foods Crossword Puzzles

Food's lab crossword 2021-10-04

Food's lab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. used to keep foods frozen
  2. one of the most dangerous food borne illnesses
  3. poisoning illness spread through contaminated foods
  4. bacteria spread from one food to another
  5. used to apply liquids onto foods
  6. used to heat up foods
  7. used to chop and mince foods to a liquid point
  8. to keep foods and the area around them clean and safe.
  9. used to measure liquids
  1. cause food born illnesses
  2. used to measure dry foods
  3. used to chop and slice foods
  4. used to stir ingredients
  5. used to keep foods fresh and cold
  6. used to mix ingredients in a bowl
  7. used to carry liquids
  8. used to store foods separately
  9. used to cook food
  10. used to hold ingredients and somewhere to mix them
  11. used the cook thin breads

20 Clues: used to cook foodused to carry liquidsused to heat up foodsused to measure liquidsused to stir ingredientscause food born illnessesused to measure dry foodsused to keep foods frozenused the cook thin breadsused to chop and slice foodsused to store foods separatelyused to apply liquids onto foodsused to keep foods fresh and cold...

Cooking Healthy 2020-02-09

Cooking Healthy crossword puzzle
  1. spread frosting
  2. used to grate or shred
  3. drains finer foods
  4. use in wide open pans
  5. making pie crusts
  6. peel fruits/vegetables
  7. cut food with control
  8. hold meat while carrying it
  9. peel foods/skins
  10. detail work
  11. liquid ingredients
  12. used to stir hot foods
  13. to serve liquid foods
  14. to lift foods with liquids
  15. to flatten dough
  16. fry/sautee/pan broil
  1. to stir/beat/mix
  2. to lift foods without liquids
  3. to cook liquids
  4. dry ingredients
  5. slice/mince/chop
  6. large quantity cooking
  7. same as cup
  8. seperate egg white from yolk
  9. fluff dry ingredients
  10. do not use in hot foods
  11. drains large foods
  12. long serrated blade
  13. grease pans
  14. to lift foods you should not pierce

30 Clues: detail worksame as cupgrease pansspread frostingto cook liquidsdry ingredientsto stir/beat/mixslice/mince/choppeel foods/skinsto flatten doughmaking pie crustsdrains finer foodsliquid ingredientsdrains large foodslong serrated bladefry/sautee/pan broiluse in wide open panscut food with controlfluff dry ingredientsto serve liquid foods...

Cooking Healthy 2013-01-30

Cooking Healthy crossword puzzle
  1. spread frosting
  2. used to grate or shred
  3. drains finer foods
  4. use in wide open pans
  5. making pie crusts
  6. peel fruits/vegetables
  7. cut food with control
  8. hold meat while carrying it
  9. peel foods/skins
  10. detail work
  11. liquid ingredients
  12. used to stir hot foods
  13. to serve liquid foods
  14. to lift foods with liquids
  15. to flatten dough
  16. fry/sautee/pan broil
  1. to stir/beat/mix
  2. to lift foods without liquids
  3. to cook liquids
  4. dry ingredients
  5. slice/mince/chop
  6. large quantity cooking
  7. same as cup
  8. seperate egg white from yolk
  9. fluff dry ingredients
  10. do not use in hot foods
  11. drains large foods
  12. long serrated blade
  13. grease pans
  14. to lift foods you should not pierce

30 Clues: detail worksame as cupgrease pansspread frostingto cook liquidsdry ingredientsto stir/beat/mixslice/mince/choppeel foods/skinsto flatten doughmaking pie crustsdrains finer foodsliquid ingredientsdrains large foodslong serrated bladefry/sautee/pan broiluse in wide open panscut food with controlfluff dry ingredientsto serve liquid foods...

foods 2013-02-11

foods crossword puzzle
  1. le poivre
  2. un OEuf
  3. le saucisson
  4. une noisette
  5. une framboise
  6. sale
  7. un ananas
  8. piquant
  9. un raison
  10. un chou-fleur
  11. l'agneau
  12. fort
  13. l'ail
  14. les pates
  15. une noix
  16. la nourriture
  1. une cerise
  2. sprout un chou de bruxelles
  3. le veau
  4. un pamplemousse
  5. le miel
  6. le beurre
  7. mur
  8. frais
  9. leger
  10. bon
  11. l'huile
  12. une cacahuete
  13. le viande
  14. un chou
  15. un citron
  16. le potage

32 Clues: murbonsalefortfraislegerl'aille veauun OEufle mielpiquantl'huileun choul'agneauune noixle poivrele beurreun ananasun raisonle viandeun citronles patesle potageune cerisele saucissonune noisetteune framboiseune cacahueteun chou-fleurla nourritureun pamplemoussesprout un chou de bruxelles

Foods 2013-03-19

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. galletas
  2. sopas
  3. cebolla
  4. naranjas
  5. pudines
  6. okra
  7. jalea
  8. tortas
  9. tomate
  10. zapateros
  11. mariscos
  12. guisos
  13. arroz
  14. pacanas
  15. batatas
  1. pasteles
  2. chícharos
  3. limonada
  4. golosinas
  5. mantequilla
  6. verduras
  7. zanahorias
  8. ensaladas
  9. potatos
  10. frijoles
  11. postre
  12. pollo
  13. manzana
  14. maíz
  15. panes
  16. carne

31 Clues: okramaízsopasjaleapollopanesarrozcarnetortaspostretomateguisoscebollapudinespotatosmanzanapacanasbatataspasteleslimonadagalletasverdurasnaranjasfrijolesmariscoschícharosgolosinasensaladaszapateroszanahoriasmantequilla

Foods 2015-10-05

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. A yummy treat that can be frosted
  2. A delicious food that you can buy at the movies
  3. a yellow fruit
  4. A green fruit
  5. Food that has bread on the outside
  6. A Mexican food
  7. Made of wheat
  8. A slimy greasy food that everyone loves
  9. An orange fruit
  10. From an animal that produces milk
  11. An animal that splishes and splashes
  1. From a fluffy animal
  2. From an animal that plays in mud
  3. Something that is Italian
  4. the animal that has fur
  5. A round candy on a stick
  6. Frozen yummy treats
  7. Something that Chinese people eat
  8. A red fruit
  9. a pink fruit

20 Clues: A red fruita pink fruitA green fruitMade of wheata yellow fruitA Mexican foodAn orange fruitFrozen yummy treatsFrom a fluffy animalthe animal that has furA round candy on a stickSomething that is ItalianFrom an animal that plays in mudA yummy treat that can be frostedSomething that Chinese people eatFrom an animal that produces milk...

FOODS 2016-02-10

FOODS crossword puzzle
  1. limón
  2. lechuga
  3. brócoli
  4. pasta
  5. huevos
  6. naranjas
  7. pan
  8. arroz
  9. cebolla
  10. crema
  1. queso
  2. mantequilla
  3. papas
  4. espaguetis
  5. pescado
  6. bananos
  7. zanahorias
  8. Manzana
  9. frijoles
  10. aceite
  11. leche

21 Clues: panquesolimónpapaspastaarrozcremalechehuevosaceitelechugapescadobrócolibananosManzanacebollanaranjasfrijolesespaguetiszanahoriasmantequilla

Foods 2016-09-21

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. ____ quickly at a high temperature.
  2. Keep cold foods below ____ F (4C)
  3. ____ your food thoroughly, especially if it's beef, or poultry
  4. Cook ____ until the yolk and whites are firm
  5. Wash your ____ before and after handling food
  6. ____ grows best at room temperature
  7. You need to clean cutting boards in between preparing raw meats and vegetables to avoid ______
  8. You need to ___ your food, utensils, and hands before preparing it
  9. Wipe up meat juice from all ______ promptly
  10. Keep hot foods above ____ F (60C)
  11. Place _____ food on a clean plate
  1. Safely ______ raw meat and seafood in your refrigerator
  2. Bring ____, soups, and gravies to a boil
  3. _________ diary products are dangerous, are risky for food-borne illnesses
  4. Cold air must circulate to keep food safe in the _______
  5. _____ Illness is a disease transmitted by food.
  6. __________ should no longer be pink
  7. ___ your food before serving, to make sure it's cooked
  8. ___ fruits and vegetables which have been processed in unsanitary conditions
  9. ___ your food to try to slow down bacteria growth
  10. Cut away any _____ or bruised areas
  11. Cook _______ until opaque and flakes easily with a fork

22 Clues: Keep cold foods below ____ F (4C)Keep hot foods above ____ F (60C)Place _____ food on a clean plate____ quickly at a high temperature.__________ should no longer be pink____ grows best at room temperatureCut away any _____ or bruised areasBring ____, soups, and gravies to a boilWipe up meat juice from all ______ promptly...

Foods 2020-02-09

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. ____ quickly at a high temperature.
  2. Keep cold foods below ____ F (4C)
  3. ____ your food thoroughly, especially if it's beef, or poultry
  4. Cook ____ until the yolk and whites are firm
  5. Wash your ____ before and after handling food
  6. ____ grows best at room temperature
  7. You need to clean cutting boards in between preparing raw meats and vegetables to avoid ______
  8. You need to ___ your food, utensils, and hands before preparing it
  9. Wipe up meat juice from all ______ promptly
  10. Keep hot foods above ____ F (60C)
  11. Place _____ food on a clean plate
  1. Safely ______ raw meat and seafood in your refrigerator
  2. Bring ____, soups, and gravies to a boil
  3. _________ diary products are dangerous, are risky for food-borne illnesses
  4. Cold air must circulate to keep food safe in the _______
  5. _____ Illness is a disease transmitted by food.
  6. __________ should no longer be pink
  7. ___ your food before serving, to make sure it's cooked
  8. ___ fruits and vegetables which have been processed in unsanitary conditions
  9. ___ your food to try to slow down bacteria growth
  10. Cut away any _____ or bruised areas
  11. Cook _______ until opaque and flakes easily with a fork

22 Clues: Keep cold foods below ____ F (4C)Keep hot foods above ____ F (60C)Place _____ food on a clean plate____ quickly at a high temperature.__________ should no longer be pink____ grows best at room temperatureCut away any _____ or bruised areasBring ____, soups, and gravies to a boilWipe up meat juice from all ______ promptly...

Foods 2021-02-19

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. An ingredient that helps things cook
  2. process of transforming solid, firm food items into small pieces by rubbing it against a instrument
  3. to cut slits on the surface of a piece of food
  4. To free water from a food without getting rid of any of the food
  5. technique in which food is finely divided
  6. to push food across or through a shredding surface to make long, narrow strips
  7. The act of taking off the outer layer of a food
  8. cut food into pieces that are even
  9. to cut across the grain into thin, uniform pieces
  10. method of preserving food by lowering the temperature to inhibit microorganism growth
  1. To soak a food in for a better flavor
  2. A liquid that comes from cooking things
  3. To cut off a thin layer of skin on a food, such as potatoes or apples, with a paring knife
  4. to make meat softer before cooking
  5. To soften a food by heating it up
  6. The method for cutting food into bite-sized pieces
  7. The process of combining one ingredient with another to form a solution
  8. cut in which the food item is cut into dice
  9. to moisten foods at intervals with a liquid
  10. To mix a substance in a circular pattern using a spoon, spatula or other such utensil.

20 Clues: To soften a food by heating it upto make meat softer before cookingcut food into pieces that are evenAn ingredient that helps things cookTo soak a food in for a better flavorA liquid that comes from cooking thingstechnique in which food is finely dividedcut in which the food item is cut into diceto moisten foods at intervals with a liquid...

Foods 2020-05-08

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. 'as he said to the man in the lemonade stand'
  2. bacterial fermentation of milk
  3. 'on the cob'
  4. made from corn
  5. flat dry baked snack
  6. product derived from milk
  7. tortilla wrapped around fillings and topped with sauce
  8. comes from cocoa seeds
  1. Mexican dish and type of taco
  2. comes from cows
  3. traditional Mexican soup
  4. consists of rolled oats
  5. a seed of several genera of the plant family Fabaceae
  6. summer squash
  7. noodles
  8. is the seed of the grass species Oryza
  9. bunnies are usually associated with this
  10. sugary sweets
  11. baked dish with filling of some sort
  12. a citrus thats orange

20 Clues: noodles'on the cob'summer squashsugary sweetsmade from corncomes from cowsflat dry baked snacka citrus thats orangecomes from cocoa seedsconsists of rolled oatstraditional Mexican soupproduct derived from milkMexican dish and type of tacobacterial fermentation of milkbaked dish with filling of some sortis the seed of the grass species Oryza...

Foods 2020-08-25

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Popeye's favorite food
  2. the color is in the name
  3. what you eat on a birthday
  4. makes you cry
  5. _____ & eggs
  6. bonbons
  7. fruit named after a color
  8. pasta
  9. mess
  10. raw fish
  11. _____ slice
  12. a rabbit's favorite food
  13. eat this while you're watching a movie
  14. dried up grape
  1. known as a fruit & a vegetable
  2. curved & yellow
  3. white ____
  4. has a big seed
  5. breakfast food
  6. mac & ______
  7. vegetable that looks like a small tree
  8. Idaho is a ______ state
  9. sour fruit
  10. red & juicy

24 Clues: messpastabonbonsraw fishwhite ____sour fruit_____ slicered & juicy_____ & eggsmac & ______makes you cryhas a big seedbreakfast fooddried up grapecurved & yellowPopeye's favorite foodIdaho is a ______ statethe color is in the namea rabbit's favorite foodfruit named after a colorwhat you eat on a birthdayknown as a fruit & a vegetable...

Foods 2017-02-05

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. sianliha
  2. riisi
  3. salaatti (ruokalaji)
  4. kana/broileri
  5. liha
  6. sokeri
  7. sipuli
  8. kurkku
  9. peruna
  10. omena
  11. valkosipuli
  12. pippuri
  13. banaani
  14. naudanliha
  15. suola
  16. leipä
  17. juusto
  1. maito
  2. tomaatti
  3. porkkana
  4. kerma
  5. keitto
  6. suklaa
  7. mehu
  8. viinirypäle
  9. vesi
  10. appelsiini
  11. karkki
  12. voi
  13. kala
  14. kananmuna

31 Clues: voimehulihavesikalamaitoriisikermaomenasuolaleipäkeittosuklaasokerisipulikurkkuperunakarkkijuustopippuribanaanitomaattisianlihaporkkanakananmunaappelsiininaudanlihaviinirypälevalkosipulikana/broilerisalaatti (ruokalaji)

FOODS 2020-09-23

FOODS crossword puzzle
  1. when you massage/soften a mixture
  2. when you take the outer layer of an ingredient off.
  3. pour a mainly liquid substance through a porous device or material in order to separate out any solid matter.
  4. soaking foods in a certian product
  5. cook (food, especially meat) by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire.
  6. an object used to heat food products fast
  7. make clean and hygienic; disinfect.
  8. make (meat) more ____ by beating or slow cooking.
  9. to takewaway coldness from a food
  1. a cooking method used when shredding an ingredient.
  2. cause the water or other liquid in something to run out, leaving it empty, dry, or drier.
  3. a cooking method used when turning a solid into a liquid.
  4. A spice used to add flavor to a meal.
  5. a pile or mound.
  6. less than 1/8 a teaspoon
  7. when a meal/ingredient gets to a certain cold temperature.
  8. give a flat and even surface to.
  9. pour juices or melted fat over meat during cooking in order to keep it moist.
  10. put a fine, loose, or powdery substanc through a sieve so as to remove lumps or large particles.
  11. cut off the outer skin of something.

20 Clues: a pile or mound.less than 1/8 a teaspoongive a flat and even surface to.when you massage/soften a mixtureto takewaway coldness from a foodsoaking foods in a certian productmake clean and hygienic; disinfect.cut off the outer skin of something.A spice used to add flavor to a object used to heat food products fast...

