planets Crossword Puzzles

Vocab 2022-03-14

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. one of the rocky objects in space revolving around the sun that are too small and too numerous to be considered planets
  2. term describing a model of the universe in which earth is at the center if the solar system
  3. a region where many small objects orbit the sun and that stretches from beyond the orbit of Neptune to about 100 times the earth's distance from the sun
  4. a loop of gas connecting to sunspots
  5. a spherical region of comets that surrounds the solar system
  6. the middle layer of the suns atmosphere
  7. the layer of the sun that lays just outside its core
  8. one of the building blocks that formed the planets
  9. term describing a model of the universe in which the sun is in the middle of the solar system
  10. the name given to the outer planets
  1. the inner layer of the suns atmosphere that gives off its visible light; the suns surface
  2. an object that orbits the sun that has not cleared its area of orbit
  3. a meteor that passes the atmosphere and hits earths surface
  4. name given to the inner planets
  5. a chunk of rock or dust in space, generally smaller than an asteroid
  6. the trapping of heat near a planets surface by certain gases in the planets atmosphere
  7. a streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in earths atmosphere
  8. the continuous flow of charged particles from the sun which permeates the solar system.
  9. oval shape
  10. a loose collection of ice and dust that orbits the sun typically in a long narrow orbit

20 Clues: oval shapename given to the inner planetsthe name given to the outer planetsa loop of gas connecting to sunspotsthe middle layer of the suns atmosphereone of the building blocks that formed the planetsthe layer of the sun that lays just outside its corea meteor that passes the atmosphere and hits earths surface...

Astronomy 2022-05-27

Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. Planet closest in size to Earth
  2. Closest planet to the sun
  3. What happens when you go through a black hole
  4. Planets that can support life
  5. Country that sent the first man to space
  6. President that initiated the space race
  1. When the moon is between the Earth and the Sun(phase)
  2. Number of dwarf planets that have been discovered
  3. Planet that is known for a large solar system
  4. Distance between the Earth and the Sun
  5. The mythology that gives many planets their names
  6. Planet with two moons
  7. Separates the inner and outer planets
  8. Planet that can float on water
  9. Highest mountain in the solar system

15 Clues: Planet with two moonsClosest planet to the sunPlanets that can support lifePlanet that can float on waterPlanet closest in size to EarthHighest mountain in the solar systemSeparates the inner and outer planetsDistance between the Earth and the SunPresident that initiated the space raceCountry that sent the first man to space...

McCall Johnson- Space Review 2019-02-21

McCall Johnson- Space Review crossword puzzle
  1. what does the strength of gravity depend on.
  2. located in the asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter.
  3. small body of matter from outer space.
  4. orbits the earth.
  5. outer planets.
  6. orbits the sun.
  7. gaseous planets.
  8. area of the solar system where the suns energy supports liquid water.
  9. to close to the sun.
  10. must have an abundant supply of oxygen.
  1. what is a scale model.
  2. what protects astronauts.
  3. rocky and terrestrial.
  4. protects earth from radiation.
  5. inner planets.
  6. captures harmful charged particles from the sun.
  7. biggest object in our solar system.
  8. to far from the sun.
  9. what does habitable mean.
  10. what is the moon made out of.

20 Clues: inner planets.outer planets.orbits the sun.gaseous planets.orbits the far from the close to the sun.what is a scale model.rocky and terrestrial.what protects astronauts.what does habitable mean.what is the moon made out of.protects earth from radiation.biggest object in our solar system.small body of matter from outer space....

Q3 Review 2022-05-13

Q3 Review crossword puzzle
  1. These are the hottest color of stars.
  2. The lifespan of a star depends on this.
  3. This type of magnitude describes how bright a star appears to be from Earth.
  4. The study of the solar system
  5. These are the last four planets.
  1. Largest planet in the solar system.
  2. A large cluster of stars, dust, planets, and other solar bodies.
  3. This is the force that holds the planets in place.
  4. The outer planets are made mostly of this.
  5. A burning ball of gas, mostly helium and hydrogen.
  6. Third planet from the sun.
  7. These are the first four planets.
  8. The cloud where it is believed comets come from.

13 Clues: Third planet from the sun.The study of the solar systemThese are the last four planets.These are the first four planets.Largest planet in the solar system.These are the hottest color of stars.The lifespan of a star depends on this.The outer planets are made mostly of this.The cloud where it is believed comets come from....

Objects in Our Solar System 2021-11-24

Objects in Our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The dark, smooth "seas" on the surface of the moon
  2. Another name for the inner planets, meaning "Earth-like"
  3. Rocky or metallic objects of irregular shape
  4. This planet rotates on an axis sideways to other planets
  5. Largest Dwarf planet in the solar system
  6. This planets has the densest atmosphere abundant in carbon dioxide
  7. Kuiper belt dwarf that was once classified as a planet
  8. Dusty snowball
  1. This planet has a potato-shaped moon in between its rings
  2. Pieces of space material impact with Earth
  3. This planet has longer days than years.
  4. This is the densest planet in the solar system
  5. Earth's natural satellite
  6. This planet is home to the largest volcano in the solar system
  7. The largest object in the asteroid belt
  8. This planet has the strongest winds
  9. This planet has the fastest rotation
  10. Another name for the outer planets, meaning "Jupiter-like"

18 Clues: Dusty snowballEarth's natural satelliteThis planet has the strongest windsThis planet has the fastest rotationThis planet has longer days than years.The largest object in the asteroid beltLargest Dwarf planet in the solar systemPieces of space material impact with EarthRocky or metallic objects of irregular shape...

Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth 2024-04-18

Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth crossword puzzle
  1. Lines of ______ are horizontal lines that measure distance north or south of the equator.
  2. The shape of Earth is properly called as an ______ spheroid.
  3. Which sphere includes all the frozen water on Earth?
  4. On the ____ solstice, the North Pole is oriented toward the Sun.
  5. The _____ altitude is the Sun's height over the horizon.
  6. Eight _______ revolve in elliptical orbits around the Sun?
  7. Which sphere is a mix of Earth's gasses?
  8. are imaginary lines extending from pole to pole.
  9. Lines of ______ are vertical lines that measure east or west of the meridian in Greenwich, England.
  1. Which sphere includes all the living organisms on Earth?
  2. Which of Earth's spheres is made up of rock?
  3. On the ________ solstice, the North Pole is oriented away from the Sun.
  4. Which sphere includes all the water on Earth's surface?
  5. The four inner planets are known as ______ planets.
  6. The four outer planets are known as ______ planets.

15 Clues: Which sphere is a mix of Earth's gasses?Which of Earth's spheres is made up of rock?are imaginary lines extending from pole to pole.The four inner planets are known as ______ planets.The four outer planets are known as ______ planets.Which sphere includes all the frozen water on Earth?Which sphere includes all the water on Earth's surface?...

Vocab 2022-03-14

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. one of the rocky objects in space revolving around the sun that are too small and too numerous to be considered planets
  2. term describing a model of the universe in which earth is at the center if the solar system
  3. a region where many small objects orbit the sun and that stretches from beyond the orbit of Neptune to about 100 times the earth's distance from the sun
  4. a loop of gas connecting to sunspots
  5. a spherical region of comets that surrounds the solar system
  6. the middle layer of the suns atmosphere
  7. the layer of the sun that lays just outside its core
  8. one of the building blocks that formed the planets
  9. term describing a model of the universe in which the sun is in the middle of the solar system
  10. the name given to the outer planets
  1. the inner layer of the suns atmosphere that gives off its visible light; the suns surface
  2. an object that orbits the sun that has not cleared its area of orbit
  3. a meteor that passes the atmosphere and hits earths surface
  4. name given to the inner planets
  5. a chunk of rock or dust in space, generally smaller than an asteroid
  6. the trapping of heat near a planets surface by certain gases in the planets atmosphere
  7. a streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in earths atmosphere
  8. the continuous flow of charged particles from the sun which permeates the solar system.
  9. oval shape
  10. a loose collection of ice and dust that orbits the sun typically in a long narrow orbit

20 Clues: oval shapename given to the inner planetsthe name given to the outer planetsa loop of gas connecting to sunspotsthe middle layer of the suns atmosphereone of the building blocks that formed the planetsthe layer of the sun that lays just outside its corea meteor that passes the atmosphere and hits earths surface...

Historical Astronomy Timeline Review 2023-11-14

Historical Astronomy Timeline Review crossword puzzle
  1. a circular path that planets follow to demonstrate retrograde motion in Ptolemy's geocentric model
  2. discovered galaxies outside the milky way and expansion of the universe
  3. the concept that the earth is the center of the universe
  4. the planet in our solar system that is moving the fastest
  5. credited with three laws that explain the orbits of planets
  6. closest point of approach to the sun in a planet's orbit
  7. the apparent "backwards" movement of a planet with respect to background stars
  1. philospher who's work Almagest catalogued the constellations known to ancient greeks and proposed a mathematical model of geocentrism that was accepted for nearly 1500 years
  2. farthest point of approach to the sun in a planets orbit
  3. a man known for using his telescope to make many discovered about our solar system
  4. the concept that the sun is the center of the solar system and planets, including Earth, revolve around the Sun
  5. discovered a nova or "new star" by carefully recording positions of objects including planets from his island tower observatory
  6. the attractive force that holds the universe together
  7. the planet moving the slowest (hint- kepler's 3rd law)
  8. the shape of planetary orbits proposed in Kepler's first law of motion
  9. the man given credit for proposing the heliocentric model to "western" culture
  10. credited with the Three Laws of Motion and Universal Gravitation providing understanding of how planets orbit the sun
  11. the path a planet takes around the sun

18 Clues: the path a planet takes around the sunthe attractive force that holds the universe togetherthe planet moving the slowest (hint- kepler's 3rd law)farthest point of approach to the sun in a planets orbitthe concept that the earth is the center of the universeclosest point of approach to the sun in a planet's orbit...

Space Vocabulary 2014-04-11

Space Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Device used to measure the altitude of an object.
  2. A model of the universe that places the Sum at the centre with Earth, the planets and moons revolving around it.
  3. A model of the universe that places Earth at the centre with the Sun, moon, and planets revolving around it.
  4. Newton's law states that all objects attract all other objects, and provides an explanation for the planets' elliptical orbits.
  5. Make (a ray of light) change direction when it enters at an angle (lens for objective)
  6. All objects seen in the sky. E.g. Moon, sun, stars, and planets.
  7. A set of axes of any kind that is used to describe the positions and motions of things.
  8. The lens through which you view a magnified object using a telescope.
  9. Angle measured above the horizon in degrees when measuring altitude-azimuth co-ordinates.
  10. A figure that looks like a squashed circle; planets in the solar system move in elliptical orbits around the sun.
  11. The large lens at the front of a telescope.
  12. Device used to measure an object's azimuth.
  1. Celestial bodies in our solar system, including Earth, that orbits the sun.
  2. Locate a celestial body relative to a fixed Earth )as thought the celestial bodies are circling Earth).
  3. Determines the fineness of detail a telescope can produce of an object in view.
  4. Another word for ocular lens.
  5. The angle measured clock-wise from north when measuring altitude-azimuth co-ordinates.
  6. Another word for earth-centred.
  7. To cast back from a surface (mirror for objective).

19 Clues: Another word for ocular lens.Another word for earth-centred.The large lens at the front of a telescope.Device used to measure an object's azimuth.Device used to measure the altitude of an object.To cast back from a surface (mirror for objective).All objects seen in the sky. E.g. Moon, sun, stars, and planets....

science 2023-09-01

science crossword puzzle
  1. the closer the object the stronger the______
  2. moon___earth
  3. inside the milky way
  4. sun and planets revolve around the earth
  5. most____burn up when entering the atmosphere
  6. believed that the earth was the center of the planets
  7. chunk of rock and metal found in the solar system
  8. glowing band of light that spans the sky
  1. sun is center of planets
  2. earth and planets revolve around the sun
  3. theory of how the universe began
  4. orbiting around another body
  5. near the edge of a disk shaped galaxy
  6. chunk of rock and metal found in space
  7. chunks of ice and dust that revolve around the sun

15 Clues: moon___earthinside the milky waysun is center of planetsorbiting around another bodytheory of how the universe begannear the edge of a disk shaped galaxychunk of rock and metal found in spaceearth and planets revolve around the sunsun and planets revolve around the earthglowing band of light that spans the sky...

Planets crossword puzzle 2023-08-24

Planets crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Celestrial object
  2. Surrounds planets with gas
  3. Only planet with life on it
  4. Planets Planets that are Earth like
  1. Similar to Earth
  2. planets Planets that are in the asteroid belt
  3. Used to be a planet but is now a dwarf planet
  4. Closest planet to the sun
  5. Known as the "Red Planet"
  6. gravity Helps keep the planets to orbit

10 Clues: Similar to EarthCelestrial objectClosest planet to the sunKnown as the "Red Planet"Surrounds planets with gasOnly planet with life on itPlanets Planets that are Earth likegravity Helps keep the planets to orbitUsed to be a planet but is now a dwarf planetplanets Planets that are in the asteroid belt

planets vocabulary 2021-04-30

planets vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. planet , is a planet that is ,small .
  2. ,is when the ,earth spins or when anything spins .
  3. ,when something that, goes around something.
  4. ,are cold rocks that's hit earth or, other places.
  5. planets , these are the planets ,that are rocky and are not bigger than gas giants.
  6. position ,When you set, the position relative to an element,
  7. Unit ,the mean, distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun.
  8. plant , a planet whose orbit lies within the asteroid belt, Mercury, Venus, Earth, or Mars
  9. ,is a rock that finds it ,way out of space and comes crashing into earth or other places.
  10. planets ,The four gas giants in our solar system are Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter.
  11. planet , The outer planets are gas giants Jupiter and Saturn and ice giants Uranus and Neptune.
  12. effect, the trapping of the sun's, warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere, due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation
  1. ,a small body of matter, from outer space that enters the earth's atmosphere, becoming incandescent as a result of friction and appearing as a streak of light.
  2. , is like earth or Mars, Saturn, Venus.
  3. temperature ,Surface temperature is the temperature at or near a surface
  4. ,are made ,of dust and gases mostly hydrogen and helium
  5. is ,a rock that's stays ,on the asteroid belt.
  6. ,a sudden, radical or complete change
  7. ,helps people stay, on there feet.
  8. the ground.
  9. Way Galaxy , the milky way, galaxy contains our Solar System.
  10. , it come out at night and the sun shines on it to give it light.
  11. , the degree of compactness ,of a substance.
  12. ,a meteor that survives its passage ,through the earth's atmosphere such that part of it
  13. belt, where asteroids, float on the line the looks like a belt.

25 Clues: the ground.,helps people stay, on there feet.,a sudden, radical or complete changeplanet , is a planet that is ,small ., is like earth or Mars, Saturn, Venus.,when something that, goes around something., the degree of compactness ,of a ,a rock that's stays ,on the asteroid belt.,is when the ,earth spins or when anything spins ....


