foods Crossword Puzzles
Food's lab crossword 2021-10-04
- used to keep foods frozen
- one of the most dangerous food borne illnesses
- poisoning illness spread through contaminated foods
- bacteria spread from one food to another
- used to apply liquids onto foods
- used to heat up foods
- used to chop and mince foods to a liquid point
- to keep foods and the area around them clean and safe.
- used to measure liquids
- cause food born illnesses
- used to measure dry foods
- used to chop and slice foods
- used to stir ingredients
- used to keep foods fresh and cold
- used to mix ingredients in a bowl
- used to carry liquids
- used to store foods separately
- used to cook food
- used to hold ingredients and somewhere to mix them
- used the cook thin breads
20 Clues: used to cook food • used to carry liquids • used to heat up foods • used to measure liquids • used to stir ingredients • cause food born illnesses • used to measure dry foods • used to keep foods frozen • used the cook thin breads • used to chop and slice foods • used to store foods separately • used to apply liquids onto foods • used to keep foods fresh and cold • ...
Cooking Healthy 2020-02-09
- spread frosting
- used to grate or shred
- drains finer foods
- use in wide open pans
- making pie crusts
- peel fruits/vegetables
- cut food with control
- hold meat while carrying it
- peel foods/skins
- detail work
- liquid ingredients
- used to stir hot foods
- to serve liquid foods
- to lift foods with liquids
- to flatten dough
- fry/sautee/pan broil
- to stir/beat/mix
- to lift foods without liquids
- to cook liquids
- dry ingredients
- slice/mince/chop
- large quantity cooking
- same as cup
- seperate egg white from yolk
- fluff dry ingredients
- do not use in hot foods
- drains large foods
- long serrated blade
- grease pans
- to lift foods you should not pierce
30 Clues: detail work • same as cup • grease pans • spread frosting • to cook liquids • dry ingredients • to stir/beat/mix • slice/mince/chop • peel foods/skins • to flatten dough • making pie crusts • drains finer foods • liquid ingredients • drains large foods • long serrated blade • fry/sautee/pan broil • use in wide open pans • cut food with control • fluff dry ingredients • to serve liquid foods • ...
Cooking Healthy 2013-01-30
- spread frosting
- used to grate or shred
- drains finer foods
- use in wide open pans
- making pie crusts
- peel fruits/vegetables
- cut food with control
- hold meat while carrying it
- peel foods/skins
- detail work
- liquid ingredients
- used to stir hot foods
- to serve liquid foods
- to lift foods with liquids
- to flatten dough
- fry/sautee/pan broil
- to stir/beat/mix
- to lift foods without liquids
- to cook liquids
- dry ingredients
- slice/mince/chop
- large quantity cooking
- same as cup
- seperate egg white from yolk
- fluff dry ingredients
- do not use in hot foods
- drains large foods
- long serrated blade
- grease pans
- to lift foods you should not pierce
30 Clues: detail work • same as cup • grease pans • spread frosting • to cook liquids • dry ingredients • to stir/beat/mix • slice/mince/chop • peel foods/skins • to flatten dough • making pie crusts • drains finer foods • liquid ingredients • drains large foods • long serrated blade • fry/sautee/pan broil • use in wide open pans • cut food with control • fluff dry ingredients • to serve liquid foods • ...
foods 2013-02-11
32 Clues: mur • bon • sale • fort • frais • leger • l'ail • le veau • un OEuf • le miel • piquant • l'huile • un chou • l'agneau • une noix • le poivre • le beurre • un ananas • un raison • le viande • un citron • les pates • le potage • une cerise • le saucisson • une noisette • une framboise • une cacahuete • un chou-fleur • la nourriture • un pamplemousse • sprout un chou de bruxelles
Foods 2013-03-19
31 Clues: okra • maíz • sopas • jalea • pollo • panes • arroz • carne • tortas • postre • tomate • guisos • cebolla • pudines • potatos • manzana • pacanas • batatas • pasteles • limonada • galletas • verduras • naranjas • frijoles • mariscos • chícharos • golosinas • ensaladas • zapateros • zanahorias • mantequilla
Foods 2015-10-05
- A yummy treat that can be frosted
- A delicious food that you can buy at the movies
- a yellow fruit
- A green fruit
- Food that has bread on the outside
- A Mexican food
- Made of wheat
- A slimy greasy food that everyone loves
- An orange fruit
- From an animal that produces milk
- An animal that splishes and splashes
- From a fluffy animal
- From an animal that plays in mud
- Something that is Italian
- the animal that has fur
- A round candy on a stick
- Frozen yummy treats
- Something that Chinese people eat
- A red fruit
- a pink fruit
20 Clues: A red fruit • a pink fruit • A green fruit • Made of wheat • a yellow fruit • A Mexican food • An orange fruit • Frozen yummy treats • From a fluffy animal • the animal that has fur • A round candy on a stick • Something that is Italian • From an animal that plays in mud • A yummy treat that can be frosted • Something that Chinese people eat • From an animal that produces milk • ...
FOODS 2016-02-10
21 Clues: pan • queso • limón • papas • pasta • arroz • crema • leche • huevos • aceite • lechuga • pescado • brócoli • bananos • Manzana • cebolla • naranjas • frijoles • espaguetis • zanahorias • mantequilla
Foods 2016-09-21
- ____ quickly at a high temperature.
- Keep cold foods below ____ F (4C)
- ____ your food thoroughly, especially if it's beef, or poultry
- Cook ____ until the yolk and whites are firm
- Wash your ____ before and after handling food
- ____ grows best at room temperature
- You need to clean cutting boards in between preparing raw meats and vegetables to avoid ______
- You need to ___ your food, utensils, and hands before preparing it
- Wipe up meat juice from all ______ promptly
- Keep hot foods above ____ F (60C)
- Place _____ food on a clean plate
- Safely ______ raw meat and seafood in your refrigerator
- Bring ____, soups, and gravies to a boil
- _________ diary products are dangerous, are risky for food-borne illnesses
- Cold air must circulate to keep food safe in the _______
- _____ Illness is a disease transmitted by food.
- __________ should no longer be pink
- ___ your food before serving, to make sure it's cooked
- ___ fruits and vegetables which have been processed in unsanitary conditions
- ___ your food to try to slow down bacteria growth
- Cut away any _____ or bruised areas
- Cook _______ until opaque and flakes easily with a fork
22 Clues: Keep cold foods below ____ F (4C) • Keep hot foods above ____ F (60C) • Place _____ food on a clean plate • ____ quickly at a high temperature. • __________ should no longer be pink • ____ grows best at room temperature • Cut away any _____ or bruised areas • Bring ____, soups, and gravies to a boil • Wipe up meat juice from all ______ promptly • ...
Foods 2020-02-09
- ____ quickly at a high temperature.
- Keep cold foods below ____ F (4C)
- ____ your food thoroughly, especially if it's beef, or poultry
- Cook ____ until the yolk and whites are firm
- Wash your ____ before and after handling food
- ____ grows best at room temperature
- You need to clean cutting boards in between preparing raw meats and vegetables to avoid ______
- You need to ___ your food, utensils, and hands before preparing it
- Wipe up meat juice from all ______ promptly
- Keep hot foods above ____ F (60C)
- Place _____ food on a clean plate
- Safely ______ raw meat and seafood in your refrigerator
- Bring ____, soups, and gravies to a boil
- _________ diary products are dangerous, are risky for food-borne illnesses
- Cold air must circulate to keep food safe in the _______
- _____ Illness is a disease transmitted by food.
- __________ should no longer be pink
- ___ your food before serving, to make sure it's cooked
- ___ fruits and vegetables which have been processed in unsanitary conditions
- ___ your food to try to slow down bacteria growth
- Cut away any _____ or bruised areas
- Cook _______ until opaque and flakes easily with a fork
22 Clues: Keep cold foods below ____ F (4C) • Keep hot foods above ____ F (60C) • Place _____ food on a clean plate • ____ quickly at a high temperature. • __________ should no longer be pink • ____ grows best at room temperature • Cut away any _____ or bruised areas • Bring ____, soups, and gravies to a boil • Wipe up meat juice from all ______ promptly • ...
Foods 2021-02-19
- An ingredient that helps things cook
- process of transforming solid, firm food items into small pieces by rubbing it against a instrument
- to cut slits on the surface of a piece of food
- To free water from a food without getting rid of any of the food
- technique in which food is finely divided
- to push food across or through a shredding surface to make long, narrow strips
- The act of taking off the outer layer of a food
- cut food into pieces that are even
- to cut across the grain into thin, uniform pieces
- method of preserving food by lowering the temperature to inhibit microorganism growth
- To soak a food in for a better flavor
- A liquid that comes from cooking things
- To cut off a thin layer of skin on a food, such as potatoes or apples, with a paring knife
- to make meat softer before cooking
- To soften a food by heating it up
- The method for cutting food into bite-sized pieces
- The process of combining one ingredient with another to form a solution
- cut in which the food item is cut into dice
- to moisten foods at intervals with a liquid
- To mix a substance in a circular pattern using a spoon, spatula or other such utensil.
20 Clues: To soften a food by heating it up • to make meat softer before cooking • cut food into pieces that are even • An ingredient that helps things cook • To soak a food in for a better flavor • A liquid that comes from cooking things • technique in which food is finely divided • cut in which the food item is cut into dice • to moisten foods at intervals with a liquid • ...
Foods 2020-05-08
- 'as he said to the man in the lemonade stand'
- bacterial fermentation of milk
- 'on the cob'
- made from corn
- flat dry baked snack
- product derived from milk
- tortilla wrapped around fillings and topped with sauce
- comes from cocoa seeds
- Mexican dish and type of taco
- comes from cows
- traditional Mexican soup
- consists of rolled oats
- a seed of several genera of the plant family Fabaceae
- summer squash
- noodles
- is the seed of the grass species Oryza
- bunnies are usually associated with this
- sugary sweets
- baked dish with filling of some sort
- a citrus thats orange
20 Clues: noodles • 'on the cob' • summer squash • sugary sweets • made from corn • comes from cows • flat dry baked snack • a citrus thats orange • comes from cocoa seeds • consists of rolled oats • traditional Mexican soup • product derived from milk • Mexican dish and type of taco • bacterial fermentation of milk • baked dish with filling of some sort • is the seed of the grass species Oryza • ...
Foods 2020-08-25
- Popeye's favorite food
- the color is in the name
- what you eat on a birthday
- makes you cry
- _____ & eggs
- bonbons
- fruit named after a color
- pasta
- mess
- raw fish
- _____ slice
- a rabbit's favorite food
- eat this while you're watching a movie
- dried up grape
- known as a fruit & a vegetable
- curved & yellow
- white ____
- has a big seed
- breakfast food
- mac & ______
- vegetable that looks like a small tree
- Idaho is a ______ state
- sour fruit
- red & juicy
24 Clues: mess • pasta • bonbons • raw fish • white ____ • sour fruit • _____ slice • red & juicy • _____ & eggs • mac & ______ • makes you cry • has a big seed • breakfast food • dried up grape • curved & yellow • Popeye's favorite food • Idaho is a ______ state • the color is in the name • a rabbit's favorite food • fruit named after a color • what you eat on a birthday • known as a fruit & a vegetable • ...
Foods 2017-02-05
31 Clues: voi • mehu • liha • vesi • kala • maito • riisi • kerma • omena • suola • leipä • keitto • suklaa • sokeri • sipuli • kurkku • peruna • karkki • juusto • pippuri • banaani • tomaatti • sianliha • porkkana • kananmuna • appelsiini • naudanliha • viinirypäle • valkosipuli • kana/broileri • salaatti (ruokalaji)
FOODS 2020-09-23
- when you massage/soften a mixture
- when you take the outer layer of an ingredient off.
- pour a mainly liquid substance through a porous device or material in order to separate out any solid matter.
- soaking foods in a certian product
- cook (food, especially meat) by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire.
- an object used to heat food products fast
- make clean and hygienic; disinfect.
- make (meat) more ____ by beating or slow cooking.
- to takewaway coldness from a food
- a cooking method used when shredding an ingredient.
- cause the water or other liquid in something to run out, leaving it empty, dry, or drier.
- a cooking method used when turning a solid into a liquid.
- A spice used to add flavor to a meal.
- a pile or mound.
- less than 1/8 a teaspoon
- when a meal/ingredient gets to a certain cold temperature.
- give a flat and even surface to.
- pour juices or melted fat over meat during cooking in order to keep it moist.
- put a fine, loose, or powdery substanc through a sieve so as to remove lumps or large particles.
- cut off the outer skin of something.
20 Clues: a pile or mound. • less than 1/8 a teaspoon • give a flat and even surface to. • when you massage/soften a mixture • to takewaway coldness from a food • soaking foods in a certian product • make clean and hygienic; disinfect. • cut off the outer skin of something. • A spice used to add flavor to a meal. • an object used to heat food products fast • ...
Foods 2021-06-15
- sizzling strips
- beef patty on a bun
- take away order
- fizzy drink
- tube used to drink with
- red slice on a burger
- small towel for your face and fingers
- fried small chicken pieces
- preserved cucumber
- beef patty on a bun with cheese
- fried potato strips
- flour tortilla folded around the filling
- food in an edible shell
- ___ rings
- sausage in a roll
- order from a car
- cakes with a hole
- knot shaped bread
- cold, frothy, dairy milk
- condiment made with tomatoes
- yellow condiment
21 Clues: ___ rings • fizzy drink • sizzling strips • take away order • order from a car • yellow condiment • sausage in a roll • cakes with a hole • knot shaped bread • preserved cucumber • fried potato strips • beef patty on a bun • red slice on a burger • food in an edible shell • tube used to drink with • cold, frothy, dairy milk • fried small chicken pieces • condiment made with tomatoes • ...
Foods 2021-04-09
- A leafy green.
- A type of bread.
