travel Crossword Puzzles

Travel 2022-11-05

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. One, two, three, four or five ___: rating system for hotels
  2. Person travelling with a passenger
  3. Opposite of ceiling
  4. Opposite to west
  5. Opposite of departure
  6. Typical attire for male business class travellers: suits and ____.
  7. Flight to the home country
  8. "You can't sit here, this seat is ____."
  9. Temporary accommodation made of cloth
  10. Money paid to hire a car
  11. "There is no air-conditioning in the room, but there is a ceiling ___."
  12. ride, rode, ____
  13. Journey on an aircraft
  1. Place you keep your cars, etc.
  2. What you intend to do
  3. "You can get good prices ____ season."
  4. Type of ferry which cars and trucks can use
  5. Journey of a ship going from place to place
  6. "If you are going abroad you should take out medical ______."
  7. An engine and a set of coaches travelling on rails
  8. Hunting expedition in Africa
  9. Road, rail, air and ____
  10. "I am going to Paris next week on a business _____ ."
  11. Group of ships, aircraft or road vehicles

24 Clues: Opposite to westride, rode, ____Opposite of ceilingWhat you intend to doOpposite of departureJourney on an aircraftRoad, rail, air and ____Money paid to hire a carFlight to the home countryHunting expedition in AfricaPlace you keep your cars, etc.Person travelling with a passengerTemporary accommodation made of cloth...

Travel 2022-06-18

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. resort
  2. bus
  3. foreign
  4. foreigner
  5. currency
  6. gas
  7. vacation
  8. visa
  9. agency
  10. attractions
  1. bicycle
  2. border
  3. hotel
  4. map
  5. railway station
  6. туризм
  7. baggage
  8. ticket
  9. airport
  10. ship
  11. town
  12. airlines

22 Clues: mapbusgasshipvisatownhotelborderresortтуризмticketagencybicycleforeignbaggageairportcurrencyvacationairlinesforeignerattractionsrailway station

TRAVEL 2023-01-13

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. the airport building
  2. a piece of paper you must show to get on the plane
  3. a board in an airport, bus terminal, etc displaying the times and destinations of future departures
  4. a holiday where you sleep on a boat and travel from one place to another
  5. when the plane leaves the ground
  6. an unusual, exciting holiday, possibly with some danger, e.g.rock climbing or walking in the jungle: a _______ holiday
  7. a description of a hotel, restaurant, etc, written by people who've been there
  8. when you leave a place, at the start of a journey
  9. a place where you stay
  10. the large road that planes use for take-offs and landings
  11. go through the area where your luggage may be checked to make sure you don’t have anything illegal: to go through _______
  12. a short holiday during a weekend
  13. to make a reservation using the Internet
  14. see how heavy something is
  15. the people on the aircraft who look after the passengers
  16. a plane
  1. written description of something to buy or rent
  2. a holiday organized by a travel agent, with arrangements for transport, accommodation, etc.: a _______ holiday
  3. the place where you collect your luggage
  4. spoken information to a group of people
  5. a short holiday where you visit a city
  6. a specific code that an airline assigns to a particular flight in its network
  7. a small hotel where breakfast is included in the price
  8. a place where you plan to travel
  9. when the plane arrives on the ground
  10. when you have to wait longer than expected
  11. pay extra for your luggage: to pay _______
  12. press together the seat mounting and move the seatbelt up or down: to _______ a seatbelt
  13. get on the plane

29 Clues: a planeget on the planethe airport buildinga place where you staysee how heavy something iswhen the plane leaves the grounda place where you plan to travela short holiday during a weekendwhen the plane arrives on the grounda short holiday where you visit a cityspoken information to a group of peoplethe place where you collect your luggage...

Travel 2020-04-13

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. are very famous l________________.
  2. so you don’t get lost.
  3. a p________________ of the city.
  4. Millions of t________________ visit the Great Wall of
  5. I like to remember the places I’ve travelled to.
  6. get a new p________________ every ten years.
  7. Our flight leaves from Gate 43, but I don’t know where
  8. Last month, when I was in Vienna, I sent my
  9. Don’t forget to bring everything you need in your
  1. We’ll be travelling for two weeks.
  2. The way my face looks changes as I get older, so I need
  3. The Great Pyramids of Egypt and the Eiffel Tower in
  4. It’s usually a great idea to travel with a good
  5. What time does our flight leave, or d________________?
  6. When will you get there, or a________________?
  7. 43 is. Let’s ask at the i________________ desk.
  8. Where can I buy a train t________________?
  9. I always buy lots of s________________ when I travel
  10. Did you enjoy your t________________ to Dubai?
  11. every year.

20 Clues: every you don’t get lost.a p________________ of the city.We’ll be travelling for two weeks.are very famous l________________.Where can I buy a train t________________?Last month, when I was in Vienna, I sent myget a new p________________ every ten years.When will you get there, or a________________?...

TRAVEL 2019-06-25

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. foreign currency
  2. petrol/diesel
  3. easy and quick to use
  4. the local food
  5. regular and efficient
  6. dirty air
  7. money paid for a journey
  8. your accommodation
  9. advanced before you travel
  10. for a visa
  11. full of people
  12. a car
  13. by the pool
  1. jams cars don’t move
  2. better for the environment
  3. sightseeing
  4. the local culture
  5. the area
  6. online reviews
  7. travel insurance
  8. your flight

21 Clues: a carthe areadirty airfor a visasightseeingyour flightby the poolpetrol/dieselthe local foodonline reviewsfull of peopleforeign currencytravel insurancethe local cultureyour accommodationjams cars don’t moveeasy and quick to useregular and efficientmoney paid for a journeybetter for the environmentadvanced before you travel

Travel 2021-02-08

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. get free ride in a car by standing on the side of the road with your thumb out
  2. Shoes to wear in summer
  3. Document to follow so as not to get lost
  4. bag It serves to sleep away from home
  5. resort A place where a lot of people go on vacation
  6. Serves to dry after bathing
  7. to go somewhere to see a specific building or famous landmark; looking at places of interest
  8. Coins and paper bills used as money
  9. flight A flight in which the traveler must change planes once, twice or even more times to get to his or her destination.
  1. terminal It is where passengers are able to get on and off aircraft.
  2. Place where there is no water
  3. walk around with no special place you want to go; just looking
  4. Place to store things
  5. tour one price for a vacation including flights, hotel, food, etc
  6. Cream not to burn
  7. permission to go to another country
  8. pass The document provided to the passenger that permits the passenger to board the aircraft and claim a specific seat
  9. exchange the ratio of one country's currency to another
  10. a flight get into a plane
  11. the place where people check your bags in an airport, etc when you go to another country

20 Clues: Cream not to burnPlace to store thingsShoes to wear in summera flight get into a planeServes to dry after bathingPlace where there is no waterpermission to go to another countryCoins and paper bills used as moneybag It serves to sleep away from homeDocument to follow so as not to get lostresort A place where a lot of people go on vacation...

Travel 2021-02-08

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Shoes to wear in summer
  2. Document to follow so as not to get lost
  3. exchange the ratio of one country's currency to another
  4. the place where people check your bags in an airport, etc when you go to another country
  5. resort A place where a lot of people go on vacation
  6. to go somewhere to see a specific building or famous landmark; looking at places of interest
  7. walk around with no special place you want to go; just looking
  8. when you fly to one city have to stop in another city on your way
  1. flight A flight in which the traveler must change planes once, twice or even more times to get to his or her destination.
  2. tour one price for a vacation including flights, hotel, food, etc
  3. Place where there is no water
  4. bag It serves to sleep away from home
  5. Coins and paper bills used as money
  6. pass The document provided to the passenger that permits the passenger to board the aircraft and claim a specific seat
  7. Cream not to burn
  8. get free ride in a car by standing on the side of the road with your thumb out
  9. a flight get into a plane
  10. Place to store things
  11. terminal It is where passengers are able to get on and off aircraft.
  12. Serves to dry after bathing
  13. permission to go to another country

21 Clues: Cream not to burnPlace to store thingsShoes to wear in summera flight get into a planeServes to dry after bathingPlace where there is no waterCoins and paper bills used as moneypermission to go to another countrybag It serves to sleep away from homeDocument to follow so as not to get lostresort A place where a lot of people go on vacation...

Travel 2023-01-24

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. lasku
  2. majoitus
  3. viisumi
  4. retki
  5. matkamuisto
  6. lomakeskus
  7. matkasuunnitelma
  8. nähtävyydet
  9. reppumatkaaja
  10. risteily
  1. mukavuudet/palvelut
  2. lentoyhtiö
  3. matka
  4. matkatavarat
  5. mökki
  6. nähtävyyksien katselu
  7. laituri
  8. tulli
  9. lautta
  10. varaus
  11. aamiaismajoitus

21 Clues: matkamökkilaskuretkitullilauttavarauslaituriviisumimajoitusristeilylentoyhtiölomakeskusmatkamuistonähtävyydetmatkatavaratreppumatkaajaaamiaismajoitusmatkasuunnitelmamukavuudet/palvelutnähtävyyksien katselu

Travel 2023-03-02

Travel crossword puzzle
  4. PRZEZ
  7. ODLOT
  10. POKŁAD
  1. REJS
  3. PROM
  4. JACHT
  11. PERON


Travel 2023-03-24

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. the ticket
  2. to lower
  3. the airport
  4. to take off
  5. the plane
  6. to move up
  7. suitcase
  8. to land
  9. the arrival
  10. the stop
  1. the taxi
  2. transfer
  3. to arrive
  4. to travel
  5. late
  6. to go out
  7. to fly
  8. to approach
  9. the flight
  10. the window

20 Clues: lateto flyto landthe taxitransferto lowersuitcasethe stopto arriveto travelto go outthe planethe ticketthe flightthe windowto move upthe airportto take offto approachthe arrival

Travel 2023-06-12

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Extended period of leisure and recreation which is spent away from home or traveling.
  2. A strong desire to travel and explore the world.
  3. tour, A type of tourism where travel and accommodation are booked together.
  4. A long vigorous walk which usually occurs on trails or footpaths in the countryside.
  5. A vacation spent in one's home country or at home while enjoying local tourist attractions.
  6. Act of traveling from one place to another.
  7. An unusual and exciting or daring experience which often involves discovery or exploration.
  8. Climbing, The sport or activity of climbing mountains.
  9. An outdoor activity of sliding down a wire rope suspended by a pulley.
  10. A medium-sized sailing boat equipped for cruising or racing.
  11. The activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location.
  12. A journey made by air which is schedules and carried out by an airline.
  13. A period of rest or waiting before a further stage in a journey.
  1. A journey undertaken for a specific purpose, often involving research or exploration.
  2. Traveling with minimal luggage often on a budget while typically involving stays at hostels.
  3. Outdoor activity involving paddling a kayak through waterways for sport or adventure.
  4. Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the welfare of locals.
  5. Planned route or journey.
  6. A conditional authorization granted by a country to a foreigner which allowes them to enter and temporarily stay.
  7. A Budget-oriented sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed which usually is a bunk bed or in a dormitory.
  8. An establishment providing accommodations with meals and other services for travelers or tourists.
  9. A long journey involving travel by sea or in space.
  10. trip, A long distance journey on the road.
  11. Traveling in a caravan or motorhome providing mobility and accommodation in one.
  12. A person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
  13. Glamorous camping with amenities and comforts not usually associated with traditional camping.
  14. A voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure or as a vacation.
  15. An overland journey to observe or hunt wildlife in its natural habitat.
  16. lag, A temporary sleep disorder that can affect those who travel quickly across multiple time zones.
  17. Insurance, Insurance that is intended to cover medical expenses as well as trip cancellation and lost luggage.

30 Clues: Planned route or journey.trip, A long distance journey on the road.Act of traveling from one place to another.A strong desire to travel and explore the world.A long journey involving travel by sea or in space.Climbing, The sport or activity of climbing mountains.A person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure....

Travel 2014-03-10

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. ticket
  2. luggage
  3. aboard
  4. handy_work/artwork
  5. warning/notice
  6. to_demand
  7. take_a_tour
  8. to_return
  9. itinerary
  10. to_recommend
  11. tourist
  12. passenger
  13. to_suggest
  14. room_service
  15. to_wish
  16. tourism
  17. passport
  18. hotel
  19. dangerous
  20. to_cancel
  21. border
  22. flights
  23. place_of_exchange
  24. hike/tour
  25. customs
  26. taxi
  27. to_have_patients
  28. trip
  29. delayed
  30. cruise ship
  1. destination
  2. to_stay
  3. lodging
  4. bus
  5. reception
  6. travler(she)
  7. to travel
  8. insurance
  9. departure_gate
  10. to_go_on_vacation
  11. adventure
  12. airport
  13. to_be_full
  14. to_miss_the_flight
  15. to_change
  16. customs_agent
  17. to_insist
  18. to_pack_suitcase
  19. tip
  20. arrival
  21. to_book/reserve
  22. adventurer
  23. to_prohibit
  24. prohibited
  25. travler(he)
  26. to_hope

56 Clues: bustiptaxitriphotelticketaboardborderto_stayluggagelodgingtouristairportarrivalto_wishtourismflightscustomsto_hopedelayedpassportreceptionto travelto_demandinsuranceto_returnitineraryadventurepassengerto_changeto_insistdangerousto_cancelhike/tourto_be_fullto_suggestadventurerprohibiteddestinationtake_a_tourto_prohibittravler(he)cruise ship...

