customer service Crossword Puzzles

business words 2024-10-03

business words crossword puzzle
  1. ostaja
  2. card käyntikortti
  3. tienata
  4. yritys
  5. logo
  6. päätoimisto
  7. palvelu
  1. asiakas
  2. hinta
  3. konkurssi
  4. työnantaja
  5. käteinen
  6. häviö
  7. markkinat
  8. myydä

15 Clues: logohintahäviömyydäostajayritysasiakastienatapalvelukäteinenkonkurssimarkkinattyönantajapäätoimistocard käyntikortti

Your workplace 2023-05-11

Your workplace crossword puzzle
  1. Waren
  2. Kunde
  3. beraten
  4. Eingang
  5. Beruf
  6. Kaufhaus, Warenhaus (ohne Leerzeichen)
  7. Verkäufer (ohne Leerzeichen)
  8. Einzelhändler
  1. Gang
  2. Abteilung
  3. Preisschild (ohne Leerzeichen)
  4. Auszubildender
  5. Regal
  6. Chef
  7. auspacken
  8. auszeichnen
  9. Dienstleistung
  10. Kassierer
  11. Kassenzettel, Bon

19 Clues: GangChefWarenKundeRegalBerufberatenEingangAbteilungauspackenKassiererauszeichnenEinzelhändlerAuszubildenderDienstleistungKassenzettel, BonVerkäufer (ohne Leerzeichen)Preisschild (ohne Leerzeichen)Kaufhaus, Warenhaus (ohne Leerzeichen)

CEM 2018-05-15

CEM crossword puzzle
  1. Our ________ Survey, a tool to measure the employee net promoter score
  2. One of our values that shows we act
  3. We are going to be the world's greatest service organization
  4. Service with a _________ Touch, the way we deliver our services
  5. One of our values that shows we deliver
  1. Customer Experience survey helps us measure the _______
  2. In ISS, we _________ ourselves and others
  3. In ISS, we put our ____________ first
  4. In ISS,we encourage _________________
  5. Where ISS service performance directly interacts with our customers employees
  6. Service __________ facilitating our customers purpose through people empowerment
  7. One of our values that shows that we respect

12 Clues: One of our values that shows we actIn ISS, we put our ____________ firstIn ISS,we encourage _________________One of our values that shows we deliverIn ISS, we _________ ourselves and othersOne of our values that shows that we respectCustomer Experience survey helps us measure the _______We are going to be the world's greatest service organization...

Common Terminology 2013-03-29

Common Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Risk Assessment.
  2. Customer Proprietary Network Information
  3. Billing Telephone Number.
  4. Deferred Payment Plan
  5. No extension granted
  6. Proof of payment.
  7. Alternate Telephone Number
  8. Designates a standalone DATA only account with no corresponding voice account
  9. Customer Account Number
  10. Recurring Payment Option
  11. FiOS Digital Voice
  1. Mobile Telephone Number
  2. Rep-Initiated Service Order
  3. Refunds Disbursement Facility.
  4. Billing Account Number
  5. Promise to Pay
  6. Extend Payment Arrangement
  7. Outside collection agency
  8. Recurring Credit Card
  9. Recurring Direct Debit

20 Clues: Promise to PayRisk Assessment.Proof of payment.FiOS Digital VoiceNo extension grantedDeferred Payment PlanRecurring Credit CardBilling Account NumberRecurring Direct DebitMobile Telephone NumberCustomer Account NumberRecurring Payment OptionBilling Telephone Number.Outside collection agencyAlternate Telephone NumberRep-Initiated Service Order...

Checkers 2022-03-03

Checkers crossword puzzle
  1. takes money
  2. burgers are cooked
  3. drill Sargeant
  4. job title
  5. delivery
  6. danger zone
  7. maintains all stores
  8. takes order
  9. Burford combo
  10. customers Order
  11. more often
  1. speaker
  2. person in charge
  3. take customer orders
  4. .58
  5. salty
  6. how long products good for
  7. high side
  8. how much product to cook
  9. dessert
  10. overseas an area or city of locations
  11. fryer products are cooked
  12. customer complaint
  13. overal satisfaction
  14. speed of service

25 Clues: .58saltyspeakerdessertdeliveryhigh sidejob titlemore oftentakes moneydanger zonetakes orderBurford combodrill Sargeantcustomers Orderperson in chargespeed of serviceburgers are cookedcustomer complaintoveral satisfactiontake customer ordersmaintains all storeshow much product to cookfryer products are cookedhow long products good for...

Toi Toi :) 2018-07-16

Toi Toi :) crossword puzzle
  1. three
  2. in the middle
  3. room
  4. twelve
  5. funeral
  6. teenager
  7. customer service
  8. twins
  9. street
  1. tree
  2. crime story
  3. double
  4. look at
  5. absent
  6. dot
  7. draw
  8. grandma

17 Clues: dottreeroomdrawthreetwinsdoubleabsenttwelvestreetlook atfuneralgrandmateenagercrime storyin the middlecustomer service

National Customer Service Week 2013 2013-10-05

National Customer Service Week 2013 crossword puzzle
  1. Positive outcome gained
  2. Monitoring to ensure consistency
  3. Encouragement for customer to manage their own accounts through IVR/OAM
  4. The benchmark grade the company attains on the back of customer feedback
  5. Who you should ask if you need help
  6. Our customer ______, Flexible,Personal,Straight-forward & Approachable
  7. Straight to the top, suggestions for improvements to the customer experience
  8. The end of your call, should be finished with "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
  9. The character of your voice
  1. If in doubt, check these out! Ensures consistent information given by all advisors
  2. Taking steps to walk the ____ ____
  3. What we should provide on every call
  4. Part of active listening, demonstrating you are paying attention to the customer
  5. The result of a good customer experience, repeat business
  6. Praise for providing excellent customer service
  7. This should always be positive, informative, professional & clear

16 Clues: Positive outcome gainedThe character of your voiceMonitoring to ensure consistencyTaking steps to walk the ____ ____Who you should ask if you need helpWhat we should provide on every callPraise for providing excellent customer serviceThe result of a good customer experience, repeat business...

CUSTOMER SERVICE/6.1.1. 2021-09-21

CUSTOMER SERVICE/6.1.1. crossword puzzle
  1. Positive language, friendly tone
  2. Assure the conversation is being noted
  3. "Thank you for being a loyal Acura customer"
  4. LES waits for customer to finish speaking before responding
  5. Privacy Protection
  1. Ask questions and seek clarification
  2. Champion for the customer
  3. "Thank you for calling Honda Financial Sevices, how can I help you?"
  4. Provide correct and complete explanations
  5. Provide customer with timing expectations

10 Clues: Privacy ProtectionChampion for the customerPositive language, friendly toneAsk questions and seek clarificationAssure the conversation is being notedProvide correct and complete explanationsProvide customer with timing expectations"Thank you for being a loyal Acura customer"LES waits for customer to finish speaking before responding...


  1. this is where team chat, video call, and file sharing is done.
  2. what is the removal of from and installer or vendor.
  3. Is the initial entry of a start for order processors.
  4. This is where we create and enter work orders for the field.
  5. the company we purchase material from is called what?
  6. When it is required that we send an FSR to see who is at fault and how to repair.
  7. Jobs are created by the transfer of a proposal.
  1. Is created and sent to the builder by the CSR for all chargeable work.
  2. this is where all techs and installers are scheduled.
  3. what do you need to send to the installer so they can get material from warehouse?

10 Clues: Jobs are created by the transfer of a proposal.what is the removal of from and installer or vendor.this is where all techs and installers are scheduled.Is the initial entry of a start for order processors.the company we purchase material from is called what?This is where we create and enter work orders for the field....

Customer Service Mindset 2022-05-04

Customer Service Mindset crossword puzzle
  1. Correct
  2. Any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services
  3. A customer's expression of dissatisfaction
  4. A measure of how well a business has met its customers' expectations
  5. courteous
  1. The people who buy goods and services
  2. Able to accomplish a task using a minimum amount of time and effort
  3. The belief that providing customers with excellent service should be a business's top priority
  4. Something required or essential that is lacking
  5. advantage

10 Clues: CorrectadvantagecourteousThe people who buy goods and servicesA customer's expression of dissatisfactionSomething required or essential that is lackingAble to accomplish a task using a minimum amount of time and effortA measure of how well a business has met its customers' expectations...

Customer service mindset 2022-05-05

Customer service mindset crossword puzzle
  1. A measure of how well a business has met its customers' expectations
  2. A customer's expression of dissatisfaction
  3. Advantage
  4. The people who buy goods and services
  5. Correct; error-free
  6. Courteous; respectful
  1. The belief that providing customers with excellent service should be a business's top priority
  2. Able to accomplish a task using a minimum amount of time and effort
  3. Something required or essential that is lacking
  4. Any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services

10 Clues: AdvantageCorrect; error-freeCourteous; respectfulThe people who buy goods and servicesA customer's expression of dissatisfactionSomething required or essential that is lackingAble to accomplish a task using a minimum amount of time and effortA measure of how well a business has met its customers' expectations...

Customer Service Week 2019-10-04

Customer Service Week crossword puzzle
  1. Electronic Data Interfacing
  2. A product we won't have until 2020
  3. One of our many brands
  4. The entire customer journey with our business
  5. Electrosurgery
  1. NPS
  2. System sales rep use to quote
  3. Our European headquarters
  4. The year of the Sharp __________
  5. ERP System

10 Clues: NPSERP SystemElectrosurgeryOne of our many brandsOur European headquartersElectronic Data InterfacingSystem sales rep use to quoteThe year of the Sharp __________A product we won't have until 2020The entire customer journey with our business

Customer Service Crossword 2022-12-28

Customer Service Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A long-term job, usually a permanent profession
  2. A group of people working together toward a common goal
  3. Another name for a business
  4. Location where employees work, usually with phones, computers and other small, modern appliances
  5. Short term for "electronic mail"
  1. General name that describes every item R+L Carriers ships
  2. One way in which employees may be taught new skills
  3. What we provide when we help a client
  4. Person who gives R+L Carriers business
  5. What an employee does to contact another person with a phone

10 Clues: Another name for a businessShort term for "electronic mail"What we provide when we help a clientPerson who gives R+L Carriers businessA long-term job, usually a permanent professionOne way in which employees may be taught new skillsA group of people working together toward a common goalGeneral name that describes every item R+L Carriers ships...

Customer Service 1 2023-08-01

Customer Service 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A way to provide excellent customer service
  2. Hidden disabilities use a scheme called what?
  3. What is the 2010 Act that protects people called?
  4. A potential difficulty faced by customers
  5. A form of criminal exploitation
  1. The limit to guide dogs allowed on the vehicle
  2. A customer expectation
  3. Bus and coach accessibility and the Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations, came into force when?
  4. Customer complaints can affect this within the company
  5. A way to Safeguard your customers – Run -Hide- ?

10 Clues: A customer expectationA form of criminal exploitationA potential difficulty faced by customersA way to provide excellent customer serviceHidden disabilities use a scheme called what?The limit to guide dogs allowed on the vehicleA way to Safeguard your customers – Run -Hide- ?What is the 2010 Act that protects people called?...

Customer Service Week 2022 2022-09-19

Customer Service Week 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. To solve a customer's problem you should always do your ________.
  2. Always ask permission before placing a caller on ____.
  3. The people you serve each day are ___________.
  4. If you do this you will calm down.
  5. Being a good _______ is an important aspect of communicating with customers.
  6. Start each call with a __________.
  7. Thank you for being part of our customer service ____!
  1. Put yourself in the customer's ______.
  2. Customer complaints should be seen as _______ to improve service.
  3. Watch your _____when speaking to the customer.
  4. Delighting your customers mean _______ their expectations.
  5. A facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth.
  6. This action shows you understand the caller's feelings.
  7. We value our customer's feedback by offering a ______.

14 Clues: If you do this you will calm down.Start each call with a __________.Put yourself in the customer's ______.Watch your _____when speaking to the customer.The people you serve each day are ___________.Always ask permission before placing a caller on ____.We value our customer's feedback by offering a ______....

Our Values & YOU 2023-06-16

Our Values & YOU crossword puzzle
  1. We will meet all our responsibilities in an honest and ethical manner. We all follow all laws, rules, and regulations.
  2. We will understand and take responsibility for our actions. What we do affects the company and those whose personal information we can access.
  3. We will support open communication among all employees, customers and other people who work with us. By learning how to talk to each other, we will improve our jobs, the company and ourselves.
  4. We are committed to the continuing education, well-being and personal growth of all employees.
  5. Customer Operations Supervisor
  6. Change Order Manager
  7. Project Assistant
  8. Customer Operations Supervisor
  1. Operations Manager
  2. We will focus on the customer. We must work together to give excellent service and customer satisfaction.
  3. Customer Operations Supervisor
  4. We will support creativity and innovation. We are willing to take risks in developing and launching new ideas.
  5. the act of complying with federal, state, or local laws and regulations.
  6. We will work to understand and exceed our customers' expectations. Our goal is to do the right thing the first time in a workplace that is supportive, reliable, and cost-effective.
  7. Customer Service Supervisor
  8. Customer Service Supervisor
  9. Claims Operations Director

17 Clues: Project AssistantOperations ManagerChange Order ManagerClaims Operations DirectorCustomer Service SupervisorCustomer Service SupervisorCustomer Operations SupervisorCustomer Operations SupervisorCustomer Operations Supervisorthe act of complying with federal, state, or local laws and regulations....

