twilight Crossword Puzzles
Twilight 2013-01-16
- Where Bella moved from
- Edward's brother
- Emmet's girlfriend
- Edward's last name
- The sport that Bella is not good at
- The title of the book
- The Cullen's favorite sport
- The school that Bella is in
- The setting of the book
- What Bella orders at the restaurant with Edward
- Bella's father
- What Edward is
- Bella's mother
- What Edward drives
- The main character
- Edward's father
- The vampire that is hunting Bella
- The son of Charlie's best friend
- What Bella drives
- What makes Bella faint and Edward go crazy
- Where Bell's mother lives
- Charlie's best friend
- Where Bella and Edward go for their date
- Alice's boyfriend
- The main characters boyfriend
- Edward's sister
- What Edward is
- Bella's least favorite class
- Renee's boyfriend
- Edward's mother
30 Clues: What Edward is • Bella's father • What Edward is • Bella's mother • Edward's father • Edward's sister • Edward's mother • Edward's brother • What Bella drives • Alice's boyfriend • Renee's boyfriend • What Edward drives • The main character • Emmet's girlfriend • Edward's last name • Charlie's best friend • The title of the book • Where Bella moved from • The setting of the book • ...
Twilight 2023-03-07
- Sherif of Forks
- The antagonist of the story
- The class Bella met Edward in
- Makes all vampires glow
- Bellas's last name
- Vampire who can see the future
- Bella's mom
- Bella's childhood friend
- A characteristic that describes vampires
- Carsiles profession
- Main character
- Founder of the Cullens family
- Where Bella grew up
- Where the story takes place
- Where Bella and Edward hang out
- The Cullens' favorite sport to play
- A instrument Edward plays
- Bellas friend who helped her at school
- What do vampires drink
- Telepatic vampire
20 Clues: Bella's mom • Main character • Sherif of Forks • Telepatic vampire • Bellas's last name • Where Bella grew up • Carsiles profession • What do vampires drink • Makes all vampires glow • Bella's childhood friend • A instrument Edward plays • The antagonist of the story • Where the story takes place • Founder of the Cullens family • The class Bella met Edward in • Vampire who can see the future • ...
Twilight 2022-12-12
- Jacobs sister who is Married
- the hothead
- which boy lost his friends after they phased?
- the one who can't stay out of anyone's mind.
- who shifted before Jacob
- Jacob's Father
- Bella's Mother
- Edward's "Father"
- the one who almost ran her over
- the most Beautiful girl even when she was human.
- the second in command
- who is Quil's imprint
- Who is Sam's imprint
- Bella's father
- the nice pack member
- Bella's step father
- Bella first friend who's a girl
- Seth and Leah's father
- the strongest Cullen
- the one who loves Bella
- the kind hearted best friend who is also human
- who does Jacob imprint on
- the one who can see the future.
- Who is Jacobs crush?
- Angela's boyfriend
- Seth and Leah's Mom
- the one who feels emotions.
- Edwards "Mother"
- Paul's imprint
- Black packs Alpha.
- The only girl shifter
31 Clues: the hothead • Jacob's Father • Bella's Mother • Paul's imprint • Bella's father • Edwards "Mother" • Edward's "Father" • Angela's boyfriend • Black packs Alpha. • Bella's step father • Seth and Leah's Mom • the strongest Cullen • Who is Jacobs crush? • Who is Sam's imprint • the nice pack member • the second in command • who is Quil's imprint • The only girl shifter • Seth and Leah's father • ...
Twilight 2020-10-05
- When was Jasper changed
- Who dies in Breaking Dawn
- When was the oldest Vampire born?
- If you take a picture of a vampire will it show?
- When was Carlisle born?
- Who does Victoria love
- Jacob's best mate
- Loves Kate
- Who make the laws for vampires. Who controls them?
- Who did Victoria use in order to kill Bella?
- What was Jacob's gift to Bella at the prom
- Who serves Bella and Edward food after Edward rescues Bella in Seattle when she gets lost?
- Jacob's sister
- Carlisle's father was a ..
- Bella's daughter
- How long was Bella pregnant for?
- Jacob's father
- Quill's last name
- Sam's fur colour
- What was Leah and Seth's last name?
- Who is Bella's mum married to?
- Charlie's Hobby
- What was Bella's middle name?
- In Breaking Dawn who is Benjamin's lover?
- The authors last name
- Edwards pixie sister
- Who tried to kill Bella until Edward finished her in Eclipse?
- Where was Bella born and raised until she was 17
- How old is Esme?
- When was Edward born?
- When was Natunhel born?
- What colour is Jacob's fur?
- What attacked Emmett and almost killed him before he was changed?
- Who had a crush on Mike
- How old was Sam in Twilight
- What colour was Edwards Volvo?
- Who is the oldest Vampire?
- Jasper's Last name
- Paul was eating these in the start of Eclipse
- Who's the only female werewolf?
- Who injured Rosalie enough that Carlisle changed her?
- Where does Charlie and Bella live?
- Who liked Tyler and was angry at Bella because Tyler liked Bella not her
- Bella's favourite mechanic
- Last word of the twilight saga
- Who is the fastest of the Cullen's?
- What was Bella planning on calling her baby if it was a boy?
- What trait did Emmett bring into his vampire life?
- Where was Alice imprisoned because of her visions?
- Who did Quill imprint on?
- Who surrendered in eclipse so Carlisle decided to spare her?
- Jared's lover
- What was the last word of twilight?
- Carmen's lover
54 Clues: Loves Kate • Jared's lover • Jacob's sister • Jacob's father • Carmen's lover • Charlie's Hobby • How old is Esme? • Bella's daughter • Sam's fur colour • Jacob's best mate • Quill's last name • Jasper's Last name • Edwards pixie sister • When was Edward born? • The authors last name • Who does Victoria love • When was Jasper changed • When was Natunhel born? • Who had a crush on Mike • ...
Twilight 2023-07-14
- County known for it's pasta
- Make of car
- twilight soundtrack
- Jealous redhead
- Opposite of dusk
- The age before 18
- A color, a vegetable
- America's pasttime
- Meaning beautiful
- Filthy bloodsucker
- ...and wonderland
- Comes out during the full moon
- ...and ikes
- Between daytime and nighttime
- The study of life
- Leader of the pack
- Rosalie Cullen once said
- Opposite of a full moon
- Pauly's birth place
- In your veins
- Big South American country (American spelling)
- Song by Claude Debussy
- The Spanish word for crazy
- Bella googles this
- When the moon, earth, and sun align
- Bella, Jacob, and Mike see this movie
- "Shape of You" artist's full first name
- Rises from the ashes
- Type of silverware
- Beach on Jacobs' reservation
30 Clues: Make of car • ...and ikes • In your veins • Jealous redhead • Opposite of dusk • The study of life • The age before 18 • Meaning beautiful • ...and wonderland • Leader of the pack • Bella googles this • America's pasttime • Filthy bloodsucker • Type of silverware • twilight soundtrack • Pauly's birth place • A color, a vegetable • Rises from the ashes • Song by Claude Debussy • Opposite of a full moon • ...
Twilight 2020-10-05
- The place James wanted Bella to meet him all alone.
- The name of the main protagonist in Twilight.
- An emotion Bella had for Edward.
- The state that Bella was raised and grew up in.
- My personal favorite character that was geeky, over helpful, and a sweet guy.
- The name of the boy that almost killed Bella with his van in the parking lot.
- What was the name of the character that was a beautiful boy with pale skin?
- This was the name of the tribe that was enemies with the Cullens.
- The name of one member of the Cullens that could see the future, and the coolest Cullen in my opinion.
- This was the high school Bella attended to in Washington.
- Which physician in town adopted seven kids?
- The class Bella passed out in.
- True or false: Emmett saved Bella from a group of creepy guys that refused to leave her alone.
- True or false: The Quileutes were descended from wolves.
- Edward’s favorite place he took Bella to.
- Which cop was Bella’s father?
- The way Edward acts to Bella after he met her for the first time.
- This was the city in Washington that the story was taken place in.
- Correct or incorrect: Bella’s mother had died in a car crash when Bella was an infant.
- The beach’s name where Bella met Jacob Black for the first time.
- What was the name of the vampire that was tracking Bella to kill her.
- What car did Bella’s dad get her as a surprise?
- The color of all the Cullen’s eyes.
23 Clues: Which cop was Bella’s father? • The class Bella passed out in. • An emotion Bella had for Edward. • The color of all the Cullen’s eyes. • Edward’s favorite place he took Bella to. • Which physician in town adopted seven kids? • The name of the main protagonist in Twilight. • The state that Bella was raised and grew up in. • What car did Bella’s dad get her as a surprise? • ...
Twilight 2022-04-06
- Bellas dad
- The place Edward and Bella meet at
- what bella ate on her first date with edwards
- The class Bella and Edward meet
- Edwards mother
- Edwards last name
- activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
- a song edward wrote about bella
- edwards sister
- The love interest
- edwards sister
- where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
- a composer bella and edward both like
- What jacob is
- edwards brother
- instrument edward enjoys playing
- The third wheel
- Beach all the highschool people meet at
- Place the book is based in
- The main character
- Bellas last name
- Edwards father
- edwards brother
- What vampires fed off of
- Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
25 Clues: Bellas dad • What jacob is • edwards sister • Edwards mother • Edwards father • edwards sister • edwards brother • The third wheel • edwards brother • Bellas last name • The love interest • Edwards last name • The main character • What vampires fed off of • Place the book is based in • The class Bella and Edward meet • a song edward wrote about bella • instrument edward enjoys playing • ...
Twilight 2022-04-06
- where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
- Beach all the highschool people meet at
- Bellas dad
- what bella ate on her first date with edwards
- The third wheel
- Edwards mother
- a composer bella and edward both like
- a song edward wrote about bella
- What jacob is
- The place Edward and Bella meet at
- What vampires fed off of
- activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
- edwards sister
- instrument edward enjoys playing
- Edwards father
- edwards sister
- Place the book is based in
- edwards brother
- Edwards last name
- The class Bella and Edward meet
- The love interest
- Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
- The main character
- edwards brother
- Bellas last name
25 Clues: Bellas dad • What jacob is • edwards sister • Edwards father • edwards sister • Edwards mother • edwards brother • The third wheel • edwards brother • Bellas last name • Edwards last name • The love interest • The main character • What vampires fed off of • Place the book is based in • The class Bella and Edward meet • a song edward wrote about bella • instrument edward enjoys playing • ...
Twilight 2022-04-06
- The third wheel
- Bellas dad
- a composer bella and edward both like
- Edwards last name
- instrument edward enjoys playing
- edwards sister
- The main character
- The place Edward and Bella meet at
- Edwards father
- Place the book is based in
- The class Bella and Edward meet
- The love interest
- what bella ate on her first date with edwards
- edwards sister
- a song edward wrote about bella
- Edwards mother
- edwards brother
- What jacob is
- Beach all the highschool people meet at
- What vampires fed off of
- activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
- where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
- Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
- edwards brother
- Bellas last name
25 Clues: Bellas dad • What jacob is • edwards sister • edwards sister • Edwards mother • Edwards father • The third wheel • edwards brother • edwards brother • Bellas last name • Edwards last name • The love interest • The main character • What vampires fed off of • Place the book is based in • a song edward wrote about bella • The class Bella and Edward meet • instrument edward enjoys playing • ...
Twilight 2016-05-26
- vampires have very ____ skin
- the main male character
- vampires are ______ which means they live forever
- a vampire with the ability to feel and control someone’s emotions
- a bright star that the earth revolves around
- the author's first name
- Bella's last name
- a vampire who is stronger than other vampires
- where Bella and Edward met
- the main female character
- a blond vampire named _______ Hale
- what do vampires eat?
