mental health Crossword Puzzles

Mental Health 2020-11-04

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.
  2. The fearful anticipation of further danger or problems accompanied by an intense unpleasant feeling or physical symptoms
  3. A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior among teenagers in which they violate the rights of others
  4. an often persistent bodily disorder or disease
  5. shielding (or designed to shield) against harm or discomfort
  6. Provides mental health services for the prevention of individuals.
  7. A type of mood disorder characterized by low or irritable mood or loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities over a period of time.
  8. Unhealthy pattern of eating characterized by preoccupation with food and distorted body image.
  9. Disorder of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
  10. of or relating to or caused by a poison
  11. Teenage sexual abuse occurs when an adolescent is used for gratification of an adult’s sexual needs or desires.
  1. A type of mood disorder with marked changes in mood between extreme elation or happiness and severe depression during adolescence.
  2. A trained professional who provides treatment to children with mental health issues.
  3. mental or emotional as opposed to physical in nature
  4. (EBP) comprises empirically-validated processes that facilitate the conscientious
  5. a disability of a person which is attributable to a condition closely related to mental retardation
  6. experiences a tramatic event.
  7. A neuro-developmental condition which is usually diagnosed in the first 3 years of life.
  8. in your mind

19 Clues: in your mindexperiences a tramatic event.Use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.of or relating to or caused by a poisonDisorder of thinking, feeling, and often persistent bodily disorder or diseasemental or emotional as opposed to physical in natureshielding (or designed to shield) against harm or discomfort...

Mental Health 2021-10-18

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Second leading cause of death in college students
  2. Difficulty focusing on activities, hyperactivity
  3. Anxiety/fear of being observed
  4. Changing your perspective
  5. Well-being including openness to new experiences, hopefulness, and self-worth
  6. mysophobia
  7. recurrent, urgent behaviors
  8. Hostility
  9. common medication prescribed for anxiety or depression
  10. A response to an imaginary situation
  11. Experiencing periods of euphoria
  12. patterns of brain activity that respond to an experience
  1. Mental strategies for avoiding unpleasant thoughts
  2. Stops breathing
  3. mild depression
  4. Seasonal affective disorder is caused by disturbed production of these
  5. Persistent thoughts
  6. Ophediophobia
  7. Occurs without warning

19 Clues: HostilitymysophobiaOphediophobiaStops breathingmild depressionPersistent thoughtsOccurs without warningChanging your perspectiverecurrent, urgent behaviorsAnxiety/fear of being observedExperiencing periods of euphoriaA response to an imaginary situationDifficulty focusing on activities, hyperactivitySecond leading cause of death in college students...

Mental Health 2023-10-26

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. A mental health condition often linked to trauma or stress.
  2. A positive emotion linked to well-being and happiness.
  3. A technique to relax and reduce stress, often with deep breathing.
  4. A condition involving difficulty paying attention and impulsivity.
  5. A mental health condition causing a detachment from reality.
  6. A mental health disorder characterized by extreme mood swings.
  7. A chemical messenger in the brain affecting mood and emotion.
  8. A form of therapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns.
  1. A common symptom of depression, a loss of interest or pleasure.
  2. A condition characterized by intense, irrational fears.
  3. A medical professional who treats mental health conditions.
  4. A state of feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and unable to cope.
  5. A feeling of intense fear or panic.
  6. A state of mental clarity and emotional balance.
  7. A feeling of sadness or despair.
  8. A state of inner calm and tranquility.
  9. A disorder causing excessive fear and avoidance of situations.
  10. A type of therapy involving talking with a trained counselor.
  11. A common mental health issue in which persistent worry dominates.
  12. A mental health disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions.

20 Clues: A feeling of sadness or despair.A feeling of intense fear or panic.A state of inner calm and tranquility.A state of mental clarity and emotional balance.A positive emotion linked to well-being and happiness.A condition characterized by intense, irrational fears.A mental health condition often linked to trauma or stress....

Mental Health 2024-02-18

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. häiriö
  2. uuvuttava
  3. hermostunut
  4. masennus
  5. stressi
  6. fyysinen
  7. fobia
  8. tunteet
  9. ahdistuneisuus
  10. riippuvuus
  11. yksinäisyys
  1. uupunut
  2. hyvinvointi
  3. henkinen
  4. lääkitys
  5. sosiaalinen
  6. terapia
  7. meditaatio
  8. vaikuttaa

19 Clues: fobiahäiriöuupunutstressiterapiatunteethenkinenlääkitysmasennusfyysinenuuvuttavavaikuttaameditaatioriippuvuushyvinvointihermostunutsosiaalinenyksinäisyysahdistuneisuus

Mental Health 2021-09-10

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. A group of emotions
  2. The state of not being able to do something
  3. The state of being happy
  4. Your body's natural response to stress
  5. the feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something
  6. A state of being sick
  7. The ages from 13-19
  8. The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy
  9. Feeling free, open and alive
  1. feeling or showing regret
  2. Feeling sad and not knowing what to do.
  3. A state of confusion
  4. An addictive drink
  5. websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking
  6. a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility
  7. The condition or quality of being sad
  8. A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being
  9. An addictive substance
  10. The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death

19 Clues: An addictive drinkA group of emotionsThe ages from 13-19A state of confusionA state of being sickAn addictive substanceThe state of being happyfeeling or showing regretFeeling free, open and aliveThe condition or quality of being sadYour body's natural response to stressFeeling sad and not knowing what to do....

Mental Health 2017-06-19

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Great difficulty staying focused
  2. The _____ cortex is often the latest part of brain to mature
  3. May be a barrier to get help for mental illness
  4. What refers to negative attitudes to those with mental illness
  5. Stigma becomes a barrier to ______ and treatment
  6. Related to poor body image
  7. Those with this disablity have trouble learning
  8. Mental illnesses often come from the parents making them ______
  9. Pleasure neurotransmitter
  1. ongoing pattern of uncooperation to people in authority
  2. Who is it up to to identify a mental health concern
  3. An example of a biological illness is abnormal levels of ______
  4. Happy neurotransmitter
  5. 3.2% of _____ children have a learning disability
  6. Specific learning disability in reading
  7. Constant state of worry; most common
  8. Most common type of ADHD
  9. Mood disorder
  10. Setting ____ term goals will help a child suffering from ADHD

19 Clues: Mood disorderHappy neurotransmitterMost common type of ADHDPleasure neurotransmitterRelated to poor body imageGreat difficulty staying focusedConstant state of worry; most commonSpecific learning disability in readingMay be a barrier to get help for mental illnessThose with this disablity have trouble learning...

Mental Health Review 2018-04-09

Mental Health Review crossword puzzle
  1. Irrational fears that prevent a person from living a normal life
  2. Legal and illegal _____ can affect a person's mental health
  3. Relationships between people who are not related, but share interests and values
  4. The _____ of your food has a large effect on your overall mental and physical health
  5. People who are too assertive
  6. People become more involved with their own relationships and mental health as they become _______
  7. Relationships between people who are related
  8. forceful and confident behaviour
  9. The umbrella of a person's feelings towards possible romantic partners, their orientation, and gender
  10. Mental health issues that are treated by medical experts are called _____ mental disorders
  11. Fear or dislike of homosexual or other sexual orientations
  12. The first major relationship people have as children is with their ______
  13. Prejudice against women based on the belief they are not equal to men
  14. People with mental health issues often face ____ in the community, due to lack of knowledge of what their issues entail
  1. people who show an appropriate level of assertiveness
  2. This form of bullying has increased over the past 10 years, due to mobile phones being used by younger people
  3. Relationships between people at their work, or at school
  4. Sexual relationships must contain ____ from both people before they begin
  5. Fear of people based on their heritage, skin colour or culture
  6. The most common mood disorder, characterised by intense sadness over a long period of time
  7. People who receive less than six hours of _____ are at a higher risk of having a mental health issue
  8. Relationships that are intimate (usually a boy/girlfriend, husband or wife, etc.)
  9. People can always find _____ about mental health and relationships from family and school
  10. _____ can have mental health issue during their life
  11. Relationships all need ______ and openness in order to build trust and foster communication
  12. People who are not assertive enough

26 Clues: People who are too assertiveforceful and confident behaviourPeople who are not assertive enoughRelationships between people who are related_____ can have mental health issue during their lifepeople who show an appropriate level of assertivenessRelationships between people at their work, or at school...

Health 2023-08-07

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Cleanliness and personal care
  2. Health Emotional and psychological well-being
  3. Overall health and well-being
  4. Mindful relaxation
  5. Food and nourishment
  6. Mind-body practice for flexibility and relaxation
  7. Regaining health or strength
  8. Maintaining proper water intake
  9. Mental or emotional strain
  1. Physical activity
  2. Rest and rejuvenation
  3. Taking measures to avoid illness or injury
  4. Body's resistance to disease
  5. Essential nutrients for health
  6. Equilibrium or stability
  7. Ability to recover from adversity or stress
  8. Treatment for illness or injury
  9. Physical well-being
  10. Treatment for mental or physical ailments
  11. The food one consumes regularly

20 Clues: Physical activityMindful relaxationPhysical well-beingFood and nourishmentRest and rejuvenationEquilibrium or stabilityMental or emotional strainBody's resistance to diseaseRegaining health or strengthCleanliness and personal careOverall health and well-beingEssential nutrients for healthTreatment for illness or injury...

Mental Health Awareness Crossword 2019-05-03

Mental Health Awareness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a diagnostic tool to help diagnose mental health disorders
  2. a state of good health, incorporating physical and mental well-being
  3. a broad term with different methods of effectively dealing with a difficult situation
  4. to make easier or less difficult; contribute to
  5. to provide advice and a source of communication
  6. taking care of one’s own wellbeing, especially during times of stress
  7. _______ illness is an umbrella term for wide range of mental health conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior
  8. _____ Hall houses R’Pantry, Case Management, and ethnic programs; across the HUB
  9. short-term positive stress that helps motivate
  10. act of causing one’s own death; comes with warning signs
  11. discrimination or ___ surrounding mental health
  12. physical activity that maintains fitness and well-being
  13. facility that “cultivates mental, physical, & social development through recreational services and programs”
  14. to take your mind off a stressful situation
  15. “curing;” restoration of oneself
  1. the _________ is in the HUB that provides resources to benefit your wellness and overall health
  2. Negative stress
  3. a facility that provides tutoring, workshops, and writing support
  4. offering ___in a time of need
  5. a state of mind or specific mindset
  6. ____ Arches is a peer health group that focuses on topics of alcohol, drugs, safe partying, sexual health, and nutrition/fitness
  7. “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being & not merely the absence of disease”
  8. centering one’s awareness to the present moment
  9. a phrase of positive emotional encouragement
  10. provides 8 FREE individual or group counseling/therapy to UCR students
  11. our _____ are affected by moods, situations, and relationships with others
  12. _____ Management in Costo Hall assists students with a range of challenges: academic help, food insecurity, & mental health
  13. when the body is at rest; essential for daily function
  14. Provides emergency food, hygiene, household, and childcare items for children; Costo Hall 110
  15. a time of intense difficulty that may induce distress

30 Clues: Negative stressoffering ___in a time of need“curing;” restoration of oneselfa state of mind or specific mindsetto take your mind off a stressful situationa phrase of positive emotional encouragementshort-term positive stress that helps motivatecentering one’s awareness to the present momentto make easier or less difficult; contribute to...

3.0 Disorders & Illnesses Crossword (Green) 2023-12-06

3.0 Disorders & Illnesses Crossword (Green) crossword puzzle
  1. the presence of two or more mental health conditions occurring simultaneously in an individual.
  2. Specific plan, means to carry out, history, lethality, giving away, early stages of antidepressant treatment, increased energy
  3. thinking about suicide, usually with some serious emotional and intellectual or cognitive overtones
  4. Develop skills to manage your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
  5. the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
  6. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
  7. the ability to accept and respect differences in opinion, beliefs, and behaviors of others without judgement or criticism
  8. identification of a mental health disorder, illness, or condition
  9. Be aware of your personal identity and strive to enhance it
  10. giving priority to the goals of one's group
  11. the frequency of occurrence of a particular mental health condition in a given population at a specific time.
  1. the likely course of a particular mental health condition, including the chances of recovery.
  2. giving priority to one's own goals over group goals
  3. Perception that you or external factors determine your fate
  4. Personality Theory (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism)
  5. the study of the causes of mental health conditions and their origin.
  6. Believe in your ability to succeed
  7. the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  8. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration

19 Clues: Believe in your ability to succeedgiving priority to the goals of one's groupSubstance Abuse and Mental Health AdministrationDenial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptancegiving priority to one's own goals over group goalsPerception that you or external factors determine your fateBe aware of your personal identity and strive to enhance it...

Mental health 2023-05-03

Mental health crossword puzzle
  1. Patterns of actions create?
  2. Our vision of the future.
  3. Belief in the reliability, truth, and or ability of another or .
  4. Communication with others.
  5. Understanding of our self and actions and how both effect others.
  6. Having insight or good judgment.
  7. The driving factor in quick decisions.
  8. 2 words how we look at our self.
  1. 2 words making thought out decisions to avoid knee jerk reactions.
  2. Looking at our goal and deciding how to get there.
  3. What we feel when habits or patterns are broken.
  4. The act of learning knowledge and/or skills give you an ___.
  5. Dealing with stress.
  6. persistent sadness and a lack of interest
  7. Ability to influence
  8. Can be used as a strong motivating factor for change.
  9. Refusing to except.
  10. When we change we _______.

18 Clues: Refusing to except.Dealing with stress.Ability to influenceOur vision of the future.Communication with others.When we change we _______.Patterns of actions create?Having insight or good judgment.2 words how we look at our self.The driving factor in quick decisions.persistent sadness and a lack of interest...

Mental Health 2014-07-15

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Are deliberate behaviours (e.g. washing, checking, ordering) or mental acts (e.g. praying, counting, repeating phrases) that are carried out to reduce the anxiety caused by the obsessions
  2. A service offered to meet with this professional to assist individuals in coping with their mental health concerns or illnesses.
  3. Presents a serious barrier, not only to diagnosis and treatment but also to acceptance in the community
  4. Abbreviation for an anxiety disorder that affects about 1-2% of the population. People with OCD experience both obsessions and compulsions
  5. Refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors
  6. The second leading cause of death among those aged 10-19 in Canada
  7. A complex mental illness that affects a person's ability to distinguish what is reality and what is not. Delusions and hallucinations may be present with this illness
  8. One in _____ Canadians experience a mental health or addiction problem
  1. An eating disorder characterized by immoderate food restriction, inappropriate eating habits or rituals, obsession with having a thin figure, and an irrational fear of weight gain, as well as a distorted body self-perception
  2. The most common mood disorder. A treatable mental illness involving changes in mood, thinking and behaviour. May experience feelings of hopelessness or loneliness and often withdraws from social activities
  3. A local multi-service agency consisting of counsellors who can provide physical, emotional, developmental and community services for children and youth who may be struggling with certain areas of their lives
  4. A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being
  5. Use of information technology to harm or harass other people in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner
  6. A local Red Lake service available to individuals greater than 12 years of age dealing with both addiction and mental health
  7. Anonymous free 24/7 telephone and internet service with live chat for talking to a counsellor about any personal problems 1-800-668-6868
  8. Deliberately causing physical harm to yourself, often done in secret. A way of coping with painful feelings
  9. May be prescribed by your family doctor to treat mental illnesses such as depression, OCD, or anxiety
  10. Are unwanted and disturbing thoughts, images, or impulses that suddenly pop into the mind and cause a great deal of anxiety or distress

18 Clues: The second leading cause of death among those aged 10-19 in CanadaOne in _____ Canadians experience a mental health or addiction problemA person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-beingMay be prescribed by your family doctor to treat mental illnesses such as depression, OCD, or anxiety...