Crossword Puzzle 2020-10-21

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. MEASURES, six abd final concept of TQM
  2. Reduce variation
  3. FOCUS, Customer for long-term marketplace success
  4. ACTIVITIES, Billing errors, sales per square feet, engineering changes, and activity time
  5. ASSESSMENT, Meeting value-added objectives
  6. Number of non-comformance in the output
  7. Assess how well a process is doing
  8. One of the seven basic characteristics is used to measure the performance of a particular process or function
  9. Personal actions guide and sustain your organization
  1. ACTIVITIES, defects per million, inventory turns, and in time delivery
  2. MANAGEMENT, Design its work systems
  3. FOCUS, Organization engages, manages and develops your workforce
  4. IMPROVEMENT, Defect sources, process trends, and defects prevention
  5. Performance measurements as used to achieve one or more
  6. Service activity
  7. PLANNING, Develops strategic objectives and action plan
  8. Product look, feels sounds, tastes, or smells and squite objectives
  9. MEASUREMENT, Measured is frequently asked by managers and teams
  10. Business organizations have some measurements in place that can be adopt for TQM
  11. Product outcomes

20 Clues: Reduce variationService activityProduct outcomesAssess how well a process is doingMANAGEMENT, Design its work systemsMEASURES, six abd final concept of TQMNumber of non-comformance in the outputASSESSMENT, Meeting value-added objectivesFOCUS, Customer for long-term marketplace successPersonal actions guide and sustain your organization...

Transferable skills 2020-07-15

Transferable skills crossword puzzle
  1. : some one who’s discipline, focus, organisational, communication and and emotional resilience
  2. some who’s artistic render solve problems mange projects design and good with others
  3. some who’s good at driving cars has patience and good customer communication
  4. excellent problem solving,solid active listening skills and good with computer
  5. Customer Service oriented Motivate people Arrange Social functions Explain things to others Negotiate Outgoing Drive or operate vehicles
  1. some ones who is flexible, time management and is able to work as part off a team And customer service skills
  2. Patient Customer Service Adaptable Manage money Serving
  3. some one who’s trust worthy good with hands get results good with customer service oriented and is able to work independently
  4. : ability to work as a team, speaking and listening, problem solving skills, Ability to make decisions about the best courses of action, Conflict resolution skills, Negotiation skills
  5. : someone who’s kind, friendly, sensitive and love working with kids

10 Clues: Patient Customer Service Adaptable Manage money Serving: someone who’s kind, friendly, sensitive and love working with kidssome who’s good at driving cars has patience and good customer communicationexcellent problem solving,solid active listening skills and good with computer...

Our Values & YOU 2023-06-16

Our Values & YOU crossword puzzle
  1. We will meet all our responsibilities in an honest and ethical manner. We all follow all laws, rules, and regulations.
  2. We will understand and take responsibility for our actions. What we do affects the company and those whose personal information we can access.
  3. We will support open communication among all employees, customers and other people who work with us. By learning how to talk to each other, we will improve our jobs, the company and ourselves.
  4. We are committed to the continuing education, well-being and personal growth of all employees.
  5. Customer Operations Supervisor
  6. Change Order Manager
  7. Project Assistant
  8. Customer Operations Supervisor
  1. Operations Manager
  2. We will focus on the customer. We must work together to give excellent service and customer satisfaction.
  3. Customer Operations Supervisor
  4. We will support creativity and innovation. We are willing to take risks in developing and launching new ideas.
  5. the act of complying with federal, state, or local laws and regulations.
  6. We will work to understand and exceed our customers' expectations. Our goal is to do the right thing the first time in a workplace that is supportive, reliable, and cost-effective.
  7. Customer Service Supervisor
  8. Customer Service Supervisor
  9. Claims Operations Director

17 Clues: Project AssistantOperations ManagerChange Order ManagerClaims Operations DirectorCustomer Service SupervisorCustomer Service SupervisorCustomer Operations SupervisorCustomer Operations SupervisorCustomer Operations Supervisorthe act of complying with federal, state, or local laws and regulations....

final review by amari gamble 2019-01-11

final review by amari gamble crossword puzzle
  1. of distribution
  2. segmentation based on where your target market lives. Includes: local markets, regional markets, national markets, and global markets
  3. point
  4. a market by specific characteristics in order to create a target market
  5. of goods
  6. one or more intermediaries
  7. distribution
  8. or sales, equal total costs and
  9. of market
  10. are seven basic functions of marketing: Distribution, Financing, Marketing information management, Pricing, Product/service management, Promotion, and Selling
  11. market
  1. point at which total
  2. of making and distributing a
  3. services from the producer directly
  4. marketing
  5. group of customers who are qualified to make purchases of products or services that a marketer is able to offer
  6. specific group of people that are possible consumers of a product
  7. distribution
  8. customer relations
  9. or service
  10. the customer
  11. strategy to

22 Clues: pointmarketof goodsmarketingof marketor servicestrategy todistributiondistributionthe customerof distributioncustomer relationspoint at which totalone or more intermediariesof making and distributing aor sales, equal total costs andservices from the producer directlyspecific group of people that are possible consumers of a product...

Customer Service Week 2020-10-06

Customer Service Week crossword puzzle
  1. Lend a hand
  2. The ____ before the storm
  3. What is a friendly relationship
  4. There is no I in ____
  5. The transfer of information
  6. To solve a problem you find a____
  7. Someone who pays for goods or services
  1. The act of giving hope pr support to someone
  2. Hear with intention
  3. Settlement of differences

10 Clues: Lend a handHear with intentionThere is no I in ____The ____ before the stormSettlement of differencesThe transfer of informationWhat is a friendly relationshipTo solve a problem you find a____Someone who pays for goods or servicesThe act of giving hope pr support to someone

Customer service mindset 2022-05-04

Customer service mindset crossword puzzle
  1. A measure of how well a business has met its customers expectations
  2. a customer expressing their satisfaction
  3. having an advantage
  4. Someone who gives you business
  5. something being correct
  6. being respectful
  1. The belief that providing customers with excellent service should be a business's top priority
  2. ability to accomplish something in a small amount of time and effort
  3. something that is essential
  4. presentation of a goods, service or idea

10 Clues: being respectfulhaving an advantagesomething being correctsomething that is essentialSomeone who gives you businessa customer expressing their satisfactionpresentation of a goods, service or ideaA measure of how well a business has met its customers expectationsability to accomplish something in a small amount of time and effort...

Customer Engagement 2013-04-17

Customer Engagement crossword puzzle
  1. Something we offer every customer, at no cost
  2. Customers can tell if this is not genuine
  3. When it comes to customer engagement, what we all need to be
  4. When we cannot assist a customer we ____ for another staff member to do so
  5. What we do in regard to customers needs
  6. Something we all need to feel regarding customer service
  7. Our behaviours make our supermarket environment more so
  8. What we need to stay when serving our customers
  1. This type of attitude makes it easy to engage customers
  2. Minimum distance where staff should acknowledge customers on trading floor
  3. One is happening as we engage our customer
  4. The way we want our customers to feel when visiting our supermarket
  5. One barrier that does not exist when it comes to engaging customers
  6. Simple greeting when engaging a customer
  7. What we say as we conclude a sale
  8. Something our customers will do if we engage them
  9. First step to customer engagement
  10. What we do as queues start to build
  11. Simple way to to engage customers in Fresh Food departments
  12. It's why we have two ears when engaging customers

20 Clues: What we say as we conclude a saleFirst step to customer engagementWhat we do as queues start to buildWhat we do in regard to customers needsSimple greeting when engaging a customerCustomers can tell if this is not genuineOne is happening as we engage our customerSomething we offer every customer, at no cost...

Mrs Hallers Beast Class 2023-05-01

Mrs Hallers Beast Class crossword puzzle
  1. customer = returns on regular basis
  2. or personal satisfaction that customer gets, Benefit
  3. logical reason for buying a product, rational
  4. additional merchandise, suggestion selling
  5. customers do to indicate readiness to buy, buying signals
  6. of other people who might buy, referral
  7. average person can understand, layman’s terms
  8. Decision = when customer makes decision quickly
  9. the customer = approach
  10. or hesitations, or doubts to buy, objections
  11. sales method, get interest by involving the customer
  12. of Sale, POS
  13. for buying motives that are communicated nonverbally, observing
  1. Call = random without leads
  2. should be translated into benefits
  3. sale = decided customer Suggestion Selling, when done properly saves time and money
  4. physical attributes of the product, Feature
  5. over telephone, telemarketing
  6. of closes: trial, which, direct, service, standing room only
  7. ready for face-to-face selling situation, preapproach Looking for new customers = prospecting
  8. reasons not to buy, excuses
  9. associated with a product = emotional
  10. is another name for looking for customers or leads
  11. effort to close a sale, trial
  12. of recording a sale and presenting the customer with proof of payment = sales transaction
  13. = helps get referrals

26 Clues: of Sale, POS= helps get referralsthe customer = approachCall = random without leadsreasons not to buy, excusesover telephone, telemarketingeffort to close a sale, trialshould be translated into benefitscustomer = returns on regular basisassociated with a product = emotionalof other people who might buy, referral...

Customer service crossword 2013-09-17

Customer service crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What the business sells as well as a service
  2. If a customer is unhappy with a product they return it and expect a ...
  3. The business could lay out cones to tell the customer it is slippery, for the customers
  4. This will be handed in if there is a problem with something to do with the business
  5. What the staff should be like to a customer
  6. What the business hopes to get a good one of
  1. This is how the uniform should look on a staff member
  2. What a customer expects from a product or service
  3. These people should be most important to the staff
  4. This characteristic is expected all the time to customers

10 Clues: What the staff should be like to a customerWhat the business sells as well as a serviceWhat the business hopes to get a good one ofWhat a customer expects from a product or serviceThese people should be most important to the staffThis is how the uniform should look on a staff memberThis characteristic is expected all the time to customers...

Customer Service Week 2023-10-02

Customer Service Week crossword puzzle
  1. bswift Pride
  2. Chicago office new street name
  3. Talks with...
  4. bswift loves this pancake flavor
  5. Give me a ...
  1. Quality Guide
  2. In office location
  3. Busiest time of the year
  4. New Call Guide
  5. You can Ask her benefit questions in your enrollment

10 Clues: bswift PrideQuality GuideTalks with...Give me a ...New Call GuideIn office locationBusiest time of the yearChicago office new street namebswift loves this pancake flavorYou can Ask her benefit questions in your enrollment

Customer Service Technique 2023-11-09

Customer Service Technique crossword puzzle
  1. phrasing to show them that you understand and acknowledge their issue.
  2. The ability to truly listen to customers is crucial to providing great service for a number of reasons.
  3. Excellent customer service anticipates what the customer needs
  1. Should have the ability to understand customers on an emotional level.
  2. These are questions to gain more detail about a situation, and they're essential for troubleshooting.
  3. customers who reach out to support are often confused and frustrated. Being listened to and handled with patience goes a long way
  4. Everyone is busy, and customers will appreciate it if you don't make them bend over backwards to get help when they need it.
  5. to tell customers that you care about their experience with your company
  6. knowledge and skill to do their job
  7. People often interpret listening as hearing the words another person says.

10 Clues: knowledge and skill to do their jobExcellent customer service anticipates what the customer needsShould have the ability to understand customers on an emotional level.phrasing to show them that you understand and acknowledge their tell customers that you care about their experience with your company...

Defining Customer Service 2023-12-27

Defining Customer Service crossword puzzle
  1. Our customers share with us _______ information. We must keep this information to ourselves.
  2. In everything we do, we will always display a positive ___________.
  3. More than anything else, our customers expect _________.
  4. Reports, deadlines, promises, meetings, appointments, and projects require __________.
  5. We hold ourselves to a higher standard. We expect excellence. We are ________.
  6. Great teams give 100% ______ all the time.
  1. Customers ask questions, they expect answers. ________ is power.
  2. Customers make decisions based on ________. We will create a professional, business-like image at all times.
  3. We will take responsibility for our actions and be held _________ for the service we provide.
  4. Our fellow coworkers are more than just people we work with. ___________ makes the dream work.

10 Clues: Great teams give 100% ______ all the time.More than anything else, our customers expect _________.Customers ask questions, they expect answers. ________ is power.In everything we do, we will always display a positive ___________.We hold ourselves to a higher standard. We expect excellence. We are ________....

