twilight Crossword Puzzles

Twilight 2013-01-16

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where Bella moved from
  2. Edward's brother
  3. Emmet's girlfriend
  4. Edward's last name
  5. The sport that Bella is not good at
  6. The title of the book
  7. The Cullen's favorite sport
  8. The school that Bella is in
  9. The setting of the book
  10. What Bella orders at the restaurant with Edward
  11. Bella's father
  12. What Edward is
  13. Bella's mother
  1. What Edward drives
  2. The main character
  3. Edward's father
  4. The vampire that is hunting Bella
  5. The son of Charlie's best friend
  6. What Bella drives
  7. What makes Bella faint and Edward go crazy
  8. Where Bell's mother lives
  9. Charlie's best friend
  10. Where Bella and Edward go for their date
  11. Alice's boyfriend
  12. The main characters boyfriend
  13. Edward's sister
  14. What Edward is
  15. Bella's least favorite class
  16. Renee's boyfriend
  17. Edward's mother

30 Clues: What Edward isBella's fatherWhat Edward isBella's motherEdward's fatherEdward's sisterEdward's motherEdward's brotherWhat Bella drivesAlice's boyfriendRenee's boyfriendWhat Edward drivesThe main characterEmmet's girlfriendEdward's last nameCharlie's best friendThe title of the bookWhere Bella moved fromThe setting of the book...

Twilight 2023-03-07

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Sherif of Forks
  2. The antagonist of the story
  3. The class Bella met Edward in
  4. Makes all vampires glow
  5. Bellas's last name
  6. Vampire who can see the future
  7. Bella's mom
  8. Bella's childhood friend
  9. A characteristic that describes vampires
  10. Carsiles profession
  1. Main character
  2. Founder of the Cullens family
  3. Where Bella grew up
  4. Where the story takes place
  5. Where Bella and Edward hang out
  6. The Cullens' favorite sport to play
  7. A instrument Edward plays
  8. Bellas friend who helped her at school
  9. What do vampires drink
  10. Telepatic vampire

20 Clues: Bella's momMain characterSherif of ForksTelepatic vampireBellas's last nameWhere Bella grew upCarsiles professionWhat do vampires drinkMakes all vampires glowBella's childhood friendA instrument Edward playsThe antagonist of the storyWhere the story takes placeFounder of the Cullens familyThe class Bella met Edward inVampire who can see the future...

Twilight 2022-12-12

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Jacobs sister who is Married
  2. the hothead
  3. which boy lost his friends after they phased?
  4. the one who can't stay out of anyone's mind.
  5. who shifted before Jacob
  6. Jacob's Father
  7. Bella's Mother
  8. Edward's "Father"
  9. the one who almost ran her over
  10. the most Beautiful girl even when she was human.
  11. the second in command
  12. who is Quil's imprint
  13. Who is Sam's imprint
  14. Bella's father
  15. the nice pack member
  1. Bella's step father
  2. Bella first friend who's a girl
  3. Seth and Leah's father
  4. the strongest Cullen
  5. the one who loves Bella
  6. the kind hearted best friend who is also human
  7. who does Jacob imprint on
  8. the one who can see the future.
  9. Who is Jacobs crush?
  10. Angela's boyfriend
  11. Seth and Leah's Mom
  12. the one who feels emotions.
  13. Edwards "Mother"
  14. Paul's imprint
  15. Black packs Alpha.
  16. The only girl shifter

31 Clues: the hotheadJacob's FatherBella's MotherPaul's imprintBella's fatherEdwards "Mother"Edward's "Father"Angela's boyfriendBlack packs Alpha.Bella's step fatherSeth and Leah's Momthe strongest CullenWho is Jacobs crush?Who is Sam's imprintthe nice pack memberthe second in commandwho is Quil's imprintThe only girl shifterSeth and Leah's father...

Twilight 2020-10-05

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. When was Jasper changed
  2. Who dies in Breaking Dawn
  3. When was the oldest Vampire born?
  4. If you take a picture of a vampire will it show?
  5. When was Carlisle born?
  6. Who does Victoria love
  7. Jacob's best mate
  8. Loves Kate
  9. Who make the laws for vampires. Who controls them?
  10. Who did Victoria use in order to kill Bella?
  11. What was Jacob's gift to Bella at the prom
  12. Who serves Bella and Edward food after Edward rescues Bella in Seattle when she gets lost?
  13. Jacob's sister
  14. Carlisle's father was a ..
  15. Bella's daughter
  16. How long was Bella pregnant for?
  17. Jacob's father
  18. Quill's last name
  19. Sam's fur colour
  20. What was Leah and Seth's last name?
  21. Who is Bella's mum married to?
  22. Charlie's Hobby
  23. What was Bella's middle name?
  24. In Breaking Dawn who is Benjamin's lover?
  25. The authors last name
  26. Edwards pixie sister
  27. Who tried to kill Bella until Edward finished her in Eclipse?
  1. Where was Bella born and raised until she was 17
  2. How old is Esme?
  3. When was Edward born?
  4. When was Natunhel born?
  5. What colour is Jacob's fur?
  6. What attacked Emmett and almost killed him before he was changed?
  7. Who had a crush on Mike
  8. How old was Sam in Twilight
  9. What colour was Edwards Volvo?
  10. Who is the oldest Vampire?
  11. Jasper's Last name
  12. Paul was eating these in the start of Eclipse
  13. Who's the only female werewolf?
  14. Who injured Rosalie enough that Carlisle changed her?
  15. Where does Charlie and Bella live?
  16. Who liked Tyler and was angry at Bella because Tyler liked Bella not her
  17. Bella's favourite mechanic
  18. Last word of the twilight saga
  19. Who is the fastest of the Cullen's?
  20. What was Bella planning on calling her baby if it was a boy?
  21. What trait did Emmett bring into his vampire life?
  22. Where was Alice imprisoned because of her visions?
  23. Who did Quill imprint on?
  24. Who surrendered in eclipse so Carlisle decided to spare her?
  25. Jared's lover
  26. What was the last word of twilight?
  27. Carmen's lover

54 Clues: Loves KateJared's loverJacob's sisterJacob's fatherCarmen's loverCharlie's HobbyHow old is Esme?Bella's daughterSam's fur colourJacob's best mateQuill's last nameJasper's Last nameEdwards pixie sisterWhen was Edward born?The authors last nameWho does Victoria loveWhen was Jasper changedWhen was Natunhel born?Who had a crush on Mike...

Twilight 2023-07-14

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. County known for it's pasta
  2. Make of car
  3. twilight soundtrack
  4. Jealous redhead
  5. Opposite of dusk
  6. The age before 18
  7. A color, a vegetable
  8. America's pasttime
  9. Meaning beautiful
  10. Filthy bloodsucker
  11. ...and wonderland
  12. Comes out during the full moon
  13. ...and ikes
  14. Between daytime and nighttime
  1. The study of life
  2. Leader of the pack
  3. Rosalie Cullen once said
  4. Opposite of a full moon
  5. Pauly's birth place
  6. In your veins
  7. Big South American country (American spelling)
  8. Song by Claude Debussy
  9. The Spanish word for crazy
  10. Bella googles this
  11. When the moon, earth, and sun align
  12. Bella, Jacob, and Mike see this movie
  13. "Shape of You" artist's full first name
  14. Rises from the ashes
  15. Type of silverware
  16. Beach on Jacobs' reservation

30 Clues: Make of car...and ikesIn your veinsJealous redheadOpposite of duskThe study of lifeThe age before 18Meaning beautiful...and wonderlandLeader of the packBella googles thisAmerica's pasttimeFilthy bloodsuckerType of silverwaretwilight soundtrackPauly's birth placeA color, a vegetableRises from the ashesSong by Claude DebussyOpposite of a full moon...

Twilight 2020-10-05

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. The place James wanted Bella to meet him all alone.
  2. The name of the main protagonist in Twilight.
  3. An emotion Bella had for Edward.
  4. The state that Bella was raised and grew up in.
  5. My personal favorite character that was geeky, over helpful, and a sweet guy.
  6. The name of the boy that almost killed Bella with his van in the parking lot.
  7. What was the name of the character that was a beautiful boy with pale skin?
  8. This was the name of the tribe that was enemies with the Cullens.
  9. The name of one member of the Cullens that could see the future, and the coolest Cullen in my opinion.
  10. This was the high school Bella attended to in Washington.
  11. Which physician in town adopted seven kids?
  1. The class Bella passed out in.
  2. True or false: Emmett saved Bella from a group of creepy guys that refused to leave her alone.
  3. True or false: The Quileutes were descended from wolves.
  4. Edward’s favorite place he took Bella to.
  5. Which cop was Bella’s father?
  6. The way Edward acts to Bella after he met her for the first time.
  7. This was the city in Washington that the story was taken place in.
  8. Correct or incorrect: Bella’s mother had died in a car crash when Bella was an infant.
  9. The beach’s name where Bella met Jacob Black for the first time.
  10. What was the name of the vampire that was tracking Bella to kill her.
  11. What car did Bella’s dad get her as a surprise?
  12. The color of all the Cullen’s eyes.

23 Clues: Which cop was Bella’s father?The class Bella passed out in.An emotion Bella had for Edward.The color of all the Cullen’s eyes.Edward’s favorite place he took Bella to.Which physician in town adopted seven kids?The name of the main protagonist in Twilight.The state that Bella was raised and grew up in.What car did Bella’s dad get her as a surprise?...

Twilight 2022-04-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Bellas dad
  2. The place Edward and Bella meet at
  3. what bella ate on her first date with edwards
  4. The class Bella and Edward meet
  5. Edwards mother
  6. Edwards last name
  7. activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
  8. a song edward wrote about bella
  9. edwards sister
  1. The love interest
  2. edwards sister
  3. where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
  4. a composer bella and edward both like
  5. What jacob is
  6. edwards brother
  7. instrument edward enjoys playing
  8. The third wheel
  9. Beach all the highschool people meet at
  10. Place the book is based in
  11. The main character
  12. Bellas last name
  13. Edwards father
  14. edwards brother
  15. What vampires fed off of
  16. Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place

25 Clues: Bellas dadWhat jacob isedwards sisterEdwards motherEdwards fatheredwards sisteredwards brotherThe third wheeledwards brotherBellas last nameThe love interestEdwards last nameThe main characterWhat vampires fed off ofPlace the book is based inThe class Bella and Edward meeta song edward wrote about bellainstrument edward enjoys playing...

Twilight 2022-04-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
  2. Beach all the highschool people meet at
  3. Bellas dad
  4. what bella ate on her first date with edwards
  5. The third wheel
  6. Edwards mother
  7. a composer bella and edward both like
  8. a song edward wrote about bella
  9. What jacob is
  10. The place Edward and Bella meet at
  1. What vampires fed off of
  2. activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
  3. edwards sister
  4. instrument edward enjoys playing
  5. Edwards father
  6. edwards sister
  7. Place the book is based in
  8. edwards brother
  9. Edwards last name
  10. The class Bella and Edward meet
  11. The love interest
  12. Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
  13. The main character
  14. edwards brother
  15. Bellas last name

25 Clues: Bellas dadWhat jacob isedwards sisterEdwards fatheredwards sisterEdwards motheredwards brotherThe third wheeledwards brotherBellas last nameEdwards last nameThe love interestThe main characterWhat vampires fed off ofPlace the book is based inThe class Bella and Edward meeta song edward wrote about bellainstrument edward enjoys playing...

Twilight 2022-04-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. The third wheel
  2. Bellas dad
  3. a composer bella and edward both like
  4. Edwards last name
  5. instrument edward enjoys playing
  6. edwards sister
  7. The main character
  8. The place Edward and Bella meet at
  9. Edwards father
  10. Place the book is based in
  11. The class Bella and Edward meet
  12. The love interest
  13. what bella ate on her first date with edwards
  1. edwards sister
  2. a song edward wrote about bella
  3. Edwards mother
  4. edwards brother
  5. What jacob is
  6. Beach all the highschool people meet at
  7. What vampires fed off of
  8. activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
  9. where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
  10. Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
  11. edwards brother
  12. Bellas last name

25 Clues: Bellas dadWhat jacob isedwards sisteredwards sisterEdwards motherEdwards fatherThe third wheeledwards brotheredwards brotherBellas last nameEdwards last nameThe love interestThe main characterWhat vampires fed off ofPlace the book is based ina song edward wrote about bellaThe class Bella and Edward meetinstrument edward enjoys playing...

