2. The Ship's doctor
  3. user of the dark dark fruit
  4. Robin's home island
  5. The main characters pirate group
  6. eleven top rookie pirates that arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago
  7. The king of the pirates
  8. Sword god Ryuma's sword
  9. Created One piece
  10. Where does the story start
  11. Pirates that work with the government
  12. Luffy's grandfather
  13. the ships cook
  14. Island in the sky
  15. the Worlds strongest creature

31 Clues: King's raceluffy's dadthe ships cookLuffy's brotherThe 2nd strawhatThe Ship's doctorCreated One pieceUnderwater PrisonIsland in the skyThe heavenly demonThe island of womenRobin's home islandLuffy's grandfatherStrongest swordsmanLuffy zoro and SanjiZoro's sword techniqueThe king of the piratesSword god Ryuma's swordgave luffy his strawhat...

KoP One Piece 2022-05-05

KoP One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Cherry blossom doctor
  2. Tangerines, maps and MONEY!!!!!
  3. Miss Wednesday
  4. Kawamatsu the oiran
  5. Right hand of the king
  6. Mom of 85
  7. Kingdom of sand
  8. Land of samurai
  9. Dumb magnet
  10. Bride of Sanji
  11. Lover of Otsuru
  12. Kicking Germa cook
  13. Assistant of fish-men karate
  14. Invincible dragon
  15. Who from 800 years ago
  16. She who sees all
  17. Pineapple phoenix
  18. Soul musician
  19. Finder of Raftel
  20. Straw hats 2nd ship
  21. Sky island
  22. Happiness, love and toys
  23. The "good guys"
  24. To be the greatest swordsman
  25. Lead the revolution
  26. 2 devil fruits
  27. Who holds the bible
  1. Quaking pops
  2. Baroque Works
  3. Matured ninja
  4. Cabbage prince
  5. Forgotten father
  6. One arm
  7. Swimming karate
  8. Lying sharpshooter
  9. Ship building island
  10. SUPER shipwright
  11. Fire fist
  12. Greatest swordsman
  13. Terror of strings
  14. This one
  15. Smart operation man
  16. Devil archaeologist
  17. Shogun of Wano
  18. Girl gladiator
  19. Future King of Pirates
  20. Pirate empress
  21. Born to boil
  22. Gift from Kaya
  23. Son of oden
  24. Dragon revolution
  25. _____ of the mist
  26. Lightning god
  27. Kaido's son

54 Clues: One armThis oneMom of 85Fire fistSky islandDumb magnetSon of odenKaido's sonQuaking popsBorn to boilBaroque WorksMatured ninjaSoul musicianLightning godCabbage princeMiss WednesdayBride of SanjiShogun of WanoGirl gladiatorPirate empressGift from Kaya2 devil fruitsSwimming karateKingdom of sandLand of samuraiLover of OtsuruThe "good guys"...

One Piece Crossword 2023-01-12

One Piece Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Captain of the Kid Pirates
  2. Moonlander
  3. Longarm member of the worst generation
  4. The one with the hat
  5. Shares a name with a famous Spanish novel
  6. Former CP9 member
  7. Marine, who protected Ohara's legacy
  8. Captain and member of Sword
  9. Made of Adam
  10. doctor of the ten titanic captains
  11. Of a thousand plans
  12. The Silvers to his captain's Gold
  13. She who wants to live
  14. Lost most of his crew to Kaido
  15. Strawhat emergency food
  16. Musician for the whales
  17. Who's attacks often are names of food
  18. former leader of the Kuja
  19. Almost died by seeing mermaids
  20. Former Sun Pirate member
  21. First name is close to Dracula
  1. The Hyena
  2. Liar Liar Pants on Fire
  3. He laughed
  4. The most famous liar who did not lie
  5. Her love will turn you into stone
  6. Revolutionary saved by the Sun Pirates
  7. Fallen comrade
  8. Freer of slaves
  9. Surgeon of death
  10. Protector of the twin capes
  11. A cyborg with a mission
  12. SUPER!
  13. Legacy of the King
  14. The newest holder of the mera-mera no mi
  15. Captain Hook would like his copyright back
  16. The 5 stars of the world government

37 Clues: SUPER!The HyenaHe laughedMoonlanderMade of AdamFallen comradeFreer of slavesSurgeon of deathFormer CP9 memberLegacy of the KingOf a thousand plansThe one with the hatShe who wants to liveLiar Liar Pants on FireA cyborg with a missionStrawhat emergency foodMusician for the whalesFormer Sun Pirate memberformer leader of the Kuja...

Meeko's One Piece 2024-09-25

Meeko's One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Family of Assassins
  2. Blackbeard's debut arc
  3. Sun God
  4. Chopper's debut arc
  5. Takes a few hundred episodes for him to join a crew
  6. Dragon claw fighting style
  7. Ate the Sand-Sand Fruit
  8. Arc that includes Nami's backstory
  9. Nothing Happened
  10. Japan but One Piece
  11. Pirate emperor seen as a father by many
  12. Number 1 Luffy Glazer
  13. "Nah I'd Win" but it's against Shanks
  14. Several levels of torture
  15. Racism arc
  16. Mugiwara
  17. Usopp's debut arc
  18. Cutty Flam
  19. Location of the Golden Bell
  20. "The Fist"
  21. Almost Died in Fishman Island
  22. Location of Roger's death
  23. Arc where Sanji's true backstory is shown
  24. Awaits Nika's Return
  25. Vegapunk finally appears here
  26. Arc that includes Robin's backstory
  27. Mermaids get stolen here
  28. Captain of the Heart Pirates
  1. Akainu
  2. No Men
  3. Marine that attacked Luffy in Loguetown
  4. Has more than one Devil Fruit Power
  5. The boy who cried "Pirates!"
  6. There's a theory that he might actually be Usopp
  7. Zoro's debut arc
  8. Sanji's debut arc
  9. The King of the Pirates
  10. Franky's debut arc
  11. His friend went Down D. Stairs
  12. Where the summit war took place
  13. Arc that Nami meets Luffy
  14. "I bet you look kind"
  15. Famous Musician
  16. Looking for the answer - _____________ dies on the battlefield!
  17. A competition for the Flare-Flare fruit was held here
  18. He's gonna be King of the Pirates
  19. The aftermath of a long fight changed this island
  20. Fourth rumble ball no drink
  21. Luffy, Sabo, and Ace shared this to become brothers
  22. Luffy found a guy stuck on stilts here
  23. Ace's debut arc
  24. Old friend of Shanks
  25. She wants to live
  26. The most mysterious character in One Piece
  27. Cat Burglar
  28. On top of a living creature

56 Clues: AkainuNo MenSun GodMugiwaraRacism arcCutty Flam"The Fist"Cat BurglarFamous MusicianAce's debut arcZoro's debut arcNothing HappenedSanji's debut arcUsopp's debut arcShe wants to liveFranky's debut arcFamily of AssassinsChopper's debut arcJapan but One PieceOld friend of ShanksAwaits Nika's Return"I bet you look kind"Number 1 Luffy Glazer...

