diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Obstetric Care 2023-10-31

Obstetric Care crossword puzzle
  1. 3rd Stage
  2. Junior seizures
  3. Higher cognitive thinking
  4. Releases glucagon in the pancreas
  5. Brown Adipose Tissue
  6. 36.5 - 37.5 degrees - neonate
  7. Swollen cervix in labour
  8. 1/4000 UK pregnancies
  9. Cord presentation
  10. Pressure in ventricles with heart at rest
  11. Complex continuum
  12. HELLP Syndrome
  13. Requires strong uterine activity for long rotation
  1. Neonatal passive immunity
  2. PCR protein
  3. pancreatic islets
  4. Hypothermic hypotension
  5. Breast milk carbohydrate
  6. Glycogen -> Glucose
  7. VBAC risk
  8. Shoulder Dystocia
  9. Epilepsy treatment
  10. PPH
  11. Magnesium Sulphate
  12. Anterior fontanelle
  13. To reduce blood pressure
  14. Hypoxia causes...
  15. Sodium valproate risk
  16. PND diagnostic tool
  17. Type 2 Diabetes
  18. Meta Analysis
  19. Haem

32 Clues: PPHHaem3rd StageVBAC riskPCR proteinMeta AnalysisHELLP SyndromeJunior seizuresType 2 Diabetespancreatic isletsShoulder DystociaHypoxia causes...Cord presentationComplex continuumEpilepsy treatmentMagnesium SulphateGlycogen -> GlucoseAnterior fontanellePND diagnostic toolBrown Adipose Tissue1/4000 UK pregnanciesSodium valproate risk...


  1. diabetes mellitus
  2. white blood cell
  3. heart rate
  4. ID
  5. as directed
  6. hypertension
  7. over the counter
  8. shortness of breath
  9. blood pressure
  10. history of present illness
  11. upper respiratory infection
  12. fracture
  13. physical examination
  14. red blood cell
  15. drop
  16. by mouth
  17. instramuscular
  18. fever of unknown origin
  19. chief complaint
  20. three times a day
  21. both eyes
  22. APAP
  23. both ears
  24. before meals
  1. date of birth
  2. no known drug allergies
  3. within normal limits
  4. chol
  5. four times a day
  6. rx
  7. as needed
  8. abx
  9. biopsy
  10. history
  11. fasting blood sugar
  12. CV
  13. treatment
  14. subcutaneously
  15. three times a day
  16. right eye

40 Clues: rxIDCVabxcholdropAPAPbiopsyhistoryfractureby mouthas neededtreatmentboth eyesright eyeboth earsheart rateas directedhypertensionbefore mealsdate of birthblood pressurered blood cellinstramuscularsubcutaneouslychief complaintwhite blood cellfour times a dayover the counterdiabetes mellitusthree times a daythree times a dayshortness of breath...

Ernährung 2020-02-17

Ernährung crossword puzzle
  1. Mineralstoff, der besonders wichtig für die Knochen ist
  2. Ganz unten in der Ernährungspyramide befindet sich das...
  3. Stärke (z.B. in Kartoffeln) ist ein...
  4. Alkohol, der in allen Fetten enthalten ist
  5. Eiweiße,die eine Reaktion im Körper beschleunigen(z.B.Verdauung)
  6. Minderwertiges und ungesundes Essen nennt man auch...
  1. Häufig verwendeter Geschmacksverstärker
  2. Proteine bestehen aus...
  3. anderes Wort für Zuckerkrankheit
  4. Stoffe, die in der Nahrung die Verdauung anregen
  5. ein Grundnährstoff
  6. wichtiges Spurenelement für unseren Körper
  7. Der Verdauungsprozess beginnt im...

13 Clues: ein GrundnährstoffProteine bestehen aus...anderes Wort für ZuckerkrankheitDer Verdauungsprozess beginnt im...Stärke (z.B. in Kartoffeln) ist ein...Häufig verwendeter GeschmacksverstärkerAlkohol, der in allen Fetten enthalten istwichtiges Spurenelement für unseren KörperStoffe, die in der Nahrung die Verdauung anregen...

Proteínas Enzimas Carboidratos 2022-06-09

Proteínas Enzimas Carboidratos crossword puzzle
  1. fonte de energia para o sistema nervoso central
  2. fonte de proteína
  3. unidades básicas dos carboidratos
  4. fonte de carboidrato
  5. secretada pelas células beta do pâncreas para baixar a glicose
  6. secretado pelas células alfa do pâncreas para aumentar a glicose
  1. proteína presente em ossos, cartilagem pele
  2. proteína de transporte de oxigênio
  3. doença provocada pela falta de insulina
  4. proteínas catalisadoras de reações biológicas
  5. macromoléculas formadas por uma sequência de aminoácidos.
  6. unidades básicas das proteínas
  7. açúcar das frutas

13 Clues: fonte de proteínaaçúcar das frutasfonte de carboidratounidades básicas das proteínasunidades básicas dos carboidratosproteína de transporte de oxigêniodoença provocada pela falta de insulinaproteína presente em ossos, cartilagem peleproteínas catalisadoras de reações biológicasfonte de energia para o sistema nervoso central...

January 2016-09-07

January crossword puzzle
  1. Annual _____________ exam – our name for the visit members get when they schedule their Annual Routine Physical Exam and their Medicare Wellness Visit back-to-back on the same day.
  2. Screening ___________ – Colorectal cancer screening that is covered every 10 years, or every 2 years for people at high risk of colorectal cancer.
  3. ____ Mass Measurement – for people at risk of osteoporosis or of losing bone mass, procedures to identify bone mass, detect bone loss, or determine bone quality, are covered.
  4. Medicare’s ________ Visit – a yearly visit with your provider or his/her staff to develop or update a personalized prevention help plan to prevent disease based in your heath and risk factors.
  5. ________ screening – we cover this screening if you have a history of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, a history of abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, or a family history of diabetes.
  6. Screening _________ – Breast cancer screening that is covered every calendar year for women age 40 and older.
  7. ________ cancer screening exams for men age 50 and older include a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test and a digital rectal exam
  8. _______ screening and therapy to promote sustained weight loss – For people with a body mass index of 30 or more, we cover intensive counseling in a primary care setting to help in weight loss.
  1. _______ use cessation – if you use tobacco, but do not have signs or symptoms of tobacco-related disease, we cover two counseling quit attempts.
  2. For people with diabetes, screening for ________ retinopathy is covered once per year.
  3. Annual Routine ________ ____ – a yearly visit with your provider. In this visit, your provider evaluates your body and its functions using inspection, palpation (feeling with the hands), percussion (tapping with the fingers), and auscultation (listening).
  4. _____________ – covered services include Pneumonia vaccine, flu shots, and the Hepatitis B vaccine.
  5. A routine ___ exam (eye refraction) to determine the need for eyeglasses/contacts, once per calendar year. Original Medicare doesn’t cover this visit.
  6. ________ and vaginal cancer screening – covered include pap tests and pelvic exams every 24 months for all women.
  7. Screening for ____ cancer with low dose computed tomography (LDCT) for people who have a history of tobacco smoking but no signs or symptoms of lung cancer.
  8. ___ – a yearly “fecal immunochemical test” is an alternative to a screening colonoscopy.

16 Clues: For people with diabetes, screening for ________ retinopathy is covered once per year.___ – a yearly “fecal immunochemical test” is an alternative to a screening colonoscopy._____________ – covered services include Pneumonia vaccine, flu shots, and the Hepatitis B vaccine....

Discharge Planning 2015-02-05

Discharge Planning crossword puzzle
  1. reviews pts nutritional intake
  2. organises acat paperwork
  3. liases with nursing homes to secure a bed
  4. assess pts social situation
  1. reviews pts mobility
  2. organises services for pt upon discharge
  3. assists pts to manage their diabetes
  4. reviews pts feet

8 Clues: reviews pts feetreviews pts mobilityorganises acat paperworkassess pts social situationreviews pts nutritional intakeassists pts to manage their diabetesorganises services for pt upon dischargeliases with nursing homes to secure a bed

Get in shape one step at a time 2012-12-12

Get in shape one step at a time crossword puzzle
  1. A manner or way of moving
  2. blood pressure/ Condition resulting from elevating artery blood pressure
  3. Lack of insulin causes this
  4. Measure of energy found in food
  5. relating to the blood and heart
  6. Inflammation of a joint
  7. Any abnormal condition, some more severe then others
  1. The general condition of the body or mind
  2. Heaviness or mass
  3. Any trial or practice session
  4. pain/ Exercising eases this
  5. Can be as easy as walking
  6. Use or application of medicine
  7. activity/ Working the body
  8. Expert in nutrition

15 Clues: Heaviness or massExpert in nutritionInflammation of a jointA manner or way of movingCan be as easy as walkingactivity/ Working the bodypain/ Exercising eases thisLack of insulin causes thisAny trial or practice sessionUse or application of medicineMeasure of energy found in foodrelating to the blood and heart...

Get in shape one step at a time 2012-12-12

Get in shape one step at a time crossword puzzle
  1. A manner or way of moving
  2. blood pressure/ Condition resulting from elevating artery blood pressure
  3. Lack of insulin causes this
  4. Measure of energy found in food
  5. relating to the blood and heart
  6. Inflammation of a joint
  7. Any abnormal condition, some more severe then others
  1. The general condition of the body or mind
  2. Heaviness or mass
  3. Any trial or practice session
  4. pain/ Exercising eases this
  5. Can be as easy as walking
  6. Use or application of medicine
  7. activity/ Working the body
  8. Expert in nutrition

15 Clues: Heaviness or massExpert in nutritionInflammation of a jointA manner or way of movingCan be as easy as walkingactivity/ Working the bodypain/ Exercising eases thisLack of insulin causes thisAny trial or practice sessionUse or application of medicineMeasure of energy found in foodrelating to the blood and heart...

Erityisruokavaliot 2014-11-16

Erityisruokavaliot crossword puzzle
  1. Ruoansulatuskanavan osa jossa suurin osa ruoka-aineista imeytyy
  2. Uskonto jossa hyvin vähän ruokavalioon liittyviä kieltoja
  3. Uskonto joka kieltää mm. äyriästen ja hevosen syönnin
  4. Kiellettyä hindulaisen ruokavaliossa
  5. Aiheuttaa nukkavaurion keliaakikolle
  6. Keliakia ja tyypin 1 diabetes ovat
  7. Viljakasvi joka sopii keliaakikolle
  8. Eivät juo kahvia ja teetä
  9. Laktoosi-intolerannsi hyvin yleinen tässä maanosassa
  10. Vilja-allergisen ruokavaliossa helposti liian vähän
  1. Maidon proteiinit aiheuttavat allergisen reaktion
  2. Lisätään tarkoituksella elintarvikkeeseen ja niillä on jokin haluttu teknologinen vaikutus
  3. Syö kasvisruokaa ja maitotuotteita
  4. Ruokavakio joka sopii kaikille uskontokunnille
  5. Pescovegetaristi syö kasvisruokavalion lisäksi

15 Clues: Eivät juo kahvia ja teetäSyö kasvisruokaa ja maitotuotteitaKeliakia ja tyypin 1 diabetes ovatViljakasvi joka sopii keliaakikolleKiellettyä hindulaisen ruokavaliossaAiheuttaa nukkavaurion keliaakikolleRuokavakio joka sopii kaikille uskontokunnillePescovegetaristi syö kasvisruokavalion lisäksiMaidon proteiinit aiheuttavat allergisen reaktion...

Crown - Life Topics - Unit 5 Liquid Candy 2020-04-15

Crown - Life Topics - Unit 5 Liquid Candy crossword puzzle
  1. Be against an opinion, plan or idea (o)
  2. Linked to (c,t)
  3. Scientists or specialists who know about a topic (e)
  4. Putting on weight (w,g)
  5. Forever; For all of your life (f,L)
  6. Dangerous; Damaging (h)
  7. Act badly (m)
  8. Make less; Reduce (L)
  1. A disease linked to high blood sugar (d)
  2. Cause someone to be interested in something (a)
  3. Having vitamins and minerals; healthy (n,v)
  4. Violently; strongly (a)
  5. Become thinner (L,w)
  6. Very overweight (o)
  7. A notice to say “Be careful” (w)

15 Clues: Act badly (m)Linked to (c,t)Very overweight (o)Become thinner (L,w)Make less; Reduce (L)Violently; strongly (a)Putting on weight (w,g)Dangerous; Damaging (h)A notice to say “Be careful” (w)Forever; For all of your life (f,L)Be against an opinion, plan or idea (o)A disease linked to high blood sugar (d)Having vitamins and minerals; healthy (n,v)...

Dekubitusprophylaxe 2021-01-06

Dekubitusprophylaxe crossword puzzle
  1. längeres Pressen auf eine Stelle nennt man auch:
  2. Gewichts- und Kräfteverlust (griechische Bezeichnung)
  3. Fachbegriff für schweres Übergewicht
  4. Förderung und Erhaltung der Bewegungsfähigkeit
  5. Die äußerste Schicht des Menschen mit einer Creme versehen
  6. Lähmung auf Griechisch
  7. griechische Bezeichnung für Flüssigkeitsverlust
  1. Absterben von Zellen als Fachbegriff
  2. Positionierung in eine bestimmte Körperhaltung
  3. Veranlagung genannt, wird eine erworbene verursachte erhöhte Anfälligkeit von Krankheiten.
  4. willentliche Fokussierung der Aufmerksamkeit auf eine bestimmte Tätigkeit
  5. stark eingeschränkte Beweglichkeit
  6. unwillkürlicher Verlust von Urin
  7. Stunden, Jahre, Wochen bezeichnet man als:
  8. Zuckerkrankheit auf Griechisch

15 Clues: Lähmung auf GriechischZuckerkrankheit auf Griechischunwillkürlicher Verlust von Urinstark eingeschränkte BeweglichkeitAbsterben von Zellen als FachbegriffFachbegriff für schweres ÜbergewichtStunden, Jahre, Wochen bezeichnet man als:Positionierung in eine bestimmte KörperhaltungFörderung und Erhaltung der Bewegungsfähigkeit...

non cummunicable diseases 2021-07-15

non cummunicable diseases crossword puzzle
  1. a major risk factor
  2. cancer cells are destroyed by what
  3. a substance in alcohol and cigarettes
  4. the main type of disease
  5. sexually transmitted disease
  6. found in alcohol that is addictive
  7. another name for noncommunicable diseases
  1. a person who shouldn't get the disease
  2. what do people smoke in order for them to get the disease
  3. slows down the nervous system
  4. type of tumour
  5. one type of noncummunicable disease
  6. found in cigarettes that is addictive
  7. what reduces when you stop smoking tobacco
  8. the cause of not eating healthy

15 Clues: type of tumoura major risk factorthe main type of diseasesexually transmitted diseaseslows down the nervous systemthe cause of not eating healthycancer cells are destroyed by whatfound in alcohol that is addictiveone type of noncummunicable diseasea substance in alcohol and cigarettesfound in cigarettes that is addictive...

Ear and Eye Vocabulary Crossword 2022-05-12

Ear and Eye Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Farsighted
  2. Black spots or filmy shapes
  3. Caused by staphylococcal infection of the sebaceous gland.
  4. Nearsighted
  5. Bright flashes of light
  6. Abornomal deviation of the eye
  1. Increased intraocular pressure leading to damage of the retina and optic nerve
  2. What is used to diagnose glaucoma
  3. dropping of the upper eyelid
  4. Partial loss of vision due to "lazy eye"
  5. Disease of the eye caused by diabetes
  6. Repeated, rhythmic movements of one or both eyes
  7. Clouding of the lens of the eye
  8. Inflammation of the eyelid
  9. Loss of vision due to old age

15 Clues: FarsightedNearsightedBright flashes of lightInflammation of the eyelidBlack spots or filmy shapesdropping of the upper eyelidLoss of vision due to old ageAbornomal deviation of the eyeClouding of the lens of the eyeWhat is used to diagnose glaucomaDisease of the eye caused by diabetesPartial loss of vision due to "lazy eye"...

