exercise Crossword Puzzles

Communication Exercise 2017-04-04

Communication Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Shadow
  2. Forest
  3. Shower
  4. Plastic
  5. Europe
  6. Bicycle
  7. Italy
  8. Television
  9. Germany
  10. Paris
  11. Emotions
  12. Crossword
  13. Trousers
  14. Piano
  15. Monday
  16. Rain
  1. Snake
  2. Easter
  3. Clothes
  4. Moon
  5. Elephant
  6. Church
  7. Painting
  8. Hollywood
  9. Quiz
  10. Giraffe
  11. Lightbulb
  12. Superman
  13. Christmas
  14. Holiday

30 Clues: MoonQuizRainSnakeItalyParisPianoEasterShadowForestShowerChurchEuropeMondayClothesPlasticBicycleGiraffeGermanyHolidayElephantPaintingSupermanEmotionsTrousersHollywoodLightbulbChristmasCrosswordTelevision

Exercise Science 2021-01-08

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. A muscular contraction in which the length of the muscle does not change.
  2. Generation of tension within a muscle fiber.
  3. Is the ability to be able to see an external object and respond precisely with your hands and/or feet.
  4. how fast you can generate a maximal force.
  5. Is the amount of force a muscle can produce.
  6. High intensity interval training.
  7. Is the amount of fat mass compared to lean muscle mass, bone and organs.
  8. Is the ability of the muscles to perform continuously without fatiguing.
  9. refers to how quickly you can respond to an external stimulus.
  10. An isotonic contraction where the muscle lengthens.
  1. Exercises are any type of cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio.”
  2. A muscular contraction in which the length of the muscle changes.
  3. refers to your ability to adjust your body position to remain upright.
  4. Is the principle on how frequency, intensity, time, and type relates to fitness.
  5. An isotonic contraction where the muscles shortens.
  6. Exercises involve quick bursts of energy and are performed at maximum effort for a short time.
  7. Is the ability of the heart and lungs to work together to provide the needed oxygen and fuel to the body during sustained workloads.
  8. Is the ability to move quickly and to easily change direction.
  9. The ability of each joint to move through the available range of motion.
  10. The ability of how fast a person can move in a given direction.

20 Clues: High intensity interval training.how fast you can generate a maximal force.Generation of tension within a muscle fiber.Is the amount of force a muscle can produce.An isotonic contraction where the muscles shortens.An isotonic contraction where the muscle lengthens.Is the ability to move quickly and to easily change direction....

Vocabulary exercise 2020-11-19

Vocabulary exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Schnee
  2. Nachricht/Neuigkeit
  3. Höhle
  4. Herbst (Am. English)
  5. Blume
  6. überrascht
  7. Jahrhundert
  8. feucht
  9. selbstbewusst
  10. sonnig
  11. arm
  12. Richter
  13. verwandt
  14. drinnen
  15. Sitzbank
  16. Brücke
  1. einmal/einst
  2. teilen
  3. stolz
  4. nahe
  5. vorstellen/einführen
  6. Kampf/Streit
  7. fertig/bereit
  8. Flughafen
  9. Stunde
  10. Zeichnung
  11. während
  12. Leben (pl.)
  13. jmdn. hänseln
  14. dreckig
  15. beide
  16. Vogel

32 Clues: armnahestolzHöhleBlumebeideVogelSchneeteilenStundefeuchtsonnigBrückeRichterwährenddrinnendreckigverwandtSitzbankFlughafenZeichnungüberraschtJahrhundertLeben (pl.)einmal/einstKampf/Streitfertig/bereitselbstbewusstjmdn. hänselnNachricht/Neuigkeitvorstellen/einführenHerbst (Am. English)

Exercise Physiology 2021-02-22

Exercise Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. In the equation y = mx + c; m refers to what?
  2. Red blood cells are produced in?
  3. The name of which amino acid gets converted to Serotonin in the brain?
  4. The name of the protein which transports free fatty acids in the blood?
  5. The name of the upper chambers of the heart?
  6. The lungs are divided into how many lobes?
  7. RPE stands for Rating of Perceived ……?
  8. Heart rate × Stroke volume = (7,6)?
  9. Glucose is stored in muscle as?
  10. Fat is stored in adipose tissue as?
  11. The Greek letter Tau in V̇O2 kinetics represents what (4,8)?
  1. The name of the calcium store in skeletal muscle (12,9)?
  2. During exercise, the V̇CO2:V̇O2 ratio is called (11,8)?
  3. The name of the oxygen-binding protein in skeletal muscle?
  4. Which enzyme catalyzes the following reaction: ADP + ADP → ATP + AMP
  5. The plateau in V̇O2 during submaximal exercise is termed (6,5)?
  6. The ‘O’ in EPOC refers to?
  7. The enzyme that breaks down ATP is called?
  8. The second phase in V̇O2 kinetics during exercise is termed the …… phase?
  9. The type of fatigue that occurs upstream of the neuromuscular junction is?

20 Clues: The ‘O’ in EPOC refers to?Glucose is stored in muscle as?Red blood cells are produced in?Heart rate × Stroke volume = (7,6)?Fat is stored in adipose tissue as?RPE stands for Rating of Perceived ……?The enzyme that breaks down ATP is called?The lungs are divided into how many lobes?The name of the upper chambers of the heart?...

Aerobic Exercise 2019-03-20

Aerobic Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Period: the purpose is to enhance the adjustments needed to be made prior to physical activity
  2. Principle: stress placed on an organism that is greater than it is accustomed
  3. Testing: used to determine cardiovascular fitness in healthy individuals
  4. typically time is the initial focus, followed by frequency and then intensity
  5. Principle: training that improves an individual for a specific task but will not improve in other tasks
  6. Oxygen Consumption: a measure of the body's capacity to use oxygen
  7. the result of increased efficiency of the cardiovascular system and active muscles
  8. Activity: Walking faster than 3.5mph, swimming laps, jogging, running at 5.0mph, shoveling snow
  9. VO2 max, cardiac output, and muscular strength decrease rapidly
  10. determined by the Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
  11. any planned and structured physical activity designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
  12. Fibers: fast contractile response and recruited for activities requiring power
  13. the ability to work for prolonged periods of time and the ability to resist fatigue
  14. Glycolytic System: No oxygen is required and Lactic acid is produced
  15. Oxygen Consumption: measure of oxygen consumption by the myocardial muscle
  16. the ability to perform physical work
  1. Exercise Period: training part of a program
  2. Equivalent: unit use to quantify energy expenditure
  3. Testing: one principle includes changing the workload by increasing the speed and/or grade of the treadmill
  4. Principle: the loss of effects of training when ceasing an fitness program
  5. Activity: 2.0 - 2.9 METs
  6. Activity: 3.0 - 5.9 METs
  7. Fibers: slow contractile response and have low anaerobic capacity
  8. provides stimulus for improving cardiorespiratory fitness
  9. Training: work/exercise is followed by rest
  10. Angina: due to an underlying cardiac issue this may occur with exercise
  11. generally 3 - 4 times per week
  12. Period: to enhance recovery periods with oxidation of the metabolic waste and replacement of energy stores
  13. Percentage of work output/work input
  14. Activity: any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure
  15. Training: a series of exercise activities
  16. dependent on total work performed, exercise intensity, and fitness level
  17. Formula: used to determine max heart rate
  18. product of frequency, intensity, and time

34 Clues: Activity: 2.0 - 2.9 METsActivity: 3.0 - 5.9 METsgenerally 3 - 4 times per weekPercentage of work output/work inputthe ability to perform physical workTraining: a series of exercise activitiesFormula: used to determine max heart rateproduct of frequency, intensity, and timeExercise Period: training part of a program...

Exercise Science 2023-12-11

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. paralysis of both upper and lower body
  2. study of old age
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4. we get this from breakdown of food
  5. Approximately 17,000 individuals experience this every year.
  6. Stores important minerals such as
  7. Study of the function of the body
  8. Brain
  9. bones will adapt to the degree of mechanical loading,
  10. that an increase in loading will cause the architecture of the internal,
  11. responsible for creating movement
  12. Also called aerobic exercise,
  1. to one side of the body.
  2. of the brain.
  3. our diet
  4. system of hormones
  5. The study of how body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic bouts of exercise
  6. affects all or part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
  7. bone to strengthen, followed by the strengthening of the cortical
  8. loss of motor control (including strength) and
  9. Fights off pathogens and infections
  10. Exchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
  11. this occurs as a result of a disruption to blood flow to an
  12. Functional electrical stimulation
  13. also called atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the blood to our muscles.

25 Clues: Brainour dietof the brain.study of old agesystem of hormonesto one side of the body.Also called aerobic exercise,Stores important minerals such asStudy of the function of the bodyFunctional electrical stimulationresponsible for creating movementwe get this from breakdown of foodFights off pathogens and infectionsExchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide...

Exercise Science 2023-12-11

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. paralysis of both upper and lower body
  2. study of old age
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4. we get this from breakdown of food
  5. Approximately 17,000 individuals experience this every year.
  6. Stores important minerals such as
  7. Study of the function of the body
  8. Brain
  9. bones will adapt to the degree of mechanical loading,
  10. that an increase in loading will cause the architecture of the internal,
  11. responsible for creating movement
  12. Also called aerobic exercise,
  1. to one side of the body.
  2. of the brain.
  3. our diet
  4. system of hormones
  5. The study of how body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic bouts of exercise
  6. affects all or part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
  7. bone to strengthen, followed by the strengthening of the cortical
  8. loss of motor control (including strength) and
  9. Fights off pathogens and infections
  10. Exchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
  11. this occurs as a result of a disruption to blood flow to an
  12. Functional electrical stimulation
  13. also called atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the blood to our muscles.

25 Clues: Brainour dietof the brain.study of old agesystem of hormonesto one side of the body.Also called aerobic exercise,Stores important minerals such asStudy of the function of the bodyFunctional electrical stimulationresponsible for creating movementwe get this from breakdown of foodFights off pathogens and infectionsExchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide...

Inglés exercise 2023-11-13

Inglés exercise crossword puzzle
  1. fuerte
  2. amargo, amarga
  3. hambriento / hambrienta
  4. triste, tristes
  5. malo, mala, malos, malas
  6. feliz, felices
  7. seguro / segura
  8. feo, fea, feos, feas
  9. oscuro, oscura, oscuros, oscuras
  10. bonito / bonita
  11. guapo, guapa, guapos, guapas
  12. lleno, llena
  13. dulce, dulces
  14. alto, alta, altos, altas
  15. loco, loca, locos, locas. (violento)
  1. largo, larga, largos, largas
  2. suave, suaves
  3. sediento, sedienta, sedientos, sedientas
  4. loco, loca
  5. Peligroso
  6. corto
  7. doloroso, adolorido
  8. valiente, valientes
  9. Viejo / vieja
  10. vacio, vacia, vacios, vacias
  11. débil, debiles
  12. Sabroso

27 Clues: cortofuerteSabrosoPeligrosoloco, localleno, llenasuave, suavesViejo / viejadulce, dulcesamargo, amargafeliz, felicesdébil, debilestriste, tristesseguro / segurabonito / bonitadoloroso, adoloridovaliente, valientesfeo, fea, feos, feashambriento / hambrientamalo, mala, malos, malasalto, alta, altos, altaslargo, larga, largos, largas...

Exercise Physiology 2015-10-11

Exercise Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. A tissue composed of fibers capable of contracting to effect bodily movement.
  2. utilization is generally paragraph defining the use of substances and methods prohibited in sport
  3. The chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life
  4. category of physical activity that is quantified by volume, intensity and frequency, and where movements are structured in repetitive way to improve or maintain one or more components of the State
  5. It is an alteration in the succession of heartbeat. It may be due to changes in heart rate, both because it accelerates, decrease, which are not necessarily irregular but faster or slowe
  6. focuses on the process of breathing, both external, oxygen uptake and elimination of carbon dioxide, as internal, use and exchange of gases at the tissue level
  7. This process takes place in the glomeruli, where water and crystalloids are filtered through the glomerular membrane
  8. It is that part of Biophysics who is in charge of the study of anatomical and functional heart and especially the dynamics of blood on the interior of the blood such as arteries, veins, venules, arterioles and capillaries structures
  9. any movement of the body that makes the muscles work and requires more energy that be at rest
  10. referred as well to the volume of blood ejected by a ventricle in a minute
  1. they are the ones that move large body muscles for a period of 20 minutes at least, at an intensity of between 50% and 80% of the maximum capacity of the exercise
  2. Pulmonary capacities relate to the different air volumes characteristic in human breath
  3. They are one of the basic food groups. This food category includes sugars, starches, and fiber.
  4. keep the levels of oxygen and dioxide of in blood within narrow margins that allow cellular functionality representatives
  5. processes that make cells with a purpose
  6. Is the study of chronic, static adaptation and a wide range of conditions that optimize physical exercise
  7. It is the first wave of the cardiac cycle and represents the depolarization of the Atria
  8. there are three types of muscles, muscle heart, smooth muscle and skeletal muscle
  9. Is a discipline that focuses on the study of the functions of the human organism.
  10. It is the sequence of electrical, mechanical, sound events and pressure, the flow of blood through the heart cavities, contraction and relaxation of each one of them, closing and opening of the valves and the production of noise related to them associated.

20 Clues: processes that make cells with a purposereferred as well to the volume of blood ejected by a ventricle in a minuteA tissue composed of fibers capable of contracting to effect bodily movement.there are three types of muscles, muscle heart, smooth muscle and skeletal muscle...

Spelling Exercise 2017-02-02

Spelling Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. strange or eccentric in his or her behaviour or appearance
  2. a place which someone may live or stay
  3. very strange or unusual
  4. righteousness
  5. make something happen/done sooner or more quickly.
  6. dangerously high or steep/done something without careful consideration
  7. unpleasant living conditions
  8. very bold
  1. looks of something/ someone
  2. a group of people appointed for a specific function
  3. childishly silly and immature
  4. a person who enjoys eating and often eats too much.
  5. tend to talk a great deal
  6. something that supplements or complements something else
  7. an accomplishment
  8. not too excited or upset
  9. reached a desired aim or result
  10. a task to complete
  11. outstandingly bad
  12. rude,disrespectful behaviour

20 Clues: very boldrighteousnessan accomplishmentoutstandingly bada task to completevery strange or unusualnot too excited or upsettend to talk a great deallooks of something/ someoneunpleasant living conditionsrude,disrespectful behaviourchildishly silly and immaturereached a desired aim or resulta place which someone may live or stay...

Exercise 1 2018-01-31

Exercise 1 crossword puzzle
  1. without ice
  2. opportunity
  3. distance
  4. movie
  5. to measure
  6. trip
  7. to clean
  8. fabric
  9. proposal
  10. to help
  11. to sell
  1. job
  2. to study
  3. everyday
  4. accident
  5. to call
  6. to improve
  7. food
  8. to work
  9. beach
  10. to empty

21 Clues: jobfoodtripmoviebeachfabricto callto workto helpto sellto studyeverydayaccidentdistanceto emptyto cleanproposalto improveto measurewithout iceopportunity

Exercise Crossword 2021-11-18

Exercise Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. resting metabolic rate
  2. the ability to repeat a movement
  3. best day of school in my opinion
  4. abilities that lead to a longer life
  5. the ability to change direction
  6. strength and speed
  7. the ability to stretch your muscles
  8. juggling is an example of this
  9. measures power
  10. measures upper body strength
  11. how much force you can create
  12. measures BMI
  1. the ability to use oxygen
  2. amount of time to respond to a stimulus
  3. abilities that lead to better performance
  4. measures flexibility
  5. measures cardiovascular endurance
  6. the ability to control your body
  7. body mass index
  8. the ratio of fat and muscle in your body

20 Clues: measures BMImeasures powerbody mass indexstrength and speedmeasures flexibilityresting metabolic ratethe ability to use oxygenmeasures upper body strengthhow much force you can createjuggling is an example of thisthe ability to change directionthe ability to repeat a movementbest day of school in my opinionthe ability to control your body...

