lord of the rings Crossword Puzzles
lord of the rings 2021-08-08
- the last great dragon to exist in middle-earth
- the oldest ent ever
- strongest race of orcs
- ____the brown
- number of rings forged
- alias of aragorn
- the greatest elf of middle-earth
- gollum's original name
- ancient race
- ancient dwarven kingdom
- a creature ridden by orcs into battle
- home of the hobbits
- the hobbit who slayed the witch-king
- member of the fellowship
- the gem sought by thorin
- saurons evil base
- village of men and hobbits
- one of frodo's companions
- ____the white
- slayer of 3 across
- 9 men of the darkside
21 Clues: ancient race • ____the white • ____the brown • alias of aragorn • saurons evil base • slayer of 3 across • home of the hobbits • the oldest ent ever • 9 men of the darkside • strongest race of orcs • number of rings forged • gollum's original name • ancient dwarven kingdom • member of the fellowship • the gem sought by thorin • one of frodo's companions • village of men and hobbits • ...
Lord of the Rings 2018-06-20
- Gandalf, Saruman and Radagast to the Elves
- The Uruk-___
- The falls of the Anduin
- Shadowfax is the King of these horses
- His bane was round and golden
- The Southron's massive steeds
- The healing herb of Numenor
- Three of these were turned to stone in The Hobbit
- The capital of Rohan
- Denethor's deathbed
- Bearer of the cloven horn
- A merry fellow
- The wandering men of Westernesse
- Bilbo and Frodo
- The garrison
- "Seek for the sword that was broken. In ___it dwells."
- Barad ___
- Faramir's forest
- Thranduil's son
- Elvish mountains
- Where the shadows lie
- Everyone's favorite walking tree
- The lonely mountain
- The battlefield at Minas Tirith
- The shape of the broaches of Lorien
- Isildur's heir
- King of the Eagles
- Gollum's savior which stayed Bilbo's hand
- Son of Gloin
- The Bridge of __-Dum
- Gollum's true name
- Eowyn's warrior name
- Elvish "tower"
- The ___ havens
- Flight to the ___
- The undying lands of the Valar
- Arwen evenstar
- Evil wolves
- Sam's favorite comfort food
- The seeing stones
- "... ___ shall be blade that was broken"
- Vilya, Narya and Nenya
- The nine
- Merry's full name, seldom remembered
- Fair river-daughter
- Middle-earth's God
- Beregond of the ___
- Eowyn's brother
- The army of Rohan
- The home of the Witch King of the Nazgul
- Enemy
- "Gilthoniel! Ah, ___!"
- Saruman's home
- A soldier of Mordor
- The region in Northern Middle Earth which contains the Shire
- The Enemy in the ___
- "Of herbs and stewed ___"
57 Clues: Enemy • The nine • Barad ___ • Evil wolves • Son of Gloin • The Uruk-___ • The garrison • Elvish "tower" • The ___ havens • Arwen evenstar • A merry fellow • Saruman's home • Isildur's heir • Bilbo and Frodo • Eowyn's brother • Thranduil's son • Faramir's forest • Elvish mountains • Flight to the ___ • The seeing stones • The army of Rohan • Gollum's true name • Middle-earth's God • King of the Eagles • ...
Lord of the Rings 2013-05-15
- Het zit aan je vinger en je doodskist, het is een...
- Favoriete vervoersmiddel van orks. HINT: vierpotig.
- Aantal ringen die in omloop zijn in Midden-Aarde.
- Leider die je altijd ijsjes en snoepjes mag geven.
- Kruising tussen een ork en een aardman.
- Gollem zijn oorspronkelijke naam.
- Frodo is een...
- Wat elfen haten.
- Hoofdstad van Gondor.
- Hoofdstad van de elfen.
- Een levende boom.
- Naam van Frodo zijn trouwe metgezel.
- Wat dwergen haten.
- Welk personage uit Lord of the Rings is ook Magneto in de X-men films?
- Tovenaar en baas van Isengard.
- Voornaam van de viking die dit jaar al eens in een ambulance heeft gezeten.
- Lelijkaards die op nog lelijkere draken rondvliegen en gillen als een meisje.
- Voor wat staat de S in KSA?
- Voornaam van iemand uit One Direction en iemand uit 7 wereldberoemde boeken.
- Jongste leider van de vikinghorde.
20 Clues: Frodo is een... • Wat elfen haten. • Een levende boom. • Wat dwergen haten. • Hoofdstad van Gondor. • Hoofdstad van de elfen. • Voor wat staat de S in KSA? • Tovenaar en baas van Isengard. • Gollem zijn oorspronkelijke naam. • Jongste leider van de vikinghorde. • Naam van Frodo zijn trouwe metgezel. • Kruising tussen een ork en een aardman. • ...
Lord of the Rings 2013-05-09
- SHIRE Area settled exclusively by Hobbits and largely removed from the goings-on in the rest of Middle-earth.
- Was a Stoor Hobbit of the River-folk, who lived near the Gladden Fields, he was later corrupted by the One Ring.
- daughter of the House of Eorl and the niece of King Théoden. Her father was killed fighting Orcs and her mother died of grief.
- Fort built in the Second Age around the tower of Orthanc by the Númenóreans in exile, located in the north-western corner of Rohan.
- He was chosen to represent the race of Dwarves in the Fellowship of the Ring and was a member of Durin's Folk who volunteered to accompany Frodo Baggins on the quest to destroy the One Ring.
- He was one of King Théoden's commanders and fought alongside Elfhelm and Théodred, Théoden's son, in the Battles of the Fords of Isen.
- King of Rohan during the war of the ring, grew weak with age, and was largely controlled by his chief advisor Gríma, who was secretly in the employ of the corrupt wizard Saruman.
- A fort built by Gondor guarding the fords of Isen.
- The eldest of the species of Ents, he is said to live in the ancient Forest of Fangorn and stands fourteen feet in height and is tree-like in appearance, with leafy hair and a rigid structure.
- chief lieutenant of the first Dark Lord, Morgoth.
- was the first son and third child of Ecthelion II, married Finduilas, daughter of Prince Adrahil of Dol Amroth and had two sons named Boromir and Faramir.
- Was the youngest child of Elnord and Celebrain. She bore the sobriquet "Evenstar" as the most beautiful of the last generation of High Elves in Middle-earth.
- EARTH The fictional universe setting of the majority of lord of the rings.
- was the only recorded son of Arwen and Aragorn, born in the Fourth Age. He became the Second High King of the Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor after his father died.
- Diminutive humanoid race between two and four feet tall who inhabit the lands of Middle-earth.
- younger brother of Boromir of the Fellowship of the Ring and second son of Denethor II, the Steward of the realm of Gondor.
- Lord of Rivendell, one of the mighty rulers of old that remained in Middle-earth in its Third Age
- A hobbit of the Shire who inherits Sauron's Ring from Bilbo Baggins and undertakes the quest to destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom.
- An Elf of the Woodland Realm, son of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood.
- Was hired by the wizard Gandalf and 13 dwarves led by their king Thorin Oakenshield on a quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain and its treasure from the dragon Smaug
- Member and later the head of the order known as the Istari, as well as leader of the Fellowship of the Ring and the army of the West.
- Is the Elven husband of Galadriel, Lord of the Galadhrim, and co-ruler along with Galadriel of Lothlórien
- Leader of the Istari, wizards sent to Middle-earth in human form by the godlike Valar to challenge Sauron.
- DOOM Volcaneo located in the heart of the black land of Mordor and close to Barad-dûr.
- Was first mentioned in The Fellowship of the Ring as a Dúnadan of Númenor, elder son of Elendil.
- She was one of the leaders in the rebellion of the Noldor and their flight from Valinor during the First Age, she was also the only prominent Noldo to return at the end of the Third Age.
- The son of Théodwyn and Éomund, belonging to the House of Eorl, and is the third Marshal of the Riddermark at the start of the Lord of the Rings.
- Was a descendant of the first king of Númenor, Elros Tar-Minyatur; the twin brother of Elrond. Was first introduced with the name strider at Bree.
- led the night patrol that captured Gollum in the Forbidden Pool and was sent with Faramir and his 100 men to reclaim Osgiliath from the enemy
- Was a widely-admired commander in Gondor's army: he was made Captain of the White Tower, and quickly became Captain-General, also bearing the title High Warden of the White Tower.
- lived in a small community bound by kinship ties akin to a clan. He had a relative named Sméagol, whose grandmother was the matriarch of the community.
31 Clues: chief lieutenant of the first Dark Lord, Morgoth. • A fort built by Gondor guarding the fords of Isen. • EARTH The fictional universe setting of the majority of lord of the rings. • DOOM Volcaneo located in the heart of the black land of Mordor and close to Barad-dûr. • ...
Lord of the rings 2023-03-09
- the True king
- The continent of witch lord of the rings takes place
- the iconic mischievous duo
- J.R.R _______
- Gandalf the _____
- murdered at the end of the fellowship
- turned 111
- The elf in the fellowship
- troll was fond in the ruins of _____
- Return of the ____
- tower run by Saruman
- All three films were shot _____________
- Ring bearer
- good friends of Patrick Stewart
- massive talking trees
- Short... but Strong and Mighty
- Were "The fellowship of the ring" starts
- stolen from by Marry and Pippin
- director of all 3 films
- ____ rings were given the the race of men
- leader of Rivendell
- famous for the quote about potato's
- once a hobbit corrupted by the ring
23 Clues: turned 111 • Ring bearer • the True king • J.R.R _______ • Gandalf the _____ • Return of the ____ • leader of Rivendell • tower run by Saruman • massive talking trees • director of all 3 films • The elf in the fellowship • the iconic mischievous duo • Short... but Strong and Mighty • good friends of Patrick Stewart • stolen from by Marry and Pippin • famous for the quote about potato's • ...
Lord of the Rings 2021-05-01
- The first dark lord in Middle Earth
- The Battle of ______ Deep
- The elf king of Mirkwood
- where hobbits are from
- Galadriel's huband
- Eowyn's brother
- The heir to Isildur
- Gandalf's steed
- The lonely mountain
- The prince of Mirkwood
- The grey elves
- The leader of the eagles
- The seeing stones
- Gollum's original name
- Thorin's last name
- "Fly you ______"
- Merry's full name
- The white rider
- Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin are ________
- Beren and __________
- Who created the silmarils?
- The age that the Lord of the Rings takes place in
- The king of Rohan
- The last steward of Gondor
- Theoden's advisor
- Pippin's surname
- The bridge of ______-Dum
- Gloin's son
- Nenya was an elven ___
- The daughter of Elrond
- The eldest son of Denethor
- Gems which contained the light of the Two Trees
- The nine kings corrupted by rings of power
- Sauron's warriors
- The soldiers of Rohan
- "They're taking the hobbits to _____"
- The ring bearer
- The dragon that lived under the lonely mountain
- The leader of the wizards
- Saruman's tower
40 Clues: Gloin's son • The grey elves • Eowyn's brother • Gandalf's steed • The ring bearer • Saruman's tower • The white rider • Pippin's surname • "Fly you ______" • The king of Rohan • Theoden's advisor • Sauron's warriors • The seeing stones • Merry's full name • Galadriel's huband • Thorin's last name • The heir to Isildur • The lonely mountain • Beren and __________ • The soldiers of Rohan • ...
Lord of The Rings 2021-01-30
- The elven woman created long after Tolkien passed
- The introduction to this world
- He who wears the ring after mistaking Frodo for dead
- In The Fellowship of TheRing Merry and Pippin are punished for stealing _________
- Who possessed The Ring before Smeagol?
- Aragorn is heir time the throne of ______
- Gollum’s predecessor
- Gimli to Balin relation
- The hobbits escapes the Black Riders using the __________ _____
- The Ring’s creator
- He who finds Strider and the hobbits originally
- These adventures truly takes place, not in Middle Earth, but in ___ _______
- The first R
- Sam is Frodo’s ________ before the adventure begins
- Where Frodo met Aragorn
- Owner of Precious
- Bree’s inn
- Gandalf’s captor
- Haldir perished in this film
- The second ring-bearer
- Legolas reveals Aragorn as the son of ________
- The unabbreviated version of the chief supporting character’s name
- Elf of infinite arrows
- Author of There and Back Again: A Hobbit’s Tale
- The White Rider
- The retriever of the giant eagle
- Bilbo’s 111th birthday takes place in the year ____, by Shire-Reckoning
- Sam’s girl
- Daughter of Elrond; Lover of Aragorn
- The one who share’s Bilbo’s birthday
- How many times does Frodo where The Ring?
- The maker himself
32 Clues: Sam’s girl • Bree’s inn • The first R • The White Rider • Gandalf’s captor • The maker himself • Owner of Precious • The Ring’s creator • Gollum’s predecessor • The second ring-bearer • Elf of infinite arrows • Gimli to Balin relation • Where Frodo met Aragorn • Haldir perished in this film • The introduction to this world • The retriever of the giant eagle • Daughter of Elrond; Lover of Aragorn • ...
Lord of the Rings 2021-10-12
- the two statues who guide the way
- long bearded beer drinking axe throwers
- aragorn gets his new sword and fights
- the location of the final battle
- great kingdom on a literal wedge
- the great kingdom of men
- What Race is Legolas and Galadriel?
- where are the hobbits from?
- the lord of mordor, main villian
- Great Sorcerers, but only 7 exist.
- the ring is finally destroyed here
- the seven great rulers of men's ghosts
- the mines where gandalf meets his end
- great fight where rohan's leader dies
- Short Halflings with Hairy Feet.
- where the fellowship falls apart
- saruman's tower
- living tress that urkhai use as fuel
- the battle for rohan happens after a voyage
- the last "homely" place the fellowship goes
20 Clues: saruman's tower • the great kingdom of men • where are the hobbits from? • Short Halflings with Hairy Feet. • the location of the final battle • where the fellowship falls apart • great kingdom on a literal wedge • the lord of mordor, main villian • the two statues who guide the way • the ring is finally destroyed here • Great Sorcerers, but only 7 exist. • ...
Lord of the Rings 2013-05-16
- Advanced breed of Orcs
- Master of wood, water, and hill
- The ring bearer
- Created and ruled by Elrond
- King Elessar Telcontar
- Mouth of Sauron Chief emissary of Sauron
- Second King of Gondor
- Lord of
- Sword given to Frodo by Bilbo
- Fourth bearer of the One Ring
- Nine men given rings of power
- Counsellor of Edoras
- Frodo's batman
- Wanted to use the One Ring to defeat Sauron
- Last of the ruling stewards
- Prince of the Woodland Realm
- Leader of the Nazguls, Witch-king of ...
- Tirith The new capital of Gondor
- of Osgiliath Fought in the old capital of Gondor
- Home of the Ents
- of Moria Where Gandalf is first lost
21 Clues: Lord of • Frodo's batman • The ring bearer • Home of the Ents • Counsellor of Edoras • Second King of Gondor • Advanced breed of Orcs • King Elessar Telcontar • Last of the ruling stewards • Created and ruled by Elrond • Prince of the Woodland Realm • Sword given to Frodo by Bilbo • Fourth bearer of the One Ring • Nine men given rings of power • Master of wood, water, and hill • ...