Sports marketing 2023-11-20

Sports marketing crossword puzzle
  1. The cost of something
  2. The person who uses a product
  3. A redeemable item for an event or service
  4. A trademark symbol of a brand
  5. Means of entry
  6. A character that can symbolize a brand or company
  7. A materialistic item with a purpose
  8. Selling a product or service
  9. The endorsement of a product to provoke sells
  10. Something beneficial to a person or group
  11. An item or line of products under the same name
  12. Means of exiting
  1. The person who purchases a product
  2. An activity of enjoyment
  3. Where an event is held
  4. Something that encourages the purchase of a good
  5. The place where people keep transportation at an event
  6. How likely a customer is to stick to a certain brand
  7. A competitive activity amongst people
  8. A thing people attend for sports or entertainment
  9. The promotion of something through another product or event
  10. Another place where an event is held
  11. Trademark saying for a brand
  12. A thought with a purpose

24 Clues: Means of entryMeans of exitingThe cost of somethingWhere an event is heldAn activity of enjoymentA thought with a purposeSelling a product or serviceTrademark saying for a brandThe person who uses a productA trademark symbol of a brandThe person who purchases a productA materialistic item with a purposeAnother place where an event is held...

Q4 P&C Crossword 2022-12-02

Q4 P&C Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Customers who rate us as a 9-10 based on their likelihood to recommend us to friends or family
  2. why legal verification updates were made
  3. ability to understand and be aware of the feelings and thoughts of other people. Top Customer Service behavior.
  4. The Mailbox Router requires _____ digit policy number excluding the state code for timely processing of Property documents.
  5. How we obtain customer feedback
  6. rate revision taking place on 12/16/2022 with emphasis on Emergency Road Service updates
  7. Refers to the ability of a company or product to keep its customers over a specified period of time
  1. Company recognition portal on HoraceScope
  2. Distinctive Service Pillar, providing visibility throughout the process that informs the customer about the progress
  3. Distinctive Service pillar - delivering the service completely and accurately
  4. ______ should be provided at the start of the call. "I would be happy to help you!"
  5. what program do you use to submit New Agent Change requests?
  6. ______ four digits of SSN#, First and Last Name, DOB, Address, Phone #, Email Address, and verification question are required to legally verify customers.
  7. a new address must be obtained when removing a ______ driver

14 Clues: How we obtain customer feedbackwhy legal verification updates were madeCompany recognition portal on HoraceScopewhat program do you use to submit New Agent Change requests?a new address must be obtained when removing a ______ driverDistinctive Service pillar - delivering the service completely and accurately...

Module 6 2016-08-10

Module 6 crossword puzzle
  1. A new service line has just been installed and house lines are set (either for a conversion to gas or a new build).
  2. customer calls to stop service, meters outside and the new party has requested to take over. What type of order is this?
  3. When access is required for a pending service order, the customer has an ______.
  4. the premise has had gas service here in the past but it is currently off and the meter has been removed (usually due to long periods of not being used). A meter needs to be set and the flow of gas needs started.
  1. When the lock party calls to stop service after the unlock party has already requested to take over. This would be a _____.
  2. customer requests to start service, gas is on and meters outside. What type of order is this?
  3. Call for a pending service order that is scheduled more than one business day in the future, the Business Partner will always receive an automatic reminder call to the telephone number listed on their account.
  4. customer calls to start service but gas is off. What type of order is this?
  5. When access is needed and they have to be over the age of 18 this is called ____ access.
  6. customer requests to stop service and they have an inside meter, no new party has requested to take over. What type of order is this?

10 Clues: customer calls to start service but gas is off. What type of order is this?When access is required for a pending service order, the customer has an ______.When access is needed and they have to be over the age of 18 this is called ____ access.customer requests to start service, gas is on and meters outside. What type of order is this?...

Mrs Hallers Beast Class 2023-05-01

Mrs Hallers Beast Class crossword puzzle
  1. customer = returns on regular basis
  2. or personal satisfaction that customer gets, Benefit
  3. logical reason for buying a product, rational
  4. additional merchandise, suggestion selling
  5. customers do to indicate readiness to buy, buying signals
  6. of other people who might buy, referral
  7. average person can understand, layman’s terms
  8. Decision = when customer makes decision quickly
  9. the customer = approach
  10. or hesitations, or doubts to buy, objections
  11. sales method, get interest by involving the customer
  12. of Sale, POS
  13. for buying motives that are communicated nonverbally, observing
  1. Call = random without leads
  2. should be translated into benefits
  3. sale = decided customer Suggestion Selling, when done properly saves time and money
  4. physical attributes of the product, Feature
  5. over telephone, telemarketing
  6. of closes: trial, which, direct, service, standing room only
  7. ready for face-to-face selling situation, preapproach Looking for new customers = prospecting
  8. reasons not to buy, excuses
  9. associated with a product = emotional
  10. is another name for looking for customers or leads
  11. effort to close a sale, trial
  12. of recording a sale and presenting the customer with proof of payment = sales transaction
  13. = helps get referrals

26 Clues: of Sale, POS= helps get referralsthe customer = approachCall = random without leadsreasons not to buy, excusesover telephone, telemarketingeffort to close a sale, trialshould be translated into benefitscustomer = returns on regular basisassociated with a product = emotionalof other people who might buy, referral...

Acronyms 2021-05-27

Acronyms crossword puzzle
  1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  2. National Council for prescription drug programs
  3. Cardholder identification number
  4. Text telephone
  5. Bank identification number
  6. Prior authorization
  7. California children's services
  8. Interactive predictive dialer software
  9. Fraud, waste, and abuse
  10. Authorized representative
  11. Drug use review
  12. Magellan Medicaid Administration, Inc.
  13. Electronic prior authorization
  14. Clinical decision module
  15. Customer service representative
  16. Beneficiary identification card
  1. Genetically handicapped persons program
  2. National provider identifier
  3. Drug lookup tool
  4. Category, type, response indicator
  5. Notice of action
  6. Customer service center
  7. Program integrity plan
  8. Social security administration
  9. Interactive voice response
  10. Special investigations unit
  11. Family planning access, care, and treatment
  12. Department of health care services
  13. Real time eligibility
  14. Magellan application portfolio
  15. Coordination of benefits
  16. Contract drug list

32 Clues: Text telephoneDrug use reviewDrug lookup toolNotice of actionContract drug listPrior authorizationReal time eligibilityProgram integrity planCustomer service centerFraud, waste, and abuseClinical decision moduleCoordination of benefitsAuthorized representativeBank identification numberInteractive voice responseSpecial investigations unit...

Crossword Puzzle 2020-10-21

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. MEASURES, six abd final concept of TQM
  2. FOCUS, Organization engages, manages and develops your workforce
  3. Personal actions guide and sustain your organization
  4. ACTIVITIES, Billing errors, sales per square feet, engineering changes, and activity time
  5. Product look, feels sounds, tastes, or smells and squite objectives
  6. Product outcomes
  7. MANAGEMENT, Design its work systems
  8. Performance measurements as used to achieve one or more
  9. IMPROVEMENT, Defect sources, process trends, and defects prevention
  10. ASSESSMENT, Meeting value-added objectives
  1. One of the seven basic characteristics is used to measure the performance of a particular process or function
  2. FOCUS, Customer for long-term marketplace success
  3. Assess how well a process is doing
  4. Number of non-comformance in the output
  5. Service activity
  6. PLANNING, Develops strategic objectives and action plan
  7. Business organizations have some measurements in place that can be adopt for TQM
  8. Reduce variation
  9. ACTIVITIES, defects per million, inventory turns, and in time delivery
  10. MEASUREMENT, Measured is frequently asked by managers and teams

20 Clues: Service activityReduce variationProduct outcomesAssess how well a process is doingMANAGEMENT, Design its work systemsMEASURES, six abd final concept of TQMNumber of non-comformance in the outputASSESSMENT, Meeting value-added objectivesFOCUS, Customer for long-term marketplace successPersonal actions guide and sustain your organization...

Unit 1 Identify Business Opportunities (1.1 to 1.1.5) 2025-01-10

Unit 1 Identify Business Opportunities (1.1 to 1.1.5) crossword puzzle
  1. Industry focused on lodging, food, and tourism services.
  2. Frontline activity to enhance customer satisfaction.
  3. Sector providing intangible products or solutions.
  4. Consumable products like clothing and toiletries.
  5. Industry centered around patient care and medical services.
  6. Ensures goods are stocked and tracked efficiently.
  7. External services for delivering food and goods.
  8. Extra features like warranties and after-sales service.
  9. Overseeing building operations and maintenance in hospitality.
  10. Industry involved in preparing and serving meals.
  1. Large retail outlets offering a variety of products under one roof.
  2. Retailers specializing in one product category, e.g., electronics.
  3. Durable products like furniture and cars.
  4. Planning efficient operations in hospitality management.
  5. The main benefit or value a product provides to the customer.
  6. Network connecting production to delivery in hospitality.
  7. Online platforms selling goods via the internet.
  8. Space where goods are sold directly to consumers.
  9. The physical item or service with features, design, and packaging.
  10. Small businesses run by individual owners.

20 Clues: Durable products like furniture and cars.Small businesses run by individual owners.Online platforms selling goods via the internet.External services for delivering food and goods.Consumable products like clothing and toiletries.Space where goods are sold directly to consumers.Industry involved in preparing and serving meals....

Marketing Vocabulary 2021-10-07

Marketing Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Type of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers–individuals who have a dedicated social following and are viewed as experts within their niche
  2. information about reactions to a product, which is used as a basis for improvement.
  3. marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe
  4. Standalone web page that potential customers can arrive at when they click through from an email, ad, or other digital location
  5. ongoing relationship between you and your customer, manifesting itself by how willing a customer is to engage with and repeatedly purchase from company
  6. process of making a product or service accessible for use or consumption by a consumer
  7. entire set of activities, which communicate the product, brand, or service to the user
  8. Another term for consumer
  9. platform where vendors can come together to sell their products or services to a curated customer base
  10. website that provides an online exchange of information between people about a travel experience
  1. the amount of a commodity, product, or service available and the desire of buyers for it, considered as factors regulating its price
  2. Marketing method that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them
  3. type of email that informs your audience of the latest news, tips, or updates about your product or company
  4. delivering individualized content to recipients
  5. reflection of how a customer feels about your company

15 Clues: Another term for consumerdelivering individualized content to recipientsreflection of how a customer feels about your companymarketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safeinformation about reactions to a product, which is used as a basis for improvement....

Business words 2024-10-03

Business words crossword puzzle
  1. myynti
  2. tuote
  3. palvelu
  4. innovaatio
  5. budjetti
  6. asiakas
  7. suunnitelma
  1. liikevaihto
  2. palvelu
  3. arvo
  4. strategia
  5. kustannus
  6. brändi
  7. yritys
  8. voitto

15 Clues: arvotuotemyyntibrändiyritysvoittopalvelupalveluasiakasbudjettistrategiakustannusinnovaatioliikevaihtosuunnitelma

Customer Service Week 2022-09-30

Customer Service Week crossword puzzle
  1. The big version of the plugin
  2. The google for Grove
  3. What we provide for damaged items or orders sent to the wrong address
  4. Prefilled responses to save time when creating a response
  5. The acronym for our department
  1. Our mission for 2025
  2. The name of the slack channel used to ask questions
  3. The name of our company!
  4. Tool used to respond to customers
  5. Our main messaging platform

10 Clues: Our mission for 2025The google for GroveThe name of our company!Our main messaging platformThe big version of the pluginThe acronym for our departmentTool used to respond to customersThe name of the slack channel used to ask questionsPrefilled responses to save time when creating a response...

MHHP Customer Service 2023-09-12

MHHP Customer Service crossword puzzle
  1. Complaint filed by member
  2. Helps you when documenting a call
  3. Process of ending membership
  4. Contact information
  1. Amount you pay for healthcare or prescriptions before your plan pays
  2. What to do when caller asks for cashed date
  3. A person belonging to a particular group
  4. Person who is trained and license to provide health care services
  5. What is the MA auth standard turnaround time
  6. Periodic payment to insurance for health or prescription drug coverage

10 Clues: Contact informationComplaint filed by memberProcess of ending membershipHelps you when documenting a callA person belonging to a particular groupWhat to do when caller asks for cashed dateWhat is the MA auth standard turnaround timePerson who is trained and license to provide health care services...

Customer Service Values 2024-11-21

Customer Service Values crossword puzzle
  1. way of measuring customer satisfaction.
  2. intervention of a third person into a dispute to assist the parties in negotiating jointly acceptable resolution of issues in conflict.
  3. to ask questions
  4. act of showing that you have seen or noticed somebody/something
  5. the ability to imagine how another person is feeling and so understand his/her mood
  1. advice or help that you give to somebody to stop him/her worrying or being afraid
  2. act of taking the initiative to address issues before they arise, rather than reacting to them after they occur.
  3. support you offer — both before and after they buy and use your products or services
  4. try to find out all the facts about something
  5. solving or settling a problem, dispute,

10 Clues: to ask questionsway of measuring customer satisfaction.solving or settling a problem, dispute,try to find out all the facts about somethingact of showing that you have seen or noticed somebody/somethingadvice or help that you give to somebody to stop him/her worrying or being afraid...