One Piece Crossword 2022-11-11

One Piece Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the righthand man
  2. The cook
  3. the sword god
  4. the straw hat giver
  5. the first logia fruit
  6. the pirate king
  7. the thunder god
  8. the gold d crews right hand man
  9. Doctor captain and Swordsmen of the heart pirates
  1. the swordsmen of the gold d crew
  2. the navigator
  3. The firsy marine captain
  4. the doctor of the straw hats
  5. the undead swordsman
  6. Shanks daughter
  7. The strongest creature
  8. The main character
  9. the donut
  10. the first ship of the straw hats
  11. the Strongest swordsmen
  12. the donut maker

21 Clues: The cookthe donutthe navigatorthe sword godShanks daughterthe pirate kingthe thunder godthe donut makerthe righthand manThe main characterthe straw hat giverthe undead swordsmanthe first logia fruitThe strongest creaturethe Strongest swordsmenThe firsy marine captainthe doctor of the straw hatsthe gold d crews right hand man...

one piece 2022-02-17

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. skeleton
  2. waifu 2.0 ( but my favourite one piece waifu)
  3. red hair giga chad's friend when they were younger
  4. waifu
  5. tiny deer boi
  6. Gum Gum Glock
  7. prince
  8. big mouth bois's mum
  1. red hair giga chad
  2. big mouth boi
  3. Blind racist man
  4. gold digger

12 Clues: waifuprinceskeletongold diggerbig mouth boitiny deer boiGum Gum GlockBlind racist manred hair giga chadbig mouth bois's mumwaifu 2.0 ( but my favourite one piece waifu)red hair giga chad's friend when they were younger

one piece 2023-11-20

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. minion
  2. navigator
  3. Man's best friend
  4. king of the pirates
  5. tail and brown
  6. it's everywhere
  7. Likes to chase mice
  8. Flying mammal
  1. cook
  2. Large marsupial
  3. moss head
  4. Has a trunk

12 Clues: cookminionnavigatormoss headHas a trunkFlying mammaltail and brownLarge marsupialit's everywhereMan's best friendking of the piratesLikes to chase mice

One Piece Crossword 2021-11-15

One Piece Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. one of the seven warlords, part of the Donquixote family
  2. samurai from the Land of Wano
  3. Wants to be Oden, the former daimyo, child of Kaido, King of the Beasts
  4. one of the 4 emperors of the new world, gave Luffy his hat
  5. fishman loyal to Luffy
  6. the first mate of the greatest pirate in the world
  7. may I see your—-oww!
  8. Cat Burglar _____
  9. sworn older brother of Luffy, Fire Fist _____
  10. sworn brother of Luffy and Ace
  11. king of the pirates
  12. villain who killed a fan favorite and caused another fan favorite’s death too
  13. suuuper!
  1. nami-swaaaaaaannnnn
  2. I am allergic to danger
  3. son of the former daimyo of Wano
  4. Blue nosed reindeer
  5. his crew calls him “Dad”
  6. My crewmates pain is my pain
  7. everyone’s favorite surgeon
  8. in love with the main character
  9. the Wano arc’s main villain
  10. vice admiral of the marines and grandfather of the main character
  11. I am going to be king of the pirates
  12. also known as Rosinante, father figure of a certain surgeon, younger brother of Doflamingo

25 Clues: suuuper!Cat Burglar _____nami-swaaaaaaannnnnBlue nosed reindeerking of the piratesmay I see your—-oww!fishman loyal to LuffyI am allergic to dangerhis crew calls him “Dad”everyone’s favorite surgeonthe Wano arc’s main villainMy crewmates pain is my painsamurai from the Land of Wanosworn brother of Luffy and Acein love with the main character...

One Piece Crossword 2021-09-25

One Piece Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The real identity of SogeKing
  2. The devil fruit that Luffy ate
  3. The Straw Hats second member(Swordsman)
  4. The arc you meet Franky
  5. Luffy's first official ship name
  6. The person who can have 2 devil fruits
  7. The former king of Dressrosa
  8. The Straw Hat's cook
  9. Where do you first meet Brook
  10. The person who killed Ace
  11. The pirate with the highest bounty
  12. The sword Zoro got at Thriller Bark
  1. Name of the biggest war animated(Manga)
  2. What does Sanji want to find
  3. The arc after Dressrosa
  4. Highest prison on the grand line
  5. Luffy's blond brother
  6. The ultimate treasure
  7. Fleet Admiral prior to Akainu
  8. Strogest Swordsman
  9. The opposite of Skypiea
  10. Brook's old crew name
  11. Animal devil fruit
  12. One of the yonkos (Dragon)
  13. Name of the artificial devil fruit
  14. Luffy's highest gear
  15. The captain of the Heart Pirates

27 Clues: Strogest SwordsmanAnimal devil fruitThe Straw Hat's cookLuffy's highest gearLuffy's blond brotherThe ultimate treasureBrook's old crew nameThe arc after DressrosaThe arc you meet FrankyThe opposite of SkypieaThe person who killed AceOne of the yonkos (Dragon)What does Sanji want to findThe former king of DressrosaThe real identity of SogeKing...

ONE PIECE FEVER 2024-08-16

ONE PIECE FEVER crossword puzzle
  1. God Valley's treasure
  2. froze robin
  3. *Slaps* *punches* equal treatment for ALL - Luffy
  4. Katakuri's favorite sister
  5. mochi
  6. A runaway from nobility as a child
  7. small but might and part of the straw hat grand fleet
  8. his crew was found in prison
  9. the true shogun of wano
  10. died in shanks arms
  11. newspaper
  12. lives on the moon
  13. a drunk dragon
  14. desecrated his not lovers body with a hatred for plates
  15. was forced to eat a smile and laugh. he hates his laugh
  16. Brutally honest with a smile
  17. Little Garden. Giants
  18. sogeking
  19. Takes care of the Mikan Grove
  20. starved until he came to the baratie
  21. His sickness prevented him from seeing the...?
  22. seduced sanji in dressrosa
  23. first awakened devil fruit shown
  24. bites luffys cheek
  25. saved a kid who wanted to travel
  26. The sun pirates gave her a ride
  27. He stepped up when no one else would to save a life at the bottom of the ocean
  28. the ceremonial brotherhood
  29. Whitebeard allowed Oden to Journey with...?
  30. Luffy and Zoro had a misunderstanding due to this organization
  31. opposes the world government
  32. the message that began the strawhats training
  1. he married the ex-empress of amazon lily
  2. nine lives. one man. one hour.
  3. was punished to wander the seas for eternity
  4. His dream was to have a family due to his past as an orphan
  5. goldfish activist
  6. there is a theory he is a mother to a captain
  7. became luffys half naked stalker
  8. deceived everyone on an island to get the inheritance
  9. He had the best glowup in the show
  10. Blind. Justice. Sandals
  11. He almost died due to blood loss
  12. has a stupid bird with a necktie
  13. jealous of vegapunk
  14. golden buddah
  15. alliance or friendship?
  16. "If I die here, then I'm a man that could only make it this far."
  17. he missed his friends so much he scarred himself
  18. "Hero? No! We are pirates! I love heroes, but I don't wanna be one!"
  19. will beat whoever laughs at his childhood friend
  20. Threatened by a marine and became a mother
  21. "everyone sooner or later gets their time to shine."
  22. saved luffy after he ate some bad mushrooms
  23. hates the worst generation for stealing the spotlight
  24. falls in love easily but found the one in the enemy
  25. The Spade Pirates
  26. time was on her side
  27. She became this straw hats foster mom
  28. Davy Back Fight
  29. he is in a gang who got beat beautiful
  30. He lost his love to a celestial dragon and became a kingpin
  31. cola