- A red type of fruit.
- A sour fruit.
- A type of fruit that grows upside down.
- A meat that comes from a lager animals.
- Comes from a cow.
- Something you would feed to a rabbit.
- A type of nut.
- A dairy product.
- A green fruit.
- A type of nut/seed.
- A non meat source of protein.
- A green vegetable.
- A red berry.
- A Dairy product made out of milk.
- A citrus fruit.
- A meat that comes from a smaller animal.
- A common type of fruit.
- A type of fruit that is green.
20 Clues: A red berry. • A sour fruit. • A leafy green. • A type of nut. • A green fruit. • A citrus fruit. • A type of bread. • A dairy product. • Comes from a cow. • A green vegetable. • A type of nut/seed. • A red type of fruit. • A common type of fruit. • A non meat source of protein. • A type of fruit that is green. • A Dairy product made out of milk. • Something you would feed to a rabbit. • ...
FOODS 2021-09-13
- condition in which there is not enough water in the body.
- study of how the body takes in and utilizes foods.
- any substance that provides essential nourishment.
- major storage form of energy in the body.
- disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.
- Processing of food by the body.
- unit of energy produced by food.
- building blocks of proteins.
- a disease that is caused by a lack of vitamin D or calcium in a child's diet.
- inorganic chemical elements required by the body(for example magnesium, iron, or sodium.
- food and drink consumed regularly by a person or community.
- part of food which can not be digested and only assists in moving the material through the digestive tract.
- carrots, potatoes, cauliflowers etc.
- the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
- rate at which food is converted into energy.
- apples, oranges, strawberries, watermelon etc.
- Organic compounds essential for good nutrition which are required in small quantities.
- Nutrient needed to bulid, repair and maintain body tissues.
- Inadequate supply of essential nutrients.
- food group that contains milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
- Plant seeds that make up an important nutritional component of most diets.
- triangular diagram showing the optimal number of servings to be eaten each day from each of the basic food groups.
- an energy yielding nutrient found in breads, cereals, and other starches.
- Type of fat needed by the body, but which in too great of quantities can clog the arteries.
24 Clues: building blocks of proteins. • Processing of food by the body. • unit of energy produced by food. • carrots, potatoes, cauliflowers etc. • disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. • Inadequate supply of essential nutrients. • major storage form of energy in the body. • rate at which food is converted into energy. • apples, oranges, strawberries, watermelon etc. • ...
foods 2021-10-05
- bacteria, mold, yeast, parasites are examples or what hazard?
- food and drug administration
- what is the number one cause of foodborne illness?
- is used to measure the temperature of food
- microorganism that causes illness
- has to be the brightest place
- to not accept items being delivered is?
- how many minutes does it take for bacteria to double?
- part of the big 8
- what is the fourth step in hand washing?
- is a symptom of a foodborne illness
- what does the "t" in ALERT stand for?
- use _____ after washing hands
- microorganism that can't live without a host
- Used to measure the surface temperature
- yellowing of the eyes is?
- what is the first step when washing dishes
- how many days before you can throw out tags
- is a symptom of a foodborne illness
- _____ is short for "temperature danger zone"
- the final step in hand washing
- metal shavings is an example of what hazard?
- when two or more people get sick from eating the same thing at the same place
- examination of restaurants to ensure food safety
- put on sanitizer ______ washing your hands
- molds, yeast, mushrooms are examples of?
- chemical physical biological
- hat percent of food allergens come from the big 8
- what must be on a TCS label?
- what is the third step in handwashing
- ________ is short for "ready to eat"
- what does the O in fattom stand for?
- cleaning supplies is an example of what hazard?
- what does the M in fattom stand for?
- ______ is short for reduced oxygen package
- first in first out
- ph is measured by
- greyish yellowish fungus that grows in jams and jellies
- take off before using the bathroom
- boiling and freezing point
- how many hours you have to get temperature from 70 to 41
- how many hours you have to get temperature 70
42 Clues: part of the big 8 • ph is measured by • first in first out • yellowing of the eyes is? • boiling and freezing point • food and drug administration • chemical physical biological • what must be on a TCS label? • has to be the brightest place • use _____ after washing hands • the final step in hand washing • microorganism that causes illness • take off before using the bathroom • ...
Foods 2021-10-31
23 Clues: นม • ชา • ไก่ • ชีส • ส้ม • โซดา • สลัด • กาแฟ • ผลไม้ • กล้วย • แครอท • พิซซ่า • มะม่วง • ไอศกรีม • สับปะรด • แอปเปิล • น้ำเปล่า • อาหารทอด • ผักกาดหอม • มะเขือเทศ • ซุป, น้ำแกง • ขนมปังแซนด์วิช • ขนมปังยัดไส้เนื้อสัตว์
foods 2022-10-23
- the cheapest white land meat.
- gobble gobble gobble.
- cobbler.
- light and fluffy dessert.
- green pie.
- most of you drink it with breakfast.
- used in sushi.
- like prawns.
- lactose.
- large nut with water.
- steak.
- lives in the desert.
- red soup.
- steep in hot water.
- grain in milk.
- mashed.
- you need it to survive.
- common in mexican and asian dishes.
- thin cut meat usually with peppers in it.
- cocoa.
- like milk but hard.
- fruits and veggies in a bowl.
- tropical orange fruit.
- strong tasting herb.
24 Clues: steak. • cocoa. • mashed. • cobbler. • lactose. • red soup. • green pie. • like prawns. • grain in milk. • used in sushi. • steep in hot water. • like milk but hard. • lives in the desert. • strong tasting herb. • gobble gobble gobble. • large nut with water. • tropical orange fruit. • you need it to survive. • light and fluffy dessert. • the cheapest white land meat. • fruits and veggies in a bowl. • ...
FOODS 2022-04-28
30 Clues: uva • uovo • olio • pera • riso • pane • mela • sale • pizza • latte • carne • pesca • pasta • torta • burro • zuppa • gelato • carota • limone • yogurt • banana • patata • arancia • ciliegia • zucchero • pomodoro • insalata • formaggio • prosciutto • peperoncino
Foods 2022-04-04
- There are many types, of all shapes and sizes. They live underwater.
- Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this.
- It comes mainly from cows.
- Drink made from leaves found in Asia.
- Mix of vegetables and water.
- beverage that is drunk all over the world.
- A burguer with cheese.
- Long curved yellow fruit
- Fatty food made from milk.
- Usually yellow, bitter-tasting and bubbly. Better when cold.
- Bubbly drink, usually very sweet.
- Red smooth fruit, which is often mistaken for a vegetable.
- Green leafy vegetal, usually found in salads.
- It's white and sweet and used for baking cakes.
- It comes from Italy, and its round and flat.
- Usually it's long and thin, but there are many types of all shapes. Boiled before eaten.
- White grain used in sushi.
- Drink created by monks, hundred of years ago. It can be red, white or green.
- A drink made of fruits.
- It's essential for any living being.
20 Clues: A burguer with cheese. • A drink made of fruits. • Long curved yellow fruit • It comes mainly from cows. • White grain used in sushi. • Fatty food made from milk. • Mix of vegetables and water. • Bubbly drink, usually very sweet. • It's essential for any living being. • Drink made from leaves found in Asia. • Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this. • ...
Foods 2022-04-07
- ball of meat
- bun toppings and a meat
- they swim in water and you can fry and eat it
- different kinds you can eat in the morning and usually crunchy
- a candy you can lick
- a yellow veggie with a cob
- yellow and sour
- little green trees
- a green juicy fruit with a stem
- sticky and a thick tan texture
- juicy and has seeds
- they have toppings, sauce, and you can make it anyway you want
- use on a shell with toppings
- known from italy and has noodle with sauce
- you eat it during movies
- a wheat product you use from sandwiches
- get it from pigs
- cold and creamy
- you eat this on thanksgiving
- its in gardens and its a sauce
- raw fish delicacy
- tan creamy or crunchy texture
- a green stick veggie
- chips and yellow sauce
- a solid or liquid dark candy
- made from potatoes
- red or green juicy and has a stem
- you eat it for breakfast and it comes from chickens
- monkeys eat this and they're yellow
- a fluffy texture with icing
- small green round veggie
- yellow and greasy when its melted and used for baking
- green sour fruit
- yellow small noodles
- its healthy and it isn't it if it don't have lettuce
- frosted baked good
- what a bunny eats
- a veggie that makes your eyes water when you cut it
- goes on a long bun
- sweet sticky texture on toast
40 Clues: ball of meat • yellow and sour • cold and creamy • green sour fruit • get it from pigs • what a bunny eats • raw fish delicacy • made from potatoes • little green trees • frosted baked good • goes on a long bun • juicy and has seeds • a green stick veggie • a candy you can lick • yellow small noodles • chips and yellow sauce • bun toppings and a meat • small green round veggie • ...
foods 2023-01-10
- makes bacon
- wisconisn main food
- produced by cow
- brown things that looks like dog food
- produced by pig
- makes toast
- healthy food
- brain freeze food
- the kid who sings on tiktok
- carnavouirs eat this
- mcdonadls best food
- sherred yellow stuff
- chocolate chip dough
- meat that swims
- yellow melted stuff
- my dog in a coustume
- produced by chicken
- poops out eggs
- best breakfast food
- drink that makes me burp
20 Clues: makes bacon • makes toast • healthy food • poops out eggs • meat that swims • produced by cow • produced by pig • brain freeze food • mcdonadls best food • wisconisn main food • yellow melted stuff • produced by chicken • best breakfast food • sherred yellow stuff • chocolate chip dough • my dog in a coustume • carnavouirs eat this • drink that makes me burp • the kid who sings on tiktok • ...
Foods 2022-10-03
- made from mostly meat
- very bad/poorly tasting
- frying until brown ona radiant heat
- the part of a spice that produces some aroma
- made form mostly bone
- the flavourful ingredients being cooked.
- Made from drippings of roasts
- boiling the liquid until the solid particles suspended in it concentrate
- protein particles to thicken
- herb form southern France
- debris/waste scraped from soup
- Pleasant smell/taste
- Water and a starch mixed
- A hot and dry area
- herb based from Mexico/ Vietnam
- herb from Italy
- Herb based from Japan/china
- concentrated flavourful juices leaving the ingredients.
- the spice losing taste due to contact with oxygen
- mixture of flower wasting sauce
20 Clues: herb from Italy • A hot and dry area • Pleasant smell/taste • made from mostly meat • made form mostly bone • very bad/poorly tasting • Water and a starch mixed • herb form southern France • Herb based from Japan/china • protein particles to thicken • Made from drippings of roasts • debris/waste scraped from soup • herb based from Mexico/ Vietnam • mixture of flower wasting sauce • ...
Foods 2023-07-17
- The Earth is covered in this and it is also a common drink
- Can come in a can but is also nice cooked or raw
- Can be red, green, sour or sweet and they grow on trees
- Makes breads rise
- Bees make this
- Made from cows milk and good on toast and in desserts
- They are green and have a big seed inside
- Small green balls
- This drink comes from cows
- A very yummy dessert, made from cocoa beans
- Comes from a pig
- They grow in the ground and can be brown, purple, and red
- They come from a chicken
- They grow underground and bunnies like to eat them
- Can come from olives, peanuts and avocados among many other things, a common addition to the bottom of pots and pans
- They are purple and grow on vines
- Green on the outside, pinkish red on the inside with black seeds
- You have to open the shell to eat it
- Comes from a cow
- Small and red and they grow on bushes
- A good alternative to meats (bean)
- You add it to cookies and cakes to provide structure
- They are round and red and they grow on vines
23 Clues: Bees make this • Comes from a cow • Comes from a pig • Makes breads rise • Small green balls • They come from a chicken • This drink comes from cows • They are purple and grow on vines • A good alternative to meats (bean) • You have to open the shell to eat it • Small and red and they grow on bushes • They are green and have a big seed inside • ...
Foods 2023-03-07
- DOG A sausage served on a bun with condiments like ketchup, mustard, and relish.
- A sweet, yellow fruit that comes in its own natural packaging.
- A sandwich made with a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings.
- A small, round fruit that grows in clusters and can be used to make juice or wine.
- A popular Italian dish made with noodles and sauce, often served with meatballs or other toppings.
- A dairy product made from curdled milk that's often used to top pizzas or sandwiches.
- A long, orange root vegetable that's good for your eyesight.
- A Mexican dish made with a tortilla filled with meat, cheese, and other toppings.
- A spread made from ground peanuts that's often paired with jelly on bread to make a sandwich.
- A popular Italian dish made with dough, sauce, and toppings like cheese, pepperoni, and vegetables.
- A dairy product made from fermented milk that comes in many flavors and is often eaten for breakfast.
- A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and sweet red flesh that's often eaten in the summer.
- A protein-rich food that can be cooked in many ways, such as boiled, fried, or scrambled.
- A dish made with mixed greens and other vegetables, often topped with dressing or other toppings.
- A round fruit with a red or green skin that grows on trees.
- A sweet treat made from cocoa beans that comes in many forms like bars, chips, and candies.
- FRIES Thin slices of potatoes that are deep-fried until crispy and often served as a side dish.
- A drink made by blending fruit, yogurt, and sometimes vegetables, often served cold.
- A small, red fruit that's often used to make jams or desserts like shortcake.
- A snack made by heating kernels of corn until they pop, often flavored with butter or salt.
20 Clues: A round fruit with a red or green skin that grows on trees. • A long, orange root vegetable that's good for your eyesight. • A sweet, yellow fruit that comes in its own natural packaging. • A sandwich made with a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings. • A small, red fruit that's often used to make jams or desserts like shortcake. • ...
Foods 2023-06-16
- - A leafy green vegetable that is rich in nutrients.
- - A small, sweet baked treat often flavored with chocolate chips or other ingredients.
- - A creature that lives in water and is commonly eaten as food.