Lord of the Rings 2013-05-16
- Frodo's batman
- Prince of the Woodland Realm
- Leader of the Nazguls, Witch-king of ...
- Chief emissary of Sauron
- Counsellor of Edoras
- Home of the Ents
- Where Gandalf is first lost
- Master of wood, water, and hill
- Advanced breed of Orcs
- Nine men given rings of power
- The ring bearer
- Fought in the old capital of Gondor
- Wanted to use the One Ring to defeat Sauron
- Last of the ruling stewards
- Lord of
- King Elessar Telcontar
- Sword given to Frodo by Bilbo
- The new capital of Gondor
- Created and ruled by Elrond
- Fourth bearer of the One Ring
- Second King of Gondor
21 Clues: Lord of • Frodo's batman • The ring bearer • Home of the Ents • Counsellor of Edoras • Second King of Gondor • King Elessar Telcontar • Advanced breed of Orcs • Chief emissary of Sauron • The new capital of Gondor • Last of the ruling stewards • Where Gandalf is first lost • Created and ruled by Elrond • Prince of the Woodland Realm • Sword given to Frodo by Bilbo • ...
lord of the rings 2013-03-28
- legolas' favourite weapon
- the most awesome hobbit ever
- the leader of the Rohirrim(horse lords) who was kicked out of his kingdom
- the land of sauron
- the monster that tried to kill gandalf
- the wizard that destroyed the balrog
- the leader of the rangers
- the warrior that would not throw the ring away when he was told.
- was stabbed in the face by a woman
- the stronghold used to fight the uruk-hai
- the white wizard who created the Uruk-hai
- the Uruk-Hai in charge of the others
- frodo's uncle
- what animal is shelob
- wears a green coat, is a hobbit, and likes to drink beer
- finish the sentence, "the one_ _ _ _"
- the leader of the fellowship
- the greates elven archer
- the captain of the white tower, and faramir's brother
- Sam's favourite weapon
- the major city defended by aragorn
- the land of minas tirith, theoden, and the rohirrim
22 Clues: frodo's uncle • the land of sauron • what animal is shelob • Sam's favourite weapon • the greates elven archer • legolas' favourite weapon • the leader of the rangers • the most awesome hobbit ever • the leader of the fellowship • the major city defended by aragorn • was stabbed in the face by a woman • the wizard that destroyed the balrog • the Uruk-Hai in charge of the others • ...
Lord of the Rings 2013-05-09
- The son of Théodwyn and Éomund, belonging to the House of Eorl, and is the third Marshal of the Riddermark at the start of the Lord of the Rings.
- Volcaneo located in the heart of the black land of Mordor and close to Barad-dûr.
- was the first son and third child of Ecthelion II, married Finduilas, daughter of Prince Adrahil of Dol Amroth and had two sons named Boromir and Faramir.
- Fort built in the Second Age around the tower of Orthanc by the Númenóreans in exile, located in the north-western corner of Rohan.
- An Elf of the Woodland Realm, son of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood.
- He was chosen to represent the race of Dwarves in the Fellowship of the Ring and was a member of Durin's Folk who volunteered to accompany Frodo Baggins on the quest to destroy the One Ring.
- a magic ring of invisibility.
- The eldest of the species of Ents, he is said to live in the ancient Forest of Fangorn and stands fourteen feet in height and is tree-like in appearance, with leafy hair and a rigid structure.
- Was a Stoor Hobbit of the River-folk, who lived near the Gladden Fields, he was later corrupted by the One Ring.
- daughter of the House of Eorl and the niece of King Théoden. Her father was killed fighting Orcs and her mother died of grief.
- Was a descendant of the first king of Númenor, Elros Tar-Minyatur; the twin brother of Elrond. Was first introduced with the name strider at Bree.
- led the night patrol that captured Gollum in the Forbidden Pool and was sent with Faramir and his 100 men to reclaim Osgiliath from the enemy
- Is the Elven husband of Galadriel, Lord of the Galadhrim, and co-ruler along with Galadriel of Lothlórien
- He was one of King Théoden's commanders and fought alongside Elfhelm and Théodred, Théoden's son, in the Battles of the Fords of Isen.
- Leader of the Istari, wizards sent to Middle-earth in human form by the godlike Valar to challenge Sauron.
- Was the youngest child of Elnord and Celebrain. She bore the sobriquet "Evenstar" as the most beautiful of the last generation of High Elves in Middle-earth.
- younger brother of Boromir of the Fellowship of the Ring and second son of Denethor II, the Steward of the realm of Gondor.
- Area settled exclusively by Hobbits and largely removed from the goings-on in the rest of Middle-earth.
- Was hired by the wizard Gandalf and 13 dwarves led by their king Thorin Oakenshield on a quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain and its treasure from the dragon Smaug
- She was one of the leaders in the rebellion of the Noldor and their flight from Valinor during the First Age, she was also the only prominent Noldo to return at the end of the Third Age.
- The fictional universe setting of the majority of lord of the rings.
- lived in a small community bound by kinship ties akin to a clan. He had a relative named Sméagol, whose grandmother was the matriarch of the community.
- Lord of Rivendell, one of the mighty rulers of old that remained in Middle-earth in its Third Age
- Was first mentioned in The Fellowship of the Ring as a Dúnadan of Númenor, elder son of Elendil.
- King of Rohan during the war of the ring, grew weak with age, and was largely controlled by his chief advisor Gríma, who was secretly in the employ of the corrupt wizard Saruman.
- A fort built by Gondor guarding the fords of Isen.
- Member and later the head of the order known as the Istari, as well as leader of the Fellowship of the Ring and the army of the West.
- was the only recorded son of Arwen and Aragorn, born in the Fourth Age. He became the Second High King of the Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor after his father died.
- Was a widely-admired commander in Gondor's army: he was made Captain of the White Tower, and quickly became Captain-General, also bearing the title High Warden of the White Tower.
- Diminutive humanoid race between two and four feet tall who inhabit the lands of Middle-earth.
- chief lieutenant of the first Dark Lord, Morgoth.
- A hobbit of the Shire who inherits Sauron's Ring from Bilbo Baggins and undertakes the quest to destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom.
32 Clues: a magic ring of invisibility. • chief lieutenant of the first Dark Lord, Morgoth. • A fort built by Gondor guarding the fords of Isen. • The fictional universe setting of the majority of lord of the rings. • Volcaneo located in the heart of the black land of Mordor and close to Barad-dûr. • ...
Lord of the Rings 2013-05-09
- King of Rohan during the war of the ring, grew weak with age, and was largely controlled by his chief advisor Gríma, who was secretly in the employ of the corrupt wizard Saruman.
- A fort built by Gondor guarding the fords of Isen.
- lived in a small community bound by kinship ties akin to a clan. He had a relative named Sméagol, whose grandmother was the matriarch of the community.
- Leader of the Istari, wizards sent to Middle-earth in human form by the godlike Valar to challenge Sauron.
- He was one of King Théoden's commanders and fought alongside Elfhelm and Théodred, Théoden's son, in the Battles of the Fords of Isen.
- The fictional universe setting of the majority of lord of the rings.
- An Elf of the Woodland Realm, son of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood.
- Was a Stoor Hobbit of the River-folk, who lived near the Gladden Fields, he was later corrupted by the One Ring.
- Is the Elven husband of Galadriel, Lord of the Galadhrim, and co-ruler along with Galadriel of Lothlórien
- A hobbit of the Shire who inherits Sauron's Ring from Bilbo Baggins and undertakes the quest to destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom.
- Was hired by the wizard Gandalf and 13 dwarves led by their king Thorin Oakenshield on a quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain and its treasure from the dragon Smaug
- Was a descendant of the first king of Númenor, Elros Tar-Minyatur; the twin brother of Elrond. Was first introduced with the name strider at Bree.
- The eldest of the species of Ents, he is said to live in the ancient Forest of Fangorn and stands fourteen feet in height and is tree-like in appearance, with leafy hair and a rigid structure.
- was the first son and third child of Ecthelion II, married Finduilas, daughter of Prince Adrahil of Dol Amroth and had two sons named Boromir and Faramir.
- younger brother of Boromir of the Fellowship of the Ring and second son of Denethor II, the Steward of the realm of Gondor.
- led the night patrol that captured Gollum in the Forbidden Pool and was sent with Faramir and his 100 men to reclaim Osgiliath from the enemy
- He was chosen to represent the race of Dwarves in the Fellowship of the Ring and was a member of Durin's Folk who volunteered to accompany Frodo Baggins on the quest to destroy the One Ring.
- Lord of Rivendell, one of the mighty rulers of old that remained in Middle-earth in its Third Age
- Area settled exclusively by Hobbits and largely removed from the goings-on in the rest of Middle-earth.
- She was one of the leaders in the rebellion of the Noldor and their flight from Valinor during the First Age, she was also the only prominent Noldo to return at the end of the Third Age.
- daughter of the House of Eorl and the niece of King Théoden. Her father was killed fighting Orcs and her mother died of grief.
- Fort built in the Second Age around the tower of Orthanc by the Númenóreans in exile, located in the north-western corner of Rohan.
- was the only recorded son of Arwen and Aragorn, born in the Fourth Age. He became the Second High King of the Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor after his father died.
- Volcaneo located in the heart of the black land of Mordor and close to Barad-dûr.
- a magic ring of invisibility.
- Was a widely-admired commander in Gondor's army: he was made Captain of the White Tower, and quickly became Captain-General, also bearing the title High Warden of the White Tower.
- chief lieutenant of the first Dark Lord, Morgoth.
- Member and later the head of the order known as the Istari, as well as leader of the Fellowship of the Ring and the army of the West.
- Diminutive humanoid race between two and four feet tall who inhabit the lands of Middle-earth.
- Was the youngest child of Elnord and Celebrain. She bore the sobriquet "Evenstar" as the most beautiful of the last generation of High Elves in Middle-earth.
30 Clues: a magic ring of invisibility. • chief lieutenant of the first Dark Lord, Morgoth. • A fort built by Gondor guarding the fords of Isen. • The fictional universe setting of the majority of lord of the rings. • Volcaneo located in the heart of the black land of Mordor and close to Barad-dûr. • ...
LORD OF THE RINGS 2022-01-14
- Strider's dad
- Smeagol's alias
- gandalf's nemesis
- Isildur's daughter in law?
- absent for the falling of the Westfold
- helmet kick victim
- tried to take the ring before dying
- these leaves do not idly fall
- pre-LOTR book
- these birds returned after Smaug's death
- Wormtongue
- there's dwarves in this place
- Gandalf's claim to fame
- she "had a bit of fun"
- Morgoth's servant
- lord of the eagles
- steeds of the orcs
- these are lit!
- faster than wargs (2 words)
- the race of Legolas
- Sam's hopeful entree (2 words)
- Bilbo's sword
- giant insects at Beorn's house
- Bilbo's ticket out
- broken by Merry in "Fellowship"
- Bilbo's mount
- type of writing on the one ring
- he will not part with a single coin
- known as the "iron fortress"
- the real hero of LOTR
- Ring Finder
- "beyond measure"
- Aragorn actor
- orcs 2.0
- The Shire
- Thrain's kingdom
- spoon-stealing relative
- hero of laketown
- number of rings given to men
- symbols on Thrain's map
- the goblin cleaver
- what Theoden calls Gandalf at first
- what killed Boromir
- fateful bridge (2 words)
- Brown Wizard
- ring bearer
- Gandalf's drink of choice
- fine weed from Longbottom (2 words)
- what do you smell
- refuge for Rohanians (2 words)
- indestructible crystal ball
- [blank] pack?!
- one bite is enough
- essential heirlooms of Thrain (3 words)
- Bilbo's 111th
- "tasty" appendages of Merry and Pippin
- Kili's edible pillow
- the foe-hammer
- el corazone de la montanya
- when this bird knocks, it's time
- oldest dwarf?
- last moon for map viewing
- former mine, current tomb
- beings of the woods
64 Clues: orcs 2.0 • The Shire • Wormtongue • Ring Finder • ring bearer • Brown Wizard • Strider's dad • Aragorn actor • pre-LOTR book • Bilbo's 111th • Bilbo's sword • oldest dwarf? • Bilbo's mount • [blank] pack?! • the foe-hammer • these are lit! • Smeagol's alias • "beyond measure" • Thrain's kingdom • hero of laketown • gandalf's nemesis • what do you smell • Morgoth's servant • helmet kick victim • the goblin cleaver • ...
Lord Of The Rings 2022-01-13
- Master of Earth
- The lost northern realm
- The Witch King's lair before Minas Morgul
- Who destroys the Witch King
- Aragorn's wife
- Formed at the end of the Second age to defeat Sauron
- What Minas Morgul once was called
- Sam's wife
- Capital of Gondor in its heyday
- What Denethor is
- Isildur's bane
- the only body of water in Mordor
- The Lonely Mountain
- The oldest living thing on Middle Earth
- Capital of Rohan
- ringwraiths
- Where in the shire Frodo is originally from
- The Great River
- bread given by elves to the Fellowship Of The Ring
- Hamfast's son
- Gates of Gondor
- Pippin's full first name
- The garden of Gondor
- Gollum was once
- Gimili son of
- the fair born 1421
- King of Rohan in the fourth age
- What the mines of Moria were once called
28 Clues: Sam's wife • ringwraiths • Hamfast's son • Gimili son of • Aragorn's wife • Isildur's bane • The Great River • Master of Earth • Gates of Gondor • Gollum was once • What Denethor is • Capital of Rohan • the fair born 1421 • The Lonely Mountain • The garden of Gondor • The lost northern realm • Pippin's full first name • Who destroys the Witch King • Capital of Gondor in its heyday • ...
Lord of the Rings 2024-07-11
- the grey wizard
- the elf
- the gardener
- a giant spider
- an enemy of middle earth who serves Sauron
- Aragorn’s ranger name
- he says, “my precious”
- the kingdom of horses
- maker of the ring
- the dwarf
- where boromir is from
- he died defending the hobbits
- where the story takes place
- where Frodo lives
- the white wizard
- Frodo’s uncle
- the fellowship of the ????
- ring bearer
- gollum’s real name
- a halfling who set off the firework
- the other hafling
21 Clues: the elf • the dwarf • ring bearer • the gardener • Frodo’s uncle • a giant spider • the grey wizard • the white wizard • where Frodo lives • maker of the ring • the other hafling • gollum’s real name • Aragorn’s ranger name • the kingdom of horses • where boromir is from • he says, “my precious” • the fellowship of the ???? • where the story takes place • he died defending the hobbits • ...
Lord of the Rings 2022-08-30
- Also knows as "ringwraiths".
- What Gandalf’s horse called?
- What is the name of the creature Gandalf fights in the Mines of Moria?
- What is the name of Saruman's Tower?
- Who says: "One does not simply walk into Mordor"?
- What birthday was Bilbo celebrating?
- What is Boromir’s brother called?
- What fake name does Gandalf advise that Frodo use?
- What does Bilbo give Frodo before Frodo leaves Rivendell?