PLANETS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. a ball of ice and rock that has a tail
  2. the number of planets in our solar system
  3. this is a dwarf planet
  4. this is the planet we live in
  5. someone who travels into space
  6. this planet spins on its side
  7. we see this at night. It can be full, quarter, half..
  8. this planet is the hottest and is close to the sun
  9. this planet is smallest and closest to the sun
  10. this planet has rings around it
  1. this is the largest planet
  2. our galaxy - also the name of a chocolate bar
  3. the name of the system planet earth is in
  4. what we use to look closely at the stars
  5. this planet is furthest away from the sun
  6. we see this in the daytime and all the planets circle this planet
  7. what astronauts travels in
  8. this planet is sometimes called the red planet
  9. these look like they twinkle at night
  10. the best time to look at stars

20 Clues: this is a dwarf planetthis is the largest planetwhat astronauts travels inthis is the planet we live inthis planet spins on its sidesomeone who travels into spacethe best time to look at starsthis planet has rings around itthese look like they twinkle at nighta ball of ice and rock that has a tailwhat we use to look closely at the stars...

The Planets 2014-09-02

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Astronauts have visited this place
  2. The biggest planet in the solar system
  3. A piece of equipment used for seeing stars and planets clearly
  4. A man person that visited the moon
  5. All the gases that surround a star or a planet
  6. The huge space which contains all of the matter and energy in existence
  7. A big ball of dirty ice and snow in outer space
  8. Was once a planet but is now a dwarf planet
  9. A red planet
  10. Our planet
  1. This planet rotates on its side
  2. The eighth planet from the sun
  3. The galaxy we live in (two words joined together)
  4. Also known as a shooting star
  5. A scientist who studies stars and planets
  6. This planet is sometimes called the evening or morning star
  7. Is the smallest planet
  8. The Earth goes around it
  9. There are billions of these in the night sky
  10. A planet with rings around it

20 Clues: Our planetA red planetIs the smallest planetThe Earth goes around itAlso known as a shooting starA planet with rings around itThe eighth planet from the sunThis planet rotates on its sideAstronauts have visited this placeA man person that visited the moonThe biggest planet in the solar systemA scientist who studies stars and planets...

The Planets 2014-10-29

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Known as the dwarf planet
  2. There is lots of it floating around in outer space
  3. Made up of water, ice, rock, dust and organic compounds
  4. The second largest planet in the Solar System
  5. Can vary from extremely hot to extremely cold on the planets
  6. Jupiter is commonly known for its _____
  7. The largest planet
  8. the collection of eight planets and their moons
  9. The smallest and fastest moving planet
  10. helps us receive information about the planets and the Solar System
  1. Comes out during the night
  2. The only planet that spins on its side
  3. The hottest planet
  4. The people that fly in outer space
  5. Small, rocky, metallic matter found all over the Solar System
  6. Gives us light during the day
  7. There is a chocolate named after this T__ M____ W__
  8. Referred to as the Red Planet
  9. The planet we live on
  10. The machine that enables astronauts to go into space
  11. Helps keep the moon moving around the sun and helps us in everyday life

21 Clues: The hottest planetThe largest planetThe planet we live onKnown as the dwarf planetComes out during the nightGives us light during the dayReferred to as the Red PlanetThe people that fly in outer spaceThe only planet that spins on its sideThe smallest and fastest moving planetJupiter is commonly known for its _____...

The Planets 2014-10-07

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Second planet from the sun
  2. The Red Planet
  3. Name of our galaxy
  4. The planet with the rings
  5. Largest planet in our Solar System
  6. A large group of stars, gas and dust
  7. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are ____________ planets
  8. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune have ____ around them
  9. Made up of water ice, rock, dust and organic compounds
  1. The centre of our Solar System
  2. Our planet
  3. Planet that spins on its side
  4. Planet closest to the sun
  5. A piece of rocky and/or metallic debris that travels in outer space
  6. Pluto is called a ______ planet
  7. Named after a Roman god of the sea
  8. We are held on earth by...
  9. Jupiter and Saturn are ____ giants
  10. Uranus and Neptune are ____ giants
  11. Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the...

20 Clues: Our planetThe Red PlanetName of our galaxyPlanet closest to the sunThe planet with the ringsSecond planet from the sunWe are held on earth by...Planet that spins on its sideThe centre of our Solar SystemPluto is called a ______ planetLargest planet in our Solar SystemNamed after a Roman god of the seaJupiter and Saturn are ____ giants...

Planets Crossword 2014-10-06

Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A group of stars, dust and gas held together by gravity
  2. We can use this to see the stars?
  3. Our galaxy
  4. We live on ______
  5. The red planet
  6. An alien's spaceship
  7. A rock that orbits the Sun
  8. The Sun gives ________
  9. Halley's________
  10. There are billions of these in the universe
  1. Who says "to infinity and beyond"?
  2. Amount of time it takes the Earth to spin once on its axis
  3. Furthest away from the Sun
  4. a chocolate bar
  5. The closest planet to the Sun
  6. Can fly to the moon
  7. A planet with rings
  8. Who can walk on the moon?
  9. It comes out at night
  10. The moon is covered in these

20 Clues: Our galaxyThe red planeta chocolate barHalley's________We live on ______Can fly to the moonA planet with ringsAn alien's spaceshipIt comes out at nightThe Sun gives ________Who can walk on the moon?Furthest away from the SunA rock that orbits the SunThe moon is covered in theseThe closest planet to the SunWe can use this to see the stars?...

Planets Crossword 2017-03-20

Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A chunk of burning rock traveling through earth's atmosphere
  2. The distance light travels in one year
  3. The first stage in a star lifecycle
  4. The expanding outer shell of a star to become a white dwarf
  5. This is the largest planet
  6. A small star with a high temperature and low brightness
  7. Areas on the sun that are cooler than other place
  8. The explosion of a very large star
  1. An object made up of ice and dust that is in space
  2. A system of two stars orbiting each other
  3. A huge cloud of dust and gas from which stars form from
  4. A star and its planets
  5. This was once a planet, but now is not
  6. the final four planets
  7. A large star with low temperature but high brightness
  8. The method of studying and object by examining the visible light
  9. The amount of light from a star that reaches earth
  10. The total amount of light given off by a star
  11. The large star in the center of our solar system
  12. An enormous hot ball of gas

20 Clues: A star and its planetsthe final four planetsThis is the largest planetAn enormous hot ball of gasThe explosion of a very large starThe first stage in a star lifecycleThis was once a planet, but now is notThe distance light travels in one yearA system of two stars orbiting each otherThe total amount of light given off by a star...

The planets 2021-11-28

The planets crossword puzzle
  1. is my name
  2. has slot of volcanoes
  3. is dead
  4. is the coldest planet
  5. likes me
  6. people visit mars
  7. is a dad
  8. is mean
  9. people live on earth
  10. George loves word searches
  11. is the biggest planet
  12. is mean
  1. has rings
  2. is not a planet
  3. the sun is really hot
  4. is a planet
  5. is my duck
  6. is pretty cold
  7. is dumb
  8. is nice
  9. a guibeapig
  10. close to the earth
  11. loves me
  12. isn't moms duck
  13. is a dog

25 Clues: is deadis dumbis niceis meanis meanlikes meis a dadloves meis a doghas ringsis my nameis my duckis a planeta guibeapigis pretty coldis not a planetisn't moms duckpeople visit marsclose to the earthpeople live on earthhas slot of volcanoesthe sun is really hotis the coldest planetis the biggest planetGeorge loves word searches

The planets 2021-11-28

The planets crossword puzzle
  1. is my name
  2. has slot of volcanoes
  3. is dead
  4. is the coldest planet
  5. likes me
  6. people visit mars
  7. is a dad
  8. is mean
  9. people live on earth
  10. George loves word searches
  11. is the biggest planet
  12. is mean
  1. has rings
  2. is not a planet
  3. the sun is really hot
  4. is a planet
  5. is my duck
  6. is pretty cold
  7. is dumb
  8. is nice
  9. a guibeapig
  10. close to the earth
  11. loves me
  12. isn't moms duck
  13. is a dog

25 Clues: is deadis dumbis niceis meanis meanlikes meis a dadloves meis a doghas ringsis my nameis my duckis a planeta guibeapigis pretty coldis not a planetisn't moms duckpeople visit marsclose to the earthpeople live on earthhas slot of volcanoesthe sun is really hotis the coldest planetis the biggest planetGeorge loves word searches

The planets 2021-11-28

The planets crossword puzzle
  1. has Cheyenne
  2. has providence
  3. is on my bus
  4. George loves word searches
  5. has Pierre
  6. has littlerock
  7. has Sacramento
  8. is a planet
  9. has batonrouge
  10. has Tallahassee
  11. has Boston
  12. has me
  13. is a island
  14. is my friend
  15. has Olympia
  16. has Montgomery
  17. people live on earth
  18. loves dogs
  19. has Helena
  20. has Columbia
  21. has Bismarck ?
  22. has Denver
  23. is zzz
  24. has saltlakecity
  25. likes pans
  26. has concord
  27. loves Aaliyah
  28. is not a planet
  29. is a road
  30. is my place
  31. is my duck
  32. has Lincoln
  33. has Juneau
  34. loves me
  35. loves you
  36. has santafe
  37. is the biggest planet
  38. is my name
  39. has trails
  40. Aaliyah is funny
  41. has Indianapolis
  42. the sun is really hot
  43. has Jeffersoncity
  44. has Raleigh
  45. a guibeapig
  46. has Augusta
  47. has rings
  48. has Nashville
  49. I've visit it
  1. has Madison
  2. has hartford
  3. has Austin
  4. has Harrisburg
  5. its my road I live on
  6. is the coldest planet
  7. has Trenton
  8. is dead
  9. has Annapolis
  10. is dumb
  11. has Phoenix
  12. is dumb
  13. has Salem
  14. has carsoncity
  15. is a dog
  16. has Oklahomcity
  17. has Albany
  18. is pvt
  19. has Springfield
  20. has desmoines
  21. has Charleston
  22. has Topeka
  23. is a dad
  24. is my teacher
  25. has Lansing
  26. has Dover
  27. is mean
  28. has Columbus
  29. is long
  30. close to the earth
  31. is mean
  32. loves tv
  33. is fun
  34. has Frankfort
  35. Ava isn't here
  36. is small
  37. isn't moms duck
  38. has Jackson
  39. likes me
  40. is a bet
  41. has Richmond
  42. has Montpellier
  43. has Atlanta
  44. is nice
  45. loves cats
  46. is a place you can walk on
  47. is a hammer
  48. has slot of volcanoes
  49. is my bed
  50. loves swings
  51. has Boise
  52. is pretty cold
  53. loves pandas
  54. has Honolulu
  55. people visit mars

104 Clues: has meis pvtis zzzis funis deadis dumbis dumbis meanis longis meanis niceis a dogis a dadloves tvis smalllikes meis a betloves mehas Salemhas Doveris a roadloves youis my bedhas Boisehas ringshas Austinhas Pierrehas Bostonhas Albanyhas Topekaloves dogshas Helenahas Denverlikes pansis my duckhas Juneauloves catsis my namehas trailshas Madison...

Dwarf Planets 2024-02-25

Dwarf Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Sounds Filipino
  2. Is too far from the Kuiper Belt
  3. Seriously, it's very far.
  4. A moon that sounds Chinese
  5. The opposite of the denied one
  6. Sounds Japanese
  7. A beige and gold candidate
  8. The moon of the pink candidate
  9. The binary moon of the denied one
  10. Okay, that's a little bit too far.
  11. A whole white dwarf planet
  12. Sounds like a game in the ads
  13. A moon of the far-ringed candidate
  14. Sounds Italian
  15. An egg-shaped dwarf planet
  16. Is abbreviated "DD"
  17. A moon with a year
  1. Is named after a sea serpent
  2. A candidate with the nickname "The Goblin"
  3. A ringed candidate like the egg-shaped dwarf
  4. Has a Chinese instrument in its name
  5. Is shaped like a potato
  6. The moon that's shaped like a chicken nugget
  7. The opposite of the binary moon
  8. A moon that also sounds Italian
  9. The moon of the farthest dwarf
  10. Another moon of the egg-shaped dwarf
  11. A pink candidate
  12. Was a planet
  13. Has a crazy name
  14. The moon of the egg-shaped dwarf
  15. Is shaped almost like a nugget
  16. Is shaped like a tooth
  17. Not a fully brown dwarf
  18. Has a year in its name
  19. A moon of a brown dwarf

36 Clues: Was a planetSounds ItalianSounds FilipinoSounds JapaneseA pink candidateHas a crazy nameA moon with a yearIs abbreviated "DD"Is shaped like a toothHas a year in its nameIs shaped like a potatoNot a fully brown dwarfA moon of a brown dwarfSeriously, it's very far.A moon that sounds ChineseA beige and gold candidateA whole white dwarf planet...

Stars and Galaxies 2021-02-19

Stars and Galaxies crossword puzzle
  1. a force that pulls planets and other celestial bodies towards their centre
  2. If they are not Jovian planets they are ... planets
  3. Nasa landed this on Mars this February
  4. collection of millions or billions of stars
  5. When stars explode during dying, creating a dazzling display of light
  6. A star that has run out of hydrogen in its core
  7. The earths star
  1. Our galaxy
  2. Conversion of hydrogen to helium in a star
  3. Closest planet to the sun
  4. Type of planet that is made up of gas
  5. Furthest planet from the sun.
  6. First stage in the lifecycle of a star
  7. How many planets in our solar system
  8. An object made up of gas
  9. Our galaxies only planetoid

16 Clues: Our galaxyThe earths starAn object made up of gasClosest planet to the sunOur galaxies only planetoidFurthest planet from the sun.How many planets in our solar systemType of planet that is made up of gasFirst stage in the lifecycle of a starNasa landed this on Mars this FebruaryConversion of hydrogen to helium in a star...

Space Vocabulary 2014-04-11

Space Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Celestial bodies in our solar system, including Earth, that orbits the sun.
  2. Another word for earth-centred.
  3. Locate a celestial body relative to a fixed Earth )as thought the celestial bodies are circling Earth).
  4. A set of axes of any kind that is used to describe the positions and motions of things.
  5. Device used to measure an object's azimuth.
  6. Determines the fineness of detail a telescope can produce of an object in view.
  7. The lens through which you view a magnified object using a telescope.
  8. Angle measured above the horizon in degrees when measuring altitude-azimuth co-ordinates.
  9. The large lens at the front of a telescope.
  10. To cast back from a surface (mirror for objective).
  1. Device used to measure the altitude of an object.
  2. A model of the universe that places the Sum at the centre with Earth, the planets and moons revolving around it.
  3. Another word for ocular lens.
  4. The angle measured clock-wise from north when measuring altitude-azimuth co-ordinates.
  5. Newton's law states that all objects attract all other objects, and provides an explanation for the planets' elliptical orbits.
  6. Make (a ray of light) change direction when it enters at an angle (lens for objective)
  7. A model of the universe that places Earth at the centre with the Sun, moon, and planets revolving around it.
  8. A figure that looks like a squashed circle; planets in the solar system move in elliptical orbits around the sun.
  9. All objects seen in the sky. E.g. Moon, sun, stars, and planets.

19 Clues: Another word for ocular lens.Another word for earth-centred.Device used to measure an object's azimuth.The large lens at the front of a telescope.Device used to measure the altitude of an object.To cast back from a surface (mirror for objective).All objects seen in the sky. E.g. Moon, sun, stars, and planets....