Twilight 2016-05-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. vampires have very ____ skin
  2. the main male character
  3. vampires are ______ which means they live forever
  4. a vampire with the ability to feel and control someone’s emotions
  5. a bright star that the earth revolves around
  6. the author's first name
  7. Bella's last name
  8. a vampire who is stronger than other vampires
  9. where Bella and Edward met
  10. the main female character
  11. a blond vampire named _______ Hale
  1. what do vampires eat?
  2. an un-dead creature
  3. the city that the book mainly takes place in
  4. a vampire with the ability to see the future
  5. they need a _________ to play their favorite sport
  6. the male vampire who attempts to kill Bella
  7. the last name of the family of vampires
  8. the sport the Cullen family loves to play
  9. vampires can run very ______
  10. Bella's mom
  11. Bella's dad
  12. the vampire who is the "father" of the Cullen's
  13. ______ Black becomes a werewolf in "New moon"

24 Clues: Bella's momBella's dadBella's last namean un-dead creaturewhat do vampires eat?the main male characterthe author's first namethe main female characterwhere Bella and Edward metvampires have very ____ skinvampires can run very ______a blond vampire named _______ Halethe last name of the family of vampiresthe sport the Cullen family loves to play...

Twilight 2016-05-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. vampires can run very ______
  2. a bright star that the earth revolves around
  3. they need a _________ to play their favorite sport
  4. Bella's mom
  5. an un-dead creature
  6. the main male character
  7. a vampire with the ability to see the future
  8. where Bella and Edward met
  9. Bella's last name
  10. vampires have very ____ skin
  11. what do vampires eat?
  12. the vampire who is the "father" of the Cullen's
  1. a vampire who is stronger than other vampires
  2. the last name of the family of vampires
  3. the male vampire who attempts to kill Bella
  4. the author's first name
  5. vampires have very ______ muscles
  6. the main female character
  7. a vampire with the ability to feel and control someone’s emotions
  8. vampires are ______ which means they live forever
  9. a blond vampire named _______ Hale
  10. the sport the Cullen family loves to play
  11. ______ Black becomes a werewolf in "New moon"
  12. the city that the book mainly takes place in
  13. Bella's dad

25 Clues: Bella's momBella's dadBella's last namean un-dead creaturewhat do vampires eat?the author's first namethe main male characterthe main female characterwhere Bella and Edward metvampires can run very ______vampires have very ____ skinvampires have very ______ musclesa blond vampire named _______ Halethe last name of the family of vampires...

Twilight 2019-05-29

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. small vehicle.
  2. person who harrasess or persicutes someone.
  3. world.
  4. fine or subtle.
  5. school-a school that typically comprises grades 9-12.
  6. person who changes from a period of time into a wolfvampire-leaves a grave at night and sucks blood out of peoples neck.
  7. rhyming short story.
  8. rough or jaggering.
  9. day of a persons birth day.
  10. regular companion whom someone has a romantic relationship
  11. interesting.
  1. large heavy motor vehicle.
  2. in a quick and lively.
  3. red liquid that circulates in the arteries.
  4. action of two lips touching.
  5. action of hurt or harm to someone.
  6. un mannered.
  7. round fruit on a tree.
  8. person who is distinguished from an animal.
  9. person who leads or commands a group.

20 Clues: world.un mannered.interesting.small vehicle.fine or subtle.rough or jaggering.rhyming short a quick and lively.round fruit on a tree.large heavy motor of a persons birth day.action of two lips touching.action of hurt or harm to someone.person who leads or commands a group.person who harrasess or persicutes someone....

twilight 2013-03-10

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. wat is edward?
  2. wat is de achternaam van edward?
  3. waar speelt het gevecht af?
  4. hoe heten de slechte vampieren?
  5. hoe heet de actrice die belle speelt?
  6. wie wil wraak nemen op de cullens?
  7. wanneer komen vampier niet naar buiten?
  8. hoe heet de ateur van het boek?
  9. wat betekend twilight?
  10. wat drinken de cullens?
  11. wat is het beroep van carlisle?
  12. welke sport spelen de cullens vaak?
  13. in welke stad word bella verborgen?
  1. welke gave heeft edward?
  2. in welk dorp speelt het verhaal zich af?
  3. hoe heet de acteur die edward speelt?
  4. wie word er vermoord door de cullens?
  5. hoe heet de acteur die jacob speelt?
  6. hoe heet de vader van bella
  7. wat is de achternaam van bella?
  8. waaraan stierf edward toen hij 17jaar oud was?
  9. waar leren bella en edward elkaar kennen?
  10. hoe lang is edward al 17jaar?
  11. wie heeft edward naar vampier veranderd?
  12. waar zegt bella tegen edward dat ze weet dat hij een vampier is ?

25 Clues: wat is edward?wat betekend twilight?wat drinken de cullens?welke gave heeft edward?hoe heet de vader van bellawaar speelt het gevecht af?hoe lang is edward al 17jaar?hoe heten de slechte vampieren?wat is de achternaam van bella?hoe heet de ateur van het boek?wat is het beroep van carlisle?wat is de achternaam van edward?...

Twilight 2013-09-29

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where the book takes place
  2. Edward and Bella's daughter
  3. Edward's brother from the civil war
  4. Edward's vampire father figure
  5. Sam's imprint
  6. Bella's human best friend
  7. Bella's father
  8. Bella's mother
  9. 1st book in series
  10. Co-leader of Victoria's newborn army
  11. Bella's vampire bofriend
  12. Bella's werewolf best friend
  13. Edward's bear of a brother
  14. the leader of the pack
  15. Edward's pixie sister
  1. Edward's blonde sister
  2. 4th book in the series
  3. 2nd book in series
  4. Edward's vampire mother figure
  5. 3rd book in the series
  6. Evil group of vampires
  7. Bella's step-father
  8. Bella's first friend in Forks
  9. Tried to kill Bella and the Cullens in Eclipse
  10. Other male in James's coven
  11. Part of the newborn army and fell in love with Diego
  12. Tried to kill Bella's in Twilight
  13. main character
  14. Angela's boy friend
  15. Edward's human annoyance

30 Clues: Sam's imprintBella's fatherBella's mothermain character2nd book in series1st book in seriesBella's step-fatherAngela's boy friendEdward's pixie sisterEdward's blonde sister4th book in the series3rd book in the seriesEvil group of vampiresthe leader of the packBella's vampire bofriendEdward's human annoyanceBella's human best friend...

Twilight 2022-06-07

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where Bella moved from
  2. Edward's brother
  3. Emmet's girlfriend
  4. Edward's last name
  5. The sport that Bella is not good at
  6. The title of the book
  7. The Cullen's favorite sport
  8. The school that Bella is in
  9. The setting of the book
  10. What Bella orders at the restaurant with Edward
  11. Bella's father
  12. What Edward is
  13. Bella's mother
  1. What Edward drives
  2. The main character
  3. Edward's father
  4. The vampire that is hunting Bella
  5. The son of Charlie's best friend
  6. What Bella drives
  7. What makes Bella faint and Edward go crazy
  8. Where Bell's mother lives
  9. Charlie's best friend
  10. Where Bella and Edward go for their date
  11. Alice's boyfriend
  12. The main characters boyfriend
  13. Edward's sister
  14. What Edward is
  15. Bella's least favorite class
  16. Renee's boyfriend
  17. Edward's mother

30 Clues: What Edward isBella's fatherWhat Edward isBella's motherEdward's fatherEdward's sisterEdward's motherEdward's brotherWhat Bella drivesAlice's boyfriendRenee's boyfriendWhat Edward drivesThe main characterEmmet's girlfriendEdward's last nameCharlie's best friendThe title of the bookWhere Bella moved fromThe setting of the book...

Twilight 2023-02-27

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. where Bella's mom lives
  2. sport that is played by Edward's family
  3. Bella's self-centered friend
  4. vampire who hunts Bella
  5. Edward's hot headed sister
  6. the human in love with a vampire
  7. Edward's adopted dad
  8. Edward's freshly "vegetarian" brother
  1. Edward's power
  2. James' girlfriend
  3. Bella's best friend
  4. Edward's adopted mom
  5. why everyone is attracted to Bella
  6. Bella's dad
  7. Bella's first love
  8. Charlie's best friend
  9. where Bella's dad lives
  10. almost runs Bella over with a van
  11. Bella's mom
  12. Edward's mysterious sister

20 Clues: Bella's dadBella's momEdward's powerJames' girlfriendBella's first loveBella's best friendEdward's adopted momEdward's adopted dadCharlie's best friendwhere Bella's mom livesvampire who hunts Bellawhere Bella's dad livesEdward's hot headed sisterEdward's mysterious sisterBella's self-centered friendthe human in love with a vampire...

Twilight 2023-06-21

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. you eat your food with this
  2. likes boys with scene hair
  3. edward can play me like he plays this
  4. Lightning… thunder… strike!
  5. where bella wore converse
  6. depressed and always wanting more
  7. pig serving daddy vibes
  8. demon child
  9. scary cult
  10. what bone did renesme break when she kicked
  11. the 8 course meal the Cullen made bella
  1. kind of obsessed with my baby… but ok?
  2. def a racist but is trying not to be
  3. twinkle twinkle little star
  4. that’s so raven
  5. made an appearance in a Greys episode
  6. HIMBO
  7. valedictorian
  8. why is he always naked
  9. what Edward jumps through to get to Bella’s room

20 Clues: HIMBOscary cultdemon childvaledictorianthat’s so ravenwhy is he always nakedpig serving daddy vibeswhere bella wore converselikes boys with scene hairyou eat your food with thistwinkle twinkle little starLightning… thunder… strike!depressed and always wanting moredef a racist but is trying not to beedward can play me like he plays this...

twilight 2022-11-09

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. bella's zodiac
  2. mind reader
  3. edward and bella's favorite artist
  4. hold on tight..
  5. carlisle is from
  6. bella goes to prom in a..
  7. when edward and bella got married
  8. your love is my
  9. the beach in twilight
  10. where the h*ll have you been
  11. emmett and bella broke a..
  12. bloodsucker
  1. most powerful vampire coven
  2. how you likin' 'da rain girl?
  3. the song edward writes bella
  4. jealous redhead
  5. the golden
  6. daughter's nickname
  7. confederate soldier
  8. who attacks bella
  9. what class edward and bella met in

21 Clues: the goldenmind readerbloodsuckerbella's zodiacjealous redheadhold on tight..your love is mycarlisle is fromwho attacks belladaughter's nicknameconfederate soldierthe beach in twilightbella goes to prom in a..emmett and bella broke a..most powerful vampire coventhe song edward writes bellawhere the h*ll have you beenhow you likin' 'da rain girl?...

Twilight 2022-05-24

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. likes to wrestle bears
  2. ben's girlfriend
  3. quileute legend
  4. leader of the pack
  5. the doctor's "wife"
  6. mike's girlfriend
  7. she can see future decisions
  8. where did bella and edward have their honeymoon
  9. where bella moved
  10. fastest vampire
  11. car edward drives
  12. he can control emotions
  13. he's a cop
  14. jacob's grandfather
  15. shape-shifters
  16. bella's best friend
  1. only girl in the pack
  2. lived with bella in arizona
  3. what school does bella go to
  4. private reserve vampires cannot cross
  5. jacob's father
  6. the cullen family
  7. the cullen house has a lot of this
  8. angela's boyfriend
  9. blond beauty
  10. car bella drives
  11. moved from phoenix to forks
  12. jessica's boyfriend
  13. he's a doctor
  14. where bella used to live
  15. bella's step-dad
  16. class edward first saw/smelled bella
  17. sibling of leah

33 Clues: he's a copblond beautyhe's a doctorjacob's fathershape-shiftersquileute legendfastest vampiresibling of leahben's girlfriendcar bella drivesbella's step-dadmike's girlfriendthe cullen familywhere bella movedcar edward drivesleader of the packangela's boyfriendthe doctor's "wife"jessica's boyfriendjacob's grandfatherbella's best friend...

Twilight 2023-09-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. difficult to detect (pg 25)
  2. showing an inappropriate lack of seriousness (pg 131)
  3. liable to sudden or unpredictable change (pg 7)
  4. deer meat (pg 160)
  5. furiously angry (pg 79)
  6. filled with extreme joy and happiness (pg 144)
  7. a pale complexion (pg 10)
  8. in a way that cannot be taken back (pg 95)
  9. intended to get others to notice (pg 97)
  1. casual concern or indifference (pg 76)
  2. being childishly sulky/upset (pg 38)
  3. incapable of error (pg 176)
  4. a person rejected from society (pg 46)
  5. strong feelings of embarrassment (pg 57)
  6. evoking strong sadness or regret (pg 156)
  7. giving complete attention to (pg 201)
  8. real/can (almost) be touched (pg 181)
  9. generally incompetent (pg 63)
  10. extremely tired/lazy, sluggish or apathetic (pg 147)
  11. uncertain or unable to decide (pg 111)

20 Clues: deer meat (pg 160)furiously angry (pg 79)a pale complexion (pg 10)incapable of error (pg 176)difficult to detect (pg 25)generally incompetent (pg 63)being childishly sulky/upset (pg 38)giving complete attention to (pg 201)real/can (almost) be touched (pg 181)casual concern or indifference (pg 76)a person rejected from society (pg 46)...

twilight 2025-01-28

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what did Edward tell her parents she fell from
  2. what class do Edward and Bella have together
  3. warm and sunny
  4. officer what's her dads job
  5. a vampire
  6. genre of the book
  7. who ALMOST hit Bella with a van
  8. a warewolf
  9. what did Edward suck out of Bellas blood
  10. age of bella
  1. who is her first friend in forks
  2. what's Edwards favourite thing to hunt
  3. what color do Edwards eyes turn
  4. how many books are in the season
  5. what's her dads name
  6. the main character
  7. cold and rainy
  8. who's the vampire that wants to kill bella
  9. who is bella's coworker
  10. reading what's Edwards power

20 Clues: a vampirea warewolfage of bellawarm and sunnycold and rainygenre of the bookthe main characterwhat's her dads namewho is bella's coworkerofficer what's her dads jobreading what's Edwards powerwhat color do Edwards eyes turnwho ALMOST hit Bella with a vanwho is her first friend in forkshow many books are in the season...