- - A small, sweet baked bread often made with fruit or chocolate chips.
- - A snack made from heated corn kernels that puff up and become light and fluffy.
- - A grain that is a staple food in many cultures.
- - A creamy, fermented dairy product often consumed as a snack or dessert.
- - A sweet baked dessert typically topped with frosting or icing.
- - A white liquid produced by cows and used as a drink or ingredient.
- - A starchy vegetable that is often baked, boiled, or fried.
- - A crunchy, orange vegetable that grows underground.
- - A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin.
- - A thin, flat cake made from batter and usually eaten for breakfast.
- - A Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice and various ingredients like raw fish or vegetables.
- response
- - A round fruit that is usually red, green, or yellow.
- - A sweet, gelatinous dessert made from fruit juice or flavored sugar water.
- - A dish made from a mixture of vegetables, often served with dressing.
- - A nutritious food produced by hens, often cooked in various ways.
- - A green vegetable with tightly packed florets on a stalk.
- - A Mexican dish made with a folded tortilla filled with ingredients like meat, cheese, and vegetables.
- - A meal made by placing ingredients between two slices of bread.
- - A dish made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, often served with sauce.
- - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color.
- cream - A frozen dessert made from dairy products, sugar, and flavors.
- - A common poultry meat that is often cooked by grilling, baking, or frying.
- fries - Deep-fried strips of potato, often served as a side dish.
- - A sandwich made with a cooked beef patty, often served with toppings and a bun.
- dog - A grilled or boiled sausage served in a long, soft bread roll.
- - A yellow vegetable with kernels arranged in rows on a cob.
- - A popular Italian dish with a flat, round dough base topped with cheese and other ingredients.
- - A small, crustacean creature often used as seafood.
- - A red fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable in cooking.
- - A sweet, brown treat made from cacao beans.
- - A small, sweet red fruit with tiny seeds on the surface.
- - A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast, often used for sandwiches.
- - A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and red flesh.
- - A popular Italian dish with a flat, round dough base topped with cheese and other ingredients.
- - A dairy product made from milk, usually with a savory flavor.
- salad - A mixture of various fruits, often served chilled.
- - A liquid dish made by boiling ingredients like vegetables, meat, or noodles.
41 Clues: response • - A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin. • - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color. • - A sweet, brown treat made from cacao beans. • - A grain that is a staple food in many cultures. • - A leafy green vegetable that is rich in nutrients. • - A small, crustacean creature often used as seafood. • - A crunchy, orange vegetable that grows underground. • ...
Foods 2024-04-26
- pan used for frying food
- cook on a hot surface
- mix gently until combined
- crush or mix until smooth
- device used for flipping foods
- measures less ingredients
- soak in flavor liquid
- cut into small cubes
- cuts food
- measures ingredients
- oven with lid
- cook with steam
- cut foods on to not scratch surface
- cook at a low heat
- cook in liquid at a rolling boil
- cut into small pieces
- cook in the oven until golden
- work dough until smooth
- pan used to sauce food
- gloves used to take out food from oven
- cook in an oven
- cook quickly in a pan
- mix until smooth
23 Clues: cuts food • oven with lid • cook in an oven • cook with steam • mix until smooth • cook at a low heat • cut into small cubes • measures ingredients • cook on a hot surface • cut into small pieces • soak in flavor liquid • cook quickly in a pan • pan used to sauce food • work dough until smooth • pan used for frying food • mix gently until combined • crush or mix until smooth • ...
foods 2023-09-29
- you add these herbs just before serving
- the two main families of herbs are mint and ___
- Created the family tree of sauces
- spices develop their characteristic flavors from this
- fragrant leaves of plants, stems, and flowers
- flour mixed with fat
- spices are grown in a ____ climate
- white roux is used to make this
- you add these herbs at the beginning
- aromatic dried roots, bark, buds, fruit, and seeds
- broth is made from this
- you get these flavor if the aromatic oils in spices start to oxidize
- how can sauce deliver its maximum flavor potential?
- stock is made from this
- drippings of a roast
- starch/flour mixed with water
- this term actually means "pain reaction"
- where are herbs aromatic compounds concentrated
- diced carrots, celery, onions
- coagulated protein on the surface
20 Clues: drippings of a roast • flour mixed with fat • stock is made from this • broth is made from this • starch/flour mixed with water • diced carrots, celery, onions • white roux is used to make this • Created the family tree of sauces • coagulated protein on the surface • spices are grown in a ____ climate • you add these herbs at the beginning • you add these herbs just before serving • ...
foods 2023-11-25
28 Clues: pui • suc • sos • apa • oua • mere • orez • rosie • sunca • pizza • paste • paine • lapte • banana • salata • ompleta • cartofi • capsuni • vanilie • struguri • limonada • ciuperci • inghetata • ciocolata • portocale • cartofi prajiti • branza, cascaval • tortcarrot morcov
Foods 2024-05-10
- - Marine foods like salmon and trout.
- - Drinks like soda, coffee, and tea.
- - Flavorful seasonings like cinnamon and pepper.
- - Aromatic plants used for flavoring, like basil and mint.
- - Liquid dishes often made with vegetables and meat.
- - Flatbreads topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
- - Dishes made of mixed greens or chopped vegetables.
- - Animal flesh like beef, chicken, and pork.
- - Sweet treats like cake, ice cream, and pie.
- - Small portions of food like chips and popcorn.
- - Plant foods like beans, lettuce, and carrots.
- - Edible plant parts like apples, bananas, and grapes.
- - Candies and other sugary confections.
- - Breads, rolls, and pastries.
- - Grains or grain-based foods typically eaten for breakfast.
- - Noodles made from unleavened dough.
- - Two pieces of bread with fillings like meat or cheese.
- - Plants with seed pods, like peas and lentils.
- - Flavor enhancers like mustard and ketchup.
- - Hearty cooked dishes with solid ingredients in liquid.
- - Hard-shelled fruits like almonds and walnuts.
- - Products from milk, such as cheese and yogurt.
- - Foods like wheat, rice, and cereal.
- - Fats that are liquid at room temperature, like olive oil.
24 Clues: - Breads, rolls, and pastries. • - Drinks like soda, coffee, and tea. • - Marine foods like salmon and trout. • - Noodles made from unleavened dough. • - Foods like wheat, rice, and cereal. • - Candies and other sugary confections. • - Flavor enhancers like mustard and ketchup. • - Animal flesh like beef, chicken, and pork. • - Sweet treats like cake, ice cream, and pie. • ...
Foods 2023-10-30
- Two slices of bread with fillings like meat, cheese, vegetables, or spreads.
- Batter-based cake cooked in a waffle iron and often served with toppings like syrup or fruits.
- Dog Cooked sausage served in a sliced bun, often topped with condiments.
- Small cake baked in a cup-shaped container and often topped with frosting.
- Mexican dish made with a folded or rolled tortilla filled with meat, cheese, and various toppings.
- Cream Frozen dessert made from dairy or non-dairy milk, often flavored and served in various forms.
- Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla filled with various ingredients like rice, beans, and meat.
- Flat, round cake made from batter and cooked on a hot surface, often served with syrup or fruits.
- Chicken Chicken pieces coated with a seasoned breading and fried until crispy.
- Sweet, fried dough confection, often ring-shaped and glazed or filled.
- Fries Potato strips deep-fried until crispy, commonly served as a side dish.
- Baked dish with a crust topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings, like vegetables or meats.
- Dish with a mixture of vegetables, often served with dressing or vinaigrette.
- Long, thin pasta served with a sauce, such as marinara or meat sauce.
- Popped corn kernels, often served as a snack with various flavors.
- Sandwich made with a cooked patty in a bun, often served with toppings like lettuce, tomato, and condiments.
- Italian dish made from durum wheat and water, often served with sauce.
- Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice combined with raw fish or other ingredients.
- Sandwich Sandwich made with tuna fish, typically mixed with mayonnaise and other ingredients.
- Dish made by beaten eggs cooked with fillings like cheese, vegetables, or meats.
20 Clues: Popped corn kernels, often served as a snack with various flavors. • Long, thin pasta served with a sauce, such as marinara or meat sauce. • Italian dish made from durum wheat and water, often served with sauce. • Sweet, fried dough confection, often ring-shaped and glazed or filled. • Dog Cooked sausage served in a sliced bun, often topped with condiments. • ...
Foods 2024-03-01
- To beat food with a mixer
- Discovered in 6000 BC Romania
- Used as moisture when mixing
- Something you wear while cooking to keep your clothes clean.
- Abbreviationvation for Pint
- Made from milk
- Adds flavor to food by soaking it in seasoned liquid
- A cooking utensil used to blend ingredients
- Used to cook food
- Used to flatten dough
- A step in making bread and dough
- Kitchen utensil you can use to mix, scrape, flip, or spread ingredients.
- To cook a liquid just below boiling where bubbles just form.
- In 3000 BCE, Egyptians sifted it using hand sieves.
- Strain.
- Used to form a crust
- Used to remove skin from food.
- Surface that you use to cut vegetables, meats, fruit
- Used to grab onto foods to lift, toss and flip.
- Invented in late 19th centry by a German cutley company.
- A full stick of butter is equal to:
- To finely divide food into uniform pieces.
- First produced from plants in India
- Used to brown and crisp food
- 212 degrees
- Used for stirfrying
- Used on cheese and vest
27 Clues: Strain. • 212 degrees • Made from milk • Used to cook food • Used for stirfrying • Used to form a crust • Used to flatten dough • Used on cheese and vest • To beat food with a mixer • Abbreviationvation for Pint • Used as moisture when mixing • Used to brown and crisp food • Discovered in 6000 BC Romania • Used to remove skin from food. • A step in making bread and dough • ...
foods 2024-04-18
- to drink your water
- to flip panties with
- to warm up stuff
- adds some flavour to the food
- to measure your liquds
- to put items in
- to make your food hot
- to clean plates and utensils with
- to get rid of carret skin
- where you cut stuff in
- try to shape muffin with
- pan to fry stuff with
- to put your food in
- to make the germs get off your dishes
- to roll your doe
- to cut bread with
- to stur your food
- blends ingreedence together
- to cook stuff in
- need this to bake food
- to get stuff out of liquid you don't want
- an eating utensil
- spreads your favourite food on bread
- to flavour your food
- sharp and cuts your fruits and veggies
- to bake stuff with
- to cut your cheese with
- 5ml of liquid
- an eating utensil
- mitts to grab your food out the oven
30 Clues: 5ml of liquid • to put items in • to cook stuff in • to warm up stuff • to roll your doe • to stur your food • an eating utensil • an eating utensil • to cut bread with • to bake stuff with • to drink your water • to put your food in • to flip panties with • to flavour your food • to make your food hot • need this to bake food • to measure your liquds • where you cut stuff in • to cut your cheese with • ...
foods 2024-04-18
- to drink your water
- to flip panties with
- to warm up stuff
- adds some flavour to the food
- to measure your liquds
- to put items in
- to make your food hot
- to clean plates and utensils with
- to get rid of carret skin
- where you cut stuff in
- try to shape muffin with
- pan to fry stuff with
- to put your food in
- to make the germs get off your dishes
- to roll your doe
- to cut bread with
- to stur your food
- blends ingreedence together
- to cook stuff in
- need this to bake food
- to get stuff out of liquid you don't want
- an eating utensil
- spreads your favourite food on bread
- to flavour your food
- sharp and cuts your fruits and veggies
- to bake stuff with
- to cut your cheese with
- 5ml of liquid
- an eating utensil
- mitts to grab your food out the oven
30 Clues: 5ml of liquid • to put items in • to cook stuff in • to warm up stuff • to roll your doe • to stur your food • an eating utensil • an eating utensil • to cut bread with • to bake stuff with • to drink your water • to put your food in • to flip panties with • to flavour your food • to make your food hot • need this to bake food • to measure your liquds • where you cut stuff in • to cut your cheese with • ...
Foods 2025-02-11
- fermented Greenland shark meat
- whale skin and blubber
- coconut worm from Vietnam, maybe etaten alive
- fat-bottomed ants (leafcutter) from South America that are fried, has a nutty tase
- fish that if not prepared correctly could kill you
- made with types of white fish,mashed potatoes and topped with sardines
- guinea pig
- chicken feet - hard layer of skin is peeled off before they are cooked. The tendons provide most of edible content
- fertilized duck embryo that is boiled and eaten in the shell
- made with animal intestines as the meat source
- sausage made with mostly head meat of the animal
- soup made with cows' feet
- ant larva on a wrap
- small seagull/auk birds fermented whole within a seal
- goose barnacle from Portugal, eaten like crab legs
- cheese with maggots
- wood worm (shipworm) eaten raw in the Phillipines. Tastes like oysters
- the saliva of a animal is used to make this dish
- squid fermented in it's own guts
- goat organ meat stuffed in a goat's stomach
- soaked in mixture of salt, lime and ash, then wrapping in rice husks for several weeks
- once they are cooked, the edible parts are sucked out
- raw horsemeat from Japan
- Korea, small octopus, VERY FRESH, cut into pieces, lightly seasoned, served raw
- raw fermented fish from Egypt
- Korean street food made with silkworm pupae
26 Clues: guinea pig • cheese with maggots • ant larva on a wrap • whale skin and blubber • raw horsemeat from Japan • soup made with cows' feet • raw fermented fish from Egypt • fermented Greenland shark meat • squid fermented in it's own guts • goat organ meat stuffed in a goat's stomach • Korean street food made with silkworm pupae • coconut worm from Vietnam, maybe etaten alive • ...
Foods 2025-02-20
24 Clues: sai • või • tee • moos • piim • supp • kohv • vesi • riis • mesi • muna • mahl • liha • õunad • juust • kaste • tatar • salat • suhkur • merivähk • rukkileib • pannkoogid • maiustused • juurviljad
foods 2025-03-13
- Soups are almost always start by cooking flavorful ingredients
- certain type of soups that fall under the category of ‘purees.