- What day is Aragorn told to look to the east on?
- "Grima ________", name of the character controlling Theoden
- What is the name of the character that cut the One Ring from Sauron’s finger?
- Which character calls Sam a "stupid, fat Hobbit"?
- What was Smeagol’s brother called?
- What is the name of Boromir and Faramir’s father?
- "The _____". Name of the orb that Saruman uses to communicate with Sauron.
- Mount___ is where the One Ring was forged.
- Who tells the rest of the characters to "fly, you fools"?
- Who ends up finding the Ring after Isildur is killed?
- Which rather hungry character says "We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?"?
- What is the name of the giant spider who lives in Cirith Ungol?
- Gandalf arranged to meet Frodo and Samwise inside the "______ Pony Inn"
- Where was the Fellowship of the Ring first formed?
- What is the name of the territories owned by the Horse Lords?
24 Clues: Also knows as "ringwraiths". • What Gandalf’s horse called? • What is Boromir’s brother called? • What was Smeagol’s brother called? • What is the name of Saruman's Tower? • What birthday was Bilbo celebrating? • Mount___ is where the One Ring was forged. • What day is Aragorn told to look to the east on? • What is the name of Boromir and Faramir’s father? • ...
Lord of the Rings 2022-12-05
- the first ever bearer of the One Ring
- the ent who spent time with Merry and Pippin during the entmoot
- the worm killed by Turin Telamon
- the river-daughter mentioned first in the “Lord of the Rings”
- the golden tree, that Melkor destroyed
- he who created the dwarves
- the brother of the master of the Last Homely House East of the Sea
- the capital of Gondor
- the grandson of the creator of the Silmarils
- the fifth battle of the War of Jewels
- the petty-dwarf killed by Hurin
- the hidden city in Beleriand
- the high elven speech
- the magic ring of preservation and concealment from evil
- the maia who wedded an elf king
- the tree of Gondor is descended from it
- the husband of the Lady of Lorien
- the One above all, even the valar
- the month of Frodo’s and Bilbo’s birthday
- the vala who didn’t dwell in Valinor
- the vala most loved by the elves
- “The most beloved star” is the star of….
- the ancient nation from whom Aragorn is descended
- the river that “cut” Doriath in half
- sindarin for the grey pilgrim
- the mother of Shelob
- the creator of the Two Trees of Valinor
- the granddaughter of Beren and Luthien
- the faithful companion of Beren and Luthien
- the sport invented by hobbits
30 Clues: the mother of Shelob • the capital of Gondor • the high elven speech • he who created the dwarves • the hidden city in Beleriand • sindarin for the grey pilgrim • the sport invented by hobbits • the maia who wedded an elf king • the petty-dwarf killed by Hurin • the worm killed by Turin Telamon • the vala most loved by the elves • the husband of the Lady of Lorien • ...
Lord of the Rings 2023-09-05
- Gandalf's preferred mode of transportation
- Boromir's younger brother
- Frodo's matriarch
- Samwise Gamgee's job for Frodo
- Saruman's extremely defensible fortress
- Lord of Rivendell
- an elven bread which can sustain hunger for days
- "Speak _____ and enter"
- Old English translation of "Middangeard"
- Elf known for archery, a member of the Fellowship
- Home of Hobbits
- An alias given at The Prancing Pony Inn
- Received three strands of Galadriel's hair at the parting feast
- Frodo forgets the taste of these while in Mordor
- Director of The Lord of the Rings movies
- An alternate form of this character is a great wolf
- J. _. _. Tolkien
- "Even the very wise cannot see all ends"
- Sam's favorite pony
- The eldest Ent
- Frodo's patriarch
21 Clues: The eldest Ent • Home of Hobbits • J. _. _. Tolkien • Frodo's matriarch • Lord of Rivendell • Frodo's patriarch • Sam's favorite pony • "Speak _____ and enter" • Boromir's younger brother • Samwise Gamgee's job for Frodo • An alias given at The Prancing Pony Inn • Saruman's extremely defensible fortress • Director of The Lord of the Rings movies • ...
Lord of the rings 2023-11-18
- What is the name of the sword that Bilbo gives Frodo at Rivendell?
- The father of Boromir.
- Who did Smeagol kill when he first found the one ring?
- Which character calls Sam a "stupid, fat hobbit"?
- Also known as "ringwraiths"
- Where was the fellowship of the ring formed?
- What is the name of the territories owned by the Horse Lords?
- Who cut the ring from Sauron's finger?
- What day is Aragorn told to look to the east for Gandalf's coming?
- What is the name of the creature Gandalf fights in the Mines of Moria?
- What is Boromir's brother called?
- Who ends up finding The One Ring after Isildur is killed?
- What is the name of Saruman's home and seat of power?
- Who tells the rest of the fellowship to "fly, you fools"?
- Who says "One does not simply walk into Mordor"?
- Last name of Grima who manipulates Theoden.
- The One Ring was forged at Mount...?
- What name does Frodo claim his name is to the innkeeper at The Prancing Pony?
- What birthday was Bilbo celebrating in Fellowship of the Ring?
- Name of the orb that Saruman uses to communicate with Sauron.
- What is the name of the giant spider who lives in the tunnels leading to Mordor?
- What is Gandalf's horse called?
- Which hungry hobbit says "We've had on, yes. What about second breakfast?"
23 Clues: The father of Boromir. • Also known as "ringwraiths" • What is Gandalf's horse called? • What is Boromir's brother called? • The One Ring was forged at Mount...? • Who cut the ring from Sauron's finger? • Last name of Grima who manipulates Theoden. • Where was the fellowship of the ring formed? • Who says "One does not simply walk into Mordor"? • ...
Lord of the Rings 2024-04-11
- The direction the ring went
- Outside company not welcome here; Especially not Dwarves
- Family name of Bilbo and Frodo
- Gollum's Race
- Archer of the Company
- Son of Gloin
- Where Shadows Lie
- Creator of Middle-Earth
- Where Gandalf fell into the abyss
- "You shall not pass"
- Dear Friend of Frodo; One of the Nine
- The 9 Horsemen
- Forger of the One Ring
- Owner of the Ring before Bilbo
- ____ to rule them all; to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
- Sword wielder of the Company
- Where Bilbo and Frodo are from!
- Council of ___
- Home of the Elven people
- Sacred Mineral of the Dwarves
- Lord of Moria
- The number of people in the Company
22 Clues: Son of Gloin • Gollum's Race • Lord of Moria • Council of ___ • The 9 Horsemen • Where Shadows Lie • "You shall not pass" • Archer of the Company • Forger of the One Ring • Creator of Middle-Earth • Home of the Elven people • The direction the ring went • Sword wielder of the Company • Sacred Mineral of the Dwarves • Owner of the Ring before Bilbo • Family name of Bilbo and Frodo • ...
Lord of The Rings 2024-12-06
- Cousin of a fool
- Wormtongue
- The brave
- King of Rohan
- Steward of Gondor
- prince of the woodland realm
- The ring bearer
- Older than the moon
- Baggins
- Master of the ring
- Son of Gloin
- Of many colors
- "I am no tree, I am an ent"
- The Grey
- A fool of a Took
- Son of Denethor
- "I am no man"
- Roller of Rivendell
- Son of Arathorn
- Daughter of Elrond
- Sméagol
- The brown
22 Clues: Sméagol • Baggins • The Grey • The brave • The brown • Wormtongue • Son of Gloin • King of Rohan • "I am no man" • Of many colors • Son of Denethor • Son of Arathorn • The ring bearer • Cousin of a fool • A fool of a Took • Steward of Gondor • Daughter of Elrond • Master of the ring • Roller of Rivendell • Older than the moon • "I am no tree, I am an ent" • prince of the woodland realm
Lord of the Rings 2022-07-31
- horse lort son of Denethor
- stabbing by morgul blade
- a hobbit's tale
- volcano
- rings of power for dwarves
- rings of power for elves
- shortcut to
- pony
- port to sail to Valinor
- "noble maiden"
- found the ring in the water
- given 3 golden strands of hair
- alias
- King of Edoras
- gift from bilbo
- spider
- mountain range
- boromir's brother
- stolen from gandalf
- pipe weed
- King Theoden's niece
- disturber of the peace
- king of gondor
- Aragon travels to Minas Tirith
- bilbo's age
- green leaf
- fool
- "Fly, you fools"
- brandybuck
- gardener
- gollum
- Sauron's fortress in Mordor
- symbol of Gondor
- ferry
- rings of power for men
- bilbo took the ring from
- ringbearer
- glows blue
38 Clues: fool • pony • ferry • alias • gollum • spider • volcano • gardener • pipe weed • green leaf • brandybuck • ringbearer • glows blue • bilbo's age • shortcut to • mountain range • king of gondor • "noble maiden" • King of Edoras • a hobbit's tale • gift from bilbo • "Fly, you fools" • symbol of Gondor • boromir's brother • stolen from gandalf • King Theoden's niece • disturber of the peace • rings of power for men • ...
Lord of the Rings 2015-01-07
- king of Rohan
- the _____ lands
- Third Marshal of Riddermark
- "Tom-fool of a Took"
- Gimli's chum
- Queen of Lorien
- door warden of Theoden
- slain by Orcs
- Elderly Baggins
- Isildur's Bane
- "Oh my Precious!"
- _____ of the Dead
- black riders
- Pippin's chum
- Dernhelm
- Halflings
- Ring bearer
- Mount Doom
- went mad and burned
- husband of the Lady
- Legolas's buddy
- Mithrandir
- Gardener of Bag End
- king of Gondor
- Durin's Bane
- home of Celeborn
26 Clues: Dernhelm • Halflings • Mount Doom • Mithrandir • Ring bearer • Gimli's chum • Durin's Bane • black riders • king of Rohan • slain by Orcs • Pippin's chum • king of Gondor • Isildur's Bane • the _____ lands • Legolas's buddy • Queen of Lorien • Elderly Baggins • home of Celeborn • "Oh my Precious!" • _____ of the Dead • went mad and burned • husband of the Lady • Gardener of Bag End • "Tom-fool of a Took" • ...
Lord of the Rings 2015-08-08
- Lord of the Mark
- / " Oh my Precious"
- the queen of Lorien
- third marshal of Riddermark
- /Isildurs bane
- Halflings
- Mount Doom
- / tomfool of a Took
- Durins Bane
- / Black riders
- husband of the white lady
- ring bearer
- Elderly Baggins
- / Pippin's chum
- went mad and burned
- home of Celeborn
- / slain by Orcs
- Frodo's servant
- Elessar, the Elfstone
- / Gimli's chum
- / Mithrandir
- Dernhelm
- / Legolas's buddy
23 Clues: Dernhelm • Halflings • Mount Doom • ring bearer • Durins Bane • / Mithrandir • /Isildurs bane • Elderly Baggins • / Pippin's chum • / slain by Orcs • Frodo's servant • / Gimli's chum • / Black riders • Lord of the Mark • home of Celeborn • / Legolas's buddy • went mad and burned • the queen of Lorien • / " Oh my Precious" • Elessar, the Elfstone • / tomfool of a Took • husband of the white lady • ...
Lord of the Rings 2019-06-07
- a cause of great problems, e.g. Isildur's
- Tolkien's initials
- short, stocky creatures who love metal
- the dwarf-made material of Frodo's coat
- the language that inspied the Elvish language Quenya
- Bilbo's heir
- one of the effects the Ring has on the Ring-bearer
- gave his horse to a wounded Frodo
- Theoden's name for Gandalf
- they live in Lothlorien
- Frodo & Sam met Faramir behind one of these
- Sam's name
- a sworn promise
- Shelob is a huge one
- when you don't expect something
- Aragorn's name when the hobbits first met him
- Pippin's full names was Peregrine
- the original RP game was Dungeons and .......
- Gandalf told Frodo to keep the Ring safe and ......
- Galadriel's gifts to Merry and Pippin
- something heavy or difficult to carry
- a story
- he lived in the tower of Orthanc
- Sam's nickname at the end of the story
- the Black Riders were also called Ring-.......
- the Ring must be destroyed in Mount
- Tolkien's first trip abroad was to this country
- two weeks
- the language that inspied the Elvish language Sindarin
- where the council of Elrond took place
- the bird which rescues Gandalf
- Gollum's name for the Ring
- the land where the shadows lie
- a word game beloved by Gollum
- Treebeard said they should not be
- a battle during the First World War
- to look for
- prevented Bilbo from killing Gollum
38 Clues: a story • two weeks • Sam's name • to look for • Bilbo's heir • a sworn promise • Tolkien's initials • Shelob is a huge one • they live in Lothlorien • Theoden's name for Gandalf • Gollum's name for the Ring • a word game beloved by Gollum • the bird which rescues Gandalf • the land where the shadows lie • when you don't expect something • he lived in the tower of Orthanc • ...
Lord of the Rings 2023-09-09
- king of Rohan
- the _____ lands
- Third Marshal of Riddermark
- "Tom-fool of a Took"
- Gimli's chum
- Queen of Lorien
- door warden of Theoden
- slain by Orcs
- Elderly Baggins
- Isildur's Bane
- "Oh my Precious!"
- _____ of the Dead
- black riders
- Pippin's chum
- Dernhelm
- Halflings
- Ring bearer
- Mount Doom
- went mad and burned
- husband of the Lady
- Legolas's buddy
- Mithrandir
- Gardener of Bag End
- king of Gondor
- Durin's Bane
- home of Celeborn
26 Clues: Dernhelm • Halflings • Mount Doom • Mithrandir • Ring bearer • Gimli's chum • Durin's Bane • black riders • king of Rohan • slain by Orcs • Pippin's chum • king of Gondor • Isildur's Bane • the _____ lands • Legolas's buddy • Queen of Lorien • Elderly Baggins • home of Celeborn • "Oh my Precious!" • _____ of the Dead • went mad and burned • husband of the Lady • Gardener of Bag End • "Tom-fool of a Took" • ...
Lord of the Rings 2024-04-15
- The King of Rohan
- Saved Aragorns Life
- Skinny Creature with two consciences
- Ring Bearer
- Fights Sheolb
- Elvish Lady with Brown Hair
- Isildur's Heir
- Evil White Wizard
- You need people of intelligence on this kind of mission, quest, thing
- Theodan's Niece
- Legolas' Father
- Eowyn's Brother
- Legolas! 2 Already!
- The Elf Prince of Mirkwood
- The Gray Wizard
- Lord of Rivendale
- Precious! Precious!
- Well that counts you out!
- Ugly, Bad
- The Eye
20 Clues: The Eye • Ugly, Bad • Ring Bearer • Fights Sheolb • Isildur's Heir • Theodan's Niece • Legolas' Father • Eowyn's Brother • The Gray Wizard • The King of Rohan • Lord of Rivendale • Evil White Wizard • Legolas! 2 Already! • Saved Aragorns Life • Precious! Precious! • Well that counts you out! • The Elf Prince of Mirkwood • Elvish Lady with Brown Hair • Skinny Creature with two consciences • ...