Twilight 2021-05-18

Twilight crossword puzzle
  3. school in forks washington
  11. BAD GUY


twilight 2022-11-09

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. bella's zodiac
  2. mind reader
  3. edward and bella's favorite artist
  4. hold on tight..
  5. carlisle is from
  6. bella goes to prom in a..
  7. when edward and bella got married
  8. your love is my
  9. the beach in twilight
  10. where the h*ll have you been
  11. emmett and bella broke a..
  12. bloodsucker
  1. most powerful vampire coven
  2. how you likin' 'da rain girl?
  3. the song edward writes bella
  4. jealous redhead
  5. the golden
  6. daughter's nickname
  7. confederate soldier
  8. who attacks bella
  9. what class edward and bella met in

21 Clues: the goldenmind readerbloodsuckerbella's zodiacjealous redheadhold on tight..your love is mycarlisle is fromwho attacks belladaughter's nicknameconfederate soldierthe beach in twilightbella goes to prom in a..emmett and bella broke a..most powerful vampire coventhe song edward writes bellawhere the h*ll have you beenhow you likin' 'da rain girl?...

twilight 2022-11-09

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. bella's zodiac
  2. mind reader
  3. edward and bella's favorite artist
  4. hold on tight..
  5. carlisle is from
  6. bella goes to prom in a..
  7. when edward and bella got married
  8. your love is my
  9. the beach in twilight
  10. where the h*ll have you been
  11. emmett and bella broke a..
  12. bloodsucker
  1. most powerful vampire coven
  2. how you likin' 'da rain girl?
  3. the song edward writes bella
  4. jealous redhead
  5. the golden
  6. daughter's nickname
  7. confederate soldier
  8. who attacks bella
  9. what class edward and bella met in

21 Clues: the goldenmind readerbloodsuckerbella's zodiacjealous redheadhold on tight..your love is mycarlisle is fromwho attacks belladaughter's nicknameconfederate soldierthe beach in twilightbella goes to prom in a..emmett and bella broke a..most powerful vampire coventhe song edward writes bellawhere the h*ll have you beenhow you likin' 'da rain girl?...

Twilight 2021-04-08

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Which of the Cullen's is jealous of Bella
  2. Edwards sister that can read minds
  3. Bella's daughters name
  4. What do vampires drink
  5. Edwards adoptive dads name
  6. Bella's second name
  7. What is the main supernatural theme
  8. What is the safest time of day for a vampire
  9. where does Bella live with her dad
  10. Main character beginning with "B"
  1. Main character beginning with "E"
  2. Bella's dads name
  3. Second name of the author of twilight
  4. Bella's home town
  5. Jasper is able to control what with his powers
  6. Bella's mums boyfriend's name
  7. who wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga
  8. The strongest brother
  9. What is Jacob
  10. What is Bella's mums name

20 Clues: What is JacobBella's dads nameBella's home townBella's second nameThe strongest brotherBella's daughters nameWhat do vampires drinkWhat is Bella's mums nameEdwards adoptive dads nameBella's mums boyfriend's nameMain character beginning with "E"Main character beginning with "B"Edwards sister that can read mindswhere does Bella live with her dad...

Twilight 2013-01-16

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where Bella moved from
  2. Edward's brother
  3. Emmet's girlfriend
  4. Edward's last name
  5. The sport that Bella is not good at
  6. The title of the book
  7. The Cullen's favorite sport
  8. The school that Bella is in
  9. The setting of the book
  10. What Bella orders at the restaurant with Edward
  11. Bella's father
  12. What Edward is
  13. Bella's mother
  1. What Edward drives
  2. The main character
  3. Edward's father
  4. The vampire that is hunting Bella
  5. The son of Charlie's best friend
  6. What Bella drives
  7. What makes Bella faint and Edward go crazy
  8. Where Bell's mother lives
  9. Charlie's best friend
  10. Where Bella and Edward go for their date
  11. Alice's boyfriend
  12. The main characters boyfriend
  13. Edward's sister
  14. What Edward is
  15. Bella's least favorite class
  16. Renee's boyfriend
  17. Edward's mother

30 Clues: What Edward isBella's fatherWhat Edward isBella's motherEdward's fatherEdward's sisterEdward's motherEdward's brotherWhat Bella drivesAlice's boyfriendRenee's boyfriendWhat Edward drivesThe main characterEmmet's girlfriendEdward's last nameCharlie's best friendThe title of the bookWhere Bella moved fromThe setting of the book...

Twilight 2013-11-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Bella's father.
  2. James' lover.
  3. Shape of the bites James leaves on Bella
  4. Could see the future.
  5. Wants to be a vampire.
  6. A blood thirsty being.
  7. Could read minds.
  8. Bella's mother.
  1. Washington where Bella moved to.
  2. Arizona where Bella is from.
  3. Edward's "mother"
  4. Bella goes dress shopping for this dance.
  5. Sport played in the beginning of the book.
  6. Part of the Quileute tribe.
  7. Slid on ice in a van and almost hit Bella.
  8. Likes Mike.
  9. Type of dance studio James led Bella to.
  10. Edward's "father"
  11. Bella's mom's new husband.
  12. Killed by Alice, Jasper and Emmett

20 Clues: Likes Mike.James' lover.Bella's father.Bella's mother.Edward's "mother"Edward's "father"Could read minds.Could see the future.Wants to be a vampire.A blood thirsty being.Bella's mom's new husband.Part of the Quileute tribe.Arizona where Bella is from.Washington where Bella moved to.Killed by Alice, Jasper and Emmett...

twilight 2014-03-27

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. who protects bella and her baby
  2. edward and his family are ________
  3. edward___
  4. bellas real name
  5. auther of the twilight saga
  6. edwards mum
  7. warewolf
  8. what everybody is wareing in bellas dream
  1. where bella live
  2. carliles job
  3. leader of the pack
  4. the movie bella sees in new moon
  5. the viacle that bella drives
  6. the red head
  7. bellas child
  8. the only female in the pack
  9. one of bellas best friends
  10. where victoria makes her army
  11. where bellas mum lives
  12. vampires crave

20 Clues: warewolfedward___edwards mumcarliles jobthe red headbellas childvampires cravewhere bella livebellas real nameleader of the packwhere bellas mum livesone of bellas best friendsthe only female in the packauther of the twilight sagathe viacle that bella driveswhere victoria makes her armywho protects bella and her babythe movie bella sees in new moon...

Twilight 2022-04-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. The third wheel
  2. Edwards father
  3. edwards brother
  4. edwards brother
  5. Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
  6. The class Bella and Edward meet
  7. Edwards mother
  8. edwards sister
  9. Bellas last name
  10. edwards sister
  11. Place the book is based in
  12. What jacob is
  1. Bellas dad
  2. a song edward wrote about bella
  3. activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
  4. The place Edward and Bella meet at
  5. The love interest
  6. What vampires fed off of
  7. where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
  8. Edwards last name
  9. what bella ate on her first date with edwards
  10. a composer bella and edward both like
  11. The main character
  12. instrument edward enjoys playing
  13. Beach all the highschool people meet at

25 Clues: Bellas dadWhat jacob isEdwards fatherEdwards motheredwards sisteredwards sisterThe third wheeledwards brotheredwards brotherBellas last nameThe love interestEdwards last nameThe main characterWhat vampires fed off ofPlace the book is based ina song edward wrote about bellaThe class Bella and Edward meetinstrument edward enjoys playing...

twilight 2024-10-29

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. – The dark shape made when something blocks light.
  2. – An animal that hunts other animals to eat.
  3. – Something that is not normal or natural, often from stories.
  4. – How fast someone or something can go.
  5. – The light that comes from the moon at night.
  6. – How strong someone or something is.
  7. – To look for something to catch or kill.
  8. – Someone who cannot die and lives forever.
  9. – Keeping someone or something safe.
  10. – A person who turns into a wolf during a full moon.
  1. – Giving up something important for someone or something else.
  2. – The feeling when you need to drink.
  3. – The ability to live forever.
  4. – A creature in stories that drinks blood and lives forever.
  5. – A big change from one thing into another.
  6. – Not allowed or not okay to do.
  7. – A situation that is not safe.
  8. – A person, not an animal or creature.
  9. – The time when the sun goes down and it starts to get dark.
  10. – The red liquid in our bodies.
  11. – Something that only a few people know.
  12. – The feeling when you are scared.

22 Clues: – The ability to live forever.– A situation that is not safe.– The red liquid in our bodies.– Not allowed or not okay to do.– The feeling when you are scared.– Keeping someone or something safe.– The feeling when you need to drink.– How strong someone or something is.– A person, not an animal or creature.– How fast someone or something can go....

Twilight 2016-05-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. vampires can run very ______
  2. Bella's last name
  3. ______ Black becomes a werewolf in "New moon"
  4. vampires are ______ which means they live forever
  5. the last name of the family of vampires
  6. they need a _________ to play their favorite sport
  7. what do vampires eat?
  8. Bella's dad
  9. the male vampire who attempts to kill Bella
  10. a blond vampire named _______ Hale
  11. a vampire with the ability to see the future
  12. a bright star that the earth revolves around
  13. the city that the book mainly takes place in
  1. an un-dead creature
  2. the author's first name
  3. a vampire who is stronger than other vampires
  4. where Bella and Edward met
  5. a vampire with the ability to feel and control someone’s emotions
  6. vampires have very ____ skin
  7. the main female character
  8. the sport the Cullen family loves to play
  9. the vampire who is the "father" of the Cullen's
  10. Bella's mom
  11. vampires have very ______ muscles
  12. the main male character

25 Clues: Bella's dadBella's momBella's last namean un-dead creaturewhat do vampires eat?the author's first namethe main male characterthe main female characterwhere Bella and Edward metvampires can run very ______vampires have very ____ skinvampires have very ______ musclesa blond vampire named _______ Halethe last name of the family of vampires...

Twilight 2022-04-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Bellas dad
  2. The place Edward and Bella meet at
  3. what bella ate on her first date with edwards
  4. The class Bella and Edward meet
  5. Edwards mother
  6. Edwards last name
  7. activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
  8. a song edward wrote about bella
  9. edwards sister
  1. The love interest
  2. edwards sister
  3. where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
  4. a composer bella and edward both like
  5. What jacob is
  6. edwards brother
  7. instrument edward enjoys playing
  8. The third wheel
  9. Beach all the highschool people meet at
  10. Place the book is based in
  11. The main character
  12. Bellas last name
  13. Edwards father
  14. edwards brother
  15. What vampires fed off of
  16. Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place

25 Clues: Bellas dadWhat jacob isedwards sisterEdwards motherEdwards fatheredwards sisteredwards brotherThe third wheeledwards brotherBellas last nameThe love interestEdwards last nameThe main characterWhat vampires fed off ofPlace the book is based inThe class Bella and Edward meeta song edward wrote about bellainstrument edward enjoys playing...

Twilight 2022-04-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. The third wheel
  2. Edwards father
  3. Edwards brother
  4. Edwards brother
  5. Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
  6. The class Bella and Edward meet
  7. Edwards mother
  8. Edwards sister
  9. Bellas last name
  10. Edwards sister
  11. Place the book is based in
  12. What jacob is
  1. Bellas dad
  2. A song edward wrote about bella
  3. Activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
  4. The place Edward and Bella meet at
  5. The love interest
  6. What vampires fed off of
  7. Where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
  8. Edwards last name
  9. What bella ate on her first date with edwards
  10. A composer bella and edward both like
  11. The main character
  12. Instrument edward enjoys playing
  13. Beach all the highschool people meet at

25 Clues: Bellas dadWhat jacob isEdwards fatherEdwards motherEdwards sisterEdwards sisterThe third wheelEdwards brotherEdwards brotherBellas last nameThe love interestEdwards last nameThe main characterWhat vampires fed off ofPlace the book is based inA song edward wrote about bellaThe class Bella and Edward meetInstrument edward enjoys playing...