- an un-dead creature
- the city that the book mainly takes place in
- a vampire with the ability to see the future
- they need a _________ to play their favorite sport
- the male vampire who attempts to kill Bella
- the last name of the family of vampires
- the sport the Cullen family loves to play
- vampires can run very ______
- Bella's mom
- Bella's dad
- the vampire who is the "father" of the Cullen's
- ______ Black becomes a werewolf in "New moon"
24 Clues: Bella's mom • Bella's dad • Bella's last name • an un-dead creature • what do vampires eat? • the main male character • the author's first name • the main female character • where Bella and Edward met • vampires have very ____ skin • vampires can run very ______ • a blond vampire named _______ Hale • the last name of the family of vampires • the sport the Cullen family loves to play • ...
Twilight 2016-05-26
- vampires can run very ______
- a bright star that the earth revolves around
- they need a _________ to play their favorite sport
- Bella's mom
- an un-dead creature
- the main male character
- a vampire with the ability to see the future
- where Bella and Edward met
- Bella's last name
- vampires have very ____ skin
- what do vampires eat?
- the vampire who is the "father" of the Cullen's
- a vampire who is stronger than other vampires
- the last name of the family of vampires
- the male vampire who attempts to kill Bella
- the author's first name
- vampires have very ______ muscles
- the main female character
- a vampire with the ability to feel and control someone’s emotions
- vampires are ______ which means they live forever
- a blond vampire named _______ Hale
- the sport the Cullen family loves to play
- ______ Black becomes a werewolf in "New moon"
- the city that the book mainly takes place in
- Bella's dad
25 Clues: Bella's mom • Bella's dad • Bella's last name • an un-dead creature • what do vampires eat? • the author's first name • the main male character • the main female character • where Bella and Edward met • vampires can run very ______ • vampires have very ____ skin • vampires have very ______ muscles • a blond vampire named _______ Hale • the last name of the family of vampires • ...
Twilight 2019-05-29
- small vehicle.
- person who harrasess or persicutes someone.
- world.
- fine or subtle.
- school-a school that typically comprises grades 9-12.
- person who changes from a period of time into a wolfvampire-leaves a grave at night and sucks blood out of peoples neck.
- rhyming short story.
- rough or jaggering.
- day of a persons birth day.
- regular companion whom someone has a romantic relationship
- interesting.
- large heavy motor vehicle.
- in a quick and lively.
- red liquid that circulates in the arteries.
- action of two lips touching.
- action of hurt or harm to someone.
- un mannered.
- round fruit on a tree.
- person who is distinguished from an animal.
- person who leads or commands a group.
20 Clues: world. • un mannered. • interesting. • small vehicle. • fine or subtle. • rough or jaggering. • rhyming short story. • in a quick and lively. • round fruit on a tree. • large heavy motor vehicle. • day of a persons birth day. • action of two lips touching. • action of hurt or harm to someone. • person who leads or commands a group. • person who harrasess or persicutes someone. • ...
twilight 2013-03-10
- wat is edward?
- wat is de achternaam van edward?
- waar speelt het gevecht af?
- hoe heten de slechte vampieren?
- hoe heet de actrice die belle speelt?
- wie wil wraak nemen op de cullens?
- wanneer komen vampier niet naar buiten?
- hoe heet de ateur van het boek?
- wat betekend twilight?
- wat drinken de cullens?
- wat is het beroep van carlisle?
- welke sport spelen de cullens vaak?
- in welke stad word bella verborgen?
- welke gave heeft edward?
- in welk dorp speelt het verhaal zich af?
- hoe heet de acteur die edward speelt?
- wie word er vermoord door de cullens?
- hoe heet de acteur die jacob speelt?
- hoe heet de vader van bella
- wat is de achternaam van bella?
- waaraan stierf edward toen hij 17jaar oud was?
- waar leren bella en edward elkaar kennen?
- hoe lang is edward al 17jaar?
- wie heeft edward naar vampier veranderd?
- waar zegt bella tegen edward dat ze weet dat hij een vampier is ?
25 Clues: wat is edward? • wat betekend twilight? • wat drinken de cullens? • welke gave heeft edward? • hoe heet de vader van bella • waar speelt het gevecht af? • hoe lang is edward al 17jaar? • hoe heten de slechte vampieren? • wat is de achternaam van bella? • hoe heet de ateur van het boek? • wat is het beroep van carlisle? • wat is de achternaam van edward? • ...
Twilight 2013-09-29
- Where the book takes place
- Edward and Bella's daughter
- Edward's brother from the civil war
- Edward's vampire father figure
- Sam's imprint
- Bella's human best friend
- Bella's father
- Bella's mother
- 1st book in series
- Co-leader of Victoria's newborn army
- Bella's vampire bofriend
- Bella's werewolf best friend
- Edward's bear of a brother
- the leader of the pack
- Edward's pixie sister
- Edward's blonde sister
- 4th book in the series
- 2nd book in series
- Edward's vampire mother figure
- 3rd book in the series
- Evil group of vampires
- Bella's step-father
- Bella's first friend in Forks
- Tried to kill Bella and the Cullens in Eclipse
- Other male in James's coven
- Part of the newborn army and fell in love with Diego
- Tried to kill Bella's in Twilight
- main character
- Angela's boy friend
- Edward's human annoyance
30 Clues: Sam's imprint • Bella's father • Bella's mother • main character • 2nd book in series • 1st book in series • Bella's step-father • Angela's boy friend • Edward's pixie sister • Edward's blonde sister • 4th book in the series • 3rd book in the series • Evil group of vampires • the leader of the pack • Bella's vampire bofriend • Edward's human annoyance • Bella's human best friend • ...
Twilight 2022-06-07
- Where Bella moved from
- Edward's brother
- Emmet's girlfriend
- Edward's last name
- The sport that Bella is not good at
- The title of the book
- The Cullen's favorite sport
- The school that Bella is in
- The setting of the book
- What Bella orders at the restaurant with Edward
- Bella's father
- What Edward is
- Bella's mother
- What Edward drives
- The main character
- Edward's father
- The vampire that is hunting Bella
- The son of Charlie's best friend
- What Bella drives
- What makes Bella faint and Edward go crazy
- Where Bell's mother lives
- Charlie's best friend
- Where Bella and Edward go for their date
- Alice's boyfriend
- The main characters boyfriend
- Edward's sister
- What Edward is
- Bella's least favorite class
- Renee's boyfriend
- Edward's mother
30 Clues: What Edward is • Bella's father • What Edward is • Bella's mother • Edward's father • Edward's sister • Edward's mother • Edward's brother • What Bella drives • Alice's boyfriend • Renee's boyfriend • What Edward drives • The main character • Emmet's girlfriend • Edward's last name • Charlie's best friend • The title of the book • Where Bella moved from • The setting of the book • ...
Twilight 2023-02-27
- where Bella's mom lives
- sport that is played by Edward's family
- Bella's self-centered friend
- vampire who hunts Bella
- Edward's hot headed sister
- the human in love with a vampire
- Edward's adopted dad
- Edward's freshly "vegetarian" brother
- Edward's power
- James' girlfriend
- Bella's best friend
- Edward's adopted mom
- why everyone is attracted to Bella
- Bella's dad
- Bella's first love
- Charlie's best friend
- where Bella's dad lives
- almost runs Bella over with a van
- Bella's mom
- Edward's mysterious sister
20 Clues: Bella's dad • Bella's mom • Edward's power • James' girlfriend • Bella's first love • Bella's best friend • Edward's adopted mom • Edward's adopted dad • Charlie's best friend • where Bella's mom lives • vampire who hunts Bella • where Bella's dad lives • Edward's hot headed sister • Edward's mysterious sister • Bella's self-centered friend • the human in love with a vampire • ...
Twilight 2023-06-21
- you eat your food with this
- likes boys with scene hair
- edward can play me like he plays this
- Lightning… thunder… strike!
- where bella wore converse
- depressed and always wanting more
- pig serving daddy vibes
- demon child
- scary cult
- what bone did renesme break when she kicked
- the 8 course meal the Cullen made bella
- kind of obsessed with my baby… but ok?
- def a racist but is trying not to be
- twinkle twinkle little star
- that’s so raven
- made an appearance in a Greys episode
- valedictorian
- why is he always naked
- what Edward jumps through to get to Bella’s room
20 Clues: HIMBO • scary cult • demon child • valedictorian • that’s so raven • why is he always naked • pig serving daddy vibes • where bella wore converse • likes boys with scene hair • you eat your food with this • twinkle twinkle little star • Lightning… thunder… strike! • depressed and always wanting more • def a racist but is trying not to be • edward can play me like he plays this • ...
twilight 2022-11-09
- bella's zodiac
- mind reader
- edward and bella's favorite artist
- hold on tight..
- carlisle is from
- bella goes to prom in a..
- when edward and bella got married
- your love is my
- the beach in twilight
- where the h*ll have you been
- emmett and bella broke a..
- bloodsucker
- most powerful vampire coven
- how you likin' 'da rain girl?
- the song edward writes bella
- jealous redhead
- the golden
- daughter's nickname
- confederate soldier
- who attacks bella
- what class edward and bella met in
21 Clues: the golden • mind reader • bloodsucker • bella's zodiac • jealous redhead • hold on tight.. • your love is my • carlisle is from • who attacks bella • daughter's nickname • confederate soldier • the beach in twilight • bella goes to prom in a.. • emmett and bella broke a.. • most powerful vampire coven • the song edward writes bella • where the h*ll have you been • how you likin' 'da rain girl? • ...
Twilight 2022-05-24
- likes to wrestle bears
- ben's girlfriend
- quileute legend
- leader of the pack
- the doctor's "wife"
- mike's girlfriend
- she can see future decisions
- where did bella and edward have their honeymoon
- where bella moved
- fastest vampire
- car edward drives
- he can control emotions
- he's a cop
- jacob's grandfather
- shape-shifters
- bella's best friend
- only girl in the pack
- lived with bella in arizona
- what school does bella go to
- private reserve vampires cannot cross
- jacob's father
- the cullen family
- the cullen house has a lot of this
- angela's boyfriend
- blond beauty
- car bella drives
- moved from phoenix to forks
- jessica's boyfriend
- he's a doctor
- where bella used to live
- bella's step-dad
- class edward first saw/smelled bella
- sibling of leah
33 Clues: he's a cop • blond beauty • he's a doctor • jacob's father • shape-shifters • quileute legend • fastest vampire • sibling of leah • ben's girlfriend • car bella drives • bella's step-dad • mike's girlfriend • the cullen family • where bella moved • car edward drives • leader of the pack • angela's boyfriend • the doctor's "wife" • jessica's boyfriend • jacob's grandfather • bella's best friend • ...