Planets Vocabulary 2013-03-05

Planets Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a small planet that revolves around the sun
  2. the amount of space matter takes up
  3. the amount of matter in an object
  4. a large, self-contained mass of stars
  5. how many outer planets there are
  6. a tool that makes distant objects appear closer
  7. an object moving clockwise in space, instead of counter-clockwise
  8. separates the inner and outer planets
  9. the closest planet to the sun
  10. a representation of proportionate size
  11. a celestial body moving around the sun made up of dust and gases
  1. the amount of attraction, or pull, an object has
  2. a natural or man-made object that orbits around a planet
  3. how many inner planets there are
  4. the sun together with all of the planets and other bodies that revolve around it
  5. an object in the sky that produces its own light
  6. the largest planet in our solar system
  7. any natural object that can be seen in our sky
  8. an object that orbits a star and doesn't produce light
  9. the amount of space between two things

20 Clues: the closest planet to the sunhow many inner planets there arehow many outer planets there arethe amount of matter in an objectthe amount of space matter takes upa large, self-contained mass of starsseparates the inner and outer planetsthe largest planet in our solar systemthe amount of space between two thingsa representation of proportionate size...

The Planets 2014-09-01

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The milky way is one
  2. What takes 24 hours to orbit earth
  3. The planet that is on its side
  4. This planet is often called the red planet
  5. How many planets are between earth and the sun
  6. This planet takes approximately 365 days to rotate the sun
  7. The planet furthest from the sun
  8. Force that keeps a planet in orbit
  9. Large star that the planets rotate around
  10. How many planets are there in the solar system
  1. The planet that has rings around it
  2. thin layer of gas that surrounds our planet
  3. How many moons does earth have
  4. The planet that is now called a dwarf planet
  5. what is the period of time called that it takes the earth to make one revolution of the sun
  6. what shape is a planet
  7. The largest planet
  8. The planet is closest to the sun
  9. The hottest planet
  10. The number of months it takes earth to orbit the sun

20 Clues: The largest planetThe hottest planetThe milky way is onewhat shape is a planetHow many moons does earth haveThe planet that is on its sideThe planet is closest to the sunThe planet furthest from the sunWhat takes 24 hours to orbit earthForce that keeps a planet in orbitThe planet that has rings around itLarge star that the planets rotate around...

The Planets 2014-10-23

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Once considered a planet, but is now referred to as a dwarf planet
  2. A type of eclipse starting with "S"
  3. Astronauts travel to space in a ________
  4. Smallest planet
  5. A collection of stars on the Australian flag is called the ________ Cross
  6. Provides Earth with heat
  7. Largest planet
  8. Second closest planet to the sun
  9. Can be seen at night from Earth
  10. Our sun is the largest _____ in our solar system
  1. A type of eclipse staring with "L"
  2. Often called the "red planet"
  3. ______ hole
  4. _______ Way
  5. Our planet ______ the sun
  6. Furthest planet from the sun
  7. Scientists use a __________ to see objects in space
  8. Famous for it's rings
  9. Third largest planet
  10. Our planet

20 Clues: Our planet______ hole_______ WayLargest planetSmallest planetThird largest planetFamous for it's ringsProvides Earth with heatOur planet ______ the sunFurthest planet from the sunOften called the "red planet"Can be seen at night from EarthSecond closest planet to the sunA type of eclipse staring with "L"A type of eclipse starting with "S"...

Planets Crossword 2014-10-21

Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The fourth planet from the sun, I am also sometimes called the red planet because I am covered with red rocks and soil
  2. I am the only planet in our solar system with visible rings around me (and I also have lots of moons, 62 actually)
  3. I am the second planet from the sun
  4. This planet is the largest in our solar system
  5. The first four planets are called this because they are made mostly of rocky terrains
  6. system The place in which all the planets and satellites and moons etc reside
  7. This planet is the closest to the sun with surface temperatures as cold as -173 degrees(10 times colder than your freezer), and as hot as 427 degrees (twice as hot as an oven)
  8. These big planets are called this because they have extremely low temperatures due to the fact that they are the furthest planets from the sun
  9. I am a dwarf planet who used to be classified as a planet
  1. A satellite that orbits around the earth, usually seen in the sky at night
  2. These big planets are called this because they are made up of mainly gases
  3. The remains of a meteoroid that is left after it has hit the ground
  4. All the planets orbit around this star
  5. The seventh planet from the sun, and I also spin on my side! I am called an Ice Giant
  6. Natural debris floating in the solar system, small rocky objects
  7. I am the furthest planet from the sun and am also called an Ice Giant
  8. A circular movement around another object
  9. I am the only planet to have liquid water on my surface
  10. A dwarf planet 'C___'
  11. I am made up of ice, water, rock and dust, when melting the dust and ice creates a long tail as I shoot through the sky

20 Clues: A dwarf planet 'C___'I am the second planet from the sunAll the planets orbit around this starA circular movement around another objectThis planet is the largest in our solar systemI am the only planet to have liquid water on my surfaceI am a dwarf planet who used to be classified as a planet...

The Planets 2014-10-29

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The second smallest planet in the Solar System and fourth from the Sun
  2. The smallest planet
  3. The smallest planet that is also closest to the sun
  4. The second planet from the sun
  5. This is extremely hot, it is the star at the centre of the solar system
  6. A rock, or Minor Planet orbiting the Sun
  7. Another word for spin
  8. To move in a circle on a central axis
  9. The sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System
  10. A group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity
  11. The planet we live on
  1. The eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System
  2. Seen in the night sky, it is Earths natural satellite
  3. The gases surrounding the earth or another planet
  4. When our view of one object in the sky is blocked by either another object or the Earth's shadow
  5. The largest Planet in the Solar System
  6. The seventh planet from the Sun
  7. The force that attracts things to the centre of the Earth
  8. A large bowl-shaped cavity/hole caused by a meteorite
  9. The Earth rotates on this

20 Clues: The smallest planetAnother word for spinThe planet we live onThe Earth rotates on thisThe second planet from the sunThe seventh planet from the SunTo move in a circle on a central axisThe largest Planet in the Solar SystemA rock, or Minor Planet orbiting the SunThe gases surrounding the earth or another planet...

The Planets 2014-10-30

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the scary monsters that people believe live in space
  2. the reason why things in space float, is because of no ________
  3. The closest planet to the sun
  4. The second planet from the sun
  5. they sparkle in the sky at night
  6. The furthest planet from the sun
  7. The planet with rings around it
  8. The largest planet, fifth from the sun
  9. the closer the planets are to the sun, the ________ they are
  10. Saturn is surrounded by many _______
  1. this comes up when it is night time
  2. the further away from the sun the planets are, the ________ they are
  3. people who go into space
  4. The seventh planet from the sun
  5. Planet with a large volcano on it. Also, a chocolate bar is named after it
  6. the big bright star that gives us daylight
  7. the people who go to space fly in this
  8. the planets _______ around the sun
  9. The planet we live in
  10. the first man to walk on the moon was from this country

20 Clues: The planet we live inpeople who go into spaceThe closest planet to the sunThe second planet from the sunThe seventh planet from the sunThe planet with rings around itthey sparkle in the sky at nightThe furthest planet from the sunthe planets _______ around the sunthis comes up when it is night timeSaturn is surrounded by many _______...

The Planets 2014-09-08

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. A ball of gas held together by gravity
  2. Nicknamed the Red Planet
  3. The force that attracts people to the Earth
  4. Made up of the sun and the planets which orbit it
  5. The largest planet in our solar system
  6. The planet closest to the sun
  7. The planet we live on
  8. The seventh planet from the sun
  9. An object which moves around a star
  10. Revolves around the Earth
  11. The second planet from the sun
  1. Four planets in the Solar System are known as _ planets
  2. Billions of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity
  3. The star in the centre of the Solar System
  4. A person trained to travel in a spacecraft
  5. The galaxy our Solar System is in
  6. No longer considered a planet
  7. The planet furthest from the sun
  8. A vehicle that launches into space
  9. Known for its rings

20 Clues: Known for its ringsThe planet we live onNicknamed the Red PlanetRevolves around the EarthNo longer considered a planetThe planet closest to the sunThe second planet from the sunThe seventh planet from the sunThe planet furthest from the sunThe galaxy our Solar System is inA vehicle that launches into spaceAn object which moves around a star...

Planets Book 2021-01-19

Planets Book crossword puzzle
  1. a big hole left by a meteor
  2. the super important thing only Earth has
  3. the opposite of rough or rocky
  4. we can see this big space rock every night
  5. the opposite of hard
  6. to do something
  7. the black stuff of the galaxy
  8. the planet fourth from the sun
  9. where lava comes from
  10. number three
  1. the planet closest to the sun
  2. the english word for כוכב, a big circle in space
  3. how you and I take in air
  4. number one
  5. הכי קרוב
  6. the planet second from the sun
  7. another word for stone
  8. number two
  9. a shiny thing in the night sky
  10. עשוי מ
  11. the hottest thing in our galaxy
  12. the planet we live on
  13. אוויר
  14. just one, unique or alone

24 Clues: אווירעשוי מהכי קרובnumber onenumber twonumber threeto do somethingthe opposite of hardthe planet we live onwhere lava comes fromanother word for stonehow you and I take in airjust one, unique or alonea big hole left by a meteorthe planet closest to the sunthe black stuff of the galaxythe planet second from the sunthe opposite of rough or rocky...

Planets & Stars 2021-05-16

Planets & Stars crossword puzzle
  1. Seems to be on its side due to axial tilt.
  2. Used to determine the distance to close stars.
  3. A body in the solar system that orbits the sun and can share their orbits with other bodies.
  4. A ring shaped cloud of gas and dust.
  5. A larger unit of distance.
  6. It falls through the earth’s atmosphere; also called a shooting star.
  7. He introduced the geocentric model.
  8. The two main parts of a ___ are the head and the tail.
  9. A ___ galaxy looks like a smooth glowing disk or flattened sphere of stars; it is the largest type.
  10. Brightest of all the planets.
  11. Planet that is farther from the sun than the earth.
  12. The largest SSSB and can be seen from Earth through a telescope.
  1. A strange object so massive and dense that its intense gravity prevents even light from escaping.
  2. He proved that a planet's orbit is an ellipse.
  3. A ___ galaxy has dusty arms loaded with stars that twist away from the center like a pinwheel.
  4. Was predicted to exist before it was discovered.
  5. Is a terrestrial and a superior planet.
  6. It is used to explain the gravitational effects observed in the universe, but It is not observable.
  7. A body in the solar system that orbits the sun and only shares its orbit with moon(s).
  8. A huge, loose mass of billions of stars, dust, and other astronomical objects held together by gravity.
  9. Located between Mars and Jupiter.
  10. The scientific study of the origin of the universe.
  11. It orbits around the sun and cannot be seen from Earth through a telescope.
  12. Planet that is closer to the sun than the earth.
  13. Used to determine the distance to distant stars.

25 Clues: A larger unit of distance.Brightest of all the planets.Located between Mars and Jupiter.He introduced the geocentric model.A ring shaped cloud of gas and dust.Is a terrestrial and a superior planet.Seems to be on its side due to axial tilt.He proved that a planet's orbit is an ellipse.Used to determine the distance to close stars....

The planets 2021-11-27

The planets crossword puzzle
  1. George loves word searches
  2. is my name
  3. a guibeapig
  4. is not a planet
  5. is a planet
  6. has slot of volcanoes
  7. is the coldest planet
  8. is a dad
  9. is dumb
  10. the sun is really hot
  11. is pretty cold
  12. has rings
  1. is a dog
  2. people live on earth
  3. close to the earth
  4. is dead
  5. loves me
  6. is nice
  7. is my duck
  8. isn't moms duck
  9. is the biggest planet
  10. people visit mars
  11. is mean
  12. likes me
  13. is mean

25 Clues: is deadis niceis dumbis meanis meanis a dogloves meis a dadlikes mehas ringsis my nameis my ducka guibeapigis a planetis pretty coldis not a planetisn't moms duckpeople visit marsclose to the earthpeople live on earthhas slot of volcanoesis the biggest planetis the coldest planetthe sun is really hotGeorge loves word searches

The planets 2021-11-28

The planets crossword puzzle
  1. has Cheyenne
  2. has providence
  3. is on my bus
  4. George loves word searches
  5. has Pierre
  6. has littlerock
  7. has Sacramento
  8. is a planet
  9. has batonrouge
  10. has Tallahassee
  11. has Boston
  12. has me
  13. is a island
  14. is my friend
  15. has Olympia
  16. has Montgomery
  17. people live on earth
  18. loves dogs
  19. has Helena
  20. has Columbia
  21. has Bismarck ?
  22. has Denver
  23. is zzz
  24. has saltlakecity
  25. likes pans
  26. has concord
  27. loves Aaliyah
  28. is not a planet
  29. is a road
  30. is my place
  31. is my duck
  32. has Lincoln
  33. has Juneau
  34. loves me
  35. loves you
  36. has santafe
  37. is the biggest planet
  38. is my name
  39. has trails
  40. Aaliyah is funny
  41. has Indianapolis
  42. the sun is really hot
  43. has Jeffersoncity
  44. has Raleigh
  45. a guibeapig
  46. has Augusta
  47. has rings
  48. has Nashville
  49. I've visit it
  1. has Madison
  2. has hartford
  3. has Austin
  4. has Harrisburg
  5. its my road I live on
  6. is the coldest planet
  7. has Trenton
  8. is dead
  9. has Annapolis
  10. is dumb
  11. has Phoenix
  12. is dumb
  13. has Salem
  14. has carsoncity
  15. is a dog
  16. has Oklahomcity
  17. has Albany
  18. is pvt
  19. has Springfield
  20. has desmoines
  21. has Charleston
  22. has Topeka
  23. is a dad
  24. is my teacher
  25. has Lansing
  26. has Dover
  27. is mean
  28. has Columbus
  29. is long
  30. close to the earth
  31. is mean
  32. loves tv
  33. is fun
  34. has Frankfort
  35. Ava isn't here
  36. is small
  37. isn't moms duck
  38. has Jackson
  39. likes me
  40. is a bet
  41. has Richmond
  42. has Montpellier
  43. has Atlanta
  44. is nice
  45. loves cats
  46. is a place you can walk on
  47. is a hammer
  48. has slot of volcanoes
  49. is my bed
  50. loves swings
  51. has Boise
  52. is pretty cold
  53. loves pandas
  54. has Honolulu
  55. people visit mars

104 Clues: has meis pvtis zzzis funis deadis dumbis dumbis meanis longis meanis niceis a dogis a dadloves tvis smalllikes meis a betloves mehas Salemhas Doveris a roadloves youis my bedhas Boisehas ringshas Austinhas Pierrehas Bostonhas Albanyhas Topekaloves dogshas Helenahas Denverlikes pansis my duckhas Juneauloves catsis my namehas trailshas Madison...


ZOOLOGY/PLANETS crossword puzzle
  1. National emblem of USA
  2. South American wildcat
  3. Bird that eats rattlesnakes
  4. Largest planet
  5. Type of bear
  6. Fastest land animal
  7. Bird that lives in Antarctica
  8. Has antlers
  9. Closest planet to the sun
  10. large ape
  11. Hot and cloudy planet
  12. Red planet
  1. Planet with the largest rings
  2. Has quills
  3. White with black stripes
  4. King of beasts
  5. Large wildcat in India
  6. Has a trunk
  7. Has a large horn near nose
  8. Black with white stripe

20 Clues: large apeHas quillsRed planetHas a trunkHas antlersType of bearLargest planetKing of beastsFastest land animalHot and cloudy planetNational emblem of USASouth American wildcatLarge wildcat in IndiaBlack with white stripeWhite with black stripesClosest planet to the sunHas a large horn near noseBird that eats rattlesnakes...