Exercise C 2022-08-09

Exercise C crossword puzzle
  1. to fall (l)
  2. to say (l)
  3. to say (l)
  4. to sympathize with the sorrow of another
  5. to strike (l)
  6. mind (l)
  7. circle (l)
  8. to mark off, separate (l)
  9. to draw attention away from
  10. a crash
  11. to write (l)
  12. against (l)
  13. to give (l)
  14. ban (l)
  15. to work together on a project
  16. the process of moral of cultural decline
  17. mentally ill; wild and irrational
  18. different from something else
  19. together (l)
  20. to turn, twist (l)
  21. to work (l)
  22. a performance by two entertainers
  1. to devote a creative work to a person
  2. around (l)
  3. to move (l)
  4. two (l)
  5. apart (l)
  6. incidental
  7. to consume voraciously (l)
  8. the action of twisting something out of shape
  9. to fold (l)
  10. to move continuously or freely
  11. to discourage or prevent from occurring
  12. striking difference in comparison
  13. illegally imported or smuggled goods
  14. to excuse or forgive; to overlook
  15. to say the opposite of
  16. to stand (l)
  17. to pity, to lament (l)
  18. to lower in rank or grade
  19. down from (l)
  20. to scare (l)
  21. to eat (l)

43 Clues: two (l)a crashban (l)mind (l)apart (l)to say (l)around (l)to say (l)incidentalcircle (l)to eat (l)to fall (l)to move (l)to fold (l)against (l)to give (l)to work (l)to write (l)to stand (l)to scare (l)together (l)to strike (l)down from (l)to turn, twist (l)to say the opposite ofto pity, to lament (l)to mark off, separate (l)to lower in rank or grade...

Exercise 4 2021-12-10

Exercise 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 有毒
  2. 让我们荡起双桨
  3. 小鸟说早早早,你为什么背上小书包
  4. 你有我有全都有
  5. you jump I jump
  6. 也叫rubber
  7. 有透明的,有不透明的
  8. 绿色出行
  1. 南北的反向
  2. 敬辞,用于希望对方做某事
  3. 一种很重要的动词
  4. 天上飞的
  5. 表达同情、遗憾、后悔
  6. 绿色出行
  7. 这里
  8. 有金属,要注意保养
  9. 装东西的
  10. 礼让行人
  11. 使
  12. 书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉

22 Clues: 使有毒这里天上飞的绿色出行装东西的礼让行人绿色出行南北的反向让我们荡起双桨你有我有全都有一种很重要的动词也叫rubber有金属,要注意保养表达同情、遗憾、后悔有透明的,有不透明的敬辞,用于希望对方做某事you jump I jump书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉小鸟说早早早,你为什么背上小书包

Exercise Four 2022-02-15

Exercise Four crossword puzzle
  1. is running.
  2. is walking.
  3. is gazing.
  4. is yellow.
  5. is weak.
  6. is jumping.
  7. is flying.
  8. is there.
  9. is here.
  10. is blowing.
  1. is sitting.
  2. is mine.
  3. is down.
  4. is strong.
  5. is long.
  6. is ripe.
  7. is brown.
  8. is on the right side.
  9. is black.
  10. is sharp.

20 Clues: is mine.is down.is long.is ripe.is weak.is here.is brown.is there.is black.is sharp.is gazing.is strong.is yellow.is flying.is sitting.is running.is walking.is jumping.is blowing.is on the right side.

Different exercise 2022-09-29

Different exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Water polo
  2. Ice skating
  3. Scuba diving
  4. Rollerblading
  5. Dancing
  6. Swimming
  7. Dumbbells lifting
  8. Marathon
  9. Hockey
  10. basketball
  11. Baseball
  12. Skydiving
  13. Rock climbing
  14. Table tennis
  15. Canoeing
  16. Wind-surfing
  17. relay
  18. Bowling
  19. High jump
  1. Badminton
  2. artistic swimming
  3. Skiing
  4. Squash
  5. Archery
  6. Soccer
  7. Aerobics
  8. Sailing
  9. Volleyball
  10. Rugby
  11. Cycling
  12. Weight lifting
  13. Yoga
  14. Running
  15. Long jump
  16. Gymnastics
  17. Sit ups
  18. rowing
  19. Tennis
  20. Ice hockey
  21. Golf
  22. Push ups

41 Clues: YogaGolfRugbyrelaySkiingSquashSoccerHockeyrowingTennisArcherySailingDancingCyclingRunningSit upsBowlingAerobicsSwimmingMarathonBaseballCanoeingPush upsBadmintonSkydivingLong jumpHigh jumpWater poloVolleyballbasketballGymnasticsIce hockeyIce skatingScuba divingTable tennisWind-surfingRollerbladingRock climbingWeight liftingartistic swimming...

Crossword Exercise 2019-03-13

Crossword Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. place for king and queen
  2. big hearted
  3. awfully, badly
  4. mature, grown up.
  5. reputable
  6. difficult to handle, manage, or treat
  7. to constitute the means for buying
  8. to follow in order to overtake
  9. slightly or moderately wet
  1. can do something
  2. being the first instance or source from which a copy
  3. the soft, succulent part of a fruit
  4. persistent in maintaining
  5. the activity or business of providing services to guests
  6. an investigation conducted with little regard for individual rights
  7. to begin
  8. affording or enjoying contentment and security
  9. actual, true
  10. careless of
  11. to use the power of the law to take or keep someone
  12. unmixed
  13. to mourn the loss or death of

22 Clues: unmixedto beginreputablebig heartedcareless ofactual, trueawfully, badlycan do somethingmature, grown up.place for king and queenpersistent in maintainingslightly or moderately wetto mourn the loss or death ofto follow in order to overtaketo constitute the means for buyingthe soft, succulent part of a fruitdifficult to handle, manage, or treat...

Aerobic Exercise 2019-03-20

Aerobic Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Period to enhance the adjustments needed to be made prior to physical activity
  2. Activity between 3.0 - 5.9 METs
  3. Formula used to determine max heart rate
  4. provides stimulus for improving cardiorespiratory fitness
  5. Percentage of work output/work input
  6. Principle that states that training that improves an individual for a specific task but will not improve in other tasks
  7. typically time is the initial focus, followed by frequency and then intensity
  8. VO2 max, cardiac output, and muscular strength decrease rapidly
  9. Training that includes work/exercise is followed by rest
  10. generally 3 - 4 times per week
  11. Activity includes walking faster than 3.5mph, swimming laps, jogging, running at 5.0mph, shoveling snow
  12. Activity that is any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure
  13. Testing may include changing the workload by increasing the speed and/or grade of the treadmill
  1. dependent on total work performed, exercise intensity, and fitness level
  2. Testing used to determine cardiovascular fitness in healthy individuals
  3. Period to enhance recovery periods with oxidation of the metabolic waste and replacement of energy stores
  4. Exercise Period that is the training part of a program
  5. any planned and structured physical activity designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
  6. Fibers that have fast contractile response and recruited for activities requiring power
  7. Fibers that have slow contractile response and have low anaerobic capacity
  8. a type of Angina that occurs due to an underlying cardiac issue this may occur with exercise
  9. Principle that states the loss of effects of training happen when ceasing an fitness program
  10. Principle that states stress placed on an organism that is greater than it is accustomed
  11. the result of increased efficiency of the cardiovascular system and active muscles
  12. the ability to work for prolonged periods of time and the ability to resist fatigue
  13. Activity between 2.0 - 2.9 METs
  14. determined by the Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
  15. Training that includes a series of exercise activities
  16. Glycolytic System: No oxygen is required and Lactic acid is produced
  17. the ability to perform physical work
  18. product of frequency, intensity, and time

31 Clues: generally 3 - 4 times per weekActivity between 3.0 - 5.9 METsActivity between 2.0 - 2.9 METsPercentage of work output/work inputthe ability to perform physical workFormula used to determine max heart rateproduct of frequency, intensity, and timeExercise Period that is the training part of a program...

Aerobic Exercise 2019-03-20

Aerobic Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Training that includes a series of exercise activities
  2. Exercise Period that is the training part of a program
  3. Activity includes walking faster than 3.5mph, swimming laps, jogging, running at 5.0mph, shoveling snow
  4. the ability to work for prolonged periods of time and the ability to resist fatigue
  5. Fibers that have slow contractile response and have low anaerobic capacity
  6. the ability to perform physical work
  7. Activity between 3.0 - 5.9 METs
  8. typically time is the initial focus, followed by frequency and then intensity
  9. VO2 max, cardiac output, and muscular strength decrease rapidly
  10. Formula used to determine max heart rate
  11. a type of Angina that occurs due to an underlying cardiac issue this may occur with exercise
  12. Principle that states stress placed on an organism that is greater than it is accustomed
  13. determined by the Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
  14. Period to enhance the adjustments needed to be made prior to physical activity
  15. provides stimulus for improving cardiorespiratory fitness
  1. Training that includes work/exercise is followed by rest
  2. Testing used to determine cardiovascular fitness in healthy individuals
  3. Period to enhance recovery periods with oxidation of the metabolic waste and replacement of energy stores
  4. generally 3 - 4 times per week
  5. Activity that is any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure
  6. the result of increased efficiency of the cardiovascular system and active muscles
  7. Fibers that have fast contractile response and recruited for activities requiring power
  8. Principle that states the loss of effects of training happen when ceasing an fitness program
  9. Activity between 2.0 - 2.9 METs
  10. dependent on total work performed, exercise intensity, and fitness level
  11. Principle that states that training that improves an individual for a specific task but will not improve in other tasks
  12. Percentage of work output/work input
  13. Glycolytic System: No oxygen is required and Lactic acid is produced
  14. Testing may include changing the workload by increasing the speed and/or grade of the treadmill
  15. any planned and structured physical activity designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
  16. product of frequency, intensity, and time

31 Clues: generally 3 - 4 times per weekActivity between 2.0 - 2.9 METsActivity between 3.0 - 5.9 METsthe ability to perform physical workPercentage of work output/work inputFormula used to determine max heart rateproduct of frequency, intensity, and timeTraining that includes a series of exercise activities...

AN EXERCISE 2023-05-16

AN EXERCISE crossword puzzle
  13. SLOWER


Vocabulary Exercise 2023-02-22

Vocabulary Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Mutprobe
  2. Richtung
  3. vollständig
  4. Haut
  5. werfen/schlagen(Ball)
  6. gut/in Ordnung
  7. irgendwo(hin)
  8. unsichtbar
  9. absolut
  10. Zunge/Sprache
  11. verschwinden
  12. Suche
  13. Erdbeere
  14. Nachteil
  15. Blut
  16. Zahnpasta
  1. Romanze/Romantik
  2. (ver)meiden
  3. Waschbär
  4. Pelikan
  5. Freiwillige/r
  6. Schläger(Sport)
  7. Stille
  8. Nation/Volk
  9. Leute
  10. Sekunde
  11. Angst haben
  12. dünn
  13. Wahrheit
  14. entdecken
  15. Diagramm oder Tabelle
  16. Wal
  17. Seelöwe

33 Clues: WalHautdünnBlutLeuteSucheStillePelikanSekundeabsolutSeelöweWaschbärMutprobeRichtungWahrheitErdbeereNachteilentdeckenZahnpastaunsichtbar(ver)meidenvollständigNation/VolkAngst habenverschwindenFreiwillige/rirgendwo(hin)Zunge/Sprachegut/in OrdnungSchläger(Sport)Romanze/Romantikwerfen/schlagen(Ball)Diagramm oder Tabelle

Exercise 1 2023-05-23

Exercise 1 crossword puzzle
  1. voeden
  2. verbinding
  3. het pad
  4. doornig
  5. ondergronds
  6. plek
  7. wortel
  8. betrouwbaar
  9. diepte
  10. aarde
  1. geschokt
  2. in paniek raken
  3. kwal
  4. smaak
  5. oerwoud
  6. het aankunnen
  7. fokken
  8. snijden
  9. adem(haling)
  10. tak

20 Clues: takkwalpleksmaakaardevoedenfokkenworteldieptehet padoerwoudsnijdendoorniggeschoktverbindingondergrondsbetrouwbaaradem(haling)het aankunnenin paniek raken

Exercise 1 2023-06-21

Exercise 1 crossword puzzle
  1. candidat à un job
  2. partager
  3. une balle
  4. cambrioleur
  5. tâche ménagère
  6. calin
  7. inclure
  8. gaspiller
  9. souple
  10. un résumé
  1. insupportable
  2. bon marché
  3. enquête
  4. rassembler
  5. un costume
  6. fiable, digne de confiance
  7. peu probable
  8. en désordre
  9. évident
  10. exiger

20 Clues: calinexigersoupleenquêteinclureévidentpartagerune ballegaspillerun résumébon marchérassemblerun costumecambrioleuren désordrepeu probableinsupportabletâche ménagèrecandidat à un jobfiable, digne de confiance

Crossword Exercise 2022-12-06

Crossword Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. a thing to eat meatballs
  2. lebih besar in English
  3. a profession, work on the ship or canoe to fishing
  4. a land transportation,two wheels, do not have a machine
  5. clothes, long, wear in the neck
  6. a tool to cut a paper
  7. lebih lambat in English
  8. lebih rendah (for people) in English
  9. lebih tinggi (for building) in English
  10. di antara in English
  11. preposition, there is a clock and picture ___ the wall
  1. a ____ of cake
  2. clothes, wear in the head and can help people to read
  3. clothes, wear by a girl
  4. part of body, on the face and under the eyes
  5. a profession, shave or cut the hair and bread
  6. a thing to drink coffee
  7. a transportation, can fly and stop at the airport
  8. a profession, cut and sell the wood
  9. di belakang in English

20 Clues: a ____ of cakedi antara in Englisha tool to cut a paperlebih besar in Englishdi belakang in Englishclothes, wear by a girla thing to drink coffeelebih lambat in Englisha thing to eat meatballsclothes, long, wear in the necka profession, cut and sell the woodlebih rendah (for people) in Englishlebih tinggi (for building) in English...

IPA Exercise 2023-07-31

IPA Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. berkembangbiak dengan geragih
  2. bagian bunga yang menarik perhatian hewan
  3. contohnya adalah jahe
  4. penyerbukannya dibantu oleh air
  5. membantu penyebaran biji kopi
  6. tanaman yang dapat dicangkok
  7. menggabungkan dua batang tanaman yang sejenis
  8. hewan yang membantu penyerbukan
  9. serbuk sari melekat di kepala putik bunga itu sendiri
  10. alat perkembangbiakan jantan
  1. alat perkembangbiakan betina
  2. tanaman berkembangbiak dengan umbi akar
  3. penyebab jatuhnya buah yang berat karena semakin matang
  4. berkembangbiak dengan spora
  5. dapat dikembangkan dengan cara setek
  6. penyerbukannya dibantu oleh angin
  7. penyebaran bijinya dibantu oleh manusia
  8. tumbuhan yang pernyerbukannya dibantu manusia
  9. vegetatif buatan dengan cara menempelkan mata tunas
  10. membantu penyebaran biji dandelion

20 Clues: contohnya adalah jaheberkembangbiak dengan sporaalat perkembangbiakan betinatanaman yang dapat dicangkokalat perkembangbiakan jantanberkembangbiak dengan geragihmembantu penyebaran biji kopipenyerbukannya dibantu oleh airhewan yang membantu penyerbukanpenyerbukannya dibantu oleh anginmembantu penyebaran biji dandelion...

Exercise Science 2023-12-11

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. paralysis of both upper and lower body
  2. study of old age
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4. we get this from breakdown of food
  5. Approximately 17,000 individuals experience this every year.
  6. Stores important minerals such as
  7. Study of the function of the body
  8. Brain
  9. bones will adapt to the degree of mechanical loading,
  10. that an increase in loading will cause the architecture of the internal,
  11. responsible for creating movement
  12. Also called aerobic exercise,
  1. to one side of the body.
  2. of the brain.
  3. our diet
  4. system of hormones
  5. The study of how body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic bouts of exercise
  6. affects all or part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
  7. bone to strengthen, followed by the strengthening of the cortical
  8. loss of motor control (including strength) and
  9. Fights off pathogens and infections
  10. Exchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
  11. this occurs as a result of a disruption to blood flow to an
  12. Functional electrical stimulation
  13. also called atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the blood to our muscles.

25 Clues: Brainour dietof the brain.study of old agesystem of hormonesto one side of the body.Also called aerobic exercise,Stores important minerals such asStudy of the function of the bodyFunctional electrical stimulationresponsible for creating movementwe get this from breakdown of foodFights off pathogens and infectionsExchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide...