Roman Plumbing and Air 2024-05-13

Roman Plumbing and Air crossword puzzle
  1. This should be asked for at the end of every call
  2. The second step in the service system process
  3. Listen to understand, not to _______
  4. We should show this for the customers current situation
  5. One of the things that should be put in before closing out your call
  6. This is what a clear mind says
  7. The name of the better practices company we work with
  8. What we focus on, we ____
  1. The person who should be talking more during the call
  2. We set this to let the customer know what will happen during our service call
  3. Roman Plumbing and Air's first core value
  4. Sales are not made in the greet step, but they can be ____
  5. The first step in the service system process
  6. The amount of years for a standard warranty with us
  7. The total amount of steps in the service system process
  8. The name of our maintenance plan
  9. This is when all sold work should be done

17 Clues: What we focus on, we ____This is what a clear mind saysThe name of our maintenance planListen to understand, not to _______Roman Plumbing and Air's first core valueThis is when all sold work should be doneThe first step in the service system processThe second step in the service system processThis should be asked for at the end of every call...

Marketing 2021-04-26

Marketing crossword puzzle
  1. reduce the cost
  2. which is in fashion
  3. creation
  4. advantageous purchase
  5. Price at which the good or service will be paid by the final consumer
  6. Techniques for presenting goods
  1. buyer
  2. rivalry between several agents
  3. new creation
  4. display
  5. bluid customer loyalty
  6. soldes
  7. text
  8. product

14 Clues: textbuyersoldesdisplayproductcreationnew creationreduce the costwhich is in fashionadvantageous purchasebluid customer loyaltyrivalry between several agentsTechniques for presenting goodsPrice at which the good or service will be paid by the final consumer

SE Marketing Chapter 2 2024-02-22

SE Marketing Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. the capability to produce products or services more efficiently and economically than the competition
  2. an attempt to appeal to a large, general group of consumers
  3. when consumers spend with little thought during emotional highs or lows
  4. keeping the focus on satisfying customer needs; requires maintaining important relationships with customers
  5. rate at which companies produce goods or services in relation to the amount of materials and number of employees utilized
  6. the percentage of total sales of a product or service that a company expects to capture in relation to its competitors
  7. a specific group of consumers a business wants to reach
  1. value of the next best alternative that you pass up when making a choice
  2. a group of consumers within a larger market who share one or more characteristics
  3. a culture that communicates values through high performance and excellent customer service
  4. minimum sales required to cover all of the expenses of organizing, promoting, and running the event
  5. all of the consumers who will purchase a product or service
  6. the difference between customer expectations and the service that is actually received
  7. when consumers recognize needs and wants, assess their priorities and budget, conduct research, compare alternatives, and then make purchases based on careful thought and sound reasoning
  8. the value people believe they receive from a product or service
  9. purchases based on consumer loyalty to a particular brand or product

16 Clues: a specific group of consumers a business wants to reachan attempt to appeal to a large, general group of consumersall of the consumers who will purchase a product or servicethe value people believe they receive from a product or servicepurchases based on consumer loyalty to a particular brand or product...

Business 101 2021-01-14

Business 101 crossword puzzle
  1. ความเสี่ยง ความไม่แน่นอน
  2. การดำเนินงานเพื่อสร้างและแลกเปลี่ยนสินค้าที่สามารถตอบสนองต่อความต้องการของลูกค้า
  3. คุณลักษณะของความต้องการที่อาจจะไม่ได้เปิดเผยชัดเจน
  4. คุณค่าหรือประโยชน์ที่เกิดขึ้นหรือที่ลูกค้าได้รับจากธุรกิจ
  5. ผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียกับกิจการ
  6. ผู้ที่ต้องการสินค้าขององค์กร
  7. ความเปลี่ยนแปลง
  8. ต้นแบบแนวคิด แบบจำลอง ภาพจำลอง
  1. คุณลักษณะของผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ลูกค้าหีือผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียต้องการทั้งในแง่คุณภาพและปริมาณ
  2. ความพึงพอใจ
  3. ผู้ประกอบการ
  4. กลุ่มหรือประเภท มักใช้กับการจำแนกอย่างกว้างๆ
  5. ผลิตภัณฑ์
  6. ผู้ส่งมอบวัตถุดิบที่ใช้ในการผลิตสินค้าหรือนำเสนอบริการ
  7. บริการ
  8. สินค้า

16 Clues: บริการสินค้าผลิตภัณฑ์ความพึงพอใจผู้ประกอบการความเปลี่ยนแปลงความเสี่ยง ความไม่แน่นอนผู้ที่ต้องการสินค้าขององค์กรผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียกับกิจการต้นแบบแนวคิด แบบจำลอง ภาพจำลองกลุ่มหรือประเภท มักใช้กับการจำแนกอย่างกว้างๆคุณลักษณะของความต้องการที่อาจจะไม่ได้เปิดเผยชัดเจนผู้ส่งมอบวัตถุดิบที่ใช้ในการผลิตสินค้าหรือนำเสนอบริการ...

Quality Customer Service 2020-12-11

Quality Customer Service crossword puzzle
  1. this word can sound rude at times in English so it should be used carefully
  2. add this to your voice to improve your tone
  3. a skill that you took a quiz about in today's session
  4. a future based statement that gives an organisation direction
  5. this type of communication helps us successfully interact with others
  1. one of MPI's core values
  2. the person who is in control of any conversation knows to ask ______
  3. statements that describe how a person is acting
  4. this makes up 55% of our communication
  5. this is a type of person who does not assert themselves

10 Clues: one of MPI's core valuesthis makes up 55% of our communicationadd this to your voice to improve your tonestatements that describe how a person is actinga skill that you took a quiz about in today's sessionthis is a type of person who does not assert themselvesa future based statement that gives an organisation direction...

Customer Service Mindset 2022-05-04

Customer Service Mindset crossword puzzle
  1. Correct
  2. Any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services
  3. A customer's expression of dissatisfaction
  4. A measure of how well a business has met its customers' expectations
  5. courteous
  1. The people who buy goods and services
  2. Able to accomplish a task using a minimum amount of time and effort
  3. The belief that providing customers with excellent service should be a business's top priority
  4. Something required or essential that is lacking
  5. advantage

10 Clues: CorrectadvantagecourteousThe people who buy goods and servicesA customer's expression of dissatisfactionSomething required or essential that is lackingAble to accomplish a task using a minimum amount of time and effortA measure of how well a business has met its customers' expectations...

Customer Service Week 2023-10-02

Customer Service Week crossword puzzle
  1. the mental and emotional condition of an individual or a group
  2. the combined action of a group of people.
  3. a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.
  4. degree of excellence AKA your QA score
  5. to validate the purpose of the call
  1. the quality of being committed to a task or purpose
  2. a feeling or expression of admiration or approval
  3. readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
  4. Average Handle Time <400 seconds if you didn't know>
  5. freedom from mistake or error

10 Clues: freedom from mistake or errorto validate the purpose of the calldegree of excellence AKA your QA scorethe combined action of a group of people.a feeling or expression of admiration or approvalthe quality of being committed to a task or purposeAverage Handle Time <400 seconds if you didn't know>...


GROWTHAFRICA crossword puzzle
  1. buys goods or services from a shop or business
  2. usually given by customers
  3. offering similar product/service
  4. GrowthAfrica employee
  5. series of actions/ steps taken to achieve
  6. cost related to asset purchase
  7. voyage
  8. charged on a loan
  9. one of three core components of revenue
  10. objective
  11. involving loans and deposits
  1. sets up a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  2. look to the future
  3. to study or examine
  4. benefit derived by a customer
  5. strengths, threats,etc
  6. political, economic,etc
  7. promoting and selling products or services
  8. like COVID, Spanish Flu
  9. type of cost
  10. the frustrations of a customer simply trying to satisfy an underlying need

21 Clues: voyageobjectivetype of costcharged on a loanlook to the futureto study or examineGrowthAfrica employeestrengths, threats,etcpolitical, economic,etclike COVID, Spanish Fluusually given by customersinvolving loans and depositsbenefit derived by a customercost related to asset purchaseoffering similar product/service...


CX-TUESDAY CROSSWORD PUZZLE-3#series crossword puzzle
  1. During the call, always .....on the conversation
  2. Do not use....language when writing to customers
  3. meeting invites
  4. Our customers value true....that last post the sale
  5. Ask....questions to clarify or confirm requests
  6. We do the right thing even when nobody id looking
  7. We explore the full potential of our customers and ourselves
  8. We are responsive by embracing speed,...innovation and focusing on.
  1. Once a complaint has been resolved thank the customer and ....them of our commitment to serve them.
  2. It is better to put a call on hold, than put your hand over the receiver-it is...
  3. Always check with your customer that it call
  4. Check in with your find out if they have any questions or issues
  5. An expression of dissatisfaction with a service or a product
  6. Our culture is guided by our Core
  7. Never transfer a call.....
  8. Give customer be put on hold or call back
  9. Always look for the inform customers of unique products and services.
  10. Do not use ....letters when writing to customers
  11. We are proactive, act quickly and resolutely to deliver results.
  12. Used to collect, track and store customer queries and service request

20 Clues: Never transfer a call.....Our culture is guided by our meeting invitesAsk....questions to clarify or confirm requestsDuring the call, always .....on the conversationDo not use....language when writing to customersDo not use ....letters when writing to customersWe do the right thing even when nobody id looking...

poo 2014-06-30

poo crossword puzzle
  1. CDV that Includes 12 standard calling features including voicemail
  2. CDV service that doesn't include voicemail
  3. Cable package that includes Limited basic channels, a few starter channels, but no sports content
  4. This kit can be mailed out or picked up at front office
  5. What the introductory period on triple plays and doubles are called. Also most offers have a 6 month or 12 month one of these
  6. Cable package that includes local broadcast stations and exclusive local government and ecudation channels
  7. This is offered as an optional protection from service call charges related to internal wiring, customer-owned equipment and customer education
  8. If customer signs this they receives a value in exchange for agreeing to maintain their Comcast service
  9. In Addition to VOD this offers a library of movies that include many box office hits from the 80s, 90s and 2000s
  10. Premium channel with the biggest Hollywood hits, great original movies and award-winning series.
  11. A Package that adds even more to Comcast sports options
  12. A package that includes two lines of our services
  13. A package that includes four lines of our service
  1. Cable package that includes Limited, Standard service, limited digital programming, On Demand, Music Choice
  2. Term used for third year pricing on triple play offers
  3. Cable package that includes 100 digital channels, and allows access to Encore
  4. This Service offers customers both home security and home control features
  5. Cable package that includes Digital Preferred channels, HBO, Showtime, Starz. Cinemax, Sports Entertainment Pkg
  6. Premium channel that is America's #1 Boxing Network
  7. CHSI with speeds of 25 Mbps/ 5 Mbps
  8. Term used for second year pricing on triple play offers
  9. A package that includes three lines of our services
  10. CHSI with speeds of 3 Mbps/ 768 Kbps
  11. CHSI with speeds of 105 Mbps/ 10 Mbps

24 Clues: CHSI with speeds of 25 Mbps/ 5 MbpsCHSI with speeds of 3 Mbps/ 768 KbpsCHSI with speeds of 105 Mbps/ 10 MbpsCDV service that doesn't include voicemailA package that includes two lines of our servicesA package that includes four lines of our serviceA package that includes three lines of our services...

Business 101 2021-01-14

Business 101 crossword puzzle
  1. ความเสี่ยง ความไม่แน่นอน
  2. การดำเนินงานเพื่อสร้างและแลกเปลี่ยนสินค้าที่สามารถตอบสนองต่อความต้องการของลูกค้า
  3. คุณลักษณะของความต้องการที่อาจจะไม่ได้เปิดเผยชัดเจน
  4. คุณค่าหรือประโยชน์ที่เกิดขึ้นหรือที่ลูกค้าได้รับจากธุรกิจ
  5. ผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียกับกิจการ
  6. ผู้ที่ต้องการสินค้าขององค์กร
  7. ความเปลี่ยนแปลง
  8. ต้นแบบแนวคิด แบบจำลอง ภาพจำลอง
  1. คุณลักษณะของผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ลูกค้าหีือผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียต้องการทั้งในแง่คุณภาพและปริมาณ
  2. ความพึงพอใจ
  3. ผู้ประกอบการ
  4. กลุ่มหรือประเภท มักใช้กับการจำแนกอย่างกว้างๆ
  5. ผลิตภัณฑ์
  6. ผู้ส่งมอบวัตถุดิบที่ใช้ในการผลิตสินค้าหรือนำเสนอบริการ
  7. บริการ
  8. สินค้า

16 Clues: บริการสินค้าผลิตภัณฑ์ความพึงพอใจผู้ประกอบการความเปลี่ยนแปลงความเสี่ยง ความไม่แน่นอนผู้ที่ต้องการสินค้าขององค์กรผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียกับกิจการต้นแบบแนวคิด แบบจำลอง ภาพจำลองกลุ่มหรือประเภท มักใช้กับการจำแนกอย่างกว้างๆคุณลักษณะของความต้องการที่อาจจะไม่ได้เปิดเผยชัดเจนผู้ส่งมอบวัตถุดิบที่ใช้ในการผลิตสินค้าหรือนำเสนอบริการ...