5.Excretion in Humans 2022-09-21

5.Excretion in Humans crossword puzzle
  1. Gives yellowish tinge to the urine
  2. The process of expulsion of the urine
  3. presence of glucose in the urine
  4. breakdown of excessive amino acids in the liver
  5. opening of the urinary bladder
  6. Blood is filtered by the machine
  7. Removal of harmful metabolic waste
  1. block the path of urine
  2. Accessory excretory organs
  3. To maintain the water and salt
  4. Inner lighter region
  5. Combination of water,urine,uric acid and salts
  6. a narrow tube originate from the kidney
  7. Functional unit of kidney
  8. Situated towards the back of the abdomen

15 Clues: Inner lighter regionblock the path of urineFunctional unit of kidneyAccessory excretory organsTo maintain the water and saltopening of the urinary bladderpresence of glucose in the urineBlood is filtered by the machineGives yellowish tinge to the urineRemoval of harmful metabolic wasteThe process of expulsion of the urine...

Non-Communicable Disease - Jones 2024-01-26

Non-Communicable Disease - Jones crossword puzzle
  1. Affects over 16 million Americans
  2. A time period with no symptoms
  3. Something caused by unregulated cell growth
  4. Caused by exposure to hazardous agent
  5. Causes strokes and other medical problems
  6. Cell growth that is harmful
  7. Cell growth that is harmless
  8. What diabetics need to live
  9. Usually treated with inahlers
  1. A disease that affects the lungs or heart
  2. Affects the blood vessels in the lungs
  3. An inability to produce enough insulin
  4. Blood cannot get to the brain
  5. A treatment for cancer
  6. Affects the heart and blood

15 Clues: A treatment for cancerAffects the heart and bloodCell growth that is harmfulWhat diabetics need to liveCell growth that is harmlessBlood cannot get to the brainUsually treated with inahlersA time period with no symptomsAffects over 16 million AmericansCaused by exposure to hazardous agentAffects the blood vessels in the lungs...

Nature Crossword 2024-01-30

Nature Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. synonym to heal
  2. when something is rough and sharp
  3. a place with muddy water
  4. when scientists explore something, investigation
  5. a scientist, who studies plants and animals
  6. a journey, where scientists do research
  7. a scientist who studies plants
  8. when something is brigt and gives out light
  1. synonym to illness
  2. a type of animals, that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles etc
  3. something extremely interesting and awesome
  4. when you hold something tightly
  5. an illnes, where your body lacks in insulin
  6. something really big, giant
  7. something strange or weird

15 Clues: synonym to healsynonym to illnessa place with muddy watersomething strange or weirdsomething really big, gianta scientist who studies plantswhen you hold something tightlywhen something is rough and sharpa journey, where scientists do researchsomething extremely interesting and awesomean illnes, where your body lacks in insulin...

Tarttumattomat taudit kpl 8-10 2023-11-27

Tarttumattomat taudit kpl 8-10 crossword puzzle
  1. Aivovaltimon repeämä
  2. Taudin syntyyn vaikuttavat sekä elintavat että perimä
  3. Sydämeen hapekasta verta tuovat valtimot ovat ahtautuneet
  4. Aivovaltimon ahtautuminen
  5. Alkuperäisestä syöpäkasvaimesta imusuonten tai verisuonten kautta muualle kehoon levinneitä syöpäsoluja
  6. Suurin yksittäinen syy syövän syntyyn
  7. Haiman verenkiertoon erittämä elintärkeä hormoni
  8. Naisten yleisin syöpä Suomessa
  9. Miesten yleisin syöpä Suomessa
  10. Maailman yleisin syöpäsairaus
  11. Elimistön tila, jossa verensokeri laskee liian alas
  12. Aineenvaihduntasairaus, jossa ilmenee häiriö haiman insuliinituotannossa
  1. Sydänlihaksen äkillinen hapenpuute vaurioittaa sydämen
  2. Solujen heikentynyt kyky reagoida insuliiniin
  3. Aiheutuu valtimoiden ahtautumisesta ja kovettumisesta
  4. Ahtautuneen sepelvaltimon hoitomuoto
  5. Ryhmä sairauksia, joissa esiintyy pahanlaatuisia kasvaimia
  6. Syöpää aiheuttava aine tai muu tekijä, esim. tupakan terva, UV-säteily

18 Clues: Aivovaltimon repeämäAivovaltimon ahtautuminenMaailman yleisin syöpäsairausNaisten yleisin syöpä SuomessaMiesten yleisin syöpä SuomessaAhtautuneen sepelvaltimon hoitomuotoSuurin yksittäinen syy syövän syntyynSolujen heikentynyt kyky reagoida insuliiniinHaiman verenkiertoon erittämä elintärkeä hormoni...

Halloween 2022-10-27

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. has a really ugly nose
  2. often find them on the back of a witch's broom
  3. most beloved holiday by kids
  4. where youll find multiple corpses
  1. its seeds are really good
  2. job after death
  3. if you throw yourself off a cliff
  4. a spooky month
  5. definition of diabetes

9 Clues: a spooky monthjob after deathhas a really ugly nosedefinition of diabetesits seeds are really goodmost beloved holiday by kidsif you throw yourself off a cliffwhere youll find multiple corpsesoften find them on the back of a witch's broom

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome 2023-12-01

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome crossword puzzle
  1. signs and symptoms
  2. complication
  3. most common adverse effect to these medications
  4. can look like this at first
  5. complication
  1. signs and symptoms
  2. risk factor if you have a history of ______
  3. complication
  4. what it can feel like
  5. NANDA: Impaired Skin _________
  6. system that determines mortality rate
  7. Assess ________ for rash, signs/symptoms of SJS

12 Clues: complicationcomplicationcomplicationsigns and symptomssigns and symptomswhat it can feel likecan look like this at firstNANDA: Impaired Skin _________system that determines mortality raterisk factor if you have a history of ______most common adverse effect to these medicationsAssess ________ for rash, signs/symptoms of SJS


CROSSWORD QUIZ crossword puzzle
  1. what is put on after blood is drawn
  2. put on around the arm
  3. used to draw blood
  4. "bugs" in the lab
  5. what urine goes in
  6. phlebotomist wants this from you
  7. color of test tube that contains EDTA
  1. another dame for our doctors
  2. protects from bodily fluids
  3. keeps track of how long a test takes
  4. increased in diabetes and when you have to many twinkies
  5. reference lab
  6. used to clean the arm

13 Clues: reference lab"bugs" in the labused to draw bloodwhat urine goes input on around the armused to clean the armprotects from bodily fluidsanother dame for our doctorsphlebotomist wants this from youwhat is put on after blood is drawnkeeps track of how long a test takescolor of test tube that contains EDTA...

Injectie puzzel 2022-02-21

Injectie puzzel crossword puzzle
  1. (Injecteren) In de huid
  2. stap 2 bij prikaccident?
  3. Welk landelijk protocol volgen wij bij prikaccidenten?
  4. Stap 3 bij prikaccident?
  5. Een te hoog suikergehalte in het bloed
  1. (Injecteren) Onder de huid..
  2. Zo noem je een naald met beschermkapje
  3. zo noemen we suiker in het lichaam
  4. Waar laat je het dopje van een ampul?
  5. Wat doen we het eerst bij prikaccident?
  6. Suikerziekte
  7. (Injecteren) In de spier
  8. Een te laag suikergehalte in het bloed

13 Clues: Suikerziekte(Injecteren) In de huidstap 2 bij prikaccident?(Injecteren) In de spierStap 3 bij prikaccident?(Injecteren) Onder de huid..zo noemen we suiker in het lichaamWaar laat je het dopje van een ampul?Zo noem je een naald met beschermkapjeEen te hoog suikergehalte in het bloedEen te laag suikergehalte in het bloed...

Proteínas Enzimas Carboidratos 2022-06-09

Proteínas Enzimas Carboidratos crossword puzzle
  1. fonte de energia para o sistema nervoso central
  3. unidades básicas dos carboidratos
  4. fonte de carboidrato
  5. secretada pelas células beta do pâncreas para baixar a glicose
  6. secretado pelas células alfa do pâncreas para aumentar a glicose
  1. proteína presente em ossos, cartilagem pele
  2. proteína de transporte de oxigênio
  3. doença provocada pela falta de insulina
  4. proteínas catalisadoras de reações biológicas
  5. macromoléculas formadas por uma sequência de aminoácidos.
  6. unidades básicas das proteínas
  7. açúcar das frutas

13 Clues: FONTE DE PROTEÍNAaçúcar das frutasfonte de carboidratounidades básicas das proteínasunidades básicas dos carboidratosproteína de transporte de oxigêniodoença provocada pela falta de insulinaproteína presente em ossos, cartilagem peleproteínas catalisadoras de reações biológicasfonte de energia para o sistema nervoso central...

Early Childhood 2023-08-24

Early Childhood crossword puzzle
  1. when the body doesn't get enough nutrients.
  2. essential for good health and nutrition
  3. A substance that causes an allergic reaction.
  4. insufficient intake of energy
  1. Hormone that lowers the level of glucose
  2. Eating too much
  3. too much sugar in the blood
  4. A reaction to something
  5. current nutrition guide published
  6. shock life-threatening allergic reaction that can develop rapidly
  7. Have a balanced diet
  8. a substance used by an organism to survive
  9. Fears everything

13 Clues: Eating too muchFears everythingHave a balanced dietA reaction to somethingtoo much sugar in the bloodinsufficient intake of energycurrent nutrition guide publishedessential for good health and nutritionHormone that lowers the level of glucosea substance used by an organism to survivewhen the body doesn't get enough nutrients....

Chapter 12 2024-02-12

Chapter 12 crossword puzzle
  1. substances that target and kill pathogenic bacteria
  2. mass of abnormal cells
  3. inflammation of the joints
  4. eliminates live pathogens
  5. viral infection of the respiratory system
  6. microorganisms that cause communicable diseases
  7. medical emergency that stops flow of blood to brain
  1. pinkeye
  2. kissing disease
  3. viral or bacterial infection that affects the tonsils
  4. autoimmune disease
  5. complex disease that typically involves an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells
  6. chronic disease persons airway is contrict and filled with mucus

13 Clues: pinkeyekissing diseaseautoimmune diseasemass of abnormal cellseliminates live pathogensinflammation of the jointsviral infection of the respiratory systemmicroorganisms that cause communicable diseasessubstances that target and kill pathogenic bacteriamedical emergency that stops flow of blood to brain...

Endangered Animals Crossword 2023-12-14

Endangered Animals Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Rosa Parks and the NAACP, for an example
  2. eg: Washington, Oregon and Idaho
  3. result of one too many Christmas desserts
  4. small progress
  5. what Dodo birds went through
  6. could be the start of an unlikely friendship
  1. variety of life on Earth
  2. the human ___
  3. what the "C" of ITFC stands for
  4. an agreement that prevents arguments
  5. eg: giant pandas, Asian elephants
  6. "what was your ___ for making this decision?"
  7. hinders (or a bin used for dirty clothing)

13 Clues: the human ___small progressvariety of life on Earthwhat Dodo birds went throughwhat the "C" of ITFC stands foreg: Washington, Oregon and Idahoeg: giant pandas, Asian elephantsan agreement that prevents argumentsRosa Parks and the NAACP, for an exampleresult of one too many Christmas dessertshinders (or a bin used for dirty clothing)...

November 2021-11-10

November crossword puzzle
  1. Typically our staff ____________ event lands this month.
  2. An eight day Jewish holiday in memory of the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
  3. ________ awareness month.
  4. Autumn Hindu festival.
  5. No shave November may also be called ________.
  6. Starting this month we are in a time off ________.
  7. Sign after libra.
  8. Period before Christmas.
  1. The archer.
  2. Those who died in World War I and World War II are commemorated on this day.
  3. Birth of Christ.
  4. Birth flower.
  5. Hawaii doesn’t observe it.
  6. The fall.
  7. ______ moon. Aquatic rodent.
  8. Butter colour.
  9. November 25th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against _____.
  10. Yellow precious stone.

18 Clues: The fall.The archer.Birth flower.Butter colour.Birth of Christ.Sign after libra.Autumn Hindu festival.Yellow precious stone.Period before Christmas.________ awareness month.Hawaii doesn’t observe it.______ moon. Aquatic rodent.No shave November may also be called ________.Starting this month we are in a time off ________....

Summative 2024-02-06

Summative crossword puzzle
  1. pink and sore skin from too much time in the sun
  2. not good for you
  3. lasting a long time
  4. something that works well
  5. get older
  6. something that happens in your mind
  7. lines on your skin
  8. water in the air
  9. put on spread
  10. there are two of these on the right and left near you stomach
  1. where your food goes after you eat it
  2. this is inside your head
  3. try yo make someone well when they're ill of injured
  4. a medicine or other treatment
  5. cancer, heart problems diabetes
  6. worry
  7. not sick
  8. hurt, harm or break something.

18 Clues: worrynot sickget olderput on spreadnot good for youwater in the airlines on your skinlasting a long timethis is inside your headsomething that works wella medicine or other treatmenthurt, harm or break something.cancer, heart problems diabetessomething that happens in your mindwhere your food goes after you eat it...

Cruzada 2019-04-09

Cruzada crossword puzzle
  1. lesão causada na retina pela diabetes
  2. lesão por aplicação de insulina mesmo lugar
  3. placas de gordura na artéria
  4. hormonio ligado ao aumento da glicose no sangue
  1. substancia abundante no sangue do diabético
  2. envelhecimento da artéria
  3. açucar das frutas
  4. pressão arterial elevada
  5. celulas produtoras de insulina

9 Clues: açucar das frutaspressão arterial elevadaenvelhecimento da artériaplacas de gordura na artériacelulas produtoras de insulinalesão causada na retina pela diabetessubstancia abundante no sangue do diabéticolesão por aplicação de insulina mesmo lugarhormonio ligado ao aumento da glicose no sangue


SISTEM EKSKRESI crossword puzzle
  1. mengalirnya urine menuju kantong kemih
  2. mengangkut oksigen dan nutrisi ke jaringan dalam lapisan dermis
  3. berjumlah sepasang dan terletak di kanan dan kiri
  4. peradangan karena bakteri streptococcus
  5. tempat pertukaran oksigen dan karbon dioksida
  6. unit fungsional dan struktur terkecil pada ginjal
  7. tersusun atas sel-sel mati yang mudah mengelupas
  1. untuk membantu melembapkan kulit
  2. pembengkakan pada hati
  3. penyumbatan pada kelenjar minyak
  4. pelindung paru-paru
  5. terletak di bagian kanan atas rongga perut di bawah diafragma
  6. salah satu penyakit yang menyerang organ ginjal
  7. memberikan warna pada urine
  8. terbentuknya unrine sekunder

15 Clues: pelindung paru-parupembengkakan pada hatimemberikan warna pada urineterbentuknya unrine sekunderuntuk membantu melembapkan kulitpenyumbatan pada kelenjar minyakmengalirnya urine menuju kantong kemihperadangan karena bakteri streptococcustempat pertukaran oksigen dan karbon dioksidasalah satu penyakit yang menyerang organ ginjal...