Exercise Science 2023-12-11

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. affects all or part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
  2. Fights off pathogens and infections
  3. Brain
  4. this occurs as a result of a disruption to blood flow to an area of the brain.
  5. Approximately 17,000 individuals experience this every year.
  6. Also called aerobic exercise,
  7. also called atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the blood to our muscles.
  8. loss of motor control (including strength) and sensation to one side of the body.
  9. we get this from breakdown of food from our diet
  10. bones will adapt to the degree of mechanical loading,such that an increase in loading will cause the architecture of the internal,
  11. responsible for creating movement
  1. Exchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
  2. Stores important minerals such as
  3. system of hormones
  4. The study of how body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic bouts of exercise
  5. paralysis of both upper and lower body
  6. study of old age
  7. Study of the function of the body
  8. Functional electrical stimulation
  9. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  10. bone to strengthen, followed by the strengthening of the cortical

21 Clues: Brainstudy of old agesystem of hormonesAlso called aerobic exercise,Stores important minerals such asStudy of the function of the bodyFunctional electrical stimulationresponsible for creating movementExchanges Oxygen and Carbon DioxideFights off pathogens and infectionsChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseparalysis of both upper and lower body...

Exercise N 2023-11-22

Exercise N crossword puzzle
  1. You can drink it or eat it.
  2. Ancient China is famous for it.
  3. With a high temperature(温度).
  4. Usually made from china(瓷料).
  5. Made with coffee beans.
  6. With a low temperature.
  7. A sweet, hard food made from cacao(可可豆).
  8. Some people like water; some like juice;some like coffee...
  9. A metal(金属的) container to keep the contents fresh.
  10. Eaten in south China. In north China people like to eat noodles.
  11. A container(容器) made from glass.
  1. A glass or plastic(塑料的) container.
  2. Two pieces of bread with a piece of cheese or meat.
  3. Made with fruits.
  4. It's famous in western countries.In China we have 肉夹馍.
  5. Its color is white.Babies love it.
  6. Small lumps of dough with meat and vegetables inside.
  7. Sweet, but don't drink too much, bad for you.
  8. A common food made from flour(面粉), water, and yeast(酵母).
  9. Fried potatoes.

20 Clues: Fried potatoes.Made with fruits.Made with coffee beans.With a low temperature.You can drink it or eat it.With a high temperature(温度).Usually made from china(瓷料).Ancient China is famous for it.A container(容器) made from glass.A glass or plastic(塑料的) container.Its color is white.Babies love it.A sweet, hard food made from cacao(可可豆)....

EXERCISE 7 2023-10-16

EXERCISE 7 crossword puzzle
  1. 872 = eight hundred ___
  2. 205 = two hundred ___
  3. 278 = two hundred ___
  4. 128 = one hundred ___
  5. 306 = three hundred ___
  6. 96 = ___
  7. 646 = six hundred ___
  8. 90 = ___
  9. 294 = two hundred ___
  10. 433 = four hundred ___
  1. 347 = three hundred ___
  2. 286 = two hundred ___
  3. 166 = one hundred ___
  4. 299 = two hundred ___
  5. 1000 = ___
  6. 592 = five hundred ___
  7. 834 = eight hundred ___
  8. 235 = two hundred ___
  9. 344 = three hundred ___
  10. 204 = two hundred ___

20 Clues: 96 = ___90 = ___1000 = ___286 = two hundred ___166 = one hundred ___299 = two hundred ___205 = two hundred ___278 = two hundred ___128 = one hundred ___235 = two hundred ___646 = six hundred ___204 = two hundred ___294 = two hundred ___592 = five hundred ___433 = four hundred ___347 = three hundred ___872 = eight hundred ___834 = eight hundred ___...

Exercise Physiology 2024-03-21

Exercise Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. upper chamber of the heart
  2. Node controls heart rate
  3. circulation deoxygenated blood is carried from the heart to the lungs gets oxygen then pumped back to heart
  4. drift gradual increase of heart rate over time during extended exercise
  5. pressure force of blood exerted on arterial walls during heart contraction
  6. circulation carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to body and vise versa
  7. Arteries transports deoxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs
  8. transports oxygenated blood to the body from the heart
  9. reserve volume max volume of air that can be exhaled after normal expiration
  10. pressure force of blood exerted on arterial walls during heart relaxation
  11. volume Amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle of the heart in one contraction
  12. Cavae transports deoxygenated blood to the body from the heart
  13. Capacity Max volume of air that can be exhaled after max inhale
  14. Node electric impulse for heart contraction
  15. two max max amount of oxygen that a person can use while performing dynamic exercise
  16. your body's ability to effectively control to regulate temperature of your body
  17. nervous system
  1. Ventilation air going from your lungs to the atmosphere and vise versa
  2. prevents blood from flowing back to the atria
  3. Veins transports oxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs
  4. volume remaining volume of air after max expiration
  5. white blood cells
  6. reserve volume volume max volume of air that can be inhaled after normal expiration
  7. contraction of blood vessels which increases blood pressure
  8. also called thrombocytes
  9. fibers conduct impulses to regulate heart beat
  10. Volume volume inhaled during normal inspiration
  11. pumps blood from body to the lungs and vise versa
  12. red blood cells
  13. dilation of blood vessels which decreases blood pressure

30 Clues: nervous systemred blood cellswhite blood cellsNode controls heart ratealso called thrombocytesupper chamber of the heartNode electric impulse for heart contractionprevents blood from flowing back to the atriafibers conduct impulses to regulate heart beatVolume volume inhaled during normal inspirationpumps blood from body to the lungs and vise versa...

F.I.T.T. Principle 2020-12-02

F.I.T.T. Principle crossword puzzle
  1. This is another way to measure your intensity.
  2. The highest level of intensity.
  3. What does the I stand for in the F.I.T.T. principle?
  4. Intensity means how __________ you are working during exercise.
  5. What does the F stand for in the F.I.T.T principle?
  6. The middle level of intensity.
  7. Frequency means how ________ you do an exercise.
  8. The recommended times per week you should exercise.
  9. This builds as you exercise more often.
  10. The lowest level of intensity.
  11. The number of Components of Fitness.
  1. The recommended number of minutes you should exercise in a single bout.
  2. The F.I.T.T. principle is a _________of exercise.
  3. This refers to the specific activity that a person chooses for exercise.
  4. What does the first T stand for in the F.I.T.T. principle?
  5. When you exercise you are trying to hit our _______heart rate zone.
  6. This is the best measure of your intensity.
  7. This describes a workout that starts out easy and ends vigorously.
  8. What does the second T stand for in the F.I.T.T. principle?
  9. This refers to the length of a given bout of physical activity.

20 Clues: The middle level of intensity.The lowest level of intensity.The highest level of intensity.The number of Components of Fitness.This builds as you exercise more often.This is the best measure of your intensity.This is another way to measure your intensity.Frequency means how ________ you do an exercise....

Exercise 3 2013-10-02

Exercise 3 crossword puzzle
  1. 13
  2. 21
  3. 12
  4. 23
  5. 10
  6. 19
  7. 9
  8. 11
  1. 1
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 17
  5. 3
  6. 22
  7. 15
  8. 14
  9. 4
  10. 20
  11. 5
  12. 8
  13. 2
  14. 16
  15. 18
  16. 24
  17. 25

25 Clues: 16734582917132122151412231020191618242511

Tutami Exercise 2014-08-01

Tutami Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. A person, place, thing or idea
  2. To change into something
  3. How many fish we still have
  4. Today's day of the week
  5. The country where the last World Cup took place
  6. A person who can listen very well has great ___?
  7. Tinko's favorite show now
  8. Past Participle of to swim
  9. The world's largest mammal
  10. A place to buy coffee
  11. Modifies an adjective, verb or another adverb
  12. The world's healthiest drink
  13. The name of a flower as well as a name
  1. A toy on a string that goes up and down
  2. Sits across from Linda
  3. The present participle of see
  4. Likes to go swimming after work
  5. Has a trunk
  6. Third person singular of fly
  7. double digit number that contains both odd digits under 50
  8. Shows ownership
  9. The past participle of to take or a Liam Neeson movie
  10. To build or create something
  11. Lives together with Leon
  12. A company that specializes in SAT and ACT training
  13. Is wearing a red bow today

26 Clues: Has a trunkShows ownershipA place to buy coffeeSits across from LindaToday's day of the weekTo change into somethingLives together with LeonTinko's favorite show nowPast Participle of to swimThe world's largest mammalIs wearing a red bow todayHow many fish we still haveThird person singular of flyTo build or create something...

vocabulary exercise 2014-05-07

vocabulary exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Causing great wonder; extraordinary: ‘these…. technological toys are fun to play with’
  2. showing a willingness to take risks, confident and courageous ( verb)
  3. A bed consisting of a base and mattress but no footboard or headboard.
  4. Concise and exact use of words in writing or speech
  5. A substance used as a preparatory coat on wood, metal, or canvas, especially to prevent the absorption of subsequent layers of paint or the development of rust
  6. A broker who buys and sells securities on a stock exchange on behalf of clients.
  7. A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behaviour
  8. Tiredness or inactivity, especially when pleasurable
  9. Relating to the assistance of those in need: he has spent £50,000 on ……. Causes’
  10. A small European tree which has hanging clusters of yellow flowers followed by slender pods containing poisonous seeds. The hard timber is sometimes used as an ebony substitute.
  11. A Eurasian shrub or small tree of the olive family, which has fragrant violet, pink, or white blossom and is a popular garden ornamental.
  12. The action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong, repentance
  1. The quality or state of being mediocre
  2. An officer in the British army below the rank of captain, especially a second lieutenant.
  3. Behaviour that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability
  4. the filtration plant is able to ….. 70 tons of water a day
  5. A horse race run on a racecourse having ditches and hedges as jumps
  6. The driver of a horse-drawn hackney carriage.
  7. Eager or quick to argue or fight, aggressively defiant
  8. A small finch-like Old World bird related to the weaver birds, typically with brown and grey plumage.

20 Clues: The quality or state of being mediocreThe driver of a horse-drawn hackney carriage.Concise and exact use of words in writing or speechTiredness or inactivity, especially when pleasurableA sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behaviourEager or quick to argue or fight, aggressively defiant...

MIND EXERCISE 2016-10-14

MIND EXERCISE crossword puzzle
  1. former US first lady. Now running for a presidential post
  2. Super Typhoon Sanba. A city featured in a movie title
  3. national government agency; protection and promotion of the welfare of local and overseas Filipino workers. A pineapple drink brand
  4. one of the three islands in the Philippines featured on the "World’s Best Islands" list for 2016 of the New York-based magazine Travel + Leisure
  5. 2016 Cannes Film Festival Best Actress Winner
  6. a local bank linked to $100M Bangladesh Bank fund heist
  7. late senator; Asia’s Iron Lady
  8. 16th President of the Philippines
  9. a disputed shoal claimed by the People's Republic of China, Republic of China (Taiwan), and the Philippines
  1. month by which President Rodrigo Duterte delivers his first State of the Nation Address (SONA)
  2. the typhoon that hit Batanes in September 2016
  3. a drug campaign. Oplan _______
  4. A city in Mindanao. Night market explosion
  5. prison in Muntinlupa; drug trade
  6. 2016 Olympics
  7. former secretary of the Philippine Department of Justice (DOJ). Now senator.
  8. current Philippines’ VP
  9. claims to be a former member of the alleged Davao Death Squad
  10. term for an illegal drug. Nickname of current PNP Chief
  11. 2015 Miss Universe

20 Clues: 2016 Olympics2015 Miss Universecurrent Philippines’ VPa drug campaign. Oplan _______late senator; Asia’s Iron Ladyprison in Muntinlupa; drug trade16th President of the PhilippinesA city in Mindanao. Night market explosion2016 Cannes Film Festival Best Actress Winnerthe typhoon that hit Batanes in September 2016...

EXERCISE 1 2017-02-21

EXERCISE 1 crossword puzzle
  1. TRAIN
  3. SEE
  4. LEG
  5. LEARN
  6. UNIT
  7. ARM
  8. GET
  9. TRIP
  11. USE
  12. DUCK
  13. WHEEL
  14. TAIL
  15. SLIM
  17. BUNNY
  18. RABBIT
  1. TALL
  2. UNCLE
  3. DRINK
  4. BEGIN
  8. ART
  9. LINE
  10. GREY
  11. SHORT
  14. KITE
  15. COUSIN
  17. WRITE


Vocabulary Exercise 2016-01-24

Vocabulary Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. a place or retreat or security
  2. kind and gentle
  3. a state of uncertainty or perplexity
  4. removed or disassociated from
  5. submissive; like a servant
  6. wildly excited or active
  7. intricate; complex
  8. profoundly moving; touching
  9. describing a showy or pretentious display
  10. domineering; oppressively overbearing
  11. lacking energy
  12. feeling hatred; scornful
  13. contempt; scorn
  14. treating in a condescending manner
  15. intense enthusiasm
  16. arrogantly domineering or overbearing
  17. laziness; inactivity; dullness
  18. made; concocted to deceive
  19. given freely; unearned; unwarranted
  20. inequality in age, rank, or degree; difference
  21. exhibiting a display of great wealth
  22. subdued; keep from being circulated
  23. to make beautiful by ornamenting; to decorate
  24. elaborately decorated
  25. to calm or soothe
  26. relatively unknown
  1. a union of two or more groups
  2. to give official authorization or approval
  3. the act of making something useful again
  4. well-meaning; generous
  5. having no useful purpose; pointless
  6. lazy
  7. arrogant: vainly proud
  8. the practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity
  9. extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable
  10. difficult to comprehend
  11. uninteresting, unchallenging
  12. treat people was weak or inferior
  13. to ease a pain or burden
  14. extra; unnecessary
  15. favorable: promising
  16. describing flowery or elaborate speech
  17. to slow the progress of
  18. false charges and malicious oral statements about someone
  19. conspicuously bad or offensive
  20. not genuine
  21. exercising absolute power; tyrannical
  22. emotionally unrestrained; gushy
  23. doubtful; of unlikely authenticity

49 Clues: lazynot genuinelacking energykind and gentlecontempt; scornto calm or sootheintricate; complexextra; unnecessaryintense enthusiasmrelatively unknownfavorable: promisingelaborately decoratedwell-meaning; generousarrogant: vainly prouddifficult to comprehendto slow the progress ofwildly excited or activeto ease a pain or burden...

Vocabulary Exercise 2016-01-24

Vocabulary Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. emotionally unrestrained; gushy
  2. removed or disassociated from
  3. a place or retreat or security
  4. relatively unknown
  5. exercising absolute power; tyrannical
  6. not genuine
  7. having no useful purpose; pointless
  8. profoundly moving; touching
  9. difficult to comprehend
  10. subdued; keep from being circulated
  11. feeling hatred; scornful
  12. a state of uncertainty or perplexity
  13. given freely; unearned; unwarranted
  14. domineering; oppressively overbearing
  15. to make beautiful by ornamenting; to decorate
  16. contempt; scorn
  17. extra; unnecessary
  18. lazy
  19. intricate; complex
  20. elaborately decorated
  21. made; concocted to deceive
  22. arrogantly domineering or overbearing
  23. a union of two or more groups
  24. arrogant: vainly proud
  25. uninteresting, unchallenging
  1. submissive; like a servant
  2. conspicuously bad or offensive
  3. lacking energy
  4. wildly excited or active
  5. extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable
  6. favorable: promising
  7. to calm or soothe
  8. exhibiting a display of great wealth
  9. describing flowery or elaborate speech
  10. describing a showy or pretentious display
  11. treating in a condescending manner
  12. inequality in age, rank, or degree; difference
  13. treat people was weak or inferior
  14. well-meaning; generous
  15. intense enthusiasm
  16. to ease a pain or burden
  17. the practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity
  18. doubtful; of unlikely authenticity
  19. the act of making something useful again
  20. laziness; inactivity; dullness
  21. kind and gentle
  22. to give official authorization or approval
  23. false charges and malicious oral statements about someone
  24. to slow the progress of

49 Clues: lazynot genuinelacking energycontempt; scornkind and gentleto calm or sootherelatively unknownintense enthusiasmextra; unnecessaryintricate; complexfavorable: promisingelaborately decoratedwell-meaning; generousarrogant: vainly prouddifficult to comprehendto slow the progress ofwildly excited or activefeeling hatred; scornful...