- fresh herbs contain 80%-90% of.
- almost kind of a stew, typically served with pasta.
- is made mostly from meat
- One of the Plainest soup
- Color in herbs comes in mainly from green ___
- The compounds in culinary herbs not only smell good but contain many polyphenolics
- before grinding toasted spices their aromas are __.
- Soup naturally gets it gelatinous texture through __, along with bones
- What do spices aromatic oils start to do when ground.
- Dried herbs are best stored in ___ container.
- a mixture of flour and fat and slurry is a starch mixed with water that both aid in thickening a soup.
- A cinnamon-like flavor.
- must be clear
- are made mostly from bones.
- herbs diminish their flavor and starts producing ___ flavors.
- Classic Chinese sauces are assembled from cooking through ___.
- Floral
- strongly flavored oils frequently act as natural deterrents.
20 Clues: Floral • must be clear • A cinnamon-like flavor. • is made mostly from meat • One of the Plainest soup • are made mostly from bones. • fresh herbs contain 80%-90% of. • Dried herbs are best stored in ___ container. • Color in herbs comes in mainly from green ___ • almost kind of a stew, typically served with pasta. • before grinding toasted spices their aromas are __. • ...
Foods 2024-11-28
- Wash your before handling food
- stove Keep your and clear
- Clean immediately
- Which part of the egg is healthier?
- spoon What is used to measure small
- What does UO stand for?
- membrane What part of the egg is the second barrier to protect the egg's internal structure?
- Who is responsible for cleaning utensils
- What is located at the large end of the egg cools after being laid?
- What anchors the yolk in place?
- is Know where the
- What is used to measure dry ingredients ?
- energy Why should a meal be balanced?
- What does DD stand for?
- What is the perfect way to microwave the chocolate chip?
- What is used to incorporate air into foods
- What are the most common foodborne illnesses in canada?
- How much sugar does coca cola have?
- panholder Use or for anything hot
- Used for leveling off dry ingredient when measuring
- What are the benefits of eating eggs?
- Used to roll or dough a pastry
- Keep your organized
- What is used to remove the outer surface of vegetables and fruits?
- what is used to shrade and grate foods
25 Clues: is Know where the • What does DD stand for? • Clean immediately • What does UO stand for? • Keep your organized • Used to roll or dough a pastry • stove Keep your and clear • What anchors the yolk in place? • How much sugar does coca cola have? • Which part of the egg is healthier? • spoon What is used to measure small • panholder Use or for anything hot • ...
Foods 2020-03-18
- gravy,meat and veggies
- c-shaped cooked noodles
- in a long bun
- roasted cow
- salt cured brisket
- fish fries
- grilled meat covered in sauce
- gravy and meat
- poor man's taco
- Italian pie
- nori with rice inside
- On a round bun
- Potato sticks
- oinky hooves
- chinese squash soup
- Fried chicken bits
- Raw tuna squares
- Quack quack in oven
- egg-batered korean dish
- soup with noodles,spam,green onions, and kamaboko
20 Clues: fish fries • roasted cow • Italian pie • oinky hooves • Potato sticks • in a long bun • On a round bun • gravy and meat • poor man's taco • Raw tuna squares • Fried chicken bits • salt cured brisket • chinese squash soup • Quack quack in oven • nori with rice inside • gravy,meat and veggies • c-shaped cooked noodles • egg-batered korean dish • grilled meat covered in sauce • ...
foods 2020-05-30
- is soft and fluffy, it is made from wheat corn
- they are made of corn and are baked.
- comes out of the chicken and eats it for breakfast.
- is produced by the bee is sweet and has great nutritional value
- is white and you eat every day.
- is cold and sweet, there are all flavors.
- has a much chesse and is circular.
- are long and eaten with soups.
- is red is made of meat and is shaped like a cylinder.
- chicken is chicken covered in a layer of flour with egg.
- inst very healt but is delicius and is accompanied with chips.
- is sweet,brown and it's shaped like a rectangle.
- comes out of the cow and eats it with masamorra
- is a hot black drink and is used to keep you awake
- is a dairy product, it has fruit flavor.
- is white and is eaten to watch movies.
- is healthy and contains vegetables or fruits.
- you eat with hamburger
- is a carbonated drink and is not healthy.
- comes out of the sea or rivers, has fins.
20 Clues: you eat with hamburger • are long and eaten with soups. • is white and you eat every day. • has a much chesse and is circular. • they are made of corn and are baked. • is white and is eaten to watch movies. • is a dairy product, it has fruit flavor. • is cold and sweet, there are all flavors. • is a carbonated drink and is not healthy. • ...
Foods 2020-10-19
- Green soybeans usually eaten with salt
- A red fruit that is used to make ketchup, pizza and pasta sauce, and soup.
- A fruit that can be red, yellow, or green.
- An oily type of fish that when raw, is orange.
- Meat on a skewer that originated in the Middle East
- A breakfast item made with cultured milk.
- A breakfast item that is a batter cooked and flipped in a pan. Common toppings are blueberries and chocolate chips.
- An egg dish that has meat, cheese, and/or vegetables inside folded scrambled eggs.
- Toppings inside a folded tortilla or in between two tortillas.
- A thick green paste made with avocado, lime juice, salt, and other ingredients
- A type of pasta that is flat and is thin
- Bread dipped into an egg batter, then cooked in a pan. Usually served with syrup.
- A sweet melon that is green on the outside and red or pink on the inside.
- A sweet dessert made with dairy and other ingredients.
- A Cajun dish made with rice, meat, and vegetables
- A fruit that is like a peach, but with no fuzzy layer.
- A fruit similar to a lychee
- A fried confection that usually has a hole in the middle
- A type of sausage that is served in a bun and can be topped with ketchup and/or mustard.
- The meat from a cow
- The meat of a deer
- Another name for a purple yam
- An herb that has a strong scent and is used in both sweet and savory dishes
- The gratings of the peel of a citrus, such as lemons, limes, and oranges.
- A root vegetable that is usually orange; it can also be yellow, white, red, or purple
25 Clues: The meat of a deer • The meat from a cow • A fruit similar to a lychee • Another name for a purple yam • Green soybeans usually eaten with salt • A type of pasta that is flat and is thin • A breakfast item made with cultured milk. • A fruit that can be red, yellow, or green. • An oily type of fish that when raw, is orange. • A Cajun dish made with rice, meat, and vegetables • ...
Foods 2021-05-27
23 Clues: ham • egg • meat • fish • cake • roll • rice • beans • bacon • toast • salad • cheese • cereal • tomato • butter • lettuce • dessert • chicken • sandwich • potatoes • hamburger • ice cream • french fries
Foods 2021-10-05
- what should you have at a dishwashing station when sanitizing dishes
- The M in Fattom stands for what
- danger zone TDZ
- People with hair must use what in a kitchen
- what should you do if you receive a product that is leaking fluid
- what part of a chicken breast should you stick a thermometer in
- at most how many seconds should wash your hands with soap
- The F in Fattom stands for what
- what kind of soap should be at a handwashing station
- district administration FDA
- how many seconds should you wash your hands
- The O in Fattom stands for what
- to eat RTE
- how many inches should stuff be off of the floor
- what kind of gloves must be used when handling food
- The A in Fattom stands for what
- eggs for what must be kept at 155 degrees
- what kind of water is in the first compartment of a 3 compartment sink
- bacteria doubles every ______ minutes
- what kind of material should be kept away from the ice
- degrees the handwashing sink must be at
- how many inches should stuff be off the table
- what pathogen grown best in the temperature 70-125
- Eggs and soy are dangerous for people with what condition
- The T in Fattom stands for what
- what chemical must be used after using raw chicken
- what kind of pencils must not be used in chef Pauls class
- how many seconds should a dish be submerged in sanitizer water
- When should you check the product that is delivered to your store
- hazards that make food unsafe are biological, physical, and
- food most associated with parasites
- what type of thermometer measures surface temperature
- eggs to what must be kept at 145 degrees
- what do you do before putting on gloves
- chicken bones are an example of which hazard
- what should you take off before using the restroom
- Thawing raw chicken at room temp would be an example of what
- The other T in Fattom stands for what
- how must all dishes be dried in a restaurant
- at least how many seconds should you scrub your hands with soap
40 Clues: to eat RTE • danger zone TDZ • district administration FDA • The T in Fattom stands for what • The M in Fattom stands for what • The F in Fattom stands for what • The O in Fattom stands for what • The A in Fattom stands for what • food most associated with parasites • The other T in Fattom stands for what • bacteria doubles every ______ minutes • ...
foods 2021-10-04
- what must be on a TCS label?
- not accepting items
- put on sanitizer ______ washing your hands
- symptoms of a foodborne illness
- ph is measured by
- used to measure temp of food
- first step when washing dishes
- use _____ after washing hands
- _____ is short for "temperature danger zone"
- how many hours you have to get temperature from 70 to 41
- what is the fourth step in hand washing?
- food and drug administration
- what is the number one cause of foodborne illness?
- what does the "t" in ALERT stand for?
- metal shavings is an example of what hazard?
- examination of restaurants to ensure food safety
- boiling and freezing point
- has to be the brightest place
- what does the O in fattom stand for?
- when two or more people get sick from eating the same thing at the same place
- what does the M in fattom stand for?
- yellowing of the eyes is?
- bacteria, mold, yeast, parasites are examples or what hazard?
- greyish yellowish fungus that grows in jams and jellies
- how many minutes does it take for bacteria to double?
- molds, yeast, mushrooms are examples of?
- mold in an example of
- the final step in hand washing
- how many hours you have to get temperature 70
- symptom of a foodborne illness
- microorganism that causes illness
- microorganism that can't live without a host
- take off before using the bathroom
- part of the big 8
- chemical physical biological
- third step in handwashing
- Used to measure the surface temperature
- hat percent of food allergens come from the big 8
- cleaning supplies is an example of what hazard?
- first in first out
- ________ is short for "ready to eat"
- how many days before you can throw out tags
- ______ is short for reduced oxygen package
43 Clues: part of the big 8 • ph is measured by • first in first out • not accepting items • mold in an example of • yellowing of the eyes is? • third step in handwashing • boiling and freezing point • what must be on a TCS label? • used to measure temp of food • chemical physical biological • food and drug administration • use _____ after washing hands • has to be the brightest place • ...
Foods 2021-10-22
23 Clues: นม • ชา • ไก่ • ชีส • ส้ม • โซดา • สลัด • กาแฟ • ผลไม้ • กล้วย • แครอท • พิซซ่า • มะม่วง • ไอศกรีม • สับปะรด • แอปเปิล • น้ำเปล่า • อาหารทอด • ผักกาดหอม • มะเขือเทศ • ซุป,น้ำแกง • ขนมปังแซนด์วิช • ขนมปังยัดไส้เนื้อสัตว์
Foods 2021-11-30
34 Clues: ovo • pão • maçã • atum • sopa • bolo • peru • arroz • peixe • torta • peixe • milho • limão • geleia • batata • banana • açucar • queijo • picolé • alface • feijão • cereja • cebola • tomate • galinha • galinha • laranja • cenoura • presunto • manteiga • amendoim • chocolate • cream sorvete • fries batata frita
Foods 2018-12-12
- Mexican dish made of a tortilla filled with different mixture
- It's very healthy
- A small fried cake with the shape of a ring
- Round breakfast dish served with syrop
- Sausage with a bun
- Made with sugar
- Crust with sauce, pepperoni and cheese
- Farm bird that is keep for his eggs or meat
- A soft frozen food
- Fried slice of onion with batter
- A crisp cookie baked and flavored with salt
- A drink made with milk and ice cream
- Large pasta with sauce and cheese
- French fries, gravy and cheese
- Slice of beef
- Made with two breads
- Small piece of chicken
- Part of the chicken, other bird use it to fly
- Small cake
- Small pasta with bolognese sauce
- Round patty of ground beaf on a bun
- Fondant chocolate cake with chocolate chips or nuts on top
- Long stick of potato
- Santa Claus like it with milk
- Dessert made with a pastry bottom and top with a garnish
- Sausage on a stick with a breading
26 Clues: Small cake • Slice of beef • Made with sugar • It's very healthy • Sausage with a bun • A soft frozen food • Made with two breads • Long stick of potato • Small piece of chicken • Santa Claus like it with milk • French fries, gravy and cheese • Small pasta with bolognese sauce • Fried slice of onion with batter • Large pasta with sauce and cheese • Sausage on a stick with a breading • ...
Foods:) 2019-03-26
- What is the zone where you can leave meat called
- Whats something you should always keep tied back when cooking
- How long can you put meat in the danger zone
- What's the most commonly used knife in the kitchen
- Whats something that kitchen safety can save you from
- WHats one thing you MUST do before cooking wash your
- How do many oopsies in the kitchen happen
- What's another common allergies
- What is something kitchen safety can save you from
- When using a knife, whats the most common mistake
- How long should you atleast wash your hands for
- Whats another thing that kitchen safety can save you from
- clothes Whats something you should never wear while cooking
- What's one common allergies
- Who should you give the epipen to after using it
- What knife do you use for cutting large meats
- What should you put on a fat fire to put it out
- true or false: soak knives in a filled up sink
- What side of the epipen should be placed on the thigh
- What's the last most common allergies
20 Clues: What's one common allergies • What's another common allergies • What's the last most common allergies • How do many oopsies in the kitchen happen • How long can you put meat in the danger zone • What knife do you use for cutting large meats • true or false: soak knives in a filled up sink • What should you put on a fat fire to put it out • ...
foods 2023-11-25
29 Clues: suc • pui • apa • sos • oua • orez • mere • tort • rosie • pizza • sunca • paste • paine • lapte • banana • morcov • salata • vanilie • ompleta • cartofi • capsuni • ciuperci • struguri • limonada • ciocolata • portocale • inghetata • cartofi prajiti • branza, cascaval
foods 2024-04-30
- - To cook food gently in water or broth just below boiling point.