Foods 2021-06-15

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. sizzling strips
  2. beef patty on a bun
  3. take away order
  4. fizzy drink
  5. tube used to drink with
  6. red slice on a burger
  7. small towel for your face and fingers
  8. fried small chicken pieces
  9. preserved cucumber
  10. beef patty on a bun with cheese
  1. fried potato strips
  2. flour tortilla folded around the filling
  3. food in an edible shell
  4. ___ rings
  5. sausage in a roll
  6. order from a car
  7. cakes with a hole
  8. knot shaped bread
  9. cold, frothy, dairy milk
  10. condiment made with tomatoes
  11. yellow condiment

21 Clues: ___ ringsfizzy drinksizzling stripstake away orderorder from a caryellow condimentsausage in a rollcakes with a holeknot shaped breadpreserved cucumberfried potato stripsbeef patty on a bunred slice on a burgerfood in an edible shelltube used to drink withcold, frothy, dairy milkfried small chicken piecescondiment made with tomatoes...

Foods 2021-04-09

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. A leafy green.
  2. A type of bread.
  3. A red type of fruit.
  4. A sour fruit.
  5. A type of fruit that grows upside down.
  6. A meat that comes from a lager animals.
  7. Comes from a cow.
  8. Something you would feed to a rabbit.
  9. A type of nut.
  10. A dairy product.
  11. A green fruit.
  1. A type of nut/seed.
  2. A non meat source of protein.
  3. A green vegetable.
  4. A red berry.
  5. A Dairy product made out of milk.
  6. A citrus fruit.
  7. A meat that comes from a smaller animal.
  8. A common type of fruit.
  9. A type of fruit that is green.

20 Clues: A red berry.A sour fruit.A leafy green.A type of nut.A green fruit.A citrus fruit.A type of bread.A dairy product.Comes from a cow.A green vegetable.A type of nut/seed.A red type of fruit.A common type of fruit.A non meat source of protein.A type of fruit that is green.A Dairy product made out of milk.Something you would feed to a rabbit....

FOODS 2021-09-13

FOODS crossword puzzle
  1. condition in which there is not enough water in the body.
  2. study of how the body takes in and utilizes foods.
  3. any substance that provides essential nourishment.
  4. major storage form of energy in the body.
  5. disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.
  6. Processing of food by the body.
  7. unit of energy produced by food.
  8. building blocks of proteins.
  9. a disease that is caused by a lack of vitamin D or calcium in a child's diet.
  10. inorganic chemical elements required by the body(for example magnesium, iron, or sodium.
  11. food and drink consumed regularly by a person or community.
  12. part of food which can not be digested and only assists in moving the material through the digestive tract.
  13. carrots, potatoes, cauliflowers etc.
  1. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  2. rate at which food is converted into energy.
  3. apples, oranges, strawberries, watermelon etc.
  4. Organic compounds essential for good nutrition which are required in small quantities.
  5. Nutrient needed to bulid, repair and maintain body tissues.
  6. Inadequate supply of essential nutrients.
  7. food group that contains milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
  8. Plant seeds that make up an important nutritional component of most diets.
  9. triangular diagram showing the optimal number of servings to be eaten each day from each of the basic food groups.
  10. an energy yielding nutrient found in breads, cereals, and other starches.
  11. Type of fat needed by the body, but which in too great of quantities can clog the arteries.

24 Clues: building blocks of proteins.Processing of food by the body.unit of energy produced by food.carrots, potatoes, cauliflowers etc.disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.Inadequate supply of essential nutrients.major storage form of energy in the body.rate at which food is converted into energy.apples, oranges, strawberries, watermelon etc....

foods 2021-10-05

foods crossword puzzle
  1. bacteria, mold, yeast, parasites are examples or what hazard?
  2. food and drug administration
  3. what is the number one cause of foodborne illness?
  4. is used to measure the temperature of food
  5. microorganism that causes illness
  6. has to be the brightest place
  7. to not accept items being delivered is?
  8. how many minutes does it take for bacteria to double?
  9. part of the big 8
  10. what is the fourth step in hand washing?
  11. is a symptom of a foodborne illness
  12. what does the "t" in ALERT stand for?
  13. use _____ after washing hands
  14. microorganism that can't live without a host
  15. Used to measure the surface temperature
  16. yellowing of the eyes is?
  17. what is the first step when washing dishes
  18. how many days before you can throw out tags
  19. is a symptom of a foodborne illness
  20. _____ is short for "temperature danger zone"
  21. the final step in hand washing
  1. metal shavings is an example of what hazard?
  2. when two or more people get sick from eating the same thing at the same place
  3. examination of restaurants to ensure food safety
  4. put on sanitizer ______ washing your hands
  5. molds, yeast, mushrooms are examples of?
  6. chemical physical biological
  7. hat percent of food allergens come from the big 8
  8. what must be on a TCS label?
  9. what is the third step in handwashing
  10. ________ is short for "ready to eat"
  11. what does the O in fattom stand for?
  12. cleaning supplies is an example of what hazard?
  13. what does the M in fattom stand for?
  14. ______ is short for reduced oxygen package
  15. first in first out
  16. ph is measured by
  17. greyish yellowish fungus that grows in jams and jellies
  18. take off before using the bathroom
  19. boiling and freezing point
  20. how many hours you have to get temperature from 70 to 41
  21. how many hours you have to get temperature 70

42 Clues: part of the big 8ph is measured byfirst in first outyellowing of the eyes is?boiling and freezing pointfood and drug administrationchemical physical biologicalwhat must be on a TCS label?has to be the brightest placeuse _____ after washing handsthe final step in hand washingmicroorganism that causes illnesstake off before using the bathroom...

Foods 2021-10-31

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. โซดา
  2. น้ำเปล่า
  3. นม
  4. ขนมปังแซนด์วิช
  5. ผลไม้
  6. สับปะรด
  7. อาหารทอด
  8. ชีส
  9. มะม่วง
  10. แอปเปิล
  11. แครอท
  12. ส้ม
  13. ชา
  1. พิซซ่า
  2. ผักกาดหอม
  3. ขนมปังยัดไส้เนื้อสัตว์
  4. สลัด
  5. กาแฟ
  6. ไอศกรีม
  7. ซุป, น้ำแกง
  8. ไก่
  9. มะเขือเทศ
  10. กล้วย

23 Clues: นมชาไก่ชีสส้มโซดาสลัดกาแฟผลไม้กล้วยแครอทพิซซ่ามะม่วงไอศกรีมสับปะรดแอปเปิลน้ำเปล่าอาหารทอดผักกาดหอมมะเขือเทศซุป, น้ำแกงขนมปังแซนด์วิชขนมปังยัดไส้เนื้อสัตว์

foods 2022-10-23

foods crossword puzzle
  1. the cheapest white land meat.
  2. gobble gobble gobble.
  3. cobbler.
  4. light and fluffy dessert.
  5. green pie.
  6. most of you drink it with breakfast.
  7. used in sushi.
  8. like prawns.
  9. lactose.
  10. large nut with water.
  1. steak.
  2. lives in the desert.
  3. red soup.
  4. steep in hot water.
  5. grain in milk.
  6. mashed.
  7. you need it to survive.
  8. common in mexican and asian dishes.
  9. thin cut meat usually with peppers in it.
  10. cocoa.
  11. like milk but hard.
  12. fruits and veggies in a bowl.
  13. tropical orange fruit.
  14. strong tasting herb.

24 Clues: prawns.grain in milk.used in sushi.steep in hot milk but hard.lives in the desert.strong tasting herb.gobble gobble gobble.large nut with water.tropical orange need it to survive.light and fluffy dessert.the cheapest white land meat.fruits and veggies in a bowl....

FOODS 2022-04-28

FOODS crossword puzzle
  1. latte
  2. prosciutto
  3. uovo
  4. carota
  5. formaggio
  6. limone
  7. pesca
  8. torta
  9. riso
  10. burro
  11. pane
  12. zucchero
  13. patata
  14. sale
  15. pomodoro
  16. insalata
  1. pizza
  2. gelato
  3. carne
  4. olio
  5. peperoncino
  6. arancia
  7. ciliegia
  8. pasta
  9. pera
  10. yogurt
  11. uva
  12. banana
  13. mela
  14. zuppa

30 Clues: uvauovoolioperarisopanemelasalepizzalattecarnepescapastatortaburrozuppagelatocarotalimoneyogurtbananapatataaranciaciliegiazuccheropomodoroinsalataformaggioprosciuttopeperoncino

Foods 2022-04-04

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. There are many types, of all shapes and sizes. They live underwater.
  2. Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this.
  3. It comes mainly from cows.
  4. Drink made from leaves found in Asia.
  5. Mix of vegetables and water.
  6. beverage that is drunk all over the world.
  7. A burguer with cheese.
  8. Long curved yellow fruit
  9. Fatty food made from milk.
  10. Usually yellow, bitter-tasting and bubbly. Better when cold.
  1. Bubbly drink, usually very sweet.
  2. Red smooth fruit, which is often mistaken for a vegetable.
  3. Green leafy vegetal, usually found in salads.
  4. It's white and sweet and used for baking cakes.
  5. It comes from Italy, and its round and flat.
  6. Usually it's long and thin, but there are many types of all shapes. Boiled before eaten.
  7. White grain used in sushi.
  8. Drink created by monks, hundred of years ago. It can be red, white or green.
  9. A drink made of fruits.
  10. It's essential for any living being.

20 Clues: A burguer with cheese.A drink made of fruits.Long curved yellow fruitIt comes mainly from cows.White grain used in sushi.Fatty food made from milk.Mix of vegetables and water.Bubbly drink, usually very sweet.It's essential for any living being.Drink made from leaves found in Asia.Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this....

Foods 2022-04-07

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. ball of meat
  2. bun toppings and a meat
  3. they swim in water and you can fry and eat it
  4. different kinds you can eat in the morning and usually crunchy
  5. a candy you can lick
  6. a yellow veggie with a cob
  7. yellow and sour
  8. little green trees
  9. a green juicy fruit with a stem
  10. sticky and a thick tan texture
  11. juicy and has seeds
  12. they have toppings, sauce, and you can make it anyway you want
  13. use on a shell with toppings
  14. known from italy and has noodle with sauce
  15. you eat it during movies
  16. a wheat product you use from sandwiches
  17. get it from pigs
  18. cold and creamy
  19. you eat this on thanksgiving
  20. its in gardens and its a sauce
  21. raw fish delicacy
  22. tan creamy or crunchy texture
  1. a green stick veggie
  2. chips and yellow sauce
  3. a solid or liquid dark candy
  4. made from potatoes
  5. red or green juicy and has a stem
  6. you eat it for breakfast and it comes from chickens
  7. monkeys eat this and they're yellow
  8. a fluffy texture with icing
  9. small green round veggie
  10. yellow and greasy when its melted and used for baking
  11. green sour fruit
  12. yellow small noodles
  13. its healthy and it isn't it if it don't have lettuce
  14. frosted baked good
  15. what a bunny eats
  16. a veggie that makes your eyes water when you cut it
  17. goes on a long bun
  18. sweet sticky texture on toast

40 Clues: ball of meatyellow and sourcold and creamygreen sour fruitget it from pigswhat a bunny eatsraw fish delicacymade from potatoeslittle green treesfrosted baked goodgoes on a long bunjuicy and has seedsa green stick veggiea candy you can lickyellow small noodleschips and yellow saucebun toppings and a meatsmall green round veggie...

foods 2023-01-10

foods crossword puzzle
  1. makes bacon
  2. wisconisn main food
  3. produced by cow
  4. brown things that looks like dog food
  5. produced by pig
  6. makes toast
  7. healthy food
  8. brain freeze food
  9. the kid who sings on tiktok
  10. carnavouirs eat this
  1. mcdonadls best food
  2. sherred yellow stuff
  3. chocolate chip dough
  4. meat that swims
  5. yellow melted stuff
  6. my dog in a coustume
  7. produced by chicken
  8. poops out eggs
  9. best breakfast food
  10. drink that makes me burp

20 Clues: makes baconmakes toasthealthy foodpoops out eggsmeat that swimsproduced by cowproduced by pigbrain freeze foodmcdonadls best foodwisconisn main foodyellow melted stuffproduced by chickenbest breakfast foodsherred yellow stuffchocolate chip doughmy dog in a coustumecarnavouirs eat thisdrink that makes me burpthe kid who sings on tiktok...

Foods 2022-10-03

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. made from mostly meat
  2. very bad/poorly tasting
  3. frying until brown ona radiant heat
  4. the part of a spice that produces some aroma
  5. made form mostly bone
  6. the flavourful ingredients being cooked.
  7. Made from drippings of roasts
  8. boiling the liquid until the solid particles suspended in it concentrate
  9. protein particles to thicken
  10. herb form southern France
  11. debris/waste scraped from soup
  12. Pleasant smell/taste
  1. Water and a starch mixed
  2. A hot and dry area
  3. herb based from Mexico/ Vietnam
  4. herb from Italy
  5. Herb based from Japan/china
  6. concentrated flavourful juices leaving the ingredients.
  7. the spice losing taste due to contact with oxygen
  8. mixture of flower wasting sauce

20 Clues: herb from ItalyA hot and dry areaPleasant smell/tastemade from mostly meatmade form mostly bonevery bad/poorly tastingWater and a starch mixedherb form southern FranceHerb based from Japan/chinaprotein particles to thickenMade from drippings of roastsdebris/waste scraped from soupherb based from Mexico/ Vietnammixture of flower wasting sauce...

Foods 2023-07-17

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. The Earth is covered in this and it is also a common drink
  2. Can come in a can but is also nice cooked or raw
  3. Can be red, green, sour or sweet and they grow on trees
  4. Makes breads rise
  5. Bees make this
  6. Made from cows milk and good on toast and in desserts
  7. They are green and have a big seed inside
  8. Small green balls
  9. This drink comes from cows
  10. A very yummy dessert, made from cocoa beans
  11. Comes from a pig
  12. They grow in the ground and can be brown, purple, and red
  13. They come from a chicken
  14. They grow underground and bunnies like to eat them
  15. Can come from olives, peanuts and avocados among many other things, a common addition to the bottom of pots and pans
  1. They are purple and grow on vines
  2. Green on the outside, pinkish red on the inside with black seeds
  3. You have to open the shell to eat it
  4. Comes from a cow
  5. Small and red and they grow on bushes
  6. A good alternative to meats (bean)
  7. You add it to cookies and cakes to provide structure
  8. They are round and red and they grow on vines

23 Clues: Bees make thisComes from a cowComes from a pigMakes breads riseSmall green ballsThey come from a chickenThis drink comes from cowsThey are purple and grow on vinesA good alternative to meats (bean)You have to open the shell to eat itSmall and red and they grow on bushesThey are green and have a big seed inside...

Foods 2023-03-07

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. DOG A sausage served on a bun with condiments like ketchup, mustard, and relish.
  2. A sweet, yellow fruit that comes in its own natural packaging.
  3. A sandwich made with a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings.
  4. A small, round fruit that grows in clusters and can be used to make juice or wine.
  5. A popular Italian dish made with noodles and sauce, often served with meatballs or other toppings.
  6. A dairy product made from curdled milk that's often used to top pizzas or sandwiches.
  7. A long, orange root vegetable that's good for your eyesight.
  8. A Mexican dish made with a tortilla filled with meat, cheese, and other toppings.
  9. A spread made from ground peanuts that's often paired with jelly on bread to make a sandwich.
  1. A popular Italian dish made with dough, sauce, and toppings like cheese, pepperoni, and vegetables.
  2. A dairy product made from fermented milk that comes in many flavors and is often eaten for breakfast.
  3. A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and sweet red flesh that's often eaten in the summer.
  4. A protein-rich food that can be cooked in many ways, such as boiled, fried, or scrambled.
  5. A dish made with mixed greens and other vegetables, often topped with dressing or other toppings.
  6. A round fruit with a red or green skin that grows on trees.
  7. A sweet treat made from cocoa beans that comes in many forms like bars, chips, and candies.
  8. FRIES Thin slices of potatoes that are deep-fried until crispy and often served as a side dish.
  9. A drink made by blending fruit, yogurt, and sometimes vegetables, often served cold.
  10. A small, red fruit that's often used to make jams or desserts like shortcake.
  11. A snack made by heating kernels of corn until they pop, often flavored with butter or salt.