Aerobic Exercise 2019-03-20

Aerobic Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Activity: 3.0 - 5.9 METs
  2. Principle: stress placed on an organism that is greater than it is accustomed
  3. Oxygen Consumption: a measure of the body's capacity to use oxygen
  4. product of frequency, intensity, and time
  5. Period: the purpose is to enhance the adjustments needed to be made prior to physical activity
  6. Fibers: fast contractile response and recruited for activities requiring power
  7. Activity: any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure
  8. Percentage of work output/work input
  9. typically time is the initial focus, followed by frequency and then intensity
  10. Angina: due to an underlying cardiac issue this may occur with exercise
  11. the result of increased efficiency of the cardiovascular system and active muscles
  12. Glycolytic System: No oxygen is required and Lactic acid is produced
  13. Activity: 2.0 - 2.9 METs
  14. Fibers: slow contractile response and have low anaerobic capacity
  15. Principle: the loss of effects of training when ceasing an fitness program
  16. dependent on total work performed, exercise intensity, and fitness level
  17. generally 3 - 4 times per week
  18. Testing: one principle includes changing the workload by increasing the speed and/or grade of the treadmill
  19. determined by the Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
  1. Training: work/exercise is followed by rest
  2. provides stimulus for improving cardiorespiratory fitness
  3. Equivalent: unit use to quantify energy expenditure
  4. Activity: Walking faster than 3.5mph, swimming laps, jogging, running at 5.0mph, shoveling snow
  5. Principle: training that improves an individual for a specific task but will not improve in other tasks
  6. VO2 max, cardiac output, and muscular strength decrease rapidly
  7. Formula: used to determine max heart rate
  8. Period: to enhance recovery periods with oxidation of the metabolic waste and replacement of energy stores
  9. Exercise Period: training part of a program
  10. any planned and structured physical activity designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
  11. the ability to work for prolonged periods of time and the ability to resist fatigue
  12. the ability to perform physical work
  13. Oxygen Consumption: measure of oxygen consumption by the myocardial muscle
  14. Training: a series of exercise activities
  15. Testing: used to determine cardiovascular fitness in healthy individuals

34 Clues: Activity: 3.0 - 5.9 METsActivity: 2.0 - 2.9 METsgenerally 3 - 4 times per weekPercentage of work output/work inputthe ability to perform physical workproduct of frequency, intensity, and timeFormula: used to determine max heart rateTraining: a series of exercise activitiesTraining: work/exercise is followed by rest...

Aerobic Exercise 2019-03-20

Aerobic Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Training: work/exercise is followed by rest
  2. Principle: the loss of effects of training when ceasing an fitness program
  3. Testing: used to determine cardiovascular fitness in healthy individuals
  4. Formula: used to determine max heart rate
  5. Glycolytic System: No oxygen is required and Lactic acid is produced
  6. Activity: 3.0 - 5.9 METs
  7. typically time is the initial focus, followed by frequency and then intensity
  8. Exercise Period: training part of a program
  9. Oxygen Consumption: measure of oxygen consumption by the myocardial muscle
  10. Period: the purpose is to enhance the adjustments needed to be made prior to physical activity
  11. Fibers: fast contractile response and recruited for activities requiring power
  12. Activity: Walking faster than 3.5mph, swimming laps, jogging, running at 5.0mph, shoveling snow
  13. product of frequency, intensity, and time
  14. the ability to work for prolonged periods of time and the ability to resist fatigue
  15. determined by the Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
  16. Equivalent: unit use to quantify energy expenditure
  17. generally 3 - 4 times per week
  18. Period: to enhance recovery periods with oxidation of the metabolic waste and replacement of energy stores
  1. Percentage of work output/work input
  2. Activity: 2.0 - 2.9 METs
  3. Testing: one principle includes changing the workload by increasing the speed and/or grade of the treadmill
  4. VO2 max, cardiac output, and muscular strength decrease rapidly
  5. Principle: training that improves an individual for a specific task but will not improve in other tasks
  6. the result of increased efficiency of the cardiovascular system and active muscles
  7. the ability to perform physical work
  8. Activity: any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure
  9. dependent on total work performed, exercise intensity, and fitness level
  10. Fibers: slow contractile response and have low anaerobic capacity
  11. Training: a series of exercise activities
  12. Oxygen Consumption: a measure of the body's capacity to use oxygen
  13. provides stimulus for improving cardiorespiratory fitness
  14. Principle: stress placed on an organism that is greater than it is accustomed
  15. any planned and structured physical activity designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
  16. Angina: due to an underlying cardiac issue this may occur with exercise

34 Clues: Activity: 2.0 - 2.9 METsActivity: 3.0 - 5.9 METsgenerally 3 - 4 times per weekPercentage of work output/work inputthe ability to perform physical workFormula: used to determine max heart rateTraining: a series of exercise activitiesproduct of frequency, intensity, and timeTraining: work/exercise is followed by rest...

Aerobic Exercise 2019-03-20

Aerobic Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Exercise Period: training part of a program
  2. Oxygen Consumption: a measure of the body's capacity to use oxygen
  3. Glycolytic System: No oxygen is required and Lactic acid is produced
  4. Period: to enhance recovery periods with oxidation of the metabolic waste and replacement of energy stores
  5. Training: work/exercise is followed by rest
  6. generally 3 - 4 times per week
  7. the ability to perform physical work
  8. Formula: used to determine max heart rate
  9. determined by the Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
  10. Period: the purpose is to enhance the adjustments needed to be made prior to physical activity
  11. Oxygen Consumption: measure of oxygen consumption by the myocardial muscle
  12. Principle: stress placed on an organism that is greater than it is accustomed
  13. Testing: used to determine cardiovascular fitness in healthy individuals
  14. Principle: the loss of effects of training when ceasing an fitness program
  15. Fibers: slow contractile response and have low anaerobic capacity
  16. Principle: training that improves an individual for a specific task but will not improve in other tasks
  17. dependent on total work performed, exercise intensity, and fitness level
  18. Training: a series of exercise activities
  19. product of frequency, intensity, and time
  20. Activity: 2.0 - 2.9 METs
  1. Testing: one principle includes changing the workload by increasing the speed and/or grade of the treadmill
  2. Activity: Walking faster than 3.5mph, swimming laps, jogging, running at 5.0mph, shoveling snow
  3. Equivalent: unit use to quantify energy expenditure
  4. any planned and structured physical activity designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
  5. Angina: due to an underlying cardiac issue this may occur with exercise
  6. the ability to work for prolonged periods of time and the ability to resist fatigue
  7. typically time is the initial focus, followed by frequency and then intensity
  8. VO2 max, cardiac output, and muscular strength decrease rapidly
  9. provides stimulus for improving cardiorespiratory fitness
  10. the result of increased efficiency of the cardiovascular system and active muscles
  11. Percentage of work output/work input
  12. Activity: any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure
  13. Fibers: fast contractile response and recruited for activities requiring power
  14. Activity: 3.0 - 5.9 METs

34 Clues: Activity: 3.0 - 5.9 METsActivity: 2.0 - 2.9 METsgenerally 3 - 4 times per weekthe ability to perform physical workPercentage of work output/work inputFormula: used to determine max heart rateTraining: a series of exercise activitiesproduct of frequency, intensity, and timeExercise Period: training part of a program...

Exercise memory 2020-04-22

Exercise memory crossword puzzle
  1. buah vitamin c
  2. mandi dalam sehari
  3. kekurangan cairan tubuh
  4. salah satu dalam cabang atletik
  5. tolakan mendarat dalam lompa jauh
  6. alat yang digunakan dalam senam lantai
  7. aba - aba dalam lomba lari
  8. menjaga kesehatan rambut
  9. menguatkan otot perut
  10. salah satu permainan bola besar
  1. posisi awal saat roll depan
  2. yang dilakukan sebelum berolahraga
  3. termasuk permainan bola kecil
  4. manfaat sikap kapal terbang
  5. manfaat pemanasan
  6. salah satu gaya renang
  7. pukulan menukik tajam dalam badminton
  8. bagian dari alat badminton
  9. Sebutan bagi pelari 100 m
  10. bola masuk gawang dalam sepakbola

20 Clues: buah vitamin cmanfaat pemanasanmandi dalam seharimenguatkan otot perutsalah satu gaya renangkekurangan cairan tubuhmenjaga kesehatan rambutSebutan bagi pelari 100 maba - aba dalam lomba laribagian dari alat badmintonposisi awal saat roll depanmanfaat sikap kapal terbangtermasuk permainan bola kecilsalah satu dalam cabang atletik...

voc exercise 2021-11-19

voc exercise crossword puzzle
  1. klok
  2. zetel
  3. piano
  4. eenpersoonsbed
  5. kleerkast
  6. dressoir
  7. spiegel
  8. kast met schuiven/ ladenkast
  9. koffietafel
  10. boekenschap
  11. fauteuil
  12. nachtkastje
  1. stakapstok
  2. kast
  3. drankkast
  4. slaapzetel
  5. boekenkast/boekenrek
  6. tafel
  7. krukje
  8. kaptafel
  9. bureau
  10. dossierkast
  11. bed
  12. dubbel bed
  13. stoel

25 Clues: bedklokkasttafelzetelpianostoelkrukjebureauspiegelkaptafeldressoirfauteuildrankkastkleerkaststakapstokslaapzeteldubbel beddossierkastkoffietafelboekenschapnachtkastjeeenpersoonsbedboekenkast/boekenrekkast met schuiven/ ladenkast

Exercise 1 2022-04-18

Exercise 1 crossword puzzle
  1. He ate the _______ cake.
  2. He said he _________ where the place was.
  3. A small forest is called a _________.
  4. The ________ is very bright today.
  5. He has something in his ______.
  6. Where did the dog _______ his bone?
  7. It is rude to _______.
  8. I would like to ______ your parents.
  9. He ______ me do it although I didn't want to.
  10. _________ you like coffee or tea?
  1. You must _________ the movie.
  2. I don't have to ______ there until late evening.
  3. Is it a _______ or female dog?
  4. The _______ makes honey.
  5. The _________ looked dashing in his armor.
  6. He wants to do everything his own ______.
  7. I have blonde hair and __________ eyes.
  8. Are you ______ or left-handed?
  9. I ______ too much for dinner.
  10. He always makes so much noise when he ________.
  11. I ________ the ice cream myself.
  12. He has had _____ wives, you know?
  13. Is there any ______ in the soup?

23 Clues: It is rude to _______.He ate the _______ cake.The _______ makes honey.You must _________ the movie.I ______ too much for dinner.Is it a _______ or female dog?Are you ______ or left-handed?He has something in his ______.I ________ the ice cream myself.Is there any ______ in the soup?He has had _____ wives, you know?_________ you like coffee or tea?...

EXERCISE 3 2023-06-14

EXERCISE 3 crossword puzzle
  1. curi
  2. sedap
  3. surat
  4. roti
  5. bawang putih
  6. lawak
  7. pokok
  8. laju
  9. petang
  1. makan tengah hari
  2. dinding
  3. tangkap
  4. mentega
  5. masam
  6. sabun
  7. makan malam
  8. pakaian
  9. cerita
  10. minyak wangi
  11. pekan
  12. kelakar

21 Clues: curirotilajumasamsedapsuratsabunlawakpokokpekanceritapetangdindingtangkapmentegapakaiankelakarmakan malambawang putihminyak wangimakan tengah hari

EXERCISE 3 2023-05-31

EXERCISE 3 crossword puzzle
  1. To speak when somebody else is speaking: Can I ... here?
  2. Another word for prepare; I’ll ... a quotation for you and send it to you by Friday. (2 words -4,2)
  3. To support a motion: I’ll... that.
  4. If I come to your team meeting at 70 a.m., ... I be able to leave at midday?
  5. Another phrase for let's finish our meeting now; Let's ,.. things up here
  6. To make a democratic decision: Right. Let's put this to a ,,,,
  7. (Dan) can't come to the meeting: (Dan) has sent his ....
  8. The list of topics to be discussed in a meeting: Colin has asked me to draw up a quick ...
  9. To change the time: Can we ... our meeting? I am afraid I won't have time on Tuesday after all
  10. Another word for schedule: Could you ,,, a meeting with the marketing assistant for next Tuesday?
  11. To hold a meeting later than originally planned: Unfortunately, I can't make our meeting on Tuesday. Could we ... the meeting to Wednesday.
  1. A person in control of more formal meetings: A ... should finish the meeting on time, even if a decision hasn't been reached
  2. May I ... Tim McCarthy to you? Tim, this is Charlotte Bone.
  3. Not exacts: Can you give me a ... idea of how much this will cost?
  4. Another word for badly: Sales performed very... here
  5. Explaining why something has happened: I think this was as a ,,, of some bad planning on our part.
  6. The opposite of I think you're absolutely right: I completely ....
  7. The written record of a meeting: Have you got o note of that for the ... , Ms Michaels?
  8. The voice quality is terrible: The voice quality is not really up to ....
  9. Another word for soy something about: Does anyone want to ... on that?
  10. To reject an offer or suggestion: l am afraid I won't be able to ... you up on that
  11. Another way to say examine: Our objective today is to ... the new advertising campaign. (2 words - 4, 2)
  12. A group of people who work together in a department: Every Tuesday all the people in my deportment get together for a quick ... meeting.
  13. Another way to say Let's start now: Let's get ... to business
  14. To start a discussion: Who wonts to get the ball ...?

25 Clues: To support a motion: I’ll... that.Another word for badly: Sales performed very... hereTo start a discussion: Who wonts to get the ball ...?To speak when somebody else is speaking: Can I ... here?(Dan) can't come to the meeting: (Dan) has sent his ....May I ... Tim McCarthy to you? Tim, this is Charlotte Bone....

Exercise Physiology 2023-03-06

Exercise Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. This system mainly provides the bulk of ATP production during high intensity, sub-maximal efforts
  2. Every sarcomere along the muscle fibre shortens, leading the whole muscle to
  3. provides the major source of energy for long-term physical activity
  4. The human body requires a supply of energy both to meet the needs of its systems and organs and to power muscular contraction for movement.
  5. The capability to generate activity, to produce or do work
  6. They are also known as white (much paler as they contain little myoglobin)
  7. These muscles are a compromise between fusiform and pennate muscles because they are capable of producing strength and power while retaining their mobility
  8. One of the main arrangements of major skeletal muscles used in physical activity include
  9. a contractile unit, and each one is designated by a line at either end called a Z line
  10. contraction is the most common type of muscular contraction. During this contraction, the muscle shortens, causing movement at the joint
  1. The aerobic system is the predominant system for use during extended __________ events such as marathons and low demand activities such as walking, sitting and reading
  2. only minimally contributes to ATP production
  3. They are also known as red (due to the presence of myoglobin) and Type I fibres
  4. When digested, it is broken down to glucose for blood transportation and then stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver
  5. the fascicles are short and they attach obliquely to a central tendon that runs the length of the muscle
  6. Skeletal muscle is covered with a layer of connective tissue called
  7. contraction is a form of static contraction where length is unchanged despite application of tension
  8. High energy compound that stores and transfers energy to body cells
  9. energy-rich compound that serves as an alternative energy source for muscular contraction
  10. all skeletal muscle is made up of
  11. contraction occurs when the muscle lengthens while under tension. The action often happens with the assistance of gravity

21 Clues: all skeletal muscle is made up ofonly minimally contributes to ATP productionThe capability to generate activity, to produce or do workprovides the major source of energy for long-term physical activitySkeletal muscle is covered with a layer of connective tissue calledHigh energy compound that stores and transfers energy to body cells...

Exercise Metabolism 2023-02-14

Exercise Metabolism crossword puzzle
  1. Is only regulatory for glycolysis in the liver.
  2. The ability to use ____ as fuel increases with training.
  3. Harmful to the body as it decreases leptin sensitivity, causes the satiety signal to be lost, and can result in fatty liver. Found in processed foods.
  4. Needed to feed the "flame" of fat catabolism.
  5. Anabolic hormone that registers the amount of energy in the body.
  6. Is a gut hormone that acts in response to feeding that reduces hunger and increases CNS sensitivity to leptin.
  7. Keeps the TCA cycle spinning because it gives Acetyl CoA something to bind to.
  8. May be used for energy in cases such as fasting, diabetes, or prolonged exercise longer than 90 minutes once OXA stores are depleted with no carbohydrate refueling.
  9. Donor of phosphate to ADP in the ATP/PCr energy system.
  10. The two purposes of this energy system are break down fatty acids and produce high energy reducing equivalents such as FADH2 and NADH +H.
  11. Is the most important regulatory enzyme in Glycolysis.
  1. The conversion of ______ to Acetyl CoA is the hub of all aerobic metabolism.
  2. Has a higher concentration of glycogen than skeletal muscle.
  3. Is the ultimate predictor of performance and can be increased with an increased intensity in workouts.
  4. An increase in _______ as a supplement can allow an individual to shuttle in more fat and increase fat catabolism even at rest.
  5. Is the major controller of glycogenolysis along with epinephrine as it is released with muscle contraction and activates phosphorylase directly.
  6. Occurs when an amino radical is removed from alanine in the liver to be converted to glucose with the leftover carbon skeleton.
  7. Has the highest satiety signal.
  8. All energy can be transformed or converted to ATP _______.
  9. Energy is related to the ability to perform _____.