Lord of the Rings 2024-03-15
- A gardener by trade, originally
- Prince of Mirkwood
- Metel resembling silver, but stronger and lighter than steel
- Smeagol
- Merry's name
- The oldest hobbit
- The ringbearer
- Stones that could be used in communication with one another
- Daughter of Elrond
- Also known as Amon Sul
- Mithrandir
- Son of Gloin
- The sword that was broken
- The bearer of the ring Nenya
- He becomes a knight of Gondor
- Son of Denethor II
- The sword Foe-hammer a.k.a Beater
- Another name for halflings
- The kingdom that awaits the return of its king
- A sword that glows blue when orcs are near
- Where the elf Elrond lives with his court
- Where the main villain lives
- Theoden is King of this kingdom
- The region where halflings live
- Shieldmaiden
- The Lord of the rings
- Home of Saruman
- Strider
- Elvish waybread
29 Clues: Smeagol • Strider • Mithrandir • Son of Gloin • Merry's name • Shieldmaiden • The ringbearer • Home of Saruman • Elvish waybread • The oldest hobbit • Prince of Mirkwood • Son of Denethor II • Daughter of Elrond • The Lord of the rings • Also known as Amon Sul • The sword that was broken • Another name for halflings • The bearer of the ring Nenya • Where the main villain lives • ...
Lord of the Rings 2024-02-13
- Bro cave of the Nazgul
- Lost their wives
- Gimli's trusted weapon
- Where the land has died
- "Go to Minas Tirith and save my people"
- The first to be corrupted by the rings
- Orc radar
- Elronds father
- Gandalf's bane
- They keep the way shut
- Their king lost his head
- Something sam can't do
- Morgoths general
- The final destination
- The dark fortress
- Excellent with horses
- Monster of fire
- The dungeons of the necromancer
- Isildur's heir
- Taller than Pippin
- Legolas's weapon
- The enemies of Morgoth
- Mutilated elves
- The white city
- The...of the ring
- The last words the witch-king hears
- Gandalf's unexpected ally
- The much-missed home
- Speak Friend and Enter
- Misses his finger
- Son of Gloin
- Prince of Mirkwood
- Impervious to all evil but Sauron
- So juicy sweeeet
- From grey to white
- Betrayed by the ring
- The White City
- Homeland of the Dunedain
- Husband to Goldberry
- The one thing pippin wasn't supposed to touch
- Granddaughter of Galadriel
- Almost burned alive
- Greatest offspring of Ungoliat
43 Clues: Orc radar • Son of Gloin • The white city • Elronds father • Gandalf's bane • The White City • Isildur's heir • Mutilated elves • Monster of fire • Lost their wives • So juicy sweeeet • Morgoths general • Legolas's weapon • The...of the ring • Misses his finger • The dark fortress • Prince of Mirkwood • From grey to white • Taller than Pippin • Almost burned alive • The much-missed home • Betrayed by the ring • ...
Lord of The Rings 2024-12-12
- King of Rohan
- The race that lives the longest
- The main character's race
- Aragorn's nickname
- Bilbo's sword
- The dwarf in the fellowship
- Where the antagonist lives
- Where Balin dies
- The third book
- The white city
- The elf in the fellowship
- A lost king
- The protagonist
- The main antagonist
- The lady of Lothlorien
- The first book
- The protagonist's sidekick
- The first person in the fellowship that dies
- The race that lives in mountains
- Where the last homely house is located
- Lord of the last homely house
- Sauron's ring
- The second book
- The one who calls the rings My Prescious
- Boromir's brother
- The evil wizard
- The land of horses
- The wizard in the fellowship
28 Clues: A lost king • King of Rohan • Bilbo's sword • Sauron's ring • The first book • The third book • The white city • The second book • The evil wizard • The protagonist • Where Balin dies • Boromir's brother • Aragorn's nickname • The land of horses • The main antagonist • The lady of Lothlorien • The main character's race • The elf in the fellowship • The protagonist's sidekick • Where the antagonist lives • ...
Lord of the rings 2024-12-22
- the battle of
- rohan's war cry
- grey and white
- Nate if he were a LOTR character
- after my house
- a hobbit's third meal
- sun hardened statues
- fly, you
- keep it, keep it
- hobbitses, in gollum's opinion
- mount
- merry's first name
- a filling snack
- pippin's first name
- shards of
- gimli, son of
- Mason's wedding hair inspo
- a gift for gimli
- gollum's alter ego
- tomato squasher
- jewelry for arwen
- spider, scared of light
- white hand of
24 Clues: mount • fly, you • shards of • gimli, son of • the battle of • white hand of • grey and white • after my house • a filling snack • rohan's war cry • tomato squasher • keep it, keep it • a gift for gimli • he's SOOOO HOTTTT • jewelry for arwen • merry's first name • gollum's alter ego • pippin's first name • sun hardened statues • a hobbit's third meal • spider, scared of light • Mason's wedding hair inspo • ...
Lord of Rings 2024-09-12
- Héro elfe légendaire qui protège Frodon
- Pierres précieuses perdues à jamais
- Ancien démon de feu et d'ombre
- Frère de Boromir, capitaine du Gondor
- Conseiller perfide du roi Théoden
- Montagne où l'Anneau doit être détruit
- Nom donné à Gandalf par les Elfes
- Sombre passage menant au Mordor
- La tour de Sauron dans le Mordor
- Ancien roi humain, ancêtre d'Aragorn
- Anneau elfique contrôlant l'air
- Ancienne île détruite, berceau des rois humains
- Montagne traîtresse que tente de traverser la Communauté
- Marin légendaire portant un Silmaril
- Surnom de Turin, héro tragique de l'histoire des Hommes
- Nom elfique de Fondcombe, la demeure d'Elrond
- Lieu où se rendent les immortels
- Tour imprenable où vit Saroumane
- Epée d'Aragorn, signifiant "Flamme de l'Ouest"
- Gardiens des arbres, capables de parler et de marcher
20 Clues: Ancien démon de feu et d'ombre • Anneau elfique contrôlant l'air • Sombre passage menant au Mordor • Lieu où se rendent les immortels • Tour imprenable où vit Saroumane • La tour de Sauron dans le Mordor • Conseiller perfide du roi Théoden • Nom donné à Gandalf par les Elfes • Pierres précieuses perdues à jamais • Marin légendaire portant un Silmaril • ...
Lord of the Rings 2013-08-26
- The feeling that someone or something is worthless or despicable
- The one who is to destroy the ring
- The last name of the author of the book
- Where Sauron lives
- A hobbit helping Frodo with the last stage of his journey
- Become dry and shrivelled
- The first Ent that Merry and Pippin ever met
- An elf who is friends with Gimli the dwarf
- A wizard helping Frodo and co. in the journey to destroy the Ring
- The powerful object that Sauron seeks
- Son of Arathorn
- A group of ships
- Used to be bearer of the ring
- Brave
- An evil wizard known as The Necromancer
- Very unhappy
- Fame
- To give thought to the future
- Half-sized, leathery-foot people, also known as halflings
- Gradually becoming less or smaller
- excellent
- To flee
- A city in Middle-Earth
- An arrangement
- Bleak
- Aragorn's sword
26 Clues: Fame • Bleak • Brave • To flee • excellent • Very unhappy • An arrangement • Son of Arathorn • Aragorn's sword • A group of ships • Where Sauron lives • A city in Middle-Earth • Become dry and shrivelled • To give thought to the future • Used to be bearer of the ring • The one who is to destroy the ring • Gradually becoming less or smaller • The powerful object that Sauron seeks • ...
Lord of the Rings 2018-02-09
20 Clues: fare • hive • smuk • skaft • famle • kiste • hvile • tapper • klinge • skælve • skrift • skæbne • sløret • skinger • nyheder • hængsel • vildskab • krumsabel • pludselig • våbenkammer
Lord of The Rings 2018-02-13
- Galadriel's husband's name.
- Captain of the White Tower.
- Frodo and Sam live here.
- ______ the Grey.
- Lieutenants of Mordor.
- Lady of Lothlorien
- A monstrous creature from European folk lore.
- The region occupied and controlled by Sauron.
- Where the LOTR was filmed.
- Place where the ring was created and is to be destroyed.
- Two hobbits that help Frodo on his journey to Mordor.
- Lord of Mordor.
- King of Arnor.
- Name of the large, fiery eye.
- My Precious
- _____ the Brown.
- Chieftain of the Ring Wraiths
- Small human creatures with hairy feet.
- Half elven princess.
- Son of Arathorn and a Ranger of the North.
- Who Frodo inherits the ring from.
- Dwarf warrior and one of the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring
- Is given the task to take the ring to Mt. Doom to destroy it.
- These creatures are used as soldiers and henchmen by the villains.
- An elf from the woodland realm and one of the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring.
- _______ the White.
- Half elven Lord of Rivendell
- Frodo's sword name
- Frodo's best friend
- Name of Middle Earth orc.
30 Clues: My Precious • King of Arnor. • Lord of Mordor. • _____ the Brown. • ______ the Grey. • Lady of Lothlorien • _______ the White. • Frodo's sword name • Frodo's best friend • Half elven princess. • Lieutenants of Mordor. • Frodo and Sam live here. • Name of Middle Earth orc. • Where the LOTR was filmed. • Galadriel's husband's name. • Captain of the White Tower. • Half elven Lord of Rivendell • ...
Lord of the Rings 2021-01-21
- A fierce orc, resurrected by Saruman
- The true hero of Middle Earth
- Lies at the edge of Rohan
- Theoden's homeland
- Gandalf's most popular line
- Owns a very precious piece of jewelry
- Didn't destroy the Ring
- Gifted with foresight
- He has an ax, and loves to use it
- Where you can visit Hobbiton
- Prince of the Woodland Realm
- Another name for Hobbits
- Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew
- Daddy's least favorite
- The elves sail here to usher in Age of Man
- A hobbit murderer
- Creator of Lord of the Rings
- Daddy's most favorite
- Don't mess with these trees
- Ranger of the North, Strider
- "They're taking the hobbits to-"
21 Clues: A hobbit murderer • Theoden's homeland • Daddy's most favorite • Gifted with foresight • Daddy's least favorite • Didn't destroy the Ring • Another name for Hobbits • Lies at the edge of Rohan • Don't mess with these trees • Gandalf's most popular line • Creator of Lord of the Rings • Ranger of the North, Strider • Where you can visit Hobbiton • Prince of the Woodland Realm • ...
NOVELS : Dragonfly, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter 2025-01-26
- What is the name of the main antagonist in the "Harry Potter" series?
- What is the name of Jamie Fraser's ancestral home in "Dragonfly in Amber"?
- A strong theme in both "Harry Potter" and "The Lord of the Rings" is the importance of friendship.
- What are the mystical stones that play a significant role in "Dragonfly in Amber"?
- What is the name of the protagonist of "The Hobbit"?
- What is the name of the protagonist in the "Harry Potter" series?
- What is the name of the magical school that Harry Potter attends?
- A key element of "Dragonfly in Amber" is Claire and Jamie's time travel through the centuries.
- Which Hogwarts house does Harry Potter belong to?
- What is the core element of the "Harry Potter" series?
- What is the name of Claire Randall's Scottish husband in "Dragonfly in Amber"?
- Who is the main antagonist in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy?
- What is the surname of the protagonist in the "Harry Potter" series?
- What is the name of the fictional world where "The Lord of the Rings" takes place?
- What is the name of the main female protagonist in "Dragonfly in Amber"?
- What is the central artifact in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy?
- In which country does a significant portion of "Dragonfly in Amber" take place?
- The "Lord of the Rings" series is filled with adventure and exploration.
- All three series ("Dragonfly in Amber," "The Lord of the Rings," and "Harry Potter") belong to this literary genre.
- What is Harry Potter's primary magical designation?
20 Clues: Which Hogwarts house does Harry Potter belong to? • What is Harry Potter's primary magical designation? • What is the name of the protagonist of "The Hobbit"? • What is the core element of the "Harry Potter" series? • Who is the main antagonist in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy? • What is the central artifact in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy? • ...
Lord of the Rings 2018-05-09
- A short, hairy footed person
- A tall, graceful, old, wise, being
- Smaller than a horse bigger than a dog
- The spookiest place of all the places
- Home of the hobbits
- eye The thing that watches all of Mordor
- Rugged, wise, man that the hobbits met at the Prancing Pony
- The elf who is a part of the fellowship and who has a bow and arrow
- Bombadil Jolly, fun, powerful man, master of the old forest
- A short, greedy, stubborn being
- The uncle of frodo
- A person that can harness magic
- The word they used to describe the sun in songs
- The mean relative who Frodo sold Bag End to
- riders Once were the 9 kings now all under the rings magic
- The home of the elves
- Part of the dark army
- The best wizard ever
- Forest Forest with magic in it, deadly.
19 Clues: The uncle of frodo • Home of the hobbits • The best wizard ever • The home of the elves • Part of the dark army • A short, hairy footed person • A person that can harness magic • A short, greedy, stubborn being • A tall, graceful, old, wise, being • The spookiest place of all the places • Smaller than a horse bigger than a dog • Forest Forest with magic in it, deadly. • ...
Lord of the Rings 2021-06-09
- He was like a brother to pippin.
- He is the king of Rohan.
- He died in the first movie.
- What is the name of the second movie?
- He is the dwarf in the fellowship.
- He looked into the palantir out of curiosity.
- He is the gray wizard.
- Elrond is the king of this place.
- His other name is Smegal.
- What is the name of the firey eye?
- He is the main character the is an Ent.
- What is the name of the third movie?
- He is also known as Strider.
- What is the name of the first movie?
- He is a close friend to Frodo.
- The land of men that is closest to mordor.
- He is the ring bearer.
- He is the elf in the fellowship.
- He is the white wizard.
19 Clues: He is the gray wizard. • He is the ring bearer. • He is the white wizard. • He is the king of Rohan. • His other name is Smegal. • He died in the first movie. • He is also known as Strider. • He is a close friend to Frodo. • He was like a brother to pippin. • He is the elf in the fellowship. • Elrond is the king of this place. • What is the name of the firey eye? • ...
Lord of the Rings 2015-09-19
19 Clues: Wizard • Durnhelm • Wise Elf • Gardener • White Lady • ring bearer • silver horn • fell creatures • cousin of Frodo • Owner of Andurìl • Captain of Gondor • Friend of Legolas • tomfool of a Took • Lord of the rings • Prince of Kirkwood • Husband of the lady • Tratoir the Council • darker than darkness • the first marshal of Riddermark
- Sean of The Lord of the Rings
- Sport played by Manchester United
- is such a troll kk bye
- "The Lord of the Rings" genre
- mehrs fav person
- Zero, to Manchester United
- The Lord of the Rings: The ___ Towers
- Gimli's weapon in "The Lord of the Rings"
- Chris ___, England and Manchester United footballer born in 1989
- From Liverpool to Manchester
- Wayne ___, current captain of Manchester United
- "The Lord of the Rings" character ___ Bombadil
- Looking back, Manchester United address nothing that is addictive
13 Clues: mehrs fav person • is such a troll kk bye • Zero, to Manchester United • From Liverpool to Manchester • Sean of The Lord of the Rings • "The Lord of the Rings" genre • Sport played by Manchester United • The Lord of the Rings: The ___ Towers • Gimli's weapon in "The Lord of the Rings" • "The Lord of the Rings" character ___ Bombadil • ...