63 Clues: colamochisogekingnewspaperfroze robingolden buddaha drunk dragonDavy Back Fightgoldfish activistlives on the moonThe Spade Piratesbites luffys cheekjealous of vegapunkdied in shanks armstime was on her sideGod Valley's treasureLittle Garden. GiantsBlind. Justice. Sandalsthe true shogun of wanoalliance or friendship?Katakuri's favorite sister...

One Piece Trivia 2024-02-27

One Piece Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Law's devil fruit require vast amounts of ___ to use
  2. The place where the ASL brothers lived
  3. The Oro Jackson and The Thousand Sunny are both made out of wood from ___
  4. This monkey is the officer of a Yonko
  5. Garp and Roger teamed up to fight ___
  6. The blade of the hero of Wano
  7. Where was Whitebeard born?
  8. The type of devil fruit the gum-gum no mi is (1 of 3 types)
  9. Race whose defining characteristics include dark skin and white hair
  10. Law and Cora both don't like ___ (Not Doffy)
  11. He raised X-Drake
  12. There are almost no good ___s in One Piece
  13. Murdered for his treasure
  14. How long (maximum) did Roger have to live when Odin joined the crew?
  15. The only unusual decoration on the Oro Jackson was a giant ___
  16. How many Whitebeard divisions are there?
  17. Something Pedro, Ace, and Zeff know a lot about
  18. Is still waiting
  19. Marco reffered to Zoro as ___ during Wano
  20. What was Ace named after?
  21. Zepo is Bepo's ___
  22. Where are most of the officers of the Heart Pirates from?
  23. Zeff's nickname for Sanji
  24. Who Buggy and Shanks were to Rayleigh
  25. Doughnut
  26. The blade Zoro carried until it was rusted
  27. One of the ways to create a vivre card
  28. We never see this seeing character's eyes
  1. Dragon's first appearance is at ___
  2. Chopper was willing to be a ___ for Luffy
  3. Law's ability inspired by Corazon
  4. The name of the country a former warlord tried to take over
  5. The name of Sanji's character in the Germa comics
  6. The name of Mihawk's sword
  7. Whitebeard died ___
  8. She isn't canon
  9. Vocal tics (Marco-Law-Neptune)
  10. The name of the Kid Pirate's ship
  11. The only Devil Fruit Sanji would eat
  12. What Ace would have been named if he was a girl
  13. The name of Shank's sword
  14. The ___ ran the human auction house on Sabaody
  15. Alternative name for Laugh Tale
  16. The Japanese word the Whitebeard pirates call Whitebeard
  17. There are 12 of these in the worst generation (word is singular)
  18. Despite dedicating his life to his cause, still struggled to overcome his internalized racism
  19. According to Zoro, what happened on Thriller Bark against Kuma?
  20. The name of the Red-Hair Pirate's ship
  21. Law's true name
  22. The member of Zoro's family that served as a Daimyo when Oden was killed
  23. Sabo's official role in the RA
  24. What Wano calls Haki
  25. He has the highest IQ in One Piece
  26. The hands of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger (right first)
  27. The name of the monkeys/apes on Kuraigana
  28. The excuse Law tried to use for Cora's love
  29. Where did Garp earn his epitaph of "Hero"
  30. What Zoro thinks is up

58 Clues: DoughnutShe isn't canonLaw's true nameIs still waitingHe raised X-DrakeZepo is Bepo's ___Whitebeard died ___What Wano calls HakiWhat Zoro thinks is upThe name of Shank's swordMurdered for his treasureWhat was Ace named after?Zeff's nickname for SanjiThe name of Mihawk's swordWhere was Whitebeard born?The blade of the hero of Wano...

one piece characters 2024-04-04

one piece characters crossword puzzle
  1. the failed conqueror of alabasta who is made of sand
  2. the surgeon of death
  3. an elder who can turn into a boar-like yo-kai
  4. the reincarnation of the ancient weapon poseidon who can control seakings
  5. user of the smooth smooth fruit and koby's old tormentor
  6. the proposer
  7. captain of the red hair pirates
  8. the undead musician of the strawhats
  9. genderfluid queen of kamabaka queendom and newkama land
  10. the cyborg shipwright of the strawhats
  11. a humanoid rabbit with electric powers
  12. a falconman who survived being nuked
  13. blue haired vinsmoke with lightning powers
  14. the culprit behind shanks' missing arm
  15. the most beautiful woman in the world, desperately in love with luffy
  16. a daughter of linlin with the power to drain fluid from living things
  17. the last lunarian
  18. the sun god
  19. the revolutionary army's chief of staff
  20. the most horrible person alive
  21. warrior god of science
  22. the king of alabasta
  23. former warden of impel down who almost killed two future emperors in a single day
  24. can turn into an itsumade
  25. also known as akainu
  26. the only vinsmoke sibling who cares about sanji
  27. one of the captains of the giant pirates (d)
  28. was known as the strongest man in the world
  29. a member of the kozuki clan as well as a member of the roger pirates
  30. princess of dressrosa
  31. the leader of the revolutionaries
  32. can convert his body parts into springs
  33. owns a bar in foosha village
  34. also known as aokiji
  35. the likely reason why sanji hates zoro so much
  36. the true creator of the one piece, made of rubber
  37. the continent puller
  38. the daughter of kuma who has the power to mess with time
  39. first mate of the strawhats
  40. a humanoid polar bear
  41. former warlord, currently the helmsman of the strawhats
  42. the navigator of the strawhats
  43. the oldest vinsmoke quadruplet
  44. the future of the marines
  45. the second in command to the pirate king
  46. bepo's big brother
  47. the smartest man in the world
  48. the false god of skypiea and the lightning logia user
  49. the eldest child of charlotte linlin
  50. the youngest looking elder
  51. ace's mom
  52. the genius jester
  53. a man dressed as a baby with a surprisingly tragic backstory
  54. appeared before zoro after his fight with king
  55. the first of the 5 elders we see the abilities of
  56. the leader of the shandian rebellion against enel
  57. one of the captains of the giant pirates (b)
  1. the pirate king
  2. vivi's ancestor
  3. the mayor of foosha village
  4. a blonde swordsman with DID
  5. brook's old crew's pet whale
  6. a hopeless romantic who can turn herself and her body parts into weaponry
  7. user of the string string fruit and former warlord
  8. a good friend of ussop and is the king of sniper island
  9. the strongest creature in the world
  10. the lion-like current ship of the strawhats
  11. also known as kizaru
  12. the future pirate king and captain of the strawhats, who is also made of rubber
  13. one of the most beloved characters in the series
  14. racist fishman who enslaved an entire island
  15. rebecca's father
  16. a bear-like man with a tragic backstory who's mechanized body only seeks to protect his daughter
  17. a good friend of sabo
  18. the strongest son of charlotte linlin
  19. zoro's ancestor
  20. can use shadows to create zombies
  21. the prodigy of cipher pol
  22. nicknamed "the fist"
  23. the son of the pirate king
  24. the ruler of the world
  25. a giant elephant with a dukedom on it's back
  26. a cyborg brachiosaurus
  27. the son of kaido
  28. the archaeologist of the strawhats, can summon copies of her body parts
  29. king of germa 66 and sanji's biological father
  30. the man who designed the going merry
  31. doctor of the blackbeard pirates
  32. a genius mechanic with magnetic powers and immense bloodlust
  33. a pirate who can create and manipulate heat
  34. luffy's mother figure
  35. also known as green bull
  36. a swordsman who resembles ghandi in appearance
  37. luffy's biggest fan
  38. the sniper of the strawhats
  39. the chef of the strawhats
  40. nami's stepmother
  41. leader of the tontatta warriors
  42. princess of alabasta and honorary strawhat
  43. sanji's mom
  44. has two devil fruits
  45. the son of oden who can turn into a pink dragon
  46. the most skilled swordsman in the world
  47. the buffest man in the world
  48. the emperor who could manipulate souls and had nearly 100 children
  49. the king of fishman island
  50. the reindeer doctor of the strawhats
  51. the lamb-like first ship of the strawhats
  52. sanji's real dad
  53. pink haired girl who can create depression ghosts
  54. a pegasus belonging to doc q
  55. shanks' daughter
  56. a man who can create explosions