Business 101 2021-01-14

Business 101 crossword puzzle
  1. บริการ
  2. ผลิตภัณฑ์
  3. คุณค่าหรือประโยชน์ที่เกิดขึ้นหรือที่ลูกค้าได้รับจากธุรกิจ
  4. คุณลักษณะของผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ลูกค้าหีือผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียต้องการทั้งในแง่คุณภาพและปริมาณ
  5. ความเสี่ยง ความไม่แน่นอน
  6. ผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียกับกิจการ
  7. ผู้ประกอบการ
  8. ความพึงพอใจ
  1. ผู้ส่งมอบวัตถุดิบที่ใช้ในการผลิตสินค้าหรือนำเสนอบริการ
  2. ผู้ที่ต้องการสินค้าขององค์กร
  3. การดำเนินงานเพื่อสร้างและแลกเปลี่ยนสินค้าที่สามารถตอบสนองต่อความต้องการของลูกค้า
  4. ความเปลี่ยนแปลง
  5. สินค้า
  6. คุณลักษณะของความต้องการที่อาจจะไม่ได้เปิดเผยชัดเจน
  7. กลุ่มหรือประเภท มักใช้กับการจำแนกอย่างกว้างๆ

15 Clues: บริการสินค้าผลิตภัณฑ์ความพึงพอใจผู้ประกอบการความเปลี่ยนแปลงความเสี่ยง ความไม่แน่นอนผู้ที่ต้องการสินค้าขององค์กรผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียกับกิจการกลุ่มหรือประเภท มักใช้กับการจำแนกอย่างกว้างๆคุณลักษณะของความต้องการที่อาจจะไม่ได้เปิดเผยชัดเจนผู้ส่งมอบวัตถุดิบที่ใช้ในการผลิตสินค้าหรือนำเสนอบริการคุณค่าหรือประโยชน์ที่เกิดขึ้นหรือที่ลูกค้าได้รับจากธุรกิจ...

Prime Day 2021-06-13

Prime Day crossword puzzle
  1. Supports sellers to prevent enforcement
  2. "customer ____________"
  3. streaming service called "prime ________"
  4. package arriving at destination
  5. person purchasing on
  6. "deliver _________"
  7. Amazon mascot
  1. grocer purchased by Amazon
  2. company that hosts prime day
  3. Amazon membership
  4. discounted price
  5. "_______ on the highest standards"
  6. "disagree and _________"
  7. month of prime day

14 Clues: Amazon mascotdiscounted priceAmazon membershipmonth of prime day"deliver _________""customer ____________""disagree and _________"grocer purchased by Amazoncompany that hosts prime daypackage arriving at destinationperson purchasing on"_______ on the highest standards"Supports sellers to prevent enforcement...

Lakeshore Customer Service 2023-05-23

Lakeshore Customer Service crossword puzzle
  1. This Customer Service manager just celebrated 30 years with Lakeshore.
  2. The program used by Customer Service to view online ordering accounts and ePro accounts.
  3. This pod works closely with another Customer Relations Department and with our account customers.
  4. The latest CS rep to join our team.
  1. The main carrier used for ground shipments that are not shipping-restricted..
  2. Sole source letters are NOT to be sent to this customer.
  3. The program used by Customer Service to view rewards accounts.
  4. The Director of Customer Relations.

8 Clues: The latest CS rep to join our team.The Director of Customer Relations.Sole source letters are NOT to be sent to this customer.The program used by Customer Service to view rewards accounts.This Customer Service manager just celebrated 30 years with Lakeshore.The main carrier used for ground shipments that are not shipping-restricted.....

AB Force Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-23

AB Force Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. This is where you would see a list of cases that you'd created, but are currently in another person's name or queue (such as Customer Service)
  2. This is the name of the profile/access you have within AB Force
  3. This is where you would see any cases that are currently pending in your name as the case owner
  4. This is used to submit a request to our Customer Platform Support teams
  5. This tab will show you various pieces of info on a customer's account, including (but not limited to) their servicing DC, Account Summary, Hierarchy Information, Customer Profile and Provider IDs
  6. This tab in a customer's account shows the different levels or "chains of command" that they belong to
  7. This tab in the customer's account shows all of the cases created from interactions with AXLs, Customer Service, etc.
  8. This bar will let you search for a customer's account, cases, knowledge articles and any other info within AB Force
  9. This section will show the status of a customer's delivery
  10. This is the platform AXLs (and other teams) use to document communications and requests from customers
  11. This function in a case is used to push a case from one individual to another, such as your Contracts Analyst or Account Services Specialist
  12. This tab of a case provides a template where you'd provide info to your Contracts Analyst or Customer Service representative before pushing a case to them to address a customer's request
  1. This function is used to "tag" someone within a case to get their attention
  2. This dropdown selection is driven by the case type and provides more detail on the customer's request
  3. This tab within a case is used to send communication to a customer
  4. This is the button you'd use to submit a case to the Customer Integration and Data Management team
  5. 100151761 would be an example of a customer's ______ _______
  6. This is the button you'd click to link a contact to more than one account
  7. This section of AB Force serves as a repository for articles on processes, products, customer profiles and other valuable information
  8. This dropdown selection when creating a case represents the topic of the request
  9. This is a pop up that will provide important information from management
  10. This section of a case shows who is currently has possession of it
  11. This is the status of a customer's case when it has been fully resolved
  12. This is where you can upload documents within a case, such as an excel or signed document
  13. 11701137 would be an example of a ______ ______
  14. This tab in a customer's profile will show the AB contacts/representatives for an account
  15. Examples of this include wholesale distribution, specialty distribution, physician distribution and oncology practice distribution
  16. This is the button you'd click to add a person from an account into a customer's profile who is not currently in AB Force

28 Clues: 11701137 would be an example of a ______ ______This section will show the status of a customer's delivery100151761 would be an example of a customer's ______ _______This is the name of the profile/access you have within AB ForceThis tab within a case is used to send communication to a customer...

Business words 2024-10-03

Business words crossword puzzle
  1. myynti
  2. tuote
  3. palvelu
  4. innovaatio
  5. budjetti
  6. asiakas
  7. suunnitelma
  1. liikevaihto
  2. palvelu
  3. arvo
  4. strategia
  5. kustannus
  6. brändi
  7. yritys
  8. voitto

15 Clues: arvotuotemyyntibrändiyritysvoittopalvelupalveluasiakasbudjettistrategiakustannusinnovaatioliikevaihtosuunnitelma

Sample 1 Crossword 2023-10-03

Sample 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Engineering The act of deceiving individuals or systems to gain access
  2. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. What month of the year is often associated with celebrating Customer Service Week
  4. What do customers seek when they contact support
  5. The process of verifying the identity of users or systems
  6. A type of attack that disguises malicious software as legitimate
  1. Customer _____________ is the measure of how pleased and content customers are with a product, service, or overall experience
  2. Metrics and Measurement to track service performance
  3. Understanding and sharing the feelings of customers
  4. Security A practice of ensuring data privacy and compliance
  5. The term for providing assistance to customers via written messages
  6. A measure of how likely a customer is to recommend a company

12 Clues: Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat do customers seek when they contact supportUnderstanding and sharing the feelings of customersMetrics and Measurement to track service performanceThe process of verifying the identity of users or systemsSecurity A practice of ensuring data privacy and compliance...

Training 2016-08-24

Training crossword puzzle
  1. Three step sales process
  2. Device Protection
  3. Customer not willing to recommend Sprint
  4. What I need to become at Sprint
  5. Nexgen Fraud identification system
  6. Spending Limit on a customers account
  7. Customer willing to recommend Sprint
  1. Lower monthly payment option w/turn in at end
  2. Checking customer service areas
  3. Device Financing No Credit Check Option
  4. First step in sales process
  5. Detractor VERY upset with Sprint
  6. The type of experience we need to create for a customer

13 Clues: Device ProtectionThree step sales processFirst step in sales processChecking customer service areasWhat I need to become at SprintDetractor VERY upset with SprintNexgen Fraud identification systemCustomer willing to recommend SprintSpending Limit on a customers accountDevice Financing No Credit Check OptionCustomer not willing to recommend Sprint...

Mobile First ...Being the Experts 2014-04-22

Mobile First ...Being the Experts crossword puzzle
  1. proactively anticipates the needs of the customers at the beginning, middle and end of each call.
  2. To add or remove services from your account.
  3. When one customer assumes ownership of another customer's line(s) of service.
  4. Automatically scheduled payments.
  5. Customers can schedule appointments to obtain dedicated sales and service in COR locations.
  6. Electronically receiving your bill notice or monthly statement.
  7. Teaching customers about their self-service options with the myAT&T app and online account manager.
  8. Allows customers to upgrade every year or 18 months without an upgrade fee.
  1. Allows customer to get updated information on their recent orders.
  2. To locate areas where you can connect to the internet for free.
  3. Logging into myAT&T to change account name or billing information.
  4. When a customer promises to pay a specific amount by a specified date.
  5. To see monthly charges and plan details.
  6. online account manager
  7. The status of your account after the due date.

15 Clues: online account managerAutomatically scheduled payments.To see monthly charges and plan details.To add or remove services from your account.The status of your account after the due date.To locate areas where you can connect to the internet for free.Electronically receiving your bill notice or monthly statement....

vocab 2022-10-11

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. health records
  2. guessing whats going to happen
  3. approximation
  4. data collected by government
  5. weight in pounds
  1. sales data
  2. company size
  3. information from statistics
  4. something that is true
  5. gender
  6. customer service
  7. customer data

12 Clues: gendersales datacompany sizecustomer dataapproximationhealth recordscustomer serviceweight in poundssomething that is trueinformation from statisticsdata collected by governmentguessing whats going to happen

vocab 2022-10-11

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. health records
  2. guessing whats going to happen
  3. approximation
  4. data collected by government
  5. weight in pounds
  1. sales data
  2. company size
  3. information from statistics
  4. something that is true
  5. gender
  6. customer service
  7. customer data

12 Clues: gendersales datacompany sizecustomer dataapproximationhealth recordscustomer serviceweight in poundssomething that is trueinformation from statisticsdata collected by governmentguessing whats going to happen

Centrixity Day 2020-10-11

Centrixity Day crossword puzzle
  1. One of the 3 tenets of our customer promise that relates to being accountable and interacting with the customer.
  2. Innovation focus comes under the _____________ tenet of our customer promise.
  3. We can stay relevant by building capability in __________ Technologies.
  4. This attribute comes under the service tenet of the customer promise.
  5. It’s important that we are P_______ in our communication with customer .
  1. A proactive and C_____________ spirit is well appreciated by our customers.
  2. Quality, Cost and __________
  3. CI is the ___________ customer form IT Department
  4. Customer Feedback is an important part of q__________.

9 Clues: Quality, Cost and __________CI is the ___________ customer form IT DepartmentCustomer Feedback is an important part of q__________.This attribute comes under the service tenet of the customer promise.We can stay relevant by building capability in __________ Technologies.It’s important that we are P_______ in our communication with customer ....


UNIT I CROSSWORD-QMSP crossword puzzle
  1. The cost of quality = Cost of ........ +Cost of non .....
  2. Quality management system requires.........
  3. The quality movement starts from this country
  4. designing for ......... is forth phase of SQM
  5. Failure costs occurring after delivery or shipment of the product - and during or after furnishing of a service - to the customer is called ........failure cost
  6. The costs of all activities specifically designed to prevent poor quality in products or services is called ..........cost
  7. First word of SQM
  8. Establish quality ........ is first phase of SQM
  9. There are two type of certification of QMS- ISO and six ......
  10. The quality Guru
  11. The process in which an organization will identify its business strategies
  1. companies with a certified QMS experience increased ........
  2. Failure costs occurring prior to delivery or shipment to the customer, or before providing a service is called .........failure cost
  3. First word of COQ
  4. One element of QMS is .........analysis and improvement
  5. The costs associated with measuring, evaluating or auditing products or services to assure conformance to quality standards and performance requirements is called ........cost
  6. The final judge of the quality of the service you deliver
  7. .... standards are documented rules and guidelines for implementing a quality system into your company
  8. U.S. establishes the ......... Baldridge National Quality Award in 1987

19 Clues: The quality GuruFirst word of COQFirst word of SQMQuality management system requires.........The quality movement starts from this countrydesigning for ......... is forth phase of SQMEstablish quality ........ is first phase of SQMOne element of QMS is .........analysis and improvementThe final judge of the quality of the service you deliver...