HEALTH and DISEASES 03-10-2015 2015-10-03

HEALTH and DISEASES  03-10-2015 crossword puzzle
  1. First Antibiotic.
  2. Alexander the Great was defeated by Indian. ...
  3. Fear of. ....:associated with Rabies.
  4. Something that is acquired by birth.
  5. A place where a diseased person is taken care of.
  6. India is completely free from this disease.
  1. Diabetes, Heart attack and Asthma are examples for. ..diseases.
  2. The Silent Killer disease.
  3. The process of determining a disease.
  4. If you have low RBC count, that is. ..
  5. Malaria, literally refers to bad. ...
  6. Study of diseases.
  7. Study of tumors/cancer.
  8. ...accumulates in your body if you have jaundice.
  9. Swine flu:Swine-

15 Clues: Swine flu:Swine-First Antibiotic.Study of diseases.Study of tumors/cancer.The Silent Killer disease.Something that is acquired by birth.The process of determining a disease.Malaria, literally refers to bad. ...Fear of. ....:associated with Rabies.If you have low RBC count, that is. ..India is completely free from this disease....

v 2017-03-22

v crossword puzzle
  1. This flows through the body and is pumped out by the heart
  2. Loss of consciousness
  3. Too much blood sugar
  4. Disease where insulin production is impaired
  5. # of chambers of the art
  6. Too little blood sugar
  7. Shocks the heart to restart it
  8. Another name for the cardiovascular system
  9. Common cold
  1. Heat stroke
  2. a condition brought on by a trigger
  3. Can get this by being bitten by a tick
  4. Occurs when your heart cannot get enough oxygen
  5. What to do if someone is choking
  6. Neurological disorder that causes seizures

15 Clues: Heat strokeCommon coldToo much blood sugarLoss of consciousnessToo little blood sugar# of chambers of the artShocks the heart to restart itWhat to do if someone is chokinga condition brought on by a triggerCan get this by being bitten by a tickAnother name for the cardiovascular systemNeurological disorder that causes seizures...

Patina 2024-05-20

Patina crossword puzzle
  1. Academy-What school does she go to
  2. The condition her mom got paralyzed to
  3. Her track coach
  4. Her old bestfriend
  5. patinas sister
  1. What patina struggles with mentally
  2. What did he dad used to call her
  3. Patinas age
  4. How long its been since Patinas dad passed away
  5. What color beads does her sister use
  6. What place did she get in the first race
  7. What motivated Patina to start running
  8. what sport does she do
  9. Who is her best friend in track
  10. main character

15 Clues: Patinas agemain characterpatinas sisterHer track coachHer old bestfriendwhat sport does she doWho is her best friend in trackWhat did he dad used to call herAcademy-What school does she go toWhat patina struggles with mentallyWhat color beads does her sister useThe condition her mom got paralyzed toWhat motivated Patina to start running...

8th grade health vocab 2019-01-08

8th grade health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the body is unable to process sugars
  2. blocks uv rays
  3. cpr
  4. used to sanitize tools
  5. cpr without the mouth to mouth contact
  6. used to control pests
  1. rain that is more acidic than usual
  2. skin doctor
  3. how to stop someone from choking
  4. trapping gases
  5. pit where waste is discarded
  6. small part of the brain is damaged
  7. someone with a lot of knowledge on a particular topic

13 Clues: cprskin doctortrapping gasesblocks uv raysused to control pestsused to sanitize toolspit where waste is discardedhow to stop someone from chokingsmall part of the brain is damagedrain that is more acidic than usualthe body is unable to process sugarscpr without the mouth to mouth contactsomeone with a lot of knowledge on a particular topic

PIPO 2019-01-11

PIPO crossword puzzle
  1. Als je wil afvallen moet je .... tellen
  2. Stoffen waaruit een voedingsmiddel is samengesteld
  3. Ander woord voor suikerziekte
  4. Merk van appelsiensap
  5. Iets wat niet op een natuurlijke manier gebeurt
  6. Verzamelnaam voor cola, fanta, sprite,...
  1. Vloeistof met 1 of meerdere stoffen in grote hoeveelheden
  2. Systeem die hormonen afscheiden
  3. Verdedigingssysteem met als doel indringers bestrijden
  4. packs Smaakpakket in het Engels
  5. Stof die toegevoegd wordt aan een voedingsmiddel
  6. Een bestanddeel van een mengsel
  7. Ook fruitsuiker genoemd

13 Clues: Merk van appelsiensapOok fruitsuiker genoemdAnder woord voor suikerziekteSysteem die hormonen afscheidenpacks Smaakpakket in het EngelsEen bestanddeel van een mengselAls je wil afvallen moet je .... tellenVerzamelnaam voor cola, fanta, sprite,...Iets wat niet op een natuurlijke manier gebeurtStof die toegevoegd wordt aan een voedingsmiddel...

ANEMIA 2021-03-31

ANEMIA crossword puzzle
  1. another name for white blood cells
  2. most common symptom of anemia
  3. what makes red blood cells
  4. a problem with the rhythm of the heart
  5. milk that is low in iron
  6. type of blood cell
  1. can be used to control ongoing bleeding
  2. iron is needed to make this
  3. cells that are stiff and sticky
  4. low red blood cell count
  5. a high risk for anemia
  6. Helps distribute nutrients
  7. organ that removes old blood cells

13 Clues: type of blood cella high risk for anemialow red blood cell countmilk that is low in ironHelps distribute nutrientswhat makes red blood cellsiron is needed to make thismost common symptom of anemiacells that are stiff and stickyanother name for white blood cellsorgan that removes old blood cellsa problem with the rhythm of the heart...

Injectie puzzel 2022-02-21

Injectie puzzel crossword puzzle
  1. (Injecteren) In de huid
  2. stap 2 bij prikaccident?
  3. Welk landelijk protocol volgen wij bij prikaccidenten?
  4. Stap 3 bij prikaccident?
  5. Een te hoog suikergehalte in het bloed
  1. (Injecteren) Onder de huid..
  2. Zo noem je een naald met beschermkapje
  3. zo noemen we suiker in het lichaam
  4. Waar laat je het dopje van een ampul?
  5. Wat doen we het eerst bij prikaccident?
  6. Suikerziekte
  7. (Injecteren) In de spier
  8. Een te laag suikergehalte in het bloed

13 Clues: Suikerziekte(Injecteren) In de huidstap 2 bij prikaccident?(Injecteren) In de spierStap 3 bij prikaccident?(Injecteren) Onder de huid..zo noemen we suiker in het lichaamWaar laat je het dopje van een ampul?Zo noem je een naald met beschermkapjeEen te hoog suikergehalte in het bloedEen te laag suikergehalte in het bloed...

Dietary Patterns and BP Crossword 2023-10-05

Dietary Patterns and BP Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. _____ approach to increase generalizability
  2. substance used to collect data on potassium, calcium, and phosphorus excretion
  3. Dietary Approaches to Stop __________ (DASH)
  4. primary outcome: change in _____ BP
  5. blood pressure in PICOT
  1. 24hr monitoring
  2. the fruit & vegetable and combination diets
  3. cannot participate if this is > 35
  4. a unit for measuring BP
  5. a lot a lot of lipids (and cholesterol) in the blood
  6. limited to two per day
  7. A major exclusion criteria: Diabetes _______
  8. acronym for study design

13 Clues: 24hr monitoringlimited to two per daya unit for measuring BPblood pressure in PICOTacronym for study designcannot participate if this is > 35primary outcome: change in _____ BPthe fruit & vegetable and combination diets_____ approach to increase generalizabilityA major exclusion criteria: Diabetes _______Dietary Approaches to Stop __________ (DASH)...

test 2016-10-24

test crossword puzzle
  1. Annual Routine ________ ____ – a yearly visit with your provider. In this visit, your provider evaluates your body and its functions using inspection, palpation (feeling with the hands), percussion (tapping with the fingers), and auscultation (listening).
  2. Medicare’s ________ Visit – a yearly visit with your provider or his/her staff to develop or update a personalized prevention help plan to prevent disease based in your heath and risk factors.
  3. A routine ___ exam (eye refraction) to determine the need for eyeglasses/contacts, once per calendar year. Original Medicare doesn’t cover this visit.
  4. Screening for ____ cancer with low dose computed tomography (LDCT) for people who have a history of tobacco smoking but no signs or symptoms of lung cancer.
  5. _____________ – covered services include Pneumonia vaccine, flu shots, and the Hepatitis B vaccine.
  6. ________ and vaginal cancer screening – covered include pap tests and pelvic exams every 24 months for all women.
  7. ________ screening – we cover this screening if you have a history of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, a history of abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, or a family history of diabetes.
  1. Screening _________ – Breast cancer screening that is covered every calendar year for women age 40 and older.
  2. ________ cancer screening exams for men age 50 and older include a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test and a digital rectal exam
  3. Annual _____________ exam – our name for the visit members get when they schedule their Annual Routine Physical Exam and their Medicare Wellness Visit back-to-back on the same day.
  4. _______ use cessation – if you use tobacco, but do not have signs or symptoms of tobacco-related disease, we cover two counseling quit attempts.
  5. ____ Mass Measurement – for people at risk of osteoporosis or of losing bone mass, procedures to identify bone mass, detect bone loss, or determine bone quality, are covered.
  6. _______ screening and therapy to promote sustained weight loss – For people with a body mass index of 30 or more, we cover intensive counseling in a primary care setting to help in weight loss.
  7. Screening ___________ – Colorectal cancer screening that is covered every 10 years, or every 2 years for people at high risk of colorectal cancer.
  8. For people with diabetes, screening for ________ retinopathy is covered once per year.
  9. ___ – a yearly “fecal immunochemical test” is an alternative to a screening colonoscopy.

16 Clues: For people with diabetes, screening for ________ retinopathy is covered once per year.___ – a yearly “fecal immunochemical test” is an alternative to a screening colonoscopy._____________ – covered services include Pneumonia vaccine, flu shots, and the Hepatitis B vaccine....

Paleo Diet 2014-05-21

Paleo Diet crossword puzzle
  1. lowers risk of ____
  2. This diet does not consist ____
  3. High in ____
  1. Not needed in this diet
  2. people with this should use this diet
  3. Also Known As
  4. lack in _____

7 Clues: High in ____Also Known Aslack in _____lowers risk of ____Not needed in this dietThis diet does not consist ____people with this should use this diet

Health conditions 2023-06-05

Health conditions crossword puzzle
  1. sclerosis Which physical disability/ condition affects the brain and spinal cord, potentially causing problems with vision, arm and leg movement, sensation and balance?
  2. Glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration are all sensory impairments associated with which sense?
  3. Which condition has common triggers that include allergies, exercise, pollution and cold air?
  4. High blood pressure, fatigue, low self-esteem, coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes are all possible risks associated with which health condition?
  5. Diabetes is caused by problems with which hormone?
  1. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is caused by a build of fatty substances in which blood vessels?
  2. Which condition, predominantly affecting older people, causes difficulty in moving joints due to pain, swelling and stiffness?
  3. Which condition causes memory loss, difficulty with information processing and potential issues with speech?
  4. What is the main cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?

9 Clues: Diabetes is caused by problems with which hormone?What is the main cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?Coronary heart disease (CHD) is caused by a build of fatty substances in which blood vessels?Which condition has common triggers that include allergies, exercise, pollution and cold air?...

Diabetes Mellitus and Glycemia Management 2024-05-29

Diabetes Mellitus and Glycemia Management crossword puzzle
  1. Which insulin is used as a bolus or Correctional insulin to cover meals
  2. What is another name for "Correctional Insulin"
  3. Result that appears on Accuchek machine if blood sugar is less than 40 mg/dL
  4. When should you document contacting the physician
  5. Defined as a blood sugar level of 70 mg/dL or less
  6. Where to document Hypoglycemic episodes and interventions
  7. If Accuchek machine displays RRLo or RRHi, you should automatically _____ the test
  1. Who to notify if patient is treated for Hypoglycemic episode or has multiple elevated blood sugars
  2. You can find the "Diabetes Mellitus and Glycemia Management Protocol/Policy" in ________
  3. ____-_____Insulin should NOT be held just because the patient doesn't want to eat yet. Contact Physician to clarify order/dose first
  4. The "Hypoglycemia Treatment Algorithm" should be activated for blood sugars less than or equal to ______
  5. Side Effect of glucagon that would require us to place patient on their side after administration
  6. Which insulin is used as a long-acting insulin
  7. CBG's should be done no more than ______ minutes prior to insulin administration
  8. Result that appears on Accuchek machine if blood sugar is greater than 500 mg/dL
  9. ONLY type of insulin allowed to be administered through an IV

16 Clues: Which insulin is used as a long-acting insulinWhat is another name for "Correctional Insulin"When should you document contacting the physicianDefined as a blood sugar level of 70 mg/dL or lessWhere to document Hypoglycemic episodes and interventionsONLY type of insulin allowed to be administered through an IV...

Jim Bob's fitness challenge 2016-11-03

Jim Bob's fitness challenge crossword puzzle
  1. elements needed in small amounts
  2. natural greasy or oily substance fouynd in animals
  3. salt
  4. substance needed in small quantities
  5. desire to eat
  6. starches and sugars
  7. best level of health
  8. condition in which bones slowly lose their mineral content
  9. waxy animal fats
  10. indigestible plant substance
  11. building blocks that make up nutrients
  12. substance that is important for body growth
  1. nutrient that builds and repairs body cells
  2. disease in which the body’s inability to produce enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood.
  3. craving for food
  4. foods high in calories but low in nutrient
  5. unit that measures energy used
  6. entire edible grain

18 Clues: saltdesire to eatcraving for foodwaxy animal fatsstarches and sugarsentire edible grainbest level of healthindigestible plant substanceunit that measures energy usedelements needed in small amountssubstance needed in small quantitiesbuilding blocks that make up nutrientsfoods high in calories but low in nutrient...

Unit 2 Child Development 2022-11-03

Unit 2 Child Development crossword puzzle
  1. Time between conception and birth
  2. 3 copies of chromosome 21
  3. Muscle tightening or shortening
  4. Developing feeling of affection
  5. healthy blood cells are low
  6. birth with no medication
  7. takes place conception and birth
  8. 1 or ore abnormalities in genome
  9. Baby born too soon
  1. Expulsion from mom before 20 weeks
  2. Bodies inability to use sugar
  3. Movements felt by the mother
  4. being unable to carry a bio child
  5. when babies come from the same egg
  6. Loss of a fetus after 20 weeks
  7. Baby from birth to 1 month old
  8. Organ that nourishes the baby
  9. Female reproductive System

18 Clues: Baby born too soonbirth with no medication3 copies of chromosome 21Female reproductive Systemhealthy blood cells are lowMovements felt by the motherBodies inability to use sugarOrgan that nourishes the babyLoss of a fetus after 20 weeksBaby from birth to 1 month oldMuscle tightening or shorteningDeveloping feeling of affection...

4th Period Crossword 2022-08-10

4th Period Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. I play guitar and like to draw a lot
  2. I have type 1 diabetes
  3. I have played the trombone for four years
  4. I can do a bird whistle
  5. I love to play PS4
  6. I am allergic to grass
  7. I play cello
  8. I have done a poem series
  9. I'm from California
  10. I really like Holland Lop bunnies
  1. I play basketball
  2. I like to go on walks with my dog
  3. I broke my thumb two times while skating
  4. I like fashion design and history
  5. I like to make money
  6. I play COD Warzone and Madden
  7. I love video editing
  8. I am left-handed

18 Clues: I play celloI am left-handedI play basketballI love to play PS4I'm from CaliforniaI like to make moneyI love video editingI have type 1 diabetesI am allergic to grassI can do a bird whistleI have done a poem seriesI play COD Warzone and MaddenI like to go on walks with my dogI like fashion design and historyI really like Holland Lop bunnies...