113 Clues: ace's momthe sun godsanji's momthe proposerthe pirate kingvivi's ancestorzoro's ancestorrebecca's fatherthe son of kaidosanji's real dadshanks' daughterthe last lunariannami's stepmotherthe genius jesterbepo's big brotherluffy's biggest fanthe surgeon of deathalso known as kizarunicknamed "the fist"the king of alabastaalso known as akainu...

One Piece Indonesia 2024-05-25

One Piece Indonesia crossword puzzle
  1. piece Harta karun terbesar
  2. Marga dari karakter yang memiliki 2 buah iblis
  3. Senjata Nami
  4. Orang paling beruntung dalam sejarah dunia One Piece
  5. Tempat kelahiran Gol.D Roger
  6. Karakter yang paling diincar di Bajak Laut Topi Jerami
  7. Shicibukai terkuat
  8. Luffy palsu!
  9. Pasukan buatan yang menggantikan Shicibukai
  10. Dokter yang berkata "Orang mati adalah yang dilupakan"
  11. Ejekan untuk Zoro
  12. Nama Jurus Luffy yang mengalahkan Donquixote Doflamingo
  13. Pukulan cinta
  14. Benda apa yang dilempar Luffy keara tiga Admiral di Marineford
  15. Garis yang membatasi keempat Lautan
  16. Musuh terkuat yang pernah dilawan Zoro
  17. Nama buah iblis Doflamingo
  18. Orang pertama yang sampai di reuni Sabaody
  1. Sahabat karib Coby di angkatan laut
  2. Tujuan utama Sanji
  3. Jika memakannya anda akan mendapatkan kekuatan tapi Laut adalah kelemahannya
  4. Tempat pertempuran Gold Roger vs Rocks
  5. Tiga admiral kagum dengan dia saat unjuk kemampuan di Marineford
  6. Buah favorit Nami
  7. Ilmuwan paling jenius
  8. "Panggil saya Tuan Pangeran"
  9. Karakter yang membebaskan budak di Red Line
  10. Ninja dari desa Wano
  11. Kekuatan dari Admiral Sakazuki
  12. Penembak jitu dari desa Sniper!!!
  13. Nama-nama Gorosei
  14. Sebutan untuk 4 kaisar lautan
  15. Tujuan utama Brook
  16. Kekuatannya adalah burung mitos
  17. Nama tempat untuk Bangsawan tertinggi

35 Clues: Senjata NamiLuffy palsu!Pukulan cintaBuah favorit NamiEjekan untuk ZoroNama-nama GoroseiTujuan utama SanjiShicibukai terkuatTujuan utama BrookNinja dari desa WanoIlmuwan paling jeniuspiece Harta karun terbesarNama buah iblis DoflamingoTempat kelahiran Gol.D Roger"Panggil saya Tuan Pangeran"Sebutan untuk 4 kaisar lautanKekuatan dari Admiral Sakazuki...

Personnages One Piece 2024-09-01

Personnages One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Amiral en chef de la Marine avec le pouvoir de la lave, sévère et impitoyable.
  2. ROGER Légendaire roi des pirates dont le trésor a lancé la grande ère des pirates.
  3. Maître des arts martiaux aquatiques, ancien Shichibukai.
  4. Capitaine du Chapeau de Paille avec un rêve de roi des pirates.
  5. Ex-président de Baroque Works avec le pouvoir de contrôler le sable.
  6. Fille de Kaido
  7. Capitaine charismatique au chapeau de paille légendaire.
  8. Charpentier cyborg avec une force surhumaine et une passion pour les machines.
  9. Frère adoptif de Luffy et Ace, militant pour la liberté.
  10. Navigatrice brillante avec une connaissance inégalée des cartes maritimes.
  11. Homme-béton avec le pouvoir de repousser les objets et les gens.
  12. Ancien amiral de la marine et membre du Conseil des Cinq Étoiles.
  13. Ancien Shichibukai avec la capacité de manipuler les ombres.
  14. Renne avec un fruit du démon qui lui permet de se transformer.
  1. Amiral avec la capacité de se déplacer à la vitesse de la lumière et de tirer des lasers.
  2. Princesse de Alabasta, avec une forte volonté de sauver son pays.
  3. MOM Reine des Hommes-Poissons avec un appétit insatiable et une immense puissance.
  4. Empereur des mers avec la capacité de se transformer en dragon.
  5. Archéologue à la recherche des Poneglyphes pour révéler l'histoire cachée.
  6. Ex-roi de Dressrosa avec des pouvoirs de manipulation de fils.
  7. Musicien immortel avec un talent pour le chant et le combat à l'épée.
  8. Tireur d’élite et conteur avec un flair pour l'invention.
  9. Ancien amiral en chef de la Marine, connu pour sa sagesse et ses stratégies.
  10. Dieu autoproclamé du ciel avec le pouvoir de la foudre.
  11. Cuisinier aux talents culinaires exceptionnels et aux pieds agiles.
  12. Ancien amiral avec le pouvoir de contrôler la glace, connu pour son calme.
  13. Officier de la marine capable d'immobiliser ses ennemis avec des chaînes.
  14. Médecin pirate avec le pouvoir de découper et de manipuler la réalité.
  15. Épéiste aux trois sabres, cherchant à devenir le meilleur du monde.
  16. Capitaine pirate avec un pouvoir magnétique et une rivalité avec Luffy.
  17. Frère de Luffy avec le pouvoir du feu, connu pour son esprit libre.
  18. Minks qui a failli rejoindre l'équipage Mugiwara

32 Clues: Fille de KaidoMinks qui a failli rejoindre l'équipage MugiwaraDieu autoproclamé du ciel avec le pouvoir de la foudre.Maître des arts martiaux aquatiques, ancien Shichibukai.Capitaine charismatique au chapeau de paille légendaire.Frère adoptif de Luffy et Ace, militant pour la liberté.Tireur d’élite et conteur avec un flair pour l'invention....