Twilight 2023-09-26
- difficult to detect (pg 25)
- showing an inappropriate lack of seriousness (pg 131)
- liable to sudden or unpredictable change (pg 7)
- deer meat (pg 160)
- furiously angry (pg 79)
- filled with extreme joy and happiness (pg 144)
- a pale complexion (pg 10)
- in a way that cannot be taken back (pg 95)
- intended to get others to notice (pg 97)
- casual concern or indifference (pg 76)
- being childishly sulky/upset (pg 38)
- incapable of error (pg 176)
- a person rejected from society (pg 46)
- strong feelings of embarrassment (pg 57)
- evoking strong sadness or regret (pg 156)
- giving complete attention to (pg 201)
- real/can (almost) be touched (pg 181)
- generally incompetent (pg 63)
- extremely tired/lazy, sluggish or apathetic (pg 147)
- uncertain or unable to decide (pg 111)
20 Clues: deer meat (pg 160) • furiously angry (pg 79) • a pale complexion (pg 10) • incapable of error (pg 176) • difficult to detect (pg 25) • generally incompetent (pg 63) • being childishly sulky/upset (pg 38) • giving complete attention to (pg 201) • real/can (almost) be touched (pg 181) • casual concern or indifference (pg 76) • a person rejected from society (pg 46) • ...
twilight 2025-01-28
- what did Edward tell her parents she fell from
- what class do Edward and Bella have together
- warm and sunny
- officer what's her dads job
- a vampire
- genre of the book
- who ALMOST hit Bella with a van
- a warewolf
- what did Edward suck out of Bellas blood
- age of bella
- who is her first friend in forks
- what's Edwards favourite thing to hunt
- what color do Edwards eyes turn
- how many books are in the season
- what's her dads name
- the main character
- cold and rainy
- who's the vampire that wants to kill bella
- who is bella's coworker
- reading what's Edwards power
20 Clues: a vampire • a warewolf • age of bella • warm and sunny • cold and rainy • genre of the book • the main character • what's her dads name • who is bella's coworker • officer what's her dads job • reading what's Edwards power • what color do Edwards eyes turn • who ALMOST hit Bella with a van • who is her first friend in forks • how many books are in the season • ...
Twilight 2021-05-18
- school in forks washington
twilight 2022-11-09
- bella's zodiac
- mind reader
- edward and bella's favorite artist
- hold on tight..
- carlisle is from
- bella goes to prom in a..
- when edward and bella got married
- your love is my
- the beach in twilight
- where the h*ll have you been
- emmett and bella broke a..
- bloodsucker
- most powerful vampire coven
- how you likin' 'da rain girl?
- the song edward writes bella
- jealous redhead
- the golden
- daughter's nickname
- confederate soldier
- who attacks bella
- what class edward and bella met in
21 Clues: the golden • mind reader • bloodsucker • bella's zodiac • jealous redhead • hold on tight.. • your love is my • carlisle is from • who attacks bella • daughter's nickname • confederate soldier • the beach in twilight • bella goes to prom in a.. • emmett and bella broke a.. • most powerful vampire coven • the song edward writes bella • where the h*ll have you been • how you likin' 'da rain girl? • ...
twilight 2022-11-09
- bella's zodiac
- mind reader
- edward and bella's favorite artist
- hold on tight..
- carlisle is from
- bella goes to prom in a..
- when edward and bella got married
- your love is my
- the beach in twilight
- where the h*ll have you been
- emmett and bella broke a..
- bloodsucker
- most powerful vampire coven
- how you likin' 'da rain girl?
- the song edward writes bella
- jealous redhead
- the golden
- daughter's nickname
- confederate soldier
- who attacks bella
- what class edward and bella met in
21 Clues: the golden • mind reader • bloodsucker • bella's zodiac • jealous redhead • hold on tight.. • your love is my • carlisle is from • who attacks bella • daughter's nickname • confederate soldier • the beach in twilight • bella goes to prom in a.. • emmett and bella broke a.. • most powerful vampire coven • the song edward writes bella • where the h*ll have you been • how you likin' 'da rain girl? • ...
Twilight 2021-04-08
- Which of the Cullen's is jealous of Bella
- Edwards sister that can read minds
- Bella's daughters name
- What do vampires drink
- Edwards adoptive dads name
- Bella's second name
- What is the main supernatural theme
- What is the safest time of day for a vampire
- where does Bella live with her dad
- Main character beginning with "B"
- Main character beginning with "E"
- Bella's dads name
- Second name of the author of twilight
- Bella's home town
- Jasper is able to control what with his powers
- Bella's mums boyfriend's name
- who wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga
- The strongest brother
- What is Jacob
- What is Bella's mums name
20 Clues: What is Jacob • Bella's dads name • Bella's home town • Bella's second name • The strongest brother • Bella's daughters name • What do vampires drink • What is Bella's mums name • Edwards adoptive dads name • Bella's mums boyfriend's name • Main character beginning with "E" • Main character beginning with "B" • Edwards sister that can read minds • where does Bella live with her dad • ...
Twilight 2013-01-16
- Where Bella moved from
- Edward's brother
- Emmet's girlfriend
- Edward's last name
- The sport that Bella is not good at
- The title of the book
- The Cullen's favorite sport
- The school that Bella is in
- The setting of the book
- What Bella orders at the restaurant with Edward
- Bella's father
- What Edward is
- Bella's mother
- What Edward drives
- The main character
- Edward's father
- The vampire that is hunting Bella
- The son of Charlie's best friend
- What Bella drives
- What makes Bella faint and Edward go crazy
- Where Bell's mother lives
- Charlie's best friend
- Where Bella and Edward go for their date
- Alice's boyfriend
- The main characters boyfriend
- Edward's sister
- What Edward is
- Bella's least favorite class
- Renee's boyfriend
- Edward's mother
30 Clues: What Edward is • Bella's father • What Edward is • Bella's mother • Edward's father • Edward's sister • Edward's mother • Edward's brother • What Bella drives • Alice's boyfriend • Renee's boyfriend • What Edward drives • The main character • Emmet's girlfriend • Edward's last name • Charlie's best friend • The title of the book • Where Bella moved from • The setting of the book • ...
Twilight 2013-11-26
- Bella's father.
- James' lover.
- Shape of the bites James leaves on Bella
- Could see the future.
- Wants to be a vampire.
- A blood thirsty being.
- Could read minds.
- Bella's mother.
- Washington where Bella moved to.
- Arizona where Bella is from.
- Edward's "mother"
- Bella goes dress shopping for this dance.
- Sport played in the beginning of the book.
- Part of the Quileute tribe.
- Slid on ice in a van and almost hit Bella.
- Likes Mike.
- Type of dance studio James led Bella to.
- Edward's "father"
- Bella's mom's new husband.
- Killed by Alice, Jasper and Emmett
20 Clues: Likes Mike. • James' lover. • Bella's father. • Bella's mother. • Edward's "mother" • Edward's "father" • Could read minds. • Could see the future. • Wants to be a vampire. • A blood thirsty being. • Bella's mom's new husband. • Part of the Quileute tribe. • Arizona where Bella is from. • Washington where Bella moved to. • Killed by Alice, Jasper and Emmett • ...
twilight 2014-03-27
- who protects bella and her baby
- edward and his family are ________
- edward___
- bellas real name
- auther of the twilight saga
- edwards mum
- warewolf
- what everybody is wareing in bellas dream
- where bella live
- carliles job
- leader of the pack
- the movie bella sees in new moon
- the viacle that bella drives
- the red head
- bellas child
- the only female in the pack
- one of bellas best friends
- where victoria makes her army
- where bellas mum lives
- vampires crave
20 Clues: warewolf • edward___ • edwards mum • carliles job • the red head • bellas child • vampires crave • where bella live • bellas real name • leader of the pack • where bellas mum lives • one of bellas best friends • the only female in the pack • auther of the twilight saga • the viacle that bella drives • where victoria makes her army • who protects bella and her baby • the movie bella sees in new moon • ...
Twilight 2022-04-06
- The third wheel
- Edwards father
- edwards brother
- edwards brother
- Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
- The class Bella and Edward meet
- Edwards mother
- edwards sister
- Bellas last name
- edwards sister
- Place the book is based in
- What jacob is
- Bellas dad
- a song edward wrote about bella
- activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
- The place Edward and Bella meet at
- The love interest
- What vampires fed off of
- where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
- Edwards last name
- what bella ate on her first date with edwards
- a composer bella and edward both like
- The main character
- instrument edward enjoys playing
- Beach all the highschool people meet at
25 Clues: Bellas dad • What jacob is • Edwards father • Edwards mother • edwards sister • edwards sister • The third wheel • edwards brother • edwards brother • Bellas last name • The love interest • Edwards last name • The main character • What vampires fed off of • Place the book is based in • a song edward wrote about bella • The class Bella and Edward meet • instrument edward enjoys playing • ...
twilight 2024-10-29
- – The dark shape made when something blocks light.
- – An animal that hunts other animals to eat.
- – Something that is not normal or natural, often from stories.
- – How fast someone or something can go.
- – The light that comes from the moon at night.
- – How strong someone or something is.
- – To look for something to catch or kill.
- – Someone who cannot die and lives forever.
- – Keeping someone or something safe.
- – A person who turns into a wolf during a full moon.
- – Giving up something important for someone or something else.
- – The feeling when you need to drink.
- – The ability to live forever.
- – A creature in stories that drinks blood and lives forever.
- – A big change from one thing into another.
- – Not allowed or not okay to do.
- – A situation that is not safe.
- – A person, not an animal or creature.
- – The time when the sun goes down and it starts to get dark.
- – The red liquid in our bodies.
- – Something that only a few people know.
- – The feeling when you are scared.
22 Clues: – The ability to live forever. • – A situation that is not safe. • – The red liquid in our bodies. • – Not allowed or not okay to do. • – The feeling when you are scared. • – Keeping someone or something safe. • – The feeling when you need to drink. • – How strong someone or something is. • – A person, not an animal or creature. • – How fast someone or something can go. • ...
Twilight 2016-05-26
- vampires can run very ______
- Bella's last name
- ______ Black becomes a werewolf in "New moon"
- vampires are ______ which means they live forever
- the last name of the family of vampires
- they need a _________ to play their favorite sport
- what do vampires eat?
- Bella's dad
- the male vampire who attempts to kill Bella
- a blond vampire named _______ Hale
- a vampire with the ability to see the future
- a bright star that the earth revolves around
- the city that the book mainly takes place in
- an un-dead creature
- the author's first name
- a vampire who is stronger than other vampires
- where Bella and Edward met
- a vampire with the ability to feel and control someone’s emotions
- vampires have very ____ skin
- the main female character
- the sport the Cullen family loves to play
- the vampire who is the "father" of the Cullen's
- Bella's mom
- vampires have very ______ muscles
- the main male character
25 Clues: Bella's dad • Bella's mom • Bella's last name • an un-dead creature • what do vampires eat? • the author's first name • the main male character • the main female character • where Bella and Edward met • vampires can run very ______ • vampires have very ____ skin • vampires have very ______ muscles • a blond vampire named _______ Hale • the last name of the family of vampires • ...
Twilight 2022-04-06
- Bellas dad
- The place Edward and Bella meet at
- what bella ate on her first date with edwards
- The class Bella and Edward meet
- Edwards mother
- Edwards last name
- activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
- a song edward wrote about bella
- edwards sister
- The love interest
- edwards sister
- where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
- a composer bella and edward both like
- What jacob is
- edwards brother
- instrument edward enjoys playing
- The third wheel
- Beach all the highschool people meet at
- Place the book is based in
- The main character
- Bellas last name
- Edwards father
- edwards brother
- What vampires fed off of
- Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
25 Clues: Bellas dad • What jacob is • edwards sister • Edwards mother • Edwards father • edwards sister • edwards brother • The third wheel • edwards brother • Bellas last name • The love interest • Edwards last name • The main character • What vampires fed off of • Place the book is based in • The class Bella and Edward meet • a song edward wrote about bella • instrument edward enjoys playing • ...