Obesity pathophysiology and complication 2013-04-11

Obesity pathophysiology and complication crossword puzzle
  1. where fat is stored
  2. elevated blood pressure
  3. malignant neoplasm
  4. environment and genetics play roles
  5. disease that involves insulin
  1. a change in the DNA or chromosomal arrangement
  2. a section of chromosome that codes for a protein
  3. thickening of arterial wall
  4. protein hormone that acts on hypothalamus

9 Clues: malignant neoplasmwhere fat is storedelevated blood pressurethickening of arterial walldisease that involves insulinenvironment and genetics play rolesprotein hormone that acts on hypothalamusa change in the DNA or chromosomal arrangementa section of chromosome that codes for a protein

depression drugs 2023-03-18

depression drugs crossword puzzle
  1. common indication between sertraline and paroxetine
  2. trazadone indication
  3. amitriptyline counseling point
  4. CI in patients with history of eating disorders and seizure disorder
  5. take ER trazadone ______ food
  6. can cause increased cholesterol and weight gain
  7. indicated for vasomotor symptoms of menopause
  1. CI in acute recovery phase after MI
  2. indicated for bipolar depression and bulimia
  3. interact with CYP1A2 and CYP2D6
  4. indicated for fibromyalgia, MDD, GAD, pain, neuropathy with diabetes
  5. MOA of bupropion
  6. indicated for MDD, GAD, social anxiety, and panic disorder
  7. dose adjustment for venlafaxine
  8. trazadone monitoring
  9. SSRI indicated for social anxiety disorder
  10. indicated for smoking cessation
  11. monitor ECG, can cause cardiac conduction abnormalities

18 Clues: MOA of bupropiontrazadone indicationtrazadone monitoringtake ER trazadone ______ foodamitriptyline counseling pointinteract with CYP1A2 and CYP2D6dose adjustment for venlafaxineindicated for smoking cessationCI in acute recovery phase after MISSRI indicated for social anxiety disorderindicated for bipolar depression and bulimia...

Urinary System Crossword Puzzle 1 2022-07-26

Urinary System Crossword Puzzle 1 crossword puzzle
  1. The ____ corpuscle consists of the glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule
  2. The renal _____ is the medullary area of the renal pyramids where collecting ducts empty urine into the minor calyces
  3. Absence of urine produced; production of 50 mL or less per day
  4. Finger-like projections of podocytes surrounding glomerular capillaries; interdigitate to form a filtration membrane
  5. Cup-like structures receiving urine from the collecting ducts where it passes on to the renal pelvis and ureter
  6. functional units of the kidney that carry out all filtration and modification to produce urine; consist of renal corpuscles, proximal and distal convoluted tubules, and descending and ascending loops of Henle; drain into collecting ducts
  7. Presence of glucose in the urine; caused by high blood glucose levels that exceed the ability of the kidneys to reabsorb the glucose; usually the result of untreated or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
  8. The ________ micturition center is a group of neurons in the sacral region of the spinal cord that controls urination; acts reflexively unless its action is modified by higher brain centers to allow voluntary urination
  9. ______ I is a protein produced by the enzymatic action of renin on angiotensinogen; inactive precursor of angiotensin II
  1. _______ feedback is feedback mechanism involving the JGA; macula densa cells monitor Na+ concentration in the terminal portion of the ascending loop of Henle and act to cause vasoconstriction or vasodilation of afferent and efferent arterioles to alter GFR
  2. Inner region of kidney containing the renal pyramids
  3. ______ tight junctions are tight junctions in which the sealing strands of proteins between the membranes of adjacent cells are fewer in number and incomplete; allows limited intercellular movement of solvent and solutes
  4. Plant polysaccharide injected to determine GFR; is neither secreted nor absorbed by the kidney, so its appearance in the urine is directly proportional to its filtration rate
  5. Urine production in excess of 2.5 L/day; may be caused by diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, or excessive use of diuretics
  6. _____ convoluted tubules are portions of the nephron distal to the loop of Henle that receive hyposmotic filtrate from the loop of Henle and empty into collecting ducts
  7. ______ arteriole is an arteriole carrying blood from the glomerulus to the capillary beds around the convoluted tubules and loop of Henle; portion of the portal system
  8. ____ recta are branches of the efferent arterioles that parallel the course of the loops of Henle and are continuous with the peritubular capillaries; with the glomerulus, form a portal system
  9. filtration _____ are formed by pedicels of podocytes; substances filter between the pedicels based on size

18 Clues: Inner region of kidney containing the renal pyramidsAbsence of urine produced; production of 50 mL or less per dayThe ____ corpuscle consists of the glomerulus and Bowman’s capsulefiltration _____ are formed by pedicels of podocytes; substances filter between the pedicels based on size...

Non-communicable Diseases 2017-02-06

Non-communicable Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. The passage of traits from a perent to their children.
  2. Deformity or birth defect.
  3. A serious chronic condition that causes tiny air passages in the respiratory to become narrow or blocked.
  4. It has factors that are the world’s leading causes of death and kills an estimated 35 million people each year.
  5. is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels.
  6. is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.
  7. Chest oain that results when the heart does not get enough oxygen .
  8. is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period.
  9. This treatment uses powerful medicines to kill cancer cells all through the body.
  10. The removal of a sample of tissue from a person for examination.
  11. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough _______________.
  12. An abnormal growth of tissue.
  13. Temporary or permanent loss of the blood supply to the brain.
  1. Are cancers of the immune system.
  2. the habitual misuse of alcohol.
  3. Tumors that are not cancerous.
  4. The return of cancer after a remission.
  5. POLLUTION Particulate matter has been studied for its short- and long-term exposure effects on cardiovascular disease.
  6. Substances that cause cancer.
  7. Tumors that are cancerous.
  8. intakes of saturated fat, trans-fats and salt, and low intake of fruits, vegetables and fish are linked to cardiovascular risk.
  9. are diseases of the airways and other structures of the lung.
  10. Disappearance of symptoms of cancer.
  11. Using this is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths.
  12. Characteristics that increase a person's chance of developing a disease

25 Clues: Deformity or birth defect.Tumors that are cancerous.Substances that cause cancer.An abnormal growth of tissue.Tumors that are not cancerous.the habitual misuse of alcohol.Are cancers of the immune system.Disappearance of symptoms of cancer.The return of cancer after a remission.The passage of traits from a perent to their children....

biomedical careers 2017-10-19

biomedical careers crossword puzzle
  1. Can teach about why it is important to take good care of your teeth
  2. Study the genes of humans and what can or cannot be passed down from generation to generation
  3. Captures scientific photos of underwater activity and marine life
  4. Identify and stop the spread of conatgous diseases
  5. Engineers a railroad and drives the equipment to make it
  6. Makes sure that the company’s standards are maintained
  7. Creating ways for people to do things if they have a disability that they could not do or had trouble doing
  8. Treats diseases and injuries of animals that are not human
  9. The chemical and physical properties of inland bodies of water
  10. Examine a patients ears and decide if they need hearing aids
  11. Can gather and study information to understand past events
  12. Study of animals and their habitat and behaviors
  1. Cares for patients who have trouble breathing
  2. Judge, edit, and monitor that accountability of researched papers
  3. Restores the abilities of someone after an injury or surgery
  4. Study the immune system and the body’s ability to fight diseases
  5. Studying atomic and molecular structures of crystals
  6. Study of fruits and vegetables and how they are produced
  7. Prepare and administer radioactive chemical compounds
  8. Uses alternative ways to treat patients, such as nutritional and postural
  9. Help people with diabetes understand what it means to have diabetes
  10. Writes to tell the public about science
  11. Collects samples of body fluids, tissues, and other substances to study\
  12. Balances human needs with non-human needs
  13. Studies mammals and their behaviors
  14. Can study and explain how the human body moves

26 Clues: Studies mammals and their behaviorsWrites to tell the public about scienceBalances human needs with non-human needsCares for patients who have trouble breathingCan study and explain how the human body movesStudy of animals and their habitat and behaviorsIdentify and stop the spread of conatgous diseases...

Children and Young Athletes 2013-07-25

Children and Young Athletes crossword puzzle
  1. Children should avoid exercise in these conditions.
  2. Children do not have the same ability to lose heat through this mechanism at the same rate as adults.
  3. Basic exercises, appropriate for children which use body weight for resistance.
  4. Asthmatics should avoid these.
  5. A common medication used for Asthma.
  6. The number of puffs of a reliever inhaler and time between repeating medication again.
  7. A common syndrome which affects the knee of teenagers.
  8. High blood glucose.
  9. A sign and symptom of an Asthma attack.
  10. Should used as a strategy to reduce the risk of an Asthma attack.
  11. Refers to the maintenance of a stable internal temperature independent of the temperature of the environment.
  12. A seizure with muscular spasms and convulsions.
  1. With a epileptic seizure never (8) the suffer.
  2. EIA
  3. Resistance with high repetitions through the full range of movement is a safe and appropriate form of resistance training for young athletes.
  4. Children should have these days to avoid overuse injuries.
  5. Injuries from repetitive actions which place too much stress on the bones and muscles.
  6. Is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin.
  7. Low blood glucose.
  8. Over 2 million Australians have this medical condition, with 1 in 6 children suffering from this condition.
  9. Resistance programs for children and young athletes should focus upon (9).
  10. This exercise is preferred form for Asthmatics.
  11. In most cases, sports are safe for children with epilepsy if they are closely (10).
  12. is a condition of recurring seizures due to a disturbance of the electrochemical activity in the brain.
  13. Is of considerable assistance in managing diabetes.

25 Clues: EIALow blood glucose.High blood glucose.Asthmatics should avoid these.A common medication used for Asthma.A sign and symptom of an Asthma attack.With a epileptic seizure never (8) the suffer.This exercise is preferred form for Asthmatics.A seizure with muscular spasms and convulsions.Children should avoid exercise in these conditions....

Brain Builder - Multiple Vitamins 2015-02-25

Brain Builder - Multiple Vitamins crossword puzzle
  1. Unlike resveratrol that is rapidly metabolized in the gut and liver, this antioxidant is not, thus it is more bioavailable and stable
  2. A new study suggests that supplementing the diet with this may benefit type 2 diabetes
  3. According to the CDC, the number of Americans older than 18 with this condition has tripled from 1980 to 2011
  4. Inorganic compounds essential to metabolism, bone density, cell composition, nervous system function and many other functions.
  5. A supporting compound found in some women's multi vitamin formulas to help support female-specific needs
  6. When the body can’t properly use insulin or blood sugar (2 wds)
  7. Lipase, Amylase, Bromelain and Papain (2 wds)
  8. Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Nettle, Echinacea
  9. A good multi should contain generous amounts of Vitamins A, E, C and D, as well as __________.
  1. Popular type of men's multivitamin formula because of risk of hemochromatosis (2 wds)
  2. The National Osteoporosis Society defines “deficiency” of this vitamin as less than 30 nmol/l
  3. An antioxidant (3 wds)
  4. Also known as "Syndrome X" (2 wds)
  5. A 2015 study suggests that daily consumption may benefit Metabolic Syndrome
  6. A naturally occurring antioxidant compound found in blueberries and grapes
  7. A term meaning "new formation of fat"
  8. Oxidation-quenching compounds that neutralize free radicals throughout the body to help keep cells healthy and stable
  9. A class of supporting compounds found in some comprehensive multi vitamin formulas (2 wds)
  10. A condition that occurs when the body absorbs iron at an abnormally high rate
  11. A prostate supporting compound found some in mens multi vitamin formulas (2 wds)
  12. A natural compound that helps support healthy bones and circulation (2 wds)

21 Clues: An antioxidant (3 wds)Also known as "Syndrome X" (2 wds)A term meaning "new formation of fat"Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Nettle, EchinaceaLipase, Amylase, Bromelain and Papain (2 wds)When the body can’t properly use insulin or blood sugar (2 wds)A naturally occurring antioxidant compound found in blueberries and grapes...

Homeostasis 2022-06-22

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. animals that maintain stable body temperature
  2. turns glycogen into glucose
  3. water filter for your blood
  4. Known as an useless organ
  5. maintain temperature by absorbing thermal energy from the environment
  6. remains 37 degrees
  7. Enzymes and building blocks
  8. located above the kidney
  9. acts like a human thermostat
  10. something this course gives me, increase of blood flow, oxygen and energy
  11. repeats every 28 days
  12. Chemical Symbol of Ca
  13. The Master Gland
  14. inflammation of the nephron
  15. Regulates rate of glucose oxidation in cells
  16. Secreted by Sertoli cells
  17. temperature regulation
  18. state of reduced metabolic rate and temperature
  19. maintain temperature by internal mechanisms
  20. water moving from highly concentrated to a low concentrated area
  21. mediator cells detect change and produce this
  22. Size of a fist and weighs ~0.5kg
  1. Hormone that initiates small contractions of the uterus
  2. lipid soluble, complex rings of C,H, O
  3. animals that match the temperature of the environment
  4. a lot is produced during puberty
  5. disposal of wastes
  6. Pale yellow fluid apart of blood
  7. control center of your brain n
  8. Where diabetes occurs
  9. bottom part of your brain
  10. may be up to 4 degrees lower then body temp on cold days
  11. process of regulating bodily fluids pressure
  12. before a female is born there are 1 million of these
  13. Soluble in water, contains chains of amino acids
  14. measure of acidity or basicness
  15. disease that does not produce enough insulin and increase of glucose levels
  16. The Self-Regulating Process
  17. Eggs leaves ovary
  18. chemical regulators
  19. stimulant that has the same effects as adrenaline
  20. helps synchronize biological clock

42 Clues: The Master GlandEggs leaves ovarydisposal of wastesremains 37 degreeschemical regulatorsWhere diabetes occursrepeats every 28 daysChemical Symbol of Catemperature regulationlocated above the kidneyKnown as an useless organbottom part of your brainSecreted by Sertoli cellsturns glycogen into glucosewater filter for your blood...

BC2 week 6 ICD-10-CM WTI 2021-05-05

BC2 week 6 ICD-10-CM WTI crossword puzzle
  1. NOS is equivalent to __________
  2. Type of code that contains the diagnosis and symptom
  3. Section o f the ear to find the tympanic membrane
  4. An encounter after the active phase of treatment represented by 7th character "D"
  5. a chronic or residual condition represented by 7th character "S"
  6. Death of tissue through disease or injury
  7. An “_______” code means that the condition is unknown at the time of coding.
  8. Codes used if no definitive diagnosis has been established(3 words)
  9. means "not included here"; this note instructs that the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code
  10. represented in a code by the letter X
  11. a red stop sign indicates that _________characters are needed to complete the code
  12. 3 character code that represents a single disease or condition
  13. The first character in all ICD-10-CM codes
  1. This encounter code is identified with 7th character "A"
  2. when searching for a code you always start with this index
  3. _____-_____ diagnosis; the primary reason for an encounter for outpatient settings (two words)
  4. Type of fracture that occurs as result of bone disease
  5. This type of hypertension has an unknown cause
  6. Code used for a past, personal history of a condition (separated by a hyphen -)
  7. _______ diagnosis; the primary reason for an encounter for inpatient settings
  8. A _______code is indicated by a yellow 1/2 circle
  9. maximum number of characters in a diagnosis code
  10. means "not coded here", The two conditions cannot be reported together. Also known as a pure excludes
  11. An “_____” code means that there are codes for some diagnoses, but there is not one specific for the patient's condition.
  12. The original site of a tumor
  13. This type of diabetes is often referred to as juvenile diabetes (spelled out)

26 Clues: The original site of a tumorNOS is equivalent to __________represented in a code by the letter XDeath of tissue through disease or injuryThe first character in all ICD-10-CM codesThis type of hypertension has an unknown causemaximum number of characters in a diagnosis codeSection o f the ear to find the tympanic membrane...