One Piece Crossword 2022-02-26

One Piece Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. he fights with a pipe
  2. mochi guy
  3. room
  4. shu-lo-lo-lo-lo
  5. yohohohoho
  6. im kozuki oden
  7. kishishishi
  8. pero lick
  9. boku wa docter
  10. the sun
  11. Akainu learnt from kakashi
  12. pirate king
  13. wedding cake
  14. fish man karate
  15. the sword
  16. she has opened her third eye
  17. miss wednesday
  18. i want to eat meat
  1. super awesome blind guy
  2. superrrrr
  3. zeee hahahahahaah
  4. mr 0
  5. the cloud
  6. has the greatest haki in the entire show
  7. santoryu
  8. white hunter
  9. mero mero
  10. mr 2
  11. sogeking
  12. gurararararar
  13. ill never kick a lady
  14. who has a red nose?!!!
  15. cat burglar
  16. gigantesco mano
  17. king of okamas
  18. niete nanbo no...
  19. joker

37 Clues: mr 0roommr 2jokerthe sunsantoryusogekingsuperrrrrthe cloudmochi guymero meropero lickthe swordyohohohohokishishishicat burglarpirate kingwhite hunterwedding cakegurarararararim kozuki odenboku wa docterking of okamasmiss wednesdayshu-lo-lo-lo-logigantesco manofish man karatezeee hahahahahaahniete nanbo no...i want to eat meathe fights with a pipe...

One Piece Characters 2024-02-05

One Piece Characters crossword puzzle
  1. The musician of the strawhat pirates
  2. The navigator of the strawhat pirates
  3. The king of Alabasta
  4. Vice admiral of the Navy, ate the smoke smoke fruit
  5. A Navy vice admiral, grandfather of Monkey D Luffy
  6. The phoenix, 1st division commander of the whitebeard pirates
  7. Captain of the red haired pirates, gave Luffy his strawhat
  8. Guardian deity of Alabasta, can transform into a large bird
  9. Firefist, 2nd division commander of the whitebeard pirates
  10. First son of the sea, former Warlord
  11. The father of Monkey D Luffy
  12. Kin'emon's son
  13. The princess of Alabasta
  14. Surgeon of death, captain of the heart pirates
  15. Cutty Flam and the shipwright of the strawhat pirates
  16. The head chef of the Baratie
  17. Father to usopp, sniper of the red haired pirates
  18. Second in command to Gol D Roger
  1. The only pirate to be able to go head to head with Gol D Roger
  2. Namis adoptive mother
  3. The archeologist of the strawhat pirates
  4. Sniper King and sharp shooter of the strawhat pirates
  5. The pirate hunter
  6. Captain under Smoker, looks similar to Zoro's childhood friend
  7. A doctor, Chopper's adoptive father
  8. The cook of the strawhat pirates
  9. A whale living at the red line, waiting for the strawhats and Brook
  10. One of the seven warlords, greatest swordsman in the world
  11. One of the seven warlords, in charge of the creation of SAD
  12. A samurai from the kingdom of Wano, the strawhats meet him on the island of Punk Hazard
  13. Former king of the pirates
  14. The captain of the strawhat pirates and protagonist of the show
  15. The doctor of the strawhat pirates
  16. Luffy's first friend in the anime, dreams to be a marine admiral

34 Clues: Kin'emon's sonThe pirate hunterThe king of AlabastaNamis adoptive motherThe princess of AlabastaFormer king of the piratesThe father of Monkey D LuffyThe head chef of the BaratieThe cook of the strawhat piratesSecond in command to Gol D RogerThe doctor of the strawhat piratesA doctor, Chopper's adoptive fatherThe musician of the strawhat pirates...

One Piece Crossword 2022-10-27

One Piece Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The straw hat giver
  2. Luffys biggest rival
  3. The pirate king
  4. The dark king
  5. Luffys right hand man
  6. A god
  7. The donut maker
  8. We hate you akainu
  9. The cute doctor
  10. The main character in One Piece
  1. Luffys left hand man
  2. First blood we saw
  3. Luffys best transformation
  4. The first warlord we see
  5. The straw hat pirates first ship
  6. The past sword God
  7. the owner of the Baratie
  8. The straw hats archaeologist
  9. Future Marine
  10. Shank is her father

20 Clues: A godThe dark kingFuture MarineThe pirate kingThe donut makerThe cute doctorFirst blood we sawThe past sword GodWe hate you akainuThe straw hat giverShank is her fatherLuffys left hand manLuffys biggest rivalLuffys right hand manThe first warlord we seethe owner of the BaratieLuffys best transformationThe straw hats archaeologist...

one piece characters 2024-04-03

one piece characters crossword puzzle
  1. the most skilled swordsman in the world
  2. shanks' daughter
  3. a good friend of ussop and is the king of sniper island
  4. nami's stepmother
  5. the cyborg shipwright of the strawhats
  6. the navigator of the strawhats
  7. the reincarnation of the ancient weapon poseidon who can control seakings
  8. genderfluid queen of kamabaka queendom and newkama land
  9. king of germa 66 and sanji's biological father
  10. the last lunarian
  11. sanji's mom
  12. the revolutionary army's chief of staff
  13. one of the captains of the giant pirates (d)
  14. the undead musician of the strawhats
  15. the son of the pirate king
  16. the continent puller
  17. the archaeologist of the strawhats, can summon copies of her body parts
  18. the ruler of the world
  19. a cyborg brachiosaurus
  20. the mayor of foosha village
  21. a giant elephant with a dukedom on it's back
  22. first mate of the strawhats
  23. luffy's mother figure
  24. can convert his body parts into springs
  25. the future pirate king and captain of the strawhats, who is also made of rubber
  26. the leader of the revolutionaries
  27. racist fishman who enslaved an entire island
  28. the emperor who could manipulate souls and had nearly 100 children
  29. the smartest man in the world
  30. owns a bar in foosha village
  31. the most horrible person alive
  32. the second in command to the pirate king
  1. was known as the strongest man in the world
  2. the man who designed the going merry
  3. zoro's ancestor
  4. the sun god
  5. former warlord, currently the helmsman of the strawhats
  6. the culprit behind shanks' missing arm
  7. princess of alabasta and honorary strawhat
  8. the lion-like current ship of the strawhats
  9. the son of kaido
  10. the genius jester
  11. the false god of skypiea and the lightning logia user
  12. the strongest son of charlotte linlin
  13. the admiral made of light
  14. captain of the red hair pirates
  15. the lamb-like first ship of the strawhats
  16. nicknamed "the fist"
  17. the daughter of kuma who has the power to mess with time
  18. the pirate king
  19. sanji's real dad
  20. the strongest creature in the world
  21. the chef of the strawhats
  22. the true creator of the one piece, made of rubber
  23. one of the captains of the giant pirates (b)
  24. the sniper of the strawhats
  25. the reindeer doctor of the strawhats
  26. one of the most beloved characters in the series
  27. a humanoid rabbit with electric powers
  28. the prodigy of cipher pol
  29. the future of the marines
  30. a bear-like man with a tragic backstory who's mechanized body only seeks to protect his daughter