Lord of the Rings 2024-12-13
- Name of the forest with Ents
- Order of Rangers, last descendants of Numenor
- Where the Hobbits meet Strider for the first time
- Prime evil of Middle Earth
- One of the nine
- Archer of Rohan
- One of the two men of the Fellowship
- where Rohan defeated Isengard
- Calls the ring "precious"
- What bilbo had to answer to escape Gollum's cave
- A good place to get a pint in Hobbiton
- Herb Aragorn uses to heal Frodo after being stabbed at Weathertop
- Cousin of Eowyn
- Footsolider of Sauron
- What lies outside of Minas Tirith
- The terror of Minas Morgul
- Giant elephant-like creature used in war by the haradrim
17 Clues: Cousin of Eowyn • One of the nine • Archer of Rohan • Footsolider of Sauron • Calls the ring "precious" • Prime evil of Middle Earth • The terror of Minas Morgul • Name of the forest with Ents • where Rohan defeated Isengard • What lies outside of Minas Tirith • One of the two men of the Fellowship • A good place to get a pint in Hobbiton • ...
Lord of The Rings 2024-05-19
- ________ the brown
- Not all those who ______ are lost
- Faramir's Father
- Legolas's Father
- Faramir's Brother
- Relm of Sauron
- Frodo's Trusty Companion
- Wizard allied with Sauron
- Galadriel's ring
- Saruman Ball
- Most Powerful of the Maiar
- _______ the grey
- Galadriel's Husband
- Ring Bearer
- AKA Perrigin Took
- Gandalf's ring
- Sam's father
17 Clues: Ring Bearer • Saruman Ball • Sam's father • Gandalf's ring • Relm of Sauron • Galadriel's ring • _______ the grey • Faramir's Father • Legolas's Father • AKA Perrigin Took • Faramir's Brother • ________ the brown • Galadriel's Husband • Frodo's Trusty Companion • Wizard allied with Sauron • Most Powerful of the Maiar • Not all those who ______ are lost
crossword 1+2=crossword 3 redo 2024-11-20
- in a pack of lions, who does the hunting: Males or Females?
- in Gloomhaven, what does The Demolitionist get at LVL 5
- If you go on a vacation, you might bring back some ________
- what is a fruit, but also means sleeve in Portuguese
- typical movie snack
- which Avenger has multiple metal suits?
- what animal is known for its laziness?
- Mrs. Laroche has a ________ fish
- What dessert is part ice cream and part popsicle?
- a common plant in the dessert that holds water
- In Lord of the Rings, Gandalf the Gray dies and becomes Gandalf the ______?
- a typical safe is always kept __________
- I will _________ my friend after school today
- a book you use in school
- “hang your bag on the _______”
- Where is the location of the Black Gate in the Lord of the Rings
- in Lord of the Rings, what is gollums real name?
- does the lord of the rings take place before of after the hobbit
- another name for a rubber band
- a fruit that is also a color
- a ________ tells time
21 Clues: typical movie snack • a ________ tells time • a book you use in school • a fruit that is also a color • “hang your bag on the _______” • another name for a rubber band • Mrs. Laroche has a ________ fish • what animal is known for its laziness? • which Avenger has multiple metal suits? • a typical safe is always kept __________ • I will _________ my friend after school today • ...
The Lord of the Rings 2015-04-08
- Brave warrior that joined Frodo
- Original owner of the ring
- Ranger that guides Frodo
- Strider's real name
- Evil force that wants control of the ring
- Elvish lands in which they are trying to find
- Bilbo's younger predecessor
- Author of this book
- Turns 111
- Where Bilbo lives
- Maggots occupation
- WHere the Hobbits are heading to destroy the ring
- Man who saves Merry from Old Man Willow
- Name of the inn the Hobbits meet Strider in
- King of the Elves
- Leader of the wizards
- Pleasant creatures they meet on the path
- Wizard that helps Frodo
- Legolas's weapon of choice
- What Smeagle starts to call himself
20 Clues: Turns 111 • Where Bilbo lives • King of the Elves • Maggots occupation • Strider's real name • Author of this book • Leader of the wizards • Wizard that helps Frodo • Ranger that guides Frodo • Original owner of the ring • Legolas's weapon of choice • Bilbo's younger predecessor • Brave warrior that joined Frodo • What Smeagle starts to call himself • ...
The Lord Of The Rings 2013-03-14
- Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or an apparition.
- a person who is an associate of another or others.
- a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person.
- being, resembling, or suggestive of a cavern.
- A slender, freestanding, vertical support; a column.
- characterized by gracious consideration toward others.
- Pottery made from a porous clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures.
- Full of high-spirited gaiety.
- high-pitched and piercing sound.
- one that is inconvenient, annoying, or vexatious.
- to grip or hold tightly or firmly.
- To move or stand unsteadily, as if under a great weight.
- A valued possession passed down in a family through succeeding generations.
- Relating to or resembling a shadow.
- rustic or rural in appearance.
- A group of conspirators.
- Of the highest or finest quality.
- to lay siege to.
- A state of complete emptiness or destruction.
- the entrance to a house or building.
20 Clues: to lay siege to. • A group of conspirators. • Full of high-spirited gaiety. • rustic or rural in appearance. • high-pitched and piercing sound. • Of the highest or finest quality. • to grip or hold tightly or firmly. • Relating to or resembling a shadow. • the entrance to a house or building. • a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person. • ...
The Lord Of The Rings 2013-03-14
- the entrance to a house or building.
- a person who is an associate of another or others.
- To move or stand unsteadily, as if under a great weight.
- characterized by gracious consideration toward others.
- high-pitched and piercing sound.
- one that is inconvenient, annoying, or vexatious.
- Of the highest or finest quality.
- being, resembling, or suggestive of a cavern.
- Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or an apparition.
- Relating to or resembling a shadow.
- Full of high-spirited gaiety.
- to lay siege to.
- rustic or rural in appearance.
- A state of complete emptiness or destruction.
- a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person.
- A slender, freestanding, vertical support; a column.
- to grip or hold tightly or firmly.
- Pottery made from a porous clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures.
- A group of conspirators.
- A valued possession passed down in a family through succeeding generations.
20 Clues: to lay siege to. • A group of conspirators. • Full of high-spirited gaiety. • rustic or rural in appearance. • high-pitched and piercing sound. • Of the highest or finest quality. • to grip or hold tightly or firmly. • Relating to or resembling a shadow. • the entrance to a house or building. • a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person. • ...
The Lord of the Rings 2017-11-01
20 Clues: nu • moche • bâton • le mal • brandir • menacer • magicien • une épée • sorcière • intrigue • chevalier • une barbe • courageux • s'échapper • se dérouler • un personnage • porter un objet • baguette magique • porter un vêtement • étrange et inquiétant
The Lord of The Rings 2015-11-29
- Aragorn's dwarf friend
- daughter of Theoden
- evil wizard of Isengard
- evil leader
- Gimli's elf friend
- steward of Gondor
- volcano where ring was made
- King of Nazguls
- actual king of Gondor
- shepherds of the forest
- Denethor's oldest son
- Frodo's best friend
- ring bearer
- Land of Sauron
- the white wizard
- King of Rohan
- youngest son of Denethor
- Gandalf's horse
- Saurons warriors
- Kingdom of the horses
20 Clues: ring bearer • evil leader • King of Rohan • Land of Sauron • Gandalf's horse • King of Nazguls • the white wizard • Saurons warriors • steward of Gondor • Gimli's elf friend • Frodo's best friend • daughter of Theoden • Denethor's oldest son • actual king of Gondor • Kingdom of the horses • Aragorn's dwarf friend • evil wizard of Isengard • shepherds of the forest • youngest son of Denethor • ...
The Lord of the Rings. 2022-09-29
- The Prancing Pony by Barlimen B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r. This was on a door. Gandalf say this man's memory is like a lumber room, in a letter he wrote to Frodo.
- Bilbo's sword that was given to Frodo.
- The last homely home was occupied by this man.
- Which dwarf bragged he kill forty two enemies?
- Deceiver of King Theoden and Saruman's servant.
- The Hobbit who threw his eleventy-first birthday.
- Wizard that accompanies both Frodo and Bilbo on their journeys.
- At the house of Elrond who was Frodo most excited to see? Because he had not seen him for a long while.
- The evil horseman/creatures from Mordor that chased Frodo and Bilbo in the Shire.🏇
- The country/territory that Bag End was in. S_ _ _ E
- An Ent that took over control of Isengard and trapped Saruman in Orthanc tower.
- What lady had Nenya, the Ring of Adamant.
- Which of the dwarves was so fat that it took six young dwarves ot lift him?
- The creature who says, My precious, Yes my precious, and lived under a mountain. G_ _ _ _ _.
- The hobbit in the story that is Frodo's friend starts with P_ _ _ _ _.
- What tower does Saruman dwell in?
- Guy who had a blue coat and long beard, great yellow boots and saved hobbits from Old Man Willow. T_ _ B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - two words.
- Sword broken in half that Aragorn was so determined to be reforged.
- another friend of Frodo, he has a happy name.
- One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to bind them, One Ring to bring them all and in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bind them.
- The ring Bilbo and Frodo had was the what of all the rings and the source of Sauron's power? Starts with R_ _ _ R.
- Man of the West.
- The Nine were what creatures?
- The man that is The Strider.
- A young, little hobbit that is a hero in the story.
- Which person said he killed forty one enemies?
- the creatures that captured the Hobbits after Tom Bombadil sent them away. W_ _ _ _ S.
- Tom Bombadil's lady companion and daughter of the river. G_ _ _ _ _ _ _ y
- End Cozy home that Bilbo and Frodo Both lived in🏠. B_ _ E _ _
- Injured Frodo in his shoulder and caused his arm to go numb.
- The Hobbit who said " ..My precious, Yes my precious" and loathed to give up the ring.
- How many quarters was the Shire split into?
- Obstinate wife of Otho Sackville-Bagginses.
- Other personality of Gollum before he killed his brother over the ring.
- The phial of Galadriel gave off what?
- What king did Gandalf make young again
- Faithful follower, defender, and friend of Frodo.
37 Clues: Man of the West. • The man that is The Strider. • The Nine were what creatures? • What tower does Saruman dwell in? • The phial of Galadriel gave off what? • Bilbo's sword that was given to Frodo. • What king did Gandalf make young again • What lady had Nenya, the Ring of Adamant. • How many quarters was the Shire split into? • Obstinate wife of Otho Sackville-Bagginses. • ...
The Lord Of the Rings 2024-10-15
- as is Tom Bombadil
- Ring gold circle determined to rule the world
- the dwarves lived in before Balrog
- Galadriel in ROP
- Theodin exercises this often
- Faramir is largely
- the stuff the surprised cast and crew of LOTR at Helms Deep
- all of LOTR
- of the dwarves it was spoken
- all of elvendom
- the ring was to Bilbo
- Sauron called her his cat
- Mithril could be
- Arwen is
- as the elves do their swords
- of most caves
- Frodo would be
- deciding who got the ring was quite the _______
- Legolas's ____ locks
- the feeling one has while reading LOTR
- Elrond is
- Thranduil holds a great deal of this
- Sam spoke with surprising ______
- the Eagles caused this
- of Beorn
- Tolkien's word usage
- The Shire
- Hobbits at The Green Dragon
- Gandalf did so to the fellowship
- or so we think
- the fellowship began doing so together
31 Clues: of Beorn • Arwen is • Elrond is • The Shire • all of LOTR • of most caves • Frodo would be • or so we think • all of elvendom • Galadriel in ROP • Mithril could be • as is Tom Bombadil • Faramir is largely • Legolas's ____ locks • Tolkien's word usage • the ring was to Bilbo • the Eagles caused this • Sauron called her his cat • Hobbits at The Green Dragon • Theodin exercises this often • ...
The Lord of the Rings 2015-04-08
- Brave warrior that joined Frodo
- Original owner of the ring
- Ranger that guides Frodo
- Strider's real name
- Evil force that wants control of the ring
- Elvish lands in which they are trying to find
- Bilbo's younger predecessor
- Author of this book
- Turns 111
- Where Bilbo lives
- Maggots occupation
- WHere the Hobbits are heading to destroy the ring
- Man who saves Merry from Old Man Willow
- Name of the inn the Hobbits meet Strider in
- King of the Elves
- Leader of the wizards
- Pleasant creatures they meet on the path
- Wizard that helps Frodo
- Legolas's weapon of choice
- What Smeagle starts to call himself
20 Clues: Turns 111 • Where Bilbo lives • King of the Elves • Maggots occupation • Strider's real name • Author of this book • Leader of the wizards • Wizard that helps Frodo • Ranger that guides Frodo • Original owner of the ring • Legolas's weapon of choice • Bilbo's younger predecessor • Brave warrior that joined Frodo • What Smeagle starts to call himself • ...
The Lord Of The Rings 2013-03-14
- Pottery made from a porous clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures.
- rustic or rural in appearance.
- one that is inconvenient, annoying, or vexatious.
- characterized by gracious consideration toward others.
- the entrance to a house or building.
- being, resembling, or suggestive of a cavern.
- to lay siege to.
- Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or an apparition.
- Full of high-spirited gaiety.
- A group of conspirators.
- Of the highest or finest quality.
- Relating to or resembling a shadow.
- A state of complete emptiness or destruction.
- to grip or hold tightly or firmly.
- a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person.
- a person who is an associate of another or others.
- high-pitched and piercing sound.
- A valued possession passed down in a family through succeeding generations.
- To move or stand unsteadily, as if under a great weight.
- A slender, freestanding, vertical support; a column.
20 Clues: to lay siege to. • A group of conspirators. • Full of high-spirited gaiety. • rustic or rural in appearance. • high-pitched and piercing sound. • Of the highest or finest quality. • to grip or hold tightly or firmly. • Relating to or resembling a shadow. • the entrance to a house or building. • a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person. • ...
The Lord of the Rings 2015-04-08
- Brave warrior that joined Frodo
- Original owner of the ring
- Ranger that guides Frodo
- Strider's real name
- Evil force that wants control of the ring
- Elvish lands in which they are trying to find
- Bilbo's younger predecessor
- Author of this book
- Turns 111
- Where Bilbo lives
- Maggots occupation
- WHere the Hobbits are heading to destroy the ring
- Man who saves Merry from Old Man Willow
- Name of the inn the Hobbits meet Strider in
- King of the Elves
- Leader of the wizards
- Pleasant creatures they meet on the path
- Wizard that helps Frodo
- Legolas's weapon of choice
- What Smeagle starts to call himself
20 Clues: Turns 111 • Where Bilbo lives • King of the Elves • Maggots occupation • Strider's real name • Author of this book • Leader of the wizards • Wizard that helps Frodo • Ranger that guides Frodo • Original owner of the ring • Legolas's weapon of choice • Bilbo's younger predecessor • Brave warrior that joined Frodo • What Smeagle starts to call himself • ...