20 Clues: A round fruit with a red or green skin that grows on trees.A long, orange root vegetable that's good for your eyesight.A sweet, yellow fruit that comes in its own natural packaging.A sandwich made with a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings.A small, red fruit that's often used to make jams or desserts like shortcake....

Foods 2023-06-16

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. - A leafy green vegetable that is rich in nutrients.
  2. - A small, sweet baked treat often flavored with chocolate chips or other ingredients.
  3. - A creature that lives in water and is commonly eaten as food.
  4. - A small, sweet baked bread often made with fruit or chocolate chips.
  5. - A snack made from heated corn kernels that puff up and become light and fluffy.
  6. - A grain that is a staple food in many cultures.
  7. - A creamy, fermented dairy product often consumed as a snack or dessert.
  8. - A sweet baked dessert typically topped with frosting or icing.
  9. - A white liquid produced by cows and used as a drink or ingredient.
  10. - A starchy vegetable that is often baked, boiled, or fried.
  11. - A crunchy, orange vegetable that grows underground.
  12. - A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin.
  13. - A thin, flat cake made from batter and usually eaten for breakfast.
  14. - A Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice and various ingredients like raw fish or vegetables.
  15. response
  16. - A round fruit that is usually red, green, or yellow.
  17. - A sweet, gelatinous dessert made from fruit juice or flavored sugar water.
  18. - A dish made from a mixture of vegetables, often served with dressing.
  19. - A nutritious food produced by hens, often cooked in various ways.
  20. - A green vegetable with tightly packed florets on a stalk.
  1. - A Mexican dish made with a folded tortilla filled with ingredients like meat, cheese, and vegetables.
  2. - A meal made by placing ingredients between two slices of bread.
  3. - A dish made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, often served with sauce.
  4. - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color.
  5. cream - A frozen dessert made from dairy products, sugar, and flavors.
  6. - A common poultry meat that is often cooked by grilling, baking, or frying.
  7. fries - Deep-fried strips of potato, often served as a side dish.
  8. - A sandwich made with a cooked beef patty, often served with toppings and a bun.
  9. dog - A grilled or boiled sausage served in a long, soft bread roll.
  10. - A yellow vegetable with kernels arranged in rows on a cob.
  11. - A popular Italian dish with a flat, round dough base topped with cheese and other ingredients.
  12. - A small, crustacean creature often used as seafood.
  13. - A red fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable in cooking.
  14. - A sweet, brown treat made from cacao beans.
  15. - A small, sweet red fruit with tiny seeds on the surface.
  16. - A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast, often used for sandwiches.
  17. - A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and red flesh.
  18. - A popular Italian dish with a flat, round dough base topped with cheese and other ingredients.
  19. - A dairy product made from milk, usually with a savory flavor.
  20. salad - A mixture of various fruits, often served chilled.
  21. - A liquid dish made by boiling ingredients like vegetables, meat, or noodles.

41 Clues: response- A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin.- A citrus fruit with a bright orange color.- A sweet, brown treat made from cacao beans.- A grain that is a staple food in many cultures.- A leafy green vegetable that is rich in nutrients.- A small, crustacean creature often used as seafood.- A crunchy, orange vegetable that grows underground....

Foods 2024-04-26

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. pan used for frying food
  2. cook on a hot surface
  3. mix gently until combined
  4. crush or mix until smooth
  5. device used for flipping foods
  6. measures less ingredients
  7. soak in flavor liquid
  8. cut into small cubes
  9. cuts food
  10. measures ingredients
  11. oven with lid
  12. cook with steam
  1. cut foods on to not scratch surface
  2. cook at a low heat
  3. cook in liquid at a rolling boil
  4. cut into small pieces
  5. cook in the oven until golden
  6. work dough until smooth
  7. pan used to sauce food
  8. gloves used to take out food from oven
  9. cook in an oven
  10. cook quickly in a pan
  11. mix until smooth

23 Clues: cuts foodoven with lidcook in an ovencook with steammix until smoothcook at a low heatcut into small cubesmeasures ingredientscook on a hot surfacecut into small piecessoak in flavor liquidcook quickly in a panpan used to sauce foodwork dough until smoothpan used for frying foodmix gently until combinedcrush or mix until smooth...

foods 2023-09-29

foods crossword puzzle
  1. you add these herbs just before serving
  2. the two main families of herbs are mint and ___
  3. Created the family tree of sauces
  4. spices develop their characteristic flavors from this
  5. fragrant leaves of plants, stems, and flowers
  6. flour mixed with fat
  7. spices are grown in a ____ climate
  8. white roux is used to make this
  9. you add these herbs at the beginning
  10. aromatic dried roots, bark, buds, fruit, and seeds
  11. broth is made from this
  1. you get these flavor if the aromatic oils in spices start to oxidize
  2. how can sauce deliver its maximum flavor potential?
  3. stock is made from this
  4. drippings of a roast
  5. starch/flour mixed with water
  6. this term actually means "pain reaction"
  7. where are herbs aromatic compounds concentrated
  8. diced carrots, celery, onions
  9. coagulated protein on the surface

20 Clues: drippings of a roastflour mixed with fatstock is made from thisbroth is made from thisstarch/flour mixed with waterdiced carrots, celery, onionswhite roux is used to make thisCreated the family tree of saucescoagulated protein on the surfacespices are grown in a ____ climateyou add these herbs at the beginningyou add these herbs just before serving...

foods 2023-11-25

foods crossword puzzle
  1. pui
  2. suc
  3. cartofi
  4. sunca
  5. pizza
  6. banana
  7. paine
  8. ciocolata
  9. orez
  10. capsuni
  11. limonada
  12. vanilie
  13. cartofi prajiti
  14. oua
  15. ciuperci
  1. ompleta
  2. tortcarrot morcov
  3. rosie
  4. mere
  5. inghetata
  6. sos
  7. paste
  8. salata
  9. branza, cascaval
  10. lapte
  11. struguri
  12. portocale
  13. apa

28 Clues: puisucsosapaouamereorezrosiesuncapizzapastepainelaptebananasalataompletacartoficapsunivaniliestrugurilimonadaciuperciinghetataciocolataportocalecartofi prajitibranza, cascavaltortcarrot morcov

Foods 2024-05-10

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. - Marine foods like salmon and trout.
  2. - Drinks like soda, coffee, and tea.
  3. - Flavorful seasonings like cinnamon and pepper.
  4. - Aromatic plants used for flavoring, like basil and mint.
  5. - Liquid dishes often made with vegetables and meat.
  6. - Flatbreads topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
  7. - Dishes made of mixed greens or chopped vegetables.
  8. - Animal flesh like beef, chicken, and pork.
  9. - Sweet treats like cake, ice cream, and pie.
  10. - Small portions of food like chips and popcorn.
  11. - Plant foods like beans, lettuce, and carrots.
  12. - Edible plant parts like apples, bananas, and grapes.
  13. - Candies and other sugary confections.
  1. - Breads, rolls, and pastries.
  2. - Grains or grain-based foods typically eaten for breakfast.
  3. - Noodles made from unleavened dough.
  4. - Two pieces of bread with fillings like meat or cheese.
  5. - Plants with seed pods, like peas and lentils.
  6. - Flavor enhancers like mustard and ketchup.
  7. - Hearty cooked dishes with solid ingredients in liquid.
  8. - Hard-shelled fruits like almonds and walnuts.
  9. - Products from milk, such as cheese and yogurt.
  10. - Foods like wheat, rice, and cereal.
  11. - Fats that are liquid at room temperature, like olive oil.

24 Clues: - Breads, rolls, and pastries.- Drinks like soda, coffee, and tea.- Marine foods like salmon and trout.- Noodles made from unleavened dough.- Foods like wheat, rice, and cereal.- Candies and other sugary confections.- Flavor enhancers like mustard and ketchup.- Animal flesh like beef, chicken, and pork.- Sweet treats like cake, ice cream, and pie....

Foods 2023-10-30

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Two slices of bread with fillings like meat, cheese, vegetables, or spreads.
  2. Batter-based cake cooked in a waffle iron and often served with toppings like syrup or fruits.
  3. Dog Cooked sausage served in a sliced bun, often topped with condiments.
  4. Small cake baked in a cup-shaped container and often topped with frosting.
  5. Mexican dish made with a folded or rolled tortilla filled with meat, cheese, and various toppings.
  6. Cream Frozen dessert made from dairy or non-dairy milk, often flavored and served in various forms.
  7. Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla filled with various ingredients like rice, beans, and meat.
  8. Flat, round cake made from batter and cooked on a hot surface, often served with syrup or fruits.
  9. Chicken Chicken pieces coated with a seasoned breading and fried until crispy.
  10. Sweet, fried dough confection, often ring-shaped and glazed or filled.
  1. Fries Potato strips deep-fried until crispy, commonly served as a side dish.
  2. Baked dish with a crust topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings, like vegetables or meats.
  3. Dish with a mixture of vegetables, often served with dressing or vinaigrette.
  4. Long, thin pasta served with a sauce, such as marinara or meat sauce.
  5. Popped corn kernels, often served as a snack with various flavors.
  6. Sandwich made with a cooked patty in a bun, often served with toppings like lettuce, tomato, and condiments.
  7. Italian dish made from durum wheat and water, often served with sauce.
  8. Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice combined with raw fish or other ingredients.
  9. Sandwich Sandwich made with tuna fish, typically mixed with mayonnaise and other ingredients.
  10. Dish made by beaten eggs cooked with fillings like cheese, vegetables, or meats.

20 Clues: Popped corn kernels, often served as a snack with various flavors.Long, thin pasta served with a sauce, such as marinara or meat sauce.Italian dish made from durum wheat and water, often served with sauce.Sweet, fried dough confection, often ring-shaped and glazed or filled.Dog Cooked sausage served in a sliced bun, often topped with condiments....

Foods 2024-03-01

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. To beat food with a mixer
  2. Discovered in 6000 BC Romania
  3. Used as moisture when mixing
  4. Something you wear while cooking to keep your clothes clean.
  5. Abbreviationvation for Pint
  6. Made from milk
  7. Adds flavor to food by soaking it in seasoned liquid
  8. A cooking utensil used to blend ingredients
  9. Used to cook food
  10. Used to flatten dough
  11. A step in making bread and dough
  1. Kitchen utensil you can use to mix, scrape, flip, or spread ingredients.
  2. To cook a liquid just below boiling where bubbles just form.
  3. In 3000 BCE, Egyptians sifted it using hand sieves.
  4. Strain.
  5. Used to form a crust
  6. Used to remove skin from food.
  7. Surface that you use to cut vegetables, meats, fruit
  8. Used to grab onto foods to lift, toss and flip.
  9. Invented in late 19th centry by a German cutley company.
  10. A full stick of butter is equal to:
  11. To finely divide food into uniform pieces.
  12. First produced from plants in India
  13. Used to brown and crisp food
  14. 212 degrees
  15. Used for stirfrying
  16. Used on cheese and vest

27 Clues: Strain.212 degreesMade from milkUsed to cook foodUsed for stirfryingUsed to form a crustUsed to flatten doughUsed on cheese and vestTo beat food with a mixerAbbreviationvation for PintUsed as moisture when mixingUsed to brown and crisp foodDiscovered in 6000 BC RomaniaUsed to remove skin from food.A step in making bread and dough...

foods 2024-04-18

foods crossword puzzle
  1. to drink your water
  2. to flip panties with
  3. to warm up stuff
  4. adds some flavour to the food
  5. to measure your liquds
  6. to put items in
  7. to make your food hot
  8. to clean plates and utensils with
  9. to get rid of carret skin
  10. where you cut stuff in
  11. try to shape muffin with
  12. pan to fry stuff with
  13. to put your food in
  14. to make the germs get off your dishes
  15. to roll your doe
  16. to cut bread with
  1. to stur your food
  2. blends ingreedence together
  3. to cook stuff in
  4. need this to bake food
  5. to get stuff out of liquid you don't want
  6. an eating utensil
  7. spreads your favourite food on bread
  8. to flavour your food
  9. sharp and cuts your fruits and veggies
  10. to bake stuff with
  11. to cut your cheese with
  12. 5ml of liquid
  13. an eating utensil
  14. mitts to grab your food out the oven

30 Clues: 5ml of liquidto put items into cook stuff into warm up stuffto roll your doeto stur your foodan eating utensilan eating utensilto cut bread withto bake stuff withto drink your waterto put your food into flip panties withto flavour your foodto make your food hotneed this to bake foodto measure your liqudswhere you cut stuff into cut your cheese with...

foods 2024-04-18

foods crossword puzzle
  1. to drink your water
  2. to flip panties with
  3. to warm up stuff
  4. adds some flavour to the food
  5. to measure your liquds
  6. to put items in
  7. to make your food hot
  8. to clean plates and utensils with
  9. to get rid of carret skin
  10. where you cut stuff in
  11. try to shape muffin with
  12. pan to fry stuff with
  13. to put your food in
  14. to make the germs get off your dishes
  15. to roll your doe
  16. to cut bread with
  1. to stur your food
  2. blends ingreedence together
  3. to cook stuff in
  4. need this to bake food
  5. to get stuff out of liquid you don't want
  6. an eating utensil
  7. spreads your favourite food on bread
  8. to flavour your food
  9. sharp and cuts your fruits and veggies
  10. to bake stuff with
  11. to cut your cheese with
  12. 5ml of liquid
  13. an eating utensil
  14. mitts to grab your food out the oven

30 Clues: 5ml of liquidto put items into cook stuff into warm up stuffto roll your doeto stur your foodan eating utensilan eating utensilto cut bread withto bake stuff withto drink your waterto put your food into flip panties withto flavour your foodto make your food hotneed this to bake foodto measure your liqudswhere you cut stuff into cut your cheese with...

Foods 2025-02-11

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. fermented Greenland shark meat
  2. whale skin and blubber
  3. coconut worm from Vietnam, maybe etaten alive
  4. fat-bottomed ants (leafcutter) from South America that are fried, has a nutty tase
  5. fish that if not prepared correctly could kill you
  6. made with types of white fish,mashed potatoes and topped with sardines
  7. guinea pig
  8. chicken feet - hard layer of skin is peeled off before they are cooked. The tendons provide most of edible content
  9. fertilized duck embryo that is boiled and eaten in the shell
  10. made with animal intestines as the meat source
  11. sausage made with mostly head meat of the animal
  12. soup made with cows' feet
  13. ant larva on a wrap
  14. small seagull/auk birds fermented whole within a seal
  15. goose barnacle from Portugal, eaten like crab legs
  1. cheese with maggots
  2. wood worm (shipworm) eaten raw in the Phillipines. Tastes like oysters
  3. the saliva of a animal is used to make this dish
  4. squid fermented in it's own guts
  5. goat organ meat stuffed in a goat's stomach
  6. soaked in mixture of salt, lime and ash, then wrapping in rice husks for several weeks
  7. once they are cooked, the edible parts are sucked out
  8. raw horsemeat from Japan
  9. Korea, small octopus, VERY FRESH, cut into pieces, lightly seasoned, served raw
  10. raw fermented fish from Egypt
  11. Korean street food made with silkworm pupae

26 Clues: guinea pigcheese with maggotsant larva on a wrapwhale skin and blubberraw horsemeat from Japansoup made with cows' feetraw fermented fish from Egyptfermented Greenland shark meatsquid fermented in it's own gutsgoat organ meat stuffed in a goat's stomachKorean street food made with silkworm pupaecoconut worm from Vietnam, maybe etaten alive...