Customer Creation Process 2013-09-12

Customer Creation Process crossword puzzle
  1. Abbreviation for Customer Account Team
  2. Helpful function to search for customers more thoroughly
  3. Team responsible for troubleshooting product issues
  4. System used to create customers
  5. If an account is flagged with this text, avoid using and contact CAT
  6. Team we should notify after creating billable accounts/sites
  7. Business purpose used to indicate the address we are sending product/service to
  8. Team responsible for setting sales channels
  9. team to contact if you keep gettings system errors
  10. Business purpose used to indicate the person who will be using our product/service
  11. Business purpose indictaing the site we are sending invoice to
  1. Term for more than one party for same customer
  2. Overall Project Name
  3. Number one reason for Duplicates
  4. System used to record customer opportunities/leads

15 Clues: Overall Project NameSystem used to create customersNumber one reason for DuplicatesAbbreviation for Customer Account TeamTeam responsible for setting sales channelsTerm for more than one party for same customerSystem used to record customer opportunities/leadsteam to contact if you keep gettings system errors...

canadian bissenus 2024-10-10

canadian bissenus crossword puzzle
  1. something you need to stay alive
  2. an item you buy that you can touch
  3. a corp that is owned by the government
  4. personal things can be used to pay for biz debt
  5. a person that owns a part of the company that the company were willing to sell
  6. you are personally accountable for thing owed from the biz if it cant pay
  7. money you make-money you spent
  1. a biz based primarily on the internet
  2. customer spending decreases
  3. a good or service that is popular for a short time
  4. sell an experience of does something for you
  5. a good or service that is popular for a long time
  6. sells stuff to the end customer
  7. customer spending is at max
  8. something you don't need to survive

15 Clues: customer spending decreasescustomer spending is at maxmoney you make-money you spentsells stuff to the end customersomething you need to stay alivean item you buy that you can touchsomething you don't need to survivea biz based primarily on the interneta corp that is owned by the governmentsell an experience of does something for you...

Business Terminology 2013-05-02

Business Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. mailing or emailing any advertisement, flyers, coupons, etc. directly to a person's gine or email address.
  2. the general type and category, of product or services that a business sells or offers to their customers.
  3. the act of meeting people and building relationships with them to help marketing your business.
  4. the group of customers that you are trying to attract and sell your product to.
  5. a complete overview of every aspect of a business. includesinfo on the product/service, marketing strategies, the target market, financial data, etc.
  6. when a customer tells other people about your product or service, wheter good or bad.
  7. the statistics about the area your business is located in.
  1. a business selling or performing a service.
  2. a business selling products(clothes, auto supplies).
  3. the customer who purchases the product or service that a business is selling.
  4. the moment or event that cause the customer to decide to purchase your product or service.
  5. a similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location.

12 Clues: a business selling or performing a service.a business selling products(clothes, auto supplies).the statistics about the area your business is located in.the customer who purchases the product or service that a business is selling.a similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location....

MKT 362 (1) 2023-04-09

MKT 362 (1) crossword puzzle
  1. This is one of the 4 P’s. It focuses on being a physical good but includes things such as warranty and packaging.
  2. This is one of the 4 P’s. It includes marketing channels and physical locations where the customer can interact with and possibly purchase a good.
  3. Each time we communicate with a customer we have an ___________ episode with a fairly defined starting point and ending point for the interaction.
  4. This is one of the 4 P’s. advertising and publicity are examples.
  5. This type of planning is conducted by executive leadership in most organizations. Mission statements and Vision statements are examples of this type of planning.
  6. This type of intelligence is not human but is a driving force behind trends in general in marketing.
  7. This is an acronym for marketing on search engines such as Google or Bing.
  8. This is a type of CRM. It describes how an organization breaks down silos between departments. This communication between departments leads to advances in CRM.
  9. The Product ____________________ includes cows and dogs.
  10. This type of statement was referred to as being unicorns and rainbows by the instructor.
  11. This is an integral acronym to how we manage our relationships with consumers.
  12. This is one of the 4 P’s. It is the P related to monetary value.
  13. A belief that the other party has the necessary expertise to perform as required. It is integral to building trust with a customer.
  14. This is the belief that one party acts in the interest of the others. It is integral to building trust with a customer.
  15. This is a type of behavior that include purchasing habits and motivation of customers.
  16. This type of analysis includes surveying both the internal and external atmosphere of the business environment.
  1. We have more than a primary and secondary market. This is the third level of target markets. It is called a __________ market.
  2. When we divide a market into smaller groups with similar needs and characteristics
  3. When we create a unique image or identity for a product or service in the mind of our target audience.
  4. This is the first stage to a customer’s relationship with our organization. We should be making a positive first impression with customers in part due to this.
  5. This term describes relationship marketing, meaning we focus on customer retention, customer service, and quality in our interactions rather than a single sale.
  6. This consists of all the potential customers who share a need or want.
  7. This is an acronym that defines how much an organization pays in an online setting when they are paying per click.
  8. When we have interest from a customer, whether it originated with a warm or cold lead, we can apply our data to better understand the potential customer. This is called _____________ of the lead.
  9. This concept is how we understood demand and supply as it related to marketing as a concept prior in the USA until the Great Depression altered perceptions.
  10. The surname of the instructor of this course.
  11. When we are involved in customer service that is within our organization and between teammates, we call this _____________ customer service.
  12. Another word for defection rate.

28 Clues: Another word for defection rate.The surname of the instructor of this course.The Product ____________________ includes cows and dogs.This is one of the 4 P’s. It is the P related to monetary value.This is one of the 4 P’s. advertising and publicity are examples.This consists of all the potential customers who share a need or want....

CAM CROSSWORD 2014-09-20

CAM CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. how many ASM's do we have
  2. bottom of basket
  3. the most important associates
  4. it can change a room
  5. if you find a hidden item it's a ___
  6. Renee
  7. it's big, black and fuzzy and likes the hvac
  8. helps keep the house cozy
  9. check this on ID's to see if it's expired
  10. we ___ every customer that walks by
  11. first it's wet and mushy then it's dry and hard
  12. they smell good
  13. for every 4 hours worked you get a ____
  1. don't slam the ____behind you
  2. you get a soda and candy for this
  3. corporate headquarters
  4. look inside always
  5. people hide stuff _____ big items
  6. after we thank the customer we tell them we ___ them
  7. make sure you ____ the customer
  8. don't use this key if there's only 5
  9. cashiers are almost always ____
  10. what you do if an item is defective
  11. ask every customer to do this
  12. we use this to give good customer service

25 Clues: Reneethey smell goodbottom of basketlook inside alwaysit can change a roomcorporate headquartershow many ASM's do we havehelps keep the house cozydon't slam the ____behind youthe most important associatesask every customer to do thismake sure you ____ the customercashiers are almost always ____you get a soda and candy for this...

Business Revision 1 2019-05-14

Business Revision 1 crossword puzzle
  1. External Business influence - Changes in _____ and trends
  2. Every limited company has to pay ______ tax on the profit
  3. The impact of growth on customer service- Staff may be ________
  4. Motivational factors: interesting & _______ work
  5. suggests there are five hierarchies or levels of need that explain why people work
  6. There are many ways to measure customer satisfaction: Repeat business ____
  7. in Time (JIT) means that stock arrives on the production line just as it is needed
  1. of scale occur when a business grows so large that the costs per unit increase
  2. production (often known as mass production) involves the use of production lines
  3. customisation is a marketing and manufacturing technique
  4. production is when a small quantity of identical products are made
  5. Additional physical resource requirements can be challenges of ______
  6. Good customer service has the following advantages: • Customer ______ ; all business want their customers to come back again and again
  7. production or one-off production, involves producing custom work

14 Clues: Motivational factors: interesting & _______ workcustomisation is a marketing and manufacturing techniqueEvery limited company has to pay ______ tax on the profitExternal Business influence - Changes in _____ and trendsThe impact of growth on customer service- Staff may be ________production or one-off production, involves producing custom work...

2023 Outage Refresher 2023-10-05

2023 Outage Refresher crossword puzzle
  1. These help prevent wildfires.
  2. Everyone should stay _____ feet from a downed wire.
  3. All Out and the main breaker will not reset or stay in place, provide this contractor.
  4. There are _____ outage levels.
  5. All house fire reconnections are processed through this team. (2 words w/no space)
  6. Department for trees that pose a threat to power lines. (2 words w/no space)
  7. If a wire falls on a car and the person is inside, advise the customer to _______! (2 words w/no space)
  8. Use the ______ address if you cannot find the customer’s address not in OMS.
  9. Used as the Outage Code when a customer says they they heard something like a gunshot or explosion. (2 words w/no space)
  10. The meter base, conduit, and weatherhead are all _______ owned.
  11. First customer reporting outage in the area, have them reset their ______.
  1. When a customer is reporting a low or downed wire, we should advise them to _____.
  2. Customer is reporting partial service.
  3. _______ Outages are used for maintenance work.
  4. Use this when reporting a vehicle running into a pole or guy wire. (3 words w/no space)
  5. The "relief valve" outage to prevent damage.
  6. A ______ event outage is usually caused by high winds, snow, ice, or heavy rain.
  7. You call this group if sparks are dropping into dry grass or leaves.
  8. This should be provided on all outage calls. Hint: Think of a soft skill.
  9. When a car runs into our _______ equipment, we report it as UG Equipment Hit.
  10. These are what we call the everyday outages that occur. (2 words w/no space)
  11. The ______ map lets customers view information about their outage and what is going on around our service territory.

22 Clues: These help prevent wildfires.There are _____ outage levels.Customer is reporting partial service.The "relief valve" outage to prevent damage._______ Outages are used for maintenance work.Everyone should stay _____ feet from a downed wire.The meter base, conduit, and weatherhead are all _______ owned....

Business Terminology 2014-10-01

Business Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Business A business selling or performing a service (examples; car wash, hair salon, nail shop, etc.)
  2. A business selling products(clothes, auto supplies)
  3. The group of customers that you are trying to attract and sell your product to
  4. The statistics about your area your business is located in
  5. Mailing or emailing any advertisement, flyer, coupons, etc. directly to a person's home or email address
  6. When a customer tells other people about your product or service, whether good or bad
  1. The moment or event that causes the customer to decide to purchase your product or service
  2. The act of meeting people and building relationships with them to help marketing your business
  3. A complete overview of every aspect of a business. Includes info on the product/service, marketing strategies, the target market, financial data, etc.
  4. The customer who purchases the product or service that a business is selling
  5. The general type and category, of a product or services that a business sells or offers to their customers
  6. A similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location

12 Clues: A business selling products(clothes, auto supplies)The statistics about your area your business is located inThe customer who purchases the product or service that a business is sellingA similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby locationThe group of customers that you are trying to attract and sell your product to...

Business Terminology Puzzle Assignment 2014-10-15

Business Terminology Puzzle Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. of mouth When a customer tells other people about your product or service, whether good or bad.
  2. of sale The moment or event that causes the customer to decide to purchase your product or service.
  3. The statistics about the area your business is located in.
  4. business A business selling or performing a service [ex: car wash,hair salon, nail shop,etc.]
  5. market The group of customers that you are trying to attract and sell your product to.
  1. A similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location.
  2. plan A complete overview of every aspect of a business.Includes info on the product/service, marketing strategies, the market, financial data,etc.
  3. business A business selling products or services in a nearby location.
  4. The customer who purchases the product or service that a business is selling.
  5. relations The act of meeting people and building relationships with them to help marketing your business.
  6. mail Mailing or emailing any advertisement, flyer, coupons, etc. directly to a person's home or email address.
  7. image The general type and category, of product or services that a business sells or offers to their customers.

12 Clues: The statistics about the area your business is located A business selling products or services in a nearby location.A similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location.The customer who purchases the product or service that a business is selling....

BA- Forms 2024-05-30

BA- Forms crossword puzzle
  1. Send this to request a Spanish rep calls back the customer.
  2. In winter, if there is a pending door hanger order & you discussed charges
  3. Customer has oxygen concentrator
  4. In Illinois of you're making an exception to payment arrangement rules
  5. When there is more than 1 profile in the system
  6. If you were a gen res rep & needed to send proof of activation.
  7. When you find out a customer has passed away.
  8. Customer reports possible meter tampering.
  9. Building/premise type review
  10. To make permanent access comments on a premise
  1. Sent when you want to have late payment waiver reset
  2. When customer says someone put service in their name without their permission
  3. Customer has EFT on 1 account but not another, s\wants same eft information on both accounts
  4. When customer says we have the wrong address
  5. If customer moving with a PA send this to move balance and set PA at new address
  6. When customer says they are on the wrong rate.