Planets & Occupations 2023-08-14

Planets & Occupations crossword puzzle
  1. 교사
  2. 요리사
  3. 제빵사
  4. 화성
  5. 수의사
  6. 치과의사
  7. 경찰관
  8. 가수
  9. 천왕성
  10. 목성
  11. 금성
  12. 해왕성
  13. 지구
  1. 농부
  2. 사육사
  3. 의사
  4. 화가
  5. 수성
  6. 토성
  7. 조종사
  8. 무용수
  9. 간호사
  10. 태양
  11. 판사

24 Clues: 농부교사의사화성화가수성토성가수목성금성태양판사지구사육사요리사제빵사수의사조종사무용수경찰관천왕성간호사해왕성치과의사

Planets Crossword 2024-05-16

Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. another word for the Northern lights
  2. was once considered the ninth planet. Now a dwarf planet
  3. known as the red planet. Traces of water can be found
  4. large outer planets, made of mostly gases
  5. a "hole" in the moon or other planet usually caused by the impact of a meteor
  6. seventh planet from the sun
  7. eight planet from the sun
  8. this planet has many visible rings
  9. space between Mars and Jupiter containing most asteroids
  10. scientist credited with the discovery of gravity
  1. First planet from the sun
  2. meteorite burning up in Earth's atmosphere
  3. Second planet from the sun
  4. debris and other materials orbiting giant planets like Saturn
  5. this pulls everything down, making sure we don't fly into space
  6. the center of our galaxy. Provides most of our heat.
  7. the Roman goddess Venus is named after
  8. Pluto's only moon
  9. the largest planet
  10. gases surrounding a planet
  11. white space object orbiting Earth. Has many craters
  12. the planet we live on

22 Clues: Pluto's only moonthe largest planetthe planet we live onFirst planet from the suneight planet from the sunSecond planet from the sungases surrounding a planetseventh planet from the sunthis planet has many visible ringsanother word for the Northern lightsthe Roman goddess Venus is named afterlarge outer planets, made of mostly gases...

Inner Planets 2023-05-04

Inner Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Hottest planet among the inner planets
  2. Planet most fit for life
  3. Describes the inner planets
  4. What most of the planets have, yet very few or none for the inner planets
  5. Planet closest to the Sun
  1. Distance
  2. Is thin in some planets, thick in others, and nonexistent in the rest
  3. The inner planets are to one another
  4. The revolution of the planets around the Sun
  5. Is the inner planet farthest from the Sun

10 Clues: DistancePlanet most fit for lifePlanet closest to the SunDescribes the inner planetsThe inner planets are to one anotherHottest planet among the inner planetsIs the inner planet farthest from the SunThe revolution of the planets around the SunIs thin in some planets, thick in others, and nonexistent in the rest...

Solar System Forces Vocabulary 2022-12-05

Solar System Forces Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The point in a planets orbit when it is the furthest from the sun.
  2. the planets that now orbit the sun.
  3. objects that orbited the young sun that eventually
  4. this would not include comets, meteors.
  5. Any planet found OUTSIDE our solar system
  6. theory Current accepted theory on how solar system formed.
  7. An object that revolves around the sun or other
  8. An elliptical path that object takes as it revolves around another object.
  9. Outer planets known as Gas Giants, like Jupiter.
  1. Planets with solid rocky surfaces, inner planets like Mercury.
  2. A cloud of gas and dust in space.
  3. Is a term used to describe the orbit of an object. It tells you how round or oval the orbit is.
  4. The point in a planets orbit that is the closest to the sun.

13 Clues: A cloud of gas and dust in space.the planets that now orbit the sun.this would not include comets, meteors.Any planet found OUTSIDE our solar systemAn object that revolves around the sun or otherOuter planets known as Gas Giants, like Jupiter.objects that orbited the young sun that eventually...

Solar System 6th Grade 2023-04-11

Solar System 6th Grade crossword puzzle
  1. The movement of an object around another object
  2. A meteoroid that passes through the atmosphere and hits Earth's surface.
  3. A streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in Earth's atmosphere.
  4. A force that pulls objects toward each other
  5. Attraction the force of attraction between all masses in the universe
  6. orbit An orbit in the shape of an oval instead of a circle
  7. planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune. Called Gas Giants.
  1. the makeup of something
  2. The spinning motion of a planet on its axis
  3. planets the planets closest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  4. balls of ice, rock, and dust in space with a tail
  5. a relatively small, rocky body that travels through space
  6. The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
  7. An object that revolves around another object in space
  8. a natural object that revolves around a planet
  9. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  10. An imaginary line that passes through Earth's center and the North and South poles, about which Earth rotates
  11. rocky metallic objects that orbit the sun but are too small to be considered planets

18 Clues: the makeup of somethingThe spinning motion of a planet on its axisA force that pulls objects toward each othera natural object that revolves around a planetThe movement of an object around another objectballs of ice, rock, and dust in space with a tailAn object that revolves around another object in space...

Science 2023-10-17

Science crossword puzzle
  1. Like dirty snowballs
  2. Chunk of rock or dust that is illuminated upon entering the atmosphere
  3. Third planet from the sun and the only one to support life
  4. Eighth planet from the sun
  5. Found in a belt between the inner and outer planets
  6. Fifth planet from the sun
  7. Seventh planet from the sun
  8. An invention that provided a lot of new information
  9. First planet from the sun
  1. A group of small, close to the sun, rocky planets
  2. A group of large, far from the sun planets
  3. Second planet from the sun
  4. Causes earth day and night
  5. This keeps the planets revolving around the sun
  6. Sixth planet from the sun
  7. Fourth planet from the sun

16 Clues: Like dirty snowballsFifth planet from the sunSixth planet from the sunFirst planet from the sunSecond planet from the sunEighth planet from the sunCauses earth day and nightFourth planet from the sunSeventh planet from the sunA group of large, far from the sun planetsThis keeps the planets revolving around the sun...

inner planets 2024-05-02

inner planets crossword puzzle
  1. planets planets closest to the sun
  2. gasses that surround a planets
  3. planets the 4 planets farthest from the sun
  4. known as the red planet
  1. moves around repeatedly
  2. planets that are like the earth
  3. planet that contains water and oxygen
  4. earths sister planet
  5. planet that has the shortest orbit around the sun
  6. celestial objects that orbits a planet

10 Clues: earths sister planetmoves around repeatedlyknown as the red planetgasses that surround a planetsplanets that are like the earthplanets planets closest to the sunplanet that contains water and oxygencelestial objects that orbits a planetplanets the 4 planets farthest from the sunplanet that has the shortest orbit around the sun

Vocab 2022-03-14

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. one of the rocky objects in space revolving around the sun that are too small and too numerous to be considered planets
  2. term describing a model of the universe in which earth is at the center if the solar system
  3. a region where many small objects orbit the sun and that stretches from beyond the orbit of Neptune to about 100 times the earth's distance from the sun
  4. a loop of gas connecting to sunspots
  5. a spherical region of comets that surrounds the solar system
  6. the middle layer of the suns atmosphere
  7. the layer of the sun that lays just outside its core
  8. one of the building blocks that formed the planets
  9. term describing a model of the universe in which the sun is in the middle of the solar system
  10. the name given to the outer planets
  1. the inner layer of the suns atmosphere that gives off its visible light; the suns surface
  2. an object that orbits the sun that has not cleared its area of orbit
  3. a meteor that passes the atmosphere and hits earths surface
  4. name given to the inner planets
  5. a chunk of rock or dust in space, generally smaller than an asteroid
  6. the trapping of heat near a planets surface by certain gases in the planets atmosphere
  7. a streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in earths atmosphere
  8. the continuous flow of charged particles from the sun which permeates the solar system.
  9. oval shape
  10. a loose collection of ice and dust that orbits the sun typically in a long narrow orbit

20 Clues: oval shapename given to the inner planetsthe name given to the outer planetsa loop of gas connecting to sunspotsthe middle layer of the suns atmosphereone of the building blocks that formed the planetsthe layer of the sun that lays just outside its corea meteor that passes the atmosphere and hits earths surface...

Science Crossword: Our Universe–Our Solar System 2023-09-27

Science Crossword: Our Universe–Our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Planets' movement around the sun
  2. The invisible line on which a planet/celestial object rotates
  3. Takes eight minutes to travel from the Sun to the Earth and over four hours to reach Neptune
  4. Key source of light
  5. Our planet
  6. A flow of gas ejected from the upper atmosphere of a star
  7. Electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun
  1. People can be protected from this by wearing sunscreen
  2. Absorbs the Sun's radiation before it reaches Earth
  3. The outer planets in our solar system do this faster on their axes than the inner planets in our solar system
  4. The gravitationally bound system of the Sun and all of the planets that orbit the Sun
  5. Planets orbit this type of astronomical object
  6. The force that attracts any physical body with mass toward the center of the Earth
  7. An intense burst of electromagnetic radiation in the Sun's atmosphere
  8. The angle between a planet's rotational axis and its orbital axis
  9. The envelope of gases surrounding a planet

16 Clues: Our planetKey source of lightPlanets' movement around the sunThe envelope of gases surrounding a planetElectromagnetic radiation emitted by the sunPlanets orbit this type of astronomical objectAbsorbs the Sun's radiation before it reaches EarthPeople can be protected from this by wearing sunscreen...

Formation of the solar system 2020-04-27

Formation of the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. The rocky planets are made of chunks of rock and ___
  2. Objects captured by planets and now orbit around them
  3. what are the building blocks of planets called?
  4. Which object was the first to form in the Solar System?
  5. perhaps water was brought to the Earth by___
  6. moving closer and further from the Sun - we call this
  7. Which planet was knocked onto its side by an impact?
  1. Our Solar system is thought to be about 4.5___ years ago.
  2. which planet do scientists think formed first?
  3. What do we call planets which orbit other stars?
  4. Which planet spins in the opposite direction to the others?
  5. rocky leftover pieces of rock in the Solar System
  6. Which force is responsible for formation of the Sun?
  7. there are two ice giant planets. Uranus and?
  8. ___ is smaller in size than expected due to Jupiter?

15 Clues: perhaps water was brought to the Earth by___there are two ice giant planets. Uranus and?which planet do scientists think formed first?what are the building blocks of planets called?What do we call planets which orbit other stars?rocky leftover pieces of rock in the Solar SystemThe rocky planets are made of chunks of rock and ___...

Space Vocabulary 2014-04-11

Space Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Celestial bodies in our solar system, including Earth, that orbits the sun.
  2. Determines the fineness of detail a telescope can produce of an object in view.
  3. The angle measured clock-wise from north when measuring altitude-azimuth co-ordinates.
  4. Locate a celestial body relative to a fixed Earth )as thought the celestial bodies are circling Earth).
  5. Another word for earth-centred.
  6. The lens through which you view a magnified object using a telescope.
  7. A model of the universe that places Earth at the centre with the Sun, moon, and planets revolving around it.
  1. To cast back from a surface (mirror for objective).
  2. Newton's law states that all objects attract all other objects, and provides an explanation for the planets' elliptical orbits.
  3. A figure that looks like a squashed circle; planets in the solar system move in elliptical orbits around the sun.
  4. All objects seen in the sky. E.g. Moon, sun, stars, and planets.
  5. Make (a ray of light) change direction when it enters at an angle (lens for objective)
  6. Angle measured above the horizon in degrees when measuring altitude-azimuth co-ordinates.
  7. A set of axes of any kind that is used to describe the positions and motions of things.
  8. Another word for ocular lens.
  9. The large lens at the front of a telescope.
  10. Device used to measure an object's azimuth.
  11. A model of the universe that places the Sum at the centre with Earth, the planets and moons revolving around it.
  12. Device used to measure the altitude of an object.

19 Clues: Another word for ocular lens.Another word for earth-centred.The large lens at the front of a telescope.Device used to measure an object's azimuth.Device used to measure the altitude of an object.To cast back from a surface (mirror for objective).All objects seen in the sky. E.g. Moon, sun, stars, and planets....

Vocab 2022-03-14

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. one of the rocky objects in space revolving around the sun that are too small and too numerous to be considered planets
  2. term describing a model of the universe in which earth is at the center if the solar system
  3. a region where many small objects orbit the sun and that stretches from beyond the orbit of Neptune to about 100 times the earth's distance from the sun
  4. a loop of gas connecting to sunspots
  5. a spherical region of comets that surrounds the solar system
  6. the middle layer of the suns atmosphere
  7. the layer of the sun that lays just outside its core
  8. one of the building blocks that formed the planets
  9. term describing a model of the universe in which the sun is in the middle of the solar system
  10. the name given to the outer planets
  1. the inner layer of the suns atmosphere that gives off its visible light; the suns surface
  2. an object that orbits the sun that has not cleared its area of orbit
  3. a meteor that passes the atmosphere and hits earths surface
  4. name given to the inner planets
  5. a chunk of rock or dust in space, generally smaller than an asteroid
  6. the trapping of heat near a planets surface by certain gases in the planets atmosphere
  7. a streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in earths atmosphere
  8. the continuous flow of charged particles from the sun which permeates the solar system.
  9. oval shape
  10. a loose collection of ice and dust that orbits the sun typically in a long narrow orbit

20 Clues: oval shapename given to the inner planetsthe name given to the outer planetsa loop of gas connecting to sunspotsthe middle layer of the suns atmosphereone of the building blocks that formed the planetsthe layer of the sun that lays just outside its corea meteor that passes the atmosphere and hits earths surface...

Celestial Objects 2024-02-14

Celestial Objects crossword puzzle
  1. a celestial body that revolves around a planet
  2. a celestial body consisting of a mass of gas held together by its own gravity in which the energy is generated by nuclear reactions in its interior
  3. a star and the group of planets and other celestial bodies that are held by its gravitational attraction and revolve around it
  4. the region between the inner and outer planets where most asteroids orbit the Sun
  5. a natural chunk of rock or dust existing outside Earth's atmosphere
  6. a celestial body of ice, dust, and rock with an elongated and elliptical orbit
  7. objects that are located in space
  8. a natural or artificial body in orbit around a planet
  1. large and small rocks or metallic masses orbiting the Sun
  2. planets the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, whose orbit lie beyond the asteroid belt
  3. a curved path followed by a satellite as it revolves around an object
  4. a large celestial body that revolves around a star in a solar system
  5. a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole
  6. remains of a meteoroid that strike the surface of a planet or moon
  7. the force that causes objects with mass to attract to one another
  8. the luminous star around which Earth and other planets revolve; composed mainly of hydrogen and helium
  9. a small object that enters Earth's atmosphere from space and burns due to friction, emitting light
  10. the rocky, terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, whose orbits are inside the asteroid belt
  11. glowing, heated dust and vaporized gas that surrounds the icy comet nucleus as it travels near the Sun
  12. on or of Earth

20 Clues: on or of Earthobjects that are located in spacea celestial body that revolves around a planeta natural or artificial body in orbit around a planetlarge and small rocks or metallic masses orbiting the Sunthe force that causes objects with mass to attract to one anotherremains of a meteoroid that strike the surface of a planet or moon...