Twilight 2022-04-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Bellas bestfriend
  2. Edwards father
  3. Edwards brother
  4. Edwards brother
  5. Where bella lived before coming to forks Where the movie takes place
  6. The class Bella and Edward meet
  7. Edwards mother
  8. Edwards sister
  9. Bellas last name
  10. Edwards sister
  11. Place the book is based in
  12. What jacob is
  1. Bellas dad
  2. A song edward wrote about bella
  3. Activity the cullens like to play when its thunderstorming
  4. The place Edward and Bella meet at
  5. The love interest
  6. What vampires fed off of
  7. Where bella and her friends went prom dress shopping
  8. Edwards last name
  9. What bella ate on her first date with edwards
  10. A composer bella and edward both like
  11. The main character
  12. Instrument edward enjoys playing
  13. Beach all the highschool people meet at

25 Clues: Bellas dadWhat jacob isEdwards fatherEdwards motherEdwards sisterEdwards sisterEdwards brotherEdwards brotherBellas last nameBellas bestfriendThe love interestEdwards last nameThe main characterWhat vampires fed off ofPlace the book is based inA song edward wrote about bellaThe class Bella and Edward meetInstrument edward enjoys playing...

Twilight 2022-06-07

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. vampires can run very ______
  2. a bright star that the earth revolves around
  3. they need a _________ to play their favorite sport
  4. Bella's mom
  5. an un-dead creature
  6. the main male character
  7. a vampire with the ability to see the future
  8. where Bella and Edward met
  9. Bella's last name
  10. vampires have very ____ skin
  11. what do vampires eat?
  12. the vampire who is the "father" of the Cullen's
  1. a vampire who is stronger than other vampires
  2. the last name of the family of vampires
  3. the male vampire who attempts to kill Bella
  4. the author's first name
  5. vampires have very ______ muscles
  6. the main female character
  7. a vampire with the ability to feel and control someone’s emotions
  8. vampires are ______ which means they live forever
  9. a blond vampire named _______ Hale
  10. the sport the Cullen family loves to play
  11. ______ Black becomes a werewolf in "New moon"
  12. the city that the book mainly takes place in
  13. Bella's dad

25 Clues: Bella's momBella's dadBella's last namean un-dead creaturewhat do vampires eat?the author's first namethe main male characterthe main female characterwhere Bella and Edward metvampires can run very ______vampires have very ____ skinvampires have very ______ musclesa blond vampire named _______ Halethe last name of the family of vampires...

twilight 2022-11-09

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. bella's zodiac
  2. mind reader
  3. edward and bella's favorite artist
  4. hold on tight..
  5. carlisle is from
  6. bella goes to prom in a..
  7. when edward and bella got married
  8. your love is my
  9. the beach in twilight
  10. where the h*ll have you been
  11. emmett and bella broke a..
  12. bloodsucker
  1. most powerful vampire coven
  2. how you likin' 'da rain girl?
  3. the song edward writes bella
  4. jealous redhead
  5. the golden
  6. daughter's nickname
  7. confederate soldier
  8. who attacks bella
  9. what class edward and bella met in

21 Clues: the goldenmind readerbloodsuckerbella's zodiacjealous redheadhold on tight..your love is mycarlisle is fromwho attacks belladaughter's nicknameconfederate soldierthe beach in twilightbella goes to prom in a..emmett and bella broke a..most powerful vampire coventhe song edward writes bellawhere the h*ll have you beenhow you likin' 'da rain girl?...

Twilight 2021-02-20

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. What is the main supernatural theme
  2. What is the safest time of day for a vampire
  3. Main character beginning with "E"
  4. Bella's mums boyfriend's name
  5. Bella's second name
  6. Edwards sister that can read minds
  7. Bella's dads name
  8. Jasper is able to control what with his powers
  9. where does Bella live with her dad
  10. who wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga
  11. What is Jacob
  1. Bella's home town
  2. Edwards adoptive dads name
  3. Main character beginning with "B"
  4. Which of the Cullen's is jealous of Bella
  5. Bella's daughters name
  6. What is Bella's mums name
  7. The strongest brother
  8. What do vampires drink
  9. Second name of the author of twilight

20 Clues: What is JacobBella's home townBella's dads nameBella's second nameThe strongest brotherBella's daughters nameWhat do vampires drinkWhat is Bella's mums nameEdwards adoptive dads nameBella's mums boyfriend's nameMain character beginning with "B"Main character beginning with "E"Edwards sister that can read mindswhere does Bella live with her dad...

Twilight 2024-10-14

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. When was Jasper changed
  2. Who dies in Breaking Dawn
  3. When was the oldest Vampire born?
  4. If you take a picture of a vampire will it show?
  5. When was Carlisle born?
  6. Who does Victoria love
  7. Jacob's best mate
  8. Loves Kate
  9. Who make the laws for vampires. Who controls them?
  10. Who did Victoria use in order to kill Bella?
  11. What was Jacob's gift to Bella at the prom
  12. Who serves Bella and Edward food after Edward rescues Bella in Seattle when she gets lost?
  13. Jacob's sister
  14. Carlisle's father was a ..
  15. Bella's daughter
  16. How long was Bella pregnant for?
  17. Jacob's father
  18. Quill's last name
  19. Sam's fur colour
  20. What was Leah and Seth's last name?
  21. Who is Bella's mum married to?
  22. Charlie's Hobby
  23. What was Bella's middle name?
  24. In Breaking Dawn who is Benjamin's lover?
  25. The authors last name
  26. Edwards pixie sister
  27. Who tried to kill Bella until Edward finished her in Eclipse?
  1. Where was Bella born and raised until she was 17
  2. How old is Esme?
  3. When was Edward born?
  4. When was Natunhel born?
  5. What colour is Jacob's fur?
  6. What attacked Emmett and almost killed him before he was changed?
  7. Who had a crush on Mike
  8. How old was Sam in Twilight
  9. What colour was Edwards Volvo?
  10. Who is the oldest Vampire?
  11. Jasper's Last name
  12. Paul was eating these in the start of Eclipse
  13. Who's the only female werewolf?
  14. Who injured Rosalie enough that Carlisle changed her?
  15. Where does Charlie and Bella live?
  16. Who liked Tyler and was angry at Bella because Tyler liked Bella not her
  17. Bella's favourite mechanic
  18. Last word of the twilight saga
  19. Who is the fastest of the Cullen's?
  20. What was Bella planning on calling her baby if it was a boy?
  21. What trait did Emmett bring into his vampire life?
  22. Where was Alice imprisoned because of her visions?
  23. Who did Quill imprint on?
  24. Who surrendered in eclipse so Carlisle decided to spare her?
  25. Jared's lover
  26. What was the last word of twilight?
  27. Carmen's lover

54 Clues: Loves KateJared's loverJacob's sisterJacob's fatherCarmen's loverCharlie's HobbyHow old is Esme?Bella's daughterSam's fur colourJacob's best mateQuill's last nameJasper's Last nameEdwards pixie sisterWhen was Edward born?The authors last nameWho does Victoria loveWhen was Jasper changedWhen was Natunhel born?Who had a crush on Mike...

Twilight 2022-12-09

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
  2. what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
  3. what car does Bella drive?
  4. what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
  5. Name of Bellas dad?
  6. Where did the main characters meet?
  7. Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
  8. The name of the main female character?
  9. The name of the main male character?
  10. Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
  11. Where does the story take place?
  1. what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
  2. what do the vampires eat?
  3. Where does Edward drive Bella?
  4. what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
  5. Where did Bella live before moving?
  6. What's the name of the vampire family?
  7. Vampire who can see the future?
  8. What is Jacob?

19 Clues: What is Jacob?Name of Bellas dad?what do the vampires eat?what car does Bella drive?Where does Edward drive Bella?Vampire who can see the future?Where does the story take place?what color do Edwards's eyes turn?Where did Bella live before moving?Where did the main characters meet?The name of the main male character?...

Twilight 2022-12-09

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
  2. what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
  3. what car does Bella drive?
  4. what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
  5. Name of Bellas dad?
  6. Where did the main characters meet?
  7. Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
  8. The name of the main female character?
  9. The name of the main male character?
  10. Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
  11. Where does the story take place?
  1. what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
  2. what do the vampires eat?
  3. Where does Edward drive Bella?
  4. what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
  5. Where did Bella live before moving?
  6. What's the name of the vampire family?
  7. Vampire who can see the future?
  8. What is Jacob?

19 Clues: What is Jacob?Name of Bellas dad?what do the vampires eat?what car does Bella drive?Where does Edward drive Bella?Vampire who can see the future?Where does the story take place?what color do Edwards's eyes turn?Where did Bella live before moving?Where did the main characters meet?The name of the main male character?...

Twilight 2022-12-09

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
  2. what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
  3. what car does Bella drive?
  4. what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
  5. Name of Bellas dad?
  6. Where did the main characters meet?
  7. Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
  8. The name of the main female character?
  9. The name of the main male character?
  10. Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
  11. Where does the story take place?
  1. what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
  2. what do the vampires eat?
  3. Where does Edward drive Bella?
  4. what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
  5. Where did Bella live before moving?
  6. What's the name of the vampire family?
  7. Vampire who can see the future?
  8. What is Jacob?

19 Clues: What is Jacob?Name of Bellas dad?what do the vampires eat?what car does Bella drive?Where does Edward drive Bella?Vampire who can see the future?Where does the story take place?what color do Edwards's eyes turn?Where did Bella live before moving?Where did the main characters meet?The name of the main male character?...

Twilight 2022-12-09

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
  2. what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
  3. what car does Bella drive?
  4. what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
  5. Name of Bellas dad?
  6. Where did the main characters meet?
  7. Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
  8. The name of the main female character?
  9. The name of the main male character?
  10. Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
  11. Where does the story take place?
  1. what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
  2. what do the vampires eat?
  3. Where does Edward drive Bella?
  4. what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
  5. Where did Bella live before moving?
  6. What's the name of the vampire family?
  7. Vampire who can see the future?
  8. What is Jacob?

19 Clues: What is Jacob?Name of Bellas dad?what do the vampires eat?what car does Bella drive?Where does Edward drive Bella?Vampire who can see the future?Where does the story take place?what color do Edwards's eyes turn?Where did Bella live before moving?Where did the main characters meet?The name of the main male character?...

Twilight 2022-12-09

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
  2. what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
  3. what car does Bella drive?
  4. what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
  5. Name of Bellas dad?
  6. Where did the main characters meet?
  7. Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
  8. The name of the main female character?
  9. The name of the main male character?
  10. Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
  11. Where does the story take place?
  1. what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
  2. what do the vampires eat?
  3. Where does Edward drive Bella?
  4. what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
  5. Where did Bella live before moving?
  6. What's the name of the vampire family?
  7. Vampire who can see the future?
  8. What is Jacob?

19 Clues: What is Jacob?Name of Bellas dad?what do the vampires eat?what car does Bella drive?Where does Edward drive Bella?Vampire who can see the future?Where does the story take place?what color do Edwards's eyes turn?Where did Bella live before moving?Where did the main characters meet?The name of the main male character?...

Twilight 2017-04-11

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. who is the main attacker?
  2. where do they live?
  3. who can run really fast?
  4. who wants to become a vampire?
  5. what is the title of the 2nd book?
  6. what is Bella's last name?
  7. who is the doctor?
  8. what is the high school home of?
  9. what did Phill give Bella?
  10. who is the author?
  11. where did Bella live with her mom?
  12. what is Bella's moms name?
  1. who is one of the werewolves?
  2. what is the title of the 3rd book?
  3. how old is Bella?
  4. what is the title of the last book?
  5. why did Bella go see James?
  6. what sport does the Cullen family play together?
  7. what's Bella's dads name?
  8. who accidentally hit Bella with a car?