TRAVEL 2015-01-13

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. keleivis
  2. kelionė per kelionių agentūrą
  3. savaitgalį
  4. keliavimas autostopu
  5. vežimėlis bagažui
  6. rugpjūčio mėnesį
  7. ketvirtadienio rytą
  8. po 2 mėnesių
  9. išėjimas prie lėktuvo
  10. detalus kelionės planas
  11. per Kalėdas
  12. pakilti
  1. kitą savaitę
  2. persikėlimas (vandeniu)
  3. sirgti jūros liga
  4. sumokėti muitą už
  5. degalinė
  6. persėsti iš vieno traukinio į kitą
  7. tiesioginis traukinys
  8. muitinės darbuotojas
  9. užsakytas skrydis
  10. per mano gimtadienį
  11. važiuoti turistiniu autobusu
  12. sėsti į lėktuvą, laivą, keltą
  13. apmuitinamas
  14. aplenkti (automobilį)

26 Clues: pakiltikeleivisdegalinėsavaitgalįper Kalėdaskitą savaitępo 2 mėnesiųapmuitinamasrugpjūčio mėnesįsirgti jūros ligasumokėti muitą užvežimėlis bagažuiužsakytas skrydisketvirtadienio rytąper mano gimtadienįkeliavimas autostopumuitinės darbuotojastiesioginis traukinysaplenkti (automobilį)išėjimas prie lėktuvopersikėlimas (vandeniu)...

travel 2015-02-01

travel crossword puzzle
  1. patikrinimasw
  2. apmuitinamas
  3. geležinkelio stotis
  4. persėsti į kitą traukinį
  5. vagonas
  6. kajutė
  7. leidimas sėsti į lėktuvą/laivą
  8. siena
  9. stotis
  10. nešikas
  11. įgula, ekipažas
  12. išvažiavimo viza
  13. reaktyvinis lėktuvas
  1. nusileisti
  2. aptarnavimo stotis
  3. malūnsparnis
  4. šyturys
  5. užsisakyti bileitus
  6. turistinis autobusas
  7. kelionė jūra ar ilga kelionė upe

20 Clues: sienakajutėstotisvagonasšyturysnešikasnusileistiapmuitinamasmalūnsparnispatikrinimaswįgula, ekipažasišvažiavimo vizaaptarnavimo stotisgeležinkelio stotisužsisakyti bileitusturistinis autobusasreaktyvinis lėktuvaspersėsti į kitą traukinįleidimas sėsti į lėktuvą/laivąkelionė jūra ar ilga kelionė upe

Travel 2015-03-23

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. kofferbak
  2. goederentrein
  3. koffer
  4. wiel
  5. stewardess
  6. luchthaven
  7. perron
  8. locomotief
  9. benzine
  10. olie
  1. motorkap
  2. spoorrails
  3. verkeerstoren
  4. band
  5. benzine pomp
  6. wagon
  7. koplampen
  8. accu
  9. piloot
  10. startbaan

20 Clues: bandwielaccuoliewagonkofferperronpilootbenzinemotorkapkofferbakkoplampenstartbaanspoorrailsstewardessluchthavenlocomotiefbenzine pompverkeerstorengoederentrein

Travel 2016-02-23

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Area between rows on the plane.
  2. Delta is this.
  3. When it snows you have to wait is called a.
  4. To make a call you go to this place.
  5. When you go to a new place you.
  6. The place you go to board the plane.
  7. You make this before you go eat at a fancy restaurant.
  8. The person who flys the plane.
  9. The person who assist you on the plane.
  10. They check this before you get on the plane.
  1. When in a dangerous situation people tell you to be.
  2. This person helps you at his/her job.
  3. What you walk through to get to the plane.
  4. This is the person visiting another country called.
  5. A room with one bed.
  6. You pack this for a vacation.
  7. This person shows you around.
  8. When you get back from a trip to put your clothes up you do this.
  9. They do this to your bag before you go on the plane.
  10. When something makes you happy you are...

20 Clues: Delta is this.A room with one bed.You pack this for a vacation.This person shows you around.The person who flys the plane.Area between rows on the plane.When you go to a new place you.To make a call you go to this place.The place you go to board the plane.This person helps you at his/her job.The person who assist you on the plane....

Travel 2018-10-22

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Goats
  2. MGM Casino
  3. Target
  4. Animal style
  5. Twin Towers
  6. Gate San Franscico
  7. Kelowna
  8. Harry Potter!
  9. Big Trees
  10. Murals
  1. Indoor jungle
  2. Flip Flops
  3. Magnet
  4. Family Dinner
  5. Agassiz
  6. Museum of Flight
  7. Champagne, water, music, and the view
  8. Noodle soup
  9. Our subway meeting place in Seoul
  10. Our last ride at Disney
  11. City of stars
  12. Canals
  13. study in LA
  14. Fossils
  15. Mountain Three Sisters

25 Clues: GoatsMagnetTargetCanalsMuralsAgassizKelownaFossilsBig TreesFlip FlopsMGM CasinoNoodle soupTwin Towersstudy in LAAnimal styleIndoor jungleFamily DinnerCity of starsHarry Potter!Museum of FlightGate San FranscicoMountain Three SistersOur last ride at DisneyOur subway meeting place in SeoulChampagne, water, music, and the view

Travel 2022-01-24

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. The past tense of say.
  2. This is faster than walking but slower than bicycling.
  3. What you can see at an aquarium.
  4. The name for a car, truck, and a motorcycle.
  5. The past tense of sleep.
  6. How a plane travels.
  7. You put this on while in a car, in a truck, and on a plane.
  8. The English word for Donde.
  9. What a boat travels on.
  10. Has one wheel.
  11. The past tense of have.
  12. What a train travels on.
  13. The future tense of have.
  14. Older than trains and planes.
  1. You pack clothes in this when you travel.
  2. The past tense of run.
  3. This prefix means one.
  4. The past tense of drive.
  5. You can eat these on a plane.
  6. This prefix means two.
  7. Has two wheels and a motor.
  8. The past tense of swim.
  9. The English word for Cómo.
  10. What powers a sailboat?
  11. This powers a bicycle and a unicycle...your feet go on it.
  12. These hit the ground when you run and walk.
  13. Bigger than a car.
  14. You sit on this.
  15. The past tense of eat.
  16. This prefix means three.
  17. The English word for Por qué.
  18. Cars have four of these.
  19. Getting from one place to another.
  20. The past tense of walk.
  21. Three seats that are together on a plane are in a...
  22. The English word for Qué.

36 Clues: Has one wheel.You sit on this.Bigger than a car.How a plane travels.The past tense of run.This prefix means one.The past tense of say.This prefix means two.The past tense of eat.The past tense of swim.What powers a sailboat?What a boat travels on.The past tense of walk.The past tense of have.The past tense of drive.The past tense of sleep....

TRAVEL 2023-07-07

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. A bag with shoulder straps, typically used for carrying belongings while traveling.
  2. A period when someone takes a break from work or school to relax or travel.
  3. The activity of walking or trekking in natural environments or trails.
  4. An item purchased or kept as a reminder of a place visited during travel.
  5. A place where airplanes take off and land, and passengers board and disembark.
  6. A person or book that provides information and assistance to travelers.
  7. A journey or excursion to a specific destination.
  8. An official document issued by the government allowing travel to other countries.
  9. A place providing accommodation for travelers.
  10. The place where someone is going or planning to go.
  11. To find or become aware of something for the first time, often during travel or exploration.
  1. A sandy or pebbly shore next to a body of water, often used for relaxation and recreation.
  2. A visual representation of an area, showing geographical features and directions.
  3. The activity of staying in a tent or camping ground, usually in a natural environment.
  4. A piece of paper or electronic document that allows entry or travel on public transportation.
  5. A rectangular case used for carrying clothes and personal belongings while traveling.
  6. The activity of visiting places of interest and tourist attractions.
  7. To travel in or through an unfamiliar area to learn about it and discover new things.
  8. An exciting or daring experience, often involving exploration or travel.
  9. A card with a picture on one side, often sent to friends or family while traveling.
  10. A trip or voyage on a ship or boat, often for leisure or pleasure.

21 Clues: A place providing accommodation for travelers.A journey or excursion to a specific destination.The place where someone is going or planning to go.A trip or voyage on a ship or boat, often for leisure or pleasure.The activity of visiting places of interest and tourist attractions.The activity of walking or trekking in natural environments or trails....

TRAVEL 2023-09-27

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. foreign currency
  2. petrol/diesel
  3. easy and quick to use
  4. the local food
  5. regular and efficient
  6. dirty air
  7. money paid for a journey
  8. your accommodation
  9. advanced before you travel
  10. for a visa
  11. full of people
  12. a car
  13. by the pool
  1. jams cars don’t move
  2. better for the environment
  3. sightseeing
  4. the local culture
  5. the area
  6. online reviews
  7. travel insurance
  8. your flight

21 Clues: a carthe areadirty airfor a visasightseeingyour flightby the poolpetrol/dieselthe local foodonline reviewsfull of peopleforeign currencytravel insurancethe local cultureyour accommodationjams cars don’t moveeasy and quick to useregular and efficientmoney paid for a journeybetter for the environmentadvanced before you travel

TRAVEL 2024-03-10

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. A bag with shoulder straps, typically used for carrying belongings while traveling.
  2. A period when someone takes a break from work or school to relax or travel.
  3. The activity of walking or trekking in natural environments or trails.
  4. An item purchased or kept as a reminder of a place visited during travel.
  5. A place where airplanes take off and land, and passengers board and disembark.
  6. A person or book that provides information and assistance to travelers.
  7. A journey or excursion to a specific destination.
  8. An official document issued by the government allowing travel to other countries.
  9. A place providing accommodation for travelers.
  10. The place where someone is going or planning to go.
  11. To find or become aware of something for the first time, often during travel or exploration.
  1. A sandy or pebbly shore next to a body of water, often used for relaxation and recreation.
  2. A visual representation of an area, showing geographical features and directions.
  3. The activity of staying in a tent or camping ground, usually in a natural environment.
  4. A piece of paper or electronic document that allows entry or travel on public transportation.
  5. A rectangular case used for carrying clothes and personal belongings while traveling.
  6. The activity of visiting places of interest and tourist attractions.
  7. To travel in or through an unfamiliar area to learn about it and discover new things.
  8. An exciting or daring experience, often involving exploration or travel.
  9. A card with a picture on one side, often sent to friends or family while traveling.
  10. A trip or voyage on a ship or boat, often for leisure or pleasure.

21 Clues: A place providing accommodation for travelers.A journey or excursion to a specific destination.The place where someone is going or planning to go.A trip or voyage on a ship or boat, often for leisure or pleasure.The activity of visiting places of interest and tourist attractions.The activity of walking or trekking in natural environments or trails....

Travel 2024-03-10

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. What country are the Great Pyramids of Giza located in?
  2. How many time zones does Russia have?
  3. The richest country in the world
  4. The capital city of Greece
  5. The third biggest country in the world
  6. The biggest ocean in the world
  7. The smallest country in the world
  8. In what ocean is the Bermuda Triangle located?
  9. One of the seven wonders that is located in India
  10. How many countries are there in the United Kingdom?
  11. The only landlocked country in Southeast Asia
  12. The biggest city in the world
  1. Country that has the largest Christian population in the world
  2. How many States does the United States consist of?
  3. The most travelled country in the world
  4. The least densely populated country
  5. One of the seven wonders that is located in Peru
  6. The highest mountain in the world
  7. The capital city of Canada
  8. The richest country in Africa
  9. The longest river in the world
  10. The largest desert in the world
  11. The coldest city in the world

23 Clues: The capital city of CanadaThe capital city of GreeceThe richest country in AfricaThe coldest city in the worldThe biggest city in the worldThe biggest ocean in the worldThe longest river in the worldThe largest desert in the worldThe richest country in the worldThe highest mountain in the worldThe smallest country in the world...

Travel 2024-04-25

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Sand
  2. Vacation
  3. Fun
  4. Hot
  5. Food
  6. Sunny
  7. Relaxing
  8. Museum
  9. Towel
  10. sunscreen
  11. Hotel
  12. Trip
  13. Enjoyable
  14. Pool
  15. Hat
  1. Swimming
  2. Nature
  3. Tourist
  4. sunglasses
  5. Warm
  6. Resort
  7. Drink
  8. Pretty
  9. Happy
  10. Ocean
  11. Travel
  12. World
  13. Beach

28 Clues: FunHotHatSandFoodWarmTripPoolSunnyDrinkTowelHotelHappyOceanWorldBeachNatureResortMuseumPrettyTravelTouristSwimmingVacationRelaxingsunscreenEnjoyablesunglasses

TRAVEL 2013-03-11

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. stå i kø
  2. fordel
  3. vigtig
  4. rejseplan
  5. ferie
  6. logi
  7. fantastisk
  8. indflydelse/påvirke
  9. frivillig
  10. kultur
  11. rygsækrejsende
  12. perfekt
  13. turisme
  1. nedslidt
  2. telt
  3. destination
  4. ombytte
  5. rejse
  6. annonce
  7. komfortable
  8. blandet
  9. feriekompleks
  10. lokal
  11. eksotisk
  12. fremmed
  13. hovedstad
  14. ambitiøs
  15. undgå

28 Clues: teltlogirejseferielokalundgåfordelvigtigkulturombytteannonceblandetfremmedperfektturismenedslidtstå i køeksotiskambitiøsrejseplanfrivillighovedstadfantastiskdestinationkomfortableferiekompleksrygsækrejsendeindflydelse/påvirke

Travel 2014-11-18

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. startbaan
  2. vrachtwagen
  3. koffer
  4. vliegtuig
  5. helikopter
  6. vliegveld
  7. olie
  8. reizen
  9. motorkap
  10. achterbak
  1. rugzak
  2. motor
  3. trein
  4. koplamp
  5. piloot
  6. wiel
  7. perron
  8. accu
  9. garage
  10. benzine

20 Clues: wielaccuoliemotortreinrugzakpilootkofferperrongaragereizenkoplampbenzinemotorkapstartbaanvliegtuigvliegveldachterbakhelikoptervrachtwagen

Travel 2017-09-25

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. when your car hits another car
  2. when the busdrivers stop work because they want more money for example
  3. when the plane arrives
  4. when your car/bus/train stops working
  5. when you get a ride with a friend
  6. when the plane leaves
  7. people waiting in line
  8. when traffic is very slow and sometimes stops
  9. when the plane moves around because of strong wind
  10. describes city
  11. start a journey
  1. describes countryside
  2. important travel document
  3. money
  4. what you need so you don't get sunburn
  5. when the plane is late
  6. isolated
  7. when you can't find your way
  8. when you get a ride with a stranger
  9. when you are late for the bus/train
  10. when you get on the plane

21 Clues: moneyisolateddescribes citystart a journeydescribes countrysidewhen the plane leaveswhen the plane is latewhen the plane arrivespeople waiting in lineimportant travel documentwhen you get on the planewhen you can't find your waywhen your car hits another carwhen you get a ride with a friendwhen you get a ride with a stranger...