16 Clues: Building/premise type reviewCustomer has oxygen concentratorCustomer reports possible meter tampering.When customer says we have the wrong addressWhen you find out a customer has passed away.When customer says they are on the wrong rate.To make permanent access comments on a premiseWhen there is more than 1 profile in the system...

besiness enviroment 2014-03-04

besiness enviroment crossword puzzle
  1. of mouth when a customer tell other people about your product or services ,whether good or bad.
  2. relations the act of meeting people and building relationship with them to help marketing your business.
  3. market the group of customers that you are trying to attract and sell your product to.
  4. the statistics about the area your business is located in.
  5. of sale the moment or event that cause the customer to decide to purchase your product or service.
  6. plan A complete overview of every aspect of a business.
  7. business a business selling or performing a service.
  8. business A business selling products.
  1. a similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location.
  2. image The general type and category ,of product or services that a business sell or offers to their customers.
  3. mail mailing or emailing any advertisement.
  4. The customer who purchases the product or service that a business is selling.

12 Clues: business A business selling products.mail mailing or emailing any a business selling or performing a service.plan A complete overview of every aspect of a business.the statistics about the area your business is located in.a similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location....

Business Terminology Puzzle 2014-11-05

Business Terminology Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Image the general type and category, of product or services that a business sells or offers to their customers
  2. the statistics about the area your business is located in
  3. Business a business selling products [clothes, auto supplies]
  4. of Sale the moment or event that causes the customer to decide to purchase your product or service
  5. Business a business selling or performing a service
  6. Plan a complete overview of every aspect of a business. Includes info on the product/service,marketing strategies, the target market, financial data, etc
  1. the customer who purchases the product or service that a business is selling
  2. Market the group of customers that you are trying to attract and sell your product to
  3. Mail mailing or emailing any advertisement,flyer,coupons,etc. directly to a person's home or email address
  4. a similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location
  5. of Mouth when a customer tells pther people about your product or service, whether good or bad
  6. Relations the act of meeting people and building relationships with them to help marketing your business

12 Clues: Business a business selling or performing a servicethe statistics about the area your business is located inBusiness a business selling products [clothes, auto supplies]the customer who purchases the product or service that a business is sellinga similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location...

German Homework - Henry W 2016-10-07

German Homework - Henry W crossword puzzle
  1. to fly
  2. pitcher
  3. voice
  4. to visit
  5. beer jug
  6. to bring
  7. service
  8. "im sorry"
  9. tent
  10. to see
  11. to laugh
  1. to dance
  2. to call
  3. beer tent
  4. pleased
  5. fairgrounds
  6. to make
  7. customer
  8. to play
  9. to say

20 Clues: tentvoiceto sayto callpitcherpleasedserviceto visitbeer jugcustomerbeer tent"im sorry"fairgroundsto flyto seeto maketo playto danceto bringto laugh

Six Sigma 2022-11-05

Six Sigma crossword puzzle
  1. Fourth step in DMAIC
  2. Target set for a product of the process by customer or market performance
  3. A very common continuous probability seen in statistics.
  4. Ensures that the process performance be maintained to satisfy customer needs.
  5. Ability of a product, service, or process to meet its design specs is an interpretation of the customer needs
  1. Drives defects down into parts per million levels of performance.
  2. A departure of a quality characteristic from its intended level or state that occurs with severity sufficient to cause an associated product or service not to meet a specification requirement, compromising a customer’s expectation for a product or service
  3. Standard steps for improving an existing process
  4. First step in DMAIC
  5. All response parameters have constant means, variances over time, and distribution.
  6. Allows for a great number of defects per million.
  7. Fifth step in DMAIC
  8. Near perfection, counts the number of flaws in a process and aims to fix them or get rid of them.
  9. Limits of expected variation of data
  10. Second step in DMAIC
  11. Third step in DMAIC

16 Clues: First step in DMAICFifth step in DMAICThird step in DMAICFourth step in DMAICSecond step in DMAICLimits of expected variation of dataStandard steps for improving an existing processAllows for a great number of defects per million.A very common continuous probability seen in statistics....

ShrinkSmart Crossword 2020-08-23

ShrinkSmart Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is the name of our DLPM?
  2. The ShrinkSmart ____ meets once a month.
  3. Customer service is a great way to prevent theft.
  4. If you notice a customer displaying an alert signal always tell ______ right away.
  5. One way to earn a CIP is finding a ticket that has been _____ with.
  6. A CIP over $100 is considered a _____ award.
  7. When working in the warehouse, ensure all furniture is ____ properly.
  8. The ten foot ten second rule is a great way to deter shoplifters and bring our inmoment up!
  9. You can earn $1.25 for each ______ prices item at the cash register.
  1. August’s ShrinkSmart topic is _____.
  2. You can always use the _____ to report suspicions of internal theft.
  3. When on cash, always look at the POS _____ after each item is scanned
  4. Make sure to watch this months Shrink video in the ____ or online at
  5. An example of a _____ item is a picture frame inside a garbage can at cash.
  6. The departments that have the most shrink are located on the shrink _____.
  7. Never follow a shoplifter _____ the store.
  8. By providing great customer service, you could earn _____ dollars on your paycheck!
  9. Responding to the _____ could earn you an award of 10% of the items retrieved.
  10. Once a month, you could be our _____ star!

19 Clues: What is the name of our DLPM?August’s ShrinkSmart topic is _____.The ShrinkSmart ____ meets once a month.Never follow a shoplifter _____ the store.Once a month, you could be our _____ star!A CIP over $100 is considered a _____ award.Customer service is a great way to prevent theft.One way to earn a CIP is finding a ticket that has been _____ with....

10-28 2024-10-28

10-28 crossword puzzle
  1. daržovė
  2. sumuštinis
  3. padėklas
  4. pasalugos
  5. šaukštas
  6. krevetės
  7. Kokį prielinksnį pridėtume prie žodžio intrested...?
  8. šakutė
  1. aviena
  2. Jautiena
  3. restoranas
  4. klientas
  5. peilis
  6. virtuvės šefas
  7. šviežias
  8. padavėjas

16 Clues: avienapeilisšakutėdaržovėJautienaklientasšviežiaspadėklasšaukštaskrevetėspasalugospadavėjasrestoranassumuštinisvirtuvės šefasKokį prielinksnį pridėtume prie žodžio intrested...?

Food Ingredion Crossword 2024-10-17

Food Ingredion Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Idea lab
  2. food preservation
  3. chocolate
  4. Corporate
  5. something new
  6. Culinary & Food science
  7. AI
  8. tier 1 crop
  9. Starbucks
  1. Condiment
  2. sugar reduction
  3. Maltitol
  4. environmental balance
  5. Doesn't eat meat
  6. service
  7. thick
  8. Twizzlers
  9. search engine
  10. shellfish
  11. competitor

20 Clues: AIthickserviceIdea labMaltitolCondimentchocolateCorporateTwizzlersshellfishStarbuckscompetitortier 1 cropsearch enginesomething newsugar reductionDoesn't eat meatfood preservationenvironmental balanceCulinary & Food science


  1. ______ is the Japanese word for great customer service.
  2. Every member of the CRVA is an ______ for Charlotte.
  3. Take ______, and offer a complete solution to the customer's needs.
  4. By living out our Core Values, we offer an ______, personalized, and memorable experience for every customer we serve.
  5. Ensure all customers need have been met, and offer an authentic ______ with appreciation.
  1. Look for ______ to deliver exceptional service and exceed expectations.
  2. In seeing the big picture, you can have a ______!
  3. We deliver ______ customer experience.
  4. ______ the customer with thoughtful questions and active listening.
  5. Observe and proactively initiate the customer experience with a personalized greeting and a ______.

10 Clues: We deliver ______ customer experience.In seeing the big picture, you can have a ______!Every member of the CRVA is an ______ for Charlotte.______ is the Japanese word for great customer service.Take ______, and offer a complete solution to the customer's needs.______ the customer with thoughtful questions and active listening....

business crossword 2013-05-16

business crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the customer who purchases the product or service that a business is selling
  2. mailing or emailing any advertisement, flyer,coupons, etc. directly to a person's home or email address
  3. act of people and building relationships whit them to help marketing your business
  4. the moment or event that causes the customer to decide to purchase your product or service
  5. the group of customers that you are tring to attract and sell your product to
  6. the general type and category, of product or services that a business sells or offers to their customers
  1. when a customer tells other people about your product or service,whether good or bad
  2. the statistics about the area your business is located in.
  3. a similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby location
  4. a complete overview of every aspect of a business.includes info on the product/service,marketing strategies, the target market, financial date,etc
  5. a bussines selling products (clothes,auto supplies)
  6. a business selling or performing a service (examples car wash, hair salon, nail shop, etc. )

12 Clues: a bussines selling products (clothes,auto supplies)the statistics about the area your business is located in.the customer who purchases the product or service that a business is sellinga similar business selling similar products or services in a nearby locationthe group of customers that you are tring to attract and sell your product to...

Acronym's 2023-05-31

Acronym's crossword puzzle
  1. Regional Director of Operations
  2. Customer Concerns
  3. Assistant Site Route Manager
  4. Standard Operating Process
  5. Learning Management System
  1. Human Resource
  2. Operations Support & Concerns
  3. Assistant Operations Manager
  4. Customer Service
  5. Accounts Payable
  6. Route Manager
  7. Operations Support Manager

12 Clues: Route ManagerHuman ResourceCustomer ServiceAccounts PayableCustomer ConcernsStandard Operating ProcessOperations Support ManagerLearning Management SystemAssistant Operations ManagerAssistant Site Route ManagerOperations Support & ConcernsRegional Director of Operations

Vendas 2022-04-23

Vendas crossword puzzle
  1. factura
  2. produto
  3. cliente
  4. empregado
  5. caro
  6. barato
  1. bem-vindo
  2. serviço
  3. vender
  4. comprar
  5. vegano
  6. ajuda
  7. expositor
  8. loja

14 Clues: carolojaajudavenderveganobaratoserviçofacturaprodutocomprarclientebem-vindoexpositorempregado

F&B Industry 2021-10-11

F&B Industry crossword puzzle
  1. one of three resources used in food service operations
  2. similar to brasserie, serves coffee and snacks and all types of meals
  3. apprentice
  4. need to sate hunger
  5. carver responsible for the carving trolley
  6. meeting or exceeding guest expectations
  7. offers honest, basic and robust cooking on checkered table cloths
  1. between captive and non-captive markets
  2. customer is seated orders from menu and served
  3. need value for money
  4. market where customer has no choise in food operation
  5. wine waiter or expert
  6. expert in cocktail making
  7. responsible for billing and taking payments
  8. one of three variables of foodservice operations
  9. served from buffet or passed trays
  10. food when impossible to get home

17 Clues: apprenticeneed to sate hungerneed value for moneywine waiter or expertexpert in cocktail makingfood when impossible to get homeserved from buffet or passed traysbetween captive and non-captive marketsmeeting or exceeding guest expectationscarver responsible for the carving trolleyresponsible for billing and taking payments...

Unit 14- Customer Service 2023-01-31

Unit 14- Customer Service crossword puzzle
  1. This act legally protects everyone from discrimination, such as age and race
  2. This business is a retail store
  3. This act ensures that the workplace is safe for all employees
  4. This act ensures that everyone's personal information is not leaked or sold
  1. This business offers flights
  2. If a business carries out excellent customer service, they will gain a positive..........
  3. A customer file one of these, if they are not happy with the customer service they received
  4. Rules passed by the government which all businesses must follow
  5. The person who purchases a product/service

9 Clues: This business offers flightsThis business is a retail storeThe person who purchases a product/serviceThis act ensures that the workplace is safe for all employeesRules passed by the government which all businesses must followThis act ensures that everyone's personal information is not leaked or sold...

Hospitality 2024-04-01

Hospitality crossword puzzle
  1. - Who is the boss
  2. Service Audit - How do we measure satisfaction
  3. welcome - First standard of service
  4. training - Teaching employee's Customer Service
  5. Residence - Place for seniors to call home
  1. - Another word for the edible portion of food
  2. Language - What is a non-verbal communication factor
  3. - Most important facial expression
  4. - Most important part of communication
  5. Farewell - Last standard of service
  6. Cost Card - What has elements of ingredients and costs

11 Clues: - Who is the boss- Most important facial expressionFarewell - Last standard of servicewelcome - First standard of service- Most important part of communicationResidence - Place for seniors to call home- Another word for the edible portion of foodService Audit - How do we measure satisfactiontraining - Teaching employee's Customer Service...


QUALITY CONTROL crossword puzzle
  1. Established requirements or criteria used to measure quality.
  2. Information about reactions to a product or service used as a basis for improvement.
  3. To make something less severe or serious.
  4. Ongoing efforts to enhance products, services, or processes.
  5. The ability of a business to compete effectively in its market.
  6. The difference between revenue and costs for a business.
  7. Measurements used to assess performance or quality.
  8. Adhering to established guidelines or specifications.
  9. The difference between expected and actual performance.
  10. A positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise.
  11. Comparing business processes and performance metrics to industry bests and best practices.
  12. The act or process of wasting resources or materials.
  13. The amount required to purchase or produce something.
  1. A person hired to pose as a customer to evaluate service quality.
  2. A careful examination or scrutiny of products.
  3. A process through which a business seeks to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved.
  4. The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
  5. The act of refusing to accept or consider something.
  6. A measure of how products or services meet or exceed customer expectations.
  7. The act of discovering or identifying something.
  8. Efforts aimed at enhancing existing processes for better efficiency and effectiveness.
  9. flaw or imperfection in a product or service.
  10. The process of selecting a representative group from a larger population for inspection.
  11. The efficiency with which goods or services are produced.
  12. The overall assessment of how well a service meets customer expectations.