Twilight 2022-04-06
- The third wheel
- Edwards father
- Edwards brother
- Edwards brother
- Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
- The class Bella and Edward meet
- Edwards mother
- Edwards sister
- Bellas last name
- Edwards sister
- Place the book is based in
- What jacob is
- Bellas dad
- A song edward wrote about bella
- Activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
- The place Edward and Bella meet at
- The love interest
- What vampires fed off of
- Where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
- Edwards last name
- What bella ate on her first date with edwards
- A composer bella and edward both like
- The main character
- Instrument edward enjoys playing
- Beach all the highschool people meet at
25 Clues: Bellas dad • What jacob is • Edwards father • Edwards mother • Edwards sister • Edwards sister • The third wheel • Edwards brother • Edwards brother • Bellas last name • The love interest • Edwards last name • The main character • What vampires fed off of • Place the book is based in • A song edward wrote about bella • The class Bella and Edward meet • Instrument edward enjoys playing • ...
Twilight 2022-04-06
- Bellas bestfriend
- Edwards father
- Edwards brother
- Edwards brother
- Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
- The class Bella and Edward meet
- Edwards mother
- Edwards sister
- Bellas last name
- Edwards sister
- Place the book is based in
- What jacob is
- Bellas dad
- A song edward wrote about bella
- Activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
- The place Edward and Bella meet at
- The love interest
- What vampires fed off of
- Where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
- Edwards last name
- What bella ate on her first date with edwards
- A composer bella and edward both like
- The main character
- Instrument edward enjoys playing
- Beach all the highschool people meet at
25 Clues: Bellas dad • What jacob is • Edwards father • Edwards mother • Edwards sister • Edwards sister • Edwards brother • Edwards brother • Bellas last name • Bellas bestfriend • The love interest • Edwards last name • The main character • What vampires fed off of • Place the book is based in • A song edward wrote about bella • The class Bella and Edward meet • Instrument edward enjoys playing • ...
Twilight 2022-06-07
- vampires can run very ______
- a bright star that the earth revolves around
- they need a _________ to play their favorite sport
- Bella's mom
- an un-dead creature
- the main male character
- a vampire with the ability to see the future
- where Bella and Edward met
- Bella's last name
- vampires have very ____ skin
- what do vampires eat?
- the vampire who is the "father" of the Cullen's
- a vampire who is stronger than other vampires
- the last name of the family of vampires
- the male vampire who attempts to kill Bella
- the author's first name
- vampires have very ______ muscles
- the main female character
- a vampire with the ability to feel and control someone’s emotions
- vampires are ______ which means they live forever
- a blond vampire named _______ Hale
- the sport the Cullen family loves to play
- ______ Black becomes a werewolf in "New moon"
- the city that the book mainly takes place in
- Bella's dad
25 Clues: Bella's mom • Bella's dad • Bella's last name • an un-dead creature • what do vampires eat? • the author's first name • the main male character • the main female character • where Bella and Edward met • vampires can run very ______ • vampires have very ____ skin • vampires have very ______ muscles • a blond vampire named _______ Hale • the last name of the family of vampires • ...
twilight 2022-11-09
- bella's zodiac
- mind reader
- edward and bella's favorite artist
- hold on tight..
- carlisle is from
- bella goes to prom in a..
- when edward and bella got married
- your love is my
- the beach in twilight
- where the h*ll have you been
- emmett and bella broke a..
- bloodsucker
- most powerful vampire coven
- how you likin' 'da rain girl?
- the song edward writes bella
- jealous redhead
- the golden
- daughter's nickname
- confederate soldier
- who attacks bella
- what class edward and bella met in
21 Clues: the golden • mind reader • bloodsucker • bella's zodiac • jealous redhead • hold on tight.. • your love is my • carlisle is from • who attacks bella • daughter's nickname • confederate soldier • the beach in twilight • bella goes to prom in a.. • emmett and bella broke a.. • most powerful vampire coven • the song edward writes bella • where the h*ll have you been • how you likin' 'da rain girl? • ...
Twilight 2021-02-20
- What is the main supernatural theme
- What is the safest time of day for a vampire
- Main character beginning with "E"
- Bella's mums boyfriend's name
- Bella's second name
- Edwards sister that can read minds
- Bella's dads name
- Jasper is able to control what with his powers
- where does Bella live with her dad
- who wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga
- What is Jacob
- Bella's home town
- Edwards adoptive dads name
- Main character beginning with "B"
- Which of the Cullen's is jealous of Bella
- Bella's daughters name
- What is Bella's mums name
- The strongest brother
- What do vampires drink
- Second name of the author of twilight
20 Clues: What is Jacob • Bella's home town • Bella's dads name • Bella's second name • The strongest brother • Bella's daughters name • What do vampires drink • What is Bella's mums name • Edwards adoptive dads name • Bella's mums boyfriend's name • Main character beginning with "B" • Main character beginning with "E" • Edwards sister that can read minds • where does Bella live with her dad • ...
Twilight 2024-10-14
- When was Jasper changed
- Who dies in Breaking Dawn
- When was the oldest Vampire born?
- If you take a picture of a vampire will it show?
- When was Carlisle born?
- Who does Victoria love
- Jacob's best mate
- Loves Kate
- Who make the laws for vampires. Who controls them?
- Who did Victoria use in order to kill Bella?
- What was Jacob's gift to Bella at the prom
- Who serves Bella and Edward food after Edward rescues Bella in Seattle when she gets lost?
- Jacob's sister
- Carlisle's father was a ..
- Bella's daughter
- How long was Bella pregnant for?
- Jacob's father
- Quill's last name
- Sam's fur colour
- What was Leah and Seth's last name?
- Who is Bella's mum married to?
- Charlie's Hobby
- What was Bella's middle name?
- In Breaking Dawn who is Benjamin's lover?
- The authors last name
- Edwards pixie sister
- Who tried to kill Bella until Edward finished her in Eclipse?
- Where was Bella born and raised until she was 17
- How old is Esme?
- When was Edward born?
- When was Natunhel born?
- What colour is Jacob's fur?
- What attacked Emmett and almost killed him before he was changed?
- Who had a crush on Mike
- How old was Sam in Twilight
- What colour was Edwards Volvo?
- Who is the oldest Vampire?
- Jasper's Last name
- Paul was eating these in the start of Eclipse
- Who's the only female werewolf?
- Who injured Rosalie enough that Carlisle changed her?
- Where does Charlie and Bella live?
- Who liked Tyler and was angry at Bella because Tyler liked Bella not her
- Bella's favourite mechanic
- Last word of the twilight saga
- Who is the fastest of the Cullen's?
- What was Bella planning on calling her baby if it was a boy?
- What trait did Emmett bring into his vampire life?
- Where was Alice imprisoned because of her visions?
- Who did Quill imprint on?
- Who surrendered in eclipse so Carlisle decided to spare her?
- Jared's lover
- What was the last word of twilight?
- Carmen's lover
54 Clues: Loves Kate • Jared's lover • Jacob's sister • Jacob's father • Carmen's lover • Charlie's Hobby • How old is Esme? • Bella's daughter • Sam's fur colour • Jacob's best mate • Quill's last name • Jasper's Last name • Edwards pixie sister • When was Edward born? • The authors last name • Who does Victoria love • When was Jasper changed • When was Natunhel born? • Who had a crush on Mike • ...
Twilight 2022-12-09
- what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
- what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
- what car does Bella drive?
- what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
- Name of Bellas dad?
- Where did the main characters meet?
- Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
- The name of the main female character?
- The name of the main male character?
- Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
- Where does the story take place?
- what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
- what do the vampires eat?
- Where does Edward drive Bella?
- what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
- Where did Bella live before moving?
- What's the name of the vampire family?
- Vampire who can see the future?
- What is Jacob?
19 Clues: What is Jacob? • Name of Bellas dad? • what do the vampires eat? • what car does Bella drive? • Where does Edward drive Bella? • Vampire who can see the future? • Where does the story take place? • what color do Edwards's eyes turn? • Where did Bella live before moving? • Where did the main characters meet? • The name of the main male character? • ...
Twilight 2022-12-09
- what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
- what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
- what car does Bella drive?
- what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
- Name of Bellas dad?
- Where did the main characters meet?
- Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
- The name of the main female character?
- The name of the main male character?
- Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
- Where does the story take place?
- what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
- what do the vampires eat?
- Where does Edward drive Bella?
- what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
- Where did Bella live before moving?
- What's the name of the vampire family?
- Vampire who can see the future?
- What is Jacob?
19 Clues: What is Jacob? • Name of Bellas dad? • what do the vampires eat? • what car does Bella drive? • Where does Edward drive Bella? • Vampire who can see the future? • Where does the story take place? • what color do Edwards's eyes turn? • Where did Bella live before moving? • Where did the main characters meet? • The name of the main male character? • ...
Twilight 2022-12-09
- what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
- what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
- what car does Bella drive?
- what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
- Name of Bellas dad?
- Where did the main characters meet?
- Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
- The name of the main female character?
- The name of the main male character?
- Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
- Where does the story take place?
- what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
- what do the vampires eat?
- Where does Edward drive Bella?
- what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
- Where did Bella live before moving?
- What's the name of the vampire family?
- Vampire who can see the future?
- What is Jacob?
19 Clues: What is Jacob? • Name of Bellas dad? • what do the vampires eat? • what car does Bella drive? • Where does Edward drive Bella? • Vampire who can see the future? • Where does the story take place? • what color do Edwards's eyes turn? • Where did Bella live before moving? • Where did the main characters meet? • The name of the main male character? • ...
Twilight 2022-12-09
- what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
- what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
- what car does Bella drive?
- what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
- Name of Bellas dad?
- Where did the main characters meet?
- Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
- The name of the main female character?
- The name of the main male character?
- Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
- Where does the story take place?
- what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
- what do the vampires eat?
- Where does Edward drive Bella?
- what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
- Where did Bella live before moving?
- What's the name of the vampire family?
- Vampire who can see the future?
- What is Jacob?
19 Clues: What is Jacob? • Name of Bellas dad? • what do the vampires eat? • what car does Bella drive? • Where does Edward drive Bella? • Vampire who can see the future? • Where does the story take place? • what color do Edwards's eyes turn? • Where did Bella live before moving? • Where did the main characters meet? • The name of the main male character? • ...
Twilight 2022-12-09
- what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
- what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
- what car does Bella drive?
- what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
- Name of Bellas dad?
- Where did the main characters meet?
- Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
- The name of the main female character?
- The name of the main male character?
- Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
- Where does the story take place?
- what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
- what do the vampires eat?
- Where does Edward drive Bella?
- what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
- Where did Bella live before moving?
- What's the name of the vampire family?
- Vampire who can see the future?
- What is Jacob?
19 Clues: What is Jacob? • Name of Bellas dad? • what do the vampires eat? • what car does Bella drive? • Where does Edward drive Bella? • Vampire who can see the future? • Where does the story take place? • what color do Edwards's eyes turn? • Where did Bella live before moving? • Where did the main characters meet? • The name of the main male character? • ...
Twilight 2017-04-11
- who is the main attacker?
- where do they live?
- who can run really fast?
- who wants to become a vampire?
- what is the title of the 2nd book?
- what is Bella's last name?
- who is the doctor?
- what is the high school home of?
- what did Phill give Bella?
- who is the author?
- where did Bella live with her mom?
- what is Bella's moms name?
- who is one of the werewolves?
- what is the title of the 3rd book?
- how old is Bella?
- what is the title of the last book?
- why did Bella go see James?
- what sport does the Cullen family play together?
- what's Bella's dads name?
- who accidentally hit Bella with a car?