- - To pour juices or melted fat over (meat) during cooking in order to keep it moist.
- - A tool for removing the zest, the colored outer skin of citrus fruit, in fine strips.
- - A large long-handled spoon with a cup-shaped bowl, used for serving soup, stew, or sauce.
- - A cooking utensil made of wire loops joined together at the end of a long handle, used for beating and blending ingredients.
- - A tool with two movable arms that are joined at one end, used for picking up and holding things.
- - A type of saucepan in which food can be steamed.
- - A flat, flexible blade used to mix, spread, or lift mMarinade** - A sauce, typically made of oil, vinegar, spices, and herbs, in which meat, fish, or other food is soaked before cooking.
- - A long piece of metal or wood used to hold pieces of food, typically meat, together while they are cooked over a grill or barbecue.
- and Pestle - A bowl and club-shaped tool used to crush, grind, or mix substances.
- - A method of cooking food that uses a small amount of oil or fat in a shallow pan over relatively high heat.
- Likes to chase mice
- - To cook food, especially meat, by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire.
- Man's best friend
- - To cook by direct exposure to heat in an oven or over a grill.
- - A perforated bowl used to strain off liquid from food, especially after cooking.
- - To heat sugar in order to turn it brown and give it a characteristic flavor.
- Has a trunk
- - To cut up or grind food,
- Flying mammal
- - A kitchen device with sharp perforations for shredding foods such as cheese and carrots.
- Vide - A method of cooking in which food is sealed in airtight plastic bags and placed in a water bath or steam environment for longer than normal cooking times at an accurately regulated temperature.
- Brush** - A cooking utensil used to spread butter, oil, or glaze on food.
- - To cook liquid or food gently just below boiling point.
- Large marsupial
- Pin - A cylinder rolled over pastry or dough to flatten or shape it.
- - To burn or scorch the surface of something with a sudden, intense heat.
- - To briefly plunge food into boiling water and then into cold water to stop cooking.
- - A utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining solids from liquids.
29 Clues: Has a trunk • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • - To cut up or grind food, • - A type of saucepan in which food can be steamed. • - To cook liquid or food gently just below boiling point. • - To cook by direct exposure to heat in an oven or over a grill. • - To cook food gently in water or broth just below boiling point. • ...
Foods 2024-04-26
- to drip or glaze of icing over food
- the mother of baking
- when getting the clumps out of powered sugar you..
- beat one or two ingredients together
- placing foods in the fridge
- fermented and roasted cacao beans
- a temperature about 105 degrees
- produced from nectar
- a soft thick mixture of flour and liquids
- made up of any grain
- wash, mixture that gives a rich color or gloss to the crust of a baked good
- set oven before you put something in it
- used to top baked goods
- come to room temperature
- to refrigerate a gelatin mixture until it thickens
- the tool everyone needs
- measurement less than 1/8 teaspoon
- low-protein powder that is silky
- dry fruits of legumes or seeds
- stir together
- protein is found in wheat and cereal flours
- to heat an otherwise solid food
- baked good are kept here out of the oven
- to coat with a liquid
- in, gently combined a heavier mixture with a more delicate substance
25 Clues: stir together • the mother of baking • produced from nectar • made up of any grain • to coat with a liquid • the tool everyone needs • used to top baked goods • come to room temperature • placing foods in the fridge • dry fruits of legumes or seeds • to heat an otherwise solid food • a temperature about 105 degrees • low-protein powder that is silky • fermented and roasted cacao beans • ...
Foods 2023-06-16
- - A small, sweet baked bread often made with fruit or chocolate chips.
- - A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin.
- - A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and red flesh.
- - A starchy vegetable that is often baked, boiled, or fried.
- - A frozen dessert made from dairy products, sugar, and flavors.
- - A thin, flat cake made from batter and usually eaten for breakfast.
- - A snack made from heated corn kernels that puff up and become light and fluffy.
- - A dairy product made from milk, usually with a savory flavor.
- - A mixture of various fruits, often served chilled.
- - A Mexican dish made with a folded tortilla filled with ingredients like meat, cheese, and vegetables.
- - A creamy, fermented dairy product often consumed as a snack or dessert.
- - A dish made from a mixture of vegetables, often served with dressing.
- - A crunchy, orange vegetable that grows underground.
- - A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast, often used for sandwiches.
- - A common poultry meat that is often cooked by grilling, baking, or frying.
- - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color.
- - A grain that is a staple food in many cultures.
- - A creature that lives in water and is commonly eaten as food.
- - Deep-fried strips of potato, often served as a side dish.
- - A white liquid produced by cows and used as a drink or ingredient.
- - A nutritious food produced by hens, often cooked in various ways.
- - A popular Italian dish with a flat, round dough base topped with cheese and other ingredients.
- - A sandwich made with a cooked beef patty, often served with toppings and a bun.
- - A small, sweet baked treat often flavored with chocolate chips or other ingredients.
- - A liquid dish made by boiling ingredients like vegetables, meat, or noodles.
- - A red fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable in cooking.
- - A popular Italian dish with a flat, round dough base topped with cheese and other ingredients.
- - A round fruit that is usually red, green, or yellow.
- - A grilled or boiled sausage served in a long, soft bread roll.
- - A dish made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, often served with sauce.
- - A sweet, brown treat made from cacao beans.
- - A leafy green vegetable that is rich in nutrients.
- - A small, sweet red fruit with tiny seeds on the surface.
- - A green vegetable with tightly packed florets on a stalk.
- - A meal made by placing ingredients between two slices of bread.
- - A Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice and various ingredients like raw fish or vegetables.
- - A small, crustacean creature often used as seafood.
- - A yellow vegetable with kernels arranged in rows on a cob.
- - A sweet, gelatinous dessert made from fruit juice or flavored sugar water.
- - A sweet baked dessert typically topped with frosting or icing.
40 Clues: - A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin. • - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color. • - A sweet, brown treat made from cacao beans. • - A grain that is a staple food in many cultures. • - A leafy green vegetable that is rich in nutrients. • - A mixture of various fruits, often served chilled. • - A crunchy, orange vegetable that grows underground. • ...
Foods 2023-07-20
- Monkey like this fruit
- Looks like a small green tree
- Grain part of Sandwich
- Brown Vegetable
- Spongebob's house
- Eat this grain everyday
- Looks like leaves
- Protein that starts with B
- Round green vegetable
- Protein
- Eat it in the morning with a bowl of milk
- Orange Fruit
- Yellow Grain
- Fruit that starts with M
- Dairy Product
- Burrito
- Yellow Block of Oil
- Mouse like it
- Protein that lives in the Ocean
- Spaghetti
- Salty Cookies
- Bread is made from this
- Pen-Pineapple-_____-pen
- White Drink
- Rabbits like it
- Come from Chickens
26 Clues: Burrito • Protein • Spaghetti • White Drink • Orange Fruit • Yellow Grain • Dairy Product • Mouse like it • Salty Cookies • Brown Vegetable • Rabbits like it • Spongebob's house • Looks like leaves • Come from Chickens • Yellow Block of Oil • Round green vegetable • Monkey like this fruit • Grain part of Sandwich • Eat this grain everyday • Bread is made from this • Pen-Pineapple-_____-pen • ...
Foods! 2023-01-06
- is refried for tacos
- has 8 arms
- small green vegetable
- eaten with butter,makes toast
- the main component of grilled cheese
- makes cider
- makes wine
- yellow,curved
- one of the main parts in a seafood boil
- used for tacos
- makes ketchup
- makes eggs
- from chickens
- liquid made from fruits
- from cows
- is the main component of a parfay
- from cows
- makes pickles
- makes things sweet
- blank chowder
- Is eaten on thanksgiving
- you eat this when you're sick
- "first blank"
- kills vampires
- is eaten with beans
- You drink it in the morning
- orange vegetable
- "blank party"
- cooked from a pig
- from bees
30 Clues: from cows • from bees • from cows • has 8 arms • makes wine • makes eggs • makes cider • makes pickles • blank chowder • "first blank" • yellow,curved • "blank party" • makes ketchup • from chickens • kills vampires • used for tacos • orange vegetable • cooked from a pig • makes things sweet • is eaten with beans • is refried for tacos • small green vegetable • liquid made from fruits • Is eaten on thanksgiving • ...
Foods 2022-05-12
- bread and _____
- old-time name for corn
- can be dark, milk, or white
- snack that smiles back
- iconic birthday treat
- raw fish
- synonym for poultry
- nuttiest allergy around
- most important meal of the day
- bunny's favorite food
- wateriest fruit around
- carved during fall
- when you don't eat anything from animals
- yellow and long fruit
- swims in the ocean
- eggs and _____
- more seeds than fruit
- an animal as well as a fruit
- comes from a chicken
- the color is in the name
- made with eggs
- sweets after dinner
- mac & _____
- cashew/almond/pecan
- OG drink
- Oolong or Earl Grey
- the iPhone fruit
- Halloween's specialty
- comes from a cow
- makes you cry
30 Clues: raw fish • OG drink • mac & _____ • makes you cry • eggs and _____ • made with eggs • bread and _____ • the iPhone fruit • comes from a cow • carved during fall • swims in the ocean • sweets after dinner • synonym for poultry • cashew/almond/pecan • Oolong or Earl Grey • comes from a chicken • yellow and long fruit • more seeds than fruit • iconic birthday treat • bunny's favorite food • ...
foods 2024-11-29
- What is used to shrade and grate foods
- is Know where the
- Who is responsible for cleaning utensils
- Used for leveling off dry ingredient when measuring
- Used to roll or dough a pastry
- stove Keep your and clear
- What is used to remove the outer surface of vegetables and fruits?
- panholder Used or for anything hot
- yolk Which part of the egg is healthier?
- What do DD stand for?
- What is used to measure small
- How much sugar does coca cola have?
- energy What are the benefits of eating eggs?
- What is used to measure dry ingredients ?
- What is located at the large end of the egg cools after being laid?
- Wash your before handling food
- What does UO stand for?
- Clean immediately
- What part of the egg is the second barrier to protect the egg's internal structure?
- What is the perfect way to microwave the chocolate chip?
- Why should a meal be balanced?
- What are the most common foodborne illnesses in canada?
- Keep your organized
- What is used to incorporate air into foods
- What anchors the yolk in place?
25 Clues: is Know where the • What do DD stand for? • What does UO stand for? • Clean immediately • Keep your organized • What is used to measure small • Used to roll or dough a pastry • Why should a meal be balanced? • What anchors the yolk in place? • How much sugar does coca cola have? • panholder Used or for anything hot • stove Keep your and clear • ...
Foods 2025-02-20
24 Clues: sai • või • tee • moos • piim • supp • kohv • vesi • riis • mesi • muna • mahl • liha • õunad • juust • kaste • tatar • salat • suhkur • merivähk • rukkileib • pannkoogid • maiustused • juurviljad
foods 2025-03-13
- Soups are almost always start by cooking flavorful ingredients
- certain type of soups that fall under the category of ‘purees.
- fresh herbs contain 80%-90% of.
- almost kind of a stew, typically served with pasta.
- is made mostly from meat
- One of the Plainest soup
- Color in herbs comes in mainly from green ___
- The compounds in culinary herbs not only smell good but contain many polyphenolics
- before grinding toasted spices their aromas are __.
- Soup naturally gets it gelatinous texture through __, along with bones
- What do spices aromatic oils start to do when ground.
- Dried herbs are best stored in ___ container.
- a mixture of flour and fat and slurry is a starch mixed with water that both aid in thickening a soup.
- A cinnamon-like flavor.
- must be clear
- are made mostly from bones.
- herbs diminish their flavor and starts producing ___ flavors.
- Classic Chinese sauces are assembled from cooking through ___.
- Floral
- strongly flavored oils frequently act as natural deterrents.
20 Clues: Floral • must be clear • A cinnamon-like flavor. • is made mostly from meat • One of the Plainest soup • are made mostly from bones. • fresh herbs contain 80%-90% of. • Dried herbs are best stored in ___ container. • Color in herbs comes in mainly from green ___ • almost kind of a stew, typically served with pasta. • before grinding toasted spices their aromas are __. • ...
foods 2022-06-28
24 Clues: tea • egg • fish • salt • beef • beet • peas • peach • flour • sugar • bread • cheese • grapes • garlic • butter • coconut • lettuce • chicken • pumpkin • potatoes • eggplant • cucumber • mushrooms • cauliflower
Foods 2022-05-20
- Used in cakes, cookies, and more
- Italian food; usually found in New York
- Used in literally almost every dessert
- White cooking powder
- Was invented in Germany
- If you eat this, you are eating a bush
- The #1 stolen food in the world
- Indian food; popular in India
- Usually served in fast food restaurants
- Popular soda around the world
- A lot of people have this for breakfast
- Very popular Italian dish
- Round; Covered in frosting
- Traditional Mexican dish
- Found everywhere in America
- A place where dairy products are made
- Good with cream cheese
- A cold food, usually used as a dessert
- An Australian and British dish
- Kind of like liquid ice cream
- A Chinese daily
- Chocolate chip is my favorite
22 Clues: A Chinese daily • White cooking powder • Good with cream cheese • Was invented in Germany • Traditional Mexican dish • Very popular Italian dish • Round; Covered in frosting • Found everywhere in America • Indian food; popular in India • Kind of like liquid ice cream • Chocolate chip is my favorite • Popular soda around the world • An Australian and British dish • ...
foods 2023-01-10
- makes bacon
- wisconisn main food
- produced by cow
- brown things that looks like dog food
- produced by pig
- makes toast
- healthy food
- brain freeze food
- the kid who sings on tiktok
- carnavouirs eat this
- mcdonadls best food
- sherred yellow stuff
- chocolate chip dough
- meat that swims
- yellow melted stuff
- my dog in a coustume
- produced by chicken
- poops out eggs
- best breakfast food
- drink that makes me burp
20 Clues: makes bacon • makes toast • healthy food • poops out eggs • meat that swims • produced by cow • produced by pig • brain freeze food • mcdonadls best food • wisconisn main food • yellow melted stuff • produced by chicken • best breakfast food • sherred yellow stuff • chocolate chip dough • my dog in a coustume • carnavouirs eat this • drink that makes me burp • the kid who sings on tiktok • ...