Travel 2018-09-12

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. hotel
  2. tour guide
  3. beach
  4. mountain
  5. travel agency
  6. backpack
  7. north
  8. west
  9. excursion
  1. luggage
  2. taxi
  3. map
  4. ticket
  5. passport
  6. reservation
  7. valley
  8. airplane
  9. east
  10. coast
  11. south

20 Clues: maptaxieastwesthotelbeachcoastnorthsouthticketvalleyluggagepassportmountainbackpackairplaneexcursiontour guidereservationtravel agency

Travel 2021-02-08

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. get free ride in a car by standing on the side of the road with your thumb out
  2. Shoes to wear in summer
  3. Document to follow so as not to get lost
  4. bag It serves to sleep away from home
  5. resort A place where a lot of people go on vacation
  6. Serves to dry after bathing
  7. to go somewhere to see a specific building or famous landmark; looking at places of interest
  8. Coins and paper bills used as money
  9. flight A flight in which the traveler must change planes once, twice or even more times to get to his or her destination.
  1. terminal It is where passengers are able to get on and off aircraft.
  2. Place where there is no water
  3. walk around with no special place you want to go; just looking
  4. Place to store things
  5. tour one price for a vacation including flights, hotel, food, etc
  6. Cream not to burn
  7. permission to go to another country
  8. pass The document provided to the passenger that permits the passenger to board the aircraft and claim a specific seat
  9. exchange the ratio of one country's currency to another
  10. a flight get into a plane
  11. the place where people check your bags in an airport, etc when you go to another country

20 Clues: Cream not to burnPlace to store thingsShoes to wear in summera flight get into a planeServes to dry after bathingPlace where there is no waterpermission to go to another countryCoins and paper bills used as moneybag It serves to sleep away from homeDocument to follow so as not to get lostresort A place where a lot of people go on vacation...

Travel 2020-12-27

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Going out of a country
  2. A cheap hotel
  3. A short journey
  4. A synonim to amenities
  5. Related to forecast
  6. A place you go to when on holiday
  7. Very expensive
  8. A payment
  9. Receiving guests warmly
  10. A synonim to facilities
  11. A smaller price
  12. In a hotel, someone who opens the door, calls a cab ...
  13. A short voyage by the sea
  14. Full of colours
  15. A synonim to expensive
  16. The way you live
  1. You need it to go to Russia
  2. Usually happens in Kenya
  3. Holiday
  4. Synonim to book
  5. With no cable
  6. Driving fast and dangerous
  7. A synonim to discover
  8. Money dedicated to something
  9. Booking too many hotel places
  10. Someone who often travels
  11. Having fun
  12. Cosy
  13. Pacific or Atlantic
  14. When you cancel your flight, you make a ...

30 Clues: CosyHolidayA paymentHaving funWith no cableA cheap hotelVery expensiveSynonim to bookA short journeyA smaller priceFull of coloursThe way you liveRelated to forecastPacific or AtlanticA synonim to discoverGoing out of a countryA synonim to amenitiesA synonim to expensiveReceiving guests warmlyA synonim to facilitiesUsually happens in Kenya...

Travel 2020-05-13

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Home of John Lennon Peace Tower
  2. Home of Machu Pichu
  3. Home of the Forbidden City
  4. Home of Mecca
  5. Home of the Dead Sea
  6. Home of the Cabot Trail
  7. Home of the Nobel Prize Museum
  8. Home of Check Point Charlie
  9. Home of the Little Mermaid
  10. Home of the Hermitage Museum
  11. Home of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
  12. Home of Stonehenge
  1. Home of Bondi Beach
  2. Home of the Baphuon Temple
  3. Home of Bay of Pigs
  4. Home of the Taj Mahal
  5. Home of Vimy Ridge
  6. Home of Yellow Stone Park
  7. Home of the Shwedagon Pagoda
  8. Home of Echo Beach
  9. Home of Corcovado
  10. Home of the Pyramids of Giza
  11. Home of Pisa
  12. Home of Chichen Itza

24 Clues: Home of PisaHome of MeccaHome of CorcovadoHome of Vimy RidgeHome of Echo BeachHome of StonehengeHome of Bondi BeachHome of Bay of PigsHome of Machu PichuHome of the Dead SeaHome of Chichen ItzaHome of the Taj MahalHome of the Cabot TrailHome of Yellow Stone ParkHome of the Baphuon TempleHome of the Forbidden CityHome of the Little Mermaid...

Travel 2020-06-10

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. after 9
  2. city at the coast
  3. 13 September
  4. Amber
  5. Mumbai
  6. search engine for accommodation
  7. capital of Malaysia
  8. where India won 1st Olympic Gold
  9. Taj Mahal
  10. eiffel tower
  11. capital of Turkey
  1. airline
  2. underwater walk
  3. fruit/airline
  4. resort Mauritius
  5. capital Mauritius
  6. where Mokate comes from
  7. Country where Audi and Mercedes come from
  8. where nefis comes from
  9. sufi master/poet

20 Clues: AmberMumbaiafter 9airlineTaj Mahal13 Septembereiffel towerfruit/airlineunderwater walkresort Mauritiussufi master/poetcity at the coastcapital Mauritiuscapital of Turkeycapital of Malaysiawhere nefis comes fromwhere Mokate comes fromsearch engine for accommodationwhere India won 1st Olympic GoldCountry where Audi and Mercedes come from

Travel 2020-07-04

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. journey
  2. to find
  3. to search
  4. picture
  5. to organize
  6. sea
  7. to sell
  8. to buy
  9. price
  10. to travel
  1. abroad
  2. expensive
  3. suitcase
  4. hotel
  5. cheap
  6. kisses
  7. to decide
  8. diet
  9. mountain
  10. ticket
  11. room
  12. to ask

22 Clues: seadietroomhotelcheappriceabroadkissesticketto buyto askjourneyto findpictureto sellsuitcasemountainexpensiveto searchto decideto travelto organize

Travel 2021-04-13

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Путь
  2. Запад
  3. Вокзал
  4. Далекий
  5. Пропустить, пройти мимо
  6. Церковь
  7. Поворачивать
  8. Через
  9. Рассказать
  10. Замок
  11. Располагаться, находиться
  12. Напротив
  13. Мост
  14. Юг
  1. Рынок
  2. Между
  3. Север
  4. Прямо
  5. Аэропорт
  6. Ресторан
  7. Лес
  8. Центр
  9. Река
  10. Супермаркет
  11. Вокруг
  12. Восток
  13. Покупать
  14. Поездка
  15. Сувенир

29 Clues: ЮгЛесПутьРекаМостРынокМеждуСеверЗападПрямоЦентрЧерезЗамокВокзалВокругВостокДалекийЦерковьПоездкаСувенирАэропортРесторанПокупатьНапротивРассказатьСупермаркетПоворачиватьПропустить, пройти мимоРасполагаться, находиться

Travel 2021-05-26

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Bike
  2. jet
  3. camel
  4. Tractor
  5. carrige
  6. submarine
  7. helicopter
  8. monorail
  9. Walking
  1. Horse
  2. cruise
  3. RV
  4. Trolly
  5. motorcycle
  6. ATV
  7. Kayak
  8. bus
  9. Car
  10. Train
  11. Plane

20 Clues: RVjetATVbusCarBikeHorsecamelKayakTrainPlanecruiseTrollyTractorcarrigeWalkingmonorailsubmarinemotorcyclehelicopter

Travel 2022-03-23

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. ilmnema, pähe tulema
  2. rabav, jahmatav
  3. ajakirjandus
  4. sissekanne, sisenemine
  5. pardapääse
  6. loeng, loengut pidama
  7. karistus
  8. käsipagas
  9. ürgne loodus
  1. võõrastemaja
  2. toll
  3. kirurg
  4. kohane
  5. vahekäik
  6. sadam
  7. kohver
  8. kellekski saada tahtja
  9. pagas
  10. trahv, trahvima
  11. kandik
  12. sadam
  13. õpipoiss

22 Clues: tollsadampagassadamkirurgkohanekohverkandikvahekäikkaristusõpipoisskäsipagaspardapääsevõõrastemajaajakirjandusürgne loodusrabav, jahmatavtrahv, trahvimailmnema, pähe tulemaloeng, loengut pidamakellekski saada tahtjasissekanne, sisenemine

Travel 2022-04-14

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. toplamak
  2. tekkişilikoda
  3. yolculuk
  4. bisikletsürme
  5. ayrılmak
  6. dörtgözlebeklemek
  7. korkutucu
  8. buluşmak
  9. kaybolmak
  10. uçuş
  11. iğrenç
  12. tatil
  13. sahil
  14. güneşyanığı
  15. çiftkişilikoda
  1. konaklamak
  2. cazibemerkezi
  3. şehir
  4. kayıt
  5. aceleylekoşmak
  6. hasta
  7. meydan
  8. lezzetli
  9. doğayürüyüşü
  10. macera
  11. kızgın
  12. kiralamak
  13. rezervasyonyaptırmak

28 Clues: uçuşşehirkayıthastatatilsahilmeydaniğrençmacerakızgıntoplamakyolculuklezzetliayrılmakbuluşmakkorkutucukaybolmakkiralamakkonaklamakgüneşyanığıdoğayürüyüşücazibemerkezitekkişilikodabisikletsürmeaceleylekoşmakçiftkişilikodadörtgözlebeklemekrezervasyonyaptırmak

Travel 2023-06-21

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Large body of water separating continents
  2. Famous landmark in India known for its white marble exterior
  3. A travel experience involving hiking and camping
  4. Ancient city in Italy that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption
  5. Traveler's identification document
  6. A small group of islands
  7. Capital city of Spain
  8. Mode of transportation often used for long-distance travel
  9. Traditional Japanese inn
  10. Famous canal in Egypt
  11. Largest city in Australia
  1. Popular travel website for booking flights and hotels
  2. Type of accommodation that offers overnight stays in a natural environment
  3. A brief stay in a foreign country
  4. Popular tourist destination in France known for its iconic tower
  5. Device used for determining direction
  6. Popular tourist destination in Mexico known for its ancient ruins
  7. The process of getting on a plane or ship
  8. A document that allows a person to enter another country
  9. The act of going to different places for pleasure or work
  10. Popular form of transportation in Venice
  11. City known as the "Eternal City"
  12. Underground railway system

23 Clues: Capital city of SpainFamous canal in EgyptA small group of islandsTraditional Japanese innLargest city in AustraliaUnderground railway systemCity known as the "Eternal City"A brief stay in a foreign countryTraveler's identification documentDevice used for determining directionPopular form of transportation in Venice...

TRAVEL 2022-11-14

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. - hulajnoga
  2. - terminal pasażerski na lotnisku
  3. - rozbić się
  4. - samolot
  5. - tramwaj
  6. - wejście do samolotu
  7. - motorówka
  8. - pas ruchu
  9. - prace drogowe
  10. - zatonąć
  11. - przyjechać
  12. - jacht
  13. - poszukiwacz
  14. - pociąg
  15. - wakacje zimowe
  1. - wczasy nad morzem
  2. - rejs
  3. podróżować
  4. - ciężarówka
  5. - zgubić sie
  6. - prom
  7. - przeprawa
  8. - kajak
  9. - wylądować
  10. - tor kolejowa
  11. - wyciąg narciarski
  12. -statek wycieczkowy
  13. - dodatkowe koszty
  14. - wydarzenie
  15. - pas startowy

30 Clues: - rejs- prom- kajak- jacht- pociąg- samolot- tramwaj- zatonąćpodróżować- hulajnoga- przeprawa- wylądować- motorówka- pas ruchu- ciężarówka- zgubić sie- rozbić się- wydarzenie- przyjechać- poszukiwacz- tor kolejowa- pas startowy- prace drogowe- wakacje zimowe- dodatkowe koszty- wczasy nad morzem- wyciąg narciarski-statek wycieczkowy...