20 Clues: Has the highest satiety signal.Needed to feed the "flame" of fat catabolism.Is only regulatory for glycolysis in the liver.Energy is related to the ability to perform _____.Is the most important regulatory enzyme in Glycolysis.Donor of phosphate to ADP in the ATP/PCr energy system.The ability to use ____ as fuel increases with training....

Ch 7 Vocab 2017-09-17

Ch 7 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. twitch fibers/ sprints
  2. exercises/ type of exercise with lots of movement. Power cleans
  3. resistance training/ adding weight over time for growth
  4. not training makes you weaker, so training makes you stronger.
  5. stretching/ also known as dynamic stretching
  6. units/ motor neurons that control your muscle movements
  7. preseason injury prevention
  8. respiratory conditioning/ running
  9. constant change to grow
  10. muscle growth
  11. close to muscle failure for weight or reps
  1. conditioning/ off-season exercise
  2. post injury recovery exercise
  3. loosen up pre workout ex: arm circles
  4. exercise/ type of exercise based on a static muscle contraction
  5. exercise/ machine exercises
  6. a result of proper stretching
  7. training one muscle group at a time
  8. training/ back to back exercises performed as one round
  9. neuromuscular function/ stretch+contraction
  10. resistance training/ your spotter pushes or pulls on you lift
  11. muscle shrinkage
  12. twitch fibers/ long run

23 Clues: muscle growthmuscle shrinkagetwitch fibers/ sprintsconstant change to growtwitch fibers/ long runexercise/ machine exercisespreseason injury preventionpost injury recovery exercisea result of proper stretchingconditioning/ off-season exerciserespiratory conditioning/ runningtraining one muscle group at a timeloosen up pre workout ex: arm circles...

Health Crossword 2013-09-09

Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The level of physical health
  2. Hard exercise level.
  3. The organs that allow your certain parts of your body to move
  4. The overall condition of an organism at a given time.
  5. How you exercise.(light, medium, vigorous)
  6. To put/pass through a cycle again
  7. The stretching ability of muscles.
  8. How long your body can handle physical activity.
  9. Focusing on everybody else as opposed to being self centered.
  10. Of/pertaining to the body
  11. Reciting or rendering literary work
  12. Activities involving other people
  1. Strengthening your muscles
  2. Related to or associated with the enviroment
  3. A muscles ability to work against resistance.
  4. How often you exercise.
  5. Relating to the sould and not to physical nature or matter
  6. A periodic form of rest
  7. Overall physical and emotional health.
  8. How smart you are
  9. How long you do something.
  10. Medium exercise level.
  11. What you are doing.
  12. Easy exercise level.

24 Clues: How smart you areWhat you are doing.Hard exercise level.Easy exercise level.Medium exercise level.How often you exercise.A periodic form of restOf/pertaining to the bodyStrengthening your musclesHow long you do something.The level of physical healthTo put/pass through a cycle againActivities involving other peopleThe stretching ability of muscles....

Health Crossword 2013-09-09

Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The level of physical health
  2. Hard exercise level.
  3. The organs that allow your certain parts of your body to move
  4. The overall condition of an organism at a given time.
  5. How you exercise.(light, medium, vigorous)
  6. To put/pass through a cycle again
  7. The stretching ability of muscles.
  8. How long your body can handle physical activity.
  9. Focusing on everybody else as opposed to being self centered.
  10. Of/pertaining to the body
  11. Reciting or rendering literary work
  12. Activities involving other people
  1. Strengthening your muscles
  2. Related to or associated with the enviroment
  3. A muscles ability to work against resistance.
  4. How often you exercise.
  5. Relating to the sould and not to physical nature or matter
  6. A periodic form of rest
  7. Overall physical and emotional health.
  8. How smart you are
  9. How long you do something.
  10. Medium exercise level.
  11. What you are doing.
  12. Easy exercise level.

24 Clues: How smart you areWhat you are doing.Hard exercise level.Easy exercise level.Medium exercise level.How often you exercise.A periodic form of restOf/pertaining to the bodyStrengthening your musclesHow long you do something.The level of physical healthTo put/pass through a cycle againActivities involving other peopleThe stretching ability of muscles....

Aerobic Exercise 2019-03-20

Aerobic Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Training: work/exercise is followed by rest
  2. Glycolytic System: No oxygen is required and Lactic acid is produced
  3. the ability to work for prolonged periods of time and the ability to resist fatigue
  4. Equivalent: unit use to quantify energy expenditure
  5. Fibers: fast contractile response and recruited for activities requiring power
  6. Activity: Walking faster than 3.5mph, swimming laps, jogging, running at 5.0mph, shoveling snow
  7. Principle: the loss of effects of training when ceasing an fitness program
  8. provides stimulus for improving cardiorespiratory fitness
  9. Period: the purpose is to enhance the adjustments needed to be made prior to physical activity
  10. Percentage of work output/work input
  11. typically time is the initial focus, followed by frequency and then intensity
  12. generally 3 - 4 times per week
  13. Period: to enhance recovery periods with oxidation of the metabolic waste and replacement of energy stores
  14. Oxygen Consumption: measure of oxygen consumption by the myocardial muscle
  15. Testing: one principle includes changing the workload by increasing the speed and/or grade of the treadmill
  16. determined by the Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
  17. Oxygen Consumption: a measure of the body's capacity to use oxygen
  1. Training: a series of exercise activities
  2. Activity: 2.0 - 2.9 METs
  3. Formula: used to determine max heart rate
  4. dependent on total work performed, exercise intensity, and fitness level
  5. any planned and structured physical activity designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
  6. the ability to perform physical work
  7. Principle: training that improves an individual for a specific task but will not improve in other tasks
  8. Principle: stress placed on an organism that is greater than it is accustomed
  9. the result of increased efficiency of the cardiovascular system and active muscles
  10. VO2 max, cardiac output, and muscular strength decrease rapidly
  11. Testing: used to determine cardiovascular fitness in healthy individuals
  12. Exercise Period: training part of a program
  13. Fibers: slow contractile response and have low anaerobic capacity
  14. Angina: due to an underlying cardiac issue this may occur with exercise
  15. Activity: 3.0 - 5.9 METs
  16. Activity: any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure
  17. product of frequency, intensity, and time

34 Clues: Activity: 2.0 - 2.9 METsActivity: 3.0 - 5.9 METsgenerally 3 - 4 times per weekthe ability to perform physical workPercentage of work output/work inputTraining: a series of exercise activitiesFormula: used to determine max heart rateproduct of frequency, intensity, and timeTraining: work/exercise is followed by rest...

Aerobic Exercise 2019-03-20

Aerobic Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. product of frequency, intensity, and time
  2. Glycolytic System: No oxygen is required and Lactic acid is produced
  3. Activity includes walking faster than 3.5mph, swimming laps, jogging, running at 5.0mph, shoveling snow
  4. Fibers that have fast contractile response and recruited for activities requiring power
  5. Principle that states stress placed on an organism that is greater than it is accustomed
  6. Testing may include changing the workload by increasing the speed and/or grade of the treadmill
  7. typically time is the initial focus, followed by frequency and then intensity
  8. provides stimulus for improving cardiorespiratory fitness
  9. the ability to perform physical work
  10. any planned and structured physical activity designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
  11. Activity that is any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure
  12. Percentage of work output/work input
  13. VO2 max, cardiac output, and muscular strength decrease rapidly
  14. Fibers that have slow contractile response and have low anaerobic capacity
  15. Activity between 2.0 - 2.9 METs
  1. Formula used to determine max heart rate
  2. dependent on total work performed, exercise intensity, and fitness level
  3. Exercise Period that is the training part of a program
  4. a type of Angina that occurs due to an underlying cardiac issue this may occur with exercise
  5. determined by the Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
  6. Activity between 3.0 - 5.9 METs
  7. the result of increased efficiency of the cardiovascular system and active muscles
  8. Testing used to determine cardiovascular fitness in healthy individuals
  9. the ability to work for prolonged periods of time and the ability to resist fatigue
  10. Period to enhance the adjustments needed to be made prior to physical activity
  11. Principle that states the loss of effects of training happen when ceasing an fitness program
  12. Training that includes work/exercise is followed by rest
  13. generally 3 - 4 times per week
  14. Principle that states that training that improves an individual for a specific task but will not improve in other tasks
  15. Period to enhance recovery periods with oxidation of the metabolic waste and replacement of energy stores
  16. Training that includes a series of exercise activities

31 Clues: generally 3 - 4 times per weekActivity between 3.0 - 5.9 METsActivity between 2.0 - 2.9 METsthe ability to perform physical workPercentage of work output/work inputFormula used to determine max heart rateproduct of frequency, intensity, and timeExercise Period that is the training part of a program...

Exercise Crossword 2021-02-26

Exercise Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the ability of a test to rule out the presence of a disease in someone who does not have it
  2. progress from working out that happens slowly and not immediately
  3. body mass index
  4. train, train by trying and doing more than one element
  5. of or having equal dimensions
  6. exhaustion, when the body overheats
  7. exercising with oxygen
  8. stretching or tearing of ligaments such as the fibrous tissue that connects bones and joints
  9. injury to the body tissues caused by exposure to extremely cold temperatures
  10. cramps, painful and involuntary contraction of a muscle
  11. metabolism, number of calories needed to keep body functioning
  12. exercising without oxygen
  13. the stretching or tearing of muscle or tissue connecting muscle to bone
  14. chemical processes within organisms that help maintain life
  1. energy needed to raise the temperature within your body
  2. cramps, painful and involuntary muscle spasms that usually occur during heavy exercise in hot environments
  3. stands for frequency, intensity, and time
  4. endurance, able to move body for a repetitive amount of time
  5. medical emergency when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat which causes a dangerously low body temperature
  6. range of motion to next level
  7. composition, amount of fat and muscle in your body
  8. strength, excerpting as much force as you can
  9. lifestyle, lifestyle involving little to no activity
  10. pushing yourself beyond your physical and mental abilities
  11. characterized by or producing a constant speed

25 Clues: body mass indexexercising with oxygenexercising without oxygenof or having equal dimensionsrange of motion to next levelexhaustion, when the body overheatsstands for frequency, intensity, and timestrength, excerpting as much force as you cancharacterized by or producing a constant speedcomposition, amount of fat and muscle in your body...

Exercise Crossword 2021-02-26

Exercise Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the ability of a test to rule out the presence of a disease in someone who does not have it
  2. progress from working out that happens slowly and not immediately
  3. body mass index
  4. train, train by trying and doing more than one element
  5. of or having equal dimensions
  6. exhaustion, when the body overheats
  7. exercising with oxygen
  8. stretching or tearing of ligaments such as the fibrous tissue that connects bones and joints
  9. injury to the body tissues caused by exposure to extremely cold temperatures
  10. cramps, painful and involuntary contraction of a muscle
  11. metabolism, number of calories needed to keep body functioning
  12. exercising without oxygen
  13. the stretching or tearing of muscle or tissue connecting muscle to bone
  14. chemical processes within organisms that help maintain life
  1. energy needed to raise the temperature within your body
  2. cramps, painful and involuntary muscle spasms that usually occur during heavy exercise in hot environments
  3. stands for frequency, intensity, and time
  4. endurance, able to move body for a repetitive amount of time
  5. medical emergency when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat which causes a dangerously low body temperature
  6. range of motion to next level
  7. composition, amount of fat and muscle in your body
  8. strength, excerpting as much force as you can
  9. lifestyle, lifestyle involving little to no activity
  10. pushing yourself beyond your physical and mental abilities
  11. characterized by or producing a constant speed

25 Clues: body mass indexexercising with oxygenexercising without oxygenof or having equal dimensionsrange of motion to next levelexhaustion, when the body overheatsstands for frequency, intensity, and timestrength, excerpting as much force as you cancharacterized by or producing a constant speedcomposition, amount of fat and muscle in your body...


AEROBIC EXERCISE crossword puzzle
  1. To run at a steady gentle pace, especially on a regular basis as a form of physical exercise.
  2. To go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.
  3. can be determined by the number of sets, repetitions, and exercises to be performed in a given exercise session.
  4. the act, art, or sport of one that swims and dives
  5. Is kind of exercise method which includes resistance training and lifting weights, causes the body’s muscles to work or hold against an applied force or weight.
  6. an exercise performed and sustained over a period of time with oxygen as a necessity to deliver energy.
  7. the ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted, pain free range of motion.
  8. To move your body in a way that goes with the rhythm and the style of music that is being played.
  9. Should be measured intelligently or else over exertion and injury will be most likely making the workout counter-productive.
  10. a strength exercise in which the trainee lowers their hips from a standing position and then stands back up
  1. To go on a hike
  2. to advance or travel on foot at a moderate speed or pace.
  3. a physical exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles, in which a person sits up from a supine position without using the arms for leverage.
  4. Just like in aerobic workout, this factor will guide how many days in a week you should do strength training.
  5. Is the moment when your muscles are not capable of exerting the amount of force necessary to complete the current repetition, with a given load.
  6. short bar with a weight at each end, used typically in pairs for exercise or muscle-building.
  7. a kind of exercise that produces force to the bone to trigger growth and increase bone strength
  8. vital factor in delivering energy to sustain any activity.
  9. Is the most important factor to consider in muscular and bone strengthening workout.
  10. refers to the kind of exercises or method you are using.

20 Clues: To go on a hikevital factor in delivering energy to sustain any activity.the act, art, or sport of one that swims and divesrefers to the kind of exercises or method you are using.to advance or travel on foot at a moderate speed or pace....

Exercise 2 2023-03-08

Exercise 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A process that stretches tissue section
  2. Equipment used prior to staining
  3. Used to arrive at a diagnosis
  4. Most commonly used fixative
  5. Used to label tissue cassettes before processing
  6. Produced during microtomy
  7. Product after embedding
  8. Provides diagnosis after viewing the slides
  9. The first step of tissue preparation
  10. Given in number 19 across
  1. Common between oven, stretching table and floatation bath
  2. Used to hold tissues during processing
  3. Holds a maximum of 5 slides during staining
  4. Facilitates placement of tissue on the slide
  5. Placed in between the specimen and coverslip
  6. The temperature is set to 60 degrees Celsius
  7. Might interfere with the reading of tissue
  8. Performed only by a pathologist
  9. An instrument that needs precision and hand-eye coordination
  10. Used for infiltration and embedding

20 Clues: Product after embeddingProduced during microtomyGiven in number 19 acrossMost commonly used fixativeUsed to arrive at a diagnosisPerformed only by a pathologistEquipment used prior to stainingUsed for infiltration and embeddingThe first step of tissue preparationUsed to hold tissues during processingA process that stretches tissue section...

AN EXERCISE 2023-05-16

AN EXERCISE crossword puzzle
  12. BETTER
  1. WORSE
  4. OLDER


EXERCISE ONE 2012-09-24

EXERCISE ONE crossword puzzle
  1. Records, statements of fact or other information which are relevant to the audit criteria and verifiable. (13)
  2. Organisation or person requesting an audit. (11)
  3. Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to quality as formally expressed by top management. (13)
  4. Recurring activity to increase the ability to fulfill requirements. (9)
  5. Something sought or aimed for related to quality. (16)
  6. Outcome of an audit provided by the audit team after consideration of the audit objectives and all audit findings. (15)
  7. Description of the activities and arrangements for an audit. (9)
  8. Results of the evaluation of the collected audit evidence against audit criteria. (13)
  9. Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled. (16)
  10. Set of one or more audits planned for a specific time frame and directed towards a specific purpose. (14)
  11. Relationship between the result achieved and the resources used. (10)
  12. Organisation being audited. (7)
  1. Extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved. (13)
  2. Set of policies, procedures or requirements. (13)
  3. Part of quality management focused on increasing the ability to fulfill quality requirements. (18)
  4. Management system to direct and control an organization with regard to quality as formally expressed by top management. (23)
  5. Part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements. (14)
  6. Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements.(7)
  7. One or more auditors conducting an audit supported if needed by technical experts.
  8. Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. (17)
  9. Extent and boundaries of an audit. (10)
  10. Part of quality management focused on setting quality objectives and specifying necessary operational processes and related resources to fulfill their quality objectives. (16)
  11. Person with the competence to conduct an audit. (7)
  12. Demonstrated personal attributes and demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills. (10)

24 Clues: Organisation being audited. (7)Extent and boundaries of an audit. (10)Organisation or person requesting an audit. (11)Set of policies, procedures or requirements. (13)Person with the competence to conduct an audit. (7)Something sought or aimed for related to quality. (16)Description of the activities and arrangements for an audit. (9)...