20 Clues: how old is Bella?who is the doctor?who is the author?where do they live?who can run really fast?who is the main attacker?what's Bella's dads name?what is Bella's last name?what did Phill give Bella?what is Bella's moms name?why did Bella go see James?who is one of the werewolves?who wants to become a vampire?what is the high school home of?...

twilight 2021-04-26

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. name of book three
  2. name of main character
  3. vampire who tries to eat bella in book one
  4. name of book four
  5. last name of carlisle's coven
  6. where bella grew up
  7. name of book one
  8. sam's imprint
  9. best friend of bella
  10. carlisle's birthplace
  11. bella's dad
  12. where twilight takes place
  13. the vampire who tries to kill bella in eclipse
  14. bella's first friend in forks
  15. jacob's best friends
  16. adoptive mother of edward
  17. edward's power
  1. what the quileutes are
  2. bella's boyfriend
  3. big strong brother of edward
  4. one of the volturi
  5. adoptive father of edward
  6. name of book two
  7. one of the volturi
  8. one of the volturi
  9. vampires who edward wanted to kill him in book two
  10. leader of the pack
  11. sister of edward
  12. bella's mom
  13. jacob's imprint
  14. was born in the 1800's, created by maria
  15. pyshic

32 Clues: pyshicbella's dadbella's momsam's imprintedward's powerjacob's imprintname of book twoname of book onesister of edwardbella's boyfriendname of book fourname of book threeone of the volturione of the volturione of the volturileader of the packwhere bella grew upbest friend of bellajacob's best friendscarlisle's birthplacewhat the quileutes are...

twilight 2024-04-24

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. type of studio where James lures bella
  2. class where bella and Edward met
  3. Jacob does to Renesmee
  4. vampire who is a red flag
  5. Jacob helps bella restore one
  6. iconic wall decoration in cullen house is made out of ____
  7. pitch perfect (actor first and last name)
  8. the volturi thought renesmee was a _____ child
  9. name of the third movie
  10. type of vampire James is
  11. Bella's power
  12. army that tries to kill bella made by victoria
  1. vampire royalty
  2. James gf who tries to kill bella
  3. why bella and Edward were away when bella got pregnant
  4. bellas ride
  5. why do they play baseball in the rain
  6. town they live in
  7. girl from Phenix
  8. pack leader
  9. who did Aro want from the cullen clan
  10. last name of author
  11. Awooooo/where have you been loca
  12. daddy cullen

24 Clues: bellas ridepack leaderdaddy cullenBella's powervampire royaltygirl from Phenixtown they live inlast name of authorJacob does to Renesmeename of the third movietype of vampire James isvampire who is a red flagJacob helps bella restore oneJames gf who tries to kill bellaclass where bella and Edward metAwooooo/where have you been loca...

twilight 2025-01-28

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what did Edward tell her parents she fell from
  2. what class do Edward and Bella have together
  3. warm and sunny
  4. officer what's her dads job
  5. a vampire
  6. genre of the book
  7. who ALMOST hit Bella with a van
  8. a warewolf
  9. what did Edward suck out of Bellas blood
  10. age of bella
  1. who is her first friend in forks
  2. what's Edwards favourite thing to hunt
  3. what color do Edwards eyes turn
  4. how many books are in the season
  5. what's her dads name
  6. the main character
  7. cold and rainy
  8. who's the vampire that wants to kill bella
  9. who is bella's coworker
  10. reading what's Edwards power

20 Clues: a vampirea warewolfage of bellawarm and sunnycold and rainygenre of the bookthe main characterwhat's her dads namewho is bella's coworkerofficer what's her dads jobreading what's Edwards powerwhat color do Edwards eyes turnwho ALMOST hit Bella with a vanwho is her first friend in forkshow many books are in the season...

Twilight 2020-10-20

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. incapable of being fully explored or understood (chap 5, pg.94)
  2. with no particular purpose, reason, or foundation (chap 2, pg.41)
  3. distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated (chap 4, pg.65)
  4. an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement (chap 2, pg.42)
  5. extremely small (chap 5, pg.96)
  6. having or showing no skill (chap 6, pg. 118)
  7. impossible to understand (chap 5, pg.87)
  8. noisy, energetic, and cheerful (chap 8, pg.144)
  1. making one extremely angry and impatient (chap 7, pg.123)
  2. make (someone) unable to think clearly (chap 5, pg.83)
  3. extreme or irrational fear of confined places (chap 1, pg.14)
  4. a scene of uproar and confusion (chap 3, pg.53)
  5. breathe at an abnormally rapid rate (chap 8, pg.152)
  6. expressed in an incomprehensible way (chap 8, pg. 161)
  7. the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse (chap 7, pg.124)
  8. feeling or expressing great happiness (chap 4, pg.73)
  9. having or showing a habitually forgetful disposition (chap 7, pg.131)
  10. not transparent (chap 2, pg. 29)
  11. common or wide spread (chap 1, pg.7)

19 Clues: extremely small (chap 5, pg.96)not transparent (chap 2, pg. 29)common or wide spread (chap 1, pg.7)impossible to understand (chap 5, pg.87)having or showing no skill (chap 6, pg. 118)a scene of uproar and confusion (chap 3, pg.53)noisy, energetic, and cheerful (chap 8, pg.144)breathe at an abnormally rapid rate (chap 8, pg.152)...

Twilight 2012-05-16

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Number of official twilight books
  2. Only girl in the wolf pack
  3. Jacob is officially a ...
  4. Bella has a baby...
  5. Vampire skin is described as what stone
  6. Bella's best boy friend
  7. Edward is a ...
  8. Date of the wedding
  9. Bella thought her baby was a ...
  1. backs Jacob with his sister
  2. month of the wedding
  3. A Vampires skin is what colour?
  4. the honneymoon happens here
  5. State where Twilight is set
  6. Carlise is from...
  7. Bella's Husband
  8. Who found Bella
  9. Bella and Emmett brake a ...
  10. where the Volturi live

19 Clues: Bella's HusbandWho found BellaEdward is a ...Carlise is from...Bella has a baby...Date of the weddingmonth of the weddingwhere the Volturi liveBella's best boy friendJacob is officially a ...Only girl in the wolf packbacks Jacob with his sisterthe honneymoon happens hereState where Twilight is setBella and Emmett brake a ......

Twilight 2022-12-09

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
  2. what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
  3. what car does Bella drive?
  4. what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
  5. Name of Bellas dad?
  6. Where did the main characters meet?
  7. Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
  8. The name of the main female character?
  9. The name of the main male character?
  10. Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
  11. Where does the story take place?
  1. what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
  2. what do the vampires eat?
  3. Where does Edward drive Bella?
  4. what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
  5. Where did Bella live before moving?
  6. What's the name of the vampire family?
  7. Vampire who can see the future?
  8. What is Jacob?

19 Clues: What is Jacob?Name of Bellas dad?what do the vampires eat?what car does Bella drive?Where does Edward drive Bella?Vampire who can see the future?Where does the story take place?what color do Edwards's eyes turn?Where did Bella live before moving?Where did the main characters meet?The name of the main male character?...

Twilight 2022-12-09

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
  2. what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
  3. what car does Bella drive?
  4. what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
  5. Name of Bellas dad?
  6. Where did the main characters meet?
  7. Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
  8. The name of the main female character?
  9. The name of the main male character?
  10. Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
  11. Where does the story take place?
  1. what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
  2. what do the vampires eat?
  3. Where does Edward drive Bella?
  4. what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
  5. Where did Bella live before moving?
  6. What's the name of the vampire family?
  7. Vampire who can see the future?
  8. What is Jacob?

19 Clues: What is Jacob?Name of Bellas dad?what do the vampires eat?what car does Bella drive?Where does Edward drive Bella?Vampire who can see the future?Where does the story take place?what color do Edwards's eyes turn?Where did Bella live before moving?Where did the main characters meet?The name of the main male character?...

Twilight 2022-11-29

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where does Edward take Bella to?
  2. What did Edward have to suck out of Bella's blood?
  3. What did Edward tell Bella's parents that she fell through?
  4. What does Alice have a vision of?
  5. What's Edwards family called?
  6. Where did Edward go to after he saw Bella?
  7. What class does Bella have with Edward?
  8. What did Edward stop from hitting Bella?
  9. What is Edward's power?
  10. Whos the Vampire who wants to kill Bella?
  1. Where did Edward rescue Bella from?
  2. What is Edward's skin like in the sun?
  3. What do the Cullens need to play baseball?
  4. What color did Edward's eye change to?
  5. Where Did Bella move to?
  6. What did Edward's hand feel like?
  7. Who tells bella about the Quileute legend?
  8. Where did Bella move from?
  9. What does Bella find out Edward is?

19 Clues: What is Edward's power?Where Did Bella move to?Where did Bella move from?What's Edwards family called?Where does Edward take Bella to?What did Edward's hand feel like?What does Alice have a vision of?Where did Edward rescue Bella from?What does Bella find out Edward is?What is Edward's skin like in the sun?What color did Edward's eye change to?...

Twilight 2022-12-09

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what happens when vampires walk in the sun?
  2. what is the name of the Blonde vampire?
  3. what car does Bella drive?
  4. what color do Edwards's eyes turn?
  5. Name of Bellas dad?
  6. Where did the main characters meet?
  7. Whats the name of the stronger vampire?
  8. The name of the main female character?
  9. The name of the main male character?
  10. Name of the vampire trying to kill Bella?
  11. Where does the story take place?
  1. what color do the vampire's eyes turn when eating?
  2. what do the vampires eat?
  3. Where does Edward drive Bella?
  4. what is the main source of food for the Vampire family?
  5. Where did Bella live before moving?
  6. What's the name of the vampire family?
  7. Vampire who can see the future?
  8. What is Jacob?

19 Clues: What is Jacob?Name of Bellas dad?what do the vampires eat?what car does Bella drive?Where does Edward drive Bella?Vampire who can see the future?Where does the story take place?what color do Edwards's eyes turn?Where did Bella live before moving?Where did the main characters meet?The name of the main male character?...

Twilight SAGA 2022-09-29

Twilight SAGA crossword puzzle
  1. The only female member of the pack
  2. He is the main wolf character
  3. The third Twilight book
  4. Can see the future
  5. The main male character
  6. The town that Twilight takes place in
  7. The oldest member of the Cullen family
  8. Has control over others moods
  9. Bella's father
  1. The second Twilight book
  2. The fourth Twilight book
  3. The first Twilight book
  4. Edward and Bella's child
  5. Is the strongest of the Cullen's
  6. They are the most beautiful Cullen
  7. Bella's mom
  8. The main female character
  9. The leader of the pack
  10. The wife of Carlisle

19 Clues: Bella's momBella's fatherCan see the futureThe wife of CarlisleThe leader of the packThe first Twilight bookThe third Twilight bookThe main male characterThe second Twilight bookThe fourth Twilight bookEdward and Bella's childThe main female characterHe is the main wolf characterHas control over others moodsIs the strongest of the Cullen's...

Twilight SAGA 2022-09-29

Twilight SAGA crossword puzzle
  1. They are the most beautiful Cullen
  2. Has control over others moods
  3. The wife of Carlisle
  4. The oldest member of the Cullen family
  5. Bella's mom
  6. The town that Twilight takes place in
  7. The first Twilight book
  8. The main female character
  9. Can see the future
  10. He is the main wolf character
  1. Edward and Bella's child
  2. The main male character
  3. Bella's father
  4. The third Twilight book
  5. Is the strongest of the Cullen's
  6. The leader of the pack
  7. The fourth Twilight book
  8. The only female member of the pack
  9. The second Twilight book

19 Clues: Bella's momBella's fatherCan see the futureThe wife of CarlisleThe leader of the packThe main male characterThe third Twilight bookThe first Twilight bookEdward and Bella's childThe fourth Twilight bookThe second Twilight bookThe main female characterHas control over others moodsHe is the main wolf characterIs the strongest of the Cullen's...

Twilight 2020-05-21

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Bella's father.
  2. Who has the power to see the potential future?
  3. An occupation of saving lives.
  4. What did the Cullen's and Jacob's pack have?
  5. The oldest Cullen.
  6. What are the vampires unable to do?
  7. A belief
  8. A dance Bella learned when she was younger?
  9. Edwards ability.
  1. Bloodsucking
  2. the colour of blood
  3. enforces the laws of the vampire world
  4. What town did the majority of the story take place?
  5. Where did Bella first see the Cullen's siblings?
  6. Full moon
  7. The vibrant colour of Bella's truck.
  8. the quietest Cullen.

17 Clues: A beliefFull moonBloodsuckingBella's father.Edwards ability.The oldest Cullen.the colour of bloodthe quietest Cullen.An occupation of saving lives.What are the vampires unable to do?The vibrant colour of Bella's truck.enforces the laws of the vampire worldA dance Bella learned when she was younger?What did the Cullen's and Jacob's pack have?...

twilight 2022-04-11

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. water in the solid form/ frozen water
  2. a person
  3. the color hair bella has
  4. the time after sunset
  5. the truck bella drives
  6. goes on/lives forever
  7. red liquid inside your body
  8. human with sharp teeth that likes blood
  9. when vision becomes blurry like in light
  1. to come in contact with someone physically
  2. agreement to do something in the future
  3. a field where grass is turned into hay
  4. to pass out
  5. edwards girlfriend
  6. more than one like mixed two things put into one like a compound
  7. bellas boyfriend
  8. human that can turn into a wolf

17 Clues: a personto pass outbellas boyfriendedwards girlfriendthe time after sunsetgoes on/lives foreverthe truck bella drivesthe color hair bella hasred liquid inside your bodyhuman that can turn into a wolfwater in the solid form/ frozen watera field where grass is turned into hayagreement to do something in the future...

TWILIGHT 2022-08-10

TWILIGHT crossword puzzle
  1. The place they live
  2. The one who wants bella
  3. Aro's loosely bro
  4. The dude who is in charge
  5. The spastic killer
  6. The vamp/human who shouldn't exist
  7. The depressed police officer
  8. The depressed brunette white girl
  1. The bloodsucking blonde
  2. The killing ranga
  3. The bloody with a weird grin
  4. Muscular blonde squidward
  5. What number is 'breaking dawn pt.1'
  6. The future-telling bloodsucker
  7. The disabled wolf dude
  8. The strongest weirdo ever

16 Clues: The killing rangaAro's loosely broThe spastic killerThe place they liveThe disabled wolf dudeThe bloodsucking blondeThe one who wants bellaMuscular blonde squidwardThe dude who is in chargeThe strongest weirdo everThe bloody with a weird grinThe depressed police officerThe future-telling bloodsuckerThe depressed brunette white girl...