Travel 2022-11-02

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. invitado
  2. Mochilero
  3. fiable
  4. turista 1
  5. pasaporte
  6. compañero de apartamento
  7. valla
  8. guía turístico
  9. complejo turístico
  10. educado
  1. Moneda
  2. Campamento
  3. maleta
  4. sótano
  5. negativo
  6. equipaje
  7. timido
  8. turista 2
  9. la guía
  10. cubierteria
  11. cuarto de baño
  12. albergue juvenil

22 Clues: vallaMonedamaletasótanofiabletimidola guíaeducadoinvitadonegativoequipajeMochileroturista 1pasaporteturista 2Campamentocubierteriaguía turísticocuarto de bañoalbergue juvenilcomplejo turísticocompañero de apartamento

Travel 2023-01-20

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. to speak brokenly or weakly.
  2. performed and created with what is rhythmically , harmonically, and texturally current.
  3. proceed or go in a certain direction.
  4. may vary based upon food availability and trade,varying climates,cooking traditions and practices, and cultural diffirences.
  5. a column of air moving rapidly round and round in a cylindrical or funeral shape.
  6. to believe exactly what someone or something says rather than trying to understand their general meaning.
  7. to have existed for a particular length of time or since a particular time.
  8. totality of individuals and bussinesses that produce the cultural, artistic and innovative products and services.
  9. run a short distance very quickly, can be used for punctuation or a little horizontal line that floats in the middle of the text.
  10. a person who receives or entertains other people as quests.
  11. it is firmly fixed in your memory so that you will not forget it.
  12. creating many attractice public gathering places, and embracing diverse ethnic, religious, cultural and social groups.
  1. perfectly clean, neat or tidy.
  2. connected with what is happening or being discussed.
  3. walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way
  4. to give or supply(something, such as money or time) as a part or share.
  5. known or talked about by many people.
  6. the ability to assess and initiate things independently.
  7. to visit or come to someone or something in large numbers.
  8. set up on a firm or permanent basis or achieve permament acceptance or recognition for.
  9. The answer word(the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness and psychological problems.)

21 Clues: to speak brokenly or weakly.perfectly clean, neat or tidy.proceed or go in a certain direction.known or talked about by many people.walk or move in a leisurely or aimless wayconnected with what is happening or being discussed.the ability to assess and initiate things visit or come to someone or something in large numbers....

Travel 2022-06-03

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. el despegue
  2. el viajero
  3. el piloto
  4. volar
  5. el(la) auxiliar de vuelo
  6. el conductor
  7. el terminal
  8. el avión
  9. la azafata
  10. llegar
  11. aterrizar
  12. llevar retraso
  13. cancelar
  1. la linea aerea
  2. el anden
  3. el equipaje
  4. abordar
  5. el boleto/billete/pasaje
  6. el aeropuerto
  7. viajar
  8. la pista
  9. mostrar
  10. el pasajero
  11. la tripulación
  12. el aterrizaje

25 Clues: volarviajarllegarabordarmostrarel andenla pistael avióncancelarel pilotoaterrizarel viajerola azafatael despegueel equipajeel terminalel pasajeroel conductorel aeropuertoel aterrizajela linea aereala tripulaciónllevar retrasoel(la) auxiliar de vueloel boleto/billete/pasaje

Travel 2023-05-04

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. A period of time when someone takes a break from work or school to travel or relax.
  2. A container used for packing clothes and other items for travel.
  3. A place where airplanes take off and land, and passengers go through security.
  4. A place where people can pitch a tent or park an RV for overnight camping.
  5. A vacation that involves traveling on a ship and visiting multiple destinations.
  6. A type of bag that's worn on the back, often used for hiking or travel.
  7. A budget-friendly lodging option, often used by backpackers and students.
  8. A service that allows homeowners to rent out their properties to travelers.
  9. A place that offers lodging and other amenities for travelers.
  10. A form of outdoor exercise that involves walking on trails or in natural areas.
  1. A person who travels to a place for pleasure or interest, often from another country.
  2. A vehicle that's used for air travel, often the fastest way to travel long distances.
  3. A sandy or pebbly area near the ocean, often used for swimming and sunbathing.
  4. A document that allows you to travel on a plane, train, or bus.
  5. A place where objects of artistic, historical, or scientific importance are displayed.
  6. Paper or coins that are used as a medium of exchange in a foreign country.
  7. A guided visit to a place of interest, often on a bus or walking tour.
  8. A famous or significant building or monument that's often visited by tourists.
  9. A form of travel that involves carrying all of your belongings in a backpack and staying in hostels or campsites.
  10. A person who lives in a particular place and knows it well.
  11. A document that allows you to travel to foreign countries.

21 Clues: A document that allows you to travel to foreign countries.A person who lives in a particular place and knows it well.A place that offers lodging and other amenities for travelers.A document that allows you to travel on a plane, train, or bus.A container used for packing clothes and other items for travel....

Travel 2022-10-28

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. The area of camping.
  2. A portable house that you use when camping.
  3. A big vehicle that has a lot of storage space.
  4. To leave the ground.
  5. It travels through the air.There’s four blades in the top.
  6. A train that goes underground
  7. To detain.
  8. A malfunction.
  9. A place where people wait for something.
  10. It is a plank of wood with four wheels.
  11. To step outside a vehicle.
  12. A place where you stay when you travel.
  1. Were you look for something you lost.
  2. A house with wheels.
  3. Where you park the car.
  4. Place where people wait for the bus to come.
  5. A big ship that transports people especially through a short distance.
  6. A place where you pay to get food and a place to stay.
  7. To continue.
  8. To recover.

20 Clues: To detain.To recover.To continue.A malfunction.The area of camping.A house with wheels.To leave the ground.Where you park the car.To step outside a vehicle.A train that goes undergroundWere you look for something you lost.It is a plank of wood with four wheels.A place where you stay when you travel.A place where people wait for something....

Travel 2023-03-30

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. to scuba dive
  2. to drive
  3. beach
  4. park
  5. museum
  6. lake
  7. shoe store
  8. river
  9. supermarket
  10. zoo
  11. to rest
  12. to buy
  13. church
  14. trip
  15. country
  16. post office
  17. bank
  18. movie theater
  19. to swim
  1. street
  2. airport
  3. stadium
  4. to ski
  5. to camp
  6. store
  7. to travel
  8. suitcase
  9. state
  10. mountains
  11. town center
  12. ticket
  13. to visit
  14. place
  15. building
  16. destination
  17. pool
  18. to pack

37 Clues: zooparklakepooltripbankbeachstorestateplaceriverstreetto skimuseumticketto buychurchairportstadiumto campto restcountryto packto swimto drivesuitcaseto visitbuildingto travelmountainsshoe storetown centersupermarketdestinationpost officeto scuba divemovie theater

Travel 2023-11-15

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. The money used in a particular country.
  2. A book of information for travelers, usually providing details about a destination.
  3. The activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location.
  4. The act of reaching a destination.
  5. An inexpensive lodging facility, often with shared accommodations.
  6. Official document allowing travel between countries.
  7. A visual representation of an area, typically showing geographical features
  8. The action of leaving, especially to start a journey.
  9. travel in or through an unfamiliar area to learn about it.
  10. A keepsake or memento bought during travel.
  11. Here's a list of words and clues for a travel-themed crossword puzzle:
  1. A means of conveyance, especially a wheeled vehicle.
  2. The act of traveling from one place to another.
  3. A place that provides lodging accommodations for travelers.
  4. The person who operates an aircraft.
  5. The place to which someone is going or something is sent.
  6. Suitcases or bags containing personal belongings for a trip.
  7. A period of time spent away from home or work for leisure and relaxation.
  8. The tired and disoriented feeling after a long flight.
  9. A long walk, especially in the countryside.
  10. A journey on a ship for pleasure, typically including stops at various ports.
  11. An exciting or unusual experience, often involving travel and exploration.
  12. A journey or voyage undertaken for a specific purpose.
  13. A person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
  14. A detailed plan or route of a journey.

25 Clues: The act of reaching a destination.The person who operates an aircraft.A detailed plan or route of a journey.The money used in a particular country.A long walk, especially in the countryside.A keepsake or memento bought during travel.The act of traveling from one place to another.A means of conveyance, especially a wheeled vehicle....

Travel 2024-01-30

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Challenge beliefs, face realities
  2. Time stretches, savored moments
  3. Slow down, savor the moment
  4. See beyond headlines, humanize
  5. True self glimpsed, beyond roles
  6. Excitement, anticipation for the unknown
  7. Young folly revisited, embrace wonder
  8. Ignorance embraced, open to learn
  1. Different perspective
  2. World's riches shared, beyond borders
  3. Shed labels, become anew
  4. Escape routine, seek
  5. Kindness awakened, empathy blossoms
  6. Rekindled wonder, fall in love
  7. Unfamiliar terrain, step outside comfort
  8. Self-discovery, peeling back layers
  9. Innocence regained, childlike awe
  10. Shed baggage, loosen rigid views
  11. Share knowledge, bridge gaps
  12. Curiosity ignited, seeking answers

20 Clues: Escape routine, seekDifferent perspectiveShed labels, become anewSlow down, savor the momentShare knowledge, bridge gapsRekindled wonder, fall in loveSee beyond headlines, humanizeTime stretches, savored momentsShed baggage, loosen rigid viewsTrue self glimpsed, beyond rolesChallenge beliefs, face realitiesInnocence regained, childlike awe...

Travel 2024-03-19

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. suitcase
  2. passport
  3. travel
  4. dive
  5. reception
  6. flight
  7. visit
  8. ski
  9. explore
  1. domestic
  2. swim
  3. spend
  4. customs
  5. luggage
  6. welcome
  7. book
  8. hotel
  9. walk
  10. Wi-Fi
  11. fly

20 Clues: flyskiswimdivebookwalkspendhotelWi-Fivisittravelflightcustomsluggagewelcomeexploredomesticsuitcasepassportreception

Travel 2024-05-13

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. The Louvre, The Met
  2. the best part of the summer
  3. to explore
  4. the Indian, the Carribean
  5. underwater breathing
  6. to travel
  7. you walk these to explore
  8. to ______ the plane
  9. "say cheese"
  1. sand, waves, heat
  2. you can meet a lot of amazing people from around the world staying here
  3. the Andes
  4. one part of vacation; it costs money
  5. some people don't want to do much on vacation, they want to do this
  6. check in; check out
  7. to play
  8. "if it's Boeing, I'm not going"
  9. the direct translation is "memories" but this word is something you buy to create memories
  10. to visit
  11. the Pacific, the Atlantic

20 Clues: to playto visitthe Andesto travelto explore"say cheese"sand, waves, heatThe Louvre, The Metcheck in; check outto ______ the planeunderwater breathingthe Indian, the Carribeanthe Pacific, the Atlanticyou walk these to explorethe best part of the summer"if it's Boeing, I'm not going"one part of vacation; it costs money...

Travel 2024-06-10

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. - a passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, train, etc.
  2. - a person who checks that passengers on a train, etc, have a valid ticket, and marks it so that it cannot be used again
  3. - a wide road, with at least two lanes in each direction, where traffic can travel fast for long distances between large towns
  4. - he person in charge of a ship or commercial aircraft
  5. - the fact of enjoying special and expensive things, particularly food and drink, clothes and places
  6. - a holiday that is organized by a company at a fixed price and that includes the cost of travel, hotels, etc.
  7. - a short holiday; a place that is suitable for a holiday
  8. - a place to which somebody/something is going or being sent
  9. - bags, cases, etc. that contain somebody's clothes and things when they are travelling
  10. - a long narrow piece of ground with a hard surface that an aircraft takes off from and lands on
  11. - one of the places at an airport where you show your ticket so that you can be told where you will be sitting
  12. - the place at a port, airport, or border where travellers' passports official documents proving who someone is and allowing them to travel are checked
  13. - a person who shows other people the way to a place, especially somebody employed to show tourists around interesting places
  1. - an act of travelling from one place to another, especially when they are far apart
  2. - a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move very slowly
  3. - a comfortable bus for carrying passengers over long distances
  4. - the raised flat area next to the track at a train station where you get on or off the train
  5. - to begin a trip by sea
  6. - a separate section of a train for carrying passengers
  7. - to travel on holiday carrying your equipment and clothes in a backpack
  8. - a locker situated above someone's seat for storing luggage, etc
  9. trap - a place that attracts a lot of tourists and where food, drink, entertainment, etc. is more expensive than normal
  10. - to get onto a ship or plane; to put somebody/something onto a ship or plane
  11. - metal bars that a train moves along
  12. - forester's house or forester's hut is the residence of a forester, usually one who is in charge of a forest district.

25 Clues: - to begin a trip by sea- metal bars that a train moves along- a separate section of a train for carrying passengers- he person in charge of a ship or commercial aircraft- a place to which somebody/something is going or being sent- a short holiday; a place that is suitable for a holiday...

Travel 2024-06-10

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. "..... rosa beach"
  2. "... jack"; name of maggie's horse in colorado
  3. "... of the seas"
  4. cousin whose wedding was in texas
  5. field where m & a ran bases
  6. place where mom cracked her phone
  7. bird of callaway icecream
  8. who won $ and icecream by catching a fish
  9. hiking destination at toxaway
  1. who took a selfie in the hot tub in colorado
  2. number of beds at mountain house
  3. holiday celebrated at mountain house
  4. island (and name of a hotel)
  5. floor level # of cruise rooms
  6. most sunburned on cruise
  7. xc state race location
  8. color of big callaway chair
  9. name of server on cruise
  10. island at callaway
  11. total # of flights during dude ranch trip

20 Clues: "... of the seas""..... rosa beach"island at callawayxc state race locationmost sunburned on cruisename of server on cruisebird of callaway icecreamfield where m & a ran basescolor of big callaway chairisland (and name of a hotel)floor level # of cruise roomshiking destination at toxawaynumber of beds at mountain house...