Science Ch. 6 Review Guide 2024-05-21

Science Ch. 6 Review Guide crossword puzzle
  1. all natural objects in space are called
  2. the system of stars our solar system is a part of
  3. Orion, the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper are all examples of _____.
  4. Who was the first man to step onto the moon?
  5. the Red Planet
  6. It takes the moon about one _____ to orbit Earth.
  7. large storm on Jupiter's surface
  8. earth's closest star that produces light and heat energy
  9. what Saturn's rings are made up of
  10. What makes the seasons?
  11. Earth's natural satellite
  12. a hole on the surface of a moon or planet made by asteroids and meteoroids have hit it
  13. only planet tipped on its side
  14. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars all have this common characteristic
  15. the hottest and brightest planet
  16. number of planets in our solar system
  17. the sun's _____ helps all the planets of the solar system orbit it
  1. planet that is 300 times larger than Earth
  2. How do we account for the extra 1/4 day that it takes Earth to orbit the sun?
  3. planet with the longest orbit around the sun
  4. the earth rotates on its _____
  5. a tool that tells time by using the sun
  6. Earth is different from all other planets because it is _____
  7. What does the gravity of the moon pull that is on Earth?
  8. a giant ball of hot, glowing gas
  9. We send ______ to other planets and places that humans cannot explore
  10. another name for the outer planets
  11. the first four planets in the solar system
  12. The moon _____ the sun's light
  13. smallest planet in the solar system

30 Clues: the Red PlanetWhat makes the seasons?Earth's natural satellitethe earth rotates on its _____The moon _____ the sun's lightonly planet tipped on its sidea giant ball of hot, glowing gaslarge storm on Jupiter's surfacethe hottest and brightest planetanother name for the outer planetswhat Saturn's rings are made up of...

Solar System Extra Credit 2023-05-15

Solar System Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. shape of an ellipse, determined by focal length divided by major axis
  2. shape of an orbit
  3. _______ space station
  4. model of the solar system with the Sun at the center
  5. planets made up of rock
  6. widest point of an ellipse
  7. robots that take samples from other planets
  8. ______ moon, phase where the moon is completely shadowed
  9. asteroid sized pre-planets
  10. object spinning around central point
  11. _______ disk formation
  1. model of the solar system with Earth at the center
  2. objects far apart from one another _________ the gravitational pull
  3. high mass ________ the gravitational pull
  4. combined gravitational pull of sun and moon cause a ______ _____ on Earth
  5. moon becomes darker, after full moon
  6. object orbiting around another object
  7. gas giants, outer planets
  8. Phase of the moon during a lunar eclipse
  9. planet with the lease gravitational pull from Sun due to distance
  10. partial or complete obscuring of light
  11. dark lowlands of the moon
  12. an object that orbits a bigger object
  13. Physical barrier between inner and outer planets, made of asteroids
  14. planet not in our solar system
  15. planet with the shortest rotation
  16. force that pulls objects towards its center
  17. elevated planes of the moon
  18. _______ theory, theory for the formation of the solar system
  19. new moon crosses between the sun and Earth

30 Clues: shape of an orbit_______ space station_______ disk formationplanets made up of rockgas giants, outer planetsdark lowlands of the moonwidest point of an ellipseasteroid sized pre-planetselevated planes of the moonplanet not in our solar systemplanet with the shortest rotationmoon becomes darker, after full moonobject spinning around central point...

Our Solar System 2017-05-15

Our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The earths only natural satellite.
  2. This planet has the largest moon in the solar system.
  3. The moon passing in front of the sun, casting a shadow upon earth is called a solar ____.
  4. The four planets closest to our sun are known as ____ planets.
  5. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are known as ____ giants.
  6. The only planet with organic life.
  7. A yellow dwarf star.
  8. A year on this planet is shorter than its day.
  1. _____ takes 165 earth years to orbit the sun.
  2. A year on _______ is 88 days long.
  3. Olympus Mons, the tallest known mountain in the solar system, is on this planet.
  4. There are ____ planets in our solar system.
  5. _____ orbits the sun whilst tilted on its side.
  6. This planet has the most extensive ring system of all the planets in our solar system.
  7. There are ____ dwarf planets in our solar system.

15 Clues: A yellow dwarf star.The earths only natural satellite.A year on _______ is 88 days long.The only planet with organic life.There are ____ planets in our solar system._____ takes 165 earth years to orbit the sun.A year on this planet is shorter than its day._____ orbits the sun whilst tilted on its side....

Our Solar System 2017-05-15

Our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Olympus Mons, the tallest known mountain in the solar system, is on this planet.
  2. _____ orbits the sun whilst tilted on its side.
  3. There are ____ planets in our solar system.
  4. The four planets closest to our sun are known as ____ planets.
  5. The earths only natural satellite.
  6. A year on this planet is shorter than its day.
  1. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are known as ____ giants.
  2. The only planet with organic life.
  3. A yellow dwarf star.
  4. This planet has the most extensive ring system of all the planets in our solar system.
  5. This planet has the largest moon in the solar system.
  6. There are ____ dwarf planets in our solar system.
  7. _____ takes 165 earth years to orbit the sun.
  8. The moon passing in front of the sun, casting a shadow upon earth is called a solar ____.
  9. A year on _______ is 88 days long.

15 Clues: A yellow dwarf star.The only planet with organic life.A year on _______ is 88 days long.The earths only natural satellite.There are ____ planets in our solar system._____ takes 165 earth years to orbit the sun.A year on this planet is shorter than its day._____ orbits the sun whilst tilted on its side....

Big History (Activity: Crossword) 2023-09-22

Big History (Activity: Crossword) crossword puzzle
  1. A type of atom that requires more heat.
  2. A massive explosion and death of a star
  3. These elements remained closer to sun and formed the rocky planets.
  4. The process of planet formation involves these 3 forces
  5. All elements got concentrated in planet like Earth because of the formation of ______.
  6. The process of planet formation involves these 3 forces.
  7. This was formed when a large object crashed into Earth, sending a huge chunk of debris into orbit.
  8. Planets are formed through this process.
  9. These elements comprises 2% of the remaining and about 90% of the Earth is made up of these.
  10. The process of planet formation involves these 3 forces
  11. an element that is heavy, highly stable and cannot be fused further
  1. A rotating disk of dense gas and matter surrounding a newly formed star.
  2. planets are more complex than stars because they have a more ____________.
  3. These elements were pushed far from the sun and led to the formation of gas planets.
  4. Planet orbiting around a star other than our sun.
  5. It can be large and made of gasses or smaller and be rocky.
  6. The 2 elements that comprises 98% of the universe.
  7. It is the separation of elements.
  8. The 2 elements that comprises 98% of the universe.
  9. It was formed about 4.5 Billion years ago.

20 Clues: It is the separation of elements.A type of atom that requires more heat.A massive explosion and death of a starPlanets are formed through this process.It was formed about 4.5 Billion years ago.Planet orbiting around a star other than our sun.The 2 elements that comprises 98% of the universe.The 2 elements that comprises 98% of the universe....

Orbits and Moon Phases 2022-02-25

Orbits and Moon Phases crossword puzzle
  1. The star closest to Earth
  2. The moon phases take about one _______ to complete its cycle
  3. The 3rd planet
  4. The 7th planet
  5. The phase of the moon where less than half is lit up
  6. The force that has to do with forward motion and momentum (keeps the planets from being pulled into the sun
  7. The 1st planet
  1. The objects that go around the sun are called _______.
  2. The phase where the entire moon is lit up
  3. The 5th planet
  4. The 6th planet
  5. The objects that go around planets
  6. The 4th planet
  7. The 8th planet
  8. The phase where half of the moon is lit up
  9. The force that keeps planets from flying off into space

16 Clues: The 5th planetThe 6th planetThe 4th planetThe 8th planetThe 3rd planetThe 7th planetThe 1st planetThe star closest to EarthThe objects that go around planetsThe phase where the entire moon is lit upThe phase where half of the moon is lit upThe phase of the moon where less than half is lit upThe objects that go around the sun are called _______....

Solar System 2023-08-22

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. celestial planet
  2. last of inner planets
  3. our solar ______ has nine planets
  4. planets Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars are ___________
  5. Protects the earth
  1. Earths sister
  2. closest planet to the sun
  3. planets orbit around it
  4. Only planet with life
  5. planets go around the sun

10 Clues: Earths sistercelestial planetProtects the earthlast of inner planetsOnly planet with lifeplanets orbit around itclosest planet to the sunplanets go around the sunour solar ______ has nine planetsplanets Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars are ___________

The Planets 2014-10-30

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Uranus is classified as an ___ giant pplanet.
  2. How many planets are in our solar system?
  3. The sun is mainly made up of______.
  4. Which planet is the coldest?
  5. Jupiter has the ________ day io all the planets.
  6. What planet is the largest of the dwarf planets?
  7. What is the largest planet in our solar system?
  8. What colour is Mars known to be?
  9. A solar eclipseis when the Moon passes in front of the Sun casting a_____ on Earth.
  10. Earth is the _____ planet from the sun.
  1. The rise and fall of the _____ on Earth is caused by the Moon
  2. Which is the furthest planet from the sun?
  3. Terristrial planet, second from the sun.
  4. Mercury is the most _____ planet in the Solar System
  5. Which planet is closest to the sun?
  6. Neptune is the ______ of the ice giants.
  7. Apollo 11 landed on what planet?
  8. Which planet is known for its rings?
  9. What is the only planet that inhabits humans?
  10. Pluto is now considered a ______ planet.

20 Clues: Which planet is the coldest?Apollo 11 landed on what planet?What colour is Mars known to be?The sun is mainly made up of______.Which planet is closest to the sun?Which planet is known for its rings?Earth is the _____ planet from the sun.Terristrial planet, second from the sun.Neptune is the ______ of the ice giants....

The Planets 2014-10-29

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. How many planets are there within the solar system?
  2. Which planet has rings?
  3. What is the term for a person trained to travel in a space craft?
  4. What force keeps us on the ground?
  5. What is the galaxy that contains the solar system?
  6. The sun is a type of _________.
  7. What planet is fourth from the sun?
  8. What is a piece of debris falling from the sky called?
  9. Which planet is the closest to the sun?
  10. What is in the centre of our solar system?
  11. Which planet is red in colour?
  1. Which planet is now considered a dwarf planet?
  2. Which planet orbits around the sun in 365 days?
  3. The planets are located in the __________ __________.
  4. A system of millions of stars is called the __________.
  5. Which is the largest planet in the solar system?
  6. What orbits around the earth?
  7. How many times has a human stepped foot on the moon?
  8. The second planet from the sun is?
  9. What is the only planet starting with U?

20 Clues: Which planet has rings?What orbits around the earth?Which planet is red in colour?The sun is a type of _________.What force keeps us on the ground?The second planet from the sun is?What planet is fourth from the sun?Which planet is the closest to the sun?What is the only planet starting with U?What is in the centre of our solar system?...

THE PLANETS 2014-10-27

THE PLANETS crossword puzzle
  1. What does Saturn have around it?
  2. The seventh Planet
  3. The largest planet
  4. Transport into space
  5. The second planet from the sun
  6. The smallest Planet
  7. A dwarf planet
  8. Group of planets and sun
  9. The sun gives of ... so we can see
  10. Our planet
  1. Ball of burning gas that creates heat and light and 'twinkles'
  2. Popular movie series set in outer space
  3. The furthest Planet from the sun
  4. The Star
  5. Time it takes for light to travel
  6. Travelling piece of Ice with tail
  7. Name of our solar system
  8. Forms rings in the solar system
  9. The sixth Planet from the Sun
  10. Planet which is the same size as Earth

20 Clues: The StarOur planetA dwarf planetThe seventh PlanetThe largest planetThe smallest PlanetTransport into spaceName of our solar systemGroup of planets and sunThe sixth Planet from the SunThe second planet from the sunForms rings in the solar systemWhat does Saturn have around it?The furthest Planet from the sunTime it takes for light to travel...

The Planets 2014-09-17

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. A ________ year is the distance that _______ travels in a year
  2. What planet is closest in size to Earth?
  3. The Sun, its planets and all the objects moving around them is called the?
  4. True or false? Uranus is the coldest planet
  5. The moon Titan orbits what planet?
  6. What is the name of the dwarf planet?
  7. What is the smallest planet in the Solar System?
  8. What planet do we live on?
  9. Earth has only one __________
  10. This planet takes 84 Earth years to orbit the sun
  1. What is the name of the force holding us to the Earth?
  2. True or false? Does the sun orbit the Earth?
  3. Neptune has how many moons in total?
  4. Have human beings ever set foot on Mars?
  5. There are 8 of these in our galaxy
  6. What is the name of the first satellite sent into space?
  7. Venus is often called the Earth’s ________ planet
  8. Earth is located in which galaxy?
  9. What is the name of Saturn’s largest moon?
  10. What planet in the solar system is farthest from the Sun?
  11. It takes just under ten hours for the planet to do a full rotation
  12. Mars has how many moons?
  13. What planet is nicknamed the ‘Red Planet’?
  14. is a ball of hot, burning gases

24 Clues: Mars has how many moons?What planet do we live on?Earth has only one __________is a ball of hot, burning gasesEarth is located in which galaxy?There are 8 of these in our galaxyThe moon Titan orbits what planet?Neptune has how many moons in total?What is the name of the dwarf planet?What planet is closest in size to Earth?...

The Planets 2014-09-08

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Known for its rings
  2. The second planet from the sun
  3. A person trained to travel in a spacecraft
  4. The largest planet in our solar system
  5. No longer considered a planet
  6. Nicknamed the Red Planet
  7. The planet furthest from the sun
  8. The galaxy our Solar System is in
  9. The planet we live on
  1. Revolves around the Earth
  2. A ball of gas held together by gravity
  3. A vehicle that launches into space
  4. The planet closest to the sun
  5. Made up of the sun and the planets which orbit it
  6. The star in the centre of the Solar System
  7. The force that attracts people to the Earth
  8. The seventh planet from the sun
  9. Four planets in the Solar System are known as _ planets
  10. Billions of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity
  11. An object which moves around a star

20 Clues: Known for its ringsThe planet we live onNicknamed the Red PlanetRevolves around the EarthThe planet closest to the sunNo longer considered a planetThe second planet from the sunThe seventh planet from the sunThe planet furthest from the sunThe galaxy our Solar System is inA vehicle that launches into spaceAn object which moves around a star...

The Planets 2019-05-26

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. topik langkah awal menulis karya ilmiah
  2. tokoh yang berwatak baik
  3. kata-kata penutup berisi simpulan dari keseluruhan dialog
  4. karya fiksi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk dialog
  5. keterangan mengenai tempat, waktu, suasana dalam naskah drama
  6. tidak dalam bentuk percakapan
  7. bagian tengah cerita
  8. tokoh yang berwatak jahat
  9. orang yang menyusun resensi
  10. gagasan umum dalam suatu drama disampaikan oleh pengarang kepada pembaca atau penonton
  11. drama tanpa gerak
  12. drama tanpa kata-kata
  13. isinya mudah dipahami dan dibenarkan oleh akal sehat
  14. kuat lemahnya penurunan suatu kata dalam kalimat
  15. drama yang menonjolkan seni suara atau musik
  1. teknik pengumpulan data
  2. pelaku yang mempunyai peran lebih
  3. ragam bahasa dalam bentuk populer
  4. judul bab 1 dalam sistematika karya ilmiah
  5. tahap kegiatan untuk menyelesaikan suatu aktivitas
  6. menilai baik buruknya karya sastra
  7. susunan teks teratur dengan pola yang baku
  8. sesuatu yang harus diselesaikan atau dipecahkan
  9. drama yang menonjolkan seni drama dan tari
  10. naik turunnya lagu kalimat
  11. rumusan asas yang menjadi hukum
  12. drama ringan bersifat menghibur
  13. rencana kegiatan yang dituliskan dalam bentuk rancangan kerja yang akan dilaksanakan
  14. simpul masalah bagian dari
  15. denotasi sebutan lain dari makna lugas

30 Clues: drama tanpa gerakbagian tengah ceritadrama tanpa kata-katateknik pengumpulan datatokoh yang berwatak baiktokoh yang berwatak jahatnaik turunnya lagu kalimatsimpul masalah bagian dariorang yang menyusun resensitidak dalam bentuk percakapanrumusan asas yang menjadi hukumdrama ringan bersifat menghiburpelaku yang mempunyai peran lebih...