20 Clues: how old is Bella? • who is the doctor? • who is the author? • where do they live? • who can run really fast? • who is the main attacker? • what's Bella's dads name? • what is Bella's last name? • what did Phill give Bella? • what is Bella's moms name? • why did Bella go see James? • who is one of the werewolves? • who wants to become a vampire? • what is the high school home of? • ...
twilight 2021-04-26
- name of book three
- name of main character
- vampire who tries to eat bella in book one
- name of book four
- last name of carlisle's coven
- where bella grew up
- name of book one
- sam's imprint
- best friend of bella
- carlisle's birthplace
- bella's dad
- where twilight takes place
- the vampire who tries to kill bella in eclipse
- bella's first friend in forks
- jacob's best friends
- adoptive mother of edward
- edward's power
- what the quileutes are
- bella's boyfriend
- big strong brother of edward
- one of the volturi
- adoptive father of edward
- name of book two
- one of the volturi
- one of the volturi
- vampires who edward wanted to kill him in book two
- leader of the pack
- sister of edward
- bella's mom
- jacob's imprint
- was born in the 1800's, created by maria
- pyshic
32 Clues: pyshic • bella's dad • bella's mom • sam's imprint • edward's power • jacob's imprint • name of book two • name of book one • sister of edward • bella's boyfriend • name of book four • name of book three • one of the volturi • one of the volturi • one of the volturi • leader of the pack • where bella grew up • best friend of bella • jacob's best friends • carlisle's birthplace • what the quileutes are • ...
twilight 2024-04-24
- type of studio where James lures bella
- class where bella and Edward met
- Jacob does to Renesmee
- vampire who is a red flag
- Jacob helps bella restore one
- iconic wall decoration in cullen house is made out of ____
- pitch perfect (actor first and last name)
- the volturi thought renesmee was a _____ child
- name of the third movie
- type of vampire James is
- Bella's power
- army that tries to kill bella made by victoria
- vampire royalty
- James gf who tries to kill bella
- why bella and Edward were away when bella got pregnant
- bellas ride
- why do they play baseball in the rain
- town they live in
- girl from Phenix
- pack leader
- who did Aro want from the cullen clan
- last name of author
- Awooooo/where have you been loca
- daddy cullen
24 Clues: bellas ride • pack leader • daddy cullen • Bella's power • vampire royalty • girl from Phenix • town they live in • last name of author • Jacob does to Renesmee • name of the third movie • type of vampire James is • vampire who is a red flag • Jacob helps bella restore one • James gf who tries to kill bella • class where bella and Edward met • Awooooo/where have you been loca • ...
twilight 2025-01-28
- what did Edward tell her parents she fell from
- what class do Edward and Bella have together
- warm and sunny
- officer what's her dads job
- a vampire
- genre of the book
- who ALMOST hit Bella with a van
- a warewolf
- what did Edward suck out of Bellas blood
- age of bella
- who is her first friend in forks
- what's Edwards favourite thing to hunt
- what color do Edwards eyes turn
- how many books are in the season
- what's her dads name
- the main character
- cold and rainy
- who's the vampire that wants to kill bella
- who is bella's coworker
- reading what's Edwards power
20 Clues: a vampire • a warewolf • age of bella • warm and sunny • cold and rainy • genre of the book • the main character • what's her dads name • who is bella's coworker • officer what's her dads job • reading what's Edwards power • what color do Edwards eyes turn • who ALMOST hit Bella with a van • who is her first friend in forks • how many books are in the season • ...
Twilight 2020-10-20
- incapable of being fully explored or understood (chap 5, pg.94)
- with no particular purpose, reason, or foundation (chap 2, pg.41)
- distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated (chap 4, pg.65)
- an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement (chap 2, pg.42)
- extremely small (chap 5, pg.96)
- having or showing no skill (chap 6, pg. 118)
- impossible to understand (chap 5, pg.87)
- noisy, energetic, and cheerful (chap 8, pg.144)
- making one extremely angry and impatient (chap 7, pg.123)
- make (someone) unable to think clearly (chap 5, pg.83)
- extreme or irrational fear of confined places (chap 1, pg.14)
- a scene of uproar and confusion (chap 3, pg.53)
- breathe at an abnormally rapid rate (chap 8, pg.152)
- expressed in an incomprehensible way (chap 8, pg. 161)
- the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse (chap 7, pg.124)
- feeling or expressing great happiness (chap 4, pg.73)
- having or showing a habitually forgetful disposition (chap 7, pg.131)
- not transparent (chap 2, pg. 29)
- common or wide spread (chap 1, pg.7)
19 Clues: extremely small (chap 5, pg.96) • not transparent (chap 2, pg. 29) • common or wide spread (chap 1, pg.7) • impossible to understand (chap 5, pg.87) • having or showing no skill (chap 6, pg. 118) • a scene of uproar and confusion (chap 3, pg.53) • noisy, energetic, and cheerful (chap 8, pg.144) • breathe at an abnormally rapid rate (chap 8, pg.152) • ...
Twilight 2012-05-16
- Number of official twilight books
- Only girl in the wolf pack
- Jacob is officially a ...
- Bella has a baby...
- Vampire skin is described as what stone
- Bella's best boy friend
- Edward is a ...
- Date of the wedding
- Bella thought her baby was a ...
- backs Jacob with his sister
- month of the wedding
- A Vampires skin is what colour?
- the honneymoon happens here
- State where Twilight is set
- Carlise is from...
- Bella's Husband
- Who found Bella
- Bella and Emmett brake a ...
- where the Volturi live
19 Clues: Bella's Husband • Who found Bella • Edward is a ... • Carlise is from... • Bella has a baby... • Date of the wedding • month of the wedding • where the Volturi live • Bella's best boy friend • Jacob is officially a ... • Only girl in the wolf pack • backs Jacob with his sister • the honneymoon happens here • State where Twilight is set • Bella and Emmett brake a ... • ...
Twilight 2022-12-09
- what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
- what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
- what car does Bella drive?
- what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
- Name of Bellas dad?
- Where did the main characters meet?
- Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
- The name of the main female character?
- The name of the main male character?
- Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
- Where does the story take place?
- what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
- what do the vampires eat?
- Where does Edward drive Bella?
- what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
- Where did Bella live before moving?
- What's the name of the vampire family?
- Vampire who can see the future?
- What is Jacob?
19 Clues: What is Jacob? • Name of Bellas dad? • what do the vampires eat? • what car does Bella drive? • Where does Edward drive Bella? • Vampire who can see the future? • Where does the story take place? • what color do Edwards's eyes turn? • Where did Bella live before moving? • Where did the main characters meet? • The name of the main male character? • ...
Twilight 2022-12-09
- what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
- what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
- what car does Bella drive?
- what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
- Name of Bellas dad?
- Where did the main characters meet?
- Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
- The name of the main female character?
- The name of the main male character?
- Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
- Where does the story take place?
- what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
- what do the vampires eat?
- Where does Edward drive Bella?
- what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
- Where did Bella live before moving?
- What's the name of the vampire family?
- Vampire who can see the future?
- What is Jacob?
19 Clues: What is Jacob? • Name of Bellas dad? • what do the vampires eat? • what car does Bella drive? • Where does Edward drive Bella? • Vampire who can see the future? • Where does the story take place? • what color do Edwards's eyes turn? • Where did Bella live before moving? • Where did the main characters meet? • The name of the main male character? • ...
Twilight 2022-11-29
- Where does Edward take Bella to?
- What did Edward have to suck out of Bella's blood?
- What did Edward tell Bella's parents that she fell through?
- What does Alice have a vision of?
- What's Edwards family called?
- Where did Edward go to after he saw Bella?
- What class does Bella have with Edward?
- What did Edward stop from hitting Bella?
- What is Edward's power?
- Whos the Vampire who wants to kill Bella?
- Where did Edward rescue Bella from?
- What is Edward's skin like in the sun?
- What do the Cullens need to play baseball?
- What color did Edward's eye change to?
- Where Did Bella move to?
- What did Edward's hand feel like?
- Who tells bella about the Quileute legend?
- Where did Bella move from?
- What does Bella find out Edward is?
19 Clues: What is Edward's power? • Where Did Bella move to? • Where did Bella move from? • What's Edwards family called? • Where does Edward take Bella to? • What did Edward's hand feel like? • What does Alice have a vision of? • Where did Edward rescue Bella from? • What does Bella find out Edward is? • What is Edward's skin like in the sun? • What color did Edward's eye change to? • ...
Twilight 2022-12-09
- what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
- what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
- what car does Bella drive?
- what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
- Name of Bellas dad?
- Where did the main characters meet?
- Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
- The name of the main female character?
- The name of the main male character?
- Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
- Where does the story take place?
- what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
- what do the vampires eat?
- Where does Edward drive Bella?
- what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
- Where did Bella live before moving?
- What's the name of the vampire family?
- Vampire who can see the future?
- What is Jacob?
19 Clues: What is Jacob? • Name of Bellas dad? • what do the vampires eat? • what car does Bella drive? • Where does Edward drive Bella? • Vampire who can see the future? • Where does the story take place? • what color do Edwards's eyes turn? • Where did Bella live before moving? • Where did the main characters meet? • The name of the main male character? • ...
Twilight SAGA 2022-09-29
- The only female member of the pack
- He is the main wolf character
- The third Twilight book
- Can see the future
- The main male character
- The town that Twilight takes place in
- The oldest member of the Cullen family
- Has control over others moods
- Bella's father
- The second Twilight book
- The fourth Twilight book
- The first Twilight book
- Edward and Bella's child
- Is the strongest of the Cullen's
- They are the most beautiful Cullen
- Bella's mom
- The main female character
- The leader of the pack
- The wife of Carlisle
19 Clues: Bella's mom • Bella's father • Can see the future • The wife of Carlisle • The leader of the pack • The first Twilight book • The third Twilight book • The main male character • The second Twilight book • The fourth Twilight book • Edward and Bella's child • The main female character • He is the main wolf character • Has control over others moods • Is the strongest of the Cullen's • ...
Twilight SAGA 2022-09-29
- They are the most beautiful Cullen
- Has control over others moods
- The wife of Carlisle
- The oldest member of the Cullen family
- Bella's mom
- The town that Twilight takes place in
- The first Twilight book
- The main female character
- Can see the future
- He is the main wolf character
- Edward and Bella's child
- The main male character
- Bella's father
- The third Twilight book
- Is the strongest of the Cullen's
- The leader of the pack
- The fourth Twilight book
- The only female member of the pack
- The second Twilight book
19 Clues: Bella's mom • Bella's father • Can see the future • The wife of Carlisle • The leader of the pack • The main male character • The third Twilight book • The first Twilight book • Edward and Bella's child • The fourth Twilight book • The second Twilight book • The main female character • Has control over others moods • He is the main wolf character • Is the strongest of the Cullen's • ...
Twilight 2020-05-21
- Bella's father.
- Who has the power to see the potential future?
- An occupation of saving lives.
- What did the Cullen's and Jacob's pack have?
- The oldest Cullen.
- What are the vampires unable to do?
- A belief
- A dance Bella learned when she was younger?
- Edwards ability.
- Bloodsucking
- the colour of blood
- enforces the laws of the vampire world
- What town did the majority of the story take place?
- Where did Bella first see the Cullen's siblings?
- Full moon
- The vibrant colour of Bella's truck.
- the quietest Cullen.
17 Clues: A belief • Full moon • Bloodsucking • Bella's father. • Edwards ability. • The oldest Cullen. • the colour of blood • the quietest Cullen. • An occupation of saving lives. • What are the vampires unable to do? • The vibrant colour of Bella's truck. • enforces the laws of the vampire world • A dance Bella learned when she was younger? • What did the Cullen's and Jacob's pack have? • ...
twilight 2022-04-11
- water in the solid form/ frozen water
- a person
- the color hair bella has
- the time after sunset
- the truck bella drives
- goes on/lives forever
- red liquid inside your body
- human with sharp teeth that likes blood
- when vision becomes blurry like in light
- to come in contact with someone physically
- agreement to do something in the future
- a field where grass is turned into hay
- to pass out
- edwards girlfriend
- more than one like mixed two things put into one like a compound
- bellas boyfriend
- human that can turn into a wolf
17 Clues: a person • to pass out • bellas boyfriend • edwards girlfriend • the time after sunset • goes on/lives forever • the truck bella drives • the color hair bella has • red liquid inside your body • human that can turn into a wolf • water in the solid form/ frozen water • a field where grass is turned into hay • agreement to do something in the future • ...