Twilight 2023-07-16

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Vampires do not ___ on their birthday
  2. At night vampires do not do what
  3. Most beautiful vampire
  4. Vampires cannot die because they are
  5. Main female character
  6. Edwards eyes are what color
  7. Eye color when needing to feed
  1. Jacob is a
  2. Edward is a
  3. VAmpires will ______ when in the sunlight
  4. Who is the strongest vampire
  5. Werewolves come out at a full
  6. Main werewolf character
  7. Vampires like to suck
  8. Bella starts out as a
  9. Main male Character

16 Clues: Jacob is aEdward is aMain male CharacterMain female characterVampires like to suckBella starts out as aMost beautiful vampireMain werewolf characterEdwards eyes are what colorWho is the strongest vampireWerewolves come out at a fullEye color when needing to feedAt night vampires do not do whatVampires cannot die because they are...

Twilight 2014-04-14

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious
  2. not explicable; incapable of being accounted for or explained
  3. present everywhere at the same time
  4. depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited
  5. a finely granular variety of gypsum, often white and translucent, used for ornamental objects or work, such as lamp bases, figurines, etc.
  6. of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial
  7. twisted; coiled
  1. used or shared in common by everyone in a group
  2. disturbing to one's composure or self-possession; upsetting, discomfiting.
  3. characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others
  4. stealthily treacherous or deceitful
  5. capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable
  6. gratified by pain, degradation, deprivation, etc.
  7. the act or practice of indulging; gratification of desire
  8. easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable

15 Clues: twisted; coiledpresent everywhere at the same timestealthily treacherous or deceitfulused or shared in common by everyone in a groupdepressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spiritedgratified by pain, degradation, deprivation, etc.of little or no importance; insignificant; trivialcapable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable...

Twilight 2013-01-30

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. de nieuwe echtgenoot van Bella's moeder
  2. de echte naam van Bella
  3. plek waar Bella met haar moeder woonde
  4. achternaam v.d vreemde familie
  5. laatste boek van de twilightboekenreeks
  6. adoptiebroer v. Edward
  7. de achternaam van Bella
  1. Edward's gezicht ziet er ... uit
  2. de familie van Edward bestaat ut...
  3. hetgeen waarbij Bella misselijk werd bij biologie
  4. vertelt aan Bella enge verhalen op de uitstap
  5. het 3de hoofdstuk v.h 1ste boek
  6. plek waar Bella met haar vader woont
  7. voornaam v.d schrijfster v.d Twilightboeken
  8. naam van Bella's vader

15 Clues: naam van Bella's vaderadoptiebroer v. Edwardde echte naam van Bellade achternaam van Bellaachternaam v.d vreemde familiehet 3de hoofdstuk v.h 1ste boekEdward's gezicht ziet er ... uitde familie van Edward bestaat ut...plek waar Bella met haar vader woontplek waar Bella met haar moeder woondede nieuwe echtgenoot van Bella's moeder...

TWILIGHT 2023-12-01

TWILIGHT crossword puzzle
  1. Coven that lived in Italy
  2. Coven that is led by Carlisle
  3. Person who lived between Peru and Brazil
  4. Person who live in the forest
  5. Place where the saga takes place
  6. Vampire who drink human blood
  7. Boyfriend of Bella
  1. City in Italy where Voulturies lived
  2. Group that has at least three vampires
  3. Woman who write Twilight Saga
  4. Woman who fell in love with a Quileute
  5. Group of fans of Twilight
  6. Babies who were ilegal
  7. Instrument that was played by Edward Cullen
  8. Habilities that some vampires have

15 Clues: Boyfriend of BellaBabies who were ilegalCoven that lived in ItalyGroup of fans of TwilightWoman who write Twilight SagaCoven that is led by CarlislePerson who live in the forestVampire who drink human bloodPlace where the saga takes placeHabilities that some vampires haveCity in Italy where Voulturies livedGroup that has at least three vampires...

Twilight 2022-04-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. number of books in series
  2. is there a movie?
  3. Main character
  4. He likes bella
  5. How many chapters
  6. Bella's friend
  7. Bella's dad
  8. Edward's sister
  1. The boy who likes bella
  2. Author
  3. Where did bella almost get killed
  4. Where bella's dad lives
  5. hundred ninety-eigh How many pages
  6. Edwards 'dad'
  7. The wolf
  8. Bella's stepdad

16 Clues: AuthorThe wolfBella's dadEdwards 'dad'Main characterHe likes bellaBella's friendBella's stepdadEdward's sisteris there a movie?How many chaptersThe boy who likes bellaWhere bella's dad livesnumber of books in seriesWhere did bella almost get killedhundred ninety-eigh How many pages

Twilight 2023-02-01

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Next step up after elementary school.
  2. A red fruit in the form and size of a baseball.
  3. Has pale skin and feeds off human blood.
  4. An activity of catching an animal (with a rod that has a hook at the end of it) that swims in bodies of water.
  5. Someone called when there is a bad person doing something bad.
  6. A large patch of land with trees and undergrowth.
  7. A group (big or small) of people related to each other brought together or made from two people.
  8. A rectangle shape full of pages aligned and connected in a stack with words that make up a story.
  1. A large, heavy motor vehicle with a trunk half the size of the vehicle.
  2. The time of night between dusk and dawn.
  3. A red Liquid that flows through most living beings.
  4. A sport with a bat, a ball, and a diamond-shaped field.
  5. A building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.
  6. A word used to describe flawlessness or faultlessness in a person, place or thing.
  7. A class taken in high school for learning about living organisms divided into many specialized fields.
  8. Land that is covered with grass, sometimes used as a hay field.

16 Clues: Next step up after elementary school.The time of night between dusk and dawn.Has pale skin and feeds off human blood.A red fruit in the form and size of a baseball.A large patch of land with trees and undergrowth.A red Liquid that flows through most living beings.A sport with a bat, a ball, and a diamond-shaped field....

Twilight 2020-12-03

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. name of Edwards "dad"
  2. name of Edwards sister in law
  3. this is what bella is
  4. Vampire
  5. Warewolf
  6. where bella used to live
  7. Carlises' wife
  1. what bella drives everyday
  2. edward shows up in bellas what
  3. what the vampires drink
  4. Main character
  5. Bella's dads name
  6. where bella meet the love of her life
  7. Edward and Bella go there/Jacob lives there
  8. Bella's last name

15 Clues: VampireWarewolfMain characterCarlises' wifeBella's dads nameBella's last namename of Edwards "dad"this is what bella iswhat the vampires drinkwhere bella used to livewhat bella drives everydayname of Edwards sister in lawedward shows up in bellas whatwhere bella meet the love of her lifeEdward and Bella go there/Jacob lives there

Twilight 2023-05-05

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Was put in an asylum
  2. Has the skin of a killer
  3. Is not like other girls
  4. nick named after the Loch Ness monster
  5. Was attacked by a bear
  6. likes working on cars
  7. can electrocute you with their hands
  1. a doctor
  2. mate of Laurent
  3. Was changed in the American civil war
  4. has a crush on Carlisle
  5. Has degrees in architecture, art and photography
  6. one of the original succubi
  7. mate of Kate
  8. Is into a baby

15 Clues: a doctormate of KateIs into a babymate of LaurentWas put in an asylumlikes working on carsWas attacked by a bearhas a crush on CarlisleIs not like other girlsHas the skin of a killerone of the original succubican electrocute you with their handsWas changed in the American civil warnick named after the Loch Ness monster...

Twilight 2013-01-29

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. de naam van Bella's vader
  2. de echte naam van Bella
  3. het 3de hoofdstuk van het 1ste boek
  4. defamilie van edward zijn ..
  5. edward's gezicht ziet er .... uit
  6. plek waar bella met haar vader woont
  7. hetgeen waardoor ze misselijk werd bij biologie
  1. vertelt enge verhalen aan bella op de uitstap
  2. de achternaam van Bella
  3. de achternaam v.d 'vreemde 'familie
  4. plek waar bella met haar moeder woonde
  5. de nieuwe echtgenoot van Bella's moeder
  6. de voornaam v.d schrijfster v.d twilightboeken
  7. het laatste boek v.d twilightboekenreeks
  8. adoptiebroer van Edward

15 Clues: de achternaam van Bellade echte naam van Bellaadoptiebroer van Edwardde naam van Bella's vaderdefamilie van edward zijn ..edward's gezicht ziet er .... uitde achternaam v.d 'vreemde 'familiehet 3de hoofdstuk van het 1ste boekplek waar bella met haar vader woontplek waar bella met haar moeder woondede nieuwe echtgenoot van Bella's moeder...

Twilight 2023-09-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. she is seth's brother
  2. she can see visions
  3. he's a werewolf and is bella's friend
  4. she made an army
  5. who does bella say its always gonna be
  6. he says he is stronger than bella
  7. she wants a normal life
  8. Wants to attack bella
  1. He says bells all the time
  2. she can protect edward
  3. He wanted to kill bella while the cullens went away
  4. she is edward mom
  5. he is a doctor
  6. he is leah's brother
  7. She is bella and edward daughter

15 Clues: he is a doctorshe made an armyshe is edward momshe can see visionshe is leah's brothershe is seth's brotherWants to attack bellashe can protect edwardshe wants a normal lifeHe says bells all the timeShe is bella and edward daughterhe says he is stronger than bellahe's a werewolf and is bella's friendwho does bella say its always gonna be...

twilight 2020-02-07

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. the main male vampire in twilight
  2. resulting from good luck
  3. in a loyal manner
  4. Bellaś dad/ the commander chief from twilight
  5. easily alarmed or anxious
  6. to believe firmly
  7. being ok
  1. The last name of the vampire family
  2. unhappy or uncomfortable
  3. the study of living organisms
  4. anticipate with anxiety or fear
  5. the state of feeling certain about something
  6. pleasing or appealing in a good way
  7. the someone acts
  8. a form of showing happiness

15 Clues: being okthe someone actsin a loyal mannerto believe firmlyunhappy or uncomfortableresulting from good luckeasily alarmed or anxiousa form of showing happinessthe study of living organismsanticipate with anxiety or fearthe main male vampire in twilightThe last name of the vampire familypleasing or appealing in a good way...

twilight 2023-10-27

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what is the name of bellas mothers boyfriend
  2. how many cullens are there
  3. what type of native american is jacob
  4. what color were bellas blankets
  5. another word for vampires
  6. what was the name of the man who got killed by james on the boast
  7. hang on tight
  8. what did edward die of
  9. what does emmet carry around everywhere
  1. how many vampires are in edwards family (including him)
  2. what car did edward drive
  3. what beach do they vist
  4. where did bella live before forks
  5. how old is edward
  6. what color was bellas truck

15 Clues: hang on tighthow old is edwardwhat did edward die ofwhat beach do they vistwhat car did edward driveanother word for vampireshow many cullens are therewhat color was bellas truckwhat color were bellas blanketswhere did bella live before forkswhat type of native american is jacobwhat does emmet carry around everywhere...

TWILIGHT 2022-03-03

TWILIGHT crossword puzzle
  1. the most common things in a forrest
  2. Name of the book
  3. The true nature of a vampire
  4. The usual weather in Forks
  5. The vampire's crave
  6. Doing something selfless
  7. What happened to Bella with Edward
  1. Bella's crush
  2. A blood eater
  3. Where Bella had moved to
  4. Bella's best friend
  5. The main character
  6. All Bella had when she was about to die
  7. What Bella was consumed by

14 Clues: Bella's crushA blood eaterName of the bookThe main characterBella's best friendThe vampire's craveWhere Bella had moved toDoing something selflessThe usual weather in ForksWhat Bella was consumed byThe true nature of a vampireWhat happened to Bella with Edwardthe most common things in a forrestAll Bella had when she was about to die

Twilight 2023-11-30

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Jacob last name
  2. Is by Stephanie Meyer
  3. Bella mother
  4. Alice husband
  5. Carlisle is what
  6. Only girl werewolf
  7. Bella Husband
  8. Rosalie Last name
  1. Vampire Who can see the future
  2. Demetri can-- anyone
  3. Angela last name
  4. Bella daughter
  5. Billy Black dead wife
  6. Doctor and Vampire

14 Clues: Bella motherAlice husbandBella HusbandBella daughterJacob last nameAngela last nameCarlisle is whatRosalie Last nameDoctor and VampireOnly girl werewolfDemetri can-- anyoneIs by Stephanie MeyerBilly Black dead wifeVampire Who can see the future

Twilight 2014-04-14

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. a finely granular variety of gypsum, often white and translucent, used for ornamental objects or work, such as lamp bases, figurines, etc.
  2. disturbing to one's composure or self-possession; upsetting, discomfiting.
  3. capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable
  4. characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others
  1. used or shared in common by everyone in a group
  2. stealthily treacherous or deceitful
  3. depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited
  4. twisted; coiled
  5. gratified by pain, degradation, deprivation, etc.
  6. of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial
  7. present everywhere at the same time
  8. easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable
  9. not explicable; incapable of being accounted for or explained
  10. the act or practice of indulging; gratification of desire
  11. portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious

15 Clues: twisted; coiledstealthily treacherous or deceitfulpresent everywhere at the same timeused or shared in common by everyone in a groupdepressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spiritedgratified by pain, degradation, deprivation, etc.of little or no importance; insignificant; trivialeasily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable...