Foods 2020-05-29
- a food mexican made whit bread thin, covering meat, beans and cheese
- liquid food made from vegetables, meat, chicken or fish
- a food made from frozen milk or cream and sugar, is sweet and very cold
- a drink of coffe with milke sparkling
- a meal with bread and a sausage in the middle
- chicken product scrambled and usually with cheese
- chopped vegetables and dipped in dressing
- brown grains that must be soaked the day before to be prepared
- a drink with alcohol of color pale brown
- a food made of cooking meat, vegetables, at low heat, in ot deep container heavy
- a round vegetable that grows underground fried
- fruits cut and mixed with yogurt
- grains of a type of cereal that is eaten cooked and is normally white
- shredded and canned fish
- a food made from flour and water, mixed together and baked
- thin and wide sheets of pasta covering shredded meat or chicken
- a small cake fried with a hole in the middle and filled with jam
- two thick, round slices of bread, covering a piece of ground meat with lots of cheese and tomato slices
- a sweet food made with flour, eggs, fat, and sugar and fruits or chocolate
- Italian fash food
20 Clues: Italian fash food • shredded and canned fish • fruits cut and mixed with yogurt • a drink of coffe with milke sparkling • a drink with alcohol of color pale brown • chopped vegetables and dipped in dressing • a meal with bread and a sausage in the middle • a round vegetable that grows underground fried • chicken product scrambled and usually with cheese • ...
Foods 2019-08-02
- candy _____ joy
- baby sheep
- long, green, topped with ranch or peanut butter
- cheese, meat, pasta
- round, frosting, dunkin' _____
- not crab
- breakfast, chocolate chip or blueberry
- makes you happy, smooth, dairy
- mini wheats or cherrios
- spicy, pepper
- guacamole
- baked ____
- small round, red or green
- ____ on the cob
- long, green
- new england clam _____
- small, round, with pasta
- used in smoothies, green, leafy
- cooked, on a grill
- breakfast, texas or regular, with syrup
- long, orange, vegetable
- dessert or drink, dairy
- hair color, spice, brown
- meat, bread, lettuce, not cheese
- ocean animal
- liquid, fruit, common in our house
- cooked bread
- steamed or raw, vegetable, green
- ____ bar, in yogurt
- pig, strips
- green, long, vegetable, fun to say
- not peanut butter
- small, dessert, candle, frosting, colorful
- bears eat, bees make
- common adult drink, root ____
- chinese, pasta
- snack or dessert, chocolate chip
- gala and red delicious
- breakfast holes
- need to make sandwiches
- drink to wake you up
- like lettuce, round
- orange cow
- round, pepperoni, cheese, sauce
- pizza topping, round, red
- breakfast, round, grid
- drink, purple
- candy, flavor, brown
- used in smores, crunchy
- pasta, skinny, twirls
- dessert, large, round, candles
- potatos, with chicken nuggets, side
- avacado
- cooked with porkchops and applesauce
- not mustard
- made from fruit, yellow, liquidy
- fuzzy, green
- ____ bread, spice, white
- common alergy, put in ice cream or yogurt
- smooth, dairy
- birds lay, scrambled or hard boiled
- not lobster
- drink, white
- colored drink, sugar, tasty
- chicken, taco
- not home fries
- chinese, filled with meat
- pig, pink
- weiners
- crunchy, popular snack, triscuits or ritz
- quack quack
- bok bok bok
- steph ____
- american or mozzarella
- crunchy, snack, lays
75 Clues: avacado • weiners • not crab • guacamole • pig, pink • baby sheep • orange cow • baked ____ • steph ____ • long, green • not mustard • not lobster • quack quack • pig, strips • bok bok bok • fuzzy, green • drink, white • ocean animal • cooked bread • drink, purple • spicy, pepper • smooth, dairy • chicken, taco • chinese, pasta • not home fries • candy _____ joy • breakfast holes • ____ on the cob • not peanut butter • ...
FOODS 2020-08-13
- The liquid you get from fruits
- The most common ingredient in salads
- In the UK they are called biscuits
- They swim in the ocean or rivers
- Another name for steak or meat
- You need this to prepare a sandwich
- Eve gave this fruit to Adam in paradise
- You eat them when you celebrate your birthday
- This is a bird that we usually eat at home
- Vegetables that make you cry
- Rabbits love to eat them
- Hens lay them in a nest and we fried them
- M and M's, Carlos V, Crunch are good examples
- Mice love to eat this milk product
- We put them on sopes
- What you drink at Starbucks
- You usually put this in your sandwich
- Monkeys like to eat them
- In the USA they are called cookies
- We get this from cows
20 Clues: We put them on sopes • We get this from cows • Rabbits love to eat them • Monkeys like to eat them • What you drink at Starbucks • Vegetables that make you cry • The liquid you get from fruits • Another name for steak or meat • They swim in the ocean or rivers • Mice love to eat this milk product • In the UK they are called biscuits • In the USA they are called cookies • ...
Foods 2020-12-03
- usually an alternative for cake
- comes from bee's
- a fruit that you can make pickles with
- A green round fruit
- a food usually with noodles, sauce, and meat
- ____ bell
- scrambled ____
- something you can make mash potatoes with
- people say it is amazing and is a breakfast food
- salad can be made from this
- a food usually served at birthdays
- a popular type of meat
- made from cucumbers and vinegar
- the hottest pepper in the world
- You might not need some glasses if you eat these
- a round flat delicious food
- a breakfast food that makes people want to get out of bed
- A red fruit usually used to make sauce
- it tastes really good with ranch
- a yellow food
20 Clues: ____ bell • a yellow food • scrambled ____ • comes from bee's • A green round fruit • a popular type of meat • salad can be made from this • a round flat delicious food • usually an alternative for cake • made from cucumbers and vinegar • the hottest pepper in the world • it tastes really good with ranch • a food usually served at birthdays • a fruit that you can make pickles with • ...
Foods 2021-10-04
- Cold dairy dessert
- Does not include gluten
- Spiced Christmas biscuit
- A vegetable that makes you cry
- Sticks of fried potatoes
- Yellow dairy product, used often in baking or sandwiches
- Sugary substance used for glazing biscuits or cakes
- A swirly cane shaped piece of christmas candy
- Bread part of a burger
- A pickled cucumber
- Food items made of plastic, display only
- Long sandwich with a sausage in between
- Long green vegetable
- Action usually describing the making of salty foods
- Mac & …. (a macaroni dish)
- A description of how a food is made
- Meat part of a burger, when it's from cattle.
- A mix of spices used to give sth a specific taste
- A soft, white and fluffy piece of candy
- The waffle part of an ice cream
- A red juicy fruit
- A small piece of fried chicken
- Combination of chopped fruit
- Action usually describing dishes made using an oven
- Main ingredient of sushi
- Big round flat bread with various toppings
- Powder made of grinded grains, seeds or nuts
27 Clues: A red juicy fruit • Cold dairy dessert • A pickled cucumber • Long green vegetable • Bread part of a burger • Does not include gluten • Spiced Christmas biscuit • Sticks of fried potatoes • Main ingredient of sushi • Mac & …. (a macaroni dish) • Combination of chopped fruit • A vegetable that makes you cry • A small piece of fried chicken • The waffle part of an ice cream • ...
Foods 2021-02-19
- An ingredient that helps things cook
- process of transforming solid, firm food items into small pieces by rubbing it against a instrument
- to cut slits on the surface of a piece of food
- To free water from a food without getting rid of any of the food
- technique in which food is finely divided
- to push food across or through a shredding surface to make long, narrow strips
- The act of taking off the outer layer of a food
- cut food into pieces that are even
- to cut across the grain into thin, uniform pieces
- method of preserving food by lowering the temperature to inhibit microorganism growth
- To soak a food in for a better flavor
- A liquid that comes from cooking things
- To cut off a thin layer of skin on a food, such as potatoes or apples, with a paring knife
- to make meat softer before cooking
- To soften a food by heating it up
- The method for cutting food into bite-sized pieces
- The process of combining one ingredient with another to form a solution
- cut in which the food item is cut into dice
- to moisten foods at intervals with a liquid
- To mix a substance in a circular pattern using a spoon, spatula or other such utensil.
20 Clues: To soften a food by heating it up • to make meat softer before cooking • cut food into pieces that are even • An ingredient that helps things cook • To soak a food in for a better flavor • A liquid that comes from cooking things • technique in which food is finely divided • cut in which the food item is cut into dice • to moisten foods at intervals with a liquid • ...
Foods 2021-07-20
- Messy stuff that can be spicy depends on what kind of sauce
- Greece, crispy
- A side with dinner and a snack
- Flat circle breakfast
- Made with noodles
- cream Cold with toppings
- Orange
- Hard shell
- Flat with square shapes on the top
- Red Sausage with sauce and cheese
- Cannot eat the tail
- Chewy
- Patty With Cheese
- Yellow and cold squares
- Juicy
- Yellow peel on the outside
- With noodles and white sauce
- Spicy depends on what type it is
- Salty cut up potato
- Brownish black hard side for breakfast
20 Clues: Chewy • Juicy • Orange • Hard shell • Greece, crispy • Patty With Cheese • Made with noodles • Cannot eat the tail • Salty cut up potato • Flat circle breakfast • Yellow and cold squares • Yellow peel on the outside • cream Cold with toppings • With noodles and white sauce • A side with dinner and a snack • Spicy depends on what type it is • Red Sausage with sauce and cheese • ...
Foods 2023-03-07
- A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and sweet red flesh that's often eaten in the summer.
- A long, orange root vegetable that's good for your eyesight.
- A dish made with mixed greens and other vegetables, often topped with dressing or other toppings.
- A snack made by heating kernels of corn until they pop, often flavored with butter or salt.
- A Mexican dish made with a tortilla filled with meat, cheese, and other toppings.
- A dairy product made from curdled milk that's often used to top pizzas or sandwiches.
- A sweet, yellow fruit that comes in its own natural packaging.
- Thin slices of potatoes that are deep-fried until crispy and often served as a side dish.
- A dairy product made from fermented milk that comes in many flavors and is often eaten for breakfast.
- A spread made from ground peanuts that's often paired with jelly on bread to make a sandwich.
- A round fruit with a red or green skin that grows on trees.
- A sausage served on a bun with condiments like ketchup, mustard, and relish.
- A drink made by blending fruit, yogurt, and sometimes vegetables, often served cold.
- A sweet treat made from cocoa beans that comes in many forms like bars, chips, and candies.
- A small, red fruit that's often used to make jams or desserts like shortcake.
- A popular Italian dish made with noodles and sauce, often served with meatballs or other toppings.
- A popular Italian dish made with dough, sauce, and toppings like cheese, pepperoni, and vegetables.
- A sandwich made with a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings.
- A protein-rich food that can be cooked in many ways, such as boiled, fried, or scrambled.
- A small, round fruit that grows in clusters and can be used to make juice or wine.
20 Clues: A round fruit with a red or green skin that grows on trees. • A long, orange root vegetable that's good for your eyesight. • A sweet, yellow fruit that comes in its own natural packaging. • A sandwich made with a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings. • A sausage served on a bun with condiments like ketchup, mustard, and relish. • ...
foods 2023-03-10
- eat
- in a
- candy from baby
- he really loves his girlfriend. She is the apple of his ..
- his words
- like hotcakes
- don't put your eggs in .. basket. it's too risky.
- i .. nuts after he told me that he cheated on me.
- home a bacon
- my friend .. egg on his face after she realized that she put on her shirt inside out
- and butter
- on the cake
- there is no such thing as .. lunch. don't accept his help.
- up
- in a basket
- cheese
- like sardines
- he remains as .. as cucumber even though he failed the test
- cup of
- earth
- sweet
- this question is not that hard. please .. your noodle.
- amount
- job
24 Clues: up • eat • job • in a • earth • sweet • cheese • cup of • amount • his words • and butter • on the cake • in a basket • home a bacon • like sardines • like hotcakes • candy from baby • don't put your eggs in .. basket. it's too risky. • i .. nuts after he told me that he cheated on me. • this question is not that hard. please .. your noodle. • there is no such thing as .. lunch. don't accept his help. • ...
foods 2015-10-14
- cut into small pieces
- cook without fat in uncovered skillet
- to cook in a large amount of hot fat
- make food cold by placing it in the fridge
- place small amounts of butter or another food over the surface
- soak meat in liquid solution
- coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs
- remove a substance from surface of liquid
- to cook in the oven with dry heat
- rub fat on surface of utensil
- chop or cut into very fine pieces
- cooked uncovered under a source a heat
- let food stand until no longer feels warm to touch
- to cook on a rack or split oven
- coat a food by sprinkling it with dry ingredients
- mix or blend 2 or more ingredients
- cook uncovered in the oven with dry heat
- work dough by pressing it
- reduce food into small bits by rubbing it on a sharpen utensil
- combine and or move ingredients mass
20 Clues: cut into small pieces • work dough by pressing it • soak meat in liquid solution • rub fat on surface of utensil • to cook on a rack or split oven • to cook in the oven with dry heat • chop or cut into very fine pieces • mix or blend 2 or more ingredients • to cook in a large amount of hot fat • combine and or move ingredients mass • cook without fat in uncovered skillet • ...