TWILIGHT 2022-08-10
- The place they live
- The one who wants bella
- Aro's loosely bro
- The dude who is in charge
- The spastic killer
- The vamp/human who shouldn't exist
- The depressed police officer
- The depressed brunette white girl
- The bloodsucking blonde
- The killing ranga
- The bloody with a weird grin
- Muscular blonde squidward
- What number is 'breaking dawn pt.1'
- The future-telling bloodsucker
- The disabled wolf dude
- The strongest weirdo ever
16 Clues: The killing ranga • Aro's loosely bro • The spastic killer • The place they live • The disabled wolf dude • The bloodsucking blonde • The one who wants bella • Muscular blonde squidward • The dude who is in charge • The strongest weirdo ever • The bloody with a weird grin • The depressed police officer • The future-telling bloodsucker • The depressed brunette white girl • ...
Twilight 2023-07-16
- Vampires do not ___ on their birthday
- At night vampires do not do what
- Most beautiful vampire
- Vampires cannot die because they are
- Main female character
- Edwards eyes are what color
- Eye color when needing to feed
- Jacob is a
- Edward is a
- VAmpires will ______ when in the sunlight
- Who is the strongest vampire
- Werewolves come out at a full
- Main werewolf character
- Vampires like to suck
- Bella starts out as a
- Main male Character
16 Clues: Jacob is a • Edward is a • Main male Character • Main female character • Vampires like to suck • Bella starts out as a • Most beautiful vampire • Main werewolf character • Edwards eyes are what color • Who is the strongest vampire • Werewolves come out at a full • Eye color when needing to feed • At night vampires do not do what • Vampires cannot die because they are • ...
Twilight 2014-04-14
- portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious
- not explicable; incapable of being accounted for or explained
- present everywhere at the same time
- depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited
- a finely granular variety of gypsum, often white and translucent, used for ornamental objects or work, such as lamp bases, figurines, etc.
- of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial
- twisted; coiled
- used or shared in common by everyone in a group
- disturbing to one's composure or self-possession; upsetting, discomfiting.
- characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others
- stealthily treacherous or deceitful
- capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable
- gratified by pain, degradation, deprivation, etc.
- the act or practice of indulging; gratification of desire
- easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable
15 Clues: twisted; coiled • present everywhere at the same time • stealthily treacherous or deceitful • used or shared in common by everyone in a group • depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited • gratified by pain, degradation, deprivation, etc. • of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial • capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable • ...
Twilight 2013-01-30
- de nieuwe echtgenoot van Bella's moeder
- de echte naam van Bella
- plek waar Bella met haar moeder woonde
- achternaam v.d vreemde familie
- laatste boek van de twilightboekenreeks
- adoptiebroer v. Edward
- de achternaam van Bella
- Edward's gezicht ziet er ... uit
- de familie van Edward bestaat ut...
- hetgeen waarbij Bella misselijk werd bij biologie
- vertelt aan Bella enge verhalen op de uitstap
- het 3de hoofdstuk v.h 1ste boek
- plek waar Bella met haar vader woont
- voornaam v.d schrijfster v.d Twilightboeken
- naam van Bella's vader
15 Clues: naam van Bella's vader • adoptiebroer v. Edward • de echte naam van Bella • de achternaam van Bella • achternaam v.d vreemde familie • het 3de hoofdstuk v.h 1ste boek • Edward's gezicht ziet er ... uit • de familie van Edward bestaat ut... • plek waar Bella met haar vader woont • plek waar Bella met haar moeder woonde • de nieuwe echtgenoot van Bella's moeder • ...
TWILIGHT 2023-12-01
- Coven that lived in Italy
- Coven that is led by Carlisle
- Person who lived between Peru and Brazil
- Person who live in the forest
- Place where the saga takes place
- Vampire who drink human blood
- Boyfriend of Bella
- City in Italy where Voulturies lived
- Group that has at least three vampires
- Woman who write Twilight Saga
- Woman who fell in love with a Quileute
- Group of fans of Twilight
- Babies who were ilegal
- Instrument that was played by Edward Cullen
- Habilities that some vampires have
15 Clues: Boyfriend of Bella • Babies who were ilegal • Coven that lived in Italy • Group of fans of Twilight • Woman who write Twilight Saga • Coven that is led by Carlisle • Person who live in the forest • Vampire who drink human blood • Place where the saga takes place • Habilities that some vampires have • City in Italy where Voulturies lived • Group that has at least three vampires • ...
Twilight 2022-04-06
16 Clues: Author • The wolf • Bella's dad • Edwards 'dad' • Main character • He likes bella • Bella's friend • Bella's stepdad • Edward's sister • is there a movie? • How many chapters • The boy who likes bella • Where bella's dad lives • number of books in series • Where did bella almost get killed • hundred ninety-eigh How many pages
Twilight 2023-02-01
- Next step up after elementary school.
- A red fruit in the form and size of a baseball.
- Has pale skin and feeds off human blood.
- An activity of catching an animal (with a rod that has a hook at the end of it) that swims in bodies of water.
- Someone called when there is a bad person doing something bad.
- A large patch of land with trees and undergrowth.
- A group (big or small) of people related to each other brought together or made from two people.
- A rectangle shape full of pages aligned and connected in a stack with words that make up a story.
- A large, heavy motor vehicle with a trunk half the size of the vehicle.
- The time of night between dusk and dawn.
- A red Liquid that flows through most living beings.
- A sport with a bat, a ball, and a diamond-shaped field.
- A building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.
- A word used to describe flawlessness or faultlessness in a person, place or thing.
- A class taken in high school for learning about living organisms divided into many specialized fields.
- Land that is covered with grass, sometimes used as a hay field.
16 Clues: Next step up after elementary school. • The time of night between dusk and dawn. • Has pale skin and feeds off human blood. • A red fruit in the form and size of a baseball. • A large patch of land with trees and undergrowth. • A red Liquid that flows through most living beings. • A sport with a bat, a ball, and a diamond-shaped field. • ...
Twilight 2020-12-03
- name of Edwards "dad"
- name of Edwards sister in law
- this is what bella is
- Vampire
- Warewolf
- where bella used to live
- Carlises' wife
- what bella drives everyday
- edward shows up in bellas what
- what the vampires drink
- Main character
- Bella's dads name
- where bella meet the love of her life
- Edward and Bella go there/Jacob lives there
- Bella's last name
15 Clues: Vampire • Warewolf • Main character • Carlises' wife • Bella's dads name • Bella's last name • name of Edwards "dad" • this is what bella is • what the vampires drink • where bella used to live • what bella drives everyday • name of Edwards sister in law • edward shows up in bellas what • where bella meet the love of her life • Edward and Bella go there/Jacob lives there
Twilight 2023-05-05
- Was put in an asylum
- Has the skin of a killer
- Is not like other girls
- nick named after the Loch Ness monster
- Was attacked by a bear
- likes working on cars
- can electrocute you with their hands
- a doctor
- mate of Laurent
- Was changed in the American civil war
- has a crush on Carlisle
- Has degrees in architecture, art and photography
- one of the original succubi
- mate of Kate
- Is into a baby
15 Clues: a doctor • mate of Kate • Is into a baby • mate of Laurent • Was put in an asylum • likes working on cars • Was attacked by a bear • has a crush on Carlisle • Is not like other girls • Has the skin of a killer • one of the original succubi • can electrocute you with their hands • Was changed in the American civil war • nick named after the Loch Ness monster • ...
Twilight 2013-01-29
- de naam van Bella's vader
- de echte naam van Bella
- het 3de hoofdstuk van het 1ste boek
- defamilie van edward zijn ..
- edward's gezicht ziet er .... uit
- plek waar bella met haar vader woont
- hetgeen waardoor ze misselijk werd bij biologie
- vertelt enge verhalen aan bella op de uitstap
- de achternaam van Bella
- de achternaam v.d 'vreemde 'familie
- plek waar bella met haar moeder woonde
- de nieuwe echtgenoot van Bella's moeder
- de voornaam v.d schrijfster v.d twilightboeken
- het laatste boek v.d twilightboekenreeks
- adoptiebroer van Edward
15 Clues: de achternaam van Bella • de echte naam van Bella • adoptiebroer van Edward • de naam van Bella's vader • defamilie van edward zijn .. • edward's gezicht ziet er .... uit • de achternaam v.d 'vreemde 'familie • het 3de hoofdstuk van het 1ste boek • plek waar bella met haar vader woont • plek waar bella met haar moeder woonde • de nieuwe echtgenoot van Bella's moeder • ...
Twilight 2023-09-26
- she is seth's brother
- she can see visions
- he's a werewolf and is bella's friend
- she made an army
- who does bella say its always gonna be
- he says he is stronger than bella
- she wants a normal life
- Wants to attack bella
- He says bells all the time
- she can protect edward
- He wanted to kill bella while the cullens went away
- she is edward mom
- he is a doctor
- he is leah's brother
- She is bella and edward daughter
15 Clues: he is a doctor • she made an army • she is edward mom • she can see visions • he is leah's brother • she is seth's brother • Wants to attack bella • she can protect edward • she wants a normal life • He says bells all the time • She is bella and edward daughter • he says he is stronger than bella • he's a werewolf and is bella's friend • who does bella say its always gonna be • ...
twilight 2020-02-07
- the main male vampire in twilight
- resulting from good luck
- in a loyal manner
- Bellaś dad/ the commander chief from twilight
- easily alarmed or anxious
- to believe firmly
- being ok
- The last name of the vampire family
- unhappy or uncomfortable
- the study of living organisms
- anticipate with anxiety or fear
- the state of feeling certain about something
- pleasing or appealing in a good way
- the someone acts
- a form of showing happiness
15 Clues: being ok • the someone acts • in a loyal manner • to believe firmly • unhappy or uncomfortable • resulting from good luck • easily alarmed or anxious • a form of showing happiness • the study of living organisms • anticipate with anxiety or fear • the main male vampire in twilight • The last name of the vampire family • pleasing or appealing in a good way • ...
twilight 2023-10-27
- what is the name of bellas mothers boyfriend
- how many cullens are there
- what type of native american is jacob
- what color were bellas blankets
- another word for vampires
- what was the name of the man who got killed by james on the boast
- hang on tight
- what did edward die of
- what does emmet carry around everywhere
- how many vampires are in edwards family (including him)
- what car did edward drive
- what beach do they vist
- where did bella live before forks
- how old is edward
- what color was bellas truck
15 Clues: hang on tight • how old is edward • what did edward die of • what beach do they vist • what car did edward drive • another word for vampires • how many cullens are there • what color was bellas truck • what color were bellas blankets • where did bella live before forks • what type of native american is jacob • what does emmet carry around everywhere • ...