62 Clues: the sun godsanji's momzoro's ancestorthe pirate kingshanks' daughterthe son of kaidosanji's real dadnami's stepmotherthe genius jesterthe last lunariannicknamed "the fist"the continent pullerluffy's mother figurethe ruler of the worlda cyborg brachiosaurusthe admiral made of lightthe chef of the strawhatsthe prodigy of cipher pol...

One piece/ Narchenthan 2023-08-06

One piece/ Narchenthan crossword puzzle
  1. a king of the pirates
  2. long nose
  3. a simpy cook
  4. a spider
  5. a brother of the 🍩
  6. the strongest creature in the world
  7. a donut 🍩
  8. gravity gravity man
  9. bro ate haki haki no mi
  10. soul stealer
  11. a true monster
  12. yellow monkey
  1. emergency food
  2. a loveable idiot
  3. the guy with a bid blade
  4. a warlord with a devil fruit of love
  5. old legend
  6. the strongest 🍩 in the world
  7. blue pheasant
  8. a smoke man

20 Clues: a spiderlong nosea donut 🍩old legenda smoke mana simpy cooksoul stealerblue pheasantyellow monkeyemergency fooda true monstera loveable idiota brother of the 🍩gravity gravity mana king of the piratesbro ate haki haki no mithe guy with a bid bladethe strongest 🍩 in the worldthe strongest creature in the worlda warlord with a devil fruit of love

one piece (specials) 2024-10-25

one piece (specials) crossword puzzle
  1. second of the monkey brothers that the straw hat's meet
  2. anaconda
  3. lived in the sheep’s house
  4. ancient ancestor is a " legendary liar"
  5. Roger’s rival
  6. secret weapon that is alive
  7. contains true history
  8. "klahadore"
  9. uses iron mace
  10. a pervert
  11. unknown weapon
  12. how enel’s name is pronounced
  13. gods home
  14. a priest that defeated gan fall
  15. In skypeia it is called mantra
  16. spilled tea without noticing then overfilled the tea cup
  17. saw nami n*ked in wano
  18. betrayed wapol
  19. igarams wife
  20. is a king cobra
  21. rarest devil fruit type
  22. can use lightning
  23. almost killed roshio the executioner
  24. "legendary liar"
  25. big fan of the straw hats
  26. Roger’s child
  27. first of the monkey brothers that the straw hats met
  28. luffy’s devil fruit is one of this
  29. only character to die who’s name begins with the letter “p”
  30. if had a devil fruit would be uo uo no mi model seiryu
  31. defeated by luffy's gomu gomu gomu gomu no bazooka
  32. was able to disrupt luffy’s gomu gomu no Gatling
  1. looks like tashigi
  2. is a quadruplet (third son) with yellow hair
  3. is worth 52,000,000 bounty
  4. has 2 prosthetic legs that are also weapons
  5. original home was upper yard
  6. gave zoro enma
  7. first logia user introduced
  8. leader of the divine squad
  9. died giving birth
  10. worlds best swordsmen
  11. first person to defeat luffy two times
  12. worlds strongest swordsmen
  13. oden's sword not enma
  14. first ancient weapon revealed
  15. daz bonez parnter
  16. ms. Wednesday
  17. repaired merry in skypeia
  18. has 3 types; An_____, M_______ and Reg____
  19. last defeated of enel’s priests
  20. basically oden
  21. priest who’s ordeal has a 50% survival rate
  22. first okama introduced
  23. is half alligator
  24. wapol's soldier after he ate his 2 most strongest warrior
  25. first person luffy defeated
  26. 1 of the most strongest one piece characters
  27. brothers are hotori and kotori
  28. debut was episode 81
  29. half of this island was carried by the knock-up stream

61 Clues: anacondaa pervertgods home"klahadore"igarams wifeRoger’s rivalms. WednesdayRoger’s childgave zoro enmauses iron maceunknown weaponbetrayed wapolbasically odenis a king cobra"legendary liar"died giving birthdaz bonez parntercan use lightningis half alligatorlooks like tashigidebut was episode 81contains true historyworlds best swordsmen...

One Piece Characters/Other One Piece Stuff 2024-01-24

One Piece Characters/Other One Piece Stuff crossword puzzle
  1. Captain of the Heart Pirates
  2. Miracle child considering how his parents look, Luffy's brother
  3. leader of the supersonic duck squadron of alabasta
  4. King of the Pirates
  5. Slept with Zoro...ONLY FOR WARMTH!!! imma slap her later
  7. loves Nami and always says, "NAMI-SWAAAN!"
  8. "I WANT TO LIVE!!!"
  9. Imprisoned Nami
  10. The name of Luffy's crew
  11. Like Sanji's father
  12. obsessed with Luffy
  13. Cannibalistic, female Yonko
  14. brother of Doflamingo
  15. gramps
  16. bro is 3 different people???
  17. flamingo with the oddest walk
  18. Adam Sandler???
  19. Koby's best friend
  20. "If only I never blinded myself"
  21. Mosshead with no sense of direction
  22. Nami's adoptive mother
  23. navigator that is obsessed with money
  24. Aggressive and feral. Allianced with Luffy and Law
  25. Company owned by Crocodile, that he used trying to take over Alabasta
  26. The first human to not see Chopper as a monster
  27. Villan group...THINK SOBA MASK!!!
  28. princess of Alabasta
  29. long nosed and cowardly liar. skilled sniper
  30. Fishman, former warlord, and helmsman of the strawhats
  31. Strong willed, young marine
  1. usopp's pookie
  2. Eater of donuts
  3. The last song Brook got to sing with his original crew
  4. "who knows...NOSE!?"
  5. Mountain bandit that raised the ASL trio
  6. "YOHOHOHO!!!! may I see your panties miss?"
  7. Nami's sister
  8. Buggy, Mihawk, and Crocodile...they own this group
  9. Basically Ace's father
  11. The first pirate Luffy faces in the story
  12. former warlord, former leader of Baroque Works
  13. singer. Shank's daughter
  14. Usopp's father that never came back with the milk
  15. posed as a butler
  16. The whale Brook's crew had to leave behind, and Brook wants to reunite with
  17. Luffy's father that went to buy milk before Luffy met him
  18. "YOUR ARMMMMMM!!!"
  20. Took care of Chopper. Basically a witch
  21. Dragon-fruit user
  22. ICE
  23. Vice captain of the Heart Pirates.
  24. Fire fist
  25. pastry chef
  26. petty conquistador
  27. Sanji's sister that basically bit Luffy's face as a kiss
  28. Smokes too much, marine.
  30. or should I say Kozuki Oden...
  31. blue nosed reindeer doctor
  32. The only female member of the Heart Pirates