The planets 2021-11-27

The planets crossword puzzle
  1. is my name
  2. has slot of volcanoes
  3. is dead
  4. is the coldest planet
  5. likes me
  6. people visit mars
  7. is a dad
  8. is mean
  9. people live on earth
  10. George loves word searches
  11. is the biggest planet
  12. is mean
  1. has rings
  2. is not a planet
  3. the sun is really hot
  4. is a planet
  5. is my duck
  6. is pretty cold
  7. is dumb
  8. is nice
  9. a guibeapig
  10. close to the earth
  11. loves me
  12. isn't moms duck
  13. is a dog

25 Clues: is deadis dumbis niceis meanis meanlikes meis a dadloves meis a doghas ringsis my nameis my duckis a planeta guibeapigis pretty coldis not a planetisn't moms duckpeople visit marsclose to the earthpeople live on earthhas slot of volcanoesthe sun is really hotis the coldest planetis the biggest planetGeorge loves word searches

The planets 2021-11-28

The planets crossword puzzle
  1. is my name
  2. has slot of volcanoes
  3. is dead
  4. is the coldest planet
  5. likes me
  6. people visit mars
  7. is a dad
  8. is mean
  9. people live on earth
  10. George loves word searches
  11. is the biggest planet
  12. is mean
  1. has rings
  2. is not a planet
  3. the sun is really hot
  4. is a planet
  5. is my duck
  6. is pretty cold
  7. is dumb
  8. is nice
  9. a guibeapig
  10. close to the earth
  11. loves me
  12. isn't moms duck
  13. is a dog

25 Clues: is deadis dumbis niceis meanis meanlikes meis a dadloves meis a doghas ringsis my nameis my duckis a planeta guibeapigis pretty coldis not a planetisn't moms duckpeople visit marsclose to the earthpeople live on earthhas slot of volcanoesthe sun is really hotis the coldest planetis the biggest planetGeorge loves word searches

The planets 2021-11-28

The planets crossword puzzle
  1. has slot of volcanoes
  2. is fun
  3. is a dad
  4. Aaliyah is funny
  5. loves Aaliyah
  6. is pretty cold
  7. is zzz
  8. is pvt
  9. is my teacher
  10. loves me
  11. loves pandas
  12. has rings
  13. is nice
  14. is dead
  15. is my place
  16. is a place you can walk on
  17. George loves word searches
  18. close to the earth
  19. likes me
  20. is a island
  21. loves tv
  22. is a road
  23. is the biggest planet
  24. loves swings
  25. Ava isn't here
  26. people visit mars
  27. isn't moms duck
  28. is the coldest planet
  29. is dumb
  1. is small
  2. is not a planet
  3. I've visit it
  4. loves dogs
  5. is a hammer
  6. is mean
  7. likes pans
  8. loves you
  9. has trails
  10. is dumb
  11. is long
  12. is my friend
  13. is a bet
  14. people live on earth
  15. is a dog
  16. is on my bus
  17. is mean
  18. is my bed
  19. its my road I live on
  20. is a planet
  21. loves cats
  22. is my name
  23. a guibeapig
  24. has me
  25. the sun is really hot
  26. is my duck

55 Clues: is funis zzzis pvthas meis meanis dumbis longis meanis niceis deadis dumbis smallis a dadis a betis a dogloves melikes meloves tvloves youis my bedhas ringsis a roadloves dogslikes panshas trailsloves catsis my nameis my duckis a hammeris a planetis my placeis a islanda guibeapigis my friendis on my busloves pandasloves swingsI've visit it...

Planets/Animals 2022-12-29

Planets/Animals crossword puzzle
  1. The blue Whale is __________ than the elephant. It is also the largest animal in the world.
  2. ________ is the 2nd closest planet to the sun
  3. The River Nile is the _______ river on Earth.
  4. Mount Everest in the _______ mountain on Earth
  5. Jupiter is the _____ planet in the solar system
  6. ______ is bigger than Earth
  7. Pluto is the _____ planet in the solar system.
  8. _______ is the closest planet to the sun
  9. The ________ is the fastest animal in the world.
  10. Mercury is the ______ planet to the sun.
  1. Saturn is the 2nd largest _____ in the solar system
  2. ________ is the biggest country.
  3. The planet we live on is _______-
  4. Saturns has hundreds of ___________ around it.
  5. Mars is the ______ red planet
  6. ________ is also called the blue planet.
  7. Venus is the ________ closest planet to the sun
  8. The ______ is the biggest bird in the world
  9. The African Elephant is the _____ land animal
  10. Pluto is the ______ planet from the sun

20 Clues: ______ is bigger than EarthMars is the ______ red planet________ is the biggest country.The planet we live on is _______-Pluto is the ______ planet from the sun________ is also called the blue planet._______ is the closest planet to the sunMercury is the ______ planet to the sun.The ______ is the biggest bird in the world...

Dwarf Planets 2023-05-23

Dwarf Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Main moon of Pluto
  2. Makemake is the _______ brightest Kuiper belt object
  3. Planets are able to remove smaller bodies near their orbits
  4. Space probe sent to study Pluto and Kuiper Belt
  5. Haumea doesn't exist as a sphere, rather it is a __________
  6. Is 2:3 between Pluto and Neptune's orbits
  7. Area on Pluto where churning nitrogen ice cells turnover
  8. The prototypical dwarf planet discovered in 1930
  9. Most massive dwarf planet
  10. Number of AU Makemake is from the sun
  11. These still flow through the outer mantle on Ceres
  12. Belt Same region of space as Pluto
  1. Type on Ceres that erupts volatiles such as water, ammonia or methane into cold environments
  2. Named after a creator god in mythology of Easter Island
  3. Two teams claim credit for the discovery of this dwarf planet
  4. Planets must orbit this
  5. Total number of Pluto's moons
  6. The total number of named, recognized dwarf planets
  7. Large subplanetary bodies
  8. The ability of a planet to become a sphere
  9. Both an asteroid and a dwarf planet
  10. Pluto is the ____________ brightest Kuiper belt object

22 Clues: Main moon of PlutoPlanets must orbit thisLarge subplanetary bodiesMost massive dwarf planetTotal number of Pluto's moonsBelt Same region of space as PlutoBoth an asteroid and a dwarf planetNumber of AU Makemake is from the sunIs 2:3 between Pluto and Neptune's orbitsThe ability of a planet to become a sphere...

brody planets 2024-05-09

brody planets crossword puzzle
  1. the only planet with know light
  2. it is a triple star
  3. it is the only thing that prevent me from dunking
  4. newtons first law
  5. the h in h2o
  6. light can travel 300k kilometers in this amount of time
  7. are sun is one of those
  8. it had an amazing battery
  9. star clouds
  10. very cold doughnut shape
  11. all the countries have people they are flying around the world
  12. a telescope that is very famous
  13. it is how far light travels in a year
  14. the earth plays this role in are solar system
  1. it is the biggest planet with a hurrican
  2. a the milky way
  3. what the earth dose around the sun
  4. the north star
  5. a candy bar in space
  6. the size of things
  7. a pretty daughter in the sky
  8. it kick pluto out of being a planet
  9. it is the only planet that is engaged
  10. the big dipper is one
  11. it got kick out of being a planet by Charon
  12. it is something in orbit
  13. sucks in everything
  14. it is a constellation of a hunter

28 Clues: star cloudsthe h in h2othe north stara the milky waynewtons first lawthe size of thingsit is a triple starsucks in everythinga candy bar in spacethe big dipper is oneare sun is one of thoseit is something in orbitvery cold doughnut shapeit had an amazing batterya pretty daughter in the skythe only planet with know light...

structure of the universe 2022-04-21

structure of the universe crossword puzzle
  1. the collection of large and small bodies that orbit the sun
  2. have a central bulge from which two or more spiral arms extend
  3. the process that produces energy in stars
  4. planets the four planets that orbit closer to our sun
  5. a luminous ball of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium, held together by its own gravity
  1. number of planets that orbit the sun
  2. small bodies that orbit planets
  3. the four planets that orbit farther from our sun
  4. a planet is a celestial body that is in orbit around the Sun
  5. the distance that light travels through space
  6. space and all matter and energy in it
  7. area of space that little matter exist

12 Clues: small bodies that orbit planetsnumber of planets that orbit the sunspace and all matter and energy in itarea of space that little matter existthe process that produces energy in starsthe distance that light travels through spacethe four planets that orbit farther from our sunplanets the four planets that orbit closer to our sun...

Astronomy Quiz #1 2024-03-26

Astronomy Quiz #1 crossword puzzle
  1. The largest planet of our Solar System.
  2. A small piece of rock that can enter the atmosphere and appear as a "shooting star".
  3. A large, rocky object that orbits the Sun typically in a belt between Mars and Jupiter.
  4. A natural satellite of a planet.
  5. An artificial body or object placed into orbit around a planet.
  6. Dwarf planets are similar to actual planets, but they do not have a clear ____________ around the Sun.
  7. This dwarf planet was once considered to be the ninth planet of our Solar System.
  8. Very small amounts of gravity experienced by astronauts aboard the International Space Station.
  1. The four inner planets are sometimes referred to as _________________ planets.
  2. The force that pulls objects towards the Sun keeping them in orbit.
  3. All objects in the Solar System revolve around the _________.
  4. The four outer planets are sometimes referred to as Ice or Gas ____________.
  5. An object made of mostly ice and dust that orbits at the edge of the Solar System.
  6. The planet that is closest to the Sun.
  7. An object or invention that was originally created for space exploration / NASA that now serves a purpose on Earth is a Space ___________.
  8. The force that keeps planets moving in forward motion (AKA - Objects in motion stay in motion).

16 Clues: A natural satellite of a planet.The planet that is closest to the Sun.The largest planet of our Solar System.All objects in the Solar System revolve around the _________.An artificial body or object placed into orbit around a planet.The force that pulls objects towards the Sun keeping them in orbit....

The Solar System 2022-03-13

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The hottest planet
  2. One of the two ice giants
  3. The oval shaped path an object follows as it revolves around the sun
  4. A system of objects in space that include at least one star, planets and other space debris
  5. The number of planets that are in our solar system
  6. The only planet that is known to support life
  7. Sometimes called the "red planet"
  1. The eight planets revolve around this
  2. The largest planet
  3. Planets that have some, but not all characteristics of regular planets
  4. Famous for it's rings
  5. The smallest planet

12 Clues: The hottest planetThe largest planetThe smallest planetFamous for it's ringsOne of the two ice giantsSometimes called the "red planet"The eight planets revolve around thisThe only planet that is known to support lifeThe number of planets that are in our solar systemThe oval shaped path an object follows as it revolves around the sun...

Planets 2020-07-25

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the path an object takes around another object in space
  2. earth orbits it
  3. moon orbits it
  4. earth takes 24 hours to complete one
  5. the force that pulls matter towards the centre of the earth
  6. when it appears that the sun is going down in the west
  1. group of stars
  2. natural satellite of earth
  3. a system of planets which revolve around the sun
  4. share of the earth
  5. an imaginary line running through the poles of the earth

11 Clues: group of starsmoon orbits itearth orbits itshare of the earthnatural satellite of earthearth takes 24 hours to complete onea system of planets which revolve around the sunwhen it appears that the sun is going down in the westthe path an object takes around another object in spacean imaginary line running through the poles of the earth...

PLANETS 2020-10-22

PLANETS crossword puzzle
  1. a planet that only rotats on its side
  2. it is a star that gives us heat and it is mad out of some gases
  3. a dwarf planet
  4. it is 4.5 billion years old
  5. it is a red planet
  6. it has poisonous clouds
  7. the biggest planet in our solar system
  1. a planet that has 9 rings
  2. a planet that has a storm the size of earth
  3. a planet made out of molten iron
  4. every one we love is on that planet

11 Clues: a dwarf planetit is a red planetit has poisonous cloudsa planet that has 9 ringsit is 4.5 billion years olda planet made out of molten ironevery one we love is on that planeta planet that only rotats on its sidethe biggest planet in our solar systema planet that has a storm the size of earth...

Planets 2021-12-01

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The coldest gas giant
  2. Has thick clouds and traps heat
  3. An object that is neither a planet nor satellite
  4. Has liquid water and life
  5. Planets with a solid core, the warmer planets
  6. A red planet with many canyons and riverbeds
  7. The smallest planet
  1. Planets made of gas, also known as "gas giants"
  2. The largest planet: A gas giant
  3. Has rings and 62 moons
  4. Known as a gas giant

11 Clues: The smallest planetKnown as a gas giantThe coldest gas giantHas rings and 62 moonsHas liquid water and lifeHas thick clouds and traps heatThe largest planet: A gas giantA red planet with many canyons and riverbedsPlanets with a solid core, the warmer planetsPlanets made of gas, also known as "gas giants"...

planets 2021-11-04

planets crossword puzzle
  1. what seperates mares and jupiter
  2. the hottest planet's name
  3. the planet with the most notibal ring's name
  4. the farthest planet from the sun's name
  5. the closes planet to the sun's name
  6. the only known planets that has life's name
  7. what are the outer planets called
  1. the largest planet's name
  2. the red planet's name
  3. the frothuse astroied belt from the sun's name
  4. what are the inner planets called
  5. the seventh planet from the sun's name

12 Clues: the red planet's namethe largest planet's namethe hottest planet's namewhat seperates mares and jupiterwhat are the inner planets calledwhat are the outer planets calledthe closes planet to the sun's namethe seventh planet from the sun's namethe farthest planet from the sun's namethe only known planets that has life's name...