Travel 2020-09-21

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. 24
  2. 15
  3. 19
  4. 21
  5. 23
  6. 6
  7. 17
  8. 1
  9. 4
  10. 7
  11. 29
  12. 12
  13. 26
  14. 13
  15. 33
  16. 28
  17. 30
  18. 32
  1. 22
  2. 18
  3. 11
  4. 5
  5. 16
  6. 8
  7. 20
  8. 14
  9. 31
  10. 9
  11. 3
  12. 10
  13. 25
  14. 27
  15. 32
  16. 2
  17. 33

35 Clues: 5861479322224181115192116232017143129122610252713323328303332

TRAVEL 2022-02-10

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. PRICE
  5. GET ON
  6. GATE
  8. TRAM
  10. AISLE
  3. FARE
  5. MISS
  7. GET OFF


TRAVEL 2022-02-10

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. GET OFF
  2. TRAM
  3. PRICE
  4. GET ON
  7. GATE
  10. CHECK-IN
  11. FARE
  2. AISLE
  4. MISS


Travel 2023-03-25

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. to take off
  2. late
  3. the flight
  4. the arrival
  5. to fly
  6. to go out
  7. to lower
  8. the ticket
  9. free
  10. to travel
  11. to land
  1. the taxi
  2. the plane
  3. to arrive
  4. to move up
  5. the stop
  6. to transfer
  7. suitcase
  8. to approach
  9. on time

20 Clues: latefreeto flyon timeto landthe taxithe stopsuitcaseto lowerthe planeto arriveto go outto travelto move upthe flightthe ticketto take offthe arrivalto transferto approach

Travel 2023-03-19

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. inside of plane
  2. flyer of plain
  3. hotel guarantee
  4. person in charge of train
  5. Uber and Lyft
  6. termination of trip
  7. the way there
  8. shakes plane in air
  9. document to travel
  10. serves plane passengers
  11. airport rest area
  1. travel plan
  2. keeps you safe
  3. pick up suitcase here
  4. permission to enter
  5. get on plane here
  6. getting on plane
  7. underground train
  8. suitcases
  9. admission document
  10. controls entry to country
  11. early morning flight
  12. finding your way

23 Clues: suitcasestravel planUber and Lyftthe way therekeeps you safeflyer of plaininside of planehotel guaranteegetting on planefinding your wayget on plane hereunderground trainairport rest areaadmission documentdocument to travelpermission to entertermination of tripshakes plane in airearly morning flightpick up suitcase hereserves plane passengers...

Travel 2023-03-13

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. 물고기
  2. 검은
  3. 계란
  4. give의 과거
  5. 선생님
  6. buy의 과거
  7. 비싼
  8. 화난
  1. 여동생/언니
  2. 배고픈
  3. 호수
  4. catch의 과거
  5. 하얀
  6. 엄마
  7. 운전하다
  8. 못생긴
  9. 벤치
  10. 춤추다
  11. 노래하다

21 Clues: 검은호수하얀엄마계란벤치비싼화난물고기배고픈선생님못생긴춤추다운전하다노래하다여동생/언니buy의 과거give의 과거catch의 과거

Travel 2022-12-18

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Usually breakfast and one other meal.
  2. Go to places tourists don't normally go, somewhere different/unusual.
  3. No other company can offer cheaper ones for the same service.
  4. Less formal.
  5. Instrument you breathe into to measure alcohol level.
  6. Crash between several or many Cars.
  7. Extremely beautiful.
  8. You can't get your money back.
  9. Get back your energi (like recharging a battery).
  10. Anger or violence between drivers because of difficult driving conditions.
  11. Large amount of;formal.
  12. Is more demanding,suggesting more difficult terrain.
  13. Relax,reduce your general level of stress.
  14. Similar to a pub,buat also offering accomodation,sometimes in an attractive old building.
  15. Original and natural.
  16. Small cottage or cabin specially built for holiday-makers.
  17. In a condition that it can be driven safely.
  18. Having vibes of the attractive, natural things in the countryside.
  19. No other holiday progamme can match this.
  20. A perfect place or situation often collocated with tropical when describing somewhere hot and sunny.
  21. Removal of your driving licence.
  22. This use of boast is for listing the good qualities of a place;formal.
  23. Directed away from our road.
  24. Not stopping at.
  25. Tourist industry.
  26. Very dangerous, without any care for other.
  27. Line of slow or stopped traffic.
  1. Fitted with a metal device on the wheel to prevent it from moving.
  2. You may stay somewhere overnight before continuing to your destination.
  3. Long,pleasant walk,not to Semanding.
  4. Situation in which there is a lot of traffic that can't move.
  5. Where you do your own cooking.
  6. Sleeping in a tent or a caravan.
  7. Areas of land;collocates with large,vast,huge.
  8. Travelling to different places.
  9. Crowds, in a negative sense.
  10. Enjoy your taste (often used in advertisement).
  11. It fills you with a sense of the power and beauty of what you are looking at.
  12. When a system, process or event is prevented from continuing as usual or as expected.
  13. Unusual or exciting.
  14. Small, relatively cheap hotel.
  15. Stop at a junction before entering a bigger road.
  16. Lost control of the steering so that the car slid across the road.
  17. The Inland areas furthest away from the sea or from borders with other countries.
  18. A charge you have to pay to use the road.
  19. The bussiness of organising holidays in a way which helps local people and does not damage the enviroment.
  20. One which has lost its tread.
  21. Showing good judgement, especially about style and quality.
  22. On the edge of the sea or of a river.
  23. All meals.

50 Clues: All meals.Less formal.Not stopping at.Tourist industry.Extremely beautiful.Unusual or exciting.Original and natural.Large amount of;formal.Crowds, in a negative sense.Directed away from our road.One which has lost its tread.Where you do your own cooking.You can't get your money back.Small, relatively cheap hotel.Travelling to different places....

TRAVEL 2023-05-03

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. active and full of energy
  2. an all inclusive place to stay
  3. person that helps the passengers during the flight
  4. air transport company
  5. door
  6. some time before
  7. without much money
  8. to get into an hotel
  9. something expensive and with a high quality
  10. a place to stay where not everything is included
  11. people in charge of driving the transport
  1. prices
  2. that you can go walking, it's not much far
  3. a place providing cheap rooms and accommodations, usually used by young people that travel
  4. that you can't forget it
  5. to arrive late
  6. very good, amazing
  7. when there's too much people in a place
  8. to get on a plane
  9. time when a lot of people visit places and travel

20 Clues: doorpricesto arrive latesome time beforeto get on a planevery good, amazingwithout much moneyto get into an hotelair transport companythat you can't forget itactive and full of energyan all inclusive place to staywhen there's too much people in a placepeople in charge of driving the transportthat you can go walking, it's not much far...

travel 2021-02-23

travel crossword puzzle
  1. car
  2. most visited country
  3. burnt
  4. a must have on trips to hot places
  5. airport named after someone
  6. keeps items safe
  7. tourisrt thing
  8. titanic
  9. havent had one since covid
  1. melting ice
  2. high up in the sky
  3. sleepy becuase of...
  4. a final...
  5. a thing kept as a reminder
  6. famous airline
  7. water
  8. board
  9. mountains
  10. well known uniqe sand colors
  11. yum!

20 Clues: caryum!burntwaterboardtitanicmountainsa final...melting icefamous airlinetourisrt thingkeeps items safehigh up in the skysleepy becuase of...most visited countrya thing kept as a reminderhavent had one since covidairport named after someonewell known uniqe sand colorsa must have on trips to hot places

Travel 2021-02-08

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. The dry, unpopulated inland region of Australia.
  2. Coins and paper bills used as money.
  3. An area where there are few people living; an area still in its natural state.
  4. Not changed or damaged by people.
  5. Not common, rare.
  6. It serves to protect you from sunlight.
  7. The only one of its kind.
  8. It's what you take with you on your trip.
  1. It is an object that serves to put things and then hang them to make it more comfortable.
  2. Walk around with no special place you want to go; just looking.
  3. It is an object that flies to entertain you when you are bored.
  4. Is a form of low-cost, independent travel.
  5. It is the moment when you start to travel.
  6. Permission to go to another country.
  7. To go somewhere to see a specific building or famous landmark; looking at places of interest.
  8. It's something you plan ahead.
  9. When you fly to one city have to stop in another city on your way.
  10. It serves to breathe.
  11. It is an object that serves to dry something that is wet.
  12. It is an object that helps you not to lose yourself.

20 Clues: Not common, rare.It serves to breathe.The only one of its kind.It's something you plan ahead.Not changed or damaged by people.Coins and paper bills used as money.Permission to go to another country.It serves to protect you from sunlight.It's what you take with you on your trip.Is a form of low-cost, independent travel....

Travel 2021-02-08

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. permission to go to another country
  2. tour one price for a vacation including flights, hotel, food, etc
  3. Coins and paper bills used as money
  4. Place where there is no water
  5. Place to store things
  6. a flight get into a plane
  7. Document to follow so as not to get lost
  8. when you fly to one city have to stop in another city on your way
  9. exchange the ratio of one country's currency to another
  10. Serves to dry after bathing
  1. bag It serves to sleep away from home
  2. to go somewhere to see a specific building or famous landmark; looking at places of interest
  3. the place where people check your bags in an airport, etc when you go to another country
  4. walk around with no special place you want to go; just looking
  5. Shoes to wear in summer
  6. resort A place where a lot of people go on vacation connecting flight A flight in which the traveler must change planes once, twice or even more times to get to his or her destination.
  7. Cream not to burn
  8. get free ride in a car by standing on the side of the road with your thumb out
  9. pass The document provided to the passenger that permits the passenger to board the aircraft and claim a specific seat
  10. terminal It is where passengers are able to get on and off aircraft.

20 Clues: Cream not to burnPlace to store thingsShoes to wear in summera flight get into a planeServes to dry after bathingPlace where there is no waterpermission to go to another countryCoins and paper bills used as moneybag It serves to sleep away from homeDocument to follow so as not to get lostexchange the ratio of one country's currency to another...

TRAVEL 2021-03-23

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. where is Kathmandu
  2. longest river in the world
  3. which state is the Grand Canyon in
  4. smallest country in the world
  5. Symbol on Canadian flag
  6. What did Iran used to be called
  7. country with highest waterfall in the world
  8. Northern capital city
  9. country with longest coastline
  1. capital of Bolivia
  2. Zanzibar is an island off which country
  3. How many Emirates in the UAE
  4. Sea Sea North of Turkey
  5. Country where cows are sacred
  6. Currency in Italy before the Euro
  7. famous amphitheatre in Rome
  8. Number of stars on the American flag
  9. largest island in the world
  10. National dish of Spain
  11. Where is the Taj Mahal

20 Clues: capital of Boliviawhere is KathmanduNorthern capital cityNational dish of SpainWhere is the Taj MahalSea Sea North of TurkeySymbol on Canadian flaglongest river in the worldfamous amphitheatre in Romelargest island in the worldHow many Emirates in the UAECountry where cows are sacredsmallest country in the worldcountry with longest coastline...

travel 2021-04-22

travel crossword puzzle
  1. to travel by boat
  2. the hotel guest
  3. to ride a horse
  4. airport
  5. bedroom or a hotel room
  6. to take photos
  7. the passport
  8. the key
  9. the beach
  10. to take photos
  11. airplane
  12. the sea
  1. the hotel
  2. customs officer
  3. to fish
  4. the employee
  5. to confirm a reservation
  6. welcome
  7. the elevator
  8. traveler or passenger
  9. to play cards
  10. agente de viajes the travel agent

22 Clues: to fishwelcomeairportthe keythe seaairplanethe hotelthe beachthe employeethe elevatorthe passportto play cardsto take photosto take photoscustoms officerthe hotel guestto ride a horseto travel by boattraveler or passengerbedroom or a hotel roomto confirm a reservationagente de viajes the travel agent

Travel 2022-05-04

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. january
  2. arrival
  3. to take a trip
  4. september
  5. right now
  6. to be on vacation
  7. airport
  8. spring
  9. countryside
  10. open
  1. floor
  2. passport
  3. luggage
  4. key
  5. to camp
  6. angry
  7. bed
  8. month
  9. beach
  10. boat
  11. closed
  12. to fish
  13. plane
  14. summer

24 Clues: keybedboatopenfloorangrymonthbeachplaneclosedspringsummerjanuaryluggagearrivalto campairportto fishpassportseptemberright nowcountrysideto take a tripto be on vacation

Travel 2022-06-03

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. el viajero
  2. llegar
  3. el piloto
  4. la linea aerea
  5. el boleto/billete/pasaje
  6. la tripulación
  7. el equipaje
  8. llevar retraso
  9. el aterrizaje
  10. el aeropuerto
  11. volar
  12. cancelar
  13. abordar
  14. mostrar
  1. el pasajero
  2. el(la) auxiliar de vuelo
  3. el avión
  4. el conductor
  5. aterrizar
  6. la azafata
  7. viajar
  8. el terminal
  9. el despegue
  10. la pista
  11. el anden

25 Clues: volarllegarviajarabordarmostrarel aviónla pistael andencancelarel pilotoaterrizarel viajerola azafatael pasajeroel terminalel despegueel equipajeel conductorel aterrizajeel aeropuertola linea aereala tripulaciónllevar retrasoel(la) auxiliar de vueloel boleto/billete/pasaje

Travel 2022-11-13

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. elevator
  2. credit card
  3. tourist
  4. to do an ecursion
  5. hotel
  6. to go on a hike
  7. earrings
  8. accommodation
  9. beautiful
  10. souvenir
  11. post card
  12. cash
  13. too much
  14. to visit a museum
  15. to see the attractions
  16. jewlery
  17. to camp
  18. to fish
  19. key
  20. expensive
  21. reception desk
  1. last week
  2. free time
  3. single room
  4. ring
  5. the day before yesterday
  6. to make a reservation
  7. double room
  8. to bargon
  9. to send/recive post cards
  10. room
  11. to take pictures
  12. last year
  13. hand crafts
  14. necklace
  15. hostel
  16. outdoor market
  17. to be on vacation
  18. to ride a horse
  19. last month

40 Clues: keyringroomcashhotelhosteltouristjewleryto campto fishelevatorearringsnecklacesouvenirtoo muchlast weekfree timeto bargonlast yearbeautifulpost cardexpensivelast monthsingle roomcredit carddouble roomhand craftsaccommodationoutdoor marketreception deskto go on a hiketo ride a horseto take picturesto do an ecursionto be on vacationto visit a museum...