Mental Health 2016-04-21

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. work in an organized and active way towards a goal
  2. illnesses that affect your mood, thinking and behavior
  3. the idea one has of one's abilities, appearance, and personality
  4. a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances
  5. a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest
  6. confidence in one's own worth or abilities
  7. a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit
  8. a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances
  9. an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat
  10. a person's mental or physical condition
  1. relating to the mind
  2. having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
  3. a condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity
  4. a deeply distressing or disturbing experience
  5. treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder
  6. an emotional state or reaction
  7. deliberate injury to oneself
  8. a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others
  9. a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome

19 Clues: relating to the minddeliberate injury to oneselfan emotional state or reactiona person's mental or physical conditionconfidence in one's own worth or abilitiesa deeply distressing or disturbing experiencetreatment intended to relieve or heal a disorderwork in an organized and active way towards a goal...

Mental Health 2022-05-06

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Unrealistic worry and tension, even if there is little or nothing to provke anxiety
  2. Caused by remembering traumatic event
  3. Nerological disorder that causes a person to be inattentive
  4. A sudden episode of intense fear
  5. Fear of small spaces
  6. Highly illegal and addictive drugs
  7. Characterized by inattentiveness
  8. A disorder of repeated drug or alcohol use
  9. common but serious mood disorder
  1. fear of spiders
  2. A disorder that causes hallucinations
  3. fear of hights
  4. Anxiety disorder characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears
  5. A person is diagnosed with substance abuse and another mental health disorder
  6. The existence of two or more persons in one body
  7. Fear of social situations
  8. episodes of extremely low moods
  9. Having anxiety about an event

18 Clues: fear of hightsfear of spidersFear of small spacesFear of social situationsHaving anxiety about an eventepisodes of extremely low moodsA sudden episode of intense fearCharacterized by inattentivenesscommon but serious mood disorderHighly illegal and addictive drugsCaused by remembering traumatic eventA disorder that causes hallucinations...

Mental Health 2019-12-10

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Overwhelming fear
  2. Not agitated
  3. Gradual Healing
  4. Continuous contemplation
  5. Feeling of dread
  6. Intense Joy
  7. Extreme Fatigue
  8. Giving helpful advice
  1. A permanent state of worry
  2. Alert to your surroundings
  3. Expecting the best
  4. Expel air through the lungs
  5. Giving you body energy
  6. Intense Sorrow
  7. Feelings of gloom and inadequacy
  8. To treat an illness
  9. Mental Strain
  10. Health state of mind

18 Clues: Intense JoyNot agitatedMental StrainIntense SorrowGradual HealingExtreme FatigueFeeling of dreadOverwhelming fearExpecting the bestTo treat an illnessHealth state of mindGiving helpful adviceGiving you body energyContinuous contemplationA permanent state of worryAlert to your surroundingsExpel air through the lungsFeelings of gloom and inadequacy

Mental Health 2018-12-05

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. irrational distrust of other people
  2. feeling of worry that causes physical sx
  3. professional specializing in treating mental disorders
  4. relating to neural processes and structures involved in cognition
  5. irrational fear of something that poses no threat
  6. abnormally active
  7. deeply disturbing or distressing experience
  8. excessive accumulation of things
  1. chronic disorder of mental processes memory behavior reasoning
  2. problematic dependency
  3. involving the development of the neuro system
  4. lacking ability to think things through before acting
  5. behavior or ritual caused by thoughts
  6. undesirable thoughts that cause anxiety
  7. MD specializing in the treatment of mental disorders
  8. unusual shifts in mood energy ability to function
  9. treatment method of discussion of issues
  10. uncomfortable physical and psychological sx when drugs are stopped

18 Clues: abnormally activeproblematic dependencyexcessive accumulation of thingsirrational distrust of other peoplebehavior or ritual caused by thoughtsundesirable thoughts that cause anxietyfeeling of worry that causes physical sxtreatment method of discussion of issuesdeeply disturbing or distressing experienceinvolving the development of the neuro system...

mental health 2024-02-22

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. - Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or loss of interest in activities, affecting mood, thoughts, and behavior.
  2. - Strategies and techniques used to manage stress, regulate emotions, and cope with difficult situations.
  3. - Ability to bounce back from adversity, cope with stress, and adapt to change.
  4. - Confidence and self-worth, reflecting beliefs about one's abilities, appearance, and value as a person.
  5. - Limits and guidelines set by individuals to protect their emotional and psychological well-being, and maintain healthy relationships.
  6. - Acknowledgment and embrace of one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment or resistance.
  7. - Assistance, encouragement, and understanding provided by others, including friends, family, or support groups.
  8. - Treatment or intervention aimed at improving mental health and well-being, often provided by mental health professionals such as psychologists or counselors.
  9. - Mind-body practice involving focused attention and relaxation techniques to cultivate mental clarity, calmness, and awareness.
  10. - Persistent feelings of worry, fear, or unease, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as palpitations or sweating.
  1. - State of being content, fulfilled, and satisfied with life, encompassing physical, emotional, and mental health.
  2. - Psychological and physiological response to challenging or threatening situations, impacting mental and physical well-being.
  3. - Practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment, promoting awareness, relaxation, and stress reduction.
  4. - Process of healing and regaining mental health and well-being after experiencing mental illness or distress.
  5. - Process of gaining control, confidence, and autonomy in one's life and decisions, often through self-awareness, advocacy, and support.
  6. - Practices and activities that promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being, such as exercise, relaxation, and hobbies.
  7. - Emotional response to a distressing or disturbing event, often resulting in psychological symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, or hypervigilance.
  8. - Strategies and mechanisms used to manage stress, emotions, and challenges.
  9. - Process of healing and regaining mental health and well-being after experiencing mental illness or distress.
  10. - Treatment or intervention aimed at improving mental health and well-being, often provided by mental health professionals such as psychologists or counselors.

20 Clues: - Strategies and mechanisms used to manage stress, emotions, and challenges.- Ability to bounce back from adversity, cope with stress, and adapt to change.- Strategies and techniques used to manage stress, regulate emotions, and cope with difficult situations....

mental health 2021-11-12

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. Masalah kesihatan mental boleh menyebabkan seseorang berasa ......
  2. Individu yang mengalami halusinasi, delusi, kekacauan pemikiran, serta perubahan tingkah laku dalam masa jangka yang panjang merujuk kepada ......
  3. Nasi,mee,roti dan sumber biji-bijiran dan ubi-ubian berada di aras?
  4. Jenis penyakit yang mana suatu kondisi di mana terdapat adanya gangguan pada jantung dan pembuluh darah.
  5. Memastikan pencapaian ...... dan kokurikulum terjamin.
  6. Punca stress berlaku adalah disebabkan kegagalan menguruskan ......
  7. Membaca sekilas lalu merupakan teknik pembelajaran yang ......
  8. Kita dapat menangani masalah tekanan atau stress melalui aktiviti ...... pada setiap petang untuk merehatkan minda.
  9. Salah satu daripada jenis fobia adalah seseorang yang mempunyai ketakutan yang luar biasa saat mendengar suara petir atau kilat yang dikenali sebagai ......
  1. Masalah penyakit ...... ini seringkali menghadapi masalah tidak tidur pada waktu malam dan akan mengalami keletihan pada hari berikutnya.
  2. Sikap suka menangguhkan kerja dan gagal dalam menguruskan masa dengan baik menjadikan seseorang itu tidak ...... dalam kehidupan sehariannya.
  3. Cawangan perubatan berkenaan dengan diagnosis dan rawatan penyakit mental.
  4. Selain pengurusan masa, cara atau ...... belajar yang betul merupakan aspek penting.
  5. Antara cara mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat ialah dengan meminum ...... dengan secukupnya bagi membuang toksin dalam badan.
  6. Terdapat berapa aras di dalam piramid makanan?
  7. Menetapkan ....... untuk belajar atau melakukan kerja agar kehidupan lebih teratur dan tersusun.
  8. Gaya hidup sihat sangat penting diamalkan dalam kehidupan seharian kerana ia dapat mengekalkan kesihatan tubuh badan dan ...... yang cerdas.
  9. Memastikan tahap kesihatan mental sentiasa pada tahap yang ......

18 Clues: Terdapat berapa aras di dalam piramid makanan?Memastikan pencapaian ...... dan kokurikulum terjamin.Membaca sekilas lalu merupakan teknik pembelajaran yang ......Memastikan tahap kesihatan mental sentiasa pada tahap yang ......Masalah kesihatan mental boleh menyebabkan seseorang berasa .........

mental health 2022-05-27

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. direct your attention at something
  2. all, everything in general.
  3. worry
  4. a doctor (surgery or operation)
  5. support or argue for something or someone.
  6. resting day(2words without white space)
  7. a feeling of nervousness
  8. power or skill to do things.
  9. written description of a new law that is being suggested.
  1. mental sadness
  2. make wise use of something or someone (3words without white space)
  3. cool down
  4. related to our bodies.
  5. resting day (2 words)
  6. the way a person acts. (adjective)
  7. very important , needs an immediate attention.
  8. very dangerous, very difficult situation.
  9. adjective form of "calm"
  10. the force that one thing can do for another thing.

19 Clues: worrycool downmental sadnessresting day (2 words)related to our bodies.adjective form of "calm"a feeling of nervousnessall, everything in general.power or skill to do things.a doctor (surgery or operation)direct your attention at somethingthe way a person acts. (adjective)resting day(2words without white space)...

Justice & Asylum Reforms 2023-11-05

Justice & Asylum Reforms crossword puzzle
  1. Organized places.
  2. Care facility.
  3. Prison reformer.
  4. Incarceration place.
  5. Lawbreaker.
  6. Knowledge acquisition.
  7. Recovery.
  8. Division.
  9. Supporters of a cause.
  10. Care for health issues.
  1. Dix Mental health reformer.
  2. Community.
  3. Change advocates.
  4. Mental health.
  5. Enacted laws.
  6. Imprisonment.
  7. Guiding role.
  8. Empathy.
  9. Self-respect.
  10. Compassionate.
  11. Youth-related.
  12. Progress.

22 Clues: Empathy.Progress.Recovery.Division.Community.Lawbreaker.Enacted laws.Imprisonment.Guiding role.Self-respect.Mental health.Care facility.Compassionate.Youth-related.Prison reformer.Change advocates.Organized places.Incarceration place.Knowledge acquisition.Supporters of a cause.Care for health issues.Dix Mental health reformer.

Mental Health 2016-01-27

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Is characterized by periods of depression and mania
  2. Term used for the "coming off" of medications
  3. Worst outcome for a mental health patient
  4. Used to treat seizures, but off label is used to tx bipolar disorder
  5. Used to treat schizophrenia
  6. MAOI's stand for
  7. Is the MSE used during clinicals
  8. Advanced tx that is shock therapy
  9. Auditory, gustatory, olfactory, tactile and visual make up this type of
  10. Prozac,paxil, zoloft, and celexa make up this drug classification
  11. Is major alcohol withdrawal
  12. Another common medication to treat schizophrenia
  1. Another name for antipsychotics
  2. Another name for antimanics
  3. Medications that increase mood
  4. NMS stands for
  5. The name for when two medications work together
  6. Branch of medicine we are studying right now

18 Clues: NMS stands forMAOI's stand forAnother name for antimanicsUsed to treat schizophreniaIs major alcohol withdrawalMedications that increase moodAnother name for antipsychoticsIs the MSE used during clinicalsAdvanced tx that is shock therapyWorst outcome for a mental health patientBranch of medicine we are studying right now...

Mental Health 2024-04-25

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Kubler Ross third stage of grief
  2. Stephen served in this branch of the military
  3. Kubler Ross fifth stage of grief
  4. Stephen graduated from this school
  5. Kubler Ross fourth stage of grief
  6. when someone suffers a loss
  7. stephen loves to use these in his group handouts
  1. Alfredo is from this city
  2. Kubler Ross second stage of grief
  3. Stephen is originally from this state
  4. you have to love yourself before you can love others
  5. walking in someone else's shoes
  6. you need to set proper
  7. Died in 1990 at the age of 18 brought attention to AIDS
  8. the t in PTSD
  9. Kubler Ross first stage of grief
  10. Martin Luther king had this
  11. Alfredo Trueba graduated from this university

18 Clues: the t in PTSDyou need to set properAlfredo is from this cityMartin Luther king had thiswhen someone suffers a losswalking in someone else's shoesKubler Ross third stage of griefKubler Ross first stage of griefKubler Ross fifth stage of griefKubler Ross second stage of griefKubler Ross fourth stage of griefStephen graduated from this school...

Mental health 2023-05-25

Mental health crossword puzzle
  1. A mental health disorder characterized by extreme mood swings, including periods of depression and mania
  2. The process of seeking support and assistance from mental health professionals
  3. The fear or avoidance of social situations
  4. A mental health disorder characterized by intense and persistent worry and fear
  5. A mental health professional who helps individuals understand and manage their emotions and behaviors
  6. A mental health disorder characterized by recurrent, intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors
  7. A mental health disorder characterized by excessive self-focus and a grandiose sense of self-importance
  8. A neurotransmitter often associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation
  1. A technique used to promote relaxation and reduce stress through focused attention and deep breathing
  2. A mental health disorder characterized by persistent and irrational fears
  3. A mental health disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking
  4. A mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness or loss of interest in activities
  5. A state of emotional and physical exhaustion often caused by chronic stress
  6. A mental health disorder characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication
  7. A therapeutic approach that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and beliefs

15 Clues: The fear or avoidance of social situationsA mental health disorder characterized by persistent and irrational fearsA neurotransmitter often associated with pleasure, reward, and motivationA state of emotional and physical exhaustion often caused by chronic stressThe process of seeking support and assistance from mental health professionals...