Exercise Crossword 2014-05-20

Exercise Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Bruder
  2. Apfel
  3. sein
  4. Juli
  5. Familie
  6. schlafen
  7. König
  8. März
  9. Winter
  10. Er
  1. Freund
  2. 20
  3. Du
  4. Mai
  5. springen
  6. Mutter
  7. mögen
  8. Löwe
  9. Wir
  10. haben

20 Clues: 20DuErMaiWirseinJuliLöweMärzApfelmögenKönighabenFreundBruderMutterWinterFamiliespringenschlafen

Tutami Exercise 2014-08-01

Tutami Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. To build or create something
  2. The name of a flower as well as a name
  3. Tinko's favorite show now
  4. Shows ownership
  5. The past participle of to take or a Liam Neeson movie
  6. Lives together with Leon
  7. Has a trunk
  8. Today's day of the week
  9. Sits across from Linda
  10. A person who can listen very well has great ___?
  11. The country where the last World Cup took place
  12. The world's healthiest drink
  1. To change into something
  2. The world's largest mammal
  3. A toy on a string that goes up and down
  4. How many fish we still have
  5. Likes to go swimming after work
  6. A double digit number that contains both odd digits under 50
  7. A company that specializes in SAT and ACT training
  8. The present participle of see
  9. A place to buy coffee
  10. Third person singular of fly
  11. Is wearing a red bow today
  12. A person, place, thing or idea
  13. Modifies an adjective, verb or another adverb
  14. Past Participle of to swim

26 Clues: Has a trunkShows ownershipA place to buy coffeeSits across from LindaToday's day of the weekTo change into somethingLives together with LeonTinko's favorite show nowThe world's largest mammalIs wearing a red bow todayPast Participle of to swimHow many fish we still haveTo build or create somethingThird person singular of fly...

EXERCISE 1 2017-02-21

EXERCISE 1 crossword puzzle
  1. TRAIN
  3. SEE
  4. LEG
  5. LEARN
  6. UNIT
  7. ARM
  8. GET
  9. TRIP
  11. USE
  12. DUCK
  13. WHEEL
  14. TAIL
  15. SLIM
  17. BUNNY
  18. RABBIT
  1. TALL
  2. UNCLE
  3. DRINK
  4. BEGIN
  8. ART
  9. LINE
  10. GREY
  11. SHORT
  14. KITE
  15. COUSIN
  17. WRITE


Exercise 5 2021-12-17

Exercise 5 crossword puzzle
  1. 铁拐李
  2. 在发现这玩意之前,大家是用面包来擦掉铅笔字的
  3. 定格美好
  4. 双脚
  5. 有抽屉的
  6. 坐姿端
  7. 喵..the chair
  8. 喵.....the table
  9. 一群熊娃儿
  10. 助动词
  11. 密t
  1. 见到你很高兴
  2. 收纳神奇
  3. 每个人都有,有人2个字,有人3个字
  4. 早睡早起身体好
  5. 没抽屉的
  6. 安置
  7. 乱七八糟的谁喜欢
  8. 两肋插刀
  9. 吞金兽
  10. 喵..the tree
  11. 喵..the box
  12. 自己收拾

23 Clues: 安置双脚密t铁拐李坐姿端吞金兽助动词收纳神奇没抽屉的定格美好两肋插刀有抽屉的自己收拾一群熊娃儿见到你很高兴早睡早起身体好乱七八糟的谁喜欢喵..the box喵..the tree喵..the chair喵.....the table每个人都有,有人2个字,有人3个字在发现这玩意之前,大家是用面包来擦掉铅笔字的

Exercise Seven 2022-02-16

Exercise Seven crossword puzzle
  1. is broken.
  2. are ripe.
  3. is laying.
  4. are there.
  5. is high.
  6. is long.
  7. is white.
  8. is for me.
  9. is tasty.
  10. is black.
  1. is large.
  2. is small.
  3. is beautiful.
  4. is huge.
  5. is dry.
  6. is here.
  7. is warm.
  8. is for play.
  9. is smart.
  10. is rising.

20 Clues: is dry.is huge.is high.is here.is long.is warm.is large.are ripe.is small.is white.is smart.is tasty.is black.is broken.is laying.are there.is for me.is rising.is for play.is beautiful.

vocab exercise 2023-11-30

vocab exercise crossword puzzle
  1. easy to hurt or attack physically or emotionally
  2. someone who receives money, help, etc from something or someone else
  3. smb whose job is buying and selling goods
  4. to feel very happy
  5. to destroy something such as a building
  6. to include smt as part of another thing
  7. to continue as planned
  8. only
  9. to stop someone doing something
  1. done or happening in order to prepare for the main event or activity
  2. to not give enough care or attention to smt or smb
  3. make people obey a rule
  4. to increase in amount over a period of time
  5. great length of life
  6. to become worse
  7. belonging to or done by two or more people
  8. to be the same of very similar
  9. to collect information and arrange it in a book, report or list
  10. a product that you can buy or sell
  11. a strong wall built across a river to stop the water and make a lake

20 Clues: onlyto become worseto feel very happygreat length of lifeto continue as plannedmake people obey a ruleto be the same of very similarto stop someone doing somethinga product that you can buy or sellto destroy something such as a buildingto include smt as part of another thingsmb whose job is buying and selling goods...

Exercise Science 2023-12-11

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. paralysis of both upper and lower body
  2. study of old age
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4. we get this from breakdown of food
  5. Approximately 17,000 individuals experience this every year.
  6. Stores important minerals such as
  7. Study of the function of the body
  8. Brain
  9. bones will adapt to the degree of mechanical loading,
  10. that an increase in loading will cause the architecture of the internal,
  11. responsible for creating movement
  12. Also called aerobic exercise,
  1. to one side of the body.
  2. of the brain.
  3. our diet
  4. system of hormones
  5. The study of how body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic bouts of exercise
  6. affects all or part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
  7. bone to strengthen, followed by the strengthening of the cortical
  8. loss of motor control (including strength) and
  9. Fights off pathogens and infections
  10. Exchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
  11. this occurs as a result of a disruption to blood flow to an
  12. Functional electrical stimulation
  13. also called atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the blood to our muscles.

25 Clues: Brainour dietof the brain.study of old agesystem of hormonesto one side of the body.Also called aerobic exercise,Stores important minerals such asStudy of the function of the bodyFunctional electrical stimulationresponsible for creating movementwe get this from breakdown of foodFights off pathogens and infectionsExchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide...

Exercise Science 2023-12-11

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. paralysis of both upper and lower body
  2. study of old age
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4. we get this from breakdown of food
  5. Approximately 17,000 individuals experience this every year.
  6. Stores important minerals such as
  7. Study of the function of the body
  8. Brain
  9. bones will adapt to the degree of mechanical loading,
  10. that an increase in loading will cause the architecture of the internal,
  11. responsible for creating movement
  12. Also called aerobic exercise,
  1. to one side of the body.
  2. of the brain.
  3. our diet
  4. system of hormones
  5. The study of how body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic bouts of exercise
  6. affects all or part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
  7. bone to strengthen, followed by the strengthening of the cortical
  8. loss of motor control (including strength) and
  9. Fights off pathogens and infections
  10. Exchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
  11. this occurs as a result of a disruption to blood flow to an
  12. Functional electrical stimulation
  13. also called atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the blood to our muscles.

25 Clues: Brainour dietof the brain.study of old agesystem of hormonesto one side of the body.Also called aerobic exercise,Stores important minerals such asStudy of the function of the bodyFunctional electrical stimulationresponsible for creating movementwe get this from breakdown of foodFights off pathogens and infectionsExchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide...

Exercise Science 2023-12-11

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. paralysis of both upper and lower body
  2. study of old age
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4. we get this from breakdown of food
  5. Approximately 17,000 individuals experience this every year.
  6. Stores important minerals such as
  7. Study of the function of the body
  8. Brain
  9. bones will adapt to the degree of mechanical loading,
  10. that an increase in loading will cause the architecture of the internal,
  11. responsible for creating movement
  12. Also called aerobic exercise,
  1. to one side of the body.
  2. of the brain.
  3. our diet
  4. system of hormones
  5. The study of how body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic bouts of exercise
  6. affects all or part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
  7. bone to strengthen, followed by the strengthening of the cortical
  8. loss of motor control (including strength) and
  9. Fights off pathogens and infections
  10. Exchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
  11. this occurs as a result of a disruption to blood flow to an
  12. Functional electrical stimulation
  13. also called atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the blood to our muscles.

25 Clues: Brainour dietof the brain.study of old agesystem of hormonesto one side of the body.Also called aerobic exercise,Stores important minerals such asStudy of the function of the bodyFunctional electrical stimulationresponsible for creating movementwe get this from breakdown of foodFights off pathogens and infectionsExchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide...

Exercise Science 2023-12-11

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. fights of pathogens and infections
  2. relating to, involving, or requiring oxygen
  3. acute or short-term change (adjustment) in the body associated with exercise
  4. high blood sugar
  5. Is the second parent discipline
  6. Exchanges Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide between the air and blood
  7. thing needed in order to exercise
  8. Control of movement by way of the skeletal muscles which are voluntary control
  9. Study of the function of the body
  10. low blood sugar
  11. produced outside of the body
  1. Transports Blood, Oxygen, & Nutrients to the tissues of the body
  2. Primarily responsible for creating movement
  3. exercise involves a long-term change in the body due to exercise training
  4. scientific name for a heart attack
  5. system of ductless glans that secrets its products into the blood
  6. affects all or part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs
  7. paralysis of both upper and lower body
  8. condition of excessive muscle tone and resistance to stretch
  9. Scientific study of old age, the process of aging, and the particular problems of old people

20 Clues: low blood sugarhigh blood sugarproduced outside of the bodyIs the second parent disciplinething needed in order to exerciseStudy of the function of the bodyfights of pathogens and infectionsscientific name for a heart attackparalysis of both upper and lower bodyPrimarily responsible for creating movementrelating to, involving, or requiring oxygen...

Exercise Science 2024-01-09

Exercise Science crossword puzzle
  1. Muscular __________: The ability to generate the maximal amount of muscle force while performing a particular exercise
  2. The most accurate way to measure Cardiovascular Endurance
  3. A way to measure the level of exertion a person feels during physical activity.
  4. Muscular __________: The ability to produce and sustain muscle force over a certain period of time
  5. To improve any aspect of physical fitness the individual must continually increase the demands place on the appropriate body systems
  6. The range of motion of muscle and connective tissues at a joint or group of joints.
  7. The ability to move quickly from one position to another
  8. When you stop working out, you lose the effects of training
  9. The ability to maintain upright posture while standing still or moving
  1. The adaptation of the body or change in physical fitness is specific to the type of training undertaken.
  2. A gradual and systematic increase of the workload over a period of time will result in improvements in fitness without risk of injury
  3. The integration of hand or foot movements and an input of senses
  4. A constant adaptation and change in intensity, volume, and time of the workout will prevent the stagnation of performance gains
  5. ________ Time: How quickly you respond to a stimulus and activate a response
  6. F.I.T.T.E. Principle: I___________ is how difficult is the exercise (low, moderate, high intensity)
  7. Cardiovascular _____________: Measure of how well you can do exercises that involve your whole body at moderate to high intensity for an extended time
  8. The ability to exert force in the shortest amount of time
  9. The ability of the body to change direction quickly
  10. F.I.T.T.E. Principle: F___________ is how often per week you exercise
  11. F.I.T.T.E. Principle: T__________ What type of exercise is it: strength, cardiovascular, mind-body, etc.
  12. F.I.T.T.E. Principle: T__________ Length of the workout or time of day

21 Clues: The ability of the body to change direction quicklyThe ability to move quickly from one position to anotherThe most accurate way to measure Cardiovascular EnduranceThe ability to exert force in the shortest amount of timeWhen you stop working out, you lose the effects of trainingThe integration of hand or foot movements and an input of senses...

Exercise Physcology 2024-04-10

Exercise Physcology crossword puzzle
  1. small blood vessels
  2. white blood cells
  3. blood vessels that carry blood from capillaries toward the heart
  4. clots blood
  5. nervous system depresses the respiratory system
  6. ventricular contraction and emptying
  7. airways defense against chemicals
  8. output stroke volume x HR
  9. system nose, mouth, pharynx
  10. functions transports nutrients, CO2
  11. pumping chamber of the heart
  12. blood vessels that carry blood from heart to tissue
  13. amount of times ur heart beats
  14. receiving chamber of the heart that revives blood from the body
  15. lung capacity volume of air in the lungs after a max inhale
  1. SA node where heart beat is too fast to meet demands
  2. average method of working out
  3. iron containing protein
  4. ventilation inflow and outflow of air between atomosphere and the lungs
  5. max some sports require a higher
  6. exercise movements without joints
  7. nervous system stimulates the system
  8. capacity max volume of air that can be exhaled after a max inhale
  9. protects lining of bronchi
  10. plasma liquid that transports nutrients
  11. resting membrane where negative becomes positive
  12. reserve volume volume of air in excess of tidal volume that can be exhaled forcibly
  13. volume volume of air breathed in/out in 1 breath

28 Clues: clots bloodwhite blood cellssmall blood vesselsiron containing proteinoutput stroke volume x HRprotects lining of bronchisystem nose, mouth, pharynxpumping chamber of the heartaverage method of working outamount of times ur heart beatsmax some sports require a higherexercise movements without jointsairways defense against chemicals...

Exercise 8,9 2024-04-12

Exercise 8,9 crossword puzzle
  1. 전쟁, 교전
  2. 진귀한 것, 호기심
  3. 기발한, 독창적인
  4. 분사 작용, 분출 작용
  5. 감탄할 만한, 훌륭한
  6. 사려 깊은
  7. 수송, 교통
  8. 제도,기관
  9. 에테르
  10. 순진한, 천진난만한
  11. 파괴하다, ~을 허물다
  1. 오래된
  2. 개혁가
  3. 발표하다, 출판하다
  4. 무관한
  5. 외과 수술
  6. 확신하는
  7. 관습
  8. 일, 용건, 업무
  9. ~을 시행하다. 수행하다
  10. 이후의, 이어지는
  11. 제안하다

22 Clues: 관습오래된개혁가무관한에테르확신하는제안하다외과 수술사려 깊은제도,기관전쟁, 교전수송, 교통기발한, 독창적인일, 용건, 업무이후의, 이어지는발표하다, 출판하다진귀한 것, 호기심순진한, 천진난만한감탄할 만한, 훌륭한분사 작용, 분출 작용파괴하다, ~을 허물다~을 시행하다. 수행하다

Fitness Unit 2024-04-03

Fitness Unit crossword puzzle
  1. - Personally I dislike this exercise because it gets tiring very fast. Throughout this unit, I did learn that this exercise works many parts of your body such as core, shoulders, hamstrings, quads, and triceps. To do this exercise, you have to run in place while moving your arms up and down.
  2. - I love doing this exercise as a warm up for basketball or running. I learned that this exercise is a great way to get your heart rate up to get ready for the rest of your workout. When doing this exercise, you have to run while lifting up your legs to hit your bottom.
  3. - I enjoy doing this exercise as a fun challenge. I learned that this exercise works your core muscles and triceps. Along with that, this exercise helps with muscular strength. To do this exercise, you have to go into plank position and then go downward and use your arms to lift you back into your starting position.
  4. - This exercise is a very difficult stretch. I’ve learned that this exercise is a great way to work on my flexibility. When you do this exercise, you have to sit down, make sure your legs are straight and then stretch to your toe.
  5. - I like this yoga pose because it helps with my flexibility and strength. I learned that this pose is great for your muscular endurance. For this pose you have to bend down and put your hands and feet on the ground.
  6. - I love this exercise and I feel that it is a super important exercise to work your hamstrings and calves. I learned that this exercise is used in strength training routines. When doing this exercise, you have to go in a chair position with your knees bent. From this position, you have to go upwards then back down repeatedly.
  7. - This exercise is definitely a struggle for me but it is a great core exercise. I learned that this exercise can help with posture and flexibility. For this exercise, you have to go into a push up position and hold it.
  8. - I find this exercise fun to do before my running meets. This fitness unit has taught me that this exercise is a phenomenal way to improve your muscular endurance. For this exercise, you have to run and lift your knees one by one so that they are leveled with your waist.
  1. - This exercise is extremely difficult but a great way to work my thighs. Gym class has taught me that it is a great way to workout along with increasing mindfulness. When doing this exercise, you have to pretend to sit in a chair.
  2. - I dislike this exercise but I still include it in my workouts because it is an amazing way to work my glutes, shoulders and triceps. I learned that this exercise is great if I want to do a quick high intensity exercise. For this exercise, you jump, then go down and do a push up.
  3. - I like this exercise because It gets me awake and ready for the day. This year I have learned this exercise is great for a healthy heart. When doing this exercise you have to spread your arms and legs out like a star, then bring them close to your body, lastly you repeat this.
  4. - I love doing this exercise to warm up. I’ve learned that running is awesome physically and mentally. For this exercise, you move your legs and arms forward but stay in place.
  5. - I love this exercise because it’s a fun way to get all my energy out. This fitness unit has taught me that this helps with coordination and cardiovascular endurance. For this exercise, you hop over a string that you spin in your hand repeatedly.
  6. - I find this exercise very calming and beneficial to my mental health. I learned that this exercise works your core and glutes along with helping with better balance. To do this exercise, you need to spread your legs and look forward. Then, you hold this pose.
  7. - I enjoy this exercise and use it to cool down when i’m finishing up my workout. It’s great for the core and I learned that this exercise is great for abdominal endurance. To do this exercise, you have to lay down, bend your knees, and then use your core to lift your upper body.