Planets 2024-02-25

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the hottest planet in our solar system
  2. known as the Red Planet
  3. it rotates on its side
  4. the largest planet in our solar system
  5. the only known planet to support life
  6. the only satellite of earth
  1. once considered the ninth planet
  2. known for its extreme temperatures
  3. the farthest planet from the Sun
  4. famous for its stunning rings
  5. the only star of our solar system

11 Clues: it rotates on its sideknown as the Red Planetthe only satellite of earthfamous for its stunning ringsonce considered the ninth planetthe farthest planet from the Sunthe only star of our solar systemknown for its extreme temperaturesthe only known planet to support lifethe hottest planet in our solar systemthe largest planet in our solar system

Space 2023-06-24

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Hole An area in space with extremely strong gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape from. Black holes are formed when massive stars
  2. A person trained to travel and work in space. Astronauts go on missions aboard spacecraft to conduct research, explore other planets, or repair satellites. They wear special suits and helmets.
  3. Vehicles designed to travel in space. Spacecraft can be manned or unmanned and are used for exploration, satellite deployment, and scientific research. They can travel to other planets and beyond.
  4. Large celestial bodies that orbit around a star. Planets are like Earth but can be different in size, composition, and the presence of life. They include planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter.
  5. Huge systems made up of stars, planets, gas, and dust held together by gravity. The Milky Way is our galaxy. Galaxies come in various shapes and sizes and contain billions or even trillions of stars.
  6. System The system of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets that revolve around a star called the Sun. Our solar system includes the Sun, eight planets, their moons, and various other celestial objects.
  7. Station A large structure built in space that serves as a home and workplace for astronauts. Space stations orbit around the Earth and are used for scientific research, experimentation, and long-term space travel.
  8. A small rock or debris from space that enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up, creating a streak of light in the sky. Meteors are also known as shooting stars or falling stars.
  1. Powerful vehicles designed to travel into space. Rockets are used to launch spacecraft and satellites. They work by propelling hot gases out of the rocket's engines, creating a force called thrust.
  2. A celestial object made of ice, dust, and rock that orbits around the Sun. Comets have a glowing coma and a tail that becomes visible as they approach the Sun. They are often called "dirty snowballs."
  3. Optical instruments used to observe objects in space from Earth. Telescopes can magnify faraway objects like planets, stars, and galaxies, allowing scientists and astronomers to study them in detail.
  4. A scientist who studies celestial objects like stars, planets, galaxies, and other phenomena in space. Astronomers use telescopes and other instruments to observe and understand the universe.
  5. Vast clouds of gas and dust in space. Nebulas can be colorful and have different shapes. They are often regions where new stars are born or where old stars release material back into space.
  6. Giant balls of hot, glowing gas that emit light and heat. Stars are scattered throughout space and can vary in size, color, and brightness. Some stars, like the Sun, provide heat and light to planets.
  7. The force that pulls objects toward each other. Gravity keeps planets in orbit around the Sun and moons around planets. It also determines our weight on Earth and affects the movement of objects in space.
  8. A natural satellite that orbits around a planet. Earth has one moon. The moon appears in the night sky and changes shape over a month in a process called lunar phases.

16 Clues: Hole An area in space with extremely strong gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape from. Black holes are formed when massive starsA natural satellite that orbits around a planet. Earth has one moon. The moon appears in the night sky and changes shape over a month in a process called lunar phases....

The Solar System 2015-05-26

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Methane in this planets atmosphere gives it its blue tint
  2. Surname of the first astronaut to walk upon the moon
  3. The planet which takes 365 days to orbit the sun
  4. The government agency of the USA which researches space and sends astronauts on missions
  5. The planet closest to the sun
  6. The term which means the planet is spinning in the opposite direction to other planets
  7. The gas giant that is furthest from the sun
  8. The term given to the model of solar system that puts the sun at the middle
  9. This planet is most famous for its set of rings
  10. Now known as a dwarf planet
  1. The largest planet in the Solar System
  2. Planet covered in clouds of sulphuric acids and spins in retrograde
  3. This red planet was named after the Roman god of war
  4. The term given to a scientist who studies planets
  5. The moon does not have one of these, therefore it has no protection against cosmic rays, meteors or solar winds
  6. The type of planets that are closest to the sun
  7. A piece of stony or metallic debris that travels in outer space
  8. The galaxy in which Earth belongs
  9. Name of the instrument used to look at planets, stars and objects in space
  10. This planet controls the tides on Earth

20 Clues: Now known as a dwarf planetThe planet closest to the sunThe galaxy in which Earth belongsThe largest planet in the Solar SystemThis planet controls the tides on EarthThe gas giant that is furthest from the sunThe type of planets that are closest to the sunThis planet is most famous for its set of rings...

Terrestrial Planets 2018-03-26

Terrestrial Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Mars has Polar ice caps, two ______, and has the moon Olympus has the largest volcano.
  2. It’s atmosphere is made of Oxygen, CO2, and Nitrogen.
  3. The ______ of Mars has volcanoes, lave craters, and rocks.
  4. Has little to no atmosphere, and it’s made up of H, He, O2.
  5. ______________ surface has craters, volcanoes, magma, 465 degrees, has highlands, and has plains.
  6. Earth’s surface is divided into __________.
  7. Venus atmosphere is ___________, has sulphuric acid, and has CO2
  8. The planet’s rotation takes 24 hours and 37 minutes.
  9. Mercury has an iron molten ___________.
  10. Jupiter has _______ temperatures at 184c - 427c.
  11. Venus’ rotation is __________ days smaller than Earth’s rotation.
  1. Mercury is the ________ planet to the sun.
  2. Mercury has a thin _________, 300 to 400m, and is covered in craters.
  3. Mar’s revolution is 1.88 ___________.
  4. Earth’s ________ takes 23 hours and 56 minutes.
  5. Mar’s _________ is 100x thinner than Earth’s _________.
  6. Mercury’s rotation around the ________ takes 58 days and 55 hours to complete.
  7. Earth has 5-30 million _________ in its atmosphere and it’s surface.
  8. The surface of Mars is blue because of the ____________, dust storms, and valleys.
  9. Mercury’s _______ takes 88 days to complete.
  10. Mar’s atmosphere is mostly made up of _______ and has iron minerals in it.
  11. Earth’s _______/revolution is 365.3 days.
  12. Earth’s revolution is ____ days slower than Venus.

23 Clues: Mar’s revolution is 1.88 ___________.Mercury has an iron molten ___________.Earth’s _______/revolution is 365.3 days.Mercury is the ________ planet to the sun.Earth’s surface is divided into __________.Mercury’s _______ takes 88 days to complete.Earth’s ________ takes 23 hours and 56 minutes.Jupiter has _______ temperatures at 184c - 427c....

The planets 2021-11-28

The planets crossword puzzle
  1. is a planet
  2. George loves word searches
  3. is not a planet
  4. Aaliyah is funny
  5. loves dogs
  6. has me
  7. is zzz
  8. is mean
  9. people live on earth
  10. loves tv
  11. loves Aaliyah
  12. loves pandas
  13. is a dog
  14. loves swings
  15. is my duck
  16. is nice
  17. is my bed
  18. the sun is really hot
  19. loves cats
  20. is my friend
  1. isn't moms duck
  2. is the coldest planet
  3. is my teacher
  4. loves you
  5. is mean
  6. is the biggest planet
  7. is a dad
  8. loves me
  9. people visit mars
  10. likes pans
  11. is my name
  12. is on my bus
  13. a guibeapig
  14. is dumb
  15. has slot of volcanoes
  16. is pretty cold
  17. has rings
  18. close to the earth
  19. Ava isn't here
  20. is dead
  21. likes me

41 Clues: has meis zzzis meanis meanis dumbis niceis deadis a dadloves meloves tvis a doglikes meloves youhas ringsis my bedloves dogslikes pansis my nameis my duckloves catsis a planeta guibeapigis on my busloves pandasloves swingsis my friendis my teacherloves Aaliyahis pretty coldAva isn't hereisn't moms duckis not a planetAaliyah is funny...

The Planets 2014-10-17

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the name given to the eclipse that occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth
  2. The galaxy our solar system is part of
  3. I am the fastest moving planet
  4. I am considered to be a dwarf planet
  5. The planet furthest from the sun
  6. I am the only planet that has only 1 moon
  7. the category of planets that include the four closest planets to the sun
  8. the name given to the eclipse that occurs when the moon passes into the earth's shadow
  9. I stop people and things on earth from floating away
  10. The planet with the most visible rings
  1. I control the tides on Earth
  2. the curbed path a planet takes around the sun is called its....
  3. I am the gaseous envelope that surrounds the Earth
  4. The largest planet in our solar system
  5. the name given to a group of stars that make patterns in the sky
  6. all of the planets in our solar system orbit me
  7. Sometimes called the 'Red Planet'
  8. a meteoroid enters into the earths atmosphere
  9. the planet that is second from the sun
  10. the Earth has a tilt of approx 23* on its.....

20 Clues: I control the tides on EarthI am the fastest moving planetThe planet furthest from the sunSometimes called the 'Red Planet'I am considered to be a dwarf planetThe galaxy our solar system is part ofThe largest planet in our solar systemthe planet that is second from the sunThe planet with the most visible rings...

Planets Crossword 2014-10-12

Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The 4th planet from the sun
  2. There are many of these in the night sky
  3. The planet that is the most far away from the sun
  4. Objects like Earth, Jupiter, Mercury
  5. These go around a planet like Jupiter
  6. The 7th planet from the sun
  7. The are above/around our planet
  8. The 8th planet from the sun
  9. The big, yellow object in the sky
  10. The closest planet to the sun
  11. The Earth is one of these
  1. These objects float around in space
  2. Where all the planets are located
  3. The 6th planet from the sun
  4. The 2nd planet in the Solar System
  5. This object is in the sky during the night
  6. This planet has rings around it
  7. This is all around us and can be found everywhere
  8. We use these to visit other planets
  9. The planet we live on

20 Clues: The planet we live onThe Earth is one of theseThe 4th planet from the sunThe 6th planet from the sunThe 7th planet from the sunThe 8th planet from the sunThe closest planet to the sunThis planet has rings around itThe are above/around our planetWhere all the planets are locatedThe big, yellow object in the skyThe 2nd planet in the Solar System...

The Planets 2014-09-22

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. which planet is famous for its rings?
  2. which planet is a dwarf planet?
  3. earth has one of these you can see it in the night sky?
  4. an instrument to observe the planets and stars
  5. pieces of solid rock orbiting through space.
  6. what is the hot ball of gas that gives us light called, it rises in the sky every morning?
  7. which planet do we live on?
  8. which planet is closest to the sun?
  9. our sun is this
  10. the path a planet takes around the sun
  11. the milky way is a?
  1. planet between saturn and neptune
  2. this planet also has rings
  3. which planet is the largest planet?
  4. another word for space travellers?
  5. how many planets are there in our solar system?
  6. how do astronauts travel into space?
  7. what is the second planet from the sun?
  8. which planet is the fourth planet from the sun?
  9. unlike earth, in space there is no?

20 Clues: our sun is thisthe milky way is a?this planet also has ringswhich planet do we live on?which planet is a dwarf planet?planet between saturn and neptuneanother word for space travellers?which planet is the largest planet?unlike earth, in space there is no?which planet is closest to the sun?how do astronauts travel into space?...

The Planets 2014-10-29

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The planet we live on.
  2. The star with the highest temperature.
  3. Also known as “minor planets”.
  4. The 2nd largest planet.
  5. A Layer of gasses surrounding a planet.
  6. The Earth spins on this.
  7. The 8th planet in the Solar System.
  8. Known as “shooting stars”.
  9. The “Red Planet”.
  1. The 7th planet in the Solar System.
  2. Most common include solar and luna.
  3. planet with the highest temperature.
  4. The smallest planet in the solar system.
  5. The planets do this around the Sun.
  6. What holds us on the Earth.
  7. The largest planet in the solar system.
  8. Earth’s natural satellite.
  9. The planet 2nd from the Sun.
  10. These surround Saturn.
  11. A system consisting of stars.

20 Clues: The “Red Planet”.The planet we live on.These surround Saturn.The 2nd largest planet.The Earth spins on this.Earth’s natural satellite.Known as “shooting stars”.What holds us on the Earth.The planet 2nd from the Sun.A system consisting of stars.Also known as “minor planets”.The 7th planet in the Solar System.Most common include solar and luna....

planets wow 2023-04-21

planets wow crossword puzzle
  1. shuttle that is the farthest out into space
  2. man-made satellite that humans occupy
  3. measured in kilograms
  4. first element on the periodic table
  5. third planet in the solar system
  6. space cloud
  7. space x program
  8. newtons first law
  9. has lots of mass packed into a tiny space, and sucks up anything that enters its event horizon
  10. on earth it's 9.8m/s
  11. distance that takes one year for light to traverse
  1. how long does it take for the ISS to orbit earth?
  2. collection of stars that seem to make a shape in the sky
  3. outer belt of asteroids
  4. nearest galaxy to the milky way
  5. is one of the man-made satellites of Earth and is a telescope
  6. some kind of object that orbits another object in space
  7. the galaxy in which Earth resides
  8. nearest star to the solar system other than the sun
  9. what the moon does to the earth
  10. large collection of mass in a concentrated space
  11. large space sphere object that isn't a star or black hole
  12. the sun

23 Clues: the sunspace cloudspace x programnewtons first lawon earth it's 9.8m/smeasured in kilogramsouter belt of asteroidsnearest galaxy to the milky waywhat the moon does to the earththird planet in the solar systemthe galaxy in which Earth residesfirst element on the periodic tableman-made satellite that humans occupy...

Planets Crossword 2017-03-20

Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This is the largest planet
  2. The expanding outer shell of a star to become a white dwarf
  3. Areas on the sun that are cooler than other place
  4. The distance light travels in one year
  5. The first stage in a star lifecycle
  6. The explosion of a very large star
  7. A huge cloud of dust and gas from which stars form from
  8. The total amount of light given off by a star
  9. An enormous hot ball of gas
  1. A small star with a high temperature and low brightness
  2. The amount of light from a star that reaches earth
  3. A star and its planets
  4. A system of two stars orbiting each other
  5. The method of studying and object by examining the visible light
  6. The large star in the center of our solar system
  7. the final four planets
  8. A chunk of burning rock traveling through earth's atmosphere
  9. An object made up of ice and dust that is in space
  10. A large star with low temperature but high brightness
  11. This was once a planet, but now is not

20 Clues: A star and its planetsthe final four planetsThis is the largest planetAn enormous hot ball of gasThe explosion of a very large starThe first stage in a star lifecycleThe distance light travels in one yearThis was once a planet, but now is notA system of two stars orbiting each otherThe total amount of light given off by a star...