Foods 2025-02-20

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. moos
  2. pannkoogid
  3. supp
  4. vesi
  5. kaste
  6. sai
  7. merivähk
  8. või
  9. muna
  10. mahl
  11. juurviljad
  12. tee
  1. piim
  2. õunad
  3. juust
  4. suhkur
  5. maiustused
  6. kohv
  7. rukkileib
  8. tatar
  9. riis
  10. mesi
  11. salat
  12. liha

24 Clues: saivõiteemoospiimsuppkohvvesiriismesimunamahllihaõunadjuustkastetatarsalatsuhkurmerivähkrukkileibpannkoogidmaiustusedjuurviljad

foods 2025-03-13

foods crossword puzzle
  1. Soups are almost always start by cooking flavorful ingredients
  2. certain type of soups that fall under the category of ‘purees.
  3. fresh herbs contain 80%-90% of.
  4. almost kind of a stew, typically served with pasta.
  5. is made mostly from meat
  6. One of the Plainest soup
  7. Color in herbs comes in mainly from green ___
  8. The compounds in culinary herbs not only smell good but contain many polyphenolics
  9. before grinding toasted spices their aromas are __.
  10. Soup naturally gets it gelatinous texture through __, along with bones
  1. What do spices aromatic oils start to do when ground.
  2. Dried herbs are best stored in ___ container.
  3. a mixture of flour and fat and slurry is a starch mixed with water that both aid in thickening a soup.
  4. A cinnamon-like flavor.
  5. must be clear
  6. are made mostly from bones.
  7. herbs diminish their flavor and starts producing ___ flavors.
  8. Classic Chinese sauces are assembled from cooking through ___.
  9. Floral
  10. strongly flavored oils frequently act as natural deterrents.

20 Clues: Floralmust be clearA cinnamon-like made mostly from meatOne of the Plainest soupare made mostly from bones.fresh herbs contain 80%-90% of.Dried herbs are best stored in ___ container.Color in herbs comes in mainly from green ___almost kind of a stew, typically served with pasta.before grinding toasted spices their aromas are __....

Foods 2024-11-28

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Wash your before handling food
  2. stove Keep your and clear
  3. Clean immediately
  4. Which part of the egg is healthier?
  5. spoon What is used to measure small
  6. What does UO stand for?
  7. membrane What part of the egg is the second barrier to protect the egg's internal structure?
  8. Who is responsible for cleaning utensils
  9. What is located at the large end of the egg cools after being laid?
  10. What anchors the yolk in place?
  11. is Know where the
  12. What is used to measure dry ingredients ?
  13. energy Why should a meal be balanced?
  1. What does DD stand for?
  2. What is the perfect way to microwave the chocolate chip?
  3. What is used to incorporate air into foods
  4. What are the most common foodborne illnesses in canada?
  5. How much sugar does coca cola have?
  6. panholder Use or for anything hot
  7. Used for leveling off dry ingredient when measuring
  8. What are the benefits of eating eggs?
  9. Used to roll or dough a pastry
  10. Keep your organized
  11. What is used to remove the outer surface of vegetables and fruits?
  12. what is used to shrade and grate foods

25 Clues: is Know where theWhat does DD stand for?Clean immediatelyWhat does UO stand for?Keep your organizedUsed to roll or dough a pastrystove Keep your and clearWhat anchors the yolk in place?How much sugar does coca cola have?Which part of the egg is healthier?spoon What is used to measure smallpanholder Use or for anything hot...

Foods 2020-03-18

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. gravy,meat and veggies
  2. c-shaped cooked noodles
  3. in a long bun
  4. roasted cow
  5. salt cured brisket
  6. fish fries
  7. grilled meat covered in sauce
  8. gravy and meat
  9. poor man's taco
  10. Italian pie
  1. nori with rice inside
  2. On a round bun
  3. Potato sticks
  4. oinky hooves
  5. chinese squash soup
  6. Fried chicken bits
  7. Raw tuna squares
  8. Quack quack in oven
  9. egg-batered korean dish
  10. soup with noodles,spam,green onions, and kamaboko

20 Clues: fish friesroasted cowItalian pieoinky hoovesPotato sticksin a long bunOn a round bungravy and meatpoor man's tacoRaw tuna squaresFried chicken bitssalt cured brisketchinese squash soupQuack quack in ovennori with rice insidegravy,meat and veggiesc-shaped cooked noodlesegg-batered korean dishgrilled meat covered in sauce...

foods 2020-05-30

foods crossword puzzle
  1. is soft and fluffy, it is made from wheat corn
  2. they are made of corn and are baked.
  3. comes out of the chicken and eats it for breakfast.
  4. is produced by the bee is sweet and has great nutritional value
  5. is white and you eat every day.
  6. is cold and sweet, there are all flavors.
  7. has a much chesse and is circular.
  8. are long and eaten with soups.
  9. is red is made of meat and is shaped like a cylinder.
  1. chicken is chicken covered in a layer of flour with egg.
  2. inst very healt but is delicius and is accompanied with chips.
  3. is sweet,brown and it's shaped like a rectangle.
  4. comes out of the cow and eats it with masamorra
  5. is a hot black drink and is used to keep you awake
  6. is a dairy product, it has fruit flavor.
  7. is white and is eaten to watch movies.
  8. is healthy and contains vegetables or fruits.
  9. you eat with hamburger
  10. is a carbonated drink and is not healthy.
  11. comes out of the sea or rivers, has fins.

20 Clues: you eat with hamburgerare long and eaten with white and you eat every day.has a much chesse and is circular.they are made of corn and are white and is eaten to watch a dairy product, it has fruit cold and sweet, there are all a carbonated drink and is not healthy....

Foods 2020-10-19

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Green soybeans usually eaten with salt
  2. A red fruit that is used to make ketchup, pizza and pasta sauce, and soup.
  3. A fruit that can be red, yellow, or green.
  4. An oily type of fish that when raw, is orange.
  5. Meat on a skewer that originated in the Middle East
  6. A breakfast item made with cultured milk.
  7. A breakfast item that is a batter cooked and flipped in a pan. Common toppings are blueberries and chocolate chips.
  8. An egg dish that has meat, cheese, and/or vegetables inside folded scrambled eggs.
  9. Toppings inside a folded tortilla or in between two tortillas.
  10. A thick green paste made with avocado, lime juice, salt, and other ingredients
  11. A type of pasta that is flat and is thin
  12. Bread dipped into an egg batter, then cooked in a pan. Usually served with syrup.
  13. A sweet melon that is green on the outside and red or pink on the inside.
  1. A sweet dessert made with dairy and other ingredients.
  2. A Cajun dish made with rice, meat, and vegetables
  3. A fruit that is like a peach, but with no fuzzy layer.
  4. A fruit similar to a lychee
  5. A fried confection that usually has a hole in the middle
  6. A type of sausage that is served in a bun and can be topped with ketchup and/or mustard.
  7. The meat from a cow
  8. The meat of a deer
  9. Another name for a purple yam
  10. An herb that has a strong scent and is used in both sweet and savory dishes
  11. The gratings of the peel of a citrus, such as lemons, limes, and oranges.
  12. A root vegetable that is usually orange; it can also be yellow, white, red, or purple

25 Clues: The meat of a deerThe meat from a cowA fruit similar to a lycheeAnother name for a purple yamGreen soybeans usually eaten with saltA type of pasta that is flat and is thinA breakfast item made with cultured milk.A fruit that can be red, yellow, or green.An oily type of fish that when raw, is orange.A Cajun dish made with rice, meat, and vegetables...

Foods 2021-05-27

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. hamburger
  2. beans
  3. meat
  4. bacon
  5. potatoes
  6. cake
  7. ice cream
  8. tomato
  9. roll
  10. french fries
  11. egg
  12. chicken
  1. cheese
  2. lettuce
  3. sandwich
  4. ham
  5. cereal
  6. fish
  7. toast
  8. dessert
  9. salad
  10. butter
  11. rice

23 Clues: hameggmeatfishcakerollricebeansbacontoastsaladcheesecerealtomatobutterlettucedessertchickensandwichpotatoeshamburgerice creamfrench fries

Foods 2021-10-05

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. what should you have at a dishwashing station when sanitizing dishes
  2. The M in Fattom stands for what
  3. danger zone TDZ
  4. People with hair must use what in a kitchen
  5. what should you do if you receive a product that is leaking fluid
  6. what part of a chicken breast should you stick a thermometer in
  7. at most how many seconds should wash your hands with soap
  8. The F in Fattom stands for what
  9. what kind of soap should be at a handwashing station
  10. district administration FDA
  11. how many seconds should you wash your hands
  12. The O in Fattom stands for what
  13. to eat RTE
  14. how many inches should stuff be off of the floor
  15. what kind of gloves must be used when handling food
  16. The A in Fattom stands for what
  17. eggs for what must be kept at 155 degrees
  18. what kind of water is in the first compartment of a 3 compartment sink
  19. bacteria doubles every ______ minutes
  1. what kind of material should be kept away from the ice
  2. degrees the handwashing sink must be at
  3. how many inches should stuff be off the table
  4. what pathogen grown best in the temperature 70-125
  5. Eggs and soy are dangerous for people with what condition
  6. The T in Fattom stands for what
  7. what chemical must be used after using raw chicken
  8. what kind of pencils must not be used in chef Pauls class
  9. how many seconds should a dish be submerged in sanitizer water
  10. When should you check the product that is delivered to your store
  11. hazards that make food unsafe are biological, physical, and
  12. food most associated with parasites
  13. what type of thermometer measures surface temperature
  14. eggs to what must be kept at 145 degrees
  15. what do you do before putting on gloves
  16. chicken bones are an example of which hazard
  17. what should you take off before using the restroom
  18. Thawing raw chicken at room temp would be an example of what
  19. The other T in Fattom stands for what
  20. how must all dishes be dried in a restaurant
  21. at least how many seconds should you scrub your hands with soap

40 Clues: to eat RTEdanger zone TDZdistrict administration FDAThe T in Fattom stands for whatThe M in Fattom stands for whatThe F in Fattom stands for whatThe O in Fattom stands for whatThe A in Fattom stands for whatfood most associated with parasitesThe other T in Fattom stands for whatbacteria doubles every ______ minutes...

foods 2021-10-04

foods crossword puzzle
  1. what must be on a TCS label?
  2. not accepting items
  3. put on sanitizer ______ washing your hands
  4. symptoms of a foodborne illness
  5. ph is measured by
  6. used to measure temp of food
  7. first step when washing dishes
  8. use _____ after washing hands
  9. _____ is short for "temperature danger zone"
  10. how many hours you have to get temperature from 70 to 41
  11. what is the fourth step in hand washing?
  12. food and drug administration
  13. what is the number one cause of foodborne illness?
  14. what does the "t" in ALERT stand for?
  15. metal shavings is an example of what hazard?
  16. examination of restaurants to ensure food safety
  17. boiling and freezing point
  18. has to be the brightest place
  19. what does the O in fattom stand for?
  20. when two or more people get sick from eating the same thing at the same place
  1. what does the M in fattom stand for?
  2. yellowing of the eyes is?
  3. bacteria, mold, yeast, parasites are examples or what hazard?
  4. greyish yellowish fungus that grows in jams and jellies
  5. how many minutes does it take for bacteria to double?
  6. molds, yeast, mushrooms are examples of?
  7. mold in an example of
  8. the final step in hand washing
  9. how many hours you have to get temperature 70
  10. symptom of a foodborne illness
  11. microorganism that causes illness
  12. microorganism that can't live without a host
  13. take off before using the bathroom
  14. part of the big 8
  15. chemical physical biological
  16. third step in handwashing
  17. Used to measure the surface temperature
  18. hat percent of food allergens come from the big 8
  19. cleaning supplies is an example of what hazard?
  20. first in first out
  21. ________ is short for "ready to eat"
  22. how many days before you can throw out tags
  23. ______ is short for reduced oxygen package

43 Clues: part of the big 8ph is measured byfirst in first outnot accepting itemsmold in an example ofyellowing of the eyes is?third step in handwashingboiling and freezing pointwhat must be on a TCS label?used to measure temp of foodchemical physical biologicalfood and drug administrationuse _____ after washing handshas to be the brightest place...

Foods 2021-10-22

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. โซดา
  2. น้ำเปล่า
  3. นม
  4. ขนมปังแซนด์วิช
  5. ผลไม้
  6. สับปะรด
  7. อาหารทอด
  8. ชีส
  9. มะม่วง
  10. แอปเปิล
  11. แครอท
  12. ส้ม
  13. ชา
  1. พิซซ่า
  2. ผักกาดหอม
  3. ขนมปังยัดไส้เนื้อสัตว์
  4. สลัด
  5. กาแฟ
  6. ไอศกรีม
  7. ซุป,น้ำแกง
  8. ไก่
  9. มะเขือเทศ
  10. กล้วย

23 Clues: นมชาไก่ชีสส้มโซดาสลัดกาแฟผลไม้กล้วยแครอทพิซซ่ามะม่วงไอศกรีมสับปะรดแอปเปิลน้ำเปล่าอาหารทอดผักกาดหอมมะเขือเทศซุป,น้ำแกงขนมปังแซนด์วิชขนมปังยัดไส้เนื้อสัตว์

Foods 2021-11-30

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. maçã
  2. atum
  3. açucar
  4. queijo
  5. galinha
  6. picolé
  7. chocolate
  8. feijão
  9. limão
  10. pão
  11. manteiga
  12. cereja
  13. amendoim
  14. tomate
  1. galinha
  2. geleia
  3. batata
  4. cream sorvete
  5. fries batata frita
  6. banana
  7. ovo
  8. sopa
  9. arroz
  10. bolo
  11. peixe
  12. torta
  13. peixe
  14. milho
  15. laranja
  16. alface
  17. peru
  18. presunto
  19. cenoura
  20. cebola

34 Clues: ovopãomaçãatumsopaboloperuarrozpeixetortapeixemilholimãogeleiabatatabananaaçucarqueijopicoléalfacefeijãocerejacebolatomategalinhagalinhalaranjacenourapresuntomanteigaamendoimchocolatecream sorvetefries batata frita

Foods 2018-12-12

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Mexican dish made of a tortilla filled with different mixture
  2. It's very healthy
  3. A small fried cake with the shape of a ring
  4. Round breakfast dish served with syrop
  5. Sausage with a bun
  6. Made with sugar
  7. Crust with sauce, pepperoni and cheese
  8. Farm bird that is keep for his eggs or meat
  9. A soft frozen food
  10. Fried slice of onion with batter
  11. A crisp cookie baked and flavored with salt
  12. A drink made with milk and ice cream
  1. Large pasta with sauce and cheese
  2. French fries, gravy and cheese
  3. Slice of beef
  4. Made with two breads
  5. Small piece of chicken
  6. Part of the chicken, other bird use it to fly
  7. Small cake
  8. Small pasta with bolognese sauce
  9. Round patty of ground beaf on a bun
  10. Fondant chocolate cake with chocolate chips or nuts on top
  11. Long stick of potato
  12. Santa Claus like it with milk
  13. Dessert made with a pastry bottom and top with a garnish
  14. Sausage on a stick with a breading

26 Clues: Small cakeSlice of beefMade with sugarIt's very healthySausage with a bunA soft frozen foodMade with two breadsLong stick of potatoSmall piece of chickenSanta Claus like it with milkFrench fries, gravy and cheeseSmall pasta with bolognese sauceFried slice of onion with batterLarge pasta with sauce and cheeseSausage on a stick with a breading...