Travel 2022-10-13

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. itinerary
  2. arrival
  3. airplane
  4. security
  5. suitcase
  6. airport
  7. departure
  8. passenger
  9. gate
  10. ticket
  1. vacation
  2. customs
  3. screen
  4. to travel
  5. luggage
  6. to board
  7. flight
  8. passport
  9. line
  10. bus

20 Clues: buslinegatescreenflightticketarrivalcustomsluggageairportvacationairplanesecuritysuitcaseto boardpassportitineraryto traveldeparturepassenger

Travel 2023-09-27

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. The past tense of say.
  2. This is faster than walking but slower than bicycling.
  3. What you can see at an aquarium.
  4. The name for a car, truck, and a motorcycle.
  5. The past tense of sleep.
  6. How a plane travels.
  7. You put this on while in a car, in a truck, and on a plane.
  8. The English word for Donde.
  9. What a boat travels on.
  10. Has one wheel.
  11. The past tense of have.
  12. What a train travels on.
  13. The future tense of have.
  14. Older than trains and planes.
  1. You pack clothes in this when you travel.
  2. The past tense of run.
  3. This prefix means one.
  4. The past tense of drive.
  5. You can eat these on a plane.
  6. This prefix means two.
  7. Has two wheels and a motor.
  8. The past tense of swim.
  9. The English word for Cómo.
  10. What powers a sailboat?
  11. This powers a bicycle and a unicycle...your feet go on it.
  12. These hit the ground when you run and walk.
  13. Bigger than a car.
  14. You sit on this.
  15. The past tense of eat.
  16. This prefix means three.
  17. The English word for Por qué.
  18. Cars have four of these.
  19. Getting from one place to another.
  20. The past tense of walk.
  21. Three seats that are together on a plane are in a...
  22. The English word for Qué.

36 Clues: Has one wheel.You sit on this.Bigger than a car.How a plane travels.The past tense of run.This prefix means one.The past tense of say.This prefix means two.The past tense of eat.The past tense of swim.What powers a sailboat?What a boat travels on.The past tense of walk.The past tense of have.The past tense of drive.The past tense of sleep....

Travel 2023-10-19

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Metallica
  2. Leonard Cohen
  3. Fleetwood Mac
  4. U2 again
  5. Hawaiian guitar classic
  6. B52’s
  7. Lionel richie
  8. Paul young
  9. One republic
  1. proclaimers
  2. Nelson
  3. u2
  4. Supertramp
  5. Red hot chilli
  6. Pink Floyd
  7. Lilly Allen
  8. talking heads
  9. Kinks or David Brent
  10. Coldplay
  11. Peter gabriel
  12. Hank Williams
  13. Dionne
  14. Simon and garfunkel
  15. Neil young

24 Clues: u2B52’sNelsonDionneColdplayU2 againMetallicaSupertrampPink FloydPaul youngNeil youngproclaimersLilly AllenOne republicLeonard Cohentalking headsFleetwood MacPeter gabrielHank WilliamsLionel richieRed hot chilliSimon and garfunkelKinks or David BrentHawaiian guitar classic

Travel 2024-02-05

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. peron
  2. poggyász
  3. uticél
  4. becsomagol
  5. hangszóró
  6. sátor
  7. foglal
  8. megbüntet
  9. utas
  10. nyaralóhely
  11. külföld
  1. szállás
  2. menetrend
  3. lakókocsi
  4. zsúfolt
  5. városnézés
  6. bérel
  7. autópálya
  8. indul
  9. lekésni
  10. komp
  11. tartózkodás

22 Clues: komputasperonbérelsátorinduluticélfoglalszállászsúfoltlekésnikülföldpoggyászmenetrendlakókocsihangszóróautópályamegbüntetbecsomagolvárosnézéstartózkodásnyaralóhely

TRAVEL 2024-04-25

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. (Famous Australian rock formation)
  2. (Famous archipelago in the Caribbean)
  3. (Popular mode of transportation in Southeast Asia)
  4. (Currency used in Japan)
  5. (Famous beach in Rio de Janeiro)
  6. (The largest city in New Zealand)
  7. (A famous ancient wonder in Egypt)
  8. (A city known for its skyline and Broadway shows)
  9. (A famous ancient city in Greece known for its ruins)
  10. (The tallest mountain in the world)
  1. (A famous landmark in London that houses the British royal family)
  2. (Type of accommodation often seen in national parks)
  3. (Famous tower in Paris)
  4. (Popular mode of transportation in Venice)
  5. (A large desert in Africa)
  6. (A group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean)
  7. (Type of document needed for international travel)
  8. (The currency used in the European Union)
  9. (A famous canal city in Italy)
  10. (The capital of Italy)

20 Clues: (The capital of Italy)(Famous tower in Paris)(Currency used in Japan)(A large desert in Africa)(A famous canal city in Italy)(Famous beach in Rio de Janeiro)(The largest city in New Zealand)(Famous Australian rock formation)(A famous ancient wonder in Egypt)(The tallest mountain in the world)(Famous archipelago in the Caribbean)...

TRAVEL 2024-06-09

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. a strip of hard ground along which aircraft take off and land
  2. someone who serves passengers on a plane
  3. the activity of walking from place to place in the countryside, carrying the things you need in a backpack and camping at night
  4. a locker situated above someone's seat for storing luggage
  5. the carriage where food is sold
  6. the place to which someone or something is going or being sent
  7. vehicles moving on a public highway
  8. a holiday organized by a travel company for which you pay a fixed price
  1. the area in an airport where passengers wait before getting onto an aircraft
  2. the area where you collect your luggage at the end of your trip
  3. a series of connected railway carriages or wagons
  4. a place where people, especially young people, can stay cheaply for short periods
  5. the activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location
  6. one of the separate sections of a train that carries passengers
  7. a wide road for fast-moving traffic
  8. go from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length
  9. a brief holiday, typically lasting two to four days, taken in a city or town
  10. not able to be defeated or bettered in a contest or commercial market
  11. a holiday that someone spends in their own country or at home, rather than travelling somewhere else
  12. a short journey made by a group of people, usually for pleasure or education
  13. a temporary swap of homes
  14. a place where taxis wait for customers
  15. a boarding pass or boarding card is a document provided by an airline during airport check-in, giving a passenger permission
  16. the area alongside a railway track where the travellers can onboard or offboard a train
  17. a comfortably equipped single-decker bus used for longer journeys

25 Clues: a temporary swap of homesthe carriage where food is solda wide road for fast-moving trafficvehicles moving on a public highwaya place where taxis wait for customerssomeone who serves passengers on a planea series of connected railway carriages or wagonsa locker situated above someone's seat for storing luggage...

Travel 2024-05-22

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Iconic boat in Venice (adult)
  2. First to circumnavigate the globe (adult)
  3. Essential tool for early explorers (adult)
  4. Property with a divided form of ownership or use rights (adult)
  5. Where Mickey Mouse lives (child)
  6. Home to many wild animals (child)
  7. America's namesake (adult)
  8. Person who wanders from place to place without a home or job (adult)
  9. High landform you can climb (child)
  10. Takes many people from place to place (child)
  11. Freshwater surrounded by land (child)
  12. Full of trees (child)
  13. Islands known for unique wildlife inspired Darwin (adult)
  14. Flows from mountains to the sea (child)
  15. Place to sleep when you're away from home (child)
  16. You use your feet (child)
  17. Low-cost independent international travel (adult)
  18. Floats on water (child)
  19. Legendary castle and court of King Arthur (adult)
  20. You pedal to make it go (child)
  21. Journey on the road often for leisure (adult)
  22. Africa's highest peak (adult)
  23. Common issue when crossing time zones (adult)
  24. One without a permanent home often on the move (adult)
  25. Sandy place with cacti (child)
  26. You pack your clothes in it (child)
  27. You'd meet them while traveling in feudal Japan (adult)
  1. Luxurious camping (adult)
  2. Longest railway line in the world (adult)
  3. Sleeping in a tent under the stars (child)
  4. Self-reliant adventure travel to remote destinations (adult)
  5. Budget accommodation choice for travelers (adult)
  6. Large body of salt water (child)
  7. Historic long-distance passenger train service (adult)
  8. Helps you find your way (child)
  9. Flies in the sky and takes you places (child)
  10. Highest peak to conquer (adult)
  11. Where you can see lions and tigers (child)
  12. Open spaces and farms (child)
  13. Small community in the countryside (child)
  14. Place to build sandcastles (child)
  15. Vacation spent at home or nearby (adult)
  16. Mode of travel in deserts (adult)
  17. Drives on roads (child)
  18. Responsible travel to natural areas (adult)
  19. Ancient trade route between East and West (adult)
  20. Chugs along on tracks (child)
  21. Lots of buildings and people (child)
  22. Lost city sought by many adventurers (adult)
  23. Land surrounded by water (child)

50 Clues: Full of trees (child)Drives on roads (child)Floats on water (child)You use your feet (child)Luxurious camping (adult)America's namesake (adult)Iconic boat in Venice (adult)Open spaces and farms (child)Chugs along on tracks (child)Africa's highest peak (adult)Sandy place with cacti (child)Helps you find your way (child)...

Travel 2015-03-23

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. kofferbak
  2. goederentrein
  3. koffer
  4. wiel
  5. stewardess
  6. luchthaven
  7. perron
  8. locomotief
  9. benzine
  10. olie
  1. motorkap
  2. spoorrails
  3. verkeerstoren
  4. band
  5. benzine pomp
  6. wagon
  7. koplampen
  8. accu
  9. piloot
  10. startbaan

20 Clues: bandwielaccuoliewagonkofferperronpilootbenzinemotorkapkofferbakkoplampenstartbaanspoorrailsstewardessluchthavenlocomotiefbenzine pompverkeerstorengoederentrein

Travel 2016-02-23

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. terminal de equipaje where you go to pick up your bags
  2. a synonym for receive
  3. where you go to travel by plane
  4. cuidado con cautious, opposite of reckless
  5. the things you do with Mrs. Blackburn
  6. in order to go somewhere you should ________ it
  7. on vacation it is fun to _________
  8. a crowded eating place means you should call first
  9. where you wait to get on your flight
  10. ae'rea Delta, American Airlines, Southwest
  11. sometimes weather can affect a flight's takeoff
  12. the person who flies a plane
  1. where you go to get food
  2. flight attendants want you to _____ and have a peaceful flight
  3. de vuelo the person who helps out in a flight
  4. you can look out the _______, these are in your house, car, or plane
  5. a person who goes on trips
  6. what goes up must come down
  7. the things you take with you on a vacation
  8. a wedding _______, also in a plane

20 Clues: a synonym for receivewhere you go to get fooda person who goes on tripswhat goes up must come downthe person who flies a planewhere you go to travel by planeon vacation it is fun to _________a wedding _______, also in a planewhere you wait to get on your flightthe things you do with Mrs. Blackburncuidado con cautious, opposite of reckless...

travel 2021-02-11

travel crossword puzzle
  1. ciężarówka
  2. nurkować
  3. plaża
  4. zakwaterowanie
  5. jacht
  6. zarezerwować
  7. walizka
  8. namiot
  9. zwiedzanie
  10. prom
  1. podróż
  2. bagaż
  3. przejście dla pieszych
  4. plecak
  5. statek
  6. wakacje
  7. paszport
  8. pociąg
  9. tramwaj
  10. nadmorski
  11. ulica
  12. opóźnienie

22 Clues: prombagażplażajachtulicapodróżplecakstatekpociągnamiotwakacjetramwajwalizkanurkowaćpaszportnadmorskiciężarówkaopóźnieniezwiedzaniezarezerwowaćzakwaterowanieprzejście dla pieszych

Travel 2021-01-12

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. a journey for exploration
  2. Swahili for journey
  3. close to home
  4. a feeling of great enthusiasm
  5. a journey for pleasure
  6. bag carried on your back
  7. a complex of runways and buildings
  8. usually used by a person up to a family
  9. a journey especially by sea
  10. provider of regular air transport
  11. suitcases
  12. nothing like it
  13. voyage on a ship for pleasure
  14. confirmation of a seat on a flight
  15. to think, speak & act as you want
  16. plan and direct a trip
  1. a long walk or walking tour
  2. tired from travel
  3. worldwide
  4. pedal power
  5. by oneself
  6. licence to travel the world
  7. bulk human road travel
  8. sea travel
  9. home country
  10. an event leaving an impression
  11. exciting or daring experience
  12. on this you ride astride
  13. missing home
  14. travel on tracks
  15. travel somewhere

31 Clues: worldwidesuitcasesby oneselfsea travelpedal powerhome countrymissing homeclose to homenothing like ittravel on trackstravel somewheretired from travelSwahili for journeya journey for pleasurebulk human road travelplan and direct a tripbag carried on your backon this you ride astridea journey for explorationa long walk or walking tour...