Mental Health 2016-01-27

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Branch of medicine we are studying right now
  2. Term used for the "coming off" of medications
  3. Advanced tx that is shock therapy
  4. Another name for antimanics
  5. Worst outcome for a mental health patient
  6. The name for when two medications work together
  7. Medications that increase mood
  8. Is major alcohol withdrawal
  9. Is the MSE used during clinicals
  10. MAOI's stand for
  11. Used to treat seizures, but off label is used to tx bipolar disorder
  12. Another common medication to treat schizophrenia
  1. Another name for antipsychotics
  2. Is characterized by periods of depression and mania
  3. Used to treat schizophrenia
  4. NMS stands for
  5. Prozac,paxil, zoloft, and celexa make up this drug classification
  6. Auditory, gustatory, olfactory, tactile and visual make up this type of

18 Clues: NMS stands forMAOI's stand forUsed to treat schizophreniaAnother name for antimanicsIs major alcohol withdrawalMedications that increase moodAnother name for antipsychoticsIs the MSE used during clinicalsAdvanced tx that is shock therapyWorst outcome for a mental health patientBranch of medicine we are studying right now...

Mental Health 2022-06-02

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. a conscious mental reaction such as anger or fear
  2. not in good health
  3. a feeling of worry
  4. a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior
  5. The quality or condition of being sane
  6. the feeling that you're being threatened in some way, such as people watching you or acting against you, even though there's no proof that it's true.
  7. difficulty coping and aren't able to function effectively.
  8. A belief that is clearly false and that indicates an abnormality in the affected person's content of thought.
  9. wild, or erratic behavior or nature.
  1. relating to the mind
  2. thinking or problems concentrating and learning
  3. feelings of worthlessness
  4. a person with high intelligence, poor judgment and failure to learn from experience
  5. a state of confusion
  6. exhibiting a severely disordered state of mind
  7. extreme mood swings
  8. a stressful situation in which they're temporarily unable to function normally in day-to-day life
  9. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

18 Clues: not in good healtha feeling of worryextreme mood swingsrelating to the minda state of confusionfeelings of worthlessnesswild, or erratic behavior or nature.The quality or condition of being saneexhibiting a severely disordered state of mindthinking or problems concentrating and learninga conscious mental reaction such as anger or fear...

Diversity of health issues 2023-12-30

Diversity of health issues crossword puzzle
  1. Improper beating of the heart
  2. A mental health disorder in which people process reality abnormally.
  3. Damage to the brain when blood flow is interrupted
  4. A disorder involving anxiety
  5. A __________ brain injury can sometimes lead to a mental health issue.
  6. The most common mental health disorder is
  7. Use of drugs or alcohol can also lead to these types of disorders.
  1. A disorder that usually affects older people with memory issues, but can have an early onset.
  2. This develops in the eye with degenerative nerve damage
  3. A disorder that is _________ and compulsive, leading to repetitive actions.
  4. A disorder around food and how it is consumed
  5. The 'S' in PTSD
  6. One way to combat mental health issues is to be _______ in your community.
  7. A disorder that swings from depression to mania for weeks or months at a time.
  8. This mindset is good for your overall health
  9. A type of headache with other symptoms such as nausea
  10. The month when mental health disorders are recognized

17 Clues: The 'S' in PTSDA disorder involving anxietyImproper beating of the heartThe most common mental health disorder isThis mindset is good for your overall healthA disorder around food and how it is consumedDamage to the brain when blood flow is interruptedA type of headache with other symptoms such as nausea...

Health 2023-11-07

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A way of eating to maintain health
  2. Treatments for health issues
  3. Physical activity for fitness
  4. A natural state for bodily rest
  5. Steps taken to avoid illness
  6. The state of being in good health
  7. A stable and healthy condition
  8. A state of mental and emotional peace
  9. A reaction to mental or physical pressure
  1. Essential nutrients for health
  2. Staying adequately watered
  3. A healthcare professional
  4. Practices for cleanliness and health
  5. Related to the mind and emotions
  6. A break for physical recovery
  7. The state of being physically healthy
  8. A regular health examination

17 Clues: A healthcare professionalStaying adequately wateredTreatments for health issuesSteps taken to avoid illnessA regular health examinationPhysical activity for fitnessA break for physical recoveryEssential nutrients for healthA stable and healthy conditionA natural state for bodily restRelated to the mind and emotionsThe state of being in good health...

Recovery Works! 2022-10-30

Recovery Works! crossword puzzle
  1. Highest mortality rate of all psychiatric diseases
  2. A medication that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose, also known as NARCAN
  3. The ____ program started at a Market in Seattle and is the predecessor to the #TogetherWeThrive employee program
  4. Housing ____ is an effective, evidence-based approach to homelessness that is key to a person's mental health and substance use Recovery
  5. The CMHC in Arlington Heights called ___ Illinois Center for Mental Health
  6. A type of medication that affects behavior, mood, thoughts, and/or perception
  7. KYC's first grant served ____ Township
  8. _____ support is the process of giving and receiving encouragement and assistance to achieve long-term recovery
  9. Harm ____ is a set of practical strategies that reduces the harm associated with drug use and meets people where they are at in their Recovery
  10. The CMHC in Elgin called ___ Center
  1. Color of Mental Health Recovery movement
  2. _____ disorders are the most common mental health diagnosis
  3. Old name of the BH Recovery Dept
  4. KYC's brand font
  5. Members of the LBGTQ community are more than ____ as likely to have a mental health condition
  6. KYC's first building was an abandoned _____
  7. Most individuals who access _____ experience a significant reduction in mental health symptoms
  8. Number on KYC's Board of Directors
  9. The Drop-In Center is open every day except ____ 25
  10. Senior Clinical Director Linda Springer and KYC share the birthday ____ 6
  11. The number of years the Director Lisa has been at KYC
  12. Over _____ of persons with mental illness did not receive any care last year
  13. Mental Health shares the month of May with ___ Adults Awareness Month
  14. The ___ model emphasizes hope, resilience, and a person's individual journey and self-determination.

24 Clues: KYC's brand fontOld name of the BH Recovery DeptNumber on KYC's Board of DirectorsThe CMHC in Elgin called ___ CenterKYC's first grant served ____ TownshipColor of Mental Health Recovery movementKYC's first building was an abandoned _____Highest mortality rate of all psychiatric diseasesThe Drop-In Center is open every day except ____ 25...

Health 2023-10-24

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A way of eating to maintain health
  2. Treatments for health issues
  3. Physical activity for fitness
  4. A natural state for bodily rest
  5. Steps taken to avoid illness
  6. The state of being in good health
  7. A stable and healthy condition
  8. A state of mental and emotional peace
  9. A reaction to mental or physical pressure
  1. Essential nutrients for health
  2. Staying adequately watered
  3. A healthcare professional
  4. Practices for cleanliness and health
  5. Related to the mind and emotions
  6. A break for physical recovery
  7. The state of being physically healthy
  8. A regular health examination

17 Clues: A healthcare professionalStaying adequately wateredTreatments for health issuesSteps taken to avoid illnessA regular health examinationPhysical activity for fitnessA break for physical recoveryEssential nutrients for healthA stable and healthy conditionA natural state for bodily restRelated to the mind and emotionsThe state of being in good health...

Creating Collaborative Partnerships 2022-09-22

Creating Collaborative Partnerships crossword puzzle
  1. How many mental health units does TWC have?
  2. When Housing outgrew Colima where did they relocate to?
  3. How many Parent Enrichment Sites do we have?
  4. Diego, Which housing staff left TWC and has returned?
  5. Sedano, Who is housing's amazing leader?
  6. What other rental program does housing provide
  7. Fe Springs, Where will TWC develop housing?
  8. Park, Where is the Safe Families Interm Housing Located
  9. What is the highest acuity mental health program at TWC?
  1. What population does housing serve
  2. What City is Housings new facility located
  3. Health-, What was the first service provided by TWC?
  4. Besides therapists and case managers, what other service providers does Mental Health have?
  5. What class were our nutrition staff recently certified in?
  6. What is another word for therapist?
  7. 1, 2011, When did housing first begin at TWC
  8. What does FSC stand for
  9. How many certified school sites does TWC have to provide Mental Health Services In?
  10. Mental health's identified client is an individual, housing's identified client is a family, what is Nutrition's identified identified client?
  11. Educator, What is the name of the service providers in Parent Enrichment?

20 Clues: What does FSC stand forWhat population does housing serveWhat is another word for therapist?Sedano, Who is housing's amazing leader?What City is Housings new facility locatedHow many mental health units does TWC have?How many Parent Enrichment Sites do we have?1, 2011, When did housing first begin at TWCFe Springs, Where will TWC develop housing?...

Health Triangle 7th Grade 2020-08-25

Health Triangle 7th Grade crossword puzzle
  1. Volunteering will also help you connect to new people in your _____.
  2. Bathe regularly and _____ your hands.
  3. How many sides does a triangle have?
  4. Initiate _____.
  5. Make time for activities that you enjoy.
  6. One of the best ways to make friends is to show interest in the other person.
  7. A full night's _____ can have several physical benefits.
  8. Some unhealthy foods include sodas, fried foods, _____ processed foods such as cookies and sweet cereals.
  9. The triangle's three sides each represent a side of your overall health:_____, mental and social.
  1. Mental _____ refers to a range of mental health conditions.
  2. Just like you would check in with a _____, a mental health checkup can really help if you're feeling mental distress.
  3. Experts recommend getting 30 _____ of moderate to intense exercise four to five times a week.
  4. Eat a _____ diet.
  5. Stay _____.
  6. Practice deep breathing.
  7. _____ unhealthy foods.
  8. Take good care of your _____ and mental health.
  9. Brush your teeth in the morning and evening for 2 minutes each time.
  10. Social health often involves _____ of friends and family members who support us and care for us during the hard times.
  11. General guidelines suggest 9 to 13 _____ of water every day.
  12. Take good _____ of your skin.

21 Clues: Stay _____.Initiate _____.Eat a _____ diet._____ unhealthy foods.Practice deep breathing.Take good _____ of your skin.How many sides does a triangle have?Bathe regularly and _____ your hands.Make time for activities that you enjoy.Take good care of your _____ and mental health.A full night's _____ can have several physical benefits....

Mental Health Awareness Month 2024-04-25

Mental Health Awareness Month crossword puzzle
  1. Social __________ of health; conditions in which people live, learn, work, and play that impact their health and quality of life.
  2. Something that decreases the chances of developing a condition and/or balances out of existing risk factor;____ factor.
  3. Some who share the experience of living with mental health condition and/or substance use disorder.
  4. A licensed medical doctor who has completed additional psychiatric training; can diagnose mental health conditions, prescribe and manage medication, and provide therapy.
  5. Chemicals that carry messages throughout your brain.
  6. A emotional state or feeling.
  7. A relationship between a person and an object or activity where the object or activity becomes increasingly more important while previously important activities become less important
  8. Negative, judgmental and/or discriminatory attitudes towards mental health challenges and those who live with them.
  1. A mental health professional trained to help individuals understand and cope with their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; may assess and/or diagnose mental health conditions.
  2. A licensed or certified mental health treatment provider; Mental health _________.
  3. A process of change through which individuals improve their mental state and wellness, live self directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.
  4. A professional who practices psychology and in mental health settings, usually provides psychological treatment.
  5. Having a co-existing mental illness and substance abuse disorder.
  6. Strategy for dealing with difficult situations.
  7. An emotional response to a disturbing, scary or shocking experience that overwhelms an individual's ability to cope.

15 Clues: A emotional state or feeling.Strategy for dealing with difficult situations.Chemicals that carry messages throughout your brain.Having a co-existing mental illness and substance abuse disorder.A licensed or certified mental health treatment provider; Mental health _________....

Mental Health Treatment 2014-12-12

Mental Health Treatment crossword puzzle
  1. A house in Halifax that offers mental health treatment and resources
  2. Something health professionals can help you overcome if you communicate the issue
  3. A person who will help you access proper mental health treatment
  4. Medical therapy can be appropriate for this mental illness
  5. A therapy focuses on improving healthy social interactions
  6. An object that may be used to access mental health treatment
  7. Someone you love, trust and can talk to about feeling
  8. This negative opinion may be a barrier to treatment
  9. When you need help, just ______!
  1. People who will support you, that you can talk to about your mental health
  2. A decrease in this may indicate mental illness
  3. Keeping this state of mind will aid in treating and preventing mental illness
  4. Symptom of mental illness
  5. Asking for this is a normal part of life
  6. A behavioural therapy that focuses on identifying patterns of thought and altering them to healthier patterns
  7. Kids Help Phone is an ___________ phone hotline

16 Clues: Symptom of mental illnessWhen you need help, just ______!Asking for this is a normal part of lifeA decrease in this may indicate mental illnessKids Help Phone is an ___________ phone hotlineThis negative opinion may be a barrier to treatmentSomeone you love, trust and can talk to about feeling...

mental health 2022-09-05

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  2. a state of confusion.
  3. a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.
  4. can be caused by stress
  5. the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
  6. a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
  7. a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.
  8. feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility;
  1. A wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking and behaviour
  2. two words the condition of your body, taking into consideration everything from the absence of disease to fitness level.
  3. orderliness, perfectionism, and great attention to detail.
  4. a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. it includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
  5. feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
  6. habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
  7. An anxiety disorder that develops in reaction to physical injury or severe mental or emotional distress, such as military combat, violent assault, natural disaster, or other life-threatening events.
  8. a disorder having a tendency towards
  9. feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy

17 Clues: a state of confusion.can be caused by stressfeeling or showing sorrow; unhappya disorder having a tendency towardsfeeling or showing pleasure or contentment.habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.feelings of severe despondency and dejection.the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy....

Mental Health 2022-05-06

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. The existence of two or more persons in one body
  2. Caused by remembering traumatic event
  3. common but serious mood disorder
  4. Anxiety disorder characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears
  5. fear of hights
  6. Characterized by inattentiveness
  7. Fear of social situations
  8. A sudden episode of intense fear
  9. Unrealistic worry and tension, even if there is little or nothing to provke anxiety
  10. A disorder of repeated drug or alcohol use
  1. episodes of extremely fluctuating moods
  2. Fear of small spaces
  3. fear of spiders
  4. Having anxiety about an event
  5. Nerological disorder that causes a person to be inattentive
  6. A disorder that causes hallucinations
  7. A person is diagnosed with substance abuse and another mental health disorder
  8. Highly illegal and addictive drugs

18 Clues: fear of hightsfear of spidersFear of small spacesFear of social situationsHaving anxiety about an eventcommon but serious mood disorderCharacterized by inattentivenessA sudden episode of intense fearHighly illegal and addictive drugsCaused by remembering traumatic eventA disorder that causes hallucinationsepisodes of extremely fluctuating moods...