Twilight 2022-02-03

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Edward's rival
  2. what edward is
  3. what the Cullen's like drinking
  4. edwards last name
  5. main character
  6. The author of the book
  7. another one of bella's friends
  8. what edward and the Cullen's hate during the day
  9. what edward likes at during the day
  1. Bella's dad
  2. Bella's friend
  3. THe name of the book
  4. where the Cullen's live
  5. bella's crush
  6. what happens is Forks all the time

15 Clues: Bella's dadbella's crushEdward's rivalBella's friendwhat edward ismain characteredwards last nameTHe name of the bookThe author of the bookwhere the Cullen's liveanother one of bella's friendswhat the Cullen's like drinkingwhat happens is Forks all the timewhat edward likes at during the daywhat edward and the Cullen's hate during the day

Twilight 2022-03-04

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where the main conflict takes place; Also where Edward shows how much he truly loves Bella
  2. The name of the Vampire who was hunting Bella.
  3. What Edward and his family truly are
  4. Bella's father
  5. Bella's mom's name.
  6. The class that both Edward and Bella shared.
  1. The boy who Bella talked to at the beach; Son of Billy Black.
  2. The town that Bella is staying in with her dad.
  3. Edward's father; The docter
  4. The girl who fell in love with Edward Cullen; Charlie's daughter.
  5. The one sibling that thought Bella was a good idea; Edward's sister.
  6. The vampire who is in love with Bella
  7. The town Bella's mom lives in; Located in Arizona.
  8. What Bella and Edward's family played deep in the woods.
  9. The type of car that Edward drives

15 Clues: Bella's fatherBella's mom's name.Edward's father; The docterThe type of car that Edward drivesWhat Edward and his family truly areThe vampire who is in love with BellaThe class that both Edward and Bella shared.The name of the Vampire who was hunting Bella.The town that Bella is staying in with her dad....

Twilight 2023-05-05

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Was put in an asylum
  2. Has the skin of a killer
  3. Is not like other girls
  4. nick named after the Loch Ness monster
  5. Was attacked by a bear
  6. likes working on cars
  7. can electrocute you with their hands
  1. a doctor
  2. mate of Laurent
  3. Was changed in the American civil war
  4. has a crush on Carlisle
  5. Has degrees in architecture, art and photography
  6. one of the original succubi
  7. mate of Kate
  8. Is into a baby

15 Clues: a doctormate of KateIs into a babymate of LaurentWas put in an asylumlikes working on carsWas attacked by a bearhas a crush on CarlisleIs not like other girlsHas the skin of a killerone of the original succubican electrocute you with their handsWas changed in the American civil warnick named after the Loch Ness monster...

Twilight 2025-02-21

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. What do vampires really need in order to play baseball?
  2. Who surprises Bella by showing up at her wedding?
  3. What did edward tell her parents she fell from
  4. Who almost hit bella with his van?
  5. Gods to vampires
  6. Who does Jacob imprint on?
  7. Who tried to kill bella?
  8. Who plays edward cullen?
  9. In what class does bella sit next to edward on the firsy day of school?
  1. What Cullen member doesn't vote for Bella to become a vampire?
  2. Who is bella dad?
  3. How many (adopted) Cullen children are there?
  4. What is edwards power?
  5. Who was not turned by Carlisle Cullen?
  6. What part of Bella is bitten by James, prompting Edward to heroically suck the poison out?

15 Clues: Gods to vampiresWho is bella dad?What is edwards power?Who tried to kill bella?Who plays edward cullen?Who does Jacob imprint on?Who almost hit bella with his van?Who was not turned by Carlisle Cullen?How many (adopted) Cullen children are there?What did edward tell her parents she fell fromWho surprises Bella by showing up at her wedding?...

Fandom Trivia 2023-12-18

Fandom Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Twilight: Jasper’s special power
  2. Marvel: Sam Wilson’s drone
  3. SPN: Dean compares himself to this superhero in Bad Day at Black Rock
  4. HP: Hepzibah Smith’s house elf
  5. Marvel: Dwarf who made Thanos’ gauntlet
  6. Twilight: The game Bella and Edward play during their honeymoon
  7. SPN: Dean’s car is a 1967 ___ Impala
  8. HP: Tapestry across the RoR
  9. Twilight: Where Alice was turned into a vampire
  1. SPN: Henry Winchester’s wife
  2. SPN: Dean’s allergic to ___
  3. Marvel: Goose swallows it in Captain Marvel
  4. Marvel: Loki enslaves ___ in The Avengers
  5. Marvel: Planet that Red Skull was banished to
  6. Twilight: The coven name for the Cullen family
  7. HP: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-___
  8. HP: Vernon Dursley’s place of work
  9. Twilight: The beach Bella goes to with friends
  10. SPN: The language for Angels
  11. HP: Polyjuice potion ingredient; ___ flies

20 Clues: Marvel: Sam Wilson’s droneSPN: Dean’s allergic to ___HP: Tapestry across the RoRSPN: Henry Winchester’s wifeSPN: The language for AngelsHP: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-___HP: Hepzibah Smith’s house elfTwilight: Jasper’s special powerHP: Vernon Dursley’s place of workSPN: Dean’s car is a 1967 ___ ImpalaMarvel: Dwarf who made Thanos’ gauntlet...

102 2016-10-04

102 crossword puzzle
  1. Pacific
  2. Wellingtons
  3. Lecture
  4. Gym
  5. Statue
  6. Modest
  7. Red
  8. Cafe
  9. Gold
  10. Diamond
  1. College
  2. Dawn
  3. Twilight
  4. Professor
  5. Niece
  6. Helmet
  7. Tour
  8. Shield
  9. Halo
  10. Lion

20 Clues: GymRedDawnTourHaloCafeGoldLionNieceHelmetStatueModestShieldCollegePacificLectureDiamondTwilightProfessorWellingtons

New Moon Puzzle- Daisy p5 2022-05-16

New Moon Puzzle- Daisy p5 crossword puzzle
  1. third book, Bella must choose Edward or Jacob
  2. a person who transforms into a wolf for short periods of time, usually around full moon.
  3. A tribe Jacob is in, its a real tribe
  4. a reanimated body said to emerge from the tomb at night and feed on the blood of sleeping people
  5. oldest werewolf in twilight
  6. the car Edward drives
  7. A word Bells often uses to describe Edward
  8. "The Mouth" of the Quillayute River (no spaces)
  9. strongest vampire in twilight
  10. First book to be released to the fantastic series
  11. A word Bella often uses to describe herself.
  1. Second book, mostly about Jacob (no space between the two words)
  2. A Vampire group that is important in the story line
  3. The thing vampires desire most.
  4. youngest werewolf in twilight
  5. Fourth book, Bella and Edward get married and someone may be transformed (no spaces)
  6. A very powerful vampire family that's very old.
  7. oldest vampire in twilight
  8. a real place where twilight takes place in

19 Clues: the car Edward drivesoldest vampire in twilightoldest werewolf in twilightyoungest werewolf in twilightstrongest vampire in twilightThe thing vampires desire most.A tribe Jacob is in, its a real tribeA word Bells often uses to describe Edwarda real place where twilight takes place inA word Bella often uses to describe herself....

Twilight 2024-11-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where you been______
  2. Main Wolf character
  3. The doctor in the family
  4. Hold on tight ________
  5. The name Bella gave her daughter
  6. As if you could______
  7. The guy who just stares
  8. First name of the actor from twilight
  9. Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward
  1. You nicknamed my daughter after the ______
  2. Has a psychotic daughter
  3. Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella
  4. The game they played when it was storming
  5. What Jacob did to a Minor

14 Clues: Main Wolf characterWhere you been______As if you could______Hold on tight ________The guy who just staresHas a psychotic daughterThe doctor in the familyWhat Jacob did to a MinorThe name Bella gave her daughterFirst name of the actor from twilightMade Alice's boyfriend try to kill BellaBella jumped off a _______ to see Edward...

Twilight 2024-11-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where you been______
  2. Main Wolf character
  3. The doctor in the family
  4. Hold on tight ________
  5. The name Bella gave her daughter
  6. As if you could______
  7. The guy who just stares
  8. First name of the actor from twilight
  9. Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward
  1. You nicknamed my daughter after the ______
  2. Has a psychotic daughter
  3. Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella
  4. The game they played when it was storming
  5. What Jacob did to a Minor

14 Clues: Main Wolf characterWhere you been______As if you could______Hold on tight ________The guy who just staresHas a psychotic daughterThe doctor in the familyWhat Jacob did to a MinorThe name Bella gave her daughterFirst name of the actor from twilightMade Alice's boyfriend try to kill BellaBella jumped off a _______ to see Edward...

Twilight 2013-10-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. "And so the lion fell in love with the ____."
  2. Who are the vampires that live in Italy?
  3. Who is Bella's dad?
  4. Which one of the Cullens dislikes Bella?
  5. What is Carlisle's profession?
  6. Which Cullen has the ability to read people's minds?
  7. Edward is a _______.
  8. How does Bella break her hand?
  9. What are the real names for werewolfs?
  10. What is the title of the book?
  1. Who is the main female character?
  2. What is the third book of the Twilight Saga called?
  3. Bella challenges Emmett to an ___-_________ competition.
  4. What movie was playing in Bella's and Edward's drama class?

14 Clues: Who is Bella's dad?Edward is a _______.What is Carlisle's profession?How does Bella break her hand?What is the title of the book?Who is the main female character?What are the real names for werewolfs?Who are the vampires that live in Italy?Which one of the Cullens dislikes Bella?"And so the lion fell in love with the ____."...

Twilight 2021-02-20

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. What do vampires drink
  2. What is Jacob
  3. The strongest brother
  4. What is the main supernatural theme
  5. Bella's dads name
  6. Jasper is able to control what with his powers
  7. Main character beginning with "B"
  1. Bella's daughters name
  2. Who wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga
  3. Bella's home town
  4. Main character beginning with "E"
  5. Where does Bella live with her dad
  6. Edwards sister that can read minds
  7. Bella's second name

14 Clues: What is JacobBella's home townBella's dads nameBella's second nameThe strongest brotherBella's daughters nameWhat do vampires drinkMain character beginning with "E"Main character beginning with "B"Where does Bella live with her dadEdwards sister that can read mindsWhat is the main supernatural themeWho wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga...

Twilight 2024-11-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where you been______
  2. Main Wolf character
  3. The doctor in the family
  4. Hold on tight ________
  5. The name Bella gave her daughter
  6. As if you could______
  7. The guy who just stares
  8. First name of the actor from twilight
  9. Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward
  1. You nicknamed my daughter after the ______
  2. Has a psychotic daughter
  3. Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella
  4. The game they played when it was storming
  5. What Jacob did to a Minor

14 Clues: Main Wolf characterWhere you been______As if you could______Hold on tight ________The guy who just staresHas a psychotic daughterThe doctor in the familyWhat Jacob did to a MinorThe name Bella gave her daughterFirst name of the actor from twilightMade Alice's boyfriend try to kill BellaBella jumped off a _______ to see Edward...

Spelling List 1 2022-08-28

Spelling List 1 crossword puzzle
  1. slimy
  2. creature
  3. snowflake
  4. laundry
  5. trouble
  6. english
  7. twilight
  8. hungry
  9. glance
  1. burglar
  2. describe
  3. between
  4. gravity
  5. switch
  6. freedom
  7. attract
  8. applaud
  9. eclipse
  10. bridge
  11. secret

20 Clues: slimyswitchbridgesecrethungryglanceburglarbetweengravityfreedomattractlaundryapplaudeclipsetroubleenglishdescribecreaturetwilightsnowflake

Ava spelling test 2020-09-10

Ava spelling test crossword puzzle
  1. Trouble
  2. Burglar
  3. Secret
  4. Eclipse
  5. Mary poppins
  6. Attract
  7. Describe
  8. Laundry
  1. Hungry
  2. Between
  3. Twilight
  4. Switch
  5. Gravity
  6. Freedom
  7. Applaud
  8. Glance
  9. Slime
  10. Snowflake
  11. Bridge

19 Clues: SlimeHungrySwitchSecretGlanceBridgeBetweenTroubleGravityFreedomBurglarApplaudEclipseAttractLaundryTwilightDescribeSnowflakeMary poppins

Star Spangled Banner 2024-10-10

Star Spangled Banner crossword puzzle
  2. FLAG
  4. FREE
  5. NIGHT
  6. RED
  7. OHSAY
  9. HAIL
  10. HOME
  3. WATCH
  5. DAWN
  6. LAND
  8. PROOF
  9. CAN
  10. BRAVE
  11. SEE


twilight 2023-01-19

twilight crossword puzzle
  2. the main vampire, bellas love
  3. bella's dad
  4. hes very smart, dating alice and newest vamp
  5. edward and bella's child
  6. the vampires' foster mom
  7. married to rosalie, VERY STRONG
  1. main character, girl
  2. jacobs friend wolf
  3. didnt wanna be a vampire, married to emmett
  4. the vampires' foster dad
  5. the best vampire sister, dating jasper
  6. bellas mom

13 Clues: bellas mombella's dadjacobs friend wolfmain character, girlthe vampires' foster dadedward and bella's childthe vampires' foster momEW. NOT HIM NOT THE WOLF GUYthe main vampire, bellas lovemarried to rosalie, VERY STRONGthe best vampire sister, dating jasperdidnt wanna be a vampire, married to emmetthes very smart, dating alice and newest vamp

Twilight 2024-11-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. The doctor in the family
  2. Bella jumped off a _______ to see Edward
  3. The guy who just stares
  4. Has a psychotic daughter
  5. The game they played when it was storming
  6. As if you could______
  7. Made Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella
  8. First name of the actor from twilight
  1. Where you been______
  2. Hold on tight ________
  3. What Jacob did to a Minor
  4. Main Wolf character
  5. You nicknamed my daughter after the ______
  6. The name Bella gave her daughter

14 Clues: Main Wolf characterWhere you been______As if you could______Hold on tight ________The guy who just staresThe doctor in the familyHas a psychotic daughterWhat Jacob did to a MinorThe name Bella gave her daughterFirst name of the actor from twilightBella jumped off a _______ to see EdwardMade Alice's boyfriend try to kill Bella...