Travel 2018-10-22

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. Goats
  2. MGM Casino
  3. Target
  4. Animal style
  5. Twin Towers
  6. Gate San Franscico
  7. Kelowna
  8. Harry Potter!
  9. Big Trees
  10. Murals
  1. Indoor jungle
  2. Flip Flops
  3. Magnet
  4. Family Dinner
  5. Agassiz
  6. Museum of Flight
  7. Champagne, water, music, and the view
  8. Noodle soup
  9. Our subway meeting place in Seoul
  10. Our last ride at Disney
  11. City of stars
  12. Canals
  13. study in LA
  14. Fossils
  15. Mountain Three Sisters

25 Clues: GoatsMagnetTargetCanalsMuralsAgassizKelownaFossilsBig TreesFlip FlopsMGM CasinoNoodle soupTwin Towersstudy in LAAnimal styleIndoor jungleFamily DinnerCity of starsHarry Potter!Museum of FlightGate San FranscicoMountain Three SistersOur last ride at DisneyOur subway meeting place in SeoulChampagne, water, music, and the view

TRAVEL 2017-01-09

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. a bus you take for a long journey
  2. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic
  3. a mean of transport that takes you to school
  4. when you use a mask and a scuba+ to sea fish in shallow water
  5. mountains, desert, sea, countryside...
  6. somewhere you go to to ski
  7. what you do on a boat
  8. something in which you put your clothes to travel
  9. bags, suitcases...
  10. something you do at lunch
  1. TIME It's 10 o'clock
  2. that doesn't cost a lot of money
  3. FAR it's 10 miles away!
  4. when you get on a plane or a boat
  5. where you can board a ship
  6. that costs a lot of money
  7. when you leave
  8. something you carry on your back
  9. you need to fasten it before taking off
  10. you can drive fast on this road
  11. opposite of late
  12. a place where you go to take a plane

22 Clues: when you leaveopposite of latebags, suitcases...what you do on a boatFAR it's 10 miles away!TIME It's 10 o'clockthat costs a lot of moneysomething you do at lunchwhere you can board a shipsomewhere you go to to skiyou can drive fast on this roadthat doesn't cost a lot of moneysomething you carry on your backa bus you take for a long journey...

Travel 2022-05-11

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. A deep cut that is made through land and filled with water for boats ar ships to travel along
  2. Taxi
  3. The act of travelling from one place to another, usually on land
  4. A large boat used for carrying passengers or goods by sea
  5. The place at an airport, etc. where government officials check your luggage to make sure you are not bringing goods into the country illegally
  6. An area of land that is covered with trees
  7. A holiday in which you travel on a ship
  8. The mass of salt water that coveres most of the surface of the earth
  9. Bags, suitcases etc used for carrying sb's clothes
  10. In or to another country or countris
  11. Visiting the sights of a city as a tourist
  12. A person who staying at a hotel
  13. A journey to a place and back again, either for pleasure or for a particular purpose
  14. A large area of land, usually covered with hot sand
  15. A boat that carries people, vehicles or goods across a river or across a narrow part of the sea
  16. Sleeping or having a holiday in a tent
  17. A large area of water that is surrounde by land
  18. The place where sb/sth is going
  19. A journey that you make for pleasure during which you visit many places
  20. A thick forest in tropical parts of the world that have a lot of rain
  21. A person who flies an aircraft
  22. A type of transport that is pulled by an engine along a railway line
  1. The salt water that covers large parts of the surface of the earth
  2. A small aircraft that can go straight up into the air
  3. A person who visits a place for pleasure
  4. A part of the coast wher the land goes in to form a curve
  5. A comfortable bus used for long journyes
  6. A railway system under the ground
  7. An official mark or piece of paper that shows you are allowed to enter, leave or travel thruogh a country
  8. To ask for a seat, table, room to be available at a future time
  9. The town or city where the government is
  10. To get out of one bus, train, etc. and get into another
  11. A long journey by sea or in space
  12. A large, natural flow of water that goes across land and into the sea
  13. The area of land that is next to or close to the sea
  14. Small vehicle that is used for travelling across water
  15. A place where aircraft can land and take off and that has buildings for passengers to wait in
  16. A fast modern plane
  17. An area of sand or small stones beside the sea
  18. A journey by air
  19. The amount of money you pay to travel by bus, train, taxi, etc.
  20. A car with a driver whose job is to take you somewhere in exchange for money
  21. A vey high hill
  22. A piece of land that is surrounded by land
  23. A large area of land covered with trees
  24. An official document that identifies you as a citizen of a particular country and that you have to show when you enter or leaveea of land tht a country

46 Clues: TaxiA vey high hillA journey by airA fast modern planeA person who flies an aircraftA person who staying at a hotelThe place where sb/sth is goingA railway system under the groundA long journey by sea or in spaceIn or to another country or countrisSleeping or having a holiday in a tentA holiday in which you travel on a ship...

Travel 2023-01-20

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. proceed or go in a certain direction.
  2. to believe exactly what someone or something says rather than trying to understand their general meaning.
  3. to give or supply(something, such as money or time) as a part or share.
  4. to visit or come to someone or something in large numbers
  5. creating many attractice public gathering places, and embracing diverse ethnic, religious, cultural and social groups.
  6. known or talked about by many people.
  7. may vary based upon food availability and trade,varying climates,cooking traditions and practices, and cultural diffirences.
  8. it is firmly fixed in your memory so that you will not forget it.
  9. to have existed for a particular length of time or since a particular time.
  10. a column of air moving rapidly round and round in a cylindrical or funeral shape.
  11. to speak brokenly or weakly.
  1. The answer word
  2. walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way
  3. perfectly clean, neat or tidy.
  4. totality of individuals and bussinesses that produce the cultural, artistic and innovative products and services.
  5. performed and created with what is rhythmically , harmonically, and texturally current.
  6. a person who receives or entertains other people as quests.
  7. the ability to assess and initiate things independently.
  8. set up on a firm or permanent basis or achieve permament acceptance or recognition for.
  9. connected with what is happening or being discussed.
  10. run a short distance very quickly, can be used for punctuation or a little horizontal line that floats in the middle of the text.

21 Clues: The answer wordto speak brokenly or weakly.perfectly clean, neat or tidy.proceed or go in a certain direction.known or talked about by many people.walk or move in a leisurely or aimless wayconnected with what is happening or being discussed.the ability to assess and initiate things independently....

Travel 2023-02-07

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. What people use so they don't get lost.
  2. When you see people you don't see every day.
  3. Huge, fortified buildings that protected royalty.
  4. What you do when you use your eyes to understand your surroundings.
  5. What you tell someone to do when you don't want them to go straight.
  6. This is what you use to know when the bus is coming.
  7. The big loud car that takes you to the hospital.
  8. People can boat, swim, surf, and picnic at this geological feature.
  9. The type of money used in Germany, marked with a € sign.
  10. You need one of these to use public transportation.
  1. Where people go to worship
  2. If you take the train, each stop is at one of these.
  3. Movement -- getting from one place to another.
  4. When you stay somewhere for an entire night.
  5. Where you go when you're very sick or injured.
  6. Something that you take the time to go see.
  7. A direction you give someone when you don't want them to turn.
  8. What cars run on.
  9. Where people go to see the newest movies.
  10. How most people in the USA travel.

20 Clues: What cars run on.Where people go to worshipHow most people in the USA travel.What people use so they don't get lost.Where people go to see the newest movies.Something that you take the time to go see.When you stay somewhere for an entire night.When you see people you don't see every day.Movement -- getting from one place to another....

Travel! 2023-02-28

Travel! crossword puzzle
  1. The money that is used in a particular country.
  2. For example "Śniardwy".
  3. A thief who steals things out of pockets or bags.
  4. You carry it on your back when you go for a walk.
  5. You wear them to protect your eyes from the sun.
  6. You put it on your skin to protect it from the sun.
  7. You use it when the battery in your phone is flat.
  8. Very attractive. PICTURE (n.) -> ... (adj.)
  9. You use it when you go to the forest to repel mosquitoes and ticks.
  10. A place to stay while you are on holiday.
  11. You need to do it with your documents in case you lose them.
  12. A box containing basic medical equipment.
  1. You use it to see things far away more clearly.
  2. "Mazury" in English.
  3. Waterproof boots that you wear when it is rainy.
  4. "Wilczy Szaniec" in English.
  5. You need them if you go to a tropical country in order not to catch a tropical disease.
  6. When you go abroad you should .... local customs and dress codes.
  7. People travel to .... their horizons (to become wiser).
  8. Some people travel to ....... from it all.
  9. A synonym for a "thick" forest.
  10. A style of cooking characteristic of a particular country.
  11. It protects you from the rain.
  12. Continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to dying.
  13. That book gives information for visitors about a place.
  14. You take it to take pictures.
  15. This is a synonym for 'walk'. You can ... along white sandy beaches.
  16. You buy them when you are on holiday for yourself or for your friends.
  17. A large group of people.
  18. You buy it before you go on holiday in case of an accident or injury.
  19. A place full of activity or people (adj.)
  20. The synonym for "get to know" (local customs).

32 Clues: "Mazury" in English.For example "Śniardwy".A large group of people."Wilczy Szaniec" in English.You take it to take pictures.It protects you from the rain.A synonym for a "thick" forest.A place to stay while you are on holiday.A place full of activity or people (adj.)A box containing basic medical equipment.Some people travel to ....... from it all....

Travel 2023-02-23

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. walizka
  2. domek letni
  3. zakwaterowanie
  4. bilet powrotny
  5. odloty
  6. karta pokładowa
  7. wycieczka z przewodnikiem
  8. bagaż
  1. pokój dwuosobowy
  2. bilet w jedną stronę
  3. meldować się
  4. bezpośredni lot
  5. wchodzić na pokład
  6. pakować się
  7. rejs
  8. miejsce środkowe
  9. miejsce przy przejściu
  10. akademik
  11. wynajmować
  12. przyloty
  13. rezerwować

21 Clues: rejsbagażodlotywalizkaakademikprzylotywynajmowaćrezerwowaćdomek letnipakować sięmeldować sięzakwaterowaniebilet powrotnybezpośredni lotkarta pokładowapokój dwuosobowymiejsce środkowewchodzić na pokładbilet w jedną stronęmiejsce przy przejściuwycieczka z przewodnikiem

TRAVEL 2023-02-15

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. Travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.
  2. An item used to carry luggage while traveling
  3. The 42nd US state
  4. A mode of transportation, such as in plane
  5. (of an event or circumstance) sudden and striking.
  6. The birthplace of jazz
  7. Expectation or prediction
  8. Popular ocean sport
  9. Moving from one place to another
  10. The alternate rising and falling of the sea
  11. Man's best friend
  12. A place where people stay during vacation
  13. County that contains Stevenson, WA
  1. Deep affection, care, and admiration for someone
  2. A flower typically characterized by red, fragrant petals and green foliage
  3. Once the widest street in the world
  4. A short journey
  5. A document that allows a person to travel to a foreign destination
  6. City in San Diego County
  7. The oldest New Orleans jazz club
  8. Railway locomotive

21 Clues: A short journeyThe 42nd US stateMan's best friendRailway locomotivePopular ocean sportThe birthplace of jazzCity in San Diego CountyExpectation or predictionThe oldest New Orleans jazz clubMoving from one place to anotherCounty that contains Stevenson, WAOnce the widest street in the worldA place where people stay during vacation...

TRAVEL 2023-04-13

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. Long-distance travel by car
  2. Famous tourist attraction
  3. All-inclusive vacation spot
  4. Accommodation on a ship or plane
  5. Middle Eastern market
  6. Travel navigation tool
  7. Wildlife adventure
  8. Travel bags and suitcases
  9. Travel plan
  10. Required for international travel
  11. Travel reference
  12. Travel memento
  13. Traveler's luggage
  1. Travel end goal
  2. Electrical converter
  3. Long-distance hiking
  4. Budget-conscious traveler
  5. Underwater diving
  6. Fatigue after a long flight
  7. Vacation on a ship
  8. Arrival procedure at a hotel or airport
  9. Protection against travel risks

22 Clues: Travel planTravel mementoTravel end goalTravel referenceUnderwater divingWildlife adventureVacation on a shipTraveler's luggageElectrical converterLong-distance hikingMiddle Eastern marketTravel navigation toolFamous tourist attractionBudget-conscious travelerTravel bags and suitcasesLong-distance travel by carAll-inclusive vacation spot...

Travel 2023-03-21

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. To land
  2. TO board
  3. Domestico
  4. Ticket
  5. to take off
  6. To Travel
  7. Arrival
  8. Taxi 10
  9. Flight attendant
  10. International
  1. Plane
  2. late
  3. Transfer
  4. To get on
  5. To fly
  6. Windowseat
  7. Flight
  8. To get off/down
  9. Train
  10. to arrive

20 Clues: latePlaneTrainTo flyTicketFlightTo landArrivalTaxi 10TO boardTransferDomesticoTo get onTo Travelto arriveWindowseatto take offInternationalTo get off/downFlight attendant

Travel 2023-05-14

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. railway
  2. avenue
  3. street
  4. to go on vacation
  5. port, harbor, have, refuge
  6. tourist attractions
  7. ticket
  8. to take a trip
  9. airplane, aircraft
  10. passport
  11. flight
  12. airport
  13. boarding pass
  14. to pack a suitcase
  15. check-in, registration desk
  16. city
  17. luggage
  18. bus stop
  19. boat, ship
  20. entrance, entry ticket
  21. truck, van, bus
  22. travel guide
  23. country
  1. map
  2. arrival
  3. downtown
  4. office of tourism
  5. to go through security
  6. room service
  7. to travel
  8. hotel
  9. taxi
  10. train
  11. dance club
  12. itinerary
  13. souvenirs
  14. scenery,landscape
  15. bellhop
  16. door, gate
  17. to board
  18. lobby
  19. terrace
  20. departure
  21. departue, one-way ticket, first half of a trip
  22. montitor, screen
  23. to take pictures
  24. passenger
  25. museum
  26. maid
  27. street market

50 Clues: maptaxicitymaidhoteltrainlobbyavenuestreetticketflightmuseumarrivalrailwaybellhopairportterraceluggagecountrydowntownpassportto boardbus stopto travelitinerarysouvenirsdeparturepassengerdance clubdoor, gateboat, shiproom servicetravel guideboarding passstreet marketto take a triptruck, van, busmontitor, screento take picturesoffice of tourism...