Mental Health 2024-02-08

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. ________ Health: refers to how well you get along with others.
  2. A negative stress.
  3. Anxiety that is related to a specific situation or object.
  4. An emotional state in which a person feels extremely sad and hopeless.
  5. A reaction to a situation that involves your mind, body, and behavior.
  6. ________ Health: refers to how you react to events in your life.
  7. A positive stress.
  8. _________strategy: a way of dealing with an uncomfortable or unbearable feeling or situation.
  9. _________ Health: The state of being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with your surroundings
  1. The initial reaction of the body to stress.
  2. The response of your body and mind to being challenged or threatened.
  3. A fear caused by a source you cannot identify or a source that doesn't pose as much threat as you think.
  4. refers to the overall well-being of your body, your mind, and your relationships with other people.
  5. ________ Health: Refers to how well your body functions.
  6. _________ mechanism: coping strategies that help you to protect yourself from difficult feelings.
  7. A state of high-level health
  8. Consists of the behaviors, attitudes, feelings, and ways of thinking that make you an individual.

17 Clues: A negative stress.A positive stress.A state of high-level healthThe initial reaction of the body to stress.________ Health: Refers to how well your body functions.Anxiety that is related to a specific situation or object.________ Health: refers to how well you get along with others.________ Health: refers to how you react to events in your life....

Mental Health 2013-01-30

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. An eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a minimally accepted body weight, intense fear of weight gain, and distorted body image
  2. (abb.)A neurobiological condition characterized by developmentally inappropriate level of attention, concentration, activity, distractability, and impulsivity.
  3. This disorder prevents children and adolescents from interacting normally with other people and affects almost every aspect of their social and psychological development.
  4. A professional who completed both medical school and training in psychiatry and is a specialist in diagnosing and treating mental illness.
  5. The name given to an unfounded fear of a particular object or situation-such as being afraid of dogs, yet loving to ride horses, or avoiding highway driving, yet being able to drive on city and country roads.
  6. It is a brain disorder that makes it difficult for a person to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences, to think logically, to have normal emotional responses to others, and to behave normally in social situations.
  7. A feeling of tension that can be both emotional and physical.
  8. (abb.)The individual who suffers from this becomes trapped in a pattern of repetitive thoughts and behaviors that are senseless and distressing but extremely difficult to overcome.
  1. A self-injurious behaviour that involves using a sharp or burning object on the skin.
  2. May include hearing nonexistent voices, seeing nonexistent things, and experiencing burning or pain sensations with no physical cause.
  3. A name for bizarre thoughts that have no basis in reality
  4. A successful or unsuccessful attempt to take one's own life.
  5. is a professional with at least a master's degree in psychology who specializes in therapy.
  6. affects people of all ages if they have experienced, witnessed, or participated in a traumatic occurrence-especially if the event was life threatening. Symptoms can include persistent anxiety, exaggerated startle reactions, difficulty concentrating, nightmares, and insomnia.
  7. A person who lives on the street or in a shelter.
  8. A term that people commonly use to refer to states involving sadness, dejection, lack of self-esteem, and lack of energy.
  9. People with this may have pathological mood swings from mania to depression

17 Clues: A person who lives on the street or in a shelter.A name for bizarre thoughts that have no basis in realityA successful or unsuccessful attempt to take one's own life.A feeling of tension that can be both emotional and physical.People with this may have pathological mood swings from mania to depression...

MENTAL HEALTH 2021-09-28

MENTAL HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. Unrealistic worry that is difficult to control
  2. A mental condition marked by alternating periods of elation and depression
  3. Advanced practice registered nurse
  4. anxiety Nervousness in social situations
  5. An experience involving the apparent perception of something not present
  6. Situations and triggers,thoughts and feelings other ways to think, plan of action towards change
  7. A breakdown in the relationship between thought, emotion and behavior, leading to faulty perception
  8. disorder A deeply ingrained pattern of behavior of a specified kind that deviates markedly from the norm of accepted behavior
  1. Feelings of severe despondency and dejection
  2. Feeling constantly on edge
  3. A substance used to treat, cure, or prevent disease
  4. Short for obsessive compulsive disorder
  5. Frequent or continual arguing
  6. Prolonged increase in motor activity or agitation
  7. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
  8. In low doses helps SSRI SNRI work better
  9. Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

17 Clues: Feeling constantly on edgeFrequent or continual arguingAdvanced practice registered nurseSelective serotonin reuptake inhibitorShort for obsessive compulsive disorderanxiety Nervousness in social situationsIn low doses helps SSRI SNRI work betterFeelings of severe despondency and dejectionUnrealistic worry that is difficult to control...

Mental Health 2023-06-19

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context.
  2. having a good support system, maintaining positive relationships, having a good self-image and having a positive attitude.
  3. In a state of health and growth.
  4. Belief that one's self has value
  5. Positive attitude of a person
  6. Unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people or their actions.
  7. an active process of moving from languishing to resilience to flourishing
  8. A deeply depressing or disturbing experience.
  1. The state of being comfortable, healthy and happy
  2. A mental disorder characterised by disruptions in thought processes, perceptions, emotional responsiveness and social interactions
  3. Feeling excited and ready to take action to accomplish a goal or idea.
  4. A feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome
  5. The ability to think clearly and to make decisions efficiently.
  6. An experience that can influence sleep patterns, hygiene, enjoyment of activities, etc.
  7. To engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.
  8. a combination of being present and acceptance of the here and now.
  9. being a life-long learner and staying mentally sharp.

17 Clues: Positive attitude of a personIn a state of health and growth.Belief that one's self has valueA deeply depressing or disturbing experience.The state of being comfortable, healthy and happybeing a life-long learner and staying mentally sharp.The ability to think clearly and to make decisions efficiently....

MENTAL HEALTH 2023-08-29

MENTAL HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. deep dream state
  2. a helpful safeguard
  3. messages from others
  4. chemicals secreted by the body
  5. Hormone-like substance
  6. an emotion that is usually negative
  7. unique individual traits
  8. Artistic
  9. intellect, body type, facial features
  10. a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
  1. 10-14 million suffer
  2. things you find important
  3. a mask for other meanings
  4. American psychologist
  5. how one thinks and behaves
  6. Recover from disappointment
  7. core, ethical values

17 Clues: Artisticdeep dream statea helpful safeguard10-14 million suffermessages from otherscore, ethical valuesAmerican psychologistHormone-like substanceunique individual traitsthings you find importanta mask for other meaningshow one thinks and behavesRecover from disappointmentchemicals secreted by the bodyan emotion that is usually negative...

Mental Health 2023-10-09

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. - Concern or interest (4)
  2. - Help or support (3)
  3. - Process of healing, restoring your mental health after experiencing trauma (8)
  4. - Process of seeking professional help to improve your mental health and well-being (7)
  5. - Peaceful and relaxed (4)
  6. - You are not ______ (5)
  7. - Healthy condition (9)
  8. - Mental illness following a traumatic event (4) (abbr.)
  9. - Sleep disorder (8)
  1. - Mental illness with delusions and hallucinations (13)
  2. - Great enthusiasm and energy (4)
  3. - Most common form of mental illness (7)
  4. - Positive stress (8)
  5. - Recover from illness or injury (4)
  6. - Stage of grief in which the person doesn't believe it is happening (6)
  7. - Protected from harm or danger (4)
  8. - Feeling of kindness and concern for those in suffering or in need (10)

17 Clues: - Sleep disorder (8)- Help or support (3)- Positive stress (8)- Healthy condition (9)- You are not ______ (5)- Concern or interest (4)- Peaceful and relaxed (4)- Great enthusiasm and energy (4)- Protected from harm or danger (4)- Recover from illness or injury (4)- Most common form of mental illness (7)...

Avenues Recovery Crossword 2021-01-26

Avenues Recovery Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Alcohol
  2. Rehab
  3. meditation
  4. withdrawal
  5. mindfulness
  6. trigger
  7. yoga
  8. outpatient
  9. therapist
  10. health, mental health
  11. Avenues
  12. inpatient
  13. Get help
  14. PHP
  15. counseling
  1. family
  2. Avenues
  3. Treatment
  4. opiates
  5. community
  6. a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.
  7. Detox
  8. relationship
  9. awareness
  10. IOP
  11. Residential
  12. psychiatrist
  13. being addicted to a particular substance
  14. therapy

29 Clues: IOPPHPyogaRehabDetoxfamilyAlcoholAvenuesopiatestriggerAvenuestherapyGet helpTreatmentcommunityawarenesstherapistinpatientmeditationwithdrawaloutpatientcounselingmindfulnessResidentialrelationshippsychiatristhealth, mental healthbeing addicted to a particular substancea return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.

Health Triangle 8th Grade 2020-08-25

Health Triangle 8th Grade crossword puzzle
  1. Bathe regularly and _____ your hands.
  2. Just like you would check in with a _____, a mental health checkup can really help if you're feeling mental distress.
  3. Experts recommend getting 30 _____ of moderate to intense exercise four to five times a week.
  4. One of the best ways to make friends is to show interest in the other person.
  5. Eat a _____ diet.
  6. Social health often involves _____ of friends and family members who support us and care for us during the hard times.
  7. Don't dismiss _____ just because they seem to be different from you at first.
  8. Physical health represents your _____ welfare and how to protect your body.
  9. Some unhealthy foods include sodas, fried foods, _____ processed foods such as cookies and sweet cereals.
  10. Volunteering will also help you connect to new people in your _____.
  11. Take good care of your _____ and mental health.
  12. General guidelines suggest 9 to 13 _____ of water every day.
  13. A full night's _____ can have several physical benefits.
  1. Make time for activities that you enjoy.
  2. Stay _____.
  3. Initiate _____.
  4. Brush your teeth in the morning and evening for 2 minutes each time.
  5. Practice deep breathing.
  6. How many sides does a triangle have?
  7. The triangle's three sides each represent a side of your overall health:_____, mental and social.
  8. _____ unhealthy foods.
  9. Take good _____ of your skin.
  10. Mental _____ refers to a range of mental health conditions.

23 Clues: Stay _____.Initiate _____.Eat a _____ diet._____ unhealthy foods.Practice deep breathing.Take good _____ of your skin.How many sides does a triangle have?Bathe regularly and _____ your hands.Make time for activities that you enjoy.Take good care of your _____ and mental health.A full night's _____ can have several physical benefits....

Mental Health Crossword 2022-05-09

Mental Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A mental health disorder that impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others, causing problems functioning in everyday life
  2. Frequent episodes of eating large quantities of food; feelings of loss of control during the binge; experiencing feelings of shame or guilt afterwards
  3. This mental health disorder causes chronic feelings of inadequacy and are highly sensitive to being negatively judged by others
  4. The individual may experience hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning
  5. A mental health condition triggered by a terrifying event
  6. Having a tendency towards excessive orderliness, perfectionism, and great attention to detail
  7. A continuous, long term form of depression
  8. Refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication
  9. A mental health condition where someone displays antisocial behavior and may disregard basic social standards and rules.
  10. A disorder where a person consistently shows no regard for right or wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others
  1. A mental health condition that causes two or more separate personalities
  2. Extreme mood swings that include manic highs and lows
  3. A serious mental health condition that can affect someone soon after having a baby. Not the same thing as Postpartum depression but similar.
  4. Severe, ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities
  5. Unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms
  6. A mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and a loss of interest
  7. Having an inflated sense of self-importance and a deep need for excessive attention and admiration
  8. A mental health disorder caused by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat
  9. Trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors, or being overly active
  10. Causes extreme nervousness in social situations

20 Clues: A continuous, long term form of depressionCauses extreme nervousness in social situationsExtreme mood swings that include manic highs and lowsA mental health condition triggered by a terrifying eventSevere, ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activitiesA mental health condition that causes two or more separate personalities...

CBH Mental Health 2023-06-02

CBH Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Progressive Muscle relaxation
  2. the process of sobriety
  3. the best way to decrease anxiety
  4. negative, judgmental and/or discriminatory attitudes towards mental health challenges and those who live with them.
  5. Mary K Shell
  6. a way to deal with stress
  7. Doctor who prescribes medication
  8. the most important organ for optimum mental health
  9. Correctional Behavioral Health
  10. Professional who provides talk therapy
  11. feeling stressed or overwhelmed
  1. Licensed by the Stated to provide assessments and evaluations
  2. feeling low energy, motivation or sadness
  3. a technique which uses our five senses to relax
  4. the number one way to decrease depression
  5. Crisis Walk In Clinic
  6. a place to house when feeling suicidal
  7. abbreviation for Psychiatrist
  8. overwhelming feelings of tension due to emotional pressure
  9. Mental health IS physical______

20 Clues: Mary K ShellCrisis Walk In Clinicthe process of sobrietya way to deal with stressProgressive Muscle relaxationabbreviation for PsychiatristCorrectional Behavioral HealthMental health IS physical______feeling stressed or overwhelmedthe best way to decrease anxietyDoctor who prescribes medicationa place to house when feeling suicidal...

Mental Health 2020-01-14

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. feelings of pity and sorrow for someone elses misfortune
  2. a person looked to by others as an example
  3. feeling of severe dejection or despondency
  4. hostile behaviour
  5. deep sorrow
  6. mental or emotional reaction, feeling of losing control or getting wound up
  7. an expression of deep sorrow for someone
  8. a feeling of worry
  9. medical condition that can affect concentration, the ability to sit still and self control
  10. mental illness marked by extreme mood swings from high to low and low to high
  11. feeling anxious or troubled about potential problems
  1. confidence in ones own worth or abilities
  2. a sense of resolution or closure
  3. the quality of being honest and having strong moral values
  4. an irrational feeling that people are 'out to get you'
  5. a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear
  6. ability to understand and share the feelings of another
  7. a condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and usually like things in their place or order

18 Clues: deep sorrowhostile behavioura feeling of worrya sense of resolution or closurean expression of deep sorrow for someoneconfidence in ones own worth or abilitiesa person looked to by others as an examplefeeling of severe dejection or despondencya feeling of unease, such as worry or fearfeeling anxious or troubled about potential problems...

Mental Health 2020-02-11

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. treatment for mental illnesses that includes talking to professionals
  2. mental picture one has on oneself
  3. a good skill to provide to a friend having problems
  4. everyone has a role in preventing this
  5. having thoughts, feelings different than other people the same age
  6. hotline for kids to talk to kids about any subject
  7. a trained adult to work with people with mental illnesses
  8. term we use to describe how our emotions and thoughts affect the way we mentally handle stress
  1. deep sorrow
  2. apply, consider, and talk to a person you trust
  3. to understand and share the feelings of another
  4. a mental state achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment
  5. help, empathize, listen and plan
  6. providing yourself proper nutrition and exercise
  7. suicide is this if we help
  8. negative stereotypes, often communicated by how we treat people with mental illness
  9. syndrome after a traumatic event

17 Clues: deep sorrowsuicide is this if we helphelp, empathize, listen and plansyndrome after a traumatic eventmental picture one has on oneselfeveryone has a role in preventing thisapply, consider, and talk to a person you trustto understand and share the feelings of anotherproviding yourself proper nutrition and exercise...