TWILIGHT SERIES crossword puzzle
  1. What is Bella's father's name?
  2. Which 2010 parody film spoofed the Twilight film series?
  3. What is Bella's middle name?
  4. What color hair does Victoria have?
  5. What state is the book 'Twilight' set in?
  6. What color eyes does Bella have?
  7. How many films are in 'The Twilight Saga'?
  8. Which fruit is featured on the front cover of 'Twilight'?
  9. What was Edward's biological mother called?
  10. The Twilight series is primarily narrated from which character's point-of-view?
  11. The Newborn Army are a group of what?
  12. Carlisle Cullen is the son of what?
  13. Which state is Bella originally from?
  14. In which book do Bella and Edward marry?
  15. What is Renesmee mistaken for in 'Breaking Dawn'?
  16. The Volturi are from which part of Italy?
  17. What is the full name of the main female character?
  18. Which vampire attempts to hunt down and kill Bella?
  19. In which of the Twilight books do the Cullens leave Forks?
  20. What is the second book in the Twilight series called?
  1. Which is the last book in the Twilight series?
  2. What is the name of the retelling of 'Twilight' from Edward's point of view?
  3. Who is Edward's adoptive mother?
  4. What is Carlisle Cullen's occupation?
  5. In which book do Bella and Edward become engaged?
  6. What is the name of Emmett Cullen's wife?
  7. Which human has a crush on Bella?
  8. Edward was born in which city?
  9. Which sport does Bella's step-father play professionally?
  10. Emmett Cullen was almost killed by which animal when he was human?
  11. What do the Cullen family feed on?
  12. Who becomes Jacob's soul mate in 'Breaking Dawn'?
  13. What is Jacob's last name?
  14. Where does Edward decide to commit suicide in 'New Moon'?
  15. Which state was Rosalie born in?
  16. What is Edward's middle name?
  17. What is Edward Cullen?

37 Clues: What is Edward Cullen?What is Jacob's last name?What is Bella's middle name?What is Edward's middle name?What is Bella's father's name?Edward was born in which city?Who is Edward's adoptive mother?What color eyes does Bella have?Which state was Rosalie born in?Which human has a crush on Bella?What do the Cullen family feed on?...

The Chef's Apprentice - FimFiction 2024-04-17

The Chef's Apprentice - FimFiction crossword puzzle
  1. Number of onigiri made by Twilight in a daze
  2. Twilight Velvet gave three _____ bits as "starter money" to Trixie
  3. Judges 4, 5 and 6 explained this to Twilight
  4. The number of stars the restaurant "The Royal Star" had; also the secret menu number given to Twilight
  5. To feed the ponies in hospital, Twilight cast the ultimate card "The Emergency Food ___"
  6. Twilight first offered this food to Trixie
  1. The type of salad ordered by Blueblood; an ancient fruit that was around when the dinosaurs roamed
  2. According to the doctor, being an omnivore is "one in ___"
  3. Twilight's parents wanted to remove this room from their penthouse
  4. The herb which, in addition to other spices, were used to make Cola in this universe; also a garden in the Singapore Botanic Gardens
  5. The first name of the captain of the Royal Guard prior to Shining Armor
  6. The pony who "unbanned" Twilight from the magic barracks
  7. also known as "Black Chef"
  8. According to the story, "A fruit with vegetable attributes"
  9. Vermouth Roux gave this to Twilight after calling out the salespony for selling "high quality meat"

15 Clues: also known as "Black Chef"Twilight first offered this food to TrixieNumber of onigiri made by Twilight in a dazeJudges 4, 5 and 6 explained this to TwilightThe pony who "unbanned" Twilight from the magic barracksAccording to the doctor, being an omnivore is "one in ___"According to the story, "A fruit with vegetable attributes"...

WordMasters 2 2015-01-26

WordMasters 2 crossword puzzle
  1. clog
  2. fluid
  3. chaos
  4. spew
  5. torment
  6. clarity
  7. tempest
  8. secure
  9. daybreak
  10. spirited
  11. prank
  12. pester
  1. brim
  2. gush
  3. feisty
  4. hasty
  5. keen
  6. deceive
  7. utensil
  8. twilight
  9. reject
  10. murky
  11. stagnant
  12. broad

24 Clues: brimcloggushkeenspewfluidchaoshastymurkybroadprankfeistyrejectsecurepesterdeceivetormentclarityutensiltempesttwilightstagnantdaybreakspirited

Rachel's crossword from the gods 2020-12-28

Rachel's crossword from the gods crossword puzzle
  1. Knocks me off Death Mountain
  2. A-DOWN-UP-X2
  3. Hero of the american people
  4. YEETED from Temple
  5. Angry old fish man
  6. Best item in Twilight Princess
  7. Peepee's 'fave' character
  8. Furry
  9. Annoying collectible
  1. Link's boyfriend
  2. Twilight Princess cat owner
  3. Stand in Richard's Villa
  4. Zelda's possessor
  5. Don't Steal Them!!!
  6. Moon agriculture
  7. Time's farm-wife
  8. He'll buy ANYTHING
  9. Amount of hearts needed for Master Sword
  10. Best Skyward Sword race

19 Clues: FurryA-DOWN-UP-X2Link's boyfriendMoon agricultureTime's farm-wifeZelda's possessorYEETED from TempleAngry old fish manHe'll buy ANYTHINGDon't Steal Them!!!Annoying collectibleBest Skyward Sword raceStand in Richard's VillaPeepee's 'fave' characterTwilight Princess cat ownerHero of the american peopleKnocks me off Death Mountain...

Twilight 2022-05-16

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. This was the city in Washington where the story took place.
  2. Bella's mom
  3. Bella's last name
  4. The state where Bella was raised and grew up in.
  5. the last name of the family of vampires
  6. a vampire with the ability to see the future
  7. What do vampires eat?
  1. Charlies jobb
  2. the author's first name
  3. Bella's dad
  4. the main female character
  5. the sport the Cullen family loves to play
  6. The class Bella passed out in.
  7. Bella's love interest

14 Clues: Bella's momBella's dadCharlies jobbBella's last nameBella's love interestWhat do vampires eat?the author's first namethe main female characterThe class Bella passed out in.the last name of the family of vampiresthe sport the Cullen family loves to playa vampire with the ability to see the futureThe state where Bella was raised and grew up in....

Twilight 2022-05-17

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. the sport the Cullen family loves to play
  2. Bella's dad
  3. What do vampires eat?
  4. The state where Bella was raised and grew up in.
  5. Charlies jobb
  6. the author's first name
  7. Bella's love interest
  1. Bella's last name
  2. the main female character
  3. the last name of the family of vampires
  4. This was the city in Washington where the story took place.
  5. The class Bella passed out in.
  6. Bella's mom
  7. a vampire with the ability to see the future

14 Clues: Bella's dadBella's momCharlies jobbBella's last nameWhat do vampires eat?Bella's love interestthe author's first namethe main female characterThe class Bella passed out in.the last name of the family of vampiresthe sport the Cullen family loves to playa vampire with the ability to see the futureThe state where Bella was raised and grew up in....

Twilight 2023-12-08

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Almost crashed into Bella
  2. Where Bella moved to
  3. Edwards brother
  4. Edwards last name
  5. Where Bella lived before forks
  6. Edwards sister
  7. Bella’s dad
  8. Bella’s love interest
  1. Edwards dad
  2. Edwards sister
  3. what Edward truly is
  4. The title of the book
  5. Bella’s last name
  6. Edwards mom

14 Clues: Edwards dadEdwards momBella’s dadEdwards sisterEdwards sisterEdwards brotherBella’s last nameEdwards last namewhat Edward truly isWhere Bella moved toThe title of the bookBella’s love interestAlmost crashed into BellaWhere Bella lived before forks

Twilight 2014-01-30

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe heet de vriendin van James.
  2. Hoe heet de vriendin van Jasper.
  3. Wat geeft Edward Bella voor haar 18e verjaardag.
  4. Hoe heet het deel dat Bella van een klif afspringt.
  5. Hoe heet de sterkste mannelijke vampier bij de Cullens.
  1. Wat is Edward's speciale gaven.
  2. Waar speelt Twilight zich af.
  3. Hoe heet de dochter van Bella en Edward. Carlisle Hoe heet de zogenaamde vader van Edward.
  4. Van wie hoort Bella als eerst over de Cullens.
  5. Bij welke indianenstam hoort Jacob. Bruin Welke kleur is Jacob als hij een weerwolf is.
  6. Wat was de achternaam van Bella voor ze trouwde met Edward.
  7. Hoe heet de vampier die Bella achterna ging in deel 1.
  8. Wat is de (neppen) achternaam van Rosalie en Jasper.

13 Clues: Waar speelt Twilight zich af.Wat is Edward's speciale gaven.Hoe heet de vriendin van James.Hoe heet de vriendin van Jasper.Van wie hoort Bella als eerst over de Cullens.Wat geeft Edward Bella voor haar 18e verjaardag.Hoe heet het deel dat Bella van een klif afspringt.Wat is de (neppen) achternaam van Rosalie en Jasper....

Twilight 2014-01-30

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe heet de vriendin van James.
  2. Hoe heet de vriendin van Jasper.
  3. Wat geeft Edward Bella voor haar 18e verjaardag.
  4. Hoe heet het deel dat Bella van een klif afspringt.
  5. Hoe heet de sterkste mannelijke vampier bij de Cullens.
  1. Wat is Edward's speciale gaven.
  2. Waar speelt Twilight zich af.
  3. Hoe heet de dochter van Bella en Edward. Carlisle Hoe heet de zogenaamde vader van Edward.
  4. Van wie hoort Bella als eerst over de Cullens.
  5. Bij welke indianenstam hoort Jacob. Bruin Welke kleur is Jacob als hij een weerwolf is.
  6. Wat was de achternaam van Bella voor ze trouwde met Edward.
  7. Hoe heet de vampier die Bella achterna ging in deel 1.
  8. Wat is de (neppen) achternaam van Rosalie en Jasper.

13 Clues: Waar speelt Twilight zich af.Wat is Edward's speciale gaven.Hoe heet de vriendin van James.Hoe heet de vriendin van Jasper.Van wie hoort Bella als eerst over de Cullens.Wat geeft Edward Bella voor haar 18e verjaardag.Hoe heet het deel dat Bella van een klif afspringt.Wat is de (neppen) achternaam van Rosalie en Jasper....

movies3 2024-05-21

movies3 crossword puzzle
  1. Eccentric mom in "Schitt's Creek"
  2. "Gilmore Girls" mom
  3. "The 100" leader
  4. Parisian adventures in "Emily in Paris"
  5. Matriarch in "Twilight"
  6. "Mad Men" copywriter
  7. Sleuth in "Pretty Little Liars"
  8. "Scandal" political fixer
  9. Journalist in "Murphy Brown"
  10. Lead in "Grease"
  11. "Twilight" human turned vampire
  1. Good Place assistant
  2. "Schitt's Creek" character
  3. Fashion boss in "The Devil Wears Prada"
  4. Super mom in "The Incredibles"
  5. Queen Bee in "Mean Girls"
  6. "Kill Bill" bride
  7. Lorelai's daughter in "Gilmore Girls"
  8. "Twilight" vampire
  9. "Pretty Little Liars" character

20 Clues: "The 100" leaderLead in "Grease""Kill Bill" bride"Twilight" vampire"Gilmore Girls" momGood Place assistant"Mad Men" copywriterMatriarch in "Twilight"Queen Bee in "Mean Girls""Scandal" political fixer"Schitt's Creek" characterJournalist in "Murphy Brown"Super mom in "The Incredibles"Sleuth in "Pretty Little Liars""Pretty Little Liars" character...