The Lord of the Rings 2024-10-30
- Legolas' friend (a dwarf)
- Saruman the ___? (Not many colors)
- The king of Gondor?
- Some who live deserve to ___.
- Gandalf the ____? (Not white)
- The ringbearer
- The elf who Aragorn loves?
- Lady Galadriel's forest
- They have a cave ___!
- What, having to do with the THIRD thing one must do with said PO TAY TO, must one stick a potato in?
- Merry's full name (Just first)
- It comes in ____?! (Hint: At the prancing pony)
- I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my ___
- Legolas ____ (Last name)
- Down from the door where it _____
- The road goes ever __ ___ __
- Fool of a ___!
- What is the FIRST thing one must do with a PO TAY TO?
- What is the SECOND thing one must do with a PO TAY TO?
- Who wrote LOTR? (Just last name pls)
- Some who die deserve to ___.
- Radagast the ___?
- Not all who wander are ___
23 Clues: Fool of a ___! • The ringbearer • Radagast the ___? • The king of Gondor? • They have a cave ___! • Lady Galadriel's forest • Legolas ____ (Last name) • Legolas' friend (a dwarf) • The elf who Aragorn loves? • Not all who wander are ___ • The road goes ever __ ___ __ • Some who die deserve to ___. • Some who live deserve to ___. • Gandalf the ____? (Not white) • ...
Crossword: 1+2=3 2024-11-13
- typical movie snack
- a book you use in school
- What is a fruit, but also means sleeve in portuguese
- In Lord of the Rings, Gandalf the Gray dies and becomes Gandalf the ______?
- What desert is part ice cream and part popsicle
- a fruit that is also a color
- in gloomhaven when the demolitionist reaches lvl.5 what does he get
- a typical safe is always kept_______
- I will ______ my friend after school today
- What animal is known for its laziness?
- another name for an rubber band
- if you go on a vacation you might bring back some_____
- Where is the Black Gate located in the Lord of the Rings
- "hang your bag on the ______ "
- does the lord of the rings take place before or after the hobbit
- In a pack of lions, who does the hunting? Males or Females?
- a common plant in the dessert that holds water
- Who is the avenger that has multiple metal suits
- in lord of the rings gollum finds out his name is ______
- Mrs Laroch has a _____ fish
- a ______ tells time
21 Clues: typical movie snack • a ______ tells time • a book you use in school • Mrs Laroch has a _____ fish • a fruit that is also a color • "hang your bag on the ______ " • another name for an rubber band • a typical safe is always kept_______ • What animal is known for its laziness? • I will ______ my friend after school today • a common plant in the dessert that holds water • ...
Summer Reading Crossword Puzzle 2023-09-13
- The Boy...is a memoir - True or False?
- Where William Kamkwamba gets his education
- The setting for The Hate U Give
- The wizard in The Lord of the Rings
- The main character in The Lord of the Rings
- The name of the main character in The Boy....
- The object made by author in The Boy....
- Acronym for The Hate U Give
- The author of The Hate U Give, Angie ____
- Home of William Kamkwamba
- The Lord of the _____
- A theme in The Hate U Give
- An obstacle in The Boy....
- The object of desire in The Lord of the Rings
14 Clues: The Lord of the _____ • Home of William Kamkwamba • A theme in The Hate U Give • An obstacle in The Boy.... • Acronym for The Hate U Give • The setting for The Hate U Give • The wizard in The Lord of the Rings • The Boy...is a memoir - True or False? • The object made by author in The Boy.... • The author of The Hate U Give, Angie ____ • ...
LORD OF THE RINGS 2015-06-26
15 Clues: ent • a pony • Baggins • has a lair • glows blue • grey wizard • Ring bearer • thorins sword • pots and pans • Returned king • saurons creation • once a river folk • defeated by Gandalf • one bite can fill a grown man • Hobbits before lunch and after breakfast
Lord Of The Rings 2024-05-09
- chief supporting character
- maiden crowned with a garland of bright radiance
- one of the first to be corrupted by the one ring
- wise by experience
- noblewoman of Rohan, shieldmaiden
- elf-lord of rivendell
- "what can your elf-eyes see?"
- one of the best archers
- powerful wizard
- killed by legolas after stabbing saruman
- disfigured creatures working for sauron
- believed strongly in his kingdom
- noble maiden
- keeps pippin in check but can also be a bit dull-witted
- seen as one of the most clueless of the fellowship
15 Clues: noble maiden • powerful wizard • wise by experience • elf-lord of rivendell • one of the best archers • chief supporting character • "what can your elf-eyes see?" • believed strongly in his kingdom • noblewoman of Rohan, shieldmaiden • disfigured creatures working for sauron • killed by legolas after stabbing saruman • maiden crowned with a garland of bright radiance • ...
Lord of the Rings 2013-04-21
- The white wizard
- Middle Earth's evil
- Gondor's steward
- Place where the ring needs to be destroyed
- Boromir's brother
- Frodo's Protetor
- Dwarf member of the Fellowship
- The ring carrier
- King of Rohan
- Isildur´s heir
- Gondor's Ally
- Elf member of the Fellowship
- Frodo and Sam's guide to Mordor
- Hobbit loyal to Denethor
- Hobbit loyal to Theoden
15 Clues: King of Rohan • Gondor's Ally • Isildur´s heir • The white wizard • Gondor's steward • Frodo's Protetor • The ring carrier • Boromir's brother • Middle Earth's evil • Hobbit loyal to Theoden • Hobbit loyal to Denethor • Elf member of the Fellowship • Dwarf member of the Fellowship • Frodo and Sam's guide to Mordor • Place where the ring needs to be destroyed
Lord Of The Rings 2024-05-09
- chief supporting character
- maiden crowned with a garland of bright radiance
- one of the first to be corrupted by the one ring
- wise by experience
- noblewoman of Rohan, shieldmaiden
- elf-lord of rivendell
- "what can your elf-eyes see?"
- one of the best archers
- powerful wizard
- killed by legolas after stabbing saruman
- disfigured creatures working for sauron
- believed strongly in his kingdom
- noble maiden
- keeps pippin in check but can also be a bit dull-witted
- seen as one of the most clueless of the fellowship
15 Clues: noble maiden • powerful wizard • wise by experience • elf-lord of rivendell • one of the best archers • chief supporting character • "what can your elf-eyes see?" • believed strongly in his kingdom • noblewoman of Rohan, shieldmaiden • disfigured creatures working for sauron • killed by legolas after stabbing saruman • maiden crowned with a garland of bright radiance • ...
Lord of The Rings 2024-10-03
- - Small, brave, and loves comfort
- - Graceful beings with pointed ears
- - Stronger orcs bred for battle
- - Creature obsessed with the Ring
- - Scary ghostly servants of Sauron
- - Huge, fire-breathing monster, greedy
- - Large, vicious wolf-like creatures
- - Short, sturdy miners and fighters
- - Hobbit who carries the Ring
- - Tree-like creatures that walk and talk
- - Fiery demon in the mines
- - Giant elephant-like beasts in battle
- - Wise wizard who guides heroes
- - Ugly, mean creatures that serve evil
- - Horse-lords of the open plains
15 Clues: - Fiery demon in the mines • - Hobbit who carries the Ring • - Stronger orcs bred for battle • - Wise wizard who guides heroes • - Horse-lords of the open plains • - Small, brave, and loves comfort • - Creature obsessed with the Ring • - Scary ghostly servants of Sauron • - Graceful beings with pointed ears • - Short, sturdy miners and fighters • ...
Lord of the Rings 2015-03-19
- to infect; taint.
- Something that follows as a continuation
- Financial
- At start
- When something has been separated into groups it’s…
- Someone that triumph over others is a…
- Numerous
- Let her go, let her gooooo, turn away and slam the door.
- The newest _______ of the Lord Of the Rings series is stunning!
- Too many academics submit articles with half-developed arguments as if they were ready for _________
- Math is a ______ in school
- When you add something extra
- Assistance
- When you ____ someone, it’s basically like recommending someone something
- Involuntary
15 Clues: Numerous • At start • Financial • Assistance • Involuntary • to infect; taint. • Math is a ______ in school • When you add something extra • Someone that triumph over others is a… • Something that follows as a continuation • When something has been separated into groups it’s… • Let her go, let her gooooo, turn away and slam the door. • ...
Lord of the rings 2021-03-17
- a hobit who carried a ring
- Gondor king
- a magician after the fight with the monster
- the most dangerous monster of third age
- a magician before a fight with a monster
- thranduil's son
- the brother of gondor's soldiers captain
- a hobit who is taking care of one of his friends
- the king of mordor
- one of frodo's friends his nickname is pipin
- king of Rohan
- the daughter of Elrond Half-elven
- the captain of gondor's soldiers
- the damned hobit
14 Clues: Gondor king • king of Rohan • thranduil's son • the damned hobit • the king of mordor • a hobit who carried a ring • the captain of gondor's soldiers • the daughter of Elrond Half-elven • the most dangerous monster of third age • the brother of gondor's soldiers captain • a magician before a fight with a monster • a magician after the fight with the monster • ...
33 2025-02-02
- Legolas’s father
- Horse-riding kingdom
- Ring bearer
- Orc leader in The Hobbit
- Elf princess in Lord of the Rings
- Strong dwarf in The Hobbit
- Shieldmaiden of Rohan
- Small race in Lord of the Rings
- Lost the One Ring
- Hobbit prankster
- Lord of Rivendell
- Fire demon in Moria
- Dragon in The Hobbit
- World of Dark Crystal
- Kili’s brother
- Orc son of Azog
- Mischievous hobbit
- Frodo’s loyal friend
- Dashing young dwarf
- Elven lady of Lothlorien
- Dwarf warrior king
- Man who falls to the Ring
- Steward of Gondor
- Boromir’s younger brother
- Dwarf leader
- White city kingdom
- Brown wizard
- Archer elf
- Dwarf warrior
- King under the mountain
30 Clues: Archer elf • Ring bearer • Dwarf leader • Brown wizard • Dwarf warrior • Kili’s brother • Orc son of Azog • Legolas’s father • Hobbit prankster • Steward of Gondor • Lost the One Ring • Lord of Rivendell • Dwarf warrior king • White city kingdom • Mischievous hobbit • Fire demon in Moria • Dashing young dwarf • Horse-riding kingdom • Dragon in The Hobbit • Frodo’s loyal friend • Shieldmaiden of Rohan • ...
Lord of the Rings 2022-09-22
- members of the house of feanor
- gardener and best friend of frodo
- Boromir's younger brother who marries Eowyn
- kept the ring for 60 year
- Frodo's age when his parents died
- The land of the Horselords
- was 10 when his mother died
- The Maia in the Fellowship
- The most angry elf ever, who started a family drama that destroyed a whole continent
- Bilbo's age when Frodo came to live with him
- the day the Ring was destroyed
- heir of isildur who marries arwen
- What age started after the downfall of Sauron?
- the ringbearer
14 Clues: the ringbearer • kept the ring for 60 year • The Maia in the Fellowship • The land of the Horselords • was 10 when his mother died • members of the house of feanor • the day the Ring was destroyed • gardener and best friend of frodo • heir of isildur who marries arwen • Frodo's age when his parents died • Boromir's younger brother who marries Eowyn • ...
34 2025-02-02
- Dark Lord
- Female elf warrior
- Elf king of old
- Ancient men of Middle-Earth
- Ghostly kingdom
- Singing man in Lord of the Rings
- City of the Ringwraiths
- Giant spider
- Hobbit homeland
- Corrupt wizard
- Husband of Galadriel
- Wormtongue advisor
- King of Rohan
- Reforged sword of kings
- Village with the Prancing Pony
- Pirate fleet in Middle-Earth
- Dragon-slaying archer
- Desert warriors in Lord of the Rings
- Skin-changer in The Hobbit
- Name for high elves
- Ancient kingdom of men
- Ruined city near Gondor
- Mysterious forest dweller
- Capital of Rohan
- Ringwraiths
- Fortress of Rohan
- Dwarf mountain kingdom
- Morgul’s army leader
- Walking trees
- Original sword of Isildur
30 Clues: Dark Lord • Ringwraiths • Giant spider • Walking trees • King of Rohan • Corrupt wizard • Elf king of old • Ghostly kingdom • Hobbit homeland • Capital of Rohan • Fortress of Rohan • Female elf warrior • Wormtongue advisor • Name for high elves • Morgul’s army leader • Husband of Galadriel • Dragon-slaying archer • Ancient kingdom of men • Dwarf mountain kingdom • Ruined city near Gondor • ...
Lord of the Rings (Hard) 2023-04-18
- Second to the Witch King
- Tower of dark sorcery
- High King
- Cirith Ungol captain
- "No admittance except on party business"
- Site of Bormir's fall
- Denethor's title
- "My..."
- Moria's wealth
- Nine companions
- Wife of Tom
- "Fool of a Took"
- Gamgee Sr.
- Lady of Light
- The Grey Pilgrim
- The nine ride
- The Return of the King
- South of Gondor
- Great River
- Servant of the dark lord
- Re-forged blade
- Shepherds of the forest
22 Clues: "My..." • High King • Gamgee Sr. • Wife of Tom • Great River • Lady of Light • The nine ride • Moria's wealth • Nine companions • South of Gondor • Re-forged blade • "Fool of a Took" • The Grey Pilgrim • Denethor's title • Cirith Ungol captain • Tower of dark sorcery • Site of Bormir's fall • The Return of the King • Shepherds of the forest • Second to the Witch King • Servant of the dark lord • ...
Lord of the rings (easy) 2024-05-26
- what is the name of the ent that pippin and merry met ?
- the elf that lived with tom bombadil
- frodo's best friend
- who died at the end of fellowship of the ring?
- the captain of gondor
- Legolas' father's name
- aragorn love interest
- elrond's brother
- where does galadriel live in the fellowship of the ring?
- who did eowyn and merry kill together
- the creator of middle-earth
- the elf who created the lesser rings
- mount doom's elvish name
- Frodo's family name
- legolas' actors name
- gollum's actual name
- who killed Thror?
- the pass frodo and sam take to get to mordor
- who killed smaug?
- who is aragorn the heir of?
- Thorin's last name
- "you shall not pass"
- who is sauron's master
- how many wizards are there on middle-earth ?
- which of the five wizards turned to sauron's side?
- the blond archer elf
- how many members does the fellowship have?
- the other name of the undying lands
- Gandalf fought a creature in moria
29 Clues: elrond's brother • who killed Thror? • who killed smaug? • Thorin's last name • Frodo's family name • frodo's best friend • legolas' actors name • gollum's actual name • "you shall not pass" • the blond archer elf • the captain of gondor • aragorn love interest • Legolas' father's name • who is sauron's master • mount doom's elvish name • who is aragorn the heir of? • the creator of middle-earth • ...