Planets Crossword 2020-02-19

Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. another word for "giant" planets (like the gas planets)
  2. this belt is between mars and Jupiter
  3. the layer of our atmosphere where meteors burn up
  4. Mercury takes 88 days to go around the sun or _____
  5. all the planets _________on their axis
  6. planet known for its rings
  7. this is the belt where pluto can be found
  8. another word for "made of gas"
  9. this model shows the sun in the center of the system
  10. the reason why Earth is the perfect temperature
  11. rocky bodies found between inner and outer planets
  12. planet known for its great storms/great red spot
  13. considered a dwarf planet
  1. a planet that looks red due to its iron surface
  2. what we call meteors that hit the earth's surface
  3. icy bodies that can be found in the Kuiper belt
  4. another word for "made of rock/earth-like"
  5. only planet with water
  6. also has rings but rotates on its side
  7. closest planet to the sun
  8. largest planet in the solar systems
  9. this model shows everything revolving around the earth
  10. the name for comets or asteroids that enter our atmosphere
  11. farthest planet from the sun
  12. hottest planet due to atmosphere
  13. this word means "sun"

26 Clues: this word means "sun"only planet with waterclosest planet to the sunconsidered a dwarf planetplanet known for its ringsfarthest planet from the sunanother word for "made of gas"hottest planet due to atmospherelargest planet in the solar systemsthis belt is between mars and Jupiteralso has rings but rotates on its side...

the planets 2018-11-15

the planets crossword puzzle
  1. alat kelengkapan
  2. salah satu
  3. 2
  4. sikap
  5. salah satu hak
  6. pemberian
  7. sistem
  8. sesuatu
  9. urusan pemerintah
  10. 12
  11. interest
  12. prinsip
  13. penyelenggaraan
  14. 5
  15. 15
  16. desentralisasi
  17. 4
  18. 3
  1. 10
  2. 7
  3. 14
  4. 9
  5. 11
  6. 8
  7. 1
  8. 13
  9. lembaga peradilan
  10. 6

28 Clues: 798216543101411131215sikapsistemsesuatuprinsipinterestpemberiansalah satusalah satu hakdesentralisasipenyelenggaraanalat kelengkapanurusan pemerintahlembaga peradilan

Formation of the Solar Systems 2021-01-20

Formation of the Solar Systems crossword puzzle
  1. The rocky planets are made of chunks of rock and M_____.
  2. Which planet do scientists think formed first? J_________.
  3. Objects which were captured by planets and now orbit around them are called M_____.
  4. What are the large pieces / the building blocks of planets called? P___________.
  5. Which planet was knocked onto its side by an impact? U_______.
  6. Our Sun formed from a huge cloud of material which was pulled together and planets are kept in orbit around the Sun. Which force is responsible for both of these things. G_______.
  1. What are the rocky leftover pieces of rock in the Solar System called? A________.
  2. What do we call planets which orbit other stars? E__________.
  3. There are two ice giant planets. Uranus is one, which is the other? N________.
  4. Scientists think that perhaps water was brought to the Earth by C______.
  5. Our Solar system is thought to be about 4.5 B_____ years old.
  6. Just like humans and animals which may move from one place to another, planets moved closer and further from the sun in their early lifetime - we call this m__________.
  7. Jupiter swallowed up lots of material around it - which planet is smaller in size than expected as a result. M_____.
  8. Which planet is spinning in the opposite direction to all the others? V______.
  9. Which object was the first to form in the Solar System? S___.

15 Clues: The rocky planets are made of chunks of rock and M_____.Which planet do scientists think formed first? J_________.What do we call planets which orbit other stars? E__________.Our Solar system is thought to be about 4.5 B_____ years old.Which object was the first to form in the Solar System? S___....

THE SUN BY RAYAN 2013-04-16

THE SUN BY RAYAN crossword puzzle
  1. There are ______, which are tiny particles, in the sun.
  2. The planet the farthest from the sun is _______.
  3. Dark, small patches on the sun surronded by ________.
  4. The planet closest to the sun is _________.
  5. when you put 300 earths together it would math the suns______.
  6. There would be no _______ on the earth without the sun.
  7. The sun is made of ______ gases.
  8. The planets that are the closes to the sun are called the _______ planets.
  1. Dark, small patches on the sun.
  2. The planets that are far from the sun are called the _______ planets.
  3. Sun light, is converted into _________.
  4. If you look directly at the sun you could be __________.
  5. The sun could hold more than a ________ planets the earths size.
  6. The sun isnt as_______ as other stars like betelgeuse.

14 Clues: Dark, small patches on the sun.The sun is made of ______ gases.Sun light, is converted into _________.The planet closest to the sun is _________.The planet the farthest from the sun is _______.Dark, small patches on the sun surronded by ________.The sun isnt as_______ as other stars like betelgeuse....

Stellar World Challenge 2024-01-10

Stellar World Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Balls of dust and ice that orbit the Sun.
  2. Consists of the Sun, 8 planets, dwarf planets, comets, and asteroids
  3. The Earth is between the Moon and the Sun
  4. How old is the universe
  5. Everything in the universe including stars and galaxies
  6. Enormous spheres of gas. Can vary in color, size, and brightness
  7. Everything that exists in space
  8. Large, spherical celestial bodies. There are 8 in our Solar System
  9. When the Earth spins on its own axis.
  10. Objects that orbit around a planet. The moon is one.
  11. When a planet or moon blocks the Sun’s light.
  1. Changes in the Moon’s appearance from Earth.
  2. Small celestial bodies that orbit stars.
  3. Where the solar system is located.
  4. When the Earth orbits around the Sun.
  5. Groups of millions of stars, planets, gas clouds, and rock fragments. Can be elliptical, spiral, or irregular.
  6. The Moon is between the Sun and the Earth.
  7. Star that provides heat and light to Earth.
  8. Large rocks that orbit the Earth.

19 Clues: How old is the universeEverything that exists in spaceLarge rocks that orbit the Earth.Where the solar system is located.When the Earth orbits around the Sun.When the Earth spins on its own axis.Small celestial bodies that orbit stars.Balls of dust and ice that orbit the Sun.The Earth is between the Moon and the Sun...

Space and City 2021-02-09

Space and City crossword puzzle
  1. rocket
  2. spaceship
  3. bank
  4. mars
  5. comet
  6. spacestation
  7. supermarket
  1. planets
  2. restaurant
  3. astronaut
  4. bookshop
  5. airport
  6. satellite

13 Clues: bankmarscometrocketplanetsairportbookshopspaceshipastronautsatelliterestaurantsupermarketspacestation

Space Unit 2 2023-01-18

Space Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. The force responsible for sticking particles together to form accretion disks and eventually the sun and planets
  2. The shape of planets due to gravity acting evenly in all directions around the center of mass
  3. The largest planets are made of _____.
  4. This may cause the model of the solar system to be changed or adapted.
  5. Objects will be more affected by gravity when they are _____ together.
  6. are held in their orbit around a star because of their large sizes as well as the force of gravity
  7. the location of our solar system in the Milky Way galaxy
  8. In order for a space shuttle to leave Earth, it must produce a great amount of thrust. Its rocket boosters create this thrusting force by burning great amounts of fuel. However, once in space, the shuttle needs very little fuel. It circles Earth while gravity pulls it toward Earth. What term describes the motion of the shuttle around Earth?
  9. Most gases besides those found in the sun are located in this set of planets
  10. There are trillions of ___ in the universe.
  11. has more stars than a single solar system
  1. If Earth’s gravity suddenly disappeared, a satellite would move in a _____ line away from Earth.
  2. the location of the most massive objects in the solar system and in our planet
  3. The closest outer planet to the sun
  4. the galaxy where Earth is located
  5. can show something much larger or smaller so that we can understand it better
  6. What would happen to the gravity between two objects if the mass of one of the objects suddenly increased? It would ____.
  7. Outer planets have many of these satellites
  8. 22
  9. an object in space that has an irregular shape, that orbits the sun in a highly elliptical orbit, and that is made of ice and rock
  10. the path of a satellite around the celestial body that it revolves around
  11. The sun is a _____,a self-illuminated gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions.
  12. A student rubs an inflated balloon with wool. The student moves the balloon over bits of paper, and the balloon attracts it. This is due to electrostatic force. It is not the same as the force that caused the early formation of planets in the solar system. What force caused solar system formation.
  13. Includes the sun and the planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects orbiting around the sun

24 Clues: 22the galaxy where Earth is locatedThe closest outer planet to the sunThe largest planets are made of _____.has more stars than a single solar systemOuter planets have many of these satellitesThere are trillions of ___ in the universe.the location of our solar system in the Milky Way galaxy...

Astronomy Vocabulary 2023-10-30

Astronomy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Events Linked to global climate changes and mass extinctions
  2. Large ball of gas held together by gravity
  3. A body that orbits a planet or an asteroid
  4. Crater Depressions in Earth's crust created by meteorites
  5. Solid object composed of water or methane mixed with rock and metal
  6. Planets Planets with large diameters and low densities composed of gas
  7. Attractive force between two objects in the universe
  8. Object Any object above the Earth's atmosphere
  9. Bang The universe may have began with this event
  10. Shift Observer and object moving apart causing electromagnetic waves to spread out
  11. Shape of the Earth's orbit around the sun
  12. Measures how bright stars would be at the same distance
  13. Collection of billions of stars, gas, and dust
  1. Planets spin on an imaginary axis in motion
  2. Concept that an object at rest will tend to remain at rest
  3. A planet's path around the sun
  4. Effect, Shifting of wavelengths
  5. Way Spiral shaped galaxy our solar system belongs to
  6. Planets, Planets close to the sun that are mostly solid
  7. Two fixed points on an ellipse
  8. Solid, irregular shaped rocky or metallic body that orbits the sun
  9. System Sun and all the objects that orbit the sun
  10. Fusion, Combining small nuclei to make large nuclei, producing energy
  11. Shift Observer and object moving together causing electromagnetic waves to group closer together.
  12. The degree of flatness or ovalness

25 Clues: A planet's path around the sunTwo fixed points on an ellipseEffect, Shifting of wavelengthsThe degree of flatness or ovalnessShape of the Earth's orbit around the sunLarge ball of gas held together by gravityA body that orbits a planet or an asteroidPlanets spin on an imaginary axis in motionObject Any object above the Earth's atmosphere...

Solar System Crossword 2024-01-26

Solar System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. cloud where comet nuclei orbit
  2. trans-Neptunian objects abbreviation
  3. planets like Neptune and Uranus
  4. conversion of free gas atoms or molecules into a liquid or solid.
  5. the solid remains of a meteor that falls to Earth
  6. interstellar grains come together and form these
  7. type of rocky planets similar to Earth
  8. a stream of ionized particles evaporated from a comet and then swept away from the Sun by the solar wind
  9. the gaseous atmosphere surrounding the head of a comet.
  1. the region where asteroids are located
  2. the conversion of ultraviolet light into visible light
  3. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  4. the force exerted by radiation on matter
  5. planet not orbiting our Sun
  6. planets like Jupiter and Saturn
  7. a cloud of dust and gas in between stars
  8. a region from which some comets come
  9. type of giant, gaseous planets
  10. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
  11. the Sun, planets, their moons, and other bodies that orbit the Sun
  12. a comet tail containing dust that reflects sunlight
  13. a small, generally rocky, solid body orbiting the Sun and ranging in diameter from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers.
  14. a small body in orbit around the Sun, consisting of a tiny, icy core and a tail of gas and dust
  15. the plume of gas and dust from a comet
  16. a "shooting star"

25 Clues: a "shooting star"planet not orbiting our Suncloud where comet nuclei orbittype of giant, gaseous planetsMercury, Venus, Earth, and Marsplanets like Jupiter and Saturnplanets like Neptune and Uranusa region from which some comets cometrans-Neptunian objects abbreviationJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptunethe region where asteroids are located...

The Planets 2014-10-05

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Which planet do we live on?
  2. What is the name of a large rock in space?
  3. Largest planet
  4. Smallest planet
  5. Biggest Star in our Solar System
  6. What is the name of the first space shuttle to land on the moon?
  7. Which country is NASA located?
  8. The only planet to rotate on its side
  9. What is the second planet away from the sun?
  1. How many moons does Earth have?
  2. What number planet away from the sun is earth?
  3. What do you call someone who travels into space?
  4. Planet Furthest Away from the sun
  5. What is the name of our galaxy?
  6. The first name of the first person to walk on the moon?
  7. Planet with the visible rings around it
  8. How many planets are in the solar system?
  9. What used to be a planet but is now a dwarf planet?
  10. Which planet is known as the "red planet"?

19 Clues: Largest planetSmallest planetWhich planet do we live on?Which country is NASA located?How many moons does Earth have?What is the name of our galaxy?Biggest Star in our Solar SystemPlanet Furthest Away from the sunThe only planet to rotate on its sidePlanet with the visible rings around itHow many planets are in the solar system?...

The Planets 2014-10-05

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Smallest planet
  2. What is the name of the first space shuttle to land on the moon?
  3. Which planet do we live on?
  4. What used to be a planet but is now a dwarf planet?
  5. How many moons does Earth have?
  6. Biggest Star in our Solar System
  7. What is the name of a large rock in space?
  8. Which country is NASA located?
  9. Planet with the visible rings around it
  1. Largest planet
  2. The first name of the first person to walk on the moon?
  3. Planet closest to the sun
  4. What do you call someone who travels into space?
  5. Planet Furthest Away from the sun
  6. What number planet away from the sun is earth?
  7. What is the name of our galaxy?
  8. Which planet is known as the "red planet"?
  9. How many planets are in the solar system?
  10. The only planet to rotate on its side
  11. What is the second planet away from the sun?

20 Clues: Largest planetSmallest planetPlanet closest to the sunWhich planet do we live on?Which country is NASA located?How many moons does Earth have?What is the name of our galaxy?Biggest Star in our Solar SystemPlanet Furthest Away from the sunThe only planet to rotate on its sidePlanet with the visible rings around it...

The Planets 2014-10-21

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. object which orbits a star
  2. system formed around 4.6 billion years ago
  3. the red planet
  4. the path which the planets move around the sun
  5. space traveller
  6. fourth largest planet and has eight moons
  7. instrument used for seeing planets and stars clearly
  8. layer of gases surrounding planet, star or moon
  9. planet with the brightest rings
  1. plant which people live on
  2. a group of stars
  3. ball of rock and ice
  4. vehicle astronauts travel in
  5. really hot
  6. there are eight of me
  7. furthest from the sun
  8. third largest planet and seventh from the sun
  9. eclipse caused when earth passes between the sun and the moon
  10. hottest planet in the solar system
  11. closest to the sun

20 Clues: really hotthe red planetspace travellera group of starsclosest to the sunball of rock and icethere are eight of mefurthest from the sunplant which people live onobject which orbits a starvehicle astronauts travel inplanet with the brightest ringshottest planet in the solar systemfourth largest planet and has eight moons...

FUSION 2: Planets, stars, etc 2022-05-05

FUSION 2: Planets, stars, etc crossword puzzle
  1. This object helps you see planets and stars
  2. Annie Jump Cannon is an ________.
  3. Shadows are ______ when the sun is high in the sky
  4. When a planet goes around the sun
  5. This constellation looks like a man with an arrow
  6. Gives earth light and heat
  7. When the sun goes up
  8. When a planet turns around
  9. When the sunlight shines on the Earth
  10. Shadows are _____ when the sun is low in the sky
  1. The solar system has planets, stars, and _____s.
  2. Astronomers study stars, planets, and other ______ in space
  3. when the Earth faces away from the sun
  4. When the sun goes down
  5. A _____ is a group of stars that forms a pattern
  6. The _____ system is made up of eight planets and a sun.
  7. A huge ball of hot gases

17 Clues: When the sun goes upWhen the sun goes downA huge ball of hot gasesGives earth light and heatWhen a planet turns aroundAnnie Jump Cannon is an ________.When a planet goes around the sunWhen the sunlight shines on the Earthwhen the Earth faces away from the sunThis object helps you see planets and starsThe solar system has planets, stars, and _____s....

The Solar System 2023-11-05

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The hottest planet in the Solar System
  2. Name of Jupiter's satellite
  3. Fireballs or “shooting stars"
  4. The Sun, Moon, stars, and planets all orbit Earth
  5. One of the most well-known comet
  6. Red planet
  7. The closest star to Earth
  8. One of the first five recognized dwarf planets
  9. The blue planet
  10. The collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets
  1. Group of stars that make a specific shape
  2. The small pieces of asteroid
  3. Other name of planet Venus
  4. cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun.
  5. A celestial body that generates energy from nuclear reaction
  6. Name of our galaxy
  7. Part of the Solar System located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter

17 Clues: Red planetThe blue planetName of our galaxyThe closest star to EarthOther name of planet VenusName of Jupiter's satelliteThe small pieces of asteroidFireballs or “shooting stars"One of the most well-known cometThe hottest planet in the Solar SystemGroup of stars that make a specific shapeOne of the first five recognized dwarf planets...