Foods:) 2019-03-26

Foods:) crossword puzzle
  1. What is the zone where you can leave meat called
  2. Whats something you should always keep tied back when cooking
  3. How long can you put meat in the danger zone
  4. What's the most commonly used knife in the kitchen
  5. Whats something that kitchen safety can save you from
  6. WHats one thing you MUST do before cooking wash your
  7. How do many oopsies in the kitchen happen
  8. What's another common allergies
  9. What is something kitchen safety can save you from
  10. When using a knife, whats the most common mistake
  11. How long should you atleast wash your hands for
  12. Whats another thing that kitchen safety can save you from
  1. clothes Whats something you should never wear while cooking
  2. What's one common allergies
  3. Who should you give the epipen to after using it
  4. What knife do you use for cutting large meats
  5. What should you put on a fat fire to put it out
  6. true or false: soak knives in a filled up sink
  7. What side of the epipen should be placed on the thigh
  8. What's the last most common allergies

20 Clues: What's one common allergiesWhat's another common allergiesWhat's the last most common allergiesHow do many oopsies in the kitchen happenHow long can you put meat in the danger zoneWhat knife do you use for cutting large meatstrue or false: soak knives in a filled up sinkWhat should you put on a fat fire to put it out...

foods 2023-11-25

foods crossword puzzle
  1. suc
  2. portocale
  3. struguri
  4. sunca
  5. ompleta
  6. banana
  7. cartofi
  8. capsuni
  9. limonada
  10. mere
  11. oua
  12. tort
  13. paine
  14. lapte
  1. rosie
  2. orez
  3. pizza
  4. ciuperci
  5. ciocolata
  6. pui
  7. apa
  8. vanilie
  9. morcov
  10. branza, cascaval
  11. sos
  12. inghetata
  13. cartofi prajiti
  14. paste
  15. salata

29 Clues: sucpuiapasosouaorezmeretortrosiepizzasuncapastepainelaptebananamorcovsalatavanilieompletacartoficapsuniciupercistrugurilimonadaciocolataportocaleinghetatacartofi prajitibranza, cascaval

foods 2024-04-30

foods crossword puzzle
  1. - To cook food gently in water or broth just below boiling point.
  2. - To pour juices or melted fat over (meat) during cooking in order to keep it moist.
  3. - A tool for removing the zest, the colored outer skin of citrus fruit, in fine strips.
  4. - A large long-handled spoon with a cup-shaped bowl, used for serving soup, stew, or sauce.
  5. - A cooking utensil made of wire loops joined together at the end of a long handle, used for beating and blending ingredients.
  6. - A tool with two movable arms that are joined at one end, used for picking up and holding things.
  7. - A type of saucepan in which food can be steamed.
  8. - A flat, flexible blade used to mix, spread, or lift mMarinade** - A sauce, typically made of oil, vinegar, spices, and herbs, in which meat, fish, or other food is soaked before cooking.
  9. - A long piece of metal or wood used to hold pieces of food, typically meat, together while they are cooked over a grill or barbecue.
  10. and Pestle - A bowl and club-shaped tool used to crush, grind, or mix substances.
  11. - A method of cooking food that uses a small amount of oil or fat in a shallow pan over relatively high heat.
  12. Likes to chase mice
  13. - To cook food, especially meat, by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire.
  14. Man's best friend
  15. - To cook by direct exposure to heat in an oven or over a grill.
  16. - A perforated bowl used to strain off liquid from food, especially after cooking.
  1. - To heat sugar in order to turn it brown and give it a characteristic flavor.
  2. Has a trunk
  3. - To cut up or grind food,
  4. Flying mammal
  5. - A kitchen device with sharp perforations for shredding foods such as cheese and carrots.
  6. Vide - A method of cooking in which food is sealed in airtight plastic bags and placed in a water bath or steam environment for longer than normal cooking times at an accurately regulated temperature.
  7. Brush** - A cooking utensil used to spread butter, oil, or glaze on food.
  8. - To cook liquid or food gently just below boiling point.
  9. Large marsupial
  10. Pin - A cylinder rolled over pastry or dough to flatten or shape it.
  11. - To burn or scorch the surface of something with a sudden, intense heat.
  12. - To briefly plunge food into boiling water and then into cold water to stop cooking.
  13. - A utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining solids from liquids.

29 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice- To cut up or grind food,- A type of saucepan in which food can be steamed.- To cook liquid or food gently just below boiling point.- To cook by direct exposure to heat in an oven or over a grill.- To cook food gently in water or broth just below boiling point....

Foods 2024-04-26

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. to drip or glaze of icing over food
  2. the mother of baking
  3. when getting the clumps out of powered sugar you..
  4. beat one or two ingredients together
  5. placing foods in the fridge
  6. fermented and roasted cacao beans
  7. a temperature about 105 degrees
  8. produced from nectar
  9. a soft thick mixture of flour and liquids
  10. made up of any grain
  11. wash, mixture that gives a rich color or gloss to the crust of a baked good
  12. set oven before you put something in it
  13. used to top baked goods
  14. come to room temperature
  1. to refrigerate a gelatin mixture until it thickens
  2. the tool everyone needs
  3. measurement less than 1/8 teaspoon
  4. low-protein powder that is silky
  5. dry fruits of legumes or seeds
  6. stir together
  7. protein is found in wheat and cereal flours
  8. to heat an otherwise solid food
  9. baked good are kept here out of the oven
  10. to coat with a liquid
  11. in, gently combined a heavier mixture with a more delicate substance

25 Clues: stir togetherthe mother of bakingproduced from nectarmade up of any grainto coat with a liquidthe tool everyone needsused to top baked goodscome to room temperatureplacing foods in the fridgedry fruits of legumes or seedsto heat an otherwise solid fooda temperature about 105 degreeslow-protein powder that is silkyfermented and roasted cacao beans...

Foods 2023-06-16

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. - A small, sweet baked bread often made with fruit or chocolate chips.
  2. - A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin.
  3. - A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and red flesh.
  4. - A starchy vegetable that is often baked, boiled, or fried.
  5. - A frozen dessert made from dairy products, sugar, and flavors.
  6. - A thin, flat cake made from batter and usually eaten for breakfast.
  7. - A snack made from heated corn kernels that puff up and become light and fluffy.
  8. - A dairy product made from milk, usually with a savory flavor.
  9. - A mixture of various fruits, often served chilled.
  10. - A Mexican dish made with a folded tortilla filled with ingredients like meat, cheese, and vegetables.
  11. - A creamy, fermented dairy product often consumed as a snack or dessert.
  12. - A dish made from a mixture of vegetables, often served with dressing.
  13. - A crunchy, orange vegetable that grows underground.
  14. - A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast, often used for sandwiches.
  15. - A common poultry meat that is often cooked by grilling, baking, or frying.
  16. - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color.
  17. - A grain that is a staple food in many cultures.
  18. - A creature that lives in water and is commonly eaten as food.
  19. - Deep-fried strips of potato, often served as a side dish.
  20. - A white liquid produced by cows and used as a drink or ingredient.
  21. - A nutritious food produced by hens, often cooked in various ways.
  1. - A popular Italian dish with a flat, round dough base topped with cheese and other ingredients.
  2. - A sandwich made with a cooked beef patty, often served with toppings and a bun.
  3. - A small, sweet baked treat often flavored with chocolate chips or other ingredients.
  4. - A liquid dish made by boiling ingredients like vegetables, meat, or noodles.
  5. - A red fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable in cooking.
  6. - A popular Italian dish with a flat, round dough base topped with cheese and other ingredients.
  7. - A round fruit that is usually red, green, or yellow.
  8. - A grilled or boiled sausage served in a long, soft bread roll.
  9. - A dish made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, often served with sauce.
  10. - A sweet, brown treat made from cacao beans.
  11. - A leafy green vegetable that is rich in nutrients.
  12. - A small, sweet red fruit with tiny seeds on the surface.
  13. - A green vegetable with tightly packed florets on a stalk.
  14. - A meal made by placing ingredients between two slices of bread.
  15. - A Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice and various ingredients like raw fish or vegetables.
  16. - A small, crustacean creature often used as seafood.
  17. - A yellow vegetable with kernels arranged in rows on a cob.
  18. - A sweet, gelatinous dessert made from fruit juice or flavored sugar water.
  19. - A sweet baked dessert typically topped with frosting or icing.

40 Clues: - A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin.- A citrus fruit with a bright orange color.- A sweet, brown treat made from cacao beans.- A grain that is a staple food in many cultures.- A leafy green vegetable that is rich in nutrients.- A mixture of various fruits, often served chilled.- A crunchy, orange vegetable that grows underground....

Foods 2023-07-20

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Monkey like this fruit
  2. Looks like a small green tree
  3. Grain part of Sandwich
  4. Brown Vegetable
  5. Spongebob's house
  6. Eat this grain everyday
  7. Looks like leaves
  8. Protein that starts with B
  9. Round green vegetable
  10. Protein
  11. Eat it in the morning with a bowl of milk
  12. Orange Fruit
  13. Yellow Grain
  1. Fruit that starts with M
  2. Dairy Product
  3. Burrito
  4. Yellow Block of Oil
  5. Mouse like it
  6. Protein that lives in the Ocean
  7. Spaghetti
  8. Salty Cookies
  9. Bread is made from this
  10. Pen-Pineapple-_____-pen
  11. White Drink
  12. Rabbits like it
  13. Come from Chickens

26 Clues: BurritoProteinSpaghettiWhite DrinkOrange FruitYellow GrainDairy ProductMouse like itSalty CookiesBrown VegetableRabbits like itSpongebob's houseLooks like leavesCome from ChickensYellow Block of OilRound green vegetableMonkey like this fruitGrain part of SandwichEat this grain everydayBread is made from thisPen-Pineapple-_____-pen...

Foods! 2023-01-06

Foods! crossword puzzle
  1. is refried for tacos
  2. has 8 arms
  3. small green vegetable
  4. eaten with butter,makes toast
  5. the main component of grilled cheese
  6. makes cider
  7. makes wine
  8. yellow,curved
  9. one of the main parts in a seafood boil
  10. used for tacos
  11. makes ketchup
  12. makes eggs
  13. from chickens
  14. liquid made from fruits
  15. from cows
  1. is the main component of a parfay
  2. from cows
  3. makes pickles
  4. makes things sweet
  5. blank chowder
  6. Is eaten on thanksgiving
  7. you eat this when you're sick
  8. "first blank"
  9. kills vampires
  10. is eaten with beans
  11. You drink it in the morning
  12. orange vegetable
  13. "blank party"
  14. cooked from a pig
  15. from bees

30 Clues: from cowsfrom beesfrom cowshas 8 armsmakes winemakes eggsmakes cidermakes picklesblank chowder"first blank"yellow,curved"blank party"makes ketchupfrom chickenskills vampiresused for tacosorange vegetablecooked from a pigmakes things sweetis eaten with beansis refried for tacossmall green vegetableliquid made from fruitsIs eaten on thanksgiving...

Foods 2022-05-12

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. bread and _____
  2. old-time name for corn
  3. can be dark, milk, or white
  4. snack that smiles back
  5. iconic birthday treat
  6. raw fish
  7. synonym for poultry
  8. nuttiest allergy around
  9. most important meal of the day
  10. bunny's favorite food
  11. wateriest fruit around
  1. carved during fall
  2. when you don't eat anything from animals
  3. yellow and long fruit
  4. swims in the ocean
  5. eggs and _____
  6. more seeds than fruit
  7. an animal as well as a fruit
  8. comes from a chicken
  9. the color is in the name
  10. made with eggs
  11. sweets after dinner
  12. mac & _____
  13. cashew/almond/pecan
  14. OG drink
  15. Oolong or Earl Grey
  16. the iPhone fruit
  17. Halloween's specialty
  18. comes from a cow
  19. makes you cry

30 Clues: raw fishOG drinkmac & _____makes you cryeggs and _____made with eggsbread and _____the iPhone fruitcomes from a cowcarved during fallswims in the oceansweets after dinnersynonym for poultrycashew/almond/pecanOolong or Earl Greycomes from a chickenyellow and long fruitmore seeds than fruiticonic birthday treatbunny's favorite food...

foods 2024-11-29

foods crossword puzzle
  1. What is used to shrade and grate foods
  2. is Know where the
  3. Who is responsible for cleaning utensils
  4. Used for leveling off dry ingredient when measuring
  5. Used to roll or dough a pastry
  6. stove Keep your and clear
  7. What is used to remove the outer surface of vegetables and fruits?
  8. panholder Used or for anything hot
  9. yolk Which part of the egg is healthier?
  10. What do DD stand for?
  1. What is used to measure small
  2. How much sugar does coca cola have?
  3. energy What are the benefits of eating eggs?
  4. What is used to measure dry ingredients ?
  5. What is located at the large end of the egg cools after being laid?
  6. Wash your before handling food
  7. What does UO stand for?
  8. Clean immediately
  9. What part of the egg is the second barrier to protect the egg's internal structure?
  10. What is the perfect way to microwave the chocolate chip?
  11. Why should a meal be balanced?
  12. What are the most common foodborne illnesses in canada?
  13. Keep your organized
  14. What is used to incorporate air into foods
  15. What anchors the yolk in place?

25 Clues: is Know where theWhat do DD stand for?What does UO stand for?Clean immediatelyKeep your organizedWhat is used to measure smallUsed to roll or dough a pastryWhy should a meal be balanced?What anchors the yolk in place?How much sugar does coca cola have?panholder Used or for anything hotstove Keep your and clear...

Foods 2025-02-20

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. moos
  2. pannkoogid
  3. supp
  4. vesi
  5. kaste
  6. sai
  7. merivähk
  8. või
  9. muna
  10. mahl
  11. juurviljad
  12. tee
  1. piim
  2. õunad
  3. juust
  4. suhkur
  5. maiustused
  6. kohv
  7. rukkileib
  8. tatar
  9. riis
  10. mesi
  11. salat
  12. liha

24 Clues: saivõiteemoospiimsuppkohvvesiriismesimunamahllihaõunadjuustkastetatarsalatsuhkurmerivähkrukkileibpannkoogidmaiustusedjuurviljad

foods 2025-03-13

foods crossword puzzle
  1. Soups are almost always start by cooking flavorful ingredients
  2. certain type of soups that fall under the category of ‘purees.
  3. fresh herbs contain 80%-90% of.
  4. almost kind of a stew, typically served with pasta.
  5. is made mostly from meat
  6. One of the Plainest soup
  7. Color in herbs comes in mainly from green ___
  8. The compounds in culinary herbs not only smell good but contain many polyphenolics
  9. before grinding toasted spices their aromas are __.
  10. Soup naturally gets it gelatinous texture through __, along with bones
  1. What do spices aromatic oils start to do when ground.
  2. Dried herbs are best stored in ___ container.
  3. a mixture of flour and fat and slurry is a starch mixed with water that both aid in thickening a soup.
  4. A cinnamon-like flavor.
  5. must be clear
  6. are made mostly from bones.
  7. herbs diminish their flavor and starts producing ___ flavors.
  8. Classic Chinese sauces are assembled from cooking through ___.
  9. Floral
  10. strongly flavored oils frequently act as natural deterrents.

20 Clues: Floralmust be clearA cinnamon-like made mostly from meatOne of the Plainest soupare made mostly from bones.fresh herbs contain 80%-90% of.Dried herbs are best stored in ___ container.Color in herbs comes in mainly from green ___almost kind of a stew, typically served with pasta.before grinding toasted spices their aromas are __....

foods 2022-06-28

foods crossword puzzle
  1. mushrooms
  2. tea
  3. salt
  4. egg
  5. beef
  6. sugar
  7. lettuce
  8. garlic
  9. cucumber
  10. bread
  11. butter
  12. pumpkin
  1. peach
  2. cauliflower
  3. fish
  4. potatoes
  5. coconut
  6. cheese
  7. flour
  8. chicken
  9. eggplant
  10. grapes
  11. beet
  12. peas

24 Clues: teaeggfishsaltbeefbeetpeaspeachfloursugarbreadcheesegrapesgarlicbuttercoconutlettucechickenpumpkinpotatoeseggplantcucumbermushroomscauliflower

Foods 2022-05-20

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Used in cakes, cookies, and more
  2. Italian food; usually found in New York
  3. Used in literally almost every dessert
  4. White cooking powder
  5. Was invented in Germany
  6. If you eat this, you are eating a bush
  7. The #1 stolen food in the world
  8. Indian food; popular in India
  9. Usually served in fast food restaurants
  10. Popular soda around the world
  1. A lot of people have this for breakfast
  2. Very popular Italian dish
  3. Round; Covered in frosting
  4. Traditional Mexican dish
  5. Found everywhere in America
  6. A place where dairy products are made
  7. Good with cream cheese
  8. A cold food, usually used as a dessert
  9. An Australian and British dish
  10. Kind of like liquid ice cream
  11. A Chinese daily
  12. Chocolate chip is my favorite

22 Clues: A Chinese dailyWhite cooking powderGood with cream cheeseWas invented in GermanyTraditional Mexican dishVery popular Italian dishRound; Covered in frostingFound everywhere in AmericaIndian food; popular in IndiaKind of like liquid ice creamChocolate chip is my favoritePopular soda around the worldAn Australian and British dish...

foods 2023-01-10

foods crossword puzzle
  1. makes bacon
  2. wisconisn main food
  3. produced by cow
  4. brown things that looks like dog food
  5. produced by pig
  6. makes toast
  7. healthy food
  8. brain freeze food
  9. the kid who sings on tiktok
  10. carnavouirs eat this
  1. mcdonadls best food
  2. sherred yellow stuff
  3. chocolate chip dough
  4. meat that swims
  5. yellow melted stuff
  6. my dog in a coustume
  7. produced by chicken
  8. poops out eggs
  9. best breakfast food
  10. drink that makes me burp

20 Clues: makes baconmakes toasthealthy foodpoops out eggsmeat that swimsproduced by cowproduced by pigbrain freeze foodmcdonadls best foodwisconisn main foodyellow melted stuffproduced by chickenbest breakfast foodsherred yellow stuffchocolate chip doughmy dog in a coustumecarnavouirs eat thisdrink that makes me burpthe kid who sings on tiktok...