15 Clues: - I love doing this exercise to warm up. I’ve learned that running is awesome physically and mentally. For this exercise, you move your legs and arms forward but stay in place....

Ch 7 Vocab 2017-09-17

Ch 7 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. resistance training/ adding weight over time for growth
  2. conditioning/ off-season exercise
  3. loosen up pre workout ex: arm circles
  4. respiratory conditioning/ running
  5. constant change to grow
  6. not training makes you weaker, so training makes you stronger.
  7. a result of proper stretching
  8. units/ motor neurons that control your muscle movements
  9. preseason injury prevention
  10. exercise/ type of exercise based on a static muscle contraction
  11. exercises/ type of exercise with lots of movement. Power cleans
  1. training/ back to back exercises performed as one round
  2. neuromuscular function/ stretch+contraction
  3. muscle shrinkage
  4. close to muscle failure for weight or reps
  5. twitch fibers/ sprints
  6. training one muscle group at a time
  7. resistance training/ your spotter pushes or pulls on you lift
  8. post injury recovery exercise
  9. muscle growth
  10. twitch fibers/ long run
  11. exercise/ machine exercises
  12. stretching/ also known as dynamic stretching

23 Clues: muscle growthmuscle shrinkagetwitch fibers/ sprintsconstant change to growtwitch fibers/ long runexercise/ machine exercisespreseason injury preventionpost injury recovery exercisea result of proper stretchingconditioning/ off-season exerciserespiratory conditioning/ runningtraining one muscle group at a timeloosen up pre workout ex: arm circles...

Exercise is Medicine Month 2017-03-30

Exercise is Medicine Month crossword puzzle
  1. State of mind that can be improved through exercise
  2. A state of disharmony
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4. Exercise for your heart
  5. Physical Inactivity ranked ____ leading cause of death by WHO
  6. Second most leading cause of death
  7. Weakening of the bones
  8. Program that helps people with heart conditions (hint: you are here!) (two words)
  9. Type of muscle contraction that is static
  10. 1806 – Idleness and luxury create more disease than labor and industry
  11. ____ used to walk a certain distance is the same whether you walk fast or slow
  12. Prescription
  13. Used to measure blood pressure
  14. Aerobic exercise may ___ an asthma attack
  15. Abbreviation for diabetes
  16. Condition where the heart muscle is unable to pump efficiently (two words)
  17. BMI greater than 30
  18. Training that involves stretching
  19. Builds and tones muscle
  20. One of the most common respiratory disorders
  21. Exercise can aide in reducing numbers on the scale (2 words)
  22. Muscle weakness, reduced activity, and slow walking
  23. Prominent physician in ancient times to promote exercise
  24. Product of F, I, T
  25. Lifting __ weights can increase your BP
  26. Mentality about one’s self-worth
  27. Symptoms of COPD and HF
  28. Part of the clinical population; second of 3 people linked by EIM
  29. Exercise is just as effective as ____ to treat depression
  30. Osteoarthritis
  31. Bad cholesterol
  32. Key point: choose activities you _______!
  1. Ideal weight loss per week (in pounds)
  2. Effects of training lost in ___ weeks of inactivity
  3. Resistance training keeps you from losing ______ when you are trying to lose fat
  4. Increasing the V
  5. ACSM’s initiative to promote exercise in clinical populations
  6. Exercise reduces recurrence of ____ cancer by 50%
  7. Mood disorder, main symptom is fatigue
  8. One of the 3 people linked together through EIM
  9. Third person in EIM, linked to patient and doctor (two words)
  10. Disease that deals with insulin and blood sugar
  11. It is _______ to be fit and overweight than unfit and a lower % of body fat
  12. You can improve at any ___
  13. A deep concern for future events
  14. Number of hours after exercise that your body is more sensitive to insulin
  15. % of adults that do not know they have HTN
  16. Type of exercise to reduce OA pain (two words)
  17. Hyperlipidemia
  18. National Exercise is Medicine Month
  19. Good cholesterol, increased with exercise
  20. A measure of the force of a heart beat against the walls of your arteries
  21. American College of Sports Medicine
  22. Exercise Rx acronym
  23. Blood pressure greater than 140/80
  24. 1887 – Exercise can be prescribed as any of the drugs of the pharmacopeia
  25. F in FITT
  26. Rating of perceived exertion
  27. LDL can be reduced by __ to 8 % in 12-16 weeks
  28. Useful in tracking exercise and physical activity
  29. Cardiac related chest pain, heart symptoms
  30. Exercise lowers the risk of _____ by 27%
  31. HTN increases risk of this
  32. Exercise lowers risk of _____ cancer by >60%

64 Clues: F in FITTPrescriptionHyperlipidemiaOsteoarthritisBad cholesterolIncreasing the VProduct of F, I, TBMI greater than 30Exercise Rx acronymA state of disharmonyWeakening of the bonesExercise for your heartBuilds and tones muscleSymptoms of COPD and HFAbbreviation for diabetesYou can improve at any ___HTN increases risk of this...

Exercise is Medicine Month 2017-03-30

Exercise is Medicine Month crossword puzzle
  1. Good cholesterol, increased with exercise
  2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  3. Ideal weight loss per week (in pounds)
  4. American College of Sports Medicine
  5. Increasing the V
  6. Mood disorder, main symptom is fatigue
  7. Exercise lowers the risk of _____ by 27%
  8. Cardiac related chest pain, heart symptoms
  9. It is _______ to be fit and overweight than unfit and a lower % of body fat
  10. Osteoarthritis
  11. National Exercise is Medicine Month
  12. Lifting __ weights can increase your BP
  13. % of adults that do not know they have HTN
  14. Exercise for your heart
  15. HTN increases risk of this
  16. Third person in EIM, linked to patient and doctor (two words)
  17. Builds and tones muscle
  18. Exercise Rx acronym
  19. Type of exercise to reduce OA pain (two words)
  20. Blood pressure greater than 140/80
  21. F in FITT
  22. Aerobic exercise may ___ an asthma attack
  23. Part of the clinical population; second of 3 people linked by EIM
  24. State of mind that can be improved through exercise
  25. Useful in tracking exercise and physical activity
  26. Condition where the heart muscle is unable to pump efficiently (two words)
  27. Second most leading cause of death
  28. Mentality about one’s self-worth
  29. You can improve at any ___
  30. Type of muscle contraction that is static
  1. Bad cholesterol
  2. One of the 3 people linked together through EIM
  3. Abbreviation for diabetes
  4. 1887 – Exercise can be prescribed as any of the drugs of the pharmacopeia
  5. A measure of the force of a heart beat against the walls of your arteries
  6. Prominent physician in ancient times to promote exercise
  7. A deep concern for future events
  8. Exercise can aide in reducing numbers on the scale (2 words)
  9. Resistance training keeps you from losing ______ when you are trying to lose fat
  10. BMI greater than 30
  11. Used to measure blood pressure
  12. Physical Inactivity ranked ____ leading cause of death by WHO
  13. Key point: choose activities you _______!
  14. Training that involves stretching
  15. LDL can be reduced by __ to 8 % in 12-16 weeks
  16. Program that helps people with heart conditions (hint: you are here!) (two words)
  17. Hyperlipidemia
  18. Exercise reduces recurrence of ____ cancer by 50%
  19. Weakening of the bones
  20. Muscle weakness, reduced activity, and slow walking
  21. Disease that deals with insulin and blood sugar
  22. 1806 – Idleness and luxury create more disease than labor and industry
  23. Symptoms of COPD and HF
  24. Product of F, I, T
  25. Prescription
  26. Effects of training lost in ___ weeks of inactivity
  27. One of the most common respiratory disorders
  28. A state of disharmony
  29. Number of hours after exercise that your body is more sensitive to insulin
  30. Exercise lowers risk of _____ cancer by >60%
  31. Exercise is just as effective as ____ to treat depression
  32. ACSM’s initiative to promote exercise in clinical populations
  33. ____ used to walk a certain distance is the same whether you walk fast or slow
  34. Rating of perceived exertion

64 Clues: F in FITTPrescriptionOsteoarthritisHyperlipidemiaBad cholesterolIncreasing the VProduct of F, I, TBMI greater than 30Exercise Rx acronymA state of disharmonyWeakening of the bonesExercise for your heartBuilds and tones muscleSymptoms of COPD and HFAbbreviation for diabetesHTN increases risk of thisYou can improve at any ___...

exercise physiology crssword 2024-03-22

exercise physiology crssword crossword puzzle
  1. threshold: Point during exercise where lactate production exceeds clearance, often signaling a shift to anaerobic metabolism.
  2. fibers: Cells within muscle tissue responsible for generating force and movement.
  3. Period of rest or reduced activity following exercise to allow for physiological adaptations and repair.
  4. Pertaining to the heart and lungs' ability to deliver oxygen to muscles during exercise.
  5. Exercise that requires oxygen to meet energy demands over an extended period.
  6. rate: Number of heartbeats per minute, often used as an indicator of exercise intensity.
  7. Force opposing muscle contraction, often provided by weights, bands, or body weight.
  8. Range of motion around a joint or group of joints.
  9. rate: Rate at which the body burns calories and produces energy.
  10. Muscle contraction where length remains constant, such as holding a static position.
  11. expenditure: Amount of energy used by the body during physical activity.
  12. Rate at which work is done, often measured as force multiplied by distance over time.
  1. hypertrophy: Enlargement of muscle fibers due to increased workload, commonly associated with strength training.
  2. Exercises involving rapid stretching and contracting of muscles to increase power and explosiveness.
  3. threshold: Intensity of exercise at which the body relies primarily on anaerobic metabolism.
  4. State of exhaustion or reduced performance following prolonged physical activity.
  5. Muscle contraction where tension remains constant while length changes, such as during lifting weights.
  6. Muscle action where the muscle lengthens under tension, such as during the lowering phase of a bicep curl.
  7. debt: Temporary oxygen deficit accumulated during intense exercise that must be repaid post-exercise.
  8. prescription: Tailored regimen of physical activity designed to achieve specific fitness goals.11. Oxygen consumption: Rate at which oxygen is used by the body during exercise to produce energy.
  9. Muscle action where the muscle shortens under tension, such as during the lifting phase of a bicep curl.
  10. Chemical processes within the body that convert food into energy and other substances.
  11. Physiological changes that occur in response to exercise training to improve performance and efficiency.
  12. Ability to sustain physical activity over time without fatigue.
  13. Storage form of glucose in muscles and the liver, used as a fuel source during exercise.
  14. Increase in muscle size due to increased workload or resistance training.
  15. Intense exercise performed without the need for oxygen for short bursts of energy. VO2 max: Maximum oxygen consumption during exercise, indicating aerobic capacity.
  16. training: Physical activity aimed at increasing muscle strength, often involving resistance exercises.

28 Clues: Range of motion around a joint or group of joints.Ability to sustain physical activity over time without fatigue.rate: Rate at which the body burns calories and produces energy.expenditure: Amount of energy used by the body during physical activity.Increase in muscle size due to increased workload or resistance training....

Gym crossword 2022-07-14

Gym crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Drinking ______ is very important to stay hydrated
  2. ________ is a great exercise I like to do instead of walking while outside
  3. I eat_________ every morning to start my day
  4. When I'm hungry I got to the _________
  5. The scale tells me my ________
  6. I exercise and eat good food to stay ________
  7. This exercise really works out my stomach
  8. __________ is my favorite fruit
  1. My ________ pumps a lot when I exercise
  2. Knowing my ________ tells me how tall I am.
  3. Before exercise you should always _________
  4. When I exercise, I'm building __________
  5. After running I like to _______ to bring my heart rate down
  6. I love to ________ when music comes on
  7. _________ is something I do daily to stay healthy.
  8. This exercise requires me to use my arms a lot

16 Clues: The scale tells me my __________________ is my favorite fruitI love to ________ when music comes onWhen I'm hungry I got to the _________My ________ pumps a lot when I exerciseWhen I exercise, I'm building __________This exercise really works out my stomachKnowing my ________ tells me how tall I am.Before exercise you should always _________...

american football 2023-07-21

american football crossword puzzle
  1. Gear organizer
  2. Flexibility specialist
  3. Muscle relaxation
  4. Athletic dietary plans
  5. Scientific exercise principles
  6. Player health overseer
  7. Coaching support
  8. Oral care
  9. Surgical specialist
  10. Spinal health
  1. On-field medical support
  2. Injury care expert
  3. Athletic performance guidance
  4. Study of exercise effects
  5. Food expert
  6. Rehabilitative exercise methods
  7. Coaching support
  8. Recovery manager
  9. Foot expert

19 Clues: Oral careFood expertFoot expertSpinal healthGear organizerCoaching supportCoaching supportRecovery managerMuscle relaxationInjury care expertSurgical specialistFlexibility specialistAthletic dietary plansPlayer health overseerOn-field medical supportStudy of exercise effectsAthletic performance guidanceScientific exercise principles...

Exercise 2019-09-30

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. You need these days interspaced between the days that you exercise.
  2. Regular physical exercise can help you _____ better.
  3. You are more likely to stick to your fitness regime if you have one of these.
  4. This stands for "High Intensity Interval Training".
  5. You need this in order to be able to touch your toes (stretching can help you get better at this).
  1. This activity is important before you begin an intense workout.
  2. Important to warming up and cooling down, and increases flexibility.
  3. Optimal fitness requires a _________ exercise routine.
  4. Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
  5. Walking at a _____ pace can burn as many calories as jogging the same distance.
  6. Average minutes in a day that you need to exercise.

11 Clues: Average minutes in a day that you need to exercise.This stands for "High Intensity Interval Training".Regular physical exercise can help you _____ better.Optimal fitness requires a _________ exercise routine.This activity is important before you begin an intense workout.You need these days interspaced between the days that you exercise....

Exercise 2023-06-15

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Lower your upper body or a specific body part, reaching towards the ground.
  2. Move back and forth or side to side in a smooth motion, like a pendulum.
  3. Extend your body parts to increase flexibility and loosen up muscles.
  4. Extend your arms or body to touch or grab an object or point in space.
  5. Raise an object or body part against gravity, using your muscles.
  6. Alternate hopping on one foot and then the other, propelling yourself forward.
  1. Propel yourself off the ground using your legs and land with both feet.
  2. Maintain stability on one leg or an object, testing your coordination.
  3. Rotate your upper body from side to side, engaging your core muscles.
  4. Move on your hands and knees, imitating the movement of animals.
  5. Lift your knees high while walking, exaggerating the stepping motion.

11 Clues: Move on your hands and knees, imitating the movement of animals.Raise an object or body part against gravity, using your muscles.Rotate your upper body from side to side, engaging your core muscles.Extend your body parts to increase flexibility and loosen up muscles.Lift your knees high while walking, exaggerating the stepping motion....