63 Clues: ICEgrampsFire fistpastry chefNami's sisterusopp's pookieEater of donutsImprisoned NamiAdam Sandler???"SUUUUUPERRRRR!"posed as a butlerDragon-fruit user"YOUR ARMMMMMM!!!"Koby's best friendpetty conquistadorKing of the Pirates"I WANT TO LIVE!!!"Like Sanji's fatherobsessed with Luffy"who knows...NOSE!?"princess of Alabastabrother of Doflamingo...

One piece 2023-01-18

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. luffys devil fruit
  2. odens city
  3. shanks
  4. samurai
  5. Marcos devil fruit
  1. doflamingos devil fruit
  2. doflamingo
  3. a drink
  4. flame flame
  5. doflamingo’s city
  6. ace sabo luffy
  7. shank’s daughter

12 Clues: shanksa drinksamuraidoflamingoodens cityflame flameace sabo luffyshank’s daughterdoflamingo’s cityluffys devil fruitMarcos devil fruitdoflamingos devil fruit

one piece 2023-03-06

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. who has ope ope no mi
  2. nicknamed "black leg"
  3. Mihawk world's strongest swordsman
  4. d ace fried donut
  5. who had the straw hat first
  6. most wanted man
  1. whats to become king of pirates
  2. world's strongest man
  3. The first straw hat member seen
  4. Doflamingo
  5. 3 sword style
  6. god

12 Clues: godDoflamingo3 sword stylemost wanted mand ace fried donutwho has ope ope no miworld's strongest mannicknamed "black leg"who had the straw hat firstwhats to become king of piratesThe first straw hat member seenMihawk world's strongest swordsman

One Piece 2024-08-24

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Race
  2. Haki Wave
  3. Blood Transfusion
  4. Enlightenment
  5. Meat Enjoyer
  6. Roger Ally
  7. Chopper's Poimt
  1. Skypiean's Earth
  2. Gorgon
  3. Enel's Ship
  4. Marine to Pirate
  5. Dragon Fruit

12 Clues: RaceGorgonHaki WaveRoger AllyEnel's ShipMeat EnjoyerDragon FruitEnlightenmentChopper's PoimtSkypiean's EarthMarine to PirateBlood Transfusion

One piece 2024-01-02

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. sure, I'll do it for 500
  2. I need a vacation
  3. I hate cats
  4. gloomy
  5. where am I?
  6. I'm a fan of hisoka
  1. I'm so tired
  2. I hate pepsi
  3. I ate something bad
  4. I love to rap
  5. Luffy hates meat
  6. you're so slow

12 Clues: gloomyI hate catswhere am I?I'm so tiredI hate pepsiI love to rapyou're so slowLuffy hates meatI need a vacationI ate something badI'm a fan of hisokasure, I'll do it for 500

One Piece 2024-08-24

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Race
  2. Haki Wave
  3. Blood Transfusion
  4. Enlightenment
  5. Meat Enjoyer
  6. Roger Ally
  7. Chopper's Poimt
  1. Skypiean's Earth
  2. Gorgon
  3. Enel's Ship
  4. Marine to Pirate
  5. Dragon Fruit

12 Clues: RaceGorgonHaki WaveRoger AllyEnel's ShipMeat EnjoyerDragon FruitEnlightenmentChopper's PoimtSkypiean's EarthMarine to PirateBlood Transfusion

One piece crossword !! 2024-04-25

One piece crossword !! crossword puzzle
  1. shocked
  2. stretchy
  3. Strawhat
  4. curse
  5. soundeffect
  6. death
  7. thieves
  8. theif
  9. peaceful
  10. goldlovers
  1. swordsman
  2. dumb
  3. money
  4. buddy
  5. stupid
  6. direction
  7. sad
  8. captain
  9. royal

19 Clues: saddumbmoneybuddycursedeathroyaltheifstupidshockedthievescaptainstretchyStrawhatpeacefulswordsmandirectiongoldloverssoundeffect

One piece 2023-06-05

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. someone who judges the guilty
  2. Take part in the competiton
  3. Road with planes
  4. marriage breakdown
  5. A place with a lof of books
  6. a sign of aging on the face
  1. lot of people next to till
  2. Boss of the kitchen
  3. Volunteering is different
  4. An energy discharge
  5. jam Lot a of cars on the road make
  6. aid kid The box that saves lives

12 Clues: Road with planesmarriage breakdownBoss of the kitchenAn energy dischargeVolunteering is differentlot of people next to tillTake part in the competitonA place with a lof of booksa sign of aging on the facesomeone who judges the guiltyaid kid The box that saves livesjam Lot a of cars on the road make

One piece 2024-10-20

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. One of the monster of thriller bark, invisible
  2. Can swim into anything
  3. How long did pregnancy of Portgas D Rouge last?
  4. what was the name of Brook's former crew?
  5. Whic CP9 agenthad the keys to Robin's handcuffs?
  6. What sea does Sanji originally come from?
  1. Currency in skipeia
  2. Land of giants
  3. How many different routes starts from the reverse mountain to the Grand Line?
  4. Deceased queen of fisherman island
  5. Self-proclaimed god
  6. Fleet admiral

12 Clues: Fleet admiralLand of giantsCurrency in skipeiaSelf-proclaimed godCan swim into anythingDeceased queen of fisherman islandwhat was the name of Brook's former crew?What sea does Sanji originally come from?One of the monster of thriller bark, invisibleHow long did pregnancy of Portgas D Rouge last?Whic CP9 agenthad the keys to Robin's handcuffs?...

One piece 2023-07-22

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. Who was Luffy's first crew member?
  2. Who taught Luffy the three forms of haki?
  3. The only Strawhat who is a fishman.
  4. What is the name Luffy uses to enter the Colosseum in Dressrosa?
  5. Who is Shanks' right-hand man?
  6. How many swords does Zoro wield in his ultimate attack?
  1. Who was the first villain to defeat Luffy?
  2. Who is Luffy's grandfather?
  3. Who gave Shanks the scar on his eye?
  4. Where was Gol D. Roger born?
  5. Which Strawhat is basically a cyborg?
  6. Who worked as the navigator for Arlong?