Hypoglycemia 2023-02-08

Hypoglycemia crossword puzzle
  1. device that delivers doses of insulin
  2. hormone that allows cells to use glucose
  3. insulin made by the body
  4. form of glucose for storage
  5. plastic tube that facilitates delivery of insulin
  6. term for high blood glucose
  7. device to measure blood glucose levels
  8. gamma-aminobutyric acid
  9. abnormally slow heart rate
  10. decreased blood glucose in the brain
  11. blood glucose is high but not enough for type 2
  12. converts glycogen into usable form of glucose
  13. symptom of hypoglycemia; tired feeling
  14. severe symptom of hypoglycemia
  15. where insulin is produced
  16. type of diabetes that affects blood glucose
  17. cardiovascular event caused by hypoglycemia
  18. antidiabetic drug that increases insulin release
  19. lack of blood flow
  20. type of insulin used to facilitate glucose uptake
  21. the way blood flows through blood vessels
  22. severe symptom of hypoglycemia
  23. hypoglycemic episode that reduces the body's response to subsequent hypoglycemia
  1. occurrence of a blood clot
  2. sugar; source of energy
  3. blood glucose level is low
  4. neuropathy in the hands and feet
  5. hormone that regulates glucose levels
  6. fatty acid
  7. lack of nutrients possibly due to diet
  8. breakdown of glycogen into glycogen
  9. symptom of hypoglycemia
  10. decreased levels of potassium in the blood
  11. glucose transporter 1
  12. sugar molecules
  13. part of adrenal gland that secretes adrenaline
  14. ventromedial hypothalamus
  15. cells that make glucagon
  16. increased levels of potassium in the blood
  17. receptor targets of catecholamines
  18. process that synthesizes glucose molecules
  19. chronic disease with high glucose levels
  20. dysfunction of the body's regulatory systems
  21. stimulates gluconeogenesis to raise blood glucose level
  22. von Willebrand factor
  23. type of hypoglycemia induced unintentionally
  24. lack of insulin causes buildup of ketones
  25. cells that make insulin
  26. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
  27. inflammation of the pancreas

50 Clues: fatty acidsugar moleculeslack of blood flowglucose transporter 1von Willebrand factorsugar; source of energysymptom of hypoglycemiagamma-aminobutyric acidcells that make insulininsulin made by the bodycells that make glucagonventromedial hypothalamuswhere insulin is producedoccurrence of a blood clotblood glucose level is low...

Bioteknologi 2023-06-02

Bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. Dalam teknik kultur jaringan, bagian tumbuhan yang ditumbuhkan dalam media kultur dinamakan
  2. Penggunaan organisme atau bagian organisme untuk membuat suatu produk atau jasa sehingga dapat mensejahterakan masyarakat disebut
  3. Cara memperbanyak tanaman dengan menggunakan jaringan tumbuhan pada tanaman dengan media tanam tertentu disebut
  4. Pembuatan hormon insulin, antibodi monoklonal, anti biotik dan vaksin merupakan penerapan bioteknologi di bidang
  5. Teknik yang digunakan pada kultur jaringan dilandaskan pada sifat
  6. Contoh jamur yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan Protein Sel Tunggal (PST) yaitu
  7. Pemanfaatan tanaman tertentu untuk mendegradasi polutan yang mencemari lingkungan disebut
  8. Golden rice merupakan salah satu contoh Produk bioteknologi dalam bidang
  1. Bioteknologi yang memanfaatkan organisme secara langsung untuk menghasilkan produk barang dan jasa yang bermanfaat bagi manusia melalui proses fermentasi
  2. Jamur penicillium notatum dan penicillium chrysogenum merupakan jamur yang digunakan untuk pembuatan
  3. Sebuah industri yang memanfaatkan bakteri thiobacillus ferrooxidan untuk memecahkan biji besi dari campuran bahan-bahan lain adalah
  4. Teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu penderita diabetes mellitus adalah
  5. Teknik bioteknologi yang dapat dimanfaatkan suatu perkebunan agar tanaman memiliki kemampuan atau daya tahan terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit adalah
  6. Cara bertanam dimana nutrisinya diberikan dengan cara disemprotkan adalah
  7. Teknologi yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan individu yang secara genetik identik dengan induknya
  8. Jenis makanan yang dihasilkan melalui proses fermentasi oleh bakteri Acetobacter xylinum yaitu
  9. Gen yang diberikan pada sapi segar agar produksi susu sapi meningkat adalah
  10. Bakteri yang dapat digunakan untuk menanggulangi pencemaran air yang disebabkan oleh minyak adalah
  11. Suatu mikroorganisme yang telah dilemahkan untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia adalah
  12. Penerapan teknologi rekayasa genetika untuk pertama kalinya pada manusia yaitu pada penderita
  13. Penggabungan dua sel yang menghasilkan antibodi monoklonal dalam skala besar untuk pengobatan kanker menggunakan teknik

21 Clues: Teknik yang digunakan pada kultur jaringan dilandaskan pada sifatGolden rice merupakan salah satu contoh Produk bioteknologi dalam bidangCara bertanam dimana nutrisinya diberikan dengan cara disemprotkan adalahGen yang diberikan pada sapi segar agar produksi susu sapi meningkat adalah...

Eksresi0 2022-12-18

Eksresi0 crossword puzzle
  1. Penyakit karena adanya pengendapan pada rongga ginjal disebut...ginjal
  2. Rongga yang berisi lemak yang membuka pada hilus disebut...ginjal
  3. Bercak bercak kemerahan pada kulit disebut...
  4. Penyakit mata ikan yang disebabkan oleh virus atau bakteri disebut...
  5. Gangguan pigmentasi sehingga kulit kehilangan malanin disebut...
  6. Membawa darah dari glomerulus adalah fungsi dari arteriola...
  7. Dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah adalah fungsi dari hormon...
  8. Kelainan peningkatan frekuensi buang air kecil disebut...
  9. Berperan dalam peningkatan tekanan darah adalah hormon...
  10. Hipotalamus menghasilkan enzim...
  11. Penyakit yang terjadi akibat ginjal tidak dapat melakukan proses penyaringan disebut...
  12. Saluran penghubung antara tubulus kontortus proksimal dan tubulus kontortus distal disebut lengkung...
  13. Kencing manis disebut juga diabetes...
  14. Penghancuran batu saluran kemih disebut...
  15. Proses pembersihan darah dari zat zat sisa metabolisme disebut...
  16. Radang nefron pada ginjal disebut...
  17. Cekungan pada sisi medial yang membentuk bukaan pada ginjal disebut...
  18. Urine yang dihasilkan setelah proses reabsorpsi tubulus disebut urine...
  19. Penyakit yang ditandai produksi urine berjumlah banyak disebut diabetes...
  20. Hilangnya air secara berlebihan karena pengeluaran keringat menyebabkan peningkatan...
  1. Lapisan sel yang melekat pada jaringan ikat adalah stratum...
  2. Nama lain dari Kelenjer keringat adalah...
  3. Ekskresi glukosa kedalam urine disebu...
  4. Sekresi tubulus disebut juga...
  5. Gatal akibat infeksi tungau dan kutu air disebut...
  6. Ujung dari setiap Piramida disebut...ginjal
  7. Protein yang berfungsi melindungi permukaan kulit adalah...
  8. Enzim yang mengubah arginin menjadi ornitin dan urea adalah...
  9. Campuran lemak,zat lilin,minyak,dan pecahan pecahan sel disebut...
  10. Pelvis ginjal disebut juga pelvis...
  11. Melanosit menghasilkan pigmen...
  12. Kelenjer keringat yang besar dan bercabang adalah...
  13. Sebagai penyaring plasma ketika darah melewati glomerulus adalah fungsi dari...
  14. Bagian terluar kulit disebut...
  15. Terapi penggantian ginjal pasien disebut...ginjal
  16. Lapisan yang mengikat kulit secara longgar disebut...
  17. Radang kulit yang hebat disebut...

37 Clues: Sekresi tubulus disebut juga...Bagian terluar kulit disebut...Melanosit menghasilkan pigmen...Hipotalamus menghasilkan enzim...Radang kulit yang hebat disebut...Pelvis ginjal disebut juga pelvis...Radang nefron pada ginjal disebut...Kencing manis disebut juga diabetes...Ekskresi glukosa kedalam urine disebu......

Simon Ghebru - Pathology Review 2018-02-20

Simon Ghebru - Pathology Review crossword puzzle
  1. This condition can causing sever muscle spams or contractions due to a neurotoxin.
  2. This type of bacteria will stain and its color will turn dark purple because of its peptidoglycans
  3. This type of diabetes is an autoimmune disorder
  4. Orthoses This O&P Device is needed to manage Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, the most common inherited peripheral neuropathy
  5. This condition causes cardiovascular disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease after 15-20 years of onset of hyperglycemia
  6. What is the most common type of motor impairment for individuals with Cerebral Palsy
  7. Considered to be an early since of nephropathy
  8. The leading cause of blindness in people under 60 and 75-80% of diabetics will be impaired by this disease
  9. This is a type of bone brake that has multiple fractures occurring at one site
  1. Accident This is the 4th leading cause of death in the United States
  2. This period of infection progression an individual will have nonspecific constitutional symptoms and can last 1 to 2 days
  3. A congenital disease that is occurs because of iodine deficiency because of thyroid hormone synthesis
  4. Hour The time frame is period of consciousness that occurs between initial consciousness and increased intracranial pressure
  5. Spaces that are filled with bone marrow
  6. This type of diabetes is insulin resistance
  7. Cells Functions mainly to produce Cerebral Spinal Fluid within the Choroid Plexus
  8. This condition can result in death if one eats improperly canned vegetables that contain a deadly exotoxin
  9. Affects the entire peripheral nervous system
  10. This condition is marked by greater bone resorption than actual bone formation
  11. This a scan provides a T-Score which measures bone mineral density

20 Clues: Spaces that are filled with bone marrowThis type of diabetes is insulin resistanceAffects the entire peripheral nervous systemConsidered to be an early since of nephropathyThis type of diabetes is an autoimmune disorderThis a scan provides a T-Score which measures bone mineral density...

Chapter 3: Watch Your Diet 2018-02-17

Chapter 3: Watch Your Diet crossword puzzle
  1. Consume food rich in _______________ fibre to prevent constipation.
  2. If you regularly consume more energy than what you need, you will start to _________ weight over time.
  3. Vitamin D helps to absorb ____________ into the bones.
  4. Blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the heart.
  5. A high _________________ intake can cause coronary heart disease.
  6. High blood pressure is also known as ___________________.
  7. Too much _______________ in our diet may lead to hypertension.
  8. A condition whereby the body accumulates excess fats.
  9. A condition where a person has a low count of red blood cells.
  10. A high intake of sugar and fats in the diet and a lack of exercise can lead to ______________.
  11. Cholesterol is a type of fat produced in the _____________.
  12. Pregnant women need more ___________ in their diets to support the needs of the growing foetus.
  1. Blood pressure also increases when blood vessels become narrower due to the build-up of ___________ deposits.
  2. Diabetes is a condition whereby the body is unable to utilise ______________ in the body effectively.
  3. Extra energy is converted to _______ and stored in the body.
  4. Cholesterol can be found in food from ______________ sources.
  5. _______________ helps to keep our blood glucose levels within a normal range for our body to function properly.
  6. High intake of _________________ and fats can cause too much energy to be stored in the body.
  7. A substance that carries oxygen in red blood cells.
  8. A condition where there is low bone mass.
  9. A condition where there is difficulty in passing out solid waste from the body.
  10. People with a greater ____________ circumference have higher chances of getting chronic diseases.
  11. The risk of hypertension can be reduced by seasoning food with __________ and spices.
  12. Carbohydrates and fats are the main source of ______________.

24 Clues: A condition where there is low bone mass.A substance that carries oxygen in red blood cells.A condition whereby the body accumulates excess fats.Vitamin D helps to absorb ____________ into the bones.Blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the heart.High blood pressure is also known as ___________________....

biomedical careers 2017-10-19

biomedical careers crossword puzzle
  1. Engineers a railroad and drives the equipment to make it
  2. Writes to tell the public about science
  3. Makes sure that the company’s standards are maintained
  4. Studying atomic and molecular structures of crystals
  5. Identify and stop the spread of conatgous diseases
  6. Study the genes of humans and what can or cannot be passed down from generation to generation
  7. Help people with diabetes understand what it means to have diabetes
  8. Study of animals and their habitat and behaviors
  9. Studies mammals and their behaviors
  10. Balances human needs with non-human needs
  11. Uses alternative ways to treat patients, such as nutritional and postural
  1. Study of fruits and vegetables and how they are produced
  2. Treats diseases and injuries of animals that are not human
  3. Restores the abilities of someone after an injury or surgery
  4. Captures scientific photos of underwater activity and marine life
  5. Cares for patients who have trouble breathing
  6. Can teach about why it is important to take good care of your teeth
  7. Prepare and administer radioactive chemical compounds
  8. Examine a patients ears and decide if they need hearing aids
  9. Study the immune system and the body’s ability to fight diseases
  10. Judge, edit, and monitor that accountability of researched papers
  11. Can gather and study information to understand past events
  12. Can study and explain how the human body moves
  13. Creating ways for people to do things if they have a disability that they could not do or had trouble doing
  14. Collects samples of body fluids, tissues, and other substances to study\
  15. The chemical and physical properties of inland bodies of water

26 Clues: Studies mammals and their behaviorsWrites to tell the public about scienceBalances human needs with non-human needsCares for patients who have trouble breathingCan study and explain how the human body movesStudy of animals and their habitat and behaviorsIdentify and stop the spread of conatgous diseases...

Wound Care 2020-03-06

Wound Care crossword puzzle
  1. Skin that lacks color.
  2. One of several important factors in healing of wounds.
  3. Open area on plantar aspect of foot, thick circular callous around opening.
  4. Fluid that is in response to damaged tissues trying to heal.
  5. Thick colored drainage in white,tan, green, yellow, doesn't automatically mean infection.
  6. Foul Odor, increased of the following; warmth, pain,fever, and elevated white cell count purulent exudate.
  7. Largest organ in the body.
  8. Thin, clear to pink tinge or with dots/streaks of red in clear discharge from wound.
  9. Thin, dry, shiny skin, reddish brown(hemosiderin) staining on lower legs.
  10. Focal redness on the skin.
  11. Wound extends through epidermis and dermis into the subcutaneous/fat tissue, may see muscle or bone.
  12. Abnormal firmness of tissue in a definite margin.
  13. How a wound is measured.
  1. Wound extends through epidermis, and part of dermis.
  2. Wounds need to be ______ to heal properly.
  3. Loose, sometimes stringy,leathery in appearance tissue.
  4. tissue that has been softened by excess moisture and is white in appearance.
  5. Causes of a wound can be pressure,_______, PAD, VI, Diabetes.
  6. Injury usually a result of continuous pressure over a bony prominence.
  7. an overgrowth of bacterium or microorganisms that damages tissues or impairs healing.
  8. Thin,clear,watery drainage from wound.
  9. Thin watery(serum) colored discharge, white, tan, green, yellow discharge from wound.
  10. Thick red drainage, true fresh bleeding from wound tissue.
  11. Cyanosis , Diminished temperature and pulses in limb.
  12. Head is twelve O'Clock and feet are six O'Clock- in reference to L X W for measuring a Wound
  13. An open area of the skin caused by Trauma, pressure,circulation dysfunction or diabetes.

26 Clues: Skin that lacks color.How a wound is measured.Largest organ in the body.Focal redness on the skin.Thin,clear,watery drainage from wound.Wounds need to be ______ to heal properly.Abnormal firmness of tissue in a definite margin.Wound extends through epidermis, and part of dermis.Cyanosis , Diminished temperature and pulses in limb....

Metabolism 7th 2021-10-18

Metabolism 7th crossword puzzle
  1. body system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  2. condition where a decrease of digestive enzymes makes it hard to break down food for cells to use
  3. what starch is broken down into in the digestive system
  4. molecule that organisms use to release energy and made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms
  5. organ that sends digestive juices to the small intestine to break down our food into smaller molecules
  6. name of doctor we are helping to diagnose a condition
  7. transfer point between the small intestines and the circulatory system
  8. where our body gets food and oxygen from
  9. molecules that are the building blocks of protein
  10. transfer point between the circulatory system and the cells
  11. a type of cell in our classroom body systems model
  12. key to unlock the cell membrane and let glucose inside the cells
  13. condition where tubes of the lungs squeeze tighter, limiting oxygen from entering the bloodstream
  1. a group of atoms joined together in a particular way
  2. system responsible for taking glucose to the cells
  3. amount of sugar in the blood in a person with diabetes
  4. transfer point between the lungs and the circulatory system
  5. body system that transports molecules to and from all cells of the body
  6. large molecules that provide functions inside living things and are made of chains of amino acids
  7. condition where low blood cell count limits oxygen to the cells
  8. name of the girl with the condition we are trying to diagnose
  9. condition where sugar cannot enter the cells due to lack of insulin
  10. the body's use of molecules for energy and growth
  11. body system that takes in food and breaks it down
  12. one of the claims we originally thought might be the problem with the tired girl, but we ruled out as a possibility

25 Clues: where our body gets food and oxygen fromthe body's use of molecules for energy and growthbody system that takes in food and breaks it downmolecules that are the building blocks of proteinsystem responsible for taking glucose to the cellsa type of cell in our classroom body systems modela group of atoms joined together in a particular way...