Foods 2020-05-29

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. a food mexican made whit bread thin, covering meat, beans and cheese
  2. liquid food made from vegetables, meat, chicken or fish
  3. a food made from frozen milk or cream and sugar, is sweet and very cold
  4. a drink of coffe with milke sparkling
  5. a meal with bread and a sausage in the middle
  6. chicken product scrambled and usually with cheese
  7. chopped vegetables and dipped in dressing
  8. brown grains that must be soaked the day before to be prepared
  9. a drink with alcohol of color pale brown
  10. a food made of cooking meat, vegetables, at low heat, in ot deep container heavy
  1. a round vegetable that grows underground fried
  2. fruits cut and mixed with yogurt
  3. grains of a type of cereal that is eaten cooked and is normally white
  4. shredded and canned fish
  5. a food made from flour and water, mixed together and baked
  6. thin and wide sheets of pasta covering shredded meat or chicken
  7. a small cake fried with a hole in the middle and filled with jam
  8. two thick, round slices of bread, covering a piece of ground meat with lots of cheese and tomato slices
  9. a sweet food made with flour, eggs, fat, and sugar and fruits or chocolate
  10. Italian fash food

20 Clues: Italian fash foodshredded and canned fishfruits cut and mixed with yogurta drink of coffe with milke sparklinga drink with alcohol of color pale brownchopped vegetables and dipped in dressinga meal with bread and a sausage in the middlea round vegetable that grows underground friedchicken product scrambled and usually with cheese...

Foods 2019-08-02

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. candy _____ joy
  2. baby sheep
  3. long, green, topped with ranch or peanut butter
  4. cheese, meat, pasta
  5. round, frosting, dunkin' _____
  6. not crab
  7. breakfast, chocolate chip or blueberry
  8. makes you happy, smooth, dairy
  9. mini wheats or cherrios
  10. spicy, pepper
  11. guacamole
  12. baked ____
  13. small round, red or green
  14. ____ on the cob
  15. long, green
  16. new england clam _____
  17. small, round, with pasta
  18. used in smoothies, green, leafy
  19. cooked, on a grill
  20. breakfast, texas or regular, with syrup
  21. long, orange, vegetable
  22. dessert or drink, dairy
  23. hair color, spice, brown
  24. meat, bread, lettuce, not cheese
  25. ocean animal
  26. liquid, fruit, common in our house
  27. cooked bread
  28. steamed or raw, vegetable, green
  29. ____ bar, in yogurt
  30. pig, strips
  31. green, long, vegetable, fun to say
  32. not peanut butter
  33. small, dessert, candle, frosting, colorful
  34. bears eat, bees make
  35. common adult drink, root ____
  1. chinese, pasta
  2. snack or dessert, chocolate chip
  3. gala and red delicious
  4. breakfast holes
  5. need to make sandwiches
  6. drink to wake you up
  7. like lettuce, round
  8. orange cow
  9. round, pepperoni, cheese, sauce
  10. pizza topping, round, red
  11. breakfast, round, grid
  12. drink, purple
  13. candy, flavor, brown
  14. used in smores, crunchy
  15. pasta, skinny, twirls
  16. dessert, large, round, candles
  17. potatos, with chicken nuggets, side
  18. avacado
  19. cooked with porkchops and applesauce
  20. not mustard
  21. made from fruit, yellow, liquidy
  22. fuzzy, green
  23. ____ bread, spice, white
  24. common alergy, put in ice cream or yogurt
  25. smooth, dairy
  26. birds lay, scrambled or hard boiled
  27. not lobster
  28. drink, white
  29. colored drink, sugar, tasty
  30. chicken, taco
  31. not home fries
  32. chinese, filled with meat
  33. pig, pink
  34. weiners
  35. crunchy, popular snack, triscuits or ritz
  36. quack quack
  37. bok bok bok
  38. steph ____
  39. american or mozzarella
  40. crunchy, snack, lays

75 Clues: avacadoweinersnot crabguacamolepig, pinkbaby sheeporange cowbaked ____steph ____long, greennot mustardnot lobsterquack quackpig, stripsbok bok bokfuzzy, greendrink, whiteocean animalcooked breaddrink, purplespicy, peppersmooth, dairychicken, tacochinese, pastanot home friescandy _____ joybreakfast holes____ on the cobnot peanut butter...

FOODS 2020-08-13

FOODS crossword puzzle
  1. The liquid you get from fruits
  2. The most common ingredient in salads
  3. In the UK they are called biscuits
  4. They swim in the ocean or rivers
  5. Another name for steak or meat
  6. You need this to prepare a sandwich
  7. Eve gave this fruit to Adam in paradise
  8. You eat them when you celebrate your birthday
  9. This is a bird that we usually eat at home
  10. Vegetables that make you cry
  1. Rabbits love to eat them
  2. Hens lay them in a nest and we fried them
  3. M and M's, Carlos V, Crunch are good examples
  4. Mice love to eat this milk product
  5. We put them on sopes
  6. What you drink at Starbucks
  7. You usually put this in your sandwich
  8. Monkeys like to eat them
  9. In the USA they are called cookies
  10. We get this from cows

20 Clues: We put them on sopesWe get this from cowsRabbits love to eat themMonkeys like to eat themWhat you drink at StarbucksVegetables that make you cryThe liquid you get from fruitsAnother name for steak or meatThey swim in the ocean or riversMice love to eat this milk productIn the UK they are called biscuitsIn the USA they are called cookies...

Foods 2020-12-03

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. usually an alternative for cake
  2. comes from bee's
  3. a fruit that you can make pickles with
  4. A green round fruit
  5. a food usually with noodles, sauce, and meat
  6. ____ bell
  7. scrambled ____
  8. something you can make mash potatoes with
  1. people say it is amazing and is a breakfast food
  2. salad can be made from this
  3. a food usually served at birthdays
  4. a popular type of meat
  5. made from cucumbers and vinegar
  6. the hottest pepper in the world
  7. You might not need some glasses if you eat these
  8. a round flat delicious food
  9. a breakfast food that makes people want to get out of bed
  10. A red fruit usually used to make sauce
  11. it tastes really good with ranch
  12. a yellow food

20 Clues: ____ bella yellow foodscrambled ____comes from bee'sA green round fruita popular type of meatsalad can be made from thisa round flat delicious foodusually an alternative for cakemade from cucumbers and vinegarthe hottest pepper in the worldit tastes really good with rancha food usually served at birthdaysa fruit that you can make pickles with...

Foods 2021-10-04

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Cold dairy dessert
  2. Does not include gluten
  3. Spiced Christmas biscuit
  4. A vegetable that makes you cry
  5. Sticks of fried potatoes
  6. Yellow dairy product, used often in baking or sandwiches
  7. Sugary substance used for glazing biscuits or cakes
  8. A swirly cane shaped piece of christmas candy
  9. Bread part of a burger
  10. A pickled cucumber
  11. Food items made of plastic, display only
  12. Long sandwich with a sausage in between
  13. Long green vegetable
  1. Action usually describing the making of salty foods
  2. Mac & …. (a macaroni dish)
  3. A description of how a food is made
  4. Meat part of a burger, when it's from cattle.
  5. A mix of spices used to give sth a specific taste
  6. A soft, white and fluffy piece of candy
  7. The waffle part of an ice cream
  8. A red juicy fruit
  9. A small piece of fried chicken
  10. Combination of chopped fruit
  11. Action usually describing dishes made using an oven
  12. Main ingredient of sushi
  13. Big round flat bread with various toppings
  14. Powder made of grinded grains, seeds or nuts

27 Clues: A red juicy fruitCold dairy dessertA pickled cucumberLong green vegetableBread part of a burgerDoes not include glutenSpiced Christmas biscuitSticks of fried potatoesMain ingredient of sushiMac & …. (a macaroni dish)Combination of chopped fruitA vegetable that makes you cryA small piece of fried chickenThe waffle part of an ice cream...

Foods 2021-02-19

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. An ingredient that helps things cook
  2. process of transforming solid, firm food items into small pieces by rubbing it against a instrument
  3. to cut slits on the surface of a piece of food
  4. To free water from a food without getting rid of any of the food
  5. technique in which food is finely divided
  6. to push food across or through a shredding surface to make long, narrow strips
  7. The act of taking off the outer layer of a food
  8. cut food into pieces that are even
  9. to cut across the grain into thin, uniform pieces
  10. method of preserving food by lowering the temperature to inhibit microorganism growth
  1. To soak a food in for a better flavor
  2. A liquid that comes from cooking things
  3. To cut off a thin layer of skin on a food, such as potatoes or apples, with a paring knife
  4. to make meat softer before cooking
  5. To soften a food by heating it up
  6. The method for cutting food into bite-sized pieces
  7. The process of combining one ingredient with another to form a solution
  8. cut in which the food item is cut into dice
  9. to moisten foods at intervals with a liquid
  10. To mix a substance in a circular pattern using a spoon, spatula or other such utensil.

20 Clues: To soften a food by heating it upto make meat softer before cookingcut food into pieces that are evenAn ingredient that helps things cookTo soak a food in for a better flavorA liquid that comes from cooking thingstechnique in which food is finely dividedcut in which the food item is cut into diceto moisten foods at intervals with a liquid...

Foods 2021-07-20

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Messy stuff that can be spicy depends on what kind of sauce
  2. Greece, crispy
  3. A side with dinner and a snack
  4. Flat circle breakfast
  5. Made with noodles
  6. cream Cold with toppings
  7. Orange
  8. Hard shell
  9. Flat with square shapes on the top
  1. Red Sausage with sauce and cheese
  2. Cannot eat the tail
  3. Chewy
  4. Patty With Cheese
  5. Yellow and cold squares
  6. Juicy
  7. Yellow peel on the outside
  8. With noodles and white sauce
  9. Spicy depends on what type it is
  10. Salty cut up potato
  11. Brownish black hard side for breakfast

20 Clues: ChewyJuicyOrangeHard shellGreece, crispyPatty With CheeseMade with noodlesCannot eat the tailSalty cut up potatoFlat circle breakfastYellow and cold squaresYellow peel on the outsidecream Cold with toppingsWith noodles and white sauceA side with dinner and a snackSpicy depends on what type it isRed Sausage with sauce and cheese...

Foods 2023-03-07

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and sweet red flesh that's often eaten in the summer.
  2. A long, orange root vegetable that's good for your eyesight.
  3. A dish made with mixed greens and other vegetables, often topped with dressing or other toppings.
  4. A snack made by heating kernels of corn until they pop, often flavored with butter or salt.
  5. A Mexican dish made with a tortilla filled with meat, cheese, and other toppings.
  6. A dairy product made from curdled milk that's often used to top pizzas or sandwiches.
  7. A sweet, yellow fruit that comes in its own natural packaging.
  8. Thin slices of potatoes that are deep-fried until crispy and often served as a side dish.
  9. A dairy product made from fermented milk that comes in many flavors and is often eaten for breakfast.
  10. A spread made from ground peanuts that's often paired with jelly on bread to make a sandwich.
  11. A round fruit with a red or green skin that grows on trees.
  1. A sausage served on a bun with condiments like ketchup, mustard, and relish.
  2. A drink made by blending fruit, yogurt, and sometimes vegetables, often served cold.
  3. A sweet treat made from cocoa beans that comes in many forms like bars, chips, and candies.
  4. A small, red fruit that's often used to make jams or desserts like shortcake.
  5. A popular Italian dish made with noodles and sauce, often served with meatballs or other toppings.
  6. A popular Italian dish made with dough, sauce, and toppings like cheese, pepperoni, and vegetables.
  7. A sandwich made with a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings.
  8. A protein-rich food that can be cooked in many ways, such as boiled, fried, or scrambled.
  9. A small, round fruit that grows in clusters and can be used to make juice or wine.

20 Clues: A round fruit with a red or green skin that grows on trees.A long, orange root vegetable that's good for your eyesight.A sweet, yellow fruit that comes in its own natural packaging.A sandwich made with a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings.A sausage served on a bun with condiments like ketchup, mustard, and relish....

foods 2023-03-10

foods crossword puzzle
  1. eat
  2. in a
  3. candy from baby
  4. he really loves his girlfriend. She is the apple of his ..
  5. his words
  6. like hotcakes
  7. don't put your eggs in .. basket. it's too risky.
  8. i .. nuts after he told me that he cheated on me.
  9. home a bacon
  10. my friend .. egg on his face after she realized that she put on her shirt inside out
  1. and butter
  2. on the cake
  3. there is no such thing as .. lunch. don't accept his help.
  4. up
  5. in a basket
  6. cheese
  7. like sardines
  8. he remains as .. as cucumber even though he failed the test
  9. cup of
  10. earth
  11. sweet
  12. this question is not that hard. please .. your noodle.
  13. amount
  14. job

24 Clues: upeatjobin aearthsweetcheesecup ofamounthis wordsand butteron the cakein a baskethome a baconlike sardineslike hotcakescandy from babydon't put your eggs in .. basket. it's too risky.i .. nuts after he told me that he cheated on me.this question is not that hard. please .. your noodle.there is no such thing as .. lunch. don't accept his help....

foods 2015-10-14

foods crossword puzzle
  1. cut into small pieces
  2. cook without fat in uncovered skillet
  3. to cook in a large amount of hot fat
  4. make food cold by placing it in the fridge
  5. place small amounts of butter or another food over the surface
  6. soak meat in liquid solution
  7. coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs
  8. remove a substance from surface of liquid
  9. to cook in the oven with dry heat
  10. rub fat on surface of utensil
  11. chop or cut into very fine pieces
  1. cooked uncovered under a source a heat
  2. let food stand until no longer feels warm to touch
  3. to cook on a rack or split oven
  4. coat a food by sprinkling it with dry ingredients
  5. mix or blend 2 or more ingredients
  6. cook uncovered in the oven with dry heat
  7. work dough by pressing it
  8. reduce food into small bits by rubbing it on a sharpen utensil
  9. combine and or move ingredients mass

20 Clues: cut into small pieceswork dough by pressing itsoak meat in liquid solutionrub fat on surface of utensilto cook on a rack or split ovento cook in the oven with dry heatchop or cut into very fine piecesmix or blend 2 or more ingredientsto cook in a large amount of hot fatcombine and or move ingredients masscook without fat in uncovered skillet...