Mental Health 2022-04-19

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Having a child when ready, getting married to the person you love, and getting a new job are all common examples of this type of stress.
  2. Type of stress that is considered "bad".
  3. A common symptom of the brain during the fight-or-flight response.
  4. When a person accepts who they are, admits mistakes, and believes they have worth as a human being.
  5. The image that a person sees of themselves when they look "in the mirror".
  6. The natural response to any stressor that a person endures; survival instinct of all human beings.
  1. The unique characteristics that make each human being different.
  2. A death of a loved one, a marriage ending in divorce, and being neglected are all common examples of this type of stress.
  3. A common symptom of the lungs during the fight-or-flight response.
  4. A common symptom of the stomach/intestines during the fight-or-flight response.
  5. When a person engages in behaviors that are risky, worry about what others think of them, and are fearful of making mistakes.
  6. A common symptom of the heart during the fight-or-flight response.
  7. A common symptom of the muscles during the fight-or-flight response.
  8. The measurement that a person uses to compare their value to others.
  9. The view that a person has of themselves.
  10. The ability to bounce back when setbacks occur in life.
  11. Type of stress that is considered "good".

17 Clues: Type of stress that is considered "bad".The view that a person has of themselves.Type of stress that is considered "good".The ability to bounce back when setbacks occur in life.The unique characteristics that make each human being different.A common symptom of the lungs during the fight-or-flight response....

mental health 2023-01-03

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. a mental health promblem that affects a persons emotional state
  2. getting a mental issues from gentics
  3. focuses on peace for mind and body
  4. a ability to change nerural networks in the brain
  5. cortex a funtion in the brain that controls social/emotion
  6. to understand and feel what another one is thhinking
  7. dealing of strong emotions
  8. a biological agent or ect, that causes stress
  9. a social or physcial surroundings that imapact someone
  1. a bad feeling you get when your around others
  2. know as a spritual exercise
  3. taking negtive energy and puting on another person who did nothing
  4. a mental illness that impacts you in a early stage
  5. a group of conditions characterized by brian funtions
  6. damage to the brain from lack of blood
  7. a feeling of emotional tention
  8. gets mental issues from the things around you

17 Clues: dealing of strong emotionsknow as a spritual exercisea feeling of emotional tentionfocuses on peace for mind and bodygetting a mental issues from genticsdamage to the brain from lack of blooda bad feeling you get when your around othersgets mental issues from the things around youa biological agent or ect, that causes stress...

Adam's Mental Health Crossword 2023-09-20

Adam's Mental Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What friends and family can provide to those struggling with mental health issues.
  2. Deliberate and harmful actions taken by an individual towards themselves.
  3. A severe mental disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and cognitive impairment.
  4. What does the acronym PTSD stand for?
  5. The negative perception or discrimination against individuals with mental health issues.
  6. This mental health condition often involves persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities.
  7. This condition involves excessive worry, fear, or unease, often without an apparent reason.
  8. What is it when you have split personalities?
  1. A common treatment option for various mental health conditions, often involving talking to a trained professional.
  2. What disorder is characterized by repetitive, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts followed by compulsive behaviors?
  3. A professional who offers guidance and support for mental health concerns.
  4. An excessive and irrational fear of an object, situation, or activity.
  5. Often prescribed to manage symptoms of mental health disorders.
  6. Many people with mental health issues experience this, withdrawing from social interactions

14 Clues: What does the acronym PTSD stand for?What is it when you have split personalities?Often prescribed to manage symptoms of mental health disorders.An excessive and irrational fear of an object, situation, or activity.Deliberate and harmful actions taken by an individual towards themselves....

Mental Health Awareness Week! 2022-04-20

Mental Health Awareness Week! crossword puzzle
  1. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the White Squirrel
  2. Technique focusing on the present
  3. a disorder that can result in hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking/behaviour
  4. 3W and Outpatient MH Manager
  5. Workplace, Abbreviation
  6. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the Radar
  7. Father of the Bride Star, Wanted to be a Social Worker, 2 words
  1. Hospital Social Worker in history, Title
  2. Dr. Mark, not Duckworth
  3. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of Olympic Skater Eisler
  4. having a tendency to dwell on unwanted thoughts; performing repetitious rituals
  5. goal is to reduce
  6. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Birthplace of Munro
  7. branch of medicine, dx and treatment of mental illness
  8. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Beach Town

15 Clues: goal is to reduceDr. Mark, not DuckworthWorkplace, Abbreviation3W and Outpatient MH ManagerTechnique focusing on the presentHospital Social Worker in history, TitleOne of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Beach TownOne of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the RadarOne of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Birthplace of Munro...

Mental Health Month 2024-03-26

Mental Health Month crossword puzzle
  1. Emotional response to a disturbing past event
  2. Attitude or outlook on life
  3. Specific uncontrollable or irrational fear
  4. Optimism for the future
  5. Negative perceptions about mental health
  6. Overall mental and physical health
  1. Treatment for mental health disorders
  2. Help and encouragement from others
  3. Being present in the moment
  4. Writing that helps with self-awareness
  5. Deep sorrow after a significant loss
  6. Persistent sadness or loss of interest
  7. Mental Health Month
  8. Mood disorder with extreme highs and lows
  9. Pressure or tension

15 Clues: Mental Health MonthPressure or tensionOptimism for the futureBeing present in the momentAttitude or outlook on lifeHelp and encouragement from othersOverall mental and physical healthDeep sorrow after a significant lossTreatment for mental health disordersWriting that helps with self-awarenessPersistent sadness or loss of interest...

Mental Health Awareness Week! 2022-04-20

Mental Health Awareness Week! crossword puzzle
  1. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the White Squirrel
  2. Technique focusing on the present
  3. a disorder that can result in hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking/behaviour
  4. 3W and Outpatient MH Manager
  5. Workplace, Abbreviation
  6. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the Radar
  7. Father of the Bride Star, Wanted to be a Social Worker, 2 words
  1. Hospital Social Worker in history, Title
  2. Dr. Mark, not Duckworth
  3. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of Olympic Skater Eisler
  4. having a tendency to dwell on unwanted thoughts; performing repetitious rituals
  5. goal is to reduce
  6. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Birthplace of Munro
  7. branch of medicine, dx and treatment of mental illness
  8. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Beach Town

15 Clues: goal is to reduceDr. Mark, not DuckworthWorkplace, Abbreviation3W and Outpatient MH ManagerTechnique focusing on the presentHospital Social Worker in history, TitleOne of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Beach TownOne of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the RadarOne of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Birthplace of Munro...

Mental Health Month Crossword Puzzle 2021 2021-03-11

Mental Health Month Crossword Puzzle 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. One in twenty-five people live with a serious ______ illness
  2. 20% of ___ ages 13-18 live with a mental illness
  3. CCHMC department that has awesome mental health employees
  4. National Alliance on Mental Health
  5. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder acronym
  6. 50% of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by the age of ___ and 75% by the age of 24
  7. Location of new 5 story psychiatric facility
  8. Mental health month
  1. One in ____ adults experience mental illness in a given year
  2. 10.2 ______ adults have co-occurring mental health and addiction disorders
  3. The second leading cause of death in youth ages 10-24
  4. Psychiatric Intake and Response Center
  5. Study about Adverse Childhood Experiences
  6. Location of the newest partial hospitalization location
  7. 90% of those who die by suicide have underlying _______ illness
  8. 18.1% of American adults live with _______ disorders

16 Clues: Mental health monthNational Alliance on Mental HealthPsychiatric Intake and Response CenterStudy about Adverse Childhood ExperiencesLocation of new 5 story psychiatric facilityDisruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder acronym20% of ___ ages 13-18 live with a mental illness18.1% of American adults live with _______ disorders...

Gottesman and Shields (1966) 2015-01-08

Gottesman and Shields (1966) crossword puzzle
  1. Methods of getting patients
  2. Collecting new data
  3. Collecting and using data previously used
  4. Less serious mental health issue
  5. Authors of study
  6. Likelihood depending on genetics
  7. More serious mental health issue
  8. XY chromosome
  9. Method of determining zygocity using needles
  10. More likely in females than males
  1. Method of data collecting done by a health establishment
  2. Original twin
  3. Secondary twin
  4. Non-identical twins
  5. Method of determining zygocity using eyes
  6. Other things that affect a person apart from biology
  7. Method of determining zygocity using hands
  8. Identical twins
  9. Mental disorder
  10. XX chromosome

20 Clues: Original twinXY chromosomeXX chromosomeSecondary twinIdentical twinsMental disorderAuthors of studyNon-identical twinsCollecting new dataMethods of getting patientsLess serious mental health issueLikelihood depending on geneticsMore serious mental health issueMore likely in females than malesMethod of determining zygocity using eyes...

Gottesman and Shields (1966) 2015-01-08

Gottesman and Shields (1966) crossword puzzle
  1. Original twin
  2. Identical twins
  3. Mental disorder
  4. Authors of study
  5. Less serious mental health issue
  6. More serious mental health issue
  7. More likely in females than males
  8. Collecting and using data previously used
  9. Secondary twin
  10. XY chromosome
  1. Other things that affect a person apart from biology
  2. Non-identical twins
  3. Method of determining zygocity using eyes
  4. Method of determining zygocity using hands
  5. Likelihood depending on genetics
  6. Method of determining zygocity using needles
  7. XX chromosome
  8. Method of data collecting done by a health establishment
  9. Collecting new data
  10. Methods of getting patients

20 Clues: Original twinXX chromosomeXY chromosomeSecondary twinIdentical twinsMental disorderAuthors of studyNon-identical twinsCollecting new dataMethods of getting patientsLikelihood depending on geneticsLess serious mental health issueMore serious mental health issueMore likely in females than malesMethod of determining zygocity using eyes...

Mental Health Awareness Week! 2022-04-20

Mental Health Awareness Week! crossword puzzle
  1. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the White Squirrel
  2. Technique focusing on the present
  3. a disorder that can result in hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking/behaviour
  4. 3W and Outpatient MH Manager
  5. Workplace, Abbreviation
  6. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the Radar
  7. Father of the Bride Star, Wanted to be a Social Worker, 2 words
  1. Hospital Social Worker in history, Title
  2. Dr. Mark, not Duckworth
  3. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of Olympic Skater Eisler
  4. having a tendency to dwell on unwanted thoughts; performing repetitious rituals
  5. goal is to reduce
  6. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Birthplace of Munro
  7. branch of medicine, dx and treatment of mental illness
  8. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Beach Town

15 Clues: goal is to reduceDr. Mark, not DuckworthWorkplace, Abbreviation3W and Outpatient MH ManagerTechnique focusing on the presentHospital Social Worker in history, TitleOne of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Beach TownOne of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the RadarOne of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Birthplace of Munro...

Health & Wellness 2022-08-16

Health & Wellness crossword puzzle
  1. disagreement or argument that occurs due to misunderstanding or differing priorities, values, goals, or needs.
  2. Fraud illegal activity related to health products and services.
  3. identifying ones state of health and taking steps to improve it.
  4. Communication, clearly stating needs, wants, and feelings.
  5. clearly states what you want to accomplish.
  6. the blueprint for the structure and function of your cells.
  7. strategy for resolving difficult conflicts through neutral third party.
  8. constructive responses to a message.
  9. Health, how well you get along with others.
  1. Health, how your body functions.
  2. Health, the state of excellent physical, mental, emotional, and social health.
  3. desert, an area without nearby full service grocery stores.
  4. anyone who purchases goods and services.
  5. person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good.
  6. Health, aspects of peoples' lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health.
  7. Factors, aspects of peoples' lives that increase the chances of a disease injury, or disorder or a decline in health.
  8. Health, How you observe and interpret information.
  9. state of complete physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.
  10. exchange of spoken or unspoken messages between people.
  11. Health, how you express yourself and your thoughts/feelings.

20 Clues: Health, how your body functions.constructive responses to a message.anyone who purchases goods and services.clearly states what you want to accomplish.Health, how well you get along with others.Health, How you observe and interpret of spoken or unspoken messages between people....

Health & Wellness Intro 2023-02-01

Health & Wellness Intro crossword puzzle
  1. How we view & value ourselves
  2. Obtaining food necessary for growth
  3. Balance of mental, physical & social health
  4. Relating to emotions and feelings
  5. Moving your body to stay fit
  6. quality of a close friend
  7. Dealing with stressful situations
  8. Sharing information with others
  9. Taking care of your body
  1. Improves mental health
  2. Interacting with other people
  3. combination of breathing, concentration & physical movements
  4. Taking care of your mental, physical & social health
  5. Physical activity on purpose
  6. Someone that checks on your physical health
  7. Improves social health

16 Clues: Improves mental healthImproves social healthTaking care of your bodyquality of a close friendPhysical activity on purposeMoving your body to stay fitHow we view & value ourselvesInteracting with other peopleSharing information with othersRelating to emotions and feelingsDealing with stressful situationsObtaining food necessary for growth...

Mental Health 2019-11-27

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Date of bell let's talk day 2020 (month and day)
  2. another term for extreme mood swings
  3. definition of mental health
  4. Mental Health Center (5 words)
  1. a mental illness ending with disorder (3 words)
  2. year when mental health was created (1900s)
  3. Mental health organization
  4. How to improve your mental health (2 words)
  5. a mental illness usually caused by war
  6. where the term mental health was created (country)
  7. one cause of mental illnesses (one word)

11 Clues: Mental health organizationdefinition of mental healthMental Health Center (5 words)another term for extreme mood swingsa mental illness usually caused by warone cause of mental illnesses (one word)year when mental health was created (1900s)How to improve your mental health (2 words)a mental illness ending with disorder (3 words)...

Needs of Service Users 2023-09-13

Needs of Service Users crossword puzzle
  1. An intellectual need
  2. These operate within the Independent sector
  3. A mental health difficulty where a person may withdraw and lock themselves away
  4. People with PMLD often have limited ____________ due to their physical problems
  5. A social need
  6. A learning difficulty rather than a learning disability
  7. A mental health difficulty where the person may feel that voices in their head are in control
  1. A mental health difficulty where the person may feel that they have no control over their moods
  2. Physical need of service users
  3. Tasks that someone with a learning disability has difficulty with
  4. Social Services operate within this sector
  5. James Martin is an ambassador for this charity
  6. People with learning disabilities may struggle to experience this emotional need
  7. People with _______ often have additional sensory and physical disabilities
  8. These services aim to make a profit
  9. A learning disability is a ______________ intellectual ability
  10. Rosie Jones, the comedian, has this learning disability
  11. A condition associated with a learning disability
  12. A voluntary organisation that focuses on mental health
  13. These skills are challenging for someone with a learning disability
  14. A mental health difficulty where the individual will avoid eating

21 Clues: A social needAn intellectual needPhysical need of service usersThese services aim to make a profitSocial Services operate within this sectorThese operate within the Independent sectorJames Martin is an ambassador for this charityA condition associated with a learning disabilityA voluntary organisation that focuses on mental health...