Endocrine Problems 2022-04-29

Endocrine Problems crossword puzzle
  1. antibiotic used as a last resort to treat SIADH
  2. antiinflammatory medication that can trigger DKA/HHS
  3. compensatory mechanism of the body in response to acidosis in DKA
  4. type of shock that may occur with dehydration from DI and DKA/HHS
  5. BUN and creatinine alteration in those with DKA/HHS
  6. medication used to treat pH less than 7 in the client with DKA
  7. test that measures the concentration of chemical particles found in the fluid part of blood or urine
  8. hormone used intravenously to treat hyperglycemia associated with DKA/HHS
  9. diuretic used to increase the kidney's sensitivity to ADH
  10. type of DI often caused by medications, electrolyte imbalances, and genetic mutations
  11. medication used to treat bipolar disorder known to cause DI
  12. appearance of urine when there is a high amount of water
  13. type of DI that responds to the water depravation test where urine becomes more concentrated
  1. added to fluids in the client with DKA when blood glucose reaches 250 mg/dL
  2. term that indicates high level of ketones in the urine due to hyperglycemia
  3. hormone used to treat central diabetes insipidus
  4. sodium imbalance associated with DI
  5. fluid used to treat severe hyponatremia in SIADH
  6. potassium imbalance associated with administration of intravenous regular insulin
  7. fluids administered initially in the client with DKA/HHS
  8. reverses hypoglycemia
  9. type of DI associated with head injury, neurosurgery, or brain tumors
  10. medication that blocks the action of ADH and stimulates urination
  11. condition in which the body makes too much antidiuretic hormone
  12. acid-base imbalance that occurs with DKA due to ketone production
  13. frequency of blood glucose monitoring in the client with DKA/HHS
  14. life-threatening condition that can occur in older adults with type 2 diabetes

27 Clues: reverses hypoglycemiasodium imbalance associated with DIantibiotic used as a last resort to treat SIADHhormone used to treat central diabetes insipidusfluid used to treat severe hyponatremia in SIADHBUN and creatinine alteration in those with DKA/HHSantiinflammatory medication that can trigger DKA/HHS...

Chapter 13 Puzzle 2023-09-20

Chapter 13 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Specialty neurology clinics administer the ____ diet for uncontrolled seizures.
  2. The incidence of cystic fibrosis is higher among _____ (ethnic group).
  3. Family/Patient Centered Medical _____ Program encourages partnerships between parents, providers, and the community to best support children with complex medical conditions.
  4. Condition in which vertebral bones in the back show a side-to-side curve, resulting in shorter stature than expected.
  5. Some ____ therapies have questionable effectiveness and are perhaps even harmful to children.
  6. Children with spinal muscular ______ have such major decreases in muscle size that growth may not occur.
  7. Phenylketonuria is an inherited condition that causes _____ to build up in the body.
  8. Professional guidelines recommend the use of indirect _____ to determine energy needs for very sick children.
  9. Vitamin C may be prescribed above the DRI for some children with spina bifida who have frequent ____ infections.
  10. A side effect of psychostimulants is decreased _____.
  1. Uncontrolled movements of the large muscle groups.
  2. Children with chronic conditions may have more difficulty meeting the DRI as a result of food _____, which can make them seem like picky eaters.
  3. Similar to infant formula, children who need additional calories and nutrients can consume "____ nutritional supplement" beverages.
  4. Structure in a child's home environment includes consistent meal and snack ____.
  5. Even with good food choices and no eating problems, children with some genetic disorders, like Down Syndrome, tend to be ____ than peers.
  6. The ketogenic diet severely limits _____.
  7. Children with type 1 diabetes have both high and ____ blood sugars, not just high blood sugars, as in type 2.
  8. Type 1 diabetes is related to immune function and results in virtually no ____ production.
  9. A syndrome that will generally cause a child to be taller than peers.
  10. A thorough growth assessment may be necessary, including skinfold thickness and ____ circumference measurements.

20 Clues: The ketogenic diet severely limits _____.Uncontrolled movements of the large muscle groups.A side effect of psychostimulants is decreased _____.A syndrome that will generally cause a child to be taller than peers.The incidence of cystic fibrosis is higher among _____ (ethnic group)....

Pathology: Endocrine Pathologies 2022-11-23

Pathology: Endocrine Pathologies crossword puzzle
  1. Low blood sugar
  2. Gland that controls the body's biorhythms or the body's 24-hour cycle
  3. This disease is the result of excessive amounts of cortisol in the blood caused either by hyperpituitarism or the long term use of corticosteroids
  4. Acronym for hormone that stimulates the thyroid to synthesize and secrete hormones
  5. Deficiency of this nutrient may lead to a goiter
  6. Hormone that decreases urine production and raises blood pressure
  7. Pancreatic cells that produce insulin when needed
  8. Hormone that helps glucose move into body cells when needed
  9. an enlargement of the thyroid gland
  10. This disease is characterized by hyperactivity of the thyroid gland with a resultant goiter
  11. Hormone that increases blood calcium levels
  12. This disease is the result of chronic adrenal insufficiency caused by reduced production of cortisol
  13. Glands that produce parathyroid hormone
  14. Hormone that is released during times of stress and is produced by the adrenal cortex
  1. Hormone that increases blood glucose levels
  2. This area of the pituitary produces growth hormone
  3. This form of diabetes is characterized by chronic elevated blood glucose levels and disturbances in protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism
  4. Gland that produces antidiuretic hormone
  5. Malignancy of the thyroid
  6. a form of hyperpituitarism, is the result of overproduction of growth hormone during adult years, after the onset of puberty
  7. This disease is characterized by an underactive thyroid, leading to thyroid hormone insufficiency, developing slowly over months or years
  8. Disease that causes eyes to bulge
  9. a form of hyperpituitarism that is the overproduction of growth hormone during childhood years, before the onset of puberty
  10. underdevelopment of the lower body and is a form of hypopituitarism
  11. This form of diabetes is an insufficiency of antidiuretic hormone and does not involve the pancreas

25 Clues: Low blood sugarMalignancy of the thyroidDisease that causes eyes to bulgean enlargement of the thyroid glandGlands that produce parathyroid hormoneGland that produces antidiuretic hormoneHormone that increases blood glucose levelsHormone that increases blood calcium levelsDeficiency of this nutrient may lead to a goiter...

Endocrine System Crossword Puzzle 2024-05-08

Endocrine System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. shorthand for adrenocorticotropic hormone
  2. the peripheral endocrine gland is affected in this kind of endocrine disorder
  3. this is inserted into the membrane of contracted skeletal muscle allowing for insulin not to be required for glucose uptake
  4. these hormones regulate hormone secretion by another endocrine gland and stimulate and maintain their endocrine gland target tissues
  5. the buildup of synthesis of larger organic molecules from small organic molecular subunits
  6. hormones of the posterior pituitary are released in response to neural input from this
  7. the thyroid gland is situated in our neck over this
  8. the phrase "starvation in the face of plenty" refers to this endocrine disorder
  9. this hormone spikes roughly three hours after onset of sleep
  10. these cells are responsible for the production of cartilage
  11. the action of drawing water from the blood into the kidneys is referred to as this
  12. insulin used to treat diabetes initially came from these animals
  13. in female puberty this molecule is responsible for the signaling for osteoblasts to have greater function than chondrocytes
  1. an enlarged thyroid gland is known as this
  2. term "hormone" was first used to describe this
  3. the cells in the pancreas that release glucagon
  4. the post-absorptive metabolic state
  5. the major absorptive state hormone
  6. the concentration of fatty acids in the blood is increased by this
  7. this molecule influences pair-bonding and parent-offspring bonding
  8. number of cell types in the islets of langerhans
  9. when there is a destruction of the gland and endocrine hormone decreases the anterior pituitary hormone will _________
  10. this gland is affected in secondary endocrine disorders
  11. _____-thyroidism is indicative of too little thyroid hormone
  12. tropic hormones of the anterior pituitary are controlled by hypothalamic releasing or inhibiting of these

25 Clues: the major absorptive state hormonethe post-absorptive metabolic stateshorthand for adrenocorticotropic hormonean enlarged thyroid gland is known as thisterm "hormone" was first used to describe thisthe cells in the pancreas that release glucagonnumber of cell types in the islets of langerhansthe thyroid gland is situated in our neck over this...

Endocrine 2024 2024-08-11

Endocrine 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. diabetes caused by lack of insulin or insulin resistance
  2. hormone released in response to high blood sugar
  3. a target tissue of growth hormone
  4. suppresses melatonin secretion
  5. increase in the number of receptors on a target cell
  6. cell type that makes glucagon
  7. One hormone cannot exert its full effects without another hormone being present
  8. regulate the function of testes and ovaries
  9. low blood calcium is a ____ stimulus
  10. prevents wide swings in water balance
  11. most hormones are based on these
  12. remove water soluble hormones
  13. the part of the adrenal that releases epinephrine
  14. endocrine glands produce these
  15. carries hormones to target tissues
  16. stimulates childbirth
  17. stimulates the release of ACTH
  18. most hormones are regulated by ___ feedback
  19. the endocrine ___ controls blood sugar
  20. exocrine glands have these
  21. a disease or syndrome of excess glucocorticoids
  22. act within the same tissue
  23. gland that produces melatonin
  1. help the body reduce stress
  2. adrenal layer that makes aldosterone
  3. hormone released in response to low blood sugar
  4. cell type that produces thyroid hormone
  5. One hormone opposes the action of another
  6. part of pituitary that secretes ACTH and TSH
  7. receptor location for water soluble hormones
  8. caused by too much growth hormone in childhood
  9. a symptom of diabetes mellitus but NOT insipidus
  10. main regulator of blood calcium levels
  11. steroid hormones are _____ soluble
  12. exert their effects on the same cells that secrete them
  13. triggers release of thyroid hormone
  14. hormone that affects essentially all body tissues
  15. part of pituitary that is neural tissue
  16. stimulates breast milk production
  17. cell type that makes insulin
  18. two hormones together produce an amplified effect
  19. adrenal layer that makes cortisol
  20. stimulates sodium reabsorption by the kidneys

43 Clues: stimulates childbirthexocrine glands have theseact within the same tissuehelp the body reduce stresscell type that makes insulincell type that makes glucagonremove water soluble hormonesgland that produces melatoninsuppresses melatonin secretionendocrine glands produce thesestimulates the release of ACTHmost hormones are based on these...

What do doctors call it? 2021-01-07

What do doctors call it? crossword puzzle
  1. Increased need to urinate often. A common sign of diabetes.
  2. An expert in food and nutrition who helps people plan the type and amount of foods to eat for special health needs.
  1. Great loss of body water. If a person with diabetes has a very high blood sugar level, it causes increased water loss, and the person becomes very thirsty.
  2. Too much body fat for a person’s age, height, and gender. It's is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.
  3. A fine, sharp pointed needle for pricking the skin. Used in blood glucose monitoring.

5 Clues: Increased need to urinate often. A common sign of diabetes.A fine, sharp pointed needle for pricking the skin. Used in blood glucose monitoring.An expert in food and nutrition who helps people plan the type and amount of foods to eat for special health needs....

Major Diabetes Management Trials 2023-01-24

Major Diabetes Management Trials crossword puzzle
  1. This trial (2019) is one of the first trials to demonstrate superiority of closed-loop insulin delivery systems in patients with T1DM
  2. This trial (2009) showed that aggressive glycemic control in the ICU setting leads to increased mortality.
  3. This 1970s trial used tolbutamide, insulin, and phenormin and is one of the earliest large-scale diabetes trials.
  4. This trial (2021) showed that empagliflozin is superior to placebo in heart failure-related outcomes.
  5. This trial (2008) was stopped early because an A1c goal of <6% led to increased mortality versus standard control.
  6. This trial (1993) showed that intensive T1DM therapy delayed the onset of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy
  1. This trial (2009) showed that the A1c target of <6.5% improved microvascular outcomes compared to conventional goals above 7%.
  2. This trial (2016) was one of the first trials that showed that liraglutide improved CV outcomes versus placebo.
  3. This trial (1998) showed a 25% risk reduction in microvascular endpoints with intensive diabetes treatment (A1c <7%).
  4. This trial (2021) showed that when given together with metformin, liraglutide and insulin results in better glycemic control than glimpiride and sitagliptin.
  5. This trial (2008) showed that in poorly controlled DM patients, intensive control had very little effect on major CV events or death.

11 Clues: This trial (2021) showed that empagliflozin is superior to placebo in heart failure-related outcomes.This trial (2009) showed that aggressive glycemic control in the ICU setting leads to increased mortality.This trial (1993) showed that intensive T1DM therapy delayed the onset of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy...

Type II Diabetes Mellitus 2022-04-28

Type II Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Osmotic diuresis from glucose can lead to _____
  2. A histological finding seen in the pancreatic islets
  3. An osmotic agent involved in many diabetic complications
  4. insulin inhibits this metabolic pathway (1 word)
  5. DPP-4 inhibits _____
  6. A dermatological finding associated with insulin resistance
  1. An insulin dependent organ
  2. Used to monitor glucose levels over a period of time
  3. Stimulated by low plasma glucose
  4. A rare adverse effect of _____ is lactic acidosis
  5. A life-threatening complication of T2DM that can cause confusion or coma

11 Clues: DPP-4 inhibits _____An insulin dependent organStimulated by low plasma glucoseOsmotic diuresis from glucose can lead to _____insulin inhibits this metabolic pathway (1 word)A rare adverse effect of _____ is lactic acidosisUsed to monitor glucose levels over a period of timeA histological finding seen in the pancreatic islets...

Assignment 4 P417 Kidney Disease 2017-11-08

Assignment 4 P417 Kidney Disease crossword puzzle
  1. this can be used in management of chronic kidney disease, reduce waste products in body
  2. Performing exercise immediately post-dialysis may increase the risk of a
  3. a protein and enzyme secreted by the kidneys that participates in the body's mean arterial blood pressure
  4. each of your kidneys are about the size of a __________ or weighing around 150 grams
  5. blood pressure regulator and helps with sodium absorption
  6. waster products are removed from the body after being filtered by the kidneys in the form of _______
  7. may help prevent further deconditioning by helping to increase aerobic capacity, muscle strength and endurance, and physical vigor.
  8. the process of removing, by artificial means, excess water, solutes and toxins from the blood in those whose native kidneys have lost the ability to perform those functions.
  9. the test that is commonly used to detect diabetes mellitus
  10. If exercise is performed during dialysis, it should be done during the __________ of treatment to avoid hypotensive responses.
  1. a pathological condition wherein the protein albumin is present in the urine and can help diagnose chronic kidney disease
  2. one of the two biggest contributors to chronic kidney disease (CVD risk factor)
  3. individuals afflicted with chronic kidney disease often do not feel well and have impaired
  4. The ______ is the microscopic structural and functional unit of the kidney.
  5. a progressive deterioration of the kidney’s blood filtration functions
  6. one of the two biggest contributors to chronic kidney disease (CVD risk factor)
  7. the kidneys control the production of
  8. this can be used in management of chronic kidney disease, helps relieve swelling
  9. _________is a peptide hormone that causes vasoconstriction and a subsequent increase in blood pressure.
  10. an ace inhibitor that helps you regulate your blood pressure
  11. this may appear in your pee as a symptom of kidney disease

21 Clues: the kidneys control the production ofblood pressure regulator and helps with sodium absorptionthis may appear in your pee as a symptom of kidney diseasethe test that is commonly used to detect diabetes mellitusan ace inhibitor that helps you regulate your blood pressurea progressive deterioration of the kidney’s blood filtration functions...