Foods 2015-12-08

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. zanahoria
  2. comer
  3. pimienta
  4. arroz
  5. aciete
  6. frijoles
  7. confites
  8. coco
  9. cafe
  10. carne
  11. sal
  1. azucar
  2. sandia
  3. carne de res
  4. beber
  5. miel
  6. cebolla
  7. queso
  8. churros
  9. harina
  10. leche

21 Clues: salmielcococafebebercomerarrozquesocarnelecheazucarsandiaacieteharinacebollachurrospimientafrijolesconfiteszanahoriacarne de res

foods 2015-11-11

foods crossword puzzle
  1. niacin helps the body maintain healthy ________
  2. found in red meat, poultry, fish, fortified cereal, and peanuts
  3. helps the body keep a balance of ______ in in the blood
  4. dark leafy green vegetables, meat, and cheese
  5. found in red berries, kiwi, red and green bell peppers, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, and orange/grapefruit juice
  6. found in broccoli, potatoes, green leafy veggies, citrus fruits, and bananas
  7. found in lean red meat, poultry, nuts, dried beans, and dairy
  8. found in meat, eggs, legumes, and nuts
  9. vitamin e helps cells live _______
  10. helps blood __________
  11. magnesium helps the body create ___________
  12. thiamin is necessary for the ________ and muscles to function properly
  13. found in milk, eggs, and dark orange/green veggies
  14. calcium develops strong _______ and teeth
  15. vitamin A prevents ______ problems night blindness
  1. vegetable oil, nuts, and leafy green vegetables
  2. iron helps red blood cells carry _______ to all parts of the body
  3. sunlight, egg yolks, fish oils, and milk
  4. found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables, potatoes, beans, avacodos, bananas, broccoli, and shrimp
  5. found in potatoes, cereals, bananas, beans, seeds, and nuts
  6. found in fortified cereals, breads, meat and fish
  7. vitamin c forms ________
  8. found in dairy, meats, and fish
  9. found in fish, red meat, poultry, milk, cheese, and eggs
  10. zinc keeps your _________ system strong and helps heal wounds
  11. riboflavin turns ________ into energy
  12. dried beans, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, oranges, and poultry
  13. found in milk and other dairy products
  14. folate makes ______
  15. found in lean red meat, pork, fish, chicken and some leafy green vegetables
  16. vitamin b12 is important for ______ cell function

31 Clues: folate makes ______helps blood __________vitamin c forms ________found in dairy, meats, and fishvitamin e helps cells live _______riboflavin turns ________ into energyfound in milk and other dairy productsfound in meat, eggs, legumes, and nutssunlight, egg yolks, fish oils, and milkcalcium develops strong _______ and teeth...

Foods 2017-01-23

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. cells that store fat from food
  2. plants make carbs through this process
  3. consists of plant materials that can't be digested by human enzymes
  4. chemical building blocks
  5. plants combine single glucose units into more complicated chemical arrangements
  6. main source of energy
  7. sugars extracted from plants to sweeten foods
  8. amino acids body needs but can't provide
  9. fat-like substance in all body cells
  10. lipoprotein
  11. chemical structure that makes up fats
  1. green pigment
  2. carbohydrates starches
  3. sugars
  4. simple carbohydrates
  5. substances used in place of sugar
  6. proteins with essential amino acids
  7. single unit of sugar
  8. formed when two monosaccharides combine
  9. formed when plants combine single glucose units into more complicated chemical structures

20 Clues: sugarslipoproteingreen pigmentsimple carbohydratessingle unit of sugarmain source of energycarbohydrates starcheschemical building blockscells that store fat from foodsubstances used in place of sugarproteins with essential amino acidsfat-like substance in all body cellschemical structure that makes up fatsplants make carbs through this process...

Foods 2017-06-08

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. chicken
  2. beef
  3. potatoes
  4. eggs
  5. bread
  6. oil
  7. blueberries
  8. carrots
  9. fish
  10. cream
  1. fruit
  2. vegetables
  3. cheese
  4. butter
  5. noodles
  6. apples
  7. onions
  8. yogurt
  9. lettuce
  10. rice
  11. meat
  12. milk

22 Clues: oilbeefeggsricefishmeatmilkfruitbreadcreamcheesebutterapplesonionsyogurtchickennoodleslettucecarrotspotatoesvegetablesblueberries

Foods 2022-03-08

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. jiggly, wiggly, and transparent
  2. weird-shaped pumpkins
  3. has no relation to straws
  4. round candy at the end of a stick
  5. butterscotch cooked for a long time
  6. small cake
  7. long tubes of meat (not "hotdogs")
  8. name=color
  9. sushi skin
  10. scrambled, fried, or hard-boiled
  11. cow meat
  12. iceberg
  13. fruit and bird(this time fruit)
  14. cheesy Italian food
  15. smoked salmon
  16. +cat=palidrome
  17. spikey tropical fruit
  18. batter on pan w/ butter and suyrup
  1. weirdest fruit (starts w/ ok)
  2. carnival food (starts w/ f__n)
  3. cake;pie crust soft cheese
  4. not french
  5. long pasta w/ meatballs
  6. classic fruit
  7. baseball game food
  8. topping for margaritas and Icecream
  9. summer fruit
  10. fried squid
  11. Chicken noodle
  12. root, ale, and spicy candy
  13. cold creamy frozen milk
  14. meat in takoyaki
  15. green balls

33 Clues: icebergcow meatnot frenchsmall cakename=colorsushi skinfried squidgreen ballssummer fruitclassic fruitsmoked salmonChicken noodle+cat=palidromemeat in takoyakibaseball game foodcheesy Italian foodweird-shaped pumpkinsspikey tropical fruitlong pasta w/ meatballscold creamy frozen milkhas no relation to strawscake;pie crust soft cheese...

Foods 2022-04-06

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. tomato
  2. salad
  3. apple
  4. to be hungry
  5. ham
  6. to eat
  7. water
  8. iced tea
  9. steak
  10. tea
  11. meal
  12. peas
  13. drinks
  14. soft drinks
  1. cereal
  2. bread
  3. lemonade
  4. i eat
  5. supper
  6. ham
  7. chicken soup
  8. lettuce
  9. orange juice
  10. milk
  11. coffee
  12. fruit
  13. you eat
  14. chicken
  15. rice
  16. cheese
  17. lunch

31 Clues: hamhamteamilkmealpeasricebreadsaladi eatapplewaterfruitsteaklunchtomatocerealsupperto eatcoffeedrinkscheeselettuceyou eatchickenlemonadeiced teasoft drinksto be hungrychicken souporange juice

Foods 2022-04-04

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Mix of vegetables and water.
  2. It's essential for any living being.
  3. A burguer with cheese.
  4. Red smooth fruit, which is often mistaken for a vegetable.
  5. It comes from Italy, and its round and flat.
  6. There are many types, of all shapes and sizes. They live underwater.
  7. It's white and sweet and used for baking cakes.
  8. Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this.
  9. Fatty food made from milk.
  1. A drink made of fruits.
  2. Bubbly drink, usually very sweet.
  3. Green leafy vegetal, usually found in salads.
  4. Drink created by monks, hundred of years ago. It can be red, white or green.
  5. White grain used in sushi.
  6. Long curved yellow fruit
  7. dark-brown beverage that is drunk all over the world.
  8. Usually it's long and thin, but there are many types of all shapes. Boiled before eaten.
  9. Drink made from leaves found in Asia.
  10. Usually yellow, bitter-tasting and bubbly. Better when cold.
  11. It comes mainly from cows.

20 Clues: A burguer with cheese.A drink made of fruits.Long curved yellow fruitWhite grain used in sushi.It comes mainly from cows.Fatty food made from milk.Mix of vegetables and water.Bubbly drink, usually very sweet.It's essential for any living being.Drink made from leaves found in Asia.Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this....

foods 2022-04-04

foods crossword puzzle
  1. leche
  2. jugo de naranja
  3. tomates
  4. queso
  5. ensalada
  6. carne
  7. refresco
  8. pan
  1. vegetales
  2. cena
  3. agua
  4. helado
  5. almuerzo
  6. desayuno
  7. huevos
  8. hamburguesa
  9. pescado
  10. lechuga
  11. cafe
  12. pollo

20 Clues: pancenaaguacafelechequesocarnepolloheladohuevostomatespescadolechugaalmuerzodesayunoensaladarefrescovegetaleshamburguesajugo de naranja

Foods 2023-09-28

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Family with herbs such as: dill, parsley, and cilantro
  2. Where the pigment in the herbs come from
  3. Method concentrating juices from vegetables, herbs, and meat
  4. Family with herbs such as: Basil, lavender, and thyme
  5. To release the aroma of an herb crush it between your _______
  6. Made with milk and white roux
  7. Term for a sauce made of mainly tomatoes
  8. Roux that's cooked for 4-6 minutes
  9. Before grinding the spice this heightens their aroma
  10. A clear soup made by clarifying by the raft method
  11. Along with being in a cool cabinet it should also be ____
  1. A long simmered and Indian sauce
  2. Basically a stock not needed to be clarified
  3. Spices are always _____
  4. When spices are ground their aromatic oils start to do this
  5. To reach the sensory receptors in our nasal passage aromatic compounds must be ________
  6. Made from simmering bones
  7. Boiling the liquid until solid particles concentrate and thicken
  8. Flour mixed with fat
  9. Found in India, Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico

20 Clues: Flour mixed with fatSpices are always _____Made from simmering bonesMade with milk and white rouxA long simmered and Indian sauceRoux that's cooked for 4-6 minutesWhere the pigment in the herbs come fromTerm for a sauce made of mainly tomatoesBasically a stock not needed to be clarifiedFound in India, Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico...

Foods 2023-12-06

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Pleasant or flavorful in taste.
  2. Remaining food from a previous meal.
  3. Edible seeds of legumes, like lentils and beans.
  4. Indigestible part of plant foods that aids digestion.
  5. Essential nutrient for the body, providing energy and supporting cell function.
  6. Sweet substance used to add sweetness to food
  7. Food prepared and served for a meal.
  8. List of food options available at a restaurant or for a meal.
  9. Food with a significant amount of energy.
  10. Components used in preparing a dish.
  11. Food made from the entire grain, including bran and germ.
  1. Common seasoning to enhance flavor.
  2. Recently harvested or prepared, not preserved.
  3. Food with a relatively low amount of energy.
  4. Birds raised for meat, such as chicken or turkey.
  5. foods: Items that have undergone various alterations during manufacturing.
  6. The distinctive taste of a food or drink.
  7. A serving size or quantity of food.
  8. Thin pieces or portions of food, often cut.
  9. sure to balance your diet by including a variety of nutrients from different food groups.
  10. The habitual pattern of eating.

21 Clues: Pleasant or flavorful in taste.The habitual pattern of eating.Common seasoning to enhance flavor.A serving size or quantity of food.Remaining food from a previous meal.Food prepared and served for a meal.Components used in preparing a dish.The distinctive taste of a food or drink.Food with a significant amount of energy....

foods 2023-09-19

foods crossword puzzle
  1. 8 ounces
  2. pt.
  3. 32 ounces
  4. hr.
  5. T. or TBSP or tbsp. or Tbsp
  6. doz.or 12
  7. min.
  8. 1 pound(lbs)
  9. 1 quart
  10. 1 gallon
  11. sq.
  12. 4 cups
  13. 1/4 cup
  14. mod.
  15. 1 tablespoon
  1. 1 pint
  2. 16 ounce
  3. less than a 1/8 tea spoon
  4. bu
  5. lb.
  6. c.
  7. 128 ounces
  8. pk
  9. oz.
  10. 1 ounce
  11. t.or tsp.
  12. 1 cup
  13. dozen 13
  14. qt
  15. 1/2 gallon

30 Clues: cup1 pint4 cups1 quart1 ounce1/4 cup16 ounce8 ounces1 gallon32 ouncesdoz.or 12t.or tsp.dozen 13128 ounces1/2 gallon1 pound(lbs)1 tablespoonless than a 1/8 tea spoonT. or TBSP or tbsp. or Tbsp

foods 2024-04-25

foods crossword puzzle
  1. hot tasting powder made by grounding up peppercorns
  2. a place to put warm food to cool off
  3. 5ml
  4. to cook meat or fish with direct exposure to intense radiant heat
  5. used to cut butter
  6. used to measure liquid
  7. aiden can't have this
  8. to keep items very cold
  9. to heat something before hand
  10. cook but for bread products
  11. to work into dough
  12. used to warm items up
  13. requires very hot water
  14. a cup marked in graded amounts
  1. a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and cream of tartar
  2. to keep items cold
  3. you drink out of this
  4. a powder gained by grinding grains
  5. sodium bicarbonate
  6. to blend pastry
  7. yellowish and slippery liquid used in pans sometimes
  8. crystal looking substance with seawater taste
  9. some parents hit their kids butts with this
  10. used to cut on
  11. appliance used to bake and cook food
  12. lazy and more efficient way of mixing
  13. used to stir substances
  14. to level your measures
  15. 15ml
  16. sweet crystal like powder

30 Clues: 5ml15mlused to cut onto blend pastryto keep items coldsodium bicarbonateused to cut butterto work into doughyou drink out of thisaiden can't have thisused to warm items upused to measure liquidto level your measuresto keep items very coldused to stir substancesrequires very hot watersweet crystal like powdercook but for bread products...

Foods 2025-01-28

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. supp
  2. vesi
  3. juurviljad
  4. leib
  5. riis
  6. tatar
  7. mereannid
  8. liha
  9. suhkur
  1. tee
  2. juust
  3. kohv
  4. piim
  5. mahl
  6. maiustused
  7. moos
  8. sai
  9. pannkoogid
  10. salat
  11. puuviljad
  12. või
  13. mesi
  14. sauce
  15. muna

24 Clues: teesaivõikohvsuppvesipiimmahlmoosleibriismesilihamunajuustsalattatarsaucesuhkurpuuviljadmereannidmaiustusedpannkoogidjuurviljad

FOODS 2025-01-20

FOODS crossword puzzle
  1. 끓인 재료로 만든 따뜻한 액체 요리.
  2. 가운데에 구멍이 있는 달콤한 튀김 과자.
  3. 쇠고기 패티, 양상추, 토마토가 들어간 샌드위치.
  4. 길고 노란색 껍질을 가진 달콤한 과일.
  5. 면과 소스로 만든 이탈리아 요리.
  6. 치즈, 토마토 소스, 다양한 토핑을 올린 납작한 빵.
  7. 작고 흰색 또는 갈색 곡물로 만든 주식.
  8. 코코아 콩으로 만든 달콤한 간식.
  9. 쌀, 생선, 김으로 만든 일본 요리.
  1. 차갑고 달콤한 디저트로, 보통 콘에 담겨 먹음.
  2. 옥수수 알갱이를 데워 터뜨려 만든 간식.
  3. 두껍게 자른 소고기를 구운 또는 튀긴 요리.
  4. 빵 두 장 사이에 재료를 끼운 음식.
  5. 빨강, 초록, 또는 노란색의 달콤한 과일.
  6. 납작하고 둥근 아침 음식으로, 보통 시럽과 함께 먹음.
  7. 주로 채소로 만든 건강한 요리, 드레싱과 함께 제공됨.
  8. 접힌 토르티야에 고기와 채소를 넣은 멕시코 요리.
  9. 얇게 썬 감자를 바삭하게 튀긴 음식.
  10. 바삭하고 버터 향이 나는 초승달 모양의 빵.
  11. 빵 속에 소시지를 넣고 케첩과 머스타드를 곁들인 음식.

20 Clues: 면과 소스로 만든 이탈리아 요리.코코아 콩으로 만든 달콤한 간식.끓인 재료로 만든 따뜻한 액체 요리.빵 두 장 사이에 재료를 끼운 음식.얇게 썬 감자를 바삭하게 튀긴 음식.쌀, 생선, 김으로 만든 일본 요리.길고 노란색 껍질을 가진 달콤한 과일.옥수수 알갱이를 데워 터뜨려 만든 간식.가운데에 구멍이 있는 달콤한 튀김 과자.작고 흰색 또는 갈색 곡물로 만든 주식.빨강, 초록, 또는 노란색의 달콤한 과일.두껍게 자른 소고기를 구운 또는 튀긴 요리.바삭하고 버터 향이 나는 초승달 모양의 빵.차갑고 달콤한 디저트로, 보통 콘에 담겨 먹음.쇠고기 패티, 양상추, 토마토가 들어간 샌드위치....