TWILIGHT 2022-03-03
- the most common things in a forrest
- Name of the book
- The true nature of a vampire
- The usual weather in Forks
- The vampire's crave
- Doing something selfless
- What happened to Bella with Edward
- Bella's crush
- A blood eater
- Where Bella had moved to
- Bella's best friend
- The main character
- All Bella had when she was about to die
- What Bella was consumed by
14 Clues: Bella's crush • A blood eater • Name of the book • The main character • Bella's best friend • The vampire's crave • Where Bella had moved to • Doing something selfless • The usual weather in Forks • What Bella was consumed by • The true nature of a vampire • What happened to Bella with Edward • the most common things in a forrest • All Bella had when she was about to die
Twilight 2023-11-30
14 Clues: Bella mother • Alice husband • Bella Husband • Bella daughter • Jacob last name • Angela last name • Carlisle is what • Rosalie Last name • Doctor and Vampire • Only girl werewolf • Demetri can-- anyone • Is by Stephanie Meyer • Billy Black dead wife • Vampire Who can see the future
Twilight 2014-04-14
- a finely granular variety of gypsum, often white and translucent, used for ornamental objects or work, such as lamp bases, figurines, etc.
- disturbing to one's composure or self-possession; upsetting, discomfiting.
- capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable
- characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others
- used or shared in common by everyone in a group
- stealthily treacherous or deceitful
- depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited
- twisted; coiled
- gratified by pain, degradation, deprivation, etc.
- of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial
- present everywhere at the same time
- easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable
- not explicable; incapable of being accounted for or explained
- the act or practice of indulging; gratification of desire
- portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious
15 Clues: twisted; coiled • stealthily treacherous or deceitful • present everywhere at the same time • used or shared in common by everyone in a group • depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited • gratified by pain, degradation, deprivation, etc. • of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial • easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable • ...
Twilight 2022-02-03
- Edward's rival
- what edward is
- what the Cullen's like drinking
- edwards last name
- main character
- The author of the book
- another one of bella's friends
- what edward and the Cullen's hate during the day
- what edward likes at during the day
- Bella's dad
- Bella's friend
- THe name of the book
- where the Cullen's live
- bella's crush
- what happens is Forks all the time
15 Clues: Bella's dad • bella's crush • Edward's rival • Bella's friend • what edward is • main character • edwards last name • THe name of the book • The author of the book • where the Cullen's live • another one of bella's friends • what the Cullen's like drinking • what happens is Forks all the time • what edward likes at during the day • what edward and the Cullen's hate during the day
Twilight 2022-03-04
- Where the main conflict takes place; Also where Edward shows how much he truly loves Bella
- The name of the Vampire who was hunting Bella.
- What Edward and his family truly are
- Bella's father
- Bella's mom's name.
- The class that both Edward and Bella shared.
- The boy who Bella talked to at the beach; Son of Billy Black.
- The town that Bella is staying in with her dad.
- Edward's father; The docter
- The girl who fell in love with Edward Cullen; Charlie's daughter.
- The one sibling that thought Bella was a good idea; Edward's sister.
- The vampire who is in love with Bella
- The town Bella's mom lives in; Located in Arizona.
- What Bella and Edward's family played deep in the woods.
- The type of car that Edward drives
15 Clues: Bella's father • Bella's mom's name. • Edward's father; The docter • The type of car that Edward drives • What Edward and his family truly are • The vampire who is in love with Bella • The class that both Edward and Bella shared. • The name of the Vampire who was hunting Bella. • The town that Bella is staying in with her dad. • ...
Twilight 2023-05-05
- Was put in an asylum
- Has the skin of a killer
- Is not like other girls
- nick named after the Loch Ness monster
- Was attacked by a bear
- likes working on cars
- can electrocute you with their hands
- a doctor
- mate of Laurent
- Was changed in the American civil war
- has a crush on Carlisle
- Has degrees in architecture, art and photography
- one of the original succubi
- mate of Kate
- Is into a baby
15 Clues: a doctor • mate of Kate • Is into a baby • mate of Laurent • Was put in an asylum • likes working on cars • Was attacked by a bear • has a crush on Carlisle • Is not like other girls • Has the skin of a killer • one of the original succubi • can electrocute you with their hands • Was changed in the American civil war • nick named after the Loch Ness monster • ...
Twilight 2025-02-21
- What do vampires really need in order to play baseball?
- Who surprises Bella by showing up at her wedding?
- What did edward tell her parents she fell from
- Who almost hit bella with his van?
- Gods to vampires
- Who does Jacob imprint on?
- Who tried to kill bella?
- Who plays edward cullen?
- In what class does bella sit next to edward on the firsy day of school?
- What Cullen member doesn't vote for Bella to become a vampire?
- Who is bella dad?
- How many (adopted) Cullen children are there?
- What is edwards power?
- Who was not turned by Carlisle Cullen?
- What part of Bella is bitten by James, prompting Edward to heroically suck the poison out?
15 Clues: Gods to vampires • Who is bella dad? • What is edwards power? • Who tried to kill bella? • Who plays edward cullen? • Who does Jacob imprint on? • Who almost hit bella with his van? • Who was not turned by Carlisle Cullen? • How many (adopted) Cullen children are there? • What did edward tell her parents she fell from • Who surprises Bella by showing up at her wedding? • ...
Fandom Trivia 2023-12-18
- Twilight: Jasper’s special power
- Marvel: Sam Wilson’s drone
- SPN: Dean compares himself to this superhero in Bad Day at Black Rock
- HP: Hepzibah Smith’s house elf
- Marvel: Dwarf who made Thanos’ gauntlet
- Twilight: The game Bella and Edward play during their honeymoon
- SPN: Dean’s car is a 1967 ___ Impala
- HP: Tapestry across the RoR
- Twilight: Where Alice was turned into a vampire
- SPN: Henry Winchester’s wife
- SPN: Dean’s allergic to ___
- Marvel: Goose swallows it in Captain Marvel
- Marvel: Loki enslaves ___ in The Avengers
- Marvel: Planet that Red Skull was banished to
- Twilight: The coven name for the Cullen family
- HP: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-___
- HP: Vernon Dursley’s place of work
- Twilight: The beach Bella goes to with friends
- SPN: The language for Angels
- HP: Polyjuice potion ingredient; ___ flies
20 Clues: Marvel: Sam Wilson’s drone • SPN: Dean’s allergic to ___ • HP: Tapestry across the RoR • SPN: Henry Winchester’s wife • SPN: The language for Angels • HP: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-___ • HP: Hepzibah Smith’s house elf • Twilight: Jasper’s special power • HP: Vernon Dursley’s place of work • SPN: Dean’s car is a 1967 ___ Impala • Marvel: Dwarf who made Thanos’ gauntlet • ...
102 2016-10-04
20 Clues: Gym • Red • Dawn • Tour • Halo • Cafe • Gold • Lion • Niece • Helmet • Statue • Modest • Shield • College • Pacific • Lecture • Diamond • Twilight • Professor • Wellingtons
New Moon Puzzle- Daisy p5 2022-05-16
- third book, Bella must choose Edward or Jacob
- a person who transforms into a wolf for short periods of time, usually around full moon.
- A tribe Jacob is in, its a real tribe
- a reanimated body said to emerge from the tomb at night and feed on the blood of sleeping people
- oldest werewolf in twilight
- the car Edward drives
- A word Bells often uses to describe Edward
- "The Mouth" of the Quillayute River (no spaces)
- strongest vampire in twilight
- First book to be released to the fantastic series
- A word Bella often uses to describe herself.
- Second book, mostly about Jacob (no space between the two words)
- A Vampire group that is important in the story line
- The thing vampires desire most.
- youngest werewolf in twilight
- Fourth book, Bella and Edward get married and someone may be transformed (no spaces)
- A very powerful vampire family that's very old.
- oldest vampire in twilight
- a real place where twilight takes place in
19 Clues: the car Edward drives • oldest vampire in twilight • oldest werewolf in twilight • youngest werewolf in twilight • strongest vampire in twilight • The thing vampires desire most. • A tribe Jacob is in, its a real tribe • A word Bells often uses to describe Edward • a real place where twilight takes place in • A word Bella often uses to describe herself. • ...
Twilight 2024-11-26
- Where you been______
- Main Wolf character
- The doctor in the family
- Hold on tight ________
- The name Bella gave her daughter
- As if you could______
- The guy who just stares
- First name of the actor from twilight
- Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward
- You nicknamed my daughter after the ______
- Has a psychotic daughter
- Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella
- The game they played when it was storming
- What Jacob did to a Minor
14 Clues: Main Wolf character • Where you been______ • As if you could______ • Hold on tight ________ • The guy who just stares • Has a psychotic daughter • The doctor in the family • What Jacob did to a Minor • The name Bella gave her daughter • First name of the actor from twilight • Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella • Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward • ...
Twilight 2024-11-26
- Where you been______
- Main Wolf character
- The doctor in the family
- Hold on tight ________
- The name Bella gave her daughter
- As if you could______
- The guy who just stares
- First name of the actor from twilight
- Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward
- You nicknamed my daughter after the ______
- Has a psychotic daughter
- Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella
- The game they played when it was storming
- What Jacob did to a Minor
14 Clues: Main Wolf character • Where you been______ • As if you could______ • Hold on tight ________ • The guy who just stares • Has a psychotic daughter • The doctor in the family • What Jacob did to a Minor • The name Bella gave her daughter • First name of the actor from twilight • Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella • Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward • ...
Twilight 2013-10-06
- "And so the lion fell in love with the ____."
- Who are the vampires that live in Italy?
- Who is Bella's dad?
- Which one of the Cullens dislikes Bella?
- What is Carlisle's profession?
- Which Cullen has the ability to read people's minds?
- Edward is a _______.
- How does Bella break her hand?
- What are the real names for werewolfs?
- What is the title of the book?
- Who is the main female character?
- What is the third book of the Twilight Saga called?
- Bella challenges Emmett to an ___-_________ competition.
- What movie was playing in Bella's and Edward's drama class?
14 Clues: Who is Bella's dad? • Edward is a _______. • What is Carlisle's profession? • How does Bella break her hand? • What is the title of the book? • Who is the main female character? • What are the real names for werewolfs? • Who are the vampires that live in Italy? • Which one of the Cullens dislikes Bella? • "And so the lion fell in love with the ____." • ...
Twilight 2021-02-20
- What do vampires drink
- What is Jacob
- The strongest brother
- What is the main supernatural theme
- Bella's dads name
- Jasper is able to control what with his powers
- Main character beginning with "B"
- Bella's daughters name
- Who wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga
- Bella's home town
- Main character beginning with "E"
- Where does Bella live with her dad
- Edwards sister that can read minds
- Bella's second name
14 Clues: What is Jacob • Bella's home town • Bella's dads name • Bella's second name • The strongest brother • Bella's daughters name • What do vampires drink • Main character beginning with "E" • Main character beginning with "B" • Where does Bella live with her dad • Edwards sister that can read minds • What is the main supernatural theme • Who wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga • ...
Twilight 2024-11-26
- Where you been______
- Main Wolf character
- The doctor in the family
- Hold on tight ________
- The name Bella gave her daughter
- As if you could______
- The guy who just stares
- First name of the actor from twilight
- Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward
- You nicknamed my daughter after the ______
- Has a psychotic daughter
- Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella
- The game they played when it was storming
- What Jacob did to a Minor
14 Clues: Main Wolf character • Where you been______ • As if you could______ • Hold on tight ________ • The guy who just stares • Has a psychotic daughter • The doctor in the family • What Jacob did to a Minor • The name Bella gave her daughter • First name of the actor from twilight • Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella • Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward • ...