Health and Wellness Jillene 2022-09-14

Health and Wellness Jillene crossword puzzle
  1. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions,solve problems and examine situations
  2. state of being with out regular,consistent housing.
  3. dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions
  4. aspects of peoples lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health
  5. Dna segments that contain the blueprint for the sculpture and function of a person's cells; affect development,personality, and health.
  6. choices and behaviors that affect a persons chance of developing a disease, unhealthy, condition or injury.
  7. state of complete physical,mental and emotional, and social well-being.
  8. circumstances,objects or conditions that surround a person's everyday life.
  9. presence of waste in the environment
  10. advertisements.
  1. persons ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good.
  2. process of identifying one state of health and taking steps to improve it.
  3. aspects of peoples lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  4. dimension of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions,moods,feelings about ones self and views about the world.
  5. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes.
  6. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others.
  7. poor overall state of health within a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease,risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental health.
  8. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes;do not require the presence of other risk factors.
  9. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies,social media
  10. actual number of years a person lives.
  11. land and features and any bodies of water present in an area.
  12. length of time expected to live.
  13. beliefs, values, customs and arts of a particular group or society.
  14. OF LIFE extent to which a person experiences a healthy,happy, and fulfilling life.
  15. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and wellness,including physical,mental and emotional health, and social health.

25 Clues: advertisements.length of time expected to live.presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person lives.state of being with out regular,consistent and features and any bodies of water present in an area.dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions...

Health and Wellness Jillene 2022-09-14

Health and Wellness Jillene crossword puzzle
  1. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions,solve problems and examine situations
  2. state of being with out regular,consistent housing.
  3. dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions
  4. aspects of peoples lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health
  5. Dna segments that contain the blueprint for the sculpture and function of a person's cells; affect development,personality, and health.
  6. choices and behaviors that affect a persons chance of developing a disease, unhealthy, condition or injury.
  7. state of complete physical,mental and emotional, and social well-being.
  8. circumstances,objects or conditions that surround a person's everyday life.
  9. presence of waste in the environment
  10. advertisements.
  1. persons ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good.
  2. process of identifying one state of health and taking steps to improve it.
  3. aspects of peoples lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  4. dimension of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions,moods,feelings about ones self and views about the world.
  5. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes.
  6. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others.
  7. poor overall state of health within a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease,risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental health.
  8. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes;do not require the presence of other risk factors.
  9. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies,social media
  10. actual number of years a person lives.
  11. land and features and any bodies of water present in an area.
  12. length of time expected to live.
  13. beliefs, values, customs and arts of a particular group or society.
  14. OF LIFE extent to which a person experiences a healthy,happy, and fulfilling life.
  15. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and wellness,including physical,mental and emotional health, and social health.

25 Clues: advertisements.length of time expected to live.presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person lives.state of being with out regular,consistent and features and any bodies of water present in an area.dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions...

Mental Health 2019-11-27

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Date of bell let's talk day 2020 (month and day)
  2. another term for extreme mood swings
  3. How to improve your mental health (2 words)
  4. one cause of mental illnesses (one word)
  5. Mental Health Center (5 words)
  1. a mental illness ending with disorder (3 words)
  2. where the term mental health was created (country)
  3. year when mental health was created (1900s)
  4. a mental illness usually caused by war
  5. Mental health organization
  6. definition of mental health

11 Clues: Mental health organizationdefinition of mental healthMental Health Center (5 words)another term for extreme mood swingsa mental illness usually caused by warone cause of mental illnesses (one word)year when mental health was created (1900s)How to improve your mental health (2 words)a mental illness ending with disorder (3 words)...

Depression Crossword 2020-11-09

Depression Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The connections between two friends
  2. A disease or period of sickness
  3. Being away from any social contact
  4. A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance
  5. Is when you aren't comfortable with the lack of social contact
  6. disease A disease in your heart
  7. A brain disorder that leads to shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with walking, balance, and coordination
  8. Is a medication that assists in the treatment of depression
  1. Being strained either mentally or physically
  2. Relating to genes and hereditary things Psychology The mental state of someone
  3. To be separated for unjust reasons
  4. Is a mental health disorder that causes a depressed mood
  5. health The health of a persons mental state
  6. A disease that involves a cell reproducing uncontrollably
  7. A disease that involves the person having a blood sugar that's to high
  8. A common form of therapy for mental disorders that involves talking to the therapist
  9. The connection between any two people
  10. 3p25-26 A chromosome that may be involved with depression
  11. health The health of the physical state of a person
  12. Being nervous or anxious of something all the time

20 Clues: A disease or period of sicknessdisease A disease in your heartTo be separated for unjust reasonsBeing away from any social contactThe connections between two friendsThe connection between any two peoplehealth The health of a persons mental stateBeing strained either mentally or physicallyBeing nervous or anxious of something all the time...

mental health 2020-11-30

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. The ability to recover quickly from difficult situations
  2. hyperactive and irresponsible. Depressive phase, it may be difficult to do anything at all.
  3. More common in locations with longer winters
  4. Characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions)
  5. a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior.
  6. recurrent and unexpected
  7. only men will most likely get this
  1. brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity.
  2. Ongoing social problems that include difficulty communicating and interacting with others
  3. only women get this
  4. unreasonable debilitating fear of being judged or publicly humiliated
  5. severe condition in which two or more distinct identities
  6. the instinctive physiological response to a threatening situation, which readies one either to resist forcibly or to run away.
  7. A feeling of uncontrollable panic, terror or dread when you're exposed to the source of your fear.
  8. a physical illness or other condition caused or aggravated by a mental factor or chronic stress.
  9. extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

16 Clues: only women get thisrecurrent and unexpectedextreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.only men will most likely get thisMore common in locations with longer wintersThe ability to recover quickly from difficult situationssevere condition in which two or more distinct identitiesunreasonable debilitating fear of being judged or publicly humiliated...

Mental Health 2023-05-30

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. the opposite of sad
  2. this involves who you hang out with
  3. someone you can talk to in school
  4. this means you can bounce back
  5. you took these last week
  6. this involves exercise
  7. describes when we feel frustrated
  8. the opposite of happy
  9. describes when we feel nervous
  1. this involves nature/religion
  2. someone you can talk to in school
  3. another name for relaxed
  4. important adults in your life
  5. important peers in your life
  6. describes when we feel alone
  7. this involves your thoughts
  8. feeling you can do anything

17 Clues: the opposite of sadthe opposite of happythis involves exerciseanother name for relaxedyou took these last weekthis involves your thoughtsfeeling you can do anythingimportant peers in your lifedescribes when we feel alonethis involves nature/religionimportant adults in your lifethis means you can bounce backdescribes when we feel nervous...

Mental Health 2020-12-31

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. A severe chronic psychiatric disorders. Symptoms usually start between the ages of 16 and 30. They include positive signs (hallucinations, delusions, dysfunctional ways of thinking, movement disorders) and negative symptoms (reduced facial expressions, decreased feelings of pleasure in the everyday, trouble starting or continuing with activities, speaking very little).
  2. A disorder where you’re fascinated with fire and may set things on fire, often harming others or destroying property in the process.
  3. A personality disorder have little empathy for others. They’re self-centered and have an excessively elevated self-image.
  4. This mental health condition is a mix of schizophrenic disorder and mood disorder.
  5. A personality disorder, you distrust and are suspicious of others. You erroneously think that others are trying to hurt you or that they’re untrustworthy.
  6. Stressful events, like being in combat or being assaulted, can trigger this disorder
  1. you eat and sometimes binge on food but then purge in an attempt to get rid of the calories you consumed.
  2. Mental disorders that is characterized by persistent sadness.
  3. a mental health challenge in which you have such intense anxiety symptoms that you avoid going to or even thinking about places and situations that bring up feelings like helplessness, embarrassment, or a sense of being threatened.
  4. a mental health problem in which you steal things you don’t need.
  5. mental disorders in which you feel extreme fear caused by a trigger. The trigger could be height, snakes, closed-in spaces, etc.
  6. you eat very little and typically lose weight at a rate that is alarming to your friends and family.
  7. fear of dirt or contamination, doubting, uncertainty, needing things to be symmetrical, thoughts of losing control or harming yourself, unwanted aggressive, sexual, or religious thoughts --- excessive washing and cleaning, checking, counting, strict adherence to a routine, needing constant reassurance.
  8. These mental disorders come with excessive worry, fear, and nervousness.
  9. Symptoms include depressive episodes with any of the depression signs in addition to manic or hypomanic symptoms.
  10. You might feel you need to use the substance many times every day.

16 Clues: Mental disorders that is characterized by persistent sadness.a mental health problem in which you steal things you don’t need.You might feel you need to use the substance many times every day.These mental disorders come with excessive worry, fear, and nervousness.This mental health condition is a mix of schizophrenic disorder and mood disorder....

Mental health 2021-08-27

Mental health crossword puzzle
  1. illness of thinking and feeling
  2. Help from people
  3. Mental abuse to the brain
  4. brain functioning differently then the normal brain
  5. separated and down
  6. warm loving feeling with a smile on your face
  1. Unwanted Sexual intercourse
  2. amusement to the body rather the the brain
  3. changes the way you proceed energy and the way you digest food
  4. a comfortable amazing feeling with a person or thing
  5. keeping yourself going with a great attitude
  6. how you feel
  7. therapy conversations
  8. body movement
  9. an anxious feeling
  10. maniac disorder

16 Clues: how you feelbody movementmaniac disorderHelp from peoplean anxious feelingseparated and downtherapy conversationsMental abuse to the brainUnwanted Sexual intercourseillness of thinking and feelingamusement to the body rather the the brainkeeping yourself going with a great attitudewarm loving feeling with a smile on your face...

mental health 2017-10-25

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. looked down on
  2. to be separated from others
  3. using medication to effectively treat issues
  4. uncontrollable feelings of panic
  5. talk therapy
  6. the act of everyone killing themselves close together
  7. compulsive behavior
  8. constant mood swings
  9. changing destructive thoughts
  1. the act of killing yourself
  2. therapy with a group
  3. therapy with your family
  4. uncontrollable feelings of sadness and hopelessness
  5. changing destructive behaviors
  6. constant feelings of uncontrollable panic
  7. disorder a medical condition that effects your brain

16 Clues: talk therapylooked down oncompulsive behaviortherapy with a groupconstant mood swingstherapy with your familythe act of killing yourselfto be separated from otherschanging destructive thoughtschanging destructive behaviorsuncontrollable feelings of panicconstant feelings of uncontrollable panicusing medication to effectively treat issues...

Mental Health 2023-05-31

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. - Isolation of oneself.
  2. - Deprived of feelings.
  3. - Obsessive compulsive disorder.
  4. - Prejudicial treatment of a group of people.
  5. - The state of undergoing pain or distress.
  6. - A person with manic and depressive episodes
  7. - Extreme feelings of nervousness and unease.
  1. - Sluggish and apathetic.
  2. - Persistent sadness and lack of interest in activities.
  3. -
  4. - Being comfortable, healthy or happy.
  5. - Disturbance in an individual’s cognition.
  6. - Sleep disorder that prevents one from sleeping.
  7. - Negative and unfair beliefs of a certain group of people.
  8. - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.
  9. - A learning disorder that effects reading, writing, and spelling.

16 Clues: -- Isolation of oneself.- Deprived of feelings.- Sluggish and apathetic.- Obsessive compulsive disorder.- Being comfortable, healthy or happy.- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.- Disturbance in an individual’s cognition.- The state of undergoing pain or distress.- Prejudicial treatment of a group of people....

Chapter 13 Review 2023-04-16

Chapter 13 Review crossword puzzle
  1. excessive fear of objects or activities
  2. state governments built these; later known as hospitals
  3. american psychiatric association; published the first DSM to encourage acceptance of mental health disorders
  4. treatment that uses electric signals into the brain; it will effectively slow down or distract the message from the nerve to the brain; it is chiefly used in the treatment of various forms of paralysis
  5. also participate in the treatment of mental health, cannot prescribe medications but provide different types of therapy
  1. conditions that alter thinking processes, moods, or behavior and result in dysfunction or stress
  2. occurs when people are forced to receive treatment or are committed to a facility against their wishes
  3. treating the mentally ill with sensitivity
  4. commitment occurs when people commit themselves willingsly to receive care
  5. liability issues associated with. Mental health care, an analysis of mental healthcare system, and guidelines and recommendations to improve U.S. mental health care
  6. mental health parity and addiction equity act of 2008; further supported mental health care by requiring insurance plans to offer mental health benefits and cost sharing similar to those of traditional medical benefits
  7. speacialty physicians who can prescribe medication and admit patients to hospitals
  8. new freedom commission on mental health; charged with implementing an analystical study in the U.S. mental health service system and developing recommendations to improve the public mental health system that could be implemented at the federal, state, and local levels

13 Clues: excessive fear of objects or activitiestreating the mentally ill with sensitivitystate governments built these; later known as hospitalscommitment occurs when people commit themselves willingsly to receive carespeacialty physicians who can prescribe medication and admit patients to hospitals...

May Mental Health Awareness Month 2023-05-09

May Mental Health Awareness Month crossword puzzle
  1. Is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you're thriving.
  2. A mental health disorder characterized by sudden and recurring panic attacks
  3. A type of therapy that uses art as a form of expression and communication
  4. A technique that involves intentionally focusing on the present moment to promote relaxation and reduce stress
  5. A type of therapy that involves interacting with animals as a way to promote mental health
  6. A mental health disorder characterized by persistent anxiety and worry
  1. A mental health disorder characterized by recurring and intrusive thoughts and behaviors
  2. A type of therapy that helps individuals change negative patterns of thinking and behavior
  3. A type of therapy that helps individuals regulate their emotions
  4. A mental health disorder characterized by extreme mood swings, ranging from depression to mania
  5. A mental health disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered thinking
  6. In this type of therapy a therapist works with you to understand the difficulties you are experiencing from the unique perspective of your culture.
  7. The ability to cope with and overcome stressful situations, the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties
  8. A mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest
  9. A state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled

15 Clues: A state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubledA type of therapy that helps individuals regulate their emotionsA mental health disorder characterized by persistent anxiety and worryA type of therapy that uses art as a form of expression and communicationA mental health disorder characterized by sudden and recurring panic attacks...

123 2022-07-14

123 crossword puzzle
  1. An influence on mental health sourced within a person
  2. A short-lasting and temporary disturbance to mental health from which recovery is likely to occur when the cause passes
  3. A person is described in this way if they are able to make the most of their potential, work productively and cope with the challenges of everyday life.
  4. Term used to describe the behaviour of someone with a high level of functioning
  5. A positive state of mental health
  6. Term used to describe how well an individual independently performs or operates in their environment
  7. A term used to describe our sense of ‘wellness’
  8. SEWB domain that connects the spiritual world of the past with the present and the future
  9. SEWB domain that provides a sense of continuity with the past and helps underpin a strong identity
  1. The SEWB domain ‘connection to mind and emotions’ primary focuses on this aspect of health
  2. A typical characteristic of a mentally healthy person
  3. A multidimensional and holistic framework that encapsulates all elements of being for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  4. The SEWB domain ‘connection to body’ primarily focuses on this aspect of health
  5. A mental health condition involving thoughts, feelings and behaviour that typically impact on daily functioning
  6. Term used to describe the diverse ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples experience and express the various social and emotional (SEWB) domains throughout their lives
  7. Term used to describe a persistent, excessive and unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation
  8. Mental health is often represented this way.
  9. An influence on mental health sourced outside a person

18 Clues: A positive state of mental healthMental health is often represented this way.A term used to describe our sense of ‘wellness’An influence on mental health sourced within a personA typical characteristic of a mentally healthy personAn influence on mental health sourced outside a person...