Foods 2022-03-09

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. weird-shaped pumpkins
  2. fruit and bird
  3. sushi skin
  4. butterscotch cooked for a long time w/ nuts
  5. name=color
  6. graham cracker w/ soft sweet cheese
  7. round candy on a stick
  8. spikey tropical fruit
  9. not french
  10. batter w/ butter and syrup
  11. round tubes of meat(not "hotdogs")
  12. jiggly, wiggly, and transparent
  13. has no relation to straws
  1. long pasta w/ meatballs
  2. summer fruit
  3. smoked salmon
  4. scrambled, fried, or hard-boiled
  5. carnival food (starts w/ f__n)
  6. +cat=palidrome
  7. iceberg
  8. classic fruit
  9. cow meat
  10. baseball game food
  11. cheesy Italian food (not pasta)
  12. small cake
  13. margarita and icecream topping
  14. weirdest fruit (starts w/ ok)

27 Clues: icebergcow meatsushi skinname=colorsmall cakenot frenchsummer fruitsmoked salmonclassic fruitfruit and bird+cat=palidromebaseball game foodweird-shaped pumpkinsspikey tropical fruitround candy on a sticklong pasta w/ meatballshas no relation to strawsbatter w/ butter and syrupweirdest fruit (starts w/ ok)carnival food (starts w/ f__n)...

Foods... 2012-12-20

Foods... crossword puzzle
  1. To make liquids flow away from a solid food by placing the food in a colander
  2. To cook food in liquid at temperatures just below the boiling point
  3. To thoroughly mix foods using a vigorous over-and-over motion
  4. Small, colorful, edible bits of food used to enhance the appearances and texture of any dish
  5. To cook meats or poultry uncovered in a conventional oven
  6. To cook food by browning it and then simmering it in a small amount of liquid
  7. Cooking food by immersing it in hot fat
  8. To cook food under or over direct heat
  9. To make shallow, straight cuts in the surface of foods
  10. To cut food into small cubes
  11. to separate solid particles from a liquid by pouring the liquid through a fine screen
  12. To combine ingredients thoroughly by beating or stirring
  13. To cut food into small pieces
  1. To incorporate air into a mixture by beating it vigorously, making it light and fluffy
  2. To beat together ingredients such as shortening or sugar until creamy
  3. To cut food into small square pieces
  4. To put dry ingredients, such as flour, through a sifter to add air and reduce lumps
  5. To cut up meat, stew it or fry it, and then serve it as a sauce or as a gravy
  6. To cut food into small pieces by pressing and rubbing the food against the rough surface or a grater
  7. Pour liquid over food as it cooks
  8. To cook small pieces of food quickly in a small amount of oil at a high temperature
  9. To mix ingredients with a spoon in a circular motion
  10. To turn food into a smooth, thick semi liquid by putting through a strainer, blender, or food processor
  11. To cut food into the smallest possible pieces
  12. To mix ingredients thoroughly using a spoon or a whisk
  13. To gently combine delicate ingredients
  14. To cook food with steam by placing it in a basket or rack over boiling water
  15. To cut food into long and thin pieces
  16. To cut off a very thin layer of peel from fruits or vegetables

29 Clues: To cut food into small cubesTo cut food into small piecesPour liquid over food as it cooksTo cut food into small square piecesTo cut food into long and thin piecesTo cook food under or over direct heatTo gently combine delicate ingredientsCooking food by immersing it in hot fatTo cut food into the smallest possible pieces...

Foods 2015-01-13

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. ham
  2. meat
  3. tomato
  4. egg
  5. roll
  6. salad
  7. vegetables
  8. hamburger
  9. lettuce
  10. toast
  11. flan,custard
  12. dessert
  13. pizza
  1. cheese
  2. chicken
  3. beans
  4. sandwich
  5. ice cream
  6. cake
  7. butter
  8. bacon
  9. fish
  10. rice
  11. cereal
  12. fritas French fries

25 Clues: hameggmeatcakerollfishricebeansbaconsaladtoastpizzacheesetomatobuttercerealchickenlettucedessertsandwichice creamhamburgervegetablesflan,custardfritas French fries

Foods 2015-03-28

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. steak
  2. pork
  3. celery
  4. cherry
  5. cookie
  6. strawberry
  7. wine
  8. lemonade
  9. lemon
  10. spinach
  11. clam
  12. lobster
  13. soda
  14. cabbage
  15. orange juice
  16. cake
  17. pumpkin
  18. verdes green beans
  19. meatballs
  20. potato
  21. peppers
  22. peach
  23. zucchini
  24. duck
  25. soda
  26. cucumber
  27. flour
  28. bacon
  29. ice cream
  30. grapefruit
  31. mussel
  32. onion
  33. pear
  1. beer
  2. milk
  3. pineapple
  4. eggs
  5. grapes
  6. caramels
  7. pomegranate
  8. orange
  9. oyster
  10. raspberry
  11. melon
  12. banana
  13. cupcake
  14. kiwi
  15. asparagus
  16. fish
  17. sausage
  18. butter
  19. carrot
  20. ham
  21. broccoli
  22. peas
  23. veal
  24. turkey
  25. blueberry
  26. crab
  27. tomato
  28. popsicle
  29. garlic
  30. lamb
  31. tart
  32. shrimp

65 Clues: hambeermilkporkeggswinekiwiclamsodafishcakepeasvealcrabducksodalambtartpearsteakmelonlemonpeachflourbacononioncelerygrapescherrycookieorangeoysterbananabuttercarrotpotatoturkeytomatogarlicshrimpmusselcupcakespinachlobstercabbagesausagepumpkinpepperscaramelslemonadebroccolizucchinipopsiclecucumberpineappleraspberryasparagusmeatballsblueberry...

foods 2023-03-06

foods crossword puzzle
  1. its green inside
  2. its nice and purple
  3. it comes from a chicken
  4. halloween muhahhhah
  5. it comes from a pig
  6. it is red and nasty
  7. monkeys like it
  8. its orange and long
  9. amaricans like to eat it
  10. has hair on it
  1. it comes from Japan
  2. what came first orange or orange
  3. its red inside
  4. its sour
  5. from italy
  6. they are blue
  7. is big and brown
  8. cry
  9. it comes from dragons
  10. it comes in diffrent colors

20 Clues: cryits sourfrom italythey are blueits red insidehas hair on itmonkeys like itits green insideis big and brownit comes from Japanits nice and purplehalloween muhahhhahit comes from a pigit is red and nastyits orange and longit comes from dragonsit comes from a chickenamaricans like to eat itit comes in diffrent colorswhat came first orange or orange

foods 2022-08-31

foods crossword puzzle
  1. used to mix ingredients
  2. used to mix
  3. used to cut
  4. used to warm up leftovers
  5. used to scrape the side of bowls
  6. used to boil food
  7. scoop soup
  8. keeps food cold
  9. used to mix electrically
  10. how you make bacon
  1. you _____ egg whites to make merangue
  2. how you make cookies
  3. used to make pancakes
  4. cooking a food in lots of fat
  5. you should always do this before working with food
  6. keep conditions ______
  7. used to bake
  8. used to clean the skin off fruits and veggies
  9. liquid you consume
  10. what you eat

20 Clues: scoop soupused to mixused to cutused to bakewhat you eatkeeps food coldused to boil foodliquid you consumehow you make baconhow you make cookiesused to make pancakeskeep conditions ______used to mix ingredientsused to mix electricallyused to warm up leftoverscooking a food in lots of fatused to scrape the side of bowls...

Foods 2023-01-20

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. shake or mix small pieces of it together with a sauce or dressing
  2. to make by preparing a dough, batter, etc., and cooking it in an oven using dry heat.
  3. lightly coating food with a dry ingredient, such as flour, cornmeal, or breadcrumbs.
  4. separating and breaking down any clumps in an ingredient (flour)
  5. pouring a thin liquid over a food
  6. White and comes from cows
  7. Combining two or more ingredients with a mixer or using your hands
  8. Large bowl used for mixing ingredients
  9. comes from fat in the butter or rendered fat from animal food
  10. Center part of a fruit
  11. a cooked food, especially a vegetable or fruit, that has been put through a sieve, blender, or the like.
  12. Knife A short chefs knife
  13. Food cut into small cubes
  14. yellow and grows in a field
  15. Tool used to heat up food faster or defrost faster
  16. an embellishment added to food to enhance its appearance or taste
  17. to blend ingredients together fast and quick
  18. To stir rapidly by hand or with a mixer to combine ingredients or incorporate air into mixture
  19. the process of incorporating air bubbles into the structure of fatty liquids
  20. made of wood used to stir and mix ingredients
  21. Using a tool to cut food (cheese) into a lot of smaller pieces
  1. Using a tool to make strips out of food
  2. designed to measure dry ingredients
  3. designed to measure liquids like water, cooking oil, and yogurt.
  4. cut of meat from the cow
  5. Raw Toast
  6. tool used to measure small amounts of liquid or solid food
  7. red fruit that has tiny black seeds
  8. to cook (meat or other food) by direct exposure to dry heat, as on a spit.
  9. wooden or plastic board used as a mat to cut on
  10. to remove any excess dry ingredients, so that the ingredients are level, or even with, the top of the measuring cup or spoon
  11. Food cut into very small pieces
  12. Hand held tool used to mix and blend
  13. pour juices or melted fat over meat during cooking in order to keep it moist.

34 Clues: Raw ToastCenter part of a fruitcut of meat from the cowWhite and comes from cowsKnife A short chefs knifeFood cut into small cubesyellow and grows in a fieldFood cut into very small piecespouring a thin liquid over a fooddesigned to measure dry ingredientsred fruit that has tiny black seedsHand held tool used to mix and blend...

Foods 2023-01-18

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. scrape food across or through a shredding surface
  2. method of cooking that uses a moderate heat
  3. long and orange
  4. uses hot, dry air to cook food in the oven
  5. finely chopped
  6. making something that is roughly chopped and then chopping it finely
  7. soaking food in liquid
  8. designed to measure dry ingredients
  9. procedure of passing a dry ingredient through a
  10. cooking method that happens when the liquid's temperature reaches 212 degrees
  11. emoving the seed and outer layer
  12. comes from a cow
  13. red with black dots
  14. to keep the meat moist
  15. cooking technique in which ingredients are fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed in a wok
  16. a large bowl used in cooking for mixing ingredients
  17. To combine two or more ingredients by hand
  18. rub rood against a grater in order to cut
  19. To peel or trim off the outer skin of a fruit or vegetable.
  1. is used to blend ingredients together quickly
  2. to peel or cut fruit and vegetables into small pieces
  3. to measure small quantities of both dry and liquid ingredients.
  4. stir fast
  5. process of cooking with dry heat
  6. a protective surface on which to cut or slice things
  7. usually glass or plastic with a handle
  8. bottom sieve
  9. is an electric oven that heats and cooks food by exposing it to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range
  10. technique designed to remove excessive fat from meat
  11. white and runny
  12. stir a pot, mix both wet and dry ingredients, and scoop everything from lightly whipped cream to thick brownie batter
  13. to work the dough
  14. cooked bread
  15. mix together
  16. lightly coating with a dry ingredient

35 Clues: stir fastbottom sievecooked breadmix togetherfinely choppedlong and orangewhite and runnycomes from a cowto work the doughred with black dotssoaking food in liquidto keep the meat moistprocess of cooking with dry heatemoving the seed and outer layerdesigned to measure dry ingredientslightly coating with a dry ingredient...

Foods 2023-04-11

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Starts from a plant and creates something really sweet and is brown
  2. You sometimes have this with yogurt
  3. an eight tentacled guy that lives in the ocean
  4. Chickens lay these
  5. Flat noodles with meat and tomato sauce in the middle. Stacked on top of each other.
  6. Cousin of a sheep
  7. Meat with buns on the outsides
  8. yellow phone like food
  9. A french named food that is the original name, not American
  10. Most iconic fruit
  1. It's Green and avocados are in here. You dip them with chips
  2. Large bird with webbed feet
  3. A red fruit that starts with r
  4. It's a breakfast that has oats in it
  5. You have this with granola
  6. An italian food that is not pasta
  7. You put milk in this.
  8. Noodles with meat sauce
  9. A herb that starts with g and we have it in our spice cupboard
  10. fish food that goes well with pasta
  11. A red crawfish like creature
  12. Most iconic breakfast food
  13. Best meat alive for breakfast
  14. Rounded fruits that grow in cluster colors are purple green and red

24 Clues: Cousin of a sheepMost iconic fruitChickens lay theseYou put milk in this.yellow phone like foodNoodles with meat sauceYou have this with granolaMost iconic breakfast foodLarge bird with webbed feetA red crawfish like creatureBest meat alive for breakfastA red fruit that starts with rMeat with buns on the outsidesAn italian food that is not pasta...

Foods 2023-04-11

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Starts from a plant and creates something really sweet and is brown
  2. You sometimes have this with yogurt
  3. an eight tentacled guy that lives in the ocean
  4. Chickens lay these
  5. Flat noodles with meat and tomato sauce in the middle. Stacked on top of each other.
  6. Cousin of a sheep
  7. Meat with buns on the outsides
  8. yellow phone like food
  9. A french named food that is the original name, not American
  10. Most iconic fruit
  1. It's Green and avocados are in here. You dip them with chips
  2. Large bird with webbed feet
  3. A red fruit that starts with r
  4. It's a breakfast that has oats in it
  5. You have this with granola
  6. An italian food that is not pasta
  7. You put milk in this.
  8. Noodles with meat sauce
  9. A herb that starts with g and we have it in our spice cupboard
  10. fish food that goes well with pasta
  11. A red crawfish like creature
  12. Most iconic breakfast food
  13. Best meat alive for breakfast
  14. Rounded fruits that grow in cluster colors are purple green and red

24 Clues: Cousin of a sheepMost iconic fruitChickens lay theseYou put milk in this.yellow phone like foodNoodles with meat sauceYou have this with granolaMost iconic breakfast foodLarge bird with webbed feetA red crawfish like creatureBest meat alive for breakfastA red fruit that starts with rMeat with buns on the outsidesAn italian food that is not pasta...

Foods 2021-02-11

Foods crossword puzzle
  1. cook in a small amount of fat
  2. filling measuring tool to a rounded level above the top
  3. oily stuff
  4. reduce to finer particles
  5. Blend into heavier ingredient
  6. cook below boiling point
  7. cook in hot liquid
  8. Blend
  9. leave an opening
  10. Small blocks of food
  1. heat something in advance
  2. beat quickly and vigorously
  3. solid to liquid
  4. Broil over hot coals
  5. remove skin or shell
  6. warm-up
  7. Clear up
  8. roast slowly on a rack or spit over hot coals or some other direct heat source and baste with a spicy sauce
  9. Piece of food
  10. cut food up

20 Clues: Blendwarm-upClear upoily stuffcut food upPiece of foodsolid to liquidleave an openingcook in hot liquidBroil over hot coalsremove skin or shellSmall blocks of foodcook below boiling pointheat something in advancereduce to finer particlesbeat quickly and vigorouslycook in a small amount of fatBlend into heavier ingredient...

foods 2021-05-27

foods crossword puzzle
  1. thin round cake with syrup
  2. dead sea animal
  3. red and grew from tree
  4. red sauce with meatballs
  5. soft tortilla with meat
  6. warm circle with chocolate
  7. bun with meat and lettuce
  8. glazed
  9. baked dough
  1. don't put the milk first
  2. sticky brown beads
  3. heated bread
  4. cheese with sauce
  5. corn coked
  6. dead chicken babies
  7. hot water with flavors
  8. in sushi
  9. clumpy milk with flavor
  10. dead pig
  11. lettuce

20 Clues: glazedlettucein sushidead pigcorn cokedbaked doughheated breaddead sea animalcheese with saucesticky brown beadsdead chicken babiesred and grew from treehot water with flavorssoft tortilla with meatclumpy milk with flavordon't put the milk firstred sauce with meatballsbun with meat and lettucethin round cake with syrupwarm circle with chocolate

FOODS 2021-06-19

FOODS crossword puzzle
  2. PEIXE
  4. BOLO
  8. CARNE
  9. LIMÃO
  10. CAFÉ
  11. PÃO
  12. CHÁ
  2. SUCO
  3. LEITE
  5. ARROZ
  6. OVO