Spelling List 1 2022-08-28
20 Clues: slimy • switch • bridge • secret • hungry • glance • burglar • between • gravity • freedom • attract • laundry • applaud • eclipse • trouble • english • describe • creature • twilight • snowflake
Ava spelling test 2020-09-10
19 Clues: Slime • Hungry • Switch • Secret • Glance • Bridge • Between • Trouble • Gravity • Freedom • Burglar • Applaud • Eclipse • Attract • Laundry • Twilight • Describe • Snowflake • Mary poppins
Star Spangled Banner 2024-10-10
twilight 2023-01-19
- the main vampire, bellas love
- bella's dad
- hes very smart, dating alice and newest vamp
- edward and bella's child
- the vampires' foster mom
- married to rosalie, VERY STRONG
- main character, girl
- jacobs friend wolf
- didnt wanna be a vampire, married to emmett
- the vampires' foster dad
- the best vampire sister, dating jasper
- bellas mom
13 Clues: bellas mom • bella's dad • jacobs friend wolf • main character, girl • the vampires' foster dad • edward and bella's child • the vampires' foster mom • EW. NOT HIM NOT THE WOLF GUY • the main vampire, bellas love • married to rosalie, VERY STRONG • the best vampire sister, dating jasper • didnt wanna be a vampire, married to emmett • hes very smart, dating alice and newest vamp
Twilight 2024-11-26
- The doctor in the family
- Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward
- The guy who just stares
- Has a psychotic daughter
- The game they played when it was storming
- As if you could______
- Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella
- First name of the actor from twilight
- Where you been______
- Hold on tight ________
- What Jacob did to a Minor
- Main Wolf character
- You nicknamed my daughter after the ______
- The name Bella gave her daughter
14 Clues: Main Wolf character • Where you been______ • As if you could______ • Hold on tight ________ • The guy who just stares • The doctor in the family • Has a psychotic daughter • What Jacob did to a Minor • The name Bella gave her daughter • First name of the actor from twilight • Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward • Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella • ...
- What is Bella's father's name?
- Which 2010 parody film spoofed the Twilight film series?
- What is Bella's middle name?
- What color hair does Victoria have?
- What state is the book 'Twilight' set in?
- What color eyes does Bella have?
- How many films are in 'The Twilight Saga'?
- Which fruit is featured on the front cover of 'Twilight'?
- What was Edward's biological mother called?
- The Twilight series is primarily narrated from which character's point-of-view?
- The Newborn Army are a group of what?
- Carlisle Cullen is the son of what?
- Which state is Bella originally from?
- In which book do Bella and Edward marry?
- What is Renesmee mistaken for in 'Breaking Dawn'?
- The Volturi are from which part of Italy?
- What is the full name of the main female character?
- Which vampire attempts to hunt down and kill Bella?
- In which of the Twilight books do the Cullens leave Forks?
- What is the second book in the Twilight series called?
- Which is the last book in the Twilight series?
- What is the name of the retelling of 'Twilight' from Edward's point of view?
- Who is Edward's adoptive mother?
- What is Carlisle Cullen's occupation?
- In which book do Bella and Edward become engaged?
- What is the name of Emmett Cullen's wife?
- Which human has a crush on Bella?
- Edward was born in which city?
- Which sport does Bella's step-father play professionally?
- Emmett Cullen was almost killed by which animal when he was human?
- What do the Cullen family feed on?
- Who becomes Jacob's soul mate in 'Breaking Dawn'?
- What is Jacob's last name?
- Where does Edward decide to commit suicide in 'New Moon'?
- Which state was Rosalie born in?
- What is Edward's middle name?
- What is Edward Cullen?
37 Clues: What is Edward Cullen? • What is Jacob's last name? • What is Bella's middle name? • What is Edward's middle name? • What is Bella's father's name? • Edward was born in which city? • Who is Edward's adoptive mother? • What color eyes does Bella have? • Which state was Rosalie born in? • Which human has a crush on Bella? • What do the Cullen family feed on? • ...
The Chef's Apprentice - FimFiction 2024-04-17
- Number of onigiri made by Twilight in a daze
- Twilight Velvet gave three _____ bits as "starter money" to Trixie
- Judges 4, 5 and 6 explained this to Twilight
- The number of stars the restaurant "The Royal Star" had; also the secret menu number given to Twilight
- To feed the ponies in hospital, Twilight cast the ultimate card "The Emergency Food ___"
- Twilight first offered this food to Trixie
- The type of salad ordered by Blueblood; an ancient fruit that was around when the dinosaurs roamed
- According to the doctor, being an omnivore is "one in ___"
- Twilight's parents wanted to remove this room from their penthouse
- The herb which, in addition to other spices, were used to make Cola in this universe; also a garden in the Singapore Botanic Gardens
- The first name of the captain of the Royal Guard prior to Shining Armor
- The pony who "unbanned" Twilight from the magic barracks
- also known as "Black Chef"
- According to the story, "A fruit with vegetable attributes"
- Vermouth Roux gave this to Twilight after calling out the salespony for selling "high quality meat"
15 Clues: also known as "Black Chef" • Twilight first offered this food to Trixie • Number of onigiri made by Twilight in a daze • Judges 4, 5 and 6 explained this to Twilight • The pony who "unbanned" Twilight from the magic barracks • According to the doctor, being an omnivore is "one in ___" • According to the story, "A fruit with vegetable attributes" • ...
WordMasters 2 2015-01-26
24 Clues: brim • clog • gush • keen • spew • fluid • chaos • hasty • murky • broad • prank • feisty • reject • secure • pester • deceive • torment • clarity • utensil • tempest • twilight • stagnant • daybreak • spirited
Rachel's crossword from the gods 2020-12-28
- Knocks me off Death Mountain
- Hero of the american people
- YEETED from Temple
- Angry old fish man
- Best item in Twilight Princess
- Peepee's 'fave' character
- Furry
- Annoying collectible
- Link's boyfriend
- Twilight Princess cat owner
- Stand in Richard's Villa
- Zelda's possessor
- Don't Steal Them!!!
- Moon agriculture
- Time's farm-wife
- He'll buy ANYTHING
- Amount of hearts needed for Master Sword
- Best Skyward Sword race
19 Clues: Furry • A-DOWN-UP-X2 • Link's boyfriend • Moon agriculture • Time's farm-wife • Zelda's possessor • YEETED from Temple • Angry old fish man • He'll buy ANYTHING • Don't Steal Them!!! • Annoying collectible • Best Skyward Sword race • Stand in Richard's Villa • Peepee's 'fave' character • Twilight Princess cat owner • Hero of the american people • Knocks me off Death Mountain • ...
Twilight 2022-05-16
- This was the city in Washington where the story took place.
- Bella's mom
- Bella's last name
- The state where Bella was raised and grew up in.
- the last name of the family of vampires
- a vampire with the ability to see the future
- What do vampires eat?
- Charlies jobb
- the author's first name
- Bella's dad
- the main female character
- the sport the Cullen family loves to play
- The class Bella passed out in.
- Bella's love interest
14 Clues: Bella's mom • Bella's dad • Charlies jobb • Bella's last name • Bella's love interest • What do vampires eat? • the author's first name • the main female character • The class Bella passed out in. • the last name of the family of vampires • the sport the Cullen family loves to play • a vampire with the ability to see the future • The state where Bella was raised and grew up in. • ...
Twilight 2022-05-17
- the sport the Cullen family loves to play
- Bella's dad
- What do vampires eat?
- The state where Bella was raised and grew up in.
- Charlies jobb
- the author's first name
- Bella's love interest
- Bella's last name
- the main female character
- the last name of the family of vampires
- This was the city in Washington where the story took place.
- The class Bella passed out in.
- Bella's mom
- a vampire with the ability to see the future
14 Clues: Bella's dad • Bella's mom • Charlies jobb • Bella's last name • What do vampires eat? • Bella's love interest • the author's first name • the main female character • The class Bella passed out in. • the last name of the family of vampires • the sport the Cullen family loves to play • a vampire with the ability to see the future • The state where Bella was raised and grew up in. • ...
Twilight 2023-12-08
14 Clues: Edwards dad • Edwards mom • Bella’s dad • Edwards sister • Edwards sister • Edwards brother • Bella’s last name • Edwards last name • what Edward truly is • Where Bella moved to • The title of the book • Bella’s love interest • Almost crashed into Bella • Where Bella lived before forks
Twilight 2014-01-30
- Hoe heet de vriendin van James.
- Hoe heet de vriendin van Jasper.
- Wat geeft Edward Bella voor haar 18e verjaardag.
- Hoe heet het deel dat Bella van een klif afspringt.
- Hoe heet de sterkste mannelijke vampier bij de Cullens.
- Wat is Edward's speciale gaven.
- Waar speelt Twilight zich af.
- Hoe heet de dochter van Bella en Edward. Carlisle Hoe heet de zogenaamde vader van Edward.
- Van wie hoort Bella als eerst over de Cullens.
- Bij welke indianenstam hoort Jacob. Bruin Welke kleur is Jacob als hij een weerwolf is.
- Wat was de achternaam van Bella voor ze trouwde met Edward.
- Hoe heet de vampier die Bella achterna ging in deel 1.
- Wat is de (neppen) achternaam van Rosalie en Jasper.
13 Clues: Waar speelt Twilight zich af. • Wat is Edward's speciale gaven. • Hoe heet de vriendin van James. • Hoe heet de vriendin van Jasper. • Van wie hoort Bella als eerst over de Cullens. • Wat geeft Edward Bella voor haar 18e verjaardag. • Hoe heet het deel dat Bella van een klif afspringt. • Wat is de (neppen) achternaam van Rosalie en Jasper. • ...
Twilight 2014-01-30
- Hoe heet de vriendin van James.
- Hoe heet de vriendin van Jasper.
- Wat geeft Edward Bella voor haar 18e verjaardag.
- Hoe heet het deel dat Bella van een klif afspringt.
- Hoe heet de sterkste mannelijke vampier bij de Cullens.
- Wat is Edward's speciale gaven.
- Waar speelt Twilight zich af.
- Hoe heet de dochter van Bella en Edward. Carlisle Hoe heet de zogenaamde vader van Edward.
- Van wie hoort Bella als eerst over de Cullens.
- Bij welke indianenstam hoort Jacob. Bruin Welke kleur is Jacob als hij een weerwolf is.
- Wat was de achternaam van Bella voor ze trouwde met Edward.
- Hoe heet de vampier die Bella achterna ging in deel 1.
- Wat is de (neppen) achternaam van Rosalie en Jasper.
13 Clues: Waar speelt Twilight zich af. • Wat is Edward's speciale gaven. • Hoe heet de vriendin van James. • Hoe heet de vriendin van Jasper. • Van wie hoort Bella als eerst over de Cullens. • Wat geeft Edward Bella voor haar 18e verjaardag. • Hoe heet het deel dat Bella van een klif afspringt. • Wat is de (neppen) achternaam van Rosalie en Jasper. • ...
movies3 2024-05-21
- Eccentric mom in "Schitt's Creek"
- "Gilmore Girls" mom
- "The 100" leader
- Parisian adventures in "Emily in Paris"
- Matriarch in "Twilight"
- "Mad Men" copywriter
- Sleuth in "Pretty Little Liars"
- "Scandal" political fixer
- Journalist in "Murphy Brown"
- Lead in "Grease"
- "Twilight" human turned vampire
- Good Place assistant
- "Schitt's Creek" character
- Fashion boss in "The Devil Wears Prada"
- Super mom in "The Incredibles"
- Queen Bee in "Mean Girls"
- "Kill Bill" bride
- Lorelai's daughter in "Gilmore Girls"
- "Twilight" vampire
- "Pretty Little Liars" character
20 Clues: "The 100" leader • Lead in "Grease" • "Kill Bill" bride • "Twilight" vampire • "Gilmore Girls" mom • Good Place assistant • "Mad Men" copywriter • Matriarch in "Twilight" • Queen Bee in "Mean Girls" • "Scandal" political fixer • "Schitt's Creek" character • Journalist in "Murphy Brown" • Super mom in "The Incredibles" • Sleuth in "Pretty Little Liars" • "Pretty Little Liars" character • ...
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