Mental Illness Crossword 2013-12-02

Mental Illness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Name a Psychotic disorder starting with S?.
  2. Alcohol addiction falls under what category of mental illness?.
  3. What do disorders affecting brain health come under in terms of the Health Components?.
  4. Depression and bipolar are what disorders?.
  5. A health condition that affects a persons thinking?.
  6. Harming or attempting to kill yourself is what?.
  7. A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome?.
  8. How many (percentage) teens suffer from depression?.
  1. People may be judged when having a mental disorder as being what?.
  2. A place where mentally Ill people go for treatment under there terms?.
  3. Risk factor affecting your mental health starting with P?.
  4. Anorexia and bulimia are what disorders?.
  5. What Risk factors that cause mental illness involve your parents and grandparents and your family line?.
  6. What does the C in OCD stand for?.
  7. A place where mentally ill people go if there condition has worsened and they may be untreatable?.
  8. How many times are woman more likely to get depression than men?.
  9. What gender is most susceptible to depression?.
  10. Two different personalities?.
  11. Name a degenerative condition that affects many old people and their brains?.
  12. One in how many Australians suffers a mental disorder?.

20 Clues: Two different personalities?.What does the C in OCD stand for?.Anorexia and bulimia are what disorders?.Name a Psychotic disorder starting with S?.Depression and bipolar are what disorders?.What gender is most susceptible to depression?.Harming or attempting to kill yourself is what?.A health condition that affects a persons thinking?....

Mental Health 2021-10-20

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. what percent of people are directly or indirectly affected by mental illness?
  2. feelings of extreme sadness, apathy, and hopelessness
  3. the type of stress that is persistent and unrelenting
  4. what percent of people have a mental health condition or illness?
  5. a disorder characterized by extreme mood swings ranging from depression to mania
  6. a term used to explain a coping or escape mechanism that causes a rush or sense of euphoria
  7. a condition characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
  8. a mark of disgrace or negative label
  1. characterized by excessive, exaggerated anxiety about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry
  2. a reaction to stress that occurs after the event is over
  3. stress that provides a welcome challenge
  4. a disorder in which the individual is trapped in a pattern of repeated thoughts and behaviors
  5. a severe disease in which a person may suffer from delusions, hallucinations, and a false sense of reality
  6. an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of an object or situation that poses little real danger but causes anxiety
  7. the type of stress that is temporary
  8. stress that is perceived as negative or overwhelming

16 Clues: the type of stress that is temporarya mark of disgrace or negative labelstress that provides a welcome challengestress that is perceived as negative or overwhelmingfeelings of extreme sadness, apathy, and hopelessnessthe type of stress that is persistent and unrelentinga reaction to stress that occurs after the event is over...

Mental Health 2022-05-18

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. A change in your emotions or behavior
  2. A long term memory disorder
  3. Someone that helps you
  4. A brain disorder that causes memory lost
  5. A feeling of excitement and overreaction
  6. Feeling overwhelmed
  7. Recovery of a hard time
  8. Changes your feelings
  9. A way of saying mad
  1. A sleeping disorder
  2. A disorder were your mood is low
  3. Eating abnormally from the disorder
  4. Assuming something by looking at someone
  5. Always checking and making sure everything is organized
  6. with this you could have disorganization and problems prioritizing
  7. worrying causing blood pressure to raise

16 Clues: A sleeping disorderFeeling overwhelmedA way of saying madChanges your feelingsSomeone that helps youRecovery of a hard timeA long term memory disorderA disorder were your mood is lowEating abnormally from the disorderA change in your emotions or behaviorAssuming something by looking at someoneA brain disorder that causes memory lost...

mental health 2023-05-16

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. genetics
  2. memory
  3. chemicals
  4. a reaction
  5. a stressor
  6. sleep
  1. loss of interest
  2. grief process
  3. blocked memories
  4. brain network
  5. general adaptation syndrome
  6. alarm
  7. copying
  8. damage to brain
  9. anxiety
  10. understanding

16 Clues: alarmsleepmemorycopyinganxietygeneticschemicalsa reactiona stressorgrief processbrain networkunderstandingdamage to brainloss of interestblocked memoriesgeneral adaptation syndrome

Mental health 2023-09-04

Mental health crossword puzzle
  1. The ability to focus attention on a specific task or thought.
  2. The desire for food or a specific type of food.
  3. The internal or external factors that drive a person to take action or achieve a goal.
  4. A person's perception of their own worth and value.
  5. Mental or emotional strain caused by challenging or demanding circumstances.
  6. A person's emotional state at a particular time.
  7. An emotional state characterized by unhappiness or sorrow.
  1. Actions and conduct displayed by individuals in response to various situations.
  2. The state of overall physical and mental well-being.
  3. Mental processes involving ideas, opinions, or considerations.
  4. out: To make contact or communicate with someone, often for support or assistance.
  5. Emotions and sensations experienced by individuals.
  6. Physical or mental tiredness and lack of energy.
  7. A state of drowsiness or sleepiness.
  8. A state of unease or agitation, often accompanied by the inability to stay still.
  9. health: It refers to emotional and psychological well-being, influencing how people think, feel, and cope with life's challenges.

16 Clues: A state of drowsiness or sleepiness.The desire for food or a specific type of food.Physical or mental tiredness and lack of energy.A person's emotional state at a particular time.Emotions and sensations experienced by individuals.A person's perception of their own worth and value.The state of overall physical and mental well-being....

Chapter 1 Wordsearch 2022-02-13

Chapter 1 Wordsearch crossword puzzle
  1. Sliding scale and range of your health
  2. god/goddess of love in mythology
  3. combination of physical, mental,and social
  4. The health of your relationships
  5. Taking steps before something happens
  6. the shape representing your overall health
  7. The health of your mind
  8. sum of your surroundings
  1. The health of your body
  2. How you view a situation
  3. More than one risky behavior
  4. Deliberately avoiding a high risk behavior
  5. Methods to communicate information
  6. a gift or greeting given on Feb 14th
  7. Biologically passed down from parents
  8. Having a balanced combination of health
  9. A behavior that threatens your health

17 Clues: The health of your bodyThe health of your mindHow you view a situationsum of your surroundingsMore than one risky behaviorgod/goddess of love in mythologyThe health of your relationshipsMethods to communicate informationa gift or greeting given on Feb 14thBiologically passed down from parentsTaking steps before something happens...

mental health stuff 2022-05-06

mental health stuff crossword puzzle
  1. how someone is feeling psychologically
  2. loss for the taste of food
  3. someone to see to help your mental health
  4. inability to sit still, hard to pay attention
  5. another big cause in mental health usually involves drugs
  6. mental disorder that causes you to see hallucinations
  7. trigger of past events when you see or feel something similar
  8. a mental disorder that causes extreme mood swings
  9. is extreme sadness after having a baby
  1. being happy in the summer and sad in the winter
  2. episodes of intense fear with no particular cause
  3. how you relate to someone
  4. unrealistic worry and tension even if there is no cause
  5. being scared or nervous in public situations
  6. a mental disorder that causes extreme sadness
  7. large cause of mental health problems and involves violence
  8. constantly being worried and scared
  9. being scared of a certain thing
  10. two or more people living inside the same brain
  11. unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead you to do repetitive things

20 Clues: how you relate to someoneloss for the taste of foodbeing scared of a certain thingconstantly being worried and scaredhow someone is feeling psychologicallyis extreme sadness after having a babysomeone to see to help your mental healthbeing scared or nervous in public situationsa mental disorder that causes extreme sadness...

Mental Health 2023-08-04

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Unwinding and feeling calm.
  2. Show your thoughts and feelings.
  3. Looking on the bright side.
  4. A strong bond between pals.
  5. A feeling of joy.
  6. Staying present and aware.
  7. Bouncing back from tough situations.
  8. Being nice to others.
  9. What comes from jokes and funny moments.
  1. Taking time to look after yourself.
  2. How you feel about things.
  3. Do not be ........... about anything. Philippians 4:6
  4. Full of fun and games.
  5. Help and encouragement from loved ones.
  6. Believing in yourself.
  7. Dealing with challenges.

16 Clues: A feeling of joy.Being nice to others.Full of fun and games.Believing in yourself.Dealing with challenges.How you feel about things.Staying present and aware.Unwinding and feeling calm.Looking on the bright side.A strong bond between pals.Show your thoughts and feelings.Taking time to look after yourself.Bouncing back from tough situations....

mental health 2022-12-13

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. going through stress and anxiety
  2. constant thoughts that make them do certain task
  3. make sounds or display nonpurposeful body movements
  4. a maturing disability in the brain
  5. person creates imaginary pain to receive help
  6. you have an unhealthy way of thinking
  7. constant sadness over a long time period
  1. suspicion and mistrust in peoples actions
  2. mood swings
  3. thoughts related to old tragic events
  4. impaired ability to remember or think
  5. hallucinations seeing things
  6. involves distorted awareness and thinking
  7. physical symptoms of an illness or of pain
  8. disorders that affect sexual desire
  9. disorder due to over consuming

16 Clues: mood swingshallucinations seeing thingsdisorder due to over consuminggoing through stress and anxietya maturing disability in the braindisorders that affect sexual desirethoughts related to old tragic eventsimpaired ability to remember or thinkyou have an unhealthy way of thinkingconstant sadness over a long time period...

mental health 2022-12-13

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. going through stress and anxiety
  2. constant thoughts that make them do certain task
  3. make sounds or display nonpurposeful body movements
  4. a maturing disability in the brain
  5. person creates imaginary pain to receive help
  6. you have an unhealthy way of thinking
  7. constant sadness over a long time period
  1. suspicion and mistrust in peoples actions
  2. mood swings
  3. thoughts related to old tragic events
  4. impaired ability to remember or think
  5. hallucinations seeing things
  6. involves distorted awareness and thinking
  7. physical symptoms of an illness or of pain
  8. disorders that affect sexual desire
  9. disorder due to over consuming

16 Clues: mood swingshallucinations seeing thingsdisorder due to over consuminggoing through stress and anxietya maturing disability in the braindisorders that affect sexual desirethoughts related to old tragic eventsimpaired ability to remember or thinkyou have an unhealthy way of thinkingconstant sadness over a long time period...

Mental Health 2024-03-04

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Freedom from disturbance
  2. A strong emotional effect
  3. Feeling of sorrow
  4. The state of being stable
  5. Support from another person
  6. A thing done
  7. a feeling of unease and nervousness
  8. A natural state of mind because of one's mood
  1. Mental illness that negatively affects how you feel
  2. The practice of taking action to preserve one's health
  3. Characteristics of an individual
  4. Treatment that helps mental health
  5. A person's mental and physical condition
  6. Spiritual,physical and mental practice
  7. A state of worry
  8. An intense deep feeling

16 Clues: A thing doneA state of worryFeeling of sorrowAn intense deep feelingFreedom from disturbanceA strong emotional effectThe state of being stableSupport from another personCharacteristics of an individualTreatment that helps mental healtha feeling of unease and nervousnessSpiritual,physical and mental practiceA person's mental and physical condition...

Mental Health 2024-04-18

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. who you are, which includes your physical traits, social connections, and internal thoughts and feelings
  2. ability to keep a positive outlook and focus on the good aspects of stressful situations
  3. term that describes the copying of suicide attempts after exposure to another person’s suicide
  4. positive stress that encourages growth and motivation
  5. stress that causes negative feelings and harmful health effects
  6. stress caused by repeated, long-lasting exposure to severe stressors, such as neglect and abuse, violence, or loss of a loved one
  7. any factor that causes stress
  8. ideas or thoughts a person knows to be true, based on real experiences, scientific facts, or what a person has learned from others
  1. series of suicides in a particular community that occur in a relatively short period of time
  2. ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and to understand someone else’s wants, needs, and perspectives
  3. extreme stress due to deeply disturbing events, such as disasters, sexual assault, or violence
  4. moods or feelings you experience
  5. act of taking one’s own life
  6. physical, mental, and emotional reactions of your body to the challenges you face
  7. your mental picture of yourself, which includes how you look, how you act, your skills and abilities, and your weaknesses; also called self-concept
  8. how you feel about yourself

16 Clues: how you feel about yourselfact of taking one’s own lifeany factor that causes stressmoods or feelings you experiencepositive stress that encourages growth and motivationstress that causes negative feelings and harmful health effectsphysical, mental, and emotional reactions of your body to the challenges you face...

Mental Health 2023-02-09

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Mechanism for dealing with stress or difficulty
  2. State of being calm and at ease
  3. State of being content and joyful
  4. State of physical and mental stability
  5. Mental or emotional pressure
  6. Practicing activities to maintain physical and mental well-being
  7. Assistance and encouragement
  1. Practice of focusing on the present moment
  2. Mental illness characterized by persistent sadness
  3. State of overall health and well-being
  4. disorder characterized by excessive worry or fear
  5. Adequate rest for physical and mental well-being
  6. Physical and mental well-being
  7. Treatment to improve mental health

14 Clues: Mental or emotional pressureAssistance and encouragementPhysical and mental well-beingState of being calm and at easeState of being content and joyfulTreatment to improve mental healthState of overall health and well-beingState of physical and mental stabilityPractice of focusing on the present momentMechanism for dealing with stress or difficulty...

Mental Health Boosters 2024-01-23

Mental Health Boosters crossword puzzle
  1. Having a network of people who provide emotional and practical support
  2. Giving time and energy to help others
  3. Seeking help from a mental health professional when needed
  4. Feeling of appreciation and thankfulness
  5. Focusing on the positive aspects of life and letting go of negative thoughts
  6. Consuming foods that promote physical and mental health
  7. Period of rest and rejuvenation
  1. Physical and mental discipline that combines postures, breathing, and meditation
  2. Positively interacting with others
  3. Listening to or creating music as a form of self-expression
  4. Practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment
  5. Practice of focusing the mind to achieve clarity and relaxation
  6. Professional treatment of mental or emotional disorders
  7. Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment
  8. Physical activity that improves health and well-being
  9. Engaging in activities that allow for self-expression and imagination
  10. Expression of joy or amusement
  11. Taking intentional actions to care for one's physical and mental health
  12. Writing down thoughts and feelings as a form of self-reflection
  13. Spending time in natural environments

20 Clues: Expression of joy or amusementPeriod of rest and rejuvenationPositively interacting with othersGiving time and energy to help othersSpending time in natural environmentsFeeling of appreciation and thankfulnessEngaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillmentPhysical activity that improves health and well-being...