25 Clues: To make something less severe or serious.flaw or imperfection in a product or service.A careful examination or scrutiny of products.The act of discovering or identifying something.Measurements used to assess performance or quality.The act of refusing to accept or consider something.Adhering to established guidelines or specifications....

Customer Service Week 2017 2017-09-29

Customer Service Week 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. uses barcode scanning technology
  2. accessible through Secure Enterprise, allows you to securely access, view and download multiple types of data reports
  3. implemented Sept. 12, 2017
  4. one of patient/donor identifier
  5. one criteria to accrue time for a waitlisted patient
  6. Any neoplasm or tumor that is cancerous as opposed to being benign.
  7. to clone a member or user
  1. A response entered in the donor feedback process that explains the outcome of an organ considered for the potential of transplantation.
  2. comment from members
  3. Set by Angel Caroll
  4. Any potential donor referred to an OPO by a hospital but no written consent.
  5. Reset my _(8letters)?
  6. When organ removal, death, or replacement on chronic allograft support system has occurred.
  7. A test to determine the incompatibility between a donor and a recipient

14 Clues: Set by Angel Carollcomment from membersReset my _(8letters)?to clone a member or userimplemented Sept. 12, 2017one of patient/donor identifieruses barcode scanning technologyone criteria to accrue time for a waitlisted patientAny neoplasm or tumor that is cancerous as opposed to being benign....

Customer Service Week 2021 2021-09-28

Customer Service Week 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. holds the caster in place
  2. a rear tire that offers inserts
  3. the foundation of the wheelchair
  4. this process applies an accent color to parts
  5. will propel a power wheelchair
  6. a rigid style of wheelchair
  7. accessory to set your book on or write
  1. the side frame of a Q2 can be straight or
  2. this will hold your wheel on
  3. small wheel in front
  4. allows the caster to spin
  5. a type of rear wheel
  6. this type of hand rim comes in oblique
  7. provides power

14 Clues: provides powersmall wheel in fronta type of rear wheelholds the caster in placeallows the caster to spina rigid style of wheelchairthis will hold your wheel onwill propel a power wheelchaira rear tire that offers insertsthe foundation of the wheelchairthis type of hand rim comes in obliqueaccessory to set your book on or write...

Customer Service Week 2022 2022-09-14

Customer Service Week 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. Metal top of the brush
  2. place to refresh stamping instructions on order
  3. customer specification diagram
  4. cost of an item
  5. routing system for emails
  6. shipping company delivering our products
  7. price and availability
  8. Carbon composition designation
  1. Wire(s) that connect the brush to the terminal
  2. Customer rating of HCP
  3. Curved bottom surface of the brush
  4. FAI is one type
  5. Groove on the top of the brush
  6. Insulation over the shunt wires

14 Clues: FAI is one typecost of an itemCustomer rating of HCPMetal top of the brushprice and availabilityrouting system for emailscustomer specification diagramGroove on the top of the brushCarbon composition designationInsulation over the shunt wiresCurved bottom surface of the brushshipping company delivering our products...

VZC Customer Service Week 2019-09-16

VZC Customer Service Week crossword puzzle
  1. Type of call where the Emergency Button is pressed in the vehicle
  2. Name of the Vendor Manager
  3. Lead Supervisor
  4. System used when Siebel is not working/offline to find a location
  5. Where we document a caller's interaction
  6. A vehicle's unique identifying number
  7. Acronym for the database used to search for 10 digit PSAP numbers
  1. Phone system
  2. Official Name of Mercedes Benz Telematics Services
  3. Where to find steps and processes for call handling
  4. Type of call where system recognizes the vehicle was in a crash
  5. Acronym for Public Safety Answering Point
  6. Acronym for Dual Tone Multi Frequency
  7. Official Name of Volkswagen Telematics Services

14 Clues: Phone systemLead SupervisorName of the Vendor ManagerAcronym for Dual Tone Multi FrequencyA vehicle's unique identifying numberWhere we document a caller's interactionAcronym for Public Safety Answering PointOfficial Name of Volkswagen Telematics ServicesOfficial Name of Mercedes Benz Telematics Services...

Customer Service Week 2020 2020-10-05

Customer Service Week 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. A car found on the executive train
  2. Used to be the end of a train
  3. What an engineer drives
  4. A department in the NSC
  5. Where the AED is located
  6. A department in the NSC
  7. Some employees may be a member
  1. Something moved in Winnipeg yard
  2. Something to move product in
  3. Where roads meet railroads
  4. The "S" in NSC
  5. Type of railcar
  6. What trains drive on
  7. A car used to haul liquids
  8. Some employees are qualified _______

15 Clues: The "S" in NSCType of railcarWhat trains drive onWhat an engineer drivesA department in the NSCA department in the NSCWhere the AED is locatedWhere roads meet railroadsA car used to haul liquidsSomething to move product inUsed to be the end of a trainSome employees may be a memberSomething moved in Winnipeg yardA car found on the executive train...

Unique aspects of service processes & Operations layout 2024-04-30

Unique aspects of service processes & Operations layout crossword puzzle
  1. Refers to the presence of the customer in a service process.
  2. The time that it takes to process one unit at an operation in the overall process.
  3. Processes that have contact with the customer.
  4. A layout where resources are arranged according to a regularly occurring sequence of activities.
  5. Categorizes service processes based upon the degree of customization/ customer interaction and labor/capital intensity.
  1. Presents the order in which tasks must be completed.
  2. Groups of products that have similar processing requirements.
  3. The layout used when the product cannot be moved during production.
  4. The maximum allowable cycle time at each workstation, based on customer demand.
  5. Processes that are not seen by the customer.
  6. Used to assign tasks so that idle time and the number of workstations are
  7. A layout that groups together similar resources.

12 Clues: Processes that are not seen by the customer.Processes that have contact with the customer.A layout that groups together similar resources.Presents the order in which tasks must be completed.Refers to the presence of the customer in a service process.Groups of products that have similar processing requirements....

Celebrating Customer Service Week 2014-07-29

Celebrating Customer Service Week crossword puzzle
  1. Do the _____ thing
  2. Celebrating customer Service Week
  3. Allstate agents are _______ advisors
  4. Allstate offers a claim ____________ guarantee
  5. Allstaters are a _____ for Good
  1. We help customers realize their homes and ______
  2. Allstate treats customers with _______
  3. Delivering on the Customer Value __________
  4. Put people ahead of ________
  5. Allstate ________ what matters most to me
  6. Allstaters can connect with each other through the Employee _______
  7. You're in good _____ with Allstate
  8. ____ Expectations
  9. He's the world's worst cleaning lady ______

14 Clues: ____ ExpectationsDo the _____ thingPut people ahead of ________Allstaters are a _____ for GoodCelebrating customer Service WeekYou're in good _____ with AllstateAllstate agents are _______ advisorsAllstate treats customers with _______Allstate ________ what matters most to meDelivering on the Customer Value __________...

callone 2015-12-09

callone crossword puzzle
  1. Working together, collaboration
  2. Group of people with same goals
  3. Managed Services Operations
  4. Gathering movement, relocation
  5. Taking charge/control of something, to direct
  6. Next Business Day
  7. To rise/stress or make something important
  1. Activities of a business or organization
  2. Back Order
  3. Service Request
  4. Process of using words, sounds, signs
  5. Acts done for others, as a business
  6. Customer Care Center
  7. Work Order
  8. Effort made to do something correctly/safely
  9. First number
  10. On whole Earth, worldwide
  11. National Cash Register
  12. Estimated Time of Arrival
  13. Service Level Agreement
  14. Conversation via phone

21 Clues: Back OrderWork OrderFirst numberService RequestNext Business DayCustomer Care CenterNational Cash RegisterConversation via phoneService Level AgreementOn whole Earth, worldwideEstimated Time of ArrivalManaged Services OperationsGathering movement, relocationWorking together, collaborationGroup of people with same goals...

Onesource Scavenger Hunt 2017-08-21

Onesource Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. A customer is asking about a feature they thought they had. Looking under the Priceplan & Services tab in SmartDesktop, what option allows us to view previous rateplans and addons?
  2. Always check this tool before starting a port request.
  3. The customer is saying they want to bring their home phone number over to mobility, and have heard about a $10 rateplan that will work with a special wireless box. What name of the service the customer is referring to?
  4. What is the name of the Roaming Pass program that allows customer to use their cell plan abroad as if they were still at home?
  5. Your customer has changed their rateplan to an YC plan to take advantage of shareable data on the account. What addon do you need to add to their YC plan to allow them access to the account’s data services?
  6. What is the rate plan associated to this soc code: PVC55NAT
  7. A customer has found a device they’d previously declared lost. In Smartdesktop what option allows us to view and change a device’s status in that regard?
  8. What program do customers finance tablets under with telus?
  9. A customer wants to block their subscriber from having Google Play purchases charged to the account. What feature would block the ability to charge content to their TELUS invoice?
  10. In Smart Desktop this tab allows us to viewer payment history, pending charges, and past/pending adjustments.
  11. What tool allows us to see bills as the customer would see them printed?
  1. Your customer would like to return a phone ordered through Direct Fulfillment. What request form would you use from the Kana tool?
  2. What extended warranty service would cover a Samsung Galaxy S8?
  3. This number is the identifying serial number for a phone.
  4. A customer says they spoke to an agent that visited them at their home. What is the name of the team that specializes in these sorts of sales?
  5. This department (abbreviated) handles inquiries related to transferring a customer number into Telus from another provider.
  6. When activating an account Telus requires a Driver’s License, major credit card, or (?) to run a credit check.
  7. Your customer is requesting the Call Forwarding feature that includes 3000 long distance Call Forwarding minutes. Which soc code do you need to provision?

18 Clues: Always check this tool before starting a port request.This number is the identifying serial number for a phone.What is the rate plan associated to this soc code: PVC55NATWhat program do customers finance tablets under with telus?What extended warranty service would cover a Samsung Galaxy S8?...

F&B Industry 2021-10-11

F&B Industry crossword puzzle
  1. responsible for billing and taking payments
  2. food when impossible to get home
  3. need to sate hunger
  4. served from buffet or passed trays
  5. apprentice
  6. between captive and non-captive markets
  7. wine waiter or expert
  8. market where customer has no choise in food operation
  9. offers honest, basic and robust cooking on checkered table cloths
  1. carver responsible for the carving trolley
  2. need value for money
  3. expert in cocktail making
  4. similar to brasserie, serves coffee and snacks and all types of meals
  5. customer is seated orders from menu and served
  6. one of three resources used in food service operations
  7. one of three variables of foodservice operations
  8. meeting or exceeding guest expectations

17 Clues: apprenticeneed to sate hungerneed value for moneywine waiter or expertexpert in cocktail makingfood when impossible to get homeserved from buffet or passed traysbetween captive and non-captive marketsmeeting or exceeding guest expectationscarver responsible for the carving trolleyresponsible for billing and taking payments...

koolis 2020-03-03

koolis crossword puzzle
  1. kätte saama
  2. serveerima
  3. tohutu
  4. tõsiasi
  5. kõik kokku
  6. iseteenindus
  7. kaasavõtmisega söögikoht, kaasavõetavad söögid
  8. menüü
  9. prukas
  1. apteeker
  2. juustuburger
  3. kokakoola
  4. kavandama
  5. arendama
  6. klient
  7. drive-in-restorani teenindaja
  8. sümbol

17 Clues: menüütohutuklientsümbolprukastõsiasiapteekerarendamakokakoolakavandamaserveerimakõik kokkukätte saamajuustuburgeriseteenindusdrive-in-restorani teenindajakaasavõtmisega söögikoht, kaasavõetavad söögid

NICO Customer Service Crossword 2016-11-10

NICO Customer Service Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. We insure this type of policy
  2. Who we hire out to work locally
  3. One of the founding brothers of NICO
  4. One of our TPA's
  5. Amount of $ an insured is required to pay us as provided by policy
  6. They send in a letter of rep
  1. What an insured needs to see their claims history
  2. A coastal state
  3. Who is out after hours company
  4. One of the main customer service skills
  5. Also known as Assigned Risk Solutions
  6. True or False we can give out reserves
  7. What room did the first shareholders meeting take place
  8. Service In WW II NICO was instrumental in devising a plan to streamline what in Omaha

14 Clues: A coastal stateOne of our TPA'sThey send in a letter of repWe insure this type of policyWho is out after hours companyWho we hire out to work locallyOne of the founding brothers of NICOAlso known as Assigned Risk SolutionsTrue or False we can give out reservesOne of the main customer service skillsWhat an insured needs to see their claims history...