Foods 2015-12-08
21 Clues: sal • miel • coco • cafe • beber • comer • arroz • queso • carne • leche • azucar • sandia • aciete • harina • cebolla • churros • pimienta • frijoles • confites • zanahoria • carne de res
foods 2015-11-11
- niacin helps the body maintain healthy ________
- found in red meat, poultry, fish, fortified cereal, and peanuts
- helps the body keep a balance of ______ in in the blood
- dark leafy green vegetables, meat, and cheese
- found in red berries, kiwi, red and green bell peppers, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, and orange/grapefruit juice
- found in broccoli, potatoes, green leafy veggies, citrus fruits, and bananas
- found in lean red meat, poultry, nuts, dried beans, and dairy
- found in meat, eggs, legumes, and nuts
- vitamin e helps cells live _______
- helps blood __________
- magnesium helps the body create ___________
- thiamin is necessary for the ________ and muscles to function properly
- found in milk, eggs, and dark orange/green veggies
- calcium develops strong _______ and teeth
- vitamin A prevents ______ problems night blindness
- vegetable oil, nuts, and leafy green vegetables
- iron helps red blood cells carry _______ to all parts of the body
- sunlight, egg yolks, fish oils, and milk
- found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables, potatoes, beans, avacodos, bananas, broccoli, and shrimp
- found in potatoes, cereals, bananas, beans, seeds, and nuts
- found in fortified cereals, breads, meat and fish
- vitamin c forms ________
- found in dairy, meats, and fish
- found in fish, red meat, poultry, milk, cheese, and eggs
- zinc keeps your _________ system strong and helps heal wounds
- riboflavin turns ________ into energy
- dried beans, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, oranges, and poultry
- found in milk and other dairy products
- folate makes ______
- found in lean red meat, pork, fish, chicken and some leafy green vegetables
- vitamin b12 is important for ______ cell function
31 Clues: folate makes ______ • helps blood __________ • vitamin c forms ________ • found in dairy, meats, and fish • vitamin e helps cells live _______ • riboflavin turns ________ into energy • found in milk and other dairy products • found in meat, eggs, legumes, and nuts • sunlight, egg yolks, fish oils, and milk • calcium develops strong _______ and teeth • ...
Foods 2017-01-23
- cells that store fat from food
- plants make carbs through this process
- consists of plant materials that can't be digested by human enzymes
- chemical building blocks
- plants combine single glucose units into more complicated chemical arrangements
- main source of energy
- sugars extracted from plants to sweeten foods
- amino acids body needs but can't provide
- fat-like substance in all body cells
- lipoprotein
- chemical structure that makes up fats
- green pigment
- carbohydrates starches
- sugars
- simple carbohydrates
- substances used in place of sugar
- proteins with essential amino acids
- single unit of sugar
- formed when two monosaccharides combine
- formed when plants combine single glucose units into more complicated chemical structures
20 Clues: sugars • lipoprotein • green pigment • simple carbohydrates • single unit of sugar • main source of energy • carbohydrates starches • chemical building blocks • cells that store fat from food • substances used in place of sugar • proteins with essential amino acids • fat-like substance in all body cells • chemical structure that makes up fats • plants make carbs through this process • ...
Foods 2017-06-08
22 Clues: oil • beef • eggs • rice • fish • meat • milk • fruit • bread • cream • cheese • butter • apples • onions • yogurt • chicken • noodles • lettuce • carrots • potatoes • vegetables • blueberries
Foods 2022-03-08
- jiggly, wiggly, and transparent
- weird-shaped pumpkins
- has no relation to straws
- round candy at the end of a stick
- butterscotch cooked for a long time
- small cake
- long tubes of meat (not "hotdogs")
- name=color
- sushi skin
- scrambled, fried, or hard-boiled
- cow meat
- iceberg
- fruit and bird(this time fruit)
- cheesy Italian food
- smoked salmon
- +cat=palidrome
- spikey tropical fruit
- batter on pan w/ butter and suyrup
- weirdest fruit (starts w/ ok)
- carnival food (starts w/ f__n)
- cake;pie crust soft cheese
- not french
- long pasta w/ meatballs
- classic fruit
- baseball game food
- topping for margaritas and Icecream
- summer fruit
- fried squid
- Chicken noodle
- root, ale, and spicy candy
- cold creamy frozen milk
- meat in takoyaki
- green balls
33 Clues: iceberg • cow meat • not french • small cake • name=color • sushi skin • fried squid • green balls • summer fruit • classic fruit • smoked salmon • Chicken noodle • +cat=palidrome • meat in takoyaki • baseball game food • cheesy Italian food • weird-shaped pumpkins • spikey tropical fruit • long pasta w/ meatballs • cold creamy frozen milk • has no relation to straws • cake;pie crust soft cheese • ...
Foods 2022-04-06
31 Clues: ham • ham • tea • milk • meal • peas • rice • bread • salad • i eat • apple • water • fruit • steak • lunch • tomato • cereal • supper • to eat • coffee • drinks • cheese • lettuce • you eat • chicken • lemonade • iced tea • soft drinks • to be hungry • chicken soup • orange juice
Foods 2022-04-04
- Mix of vegetables and water.
- It's essential for any living being.
- A burguer with cheese.
- Red smooth fruit, which is often mistaken for a vegetable.
- It comes from Italy, and its round and flat.
- There are many types, of all shapes and sizes. They live underwater.
- It's white and sweet and used for baking cakes.
- Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this.
- Fatty food made from milk.
- A drink made of fruits.
- Bubbly drink, usually very sweet.
- Green leafy vegetal, usually found in salads.
- Drink created by monks, hundred of years ago. It can be red, white or green.
- White grain used in sushi.
- Long curved yellow fruit
- dark-brown beverage that is drunk all over the world.
- Usually it's long and thin, but there are many types of all shapes. Boiled before eaten.
- Drink made from leaves found in Asia.
- Usually yellow, bitter-tasting and bubbly. Better when cold.
- It comes mainly from cows.
20 Clues: A burguer with cheese. • A drink made of fruits. • Long curved yellow fruit • White grain used in sushi. • It comes mainly from cows. • Fatty food made from milk. • Mix of vegetables and water. • Bubbly drink, usually very sweet. • It's essential for any living being. • Drink made from leaves found in Asia. • Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this. • ...
foods 2022-04-04
20 Clues: pan • cena • agua • cafe • leche • queso • carne • pollo • helado • huevos • tomates • pescado • lechuga • almuerzo • desayuno • ensalada • refresco • vegetales • hamburguesa • jugo de naranja
Foods 2023-09-28
- Family with herbs such as: dill, parsley, and cilantro
- Where the pigment in the herbs come from
- Method concentrating juices from vegetables, herbs, and meat
- Family with herbs such as: Basil, lavender, and thyme
- To release the aroma of an herb crush it between your _______
- Made with milk and white roux
- Term for a sauce made of mainly tomatoes
- Roux that's cooked for 4-6 minutes
- Before grinding the spice this heightens their aroma
- A clear soup made by clarifying by the raft method
- Along with being in a cool cabinet it should also be ____
- A long simmered and Indian sauce
- Basically a stock not needed to be clarified
- Spices are always _____
- When spices are ground their aromatic oils start to do this
- To reach the sensory receptors in our nasal passage aromatic compounds must be ________
- Made from simmering bones
- Boiling the liquid until solid particles concentrate and thicken
- Flour mixed with fat
- Found in India, Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico
20 Clues: Flour mixed with fat • Spices are always _____ • Made from simmering bones • Made with milk and white roux • A long simmered and Indian sauce • Roux that's cooked for 4-6 minutes • Where the pigment in the herbs come from • Term for a sauce made of mainly tomatoes • Basically a stock not needed to be clarified • Found in India, Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico • ...
Foods 2023-12-06
- Pleasant or flavorful in taste.
- Remaining food from a previous meal.
- Edible seeds of legumes, like lentils and beans.
- Indigestible part of plant foods that aids digestion.
- Essential nutrient for the body, providing energy and supporting cell function.
- Sweet substance used to add sweetness to food
- Food prepared and served for a meal.
- List of food options available at a restaurant or for a meal.
- Food with a significant amount of energy.
- Components used in preparing a dish.
- Food made from the entire grain, including bran and germ.
- Common seasoning to enhance flavor.
- Recently harvested or prepared, not preserved.
- Food with a relatively low amount of energy.
- Birds raised for meat, such as chicken or turkey.
- foods: Items that have undergone various alterations during manufacturing.
- The distinctive taste of a food or drink.
- A serving size or quantity of food.
- Thin pieces or portions of food, often cut.
- sure to balance your diet by including a variety of nutrients from different food groups.
- The habitual pattern of eating.
21 Clues: Pleasant or flavorful in taste. • The habitual pattern of eating. • Common seasoning to enhance flavor. • A serving size or quantity of food. • Remaining food from a previous meal. • Food prepared and served for a meal. • Components used in preparing a dish. • The distinctive taste of a food or drink. • Food with a significant amount of energy. • ...
foods 2023-09-19
30 Clues: bu • c. • pk • qt • pt. • lb. • hr. • oz. • sq. • min. • mod. • 1 cup • 1 pint • 4 cups • 1 quart • 1 ounce • 1/4 cup • 16 ounce • 8 ounces • 1 gallon • 32 ounces • doz.or 12 • t.or tsp. • dozen 13 • 128 ounces • 1/2 gallon • 1 pound(lbs) • 1 tablespoon • less than a 1/8 tea spoon • T. or TBSP or tbsp. or Tbsp
foods 2024-04-25
- hot tasting powder made by grounding up peppercorns
- a place to put warm food to cool off
- 5ml
- to cook meat or fish with direct exposure to intense radiant heat
- used to cut butter
- used to measure liquid
- aiden can't have this
- to keep items very cold
- to heat something before hand
- cook but for bread products
- to work into dough
- used to warm items up
- requires very hot water
- a cup marked in graded amounts
- a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and cream of tartar
- to keep items cold
- you drink out of this
- a powder gained by grinding grains
- sodium bicarbonate
- to blend pastry
- yellowish and slippery liquid used in pans sometimes
- crystal looking substance with seawater taste
- some parents hit their kids butts with this
- used to cut on
- appliance used to bake and cook food
- lazy and more efficient way of mixing
- used to stir substances
- to level your measures
- 15ml
- sweet crystal like powder
30 Clues: 5ml • 15ml • used to cut on • to blend pastry • to keep items cold • sodium bicarbonate • used to cut butter • to work into dough • you drink out of this • aiden can't have this • used to warm items up • used to measure liquid • to level your measures • to keep items very cold • used to stir substances • requires very hot water • sweet crystal like powder • cook but for bread products • ...
Foods 2025-01-28
24 Clues: tee • sai • või • kohv • supp • vesi • piim • mahl • moos • leib • riis • mesi • liha • muna • juust • salat • tatar • sauce • suhkur • puuviljad • mereannid • maiustused • pannkoogid • juurviljad
FOODS 2025-01-20
- 끓인 재료로 만든 따뜻한 액체 요리.
- 가운데에 구멍이 있는 달콤한 튀김 과자.
- 쇠고기 패티, 양상추, 토마토가 들어간 샌드위치.
- 길고 노란색 껍질을 가진 달콤한 과일.
- 면과 소스로 만든 이탈리아 요리.
- 치즈, 토마토 소스, 다양한 토핑을 올린 납작한 빵.
- 작고 흰색 또는 갈색 곡물로 만든 주식.
- 코코아 콩으로 만든 달콤한 간식.
- 쌀, 생선, 김으로 만든 일본 요리.
- 차갑고 달콤한 디저트로, 보통 콘에 담겨 먹음.
- 옥수수 알갱이를 데워 터뜨려 만든 간식.
- 두껍게 자른 소고기를 구운 또는 튀긴 요리.
- 빵 두 장 사이에 재료를 끼운 음식.
- 빨강, 초록, 또는 노란색의 달콤한 과일.
- 납작하고 둥근 아침 음식으로, 보통 시럽과 함께 먹음.
- 주로 채소로 만든 건강한 요리, 드레싱과 함께 제공됨.
- 접힌 토르티야에 고기와 채소를 넣은 멕시코 요리.
- 얇게 썬 감자를 바삭하게 튀긴 음식.
- 바삭하고 버터 향이 나는 초승달 모양의 빵.
- 빵 속에 소시지를 넣고 케첩과 머스타드를 곁들인 음식.
20 Clues: 면과 소스로 만든 이탈리아 요리. • 코코아 콩으로 만든 달콤한 간식. • 끓인 재료로 만든 따뜻한 액체 요리. • 빵 두 장 사이에 재료를 끼운 음식. • 얇게 썬 감자를 바삭하게 튀긴 음식. • 쌀, 생선, 김으로 만든 일본 요리. • 길고 노란색 껍질을 가진 달콤한 과일. • 옥수수 알갱이를 데워 터뜨려 만든 간식. • 가운데에 구멍이 있는 달콤한 튀김 과자. • 작고 흰색 또는 갈색 곡물로 만든 주식. • 빨강, 초록, 또는 노란색의 달콤한 과일. • 두껍게 자른 소고기를 구운 또는 튀긴 요리. • 바삭하고 버터 향이 나는 초승달 모양의 빵. • 차갑고 달콤한 디저트로, 보통 콘에 담겨 먹음. • 쇠고기 패티, 양상추, 토마토가 들어간 샌드위치. • ...