Mental Health Awareness 2023-11-28

Mental Health Awareness crossword puzzle
  1. the condition, or degree of health, of one's mind and emotions.
  2. strategies for taking care of your mental health.
  3. having or showing understanding or knowledge.
  4. a mental illness marked by sadness, inactivity, and loss of a sense of one's own worth.
  5. meeting your _____ _____ such as sleep, food, and water is essential for good mental health.
  6. mental reactions (such as anger or fear) marked by strong feelings and usually causing physical effects.
  7. a form of talk treatment for people struggling with their mental health or a mental illness.
  1. a class of illness that primarily afflicts the mind, thought processes, and emotions rather than the physical body.
  2. using _____ self-talk can help improve your mental health.
  3. a _____ adult is someone that you can talk to about your mental health.
  4. a mental illness characterized by feelings of worry or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities.
  5. taking deep _____ is one way to calm down your mind and body.
  6. a healthy way to take care of your mind and body through physical movement.
  7. a persistent, negative social characterization or stereotype of a behavior or condition.

14 Clues: having or showing understanding or knowledge.strategies for taking care of your mental health.using _____ self-talk can help improve your mental health.taking deep _____ is one way to calm down your mind and body.the condition, or degree of health, of one's mind and emotions.a _____ adult is someone that you can talk to about your mental health....

What Works and What's Promising 2023-04-19

What Works and What's Promising crossword puzzle
  1. Policymakers should use _____ to drive policy.
  2. There is a link between racial _______ and increased psychological disorders.
  3. The quality of mental health treatment varies across _______.
  4. Mark Twain said "We are all _______; just about different things."
  5. _______ childhood events lead to behavioral and mental health challenges among youth.
  1. The quality of mental health treatments are _____ upon community involvement.
  2. One contributor to overrepresentation in the CJ system is that of ______ in service delivery.
  3. By asking ____ _____?, an understanding of how to respond and treat indviduals are answered.
  4. A multi-system collaboration is also known as a systems of ____ approach.
  5. Mental health symptoms that a person experiences as a result of racism are similar to ____.
  6. One support for better mental health would be building information ______ systems.
  7. The CJ system has become place to _____ individuals with mental health concerns.
  8. A largely ______ public has contributed to the CJ system becoming the de facto mental health system.

13 Clues: Policymakers should use _____ to drive policy.The quality of mental health treatment varies across _______.Mark Twain said "We are all _______; just about different things."A multi-system collaboration is also known as a systems of ____ approach.The quality of mental health treatments are _____ upon community involvement....

Wellness Crossword Challenge 2023-12-11

Wellness Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. confidence and belief in ones own worth and abilities
  2. a strategy to help you deal with difficult situations and lessen unpleasant emotions, thoughts, or behaviors
  3. someone who speaks up and promotes awareness of mental health issues
  4. a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness
  5. knowledge and understanding of mental health and its importance
  6. a good daily practice to intentionally acknowledge the good things in life
  7. negative attitudes/beliefs that create prejudice against individuals with mental health conditions
  8. a group of people with common experiences or concerns who provide each other with encouragement, comfort, and advice.
  1. active pursuit of a lifestyle that leads to a state of hollistic health
  2. Psychological resilience is the ability to cope mentally and emotionally with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status
  3. the ability to understand and share the feelings of others which promotes mental health awareness
  4. the wellness outreach worker
  5. a mindfulness practice that can promote mental clarity and reduce stress
  6. a professional who provides guidance and support for mental health challenges
  7. room where the wellness center is located at Gunn

15 Clues: the wellness outreach workerroom where the wellness center is located at Gunnconfidence and belief in ones own worth and abilitiesknowledge and understanding of mental health and its importancesomeone who speaks up and promotes awareness of mental health issuesactive pursuit of a lifestyle that leads to a state of hollistic health...

mental health stuff 2022-05-06

mental health stuff crossword puzzle
  1. how someone is feeling psychologically
  2. loss for the taste of food
  3. someone to see to help your mental health
  4. inability to sit still, hard to pay attention
  5. another big cause in mental health usually involves drugs
  6. mental disorder that causes you to see hallucinations
  7. trigger of past events when you see or feel something similar
  8. a mental disorder that causes extreme mood swings
  9. is extreme sadness after having a baby
  1. being happy in the summer and sad in the winter
  2. episodes of intense fear with no particular cause
  3. how you relate to someone
  4. unrealistic worry and tension even if there is no cause
  5. being scared or nervous in public situations
  6. a mental disorder that causes extreme sadness
  7. large cause of mental health problems and involves violence
  8. constantly being worried and scared
  9. being scared of a certain thing
  10. two or more people living inside the same brain
  11. unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead you to do repetitive things

20 Clues: how you relate to someoneloss for the taste of foodbeing scared of a certain thingconstantly being worried and scaredhow someone is feeling psychologicallyis extreme sadness after having a babysomeone to see to help your mental healthbeing scared or nervous in public situationsa mental disorder that causes extreme sadness...

Mental Health Awareness Crossword 2019-04-12

Mental Health Awareness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ARCHES also housed in the Well, this is a peer health education group focused on providing health information, skills, and resources that promote overall health and well-being
  2. to take your mind off of a stressful situation
  3. a phrase of positive emotional encouragement or support
  4. department that seeks to “cultivate mental, physical, and social development through recreational services, programs and facilities”
  5. a time of intense difficulty that may induce distress in an individual
  6. short or long term negative stress that may cause anxiety and decrease performance and mood
  7. to provide advice and a source of communication
  8. a broad term with many different methods of effectively dealing with something difficult
  9. a state of mind or specific mindset
  10. a handy diagnostic tool that describes disorders and provides criteria to be utilized by clinical psychologists and various other mental health professionals; published by the APA
  11. state of good health, incorporating our physical and mental well-being
  12. to provide assistance and can be accomplished in any number of ways
  13. a disapproval of or discrimination associated with a person, characteristic, or circumstance; ______ surrounding mental health
  14. any physical activity that maintains fitness and contributes to well-being and general wellness
  15. “curing”; restoration of oneself, in which any and every aspect of well-being may be addressed; may be a short- or long-term process
  16. a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension
  1. to make easier or less difficult; contribute to
  2. Illness an umbrella term for a wide range of mental health conditions that affect mood, thinking and behavior (e.g. depression, anxiety, addictive behavior, etc.)
  3. the process of centering one’s awareness to the present moment and incorporating one’s emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensation
  4. Hall located across from the HUB, this hall houses R’Pantry, Student Affairs Case Management, and the myriad of ethnic programs/organizations
  5. located in Costo Hall 110 and a member of the Well, this service aims to provide emergency non-perishable food, hygiene, household, and childcare items for students in need
  6. naturally recurring state of mind and body where most sensory and physical activity is inhibited; essential for daily function
  7. an individualized approach to taking care of one’s own well-being especially during times of stress
  8. Management housed in Costo Hall, they provide services that assist students dealing with a myriad of challenges such as academic help, food insecurity, and mental health
  9. a facility that is focused on helping students achieve their academic goals by providing tutoring services, workshops led by mentors, supplemental instruction, and writing support
  10. short term positive stress that motivates and helps to focus energy into performance and general mood
  11. located in the Veitech Student Center, these services provide mental health resources (such as academic, personal, and social development) to help and support students here at UCR
  12. what makes us human; it is a natural state of mind that is affected by a situations, moods, and our relationships with others
  13. the act of causing one’s own death that is associated with risk factors and warning signs
  14. “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
  15. WELL facility on campus that provides a number of resources that seek to benefit your wellness and overall health (physical and mental)

31 Clues: a state of mind or specific mindsetto take your mind off of a stressful situationto make easier or less difficult; contribute toto provide advice and a source of communicationa phrase of positive emotional encouragement or supportto provide assistance and can be accomplished in any number of ways...

VOCAB 2022-09-22

VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. overgeneralize
  2. exaggerate
  3. pessimism
  4. optimist
  5. responsible
  6. stress
  7. emotional health
  8. spiritual health
  9. personalize
  10. prosocial
  11. mental health
  12. optimism
  13. self-esteem
  14. self-talk
  15. facilitator
  1. dimension
  2. self-respect
  3. physical health
  4. pessimist
  5. optimistic
  6. empathy
  7. social health
  8. characteristic
  9. mindset
  10. conflict

25 Clues: stressempathymindsetoptimistoptimismconflictdimensionpessimismpessimistprosocialself-talkexaggerateoptimisticresponsiblepersonalizeself-esteemfacilitatorself-respectsocial healthmental healthovergeneralizecharacteristicphysical healthemotional healthspiritual health

Maintaining Mental Health 2022-09-20

Maintaining Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. great sadness caused by the loss of a person or thing
  2. act of a person ending his or her own life
  3. body's physical and mental response to unpleasant or difficult situations
  4. eating disorder characterized by regularly over eating without purging, exercising or fasting
  5. health defined as proper functioning of the body and its parts
  6. heath involving wound relationships, building connections with other people and making contributions to the community and society
  7. disorders, psychiatric, causing a person to act differently than the social norm
  8. disorders which cause physical bodily sumptoms which cannot be traced to any physical cause
  1. mental health disorder characterized by long lasting, intense sadness, leading ot feeling helpless, hopeless, worthless
  2. obsession or control over food intake in order to be thin
  3. a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
  4. health defined as emotional wellness: promotes a positive attitude and self-esteem, helps people cope with normal stresses of life, and helps people work productively
  5. mental health conditions which hinder or prevent good mental health
  6. binging nad purging ot control intake and body weight
  7. mental disorders which affect a person's mood; sometimes called affective disorders
  8. feeling nervous, unsure or scared about something
  9. pattern which is a description of how a person physically grows; differ from person to person, determined by heredity

17 Clues: act of a person ending his or her own lifefeeling nervous, unsure or scared about somethinggreat sadness caused by the loss of a person or thingbinging nad purging ot control intake and body weightobsession or control over food intake in order to be thinhealth defined as proper functioning of the body and its parts...

your moms health and wellness 2022-09-08

your moms health and wellness crossword puzzle
  1. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  2. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a particular group or society
  3. dimesion of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings,including emotions, moods, feelings about one's self, and views about the world
  4. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes; do not require the presence of other risk factors
  5. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors,hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  6. state of being without regular consistent housing
  7. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  8. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  9. choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a disease,unhealthy condition,or injury
  10. length of time a person is expected to live
  11. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  1. aspects of people's lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  2. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes
  3. of health that refers to how well the body functions
  4. actal number of years a person lives
  5. in-person and online communication channels, such as books TV shows, movies social media, and advertisements
  6. presence of waste in the enviroment
  7. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  8. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cell; affect development personality, and health
  9. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, mental and emotional, and social well-being

20 Clues: presence of waste in the enviromentactal number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular consistent housingof health that refers to how well the body functionsland features and any bodies of water present in an areachemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes...

Chapter 6 PowerPoint Crossword 2023-09-10

Chapter 6 PowerPoint Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Type of health having to do with the mind & being creative
  2. Long term
  3. Loss of physical or mental function
  4. Loss of physical or mental health
  5. Health that is: Physical, Social, Cognitive, Spiritual & Emotional
  6. Treating others unjustly
  7. My physical ___ is the area around me
  8. A shame or social disgrace
  9. World ____ Organization
  1. A type of care that PSW provides which takes into account the uniqueness of each individual client
  2. Type of health having to do with the body
  3. Another name for optimal health
  4. The more ____ a client is, the higher the self-esteem
  5. Offering choices
  6. Type of health having to do with a purpose greater than the self
  7. Treating others with respect and self-worth
  8. Short term
  9. Type of health having to do with self-esteem and self-awareness
  10. Always considering the whole person
  11. Type of health having to do with relationships

20 Clues: Long termShort termOffering choicesWorld ____ OrganizationTreating others unjustlyA shame or social disgraceAnother name for optimal healthLoss of physical or mental healthLoss of physical or mental functionAlways considering the whole personMy physical ___ is the area around meType of health having to do with the body...

your moms health and wellness 2022-09-08

your moms health and wellness crossword puzzle
  1. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  2. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a particular group or society
  3. dimesion of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings,including emotions, moods, feelings about one's self, and views about the world
  4. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes; do not require the presence of other risk factors
  5. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors,hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  6. state of being without regular consistent housing
  7. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  8. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  9. choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a disease,unhealthy condition,or injury
  10. length of time a person is expected to live
  11. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  1. aspects of people's lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  2. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes
  3. of health that refers to how well the body functions
  4. actal number of years a person lives
  5. in-person and online communication channels, such as books TV shows, movies social media, and advertisements
  6. presence of waste in the enviroment
  7. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  8. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cell; affect development personality, and health
  9. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, mental and emotional, and social well-being

20 Clues: presence of waste in the enviromentactal number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular consistent housingof health that refers to how well the body functionsland features and any bodies of water present in an areachemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes...

mental health 2022-12-20

mental health crossword puzzle
  1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  2. what people get stressed by
  3. Psychotic Disorder
  4. a complex set of emotions that makes you different
  5. how people feel
  6. one of the 5 stages of grief
  7. The ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization
  1. felling sad all the time
  2. how people feel in certan situations
  3. extreme mood swings
  4. felling anxious all the time
  5. brain diteriorating
  6. how people cope with death and has 5 stages
  7. fear of missing out
  8. fears

15 Clues: fearshow people feelPsychotic Disorderextreme mood swingsbrain diterioratingfear of missing outfelling sad all the timewhat people get stressed byfelling anxious all the timeone of the 5 stages of griefObsessive Compulsive Disorderhow people feel in certan situationshow people cope with death and has 5 stages...

Mental Health 2020-03-18

Mental Health crossword puzzle
  1. Intense emotional suffering caused by a loss, disaster, or misfortune
  2. Specific feeling is an
  3. Mental and moral qualities specif to an individual.
  4. Observing yourself and recognizing a feeling as it happens
  5. An individual’s unique pattern of characteristics
  6. oneself-emotional self-control; delaying gratification and manage impulsivity
  7. Connection Relationship between thoughts, emotions, and bodily responses
  8. Intelligence -Ability to understand one’s own and others’ emotions
  9. Type Person’s usual way of focusing on energy gathering information
  1. Esteem believes about his or her worth.
  2. to others’ feelings and concerns; understanding others’ perspectives
  3. Response of the body to demands of daily living
  4. Chronic state of anger
  5. Ability to bounce back from challenges/ difficulties that occur in our lives
  6. Feeling of being irritated or annoyed
  7. emotions appropriately handling feelings; realizing what is behind a feeling

16 Clues: Chronic state of angerSpecific feeling is anFeeling of being irritated or annoyedEsteem believes about his or her worth.Response of the body to demands of daily livingAn individual’s unique pattern of characteristicsMental and moral qualities specif to an individual.Observing yourself and recognizing a feeling as it happens...