Broadfoot's (not) Basic Crossword 2019-03-01

Broadfoot's (not) Basic Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 1.5 _______ people get diabetes each year
  2. Getting little or no _____ causes yawning, which explains why every one always yawns in health class
  3. A drug that 16% of teens use by 12th grade because they h=think it is harmless
  4. The disease that makes you forget when you put your phone when you're literally holding it in your hand
  5. The amount of calories someone who sits at home and plays Fortnite all day should get every day
  6. The first line of defense your body uses to fight off icky germs
  7. The most common disease on the world(hint:COMMON)
  8. Having good ____________ will help you find the homework that you spent two minutes on
  9. Having good _______ will prevent you from smelling like a boys locker room after a marathon
  10. A long or short term achievement that is planned but almost never accomplished by teenagers
  11. Finds the bad guys(cancer cells) and attacks them with the good guys(normal cells)
  1. Combination of mental, physical, and social. Also the first thing we learned in class
  2. The disease also caused by eating too many donuts and not getting enough exercise
  3. Teenagers use social media for _____________
  4. One of the six essential nutrients that can commonly be found in the toliet
  5. Someone who provides advice and life direction, such as Taylor Swift
  6. The number one american killer that is caused by eating too many donuts in the morning
  7. The amount of teens who have ___________ has increased by 13% in the past ten years(too many donuts!!!)
  8. The seven warning signs of cancer we did an entire packet on
  9. 53% of teens have used or are using this drug instead of living a healthy lifestyle

20 Clues: 1.5 _______ people get diabetes each yearTeenagers use social media for _____________The most common disease on the world(hint:COMMON)The seven warning signs of cancer we did an entire packet onThe first line of defense your body uses to fight off icky germsSomeone who provides advice and life direction, such as Taylor Swift...

medicines and abbreviations 2022-03-05

medicines and abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. can treat seizures and nerve pain
  2. coreg, beta blocker for heart failure and HBP
  3. sedative that can treat anxiety and panic disorders
  4. antihistamine & antacid that can treat GERD, stomach ulcers, and heartburn
  5. crestor, helps HLD
  6. an SSNRI that can help with depression, anxiety, nerve/bone/muscle pain, and tingling/numbness caused by diabetes
  7. tenormin, beta blocker for HBP and angina
  8. treats adhd
  9. helps control seizures, panic attacks, and anxiety
  10. ace-inhibitor that helps with HBP and prevents heart failure
  11. a steroid that reduces inflammation and can help with asthma and allergies
  12. lowers HBP by relaxing the blood vessels
  13. every morning
  14. pain relief for arthritis
  15. three times a day
  16. blood thinner that can prevent stroke, heart attacks, etc.
  17. zocor, treats HLD
  1. proton-pump inhibitor that aids with GERD, too much stomach acid, and damaged esophagus
  2. lipitor, helps HLD
  3. treats pain and stiffness caused by muscle spasms
  4. pravachol, treats HLD
  5. a diuretic that helps with HBP and reducing edema
  6. an SNRI used to treat GAD, depression, panic disorder and social anxiety disorder
  7. four times a day
  8. treats ocd, depression, panic attacks, ED
  9. every day
  10. alpha blocker treatment for enlarged prostate and difficulty urinating in men
  11. SSRI that treats anxiety and depression
  12. a strong diuretic that can treat edema caused by CHF, liver or kidney disease
  13. an antihypertensive that can treat HBP, reduce risk of stroke, and treat kidney disease in pts with diabetes
  14. SSRI for depression
  15. lopressor, beta blocker for HBP and angina
  16. at bedtime
  17. twice a day
  18. as needed
  19. before breakfast
  20. an anti-inflammatory that helps prevent asthma attacks
  21. sedative and hypnotic for insomnia

38 Clues: every dayas neededat bedtimetreats adhdtwice a dayevery morningfour times a daybefore breakfastthree times a dayzocor, treats HLDlipitor, helps HLDcrestor, helps HLDSSRI for depressionpravachol, treats HLDpain relief for arthritiscan treat seizures and nerve painsedative and hypnotic for insomniaSSRI that treats anxiety and depression...

PCH Vocab 2019-01-07

PCH Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. One who specialized in a particular field of study
  2. In the atmosphere
  3. Not able to break down sugar properly
  4. Harmful to plants and animals
  5. Used to restore breathing
  6. Where waste is buried
  1. Lower atmosphere and surface of the planet warming
  2. Sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness
  3. A first aid procedure
  4. Acidity caused by environmental factors

10 Clues: In the atmosphereA first aid procedureWhere waste is buriedUsed to restore breathingHarmful to plants and animalsNot able to break down sugar properlyAcidity caused by environmental factorsLower atmosphere and surface of the planet warmingOne who specialized in a particular field of studySudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness

Baking crossword 2022-02-12

Baking crossword crossword puzzle
  1. "Now add a pinch of ____ "
  2. You need it to blend all the ingredients in
  3. from the cows
  4. comes from the hens
  5. Becomes butter if you whip it too much
  6. Youll get diabetes if you eat too much ..
  7. made out of vanilla beans
  1. Starts with the letter C and ends with L
  2. bakingp...
  3. almost pronounces like flower
  4. sugar bakingpowder salt flour cream vanilla milk eggs bowl

11 Clues: bakingp...from the cowscomes from the hensmade out of vanilla beans"Now add a pinch of ____ "almost pronounces like flowerBecomes butter if you whip it too muchStarts with the letter C and ends with LYoull get diabetes if you eat too much ..You need it to blend all the ingredients insugar bakingpowder salt flour cream vanilla milk eggs bowl

Pagbasa 2013-10-06

Pagbasa crossword puzzle
  1. kasulatan o legal na papeles
  2. ginagamit sa paghugas ng sugat
  3. ginagamit sa buhok para kumapal
  4. gamot laban sa kanser, kagat ng hayop o kulisap
  5. tumutulong sa pagkontrol ng dugo at diabetes
  1. ranger tinawag na bayani ng kagubatan
  2. namatay sa pangangalaga ng kagubatan
  3. lugar na pinagbibilhan ng gamot
  4. ginagawang tabletas
  5. mainam sa pamamaga ng tonsil

10 Clues: ginagawang tabletaskasulatan o legal na papelesginagamit sa paghugas ng sugatginagamit sa buhok para kumapalmainam sa pamamaga ng tonsilranger tinawag na bayani ng kagubatannamatay sa pangangalaga ng kagubatanlugar na pinagbibilhan ng gamottumutulong sa pagkontrol ng dugo at diabetes...

geenisakset 2023-02-17

geenisakset crossword puzzle
  1. bakteerin aiheuttama suolistotauti
  2. sairaalassa annettavaa erikoislääkärien tekemää tutkimusta ja hoitoa
  3. bakteerin aiheuttama keuhkoputkitulehdus
  4. paikka joka vastaa perusterveydenhuollosta ja sairauksien ehkäisystä
  5. laki jonka myötä kunnat alkoivat tarjota kohtuuhintaisia hoitopaikkoja lapsille
  1. hyttysten välityksellä leviävä vakava kuumetauti
  2. vakuutus joka korvaa osan tai kokonaan esim. lääkärikäynneistä
  3. D-vitamiinin puutostauti
  4. nämä ovat väestössä yleisiä sairauksia kuten diabetes
  5. käsite jolla tarkoitetaan sairauksien ehkäisyä

10 Clues: D-vitamiinin puutostautibakteerin aiheuttama suolistotautibakteerin aiheuttama keuhkoputkitulehduskäsite jolla tarkoitetaan sairauksien ehkäisyähyttysten välityksellä leviävä vakava kuumetautinämä ovat väestössä yleisiä sairauksia kuten diabetesvakuutus joka korvaa osan tai kokonaan esim. lääkärikäynneistä...


SISTEMA ENDÓCRINO crossword puzzle


WPG - Rätsel 2018-06-27

WPG - Rätsel crossword puzzle
  1. Unterstützt Menschen die nicht mehr gehen können
  2. ermöglicht verschiedenste Aktivitäten bei jeder Witterung
  3. Zuckerkrankheit
  4. Altersbedingte Krankheit die für Gedächtnisverluste sorgt
  1. Hilft Menschen beim Laufen
  2. Helfen den Bewohner im Heim
  3. erzählen dir davon weil es sie glücklich macht daran zu denken
  4. Benötigen die Menschen bei Krankheiten
  5. Ruhestand nachdem Arbeiten
  6. wunderbarer Natur und Möglichkeit ausgedehnter Spaziergänge

10 Clues: ZuckerkrankheitHilft Menschen beim LaufenRuhestand nachdem ArbeitenHelfen den Bewohner im HeimBenötigen die Menschen bei KrankheitenUnterstützt Menschen die nicht mehr gehen könnenermöglicht verschiedenste Aktivitäten bei jeder WitterungAltersbedingte Krankheit die für Gedächtnisverluste sorgt...

Page 19 2019-06-05

Page 19 crossword puzzle
  1. Actions we are used to doing
  2. Israel is right by the __________ sea
  3. An academic study
  4. Make something better
  5. Peas, beans, etc.
  1. Potential danger
  2. Exact and true to reality
  3. People who take part in an activity of some kind
  4. People who have that have a problem with their blood sugar
  5. Written or spoken about in the media

10 Clues: Potential dangerAn academic studyPeas, beans, etc.Make something betterExact and true to realityActions we are used to doingWritten or spoken about in the mediaIsrael is right by the __________ seaPeople who take part in an activity of some kindPeople who have that have a problem with their blood sugar


SISTEM EKSKRESI crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu kandungan urin
  2. Saluran dari ginjal ke kandung kemih
  3. Mewarnai urin dan feses
  4. Kadar gula dalam darah berlebih
  5. Saluran pengeluaran urin
  6. Salah satu organ yang berperan penting dalam sistem ekskresi
  1. Kemampuan bertahan dalam kondisi lingkungan yang berbeda
  2. Ujung saraf pada manusia yang sangat peka terhadap dingin
  3. Lapisan terluar kulit
  4. Tempat proses pembentukan urin terjadi

10 Clues: Lapisan terluar kulitMewarnai urin dan fesesSaluran pengeluaran urinSalah satu kandungan urinKadar gula dalam darah berlebihSaluran dari ginjal ke kandung kemihTempat proses pembentukan urin terjadiKemampuan bertahan dalam kondisi lingkungan yang berbedaUjung saraf pada manusia yang sangat peka terhadap dingin...


KUIS FARMAKOLOGI crossword puzzle


Jacks Birthday 2024-01-06

Jacks Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. A type of soluble paint
  2. Rick cannot do this
  3. A large arachnid
  4. A practice of evil magic
  5. A weight hung from a fixed point, able to swing freely
  6. A characterized by sorcery and spirit possession.
  1. Diabetes have to monitor this
  2. 205-176
  3. To walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread
  4. An in person event

10 Clues: 205-176A large arachnidAn in person eventRick cannot do thisA type of soluble paintA practice of evil magicDiabetes have to monitor thisA characterized by sorcery and spirit possession.A weight hung from a fixed point, able to swing freelyTo walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread

CW2 2024-04-05

CW2 crossword puzzle
  1. An SGLT2 inhibitor
  2. An ACE inhibitor
  3. Treated with ACE inhibitors
  4. Measured in millimetres of mercury
  5. Clinical signs providing clues to underlying health problems (8)
  6. Metabolic waste product filtered by the kidneys
  1. Past health events, conditions, and treatments
  2. Sometimes referred to as the runs
  3. Vital sign reflecting the rhythm of cardiac contractions (5,4)
  4. Insulin deficiency or resistance

10 Clues: An ACE inhibitorAn SGLT2 inhibitorTreated with ACE inhibitorsInsulin deficiency or resistanceSometimes referred to as the runsMeasured in millimetres of mercuryPast health events, conditions, and treatmentsMetabolic waste product filtered by the kidneysVital sign reflecting the rhythm of cardiac contractions (5,4)...

2.1-gizi seimbang dan niai kalori (t5) 2021-01-31

2.1-gizi seimbang dan niai kalori (t5) crossword puzzle
  1. pemendapan kolestrol pada dinding arteri
  2. perkilogram-SI unit bagi tenaga dalm makanan.
  3. kalori-jumlah tenaga dibebaskan dlm pengoksidaan 1g mknan
  4. bom-radas mengukur kalori dalam makanan
  1. makanan-menyebabkan kerosakan hati dan ginjal
  2. seimbang-mengandungi 7 kelas makanan
  3. dalam minuman menyebabkan susah tidur dan kerisauan
  4. meningkatkan risiko penyakit diabetes
  5. kekurangan /kelebihan kelas makanan
  6. nervosa-keengganan individu untuk makan

10 Clues: seimbang-mengandungi 7 kelas makanankekurangan /kelebihan kelas makananmeningkatkan risiko penyakit diabetesnervosa-keengganan individu untuk makanbom-radas mengukur kalori dalam makananpemendapan kolestrol pada dinding arterimakanan-menyebabkan kerosakan hati dan ginjalperkilogram-SI unit bagi tenaga dalm makanan....

Why do we fall ill. Pre-learning worksheet 2021-10-24

Why do we fall ill. Pre-learning worksheet crossword puzzle
  1. AIDS virus when active in body attack
  2. Father of vaccine
  3. Help to prevent many viral diseases
  4. Vibrio cholera is the causative organism for
  5. Iron deficiency disease
  1. A vaccine for covid 19
  2. Type of diseases spread from one person to others
  3. The second largest internal organ
  4. State of physical, mental and social wellbeing
  5. Insulin deficiency disease

10 Clues: Father of vaccineA vaccine for covid 19Iron deficiency diseaseInsulin deficiency diseaseThe second largest internal organHelp to prevent many viral diseasesAIDS virus when active in body attackVibrio cholera is the causative organism forState of physical, mental and social wellbeingType of diseases spread from one person to others

ATTS! 2023-09-12

ATTS! crossword puzzle
  1. gulung tikar
  2. Seseorang yang memimpin sebuah desa, biasanya jika dipanggil..
  3. akronim rumah toko
  4. burung berbulu hitam
  5. Di rumah makan padang, selain pakai sendok kita makan pakai?
  1. bendera NKRI warnanya?
  2. bel apa yang bisa melukai?
  3. buah yang dipotong-potong, diuleg dan cicampur gula jawa dan cabai Namanya?
  4. penyakit karna terlalu banyak mengonsumsi gula
  5. kurang darah

10 Clues: gulung tikarkurang darahakronim rumah tokoburung berbulu hitambendera NKRI warnanya?bel apa yang bisa melukai?penyakit karna terlalu banyak mengonsumsi gulaDi rumah makan padang, selain pakai sendok kita makan pakai?Seseorang yang memimpin sebuah desa, biasanya jika dipanggil.....

MSK4 CBL 2023-11-02

MSK4 CBL crossword puzzle
  1. Most common bacteria causing osteomyelitis (abbreviation)
  2. RFx (high blood sugar)
  3. RFx (abbreviation... think ABPI)
  4. symptom of osteomyelitis (change in skin colour)
  5. symptom of osteomyelitis (causes enlargement of limb)
  1. Inflammation in bone/bone marrow
  2. RFx (abbreviation... a type of person)
  3. symptom of osteomyelitis (aka 'ow')
  4. RFx (2 words no space)
  5. symptom of osteomyelitis (causes high temp)

10 Clues: RFx (high blood sugar)RFx (2 words no space)Inflammation in bone/bone marrowRFx (abbreviation... think ABPI)symptom of osteomyelitis (aka 'ow')RFx (abbreviation... a type of person)symptom of osteomyelitis (causes high temp)symptom of osteomyelitis (change in skin colour)symptom of osteomyelitis (causes enlargement of limb)...