Lord of the Rings Crossword 2013-03-31
- A water Hobbit consumed by the power of the Ring
- Merry's full first name
- An Elven outpost in Middle Earth
- The number of Great Rings forged
- Known as the Lady of Lothlorien
- Lord of Isengard; a white wizard
- King of Rohan during the War of the Ring
- Leader of the Fellowship of the Ring; destroyed the Ring in Mount Doom
- Also known as the Ring-wraiths
- Forged the One Ring; the main antagonist of the series
- Bearer of the Ring for many decades; uncle to Frodo Baggins
- Best friend to Frodo and essential member of the Fellowship of the Ring
- Member of the Fellowship of the Ring; friend to Legolas
- A village in The Shire where Frodo and Samwise lived
- Lord of all Horses
- Leader of the Ring-wraiths
- Lord and Ruler of Rivendell
- Known as Strider to the Hobbits in the first book
- Given a bow by Galadriel; Prince of the Woodland Realm
- Also known as Olorin
20 Clues: Lord of all Horses • Also known as Olorin • Merry's full first name • Leader of the Ring-wraiths • Lord and Ruler of Rivendell • Also known as the Ring-wraiths • Known as the Lady of Lothlorien • An Elven outpost in Middle Earth • The number of Great Rings forged • Lord of Isengard; a white wizard • King of Rohan during the War of the Ring • ...
Lord Of The Rings Crossword 2013-05-31
- One ring to rule them all. one ring to find them. one ring to bring them together
- Flying lizard like creature that breaths fire
- Pretty creature with beautiful eyes but can wield a sword like a pro
- Evil place where the evil wizard Saruman lives with his Orcs
- Small creature that has big feet and curly hair
- A hobbits version of a house
- Timber!!!!!!!!!!! You use a ___ to cut down a tree
- Magical creature that is partly a man
- Wolves that Orcs ride
- String and a stick and let an arrow fly
- The place where Men,Orcs,Goblins,Dragons,Elves,Dwarves,etc live
- fiery place with lava and orcs and goblins and the evil eye
- Birds of prey that are also a hockey team I play on:-)
- Creatures that were once men but have fallen under a spell and are now servents of the eye
- Male humans
- People ride ______
- place where hobbits live
- Ugly creature that smells and has a messed up face
- Small stout creature with a long beard (ladies included) and wield axes
- Really big sharp Knife
20 Clues: Male humans • People ride ______ • Wolves that Orcs ride • Really big sharp Knife • place where hobbits live • A hobbits version of a house • Magical creature that is partly a man • String and a stick and let an arrow fly • Flying lizard like creature that breaths fire • Small creature that has big feet and curly hair • Ugly creature that smells and has a messed up face • ...
Lord Of The Rings Movies 2023-10-13
- lord of all horses
- Elrond’s gift
- title of Bilbo’s book
- the monster of the tunnel
- Gandalf’s nickname
- wealth of mines of Moria
- symbol of Isengard
- Smeagol’s friend
- The eye of Sauron
- “Nobody ______ a dwarf.”
- the leader of the Nazgûl
- The lady of light
- animal that contacts eagles
- amount of great rings forged
- Aragorn’s age
- Galadriel’s gift to Gimli
- “what is this new devilry?”
- horsemen banished from Rohan
- best smoking herb
- Aragorn’s nickname
- “shall I describe it to you or would you like me to find you a _____?”
- amount of Uruk-hai sent to Helms deep
- saver of Frodo in the dead marshes
- only way to eat a brace of conies
- Gimli’s competitor and friend
- wolves of Isengard
26 Clues: Elrond’s gift • Aragorn’s age • Smeagol’s friend • The lady of light • best smoking herb • The eye of Sauron • lord of all horses • Aragorn’s nickname • Gandalf’s nickname • wolves of Isengard • symbol of Isengard • title of Bilbo’s book • “Nobody ______ a dwarf.” • the leader of the Nazgûl • wealth of mines of Moria • Galadriel’s gift to Gimli • the monster of the tunnel • ...
Lord of The Rings Crossword 2014-09-21
- Number of boats the Fellowship take on the Lothlorien (5)
- Rides to War with Eowyn (5)
- Gollum, Smeagol & (7)
- Eat a little, and only in need (11)
- Named the Fellowship (6)
- Dwarf who gave Bilbo a mighty gift (6)
- Lady Galadriel’s husband (12)
- A weed by another name (9)
- Aragorn other name (7)
- Frodos second cousin once removed (6)
- The young Caption of Gondor (7)
- Destroyer of Narsil (6)
- Ringwraiths Breath (14)
- Lord of All Horses (9)
- Wielder of Narsil (6)
- A beast with ram horns, bats wings and a lizards tail (6)
- Shelob’s diet consists of these (4)
- Frodos traveling name (9)
- Denethors home city (11)
- Seeing Stone (8)
- City which lies between Mordor and Minas Tirith (9)
- Ent Children (7)
22 Clues: Seeing Stone (8) • Ent Children (7) • Gollum, Smeagol & (7) • Wielder of Narsil (6) • Lord of All Horses (9) • Aragorn other name (7) • Destroyer of Narsil (6) • Ringwraiths Breath (14) • Named the Fellowship (6) • Denethors home city (11) • Frodos traveling name (9) • A weed by another name (9) • Rides to War with Eowyn (5) • Lady Galadriel’s husband (12) • The young Caption of Gondor (7) • ...
Lord of the Rings / Gandalf 2023-10-25
- Gandalf is famous in the Shire for his _________.
- Aragorn becomes ____ of Gondor.
- The final battle happens at the ____ Gate.
- The main battle of the second book happens in ____'s Deep.
- The ring must be destroyed in Mount ____ in Mordor.
- The place where the story happens.
- In the second book the enemy has more than ______ troops.
- Before the battle the ____ come to help the men.
- The main character name is Frodo _______.
- Gandalf dies in the Mines of _____.
- The main bad guy.
- The main character was stabbed in __________.
- Gandalf is one of five _______.
- Gandalf is brought back as Gandalf the _____.
- The creature ______ led Frodo and Sam into Mordor, but tricked them.
- Frodo and Sam from the rest of the _________ of the ring.
- Gandalf's most powerful weapon is his ____.
- All of the ___ fight together to defeat evil.
- Gandalf fought the wizard _______ who betrayed them.
- Gandalf was killed by a ______.
20 Clues: The main bad guy. • Gandalf is one of five _______. • Aragorn becomes ____ of Gondor. • Gandalf was killed by a ______. • The place where the story happens. • Gandalf dies in the Mines of _____. • The main character name is Frodo _______. • The final battle happens at the ____ Gate. • Gandalf's most powerful weapon is his ____. • The main character was stabbed in __________. • ...
Lord of the Rings Vocabulary 2021-04-01
- utter consistently
- expressing extreme contempt
- wishing evil
- eager enjoyment or approval
- mutual accusations
- completely obvious
- inviting ridicule
- a speech of violent denunciation
- disgusted at an unjust or wrong
- continuous contemplation
- characterized by a rebellion against authority
- without words
- a stiff hair
- ridiculing laugh
- implied or inferred by actions
- the largest of its kind
- secret and sly
- inferring
- inviting ridicule 9 letter-word
- difficult to understand
20 Clues: inferring • wishing evil • a stiff hair • without words • secret and sly • ridiculing laugh • inviting ridicule • utter consistently • mutual accusations • completely obvious • the largest of its kind • difficult to understand • continuous contemplation • expressing extreme contempt • eager enjoyment or approval • implied or inferred by actions • inviting ridicule 9 letter-word • ...
Lord of the Rings 3 2021-12-16
- Small people who are nice and jolly
- An animal that can carry goods or humans
- The city of horses
- A person that farms
- A guard/soldier who fought in wars for gondor
- a mystical beast that can shoot flames e.x. Smaug
- a vial given to frodo from Galadriel
- A man in the lost race of kings
- tell messages to people far away
- A wood pole with 2 metal/hard material on each side
- Like humans but have pointed ears and are usually wiser
- a name for the ring to rule them all
- a bent pole with string through it which you shoot arrows out of
- a different name for rabbit
- a pole with a blade at the tip of it
- The land of darkness
- The stone city, also known as
- a hobbit who was given the ring by Bilbo
- Normal race (like ours) and most populated race
- a wizard
20 Clues: a wizard • The city of horses • A person that farms • The land of darkness • a different name for rabbit • The stone city, also known as • A man in the lost race of kings • tell messages to people far away • Small people who are nice and jolly • a name for the ring to rule them all • a pole with a blade at the tip of it • a vial given to frodo from Galadriel • ...
Lord of the rings vocab 2023-05-19
- action by one thing absorbs
- climbing using hands and feet
- another would for tripping
- easily broken or damage
- a dense growth of shrubs and plants
- toward the side shelter from the wind
- greatly surprised
- haven't been walked on
- a scornful way that shows disdain
- stand in a lazy,relaxed way
- someone for acceptance (an offer)
- against ones wishes
- lacking sparkle or liveliness
- a sound made by a person
- a British spelling for swath
- a state of nervous
- the act or process of suffering
- bending readily;flexible
- spear a throwing weapon/a thrusting
- shows your unable to stay still
20 Clues: greatly surprised • a state of nervous • against ones wishes • haven't been walked on • easily broken or damage • a sound made by a person • bending readily;flexible • another would for tripping • action by one thing absorbs • stand in a lazy,relaxed way • a British spelling for swath • lacking sparkle or liveliness • climbing using hands and feet • the act or process of suffering • ...
The Fellowship of the Ring 2022-02-27
- number of books in the The Lord of the Rings
- publishing company taht published the first American edition of The Fellowship of the Ring
- also called Strider, this man is a frequent visitor to the Prancing Pony.
- the currently most flourished race of people, they are almost everywhere and most men-controlled governments are allied with the enemy
- a marked division, separation, or difference
- a place inhabited mostly by hobbits, it's very peaceful
- year the first edition was published
- inclined to ask questions
- a hobbit from the shire and is the current bearer of the ring of the enemy
- a very secretive race of people, the are swift and crafty, they are one of the main targets of the enemy
- a popular inn in Bree it's suitable for all and is owned by Barliman Butterbur
- a deep hidden cave near Hollin
- being in or near the exact middle
- a wizard who was close friends with Bilbo
- a rather short race of people, they are cheery for the most part and love to help each other out
- The rings made by Sauron to tempt and trick other leaders into his command, hence the Black Riders
- amount of Rings dedicated to dwarf-lords
- author of the Lord of the Rings
- number of volumes or parts of the Lord of the Rings
- how old Bilbo was turning at the beginning of book 1
20 Clues: inclined to ask questions • a deep hidden cave near Hollin • author of the Lord of the Rings • being in or near the exact middle • year the first edition was published • amount of Rings dedicated to dwarf-lords • a wizard who was close friends with Bilbo • number of books in the The Lord of the Rings • a marked division, separation, or difference • ...
villains 2023-10-17
15 Clues: Witch • Cannibal • Nightmare • Sith Lord • Crime boss • Wrath of... • Clown terror • 1984 enforcer • Nakatomi thief • Cocaine kingpin • Fratelli brother • Raiders adversary • Drug lord in "Scarface" • "The Fifth Element" villain • "Lord of the Rings" dark lord
Lord of the Rings Crossword 2021-11-25
19 Clues: smeagol • Evil Eye • Grey Wizard • ring bearer • Frodo's home • White Wizard • Elrond's home • Frodo's uncle • Aragorn's love • binds them all • Gandalf's doom • Arwen's father • Pippin's partner • queen of the elves • Frodo's best friend • evil ugly creatures • Frodo's arachnid foe • Gandalf's last advice • hobbits' favorite hobby
Lord of the Rings 2023-04-11
- We hear it is both fantasy and tangible, a rare metal. (7)
- Papa, scientologist we hear gets low grade in exam (6)
- Location, central planet (6,5)
- Creature, girl goes on to throw wildly (6)
- Bijou, Cockney well-being requires rock (8)
- Silver meal (6,9)
- Race and tower over (5)
- Character, Danish block girl, we hear (7)
- In the dark, communicate with riding companion (9)
- Pal, fruit finds student at centre (6)
- Skip clue, you shall not do this (4)
- Transport, woody stubble (9)
- Intelligent fireman reversed down pole with character (7)
13 Clues: Silver meal (6,9) • Race and tower over (5) • Transport, woody stubble (9) • Location, central planet (6,5) • Skip clue, you shall not do this (4) • Pal, fruit finds student at centre (6) • Character, Danish block girl, we hear (7) • Creature, girl goes on to throw wildly (6) • Bijou, Cockney well-being requires rock (8) • In the dark, communicate with riding companion (9) • ...
Lord of the Rings 2021-09-23
- Those guys that rode the elephants
- Spider that attacked Frodo and stung him
- The Man who held the one ring
- The Ugly guy with long hair jumped off it
- Disgusting creatures made from the bowels
- The Old 7 Kings who were turned into ghosts
- The people who were tasked to protect Frodo
- The Second Place the Hobbits visit
- Weird Dragon Thing that killed Gandalf
- Those guys that crossed into Mordor
- Where merry regretted making second breakfas
- The Creature who held the ring for ages
- Short bearded people with axes that drink
13 Clues: The Man who held the one ring • The Second Place the Hobbits visit • Those guys that rode the elephants • Those guys that crossed into Mordor • Weird Dragon Thing that killed Gandalf • The Creature who held the ring for ages • Spider that attacked Frodo and stung him • The Ugly guy with long hair jumped off it • Short bearded people with axes that drink • ...
Lord of the Rings 2021-09-23
- Those guys that rode the elephants
- Spider that attacked Frodo and stung him
- The Man who held the one ring
- The Ugly guy with long hair jumped off it
- Disgusting creatures made from the bowels
- The Old 7 Kings who were turned into ghosts
- The people who were tasked to protect Frodo
- The Second Place the Hobbits visit
- Weird Dragon Thing that killed Gandalf
- Those guys that crossed into Mordor
- Where merry regretted making second breakfas
- The Creature who held the ring for ages
- Short bearded people with axes that drink
13 Clues: The Man who held the one ring • The Second Place the Hobbits visit • Those guys that rode the elephants • Those guys that crossed into Mordor • Weird Dragon Thing that killed Gandalf • The Creature who held the ring for ages • Spider that attacked Frodo and stung him • The Ugly guy with long hair jumped off it • Short bearded people with axes that drink • ...
Lord of the Rings 2021-09-23
- Those guys that rode the elephants
- Spider that attacked Frodo and stung him
- The Man who held the one ring
- The Ugly guy with long hair jumped off it
- Disgusting creatures made from the bowels
- The Old 7 Kings who were turned into ghosts
- The people who were tasked to protect Frodo
- The Second Place the Hobbits visit
- Weird Dragon Thing that killed Gandalf
- Those guys that crossed into Mordor
- Where merry regretted making second breakfas
- The Creature who held the ring for ages
- Short bearded people with axes that drink
13 Clues: The Man who held the one ring • The Second Place the Hobbits visit • Those guys that rode the elephants • Those guys that crossed into Mordor • Weird Dragon Thing that killed Gandalf • The Creature who held the ring for ages • Spider that attacked Frodo and stung him • The Ugly guy with long hair jumped off it • Short bearded people with axes that drink • ...
Lord of the rings 2024-02-11
- One language of the elves
- Guard of the Citadel, indeed
- Smaug the chiefest and greatest of
- The ancient city of the Elves that lies in ruins
- The elven prince who leads the Fellowship through the mines of Moria
- Isildur and Durin both had one
- Shadowfax, e.g.