TRAVEL 2023-05-15

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. the airport building
  2. a piece of paper you must show to get on the plane
  3. a board in an airport, bus terminal, etc displaying the times and destinations of future departures
  4. a holiday where you sleep on a boat and travel from one place to another
  5. when the plane leaves the ground
  6. an unusual, exciting holiday, possibly with some danger, e.g.rock climbing or walking in the jungle: a _______ holiday
  7. a description of a hotel, restaurant, etc, written by people who've been there
  8. when you leave a place, at the start of a journey
  9. a place where you stay
  10. the large road that planes use for take-offs and landings
  11. go through the area where your luggage may be checked to make sure you don’t have anything illegal: to go through _______
  12. a short holiday during a weekend
  13. to make a reservation using the Internet
  14. see how heavy something is
  15. the people on the aircraft who look after the passengers
  16. a plane
  1. written description of something to buy or rent
  2. a holiday organized by a travel agent, with arrangements for transport, accommodation, etc.: a _______ holiday
  3. the place where you collect your luggage
  4. spoken information to a group of people
  5. a short holiday where you visit a city
  6. a specific code that an airline assigns to a particular flight in its network
  7. a small hotel where breakfast is included in the price
  8. a place where you plan to travel
  9. when the plane arrives on the ground
  10. when you have to wait longer than expected
  11. pay extra for your luggage: to pay _______
  12. press together the seat mounting and move the seatbelt up or down: to _______ a seatbelt
  13. get on the plane

29 Clues: a planeget on the planethe airport buildinga place where you staysee how heavy something iswhen the plane leaves the grounda place where you plan to travela short holiday during a weekendwhen the plane arrives on the grounda short holiday where you visit a cityspoken information to a group of peoplethe place where you collect your luggage...

Travel 2023-05-16

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. a journey made for pleasure during which several different towns, countries, etc. are visited
  2. journey by air
  3. (of a boat or ship or the people on it) to travel on water using sails or an engine
  4. a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a holiday
  5. a long journey, especially by sea or in space
  6. a ticket for a journey to a place and back again
  7. an act of travelling from one place to another, especially when they are far apart
  8. rate of movement/action
  9. a person who walks, usually for pleasure or exercise
  10. the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc.
  1. One-way ticket
  2. bags, cases, etc. that contain somebody's clothes and things when they are travelling
  3. A person who likes to be at home
  4. a way of travelling by asking for free rides in other people’s cars
  5. a feeling that you are going to vomit caused by travelling on a boat or ship
  6. a small room on a ship in which you live or sleep
  7. a person whose job is carrying people’s bags and other loads, especially at a train station, an airport or in a hotel
  8. a coach on a train in which meals are served
  9. a person who shows other people the way to a place, especially somebody employed to show tourists around interesting places
  10. to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance

20 Clues: One-way ticketjourney by airrate of movement/actionA person who likes to be at homea coach on a train in which meals are serveda long journey, especially by sea or in spacea ticket for a journey to a place and back againa small room on a ship in which you live or sleepa person who walks, usually for pleasure or exercise...

travel 2023-11-28

travel crossword puzzle
  1. ...a plane or train which you have to change if you travel long distance
  2. ticket ...- this person checks your tickets
  3. ...station- a place where a train leaves
  4. it's a part of a car where you pack your shopping and suitcases
  5. a cheaper way of buying tickets, e.g. if you are a student or retired
  6. a bag that you pack when you go on holidays
  7. the money that you pay for the ticket
  8. ...station- a place where you tank your car
  9. a train or plane that comes late has a .....
  1. a small bag that you take with you on the cabin of a plane
  2. a place in a carriage where six or eight people six
  3. if you borrow a car or a bike and you pay for it
  4. gadgets that you buy when you are on holidays
  5. the opposite of arrivals
  6. the traditional way of cooking for a certain country
  7. you fasten it to feel safe in a car
  8. to lie in the sun to got brown
  9. a synonym for a taxi
  10. an object where you sleep when you go camping
  11. ...attendant- a person who works on board of the plane

20 Clues: a synonym for a taxithe opposite of arrivalsto lie in the sun to got brownyou fasten it to feel safe in a carthe money that you pay for the ticket...station- a place where a train leavesticket ...- this person checks your ticketsa bag that you pack when you go on holidays...station- a place where you tank your car...

Travel 2023-10-11

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. A person who travels widely across the world.
  2. A detailed plan or route of your journey.
  3. Something you carry on your back that holds your belongings.
  4. The place to which someone is going or being sent.
  5. An inexpensive accommodation for travelers, particularly young travelers.
  6. Visiting the attractions or points of interest in a particular location.
  7. A person who is traveling, often for pleasure.
  1. An instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic cardinal directions.
  2. The act of traveling from one place to another.
  3. An object or feature of a landscape or town that is easily seen and recognized from a distance.
  4. A journey undertaken for a specific purpose, often exploratory, scientific, geographic, etc.
  5. The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation or people.
  6. A period spent away from home for leisure.
  7. The international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives.
  8. To travel in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it.
  9. A document that verifies your identity and nationality.
  10. lag: A temporary sleep disorder that can affect those who travel quickly across multiple time zones.
  11. A strong desire to travel and explore the world.
  12. An exciting or unusual experience; it may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome.
  13. An item that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event.

20 Clues: A detailed plan or route of your journey.A period spent away from home for leisure.A person who travels widely across the world.A person who is traveling, often for pleasure.The act of traveling from one place to another.A strong desire to travel and explore the world.The place to which someone is going or being sent....

travel 2022-03-23

travel crossword puzzle
  1. I'm very exhausted. I had an 8-hour __ .
  2. A place that has a lot of old cultural artifacts.
  3. Small island(s). E.g. Dokdo.
  4. Did you bring me back a ___ ?
  5. Maybe. I have __ plans.
  6. A person who works for a company/organization.
  7. Oh no, this place is a tourist __ .
  8. An area (property) near or on the beach/sea.
  9. I'm very tired. I had a 16 hr flight from Italy.
  1. You need a __ to go to that country (abroad).
  2. If you like __ then you'll like camping.
  3. Arriving or being ready on time.
  4. A homeless person.
  5. Land mostly surrounded by water (eg, Korea).
  6. Let's take the __ route.
  7. let's go __ along the coast.
  8. Did you get your tickets through a travel __?
  9. Old-fashioned and beautiful. __ country cottages.
  10. Approximate or expected arrival time.
  11. To like one thing better than another or others.
  12. Very expensive, but low quality (cheated).
  13. A river that flows over a cliff.
  14. A form or check of credit for goods/services (e.g. coupon)

23 Clues: A homeless person.Maybe. I have __ plans.Let's take the __ route.Small island(s). E.g. Dokdo.let's go __ along the coast.Did you bring me back a ___ ?Arriving or being ready on time.A river that flows over a cliff.Oh no, this place is a tourist __ .Approximate or expected arrival time.I'm very exhausted. I had an 8-hour __ ....

Travel 2024-06-06

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. control- the place at an airport, port, or border of a country where an official checks your passport
  2. jam- a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move very slowly
  3. to get onto a ship or plane; to put somebody/something onto a ship or plane
  4. a journey by ship or boat, visiting different places, especially as a holiday
  5. a passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, train
  6. the fact of enjoying special and expensive things, particularly food and drink, clothes and places
  7. bags, cases, etc. that contain somebody's clothes and things when they are travelling
  8. lockers- a person whose job is to serve and take care of passengers on an aircraft
  9. inspector- a person, who checks the tickets on a train
  10. a separate section of a train for carrying passengers
  11. the person in charge of a ship or commercial aircraft
  12. the raised flat area next to the track at a train station where you get on or off the train
  1. an act of travelling from one place to another, especially when they are far apart
  2. sail- to begin a trip by sea
  3. metal bars that a train moves along
  4. lodge- house in the forest district
  5. to travel on holiday carrying your equipment and clothes in a backpack
  6. a comfortable bus for carrying passengers over long distances
  7. a long narrow piece of ground with a hard surface that an aircraft takes off from and lands on
  8. desk- one of the places at an airport where you show your ticket so that you can be told where you will be sitting
  9. holiday- bags, cases, etc. that contain somebody's clothes and things when they are travelling
  10. trap- a place that attracts a lot of tourists and where food, drink, entertainment, etc. is more expensive than normal
  11. attendant- a person whose job is to serve and take care of passengers on an aircraft
  12. a person who shows other people the way to a place, especially somebody employed to show tourists around interesting places
  13. a wide road, with at least two lanes in each direction, where traffic can travel fast for long distances between large towns.

25 Clues: sail- to begin a trip by seametal bars that a train moves alonglodge- house in the forest districta separate section of a train for carrying passengersthe person in charge of a ship or commercial aircraftinspector- a person, who checks the tickets on a traina passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, train...

Travel 2024-05-08

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. matkustaja
  2. nousta koneeseen: ___ a plane
  3. pitkän matkan bussi, vaunu
  4. reppumatkaaja
  5. viisumi
  6. nähtävyydet
  7. mukavuudet
  8. majoitus
  9. laituri
  10. varaus
  11. nousu
  12. saapuvat
  13. retki
  14. matkalaukku
  15. matkareitti
  16. maisema
  1. lähtevät
  2. risteily
  3. lasku
  4. lentoemäntä: ___ attendant
  5. tulli
  6. matkatavarat
  7. raitiovaunu
  8. lautta
  9. menopaluulippu: ___ ticket
  10. turistikohde: tourist ___
  11. vakuutus

27 Clues: laskutullinousuretkilauttavarausviisumilaiturimaisemalähtevätristeilymajoitussaapuvatvakuutusmatkustajamukavuudetnähtävyydetraitiovaunumatkalaukkumatkareittimatkatavaratreppumatkaajaturistikohde: tourist ___pitkän matkan bussi, vaunulentoemäntä: ___ attendantmenopaluulippu: ___ ticketnousta koneeseen: ___ a plane

TRAVEL 2016-06-13

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. a large boat or ship
  2. to get on a boat, airplane or train
  3. a long journey, especially by ship
  4. a short journey to a particular place
  5. feeling sick because of how a ship moves
  6. different from somebody or something, strange
  7. a way of travelling on bus, airplane, ship, ferry, bike
  8. visiting interesting places
  9. a group of large hills
  10. to feel an event that happens to you
  11. land right next to the ocean/sea
  12. travelling from one place to another
  1. a country that is not yours
  2. a style of food from a country
  3. a company that helps people plans trips
  4. a document that gives you permission to drive
  5. best liked
  6. not nice behavior, unfriendly
  7. to travel by someone else's car for free
  8. in a foreign country

20 Clues: best likeda large boat or shipin a foreign countrya group of large hillsa country that is not yoursvisiting interesting placesnot nice behavior, unfriendlya style of food from a countryland right next to the ocean/seaa long journey, especially by shipto get on a boat, airplane or trainto feel an event that happens to you...

Travel 2016-09-16

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. One, two, three, four or five ___: rating system for hotels
  2. Person travelling with a passenger
  3. Opposite of ceiling
  4. Opposite to west
  5. Opposite of departure
  6. Typical attire for male business class travellers: suits and ____.
  7. Flight to the home country
  8. "You can't sit here, this seat is ____."
  9. Temporary accommodation made of cloth
  10. Money paid to hire a car
  11. "There is no air-conditioning in the room, but there is a ceiling ___."
  12. ride, rode, ____
  13. Journey on an aircraft
  1. Place you keep your cars, etc.
  2. What you intend to do
  3. "You can get good prices ____ season."
  4. Type of ferry which cars and trucks can use
  5. Journey of a ship going from place to place
  6. "If you are going abroad you should take out medical ______."
  7. An engine and a set of coaches travelling on rails
  8. Hunting expedition in Africa
  9. Road, rail, air and ____
  10. "I am going to Paris next week on a business _____ ."
  11. Group of ships, aircraft or road vehicles

24 Clues: Opposite to westride, rode, ____Opposite of ceilingWhat you intend to doOpposite of departureJourney on an aircraftRoad, rail, air and ____Money paid to hire a carFlight to the home countryHunting expedition in AfricaPlace you keep your cars, etc.Person travelling with a passengerTemporary accommodation made of cloth...

TRAVEL 2013-02-07

TRAVEL crossword puzzle
  1. NOWY
  3. ZAMEK
  9. GORA
  10. RYNEK
  11. ZLY
  12. ZIMNY
  13. MAPA
  9. DOBRY
  10. GORACY
  13. PLECAK


Travel 2013-05-30

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. who
  2. suitcase
  3. I am ready 4,6
  4. soon, early
  5. what, how
  6. camera 8,11
  7. where
  8. the key 2,6
  9. satchel
  10. wallet
  11. ticket
  12. train
  1. when
  2. bus
  3. I am sleepy
  4. I am hungry 2,4
  5. we are late 5,5
  6. passport
  7. station
  8. with two beds 3,3,5
  9. room, bedroom
  10. bag
  11. at what time? 1,3,3
  12. I am thirsty 2,4

24 Clues: whobusbagwhenwheretrainwalletticketstationsatchelsuitcasepassportwhat, howI am sleepysoon, earlycamera 8,11the key 2,6room, bedroomI am ready 4,6I am hungry 2,4we are late 5,5I am thirsty 2,4with two beds 3,3,5at what time? 1,3,3

Travel 2014-04-24

Travel crossword puzzle
  1. to stay
  2. show
  3. check out
  4. a comfortable hotel
  5. ticket window
  6. maid
  7. customs
  8. blanket
  9. buttons
  10. towel
  11. cheep hotel
  12. Key
  1. call
  2. to wake
  3. operator
  4. pillow
  5. pilot
  6. gate
  7. cost
  8. Bill
  9. to find lodging
  10. cancel
  11. charge
  12. carry
  13. double

25 Clues: KeycallshowgatecostBillmaidpilotcarrytowelpillowcancelchargedoubleto stayto wakecustomsblanketbuttonsoperatorcheck outcheep hotelticket windowto find lodginga comfortable hotel