Struktur dan Fungsi Alat Tubuh Manusia 2024-08-29

Struktur dan Fungsi Alat Tubuh Manusia crossword puzzle
  1. pengangkut zat nutrisi ke seluruh tubuh
  2. bagian alat pencernaan yang mengandung asam klorida
  3. tempat penyerapan air sisa pencernaan
  4. zat kimia yang membantu pencernaan kimiawi
  5. zat pembangun dalam tubuh
  6. penyakit akibat kelebihan karbohidrat
  1. Enzim yang mengubah karbohidrat menjadi glukosa
  2. makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat
  3. sel darah yang berperan dalam pembekuan darah
  4. bahan makanan yang kaya vitamin A

10 Clues: zat pembangun dalam tubuhbahan makanan yang kaya vitamin Amakanan yang mengandung karbohidrattempat penyerapan air sisa pencernaanpenyakit akibat kelebihan karbohidratpengangkut zat nutrisi ke seluruh tubuhzat kimia yang membantu pencernaan kimiawisel darah yang berperan dalam pembekuan darahEnzim yang mengubah karbohidrat menjadi glukosa...

Homeostasis 2022-06-22

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. disposal of wastes
  2. remains 37 degrees
  3. maintain temperature by absorbing thermal energy from the environment
  4. lipid soluble, complex rings of C,H, O
  5. animals that maintain stable body temperature
  6. Pale yellow fluid apart of blood
  7. measure of acidity or basicness
  8. water moving from highly concentrated to a low concentrated area
  9. Regulates rate of glucose oxidation in cells
  10. stimulant that has the same effects as adrenaline
  11. state of reduced metabolic rate and temperature
  12. The Master Gland
  13. located above the kidney
  14. turns glycogen into glucose
  15. helps synchronize biological clock
  16. bottom part of your brain
  17. Eggs leaves ovary
  18. a lot is produced during puberty
  19. Secreted by Sertoli cells
  20. disease that does not produce enough insulin and increase of glucose levels
  21. something this course gives me, increase of blood flow, oxygen and energy
  1. Chemical Symbol of Ca
  2. process of regulating bodily fluids pressure
  3. temperature regulation
  4. Soluble in water, contains chains of amino acids
  5. chemical regulators
  6. Known as an useless organ
  7. repeats every 28 days
  8. acts like a human thermostat
  9. control center of your brain n
  10. may be up to 4 degrees lower then body temp on cold days
  11. Hormone that initiates small contractions of the uterus
  12. Where diabetes occurs
  13. mediator cells detect change and produce this
  14. inflammation of the nephron
  15. water filter for your blood
  16. The Self-Regulating Process
  17. animals that match the temperature of the environment
  18. maintain temperature by internal mechanisms
  19. before a female is born there are 1 million of these
  20. Enzymes and building blocks
  21. Size of a fist and weighs ~0.5kg

42 Clues: The Master GlandEggs leaves ovarydisposal of wastesremains 37 degreeschemical regulatorsChemical Symbol of Carepeats every 28 daysWhere diabetes occurstemperature regulationlocated above the kidneyKnown as an useless organbottom part of your brainSecreted by Sertoli cellsinflammation of the nephronturns glycogen into glucose...

Non-communicable Diseases 2017-02-06

Non-communicable Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. the habitual misuse of alcohol.
  2. This treatment uses powerful medicines to kill cancer cells all through the body.
  3. An abnormal growth of tissue.
  4. Deformity or birth defect.
  5. Temporary or permanent loss of the blood supply to the brain.
  6. is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels.
  7. POLLUTION Particulate matter has been studied for its short- and long-term exposure effects on cardiovascular disease.
  8. Disappearance of symptoms of cancer.
  9. Tumors that are cancerous.
  10. is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period.
  11. Chest oain that results when the heart does not get enough oxygen .
  12. It has factors that are the world’s leading causes of death and kills an estimated 35 million people each year.
  13. Characteristics that increase a person's chance of developing a disease
  1. Are cancers of the immune system.
  2. Substances that cause cancer.
  3. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough _______________.
  4. Using this is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths.
  5. A serious chronic condition that causes tiny air passages in the respiratory to become narrow or blocked.
  6. The return of cancer after a remission.
  7. are diseases of the airways and other structures of the lung.
  8. The removal of a sample of tissue from a person for examination.
  9. intakes of saturated fat, trans-fats and salt, and low intake of fruits, vegetables and fish are linked to cardiovascular risk.
  10. The passage of traits from a perent to their children.
  11. Tumors that are not cancerous.
  12. is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.

25 Clues: Deformity or birth defect.Tumors that are cancerous.Substances that cause cancer.An abnormal growth of tissue.Tumors that are not cancerous.the habitual misuse of alcohol.Are cancers of the immune system.Disappearance of symptoms of cancer.The return of cancer after a remission.Using this is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths....

Prepare foods to meet pecial dietary requirements 2017-07-04

Prepare foods to meet pecial dietary requirements crossword puzzle
  1. acceptable food in Jewish
  2. only found in fruit and Vegetables, keeps you regular
  3. Vital for bone strength
  4. one who isnt able to digest gluten
  5. good source of protein, iron and fibre, especially for vegans
  6. shock to body when allergic food is consumed
  7. someone who doesnt eat any animal products or meat
  8. protein found in dairy
  9. a food eating regime
  10. diet of eating local and sesonal foods only
  11. a diet consisting of vegetables, dairy and Fish
  12. scientific name for fats
  13. Body converts this into energy
  14. common cause of artery clogging and weight gain
  15. Immune response to un recognised food source
  16. acceptable food in Islam
  17. one who has too much glucose in the blood
  18. complex protein found in wheat
  19. Refined sugar is high in...
  1. Chefs love to use it, not good for blood pressure
  2. artificial sweetener
  3. chemical in body used to maintain blood sugar
  4. The index scale of foods affect on ones blood glucose level
  5. fats that are bad
  6. Refined soy bean protein
  7. used to accelarate drying process in food
  8. term used for natural farming process
  9. pure vitamin C
  10. Cultural diet, sometimes vegetarian, do not eat beef or pork
  11. Produced by the human body when exposed to sunlight
  12. ground nut that some are commonly allergic to
  13. pete evans favourite diet
  14. Main building blocks for human cells
  15. forbidden food in islam
  16. Vital for human function, bad if its high
  17. activity to stay "fit"
  18. Cultural belief of not harming any animals
  19. Essential organic chemicals that perform functions in the body
  20. vital to life, more important than food
  21. contributing food to diabetes

40 Clues: pure vitamin Cfats that are badartificial sweetenera food eating regimeprotein found in dairyactivity to stay "fit"Vital for bone strengthforbidden food in islamRefined soy bean proteinscientific name for fatsacceptable food in Islamacceptable food in Jewishpete evans favourite dietRefined sugar is high in...contributing food to diabetes...

Patología Ambiental 2023-10-22

Patología Ambiental crossword puzzle
  1. Tipo de angina que se da por un vasoespasmo.
  2. Se produce cuando la sangre separas los planos laminares de la media para formar un canal lleno de sangre dentro de la pared.
  3. Infarto que afecta todo el espesor del ventrículo.
  4. Fase preclínica del ateroesclerosis en el que se encuentran máculas amarillas planas.
  5. La morbilidad asociada a la diabetes es consecuencia de las complicaciones crónicas de la.
  6. factor modificable de la isquemia cardiaca, quepuede causar cáncer de pulmón.
  7. Son dilataciones congénitas o adquiridas de los vasos sanguíneos o del corazón.
  8. Forma en la que se almacena la glucosa en las células musculares.
  9. falta de respuesta normal a la insulina de los tejidos diana.
  10. puede prevenirse con una disminución del consumo de sal, una dieta rica en frutas y verduras y el ejercicio físico.
  11. reduce la producción de glucosa en el hígado.
  12. Trastornos metabólicos caracterizados por hiperglucemia.
  13. Necrosis del músculo cardíaco secundario a isquemia
  1. Siendo los riñones la principal diana en la diabetes, puede ocasionar.
  2. Lesión que afecta a arterias pequeñas y arteriolas, puede causar lesión isquémica.
  3. Factor modificable en el que existe un alto nivel de LDL.
  4. Dolor opresivo en el pecho que se produce con el esfuerzo.
  5. Reducir el consumo de alimentos ricos en grasas de origen animal reduce los niveles de.
  6. La muerte súbita cardíaca es una muerte inesperada ocasionada por una .
  7. Característica principal de la esclerosis de la media de Mönckeberg.
  8. Lesión de la túnica media caracterizada por la presencia de ateromas.
  9. Estancamiento del flujo sanguíneo necesaria para la formación de un trombo.
  10. Enfermedad auto inmunitaria caracterizada por la destrucción células beta.
  11. principal estímulo que desencadena la liberación de insulina.
  12. Principal causa de angina inestable, IAM y muerte súbita cardiaca.

25 Clues: Tipo de angina que se da por un vasoespasmo.reduce la producción de glucosa en el hígado.Infarto que afecta todo el espesor del ventrículo.Necrosis del músculo cardíaco secundario a isquemiaTrastornos metabólicos caracterizados por hiperglucemia.Factor modificable en el que existe un alto nivel de LDL....

Immune/Lymphatic System 2014-11-18

Immune/Lymphatic System crossword puzzle
  1. when the immune system is being a drama queen
  2. makes T-cells
  3. get rid of germs within the body
  4. the hormone attacked through type 1 diabetes
  5. returns blood that has escaped from veins to the circulatory system
  6. circulates lymph, helps immune system respond
  1. another word for the immune system
  2. impervious
  3. aka "protective system"
  4. replaces damaged blood cells

10 Clues: imperviousmakes T-cellsaka "protective system"replaces damaged blood cellsget rid of germs within the bodyanother word for the immune systemthe hormone attacked through type 1 diabeteswhen the immune system is being a drama queencirculates lymph, helps immune system respondreturns blood that has escaped from veins to the circulatory system

Isabella n 12, Flávia n7 2020-06-25

Isabella n 12, Flávia n7 crossword puzzle
  1. It is a complete liquid food
  2. healthy vegetable fat
  3. During the Brazilian june party it is used to make typical food
  4. food with aquatic origin
  5. disease characterized by excess blood sugar
  6. Should drink 3 liters per day
  1. Typical Brazilian gaucho drink
  2. fruit rich in vitamin c
  3. energetc food
  4. epidemic in the 21st century

10 Clues: energetc foodhealthy vegetable fatfruit rich in vitamin cfood with aquatic originIt is a complete liquid foodepidemic in the 21st centuryShould drink 3 liters per dayTypical Brazilian gaucho drinkdisease characterized by excess blood sugarDuring the Brazilian june party it is used to make typical food

Mineral Work 2021-12-09

Mineral Work crossword puzzle
  1. magnesium levels metabolic syndrome
  2. increases the risk of magnesium deficiency
  3. to slow blood clotting Magnesium
  4. levels of magnesium hypomagnesemia
  5. be taken by IV infusion
  6. commonly used for constipation
  1. magnesium sources are high fiber foods
  2. for constipation magnesium
  3. for those pregnant or breast-feeding taken by mouth
  4. for normal bone structure magnesium
  5. pregnancy complication can be INJECTED AS A SHOT

11 Clues: be taken by IV infusionfor constipation magnesiumcommonly used for constipationto slow blood clotting Magnesiummagnesium levels metabolic syndromefor normal bone structure magnesiumlevels of magnesium hypomagnesemiamagnesium sources are high fiber foodsincreases the risk of magnesium deficiencypregnancy complication can be INJECTED AS A SHOT...

Health 2023-04-14

Health crossword puzzle
  1. something to help you grow at night.
  2. What does food convert to?
  3. A source of energy.
  4. What does good health prevent?
  5. Something that helps you to lose weight.
  1. What group are carrots in?
  2. What group is milk in?
  3. A vitamin that is in oranges.
  4. Energy you get from foods like fish.
  5. What can obesity lead to?

10 Clues: A source of energy.What group is milk in?What can obesity lead to?What group are carrots in?What does food convert to?A vitamin that is in oranges.What does good health prevent?something to help you grow at night.Energy you get from foods like fish.Something that helps you to lose weight.

Thomas Edison 2023-09-19

Thomas  Edison crossword puzzle
  1. Town that Edison was born in
  2. Thomas Edison's first job
  3. What did Thomas Edison Improve?
  4. The phonograph was used to __________
  5. Number of patents Edison had
  1. Reason for Thomas Edison's death
  2. Edison's favored type of current
  3. Time that Edison improved the light bulb
  4. What city and state did Edison die in?
  5. State Edison grew up in

10 Clues: State Edison grew up inThomas Edison's first jobTown that Edison was born inNumber of patents Edison hadWhat did Thomas Edison Improve?Reason for Thomas Edison's deathEdison's favored type of currentThe phonograph was used to __________What city and state did Edison die in?Time that Edison improved the light bulb

Bioteknologi 2023-03-04

Bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. mikroorganisme pembuatan nata de coco
  2. mikroorganisme dalam pembuatan yogurt
  3. produk bioteknologi bukan aslin indonesia
  4. bahan untuk membuat brem padatdiabetes,penerapan rekayasa genetik pada manusia
  5. penyebab rasa pahit pada tapai singkong
  6. penerapan rekayasa genetik pada manusia
  1. bioteknologin untuk mengatasi tumpahan minyak
  2. dalam prosesnya memerlukan kondisi steril
  3. bakteri dalam pengolahan limbah
  4. produk makanan yang memanfaatkan mikroorganisme

10 Clues: bakteri dalam pengolahan limbahmikroorganisme pembuatan nata de cocomikroorganisme dalam pembuatan yogurtpenyebab rasa pahit pada tapai singkongpenerapan rekayasa genetik pada manusiadalam prosesnya memerlukan kondisi sterilproduk bioteknologi bukan aslin indonesiabioteknologin untuk mengatasi tumpahan minyak...

Kelainan pada Materi Genetika 2023-11-23

Kelainan pada Materi Genetika crossword puzzle
  1. kelainan 1000 muka
  2. hemoglobin tidak sempurna
  3. sinrom kelainan kromosom ☓
  4. gangguan pada pembentukan melanin sehingga rambut dan kulit berwarna putih
  5. Kelainan dengan salah satu ciri penurunan daya ingat
  1. darah sukar membeku saat terluka
  2. kelaianan kadar gula darah pada tubuh
  3. tidak bisa membedakan warna
  4. memiliki jari lebih dari 5
  5. sel yang abnormal an sangat cepat memperbanyak diri

10 Clues: kelainan 1000 mukahemoglobin tidak sempurnamemiliki jari lebih dari 5sinrom kelainan kromosom ☓tidak bisa membedakan warnadarah sukar membeku saat terlukakelaianan kadar gula darah pada tubuhsel yang abnormal an sangat cepat memperbanyak diriKelainan dengan salah satu ciri penurunan daya ingat...


  1. proses pembentukan urine yang terjadi di glomerulus
  2. zat gas hasil sisa metabolisme tubuh
  3. zat yang diekresikan oleh ginjal
  4. hasil ekresi kulit
  5. organ ekresi yang ukuranya besar dan terletak diperut sebelah kanan
  1. saluran terakhir pembuangan urine
  2. proses yang berlangsung di tubulus kontortus proksimal
  3. proses terakhir dalam pembentukan urine
  4. penyakit dengan jumlah kadar hormon insulinnya sedikit
  5. zat warna empedu

10 Clues: zat warna empeduhasil ekresi kulitzat yang diekresikan oleh ginjalsaluran terakhir pembuangan urinezat gas hasil sisa metabolisme tubuhproses terakhir dalam pembentukan urineproses pembentukan urine yang terjadi di glomerulusproses yang berlangsung di tubulus kontortus proksimalpenyakit dengan jumlah kadar hormon insulinnya sedikit...