- The sorcerer who serves as Sauron's right-hand man
- White, Grey, Brown, and the (2wrds)
- The legendary blade wielded by Aragorn, also known as Flame of the West
- Mithrandir
- Well I'm Back
- Estel
- Isildur and Durin both had one
14 Clues: Estel • Mithrandir • Well I'm Back • Shadowfax, e.g. • One language of the elves • Guard of the Citadel, indeed • Isildur and Durin both had one • Isildur and Durin both had one • Smaug the chiefest and greatest of • White, Grey, Brown, and the (2wrds) • The ancient city of the Elves that lies in ruins • The sorcerer who serves as Sauron's right-hand man • ...
Lord of the Rings 2021-09-23
- Those guys that rode the elephants
- Spider that attacked Frodo and stung him
- The Man who held the one ring
- The Ugly guy with long hair jumped off it
- Disgusting creatures made from the bowels
- The Old 7 Kings who were turned into ghosts
- The people who were tasked to protect Frodo
- The Second Place the Hobbits visit
- Weird Dragon Thing that killed Gandalf
- Those guys that crossed into Mordor
- Where merry regretted making second breakfas
- The Creature who held the ring for ages
- Short bearded people with axes that drink
13 Clues: The Man who held the one ring • The Second Place the Hobbits visit • Those guys that rode the elephants • Those guys that crossed into Mordor • Weird Dragon Thing that killed Gandalf • The Creature who held the ring for ages • Spider that attacked Frodo and stung him • The Ugly guy with long hair jumped off it • Short bearded people with axes that drink • ...
Lord of the Rings 2014-02-26
13 Clues: Elfenbrood • Zwarte heer • Neef van Bilbo • Grijze tovenaar • Huis van Elrond • Zwaard van Frodo • Onsterfelijk volk • Dorp van de hobbits • Auteur van het boek • Andere naam voor stapper • Woud van vrouwe Galadriel • Plaats waar Nazgul aanvalt • Gevleugelde minotaurus van Moria
Moses 2024-10-10
- The middle number in a sorted list of numbers
- Year Old Virgin
- 10 Things I Hate About You
- The Waterboy's Vice
- Cleaning Out My Closet by Eminem
- ____ to the king
- Lord of the Rings
- First Miracle By Human
- Famous composition by Richard Wagner
- The Princess and the _____
- Father of the bride
- Popular Quarterback For Green Bay Packers
- President on Fire
- Noah's First Vehicle
- Lord of the Rings 2
- Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker
- Barber Bwoy Dont _____ (AKA)
- 1986 Horror Movie about teleportation
- President on Fire's Whitehouse
- The Terminal
- Excalibur
- You shall not pass
- Mistletoe of blood
23 Clues: Excalibur • The Terminal • Year Old Virgin • ____ to the king • President on Fire • Lord of the Rings • You shall not pass • Mistletoe of blood • Lord of the Rings 2 • The Waterboy's Vice • Father of the bride • Noah's First Vehicle • First Miracle By Human • 10 Things I Hate About You • The Princess and the _____ • Barber Bwoy Dont _____ (AKA) • Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker • ...
The Lord of the rings 2024-03-10
- Boromir's brother.
- Son of Thranduil.
- A hobbit has become a creature living in the mountains.
- Tolkien's work.
- They're immortal.
- He is a descendant of Isildur.
- Tolkien's work before the Lord of the Rings.
- Tolkien's work before The Hobbit.
- The elf witch.
- The Grey Wizard.
- Friend of Legolas.
- The director of the Lord of the Rings.
- Elrond's daughter.
- He finds the ring in Gollum's cavern.
- Miners living in the mountains.
15 Clues: The elf witch. • Tolkien's work. • The Grey Wizard. • Son of Thranduil. • They're immortal. • Boromir's brother. • Friend of Legolas. • Elrond's daughter. • He is a descendant of Isildur. • Miners living in the mountains. • Tolkien's work before The Hobbit. • He finds the ring in Gollum's cavern. • The director of the Lord of the Rings. • Tolkien's work before the Lord of the Rings. • ...
The Lord Of The Rings 2016-09-17
- One ring to ... them all
- wie wordt de vrouw van Sam?
- wat is de volledige naam van Merry?
- wie was de 2e koning van Gondor?
- hoeveel reisgenoten vertrokken uit Rivendell?
- hoe heet het paard van Gandalf de witte?
- hoe heet de uruk-hai die Boromir doodde?
- welk monster trok Gandalf mee in de diepte in Moria?
- wat is de volledige naam van Pippin?
- in welke toren vond Sam Frodo terug na een confrontatie met de shelob?
- hoe heten de negen ringgeesten?
- wie was de 1e koning van Gondor?
- hoe heet één van de beste soldaten van Rohan die gedood werd door een warg?
- wie is de nieuwe koning van Gondor?
- waar komen Hobbits vandaan?
15 Clues: One ring to ... them all • wie wordt de vrouw van Sam? • waar komen Hobbits vandaan? • hoe heten de negen ringgeesten? • wie was de 1e koning van Gondor? • wie was de 2e koning van Gondor? • wat is de volledige naam van Merry? • wie is de nieuwe koning van Gondor? • wat is de volledige naam van Pippin? • hoe heet het paard van Gandalf de witte? • ...
The Fellowship of the Ring 2022-11-30
- not desirably noticeable
- the one ring to rule them all
- The book's title
- Frodo's servant who went with him
- the number of rings for the mortal men
- The wizard who helps Frodo on his adventures
- Another companion and first cousin of Frodo
- Frodo's uncle
- the servants of the dark lord, Sauron
- the amount of rings for the dwarf lords
- the number of rings for the elven kings
- the person who let Frodo and his gang take shelter
- Frodo's second cousin who went with him
- The main character
- the dark lord who lurks in the shadows
15 Clues: Frodo's uncle • The book's title • The main character • not desirably noticeable • the one ring to rule them all • Frodo's servant who went with him • the servants of the dark lord, Sauron • the dark lord who lurks in the shadows • the number of rings for the mortal men • the amount of rings for the dwarf lords • the number of rings for the elven kings • ...
lord of the rings Vocabulary 2022-10-27
- marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
- marked by difficulty of style or expression
- a stock or supply of foods
- characteristic of the fields or country
- as a formality only
- having brief brilliant points or flashes of light
- characteristic of the fields or country
- consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds
- a traveler going on a trip
- a stock or supply of foods
- stretched out and lying at full length along the ground
- annoy persistently
- in a manner expressing pain or sorrow
- a store or supply of something
- noticeably or extremely unconventional or unusual
- something of small importance
- information about recent and important events
- lessen the intensity of or calm
- somewhat ill or prone to illness
- a body of troops in close array
20 Clues: annoy persistently • as a formality only • a stock or supply of foods • a traveler going on a trip • a stock or supply of foods • something of small importance • a store or supply of something • lessen the intensity of or calm • a body of troops in close array • somewhat ill or prone to illness • in a manner expressing pain or sorrow • characteristic of the fields or country • ...
15 2024-08-12
- - The wizard who guides the Fellowship in "The Lord of the Rings."
- - The Good Witch in "The Wizard of Oz."
- - The troubled owner of the Bates Motel in "Psycho."
- - The park filled with dinosaurs in "Jurassic Park."
- - The heroine in the "Alien" series.
- - The ghostly partner in "A Christmas Carol."
- - The man who lives an extraordinary life in "Forrest Gump."
- - The warrior princess in "The Lord of the Rings."
- - The suave British spy known as 007.
- - The classic love story set during World War II.
- - The hobbit tasked with destroying the One Ring.
- - The protagonist who becomes "The One" in "The Matrix."
- - The mentor to Neo in "The Matrix."
- - The elf princess in "The Lord of the Rings."
- - The intelligent and resourceful witch in "Harry Potter."
15 Clues: - The mentor to Neo in "The Matrix." • - The heroine in the "Alien" series. • - The suave British spy known as 007. • - The Good Witch in "The Wizard of Oz." • - The ghostly partner in "A Christmas Carol." • - The elf princess in "The Lord of the Rings." • - The classic love story set during World War II. • - The hobbit tasked with destroying the One Ring. • ...
The Lord Of The Rings Crossword 2014-01-09
- Who turned 111 at the start of the book?
- One ____ to rule them all .....
- Merrys last name.
- What is Gandalf?
- The ring makes you.
- Frodos first companion.
- Whose drunken excesses threaten to spill the whole story?
- Who Inherited the Ring?
- Who represented the elves in the Fellowship?
- Bilbo stole the ring from ______.
- What is the Dark Lord's name?
- How many Rings of Power did the Elves hold?
- How many were in the Fellowship?
- How old is Frodo when Gandalf confronts him with the news of danger?
- Bilbo's last name.
- What do the Elves call Middle Earth?
- Who of the Fellowship died?
- Striders real name.
- Where are the hobbits when they discover Gandalf's late letter?
- Where is Frodo's new house located?
- What was the name of Aragorn's father?
- Home to the hobbits.
- The language of the elves.
- What is the name of Aragorn's sword?
- Pippins last name.
25 Clues: What is Gandalf? • Merrys last name. • Bilbo's last name. • Pippins last name. • Striders real name. • The ring makes you. • Home to the hobbits. • Frodos first companion. • Who Inherited the Ring? • The language of the elves. • Who of the Fellowship died? • What is the Dark Lord's name? • One ____ to rule them all ..... • How many were in the Fellowship? • ...
The Lord Of The Rings Crossword 2023-09-23
- Who turned 111 at the start of the book?
- One ____ to rule them all .....
- Merrys last name.
- What is Gandalf?
- The ring makes you.
- Frodos first companion.
- Whose drunken excesses threaten to spill the whole story?
- Who Inherited the Ring?
- Who represented the elves in the Fellowship?
- Bilbo stole the ring from ______.
- What is the Dark Lord's name?
- How many Rings of Power did the Elves hold?
- How many were in the Fellowship?
- How old is Frodo when Gandalf confronts him with the news of danger?
- Bilbo's last name.
- What do the Elves call Middle Earth?
- Who of the Fellowship died?
- Striders real name.
- Where are the hobbits when they discover Gandalf's late letter?
- Where is Frodo's new house located?
- What was the name of Aragorn's father?
- Home to the hobbits.
- The language of the elves.
- What is the name of Aragorn's sword?
- Pippins last name.
25 Clues: What is Gandalf? • Merrys last name. • Bilbo's last name. • Pippins last name. • Striders real name. • The ring makes you. • Home to the hobbits. • Frodos first companion. • Who Inherited the Ring? • The language of the elves. • Who of the Fellowship died? • What is the Dark Lord's name? • One ____ to rule them all ..... • How many were in the Fellowship? • ...
Artinghelli the Lord of the Rings 2022-12-16
- having or showing an interest in learning things; curious.
- a soft-bodied legless larva of a fly or other insect, found in decaying matter.
- to search blindly or uncertainly by feeling with the hands.
- to die
- something of little value
- causing or involving great suffering
- to be catched in or as in a trap.
- in a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear; roughly.
- a tall, slender-leaved plant of the grass family
- someone who islooking sad, tired, or worried.
- extreme pleasure or satisfaction
- a small part broken off or separated from something.
- becoming smaller in size or amount.
- lacking interest or excitement
- The light of the moon
- the darker part of twilight especially at night.
- abandoned or deserted.
- something extremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporarily.
- a person who is of unusually short stature
- unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.
- a cutting instrument in which two blades move past each other, like scissors but typically larger.
21 Clues: to die • The light of the moon • abandoned or deserted. • something of little value • lacking interest or excitement • extreme pleasure or satisfaction • to be catched in or as in a trap. • becoming smaller in size or amount. • causing or involving great suffering • unwilling and hesitant; disinclined. • a person who is of unusually short stature • ...
Artinghelli the Lord of the Rings 2022-12-16
- a small part broken off or separated from something.
- the darker part of twilight especially at night.
- someone who islooking sad, tired, or worried.
- a cutting instrument in which two blades move past each other, like scissors but typically larger.
- to be catched in or as in a trap.
- something extremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporarily.
- extreme pleasure or satisfaction
- causing or involving great suffering
- to search blindly or uncertainly by feeling with the hands.
- in a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear; roughly.
- a soft-bodied legless larva of a fly or other insect, found in decaying matter.
- to die
- having or showing an interest in learning things; curious.
- unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.
- a person who is of unusually short stature
- becoming smaller in size or amount.
- a tall, slender-leaved plant of the grass family
- abandoned or deserted.
- lacking interest or excitement
- causing hatred or disgust; repulsive.
- The light of the moon
- something of little value
22 Clues: to die • The light of the moon • abandoned or deserted. • something of little value • lacking interest or excitement • extreme pleasure or satisfaction • to be catched in or as in a trap. • becoming smaller in size or amount. • unwilling and hesitant; disinclined. • causing or involving great suffering • causing hatred or disgust; repulsive. • ...
The Lord of the Rings Puzzle 2024-04-22
- the place where Sam and Frodo went to destroy the ring
- what is Aragorn's name in Bree
- the son of Gloin and is a descendant of Durin
- _______ the Grey/White
- a royal elf that has really strong magical powers
- the place where the hobbits meet Aragorn
- this object corrupted Frodo, Bilbo, and Gollum and is owned by Sauron
- the wizard that betrayed the whole council by siding with Sauron
- Bilbo's cousin and adoptive heir
- this character calls the ring "my precious"
- the bride of Aragorn
- kingdom that is also known as "The White City"
- the steward of Gondor and died in the "Fellowship of the Ring"
- closest friend of Frodo
- the place where the beginning of the story starts
- the place where the fellowship was formed
- ______ Took and one of the 4 hobbits
- the Dark Lord
- known for his amazing archery skills and is an elf
- this elf is half elf half man
- the descendant of Isildur
- Frodo and Bilbo's faithful servant and friend
22 Clues: the Dark Lord • the bride of Aragorn • _______ the Grey/White • closest friend of Frodo • the descendant of Isildur • this elf is half elf half man • what is Aragorn's name in Bree • Bilbo's cousin and adoptive heir • ______ Took and one of the 4 hobbits • the place where the hobbits meet Aragorn • the place where the fellowship was formed • ...
Lord of The Rings: Fellowship of The Rings 2023-01-06
- The Parties drunken Dwarf
- The Map I'm the map
- The ring-bearer
- The big bad flaming eye
- The Parties Elven Marksman
- The Parties rugue
- the destroyer of Saruman's tower
- The evil wizard
- The bard
- The Parties Paliden
- the number of rings
- A kingdom of horse people
- The ring-bearers right hand man
- The parties wizard
- the race of the Ring-bearer
15 Clues: The bard • The evil wizard • The ring-bearer • The Parties rugue • The parties wizard • The Parties Paliden • The Map I'm the map • the number of rings • The big bad flaming eye • The Parties drunken Dwarf • A kingdom of horse people • The Parties Elven Marksman • the race of the Ring-bearer • The ring-bearers right hand man • the destroyer of Saruman's tower
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