Foods 2022-03-09
- weird-shaped pumpkins
- fruit and bird
- sushi skin
- butterscotch cooked for a long time w/ nuts
- name=color
- graham cracker w/ soft sweet cheese
- round candy on a stick
- spikey tropical fruit
- not french
- batter w/ butter and syrup
- round tubes of meat(not "hotdogs")
- jiggly, wiggly, and transparent
- has no relation to straws
- long pasta w/ meatballs
- summer fruit
- smoked salmon
- scrambled, fried, or hard-boiled
- carnival food (starts w/ f__n)
- +cat=palidrome
- iceberg
- classic fruit
- cow meat
- baseball game food
- cheesy Italian food (not pasta)
- small cake
- margarita and icecream topping
- weirdest fruit (starts w/ ok)
27 Clues: iceberg • cow meat • sushi skin • name=color • small cake • not french • summer fruit • smoked salmon • classic fruit • fruit and bird • +cat=palidrome • baseball game food • weird-shaped pumpkins • spikey tropical fruit • round candy on a stick • long pasta w/ meatballs • has no relation to straws • batter w/ butter and syrup • weirdest fruit (starts w/ ok) • carnival food (starts w/ f__n) • ...
Foods... 2012-12-20
- To make liquids flow away from a solid food by placing the food in a colander
- To cook food in liquid at temperatures just below the boiling point
- To thoroughly mix foods using a vigorous over-and-over motion
- Small, colorful, edible bits of food used to enhance the appearances and texture of any dish
- To cook meats or poultry uncovered in a conventional oven
- To cook food by browning it and then simmering it in a small amount of liquid
- Cooking food by immersing it in hot fat
- To cook food under or over direct heat
- To make shallow, straight cuts in the surface of foods
- To cut food into small cubes
- to separate solid particles from a liquid by pouring the liquid through a fine screen
- To combine ingredients thoroughly by beating or stirring
- To cut food into small pieces
- To incorporate air into a mixture by beating it vigorously, making it light and fluffy
- To beat together ingredients such as shortening or sugar until creamy
- To cut food into small square pieces
- To put dry ingredients, such as flour, through a sifter to add air and reduce lumps
- To cut up meat, stew it or fry it, and then serve it as a sauce or as a gravy
- To cut food into small pieces by pressing and rubbing the food against the rough surface or a grater
- Pour liquid over food as it cooks
- To cook small pieces of food quickly in a small amount of oil at a high temperature
- To mix ingredients with a spoon in a circular motion
- To turn food into a smooth, thick semi liquid by putting through a strainer, blender, or food processor
- To cut food into the smallest possible pieces
- To mix ingredients thoroughly using a spoon or a whisk
- To gently combine delicate ingredients
- To cook food with steam by placing it in a basket or rack over boiling water
- To cut food into long and thin pieces
- To cut off a very thin layer of peel from fruits or vegetables
29 Clues: To cut food into small cubes • To cut food into small pieces • Pour liquid over food as it cooks • To cut food into small square pieces • To cut food into long and thin pieces • To cook food under or over direct heat • To gently combine delicate ingredients • Cooking food by immersing it in hot fat • To cut food into the smallest possible pieces • ...
Foods 2015-01-13
25 Clues: ham • egg • meat • cake • roll • fish • rice • beans • bacon • salad • toast • pizza • cheese • tomato • butter • cereal • chicken • lettuce • dessert • sandwich • ice cream • hamburger • vegetables • flan,custard • fritas French fries
Foods 2015-03-28
- steak
- pork
- celery
- cherry
- cookie
- strawberry
- wine
- lemonade
- lemon
- spinach
- clam
- lobster
- soda
- cabbage
- orange juice
- cake
- pumpkin
- verdes green beans
- meatballs
- potato
- peppers
- peach
- zucchini
- duck
- soda
- cucumber
- flour
- bacon
- ice cream
- grapefruit
- mussel
- onion
- pear
- beer
- milk
- pineapple
- eggs
- grapes
- caramels
- pomegranate
- orange
- oyster
- raspberry
- melon
- banana
- cupcake
- kiwi
- asparagus
- fish
- sausage
- butter
- carrot
- ham
- broccoli
- peas
- veal
- turkey
- blueberry
- crab
- tomato
- popsicle
- garlic
- lamb
- tart
- shrimp
65 Clues: ham • beer • milk • pork • eggs • wine • kiwi • clam • soda • fish • cake • peas • veal • crab • duck • soda • lamb • tart • pear • steak • melon • lemon • peach • flour • bacon • onion • celery • grapes • cherry • cookie • orange • oyster • banana • butter • carrot • potato • turkey • tomato • garlic • shrimp • mussel • cupcake • spinach • lobster • cabbage • sausage • pumpkin • peppers • caramels • lemonade • broccoli • zucchini • popsicle • cucumber • pineapple • raspberry • asparagus • meatballs • blueberry • ...
foods 2023-03-06
- its green inside
- its nice and purple
- it comes from a chicken
- halloween muhahhhah
- it comes from a pig
- it is red and nasty
- monkeys like it
- its orange and long
- amaricans like to eat it
- has hair on it
- it comes from Japan
- what came first orange or orange
- its red inside
- its sour
- from italy
- they are blue
- is big and brown
- cry
- it comes from dragons
- it comes in diffrent colors
20 Clues: cry • its sour • from italy • they are blue • its red inside • has hair on it • monkeys like it • its green inside • is big and brown • it comes from Japan • its nice and purple • halloween muhahhhah • it comes from a pig • it is red and nasty • its orange and long • it comes from dragons • it comes from a chicken • amaricans like to eat it • it comes in diffrent colors • what came first orange or orange
foods 2022-08-31
- used to mix ingredients
- used to mix
- used to cut
- used to warm up leftovers
- used to scrape the side of bowls
- used to boil food
- scoop soup
- keeps food cold
- used to mix electrically
- how you make bacon
- you _____ egg whites to make merangue
- how you make cookies
- used to make pancakes
- cooking a food in lots of fat
- you should always do this before working with food
- keep conditions ______
- used to bake
- used to clean the skin off fruits and veggies
- liquid you consume
- what you eat
20 Clues: scoop soup • used to mix • used to cut • used to bake • what you eat • keeps food cold • used to boil food • liquid you consume • how you make bacon • how you make cookies • used to make pancakes • keep conditions ______ • used to mix ingredients • used to mix electrically • used to warm up leftovers • cooking a food in lots of fat • used to scrape the side of bowls • ...
Foods 2023-01-20
- shake or mix small pieces of it together with a sauce or dressing
- to make by preparing a dough, batter, etc., and cooking it in an oven using dry heat.
- lightly coating food with a dry ingredient, such as flour, cornmeal, or breadcrumbs.
- separating and breaking down any clumps in an ingredient (flour)
- pouring a thin liquid over a food
- White and comes from cows
- Combining two or more ingredients with a mixer or using your hands
- Large bowl used for mixing ingredients
- comes from fat in the butter or rendered fat from animal food
- Center part of a fruit
- a cooked food, especially a vegetable or fruit, that has been put through a sieve, blender, or the like.
- Knife A short chefs knife
- Food cut into small cubes
- yellow and grows in a field
- Tool used to heat up food faster or defrost faster
- an embellishment added to food to enhance its appearance or taste
- to blend ingredients together fast and quick
- To stir rapidly by hand or with a mixer to combine ingredients or incorporate air into mixture
- the process of incorporating air bubbles into the structure of fatty liquids
- made of wood used to stir and mix ingredients
- Using a tool to cut food (cheese) into a lot of smaller pieces
- Using a tool to make strips out of food
- designed to measure dry ingredients
- designed to measure liquids like water, cooking oil, and yogurt.
- cut of meat from the cow
- Raw Toast
- tool used to measure small amounts of liquid or solid food
- red fruit that has tiny black seeds
- to cook (meat or other food) by direct exposure to dry heat, as on a spit.
- wooden or plastic board used as a mat to cut on
- to remove any excess dry ingredients, so that the ingredients are level, or even with, the top of the measuring cup or spoon
- Food cut into very small pieces
- Hand held tool used to mix and blend
- pour juices or melted fat over meat during cooking in order to keep it moist.
34 Clues: Raw Toast • Center part of a fruit • cut of meat from the cow • White and comes from cows • Knife A short chefs knife • Food cut into small cubes • yellow and grows in a field • Food cut into very small pieces • pouring a thin liquid over a food • designed to measure dry ingredients • red fruit that has tiny black seeds • Hand held tool used to mix and blend • ...
Foods 2023-01-18
- scrape food across or through a shredding surface
- method of cooking that uses a moderate heat
- long and orange
- uses hot, dry air to cook food in the oven
- finely chopped
- making something that is roughly chopped and then chopping it finely
- soaking food in liquid
- designed to measure dry ingredients
- procedure of passing a dry ingredient through a
- cooking method that happens when the liquid's temperature reaches 212 degrees
- emoving the seed and outer layer
- comes from a cow
- red with black dots
- to keep the meat moist
- cooking technique in which ingredients are fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed in a wok
- a large bowl used in cooking for mixing ingredients
- To combine two or more ingredients by hand
- rub rood against a grater in order to cut
- To peel or trim off the outer skin of a fruit or vegetable.
- is used to blend ingredients together quickly
- to peel or cut fruit and vegetables into small pieces
- to measure small quantities of both dry and liquid ingredients.
- stir fast
- process of cooking with dry heat
- a protective surface on which to cut or slice things
- usually glass or plastic with a handle
- bottom sieve
- is an electric oven that heats and cooks food by exposing it to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range
- technique designed to remove excessive fat from meat
- white and runny
- stir a pot, mix both wet and dry ingredients, and scoop everything from lightly whipped cream to thick brownie batter
- to work the dough
- cooked bread
- mix together
- lightly coating with a dry ingredient
35 Clues: stir fast • bottom sieve • cooked bread • mix together • finely chopped • long and orange • white and runny • comes from a cow • to work the dough • red with black dots • soaking food in liquid • to keep the meat moist • process of cooking with dry heat • emoving the seed and outer layer • designed to measure dry ingredients • lightly coating with a dry ingredient • ...
Foods 2023-04-11
- Starts from a plant and creates something really sweet and is brown
- You sometimes have this with yogurt
- an eight tentacled guy that lives in the ocean
- Chickens lay these
- Flat noodles with meat and tomato sauce in the middle. Stacked on top of each other.
- Cousin of a sheep
- Meat with buns on the outsides
- yellow phone like food
- A french named food that is the original name, not American
- Most iconic fruit
- It's Green and avocados are in here. You dip them with chips
- Large bird with webbed feet
- A red fruit that starts with r
- It's a breakfast that has oats in it
- You have this with granola
- An italian food that is not pasta
- You put milk in this.
- Noodles with meat sauce
- A herb that starts with g and we have it in our spice cupboard
- fish food that goes well with pasta
- A red crawfish like creature
- Most iconic breakfast food
- Best meat alive for breakfast
- Rounded fruits that grow in cluster colors are purple green and red
24 Clues: Cousin of a sheep • Most iconic fruit • Chickens lay these • You put milk in this. • yellow phone like food • Noodles with meat sauce • You have this with granola • Most iconic breakfast food • Large bird with webbed feet • A red crawfish like creature • Best meat alive for breakfast • A red fruit that starts with r • Meat with buns on the outsides • An italian food that is not pasta • ...
Foods 2023-04-11
- Starts from a plant and creates something really sweet and is brown
- You sometimes have this with yogurt
- an eight tentacled guy that lives in the ocean
- Chickens lay these
- Flat noodles with meat and tomato sauce in the middle. Stacked on top of each other.
- Cousin of a sheep
- Meat with buns on the outsides
- yellow phone like food
- A french named food that is the original name, not American
- Most iconic fruit
- It's Green and avocados are in here. You dip them with chips
- Large bird with webbed feet
- A red fruit that starts with r
- It's a breakfast that has oats in it
- You have this with granola
- An italian food that is not pasta
- You put milk in this.
- Noodles with meat sauce
- A herb that starts with g and we have it in our spice cupboard
- fish food that goes well with pasta
- A red crawfish like creature
- Most iconic breakfast food
- Best meat alive for breakfast
- Rounded fruits that grow in cluster colors are purple green and red
24 Clues: Cousin of a sheep • Most iconic fruit • Chickens lay these • You put milk in this. • yellow phone like food • Noodles with meat sauce • You have this with granola • Most iconic breakfast food • Large bird with webbed feet • A red crawfish like creature • Best meat alive for breakfast • A red fruit that starts with r • Meat with buns on the outsides • An italian food that is not pasta • ...
Foods 2021-02-11
- cook in a small amount of fat
- filling measuring tool to a rounded level above the top
- oily stuff
- reduce to finer particles
- Blend into heavier ingredient
- cook below boiling point
- cook in hot liquid
- Blend
- leave an opening
- Small blocks of food
- heat something in advance
- beat quickly and vigorously
- solid to liquid
- Broil over hot coals
- remove skin or shell
- warm-up
- Clear up
- roast slowly on a rack or spit over hot coals or some other direct heat source and baste with a spicy sauce
- Piece of food
- cut food up
20 Clues: Blend • warm-up • Clear up • oily stuff • cut food up • Piece of food • solid to liquid • leave an opening • cook in hot liquid • Broil over hot coals • remove skin or shell • Small blocks of food • cook below boiling point • heat something in advance • reduce to finer particles • beat quickly and vigorously • cook in a small amount of fat • Blend into heavier ingredient • ...
foods 2021-05-27
- thin round cake with syrup
- dead sea animal
- red and grew from tree
- red sauce with meatballs
- soft tortilla with meat
- warm circle with chocolate
- bun with meat and lettuce
- glazed
- baked dough
- don't put the milk first
- sticky brown beads
- heated bread
- cheese with sauce
- corn coked
- dead chicken babies
- hot water with flavors
- in sushi
- clumpy milk with flavor
- dead pig
- lettuce
20 Clues: glazed • lettuce • in sushi • dead pig • corn coked • baked dough • heated bread • dead sea animal • cheese with sauce • sticky brown beads • dead chicken babies • red and grew from tree • hot water with flavors • soft tortilla with meat • clumpy milk with flavor • don't put the milk first • red sauce with meatballs • bun with meat and lettuce • thin round cake with syrup • warm circle with chocolate
FOODS 2021-06-19
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