Active Aerobics 2023-09-18

Active Aerobics crossword puzzle
  1. The air you breathe contains ___
  2. ___ exercise; Brisk walking or yard work
  3. Without oxygen; swimming fast or sprinting
  4. Abbreviation for Resting Heart Rate
  5. ___ exercise; working at a computer or playing a violin
  6. The energy for activity is created when oxygen combines with simple sugars
  7. How hard do you plan to exercise? EX: 140-180 BPM
  8. Eating well and doing regular exercise can enhance ___ and self-esteem
  1. The harder you exercise, the more your heart rate ___
  2. How often you plan to exercise? EX: 3-6 days a week
  3. __ Affects heart rate as does age, body size, and health status
  4. Some very fit athletes have an RHR as low as 35 to __ bpm
  5. Your RHR is typically lower when you're fit
  6. Blood is pumped by the ___ through blood vessels to all parts of the body
  7. When you're inactive, your heart beats about __ to 80 times per minute
  8. ___ exercise; Jogging or swimming
  9. How long do you plan to exercise? EX: 20-30 min.
  10. Range of heart rates that creates best training

18 Clues: The air you breathe contains ______ exercise; Jogging or swimmingAbbreviation for Resting Heart Rate___ exercise; Brisk walking or yard workWithout oxygen; swimming fast or sprintingYour RHR is typically lower when you're fitRange of heart rates that creates best trainingHow long do you plan to exercise? EX: 20-30 min....

Prehabilitation and Preseason Conditioning 2021-10-14

Prehabilitation and Preseason Conditioning crossword puzzle
  1. fiber
  2. circuit training
  3. atrophy
  4. dynamic (isotonic) exercise
  5. isokinetic exercise
  6. prehabilitation
  7. conditioning cardiorespiratory
  8. fiber
  9. facilitation (PNF)
  10. exercise
  1. flexibility
  2. resistance exercise
  3. stretching
  4. stretching
  5. hypertrophy
  6. resistance trainign
  7. motor unit

17 Clues: fiberfiberatrophyexercisestretchingstretchingmotor unitflexibilityhypertrophyprehabilitationcircuit trainingfacilitation (PNF)resistance exerciseisokinetic exerciseresistance trainigndynamic (isotonic) exerciseconditioning cardiorespiratory

Exercise 75 2021-10-06

Exercise 75 crossword puzzle
  1. strange, odd, unfamiliar
  2. To:Josiah, ____:Mom and Dad
  3. someone you know well
  4. less than two
  5. someone you've met before, but don't know very well
  6. He ate _____ the pizza!
  7. the day after today
  8. to ask in the past
  9. most certain
  1. a teacher
  2. what you say when someone asks a question
  3. to be very specific, exact
  4. lunchtime
  5. to speak
  6. the professor's proper name
  7. another word for "said"
  8. equal to 2 dimes and a nickel
  9. a word to show the time something happened
  10. shorter form of the word "until"

19 Clues: to speaka teacherlunchtimemost certainless than twoto ask in the pastthe day after todaysomeone you know wellHe ate _____ the pizza!another word for "said"strange, odd, unfamiliarto be very specific, exactTo:Josiah, ____:Mom and Dadthe professor's proper nameequal to 2 dimes and a nickelshorter form of the word "until"...

Review Exercise 2022-06-14

Review Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Number of national heroines
  2. Pride and Industry
  3. Father of Independence
  4. National Heroes' Day is celebrated
  5. Number of parishes in Barbados
  6. Prime Minister
  7. Holetown is to the _____ of Oistins
  8. Town north of Holetown
  9. capital
  10. Designed the National Flag
  11. opposite of west
  12. Number of parishes that don't have beaches
  1. Highest point of Barbados
  2. Wrote the National Pledge
  3. He was a slave who fought for freedom
  4. Symbol in the centre of flag
  5. Land surrounded by water
  6. Cardinal direction between north and west
  7. The bird found on the shield
  8. A beautiful cave

20 Clues: capitalPrime MinisterA beautiful caveopposite of westPride and IndustryFather of IndependenceTown north of HoletownLand surrounded by waterHighest point of BarbadosWrote the National PledgeDesigned the National FlagNumber of national heroinesSymbol in the centre of flagThe bird found on the shieldNumber of parishes in Barbados...

Do exercise 2023-04-17

Do exercise crossword puzzle
  1. - to sit on and control the movement of a vehicle or animal
  2. - to move through water using one's arms and legs
  3. - to move rhythmically to music
  4. - to strike with one's foot
  5. - to propel something through the air
  6. - to engage in an activity for enjoyment or recreation
  7. - to make music with one's voice
  8. - to strike or contact forcefully
  9. - to communicate using spoken words
  1. - to remove dirt, dust, or other unwanted substances from a surface or object
  2. - to rest with one's eyes closed and mind inactive
  3. - to apply color to a surface using a brush or other tool
  4. - to create pictures or images using pencils, pens, or other materials
  5. - to push off the ground with one's feet and move upward into the air
  6. - to grab and hold onto something that has been thrown or tossed
  7. - to move quickly by taking steps at a rapid pace
  8. - to be seated on a chair or surface
  9. - to obtain or receive something
  10. - to travel through the air with wings or in an aircraft

19 Clues: - to strike with one's foot- to move rhythmically to music- to make music with one's voice- to obtain or receive something- to strike or contact forcefully- to communicate using spoken words- to be seated on a chair or surface- to propel something through the air- to move through water using one's arms and legs...

Exercise 2015-12-07

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.
  2. Suffering or death caused by lack of food.
  3. A quantity representing the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere or in a gas
  4. The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
  5. In a manner resulting from or revealing anxiety.
  6. Situated far from the main centres of population; distant.
  1. Make available for use; supply.
  2. Relating to the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  3. Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.
  4. Pretend to have.
  5. Suddenly fall down or give way

11 Clues: Pretend to have.Suddenly fall down or give wayMake available for use; supply.Suffering or death caused by lack of food.In a manner resulting from or revealing anxiety.Seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.Situated far from the main centres of population; distant.Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something....

exercise 2018-01-24

exercise crossword puzzle
  1. move your feet, pack yourself
  2. Acid and sweet fruit that is hard to peel
  3. star King
  4. walk fast
  5. the smallest planet in our solar system
  1. pet that likes to lick itself
  2. ear ornaments
  3. object used to color lips
  4. chest object used to store valuable things
  5. object used to eat soup
  6. What people are afraid to feel when they go to the dentist

11 Clues: star Kingwalk fastear ornamentsobject used to eat soupobject used to color lipspet that likes to lick itselfmove your feet, pack yourselfthe smallest planet in our solar systemAcid and sweet fruit that is hard to peelchest object used to store valuable thingsWhat people are afraid to feel when they go to the dentist

JS Fitness Packets 2024-04-01

JS  Fitness Packets crossword puzzle
  1. , i learned that in this exercise you move you arms back and forth
  2. , i learned that this exercise were you bring your body up and down
  3. , i learned that in this exercise you sit in a air chair
  4. , this is one of my favorite exercise
  5. , i learned that in this exercise you use you legs and move them back and forth
  6. , i learned that you lay on the floor and just pretend that you are riding a bike
  1. , i learned that in this exercise you sit and reach to your feet
  2. , i learned that this exercise is were you think that you are climbing a mountain
  3. , i learned that that in this exercise you lean on your arms and hold it
  4. , i learned that we were not able to do this exercise in gym
  5. , i learned that you do this in a lunge motion
  6. , it is one of my least favorite exercise
  7. , i learned how to do a great warm up by jumping
  8. , i learned that this exercise is a type of meditation
  9. , i learned that in this exercise you jump and then make a push up and then repeat it

15 Clues: , this is one of my favorite exercise, it is one of my least favorite exercise, i learned that you do this in a lunge motion, i learned how to do a great warm up by jumping, i learned that this exercise is a type of meditation, i learned that in this exercise you sit in a air chair, i learned that we were not able to do this exercise in gym...

Exercise 2015-12-07

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Situated far from the main centres of population; distant.
  2. Make available for use; supply.
  3. Suddenly fall down or give way
  4. Seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.
  5. Relating to the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  6. A quantity representing the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere or in a gas
  1. Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.
  2. In a manner resulting from or revealing anxiety.
  3. Pretend to have.
  4. Suffering or death caused by lack of food.
  5. The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.

11 Clues: Pretend to have.Suddenly fall down or give wayMake available for use; supply.Suffering or death caused by lack of food.In a manner resulting from or revealing anxiety.Seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.Situated far from the main centres of population; distant.Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something....

Exercise 2019-02-06

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. does not apply to our exercise program: no p___; no G___.
  2. type of exercise bike
  3. rate your work ______ on a scale of 0-10
  4. what you should do at the end of your exercise session
  5. they lead our warm-up exercises most of the time
  6. the other name for our Boeing stretch
  1. a recumbent exercise machine
  2. an exercise to strengthen quadriceps muscles
  3. type of biceps curls to strengthen upper arms
  4. a motorized walking machine
  5. does not apply to our exercise program: no P___; no g___.
  6. gently turn your head side to side to stretch this

12 Clues: type of exercise bikea motorized walking machinea recumbent exercise machinethe other name for our Boeing stretchrate your work ______ on a scale of 0-10an exercise to strengthen quadriceps musclestype of biceps curls to strengthen upper armsthey lead our warm-up exercises most of the timegently turn your head side to side to stretch this...

Exercise 2021-07-07

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. – verbo modal que tem o sentido de obrigação
  2. – verbo usado para dar o tempo verbal de futuro imediato
  3. – quando reflete juízo de valor
  4. – verbo que significa estudar
  5. – verbo usado como auxiliar no futuro imediato
  6. – o verbo que significa “viajar”
  1. – descanso
  2. – qual o nome do tempo verbal que significa futuro próximo
  3. – pode ser usada dando o sentido de habilidade/capacidade
  4. – gostar de alguém ou de alguma coisa
  5. – modal que tem o sentido de conselho

11 Clues: – descanso– verbo que significa estudar– quando reflete juízo de valor– o verbo que significa “viajar”– gostar de alguém ou de alguma coisa– modal que tem o sentido de conselho– verbo modal que tem o sentido de obrigação– verbo usado como auxiliar no futuro imediato– verbo usado para dar o tempo verbal de futuro imediato...

Exercise 2021-08-23

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Money that, as pay, a person regularly receives from the company or entity for which he works.
  2. Occupation, activity or work that is carried out to obtain a profit, especially that which consists of carrying out commercial operations, buying and selling goods or services.
  3. are dedicated to the business of buying and selling vehicles"
  4. It is the domestic worker whose functions, tasks and responsibilities consist of taking care of the children in a house on a regular basis and with a schedule set in advance.
  5. It is an academic effort recognition through an economic incentive.
  1. Money that a person receives for their work.
  2. It is a value that is in the conscience of the person who studies Ethics on the basis of morality.
  3. It is a job in which a person works a minimum number of hours defined as such by their employer.
  4. Delivery is made at home and goes directly from the premises to the home of the person who made it.
  5. Nature or set of proper and defining characteristics of a being or of a set of beings.
  6. Economic and technical activity that consists of transforming raw materials into suitable products to satisfy human needs.

11 Clues: Money that a person receives for their work.are dedicated to the business of buying and selling vehicles"It is an academic effort recognition through an economic incentive.Nature or set of proper and defining characteristics of a being or of a set of beings....

Review Exercise 2022-06-08

Review Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. someone who learns from the teacher
  2. what language are you reading this in? :-)
  3. what do you feel when you touch ice?
  4. a subject that wants you to be creative
  5. emotion when you are asked to show your bad grades what you get after exams
  6. what do you feel when you are hungry
  7. a feeling you get when you have good grades
  8. a description of fire
  9. something you do to get smart
  10. example maths, arts, sports, etc.
  11. what do you do when you feel sad?
  1. learn to count in this subject
  2. a face you make when you are sad
  3. teaches you!
  4. a place to study
  5. something you do to get fit
  6. definition of very surprised
  7. something you do to encourage your friend
  8. you play instruments in this subject

19 Clues: teaches you!a place to studya description of firesomething you do to get fitdefinition of very surprisedsomething you do to get smartlearn to count in this subjecta face you make when you are sadexample maths, arts, sports, etc.what do you do when you feel sad?someone who learns from the teacherwhat do you feel when you touch ice?...

EXERCISE 2 2023-05-27

EXERCISE 2 crossword puzzle
  1. datuk
  2. darah
  3. sekarang
  4. juruterbang
  5. selimut-selimut
  6. di mana
  7. anak lelaki
  8. nakal
  9. penting
  10. bawah
  1. kegemaran
  2. perlawanan
  3. kunci-kunci
  4. berdekatan
  5. keputusan
  6. ujian
  7. kenapa
  8. bila
  9. lelaki-lelaki

19 Clues: biladatukdarahujiannakalbawahkenapadi manapentingsekarangkegemarankeputusanperlawananberdekatankunci-kuncijuruterbanganak lelakilelaki-lelakiselimut-selimut

Exercise 2022-11-21

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. another term for "breastbone"
  2. the condition of having too much acid in body fluids or tissues
  3. having no menstrual period
  4. the lower section of the stomach
  5. the state of being unable to swallow
  6. two folds between the left atrium and the left ventricle of the heart that regulate the flow of blood
  1. the duct carrying urine from the bladder to outside the body
  2. below the shoulder blade
  3. when the alveoli are stretched and damaged, causing difficulty breathing
  4. superficial reddening
  5. a thin tube inserted into a patient’s body in order to remove a liquid

11 Clues: superficial reddeningbelow the shoulder bladehaving no menstrual periodanother term for "breastbone"the lower section of the stomachthe state of being unable to swallowthe duct carrying urine from the bladder to outside the bodythe condition of having too much acid in body fluids or tissues...

Exercise 2019-09-30

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Walking at a _____ pace can burn as many calories as jogging the same distance.
  2. Regular physical exercise can help you _____ better.
  3. You are more likely to stick to your fitness regime if you have one of these.
  4. This stands for "High Intensity Interval Training".
  5. You need this in order to be able to touch your toes (stretching can help you get better at this).
  1. This activity along with stretching is important before you begin an intense workout.
  2. You need these days interspaced between the days that you exercise.
  3. Important to warming up and cooling down, and increases flexibility.
  4. Optimal fitness requires a _________ exercise routine.
  5. Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
  6. Average minutes in a day that you need to exercise.

11 Clues: Average minutes in a day that you need to exercise.This stands for "High Intensity Interval Training".Regular physical exercise can help you _____ better.Optimal fitness requires a _________ exercise routine.You need these days interspaced between the days that you exercise.Important to warming up and cooling down, and increases flexibility....

Exercise 2021-08-23

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Delivery is made at home and goes directly from the premises to the home of the person who made it.
  2. Economic and technical activity that consists of transforming raw materials into suitable products to satisfy human needs.
  3. Nature or set of proper and defining characteristics of a being or of a set of beings.
  4. It is the domestic worker whose functions, tasks and responsibilities consist of taking care of the children in a house on a regular basis and with a schedule set in advance.
  5. It is an academic effort recognition through an economic incentive.
  1. It is a job in which a person works a minimum number of hours defined as such by their employer.
  2. It is a value that is in the conscience of the person who studies Ethics on the basis of morality.
  3. are dedicated to the business of buying and selling vehicles"
  4. Money that a person receives for their work.
  5. Occupation, activity or work that is carried out to obtain a profit, especially that which consists of carrying out commercial operations, buying and selling goods or services.
  6. Money that, as pay, a person regularly receives from the company or entity for which he works.

11 Clues: Money that a person receives for their work.are dedicated to the business of buying and selling vehicles"It is an academic effort recognition through an economic incentive.Nature or set of proper and defining characteristics of a being or of a set of beings....

Exercise 4 2013-09-30

Exercise 4 crossword puzzle
  1. I am present
  2. The Messenger
  3. In/On
  4. Alone/only
  5. I arrive
  6. House/home
  7. Very
  8. I help
  9. To/Towards
  1. My
  2. I approach
  3. I am
  4. I want/wish
  5. Nevertheless
  6. The Man
  7. Now
  8. I sit
  9. Woman/wife
  10. Well/beautiful

19 Clues: MyNowI amVeryIn/OnI sitI helpThe ManI arriveI approachAlone/onlyWoman/wifeHouse/homeTo/TowardsI want/wishI am presentNeverthelessThe MessengerWell/beautiful

Exercise Two 2022-02-14

Exercise Two crossword puzzle
  1. has strips.
  2. is flying.
  3. is hanging.
  4. for eating.
  5. rises.
  6. is coming.
  7. riding
  8. for the room.
  9. is hiding.
  1. to eat.
  2. is tidy
  3. is strong
  4. for safety.
  5. is on the tree.
  6. is blooming.
  7. is moving.
  8. is flying.
  9. is seating.
  10. is swimming.
  11. is at the stop.

20 Clues: rises.ridingto eat.is tidyis strongis flying.is moving.is coming.is flying.is hiding.has strips.is hanging.for safety.for eating.is seating.is blooming.is swimming.for the room.is on the tree.is at the stop.