12 Clues: Who is Luffy's grandfather?Where was Gol D. Roger born?Who is Shanks' right-hand man?Who was Luffy's first crew member?The only Strawhat who is a fishman.Who gave Shanks the scar on his eye?Which Strawhat is basically a cyborg?Who worked as the navigator for Arlong?Who taught Luffy the three forms of haki?Who was the first villain to defeat Luffy?...

One Piece #2 2024-02-01

One Piece #2 crossword puzzle
  1. the symbol of freedom
  2. soul king
  3. luffy's grandpa
  4. pineapple
  5. demon child
  6. very bad with directions
  7. god
  8. the man who rejected the one piece
  9. dragon dragon man
  1. gravity
  2. prettiest woman of the world
  3. black leg
  4. a mystery (a red haired mystery)
  5. literally the meaning of cute
  6. darkness closing in on all sides
  7. pirate king
  8. greatest swordsman
  9. donut man

18 Clues: godgravitysoul kingblack legpineappledonut mandemon childpirate kingluffy's grandpadragon dragon mangreatest swordsmanthe symbol of freedomvery bad with directionsprettiest woman of the worldliterally the meaning of cutea mystery (a red haired mystery)darkness closing in on all sidesthe man who rejected the one piece

One Piece Characters 2023-01-28

One Piece Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Luffy's Rival
  2. The Cook of the Strawhats
  3. The Doctor of the Strawhats
  4. The Leader of the Strawhats
  5. The Musician of the Strawhats
  6. Luffy's Other Brother
  7. The Most Recent Member of the Strawhats
  1. The Navigator of the Strawhats
  2. The Strawhats' Swordsman
  3. The Character that is the most likely to join
  4. The One Who Gave Luffy the Strawhat
  5. The Member who Joined Because Luffy Saved Her
  6. The Gunner of the Strawhats
  7. The Shipwright of the Strawhats
  8. Luffy's Dead Brother
  9. Luffy's Other Rival
  10. A Clown who uses the Chop Chop Fruit

17 Clues: Luffy's RivalLuffy's Other RivalLuffy's Dead BrotherLuffy's Other BrotherThe Strawhats' SwordsmanThe Cook of the StrawhatsThe Doctor of the StrawhatsThe Leader of the StrawhatsThe Gunner of the StrawhatsThe Musician of the StrawhatsThe Navigator of the StrawhatsThe Shipwright of the StrawhatsThe One Who Gave Luffy the Strawhat...

One piece 2015-04-15

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. The real name of Mr. 2
  2. Kishishishishi
  3. name of the devil fruit chopper has eaten
  4. this person has a bounty of 81 mil
  5. Main character of the show
  6. Name of the guy who kills ace
  1. "_____ the golden lion"
  2. famous scientist
  3. one of schichibukais luffy met at Thriller Bark
  4. ruler of amazon lily
  5. Color of whitebeards mustache

11 Clues: Kishishishishifamous scientistruler of amazon lilyThe real name of Mr. 2"_____ the golden lion"Main character of the showColor of whitebeards mustacheName of the guy who kills acethis person has a bounty of 81 milname of the devil fruit chopper has eatenone of schichibukais luffy met at Thriller Bark

One Piece 2021-07-03

One Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Cabelo rosa e foi enganada
  2. A estrela veio até ele
  3. Esteve naquela ilha que é o apelido da Islândia
  4. Mudou de lado e surpreendeu a todos
  5. Esteve com Nami, Zoro e Usopp
  1. Passou pelo inferno e após sua volta o sangue o predominou
  2. Quebrou a maior lei daquele lugar
  3. o descendente daquele homem
  4. Ninguém conseguia passar por ele rumo aquele lugar
  5. Aquele que passou sua vontade para aquele garoto sonhador
  6. Esteve com Luffy, Vivi e Sanji

11 Clues: A estrela veio até eleCabelo rosa e foi enganadao descendente daquele homemEsteve com Nami, Zoro e UsoppEsteve com Luffy, Vivi e SanjiQuebrou a maior lei daquele lugarMudou de lado e surpreendeu a todosEsteve naquela ilha que é o apelido da IslândiaNinguém conseguia passar por ele rumo aquele lugar...

one piece 2024-12-15

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. cook
  2. straw hat musicain
  3. straw hat cat burgalar
  4. king of the pirates
  5. straw hat carpenter
  1. straw hat fish man
  2. straw hat swords man
  3. straw hat sharpshooter
  4. luffy's grandpa
  5. captin of the straw hats
  6. miss all sunday

11 Clues: cookluffy's grandpamiss all sundaystraw hat fish manstraw hat musicainking of the piratesstraw hat swords manstraw hat carpenterstraw hat sharpshooterstraw hat cat burgalarcaptin of the straw hats

one piece 2021-02-16

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. hipotézis
  2. eladás más szóval
  3. invesztálás más szóval
  4. egy kreatív ötletből születő folyamatot jelöl, amely megvalósítja az ötletet
  5. Research and development, R&D
  6. minden olyan
  1. Az új termék életútja onnantól, hogy az első darabot kihelyezték a polcra, egészen az utolsó darab eladásáig.
  2. az első lépcsőfokok egyike a gyártás során.
  3. előállítás más szóval
  4. reklámozás más szóval
  5. műszaki, szervezeti, pénzügyi és kereskedelmi jellegű tevékenység,

11 Clues: hipotézisminden olyaneladás más szóvalelőállítás más szóvalreklámozás más szóvalinvesztálás más szóvalResearch and development, R&Daz első lépcsőfokok egyike a gyártás során.műszaki, szervezeti, pénzügyi és kereskedelmi jellegű tevékenység,egy kreatív ötletből születő folyamatot jelöl, amely megvalósítja az ötletet...

one piece 2022-01-20

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. er ist einer der 7 samurei
  2. er hat einen lilanen flomingo schal
  3. ist schlechter als ein Kompass
  4. warum ist rufyy und seine auf der grand line
  5. Haupt Charakter
  1. der nachname der gesuchten person ist uzumaki
  2. der stärkste der 4 kaiser
  3. hat rote haare
  4. der bruder von itachi
  5. er ist ein roboter aus one piece
  6. sie ist eine der 4 kaiser

11 Clues: hat rote haareHaupt Charakterder bruder von itachider stärkste der 4 kaisersie ist eine der 4 kaiserer ist einer der 7 samureiist schlechter als ein Kompasser ist ein roboter aus one pieceer hat einen lilanen flomingo schalwarum ist rufyy und seine auf der grand lineder nachname der gesuchten person ist uzumaki

one piece 2023-11-09

one piece crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Man's best friend
  3. wait why is he here
  4. God
  5. I'm gonna be king of the pirates
  6. beard the one piece is real
  7. money
  8. Flying mammal
  1. Large marsupial
  2. kick u in face
  3. Has a trunk

11 Clues: GodmoneyHas a trunkFlying mammalkick u in faceLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micewait why is he herebeard the one piece is realI'm gonna be king of the pirates